Stanford University, Department of Physics
flowchart I[Stanford University, Department of Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (198)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (18)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- "All About the Sun" A Webcast With Audience Participation
- A 127-day Periodicity in Solar Flare Occurrence
- Accuracy of Born and Ray Approximations in Time-Distance Helioseismology
- Can the SOI/MDI Detect White Light Flares?
- Elastic Properties of Clay Minerals
- Interaction of Earth-Directed CMEs Between April 6 and 10, 2001
- Probing Deep Structure of the Sun by Time-Distance Helioseismology
- Reconstruction of Global Non-Linear Force Free Field Base on Vector Magnetic Field Synoptic Charts
- Solar Coronal Structures in Extreme Ultraviolet and Soft X-rays and Their Relation to Magnetic Flux
- Solar Radius Observations by the Michelson Doppler Imager
- The Coronal and Interplanetary Context of Geoeffective ICMEs
- The Largest Active Region of the Solar Cycle
- The Linearized Forward Problem for Time-Distance Helioseismology
- Time-distance Helioseismology Study Over a Rotating Sunspot
- Acoustic Tomography of the Sun's Interior with SDO: Possibilities and Limitations
- Correction of Offset in the MDI/SOHO Magnetograms
- Impulses of Coronal Activity and Their Relation to the Solar Cycle
- Inferring Subphotospheric Supergranular Flows by Time-Distance Helioseismology
- The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager for the Solar Dynamics Observatory
- The North-South Offset of the Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Vector Magnetic Field Measurement Capabiliity of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on SDO
- A Presentation Bank for AGU-SPA Scientists Presenting to the Public
- On Flux Rope in the 1997 May 12 Event
- Prediction of Solar Wind Speed and B_r using CSSS Model
- Sensitivity of Time-Distance Measurements to Local Changes in Sound Speed and Source Properties
- Solar Astronomy: Science in Service to Education
- Solar Corona Obtained with MHD Simulation Using Various Boundary Treatments Based on Characteristic Projection Method
- Solar Subsurface Synoptic Flow Maps by Time-Distance Helioseismology
- Temperature, Density, and Magnetic Field Reconstructions of Active Region Coronae
- The Relation Between the Solar Wind Velocity and the Magnetic Conditions of Coronal Holes
- Time-Distance Helioseismology: How The Inversion Results Depend On The Approximation Used
- Virtual Solar Observatory Distributed Query Construction
- A new source of the slow solar wind
- Causes and Effects of Superstorms Associated With the Magnetic Field in the Corona and the Heliosphere
- Doing Science with the VSO: Signatures of CME Initiation
- Large-Scale Flow Fields Beneath Major Solar Active Regions
- The Effect of the Differential Rotation of Photospheric Magnetic Features on Synoptic Frames of the Photospheric Magnetic Field
- Time-dependent Three-dimensional MHD Simulation of Solar Corona and Solar Wind at Solar Minimum Activity Phase
- ``Transition-Edge Sensors for Solar X-ray Spectral Observations - An Update''
- An Integrated CME-SEP Numerical Investigation of the 1998 May 1-2 CME Events Part I: CME-Shock Models
- Characteristics of the Sun's polar magnetic flux from 1996-2005 using SOHO/MDI observations
- Computing Uniformly Asymptotic Seismograms Using Complex Ray Tracing
- Hard X-ray Emissions From The Legs of Flaring Loops
- High Spectral Resolution Cryogenic Imaging Detectors for Solar Physics
- MHD Simulation of the Global Solar Corona Using the Synoptic Frame of the Photospheric Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Structures of Solar Active Regions, Full Halo Coronal Mass Ejections, and Geomagnetic Storms
- Models for determining the geometrical properties of halo coronal mass ejections
- Recent Progress in Cryogenic Detectors for High Energy Resolution X-ray Imaging.
