flowchart AA["Associated Authors (1431)"] C[Law] BC["Broader Concepts (1)"] NC["Narrower Concepts (1648)"] C== skos:broader ==>BC NC== skos:broader ==>C AA== dcterms:relation ==>C click BC "#broader-concepts" click NC "#narrower-concepts" click AA "#associated-authors" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->C C-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- Wikidata
- OpenAlex ID
- (API record)
- OpenAlex Description
- system of rules and guidelines, generally backed by governmental authority
- OpenAlex Level [?]
- 1
Broader Concepts
Narrower Concepts
- 21st century skills
- Abandonment (legal)
- Ableism
- Abstinence
- Absurdism
- Academic year
- Accident management
- Accountability
- Accreditation
- Acquittal
- Addendum
- Adjudication
- Administration (probate law)
- Administration of justice
- Administrative court
- Administrative division
- Administrative law
- Administrative services organization
- Admissible evidence
- Adult education
- Adultery
- Adversarial system
- Aerospace
- Affirmative action
- Afghan
- African-American history
- Afro-Caribbean
- Age discrimination
- Age of Enlightenment
- Agent Orange
- Alibi
- Alienation
- Alimony
- Allegation
- Alliance
- Alternative media
- Amateur
- Amendment
- Amenity
- American Century
- American rule
- Americanization
- Anabaptists
- Ancestor
- Anecdote
- Animal ethics
- Animal rights
- Annual cycle
- Annulment
- Anomie
- Anonymity
- Antarctic treaty
- Anthropocentrism
- Anti-Americanism
- Aotearoa
- Apartment
- Apologetics
- Apostle
- Apothecaries' system
- Appeal
- Appearance of impropriety
- Applied ethics
- Applied science
- Apportionment
- Appropriate technology
- Arab–Israeli conflict
- Arbitration
- Archipelagic state
- Argumentative
- Armed conflict
- Arms control
- Arson
- Aryan race
- Assisted suicide
- Atlantic World
- Atlantic slave trade
- Attendance
- Audience measurement
- Aunt
- Authentication (law)
- Autonomy
- Axiology
- Bachelor
- Backpack
- Bad faith
- Balance of interests
- Bandwagon effect
- Bankruptcy
- Baptism
- Bargaining power
- Baseline (sea)
- Basic income
- Battlespace
- Beauty
- Begging
- Belief in God
- Beneficiary
- Bequest
- Bespoke
- Best interests
- Best practice
- Betrayal
- Bibliography
- Big business
- Bill of lading
- Bioethics
- Biography
- Biological warfare
- Bishops
- Black market
- Black theology
- Blacklisting
- Blanket
- Blasphemy
- Blind trust
- Bodily integrity
- Body of knowledge
- Boilerplate text
- Border Security
- Boy Scouts
- Broadband
- Brother
- Bulletin board
- Burden of proof
- Bursary
- Business communication
- Business ecosystem
- Business ethics
- Business opportunity
- Business sector
- Business studies
- Butcher
- Cadastre
- Cadet
- Calendering
- California Proposition 13
- Call centre
- Calvinism
- Canon law
- Capability approach
- Capacity building
- Capacity management
- Cape
- Capital gain
- Capital punishment
- Casebook
- Caste
- Casual
- Casuistry
- Catechesis
- Catechism
- Catholic social teaching
- Catholic theology
- Causation
- Caveat emptor
- Celibacy
- Censorship
- Center of excellence
- Centralisation
- Certification
- Champion
- Championship
- Charisma
- Charter
- Chechen
- Chemical warfare
- Child custody
- Child protection
- Child support
- Children's literature
- China
- Chinatown
- Chose
- Christian Identity
- Christian ethics
- Christian ministry
- Christian tradition
- Church Growth
- Circular migration
- Circumstantial evidence
- Citation
- Citizen journalism
- City-state
- Civics
- Civil affairs
- Civil code
- Civil defense
- Civil litigation
- Civil procedure
- Civil rights
- Civilian population
- Civilization
- Clan
- Classified information
- Classroom management
- Clean technology
- Closing (real estate)
- Closure (psychology)
- Clothing
- Cloud computing
- Code of conduct
- Cohabitation
- Collaboration
- Collateral
- Collectable
- Collective bargaining
- Collective memory
- Collective responsibility
- Collegiality
- Colonialism
- Colored
- Combat readiness
- Combat stress reaction
- Combatant
- Comfort women
- Comics
- Commercial law
- Commercial policy
- Commercialism
- Commercialization
- Commission
- Common law
- Common ownership
- Common sense
- Commoner
- Commons
- Commonwealth
- Communication sciences
- Communication studies
- Communications law
- Community building
- Community cohesion
- Community design
- Community development
- Community economic development
- Community engagement
- Community mobilization
- Community network
- Community organization
- Community organizing
- Community project
- Community standards
- Comparative law
- Compassion
- Complaint
- Complicity
- Compromise
- Compulsory education
- Computer Applications
- Computer fraud
- Computer lab
- Computer literacy
- Confession (law)
- Confidentiality
- Confiscation
- Conflict avoidance
- Conflict management
- Conflict of interest
- Conflict of laws
- Conflict resolution
- Conflict transformation
- Conformity
- Conscience
- Consciousness raising
- Consent decree
- Consequentialism
- Consignment
- Constitution
- Constitutional law
- Constructive fraud
- Constructive trust
- Consumer Protection Act
- Consumer education
- Consumer law
- Consumerism
- Consummation
- Contact hypothesis
- Contemporary society
- Contempt
- Contextual learning
- Continuance
- Contractualism
- Convention
- Conventionalism
- Conveyancing
- Convict
- Conviction
- Coparenting
- Copying
- Coronation
- Corporal punishment
- Corporate crime
- Corporate social responsibility
- Corporation
- Corporatization
- Cost sharing
- Cost–benefit analysis
- Counterattack
- Counterculture
- Counterfeit
