Stanford University, Department of Electrical Engineering
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Overview of Results from the Cluster Wideband Plasma Wave Investigation
- Enhanced Escaping Terrestrial Continuum Radiation and Kilometric Continuum Radiation Observations and Implications
- Field-Aligned Radio Wave Propagation in the Plasmasphere Observed with IMAGE/RPI
- Magnetospherically Reflecting Whistler Waves in a Smooth and Striated Magnetosphere
- Observations and Analysis of Diffuse Whistler Mode Echoes Received by RPI on Image
- Optimal VLF Parameters for Pitch Angle Scattering of Trapped Electrons
- Phase Unwrapping for Large InSAR Data Sets Through Statistical-Cost Tiling
- Plasmaspheric Electron Density Distributions Sampled by Radio Plasma Imager on the IMAGE Satellite
- Remote Detection of Small Scale Plasma Density Irregularities in the Outer Plasmasphere Using the Radio Plasma Imager on the IMAGE Spacecraft
- Ring Current Ion Losses by Pitch Angle Scattering
- The ULF Magnetic Fields Generated by Thunderstorms: A Source of ULF Geomagnetic Pulsations?
- Unambiguous 3.5 cm Reflectivity Images of Ganymede and Callisto From Bistatic Goldstone/VLA Radar Observations
- Altitude Profiles of Plasma Density in the Trough Region derived from Radio Plasma Imager Observations on the Image Spacecraft
- Effects of Atmospheric Multipath Propagation on Radio Occultation Observables
- Lightning Generated Whistlers Observed With the CLUSTER Satellites Outside the Plasmasphere
- Observations and Analysis of Discrete and Diffuse Whistler Mode Echoes Received by RPI on IMAGE
- On the Detectability of Ground Deformation for Monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in Underground Reservoirs Using InSAR and GPS
- Structure of the Magnetic Field Fluxes Connected with Crustal Magnetization at Mars and the Effect of Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Near Terminator Ionosphere: Mars Global Surveyor Observations
- A Snow Accumulation Map of Part of Greenland Derived From InSAR Correlation Observations
- A new banded hiss-like emission observed by CLUSTER near the plasmapause
- CLUSTER observations of lower hybrid waves excited at high altitudes by electromagnetic whistler mode signals from HAARP
- Characteristics of Non-ducted Whistler-Induced Electron Precipitation
- Coupling of Thunderstorm Generated Relativistic Electron Beams with the Inner Magnetosphere
- Diurnal Variations of Quasi-Periodic and Periodic VLF emissions in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Identifying Minerals on Mars Through VNIR and Mid-IR Spectral Deconvolution based on the Martian Meteorites
- Plasmaspheric Loss Estimates
- Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper-atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn): A Vision for Global Polar Studies and Education
- Rapidly Moving Sources of Upper-Band ELF/VLF Chorus Near the Magnetic Equator
- Remote Sensing of Magnetospheric Plasma Density from the Analysis of Whistler Mode Echoes Received by RPI on IMAGE
- Some Questions Concerning the Coupling of the Plasmasphere to the Ionosphere and Other Regions
- The Effect of Strong Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Ionosphere/Atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars: MGS Magnetometer Electron Reflectometer, Accelerometer and Radio Science Data
- The Solar Wind Interaction with Ionosphere/Atmosphere in the Northern Hemisphere of Mars
- A Snow Accumulation Map For the Dry Snow Region of Greenland Derived from InSAR Correlation Observations
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Phoebe
- Cluster Observations Whistler-mode Propagation Inside and Outside the Plasmasphere
- Effects in the Martian Ionosphere Caused by the Solar Cycle Variation of the EUV Flux and Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- IMAGE/RPI Electron-Density Determinations in Various Magnetospheric Domains
- Interpretation of Vector Electric Field Measurements by RPI Using Three Dipole Antennas on IMAGE
- Local Electron Density Measurements from Sounding Experiments by RPI on IMAGE
- Longitudinal Structure of Solar cycle 23