- Space Weather Monitors -- A Global Education and Small Instruments Program for the IHY 2007
- Time-distance analysis of realistic simulations of solar convection
- VLF Remote Sensing of the Lower Ionosphere: Solar Flares, Electron Precipitation, Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances, Sprites, Gravity Waves and Gamma-ray Flares
- Anisotropy of Helioseismic Waves Excited by Solar Flares
- Cycle in solar polar activity
- Data Management Techniques and Global Acess for the Space Weather Monitor Project of the IHY
- Halo Coronal Mass Ejections and Configuration of the Ambient Magnetic Fields
- International Education Opportunities During the IHY: Bridging the Geographic, Cultural and Linguistic Divide Between Participating IHY Nations
- Large Scale Velocity Features of the Solar Surface
- MHD Simulation of the Global Solar Corona Using the Synoptic Frame of the Photospheric Magnetic Field and Coronal-Base Temperature
- Shock Wave Dynamics and the Particle Acceleration and Transport for 2002, April,21 Event
- Size Distribution of Solar Flares and Active Region Types
- The Solar Polar Field During Solar Cycles 21-23
- Toward Routine Simulations of Heliospheric Transient Disturbances
- Aluminum Manganese Transition Edge Sensors for use in Earth and Solar Sciences.
- An MHD simulation model of the global solar corona with the time-varying boundary magnetic field driven with the current at the lower corona
- Helioseismic Observations of Active Regions Below the Solar Surface from SOHO/MDI
- High-latitudinal Activity in Solar Cycle 23
- Imaging Solar Farside and Tachocline Using SOHO/MDI Data and Numerical Simulations
- Log-scale permeability estimation from thin sections and its impact on the effective permeability of the formation of Donghae-1 gas field, Block VI-1, South Korea
- Numerical Simulations of MHD Waves in the Sun
- Realistic Numerical Simulations of Solar Magneto-Convection and Oscillations
- Solar Eruptions and Large-scale Magnetic Fields
- Validation of Far-side Imaging of Solar Active Regions through Numerical Simulations
- Wave Diffusion and Stochastic Particle Acceleration in 3He-Rich Events
- Helioseismic Measurement of Subsurface Flows at Solar High Latitude
- High-Temperature High-Pressure Bitumen Sand Laboratory Measurements
- Investigating Automated Coronal Mass Ejection Prediction Using a Solar Cycle of MDI Magnetograms
- Polar Magnetic Fields Observed During the Last Four Solar Minima
- Predicting Solar Cycle 24
- Solar rotation rate at high latitude measured by MDI magnetograms
- Standards-based Materials for World-Wide Distribution in the IHY
- Strength of Coronal Mass Ejection-Driven Shocks Near the Sun and Their Importance in Predicting Solar Energetic Particle Events
- The MHD simulation of interplanetary space and heliosphere by using the boundary conditions of time-varying magnetic field and IPS-based plasma
- Towards a Consensus View of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field Strength Since 1900
- Unusual solar wind structure observed during the 2008 sunspot minimum
- Using Data Assimilation Methods for Modeling and Predicting Solar Activity Cycles
- A Functional Analytic Approach to Fréchet Traveltime Kernels
- Combined Fokker-Planck Modeling of Particle Acceleration/Transport and Hydrodynamic Simulation of Atmospheric Response in Solar Flares
- Comparing the Large-Scale Magnetic Field During the Last Three Solar Cycles (Invited)
- Imaging and Spectroscopic Analysis of High Energy Coronal Looptop Sources in Three Solar Flares Observed by RHESSI
- MHD simulations of the solar corona and solar wind with the observation-based time-varying boundary maps of B_r and other variables
- Modeling of sunspot structures using simulations of axisymmetric MHD convection
- Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Production by Lightning Current Pulses
- The Origin of High-Speed Evershed Flows in Sunspots
- The Torsional Oscillation and the Solar Minimum
- The internal dynamics and magnetism of the sun -- the perspective from global helioseismology (Invited)
- The magnetic field at the heliospheric base during solar minimum
- Time-Distance Helioseismology Data Analysis Pipeline for SDO/HMI
