Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Effects of Palagonitic and Basaltic Dust Coatings on Visible, Near-IR, Thermal Emission and Moessbauer Spectra of Rocks and Minerals: Implications for Mineralogical Remote Sensing of Mars
- Initial Atmospheric Observation Results From Mars Odyssey THEMIS
- Integrating THEMIS Imagery, MOC High-Resolution Images, and TES-Derived Thermal Inertia Data to Evaluate the Dust Thickness, Distribution, and Origin in the Tharsis Region and Arabia Terra, Mars
- An Emerging Picture of the Volcanic History of Syrtis Major From Multiple Dataset Views
- THEMIS Observations, Discoveries and Predictions for the MER A Landing Site in Gusev Crater
- Understanding Rocky Surfaces on Mars: Observations from TES and THEMIS
- Aeolian Abrasion, a Dominant Erosion Agent in the Martian Environment
- Coupling Immersive Experiences with the Use of Mission Data to Encourage Students' Interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math: Examples from the Mars Exploration Program
- Getting Planetary Data into the Hands of Educators: Recommendations from a Community Discussion
- Innovative Web-Based Tool for the Mars Odyssey THEMIS Science Dataset
- Mineralogic Variations from the Plains of Gusev to the Columbia Hills: Results from Mini-TES
- Mini-TES Derived Chemical Abundances at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum: Implications for Global Surface Compositions
- Removing the Shock from the Thermal Emission Spectra of Shocked Terrestrial and Martian Basalts
- The Columbia Hills: Origin and Evidence for Aqueous Alteration
- Thermophysical Characterization of the Tharsis Plateau Low-Inertia Layer from TES and THEMIS Observations
- Cycles of Deposition and Erosion in Eastern Arabia Terra, Mars
- Global Distribution of Water Vapor in the Martian Atmosphere: Results from TES
- New views of global variations in surface emissivity and mineralogy from MGS-TES data
- Spectroscopic analysis of bedrock exposures in the Martian highlands
- THEMIS-VIS Measurements of the Altitude and Velocity of Clouds in the Martian Mesosphere
- Using Mars Mission Analogs and Authentic Experiences to Stimulate STEM Learning in K-14 Students
- Using the Mars Student Imaging Project to Integrate Science and English into Middle School Classrooms
- 3-D Joint Regional Inversion of Teleseismic Body Waves and Rayleigh Waves
- A Search for Shergottite-like Outliers in Orbital TES Data Using the Mini-TES Spectrum of Bounce Rock
- A Thick (>1500 m) Section of Clay-Bearing Clastic Rocks Near Mawrth Vallis: Evidence for Early Crustal Processing on Mars
- Age Uncertainties, Topography, Exhumation Pathway, and the Interpretation of Erosion Rates and Exhumation Kinematics from Thermochronometer Age-Elevation Data
- An Efficient Implementation of a Local Binning Algorithm for Digital Elevation Model Generation of LiDAR/ALSM Dataset
- An Investigation Into the Effect of Composition on the Geometry of Thermochemical Piles in Tomographically-filtered Geodynamic Models
- Bringing Authentic Mars Research into the Classroom: Professional Development that Translates into Student Success
- Carbon Concentration Excursions in Apatite Phenocrysts from the Cerro Galan Ignimbrite: A SIMS View into the Transient pre-Eruptive Volatile History of a Supervolcano
- Characterizing Fluvial Incision in the Colorado River System in Southern Utah: Integrating Regional Patterns and Local Rates
- Constraints on Atmospheric Dust Properties in Radiative Transfer Models for Mars
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Southeastern Tibet from Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography and Surface Wave Two-Station Analysis
- Cryosphere Sensor Webs With The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Detection of Sulfates in Meridiani Planum With THEMIS TIR Data.
- Discovery of Probable > 3.43 Ga Paleolaterites in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- Dissolved Carbonate Species in Mixed-Volatile Rhyolitic melts: Carbon Speciation Correlates with Dissolved H2O Content
- Dissolved Organic Matter Concentration and Composition in Hot Spring Ecosystems
- Does the new paleoseismological evidence from the Carrizo Plain section of the San Andreas Fault indicate abnormally high late Holocene slip rates?
- Dust devil track density on Mars: a global map
- Effect of Ionic Strength on Mo Isotope Fractionation During Adsorption to Mn- Oxyhydroxides
- Effect of Water on Olivine Metastability in Subducting Lithosphere
- Effects of 3-D Visualization of Groundwater Modeling for Water Resource Decision Making
- Enhanced Access to High-Resolution LiDAR Topography through Cyberinfrastructure- Based Data Distribution and Processing
- Exposed Surface and Subsurface Material around the South Pole of Mars identified using THEMIS IR Observations
- Feedbacks Between Erosion, Sediment Transport and the Sculpted Morphologies of Bedrock Channels
- Fluvial Processes in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona: A natural laboratory for studying urbanized dryland fluvial systems
- Forward Models of the Electromagnetic Response of Upper Mantle Structure: Models with a 410 km Deep Upper Mantle Melt Layer
- Geochemistry and Tephrochronology of the BKT-2 and Kada Hadar Tephras in the Middle Ledi-Geraru Region of Afar, Ethiopia
- Geomorphic Mapping and Paleoterrain Generation for use in Modeling Holocene (8,000 1,500 yr) Agropastoral Landuse and Landscape Interactions in Southeast Spain
- Glacier thickness and relief in glaciated landscapes of the western U.S.A.
- Hydrogen partition coefficients between silicate melt, clinopyroxene and garnet in a MORB- 6wt% H2O system at 3 GPa
- Hydrothermal Biogeochemistry
- Imaging Transition Zone Thickness Beneath South America from SS Precursors
- Improved Constraints and Resolution Assessment of Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity Structure in the Western United States
- Influence of thermochemical piles on topography at Earth's core-mantle boundary
- Investigating the Processes of Crust Formation and Intraplate Continental Volcanism in the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Investigating the dynamics of Vulcanian explosions: scaled laboratory experiments of particle-laden puffs
- Isotope Fractionation During Microbial Metal Assimilation
- Isotopic Composition of Organic and Inorganic Carbon in Desert Biological Soil Crust Systems
- Komatiite Genesis
- LROC - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Late Quaternary faulting in the Cabo San Lucas-La Paz Region, Baja California
- Lithospheric Structure Across the Cordillera-Craton Transition in NW Canada from Surface Waves Traversing the CANOE Array
- Mega-features at the Table Rock phreatomagmatic complex in Christmas Valley, Oregon; Law of original horizontality need not apply
- Mineralogy and Geologic Context of Bedrock Exposures in Mare Serpentis, Mars
- Mo Isotopes During OAE2
- Modeled Electromagnetic Response of a 410 km Deep Upper Mantle Melt Layer
- Molybdenum in the Baltic Sea
- New insights into P- and S-wave structure under the Caribbean
- Next Steps in (U-Th)/He Laser Microprobe Geochronology and Thermochronology
- On the Concordance of Static High Pressure Phase Transformation Data on Minerals With Shock Wave Data
- On-Board Cryosphere Change Detection With The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Origin of Home Plate, Columbia Hills, Mars: Hydrovolcanic Hypothesis
- Pre-Eruptive Changes in Physical Conduit Dynamics Recorded in the Final Stage of Phenocryst Growth
- Prediction of Arc Magma Water Contents via Measurement of H2O in Clinopyroxene
- Rates and patterns of short-term erosion on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, a transient landscape
- Recent Near-Neutral Chemical Weathering of Martian High-Latitude Surfaces
- Reconciling the Post-Perovskite Phase With Seismological Observations of Lowermost Mantle Structure
- Ringwoodite Lamellae in Olivine from the S6 Chondrite Tenham: The Transformation Mechanism
- Rock Populations Along the Spirit Rover Traverse: Implications for the Timing and Amount of Gradation in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Scanning Apollo Flight Films and Reconstructing CSM Trajectories
- Seismic Reflection Crustal Structure and 3-D Geometry of Cordilleran Metamorphic Core Complexes in West-Central Arizona
- Solute Response To Arid-Climate Managed-River Flow During Storm Events
- Spirit's Home Run: More Mineralogical Diversity as Observed by Mini-TES on the Traverse to and Arrival at Home Plate in the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater, Mars
- Stream Profiles as a Proxy for Uplift in the San Bernardino Mountains
- Structure, Bonding, and Composition of Precambrian Carbonaceous Materials: Evidence of Early Life or Abiotic Processes?
- Sub-millimeter Rock Surface Texture as a Measure of Aeolian Abrasion Maturity
- Tectonic geomorphology and earthquake geology of the 1857 reach of the San Andreas Fault: a new look from Airborne Laser Swath Mapping
- The 2004 Parkfield Earthquake and the Parkfield Earthquake Prediction Experiment
- The Composition of Soils at Gusev Crater, Mars as Measured by Mini-TES: Sulfates, Basaltic-Sand, and Dust
- The High Lava Plains Broadband Seismic Experiment: Objectives, Status and Preliminary Results
- The Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- The Signature of Fossil Subduction in Northwestern Canada
- The South Tibetan Fault System: Extensional Faulting in the Collisional Himalayan Orogen
- The role of sequences of channel-spanning potholes in the transient evolution of a weakly dissected bedrock landscape, Henry Mountains, Utah
- The use of CsCl as a pressure standard in high pressure-temperature research
- Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy and Modeled Mineralogy of Fine-Grained Mineral Mixtures: Implications for Martian Surface Mineralogy
- Thermophysics During the MER Spirit Winter Campaign: Observing Complex Surfaces Through Seasonal and Diurnal Cycles
- Topographic Expression of Deep Crustal and Mantle Processes
- Understanding the Role of Plate History and Rheology in the Geodynamical Prediction of Thermochemical Piles
- What Topographic Metrics Most Strongly Correlate with Millennial Erosion Rates as Determined by Detrital CRN Analyses?
- 40Ar/39Ar Ages for the Sentinel-Arlington Volcanic Field, Southwestern Arizona
- A Geochemical Model for the Origin of Methane on Titan
- A Seismically Sharp Lithospheric Base Persisting to the Lowermost Mantle Beneath the Caribbean
- A Thermal Infrared Emission Spectra Library for Unpowdered Meteorites
- Absence of P-wave Reflectivity Near the D" S-wave Velocity Discontinuity in the Lowermost Mantle beneath the Cocos Plate
- Advances in Isotope Cosmochemistry and High-Resolution Chronology Using Extinct Radionuclides
- Aerobic and Anaerobic Oxidation of Organic Acids in Yellowstone Hot Spring Ecosystems
- Apatite volatile barometry at Volcan Irazu, Costa Rica
- Aqueous Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulfide as a Cause of Acid Rock Alteration on Mars
- Authentic Research Immersion Experiences: the Key to Enduring Understandings
- Basal sublimation and venting of the north seasonal cap of Mars
- Blind source deconvolution for deep Earth seismology
- Bridging the piston-cylinder/multi-anvil gap
- Bulk Diffusion and Isotopic Fractionation of Lithium in Olivine: an Experimental Study
- Changing Styles of Deformation Along the Western Margin of the Andean Plateau, Southern Peru
- Channel Morphology Response to Differential Rock Uplift Rates in the San Gabriel Mountains, CA
- Color Studies of the Surface of Mercury: A Pre-MESSENGER View
- Combining Observations of Shock-induced Minerals with Calculations to Constrain the Shock History of Meteorites.
- Complex Upper Mantle Seismic Structure Across the Southern Colorado Plateau / Basin and Range I: Results from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Complex Upper Mantle Seismic Structure Across the Southern Colorado Plateau / Basin and Range II: Results from Receiver Function Analysis
- Constraining Pre-eruptive Pressure/Temperature Variations, Transition From Chamber to Conduit, and Crystal Growth Rates: a SIMS Examination of Plagioclase Phenocrysts
- Controls on channel width in large rivers dissecting the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Defining the chemical role of H2O in mantle melts: Effect of melt composition and H2O content on the activity of SiO2
- Deliquescence Measurements of Potassium Salts
- Discovery and Distribution of Chloride-Bearing Deposits in the Ancient Cratered Terrain of Mars From THEMIS
- Effects of Chemical Weathering on TIR-Derived Bulk Compositions From Deconvolution Models of Mineral Mixtures
- Emplacement of Long Volcanic Features on the Moon: A Review of the Mare Imbrium Lava Flows and Vallis Schroteri
- Evidence for a Possible Siliceous Sinter Deposit at Home Plate in Gusev Crater
- Evidence for an Unusually Energetic Basaltic Phreatomagmatic Eruption at the Table Rock Complex in South-central Oregon (USA): Using field evidence to constrain surge flow dynamics
- Evidence of Tectonic Fractures as Magma Conduits in the Prometheus Area on Io
- Field Investigations of Landscape Development in southeast Spain for use in Modeling Holocene (8,000 - 1,500 yr) Agropastoral Landuse and Landscape Interactions
- Fine Scale P-wave Structure of the Upper Mantle Discontinuities Beneath Northern Australia
- Formation of Silica Deposits on Mars by Acid Weathering: Physical-Chemical Constraints
- From Australia to Nepal: Detrital cosmo from the ends of the Earth
- Global Geology and Stratigraphy of Europa
- Grain Size Effects (5-63μm) of the UV-VIS-NIR Spectra of Ilmenite-Bearing Assemblages: Implications for Mapping TiO2 in the Lunar Maria
- High resolution mapping of Earth's deepest magma chamber: ultra-low velocity zones at the core mantle boundary
- High-Resolution LiDAR Topography of the Plate-Boundary Faults in Northern California
- Hillslope processes and the delivery of sediment to the channel
- Holocene slip rate for the central Altyn Tagh Fault: Preliminary results from the Tuzidun site based on 14C and 10Be dating of a displaced fluvial terrace riser.
