University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3D Multi-Fluid MHD Simulations of Mini-Magnetospheres at the Moon
- A Holocene Millennial-Scale Storm Cycle in the Northeastern United States
- A Mechanism for the Formation of the Cold Dense Plasma Sheet - Solar wind and ionospheric contributions
- Accounting for dynamic recrystallization in fabric evolution models
- Acid Gas Emissions Measured by COSPEC, Volatile Trap, and Filter Pack at Volcán Villarrica, South Chile
- An Electric Field Inferred from Backscattered Electrons Over a Pulsating Aurora
- Biological Origin of Micro-laminated Calcium Carbonate Deposits on Antarctic Rock Surfaces
- Cascadia Slab Structure and Intraslab Earthquakes
- Cluster Observations of Particle Structures on Field Lines Mapping to Active Auroral Regions
- Comparison of SRTM Topography to USGS and High Resolution Laser Altimetry Topography: Case Studies From the Oregon Coast Range
- Comparison of the SRTM DEM for the Olympic Mountains to Existing DEMs of Varying Resolutions: Results and General Implications for Application of SRTM data to Models of Hillslope and Fluvial Processes in Mountainous Regions
- Crustal Structure of the Puget Lowland, Washington State From the Dry SHIPS '99 Seismic Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflection Profile
- Detailed cooling history of the central Nepalese Himalaya (Annapurna region), from apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He analyses
- Determination of ionospheric conductivities from UVI intensity ratios
- Directly Linking Magma Chamber Dynamics and Crystal Zoning: The Wavelet Based Correlation (WBC) of Crystal Populations
- Electrical Structure of the Creeping San Andreas Fault at Hollister, California
- Exact, Analytic, Self-consistent 2-D X-point Model
- Flexural Origin of the Puget Basins: Implications for the Seattle Fault and Puget Basin Tectonics
- Fluvial Transport and Deposition of Sediment Across a Pristine Tropical Forested Floodplain Spanning a Foreland Basin, Northern Bolivia: The Importance of Channel-Floodplain Interaction and Episodic Floodplain Deposition
- GPS Velocity Field and Active Tectonics of the US Pacific Northwest
- Geochemical Structure of the Plume Beneath Maui Nui, Hawaii
- Geodynamic Mechanisms of Coeval Extension and Contraction With Application to the Northern Apennines
- Geomorphic Evidence for the Style of Quaternary Uplift and an Orogenic Standing Wave, Apennines, Italy.
- Geophysical Observations Supporting Significant Variation in ice Thickness of Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
- Girls on Ice: An Inquiry-Based Wilderness Science Education Program
- Groundwater at Mayon, Volcano
- Hydrochemical properties of small Spodosol-dominated catchments with contrasting disturbance from windthrow in a temperate rainforest, southeast Alaska
- Hydrous Speciation Cooling Rates in the Bishop Tuff: Application of Heat Conduction Modeling to Constrain Emplacement Conditions
- Implications of Rapid Historic Bedrock River Incision
- In-situ Electrodynamics Over Sprite Producing Storms
- Inferring bed topography and stickiness from surface data on ice streams
- Internal structure of the Chicxulub Impact crater imaged with magnetotelluric exploration
- Ionospheric Conductivity and Storm-time Aurora
- Laboratory Studies of Ice Particle Nucleation and Habit Formation Under Cirrus Cloud Conditions
- Late Holocene Deglaciation of Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica
- Low Power Long Period Magnetotelluric System
- Monitoring Debris Flows on Mt. Rainier with Airborne Multispectral Data
- Mount Pinatubo's Volcanic Lake Geochemistry
- On Extending Simple but Exact 2-D Plasma - Magnetic Field Configurations
- On the Evolution of Ion Distributions Across Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shocks: CIS Multipoint Observations
- Orogeny and Orography of the Washington Cascades: Insights From Low-Temperature Thermochronometry and Thermo-Kinematic Modeling
- Quantitative Comparison of Measured Plasma Sheet Electron Energy Flux and Remotely Sensed Auroral Electron Energy Flux
- Radial Transition From Isotropy to Strong Anisotropy in the Upper Inner Core
- Regional Stream Temperature Estimation Using Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Images From Terra - ASTER And Ground Measurements
- Riparian Vegetation: Controls on Channel Planform in Noncohesive Beds
- Rupture History of the 2001 Nisqually Washington Earthquake
- Simultaneous Cluster/CIS and FAST Observations of Boundary Layer Plasmas
- Siple Dome: Is it in Steady State?