- Counterintelligence
- Counterplan
- Country of origin
- Courage
- Court decision
- Courtesy
- Cousin
- Covenant
- Cowardice
- Creative industries
- Creative work
- Creativity
- Credential
- Credentialing
- Credibility
- Creed
- Crime analysis
- Crime prevention
- Crime scene
- Crime statistics
- Criminal case
- Criminal investigation
- Criminal justice
- Criminal law
- Criminal procedure
- Criminal record
- Criminal trial
- Criminalization
- Crisis communication
- Crisis management
- Critical consciousness
- Critical infrastructure
- Critical pedagogy
- Critical practice
- Critical theory
- Criticism
- Cross-cultural
- Crowdsourcing
- Cruelty
- Crutch
- Culpability
- Cult
- Cultivation System
- Cultural appropriation
- Cultural bias
- Cultural capital
- Cultural competence
- Cultural diversity
- Cultural heritage
- Cultural intelligence
- Cultural pluralism
- Cultural policy
- Cultural studies
- Culture industry
- Culture of the United States
- Curriculum
- Customs union
- Cyberwarfare
- Damages
- Dandy
- Dangerous driving
- Dark figure of crime
- Data Protection Act 1998
- Data center
- Daughter
- Day care
- De facto
- De-escalation
- Deadly force
- Death with dignity
- Decadence
- Decentralization
- Deception
- Declaration
- Decree
- Decriminalization
- Deductible
- Deed
- Deep ecology
- Default rule
- Defeasible estate
- Defense attorney
- Deference
- Dehumanization
- Delegation
- Demise
- Denim
- Deontological ethics
- Depot
- Derogation
- Desegregation
- Desert (philosophy)
- Desertion
- Design and Technology
- Design speed
- Design technology
- Desk
- Determinative
- Deterrence (psychology)
- Deterrence theory
- Deterritorialization
- Development aid
- Development communication
- Development studies
- Diaspora
- Differentiated instruction
- Digital Revolution
- Digital content
- Digital economy
- Digital literacy
- Digital media
- Digital native
- Digital rights
- Digital rights management
- Digital transformation
- Dignity
- Dimethyl methylphosphonate
- Diminished responsibility
- Direct examination
- Disability discrimination
- Disability studies
- Disadvantage
- Disadvantaged
- Disarmament
- Disaster recovery
- Discipline
- Disclaimer
- Disconnection
- Discourse ethics
- Discretion
- Discussion group
- Disfigurement
- Dishonesty
- Dismissal
- Disparate system
- Dispute resolution
- Disruptive innovation
- Dissemination
- Dissenting opinion
- Distance education
- Distrust
- Diversity (politics)
- Divestment
- Dividend
- Divine grace
- Divine providence
- Divinity
- Division of labour
- Doctrine
- Documentary evidence
- Domestic market
- Dominion
- Domino effect
- Donation
- Double consciousness
- Double jeopardy
- Double standard
- Double taxation
- Dove
- Dowry
- Dress code
- Dreyfus model of skill acquisition
- Drug control
- Drug court
- Due diligence
- Duty
- Duty of care
- Dysentery
- Dystopia
- E-commerce
- E-services
- Easement
- Eccentricity (behavior)
- Ecclesiology
- Ecological assessment
- Economic Justice
- Economic crime
- Economic freedom
- Economic integration
- Economic law
- Economic potential
- Economic sector
- Economic security
- Economic union
- Ecumenism
- Educational attainment
- Educational equity
- Educational institution
- Educational leadership
- Educational program
- Educational technology
- Electronic data processing
- Electronic media
- Electronic surveillance
- Element (criminal law)
- Emergency management
- Emigration
- Eminent domain
- Empire
- Employability
- Employee benefits
- Employment discrimination
- Empowerment
- Enculturation
- Encyclical
- Encyclopedia
- Endowment
- Enforcement
- Engineering education
- English law
- Enterprise private network
- Entertainment
- Entrapment
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental compliance
- Environmental crime
- Environmental data
- Environmental education
- Environmental impact assessment
- Environmental justice
- Environmental law
- Environmental quality
- Environmental security
- Environmental standard
- Environmental studies
- Ephemera
- Equity (law)
- Escrow
- Espionage
- Estate
- Ethical code
- Ethical decision
- Ethical dilemma
- Ethical egoism
- Ethics of care
- Ethnic group
- Ethnocentrism
- Ethos
- Etiquette
- Eucharist
- Eudaimonia
- Eugenics
- Eulogy
- Eurocentrism
- European Research Area
- European patent office
- Evangelism
- Everyday life
- Eviction
- Ex parte
- Excellence
- Excise
- Exclusive economic zone
- Excursion
- Excuse
- Executive order
- Executor
- Existentialism
- Expatriate
- Experiential learning
- Expert witness
- Express trust
- Expressivism
- Expropriation
- Extinguishment
- Extortion
- Extracurricular activity
- Facilitation
- Facilitator
- Fact-finding
- Fair trade
- Fair use
- False accusation
- False advertising
- Family court
- Family income
- Family law
- Family values
- Famine
- Far East
- Favourite
- Fear of crime
- Federal Rules of Evidence
- Feminism
- Feminist ethics
- Feud
- Field trip
- Financial services
- Firm offer
- First aid
- First responder
- Fiscal capacity
- Fiscal year
- Fishing
- Fixture
- Flexicurity
- Fluid ounce (US)
- Food distribution
- Food industry
- Food processing
- Food studies
- Food technology
- Football
- Forbearance
- Force majeure
- Forced marriage
- Foreclosure
- Foreign direct investment
- Foreign national
- Forensic dentistry
- Forensic psychiatry
- Forensic psychology
- Forgiveness
- Formality
- Foster care
- Foundation (evidence)
- Foundation Stage
- Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study
- Fraternity
- Free speech
- Freedman
- Freedom of choice
- Freedom of contract
- Freedom of information