- Mid-latitude hiss and plasmaspheric notch
- On the Applicability of Taylor's ``Frozen-Flow'' Hypothesis to Spatial and Temporal Observations of Atmosphere Path Delay From InSAR and GPS
- Remote Sensing of Magnetospheric Plasma Density from the Analysis of Discrete Whistler Mode Echoes Received by RPI on IMAGE
- Remote Sensing of Relativistic Electron Precipitation Using a VLF Beacon Transmitter at South Pole
- Scattering of Trapped Electrons by VLF Waves During a Magnetic Strom
- Techniques for Calibrating the Cassini RADAR
- The Influence of Geomagnetic Storms on the D-Region at Mid-Latitudes
- A Physical Interpretation of Moving Sources of ELF/VLF Chorus
- Analysis of deformation on Hawaii using ScanSAR-strip mode interferometry to achieve a denser time series
- Calibrating the Cassini RADAR: One Year Into Tour
- Can the Combination of Extremes Protect Life: Clues from Altiplanic Lakes and Implication for Early Mars
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Phoebe, Iapetus, Enceladus, and Rhea
- Cassini Radio Occultation Results for Saturn's Rings
- Conditions for Production of Terrestral Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Mars-Relevant Environmental Conditions at the Lakes of Licancabur Volcano, Bolivia
- Modeling Backscatter From the Venusian Surface Using Composite Scattering Laws, and Their Equivalent Fractal-Based Representations
- Modeling of Triggered Emissions Using Pitch Angle Diffusion
- Observations of the Effects of Solar Flares on Earth and Mars
- Precipitated Fluxes of Radiation Belt Electrons via Injection of Whistler-Mode Waves
- Radio Occultation Measurements of Transient Eddies in the Northern Hemisphere of Mars
- Radio Science Refractivity Measurements With Mars Global Surveyor
- Scattered Signal Observations During Cassini Radio Occultations by Saturn's Rings
- Subionospheric VLF Signatures of Electron Precipitation Induced by Ducted Whistler-mode Chorus
- The Effects of Lower Hybrid Waves on Ring Current Protons During Periods of Magnetic Disturbance
- Titan's Surface as Seen From Combined Cassini RADAR Scatterometry and Radiometry
- Ultra-low Frequency Electromagnetic Monitoring of Earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Area: Initial Results of an Earthscope PBO Project
- Using spatially-variable wind fields derived from GPS zenith wet delay timeseries to compensate atmospheric phase signatures in SAR interferograms
- VLF Remote Sensing of the Lower Ionosphere: Solar Flares, Electron Precipitation, Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances, Sprites, Gravity Waves and Gamma-ray Flares
- Constraints on Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Production Derived From Satellite Observations
- Enhanced Resolution Backscatter Images of Titan`s Surface From the Cassini RADAR Scatterometer
- Estimating Snow Accumulation Of Dry Snow Zone Of Greenland From InSAR Correlation Observations
- High-Altitude Cassini Radar Imaging of Titan
- Non-Maxwellian model of ionospheric heating by HF radiation
- Observations of Magnetospherically Reflected (MR) Whistler Mode (WM) Echoes Observed by Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) on the IMAGE Satellite: Diagnostics of Electron Density and Ion Composition
- On Predicting VLF Triggering in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Statistical Modeling and Characterization of Microstructure in Saturn's Rings
- Status of RHESSI Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Storm-time plasmaspheric depletion and refilling as observed by joint mass and charge density measurements
- Subionospheric VLF Observations of Transmitter-Induced Precipitation of Inner Radiation Belt Electrons
- Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes, Lightning Discharges and Transient Luminous Effects
- The Anomalous Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash of 17 January 2004
- The Lakes of Titan
- Using ScanSAR-strip Mode Interferometry to Achieve a Denser Time Series and get Atmospheric Noise Reduction for the Analysis of Deformation in Hawaii
- Venus Express Bistatic Radar Over Maxwell Montes