- Stream Temperature Estimation From Thermal Infrared Images
- Structure, Kinematics, and Thermal/Erosion History of the eastern Central Range, Taiwan
- Surface Uplift and Exhumation Trends of the Washington Cascade Range From Warping of the Grande Ronde Basalt and Apatite (U-Th)/He Ages
- The Effect of Solar Illumination on Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling as Indicated By Field-Aligned Currents and Cross-Polar Cap Potential Measurements by FAST
- The Influence of Large Woody Debris on Patterns of Sediment Storage in Steep Headwater Channels
- The Moderating Effect of Clinopyroxene on REE Abundance Patterns of Progressively Melted Mantle Peridotite During Solid Phase Transitions
- The Northern Apennines as an Example of Deep Accretion Beneath a Lidded Subduction Wedge
- The PRIME Partnership: 9th Graders, Graduate Students and Integrated, Inquiry-Based Science
- Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Exhumation and Erosion in the Taiwan Orogen
- Thermodynamic Consideration of Post-Entrapment Crystallization in Igneous Phenocrysts
- Toward a Characterization of Ion Outflows in a Geophysically Relevant Coordinate System
- Understanding Rocket-Borne Electric Field Measurements in the Mesosphere
- Variation in flow speed on Ice Stream B
- Watershed Recovery Following Extreme Sediment Loading at Mount Pinatubo, Philippines
- A Stochastic Evaluation of the Dynamical and Thermal Response of the Lower Crust to Progressive Basaltic Input: Applications to MASH Zone Dynamics
- A Two-dimensional Model of Post-depositional Changes in Stable-Isotope Ratios in Polar Firn
- Anisotropic Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Upper Mantle Minerals at High Temperature
- Anisotropic Magnetic Susceptibility of Fault Rocks From Death Valley, CA: Comparison With Shape Preferred Orientation, and Implications for Kinematic Models of Brittle Foliation Development.
- Asymmetries produced in the mass loading of the magnetosphere during high dipole tilt and southward IMF
- Be-10 measurements of soil balance and landscape stability in the Pacific Northwest
- Borehole Optical Stratigraphy: a new Tool for Ice-Sheet Paleoclimate Studies
- Bow Shock Specular Reflected Ions in Presence of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves: a Case Study
- Chlorine-36 Exposure Dating of Recent Explosive Events on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Climatic implications of modern and paleo ELA's in the central Nepal Himalaya
- Cluster Observations of Ion Shell Distributions in the Plasma Sheet on 31 March 2001
- Downstream Coarsening in Headwater Channels
- Early Results from Stratospheric Balloon Experiment to Study Red Sprites
- Emissivity Changes in Basalt Cooling After Eruption From PU'U O'O, Kilauea, Hawaii
- Erta Ale Lava Lake: Identification and Modelling of Variable Convective Regimes
- Evidence for Prehistoric Coseismic Folding Along the Tsaotun Segment of the Chelungpu Fault Near Nan-Tou, Taiwan: Seismic Hazard Along Active Fold Scarps
- Exhumational Steady State in Taiwan: Quantification through Thermomechanical Modeling
- Extracting Dead Band Magnetotelluric Responses From Long Period Array Data.
- Gaging Whitewater: Preliminary Results of a Passive-Acoustic Stream Gage
- Geodetic Constraints on Fault Coupling on the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Geomorphologic Applications of Precipitation Estimates from TRMM Satellite Data
- Holocene Liquefaction Near the Seattle Fault at the Issaquah Creek Delta
- Hydro-Geomorphic Variability as an Ecological Template for Aquatic and Riparian Ecosystems
- Hydrogeology of the San Andreas Fault: Seismic and Magnetotelluric Evidence from Central California
- Impacts of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry on the Earth Sciences
- Influences of the Southern Annular Mode and the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on Antarctic climate and Their Expression in Remotely-sensed Climate Data
- Intra-Volcano Compositional Variability and the Role of Oceanic Lithosphere in West Maui and East Molokai Volcanoes
- Inversion of Geodetic Data from Cascadia: A Comparison of Dislocation and Finite Plate Model Predictions
- Investigation of the Glacial History of the Siple Coast Using Radar-Detected Internal Layers and the Ice Core from Siple Dome
- Ion-irradiation of materials spectrally similar to the non-ice surface of Callisto
- Ionic Structures Observed in the Plasmasphere by CLUSTER
- Is There a Relation Between Active Crustal Faulting and Asthenospheric Variations Under San Juan Province, Argentina?