- Identification and Mapping of Olivine-Rich Basalt Bedrock Outcrops in Ganges and Eos Chasma on Mars
- Implications of new paleoseismological data from the Carrizo section of the San Andreas Fault
- Inferences on Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy in Western North America From Surface Wave Analyses
- Interpreting a Weathered Mars: Investigating the Effects of Weathering on Spectroscopic Observations Through Laboratory Study
- Investigation of the Effects of H2O on Melting of a Primitive Martian Mantle Composition
- Laser Microprobe (U-Th)/He Thermochronology of Detrital Minerals
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene Faulting History Along the Northern El Carrizal Fault, Baja California Sur, Mexico: Earthquake Recurrence at a Persistently Active Rifted Margin
- Late Quaternary Faulting along the San Juan de los Planes Fault Zone, Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Lava Flow Emplacement at Pillan, Io in 1997: Implications for Massive Basaltic Flow Emplacement on Earth and Mars.
- Lithologic Control on the Form of Amphitheater-headed Channels and the Influence of Seepage Erosion vs. Downstream Incision on Rates of Waterfall Retreat
- Lithologic feedbacks between valley and channel form in canyons of southeast Utah
- Lithospheric Structure Across the Cordillera-Craton Transition in NW Canada from Surface Waves Traversing the CANOE Array
- MDIS Observations from the Second MESSENGER Venus Flyby
- MESSENGER's Venus Flyby: An Overview of Early Results
- Magnetostratigraphy of the hominin-bearing Hadar Formation (Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia), and regional evidence for environmental change ca. 3.2 Ma
- Major Element Geochemistry of Biofilms in a Silica-Precipitating Hot Spring
- Mars Public Mapping Project: Public Participation in Science Research; Providing Opportunities for Kids of All Ages
- More Seismic Evidence for a Sharp Edge to the Large Low Shear Velocity Anomaly Beneath the Pacific Anomaly
- Morphometrics, Erosion Processes and the influence of Climate on Upland Soil-Mantled Landscapes
- Natural occurrence of a new mineral with an olivine structure and pyroxene composition in the Tenham L6 chondrite
- New Insights About Mars From the Creation and Analysis of Mars Global Datasets
- Nuclear Volume-Dependent Fractionation of Uranium Isotopes
- Olivine-Ringwoodite Transformation Kinetics Suggest that the Deep Marianas and Pacific Slabs have less than 90 ppm H2O
- Organic History and Ice-Rock Decoupling on Enceladus
- P and S body wave travel-time tomography of northwestern Canada
- Paleoearthquake History of the Cherchen He Reach of the Central Altyn Tagh Fault Xinjiang, China.
- Paleoseismic and Holocene slip rate investigations along the San Andreas Fault, at Parkfield, California
- PartialLy Shock-Transformed Olivine in Shocked Chondrites: Mechanisms of Solid-State Transformation
- Predictive geodynamical modeling of large-scale mantle models
- Rates of Fluvial Incision and Exhumation in an Active Mountain Belt, Lahul Himalaya, Northern India
- Receiver Function Imaging of Upper Mantle Discontinuities Beneath the Oregon High Lava Plains and Surrounding Regions
- Rock Matters: Lithologic Controls on Landscape Evolution
- Seismic Velocity Structure of the Pacific Northwestern United States From Tomographic Inversion of Teleseismic P-wave Travel Time Residuals
- Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope geochemistry of mafic alkaline igneous rocks from the Gibeon Dicker Willem lineament, southern Namibia
- State of the Venus Atmosphere from Venus Express at the time of MESSENGER FLy- By
- Supercontinent Formation in 3-D Spherical Mantle Convection Models With Multiple Continental Blocks
- Suspended Sediment Erosion in Laboratory Flume Experiments
- The Effect of ~290 ppmw H2O on the Rate of Olivine-Ringwoodite Transformation at 18 GPa
- The Hunt for Surface Rupture From the 1889 Ms 8.3 Chilik Earthquake, Northern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan
- The MESSENGER Venus Flyby: First results from the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer
- The Next Great Science
- The Strong Effect of H2O On Olivine Transformation Kinetics Suggests That Some Subducting Slabs Are Dry
- The Venus Express VIRTIS and MESSENGER teams
- The relationship between mantle models and core-mantle boundary topography
- Thermal Infrared Studies of Chloride Salts; Implications for Mars
- Thermal Transformations of Lepidocrocite and Akaganeite to Hematite: Examination of Possible Precursors to Martian Crystalline Hematite
- Toward understanding Ultra Low Velocity Zone dynamics
- UNM/LANL Volcanology Summer Field Course
- USArray Enables Improved Resolution Studies of Earth's Upper and Lower Mantle
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Topography from Thermal and Chemical Heterogeneity
- Using a New Multi-Discipline Approach to Predict Seismic Tomography from Geodynamical Models of Mantle Convection
- Wind-Driven Particle Mobility on Mars: Insights from MER Observations
- A Cyberinfrastructure Platform for Distribution of GeoEarthScope LiDAR Topography Data
- A New Global Mosaic of Mercury
- Advances in Laser Microprobe (U-Th)/He Geochronology
- Amplitude Ratios of Reflected Phases: Implications for the Aluminum Content of the Mantle at the 660 km Discontinuity
- An Episode of Late Archean Euxinia and Enhanced Continental Weathering Revealed by Iron Speciation in the Mt. McRae Shale
- An Overview of Ultraviolet Through Infrared Reflectance Observations of Mercury during the Second Messenger Flyby.
- Azimuthal Anisotropy From Surface Waves in the Great Basin
- Biogeochemistry of Hot Spring Biofilms: Major and Trace Element Behavior
- Broadband SPdKS waveforms reveal ULVZ ridge in the central Pacific
- Calibration of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Characterization of Natural Mixed-Layer Illite/Smectite and Physical Mixtures of Illite and Smectite Using TIR and VNIR Spectroscopy: Are Mixed-Layer Clays on Mars?
- Constraints on Mercury's radius and limb topography from MESSENGER flyby images
- Constraints on the H2O content of subducting slabs from olivine-ringwoodite transformation kinetics
- Constraints on the causes of the High Lava Plains volcanism from inversions of surface wave phase and amplitude data
- Current Status of the EJSM Jupiter Europa Orbiter Flagship Mission Design
- Dating of Impact Events: (U-Th)/He Single Crystal and In-situ Zircon Ages of Impact Deposits
- Delving Deeper: How Saprolite And Chemical Weathering Influence The Expression Of Climate On Surface Shaping Processes
- Diversity of Soil Textures Along Spirit's Traverse in Gusev Crater
- Dynamics of the Ultra Low Velocity Zone
- Earth's CMB topography and mantle convection
- Electrochemical Fractionation of Molybdenum Stable Isotopes
- Empirical Recommendations to Help Broaden Native American Participation in the Geosciences
- Fine-Scale P-wave Structure in the Upper Mantle North of Australia
- Frequent surface rupturing earthquakes along the Carrizo section of the San Andreas Fault since A.D. 1250.
- From Polycrystal Plasticity to Deep Earth Anisotropy
- Geology of the unusual double-ring Raditladi basin on Mercury
- Geophysical Study of Cyclone Canyon Graben, Canyonlands National Park, Utah: Sediment Depth and Structural Implications
- He, U, and Th Depth Profiling of Apatite and Zircon Using Laser Ablation Noble Gas Mass Spectrometry and SIMS
- Hf Isotope Constraints on the Longevity of the Indian Ocean Mantle Signature: New Results from Tethyan Ophiolites
- High thermal inertia surfaces and the physical nature of the upper martian crust
- High-Resolution Imaging of the Mantle Flow Field Beneath Western North America
- Hillslope Angle, Channel Steepness and Millennial Erosion Rates in the San Gabriel Mountains, CA
- Hydrology and Channel Head Erosion in a Semiarid Discontinuous Ephemeral Stream Network near Oracle, Arizona
- Identification of Color Units From the Ultraviolet to the Near Infrared During the Second Messenger Flyby of Mercury
- Imaging During MESSENGER's Second Flyby of Mercury
- Inquiry into the Explosive-Effusive Transition at Cinder Cones in Southeastern Guatemala
- Integrating Geochemical Data To Characterize Microbial Habitats: The Korarchaeota Example
- Investigating the Edges of the Large Low Shear Velocity Province in the Lowermost Mantle Beneath the Pacific Ocean
- Investigation of the geologic setting and geomorphic processes that control the formation and preservation of precarious rock zones
- Is Ceres Differentiated?
- Isotopic analysis of small Pb samples using MC-ICPMS: The limits of precision and comparison to TIMS
- KML-Based Access and Visualization of High Resolution LiDAR Topography
- Liquid Water vs. Hydrogen Cyanide on Enceladus
- Long-term Canyon Incision From Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- Low-Reflectance Material in Mercury's Crust
- Magmatic Volatile Histories From Apatite Phenocrysts
- Mars Aeolian Features and Processes Observed Concurrently From Orbit and the Ground
- Mercury's Smooth Plains: Distribution, Origin, and Significance
- Merging Disparate Data Sources Into a Paleoanthropological Geodatabase for Research, Education, and Conservation in the Greater Hadar Region (Afar, Ethiopia)
- Modeling and Interpretation of Localized P-wave and S-wave Reflectivity in D"
- Molybdenum Storage in Cyanobacteria: "Mopping" Up Excess Mo
- New evidence for an impact origin of Taihu lake, China: Possible trigger of the extinction of LiangChu Culture 4500 years ago
- Normal Fault Basin Geometries From Gravity Analyses in the La Paz - Los Cabos Region, Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Paleoseismic interpretation and a preliminary geologic slip rate for the Parkfield segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Phanerozoic and Neoproterozoic Negative Carbon Isotope Excursions, Diagenesis and Terrestrialization
- Pit-floor Craters on Mercury: Characteristics and Distribution From the First and Second MESSENGER Flyby
- Polyphase Extension at the Southern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Ama Drime Range, Tibet
- Possible origins for phyllosilicate-rich materials observed at Mawrth Vallis: Evidence from fracture patterns and reflectance spectra
- Preliminary Results on Fractionation of H, C, S and Cl Isotopes by Thermal Diffusion in Silicate Melts
- Producing Martian Lithologies with Geophysically-Constrained Martian Mantle Compositions
- Rates, Pattern and Timing of Tectonic Uplift in the Bolivian Andes from River Profile Analysis.
- Reappraisal of fluid and sediment contributions to Lesser Antilles magmas
- SHOTPUT: A mission proposal to study composition and origins of small bodies in the outer solar system through fly-by and impactor science
- Sedimentary Basin Structure of the Hadar Formation's Lacustrine-Dominated Depocenter (Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia) and its Relevance for Investigating Hominin Paleoenvironments
- Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy Beneath the Western United States from Ambient Noise Tomography and Shear Wave Splitting
- Seismic Imaging of Multi-Scale Thermal and Chemical Complexities in Earth's Convecting Mantle
- Shear wave splitting, mantle flow, and young tectonomagmatism in the High Lava Plains of Oregon
- Siderophile element distribution in metal-sulfide nodules of EH3 Sahara 97072: A relict condensation signature overprinted by transient melting events
- Simulating the Initial Dynamics of the 18 May 1980 Mount St.Helens Blast
- Simulation of Marine Nitrogen Cycling as Function of Atmospheric Oxygen: Results of a Coupled C,N,P,O,S Biogeochemical Model Including d15N
- Slip Along the San Andreas Fault Associated With The Great 1857 Earthquake derived from "B4" LiDAR high resolution topographic data
- Solubility of H2O-CO2 in Basalts and the Effect of Melt Composition: Assessing Current Solubility Models with Experimental Data
- TEM Study of Aerosol Particles in Brown Haze Episodes over Northern China in Spring 2007
- Teaching Geoscience in Place for Local Diversity and Sustainability
- The Global Tectonics of Mercury
- Trace Element Geochemistry of Mafic Clasts in the Indus Molasse Conglomerates: Source Region and Implications for Timing of Initiation of Indo-Eurasian Collision
- ULVZ - Now you see it ... now you don't
- Unique Ground-Truthing of a Shergottitic Lithology as a Potential Orbital End-Member Provided by Mini-TES/MER and Laboratory TIR Data of Terrestrial Shocked Basalt
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure From Wavefield Migration of Precursors to SS and PP
- Upper Mantle Velocity Structure of the Cascadian Back-arc and Implications for the Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Volcanism on Io: Insights from Global Geologic Mapping
- Volcanism on Mercury: Characteristics and Distribution from the First MESSENGER Flyby
- Vulcanian eruptions: experimental insights into leading shock waves, initial acceleration, and flow evolution
- Was Apollinaris Patera the source for the Gusev crater basalts?
- Where are all the Strongly Shocked Meteorites?
- A new look at formation and timing of thrust fault scarps on the Moon
- Active faulting and seismicity across the SW Gulf of California plate margin: anomalous rifting at slow geologic rates 2-3 m.y. after spreading initiated
- Ancient volcanism and aqueous erosion on Mars
- Assessing the Potential for Expression of Metabolically Diverse Genes in Subseafloor Sediments
- Assessment of Alternative [U] and [Th] Zircon Standards for SIMS
- Azimuthal Anisotropy Signature in the Great Basin Lithosphere from Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Maps
- Blending Curriculum with Research in an Undergraduate Petrology Course: A Recipe for Success?