- Freedom of movement
- Freehold
- Front line
- Frontier
- Frugality
- Full-time
- Functional illiteracy
- Gatekeeping
- Gender analysis
- General assembly
- General partnership
- Generation gap
- Generosity
- Genocide
- Gentry
- German Federal Republic
- Gilded Age
- Glass ceiling
- Global citizenship
- Global city
- Global education
- Globalization
- Golden Rule
- Good faith
- Gossip
- Grain trade
- Grand Challenges
- Grand strategy
- Grandparent
- Grant writing
- Great Awakening
- Great Depression
- Great books
- Greening
- Grey market
- Grievance
- Ground zero
- Group cohesiveness
- Group conflict
- Group decision-making
- Guardian
- Guideline
- Gulag
- Gun control
- Happiness
- Harassment
- Harm
- Hate crime
- Health care
- Hearsay
- Heavy industry
- Hedonism
- Hegelianism
- Heresy
- Hierarchical organization
- Hierarchy
- High Court
- High tech
- High-definition television
- Higher education
- Hippocratic Oath
- Historical sociology
- Historical thinking
- Historicism
- Historiography
- History of ideas
- History of the United States
- Hobby
- Holistic education
- Holy See
- Home equity
- Homosexuality
- Honesty
- Honeymoon
- Honour
- House call
- Housewife
- Housing discrimination
- Housing tenure
- Human cloning
- Human development (humanity)
- Human resource management
- Human resources
- Human rights
- Human security
- Human services
- Human sexuality
- Humanism
- Humanitarian aid
- Humanity
- Humiliation
- Humility
- Hunter-gatherer
- Hypermarket
- Hypermobility (travel)
- Hypocrisy
- Ideal (ethics)
- Ignorance
- Image of God
- Immigration
- Impact assessment
- Impact factor
- Impartiality
- Imperial examination
- Impossibility
- Imprisonment
- Incitement
- Incivility
- Income Support
- Income tax
- Indemnity
- Independent living
- Indian country
- Indictment
- Indirect effect
- Individualism
- Indulgence
- Industrial Revolution
- Industrial action
- Industrial democracy
- Industrial espionage
- Industrial park
- Industrial relations
- Industrial technology
- Industrialisation
- Infantry
- Informal learning
- Informatics
- Information Age
- Information Operations
- Information and Communications Technology
- Information ethics
- Information industry
- Information market
- Information overload
- Information policy
- Information privacy
- Information revolution
- Information science
- Information sensitivity
- Information sharing
- Information society
- Information system
- Information technology
- Information warfare
- Ingroups and outgroups
- Injustice
- Innocence
- Inquest
- Insanity
- Insider
- Insider trading
- Insolvency
- Institution
- Institutionalisation
- Insult
- Insurance fraud
- Insurance policy
- Integration platform
- Intellectual capital
- Intellectual history
- Intellectual property
- Intellectualism
- Intelligence analysis
- Intercultural competence
- Interdependence
- Interdisciplinarity
- Interfacing
- Interim
- Interlibrary loan
- International Action
- International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences
- International business
- International communication
- International development
- International law
- International regime
- International security
- International studies
- International trade law
- International waters
- Internship
- Interpersonal relationship
- Interrogation
- Interview
- Intimidation
- Intrinsic value (animal ethics)
- Invention
- Invocation
- Iraq war
- Ivory tower
- Jeremy bentham
- Job description
- Joint-stock company
- Journalism
- Judgement
- Judicial interpretation
- Judicial opinion
- Judicial reform
- Judicial review
- Jurisdiction
- Jurisprudence
- Jury
- Just-world hypothesis
- Kantian ethics
- Keiretsu
- Kenya
- Kindness
- Kinship
- Knowledge economy
- Knowledge society
- Labor intensity
- Labor relations
- Labour law
- Laissez-faire
- Land administration
- Landlocked country
- Landlord
- Language barrier
- Lanolin
- Latin Americans
- Laundry
- Law and Religion
- Law and literature
- Law enforcement
- Law library
- Law reform
- Lawsuit
- Layperson
- Laziness
- Leadership development
- Leading question
- Learning community
- Learning environment
- Lease
- Leasehold estate
- Legal action
- Legal advice
- Legal case
- Legal certainty
- Legal consciousness
- Legal culture
- Legal doctrine
- Legal document
- Legal education
- Legal ethics
- Legal fiction
- Legal guardian
- Legal history
- Legal norm
- Legal person
- Legal practice
- Legal process
- Legal profession
- Legal psychology
- Legal research
- Legal responsibility
- Legal science
- Legal service
- Legal status
- Legal translation
- Legalization
- Legislation
- Legislative history
- Legislature
- Lesson plan
- Letter to the editor
- Liability
- Liberalization
- Liberation theology
- Libertarianism
- License
- Licensure
- Lien
- Lifelong learning
- Limited company
- Limited liability
- Literacy
- Lived religion
- Living wage
- Local church
- Local community
- Local government
- Long nineteenth century
- Looting
- Loyalty
- Lunatic
- Madam
- Magisterium
- Magistrate
- Mainstream
- Majesty
- Majority rule
- Malice
- Malpractice
- Management development
- Mandate
- Mandatory retirement
- Manifesto
- Manufacturing
- Maritime security
- Market discipline
- Market research
- Marriage law
- Mascot
- Mass media
- Matriculation
- Maturity (psychological)
- Maxim
- Meat packing industry
- Media consumption
- Media culture
- Media event
- Media relations
- Mediation
- Medical ethics
- Medical law
- Medical negligence
- Memoir
- Memorandum
- Memorandum of understanding
- Memorialization
- Mentorship
- Mercantilism
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Meritocracy