- Kinematics and Causes of Back-Arc Extension of Continental Crust
- Late Quaternary Surface Rupture Along the Seattle Fault Zone Near Bellevue, Washington
- Lifelines and Earthquake Hazards Along the Interstate 5 Urban Corridor: Cottage Grove, Oregon, to Vancouver, B.C.
- Local Amplification of Seismic Waves from the Mw7.9 Alaska Earthquake and a Damaging Seiche in Lake Union, Seattle, Washington
- Long term changes in the electrical conductivty of the stratosphere
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Tail at Global and Meso-Scale Lengths
- Mantle Flow, Dynamic Topography and Rift-Flank Uplift of Arabia
- Mechanisms of Groundwater Level Changes at Volcanoes
- Modeling the Transition from Inland to Ice-stream Flow in West Antarctica
- Mount Hood Earthquake Activity: Volcanic or Tectonic Origins?
- Multi-Fluid Simulations of the Jovian Magnetosphere
- National Instrument Facility for Electromagnetic Studies of the Continents (EMSOC)
- Nd-Sr-Hf-Pb Isotope Evidence for HIMU Source Evolution in the Western Canary Islands
- On the Possibility of an Analytic Kinetic Treatment of Simple Reconnection Geometries
- Post 2 Ma Cooling and Denudation Patterns Along the Marsyandi Drainage in the Central Nepalese Himalaya From Apatite Fission Track and (U-Th)/He Analyses
- Rejuvenation and silicic melt migration in a near-solidus silicic mush induced by "gas sparging"?
- Resolving Topographic Steady State in Taiwan
- Shear Elastic Constants for Metals and Silicates from Stonely Waves in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Solar Wind Asymmetries around magnetic anomalies at the Moon and Mars.
- Spatial Accumulation-Rate Pattern Inferred from Radar Internal Layers and Point Measurements of Velocity and Accumulation near Taylor Mouth, Victoria Land
- Spatial Relationships Between Snow Contaminant Content, Grain Size, and Surface Temperature in Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Data of Mt. Rainier, WA
- Spatial Variability in Radiant Stream Temperatures Estimated From Thermal Infrared Images
- Speed of Sound and Equation of State of Water at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Sprite 2002 Campaign in Brazil
- Surface-Temperature and Emissivity Recovery using the Spaceborne Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) Sensor
- TIDI Preliminary Wind Results: Tidal Features and Validation Effort
- The (generally) Glassy Rocks Revisited: Deciphering The Scales of Open and In-situ Processes From Styles of Compositional Zoning in Volcanic Rocks
- The 2001 Mw 6.8 Nisqually Earthquake and its Aftershocks
- The Electrical Structure of the Tibetan-Himalayan Orogen
- The Kinematic Analyses of the Central Range, Taiwan: A Regional Scale Pop-Up Structure
- The Pressure Factor in Europa's Aqueous Evolution
- The seismic response of the Seattle sedimentary basin, Washington State, to teleseisms recorded on the Seattle SHIPS array
- Thermochronometry and Exhumational Steady State in Taiwan
- Understanding the regional controls on stream temperature
- Using PEACE Data to Study Charging of the Cluster Spacecraft
- Viscosity of Fluids in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- WOVOdat: A New Tool for Managing and Accessing Data of Worldwide Volcanic Unrest
- Where's that Slab?: Simultaneous Inversion and Resolution of the Cascadia Slab Reflector Geometry, Wavespeeds and Hypocenters
- 3D Multi-fluid Simulations of Ganymede's Magnetosphere
- A Model of Experimental Static Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Fine-grained Ice Ih
- Access to Space: Hands on flight instrument experience for sophomores at UW
- Accurate Determination of Fluid Thermodynamics at High Pressure and Temperature
- Acquiring Research-grade ALSM Data in the Commercial Marketplace
- Active Layer Thickness of Soils in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica
- Alfvén Wave Modulation of Substorms and Outflowing O+ ions Observed by Cluster: Kinetic Features
- Alfvén wave modulation of Substorms and outflowing O+ ions Observed by Cluster: Bulk Parameter View
- Application of Fallout Pb-210 Geochronology to River-Floodplain Systems
- Applications of High Etendue Line-Profile Spectroscopy and Spectro-Polarimetry to the Study of the Atmospheric and Magnetospheric Environments of the Jovian Icy Moons.
