University of Washington, Seattle
flowchart I[University of Washington, Seattle] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (4040)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1110)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Washington, Department of Astronomy
- University of Washington, Department of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysics
- University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences
- University of Washington, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of the Motion of Auroral Ion Outflow Regions With the Motion of Auroral Arcs
- Acoustic Imaging Time Series of Plume Behavior at Grotto Vent, Endeavour Observatory, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Airborne Measurements of NMHCs, O3, CO and Aerosol Scatter in the Northeastern Pacific During the Spring of 2001 PHOBEA-II Campaign
- An Illustration of the Influence of John Schaake on Modern Hydroclimatological Observation Networks
- An Overview of the Lost City Vent Field: An Extensive Off-Axis, Serpentinite-Hosted Hydrothermal Field, 30° N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Burial Ages for Middle Pleistocene Glacial Deposits of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
- CLUSTER-2 Multipoint Observations of the mid-Altitude ion Cusp
- Climatic Controls on Glacial Erosion and Sediment Transfer: Modeling a South Alaskan Glacial Basin from Range Divide to Shelf Break.
- Cluster Ion Spectrometry Observations of the Plasmasphere
- Cluster-II Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Continuous Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause under Steady IMF Conditions
- Continuum Spectrum and Radiation Pattern Contributions to T-Wave Excitation
- Cosmogenic Isotope Exposure Constraints on the Age and Sublimation Rate of Buried Ice in Beacon Valley, Antarctica
- Cusp and Dayside Boundary Layer Dynamics During Various IMF Conditions
- Derived continental U.S. land surface hydrologic fluxes and state variables, 1950-2000
- Enhancing NASA'S Contribution to Arctic Sea Ice and Ocean Studies
- Evaluating the Role of Surface Storage in a Low-Gradient Arctic Watershed using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Evaluation of Hydrologically Relevant PCM Precipitation Characteristics over the Continental U.S.
- Evolution of Land Surface Modeling over the Last 30 Years
- Experiences with transferability and scaling of hydrologic model parameters
- Experimental Real-time Seasonal Hydrologic Forecasting for the Columbia River Basin
- Fluvial Transport and Deposition of Sediment Across a Pristine Tropical Forested Floodplain Spanning a Foreland Basin, Northern Bolivia: The Importance of Channel-Floodplain Interaction and Episodic Floodplain Deposition
- Glacier Erosion and Convergent Tectonics in Southern Alaska
- How well can the Pacific Northwest's water resources adapt to climate change?
- Implications of a range of climate scenarios for water resources in the Pacific Northwest
- Influence of Rapid Glacial Retreat on Erosion Rates in Southeastern Alaska
- Instrumental Record of Debris Flow Initiation During Natural Rainfall
- Intercomparisons of Remotely Sensed Scatterometer Winds With Aircraft Hurricane Wind Observations Using a Mesoscale Model as a Baseline.
- Ionospheric Thermal Plasma Acceleration Linked to Magnetopause Motions: First Cluster Results
- Laboratory Studies of Ice Particle Nucleation and Habit Formation Under Cirrus Cloud Conditions
- Land data assimilation: A possible centerpiece of CUAHS modeling activities?
- Microbial Production in the Hyporheic Zone of a Coastal Floodplain River
- Monitoring the Ocean Acoustically: A Review and Strategy for the Future
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Oxygen Beams from the Southern Polar Region by CIS Onboard Cluster.
- Multi-spacecraft observations of the CPS and PSBL using the CIS instruments on CLUSTER
- Non-Contact Measurement of Stream Discharge from Land and Helicopter
- Observability of Antarctic Surface Temperature Variations on Decadal Time Scales, With High Spatial Resolution, Using Satellite Observations of Thermal Microwave Emission and Sparse Ground Measurements
- PCM Climate Change Scenario Implications for Western U.S. Hydrology
- PCM Climate Change Scenario Implications for Western U.S. Water Resources Management
- Patterning Mechanisms in Subglacial Carbonate Dissolution and Deposition
- Premelting, Snowballs and Climate Change: the ice Physics in Geophysics
- Processing of Ice Draft Measurements From Submarine Upward Looking Sonar
- Properties, Structure and Dynamics of the Stagnant Exterior Cusp on February 19th, 2001: CLUSTER Multi-Instrument and Multi-Spacecraft Results.
- Quantitative Testing of Bedrock Incision Models, Clearwater River, WA
- Regional Stream Temperature Estimation Using Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Images From Terra - ASTER And Ground Measurements
- Revisiting the Tidal Activation of Seismicity With a Damage Mechanics and Friction Point of View
- Snow Condition Prediction With a Satellite Microwave Scatterometer
- Stream Temperature Estimation From Thermal Infrared Images
- Substorm Intensifications Observed by Cluster
- Surface Winds from Satellite Scatterometer Swath and Gridded data and an Atmospheric Mesoscale Model
- Ten-Year Retrospective on the Pinatubo Eruption
- The Abysmal State of Abyssal Time Series: An Acoustic Challenge
- The Effect of Localized Lithologic Variation on Stream Water Chemistry and Nutrient Cycling in the Hoh Rain Forest, Washington
- The Impact of Orographic Precipitation on the Relief of Mountain Ranges.
- The Multidecadal Rainfall Decline Over Southwestern Australia: Analysis Using a Stochastic Downscaling Approach
- The Physics of Frost Heave
- Time-averaged images and quantifications of seafloor hydrothermal plumes from acoustic imaging data: a case study at Grotto Vent, Endeavour Segment Seafloor Observatory
- Tors, Eustatic Shorelines, and Mammoths: Evidence Against Ice Sheets on Wrangel Island, East Siberian/Chukchi Seas
- Union Education Tutorials
- Validation of Aerosol Products from the Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer
- Water-Soluble Organic Species in Biomass Burning Aerosols in Southern Africa: Their Chemical Identification and Spatial Distribution
- A Realtime Drought Monitoring System for the USA
- AIRPACT Air Quality Forecasting for August 2001
- Acoustic thermometry time series in the North Pacific
- Activity remotely triggered in volcanic and geothermal centers in California and Washington by the 3 November 2002 Mw=7.9 Alaska earthquake
- Air-Sea Interaction and Remote Sensing Experiments Using R/P FLIP
- Anisotropic Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Upper Mantle Minerals at High Temperature
- Assessing uncertainty in mesoscale numerical weather prediction models
- Changes in Subseafloor Bacterial Diversity Following the 1998 Volcanic Eruption at Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Congener Profiles of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Firn and ice From Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard.
- Contributions of Various External Forcings to NAM and SAM Trends
- Decadal Ozone Trends in the Eastern Pacific
- Defining Spatial Gradients in Fluvial Erosion Across the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis
- Determination of OH during Trans-Pacific Transport of Pollutants using NMHC Ratios and Backward Trajectories: Role of Heterogeneous Chemistry
- Development of a Power System for Cabled Ocean Observatories
- Effect of tidal cycle on entrainment by the Grotto Vent plume, Main Endeavour Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge Effect of Tidal Cycle on Entrainment by the Grotto Vent Plume, Main Endeavour Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Effects of Fine-Scale Wind Direction Information on Retrieval of Surface Layer Wind Speed From SAR Ocean Surface Imagery
- Error Analysis and the Computation of Turbulent Fluctuations for 3D Volume Reconstructions of Acoustic Images of Black Smoker Plumes
- Estimates of Form Drag from Drifter Tracks
- Form Drag on Flow Across a Sloping Ridge
- GROOVED TERRAIN NEAR THE SOUTH POLE OF MARS; Clue to an Unmodeled Amazonian Climate-Episode?
- Geomorphologic Applications of Precipitation Estimates from TRMM Satellite Data
- Glacial Erosion Rates in the St. Elias Mountains, Southern Alaska: Magnitudes, Spatial Variation and Relation to Tectonics.
- How Much Rain Reaches the Surface? Analysis of High Resolution Rainfall Observations in the Goodwin Creek Watershed
- Humidity Transmitter for Martian Environment, Construction and Performance Assessment
- Hydrothermal Vents in Yellowstone Lake: Chemical Fluxes, Siliceous Deposits, and Collapse Structures
- Impact of Scatterometer Winds on the Tropical Pacific Heat Budget
- Interactions Among Cloud, Water Vapor, Radiation and Large-Scale Circulation in the Tropical Climate: Sensitivity to Spatial Gradients of Sea Surface Temperature
- Interannual Variations in Upper Ocean Heat Content and Heat Transport Convergence in the Western North Atlantic
- Investigation of the Glacial History of the Siple Coast Using Radar-Detected Internal Layers and the Ice Core from Siple Dome
- Issues in Application of Macroscale Hydrology Models to High-Latitude Domains
- Magnetospheric Oxygen in the Magnetosheath as Observed by CIS Cluster
- Measurements of Near-Surface Sea Temperature From R/V Ron Brown During EPIC2001
- Mixing and Shear at 10<SUP>o</SUP>N, 95<SUP>o</SUP>W during EPIC 2001
- Modeling Subglacial Permafrost Evolution
- Nitrogen Retention by Buried Coarse Woody Debris in Lowland Coniferous Forests of Olympic National Park, Washington
- On the Possibility of an Analytic Kinetic Treatment of Simple Reconnection Geometries
- Optimal Estimation of Ice-Sheet Mass Balance: Application to Berkner Island, Antarctica.
- Parameterization of the Sublimation of Blowing Snow in a Macroscale Hydrology Model
- Preliminary Estimates of Abyssal Mixing from WOCE Lowered ADCP/CTD Sections
- Recent Results From Seafloor Instruments at the NeMO Observatory, Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Science Education Using a Computer Model-Virtual Puget Sound
- Sensitivity of surface hydrologic fluxes predicted by a macroscale hydrologic model to energy balance closure assumptions
- Shallow fractionation signature of phase chemistry in Taburiente lavas, La Palma, Canary Islands: Results of MELTS modeling
- Shear Elastic Constants for Metals and Silicates from Stonely Waves in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Single Crystal Raman Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics of Garnet Solid Solutions I: Grossular-Andradite
- Soil Moisture Response to a Changing Climate in Arctic Regions
- Spatial Variability in Radiant Stream Temperatures Estimated From Thermal Infrared Images
- Speed of Sound and Equation of State of Water at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Stability and Localization of a Hydrothermal Field on a Rift Valley Wall: GR-14 on the Northern Gorda Ridge, 2002
- Stereochemical recognition revisited: A step-specific model for shape control
- Strange Bedfellows; Physical and Biological Oceanographers
- Summer Pacific Water in the Arctic Ocean: Circulation and Variability
- The 2002 Reno Aerosol Optics Study: Overview and Preliminary Results
- The Deep-Ocean Heat Uptake in Transient Climate Change
- The Influence of Physical Breakdown and Solute Transport on Chemical Properties of Permafrost Soils: Insights From Radiogenic (Sr and Nd) and Elemental Composition.
- The NASA Working Group on River and Wetland Hydrologic Processes
- The Source of Low Energy O+ in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Topographic Analysis of Martian Impact Craters
- Two-Body Convection in the Mantle of the Earth: E/W Asymmetry, Under Astronomically Determined Tilt in g
- Understanding the regional controls on stream temperature
- Use of extended daily hydroclimatalogical records to assess hydrologic variability in the Pacific Northwest
- Using Ground-Water Models to Guide Field Data Collection: Management Decisions Impacted by Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
- Using an Airborne Doppler Lidar to Evaluate QuikSCAT and RadarSat Derived Winds
- Viscosity of Fluids in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- "Recent" Mars Polar Resurfacing Event Suggested by Small Impact Cratering Record
- A 50-yr Global Dataset of Land Surface Fluxes and States
- A 85-year Retrospective Hydrologic Analysis for the Western U.S.
- A Science Foundation for Orbital Subsurface Radar Sounding of Jupiter's Icy Moons
- Access to Space: Hands on flight instrument experience for sophomores at UW
- Assessing, understanding, and conveying the state of the Arctic sea ice cover
- Assimilating MODIS Snow Areal Extent Data Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Bedload Transport in Gravel-Bed Streams: Collaborative Field and Flume Research Using Tracer Stones
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System and its role in hydrologic observatories
- Channel Initiation Processes in Basalt and Sandstone Lithologies in Southwest Washington
- Characterization of land surface energy fluxes at the Salar de Atacama, Northern Chile using ASTER image classification
- Development of a Sediment Transport Component for DHSVM
- Electrical Resistance Tomography to Monitor Mitigation of Metal-Toxic Acid-Leachates Ruby Gulch Waste Rock Repository Gilt Edge Mine Superfund Site, South Dakota USA
- Expressions and controls on intra-crustal recycling
- Incubation of Chile's 1960 Earthquake
- IntCal04: A New Consensus Radiocarbon Calibration Dataset from 0-26 ka BP
- Integrating Acoustic Imaging of Flow Regimes With Bathymetry: A Case Study, Main Endeavor Field
- Investigating sprite energetics over Brazil in association with small/frontal storms
- Landslide Rates in the Eastern Cascade Mountain Range
- Morphological Effects of Channel Confinement and Riparian Vegetation on Urban and Non-urban Streams of the Pacific Northwest
- Observing and Modeling the Arctic-Atlantic Climate Connection
- Permafrost Landscapes on Earth: Lessons for Mars and Europa
- Potential for Observing the Global Water Cycle from Space
- Probing Thermal Diffusivity and Microwave Extinction on Ice Sheet Surfaces Using Surface and Brightness Temperature Time Series
- Remote Sensing Applications to Improve Seasonal Forecasting of Streamflow and Reservoir Storage in the Upper Snake River Basin
- Response of an orogenic wedge to climatic and tectonic perturbation
- Significant glacial advance during Younger Dryas, Annapurna region, Nepal
- Single Crystal Raman Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics of Garnet Solid Solutions II: Pyrope - Almandine Binary
- Stability of Major River Knickpoints Throughout the Himalaya: Evidence for Strong Coupling Between Erosion and Rock Uplift
- Stratospheric Observations of X-rays Near a Thunderstorm
- Streamflow Simulations of the Terrestrial Arctic Regime
- Strong Electric Fields from Positive Lightning Strokes in the Stratosphere: Implications for Sprites
- Tectonic Flows Modeled by the Method of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
- Tectonic Surfing: Evidence of Rapid Landward Transport in the Cascadia Subduction Wedge, NW Washington State
- Textural Constraints on Physical and Chemical Communication in Crystal Dominated Magmatic Systems
- The Cottage Lake Lineament, Washington: Onshore Extension of the Southern Whidbey Island Fault?
- The WMTSA Wavelet Toolkit for Data Analysis in the Geosciences
- Thermal infrared remote sensing and its usefulness in determining regional stream temperatures
- Thermodynamic Parameters of Uvarovite (Ca<SUB>3Cr_2Si_3O<SUB>12</SUB></SUB>) from Single Crystal Raman Spectroscopy
- Uncertainty Associated with the Remote-sensing of Stream Temperatures at Multiple Spatial Scales
- Variability of United States Runoff and its Climate Teleconnections
- 1917-2002 Covariability of Climate and Hydropower Production; Impact on Energy Transfers in the Western U.S.
- A Fast Response Gas Tension Device for Use on Profiling Floats
- A Mechanism for the High Rate of Sea-Ice Thinning in the Arctic Ocean
- A New Look at the Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration
- A Review of Pacific Interdecadal Climate Variability: Possible Mechanisms and Surface Climate Signatures in the Pacific Sector
- A Virtual Surface Water Satellite Mission: Identifying Key Science Issues
- An overview of Pacific Decadal (climate) Variability impacts on hydroclimate and water resources management in the western US
- Changes in Cloud Cover over the Arctic Seas from 1980-2002.
- Chemical Characteristics of Plumes above and Around NW-Rota Submarine Volcano: Before and During the March 2004 Eruption
- Convection and the Seeding of the North Atlantic Bloom
- Cyberinfrastructure (CI) for Interactive Ocean Observatories: LOOKING Ahead
- Decadal Changes in Dissolved CFCs in the Eastern Basin of the North Atlantic
- Declining Arctic Landfast Ice between 1975 and 2003
- Determination of Sea Ice Thickness from Angular and Frequency Correlation Functions and by Genetic Algorithm: A Theoretical Study of New Instrument Technology
- Dissolved Oxygen Extrema in the Arctic Ocean Halocline from the North Pole to the Lincoln Sea
- Distributed Computing for Seismic Data Retrieval using FISSURES DHI Client FMI Implimented from MatSeis 1.9
- Energy spectral characteristics of Electron Micro-bursts observed by the Korean STSAT-1
- Estimation of Arctic Land Surface Conditions and Fluxes via a Suite of Land Surface Models
- Estuary River Plume Connections
- Evaluating the Management Implications of Scientific Research
- Experimental investigation of the turbulent structures that initiate bedload motion
- Exploring the Role of Land Surface Changes on the Variability of Pan-Arctic River Discharge
- Finding Active Faults in a Glaciated and Forested Landscape: the Southern Whidbey Island Fault, Washington
- Finite Element Models of Viscous Flow in the Mantle Wedge Above a Subducting Slab for Different Relative Subducting and Overriding Plate Motions
- Formation of Valles Marineris and Associated Outlfow Channels by Catastrophic Dewatering of Evaporite Deposits
- Frontal circulation and sediment distribution in the Columbia River plume during the 2004 RISE cruise
- High-Resolution Imaging of the San Andreas Fault from Fault-Zone Trapped Waves Recorded at the SAFOD Borehole Seismograph and Surface Array
- Ice Thickness and Basal Topography Near the Ross/Amundsen Ice Divide Revealed by Ground-based Radar and New Signal Processing
- Implementing Probabilistic Climate Outlooks Within a Seasonal Hydrologic Forecast System
- Increased Heat Transport into the Arctic Ocean in a Climate Model of the 21st Century
- Is the Faroe Bank Channel a hydraulically-controlled overflow?
- Land Cover Change Effects on Hydrological and Biogeochemical Functions in the Mekong River Basin: Insights From Macro-Scale Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Models.
- Landform Formation Under Ice Sheets
- Laser-induced Native Fluorescence Detection of Organic Molecules in Hydrothermal Vent Rocks
- Life on the Edge: Holocene Tephra Stratigraphy of Tanginak Anchorage, Sitkalidak Island, Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska
- Master Cycles of Land-Level Change and Great-Earthquake Recurrence in Cascadia, Northeast Japan, and Southern Chile
- Measuring Dissipation Rates of Turbulence Kinetic Energy with A Lagrangian Float
- Modeling Cultural/ecological Impacts of Large-scale Mining and Industrial Development in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Basin
- Modeling of Seawater Geochemistry in Snowball Earth-Hothouse Earth Environments
- Mount Logan Ice Cores : the Water Cycle of the North Pacific in the Holocene
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) Arctic Climate Change Studies: A Contribution to IPY
- Observations of ion velocity space holes associated with magnetic field fluctuations in the plasma sheet
- Observed Changes at the Surface of the Arctic Ocean
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms II
- Prediction of Mass Wasting, Erosion, and Sediment Transport With the Distributed Hydrology-Soil-Vegetation Model
- Rates of Glacial and Sub-Aerial Erosion and Sedimentation During Rapid Deglaciation
- Recent Progress Towards Establishing an Arctic Ocean Observing System - A NOAA Contribution to the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)
- Review of Measurements of the Aerosol Global Direct Radiative Forcing
- Role of oceanic heat flux in the central Arctic Ocean
- Salinity Trends on the Siberian Shelves
- Scaleable Nitrate Microsensors in the Form of a Plant Root
- Science Enabled by Ocean Observatory Acoustics
- Temporal Trends In Apparent Oxygen Utilization In The Upper Pycnocline Of The North Pacific
- The Freshwater Flux to the Arctic via the Bering Strait
- The International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) - An International Polar Year Every Year
- The Marine Language Exchange Program: an International Approach to Ocean Sciences
- The North Pole Environmental Observatory: A Community Resource for Tracking Change in the Arctic Marine Environment
- The North Pole Mooring: A Window on the Arctic Ocean
- The variability of Atlantic water transport in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas and its influence on arctic sea ice
- Transmission of Solar Radiation Through Summer Melt Ponds
- Use of a characteristic time scale of microwave emission to determine accumulation variability in Antarctica
- Virtual mission stage I: Implications of a spaceborne surface water mission
- Weekly to Interannual Variations of Sea-Ice Draft at the North Pole Environmental Observatory
- Wenatchee River, Washington, Water Temperature Modeling and Assessment Using Remotely Sensed Thermal Infrared and Instream Recorded Data
- 22 Views of the Global Albedo - Comparison Between 20 GCMs and 2 Satellites
- A Mesh-free Lagrangian Fluid Model for Creeping Flow of History-dependant Material with Applications to Extensional Tectonics
- A New Look at the Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration
- A Strategy to Learn How to Build Scientific-Education and Outreach Partnerships in the Ocean Sciences: COSEE Ocean Learning Communities.
- A comparison of grading in deposits from five tsunamis: Does tsunami wave duration affect grading patterns?
- A multi-model hydrologic ensemble for seasonal streamflow forecasting in the western U.S.
- Acceleration of the Arctic and Subarctic Freshwater Cycle
- Assessing the Importance of Hydrologic Initial Conditions Versus Climate Forecast Errors for Seasonal Hydrologic Prediction
- Behavior of supraglacial lakes and their role in outlet glacier dynamics and mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Chronological Constraints on Processes Leading to Large Active Landslides Using in Situ 10Be
- Constraints on Inner Core Rotation Rate From Improved Inner Core Wavespeed Gradients
- Control of ice stream stick-slip dynamics by frictional healing
- Details of Tidally Modulated Stick-Slip Motion of Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Development of Cellular Absorptive Tracers (CATs) for a Quantitative Characterization of the Complexity of Nanoscale Biological Systems
- Development of a Domain Map for Nodes of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- Effects of Transport and Processing on Aerosol Chemical and Optical Properties Across the Gulf of Maine
- Effects of a Warmer Climate on Stress Complexes in Forests of Western North America
- Estimating river discharge estimation through assimilation of remotely-sensed altimetry into a raster-based hydraulics model
- Evaluation of Community Land Model Hydrologic Predictions
- Evaluation of precipitation products to force a global flood and drought prediction system
- Exploring the effects of precipitation changes on the variability of pan-arctic river discharge
- Field Survey of the effects of the 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005 Tsunamis and Earthquakes in Indonesia
- Freshwater input to the Arctic: Uncertainty in model forcing vs. model structure
- From CORIE to NANOOS: Scaling Up Coastal-Margin Observing Systems
- Hunting the Saddle Mountain Fault Zone in the Olympic Peninsula With Airplane and Canoe
- Impact of the REVEL Project: How Do Science Teachers Change by Doing Cutting-Edge Oceanographic Research?
- Interannual variability in high latitude stratospheric ozone
- Large Stratospheric Electric Fields Driven by Possible Upward Initiated Positive Lightning
- Longitudinal and Vertical Displacement of Gravel and Cobble Tracers During Individual Flood Events in a Western Washington Stream
- Macrobiotic Communities of Vailulu'u Seamount, Samoan Archipelago
- Measurements of mixing ratio and carbon-13 composition of atmospheric methyl chloride from two Atlantic Ocean transects
- Measuring the Retreat Velocity of the Laurentide Ice Sheet by Cosmogenic Nuclides? Be-10 Dating of Glacial Features in Lower Hudson Valley
- Mechanical feedbacks in calving glacier retreat, thinning and acceleration.
- Modeling of land surface processes in La Plata Basin
- Multi-model estimates of Arctic land surface conditions
- Non-adiabatic Bouncing Ion Clusters in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer Observed by Cluster-CIS
- Overview of Sea-Ice Properties, Distribution and Temporal Variations, for Application to Ice-Atmosphere Chemical Processes.
- Pacific dominance of oceanic N2 fixation diagnosed from nutrient distributions
- Particulate Organic Carbon Fluxes across the Arctic Land-Sea Interface
- Patterns in Frozen Ground
- Physical Properties of the Saturnian Ring System Inferred from Cassini VIMS Opposition Observations
- Recent Changes in Arctic Sea-Ice as a Component of the Arctic Freshwater System
- Recent Elevation Changes on the Ice Streams and Ridges of the Ross Embayment From ICESat Crossovers
- Recent warming of the arctic ice ocean system is faster than the global average
- Reconciling observations and theory of erosion rate patterns in the Olympic Mountains of Washington State
- Resolving Accumulation-Rate Patterns Using Ice-Flow Inverse Methods
- Serpentinization-Driven Systems in the Seafloors of Icy Moons
- Steric sea level change: An arctic perspective
- Summer open water in the Arctic Ocean and ice growth in the subsequent year
- Summertime influence of Asian pollution in the middle and upper troposphere during INTEX-A
- Testing MODIS retrievals of mineral dust properties
- The Cassini VIMS Titan Photometric Control Network: Relevance to Understanding Titan's Surface and Atmosphere
- The Effect of Surface Active Organics on Halogen Activation via N2O5 Reaction on Aqueous Sub-micron NaCl Aerosol
- The NSF Laboratory for Ocean Observatories Knowledge INtegration Grid (LOOKING)
- The Upper Ocean Heat Budget in Western Boundary Currents
- The role of antecedent land surface conditions in North American Monsoon warm season precipitation
- Time scales of assimilation and mixing at Krafla volcano, Icleand
- Trends in 20th century drought characteristics over the continental United States
- Use of an Instrumented Planar Experimental Plot to Provide Guidance for Physically-Based Hydrologic Modeling
- Using Sun Spikes to Measure Mesospheric Conductivity
- Wetter or Drier? Estimating regional precipitation uncertainties in the IPCC Fourth Assessment global warming scenarios using a GCM super ensemble approach
- A New Look at the Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration
- A Two-Month Seaglider Survey of a Gulf of Alaska Eddy: How Eddy Dynamical Structure Evolves Temporally
- A Warm-Water "Halo" around Maud Rise: Properties, Dynamics and Impact
- A system for real-time prediction of hydrological and agricultural drought over the continental U.S.
- Abyssal Temperature Variability and the Global Ocean Heat Budget
- Additions to the public archive of submarine-based measurements of sea-ice draft
- An Assessment of Errors in Sea-Ice Draft Observed by U.S. Navy Submarines
- An Overview of the Impacts of Pacific Decadal Climate Variability on Marine Ecosystems
- An assessment of thermal infrared remote sensing and its usefulness in determining regional stream temperatures
- Application of 4Dvar Data Assimilation for Reanalysis and Short Range Forecast: Circulation of the Chukchi and Bering Seas
- Applications of medium range to seasonal/interannual climate forecasts for water resources management in the Yakima River basin, Idaho
- Arctic Ocean freshwater content changes and their causes
- Bedload Particle Travel Distance Increases Linearly With Cumulative Excess Shear Stress
- Biogeochemistry of the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
- Biomass Consumption, CO2, CO and Main Hydrocarbon Gas Emissions in an Amazonian Forest Clearing Fire
- Carbon Dioxide Flux and Transfer Velocity Measurements in the Amazon (Brazil) and Mekong (Southeast Asia) River Basins
- Change Seen by NPEO in the Central Arctic Ocean, 2000-2006, and Implications for Coupling with the Atmosphere
- Changes in Arctic Sea Ice: Retrospection and Future Projection
- Changing firn character in Greenland: is the end of the dry snow zone in sight?
- Circulation and watermasses in the Davis Strait
- Circulation rate changes in the Eastern Subtropical North Pacific based on chlorofluorocarbon ages
- Climate Change, Urbanization, and Stormwater Runoff
- Climate Variability in the North Pacific Thermocline Diagnosed from Oxygen Measurements: An Update Based on the U.S. CLIVAR/CO2 Repeat Hydrography Cruises
- Cloud Nucleating Properties of Aerosols During TexAQS - GoMACCS 2006: Influence of Aerosol Sources, Composition, and Size
- Conifer Encroachment into Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park: How Anthropogenic Impacts to Local Hydrology Affect Meadow Habitat
- Dansgaard-Oeschger-like abrupt climate transition in a coupled GCM
- Data and scale of integration considerations in uncertainty assessment for distributed hydrologic models
- Decadal Changes in Pacific Ocean Inorganic Carbon Inventory
- Decadal sediment accumulation rates on the floodplain of the Strickland River, Papua New Guinea
- Developments in Acoustic Navigation and Communication for High-Latitude Ocean Research
- Early-Holocene Climate Change in Beringia: Mediation of Global-Warming Impacts by Regional-Scale Boundary-Condition Changes
- Effects of 20th Century Warming and Climate Variability on Flood Risk in the Western U.S.
- Elements of Sensor Network Infrastructure: Moorings, Mobile Platforms and Integrated Acoustics
- Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Subsistence Whaling in the Coastal Arctic Ocean
- Estuarine science and decision-support tools to restore Puget Sound delta and estuarine ecosystems: The Skagit River Delta
- Evaluating the potential of assimilating satellite passive microwave brightness temperatures for snow water equivalent estimation
- Evaluation of TRMM satellite precipitation products in hydrologic simulations of La Plata Basin
- Floods, Droughts, and the Human Transformation of the Mekong River Basin
- Formation and development of surface scattering layers on Arctic sea ice
- Geospatial modeling of fire-size distributions in historical low-severity fire regimes
- High-resolution Vertical Profiling of Ocean Velocity and Water Properties Under Hurricane Frances in September 2004
- Hydrographic conditions in the central and eastern Arctic Ocean in the mid- 2000s
- Hydrologic impacts of climate change on the Nile River basin: Implications of the 2006 IPCC climate scenarios
- Hydrology and Climate in the Sierra Nevada: Disproving the Myth of Linear Gradients with Elevation
- Hydrometeorology Testbed in the American River Basin of Northern California
- Hydrothermal Plume Mapping Along the Hotspot-affected Galapagos Spreading Center Finds High-Temperature Vent Sites are Anomalously Scarce
- Ice Front Changes on the Greenland Ice Sheet: 1992-2005
- Impact of Climate Change on Pacific Northwest Hydropower
- Inconsistencies between precipitation and streamflow data in the Mekong River Basin and the Need for reanalysis products in Southeast Asia
- Insight into the basal mechanics of ice streams from passive seismic observations
- Interactions and Feedbacks in the Changing Arctic Hydrologic System
- Internal Wave Measurements With a Towed CTD Chain on the New Jersey Shelf
- Is Arctic sea ice on a new Trajectory in the 21st Century?
- Lagrangian Hydrocode Simulations of Tsunamigenic, Subaerial Landslides
- Land Cover Change Effects on Streamflow in the Puget Sound Basin, Washington
- Large Eddy Simulation of Langmuir Turbulence in Pure Wind Seas
- Mapping Boreal Wetlands Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Measurements and Modeling of Primary Production in a Coastal Inlet
- Measuring Surface Water From Space
- Medium range flood forecasts at global scale
- Mixed Layer Restratification: Early Results from the AESOP Program
- Modeling Puget Lobe Basal Conditions and Driving Climate Perturbations from Extent, Climate, and Flow Indicators
- Modeling the global distribution of the oxygen isotopic composition of sulfate aerosols: Importance of transition metal catalyzed S(IV) oxidation chemistry
- Monitoring and Understanding Changes in the Dynamics of Greenland and Antarctic Outlet Glaciers.
- New Insights in Sea Ice Drift Based on Dirty Ice Samples Collected in 2005 by the HOTRAX Expedition
- Nighttime Lagrangian Measurements of Aerosols and Oxidants
- Northern Eurasian Wetlands and the Carbon Cycle: Model Estimates of Carbon Storage and Methane Emissions
- Observations of Shoaling Nonlinear Internal Waves: Formation of Trapped Cores
- Observed Melt Season Seismicity of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Overlap of Direct and Indirect Aerosol Forcings in Broken Sky Cover
- Overview of Decadal Variations in Salinity, Oxygen and Nutrients Based on Recent Repeat Hydrographic Sections
- Parameterizing Arctic sea-ice melt pond characteristics for radiation budgets and climate modeling
- Polarization Analysis of the September 2005 Northern Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip Event
- Preliminary Analysis of IR Cloudtop Temperatures of Sprite Producing Storms over Argentina Observed from Brazil, and Comparison with US Case Study
- Preliminary Measurements Of N2O Partial Pressures In Rivers of Amazon Basin, Brazil
- Prospects for river discharge and depth estimation through assimilation of swath-altimetry into a raster-based hydraulics model
- Pseudoracemization (Biological Accumulation of D-amino Acids) in the Antarctic Cryptoendolithic Microbial Ecosystem, a Model for Oceans, Sediments, and Soils
- Qualitative Measurement of Landscape Structure in an Urbanizing Region: A New Method and Preliminary Results
- Quantitative Analysis of Holocene Shoreline Retreat in Unconsolidated Sediment within the northern Puget Lowland, WA.
- Radiative Forcing of Saharan Dust Aerosol at Niamey, Niger
- Research Applications of Data from Arctic Ocean Drifting Platforms: The Arctic Buoy Program and the Environmental Working Group CD's.
- Role of CO2 outgas from small rivers in local and regional net carbon emission in the southwestern Amazon River Basin
- SAR Observations and Models of Nonlinear Internal Waves in the South China Sea
- SST, Winds, and Air-Sea Fluxes in the Gulf Stream Region in the First Winter of CLIMODE
- Saturn's Titan: Evidence for Surface Reflectance Change: Implications for Atmospheric and Volcanic Activity
- Sea Ice Rheology From In-situ And Remote Sensing Observations: Fracture and Friction
- Sea Surface Temperature Signatures of Oceanic Internal Waves in low Winds
- Sea ice thickness sensitivity to longwave radiation: the albedo in the closet
- Seasonal behavior of lakes on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Simulation of northern Eurasian wetland dynamics using the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model
- Simulation of reservoir effects on streamflow seasonality for the Lena, Yenisey, and Ob' rivers
- Spatial Models of Erosion in Mountain Catchments Constrained by Cosmogenic 10Be
- Spatial and Temporal Changes in Fluid Chemistry and Microbial Community Diversity in Subseafloor Habitats at Axial Seamount Following the 1998 Eruption
- Spectral Unmixing of Remotely Sensed Forest Images Using an Adaptive Topographic Shade Correction Algorithm
- Steric Sea Level Change in the Northern Seas
- Study of the non-linear interaction between QBO and Solar Cycle in stratospheric ozone using the THIN AIR model
- Subglacial Lakes and the Onset of Ice Streaming: New Large Lakes in the Recovery Catchment, East Antarctica
- Synchronostratigraphic evidence from terrane and craton for the offset of Baja BC (early Campanian)
- The 16 May 2005 Flood in Yosemite National Park--A Glimpse into High-Country Flood Generation in the Sierra Nevada
- The Dependence of Heat and Gas Transfer Velocities on Wind-Generated and Mechanically Generated Aqueous-Phase Turbulence
- The Influence of the Solar Cycle and QBO on the Late Winter Stratospheric Polar Vortex
- The Making of Fore-Arc Andesite of the Portland Basin, Oregon
- The Ocean Boundary Layer beneath Hurricane Frances
- The Pacific Northwest's Climate Impacts Group: Climate Science in the Public Interest
- The Return of Pacific Waters to the Upper Layers of the Central Arctic Ocean
- The Role of Unparameterized Boundary Layer Processes on Tropical Cyclone Intensity Prediction
- The TOVS Polar Pathfinder Data Set: Path-P, an update
- The role of antecedent soil moisture on variability of the North American Monsoon System
- Tracer Sampling In The Arctic From The Nuclear Submarine USS L. Mendel Rivers During SCICEX 2000: Evidence Of Eddies
- Trans-polar observations of the morphological properties of Arctic sea ice
- Unexpected Effects of Energy and Water Additions on the Microclimate of a High Arctic Ecosystem
- Using Natural Boundary Conditions to Probe the Internal Dynamics of Pyroclastic Flows: Mass, Enthalpy and Momentum Transfer at the Flow-Bed Interface
- Using RAQMS Chemical Transport Model, Aircraft In-situ and Satellite Data to Verify Ground-based Biomass Burning Emissions from the Extreme Fire Event in Boreal Alaska 2004
- Using low-temperature thermochronometers to determine the long-term erosion rate pattern in the Olympic Mountains of Washington State
- Vegetation-Mediated Impacts of Climatic Change on Late Glacial and Holocene Fire Regimes in the Southcentral Brooks Range, Alaska
- What is the Trajectory of Arctic Sea Ice?
- Wilderness Stream Gauging: the application of new technology and techniques in Yosemite National Park
- A Case Study of Differing Effects of Urbanization on Streamflow From Two Proximate Watersheds
- A Model of Fe Isotope Fractionation Within a High-Temperature Sulfide Structure from the Mothra Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- A Study of Water Uptake by a Mature Amazonian Rainforest.
- A biophysical gradient analysis of climate for understanding conifer establishment in mountain ecosystems of the western U.S.
- A first calving law for ice shelves: spreading-rate control of calving rate
- A handheld device for measuring snow grain size at centimeter resolution using IR- and visible- spectrum sensors
- A multi-scale approach to imaging and Frechet derivatives in wave-equation tomography
- An Intensified Arctic Water Cycle? Trend Analysis of the Arctic System Freshwater Cycle: Observations and Expectations
- Application of LDAS-era land surface models for drought characterization and prediction in Washington State
- Application of the VIC hydrologic model to explore the role of permafrost in observed Eurasian Arctic streamflow changes
- Arctic Ocean Surface Warming Trends Over the 20th Century
- Arctic Sea Ice Conditions Leading to Record Reduction in Summer 2007
- Bottom Interaction in Long-Range Ocean Acoustic Propagation
- Calving Dynamics in an Ice-Stream/Ice-Shelf Model: Are Basal and Lateral Drag Stabilizing?
- Changes in Greenland Outlet Glacier Systems Synchronous With Increasing Summer Sea Surface Temperatures Over the Past Decade
- Characterizing turbulence in the presence of coherent structures in an estuary
- Climate Response to Solar Forcing
- Connecting climate, hydrologic and drought predictions to water resources management in Washington State
- Constraints on melt-water flux through the West Greenland ice-sheet: modeling of hydro- fracture drainage of supraglacial lakes
- Cyberinfrastructure and Software Middleware Efforts Applied to Ocean Observing Systems
- Debris-Rich Basal Ice Layers Effects on Polar Glacier Dynamics
- Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenically Induced Changes in Snowpack Over the Western U.S.
- Detection and Attribution of Climate Change in JFM Streamflow Fractions in the Western United States
- Detection and Attribution of temperature changes in the mountainous western United States.
- Developing a Framework for Testing Distributed Hydrologic Models at the Hillslope Scale
- Diagnosis of performance of the Noah LSM snow model
- Direct Observations of Melt-Water Lake Drainage and the Establishment of an Efficient Surface to Basal Water Connection on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Dynamical Constraints on the Life Cycle of Voluminous Silicic Systems: How to Build, Maintain, and Destroy Shallow Silicic Magma Bodies
- Dynamics of soil moisture and actual evaporation over the East-European Plain during the second part of the 20th century
- ELF Q-bursts from African Squall Lines
- Europan Ocean Sulfate Chemistry To 700 MPa From -20 to 100 °C
- Examination of the Influence of the State of the Gulf Stream on Storms in the North Atlantic
- Experimental Increases in Snow Alter Physical, Chemical and Feedback Processes in the High Arctic.
- Field-based Measurements of 37-GHz Microwave Extinction Length at Summit, Greenland
- Geophysical Evidence for Holocene Lake-Level Change in Southern California (Dry Lake): Additional Evidence for a Regional Early Holocene High Stand
- High-Resolution Imaging of the San Andreas Fault from Fault-Zone Trapped Waves Recorded at the SAFOD Borehole Seismograph and Surface Array
- High-Resolution ice Nucleation Spectra of Sea-Ice Bacteria: Implications for Cloud Formation and Life in Frozen Environments
- Human Induced Changes in the Hydrological Cycle of the Western United States
- Hydrological Forecasting in Mexico: Extending the University of Washington West-wide Seasonal Hydrologic Forecast System
- Hydrological evaluation of satellite precipitation products in the La Plata basin
- IR Temperature Characteristics of a Prolific TLE Producing Storm in South America Observed During a Sprite Campaign in Brazil
- Implementation strategies for multi-sensor snow data assimilation
- Implications of the NAS Decadal Review for international hydrology
- InSAR Studies of Crustal Deformation Near Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland and Cane Creek Anticline, Utah
- InSAR and GPS Observations Show Seasonal Speedup of Ice Flow in Greenland Following the Onset of Summer Melting
- Inferring Histories of Accumulation, Ice Flow, and Ice Thickness from Internal Layers in Ice Sheets
- Influence of the solar cycle on the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation period
- Infrared Remote Sensing of Coherent Structures in an Estuarine River
- Lagrangian Transient Firn Compaction Model With Heat Transfer
- Lake and wetland variability in regions of seasonal and permanent soil frost
- Long-Range Propagation of Semidiurnal Internal Tides in the North Pacific Ocean
- Mechanistic model for light-controlled leaf phenology in the Amazon rainforests
- Methane Emissions From Western Siberian Wetlands: Heterogeneity and Sensitivity to Climate Change
- Modeling Indian Ocean Tsunami Propagation and Inundation with TsunamiClaw---Adaptive Finite Volume Methods.
- Modeling the effects of topographic shading on snow-fed runoff with warmer temperatures
- Modulation of the Fluxes of Energetic Particles in the Inner Magnetosphere Associated With Storm Conditions
- Near Real Time Evapotranspiration Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data
- Northern Eurasia: Evaluating processes and feedbacks in the context of climate change
- Physics-based simulation of surface and near-surface hydrologic response for the Tarrawarra Catchment: parameterization for a synthetic dataset
- Progress in developing an Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS)
- Rain driven by receding ice sheets as a cause of past climate change
- Remote Sensing of Open Water in Northern High Latitudes for use in Hydrologic Modeling
- Response of the zonal mean atmospheric circulation to El Nino versus global warming
- Runoff Efficiency of Sierra Snowmelt: Evaporative Water Losses in Wet vs. Dry Years
- Satellite Applications for K-12 Geoscience Education
- Satellite Interferometry and Antarctic Ice Thickness Estimation
- Scaling of the Tremor Source
- Sea Ice Entrainment and Sediment Sources
- Seasonal and Fortnightly Variability of Baroclinic Tides in the Luzon Strait and Northern South China Sea: A Numerical Study
- Seismic Documentation for Rock Damage and Heal on the San Andreas Fault Involved in the 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- ShakeMap at the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
- Simulation of the Effect of Titan's Induced Magnetosphere on the Kronian Magnetosphere: Titan mass losses and Kronian mass loading
- Solar-Cycle Warming at the Earth's Surface
- Solar-cycle response in global climate models assessed by IPCC AR4
- Spatial and temporal variability of Arctic sea-ice draft, 1975-2005
- Subglacial water transport throughout Antarctica from ICESAT laser altimetry
- Sustaining the Bering Ecosystem: A Social Science Research Plan
- Synergies Between Changes in Climate, Land Cover/Use, and Streamflow Regulation, in the Mekong River Basin
- Testing a possible scenario for delta-spot formation
- Thai Evidence for Recurrent Indian Ocean Tsunamis of the Last 3,000 Years
- The Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Mentoring: Lessons from The Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)
- The Effect of Hydrologic Model Calibration on Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts for the Western U.S.
- The Impact of Aerosol Sources and Aging on CCN Formation in the Houston-Galveston-Gulf of Mexico Region
- The Response of the ITCZ to Extratropical Thermal Forcing: Idealized Slab-Ocean Experiments with Idealized and Comprehensive GCMs
- The Role of Sea Ice Dynamics in the Recent Decline of Arctic Sea Ice
- The rich contributions of A.L. Washburn to permafrost and periglacial studies
- Towards Determining the Upper Temperature Limit to Life
- U.S. Contributions to Understanding Major Transformations of the Global Water System and World Water Resource Base
- Using Climate Forecast Information in Water Resource Planning: Opportunities and Challenges in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, USA
- Using LiDAR Metrics to Characterize Forest Structural Complexity at Multiple Scales
- Variational Reconstruction of the Chukchi Sea Circulation in October-November 1990
- Verification of a Downscaling Sequence Applied to Medium Range Meteorological Predictions for Global Flood Prediction
- Virtual Mission First Results Supporting the WATER HM Satellite Concept
- Water Resource Changes In Future Climate Change Scenarios In The Puget Sound, Washington
- What is the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin?: a cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from BrasilFlux network
- 3D Mechanical Models of Crustal Deformation and the Effect of Erosion on the Strain Pattern in SE Alaska
- 3D Multi-fluid simulations of Titan crossing Saturn's magnetopause: comparison to T32 observations
- A Pacific Northwest old-growth forest's response to climate variability and extreme climate events over 10 years.
- A Search in Strainmeter Data for Slow Slip Associated with Triggered and Ambient Tremor near Parkfield, California
- A Smart Sensor Web for Ocean Observation: Integrated Acoustics, Satellite Networking, and Predictive Modeling
- A multi-model integrated assessment of the impacts of climate change in Washington State
- A tale of two species: Temporal behavior of diurnal and semidiurnal internal tides
- Albedo changes of the Arctic sea ice cover
- An Overview on the Project to Develop Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Anthropogenic Contributions to Hypoxia in Lower Hood Canal, Washington State
- Anthropogenically-induced changes in temperatures and implications for water resources in the western United States.
- Application of variational data assimilation to coupled physical-biological models of the North Atlantic Bloom
- Arctic sea ice retreat in 2007 follows thinning trend
- Arctic terrestrial water storage changes from GRACE satellite estimates and a land surface hydrology model
- Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions in Mid-latitude Western Boundary Currents
- Atmospheric Observations of Abundant Formaldehyde Above a Coniferous Forest Provides Further Evidence of Rapid Oxidation of Arboreal Hydrocarbons
- Automated Upscaling of River Networks for Macroscale Hydrological Modeling
- Autonomous Mission Design and Data Fusion: Laying the groundwork for Decadal Mission swath altimetry and ocean vector winds.
- Basal Conditions for Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers Determined using Satellite and Airborne Data
- Chemical Contribution to the Flux of Acyl Peroxy Nitrates (PAN, PPN, MPAN) Measured Above a Ponderosa Pine Forest During BEARPEX-2007
- Climate Change Adaptation in the Western U.S.: the Case for Dynamic Rule Curves in Water Resources Management
- Climate Change Effects On Streamflow In The Puget Sound Basin, Washington
- ClimateWizard: A Framework and Easy-to-Use Web-Mapping Tool for Global, Regional, and Local Climate-Change Analysis
- Closing the Peroxy Acetyl (PA) Radical Budget: Observations of Acyl Peroxy Nitrates (PAN, PPN, and MPAN) During BEARPEX 2007
- Constraining the development of the upper martian crust using orbital and in-situ thermophysical, mineralogical, and geochemical observations
- Constraints on 226Ra-210Pb Decoupling in Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge Magma Systems from Hydrothermal Vent Fluid Compositions, 9°46'-9°52'N East Pacific Rise
- Controls on Greenland Outlet Glacier Sensitivity to Climate Forcing: A Comparative Approach
- Crustal Deformation due to Ice Mass Unloading at Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland, Measured With ERS/Envisat/Radarsat SAR Interferometry
- Debris-Rich Basal Ice Layer Effects on Polar Glacier Dynamics
- Detection of Super-Earth Planets via the Transit Timing Variation Method
- Developing a Framework for Testing Distributed Hydrologic Models at the Catchment Scale - Examples of Test Model Runs for Event Based and Long Term Simulations
- Diatom assemblages as guides to flow conditions during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Phra Thong Island, Thailand
- Disturbance, Complexity, and Scale in Western Mountain Ecosystems
- Effects of Climate Change on White-Water Recreation on the Salmon River, Idaho
- Elastic Properties and Seismic Velocities of Amphibole
- Electrical Conductivity Beneath the Payún Matrú Volcanic Field in the Andean Back-arc of Argentina near 36.5S: Insights into the Magma Source and Results of 3D Modeling
- Ensemble Snowpack Projections for the Pacific Northwest from 1950-2100 Based on Downscaled IPCC Scenarios
- Estimating Runoff From Roadcuts With a Distributed Hydrologic Model
- Estimating Soil Moisture, Inundation, and Methane Emissions from Siberian Wetlands Using Models and Remote Sensing
- Estimating Tropical Cyclone Atmospheric Boundary Layer Properties From Surface Drifter Wind and Pressure Observations
- Estimating continental-scale water balances through remote sensing
- Estuarine Energy Pathways
- Evolution of Hydro-systems: The 500-Year Challenge
- Factors Affecting Inter-Annual Variability of Hypoxia in Hood Canal
- Fish kill dynamics in Hood Canal (Washington State, USA) as revealed by real-time data and integrated modeling.
- Future Stream Temperature Projections for the US Pacific Northwest: Potential Implications for Salmon Habitat
- Geology and Architecture of a Continental Arc in Flare-up Mode: Observations and Insights From a Crustal Cross-Section in Sierras Valle Fertil-La Huerta, Argentina.
- Glider observations of internal waves in the South China Sea
- Glider-based Measurements of Kuroshio Seasonal Variation
- Homogenization processes in silicic magma chambers by stirring and latent heat buffering
- How accurately will SWOT measurements be able to characterize river discharge?
