Arizona State University
flowchart I[Arizona State University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (2220)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (549)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Arizona State University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Arizona State University, Department of Geological Sciences
- Arizona State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Biologically-Induced Mineralization by the Endolithic Lichen Verrucaria rubrocincta Breuss in the Sonoran Desert
- Dust Characteristics over the North Pacific Observed with Shipboard Sampling During ACE-Asia
- Effect of MgO/SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Activity Ratio on H<SUB>2</SUB>O Solubility in Forsterite
- Galileo SSI Images of Io During the I31 and I32 Flybys
- Geomorphic Analysis of Semiarid Landforms Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Remote Sensing
- Impact Produced and Mobilized Dust in the Martian Atmosphere
- Mars Surface Physical Properties: Mars Global Surveyor Results and Mars Odyssey Plans
- Mixing States of East Asian Aerosols During the Spring 2001 ACE-Asia Intensive
- On the Relation Between Kinematic Boundaries, Stirring and Barriers for the Antarctic Polar Vortex
- Plagioclase Zoning and Magma Decompression: Comparing the 1974 and 1999 Eruptions of Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Surface Changes on Io: Evolution of a Polar Plume Deposit
- The Cape Ghir Filament off NW Africa in Winter
- Aerosol In Asian Outflow: Correspondence of Size-dependent Aerosol Volatility to Chemistry, Humidity Growth, and Absorption
- Aerosol Optical Properties and Component Extinction from Measurements on the Ronald H. Brown During ACE-Asia
- Analysis of Ambient Aerosol Measurements During PROPHET 2001
- Athabasca Valles Region: New Insights From THEMIS
- Calibration Issues for Sulfur (and Other Stable) Isotope Microanalyses by SIMS
- Constraining the Single Scatter Albedo of Asian Dust Using In-situ Measurements
- Dislocation Microstructures in Experimentally Deformed wet Olivine
- Dust Devil Track Occurrence in Argyre Planitia.
- Exposed Water ice Discovered Near the South Pole of Mars.
- Modeling Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Nitrogen dry Deposition in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
- Nitrate loss from a restored floodplain on the lower Cosumnes River, California
- Organic Complexing in Smectite Clay Minerals Under Hydrothermal Vent Conditions
- Oxidation Independent Solution Mechanism for Hydrogen in Olivine: Examples from Simple and Peridotite Systems
- Pressure-Temperature History of Shock-Induced Melt Veins
- Reactive Oxidized Nitrogen Partitioning and Ozone Production Efficiencies during the PROPHET Summer 2000 and Summer 2001 Measurements Intensives
- Seismic Refraction Surveys in Devils Lane and Cyclone Grabens, Canyonlands National Park, Utah
- Speciated Fine Particle Deposition to a Forest Canopy Measured by Eddy-Correlation Mass Spectrometry
- The Importance of Dry Deposition to the Nitrogen Mass Balance of an Arid Urban Ecosystem.
- The Paleoclimate Of The Dead Sea Basin From The Last Glacial Maximum To The Holocene
- The Radiative Impacts of Multicomponent Aerosols Containing Dust (MCA-D) Over the ACE-Asia Study Domain
- Turbulent Flow Over Submarine Canyon
- Understanding Riparian Ecosystem Function: Linking Biogeochemistry and Hydrology at Multiple Scales
- A Search for Signs of Life and Habitability on Europa
- A Survey of Lidar Data for the Joint Urban Disperion 2003 Experiment
- Building A Collaborative And Distributed E&O Program For EarthScope
- Carbon cycling in an old growth forest
- Fractionation of Boron (and Lithium) Between Hydrous Fluid and Silicate Melt: Diffusion, Contamination, and Orphaned Experiments
- Increasing Opportunities and Success in Science, Math, Engineering and Technology Through Partnerships and Resource Convergence
- Lithium Isotopic Fractionation in Subduction Zones: Clues From Clays
- Mantle Anisotropy, Collisional Rifts and the Magmatic Evolution of Southern Africa: Old (Mantle) Fabric Never Dies.
- Martian Surface Emissivity and Surface Spectral Units: Results from the Thermal Emission Imaging System
- Nano-scale solution-reprecipitation responsible for altered near-surface zones during feldspar dissolution
- New Techniques For Predicting Optical Properties Of Nonspherical Multicomponent Aerosols Using Single Particle Measurements
- Urban Heat Island Connections to Neighborhood Microclimates in Phoenix, Arizona: Defining the Influences of Land Use and Social Variables on Temperature
- Aeolian Abrasion, a Dominant Erosion Agent in the Martian Environment
- CALIPSO Borehole Monitoring Project at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI: Overview, and Response of Magma Reservoir to Prodigious Dome Collapse
- Coupling Sediment Transport with the Dryland Environment
- Downslope Asymmetry in Rainsplash Transport of Sand Revealed With High-Speed Imaging
- Dry Deposition of Fine Aerosol Nitrogen to an Agricultural Field Measured by Eddy-Correlation Mass Spectrometry
- Erosion characteristics of fine-grained, beach-building sediment along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Experimental investigation of the turbulent structures that initiate bedload motion
- Geologic structure of Middle Mountain within the San Andreas Fault zone near Parkfield, California
- JMARS, A GIS System for Mars
- Pilot Study on Reconciling Supply and Demand: Who are the Consumers of Information on the North American Carbon Balance?
- Small-Scale Variations in SKS Splitting Near Parkfield, California
- Spectroscopy of Salt-Cemented Materials; Evidence for the Occurrence of Water in the Martian Surface Layer
- Sub-Micron Sea-Salt Particle Flux From Laboratory Foams
- Successful Strategies for Earth Science Research in Native Communities
- The Effect of Large Roughness Elements on Local Flow and Bedload Transport
- Transported Sediment in Comparison with Channel Bed Material in Low-Order Alluvial Channels
- 3-Dimensional Immersive Visualization For Regional Water Planning
- Boundary Layer Dynamics as seen from MER Mini-TES
- Constraints and Opportunities for Rehabilitation of an Urban, Sonoran Desert River
- Development of a Turbulence-Resolving, Three-dimensional, Free Water Surface Numerical Model for Recirculation Eddies in Grand Canyon
- Experimental study of the effect of water on olivine-ringwoodite transformation rate
- Global Distribution of Bedrock on Mars Using THEMIS High Resolution Thermal Inertia
- Influence of Hydrological Flow Paths on Rates and Forms of Nitrogen Losses from Mediterranean Watersheds
- JMARS: A GIS System for Mars and Other Planets
- Latitudinal Dependency of Dust Devils on Mars
- Linking Soils and Streams: Hydrological Controls on Organic and Inorganic Solute Transport in two Mediterranean Catchments
- Mapping Bed Texture Evolution to Explain Variations in Observed Sediment Transport
- Martian Surface Compositions and Spectral Unit Mapping From the Thermal Emission Imaging System
- Mixing State Effects That Influence Aerosol Optical Properties: Black Carbon Aggregation With Dust in Outflow From East Asia
- Physical modeling of transverse drainage mechanisms
- Rock Around the World: International Outreach for Scientific Education Using Infrared Spectroscopy
- Sedimentary strata in the southern highlands of Noachis Terra, Mars
- THEMIS Global Mosaics
- Tamarix Abundance in Arid River Basins of Arizona (USA) Reflects Prevailing Hydrology
- The missing link: Creating science policies that facilitate the use of research in environmental and water-related decision-making
- An Integrated Evaluation Strategy For Demonstrating In Situ Bioenhanced NAPL Dissolution
- Analysis of transported sediment concentrations through flood events in a low-order ephemeral watershed
- Calcium and Magnesium Self-Diffusion in Natural Diopside Single Crystals
- Deep Chlorophyll Maxima and Hydrographical Variability at Three Subtropical Ocean Sites.
- Dynamic Oil-Water and Air-Water Capillary Pressure-Saturation Curves: Experiments and Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations
- Geochemistry and Tephrochronology of the BKT-2 and Kada Hadar Tephras in the Middle Ledi-Geraru Region of Afar, Ethiopia
- Geomorphic Mapping and Paleoterrain Generation for use in Modeling Holocene (8,000 1,500 yr) Agropastoral Landuse and Landscape Interactions in Southeast Spain
- High resolution subsurface water ice distributions on Mars from seasonal thermal infrared imagery
- High-Speed Imaging of Rainsplash of Dry Sand Reveals the Importance of Understanding Detachment Rates in Achieving a Model of Rainsplash Erosion
- Isotopic Composition of Organic and Inorganic Carbon in Desert Biological Soil Crust Systems
- Laboratory Experiments on Sandbar Formation and Migration Under Breaking Waves
- Lava Flow Lengths and Historic Eruptive Parameters: Implications for the Volcanic History of the Batamote Mountains, Ajo, Arizona
- Layered Deposits of Arabia Terra and Meridiani Planum: Keys to the Habitability of Ancient Mars
- Locating active structures in the central Nepalese Himalaya: Applications of detrital 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology and cosmogenic radionuclides
- Martian surface mineralogy from orbital spectroscopy: A single story from multiple wavelength regions
- Putting the t into EarthScope: Evolution of North American Lithosphere in the 4th Dimension
- Rock Around the World: Integrating Educational Outreach and Scientific Analysis Techniques
- Silicious Biofilms in Alkaline Geyser Basins of Yellowstone National Park
- Soil nitrogen-oxide fluxes in an urban ecosystem
- Sub-millimeter Rock Surface Texture as a Measure of Aeolian Abrasion Maturity
- Surface slope characteristics from Thermal Emission Spectrometer emission phase function observations
- The Role of Decision Support in Climate Science Research Policy: can the US Climate Science Program Fulfill its Mission?
- The influence of emergent vegetation on sediment transport through river channels and floodplains
- Valley Formation Mechanisms and Short-Term Methane Precipitation Rates on Titan
- Why We Should Expect to Find Alternative Forms of Life on Earth
- A Scenario Based Assessment of Future Groundwater Resources in the Phoenix Active Management Area
- An Overview of the Exploration History of Europa
- Biofilm function and variability in a hydrothermal ecosystem: insights from environmental genomes
- Blind source deconvolution for deep Earth seismology
- Calibration of the infrared molar absorption coefficients by elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) for H measurements in olivine and clinopyroxene crystals and rhyolitic glasses
- Characteristics and Cloud Interactions of Ice Nucleating Aerosols From Asian Continental Emissions During the Pacific Dust Experiment
- Coherent turbulence structures in lateral separation eddies
- Comparisons between phyllosilicate-bearing strata at Mawrth Vallis and Terra Meridiani
- Constraining Eruptive Conditions From Lava Flow Morphometry: A Case Study With Field Evidence
- Europa Explorer: A Mission to Explore Europa and Investigate Its Habitability
- Evidence for Siliceous Deposits Formed by Acid-Sulfate Alteration at Home Plate in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Evidence for possible widespread alteration of basaltic terrains on Mars
- Field Investigations of Landscape Development in southeast Spain for use in Modeling Holocene (8,000 - 1,500 yr) Agropastoral Landuse and Landscape Interactions
- Fluorine in Olivines from Plutonic, Extrusive, and Hypabyssal Suites
- Geologic context and characteristics of bedrock exposures in Mare Serpentis: Implications for martian surface evolution
- High resolution mapping of Earth's deepest magma chamber: ultra-low velocity zones at the core mantle boundary
- Identification of vortices in complex flows
- Megacryst Petrogenesis in Southern Africa
- Phototrophs vs. chemotrophs: surprising diversity at the intersection of hot springs communities
- Planetary ices up close: imaging by cryogenic SEM.
- Shear-Wave Splitting in the Great Basin
- Small-Scale Variations in SKS Splitting Near Parkfield, California
- The Science Goal and Objectives of Europa Explorer
- The effects of emergent vegetation on sediment transport and channel morphology
- Thermal Conductivity Control of Heat Flow and Effects on Crustal and Surface Compositions and Aqueous Extrusions in Thick Evaporites: Earth and Mars
- Tracking Petroleum Refinery Emission Events Using Lanthanum and Lanthanides as Elemental Markers for Fine Particulate Matter
- What controls the asymmetry of convergent mountain belts?
- A Framework for Spatial Assessment of Local Level Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity to Extreme Heat
- Automatic Landmark Identification in Mars Orbital Imagery
- Coal Ash Aerosol in East Asian Outflow as a Source for Oceanic Deposition of Iron and Other Metals
- Collaborative Comparison of Earthquake Simulators
- Comparison of the Color Properties of Selected Features on Mercury from Mariner 10 and MESSENGER Multispectral Images
- Constraining the development of the upper martian crust using orbital and in-situ thermophysical, mineralogical, and geochemical observations
- Constraints on Aeolian Degradation Rates on Mars from Erasure of Rover Tracks
- Developing Carbon Budgets for Cities: Phoenix as a Case Study
- MODIS Vegetation Metrics as Indicators of Hydrological Response in Watersheds of California Mediterranean-type Climate Zones
- Martian Phyllosilicates: Characteristics, Enigmas, and New Results from Orbital, Surface, and Laboratory Observations
- Merging Disparate Data Sources Into a Paleoanthropological Geodatabase for Research, Education, and Conservation in the Greater Hadar Region (Afar, Ethiopia)
- Methyl Chavicol: Characterization of its Biogenic Emission Rate, Abundance, and Oxidation Products in the Atmosphere
- Morphological Evolution of Sediment Ripples in Coastal Zones
- Rainsplash as a Stochastic Advection-Dispersion Process Affecting Desert Plant-Soil Interactions
- River Mediated Development of an Active Extensional Culmination: the Yulong Mountains, Southwestern China
- Sedimentary Basin Structure of the Hadar Formation's Lacustrine-Dominated Depocenter (Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia) and its Relevance for Investigating Hominin Paleoenvironments
- The GENESIS Mission: Solar Wind Isotopic and Elemental Compositions and Their Implications
- The impact of Humidity Fluctuations on Sensible Heat Fluxes Measured with Scintillometers
- Towards a Genome-Enabled Sensor for In Situ Monitoring of Microbial Communities in Hydrothermal Vent Fields
- ULVZ - Now you see it ... now you don't
- Urbanization Across Gradients: Testing Hypotheses on Effects of Land Change at Multiple Scales
- Using Synthetic Tomography to Investigate the use of Tomographically-derived Buoyancy as an Initial Condition to Compute Global Mantle Flow Models
- What Can Modern River Profiles Tell Us about Orogenic Processes and Orogen Evolution?
- A New Quaternary Strand of the Karakoram Fault System, Ladakh Himalayas
- Aerosol Indirect Effects on Stratocumulus Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions and Cloud Microphysical Properties in the Asir Region of Saudi Arabia
- Alteration Mineralogy of Adirondack-class Rocks in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Cd Isotope Fractionation During Adsorption Varies with Salinity
- Climate and regolith constraints of chemical weathering and mass flux in granitic terrain
- Climate-change impacts and the role of ecosystem services in mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: a case study from an aridland city (Invited)
- Coherent Motions of the Turbulent Boundary Layer (Invited)
- Comparing the roughness of the Moon from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) to asteroids and planets
- Conduit evacuation dynamics for Vulcanian explosions
- Copernican craters: Early results from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Detection and Absence of Ultra Low Velocity Zones (Invited)
- Determining Land System Sustainability through a Land Architecture Approach: Example of Southern Yucatán (Invited)
- Discrepancies Between Laboratory Shock Experiments on Minerals and Natural Events
- Downscaling Satellite Soil Moisture Estimates in the Southern Great Plains through a Calibrated Multifractal Model for Land Surface Applications
- Ecosystem biogeochemical function and services in an urbanizing desert region
- Effects of water management and monsoon storms on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content and composition in an urban lake
- Experimental constraints on the origin of high-Mg andesites: the effect of H2O and silica activity on mantle melt compositions
- Filling the temporal gap in Plio-Pleistocene sedimentological records from the southern Afar Depression, Ethiopia
- Future Io Exploration for 2013-2022 and Beyond: A White Paper submitted for the 2011 Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- Geoscience Education Research, Development, and Practice at Arizona State University
- H2O-CO2 solubility in basanite: Applications to volatile sources and degassing behavior at Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- High-Resolution Examination of Volcanic Conduit Processes Using SIMS Depth Profiling
- In Situ-produced vs. Meteoric 10Be in Hillslope Soils: One Isotope, Two Tracers, Different Stories
- Initial Results of 3D Topographic Mapping Using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Stereo Imagery
- Inter-annual and inter-catchment variability of hydrologic partitioning: The importance of the Horton index to improve hydrologic predictions in a changing environment (Invited)
- JMARS - A Planetary GIS
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Observations in Support of the LCROSS Mission
- Martian Weathering Environments of the Amazonian Indicated by Correlated Morphologic and Spectral Observation in Acidalia Planitia
- Metal-bearing Aerosols of Industrial Origin from Multiple Sources in South Phoenix, Arizona: Separating Similar Particle Types with Minor Element Differences Using Automated SEM Analysis of Large Populations of Particles
- Nonlinear modulation of O3 and CO induced by mountain waves in the UTLS during TREX
- On the Observed Ecohydrologic Dynamics of a Semiarid Catchment with Topographic Induced Microclimatic Controls
- Outreach goals of the Europa Jupiter System Mission
- Pancam Multispectral Observations of the Block Island meteorite, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Plutonium Oxidation State Distribution under Aerobic and Anaerobic Subsurface Conditions for Metal-Reducing Bacteria
- Recent results from the Microscopic Imagers on the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Relationships of Periglacial Processes to Habitat Quality and Thermal Environment of Pikas (Lagomorpha, Ochotona) in Alpine and High-Latitude Environments (Invited)
- Ringwoodite rim around olivine core in shock-induced melt veins of Antarctic chondrite : Mechanisms of transformation and Fe-Mg diffusion
- Signatures of Seasonal Vegetation Dynamics on Catchment Hydrology in the North American Monsoon Region
- Soil collapse and dilation as modifier of hillslope morphology (Invited)
- Storm Tracks Changes and Their Impacts in a Warmer Climate
- Stratification of the Outermost Core by Reaction with the Mantle
- Surveying the Newly Digitized Apollo Metric Images for Highland Fault Scarps on the Moon
- Teaching and Training in Geoinformatics: Experiences from the Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute for Geoscientists (CSIG)
- The Case for Ceres: Report to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey Committee
- The Echo Cliffs Precariously Balanced Rock; Discovery and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- The Extent and Significance of Opaline Silica Outcrops in Gusev Crater, Mars
- The Hominin Sites And Paleolakes Drilling Project: Using High Resolution Paleoclimate Records From African Lake Deposits To Interpret Human Evolution
- The Role of Aqueous Alteration in the Formation of Martian Soils
- The crustal stratigraphy of Mercury from impact craters
- The dependence of bedrock erodibility on rock material properties: is tensile strength enough?
- Trends in rainy season characteristics and temperature extremes over Mexico
- Using global land cover data to assess regional food production potential
- Vegetation greenness predicted by hydrologic partitioning of precipitation across climates (Invited)
- Wallace Creek Virtual Field Trip: Teaching Geoscience Concepts with LiDAR
- Water Planning in Phoenix: Managing Risk in the Face of Climatic Uncertainty
- What Can We No Longer Say About The A.D. 1857 Fort Tejon Earthquake
- A community initiative for developing data and modeling driven curriculum modules for hydrology education
- A multi-language, regional water management model; linking a surface (WaterSim 4.0) and a groundwater flow model (MODFLOW)
- A probabilistic definition of the bed load sediment flux: Theory (Invited)
- A probabilistic definition of the bedload sediment flux: Experiments
- Adapting JMARS for Earth: Blogging brings a new user community from the CAP LTER urban ecology research project
- Aeolian Simulations: A Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results
- Allophane on Mars: Evidence from IR spectroscopy and TES spectral models
- Alternatives to Dam Building: Deindustrialization and the Redevelopment of Waterways in the Northeast During the Twentieth Century
- An Integrated Organic-Inorganic Geochemical Study of the 1.64 Ga Barney Creek Formation in Australia (Invited)
- An integrated model for the post-Laramide evolution of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado Plateau
- Anthropogenic Nutrient Loading in the Northeastern US 1920-2000
- Assessing Uncertainties for Water Manager's Planning: Understanding the Impacts of Policy and Climate Change for Informed Decision Making
- Can hydrologic models change water-related risk perceptions? Results of a participatory modeling workshop in the Sonora River Basin, Mexico
- Chemical Weathering in the San Gabriel Mountains of California: The influence of erosion rates, soil depth, and transport processes on soil chemical losses (Invited)
- Climate Change Boot Camps: Targeting Policy Makers and Outreach Trainers in Arizona to Improve Climate Literacy
- Collaborative Research for Water Resource Management under Climate Change Conditions
- Combined SIMS, NanoSIMS, FTIR, and SEM Studies of OH in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals (NAMs)
- Comparison of Multiple Quantitative Precipitation Estimates for Warm-Season Flood Forecasting in the Colorado Front Range
- Designing Courses that Encourage Post-College Scientific Literacy in General Education Students
- Discovery of Carbonate-Rich Outcrops in the Gusev Crater Columbia Hills by the MER Rover Spirit
- Diversity of Membrane-Bound Nitrate Reductase Genes in Geothermal Springs
- EMERALD: A Flexible Framework for Managing Seismic Data
- Earthquakes, Cities, and Lifelines: lessons integrating tectonics, society, and engineering in middle school Earth Science
- Ecohydrological Consequences of Grasses Invading Shrublands: A Comparison of Cold and Warm Deserts
- Ecosystem Rain-Use Efficiency in the North American Monsoon Region
- Ecosystem effects of cultural eutrophication in a large, tropical lake
- Emerging Technologies for Ecohydrological Studies during the North American Monsoon in a Chihuahuan Desert Watershed
- Expression of Active Tectonics in Erosional Landscapes (Invited)
- Greenhouse gas emissions derived from regional measurement networks and atmospheric inversions: Results from the MCI and INFLUX experiments
- Has Martian History Been Dominated by Explosive Rather than Effusive Volcanism?
- Integrated Modeling for Decision Analysis and Support in Phoenix (Invited)
- Inventing Wastewater: The Social and Scientific Construction of Effluent in the Northeastern United States
- Investigating the nature of the lowermost mantle through analysis of the frequency decay of P and S-waves diffracted at Earth's core mantle boundary
- Measurements of black carbon aerosol in a rural temperate forest in northern Michigan
- Modeling Enhanced In Situ CO2 Mineralization in the Samail Ophiolite Aquifer
- Modeling adaptation of wetland plants under changing environments
- Modeling high resolution space-time variations in energy demand/CO2 emissions of human inhabited landscapes in the United States under a changing climate
- Modeling plant species distributions under future climates: how fine-scale do climate models need to be? (Invited)
- Multiple Types of Light Absorbing Carbon Aerosol in East Asian Outflow: Variatons in Morphology and Internal Structure as Characterized by Transmission Electron Microscopy
- New Initiatives in the Development of a National Geoinformatics Community (Invited)
- New incision rates along the Colorado River system based on cosmogenic burial dating of terraces: implications for regional controls on differential incision
- Ocean's 16: Optimal protein:RNA ratio has near Redfield nitrogen:phosphorus ratio
- Past and Future Riparian Vegetation Change Along the Semiarid San Pedro River (Invited)
- Preliminary Mapping of Permanently Shadowed and Sunlit Regions Using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC)
- Preliminary Results from SCEC Earthquake Simulator Comparison Project
- Quantification of uncertainty associated with United States high resolution fossil fuel CO2 emissions: updates, challenges and future plans
- Sand bar beach stability under river stage fluctuations, full-scale laboratory experiments
- Spatial Streamflow Forecasting in a Large River Basin in Northwestern Mexico using a Fully-distributed Hydrologic Model
- Structure of Chemotrophic Energy Sources in Continental Hydrothermal Ecosystems (Invited)
- Temporal and spatial variation in slip along the central Karakoram Fault System, Ladakh Himalayas
- The Arizona Sun Corridor: Quantifying climatic implications of megapolitan development
- The Challenge of Fully-Predictive Hydrologic Models Supported by Observations: Recent Experiences and Prospects in Semiarid Systems (Invited)
- The Europa Jupiter System Mission: Synergistic Science Enabled by JEO and JGO
- The Future of Food: Regional Adaptation Strategies for Optimizing Grain Yields Under Climate Change
- The Ganymede Interior, Surface, and Magnetosphere Observer (GISMO) Mission Concept
- The Role of Federal Government for Climate Adaptation in the Urban Context: Results of a workshop (Invited)
- The effect of high resolution topography information on complex terrain flash-flood response modeling
- The role of food, sex and travel in the diversity of our planet. (Invited)
- The spatial and temporal variations of streamflow disruption as a result of dam building in the Northeast US
- Towards an Efficient and Global Downscaling Methodology Based on Multifractal Models for Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Estimates
- Transient Landscapes: Recorders of History and Engines of Discovery (Invited)
- Transport realization of high resolution fossil fuel CO2 emissions in an urban domain
- U.S. regional greenhouse gas emissions analysis comparing highly resolved vehicle miles traveled and CO2 emissions: mitigation implications and their effect on atmospheric measurements
- Water Quality Loading: Trends in the Northeastern Corridor of US During the 20th Century
- Water-HUB - A community cyberinfrastructure for hydrology education and research
- A Participatory Modeling Application of a Distributed Hydrologic Model in Nuevo Leon, Mexico for the 2010 Hurricane Alex Flood Event
- A comparison of groundwater storage using GRACE data, groundwater levels, and a hydrological model in California's Central Valley
- A preliminary global geologic map of Vesta based on Dawn Survey orbit data
- AMS Measurements in National Parks of Aerosol Mass, Size and Composition, Comparison with Filter Samples and Correlation with Particle Hygroscopicity and Optical Extinction Properties
- Aerosol Impacts on Microphysical and Radiative Properties of Stratocumulus Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- Algorithms for Autonomous Plume Detection on Outer Planet Satellites
- An Assessment of the Stationarity of Climate and Streamflow in Watersheds of the Colorado River Basin
- An alternative method for model weighting applied to climate projection
- Antecedent Moisture and Biological Inertia as Predictors of Plant and Ecosystem Productivity in Arid and Semiarid Systems
- Assessment of accuracy of aircraft-based measurement of urban greenhouse gas emissions: initial results from the Indianapolis flux experiment (INFLUX)
- Beyond reclamation in the Cadillac Desert: A blueprint for freshwater sustainability in the Western US
- Building-specific quantification of fossil fuel CO2 emissions in an urban domain: the case of Indianapolis, US
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from the Los Angeles Basin During Spring of 2010 - Measurements vs. Model
- Characterization of intermittency and statistical properties of high-resolution rainfall observations across a topographic transect in Northwest Mexico
- Classifying Urban Land cover using Spatial Weights: A Comparison of Discriminant Analysis and Markov Random Fields
- Climate constraints on Inverse-derived Regional Net Carbon Ecosystem Exchange over North America
- Comparing interdecadal variability and shifts in CMIP5 simulations using atmospheric angular momentum
- Compositional and Microtextural Analysis of Basaltic Feedstock Materials Used for the 2010 ISRU Field Tests, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Consequences of long-term changes in seasonal precipitation for the biochemistry of photosynthesis in dominant desert shrubs and grasses
- Contrasts in Student Affect by Institution and Instructor: Establishing a National Baseline for Geoscience Courses
- Coupled hydrological, ecological, decision and economic models for monetary valuation of riparian ecosystem services
- Coupled large eddy simulation and discrete element model of bedload motion
- Cross-Continental Comparisons of Grain Yields Under Climate Change: Potential for Agricultural Adaptation to Offset Losses
- Detached eddy simulation (DES) of turbulence and suspended sediment transport in lateral separation eddies in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Distributed Hydrologic Modeling of Semiarid Basins in Arizona: A Platform for Land Cover and Climate Change Assessments
- Distribution of Io's Volcanic Thermal Emission From Galileo and Ground-Based Data
- Ecological Elements of Water Balance
- Effects of Enrichment on Expression of Key Nutrient Regulons in Extremophiles in Hydrothermal Springs at Yellowstone National Park
- Effects of Urban Stormwater Infrastructure and Spatial Scale on Nutrient Export and Runoff from Semi-Arid Urban Catchments
- Effects of impervious pavements on reducing runoff in an arid urban catchment
- Effects of urban stormwater infrastructure on frequency, magnitude and scaling characteristics of runoff, and their implications for the transport of particulate material in arid catchments
- Emission verification from national to local levels using top-down approaches: sampling strategy and modeling performances
- Estimating multi-scalar ecosystem impacts and socio-economic value benefits of freshwater withdrawals using Water Footprinting
- Estimating sources of winter soil respiration in a subalpine forest using a hierarchical Bayesian process-based stable isotope mixing model
- Ethnographic Approaches to Understanding Social Sustainability in Small-scale Water Systems
- Fine-Resolution Modeling of the Santa Cruz and San Pedro River Basins for Climate Change and Riparian System Studies
- Forecasting spatial plant dynamics under future climate change in a semiarid savanna ecosystem with complex topography
- How Do We Communicate Both the Knowns and Unknowns of Climate Change?
