Arizona State University, Department of Geological Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Laboratory Scale Vortex Generator for Simulation of Martian Dust Devils.
- A New View of the Surface of Mars: High-Resolution Rock Abundance from MGS TES
- Aqueous Mineralization on Mars. Evidence for Water-Driven Process From the MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer
- Biologically-Induced Mineralization by the Endolithic Lichen Verrucaria rubrocincta Breuss in the Sonoran Desert
- Characterization of Individual Asian Dust (Kosa) Particles in the Free Troposphere Over Japan
- Chemical Analysis of Individual Aerosols Particles by Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (EELS)
- Chemistry and Mineralogy of Rock Surface Coatings from Terrestrial Hot and Dry Deserts
- Constraints on inner core anisotropy from PKKP and P'P' differential travel times
- D" Anisotropy and Heterogeneity Beneath the Caribbean and Central America
- Deformation in Long Valley and the Hilton Block, Sierra Nevada, CA from GPS studies.
- Digital Elevation Model Analysis Highlighting Tectonic and Lithologic Control on Landscape Morphology in Bedrock Environments: an Example From The Central Appennines, Italy
- Dust Characteristics over the North Pacific Observed with Shipboard Sampling During ACE-Asia
- Dynamics of the Ljotipollur Phreatomagmatic Eruption, S. Central Iceland
- Effect of MgO/SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Activity Ratio on H<SUB>2</SUB>O Solubility in Forsterite
- Electrical Conductivity of Hydrous Wadsleyite: Implications for the Water Content of the Transition Zone
- Electrical Properties of Deep Earth Materials
- Electrical Properties of Earth Materials in Margins Settings
- Erosion by Flowing Lava: Geochemical Evidence in the Cave Basalt, Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Evidence for Platy Hematite Grains on Mars
- Experimental Determination of Chloritoid Stability in Subducting Oceanic Crust
- GeoWall: Stereo Projection Systems Designed for Earth Science Classrooms
- Geomorphic Analysis of Semiarid Landforms Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Remote Sensing
- Importance of Brines and Caliche in the Search for Past Life on Mars
- Individual Aerosol Particle Types Produced by Savanna Burning
- Individual-Particle Analysis of Aerosols From Southern Africa
- Inferring emplacement processes of radial dikes at Summer Coon volcano, Colorado, from geometry and AMS-derived magma flow directions
- Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in Subducting Slabs are Linked to Metamorphic Dehydration Reactions
- Joint inversion of different seismic data types for upper mantle structure beneath southern Africa
- Lava Flows on Slopes: Numerical Modeling of Flow Transitions and Collapse
- Localized Extreme Ultralow Velocity Zone Properties Beneath the Southwest Pacific
- Mapping the Dust on Mars: Results from MGS TES
- Multiple Uses of Hydrogen Isotopes as a Tracer of Rehydration Processes in Glassy Lavas
- Natural Occurrence of Fe2SiO4 - in Shocked Umbarger l6 Chondrite
- On the Importance of Serpentine in the Subduction Factory
- One Annual Cycle of Martian Weather as Observed by TES
- Plagioclase Zoning and Magma Decompression: Comparing the 1974 and 1999 Eruptions of Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Predicting Yield Strengths and Effusion Rates of Silicic Lavas on Slopes From Analog Experiments With Bingham Plastic Materials
- Preliminary Phase Diagram for the Richardton H-Chondrite
- Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Analogs for Evaporite Basins on Mars: Analysis of Groundtruth
- Remotely Measuring Glacial Features using ASTER and Landsat ETM+
- Seismic Evidence for Strong Chemical Heterogeneity at the Core Mantle Boundary as the Source of Hot Spot Volcanism
- Spectroscopic Detection of Minerals in Martian Meteorites using Reflectance and Emittance Spectroscopy and Applications to Surface Mineralogy on Mars
- Synthesizing Shear Wave Splitting in the Lowermost Mantle With Low-Velocity Lamellae and Transverse Isotropy Models
- TEM Characterization of Stishovite and Post-Stishovite SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Phases in the Meteorite Shergotty
- The D" Region and Ultra-Low Velocity Zones: The Base of the Mantle as a Chemically and Dynamically Distinct Region
- The Mars Exploration Program: Scientific Goals, Objectives, Investigations, and Priorities
- The Mineralogy of the Martian Surface: Results from the MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer
- Thermal Infrared Multispectral Analysis of Mafic Volcanic Rocks Near Gila Bend, Arizona
- Thermal Models of Flat Subduction and the Rupture Zone of Great Subduction Earthquakes
- Types, Sizes, Shapes and Distributions of Mars Ice and Dust Aerosols from the MGS TES Emission Phase Function Observations
- Water on Mars: The View From Geochemical Analyses of Martian Meteorites
- A Collapsed Orogen from the Crust to the Core: An Earthscope Target
- A Retrievable Mineral Microcosm for Examining Microbial Colonization and Mineral Precipitation at Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents
- A global search for ultra-low velocity structure at the CMB using SPdKS
- Aerosol Particles From Tropical Cirrus Clouds in the Lower Stratosphere
- Alteration Mineralogy and Geochemistry at Swansea, Arizona: A Potential Analog for Brine-Basalt Interaction on Mars
- An Inverted Continental Moho and the Serpentinization of the Cascadia Forearc Mantle
- Analysis of Brush Fire Scars in Semi-Arid Urban Environments: Implications for Future Fire and Flood Hazards Using Field and Satellite Data
- Athena Instrument Validation and Data Library Development for the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Mission
- Autonomous Science Analysis with the New Millennium Program-Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Basaltic Shield Volcanoes: A Quantitative Tool for Characterizing Flow Field Morphometry
- Calibration and Initial Analysis of Multispectral Images of Mars from the VIS Subsystem on the Mars Odyssey THEMIS Investigation
- Characteristics of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone From Focal Mechanism Determinations
- Controls on the Forms and Abundances of Geochemical Energy in Hot Spring Habitats
- D" Anisotropy Beneath the Atlantic Ocean and the Southern Pacific Ocean
- D" Shear Velocity Heterogeneity, Anisotropy and Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Caribbean and Central America
- Determining Crystal Abundance in Glassy Lavas: Combining Laboratory Infrared Spectroscopy With Remote Sensing
- Differential structural and geomorphic mountain-front evolution in an active continental collision zone: the NW Pamir, southern Kyrgyzstan
- Effect of Water on the Electrical Conductivity of Wadsleyite: Implications for the Water Content of the Transition Zone
- Effects of Early Water-Rock Chemical Interactions on Interior Structures, Physical Properties, and Heat Balances of Galilean Satellites
- Emplacement of Megacrystic Basalt Flows in the Northern Galápagos Archipelago: Rheologic Parameters and Analog Flow Experiments
- Energetics of Nitrogen Biogeochemistry in Hot Spring Habitats
- Estimating Shock Pressures in Chondrites From High-Pressure Minerals in Shock-induced Melt Veins
- Evidence for Quaternary Faulting Along the Apricena Tectonic Lineament (Gargano Area, Italy)
- Expanded Coverage: Mid-infrared Field Spectroscopy Through a Range of Distances and Viewing Angles
- Exploring Gusev with MER A
- Field Studies of Very-Near Surface Dust Devil Processes
- Formation of Martian Crystalline Hematite: New Information From Comparisons of Laboratory and TES Infrared Spectra
- Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Amphiboles by Ion Microprobe: Implications for the Explosive-Effusive Transition at Santa María volcano, Guatemala
- Identification of a Spectrally and Thermophysically Unique Region in Northern Amazonis Planitia, Mars: Surface Analysis using TES and THEMIS Data
- Implications of the Water of Hydration Absorption for Martian Hematite Exposures
- Kerogen Characterization of Microfossils in Precambrian Cherts: Evidence for Biogenicity
- Looking Through the Ice: Searching for Past and Present Habitable Zones in the Martian North Polar Region Using MOLA DEMs
- Mapping Lithologic Units on Cinder Cones at the Summit of Mauna Kea Using AVIRIS Hyperspectral Reflectance Data
- Measurements of Dust Devil Lower Structure and Properties, El Dorado Valley, Nevada, June 2002
- Mineralogical Ground Truth for AVIRIS Hyperspectral Observations of Cinder Cones on the Summit of Mauna Kea Volcano
- Modeling Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Nitrogen dry Deposition in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
- Morphological analysis of the Mars polar terrains based on the THEMIS data
- Odyssey THEMIS Views of the Candidate MER Landing Sites
- Oxidation Independent Solution Mechanism for Hydrogen in Olivine: Examples from Simple and Peridotite Systems
- Paleoseismic Resolution Analyses Using Synthetic Earthquakes
- Physical Properties and Geological Implications in Melas Chasma From Mars Odyssey Themis Data.