- AIA and HMI Data from the SDO Joint Science Operations Center (Invited)
- Calculating Non-Potentiality in Solar Active Regions Using SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Data
- Characteristics of Hot Spots for Solar Activity
- Comparative Analyses of Productive and Non-productive Active Regions based on SDO/HMI Observations using a Three-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Data-driven Active Region Evolution Model (DDAREM)
- Computing Electric Currents in Solar Active Regions with HMI Vector Magnetograms
- Global and Local Helioseismology from HMI and AIA
- Helioseismic Fréchet Traveltime Sensitivity Kernels in Spherical Coordinates
- Helioseismic Studies of a Sunspot using HMI Data
- Helioseismology Study of Subsurface Dynamics in the Polar Regions of the Sun
- Initial Analysis of the Solar Dynamics Observatory Radiation Environment
- Interaction of MHD Waves with Sunspots
- Investigation of Formation and Subsurface Dynamics of Active Regions by Local Helioseismology from SDO
- Modeling the Time Variation of Coronal Holes Observed by SDO/AIA, Stereo A and B Using HMI Synchronic Frames
- Realistic MHD Simulations of Formation of Sunspot-like Structures and Comparison with Observations
- Synchronic Maps and Frames
- The Evolution of Photospheric Flows in Active Regions
- Validating Helioseismic Imaging Techniques using 3D Global-Sun Simulations of Helioseismic Wave Propagation
- A dynamic and realistic heliospheric modelling using interplanetary scintillation and photospheric magnetic data
- Constraints on Stochastic Electron Acceleration Process from RHESSI Solar Flare Observations
- Data Assimilation for Dynamo Modeling and Solar Cycle Prediction
- Early Reversal of the Sun's Polar Field - Is Solar Cycle 24 Already Peaking?
- HMI/SDO results with the vector magnetic field data
- Is Solar Activity Modulated by Astronomical Cycles?
- Large-Scale Subsurface Dynamics of the Sun from SDO/HMI
- Magnetic energy and helicity in the emerging active regions measured with HMI vector magnetograms
- Measuring Acoustic Travel Times in Higher-Latitude Regions of the Sun using Hinode and SDO Data
- Nonlinear Force-Free Extrapolation of Vector Magnetograms into the Corona
- SDO/AIA Observations of Quasi-periodic Fast (~1000 km/s) Propagating (QFP) Waves as Evidence of Fast-mode Magnetosonic Waves in the Low Corona: Statistics and Implications
- Spectropolarimetric Comparison Between SDO/HMI and Hinode-SOT/SP Through THEMIS/MTR
- Testing Helioseismic Measurements of the Solar Meridional Flow with Numerical Simulations
- Vortex tubes of solar convection: formation, properties and dynamics
- Asymmetric Solar Polar Field Reversals
- Detection of Equator-ward Meridional Flows in the Deep Solar Interior
- Evidence for a Solar Influence on Gamma Radiation from Radon
- Evolution of the solar luminosity during solar cycle 23
- Helioseismic measurements of large-scale flows and meridional circulation models using artificial data from numerical simulations
- Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections: A Comparison of AR11158 with a Simulation of Flux Cancellation
- Magnetic Helicity in Emerging Active Regions: A Statistical Study
- Modeling the SW-LISM Interaction Using the MHD-IPS Tomography
- Motion of magnetic elements at the solar equator observed by SDO/HMI
- Numerical Simulation of Thermal and Magnetic Effects of MHD Wave Propagation in Sunspot Models
- SHARPs - A Near-Real-Time Space Weather Data Product from HMI
- Social Media Planning for the June 5, 2012 transit of Venus
- Strategies and Innovative Approaches for the Future of Space Weather Forecasting
- The Asymmetric Polar Field Reversal - Long Term Observations from WSO
- Three Dimensional Parameters and Geoeffectiveness of Full Halo Coronal Mass Ejections During the Solar Raising Phase
- Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Magnetic Structure Producing the X and M Class Flares in the Solar Active Region 11158
- Accumulation of electric currents driving jetting events in the solar atmosphere
- Double ejections in the 23 July 2012 SEP event
- Global MHD Simulation of the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2011 March 7: from Chromosphere to 1 AU
