Stanford University, School of Earth Sciences
flowchart I[Stanford University, School of Earth Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (519)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Drilling Across Active Faults in Deep Mines in South Africa for Monitoring Earthquake Processes in the Near-Field
- Dune Exploration: Mars Allegories
- Endurance: The rewards and challenges of landing a spacecraft on Europa
- Atoms to Ecosystems: A Workshop for Science Journalists
- Transient Establishment of a Seasonal Sea-Ice Regime in the Late Pliocene, McMurdo Embayment, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- A method to map canopy surface resistance and refine evapotranspiration calculations from heterogeneous land surface thermal remote sensing data
- Cenozoic migration of topography in the North American Cordillera
- Controls on Landscape Denudation Between Lhasa and Namche Barwa, Southeastern Tibet
- Effect of climate change on water resources of the Upper Indus River
- Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Analysis of Crystalline Germanium at High Pressure
- Identifying the causes of water crises: A configurational frequency analysis of 22 basins world wide
- Investigating tree mortality at multiple spatial and temporal scales in the Bishop pine forest on Santa Cruz Island, California
- Response of denudation in the transient landscape of the Washington Cascades
- Sub-micrometer Age and Compositional Mapping of Monazite Through Positive Metal (Cs+, Ga+) Ion Sputtering
- The contribution of weather to recent maize and wheat yield trends in the US: a comparison of two approaches
- The role of soil weathering and hydrology in regulating chemical fluxes from catchments (Invited)
- A hydrological and geochemical analysis of chromium mobilization from serpentinized ultramafic rocks and serpentine soils at the McLaughlin Natural Reserve, Lake County, California
- Characterizing Atmospheric Teleconnections in the Pliocene Epoch Using Stable Isotopes
- Field- and Laboratory-Scale Evaluation of Uranium Sequestration: The Role of Sulfur and Iron Species
- Future changes in air stagnation event frequency; a global perspective
- Grassland expansion as an instrument of hydrologic change in Neogene western North America
- Leopold 2.0: Training for a New Kind of Science Leadership
- Metabolic constrains on organic matter turnover within subsurface soils
- Multi-Proxy Evidence of Late Holocene ENSO Variability from Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific
- Non-Reductive Strategies for U Sequestration: Natural Analogues and Practical Application
- Oligocene Provenance, Drainage Morphology, and Topography of the Nevadaplano
- Paleozoic ice sheet inception; a study of paleogeographic sensitivity
- Salt marsh ecohydrological zonation due to heterogeneous vegetation - groundwater - surface water interactions
- Scaling of Foraminifera Parent and Offspring Size through the Phanerozoic
- Structural Incorporation of Uranium into Iron Oxides: A Competitive Secondary Sequestration Pathway Mediated by Fe(II)
- The Response to Climate Change of the Cold Arctic Halocline, Shielding Sea Ice from the Warm Deep Water Below
- Changes in intraseasonal characteristics of temperature and rainfall and their impacts on West African crops
- Collaboration and Community Building in Summer Undergraduate Research Programs in the School of Earth Sciences at Stanford University
- Communications Training Courses Across the Leopold Leadership Network
- Diagnosing the inter-model spread in snow water equivalent for CMIP5 over Southwest Asia
- Effects of Large-Scale Solar Installations on Dust Mobilization and Air Quality
- Evaluation of the intraseasonal variability of the South Asian Monsoon and examining the effect of anthropogenic forcing in the CMIP5 models
- Food residue fatty acid δ13C and δD values as proxies for evaluating cultural and climatic change at Çatalhöyük, Turkey
- From WHAT We Know to HOW We Know It: Students Talk about Climate Change
- Generation of nonlinear internal waves at a coastal upwelling front
- Integrating Collaboration, Adaptive Management, and Scenario-Planning to Address Rapid Change: Experiences at Las Cienegas National Conservation Area
- Integrating Landsat Data and High-Resolution Imagery for Applied Conservation Assessment of Forest Cover in Latin American Heterogenous Landscapes
- Landscape-scale tropical forest dynamics: Relating canopy traits and topographically derived hydrologic indices in a floodplain system using CAO-AToMS
- Nonlinear Ekman Transport in a Circular Balanced Vortex
- On the Potential Vorticity Dynamics of Tropical Instability Vortices
- Planktonic Foram Sr/Ca Indicates Long-Term Stability of Carbonate Saturation State and Seawater Sr/Ca during the Cenozoic
- Podcasting the Anthropocene: Student engagement, storytelling and the rise of a new model for outreach and interdisciplinary science communication training
- Post-disturbance dust emissions in dry lands: the role of anthropogenic and climatic factors
- Spatial variation in microbial controls on soil organic matter turnover relative to preferential flow paths
- Stable Isotopic Evidence of El Niño-like Circulation in the Pliocene Western United States
- Strong near-inertial shear in the Gulf Stream front
- The role of temperature on the spatiotemporal distribution of West Nile virus in the United States
- Trace element geochemistry of zircons from mineralizing and non-mineralizing igneous rocks related to gold ores at Yanacocha, Peru
- Water Isotope Records of Hydrologic Changes and Paleotemperature from Smectite in Cenozoic Western North America
- 13C-18O bonding (Δ47) in deep-sea corals: a calibration study
- 3D Discrete Element Model with 1 Million Particles: an Example of Hydro-fracturing
- Arsenic in groundwater of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: contaminant expulsion from deep clays due to over-exploitation of aquifers
- Comparing Precipitation and Soil Moisture Data in Quantifying the Yield Impact of Extremely Wet Planting Seasons for U.S. Maize and Soy
- Density measurements and structural properties of liquid and amorphous metals under high pressure studied by in situ X-ray scattering (Invited)
- Effects of Interior Velocity Models and Scattering Structure on the Coda Decay Properties of Seismic Signals