- Arrangement of Convection in the Earth by Lunar Gravity,II: Geotectonics Under a Minute Wsstward Tilt, With TPW
- Asymmetries in the Martian magnetotail plasma as seen in 3D fluid simulations.
- Bipolar Synchroneity and Latitudinal Timing of Holocene Climate Change
- Calibration of a new Model for Estimating the Density, Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, Sound Speed, and Compressibility of Multicomponent Silicate Liquids at Reference Pressure
- Characterization of Climate Variability and Interhemispheric Climate Linkages on Millennial Time Scales
- Chemistry of a serpentinization-controlled hydrothermal system at the Lost City hydrothermal vent field
- Comparing magnetic and clast fabric in gouge and breccia from the Black Mountain detachments, Death Valley, CA: Implications for the micro-mechanics and kinematics of shallow crustal shear zones.
- Constant Long-Term Slip Rates Along the Mojave Section, San Andreas Fault Determined From Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>26</SUP>Al Analysis in Boulders on Displaced Alluvial Fans
- Coupled precipitation and long-term erosion rates across the Washington Cascades
- Creating Access to Data of Worldwide Volcanic Unrest
- Current Layer Jump Conditions for the Magnetopause
- Deep MT Sounding Across the Yellowstone-Snake River Hotspot Track
- Earthquake Induced Water Waves in Washington State
- Effects of Wildfires on (U-Th)/He Ages
- Energization of Ionospheric Plasma During the April 17, 2002 Storm
- Episodic Mass Transfer During Extreme Floods from a 70,000 km<SUP>2</SUP> Andean River Basin to Amazonian Floodplains
- Event-Based Sedimentation in a Flood Bypass: Examples From the Sacramento Valley, California
- Fluvial Bedrock Incision Rates in Taroko Gorge (Taiwan) From in Situ-Produced Cosmogenic Nuclides
- Global similarity in oxygen-isotope composition of MORB
- High Latitude Climate Variability During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Holocene Climate Variability
- Hydraulic Response of a Mountain Stream to a Large Debris Flow Sediment Pulse
- ICESAT/GLAS Reveals Ice Sheet Surface Features at Ice Stream Shear Margins in West Antarctica.
- Laboratory Testing of Volcanic Gas Sampling Techniques
- Links between erosion, runoff variability, and seismicity in the Taiwan orogen
- MAXIS Balloon Observations of Electron Microburst Precipitation
- Mapping the Extent and Rate of Overbank Deposition Using Mine-Derived Sediment Tracers Along the Strickland River, Papua New Guinea
- Multiple Balloon Campaign (MINIS) to Study MeV Electron Precipitation
- N isotope fractionation and measures of organic matter alteration during decomposition
- Northern California LIDAR Data: A Tool for Mapping the San Andreas Fault and Pleistocene Marine Terraces in Heavily Vegetated Terrain
- Observations of a sharp boundary between field-aligned beams and gyrating ions in the foreshock
- Oxygen - Osmium Isotopic Compositions of West Maui Lavas and the Link to Oceanic Lithosphere
- Phase-locking in Coupled Non-linear Relaxation Oscillators: an Explanation for Observed Temporal and Spatial Correlation and Anti-correlation of Large Earthquakes
- Preliminary Characterization of Organic Geochemistry in the Fly-Strickland River System, Papua New Guinea
- Preliminary ENSO Reconstructions From Siple Dome, Antarctica
- Preliminary Experimental Results on Phase Relations in the PbS-AgSbS<SUB>2</SUB>-AgBiS<SUB>2</SUB> Ternary
- Preliminary Results of the VLFE Quadrupole Instrumentation From The PARX Sounding Rocket
- Preliminary results of 10Be analyses from the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: evidence for unsteady erosion on two spatial scales.