- Metropolitan police
- Micro-enterprise
- Microfinance
- Microform
- Microhistory
- Middle East
- Middle Passage
- Middle class
- Military history
- Military intelligence
- Military justice
- Military medicine
- Military operation
- Military personnel
- Military science
- Military service
- Military strategy
- Military tactics
- Military technology
- Mine action
- Minimum wage
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Transport
- Minor (academic)
- Miracle
- Misappropriation
- Misconduct
- Misdemeanor
- Misinformation
- Misrepresentation
- Missiology
- Mission statement
- Mistake
- Mixed economy
- Mobilization
- Modern warfare
- Modernity
- Modernization theory
- Mohism
- Money laundering
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Moral agency
- Moral character
- Moral courage
- Moral development
- Moral disengagement
- Moral evil
- Moral imperative
- Moral obligation
- Moral panic
- Moral psychology
- Moral reasoning
- Moral responsibility
- Morality
- Mosquito net
- Muhammad-Ali
- Multiculturalism
- Multidisciplinary approach
- Multimodal transport
- Multinational corporation
- Multitude
- Municipal services
- Murrah buffalo
- Mutiny
- Mutual aid
- Mysticism
- Nation branding
- National Insurance
- National Policy
- National Spirit
- National archives
- National security
- National service
- Natural justice
- Natural law
- Natural person
- Natural resource
- Navy
- Needs assessment
- Negotiable instrument
- Negotiation
- Neoliberalism (international relations)
- Nephew and niece
- Netting
- Network effect
- Network society
- Network-centric warfare
- Neutrality
- New Economic Policy
- New class
- New media
- News media
- Newspaper
- Next of kin
- Niche market
- Nigerians
- Nightlife
- Nihilism
- Nomination
- Non-fiction
- Non-human
- Norm (philosophy)
- Normative
- Normative ethics
- Notice
- Nuclear family
- Nuclear weapon
- Nudge theory
- Nuisance
- Nullification
- Numinous
- Nurse education
- Nursing ethics
- Nutrition Education
- O'Connor
- Oath
- Obedience
- Obituary
- Objectification
- Objectivism
- Obligation
- Obstacle
- Occupational safety and health
- Office administration
- Office automation
- Officer
- Official language
- Old town
- Online and offline
- Online community
- Online discussion
- Online research methods
- Open data
- Opening ceremony
- Operating speed
- Operating theater
- Opinion leadership
- Opium
- Opportunism
- Optimal tax
- Organic unity
- Organised crime
- Organizational structure
- Ostracism
- Outreach
- Outsourcing
- Overcrowding
- Overtime
- Pact
- Paideia
- Pain and suffering
- Panchayati raj
- Papal infallibility
- Parade
- Paragraph
- Paraphernalia
- Parental supervision
- Participatory culture
- Pastoral care
- Pastoral theology
- Patent application
- Patent office
- Paternalism
- Patriarchy
- Patrolling
- Payment by Results
- Peace and conflict studies
- Peace education
- Peacebuilding
- Peacekeeping
- Peacemaking
- Peacetime
- Peasant
- Peer pressure
- Peer review
- Pejorative
- Penal code
- Pension
- Pentagon
- Periodical literature
- Permission
- Personal development
- Personal injury
- Personal life
- Personalism
- Personally identifiable information
- Personhood
- Pharmacy
- Philately
- Philosophy education
- Philosophy for Children
- Philosophy of history
- Philosophy of life
- Philosophy of sport
- Physician assisted suicide
- Picketing
- Piety
- Plain English
- Plain language
- Plaintiff
- Planned economy
- Plantago ovata
- Plea
- Pleading
- Pledge
- Police brutality
- Policy advocacy
- Policy analysis
- Politeness
- Politics
- Polluter pays principle
- Poor law
- Poorhouse
- Popular culture
- Popular education
- Popularity
- Pornography
- Positive Youth Development
- Positivism
- Post-industrial society
- Postcolonialism (international relations)
- Poverty
- Practical philosophy
- Practical reason
- Praxis
- Precarity
- Precept
- Precinct
- Precommitment
- Prejudice (legal term)
- Premises
- Preparedness
- Presentism
- Presumption
- Presumption of innocence
- Preventive detention
- Pride
- Prima facie
- Prime time
- Principle of double effect
- Principle of legality
- Printing press
- Prison
- Private label
- Private property
- Private rights
- Private sector
- Privilege (computing)
- Probate
- Procedural law
- Proclamation
- Productive forces
- Professional association
- Professional boundaries
- Professional conduct
- Professional ethics
- Professional responsibility
- Professionalization
- Profit sharing
- Progressive education
- Project-based learning
- Promulgation
- Property rights
- Proportionality (law)
- Prosperity
- Protestantism
- Proximate and ultimate causation
- Pseudonym
- Psychiatric hospital
- Public authority
- Public broadcasting
- Public consultation
- Public engagement
- Public finance
- Public housing
- Public infrastructure
- Public institution
- Public interest
- Public land
- Public law
- Public order
- Public participation
- Public policy
- Public power
- Public prosecutor
- Public records
- Public rights
- Public sector
- Public servant
- Public service
- Public speaking
- Public transport
- Public trust
- Public use
- Public value
- Publication
- Publicity
- Publishing
- Pun
- Punitive damages
- Purge
- Pursuer
- Racial integration
- Racism
- Rack
- Ransom
- Rapture
- Rational choice theory (criminology)
- Rationality
- Rationalization (economics)
- Reading (process)
- Real estate
- Real property
- Realm
- Reasonable accommodation
- Reasonable doubt
- Reasonable person
- Rebuttal
- Recklessness
- Recreation
- Redevelopment
- Redress
- Reflective equilibrium
- Reflective practice
- Reform Act
- Refugee