- Emission of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide resulting from ferrous iron disturbance of denitrification
- Empirically Estimating the Potential for Farm-Level Adaptation to Climate Change in Western European Agriculture
- Exploring Coral Reconstructions of Intertropical Convergence Zone Oscillations over Central America During the Common Era
- Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements during Soil Formation along Feather River Basin Hillslopes in the California Sierra Nevada
- High resolution crosswell imaging of west Texas carbonate reservoir: reverse time migration with upgoing and downgoing wave separation in the frequency domain
- Holistic Overview of the Contribution of Tectonic, Geomorphic, and Geologic Factors to the Seismic Hazard of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Hydrological controls on methylmercury flux from an intertidal salt marsh
- Identification of hopanoid, sterol, and tetrahymanol production in the aerobic methanotroph Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum 20Z
- Interpreting isotopic analyses of microbial sulfate reduction in oil reservoirs
- Large sensitivity to freshwater forcing location in 8.2 ka simulations
- Linking terrace geomorphology and canopy characteristics in the Peruvian Amazon using high resolution airborne remote sensing (Invited)
- Non-Conservative Processes and Mesoscale Stirring driven by Tropical Instability Vortices
- Observed changes in the characteristics of Active and Break Spells in the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Potential of Geostationary Satellite Observations of CO2 for Constraining Surface Fluxes
- Reactive and unreactive iron minerals hosting arsenic within seasonal wetland sediments of the Mekong Delta
- Satellite-based studies of maize yield spatial variations and their causes in China
- The ';Continental Effect': A mechanistic framework for interpreting terrestrial isotopic gradients in precipitation
- The Impact of Projected Changes in Monsoon Season Circulation and African Easterly Waves on Saharan Dust Transport
- The tidal slug test: estimating intertidal sediment hydraulic conductivity twice-per-tide from passive monitoring of shallow piezometers
- Two-phase deformation of lower mantle mineral analogs
- Uplift History of the Altai and Hangay in Mongolia and Impact on Central Asian Aridification: Evidence from Paleosol Stable Isotopes
- Assessment of the Potential for Flux Estimation Using Concentration Data from Mobile Surveys
- Constraining 3D Process Sedimentological Models to Geophysical Data Using Image Quilting
- Cross-bedding Related Anisotropy and its Role in the Orientation of Joints in an Aeolian Sandstone
- Elucidating the Springtime North Atlantic Phytoplankton Bloom and the Biological Pump from a Ship of Opportunity and Satellite Data
- Frequency dependent Lg attenuation in Northeast China and Korean Peninsula
- Gravity Currents with Convective Mixing: High-resolution Numerical Simulations
- High-Resolution Synchrotron Radiation Imaging of Trace Metal Elemental Concentrations in Porites Coral
- Identifying Training Images from Fracture Outcrops for MPS-based Modeling
- Insights into the hydrological functioning of RAMSAR listed Lake Clifton, southwest Australia, and the related threats to its Thrombolite community, via high-resolution hydrographic, geochemical and isotopic data.
- Investigating uplift in the South-Western Barents Sea using sonic and density well log measurements
- Landscape Variation in Plant Defense Syndromes across a Tropical Rainforest
- Managing the Risk of Triggered Seismicity: Can We Identify (and Avoid) Potentially Active Faults? - A Practical Case Study in Oklahoma
- Meteorological influences on extreme duration PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>air pollution episodes
- Model selection using multivariate functional data analysis for fast uncertainty quantification in subsurface reservoir forecasting
- Natural and laboratory compaction bands in porous carbonates: a three-dimensional characterization using synchrotron X-ray computed microtomography
- Nitrite Production Mechanisms in the Primary Nitrite Maximum of the Tropical South Pacific Inferred from Nitrite Isotopes Collected during the Geotraces 2013 Cruise
- Nucleation and development of multi-scale faults in an alternating sandstone and shale turbidite sequence and their effects on groundwater flow and transport
- Petrography of sandstones from drill cores BARB4 and BARB5, Paleoarchean Mapepe Formation, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa: Implications for provenance and tectonic reconstructions.
- Quantifying Activity Counts, Emission Profiles and Emission Factors for Natural Gas Production on a Component- to Site-Level Scale Using Detailed Emissions Inventory Data from the Barnett Shale
- Representation and Modeling of Structural Uncertainty in Subsurface Systems by Means of Image Operations in Depositional Space
- Simulation of Multiphase FLOW at the Pore Scale: Doable, Useful?
- Stringent Mitigation Policy Implied By Temperature Impacts on Economic Growth
- The Fingerprint of Climate Trends on European Crop Yields
- The High Pressure Behavior of the FeOOH Polymorphs
- The Impact of Salinity on the Diversity of Microbial Sediment Communities
- Uncertainty in Training-Image Based Inversion of Hydraulic Head Data Constrained to ERT Data: Workflow and Case Study
- Validating Prior Geological Scenario Uncertainty with Geophysical Data
- Wastewater and Saltwater: Studying the Biogeochemistry and Microbial Activity Associated with Wastewater Inputs to San Francisco Bay
- A Geochemical Framework for Evaluating Shale-Hydraulic Fracture Fluid Interactions
- A Linearized Model for Wave Propagation through Coupled Volcanic Conduit-crack Systems Filled with Multiphase Magma
- A Vulnerability-Benefit Analysis of Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- A scalable satellite-based crop yield mapper: Integrating satellites and crop models for field-scale estimation in India
- An efficient distribution method for nonlinear transport problems in stochastic porous media
- Anthropogenic Warming Has Increased Drought Risk In California
- Baseline Hydrothermal Monitoring Data from Cascade Range Volcanoes
