University of Washington, Department of Physics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM)
- Sea Ice Stress and Deformation During the SHEBA Field Experiment
- The Influence of Ocean Flow on Newly-Forming Sea Ice
- The Physics of Frost Heave
- Understanding Rocket-Borne Electric Field Measurements in the Mesosphere
- Ocean Tidal Dynamo Identified in CHAMP Satellite Magnetic Data
- Single Crystal Raman Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics of Garnet Solid Solutions I: Grossular-Andradite
- Current Layer Jump Conditions for the Magnetopause
- Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM)
- Memory effect in the collisional charging of ice
- Single Crystal Raman Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics of Garnet Solid Solutions II: Pyrope - Almandine Binary
- The International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP)
- Thermodynamic Parameters of Uvarovite (Ca<SUB>3Cr_2Si_3O<SUB>12</SUB></SUB>) from Single Crystal Raman Spectroscopy
- A Comparison of Downslope Propagation, Rough Boundary Effects, and Shear in T-phase Excitation
- An Autonomous Network Measuring Changes in the Thickness of the Arctic Sea Ice Cover
- Satellite Observations of Small Ice Crystals and Lightning
- Thermoelastic Parameters of Aluminate Perovskites from Single Crystal Vibrational Spectroscopy at Ambient and High Pressures
- Toward Probing Martian Ground Ice Using Microwave Emission: Data and Calculations from Antarctic Dry Valley Analogs
- Spatial Patterns of Accumulation and Ablation on the Martian North Polar Cap from Ice Flow Inverse Modeling
- Unusual Upper and Lower Mantle Discontinuities Detected Under the Western Pacific
- Multi-Fluid Model of 1D Magnetotail Current Sheet
- North Atlantic Ventilation Estimates Using Satellites and Profilers
- A Unified Sea Ice Thickness Data Set for Model Validation
- Composition of Upper Arctic Ocean Water Masses North of Ellesmere Island
- The rate of ice sheet mass-loss from southeast Greenland from combined GLAS and ASTER observations
- Inferring Mass-Balance Patterns and Rates from Radar-Internal Layers in Martian Ice
- Optical Lightning Detection and and Vector Electric Field Measurements Gathered in the Low-Latitude Ionosphere by Probes on the C/NOFS Satellite
- Resonant Forcing of Mixed Layer Inertial Motions by Atmospheric Easterly Waves in the Northeastern Tropical Pacific
- A Simple Physical Model for the Thermal Conductivity of Planetary Regolith
- Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations
- Dynamic ocean tides on moons of the outer planets
- Process-Based Predictive Coastal Erosion Modeling for Drew Point (North Slope, Alaska)
- Radar Evidence For Past Ice Flow on Gemina Lingula in the North Polar Layered Deposits
- Seasonality of Air-sea-ice-land Variables for Arctic Tundra in Northern Eurasia and North America
- Traveling Wave Modal Attenuation in Layered Media
- A Monte Carlo Method to Find Mass Flux Variability in the North Atlantic and Southern Oceans
- A Virtual Ocean Observatory for Climate and Ocean Science: Synergistic Applications for SWOT and XOVWM
- A new mode of high frequency variability in Arctic Ocean bottom pressure and its possible effects on GRACE solutions
- Alaska tundra vegetation trends and their links to the large-scale climate
- An estimate for committed sea-level rise during the next century resulting from Greenland ice sheet dynamics during the past decade (Invited)
- COHSTREX: The Coherent Structures in Rivers and Estuaries Experiments
- Coherent structures and near-surface turbulence in a tidal river
- Comprehensive Characterization a Tidal Energy Site (Invited)
- Control of Puget Sound Estuarine Circulation by Tide-Topography Interactions at a Strait
- Dissipation from a Drifter
- Extreme Short-term Variability in Southeast Greenland Outlet Glacier Dynamics
- Freshwater influences on productivity, retention, and export in the northern California Current System (Invited)
- Future Concepts for River Discharge Measurements with Microwave Radar
- Ice Front Position, Thinning and Speed Variability of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland (Invited)
- Ice Surface Velocity Changes On and Around Active Subglacial Lakes Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams, West Antarctica
- Modeling the future ice discharge of a small tidewater glacier, West Greenland
- Observations of ebb flows on tidal flats: Evidence of dewatering?