- Antarctic Ground-based Observations During Selected THEMIS Satellite Event Studies
- Characterization of Enigmatic Saturn's Ring B by Cassini Radio Occultations
- Characterization of Sulfate Minerals in Juventae Chasma from CRISM images
- Estimating Titan Surface Topography from Cassini Synthetic Aperture RADAR Data
- F-region Magnetospheric ULF Generation by Modulated Ionospheric Heating
- Geometric modulation: A new method of ELF/VLF wave generation with continuous HF heating of the auroral electrojet
- Ionopause Features of Mars as observed by the Radio Science Experiment MaRS on Mars Express
- Modeling the Slow-Tail of Atmospheric Waves to Approximate the Distance of Propagation
- New Cassini RADAR Results for Iapetus and Saturn's Other Icy Satellites
- Observations of ELF Signals Over HAARP HF Ionospheric Heater and its Conjugate Region Aboard DEMETER Satellite
- Observations of Magnetospherically Reflected (MR), Specularly Reflected (SR), and Back Scattered (BS) Whistler Mode (WM) Echoes Observed by Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) on IMAGE: Diagnostics of Electron Density, Density Structure, and Ion Composition
- Occurrence Pattern of Whistler Mode (WM) Echoes Observed by RPI/IMAGE as a Function of Geomagnetic Activity
- PENGUIn Observations of the THEMIS March 23, 2007 Substorm Event
- Range-Doppler processing of Saturn's Icy Satellites using the Cassini RADAR Scatterometer
- Regional Landslide Mapping and Monitoring in Norway Using SBAS InSAR
- Seasonal and temporal variability of the equatorial ionosphere with radio occultation electron density profiles from CHAMP
- The Effects of Plasma Density Irregularities on the Pitch Angle Scattering of Energetic Radiation Belt Electrons due to VLF Signals from Ground Based Transmitters.
- The Large-Amplitude ULF Magnetic Fields Preceding Large Earthquakes: Merely the "Tip of the Iceberg"?
- The Neutral Atmosphere of Mars as Observed Through Radio Occultation Measurements With MEX and MGS
- The Structure of the Mars Ionosphere
- The Structure of the Venus Neutral Atmosphere from the Radio Science Experiment VeRa on Venus Express
- Active ELF/VLF Wave Injection Experiments with HAARP and VLF Transmitters
- Active Early Chemistry Proposed for Mawrth Vallis, Mars, Based on Changing Redox Processes in Ancient Phyllosilicate Rocks
- Characterization of the Ionosphere Above the HAARP HF Heater Using DEMETER Satellite Data
- Coordinating CRISM Observations of Sulfates near Valles Marineris with the Subsurface Bright Salty Soils Exposed in Gusev Crater via Lab Experiments
- DEMETER observations of plasma density irregularities induced above powerful VLF transmitters and their connection with energetic proton precipitation from the radiation belts
- Dielectric Constant of Titan's South Polar Region from Cassini Radio Science Bistatic Scattering Observations
- ELF/VLF Wave Radiation by an Equatorial Ionospheric Heater
- Geodetic imaging with time series persistent scatterer InSAR
- Investigating the Creeping Segment of the San Andreas fault using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
- Ionopause Features of Mars as Observed by the Radio Science Experiment MaRS on Mars Express
- Multi-temporal InSAR analysis of landslides in Lyngen region, Norway
- Optimizing ELF/VLF generation via HF heating utilizing beam motion
- Phyllosilicates in Mawrth Vallis: Implications for a Past Aqueous Environment
- Resonnant Drift Interaction Between Radiation Belt Electrons and ULF Waves of high Azimuthal Order
- Surface Parameters of Titan Feature Classes From Cassini RADAR Backscatter Measurements
- The Dunes of Shangri-La : New Cassini RADAR results on patterns of aeolian features and the influence of topography
- The Physical Principles of the Generation of Whistler Mode Echoes by a Radio Sounder (RPI) on a Spacecraft (IMAGE)
- The Structure of the Venus Ionosphere
- The Venus Neutral Atmosphere from the Radio Science Experiment VeRa on Venus Express
- 3D Space-Time Deformation of the Kilauea “Father’s Day” Event as Observed by ALOS Interferometry
- A First-Order Approximation for the ELF Sferic Propagation Across the Day/Night Terminator