- Calibrating Carbon Measurements in Basaltic Glass Using SIMS and FTIR: The Effect of Variable H2O Contents
- Carbon and nitrogen cycling in thermally heated sediments
- Cd Isotope Fractionation During Adsorption Varies with Salinity
- Channel incision and the role of sediment supply in the San Gabriel Mountains, California
- Characterization of Matrix Effects During In-situ Mg and Si Isotope Measurements by LA-MC-ICPMS
- Characterizing the geomorphic setting of precariously balanced rocks using terrestrial laser scanning technology
- Compositions of Bedrock Containing Craters on Mars as Viewed by TES, THEMIS, and CRISM
- Crustal thickness and composition beneath the High Lava Plains of Eastern Oregon from teleseismic receiver functions
- Detailed 3-D S-wave velocity beneath the High Lava Plains, Oregon, from 2-plane-wave Rayleigh wave inversions
- Detection and Absence of Ultra Low Velocity Zones (Invited)
- Detrital zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology of intercalated baked sediments: a new approach to dating young basalts
- Direct evidence for anisotropic He diffusivity in zircon provided by laser depth profiling (Invited)
- Dry Sources of Plume Emissions on Enceladus
- Dust loading in Gusev crater, Mars: Results from two active dust devil seasons
- Dynamic Constraints on the Presence of Primordial Mantle Reservoirs (Invited)
- Dynamics of Great Basin Crust-Mantle Coupling
- EMERALD: Coping with the Explosion of Seismic Data
- Early Results from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter on LRO (Invited)
- Effects of incidence angle on observations of equilibrium crater diameter
- Effects of water management and monsoon storms on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content and composition in an urban lake
- Evidence for Physical Weathering of Iron Meteorite Meridiani Planum (Heat Shield Rock) on Mars
- Evolution of the floor of Hellas Basin, Mars: Implications for regional glacial processes
- Examining cemented inverted channel deposits in Green River, Utah as an analog for inverted terrain on Mars
- Exploring the Moon at the Microscale: Analysis of Apollo Samples with the Multispectral Microscopic Imager (MMI)
- Filling the temporal gap in Plio-Pleistocene sedimentological records from the southern Afar Depression, Ethiopia
- Fluorine partitioning between nominally anhydrous minerals (cpx, ol) and latite and minette liquids
- Forward modeling the origin of seismic anisotropy at the base of the mantle
- Geoscience Education Research, Development, and Practice at Arizona State University
- High-Pressure Minerals in RC106: Formation at Modest Shock Pressures and very High Temperatures
- How fault geometric constraints and structural complexity effect earthquake frequency-size relations and maximum earthquake size
- Impact Melt Deposit Morphology and Distribution on the Moon and Mars
- Incisional bedrock channels cutting into tablelands
- Inferring landscape response to climate from the relation between mean hillslope angle and channel steepness
- Insights into Pyroclastic Volcanism on the Moon with LROC Data
- Interdiffusion of deuterium and hydrogen in olivine and enstatite: Initial results
- Internet-Based Software Tools for Analysis and Processing of LIDAR Point Cloud Data via the OpenTopography Portal
- Investigating ice shell convection with a lower boundary defined by changes in phase and composition: Implications for Europa
- Iron on the Surface of Mercury: From Contradiction to Convergence? (Invited)
- Isotopic Compositions of Uranium Reference Materials
- JEarth | Analytical Remote Sensing Imagery Application for Researchers and Practitioners
- LRO Camera Imaging of Constellation Sites
- LRO Camera Imaging of the Moon: Apollo 17 and other Sites for Ground Truth
- LROC - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- LROC NAC Digital Elevation Model of Gruithuisen Gamma
- LROC Observations of Geologic Features in the Marius Hills
- Landscape evolution of the Bhutan Himalaya - insights from tectonic geomorphology and low-temperature thermochronology
- Laser depth profiling of diffusion and alpha ejection profiles in Durango apatite: testing the fundamental parameters of apatite (U-Th)/He dating
- Late Archean Surface Ocean Oxygenation (Invited)
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle Cameras: Laboratory and Initial Flight Calibration
- MESSENGER multispectral observations of Mercury (Invited)
- Magma differentiation and volatile evolution at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Mapping the Moon with LROC: Global ultraviolet through visible color observations
- Martian Meteorite Chronology and Effects of Impact Metamorphism (Invited)
- Mercury's Bright Crater-Floor Deposits: Morphology, Distribution, and Spectral Properties
- Metastable olivine provides regional constraints on hydrogen content based on transformation kinetics
- Modeling preferred orientation and seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle (Invited)
- Morphologic Scarp Dating for the 21st Century (Invited)
- Natural Isotopic Fractionation of 238U/235U in the Water Column of the Black Sea
- Natural Variation of 238U/235U in Geo- and Cosmochemistry
- Near Global Mosaic of Mercury
- New Constraints for Fluid Compositions of Melt Inclusions: Results from H2O & CO2 Solubility Experiments at 200 to 400 MPa (Invited)
- Orbital and Ground Observations of Martian Dust Devils
- Oxidative Weathering and Euxinia in the Late Archean (Invited)
- Polyphase (Miocene-Pleistocene?) slip on the South Tibetan Fault system in the Dhaulagiri Himalaya
- Quantification of coupling between erosion and hydrology in an intensely monitored "field laboratory" in southeastern Arizona, USA
- Resolved Ultraviolet Reflectance Spectra of Mercury from the Third MESSENGER Flyby
- Sediment Supply Differences Between Soil and Bedrock Dominated Landscapes, San Gabriel Mountains, CA
- Seismic Velocity Structure in the Mantle Beneath the High Lava Plains and the Snake River Plain Hotspot Tracks: Implications for a Mantle Plume
- Shear Wave Splitting and Patterns of Mantle Flow (Invited)
- Shear wave splitting beneath the High Lava Plains of Oregon: Linking upper mantle dynamics to surface tectonomagmatism
- Short- and long-term deformation and the earthquake cycle in the southern Bolivia Subandes: Implications for orogenic wedge processes
- Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope composition of chondritic components
- Spectrophotometric properties of Mercury
- Summer Surface Temperatures of the North Polar Region of Mars as Measured by THEMIS
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning Applications in Paleoseismology (Invited)
- Testing Predictions of a Landscape Evolution Model Using the Dragon’s Back Pressure Ridge as a Natural Experiment
- The Great Basin lithospheric drip: detection of vertical mantle flow (Invited)
- The Hominin Sites And Paleolakes Drilling Project: Using High Resolution Paleoclimate Records From African Lake Deposits To Interpret Human Evolution
- The Lunar Student Imaging Project (LSIP): Bringing the Excitement of Lunar Exploration to Students Using LRO Mission Data
- The Potential Utility of High-P, High-T Synrock Standards Made by Ultracomminution of Natural Materials
- The Role of Curricular Evolution and the Future of Collegiate Geoscience Education (Invited)
- The Salar Llamara, Chile: A Possible Analogue for Etched Terrain on Mars
- The effect of conductive grain boundary impurities on electrical conductivity in polycrystalline olivine
- The effects of time-varying chamber and surface pressure on dome-building eruptions
- The geologic history of the Galilean satellite Callisto. (Invited)
- The stratification of azimuthal anisotropy in the western US
- Thermochronometer and Numerical Modeling Constraints on Canyon Incision and Topographic Evolution, SW Peru (Invited)
- Timing and duration of backthrusting in the Indus Group: a detrital zircon (U-Th)/He approach
- Tracking Lowermost Mantle Chemistry with Ultra-Low Velocity Zones
- Transport of Elements By Geothermal And Volcanic Vapor
- Urban Signatures of Heavy Metals in Soils of an Arid Environment
- Using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data to Support STEM Education
- Using hydrothermal biofilm geochemical signatures to generate predictions of elemental behavior with implications for gene hunting, biogeochemical rate measurements, and novel biosignatures
- Vis-NIR Spectroscopy of Mineral Mixtures with Montmorillonite and Silica: Implications for Detecting Alteration Products on Mars
- Visualization of High-Resolution LiDAR Topography in Google Earth
- What is a Volcano? How planetary volcanism has changed our definition
- A Scalable Infrastructure for Lidar Topography Data Distribution, Processing, and Discovery
- A neglected magma: constraining the volatile content and pre-eruptive conditions of the Peridot Mesa basanite
- Adapting JMARS for Earth: Blogging brings a new user community from the CAP LTER urban ecology research project
- Airborne and terrestrial lidar imaging and analysis of the 4 April 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake rupture
- Allophane on Mars: Significance for Chemical Weathering and Soil Development
- Alteration Assemblages in Martian Meteorite MIL 03346: Terrestrial, Pre-terrestrial, and Inferences for Martian Surface Fluids
- Ancient and Modern Salars of the Atacama Desert, Chile: A Terrestrial Analog for Evaporite Formation on Mars
- Assessing the Stability of Precariously Balanced Rocks and their Geomorphic Setting
- Can Single Crystal (U-Th)/He Zircon Ages from Nördlinger Ries Suevite be Linked to Impact-Related Shock Effects?
- Chemical Disequilibria and Sources of Gibbs Free Energy Inside Enceladus
- Climate and the erosional efficiency of fluvial systems
- Collaborative Planetary GIS with JMARS
- Compositions of Oceans on Icy Solar System Bodies (Invited)
- D-H Interdiffusion Coefficients in Olivine: Implications for Electrical Conductivity in the Upper Mantle
- Data Fusion and Visualization with the OpenEarth Framework (OEF)
- Deep Horizons - Implications of the deep carbon cycle for life, energy, and the environment (Invited)
- Depths, Diameters, and Profiles of Small Lunar Craters From LROC NAC Stereo Images
- Detection of present-day slab-driven mantle flow (Invited)
- Determination of Fluorine in Fourteen Microanalytical Geologic Reference Materials using SIMS, EPMA, and Proton Induced Gamma Ray Emission (PIGE) Analysis
- Determining Magma Ascent Rates From Overprinted Amphibole Breakdown Textures: The Soufrière Hills 2003 Lava Dome
- Differential Movement across Byrd Glacier, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica: A combined (U-Th)/He and DEM Analysis
- Diversity of Membrane-Bound Nitrate Reductase Genes in Geothermal Springs
- EXAFS Reveals the Mechanism of U Isotope Fractionation During Adsorption to Mn Oxyhydroxide
- Earthquakes, Cities, and Lifelines: lessons integrating tectonics, society, and engineering in middle school Earth Science
- Emerging Technologies for Ecohydrological Studies during the North American Monsoon in a Chihuahuan Desert Watershed
- Enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration and decisionmaking with J-Earth: an open source data sharing, visualization and GIS analysis platform
- Environmental changes recorded by syngenetic and early diagenetic iron minerals in the late Archean Mt. McRae Shale
- Environmental consequences of geochemical change in hot spring ecosystems
- Eroding and Inflating the Atacama Desert, Chile: Insights Through Cosmogenic 10-Be, 26-Al and 21-Ne
- Experimental Study of Bedrock Incision Processes by Both Suspended Load and Bedload Abrasions
- Exploring Evidence for Possible Recent N-S Extension Along the Himalayan Crest
- Extrusion cycles of dome-forming eruptions
- Fine Scale Deep Mantle Structure Beneath Central Pacific: LLSVP Heterogeneity and Edge, ULVZ, and CMB topography
- Helium Isotopes in Geothermal Exploration
- Hydrological Alterations Due to Climate-Induced Regional Vegetation Change
- Hypsometry of lobate debris aprons on the eastern rim of Hellas Basin, Mars: Implications for climate variations
- Imaging the lithospheric structure of the High Lava Plains, Oregon with ambient noise tomography
- In situ detrital zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology
- In-situ high-pressure transmission electron microscopy of minerals
- Incorporating Science News Into Middle School Curricula: Current Events in the 21st Century Classroom
- Integrating LiDAR Data into Earth Science Education
- Investigating the role of climate change during the late Pleistocene on landscape evolution: a case study from New Mexico, USA
- Landslides, Erosion and Landscape Evolution along the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau. (Invited)
- Lipid Biomarker Preservation in Silica-Depositing Hydrothermal Analogs
- Looking Backward and Forward: A Decadal View of Volcanology
- Lunar altimetric datasets: Global comparisons with the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter elevation model
- Mafic high inertia crater floors in the southern highlands: Implications for a widespread post-impact modification process on Mars
- Marius Hills: Surface Roughness from LROC and Mini-RF
- Mass-independent fractionation of mercury isotopes in compact fluorescent light bulbs
- Meter-scale characterization of surface processes and fault-related deformation using LiDAR topography (Invited)
- Mid Holocene earthquake cluster along the central Altyn Tagh Fault, NW China resolved through integration of morphochronologic datasets
- Mini-TES Observations of Comanche Carbonate and its Distribution
- Molybdenum Isotope Constraints on the Extent of Late Paleoproterozoic Ocean Euxinia
- Monitoring the sensitivity of active gully erosion to individual runoff events and seasonal soil moisture changes
- Multi-Scale Lower Mantle Structure and Dynamics (Invited)
- Multidimensional chemical optimization of protein assemblages
- New insights into chemical processes within martian high latitude soils
- Nitrogen cycling in Hot Spring Sediments and Biofilms (Invited)
- On the origin of seismic anisotropy at the base of the mantle (Invited)
- Possible smectites identified by MGS-TES at Thaumasia Planum, Mars
- Pre-eruptive crystallization and degassing processes associated with laterally directed volcanic explosions
- Rock uplift and transient landscape development in response to subduction of the Cocos Ridge, Central American Volcanic Arc
- SO2 emissions from persistently active explosive volcanoes: can we estimate their contribution using satellite instruments?