- Partitioning Between Plume and Diffuse Flow at the Grotto Vent Cluster, Main Endeavour Vent Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Past and Present
- Sea ice response to an extreme negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation during winter 2009/2010
- Small-scale instability of a river plume front
- Spatially and temporally distributed re-evaluation of global CO2 outgassing from inland waters: The tropics dominate global fluxes
- Surface Flow and Turbulence in an Estuarine River Channel (Invited)
- 21st century evolution of Greenland outlet glacier velocities
- A Wind Partition of the MJO
- A novel approach to quantifying algal contributions to suspended organic matter from elemental composition
- Accumulation rates across Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, West Antarctica
- Acoustic measurement method of the volume flux of a seafloor hydrothermal plume
- Elevation change patterns on Pine Island, Thwaites, and Smith glaciers inferred from Ice Bridge and ICESat altimetry
- Evolution of Stratigraphy Under the Action of Ice Flow in Gemina Lingula
- Field Measurements to Characterize Turbulent Inflow for Marine Hydrokinetic Devices - Marrowstone Island, WA
- Hydrothermal flow at Main Endeavour Field imaged and measured with Cable Operated Vent Imaging Sonar
- Impacts of the Changing Seasonality of Wind-driven Mixing on the Arctic System
- Modes of supraglacial lake drainage and dynamic ice sheet response
- Natural variability of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and pH in the Atlantic and Pacific coastal margins of the U.S
- Ocean Observing at Axial Seamount: Details of the Current OOI-RSN Design Within the Context of the April 2011 Eruption
- Rapid dynamic thinning events during 1985-2010 on Upernavik Isstrøm, West Greenland
- Sea-ice behavior and biological productivity in the Amundsen Sea: New insight from West Antarctic Ice Sheet records
- Seasonal Changes in the Marine Production Cycles in Response to Changes in Arctic Sea Ice and Upper Ocean Circulation
- The BRomine, Ozone, and Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX)
- "Submesoscale Soup" Vorticity and Tracer Statistics During the Lateral Mixing Experiment
- 21st-century Greenland outlet glacier velocities on multiple timescales
- Airborne microwave radar measurements of surface velocity in a tidally-driven inlet
- Alaska Coastal Tundra Vegetation's Links to Climate
- An Ocean-Based Potential Intensity Index for Tropical Cyclones
- Arctic sea ice albedo through the summer melt cycle: CCSM4 compared with a satellite/empirical record over 1979 -2005
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Cooling and warming of SST in the wake of typhoon Fanapi (2010)
- Demonstration of a mid-water mooring for tidal turbulence measurements
- Did Irving Langmuir Observe Langmuir Circulations?
- Dual-Phase Warming of the Cold Wake of Typhoon Fanapi, 2010
- Flow modeling of Gemina Lingula with slope-dependent ablation reproduces near-surface radar stratigraphy
- Geomicrobiology of subglacial meltwater samples from Store Landgletscher and Russell Glacier, West Greenland
- Horizontal gradients of bromine monoxide (BrO) across the lead and young sea ice features, from surface based instruments near Barrow, AK during the BRomine, Ozone, Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX), Spring 2012
- Inertial Motions and Mixing in the Wake of Typhoon Fanapi
- Infrared Measurements of the Emissivity of Seawater and Foam
- Interaction of inertial oscillations and symmetric instability in the Gulf Stream
- Internal wave energy dissipation: near and far, where and how?
- Kinematic analysis of the MJO by wind partitioning
- Mapping wave breaking and residual foam using infrared remote sensing
- NANOOS, the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems: a regional Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) for the Pacific Northwest US
- Near-Inertial Pathways from Balanced Flow to Turbulent Dissipation in the Kuroshio Front
- Near-inertial wave generation and dissipation in unforced Kuroshio Front simulations
- New, High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Accumulation Rate Measurements and Their Validation of Climate Models and Implication for the Recent Sea-Level Contribution from West Antarctica
- Observations of a rapidly flowing and significantly retreated Jakobshavn Isbrae and the proglacial ice mélange from a ground based radar interferometer
- Quantifying Ice-sheet/Ice-shelf Dynamics and Variability with Meter-scale DEM and Velocity Timeseries
- Recent sea ice change in the Beaufort Gyre: The role of ice dynamics
- Regional Feedbacks Between the Ocean and the Atmosphere in the North Atlantic
- Samoan Passage Abyssal Mixing Experiment
- Sea ice deformation and the ice thickness distribution: How novel observations can help to improve models
- Seasonal and regional variability in dissolved and particulate iron fluxes via glacial runoff along the West Greenland coast
- Seasonal changes of chemical, isotopic and microbiological signatures in meltwater outflows of the West Greenland Ice Sheet
- Seasonal velocities of eight major marine-terminating outlet glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet from continuous in situ GPS instruments
- Separating Internal Waves and Vortical Structure in the Open Ocean
- Shifting Gravel and the Acoustic Detection Range of Killer Whale Calls
- Southern Ocean Centennial Variability Impact on North Atlantic Sea Level
- Strong near-inertial shear in the Gulf Stream front
- Submesoscale Instabilities on the North Wall of the Gulf Stream
- Submesoscale Mixing at the Wintertime Gulf Stream Front
- Super-heated flooding fronts on tidal flats