- Hydrologic ensemble prediction - applications to streamflow and drought nowcasting and forecasting
- Implications of the representation of snowpack stratigraphy for large-scale passive microwave remote sensing
- Improving Borehole Optical Stratigraphy (BOS): Modeling, laboratory calibration, and design
- In Situ, Nonlinear Soil Response Applying an Active Source
- InSAR Measurement of Ice Sheet Motion: A Current and Future Perspective
- Incorporating Multi-model Ensemble Techniques Into a Probabilistic Hydrologic Forecasting System
- Inertial waves and instabilities in the Kuroshio Front
- Initial Results from the Vector Electric Field Investigation on the C/NOFS Satellite
- Interannual and Intraseasonal Interactions Between Greening Process and Soil Moisture in the North American Monsoon Region in Northwestern Mexico
- Interannual and Seasonal Variability in the Arctic Ocean as Observed with GRACE and In Situ Bottom Pressure Measurements
- Inverse Method for Determining Frontal Vertical Circulation With Application to the Subpolar Front of the Japan/East Sea
- Laboratory Experiments Simulating the Effects of Variable Discharge on Buoyant Coastal Plumes
- Lake Level Changes Under a Constant Climate
- Large Freshwater Anomalies in the Arctic Ocean: Results from the 2008 IPY/NPEO Hydrographic Survey
- Magnetostratigraphy of a Marine Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Section, Kennecott Point, Queen Charlotte Islands: Implications for the Temporal Correlation of a 'Big Five' Mass Extinction Event.
- Mechanisms explaining anomalous ice conditions in the Beaufort Sea during 2006 and 2007
- Mechanisms of Upper Ocean Warming in the Arctic and the Effect on Sea Ice Melt
- Mixed layer restratificaton by submesoscale processes and the initiation of the North Atlantic bloom
- Monitoring Some Seattle Landmarks
- Most Critical Surface Meteorological Measurements for Modeling Distributed Snowmelt in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Multi-scale assimilation of remotely sensed snow observations for hydrologic estimation
- Non-stationarity and statistical partitioning of snow depth fields: Independent variable controls and application to sampling design and modeling.
- Observational evidence of long-term trends in atmospheric circulation: From poles to tropics
- Phase speed spectra and the latitude of surface westerlies: interannual variability and global warming trend
- Polar Science Weekend: A University / Science Center Collaboration
- Precipitation Extremes in Washington State: Are they changing?
- Preparing Climate Engineering Responses to Climate Emergencies II: Impact Detection/Attribution and Field Testing
- Quantifying the impact of model errors on river discharge retrievals through assimilation of SWOT-observed water surface elevations
- Raman Spectroscopy at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents
- Recent Decadal Warming and Freshening of Antarctic-Derived Abyssal Waters
- Recent State of Arctic Sea Ice
- Refining Distributed Snowmelt Models in a Mountain Environment
- Regolith-Atmosphere H2O Exchange and Surface Energy Balances at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Remote Sensing of Salinity Intrusion in a Marine Estuary
- River Runoff is the Dominant Source of Freshwater to the Central Arctic Ocean and Beaufort Sea during Spring 2008
- Rock Abundances at MSL Candidate Landing Sites using HRSC Stereo and HiRISE Images
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability in the California Current System over the Washington Continental Slope observed with Seagliders
- Seasonal and diurnal melt-induced flow dynamics at a land terminating outlet of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Sediment Classification in Tidal Flats via Heat Flux Observations
- Shelf and Slope Sedimentation in the Arctic Ocean: Comparison of the Alaskan Margin with Deep-Sea Sediments; Drift Deposits and the Role of Sea Ice
- Signal or Noise? Spikes in Subsurface Optical Measurements During the North Atlantic Bloom
- Simulation of Two Strategies to Limit the Impact of Fouling in Permeable Reactive Barriers
- SnowSTAR2002 transect reconstruction using a multilayered energy and mass balance snow model
- Soil Processes on Delta and Till Deposits in Taylor Dry Valley, Antarctica
- Sources and Predictability of Anomalies in North Atlantic Subtropical Mode Water Formation and Transformation Using the Walin Framework
- Spatio-temporal Error on the Discharge Estimates for the SWOT Mission
- Spectroscopic and Structural Study of the Protonation of Aquatic Natural Organic Matter from the Amazon river tributaries
- Statistical Applications of Physical Hydrologic Models and Satellite Snow Cover Observations to Seasonal Water Supply Forecasts
- Suboxic conditions at the Permian-Triassic boundary in the NE Panthalassic Ocean suggest a different extinction mechanism compared to Paleotethys anoxia
- Summer minimum Arctic sea ice extent and the associated summer atmospheric circulation
- The 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Experiment II: Autonomous Platforms and Mixed Layer Evolution
- The 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Experiment III: Bloom dynamics
- The 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Experiment: Radiometric Measurements and Inversions
- The 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Experiment: Spectral Particulate Absorption Coefficients
- The Arctic Dipole Anomaly (DA) and sea ice transport: A mechanism responsible for the record ice minimum in 2007
- The Relationship Between Temperature and Gas Concentration Fluctuation Rates at an Air-Water Interface
- The September 25, 2003 Tokachi-Oki Mw 8.3 Earthquake: Rupture Process From Joint Inversion of Tsunami Waveform, GPS, and Pressure Gages Data
- The Vector Electric Field Investigation on the C/NOFS Satellite
- The coupling between outlet glaciers and their catchments
- The high frequency underwater acoustic signature of tropical cyclones
- The role of surface fluxes in tropical intraseasonal oscillations
- Thermal remote sensing of tidal flat bathymetry and circulation
- Toward the reanalysis of the of the circulation in the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas
- Transient Luminous Events and the 9 May 2007 Oklahoma Mesoscale Convective System
- Tremor triggered near Parkfield by teleseismic waves
- Trends in Eurasian Arctic runoff timing and their relationship to snow cover changes
- Triggered Tremor as a Slow Slip Meter?
- Using Multi-Model Ensemble Methods to Assess Climate Change Impacts on Water Management Throughout the State of Washington, USA
- Using remote sensing data to estimate real-time crop water consumption
- Variations in Spatial Precipitation Patterns in the Sierra Nevada, California: Implications for Hydrologic Modeling and Water Resource Planning
- Velocity observations at Jakobshavn Isbrae 2006-2008
- Warm Atlantic water drives Greenland Ice Sheet discharge dynamics
- Weddell Sea and Dronning Maud Land ice shelf mass balance from satellite altimetry and velocity measurements.
- Western Boundary of the Seattle Uplift, Washington
- What Will SWOT Measurements and Products Look Like?
- What does tremor really look like? Initial results from an 84-element array
- Wintertime Air-Sea Gas Transfer Rates and Air Injection Fluxes at Station Papa in the NE Pacific
- 3D Multi-fluid Model of the Coupled Ion and Neutral Interaction between Titan’s Ionosphere and Saturn’s Magnetosphere
- A Tale of Two Seismic Swarms: Implications for different forcing mechanisms (Invited)
- A coupled eco-hydro-geomorphic investigation of basin response to climate change: Examining the role of climate on internal basin dynamics
- A drought prediction and monitoring system to reduce drought vulnerability and improve water management in Washington State
- A survey of the sensitivity of Greenland outlet-glacier discharge to ice front changes
- Active Faulting Along the Saddle Mountain fault zone, Southeast Olympic Mountains,WA
- Aerosol Indirect Effects on Stratocumulus Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- Airborne Measurement of Surface Albedo in Alaska
- Airmass characterisation along the 20-degree South parallel during the VOCALS-REx campaign
- Analysis of Snow BRF from Spring-2008 ARCTAS Campaign
- Analysis of synoptic conditions during VOCALS-REx
- Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations
- Assessing Low Frequency Variability in North Atlantic Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures in Global Climate Models
- Atmosphere-sea ice interactions over a wide range of climates
- Calculating snowmelt backwards - using the date of snowpack disappearance to determine how much snow fell over a season
- Carbon dynamics in north temperate drained peatlands
- Cascadia-wide tremor locations
- Changes in the Seasonality of Tropical Precipitation in Response to Greenhouse Gases: Local and Remote Forcings
- Characterizing Geohydrologic Linkages using Process Domains for Monitoring Aquatic Ecosystems
- Cirrus in the Tropopause Transition Layer: Association with Planetary-Scale Waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Classifications of substorm and storm triggering mechanisms
- Climate Change impacts on the hydrology and temperature of Pacific Northwest streams
- Climate and 20th century establishment in alpine treeline ecotones of the western US
- Climate change impacts on snowmelt hydrology in small Sierra Nevada basins for ecological applications
- Climate variability and the collapse of a Chinook salmon stock (Invited)
- Comparison of The Christiansen Feature Position and Lunar Iron: Evidence for Space Weathering Effects
- Confluence and mixing of Atlantic, Pacific, and Siberian shelf water masses around the Mendeleyev Ridge of the Arctic Ocean
- Constraining the timing of proglacial Lake Missoula outburst floods into the Northeast Pacific: Insights from Cascadia Basin sediments
- Continuous, Long-term, Cyclic, Varied Eruptive Activity Observed at NW Rota-1 Submarine Volcano, Mariana Arc
- Controls on Arctic sea ice from first-year and multi-year ice survival rates
- Controls on steering of channels in laterally tilting basins: an experimental study
- Daily Time Step Refinement of Optimized Flood Control Rule Curves for a Global Warming Scenario
- Deep seafloor arrivals - A new set of arrivals in long-range ocean acoustic propagation
- Design of integrated hydrologic, hydrodynamic, and biogeophysical modeling studies for the Skagit River basin in Washington State and prospects for implementation
- Direct Measurements of Hydrothermal Heat Output at Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Distributed hydrologic model testing at the catchment scale using a hypothetical reality data set
- Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment: Initial global mapping results (Invited)
- Does Microbial Zonation Recapitulate Phylogeny? A Possible Role for Biogenic Sulphur Gases in the Transition from Methane to Free Oxygen
- Does the PDO influence Global Mean Surface Temperatures, or is it the other way around?
- Double-Sided Wedge Model For Retreating Subduction Zones: Applications to the Apenninic and Hellenic Subduction Zones (Invited)
- Ecosystem connectivity: anadromous fish migration linked to freshwater amphipods
- Effect of vertical ocean mixing on the transient climate sensitivity of AOGCMs
- Effects of future US and global emissions on air quality in the US
- Episodic deformation within the Twin Sisters ultramafic massif, Washington
- Estimating river discharge from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission: Estimated accuracy of approaches based on Manning’s equation
- Evaluation of current statistical downscaling approaches for water planning studies and development of a new hybrid delta approach. (Invited)
- Evaporative partitioning in a unified land model
- Evapotranspiration Estimates Based on MODIS and Downscaled ISCCP Data
- Evolution of the Thaumasia volcano-tectonic province, Mars, through crater-fault relationships
- Examining Alpine Meadow Restoration Techniques through Hydraulic Modeling
- Examples of Selecting Global Climate Models for Regional Projection
- Forest-Atmosphere Exchange of Acyl Peroxy Nitrates (PAN, PPN, MPAN) Measured in the Western Sierra Nevada During BEARPEX 2009
- GBM TGFs and the WWLLN
- Glacial-Interglacial changes in silicon cycling in the subarctic North Pacific: Insights from diatom δ30Si over Termination 1
- Has the Age of Stratospheric Air Decreased over the Past Three Decades (1979-2008)?
- Hazes at the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone
- High Frequency Variations of Arctic Ocean Bottom Pressure and Their Relation to Atmospheric Pressure
- High Precision U/Pb Geochronology of Eocene-Miocene South American Land Mammal Ages at Gran Barranca, Argentina
- How Will the Hydrograph Change in Predicted Future Climates? A Detailed Hydrological Analysis of Macro-Hydrology and Climate Model Outputs
- How can resource managers cope with a disappearing snowpack? (Invited)
- How much snow is there on the mountain, where and when?
- Hydrologic response of Pacific Northwest river to climate change
- Hyperinflation of surfaces in lower Beacon Valley, Dry Valleys, Antarctica: new process and new clues about fluctuations of Taylor Glacier
- Impact of Fuel Treatments on Carbon Flux During a Wildfire Using Satellite Imagery: Okangoan-Wenatchee National Forest
- Improving a modelling of the Ob river, in western Siberia, by assimilating wide swath altimetry data
- Influence of Temperature and Snow Cover Change on Eurasian Arctic Streamflow Trends
- Interactions of Dissolved Organic Matter with Copper: Comparison of Results of Differential Absorbance and Fluorescence Quenching Spectroscopy
- Interactions of climate, vegetation, and fire during the Holocene: lessons from high-latitude and high-elevation ecosystems (Invited)
- Joint magnetotelluric and seismic investigation of the Cascadia subduction zone structure: Preliminary results and outlook
- LRO Diviner Lunar Radiometer: Compositional Investigation Coverage and Early Results
- Lightning and electrical activity during the 2009 eruptions of Redoubt Volcano
- Long term simulations of global lakes using the Variable Infiltration Capacity model
- Lunar South Polar Hydrogen Concentrations in the Context of LRO/Diviner Results and Modeling
- MISR at 10: Looking back, ahead, and in between
- Mantle Calcium Dominates Continental Magmas
- Mapping and Monitoring Boreal Wetlands within the NEESPI Domain Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar for Assessing Carbon Release
- Mode 1 Mantle Convection in Tidally-locked Rocky Exoplanets
- Modeling Ecologically Relevant Flow Metrics for Small Streams
- Monitoring Mountain Meteorology without Much Money (Invited)
- Multi-Decadal to Centennial Oscillations and Climate Signals Inferred by Periodic Solar Forcing
- Near-axis melt anomalies and segmentation of axial melt: a common framework for the EPR and Endeavour ISS? (Invited)
- North American Land Data Assimiliation (NLDAS) Data: 30 Years of Hourly Gridded Precipitation, Surface Meteorology and Fluxes, Soil Moisture, Runoff, and Snow Cover Available at the NASA Goddard GES DISC
- Observationally Constrained Estimates of Nitryl Chloride Production on Regional and Global Scales
- Observations of the Electrical Activity of the Redoubt Volcano in Alaska
- On the Observed Ecohydrologic Dynamics of a Semiarid Catchment with Topographic Induced Microclimatic Controls
- On the reported magnetic precursor of the 1993 Guam earthquake
- Optimizing Spectral Resolution and Observation Time for Measurements of Habitability
- Performance of dynamical downscaling for Colorado River basin
- Predicting Individual Tree and Shrub Species Distributions with Empirically Derived Microclimate Surfaces in a Complex Mountain Ecosystem in Northern Idaho, USA
- Preliminary reconstruction of martian atmospheric structure from Phoenix entry measurements
- Progress on Developing Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Public Release of 30-year (1979-2008) NLDAS High-resolution Products - Analysis and Validation for Soil Moisture and Temperature
- Quantify the Impact of Groundwater Depth on Evapotranspiration in a Semi Arid Grassland Region
- Quantifying Age-based Forest Carbon Dynamics to Estimate Effects of Wildfire on Carbon Balance: a Multi-scale Empirical Approach
- Quantifying dust aerosol acidification by SO2 utilizing observations and modeling of the oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric sulfate: Implications for dust alkalinity and the marine boundary layer sulfur budget
- Reconstruction of inundation and greenhouse gas emissions from Siberian wetlands over the last half-century
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Building the Data Pipeline - Initial Results
- SWOT, The Surface Water and Ocean Topography Satellite Mission (Invited)
- Seismic Observations of Rock Damage and Heal on the Longman-Shan Fault of the M8 Wenchuan Earthquake and the Parkfield San Andreas Fault
- Simulated potential evapotranspiration over the Pacific Northwest and implications for forests in a changing climate
- Solar-induced Thermal Stresses in Surface Rocks
- Spatial and temporal analysis of snowpack strength and stability and associations with micro-climate on an inclined forest opening (Invited)
- Statistical Downscaling of CMIP5 Global Climate Model Simulations for Use in Regional Impact Studies
- Subglacial lake outburst floods and Antarctic ice dynamics (Invited)
- Surface radiation over the pan-Arctic land region: temporal variability and trends
- The Contribution Of Sampling Errors In Satellite Precipitation Estimates To High Flood Uncertainty In Subtropical South America
- The Prominence and Behavior of Multiplets Prior to and During Volcanic Eruptions at Bezymianny Volcano, Russia and Mount St. Helens, Washington
- The Role of Aqueous Alteration in the Formation of Martian Soils
- The Slumgullion Natural Laboratory for Observing Slip Phenomena
- The Social Life of Data: Data Management Challenges and Opportunities (Invited)
- The influence of “Opportunities in the Hydrologic Sciences” on hydrologic research and hydrologic practice
- Tidal Heating and the Boundaries of the Habitable Zone
- Tidal Timelines: Evolution of Terrestrial Exoplanet Habitability Around Low Mass Stars
- Total Water Storage Change Over the San Joaquin and Sacramento River Basins Comparing GRACE and Observational Data
- Toward a Parsimonious Ecohydrological Vegetation Dynamics Model for Predicting the Impacts of Climate on Landscape Evolution (Invited)
- Towards development of a Regional Arctic Climate System Model --- Coupling WRF with the Variable Infiltration Capacity land model via a flux coupler
- Transmission of sunlight through melting Arctic sea ice (Invited)
- US Southern Ocean CTD/Hydrographic/Carbon/Tracer Meridional Transects Contributing to the IPY
- Utilizing observations and modeling of atmospheric sulfate Δ17O to constrain dust aerosol acidification by SO2: Implications for dust alkalinity and the sulfur budget (Invited)
- Vegetation effects on sub-pixel roughness measurements from NASA’s Terra/ASTER stereo images
- Visualizing and communicating climate change using the ClimateWizard: decision support and education through web-based analysis and mapping
- West Greenland Outlet Glacier Sensitivity (2000-2009)
- pH-Differential Spectroscopy of Dissolved Organic Matter: Contributions of Protonation-Active Functionalities and Their Site-Specificity (Invited)
- A Changing Arctic Sea Ice Cover and the Partitioning of Solar Radiation
- A Distributed Hydrological model Forced by DIMP2 Data and the WRF Mesoscale model
- A Geospatial Assessment of Mountain Pine Beetle Infestations and Their Effect on Forest Health in Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest
- A MERRA based analysis of the Climate Variability and Summer Temperature-Rainfall Relationships over India
- A Model of Grain Growth and Crystal Fabric in Polar Snow and Firn
- A continuum of stress, strength and slip in the Cascadia transition zone
- A global review of large-scale experimental manipulations of streamflow
- A new interpretation of the Budyko Framework: The role of groundwater storage and streamflow persistence
- A stochastic simulation model to predict future air quality in protected areas
- A tree-shrub-grass competition model and its evaluation in a semiarid savanna landscape with complex morphology
- Accelerated Sequestration of Terrestrial Plant Biomass in the Deep Ocean
- Air-Photograph Based Estimates of Channel Widening within the Minnesota River Basin
- Analyzing the Locations, Severity and Frequency of Cold Air Pools (CAP) in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Application of a global hydrologic prediction system to the Zambezi River Basin (Invited)
- Application of current and future satellite missions to hydrologic prediction in transboundary rivers
- Arctic sea ice processes: a perspective (Invited)
- Are U-Series Disequilibria Transparent to Crustal Processing of Magma? A Case Study at Bezymianny and Klyuchevskoy Volcanoes, Kamchatka, Russia
- Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrologic Extremes in the Pacific Northwest
- Carbon Fluxes in a Managed Landscape: Assessing the Drivers of Temporal and Spatial Variability in Flux Tower, MODIS and Forest Inventory Data of the Pacific Northwest
- Cascadia Tremor Spectra from Beamforming Fall Off as Frequency Squared
- Changes in the sea ice seasonal cycle in response to climate change
- Changing seasonality of ice front position and calving in Jakobshavns Isbrae, West Greenland, in relation to drawdown history and character of fjord ice cover (Invited)
- Chemical Ozone Fluxes: Sensitivity to Very Reactive Biogenic VOC Emissions and Implications for In-Canopy Radical Production
- Chinese stalagmites: proxies for the Indian Summer Monsoon response to an archetypal abrupt climate change
- Climate Change Impacts on the Hydrology and Temperature of Pacific Northwest Streams
- Climate Data Records (CDRs) for Ice Motion, Ice Age, and Melt Pond Fraction
- Climatic and topographical influences on fire regime attributes in the northern Cascade Range, Washington, USA
- Climatological Variability in Southern Mexico: the case of the Oaxaca Pacific Coastal Basins
- Co-eruption of extracted liquid and complementary cumulate mush following mafic intrusion: the case of the zoned Ammonia Tanks ignimbrite
- Coherent structures and near-surface turbulence in a tidal river
- Combining ICESat and Ice bridge altimetry data with surface velocity data to constrain the mechanisms of ice surface elevation change (Invited)
- Comprehensive Characterization a Tidal Energy Site (Invited)
- Constraining Model Climate Sensitivity by Observations of the Decadal Solar Cycle
- Coupling of ion and neutral fluids near Titan's exobase
- Daily Water Temperature and River Discharge Modeling for Climate Change Impact Assessment in Large River Basins Globally
- Deep-Time drilling in the Australian Archean: the Agouron Institute geobiological drilling project. (Invited)
- Determining the maximum contribution of glacier ice to streamflow
- Dust aerosol optical properties over northwestern China from recent ground-based field experiment and analysis of satellite observations (Invited)
- Dynamics of Mekong River Reservoir Simulation Using Reservoir-Routing Model for Current and Future Climate
- Effects of Terrain-modulated Radiation and Moisture Convergence on Grass Dynamics in a Semiarid Highly Seasonal Climate: Data Analysis and Numerical Model Experiments
- Effects of soil parameterization on distributed hydrologic response: Testing a distributed hydrologic model using a hypothetical reality dataset
- Electrical conductivity sensors as a means to quantify hydrologic connectivity of desert riverscapes
- Energetic electron precipitation caused by wave particle interactions
- Erosion, Transportation, and Deposition on Outer Solar System Satellites: Landform Evolution Modeling Studies (Invited)
- Estimating bathymetry and river depth in the Ohio River using simultaneous state-parameter estimation with an Ensemble Kalman filter
- Estimation of land surface fluxes using MOIDS and weather satellites
- Evaluation of Ecohydrologic Model Parsimony at Local and Regional Scales in a Semiarid Grassland Ecosystem
- Exploring terrestrial and atmospheric constraints in land surface model validation
- Export and Retention of Fine-Grained Sediment on the Skagit Tidal Flats: Implications for the Fate of Fluvial Particulate Discharge
- Flow dynamics of a soft-bedded glacier in southeast Iceland during basal sliding events
- From Global Climate Model Projections to Local Impacts Assessments: Analyses in Support of Planning for Climate Change
- Future climate and wildfire: ecosystem projections of area burned in the western US
- Global river nutrient export: scenario analysis of past and future trends (Invited)
- Groundwater Controls on Vegetation Composition and Patterning in Mountain Meadows
- Hadley Cell Widening: Model Simulations versus Observations (Invited)
- Has Martian History Been Dominated by Explosive Rather than Effusive Volcanism?
- Heat and chemical flux variability within the Main Endeavour Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge, from 2000, 2004
- How Can We Evaluate the Accuracy of Small Stream Maps? -Focusing on Sampling Method and Statistical Analysis -
- How do oceans regulate ice flow?
- How do we solve the Faint Young Sun Paradox? Examining diverse proposed atmospheres for Early Earth
- Hydrologic Science and Satellite Measurements of Surface Water (Invited)
- Hydrologic sensitivities to warming temperatures in the Colorado River basin
- Hydrothermal Exploration at the Chile Triple Junction - ABE's last adventure?
- Impact of High-altitude Meadows on Runoff Dynamics Across Environmental and Elevational Gradients in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Impact of surface processes and climate variability on clumped isotope thermometry of soil carbonates, southern Central Andes, Argentina (Invited)
- Impacts of variable agricultural expansion and contraction on regional scale hydrology: The case of the Upper Mississippi River and Ohio River Basins
- Implications of a changing climate for river systems (Invited)
- Importance of snowmelt-derived fluxes on the groundwater flow in a high elevation meadow (Invited)
- Improving short term streamflow forecast using SNOTEL data assimilation
- Influence of global changes on modeled ozone response to changes in local emissions and the policy implications for ozone abatement strategies in the US
- Influence of winter and summer surface wind anomalies on Summer Arctic sea ice extent
- Interpreting Linkages among Landscape, Water Chemistry, and Diatom Communities to Better Understand Subarctic Paleoenvironmental Records
- Is sea ice loss reversible?
- Latitudinal distribution of the recent Arctic warming
- Lithological Controls on Downdip Segmentation of Strike-Slip Faults in Mechanically Layered Sequences
- Mapping Pine Island Glacier's Sub-ice Cavity with Airborne Gravimetry
- Microwave Radar Retrieval of Snow Water Equivalent
- Modeling Alpine Meadow Restoration Techniques and their Effects on Stream Stage Regimes
- Modeling of tsunamis and hurricanes as causes of the catastrophic overwash of Anegada, British Virgin Islands, between 1650 and 1800
- Multi-proxy records of Eocene vegetation and climatic dynamics from North America
- New insights on methane cycling from analyses of carbonate samples from the Cascadia Margin
- Nitrification-coupled denitrification in sediment of the eastern Bering Sea shelf leads to 15N-enrichment of fixed N in shelf waters
- Nonlinear Dependence of Global Warming Prediction on Ocean State
- Northern Sierra Nevada Snowfall Accumulation: Comparing SWE Reconstruction and PRISM
- Numerical Modeling of Hydrokinetic Turbines and their Environmental Effects
- Nutrient limitation of a thermokarst lake and large river ecosystem in the Kolyma River basin (Russia)
- On the Detection of Subglacial Water in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica
- On the cause of the shrinking of Lake Chad
- On the implications of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission for hydrologic science and applications (Invited)
- Post depositional alteration of foraminiferal shells in cold seep settings: New insights from Flow-Through Time-Resolved Analyses of biogenic and inorganic seep carbonates
- Predicting Ground Motions In Seattle Using A New Shear Wave Velocity Model
- Profiling Float Observations of the Upper Ocean Under Sea Ice off the Wilkes Land Coast of Antarctica
- Recent West Antarctic warming caused by central tropical Pacific warming
- Reconstruction of inundation and greenhouse gas emissions from Siberian wetlands over the last half-century
- Rejuvenation of Arctic Sea Ice and Tropospheric Chemical Change
- Relationships between recent snow cover extent and hydroclimatic changes over the pan-Arctic
- Relative Contributions Of Initial Hydrologic State And Climate Forecast Skill To Seasonal Drought Prediction
- Response of Colorado River runoff to dust radiative forcing in snow (Invited)
- Scaling laws and dominant controls of low-severity fire regimes
- Seasonal nutrient dynamics in the Anacostia River (D.C., USA): geochemistry and hydrocarbon biomarkers
- Sections of Intact Polar Diacylglycerolipids in the South Atlantic Reflect Dissolved Phosphorus and Nitrogen Distributions
- Sedimentary Processes on Tidal Flats: Recent Studies of Mesotidal Settings in the US Pacific Northwest (Invited)
- Small-scale instability of a river plume front
- Soil moisture assimilation from riverflow information to improve short-term streamflow forecast
- Source Attribution of Light-absorbing Aerosols in Arctic Snow (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal variations of Terrestrial Water Storage in five major Africa river basins
- Substrate Variations and its Relationship and Impact on the Distribution of Eelgrass Beds in Griffin Bay, Washington
- Supporting Climatic Trends of Corn and Soybean Production in the USA
- Surface Flow and Turbulence in an Estuarine River Channel (Invited)
- Surface hydrology-climate interdependency in the Central Valley Agrosystem
- Systematic Relation between Intraseasonal Variability and Mean State Bias in AGCM Simulations
- Temperate Ice Under Jakobshavn Isbrae and Other Greenland Glaciers
- The Arctic Ocean from ICESat altimetry: Sea ice freeboard, thickness, and ocean dynamic topography (Invited)
- The Attribution of Tropical Precipitation Change in the 20th Century
- The Blazing Arctic? Linkages of Tundra Fire Regimes to Climatic Change and Implications for Carbon Cycling (Invited)
- The Contribution of Soil Moisture Information to Forecast Skill: Two Studies
- The GeoClaw Software for Geophysical Flows
- The Production and Detection of Magmatic Compositional Gaps: A Consideration of Nested Probabilities in Crustal Evolution (Invited)
- The Radar Effects of Perchlorate-Doped Ice in the Martian Polar Layered Deposits
- The Role of Solar Radiation as a Driver of Eco-geomorphic Feedbacks and Landscape Evolution (Invited)
- The effect of airborne dust on the stabilization of the early Mars atmosphere against atmospheric collapse
- The impacts of climate changes on streamflow in the Salmon River Basin
- The influence of population dynamics and environmental conditions on salmon re-colonization after large-scale distrubance
- Trace element and oxygen isotope composition of Hawaiian hotspot zircon
- Trajectories of arctic sea ice under anthropogenic warming scenarios
- Turbine Siting Metrics for Simulated Tidal Flow in a Double-Silled Channel
- Using LiDAR and GIS to extrapolate data from a small watershed to watershed-scale to provide insight into patterns and relationships in an Oregon central-western Cascade forest
- Using Mobile Monitoring to Assess Spatial Variability in Urban Air Pollution Levels: Opportunities and Challenges (Invited)
- Using place-based curricula to teach about restoring river systems
- Viscosity of Iron
- Western Greenland Subglacial Hydrologic Modeling and Observables: Seismicity and GPS
- What Causes Arctic Amplification? (Invited)
- What can geolocated sferics tell us about Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes?
- 1,100 years after an earthquake: modification of the earthquake record by submergence, Puget Lowland, Washington State
- 1997 to Present: Quality and Versatile Access to the Deep Biosphere with Coupled Advanced CORKs and Fluid Pumping Systems
- A field- and modeling- based study of the denudation and topographic evolution of the Washington Cascades
- A geomorphic perspective on the organization of vegetation productivity on the landscape illustrated in a semiarid climate in Southwestern United States
- A new unified sea ice thickness climate data record
- A possible field test for marine cloud brightening geoengineering. A possible field test for marine cloud brightening geoengineering
- Aerosol Impacts on Microphysical and Radiative Properties of Stratocumulus Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- An Investigation of Regolith Cover on Ejecta Blocks: Implications for Regolith Development
- An ensemble-based reanalysis approach for estimating river bathymetry from the upcoming SWOT mission
- Application of Numerical Weather Models to Mitigating Atmospheric Artifacts in InSAR
- Application of spatially distributed coupled glacio-hydrological model to predict the effect of glacier recession on the flow of the Upper Bow River, Alberta, Canada
- Arctic Coastal Erosion Modeling
- Arctic sea ice age characteristics in a global climate model and observations
- Assimilation of AMSR-E snow products in mountainous basins
- Assimilation of Tower and Satellite-Based Observations for Improved Estimation of Methane Fluxes over Northern Eurasia
- Astrobiology from Earth-Sun L1
- Autonomous Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Measurements on a Moored Buoy
- Black carbon mass loadings in snow quantified with a Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) and a Integrating Sandwich Spectrophotometer (ISSW)
- Calibration and Assessment of a Distributed Hydrologic Model Applied to a Glacierized Basin in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Carbon cycling in seafloor and continental peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems (Invited)
- Changing ice and changing light: Partitioning of sunlight in a new Arctic sea ice cover
- Choosing and Using Climate Scenarios for Climate Impacts Assessment and Adaptation Planning
- Climate Change over the Southwestern U.S. as predicted by Regional Climate Models
- Climate Sensitivity and Solar Cycle Response in Climate Models
- Climate in West Antarctica over the last century
- Climate sensitivity of major river basins in Africa
- Climate, water balance, and wildfire: an integration of vegetation, hydrology, and fire disturbance
- Comparison of EOF-based and traditional techniques for filling short-term gaps in temperature data in dense-station datasets
- Coral Calcification Across a Natural Gradient in Ocean Acidification
- Critical Infrastructure for Ocean Research and Societal Needs in 2030
- Current and future water resources of the Congo River basin
- DEM Extraction from High-Resolution Stereoscopic Worldview 1 & 2 Imagery of Polar Outlet Glaciers
- Developing Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Development of an operational African Drought Monitor prototype
- Discovery of the 2011 eruption at Axial Seamount
- Diversity of hydrologic responses to summer and winter warming in the Columbia River basin
- Does softening of the margins influence the speed of Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland?
- Drought Monitoring and Forecasting Using the Princeton/U Washington National Hydrologic Forecasting System
- Dynamics of a haptophyte bloom in Lake George, ND: Implications for alkenone-based temperature reconstructions
- ETS tremor under the microscope - a wriggling mess
- Earthquake Scenarios Based Upon the Data and Methodologies of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project
- Effects of Climate Change on Extreme Streamflow Risks in the Olympic National Park
- Effects of Climate Change on Natural and Regulated Flood Risks in the Skagit River Basin and Prospects for Adaptation
- Effects of stream discharge data assimilation on short-term streamflow forecast skill
- Engage: The Science Speaker Series - A novel approach to improving science outreach and communication
- Ensemble Kalman Filter in the POP Global Ocean Model
- Entropy Generation across Earth's Bow Shock
- Estimates of 21st century flood risk in the Pacific Northwest based on regional scale climate model simulations
- Estimating flows in ungauged river basins in northern Mozambique
- Evaluation of streamflow uncertainties from errors in snow data assimilation
- Examining the impact of depth to groundwater table on evapotranspiration in a semi-arid grassland region
- Examining the role of climate and land use change on hydrologic trends in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Forecasting spatial plant dynamics under future climate change in a semiarid savanna ecosystem with complex topography
- Future changes in precipitation extremes for the Western United States under a warmer climate as simulated by regional climate models
- Global Ocean Tides from GRACE Satellite Accelerations
- Global monitoring of large reservoir storage from satellite remote sensing
- Global survey of frequency dependent attenuation
- Ground based snow water equivalent versus remotely sensed snow water extent assimilation for medium range streamflow simulation
- Half-hourly atmospheric <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> observed by cavity ring-down spectroscopy analyzer in the USDA Forest Service Climate Tower Network
- Heterogeneous reactivity of sea spray particles during the CalNex field campaign: Insight from single particle measurements and correlations with gas phase measurements
- High frequency and wavenumber ocean-ice-atmosphere coupling in the Regional Arctic Climate Model
- How evaporative water losses vary between wet and dry water years as a function of elevation in the Sierra Nevada, California, and critical factors for modeling
- Hydrologic Forecasting and Hydropower Production
- Hydrologic and Undernourisment Trends In Food Insecurity Hotspots
- Impact of large-scale climate variability and change on crop yields in Africa: An observational assessment
- Importance of nitryl chloride to the radical budget in a continental region
- Long duration gamma-ray glows observed from the tops of thunderstorms
- Measurements of Solar Irradiance from a High-Density Radiometer Network
- Microbially-Mediated Sulfur Oxidation in Diffuse Hydrothermal Vent Fluids at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Modeling Coupled Feedback Processes in Arctic Climate Using Ice-Ocean and Fully Coupled Regional Climate Models
- Modeling snowpack evolution in complex terrain and forested Central Rockies: A model inter-comparison study
- Modeling the Arctic Atmosphere with the Regional Arctic Climate Model (RACM)
- Modeling the role of solar radiation on catchment development in semi-arid ecosystems: Sensitivity analysis under variable climate and tectonic uplift
- On Evapotranspiration and Shallow Groundwater Fluctuations: A Fourier-Based Improvement to the White Method and the Role of Specific Yield Under Saturated Conditions
- On the Symbiotic Relation between SOA and Hydrophobic Organics: SOA Formation Yield, Evaporation Kinetics, Phase, Morphology, Diffusivity, Viscosity, and Coalescence Rates
- Optimal resolution of regional climate model simulations of historical extreme precipitation in the Southwestern U.S
- Parameterizing the Effects of Roll Vortices in the Hurricane Boundary Layer
- Potential Change in the Indian Monsoon Circulation
- Predicting the Effect of Mountain Glacier Recession on Water Resources: A Modeling Study on the Bow Glacier, Alberta
- Predictive models for the occurrence and size of extreme fire events
- Projected Global Hydrologic Cycles Using New Combine Earth System Moels from Multi-Model Multi-Scenario Simulation
- Prototype cross-domain cyberinfrastructure for the Critical Zone Observatories
- Rapid Warming of the World's Lakes: A Global Assessment of Recent Lake Temperature Trends Using In Situ and Satellite-Based Records
- Rapid long-term erosion in the rain shadow of the Shillong Plateau, NE Indian Himalaya
- Relative contributions of initial hydrologic conditions and seasonal climate forecast skill to seasonal hydrologic prediction globally
- Remote Sensing of Surface Water and Recent Developments in the SWOT Mission
- Resolving discrepancies between MSU estimates of the tropical tropospheric temperature trend
- Revised coefficients for Priestley-Taylor and Makkink-Hansen equations for estimating daily reference evapotranspiration
- River Inflow Characteristics for Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion
- Runoff sensitivities of major global river basins in a warming climate
- Sediment mixing and the interpretation of detrital cosmogenic radionuclide and thermochronology data, NE Indian Himalaya
- Simulated 20th-21st century Arctic sea ice in CCSM4: Changing seasonality and its role on the surface albedo feedback
- Soil moisture retrieval using the time-series L-band radar observation over pasture fields through the inversion of radar scattering models
- Stabilizing the Early Martian Climate: Effects of Airborne Dust, CO<SUB>2</SUB> Ice Cap Albedo, and Orbital Obliquity on Atmospheric Collapse
- Status of the Ocean Bottom Seismology Component of the Cascadia Initiative
- TASTER: Trojan ASteroid Tour, Exploration and Rendezvous, a NASA Planetary Science Summer School Mission Design Exercise
- Testing the role of radiation in determining tropical cloud top temperature
- The Chemistry of Hydrothermal venting at a Volcano "O", a large Submarine Volcano in the NE Lau Basin
- The Depth Dependence of Earthquake T-phases at an Ocean Acoustic Observatory
- The Education and Public Engagement (EPE) Component of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI): Enabling Near Real-Time Data Use in Undergraduate Classrooms
- The Effects of Soil Moisture Stress on Forest Recovery in the Entiat River Basin after Stand Replacing Fire
- The Moon's Extremely Insulating Near-Surface: Diviner Infrared Observations of a Total Lunar Eclipse
- The Ocean's Response to and Role in Sea Ice Retreat
- The Role of Physical and Human Landscape Properties on Carbon Composition of Organic Matter in Tropical Rivers
- The Watershed Hydrology Information Portal: A prototype website for hydrology and water resources researchers and practitioners
- The impact of Global Warming on global crop yields due to changes in pest pressure
- The influence of changing seasonality and snow cover on arctic ground squirrel phenology.
- The influence of sea ice aerosol deposition and melt ponds on the Arctic surface heat budget and surface albedo feedback in CCSM4
- The land surface climatology of the Variable Infiltration Capacity model coupled within the NCAR Community Climate System Model
- Topographic evolution of the Colorado Plateau: mechanisms, timing, and open questions
- Tradeoffs among carbon, biodiversity, and economic returns for future land-use scenarios in the conterminous United States
- Tsunami modeling of multiple earthquake sources from the 2011 Tohoku event using GeoClaw
- Understanding Plume Bending at Grotto Vent on the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Understanding the Contribution of Glacier Mass Balance to Total Runoff in the Gulf of Alaska Region
- Unlocking water markets: an experimental approach
- Unprecedented recent burning of the Alaskan boreal forest points to shifting controls on fire: A paleoecological data-model investigation
- Using spatial arrays of ER sensors in semi arid river networks to capture earlier timing of stream drying in a climatically dry year
- Vertically Resolved Nitryl Chloride Observations and Yield Estimates
- Waiting for O2
- Water and Energy Balance in Response to the Removal of Invasive Phragmites Australis in a Riparian Wetland
- Wildfire Impacts Upon US Air Quality for Current and Future Climate Conditions
- Winter warming in West Antarctica caused by central tropical Pacific warming
- 2D subglacial drainage system model applied to a catchment of the Greenland ice sheet
- A MCM modeling study of the effects of nitryl chloride on oxidant budgets, ozone production, VOC lifetimes, and halogen recycling in polluted regions
- A Mesocosm Experiment in an Inland Sea HNLC Region with Naturally High pCO2
- A New Ground-Based, Hourly Global Lightning Climatology
- A computational framework to advance hydrometeorological prediction capabilities in cold regions
- A sensitivity-based approach to evaluating future changes in Colorado River discharge
- ADELE's Common Gamma-Ray Glows
- Aerosol Indirect Effects in Subtropical Marine Boundary Layer Clouds: LES vs. SCAM5
- Age of overwash and rate of relative sea-level rise inferred from detrital heads and microatolls of medieval corals at Anegada, British Virgin Islands
- Air density 2.7 billion years ago limited to less than twice modern levels by fossil raindrop imprints
- Algal Lipids as Quantitative Paleosalinity Proxies
- Amundsen-coast grounding-line retreat mapped with satellite photogrammetry and Ice Bridge and ICESat laser altimetry
- Antarctic climate and ice sheet changes and their relationship to global scale climate change over the last 2000 years
- Anticipated SWOT Observations of Human Impacts on the Water Cycle
- Assessing accuracy of a probabilistic model for very large fire in the Rocky Mountains: A High Park Fire case study
- Assimilation of AMSR-E snow products with optimized snow parameters in mountainous basins
- Atmospheric LIDAR Provides Insight into Land Surface-Atmosphere Exchange at AmeriFlux Towers
- Being There & Getting Back Again: Half a Century of Deep Ocean Research & Discovery with the Human Occupied Vehicle "Alvin"
- Bhutan Rivers Runoff Sensitivity to Changes in Precipitation and Temperature
- Biogeography of serpentinite-hosted microbial ecosystems
- Brewer-Dobson circulation changes in Chemistry Climate models: shallow versus deep cells
- Buried Treasure: Using Distributed Ground Temperature Sensors to Test Remote Sensing of Fractional Snow Cover
- COAST: Cascadia Open-Access Seismic Transects
- Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols in a Costa Rican Premontane Cloud Forest
- Chlorine-36 Production Rate Calibration by the CRONUS-Earth Project
- Comparison of Numerical Model Estimates of Carbon Fluxes Across Northern Eurasia
- Considering Students' Out-of-School Lives and Values in Designing Learning Environments for Climate Change
- Constraints on the recent rate of lunar regolith accumulation from Diviner observations
- Continental Ecosystem Instability During the Late Triassic Rise of Dinosaurs
- Contributing factors to an enhanced ice albedo feedback in Arctic sea ice
- Coupled Modeling of Geomorphology and Ecohydrology: Topographic feedbacks driven by solar radiation
- Creating a lab to facilitate high school student engagement in authentic paleoclimate science practices
- DARLA: Data Assimilation and Remote Sensing for Littoral Applications
- Data Distribution and Documenting Uncertainty Information for the Earth System Data Record: The Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Decline of Arctic Sea Ice Volume and Changes in Sea Ice dynamics
- Deglacial Accumulation Rate and Temperature Change in Central West Antarctica
- Demonstration of a mid-water mooring for tidal turbulence measurements
- Density Holes, Hot Flow Anomalies and SLAMS
- Diagnosing current land surface models' ability to represent snowpack evolution in complex terrain and forested Central Rockies
- Direct numerical simulation of particle dispersion in a spatially developing turbulent boundary layer
- Does Improved Water Access Increase Child School Attendance? A Quasi-Experimental Approach From Rural Ethiopia
- Early Warning of Cascadian Megaquakes for Pacific Northwestern cities
- Effects of Climate Change on Hydrology and Water Management in the Skagit River Basin
- Effects of Projected Twenty-First Century Sea Level Rise, Storm Surge, and River Flooding on Water Levels in the Skagit River Floodplain and Estuary
- Effects of slope on the dynamics of dilute pyroclastic density currents from May 18th, 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption
- Engage: The Science Speaker Series - A novel approach to improving science outreach and communication
- Entrainment of granular substrate by pyroclastic flows: an experimental study and its implications for flow dynamics
- Evaluating the Accuracy of Plasmasphere Data Assimilation from Ground-Based Observations
- Evaluation of effect of initial condition on seasonal interannual streamflow forecasting system in Rangitata and Waitaiki river basins (New Zealand)
- Evaluation of potential impacts of climate change and water management on streamflow in the Rovuma River, Mozambique and Tanzania
- Evaluation of the TRMM real time Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis for global hydrologic prediction
- Evolution of the Data Access Protocol in Response to Community Needs
- Exploratory Water Budget Analysis of A Transitional Premontane Cloud Forest in Costa Rica Through Undergraduate Research
- Exploring the Madden Julian Oscillation through superparameterized global hindcasts during the Year of Tropical Convection
- Field testing model predictions of foam coverage and bubble content in the surf zone
- Fingerprinting the Clouds
- Geologic Records of Pacific Rim Geohazards in the Russian Far East - Focus on Paleotsunamis
- Geotechnical Trainspotting: Early Observations From the New Seattle Liquefaction Array
- Global CO2 emissions from inland waters
- Global Stream Temperatures and Flows under Climate Change
- Hydrologic opportunities in the GPM mission
- Hydrological variability in the Fraser River Basin during the 20th century: A sensitivity study with the VIC model
- Improving the Representation of Langmuir Turbulence in Second Moment Closure Models
- InSAR Evidence for the Spokane Fault, an Active Shallow Thrust Fault Beneath the City of Spokane Washington, USA
- Influence of the tropics on the Southern Annular Mode
- Instrumental method to reduce error in canopy water storage estimates via mechanical displacement
- Integrating Sustainability Science with the Sciences of Human Well-being to Inform Design and Planning in an Urbanizing World
- Integrating simple stochastic fire spread model with the Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System
- Interactive Learning Modules: Enabling Near Real-Time Oceanographic Data Use In Undergraduate Education
- Intercomparison of Meteorological Forcing Data from Empirical and Mesoscale Model Sources in the N.F. American River Basin in northern California
- Investigating the thermodynamic stability of Bacillus subtilis spore-uranium(VI) adsorption though surface complexation modeling
- Kinematic first-order calving law implies potential for abrupt ice-shelf retreat
- Land Surface Hydrology and the Land-Ocean Freshwater Flux in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Landslides Triggered by the Great Tohoku, Japan Earthquake
- Lessons from Multi-Millenium Runs of Coupled Atmospheric-Ocean General Circulation Models
- Linking research at sea to student audiences on shore
- Long-Endurance, Ice-capable Autonomous Seagliders
- Magic - Marine Arm Gpci Investigation of Clouds
- Measuring the Impact of Convenient Water Supply on Household Time Use in Rural Ethiopia
- Model Estimates of Pan-Arctic Lake and Wetland Methane Emissions
- Model-Based Analysis of Ice Sheet Thinning in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Modeling climate change effects on the hydrology of Pacific Northwest wetland ecosystems
- Modeling temperature and stress in rocks exposed to the sun
- Modes of Arctic Ocean Change from GRACE, ICESat and the PIOMAS and ECCO2 Models of the Arctic Ocean
- Multiple Scattering of Terrestrial Snow in X-band and Ku band Radar Remote Sensing
- NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative's Contribution to a Fully Regional, Interactive, High-Bandwidth, Sensing-Robot System off the Washington-Oregon-British Columbia Coastline
- Northwest Climate Risk Assessment
- Observations of the Annual Cycle of Dissolved O2, N2, pCO2 on the Alaskan Shelf
- On Prediction and Predictability of the Arctic Climate System
- On the need for long-term, on the order of a decade, hydro-climatic forecasts over large domains
- Overview of ARM observations during the ARM MJO Investigation Experiment (AMIE)
- Paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstruction of early Miocene terrestrial equatorial deposits, Rusinga and Mfangano Islands, Lake Victoria, Kenya
- Perception of Natural Hazards and Risk among University of Washington Students
- Phase, Viscosity, Morphology, and Room Temperature Evaporation Rates of SOA Particles Generated from Different Precursors, at Low and High Relative Humidities, and their Interaction with Hydrophobic Organics
- Quantifying Interdependence among Processes and Characterizing Dynamic Controls across Spatial Scales by Linking Climate, Hydrology and Ecosystem Models
- Rapid Shoreline Response to the Removal of the Aldwell Dam on the Elwha River, Washington State
- Recent Hydrologic Developments in the SWOT Mission
- Reexamining the Arctic Ocean internal wave field - a comparison between AIWEX and recent Central Arctic Ocean data using eXpendable Current Profilers
- Remote Sensing of Salinity Profiles and Multi-sensor Profiler for Marine Estuarine Flow, Water Properties and Sediment Studies
- Remote, Real-time Investigations of Extreme Environments Using High Power and Bandwidth Cabled Observatories: The OOI Regional Scale Nodes
- Restoring the hydrologic response to pre-developed conditions in an urbanized headwater catchment: Reality or utopia?
- Returning Samples from Enceladus
- Sea ice thickness and volume from CryoSat-2
- Seasonal Runoff Forecasts Based on the Climate Forecast System Version 2
- Seattle - seeking balance between the Space Needle, Starbucks, the Seahawks, and subduction
- Sedimentology and Mangetic Properties of the Late Eocene - Early Oligocene Vera Member, Sarmiento Formation at Gran Barranca, Argentina
- Seismic Imaging of the Cascadia Plate Boundary with Four Source Array Configurations
- Seismic Response of the Greenland Ice-sheet over Several Melt Seasons near Draining Supraglacial Lakes
- Sensitivity of the Regional Arctic System Model surface climate to ice-ocean state
- Shifting Gravel and the Acoustic Detection Range of Killer Whale Calls
- Snow Conditions Near Barrow in Spring 2012
- Some issues in analysis and prediction of changing hydrologic extremes
- Streamflow response of partially glacierized river basins to glacier recession using a coupled glacio-hydrological model
- The Gass-Euclipse Lagrangian Stratocumulus to Shallow Cumulus Transition Cases: les Results of Entrainment
- The NCEP-NCAR Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition Climate Process Team
- The Regional Arctic System Model: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities
- The Role of Fractional Inundation and Saturation in the Carbon Cycle of West Siberian Peatlands
- The VOCALS Regional Experiment: Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions in Marine Boundary Layer Cloud
- The character of organic carbon in recharge water and arsenic mobilization in Bangladesh aquifers
- The effects of source and path heterogeneity on simulated strong ground motions from great earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone
- The impact of pan-Arctic snow cover recession on frozen soil heat content
- The role of groundwater conditions for seasonal streamflow forecasts in the Colorado River basin
- The role of summer surface wind anomalies in the summer Arctic sea ice extent in 2010 and 2011
- The signature of the <SUP>13</SUP>C/<SUP>12</SUP>C of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Strait of Gibraltar: a mixing case
- Thinned forests enhance snow retention in warmer climates
- Time-varying climate sensitivity from regional feedbacks
- To what extent does snow cover influence near-surface air temperature in complex terrain?
