Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
flowchart I[Stanford Linear Accelerator Center] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (185)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (28)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characterization of the Biogenic Mn-Oxide Produced by Pseudomonas putida Strain MnB1
- Mechanism of Uranium Sorption by Apatite Materials from a Permeable Reactive Barrier Demonstration at Fry Canyon, Utah
- Pb(II) Reactivity in Laboratory Cultures of a Pseudomonas putida MnB1 - Mn(IV) Oxide Ensemble
- Molecular Biogeochemistry of Manganese
- Structural Characterization of Biogenic Manganese Oxides Produced in Sea Water
- Manganese and Iron Interactions in Cave and Rock Varnish Communities
- Effects of Cobalt on Manganese Oxidation by Pseudomonas putida MnB1
- Genesis Sample Surface Contamination Study using Total-reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF)
- Sorption of Ferrioxime B to Synthetic and Biogenic layer type Mn Oxides
- Toward a Molecular Understanding of the Role of Manganese Oxidation in the Maintenance of the Suboxic Zone in the Black Sea
- Atoms to Ecosystems: A Workshop for Science Journalists
- In Situ Chemical Mapping and Analysis of Stardust Impact Tracks: Isolation of Cometary Signal
- A Thermodynamic Study of Heavy Metal Adsorption at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface: Comparison Between Thermodynamic Model Results and In-situ Measurements
- Full waveform seismic inversion: Prospects for scaling to petaflops computers
- Parameters Controlling the Partitioning of Trace Metals at the Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Biofilm/Mineral/Water Interface: Long Period X-ray Standing Wave and XAFS Study
- Structural Chemistry of Cation-Reacted Bacteriogenic UO2
- X-ray induced dissociation of H2O and formation of an O2- H2 compound at high pressure
- Mercury Retention and Accumulation by Plants at the Abandoned New Idria Mine Site - a Preliminary micro-XRF and micro-XRD Study
- Molecular- and Nano-Scale Structure and Reactivity of Biogenic Uranium(IV) Oxide
- Nickel Sorption to Bacteriogenic Manganese Oxides: Insights from X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory
- Composition and stability of U(IV) phases at Rifle, CO (Invited)
- Determination of Metal Localization and Speciation Using Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Imaging (Invited)
- Evaluation of Geochemical Processes Affecting Uranium Sequestration and Longevity of Permeable Reactive Barriers for Groundwater Remediation
- Experimental Characterization of Chromium Fate and Transport in the Vadose Zone and Regional Aquifer at Sandia Canyon, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Mechanisms of Biogenic Uraninite Corrosion in Groundwater at the Rifle IFRC site
- Structural Basis of Uranium Incorporation In Natural Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides
- The Role of Nanocrystalline Mackinawite in the Biogeochemical Cycling of Mercury in Sulfidic Sediments
- Biogeochemical Dynamics in a Shallow Alluvial Aquifer: Impact on Uranium and Other Redox-sensitive Contaminants Over Time and Space (Invited)
- EXAFS Reveals the Mechanism of U Isotope Fractionation During Adsorption to Mn Oxyhydroxide
- Use of Ammonia Gas for Uranium Remediation in Vadose Zone Sediments
- Visualizing Earth's Core-Mantle Interactions using Nanoscale X-ray Tomography
- Whole-sediment speciation of U(IV) in acetate-bioreduced aquifer sediments at the Rifle, CO, IFRC site
- Amplitudes in Gauge Theory and Gravity
- Field- and Laboratory-Scale Evaluation of Uranium Sequestration: The Role of Sulfur and Iron Species
- High pressure constraints core formation from x-ray nanoscale tomography
- Improving estimation of tree carbon stocks by harvesting aboveground woody biomass within airborne LiDAR flight areas
- Latest Progress on the Gamma-Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar Flares (GRIPS)
- New Caledonia as a New Site on Ultramafic Rocks for the French Critical Zone Exploration Network
- Progress Toward Understanding of Coupled Microbiology, Biogeochemistry, and Hydrogeology Controls on Subsurface Mobility of Uranium
- Progress in understanding U(IV) products of biological uranium reduction in the Old Rifle, CO aquifer
- Progress in understanding uranium(IV) speciation and dynamics in biologically reduced sediments: Research at molecular to centimeter scales by the SLAC SFA program