- The Case For Regional Feedbacks
- The Ocean Wave Resource
- The Sound of Tropical Cyclones
- The depth and distribution of crevasses' thermal influence in Western Greenland
- Thermography of the New River Inlet plume and nearshore currents
- Time-series measurements of hydrothermal plume volume flux with imaging sonar
- Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate observations in the cold wake of Typhoon Fanapi
- United States Naval Academy Polar Science Program's Visual Arctic Observing Buoys; The IceGoat
- Variations of surface mixed layer heat and salinity budget during DYNAMO
- Wave Breaking Dissipation in Fetch-Limited Seas
- Wave Breaking at New River Inlet
- Wind Stress Estimation in Typhoon Fanapi and Megi 2010
- AirSWOT: A New Airborne Instrument for Hydrology
- Analysis of the seasonal and interannual evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae from 2010-2013 using high spatial/temporal resolution DEM and velocity data
- Antipodal Acoustic Thermometry: 1960, 2004
- Array-based hydroacoustic characterization of P, S, and T-phases in the Philippine Sea
- Constraining the recent mass balance of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, West Antarctica with airborne observations of snow accumulation (Invited)
- Contrasting ice sheet response to early and late summer rapid supraglacial lake drainage events on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Effects of Human Alterations on Global River Basins and their Associated Coastal Zones: focus on River-dominated Ocean Margins (RiOMars)
- Estimation of River Bathymetry from ATI-SAR Data
- Evaluation of Oceanic Transport Statistics By Use of Transient Tracers and Bayesian Methods
- Experimental evidence for supercooled brines, viscous liquids, and low temperature perchlorate glasses on Mars
- Extending the Interoperability of Sensor and Sample Based Earth Observations using a Community Information Model (Invited)
- Freshwater Variability between Ellesmere Island and the North Pole
- Heat flux measured acoustically at Grotto Vent, a hydrothermal vent cluster on the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- High space-time resolution analysis of ice motion at a rapidly retreating tidewater glacier (Invited)
- Investigating the impacts of LLJs and OLEs on ABL exchanges and transports using an airborne Doppler wind lidar
- Local Effects of Ice Floes on Skin Sea Surface Temperature in the Marginal Ice Zone from UAVs
- Ocean Acidification of the coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest: A modeling study
- Probing Water Ice for Trace Organics using Raman Scattering in the Laboratory and Terrestrial Field Analogs
- Remote Chemical Analysis at Enceladus: An Astrobiology Science Instrument Concept
- Sea ice/ice mélange and outlet glacier interaction in northwest Greenland
- Submarine-based Sea-ice Draft measurements from 2011 ICEX
- The Cabled Component of NSF's Ocean Observatories Initiative: A Distributed, Multi-Sensor, Interactive Telepresence Within Ever-Shifting Marine Ecosystems
- The fate of Greenland meltwater: Progress and challenges in understanding the influence of surface melt on ice sheet dynamics and runoff in a highly transient hydrologic system (Invited)
- United States Naval Academy Polar Science Program's Visual Arctic Observing Platforms; IceGoat and IceKids
- Anomalous chlorofluorocarbons at the bottom of the eastern subtropical North Pacific Ocean
- Arctic Sea ice thickness loss determined using subsurface, aircraft, and satellite observations
- Changes in Arctic sea ice deformation from 2000-2010
- Changing Seasonality of Tundra Vegetation and Associated Climatic Variables
- Development and Testing of a Radio Transmitter for Englacial Trilateration
- Development of an Information Exchange format for the Observations Data Model version 2 using OGC Observations and Measures
- Frontal features of the Columbia River plume seen from a high-resolution non-hydrostatic model
- Geomicrobiology of Meltwater From the Western Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Gravitational signature and apparent mass changes in Amundsen Embayment caused by low viscosity GIA model constrained by rapid bedrock displacement
- Hydrologically Induced Basal Slip Triggers Greenland Supraglacial Lake Drainages
- Information Requirements for Integrating Spatially Discrete, Feature-Based Earth Observations
- Insights on Arctic Sea Ice Processes from New Seafloor and Coastline Mapping
- Inverse theory resolution analysis in planning radio science gravity investigations of icy moons
- MIZMAS Forecast of Sea Ice Thickness and Drift in the Beaufort Sea Marginal Ice Zone
- Modeling Ocean-Forced Changes in Smith Glacier
- Observations and Modeling of Atmospheric Profiles in the Arctic Seasonal Ice Zone
- Oceanographic Conditions in the Canada Basin at the End of Winter during 2014 Recorded by the Scicex Program
- Quantification of Diffuse Hydrothermal Flows Using Multibeam Sonar
- Stromatolites As Fine Records of Terrestrial Environmental Conditions: Examples from the Eocene Green River Formation (Wyoming)
- Stromatolites provide a terrestrial record of a ~35ka warming event in Walker Lake, a remnant of the Pleistocene Lake Lahontan (Western Nevada, USA)
- The Expansion of the Marginal Ice Zone in the Pacific Arctic
- The Floe Size Distribution in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
- The Transpolar Drift in the Central Arctic Ocean as Measured by AON Observations
- The community-driven BiG CZ software system for integration and analysis of bio- and geoscience data in the critical zone
- Twelve years of Amundsen and Bellingshausen Coast Thinning Observed with Altimetry and Photogrammetry.