- Towards Interoperable Data Access through
- Tropical Cyclone 10-km Wavelength Wind Stress Curl Patterns Observed in SAR Imagery During ITOP
- UWHS Climate Science: Uniting University Scientists and High School Teachers in the Development and Implementation of a Dual-Credit STEM-Focused Curriculum
- Untangling the eco-hydro-geomorphic knot: Insights from an experiment seeking to explain patterns, processes, and feedbacks at the catchment scale
- Use of the Advanced Canopy-Atmosphere-Soil Algorithm (ACASA) model to determine flux quality and gap-fill nighttime data at multiple AmeriFlux sites
- Validation of Air-Ocean-Wave Coupled Simulation of Typhoon Fanapi
- Validation of SMAP Radar Vegetation Data Cubes from Agricultural Field Measurements
- Variability of Arctic Ocean heat content: A model-based analysis and implications for autonomous observing systems
- Volcanic Synchronization: Applications and potential for the WAIS Divide ice core
- Vulnerability of European and U.S. Electricity Supply to Climate Change
- What influence have science blogs had, and on whom?
- A 10-year global gridded Aerosol Optical Thickness Reanalysis for climate and applied applications
- A 3D Velocity Model of the Central Cascadia Subduction Zone beneath the Oregon Continental Shelf and Coast Range
- A Missing Wintertime Source of Aerosols over the Arctic Inferred from Satellite and In Situ Observations
- A Multimodel Global Drought Information System (GDIS) for Near Real-Time Monitoring of Surface Water Conditions (Invited)
- A record of Yarlung-Tsangpo river reorganization since the middle Miocene: evidence for a Himalayan-Tibetan connection
- A simple mechanistic model for the solar cycle modulation of winter Arctic ozone
- Abrupt climate change in West Antarctica and Greenland during the last deglacial warming
- Advancing Research Methods to Detect Impact of Climate Change on Health in Grand'Anse, Haiti
- An observational strategy for improving understanding of clouds and aerosols over the Southern Ocean
- An open-source wireless sensor stack: from Arduino to SDI-12 to Water One Flow
- Analysis of recently digitized continuous seismic data recorded during the March-May, 1980, eruption sequence at Mount St. Helens
- Application of FIGAERO (Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsol) coupled to a high resolution time of flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer to field and chamber organic aerosol: Implications for carboxylic acid formation and gas-particle partitioning from monoterpene oxidation
- Approximating snow surface temperature from standard temperature and humidity data: new possibilities for snow model and remote sensing validation (Invited)
- Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from Satellite Observations, Aircraft Field Campaign Measurements, and Numerical Model Simulations
- Are large-scale manipulations of streamflow for ecological outcomes effective either as experiments or management actions? (Invited)
- Automated detection of particulate layers and retrieval of their extinction from the ARM Raman lidar
- Boots on the Ground: Science-Management Partnerships Facilitate Climate Change Adaptation in National Forests
- Boundary Layer Rolls Observed Above and Below a Jet in a Marine Boundary Layer
- Bubble Plumes above erupting NW Rota-1 submarine volcano, Mariana Arc
- Carbon cycling in seafloor and continental peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems (Invited)
- Carbonate Preservation through the Deglaciation Was the sea really more alkaline?
- Challenges and Opportunities of Long-Term Continuous Stream Metabolism Measurements at the National Ecological Observatory Network
- Changes in Sea Ice: Antarctic vs. Arctic
- Characteristics of Arctic sea ice thickness anomalies in GCMs
- Characterization of Eurasian Wetlands Using Microwave Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Carbon Flux Models
- Chronostratigraphy of the terrestrial Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary interval in Northeastern Montana
- Climate Change Education in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
- Climate Driven Changes in the Formation Pathways of Atmospheric Sulfate: A Comparison from Bipolar Ice Core Records
- Climatology of the types of mesoscale cellular convection, their microphysical properties and radiative impacts
- Climbing Mt. Sharp: Maximizing Curiosity's Science Over Traversable Terrains
- Comparison of KCl denuders with the pyrolysis method and calibration using HgBr<SUB>2</SUB> at an in-service AMNET site
- Comparison of the composition and gas/particle partitioning of organic acids in monoterpene and isoprene dominated environments
- Contributions from the Amazon River mouth to the carbonate and nutrient dynamics of the tropical Atlantic Ocean (Invited)
- Coping with drought: A High Resolution Drought Monitoring and Prediction System for the Pacific Northwest
- Coupled Streamflow Routing in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Creative Computing with Landlab: Open-Source Python Software for Building and Exploring 2D Models of Earth-Surface Dynamics
- Data Assimilation Results from PLASMON
- Deep long-period earthquakes west of the volcanic arc in Oregon: Direct evidence of fluid migration through the forearc mantle wedge
- Disequilibrium inter-mineral magnesium isotope fractionation in crustal and mantle rocks
- Does planetary temperature fundamentally affect water availability on land? An idealized modeling study
- Effect of fjord geometry on Greenland mass loss in a warming climate (Invited)
- Effects of Bacillus subtilis endospore surface reactivity on the rate of forsterite dissolution
- Elastic properties of alkali-feldspars
- End-of-century projections of North American atmospheric river events in CMIP5 climate models
- Ensemble Generation of Forecast Initial Conditions Constrained by Streamflow and Snow Observations
- Evaluating clouds and cloud effects in the AM3 model using atmospheric classification
- Evaluating the Hydrologic Sensitivities of Three Land Surface Models to Bound Uncertainties in Runoff Projections
- Evaluation of the real time TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis for global hydrologic prediction
- Evolutionary strategies of cells and viruses in deep-sea hydrothermal systems revealed through comparative metagenomics
- Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Synthetic and Natural Rock Properties in Support of the NEESROCK Project
- Experimental evidence for supercooled brines, viscous liquids, and low temperature perchlorate glasses on Mars
- Exploring ice-ocean-sediment interactions during nearly 20 km of retreat in the past 30 years at Columbia Glacier, AK
- Factors controlling the vertical geometry of biomass burning aerosols and clouds over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Fast flow of Jakobshavn Isbræ and its subglacial drainage system
- Floods, fish, and people: Connecting biogeochemical fluxes to aquatic ecosystem functions and people (Invited)
- From Demonstration System to Prototype: ShakeAlert Beta Users Provide Feedback to Improve Alert Delivery
- From wetlands to sauropods (?) and cold seeps: New perspectives on methane cycling in the Phanerozoic (Invited)
- Ground-atmosphere interactions at Gale
- High-elevation mass loss of Greenland increasing
- Historical and future hydrologic response to glacier recession in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia
- How deep does a typical crevasse in western Greenland carry meltwater?
- How good do seasonal streamflow forecasts need to be to improve reservoir operation?
- Humans, Tectonics and Climate, Changing S2S Systems over Time: Waipaoa River Margin Example
- Hydrologic Prediction in the Pacific Northwest: An Integrated Scenarios Approach
- Hydrologic effects of evapotranspiration representation in a Richards equation based distributed hydrologic model at the catchment scale
- Ice-ocean-atmosphere coupling in the Regional Arctic System Model
- Impact of Blowing Snow on the Outgoing Longwave Radiation over Antarctica as Observed by CALIOP, CERES and MODIS
- Improving Mechanical Insight into Ring Fault Initiation and Caldera Formation via Elastic Models of Magma Reservoir Inflation (Invited)
- Incorporation of a Snow NO<SUB>x</SUB> Source into a Global Chemical Transport Model (Invited)
- Integrating fire with hydrological projections: model evaluation to identify uncertainties and tradeoffs in model complexity
- Integration of soil microbial processes in a reactive transport model for simulating effects of root-controlled water flow on carbon and nutrient cycling
- Kelp, cobbles, and currents: biological reduction of coarse sediment entrainment stress
- Landlab Ecohydrology: A component-based computational environment for ecohydrologic modeling and its illustrations through model building
- MEMEX: Mechanisms of Energetic Mass Ejection Explorer
- Macro Scale Hydrologic Modeling for Water Management: Re-construction of Large Reservoir Storage Time Series in the Continental U.S
- Making climate change projections relevant to water management: opportunities and challenges in the Colorado River basin (Invited)
- Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover initial Mastcam geomorphologic and multispectral characterization of the Gale crater field site
- Mechanisms for Magnesium Isotopic Variation in Low-grade Metamorphosed Mudrocks from the British Caledonides
- Mechanisms of seasonal to interannual sea ice memory in the Arctic and Antarctic (Invited)
- Mercury, NO<SUB>x</SUB>, SO<SUB>2</SUB>, and O<SUB>3</SUB> from power plants in the Southeastern U.S. during NOMADSS
- Microbial community composition and metagenomes across the river-to-ocean continuum of the Columbia and Amazon Rivers (Invited)
- Model Estimate of Pan-Arctic Lakes and Wetlands Methane Emissions and Their Future Climate Response
- Modeled hydraulic redistribution by Helianthus annuus L. matches observed data only after model modification to include nighttime transpiration
- Modeling Anisothermality in LRO Diviner Observations to Assess Surface Roughness and Rock Abundance
- Modeling Arctic Climate with a Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Modeling Tidal Uncertainty in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA)
- Modeling impact cratering as a geomorphic process using the novel landscape evolution model Landlab
- Modeling the shrub and juniper encroachment in the western north America grasslands with a Cellular Automata model
- Modeling wildfire and hydrologic response to global climate change using the Landlab modeling environment
- Mount Meager landslide flow history
- Multilayer Bicontinuous DMRT Model for Terrestrial Snowpack
- NEESROCK: A Physical and Numerical Modeling Investigation of Seismically Induced Rock-Slope Failure
- Natural Variabilities and Trends in CO<SUB>2</SUB> from the Los Angeles Megacity Measured Over 15 Years
- Neptune and Triton: A Study in Future Exploration
- Nitrogen Limitation and Productivity in the Permian-Triassic Greenhouse Ocean
- Nitrous Acid: Intercomparison of techniques and Implications of measurements for photochemistry
- OLYMPEX: A Ground Validation Campaign on the Olympic Peninsula in the Pacific Northwest
- Observed Southern Ocean Cloud Properties and Shortwave Reflection: Phase Changes and Low Cloud Feedback
- Open Holes in the Sheepbed Unit of Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Origin of the high oxidized mercury concentrations observed over the southwestern US during the NOMADSS campaign
- Overview of Source to Sink (S2S) Concepts and Studies
- Overview of the Ocean Bottom Seismology Component of the Cascadia Initiative (Invited)
- Paleoenvironmental and Paleoecological Reconstruction of the Ancient Maya Port Site of Vista Alegre, Quintana Roo, Mexico
- Perspectives on reservoir storage and the global water cycle (Invited)
- Petrogenetic Processes in a Deep Arc Section: A MASH Zone Revealed
- Pipe dream? Envisioning a grassroots Python ecosystem of open, common software tools and data access in support of river and coastal biogeochemical research (Invited)
- Predicting Modes and Displacements of Seismic Rock Slope Failures
- Predicting the Effect of Changing Precipitation Extremes and Land Cover Change on Urban Water Quality
- Predicting the impacts of climate change on plant dynamics and tree-grass-shrub competition using a Cellular Automata model in a Mediterranean catchment in Sicily, Italy
- Processing Earth Observing images with Ames Stereo Pipeline
- Prospects for development of unified global flood observation and prediction systems (Invited)
- Quantifying the Floe Size Distribution in the Marginal Ice Zone from Satellite Imagery for use in Model Development and Validation
- Quantitative Assessment of Antarctic Climate Variability and Change
- Radio-echo sounding of 'active' Antarctic subglacial lakes
- Re-examining links between aerosols, cloud droplet concentration, cloud cover and precipitation using satellite observations (Invited)
- Reducing Initial-Value Uncertainties in Decadal-Scale Climate Predictions: Practical Concepts in Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Data Assimilation
- Retrieval of soil moisture using airborne synthetic- and real- aperture radar data at different spatial scales
- Rigor, Reliability, and Scientific Relevance: Citizen Science Lessons from COASST (Invited)
- SPARTICUS and MACPEX Cirrus Particle Sizes and Habits as a Function of Temperature and Synoptic Cirrus Type
- Scales of convective activity in the MJO (Invited)
- Scaling Potential Evapotranspiration with Greenhouse Warming (Invited)
- Sea Ice Characteristics as Simulated by CMIP5 models
- Seismic Evidence of Abundant Flank Magmatism at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Seismic response of rock slopes: Numerical investigations on the role of internal structure
- Sensitivity of River Runoff in Bhutan to Changes in Precipitation and Temperature
- Simultaneous Radio, Optical and Gamma-Ray Observations of TGFs
- Solar radiation signature manifested on the spatial patterns of modeled soil moisture, vegetation, and topography using an ecohydro-geomorphic landscape evolution model
- Some thoughts on directions for hydrology in the 21st Century (Langbein Lecture)
- Sources and Chemistry of Mercury over the Eastern United States during the NOMADSS Campaign (Invited)
- Southern Ocean Surface Climate Trends Since 1979: Context and Comparison with Earlier Decades
- Spatial Extent of Wave-Supported Fluid Mud on the Waipaoa Continental Margin
- Spring Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice using the IceBridge Snow Depth Product (Invited)
- Spring Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice using the IceBridge Snow Depth Product (Invited)
- Synoptic Control of Cross-Barrier Precipitation Ratios
- Temporal trends in West Antarctic surface mass balance: do large scale modes of climate contribute to observed records?
- The Development of North America CORDEX
- The Global Terrestrial Water Cycle Earth System Data Record
- The Microphysical Structure of Mesoscale Convective Systems during the MJO Active Phases in DYNAMO
- The South-East Atlantic aerosol-cloud system: gaps in our understanding of basic properties and physical processes
- The Timing of Arctic Sea Ice Advance and Retreat as an Indicator of Ice-Dependent Marine Mammal Habitat
- The critical slope angle for orographic rain
- The effects of Jakobshavn Isbrae's acceleration on the surrounding ice
- The ocean's role in polar climate change: asymmetric Arctic and Antarctic responses to greenhouse gas and ozone forcing. (Invited)
- The quickening pace and widening scope of ecosystem transformation under climate change (Invited)
- The structure and organization of clouds under suppressed conditions observed by S-band radar during DYNAMO
- Too much slab waving in South America? Wet plumes as an alternative to flat slab steepening as the cause of back arc large volcanic provinces
- Trends in Arctic Sea Ice Volume 2010-2013 from CryoSat-2
- Two Faces of ENSO (Invited)
- Two ways to quickly evaluate climate change impacts on future streamflow
- Understanding uncertainty in process-based hydrological models
- Using CMIP5 results with linearized impacts models, and superensemble regional climate modeling, to quantify uncertainty in regional climate impacts (Invited)
- Using TRMM Precipitation Radar to Understand the Pakistan and India Floods of 2010-2012
- Validating Velocities in the GeoClaw Tsunami Model using Observations Near Hawaii from the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
- Wet tropospheric delay spatial variability over terrestrial water bodies
- A Comparison Between Seismogeodetic and Baseline Corrected Estimates of Ground Motion: Example Applications for the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku-oki Earthquake
- A Comparison of the CHILD and Landlab Computational Landscape Evolution Models and Examples of Best Practices in Numerical Modeling of Surface Processes
- A Digital Elevation Model of the Greenland Ice Sheet based on Envisat and CryoSat-2 Radar Altimetry
- A Dynamic Information Framework (DIF): A Portal for the Changing Biogeochemistry of Aquatic Systems
- A Modeling Study of Precipitable Water Transport into the Arctic and Antarctic in Preindustrial and Doubled-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Climates
- A Novel Teflon-membrane Gas Tension Device for Denitrification-studies in Oxygen Minimum Zones
- A Thermal Melt Probe System for Extensive, Low-Cost Instrument Deployment Within and Beneath Ice Sheets
- A highlight of data products from IRIS Data Services
- A mechanistic model of microbial competition in the rhizosphere of wetland plants
- A novel approach to making microstructure measurements in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean.
- A satellite-based perspective of convective systems over the Maritime Continent
- AGCM simulations of atmospheric responses to Arctic warming: Impacts of Low-cloud Parameterization
- AON observations in the Eurasian and Makarov Basins target changes in the Arctic Ocean
- AUV Measured Variability in Phytoplankton Fluorescence within the ETM of the Columbia River during Summer 2013
- Active landsliding and landscape denudation in response to transient tectonic uplift, Northern California.
- Adapting Natural Resource Management to Climate Change: The Blue Mountains and Northern Rockies Adaptation Partnerships
- Advanced Seismic Studies of the Endeavour Ridge: Understanding the Interplay among Magmatic, Hydrothermal, and Tectonic Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Aircraft Observations of Mercury over the US: The Nomadss Experiment
- Aircraft- and ground-based assessment of the CCN-AOD relationship and implications on model analysis of ACI and underlying aerosol processes
- Amundsen Sea sector ice shelf thickness, melt rates, and inland response from annual high-resolution DEM mosaics
- An Icy Regolith Model that Predicts the Estimated Source Flux of H<SUB>2</SUB>O on Ceres and CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Callisto
- An Overview of the Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study Intensives: 2012, 2013, and 2014
- An investigation of pre-eruptive deformation for the 2004 eruption of Mount St. Helens using persistent scatterer interferometry
- An unmagnetized early planetary body
- Anion Exchange Capacity As a Mechanism for Deep Soil Carbon Storage in Variable Charge Soils
- Annual to Decadal Scale Evolution of the Pine Island and Thwaites Grounding Lines in Response to Ocean Forcing
- Antarctic Sea Ice Expansion and The Consequences of Missing Processes in Global Climate Models
- Application of Satellite information (JASON-2) in improvement of Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Service in Bangladesh
- Arctic (and Antarctic) Observing Experiment - an Assessment of Methods to Measure Temperature over Polar Environments
- Arctic Observing Experiment - An Assessment of Instruments Used to Monitor the Polar Environments
- Arctic Outflow West Of Greenland: Nine Years Of Volume And Freshwater Transports From Observations In Davis Strait
- Arctic Sea ice thickness loss determined using subsurface, aircraft, and satellite observations
- Assessing Extreme Events for Anthropogenic Influence: Examples of Recent Cases for Australian Temperatures, U.S. Precipitation, and Hurricane Sandy
- Assessing the Utility of Green LiDAR for Characterizing Forest Canopy Structure and Stream Bathymetry in Riparian Zones.
- Assessing the influence of sea ice conditions on outlet glacier retreat in Disko and Uummannaq Bays, West Greenland
- Assessment of a Fully Coupled Circulation-Wave Model for the Mouth of the Columbia River
- Atmospheric Blocking and Sub-Arctic Climate: Insights from CMIP5
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Response to Southern Ocean Deep Convection Oscillations on Decadal to Centennial Time Scales in Climate Models
- Bacterial Motility As a Biosignature: Tests at Icy Moon Analogue Sites
- Biogenic N<SUB>2</SUB> and δ<SUP>15</SUP> N-N<SUB>2</SUB> As Proxies for N-Loss in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific: A Lagrangian Float Experiment.
- Biogeochemical Modeling of the Second Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
- Bridging a possible gap of GRACE observations in the Arctic Ocean using existing GRACE data and in situ bottom pressure sensors
- Building a model to predict megafires using a machine learning approach.
- Can nitrogen cycle feedbacks lead to runaway denitrification and deoxygenation of the ocean?
- Carbon burial in lakes and reservoirs of the conterminous United States
- Carbon evasion from surface waters in Alaska
- Changes in Arctic sea ice deformation from 2000-2010
- Changes in Pacific Northwest Heat Waves and Associated Synoptic/Mesoscale Drivers Under Anthropogenic Global Warming
- Changing Seasonality of Tundra Vegetation and Associated Climatic Variables
- Characterization of Organic Carbon and Its Bioavailability in Recharge Waters and Aquifer Sediments: Implications for Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh
- Characterizing the Relationship of Tremor and Slip during Recent ETS Events in Northern Cascadia using Strainmeters, GPS, and Tremor Observations
- Characterizing the Structure of Hurricane Karl (2010) Through Analysis of High-Resolution Doppler Radar Data and Numerical Simulation
- Climate Change Impacts on Stream Temperatures in the Columbia River System
- Clumped-Isotope Thermometry of Carbonate Veins from the SAFOD Borehole
- Coastal Downscaling Experiments: Can CESM Fields Successfully Force Regional Coastal Ocean Simulations with Strong Freshwater Forcing?
- Collection to Archival: A Data Management Strategy for the Ocean Acidification Community
- Comparing Stable Water Isotope Variation in Atmospheric Moisture Observed over Coastal Water and Forests
- Comparison between Low and High Latitude Lightning VLF Wave Propagation Using WWLLN and Van Allen Probes
- Comparison of Firn-Model Outputs for Steady-State Climates
- Comparisons between data assimilated HYCOM output and in situ Argo measurements in the Bay of Bengal
- Compressional and Shear Wave Structure of the Upper Crust Beneath the Endeavour Segment, Juan De Fuca Ridge
- Constraining snow model choices in a transitional snow environment with intensive observations
- Continental Moisture Availability and Planetary Temperature in an Idealized GCM
- Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchange
- Convective initiation in the vicinity of the subtropical Andes
- CoopEUS EMSO-OOI Case Study: Tsunami Modelling and Early Warning Systems for Near Source Areas (Mediterranean, Juan de Fuca).
- Crustal Thickness and Lower Crustal Velocity Structure Beneath the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Culturing-based Temperature Calibration of a Genetically Distinct, Alkenone-producing Haptophyte Species isolated from Lake George, ND
- Data Assimilation and Bathymetry Inversion at Tidal and Navigational Inlets
- Decadal Changes in Arctic Radiative Forcing from Aerosols and Tropospheric Ozone
- Decadal Changes in Hydrography of the Southern Pacific Ocean and Ross Sea
- Deep Soil: Quantifying and Modeling Subsurface Carbon
- Deep long-period earthquakes under Mount St. Helens captured with dense recordings by iMUSH
- Determining Firn Compaction Rates Using Repeat-Track Radar Surveys in West Antarctica and Greenland
- Development and Testing of a Radio Transmitter for Englacial Trilateration
- Development of an Ensemble Gridded Hydrometeorological Forcing Dataset over the Contiguous United States
- Development of large-ensemble hydrology simulations in support of water resources planning and management
- Diagnosing cloud occurrence biases in the AM3 using atmospheric classification
- Diagnosis of Insidious Data Disasters
- Did Climate Change Cause the 2012-2014 California Drought?
- Distinct Seasonal Velocity Patterns Based on Ice-Sheet-Wide Analysis of Greenland Outlet Glaciers
- Distribution of Phytoplankton and Particulate Organic Carbon in the Beaufort Sea during the 2014 Marginal Ice Zone Experiment
- Downwind Measurements of Wildfires with Varying Burn Conditions: Flaming vs. Smoldering Emissions
- Drought in the Pacific Northwest, 1920-2013
- Dynamics of the Near-Inertial Internal Wave Field from a Decade of Ice-Tethered Profiler Observations
- Earthquake Early Warning Beta Users: Java, Modeling, and Mobile Apps
- Eastern Tropical Pacific Paleosalinity Reconstructions During the Last Deglaciation
- Effect of Landscape Modification on the Synoptic and Inland Patterns of Atmospheric River (AR) Events in the Western United States: Observational and Modeling Analysis.
- Effects of Climate Change on Flood Frequency in the Pacific Northwest
- Effects of Climate Changes on Firn Properties and Gas Transport in Firn
- Effects of surface waves on three-dimensional hydrodynamics of a tidal inlet: Energy transfer from waves to ocean
- El Niño evolution during the Holocene revealed by a biomarker rain gauge in the Galápagos Islands
- Elevated Channel Concavities Arising from Sediment-Flux Effects in Natural Rivers
- Enceladus Environmental Explorer (EVE): A Mission Concept
- End-of-Century Projections of North American Atmospheric River Events in CMIP5 Climate Models
- Estimation and Prediction of the AMOC from Multi-timescale Data Assimilation
- Evaluating Observational Methods to Quantify Snow Duration under Diverse Forest Canopies
- Evaluating the Isoprene Oxidation Mechanism Using Aircraft Observations from SENEX 2013
- Evaluation of a global internal-tide resolving and submesoscale admitting ocean simulation
- Evaluation of the water balance of Southeast Asia with a land surface model and era interim reanalysis
- Evidence for Gravity Wave Seeding of Convective Ionosphere Storms Initiated by Deep Troposphere Convection
- Evolution of Forest Precipitation Water Storage Monitoring Methodologies
- Evolving patterns of coupled glacio-hydrology across the Pacific Northwest Region, USA
- Exploring Post-Wildfire Hydrologic Response in Central Colorado Using Field Observations and the Landlab Modeling Framework.
- Extensive hydrothermal activity in the NE Lau basin revealed by ROV dives
- Factors determining the most efficient spray size distribution for marine cloud brightening
- Factors influencing nitrogen isotopes of snow nitrate: implications for interpretations of ice core nitrate records
- Feasibility Study of Earthquake Early Warning in Hawai`i For the Mauna Kea Thirty Meter Telescope
- Field Comparisons of Three Biomarker Detection Methods in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments
- Field Report on the iMUSH Active Source Seismic Experiment
- Field and flume investigations of the effects of logjams and woody debris on streambed morphology
- Flow of Ice near a Large Melt Channel in the Ross Ice Shelf
- Fluctuations in Anoxia and the Depth of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Thermocline Inferred from a 2000 Year Sediment Record of Water-Column Denitrification Off Baja California.
- Fluid and Solute Fluxes from the Deformation Front to the Upper Slope at the Cascadia Margin
- Forests, Snow, and Change: How Modeling History Is Shaping Our Predictions for the Future
- Frequency-dependent moment release of very low frequency earthquakes in the Cascadia subduction zone
- Freshwater Variability between Ellesmere Island and the North Pole Measured during the Switchyard Project
- Frontal features of the Columbia River plume seen from a high-resolution non-hydrostatic model
- Future Ozone Extremes: Clues from a Data Analysis
- Gas Chemistry of Submarine Hydrothermal Venting at Maug Caldera, Mariana Arc
- Gas bubble dimensions in Archean lava flows indicate low air pressure at 2.7 Ga
- Gas-particle partitioning of organic acids during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS): measurements and modeling
- Generalized Continental Scale Hydrologic Model Parameter Estimates: Application to a VIC model implementation for the Contiguous United States (CONUS)
- Geochemical Proxy Distribution at the Atomic-Scale: Atom Probe Tomography of Foraminiferal Calcite
- Geoethics and the Role of Professional Geoscience Societies
- Geolocation of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Gamma Rays Using the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- Geomicrobiology of Meltwater From the Western Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Glacial Erosion Rates from Bayesian Inversion of Cosmogenic Nuclide Concentrations in a Bedrock Core, Streaked Mtn., ME
- Glacial History of the Pirrit Hills, West Antarctica
- Glacier response to climate perturbations: an accurate linear geometric model
- Global Drought Information System: Influence of Differences in Land Surface Model Dynamics on Drought Monitoring
- Gravity-flow processes and deposits in a tidally dominated coastal environment
- Greenland Blocking As a Mechanism for Recent Arctic/Mid-Latitude Weather Linkages
- Heat Flow Surveys on the Washington Margin of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- High-Albedo Salt Crusts on the Tropical Ocean of Snowball Earth: Measurements and Modeling
- How Important Is Snowmelt Input for Runoff during Rain-on-Snow Floods over the Western U.S. Mountains?
- How Well Can We Estimate Error Variance of Satellite Precipitation Data Around the World?
- How to Establish the Scientific Value of Multiple GCM-RCM Simulation Programs: An Example from NARCCAP
- Hydrologically Induced Basal Slip Triggers Greenland Supraglacial Lake Drainages
- Hydrothermal Venting at Kick'Em Jenny Submarine Volcano (West Indies)
- Ice Fabric Development with a New Fabric Evolution Model
- Ice Sheet Thermomety Using Wideband Radiometry
- Identification of Arctic transport potential within the Northern Hemisphere based on an analysis of trajectories, 1979-2009
- Illuminating the Intricate Details of Tremor and Slow Slip Using an Array of Arrays
- Imaging Magma Under St. Helens (iMUSH): Details of passive-source seismic deployment and preliminary 3-D velocity structure
- Impact of Forest Management on Future Forest Carbon Storage in Alaska Coastal Forests
- Improving Ku-band Scatterometer Ocean Surface Wind Direction Retrievals in Tropical Cyclones
- Incorporation of snow nitrate photochemistry into a global chemical transport model: Impact on boundary layer chemistry and ice core records in Antarctica and Greenland
- Increased Deuterium Discrimination in Micronesian Mangroves Growing at High Salinity: Insights from Leaf and Xylem Water Isotopes
- Inferring Mountain Basin Precipitation from Streamflow Observations Using Bayesian Model Calibration
- Inferring basal stress under Greenland's big three outlet glaciers
- Influence of environment on soil carbonate clumped isotope records, Andean piedmont of Central Argentina (33-34⁰S)
- Influence of the external DEM on PS-InSAR processing and results on Northern Appennine slopes
- Interpreting Terminus Fluctuations at Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland, through Modeling and Observations
- Investigating Persistent and Distributed Scatterers to Better Resolve Low Amplitude Deformation with InSAR in Vegetated Terrains
- Investigating fire emissions and smoke transport during the Summer of 2013 using an operational smoke modeling system and chemical transport model
- Is the Tropical Zonal Bias in Aquarius-Argo Salinity Comparisons Due to the Difference in Measurement Depth?
- Isotopic content of mixed-phase orographic precipitation
- Laboratory Simulations and Spectral Analyses of Recurring Slope Streaks on Mars
- Land Use Land Cover Impact on Probable Maximum Flood and Sedimentation for Artificial Reservoirs: A Case Study in Western US
- Landslide Mobility and Hazards: A Geophysical Overview of the Oso Disaster
- Large tropical river mouth sediment-transport dynamics and linkages to coastal sediment transport and deposition
- Large-N Nodal Seismic Deployment at Mount St Helens
- Large-Scale Patterns of Waves in Partial Ice Cover in the Arctic Ocean
- Lessons Learned from Three-Dimensional Inversion of Long Period Magnetotelluric Arrays in Argentina
- Leveraging the Unified Access Framework: A Tale of an Integrated Ocean Data Prototype
- Local Bathymetry Estimation Using Variational Inverse Modeling: A Nested Approach
- Long Term Trends in Carbon Dioxide Enhancements in an Urban Region
- Low-level Jest and Its effects on Dust Emission over Taklimakan Desert
- MIZMAS Forecast of Sea Ice Thickness and Drift in the Beaufort Sea Marginal Ice Zone
- Magnesium isotope fractionation during continental weathering
- Marine biogenic aerosols explain seasonal and spatial patterns of Southern Ocean cloud droplet number concentration
- Marine biogeochemical influence on primary sea spray aerosol composition in the Southern Ocean: predictions from a mechanistic model
- Megaflood erosion of the Tsangpo Gorge constrained by hydraulic modeling, geochronology, and geochemical fingerprinting
- Mesoscale Convective Systems As a Source of Water Vapor in the Tropical Tropopause Transition Layer
- Methane Dynamics in Large Amazonian Rivers
- Microcosm Approach to Understanding Methane-oxidizing Communities and the Role of Nitrogen Sources
- Microseismicity of Death Valley, California: An Active Detachment Faulting Regime
- Mixed Layer Dynamics and the Diurnal Cycle in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean
- Mixed Layer Variability and Subduction in the SPURS Area
- Modeling CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> cycling using porewater stable isotopes in a thermokarst bog, interior Alaska
- Modeling Elevation and Aspect Controls on Emerging Ecohydrologic Processes and Ecosystem Patterns Using the Component-based Landlab Framework
- Modeling Strike-Slip-Driven Stream Capture in Detachment- and Transport-Limited Fluvial Systems
- Modeling of Effects of Climate and Land Cover Change on Thermal Loading to Puget Sound
- Modeling plasma pressure anisotropy's effect on Saturn's global magnetospheric dynamics
- Modeling soluble salt assemblages on Mars: past aqueous history and present-day habitability
- Modeling the Ocean Tide for Tidal Power Generation Applications
- Multiphase Simulations Constraining the Characteristic Volumes and Efficiency of Mixing within Magmatic Mushes
- Multiple-Component Crystal Fabric Measurements from Acoustically-Generated Normal Modes in Borehole
- Myria: Scalable Analytics as a Service
- NASA Earth Observing System Simulator Suite (NEOS<SUP>3</SUP>): A Forward Simulation Framework for Observing System Simulation Experiments
- NO<SUB>3</SUB>/N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> Fate during the 2013 Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study
- NOMADSS Aircraft Observations Suggest Rapid Oxidation of Elemental Mercury in the Subtropical Free Troposphere
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Indian Space Research Organisation Synthetic Aperture Radar Mission Concept
- Negotiating the question: using science-manager communication to develop management-relevant science products
- Net Anthropogenic Nitrogen Inputs in the Seattle, WA Metropolitan Area
- Nitrogen Availability in Proterozoic Seawater
- Nitrous Oxide Cycling in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific as Inferred from Isotopic and Isotopomeric Data.
- OLYMPEX: A Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Ground Validation Campaign on the Olympic Peninsula in the Pacific Northwest
- Observational Constraints on Modeling Growth and Evaporation Kinetics of Isoprene SOA
- Observations and Model Analysis of Enhanced Oxidized Mercury in the Free Troposphere during NOMADSS
- Observations of BrO Using Limb Scanning DOAS During the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- On modeling the organization of landscapes and vegetation patterns controlled by solar radiation
- On the Specification of Smoke Injection Heights for Aerosol Forecasting
- Online Measurements of Highly Oxidized Organics in the Gas and Particle phase during SOAS and SENEX
- Optimizing EDMF parameterization for stratocumulus-topped boundary layer
- Ozone from Wildfires: Peering through the Smog
- Paleoclimate Sampling as a Sensor Placement Problem
- Parameterizations for Narrowband and Broadband Albedo of Pure Snow, and Snow Containing Mineral Dust and Black Carbon
- Parametric Experimentation with Cross-Flow Turbines
- Participatory Modeling Processes to Build Community Knowledge Using Shared Model and Data Resources and in a Transboundary Pacific Northwest Watershed (Nooksack River Basin, Washington, USA)
- Phosphorus and Nitrogen Co-Limit Global Grassland Productivity
- Plant root-driven hydraulic redistribution, root nutrient uptake and carbon exudation interact with soil properties to generate rhizosphere resource hotspots that vary in space and time
- Practice and applications of 17-O-excess measurements of water using novel laser spectroscopy
- Precise Interhemispheric Phasing of the Bipolar Seesaw during Abrupt Dansgaard-Oeschger Events
- Predicting the Hydrologic Response of the Columbia River System to Climate Change
- Projected Duration of the Sea-Ice-Free Season in the Future Alaskan Arctic
- Providing a Fuller Characterization of Uncertainty in Climate Impact Assessments to Better Inform Local-to-Regional Scale Decisions in the Water Resources Sector
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise At The Regional Scale: The Bangladesh Sea-Level Project (BanD-AID)
- Quantifying the level of improvement in discharge estimation from the SRTM-era to the proposed Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT)-mission era
- RHESSys-WMFire: coupling wildfire to hydrology and vegetation to project the effects of climate change on mountain watersheds.
- Rayleigh Wave and Shear Wave Tomography of Northeastern China: Results Coconstrained by Multiple Datasets
- Reactive transport model of growth and methane production by high-temperature methanogens in hydrothermal regions of the subseafloor
- Reactive uptake of Isoprene-derived epoxydiols to submicron aerosol particles: implications for IEPOX lifetime and SOA formation
- Reconstruction of Dynamical Fields of the Common Era
- Refining the Magnitude of the Shallow Slip Deficit
- Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Advance Understanding and Prediction of Arctic Climate Change at Process Scales
- Regional and global rates of ocean mass addition between 1996-2006 from a full depth sea level rise budget
- Regional climate predictability from regional climate feedbacks.
- Removing Diurnal Cycle Contamination in Satellite-Derived Tropospheric Temperatures: Understanding Tropical Tropospheric Trend Discrepancies
- Representation of the Land Surface in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Reservoir in Global Water Cycle: Macro Scale Hydrologic Modeling for Water Management
- Responses of the Bering-Chukchi Shelf Circulation at Synoptic and Inter-Annual Time Scales to the Location, Strength, and Direction of North Pacific and Western Arctic Winds
- River Antecedence and the Onset of Rapid Exhumation in the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis
- SQL is Dead; Long-live SQL: Relational Database Technology in Science Contexts
- Seasonal Ice loss in the Beaufort Sea: Toward Synchronicity and Prediction
- Seasonal Transitions in the Next Climate Assessments
- Seasonal and Interannual Glacier Terminus Fluctuations in Northwest Greenland and Links to Sea Ice and Velocity Trends during the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Sediment dynamics within the intertidal floodplain of the lower Amazon River
- Segment-Scale Seismic Structure of Slow-, Intermediate-, and Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges: Constraints on the Origin of Ridge Segmentation and the Geometry of Shallow Mantle Flow
- Seismic Signals of the 2014 Landslide near Oso, Washington
- Seismometer Orientation of iMUSH Array Using Rayleigh Wave Polarization
- Sensitivity of atmospheric oxidation chemistry to climate inferred from Greenland ice core records of Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O(NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>)
- Shipboard Video Observations of Whitecaps
- Silicate Weathering and Pervasive Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation Coupled to Methanogenesis in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, Offshore India
- Simulating Pacific Northwest Forest Response to Climate Change: How We Made Model Results Useful for Vulnerability Assessments
- Simulating the Response of Urban Water Quality to Climate and Land Use Change in Partially Urbanized Basins
- Simulation of Arctic Climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to Atmospheric Processes
- Slip Updip of Tremor during the 2012 Cascadia ETS Event
- Snow Never Falls on Satellite Radiometers: A Compelling Alternative to Ground Observations
- Southern Ocean Deep-Convection as a Driver of Centennial-to-Millennial-Scale Climate Variability at Southern High Latitudes
- Spatial Distribution of Firn Close-Off Depth, Delta Age, and Depth-Integrated Porosity in the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Spatial Patterns of In-Situ Production and Respiration within a Turbid Tropical River: Implications for Amazonian Carbon Cycling
- Speeding up CRMs for cloud-climate interaction studies by acceleration of mean state tendencies
- Statistical Analysis of GPS Vertical Uplift Rates in Southern California
- Subseasonal Vertical Correlations with MBL Cloud Top Heights over the Southeastern Pacific and Cloud Top Height/Vertical Velocity Relationships in a Baroclinic Atmosphere Using Satellite and Re-Analysis Data
- Successful ShakeAlert Performance for the Napa Quake
- Synthetic testing of the Pacific Northwest earthquake early warning system
- Teaching GeoEthics Across the Geoscience Curriculum
- Temporal and Spatial Variation in Surface Velocity and Basal Friction at Upernavik Isstrøm, Northwest Greenland
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- Testing the Proterozoic GAD Hypothesis with Reconstructed Tomography Dynamo Models
- The 1500m South Pole Ice Core: Recovering a 40,000 year environmental record
- The 22 March 2014 Oso Landslide, Snohomish County, Washington: Findings of the GEER Reconnaissance Investigation
- The CHUVA Project Contributions to the Understanding of Anthropogenic Interactions Affecting the Atmospheric Physics over Amazonas.
- The Clawpack Community of Codes
- The Contribution of Englacial Latent Heat Transfer to Seaward Ice Flux from Regions of Convergent and Divergent Ice Flow in Western Greenland
- The Expansion of the Marginal Ice Zone in the Pacific Arctic
- The Global and Local Climatic Response to the Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The H<SUB>2</SUB>O-MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> system up to 1 GPa: implications for deep oceans in Ganymede and Titan.
- The Hills are Alive: Dynamic Ridges and Valleys in a Strike-Slip Environment
- The Impact of Empirical Calving Laws on Thwaites Glacier Dynamics
- The Influence of a Single Northern Hemisphere Continent on Tropical Precipitation and Climate in Idealized GCM Experiments
- The Pale Orange Dot: Spectral Effects of a Hazy Early Earth
- The Persistence of Glacial Valleys in the New Zealand Southern Alps
- The Properties of Black Carbon and Mineral Dust Deposition in Snow and Ice Cores and Their Source Attributions over Northern China
- The Relation Between Lightning and Isolated Impulsive >30 keV Electron Precipitation Events
- The Relationship of MJO Convective Onset to Large-Scale Upper-Tropospheric Dynamic and Thermodynamic Structures
- The Response of ENSO to a Weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- The Response of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds to Idealized Climate Perturbations
- The Role of the Tropics in Last Glacial Abrupt Climate Change from a West Antarctic Ice Core
- The Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) Project - Did the Ross Ice Shelf Collapse During MIS 5e?
- The Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study (SOCRATES): An Observational Campaign for Determining Role of Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation in Climate System
- The Thermodynamics of Life on a Planetary Scale
- The Transpolar Drift in the Central Arctic Ocean as Measured by AON Observations
- The West Coast Earthquake Early Warning Global Navigation Satellite System Working Group
- The deformation of ice-debris landforms in the Khumbu Region from InSAR
- The dynamic nature and spectral characteristics of low-albedo slope streaks on Mars and their possible hydrologic implications
- The effect of evaporation and nutrient enrichment on the erodability of mudflats in a mesotidal estuary
- The effect of light on the Mg/Ca ratio in the planktic foraminifer Orbulina universa: implications for a light driven vital effect on Mg incorporation into foraminiferal calcite
- The impact of tropical Pacific SST trends on Antarctic Sea Ice in CESM1.1
- The reactivity of plant-derived organic matter in the Amazon River and implications on aquatic carbon fluxes to the atmosphere and ocean
- The role of fire during the Eocene-Oligocene transition in southern South America
- The role of ice-ocean inertia in representing the impact of storms on sea ice in fully coupled Earth System Models
- Thermodynamic Equations of State for Aqueous Solutions Applied to Deep Icy Satellite and Exoplanet Oceans
- Thermodynamics of Water and Aqueous Solutions under Mantle Conditions
- Three dimensional structure and evolution of moisture and precipitation in the MJO
- Tidal Energy Resource Assessment in Chacao Channel, Chile
- Tidal stress influence on slow slip on the deep plate interface
- Time dependent bio-optical and temperature measurements beneath Arctic pack ice
- Time of Emergence of Climate Extremes in the Pacific Northwest
- Time of Emergence: A Tool for Exploring When and Where Climate Change Could Matter
- Trace gas constraints on vertical transport in models: a case study of Indonesian biomass burning emissions in 2006
- Tracing origins of cratonic eclogites by magnesium isotopes
- Tradeoffs in Acceleration and Initialization of Superparameterized Global Atmospheric Models for MJO and Climate Science
- Trends and Variability of Southern Ocean Temperature and Salinity in Models and Observations
- Triggering of slow slip and tremor by small earthquakes at the Nankai subduction zone
- Tropical and Midlatitude Cirrus Cloud Extinction and Backscatter From Multiyear Raman Lidar Measurements.
- Tropical and Subtropical Low Clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model using a PDF Cloud Parameterization
- Tropical forcing of the recent rapid Arctic warming in northeastern Canada and Greenland
- Tropical teleconnections to Antarctic circulation during the millennial-scale Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycles.
- Twelve years of Amundsen and Bellingshausen Coast Thinning Observed with Altimetry and Photogrammetry.
- U.S. Forest Service Leads Climate Change Adaptation in the Western United States
- Understanding Isoprene Photo-oxidation from Continuous-Flow Chamber Experiments: Unexpectedly High SOA Yields and New Insights into Isoprene Oxidation Pathways
- Upper Ocean Temperature, Salinity, and Turbulence Across the Marginal Ice Zone from Autonomous Seaglider Surveys
- Use of NOMADSS Observations to Improve Our Understanding of the Land and Ocean Fluxes of Mercury
- Using Coastal Ice Cap Records to Investigate Maritime Climate and Ice Sheet Processes in West Greenland
- Using Dynamical Adjustment to Estimate the Anthropogenically-forced Response of Surface Temperature and Precipitation within a High-resolution Regional Climate Model: A Case Study of the Pacific Northwest
- Using Laser Ablation-ICP-MS to generate culture-based foraminiferal calibration relationships for Neogloboquadrina dutertrei
- Using Low Frequency Earthquakes to Examine Slow Slip Beneath the Olympic Peninsula, WA
- Using Sea Level to Probe Linkages Between Heat Transport Convergence, Heat Storage Rate, and Air-Sea Heat Exchange in the Subtropical North Atlantic
- Using airborne LIDAR to measure tides and river slope
- Using vegetation model-to-data comparisons to test the role of abiotic factors in the Neogene and Quaternary origins of modern C<SUB>4</SUB> grasslands
- Vertical velocities in midlatitude cirrus: A comparison between in situ aircraft measurements and Doppler radar retrievals
- Viscoelastic Deformation Due to Sediment Loading in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta and in the Bay of Bengal.
- Visible and thermal imaging of sea ice and open water from Coast Guard Arctic Domain Awareness flights
- Water Vapor Budget of the MJO over the Maritime Continent in Comparison to Those over the Indian and Pacific Oceans
- Wave Transformation and Breaking on a Sheared Current
- Waves and Fetch in the Marginal Ice Zone
- What Can Neutrinos Tell Us about Light Elements in Earth's Core?
- Where and What Is Pristine Marine Aerosol?
- Where do students struggle in the field? Computer-aided evaluation of mapping errors from an undergraduate Field Geology summer course
- Which forcing data errors matter most when modeling seasonal snowpacks?
- Wind, mixed-layer depth and Chl-a variability in the Southern Ocean
- Xenon Fractionation, Hydrogen Escape, and the Oxidation of the Earth
- iMUSH-aided fault-plane studies at Mount St. Helens, Washington: Evidence for magma recharge
- time Dependence of Aerosols in Biomass Burn Plumes from Bbop
- 3-D Simulations of Megathrust Earthquakes - Application to the 2003 M8.3 Tokachi-Oki Earthquake
- A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Spatio-Temporal Prediction and Uncertainty Assessment Using Repeat LiDAR Acquisitions for the Kenai Peninsula, AK, USA
- A Conceptual Model to Link Anomalously High Temperature Gradients in the Cerros del Rio Volcanic Field to Regional Flow in the Espanola Basin, New Mexico
- A Decade of Graduate Climate Conferences for Training the Next Generation of Earth Scientists
- A Free and Open Source Web-based Data Catalog Evaluation Tool
- A Holographic Microscope for Detection of Microorganisms on Icy Worlds
- A Hybrid Backward-Forward Iterative Model for Improving Capacity Building of Earth Observations for Sustainable Societal Application
- A Mechanism Linking Tropical-Arctic Teleconnection to Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Weather Events
- A Model for Local Experiential Learning: Workshop on Mangroves, Oceans & Climate in Kosrae
- A New Holocene Lake Sediment Archive from Samoa (Tropical South Pacific) Reveals Millennial Scale Changes in Hydroclimate.
- A New Perspective on the 9°50'N East Pacific Rise 2006 Eruption
- A Survey of Landslide Activity in the Columbia River Gorge from InSAR
- A Survey of Spatial and Seasonal Water Isotope Variability on the Juneau Icefield, Alaksa
- A Systematic Assessment of the Relationship Between the Complexity and Fidelity of Hydrological Models
- A cyclostrophic transformed Eulerian zonal mean model for the middle atmosphere of slowly rotating planets
- A high pH ocean on Enceladus as evidence of serpentinization: Setting the stage for life?
- A novel approach to Lagrangian sampling of marine boundary layer cloud and aerosol in the northeast Pacific: case studies from CSET
- A real-time cabled observatory on the Cascadia subduction zone
- A review of measurement and modeling of Light-absorbing Particles in Snow and Ice and their climatic and hydrological impact
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- A study of aerosol optical properties using a lightweight optical particle spectrometer and sun photometer from an unmanned aerial system
- A tale of two seafloor eruptions: Comparing seismic data from the 2006 East Pacific Rise and 2015 Axial Seamount eruptions
- Accuracy of short term Sea Ice Drift Forecasts using a coupled Ice-Ocean Model
- Adapting natural resource management to climate change: The South Central Oregon and Northern Rockies Adaptation Partnerships
- Aerial Moisture Transport in the Earth Climate System: A Study of the Mean State and Perturbations Due to CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Doubling using Numerical Water Tracers and a Novel Linear Algebra Analysis Framework
- Aerosol-Radiation-Cloud Interactions in the South-East Atlantic: Future Suborbital Activities to Address Knowledge Gaps in Satellite and Model Assessments
- Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- Ammonia Partitioning into the Condensed Phase in Winter Time Conditions
- An Evaluation of the Seasonal Arctic Sea Ice Predictions from CFSv2
- An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign
- Analysis of Hydroxyl Radical Reactivity in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Application of Dynamic Strains to Earthquake Source Characterization and Earthquake Early Warning
- Application of MJO simulation diagnostics to CMIP5 climate models : MJO indices and Process-oriented diagnosis
- Applications of online high resolution time of flight chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HRToF-CIMS): opportunities and challenges for aircraft measurements, atmosphere-ecosystem exchange, and organic aerosol composition
- Aquatic carbon fluxes from the conterminous US and Alaska
- Assessing Past Fracture Connectivity in Geothermal Reservoirs Using Clumped Isotopes: Proof of Concept in the Blue Mountain Geothermal Field, Nevada USA
- Assessing the Age of Particulate Organic Matter Exported from a Temperate Rainforest Catchment of the North American Pacific Coast
- Assessing the Updip Spatial Offset of Tremor and Slip during ETS Events in Cascadia
- Assessing the Use of Remote Sensing and a Crop Growth Model to Improve Modeled Streamflow in Central Asia
- Atmosphere-Ocean Forcing of Ice-Sheet Change in the Amundsen Sea Sector of Antarctica
- Atmospheric teleconnections between the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds during abrupt climate change
- Axial Seamount 2015 Eruption: A 127 m Thick, Microbially-Covered Lava Flow
- Black carbon and other light-absorbing impurities in the Andes of Northern Chile
- Bridging the Gap Between Climate Science and Water-resource Applications
- Bringing organic carbon isotopes and phytoliths to the table as additional constraints on paleoelevation
- CALIPSO-inferred aerosol direct radiative effects: Bias estimates using ground-based Raman lidars
- Cabling a Tectonic Plate—Continuous Live Data from the Cascadia Subduction Zone is Enabled through Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory and the Ocean Observatories Initiative's Cabled Array
- Cascading Impacts of Longwave Radiation Uncertainty on Modeled Snowmelt and Summer Evapotranspiration at Mountain Research Sites
- Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution in the Marginal Ice Zone in a Thickness and Floe Size Distribution Model
- Changes in Tropical Precipitation at the Mid-Holocene: Role of the Oceanic Heat Transport
- Characteristics of predictable MJOs
- Characterizing radiation belt electron precipitation losses using BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses) data.