- Quantitative Analysis of Uranium Accumulation on Sediments during Field-scale Biostimulation under Variable Bicarbonate Concentrations at the Rifle IFRC Site
- Speciation of Energy Critical Elements in Marine Ferromanganese Crusts and Nodules by Principal Component Analysis and Least-squares fits to XAFS Spectra
- Speciation of uranium in biologically reduced sediments during iron and sulfate reduction in the Old Rifle Aquifer
- Structural Incorporation of Uranium into Iron Oxides: A Competitive Secondary Sequestration Pathway Mediated by Fe(II)
- Structure and reactivity of the uraninite (111) surface
- The Natural Enrichment of Stable Cesium in Weathered Micaceous Materials at the Savannah River Site, SC, and Its Implications for Cs-137 Sorption
- The Response of Halophiles from the Atacama Desert to Humidity Changes
- Agent-based modeling for the landuse change of hunter-gather societies and the impacts on biodiversity in Guyana
- Biogeochemistry of a Field-Scale Sulfate Reducing Bioreactor Treating Mining Influenced Water
- Comparison of SuperDARN irregularity drift measurements and F-region ion velocities from the Resolute Bay ISR
- Formation of iron melt channels in silicate perovskite at Earth's lower mantle conditions
- Manganese-oxidizing photosynthesis before the rise of cyanobacteria
- Nanoscale Images of Airborne PM2.5: Aerosol Dynamics with the LCLS X-ray Laser
- Probing Ice Nucleation in "No Man's Land" with Ultrafast X-ray Laser at LCLS
- The potential of active, in-situ, relativistic electron injection experiments for geospace research
- Thicknesses of Nanoscale Brine Films on Mineral Surfaces Under Geologic CO2 Sequestration Conditions Measured with Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence
- Understanding Uranium Behavior in a Reduced Aquifer
- Chemical and spectroscopic analyses of organic matter transformation in warming tundra soils
- Coupled micro-scale magnetic and spectroscopic techniques to understand the petrogenesis of iron sulfides in sedimentary rocks
- Effect of Humic Substances on the Trapping and Transformations of U(VI) by Ferrihydrite
- Enhanced retention of aqueous transition metals in mesoporous silica
- Error Analysis for Estimation of Greenland Ice Sheet Accumulation Rates from InSAR Data
- Evolution of Mineral Fabrics and Microstructures in Kimmeridge Shale upon Kerogen Maturation
- Insights into Spatial Sulfur Variation within the Modified Gill-Chamber of the Epibiont-Colonized Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp, Rimicaris exoculata
- Investigation of phase transitions of iron under extreme dynamic compression with XANES measurements at LCLS
- Iron and Sulfur Geochemistry in Class H Wellbore Cements Exposed to CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>S
- Manganese reduction and its stabilization in the rock record
- Paramagnetic interactions in <SUP>31</SUP>P NMR spectroscopy as a probe for short-range order/disorder of flux-grown rare earth element orthophosphate (monazite/xenotime) solid solutions
- Porosity and Organic Carbon Controls on Naturally Reduced Zone (NRZ) Formation Creating Microbial ';Hotspots' for Fe, S, and U Cycling in Subsurface Sediments
- Pressure induced HP/LP phase boundary investigation in BiNiO3 system using nanoscale tomography
- Single cell genomic study of Dehalococcoidites in deep sea sediments of Peru Margin 1230
- 3D Spectroscopic x-Ray Imaging with Nanoscale Resolution at Extreme Conditions
- Deciphering Earth History: Mapping the Micron-Scale Spatial Distribution and Speciation of Sulfur in Ordovician Carbonates
- Effects of a Relativistic Electron Beam Interaction with the Upper Atmosphere: Ionization, X-Rays, and Optical Emissions
- Elucidating the Composition and Distribution of Trace Metals in Corals
- Evolution of Mineral-Organic Matter Associations in Sediments: From (Bio)mineralization to Burial
- High-Resolution Synchrotron Radiation Imaging of Trace Metal Elemental Concentrations in Porites Coral
- Importance of Organic Matter-Uranium Biogeochemistry to Uranium Plume Persistence in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Irreversible xenon insertion into a small-pore zeolite at moderate pressures and temperatures
- Melting of iron close to Earth's inner core boundary conditions detected by XANES spectroscopy in laser shock experiment