- Regional integration
- Regional organization
- Regional policy
- Regional variation
- Regionalisation
- Regulatory reform
- Relational contract
- Relative deprivation
- Relevance (law)
- Religiosity
- Religious controversies
- Religious conversion
- Religious discrimination
- Religious education
- Religious organization
- Religious pluralism
- Remarriage
- Remedial education
- Remittance
- Remuneration
- Renting
- Repatriation
- Repeal
- Reputation
- Res judicata
- Rescission
- Research center
- Research proposal
- Reservation
- Residential area
- Resocialization
- Respondent
- Restitution
- Restorative justice
- Restructuring
- Retirement community
- Retraining
- Reverence
- Revolving door
- Right of way
- Right to die
- Right to know
- Right to privacy
- Ring road
- Rite
- Rothschild
- Royal Commission
- Rulemaking
- Rules of engagement
- Rules of evidence
- Rumor
- Rural area
- Safe harbor
- Safeguard
- Safety net
- Salary
- Salient
- Salon
- Sanctions
- Sanity
- Scapegoat
- Scholarship
- School choice
- School discipline
- Science education
- Science park
- Science policy
- Scientific law
- Scrutiny
- Secrecy
- Secretary general
- Sect
- Secular education
- Secularity
- Secularization
- Security community
- Security interest
- Security studies
- Seekers
- Self defense
- Self-determination
- Self-help
- Self-interest
- Self-sufficiency
- Selfishness
- Senior management
- Seniority
- Sensationalism
- Sensibility
- Sentimentality
- Serfdom
- Seriousness
- Service-learning
- Sesamum
- Setback
- Settlor
- Severance
- Sex discrimination
- Sex offender
- Sex segregation
- Sexual misconduct
- Sexual violence
- Shahid
- Shame
- Sharing economy
- Shopping mall
- Sick leave
- Sincerity
- Sine qua non
- Single parent
- Single-family detached home
- Sister
- Site selection
- Situational ethics
- Slider
- Slippery slope
- Slowdown
- Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Small business
- Social Gospel
- Social Partnership
- Social Welfare
- Social business
- Social capital
- Social change
- Social class
- Social consciousness
- Social control
- Social deprivation
- Social dialogue
- Social ecology
- Social economy
- Social engagement
- Social environment
- Social equality
- Social exclusion
- Social impact assessment
- Social insurance
- Social integration
- Social issues
- Social media
- Social mobility
- Social partners
- Social policy
- Social protection
- Social responsibility
- Social security
- Social software
- Social status
- Social stratification
- Social studies
- Social work
- Sociocultural evolution
- Socioeconomic development
- Sociology of law
- Socratic method
- Solution process
- Spanish Civil War
- Special Interest Group
- Special Relationship
- Special collections
- Special education
- Special forces
- Spectacle
- Spiritual formation
- Spontaneous order
- Sport management
- Sports science
- Sportsmanship
- Spouse
- Staffing
- Stakeholder
- Stakeholder engagement
- Stalking
- Standard of living
- Standardization
- Statement (logic)
- Status quo
- Statute
- Statutory law
- Stepfamily
- Stipend
- Stipulation
- Stockpile
- Store brand
- Strategic communication
- Strategic studies
- Strict constructionism
- Structural adjustment
- Structuring
- Study abroad
- Subpoena
- Subrogation
- Subsidy
- Substantive law
- Suite
- Summer vacation
- Summons
- Supernumerary
- Supervisor
- Supply chain
- Support group
- Supreme court
- Surety
- Surrender
- Suspect
- Sustainable development
- Sustenance
- Sweatshop
- Syllabus
- Syndicate
- Synod
- Taboo
- Tacking
- Tariff
- Tax credit
- Tax exemption
- Tax rate
- Tax reform
- Tax revenue
- Taxable income
- Taxpayer
- Teaching method
- Team Spirit
- Team management
- Teamwork
- Technical communication
- Technical standard
- Technician
- Technology assessment
- Technology education
- Teleconference
- Teleology
- Television station
- Temporalities
- Ten Commandments
- Terrorism
- Testamentary trust
- Textile industry
- The Holocaust
- The Venerable
- The arts
- Third order
- Threat assessment
- Time constraint
- Title III
- Tobacco industry
- Tokenism
- Total institution
- Touchdown
- Tourism
- Town council
- Trade barrier
- Trade regulation
- Trademark
- Traditional authority
- Traditional education
- Traffic management
- Traffic police
- Training manual
- Training system
- Transculturation
- Transformation processes
- Transition economy
- Transnationality
- Transparency (behavior)
- Traumatic stress
- Treasury
- Treaty
- Trespass
- Trial by ordeal
- Tribe
- Tribunal
- Tribute
- Trophy
- Truancy
- Trust law
- Tutorial system
- Typhus
- Unanimity
- Unconscionability
- Under-reporting
- Underclass
- Underdevelopment
- Underground Railroad
- Undue influence
- Unexploded ordnance
- Unfair competition
- Uniform Commercial Code
- Unintended consequences
- Uniqueness
- Unitary state
- Unity in diversity
- Universal law
- Universal service
- Upper class
- Upset
- Urban culture
- Urban studies
- User fee
- Utilitarianism
- Utilization
- Utopia
- Vagrancy
- Value judgment
- Value theory
- Value-added tax
- Values education
- Van Dyke beard
- Vendor
- Venture capital
- Verdict
- Vertical integration
- Vesting
- Vetting
- Victorian era
- Vietnam War
- Virginity test
- Virtual representation
- Virtual team
- Virtue
- Vocational education
- Voluntariness
- Voluntary association
- Vulgarity
- Vulnerable adult
- Wage
- Wainwright
- Waiver
- Warranty
- Webcast
- Welfare
- Well-being
- Western culture
- Wheelchair
- White paper
- White-collar crime
- Who's Who
- Wife
- Wildness
- Will to power
- Witness
- Wool
- Workbook
- Workforce
- Working group
- World Values Survey