- Prospecting for Modern and Ancient Hydrothermal Systems on Mars:Implications for Astrobiology and the Exploration for Past or Present Life
- Rheological Estimates of Santiaguito Lavas From Analog Experiments With Bingham Plastic Materials
- Silica-Coated Basalt on Mars: A New Interpretation of Dark-Region Thermal-Emission Spectra
- Small Scale Variations in Seismic Anisotropy Near Kimberley, South Africa
- Spectral Properties at Terra Meridiani, Prelude to MER.
- TES Hyperspectral Mapping of Putative Martian Paleolake Basins in the Aeolis Quadrangle
- THEMIS Multi-spectral Views of Compositional Heterogeneity in Nili Patera Caldera
- THEMIS Observations and TES Surface Compositions of Low-Albedo Intracrater Materials and Wind Streaks in Western Arabia Terra
- THEMIS Observations of Fluvial Landforms on Mars
- THEMIS Spectral Mapping of Melas Chasma, Mars
- The Development of Preferred Pathways in Lava Flow Interiors: Insights from Analog Experiments
- The Emerging Resurfacing History of Europa
- The Martian Surface As Seen by the 2001 Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System Experiment
- Thermal Infrared Spectra of Experimentally Shocked Albitite
- Thermophysical and Morphologic Unit Mapping of Gusev Crater Using THEMIS Infrared and Visible Imaging
- Three-dimensional Visualization and Porosity Analysis of Seafloor Hydrothermal Chimney Microhabitats
- Using THEMIS Visible and Infrared Data for Crater Population Studies of Mars
- Variable Carbon Isotopes in ALH84001 Carbonates
- Variation in the D" Discontinuity West of Central America
- Vortex Threshold: Experimental Results at Martian Atmospheric Pressures
- Water Abundance in Arc Magmas: Olivine Melt Inclusions From Central America
- X-Ray Microtomography of Olivine-Basalt Partial-Melts
- A COARSE Receiver Function Survey of the Southern Arizona Lithosphere
- A History of one Olivine Crystal: Microsampling Melt Inclusions by Wire Saw
- Anisotropy in the Chile-Argentina Flat Slab Subduction Zone, South America
- Chemistry of Young Martian Meteorites and the Ancient Mars Crust
- Comparison of Aerosol Particles Collected From Cloud Bases and Cirrus Anvils
- Complexities in D" anisotropy beneath the Caribbean: Evidence for a tilted symmetry axis of transversely isotropic media from data and synthetics
- D": A Thermo-Chemical Boundary Layer With Partial Melt
- Determining Shear Velocity Structure of ULVZs Using Stacked ScS Data
- Dislocation Microstructures in Deformed Olivine Displaying the C-type and B-type Fabrics
- Effects Of Conduit Flow Parameters On Vulcanian Explosion Characteristics
- Evidence for recent climate fluctuations on Mars - from cold to colder
- Exploring for Biosignatures of Extant Life in Martian Ground Ice
- Extreme Short Scale Variations in D" Topography Beneath the Pacific Ocean Just West of Central America
- Field/Lab Training Workshops in Planetary Geology and Astrobiology for Secondary School Teachers
- Formation and Evolution of Cratons: Insights from the Kaapvaal Project of Southern Africa
- Formation and Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy of Halite Crusts
- Geodynamic and Seismic Characterization of Mantle Flow in the Izu-Bonin Subduction System
- Ground and Space-based Sensor Web System: Streamlining Spacecraft Observation Response to Flood Detection.