- Can Geostatistical Models Represent Nature's Variability? An Analysis Using Flume Experiments
- Carbon Characteristics and Biogeochemical Processes of Uranium Accumulating Organic Matter Rich Sediments in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in the Presence of Convective Mixing and the Capillary Transition Zone
- Characterization of Fluid Oscillations at Kilauea Volcano Through Time-Dependent Modeling of Seismic Displacements from Rockfall Events
- Characterization of Green River Kerogen upon Induced Maturation
- Climatological Conditions Driving Lake Levels During Past Cold and Warm Periods in Western North America
- Combining U speciation and U isotope fractionation to evaluate the importance of naturally reduced sediments in controlling the mobility of uranium in the upper Colorado River Basin
- Combining satellite remote sensing and surveys to understand persistent yield variation--- a case study in North China Plain
- Comparing Amazon Basin CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from an atmospheric inversion with TRENDY biosphere models
- Connecting Groundwater, Crop Price, and Crop Production Variability in India
- Coupled Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation Reactions in Shale-Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Systems
- Data Resolution and Scale-dependent Fracture Clustering: Implications for Deformation Mechanisms
- Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Petrology of Sediments from the Barberton greenstone belt: Implications for Provenance and Tectonic Reconstructions
- Ecohydrologic Response of a Wetland Indicator Species to Climate Change and Streamflow Regulation: A Conceptual Model
- Effect of Ionic Composition on Arsenate Adsorption to Clay Minerals
- Elastic and Transport Properties of Steam-Cured Pozzolanic-Lime Rock Composites Upon CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection
- Energetic Limitations on Microbial Respiration of Organic Compounds using Aqueous Fe(III) Complexes
- Estimating Interfacial Curvature To Assess The Impact Of Ostwald Ripening On The Stability Of Residually Trapped CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Estimating Leaf Water Potential of Giant Sequoia Trees from Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
- Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas: insights into in-situ melt segregation from crystal mushes
- Geostatistical Modeling of Evolving Landscapes by Means of Image Quilting
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions within Seasonally Flooded Tropical River Deltas
- Hybrid Upwind Discretization for the Implicit Simulation of Three-Phase Coupled Flow and Transport with Gravity
- Impacts of Seasonal Flooding on Arsenic Release in Tropical River Deltas
- Imprint of Historical Anthropogenic Emissions on the Subseasonal Variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Inhibition Mechanism of Uranyl Reduction Induced by Calcium-Carbonato Complexes
- Iron Release and Precipitation in Fracture Fluid-Shale Fracturing Systems
- Kerogen-Hydraulic Fracture Fluid Interactions: Reactivity and Contaminant Release
- Mapping of normal fault scarps in airborne laser swath mapping data using wavelet analysis
- Micro Particle Image Velocimetry (micro-PIV) to Quantify Multiphase Flow In Micromodels
- Microbial, Physical and Chemical Drivers of COS and <SUP>18</SUP>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange in Soils
- Moisture Changes in the Mid-Holocene: Do PMIP3 Simulations Reflect the Proxy Record for the Western United States?
- Monitoring Oilfield Operations and GHG Emissions Sources Using Object-based Image Analysis of High Resolution Spatial Imagery
- Multi-scale X-ray Microtomography Imaging of Immiscible Fluids After Imbibition
- Multiscale Characterization of Geological Properties of Oil Shale
- Nitrogen cycling within an alluvial aquifer during groundwater fluctuations
- Nonlocal Formulation for Multiscale Flow in Porous Media
- Observed Changes in Extreme Precipitation Events over the US
- Permeability enhancement of the Utica shale due to the adsorption of supercritical carbon dioxide
- Rate and Velocity of Climate Change Caused by Cumulative Carbon Emissions
- Relating the Diversity, Abundance, and Activity of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaeal Communities to Nitrification Rates in the Coastal Ocean
- Retrodeformation of a 3D Geologic Model of the Santa Cruz Mountains West of the San Andreas Fault
- Sensitivity of geological, geochemical and hydrologic parameters in complex reactive transport systems for in-situ uranium bioremediation
- Sequential Stagnation of Kamb Ice Stream Induced by Changes in Subglacial Hydrology
- Simulation of radiation damage in minerals by sequential ion irradiations
- Stable Isotope Evidence for Planetary Differentiation
- Stochastic collocation using Kronrod-Patterson-Hermite quadrature with moderate delay for subsurface flow and transport
- Subsurface Nitrogen-Cycling Microbial Communities at Uranium Contaminated Sites in the Colorado River Basin
- Surface Reactions Limiting Chromium(VI) Generation from Naturally Derived Chromium(III) Minerals
- The Effect of Nickel on the Strength of Hcp-Iron
- The Subsidence Signature Due To Groundwater Extraction as Inferred from Remote Sensing Data in Mexico City
- Toward more realistic freshwater forcing experiments of the 8.2 ka event
- Trends in persistent seasonal-scale atmospheric circulation patterns responsible for precipitation and temperature extremes in California
- Turbid Bottom Waters and Ammonium-Rich Freshwaters as Nitrification Hotspots in a Large Urban Estuary (San Francisco Bay, CA)
- Using Atmospheric Circulation Patterns to Detect and Attribute Changes in the Risk of Extreme Climate Events
- Using Carbon Isotopes in Cenozoic Soil Carbonates to Quantify Primary Productivity from Mid-Latitude Regions
- Vapor Transport Modeling of Continental Water Isotope Gradients
- <SUP> 10</SUP>Be/<SUP>9</SUP>Be Evidence For Stable Quaternary Weathering Fluxes and Carbon Cycle Mass Balance
- A 3D object-based model to simulate highly-heterogeneous, coarse, braided river deposits
- A Bottom-up Vulnerability Analysis of Water Systems with Decentralized Decision Making and Demographic Shifts- the Case of Jordan.