- Chemical and Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification Along the West Coast of North America
- Climate Dynamics from Fusing Proxies and Models
- Cloud System Evolution in the Trades—CSET
- Cloud-Based Computational Tools for Earth Science Applications
- Clumped Isotope Thermometry Reveals Variations in Soil Carbonate Seasonal Biases Over >4 km of Relief in the Semi-Arid Andes of Central Chile
- Clumped isotope paleothermometry of the Mio-Pliocene freshwater Lake Mohave. Lower ancestral Colorado River, USA
- Coastal evolution between two giant rivers: The Chan May embayment in central Vietnam
- Combining <SUP>14</SUP>C/U-Th Series Geochronology and Stable/Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of MIS 2 Lake Tufas of Lake Chewaucan, Oregon, USA to Reconstruct Deglacial Climate in the Pacific Northwest
- Committed near-future retreat of Smith, Pope, and Kohler Glaciers inferred by transient model calibration
- Comparing Organic Aerosol Composition from Marine Biogenic Sources to Seawater and to Physical Sea Spray Models
- Comparing measured and modeled firn compaction rates in Greenland
- Comparison of 2D and 3D Numerical Models with Experiments of Tsunami Flow through a Built Environment
- Comparison of Tectonic Tremor in Southwest Japan and Cascadia
- Complex Relationship between Accumulation and Temperature in West Antarctica for the Past 31,000 Years
- Conceptual and computational challenges in continental-domain hydrologic model parameter estimation: VIC applications over the contiguous USA
- Concurrent Evolution of Structural Deformation and Carbonate Diagenesis within the Moab Fault, UT
- Continental Asymmetry in Climate-Induced Tropical Drought: Driving Mechanisms and Ecosystem Response
- Data Assimilation-Based SST Reconstruction from Coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>Ο Records
- Decoupling of the Assimilation and Fractionation Signatures in a MASH Zone: Evidence from the Sierra Valle Fértil Mafic Zone, Argentina
- Deep long-period earthquakes (DLPs) beneath Mount St. Helens
- Delineating Terrane Boundaries in Northeastern Washington Using Isotopic and Geochemical Analysis of Cretaceous Plutons.
- Dependence of subtropical low cloud diagnosed from AIRS, MODIS, and ECMWF-interim reanalysis and inferred changes in low cloud fraction in a warming climate
- Determining the Effect of Growth Rate on Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation of Algal Lipids in Two North Pacific Sites
- Detiding Tsunami Currents to Validate Velocities in Numerical Simulation Codes using Observations Near Hawaii from the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
- Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
- Diagnosing Cloud Biases in Climate Models by Comparing Forecast-Mode Simulations With Satellite Observations
- Digital Elevation Models of Greenland based on combined radar and laser altimetry as well as high-resolution stereoscopic imagery
- Dip-dependent variations in LFE duration during ETS events
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in Rivers of the Conterminous United States: Influence of Terrestrial - Aquatic Linkages
- Do convective schemes substantially alter simulated global climate and cloud feedback?
- Do primary marine aerosol organics play a role in the biological regulation of climate?
- Double-Difference Earthquake Locations Using imaging Magma Under St. Helens (iMUSH) Data
- Drought monitoring in the Northwestern United States
- Ecosystem Response During the Removal of the Elwha River Dams
- Effect of Snow Grain Shape on Snow Albedo
- Effective Climate Refugia for Cold-water Fishes
- Elevation Control on Vegetation Organization in a Semiarid Ecosystem in Central New Mexico
- Energetic constraints on the magnitude and pattern of changes in the hydrologic cycle under global warming.
- Estimating diffusivity from the mixed layer heat and salt balances in the North Pacific
- Evaluating cloud precipitation efficiency with satellite retrievals of water isotopologues
- Evaluating patterns of solar irradiance errors over an area of complex topography
- Evaluation of Stream Temperature Response in the Connecticut River to Climate Change, Riparian Logging and Reservoir-induced Hydrologic Alteration
- Examining Differences in Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Change
- Examining rates of glacial erosion, exhumation, and debris evacuation over a wide range of time scales at Khumbu Basin, Mt. Everest, Nepal
- Examining the Role of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> Hydrolysis and ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> Production Over the Northeast United States: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign
- Exhumation History of an Oblique Plate Boundary: Investigating Kaikoura Mountain-building within the Marlborough Fault System, NE South Island New Zealand
- Explicit representation of low clouds in a global atmospheric model: initial results from Ultra-Parameterized CAM5
- Exploring soil organic matter-mineral interactions: mechanistic insights at the nanometer and molecular length scales
- External forcing modulates Pine Island Glacier flow
- Fine-sediment transport and the depositional record in wave-supported mud flows
- First Evidence of Middle Atmospheric HO<SUB>2</SUB> Response to UV variability during 27-day Solar Cycles From Satellite Observations
- First Results from The Last Millennium Climate Reanalysis Project
- Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases from the Baltimore-Washington Area: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Observations
- From Regional Cloud-Albedo to a Global Albedo Footprint - Studying Aerosol Effects on the Radiation Budget Using the Relation Between Albedo and Cloud Fraction
- Future Climate Impacts on Streamflow and Stream Temperature in the Tennessee River Basin
- GeoGirls: A Geology and Geophysics Field Camp for Middle School Girls at Mount St. Helens
- Get More from Your Data with PyFerret
- Global Impacts of Water Management Activities on Soil Moisture and Runoff Trends
- Global Simulations from CAM with a Unified Convection Parameterization using CLUBB and Subcolumns
- Global Surface Photosynthetic Biosignatures Prior to the Rise of Oxygen
- Global Trends and Variability In the Mass Balance of Mountain and Valley Glaciers
- Global climate impacts of fixing the Southern Ocean shortwave radiation bias in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Global-warming-induced Increases in Extreme Precipitation are Smallest over Mountains
- Greenland Ice Sheet glacier motion and ice loss: New understanding of ice sheet behavior through remote sensing
- Heat and Freshwater Convergence Anomalies in the Atlantic Ocean Inferred from Observations
- High-resolution remote sensing and coupled fire-weather simulation modeling offer unprecedented insight to megafire behavior: The 2014 California King Megafire case study
- Humidity, Radiative and Surface-Flux Feedbacks on the Multiscale Organization of CRM-Simulated Tropical Convection
- ICESat2 subsurface-scattering biases estimated based on the 2015 SIMPL/AVRIS campaign
- Identifying Dynamically Induced Variability in Glacier Mass-Balance Records
- Identifying Mantle Carbonatite Metasomatism through Os-Sr-Mg Isotopes in Tibetan Ultrapotassic Rocks
- Impacts of Forecasted Climate Change on Snowpack, Glacier Recession, and Streamflow in the Nooksack River Basin
- Impacts of high-latitude volcanic eruptions on ENSO and AMOC
- Improving the Projections of Vegetation Biogeography by Integrating Climate Envelope Models and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- Impulsive Seafloor Signals from the 2015 Eruption of Axial Seamount
- In Situ Calibration of Argo-deployed Oxygen Optodes
- Increased Climate Variability in the Southern Ocean During the Late Twentieth Century
- Inferring Anthropogenic Trends from Satellite Data for Water-sustainability of US Cities Near Artificial Reservoirs
- Infrastructure Upgrades to Support Model Longevity and New Applications: The Variable Infiltration Capacity Model Version 5.0 (VIC 5.0)
- Integrated Data from the NEPTUNE Observatory Highlight the Role of Sub-seafloor Processes in Rapid Temperature, Salinity, and Heat spiking after Seismic Activity.
- Inter-comparison of isotropic and anisotropic sea ice rheology in a fully coupled model
- Interseismic deformation and creep along the Sumatran fault, Indonesia from InSAR time-series analysis
- Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model
- Investigation of Atmospheric Modelling Framework for Better Reconstruction on Historical Extreme Precipitation Event in PMP Estimation
- Isotopic Controls of Rainwater and Water Vapor on Mangrove Leaf Water and Lipid Biomarkers
- Isotopic Fractionation in Snow (IFRACS) at Storm Peak Laboratory
- It might take three: proxy system models as the missing link between proxies and climate models, and their potential for paleoclimate data assimilation
- Landslide Hazard from Coupled Inherent and Dynamic Probabilities
- Large-Scale Forest Die-off in Temperate versus Tropical Regions: Comparison of Local and Global Climate Effects
- Lightning-Based Search for Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes in Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor Data
- Lightweight Data Systems in the Cloud: Costs, Benefits and Best Practices
- Live from the Seafloor: Seismic Signals associated with the 2015 Eruption of Axial Seamount
- Local Alterations to the Nitrogen Cycle as Indicated by Tree Ring and Foliage Stable Isotopes, Xi'an China
- Local subbasin characteristics are determinants of streamflow intermittency in the Huachuca Mountains, Arizona, USA
- Longitudinal Inter-Comparison of Modeled and Measured West Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater Runoff Losses (2004-2014)
- Magma reservoirs from the upper crust to the Moho inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs models beneath Mount St. Helens
- Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Subducting Marine Sediments
- Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Vertical Distributions above Svalbard, Norway using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
- Measuring U-series Disequilibrium in Weathering Rinds to Study the Influence of Environmental Factors to Weathering Rates in Tropical Basse-Terre Island (French Guadeloupe)
- Microbial community and nitrogen cycling shift with snowmelt in high-elevation barren soils of Mount Rainier National Park
- Mixed-phase cloud physics and Southern Ocean cloud feedback in climate models
- Model For Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) applied to regional climate of the Northwestern U.S.
- Modeled Effects of Encapsulated Crude Oil on Light Transmission Through Sea Ice
- Modeling overland flow-driven erosion across a watershed DEM using the Landlab modeling framework.
- Modeling the Effects of Multi-layer Surface Roughness on 0.5 -2 GHz Passive Microwave Observations of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
- Modeling the Seasonal Ice Zone from the Air: use of repeat aerial hydrographic surveys to constrain a regional ice-ocean model in an area of rapidly evolving ice cover
- Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is well Correlated with Coretop δ<SUP>2</SUP>H<SUB>dinosterol</SUB> in the South Pacific Convergence Zone: A Tool for Quantitative Reconstructions of Rainfall Rate
- Monitoring Change on Hydrothermal Edifices by Photogrammetric Time Series: Case Studies from the Endeavour Segment (Juan de Fuca Ridge)
- Moulin distribution and formation on the southwest Greenland ice sheet
- Multiphase Simulations Constraining the Characteristic Volumes and Efficiency of Mixing within Magmatic Mushes
- Natural climate variabilities and Antarctic sea ice trend
- Nature of Year-to-Year MJO Variability: SST-Forced vs. Internally Driven?
- New Cascadia subduction zone tsunami inundation modeling to guide relocation of coastal infrastucture for Indian tribes on the northern Washington coast
- Nighttime NO<SUB>x</SUB> Chemistry in Coal-Fired Power Plant Plumes
- Nitrous acid (HONO) observations during the Uintah Basin Wintertime Ozone Studies (UBWOS) and the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) study: sources, measurements interferences, and implications beyond.
- Numerical Experiments of the Diurnal Cycle of Axisymmetric Tropical Cyclones
- Numerical Investigation of a Path to Recoverable Melt Probes for Subglacial Lake Exploration
- Observational constraint of drizzle properties and processes in large-eddy simulations from two models with size-resolved microphysics
- Observations of global-scale coherence of radiation-belt electron loss caused by ULF wave modulation of the magnetosphere
- Observed Spatial and Temporal Variability of Subglacial Discharge-Driven Plumes in Greenland's Outlet Glacial Fjords
- Ocean observatory networks monitor gas hydrates systems - Updates from Cascadia
- Oceanographic Controls on Diffuse Flow Temperature Variability at Main Endeavour Field
- On Using Solar Radio Emission to Probe Interiors of Asteroids and Comets
- On impacts of overlying solar-absorbing aerosol layers on the transition of stratocumulus to trade cumulus clouds
- Online Measurements and Modeling of Isoprene Photo-oxidation Products: Insights from the Laboratory and SOAS Field Campaign
- Paleotsunami Recurrence And Inundation Estimates From Shoreline Reconstructions In The Central Kuril Islands
- Particle pH Inferred from Aircraft Data: Validation and Geographical, Vertical and Seasonal Characteristics with Case Studies from the WINTER Campaign
- Perceptions and Expected Immediate Reactions to Tornado Warning Polygons
- Petrology of Eocene dikes near Lake Chelan, WA: evidence of mantle and crustal melting during the Challis event
- Phase Relations in the Carbon Dioxide/Water System at Pressures and Temperatures Relevant to Subducting Slabs
- Physical Characteristics and Geobiology of 'Rotten' Arctic Sea Ice
- Porosity estimates of the upper crust in the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Possible Mechanisms of a Southward Shift in Tropical Precipitation During the Little Ice Age
- Potential Persistence of Ground Ice at Gale Crater, Mars Constrained Using Curiosity Rover REMS Data
- Precipitation trends in the High Sierra of California inferred from streamflow and snowpack observations
- Preliminary Shear Velocity Tomography of Mt St Helens, Washington from iMUSH Array
- Progressive Mid-latitude Afforestation: Impacts on Clouds, Circulation, and the Global Energy Budget
- Project EDDIE: Improving Big Data skills in the classroom
- Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System for Areas of Highest Seismic Risk in the Western U.S.
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Inferred Viscosity and Basal Shear Stress Over Ice Streams
- Quantifying sources, transport, deposition, and radiative forcing of black carbon in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes
- Real-time demonstration and evaluation of over-the-loop short to medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasting
- Recent Seasonal Forecast Skill in a Sea-Ice Prediction System. Have We Entered a Period of Inherently Low Predictability?
- Reconciling Empirical Carbonate Clumped Isotope Calibrations: A Comparison of Calcite Precipitation and Acid Digestion Methods
- Reconciling Geomorphic Observations with Simulations of a Modern Landslide-dam Outburst Flood Using GeoClaw Software, Eastern Himalaya
- Reconstructing 2012 and 2014 El Nino SSTA Development from Sub-seasonal Wind Events
- Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Address the U.S. Priorities and Advance Capabilities for Arctic Climate Modeling and Prediction
- Relative Influence of Top-Down ond Bottom-Up Controls on Mixed Severity Burn Patterns in Yosemite National Park, California, USA
- Reproducing cloud and boundary layer structure observed in MAGIC campaign using ship-following large-eddy simulations
- Resolving Paleo-floral Temperatures using the Clumped Isotope (Δ<SUB>47</SUB>) Thermometer: Implications for Florissant and Colorado Plateau Uplift
- Revisiting PLUMBER: Why Do Simple Data-driven Models Outperform Modern Land Surface Models?
- Sea salt aerosols in polar regions: Constraining the relative roles of blowing snow and open ocean sources
- Seasonal Oxygen Dynamics in a Thermokarst Bog in Interior Alaska: Implications for Rates of Methane Oxidation
- Seasonal Variation in Basal Shear Stress Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Seasonal and interannual evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland from a 2008-2015 high-res DEM and velocity time series
- Seasonal and spatial variation of <SUP>17</SUP>O<SUB>excess</SUB> and d<SUB>excess</SUB> in Antarctic precipitation: insights from an intermediate complexity isotope model
- Seasonal ice flow patterns as indicators of subglacial hydrology on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Sedimentary Basins: A Deeper Look at Seattle and Portland's Earthquake Hazards
- Sensitivity of an MT Array to 3D Structure Outside the Array Footprint
- Several firn core records suggest relatively stable accumulation rates during the past two centuries over the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica
- Shortwave Cloud Feedback and the Response of the Atmospheric Circulation to Warming
- Simulating the Stream Temperature Response to Hydrologic and Land Use Alterations
- Simulation of Arctic climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to atmospheric processes
- Snow in Large-Scale Sea Ice Models: State-of-the-Art and Way Forward
- Sources and Distributions of Secondary Aerosols over the Northeastern United States during the WINTER Aircraft Campaign.
- Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign
- Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice and the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in a High-Resolution Simulation of the Community Earth System Model
- Southern Ocean Cooling in a Warming World: Reassessing the Role of Westerly Winds
- Southern Ocean Deep-Convection as a Driver of Centennial-to-Millennial-Scale Climate Variability at Southern High Latitudes
- Spatial Patterns of Trees from Airborne LiDAR Using a Simple Tree Segmentation Algorithm
- Spatial and Temporal Comparisons of Tremor and Slow Slip in Cascadia
- Spatially-distributed Calibration of Two Macroscale Hydrologic Models Across the Columbia River Basin
- Spectropolarimetry of Photosynthetic Pigments as Global Surface Biosignatures
- Speed of Sound in Aqueous Solutions at sub-GPa Pressures: a New Experiment to Unveil the Properties of Extra-Terrestrial Oceans
- Statistical Variability of Ice Crystal Orientations in Ice Sheets
- Study of lightning whistler waves observed at high L-shells on Van Allen Probes
- Sub-meter desiccation crack patterns imaged by Curiosity at Gale Crater on Mars shed additional light on former lakes evident from examined outcrops
- Subhorizontal stretching, oblique collision, and landscape evolution in the Central Range of Taiwan
- Subsurface Imaging at Mount St. Helens with a Large-N Geophone Array
- Subtropical cloud response to increased carbon dioxide in single-column models
- Systemic and intensifying drought induces collapse and replacement of native fishes: a time-series approach
- Temporal and Spatial Fluctuations in Ancestral Northern Cascade Arc Magmatism from New LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Dating
- Terminus behavior of Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq Glaciers, southeast Greenland, from 2008-2015
- Testing the Link between Tropical Pacific Variability and Antarctic Climate Change
- The 2014 Tanana Inventory Pilot: A USFSNASA partnership to leverage advanced remote sensing technologies for forest inventory
- The Carbon Budget of Coastal Waters of Eastern North America
- The Character and Variability of Solar Irradiance across the U.S. Pacific Northwest
- The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (Care II) to Study Artificial Dusty Plasmas in the Upper Atmosphere
- The Chemical Link between Isoprene and Formaldehyde
- The Effect of Ice Shelf Meltwater on Antarctic Sea Ice and the Southern Ocean in an Earth System Model
- The FirnCover Project - Real-time Monitoring of Greenland's Firn Compaction in a Changing Climate
- The G-FAST Geodetic Earthquake Early Warning System: Operational Performance and Synthetic Testing
- The Greenland Ice Mapping Project
- The Immediacy of Arctic Change
- The Impact of Buried Horizons and Deep Soil Pedogenesis on Soil Carbon Content and Vertical Distribution
- The Impact of Model Uncertainty on Seasonal Sea Ice Forecasts
- The Influence of Snow Depth Distribution and Surface Topography on Melt Pond Evolution
- The Pulse of the Amazon River System: How pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Evolves, from Small Streams to the Atlantic Ocean
- The Response of Sediments and Dissolved Organic Matter to Rapid Rainfall in the Santa Maria da Vitoria Watershed, Espírito Santo, BR
- The Role of Variable-Charge Minerals in Deep Soil Carbon Storage in a Pacific Northwest Andisol
- The Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) ice core: climate and ice dynamics of the Ross Sea, West Antarctica
- The Sensitivity of Orographic Precipitation to Flow Direction
- The Statistical Relationship Between Remotely Sensed Vegetation and Climate for the Last 15 years is not Reflective of the last 30 years
- The Strong Control of Sea Ice Dynamics on Lower Cell Circulation Changes
- The Trace Element Composition of Plankton and Dust in the Qatari EEZ
- The Variable Nature of Convection in the Tropics and Subtropics: A Legacy of 16 Years of the TRMM Satellite
- The impact of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> production on tropospheric nitrogen oxides and oxidants in a global model
- The relationship between cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration and light extinction of dried particles: indications of underlying aerosol processes and implications for satellite-based CCN estimate
- The role of atmospheric synoptic conditions in the Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone
- The utility of satellite precipitation products for hydrologic prediction in topographically complex regions: The Chehalis River Basin, WA as a case study
- Theory and evidence that the Madden-Julian Oscillation is a dispersive, convectively coupled moisture wave
- Thermodynamics and Interior Structure Measurements of Ocean Worlds
- Toward Automated Generation of Reservoir Water Elevation Changes From Satellite Radar Altimetry.
- Tracing industrial heavy metal inputs to topsoils using using cadmium isotopes
- Triggers for the Collapse of Ice Shelves in Antarctica: Investigating Compressive Arch Failure with Numerical Models
- Tuning The Sea-Ice Seasonal Cycle Of HadCM3: Can It Reproduce Observed Trends In Sea-Ice?
- Two Scales of Mixed Rossby-gravity and Kelvin Waves in the lower Stratosphere
- Uncertainties in Isoprene Photochemistry and Emissions: Implications for the Oxidative Capacity of Past and Present Atmospheres and for Climate Forcing Agents
- Understanding Satellite-based Monthly-to-Seasonal Reservoir Outflow Estimation as a function of Hydrologic Controls
- Understanding Spatial Variability and Point Classification Implications on Methods for Retrieval of Leaf Orientation for Effective Leaf Area Index from Terrestrial Laser Scanning.
- Understanding tropical upper tropospheric warming: The role of SSTs, convective parameterizations, and observational uncertainties
- University of Washington's eScience Institute Promotes New Training and Career Pathways in Data Science
- Upper ocean carbon cycling inferred from direct pH observations made by profiling floats and estimated alkalinity
- Using Ground Penetration Radar for Imaging and Mapping of Thin, Shallow Tsunami Deposits in Washington, Pacific Northwest United States
- Using Optical Oxygen Sensors and Injection Experiments to Determine in situ Microbial Rate Constants for Methane Oxidation and Heterotrophic Respiration in a Boreal Bog and Fen
- Using snowboards and lysimeters to constrain snow model choices in a rain-snow transitional environment
- Utilizing SO<SUB>2</SUB>/CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mixing Ratios to Determine SO<SUB>2</SUB> Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer
- Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Using Aircraft Data
- Variability and Sources of Tropospheric Aerosols Over the North Atlantic in Fall: A Model Analysis in Support of the NASA NAAMES Earth-Venture Suborbital-2 Mission
- Variation in Regional and Global Lightning
- Vulnerabilities to Rock-Slope Failure Impacts from Christchurch, NZ Case History Analysis
- Water Soluble Ions in Bulk Aerosol During the WINTER 2015 Campaign.
- Watershed geomorphology modifies the temperature sensitivity of aquatic ecosystem metabolism
- Wave breaking turbulence in the ocean surface layer
- West Coast atmospheric river climatology in CMIP5 climate models
- What Affects the Location of Tropical Precipitation? An Idealized Modeling Perspective
- What can scientific practice look like in a classroom? Insights from scientists' critique of high school students' climate change argumentation practice
- 2000-2014 Antarctic sea ice expansion driven by tropical Pacific decadal climate variability
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Projected Changes in Arctic Cyclone Activity
- 3D Vp travel time tomography of the iMUSH active source seismic data
- A 5,000 year snow accumulation record from the South Pole Ice Core
- A Baseline for Monitoring Long-term Changes in the Global Distribution of N<SUB>2</SUB>O in the Ocean
- A Lagrangian Perspective on Aerial Hydrologic Cycle Changes in a Warmer World
- A Lagrangian Perspective on Polar Hydroclimate Perturbations in a Warmer World
- A New Digital Elevation Model for Hercules Dome, Antarctica from CryoSat-2 Altimetry - Toward Site Selection for the Next Antarctic Deep Ice Core
- A New Perspective on Atlantic Multidecadal Variability from the Last Millennial Reanalysis
- A Review of Detected Interplate Seismicity in Cascadia
- A Rhizosphere-Scale Investigation of Root Effects on Wetland Methane Dynamics
- A Stochastic Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux Boundary Layer and Shallow Convection Parameterization in 1-D NCEP GFS: Implementation and Initial Results
- A Water Mass Tracer Detected in Aerosols Demonstrates Ocean-Atmosphere Mass Transfer and Links Sea Spray Aerosol to Source Waters
- A coherent understanding of water-isotope and ice-impurity variability in Antarctica at millennial to orbital time scales
- A formal attribution of glacier retreat to climate change.
- A full Holocene record of water isotopes from syngenetic pore ice in central Yukon Territory, Canada
- A linked lake system beneath Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica reveals an efficient mechanism for subglacial water flow.
- A new approach for estimating gross primary production
- A new look at the Effect of NO<SUB>x</SUB> on Biogenic SOA Yields
- A new paradigm for predicting zonal-mean climate and climate change
- A superparameterized, isotope-enabled global climate model (iSPCAM)
- A synthesis of isotope ratios in precipitation from an assimilation of GNIP observations in a climate model
- Accelerated rates of in situ microbial activity after permafrost collapse estimated from a porewater isotope model
- Accounting for "Ecoclimate Teleconnections" that structure ecological responses to disturbance and climate, from local to global scales
- Allan Hills Pleistocene Ice Project (PIP)
- An Empirical Constraint on the Contribution of Sea Spray Aerosol to the Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Condensation Nuclei Population
- An Evaluation of Site-specific and Generalized Spatial Models of Aboveground Forest Biomass Based on Landsat Time-series and LiDAR Strip Samples in the Eastern U.S.A.
- An Evaluation of the NOAA Climate Forecast System Subseasonal Forecasts
- An Integrated Canopy Gap Module with DHSVM for Improving Predictions of Canopy-Snow Dynamics
- An Integrated, Observation-based System to Monitor Aboveground Forest Carbon Dynamics in Washington, Oregon, and California
- An Offshore Geophysical Network in the Pacific Northwest for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning and Hazard Research
- An automated, open-source (NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline) workflow for mass production of high-resolution DEMs from commercial stereo satellite imagery: Application to mountain glacies in the contiguous US
- Application of Jason-2/3 Altimetry for Virtual Gauging and Flood Forecasting in Mekong Basin
- Arctic Aerosols and Climate Change: A Time Series Analysis at Barrow, Alaska
- Are We Telling Decision-makers the Wrong Things - and with Too Much Confidence?
- Assessing Atmospheric and Oceanographic Influences on ITCZ Position and Intensity over the Last Millennium from the Proxy Record
- Assessing the Benefits Provided by SWOT Data Towards Estimating Reservoir Residence Time in the Mekong River Basin
- Assessing the sensitivity of a water-limited, mixed tree-grass-shrub ecosystem to climate change and geomorphic controls using a community modeling framework
- Assessing the viability of `over-the-loop' real-time short-to-medium range ensemble streamflow forecasts
- Assessment of A Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction Model Parameterization for Flood Forecasting in the Indian Subcontinent
- Assimilation of Sonic Velocity and Thin-Section Measurements from the NEEM Ice-Core
- Assimilation of sea ice concentration data in the Arctic via DART/CICE5 in the CESM1
- Bangladesh Delta: Assessment of the Causes of Sea-level Rise Hazards and Integrated Development of Predictive Modeling Towards Mitigation and Adaptation (BanD-AID)
- Bayesian Earthquake Relocation With Application to the Puget Sound Region
- Beyond PARR - PMEL's Integrated Data Management Strategy
- Bias Correction of Sea Ice Predictions via Contour Shifting
- Building Quantitative Hydrologic Storylines from Process-based Models for Managing Water Resources in the U.S. Under Climate-changed Futures
- CONUS domain application of Multi-scale Parameter Regionalization for spatially distributed model parameter estimates
- Cadmium Isotope Fractionation in Cigarette Smoke and in the Biosphere
- Calcium and Iron as Promoters of the Self-assembly of Dissolved Organic Matter into Particles
- Carbon, fire, and fuels: The importance of fuels and fuel characterization and the status of wildland fire fuels data for the United States
- Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Thickness and Floe Size
- Characterizing "Rotten" Ice: Changes in first-year Arctic sea ice during advanced summer melt
- Characterizing West Greenland ice sheet runoff losses from modeled and measured data
- Characterizing the Precipitation Processes in Hurricane Karl (2010) Through Analysis of Airborne Doppler Radar Data and Numerical Simulations
- Choice of <SUP>17</SUP>O Abundance Correction Affects Δ<SUB>47</SUB> and Thus Calibrations for Paleothermometry
- Chronostratigraphy of Upper Pleistocene to Early Holocene Western Cordilleran Soils: The Almira, Bishop and Badger Mountain Geosols.
- Clean, Logistically Light Access to Explore the Closest Places on Earth to Europa and Enceladus
- Climate Change Impacts on River Temperature in the Southeastern United States: A Case Study of the Tennessee River Basin
- Climate Controls on the Extreme Rainstorms in the Contiguous US: 1979-2015
- Climatology and variability of SST frontal activity in Eastern Pacific Ocean over the past decade
- Cloud and Circulation Feedbacks in a Near-Global Aquaplanet Cloud-Resolving Model
- Collaboration as a means toward a better dataset for both stakeholders and scientist
- Columbia River Treaty Renegotiation: Potential Impacts on Agriculture, Hydropower and Flood Risk in the Context of an Altered Climate
- Comparing Moment Release and Tremor Amplitudes in Cascadia ETS Events
- Comparing floral and isotopic paleoelevation estimates: Examples from the western United States
- Comparison of Model and Observations of Middle Atmospheric HO<SUB>x</SUB> Response to Solar 27-day Cycles: Quantifying Model Uncertainties due to Photochemistry
- Connecting medieval megadroughts and surface climate in the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- Conservation status of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in relation to projected sea-ice declines
- Constructing Simple Predictive Models from Paleoclimate Records
- Continental and Seafloor Weathering in the Global Carbon Cycle: Inverse Modeling and Implications for the Precambrian
- Controls on cross-shore sediment flux and geometry of the subaqueous Mekong Delta
- DART: A Community Facility Providing State-of-the-Art, Efficient Ensemble Data Assimilation for Large (Coupled) Geophysical Models
- Data and Models as Social Objects in the HydroShare System for Collaboration in the Hydrology Community and Beyond
- Deep long-period earthquakes (DLPs) beneath Mount St. Helens
- Deglacial Meltwater Pulse Recorded in Last Interglacial Mollusk Shells from Bermuda
- Dependence of Seismic Wave Amplification on Event Location and Basin Geometry
- Determining albedo reduction by light-absorbing particles in snow over large areas - What can we learn from field observations?
- Developing a Global Database of Historic Flood Events to Support Machine Learning Flood Prediction in Google Earth Engine
- Development and Interpretation of River Water Isoscapes Using a Stream Network Modeling Framework
- Development of Gridded Ensemble Precipitation and Temperature Datasets for the Contiguous United States Plus Hawai'i and Alaska
- Disentangling climatic versus biotic drivers of tree range constraints: Broad scale tradeoffs between climate and competion rarely explain local range boundaries
- Distribution of Low-Frequency Earthquake Moment Release beneath the Olympic Peninsula, WA
- Diurnal Cycle of Clouds and Precipitation at the ARM SGP Site
- Do Forest-Snow Feedbacks Mitigate or Exacerbate a Mountain's Hydrologic Response to a Warming World?
- Do radiative feedbacks depend on the structure and type of climate forcing, or only on the spatial pattern of surface temperature change?
- Dominance of atypical oxidant sources in the polluted wintertime boundary layer: insights from the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign
- Dos and don'ts for using climate information for water resource planning and management
- Dual State/Rainfall Correction via Soil Moisture Assimilation for Improved Hydrologic Prediction - A Synthetic Study Using the VIC Model in the Arkansas-Red River Basin
- Dynamical Downscaling Overcomes Deficiencies in Gridded Precipitation Products in the Sierra Nevada, California
- EDDIE Seismology: Introductory spectral analysis for undergraduates
- Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization and Thinning Treatments on Subsurface Soil Carbon and Nitrogen
- Effects of Solar Geoengineering on Meridional Energy Transport and the ITCZ
- Effects of modeling decisions on cold region hydrological model performance: snow, soil and streamflow
- Efficient Large-Scale 5D Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing using Rank-Minimization
- Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration (EDDIE)- Water Focused Modules for interacting with Big Hydrologic Data
- Estimation of precipitation over the OLYMPEX domain during winter 2015-2016 using radar, gauge precipitation and ASO snow estimates
- Evaluation and Improvement of Polar WRF simulations using the observed atmospheric profiles in the Arctic seasonal ice zone
- Evaluation of Atmosphere-Land-Sea Ice-Ocean Interface Processes in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM1.0)
- Evidence for an Ancient Periglacial Climate in Gale Crater, Mars
- Examining model hierarchies of glacier response to climate
- Exploring How Weathering Related Stresses and Subcritical Crack Growth May Influence the Size of Sediment Produced From Different Rock Types.
- Exploring the Impact of Land Use Change on an Idealized Convective Boundary Layer and the Microphysics of Shallow Cumulus Clouds
- Exploring the Role of Information Professionals in Improving Research Reproducibility:A Case Study in Geosciences
- Fast Deployment on the Cloud of Integrated Postgres, API and a Jupyter Notebook for Geospatial Collaboration
- Feasibility of Rainwater Harvesting to fulfill potable water demand using quantitative water management in low-lying delta regions of Asia
- Fire-induced changes in boreal forest canopy volume and soil organic matter from multi-temporal airborne lidar
- Firn Thickness Changes (1982-2015) Driven by SMB from MERRA-2, RACMO2.3, ERA-Int and AVHRR Surface Temperature and the Impacts to Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Balance
- FirnCover: Observations on the evolution of firn compaction, firn temperatures and porosity in the interior of the Greenland ice sheet
- Forecasting Ocean Acidification in the coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest
- From solid to liquid: Assessing the release of carbon from soil into solution in response to forest management
- Future Interannual Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Area and its Implications for Marine Navigation
- G-FAST Early Warning Potential for Great Earthquakes in Chile
- Generation of equatorial Kelvin, Yanai and short Rossby waves near a western boundary.
- Geochemical Evidence for Calcification from the Drake Passage Time-series
- Geochemical heterogeneity of rivers draining the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Geostatistical model-based estimation of forest biomass in interior Alaska combining landsat derived tree cover, sampled airborne lidar and field observations
- Global models of internal tides and waves for the SWOT mission
- Global surface density variability on scales relevant to SWOT
- Grassroots Engagement and the University of Washington: Evaluating Science Communication Training Created by Graduate Students for Graduate Students
- Ground and balloon-based observations of energetic electron precipitation from the ABOVE2 mission
- High Upward Fluxes of Formic Acid from a Boreal Forest Canopy
- High-Elevation Evapotranspiration Estimates during Drought: Using Streamflow and LiDAR Snow Observations to Close the Upper Tuolumne River Basin Water Balance
- Holocene history of deep-seated landsliding in the North Fork Stillaguamish River valley (Washington, USA) in the context of climate change from surface roughness analysis, radiocarbon dating, and numerical landscape evolution modeling
- How do principal rainbands form in tropical cyclones?
- Hydrodynamic controls on respiration in the Amazon River and the importance of particle interactions on organic matter decomposition
- Hydrologic climate change impacts in the Columbia River Basin and their sensitivity to methodological choices
- Hydrological Modeling in the Bull Run Watershed in Support of a Piloting Utility Modeling Applications (PUMA) Project
- Ice-sheet Temperature Around Subglacial Lake Vostok Constrained by New Flowband Modeling
- Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Temperatures in the Clearwater River, Idaho
- Impacts of the Oxidation of SO<SUB>2</SUB> by HOBr on the Global Sulfur and Reactive Halogen Budgets
- Implications of Tidally Varying Bed Stress and Intermittent Estuarine Stratification on Fine-Sediment Dynamics through the Mekong's Tidal River to Estuarine Reach
- Improving Earth Science Metadata: Modernizing ncISO
- Improving Simulations of Precipitation Phase and Snowpack at a Site Subject to Cold Air Intrusions: Snoqualmie Pass, WA
- Improving constraints on sources and distributions of sea salt aerosols in polar regions with in situ and CALIOP observations
- Improving medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasts through statistical post-processing
- Improving the Representation of Cryospheric Processes in Land Models
- Improving the Understanding and Model Representation of Processes that Couple Shallow Clouds, Aerosols, and Land-Ecosystems
- In-situ GPS records of surface mass balance, firn compaction rates, and ice-shelf basal melt rates for Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica
- InSAR Constraints on the Deformation of Debris-Covered Glaciers in the Khumbu Region of Nepal
- Incorporating a simple two-layer reservoir into a coupled land surface and river routing model to improve river temperature simulations in the Tennessee River Basin
- Inferring firn permeability from pneumatic testing on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Influence of the recent high-latitude atmospheric circulation change on summertime Arctic sea ice
- Initiation and Propagation Phases of Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip Events
- Inland Waters and the North American Carbon Cycle
- Integrating Fire Effects into an Ecohydrologic Model for Simulating Fire Regimes
- Interdisciplinary science for land managers: Lessons learned in the context of public land management
- Interpretation of the Relationship between Benthic Fauna, Geologic Distributions, and Methane Seeps at Southern Hydrate Ridge, Oregon Continental Margin
- Investigation of Mount St. Helens seismicity and volcanic arc structure with a hybrid passive and active source survey
- Irregular Layering at mid-depths in two Antarctic Ice Cores
- It Takes More than a Data Portal or: Leveraging the Common Framework for Earth-Observation Data to Improve Interoperability
- Key atmospheric elements to evaluate a successful Minamata Convention
- Landlab: an Open-Source Python Library for Modeling Earth Surface Dynamics
- Large ensemble and large-domain hydrologic modeling: Insights from SUMMA applications in the Columbia River Basin
- Leaf Structural Acclimation Amplifies Simulated Climate Warming in Response to Elevated Carbon Dioxide.
- Lessons from COASST: How Does Citizen Science Contribute to Natural Resource Management & Decision-Making?
- Linking Crystal Populations to Dynamic States: Crystal Dissolution and Growth During an Open-System Event
- LiveOcean: A Daily Forecast Model of Ocean Acidification for Shellfish Growers
- Lower Crustal and Moho Reflections Beneath Mount St. Helens
- M9.1 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Tsunami Inundation Modeling of Sequim Bay and Lopez Island, Washington
- Magnetostratigraphy of late Devonian carbonates of Western Australia: Integrating reversal history with biostratigraphic and <SUP>13</SUP>C records
- Mantle plumes & lithospheric foundering: Determining the timing and amplitude of post-Miocene uplift in the Wallowa mountains, north-east Oregon with low-temperature thermochronometry.
- Mapping Forest Structure From Tree Clump And Opening Patterns Across Landscapes With Airborne Lidar To Study Response To Disturbances And Map Habitat
- Mapping the impact of river regulation on carbon dynamics using coupled field surveys and remotely-sensed optical properties
- Measuring Changes in E-P with Isotope Ratios in Water Vapor
- Mechanistic insights into non-IEPOX isoprene secondary organic aerosol formation utilizing measurements and modeling
- Metagenomic analysis of the soil microbial N-cycling community in response to increased N deposition in the alpine PNW
- Methane and carbon dioxide production in soils flooded by the Belo Monte hydropower reservoir in the Amazon Basin, Brazil
- Mg-banding in the non-spinose planktic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina dutertrei caused by diurnal light/dark cycle
- Microbially-mediated Destabilization Of Sedimentary Organic Carbon: Isotopic Tracking of Carbon Movement in Laboratory Incubations of Glucose-amended Aquifer Sediment to Determine Priming Effects
- Model Analysis of Tropospheric Aerosol Variability and Sources over the North Atlantic during NAAMES 2015-2016
- Modeling the Evolution of Seasonally Frozen Soils and Permafrost in the Arctic
- Modelling Middle Infrared Thermal Imagery from Observed or Simulated Active Fire
- Moist static energy budget analysis of tropical cyclogenesis in climate models
- Monitoring groundwater storage change in Mekong Delta using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data
- Mountain building, strike-slip faulting, and landscape evolution in the Marlborough Fault System, NZ: Insights from new low-temperature thermochronology and modeling
- Multi-Decadal and High-Resolution Observations of Greenland Outlet Glacier Dynamics from the Greenland Ice Mapping Project (GIMP)
- Multi-Scale Mapping of Vegetation Biomass
- Multi-scale modeling of tsunami flows and tsunami-induced forces
- Near Real-Time Monitoring of Hydrologic Conditions as Part of the Northwest Climate Toolbox
- Nearly 400 million people are at higher risk of schistosomiasis because dams block the migration of snail-eating river prawns
- Nonlinear ENSO Warming Suppression (NEWS) causing a La Niña-like mean-state response to global warming
- Nonsteady flow routing in Landlab: implications for modeling watershed evolution
- Observational Constraints on the Tropospheric Chlorine Budget from the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign
- Observational perspectives on cloud-atmosphere-surface coupling at Summit, Greenland
- Observations of Cross-Surf-zone / Inner-shelf Dye Exchange from Aerial Hyperspectral and in Situ Data.
- Observations of the Southern Ocean oxygen cycle from profiling floats
- Observations of upper ocean stability and heat fluxes in the Antarctic from under-ice Argo float profile data.
- Observations of wave-enhanced mixing in the autumn Arctic Ocean
- Observed low cloud occurrence and boundary layer structure near the wintertime Southern Ocean sea ice margin and implications for sea ice growth
- Observing microphysical structures and hydrometeor phase in convection with ARM active sensors
- Oceanic Surface Mixed Layer Heat and Salinity Budgets in the Central Equatorial Indian Ocean
- On the Hydrogranular Dynamics of Magmatic Gravity Currents
- Organizational preparedness for and management of volcanic crises at Kīlauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes, Hawaii
- Peeking Below the Snow Surface to Explore Amundsen Sea Climate Variability and Locate Optimal Ice-Core Sites
- Practical implementation of a particle filter data assimilation approach to estimate initial hydrologic conditions and initialize medium-range streamflow forecasts
- Precipitation Changes Throughout the South Pacific Convergence Zone During the Last 2000 Years
- Precipitation Processes and their Modulation by Synoptic Conditions and Complex Terrain Observed during the GPM Ground Validation Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX)
- Process Oriented Diagnostics of Tropical Cyclones in Climate Models
- Proxy representation of Arctic Ocean Bottom Pressure: Bridging gaps in GRACE measurements
- Quantifying the Depth of the Boundary Layer Using Two Independent Satellite Products
- Radar Detection of Layering in Ice: Experiments on a Constructed Layered Ice Sheet
- Radiative Transfer Modeling to Estimate the Impact of CDOM on Light Absorption within Changing Arctic Sea Ice
- Rain Impact Model Assessment of Near-Surface Salinity Stratification Following Rainfall
- Rates of Eolian Rock Abrasion in the Ice-Free Valleys, Antarctica
- Re-evaluating the oceanic magnesium and magnesium isotope budgets - the contribution of authigenic mineral formation in marine sediments
- Recent advances in measurement-based insights of secondary organic aerosols and their impact on global climate sensitivity
- Reconstructing Sediment Supply and Transport Behind the Elwha River Dams
- Refined modeling of Seattle basin amplification
- Regional Upper Ocean Variability and Ocean Heat Losses during the 2015 Autumn Ice-Edge Advance in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas as Observed during the Sea State Field Campaign
- Resolving a long-standing model-observation discrepancy on ozone solar-cycle response
- Rhizosphere Nightlife: Going with the Flow
- Robust increase in ocean heat transport into the Arctic under greenhouse gas forcing
- SOCCOM Biogeochemical Profiling Floats: Representativeness and Deployment Strategies Utilizing GO-SHIP/Argo Observations and SOSE/Hycom Model Output
- SUMMA and Model Mimicry: Understanding Differences Among Land Models
- Sea Ice Evolution in the Pacific Arctic by Selected CMIP5 Models: the Present and the Future
- Sea Spray Aerosol Production in the North Atlantic: A Comparison from 4 Cruises in 3 Seasons
- Sediment Gravity Flows Triggered by Remotely Generated Earthquake Waves on the Cascadia Margin
- Seismic Events and Tidal Forces near the Grounding Line of Beardmore Glacier, Antarctica
- Sensitivity of 3D Inversions of an MT Array to Boundary Conditions and Regularization in the Presence of Adjacent Oceans
- Sensitivity of Arctic Climate in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) to Atmospheric Processes
- Sensitivity of Pacific Cold Tongue and Double-ITCZ Bias to Convective Parameterization
- ShakeAlert Users Transition to the Production Prototype System
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Mount St. Helens Region from the iMUSH array
- Similarity of Stream Width Distributions Across Headwater Systems
- Simulating ice shelf response to potential triggers of collapse
- Simulation Study Based Analysis of the Statistical Properties of Biomass Estimators that use a Sample of GEDI Lidar Measurements
- Simulations and analysis of asteroid-generated tsunamis using the shallow water equations
- Six years after the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake: Transient far-field postseismic vertical motion observed by tide gauges and GPS
- Slow Response or No Response? Distinguishing Non-Climatic Range Limits from Demographic Inertia
- Southern Hemisphere Climate Variability Forced by Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheet Topography
- Spatial Patterns in Water Temperature in Pacific Northwest Rivers: Diversity at Multiple Scales and Potential Influence of Climate Change
- Spatio-temporal Variation of Water Isotopes on the Juneau Icefield
- Stable Hydrogen-rich Atmospheres of Young Rocky Planets
- State of the Carbon Cycle - Consequences of Rising Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Surface Energy Budget Disruption in the Northeast Pacific in Response to a Marine Heat Wave
- Systematic detection of seismic events at Mount St. Helens with an ultra-dense array
- Tagging the origin of oxidized mercury in surface deposition
- Temperature-Salinity Structure of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in High-resolution Ocean Simulations and in Climate Models (CMIP5)
- Ten Simple Rules for Effective Online Outreach: What a decade at Deep Sea News has taught us.
- Testing turbulence schemes in land models during stable conditions
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Hadley Circulation's Response to Imposed Idealized Ocean Heat Transport in an Aquaplanet GCM
- The Influence of Rocky Mountain Orography on the Ocean's Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Coarse Coupled Model
- The M9 Project: 3-D Simulations of Megathrust Earthquakes in Cascadia
- The Olympic Mountains Experiment for GPM (OLYMPEX)
- The Phenology of Arctic Ocean Surface Warming
- The Response of Phanerozoic Surface Temperature to Variations in Atmospheric Oxygen Concentration
- The Role of Data Assimilation in Model Diagnostics
- The Role of Near-Fault Relief in Creating and Maintaining Strike-Slip Landscape Features
- The Roles of Tectonics and Climate in Driving Erosion Rates in the Eastern Himalaya
- The Wintertime Fate of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB>: Observations and Box Model Analysis for the 2015 WINTER Aircraft Campaign
- The annual cycle of nitrate and net community production in surface waters of the Southern Ocean observed with SOCCOM profiling floats
- The influence of model convection on the global cloud feedback: An observational constraint derived from the climatological distribution of clouds.
- The response of the Asian monsoon to the geologic extremes of the past 50 million years.
- The role of Ekman transport on the ITCZ response to extratropical thermal forcing
- The role of declining summer sea ice extent in increasing Arctic winter precipitation
- The role of vegetation on gully stabilization at a severely degraded landscape: a case study from Calhoun experimental critical zone observatory
- Thermal landscapes in a changing climate: How different are water temperature patterns in our most extreme years?
- Tracing salt provenance in McMurdo Dry Valley soils by using magnesium isotopes
- Tracking RAFOS-enabled, under-ice Argo profiling floats using a Kalman smoothing technique
- Trajectory Analysis of Cloud Properties During the 2014-2015 Holuhraun Lava Field Fissure Eruption in Iceland
- Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) Budgets Using 5-beam Doppler Profilers
- Ultra-Parameterized CAM: Progress Towards Low-Cloud Permitting Superparameterization
- Ultra-clean Layers (UCLs) and Low Albedo Clouds ("gray clouds") in the Marine Boundary Layer - CSET aircraft data, 2-D bin spectral cloud parcel model, large eddy simulation and satellite observations from CALIPSO, MODIS and COSMIC
- Untangling the Causes of Variation in ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> Yield from the WINTER Campaign
- Upper Ocean Evolution Across the Beaufort Sea Marginal Ice Zone
- Use of ordinary kriging to interpolate observations of fire radiative heat flux sampled with airborne imagery
- Using the Landlab toolkit to evaluate and compare alternative geomorphic and hydrologic model formulations
- VLF Waves and Energetic Electron Precipitation Observed by the ABOVE<SUP>2</SUP> Stratospheric Balloon Mission
- Variability of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone Related to Changes in Inter-Hemispheric Dust Load
- WWLLN and Earth Networks new combined Global Lightning Network: First Look
- Walking the Talk: Empowering Science Communication at the University of Washington
- What Determines the Meridional Heat Transport? Insights from Varying Rotation Rate Experiments
- What Do We Really Know About the Earth's Early Atmosphere?