- Seasonal Evolution, Interannual Variability and Partitioning of Evapotranspiration in Two Mountainous Semiarid Forest Ecosystems
- Seismic Evidence for the Influence of Subduction and Slab Fragmentation on Flood Volcanism in the Cascadian Backarc and on the Snake River Plain/Yellowstone Hotspot Track
- Seismic detection of the layers of the lunar core (Invited)
- Seismic shaking effects on grain size and density sorting with implications for constraining lunar regolith bulk composition
- Shear Wave Splitting, Crustal Anisotropy, and Patterns of Mantle(?) Deformation
- Short-Term versus Steady-State Crustal Deformation: Are Some Anomalies Driven by Transient Coupling with Mantle Flow? (Invited)
- The Efficacy of Using P'P' Precursors to Study Upper Mantle Discontinuities
- The Enigmatic Transient Landscapes of Bhutan
- The dynamics of pyroclastic density currents on Mars
- The role of unsteady buoyancy flux on transient eruption plume velocity structure and evolution
- The stratification of seismic azimuthal anisotropy in the western US
- Topographic and Geomorphic Response to Active Deformation Along the Dragon's Back Pressure Ridge, central San Andreas Fault, California (Invited)
- Transition of spatial controls on distributed soil moisture and runoff simulations at multiple model resolutions
- Two strands of the South Tibetan Fault System in NW Bhutan: Insights from field mapping, ASTER imagery, and U-Pb geochronology
- Using Participatory Exploration to Engage Classrooms in STEM Learning: A Case Study Using NASA's Mars Student Imaging Project
- Using topography to decipher the uplift history of the western San Gabriel Mountains, CA
- Zinc Finger Takes on a Whole New Meaning: Reducing and Monitoring Zinc Blanks in the Isotope Lab
- ``Smoking From The Same Pipe": Developement of an 40Ar/39Ar Datting Intercalibration PIpette System (Invited)
- 2D nonlinear diffusive numerical simulation of geomorphic modifications to simple landforms
- 3D Investigation of an Apparent Offset Channel: A Case Study From the San Andreas Fault in the Carrizo Plain
- A Multi-Proxy Paradigm in the Pursuit of Ocean Paleoredox
- A Participatory Modeling Application of a Distributed Hydrologic Model in Nuevo Leon, Mexico for the 2010 Hurricane Alex Flood Event
- A shift in microbial community composition as a result of a natural temporal change in in a hot spring ecosystem
- Allophane at Mawrth Vallis: Implications for Aqueous Alteration History
- Analysis of Surface Volcanism on Mercury
- Ar-Ar Phlogopite Geochronology of the Navajo Volcanic Field and the Ship Rock Diatreme of Northwest New Mexico Define a 1.4 Ma Pulse of Potassic Magmatism
- Assessing the influence of disequilibrium crystallization and degassing during magma ascent in effusive and explosive eruptions
- Atmospheric carbon dioxide as a driver for deglaciation during the Mi-1 event: new evidence from terrestrial Southern Hemisphere proxies
- Characterization of Previously Unidentified Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Data
- Characterizing Geometric Distortion of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera
- Chasing Carbon Down the Colorado River: Mid-Stream Challenges to Engaging Undergraduates in Field-Based Research
- Climatic controls on steady state erosion using the relationship between channel steepness and cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be-derived catchment averaged erosion rates
- Compilation of Slip in Last Earthquake Data for High-Slip Rate Faults in California for Input into Slip Dependent Rupture Forecast
- Constraints on the uplift history of the Bolivian Andes from channel profile morphology and numerical modeling.
- Crystalline Silicate-perovskite in S6 L6 Chondrite ACFER 040: A Relatively High Shock Pressure of Only 25-26GPa
- Cyclic activity of the LUSI mud volcano (East Java, Indonesia)
- Determination of Landscape Diffusivity Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Infrared Stimulated Luminescence Techniques
- Deuterium-Hydrogen Interdiffusion in Olivine: Implications for Point Defects and Electrical Conductivity
- Diversity, Abundance, and Potential Activity of Nitrifying and Nitrate-Reducing Microbial Assemblages in a Subglacial Ecosystem
- EarthScope's Education, Outreach, and Communications: Using Social Media from Continental to Global Scales
- EarthScope: Earth Science Education and Outreach on a Continental Scale
- Effects of geochemical changes on microbial community structure in a hot spring ecosystem
- Environmental inputs that can influence carbon isotopic compositions of hot spring biofilms
- Evaluating Origins and Fate of Martian Phyllosilicates with Water-Rock Interaction Models
- Evidence for pre-Oligocene India-Eurasia Collision Recorded by Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Thermochronology, NW Indian Himalaya
- Evidence supporting biologically mediated sulfide oxidation in hot spring ecosystems
- Expanding the Horizons of Quantitative Remote Sensing
- Extreme change in sulfide concentrations near the Bosporus Inlet (Black Sea) during the Little Ice Age tracked using molybdenum isotopes
- Fine-Resolution Modeling of the Santa Cruz and San Pedro River Basins for Climate Change and Riparian System Studies
- Fluid Geochemistry of the Lusi Mud Volcano (east Java, Indonesia) and Implications for Eruption Dynamics
- From Pixels to Population Stress: Global Multispectral Remote Sensing for Vulnerable Communities
- Further constraints and uncertainties on the deep seismic structure of the Moon
- GOES: Challenges and Solutions Associated with Accessing, Processing, and Visualizing Imagery
- Geologic Hazards Meet the Special Education Classroom
- Global Controlled Mosaic of Mercury from MESSENGER Orbital Images
- Great Earthquakes and Orogenic Wedge Front Processes in the Bolivian Backarc
- Hawaii: A plume rising vertically from the top of a lowermost mantle compositional reservoir
- Heterogeneous distribution of nanophase aluminosilicate weathering products: Interpreting Martian weathering
- Hollows on Mercury: Bright-haloed depressions imply recent endogenic activity
- How did the Tibetan Plateau grow? A view from Eastern Tibet
- Hunting for Habitable Worlds: Engaging Students in an Adaptive Online Setting
- Hydrothermal Occurrences in Gusev Crater
- Imaging the Moon's core with seismology
- Implications of the MESSENGER Discovery of High Sulfur Abundance on the Surface of Mercury
- Improved Digitization of Lunar Mare Ridges with LROC Derived Products
- Improving multi-phase models of explosive volcanic eruptions: comparison of models against scaled laboratory experiments and field observations
- In-situ, real-time TEM observation of high-pressure phase transitions of olivine
- Infrared spectroscopy of weathering products in a terrestrial glacial environment: Implications for cold weathering on planetary surfaces
- Innovative Strategies for Asteroid Precursor Exploration
- Integrated Water and Sanitation Risk Assessment and Modeling in the Upper Sonora River basin (Northwest, Mexico)
- Iron Mineral Effects on Ketone Reactions in Hydrothermal Fluids
- Isotopic evidence for a link between agricultural irrigation and high arsenic concentrations in groundwater
- J-Earth: An Essential Resource for Terrestrial Remote Sensing and Data Analysis
- Laboratory Tests of a Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer: A Tool for Planetary Exploration
- Lava erosion on Mercury: Model results using new observations from MESSENGER
- Leveraging Open Standards and Technologies to Enhance Community Access to Earth Science Lidar Data
- LiDAR-derived measurements of slip in the most recent ground-rupturing earthquakes along elements of the San Andreas fault system
- Limits on the Amount of Offset on a Reported Strand of the South Tibetan Fault System in the Eastern Himalaya of Bhutan from RSCM Thermometry
- Links between Spatially-Explicit Runoff Mechanisms and Land-Atmosphere Interactions during the North American Monsoon
- Lobate Scarp Modeling with Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Digital Terrain Models
- Mafic Silicate and Ferric Oxide Mineralogy of Gale Crater and the Mars Science Laboratory Rover Field Site
- Mantle Cooling Promotes the Stability of Compositional Reservoirs
- Mapping Hydrated Materials with MER Pancam and MSL Mastcam: Results from Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum, and Plans for Gale Crater
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-10EW: Identification of Dark (Volcanic?) Features
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-8EDL: Various Craters and Giant Grooves
- Mapping Vesta's Equatorial Quadrangle V-9EFW: Compositional variation and Surface maturity
- Mapping Vesta's Northern Quadrangle V-4NFW: Local and Regional Stratigraphy
- Mapping of a Widespread Olivine-Rich Layer on Mars: Identification of a Global Impact Ejecta Deposit?
- Mechanical Modeling of Near-Fault Deformation Within the Dragon's Back Pressure Ridge, San Andreas Fault, Carrizo Plain, California
- Metastable Equilibria Among Aqueous Organic Compounds
- Modeling the role of solar radiation on catchment development in semi-arid ecosystems: Sensitivity analysis under variable climate and tectonic uplift
- Multispectral Microscopic Imager (MMI): Multispectral Imaging of Geological Materials at a Handlens Scale
- Natural Ca Isotope Composition of Urine as a Rapid Measure of Bone Mineral Balance
- Near-field coseismic deformation quantified from differential airborne LiDAR of the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake surface rupture
- Neogene unroofing and incision of the Ethiopian Plateau constrained from apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry
- New Perspectives on Mechanisms of Decarboxylation in Hydrothermal Fluids from Studies of Substituted Phenylacetic Acids
- New Thermochronologic Data Constraining the Exhumation History of the Pangong Range, Ladakh, NW India
- Pathways and pipelines: Self-reported critical experiences for expert and novice geologists
- Photometric normalization of LROC WAC images
- Preliminary Paleoseismic Results from Southern Clark Fault, San Jacinto Fault Zone, Southern California; Comparison to the Hog Lake Paleoseismic Record
- Professional Development for Researchers in Solid Earth Science Evolved to Include Scientific and Educational Content
- Progressive Extensional Exhumation of the Ultrahigh-Pressure Tso Morari Terrain, NW Indian Himalaya
- Quantitative bedrock characterization using multispectral TIR data: pushing the limits of TIMS and ASTER in a desertic environment
- Recommendations for Broader Impacts in K-12: Advice from Einstein Educator Fellows
- Reflectance of Immature Materials on Mercury and the Moon
- Reversible Interconversion between Alkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols and Ketones under Hydrothermal Conditions
- SciNews: Incorporating Science Current Events in 21st Century Classrooms
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Science Targets in the Landing Ellipse and Lower Mound at the Gale Crater Field Site
- Searching for Pedogenic Phyllosilicates in Ancient Soils on Mars
- Soil Production Limits and the Transition to Bedrock Dominated Landscapes
- Sonoran Desert Vegetation Shifts and Watershed-Scale Ecohydrological Dynamics during the North-American Monsoon
- Southern African Kimberlites and Their Megacrysts: Pb-Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopes Define the Link
- Straightening of the northern San Jacinto Fault, California as seen in the fault structure evolution of the San Jacinto step-over
- Sunset Crater, AZ: Evolution of a highly explosive basaltic eruption as indicated by granulometry and clast componentry
- Synthesis and Characterization of Five New F-bearing Basalt Reference Materials (Fba Glasses): Quantifying the Fluorine Content of the Basaltic Glass Standards BCR-2G, BHVO-2G. GSA-1G, GSC-1G, GSD-1G, GSE-1G, ML3B-G, KL2-G, and ALV-519-4
- The AGI-ASU-NASA Triad Program for K-12 Earth and Space Science Education
- The Bhutan Erosion Mystery: Climate or tectonics?
- The Boron Isotopic Composition of Elephant Dung: Inputs to the Global Boron Budget
- The Circum-Hellas Volcanic Province, Mars.
- The Continuing Structural Evolution of the Southern Edge of the Tibetan Plateau
- The Difficulty for Subducted Oceanic Crust to Accumulate at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- The Effect of Trace H2O on the Mechanisms of the Olivine-Ringwoodite Transformation
- The Incredible, Embryological Egg: Calcium and Strontium Isotopes Recapitulate Ontogeny
- The Tectonics of Mercury: The View from Orbit
- The influence of erosion thresholds and runoff variability on the relationships among topography, climate, and erosion rate
- The initial stages of explosive volcanic eruptions: insights gained from comparisons between laboratory experiments and numerical models
- The rate and causes of lunar space weathering: Insights from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera ultraviolet observations
- The role of plains volcanism in the formation of Mercury's crust
- Time-dependence in short-lived volcanic eruption plumes
- Two Years of Digital Terrain Model Production Using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Narrow Angle Camera
- Ultra-hydrous stishovite obtained by hydrothermal treatment of SiO2
- Understanding Mars: The Geologic Importance of Returned Samples
- Using MEMS sensor arrays to measure temperature at small spatial scales in hot spring environments
- Using Neighborhood-Algorithm Inversion to Test and Calibrate Landscape Evolution Models
- What do seismologists really know about ultra-low velocity zones?
- What's all the stink about BO<SUP>-</SUP>? Using negative molecular ions to measure boron isotopes in samples with trace boron
- Widespread and voluminous flood volcanism in the northern high latitudes of Mercury revealed by MESSENGER: Relation to global volcanic processes
- 3-D Deformation Field Of The 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah (Mexico) Earthquake From Matching Before To After Aerial Lidar Point Clouds
- 3-D earthquake surface displacements from differencing pre- and post-event LiDAR point clouds
- A Sustainable Architecture for Lunar Resource Prospecting from an EML-based Exploration Platform
- Advances in Charge-Compensation in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
- Along-strike variation in physiographic transitions of the Himalaya
- Apatite (U-Th)/He dating of kimberlites, links with mantle xenolith evolution, and implications for uplift of the southern African Plateau
- Application of high resolution images from unmanned aerial vehicles for hydrology and rangeland science
- Are amphitheater headed canyons indicative of a particular formative process?