- A Case Study Examining Egypt, Nigeria, and Venezuela and their Flaring Behavior Utilizing VIIRS Satellite Data
- A Model for the Decrease in Amplitude of Carbon Isotope Excursions Throughout the Phanerozoic
- A Viscoplastic Stress Relaxation Model for Predicting Variations of the Least Principal Stress With Depth in Unconventional Reservoirs
- Aftermath of Uranium Ore Processing on Floodplains: Lasting Effects of Uranium on Soil and Microbes
- Analyzing Land Surface Evapotranspiration in Semi-Arid Regions Using A Modified Triangle Method
- Biogeochemical constraints on uranium cycling in redox active floodplain sediments
- Characterizing the Spatial Contiguity of Extreme Precipitation over the US in the Recent Past
- Cluster classification of mid-latitude summer circulation patterns in the CESM1 Large Ensemble
- Combining Remote Sensing and Multi-Agent Simulation to Assess Alternative Water Management Policies in Conflict-Prone Areas - The Case of the Yarmouk River Basin
- Connecting crustal seismicity and earthquake-driven stress evolution in southern California
- Connections between the tropical Pacific Ocean, Arctic sea ice, and anomalous northeastern Pacific ridging
- Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Numerical Framework for Simulating Unconventional Formations
- Crustal deformation associated with Cascadia slow slip events from InSAR time-series
- Deformation and Uplift of the Santa Cruz Mountains: Re-evaluating and Augmenting the Restraining Bend-Advection Model
- Detecting the influence of anthropogenic forcings on changes in the South Asian Monsoon subseasonal rainfall characteristics
- Determining Changes in Groundwater Quality during Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Evaluation of water security in Jordan using a multi-agent, hydroeconomic model: Initial model results from the Jordan Water Project
- Experimental Investigation, Modeling and Simulation of Ostwald Ripening in the Context of Geologic Carbon Storage
- Extreme surface melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet increases growth potential for light-limited phytoplankton in the Labrador Sea
- Heterogeneous bubble nucleation on pyroxene and plagioclase in andesite magmas
- High resolution aquifer characterization using crosshole GPR full-waveform tomography
- Hybrid Upwinding for Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Buoyancy and Capillarity
- Hydrologic and Temporal Influences of Evaporite Minerals on the Vertical Distribution, Storage, and Mobility of Uranium
- Hydrologically Controlled Arsenic Release in Deltaic Wetlands and Coastal Riparian Zones
- Identifying Changes in the Probability of High Temperature, High Humidity Heat Wave Events
- Identifying Chemical and Biological Factors Affecting Soil Carbon Cycling
- Imaging of Upper-Mantle Upwelling Beneath the Salton Trough, Southern California, by Joint Inversion of Ambient Noise Dispersion Curves and Receiver Functions
- Improved Satellite-based Crop Yield Mapping by Spatially Explicit Parameterization of Crop Phenology
- Jordan Water Project: an interdisciplinary evaluation of freshwater vulnerability and security
- Magnitude-Frequency Distribution and Detection of Small Intermediate-Depth Events in the Subduction Zones of Japan
- Microbial Metabolic Response to Carbon Sources in a Uranium Contaminated Floodplain
- Microbial Preference for Soil Organic Carbon Changes Along Redox Gradients as a Function of the Energetic Cost of Respiration
- Modeling the Response of Climate and Precipitation Oxygen Stable Isotopes to the Tectonic Development of the Indian Collision Zone during the Cenozoic
- Mountain Relief in Tropical Granitic Landscapes Spanning Diverse Tectonic Environments
- Multidisciplinary field surveys as the new norm: Integrating geosciences to characterize the fate of carbon in a geothermal fumarole
- Multiscale level-set method for accurate modeling of two-phase immiscible flow with deposited thin-films on solid surfaces
- Nitrification and Microbial Activity in Response to Wastewater Effluent in the Sacramento/San Joaquin River Delta
- Nitrous oxide cycling in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone
- Observed North Pacific Atmospheric Rivers in Conditions of a Warming Climate
- Pore Water Arsenic Dynamics in Rice Paddies Under Projected Future Climates
- Pore-Network Modeling vs. Direct Numerical Simulation: a Comparative Study
- Porosity characterization for heterogeneous shales using integrated multiscale microscopy
- Productivity of Rice Grown on Arsenic Contaminated Soil under a Changing Climate
- Quantification of Methane Leaks from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in California
- Rapid, non-destructive coral paleothermometry by synchrotron XR
- Recent amplification of the North American Winter Temperature Dipole
- Recent drought effects on ecosystem carbon uptake in California ecosystems
- Repeated helicopter-based surveys of fugitive hydrocarbon emissions from tight oil operations: Persistence and driving factors
- Seasonal Dynamics of Particle-Associated Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea in Monterey Bay, CA
- Sensitivities in a game theoretic approach to analyze allocation of water resources in the Nagobo basin, Ghana
- Short-interval repeat ground-based surveys of fugitive emissions from oil production facilities in the Bakken
- Simulating partially illegal markets of private tanker water providers on the country level: A multi-agent, hydroeconomic case-study of Jordan
- Spatial gradients in the isotopic composition of paleoprecipitation for terrestrial climate and altimetry studies
- Stencil method: a Markov model for transport in porous media
- Strategy to Conduct Quantitative Ecohydrologic Analysis of a UNESCO World Heritage Site: the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada
- Subsidence Serves as an Indicator of Groundwater Arsenic Risk in the San Joaquin Valley, California
- Surface uplift and atmospheric flow deflection in the Late Cenozoic southern Sierra Nevada
- Taking advantage of the predictive potential of process-based models for ice exploration
- Thaumarchaeal amoA and nirK Gene Abundance Patterns Reveal Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Ammonia-oxidizing Archaeal Populations in Monterey Bay, CA
- The Impact of Mineralogy on the Geochemical Alteration of Shales During Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
- The Importance of pH, Oxygen, and Bitumen on the Oxidation and Precipitation of Fe(III)-(oxy)hydroxides during Hydraulic Fracturing of Oil/Gas Shales
- The Neogene de-greening of Central Asia
- The Pressure-Induced Structural Response of A<SUB>2</SUB>Hf<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>7</SUB> (A=Y, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Yb) Compounds from 0.1-50 GPa
- The influence of nitrate, nitrite, and dissolved oxygen on uranium oxidation in the presence of a sediment microbial community
- The shared and unique value of optical, flourescence, thermal and microwave satellite data for estimating large-scale crop yields
- The value of Sentinel 1 and 2 for agricultural monitoring: lessons learned from a few case studies.
- Tidal Marsh Vegetation Pattern and Channel Network Complexity Linked in Alternative Stable States
- Till Dynamics Underneath Ice Streams with a Nonlocal Dense Granular Flow Model
- Time-varying Concurrent Risk of Extreme Droughts and Heatwaves in California
- Towards Real-Time Mapping of Smallholder Maize Yields Using Multiple New Sensors
- Underground Injection Control, Hydraulic Fracturing, and Sources of Drinking Water in the Western United States
- Understanding Differences in the Nitrogen Cycle in Low-Oxygen Zones in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Updating model parameter sensitivity on contaminant concentration with newly acquired dynamic observations
- Using Satellite Data to Unpack Causes of Yield Gaps in India's Wheat Belt
- A Soil Service Index: Peatland soils as a case study for quantifying the value, vulnerability, and status of soils
- Agricultural response to changes in water availability and temperature in the coterminous U.S.