- High-Silica Rock Coatings on Mars: Constraining Secondary Silicate Mineralogy and Chemical Weathering Processes on Mars.
- How does the distribution of orographic precipitation guide exhumation patterns along the Southern Himalayan front, NW India?
- Investigating the Core-Mantle Boundary and ULVZ Topography with Synthetic FD Seismograms for 3-D Axi-Symmetric Geometries: Predictions and Data
- Investigations of Hematite Deposits in Valles Marineris
- Land of Extremes: Faulting and Shear in Europa's North Pole
- Lateral Variation in Upper Mantle Viscosity: Role of Water
- Limits of Microbial Photosynthesis in Hot Spring Ecosystems
- Lithospheric and Upper Mantle Structure of the Rio Grande Rift: Implications for Pure Shear Extension
- Lower Mantle Anisotropy Beneath the Cocos Plate
- Mantle Seismic Anisotropy in the Izu-Bonin Subduction System
- Mantle Seismic Structure Beneath Southern Africa
- Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Zones on Mauna Kea Using AVIRIS Data: An Analog for Mars
- Mars as seen from the 2001 Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System Experiment
- New 3D Tools Provide Insights for Earth Interior Research, Visualization, and Education
- Partitioning of Au up to 23 GPa: Implications for core formation of the Earth
- Petrological Constraints on the Decompression History of Magma Prior to Vulcanian Explosions at the SoufriŠre Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- Pickling Peridotites in the IBM Mantle Wedge: Inferences from the Guguan Cross-Chain, Mariana Arc
- Preliminary Geophysical Investigations of the Ship Rock Diatreme, Navajo Nation, New Mexico
- Probing the nature of 410- and 660-km discontinuities beneath hotspots using the SS-precursors
- Seasonal Weather Patterns Influencing Dune Morphology in Noachis Terra, Mars: Using a Mesoscale Model for Surface Science
- Seismological Characterization of the Boundary Layers at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Shock Pressures, Temperatures and Durations in L Chondrites: Constraints from Shock-Vein Mineralogy
- Small-scale structure of the core-mantle boundary beneath four regions of the Pacific and Indian Ocean
- Streamlining Spacecraft Observation Response to Volcanic Activity Detection with a Ground and Space-based Sensor Web System.
- Surface Properties of Mars' Northern High and Polar Latitudes, Including the Phoenix Landing Site
- Synthesis of Spectral Data From the Grey Hematite Regions of Mars
- THEMIS High-Resolution Atmospheric Thermal and Visible Imaging Campaign
- THEMIS Observations of Aram Chaos: Evidence for an Ice-Covered Lake
- THEMIS Observations of Ares Vallis Geology
- THEMIS Visible and Infrared Investigation of Martian Meteorite-like Compositions on Mars
- The East Pacific Rise 8\deg to 11\deg N Integrated Studies Site (ISS); Update and Opportunities
- Thermal Emission Spectrometer Derived Chemical Abundances of Low-Albedo Surfaces on Mars
- Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Geochemical Heterogeneity: Seismic Constraints on the ~80% Peridotite Solution
- Vortex Dust Flux: Experimental Results Comparing Terrestrial and Martian Cases
- 3-D seismic imaging of the D" region beneath the Cocos Plate
- A Global View of Martian Surface Compositions With MGS-TES Revisited: Regional-scale Spectral Deviations From Surface Types 1 and 2
- A View from the Cheap Seats: MER and its Implications for Future Mars Exploration
- Aeolian Processes at Meridiani Planum
- Aeolian environments observed by the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Anisotropy of Point Defect Mechanisms and Electrical Conduction in Single Crystal Olivine
- Areal estimates of dune deposits in Kaiser Crater on Mars
- CANOE: A Broadband Array in Northwestern Canada
- Carbon Biogeochemistry of Marine Sediments at the ODP Leg 204, Hydrate Ridge
- Correlation of Regional and Global Scale Geology on Europa
- Crust and upper mantle structure of the Southern Basin and Range and Colorado Plateau of Arizona: Project COARSE
- Dark Streaks on Mars : Systematic Mapping of Geometric, Surface Properties and Rate of Formation From HRSC, THEMIS and MOC images.