- Automated Texture Classification of the Mawrth Vallis Landing Site Region
- CRISM Hyperspectral Data Filtering with Application to MSL Landing Site Selection
- Characterizing Mafic, Clay, and Carbonate Components found in MRO/CRISM Images in Libya Montes, Mars, using Advances in Automated Gaussian Modeling of Spectral Features
- Coronal Radio Sounding with MEX, VEX and Rosetta
- Dual-Frequency Bistatic Radar Probing of Mars: Potential and Pitfalls for Depth Sounding at Centimeter Wavelengths
- Elve Doublets: Observations and Potential Causative Mechanisms
- InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (Invited)
- Independent Validation and Intercomparison of Time-series InSAR Results: A Case study of the San Francisco Bay Area
- Modeling Greenland Ice Sheets Using ALOS Polarimetric InSAR Data
- Radar Backscatter from the Dark Side of Iapetus
- Recent Results of DEMETER Satellite Observations of HAARP-generated HF and ELF Waves
- Rock Morphologies of the Mawrth Vallis Landing Site Region
- Seasonal dependence of energetic electron precipitation: Evidence for a global role of lightning
- Solar Cycle Variations of the Lower Ionosphere Detected by VLF Remote Sensing
- Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Production by Lightning Current Pulses
- The HAARP Magnetospheric Wave Injection Experiment: Conditions and Dependencies (Invited)
- The Source Regions of Banded Chorus
- Theoretical prediction of longitude dependence of electron precipitation due to lightning
- To Catch a Fish . . . You Need to Go where the Fish Are! (Invited)
- Wave Normal Angles of Magnetospheric Chorus Emissions Observed on the Polar Spacecraft
- Comparing Estimates of Ionospheric Phase in InSAR Data Using Azimuth Offsets, Faraday Rotation, and Split-Spectrum Processing
- Control Over the Ground-Accessibility of ELF/VLF Chorus by a Discriminating Plasmasphere
- Correspondence Between Whistler Mode Ducts and Chorus Emissions Observed on the Cluster Spacecraft
- Dayside chorus waves at high L-shells: Conjugate observations of PENGUIn/AGO and THEMIS
- Efficient Geolocation of InSAR Images from Motion Compensation Processors
- InSAR Scientific Computing Environment
- InSAR data produce specific storage estimates for an agricultural area in the San Luis Valley, Colorado
- Investigating the creeping section of the San Andreas Fault using ALOS PALSAR interferometry
- Mathematical methods of ambient noise imaging and localization using cross correlations (Invited)
- On the effective altitude of the HAARP induced ionospheric ELF/VLF current modulation and multi-beam vertical ELF/VLF interference
- Optical Remote Sensing of Electric Fields Above Thunderstorms
- Optical Signatures of Lightning-induced Electron Precipitation (Invited)
- Optimal Geophysical Conditions for ELF/VLF Generation in Modulated Heating Experiments
- Spatial Power Distribution of ELF Radiation Induced by HF Heating of the Ionosphere
- Spread-Spectrum VLF Observations at Arrival Heights, Antarctica During Solar X-Ray Flares
- Surface Roughness Estimates From Mars Odyssey Bistatic Radar Experiments
- The Latitudinal Extent of Chorus as Observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Instrument
- Toward a Time-Domain Fractal Lightning Simulation
- VLF Transmitter Signal Power Loss to Quasi-Electrostatic Whistler Mode Waves in Regions Containing Plasma Density Irregularities
- Advances in time-series InSAR
- Antarctic Observations of Dayside Auroral Hiss
- Application of Whistler- and Z- Mode Radio Sounding to the Determination of Plasma Density, Ion Effective Mass and Composition, and Ducts in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Changes in precipitation extremes over the continental United States in a transient, high-resolution ensemble experiment of 21st-century climate
- Characterizing Free Plasma Expansion due to Hypervelocity Dust Impacts
- Cluster Observations of Whistler Mode Ducts and Banded Chorus
- Comparison of chorus wave power during CIR versus CME-driven geomagnetic storms
- DEMETER Observations of Ionospheric Heating Time Constants Above the NWC VLF Transmitter