- Hunting for Habitable Worlds: Engaging Students in an Adaptive Online Setting
- Hydrothermal regime of the Iheya-North hydrothermal field inferred from surface heat flow data and, IODP Expedition 331 drilling results
- Illuminating the teleseismic wavefield with USArray
- Inclusion of photosynthetic activity and exogenous antecedent conditions significantly improves predictability of soil respiratory efflux from multiple microhabitats
- Individuating Models: Independence, Robustness, and Uncertainty
- Inferring the Relative Quality of Reanalysis Data from a Historical Reforecast Using a Vorticity Equation Model
- Initial Pancam Visible/Near-infrared Observations of Materials near Endeavour Crater's Western Rim
- Laboratory and numerical modeling of sandbar bank erosion, application to diurnal stage variations in Grand Canyon
- Landing Site Evaluation for the Next Lunar Exploration Project: SELENE-2
- Leaf δ15N as a temporal integrator of nitrogen-cycling processes at the Mojave Desert FACE experiment
- Linking Spectral Features with Composition, Crystallinity, and Roughness Properties of Silica and Implications for Candidate Hydrothermal Systems on Mars
- Local and Remote Hydro-Climatic Impacts of Projected Sun Corridor Expansion
- Mapping Northern Vesta Quadrangle V-5NW: Investigating Crater Degradation and Ancient Structures
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-6EE: Identification of Pit Crater Chains
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-7EFE: Identification of anomalous crater ejecta
- Mapping Vesta Mid-Latitude Quadrangle V-11SE: Analysis of Dark "Ribbons" and Bright Rayed Craters
- Mapping Vesta Mid-Latitude Quadrangle V-12EW: Mapping the Edge of the South Polar Structure
- Mapping Vesta Northern Quadrangle V-2NE: Exploring troughs, craters and linear features
- Mapping Vesta South Polar Quadrangle V-15SP: A Complex Geological Structure Dominates Vesta
- Mapping Vesta Southern Quadrangle V-13SFW: Investigating Craters, Grooves and Plains
- Mapping Vesta Southern Quadrangle V-14SW: Identification of Dark and Bright Features
- Mapping Vesta: A Geological Overview
- Measurements of ice nuclei concentrations and compositions in the maritime tropics
- Modifying patch-scale connectivity to initiate landscape change: an experimental approach to link scales
- Nitrogen deposition in a southern hemisphere biodiversity hotspot within and surrounding Cape Town, South Africa
- Nonlinear modulation of O3 and CO induced by mountain waves during TREX in the UTLS
- Paleosol-based evidence for humid to semi-arid pre-10Ma climates in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Ponded Impact Melt Dynamics and its Effects on Pond Surface Morphology - Insights from King Crater
- Preliminary geologic map of the V-3NFE quadrangle of asteroid 4Vesta
- Prospects for Enhancing In Situ CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mineralization in the Peridotite Aquifer of the Samail Ophiolite
- Publishing and sharing of hydrologic models through WaterHUB
- Putting the "Basin" Back in Southeastern Arizona's Basin and Range
- Quantification of anthropogenic emissions from an urban region: Early results from the Indianapolis Flux Project (INFLUX)
- Quantification of space/time explicit fossil fuel CO2 emissions in urban domes
- Recent Field Measurements of Ice Nuclei Concentration Relation to Aerosol Properties
- Shock-induced ringwoodite rims around olivine fragments in melt vein of Antarctic chondrite GRV022321 : Transforma-tion Mechanism
- Similarity patterns in information flow and feedback relationships in land surface ecosystems: the role of information, Shannon entropy, and bounds of variability as organizing principles
- Six Siderophore-Producing Microorganisms Identified in Biological Soil Crusts
- Sonoran Desert Vegetation Shifts and Watershed-Scale Ecohydrological Dynamics during the North-American Monsoon
- Spatial and temporal distribution of onroad CO2 emissions at the Urban spatial scale
- Structural features on 4Vesta: Observations and analysis
- Synthesizing Local And Long-Term Observations To Evaluate Water Supply Sensitivity And Ecosystem Resilience To Land Use Change, Climate Change, And Climate Variability At The National Scale
- Systematic variations in sinter mineralogy, microtexture and diagenesis in modern siliceous hot springs: Clues for interpreting depositional conditions in ancient deposits
- TASTER: Trojan ASteroid Tour, Exploration and Rendezvous, a NASA Planetary Science Summer School Mission Design Exercise
- The Efficacy of Riverbank Infiltration (RBF) on the Attenuation of Contamination at a Site Riverbank Filtration
- The South Polar Structure on Vesta from Dawn: Using Geologic, Topographic and Compositional Mapping and Planetary Analogs to Test Origin Models
- The Utility of Remotely-Sensed Land Surface Temperature from Multiple Platforms For Testing Distributed Hydrologic Models over Complex Terrain
- The initial Hf isotopic composition of the Earth
- Time-dependence in short-lived volcanic eruption plumes
- Top-Down Constraints on Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions for Three Urban Areas of California
- Towards Simulating a Realistic Planetary Seismic Wavefield: The Contribution of the Megaregolith and Low-Velocity Waveguides
- Transpiration response of boreal forest plants to permafrost thaw
- U.S. onroad transportation CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions analysis comparing highly resolved CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions and a national average approach : mitigation options and uncertainty reductions
- Urban CO2 emissions metabolism: The Hestia Project
- Use of Multiple Stable Isotopes to Quantify Nitrogen Deposition in Arid-Urban Ecosystems
- Vegetation Structure and Function along Ephemeral Streams in the Sonoran Desert
- Whole-ecosystem exposure to elevated carbon dioxide increases total ecosystem carbon and nitrogen in the Mojave Desert
- A Comparison of One-Dimensional Hydrologic Models Using Soil Moisture Observations under Urban Irrigation in a Desert Climate
- A Coupled Human-Natural Systems Approach to Valuing Natural Capital
- A New Lunar Atlas: Mapping the Moon with the Wide Angle Camera
- A Probabilistic Assessment of Threats to Surface Water Resources in Watersheds of the Lower Colorado River Basin
- A bioeconomic perspective on the Endangered Species Act
- A comparative study of seasonal moisture transport for semiarid regions between CMIP3 and CMIP5 climate model ensembles
- A modeling framework for resource-user-infrastructure systems
- A unified theoretic framework for reconstructing soil thermal field
- A water policy and planning model for the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
- Aircraft-based CO2 and CH4 flux estimates from the city of Indianapolis: assessment of uncertainties and comparison with bottom-up inventory
- Analysis of the uncertainty associated with national fossil fuel CO2 emissions datasets for use in the global Fossil Fuel Data Assimilation System (FFDAS) and carbon budgets
- Application of high resolution images from unmanned aerial vehicles for hydrology and rangeland science
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Black carbon concentrations across the tropical Atlantic boundary layer using three methods
- Cell-Sediment Separation and Elemental Stoichiometries in Extreme Environments
- Changes in microbial intact polar membrane lipids related to environmental parameters at Yellowstone National Park hot springs
- Cloud Computing-based Platform for Drought Decision-Making using Remote Sensing and Modeling Products: Preliminary Results for Brazil
- Communications Training Courses Across the Leopold Leadership Network
- Composition and Morphology of Major Particle Types from Airborne Measurements during ICE-T and PRADACS Field Studies
- Computer-Assisted Detection of Collapse Pits in LROC NAC Images
- Convection Models for Ice-Water System: Dynamical Investigation of Phase Transition
- Cyber Enabled Collaborative Environment for Data and Modeling Driven Curriculum Modules for Hydrology and Geoscience Education
- Depth-to-Diameter Ratio and Slopes in Small Lunar Highland Craters
- Detecting 1976-like climate shift events in climate model simulations using atmospheric angular momentum
- Development of Space Weather Monitoring System and Statistical Study of GPS Scintillations
- Distributed Modeling Reveals the Ecohydrological Dynamics Linked with Woody Plant Encroachment in the Sonoran Desert
- Dynamics of Great Basin Crust-Mantle Coupling Through Combined Analysis and Modeling of EarthScope Seismic, Geodetic, and Geologic Data
- Effects of Rocket Exhaust on Lunar Soil Reflectance Properties
- Effects of shock metamorphism on clay mineralogy: Implications for remote sensing of martian clays
- Energy extraction from ocean currents and waves: Mapping the most promising locations
- Estimates of the Volume of Snowpack Sublimation in Arizona's Salt River Watershed
- Evidence of Environmental Oxygenation before the Great Oxidation Event: A Status Report
- Exhumation and Landscape Evolution along the Colorado River: A Proposed Means of Differentiating the Roles of Baselevel Fall and Lithologic Heterogeneity
- Exploring the Limits of Flood Forecasting in Mountain Basins by using QPE and QPF Products in a Physically-based, Distributed Hydrologic Model during Summer Convection
- Factors Influencing Water Consumption in Multifamily Housing in Tempe Arizona
- Felsic Volcanics on the Moon
- Fine-Mode Marine Aerosol Composition over the Southern Ocean Exampled by Individual Particle Analysis
- Flyby of Io with Repeat Encounters (FIRE): Designing a New Frontiers mission to study the most volcanic body in the solar system
- Forward modeling the perovskite-postperovskite transition in seismically anisotropic models beneath a slab
- GRAIL Refinements to Lunar Seismic Structure
- H<SUB>2</SUB>Oh!: Classroom demonstrations and activities for improving student learning of water concepts
- High-resolution global fossil fuel CO2 emissions for 1992 to 2010 using integrated in-situ and remotely sensed data in a fossil fuel data assimilation system
- Intermittency in bedload transport: the importance of coherent flow structures and grain to grain interactions
- Ionospheric Irregularities at High Latitudes During Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms: Simultaneous Observations of Magnetic Field Perturbations and GPS Scintillations
- Iron metal optical constants: Assessing the effects of metal composition and oxidation on laboratory reflectance spectra of planetary materials
- Kinetics of High Pressure Phase Transformations of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Pyroxene and Implications for Metastability in Subducting Lithosphere
- Large Impact Basin Morphologies on Vesta in Solar System Context
- Late Pliocene - Early Pleistocene geologic history of Eastern Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia: implications for the evolution of the southern Afar Depression and hominin paleoenvironments
- Lunar Smooth Plains Identification and Classification
- Martian Craters with Interior Deposits: A Global Survey and Wind Models
- Measurements of Bed Load Particle Diffusion at Low Transport Rates
- Measurements of Urban Area-Wide CO2 and CH4 Fluxes as part of the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX)
- Measurements of dew and fog chemical composition at a rural site
- Micro-mapping Meteorite Surfaces on Mars using Microscopic Imager Mosaics — A Tool for Unraveling Weathering History at Meridiani Planum
- Mid-Pleistocene Erosion-Deposition Cycles in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile
- Modeling the Urban Climate at the Human Scale in Hot/Dry Regions
- New thermochronologic data reveals disturbed cooling histories near the intersection of Karakoram and Longmu Co faults, NW India
- Nitrogen assimilation by single cells in hot springs
- Numerical simulation of turbulence and sediment transport of medium sand
- Observations of the urban land surface energy balance in a Phoenix, AZ, residential suburb
- On the Possibility of a Thin, Molten Silicate Basal Magma Layer at the Base of Earth's Mantle
- Passive scalar statistics and its dependence on Lagrangian coherent structures in stochastic flows
- Quantification of fossil fuel CO2 at the building/street level for large US cities
- Quantification of fossil fuel CO2 emissions at the urban scale: Results from the Indianapolis Flux Project (INFLUX)
- Reaction Progress and the Changing Diversity of Chemolithotrophic Microbial Communities
- Resource-population dynamics with scaling and population movement in city networks
- Returning Samples from Enceladus
- SUDA: A Dust Mass Spectrometer for compositional surface mapping for the JUICE mission to the Galilean moons
- Seasonal hydroclimatic impacts of Brazilian sugar cane expansion
- Stormwater Infrastructure Effects on Urban Nitrogen Budgets
- Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of Individual Aerosol Particles from Below and Within Stratocumulus Clouds over the Southeast Pacific Ocean During VOCALS
- Surface Changes Observed at Greeley Haven during Opportunity's Fifth Martian Winter
- Targeting observations in data assimilation for a model problem of front propagation
- The Geological Context of Vesta's Dark Material
- The Relationship between Variations in Regional Inverse-estimated Net Carbon Exchange and Climate
- The Statistical Mechanics of the Bed Load Sediment Velocity Distribution
- The Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Iron Redox Metabolism in Hot Spring Ecosystems
- The Topology of Non-Linear Global Carbon Dynamics: From Tipping Points to Planetary Boundaries
- The Urban Water Cycle and how it Modulates the Microclimate and the Energy Cycle
- Three dimensional velocimetry of lava dome emplacement using synchronized photogrammetry, Santiaguito Dome, Guatemala
- Towards validation of urban GHG emissions using a very high resolution atmospheric inversion in the Indianapolis Flux Experiment
- Tower-based measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO, and CH<SUB>4</SUB> mole fractions in an urban environment
- Untangling the eco-hydro-geomorphic knot: Insights from an experiment seeking to explain patterns, processes, and feedbacks at the catchment scale
- Use of Nitrogen Budgets and N<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Measurements to Estimate the Role of Denitrification in Brownfield Stormwater Wetlands
- Utility of Coarse and Disaggregated Soil Moisture Observations for High-Resolution Hydrological Simulations
- Volcanic History of the Tempe Volcanic Province
- Water Resources Sustainability in Northwest Mexico: Analysis of Regional Infrastructure Plans under Historical and Climate Change Scenarios
- Water withdrawals reduce native fish diversity across the sunbelt of the US
- A High-performance Service-Oriented Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Rapid Disaster Response and Decision Making
- A synthesis data-model integration of the 5-year response of ecosystem respiration to altered temperature, moisture and atmospheric CO2
- Acclimatization of the Temperature Sensitivity of Ecosystem Respiration: Synthesis of a 5-year Global Change Experiment
- Active Serpentinization and the Potential for a Diverse Subsurface Biosphere
- An Impact Origin for Surface Minerals on Ceres
- Anticipatory Water Management in Phoenix using Advanced Scenario Planning and Analyses: WaterSim 5
- Application of Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Sensing to Understand Land-atmosphere Interactions in Three North American Monsoon Ecosystems
- Application of Geologic Mapping Techniques and Autonomous Feature Detection to Future Exploration of Europa
- Applications of Information Theory for Ecohydrology Model Diagnostics
- Are Urban Heat Island Adaptation Strategies Created Equal? Hydroclimatic Impact Assessment for U.S. 2100 Urban Expansion (Invited)
- Assessing hydroclimate impacts of a large-scale perennial biofuel crop expansion over the continental United States
- Calcium Sulfate Vein Observations at Yellowknife Bay using ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- Change Detection from differential airborne LiDAR using a weighted Anisotropic Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
- Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America
- Characterization of intermittency and statistical properties of high-resolution rainfall observations across a topographic transect in Northwest Mexico
- Characterizing the Phyllosilicates and Amorphous Phases Found by MSL Using Laboratory XRD and EGA Measurements of Natural and Synthetic Materials (Invited)
- Charon Cryovolcanism and Plutonian Plutonics
- ChemCam Compositional Results from the Shaler Outcrop in Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- ChemCam Passive Reflectance Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars
- ChemCam investigation of resistant fracture-fill cements at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Climate Change Extreme Events: Meeting the Information Needs of Water Resource Managers
- Coordinated in situ and orbital observations of ground temperature by the Mars Science Laboratory Ground Temperature Sensor and Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System: Implications for thermal modeling of the Martian surface
- Deep Ice Formation in Convecting Ice-Ocean Systems: Implications for Trace Element Transport from Europa's Ocean to its Surface
- Discharge Anomalies Underlie Strong Negative Co-Variation Between Native and Non-Native Fishes
- Discrepancy among the Au, Pt, and MgO Pressure Scales at 20-30 GPa and 1700-2100 K in the Laser-Heated Diamond-Anvil Cell
- Diversity of Planets in the Aftermath of Late Stage Accretion (Invited)
- EarthScope Town Hall
- Estimates of carbon cycle surface fluxes from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project
- Evaluation of WRF for fine scale surface energy balance modeling in Phoenix
- Examining Phenology-based Classification Approaches for Irrigated Crop Type Mapping Using Landsat Time-series Imagery
- Experiences Supporting the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera: the Devops Model
- Experimental analysis of bed load sediment motions using high-speed imagery
- Exploring the Variability of Late Cenozoic Exhumation Rates Across the Himalayan Rain Shadow
- Exploring the relation between spatial configuration of buildings and remotely sensed temperatures
- Exploring the topographic evolution of cinder cones
- Fusing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery with High Resolution Hydrologic Modeling (Invited)
- Glacially-developed weathering rinds at the micro-scale: Mineralogy and chemistry
- Hydrated Minerals at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars: Observations from Mastcam's Science Filters
- Hydroclimatic Impacts of Perennial Biofuel Crop Growth during an Extreme Drought Year
- Increased complexity modeling provides new physical understanding of landscape-forming processes (Invited)
- Intercomparison of Registration Techniques and Interactive 3D Visualization of Differential LiDAR from the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Investigating the Interaction Between Long-lived Compositional Reservoirs and Subducted Oceanic Crust. (Invited)
- Ion microprobe study of Au and Carlin-type trace metals in rhyolite melt inclusions from Eocene dikes and ash-flow tuff in northern Nevada
- Iron Oxidation State and Compressional Behaviors of Al,Fe-rich Mantle Silicate Perovskite up to 90 GPa
- Journey to a metal world: Concept for a Discovery mission to Psyche
- Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in volcanic clouds and their effects on ash dispersal
- Leveraging the water-energy-food nexus for a sustainability transition: Institutional and policy design choices in a fragmented world (Invited)
- Linking Climate Change Science and Adaptation Policy at the Community Scale through Anticipatory Governance: A Review of Concepts with Application to Arizona Communities (Invited)
- Linking economic water use, freshwater ecosystem impacts, and virtual water trade in a Great Lakes watershed
- Linking geochemistry to microbial ecology in hot springs: examples from southeastern Asia (Invited)
- Lipid biomarker production and preservation in acidic ecosystems: Relevance to early Earth and Mars
- Long-term and seasonal ground deformation in the Santa Clara Valley, California, revealed by multi decadal InSAR time series
- Lroc Observations of Permanently Shadowed Regions: Seeing into the Dark
- Managed Aquifer Recharge Systems - Recognition of the Importance of Travel Time Surface Area Relationships (Invited)
- Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover initial Mastcam geomorphologic and multispectral characterization of the Gale crater field site
- Meter scale measure of surface deformation and landscape response along active faults (Invited)
- Mobile application for field data collection and query: Example from wildlife research (Invited)
- NBS K409: A potential reference material for sub-micron X-ray resolution by EPMA
- Net discharge anomalies drive uncertainty in catch in the world's largest inland fishery
- Numerical Model of Turbulence, Sediment Transport, and Sediment Cover in a Large Canyon-Bound River
- On network design for the detection of urban greenhouse gas emissions: Results from the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX) (Invited)
- On the extent and significance of Oligocene mountain building in eastern Tibet (Invited)
- Open Holes in the Sheepbed Unit of Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Optimizing Urban Landscape Irrigation: A Modeling Approach to Water Savings through Tolerable Plant Water Stress and Seasonal Scheduling in Desert Cities
- Ordinary Stoichiometry of Extraordinary Microbes
- Origin of fluids and eruption dynamics at LUSI mud volcano (East Java, Indonesia)
- Overview of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast Version 3 (UCERF3) Time-Independent Model
- Oxygen Titration of Continental Lithosphere and the Rise of Atmospheric O2
- Pathogen and nutrient pulsing and attenuation in "accidental" urban wetland networks along the Salt River in Phoenix, AZ
- Petrology-based Modeling of Mantle Melt Electrical Conductivity and Joint-Interpretation of Electromagnetic and Seismic Results
- Photometric parameter maps of the Moon derived from LROC WAC images
- Planetary surface exploration using Raman spectroscopy for minerals and organics
- Preparing to return to the Moon: Lessons from science-driven analogue missions to the Mistastin Lake impact structure, Canada, a unique lunar analogue site
- Prospects for resilience and sustainability of urban socio-techno-ecological systems to evolving stressors at global, regional, and local scales (Invited)
- Quantification of fossil fuel CO2 at the building/street level for the LA Megacity
- Quantifying Rates of Complete Microbial Iron Redox Cycling in Acidic Hot Springs
- Quantifying the impacts of climate change in a sparsely-monitored basin in Sardinia, Italy, through distributed hydrologic simulations and hydrometeorological downscaling
- Raised Ridges in the Sheepbed Member as Evidence for Early Subaqueous Diagenesis at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Rapid, decimeter-resolution fault zone topography mapped with Structure from Motion
- Refining estimates of Quaternary slip on the Karakoram Fault System, Ladakh, NW India
- Relief production around the Grand Canyon region: using detrital CRN erosion rates and tributary stream profiles to distinguish lithologic and baselevel fall transient landscapes
- Remote Sensing of Arizona Monsoons: Application of GOES Infrared Imagery
- Riddles in the Dark: Imaging Inside Mercury's Permanently Shadowed Craters
- Saturn's Visible Aurora
- Scaling up the Hydrologic Effects of Forest Thinning in Semi-Arid Basins of Arizona
- Sedimentary Petrography and Facies Analysis at the Shaler Outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary architecture of the Shaler outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars: paleoenvironmental and sediment transport implications
- Sensitivity of simulated CO2 concentration to spatial aggregation and temporal structure in fossil fuel CO2 emissions generated by FFDAS
- Shifts that divide populations
- Social Media and Science: where do we go from here?
- Socio-Hydrology Modelling for an Uncertain Future, with Examples from the USA and Canada (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal variability of annual greenhouse gas fluxes from constructed wetland in an arid region
- Spatial and temporal variability of spring ecosystems in Cuatro Ciénegas, MX
- Spatiotemporal monitoring and modeling of Hawaiian volcanoes using multitemporal InSAR
- Spatiotemporal monitoring and modeling of land subsidence in Phoenix using InSAR, GPS and gravity time series
- Splitting predictions for synthetic anisotropy models in the lowermost mantle beneath a slab
- Studying urban land-atmospheric interactions by coupling an urban canopy model with a single column atmospheric models
- Tectonic controls of transient landscapes in the Bhutan Himalaya
- Tephrochronology of rare Plio-Pleistocene fossiferous strata in south-central Afar, Ethiopia
- Terrestrial analog field investigations to enable science and exploration studies of impacts and volcanism on the Moon, NEAs, and moons of Mars (Invited)
- Test and Sensitivity Analysis of Hydrological Modeling in the Coupled WRF-Urban Modeling System
- The ChemCam Remote Micro-Imager on MSL: Observations From the First Year on Mars
- The Conservation Nexus: Valuing Interdependent Water and Energy Savings in Phoenix, Arizona
- The EM Earthquake Precursor
- The First X-ray Diffraction Patterns of Clay Minerals from Gale Crater
- The Lassell Massif - a Silicic Lunar Volcano
- The Lusi mud eruption was not triggered by an earthquake
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions
- The Mineralogical and Chemical Case for Habitability at Yellowknife Bay, Gale crater, Mars
- The Shyok Suture Zone and Main Karakoram Thrust System in the Saltoro Range of Ladakh, Northwestern India
- The case for a deep-atmospheric in situ mission to address the highest priority Decadal Survey questions for Venus (Invited)
- Topographic Analyses of the Vestalia Terra plateau, Vesta (Invited)
- Towards Data Repository Interoperability: The Data Conservancy Data Packaging Specification
- Towards coupled giant impact and long term interior evolution models
- Towards space/time resolved uncertainty quantification of urban fossil fuel CO2 emissions (Invited)
- Trade in and Valuation of Virtual Water Impacts in a City: A Case Study Of Flagstaff, Arizona
- Turbulence- and particle-resolving model of sediment transport and the formation of bedforms under waves and unidirectional currents
- Urban scale atmospheric inversion of CO2 emissions using a high-density surface tower network over Indianapolis area
- Urban surface temperature vulnerability assessments
- Use of Interface Treatment to Reduce Emissions from Residuals in Lower Permeability Zones to Groundwater flowing Through More Permeable Zones (Invited)
- Utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Rangeland Resources Monitoring in a Changing Regulatory Environment (Invited)
- VNIR reflectance spectra of gypsum mixtures for comparison with White Sands National Monument, New Mexico (WSNM) dune samples as an analog study of the Olympia Undae region of Mars
- Water Resource Impacts Embedded in the Western US Electrical Energy Trade; Current Patterns and Adaptation to Future Drought
- What can a numerical landscape evolution model tell us about the evolution of a real landscape? Two examples of modeling a real landscape without recreating it
- XRD and mineralogical analysis of gypsum dunes at White Sands National Monument, New Mexico and applications to gypsum detection on Mars
- 3D Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of the Interior of the Cometary Nucleus
- A Cyber Enabled Collaborative Environment for Creating, Sharing and Using Data and Modeling Driven Curriculum Modules for Hydrology Education
- A Deep Moho in "Small Planet" Vesta and Implication Regarding the Chondritic Nature of Protoplanets
- A Dynamical Context for Small-scale Heterogeneity Throughout the Mantle Beneath Subduction
- A Study by Remote Sensing Methods of Volcanism at Craters of the Moon National Park, Idaho
- A Study of the King's Bowl Phreatic Explosion Crater as an Analog to Pits on Solar System Exploration Target Bodies
- A hierarchical modeling approach to estimating soil trace gas fluxes from static chambers
- A highly oxidized atmosphere-ocean system and oceanic molybdenum drawdown during the Paleoproterozoic
- A numerical study of the effect of urbanization on the climate of Las Vegas metropolitan area
- ADHydro: A Parallel Implementation of a Large-scale High-Resolution Multi-Physics Distributed Water Resources Model Using the Charm++ Run Time System
- An Intelligent Polar Cyberinfrastrucuture to Support Spatiotemporal Decision Making
- An Investigation of Amphitheater-Headed Canyon Distribution, Morphology Variation, and Longitudinal Profile Controls in Escalante and Tarantula Mesa, Utah.