- Probing Thermal Diffusivity and Microwave Extinction on Ice Sheet Surfaces Using Surface and Brightness Temperature Time Series
- Radar evidence for stability of the Ross/Amundsen ice flow divide of the West Antarctic ice sheet.
- Reflections on the Cascadia Slab: Dehydration and Intraslab Earthquakes
- Seasonal Atmospheric Chemistry at Summit, Greenland Based on N and O Isotopes of Nitrate
- Seasonal Vertical Signals in GPS geodesy: Consequences of Using a Linear Reference Frame Model
- Simulation of Heavy Ion Dynamics in a Magnetic Reconnection
- Siple Dome: a Case Study of Flow Near an Ice Divide
- Spatial Patterns of Erosion in the Bolivian Andes Inferred From In Situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- Stratospheric Electric Field and Conductivity Measurements Above Thunderstorms: Implications for Sprite Models
- Stratospheric Observations of X-rays Near a Thunderstorm
- Strong Electric Fields from Positive Lightning Strokes in the Stratosphere: Implications for Sprites
- Structure of the Jovian magnetosphere as Determined by 3-D Multi-Fluid Simulations
- Tectonic Surfing: Evidence of Rapid Landward Transport in the Cascadia Subduction Wedge, NW Washington State
- The Cottage Lake Lineament, Washington: Onshore Extension of the Southern Whidbey Island Fault?
- Thermal infrared remote sensing and its usefulness in determining regional stream temperatures
- Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Forearc Evolution and Implications for Subduction Zone Earthquakes
- Transition From Isotropy to Anisotropy in the Upper Inner Core
- Uncertainty Associated with the Remote-sensing of Stream Temperatures at Multiple Spatial Scales
- Using the Local Magnitude Scale to Determine Seismic Site Response in the Pacific Northwest
- Viscosity of Fluids in the Diamond-Anvil Cell
- WWLL Global Lightning Detection System Regional Validation Study in Brazil
- (<SUP>226</SUP>Ra)/(<SUP>230</SUP>Th) Excess Generated in the Lower Crust: Implications for Magma Transport Rates in Arc Settings
- 2004 NAI-ADP Deep Diamond Drill Cores: Transects Through Archean Time in the Pilbara Craton, Australia
- 3D multi-fluid simulations of the ionospheric loss rates at Mars from nominal solar wind conditions to magnetic cloud events
- A Distributed Computing Infrastructure for Computational Thermodynamic Calculations of Solid-Liquid Phase Equilibria
- A Mechanism for the High Rate of Sea-Ice Thinning in the Arctic Ocean
- A Multiple Balloon Campaign to Study Relativistic Electron Loss Mechanisms
- A New Approach to Scaling Channel Width in Bedrock Rivers and its Implications for Modeling Fluvial Incision
- A Primitive Achondrite With Oxygen Isotopic Affinities to CV Chondrites: Implications for Differentiation and Size of the CV Parent Body
- A Solution Model for Silver Solubility in Galena in the Pb<SUB>2</SUB>S<SUB>2</SUB>-AgSbS<SUB>2</SUB>-AgBiS<SUB>2</SUB> System
- Active-Margin Coastal Morphology as a Reflection of Holocene Seismotectonic Evolution: An Example From Eastern Kamchatka, Southwestern Bering Sea
- Array observations and analyses of Cascadia deep tremor
- Balloon Study of the Global Circuit: Spatial Coherence and Correlation with Lightning Observations
- Borehole Optical Stratigraphy and Neutron Scattering Density Measurements at Summit, Greenland
- Calico Fault Structure Determined Using Traveltime Data from Seismicity and Explosions
- Characteristics of Ion Outflow Near the Auroral Zones
- Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG)
- Considerations for Future Complexities in Environmental Sensor Arrays
- Contrasting Isotope Systematics in Canarian Rift Zones: La Palma and Tenerife
- Controls on the isotopic composition of reactive nitrogen species
- Decoupled, localized deformation in the SE crater of Mount St. Helens associated with the 2004 eruption
- Delay Times From Clustered Multi-Channel Cross Correlation and Simulated Annealing
- Delineating Block Boundaries of the Earth's Crust in the Pacific Northwest from GPS and Seismicity
- Discharge and water chemistry of High Arctic rivers in NW Greenland (76° N, 68° W)
- Distributed Computing for Seismic Data Retrieval using FISSURES DHI Client FMI Implimented from MatSeis 1.9
- Does He-3 Provide Evidence for Extinction-Causing Impacts?