- Detection of Magnetospherically Ducted VLF Signals Geomagnetically Conjugate to a Russian Alpha Transmitter at L=1.9
- Discontinuous Galerkin hybrid particle-in-cell modeling of cyclotron wave growth and damping in inhomogeneous media
- Effects of Earth's curvature in full-wave modeling of VLF propagation
- Experimental tests of a topside generation mechanism for auroral medium frequency burst radio emissions
- Extended heating of the nighttime D region by very low frequency transmitters: Subionospheric observations & modeling
- Fine-resolution global scatterometer observations of Titan's surface
- Forest Height Retrieval Algorithm Using a Complex Visibility Function Approach
- Handling Nonlinearities in ELF/VLF Generation Using Modulated Heating at HAARP
- InSAR Scientific Computing Environment - The Home Stretch
- Interpretation of field change array data with time domain fractal lightning modeling
- Key Parameters Controlling the Nonlinear Cyclotron Instability for Whistler Mode Waves in the Magnetosphere
- Lightning Interaction with the Lower Ionosphere: Effects of Mesospheric Ions and Geomagnetic Field
- Lightninig Induced Sferics Correlated with Whistler Propagation
- Multi-Perspective Comprehensive Experiments on ELF/VLF Wave Generation via HF Heating
- Multicolor photometric observation of lightning from space: Comparison with radio measurements
- Non-thermal ISR scatter and auroral forms associated with a substorm expansion
- On Constructing a Climatology of VLF from Lightning in LEO
- Parameterization and Regression Analysis of Off-Equatorial Chorus Waves for Inclusion in Radiation Belt Models
- Properties of Regions of ELF Radiation Induced by HF Ionospheric Heating
- Saturation Effects in the VLF Scattering off Strongly Heated Ionosphere
- Scattering Properties of Greenland Ice Sheets Inferred from ALOS L-band InSAR Images
- Shabansky Orbits and High Latitude Chorus
- Small Scale Wave Structures in the Martian Atmosphere as seen by the Radio Science Experiment MaRS on Mars Express
- Statistical Patterns in Natural Lightning
- Statistical Prediction of In Situ Hiss Amplitudes Using Solar Wind Data and Geomagnetic Indices
- The Extension of Multiple Aperture Interferometry to Time-Series Analysis in Regions with Small Deformation Signals
- The Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions (PMI) Modeling Challenge
- Theory and Measurement of Partially Correlated Persistent Scatterers
- Accumulation Rates in the Dry Snow Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet Inferred from L-band InSAR Data
- Coincident observation of lightning using spaceborne spectrophotometer and ground-level electromagnetic sensors
- Conversion of ionospheric heater HF waves into electron acoustic waves in warm ionospheric plasma
- Inferring Lightning EMP Electric Fields from Photometric Imaging of Elves
- Inner Radiation Belt Particle Acceleration and Energy Structuring by Drift Resonance With ULF Waves During Geomagnetic Storms
- Intra-plasmaspheric wave power density deduced from long-term DEMETER measurements of terrestrial VLF transmitter wave amplitudes
- Magnetospheric ELF/VLF Wave Amplification of Signals Transmitted from Siple Station, Antarctica
- Modulation of auroral electrojet currents using dual HF beams with ELF phase offset
- Nighttime D-region electron density measurements from ELF-VLF tweek radio atmospherics recorded at low latitudes
- Observations of the nightside ionosphere of Mars by the Mars Express Radio Science Experiment MaRS
- Phase Distribution and Selection of Partially Correlated Persistent Scatterers
- Pitch angle scattering by triggered emissions from the Siple Station wave injection experiment
- Pol-In SAR Optimal Coherence Estimation and its application in Imaging Forest Canopy
- Shabansky Mechanism as a Source for Off-Equatorial Chorus Wave Growth
- Simulation of EMIC growth and propagation within the plasmaspheric plume density irregularities
- Statistical Study of VLF Auroral Hiss Observed At South Pole Station
- The Latitudinal Variation of Dayside Chorus
- The potential of active, in-situ, relativistic electron injection experiments for geospace research