- An unmagnetized early planetary body
- Apparent Disequilibrium of Inorganic and Organic Carbon Compounds in Serpentinizing Fluids
- Argon Intercalibration Pipette System (APIS): Smoking from the Same Pipe
- Arne - Exploring the Mare Tranquillitatis Pit
- Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Electric Power Generation in the Western Interconnection
- Assessing Coupled Social Ecological Flood Vulnerability from Uttarakhand, India, to the State of New York with Google Earth Engine
- Automatic Identification of Changes on the Lunar Surface and the Discovery of New Impact Craters
- Biophysical Controls over Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in Desert Playa Wetlands
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Biogenic vs Anthropogenic Sectoral Contribution for INFLUX
- Characterizing the carbon emissions of megacities
- Comparative Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Emissions across Large Urban Areas in the U.S.
- Comparison of analytical procedures to estimate CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O fluxes from a two-year ecosystem study in a constructed wetland system
- Compositional Mapping of the Transantarctic Mountains Using Orbital Reflectance Data
- Constraints on Age of India-Asia Collision and Pre-Collisional Subduction Metamorphism from the Sangsang Region, South Central Tibet
- Corona Formation on Venus Via Extension and Lithospheric Instability
- Crustal strain accumulation on Southern Basin and Range Province faults modulated by distant plate boundary earthquakes? Evidence from geodesy, seismic imaging, and paleoseismology
- Curiosity in Situ Observations at Kylie, a Preview of the Kimberley Drill Site Geology
- Destruction and Re-Accretion of Mid-Size Moons During an Outer Solar System Late Heavy Bombardment
- Discovery and Analysis of Intersecting Datasets: JMARS as a Comparative Science Platform
- Dissolved Oxygen and Sulfide Define the Boundaries of Thermophilic Microbial Iron Mats
- Disturbance, A Mechanism for Increased Microbial Diversity in a Yellowstone National Park Hot Spring Mixing Zone
- Does the spatial arrangement of vegetation and anthropogenic land cover features matter? Case studies of urban warming and cooling in Phoenix and Las Vegas
- Drought-Net: An international network to assess terrestrial ecosystem sensitivity to drought
- Dual Heuristics for Assessment of Hydrologic Sensitivities to Climate Change in Watersheds of the Lower Colorado Basin
- EarthScope Education and Outreach: Accomplishments and Emerging Opportunities
- Effects of Land Use on the Predictability of Land-Atmosphere Fluxes and Moisture Transport in the North American Monsoon Region
- Empirical Photometric Normalization for the Seven Band UV-VIS Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera
- Evaporating Atmospheres Around Close-in Exoplanets.
- Evidence of Arc Magma Genesis in a Paleo-Mantle Wedge, the Higashi-Akaishi Peridotite, Japan
- Evidence of a complex shallow reservoir network from micro-textural observations of the scoria products of the 1085 AD Sunset Crater eruption
- Exhumation of the Argentine Andes, 32°- 34° S: detrital (U-Th)/He and U-Pb zircon double dating
- Experimental Support of Statistical Mechanics Theory of Bed Load Sediment Motions Using High-Speed Imagery
- Experiments with Low Voltage Field Emission EPMA
- First Iron Meteorites Observed By the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Rover Curiosity
- Forearc hyperextension by detachment faulting and ophiolite dismemberment: examples from the Yarlung Tsangpo Suture Zone (Southern Tibet)
- Geobiochemistry: Placing Biochemistry in Its Geochemical Context
- Gnamma Pit Growth: Insights from Wind Tunnel Experiments and Numerical Modeling
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Indianapolis using a High-Density Surface Tower Network and an Atmospheric Inversion
- Gross primary production of a semiarid grassland is enhanced by six years of exposure to elevated atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>, warming, and irrigation.
- Growing Rocks: Implications of Lithification for Microbial Communities and Nutrient Cycling
- Heterogeneities within natural enstatite and their role in phase relations, rheology, and lattice-preferred orientation within akimotoite
- Heterogeneous Shock Effects in NWA 8159: a Unique new Martian Meteorite
- How the Second Law of Thermodynamics Has Informed Ecosystem Ecology through Its History
- Hydrothermal Mineral-Assisted Organic Transformations of Carboxylic Acids
- Identification and Atmospheric Transport of Microcystin Around Southern California Using Airborne Remote Sensing
- Identification and Characterization of Well-Preserved Impact Ejecta Deposits Using THEMIS Global Infrared Mosaics
- Imaging of comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) from the Martian surface
- Implications of Water Use and Hydroclimatic Anomalies on the Freshwater Sustainability across the US Sunbelt
- In Situ Measurements of the Post-Spinel and Post-Garnet Phase Boundaries in Pyrolite at 17-32 GPa and 1500-2400 K
- Influence of Rock Strength on Landscape Evolution and Sediment Provenance Records
- Influence of the Asian Monsoon on the Couplings between Stomatal Conductance and Micrometeorological Variables of Forest Ecosystems in East Asia
- Integrated Laser Microprobe (U-Th)/He and U/Pb Dating of Titanite and Zircon
- Integrated water resource management under water supply and irrigation development uncertainty
- Inter-City Virtual Water Transfers Within a Large Metropolitan Area: A Case Study of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area in the United States
- Interaction Between LLSVPs and ULVZs and Its Implication for the Origin of ULVZs
- Interaction Between Mantle Plumes, Subducted Oceanic Crust and Primordial Reservoirs at Earth's Lowermost Mantle
- Intercomparison of the Wetchimp-Wsl Wetland Methane Models over West Siberia: How Well Can We Simulate High-Latitude Wetland Methane Emissions?
- Investigating Potential Causes for An Abrupt Change of Thermal State in Earth's Upper Mantle During the Great Oxygenation Event
- Investigating Seasonal Emissions of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Northern California Using Airborne Measurements and Inverse Modeling
- Investigating the Habitability and Preservation Potential of Two Aqueous Settings in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Investigation of Biological Soil Crusts Metabolic Webs Using Exometabolomic Analysis
- Investigation of small earthquakes and microseismicity at the down-dip end of the seismogenic zone associated with slow slip events and large subduction earthquakes
- Investigations of young (< 2.94 Ma) Hadar Formation deposits and their implication for basin development in southern Afar, Ethiopia
- Joint Analysis of Bulk Water/Chlorine Distribution in the Martian Subsurface along MSL Curiosity Traverse from Comparison between DAN/MSL and other instruments observations onboard Curiosity Rover
- King's Bowl Pit Crater, Lava Field and Eruptive Fissure, Idaho - A Multipurpose Volcanic Planetary Analog
- Layer Stripping Forward Tomography with S, ScS, and Sdiff phases to sharpen images of deep mantle shear velocity heterogeneity
- Legacy phosphorus accumulation and management in the global context: insights from long-term analysis of major river basins
- Llsvp
- Long-term Passive Mode Data Measured by the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) Instrument onboard Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and Comparison to REMS Surface Pressure and Temperature Measurements
- Lunar Proton Albedo Anomalies: Soil, Surveyors, and Statistics
- MSL DAN Passive Data and Interpretations
- Making a Large Volcano on Mars: Edifice State of Stress of Olympus Mons and Implications for Its Evolution
- Making an Iron Planet: The Case for Repeated Hit and Run Collisions
- Making sense of martian sediments at the Kimberley, Gale crater
- Mapping Glacial Weathering Processes with Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing: A Case Study at Robertson Glacier, Canada
- Martian Sedimentary Basins and Central Mound Formation
- Mechanisms Behind Aseismic Slip Pulsing on the Northeast Japan Subduction Zone: Insights from Time-Dependent Modelling of GPS and Repeating Earthquakes
- Methodologies for Analyzing the Water Footprint of Cities
- Microclimate Patterns of Residential Landscapes Across the US
- Mineralogy of Fluvio-Lacustrine Sediments Investigated by Curiosity during the Prime Mission: Implications for Diagenesis
- Modeling Argon Isotopic Behavior in Polygenetic Impact Melt Breccias
- Modeling Mantle Heterogeneity Development in Earth's Mantle Using Multidisciplinary Approaches
- Modification of the Himalayan Orogenic Wedge by Late Cenozoic Southeastward Flow of Tibet
- Monitoring cropping patterns using sequential Landsat imagery: An adaptive threshold approach and its application in Phoenix, AZ
- New Observations of Coseismic Fault Zone Deformation from Differencing Pre- and Post-Earthquake Lidar Data
- New high-resolution topographic data and updated tectonic geomorphology at Wheeler Ridge, California
- Observations and Observability of Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions
- Observations of high manganese layers by the Curiosity rover at the Kimberley, Gale crater, Mars
- One Year of Doppler Lidar Observations Characterizing Boundary Layer Wind, Turbulence, and Aerosol Structure During the Indianapolis Flux Experiment
- Origin of Terrestrial Water: Hydrogen/Deuterium Fractionation into Earth's Core
- Oxygen Oases Before and After the GOE: Insights From Metals and Models
- Participatory Water Resources Modeling in a Water-Scarce Basin (Rio Sonora, Mexico) Reveals Uncertainty in Decision-Making
- Partitioning of Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB>ff Emissions By Source Sector: Results from the Influx Project
- Phototrophy in Mildly Acidic Hot Spring Ecosystems
- Predictability of Hydraulic Head Changes and Characterization of Aquifer-System and Fault Properties from InSAR-Derived Ground Deformation
- Quantifying Atmospheric Moist Processes from Earth Observations. Really?
- Quantifying the Hydrologic Effects of the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquakes
- Reaching Europa's Surface: Erosion of the Viscous Lid by Compositional Plumes with Implications for Ocean-Surface Material Exchange
- Reconstructing Ancient Fluvial Environments at the Balmville and Dingo Gap Outcrops, Gale Crater, Mars
- Reconstruction of a Phreatic Explosion from Block Dispersion Modeling at King's Bowl, Idaho
- Relationships between Slow Slip and Earthquakes at the Brittle-Ductile Transition of Subduction Zones
- Remote sensing of vegetation ecophysiological function for improved hydrologic prediction
- Resilience Simulation for Water, Power & Road Networks
- Restoration and Recalibration of the Viking MAWD Datasets
- Results of Formal Evaluation of a Data and Modeling Driven Hydrology Learning Module
- SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions at Semeru Volcano, Indonesia: Characterization and Quantification of Persistent and Periodic Explosive Activity.
- Saturn's Aurora Observed by Cassini Camera in Visible Wavelengths
- Sensitivity of simulated CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration to sub-annual variations in fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- Shaping Future Phosphorus Management Pathways by Understanding the Past and Present
- Shear Deformation of Fe Polycrystals in the Rotational Diamond Anvil Cell
- Single-particle Analyses of Compositions, Morphology, and Viscosity of Aerosol Particles Collected During GoAmazon2014
- Slab Stagnation in the Lower Mantle: A Multidisciplinary Investigation
- Slow and Go: Pulsing Slip Rates on the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Small and Large-scale Drivers of Denitrification Patterns in "Accidental" Urban Wetlands in Phoenix, Arizona
- Soil Production and Erosion on a Low-Relief, Soil-Mantled Landscape in the Pinaleno Mountains, Arizona
- Soil Temperature and Moisture Change and the Impacts on Vegetation over the Tibetan Plateau
- Soil organic carbon stock changes in the contiguous United States from 1920s to 2010s
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Nutrient Limitation, Plant Biomass and Productivity, and Stream Metabolism Vary in Response to Short- and Long-Term Hydrological Regime Shifts
- Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity in Regional Watershed Phosphorus Cycles Driven by Changes in Human Activity over the Past Century
- Spatio-temporal Estimates of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions in the Los Angeles Basin from On-road and Airport Traffic
- Spatiotemporal Characterization of Aquifers Using InSAR Time Series and Time-dependent Poroelastic Modeling in Phoenix, Arizona
- Spatiotemporal Structure and Covariance of Bedload Motion and Near-Bed Fluid Velocity over Bedforms: Laboratory and Numerical Experiments Downstream of a Backward-Facing Step
- Storage Conditions of Large Silicic Magmatic Systems: Gauging Melt Evolution from Melt Inclusions Hosted in Different Phenocryst Phases
- Stratigraphic Analysis of Phyllosilicate and Hydrated Sulfate Deposits Across the Margaritifer-Meridiani Boundary
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- The BENTO Box: Development and field-testing of a new satellite-linked data collection system for multiparameter volcano monitoring
- The Detectability of Heat Flow Signatures on Europa
- The Effects of Particle Size, Relative Humidity, and Sulfur Dioxide on Iron Solubility in Atmospheric Particulate Matter
- The Impact of the Parcel-Level Land Architecture on Land Surface Temperature in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
- The Implications of Flank Vents on Olympus Mons
- The Influence of the Soil Water Balance Within Catchment Hillslopes on Runoff Variability and Fluvial Incision
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions.
- The Post-Perovskite Transition and Mineralogical Changes in the Chemically Heterogeneous Lower Mantle
- The Power Plant Mapping Student Project: Bringing Citizen Science to Schools
- The Role of Post-Perovskite in Explaining Observations of Seismic Anisotropy
- The microbial mats of Pavilion Lake microbialites: examining the relationship between photosynthesis and carbonate precipitation
- Thermochronologic constraints on the Miocene slip history of the South Tibetan detachment system in the Everest region, central Himalaya
- Time-dependent Model of Aseismic slip on the Central San Andreas Fault from InSAR Time Series and Repeating Earthquakes
- Time-dependent deformation source model of Kilauea volcano obtained via InSAR time series and inversion modeling
- Time-dependent source model of the Lusi mud volcano
- Towards Coupled Giant Impact and Long Term Interior Evolution Models
- Transmission Electron Microscopy Analysis of Tarball Formation and Volatility from Biomass-burning Aerosol Particles during the 2013 BBOP Campaign
- Tropical Controls on the CO2 Atmospheric Growth Rate 2010-2011 from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) Project
- Trouble Upstairs: Reconstructing Permian-Triassic Climate during Siberian Traps Magmatism
- Ultra Low Velocity Zone existence in the high shear velocity region beneath Cocos Plate, Central America, and the Caribbean
- Understanding Magma Storage Conditions that Produce Highly Explosive Monogenetic Basaltic Eruptions Using Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Sunset Crater, AZ
- Uranium Isotope Fractionation During Coprecipitation with Aragonite and Calcite
- Using Satellite-based Evapotranspiration Estimation to Characterize Agricultural Irrigation Water Use
- Using Wavelets and Information Theory to Characterize the Direction, Strength, and Time Scale of Interaction between Environmental Drivers and Greenhouse Gas Exchange in Managed Wetlands of Northern California
- VERITAS: A mission to study the highest priority Decadal Survey questions for Venus
- Virtual Exploration of Earth's Evolution
- Virtual water flows and Water Balance Impacts of the U.S. Great Lakes Basin
- Visible and near-infrared spectra of manganese oxides: Detecting high manganese phases in Curiosity Mastcam multispectral images
- Visible to Near-IR Spectral Units Along the MSL Gale Crater Traverse: Comparison of In Situ Mastcam and Orbital CRISM Observations
- Water Retention Curve and Relative Permeability for Gas Production from Hydrate-Bearing Sediments
- Water in Al-free Stishovite up to 65 GPa and 2000 K
- When Do Complex Eruption Dynamics Matter? The Roles of Column Instability and Magma-water Interaction on Dispersal of Volcanic Ash
- Wishstone to Watchtower: Alteration of Plagioclase-rich Rocks in Gusev Crater, Mars
- iVFTs - immersive virtual field trips for interactive learning about Earth's environment.
- time Dependence of Aerosols in Biomass Burn Plumes from Bbop
- 4D map of the Kilauea summit shallow magmatic system constrained by InSAR time series and geometry-free inversions
- A Model of Turbulence, Sediment Transport and Morphodynamics of Lateral Separation Zones in Canyon Rivers using Detached Eddy Simulation Technique
- A novel approach in estimating surface energy balance: new perspective of urban-rural contrast in arid cities
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- Albedo and Spectral Variability on Ceres from Four Decades of Observations
- Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport
- An Unexplained Pulse of Late Cretaceous Exhumation in Northern New England
- An Update to the EARTHTIME Argon Intercalibration Pipette System (APIS): Smoking from the Same Pipe
- Approaches and Recommendations for Simulating Extreme Precipitation Years in Multi-site Experiments
- Assessing Climate Vulnerability and Resilience of a Major Water Resource System - Inverting the Paradigm for Specific Risk Quantification at Decision Making Points of Impact
- Assumption Centred Modelling of Ecosystem Responses to CO<SUB>2</SUB> at Six US Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment Experiments.
- Biogenic Carbon on Mars: A Subsurface Chauvinistic Viewpoint
- Boron Isotopic Compositions of High-Pressure Hydrous Phases from the Slab-Mantle Wedge Interface
- Bridging Multiple Lines Of Evidence To Quantify Plant Phenology And Assess Links To Dryland Ecosystem Function
- Characterization of Landslide Geometry and Motion near Black Canyon City, Arizona
- Climate sensitivity of global terrestrial ecosystems' subdaily carbon, water, and energy dynamics.
- Collisional Disruption of Gravity Dominated Bodies: New Data and Scaling
- Comparative tectonic features on Ceres and other planetary bodies
- Comparison of different UHI mitigation strategies: the street- versus roof-level implementation
- Complex Explosive Volcanic Activity on the Moon in Oppenheimer Crater
- Compositional Mapping of Europa's Surface with SUDA
- Constraining planetary atmospheric density: application of heuristic search algorithms to aerodynamic modeling of impact ejecta trajectories
- Continuous Bombardment: Effect of Small Primary and Secondary Impacts on the Lunar Regolith
- Coupling giant impacts and long-term evolution models
- Creep avalanches on the Central San Andreas Fault: Clues and Causes
- Crystal Structure of Pure and Aluminous Calcium Silicate Perovskites at Mantle Related Pressure and Temperature
- Data-Driven Design: Learning from Student Experiences and Behaviors
- Developing a Metal Proxy for the Rise of Early Terrestrial Life
- Developing a concept of social-ecological-technological systems to characterize resilience of urban areas and infrastructure to extreme events
- Development of Clinopyroxene as an Igneous Geospeedometer Using NanoSIMS
- Digging up your dirt. High school students combine small-scale respiration and soil carbon measurements with satellite imagery in hands-on inquiry activities.
- Distinguishing between climatic and tectonic influences on topography: Best practices and application to the Northern Bolivian Andes
- Down-regulation of tissue N:P ratios in terrestrial plants by elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Dynamic Flood Vulnerability Mapping with Google Earth Engine
- Earthquake Weather: Linking Seismicity to Changes in Barometric Pressure, Earth Tides, and Rainfall
- Effects of Compositional Variation of Basalt on Subducting Slabs over Time
- Elements of Bed Load Particle Diffusion Based on a Large, High-Resolution Data Set Obtained from High-Speed Imaging: Toward a Physical Interpretation of Particle Kinematics
- Emissions, Topography, and Variation in XCO2 above the Southern California megacity
- Enhancing Extreme Heat Health-Related Intervention and Preparedness Activities Using Remote Sensing Analysis of Daily Surface Temperature, Surface Observation Networks and Ecmwf Reanalysis
- Enhancing the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model to Account for Natural and Anthropogenic Impacts on Evapotranspiration in the North American Monsoon Region
- Eruption cycles in a basaltic andesite system: insights from numerical modeling
- Evaluating Water and Energy Fluxes across Three Land Cover Types in a Desert Urban Environment through a Mobile Eddy Covariance Platform
- Evidence for Acid-Sulfate Alteration in the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
- Evidence of Multiple Ground-rupturing Earthquakes in the Past 4000 Years along the Pasuruan Fault, East Java, Indonesia
- Evidence of Substrate Specialization among Euendolithic Cyanobacteria from Mona Island, Puerto Rico
- Evolution of Planetary Ice-Ocean Systems: Effects of Salinity
- Evolving morphology of thermochemical piles caused by accumulation of subducted oceanic crust
- Experimental Exploration of Scale Effects and Factors Controlling Bed Load Sediment Entrainment
- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Shear on the Electrical Properties of Polycrystalline Olivine and the Role of Grain Boundaries
- Experimental Investigation of the Electrical Anisotropy of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System
- Exploring the Variability of Late Cenozoic Exhumation Rates across the Himalayan Rain Shadow
- Feedbacks Between Erosion, Climate and Uplift in the Gongga Granite on the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Forecasting Regional Agroecosystems Responses to Drought and Wet Periods using Long Term Data from LTAR and LTER sites
- Geochemistry, thermal evolution, and cryovolcanism on Ceres with a muddy ice mantle
- Geologic Investigations Spurred by Analog Testing at the 7504 Cone-Sp Mountain Area of the San Francisco Volcanic Field
- Geologic Mapping of Ascraeus Mons, Mars
- Good Grains Gone Bad: How Grain to Grain Interactions Complicate the Onset of Motion
- Governance Challenges in Telecoupled Food Systems
- Groundwater Depletion in Dhaka City, Bangladesh: A Spatio-temporal Analysis
- High Spatial Resolution <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology of Impact Melt Breccias from Apollo 17 Boulders at Stations 2, 6, and 7
- High-accuracy, high-precision, high-resolution, continuous monitoring of urban greenhouse gas emissions? Results to date from INFLUX
- Hot Spring Microbial Community Elemental Composition: Hot Spring and Soil Inputs, and the Transition from Biocumulus to Sinter
- How to draw down CO<SUB>2</SUB> from severe Hadean to habitable Archean?
- Identification of microcrystalline rocks using thermal emission spectroscopy
- Impact of Diagenesis on Biosignature Preservation Potential in Playa Lake Evaporites in Verde Formation, Arizona: Implications for Mars Exploration
- Impact of drought on the CO2 atmospheric growth rate 2010-2012 from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) Project
- Impact of land surface conditions on the predictability of hydrologic processes and mountain-valley circulations in the North American Monsoon region
- Impacts of Climate Change on Electric Transmission Capacity and Peak Electricity Load in the United States
- Impacts of Irrigation on Soil Moisture Scaling Properties and Downscaling
- Implications of the Hidden Spatiotemporal Vulnerability of US Building Energy Demand to Climate Change
- Infrastructure Upgrades to Support Model Longevity and New Applications: The Variable Infiltration Capacity Model Version 5.0 (VIC 5.0)
- Insights Into the Mineralogic Diversity of Lower Mount Sharp Units from Mars Science Laboratory Mastcam Multispectral Observations
- Integrated Laser Ablation U/Pb and (U-Th)/He Dating of Detrital Accessory Minerals from the Naryani River, Central Nepal
- Investigating Late Amazonian Volcanotectonic Activity on Olympus Mons, Mars using Flank Vents and Arcuate Graben
- Investigation of complex slow slip behavior along the Hikurangi subduction zone with earthquake simulator RSQSim
- Katabatically Driven Downslope Windstorm-Type Flows on the Inner Sidewall of Arizona's Barringer Meteorite Crater
- Keck Near-Infrared AO Observation of Io in 2011
- LA Megacity: An Integrated Land-Atmosphere System for Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- Lessons Learned From Large-Scale Evapotranspiration and Root Zone Soil Moisture Mapping Using Ground Measurements (meteorological, LAS, EC) and Remote Sensing (METRIC)
- Linkages between controlled floods, eddy sandbar dynamics, and riparian vegetation along the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Arizona
- Low-Temperature Thermochronology Applied to Constrain the Multi-Episodic Thermotectonic Evolution of the Southeastern Continental Margin of Brazil
- Lunar Field Geological Interpretations Assisted by LROC, Mini-RF and M3: Taurus-Littrow
- Machine Learning for Flood Prediction in Google Earth Engine
- Magma Channelization on the Earth and Planets: Ongoing Reevaluation of Formation Mechanism
- Marine Heat Flow Measurements of the Northern and Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Maspex Europa
- Methane Flux of Amazonian Peatland Ecosystems: Large Ecosystem Fluxes with Substantial Contribution from Palm (maritia Flexuosa) STEM Emissions
- Micro-digitate Silica Structures on Earth and Mars: Potential Biosignatures Revealed in the Geyser Field of El Tatio, Chile
- Mineral-catalyzed dehydrogenation of C<SUB>6</SUB> cyclic hydrocarbons: results from experimental studies under hydrothermal conditions
- Modeling mechanical and thermo-mechanical erosion by flowing lava at Raglan, Cape Smith Belt, New Québec, Canada
- Monitoring of anomalous water distribution by DAN/MSL during first U-turn observational campaign at Marias Pass area in Gale Crater
- Natural Disaster Induced Losses at Household Level: A Study on the Disaster Affected Migrants
- Nature's Helpers: Using Microorganisms to Remove Trichloroethene (TCE) from Groundwater
- Neogene Tectonic History of the Sierra San Pedro Mártir, Baja California Revealed by Careful Pairing of Cosmogenic Sampling with Topographic Analysis
- New Hydrogen Self Diffusion Coefficients in Olivine Using NanoSIMS
- New chronometers for the metamorphism of ophiolitic rocks: <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar neptunite and <SUP>232</SUP>Th/<SUP>208</SUP>Pb joaquinite
- Observation of Very High Passive Mode Thermal Neutron Counts by the MSL DAN Instrument at Marias Pass in Gale Crater
- Oceans Abound? Tectonic Tests of Global Ocean Models for Enceladus and Mimas
- On Using Solar Radio Emission to Probe Interiors of Asteroids and Comets
- Operational System for Estimating Compaction of Arctic Glacial Firn and Surface Mass Balance
- Overlapping Ballistic Ejecta Fields: Separating Distinct Blasts at Kings Bowl, Idaho
- Overview of NASA FINESSE (Field Investigations to Enable Solar System Science and Exploration) Science and Exploration Results
- Oxygen isotope fractionation during spin-forbidden photolysis of CO2: Relevance to the atmosphere of Mars
- Partitioning Evapotranspiration to Illustrate the Effects of Shrub Competition and Soil Water on Ecosystem State Transitions
- Pervasive Drought Legacy Effects in Forest Ecosystems and their Carbon Cycle Implications
- Physical vs. Chemical Weathering Controls of Soils' Capacity to Store Carbon: Hillslope Transects under Different Climatic Conditions
- Pleistocene onset of Simultaneous and Rapid Exhumation in the Eastern Central Range of the Taiwan Orogenic Belt
- Plumes and Tides on Europa - Implications from the 2015 HST Campaign
- Predicting future productivity of Southeastern U.S. pine ecosystems in a changing climate using data assimilation with diverse data sources
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-1 Asari Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data.