- Using airborne LIDAR to measure tides and river slope
- A Mechanism Linking Tropical-Arctic Teleconnection to Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Weather Events
- A real-time cabled observatory on the Cascadia subduction zone
- Accuracy of short term Sea Ice Drift Forecasts using a coupled Ice-Ocean Model
- Analysis of Bubble Plume Distributions to Evaluate Methane Hydrate Decomposition on the Cascadia Margin
- Application of ARM Cloud Radar Simulator to GCMs: Plan, Issues, and Preliminary Results
- Arctic Ozone and Bromine Chemistry: Relationships with Snow Composition and Open Lead Presence
- Atmosphere-Ocean Forcing of Ice-Sheet Change in the Amundsen Sea Sector of Antarctica
- Autonomous ocean observations beneath Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
- Barriers and potential solutions for Critical Zone data integration between environmental genomics and the geosciences
- Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution in the Marginal Ice Zone in a Thickness and Floe Size Distribution Model
- Changes in Tropical Precipitation at the Mid-Holocene: Role of the Oceanic Heat Transport
- Chlorophyll-a Variability in the Southern Ocean Mixed Layer and Euphotic Zone From Elephant Seals and Profiling Floats
- Committed near-future retreat of Smith, Pope, and Kohler Glaciers inferred by transient model calibration
- Comparing measured and modeled firn compaction rates in Greenland
- Complex Relationship between Accumulation and Temperature in West Antarctica for the Past 31,000 Years
- Double-Difference Earthquake Locations Using imaging Magma Under St. Helens (iMUSH) Data
- External forcing modulates Pine Island Glacier flow
- Gravitational signature and apparent mass changes in Amundsen Embayment caused by low viscosity GIA model constrained by rapid bedrock displacement
- Heat and Freshwater Convergence Anomalies in the Atlantic Ocean Inferred from Observations
- High Resolution Modeling of the Water Cycle to Refine GRACE Signal Analysis in the Gulf of Alaska Drainage
- High Resolution Thermal Model and Heat Flow along the Washington Margin of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Hypsometric control on glacier mass balance sensitivity in Alaska
- Implications of Glacier Volume Change for Ice-Ocean Interactions
- Infrastructure Upgrades to Support Model Longevity and New Applications: The Variable Infiltration Capacity Model Version 5.0 (VIC 5.0)
- Integration of bio- and geoscience data with the ODM2 standards and software ecosystem for the CZOData and BiG CZ Data projects
- Investigating a newly discovered firn aquifer on Disko Ice Cap, west Greenland: Insights from ground observations, remote sensing, and modeling
- Lightweight Data Systems in the Cloud: Costs, Benefits and Best Practices
- Local surface winds modulate the ocean forcing of Pine Island Glacier
- Loitering of the Retreating Sea Ice Edge in the Arctic Seas
- Magma reservoirs from the upper crust to the Moho inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs models beneath Mount St. Helens
- Measuring Ice Sheet Height with ICESat-2
- Modeled Effects of Encapsulated Crude Oil on Light Transmission Through Sea Ice
- Modeling Subglacial Meltwater Plumes across Greenland's Outlet Glaciers: Implications for Ice-Ocean Coupling in a Warming Climate
- Moulin distribution and formation on the southwest Greenland ice sheet
- Numerical Investigation of a Path to Recoverable Melt Probes for Subglacial Lake Exploration
- Physical Characteristics and Geobiology of 'Rotten' Arctic Sea Ice
- Pine Island Glacier melt rates, grounding zone evolution, and dynamic response from 2008-2015
- Positron density enhancements recorded within a thunderstorm by ADELE
- Preliminary Shear Velocity Tomography of Mt St Helens, Washington from iMUSH Array
- Prospecting for Diverse Igneous Rock Types on Mars: Pixl on "black Beauty" Nwa 7533
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Inferred Viscosity and Basal Shear Stress Over Ice Streams
- Reconsidering Fault Slip Scaling
- Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Address the U.S. Priorities and Advance Capabilities for Arctic Climate Modeling and Prediction
- Remote characterizing diffuse hydrothermal flows using multi-beam sonar
- Satellite-based Observation of Arctic River Dynamics
- Seasonal and interannual evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland from a 2008-2015 high-res DEM and velocity time series
- Simulating the Stream Temperature Response to Hydrologic and Land Use Alterations
- Simulation of Arctic climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to atmospheric processes
- Spatial and Temporal Comparisons of Tremor and Slow Slip in Cascadia
- Spatially-distributed Calibration of Two Macroscale Hydrologic Models Across the Columbia River Basin
- Statistical Variability of Ice Crystal Orientations in Ice Sheets
- Terminus behavior of Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq Glaciers, southeast Greenland, from 2008-2015
- The Asian monsoon's role in atmospheric heat transport responses to orbital and millennial-scale climate change
- The FirnCover Project - Real-time Monitoring of Greenland's Firn Compaction in a Changing Climate
- The Greenland Ice Mapping Project
- The Influence of Snow Depth Distribution and Surface Topography on Melt Pond Evolution
- The Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) ice core: climate and ice dynamics of the Ross Sea, West Antarctica
- The Trace Element Composition of Plankton and Dust in the Qatari EEZ
- The role of atmospheric synoptic conditions in the Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone
- The role of meltwater variability in modulating diurnal to inter-annual ice-sheet flow: New insights from a ~decade of high-temporal resolution GPS observations on the western Greenland margin
- Trapped Heat and Cooling Processes in the Arctic Ocean Surface Mixed Layer
- Triggers for the Collapse of Ice Shelves in Antarctica: Investigating Compressive Arch Failure with Numerical Models
- Wave breaking turbulence in the ocean surface layer
- "Rotten Ice": Characterizing the Physical Properties of Arctic Sea Ice Under Conditions of Extreme Summer Melt
- 3D Vp travel time tomography of the iMUSH active source seismic data
- A Cause and A Solution for the Underprediction of Extreme Wave Events in the Northeast Pacific
- A linked lake system beneath Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica reveals an efficient mechanism for subglacial water flow.