- Micro-scale Complexity in Iron-Sulfide Phases in Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks Determined by Synchrotron Microprobe Spectroscopy
- Rotational Remanent Magnetization (RRM) to Identify Pyrrhotite in Natural Iron-Sulfide-Bearing Samples
- Spectrosmicroscopic and spectroscopic investigation of U(IV) speciation in model mineral-organic matter assemblages
- Understanding the Development and Stabilization of Mn(III) Intermediates during Microbial Manganese Reduction
- Uranium(IV) Complexation by Natural Organic Matter Controls Speciation in the Subsurface
- A Multifaceted Sampling Approach to Better Understanding Biogeochemical and Hydrogeological Controls on Uranium Mobility at a Former Uranium Mill Tailings Site in Riverton, Wyoming
- Carbon Characteristics and Biogeochemical Processes of Uranium Accumulating Organic Matter Rich Sediments in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Clay Mineralogy of AN Alluvial Aquifer in a Mountainous, Semiarid Terrain, AN Example from Rifle, Colorado
- Combining U speciation and U isotope fractionation to evaluate the importance of naturally reduced sediments in controlling the mobility of uranium in the upper Colorado River Basin
- Correlating organic carbon concentration and composition with mineralogy in deep-sea pelagic sediments
- Elucidating Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Composition of Organic Carbon in Deep Pelagic Sediments
- Spectrosmicroscopic and spectroscopic investigation of U(IV) speciation in model mineral-organic matter assemblages
- Studying Iron Mineralogy to Understand Redox Conditions in the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin, USA Using Complementary Microscopic, Spectroscopic, and Magnetic Techniques
- 4D synchrotron X-ray imaging to understand porosity development in shales during exposure to hydraulic fracturing fluid
- Biogeochemical constraints on uranium cycling in redox active floodplain sediments
- Combining Textural Techniques to Explore Effects of Diagenesis and Low-grade Metamorphism on Iron Mineralogy and Iron Speciation
- Correlating the Spatial Distribution, Speciation and Isotopic Composition of Sulfur Associated with Sedimentary Carbonate Strata, using X-ray Spectromicroscopy and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Direct structural investigation of shock compressed silicates from x-ray diffraction
- Effects of Crystallinity on Zn Isotope Fractionation during Adsorption onto Silica Surfaces
- Fluid-Rock Interaction in Oceanic Transform Faults: Experimental Approach
- Fluid-Rock Interaction in Oceanic Transform Faults: Field Observations
- Geologic constraints on the depth of seawater infiltration along the Shaka Transform Fault, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Hydrologic and Temporal Influences of Evaporite Minerals on the Vertical Distribution, Storage, and Mobility of Uranium
- Investigation of the mineralogy and the sorption mechanism of Ni, Cu, Co and Mo by turbostratic phyllomanganates of Mn-nodules from the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean using XAS
- Iron and iron alloys under laser compression at XFEL for planetary science
- Rapid, non-destructive coral paleothermometry by synchrotron XR
- The Impact of Mineralogy on the Geochemical Alteration of Shales During Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
- The Mapping X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (mapx)
- Attenuation of Chemical Reactivity of Shale Matrixes following Scale Precipitation
- High-pressure phase transition in silicon carbide under shock loading using ultrafast x-ray diffraction
- Interactions between iron and organic matter may influence the fate of permafrost carbon in the Arctic
- Mission Concept to Connect Magnetospheric Physical Processes to Ionospheric Phenomena
- Solid - solid and solid - liquid phase transitions of iron and iron alloys under laser shock compression
- The Effect of Fluid and Solid Properties on the Auxetic Behavior of Porous Materials Having Rock-like Microstructures
- The semi-brittle to ductile transition in peridotite on oceanic faults: mechanisms and P-T condition
- Visualizing and measuring flow in shale matrix using in situ synchrotron X-ray microtomography
- In situ time-resolved XRD of shock-compressed Fe to 200 GPa
- Iron mediated oxidation of dissolved organic carbon in arctic soils
- XRD of shock-compressed Gibeon meteorite to 100 GPa