- Titan's Figure Fatter, Flatter Than Its Gravity Field
- Transionospheric Propagation of VLF Transmitter Signals
- Whistler Observations on DEMETER Compared with FWM Numerical Simulations
- Whistler and Z Mode Radio Sounding Results from IMAGE: Implications for the Generation and Propagation of Naturally Occurring Plasma Waves
- Bistatic Radar Detectability of Comet 67 P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Deformation Measurement In The Hayward Fault Zone Using Partially Correlated Persistent Scatterers
- ELF Sferics Produced by Rocket-Triggered Lightning and Observed at Great Distances
- Measurement of Field Aligned Electron and Ion Densities and Ducts from the Whistler and Z Mode Radio Sounding from IMAGE
- Multiple Baseline SAR Tomography's Performance Analysis in Forest 3-D Structure Mapping with long term ALOS L band repeat pass InSAR data
- Numerical Modeling of Electron Precipitation by Coherent Whistler Mode Pulses over a Range of Amplitude and Frequency Sweep Rates
- Preferential Magnetospheric Power Excitation by Rising Frequency Ramps from 1986 Siple Station Data
- Shabansky Orbits and High Latitude Chorus
- The ULF Magnetic Fields Generated by Thunderstorms
- Truncation Effects in Computing Free Wobble/Nutation Modes Explored Using a Simple Earth Model
- Bistatic Radar Observations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Constraining Greenland basal water extent and drainage morphology from radar reflectivity and specularity analysis
- Estimating Englacial Vertical Velocity from Airborne Radar Sounding Data
- High-Resolution Digitization of the Film Archive of SPRI/NSF/TUD Radar Sounding of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Meltwater drainage beneath ice sheets: What can we learn from uniting observations of paleo- and contemporary subglacial hydrology?
- Preliminary Field Demonstration of Passive Radio Sounding Using the Sun as a Signal for Echo Detection
- Remote Characterization of Ice Shelf Surface and Basal Processes: Examples from East Antarctica
- The Distribution of Basal Water Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet from Radio-Echo Sounding
- Unraveling the cause of large surface-height anomalies on Slessor and Recovery glaciers, East Antarctica, with multi-mission data integration
- A Passive SAR Approach Using the Sun for Echo Detection
- A new model for Antarctic subglacial lakes
- An Airborne Radar Sounding Instrument Concept for Characterizing Water Storage in Greenland's Porous Ice and Firn
- Automated Detection and Categorization of Antarctic Basal Units Using Radar Sounding Data: Demonstration in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Bed roughness as a control on the drainage of subglacial water
- Characterizing the onset of fast flow at Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Cloud Removal in Hyperspectral Satellite Images Using Deep Learning
- Constraining the Englacial and Basal Thermal State Beneath the Dome Fuji Region, East Antarctica Using Airborne Radar Sounding Data
- Earthquake catalog reconstruction from analog seismograms: Application to the Rangely Experiment microfilms
- Ice Crystal Orientation Fabric Determined from Polarimetric Ice-Penetrating Radar Interferometry
- Interpretation of ice-sheet internal stratigraphy: a test-bed for automated approaches
- Layer-Optimized Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing for Slope Detection and Estimation
- Maximizing Azimuth Processing Gain for Weak Reflector Detection on Europa Using Radar Sounder Data
- Mini-RF S- and X-band Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon
- Multi-Instrument Synthesis of Radar Sounding Observations of the Thwaites Glacier and Pine Island Glacier Catchments, West Antarctica
- Multi-Static Observations Using a Stationary Phase Sensitive Ice Penetrating Radar to Constrain Temperature and Water-Content Anomalies Across Shear Margins
- Opportunities for Earth and Space Scientists within the largest US Team Science Competition
- Reassessing the surface roughness of Europa using Galileo stereo images.