- Automated sample preparation for radiogenic and non-traditional metal isotope analysis by MC-ICP-MS
- Autonomous Detection of Eruptions, Plumes, and Other Transient Events in the Outer Solar System
- Black Carbon, Aerosols, and the Tooth Fairy
- Carbonation of mantle peridotites: implications for permanent geological CO<SUB>2</SUB> capture and storage
- Cell-Sediment Separation and Elemental Stoichiometries in Extreme Environments
- Characterisation of active faulting and earthquake hazard in the Mongolian Altay Mountains based on previously unknown ancient earthquake surface ruptures
- Characterization of Shrubland-Atmosphere Interactions through Use of the Eddy Covariance Method, Distributed Footprint Sampling, and Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Characterization of the 1000 AD Sunset Crater eruption and its pyroclastic products
- Characterizing englacial and subglacial weathering processes in a silicate-carbonate system at Robertson Glacier, Canada: Combining field measurements and remote sensing
- Combining MESSENGER Data in Production and Analysis of Digital Elevation Models
- Community Response to a Heavy Precipitation Event in High Temperature, Chemosynthetic Biofilms and Sediments
- Constraining the Dynamics of Periodic Behavior at Mt. Semeru, Indonesia, Combining Numerical Modeling and Field Measurements of Gas emission
- Dark Material on Vesta from Infall of Carbonaceous Volatile-Rich Materials
- Decimeter-resolution fault zone topography mapped with Structure-From-Motion
- Determination of Geochemical Characteristics of Glass Alteration Environments Using Boron Isotopes
- Dissipation at tidal and seismic frequencies in a melt-free Moon
- Distributed Modeling Reveals the Ecohydrological Dynamics Linked with Woody Plant Encroachment in the Sonoran Desert
- Dust deposition and removal at the MER landing sites from observations of the Panoramic Camera (Pancam) calibration targets
- Education and Outreach at the Earthscope National Office: 2012 Update on Activities and Broader Impacts
- Episodic Entrainment of Subducted Oceanic Crust into Primordial Reservoirs of the Lower Mantle
- Experimental Study on Coarse-grain Saltation Dynamics in Bedrock Channels
- Fluorine Partitioning between Nominally Anhydrous Minerals (cpx, ol, plag) and Silicate Melt
- From precipitation to runoff: Climatic controls on discharge variability
- Geochemical and physical drivers of microbial community structure in hot spring ecosystems
- High Performance Computing-based Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Santa Cruz and San Pedro River Basin at Very High Resolution
- High-resolution 3D surface displacements from 2004 - 2012 at Santorini volcano, Greece measured by LiDAR-differencing
- Imaging the Velocity and Density Contrasts at Upper Mantle Discontinuities: Evidence for Thermo-chemical Heterogeneity and Dynamics
- Improving interpretation of real-time monitoring data using a novel combination of numerical models of magma ascent and statistical analysis tools
- Interior Slopes of Copernican Craters
- Interoperability of Multiple Datasets with JMARS
- Investigating the Origin of Silica Occurrences on Mars through Laboratory Observations
- JMARS - Planetary Remote Sensing Analysis Made Even Easier
- LROC Advances in Lunar Science
- LROC NAC Stereo Anaglyphs
- Laboratory Simulations of Martian Meteorite Impacts and Their Seismic Signatures
- Landforms in Lidar: Building a Catalog of Digital Landforms for Education and Outreach
- Late Pliocene - Early Pleistocene geologic history of Eastern Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia: implications for the evolution of the southern Afar Depression and hominin paleoenvironments
- Mars Mission Concepts: SAR and Solar Electric Propulsion
- Martian Craters with Interior Deposits: A Global Survey and Wind Models
- Methanogenesis and Methanotrophy in Serpentinizing Systems
- Modeling the dynamics and deposits characteristics of dilute pyroclastic density currents
- NASA's Planetary Aeolian Laboratory: Facilities and Plans for Future Availability
- New Seismic Images of Crustal Structure Beneath Southern Africa
- Nitrogen assimilation by single cells in hot springs
- Observations from Integrated Ground Motion Using EarthScope's USArray Transportable Array
- Observations of the urban land surface energy balance in a Phoenix, AZ, residential suburb
- Off-axis mantle melting beneath the East Pacific Rise at 9°30'N: discovery by a magnetotelluric survey and dynamical constraints from flow modeling
- Origin and mixing timescale of Earth's late veneer
- Paleoseismological investigations along a newly developing fault in the northern Tien Shan foreland near Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
- Parallel geochemical and metagenomic datasets reveal biogeochemical cycling in a hot spring ecosystem
- Past earthquakes, fault slip-rates, and mountain building in Kazakhstan and Mongolia
- Periodic gas release from the LUSI mud volcano (East Java, Indonesia)
- Practical Laser Ablation U-Th Thermochronology and Geochronology
- Pyroclastic Density Current Hazards in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
- Quantifying Anthropogenic Fe in Marine Aerosols Using Fe Stable Isotope Analysis
- Radiometric Measurements of the Thermal Conductivity of Complex Planetary-like Materials
- Recognition of Paleoseismicity along Creeping Faults: Examples from the Dry Lake Valley Site on the central San Andreas
- Reconciling geophysical and geochemical observations to understand craton lithosphere architecture
- Seismic Evidence for Lithospheric Modification Beneath the Mojave Neovolcanic Province, Southern California
- Shock Features in L6 Chondrite NWA 091: Search for Evidence of Very High Shock Pressure in Chondrites
- Small Scale Biodiversity of an Alkaline Hot Spring in Yellowstone National Park
- Soil Production and Erosion Rates and Processes in Mountainous Landscapes
- Spatial and temporal distribution of deformation at the front of the Andean orogenic wedge in Bolivia and implications for incremental wedge evolution
- Spatial heterogeneity of uranium isotope variations in a Phanerozoic, epicontintental black shale (Hushpuckney Shale, Swope Formation)
- Stability and Compressibility of Seifertite from 1 bar to 140 GPa
- Steps towards choosing Martian samples for fossil biosignature analysis of kerogen: fluorescence microscopy and Raman spectroscopy applications to various analog samples
- Strength Matters: Resisting Erosion Across Upland Landscapes
- Strike-slip Fault Zone Structural Geology Manifest in the Landscapes of Active Faults at High Elevation
- Subjectivity of LiDAR-Based Offset Measurements: Results from a Public Online Survey
- Surface-compositional Properties of Lava Plains in Syria-Thaumasia Block, Mars
- Teaching About Rates and Time: Challenges and Resources
- Tectonic Mapping of Mare Frigoris Using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Images
- The Geology of the Marcia Quadrangle of Asteroid Vesta: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- The Global Distribution of Weathered Glass on Mars
- The Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Iron Redox Metabolism in Hot Spring Ecosystems
- The Use of Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Technology in Unraveling the Eruptive History of the San Francisco Volcanic Field, Arizona
- The relative timing of N-S and E-W extension at the Tibet-to-Himalaya transition: Insights from NW Bhutan
- Three Mars Years of Surface Albedo Changes Observed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter MARCI Investigation
- Timing of Indian-Eurasian collision from the Indus Basin in Ladakh, northwestern Indian Himalaya: An interdisciplinary approach
- Transitions in eruption style at Merapi Volcano (Java, Indonesia); insights from satellite thermal infrared images and numerical modeling
- Uncertainty Analysis of LROC NAC Derived Elevation Models
- Updating the Displacement-Length Relationship of Thrust Faults Associated with Lobate Scarps on the Moon: Preliminary Results
- Variable shortening rates in the Bhutan thrust belt: implications for strain partitioning in the eastern Himalayan-Tibetan orogenic system
- Vegetation controls on sediment storage and release on steep, rocky hillslopes
- Water Resources Sustainability in Northwest Mexico: Analysis of Regional Infrastructure Plans under Historical and Climate Change Scenarios
- Widespread Magmatism as a Result of Impact Related Decompression Melting on Early Mars
- 3D visualization of numeric planetary data using JMARS
- A New Hypothesis for Relative High Rate of Volcanism in the Hesperian on Mars
- A New Map of the Tyre Impact Region of Europa
- Achieving high-pressure and high-temperature within a TEM: Crystallographic defects as hosts for concentrating and storing carbon deep within Earth
- Application of Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Sensing to Understand Land-atmosphere Interactions in Three North American Monsoon Ecosystems
- Areal Crater Density Analysis of Volcanic Smooth Plains: A New Approach to Distinguishing Age Units
- Assessing the interactions of a natural antibacterial clay with model Gram-positive and Gram-negative human pathogens
- Boron Isotopic Variation in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle
- Characterization of Eurasian Wetlands Using Microwave Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Carbon Flux Models
- Climate and Tectonics Need Not Apply: Transient Erosion Driven by Drainage Integration, Aravaipa Creek, AZ
- Coherent Lamellar Growth of Akimotoite within Enstatite Host at High Pressure and Temperature
- Combining kimberlite (U-Th)/He dating with the mantle xenolith record to decipher elevation change in continental interiors: an example from the southern African Plateau
- Comparison of Large and Mid-Size Lunar Crater Distributions
- Correlation of Dune Field Stabilization with Mineralogy in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars
- Coupling autotrophic sulfide mineral weathering with dolomite dissolution in a subglacial ecosystem
- DAN Active Parameters and Mastcam Hydration Survey Imaging: Comparisons Across Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Deep-seated bedrock landsliding in Grand Canyon: unraveling the mechanics of a series of ancient landslides
- Dirt in the Wound: Evaluating the Role of Iron in Antibacterial Minerals
- Does Mexican Land Management Influence US Southwest Rainfall? Effects of Vegetation Seasonality and Land Use Change on Atmospheric Moisture Transport in the North American Monsoon
- EarthScope National Office Education and Outreach Program: 2013 Update on Activities and Outcomes
- Effect of Water on the Compressional Behavior of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Stishovite up to 30 GPa
- Effects of Spin Transition and Partitioning of Iron on Mantle Dynamics
- Effects of magma and conduit conditions on transitions between effusive and explosive activity: a numerical modeling approach
- Evaluating the impact of geologic heritage on Earth science literacy: Adapting best practices from pedagogy and interpretation (Invited)
- Evidence for an Explosive Origin of Central Pit Craters on Mars
- Evidence of young volcanic vents in the lunar maria
- Exhumation of the Ladakh batholith revealed through the combined analysis of bedrock and detrital zircon (U-Th)/He data
- Fault interaction along the Central Andean thrust front: The Las Peñas thrust, Cerro Salinas thrust and the Montecito Anticline
- Fluorescence Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOC) from Marine and Terrestrial Hydrothermal Systems
- From Dates to Rates: The Emergence of Integrated Geochronometry (Invited)
- Geochronology and Thermochronology of the Mistastin Lake Impact Structure, Labrador, Canada
- Geologic Structure at the Curiosity Field Site from Stereo Topography (Invited)
- Geophysical evidence for melt in the deep lunar interior and implications for lunar evolution (Invited)
- High frequency SO<SUB>2</SUB> flux measurements at Semeru volcano, Indonesia, using the SO<SUB>2</SUB> camera
- Highly explosive mafic eruptions from the interplay between high viscosity and low viscosity magma: the Sunset Crater (AZ, USA) eruption
- Hillslope Soils and Life (Invited)
- How well do surface offsets represent earthquake slip at depth?
- Hydrothermal Reactivity of Amines
- Identification of recently active faults and folds in Java, Indonesia
- Identifying Fossil Biosignatures and Minerals in Mars Analog Materials Using Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy
- Increasing the Impact of High-Resolution Lidar Topography Through Online Data Access and Processing
- Inferring deep biosphere function and diversity through (near) surface biosphere portals (Invited)
- Investigating the effect of external water on magma ascent dynamics with a new multiphase flow numerical model
- J-Earth: An Open Source GIS for Data Analysis and Remote Sensing
- Joint M3 and Diviner analysis of the mineralogy, glass composition, and country rock content of pyroclastic deposits in Oppenheimer Crater
- Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in volcanic clouds and their effects on ash dispersal
- LROC WAC 100 Meter Scale Photometrically Normalized Map of the Moon
- Landscape drivers, signatures, and erosion rates from the western Himalaya using detrital Beryllium-10
- Late Holocene Earthquake Behavior on Either Side of a Crustal-Scale Complexity Along the Central Altyn Tagh Fault, Xinjiang, China
- Leveraging High Resolution Topography for Education and Outreach: Updates to OpenTopography to make EarthScope and Other Lidar Datasets more Prominent in Geoscience Education
- Local Seismic Event Detection Using Image Processing Techniques
- Lonsdaleite has been used as an indicator of shock from cratering events, but does it exist?