- A new paradigm for predicting zonal-mean climate and climate change
- Airborne Multi-Band SAR in the Arctic
- Allan Hills Pleistocene Ice Project (PIP)
- An Integrated Canopy Gap Module with DHSVM for Improving Predictions of Canopy-Snow Dynamics
- An Offshore Geophysical Network in the Pacific Northwest for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning and Hazard Research
- An automated, open-source (NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline) workflow for mass production of high-resolution DEMs from commercial stereo satellite imagery: Application to mountain glacies in the contiguous US
- Arctic Sea Ice Classification and Mapping for Surface Albedo Parameterization in Sea Ice Modeling
- Assimilation of Sonic Velocity and Thin-Section Measurements from the NEEM Ice-Core
- Bedform signature and sediment properties of a 20<SUP>th</SUP> century grounding line beneath Pine Island Ice Shelf, West Antarctica from high-resolution AUV data.
- Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Thickness and Floe Size
- Characterizing "Rotten" Ice: Changes in first-year Arctic sea ice during advanced summer melt
- Clean, Logistically Light Access to Explore the Closest Places on Earth to Europa and Enceladus
- Closing the loop on elevation change at Summit, Greenland.
- Comparing spatial scales of IMERG rain with depth-resolved near-surface salinity structure as measured during the SPURS-2 experimen
- Comparison of in-situ and optical current-meter estimates of rip-current circulation
- Complex patterns of 21<SUP>st</SUP> century Greenland outlet glacier change
- Conservation status of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in relation to projected sea-ice declines
- Deep long-period earthquakes (DLPs) beneath Mount St. Helens
- Distribution of Low-Frequency Earthquake Moment Release beneath the Olympic Peninsula, WA
- Diurnal Cycle of Clouds and Precipitation at the ARM SGP Site
- Evaluation and Improvement of Polar WRF simulations using the observed atmospheric profiles in the Arctic seasonal ice zone
- Evaluation of Atmosphere-Land-Sea Ice-Ocean Interface Processes in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM1.0)
- Evolution of Crevasses Fed by Water from the East Greenland Firn Aquifer
- Fast Deployment on the Cloud of Integrated Postgres, API and a Jupyter Notebook for Geospatial Collaboration
- Field Measurements of Wave Breaking at the Columbia River Mouth
- FirnCover: Observations on the evolution of firn compaction, firn temperatures and porosity in the interior of the Greenland ice sheet
- Forecasting Ocean Acidification in the coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest
- Global surface density variability on scales relevant to SWOT
- Ice-sheet Temperature Around Subglacial Lake Vostok Constrained by New Flowband Modeling
- In-situ GPS records of surface mass balance, firn compaction rates, and ice-shelf basal melt rates for Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica
- In-situ Observations of Eddy Generation from a Meandering Jet in the Kuroshio Extension
- InSAR Constraints on the Deformation of Debris-Covered Glaciers in the Khumbu Region of Nepal
- Influence of the recent high-latitude atmospheric circulation change on summertime Arctic sea ice
- Integrating in-situ observations, remote sensing and modeling to constrain the mass balance evolution of Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska, 1980-2015-2100
- Inter-annual Variability in Snow Accumulation using Ground-Penetrating Radar on Wolverine and Gulkana glaciers, Alaska: Implications for Glacier Mass Balance Modeling
- Investigation of Mount St. Helens seismicity and volcanic arc structure with a hybrid passive and active source survey
- Irregular Layering at mid-depths in two Antarctic Ice Cores
- Microwave Ground-Based Retrievals of Liquid Water Path in Drizzling Clouds: Challenges and Possibilities
- Model My Watershed and BiG CZ Data Portal: Interactive geospatial analysis and hydrological modeling web applications that leverage the Amazon cloud for scientists, resource managers and students
- Modeling the Evolution of Seasonally Frozen Soils and Permafrost in the Arctic
- Monitoring glacier change: advances in cross-disciplinary research and data sharing methods
- Multi-Decadal and High-Resolution Observations of Greenland Outlet Glacier Dynamics from the Greenland Ice Mapping Project (GIMP)
- Observations of wave-enhanced mixing in the autumn Arctic Ocean
- Observatory enabled discovery of diffuse discharge temperature structure
- Parameter Space of the Columbia River Estuarine Turbidity Maxima
- Past and present flow organization of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Physics-based inversion of multibeam sonar data for sediment characterization.