- Retrieval of Englacial Firn Aquifer Thickness from Ice-Penetrating Radar Sounding in Southeastern Greenland
- 25 years of airborne radar sounding: Insights into the time varying changes in Greenland glacial hydrology
- A Massive Public Repository of Global ELF/VLF Radio Data
- Constraining and Correcting Surface and Bed Roughness Effects in Multi-frequency Radar Sounding Data
- Deep Learning and Multimodality Imaging to Improve Shale Fabric Characterization
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Disaster Response: Navigating the Dynamic Emergency Vehicle and Rescue Team Dispatch during a Flood
- Improvements to MIMO Radio Echo Sounder Array Design for Subsurface Imaging
- Inferring Temperature Distribution in Shear Margins from Large-Offset Bistatic Radar Sounding
- Measurement of Ice Fabric within Ice Streams using Polarimetric Phase-Sensitive Radar Sounding
- Mobilizing an ApRES through Quasi-Pulsed Operation
- Paleo Observations Used to Geostatistically Simulate the Subglacial Geology of Thwaites Glacier
- Passive radio sounding with ambient signals of opportunity to monitor cryospheric subsurface conditions
- Radar-sounding evidence for a subglacial groundwater table in Hiawatha Crater, Greenland
- Radiometric Characterization of Subglacial Lake Floors from Archival Radar Data
- Radiometric signature of subglacial conditions in archival radar sounding data recovered from optical film
- SHARAD Altimetry on Mars: Towards an improved, global digital terrain model
- Spatial Extension of Deep Ice Core Electrical Stratigraphy by Radar Sounding
- Spatial distribution of englacial layer slope as a constraint on ice sheet basal conditions
- Testing the Feasibility of Orbital Altitude Radar Sounding using a Multi-frequency Radar System
- Altimetry from Planetary Radar Sounders
- An Automated Approach to Processing and Detection of Artifacts in Phase-Sensitive Ice Penetrating Radar Data
- Archival Radar Echo Sounding Observations of Multi-Decadal Subsurface Changes Along the East Antarctic Coast
- Challenges on Mercury's interior structure
- Design of Direct Path Synchronized Bistatic Radar Technique for Long Offset Glacial Temperature Tomography
- Dynamically Optimizing Radar Sounder Sampling Based on Estimated Uncertainty in Bed Topography
- Extreme Melt Season Ice Layers Reduce Firn Permeability in Greenland's Interior
- Improved Visualization of Reactive Transport Dynamics in Fractured Shales using Computed Tomography and Deep Learning Super Resolution
- Improving Radiometric Resolution for High Fidelity Measurements of Subglacial Conditions
- Investigating Basal Thaw as a Mechanism of Ice Mass Loss in Antarctica
- Passive radar investigations of Io using Jupiter's radio emissions as a source for echo detection
- Quantifying Subglacial Hydrologic Uncertainty with Stochastic Simulation
- Radar Characterization of Ice Crystal Orientation Fabric and Anisotropic Rheology within an Antarctic Ice Stream
- Radiometric calibration and analysis of radar sounding observations of ice-sheet subsurface conditions from archival film records
- Rapid Synthesis of Porous Media Volumes with Deep Learning Generative Models
- Subglacial Lake-Floor Characterization in Radar Data: From Archival to Modern
- Three-Dimensional Source Rock Image Reconstruction through Multimodal Imaging