- Double- and triple-dating of single detrital zircons with (U-Th)/He, fission-track, and U/Pb systems, and examples from modern and ancient sediments of the western U.S.
- ENSO-Orchestrated Particle Supply, Deposition, and Carbon Sequestration in Amazonian River Basins by Erosion-Sedimentation Processes
- Erosion Rates, Landscape Morphology, and Hillslope Processes in the Upper Beni River Region, Bolivian Andes
- Estimation of Tsunami Hazard for the East Coast of Kamchatka Using Paleotsunami Runup
- Evidence of Two Source Mechanisms for Cascadia Intraslab Seismicity From an Anomalous Secondary P Arrival
- Experiments in eruption recovery: Channel bed and sediment transport adjustments as sand inputs decline
- Extremely Rapid and Localized Erosion in the Himalaya Recorded in Sediments of the Bengal Fan
- Geomorphology of Beach Ridges and Holocene Terraces on Kamchatka: A Complex Interplay of Tectonics, Volcanism and Coastal Processes
- Heavy Ionospheric Ion Effects on Reconnection in the Magnetotail
- High Resolution 3-D Travel-Time Tomography Using Controlled Sources and Earthquakes: Application to the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- How Many and What Kinds of Plate Boundaries? Neotectonics North of the Active Arc, Kamchatka, Russian Far East
- Hydrocarbon Analysis of Hamersley Basin Deep Drill Cores: Preliminary Results
- Identifying varnished rocks on Mars using thermal infrared spectroscopy
- Inferred accumulation and thickness histories near the Ross/Amundsen divide, West Antarctica
- Kilometer-scale texture of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Large Paleo Landslides Along the Western Part of the Gobi-Altay Fault System in Southwestern Mongolia
- Large and Small Scale Mapping of High Arctic Vegetation by NDVI: Thule, Greenland
- Layering and Double-Diffusion Style Convection in Europa's Ocean
- Lidar measurement of topographic change during the 2004 eruption of Mount St. Helens, WA
- Life on the Edge: Holocene Tephra Stratigraphy of Tanginak Anchorage, Sitkalidak Island, Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska
- Lightning-Driven Electric Fields in the Stratosphere: Comparisons Between In-Situ Measurements and a Quasi-Electrostatic Field Model
- Low Temperature Thermochronomtry in the Western Foothills Fold-and-Thrust Belt: The Importance of Structure
- Major Holocene Marker Ash Layers on Kamchatka Peninsula, NW Pacific, and Their Implication for Dating Paleoseismic Events
- Mapping Snowmelt and Snow Water Equivalent in Arctic Alaska using Microwave Remote Sensing
- Mapping the Velocity Distribution of Neutral Sodium Near Io
- Modeling Cultural/ecological Impacts of Large-scale Mining and Industrial Development in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Basin
- Multi-fluid Simulations of Ganymede's Magnetosphere: The Role of Heavy Ions in the Magnetotail
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms: I. Storm Electric Fields and Electron Dissociative Attachment
- Physical and Temporal Controls on Lower Crustal Melting and Mixing: Mass and Enthalpy Transport in Actively Growing Arcs
- Plasma sources and lifetimes within the Jovian magnetosphere
- Potential distribution around sounding rockets in mesospheric layers with charged aerosol particles
- Radiation Mitigation at the Moon by the Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- Rates and spatial patterns of sediment dispersal across the lower Strickland River floodplain, Papua New Guinea
- Re-arrangements of Global Plate Motion: Role of True Polar Wander (TPW)
- Reconstruction of Holocene Seismic Events Along Kamchatka's Pacific Coast
- Repeated Carbon-Cycle Disturbances at the Permian-Triassic Boundary Separate two Mass Extinctions
- Review of Episodic Tremor and Slip in Cascadia
- Seismicity Along the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Automated Event Locations for an Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Network
- Seismicity associated with the first month of the 2004 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Single Crystal Elastic Constants From Surface-Wave Measurements on Petrologic Thin-sections
- Small Aperture Array Resolution Capabilities for Use in Locating Deep Tremor
- Stable Isotopic Results Across the Permian /Triassic Boundary in the Karoo of South Africa: Evidence for both Gradual and Abrupt Extinctions
- Subsurface ice properties, genesis, and preservation in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Terrestrial and Ecological Impacts of Rain-on-Snow and Melt-Freeze Events in the Circumpolar Arctic
- Testing Environmental Records From Ice Cores of a Temperate Alpine Glacier
- The Deuterium Excess record from Siple Dome, Antarctica in the Context of Global Climate
- The Melting Curve of Carbon Dioxide and Implications for the Fluid Equation-of-State
- Thermal Conductivity of Complex Materials at High Temperatures and Pressures
- Tidal Bores as AN Analog for Tsunamis?