- An Image-based Micro-continuum Pore-scale Model for Gas Transport in Organic-rich Shale
- Assessing the Role of Technology in Citizen Science: A Volunteer's Perspective
- Attenuation of Chemical Reactivity of Shale Matrixes following Scale Precipitation
- Can Computational Sediment Transport Models Reproduce the Observed Variability of Channel Networks in Modern Deltas?
- Changes in Concurrent Risk of Warm and Dry Years under Impact of Climate Change
- Conduit Stability and Collapse in Explosive Volcanic Eruptions: Coupling Conduit Flow and Failure Models
- Correlation Between Echinoidea Size and Threat Level
- Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Sedimentary Rocks of the 3.6 - 3.2 Ga Barberton Greenstone Belt: No Evidence for Older Continental Crust
- Development of a life-cycle fugitive methane emissions model utilizing device level emissions and activity factors
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Low Capillary Number Pore Scale Flows
- Effects of Successive Harvests on Soil Nutrient Stocks in Established Tropical Plantation Forests
- Estimating ecosystem iso/anisohydry using microwave satellite data and its applications in ecohydrology
- Further refinement of <SUP>17</SUP>O TRAPDOR NMR methods for determining oxygen speciation in multi-component oxide glasses
- Future Warming Increases Global Maize Yield Variability with Implications for Food Markets
- Geochemical anomaly in ancient subduction boundary fault: Trench-parallel heterogeneity in slip behavior caused by variation of mineral composition
- Groundwater temperature estimation and modeling using hydrogeophysics.
- How to Recharge a Confined Aquifer: An Exploration of Geologic Controls on Groundwater Storage.
- Hydrogeophysical inversion using the prediction-focused approach : methodology and application
- Investigating the Spatial Characteristics of Extreme Precipitation over the US
- Mantle Earthquakes in Thinned Proterozoic Lithosphere: Harrat Lunayyir, Saudi Arabia
- Modeling caprock fracture, CO<SUB>2 </SUB>migration and time dependent fault healing: A numerical study.
- Multiscale analysis of deforestation risk due to commodity crop expansion in sub-Saharan Africa and the role of non-industrial producers
- Near-Infrared Imaging for Spatial Mapping of Organic Content in Petroleum Source Rocks
- Neogene interaction of the westerlies and high topography north of the Plateau: Implications for Central Asia paleoclimate
- Novel Bacterial Proteins and Lipids Reveal the Diversity of Triterpenoid Biomarker Synthesis
- Observed Trends in West Coast Atmospheric River Temperatures
- Partitioning Concentration-Discharge Patterns of Weathering Products from Monolithologic Catchments to Global Rivers
- Plant hydraulic diversity buffers forest ecosystem responses to drought
- Retrieve Ground Deformation Associated with Cascadia Slow Slip Events Using Sentinel-1 Data
- Revisiting Temporal Markov Chains for Continuum modeling of Transport in Porous Media
- Roles of Fog and Topography in Redwood Forest Hydrology
- Root Systems of Individual Plants, and the Biotic and Abiotic Factors Controlling Their Depth and Distribution: a Synthesis Using a Global Database.
- SMAP Multi-Temporal Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals in Vegetated Regions Including Higher-Order Soil-Canopy Interactions
- Separating non-diffuse component from ambient seismic noise cross-correlation in southern California
- Shifting patterns of ENSO variability from a 492-year South Pacific coral core
- Shorter Harvest Cycles Counteract Increasing Annual Productivity in Industrial Plantation Forests: Trends from Three Decades of Remote Sensing in Southeastern Brazil
- Stomatal and xylem regulation traits control the sensitivity of grassland productivity to aridity
- Synthesis of eukaryotic lipid biomarkers in the bacterial domain
- Terrestrial Water Storage and Vegetation Resilience to Drought
- The Triassic upwelling system of Arctic Alaska
- The pressure-induced structural response of rare earth hafnate and stannate pyrochlore from 0.1-50 GPa
- Thermodynamic Cconstraints on Coupled Carbonate-Pyrite Weathering Dynamics and Carbon Fluxes
- Towards Structural Imaging Using Scattering Artifacts Detected in Ambient Field Correlations
- Towards the next generation of climate change assessment: learning from past experiences to inform a sustainable future
- Tracking Emissions of Methane Leaks from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in California
- Transitioning Groundwater from an Extractive Resource to a Managed Water Storage Resource: Geology and Recharge in Sedimentary Basins
- Understanding the Differences in the Nitrogen Cycle in the Seasonal Low-Oxygen Zone in the Saanich Inlet of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
- 4.1 Ga zircon grains from the Barberton greenstone belt: New constraints on the Hadean crust
- Amazon Rainforest Drying Trend from Climate Warming and Extreme Anomalies
- Approximate Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of Sedimentary Processes Using Multiple-point Geostatistics
- Are Sky Long Water Things Warming Up?
- Attenuation Estimation with Uncertainty Based on Seismic Noise Interferometry: Application to a Dense Array in Groningen, Netherlands
- Biosynthesis of GDGT cyclopentane rings in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius
- Coupled Climatic and Soil Arsenic Stressors Threaten Future Rice Yields
- Crashing the Gates: Interventions by Extremely Poor Communities in International Climate Governance
- Deep groundwater quality and use in the western U.S. and Mexico
- Deriving a proxie for soil carbon turnover using field descriptions of soil development
- Detecting and Characterizing Natural Gas Leaks from Single-Family Homes in Northern California
- Different "Flavors" of Atmospheric Rivers: Moisture or Wind-Dominated?
- Direct and Indirect Contributions of the Cryosphere to Micronutrient Supply to the Open Surface Waters around Antarctica
- Early diagenetic reactive transport modeling of uranium concentrations and 'stable' isotopes
- Effects of Land Use Change on Soil Moisture Dynamics in Tropical Peatlands
- Estimating plant xylem vulnerability from sap flow data set
- Estimating the Adaptive Benefits of Water Market Reform for Irrigated Agriculture
- Estimating the Depth to the Water Table from Airborne Electromagnetic Data.