- What can Citizen Science do for Ocean Science and Ocean Scientists?
- Where did eukaryotes first evolve? Revisiting Mesoproterozoic habitats in the Torridonian Supergroup, NW Scotland
- Which Observations Are Most Important for Characterizing Arctic Sea Ice?
- Why does the MJO detour the Maritime Continent during Austral summer?
- Winds, waves, and the Fraser river plume
- Wintertime Emission Ratios of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>y</SUB> from Washington, D.C.-Baltimore
- 140-year subantarctic tree-ring temperature reconstruction reveals tropical forcing of increased Southern Ocean climate variability
- 3-D Simulation of Earthquakes on the Cascadia Megathrust: Key Parameters and Constraints from Offshore Structure and Seismicity
- 3D Ground-Motion Simulations for Magnitude 9 Earthquakes on the Cascadia Megathrust: Sedimentary Basin Amplification, Rupture Directivity, and Ground-Motion Variability
- A 3-step framework for understanding the added value of surface soil moisture measurements for large-scale runoff prediction via data assimilation - a synthetic study in the Arkansas-Red River basin
- A 4.43 Ga Transition from Mega-impact to Habitability Deduced from Microstructural Geochronology of Martian Zircon and Baddeleyite
- A Coupled Model for Simulating Future Wildfire Regimes in the Western U.S.
- A Model for Low-Frequency Earthquake Slip in Cascadia
- A Novel Observation-Guided Approach for Evaluating Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated by the DOE ACME Model
- A comparison of high-frequency noise levels on Cascadia Initiative ocean-bottom seismometers
- A cross-scale framework of peatland resilience based on long-term research in interior Alaska and the Northwest Territories, Canada
- A multidisciplinary approach to constrain incoming plate hydration in the Central American Margin
- A null-parameter formula for storage-evapotranspiration relationship based on generalized proportionality hypothesis and its applications
- A river (used to) run through it: piracy in the Yukon
- A semi-automated approach to derive elevation time-series and calculate glacier mass balance from historical aerial imagery
- A varied subglacial landscape under Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- ASPIRE: Active Societal Participation in Research and Education
- Acoustic Scattering from Munitions in the Underwater Environment: Measurements and Modeling
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation interactions in Eastern North Atlantic
- Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic: results from the ORACLES-2016 deployment and a first look at ORACLES-2017 and beyond
- Aircraft NO<SUB>x</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> measurements during wintertime temperature inversions in Salt Lake City, Utah
- Aircraft measurements to characterize polluted winter boundary layers: Overview of twin otter flights during the Utah Winter Fine Particulate Matter Study
- Aircraft-based Observations and Modeling of Wintertime Submicron Aerosol Composition over the Northeastern U.S.
- An Analytical Model for Basin-scale Glacier Erosion as a Function of Climate and Topography
- An Investigation of the Radiative Effects and Climate Feedbacks of Sea Ice Sources of Sea Salt Aerosol
- An uncertainty analysis for satellite-based estimates of cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations
- Analytical model for local scour prediction around hydrokinetic turbine foundations
- Applications of the SWOT Mission to Reservoirs in the Mekong River Basin
- Array-Based Receiver Function Analysis of the Subducting Juan de Fuca Plate Beneath the Mount St. Helens Region and its Implications for Subduction Geometry and Metamorphism
- Assessment of Changes in Cloud Microphysical Properties and Rainfall in the Southeast Atlantic During the ORACLES 2016 Deployment
- Atmospheric Rivers, Climate Change, and the Howard Hanson Dam
- Atmospheric sensitivity to land surface changes: comparing the impact of albedo, roughness, and evaporative resistance on near-surface air temperature using an idealized land model.
- Automated protocols for spaceborne sub-meter resolution "Big Data" products for Earth Science
- Being an honest broker of hydrology: Uncovering, communicating and addressing model error in a climate change streamflow dataset
- Between Two Lakes: Opportunities for the Inception of Life in Gale Crater, Mars
- Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol as a Modulator of Droplet Number in the Southern Atlantic
- Building a foundation for continued dialogue between climate science and water resource communities
- Building infrastructure to prevent disasters like Hurricane Maria
- Can We Untangle the Weather? Stable Water Isotope Controls on the Juneau Icefield
- Can you hear the carbon rise? Evaluating multi-sensory climate media in undergraduate learning.
- Carbon Fluxes and Transport Along the Terrestrial Aquatic Continuum
- Catalog of offshore seismicity in Cascadia: Insights into the regional distribution of microseismicity and its relation to subduction processes
- Cause of the unprecedented low Antarctic sea ice extent during the 2016 austral spring season
- Challenges in land model representation of heat transfer in snow and frozen soils
- Changing predictability characteristics of Arctic sea ice in a warming climate
- Characterizing the utility of the TMPA real-time product for hydrologic predictions over global river basins across scales
- Citizen and Satellite Measurements Used to Estimate Lake Water Storage Variations
- Climate Change Impacts on Stream Temperature in Regulated River Systems: A Case Study in the Southeastern United States
- Cloud-based Computing and Applications of New Snow Metrics for Societal Benefit
- Cloud-enabled large-scale land surface model simulations with the NASA Land Information System
- Comparing Three-Dimensional Geophysical Models of Mount St. Helens
- Comparison and Correlation of Subsurface Media Properties Reflected in Both Extracted Soil Pore Water From Sectioned Cores and Homogenized Groundwater From Monitoring Wells
- Comparison of Ice Cloud Lidar Ratio and Optical Properties from Ground-Based ARM Raman lidars and CALIPSO
- Comparison of modelled runoff with observed proglacial discharge across the western margin of the Greenland ice sheet
- Composite Analysis of Cold Season Atmospheric River Events: Extreme Precipitation and Flooding over the Western United States
- Constraining wintertime sources of inorganic chlorine over the northeast United States
- Continuous Fine-Fault Estimation with Real-Time GNSS
- Controls on the Rate of Wind-Driven Rock Abrasion in the Ice-Free Valleys, Antarctica
- Could a secular increase in organic burial explain the rise of oxygen? Insights from a geological carbon cycle model constrained by the carbon isotope record
- Coupled oxygen-carbon dioxide modelling to partition potential external contribution to stream carbon dioxide concentrations.
- Crater Morphology of Engineered and Natural Impactors into Planetary Ice
- Critical Magnetic Field Strengths for Unipolar Solar Coronal Plumes in Quiet Regions and Coronal Holes?
- Cross-Calibration of Ground and Airborne TIR and VSWIR Instruments for NASA's SnowEx 2017 Grand Mesa Campaign
- Crustal and Moho Reflections Beneath Mount St. Helens from the iMUSH Experiment
- Cyberinfrastructure to Support Collaborative and Reproducible Computational Hydrologic Modeling
- Cycling of modern autochthonous organic matter dominates carbon flow in lakes of north central Alaska
- Deep ice and salty oceans of icy worlds, how high pressures influence their thermodynamics and provide constrains on extraterrestrial habitability
- Defining Higher-Order Turbulent Moment Closures with an Artificial Neural Network and Random Forest
- Design thinking can deepen the collaboration between scientists and society: Lessons from the innovation economy
- Detecting climate change oriented and human induced changes in stream temperature across the Southeastern U.S.
- Direct Observations of Isoprene Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in Ambient Cloud Droplets
- Distributed HUC-based modeling with SUMMA for ensemble streamflow forecasting over large regional domains.
- Does Climate Care about Land?
- Dune-field pattern similarity across planetary bodies
- Dynamic ocean topography from CryoSat-2: examining recent changes in ice-ocean stress and advancing a theory for Beaufort Gyre stabilization
- Eastern Ross Ice Sheet Deglacial History inferred from the Roosevelt Island Ice Core
- Effects of Forecasted Climate Change on Stream Temperatures in the Nooksack River Basin
- Effects of fire suppression under a changing climate in Pacific Northwest mixed-pine forests
- Efficacy of Cloud-Radiative Perturbations in Deep Open- and Closed-Cell Stratocumulus Clouds due to Aerosol Perturbations
- Empowering Geoscience with Improved Data Assimilation Using the Data Assimilation Research Testbed "Manhattan" Release.
- Environmental change and the conversion of permanently frozen ground to wetlands
- Estimating Past Temperature Change in Antarctica Based on Ice Core Stable Water Isotope Diffusion
- Estimating glacier response times and disequilibrium in a changing climate
- Estimating radiative feedbacks from stochastic fluctuations in surface temperature and energy imbalance
- Evaluating the use of seafloor pressure data for the study of slow slip earthquakes; insights from the 2011-2015 Cascadia Initiative deployment
- Experimental Thermodynamics of [Na-Mg-Cl-SO<SUB>4</SUB>] Aqueous Solutions at GPa Pressure With Application to Icy Worlds.
- Exploring the elevated water vapor signal associated with biomass burning aerosol over the southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Extreme Morphologic and Venting Changes in Methane Seeps at Southern Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin
- Extreme Precipitation, Stormwater, and Flooding in King County: Co-producing Research to Support Adaptation
- Forced Climate Changes in West Antarctica and the Indo-Pacific by Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheet Topography
- Future Warming Increases Global Maize Yield Variability with Implications for Food Markets
- Golden Eagle Migratory Behaviors in Response to Arctic Warming
- Greater Role of Geostrophic Currents on Ekman Dynamics in the Western Arctic Ocean as a Mechanism for Beaufort Gyre Stabilization
- Heterogeneous Production of Sulfate Aerosol over China.
- High pollution events in the Great Salt Lake Basin and its adjacent valleys. Insights on mechanisms and spatial distribution of the formation of secondary aerosol.
- High-resolution Insights into Carbon Cycling in the Upper Mississippi and Lower Columbia River
- How Hydroclimate Influences the Effectiveness of Particle Filter Data Assimilation of Streamflow in Initializing Short- to Medium-range Streamflow Forecasts
- How do the methodological choices of your climate change study affect your results? A hydrologic case study across the Pacific Northwest
- How robust is the atmospheric circulation response to Arctic sea-ice loss in isolation?
- HydroShare: A Platform for Collaborative Data and Model Sharing in Hydrology
- Imaging hydration and dehydration across the Cascadia subduction zone (Invited)
- Impact of the Atlantic on multidecadal tropical Pacific Variability
- Improving Representations of Near-Surface Permafrost and Soil Temperature Profiles in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Increased Surface Wind Speeds Follow Diminishing Arctic Sea Ice
- Insights into recent and ancient trends in the co-evolution of Earth and life as revealed by microbial genomics
- Instantaneous linkages between clouds and large-scale meteorology over the Southern Ocean in observations and a climate model
- Integrating statistical and process-based models to produce probabilistic landslide hazard at regional scale
- Investigating Sedimentary Basin Effects in the Puget Lowland: Observations and 3D Ground Motion Simulations
- It's the Physics: Organized Complexity in the Arctic/Midlatitude Weather Controversy
- Laboratory studies of monoterpene secondary organic aerosol formation and evolution
- Lake Mixing Regime Influences Arsenic Transfer from Sediments into the Water Column and Uptake in Plankton
- Lake sediment hydroclimate proxies from the tropical South pacific reveal large scale changes in the position of the SPCZ over the Holocene.
- Late Holocene dinosterol hydrogen isotope variability in Lac Lalolalo and Lac Lanutavake on Wallis Island
- Less than 50% nitrogen retention 1-year after high N additions to Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir forests
- Lightning Enhancement Over Major Shipping Lanes
- Linking North American Summer Ozone Pollution Episodes to Subseasonal Atmospheric Variability
- Linking seafloor volcanism to rising carbon dioxide after the last ice age: observations from the Gulf of California
- Local and Remote Cloud Radiative Effect Impacts on the Extratropical Atmospheric Circulation
- Low Cloud Feedback to Surface Warming in the World's First Global Climate Model with Explicit Embedded Boundary Layer Turbulence
- Lowering the barriers to computational modeling of Earth's surface: coupling Jupyter Notebooks with Landlab, HydroShare, and CyberGIS for research and education.
- Mapping Climate Science Information Needs and Networks in the Northwest, USA through Evaluating the Northwest Climate Science Center Climate Science Digest
- Mass Fluxes of Ice and Oxygen Across the Entire Lid of Lake Vostok from Observations of Englacial Radiowave Attenuation
- Massive Mortality of a Planktivorous Seabird in Response to a Marine Heatwave: A Citizen Science Case-study
- Mean-state SST Response to global warming caused by the ENSO Nonlinearity
- Meltwater-induced changes in the structure and behavior of Greenland's firn
- Methane Emissions from the Inland Waters of Alaska
- Microbial Insights into Shifting Methane Production Potential in Thawing Permafrost
- Mid-latitude Ozone Depletion Events Caused by Halogens from the Great Salt Lake in Utah
- Miscibility and Speciation in the Water/carbon Dioxide System
- Model-Aided Altimeter-Based Water Level Forecasting System in Mekong River
- Model-Observation Comparisons of Biomass Burning Smoke and Clouds Over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Modeling and observational constraints on the sulfur cycle in the marine troposphere: a focus on reactive halogens and multiphase chemistry
- Modeling the Large-scale Environments of Long-lived Mesoscale Convective Systems Conducive to Heavy Precipitation in the Central United States
- Modeling the kinematic effect of horizontal strain rates on firn depth-density profiles
- Moist Thermodynamics of Tropical Cyclone Formation and Intensification in High-Resolution Climate Models
- Molecular Speciation of Trace Metal Organic Complexes in the Pacific Ocean
- Molecular characterization and volatility evolution of α-pinene ozonolysis SOA during isothermal evaporations
- Mono Lake sediments preserve a record of recent environmental change
- Multi-year composite view of ozone enhancements and stratosphere-to-troposphere transport in dry intrusions of northern hemisphere extratropical cyclones
- NASA's Indigenous Capacity Building Initiative: Balancing Traditional Knowledge and Existing Remote Sensing Training to Inform Management Decisions
- NO<SUB>x</SUB> Lifetime During WINTER
- National-scale aboveground biomass geostatistical mapping with FIA inventory and GLAS data: Preparation for sparsely sampled lidar assisted forest inventory
- New GRACE-Derived Storage Change Estimates Using Empirical Mode Extraction
- Numerical simulation of turbulent flows over crater-like obstacles: application to Gale crater, landing site of the Curiosity rover
- Optical Remote Sensing Algorithm Validation using High-Frequency Underway Biogeochemical Measurements in Three Large Global River Systems
- Optimization of Surveys with Internet Operated Deep-sea Crawlers, as an Integrated Tool for Ocean Cabled Observatories: Monitoring the Benthic Community of a Methane Hydrates Site in Barkley Canyon (BC, Canada)
- Overview and Evaluation of a Smoke Modeling System and other Tools used during Wildfire Incident Deployments
- Physical feedbacks on stratus cloud amount resolve the Faint Young Sun Paradox
- Predicting Tree Mortality Die-off Events Associated with Hotter Drought and Assessing Their Global Consequences via Ecoclimate Teleconnections.
- Process-Oriented Diagnostics of Tropical Cyclones in Global Climate Models
- Progress toward Modular UAS for Geoscience Applications
- Quantifying Cyclic Thermal Stresses Due to Solar Exposure in Rock Fragments in Gale Crater, Mars
- Quantifying Glacier Stream Contribution by Fusing Remotely Sensed Glacier Mass-Balance and Hydrological Models in Olympic National Park, Washington, USA
- Quantifying Proxy Influence in the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and Solar Cycle Influences over the Winter Arctic Simulated by the WACCM4 Model
- Rain increases methane production and methane oxidation in a boreal thermokarst bog
- Rapid modeling of complex multi-fault ruptures with simplistic models from real-time GPS: Perspectives from the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura earthquake
- Rapid transport of ash and sulfate from the 2011 Puyehue-Córdon Caulle (Chile) eruption to West Antarctica
- Re-evaluating fault zone evolution, geometry, and slip rate along the restraining bend of the southern San Andreas Fault Zone
- Reconstructing Holocene Climate based on Alkenones and Isotopes from West Greenland Lake Sediments: Temperature or Effective Moisture as a Driver?
- Relating sedimentary processes in the Bagnold Dunes to the development of crater basin aeolian stratification
- Remarkable separability of the circulation response to Arctic sea ice loss and greenhouse gas forcing
- Repeating earthquakes and subglacial conditions.
- Response of Debris-Covered and Clean-Ice Glaciers to Climate Change from Observations and Modeling
- Response of the tropical Pacific to abrupt climate change 8,200 years ago
- Revisiting the PLUMBER Experiments from a Process-Diagnostics Perspective
- SPURS-2: Multi-month and multi-scale observations of upper ocean salinity in a rain-dominated salinity minimum region.
- Salmon and Sagebrush: The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Collaborative Approach to Adaptation Planning
- Satellite-based Drought Reporting on the Navajo Nation
- Sea Spray Aerosol Production over the North Atlantic
- Seasonal evolution of the Arctic marginal ice zone and its power-law obeying floe size distribution
- Seismic Wave Velocity in the Subducted Oceanic Crust from Autocorrelation of Tectonic Tremor Signals
- Shear Wave Structure of Mount St. Helens, WA Region From Ambient Noise, Earthquake Surface Waves and Receiver Functions
- Snowscape Ecology: Linking Snow Properties to Wildlife Movements and Demography
- South Pacific Convergence Zone Changes during the Late Holocene Identified from Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers from Freshwater Lake Sediments in Vanuatu
- Southern African Mountains Affect Rainfall and Cloud Cover in the Tropics
- Spatial Comparisons of Tremor and Slow Slip as a Constraint on Fault Strength in the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Spatial Distribution of Ammonia and its Contribution to Particulate Matter Formation in the Great Salt Lake Region in Winter
- Spatial and Temporal Means and Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Climate Indicators from Satellite Data
- Stepping Up: Empowering Science Communicators at UW's College of the Environment
- Streamflow Bias Correction for Climate Change Impact Studies: Harmless Correction or Wrecking Ball?
- Subarctic Lake Sediment Microbial Community Contributions to Methane Emission Patterns
- Talking About Climate: a simple tool for everyday climate conversations
- Tectonic Impact on the Sedimentary Magnetic Record in Active Margin Settings
- Test of Thompson's Microphysics Scheme in FV3GFS
- The Effect of Earthquakes on Episodic Tremor and Slip Events on the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- The HydroShare Collaborative Repository for the Hydrology Community
- The Influence of Land-Use Change on Soil and Dissolved Organic Matter Age, Lability, and Chemical Characteristics in Brazilian Oxisols
- The Last Millennium Reanalysis: Improvements to proxies and proxy modeling
- The NHERI RAPID Facility: Enabling the Next-Generation of Natural Hazards Reconnaissance
- The Nature of Antarctic Temperature Change
- The Oceanic Contribution to Atlantic Multi-Decadal Variability
- The Rise of Complexity in Flood Forecasting: Opportunities, Challenges and Tradeoffs
- The Sea-Ice Floe Size Distribution
- The evolution of process-based hydrologic models: historical challenges and the collective quest for physical realism
- The influence of tides on biogeochemical dynamics at the mouth of the Amazon River
- The radiative versus entraining effects of overlying humidity on the Lagrangian evolution of subtropical stratocumulus
- The relation between Arctic Ocean circulation and the Arctic Oscillation as revealed by satellite altimetry and gravimetry
- The safety of high-hazard water infrastructures in the U.S. Pacific Northwest in a changing climate
- Three-dimensional velocity models of the Mount St. Helens magmatic system using the iMUSH active-source data set
- Tiny and Hidden but Changing Your World: The Importance of Soil Microbes to Climate Change
- Topographic forcing and related uncertainties on glacier surface energy balance in High Mountain Asia
- Trust Pathways, Trust Catalysts, Theory of Change and Citizen Science: A COASST Case Study
- Two Case Studies to Quantify Resilience across Food-Energy-Water Systems: the Columbia River Treaty and Adaptation in Yakima River Basin Irrigation Systems
- Ultra-clean marine boundary layers over the Southeast Atlantic during the African biomass burning transport season
- Understanding Snow Depth Variability with Respect to the Canopy in Multiple Climates Using Airborne LiDAR
- Understanding intermodel spread in the lapse rate feedback
- Update on Simulating Ice-Cliff Failure
- Upper and Lower Limits of the Rate of SO<SUB>2 </SUB>Oxidation In Wintertime Atmosphere Over The Eastern United States
- Upper-level enhancement of microphysical processes in extratropical cyclones observed during OLYMPEX
- Using Mass Spectroscopy to Examine Wetland Carbon Flow from Plants to Methane
- VLF and X-ray Instruments for Stratospheric Balloons: ABOVE<SUP>2</SUP> and EPEx
- Verification of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Satellite by the Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX)
- Vertical structure and microphysical characteristics of precipitation on the high terrain and lee side of the Olympic Mountains
- Water ice is water ice: some applications and limitations of Earth analogues to Mars
- What Makes Hydrologic Models Differ? Using SUMMA to Systematically Explore Model Uncertainty and Error
- What water isotopes tell us about water cycle responses to climate change
- When will we be committed to crossing 1.5 and 2 °C temperature thresholds?
- Wintertime Reactive Chlorine Sources and Speciation in the Great Salt Lake, UT Region
- Within-species patterns challenge our understanding of the causes and consequences of trait variation with implications for trait-based models
- 1000 years of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation: variability and drivers from a climate field reconstruction
- 150-Year CONUS Quasi-Dynamical Downscaling with ICAR
- 3-D Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Their Large-scale Environments East of the Rocky Mountains from 13 Years of Observations
- 3D Autocorrelation Reflectivity Imaging of the Magmatic Plumbing System of Mount St Helens
- A Combined Active and Passive SWE Retrieval Algorithm Using SnowEx 2017 and Finland NoSREx datasets
- A Dedicated Ultraviolet CubeSat for Astrophysics, SPARCS (Star Planet Activity Research CubeSat)
- A Former WRR Editor's Perspective of a Century of Progress in Hydrologic Sciences
- A Framework for Increasing the Value and Impact of Public Engagement Activities
- A Geospatial Gateway for Democratizing Water Resources Management
- A Global Flood Database from 2001-2017: empirical satellite data reveals what global flood models cannot predict
- A Global Survey of Submicron Aerosol Acidity (pH)
- A Satellite Observations and Numerical Modelling Based Integrated Flash Flood Forecasting System for North-East Region of Bangladesh
- A Strategy for Global Snow Information for Nature and Society
- A Turbulence-resolving Numerical Investigation of Wave-supported Gravity Flow
- A Vibrant Global Network Bridges the Gap Between Education and Research to Share Polar Science with the Broader Community
- A comprehensive analysis of global tropospheric chlorine chemistry
- A mechanistic source apportionment of organic aerosol observed in temperate and boreal forest locations: a strong role for synergistic oxidation of monoterpenes
- A multiple methods vertical land movement analysis to support sea level rise planning for Washington State
- A new Sea Ice Prediction Portal for year-round S2S sea ice forecasts
- A thermally-stratified reservoir module for large scale stream temperature model with implementation in the Tennessee River Basin
- A unified formulation for predicting the breaking strength of gravity water waves from deep to shallow water
- A unified snow and sea ice radiative transfer algorithm in Earth System Models
- Accelerating transdisciplinary research to meet today's urgent challenges: Who needs to know what to succeed at this work, and how are they learning it?
- Accuracy analysis of SWOT reservoir storage-elevation estimates
- Advances in continental-domain hydrologic modeling and prediction
- Aerosol and cloud chemistry during the ACE-ENA campaign
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation interactions over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic: an overview of results from three years of ORACLES-deployments
- Aggregation of shallow cumulus convection
- Airborne Allergenic Pollen Concentrations: Using Google Trends Data to Improve Spatiotemporal Resolution
- Airborne Doppler Wind Lidar Investigations of OLEs and Turbulence Transports in the Marine Boundary Layer
- Airborne, ship- and ground-based observations of clouds, aerosols and precipitation from recent field projects over the Southern Ocean
- Along strike magmatic variations in the Colombian Andes during the Miocene: Tectonic implications
- An Airborne Mission Simulator at X- and Ku-bands driven by SnowEx 2017 Data
- An Empirical Prediction Model for Summer Temperatures in Washington State
- An Examination of Upper-Plate Uplift Driven by Subduction Initiation in Haida Gwaii, Canada.
- An optimal linear transformation for data assimilation
- Anthropogenic Enhancements to Production of Highly Oxygenated Molecules from Autoxidation
- Application of an ensemble-based modeling approach for assimilating observations to improve hydrologic and streamflow predictions
- Applications of Adjoint Equations to Tsunami Modeling
- Arctic MISST: Multi-sensor Improved Sea Surface Temperature: Continuing the GHRSST Partnership and Improving Arctic data
- Are there false positives for a CO<SUB>2</SUB>+CH<SUB>4</SUB>-CO disequilibrium biosignature of an Archean-like atmosphere?
- Assessing Exoplanet Habitability: Synergies between Earth, Solar System and Exoplanet Science.
- Assessing the Impacts of Hydrologic and Land Use Alterations on Water Temperature in the Farmington River Basin, an Inland Watershed in the State of Connecticut
- Assessing the Potential of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission for Reservoir Monitoring in the Mekong River Basin
- Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Methods for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Over Large Rivers
- Assessment of Ocean Reference Models as the Basis for Long-Range Passive Acoustic Localization
- Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe
- Attributing Historical and Future Evolution of Radiative Feedbacks to Regional Warming Patterns Using a Green's Function Approach
- Avoided heat-related mortality under targeted Paris Agreement scenarios
- Benchmarking and parameter sensitivity of FATES predictions of ecosystem structure and function at Barro Colorado Island, Panama
- Beyond netCDF: Cloud Native Climate Data with Zarr and XArray
- Biogeochemical Effects of Rising Atmospheric CO2 on Terrestrial and Ocean Systems
- Building Digital Infrastructure and Communities to Assess Risk of Drinking Water Hazards Caused by Hurricanes Maria and Florence
- Building a collective voice for inclusion in science
- Can the Salt Advection Feedback Be Detected in Internal Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation?
- Canopy Interception and Climate Change
- Causes of Sea ice Extremes in the Pacific Arctic During Winter and Spring 2018
- Chaotic Attractors in Wildland Fire Behavior
- Characterizing unforced low-frequency variability of global temperature and global energy imbalance in climate models
- Chemical Disequilibrium as a Biosignature in an Antarctic Subglacial Lake Analog to Ocean Worlds
- Climate models can correctly simulate the continuum of temperature variability
- ClimateConversations: a web-based app for fostering discussion about climate based events
- Cold air outbreak leads to new particle formation over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Collisional and Subduction-related Tectonics on the Neogene Building of the Northern Colombian Andes
- Combining low-cost sensor measurements and satellite aerosol optical depth to enhance the full-coverage PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> prediction in Imperial County, CA
- Community Snow Observations (CSO): A Citizen Science Campaign to Validate Snow Remote Sensing Products and Hydrological Models
- Comparison and validation of High Mountain Asia land surface models and groundwater storage estimates using GRACE mascon resolution operators
- Comparisons of lidar derived humidification factors to surface optical and chemical measurements during the Combined HSRL and Measurement Study (CHARMS) at the DOE ARM Southern Great Plains site in northern Oklahoma
- Comparisons of polarised light signatures from terrestrial planets
- Comprehensive equations of state for high pressure ices and aqueous brines for accurate thermodynamic properties predictions.
- Computationally Efficient Daily Streamflow Forecasting for Hydropower Maximization Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Computing time series from ICESat-2's ATL03 data product
- Constraining Ages of Glacial Deposits Recorded in a Victoria Valley Permafrost Core
- Constraining Lateral Carbon Exports to the Marine Environment for Suisun Marsh, California, USA
- Core values: large-scale analysis of environmental constraints on microbial community assembly, activity, and dispersal in groundwater and sediment from a contaminated subsurface aquifer.
- Coupled Wave-Ice Interactions in the Marginal Ice Zone in Simulations with a Floe-Size Distribution
- Coupling of Clouds and Moisture with the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation
- Crater Zonation and Characteristics of a Proposed Impact Lander Using Field and Lab Testing as an Analog for Icy Worlds.
- Creating a Meteorology Context Framework for NAAMES
- Crustal Deformation in Southernmost Cascadia: Insights from GPS-inferred Strain Rate Maps
- D/H isotope fractionation during H diffusion loss from clinopyroxene evidenced in martian nakhlites
- Data Reuse and Reproducibility in Earth System Science: A Survey of Current Practices, Barriers, and Expectations
- Data Streams, Model Workflows, and Educational Pipelines for Hydrologic Sciences
- Deciphering controls on sedimentary C/N ratios in ancient marine sedimentary rocks
- Defining Coastal Ecosystem Mooring Configurations to Improve Nationwide Ecosystem Observing Capabilities
- Detecting Biosignatures on Weakly Oxygenated Terrestrial Exoplanets: The Importance of UV Imaging Capabilities of Next Generation Telescopes
- Detecting Oceans on Exoplanets with Next-Generation Telescopes
- Determining Area Burned from GOES-16 for Use in Smoke Forecast Modeling
- Developing a Citizen Science Network to Validate Lake Water Storage Measurements from the SWOT Satellite Mission
- Developing a quantitative understanding of peroxy radical autoxidation and gas-phase dimer formation from the oxidation of monoterpene
- Developing a virtual tour of the Whaleback Anticline for mobile devices
- Did the Last Deglaciation Happen at the Same Time Everywhere in Antarctica? A Facies-based Comparison of Different Radiocarbon Chronometers in Antarctic Margin Sediment
- Differences in eastern North Pacific stratification and the impact on maximum mixed layer depth in CMIP5 models
- Differences in observed and modeled sea surface temperature variability lead to large differences in inferred climate sensitivity.
- Distribution and Analysis of Calcium Sulfate Cemented Sandstones Along the Msl Traverse, Gale Crater, Mars
- Disturbance Hydro-eco-geomorphology: How do the Watershed Systems Respond to Disturbances?
- Drone Augmented Hydrodynamic Observations of Intermittently Open Estuaries
- Dynamical effects of lubrication forces on the transport of magma in mush systems
- Dynamics Don't Matter: Poleward Atmospheric Heat Transport Changes Constrained by Energetics and Consistent With Down-Gradient Diffusion
- Dynamics matter: The partitioning of poleward energy transport and its changes from the Last Glacial Maximum to CO<SUB>2</SUB> quadrupling in coupled global climate models
- Early Eocene climates from mid-latitude upland and high-latitude Arctic environments in Canada: insights from Palaeobotanical proxies
- Effects of climate change on the planning and the expansion of SERC's power plant fleet
- Enabling Citizen Science with the Natural Hazards Reconnaissance ("RAPID") Facility
- Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration (Project EDDIE): Successes and challenges using large online datasets to build quantitative reasoning
- Environmental and ecological drivers of American robin (Turdus migratorius) migration and habitat selection
- Environmental controls on the evolution of cloud droplet concentration in subtropical Stratocumulus clouds from a Lagrangian perspective
- Equity and STEM Pedagogy: Explorations of STEM Teaching Tools that Link Research and Practice
- Estimating Douglas Fir volume proportion from Remote Sensing images using Deep Learning
- Evaluating the potential of fall trends in photochemical reflectance index (PRI) time-series to improve understanding of climate change effects at northern treeline
- Evaluation of GPM Ku-band Radar Reflectivity Observation and E3SM Simulation Using NEXRAD Network over the Continental US in warm seasons.
- Evaporative Resistance Equally Important as Albedo in High Latitudes Due to Cloud Feedbacks
- Evidence for Shallow, Oxic Waters in the Gale Crater Lake.
- Evolution of equatorial flows in the western Indian Ocean during onset of the summer monsoon
- Evolution of water-surface elevation and liftoff at the river mouth: Implications for SWOT discharge measurements
- Evolved Climates and Observational Discriminants for the TRAPPIST-1 Planetary System
- Examination of the Maritime Continent barrier effect on MJO propagation in SAM0-UNICON
- Experimental Exploration of the Speciation, Solubility and Solid Phases of Carbon in the CO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O and CO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O-NaCl Systems to 7 GPa and 700 K.
- Exploration of the Mata Submarine Volcano Group Reveals Volcano-Tectonic-Hydrothermal Links
- Explorations into pressure-dependent flexibility mechanisms of ambient and deep-sea extremophilic bacterial enzymes
- Exploring Diffuse Temperature Flow, Seismicity, and Tidal Pressure Controls on Flocculation Events at Axial Seamount
- Exploring Underwater Vent Systems: New Technologies and Strategies to Advance Life Detection and Scientific Understanding of Ocean Worlds
- Exploring the ability of reservoir infrastructure to mitigate climate change compounded impacts on stream temperature and water availability in the Southeastern United States
- Extreme precipitation and IDF projections for the Pacific Northwest
- FAMOS multi-model intercomparison of the pan-Arctic ice algal productivity on seasonal and decadal timescales
- Feedback definitions and their implications
- Frontiers Appear at the Edges of Domains: Are We Still at the Edges Now for Assembling Policy-maker Partnerships with Geoscientists for Projecting Climate Change?"
- Fundamental Observations Maintained by the U.S. Interagency Buoy Programme (USIABP) and International Arctic Buoy Program (IABP)
- GEODES: A model for graduate-student led initiatives in diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Gas age scale and total air content record for the South Pole ice core
- Geospatial information needs and use-cases for population health researchers in hurricane and flood preparedness scenarios
- Global sea-level forcing of abyssal hills
- Harassment prevention and redress through academic union contracts
- Heat exposure of U.S. agricultural workers in a warming climate
- High-latitude Oceanography from Space Using ICESat, CryoSat-2, and GRACE with Implications for Future Use of ICESat-2 and GRACE-FO
- High-mountain Asia geodetic glacier mass balance from a high-resolution DEM record
- High-resolution modeling of southwestern Greenland during the Holocene using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM): Comparison with geologic proxies and sensitivity to climate forcing
- High-resolution statistically downscaled climate and hydrology projections over Alaska
- How Uranus Fell Over: Consequences of Giant Impacts with High Resolution Simulations
- How Well Crystals Record Their Magmatic Environments?
- How accurately can we predict the rate of marine ice sheet collapse?
- How do model decisions impact our projections of hydrologic extreme events? Exploring the sensitivities of floods and droughts under climate change
- How often does a gravel riverbed mobilize? The answer depends on sediment supply and hydrology, which vary enormously between regions
- How strong is the relationship between the large-scale environment and tropical cyclone climatology in climate models?
- HydroShare tools and recommended practices for sharing and publishing data and models in support of collaborative reproducible research
- ICESat-2 Over Antarctica and Greenland: First Evaluation of Land-Ice Elevation Products
- IODP borehole observatories to monitor slow slip at the offshore Hikurangi subduction zone
- Ice core evidence of enhanced multi-decadal to centennial-scale climate variability in west Greenland during the last millennium
- Ice edge wind jets and sea ice-water contrast
- Ice shelf shear margins and sub-ice-shelf channels: Investigating stability impacts on Pine Island Glacier
- Identifying the Primary Controls on U/Ca and Trace Element Proxies in Cold Water Coral Cultured under Decoupled Carbonate Chemistry Conditions
- Identifying the Water Source of the Accumulation Zones for the Juneau Icefield
- Impact of ITCZ width and position changes onto the higher latitude circulation response to warming
- Impacts of Marine Cloud Brightening on Atmospheric Chemistry
- Implementation of climate change adaptation actions on western U.S. national forests
- Implementation of the University of Miami Wave model (UMWM) into the NASA/GMAO Goddard Earth Observing System Model (GEOS)
- Implications of Climate Change Impacts on Electricity Demand and Supply for Power System Planning and Operations
- Implications of Dynamic Vegetation as an Erosional Response to Climate Change in Semi-arid Landscapes
- Importance of model structure and irradiance input to modeling snow surface temperature and snowmelt in complex terrain
- Improving Agri-Environmental Incentive Programs with Biophysical, Economic, and Spatial Targeting
- Improving the Representation of Coupled Wave-Ice-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions via Simulation of the Floe Size Distribution
- In It for the Long Haul: Strategic sustained climate services for regional resilience
- In-situ and Acoustic Observations of Hydrothermal Discharge at ASHES Vent Field: preliminary results from an OOI Cabled Array Case Study
- In-situ characterization and dynamics of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the Rhine river front during neap tide
- Increasing Mitigation Ambition to Meet the Paris Agreement Goal Significantly Reduces Heat-related Mortality in Key U.S. Cities
- Induced Stresses on the Cascadia Megathrust during ETS Events and Implications for the Triggering of Tremor
- Information theoretic fingerprinting of hydrologic Models
- Integrated Modeling of Hydro-Geomorphic Hazards: Floods, Landslides and Sediment
- Integrating Climate Change and Variability into Infectious Disease Decision Making: Lessons from sub-Saharan Africa.
- Integrating In-Situ Observations with Process-Based Modelling of the Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution
- Inter-annual variation in seasonal dengue epidemics driven by multiple interacting factors in Guangzhou, China
- Interannual to Sub-Daily Fluctuations in Thwaites Glacier Speed Associated with Ocean Forcing and Calving
- Interior Structures of Enceladus and Titan with Respect to Oceanic Equations of State
- Internal Wave-Driven Mixing in Continental Slope Canyons
- Investigating fault scarp evolution in jointed bedrock in southwestern Iceland and northern California
- Investigating synchrony between volcanism and glacial cycles through tephra layers in the North Pacific
- Investigating the Mechanisms of Shallow Precipitating Clouds Formation during the HI-SCALE Field Campaign
- Is the common parameterization of supersaturation with respect to ice as a linear function of temperature valid?
- Lasers vs. Lasers: An intercomparison between lidar datasets, GNSS, and snow-probe transects from NASA's SnowEx campaign.
- Learning Surface Soil Moisture Behavior from Global SMAP and GPM Satellite Data
- Leveraging King Tides and Citizen Science to Prepare for Coastal Flooding in Puget Sound, Washington State
- Leveraging the Data and Network of the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- Linking spatial patterns with processes in river networks using stable isotopes: Evaporation in Mississippi River watershed
- Lithology and cement controls on the evolution of compressional wave velocity and porosity in input materials at northern Hikurangi and other subduction zones
- Local processes dominate over remote processes in polar amplification
- Local regions driving global interdecadal temperature variability in the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- Locally enhanced aerosols over a shipping lane produce convective invigoration but weak overall indirect effects in cloud-resolving simulations
- Long-term Morphodynamic Modeling of a Coarse-grained Sediment Wave
- Magnesium isotopic systematics in postshield lavas from Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Maize Yield Under a Changing Climate: the Hidden Role of Vapor Pressure Deficit
- Mantle Dynamics beneath Mount St. Helens from Shear Wave Splitting
- Mapping Hazardous Snow Conditions for Dall sheep, a Climate Sensitive and Iconic North American Alpine Ungulate.
- Marine X-band Radar Observations of Sea Ice Drift Fields in the Arctic
- Measurement of Ice Sheet Internal Temperature Profiles with Ultra-Wideband Microwave Radiometry
- Mechanisms of Low and High Frequency Variability in Atlantic Northward Ocean Heat Transport
- Mechanisms of convective clustering during the AMIE/DYNAMO 2-day rain episodes
- Megadrought Risk in Low-Warming Scenarios
- Megathrust Earthquakes and Coseismic Landslides in Cascadia: Insights from a New Inventory of Thousands of Landslides Dated Using Calibrated Surface Roughness
- Midlatitude Oceanic Cloud Precipitation Properties as Sampled By the ARM Eastern North Atlantic Observatory
- Mio-Pliocene Andean Orogenic Record from a Fore-Arc to Foreland Transect in Southernmost Colombia
- Modeling Economic and Behavioral Drivers of Agricultural Conservation Actions in the Minnesota River Basin and Coupled Human-Natural Policy Scenarios
- Modeling Sediment Transport from Forest Roads to Nearby Streams
- Modeling ice shelf weakening with the material point method and damage mechanics
- Modeling the effects of topography on earthquake ground motion in Seattle, Washington
- Monitoring Concentrations of PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>and Black Carbon in a Neighborhood in Washington, DC: When Using Citywide Averages for Environmental Assessment Underestimates Impacts in a Community
- Multi-Model Optimization of Field and In-Channel Management Actions in Agricultural Watersheds to Reduce Nitrate, Phosphorus, and Sediment Loads
- National Park Adventure: Using a Video Game to Connect Players with Climate Impacts in Public Lands
- New Insights Test our Fundamental Understanding of How Thermokarst Influences Permafrost Peatlands
- New Risk-Based Decision Support Tools for Designing Culverts for Fish Passage in a Changing Climate
- Observatory for Gridded Hydrometeorology (OGH): a python toolkit to automate access and analysis with gridded data products
- Occurrence and fractionation of light hydrocarbons in the gas-hydrate bearing sediments of IODP Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- On the Hydrodynamics of Crystal Clustering
- On the Orientation of Solar-induced Stresses in Boulders on Mars Using 3D Simulations
- Operational data provenance and cybersecurity for anticipatory disaster planning
- Optical properties of high latitude lakes and implications for airborne and satellite remote sensing
- Orders-of-Magnitude Speedup in Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling through Neural Network-Based Emulation
- Out of RAM? Practical First Steps for Accelerating Research
- Overview of the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Source Apportionment Analysis for the 2018 Large Fire Events in California
- Paleoclimate reanalysis of the last 22,000 years
- Pancake ice dynamics using shipboard stereo imagery
- Pangeo and Binder: Scalable, shareable and reproducible scientific computing environments for the geosciences
- Pangeo: Community tools for analysis of Earth Science Data in the Cloud
- Parameterizing Glacier Retreat and Thinning: A Case Study in High Mountain Asia
- Parsing the dominant ocean influences on spatially widespread droughts in the contiguous US over the Common Era
- Partnership for Social Justice in a Neighborhood at a Nexus of Development in Washington, DC: Residents in the Midst of Cement Plants, Construction, an Electrical Power Substation, and a Major Roadway
- Past temperature and snow accumulation at the South Pole from ice-core water-isotope diffusion
- Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences: ASPIRE (Active Societal Participation in Research and Education)
- Performance Evaluation and Field Deployment of a Novel Vocus PTR-TOF for Quantification, Identification, and Apportionment of Gaseous Air Pollutants
- Phytolith Assemblages Record Vegetation History During the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum in the Coastal Santa Cruz Formation, Patagonia, Argentina.
- Planning for long-term climate effects on the water-energy infrastructure of the Western U.S.
- Polar Planetarium Show: a new program connecting local scientists, science center educators, and the public to the poles
- Post-Collisional Deformation of the Anatolian Orogeny, Turkey: Insights from Geochronology and Sedimentology of the Saricakaya Basin, Western Anatolia
- Prediction accuracy of phenological patterns are influenced by resource quality and season in a common North American butterfly
- Preliminary Findings of st the GEER-HATTi Reconnaissance Investigation of the Palu Earthquake
- Preliminary evaluation of MOST, HySEA and GeoClaw for Operational Tsunami
- Preliminary flow records from small, mountainous channels on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington State
- Preserved morphologies of an ancient dune field - the first identification of negative casts of "ghost dunes" on Mars
- Probing the Thermal Behaviors of α-pinene, Δ<SUP>3</SUP>-carene and IEPOX SOA using Cluster Analysis
- Proxy representation of global ocean bottom pressure variability: a means to bridge GRACE and GRACE-FO observations
- Public Engagement and Professional Advancement: How High are the Barriers, Really?
- Quantifying Glacier Mass Change in High Mountain Asia through 2100 using a New Open-source Glacier Evolution Model
- Quantifying In-stream Versus Landscape Processes on Biogeochemical Cycles in Rivers Using Dendritic Network Models
- Quantifying local versus remote sources of polar predictability
- Quantifying the Arctic Local Radiative Feedbacks Based on Observed Short-term Climate Variations
- Quantifying the Upscale Effects of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Implications to Model Biases in Large-Scale Circulation
- Quantifying the role that terrestrial ecosystems play in Earth's climate
- Quantitative Hydrologic Storylines Simplify Use of Process-model Chains for Characterizing Uncertain Future Water and Energy Security
- Rapid Ross Sea Deglaciation as captured in the RICE Ice Core
- Re-Framing Future Risks of Extreme Heat in the United States
- Re-examining the Role of Lakes in Carbon Cycling Across High Latitudes - Results from ABoVE
- Recent Changes in the Physical Oceanography of the Seasonal Ice Zone
- Reconstructing Arctic sea ice over the past two millennia with the Last Millennium Reanalysis framework
- Reconstructing Sediment Supply and Transport Behind the Elwha River Dams Using a Network-based Watershed Modeling Approach
- Reconstruction of snow on Arctic sea ice
- Regional Attribution of coastal processes to Ω, pH, and carbon variability in Washington and Oregon waters: A modeling study
- Regional Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Seasonal Change Climate Indicators from a Passive Microwave Climate Data Record
- Remote Sensing of Spilling and Plunging Breakers in the Surf Zone
- Representation of the Madden-Julian oscillation in the NASA GISS Model E2.1: role of the mean state and air-sea interaction
- Revisiting how well 20thcentury temperature trends constrain aerosol radiative forcing
- Sampling Interplanetary Dust Particles from Antarctic Air
- Satellite- and reanalysis-based process-oriented diagnostics of tropical cyclones and its application to high-resolution GCM simulations
- Scalable InSAR processing and analysis on the Cloud - with applications to geohazard monitoring in the Pacific Northwest
- Scaling Remotely Sensed Surface Temperatures of Forests and Melting Snow
- Science to Action: Building a foundation to improve the utility of climate information in water management
- Sea-state based estimation of white cap fraction : Implications for primary marine aerosol fluxes
- Seaglider and Float Observations Beneath Dotson Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
- Seasonal precipitation elasticity and temperature sensitivity of runoff, evaporation and active layer depth in the Arctic
- Sensitivity of blowing snow sea salt aerosol emissions and radiative effects in polar regions to uncertainties in physical processes
- Sensitivity of the Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf Basal Melting to Simulated Ocean Circulation and Ice Evolution
- Serverless computing in Geosciences: Accelerating scientific research through scalable workflows
- ShakeAlert v. 2.0 Testing and Certification
- Shearing in a Warmer Climate: Insights from Observations and Modeling on Hydrologic Perturbations of an Outlet Glacier
- Shortening and magmatism at the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Insights from teleseismic receiver functions and geochemistry
- Sinking marine particles in oxygen minimum zones produce ammonium, even at depths at which ammonium is undetectable in the water column
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Quantification of snow water equivalent uncertainty across North America via ensemble-based land surface modeling
- SnowEx 2019 - A time series airborne and field experiment in multiple snow climates
- Space Beats Time: a spatio-temporal method for analyzing abrupt environmental change
- Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Oceans
- Strange messenger: A new history of hydrogen on Earth as told by xenon
- Sub-Antarctic ice core drilling
- Sulfur isotope and abundance systematics of angrite meteorites
- Sunlight and seasonal sea ice during melt
- Sustained, Autonomous Observations Beneath Ice Shelves
- Sympl and CliMT: write clean Earth system models
- Technology for Trade: A Conceptual Framework to Improve Water Use for Agriculture and Beyond.
- Temporal Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Melt and Freeze Season Climate Indicators Using a Satellite Passive Microwave Climate Data Record
- Testing the effect of crystal growth rate on foraminiferal calcite microchemistry using Sr/Ca of individual day/night bands
- The Comparison of SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Removal Rates under Clear and Partly Cloudy Conditions in the Wintertime over the Eastern United States
- The Development of Sharable pySUMMA Simulation Environment using Singularity on HydroShare
- The Ecology of Outcomes: Understanding the scientific, community and cross-sectoral impacts of infrastructural work.
- The Forests Chapter of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Human Health
- The Geologic and Climatic Context of Biotic Evolution in the Neotropics
- The Holocene Thermal Maximum as an Analog for Future Warming: Insights from Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
- The Northwest Chapter of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- The Northwest Climate Toolbox: supporting stakeholder engagement with climate and hydrology information
- The Olympic Coast as a Sentinel: An Integrated Social-Ecological Regional Vulnerability Assessment to Ocean Acidification
- The Role of Radiative Feedbacks in Driving Uncertainty in the Meridional Pattern of Climate Change
- The Role of Scientists as Communicators: Exploring the evolution of contributions and participation in a jointly-run AGU and EGU science communication session
- The Snow on Ice Project: A data-model collaboration for assessing Greenland Ice Sheet change during periods of Arctic warmth
- The South Pole ice core (SPICEcore) project
- The Southern Ocean Climate Studies: Observations and modeling of Southern Ocean clouds and aerosols
- The Use and Users of SWOT Mission Information Products
- The Varied Response of Tropical Precipitation to Localized Forcing in Different Hemispheres and Basins
- The benefits of 1.5°C and targeted poverty reduction in hotspots of climate extremes
- The impacts of size dependent particle acidity and availability of particle chloride on the production of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> and Cl<SUB>2</SUB>
- The lifecycle of anvil clouds and the top-of-atmosphere radiation balance over the tropical west Pacific
- The observed relationship between dynamic ocean topography and ocean bottom pressure: characterizing Arctic Ocean circulation with complementary satellite tools
- The unstable rivers and the stable ones: using historical records of channel geometry to understand the processes driving changes in flood hazards in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Three-dimensional OpenFOAM-PFLOTRAN coupled model for mechanistic simulation of hydrologic exchange flows in varied hydromorphic settings
- Three-dimensional reflectivity structure from the Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) on the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) core satellite over coastal mountain ranges
- Tides on ancient Venus and applications to similar exoplanets
- Timescale of Events Around the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary: Links Between the Chicxulub Impact, Deccan Volcanism, and the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
- Tsunami hazards past, present, and future: Deposits, models, and the influence of sea level rise on tsunami hazards along the Salish Sea inner coastline of Washington State
- Understanding the Reservoir Operating Rules in the Nile River Basin using Macroscale Hydrologic Modeling with Satellite Observations
- Understanding the response of the zonal-mean hydrologic cycle to global warming from a diffusive energy balance model.