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-11 Sintana Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-12 Toharu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-13 Urvara Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-14 Yalode Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-2 Coniraya Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-6 Haulani Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-7 Kerwan Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-8 Nawish Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-9 Occator Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Maps of the Ac-H-10 Rongo and Ac-H-15 Zadeni Quadrangles: An integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
- Pulse driven productivity in semi-arid lands
- Quantifying Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Space: Fossil Fuel Data Assimilation System and Global Urban Emissions
- Quantifying the Boundary-Layer Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide from A Built Environment Using A Coupled Urban Land-Atmospheric Model
- Radiogenic Isotope Constraints on Fluid Sources in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System
- Re-measuring the Slip Rate of the San Andreas Fault at Wallace Creek in the Carrizo Plain, CA
- Recent Mastcam and MAHLI Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations: Pahrump Hills to Marias Pass
- Reconciling Earthquake Source Parameters from InSAR and Long-period Seismic Waveform Data
- Reconciling Invariant Topography with Significant Along-Strike Gradients in Climate and Tectonics in the Greater Caucasus
- Reconstructing Historical Changes in Watersheds from Environmental Records: An Information Theory Approach
- Reconstructing Plate Motions on Europa with GPlates
- Regulations of evapotranspiration and ecosystem productivity from biophysical and human drivers in drylands Northern Eurasia
- Relative role of parameter vs. climate uncertainty for predictions of future Southeastern U.S. pine carbon cycling
- Remote Sensing of the Surface Urban Heat Island and Land Architecture in Phoenix, Arizona: Combined Effects of Land Composition and Configuration and Cadastral-Demographic-Economic Factors
- Revisiting the Atmospheric Rise Heights of Volcanic Eruption Plumes on Mars
- SIMS Calibration of Nitrogen in Silicate Glasses and Applications to Melt Inclusions
- Scale-Dependent Measurements of Meteorite Strength and Fragmentation: Tamdakht (H5) and Allende (CV3).
- Scaling Effect In Trade Network
- Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission
- Seasonal Precipitation Variability Effects on Carbon Exchange in a Tropical Dry Forest of Northwest Mexico
- Seeking Signs of Life in Nili Patera with Icelandic Sinter Field Exploration.
- Seismic detection of oceanic crust in Earth's lower mantle and its relation to large-scale mantle structure
- Sensitivity of Flux Accuracy to Setup of Fossil Fuel and Biogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Inverse System in an Urban Environment
- Shaping Future Phosphorus Management Pathways by Understanding the Past and Present
- Soil Production and Transport Perspectives on Critical Zone Studies
- Spatially Distributed Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions in Two U.S. Cities Using Activity Data: Applicability for Global Cities and High-resolution Atmospheric Inversion Modeling
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urban Heat Island and Urban Metabolism by Satellite Imagery over the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Mountain Block Recharge in Three Semiarid Watersheds along the U.S.-Mexico Border Region
- Spatiotemporal comparison of highly-resolved emissions and concentrations of carbon dioxide and criteria pollutants in Salt Lake City, Utah for health and policy applications
- Spatiotemporal distribution of strain field and hydraulic conductivity at the Phoenix valley basins, constrained using InSAR time series and time-dependent models
- Stability of Pure Hydrous Silica at Geotherm Temperatures up to 70 GPa
- Striking Local Distinctions in Basaltic Melts within Nicaraguan Cross-arc Lineaments
- Surface response of blind thrust shown from high resolution topographic data and updated geochronology at Wheeler Ridge, CA
- Systemic and intensifying drought induces collapse and replacement of native fishes: a time-series approach
- TA sub-array measurements of SmKS ray parameters to determine lower mantle influence
- Tephrochronology of the East African Baringo-Tugen Hills Cores: Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP)
- The Evolution of a Perched, Low-Relief, Soil-Mantled Landscape in the Pinaleño Mountains, SE Arizona
- The Geology of Ceres: an Overview
- The Influence of Splat Events on the Spatiotemporal Pattern of Bedload Transport over Bedforms: Laboratory Experiments Downstream of a Backward-Facing Step
- The Mantle-Atmosphere Connection: Oxidation of the Atmosphere through Mantle Convection
- The Plumbing System of a Highly Explosive Basaltic Volcano: Sunset Crater, AZ
- The Role of Cell Compartmentalization and Cell Differentiation in Cyanobacterial Excavation of Miineral Carbonates
- The Three Colorado Rivers: Comparing the Physical, Legal, and Economic Allocation of a Shared River
- The Walnut Gulch - Santa Rita Wildland Watershed-Scale LTAR Sites
- The Water Retention Curves in THF Hydrate-Bearing Sediments - Experimental Measurement and Pore Scale Simulation
- The collisional history of dwarf planet Ceres revealed by Dawn
- The first long-term and continuous measurements of firn mass-balance and compaction on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- The hydrological cycle of the Niger River basin simulated by the CORDEX-Africa regional climate models
- The role of hydroclimate and water use on freshwater sustainability over the conterminous US.
- The telltale shapes of small lunar craters at the Apollo 16 and 17 landing sites
- The topography of Ceres and implications for the formation of linear surface structures
- Thermal and exhumation history of the central Tianshan (NW China): Constraints by U-Pb geochronology and Ar-Ar and (U-Th)/He thermochronology
- Toward Improvements in Inter-laboratory Calibration of Argon Isotope Measurements
- Toward quantifying robustness-performance tradeoffs in coupled natural-human systems
- Trends in Monthly Methane Emissions in Los Angeles Inferred by Mountaintop Remote Sensing Measurements
- Tributary response to baselevel fall in Grand Canyon: incision timing and influences of coarse sediment supply on knickpoint form and channel steepness
- UV-Excited Fluorescence of Rocks in Gale Crater, Mars
- Un-Earth-like interiors of the Earth-like planets
- Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information
- Updated Long Term Fault Slip Rates and Seismic Hazard in the Central Alborz, Iran: New Constraints From InSAR and GPS
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors
- Uranium Isotopes in Calcium Carbonate: A Possible Proxy for Paleo-pH and Carbonate Ion Concentration?
- Uranium isotopes as a potential global-ocean redox proxy: a test from the Upper Pennsylvanian Hushpuckney Shale (Kansas, U.S.A.)
- Urban Futures - Innovation Engines or Slums? A Stellar Evolution Model of Urban Growth
- Urban Growth Trajectories as a Window into Understanding Hydrologic Changes
- Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
- Using the Hestia bottom-up FFCO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions estimation to identify drivers and hotspots in urban areas
- Vent 7504 of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF), Arizona: Sample Geochemistry and Implications for Cone Formation
- Vulnerability of Urban Water Systems to Climate Change and Mitigating the Potential for Cascading Failures
- 1,4-Dioxane Vadose Remediation by Enhanced Soil Vapor Extraction
- A Community Cyberinfrastructure for Data Driven University Hydrology Education
- A General-purpose Framework for Parallel Processing of Large-scale LiDAR Data
- A Progress Report to the EARTHTIME Argon Inter-Calibration Pipette System (APSI): Still Smoking from the Same Pipe
- A Road Map for America's Water for the Next 20 Years
- Abiotic vs biological sources and fates of organic compounds in a low temperature continental serpentinizing system
- Accelerated soil carbon loss by biological changes under warming in Alaskan tundra
- Amorphous material from the rapid evaporation of basalt weathering solutions: Implications for Amazonian alteration
- Assessing Complex Learning Objectives through Analytics
- Assessing Student Attitudes Towards Science in an Adaptive Online Astrobiology Course: Comparing Online and On-Campus Undergraduates
- Astronaut Bones: Stable Calcium Isotopes in Urine as a Biomarker of Bone Mineral Balance
- Bloom of Firmicutes of order Bacillales underlies wet-up response of a cyanobacterial biocrust chronosequence
- Built Expansion and Global Climate Change Drive Projected Urban Heat: Relative Magnitudes, Interactions, and Mitigation
- BurnMan: Towards a multidisciplinary toolkit for reproducible deep Earth science
- By Inferno's Light: Characterizing TESS Object of Interest Host Stars for Prioritizing Our Search for Habitable Planets
- Carbon Dioxide: The Other Planetary Fluid
- Changes of the Shrub/Grass balance under Climate Change: Mechanisms and Consequences
- Characterization of the Virtual Water Commodity Network of Major U.S. Cities
- Chemical Weathering on a Cold and Wet Ancient Mars: New Insights from a Glacial Mars Analog Site
- Clinopyroxene Diffusion Chronometry of the Scaup Lake Rhyolite, Yellowstone Caldera, WY
- Compaction-induced elevated pore pressure and creep pulsing in California faults
- Continuous measurements of surface mass balance, firn compaction, and meltwater retention in Greenland for altimetry validation.
- Controls on the Fluid Compositions of Hyperalkaline Springs: Clues from the Samail Ophiolite in Oman
- Controls on tree species stem transport and emission of methane from tropical peatlands
- Crater-related flow features on Ceres - Implications for cryovolcanism
- Critical Elements for Successful Implementation and Adoption of Authentic Scientific Research Programs: Lessons Learned from NASA's Mars Student Imaging Project
- Depth variations of friction rate parameter derived from dynamic modeling of GPS afterslip associated with the 2003 Mw 6.5 Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan
- Developing a Global Database of Historic Flood Events to Support Machine Learning Flood Prediction in Google Earth Engine
- Developing the greatest Blue Economy: Water productivity, fresh water depletion, and virtual water trade in the Great Lakes basin
- Development and Evaluation of a Fully-Online Introductory Biology Course With an Emphasis on the Possibility of Life Beyond Earth
- Diagenetic Effects on Uranium Isotope Fractionation in Carbonate Sediments from the Bahamas
- Distribution of iron oxides in lower Mt. Sharp from Curiosity and orbital datasets, and implications for their formation
- Earth surface modeling for education: How effective is it? Latest classroom tests with Web-based Interactive Landform Simulation Model - Grand Canyon (WILSIM-GC)
- Emergence of a Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Northwest Mexico as a Result of Interbasin Water Transfers.
- Estimating the impact of 2015 El Niño and 2011 La Niña on terrestrial biosphere flux variability with multiple satellite observations
- Evaluating Metrics of Drainage Divide Mobility
- Evaluating the Role of Divide Migration in Landscape Evolution: Analysis of Response Timescales
- Evaluating the utility of detrital thermochronometric studies: detrital laser ablation (U-Th)/He dating and conventional bedrock zircon (U-Th)/He analyses from the eastern Sierra Nevada, California
- Experimental Demonstration of 3-Dimensional Flow Structures and Depositional Features in a Lateral Recirculation Zone
- Experimental Exploration of Particle-Scale Bed Load Transport and Near-Bed Fluid Velocities
- Experimental and numerical investigation of the coupling of turbulence and sediment transport over dunes
- Forest Fires as a Possible Source of Isotopically Light Marine Fe Aerosols
- Fundamental concepts and research priorities for advancing the science of urban stormwater hydrology and flood management
- Future Exploration of the South Pole as Enabled by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Geodynamic Modeling of Planetary Ice-Oceans: Evolution of Ice-Shell Thickness in Convecting Two-Phase Systems
- Geologic Mapping of Ascraeus Mons, Mars
- Grassland Responses to Precipitation Extremes
- How Geochemistry Provides Habitability: A Case Study of Iron Oxidation
- How much water flows? Examining water allocations using a mobile decision lab
- Hydrologic Causes and Effects of Vegetation State Change in the Semiarid Southwest US: Observations and Model Results From a Small, Instrumented Watershed
- I Assumed You Knew: Teaching Assumptions as Co-Equal to Observations in Scientific Work
- IODP/ICDP Expedition 364-Drilling the Cretaceous-Paleogene Chicxulub impact crater: Insights into large craters formation and their effect on life.
- Identifying Icy Chaos and Chaotic Regions on Europa in Low-resolution Images Using a Statistical Approach
- Immersive, interactive virtual field trips promote learning
- Impact of the 2015 El Niño on the Indonesian carbon balance: implications for carbon mitigation
- Impacts of Land Cover and Land Use Change on the Hydrology of the US-Mexico Border Region, 1992-2011
- Investigating H (hydrogen) self-diffusion in olivine and upper mantle electrical conductivity
- Investigating ULVZ morphology associated with increased mineralogical grain-size of thermochemical piles resulting in higher intrinsic diffusion-creep viscosity
- Investigating hydrometeorological impacts of perennial bioenergy crops under realistic scenario expansions
- Investigation of Partial Melting in Planetary Interiors using Electrical Measurements
- Investigations on the Use of Multi-Species Flask Measurements for Sector-Specific Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Attribution to Aid Policymakers
- LRO-LAMP Observations of Illumination Conditions in the Lunar South Pole
- Lineament Azimuths on Europa: Implications for Evolution of the Europan Ice Shell
- Linking Immersive Virtual Field Trips with an Adaptive Learning Platform
- Linking science, public values, and decision-making: Case study development for public deliberations about climate change resilience
- Long-Term Variability in Storm-Driven Hydrologic and Nutrient Export from Urban and Native Desert Streams in Arizona, USA
- MSL/Mastcam Multispectral Observations of Lower Mt. Sharp Units: Spectral Evidence of Distinct Alteration Environments
- Managing Earth's Future: Global Self-Restraint for the Common Good or Domination by Incentive and Power?
- Mantle Fraction Enhancement in Targets of Giant Impacts
- Measurements on High-Silica Features using the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons Instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
- Methods for in situ Mesocosm Water Table Manipulation in Amazon Peatlands
- Miocene Growth of the Patagonian Andes Revealed by Sedimentary Provenance of the Río Guillermo Formation, Magallanes-Austral Basin, Chile and Argentina (51°30'S)
- Modeling Endovascular Coils as Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Molybdenum isotopes in modern marine hydrothermal Fe/Mn deposits: Implications for Archean and Paleoproterozoic Mo cycles
- Navigating translational ecology: Creating opportunities and overcoming obstacles for scientist participation
- New Laboratory Technique to Determine Thermal Conductivity of Complex Regolith Simulants Under High Vacuum
- Nitrate Attenuation Pathways and Capacity in Urban Wetlands of Phoenix, Arizona.
- Noachian-Age Silica Deposits on Mars with Features Resembling Modern Hot Spring Biosignatures at El Tatio, Chile
- Numerical simulation of the effects of urban land-use changes on the local climate of multiple desert cities
- Observations from 1 to 6 AU of Low-Frequency Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Using Ulysses, Voyager and ACE Data
- On the usefulness of optical maturity for relative age classification of fresh craters
- Orbit Determination of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Status and Recent Development
- Past Peatland Distribution as an Indicator of Hydroclimate and Temperature
- Peak metamorphic temperatures across the Main Central thrust and through Greater Himalayan rocks in western Bhutan: preliminary insights from Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material thermometry
- Performing mineral hydration experiments in the CheMin diffractometer on Mars
- Petrologic Insights into the Triggering Mechanism for the Lava Creek Tuff Super-Eruption, Yellowstone Caldera, WY
- Potential for Water Savings by Defoliation of Saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) by Saltcedar Beetles (Diorhabda carinulata) in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Probing the lower mantle composition and thermal structure: Insights from D``
- Progress toward an Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG<SUP>3</SUP>IS)
- Quantifying large scale deformation and aquifer properties over Central Valley, California using a combination of InSAR, GPS and hydraulic head level data
- Querying Provenance Information: Basic Notions and an Example from Paleoclimate Reconstruction
- Re-assessing the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of Pre-GOE Seawater: Evidence for Dynamic Ocean Redox
- Reconciling "Whiffs" of O2 with the Archean MIF S Record: Insights from Sulfide Oxidation Experiments
- Residential Soil Water Model Evaluation to Improve Outdoor Water Use Recommendations in Phoenix, Arizona
- Saturation Length of Erodible Sediment Beds Subject to Shear Flow
- Science Enabling Exploration: Using LRO to Prepare for Future Missions
- Science-Based, Community-Driven Approach to Reducing Glacier Lake Outburst Flood Risks in the Nepal Himalaya
- Seismo-geodetic modelling of complex faulting earthquake
- Socioeconomic drivers of FFCO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions in the LA Basin: Analysis of the Hestia version 2.0 results
- Space/time explicit Hestia version 2.0 fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions for the Los Angeles Basin: comparison to atmospheric monitoring, emission drivers, and policy implications
- Spatially- explicit Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Inventories for Transportation in the U.S.
- Stability of Aqueous Carbon Species in Subduction Zone Fluids
- State of the Carbon Cycle Report 2 (SOCCR2): Highlights from the Urban Systems chapter
- Stress dependence of hydraulic properties: case studies from US and New Zealand
- Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid Microphysics in the Venus Atmosphere: Implications for the Unknown UV Absorber
- Sustainable Diagnostic Tools for Site Characterization and Remediation
- Synthesis of US Public Water Supply: Spatio-temporal Patterns and Socio-Economic Controls
- Synthesis of urban greenhouse gas emission estimates from the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX)
- Testing a high resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO emission inventory against atmospheric observations in Salt Lake City, Utah for policy applications
- The Anthropocene: A Planetary Perspective
- The Atmospheric Constraint: What we Know About the State of the Carbon Cycle by Observing Carbon Dioxide and Methane
- The Future of Risk Analysis: Operationalizing Living Vulnerability Assessments from the Cloud to the Street (and Back)
- The Influence of Stratigraphic History on Landscape Evolution
- The Role of Data Assimilation in Model Diagnostics
- The Western Noachis Terra Chloride Deposits: An Improved Characterization of the Proposed Human Exploration Zone
- The alkaline volcanic rocks of Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho and the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater, Mars
- The optimal spatial resolution for top-down/bottom-up integration of time-resolved urban fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- The oxygen isotope composition of Earth's heterosphere from ion probe analysis of LDEF targets
- Toward a 30m resolution time series of historical global urban expansion: exploring variation in North American cities
- Trace element investigation of tephras from the Ledi-Geraru paleontological site in Afar, Ethiopia
- Understand the impacts of wetland restoration on peak flow and baseflow by coupling hydrologic and hydrodynamic models
- Unraveling the redox evolution of the Yangtze Block across the Precambrian/Cambrian transition
- Uranium Isotope Compositions of Mid-Proterozoic Organic-rich Mudrocks: Evidence for an Episode of Increased Ocean Oxygenation at ca. 1.36 Ga and Evaluation of the Effect of Post-Depositional Hydrothermal Fluid Flow
- Uranium isotope evidence for the abrupt onset of oceanic anoxia during the end-Guadalupian mass extinction
- Urban Soot Black Carbon Biodegradation Rates
- Urban adaptation to mega-drought: Anticipatory water modeling, policy, and planning in Phoenix
- Use of participatory modeling workshops in a water-stressed basin of northern Mexico to assess sustainable water resources management and conduct community outreach
- Using SERC for creating and publishing student generated hydrology instruction materials
- Visual Analytics for the Food-Water-Energy Nexus in the Phoenix Active Management Area
- Wetlands sediment record from the upper Yarlung Tsangpo valley, southwest Tibetan Plateau, reveals mid-Holocene Epipaleolithic human occupation coincident with increased early and mid-Holocene wetness driven by enhanced Indian Monsoon rainfall
- What do we Really Know About the Origins of Banded Iron Formations?
- What the flux? Deriving empirical estimates of riverine Mo fluxes over Earth history
- Wind regimes derived from martian large ripples: Implications for long-term and short-term wind dynamics
- Wintertime Emission Ratios of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>y</SUB> from Washington, D.C.-Baltimore
- 2001 Mars Odyssey THEMIS: Thermophysics at a New Local Time
- A Basketball Court-Size Global Map of Mars for Education and Public Outreach
- A Centaur Reconnaissance Mission: a NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer Seminar mission design experience
- A Community Framework for Integrative, Coupled Modeling of Human-Earth Systems
- A Comprehensive Optimization Strategy for Real-time Spatial Feature Sharing and Visual Analytics in Cyberinfrastructure
- A Global Geospatial Database of 5000+ Historic Flood Event Extents
- A Global-Scale Estimate of Ecosystem Services from Urban Agriculture: Understanding Incentives for Natural Capital in Cities
- A Subject Matter Expert View of Curriculum Development.
- A Thermodynamic Approach for Modeling H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Solubility in Alkali-rich Mafic Magmas at Mid-crustal Pressures
- A multidisciplinary approach to constrain incoming plate hydration in the Central American Margin
- A simple topography-driven, calibration-free runoff generation model
- A synthesis of Plio-Pleistocene leaf wax biomarker records of hydrological variation in East Africa and their relationship with hominin evolution
- Analysis of Microbial Community Composition and Methane Production From Northern Peatlands Across a Climate Gradient
- Arctic Ice Management: an integrated approach to climate engineering
- Arid urban ecosystem not a hotspot for N deposition
- Assessing the Importance of Cross-Stream Transport in Bedload Flux Estimates from Migrating Dunes: Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park
- Assessment of the biophysical impacts of utility-scale photovoltaics through observations and modelling
- Asymmetry in ecosystem responses to precipitation: Theory, observation and experimentation
- Automated Land Cover Change Detection and Mapping from Hidden Parameter Estimates of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Time-Series
- Bridging the Expert and Citizen Divide: Integrating Public Deliberation to Inform NASA's Asteroid Initiative
- Build a Catastrophe: Using Digital World and Policy Models to Engage Political Science Students with Climate Change
- Building effective learning experiences around visualizations: NASA Eyes on the Solar System and Infiniscope
- Characterization of Biogenic Gas and Mineral Formation Process by Denitrification in Porous Media
- Characterization of Calcite Mineral Precipitation Process by EICP in Porous Media
- Characterizing the Sensitivity of Groundwater Storage to Climate variation in the Indus Basin
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars: Interannual Variability in Dust Aerosol Particle Size, Missing Water Vapor, and the Molecular Oxygen Problem
- Chemical composition of wildland and agricultural biomass burning particles measured downwind during the BBOP study
- Climates of U.S. cities in the 21st century
- Colorado River basin sensitivity to disturbance impacts
- Comparison of two spatially-resolved fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions inventories at the urban scale in four US cities
- Complete Mapping of Titan's South Polar Regions
- Consequences of variation in stream-landscape connections for stream nitrate retention and export
- Constraining the Origin of Phobos with the Elpasolite Planetary Ice and Composition Spectrometer (EPICS) - Simulated Performance
- Constraining the redox landscape of the mid-Proterozoic oceans: new insights from the carbonate uranium isotope record
- Constraints on Aqueous Environments for Hematite Formation in Gale Crater from Mastcam and CRISM Spectra
- Constraints on the perturbed mutual motion in Didymos due to impact-induced deformation of its primary after the DART impact
- Controls on Lava Flow Morphology and Propagation: Using Laboratory Analogue Experiments
- Could US mayors achieve the entire US Paris climate target?
- Creating Data and Modeling Enabled Hydrology Instruction Using Collaborative Approach
- Creep avalanches on San Andreas Fault and their underlying mechanism from 19 years of InSAR and seismicity
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Testable Hypotheses, First Results, and Implications for Habitability
- Deep Percolation in Arid Piedmont Slopes: Multiple Lines of Evidence Show How Land Use Change and Ecohydrological Properties Affect Groundwater Recharge
- Dehydration of δ-AlOOH in the lower mantle
- Demonstrating the Value of Education Through Exploration as a Theory of Digital Design
- Developing a Hygrometer for Water-Undersaturated Lherzolite Melts
- Dirt: Integrating Scientific and Local Knowledge to Support Global Land Management
- Discovering Parameters for Ancient Mars Atmospheric Profiles by Modeling Volcanic Eruptions
- Earth analog image digitization of field, aerial, and lab experiment studies for Planetary Data System archiving.
- Effect of Carbonate Precipitation on the Hydrodynamics of Porous Media: Numerical Simulation
- Effect of Downscaled Forcings and Soil Texture Properties on Hyperresolution Hydrologic Simulations in a Regional Basin in Northwest Mexico
- Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) 2020 Overview
- Estimation of Methane Emissions in the Los Angeles Basin using CLARS-FTS Observations
- Ethnogeological Cultural Model of Karst Derived from Traditional Knowledge in Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic
- Experimental Constraints on Iron Mobilization into Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Exploration of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Solubility in Alkali Basalt at low-H<SUB>2</SUB>O
- Exploring Ocean-World Habitability within the Planned Europa Clipper Mission
- Fluid-mediated redox transfer in subduction zones: Measuring the intrinsic fO<SUB>2</SUB> of slab fluids in the lab
- From lakes to sand seas: a record of early Mars climate change explored in northern Gale crater, Mars
- From the Field to the Classroom: Developing Scientifically Literate Citizens Using the Understanding Global Change Framework in Education and Citizen Science
- Geologic Map of Ascraeus Mons, Mars
- Geologic Mapping Results for Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission
- Geological and mechanical properties on the 3-D fault patch of the rapid creeping Chihshang Fault: a plate suture between Luzon arc and Eurasia in eastern Taiwan
- Global Albedo Variations on Mars from Recent MRO/MARCI and Other Space-Based Observations
- Halting Land Subsidence in Tucson, Arizona: Examining the Poroelastic Response to Artificial Recharge
- Hazards in the Solar System: Out-of-School Time Student Activities Focused on Engineering Protective Space Gloves
- Helium Diffusion in Natural Xenotime
- How Fit is Your Citizen Science Data?
- How well do CMIP5 Climate Models Reproduce the Hydrologic Cycle of the Colorado River Basin?
- How will wind and water erosion change in drylands in the future?
- Hydrologic impacts of land cover variability and change at seasonal to decadal time scales over North America, 1992-2016
- Image Quality Assessment of JPEG Compressed Mars Science Laboratory Mastcam Images using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Impact Craters: Size-Dependent Degration Rates
- Impact of drought on the North America carbon balance: implications for global carbon mitigation.
- Impacts of Trees on Urban Environment in the Contiguous United States
- Improving Baseline Model Assumptions: Evaluating the Impacts of Typical Methodological Approaches in Watershed Models
- Incorporation of Calcium in Bridgmanite in the Deep Mantle.