- Dislocation Microstructures and Dissociation in Deformed Olivine Displaying the A-, B- and C-type Fabrics
- Dissolved Free Amino Acids in Hydrothermal Springs at Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A.
- Does the present-day wind regime explain the location and geomorphology of dunes in the southern highlands of Mars?
- Dust Devils: Experimental Results for Vortex Sediment Flux
- Erosion by Flowing Martian Lavas: Insights from Modeling Constrained by MER and Mars Express Data
- Evidence for high-silica, sulfate-bearing sedimentary rocks in Acidalia Planitia from TES and THEMIS data
- Exploiting LiDAR for Regional Morphologic Correlation and Dating of Wave-cut and Fault-Controlled Landforms
- Finite-Frequency Tomography of D'' Shear Velocity Heterogeneity beneath the Caribbean
- Formation of Jarosite-bearing Deposits Through Aqueous Oxidation of Pyrite at the Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Fulfilling the Promise of the DSDP/ODP Legacy with Multiparameter Logging of Archive Cores
- Hematite in Valles Marineris: Context, Composition, Distribution, Morphology, Physical Properties, and Comparison to Other Mars Hematite Deposits
- High-resolution investigation of lowermost mantle anisotropy beneath the Central Pacific
- Imaging Lower Mantle Structure Beneath the Central Pacific by Stacking S Wave Data
- Imaging Lower Mantle Structure by Waveform Migration in 3D Tomographic Models
- Investigation into the Effect of H<SUB>2</SUB>O on Olivine-Ringwoodite Transformation Kinetics
- Li Isotope Heterogeneity in Mantle-derived Xenoliths.
- Mars Digital Dune Database
- Melt Inclusions From a Basaltic Tuya in British Columbia: Contrasts in Early- and Late-Stage Degassing Processes
- Mesospheric Clouds on Mars in Nadir-Pointed THEMIS-VIS Images
- Migration of SS precursor Data to Image Fine-scale Structure on the Upper Mantle Discontinuities Beneath Hawaii
- Mineral Composition and Abundance of the Rocks and Soils at Gusev and Meridiani from the Mars Exploration Rover Mini-TES Instruments: Implications for Aqueous Processes
- Mineralogy of Natural Basalt Weathering Rinds With Application to Thermal Emission Spectra of Mars
- Mount St. Helens Lava Domes, Then and Now
- Multi-Sensor Mapping of Diffuse Degassing of C-O-H Compounds in Terrestrial Hydrothermal Systems
- New Results from High Pressure Phase Equilibria Experiments on the Richardton H-Chondrite
- Observations and Modeling of Earth's Deep Mantle Boundary Layers
- Olympus Mons Mars: Inferred Changes in Late Stage Effusive Activity Based on Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera Data
- On-Board Cryospheric Change Detection By The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Paleoseismology and Tectonic Geomorphology: Results From the Parkfield, CA Segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Parkfield Unified Visualization Project: A Repository of Geospatial Data and Portable Toolset for its Visualization
- Planetary Differentiation and the Emergence of Life
- Porewater Profiles of Dissolved N<SUB>2</SUB>/Ar Gas Ratios in Sediments From the Gulf of Mexico Continental Margin
- Predictive Microbiology in Hydrothermal Ecosystems
- Ranking Geochemical Energy Availability in Hydrothermal Ecosystems
- Reaction Vessel Design for Sampling Nanoparticles During Growth Under Controlled T, P, pH and Oxidation State
- Resolving Codependent Processes Within Natural Dust Devil Vortices
- SIMS Analyses for Li Isotope Ratios: From Olivine to Clay Minerals.