- Understanding the role of asymmetrical warming on streamflow changes in the Western U.S. using multi-model approach
- Unified physics parameterization using neural networks
- Unraveling the Mystery of the Stark Contrast between Bouvet and Heard Islands in the Subantarctic - Implications for Seasonal Sea Ice Modeling and Forecasting
- Unseen Impacts of Organic Sulfur from Lower Sulfur Dioxide on Air Quality and Aerosol Properties
- Updating USGS ShakeMap Shaking, Ground Failure, and PAGER Loss Models with Ground Truth Observations
- Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasts to Develop an Early Warning System for Dengue Fever Risk in Central America and the Caribbean
- Using Remotely Sensed Features of Habitat Structure to Assess Behavioral Thermoregulation of Alaskan Moose in Response to Increasing Temperatures
- Using new regional geodetic mass balance data to reassess whether cumulative mass change at the South Cascade benchmark glacier represents regional mass loss
- VPLanet: A Simple Model for Planetary System Evolution
- Validation and Improvement of a Blended Sea Surface Temperature Analysis using Recent Buoy Observations in the Arctic
- Valuing Blue Carbon in Shrinking Mid-Atlantic Backbarrier Marshes
- Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits
- Vertical Structure and Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation over a Three-Dimensional Coastal Mountain Range
- What Have We Learned About Sea Spray Aerosol Production over the North Atlantic?
- What can short-term observations tell us about attribution and predictability of ice-stream response to climate?
- What's Past is Prologue: How Circulation Changes in the Days Prior to an Observation Can Help Us Assess Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Southeast Atlantic
- Wind Perturbations Drive Variability in Wildland Fire Outcomes
- Wind-Wave-Current Coupling: Toward Integrated Earth System Modeling and Observations
- Wintertime ammonium nitrate aerosol pollution in urban areas: NO<SUB>x</SUB> and VOC control as mitigation strategies
- Within-Species Variation in Allocation and Tissue Traits Across Large Aridity Gradients
- Wolf denning phenology and reproductive success in response to climate signals
- Wood Jam Dynamics and Resulting Geomorphic Effects in Natural and Engineered Valley Bottoms
- 2017 Northern California Wildfires - A NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) Tiger Team
- : The NASA Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) Earth-Venture Suborbital-3 (EVS-3) field campaign
- A Cryobot for Melting, Cutting and Water-jetting through the Icy Crust of Ocean Worlds
- A Dense Timeseries of Meltwater Volume over Western Greenland During the 2019 Melt Season Using ICESat-2, Planet SkySat (and MAR Model Outputs), with a Focus on the 30 July Melt Event
- A Faster Super-Parameterized Model: Results From the New SP-E3SM
- A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Measurements of Composition-Dependent Thermal Desorption of Organic Aerosol
- A Spatially Consistent Bias Correction Technique for Distributed Streamflow Modeling
- A Spring Barrier for Regional Predictions of Summer Arctic Sea Ice
- A comparison of in situ rain measurements and satellite rain products
- A four-dimensional approach for restoring thermal diversity in regulated rivers
- A new approach to mapping landslide hazards: a probabilistic integration of empirical and process-based models
- A new view of the Eocene greenhouse world from paleoclimate data assimilation
- A summary of ORACLES-deployments in 2016-2018 to study aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic
- Accelerating the GeoClaw Software for Large-Scale Geohazard Simulations
- Acoustic and In-situ Observations of Hydrothermal Discharge at ASHES Vent Field: an OOI Cabled Array Case Study
- Adding stochasticity to a deterministic machine learning parameterization
- Advances in the HydroShare Community Platform Enabling the Integration of Water Data in Support of Hydrologic Research
- Advances, insights, and ecological application of thermal research in Pacific Northwest rivers
- Advancing tools to understand and adapt to hydroclimatic variability and change in Alaska and Hawaii
- Adventures in the Antarctic: Sensitivity, Orography, and Emergence of Climate Change at a Pole Far, Far Away
- Aligning climate and health benefits in power plant siting and retirement decisions
- Alternative Assumptions about Topographic Height Improve Global Climate Model Simulation Fidelity
- An Atmospheric Driver of the Upper Ocean Heat Content in the Arctic
- An Integrated Monitoring and Modeling System for Fire Smoke Exposure and Health Impact Assessment
- An Inverse Approach to Estimate Past Ice Sheet Conditions from the South Pole Ice Core
- An agent-based assessment of forestland management practices and land cover under dynamic economic and climatic conditions in Western Washington.
- An analysis of source models and ground motion predictions from ShakeAlert geodetic and seismic algorithms for the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest, CA Earthquake
- Analysis of the controlling factors of dust low frequency variability
- Analysis ready very high-resolution commercial optical remote sensing products for biodiversity monitoring
- Analyzing Morphologic and Microscopic Deformation Caused By A Proposed Asteroid Impact Sampler
- Anatomy of Floods in the Coastal Mountains of the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Anomalous >2000 year old surface ocean radiocarbon age as evidence for deglacial geologic carbon release
- Antarctic Accumulation-Temperature Sensitivity on centennial to multi-millennial timescales
- Applications of emerging technologies in climate downscaling and hydrologic modeling for water resources monitoring, planning and management
- Applying True Source Depth to ShakeAlert Algorithms in Subduction Zones
- Arctic Climate and Snow Cover Trends - Comparing Global Circulation Models with Remote Sensing Observations
- Arctic ocean surface observations from Saildrones
- Are Southern Ocean Low-Cloud Droplet Numbers Buffered by Recently Formed Particles Associated with Cyclonic Uplift?
- Assessing High-Resolution CubeSat Imagery and Machine Learning for Detailed, High Resolution Snow-Covered Area
- Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Dissolved and Gaseous Methane Emissions from Seeps Along Continental Margins
- Assessing the in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C production rates by muons using <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>, <SUP>14</SUP>CO, and <SUP>14</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> measurements in ice cores
- Assessment of 2019 Sub-seasonal to Intra-annual Arctic Sea Ice Forecasts
- Assessment of ICESat-2 ice-sheet surface heights based on comparisons with GPS heights along the 88S Traverse
- Assessment of rapid earthquake source characterizations for local tsunami forecasting along the Cascadia subduction zone
- Automated production of high-resolution DEMs from historical imagery for quantitative analysis of glacier and geomorphological change
- Automated tools to derive short-term glacier velocity from high-resolution commercial satellite imagery
- Bayesian optimisation of firn densification models
- Between States: The Microbial Ecology of Biogeochemical Processes Near the Freezing Point.
- Beyond the "lollipop" - roots as dynamic participants in root-microbe-mineral interactions
- Boreal Wetland Mapping by UAV to Upscale Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Can GCMs produce credible projections of changes in extreme precipitation?
- Changes in Orographic Precipitation Across Scales
- Characterizing dynamics in materials through automated learning and classification of acoustic signals emitted during drying of geo-architected rocks
- Citizen Science as a Tool for Transdisciplinary Research and Stakeholder Engagement
- Climate Change = Water Change: Why Climate Change Communication and Education is Essential to Water Resource Management and Watershed Health
- Climate Change and Food Quality: Altered Arsenic Availability and Uptake in Rice Under a Hotter Future
- Climate Forcing of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Anthropogenic Trends and Internal Climate Variability
- Climate Process Team: Improvement of ocean component of NOAA Climate Forecast System relevant to MJO simulations
- Climate change impacts on thermal characteristics of freshwater fish habitats in a regulated river system
- Cloud resolving climate modeling on upcoming Exascale computers
- Cloud-based Learning in the Water Sciences using HydroShare and Jupyter Notebooks
- Combining Citizen Science and Satellite Data to Better Understand Lakes
- Combining autonomous observations, reanalysis, and numerical modeling to paint a thermodynamic picture of sea ice mass balance in the Beaufort Sea.
- Combining satellite and field observations to detect changes in primary productivity in high-latitude lakes across the Landsat archive
- Community-based Participatory Research in the Geosciences as a Mechanism for Broadening Participation
- Comparing the Lagrangian evolution of subtropical stratocumulus between GCMs and observations
- Constraining Spatial Asymmetry in Europa's Oceans
- Constraints on the Timing of Surface Uplift of the Iranian Plateau (Arabia-Eurasian Collision Zone) from Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Early Miocene to Quaternary Lacustrine and Pedogenic Carbonates
- Could increased summer rains save mountain ecosystems as snow disappears?
- Daytime Oxidized Reactive Nitrogen partitioning in western U.S. wildfire plumes
- Deep Learning Emulation and Compression of an Atmospheric Chemical System using a Chained Training Regime
- Dependence of Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf Basal Melt Rates on Subgrid-Scale Parameterizations of Mixing
- Design Considerations for an Offshore Instrument Network for Tsunami Early Warning in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Development of watershed-based large-domain modeling to support monitoring, prediction and water management applications
- Dilution impacts on aerosol aging in biomass burning plumes: combining WE-CAN and BBOP measurements with modeling to learn how dilution rates and cross-plume concentration gradients impact smoke aerosol
- Dissolved gas and metal composition of hydrothermal plumes from a 2008 submarine eruption on the Northeast Lau Spreading Center
- Distinct small-scale (0.1 to 1 m) regolith features suggest regolith activity and provide clues about the bedrock at Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars
- Diversity of Habitable Climatology of Land Exoplanets in a ROCKE-3D GCM Perturbed Parameter Ensemble
- Do Marine Plankton Ecosystems affect the Properties of Freshly Emitted Sea Spray Aerosol?
- Dos and Don'ts for Supporting Better Water Management in a Changing Climate
- Drought and famine in India, 1870-2016
- Dynamic process connectivity for model diagnostics, evaluation, and intercomparison
- ERA-Interim vs ERA-5 Hydrology Comparison
- Early Warning of Global Change Effects on Catchment Nutrient Exports
- Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning from Offshore Geophysical Networks: Design Considerations for the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Ecological vs. hydrological drought in changing seasons: Learning from full gradient monitoring in the Great Basin
- Effect of Aerosol Acidity on Volatility of Isoprene and Monoterpene-derived Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Effect of episodic slow slip on oceanic slab stress state and seismicity near a subduction-zone megathrust, beneath Kii peninsula, southwestern Japan
- Effects of External Forcing on Long-term Morphology and Sediment Convergence in a Funnel-Shaped Estuary
- Enabling Collaborative Numerical Modeling in Hydrology using Knowledge Infrastructure
- Enhancements of urban ozone during wildfire events in the Pacific Northwest
- Estimating Annual Sediment Yields from Forest Roads Using a Process-Based Model
- Estimating future flood discharge in the Columbia River Basin under climate change using an ensemble of hydrologic simulations
- Evaluating GEOS-Chem with snow aerosol source against ground observations of Arctic reactive bromine events
- Evaluating Threshold Responses to Hurricane Wind Speeds in Mangrove Forests across Puerto Rico and Southwest Florida
- Evaluating downscaled wind data using snow depth patterns
- Evaluating relative effects of groundwater and heat exchange processes on annual stream temperature signals in mountain streams
- Evaluating snow interception parameterizations with time-lapse photography
- Evaluating the impact of blowing snow sea salt aerosol on Arctic springtime BrO and O<SUB>3</SUB>
- Evaluating the pervasiveness and depth extent of Microbial Fe reduction and its role in the global methane cycle.
- Evaluating very rapid sea ice loss events in dynamical model forecasts
- Evaluation of snow observation data using an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) framework
- Exploring parameter uncertainty in the presence of trait filtering, using the FATES model at a tropical forest site
- Faulting, uplift, and river capture dictate drainage patterns in New Zealand's Marlborough Fault System
- Finding the optimal site for a deep ice core at Hercules Dome, Antarctica
- Fingerprints of internal drivers of Arctic sea ice loss in observations and model simulations
- Fluid composition or bottom currents: What drives extremes in behavior of plumes at ASHES vent field, Axial Volcano?
- Forced and Unforced Behavior of the Interhemispheric SST Contrast during the Instrumental Period
- Forecasting Pollen in the Continental U.S.: Developing a Machine Learning Random Forest Model
- FrontDetect: a python library for segmenting glacier calving fronts from satellite imagery
- Future Mountain: An interactive visualization of people, fire, water and climate in forested landscapes.
- GSFC-FDM: a new, 39-year simulation of firn processes over the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets
- Game Making as Pedagogy
- Glacial cooling and climate sensitivity revisited
- Glaciogenic sediment implicated in river bed elevation instability across the uplands of Washington State, USA
- Global Detection of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Surprise Findings over High-latitudes from the GPM Ku-band Spaceborne Radar
- Global High-resolution Emissions for Soil NOx, Biogenic VOCs, and Sea Salt
- Global Observations of Ammonium Balance and pH Indicate More Acidic Conditions and More Liquid Aerosols than Current Models Predict
- Global River Flow Regimes and Implications on River CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Dynamics
- Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss rate will exceed Holocene values this century
- Growing Heat Risk for U.S. Agricultural Workers Only Mitigated by Strong Adaptive Measures
- Heat flow observations seaward of the Cascadia deformation front offshore Grays Harbor, WA, reveal ongoing hydrothermal circulation in subducting crust and its impact on the thermal regime of the megathrust
- High resolution simulations of Southern Ocean boundary layer clouds
- High-frequency water isotope variability in the WAIS Divide ice core
- High-resolution water isotope records from recent Greenland and Antarctic ice core projects
- How cold was Antarctica during the Last Glacial Maximum?
- How different is the Arctic sea-ice condition revealed by CMIP6 models?
- How does forest-edge snow depth variability affect streamflow?
- How is flood risk connected to channel capacity in high sediment supply mountain basins?
- How to Train Your Stakeholders: The Strategy for ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Education, Training, and Outreach in the Pacific Northwest
- Hydrometeorologic Controls on Watershed Geomorphic Response
- Impact of Seasonal Variabilities and Synoptic Conditions on Vertical Profiles of Trace Gas and Aerosol Properties over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Temperatures, Worker Health, and Well-Being in Berau Regency, Indonesia
- Impacts of Marine Cloud Brightening On Atmospheric Chemistry
- Impacts of dam development and landscape changes on suspended sediment concentrations in the Mekong River Basin's '3S' tributaries: a satellite remote sensing perspective
- Impacts of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on the Landslide Risk Profile of Lebanon
- Impacts on polar climate by sea salt aerosol from blowing snow
- Importance of Sea Ice Deformations to Understanding, Modeling and Prediction of Arctic Climate Change
- Improved Precision of Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O Measurements by Laser Spectroscopy
- Improved Simulation of Cold-season Methane Emissions over Alaska's Permafrost with the E3SM Land Model (ELM)
- Improving Polar WRF simulations of atmospheric conditions in the Arctic seasonal ice zone using dropsonde observations
- Increased Mélange Rigidity Associated with Cooler Ocean Temperatures in Disko Bay Appears to Drive Slowdown of Jakobshavn Isbrae
- Indigenizing Arctic Climate Communication: a collaborative experiment weaving Alaska Native place-based knowledge with climate data sonification
- Inferring Temperature Distribution in Shear Margins from Large-Offset Bistatic Radar Sounding
- Information needs for supporting population health researchers in hurricane and flood disasters
- Integrating satellite and ground-based observations with airborne lidar snow pattern assimilation in mountainous terrain
- Inter-model spread in CMIP5 feedback time-variation traced to surface warming patterns
- Investigating Gas-Particle Partitioning of Reduced Nitrogen in Western Wildfire Smoke
- Investigating Interseismic Slip Rates near the Mendocino Triple Junction through Block Modeling
- Investigating the formation of Salmon River, ID canyon carving with low-temperature thermochronology
- Investigating the role climate reconstructions play in the simulated retreat history of southwestern Greenland during the Holocene using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM).
- Is Tibetan Plateau uplift more recent than we thought?
- Is the concept of a zonal mean tropical precipitation change useful?
- Land cover change robustly alters shallow cumulus droplet number in an idealized continental boundary layer modeling framework
- Landlab Jupyter Notebooks: Tools for learning about earth surface processes and how to model them
- Large Scale Detection of Fault Damage
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Left in the Dust? South Pole Ice Core Dust Record of Southern Westerly Winds During Dansgaard-Oeschger Events
- Legacy arsenic contamination in urban lakes: the unique vulnerability of shallow weakly-stratified lakes
- Loss of Organic Carbon Along with Changes in Aerosol Optical Properties in African Biomass Burning Due to Long Range Transport Over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean.
- MJO Simulation in CMIP6 Models: How much improvement has been made from CMIP5 to CMIP6?
- Machine Learning Classification and Derived Snow Metrics from High-Resolution Multispectral Satellite Imagery in Complex Terrain
- Magnetotelluric Activities at IRIS - Continuing MT Array Operations and Establishing New Portable MT Capabilities Under SAGE
- Mapping silicic plutons from the surface to 10-km depth in the vicinity of Mount St. Helens using joint active- and passive-source tomography
- Marine Cloud Brightening modeling. A brief review and proposal for new experiments.
- Marked isotopic variability within and between the Amazon River and marine dissolved black carbon pools
- Martian Near-Surface S and Cl Brines in Fractured and Porous Regolith Could Trigger Microscale Soil Collapse and Cause Recurring Slope Lineae
- Maximizing hydropower production with smart multi-dam operations using long and short-term forecasts
- Measuring and Modeling Ecosystem Carbon Budgets and Greenhouse Gas Exchange from Restored Marshes across a Salinity Gradient
- Megamountains, megarivers and megafloods: Impact of tectonics and surface processes on sedimentary records of the Eastern Himalaya
- Metagenomic Profiling of the Methane-rich Anoxic Basin of the Antarctic Lake Untersee as an Ocean Worlds Analog.
- Microstructural Constraints on Tonalitic Melt Extraction from Gabbroic Mushes
- Modeling Allergenic Pollen in the Continental U.S. using Satellite and Reanalysis Data
- Monitoring Impacts of Hydropower Dam Development on River Temperature in the Mekong River Basin's 3S River Basin using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Monitoring the structure and function of Venezuelan Tropical Forests: A summary of findings and the future ahead
- Multi-scale Comparison of Wintertime Mountain Surface Temperatures from GOES ABI, MODIS, ASTER, and Airborne Thermal Infrared Observations
- NASA's Uninterrupted Ice Sheet Laser Altimetry record; First Results from Combined ICESat, Icebridge and ICESat-2 Observations to Investigate Greenland Ice Sheet Changes
- NCAR CESM Large Ensemble Numerical Simulation Data on AWS
- New Voices: Communication for Diversity and Public Engagement in Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
- New insights about the Late Eocene monsoon-like atmospheric circulation using the IPSL Earth System Model: what is certain, less certain and very uncertain !
- New, open-source micro-met station for capturing microclimate.
- Non-linear Climate System Response to Changes in Antarctic Topography
- OOICloud: Building a Pangeo System for the OOI CamHD Video Data using the Azure Cloud
- Observational and model inter-comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- Observing and interpreting seafloor tilt at Axial Seamount
- Ocean Acidification and Carbonate System Geochemistry in the Arabian Gulf
- Ocean pH, atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and habitability of the early Earth
- Open Ocean Observation of Sea Surface Height with ICESat-2
- Open science at AGU Publications: an update on open access, preprints, and FAIR data developments
- Optimal Network Design Applied to Monitoring and Forecasting Surface Temperature in Antarctica
- Optimization of a post data-processing method to identify local aerosol events from continuous data collected by an Aerosol Observing System (AOS) and application to three years of data at Eastern North Atlantic (ENA)
- Origins of East Asian Summer Monsoon Seasonality
- Oxidized micrometeorites suggest either high pCO<SUB>2</SUB> or low pN<SUB>2</SUB> during the Neoarchean
- Ozone Production in Western U.S. Wildfire Plumes sampled by the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- PAHs and siloxanes in urban and suburban areas of the Anacostia River, Washington DC.
- Paleobotanical proxy-based reconstructions of early Eocene climates from mid- to high latitudes in Canada.
- Parameterizing turbulent transport of reactive tracers
- Peering into the black box of machine learning parameterization
- Performance Evaluation and Deployment of Light Scattering PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Sensors in an Urban Sensing Network in Bangalore, India.
- Performance Evaluation of Nutrient Removal from Stormwater Runoff by Grey and Green Infrastructure
- Persistent downward flow of seawater beneath Beggiatoa mat communities at Hydrate Ridge - mechanisms and biogeochemical implications
- Phenolic Compounds in Wildfire Plumes: Gas-Phase Emissions, Chemistry, and Contributions to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
- Photolysis controls the atmospheric burden of biogenic SOA
- Planetary-wave responses to the composite forcings of the solar cycle and the quasi-biennial oscillation
- Planktonic respiration and organic matter cycling using short-term in situ measurements
- Plant carbon allocation in tropical forests under drought stress - Shifting the balance between primary and secondary metabolism such as CO<SUB>2</SUB> and VOC emissions
- Power generation under uncertainty: the effects of changing hydrology and glacier melt through the 21<SUP>st</SUP>century in the Peruvian hydropower sector
- Precipitation Isotope Ratios and Tree-ring based Snowpack Relationships to inform Climate Reconstructions from Lake Sediment δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Preferential flow mechanisms and implications for carbon transport and cycling in permafrost systems
- Preliminary Results of Simulation of SOCRATES period with Global System for Atmospheric Modeling
- Preparing the Exascale Energy Earth System Model (E3SM) for Exascale Computing Platforms
- Probing the nature of the Hikurangi Margin hydrogeologic system - Preliminary results from the SAFFRONZ Expedition
- Process-based attribution of elevation change over the dry-snow zone of Greenland
- Process-oriented diagnosis of tropical cyclones in CMIP6 HighResMIP experiments
- Pythia's Oasis: Fluid sources and overpressures within the central Cascadia subduction zone revealed by a warm, fluid-dominated, high-flux seafloor seep
- Quantifying Landslide Risk in Seattle, WA, USA
- Quantifying different climatic controls on d-excess and <SUP>17</SUP>O-excess in Antarctic ice cores with the isotope-enabled Community Atmosphere Model (iCAM)
- Quantifying global and high-latitude local radiative feedbacks based on climate model simulations with fixed external forcing
- Quaternary Deformation of the Hog Ranch-Naneum Anticline, Yakima Folds, Washington
- Rapid Finite-Fault Determination from Pre-calculated Spatial Patterns of Peak Ground Acceleration for Potential Subduction Related Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest
- Rapid and Precise Carbon Dioxide Clumped Isotope Composition Analysis by Tunable Infrared Laser Differential Absorption Spectroscopy
- Re-Evaluating the Operating Rule of High Aswan Dam under the Combined Impacts of Transboundary dams and Cropping Patterns: A Satellite-based Approach
- Re-evaluating the crustal contribution to volcanism along the Izu-Bonin arc: a geospatial and geochemical approach
- Reanalysis of Greenland temperature and precipitation over the last 20,000 years using data assimilation
- Reducing the cost of radiation in multi-scale atmosphere models
- Relationship of mercury methylation and demethylation potential rates to methylmercury concentrations in vegetated and unvegetated rice paddy soil
- Remote Sensing of Ice Sheet Internal Temperatures Using Ultra-Wideband Microwave Radiometry
- Retrieving Snow Depth with Structure from Motion from airborne high-resolution imagery
- Revisiting the Precambrian carbon cycle: the influence of reverse weathering and alternative interpretations of the carbon isotope record
- Revisiting the anthropogenic impacts on biogenic secondary organic aerosol in southeast US
- Sea Ice Albedo Feedback: Comparison of Model and Observational Based Estimates
- Season's greetings or annual averages from paleosol carbonates? Findings from numerical simulations of soil carbonate formation.
- Seasonal Comparisons of Aerosol and Cloud Observations from ACE-ENA
- Seasonal and Annual Changes of The Regional Tropical Belt in GPS-RO Measurements and Reanalysis Datasets
- Seismic Velocity Structure and Ground Motion Amplification in the Seattle and Tacoma Sedimentary Basins
- Selecting Extreme Climate Change Scenarios for Climate Impact Studies Using a Novel Integrated Computational Geometry Algorithm
- Sensing the Endgame for Callisto's Ocean
- Shear Wave Splitting with a Dense Array: New Insights on Cascadia from iMUSH
- Shifting Habitat Mosaics of Free-flowing Rivers and Fish Production in an Uncertain Future
- Shifting flow paths: How disturbance alters carbon export and fate
- Simulating flood risk in a lowland river with high sediment supply
- Simulations with a multiscale climate model that permits boundary-layer eddies suggest a weaker aerosol-cloud interaction
- Single-Column Emulation of Reanalysis of the Northeast Pacific Marine Boundary Layer
- Sixteen Years of Ice-Sheet Change from ICESat to ICESat-2.
- Slippery future predictions of multiple mountain hazards: landslides, climate change, and wildfire
- Slow Modes of Global Temperature Variability in Regions of Weak Radiative Feedbacks
- Small-scale feedbacks between waves and sea ice in the evolving marginal ice zone
- Smokin' Chemistry under Moonlight. Determining Air Quality and Climate Impacts from Wildfire Smoke Requires an Investigation of how Smoke Changes Chemically, in the Dark.
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Exploring Variability and Uncertainty in Modeled SWE Estimates Using an Ensemble-based Approach
- Snow Masks for Identifying Accurate Snow Information Worldwide
- Spatial Patterns of Drainage Basin Morphometrics in China's Loess Plateau
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Sea Ice in the Arctic's Last Ice Area
- Stereo2SWE: Snow depth time series from very-high-resolution stereo satellite imagery
- Structural and Sedimentological evolution of the Çankiri Basin: Implications for Early-Middle Miocene Plateau Development During Protracted Paleogene Intercontinental Collision in Central Anatolia (Turkey)
- Studies of Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Associations and Plant Nutrient Fixation Using Synchrotron X-ray Methods
- Subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) forecasts supporting water resource management
- Substantial Cloud Brightening from Shipping in Subtropical Stratocumulus Clouds
- Summarizing and comparing annual stream temperature signals from mountain streams across the U.S.
- Sustained, Autonomous Observations Beneath Dotson Ice Shelf
- Technical Users support ShakeAlert public alerting possibilities
- Tectonic and compositional controls on magma storage depths globally: Results from CIDER 2019
- Testing The Exchangeability Of Two Ensembles Of Spatial Processes - Evaluating Proxy Influence In Assimilated Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- Testing different configurations of GNSS-based rapid source products for tsunami and ground motion characterization
- Testing the A-0-A Approach to Pressure Gauge Calibrations on Cabled Observatories
- Thaw dynamics of a rapidly degrading isolated permafrost plateau in south-central Alaska
- The Colombian magmatic record of the Panama arc collision and subduction of the Nazca plate
- The Hydro-bio-geochemistry of the Columbia River and its Tributary Confluences
- The MJO, the Diurnal Cycle, and Land-locked Convection over the Maritime Continent
- The Marine Cloud Brightening Project: An atmospheric intervention research program
- The Pangeo Platform: a community-driven open-source big data environment
- The Study of Nitrate Radical Reactions with Catechol and Phenol by a Dark Oxidation Flow Reactor and Chamber Experiment.
- The correlation of mesoscale humidity anomalies with mesoscale organization of marine stratocumulus from observations over the ARM Eastern North Atlantic Site and Macquarie Island over the Southern Ocean
- The effects of ENSO on Arctic sea ice in the CESM Large Ensemble and observations
- The exceptional 2019 melting season over the Greenland ice sheet: drivers, implications and new records
- The impacts of global convection-permitting resolution across scales: from tropical convection to global subseasonal teleconnections
- The legacy of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption: Volcano geophysics and its use in volcano monitoring and eruption forecasting
- The physics of Budyko's soil moisture - evapotranspiration regimes.
- The release routes of the Beaufort Gyre freshwater and its impact on the North Atlantic
- The role of floodplain wood in enhancing river corridor resilience
- The role of snow in the spatial and temporal dynamics of water sources in the Snoqualmie River, WA
- The sensitivity of hydrologic extreme events to climate change: How changes in precipitation and temperature alter flood-generation processes
- Towards GNSS Enhanced Local Tsunami Warning
- Tradeoffs in planning and operation costs due to climate change in SERC's power system
- Tropical Pacific sea surface cooling contribution to accelerated Arctic sea ice melt from 2007 to 2012 as ice is thinned by anthropogenic forcing
- Tropical Variability from the Last Glacial Maximum to Present
- Tropical and Midlatitude Impact on Seasonal Polar Predictability in the Community Earth System Model
- Ultraclean layers and optically thin clouds in the stratocumulus to cumulus transition: Cloud resolving modeling coupled to a prognostic bulk aerosol scheme
- Understanding Drivers of Glacier Length Variability Over the Last Millennium
- Understanding and Testing the Cloud Responses of Climate Models to Aerosols in the North Atlantic Region as Part of ACSIS.
- Understanding mesoscale organization of closed-cell marine stratocumulus using large-eddy simulation
- Unmixing mixtures of carbon for accurate ages of ice-proximal glaciomarine continental margin sediments
- Using Hemispheric Contrasts in Satellite-Derived Cloud Microphysical Properties to Constrain Aerosol Forcing
- Using ICESat-2 and Operation IceBridge Altimetry for Supraglacial Lake Depth Retrievals
- Using citizen science data to improve modeling of seasonal snow
- Validation of the combined active and passive microwave snow retrieval algorithm by using NASA SnowEx 2017 and ESA NoSREx 2009-12
- Variability of Canopy Effect on Snow Accumulation and Duration across the Western United States Mountain Snow Regimes: Comparison between Open, Forest, and Canopy Gap
- Waterhackweek, workshop on water data science: structure, topics and evaluation
- Wave-ice Interactions: Implications for the Coastal Arctic
- Wavelet methods for the analysis of GPS recordings of slow earthquakes
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet History from a Subglacial Bedrock Core
- What do Bayesian networks have to do with the Clean Air Act? Causal inference, settled science, and public health
- What is the fate of detrained ice in the tropical western Pacific in current and future climate?
- Where's the Paddy Now? Examining the Effect of Dams in Dry Season Rice Production in Tonle Sap Lake
- Wintertime Constraint of Primary and Secondary Formaldehyde Emission Sources over the Eastern Coastal United States.
- Wood Debris Sources and Logjam Distribution and Dynamics Before and After Two Large Dam Removals on the Elwha River, WA
- Worth its Salt?: Testing the Effects of Mars and Europa-Analog Salts on the MinION Sequencer
- X-&Ku-band Radar SWE Retrieval Improvement: Estimation of the Background Scattering of the Soil Interface with C-band Radar Observations
- Yellowstone's tectonic parabola and lower-crustal flow: Application of the waterbed model for ductile lower crust
- A Comparison of Thermodynamic-Convection Coupling in Observations, Reanalysis, and Models
- A Deep Dive into Planetary Abysses: Effects of Pressure, Phase Equilibria and Chemistry on the Structure and Habitability of Icy-Ocean Worlds.
- A Global Meta-Analysis of Halophilic Microbial Communities
- A Global Reservoir Assessment Tool for Predicting Hydrologic Impact and Operating Pattern of Existing and Planned Reservoirs
- A Lagrangian perspective on tropical anvil cloud lifecycle in present and future climate
- A Machine Learning Framework for Identifying Shrubs vs. Trees and Live vs. Dead in the Boreal Forest of Interior Alaska
- A Source Clustering Approach for Efficient Inundation Modeling and Regional Scale PTHA
- A Spatially Consistent Bias Correction Method for Hydro-climatically Diverse Watersheds
- A climatology and extreme value analysis of large hail in China
- A co-production of knowledge approach to understand how sea ice loss constrains Indigenous hunting opportunities for traditional marine mammal resources in northwest Alaska
- A coupled approach to incorporating deep learning into process-based hydrologic modeling
- A global framework for SWOT discharge
- A look at the Antarctic sea ice cover from combined measurements of ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2
- A new SUMMA and MizuRoute hydrologic modeling resource for US water applications
- A sedimentary basin record of multi-phase continental collision in western Anatolia
- A wet basin during dry times: a new Pliocene lake record from the Afar region, Ethiopia
- Ability of thermal energy from rainfall to warm and thaw soils at a thermokarst site in south-central Alaska
- Abiotic Oxygen on the Atmospheres of Venus-Like Exoplanets
- Absence of atmospheric N<SUB>2</SUB> as an indicator of an oxygen-poor mantle in rocky planets
- Achieving >90% Sensitivity in Forecasting Malaria Risk 12 Weeks in Advance in the Amazon
- Aerosol Microphysical, Chemical, Optical, and Cloud-nucleating Properties Measured during ATOMIC
- An Equitable Exchange
- An Intercomparison of the Lifecycle of TTL Cirrus and Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Effects in the DYAMOND Simulations
- An evaluation of global climate model-simulated tropical cyclone rainfall structures in the HighResMIP simulations against the satellite observations
- Analysis of a Decade-Long Low-Frequency Earthquake Catalog in Southernmost Cascadia
- Analysis of mixed-phase clouds via surface Raman lidar and spaceborne lidar feature extinction profiles
- Application of Dynamic Mode Decomposition with Control (DMDc) to cluster, characterize and extract information from acoustic signals
- Applying True Source Depth to ShakeAlert Algorithms for Intraslab Earthquakes
- Approximations for Surface Waves in Strongly-sheared Coastal Current Systems
- Arctic Climate Change: Sensitivities to the Forcing Scenario in CMIP6
- Arctic Sea Ice Sensitivity to Lateral Melting Representation in a Coupled Climate Model
- Assessing and responding to complex risk in a changing climate
- Assessing rural vs. urban PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> disparities in the Indo-Gangetic Plain: A low-cost network approach
- Assessing spatial patterns and drivers of intermittent flow in the contiguous U.S.
- Assessing the Impacts of Changing Hydrology, Climate, and Agronomic Practices to Dry Season Rice Production in the Tonle Sap Floodplains
- Automated DEM generation and scientific applications of Planet SkySat triplet stereo and video imagery
- Bayesian ETAS: Towards Improved Earthquake Rate Models in the Pacific Northwest
- Bedload response to precipitation averaging across a channel network
- Building a Bilingual Google Earth Engine Dashboard to Increase Accessibility to Long-term Time Series Remote Sensing Data for Monitoring Saline System Changes in Chile's Atacama Desert
- CO<SUB>2 </SUB>supersaturation is sustained by coupled CH<SUB>4 </SUB>production and oxidation in a tropical flood-pulse lake
- Calibrating the Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometer from 7 to 70 ˚C by Automated Laser Spectroscopy
- Canada-United States Elevation Model Collaboration to Improve Tsunami Inundation Mapping
- Carbon Cycle Recovery After the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction: a Terrestrial Perspective
- Carbon Export from the Pacific Northwest Coastal Rainforest Margin
- Characterization and Evolution of Organized Shallow Convection
- Characterizing Variability of Marine Boundary Layer Using Global Field Campaign Data
- Characterizing infiltration and indoor contribution of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> based on volunteer-generated monitoring data at large spatial and temporal scales
- Chemical fractionation in Enceladus' plume driven by dynamic exsolution and condensation
- Classifying global low cloud morphology with a deep learning model: results and potential applications
- Climate Change and Culverts: Supporting Climate-Resilient Design
- Climate change hot spots of water stress and hydropolitical conflict
- Climate models separated by the marginal ice zone: using CMIP6, large ensembles, and altimetric observations of waves in ice to evaluate sea ice model skill.
- Climate-Driven Changes in Synchronicity of Mainstem and Tributary High Flows May Alter Flood Risk in the Columbia River Basin
- Climate-ready and resilient fisheries: using satellite data to conserve and manage life in the ocean and support sustainable fisheries
- Cloud Occurrence Profiles in the TWP from High Resolution Models and Data
- Cloud structure of the Arctic cyclone
- Clouds and Convective Self Aggregation in a Multi Model Ensemble of Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Coherent, Millennial-Scale Trends in δ<SUP>18</SUP>O: A Fingerprint of Pacific Walker Circulation Changes?
- Combining GRACE Gravimetry Data with Satellite Thermal Infrared Imagery to Make an Operational Irrigation Advisory System More Efficient for South Asia
- Combining passive sampling and digital imaging to measure light-absorbing aerosols
- Common evaluation/evolution of cloud-radiation processes in 2020 from 25km S2S to 3km NWP
- Comparing SHEBA and MOSAiC Observations of the Seasonal Evolution of Arctic Sea Ice Albedo
- Comparing interannual snow pattern repeatability between snowpack reanalyses and airborne lidar observations in the California Sierra Nevadas.
- Comparing the morphologic variability of jointed bedrock fault scarps across four different settings
- Comparison of three approaches to 1km resolution CO2 and CO emission estimates before and during the COVID-19 shelter-in-place in the SF bay Area
- Connections Between Floodplain Location and Soil Mineral Nutrition in the Tonle Sap Floodplain, Cambodia
- Consilience - exploring the spaces where the sciences and the arts meet
- Continental-scale and decadal patterns in animal phenology discovered using the Arctic Animal Movement Archive
- Convergence and divergence of canopy photosynthesis, fluorescence, and reflected radiance
- Coral constraints on ENSO in a warming world
- Cosmogenic Erosion Rates and Calibrated Incision Models in the Northern U.S. Cordillera Reveal the Progression and Drivers of Landscape Transience
- Data-Model Comparisons of Tropical Hydroclimate Changes Over the Common Era
- Decreasing density and ice content in shallow firn cores at DYE-2, Southwest Greenland from 2013-2019
- Delayed Water Outgassing May Enable Planetary Habitability After an M Dwarf's Pre-Main Sequence Phase
- Dense networks for constraining urban emissions: Examples of dramatic and subtle changes during 2020
- Depth-dependent behavior of deep low frequency tremor in Cascadia and Nankai
- Designing ocean field campaigns for the SWOT fast-sampling phase
- Development and validation of a dynamically downscaled historical dataset over the Western United States
- Distinct spatial patterns of tidal and dynamic triggering at the Coso geothermal field
- Don't give up on the Europa Lander
- Dos and Don'ts for navigating model selection in climate change work for water planning and management
- Drivers of the Spatial Pattern of Arctic Sea Ice Response to Arctic Cyclones
- ENSO modulation and mean-state interactions: a review
- ENSO-Driven Ocean Extremes and Their Ecosystem Impacts
- Early Miocene evolution of C4 vegetation and open ecosystems across equatorial East Africa
- Eddy-modified iron, light, and phytoplankton growth in the simulated Southern Ocean
- Effective Uncertainty Visualization for Aftershock Forecast Maps
- Emerging technologies for air-sea interaction research: saildrones during EUREC4A/ATOMIC
- Endophyte-Promoted Phosphorous Solubilization in Populus
- Estimating anthropogenic CO2 emissions from New York City using aircraft measurements and dispersion modelling
- Estimating the Influence of Hydrological Connectivity on Carbon Dynamics Across Arctic-Boreal Lakes
- Evaluating Greenland Surface Mass Balance and Firn Density Models with ICESat-2 altimetry differences
- Evaluating Multiple Canopy-Snow Unloading Parameterizations with Time-lapse Photography Characterized by Citizen Scientists
- Evaluating how climate-induced changes in wildfire regimes affect forest hydrology in the Sierra Nevada
- Evaluation of Asymmetric Oxygen Minimum Zones in the Tropical Pacific: a Basin-Scale OGCM-DMEC V1.0
- Evaluation of Halogen-Induced Ozone Depletions Near Salt Lake City
- Evaluation of megaflood deposits with photogrammetry and photogranulometry
- Evidence for Stepwise North to South Growth of the Cenozoic Central Anatolian Plateau (Turkey)
- Evolution of sea ice radiometric properties during melt and breakup
- Exploring drivers of fire-caused forest structural changes using modeling and digital aerial photogrammetry
- Extensive decentralized hydrogen export from the Atlantis Massif
- Extreme Sea Ice Loss on Subseasonal Timescales in S2S Forecast Models
- Fe sources, speciation and cycling in marine methanogenic sediments
- Field Evidence of Group Modulation of Open-Ocean Wave Breaking
- Flood Characterization in Pacific Northwest Coastal Mountains
- Frontal convergence and vertical velocities measured by drifters in the Alboran Sea
- Geochemical Constraints on the Hikurangi Margin Hydrogeologic System - Results from the SAFFRONZ Expedition
- Geochemistry as a Tool for Magnetic Induction, Gravity, and Seismology in Icy Ocean Worlds
- Geological Map of Petrified Dunes and Yardangs in Apollinaris Sulci
- Geological Mapping in Northern Meridiani Planum: Insights into Flooding in Paleo-Dune Fields
- Global and regional surface water quality impacts on sectoral water scarcity under climate variability
- Global importance of hydroxymethanesulfonate in ambient particulate matter: Implications for air quality
- Has There Been a Detectable Trend in the Biogeochemical Signals of the Lower Amazon River Over the Last 40 Years?
- Hercules Dome ice core project: Prospects for obtaining Eemian records that constrain the size of the West Antarctic ice sheet through time.
- High-resolution CHIRP survey offshore Seattle, Washington
- Historical Structure From Motion (HSfM): Automated Generation of High-Resolution DEMs and Geodetic Glacier Mass-Balance Measurements from Historical Aerial Photography
- How much of the uncertainty in paleoclimate reconstructions arises from uncertain climate physics? Quantifying structural uncertainties with an application to the Last Millennium
- How to reach thousands of monthly users: data-driven recommendations for the development of a public water and climate tool
- How well can a nudged global cloud resolving model represent mesoscale cloud features and precipitation within Southern Ocean boundary layer clouds?
- Hydraulic control and wave adjustment in a channel+plateau system: Deep Western Boundary Current passing through the Samoan Passage
- Hydraulics of a Megaflood in the eastern Himalaya: Feedbacks between Form and Flood
- HydroPoetry: the networked story of infiltrating a data repository with geofluid metadata
- HydroSphere: an open source code to model the structure and thermodynamic equilibria of water dominated planetary shells.
- Hydrologic and temperature effects of reintroduced beaver in headwater streams
- ICESat-2 ATL12, Release 4: Ocean Altimetry From 10-m to Global Scales
- Ikaaġvik Sikukun: Bridging the Scientific and Indigenous Communities to Study Sea Ice Change in Arctic Alaska
- Impact of mid-latitude/polar winds on Antarctic sea ice and tropical climate
- Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Morphodynamics and Flooding in an Idealized Estuary
- Implementing a FAIR Data Strategy for the Global Ocean Observing Networks
- Inferring gross primary productivity from TROPOMI SIF
- Initiation and Propagation Phases of Northern Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip Events
- Integrating experimental and geologic observations to provide constraints on viscous rheology: assessing the role of calcic-amphibole in lithospheric strength
- Intelligent Earth: Diffusion of Geoscience Research and Cyberinfrastructure innovations with authentic data and computational tasks
- Intelligent processing of SmallSat Imagery to improve snow mapping in complex and forested terrain
- Interaction between SST and Convection in an Aquaplanet in Radiative Convective Equilibrium
- Intercomparison of the Column Moist Static Energy Budget of the MJO among Six Modern Reanalysis Products
- Intracrater sediment trapping and transport in Arabia Terra
- Investigating Hydrothermal and Magmatic Deformation using Geodetic Time Series at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- Investigating the connections between soil, fire, and ecosystem recovery in the Western US: The role of soil water repellency in essential ecosystem processes
- Investigation of Microphysical Properties within Regions of Enhanced Dual-Frequency Ratio During the IMPACTS Field Campaign
- Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS): Preliminary results from the first deployment in winter 2020
- Investigation of fire smoke plume injection height sensitivities during the 2017 Northern California wildfires outbreak using a combination of satellite data and air quality modeling: Implications for health risk assessment
- Irreducible Southern Ocean Climate Uncertainty due to Global Ocean Initial Conditions
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- Isotope constraints on moisture exchange processes from EUREC4A and ATOMIC
- LES Simulations of the Influence of Aitken Aerosols on Summertime Stratocumulus Clouds
- Lagrangian simulations of cloud evolution in the subtropical Northeast Pacific and North Atlantic
- Laugh Tests for Land Models
- Leaf trait plasticity alters competitive ability and functioning of simulated tropical trees in response to elevated carbon dioxide
- Life cycle and properties of snow and sea ice in the Arctic transpolar drift during MOSAiC
- Links between soil properties, climate, and vegetation along elevational gradients in Nevada, USA
- Long-Range Transported Continental Aerosols Increase Observed Cloud Condensation Nuclei in the Eastern North Atlantic
- Low marine cloud responses to systematic aerosol perturbations across a range of ambient conditions
- MJO and the Maritime Continent - Air-Sea-Land Interactions and Impact on the Diurnal Cycle and MJO Propagation
- Magnetic Fields Induced from an Asymmetric Ocean, with Application to Europa
- Making superparameterization flexible for low cloud feedback analysis by focusing turbulence-permitting resolution where it matters most with geographic parallel load balancing
- Merging Regional Climate Models and Remote Sensing Observations to Better Estimate Snow Water Equivalent in the Tuolumne River Watershed
- Metabolic Regulation of Sea-Ice Diatoms in Response to Temperature and Salinity Could be a Significant Contributor to Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling Within Sea-Ice.
- Methane and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from the Offshore Oil and Gas Supply Chain in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
- Microbe-substrate interactions following simulated microbial inoculation to thawed yedoma permafrost
- Modeling and Validation of a Cryobot Architecture for Accessing the Subsurface of Ocean Worlds
- Modeling slab temperature evolution through the lifetime of a subduction zone
- Models underestimate the increase of acidity with remoteness biasing radiative impact calculations
- Monitoring Hydrothermal Plumes at ASHES Vent Field, Axial Seamount through Quantitative Acoustic Imaging
- Montane to lowland differences in biomass, turnover, and productivity are closely associated with tree species functional traits in tropical forests of northern South America
- Multi-scale Snow-Atmosphere Interactions Over Mountain Snowpack for Climate Applications
- New and improved estimates of the sea ice state from NASA's ICESat-2 mission
- No consistent ENSO response to volcanic forcing over the last millennium
- Non-Binary Systems: Looking Toward the Future of Gender Equity in Planetary Science and Related Fields
- Observations of Atmospheric Aerosol Absorption and Their Use to Constrain Models at Various Scales
- Observations of river plume mixing in the surf zone
- Observations of the heat budget of thinning coastal Arctic sea ice under the influence of a river outflow
- Observations of wave breaking dissipation and bubble plumes in various sea states
- Observed impacts of COVID-19 on urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- Observing rain layers, diurnal warm layers, and their impacts in tropical oceans
- Observing the Isotopic Expression of Weak vs. Strong El Niño: A Palmyra Atoll Case Study
- Ocean acidification in the Distributed Biological Observatory, 2017-2019
- Orographic modification of ice-phase precipitation processes during the Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX)
- PIRE and Ice - Multiscale Modeling of Cirrus in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Performance of a Random Forest Parameterization in Predicting the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation
- Phase-Resolved Modeling and Laboratory Investigation of Surfzone Eddies and Transient Rip Currents
- Plant community and climatic response to middle Miocene environmental change in the Pacific Northwest (USA)
- Predicting Thermal Impact of Future Dams for Ecosystem-Safe Operations
- Predicting continental-scale vulnerability of stream invertebrates to climate-change driven alterations to flow and thermal regimes
- Preliminary findings from a low temperature thermochronometry survey of the Salmon River Mountains, Idaho.
- Probabilistic simulations and predictions of hydrological processes over North America
- Progress Towards Operational Rapid Tsunami Forecast via GNSS analysis
- Projected Effects of Climate Change on Simultaneous North American Megafires Based on NA-CORDEX Regional Climate Simulations
- Projected potential fish distribution under climate change in a heavily regulated, fragmented river system
- Projecting Changes to Northern Hemisphere Snow Resources Under Different Emission Scenarios, Using Google Earth Engine
- Quantitative assessment of volcanogenic aluminosilicate weathering in the northern Hikurangi margin sediments and its global implication
- Ranking Forest Effects on Snow Storage: A Hierarchical Framework To Support Forest Management
- Reanalysis of global temperature variability during the last 24,000 years
- Reanalyzing carbonate clumped isotope calibration materials using robust carbonate standardization
- Recent Upper Arctic Ocean Warming Expedited by a Summertime Internal Atmospheric Process
- Recent advances in integrating climate change, air quality, and public health into urban decision-making
- Recent progress and future opportunities in autonomous ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux observing
- Recent temperature change on the Juneau Icefield, Alaska.
- Reduced greenhouse gas emissions seen from the in-situ aircraft observation over the Baltimore, MD-Washington, D.C. area during COVID-19 pandemic period: Mass balance flux estimation of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and source sector attribution using activity metric data
- Refugia from Climate Change: Emerging Concepts and Applications
- Regional Modeling and Prediction of the Arctic Climate System
- Responses of stable water isotopes to a collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in high-resolution simulations with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Rise of the Colorado Plateau and Southern Rocky Mountain Region: A Synthesis of Paleoelevation Constraints and a Path Forward Using Temperature-Based Elevation Proxies
- Role of AMOC in transient climate response to greenhouse gas forcing in two coupled models
- Roles of TAO/TRITON and Argo in tropical Pacific observing system: An OSSE study for multiple time scale variability
- Saildrone: Unmanned Surface Vehicle for surface current and air-sea flux observation
- Sea ice at the edge: Seasonal Arctic sea ice in coupled climate models and satellite observations
- Sea ice retrieval algorithm updates for CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 show better reconciling of the Arctic sea ice thickness and volume time series
- SeaFreeze GUI: A User-Friendly Dive into Water and Ice Thermodynamics of Planetary Abysses.