- Quantified Objectives for Assessing the Contribution of Low Clouds to Climate Sensitivity and Variability
- Radiative Transfer Modeling to Estimate the Impact of CDOM on Light Absorption within Changing Arctic Sea Ice
- Rain Impact Model Assessment of Near-Surface Salinity Stratification Following Rainfall
- Rain Rate from IMERG as a Predictor for Salinity Stratification in the Upper Meter of the Ocean during SPURS-2 Rain Events
- Reducing Errors in Satellite Simulated Views of Clouds with an Improved Parameterization of Unresolved Scales
- Regional Upper Ocean Variability and Ocean Heat Losses during the 2015 Autumn Ice-Edge Advance in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas as Observed during the Sea State Field Campaign
- Rise in central west Greenland surface melt unprecedented over the last three centuries
- Seasonal variability in ice-front position, glacier speed, and surface elevation at Helheim Glacier, SE Greenland, from 2010-2016
- Sensitivity of Arctic Climate in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) to Atmospheric Processes
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Mount St. Helens Region from the iMUSH array
- Simulating ice shelf response to potential triggers of collapse
- Straddling Interdisciplinary Seams: Working Safely in the Field, Living Dangerously With a Model
- Studying Elevation Change in the Bellingshausen Sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The Phenology of Arctic Ocean Surface Warming
- The Response of Cloud Fraction to Climate Variability over the Extratropical Oceans as observed by MISR and MODIS
- The dependence of Arctic cloud on the synoptic conditions in the Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone
- Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) Budgets Using 5-beam Doppler Profilers
- Using Satellite- and Ground-Based Simulators to Evaluate the US DOE Climate Model (ACME) Simulated Clouds
- Using the OOI Cabled Array HD Camera to Explore Geophysical and Oceanographic Problems at Axial Seamount
- Wet firn processes and the implications for geodetic mass balances
- Winds, waves, and the Fraser river plume
- A Citizen Science Campaign to Validate Snow Remote-Sensing Products
- A Seafloor Test of the A-0-A Approach to Calibrating Pressure Sensors for Vertical Geodesy
- A moist static energy framework for zonal-mean storm track intensity
- Advances in Mapping Debris Thickness of Debris-Covered Glaciers in the Nepal Himalaya
- Analysis of High Resolution Satellite imagery to acsees Glacier Mass Balance and Lake Hazards in Sikkim Himalayas
- Anomalous circulation in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean in July-December 2008
- Array-Based Receiver Function Analysis of the Subducting Juan de Fuca Plate Beneath the Mount St. Helens Region and its Implications for Subduction Geometry and Metamorphism
- Azimuthal Anisotropy of the Noise Cross-Corrlation: Results and Implications
- Collapse of the winter Beaufort High associated with the pan-Arctic intrusion of North Atlantic cyclones: A response to thinning sea ice?
- Continuous Monthly Observations of Greenland Ice Sheet Discharge via Improved Multi-Decadal Flux Reconstructions of all Major Outlet Glaciers
- Controls on the inland propagation of terminus-driven speedups at Helheim Glacier, SE Greenland
- Crater Morphology of Engineered and Natural Impactors into Planetary Ice
- Estimating radiative feedbacks from stochastic fluctuations in surface temperature and energy imbalance
- Further Interpretation of the Relationship between Faunal Community and Seafloor Geology at Southern Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin: Exploring Machine Learning
- Greater Role of Geostrophic Currents on Ekman Dynamics in the Western Arctic Ocean as a Mechanism for Beaufort Gyre Stabilization
- High-resolution DEMs for High-mountain Asia: A systematic, region-wide assessment of geodetic glacier mass balance and dynamics
- Ice roughness and momentum transfer in the Arctic marginal ice zone
- Improving Snow Modeling by Assimilating Observational Data Collected by Citizen Scientists
- Model My Watershed: A high-performance cloud application for public engagement, watershed modeling and conservation decision support
- NASA's High Mountain Asia Team (HiMAT): collaborative research to study changes of the High Asia region
- ODM2 Admin Pilot Project- a Data Management Application for Observations of the Critical Zone.
- PIOMAS-20C: Variability of Arctic sea ice thickness and volume over the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century.
- Partitioning GRACE ice loss for the Juneau Icefield using modeling, airborne and ground observations
- Partitioning the Water Budget in a Glacierized Basin
- SIIOS in Alaska - Testing an `In-Vault' Option for a Europa Lander Seismometer.
- Seasonal evolution of the Arctic marginal ice zone and its power-law obeying floe size distribution
- Shear Wave Structure of Mount St. Helens, WA Region From Ambient Noise, Earthquake Surface Waves and Receiver Functions
- Simulating Ice Shelf Response to Potential Triggers of Collapse Using the Material Point Method
- Spatial and Temporal Means and Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Climate Indicators from Satellite Data
- Spatial patterning and persistence of meltwater on ice shelves and the implications for ice shelf collapse
- Spatially explicit modeling of particulate nutrient flux in Large global rivers
- Summertime heat and Arctic ice retreat: the role of solar heat on bottom melting of Arctic sea ice
- Synoptic weather conditions, clouds, and sea ice in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seasonal Ice Zone
- The Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA): A High Resolution, Time-Stamped Digital Elevation Model for the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The Sea-Ice Floe Size Distribution
- The relation between Arctic Ocean circulation and the Arctic Oscillation as revealed by satellite altimetry and gravimetry
- Tracking the MJO Convection and its Impact on the Diurnal Cycle over the Maritime Continent Using Satellite Observations