- Inferring Enceladus' ice shell strength and structure from Tiger Stripe formation
- Initial report of the physical property measurement, ChikyuOman core description Phase I: sheeted dike and gabbro boundary from ICDP Holes GT1A, GT2A and GT3A
- Initial results on the physical property measurement of ChikyuOman cores: listvenite, serpentinite and the metamorphic sole from ICDP Hole BT1B
- Insert Tidal Here: Finding Stability of Galilean Satellite Interiors
- Inter-annual variability and trend detection of urban CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO emissions
- Investigating Groundwater Depletion and Aquifer Degradation in Central Valley California from Space
- Investigating Methods for Serving Visualizations of Vertical Profiles
- Investigating Ultra-low Velocity Zones beneath the Southwestern Pacific
- Investigating a link between large and small-scale chaos features on Europa
- Investigating the relationship between seismicity and fluid injection in the Barnett Shale, Texas using coupled poroelastic model and surface deformation data
- Landscape-scale soil moisture heterogeneity and its influence on surface fluxes at the Jornada LTER site: Evaluating a new model parameterization for subgrid-scale soil moisture variability
- Lessons Learned from Stakeholder-Driven Modeling in the Western Lake Erie Basin
- Leveraging Trillions of Pixels for Flood Mitigation Decisions Support in the Rio Salado Basin, Argentina
- Maja Valles, Mars: A Multi-Source Fluvio-Volcanic Outflow Channel System
- Measurements of Regolith Simulant Thermal Conductivity Under Asteroid and Mars Surface Conditions
- Metamorphism Near the Dike-Gabbro Transition in the Ocean Crust Based on Preliminary Results from Oman Drilling Project Hole GT3A
- Microbial Biomarkers for Native and Agricultural Soil Inputs to Atmospheric Particulate Matter
- Mineralogy of the Hydrous Lower Mantle
- Modeling land surface hydrology sensitivity in the Colorado River Basin to historical climate variability
- Modeling of Mastcam Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations at Yellowknife Bay
- Modeling the Horizontally Averaged Wind Profile Within and Above the Urban Canopy Layer
- Molybdenum isotopes reveal oxidation of Earth's continental crust during the 2.4 Ga Great Oxidation Event
- Monitoring of Gully Activity in the Haughton Impact Structure, Devon Island, Canada, as an Analogue for Mars
- No Solutions: Resisting Certainty in Water Supply Management
- Obtaining higher-accuracy estimates of water-rich rocks and water-poor sand dunes on Mars in active neutron experiments
- Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions: Insights into Highly Explosive Basaltic Volcanism from Alkali-rich Magma at Sunset Crater, AZ
- Origin of the Lower-Mantle Heterogeneities - Importance of the Crystal Chemistry of Bridgmanite
- Paleo-environmental Setting of the Murray Formation of Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars, as Explored by the Curiosity Rover
- Paleoenvironmental change as seen from a multiproxy perspective in the West Turkana Kaitio core (WTK13), Kenya
- Paleointensity of the 1.3 Ga Gardar Basalts, Southern Greenland
- Partnering Community Decision Makers with Early Career Scientists - The NASA DEVELOP Method for Dual Capacity Building
- Predicting Metal Speciation & Bioavailability via Estimation of Metal-Organic Thermodynamic Properties
- Progress toward Modular UAS for Geoscience Applications
- Prospects for Practical Laser Ablation U/Pb and (U-Th)/He Double-Dating (LADD) of Detrital Apatite
- Psyche Mission: Scientific Models and Instrument Selection
- Quantitative and qualitative synthesis of socio-hydrological research
- Raman Spectroscopy of Water-rich Stishovite and Dense High-Pressure Silica up to 55 GPa
- Rapid modification of urban land surface temperature during rainfall
- Redox Evolution in Magma Oceans Due to Ferric/Ferrous Iron Partitioning
- Regional Stratigraphy from Stereo Imaging near the Hypanis Fan Deposit: Marking the Extent of the Largest Delta on Mars?
- Resilience of Socio-Hydrological Systems in Canadian Prairies to Agricultural Drainage: Policy Analysis and Modelling Approach
- Responses of tropical terrestrial biosphere carbon cycle to the 2015-2016 El Niño
- Revisiting the PLUMBER Experiments from a Process-Diagnostics Perspective
- Science Center Public Forums: Engaging Lay-Publics in Resilience Deliberations Through Informal Science Education
- Scientific Payload Of The Emirates Mars Mission: Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (Emirs) Overview.
- Sensitivity and asymmetry of net primary production in response to climate variability across the conterminous United States.
- Sharpening Ejecta Patterns: Investigating Spectral Fidelity After Controlled Intensity-Hue-Saturation Image Fusion of LROC Images of Fresh Craters
- Small Groups, Big Change: Preliminary Findings from the Sparks for Change Institute
- Soil Organic Carbon and Its interaction with Minerals in Two Hillslopes with Different Climates and Erosion Processes
- Spatio-temporal Eigenvector Filtering: Application on Bioenergy Crop Impacts
- Specific Heat Capacities of Martian Sedimentary Analogs at Low Temperatures
- Spectrophotometric Modeling of MAHLI Goniometer Observations
- Strategic behavior and governance challenges in self-organized coupled natural-human systems
- Stratigraphy and Surface Ages of Dwarf Planet (1) Ceres: Results from Geologic and Topographic Mapping in Survey, HAMO and LAMO Data of the Dawn Framing Camera Images
- Studying emissions of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Baltimore/Washington area using airborne measurements: source attribution, flux quantification, and model comparison
- Sustained changes in water storage across the western U.S. inferred from elastic land displacements observed with GPS: Parching of the ground during the summer of drought years and seeping of snow melt into the ground during the spring of heavy-precipitation years
- Synergizing green and gray infrastructures to increase water supply resilience in the Brazos River basin in Texas
- TLALOCNet continuous GPS-Met Array in Mexico supporting the 2017 NAM GPS Hydrometeorological Network.
- Tar balls are processed, weakly absorbing, primary aerosol particles formed downwind of boreal forest fires
- Temporal Patterns in Dissolved Organic Carbon Composition in an Urban Lake
- Thallium isotopes track fluctuations in global manganese oxide burial during the Ediacaran Period
- The Bagnold Dunes in Southern Summer: Active Sediment Transport on Mars Observed by the Curiosity rover
- The Context of Carbonates in Gusev and Jezero Craters
- The Impacts of Urbanization on Meteorology and Air Quality in the Los Angeles Basin
- The Inferred Distribution of Liquid Water in Europa's Ice Shell: Implications for the Europa Lander Mission
- The North American Energy System: Chapter 3 of SOCCR-2
- The Role of Geologic Mapping in NASA PDSI Planning
- The Sands of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars and Volatiles in Mars Soils
- The Stirring of Oceanic Crust in the Mantle: How it Changes with Time?
- The curious history of Tethys as evidenced by irregular craters and variable tectonism
- The effect of elevated CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and temperature on nutrient uptake by plants grown in basaltic soil
- The effects of trace element content on pyrite oxidation rates
- The impact of local land subsidence and global sea level rise on flood severity in Houston-Galveston caused by Hurricane Harvey
- The impacts of climatologically-driven megadrought, past and future, on semi-arid watersheds and the water resource system they support in central Arizona, USA.
- The potential water buffering capacity of urban green infrastructure in an arid environment
- Thermal behavior of aerosol particles from biomass burning during the BBOP campaign using transmission electron microscopy
- Thresholds and the Evolution of Bedrock Channels on the Hawaiian Islands
- Time Dependence of Aerosol Light Scattering Downwind of Forest Fires
- Toward a Multi-City Framework for Urban GHG Estimation in the United States: Methods, Uncertainties, and Future Goals
- Trade-offs Between Socio-economic Development and Ecosystem Health under Changing Water Availability
- Uranium isotope fractionation in biogenic carbonates: biological effects
- Urban Land Cover Type Influences CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes within Phoenix, Arizona
- Urban nuisance flooding and topographic wetness index: does excess runoff collect where we think it should in urban landscapes?
- Using Network-Based Language Analysis to Bridge Expertise and Cultivate Sensitivity to Differentiated Language Use in Interdisciplinary Geoscience Research
- Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Modeling Tornado Impacts
- Volcanic Eruption Observations from an Elevated Point of the Stromboli Using Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging
- WRF-Chem Model Simulations of Arizona Dust Storms
- Water stress, water salience, and the implications for water supply planning
- What do decision makers learn from public forums on climate-related hazards and resilience?
- X-ray CT core imaging of Oman Drilling Project on D/V CHIKYU
- a Mineralogical Analysis of Hspdp Core Samples from the Northern Awash Pliocene Hadar Formation, Ethiopia: the tale of AN East African Paleolake
- A Dedicated Ultraviolet CubeSat for Astrophysics, SPARCS (Star Planet Activity Research CubeSat)
- A Global Flood Database from 2001-2017: empirical satellite data reveals what global flood models cannot predict
- A Lacustrine Environment Recorded at Vera Rubin Ridge: Overview of the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy observed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
- A New Flood Risk Communication Tool: A Proof-of-Concept Product for Boulder County, Colorado
- A Quasi-Spectral Index for Identifying Chloride Minerals using THEMIS Multispectral Thermal Infrared Images
- A Rille-like Channel on Earth? Refinements to a 3-D Model of Thermal Erosion by Turbulent Lava at Raglan, Cape Smith Belt, New Québec, Canada.
- A Synthesis on Four Decades of Global Urban Expansion: 1970-2010
- A Techno-Economic Assessment of Direct Air Capture Sorbents
- A revised lunar interior based on new P and S wave identifications: evidence for deep mantle layers
- A sharp increase of seawater sulfate inventory immediately after the Marinoan snowball Earth
- An Energy Model to Explore the Water-Energy Nexus in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
- An Evaluation of Mean Radiant Temperature Estimations in an Arid Urban Climate
- An Updated Observational Database for Northern Hemisphere Sub-monthly Retrograde Long Waves
- Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Beneath Tropical Peat
- Application of LA-ICP-MS to tephra correlation studies in Afar, Ethiopia
- Artificial Intelligence as an Efficient Alternative to the Conventional Hydrological Modelling for Groundwater Forecasting
- Assessing CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage potential in unconventional gas reservoirs is key to proactive policy making for CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage in India
- Assessing the uncertainty in the aircraft-based mass balance estimation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from the Baltimore-Washington area: Comparison of top-down estimates to various bottom-up inventories
- Assessing uncertainty in hydrological models within the Maumee River Watershed: are parameters or farm management assumptions the primary drivers?
- Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe
- Autonomous Mapping of Surface Features on Mars
- Back to Rio: Reinstating the Public in Public Participation in Global Environmental Governance
- Balancing Open Science and Individual Data Privacy in the Earth Sciences
- Barriers and Opportunities in transforming to more sustainable groundwater governance: a case study in the Brazos River Basin, Texas
- Basin assessment scenario intervention tool: Integrated groundwater surface water modeling and management for the Indus Basin
- Beyond the Water Cooler: Networking Lessons Learned by the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S)
- Biosignature Preservation Potential in a Playa Evaporite Mars Analog Field Site: Impacts of Diagenesis and Implications for Mars Exploration
- Bottom-up estimates of fossil and biogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> for Auckland, New Zealand
- Chapter 3: SOCCR2: The North American Energy System Contribution to the Global Carbon Cycle
- Chapter 4: Urban Systems
- Characterizing the Modern-Day Aeolian Environment at Gale Crater, Mars
- Characterizing the subsurface distribution of high-silica features at Gale crater, Mars using active neutron experiments and LIBS geochemistry
- Chemistry Controls Dynamos in Metallic Cores: New Perspectives from Venus and Mars
- Citizen Framing of Solar Radiation Management Issues: Perspectives from Phoenix and Washington, DC
- Citizen Science, Civics, and Resilient Communities: Informing Community Resilience Policies Through Local Knowledge, Community Values, and Citizen-Created Data
- Collaborative Workforce Training in Geoscience and Social Science for Natural-Hazards Preparedness and Mitigation (HazPM)
- Combined Microscale Investigations of Hydrogen Isotopes and Iron Valence in Dish Hill Kaersutites: Implications for the Petrogenesis of Martian Meteorites
- Comparative Terrestrial Exoplanetology in an Era of Space-Based Infrared Spectroscopy
- Comparison of the Water Footprints of California and Texas.
- Compiling Science to Build a Decision Support Tool (DST) to Improve Environmental Flows in Basins of Texas: A Way Ahead
- Correlating Mastcam Multispectral Data and Rock Morphology to Understand Potential Links Between Ferric Spectral Features Along Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale Crater, Mars
- Criteria and Tools for Determining Drainage Divide Stability
- Critical evaluation of SWAT model nutrient simulations using soil test phosphorus data
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Major Findings and Implications for Habitability
- D/H isotope fractionation during H diffusion loss from clinopyroxene evidenced in martian nakhlites
- Data-model integration to develop a knowledge landscape map for improved prediction
- Depth variations of fault friction parameter derived from dynamic modeling of GPS afterslip associated with the 2003 Mw 6.5 Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan
- Developing scientifically literate citizens using the Understanding Global Change Framework in high school science classrooms
- Did Earth's first supercontinent form the inner core?
- Direct Air Capture - assessing Energy, Cost and Kinetic constraints based on outlined boundary conditions
- Discoverable, Accessible, Documented, Reusable, Interoperable: the Imperative to Publish Code in Modern Science
- Early Miocene Mafic Arc Volcanism of the Patagonian Andes Revealed with Detrital Multi-Chronometer and Trace Element Geochemistry from the Magallanes Basin 50-52°S
- Edge effects: Insights gained from a decade of interdisciplinary modeling projects in Lake Erie
- Effect of distinct rainy and dry seasons on nitrate inputs and retention in a dryland watershed
- Elpasolite Planetary Ice and Composition Spectrometer (EPICS): Prototype of a Low-Resource Combined Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer for Planetary Science
- Emirates Mars Mission Science Closure Strategy
- Ensemble distributions of particle hop distance and travel time over equilibrium Dunes
- Evaluate the Influence of Green Infrastructure with Agent-based Model in Upper Huron River Watershed
- Evaluation of Global Downscaled Versus Bottom-Up Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions at the Urban Scale in Four US Urban Areas
- Evaluation of Precipitation From EURO-CORDEX Regional Climate Simulations in a Small-Scale Mediterranean Site
- Evaporative Cooling Enables Desert Plants to Maintain Photosynthesis in Extreme Heat
- Examining the Evolution of Energetic Particle Injections with Observations by MMS and Van Allen Probes
- Expanding Life's Boundaries: A Grand Challenge of Estimating Where and How Life Survives in Earth and Other Planets
- Exploring Deformation Mechanisms at the Base of the Earth's Mantle with Combined Constraints from Geodynamics, Mineral Physics and Seismic Anisotropy.
- Exploring possibilities in measurement of surface deformation from high resolution topographic data: Earthquakes, landslides, and fault creep in California
- Extreme Heat and Ozone in Houston: Assessing and Reducing Health Risks
- FINESSE Project Overview: Field Investigations to Enable Solar System Science and Exploration
- Feature Augmentation using Tubular Image Filtration for Autonomous On-board Classification of Mars Dust Devil Tracks
- Feature Detection and Geovisualisation from LiDAR point clouds and Aerial Photography using Bayesian Non Parametric Clustering
- Ferrobasalt from the Snake River Plain and its utility as a spectral planetary analog
- Flow Features among Orientale Light Plains: Implications for Basin-Scale Melt Transport
- Gas and particle motions in a rapidly decompressed flow
- Geomorphic Map of the Catchment of Hypanis and Nanedi Valles, Mars
- Helium Diffusion Kinetics of Shocked Zircon from the Chicxulub Impact Crater
- High-resolution XRF-scanning records from the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Plio/Pleistocene hydroclimate variability in East Africa
- How Can GRACE and GRACE-FO Global Hydrology Inform Land Surface Model Development and Evaluation?
- How do planetary bodies respond to periodic tidal forcing and how does that influence heat flow and orbital evolution?- Report from the KISS Workshop entitled "Tidal Heating-Lessons from Io and the Jovian System"
- How does elevation and/or substrate affect the composition of biocrusts?
- How low can you Mo?: Reevaluating molybdenum limitation in Precambrian oceans
- Hurricane Florence highlights opportunities for reducing flooding and nutrient pollution impacts in the Cape Fear River Watershed, North Carolina
- Hydrogen and Sulfur in Metallic Iron at High Pressure and High Temperature and Implications for the Cores of Earth and Mars
- Hydrous mantle melting near the base of the mantle wedge: How does the addition of a slab component change the first melts of vapor-saturated lherzolite?
- Imaging Earth's lowermost mantle with a global data set of diffracted shear waves
- Improvement of Hyperresolution Hydrologic Simulations through Spatial Pattern Validation
- Improving Flood Forecasting in the Eastern Nile with Satellite Derived Flood Maps
- Improving scientific data discovery and access - a case study using high resolution topography data in OpenTopography
- Innovative approaches to improving watershed models for management decisions and policy applications
- Investigating Ultra-low Velocity Zones in the Southern Hemisphere Using ScP Waveforms
- Investigating a link between scalloped depressions and topography in Utopia Planitia on Mars
- Investigating the Diversity of Lunar Pyroclastic Constructs Using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Investigating the Mandel'shtam Lobate Thrust Fault Scarp Complex on the Moon
- Joint analysis of seismic, geologic, resistivity and topographic data collected within the San Jacinto fault zone trifurcation area near Anza, California
- Karst Ethnogeology in Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic: Local Interpretations of Features and Processes
- Land Subsidence, Groundwater Loss and Aquifer Storage Reduction in California's Central Valley During 2007-2010 and 2012-2016 Droughts
- Lateral motion of mantle plumes in 3D geodynamic models
- Leveraging Multiple Satellite Sensors and Rapid Flood Mapping to Enable Microinsurance in Tamil Nadu, India
- Leveraging network science to evaluate mechanisms and models of soil organic matter stabilization and change
- Limitations of Paleoseismic Data Along the Fastest Slipping Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Linking Resilience and Robustness in Coupled Natural-Human Systems and Uncovering their Trade-offs
- Linking models of human behaviour and climate alters projected climate change
- Lithification and Diagenesis of Ultramafic Volcanic Ash Deposits on Mars
- Local Climate Zones and their Potential as a Heat Assessment Tool
- Mapping Heat Vulnerability in Maricopa County Arizona with the HeatMappers Volunteer Science program
- Mapping Public Values about Climate Adaptation and Resilience Using Deliberative Forums
- Measurements of Energetic Particle Injections during Conjunctions between MMS and Van Allen Probes
- Measuring Early-Morning Cloud and Haze Opacity on Mars with THEMIS-VIS on Mars Odyssey, Identifying Diurnal Changes by Reference to MRO's MARCI
- Measuring coseismic deformation with differential topography in undergraduate geoscience courses
- Modeling Diurnal Temperature Variation on Mars Using THEMIS Thermal Data and KRC Numerical Thermal Model
- Modeling phosphorus loss reduction strategies from the international St. Clair-Detroit River system watershed
- Modeling the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Central Arizona Using the WEAP Model
- MoonDB: Maximizing the Scientific Impact of Lunar Sample Data
- Multichronometer studies of terrestrial impact sites inform best practices for extraterrestrial studies
- Multiphase Biogeochemical Model to Predict Microbially Induced Desaturation and Precipitation at Field-Scale
- Multitemporal Analysis of Image Time-Series for Land Cover Change Detection and Unsupervised Classification of Change Event Using Spectral Analysis
- National Climate Assessment IV, Chapter 17: Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, and Complex Systems
- Natural Next Questions: How to Teach and Measure Problem-Solving in the Classroom
- Nature's Cooling Systems: Neighborhood-Built Community Heat Action Planning
- Neukum crater and surrounding eastern Noachis Terra: Integrated local and regional photogeologic mapping of Mars' ancient highlands
- Novelty Detection for Multispectral Planetary Images
- OSIRIS-REx Encounters Bennu: Initial Assessment from the Approach Phase
- Observational Constraints on Plume-Induced Subduction on Venus
- On Modeling Adaptive Governance For Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems
- Online Geoscience Offline
- Orbital-scale controls on Plio-Pleistocene African climate
- Paleoclimate on the South African south coast during major steps of modern human evolution reconstructed using speleothem stable isotope records
- Periodic Slow Slip Events and Their Interactions with Megathrust Earthquakes on Northeast Japan Subduction Zone
- Petrogenesis of the Higashi-Akaishi Peridotite Body, Japan
- Pore-scale Characterization of Biogenic Gas Formation in Porous Media: The Effect of Gas Production Rate
- Precipitation Isosceles Triangle (PITRI): A Simple Approach for Approximating the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation for Use in Hydrological Simulations
- Precipitation-Pulse Regimes Determine Functioning of Dryland Ecosystems
- Properties of Wind-Blown Sand on Titan Obtained Through Calibrating Model to Laboratory Experiments
- Providing a Scientific Basis for the Use of a Healing Clay Among the Uitoto of the Colombian Amazon
- Pseudocarbynes: Progenitors for Complex Organic Molecules in the Outer Solar System
- Quantifying the Hydrological Impacts of Changing Lakes and Wetlands in Canada and Alaska
- Quantifying the Interactions Between Mantle Plumes and the Lithosphere and Their Surface Expressions
- Quaternary Diatom and Palynomorph Stratigraphies and Palaeoenvironments of the Koora Graben and Lake Magadi Basin, Kenya Rift Valley
- Ready for Their Close-up: Insights about Occator's Bright Faculae Derived from New, Highest Resolution Observations of Ceres
- Reconciling Sinuosity Changes in Ancient Mississippi River Meanders in the Context of Late-Pleistocene and Holocene Active Faults
- Records of Plio-Pleistocene environmental variability from the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Comparison with other African records and implications for hominin evolution
- Regional Aridity Drives Urban Nighttime Vegetation Derived Air Cooling
- Reservoir storage and reliability under evolving streamflow and demand
- Response of Coupled Water-Energy-Carbon Dynamics to North American Monsoon in Three Woodland Ecosystems: Results from GPS Hydrometeorological Network 2017
- Ring-mold craters within Occator Crater, Ceres: Evidence for subsurface ice reservoirs
- Satellite Scatterometer Estimation of Urban Built-up Volume:Validation with Airborne Lidar Data
- Scenario Planning for Uncertain Urban Water Futures
- Schedule of Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer Data Product Releases to the Planetary Data System
- Science-policy Imaginaries to Tackle Complex Environmental Challenge of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: The Case of Global Deliberative Discussions on Climate and Energy
- Seasonal Temperature Variations and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sublimation Activity Near the Martian South Pole
- Sequence of Events During and After Emplacement of Cerealia Facula Deposits on Ceres
- Size-scaling of shapes for fresh lunar craters
- Slow Slip Events on the San Andreas Fault Caused by Episodic Pore Pressure Elevation
- Socio-Environmental Systems (SES) on the Changing Mongolian Plateau: A review
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Rock Uplift from Analysis of River Profiles, Southern Peru
- Spectral Analysis for the OSIRIS-REx Mission at Bennu
- Splotches probe the regolith!
- Stakeholder-designed scenarios to investigate the effect of land use on water partitioning and high flows in New England
- Student-produced digital media to address misconceptions for multiple online audiences with an adaptive learning platform
- Tectonic Damage Zones: How Large Across Faults? Insight From Empirical Scaling Relations in Granite Dells Fault Zone, Arizona, USA
- The (in)stability of bedform geometry: observations of bedload transport patterns on the sub-bedform scale
- The Carbon Dioxide Emissions of US Cities
- The Dryland Litter Cycle: Moving Litter Decomposition Beyond Spatial Stasis
- The Effect of Aquifer Compaction and Groundwater Unloading on Crustal Stress Change in California During the 2007-2010 Drought
- The Effects of a Low Viscosity Transition Zone on Mantle Dynamics
- The Global Thermal Infrared Spectrum of Bennu: Comparison with Spitzer IRS Asteroid Spectra
- The Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE): A New Mentor-Based Workforce Development Model for NASA Mission Student Collaborations
- The M7 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, Earthquake: Surface Strain in the Fault Damage Zone and Shallow Fault Slip Revealed with Near-Field Geodetic Imagery
- The Mid-Infrared Search for Life on Nearby Transiting Exoplanets Using The Origins Space Telescope
- The OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer (OTES) Instrument
- The Time History of Power Flow in the United States at a County Level
- The distribution and advection of subducted oceanic crust in the Earth's deep mantle
- The pulse-reserve paradigm and explaining dryland function: past, present, and future
- The social dimensions of the carbon cycle: progress and challenges
- Thermophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Data
- Three Dimensional Aseismic Creep Deformation from Differencing of Structure from Motion and LiDAR High Resolution Topography on the San Andreas Fault, California
- Time Series Study of Hydrothermal Venting at Lō´ihi Seamount Following The 2018 Kilauea Eruption
- Titan's Aeolian Saltation Threshold Conditions: Initial Experimental Results
- Tornadoes and Topography: an enhanced understanding of site dynamics using UASs
- Towards Higher Resolution Imaging of Earth's Lower Mantle
- Towards an operational network for continuous measurements of Surface Mass Balance and related firn processes over the interior of Greenland and Antarctica
- Trace Element Distribution and Mobility in Naturally-deformed Quartz
- Tracing the Trajectory of Food-Energy-Water Nexus Literature: A Bibliometric Analysis.
- Transitioning to solar water heaters in Phoenix residential sector: the extent of realism associated with sectoral based transformation
- Ultra-High Velocity Zones (UHVZs) at Earth's core mantle boundary
- Understanding the nuclear emissions from metal bodies through experiment: Preparation for the Psyche Mission to a metal world
- Updates to testing plume and ash dispersal models for highly explosive basaltic eruptions
- Upper Pliocene Age Model for the HSPDP Baringo-Tugen-Barsemoi Core (Kenya) and Climatic Implications
- Urban Onroad FFCO2 Emissions and Population Density: Saturation Effects and Tipping Points
- Urbanization Dynamics in the United States and India: Assessing Growth Patterns from Landsat Time-Series
- Urbanization in desert watersheds challenges the traditional 'urban stream syndrome'
- Using Earth Analogs of the Moon to Study Volcanic Fields and Prepare for Human Lunar Geophysical Exploration
- Using Facies and Grain-size Analyses to Assess Feasibility of a Bentonite to Tephra Correlation in the Kaitio Member, West Turkana, Kenya
- Using Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer Data to Characterize the Night Side of the Martian Atmosphere
- Using Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques Towards Precipitation Prediction
- Using satellite remote sensing to quantify the impact of groundwater on dryland ecosystems' resilience globally
- Using the Pseudo-Global Warming Method for Dynamic Downscaling to Evaluate the Interaction between Heat Waves and Urban Heat Islands in a Future Warmer Climate
- Utilizing Data Fusion to Understand and Visualize the U.S. Food, Energy, Water Nexus at the Mesocale: the FEWSION 1.0 Data Product
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to Assess Urban Heat Island Reduction Strategies in Washoe County, Nevada
- Variations in Local Geology and Regolith Properties at Apollo 17: Correlating Photometric Analyses with Soil Composition and Physical Characteristics
- Water in the Native World: An intersection of Indigenous Water Knowledge and Hydrologic Sciences
- Web-based Topographic Differencing of High Resolution Topography Data
- Wrinkle Ridge Orientations in Mascon versus Non-Mascon Mare
- Young Hydrologic Society (YHS): vision, mission, and strategy
- "Periglacial" Planet? Ground Ice on Ceres Expressed by Surface Flows
- A Behavioral Study on Social Feedbacks to Address Deterioration in Public Water Services
- A Comparative Attributional Life-Cycle Assessment of Food Waste and its' Effect on the Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus.
- A Journey from Roots to Bulk Soil: Organic Matter Characterization in the Biosphere 2 Tropical Rainforest
- A Laboratory Assessment of 120 Air Pollutant Emissions from Biomass and Fossil Fuel Cookstoves
- A collaborative design and implementation strategy for a geohazards planning and mitigation undergraduate certificate
- A continental assessment of the urban vegetation, temperature, income nexus
- A decade of earthquakes mapped with differential lidar: resolving fault kinematics, off-fault deformation, and rupture anelasticity
- A global agenda for the world's sand resources
- AGU Celebrates its Centennial with the Initiation of a New Journal: Perspectives in Earth and Space Science
- Active Interrogation of Analog Planetary Surfaces using Neutron and Gamma-Ray Instruments
- Advancing a regional assessment and management of large-scale animal operations
- Airborne Lidar and Electro-Optical Imagery Along Surface Ruptures of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Southern California
- An Experimental Approach to Evaluate River Meander Response to Gradient Change
- An Integrated Data-driven Model to Simulate Hydrological Interventions
- An Investigation into Tornado Abiotic Tree Stress using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
- An Unsupervised Probabilistic Method for Large Scale Flood Mapping: Exploring Full Archive of Sentinel-1A/B Satellites over India, and Iran
- Assessing Hydro-Ecological Vulnerability using Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
- Assessing groundwater recharge in arid and semiarid regions using integrated modeling and remote sensing
- Auto-calibration of SWAT+ with IPEAT+ and Uncertainty Analysis in Trinity River Basin, Texas
- Automatic mapping of fractures and faults in optical images and Digital Surface Models with deep learning
- Bagnold and Leopold on the Colorado
- Boundary Spanning at the Science Policy Interface: Challenges and Opportunities
- Building a mission to an unknown body: Constraints on the composition and formation of (16) Psyche
- Bulk Hydration of the Glen Torridon Clay-rich Unit in Gale Crater, Mars
- CHORDS: Helping to build the Internet of Things for the Geosciences (IoT-G)
- Can coastal changes in Greenland create prosperity for the country?