- Large Solar Events in Historical Context (Invited)
- The Search for VLF Precursors to Major Earthquakes: A Case Study with the M9.0 Earthquake of 11-Mar-2011 (Invited)
- The height of flare emissions in white light and in hard X-rays
- Three-dimensional global MHD modeling of a coronal mass ejection interacting with the solar wind
- Using SDO Data in the Classroom to Do Real Science -- A Community College Laboratory Investigation
- Detection of Fast-Moving Waves Propagating from Penumbra to Outside of Sunspots in the Photosphere
- Evolving Global Heliospheric Structure in January 2014
- F-Mode Eikonal Heliotomography
- Measuring deep solar meridional flow by a new strategy
- Pre-Processing and Cross-Correlation Techniques for Time-Distance Helioseismology
- Predicting the high-speed-stream caused Bs events using the Current Sheet Source Surface Model
- Bayesian Analysis of Hmi Images and Comparison to Tsi Variations and MWO Image Observables
- Correlation between solar acoustic emission and phase of the solar cycle
- Observing Propagation of Magnetoacoustic Waves from the Photosphere to the Corona in Sunspot Regions
- Predicting the Interplanetary Magnetic Field using Approaches Based on Data Mining and Physical Models
- SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Observations of the Solar Polar Region
- Helioseismic analysis on the spatial and temporal relation between sunquake events and extreme solar flares in Solar Cycle 24
- Q-Maps: A New Synoptic Data Product for Investigating Dynamic Coronal Connectivity
- Solar Wind Simulations from the Sun to Earth Using a Data-Driven, MHD Model and Characteristically-Consistent Boundary Conditions Derived from SDO/HMI Vector Magnetograms
- Data-driven Model of the ICME Propagation through the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere
- Data-driven Simulations of Magnetic Connectivity in Behind-the-Limb Gamma-ray Flares and Associated Coronal Mass Ejections
- Hemisphere Rule in Active Regions with Different Properties
- Measuring the Large-scale Solar Magnetic Field
- Predicting the Magnetic Properties of ICMEs: A Pragmatic View
- SunPy: Python for Solar Physics
- The connection between X-ray and coronal emission measure in solar limb flares as a diagnostic of non-thermal particle acceleration and heating processes
- The size of coronal hard X-ray sources in solar flares: How big are they?
- Cloud Removal in Hyperspectral Satellite Images Using Deep Learning
- Data-driven Model of Global Solar Corona Based on Vector Magnetogram Data
- Deep-Integrated Solar Polar Magnetic Field Observed by SDO/HMI
- Helioseismology from An Off-Sun-Earth Vantage Point
- Inferring the Sun's Far-Side Magnetic Flux for Operations Using Time-Distance Helioseismic Imaging
- Machine Learning, Statistics, and Data Mining for Heliophysics
- Mapping the Sun's Far-Side Magnetic Flux Using Near-side Helioseismic Measurements by Deep Learning
- Super-Resolution Maps of the Solar Magnetic Field Covering 40 Years of Space Weather Events
- Tracking supergranulation near the poles with SDO/HMI
- Ubiquitous imaging of solar photospheric fields using miniature, photonic magnetographs
- A Survey of Computational Tools in Solar Physics
- Applying Machine Learning \to Understanding the Physical Processes of Solar Flare Onset
- COFFIES - Developing a Reliable Physical Model of the Solar Activity Cycle
- Flux-Transport Simulations of Solar Polar Magnetic Fields Based on Various Meridional Surface Flow Profiles
- Global Solar Flows and Magnetic Fields: Observing, Simulating and Predicting Their Impact on the Heliosphere and Terrestrial Atmosphere
- Magnetic Signatures of Sympathetic Flares
- SOLSTICE: Space Weather Modeling Meets Machine Learning
- Super-resolution of Solar Magnetograms
- Temporal Evolution of the Sun's Meridional Circulation During Solar Cycle 24
- The Sun's Meridional-Flow Measurements from Out-of-Ecliptic Observations
- The Unique and Essential Benefits of a High-Latitude Vantage Point
- Understanding Solar Cycle Magnetic Evolution with Properties of Solar Active Regions
- Using New Acoustically-Derived Solar Far-Side Magnetic-Flux Maps for Data Assimilation in Flux Transport Models