- Mars Exploration Student Data Teams: Building Foundations and Influencing Students to Pursue STEM Careers through Experiences with Authentic Research
- Metamorphic Formation of Extraterrestrial Portlandite in the Sutter's Mill Meteorite (SM3)
- Modeling dilute pyroclastic density currents on Earth and Mars
- Multi-scale Characterization and Modeling of Surface Slope Probability Distribution for ~20-km Diameter Lunar Craters
- Near and Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of Bedrock and Sand in Dust-Covered Regions on Mars: Assessing Bedrock Mineralogy Through 'Windows' in the Dust
- Near field 3D displacement of El Mayor-Cupapah Earthquake: A hybrid approach. (Invited)
- Neon Diffusion in Titanite and Zircon and the Utility of These Minerals for (U-Th)/Ne Thermochronometry
- New Bulk Sulfur Measurements of Martian Meteorites - Implications for Sulfur Cycle on Mars
- Occurrence and Magnitude of High Reflectance Materials on the Moon
- On-Orbit Geometric Calibration of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera
- Ordinary Stoichiometry of Extraordinary Microbes
- Pan-Spectral Analysis of Classic Martian Low-Albedo Regions: Updates on the Nature and Distribution of Primary and Secondary Mineral Phases
- Phase transitions and Al partitioning in a pyrolitic MgO-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> composition at 16-31 GPa and 1500-2300 K
- Precipitation and evapotranspiration controls on event-scale runoff variability in the continental U.S
- Probing Hydrothermal Organic Reaction Mechanisms with Hydrothermal Photochemistry
- Quantifying Rates of Complete Microbial Iron Redox Cycling in Acidic Hot Springs
- Quantifying the temporal and spatial response of channel steepness to changes in rift basin architecture
- Recent Impacts on the Moon
- Reliable Quantitative Mineral Abundances of the Martian Surface using THEMIS
- Remote Identification of Pyroclastic Deposits on Mars and the Moon with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Remote Sensing of Arizona Monsoons: Application of GOES Infrared Imagery
- SPH Simulations of Volatiles Loss from Icy Satellites During a Late Heavy Bombardment
- Scaling up the Hydrologic Effects of Forest Thinning in Semi-Arid Basins of Arizona
- Seismic Tomography Reveals Breaking Crust and Lithosphere Beneath a Classic Orogen
- Shock-Induced Phase Transitions in the Martian Meteorite Tissint: Mechanisms and Constraints on Shock Pressure
- Silicate sulfidation and chemical differences between enstatite chondrites and Earth
- Solar radiation signature manifested on the spatial patterns of modeled soil moisture, vegetation, and topography using an ecohydro-geomorphic landscape evolution model
- Solving for the Surface: An Automated Approach to THEMIS Atmospheric Correction
- Tephrochronology of rare Plio-Pleistocene fossiferous strata in south-central Afar, Ethiopia
- The Enigmatic Bench Unit of Endeavour Crater Rim in Meridiani Planum, Mars
- The Kinetic Behavior of Benzaldehyde under Hydrothermal Conditions
- The Problem Life Solves (Invited)
- The role of waterfalls in controlling the style and pace of landscape adjustment
- Three dimensional morphology and dynamics of ultra-low velocity zones
- Three-and-a-Half Mars Years of Surface Albedo Changes Observed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter MARCI Investigation
- Transforming the Online Course
- Understanding highly explosive basaltic eruptions: Evidence from olivine-hosted melt inclusions from Sunset Crater, AZ
- Utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Rangeland Resources Monitoring in a Changing Regulatory Environment (Invited)
- A Robust and Fully-Automated Chromatographic Method for the Quantitative Purification of Ca and Sr for Isotopic Analysis
- Argus: An Io observer mission concept study from the 2014 NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer School
- Arne - Exploring the Mare Tranquillitatis Pit
- Astrobiobound! Search for Life in the Solar System: Scientists and Engineers Bringing their Challenges to K-12 Students
- Automatic Identification of Changes on the Lunar Surface and the Discovery of New Impact Craters
- Core to Atmosphere Exploration of Ice Giants: A Uranus Mission Concept Study
- Crystal Structure of Calcium Silicate Perovskite Synthesized under Water Saturated Conditions at Mantle Related Pressure-Temperature
- Discovery and Analysis of Intersecting Datasets: JMARS as a Comparative Science Platform
- Distribution of "Compound" and "Simple" Flows in the Deccan Traps (India)
- EarthScope Education and Outreach: Accomplishments and Emerging Opportunities
- Earthscope National Office Education and Outreach Program: 2014 Update on Broader-Impacts Activities and Outcomes
- Empirical Photometric Normalization for the Seven Band UV-VIS Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera
- Evaluating virtual STEM mentoring programs: The experience
- Evidence of Arc Magma Genesis in a Paleo-Mantle Wedge, the Higashi-Akaishi Peridotite, Japan
- Exhumation of the Argentine Andes, 32°- 34° S: detrital (U-Th)/He and U-Pb zircon double dating
- Fault Dislocation Modeling of Tectonic Landforms in Mare Frigoris
- Increasing Impact of Coursework Through Deep Analytics
- Insights into Surface Manifestation of Aseismic vs. Coseismic Strike-Slip Faulting from UAV Imagery of Creep-Induced Surface Fracturing Along the Central San Andreas Fault
- Interrogating Commonly Applied Initial Condition Assumptions in Geospeedometry using NanoSIMS
- Llsvp
- Melting Processes at the Base of the Mantle Wedge: Melt Compositions and Melting Reactions for the First Melts of Vapor-Saturated Lherzolite
- NASA's Planetary Science E/PO Forum: Reflections on Five Years of Effort to Support an E/PO Community
- OpenTopography: Addressing Big Data Challenges Using Cloud Computing, HPC, and Data Analytics
- Outreach Opportunities for Early Career Scientists at the Phoenix ComiCon
- Physiology and phylogeny of the candidate phylum "Atribacteria" (formerly OP9/JS1) inferred from single-cell genomics and metagenomics
- Possible Triggering of the Largest Deccan Traps Eruptions By the Chicxulub Impact
- Preliminary Results from the AIDP-2 and AIDP-3 Drill Cores Hint at Systematic Mo Enrichments in the ~2.65 Ga Roy Hill Shale
- Small Fault Scarps on Mercury Detected in Low-Altitude MESSENGER Images
- Tectonic Geomorphology of the Hanging Wall Blocks of the Cimandiri Fault Zone, West Java, Indonesia
- The 2013-2014 Effusive Eruption of Sinabung Volcano, Sumatra, Indonesia: Satellite Thermal Observations and Ground-Based Photogrammetry of a Growing Lava Lobe
- The Effects of Particle Size, Relative Humidity, and Sulfur Dioxide on Iron Solubility in Atmospheric Particulate Matter
- Tracing Bering Sea Circulation With Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Isotopes During the Pleistocene
- Understanding Landscape Exhumation from Apatite He Age Data Dispersion: An Example from the Ethiopian Plateau, East Africa
- Uranium Isotope Fractionation During Coprecipitation with Aragonite and Calcite
- Using Li Diffusion to Track Thermal Histories within Single Zircon Crystals
- Virtual Exploration of Earth's Evolution
- Visualizing Earth and Planetary Remote Sensing Data Using JMARS
- iVFTs - immersive virtual field trips for interactive learning about Earth's environment.
- 4D map of the Kilauea summit shallow magmatic system constrained by InSAR time series and geometry-free inversions
- An Update to the EARTHTIME Argon Intercalibration Pipette System (APIS): Smoking from the Same Pipe
- Boron Isotopic Compositions of High-Pressure Hydrous Phases from the Slab-Mantle Wedge Interface
- Characterization of Landslide Geometry and Motion near Black Canyon City, Arizona
- Complex Explosive Volcanic Activity on the Moon in Oppenheimer Crater
- Constraining planetary atmospheric density: application of heuristic search algorithms to aerodynamic modeling of impact ejecta trajectories
- Constraining timescales of pre-eruptive events within large silicic volcanic centers
- Continuous Bombardment: Effect of Small Primary and Secondary Impacts on the Lunar Regolith
- Creep avalanches on the Central San Andreas Fault: Clues and Causes
- Data-Driven Design: Learning from Student Experiences and Behaviors
- Deep and shallow sources for the Lusi mud eruption revealed by surface deformation
- Developing a Metal Proxy for the Rise of Early Terrestrial Life
- Development and Applications of Thallium isotopes: a new proxy tracking the extent of manganese oxide burial
- Development of Clinopyroxene as an Igneous Geospeedometer Using NanoSIMS
- EarthScope National Office (ESNO) Education and Outreach Program and its Broader Impacts: 2015 Update and Handoff to the Next ESNO
- Eruption cycles in a basaltic andesite system: insights from numerical modeling
- Evidence of Multiple Ground-rupturing Earthquakes in the Past 4000 Years along the Pasuruan Fault, East Java, Indonesia
- Experimental Evidence for Fast Lithium Diffusion and Isotope Fractionation in Water-bearing Rhyolitic Melts at Magmatic Conditions
- Experimental Investigation of the Electrical Anisotropy of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System
- Experimental Parameters for Wax Modeling of the Deccan Traps Flood Basalt Province
- Exploring the Variability of Late Cenozoic Exhumation Rates across the Himalayan Rain Shadow
- Extreme landscape disequilibrium and slow erosion during rapid mountain building
- Geochemical evidence for pre- and syn-rifting lithospheric foundering in the East African Rift System
- Geochemistry, thermal evolution, and cryovolcanism on Ceres with a muddy ice mantle
- Geology, Geochronology, and EarthScope: The EarthScope AGeS Program and a new idea for a 4D Earth Initiative
- High Spatial Resolution <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology of Impact Melt Breccias from Apollo 17 Boulders at Stations 2, 6, and 7
- Insights Into the Mineralogic Diversity of Lower Mount Sharp Units from Mars Science Laboratory Mastcam Multispectral Observations
- Insights into Surface Manifestation of Aseismic vs. Coseismic Strike-Slip Faulting from UAV Imagery of Creep-Induced Surface Fracturing Along the Central San Andreas Fault
- Integrated Laser Ablation U/Pb and (U-Th)/He Dating of Detrital Accessory Minerals from the Naryani River, Central Nepal
- Inverse Modeling of Wrinkle Ridge Structures on the Moon and Mars
- Iron Partitioning and Oxidation State in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Keck Near-Infrared AO Observation of Io in 2011
- Low Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> in Bridgmanite and Possible Existence of an Oxidizing Layer in the Mid Mantle
- Low-Temperature Thermochronology Applied to Constrain the Multi-Episodic Thermotectonic Evolution of the Southeastern Continental Margin of Brazil
- New chronometers for the metamorphism of ophiolitic rocks: <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar neptunite and <SUP>232</SUP>Th/<SUP>208</SUP>Pb joaquinite
- Operational System for Estimating Compaction of Arctic Glacial Firn and Surface Mass Balance
- Oxidative Weathering of Archean Sulfides: Implications for the Great Oxidation Event
- Pleistocene onset of Simultaneous and Rapid Exhumation in the Eastern Central Range of the Taiwan Orogenic Belt
- Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer
- Post-Earthquake Geology in the ERA of Ubiquitous Point Clouds
- Recent Mastcam and MAHLI Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations: Pahrump Hills to Marias Pass
- Rejuvenation of shallow-crustal silicic magma bodies at Augustine and Hayes volcanoes, Alaska
- Revisiting the Atmospheric Rise Heights of Volcanic Eruption Plumes on Mars
- Secular Variation in the Storage and Dissipation of Elastic Strain Energy Along the Central Altyn Tagh Fault (86-88.5°E), NW China
- Seismic detection of oceanic crust in Earth's lower mantle and its relation to large-scale mantle structure
- Setting A Stopwatch for Post-Caldera Effusive Rhyolite Eruptions at Yellowstone caldera, Wyoming
- Spatiotemporal distribution of strain field and hydraulic conductivity at the Phoenix valley basins, constrained using InSAR time series and time-dependent models
- Surface Albedo Variations Across Opportunity's Traverse in Meridiani Planum
- Surface response of blind thrust shown from high resolution topographic data and updated geochronology at Wheeler Ridge, CA
- Surface uplift and time-dependent seismic hazard due to fluid-injection in eastern Texas
- TA sub-array measurements of SmKS ray parameters to determine lower mantle influence
- Tephrochronology of the East African Baringo-Tugen Hills Cores: Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP)
- Thallium Isotopes Tracking Mn-Oxide Burial - A Proxy for Deoxygenation During Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
- The Distribution and Extent of Lunar Swirls
- The Ongoing Lava Flow Eruption of Sinabung Volcano (Sumatra, Indonesia): Observations from Structure-from-Motion and Satellite Remote Sensing
- The Plumbing System of a Highly Explosive Basaltic Volcano: Sunset Crater, AZ
- The development of small-scale convection below evolving oceanic plates
- The first long-term and continuous measurements of firn mass-balance and compaction on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The telltale shapes of small lunar craters at the Apollo 16 and 17 landing sites
- Thermal and exhumation history of the central Tianshan (NW China): Constraints by U-Pb geochronology and Ar-Ar and (U-Th)/He thermochronology
- Toward Improvements in Inter-laboratory Calibration of Argon Isotope Measurements
- Transitions in Lava Emplacement Recorded in the Deccan Traps Sequence (India)
- Trojan Tour and Rendezvous (TTR): A New Frontiers Mission to Explore the Origin and Evolution of the Early Solar System
- Un-Earth-like interiors of the Earth-like planets
- Updated Long Term Fault Slip Rates and Seismic Hazard in the Central Alborz, Iran: New Constraints From InSAR and GPS
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors
- Uranium Isotopes in Calcium Carbonate: A Possible Proxy for Paleo-pH and Carbonate Ion Concentration?
- Urban Futures - Innovation Engines or Slums? A Stellar Evolution Model of Urban Growth
- A Progress Report to the EARTHTIME Argon Inter-Calibration Pipette System (APSI): Still Smoking from the Same Pipe
- A community dataspace for distribution and processing of "long tail" high resolution topography data
- Airflow Dynamics and Sand Transport over a Coastal Foredune with Large Woody Debris.
- Assessing Complex Learning Objectives through Analytics
- Assessing Student Attitudes Towards Science in an Adaptive Online Astrobiology Course: Comparing Online and On-Campus Undergraduates
- Astronaut Bones: Stable Calcium Isotopes in Urine as a Biomarker of Bone Mineral Balance
- Challenges in understanding strain localization and deformation at different spatiotemporal scales - examples from the north-central Tien Shan and northern Pamir, Central Asia
- Clinopyroxene Diffusion Chronometry of the Scaup Lake Rhyolite, Yellowstone Caldera, WY
- Compaction-induced elevated pore pressure and creep pulsing in California faults
- Comparison of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for geomorphic change detection in beach-dune systems.
- Complementary Research on Student Geoscience Learning at Grand Canyon by Means of In-situ and Virtual Modalities
- Continuous measurements of surface mass balance, firn compaction, and meltwater retention in Greenland for altimetry validation.
- Critical Elements for Successful Implementation and Adoption of Authentic Scientific Research Programs: Lessons Learned from NASA's Mars Student Imaging Project
- Depth variations of friction rate parameter derived from dynamic modeling of GPS afterslip associated with the 2003 Mw 6.5 Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan
- Detailed Mapping of Historical and Preinstrumental Earthquake Ruptures in Central Asia Using Multi-Scale, Multi-Platform Photogrammetry
- Development and Evaluation of a Fully-Online Introductory Biology Course With an Emphasis on the Possibility of Life Beyond Earth
- Diagenetic Effects on Uranium Isotope Fractionation in Carbonate Sediments from the Bahamas
- Different behavioral patterns of success for men and women in an online introductory science course: Addressing the course grade gender gap
- Different mechanisms for acid weathering of crystalline basalt vs. basaltic glass and implications for detection on Mars
- Distribution of iron oxides in lower Mt. Sharp from Curiosity and orbital datasets, and implications for their formation
- Evaluating Metrics of Drainage Divide Mobility
- Evaluating the Role of Divide Migration in Landscape Evolution: Analysis of Response Timescales
- Evaluating the utility of detrital thermochronometric studies: detrital laser ablation (U-Th)/He dating and conventional bedrock zircon (U-Th)/He analyses from the eastern Sierra Nevada, California
- Expanding the Impact of Photogrammetric Topography Through Improved Data Archiving and Access
- Experimental Determinations of the Fate of Subduction Zone Fluids and Melts at the Base of the Mantle Wedge Highlight the Similarity of First Melts of Vapor-Saturated Lherzolite and Slab Eclogite
- Forest Fires as a Possible Source of Isotopically Light Marine Fe Aerosols
- Geologic Stratigraphy, Delta Morphology, and Regional History of Hypanis Delta, Mars
- HabEx: Finding and characterizing Habitable Exoplanets with a potential future flagship astrophysics mission
- High-resolution photometric observations of swirls from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- How does the 2010 El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake Rupture Connect to the Southern California Plate Boundary Fault System
- I Assumed You Knew: Teaching Assumptions as Co-Equal to Observations in Scientific Work
- Identifying Icy Chaos and Chaotic Regions on Europa in Low-resolution Images Using a Statistical Approach
- Immersive, interactive virtual field trips promote learning
- Importance of strategy in social media: getting the most out of your post
- Improved Understanding of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Solubility in Alkali Basalts at Mid-Crustal Pressures
- Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma Affects Shallow Groundwater
- Inter-comparison of the Gold, Platinum, and MgO Pressure Scalesup to 145 GPa and 2,500 K
- Investigation of neotectonic deformation in the eastern part of the Caucasus Intermountain Area, Kura Fold-Thrust Belt, Georgia
- Irregular Mare Patches (IMPs): 100 Ma or 3 Ga?