- Challenges and Opportunities in Modeling and Visualizing Food-Energy-Water Interactions at the Metropolitan Scale
- Challenges in High-Pressure Experiments on Hydrogen in Iron Alloys - Discrepancies among Hydrogen Sources
- Characteristics of Rainfall from Drop Size Distribution Measurements in Arizona and New Mexico
- Chemical Reaction Between Silicon Carbide and Water and its Implication for the Stability of Carbide Exo-Planets
- City-University Partnerships to Reduce Thermal Vulnerability: a living labs approach for more thermally-comfortable and equitable communities
- Class Separability of Land Cover Change Events from Multispectral Satellite Image Time-Series
- Climate Injustice in Cities: Extreme Heat and Poor Neighborhoods
- Climate change impact analysis on confined animal feeding operations: A case study in Iowa
- Climate variability and fill rate impacts on downstream flows from the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
- Combining Eyes on the Solar System, a rich narrative, and adaptive feedback to teach Solar and Lunar eclipses
- Comparative Urban Futures for Flood Resilience
- Comparison of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) Composition in the soil column at the Biosphere 2 Tropical Rainforest
- Connecting Lower Mount Sharp Strata: how does the Clay-bearing Unit in Glen Torridon Relate to the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Consequences of Time-varying Subduction Geometry beneath Colombia
- Constraining first-order controls on volcanic repose time by examining cumulative distribution functions
- Constraining the surface composition of asteroid (16) Psyche and supporting future observations from the NASA Psyche mission's Multispectral Imager using reflectance spectroscopy of metal-rich meteorites
- Controls on titanium isotope fractionation in tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmas
- Coupling Time Series Analysis with Citizens' Perspectives for Urban Water Footprint Accounting Under Change
- Custom Autonomous Watercraft with Improved Transect Heading Accuracy to Ascertain Higher Quality Measurements with the Sontek River Surveyor S5
- Daily Changes in Atmospheric Microbiology Demonstrated in the Variability of Lipids in Particulate Matter
- Decompression Rates of Primitive Magnesian Andesite at Mt. Shasta, California
- Deep slow-slip events promote seismicity in northeastern Japan subduction zone
- Deformation Bands Near Parkfield, California: Implications for Deformation in the San Andreas Fault System
- Determining eruption triggers and magmatic sources using volcanic gas chemistry and thermodynamic modeling
- Do tropical and desert plant leaves trade carbon gain against non-lethal temperature maintenance?
- Dynamic Optimization of Ecological Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems and its Implications
- Dynamic Response of the Soil Production Function to Tectonically Driven Erosion Rates
- ERA-Interim vs ERA-5 Hydrology Comparison
- Ecohydrological and biogeochemical dynamics of urban stormwater in arid central Arizona
- Ecosystem Services Provided by Urban Wetlands Across a Gradient of Hydrologic Intervention
- Ecosystem response to extreme precipitation events is modulated by species interactions
- Effects of Mg/Si ratio on the Mineralogy of the Martian Mantle constrained by High-Pressure Experiments
- Employee-Led Efforts to Prevent Harassment and Foster Inclusion at the U.S. Geological Survey
- Enhancing Inverse Analyses of Volcano Deformation Data with Multidisciplinary Information using Finite Element Models
- Eruptive Style Transition at La Fossa Cone, Vulcano Island, Italy
- Evaluating the Potential of Irrigation for Mitigating Urban Heat: Trade-off between Water Use and Heat Mitigation Capacity
- Evaluating the Role of Wetland in Resiliency Improvement of Water Resources, a Hydrodynamic Perspective: Case-Study of Brazos River in Texas
- Evaluating the Universality of the Temperature Structure Parameter in the Atmospheric Surface Layer using a Small Unmanned Aircraft System
- Evaluating the maturity of the Martian valley networks using models of fluvial erosion
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- Evolution of Seismology Education and Outreach
- Expanding Ultra-low Velocity Zone Investigations in the Southern Hemisphere using Seismic Data from Antarctica
- Experimental Determination of Rocky Exoplanet Crust Compositions
- Experimental evidence for slow diffusion of trace elements in tooth enamel
- Exploring Bagnold's sediment transport formulations using numerical simulations
- Flood hazards along the coast of California due to vertical land motion and sea level rise
- Flow variation and the biogeochemistry of desert streams
- Forecasting future global biodiversity: Predicting current and future global plant distributions, community structure, and ecosystem function
- Gamifying Virtual Exploration of the Past 350 Million Years of Vertebrate Evolution
- Geological and Astrobiological Considerations for Narrowband Science Filters on a Landed Multispectral Imaging System on Europa
- Geomorphological map of the Soi crater region on Titan
- Green infrastructure implementation and performance: Lessons learned from nine US and Latin American cities in the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN)
- Heat Risk Mapping through Spatial Analysis of Remotely-Sensed Data andSocioeconomic Vulnerability in Hermosillo, México
- High Resolution Earth System Models at Decadal and Regional Scales: Seeking Sustainable Solutions for Rapidly Expanding Urban Areas
- Hillslope controls on tree canopy characteristics are moderated by transient landscape evolution across a humid tropical elevation gradient
- How (not) to lose communication with your submersible on Europa: An experimental study for characterizing the shear performance of tethers under confinement in ice
- How we use deformation data above large aquifer systems to understand climatic and anthropologically-driven stress and seismicity fluctuations in California
- Hurricane flooding and water quality issues: opportunities for increased resilience
- Hyper-Local Soil Moisture Estimates from Satellites via Scale Invariance of Hydrologic Simulations
- Improving Urban Flood Modeling with the Integration of Novel Data Sources
- In-situ investigation of periodic bedrock ridges in the Glen Torridon area with the MSL Curiosity rover, Gale crater, Mars
- Incorporating Community Attitudes into Urban Garden Spatial Optimization
- Increasing Our Capacity to Address Climate Change - Developing a Model for Effective Regional Climate Literacy Networks
- Informing the Governance of Geoengineering Research Through Public Deliberations
- Initial Landscape Evolution Model Results for Martian Valley Networks Show Potential Differences Between Distributed Rainfall and a Melting Ice Sheet.
- Integrating Groundwater Storage Change Into Terrestrial Water Storage Change Estimates and Crustal Stress Change Calculations in California Using InSAR, GPS, and GRACE
- Interpreting the Petrogenetic History of Martian Volcanic Rocks using Thermal Emission Spectroscopy and Thermodynamic Calculations of Phase Equilibria
- Intrepid: Lunar Roving Prospector
- Introducing SOils DAta Harmonization tools (SoDaH)
- Investigating Boron in Clay-Rich Units on Mars using Active Neutron Analysis
- Investigating Impact of Local Hydrogeology and Tectonics on Physics-based Induced Earthquake Forecast Models
- Investigating Transient Deformation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, using FEMs
- Investigating daily categorized rainfall at global scale
- Investigating impact of recent droughts on San Joaquin Valley aquifer-system using 10 years of InSAR observations
- Investigating the Surface Composition of Europa with the Europa Clipper
- Investigation of Interannual Trends in the Surface Urban Heat Island in Los Angeles County and its Association with Real-world Land Surface Changes Using Observations, Models, and Machine Learning
- Is Emissions Trading the Right Approach to Manage CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations?
- Joint assimilation of socio-economic and atmospheric measurements to constrain greenhouse gas emissions across urban landscapes
- Laboratory visible to infrared spectral investigations with hematite and iron-bearing phyllosilicates to help decipher spectral data taken by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover along Vera Rubin ridge in Gale Crater
- Lagrangian Ice Tracking System: LITS - A Community Tool for Managing Sea Ice
- Lagrangian Ice Tracking System: LITS Expanded with Arctic and Antarctic Environmental Data
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Leveraging Earth Observations for Decision Support During Flood Disaster Prevention, Response, and Recovery
- Linking carbon exchanges to watershed dynamics in a mixed shrubland of the Chihuahuan Desert
- Linking hydrous mineral chemistry to fluid speciation in the subduction channel
- Lithologic Controls on the Formation and Retreat of Waterfalls
- Litterfall inputs drive patterns of soil nitrogen heterogeneity in a diverse tropical forest
- Long-distance impact of fluid injection in Oklahoma on induced seismicity in Kansas using hydromechanical and nucleation models
- Mantle H<SUB>2</SUB>O and δD Associated with Melt Reactions in the Upper Mantle: Evidence From the Trinity Ophiolite, USA
- Mars on the Mall: Bringing the Walk on Mars Program to the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
- Measuring plant water use in wet places: paradoxical or paramount?
- Metagenomic signatures of microbial growth and trophic strategy in a whole-ecosystem nutrient enrichment experiment
- Methane Emissions and Isotopic Composition along a Peatland Gradient in the Amazon
- Microenvironments of Habitability in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert
- Mixed-fluid (H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB>) Solubility of Basalts at Mid-crustal Pressures: Understanding the Role of Alkalis
- Modeling Urban Irrigation Impact on Land Surface Temperature in Central Arizona
- Monitoring urban greenhouse gas emissions: Lessons from the NIST greenhouse gas measurements test-bed program
- Multiphase Biogeochemical Model to Predict Microbially Induced Desaturation and Precipitation for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation
- Multiscale and Multisensor Mapping of the 2018 Sierra Negra Eruption, Galápagos, Ecuador
- Novel Application Of The Anisotropy Of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) In Cenozoic Strata Across The Central Italian Apennines As A Paleogeodetic Measure Of Strain And The Eastward March Of Extension Above A Foreland Dipping Detachment
- Numerical modelling of fan-shaped fluvial deposits in low-latitude regions of Mars and their relationship to basin boundary conditions
- Observations and Modeling of Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration in Irrigated Urban Parks of a Desert City
- On-Demand 3D topographic differencing hosted by OpenTopography
- Patterns and drivers of global riverine hypoxia
- Pervasive water-rich, fracture-associated alteration halos in Gale crater, Mars
- Petrological insights into the initiation of volcanic eruptions
- Planetesimal Cores May Come in Many Flavors; How Oxidation State Affects Core Sulfur Content
- Ploidy Level - Environment Interactions Predict Mortality and Recruitment in Quaking Aspen
- Positive Futures for Transformative Change
- Primary Fermenter And Hydrogen-Consuming Microbial Keystone Taxa Are Associated With Carbon Use Efficiency In Tropical Peatlands Of Peruvian Amazonia
- Project Confluence: Reflections on our approach to create emancipatory collaborations between engineers, scientists, and communities
- Pulse dynamics at the catchment scale: Precipitation-driven carbon and nitrogen export during floods in a desert stream, Sycamore Creek, Arizona, USA
- Putative Pingos may Populate Portions of Occator Crater, Ceres
- Quantifying hydrologic regime shifts on ecological time scales using wavelets
- Reassessing long-term exhumation rates in magmatic terranes: An example from the Central Andes
- Records of Magma Evolution & Eruption during Yellowstone's Last Caldera Cycle from Geospeedometry and Zircon Petrochronology
- Relationships Among Climate and Geochemical Drivers with Viral and Microbial Community Composition of Northern Poor Fen Peatlands
- Replenishment of Near-Surface Ice by Impacts: Ceres Observations and Lunar Prospects
- Representing Tall, Complex Canopies using Land Surface Models: Comparing CLM5 and CLM-ml to Sub-Canopy Data from a Costa Rican Rainforest
- Revealing the Varied Sources of Faculae-Forming Brines in Occator Crater via Surface and Sub-Surface Analyses
- Simulating Hydrologic Responses in the Colorado River to Climate Change
- Single-Cell Microbial Metabolism and Growth Rates from a Subseafloor Basaltic Aquifer
- So Creepy: Creep in the Lunar Procellarum KREEP Terrane
- Socio-Hydrological Modelling of the Tradeoff Between Flood Control and Hydropower Provided by the Columbia River Treaty
- Soil Microbial and Organic Carbon Responses to Altered Precipitation Regimes Across a Southwestern United States Elevation Gradient
- Squeezing Marsquakes out of groundwater
- Strategic Behavior, Governance Challenges, and Implications for Migration in Self-Organized Coupled Infrastructure Systems
- Teaching Resource in Jupyter Notebooks for Accessing and Analyzing Large Research Databases in Earth and Planetary Science
- Teaching and learning about Earth science and sustainability with student-created virtual field trips
- Tectonic and compositional controls on magma storage depths globally: Results from CIDER 2019
- Thalassa: A Mission Concept to Follow the Water on Venus
- The Arctic Observing Summit:Continued Progress towards an Integrated, Multipurpose, International Arctic Observing System
- The Clay Minerals of Glen Torridon
- The Colombian magmatic record of the Panama arc collision and subduction of the Nazca plate
- The Europa Clipper: Science and Mission
- The Interactions Between Subducted Slabs and Mantle Transition Zone: A Statistical Analysis
- The Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper (LunaH-Map) Mission: Revealing Hydrogen Enrichments at the Moon's South Pole
- The MILO Space Science Institute and Smallsat Missions to Explore the Diversity of Near-Earth Asteroids
- The Miniature Neutron Spectrometer: A CLYC-based Detector for the LunaH-Map Mission
- The Relationship of Martian Crustal Remnant Magnetism and Mineralogy
- The Role of Technology in Affecting Vulnerability to Heat Disasters in a Warming World
- The SUfarce Dust Analyzer (SUDA ): Compositional Mapping of Europa's Surface.
- The Vulcan Version 3.0 High-Resolution Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions for the United States
- The biogeosciences are a critical step on the path toward detecting life on exoplanets
- The eWaterCycle platform for Open Science Hydrology
- The fossil fuel CO2 emissions of U.S. cities
- The hydrothermal consequences of MORB compositional variation.
- The roles of uncertainty in hydrological models: identifying the sources and impacts in a SWAT model of the Maumee River Watershed
- The spurious controversy about cold vs. warm magma storage and the influence of conceptual models
- The temporally evolving environmental consequences of LIP outgassing
- The turbulent world of resilience: interpretations and themes for transdisciplinary dialogue 488251
- ThermoSNCC: a free tool for modeling condensation sequences
- Threshold Processes in Fluvial Landscape Evolution
- Time-dependent model of creep and associated seismic hazard on the Hayward-Rodgers Creek System
- Topographic analysis and <SUP>10</SUP>Be erosion rates in southern Peru - differentiating between climatic and tectonic drivers of landscape evolution
- Topography and mean annual rainfall explain erosion patterns in the eastern Himalaya
- Tornado Damage Detection Utilizing Unpiloted Autonomous Systems, Structure from Motion, and Deep Neural Networks
- Toward Generalized Change Detection on Planetary Surfaces with Deep Learning
- Toward watershed characterization: investigation of above-belowground interactions with hyperspectral remote sensing and near-surface geophysical measurements within the Upper Colorado Basin
- Towards Collaborative Governance in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus: A Social Network Analysis
- Understanding Venus' Interior Processes as a Control Case for the Evolution of Earth and Earth-sized Exoplanets
- Unprecedented crop loss due to 2019 Midwest US flood quantified from Space
- Using Institutional Analysis of Grades to Assess Equity of Outcomes in Online and In-Person Science Courses
- Using Naturally Occurring Tracers to Quantify Components of Urban and Agricultural Streamflow
- Using remotely sensed foliar traits to capture spatial variation in tropical forest productivity across edaphic gradients with a dynamic global vegetation model
- Variability of Sediment Observations Across the Sand-mud Inner Shelf Near Ocean City Inlet
- Vulnerability to heat and ozone among older adults: Results from a household survey in Houston, TX
- What is the relationship between carbon emissions and city size? A long-term trend study of 100 cities.
- When Neither Climate or Tectonics Appear Related to Topography, Erosion, and Rock Uplift Rates: The Curious Case of the Greater Caucasus Mountains
- Where Has the Water Been? Combining Geochemical Data to Trace Hydrothermal Fluid Flow and Water-Rock Reactions
- Woody Plant Encroachment has a Larger Impact than Climate Change on Dryland Water Budgets
- Zircon U/Pb and (U-Th)/He double dating to constrain the thermal evolution of Chicxulub impact crater
- eWaterCycle: Putting the Public in Charge is Only FAIR
- Climate Sensitivity of the Glacier Mass Budget of High Mountain Asia Based on Satellite Gravimetry
- "Right tree, right place, right purpose": Linking Governance and Biotechnical Capacities in Addressing Climate Change through Urban Trees
- 2020 M5 Mentone earthquake potentially induced by deep wastewater injection: implications for reservoir mechanical property and individual well impacts
- A Mid-Infrared Survey of M-type Asteroids with SOFIA+FORCAST
- A Mixed-Method Approach to Detecting and Attributing Changes in Streamflow
- A Statistical Study on the ULF Wave-Driven Ultrarelativistic Electron Flux Oscillations in the Outer Radiation Belt
- A multi-site synthesis of impacts of multi-year extreme events on dryland ecosystem resilience
- A novel coupled cycling of abiotic denitrification and N<SUB>2</SUB>O-reduction is frequent across tropical peatlands
- Accessing Flood Information for Physical Climate RIsk Assessments in the Capital Markets.
- Aligning Place-Based Geoscience Teaching with the ICAP Framework of Cognitive Engagement for Enhanced Active Learning
- An Io GIS Database as an Example of a Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure
- An initial evaluation of olivine diffusion timescales from monogenetic-style volcanoes in the Oregon High Cascades
- Application of Satellite Products in Surface Hydrological Modeling of the Colorado River Basin
- Assessing the Effect of Buffer Regulations on Floodplain Vegetation with Multi-temporal Lidar and Satellite Data
- Assessing the Impact of Hurricane Sandy on Mobility Patterns in New York City across Scales
- Automating Labels to Train Deep Neural Networks for Water Segmentation on Sentinel-2 and Planetscope Imagery
- Baisman Run: Co-evolution of water, carbon and nutrient cycling in a suburbanizing watershed
- Balloon-Based Geophysical Investigations at Venus
- Behavioral Sciences Approach to Analyzing Cooperation Dynamics in Transboundary Water Management between the U.S. and Canada in the Columbia River Basin
- Big Data Approaches to Statistically Characterizing Biochemistries in the Context of their Planetary Environment
- Biodiversity Survey of the Cape ( BioSCape )
- Bridge to the stars: A mission concept to an interstellar object
- Can strategic buffers mitigate anthropogenic land cover impacts and improve coastal health?
- Can the Late Heavy Bombardment hypothesis be resuscitated?
- Can we use causal theory to understand how Earth processes shape life? Examples from the Baja GeoGenomics consortium
- Carbon Mapper: global tracking of methane and CO<SUB>2</SUB> point-sources
- Carbon dioxide exchange in urban areas: modeling, uncertainties and sensitivity analysis
- Changes in soil nematode food web control the effects of drought on the partitioning between above and belowground grass biomass
- Combined Radiocarbon Analysis of DIC, DOC, and RNA coupled with Geochemical Data to Understand Pleistocene Aquifer Recharge in Bangladesh
- Concentrated animal feeding operation liquid manure application patterns: Insights from remote sensing
- Consilience - exploring the spaces where the sciences and the arts meet
- Constraining the Lifespan of the South Polar Plume on Enceladus using Tectonic Pit Chains
- Covid19's disparate impact on transportation and emissions
- Democratizing Virtual Field Trips: Teaching Learners to Create Their Own Virtual Field Trips for Earth and Space Science and Sustainability
- Development of a Full Carbon Budget for Auckland, New Zealand
- Did tidal heating lead to a rocky Io?
- Does sustainable agricultural intensification in the US exist? A data-driven exploration of the co-variability of US agriculture, environmental degradation, and socio-economic variables
- Effect of data and model resolution on urban flood modeling
- Emergence of Chiral Characteristics across Biochemical Networks on Earth
- Environmental thresholds for phytoplankton group dynamics in the Western Lake Erie
- Evaluating the feasibility and efficiency of managed aquifer recharge strategy using simulation and optimization approaches
- Evaluation of Machine Learning Methodologies for Novelty-based Target Selection in Planetary Imaging Data Sets: Examples from the Mars Science Laboratory Mission
- Evaluation of the Relationship of Climate on Primary versus Secondary Fermentation of Poor Fen Northern Peatlands Using DNA-Stable Isotope Probing
- Evidence for diverse lunar melt compositions and mixing of the pre-3.9 Ga crust from zircon chemistry
- Experimental, Microbiome, and Geochemical Evidence for Methane Oxidation by Archaeal Ammonia Oxidizers in Hot Springs of Yellowstone National Park
- Exploring Earth and Planets with Large Databases
- Exploring iron asteroid magnetospheres
- Extreme Heat Events Analysis and its Relation to Social Vulnerability in Hermosillo, México
- FAIR incentives: catalyzing collective action for science and society
- Further constraints on the surface composition of asteroid (16) Psyche using laboratory reflectance spectroscopy and implications for the NASA Psyche mission's Multispectral Imager
- Gamifying virtual exploration of the past 350 million years of vertebrate evolution
- Genomic and ecological signatures of landscape change: a geologically-constrained, simulation-based case study in the Baja California Peninsula
- Geomorphological map of the South Belet Region of Titan
- Going Virtual with Science Communication Training
- Groundwater Externalities, Water Pricing, and Land Use Change
- High Energy Dynamics of Atmospherically Important Molecules Observed with Femtosecond Pump-Probe Spectroscopy
- Hillslope morphology drives variability of detrital <SUP>10</SUP>Be erosion rates in steep landscapes
- Hillslope-Channel Runoff Connectivity During the North American Monsoon Across an Arid Piedmont Landscape
- How Mantle Compositional Heterogeneity Determines Energy Availability in Hydrothermal Ecosystems: A Global Perspective.
- How a Low-Cost Arduino System can Start a New Project and Save an International Field Season
- How can flood data be more useful?
- How does urbanization influence stream hydrology in a desert city? Insights on high and low flows from Phoenix, Arizona
- Hydrogen-Mineral Reactions at High Temperatures and High Pressures
- Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling of a CAFO Dairy Lagoon
- Hydrometeorological sensitivities of net ecosystem carbon dioxide and methane exchange of an Amazonian palm swamp peatland
- Identifying and forecasting biodiversity `tipping points'
- Importance of Temporal Resolution, Granularity, and Two-way Feedbacks in the Water-Energy Nexus Modeling
- Improving Online Dialogues about Justice and Equity in Climate and Science Policy
- Increased Temperatures Overwhelm Precipitation Changes Leading to Streamflow Declines in the Colorado River Basin
- Influence of projected climate change, urban expansion and heat adaptation strategies on end of 21st century urban boundary layer across the Conterminous US
- Informing urban climate planning with high resolution data: the Hestia fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions for Baltimore, Maryland
- Institutional adaptive capacity to floods: Bridging the gaps between observed and perceived flooding risks and climate change actions in North American cities
- Interdisciplinary Modeling of the Socioeconomic Tradeoffs of Water Management in River Basins with Potential for Disconnection between Surface and Groundwater
- Intrepid: Traversing 4 Billion Years of Lunar History
- Investigating trend detection capabilities on worldwide extreme rainfall occurrences
- Irrigation Cooling Capacity in Agricultural and Urban Settings of Central Arizona: A Multiyear Assessment
- JMARS Augmented and Virtual Reality Experiences for Planetary Research, Education, and Collaboration
- Jamming in the pocket: the rhythmic interactions between turbulence, bed structure, and sediment motion
- Knowledge Discovery Framework: Deep Learning Applications for Remote Sensing
- Lagoon Morphology: A Key Component of the Coral Mn/Ca-based Trade-wind Proxy
- Late Miocene-Pliocene Volcanism in the Sierra de San Francisco, Central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
- Leveraging Soil Moisture for Early Flood Detection
- Leveraging earth observation and inundation models to map frequent to rare flood hazards
- Linking Thermophysics from Earth to Mars
- Linking watershed water balance dynamics to carbon fluxes in two woody-plant encroached ecosystems in the southwestern US
- Lithospheric Thickness and Heat Flow on Venus: Results from a Global Survey of Flexure at Steep-Sided Domes
- Lithospheric Thickness: A Lens on Understanding the Evolution of Earth's Twin
- Long-term solar radiation patterns across the Contiguous United States
- Lower crustal magma supply amplification: A key concept for silicic magma production
- MEGADAPT (MEGAcity-ADAPTation), a participatory, hybrid, dynamic, spatially-explicit, integrated modeling approach, to analyze decision-making process as an endogenous system driver of urban vulnerability.
- Magnitudes and Controls of Stem Methane Emissions in Amazonian Peatland Forests
- Management of Surface Water and Groundwater Resources in the Brazos River Basin, Texas
- Mastcam Multispectral Results from Vera Rubin Ridge and Laboratory Studies to Support and Enhance the Interpretation of Multispectral Data from the Curiosity rover
- Measuring, Modeling and Projecting Coastal Land Subsidence: Implications for Relative Sea-level Rise and Flooding along US Coast
- Media framing of collaborative governance in the Cape Town water crisis
- Methane point-source emissions from oil, gas, and coal operations
- Mineralogical enhancement of crustal magnetization on Mars
- Model Bias Correction for Ionospheric Data Assimilation
- NASA's Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE) Program: Enabling Hands-on Workforce Preparation for Diverse Undergraduate STEM Students at Scale
- New Discovery of Pliocene Tidal Deposits Near the Crest of the Central Baja California Peninsula: A Key Constraint on Vertical Crustal Motions and Genetic Divergence
- New Frontiers in Microanalytical Noble Gas Geochronology and Thermochronology
- New evidence for climate and erosion history in Gale crater, Mars, from Curiosity's ascent onto the Greenheugh pediment
- New perspectives on the use of triple quadrupole ICP-MS (laser and solution) systems for geochemical studies
- Nonstationary Frequency Analysis of Extreme Precipitation based on Weather Types
- Parameterizing tropical forest diversity: integrating a terrestrial biosphere model with remotely sensed trait measurements
- Past, Present, and Future of Flooding-induced Crop Loss in U.S. Midwest
- Phosphorous-Bearing Compounds and Atmosphere-Surface Chemical Interactions on Venus
- Planning for Abrupt Change: Societal evaluation and response to near-term risk in complex systems
- Possible Control of Redox Conditions in the Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell
- Predictability Associated with Northern Hemisphere Retrograde Disturbances as Inferred from Reforecast
- Pretty Metal: Understanding Prehistoric African Climate and Dust Transport
- Prioritizing Climate Adaptation Decisions for Historic Preservation: A Pilot Study at Cape Lookout National Seashore to Test Optimization Model
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Progress in Prediction Using Geomorphic Transport Laws
- Promoting Inclusivity in STEAM Through Diverse Entry Points for Participating in a Space Mission
- Reduction of Iron by Hydrogen in Early Planetary Mantles
- Regional-Scale Landscape Change: Data Preparation and Two Examples Using Object-Based Image Analysis and Windowed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm to Interrogate Results
- Reinforcing the Mn/Ca Trade-Wind Proxy: A Closer Look at Manganese Redox in Kiritimati's Lagoon
- Relative Slip in Damage Zones: Insights from Bishop Tuff Normal Faults
- Repeated Hurricanes Reveal Risks and Opportunities for Social-Ecological Resilience to Flooding and Water Quality Problems
- Resolving Recharge: quantifying the efficacy of mafic recharge as an eruption initiation mechanism
- Robotics and AI weave surface process narratives from rock geomorphology
- STEM Translation is More Than Words: How Science, Engineering and Language are Making the Psyche Mission Accessible to Spanish Speakers
- Science at Home: Supporting Families Through Informal Education Providers
- Shallow injection may cause seismicity in the Delaware Basin, Texas
- Simplicity lacks robustness when projecting heat-health outcomes in a changing climate
- Space Behind Bars: Teaching Earth and Space Science in an Arizona Prison
- Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Arc Magmatism: A Case Study of Northern Colombia
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Escherichia coli Impairment in Arid Environments: Implications for Environmental Management
- Strengthening Science and Society Integration through Sustainability Partnerships in the U.S. - Mexico Drylands Region
- Subsidence-Derived Aquifer Volume Strain Models for the San Joaquin Valley, California and Central Arizona
- Supersized and Speedy: The Timing and Initiation of the Lava Creek Tuff Supereruption, Yellowstone Caldera
- Synergies and Conflicts of Sand Mining Activities with UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Synthesizing Stormwater Infrastructure in United States Cities: Are we speaking the same language?