- Evidence for phylogenetically and catabolically diverse diazotrophs in the deep-sea benthos
- Examining the tradeoffs of "fast OGI" in methane detection between survey speed and gas captured
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- Frequent burning alters the composition and activity of microbial communities in soils by changing soil chemistry and plant traits
- GCP-CH<SUB>4</SUB> round 3: protocols and first results of atmospheric inversions
- Global soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions since the pre-industrial era estimated by an ensemble of Terrestrial Biosphere Models: Magnitude, attribution and uncertainty
- Global, Data-Driven Observations of Heterotrophic Respiration
- High Resolution Depositional Architecture of Modern Deep-water Sinuous Channel Inner Bend Deposits: A Comprehensive Comparison from Offshore California
- Human-Centered Design in the Age of Climate Change
- Improving Physics-based Earthquake Forecasting During the 2016-2017 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence
- Influence of plant hydraulics on evapotranspiration across climate and land cover types
- Landscape-Scale Variation in Redwood Response to Climate Variability
- Observed Changes in Measures Associated with Wildfire Risk in California
- Observing the tropical carbon balance sensitivity to memory and climate extremes.
- Prediction and Explanation of Changes in Rock Properties by Modeling Rock Dissolution and Morphological Transformations in Micro-CT Images
- Process-based models for ice-stream shear margins
- Quantifying Anaerobic Volumes in Upland Soils: Impacts of Land Management
- Quantifying the historical intensity and spatial extent of extreme tropical cyclone precipitation
- Reconciling conflicting estimates of the global methane budget during 1980-2012 using ensemble-based accounting
- Reduced 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Pacific Decadal Variability in a Five Century-long Coral Reconstruction
- Retrieving Ground Deformation Associated with Cascadia Slow Slip Events Using Sentinel-1 Data
- Searching for Brittle-Failure Earthquakes in the Mantle Lithosphere beneath Harrat Rahat, Saudi Arabia
- South Pacific Coral Skeletal Carbon Isotope Evidence for Rising Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Affects on Calcification
- State, Trends and the Future of the Carbon Cycle
- Subglacial Channelization Through Till Deformation and Failure at the Shear Margin
- Subglacial lithologic and topographic controls on ice flow stability at Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Synergistic data analytics and physical modeling for improved understanding of vegetation dynamics under climatological stress: a key uncertainty in ecosystem management
- Synergistic multifrequency constraints on terrestrial carbon and water processes through present-day and anticipated spaceborne measurement platforms
- The Impact of Rising CO<SUB>2</SUB>on the Spatial Footprint of Extreme Heat Events
- The Role of Modeling Frameworks in Assessing New Methane Leak Detection Protocols
- The depths of the terrestrial plumbing network: maximum rooting depth of ecosystem-scale and individual-plant profiles
- The persistence of root carbon in soil: data and modeling gaps
- The potential and dynamics of soil carbon storage during soil development: a global synthesis of chronosequence studies
- The puzzle of renewed growth in atmospheric methane concentrations: engaging with interdisciplinary networks and raising awareness
- The role of mineral content and composition on the capacity of soils to store carbon
- The subseasonal extratropical response to El Niño/Southern Oscillation
- The surface as a window into the subsurface: Lessons from Antarctica
- Towards efficient iterative matrix-free solvers
- Tracking fast-evolving Nitrogen budgets in crop production on a national scale
- What mediates tree mortality during drought in the southern Sierra Nevada?
- 2D to 3D Geometrical Transform: Estimation of Material Properties from 2D Images
- A new continuum model for till consistent with granular mechanics
- A new look at smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) for studying caldera formation
- Abiotic reduction-complexation reactions of iron with natural organic matter at circumneutral pH
- Aftershock Productivity of Large Intermediate Depth Earthquakes
- Analysis of Iron Sources in Antarctic Continental Shelf Waters
- Are redundant interferograms really redundant? On the use of redundant interferograms to reduce decorrelation noise
- Assessing and Mitigating Triggers Releasing Geogenic Contaminants to Groundwater
- Assessing the affinity and selectivity of DOM towards metal ions across redox environments
- Attribution of Historical Terrestrial Carbon Uptake due to Climate Change
- Biogeochemical-Hydrological Mobilization of Zinc in Montane Floodplains
- Breathing Soils: Implications of Small-Scale Spatial Variations in Seasonal Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Respiration in a Rocky Mountain Subalpine Meadow
- Can isohydricity explain drought responses of desert riparian plants?
- Characterizing variability in hydraulic traits in co-occurring western subalpine conifers to improve drought response predictions
- Climate Change Couples with Soil Arsenic to Exacerbate Diminished Rice Yields
- Combining satellite and field observations to detect changes in primary productivity in high-latitude lakes across the Landsat archive
- Cultivating a Cohort of Change Agents: Launching Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences Curricula at Stanford University
- Deriving a proxie for soil carbon turnover using field descriptions of soil development
- Detecting Irrigation in Nuanced and Diverse Landscapes: A Comparison of Neural Networks and Forest-based Classifiers
- Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Mudstone Geochemistry Evidence for Tectonic History of the San Gregorio-Hosgri Fault
- Differences in Pore-Scale Oxygen Content and Anaerobic Metabolisms at Varying Moisture Contents in Upland Soils
- Distributed acoustic sensing - the future of urban geophysics?
- Effect of Arsenic Coupled with Climate Change on Rice Yield and Grain Quality
- Estimating the contribution of historical precipitation changes to increasing flooding damages in the United States
- Evaluating the distribution and genomic content of novel microbes in deep-sea sediments
- Evaluation of the relationship between vegetation optical depth (VOD) and canopy water content (CWC) in the tropics with a hydraulics-enabled terrestrial biosphere model ED2-hydro
- Extreme Wet Events As Important As Extreme Dry Events in Controlling Spatial Patterns of Vegetation Productivity
- FLUXNET Methane Synthesis: Modeling Wetland Methane Fluxes from Sites to the Globe
- Food-water-energy for Urban Sustainable Environments (FUSE): Integrated Analyses Focused on Pune, India and Amman, Jordan
- Hadean detrital zircons record crustal diversity but no evidence for Phanerozoic-type continental crust
- Heavy metal mobility in a model aquifer exhibiting redox heterogeneities
- Hillslope controls on tree canopy characteristics are moderated by transient landscape evolution across a humid tropical elevation gradient
- Hundreds and thousands of microbial genomes. What to do? How to scale?