- Trends in ice sheet mass balance, 1992 to 2017
- Unraveling the cause of large surface-height anomalies on Slessor and Recovery glaciers, East Antarctica, with multi-mission data integration
- Using Image Analysis to Explore Changes In Bacterial Mat Coverage at the Base of a Hydrothermal Vent within the Caldera of Axial Seamount
- Water ice is water ice: some applications and limitations of Earth analogues to Mars
- Winter-to-summer transition of Arctic sea ice breakup and floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea
- A live demo of the glacier flow modeling library icepack
- A unified formulation for predicting the breaking strength of gravity water waves from deep to shallow water
- Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Uptake and Acidification in the Global Oceans
- Changes in Stratification in the Abyssal zone of the South Western Pacific basin between 1990s to 2010s
- Characterizing Regional Specific Yields by Integrating In-Situ and Remote Sensing Data Types in High Mountain Asia
- Community Snow Observations (CSO): A Citizen Science Campaign to Validate Snow Remote Sensing Products and Hydrological Models
- Comparing Ocean Boundary Vertical Mixing Schemes with Langmuir Turbulence
- Developing a coupled ice sheet-ocean model: challenges and progress with terrain-following ocean coordinates
- Diagnosis of Glacier and Ice Sheet Bed Dynamics By Means of Raman Distributed Temperature Sensing and Melt-Probe Deployment
- Dynamics Don't Matter: Poleward Atmospheric Heat Transport Changes Constrained by Energetics and Consistent With Down-Gradient Diffusion
- Dynamics matter: The partitioning of poleward energy transport and its changes from the Last Glacial Maximum to CO<SUB>2</SUB> quadrupling in coupled global climate models
- Enabling Citizen Science with the Natural Hazards Reconnaissance ("RAPID") Facility
- Evolving geometric and environmental controls on Columbia Glacier ice dynamics
- Exploiting Cooling Whitecap Foam to Quantify Wave Breaking Dissipation
- Exploring Underwater Vent Systems: New Technologies and Strategies to Advance Life Detection and Scientific Understanding of Ocean Worlds
- Greenland firn evolution response to changing atmospheric conditions in the MAR surface model
- Ice edge wind jets and sea ice-water contrast
- Identifying the drivers of Pine Island Glacier's acceleration and thinning from 1996 to 2011 using ISSM and Automatic Differentiation
- In-situ and Acoustic Observations of Hydrothermal Discharge at ASHES Vent Field: preliminary results from an OOI Cabled Array Case Study
- Integrating In-Situ Observations with Process-Based Modelling of the Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution
- Mapping Internal Tides using Synthetic SWOT Measurements
- Mechanisms Driving Bottom Temperature Predictability off Washington-Oregon Coast - Do They Differ from the Surface?
- Modeling ice shelf weakening with the material point method and damage mechanics
- Multidecadal Climate Response of Outlet Glaciers in Northwestern and West Central Greenland
- Observations of turbulence within rain-formed fresh lenses as part of SPURS-2
- Observatory for Gridded Hydrometeorology (OGH): a python toolkit to automate access and analysis with gridded data products
- Pancake ice dynamics using shipboard stereo imagery
- Pangeo: Community tools for analysis of Earth Science Data in the Cloud
- Proxy representation of global ocean bottom pressure variability: a means to bridge GRACE and GRACE-FO observations
- Quantifying local versus remote sources of polar predictability
- Regional Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Seasonal Change Climate Indicators from a Passive Microwave Climate Data Record
- Remote Sensing of Spilling and Plunging Breakers in the Surf Zone
- Scaling Remotely Sensed Surface Temperatures of Forests and Melting Snow
- Self-Calibrating Resonant Quartz Crystal Technology Sensors for Seafloor Geodesy and Oceanographic Applications
- Sensitivity of the Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf Basal Melting to Simulated Ocean Circulation and Ice Evolution
- The 2018 Qaanaaq Fireball: A Seismic Recording of a Meteorite Impact Event into the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Olympic Coast as a Sentinel: An Integrated Social-Ecological Regional Vulnerability Assessment to Ocean Acidification
- The Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS) in Greenland: Testing Instrument Performance on an Icy World Analog
- Thermospheric Neutral Composition Response to External Forcings
- What caused the remarkable 2018 North Greenland Polynya?
- a Novel Approach to the Study of Actively Erupting Submarine Volcanoes on Earth and Beyond
- Abzu: A Mission to Uncover the Origin of Organic Material on Mars
- Acoustic and In-situ Observations of Hydrothermal Discharge at ASHES Vent Field: an OOI Cabled Array Case Study
- Ambient Seismicity on Europan Analogs using the Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS)
- Citizen Scientists and Seasonal Snow Modeling in Alaska: Constraining Model Outputs by Using A New Snow Dataset from Community Snow Observations
- Constraining the Properties of a Subglacial Lake in Northwest Greenland with Active Source Seismology
- Controls on Multi-Decadal Variability of Marine-Terminating Outlet Glaciers in Northwestern Greenland
- Dependence of Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf Basal Melt Rates on Subgrid-Scale Parameterizations of Mixing
- Design Considerations for an Offshore Instrument Network for Tsunami Early Warning in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning from Offshore Geophysical Networks: Design Considerations for the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Fluid composition or bottom currents: What drives extremes in behavior of plumes at ASHES vent field, Axial Volcano?
- Improving Polar WRF simulations of atmospheric conditions in the Arctic seasonal ice zone using dropsonde observations
- Increased Mélange Rigidity Associated with Cooler Ocean Temperatures in Disko Bay Appears to Drive Slowdown of Jakobshavn Isbrae
- Is the concept of a zonal mean tropical precipitation change useful?