- A New Framework for Microscopic to Reservoir-Scale Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing and Production: Testing with Comprehensive Data from the Hydraulic Fracturing Field Test in the Permian Basin
- Assessing the affinity and selectivity of DOM towards metal ions across redox environments
- Biogeochemical-Hydrological Mobilization of Zinc in Montane Floodplains
- Calcite Phase Transitions and Melting Under Shock Loading and Release Using Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction
- Chemical Speciation Information using µ-XRF Imaging at SSRL: Examples from the Rhizosphere
- Community use of persistent sample identifiers and metadata standards: supporting efficient data management in the field, laboratory, and online
- From Source to Sink : Ni Crystal-chemistry from Ultramafic Rocks to Lagoon Sediments in the Mining Context of New Caledonia
- Genomic diversity and microbial activities fueled by deep fluids
- Heavy metal mobility in a model aquifer exhibiting redox heterogeneities
- In situ strength measurement of shock-compressed iron via time-resolved X-ray diffraction
- Insights into Long-standing and Emerging Carbonate Proxies using µ-XRF Imaging and XANES Spectroscopy
- Microbes in the American West: subsurface spatiotemporal dynamics reveal depth-specific metabolic strategies and critical water cycle interactions
- Modeling of Biogeochemical Responses to Hydrologic Transitions in Floodplain Aquifers
- Multiscale imaging characterization of fracture fluid migration and reactive transport in shales
- Organic Sulfur Isotopes as Records of Paleoenvironmental Change
- Seasonal nutrient cycling between the saturated and unsaturated zones of a contaminated floodplain based on an inundation tracer test
- Stability of microbial communities through seasonal hydrological transitions and the resulting biogeochemical redox response
- Synchrotron X-ray Imaging of Reactive Transport in Unconventional Shales
- X-ray Diffraction Study of Laser-shocked Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>) from 20-130 GPa
- X-ray Diffraction of Shock-Compressed Gibeon Meteorite to 136 GPa
- An integrated experimental and modeling investigation of the impacts of micro-reactions on unconventional gas production
- Calcium complexation by organic matter in calcareous sediments
- Chemistry and structural properties of C-H-O mixtures at conditions comparable to the interiors of ice giants
- Connecting Environmental Systems Science and Digital Library Practices
- Examining the Structure of Supercritical CO<SUB>2 </SUB>using X-ray Raman Spectroscopy and Atomistic Scale Modeling
- Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction of Laser-shocked Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>) to 122 GPa
- High-pressure behavior of shock-compressed novaculite using in-situ X-ray diffraction
- In-situ characterization of silicon deformation mechanism at high-pressure: comparison between static and dynamic compression
- Influx of nitrate into reduced organic-rich sediments stimulates U(VI) reduction
- Interpretation of Ca-associated Organic Matter X-ray Spectra via Electronic Structure Simulation
- Letting the community lead the way to data integration: Data standards and documentation developed by domain experts and the ESS-DIVE repository
- Multiscale Investigation of Reactive Fluid Transport Characteristics in Unconventional Shales
- Paragenetic history of multiple mineral phases in ooids from Great Salt Lake, UT
- Redox of Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth Carbonate Depositional Environments
- Research Program Design for Rapid Decision Support for Climate Intervention
- Towards an Integrated Understanding of Soil-Microbe-Fungi Interactions in the Rhizosphere using Novel Sample Approaches and Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Imaging
- A reactive transport model for celestite precipitation in shale reservoirs subject to hydraulic fracturing
- Crystal Plasticity and Strength of Shock-Compressed hcp-Iron up to 187(10) GPa and 4070(285) K
- FIB-SEM Investigation of the Effects of HFF-Shale Reaction on Mineralogy and Pore Structure
- Fate and Transport Consequences Arising from Biogeochemical Heterogeneity within the Subsurface
- Formation and mobility of FeS colloids in natural waters
- Geochemical Evolution of Shale and Formation Brine Interpreted Using Image Analysis and Flow-through Effluent Data
- How does calcite control stimulation fluid imbibition in shale?