- World War II
- World championship
- World economy
- World history
- World view
- Worship
- Woven fabric
- Writ
- Wrongdoing
- Yankee
- Yarn
- Young professional
- Youth culture
- Youth engagement
- Youth studies
- Youth work
- Zeitgeist
- Zero tolerance
- Zoning
Associated Authors
- A. D. Rapp
- A. Davis
- A. Garcia-Reyes
- A. García Muñoz
- A. M. Fridlind
- A. M. Portier
- A. R. E. Taylor
- A. R. Metcalf
- A. Savtchenko
- A.R. Siders
- Abdulhakim M. Abdi
- Adam B. Sokol
- Adam J. Mathews
- Adam McMaster
- Adam T. Ringler
- Adam Varble
- Adani Azhoni
- Adele L. Igel
- Adele Young
- Aditi Agrawal
- Adrian M. Tompkins
- Adriane R. Lam
- Ahmed Abdelkader
- Aiden R. Jönsson
- Aijun Ding
- Aiko Voigt
- Ajay Gajanan Bhave
- Ajay Ranipeta
- Akshay Aravamudan
- Akshay Suresh
- Alain Protat
- Alan K. Betts
- Alberto Accomazzi
- Alejandro Bodas‐Salcedo
- Alejandro Marti
- Alessandro Ossola
- Alex B. Hill
- Alex J. Webster
- Alex Mayer
- Alex de Sherbinin
- Alexander B. MacDonald
- Alexander Marshak
- Alexander Yates
- Alexandre Martinez
- Alexei Korolev
- Alfonso Delgado-Bonal
- Alicia Torregrosa
- Alison Banks
- Alison Specht
- Alistair Ford
- Allison A. Wing
- Allison Campbell
- Allison Mattheis
- Allison McComiskey
- Allyson Bieryla
- Alok Bhardwaj
- Alysha Helmrich
- Alyssa Abbey
- Amanda E. Cravens
- Amanda Giang
- Amanda H. Schmidt
- Amber E. Budden
- Amber S. Bismack
- Amin Dezfuli
- Amy Donovan
- Amy E. Frazier
- Anastasia Montgomery
- Anderson Banihirwe
- Andi Muttaqin
- Andone C. Lavery
- Andrea Baudoin Farah
- Andrea Castelletti
- Andrea Cominola
- Andrea F. Corral
- Andrea K. Thomer
- Andrew Detwiler
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew Guest
- Andrew Hamilton
- Andrew J. Felton
- Andrew J. Heymsfield
- Andrew J. Pershing
- Andrew Lockley
- Andrew M. Dzambo
- Andrew M. Vogelmann
- Andrew S. Ackerman
- Andrew T. McDonald
- Andries Jan de Vries
- Andrzej Z. Kotarba
- Andrés García
- Ane Alencar
- Angappan Regupathi
- Angelo Gurgel
- Aniruddh Mohan
- Anita Desikan
- Anna Jaruga
- Anna Lea Albright
- Anna M. Brockway
- Anna Possner
- Anne Gold
- Anne Sledd
- Annette Hilton
- Anning Huang
- Annisa Triyanti
- Anping Chen
- Ansir Ilyas
- Anthony B. Davis
- Anthony M. Castronova
- Anthony R. Cummings
- Antonia Hadjimichael
- Anusuriya Devaraju
- Anwesa Bhattacharya
- Aparna Bamzai‐Dodson
- Aparna S. Varde
- Archana Dayalu
- Ariel Morrison
- Arka Mitra
- Arman Ahmadi
- Armin Sorooshian
- Ashish Shrestha
- Ashley Walker
- Ashok Kumar Gupta
- Asim Zia
- Aude Zingraff‐Hamed
- Auroop R. Ganguly
- Austin Himes
- Avadhesh Kumar
- B. E. Strauss
- B. Ervens
- B. F. O'Leary
- B. K. Meinke
- B. P. de Sousa
- B. Udall
- Baike Xi
- Bandana Kar
- Baojing Gu
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Ben Chiewphasa
- Ben Silver
- Ben Yang
- Benjamin Goldstein
- Benjamin Taylor
- Benjamin V. Rackham
- Benjamín Lucas
- Bernardo A. Bastien-Olvera
- Beth Tellman
- Bill Liles
- Billy Williams
- Bin Chen
- Bin Zhao
- Bin Zhu
- Bing Gao
- Bingliang Zhuang
- Biplov Bhandari
- Bistra Dilkina
- Biswajit Nath
- Björn Stevens
- Blair Edwards
- Blaž Gasparini
- Brandon Lawton
- Brian H. Kahn
- Brian Matthews
- Brian Medeiros
- Brian V. Smoliak
- Brianna John
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- Brittany Dygert
- Brooks Hanson
- Bruce E. Wilson
- Bryce E. Harrop
- C. B. Voter
- C. J. Martinez
- C. Jackson
- C. K. Pankratz
- C. M. Oaida
- C. R. Jones
- C. R. Terai
- C. S. Bretherton
- Caitlin G Jones
- Caitlin Grady
- Caitlin Rublee
- Caitlyn Hall
- Calvin Howes
- Camilla Govoni
- Camilo J. Bastidas Pacheco
- Carl Phillips
- Carl Schmitt
- Carlo Buontempo
- Carlos M. Carrillo
- Carly L. Reddington
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Carol X. Song
- Carole Roberts
- Carolina C. Barbosa
- Caroline Coward
- Caroline Solomon
- Casey D. Burleyson
- Casey J. Wall
- Catherine Fallon Grasham
- Catherine M. Naud
- Catherine Mitchell
- Chad Trabant
- Chang Jae Kwak
- Chang Liu
- Chang Liu
- Chang-Hoi Ho
- Chaowei Yang
- Charles D. Brummitt
- Charles G. Bardeen
- Charlotte Barrington
- Chase Mueller
- Chelsea N. Peters
- Chen Wu
- Cheng-Yuan Ku
- Cheng‐Hsun Wu
- Cheryl Manning
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Chiara Lepore
- Chien Wang
- Chloe Y. Gao
- Chongming Yang
- Chongxing Fan
- Chris Fook Sheng Ng
- Christa Brelsford
- Christian Klassert
- Christiane Voigt
- Christina K. Pikas
- Christine Kirchhoff
- Christopher Erdmann
- Christopher Johnson
- Christopher L. Atchison
- Christopher Maloney
- Christopher R. Hakkenberg
- Christopher T. Emrich
- Christopher W. Tessum
- Chuanfeng Zhao
- Chun Zhao
- Chunju Huang
- Chunmao Zhu
- Chunyu Dong
- Cindy Cristina Yanez
- Cinzia Cervato
- Clare Cannon
- Claudia Acquistapace
- Claudia Caro
- Colin Tully
- Collin Bode
- Corinne J. Schuster‐Wallace
- Cory T. Forbes
- Cyndi V. Castro
- Cécile Hannay
- D. Agarwal
- D. Barahona
- D. F. Sumy
- D. K. Adams
- D. Queloz
- Daeho Jin
- Daehyun Kang
- Dan Li
- Dan O. Peluso
- Daniel A. Bader
- Daniel Civitarese
- Daniel J. Morgan
- Daniel J. Vecellio
- Daniel Jensen
- Daniel L. Johnson
- Daniel M. Simms
- Daniel McCoy
- Daniel P. Bigelow
- Daniel P. Grosvenor
- Daniel Rosenfeld
- Daniel Rothenberg
- Daniel S. Katz
- Danielle Wood
- Danny Cullenward
- Dany Waller
- Darryl Reano
- David A. Randall
- David C. Wilson
- David D. Turner
- David E. Gorelick
- David Farnham
- David Huard
- David J. Delene
- David J. Yu
- David K. Sing
- David Kazdan
- David Lloyd George
- David M. Romps
- David M. Smith
- David M. Winker
- David N. Bresch
- David Nielsen
- David Painemal