- Hyperspectral sensing, evapotranspiration, and harvests of plant canopies in a mountain watershed help to understand what part plants play in seasonal water budget
- Impact of Complex Topography on Thermomechanical Coupled Ice Flow Using the Immersed Boundary Method
- Impacts of 2015-2016 El Nino on Seasonal and Diurnal Canopy Water Content of the Amazon Rainforest
- Improving Marker Gene Sequencing and Analysis Using Curated Single-Gene Databases: nifH as a Case Study
- Improving nanoSIMS Quantification of Microbial Anabolic Activity: Constraining the Effect of Sample Preparation on Isotope Ratios
- Influence of moisture levels on iron and manganese within variably saturated, fine-grained sediments
- Insights into Effective Satellite Crop Yield Estimation from an Extensive Ground Truth Dataset in the US Corn Belt
- Investigating Geochemical Niche-Separation in Methanotrophic Archaea at a Recently-Discovered, Shallow Cold Seep System
- Investigating the Yield Impacts of Conservation Tillage in the US Corn Belt using Landsat
- Joint Impact of Geogenic and Anthropogenic Groundwater Contaminants on Water Quality in California Community Water Systems
- Mapping Drainage Canal Density in Southeast Asian Peatlands
- Measurement of Ice Fabric within Ice Streams using Polarimetric Phase-Sensitive Radar Sounding
- Metal and Carbon Content Play an Outsized Role in Carbon Processing in Comparison to Oxygen within Variably Saturated Floodplain Soils
- Microbes in the American West: subsurface spatiotemporal dynamics reveal depth-specific metabolic strategies and critical water cycle interactions
- Microwave Radiometry for Remote Sensing of Plant Water Status Dynamics: Stand-Scale Evaluation in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Modeling of Biogeochemical Responses to Hydrologic Transitions in Floodplain Aquifers
- Physics-based Models Expand Insights Gained from Volcano Geodesy
- Plant Hydraulics Enhances Atmospheric Moisture Stress but Mutes Soil Moisture Stress on Transpiration
- Plant responses to volcanically elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in two Costa Rican forests
- Plio-Pleistocene Convergence and Tectonic Recycling at the Oceanward Retrowedge Margin of an Active Arc-Continent Collision, Eastern Taiwan
- Ploidy Level - Environment Interactions Predict Mortality and Recruitment in Quaking Aspen
- Potential Formation of a New Shear Margin at Thwaites Glacier
- Quantifying Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Appliances in Single-Family Homes
- Quantifying soil carbon protection by anoxic microsites in soils
- Reducing exploration risk by data-driven uncertainty quantification in mineral prospectivity mapping
- Remotely sensed live fuel moisture content across the Western USA and its relationship with climate aridity
- Resolving the evolution of organic carbon stocks from joint assimilation of satellite-informed biomass and CMS-Flux CO2 flux estimates.
- Role of 3-Methylhopanoids in Environmental Hot Spring Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria
- Rural Electrification in Agricultural Intensification Across India
- Seasonal and Latitudinal Variability of High-Frequency Gravity Waves in the Lower Stratosphere
- Seasonal flooding impacts on mineral-organic associations regulate carbon export from subalpine floodplains
- Sequential Soil Pore Water Extractions with Tempe Cell Soil Water Extractors: A Novel Method to Measure Pore-Scale Oxygen Content
- Shift towards intense and widespread precipitation events over the United States by mid 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Spatial distribution of englacial layer slope as a constraint on ice sheet basal conditions
- Spatio-temporal aspects of energy cascades in hurricane vortices
- Stability of microbial communities through seasonal hydrological transitions and the resulting biogeochemical redox response
- Subglacial sediment beds resist fast ice flow by facilitating meltwater drainage
- TROPOMI solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence improves the monitoring of crop productivity
- The Hidden Value of Private Water Markets in Jordan: Simulating Spatial Price Equilibria in a Coupled Hydro-Economic Model
- The combined influence of antecedent rainfall and urbanization on landslides: an empirical approach based on data for the Pacific Coast of the United States
- The role of coupled processes in the abrupt termination of the last glaciations
- The size and shape of global plant root systems
- Toward watershed characterization: investigation of above-belowground interactions with hyperspectral remote sensing and near-surface geophysical measurements within the Upper Colorado Basin
- Tropical Cyclone Activity under Varying SSTs in Aquaplanet Simulations
- Using Observational Data to Understand Climatic Constraints on Economic Output
- Using satellite imagery to understand and promote sustainable development
- Water-Food-Energy Challenges under the Political Economy of the Sugar Industry in India
- Weathering Regimes and Lithium Isotope Signals of Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation: A Reactive Transport Perspective
- Wetland FLUXNET synthesis for CH<SUB>4</SUB>: understanding CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes at daily to interannual timescales
- Wildfire contributions to particulate matter in the United States
- X-ray Diffraction of Shock-Compressed Gibeon Meteorite to 136 GPa
- You Belong: Empowerment, Education, & Environment Program at Stanford Earth
- Zonally asymmetric tropospheric signatures of polar vortex splits and displacements
- A Data-Driven, Single Column Gravity Wave Parameterization in an Idealized Model
- Amazon forest structure mediates drought impacts on carbon uptake and evapotranspiration
- Ambient Noise Differential Adjoint Tomography Applied to a 2D Dense Array
- Assessing Compound Flood Hazard Risk for the San Francisco Bay Area
- Assessing the phylogenetic diversity of nifH-containing organisms at deep-sea methane seeps and non-seep sediments
- Biome- to global-scale controls over soil carbon storage: divergence in observations and process-based models
- Calcium complexation by organic matter in calcareous sediments
- Characterizing Soil Drying Rates in Tropical Peatlands
- Cloud Water Interception across Elevation and Forest Structure Gradients in Leeward Kohala, Hawaiʻi
- Comparative study of drought indices in the Bhima Basin, India
- Connecting Environmental Systems Science and Digital Library Practices
- Cutting to the core: measuring variable drought sensitivity in tree species across their climatic niche
- Destabilization of Long-Lived Hadean Protocrust and Onset of Pervasive Hydrous Melting at 3.8 Ga Recorded in Detrital Zircons of the Green Sandstone Bed, South Africa
- Detecting Soil Moisture under Temperate Forest Canopies: SMAP Validation Experiment 2019-2021 (SMAPVEX19-21)
- Disentangle the drivers of spatio-temporal variations in vegetation optical depth over tropical forests with ecosystem hydrodynamics modeling
- Does the Inertial Wave in an Axisymmetric Tropical Cyclone Rectify its Thermodynamic Behavior?