- Hydro-biogeochemical response of oxic-anoxic interfaces to beaver dam construction in a simulated floodplain aquifer
- Hydrology and microbial communities cause shifts in geochemistry and the oxic-anoxic interface in floodplain soils
- In situ X-ray Study of Phase and Spin Transitions in Fe-bearing Pyroxene Under Ultrafast Shock Compression up to 132 GPa
- In situ study of SiO2 deformation and phase transitions on the millisecond timescales using a dynamic diamond anvil cell
- Integrated experimental and modeling investigations of reactive transport processes in fractured shale in hydraulic fracturing systems
- Large organic colloids drive biogeochemical reactions downstream of sediment interfaces in simulated aquifers
- Mineral derived nutrient uptake occurs through organic acid chelation in fungal hyphae
- Persulfate-Replacement Strategies for Mitigating Strontium Scaling in the Permian Basin
- Probing Dissolution Dynamics in Natural Media using Microfluidics
- Redox Dynamics Across the Sediment-Water Interface: Reducibility of Fe-Mn-P Colloids Tied to P Mobility
- Remediation of Heavy Metals by Manganese-oxidizing Microbes and Recycled Carpet Fiber
- Spin State of Iron in Dynamically Compressed Olivine Melt
- Uncertainty quantification of water exchanges due to beaver-induced inundation
- X-ray methods to investigate nutrient cycling in the subsurface
- Zooming into natural Fe-rich colloids from Slate River Floodplain (CO)
- A Local Origin for Carbonate Carbon and Sulfur Isotopic Trends After the GOE
- A pH-Dependent Kinetic Model for Barite (BaSO4) Accumulation in Shales
- Dynamic probing of the high pressure and temperature phase transitions of iron on millisecond timescales
- Experimental Investigation of Phosphorus Uptake onto Carbonate Minerals in Coastal Wastewater Injection Zones
- Ion Transport in Fractured Shale
- Shale mineralogy alteration associated with subsurface H2 storage
- Understanding Redox-Active, Iron-Rich Colloids Across Ecosystem Interfaces
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. R. Kovscek
- Bowen Ling
- Bradley B. Tolar
- Cara M. Santelli
- Christophe Tournassat
- Clara L. Blättler
- Eleanor Spielman-Sun
- Francesca Miozzi
- Hang Deng
- Ilenia Battiato
- Jennifer L. Druhan
- Jon Chorover
- Kate Maher
- Kristin Boye
- Lee R. Kump
- Lijing Wang
- Meret Aeppli
- Miquela Ingalls
- Mo Sodwatana
- Odeta Qafoku
- Roger Bryant
- Sang‐Heon Shim
- Sébastien Merkel
- T. Vinci
- Vincent Noël
- Vitali B. Prakapenka
- Wei Xiong
- Zihua Zhu