- David R. Ciardi
- David R. Doelling
- David R. Morrow
- David R. Williams
- David Saah
- Davide Danilo Chiarelli
- Davnah Urbach
- Dawn J. Wright
- Dawn M. Nekorchuk
- Delavane B. Diaz
- Denis Macharia
- Dennis L. Hartmann
- Denzil Daniel
- Derrick Kwadwo Danso
- Derya Akpinar
- Destenie Nock
- Destini N. Petitt
- Devarati Bhattacharya
- Di Yang
- Diego Villanueva
- Dimitrios Gounaridis
- Dimitris A. Herrera
- Dipto Sarkar
- Diyang Cui
- Dié Wang
- Don Duggan-Haas
- Dong-Won Yi
- Dongmin Lee
- Dong‐Hyun Cha
- Douglas A. Caldwell
- Douglas D. Smith
- Douglas M. Fox
- Drew C. Pendergrass
- Dun Wang
- Duncan Axisa
- Duncan Watson-Parris
- Dwight Owens
- Dylan O'Ryan
- E. A. Cherrington
- E. Joseph Metzger
- E. M. Wilcox
- E. P. Nowottnick
- E. W. Eloranta
- Edoardo Borgomeo
- Edward Byers
- Edward J. Kearns
- Edward R. Jones
- Edwin Sumargo
- Ehsan Erfani
- Ekaterina Landgren
- Elena González-Alonso
- Elena Mondino
- Elena Scire
- Elin A. McIlhattan
- Elisa Savelli
- Elizabeth C. Minor
- Elizabeth Eiden
- Elizabeth Ferguson
- Elizabeth Frankenberg
- Elliott L. Hazen
- Elsa Ducrot
- Emi Yati
- Emily Cloyd
- Emily Coren
- Emily Grubert
- Emily Robles
- Emily Zechman Berglund
- Eri Saikawa
- Eric Agol
- Eric Anderson
- Eric Kansa
- Erin Antognoli
- Erin Coughlan de Pérez
- Erin Robinson
- Erle C. Ellis
- Estefania Montoya Duque
- Esuru Rita Okoroafor
- Ethan R. Deyle
- Ethan Yang
- Evan L. Sneed
- Evan W. Osborne
- Evelyn Valdéz-Ward
- Ewan Crosbie
- F. J. Pozuelos
- Fabio Ciulla
- Fan Mei
- Fan Yang
- Farboud Khatami
- Farnoush Banaei-Kashani
- Fee Arens
- Fei Liu
- Feiyue Mao
- Felix Müller
- Feng Hu
- Feng Li
- Feng Shi
- Fengwei Hung
- Fernando Morais
- Fernando Romero Galvan
- Fernando Tormos-Aponte
- Fidel Costa
- Florent Brient
- Franciele Maria Vanelli
- Frank Werner
- Franziska Glassmeier
- Franziska Hoffmann
- Frederick Bouckaert
- Frida A.‐M. Bender
- Fukun Yang
- Fuzhen Shen
- G Cesana
- Gail M. Atkinson
- Gang Chen
- Gang Zhao
- Gao Chien
- Gary Kleiman
- Gary N. Geller
- Ge Peng
- Geet George
- Genevieve Studer‐Ellis
- George Tselioudis
- Georgina M. Sanchez
- Gerald C. Nelson
- Gerald G. Mace
- Gernot Wagner
- Gijs de Boer
- Gilberto Ribeiro de Queiroz
- Grace C. Wu
- Graciela Metternicht
- Graeme L. Stephens
- Graham Feingold
- Graham K. MacDonald
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Gregory J. Ewing
- Gregory L. Britten
- Gregory S. Elsaesser
- Gregory W. Characklis
- Guang J. Zhang
- Guanghui Dong
- Guangjie Zheng
- Guosheng Liu
- Guotao Cui
- Guotao Yang
- Guoyong Wen
- Guwei Zhang
- H. Oliver Gao
- H. Scott Matthews
- H. Takahashi
- Hai Lin
- Haikun Wang
- Hailong Wang
- Haipeng Zhang
- Haiyun Shi
- Hamidreza Norouzi
- Hamish D Prince
- Han Han
- Han Huang
- Han Xiao
- Hang Su
- Hannah K. Friedrich
- Hannes Thiemann
- Haochi Che
- Haoran Hou
- Haozhe Yang
- Harrison B. Zeff
- Harro Jongen
- Harvey Henson
- Hasan Shareef Ahmed
- He Yin
- Heather Fischer
- Heather L. Petcovic
- Heidi Kreibich
- Heike Kalesse
- Helena C. Frazão
- Helene Muri
- Hendratta Ali
- Heng Xiao
- Hengqi Wang
- Hermjan Barneveld
- Hideaki Kawai
- Hieu Phung
- Hilary Egan
- Hillary A. Scannell
- Hirohiko Masunaga
- Hironobu Iwabuchi
- Hisham Zerriffi
- Hitomu Kotani
- Holly K. Nesbitt
- Hong Cui
- Hong Liao
- Hongliang Zhang
- Hongxun Liu
- Hossein Dadashazar
- Hsi‐Yen Ma
- Hua Cai
- Hua Shu
- Hua Zheng
- Huaming Shang
- Hugh Morrison
- Hui Yang
- Husi Letu
- Hwan‐Jin Song
- Hwisong Kim
- Hyoeun Oh
- I. B. Glenn
- Ian Foster
- Ibrahima Sall
- Idowu Ajibade
- Iman Haqiqi
- Inez Hua
- Inès Belgacem
- Ioannis Prapas
- Iris Cheng
- Iryna Dronova
- Isabel Jorgensen
- Isabel L. McCoy
- Israel Silber
- Ivan Racetin
- J. A. Carr
- J. B. Jensen
- J. Brant Dodson
- J. Christine Chiu
- J. E. Kay
- J. F. Paniagua-Arroyave
- J. Knuth
- J. M. Comstock
- J. Marcus Hughes
- J. McCormick
- J. R. Bourke
- J. de la Beaujardiere
- Jackson Tan
- Jacob Haqq-Misra
- Jacob O’Connor
- Jacqueline Willwerth
- Jake J. Gristey
- James D. Goltz
- James E. Neumann
- James G. Hudson
- James H. Ruppert
- James Littlefield
- James McDuffie
- James Murray
- James Rising
- Jamon Van Den Hoek
- Jan Chylik
- Jan Černý
- Jane Liu
- Jane W. Baldwin
- Janet Reyna
- Jason K. Hawes
- Jason Kreitler
- Jason Soohoo
- Javed Ali
- Jean‐Christophe Golaz
- Jean‐Pierre Blanchet
- Jeff T Haley
- Jeffrey A. Bennett
- Jeffrey A. Sward
- Jeffrey C. Smith
- Jeffrey H. Curtis
- Jeffrey Wade
- Jennifer I. Schmidt
- Jennifer L. Middleton
- Jennifer Walker
- Jens Klump
- Jen‐Ping Chen
- Jeong-Hun Kim
- JeongHeon Kim
- Jeremy McGibbon
- Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts
- Jerry Carter
- Jesse Loveridge
- Jessenia Gonzalez
- Jessica A. Gephart
- Jessica Danker
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jiacan Yuan
- Jian-Wen Bao
- Jianbao Sun
- Jiandong Li
- Jianfeng Li
- Jiang Zhu
- Jianhao Zhang
- Jianhui Chen
- Jianping Huang
- Jianping Tang
- Jie Gong
- Jie W Weiss
- Jihoon Jung
- Jihyeon Janel Lee
- Jill Marshall
- Jing Feng
- Jing Han
- Jing Li
- Jing Liao
- Jing Wei
- Jing Zhang
- Jingjing Tian
- Jingye Ren
- Jingyu Wang
- Jinhong Hu
- Jinhua Huang
- Jintai Lin
- Jintao Zhang
- Jinwei Dong
- Jin‐Ho Yoon
- Jiwen Fan
- Joachim Gottsmann
- Joanna J. Bryson
- Joanna Kinsey
- Joel R. Norris
- Joeri Rogelj
- Johanna Marquardt
- Johannes Mohrmann
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- John D. King
- John Deck
- John E. Yorks
- John Harrison
- John Humphreys
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- John Watkins
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- Jonah Shaw