- Duration and Intensity of End-Permian Marine Anoxia
- Earlier Snowmelt Decreases Bioclimatic Variation Across Elevation in the Mountains - a Test of Hopkin's 1920 Bioclimatic Law One Century Later
- EcoImaging: Advanced sensing and machine learning for investigating aboveground and belowground interactions in natural and managed ecosystems
- Ecosystem-scale plant hydraulic traits estimated using model-data fusion
- Error or insight: Tracing how errors in dynamically downscaled hydrologic projections shape vulnerability inferences in complex water infrastructure systems
- Examining adaptive migration thresholds in the context of rapid-onset climate hazards
- Exploring Surface Temperature, Evapotranspiration, and Downwelling Longwave Radiation Heterogeneity in High-Altitude Complex Terrain with ECOSTRESS
- FLUXNET-CH4 and seasonality of methane emissions from freshwater wetlands
- Fiber-optic DAS sensing of transportation patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Palo Alto, CA
- Forest hydraulic trait composition regulates regional scale terrestrial carbon cycling
- From the Mantle to the Upper Crust: Migrating Volcanic Earthquakes After the 2009 Harrat Lunayyir Dike Intrusion, Saudi Arabia
- Functional Vegetation Trait Trends between Five Vegetation Types and Environmental Covariations in the East River Watershed, CO
- Geogenic metals in drinking water in California and risk of spontaneous preterm birth
- High rate of collisions on the Archean Earth leads to variable atmospheric oxidation
- Historical and future influence of climate on human violence
- Hydrologic limitations on tropical terrestrial carbon fluxes in a model-data fusion framework
- Impact of urbanization on the relationship between antecedent precipitation and landslides: evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area
- Impacts and Equity in Pune, India's Potential 24x7 Piped Water Supply System
- Long-term Redistribution of Residually Trapped Gas due to Diffusion
- Long-term late Holocene cliff retreat rate in Del Mar, California revealed from shore platform <SUP>10</SUP>Be concentrations and numerical modeling
- Long-term solar radiation patterns across the Contiguous United States
- Machine Learning-based Methane Flux Projections at selected sites in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Machine learning models to predict 1,2,3-trichloropropane occurrence in groundwater of the Central Valley, CA, and implications for domestic well water quality
- Methane flux attribution analysis applied on eddy covariance measurements at heterogeneous wetland sites
- Observing, resolving and predicting the terrestrial carbon cycle and its sensitivity to climate.
- Optimal model complexity for terrestrial carbon cycle prediction using model-data fusion
- Paleomagnetism of 3.5-4.0 Ga zircons from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Pertenecer/YouBelong: Introducing academic and geoscience careers to youth from under-served communities
- Plant Hydraulic Traits Mediate Live Fuel Moisture's Importance for Wildfire Risk Forecasting
- Plant hydraulics: A theory-rich but data-poor field
- Plant hydraulics: a key for appropriate accounting of evapotranspiration in a warmer world
- Plant volumetric allometry and shape above- and belowground
- Predicting Mechanisms of Microbial Community Assembly and Soil Biogeochemistry Patterns from Watershed Scale Gradients in Hydrology, Vegetation, and Topographic Features.
- Predicting environmental factors governing regional groundwater uranium contamination
- Predicting water quality across US watersheds using a time-series deep learning model
- Processed-Based Models in the Wild: A Forward Model Approach to Constraining the Processes Governing Basal Strength at Thwaites Glacier
- Projecting the long-term effectiveness of groundwater conservation initiatives: A western Kansas case study
- Provenance and Tectonic Implications of Archean Fig Tree Group Siliciclastic Rocks in the East-Central Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Quantifying Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Cooktops and Ovens in Single-Family Homes
- Quantifying Soil Carbon Protection by Anaerobic Microsites
- Regional Respiration Responses to Historical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilization in a Data Assimilation Framework
- Scaling Up Rice Methane Fluxes in Monsoon Asia Through Data-Driven Model
- Seasonal and Latitudinal Variability of the Gravity Wave Spectrum in the Lower Stratosphere
- Seismic monitoring with downhole DAS - examples from the FORGE Enhanced Geothermal System project
- Sensitivity to Changes in the Winds of Cryosphere Contributions to Micronutrient Supply to the Surface Waters around Antarctica
- Severe weather-related deaths, stress, and incidence of cardiovascular ailments in U.S. community-based samples after Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Michael
- Soil Functional Mapping: Using Data-Model Integration to Improve Regional-Scale SOC Forecasts
- Soil Organic Matter Stabilization in Floodplain Soils: Role of Particulate Terminal Electron Acceptors
- Spatiotemporal redox dynamics regulate mineral and metabolic constraints on carbon export from floodplain soils
- Stress-driven catastrophic failure of volcanic conduits in explosive eruptions
- Summer high-wind events and phytoplankton productivity in the Arctic Ocean
- The Midland - Odessa earthquakes: An integrated study characterizing a series of recent earthquakes in west Texas
- The role of vorticity random stretching in an idealized tropical depression genesis problem
- Tropical Cyclone Frequency under Varying SSTs in Aquaplanet Simulations
- Understanding Spatial Variations in Maximum Stomatal Conductance
- United States Methane Budget from Tidal Wetlands: Developing an Open-source Database of Methane Measurements and Process-based Models
- Upscaling FLUXNET-CH<SUB>4</SUB>: Data-driven model performance, predictors, and regional to global methane emission estimates for freshwater wetlands
- Using Self-Organizing Maps to Classify and Investigate Atlantic Jet Regimes and Their Response to Forcing
- Using microwave remote sensing of vegetation water content to understand ecosystem-scale responses to drought
- Wildfire risk and emissions predictions for SE Asia peatlands based on mechanistic modeling