- Latitudinal Dependence of Marine Boundary Layer Roll Orientation Detected by Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Observing and interpreting seafloor tilt at Axial Seamount
- Quantifying Ice Flow Velocity Variations over Jakobshavn Isbrae at Multiple Temporal Scales Using Remote Sensing Observations
- Reaching Depths of Kilometers in Cold Ice with Small Melt Probes, by Managing Melt-Hole Refreezing
- Sea Ice Albedo Feedback: Comparison of Model and Observational Based Estimates
- Seasonal evaluation of surface mass balance and firn model outputs from satellite and airborne lidar mapping
- Small-scale feedbacks between waves and sea ice in the evolving marginal ice zone
- Submarine Volcano-Hydrothermal Systems and Their Impacts on the Overlying Ocean: Quantification of Erupting Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanoes - a Generational Goal
- Sustained, Autonomous Observations Beneath Dotson Ice Shelf
- Testing the A-0-A Approach to Pressure Gauge Calibrations on Cabled Observatories
- Understanding Asymmetries in Arctic and Antarctic Lapse-Rate Feedbacks and Polar Amplification
- Wave-ice Interactions: Implications for the Coastal Arctic
- Arctic Sea Ice Sensitivity to Lateral Melting Representation in a Coupled Climate Model
- Assimilating glaciological and geochronological data into ice-flow models to constrain the deglaciation of Beardmore Glacier, Transantarctic Mountains
- Best Practices for Managing Cloud Computing Infrastructure for Research
- Cloud structure of the Arctic cyclone
- Comparing SHEBA and MOSAiC Observations of the Seasonal Evolution of Arctic Sea Ice Albedo
- Designing ocean field campaigns for the SWOT fast-sampling phase
- Distributed and year-long observations of ice-ocean drag across a range of ice morphologies in the Beaufort Sea
- Effect of Rain-adjusted Satellite Sea Surface Salinity on ENSO Predictions from the GMAO S2S Forecast System
- Effects of Marine Debris on Open Ocean Biodiversity
- Evaluating Greenland Surface Mass Balance and Firn Density Models with ICESat-2 altimetry differences
- Evaluating Southern Ocean Tides Using ICESat-2 over Ice Shelves
- Frontal convergence and vertical velocities measured by drifters in the Alboran Sea
- Hercules Dome ice core project: Prospects for obtaining Eemian records that constrain the size of the West Antarctic ice sheet through time.
- How is rain integrated into the mixed layer salinity structure?
- Hydraulic control and wave adjustment in a channel+plateau system: Deep Western Boundary Current passing through the Samoan Passage
- Ice sheet surface velocity determination from ICESat-2 repeat tracks
- Impact of mid-latitude/polar winds on Antarctic sea ice and tropical climate
- Interior Ice-Sheet Dynamics are Constrained through the Holocene Transition using the Thermodynamics of South Pole Lake
- Internal tide-driven cooling may buffer some shallow-water coral reefs from future global warming
- Inversion of acoustic backscatter to estimate hydrothermal diffuse heat
- Mesoscale Air-Sea Interactions Observed by Autonomous Platforms During ATOMIC
- Modeling the Evolution of Basal Sliding Rates on the Athabasca Glacier
- Modes and drivers of nonuniform outlet glacier response to seasonal meltwater forcing in Greenland
- Monitoring Hydrothermal Plumes at ASHES Vent Field, Axial Seamount through Quantitative Acoustic Imaging
- Observations of wave breaking dissipation and bubble plumes in various sea states
- Observing rain layers, diurnal warm layers, and their impacts in tropical oceans
- Observing traveling waves on glaciers using remote sensing: Quantifying how far and how fast localized changes in stress propagate through marine-terminating glaciers
- Phase-Resolved Modeling and Laboratory Investigation of Surfzone Eddies and Transient Rip Currents
- Quantifying Regional Groundwater Storage Changes in High Mountain Asia by Integrating In-Situ Groundwater Levels with Remotely Sensed Data from GRACE Satellites
- Radiative and Dynamic Controls on Atmospheric Heat Transport
- Stress coupling between neighboring supraglacial lakes during rapid drainage
- Submarine Volcano-Hydrothermal Systems and Their Impacts on the Overlying Ocean: Quantification of Erupting Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanoes - a Generational Goal
- Tensor Product Meshes and Elements for Discretizing Models Across the Geophysical Sciences using the Finite Element Modeling Package Firedrake
- The Aerial Hydrologic Cycle in a Warming World: Perspectives from Numerical Water Tracers and Implications for the Interpretation of Water Isotopes
- The FAMOS school day: Fostering confidence in a diverse body of early-career polar marine scientists
- The effects of surface forcing and mixed layer turbulence on transition layer dynamics
- The simulated influence of snow on sea ice in a coupled climate model
- Timescales of Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction in the Southern Ocean
- Towards Validating Wave-Ice Interactions in Climate Models Using In Situ Observations
- Understanding Arctic Sea Ice Variability and Predictability With Regional-to-Global-Scale Process-Oriented Evaluation
- Variability in exposure of ocean acidification conditions below the biological thresholds of marine calcifiers off the Washington coast
- Vertical Entry Robot for Navigating Europa (VERNE) - A Mission Concept and Identification of Technologies Needed to Access Europa's Ocean