- Targeting Desired Outcomes: Do Current Thermal Adaptation Strategies miss the mark?
- Tectonic Controls on Landscape Evolution and Habitat Distributions Along the Central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
- Tectonic influences on relative sea-level rise and barrier dynamics in the Eureka Littoral Cell, California
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team: Synergies Across Land, Air, and Sea
- The Future of Planetary Surface Gravimetry
- The Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper (LunaH-Map) Mission: Low-Altitude Hydrogen Mapping of the Lunar South Pole With a Very Small Spacecraft
- The Power of Words, Images, and Representation: Using Science Communication for Social Justice in STEM
- The Relation Between Sub-Monthly Retrograde Disturbances and East Asian Cold Surge
- The X-ray Amorphous Composition of Rocks Sampled from the Greenheugh Pediment and Underlying Murray Formation
- The fidelity of elemental concentrations and mass-dependent (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C, δ<SUP>15</SUP>N, δ<SUP>2</SUP>H, δ<SUP>34</SUP>S, δ<SUP>42/44</SUP>Ca) and radiogenic isotopic compositions (<SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr, Pb isotopes) in human hair in seawater and fresh water and implications for forensics, anthropology, and environmental exposure monitoring
- The impact of COVID-19 on realtime data-driven estimate of U.S. fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions.
- The other host rock: Sulfidic and methane-rich gabbro-hosted hyperalkaline fluids likely host novel chemotrophic communities
- The varying roles of ecosystem services in poverty alleviation among rural households in urbanizing watersheds
- Time-Lapse GPR Aids Investigation of Depth and Timing of Crop-Available Soil Water Under Various Agricultural Practices
- Top-Down Approach for Time-Variant Anthropogenic Signature Attribution in Socio-Hydrological Systems
- Topographic and Volcanic Evolution of Central Baja California, Mexico - Constraints and Evidence for a Pliocene Marine Embayment or Trans-Peninsular Strait
- Transformative management approaches for grasslands
- Translating Data to Decisions for Flood Hazard Management and Disaster Response
- Typology of Food-Energy-Water Systems in the United States
- Ultra High Velocity Zones at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Understanding the Built Environment's Contribution to Vulnerability
- Understanding the Effect of Environmental Conditions on Bio-Based Ground Improvement Strategies for Infrastructure Resilience
- Understanding the Role of Geospatial Factors and Fluid Injection on Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma using Random Forests
- Unusual Olivine on Mars Identified with Infrared Spectroscopy
- Urban Heat Island Inequalities by Sociodemographic Characteristics in Major U.S. cities
- Using Linear Optimization To Model Spatially Resolute Emissions Of CO<SUB>2</SUB> From Gasoline Flows Across The United States
- Using Satellite Remote Sensing To Quantify The Impact Of Groundwater On Global Dryland Ecosystems' Resilience
- Using an Interactive, 3D Visualization to Teach Phases of the Moon
- Using integrated models to avoid tipping points in a multi-objective water allocation problem
- Using trait-based biodiversity to identify critical risk indicators in ecology
- Utility of Downscaled Climate Model Outputs to Support Crop Modeling at the Irrigation District Scale
- Venus: A Thick Basal Magma Ocean May Exist Today
- Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Glen Torridon and Greenheugh Pediment areas, Gale Crater, Mars
- Water Vapor Adsorption May Provide as Much Water as Rainfall into the Hyperarid Soils of the Atacama Desert
- Water conservation policies under drought conditions: the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area case study
- Water-induced Diamond Formation at the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary
- Wildfire Dynamics with ECOSTRESS, Sentinel, and MODIS: The Case of Australia's Black Summer
- edOS: catalyzing an ecosystem of advanced courseware creation
- "Don't stand so close to me" - The spatial organization of CAFOs and its relationship to water quality in the US.
- A Basal Magma Ocean in Venus May Be a Hidden Reservoir of Noble Gases
- A Basic Modeling Interface extension to support data interoperability in coupled simulation workflows
- A Global Geological Map of Pluto at 1:7M Scale
- A Hybrid process-guided machine learning approach for estimating groundwater dynamics
- A Lunar Magnetic Field Powered by Core Convection and a Basal Magma Ocean
- A Mastcam-Z View of Regolith at Jezero Crater: Textural and Spectral Properties
- A New Approach to Data Visualization Using Virtual Reality to Improve Mission Planning Workflows
- A New OH Airglow Imager at the Poker Flat Research Range for the Study of Gravity Waves, Instabilities, and Breaking.
- A comparative analysis of hydrological changes in water supply sources across the USA
- A single-cell view of planetary habitability
- A spatial and temporal analysis of agricultural water withdrawal in contiguous US and its driving forces
- Actors Narratives as Drivers of Socio-Hydrological System Dynamics: Implications for Urban Water Governance
- Alloys in Fe-Si-H Ternary at High Pressures-Temperatures and Their Implications for the Planetary Cores
- An Overview of NASAs Lucy Mission: First to the Trojans
- Analysis of native and non-native plant recovery in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area after the 2018 Woolsey Fire.
- Artificial Intelligence Assists in the Estimation of Hypolith Distribution in the Namib Desert
- Assessing Future Climate and Land Use Impacts to the Colorado River using a Bottom-up Modelling Approach Informed by Water Managers
- Assessing the Roles of Tectonics and Climate in Building Up and Breaking Down the Greater Caucasus Mountains: A Combined Analysis of Topography, Hydroclimate, Detrital Zircon (U-Th)/He, and 10Be Erosion Rate Data
- Assessing the Sub-pixel Sensitivity of Atmospheric Retrievals from the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- Assessment and Multi-objective Optimization of Urban Environmental System Design Using A Machine Learning Approach
- Assessment of Atmospheric Rivers contribution to snow accumulation in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Assessment of the Distribution and Physical Structure of Litter Retention Elements in the Sonoran Desert Using 3D Photogrammetry
- Atomic-scale mixing between MgO and H2O in the deep interiors of water-rich planets
- Autonomous 3D Rock Detection for Geomorphology
- Basin-scale Modeling of Collective Management Practices in Agriculture to Reduce Sediment and Nutrient Inputs into Flood-control and Drinking Water Reservoirs
- Biometeorological Sensing of Human Thermal Exposure in Cities: Meet MaRTy!
- Carbon Mapper: A New Public-Private Hyperspectral Constellation
- Carbon Mapper: on-orbit performance predictions and airborne prototyping
- Centering Indigenous Values and Ethics to Create A Holistic Evaluation Plan for the Indigenous Geoscience Community
- Challenges and opportunities in coding the governance of water resource systems: problems, procedures, and potential solutions based on the Lake Mendocino reservoir, California.
- Changes in hydrothermal fluid origin conditions approaching the next eruption at 9 50N East Pacific Rise
- Characterization of Organic Molecules in the Glen Torridon Region of Gale crater, Mars, by the SAM Instrument Aboard Curiosity
- Characterizing Aerosol Particles Sizes at Jezero Crater Using the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mastcam-Z Imaging System
- Characterizing Potential Rock Coatings at the Perseverance Rover Landing Site: A Multispectral Analysis with Mastcam-Z
- Characterizing Putative Deltaic Deposits Across the Martian Surface
- Chemical Interactions Between Hydrogen-Rich Envelopes and Silicate Magma Oceans
- Chemical composition of the first rocks sampled by the Perseverance rover in Jezero crater, Mars
- Classifying Colorado River Basin sub-watersheds by environmental and agricultural outcomes and assessing options for agriculture best management practices
- Climate Driven Diagenetic Processes in Gale Crater, Mars.
- Combined Effects of Future Urban Growth and Climate Change on Irrigation Water Demand in Central Arizona
- Combining Photogrammetry and Field Techniques to Determine Hypolith Colonization and Distribution Patterns
- Combining Satellite and ISS Reflectance Time-series for Evaluation of Vegetation Traits and Function
- Conductivity Contrasts as the Cause for Strong Radar Reflections from the Base of Martian South Polar Cap
- Connecting above-ground greenhouse gas fluxes with subsurface nutrient cycling at an intensively-managed cattle grazing pasture
- Cool Kids Catalyzing Youth Action into City Policy to Mitigate Extreme Heat
- Cooling capacity of urban trees exposed to thermal stress
- Cost-Effective Global Flood Segmentation using Convolutional Neural Networks, Sentinel-1 and Active Learning
- Crossing the Policy Process Gap & Modelling Urban Water Coupled-Infrastructure Systems
- Data-driven prediction of urban hydrological transitions in the Contiguous United States
- Defining the Equatorial Extent of Subsurface Ice on Mars through Global Geomorphic Mapping
- Designing constructed wetlands to improve flood resilience of the Brazos river basin in Texas.
- Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in Vegetation Function at Leaf and Canopy Scales Using Field and Satellite Data
- Documenting SmKS Slowness, Back Azimuth, and Travel Time Anomalies using Seismic Array Methodologies
- Drivers of Speciation Using Genomic Analyses of Two Desert Brittlebush Species, Encelia farinosa and Encelia californica
- Drought severity determines productivity loss in grasslands globally
- Effects of Dielectric Breakdown in Natural Silicate Minerals
- Elasticity of a Ferroelastic Transition from Stishovite to Post-Stishovite: Implication to Depth-Dependent Small-Scale Seismic Scatterers along Subduction Slabs
- Energetic Requirements for Dynamos in the Metallic Cores of Super-Earth and Super-Venus Exoplanets
- Equitable Policies for Climate-Induced Migration
- Establishing Best Practices for Dating Impact Structures Using the 40Ar/39Ar UVLAMP Technique: A Case Study from West Clearwater Lake
- Estimating the Impact of Urban Irrigation on Carbon Dioxide Exchange Using A Coupled WRF-UCM and Photosynthesis Model
- Europa's Metallic Core May Have Taken Billions of Years to Form
- Evaluating the Extent of Highly Pure Anorthosite in Lunar Uplift Structures at Sites of Purest Anorthosite Spectral Identification Using LROC Narrow Angle Camera Photometry
- Exploring diurnal thermal variations in urban local climate zones with ECOSTRESS land surface temperature data.
- Exploring the origin of the Martian valley networks
- Extreme variation in H2 production across the ultramafic ternary: implications for biospheres on differentiated and undifferentiated planets.
- FAIR-TRUST-CARE Principles for Environmental Data Repositories
- First Assimilation of Atmospheric Temperatures from the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- Fishing Communities and Climate Change: Understanding the adaptation of Indigenous fisheries to changing natural and economic environments in Kamchatka, Russia
- Formal and Informal Greenspaces Contributions to Environmental Gentrification
- Formulating mitigation options and examining intra-urban social inequality using evidence-based urban warming effects
- Future Probability of Compound Hot-Dry Events Under the Impact of Climate Change, Urban Expansion, and Adaptation in US Cities
- Gamifying virtual exploration of the past 350 million years of vertebrate evolution: Presenting effectiveness data from Surviving Extinction
- Genetic divergence and ephemeral barriers: Reconciling genetic and geological timescales within geogenomics
- Geochronological Constraints on the Volcanic and Topographic Evolution of Central Baja California, Mexico
- Geologic and Textural Variability of Surface Materials in Jezero Crater as Observed by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mastcam-Z Instruments
- Geometric and Spectral Analysis of Relict Channel Planforms in Central Baja California, Mexico: A Novel Approach to Paleo-Sea Level Reconstruction and Testing Hypotheses for Genetic Divergence
- Geospatial analysis of relationship between urban flood risk and green infrastructure: implications for environmental justice
- Giving Local Experts the Tools to Create Their Own Place-based, Digital Learning Experiences: A Case Study
- Housing Water Health Nexus in Tribal Communities: Exploring Water Access Implications for Social Justice and Health Risk Exposure in the Navajo Nation
- How Unlike-Earth are Earth-like Planets?
- How do we measure an icy shell? Seismic constraints on the thickness of an Antarctic ice shelf as an analog for icy-ocean worlds
- Hybrid Time Scale Model of Multi-purpose Reservoir Operation Rules across the Continental United States Using Machine Learning Approaches
- Identifying Optimal Landing Sites Near the Lunar South Pole
- Impactor Airbursts: Implications for the Present and Future of Venus Exploration
- Impacts of Hydrogen on the Chemistry and Structure of Rocky Planets Cores
- Impacts of water supply institutions on water and land markets
- Improving Calibration of Urban Flood Models Using Camera Images and Binary Observations from Citizen Science Contributions
- Improving Water-Energy-Climate Nexus Modeling at the Metropolitan Scale
- Improving resolution of mantle seismic anisotropy using array techniques: Shear wave splitting of beamformed SmKS phases
- Improving the E3SM Land Model Simulations of Carbon Fluxes for an Amazonian Palm Swamp Peatland
- In hot deserts, drought is a stronger regulator of biogeochemistry over the short-term than physical disturbance
- Increasing resiliency of integrated food-energy-water systems to viral pandemics: lessons from COVID-19
- Indigenous Voices Provide Context in Kilauea Virtual Tours
- Inferring spatiotemporal precipitation-discharge patterns of a snow dominated mountainous karst watershed using a hybrid physically based and deep learning modeling approach
- Innovating STEM Workforce Development: The NASA LSPACE Model of Enabling a More Accessible, Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Authentic STEM Experience
- Inorganic Energy Supplies of Yellowstone Hydrothermal Systems
- Inside-out: Dwarf Planet Haumea's Internal Evolution and the Creation of the Haumean Collisional Family
- Insights on Turbulence as a Governing Mechanism of Riverbank Stability through Numerical Simulations.
- Interiors of the midsized moons of Uranus, Degree-Two Gravity Fields, and Electromagnetic Properties from Coupled Physical and Chemical Modeling
- Intern's Insight into Inclusive Undergraduate Innovation and Space Workforce Development
- Investigating Dwarf Planet Ceres Rich Carbon Chemistry
- Investigating Hot Spring Outflow Channels Using A Combination of Geochemical and Microbiological Analyses in Yellowstone National Park
- Investigating the dynamics of ultra-high velocity zones above Earths core-mantle boundary
- Investigation of diurnal variability in Mars atmospheric dust and water ice aerosol using the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- Irrigation Water Use Estimation by Integrating In-situ and Remote Sensing Data Using Machine Learning
- Kelp from Space: A Citizen Science Powered Classroom Experience
- Learning to Predict Effective Reaction Rates from Porous Media Structural Properties
- Limits on the Effectiveness of Waterfalls and Bedrock River Incision in Landscape Evolution
- Linking large geochemical and geophysical data sets to understand magmatic processes in Cascadia
- Lunar Volcanic Gases and Condensates: Chemical Equilibria in the H-C-O-S-F-Cl-Na-K System
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Planning Implications Related to Sterilization-Sensitive Science Investigations Associated with Mars Sample Return (MSR)
- Machine Learning Approach to Wildfire Effects on Debris Flow Hazard in Tonto, Arizona
- Mafic Chemistry and Mineralogy (including olivine) of the Coarse-Grained Regolith Analyzed by SuperCam at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Magnetization of carbonaceous asteroids by nebular fields and the origin of CM chondrites
- Mapping Exposed Dusty Water Ice in Northern Martian Gullies
- Mapping Wastewater Lagoons in Native American Reservations
- Mars 2020s First Sample: The Fractured Rough Rock Unit on the Floor of Jezero Crater
- Mars Science Laboratory Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations in the Glen Torridon, Edinburgh, and Mont Mercou regions, Gale Crater, Mars
- Mars Year 34 Dust Storm Effects on Hydrogen Escape in the LMD-MGCM
- Mars surface science results from the Emirates eXploration Imager (EXI)
- Measuring the signal of basin scale development using discharge variation
- Methane Plume Mapping Over Offshore Oil and Gas platforms Using Sun Glint
- Microbial Activity in Response to Non-Rainfall Moisture Systems in Arid and Semi-Arid Sites in the Sonoran Desert
- Modeling Spatially Resolved US Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Supply Chains of Gasoline and Diesel Consumption
- Modeling and observation of secondary and higher-order gravity waves from the stratospheric polar vortex via multi-step vertical coupling
- New Lunar Cold Spots: The Thermophysical Properties of the Youngest Craters on the Moon
- Nigerian Geoscience Students Perception of University Program Quality and their Own Employment Needs: Comparing Knowledge-Based Instruction and Skills-Based Instruction
- Numerical Approach to Understanding the Microclimate Effects and Irrigation Water Requirements in Urban Landscapes
- Numerical modelling of biogenic desaturation and precipitation
- Observations of stratospheric vortex generated gravity waves and subsequent impacts on thermosphere/ionosphere variability and traveling ionospheric disturbance generation
- Observations of the Jezero Crater Delta Front by Perseverance Cameras
- Observing Thermospheric Secondary Gravity Waves Above Breaking Regions
- On modeling the interdependency among adaptive reservoir operation, floodplain land-use, and agricultural production: a socio-hydrological approach.
- On understanding causal relationships within the Earth-life sciences
- Ongoing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts in the CEDAR Community
- Open data tools for soil data harmonization: the SoDaH framework.
- Orographic Precipitation Patterns Strongly Influence Channel Steepness Patterns in Peru and Northern Bolivia
- Parameter uncertainty motivates caveats and offers constraints on inversions of Earths thermal history
- Particle-bed interactions in a wind tunnel using Particle Tracking and Imaging Velocimetry
- Patterns of fluid and sediment motion over two-dimension fluvial and aeolian ripples.
- Permeability of Chicxulub Peak Ring Rocks and Implications for the Post-Impact Hydrothermal System
- Planetary Visor: Immersive Visualization of Orbital and In-Situ Data from Mars for Scientific Analysis and Public Engagement
- Primary production responses to extreme changes in North American Monsoon precipitation move up an elevation gradient through time
- Quantifying a decade of Savanna vegetation structure change with L-band SAR.
- Rapid Exhumation of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines in the Everest Region in the Late Pliocene: Evidence from Apatite Fission-Track Thermochronology and Implications for Tectonic and Uplift History of the Higher Himalaya
- Reasoning about Model Complexity with a Multi-scale Approach
- Reconstructing Redox with Rhenium: Advances in Characterizing Authigenic 187Re in Carbonaceous Sediments and Shales
- Results from the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- Sampling deltaic rocks and their source terranes at Jezero crater to understand early Martian history
- Seasonal variations of water-carbon dynamics in a mixed shrubland of the Chihuahuan desert
- Simulating heat extremes using dynamic synchronization in complex climate networks
- Social, ecological, and technological characteristics of vulnerability to flooding at parcel and census block group scales
- Spatial heterogeneity of litter decomposition in past, present, and future drylands
- Spatio-temporal Patterns of PMDI Variability across the Interconnected Watersheds of the Western United States
- Spectral Albedo of Dusty Martian H2O Snow and Ice
- Spectral Properties of Diagenetic Features Near the Clay-Sulfate Transition In Mt. Sharp
- Spectral diversity in the Western Delta Fan exposures in Jezero crater, Mars, as seen with Mastcam-Z on the Perseverance rover mission
- Spin State of Iron in Dynamically Compressed Olivine Melt
- Stakeholder characterization in complex socio-hydrological systems using the Coupled Infrastructure Systems Framework
- Statistics of Multi-MeV Electron Drift-Periodic Flux Oscillations Driven by Broadband ULF Waves
- Storm-Driven Particulate and Dissolved Organic Inputs to a Desert Stream Following a Large Wildfire: Comparison before and after a Year of Drought that Interrupted Upland-Stream Connectivity
- Surviving in Ocean Worlds: An Experimental Characterization of Mechanical and Optical Transmission Performance of Fiber Optic Tethers Across Ice Faults
- Temporal dynamics of carbon dioxide fluxes over Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
- Ten months of Perseverance on Mars
- Testing the Boundaries of Planetary Habitability: The Critical Need For In-Situ Data
- The Application of Remote Sensing using NASA Earth Observations paired with Sociodemographic Indicators to Identify Communities Most Susceptible to Urban Heat Exposure in Austin, Texas
- The Arctic Observing Summit Accomplishments from 2013-20, and Goals for 2022!
- The Atmosphere of Mars as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- The Co-evolution of Deccan Traps Mantle Melting, Outgassing, and Climate
- The Infiniscope Initiative: Transforming ESS Education through Advances in Digital Learning Design
- The Mars Sample Return Campaign: Current Architecture and the Proposed Future History of the Samples
- The NASA L'SPACE Program - Providing Authentic STEM Undergraduate Research Experiences at Scale
- The NASA SMD Community Of Practice For Education (SCoPE): A New Science Activation Program Integration Project To Connect SMEs With NASA SciAct.
- The Notional Plan for Sample Collections by the Perseverance Rover for Mars Sample Return
- The Science Case for a Return to Enceladus
- The Spatial Distribution of Atmospheric Dust and Temperatures of Mars as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- The Surface of Mars as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- The Temporal and Spatial Variation of Chemical Heterogeneities in Mantle Plumes
- The detectability of asteroid magnetospheres
- The periodicity of mantle plume formation in 3D global geodynamic models and its implications for crustal growth
- The physics of cold compaction as a constraint for interpreting the density of asteroid (16) Psyche
- The search for sulfates: Using Mastcam visible to near-infrared spectroscopy to identify sulfates and other hydrated minerals in Gale crater, Mars.
- The segregation of subducted oceanic crust in the lowermost mantle and its contribution to seismic heterogeneities outside the LLSVPs
- The unequal water footprint of refugee displacement
- Tiered methane observing systems across multiple basins to quantify regional budgets, strong point sources, and differentiate sector contributions
- To see a world in a shard of ice: Oumuamua as a fragment of N2 ice from an exo-Pluto
- Tour It: Empowering educators to create their own virtual field trips with user-friendly technology
- Towards a New Baseline of Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay Using GNSS and InSAR
- Treefall Gap Redistributes Water Usage of Trees Across Canopy Levels in a Premontane Tropical Forest
- Ultra-low Velocity Zone Structure at Southern Latitudes based on PcP Waveforms and Historical Interstation Pattern Referencing
- Underground Ice on Mars: Characterization Activities, Potential as an In Situ Resource, and Possible Destination for Human Explorers
- Understanding evolution of urban flood risk management using socio-ecological-technological systems lens
- Understanding the Chemistry of the Rocks at Jezero crater, Mars, through the Combined Use of SuperCam Spectroscopic and Optical Techniques
- Using Data Linkage Approach to Refine the Industrial Water Consumption Data Resolution in the United States
- Using cloud-top chemical species to constrain the surface process, atmospheric dynamics and cloud formation on Venus
- Utility of Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimates for the Statistical Characterization of Extreme Precipitation in Central Arizona
- Variations in Crystal Textures Observed in Basaltic Quench Margins: Interpreting Lava Cooling Rates on Earth and Mars
- Vast different height of the LLSVPs caused by catastrophic slab avalanching at the 660-km discontinuity
- Venus Lithospheric Thickness and Geodynamic Regime
- Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Central Glen Torridon and Mont Mercou areas, Gale Crater, Mars
- Volcano-Tectonic Evolution of Central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico: Implications for Speciation and Barriers to Gene Flow
- Warming-driven Snowfall Declines and Evaporative Increases Overwhelm Precipitation Increases Leading to Colorado River Streamflow Declines
- Watershed Nutrient Pollution Dynamics Under Extreme Events in the Cape Fear River Watershed, North Carolina
- Wave Imaging at Sub-Wavelength Scales: Machine-Learning-Based Inference of Microstructure Descriptors from Finite-Frequency Wave Properties
- When is anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) a useful proxy for seismic anisotropy?
- Wildfire impacts to aridland stream chemistry across a hydroclimatic gradient
- iLMA: A New Multispectral Index for Monitoring Leaf Traits Reveal a Widespread Climate-Related Decrease in Leaf Mass per Area (LMA) Over the Last 35 Years
- 3D Gravity modeling of the Hottest Geothermal system in Algeria (Hammam Debagh, north-eastern part of Algeria)
- A Deep Learning Approach to Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Modeling with Spatiotemporal Interpretation.
- A Global Veneer of Subducted Materials along the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary
- A Multidisciplinary Investigation of the Seismic Expression and Tectonomagmatic Evolution of Subduction Termination
- A Non-Homogenous Hidden Markov Model to Generate Future PMDI Time Series in order to Inform Water Supply Planning and Generate Streamflow Ensembles
- A Single-Layer Urban Canopy Model with Transmissive Radiation Exchange between Trees and Street Canyons
- A diagnostic approach to modeling watersheds with human interference
- A hierarchical temporal scale framework of data-driven reservoir operation modeling
- A retrospective analysis of the impacts of land management and climate drivers on nutrient contributions to freshwater sources: a Maumee River case study
- Actionable Steps to Improve Inclusivity and Diversity in the Geosciences in Higher Education
- Adaptive Multipaddock grazing enhances the net storage of C of subtropical pastures and their Water Use Efficiency
- An Assessment of the Differences among the Distributions of Daily Precipitation Associated with the Dominant Generating Mechanisms in United States
- An Improved Model for H2O Ice Sublimation on Mars: Implications for Martian Ice Stability and Evolution
- An Overview of the Mars Atmospheric State as Observed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS)
- Analyzing Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Antarctic Moss Species: How Does the Environment Influence Microorganism Diversity and Abundance?
- Assessing Terrestrial Ecosystem Water Use in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Avoiding the Unintended Consequences of Plastic Pollution Policy
- Basin ejecta mixing at the Apollo and Luna landing sites
- Biogeochemical Cycling Driven by Dryland Mechanisms of Ecosystem Functioning in a Warmer and Drier Climate
- Can Convection in Icy Moons' Oceans Translate Interior Tidal Heating Patterns to the Ice-Ocean Boundary?
- Can Multiple Stable Isotopes Improve Mass Flow Diagram Validation for Small Watersheds?
- Case Study of Gravity Waves Over the Arctic Region Using OH Airglow Imager to Investigate Gravity Waves, Instabilities, and Breaking in the Upper Mesosphere.
- Causal Discovery of Agricultural Management and Reservoir Operation Induced River Water Quality Change
- Characterization of Wintertime Atmospheric Particulate Collected in Palaype, Botswana
- Characterizing Mercury's History of Global Contraction by Cataloging and Dating Shortening Structures: Initial Results for the H-11 Discovery Quadrangle.