- Selection of Vortex Ripple Dimensions in Sinusoidal Oscillatory Flows
- Sensitivity of EUREC4A/ATOMIC LES to large-scale tendencies
- Sensitivity of lake and wetland methane emissions upscaling to littoral zone area using airborne synthetic aperture radar
- Sensitivity of modeled topographic effects to kinematic source parameters in 3D simulations of M6.5-7.0 earthquakes
- Sensitivity of the E3SM Microphysics Model to Process Coupling Time Step Sizes
- Shallow vs Deep Groundwater Discharge Influences the Thermal Stability of Streams: A Continental-Scale Analysis
- Shoaling on Steep Continental Slopes: Relating Transmission and Reflection Coefficients to Green's Law
- Significant decrease in wet deposition of anthropogenic chloride across the Eastern U.S., 1998-2018
- Simulations of Seattle Fault Earthquakes Incorporating Realistic Near-Surface Structure
- Small- and Medium-Scale Water Operators' Barriers and Data Needs to Effectively Manage the Risks of a Changing Climate
- Snagging Drought-Related Tree Moratliy Over Time with Machine Learning
- Source-specific Contributions to Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Exposure in the United States
- Spectral Energy Transfer in Geophysical Turbulence Based on Structure Functions
- Stereo2SWE: Snow depth and snow-covered area from commercial stereo satellite imagery
- Strengthening Science and Society Integration through Sustainability Partnerships in the U.S. - Mexico Drylands Region
- Study of scale controlling factors of of marine boundary layer mesoscale cells observed from AMSR-E using wavelet analysis
- Summer pCO<SUB>2</SUB> dynamics based on autonomous surface vehicles in eastern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea
- Synchrony discovered in arctic and boreal lake growing season phenologies as detected with CubeSats
- Teal Carbon -Stakeholder-driven Monitoring of Forested Wetland Carbon
- The 2020 Siberian Heat Wave
- The Brewer-Dobson Circulation and its Impact on Stratosphere-troposphere Ozone Exchange during the Last Glacial Maximum
- The Color of Environmental Noise Across the United States' Rivers: Spatial Patterns and Effects of Global Change
- The Columbia River Basalt as a record of Miocene topography and the deformation that followed
- The Influence of Microphysics and Convection over Land on TTL Cirrus in the DYAMOND Simulations
- The Low Jitter Trigger for the 11 Years Solar Half-Cycle
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- The Value of Long-term Streamflow Forecasts in Adaptive Reservoir Operation: The case of High Aswan Dam in the Transboundary Nile River Basin
- The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Response to Tropical Forcing
- The Wetland Intrinsic Potential Tool: Identifying Forested Wetlands Through Machine Learning of Lidar Derived Datasets
- The basal friction coefficient of granular flows with and without excess pore pressure: implications for pyroclastic density currents, debris flows, rock and submarine avalanches.
- The contrast in MCS environments between spring and summer over the U.S. Great Plains
- The deposition and disposition of solar heat in summer Arctic leads
- The distinct microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of rotten sea ice on the Arctic shelf
- The effect of upstream sediment supply on flood risk
- The effects of surface forcing and mixed layer turbulence on transition layer dynamics
- The increasing trend in warm-season net CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake outweighs that in cold-season emissions from the Alaskan Arctic tundra under a warming climate
- The influence of particle size on near-bed turbulence and bed response in wave-supported gravity flows
- The mass balance of landfast sea ice in Kotzebue Sound: addressing community-driven research questions through knowledge co-production
- The role of internal variability and atmospheric teleconnections in determining Arctic sea ice loss
- The simulated influence of snow on sea ice in a coupled climate model
- Thermal Transport by Rain into Thawing Permafrost Landscapes
- Thickness of sub-stream unconsolidated material as a driver of baseflow temperature and channel connectivity: Observations from Shenandoah National Park headwater streams
- Toward stable, general machine-learned models of the atmospheric chemical system
- Towards a Hydrological Monitoring System for the West of South America: The Role of Vegetation Across Ecosystems
- Towards improved understanding and predictability of Tropical Pacific variability through a redesigned Tropical Pacific Ocean System: the role of new observational platforms
- Tracing weathering intensity across a permafrost gradient in the Yukon River
- Transitions in the mesoscale cellular organization of closed cell marine stratiform clouds
- Translating weather scale isotopic composition of rainfall to convective activity over Costa Rica
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- Tropical Anvil Clouds: Observations of a Preferred State
- Understanding Arctic Sea Ice Variability and Predictability With Regional-to-Global-Scale Process-Oriented Evaluation
- Understanding Morphologic Flood Risk Relevant to River Management in Western Washington State
- Understanding linkages among Earth's surface, interior, climate, and biosphere through the lens of topographic change
- Understanding the Mechanisms Associated with Elevated Temperature and Increased Arsenic in Rice
- Urban-scale Measurements and Modeling Fate & Transport of PFAS Across Media
- Using CESM-RESFire to Understand Climate-Fire-Ecosystem Interactions and the Implications for Decadal Climate Variability
- Using Lake Observations from Citizen Scientists and Satellites to Understand Regional Variations in Lake Water Storage
- Using an Emergency Medicine Mindset to Guide Climate Action: Lessons from the COVID
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using integrated models to avoid tipping points in a multi-objective water allocation problem
- Using monazite geochronology to constrain timing of deformation within the Hell Roaring Creek Shear Zone, SW Montana
- Using observational data to constrain CMIP6 model projection
- Variability in exposure of ocean acidification conditions below the biological thresholds of marine calcifiers off the Washington coast
- Variational Analysis to reconstruct the 3D dynamics of an anticyclonic eddy, possible use of SWOT observations.
- Warmer and More Volatile: Summertime Temperature Variance Increases Under Climate Change
- Water Desorption as a Mechanism for Recurring Slope Lineae Formation
- Wave-driven shoreline changes along the Beaufort and Chukchi coasts
- Weathering Processes in Antarctica as an Analog for Planetary Systems
- What controls the isotopic composition of tropical tropospheric water vapor? Results from general circulation models and large-eddy simulations, and thoughts on the usefulness of the isotopic tool
- What is earth and space science (ESS) in the changing world? ESS is for what?Why ESS is so important after the Corona pandemic. ESS is not only for knowledge, but also for peace, for sustainable development, and for inclusive and resilient society.
- Where There's Smoke, There's Humidity: Exploring the Water Vapor Associated with the Free-Tropospheric Biomass Burning Plume over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Where and When Does Streamflow Regulation Significantly Affect Climate Change Outcomes in the Columbia River Basin?
- Which Family Trees of Snow Interception Modeling History have the Essentials for Success?
- Which bands should I use for mapping snow over complex mountain terrain? Data selection using machine learning models and VHR satellite imagery
- Year-round Satellite Multi Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations During the MOSAiC Expedition
- icepyx: Developing Community and Software Around ICESat-2 Data
- Forarc dehydration in warm subduction zones provides ample fluids at the depths of episodic slip and tremor
- "OCEAN CULTURAL LITERACY" And "URBAN SEAS" During The U.N. Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)
- 70 years of high-resolution glacier surface elevation records derived from historical aerial photography across Western North America
- A 3-D, Technicolor Zombie: Joint Analysis of Multidisciplinary Geophysical and Geochemical Data at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia Reveals Active Hydrothermal System and Possible Sulfide Deposition
- A Combined Assessment of the Global Energy and Sea Level Budgets 1971-2018
- A Framework for Quantifying Variability in Velocity-Dimension Relationships Appropriate for Use in Weather and Climate Models
- A New Landlab Watershed Model that Couples Mass Wasting Processes with Network Sediment Transport to Predict Watershed Sediment Yield
- A Novel Analysis to Quantify Plume Crosswind Heterogeneity Applied to Biomass Burning Smoke Sampled During FIREX-AQ
- A Preliminary Cross-Field Comparison of GNSS-Derived Absolute and Variometric Ionospheric Total Electron Content to Demonstrate Real-Time Capabilities in Volcanology
- A Reconstruction of Top-of-the-Atmosphere Radiation Fields 1850present Using Data Assimilation Techniques
- A Year of Rupture: Kinematic and Postseismic Modeling of the Mw 7.8 Simeonof Island, Mw 7.6 Sand Point, and Mw 8.2 Chignik Earthquakes in Alaska
- A composite view of aerosol export mediated by northern hemisphere midlatitude cyclones
- A dynamical forecast-machine learning hybrid system for lightning prediction
- A fly in the ointment: Coupled climate models fail to simulate observed warming patterns, resulting in weakened constraints on climate sensitivity.
- A global correlation between surface mass loading and seismic activity
- A proposed model intercomparison study to evaluate the role of SST variability on MJO eastward propagation in climate models
- A recent assessment of variability in rigid melange coverage and the associated impacts at highly dynamic calving fronts in Greenland
- A unified model coupling of the land, river, and ocean models in E3SM to simulate coastal processes
- Accelerated Sea Ice Loss in the Wandel Sea Points to a Change in the Arctics Last Ice Area
- Actionable Analytics Co-producing Climate Information for Electricity Sector Adaptation
- Actionable Guidance for Creating Inclusive, Equitable, and Just Scientific Meetings
- Advancing Process Understanding of Tropical East Pacific Convection Through Observations
- Advancing the science and practice of community hydrologic modeling: Development of open-source models, methods, and datasets to enable process-based hydrologic prediction across North America (and beyond)
- Aerosol choices influence precipitation changes across future scenarios
- Air-sea heat and momentum fluxes measured by Uncrewed Surface Vehicles during EUREC4A/ATOMIC
- An Efficient and Statistically Accurate Lagrangian Data Assimilation Algorithm with Applications to Discrete Element Sea Ice Models
- An Evaluation of Biomass Burning Plumes on the Vertical Distribution of Tropospheric Ozone Over the Midwestern United States
- An Ice Sheet Aseismic Zone Inferred from the Absence of Icequakes in the Deep Interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- An ensemble deep-learning weather prediction system for medium-range to sub-seasonal temperature and precipitation forecasting
- An exploration of kinematic wind fields derived from Doppler velocity retrievals from airborne conically scanning radar observations of snowbands during IMPACTS 2020
- An introduction to ICESat-2s gridded land-ice products
- An updated vegetation dataset increases previous runoff projections in the Colorado River Basin
- Analysis of Eight-Year-Long Low-Frequency Earthquake Catalog for Southern Cascadia
- Application of an ultra-low-cost passive sampler for light-absorbing carbon
- Arctic salinity processes and NASAs upcoming SASSIE experiment
- Arctic-Boreal Wetland Vegetation Communities Mapping in the Peace-Athabasca Delta Using AVIRIS-NG Hyperspectral Data
- Are climate models biased in the atmosphere-ocean partitioning of poleward energy transport?
- Assessing spatial heterogeneity of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes across open and littoral lake margins in northern interior Alaska
- Assessing the future climate resilience and complementarity of hydropower resources across the African power pools
- Assessing vehicle fuel efficiency using a dense network of CO2 observations
- Assessment of Atlantic hurricane rapid intensification in HighResMIP models
- Asymmetry in the seasonal cycle of Antarctic sea ice due to insolation
- Automated Data Integrity and Quality Checks for Oceanographic Uncrewed Systems
- Automated Global Dynamic Mascon Generation for GRACE and GRACE-FO Harmonic Processing
- Baroclinic instability and large-scale wave propagation on planetary-scale atmosphere
- Breaking Barriers to STEM Education in the Geosciences A Place-Based, Cross-Institutional Exploration of Marine Science and Engineering
- Brown Carbon Lifetime and Chemistry in Aged Wildfire Plumes from the Western U.S.
- Calculated OH Reactivity of Western U.S. Wildfires Measured During WE-CAN
- Case Studies Using Machine Learning for Tsunami Forecasting
- Characteristics of Gravity Waves Resolved by ERA5 Reanalysis
- Characteristics of Meiyu Seen From Multiple Observational Analyses and Reanalyses
- Characterizing the Ability of Prescribed Fire to Reduce Future Wildfire Smoke Emissions in the Central Sierra, CA.
- Circulation, convection, and static stability in cloud-resolving simulations of radiative-convective equilibrium
- Cloud Fraction Estimates from Saildrone Sky Cameras during ATOMIC
- Cloud Rapid Adjustments and Feedbacks to Abrupt Changes in Solar and CO2 Induced Forcings
- Cloud and aerosol plume dynamics inferred by the Tandem Stereographic Camera concept as part of NASAs future Atmosphere Observing System: Aerosol, Cloud, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) satellite mission.
- Cloud field organization in trade-wind cumulus is intimately tied to precipitation efficiency
- Cloud-Optimized ASDF-H5 for Seismology
- Coastal wave exposure in northern Alaska
- Collaborations on Advancing GNSS Based Technology for Tsunami Forecasting, Hazard and Loss Estimates
- Collaborative Computational Resource Development around ICESat-2 Data: the icepyx Community and Library
- Combining SAR approaches to capture the evolution of mountain snow in the Western U.S.
- Combining evidence of frozen and thawed beds to constrain geothermal flux: initial results from Hercules Dome, Antarctica
- Combining shell-based isotope records with numerical model simulations to investigate the time of emergence of widespread warming of the western North Atlantic shelf
- Community modeling: supporting large-domain water resources modeling through an open-source model configuration toolbox
- Compact Wide Field-of-View X- and Gamma- ray Imaging Spectrometer for Planetary and Space Science Applications
- Connecting community knowledge to climate services for adaptive flood management
- Constraining dust-driven immersion freezing in climate models using spaceborne retrievals
- Convective Upscale Growth near Mountainous Terrain: Insights from RELAMPAGO
- Cost effective solutions to improve water quality in intensively managed agricultural landscapes prioritize wetlands and other near-channel approaches
- Cracking the Code: A Flipped, Virtual Approach to Teaching Python in an Undergraduate Setting
- Critically testing our understanding and modeling of the planetary boundary layer with observations
- Cryoseismic Event Analysis on Distributed Strain Recordings Leveraging Unsupervised Clustering
- Deep-Water Cycling, Planetary Self-Regulation, and the Persistence of Mantle Melting
- Deepening-warming or drizzle-depletion? An LES intercomparison of the subtropical stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition in the presence of smoke
- Denitrification at depth in montane temperate forest soils
- Denoising 3-component seismic data using deep neural network
- Deployment and Recovery of an Ice-Melt Probe at the Greenland Summit Using an Anti-Freeze Borehole Fluid
- Detecting an Elevated Pore Pressure in a Fault Zone Using Ambient Noise Monitoring
- Detection of short peptides identified as prospective psychrophilic biosignatures with the CORALS instrument
- Developing evidence-based guidelines for protective actions and earthquake early warning systems
- Direct Observations of the Role of Lateral Redistribution of Sea Ice Meltwater for Fall Freeze Up in the Western Arctic
- Disentangling the Relative Impacts of Temperature and VPD on Tropical Forest GPP using a Demographic Ecosystem Model
- Dissolved organic matter transformations along the Columbia River and its tributaries
- Dune-Field Patterns in the American Southwest
- ENSOs Impact on Hydroclimate Extremes over the Mississippi River Basin during the Last Millennium
- Earth System Science Advances are Outpacing their Uptake for Informing Adaptation Actions: How can We do Better?
- Effective Diffusivity of Sulfate Ions in the EPICA Dome C Ice Core for the Last Five Interglacials
- Emissions of CH4, CO2, and NOx from Offshore Alaska Oil and Gas Activities
- Enhanced atmospheric response to Gulf Stream SST anomalies in CAM6 simulations with 1/8-degree regional grid refinement over the North Atlantic
- Environmental Change and Human Security: Research Directions
- Estimating Antarctic Grounding Zone Ice Flexure with ICESat-2 Data
- Evaluating Camera Traps as Ground-Based Remote Sensing Networks, Linking Snow and Wildlife
- Evaluating and improving seasonal snow depth retrievals with satellite laser altimetry
- Evaluating tropical high clouds in global cloud-resolving simulations with observations from CERES and DARDAR
- Evaluation of DART 4G Performance during March, 4 2021 Kermadec Events.
- Evaluation of PlanetScope derived snow-covered area maps in forested watersheds
- Evolution of ice crystal number and size in tropical ice clouds
- Examining the Nexus of Environmental Policy, Climate Physics, and Maritime Shipping with Deep Learning and Space-borne Data
- Experimental Observations of Hurricanes Using Saildrones
- Exploring the Pacific Arctic Seasonal Ice Zone with Saildrone USVs
- Exploring wintertime canopy surface temperature dynamics in a sub-alpine spruce forest using thermal infrared imagery
- Extraterrestrial Impact Overkill: Resistance, Resilience, and Collapse in an end Cretaceous Paleocommunity of the Hell Creek Formation
- Factors Contributing to Increased Arsenic in Rice Under Warmer Temperatures
- Ferrocyanide lifetimes under longwave (300-400 nm) ultraviolet irradiation on the early Earth: implications for prebiotic chemistry
- Field and microstructural constraints on viscous rheology at the base of the subduction seismogenic zone
- Fingerprinting Forced and Unforced Low-Frequency Variability in Idealized and Global Climate Models
- First observations of gas-phase urea in the atmosphere
- Flow Permanence Along Ephemeral Streams in the Huachuca Sky Island, Arizona and its Consequences for Vegetation Distribution
- Forecasting Inundation Extents Using Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis in Mekong River Basin Floodplain toward Flood Risk Assessment
- Forest Canopy Density Effects on Snowpack across the Climate Gradients of the Western United States Mountain Ranges
- From DAS to Discharge: Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing to Estimate the Hydrological Response of the Rhonegletscher, Switzerland.
- Future warming and drying during the summer fire season in the northern hemisphere predicted by CMIP6 models
- Geodynamic Influence on Landscape Evolution in the Northern U.S. Cordillera: Cosmogenic Erosion Rates, Incision Models, and Basalt Flow Ages Show Canyon Incision to be Mid- to Late Miocene in Age
- Geomagnetic controls on Very-Low-Frequency lightning detection involving low-latitude paths
- Geoweaver for Automating ML-based High Resolution Snow Mapping Workflow
- Gftt: an open-source tool for evaluating remotely sensed glacier velocity products
- Glacial warming in the Eastern Pacific Warm Pool across the last ice age cycle
- Global distribution and origin of atmospheric perchlorate: Novel insights from the ATom aircraft campaign
- Global methane emissions derived from two years of TROPOMI observations: Sensitivity to OH and missing sources
- Global warming and ocean acidification during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Globally resolved climate changes since the Last Glacial Maximum: new insights from models and proxies
- Grid independent flow direction modeling
- Ground Motion Accuracy of Peak Ground Displacement Magnitude Estimates from G-FAST for Synthetic Cascadia Megathrust Earthquakes
- Halogen Chemistry in Fire Plumes: Aircraft Observations from FIREX-AQ 2019
- High Fidelity Numerical Modeling of the Thermal/Hydrodynamics of a Descending Ice Probe
- High performance computing for high-resolution snow modeling
- High-Resolution Thaw Dynamics of Two Latitudinally Distant Alaska Thermokarst Sites: A Field Study
- High-frequency Sea Ice Variability in Observations and Models and its Coupling to Atmospheric Circulation and Ocean Wave State.
- High-resolution snow modeling and data assimilation techniques for the next generation of remotely sensed observations on a snow covered digital twin
- Historical Aerial Images and Structure from Motion Software Allow Repeat Measurement of Sediment Yields in Proglacial Environments
- Holocene Temperature: A Spatial and Temporal Reconstruction using Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
- Ice core evidence of reduced marine emissions of dimethylsulfide precursor of aerosols during the Industrial era
- Ice sheet initialization as an integral part of ice sheet modeling
- Illuminating the Cascadia Subduction Zone with ultra-long offset Multi-Channel Seismic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer data: Overview on the CAscadia Seismic Imaging Experiment 2021 (CASIE21).
- Impact Of Changing Arctic Sea Ice Extent, Sea Ice Age, And Snow Depth On Sea Salt Aerosol Emissions From Blowing Snow And The Open Ocean For 1980-2018
- Impact of Tibetan lake outburst floods on erosion, morphology, and sedimentary record of the eastern Himalaya from source to sink
- Impact of smoke on surface O3 and PM2.5 across the U.S. in high and low fire years
- Impact of the sea ice thickness distribution resolution in a coupled climate model (CESM2) and comparison with ICESat-2 observations
- Impacts of Anthropogenic Emissions on Tropospheric Reactive Bromine since the Preindustrial
- Impacts of spatial organization on Trade wind cloud transformations in Lagrangian simulations based on EUREC4A data
- Implementing SnowModel into the Land Information System Framework to Support High Resolution Modeling of Snow Heterogeneity
- Importance of Central American Orography on Tropical Pacific Climate and Inter-Basin Interactions in Modern and Past Climates
- Improving Arctic infrastructure to power observations with marine renewable energy
- Improving Estimates of Wetland Carbon Beneath the Forest Canopy Through a Spatially Explicit Remote Sensing Approach
- Improving LGBTQ+ retention in STEM: A transatlantic perspective on current barriers and best practices
- Improving access to ocean and coastal data: Engaging coastal communities to develop user-defined products through NANOOS - US IOOS
- Improving the ice sheet mass balance estimates for Antarctica using ICESat-2, GRACE/GRACE- FO, GPS and SMB models
- Increased Importance of Earth System Model Emulators in the IPCCs Sixth Assessment Report Working Group 1
- Informing Machine Learning Models with Hydrologic Theory: A Case Study in Land-Atmosphere Interactions
- Insights from a long-term global record of mesoscale low cloud morphology
- Interaction between the marine ice cliff instability and ice shelf rift propagation observed using ICESat-2
- Interpreting convective development from high frequency rainwater isotopes and surface based meteorological monitoring in Costa Rica
- Interseismic Slip Rates on Quaternary Faults in the Southern Cascadia Forearc Based on Block Modeling of Geodetic Data
- Investigating Potential Dynamic Backstop Splay Faulting in the Cascadia Accretionary Wedge Using New Seismic Reflection Images from the CAscadia Seismic Imaging Experiment 2021 (CASIE21)
- Investigating the Influence of Symbiont Community Composition on Coral Geochemical Proxy Records in the Central Equatorial Pacific
- Investigating the impact of the vertical structure of atmospheric heat transport on Arctic climate feedbacks using a single column model
- Investigating the thermal stress on coral proxies during the 2015/2016 El Nino event.
- Investigation of Microphysical Properties within Regions of Enhanced Dual-Frequency Ratio During the IMPACTS Field Campaign
- Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS): Results from the First Deployment in Winter 2020 and a Look Ahead to Winter 2022
- Isotopic signals in large eddy simulations of trade cumulus boundary layers
- Its hard to be like Inge: Female authorship in seismology.
- Just pollution? Atmospheric chemistry and environmental justice in the United States
- Kinematic Rupture Model of the 2021 M6.0 Antelope Valley Earthquake from Joint Inversion of Seismic, GNSS and Sentinel-1 InSAR Data
- Large eddy simulations to explore processes controlling the responses of marine low clouds to aerosol injections
- Large-scale convective systems identified by hybrid cloud-precipitation regimes and their modulations by MJO and QBO
- Learning from Observations: The Case for a New Generation of Land Surface Models
- Learning from the past: downscaling snow deposition using historic snow accumulation patterns
- Less surface sea ice melt in the CESM2 improves Arctic sea ice simulation with minimal non-polar climate impacts
- Lessons learned from NASA SnowEx Hackweek 2021 for fostering open science communities
- Lessons learned from TermPicks: A century of Greenland glacier terminus data
- Long-term earthquake patterns at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1
- Making regionalized high intensity physics calculations flexible with anew geographic load-balancing scheme to enable hybridsuperparameterization
- Mapping Flood Inundation over the Nile River Basin using Hydrological Modeling and Satellite Remote Sensing: Example from the 2020 Record-Breaking Flooding in Sudan
- Mapping Urban CO with BEACO2N and Bayesian Inversions
- Mapping the Landscape of Public Participation: Challenges and Opportunities of Community and Citizen Science
- Marine Boundary Layer Mean State and Air-Sea Stratification DerivedFrom Routine Satellite High-Resolution Radar Backscatter
- Measurement and interpretation of bubble number-density evolution through the upper 1200 meters of the SPC14 South Pole Ice Core
- Mechanisms of Transient Cooling by Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Decline in CMIP6
- Megathrust co-seismic slip during the Sand Point, Alaska strike-slip Earthquake
- Merging regional climate models and remote sensing observations to better estimate snow water equivalent in the Tuolumne River watershed
- Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated by a High-Resolution Global Nonhydrostatic Model over the United States and China
- Mesoscale Predictability in Moist Mid-Latitude Cyclones Is Not Sensitive to the Slope of the Background Kinetic Energy Spectrum
- Metasomatic Production of Talc at the Plate Interface under Guerrero, Mexico: Implications for Slip Behavior and Episodic Tremor and Slow Slip
- Meteorological Controls of Boundary Layer CCN-active Aerosol Sources Over the Southern Ocean: Result from ship-based observation
- Microbial Endophytes for Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Biomass Production
- Microbial controls of nitrous oxide pulses in rewetted forest soils: An integrated -omic and isotopic approach
- Microseismicity around Orca submarine volcano, Bransfield Strait, Antarctica, during 2019-2020 from OBS data
- Mid-channels Islands as Dynamic Sediment Traps: Sediment Dynamics and Morphologic Evolution of the Mangrove-forested Meinmahla Island, Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar
- Mid-to-Late Holocene South Atlantic Convergence Zone Behavior Inferred from Isotope-Enabled ECHAM4.6 Experiments
- Model Interpretation of the Long-Term Variability of Ice-core Perchlorate
- Model for the Energetic Particles Spectrum at Interplanetary Shocks resulting from Acceleration and Escape sourced by a Preexisting Population with Power Law Energy Spectrum
- Model-Aided Adaptation for Future Maize - Novel Plant Traits and New Management
- Modeling Magnesium Carbonate Precipitation in Jezero Crater
- Modeling insights into processes affecting water isotopes in polar regions
- Modeling results for magma accumulation zone beneath Orca Volcano in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica using Bathymetry, MCS and Potential Field Data
- Modeling slab temperature and dehydration evolution over the lifetime of a subduction zone
- Modification of downscaled climate trends depending on bias correction before dynamical downscaling increases uncertainty in regional projections
- Monitoring at Axial Seamount since its 2015 eruption reveals tightly linked rates of deformation and seismicity
- Monitoring the long-term evolution of the Mexico City basin with urban noise single-station correlations
- Mountain Building and the Critical Zone: A Detailed Look at Chemical Weathering and Critical Zone Architecture in the Rapidly Exhuming High Himalaya, Central Nepal Using Observations from an 80m Borehole
- Multi-campaign analysis of smoke properties and cloud interactions in the Southeast Atlantic using ORACLES, LASIC, and CLARIFY data with WRF-CAM5
- Multimodel Uncertainty in Projected Changes of Simultaneous Megafires in the Great Basin Based on NA-CORDEX Regional Climate Simulations
- Multiple Scales of Deformation from Geodetic Monitoring Point to Active Transcrustal Magma System at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- Naltsos, First Rock Examined by the M2020 PIXL Instrument: Rock Components and Dust Characteristics
- Near Invariance of Poleward Atmospheric Heat Transport in Response to Mid-latitude Orography
- Near-fault Deformation Analysis from Geomorphic Expression and GNSS Modeling Along the Salar Grande Area, Northern Chile.
- New Luminescence Ages, Provenance Data, and Ice-Sheet Modelling from the Camp Century Subglacial Sediment: Implications for the Glacial History of Northwestern Greenland
- New Metrics for MJO Prediction Skill Based on Large-Scale Precipitation Tracking
- New Metrics to Quantify Multiscale Variability of Global Precipitation using 23-year TRMM-GPM Data for Evaluating Seamless Prediction of Weather and Climate Models
- Nitrogen and argon isotopes in the South Pole ice core record firn temperature change through the last deglaciation.
- Nudging observed winds in the Arctic to quantify the role of internal variability in contributing to observed Arctic Amplification over the past decades
- Observational Constraint on Secondary HONO Production in Aged Wildfire Smoke from Airborne Measurements in Western US
- Observational inferences of anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 emissions in San Francisco Bay Area
- Observations of Firn Compaction near South Pole Compared with Model Predictions
- Observed meso-scale organization of shallow convection in the maritime trades
- Ocean swell, ice shelf flexure, and crevasse propagation
- On Unifying Three Pillars of Petrology
- On transient semi-arid ecosystem dynamics using Landlab: vegetation shifts, topographic refugia, and response to climate
- One is Greater than Two for Collision-Coalescence in Bulk Microphysics Schemes
- Open Polar Radar Software and Services to Standardize Radar Echograms and Integrate into a Geospatial Database
- Orthorectifying GOES ABI imagery for mountain surface temperature observations
- Outsize Influence of Central American Orography on Global Climate
- Patterns of rupture complexity revealed by earthquake source time functions
- Predicting smoke exposure tradeoffs among forest restoration scenarios in the central Sierra Nevada, California
- Predicting surface density using snow models and assimilation for wildlife applications
- Preliminary results for Lakeflow, an algorithm to improve SWOT flow-law parameters through integrating river-lake mass conservation
- Probabilistic Near-Surface Soil Model for Site Response Analysis in Alameda, CA - a NHERI Research Experiences for Undergraduates project
- Process-Oriented Diagnostics for Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Process-oriented diagnosis of tropical cyclones based on the moist static energy variance budget in reanalyses and high-resolution climate models
- Progress in Understanding the Low Marine Cloud-Aerosol Interactions during CSET using LES
- QUEST: A New Frontiers Uranus Orbiter Mission Concept Study
- Quantifying and characterizing climate nonstationarities in response to forcing across the CESM1 Large Ensemble, Forced Ensembles, and observational products
- Quantifying sediment deposition over the floodplains of Mid-Atlantic watersheds
- Quantifying the Occurrence of Record Hot Years Through Normalized Warming Trends
- Quantifying the Thunderstorm Contribution to Earth's Global Electric Circuit: Comparisons of Global Lightning and Precipitation with Stratospheric Balloon Observations of Fair-Weather Return Current
- Quantifying the Thunderstorm Contribution to Earth's Global Electric Circuit: Overview of a New Approach to an Old Problem
- Quantifying the Thunderstorm Contribution to Earth's Global Electric Circuit: Simultaneous Multi-Point Measurements of the Fair-Weather Return Current by Instrumented Stratospheric Balloon Payloads
- Recent observations of stellar flares on G-, K-, and M-dwarf stars and possible mass ejections
- Reconstructing Monthly Arctic Sea Ice Conditions Using Online Data Assimilation
- Reference Atmospheric Temperature Trends Observed from Satellites in Stable Orbits
- Regional-scale Urban Hydrologic Modeling over the Mid-Atlantic Region
- Relating process to form in jointed-bedrock fault scarps using morphologic variability, a novel metric derived using supervised landform classification.
- Representation of the Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves in Modern Reanalysis Products
- Resolving Synoptic Deep Currents in the Ocean from Profiling Floats
- Retrieval of perchlorate and other new aerosol species from mass spectra measured by Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometers (AMS) during previous aircraft missions around the globe
- Revealing the Southeast Greenland physical environment to enhance biological knowledge
- Revisiting the Role of Mountains in the Northern Hemisphere Winter Atmospheric Circulation
- Riftquakes: Recording and Modeling Seismic Signals of Rifting at Pine Island Glacier
- Robust Measurements of Electron Precipitation Spectra from High Altitude Balloon X-ray Spectrometer Data
- Seafloor Geodetic Constraints on an Instraslab Earthquake: The M7.6 2020 Sand Point, AK Earthquake
- Seafloor Geodetic Constraints on the 29 July 2021 Mw 8.2 Chignik, AK Earthquake
- Seafloor geodetic observations of the July 22 2020 Mw 7.8 Simeonof earthquake
- Seafloor pressure geodesy on the Alaska margin methods for predicting and correcting oceanographic signals and their effects on slow slip detectability
- Searching for Weak TGFs in Fermi-GBM Data
- Seasonal Ice Zone Reconnaissance Surveys for Aircraft-Based Eulerian and Lagrangian Sampling of a Changing Arctic
- Seasonal locking of the MJOs southward detouring of Indonesia caused by the Australian monsoon
- Seasonality in Arctic Warming Driven By Sea Ice Effective Heat Capacity
- Seismic Anisotropy of Mafic Blueschists: Constraints from Exhumed Glaucophane-Rich Blueschists with Implications for the Subduction Interface
- Sensitivity Transition Temperatures in Tropical RCE
- Separation of Deforestation, CO2 Physiology, and Radiative Contributions to Future Drought Stress in the Amazon
- ShakeAlert Algorithm Performance for M9 Megathrust Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest, United States
- Simulations of Long-Period Screw-Type Seismic Signals from Tungurahua Volcano (Ecuador) from a Fluid-Dynamic Model
- Snow, ridges, and meltwater in a younger Arctic icepack: the influence of locally varying processes on the thermodynamic mass balance of first- and second-year ice
- SnowEx Snow Microstructure for Simulation of Microwave Scattering
- Soil-microbe-plant feedbacks to ecosystem drought in a model tropical rainforest ecosystem
- Source characteristics and tsunami energetics of the 2020 Mw 7.0 Neon Karlovasion (Samos) Earthquake in the Eastern Aegean Sea
- Sources of fine particulate matter in global cities
- Spatial Variability of Aeolian Abrasion: Early Results from Ibex Dune Field, Death Valley National Park
- Spatial distribution of diffuse discharge at ASHES vent field, Axial Seamount, captured by acoustic imaging
- Spatial patterns of temperature and hydroclimate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Fingerprints of a warmer world
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Deep-Seated Landslides in the Puget Lowland, Washington
- Spatiotemporal evolution of melt ponds in the Arctic: MOSAiC observations and model results
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of aerosol and cloud properties over the southeast Atlantic: An observational analysis
- Storylines as a tool for advancing co-production of science and informing climate adaptation pathways: A perspective from the U.S. DOE HyperFACETS Project
- Stratosphere-to-troposphere exchange of O3 and the impact of cloud radiative effects
- Stratospheric Ozone and Stratosphere-troposphere Ozone Exchange in the Last Glacial Maximum
- Structure and Geometry of an Exposed Active Subduction Zone Splay Fault: The Deception Creek Strand of the Patton Bay Fault, Montague Island, Alaska
- Subgrid forest-snow tiling in a distributed hydrologic model and its effect on late-season streamflow in multiple western U.S. climates
- Subsurface stable isotope approaches for resolving nitrogen transformations in the critical zone
- Success Stories of Satellite Radar Altimeter Applications
- Supporting the ARM Mission with UAS Capability Development
- Surface Topography Observations Needed to Advance Cryosphere Science in the Coming Decades
- TROPOMI-Derived HONO and NO2 Emissions and Evolution During the 2019-2020 Eastern Australian Wildfires
- Tectonics climate coupling in the Himalaya from the perspective of extreme events
- Temporal Dynamics and Impact of Seafloor Volcanic Eruptions on Seafloor Features, Hydrothermal Fluid Geochemistry, and Biological Community Structure over 32 years on the East Pacific Rise
- Temporal Variability in Seawater Sr/Ca Ratios within Coral Reef Environments: An Indicator of Marine Calcifier Community Diversity
- The Capability of Topography-based Subgrid Structures of Watershed and Grid Representations in Capturing Impacts of Topographic Heterogeneity to Improve Land Surface Modeling
- The Characterization of Microbially-Produced Iron-Binding Ligands Across the Mid-Cayman Rise
- The CoralHydro2k Database: a global compilation of coral 18O and Sr/Ca records for reconstructing tropical hydroclimate over the Common Era
- The Dispersive Velocity of Compressional Waves in Magmatic Suspensions
- The Dynamics of Atmospheric Bores
- The EUREC4A-Ocean/Atmosphere campaign: status
- The Earth's surface controls the depth-dependent seismic radiation of megathrust earthquakes
- The Earths energy budget, climate feedbacks, and climate sensitivity
- The Finite-Fault Rupture Detector (FinDer): Enhancing Rupture Determination for the Largest Earthquakes
- The Holocenes Largest Tropical Pacific Hydroclimate Perturbation Occurred 9,200 Years Ago
- The Importance of Lake Littoral Zones to Arctic-Boreal Methane Emissions
- The Influence of Crystal Shape and Ordering on the Mechanical Response of a Mush during Strain
- The Interaction between the Diurnal Cycle of Convection and Easterly Waves in Costa Rica: a Modeling Study
- The Need to Account for Water Resources Management in Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Studies
- The Optimal Placement of Seafloor Geodetic Stations around Subducted Seamounts: A Case Study for Cascadia
- The Promise of Sea Ice Thickness: Exploring Data Assimilation Applications for the 21st Century Arctic Sea Ice System in a Perfect World
- The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System: Synergies between Earth, Solar System and Exoplanet Science
- The Surface Response to Cenozoic Drip Tectonics in Central Anatolia
- The Trade-Wind Momentum Budget and Wind Stress Profiles during EUREC4A
- The beginnings of SCOPED: Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery
- The effects of an evolving subduction thermal structure on dehydration and rheology: coupling geodynamic and thermodynamic models with the experimental and rock records
- The effects of sea ice leads on the cloudiness in the Arctic
- The hydrological cycle drives atmospheric heat transport in a hierarchy of models and reanalyses
- The impact of mid-latitude winds on AMOC in a fully-coupled climate model
- The impact of projected changes in climate variability on heat stress events in the CESM2 LENS
- The influence of wave-current interactions on wave slope and momentum flux in an area of moderate ocean current variability
- The response of tropical cloud ice amount to surface warming
- The role of advective heat transfer in affecting permafrost thaw and methane emissions at a hillslope thermokarst bog
- The thermodynamics of ammonia rich planetary oceans: Equation of State for water-ammonia and water-ammonia-salt solutions from surface to abyssal conditions.
- Three Years of Snow Depth and Ice Thickness from ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Tomography of Orca Volcano, Central Bransfield Basin, Antarctica
- Time-varying Dynamic Ocean Topography Estimates Across the Polar Oceans From ICESat-2
- Toward inclusion of peak ground displacement magnitude estimates in ShakeAlert
- Trends and variability of tropical Pacific hydroclimate reconstructed with coral paleo-data assimilation
- Trialling the Use of Controlled Exposure Experiments for Optical Surface Exposure Dating on Quartzite Quarry Surfaces in Washington State
- Tropical Cirrus Life Cycle and Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Fluxes in Global Storm-Resolving Models
- Tropical Cirrus in Global Storm-Resolving Models: the Role of Deep Convection
- Tropospheric Mid-Latitude Halogen-Induced Ozone Depletion Observed from an Industrial Source over the Great Salt Lake
- Uncertainties in geocenter determination from GRACE and GRACE-FO time-variable gravity data
- Uncertainty in East Antarctic Firn Thickness Constrained Using a Model Ensemble Approach
- Understanding Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Boundary Layer Processes and Their Role in the in Multiscale Interactions of the MJO and Onset of El Nino
- Understanding Perceptions and Attitudes in Washington, Oregon and California about ShakeAlert, the Earthquake Early Warning System for the United States of America
- Understanding the Cold Season Arctic Surface Warming Trend in Recent Decades
- Unifying top-down and bottom-up constraints on Earth system model physics via a Bayesian statistical-physical approach
- Using Nitrogen Isotopes to Constrain Nitrogen Escape from Mars through Time
- Using a solar induced fluorescence-canopy conductance model to estimate nitrogen oxide deposition across the USA
- Using observations and a simple model to constrain the date of a seasonally ice-free Arctic
- Using physics-based machine learning to estimate unobserved quantities: A case study for landscape-scale soil and vegetation conductances to heat and water vapor
- Using repeat, high resolution satellite imagery to constrain surface melting and seasonal glacier dynamics in High Mountain Asia
- Utilizing Machine Learning and Matched Filter Techniques to Expand the 2011-2012 Summerville, South Carolina Earthquake Catalog
- Validation of Satellite Altimetry to Support Hydrologic Science
- Variations in Radiative Heating of Humid Biomass Burning Aerosols in the Southeast Atlantic from Airborne Observations and Reanalysis
- Very-high-resolution satellite stereo processing improvements offer more accurate snow depth maps and SWE estimates
- Volcanic Sulfate Aerosols Are Underestimated in the Arctic: Implications for Radiative Forcing
- Wave propagation on Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, quantified with remote sensing
- Wavelet methods for detecting slow slip events in GNSS recordings
- Weekly to Monthly Terminus Variability of Greenlands Marine-Terminating Outlet Glaciers
- Western U.S. precipitation seasonality in the Cenozoic
- What does cultural inclusivity look like in observing systems?
- What is an Indigenous centered Food Security Observation System?
- Where and When Does Streamflow Regulation Significantly Affect Climate Change Outcomes in the Columbia River Basin?
- Wind, rain, and the transition from closed to open mesoscale cellular convection
- X- and Ku- band radar algorithms for SWE retrieval and Validation with SnowSAR airborne data
- A Comparison of Constrained Least Squares Adjustment and Non-Linear Solvers to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent from Regional Climate Models and Remote Sensing Observations
- A Comparison of Optical, Microphysical, and Precipitation Characteristics Associated with Mesoscale Cloud Morphology Classifications
- A Distributed Acoustic Sensing Experiment Above the Subducted Gorda Slab
- A Global Study of Dust Devils on Mars using Neural Networks and Zooniverse
- A Large Forcing Attributed to the Variability of Biomass Burning Emissions in CESM2
- A Multi-Index Examination of Future Fire Season Length and Severity Over the United States
- A New Data-Driven Inundation Forecasting Technique: Forecasting Inundation Extents using Rotated empirical orthogonal function analysis (FIER) and Its Economic Impact on Lower Mekong
- A New Machine Learning Earthquake Catalog for the Pacific Northwest
- A Novel Approach for Characterizing Dominant Drivers of Anthropogenic Changes in Interannual Climate Variability
- A Novel Geospatial-First Machine Learning Approach to Modeling Heating Loads in Alaska: When Perfect (Data) are the Enemy of Good (Data)
- A TGF from the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption
- A coordinated enhanced network strategy proposal to monitor North America's major agricultural systems, prove NASA's satellite products, and improve hydrologic prediction
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- A new plate boundary born as another dies: The influence of the Nootka Fault Zone segmenting subduction processes along the northern Cascadia margin
- A new process-oriented ensemble hydrological prediction system for flood prediction and water management in the US Pacific Northwest
- AI assisted evaluation of ESMs in simulating observed cloud climate interactions
- AUV-Based Measurements of Wave-Driven Turbulence in the Oceanic Surface Boundary Layer
- Accelerating rates of glacier change and topographic controls, Glacier National Park, MT, USA: 1966-2021
- Acoustic propagation characteristics of the sub-seabed in seismic reflection surveys
- Advanced continuum damage models for simulating ice shelf fracture
- Aerosol Growth in the Eastern North Atlantic
- Aerosolization of seawater using two-phase-flow spray systems to brighten marine stratocumulus clouds
- Alaska Subduction Zone Shallow Megathrust Slip Variability Revealed by Seafloor Geodesy
- Along-stream biogeochemical properties in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: A CMIP6 evaluation
- An Automated Complete Catalog of Cascadian Slow Slip
- An Update on the SMART Cables Initiative for Observing the Ocean and Earth
- An initial map of fine-scale heterogeneity in the Earth's inner core
- An interdisciplinary perspective on Greenland's changing coastal margins
- Antarctic Ice Core Site Identification Using Data Assimilation of Synthetic Proxy Records for Twentieth Century Climate Reconstruction
- Antarctic Ice-Sheet Meltwater Reduces Climate Sensitivity and Transient Warming through the Sea-Surface Temperature Pattern Effect
- Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheet and Glacier and Ice Caps Mass Balance from GRACE/GRACE Follow-On missions and other data
- Assessing the Sensitivity of the Warm Rain Initiation Process to Key Physical Properties for Accurate Representation in Earth System Models
- Assessing the vulnerability of the Juneau Icefield to atmospheric warming
- Asynchrony of Spaceborne Chlorophyll Fluorescence and the Near Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation in Tropical Forests
- Atlantic Water intrusion triggers sudden and rapid retreat of K.I.V Steenstrups Nordre Bræ following long-term stability
- Atmospheric Feedbacks Modulate Land Parameters' Influence on Land Surface Fluxes
- Atmospheric Science and Chemistry mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT): A new ground-based high time-resolution air quality monitoring network
- Automated Analysis of Data Streams with Physics-Informed Neural Networks
- Beyond Data Repositories and Visualizations - Supporting Evidence-Based Decision-Making for Resilience Planning in the Energy Sector via the Cal-Adapt: Analytics Engine
- Boots on the Ground: Going Beyond Land Acknowledgements with the Heron's Nest Land Back Project
- Breaking-wave crest lengths and associated vorticity input under varying directional spread
- Building Climate Resiliency Through Restoring Alluvial Stream Corridors: Examples from the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Buoyant, Non-Spherical Plastic Particles in Turbulent Wind-Driven Waves
- CO2 and H2O fluxes from the global mid-ocean ridge system: Critical role of deep-sourced, volatile-rich plume material
- Calibrating a proxy for North Pacific marine heatwaves from individual foraminifera oxygen isotope composition
- Can We Estimate Global Ice Volume Using Only Data, i.e., Without Using Physical Models?
- Can streamwise variation in floodplain geometry and peak flow rate explain river bed elevation change during and between peak flows?
- Capturing the evolution of mountain snowmelt across the Western U.S. using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Carbonate Clumped Isotope (∆47, or ∆638) Analysis by Laser Spectroscopy: First-year Performance of an Isotope Ratio Laser Spectrometer with an Automated Extraction Line
- Caribbean Tsunami Observed Via GNSS-Derived Ionospheric Disturbances After the January 15, 2022 Tonga Eruption
- Catchment-Scale Measurement of Englacial Deformation in Greenland
- Challenges and Opportunities in Predicting Earth-Human Systems of Coastal Regions: A Review of the Puget Sound Region
- Changes in Salinity and Freshwater Content on the Russian Arctic Shelf and its Contribution to the Arctic Ocean
- Changes in high frequency internal variability alter extreme heat stress projections
- Characteristics of dynamic earthquake triggering at Axial Seamount
- Characterizing ENSO-induced Variability in Top of Atmosphere Radiation
- Climate Change and Extreme Hazard Events: Risk Perceptions, Priorities, and Subjective Attribution
- Climate and Carbon Responses to a Restoration Scenario of Idealized CO2 Emissions Reversal
- Climate and Climate Sensitivity to Greenhouse Gas Forcing Under a Range of Ocean Circulations
- Climatology of marine low-cloud morphology types, their climatological transitions, cloud radiative and physical properties, and environment
- Cloud Responses to Abrupt Changes in Solar Forcing and CO2 Concentrations
- Cloud Top Phase Characterization of Extratropical Cyclones over the Midwest and Northeast United States: Results from IMPACTS
- CoCo: Code to Communicate a bilingual program to train new coders and scientific communicators of Latin-American identities.
- Combining Machine Learning and Numerical Simulation for Near-Real-Time High-Resolution PM2.5 Concentration Forecast
- Commonalities in patterns and drivers of methane cycling in terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal ecosystems; does methane follow the path of least resistance?
- Community Science Collaboration Across Three Spaces: Investigating Upstream Impacts of Regional Flooding
- Comparison of snow-covered area derived from PlanetScope CubeSat, Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2, and MODIS imagery in forested mountain regions
- Comparison of the Precipitation Structure and Microphysical Properties within Two Alberta Clipper Systems During the 2022 IMPACTS Deployment
- Comparisons Among SIZRS Hydrography, and ICESat-2 ATL19 and ATL21 Dynamic Ocean Topography
- Comparisons of Polar Ocean Sea Surface Height Retrievals from ICESat-2 Ocean and Sea Ice Products
- Comprehensive Evidence Implies a Higher Social Cost of CO2
- Concurrent surface flux, current and wave measurements by Uncrewed Surface Vehicle Saildrones in Tropical Cyclones
- Considerations for AN Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research in Support of Public Safety, Environmental Protection and Climate Justice
- Constraining Urban CO2 Emissions Using BEACO2N
- Constraining surface mass balance, firn air content, ICESat-2 volume change, and GRACE/-FO mass change to improve ice-sheet mass balance estimates
- Constraining the Capabilities and Limitations of Existing Satellite Observations in Resolving Subglacial Meltwater Impacts on Outlet Glacier Dynamics.