- Lateral Variability of Lava flow Morphologies in the Deccan Traps Large Igneous Province (India)
- Lava Flow Alteration at Craters of the Moon, Idaho, as an Analog for Microbial Habitat on Mars
- Linking Immersive Virtual Field Trips with an Adaptive Learning Platform
- MSL/Mastcam Multispectral Observations of Lower Mt. Sharp Units: Spectral Evidence of Distinct Alteration Environments
- Mapping Ejecta Thickness Around Small Lunar Craters
- Massive Impact-Induced Release of Carbon and Sulfur Gases in the Early Earth's Atmosphere
- Measuring scientific reasoning through behavioral analysis in a computer-based problem solving exercise
- New Approaches for Identifying the P-T-X-t Histories and Eruption Triggers for Silicic Magmas; An Example Examining the Scaup Lake Rhyolite, Yellowstone Caldera, WY
- New Laboratory Technique to Determine Thermal Conductivity of Complex Regolith Simulants Under High Vacuum
- New Temperature and H<SUB>2</SUB>O estimates for Post Caldera Yellowstone Rhyolite Lavas from Feldspar Geothermometry and Rhyolite-MELTS Modeling
- On the usefulness of optical maturity for relative age classification of fresh craters
- Petrologic Insights into the Triggering Mechanism for the Lava Creek Tuff Super-Eruption, Yellowstone Caldera, WY
- Probing the lower mantle composition and thermal structure: Insights from D``
- Quantifying large scale deformation and aquifer properties over Central Valley, California using a combination of InSAR, GPS and hydraulic head level data
- Re-assessing the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of Pre-GOE Seawater: Evidence for Dynamic Ocean Redox
- Reconciling "Whiffs" of O2 with the Archean MIF S Record: Insights from Sulfide Oxidation Experiments
- Relict basin closure accommodates continental convergence with minimal crustal shortening or deceleration of plate motion as inferred from detrital zircon provenance in the Caucasus
- Seasonal Beach-dune Morphodynamics and Sediment Budget Responses to Erosive Events Derived Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).
- Solubility of Nitrogen in Stishovite: A Possible Storage Mechanism for Nitrogen in Earth's Deep Mantle
- Sparsity-promoting inversion for modeling of irregular volcanic deformation source
- Spin and Valence Dependence of Iron Partitioning in Earth's Deep Mantle
- Stress dependence of hydraulic properties: case studies from US and New Zealand
- Sustained Changes in Water Storage in the Western U.S: Toward a Determination Integrating GPS, GRACE, (and InSAR)
- Testing the shorter and variable recurrence interval hypothesis along the Cholame segment of the San Andreas Fault
- The Anthropocene: A Planetary Perspective
- The Exploration Connection
- The Influence of Stratigraphic History on Landscape Evolution
- The Turbulent Diffusivity of Convective Overshoot
- The alkaline volcanic rocks of Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho and the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater, Mars
- The case of the missing vent: lessons in lava flow interpretation from Highway Flow, Craters of the Moon, Idaho
- The disruption of H and L ordinary chondrite parent bodies at 60 Ma
- Thermal Inertia Variations from Recent Gully and Mass Wasting Activity in Gasa Crater, Mars
- Towards Improving Seismic Constraints on the Deep Lunar Interior
- Trace element investigation of tephras from the Ledi-Geraru paleontological site in Afar, Ethiopia
- Uranium isotope evidence for the abrupt onset of oceanic anoxia during the end-Guadalupian mass extinction
- Volatile and elemental co-variations in multiply sourced Icelandic magmas: new evidence from olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- Wax Modeling and Image Analysis for Classroom-Scale Lava Flow Simulations.
- What do we Really Know About the Origins of Banded Iron Formations?
- What the flux? Deriving empirical estimates of riverine Mo fluxes over Earth history
- A Revised Clinopyroxene-Liquid Geothermometer for Silicic Igneous Systems with Applications to Diffusion Chronometry of the Scaup Lake Rhyolite, Yellowstone Caldera, WY
- A massive hydrogen-rich Martian greenhouse recorded in D/H
- Arctic Ice Management: an integrated approach to climate engineering
- Build a Catastrophe: Using Digital World and Policy Models to Engage Political Science Students with Climate Change
- Building effective learning experiences around visualizations: NASA Eyes on the Solar System and Infiniscope
- Constraining the redox landscape of the mid-Proterozoic oceans: new insights from the carbonate uranium isotope record
- Coupled Fe and multiple-S isotope systematics of pyrite and evidence of increasing atmospheric oxygen in 2.5 Ga sediments of the Kaapvaal Craton
- Demonstrating the Value of Education Through Exploration as a Theory of Digital Design
- Depth of maturity in the Moon's regolith
- Detecting Kerogen as a Biosignature Using Co-located UV Time-Gated Raman and Fuorescence Spectroscopy
- Developing Tighter Constraints on Exoplanet Biosignatures by Modeling Atmospheric Haze
- Developing a Hygrometer for Water-Undersaturated Lherzolite Melts
- Development of a Model of Geophysical and Geochemical Controls on Abiotic Carbon Cycling on Earth-Like Planets
- Discovering Parameters for Ancient Mars Atmospheric Profiles by Modeling Volcanic Eruptions
- Earth analog image digitization of field, aerial, and lab experiment studies for Planetary Data System archiving.
- Ethnogeological Cultural Model of Karst Derived from Traditional Knowledge in Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic
- Experimental Constraints on Iron Mobilization into Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Experimental Constraints on the Melting Behavior of an Mg-Rich Exoplanetary Mantle
- Exploring the story, science, and adventure of small worlds
- Fe-Mg partitioning in Al-bridgmanite and ferropericlase and deviations from exchange equilibrium
- Finding actionable data to support student success in introductory science courses
- Fluid-mediated redox transfer in subduction zones: Measuring the intrinsic fO<SUB>2</SUB> of slab fluids in the lab
- Foredune morphodynamics and seasonal sediment budget patterns at Humboldt Bay, Arcata, California.
- Global Albedo Variations on Mars from Recent MRO/MARCI and Other Space-Based Observations
- Heterogeneous distribution of water in the mantle transition zone beneath United States inferred from seismic observations
- High-Precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating of the Deccan Traps
- Impact Craters: Size-Dependent Degration Rates
- Incorporation of Calcium in Bridgmanite in the Deep Mantle.
- Influence of precipitating light elements on stable stratification below the core/mantle boundary
- Investigating the relationship between seismicity and fluid injection in the Barnett Shale, Texas using coupled poroelastic model and surface deformation data
- Learning outcomes of in-person and virtual field-based geoscience instruction at Grand Canyon National Park: complementary mixed-methods analyses
- Looking Forward - A Next Generation of Thermal Infrared Planetary Instruments
- Measurements of Regolith Simulant Thermal Conductivity Under Asteroid and Mars Surface Conditions
- Melt Inclusion Constraints on the Evolving Volatile Budget of the Deccan Traps
- Molybdenum isotopes reveal oxidation of Earth's continental crust during the 2.4 Ga Great Oxidation Event
- Nano-Scale Structure of Twin Boundaries in Shocked Zircon from the Vredefort Impact Structure.
- No Solutions: Resisting Certainty in Water Supply Management
- Proposed Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research: Articulating a Community Research Agenda
- Psyche Mission: Scientific Models and Instrument Selection
- Reconstructing an Explosive Basaltic Eruption in the Pinacate Volcanic Field, NW Sonora, Mexico
- Redox Evolution in Magma Oceans Due to Ferric/Ferrous Iron Partitioning
- Regional Stratigraphy from Stereo Imaging near the Hypanis Fan Deposit: Marking the Extent of the Largest Delta on Mars?
- Sentinel-1 TOPS Multitemporal Interferometry for Monitoring Slow Ground Motions Associated with Tectonic and Hydrological Processes
- Surveying the Lunar Surface for New Craters with Mini-RF/Goldstone X-Band Bistatic Observations
- Systemic swings in end-Permian environments from Siberian Traps carbon and sulfur outgassing
- Taking Yellowstone's Temperature: a New Clinopyroxene Geothermometer to Improve Timescales of Pre-eruptive Events
- Teaching about the Earth Online: Faculty-Sourced Guidance from InTeGrate
- Thallium isotopes track fluctuations in global manganese oxide burial during the Ediacaran Period
- The Devil in the Dark: A Fully Self-Consistent Seismic Model for Venus
- The Inferred Distribution of Liquid Water in Europa's Ice Shell: Implications for the Europa Lander Mission
- The effects of trace element content on pyrite oxidation rates
- Toward Assessing the Causes of Volcanic Diversity in the Cascades Arc
- Triggering of the Largest Deccan Eruptions and Other Possible Geophysical Effects of the M<SUB>w</SUB> 11 Chicxulub Impact
- Tsé na'alkaah: Weaving Native and Mainstream Earth and Environmental Science into Place-Based Teacher Professional Development on the Colorado Plateau
- UV Reflectance of Jupiter's Moon Europa and Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Uranium isotope fractionation in biogenic carbonates: biological effects
- Using thallium isotopes in the 2.63 Ga Jeerinah Formation from Hamersley Basin, Western Australia, to constrain ancient seafloor oxygenation
- Why We Need to Have Broad-Based Societal Discussions of the Governance of Geoengineering, at national and international levels, starting with scientists and increasingly with policy makers?
- A Matter of Time: The Coupled Role of Stellar Abundances, Exoplanet Radiogenic Heat Budgets and Climatic Evolution
- Adapting 3D Visualizations to Meet the Needs of Educators in Earth and Space Sciences
- Aerosol Particle Changes in the Atmosphere and their Effects on Optical Properties and Climate
- Antibacterial clays: From ancient uses to modern medicine
- Autonomous Mapping of Surface Features on Mars
- Basal Magma Ocean Dynamo as the Origin of the Ancient Lunar Magnetic Field
- Basin assessment scenario intervention tool: Integrated groundwater surface water modeling and management for the Indus Basin
- Biological effects on uranium isotope fractionation in primary biogenic carbonates
- Biosignature Preservation Potential in a Playa Evaporite Mars Analog Field Site: Impacts of Diagenesis and Implications for Mars Exploration
- Blowout development and expansion and the implications for coastal bio-geomorphic change
- Can we manage Earth's future?
- Carbonatites and the Isotopic Composition of Flood Basalt Carbon
- Co-existing Discrete Bodies of Rhyolite and Punctuated Volcanism Characterize Yellowstone's Post-Caldera Evolution
- Collaborative Workforce Training in Geoscience and Social Science for Natural-Hazards Preparedness and Mitigation (HazPM)
- Comparing Doublet Craters on Vesta and Ceres to Investigate Binary Asteroid Differences Between Inner and Intermediate Zones of the Main Belt
- Coupled atmosphere-magma ocean modelling of the evolution of nitrogen on early Venus
- DBSCAN Hyperparameter Tuning for the Planet Four Citizen Science Project
- Decomposition of Amino Acids in Water with Application to Enceladus and other Ocean Worlds.
- Depth variations of fault friction parameter derived from dynamic modeling of GPS afterslip associated with the 2003 Mw 6.5 Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan
- Determining the Crustal Storage History of Mt. Shasta Primitive Magnesian Andesite to Assess Magmatic Ascent Rates
- Early Deccan Traps CO<SUB>2</SUB> Budget & Degassing History Constrained from Melt Inclusions
- Effect of Planetary Redox Conditions on Key Carbon Cycling Processes
- Extreme Measures: The Pressure and Temperature Phase Space of Rocky Super-Earths
- Ferrobasalt from the Snake River Plain and its utility as a spectral planetary analog
- Field evidence for coal combustion links the 252 My-old Siberian Traps with global carbon disruption
- Foredune dynamics after vegetation disturbance and re-establishment: Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
- Formation and chemical properties of tar balls from biomass burning
- Geochemistry of the Samail ophiolite mantle section drilled at Oman Drilling Project Holes BA1B, BA3A and BA4A (Batin area, Oman Drilling Project Phase 2)
- Geomorphic Map of the Catchment of Hypanis and Nanedi Valles, Mars
- Grand Challenges for Future Research on Diverse Instructional Strategies to Improve Geoscience Learning
- How low can you Mo?: Reevaluating molybdenum limitation in Precambrian oceans
- Hydrogen and Sulfur in Metallic Iron at High Pressure and High Temperature and Implications for the Cores of Earth and Mars
- Identifying subsurface biologically-mediated processes occurring during modern water/rock interaction in the Samail ophiolite
- Imaging Earth's lowermost mantle with a global data set of diffracted shear waves
- Improving Student Outcomes Through Informed Use of Learning Analytics
- Investigating a link between scalloped depressions and topography in Utopia Planitia on Mars
- Karst Ethnogeology in Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic: Local Interpretations of Features and Processes
- Land Subsidence, Groundwater Loss and Aquifer Storage Reduction in California's Central Valley During 2007-2010 and 2012-2016 Droughts
- Measuring coseismic deformation with differential topography in undergraduate geoscience courses
- Modelling responses of a foredune barrier complex to climate change and sea-level rise impacts: insights from Humboldt Bay, northern California
- Moon Diver: A Discovery Mission Concept for Understanding Planetary Flood Basalts through the Exploration of a Lunar Mare Cross-Section
- Multichronometer studies of terrestrial impact sites inform best practices for extraterrestrial studies
- My child just built a radio and we hear music!