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jonathan D. Herman
- Jonathan F. Donges
- Jonathan Frame
- Jonathan H. Jiang
- Jong‐Hoon Jeong
- Jonny Wu
- Jooil Kim
- Joong‐Bae Ahn
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- Joseph S. Schlosser
- Joseph Sedlar
- Joseph Thomas
- Joshua N. Winn
- José Cortés
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- Joynal Abedin
- Juan Carlos Antuña Marrero
- Jui‐Sheng Chou
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- Julia Marshall
- Julian Reyes
- Julianne Quinn
- Julie Edwards
- Julien Malard
- Jun Hu
- Jun Li
- Jun Liu
- Jun Wang
- June T. Spector
- Jungha Woo
- Junguo Liu
- Jung‐Eun Chu
- Jung‐Hun Woo
- Junji Cao
- Junjie Wang
- Junjun Deng
- Junzhe Liu
- Justin Buck
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- K. Baillargeon
- K. Bateman
- K. McMonigal
- K. S. Carslaw
- Kai Chen
- Kai Zhang
- Kamal Kant Chandrakar
- Kang Xu
- Kangkang Tong
- Karan Molaverdikhani
- Karen Yuen
- Karl B. Zinglersen
- Karl J. Maier
- Karl M. Seltzer
- Kate A. Brauman
- Kate Burrows
- Katherine Calvin
- Katherine S. Nelson
- Kathryn Boyd
- Kathryn McCurley
- Katia Lamer
- Katie Spellman
- Katrien J. van der Hoeven Kraft
- Kay Smith
- Kaylin Bugbee
- Kazumasa Ohno
- Keely Mills
- Kees van Ginkel
- Keir Soderberg
- Kejin Wang
- Kelly A. Balmes
- Kelvin S. Ng
- Ken Walczak
- Kenneth Mubea
- Kenta Tamura
- Kentaroh Suzuki
- Kerry Meyer
- Kerstin Ebell
- Kerstin Lehnert
- Kevin H. Gardner
- Kevin J. Sanchez
- Kevin M. Smalley
- Kevin McGouldrick
- Kevin Wheeler
- Kim Scherrer
- Kimberley A. Corwin
- Kimberly Carroll Steward
- Kinya Toride
- Kiran Alapaty
- Klaus Keller
- Kripa Jagannathan
- Kristen St. John
- Kristen Yarincik
- Kristina Pistone
- Kuishuang Feng
- Kun Zhang
- Kuo-Hung Tseng
- Kwo‐Sen Kuo
- Kyle Blount
- Kyle Frankel Davis
- Kyle G. Pressel
- Kyle Manley
- Kyle Onda
- Lain Graham
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Laura D. Riihimaki
- Laura E. R. Peters
- Laura Lukes
- Laura M. Hinkelman
- Laura Mae Jacqueline Herzog
- Laura Morales
- Lauren Chilutti
- Lauren Dennis
- Lauren Haygood
- Lauren M. Broyles
- Lauren McPhillips
- Laurence Mabile
- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- Lazaros Oreopoulos
- Lea Shanley
- Leehi Magaritz-Ronen
- Lei Duan
- Lei Fan
- Lei Song
- Lei Wu
- Lei Zhu
- Leif Denby
- Leighton A. Regayre
- Leo J. Donner
- Leonie Kohl
- Leonie Villiger
- Lesley Wyborn
- Leslie Field
- Lester Olivares
- Letian Zhang
- Li He
- Li Hu
- Li Xu
- Li Zhang
- Lian Feng
- Liang Chen
- Liang Ning
- Liang Zhao
- Liangzhi You
- Lieke Melsen
- Liesl Hotaling
- Lifeng Wang
- Lily Zhang
- Lin Lin
- Lin Wang
- Lina Handayani
- Lionel Garcia
- Lisa Murken
- Lisa Thalheimer
- Liuming Wang
- Louise Woodley
- Lucas S. Bair
- Lucia Profeta
- Luis Gómez-Chova
- Lujia Zhang
- Luke Sanford
- Lulin Xue
- Lun Dai
- M Hansford
- M. A. Parsons
- M. C. Barth
- M. C. Dewey
- M. C. Wyant
- M. D. Lebsock
- M. E. Brown
- M. de Graaf
- M. van Koningsveld
- Maija Taka
- Majid Shafiee-Jood
- Malgosia Madajewicz
- Manfred Wendisch
- Mani Rouhi Rad
- Manil Maskey
- Manish Shrivastava
- Maodian Liu
- Maofeng Liu
- Marc F. Müller
- Marcelo A. Olivares
- Marco Molinaro
- Marcus C. Sarofim
- Marcus van Lier-Walqui
- Margaret Garcia
- Margaret O’Brien
- Maria Cristina Rulli
- Maria Salama
- Mariah R. Jenkins
- Mariko Oue
- Marina Baldissera Pacchetti
- Mario Damiano
- Mark D. Bartlett
- Mark D. Zelinka
- Mark Elliott
- Mark L. Willenbring
- Mark Smalley
- Mark T. Yamane
- Mark V. Bernhofen
- Mark Weber
- Marlies Barendrecht
- Marta Tuninetti
- Martha E. Jiménez-Castañeda
- Marthe Wens
- Martin Wild
- Martina Sardo
- Martina Stockhause
- Mary Hingst
- Mary Kay Rayens
- Masahiko Haraguchi
- Matthew B. Jones
- Matthew Chadwick
- Matthew Christensen
- Matthew D. Shupe
- Matthew J. McGill
- Matthew R. Norman
- Matthew S. Mayernik
- Maura Allaire
- Maxim H. Couillard
- Maximilian Maahn
- Maxwell C. Cook
- McKenna W. Stanford
- Md Adilur Rahim
- Megan E. Williams
- Megan K. Littrell
- Megan Konar
- Mei Xue
- Meiliu Wu
- Meiyun Lin
- Melissa Burt
- Melissa Chapman
- Melissa Haeffner
- Meng Huang
- Meng Ling
- Meng Zhang
- Mengxin Pan
- Mengying Zhao
- Mercedes Pozo Buil
- Mercy Varghese
- Meredith P. Goins
- Mesfin Mekonnen
- Mia M. Bennett
- Micael Amore Cecchini
- Michael A. Brunke
- Michael A. Goldstein
- Michael Bear
- Michael Diamond
- Michael Gomez
- Michael Hollaway
- Michael J. Allen
- Michael J. Iacono
- Michael J. Lathuillière
- Michael J. Lawler
- Michael J. Mahoney
- Michael J. Pavolonis
- Michael J. Puma
- Michael Kolian
- Michael Mann
- Michael P. Jensen
- Michael Robert Needham
- Michael S. Pritchard
- Michael Tjernström
- Michaela LaPatin
- Michelle K. Lee
- Michelle Stuhlmacher
- Michiaki Tatsubori
- Michihiro Hayashi
- Michiyo Shimamura
- Miguel Ohnesorge
- Miguel‐Ángel Fernández‐Torres
- Miina Porkka
- Mikael Witte
- Mikhail Ovchinnikov
- Min Chen
- Ming Zhao
- Minghao Qiu
- Minghuai Wang
- Minghui Diao
- Mingjun Tong
- Mingyu Yan
- Miriam Nielsen
- Mohammad Fereshtehpour
- Mohammad Reza Alizadeh
- Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani Adnan
- Mohan K. Ramamurthy
- Mondira Bardhan
- Monica Morrison
- Monica Vidaurri
- Monika Sikand
- Montserrat Costa-Surós
- Morgan DiCarlo
- Morteza Karimzadeh
- Muhammad Mainuddin Patwary
- Muhammad Mubashar Dogar
- Muki Haklay
- Muntasir Raihan Rahman
- Myung‐Sook Park
- Márcia C. Castro
- Mónica Zamora Zapata
- N. A. Ritchey
- Nada Saidi
- Nadja Veigel
- Narges Salehnia
- Natalie Kramer
- Natalie M. Batalha
- Nathan J. Lyons
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