- Coordinated Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Observations of Coastal Fronts
- Cracking the Case: Fluid Flow Limits the Speed of the Largest Locally-Observed Rifting Event
- Creating an Antarctic Rift Catalog using ICESat-2: Measurement Algorithm Design and Validation on Brunt Ice Shelf, and Recent Variability in the Opening Rate of the Halloween Crack
- CryoSat-2/ICESat-2 integrated time series and comparison of shoreline evolution in Antarctic active subglacial lakes
- Cryptic carbon: wetland identification under perennial forest cover enhances spatially explicit modeling of soil carbon stock
- Data-driven placement of PM2.5 air quality sensors in the United States: an approach to target urban environmental injustice
- Deep Learning for Monitoring Large-Scale Croplands in sub-Saharan Africa
- Deliberate Mentoring Strategies for the Retention of Undergraduate Women in the Earth Sciences
- Detecting Recent Splay Fault Activity in the Cascadia Accretionary Wedge using High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiles
- Detecting Volcanic Eruption Precursory Signals concealed in the Ambient Seismic Wave Field
- Determining the Electrical Conductivity at Ocean World Conditions Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Experimental Measurements
- Developing a Catalog of Automated Focal Mechanisms for Microearthquakes at Axial Seamount Based on Waveform Correlation
- Developing a community of practice for a global network of uncrewed surface vehicles: opportunities and challenges
- Development of a Companion Questionnaire for 'Did You Feel It?': Assessing Response in Earthquakes to include Earthquake Early Warning
- Development of a Flood Risk Modeling System for Enhanced Resilience of Rural Regions
- Development of a deep learning emulator of source-receptor footprints for computationally efficient flux inversions
- Discrepancies in Net Primary Production Estimated from Satellite Observations versus In Situ Autonomous Profiling Floats
- Disentangling habitable terrestrial planet surfaces and condensates with polarimetry
- Disentangling the mechanisms of ENSO response to tropical volcanic eruptions
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing in the Puget Sound and Puget Lowlands, Washington, USA
- Distributed Subsea Fiber-Optical Sensing along the Calving Front of a Greenlandic Tidewater Glacier
- Distributional effects in health damages from air pollution from using fossil fuel and electrified vehicles in the United States
- Drivers of Spatial Variations in the Temporal Spectra of North Atlantic Upper Ocean Temperatures in Models and Proxy Records
- Drivers of abrupt circumpolar surface warming across the Southern Ocean
- Drivers of intraseasonal variability of isotopic composition of rainfall in Costa Rica
- Effects of the Aerosol Concentration Variability on Stratocumulus to Cumulus Transition over the Northeast Pacific Using the E3SM
- Elevation Observations and Waveform Analysis of NASA's Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) Lidar Data over Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Involving Subsurface Penetration and Volume Scattering of Green (532 nm) Laser Light
- Emergent Constraints on Climate Sensitivity Based on Recent Warming are Biased Low by Sea-Surface Temperature Pattern Effects
- Engaging Students and the Public in Polar Research through Live Interactive Planetarium Shows
- Engaging students in Polar Science: New undergraduate-level curriculum combines polar field data, 360-degree virtual experiences and GIS to transport students to Greenland
- Enhanced Integration of Health, Climate, and Air Quality Management Planning at the Urban Scale
- Enhancement of Basal Melting by Submesoscale Eddies in Ice Shelf Cavities of the Amundsen Sea
- Environmental Controls on Subsurface Temperature and Permafrost Thaw Progression at a Discontinuous Permafrost Site in Interior, AK
- Environmental Justice Considerations for Remote Sensing Approaches: Calculating Heating Loads in Alaska through Geospatial and Machine Learning Techniques
- Estimating 2020 carbon dioxide emissions from two urban areas in California
- Estimating Global Impacts to Agriculture from Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation
- Estimating landslide dam susceptibility along Oregon Coast Range rivers
- Estimating the Timing of Geophysical Commitment to 1.5 and 2.0 °C of Global Warming with a Climate Emulator
- Estimating wildfire and prescribed burn smoke emissions and population exposure across the west coast of the United States
- Evaluating Asian Policy- and Pandemic-Related Emissions Impacts Using Ice Core Pb Concentration and Isotope Ratio Data from Mt. Hunter (Begguya) 800 - 2022 CE
- Evaluating Overshooting Convection in the DYAMOND Global Storm-Resolving Models Using Outgoing Longwave Radiation
- Evaluating a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network for GNSS High-Rate Time Series Analysis
- Evaluation of Trade Wind Mesoscale Morphology Evolution and Transitions
- Evaporation Processes in Marine Atmospheric Cold Pools during ATOMIC
- Evaporation: the Critical Link in Coupling Atmosphere and Ocean Heat Transport
- Expanding and Fingerprinting a Repeating Earthquake Catalog on the Cascades Volcanoes
- Experimental Constraints on the Strength and Deformation Mechanisms of Glaucophane at Subduction Zone Conditions
- Exploring Wintertime Sub-Canopy Micrometeorology in Boreal Forests using Measurements from a Cable Car System
- Fine-scale element mobility and alteration styles recorded in Jezero Crater floor rocks by PIXL
- Fingerprinting Low-Frequency Holocene Temperature and Precipitation Variability in Forced and Unforced Climate Models
- First Results from NASA's Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE) Mission
- Fluid flow within the shallow forearc of the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Seismic imaging, high-resolution ROV mapping, and gas/fluid geochemistry
- Forcing of shallow, intermediate and deep tropical circulations by radiative and convective processes
- Forest Structural Heterogeneity Emerges at Multiple Scales in Restored Frequent-Fire Landscapes of the Sierra Nevada
- GNSS Radio Propagation through Trapped Atmospheric Lee Waves in the San Bernardino Valley, CA
- GNSS-Derived Ionospheric Observations From the January 13-15 Tonga Eruptions and Tsunamis Over the Southwestern Pacific
- Generation and delivery of particles to brighten marine clouds: constraints on the size distribution
- GeoSMART: Machine Learning Training and Curriculum Development for Earth Science Studies
- Geochemical and Thermal Evidence from Pythia's Oasis Seep Indicate Strike-Slip Faults May Regulate Megathrust Pore Fluid Pressure Offshore Central Oregon
- Geotechnical and geophysical investigations of river-infrastructure interaction in response to the 2021 Ahr Valley flood
- Global Scale Variability of Submesoscale Frontal Dynamics
- Global Surface Load Induced Earthquakes
- Global reconstruction of multi-decadal lake water levels using ICESat-2 and long-term satellite imagery
- High resolution estimates of surface mass loss over debris-covered glaciers in High-Mountain Asia from VHR stereo satellite imagery
- High-resolution spatial and temporal snow distribution trends over CONUS (1990-2021)
- Horizontal deformation rates near the Cascadia subduction zone trench revealed by offshore GNSS-Acoustic time series
- How Does Precipitation Variability Control Bedload Response Across a Mountainous Channel Network in a Maritime Climate?
- How radiative feedbacks shape the response of the hydrological cycle to global warming
- Hydrogen Peroxide Photoformation in Particulate Matter and its Contribution to S(IV) Oxidation During Winter in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Ice-sheet subannual volume variations from ICESat-2 laser altimetry
- Identifying Marine Boundary Layer Mean State and Air-Sea Stratification Using Global High-Resolution Microwave Backscatter Measurements of Sea-Surface Roughness
- Impact of the Frequency and Intensity of Wet Periods in a Laterally Advected Landscape under Hyper-arid Conditions.
- Impacts of Changing Arctic Hydrodynamics and Wave Conditions on Maritime Transportation and Reverberations
- Impacts of Solar Cycle and QBO: From the Polar Area to Mid-latitude
- Impacts of snow grain shape and mixing state of light-absorbing particles-snow on surface fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau
- Improving Our Understanding of Tsunami Hazards in the Salish Sea: Comparing Source Models and Geologic Records
- Incorporation of Microbial Communities into Reactive Transport Modeling of Nitrogen in Subsurface Systems under Rainfall Perturbations
- Industrial-era Decline in Arctic Methanesulfonic Acid is Offset by Increased Biogenic Sulfate Aerosol
- Influence of Aitken Aerosol on Mesoscale Marine Low Cloud Morphology Regimes
- Informing Decarbonization through Machine Learning (ML): A Geospatial ML Pipeline for Estimating Heating Loads
- Integrating Traffic Pollution Dispersion into Spatiotemporal High-Resolution NO2 Prediction
- Interactive Visual Analytics to Study the Impacts of Cloud Radiative Properties on Climate Patterns
- Investigating Drivers of Subsidence of the Mount St. Helens Debris Flow Deposit Using InSAR
- Investigating Organic Emissions and Their Contribution to Particle Growth in Remote Marine Environment
- Investigating Spatial Scales of Energetic Particle Precipitation Signatures in the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere with a VLF Lightning Detection Network
- Investigating microearthquake multiplets using ocean bottom seismometers in a mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal field
- Investigating near-surface hydrological responses on crustal seismic velocity variations in subtropical and semi-arid regions
- LamaH-Ice: Large-Sample Data for Hydrology and Environmental Sciences for Iceland
- Land Surface Influence on Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) Evolution During Drydowns
- Landslide runout analysis using remote sensing for Lower and Upper Barun lakes
- Large-Scale Dynamics Control Interannual Variations in TTL Cirrus Clouds, Water Vapor, and Temperature
- Lessons Learned from SnowEx 2022 Hackweek for Fostering Open Science Communities
- Leveraging aircraft measurements and natural laboratories to constrain climate model behavior and aerosol forcing
- Lifecycle of sea ice floes reproduced using a new discrete element sea ice model
- Light Transmittance and Potential Solar Heating of the Ocean Water Column Across the Distributed Biological Observatory Sites in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas
- Linkage between the increased tropical rainfall and enhanced eastern equatorial Pacific
- Low Permeability Faults Inhibit Fluid Expulsion from the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin
- Low-cloud Feedbacks in an Ultra-parameterized GCM with Improved Computational Efficiency and Fidelity
- MJO Diversity in CMIP6 Models
- Making Ice Penetrating Radar More Accessible: A tool for Finding, Downloading and Visualizing Georeferenced Radargrams within the QGIS Ecosystem
- Making Machine Learning-based Snow Water Equivalent Forecasting Research Productive and Reusable by Geoweaver
- Mapping Potentially Active Cascadia Splay Faults using CASIE21 Seismic Reflection Imaging
- Mapping the Drought Nexus: Characterizing How Different Drought Metrics Observe Impacts in the Columbia River Basin
- Marine Cloud Brightening Forcing and Climate Response in the Community Earth System Model 2
- Marine Cloud Brightening Intervention Optimization using a Hybrid AI Approach
- Mass Wasting Runout: A new tool for assessing landslide hazard and potential sediment delivery to the channel network
- Massive Submarine Landslides Imaged Offshore Southern Oregon
- Measuring Vertical Strain Rates on the Begguya Summit Plateau Using the Autonomous Phase-Sensitive Radio Echo Sounder (ApRES)
- Measuring ocean-bottom wave driven dynamic pressure using seafloor fiber optic cable
- Metasomatism and Fluid Infiltration of Actinolitite, Talc-, and Chlorite-Actinolite Schist during Subduction on Santa Catalina Island, California: An Isocon Analysis
- Mining a large earthquake catalog at Axial Seamount with unsupervised spectral feature extraction method
- Minor Minerals Analyzed by PIXL – Major Insights into the Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks in Jezero Crater from Phosphate and Fe-Ti-Cr Oxide Minerals
- Mixed-Layer Budget Analyses of Conditionally Sampled Ship Tracks in LES
- Model-aided Climate Adaptation for Future Maize in the U.S.
- Modeling Seismogenic Glacier Basal Sliding under Varying Hydraulic Conditions
- Modeling the Processes that Control Ice-Shelf Rift Paths Using Damage Mechanics
- Mortality and Morbidity Attributable to Wildland Fire Smoke in California from 2008-2018.
- Multi-grain size dilution of 10Be in detrital quartz post the 2016 7.8M Kaikōura earthquake
- Multi-scale Characterization of a Major Subduction Zone Splay Fault: the Deception Creek Strand of the Patton Bay Fault, Montague Island, Alaska
- Multidisciplinary study of South Pescadero Basin hydrothermal venting reveals a single source for vent fields along the southwest basin margin
- Muti-Station Analysis of Icequakes and Earthquakes in Southern Alaska using Random Forests
- Nadir altimeter validation in small lakes using multisource ground observations
- Nanoparticulate iron oxyhydroxides dominate iron speciation in hydrothermal plumes over the 1-100 km distance from vent source
- Near-Term Climate Risks and Solar Radiation Modification: A Roadmap Approach for Physical Sciences Research
- Nearly enclosed bays as oases of life on Snowball Earth
- Neural Implicit Compact Representation to Compress Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data
- New Constraints on Gas and Gas Hydrate Concentration Estimates on the Cascadia Margin from Long-Offset Multichannel Seismic Data.
- New Observations of Plate Interface Depth and Geometry at the Offshore Cascadia Subduction Zone from the CAscadia Seismic Imaging Experiment 2021 (CASIE21) and Comparisons with Existing Plate Depth Models.
- New Opportunities with the Alaska and Cascadia Near-Trench Community Geodetic Experiment
- New Perspective on Seismo-Hydrology
- Northern Cascadia Subduction Termination and Plate Boundary Amplitude Variations from Marine Seismic Data
- Novel Relationship Found Between TROPOMI-Derived HONO/NO2 and SNPP-VIIRS-Derived FRP During Australia's Black Summer
- Observational Constraints of NOx Abundance, Sources, and Cycling in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer
- Observational Constraints on the Future Arctic Ice-Free Year: Importance of Regional Perspective
- Observational Evidence of Strong Forcing from Aerosol Effect on Low Cloud Coverage With Large-scale Ship-track Samples
- Observational data of uncrewed systems over Southern Great Plains (SGP)
- Observationally Weak TGFs in the Fermi-GBM Data
- Observations by Combined Uncrewed Systems during the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season
- Observations of Marine Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds and Contribution to Aerosol Growth in the Eastern North Atlantic
- Observations of Wave Propagation on Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, Illuminate the Mechanics of Slip at the Bed
- Observing Marine Heatwave Spatial Patterns in the Chesapeake Bay using Satellite Data
- Optical Fibers Listen to the Death Sounds of Glaciers
- Overview of ambient noise research and outreach with OOI hydrophones
- Oxidized Organic and Organic Nitrate Compounds in Fresh and Aged Wildfire Smoke
- Oxygenation by Bubble Dissolution at Estuarine Fronts
- Panel Discussion: Climate Intervention and Global Climate Change: Technological and Ethical Considerations - A Conversation of Candid Perspectives
- Particularities and Challenges of Ambient Noise Monitoring at Subduction Zone Volcanoes: A Comparison with Data from Cascadia and Kamchatka
- Partitioning the Fate of Soil Carbon Dioxide Between Losses to Atmosphere and Subsurface Hydrologic Flow Paths
- Patterns and Variability of the Antarctic Sea Ice Cover Preceding the 2022 Record Minimum Extent
- Persistent Threat to Coastal Ecosystems from Marine Heatwaves
- Petronet: a Petrology and High-Temperature Geochemistry Community Built Within AN Antiracist and Inclusive Framework
- Plausible Mechanisms for Tsunami-like Surge Deposits Due to the Chicxulub Impact at the K-Pg Boundary at the Tanis Site, North Dakota: Models for Seismic Excitation and Atmospheric Effects
- Polar Bears, Glaciers and Fjord Ice in Southeast Greenland
- Potential impact of future warming on the June 2012 North American derecho
- Predictability of Persistent Marine Heatwaves in the Extratropical Pacific
- Preliminary Results of Chronostratigraphy of Early Paleogene Terrestrial Sedimentary Section in Eastern Montana
- Processes controlling vertical moisture transport in cloudy regimes of the Atlantic trade cumulous region
- Projected Changes in Inter-Regional Simultaneity of Megafires in the Western US Based on NA-CORDEX Regional Climate Simulations
- QBO Deepens MJO Convection
- Quantifying and Predicting the Light Environment Beneath Bare and Ponded Arctic Sea Ice
- Quantifying the effects of participatory science on seasonal snow modeling outputs using the Community Snow Observations dataset
- Radar and Microphysical Characteristics of Snowbands in Northeastern U.S. Snowstorms: Results from the 2020 and 2022 Deployment of IMPACTS
- Re-examining the Prospects for Frictional Locking and Seismic Slip of the Cascadia Shallow Megathrust and Accretionary Wedge Faults
- Reassessing the dynamic and thermodynamic contributions to hydrologic change under global warming: Insights from the CESM large ensemble
- Reconstruction of Proglacial Geomorphic Change on Mount Baker, 1947 - 2015
- Remote Marine Boundary Layer Observations - Evaluating a New Atmospheric Pressure Ion-Molecule Reaction Region
- Remote sources of oceanic heat delivery to the Antarctic continental shelf
- Removing Atmospheric Noise from Interferograms in Mountainous Regions with a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
- Results from E/V Nautilus Expedition NA128 "Cascadia Margin Seep Exploration": Cascadia Margin Mapping, High-Resolution ROV Multibeam, and Gas/Fluid Sampling
- Role of ENSO teleconnection for skillful subseasonal to seasonal prediction of western North America surface air temperature
- Rough Around the Edges: Is Changing Ice Shelf Roughness a Precursor to Collapse?
- Saildrone Ocean Wave Measurements: NDBC Buoy Comparisons and Hurricane Observations
- Satellite Stereo Snow Depth Retrievals over Complex Terrain
- SeaFAIRing: experiences supporting deep ocean data providers towards more FAIR data
- Seasonal variations in the relative roles of oceanic and atmospheric processes in driving air-sea interaction
- Seasonality in Poleward Atmospheric Heat Transport Under Increased CO2
- Seasonality of the QBO Impact on Equatorial Clouds
- Sediment Reduction Effects of Best Management Practices in Roadside Ditch Lines
- Sediment Subduction along the Cascadia Subduction Zone Constrained by New Active Source Seismic Imaging from the CASIE21 Experiment
- Seeing forest processes from the overstory trees: strengths and weaknesses of forest remote sensing
- Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery (SCOPED), Year 1: Collaboration, Software, Training, and Workshops
- Seismically Derived Flow Velocities of Surface Mass Wasting Events in the Cascades 2001-2021
- Shapes and Voids of Atlantic Trade Cumulus Clouds
- Simulating the Impact of Cloud Microphysics and Ice Nucleation on Southern Ocean Clouds using Models Constrained by Observations
- Size-Resolved Characterization of Sulfate and S(IV) Species in Atmospheric Aerosols in Fairbanks, Alaska Winter
- Size-Segregated Non-Sea Salt Halide Concentrations in Marine Aerosols in Bermuda
- SlideRule: Enabling Rapid, Scalable, Open Science for the NASA ICESat-2 mission and beyond
- Soil Moisture Impacts on Convective Lightning Triggering
- Soil Moisture Modulates Temperature Extremes
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Panamanian Meteoric Waters
- Spatiotemporal distribution of blowing snow sea salt aerosol events in the Arctic derived from CALIOP observations
- Stormier Southern Hemisphere induced by topography and ocean circulation
- Structure and Dynamics of Estuarine Surface Fronts: a Comparative Study
- Sub-cloud Rain Evaporation in the North Atlantic Ocean during ATOMIC Campaign
- Subdaily GPS Imaging of Slow Slip Events at the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes Show Primary Sulfate is the Dominant Source of Particulate Sulfate During Winter in Fairbanks, AK
- Summer marine fog distribution in the Chukchi-Beaufort Seas
- Summertime Stratocumulus Precipitation Properties Observed from Aircraft during the SOCRATES campaign
- Surface Changes in a Transitioning Wet and Dry Depositional Environment, Deep Springs Playa, California with Implications for Mars
- Surfzone Eddy Processes Consistent with an Inverse Energy Cascade: Laboratory Experiments in a Directional Wave Basin
- Swell-Associated Microseismicity Near the Edge of the Ross Ice Shelf
- Synthesis of MODIS Satellite Imagery, Sea Ice Tracking, and Ocean Turbulence Model for Characterizing the Arctic Ocean Eddies
- Teal Carbon - Stakeholder-driven Monitoring of Forested Wetland Carbon
- The 2019 Marine Heatwave as Observed at Ocean Station Papa
- The 3rd Fermi-GBM Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Catalog
- The COLDEX regional aerogeophysical survey for oldest ice core candidate site selection: plans for 2022/23
- The Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX): Science plans and opportunities for community involvement
- The Changing Influence of Arctic Cyclones on the Atmosphere and Sea Ice Under Polar-Amplified Warming
- The Climate Response to the Mt Pinatubo Eruption Does Not Constrain Climate Sensitivity
- The Cold Point Tropopause in DYAMOND GSRMs: Overshooting Convection vs. Cirrus Lofting
- The Covid-19 Seattle Street View Campaign
- The Effects of the Arctic Oscillation on Snow on Sea Ice in a Warming Arctic
- The Forest Carbon Framework: leveraging Earth-observation data to democratize carbon markets
- The Geomorphic Legacy of Megaflood-derived Boulders on River Processes and Form
- The Role of ENSO on Tropical South American Precipitation During the Mid-Holocene.
- The Role of Triplet Excited States in Multiphase Sulphate Formation During Wintertime Pollution Events in Fairbanks, Alaska During ALPACA
- The Role of Vertical Advection and Mixing in Estuarine Frontogenesis
- The Sea Surface Temperature Pattern Effect in the Last Glacial Maximum Reduces Climate Sensitivity Estimates
- The Seasonal Cycle of Arctic Snow Depth: Linkages to ICESat-2 Summer Freeboards and Albedo
- The Southern Alps Long Skinny Array (SALSA): Virtual Earthquake Analysis of the Late-Interseismic Alpine Fault
- The Study of Precipitation, the Lower Atmosphere and Surface for Hydrometeorology (SPLASH) - Outcomes from the first year of observations
- The climate impact of changes in poleward heat transport by atmospheric eddies is damped by the Ferrel cell response
- The convective response to warming in cloud-resolving simulations with an interactive ocean
- The future of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation: Using large ensembles to illuminate time-varying responses and inter-model differences
- The impact of aerosol injections and adjustments in large-scale subsidence on stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition.
- The impacts of Southern Hemisphere extratropical cyclones on occurrence of low cloud types and morphologies
- The radiative feedback continuum from Snowball Earth to an ice-free hothouse
- The seismic anisotropy of glaucophane aggregates experimentally deformed at subduction zone pressure and temperature conditions
- The subglacial sediment from the Camp Century ice core: a unique in-situ paleoclimate archive from northwest Greenland
- The three-dimensional biogeochemistry of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Time-lapse seismic velocity changes coincident with dome emplacement at Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska
- Timing of Rainfall Associated with Arctic Cyclones and Impacts on the Sea Ice
- Towards Trusting Synthetic Microwave Retrievals: Introducing Uncertainty Quantification in a New Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
- Tracking dynamic wetland vegetation communities after a flood event with airborne AVIRIS-NG, UAVSAR, UAV LiDAR, and PlanetScope data in Peace-Athabasca Delta
- Tropical cyclone precipitation in the S2S models: climatology and skill
- Tropospheric and stratospheric submicron aerosol chemical composition over the remote northern Pacific ocean during the TI3GER campaign.
- UV Detectors and Instrumentation for Exoplanet Studies
- Understanding the Fundamental Pattern of Antarctic Temperature Change
- Understanding the Observable Range of Point-Source Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
- Understanding the influence of urban form on the spatial pattern of precipitation
- Unraveling the Complexity of M5-6 Earthquakes from Teleseismic Waveforms Improved Using Deep Learning
- Untangling the sources and fate of atmospheric methane over the last million years
- Upper Ocean Currents in the Tropical Pacific as Measured from Saildrone Uncrewed Surface Vehicle in Comparison to Surface and Subsurface Moorings at 0, 140W
- Upscaling Forest Type Maps Using Machine Learning with a Combination of FIA Field Plot, G-LiHT, and Sentinel-II data to Produce a Wall-to-Wall Map in the Tanana Unit of Interior Alaska.
- Using a phase space of environmental variables to drive an ensemble of cloud-resolving simulations of low marine clouds
- Validation of OSCAR Surface Currents in the Western Arctic Marginal Seas against Saildrone Observations
- Volcano-tectonic seismicity between caldera collapse events driven by distributed stressing vs. ring fault creep
- Washington State Climetime Network: One State's Education Efforts to Expand Climate Science Learning in K-12 Classrooms
- Wave Transformation and Circulation on Rough Rocky Sea-beds: Initial Results From the First Campaign of Rocky Shores Experiments and Simulations (ROXSI)
- Wet carbon monitoring with remote sensing: a review of the knowledge and needs
- What are the dominant atmospheric patterns responsible for surface-forced decadal AMOC variability?
- What can Glacier Beds tell us about Earthquake Nucleation?
- Within-city variation in ambient carbon monoxide concentrations: Leveraging low-cost monitors in a spatiotemporal modeling framework
- Zomia from Space: using satellite imagery to understand development in Asia's borderlands
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A Geruo
- A. A. Arendt
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. Bécel
- A. J. Brown
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Soja
- A. Joshua West
- A. Kavner
- A. Lenardic
- A. M. Fridlind
- A. M. Middlebrook
- A. W. Rollins
- A. W. Wood
- Aaron Donohoe
- Aaron T. Fricke
- Abigail L. S. Swann
- Adam B. Sokol
- Adam Herrington
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adam M. Booth
- Adam Varble
- Adele L. Igel
- Adi Stein
- Adnan Barkat
- Adriana Bailey
- Adrienne J. Sutton
- Aimée B. A. Slangen
- Alan J. Hidy
- Alan M. Gorchov Negron
- Alan Robock
- Albert A. Presto
- Alek Petty
- Alex Gardner
- Alex Hall
- Alex Huth
- Alexander J. Turner
- Alexander Norton
- Alexander R. Horner‐Devine
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alia L. Khan
- Alice K. DuVivier
- Alicia J. Hotovec‐Ellis
- Alison R. Duvall
- Alison R. Gray
- Allan H. Treiman
- Allen L. Robinson
- Allison A. Wing
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Amber S. Bismack
- Amir Salaree
- Anderson Banihirwe
- Andrea J. Fassbender
- Andrea L. Moore
- Andrea M. Jenney
- Andrea Molod
- Andreas Behrendt
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andreas Möller
- Andrei V. Kurbatov
- Andrew Bennett
- Andrew Curtis
- Andrew F. Thompson
- Andrew G. Pauling
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew J. Barbour
- Andrew J. Christ
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andrew J. Newman
- Andrew M. Dzambo
- Andrew N. French
- Andrew S. Ackerman
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Andrew V. Newman
- Andrey Y. Shcherbina
- Andy Ridgwell
- Angela K. Rowe
- Angelia L. Seyfferth
- Angelique Rosa Marín
- Angélica María Gómez
- Anne Gold
- Anne M. Tréhu
- Anthony B. Davis
- Anthony Fuentes
- Anthony J. Stewart
- Aodhan John Sweeney
- Arlan Dirkson
- Armin Wisthaler
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- Ashley B. Morris
- Astrid Blom
- Athanasios Nenes
- B. A. Forman
- B. A. Keisling
- B. Boston
- B. C. Sive
- B. E. Smith
- B. H. Samset
- B. J. Dalzell
- B. J. Phrampus
- B. Mailyan
- B. P. Lipovsky
- B. R. Markle
- B. T. Philip
- B. W. Crowell
- B. de Foy
- Balaji Rajagopalan
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Barnabé Cherville
- Bart Nijssen
- Beat Schmid
- Becky Alexander
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Ben H. Lee
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin Campforts
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin M. Sanderson
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin R. Lintner
- Bianca Adler
- Bidhyananda Yadav
- Björn Stevens
- Blaž Gasparini
- Bonnie Light
- Brandon Montemuro
- Brandon W. Kerns
- Brandy M. Toner
- Brendan R. Carter
- Brent Minchew
- Brett B. Palm
- Brian J. Yanites
- Brian Jackson
- Brian Menounos
- Brittany Dygert
- Brooke Medley
- Bruce M. Howe
- Bryan Riel
- Bulusu Subrahmanyam
- C. A. Rowe
- C. G. Wheat
- C. H. Thurber
- C. J. Chamberlain
- C. J. Gleason
- C. Max Stevens
- C. R. Jones
- C. S. Bretherton
- C. W. Fairall
- C. Wang
- C. Warneke
- Cailey Condit
- Caio Ciardelli
- Caitlin B. Whalen
- Calvin Howes
- Camille Risi
- Carl C. Trettin
- Carl Tape
- Carley D. Fredrickson
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- Caroline C. Womack
- Caroline Holden
- Casey Saenger
- Catherine Mitchell
- Catia M. Domingues
- Cecilia M. Bitz
- Celso M. Ferreira
- Cenlin He
- Chad A. Greene
- Chang Huang
- Chang Liao
- Channing J. Prend
- Chao Wang
- Charles D. Koven
- Charles H. Luce
- Charles Kuhn
- Charlotte A. DeMott
- Chelle Gentemann
- Cheng Dang
- Cheng‐Zhi Zou
- Chiara Paola Montagna
- Chidong Zhang
- Chihiro Kodama
- Chris Frans
- Christian Franzke
- Christina M. Aragon
- Christina S. McCluskey
- Christine L. Dolph
- Christine L. Goodale
- Christo Buizert
- Christopher B. Marsh
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- Christopher G. Nolte
- Christopher Gerbi
- Christopher J. Smith
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Christopher M. Jernigan
- Christopher M. Little
- Christopher R. German
- Christopher W. Tessum
- Chuanfei Dong
- Claire E. Lukens
- Clara Deser
- Clare Webster
- Claudia Acquistapace
- Clay Campbell
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Congcong Yuan
- Constantine Samaras
- Craig R. Ferguson
- Cristian Proistosescu
- César B. Rocha
- D. A. Butterfield
- D. A. Schmidt
- D. A. Young
- D. C. Soule
- D. D. Blankenship
- D. Goldberg
- D. Gómez
- D. K. Adams
- D. K. Henze
- D. M. Peteet
- D. P. Winebrenner
- D. R. Ardila
- Daeho Jin
- Daehyun Kang
- Daehyun Kim
- Dale R. Durran
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Dan Barker
- Dan H. Shugar
- Dan Jaffe
- Danica Adams
- Daniel E. Amrhein
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel Farinotti
- Daniel J. Lunt
- Daniel J. Short Gianotti
- Daniel McCoy
- Daniel V. Cotton
- Dany Waller
- Dar A. Roberts
- Dara Entekhabi
- Dariusz B. Baranowski
- Darrell R. Jackson
- Darren Pilcher
- David A. Bailey
- David Arge Klevang Pedersen
- David Bonan
- David Butman
- David C. Catling
- David D. Turner
- David Flannery
- David G. Tarboton
- David J. Wald
- David K. Ralston
- David Lagomasino
- David M. Lawrence
- David Noone
- David Rounce
- David S. Battisti
- David Shean
- David W. Caress
- David W. Pierce
- Dawn J. Wright
- Deborah S. Kelley
- Delaney B. Kilgour
- Delavane B. Diaz
- Denis Felikson
- Dennis L. Hartmann
- Dervla Meegan Kumar
- Diego Melgar
- Diego Villanueva
- Dien Wu
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Dominik Gräff
- Donald K. Perovich
- Donald Slater
- Dongwook Kim
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Dongyu Feng
- Donsub Rim
- Douglas A. Day
- Douglas S. Luther
- Duncan Watson-Parris
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- Dylan B. Millet
- E. A. Kort
- E. B. Thornton
- E. Brook
- E. C. Apel
- E. C. Osterberg
- E. Ciracì
- E. D. Gutmann
- E. D. Kyzivat
- E. J. Hyer
- E. M. Wilcox
- E. Maroon
- E. Povl Abrahamsen
- Earle A. Wilson
- Earle Williams
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Edward H. Bair
- Edward Kim
- Ehsan Erfani
- Eileen Martin
- Eleanor Casas
- Elizabeth Eiden
- Elizabeth Hunke
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Ellis A. Avallone
- Emily Eidam
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Emily V. Fischer
- Emily Warren‐Smith
- Emma Nuss
- Eric A. D’Asaro
- Eric Agol
- Eric Anderson
- Eric D. Maloney
- Eric J. Steig
- Eric P. Achterberg
- Erik K. Fredrickson
- Erika Rader
- Erin C. Pettit
- Erin E. McDuffie
- Erin Leonard
- Erin R. Hotchkiss
- Erin Trochim
- Erkan Istanbulluoglu
- Esteban Poveda
- Ethan Campbell
- Evan L. Sneed
- F. C. Lin
- F. C. Seidel
- F. Waldhauser
- Faisal Hossain
- Falk Feddersen
- Fan Mei
- Fenix Garcia‐Tigreros
- Fiammetta Straneo
- Finnigan Illsley‐Kemp
- Florian Pappenberger
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- Frank Flocke
- François Massonnet
- Frederick M. Bingham
- Frederik Tilmann
- Frida A.‐M. Bender
- G. A. Catania
- G. B. Bonan
- G. Bellucci
- G. D. Reeves
- G. E. Tucker
- G. Filacchione
- G. Keppel‐Aleks
- G. Ricker
- G. S. Diskin
- G. W. K. Moore
- G. Wilson
- Gab Abramowitz
- Gabriel A. Vecchi
- Gary Kleiman
- Geet George
- George H. Allen
- George Pouliot
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Georgy E. Manucharyan
- Gerald M. Heymsfield
- Gijs de Boer
- Giuseppe Torri
- Grace J. Di Cecco
- Graeme A. MacGilchrist
- Graham Feingold
- Grant Berland
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Gregory F. Moore
- Gregory J. Hakim
- Gregory R. Foltz
- Gregory S. Elsaesser
- Guadalupe Tovar Mendoza
- Guangyu Xu
- Guillaume Lapeyre
- Guillaume Mauger
- Guoqiang Tang
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- H. A. Janiszewski
- H. A. Singh
- H. Conway
- H. R. Dietterich
- H. Scott Matthews
- Hailong Wang
- Hamid A. Pahlavan
- Hanchao Jian
- Hannah Glover
- Hannah Halliday
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Haonan Chen
- Harald Stark
- Harry L. Stern
- Helena Seivane
- Helga do Rosário Gomes
- Henno Martin
- Hervé Giordani
- Hidenori Miyake
- Hisham Eldardiry
- Holly M. Andrews
- Hong Yi Li
- Hongbin Yu
- Hongli Liu
- Hongxiang Yan
- Hsin‐Hua Huang
- Hua Shu
- Hua Zhang
- Huancui Hu
- Hugh Coe
- Hugh Morrison
- Huilin Huang
- Hyongki Lee
- I. M. Howat
- Ian Eisenman
- Ian Fenty
- Ian Raphael
- Indira Molina
- Isabel L. McCoy
- Isaiah W. Bolden
- Isla R. Simpson
- Ivan Mitevski
- J. A. Hurowitz
- J. A. Resing
- J. A. Robinson
- J. Andrew Neuman
- J. B. DeSanto
- J. B. Paduan
- J. Badgeley
- J. E. Jack Reeves Eyre
- J. E. Kay
- J. J. McGuire
- J. L. Eigenbrode
- J. M. Adams
- J. M. Warren
- J. Mao
- J. Michelle Hu
- J. Ott
- J. P. Canales
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. Peischl
- J. R. McConnell
- J. R. Murray
- J. Stutz
- J. W. Keck
- J. de la Beaujardiere
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jack Elston
- Jack Tarricone
- Jacob A. Morgan
- Jacob O’Connor
- Jacqueline Lindsey
- Jacqueline M Nugent
- Jakob Lindaas
- James D. Goltz
- James H. Morison
- James Holmes
- James Holte
- James M. Wilczak
- James Murray
- James R. A. Davenport
- James R. Holmquist
- James Rising
- James T. Kirby
- James T. Randerson
- James W. Hurrell
- Jamie MacMahan
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Jane W. Baldwin
- Jeff Dozier
- Jeffrey A. Karson
- Jeffrey E. Richey
- Jeffrey P. Severinghaus
- Jennifer Andrews
- Jennifer E. Johnson
- Jennifer S. Fehrenbacher
- Jens Redemann
- Jens Zinke
- Jeong-Hwan Kim
- Jeremy K. Caves Rugenstein
- Jerome D. Fast
- Jesse Nusbaumer
- Jessica D. Lundquist
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessica N. Fitzsimmons
- Jessica V. Fayne
- Jiacan Yuan
- Jianfeng Li
- Jiang Zhu
- Jianhao Zhang
- Jianzhao Bi
- Jida Wang
- Jihong Cole‐Dai
- Jihoon Jung
- Jim Thomson
- Jing Tao
- Jinlun Zhang
- Jinwoo Im
- Jin‐Song von Storch
- Jiuxun Yin
- Jiwoo Lee
- Joachim Gottsmann
- Joachim Meyer
- Joanna Joiner
- Joaquim I. Goés
- Jobin Thomas
- Joel A. Thornton
- Joerg M. Schaefer
- Joeri Rogelj
- Johannes Karstensen
- Johannes Mohrmann
- John B. Nowak
- John C. Lin
- John C. Stella
- John D. Guthrie
- John E. Vidale
- John E. Yorks
- John M. Fegyveresi
- John Paden
- John Ragland
- John T. Abatzoglou
- John Townend
- John W. Goodge
- Johnathan Hair
- Johnny Seales
- Jonathan A. Czuba
- Jonathan M. Gregory
- Jong‐Seong Kug
- Joost van Haren
- Jordan E. Krechmer
- Jorge Arévalo
- Joseph A. Finlon
- Joseph Galewsky
- Joseph Hamman
- Joseph L. Wilkins
- Joseph Sedlar
- Joseph Thomas
- Joseph Wartman
- Julia K. Parrish
- Julia Szinai
- Julian D. Olden
- Julian Marshall
- Julian P. Sachs
- Julianne Davis
- Julie C. Fosdick
- Jun A. Zhang
- June T. Spector
- Junzhe Liu
- Justin E. Stopa
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin Pflug
- K. A. Lang
- K. C. Creager
- K. Emma Knowland
- K. G. Bemis
- K. H. Kilbourne
- K. J. Kreutz
- K. L. Siebach
- Kaiwen Wang
- Karen B. Gran
- Karen J. Heywood
- Karen Stocks
- Karl Stein
- Karthik Balaguru
- Katherine Dagon
- Katherine R. Barnhart
- Keith B. Rodgers
- Kelly E. McCusker
- Kelsey Bisson
- Kelvin H. Bates
- Kenji Kawamura
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kevin M. Smith
- Kim Christensen
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kimberly P. Wickland
- King Fai Li
- Kirk Ullmann
- Kirstie L. Haynie
- Knut Christianson
- Kosuke Namekata
- Kristi R. Arsenault
- Kristin L. Jaeger
- Kristina Pistone
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Kyla Drushka
- Kyle Benjamin Heyblom
- Kyle C. Armour
- Kyle G. Pressel
- L. A. Parsons
- L. C. Smith
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- L. Ruby Leung
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Laura Crews
- Laura D. Riihimaki
- Laura Ermert
- Laura M. Hinkelman
- Laura Meredith
- Lauren Gregoire
- Laurence Y. Yeung
- Laurie Padman
- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- Lazaros Oreopoulos
- Lee R. Kump
- Lei Geng
- Lei Zhu
- Leif Denby
- Leiqiu Hu
- Lexie Goldberger
- Li Hu
- Lianne Sheppard
- Lily Hahn
- Lily Zhang
- Linette N. Boisvert
- Linnea K. Honeker
- Lionel Renault
- Logan Brenner
- Logan Grey
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Lorenz Meire
- Louis C. W. Baker
- Louise Arnal
- LuAnne Thompson
- Lucas R. Vargas Zeppetello
- Lucy J. Carpenter
- Luisa von Albedyll
- Lyatt Jaeglé
- Lynne D. Talley
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. Mischna
- M. C. Wyant
- M. D. Lebsock
- M. E. French
- M. E. Pritchard
- M. E. Schmidt
- M. E. West
- M. J. Evans
- M. Kidiwela
- M. Krämer
- M. L. Fischer
- M. Li
- M. Myers
- M. Newcomer
- M. Piquette
- M. R. Koutnik
- M. R. Nedimović
- M. S. Briggs
- M. Studinger
- Mackenzie Day
- Madison Smith
- Mahdi Navari
- Makoto Kelp
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Malcolm McMillan
- Malte F. Stuecker
- Manabu Shiraiwa
- Manuela Köpfli
- Maoya Bassiouni
- Marc Simard
- Marcel Nicolaus
- Marco Bagnardi
- Marcus van Lier-Walqui
- Maren Böse
- Margaret L. Palmsten
- Maria Koroni
- Marika M. Holland
- Marina Dütsch
- Marine Denolle
- Mark A. Richards
- Mark A. Sephton
- Mark A. Zumberge
- Mark P. Waldrop
- Mark S. Wigmosta
- Marko Orescanin
- Marshall J. Styczinski
- Marta E Torres
- Martin Wild
- Martyn P. Clark
- Martyn Unsworth
- Marvin D. Lilley
- Marysa M. Laguë
- María Vernet
- Masahiro Watanabe
- Mason Leandro
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matt Biddle
- Matthew J. Hoffman
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Matthew M. Haney
- Matthew R. Mazloff
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matthew Route
- Mattias Rolf Cape
- Matěj Peč
- Meagan Wengrove
- Meeta Cesler‐Maloney
- Megan Mueller
- Megan Thompson-Munson
- Meghan F. Cronin
- Mei W. Tessum
- Melinda Webster
- Melissa Bukovsky
- Melissa Burt
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Melissa Moulton
- Melody Sandells
- Merritt E. Harlan
- Mia M. Bennett
- Michael Bliss Singer
- Michael Diamond
- Michael Durand
- Michael Gallagher
- Michael K. Tippett
- Michael M. Tice
- Michael McCarthy
- Michael P. Erb
- Michael R. Perfit
- Michael S. Pritchard
- Michael Steele
- Michalea D. King
- Michel Tsamados
- Michelle K. Lee
- Mimi Hughes
- Mingcheng Wang
- Mingjie Shi
- Mingjun Tong
- Mingxuan Wu
- Minn Lin Wong
- Min‐Seop Ahn
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Morgan L. Cable
- N. Jackson
- N. L. Bangs
- N. L. Ng
- N. M. Gasparini
- N. Stein
- Nan Rosenbloom
- Nan-Hsun Chi
- Nander Wever
- Naomi Goldenson
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nate Mitchell
- Nathalie F. Goodkin
- Nathalie Voisin
- Nathan Becker
- Nathan Chellman
- Nathan Collier
- Nathan J. Steiger
- Nathaniel C. Miller
- Nathaniel J. Buck
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicholas D. Ward
- Nicholas Holschuh
- Nicholas J. Tosca
- Nicholas P. McKay
- Nicholas Siler
- Nicholas Wright
- Nicola Maher
- Nicole Feldl
- Nicole S. Lovenduski
- Nicoleta Cristea
- Nils Hutter
- Nina M. Whitney
- Nina Stark
- Ning Sun
- Nori Nakata
- O. J. Roberts
- O. V. Sergienko
- Olaf Eisen
- Osamu Miyawaki
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. R. Mahaffy
- P. R. Veres
- P. Segall
- P.J. van Oevelen
- Paquita Zuidema
- Pascal Edme
- Patricia A. Matrai
- Patricia DeRepentigny
- Patricia MacQueen
- Patrick Belmont
- Patrick C. Taylor
- Patrick Joseph Monreal
- Paul A. Dirmeyer
- Paul Antony Selvadurai
- Paul Cornils Knutz
- Paul J. Kushner
- Paul J. Valdes
- Paulo M. Brando
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- Peter Caldwell
- Peter Gaube
- Peter J. Haeussler
- Peter Landschützer
- Peter Makus
- Peter N. Blossey
- Phil Rund
- Philip J. Rasch
- Philip Rosenfield
- Phyllis J. Stabeno
- Ping Chang
- Polona Itkin
- Pornampai Narenpitak
- Po‐Lun Ma
- Qi Zhang
- Qiang Fu
- Qiaoyun Peng
- Qibin Shi
- Qimin Wu
- Qing Zhu
- Qinghua Ding
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. A. Washenfelder
- R. Atlas
- R. Bahreini
- R. Bruno
- R. C. Aster
- R. C. Cohen
- R. H. Holzworth
- R. J. Weber
- R. M. Forbes
- R. M. Millan
- R. S. Hornbrook
- Rachel Wegener
- Randall J. LeVeque
- Randelle M. Bundy
- Ravindra Duddu
- Raymond J. Spiteri
- Rebecca T. Barnes
- Ricardo Arévalo
- Richard B. Alley
- Richard I. Cullather
- Richard Massey
- Richard Neale
- Riovie D. Ramos
- Robert C. J. Wills
- Robert C. Witter
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert G. Striegl
- Robert Holder
- Robert Kopp
- Robert N. Harris
- Robert Wood
- Rodrigo Caballero
- Roel Neggers
- Roger Marchand
- Romy Sabathier
- Ruhi S. Humphries
- Russell Doughty
- Ruth Branch
- Ruth G. Patterson
- Ruza Ivanovic
- Ryan Eastman
- Ryan M. Riggs
- Ryan T. Scott
- Ryohei Yamaguchi
- Ryuta Arai
- Rémi Laxenaire
- S. A. Carn
- S. A. Margulis
- S. Ahmad
- S. B. Malevich
- S. E. Minson
- S. G. Merle
- S. Han
- S. L. Goodbred
- S. L. Nooner
- S. Lesage
- S. Olinger
- S. P. Burton
- S. Papalexiou
- S. Platnick
- S. R. Hemming
- S. Schmidt
- S. T. Henderson
- S. Vance
- Sabrina Speich
- Safat Sikder
- Sahra Kacimi
- Samantha M Turbeville
- Samantha M. Wills
- Samantha Stevenson
- Samson Hagos
- Samuel Kaufmann
- Samuel LeBlanc
- Samuel R. Hall
- Sara C. Pryor
- Sara C. Sanchez
- Sarah J. Doherty
- Sarah Ragen
- Sarah Schlunegger
- Sarah T. Gille
- Scott Anderson
- Scott Braddock
- Scott W. Powell
- Se Jong Cho
- Sean Crowell
- Sean Patrick Santos
- Sean R Santellanes
- Sean Richard LaHusen
- Sebastian Milinski
- Seongeun Jeong
- Seth McGinnis
- Seth Zippel
- Shaina Sadai
- Shamsi Soltani
- Shane R. Coffield
- Shaoqing Zhang
- Sharon L. Doty
- Shelley A. Wright
- Shervan Gharari
- Shih-Yu Wang
- Shuai Yan
- Shuai Zhang
- Shubin Fu
- Shuichi Kodaira
- Shuichi Mori
- Shumenghui Zhai
- Sidharth Misra
- Simon P. de Szoeke
- Siyuan Wang
- Sofia D. Hamilton
- Soon‐Il An
- Sophie Szopa
- Spahr C. Webb
- Spruce W. Schoenemann
- Stefan Hendricks
- Stefan Schwietzke
- Stefanie Brachfeld
- Stephen C. Riser
- Stephen G. Warren
- Stephen Po‐Chedley
- Stephen Price
- Stephen R. Kane
- Stephen Yeager
- Steven Constable
- Steven E. Lohrenz
- Steven J. Woolnough
- Steven Pestana
- Steven S. Brown
- Su Jiang
- Sujata A. Murty
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sun‐Seon Lee
- Susan C. Anenberg
- Susan E. Dickerson‐Lange
- Susan Hautala
- Susan J. Conway
- Susan Q. Lang
- Susan Solomon
- Susannah Morey
- Susheel Adusumilli
- Suzana J. Camargo
- Suzanne L. Hawley
- Sylvain Biancamaria
- Sylvia Dee
- Séverine Fournier
- T. B. Ryerson
- T. C. Sutterley
- T. I. Melbourne
- T. J. Fudge
- T. Neumann
- T. Pavelsky
- Taher Chegini
- Tai‐Long He
- Takanobu Yamaguchi
- Tamara Baumberger
- Tamma Carleton
- Tamás Bódai
- Tanner Acquisto
- Taryn Black
- Taylor Lee
- Theodore Langhorst
- Theresa Sawi
- Thomas Felis
- Thomas Hudson
- Thomas J. Ballinger
- Thomas J. Bannan
- Thomas Oommen
- Thomas Opel
- Thomas P. Ackerman
- Thomas Quinn
- Thomas R. Chudley
- Thomas S. Bianchi
- Thomas Wagner
- Tian Zhou
- Tianjia Liu
- Tianle Yuan
- Tien L. T. Du
- Tiffany A. Shaw
- Timbo Stillinger
- Timothy Clements
- Timothy H. Bertram
- Tobias P. Fischer
- Todd Anderson
- Tom A. Jordan
- Tomás Sherwen
- Tony E. Wong
- Tripti Bhattacharya
- Troy J. Zaremba
- Troy S. Magney
- Trude Eidhammer
- Trude Storelvmo
- Tun Jan Young
- Tushar Mittal
- Twila Moon
- Tyeen Taylor
- Tyler Kukla
- U. K. Haritashya
- Uma S. Bhatt
- V. Mennella
- V. R. Eke
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- Valentin Tertius Bickel
- Vanessa Bailey
- Vardis Tsontos
- Vasily V. Titov
- Veljko Petković
- Vernon R. Morris
- Victoria McDonald
- Vincent Cooper
- Volker Wulfmeyer
- W. M. Wollheim
- W. R. Simpson
- W. Rockwell Geyer
- Wade Permar
- Walter Szeliga
- Wei Cheng
- Wei Ji Leong
- Wei Wang
- Wendy Robertson
- Wenju Cai
- Whyjay Zheng
- Wieslaw Maslowski
- Will Krantz
- William C. Porter
- William Collins
- William D. Barnhart
- William F. Hoover
- William I. Gustafson
- William J. Gutowski
- William J. Riley
- William Merryfield
- William Ryan Currier
- William S. D. Wilcock
- William Struble
- William W. Chadwick
- Woo Taik Moon
- Wouter Knoben
- X. Gong
- Xianan Jiang
- Xiangfeng Wang
- Xiangming Xiao
- Xianyao Chen
- Xiao Yang
- Xiaodong Chen
- Xiaohua Xu
- Xiaojun Yuan
- Xiaoli Zhou
- Xiaotao Yang
- Xuan Wang
- Xubin Zeng
- Xueying Yu
- Yang Gao
- Yang Liu
- Yanyun Liu
- Yen Joe Tan
- Ying Na
- Yinzhi Wang
- Yolande L. Serra
- Yong Wei
- Young‐Kwon Lim
- Yu Gu
- Yuankun Xu
- Yuanlei Chen
- Yuanwei Qin
- Yue Li
- Yuehan Zhou
- Yuk‐Chun Chan
- Yun Qian
- Yuta Notsu
- Zachary C. J. Decker
- Zachary M. Labe
- Zebedee Nicholls
- Zeli Tan
- Zhangshuan Hou
- Zhao Yang
- Zhe Feng
- Zheng Liu
- Zhigang Peng
- Zhiming Kuang
- Zhuo Yang
- Ziheng Sun
- Ziqin Ni
- Zoe Krauss
- Zoe Pierrat
- Zoltán Szűts
- Ángel F. Adames
- Émilie Pauline Dassié
- Éric Beaucé