- ScS-S Differential Attenuation from Spectral Ratios and Instantaneous Frequencies via the Hilbert and Continuous Wavelet Transform
- Searching for Active Dust Devils in Gusev Crater from Orbit by Mars Express and the Ground from Spirit
- Seismic Characterization of Mantle Flow in Subduction Systems: Can We Resolve a Hydrated Mantle Wedge?
- Seismic evidence for present-day plume upwelling at the core-mantle boundary
- Shock Veins as Recorders of Shock Pressures in Chondrites: Pressure Histories from Thin vs. Thick Veins
- Small Scale Lower-Mantle Structure as Revealed by SPdKS Back-Azimuth and Slowness Deviations
- Some Mars South Polar Swiss CheeseTerrain has Warm Walls
- Spatial Visualization in Introductory Geology Courses
- Spatially Concentrated Erosion Focuses Deformation Within the Himalayan Orogenic Wedge: Sutlej Valley, NW Himalaya, India
- Stream Channel Offset and Preliminary Slip Rate on the San Andreas Fault, at the Van Matre Ranch Site, in the Carrizo Plain, California
- Structural Disorder and Origin of Kerogen in the Apex Chert: A Comparison With Fischer-Tropsch-Type Carbon
- Structure of the San Andreas Fault Zone and SAFOD Drill Site as Revealed by Surface Geologic Mapping and Seismic Profiling Near Parkfield, California
- Successful Detection of Floods in Real Time Onboard EO1 Through NASA's ST6 Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment (ASE)
- Surface Fault Slip Associated with the 2004 Parkfield, California, Earthquake
- Surface rupture along the Chon Aksu and Aksu (eastern) segments of the 1911 Kebin (Chon-Kemin) earthquake, Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan
- Target Transformation and Factor Analysis of Mini-TES Spectra and Comparison to TES and Laboratory Hematite Spectra
- The East Pacific Rise 8° -11° N Integrated Studies Site (ISS); Update and Opportunities
- The Synoptic View as a Model for Poster Presentations
- Tracking Changes in Ocean Oxygenation with Molybdenum Isotopes
- Wind Eroded Rocks in Gusev Crater, Mars, seen from the Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit
- Wind Patterns at the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Sites Inferred from Mars Express HRSC and MER Images
- 1D Forward Modeling of Regional Electrical Conductivity Structure Using Mineral Physics Constraints and Seismic Observables.
- A Combined Geodynamic-Tomography Investigation into Thermochemical Piles in the Lower Mantle beneath Africa and the Pacific
- A Composite Chronology of Earthquakes From the Bidart fan Paleoseismic Site, San Andreas Fault, California
- A Geoinformatics Approach to LiDAR / ALSM Data Distribution, Interpolation, and Analysis
- A Step in the D'' Shear Velocity Discontinuity Beneath the Cocos Plate Imaged by Kirchhoff Migration
- A new calibration of H measurements by SIMS in glasses and nominally anhydrous minerals: application to experimental determinations of H partitioning
- A new high-performance 3D multiphase flow code to simulate volcanic blasts and pyroclastic density currents: example from the Boxing Day event, Montserrat
- An Endogenic Origin of Titan,s Methane
- Anisotropic and Isotropic Effective Olivine Medium Models
- Basaltic "Plains-Style" Volcanism in Arizona as a Possible Analogue to Mars
- Characterization of an Antarctic Mars Analog Soil and Implications for Martian Weathering Processes
- Compositional Variation in Arc Lavas and their Associated Melt Inclusions: Implications for Magmatic Volatile Contents and Degassing Behavior
- Constraining the Surface Properties in the Tharsis Region of Mars with TES and THEMIS Data
- Constraints on the Global-scale Chemical Weathering State of Mars From TES Results Based on Spectral Analysis of Chemically Weathered Basalts