- Natural Next Questions: How to Teach and Measure Problem-Solving in the Classroom
- Online Geoscience Offline
- Periodic Slow Slip Events and Their Interactions with Megathrust Earthquakes on Northeast Japan Subduction Zone
- Petrogenesis of the Higashi-Akaishi Peridotite Body, Japan
- Physics-Based Forecasting of Time, Magnitude, and Probability of Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma
- Planetary Interiors As a Control for Habitability
- Planetary oxidation and abiotic O2 atmospheres
- Probabilistic Mapping of Water Bodies Using Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Pseudocarbynes: Progenitors for Complex Organic Molecules in the Outer Solar System
- Science curiosity can predict success in science courses
- Seeking Signs of Life in Ancient Martian Hot Springs.
- Size-scaling of shapes for fresh lunar craters
- Slow Slip Events on the San Andreas Fault Caused by Episodic Pore Pressure Elevation
- Splotches probe the regolith!
- Student-produced digital media to address misconceptions for multiple online audiences with an adaptive learning platform
- Subsidence along the Gulf and Atlantic coast of the United States exacerbates ocean inundation of the land produced by sea level rise
- The Effect of Aquifer Compaction and Groundwater Unloading on Crustal Stress Change in California During the 2007-2010 Drought
- The M7 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, Earthquake: Surface Strain in the Fault Damage Zone and Shallow Fault Slip Revealed with Near-Field Geodetic Imagery
- The OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer (OTES) Instrument
- Thermophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Data
- Towards an operational network for continuous measurements of Surface Mass Balance and related firn processes over the interior of Greenland and Antarctica
- Training educators to build and modify adaptive digital learning experiences
- Tycho: Next Generation Lunar Mobile Human Exploration
- Using satellite remote sensing to quantify the impact of groundwater on dryland ecosystems' resilience globally
- Web-based Topographic Differencing of High Resolution Topography Data
- Were valley networks the drainage pathways of an ancient ice sheet on early Mars?
- What kinds of digital learning experiences do educators want?
- A collaborative design and implementation strategy for a geohazards planning and mitigation undergraduate certificate
- A platform to estimate physical properties and thermal evolution pathways of exoplanet interiors
- Autonomous Technologies to Support Lunar Exploration
- Biogeosciences Beyond: Inventing a Science of Living Worlds
- Building a mission to an unknown body: Constraints on the composition and formation of (16) Psyche
- Challenges in High-Pressure Experiments on Hydrogen in Iron Alloys - Discrepancies among Hydrogen Sources
- Characterization of the Effects of Anisothermality on OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data
- Chemical Reaction Between Silicon Carbide and Water and its Implication for the Stability of Carbide Exo-Planets
- Class Separability of Land Cover Change Events from Multispectral Satellite Image Time-Series
- Combining Eyes on the Solar System, a rich narrative, and adaptive feedback to teach Solar and Lunar eclipses
- Comparison of Long-Term Exhumation Rates from Modern Detrital Thermochronology with Cosmogenic Erosion Rates in the Greater Caucasus Mountains
- Considering Intergroup Emotions to Improve Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences
- Consumers to creators: Reducing the barrier of entry for educators to customize digital learning experiences
- Decompression Rates of Primitive Magnesian Andesite at Mt. Shasta, California
- Discrimination Among Isotopic Components of Boron in Phlogopitic Mica at the 100 ng/g Level Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Do the Compositions of Rocky Exoplanets Reflect their Star's Refractory Abundances?
- Ecohydrological and biogeochemical dynamics of urban stormwater in arid central Arizona
- Energetic origins of the Anthropocene: modeling human abundance, distribution and energy use in space and time
- Eruptive Style Transition at La Fossa Cone, Vulcano Island, Italy
- Evaluating the maturity of the Martian valley networks using models of fluvial erosion
- Evidence for water-rock interaction in VNIR and TIR spectra of B-type asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Evolution of the Steam Atmosphere and Early Oxidation of the Silicate Earth
- Experimental Determination of Rocky Exoplanet Crust Compositions
- Gamifying Virtual Exploration of the Past 350 Million Years of Vertebrate Evolution
- Geological and Astrobiological Considerations for Narrowband Science Filters on a Landed Multispectral Imaging System on Europa
- Heart of Stone: The open-source mass-radius calculator, ExoPlex, phase diagrams and adiabats for Exoplanets across a wide range of compositions
- How (not) to lose communication with your submersible on Europa: An experimental study for characterizing the shear performance of tethers under confinement in ice
- Interannual and Seasonal Albedo Variations for CO<SUB>2</SUB> ice, H<SUB>2</SUB>O ice, and Regolith in the South Polar Regions of Mars
- Intern Experience in the Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE) Program.
- Interplay Between Shear at the Base of Volcanic Clouds and Ash Sedimentation
- Interpreting the Petrogenetic History of Martian Volcanic Rocks using Thermal Emission Spectroscopy and Thermodynamic Calculations of Phase Equilibria
- Intrepid: Lunar Roving Prospector
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Linking carbon exchanges to watershed dynamics in a mixed shrubland of the Chihuahuan Desert
- Linking hydrous mineral chemistry to fluid speciation in the subduction channel
- Low Melting Temperatures of Anhydrous and Hydrous Mantle Materials at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Mapping mantle heterogeneities through redox state
- Mars on the Mall: Bringing the Walk on Mars Program to the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
- Metagenomic signatures of microbial growth and trophic strategy in a whole-ecosystem nutrient enrichment experiment
- Microenvironments of Habitability in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert
- Middle Paleozoic global-ocean redox trends based on uranium isotopes from marine limestones and their relationship to paleobiologic, carbon-cycle, and climatic changes
- Mixed-fluid (H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB>) Solubility of Basalts at Mid-crustal Pressures: Understanding the Role of Alkalis
- Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Arc Settings: Implications for the Distribution of Mo in the Continental Crust
- NASA's Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE) Program: A Mentor-based Model Enabling Diverse Undergraduate Students to Succeed in Space Science and Engineering at Scale
- Narrowing the Gap Between Early Deccan Traps CO2 Outgassing and pre-KPB Global Climate
- Observations and Modeling of Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration in Irrigated Urban Parks of a Desert City
- On-Demand 3D topographic differencing hosted by OpenTopography
- Opportunities for Increased Data Return through Coordinated Instrument Observations on Europa Clipper
- Preparing for EMIRS: Utilizing TES Aerobraking Observations to Assess the Uncertainty in Measurements Due to Altering Parameters.
- Reassessing long-term exhumation rates in magmatic terranes: An example from the Central Andes
- So Creepy: Creep in the Lunar Procellarum KREEP Terrane
- Spatial-Temporal Trends in Deccan Volcanism
- Teaching and learning about Earth science and sustainability with student-created virtual field trips
- The Arizona State University Space Technology and Science ("NewSpace") Initiative: Enhancing and Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships Between the Academic and Commercial Space Sectors
- The Europa Clipper: Science and Mission
- The Great Oxidation Event: An Inside Job?
- The Interactions Between Subducted Slabs and Mantle Transition Zone: A Statistical Analysis
- The MILO Space Science Institute and Smallsat Missions to Explore the Diversity of Near-Earth Asteroids
- The Mars Sample Return Campaign: Engaging with the Public in a Historic Endeavor to Answer "Big Questions" about Mars
- The Solubility of Uranium in Bridgmanite in the Earth's Lower Mantle.
- The biogeosciences are a critical step on the path toward detecting life on exoplanets
- The stability and collapse of lava domes: insight from UAS-derived 4D structure and slope stability models
- ThermoSNCC: a free tool for modeling condensation sequences
- Time Evolution of Trace Gasses, Aerosols, and Their Optical Properties in Nine Wildfire Plumes Sampled During the BBOP Field Campaign
- Tornado Damage Detection Utilizing Unpiloted Autonomous Systems, Structure from Motion, and Deep Neural Networks
- Tracking the accumulation of O<SUB>2</SUB> in Archean oceans using thallium and molybdenum isotopes
- Using Institutional Analysis of Grades to Assess Equity of Outcomes in Online and In-Person Science Courses
- Using computer learning analytics to support learning design, evaluation, and teaching
- What controls the morphology of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces
- Aligning Place-Based Geoscience Teaching with the ICAP Framework of Cognitive Engagement for Enhanced Active Learning
- Apophis Pathfinder: The MILO Space Science Institute's Smallsat Mission to Investigate the Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (99942) Apophis
- Application of Satellite Products in Surface Hydrological Modeling of the Colorado River Basin
- Assessing instabilities and associated spectra in regions of gravity wave breakdown using high-resolution sodium Lidar
- Assessing the Importance of Iron Photo-oxidation on Ancient Earth and Beyond
- Big Data Approaches to Statistically Characterizing Biochemistries in the Context of their Planetary Environment
- Big data approaches: Chemical complexity as a theoretical basis for life detection
- Biosignature Preservation in Subsurface Serpentinizing Systems
- Comparing Doublet Craters on the Moon and Mercury to Characterize the Abundance of Binary Asteroids Across the Inner Solar System
- Creep along the Central San Andreas Fault from Surface Fractures, Topographic Differencing, and InSAR
- Democratizing Virtual Field Trips: Teaching Learners to Create Their Own Virtual Field Trips for Earth and Space Science and Sustainability
- Design Elements for Place-Based Geoscience Teaching
- Emergence of Chiral Characteristics across Biochemical Networks on Earth
- Emirates Mars Mission 2020: Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS) Overview
- Enhanced Google Earth Web (eGEW): GeoTrips and GeoExplorations
- Extreme Discharges and Thresholds of Boulder Mobility in Steep Mountainous Streams on Maui, Hawai'i
- Gamifying virtual exploration of the past 350 million years of vertebrate evolution
- Geochemistry as a Tool for Magnetic Induction, Gravity, and Seismology in Icy Ocean Worlds
- Giant Impact Origin for the Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces
- Gravity Wave, Planetary Wave, and Tidal Activity in the Arctic Stratosphere and Mesosphere in Winter 2018-2019 and Winter 2019-2020
- Hillslope morphology drives variability of detrital <SUP>10</SUP>Be erosion rates in steep landscapes
- How a Low-Cost Arduino System can Start a New Project and Save an International Field Season
- Hydrogen Investigation of Asteroid Regolith Analogs Murchison and Aguas Zarcas in Anticipation of Asteroid Sample Returns
- Increased Temperatures Overwhelm Precipitation Changes Leading to Streamflow Declines in the Colorado River Basin
- Intrepid: Traversing 4 Billion Years of Lunar History
- JMARS Augmented and Virtual Reality Experiences for Planetary Research, Education, and Collaboration
- Linking watershed water balance dynamics to carbon fluxes in two woody-plant encroached ecosystems in the southwestern US
- Mineral Abundances in Weathered Rocks from the South Mountains of Arizona using Thermal Infrared Emission Spectroscopy and Spectral Mixture Analysis
- NASA's Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE) Program: Enabling Hands-on Workforce Preparation for Diverse Undergraduate STEM Students at Scale
- New Fe isotope insights into the oxidation history of a Neoarchean Earth
- New Frontiers in Microanalytical Noble Gas Geochronology and Thermochronology
- Novelty and Discovery Content Analysis Methods for the Planetary Data System Image Atlas
- Ocean Acidification in the Southern Indian Ocean between 1994, 2007 and 2018.
- Preparing for EMIRS: Utilizing the EMIRS Simulator to Help Develop a Retrieval Algorithm for Aerosols in Mars Atmosphere.
- Preparing for Student Co-creation of Virtual Contexts for Exploring and Learning In And About Local Places in Environmental Education
- Redox Revolutions on Earth and Beyond: Implications for Life Detection on Extrasolar Worlds
- Robotics and AI weave surface process narratives from rock geomorphology
- Scaling urban densities globally do not show economies of scale: Implications for contact rates
- Secular oxidation of the mantle decreased the proportion of reducing gases in volcanic emissions and could trigger the atmospheric oxygenation
- Teacher Professional Development to Support Transition to Online
- Tectonic influences on relative sea-level rise and barrier dynamics in the Eureka Littoral Cell, California
- The Diversity and Implications of Unusual Chloride-Bearing Deposits on Mars
- The Origins of Seismic Heterogeneities in the Lower Mantle: Insights from Mineral Physics
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- The rock-star relationship: assessing the probability that a rocky planet's composition reflects its host star
- Ultra High Velocity Zones at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Using LROC NAC Photometry to Study the Moon's Feldspathic Crust
- Using an Interactive, 3D Visualization to Teach Phases of the Moon
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Water Vapor Adsorption May Provide as Much Water as Rainfall into the Hyperarid Soils of the Atacama Desert
- Water-induced Diamond Formation at the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary
- What Mixed Silica-Carbonate Hot Springs Can Tell us About the Role of Mineralogy in Biosignature Preservation and Retention at Lýsuhóll, Iceland
- What causes seismic heterogeneities outside the LLSVPs in the lowermost mantle?
- What makes volcanoes erupt?
- edOS: catalyzing an ecosystem of advanced courseware creation
- Effects of Dielectric Breakdown in Natural Silicate Minerals
- The science of the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- Using Thermal Infrared Emission Spectroscopy to Detect High-pressure Silica Polymorphs in Shocked Coconino Sandstone from Meteor Crater
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Malakhov
- A. Springmann
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adam McMaster
- Alessandro Frigeri
- B. M. Jakosky
- C. S. Edwards
- Claus Gebhardt
- D. Turrini
- Dmitry Savransky
- E. Mazarico
- F. X. Timmes
- G. Filacchione
- G. Piccioni
- G. Ricker
- J. C. Kasper
- J. D. Stopar
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. L. Noviello
- Jake Lee
- Justin Deighan
- K.‐M. Aye
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Laura Schaefer
- M. A. Mischna
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Nolan
- M. D. Smith
- M. O. Fillingim
- Michael Chaffin
- Michael Wolff
- P. F. Wren
- Robert J. Lillis
- S. England
- S. Vance
- Sijie Yu
- Sonal Jain
- T. Prusti
- V. J. Bray