- Characterizing the St. Lawrence Island Sea Ice Environment Through Community Interviews and Remote Sensing Analysis
- Climate Regulates the Consequences of Drought and Physical Disturbance for Dryland Ecosystem Structure and Function
- Cobalt: A Critical Element in Short Supply
- Computationally Efficient Reconstruction for Imaging Modalities with Sparsity
- Considering the influences of non-linear plant responses to climate variation and disturbances for dryland productivity
- Creating a two-rain model to represent the CRQ project
- Crystallization of Ferrous and Ferric Iron Oxides Drive the Redox Evolution of Crystallizing Magma Oceans
- Decades of Systemic Racial Disparities in Funding Rates at the National Science Foundation
- Designing combination of natural infrastructures to improve flood mitigation in the Brazos basin.
- Detection of Stormwater Detention Infrastructure for Urban Flood Risk Assessments
- Did Clathrate Layers Insulate Primordial Oceans in the Outer Solar System?
- Dissolution of Calcium into Bridgmanite and Disappearance of Davemaoite in Warm Regions of the Lower Mantle
- Diurnal Temperature Variations and Thermal Tides in the Martian Atmosphere Observed by EMM/EMIRS
- Dust, Sand, and Winds within an Active Martian Storm in Jezero Crater
- Dutton's Atlas Project: Reintroducing and Reinterpreting an Iconic Work of Natural History to Include More Diverse Voices
- Earth observation to track flood recovery and adaptation: a survey of expert and practitioner insights and a systematic literature review
- Effects of Hydrogen on Fe-S Alloy System and their Implications for the Martian Core
- Effects of soil moisture on flooding and strategizing place-based nature-based solutions in urban watersheds: A case study from the Chicago region
- Emplacement History of Lava Flows of the Máaz Formation on the Jezero Crater Floor: Geochronological Significance and Relationship with the Delta
- Engaging Stakeholders in Identifying Scenarios to Mitigate Marine Plastic Pollution in Hawai'i
- Error Analysis of Streamflow Forecasts from the National Water Model and Validation of Data Assimilation Approach
- Escherichia coli Drivers in Surface Water in Arid and Semiarid Regions of Arizona
- Estimating Irrigation Schedule by Integrating In Situ and Remote Sensing Data Using Deep Learning
- Estimating Surface Level Ozone Under Different Temperature and NOx Regimes at an Urban and Suburban Site in Portland, Oregon
- Expected particle radiation around magnetized small bodies and implications to mission design
- Experimental Investigation of Karren Formation With a Rainmaker
- Exploring TikTok as a Platform for Science Communication: Best Practices for Geoscience Communicators
- Extending Molybdenum Adsorption Experiments to Simulated Archean Seawater: the Effects of Silica Saturation
- FORCE - A Newly Created "Facility for Open Research in a Compressed Environment."
- Fate of the Plates: A virtual exploration of the dynamics of Earth's interior and plate tectonics
- Field Measurements of some Criterion Pollutants using Filter Collection in Botswana, Africa
- Finding causal gateways of heatwave propagation among U.S. cities
- Fine ash-bearing particles as a major aerosol component in biomass burning smoke
- Fine-Scale Sedimentary Architecture of the Jezero Western Delta Front
- First USGS Global Geologic Map of Titan
- From Soils to Streams: Connecting Terrestrial Carbon Transformation, Chemical Weathering, and Solute Export Across Hydrological Regimes
- Fusing Remotely Sensed Dynamic Vegetation Characteristics into Hydrologic Simulation in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Gaining Insights into Sub-Daily Precipitation through a High-Density Rain Gage Network and Space-Time Stochastic Simulations
- Grid Independence Studies of Eddy-Resolving Models at the Scale of a River Reach Along a Transect in Marble Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona.
- Ground Based Observational Study of Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances in Thermospheric Winds over High Latitudes
- Headwater Reservoir Management Must Consider Hydrological Supply and Agricultural Demand In a Future With Less Snowpack
- Heat Capacity of High Pressure Silicates from Fast Scanning Calorimetry
- High-resolution Topography and Orthoimagery along the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault, California: Structure-from-motion Results from the QUAKES Imager
- Highly Differentiated Lavas Examined by PIXL in Jezero Crater
- How are students with disabilities accommodated in a fully online degree program?
- Hydration of X-ray Amorphous and Clay Phases in Gale Crater, Mars
- Identifying Community Risk Thresholds to Encourage Equitable Communication of Geohazards in Five Communities
- If I Could Turn Back Time: A New Method to Map the Evolutionary Pathways of Igneous Rocks
- Improved Estimates of Crustal Magmatic Storage in the Alaska-Aleutian Arc Through Seismic Receiver Functions
- Improving Urban Pluvial Flooding Characterization and Modeling Through a Citizen Science Approach
- Improving simulation of subsurface dissolved phosphorus in the SWAT model
- Indigenous Resurgence in Geoscience Contexts
- Influence of precipitation uncertainty and land use change on the optimal catchment scale green stormwater infrastructure configuration
- Insights into the Sedimentary Record and Processes of the Western Delta of Jezero crater (Mars) as observed by the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance.
- Institutional Analysis of the Colorado River Basin's Water Governance
- Investigate the Spatiotemporal Impacts of Urban Morphology on Land Surface Temperature
- Investigating the Role of Precipitation and Connectivity on Grass Growth, Establishment, and Re-Establishment
- Is True Polar Wander Recorded in Pluto's Geology?
- JMARS 5: A Modernized Interface for Planetary Exploration Analysis
- Land and Ocean Applications and Approaches for the Carbon Mapper Satellite Mission
- Landing Site Selection for a Mercury Lander Planetary Mission Using GIS Methodologies
- Learning From the Co-development of Earth & Space Science Place-based, Immersive Experiences with Native Hawaiian Educators
- Lifting and Transport of Martian Dust by the Ingenuity Helicopter Rotor Downwash as Observed by High-Speed Imaging from the Perseverance Rove
- Long-Term Trends in Nitrate and Chloride in Streams in an Exurban Watershed
- Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper (LunaH-Map) Mission, Launch and Early Operations
- Lunar Silicic Magma Genesis: Insights from Rhyolite-MELTS Modeling
- Machine Learning to Predict Effective Reaction Rates in 3D Porous Media from Pore Structural Features
- Magmatism During the Continent - Ocean Transition
- Making SciAct Smarter: Enhancing the Educational Effectiveness and Efficiency of NASA Digital Assets with Open Source Adaptive Technologies and Training
- Mapping Organic-Mineral Associations in Jezero crater
- Mars Laboratory Analog Sediment Flows: Investigating the Effects of Composition
- Mars Laboratory Analog Sediment Flows: Investigating the Effects of Pressure and Water-rock Ratio
- Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Management Overview
- Martian Surface Ice Mapping from EMM/EMIRS Temperature Retrievals
- Measuring Shifts in Personal Attitudes Toward Science After Participating in an Inclusively-designed Planetarium Show
- Melting behaviors of hydrous pyrolite in the lower mantle
- Meteors Might Masquerade as Lightning in the Atmosphere of Venus.
- Methane Plume Mapping Over Shallow Water Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico
- Model Complexity in a Data Sparse Semi-Arid Region of the Rio Chubut River Basin
- Modeling and observation of primary and higher-order gravity waves from the wintertime polar vortex
- Modeling the Production of Submicroscopic Iron in the Lunar Highlands
- Modeling the primary and secondary gravity waves and mean wind changes from the Tonga eruption, and comparison with data
- NASA Planetary Aeolian Laboratory: Current Status and Future Plans
- NASA SCoPE: Future plans for enhancing engagement with NASA missions, broadening participation, and strengthening collaborations in SciAct
- Near-bed fluid-particle interactions during aeolian saltation
- New High-Pressure Experimental facility in FORCE (Facility for Open Research in a Compressed Environment) and scientific applications
- New Insights into the Chicxulub Post-impact Hydrothermal System Based on Permeability Measurements of the Peak Ring Rocks from IODP Expedition 364
- Nexus perspective on multiscale drivers of natural hazards, cascading failures, and risk management strategies within a multisector system
- Observing Gravity Waves Coupled From Below in Earth's Atmosphere
- OpenMapFlow: A Machine Learning Workflow for Rapid Map Creation using Earth Observation Data
- Opportunities for crowdsourcing in urban flood monitoring
- Organic Compounds as Tracers of Subsurface Geochemistry to Assess Habitability at Icy Ocean Worlds
- Partition Coefficients of Heat Producing Elements during Lunar Magma Ocean Crystallization and their Influence on the Present-Day Selenotherm
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway - Big geospatial data creation and discovery
- Phantom: An Aerobot Mission to the Skies of Venus
- Photometric Properties of Lunar Swirls Relative to Fresh Crater Ejecta
- Planning Inclusive and Accessible Terrestrial Analog Overview Trips
- Polar Explorer: An Interactive Virtual Field Trip-Based Exploration of Alaska and the Changing Arctic
- Possible link between deeply subducted water and the Eʹ layer
- Predicting regional heatwaves using Interpretable Graph Neural Networks
- Present Day Endogenic and Exogenic Activity on Mercury
- QUAKES-I Airborne Spatial and Temporal Topography and Analysis for Achieving Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Goals
- Quantifying variability and periodicity of cross-regional climatic causation in the U.S.
- Quasi-two-day wave influences on wave ducting and ionospheric disturbances over the Andes Lidar Observatory
- Reconciling observations of deep mantle anisotropy beneath the Pacific Ocean with predictions from mantle flow models
- Reducing Heat and Emergency Room Visits With Trees and High-albedo Surfaces in Los Angeles
- Relating Groundwater Residence Time and Stream Hydraulic Conductivity in the Manitou Experimental Forest
- Remote Sensing of Fault Slip, Fault Creep, and Landscape Change: Implications for Surface Topography and Vegetation Measurement Needs.
- Rock Coatings at Jezero Crater: Recent Observations from the Perseverance Rover
- SISAL Speleothem Database Updates - Link to Monitoring Data, Additional Proxies and Increased Accessibility
- Sap Flux Dynamics In A Subtropic Prosopis Shrubland: Persistent Transpiration Demands Despite Soil Moisture Droughts
- Scenarios to Models: Towards Integrating Human and Earth Systems
- Searching for Synergies between Venus and Exoplanetary Worlds
- Secondary Gravity Waves Generated by the Tonga Volcano Explosion and Its Effect on the New Zealand, Australia, and South America Ionosphere
- SkyWinder: an open-source Python package for flight control, telemetry, and preliminary data analysis
- Slow Evolution of Europa: Metamorphic Ocean Origin, Delayed Metallic Core Formation, and Limited Seafloor Volcanism.
- Soil and Stem Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes of an Amazonian Palm Peatland
- Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Methane Emissions in Peruvian Amazonian Peatlands: A Modeling Approach
- Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Subsurface Gases Across Scales Using Real-Time Soil Gas Mapping
- Spatiotemporal variations of damaging thunderstorm-related hazards over the contiguous United States
- Spectral Diversity in the Western Delta Fan in Jezero Crater, Mars, as Seen with Mastcam-Z on the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
- Spectrophotometric Properties of Materials from the Mars Science Laboratory at Gale Crater: Bradbury Landing to Cooperstown
- Strategy for Maximizing Science from Samples Collected by Perseverance in the Context of the Mars Sample Return Program Architecture
- Streamflow Simulation via Explainable Deep Learning in Space and Time.
- Surface Processes on Metal Worlds: Space Weathering, Micro-Impacts, & Regolith Formation in Meteoritic Metal
- TREX Public Engagement: A Diverse Portfolio for Science Communication
- The 2020 Westmorland, California earthquake swarm as aftershocks of a slow slip event sustained by fluid flow
- The Diurnal and Seasonal Variability in Properties of Mars Water Ice Aerosol as Observed by EMIRS
- The NASA L'SPACE Program: A Model for Creating Successful Pathways Towards More Equitable, Inclusive, and Relevant STEM Workforce Development Experiences
- The Nominal Range of Rocky Planet Masses, Radii, Surface Gravities and Bulk Densities
- The Psyche Magnetometry Investigation
- The Science of Living Worlds
- The Spatial and Diurnal Distribution of Lower Atmospheric Dust as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS)
- The Subsurface Structure Of Kilbourne Hole From An Active Source Seismic Survey In An Astronaut Training Ground.
- The Three-Dimensional Stratigraphic Architecture of the Jezero Delta Front
- The WORM Portal for Indigenous Futures
- The source of phosphorus in an agricultural area revealed by oxygen isotope ratio of phosphate signatures
- The spectral species concept: lights and shadows of a challenging idea
- Thermal Fatigue on 16 Psyche Driven by a Combination of High Obliquity and Surface Composition
- Time Resolved Active Neutron Simulations on Icy Bodies
- Tour It: Empowering educators with a new user-friendly storytelling medium to create their own virtual field trips
- Turbulence in a Natural Boundary Layer: Observations from a Field-Particle Tracking Velocimetry System and Its Implications for Predicting Aeolian Sand Transport
- UV Detectors and Instrumentation for Exoplanet Studies
- Understanding Interdisciplinary and Intertribal Co-production Pathways through an Immersive Co-production Experience
- Understanding the Origin and Evolution Iron-Rich Worlds from Spacecraft Exploration of Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Urban vegetation exhibits enhanced drought resistance in comparison to rural vegetation
- Using Antarctic Seismic Data to Assess Ultra-low Velocity Zones beneath the Southern Hemisphere
- Using Collaborative Autoethnography to Capture Formative Elements of Geoscience Research Team Dynamics
- Using Crater Statistics to Place Constraints on Resurfacing and Historic Heat Flux of Uranian Satellites Ariel and Miranda
- Utilizing Earth Observations to Model Probable Coastal Wetland Extent, Sea-Level Rise Inundation Risk, and Assess Impacts on Historic Hawaiian Lands
- Vastly different heights of LLVPs caused by different strengths of historical slab push
- Water Storage in the Shallow Martian Mantle Constrained by Experimental Phase Relations of Hydrous Peridotites
- What Matters More for Urban Land Expansion: Population or Economic growth? Evidence from 300+ Cities, 1970-2014
- What drives the long-term change in a key leaf functional trait across the globe? Insights from multispectral remote sensing
- Who Matters and Why: Identifying Hotspots of Vulnerability and Resilience to Cascading and Consecutive Disasters in Portland, Oregon
- With A New Scope, the AGU Journal "Perspectives of Earth and Space Sciences" Aims to Play a Broader AGU Role and Promote a More Diverse AGU Authorship
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. A. Simon-Miller
- A. C. McAdam
- A. E. Howells
- A. G. Burrell
- A. J. Brown
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Soja
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. M. Bramson
- A. Malakhov
- A. P. Jordan
- A. R. Niemeijer
- A. R. Rhoden
- A. R. Vasavada
- A. S. Brecht
- A. S. McEwen
- A. Sehlke
- A. T. Russell
- Aaron N. Koop
- Abigail A. Fraeman
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adam M. Forte
- Adil Mounir
- Adnan Rajib
- Adrian A. Harpold
- Alan K. Knapp
- Alan M. Gorchov Negron
- Alan P. Jackson
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alex J. Webster
- Alicia Vaughan
- Allan H. Treiman
- Alysha Helmrich
- Amanda Hendrix
- Amy E. Frazier
- Amy E. Hofmann
- Amy J. Williams
- Ananya Mallik
- Anastasia Yanchilina
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrea Corpolongo
- Andrea Donnellan
- Andrew Annex
- Andy Baker
- Anna Grau Galofre
- Anthony J. Jakeman
- Ariel D. Anbar
- Arnaud Salvador
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- Arya Udry
- Ashish Sharma
- Ashley Schoenfeld
- Asier Munguira
- Astrid Maute
- Aurélien Stcherbinine
- B. A. Black
- B. Horgan
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. P. Weiss
- B. P. Williams
- B. R. Smith-Konter
- B. Sutter
- Baptiste Chide
- Barry Croke
- Benjamin J. Hatchett
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bernard Marty
- Beth Tellman
- Bethany T. Neilson
- Betsy M. Summers
- Bradford J. Foley
- Bradley L. Jolliff
- Brandi Carrier
- Brett W. Denevi
- Brian J. Enquist
- Brian J. Harding
- Brittney D. Monus
- Burak Güneralp
- C. A. O. B. Figueiredo
- C. A. Raymond
- C. B. Kjellstrand
- C. B. Olkin
- C. Briois
- C. Gillmann
- C. Hardgrove
- C. J. A. Howett
- C. J. Bierson
- C. Klimczak
- C. M. Dundas
- C. Michael Barton
- C. S. Edwards
- C. T. Russell
- Caitlyn Hall
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Cayman T. Unterborn
- Charles E. Miller
- Chenghao Wang
- Cherie Achilles
- Christian Tate
- Christine M. Albano
- Christine McCarthy
- Christine Y. Chen
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- Christopher R. German
- Christopher R. Glein
- Christopher S. Lowry
- Christopher T. Emrich
- Christy Swann
- Claudio I. Meier
- Claus Gebhardt
- Cyril Szopa
- César Hinojo-Hinojo
- D. A. Frost
- D. A. Williams
- D. C. Richardson
- D. E. Portner
- D. F. Blake
- D. J. Knipp
- D. J. Lawrence
- D. M. Ricciuto
- D. N. Huntzinger
- D. R. Ardila
- D. S. Stamps
- D. W. Ming
- Dai Yamazaki
- Danica Schaffer‐Smith
- Daniel H. Cusworth
- Daniel P. Glavin
- Daniel R. Obenour
- Daniel T. Roman
- Daphné Lemasquerier
- Darryl Reano
- David A. R. Kristovich
- David Arge Klevang Pedersen
- David Flannery
- David Helman
- David J. Yu
- Denise Thorsen
- Dennis Höning
- Dennis P. Lettenmaier
- Diana C. Roman
- Donald J. Wuebbles
- Dongzhou Zhang
- E. A. Cloutis
- E. A. Kort
- E. B. Rampe
- E. Cardarelli
- E. Dehouck
- E. Heggy
- E. M. Demaria
- E. Mazarico
- E. S. Cochran
- Edward J. Garnero
- Edward W. Schwieterman
- Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos
- Eileen E. Hofmann
- Elena Blanc‐Betes
- Elise Clavé
- Elizabeth Trembath‐Reichert
- Emily E. Zawacki
- Enrique R. Vivoni
- Erika Rader
- Erin Antognoli
- Eva L. Scheller
- Evan H. DeLucia
- Everett L. Shock
- F. Rivera‐Hernández
- F. Vilas
- F. X. Timmes
- Fenghui Yuan
- G. A. Abers
- G. A. Morgan
- G. Di Achille
- G. Filacchione
- G. M. Holsclaw
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. R. Miller
- G. R. Osinski
- G. Ricker
- Gary N. Geller
- Giuseppe Mascaro
- Gopal Penny
- Greer A. Dolby
- Gregory S. Okin
- Guido Grosse
- Guo Yue Niu
- H. A. Janiszewski
- H. A. Weaver
- H. Allen-Sutter
- H. Bernhardt
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. G. Sizemore
- H. Takahashi
- Hajo Eicken
- Hamed D. Ibrahim
- Hang Wen
- Hannah K. Friedrich
- Haoran Hou
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Heather Fischer
- Heejun Chang
- Hinsby Cadillo‐Quiroz
- Hong Zhao
- Hoori Ajami
- Hua Cai
- Huixin Liu
- Hélène Piet
- I. B. Smith
- I. D. Bastow
- I. Jun
- I. N. Razlivanov
- Idowu Ajibade
- Inez Hua
- J. A. Hurowitz
- J. A. Richardson
- J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi
- J. Aguilar Guerrero
- J. B. Gaherty
- J. C. Kasper
- J. C. Stern
- J. D. Stopar
- J. D. Tarnas
- J. D. Wood
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. G. O’Rourke
- J. H. Crawford
- J. H. Shorter
- J. H. Waite
- J. Helbert
- J. L. Eigenbrode
- J. L. Molaro
- J. L. Noviello
- J. M. Christoph
- J. M. Duncan
- J. M. Sunshine
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. P. Williams
- J. R. Johnson
- J. R. Spencer
- J. W. Head
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jack Willard
- James Andrew Leong
- James M. Done
- Jean Pierre Paul de Vera
- Jeffrey M. Moore
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Jintai Li
- Joanna R. Blaszczak
- Joel S. Leonard
- John C. Lin
- John H. Adler
- Jonas Haldemann
- Jonathan I. Lunine
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Jonathan R. Delph
- Jorge Núñez
- Joseph H. A. Guillaume
- Joshua N. Winn
- José M.G. Merayo
- Juan Manuel Madariaga
- Julia Chacón‐Labella
- Julie Castillo‐Rogez
- Jung‐Fu Lin
- Justin Deighan
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- K. A. Bennett
- K. H. Williford
- K. L. Siebach
- K. M. Soderlund
- K. N. Singer
- K. Olsen
- K. R. Gurney
- K. X. Whipple
- K. Zawdie
- Kamini Singha
- Karalee K. Brugman
- Kate Leary
- Kathleen L. Craft
- Katie Murenbeeld
- Katrina Bossert
- Kelly L. Hondula
- Kenneth E. Kunkel
- Kent C. Condie
- Kerry Gallagher
- Kevin H. Gardner
- Kevin Schaefer
- Kip Hodges
- Kira Rehfeld
- Kouji Adachi
- Kristen M. Whitney
- Krittanon Sirorattanakul
- Kurt D. Retherford
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- L. M. T. Aparecido
- L. S. Wagner
- L. V. Alvarez
- L. Vanderkluysen
- L. W. Beegle
- Laura Schaefer
- Lawrence E. Band
- Lawrence I. Kleinman
- Leiqiu Hu
- Leonardo Enrico Bertassello
- Li Li
- Lorrayne Miralha
- Luke Tremblay
- M. A. Hesse
- M. A. Mischna
- M. B. Weller
- M. Bzowski
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Conde
- M. D. Dyar
- M. D. Smith
- M. E. Banks
- M. E. Schmidt
- M. E. Wysession
- M. Fischella
- M. Golombek
- M. J. Jodhpurkar
- M. J. Kinczyk
- M. J. Loeffler
- M. Jellinek
- M. Khoshmanesh
- M. Laneuville
- M. M. Osterloo
- M. N. Hughes
- M. Nachon
- M. O. Fillingim
- M. Pajola
- M. Pätzold
- M. R. Reid
- M. Shirzaei
- M. T. Lemmon
- M. T. Thorpe
- M. T. Zuber
- M. W. Buie
- M. Wadhwa
- Mahshid Ghanbari
- Manuel de la Torre Juárez
- Mara Freilich
- Marc F. Müller
- Marc N. Fiddler
- Marc Neveu
- Marco Mastrogiuseppe
- Margaret Garcia
- Margaret O’Brien
- Maria J. Santos
- Mariah Baker
- Mark Wahl
- Marta Tuninetti
- María Paz Zorzano
- Matei Georgescu
- Mathew Koll Roxy
- Mathieu Choukroun
- Matthew B. Jones
- Matthew Bartos
- Matthew P. Dannenberg
- Matthew Route
- Matthew W. Rossi
- Matthias Chung
- Maureen D. Long
- McArthur Jones
- Melinda D. Smith
- Michael Andrew Chen
- Michael Chaffin
- Michael H. Darin
- Michael J. Malaska
- Michael M. Tice
- Michael Way
- Michael Wolff
- Michelle Stuhlmacher
- Mingming Li
- Mizuo Kajino
- Moa Persson
- Mohit Melwani Daswani
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. E. Putzig
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- N. Stein
- Nancy B. Grimm
- Natalie Nelson
- Neala Creasy
- Nicholas J. Tosca
- Nicola Falco
- Nikita Kaushal
- O. Forni
- Osvaldo E. Sala
- P. Corlies
- P. F. Wren
- P. J. Gasda
- P. K. Byrne
- P. L. Whelley
- P. M. Bremner
- P. M. Groffman
- P. O. Hayne
- P. R. Mahaffy
- P. Y. Meslin
- Paola Passalacqua
- Patrick Michel
- Paul C. Loikith
- Pavel Inchin
- Perry A. Gerakines
- Peter K. Kang
- Peter Olson
- Peter Schlosser
- Petra Šímová
- Peyman Yousefi
- Philip Womble
- Pierre Beck
- Pierre D. Glynn
- Piotr Szymczak
- Qian Yuan
- R. A. Yingst
- R. Arrowsmith
- R. B. Anderson
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. E. Milliken
- R. Gellert
- R. Hueso
- R. Ilie
- R. J. Smith
- R. L. Collins
- R. Lopes-Gautier
- R. M. E. Williams
- R. P. Barnes
- Rachel Hoover
- Rajdeep Dasgupta
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- Rebecca L. Hale
- Rebecca Logsdon Muenich
- Reepal Shah
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- Robert M. Hazen
- Robert R. Downs
- Robert Sullivan
- Robert Zinke
- Roger C. Wiens
- Roland Young
- Ruijie Zeng
- Ruth Duerr
- Ryan S. D. Calder
- S. A. Fagents
- S. C. Herndon
- S. Czarnecki
- S. E. Hansen
- S. E. Smrekar
- S. England
- S. F. Sholes
- S. M. Clegg
- S. M. Howell
- S. M. Morrison
- S. M. Nossal
- S. M. Tikoo
- S. M. Tulaczyk
- S. Marchi
- S. Nerozzi
- S. Papalexiou
- Sam Illingworth
- Samuel A. Atwood
- Samuel Birch
- Sandrine Guerlet
- Sang‐Heon Shim
- Sara R. Warix
- Sarah Trimble
- Sasha C. Reed
- Scott Bennett
- Scott C. Sheridan
- Scott D. Guzewich
- Scott L. Collins
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sean P. S. Gulick
- Seth M. Munson
- Shannon MacKenzie
- Sharon A. Billings
- Sharon L. Vadas
- Shelley A. Wright
- Shelley Stall
- Siegfried Eggl
- Sierra Ferguson
- Sijie Yu
- Siteng Fan
- Solmaz Mohadjer
- Sonal Jain
- Stephanie B. Borrelle
- Stephen B. DeLong
- Stephen D. Eckermann
- Stephen G. Warren
- Stephen R. Kane
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Sunanda Sharma
- Sushant Mehan
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. E. Sarris
- T. F. Bristow
- T. H. Prettyman
- T. J. Bohn
- T. R. Watters
- T. S. J. Gabriel
- Taehyun Kim
- Taha Moiz
- Takuo Okuchi
- Tanguy Bertrand
- Theodore Lim
- Thibaut Barreyre
- Tianfang Xu
- Timothy J. Griffis
- Timothy W. Lyons
- Tiziana Vanorio
- Tonia A. Dousay
- Tori M. Hoehler
- Tyrone O. Rooney
- V. Apéstigue
- V. E. Hamilton
- V. J. Bray
- V. Z. Sun
- Vaios Moschos
- Vera Kuklina
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- W. John Lee
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- Wendy Bohon
- Wendy H. Yang
- Wenfeng Zhan
- William B. Moore
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- William R. Wieder
- Xi Zhang
- Xi Zhang
- Xiaonan Tai
- Yeowon Kim
- Yubin Li
- Zachary E. Ross
- Zhi‐Hua Wang
- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo
- Л. П. Гончаренко