- Coordinated Analysis of Mars Express OMEGA Hyperspectral Imaging and Mars Exploration Rover Traverse Data for Meridiani Planum
- Deep Mantle Melts: Seismic Constraints
- Detection of Gray Crystalline Hematite in the Aureum and Iani Chaos Layered Terrains
- Detection of Subducted Lithosphere in the Midmantle From Asymmetric PP Reflections
- Detection of Temporally and Spatially Limited Periodic Earthquake Recurrence in Synthetic Seismic Records
- Double-Layer ULVZ Shear Velocity Structure Imaged With Stacked ScS Data
- Dust Devils on Earth and Mars: Comparison of Field and Laboratory Results for Sediment Flux
- Dynamics of a Phreatomagmatic Eruption at Narbona Pass Volcano, Navajo Volcanic Field, Navajo Nation, New Mexico
- Effects of Weathering on Basaltic Rocks and Their Thermal Emission Spectra: Implications for Evaluating Mars Mineralogy and Weathering
- Energy Tranfer of Saltating Sand Onto Rock Surface on Earth and Mars: Implications for Rock Morphology and Abrasion Rates
- Evidence for Positive Correlation of 400- and 670-km Discontinuity Topography Beneath the Central Pacific from SS Precursors
- Exploring the Behavior of Solid/Gas Mixtures via Shock-Tube Experiments With Relevance to Vulcanian Eruptions
- Fault Zone Structure of Middle Mountain, Central California
- Fluorine and Hydrogen in Mantle Megacrysts
- Genesis Solar Wind Magnesium and Iron Fluences
- Geochemical Gradients and the Supply Side of Habitability
- Hematite in Valles Marineris, Mars
- Implications of 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology for Fluid Transfer and Magma Generation Across Southeastern Guatemala
- Infrared and Visible Observations of South Polar Spots and Fans
- Insights into Highland Patera Volcanism using Mars Express HRSC Data
- Integrating Fragmentation Criteria with Dynamic Conduit Models: the Significance of Syn-eruptive Bubble Expansion in Vulcanian Explosions
- Investigating Mount Cameroon's Magma Chamber System
- Investigating the Role of Glass in Martian Spectra
- Investigating the dynamics of Vulcanian explosions using scaled laboratory experiments
- Lateral Variation of Velocity Discontinuities in the Lowermost Mantle Under the Cocos Plate
- Mapping stratigraphy from space: Analysis of thermal infrared data of impact crater ejecta on Mars and Earth from the THEMIS and ASTER instruments
- Mineralogical Diversity in the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater, Mars as Observed by Mini-TES
- Modeling the Chondrite Impact Histories Revealed by High-Pressure Minerals in Melt Veins
- Molecular Studies of Filamentous and Biofilm-Forming Hyperthermophilic Communities in Yellowstone National Park
- Multidimensional Field Mapping of Gaseous C-H-O-S Species in Hydrothermal Systems: Distinguishing Potential Sites for Hydrocarbon Generation
- New Constraints on Mantle Flow in Subduction Systems
- Ozonolysis of Mixed Oleic-Acid/Stearic-Acid Particles: Reaction Kinetics and Chemical Morphology
- Palagonitization of Mauna Kea Sideromelane: New Insights From in-situ Micro Mass Spectrometry
- Performance of the COMPRES multi-anvil high-pressure assemblies
- Polar Gateways to Exploration of Icy Worlds in the Solar System
- Revolutionising Science-Driven Deep Space Mission Operations Using Autonomously-Operating Spacecraft as Demonstrated with ASE on EO-1.
- Rheology of Obsidian Flow: Emplacement Controlled by Final Water Degassing?
- Searching for Change in the Martian Night: Investigating Nighttime Temperature Anomalies Using THEMIS
- Seismic Velocity Structure of the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Seismic evidence for massive silica addition in some subduction zones
- Small scale lateral variations in azimuthally anisotropic D'' structure
- Soufrière Hills Plagioclase: Postcards From the Edge.
- Surface rupture of the 1911 Kebin (Chon-Kemin) earthquake, Northern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan
- The Impact History of Chondrites as Revealed by High-Pressure Minerals
- The Nature of the Mars Pathfinder "Black Rock" Lithology: Comparisons with SNC Meteorites and OMEGA spectral images of Chryse Planitia
- The Origin of the Columbia Hills
- The Predicted Distribution of Post-Perovskite in the Lowermost Mantle: Relationship to Chemical Heterogeneity and Further Constraints on Core-Mantle Boundary Heat Flow
- Thermal Emission Spectral Studies of Sulfate Hydration States; Application to Evaporite Forming Materials on Mars
- Thermodynamics of Organic Compound Alteration in Hydrothermal Systems
- Three-dimensional Analysis of Individual Soot Aggregates
- Titan: A Fiercely Frozen Echo of the Early Earth
- Transport of osmium through an estuary (Long Island Sound) using an anthropogenic isotopic signal
- Uranium-Thorium Isotopic Analyses of Basalts From Behind the Volcanic Front, Southeastern Guatemala
- Water Recycling, Lower Mantle Slab Subduction, and Viscous Layering of the Deep Mantle
- Water-Rock Reactions on Non-Planetary Bodies in the Early Solar System
- What`s it Tuya: Ice Thickness Determined From H2O Contents Measured in Glasses From Subglacial Volcanoes in British Columbia and Iceland
- Assessment of the Composition and Distribution of Silicic Volcanic Glasses on Mars
- Combined Fe-S stable isotopes in modern anoxic environments and the effect of Fe versus S limitation
- First CRISM Observations of Mars
- Geochemical Evidence for the Volcanic Origin of Home Plate in the Inner Basin of the Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater
- Investigating the Role of Compositionally-Diverse Glasses in Interpreting Martian Chemistry and Mineralogy as Viewed by TES
- Martian Mesospheric Clouds: Latest Results from THEMIS-VIS
- Multi-sensor, mapping and multispectral analysis of the Mawrth Vallis region of Mars
- Spatial and Stratigraphic Relationships Among the Clay-Bearing Outcrops in the Plains Above Mawrth Vallis.
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure From Receiver Functions Along the CANOE Array
- Will Ge Ever be an Effective Proxy for Earth Chemistry or Climate? Insights from Ge Isotopes and Diatom Ge/Si Ratios
- Fire and Ice: Lavas on Io, Cryolavas on Titan
- Magmatic history of Martian highland volcanoes and Tharsis: clues from electron reflection magnetometry
- Ship Rock Diatreme: is it a Classical Volcano? New Evidence on Magma Ascent and Emplacement Within the Navajo Volcanic Field
- The Jupiter System Observer: Probing the Foundations of Planetary Systems
- Evidence for High and Low Temperature Alteration across Home Plate, Gusev Crater
- Geochemical controls on microbial community composition from varied hot spring environments
- New insights on the Frasnian/Famennian mass extinction: a role for soil erosion?
- Paleoclimate Constraints on Channel Incision and Earthquake Slip on the San Andreas Fault, Carrizo Plain, California
- Paleomagnetism of the Astrobiology Drilling Project 8 drill core, Pilbara, Western Australia: implications for the early geodynamo and Archean tectonics
- SEM and TEM Investigation of Crystal Nucleation in Silicate Melts During Isothermal Decompression
- SHOTPUT: A mission proposal to study composition and origins of small bodies in the outer solar system through fly-by and impactor science
- Variations in barrier-island evolution at millennial and decadal time scales related to underlying geology, Onslow Beach, NC USA
- Long paleoseismic records on the San Jacinto fault: what they tell us about earthquake cycles and cumulative strain release
- Lonsdaleite has been used as an indicator of shock from cratering events, but does it exist?
- Metamorphic Formation of Extraterrestrial Portlandite in the Sutter's Mill Meteorite (SM3)