- Toward Probing Martian Ground Ice Using Microwave Emission: Data and Calculations from Antarctic Dry Valley Analogs
- Toward remote sensing of ocean variability using ocean generated magnetic fields
- Use of a characteristic time scale of microwave emission to determine accumulation variability in Antarctica
- Variability in Coastal Neotectonics Along the Kamchatka Subduction Zone
- ``Sedimentary'' Structures in a Layered Granodiorite: A Window Into Physical Conditions Present During the Development of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite, Sierra Nevada California
- Acoustic wave propagation at a cobalt/helium interface - high pressure elasticity of hexagonal metals.
- Amplified Erosion above Waterfalls and Oversteepened Bedrock Reaches
- Automated Earthquake Detection During the 2004-2005 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Broadband Array Analysis of the 2005 Episodic Tremor and Slip Event in Northern Cascadia
- Calibration of Cosmogenic 36Cl Production Rates from Holocene Lava Flows in Iceland
- Century-Scale Ice Stream Variability and Stability: A case study of Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica.
- Characteristics of Tremor During the Entire July 2004 Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip event
- Climate Variability and Atmospheric Circulation in the LGM: Model Results Versus Ice Core Interpretations
- Climate and Glaciation in the Nepalese Himalaya
- Climate, Elevation, and Tropical Pacific Teleconnections: The Siple Dome Ice Stable Isotopes Reveal a Complex West Antarctic Climate History
- Compositional Units on the Mars Surface From the Mars Express HRSC Color Imagery
- Contribution Of The Ross Sea Sector, West Antarctica, To Holocene Sea-Level Rise
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Determination of the Source of Sediment to the Brahmaputra River
- Coupling a Soil Moisture Model and a Slope Stability Model to Predict Landslides in the Himalayas
- Development of Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy and Observation of O2 Nightglow
- Direct Observation of Prompt Solar Flare Perturbation to Stratospheric Electrodynamics
- Discrete Wavelet Packet Transforms and volcanic tremor: method and application to Erta 'Ale, Ethiopia
- Earthquakes Generated From Bedding-Plane Reverse Faults of the Seattle fault Zone: the Roof Thrust is not Passive
- Effects of Atmospheric Dust on Sublimation of the Martian Residual South Polar Cap
- Effects of Clouds and Sea Ice on the Solar Energy Budget of the Southern Ocean
- Effects of the January 16th-20th Solar Flares on the Fair Weather Global Electric Circuit.
- Episodic tremor and slip and the alteration of the Juan de Fuca subduction interface, a feasibility study of time dependent teleseismic receiver functions.
- Evidence for Shallow-level Assimilation of the Submarine Volcanic Complex Underlying the NW Rift Zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands
- FAST observations of perpendicular DC electric field structures in downward current regions : Implications
- Filamentation of Tail Current Sheet as seen Through High Resolution Global Multi-Fluid Simulations
- Geomorphic Effects of Tsunamis in Asacha and Mutnaya Bays, Southern Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
- Glacial-geologic and Exposure-dating Constraints on the Antarctic Ice Sheet from Last Glacial Maximum to Present
- Glacier Response to Intrinsic Climate Variability in the Pacific Northwest
- Global Monitoring of Relativistic Electron Precipitation with Balloon Networks: MINIS and Beyond
- High Resolution, Pb Isotope Variability Within Historic Eruptions of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands
- Holocene Fault Scarps and Shallow Magnetic Anomalies Along the Southern Whidbey Island Fault Zone Near Woodinville, Washington
- Ice Grain Size Distribution: Differences Between Jovian and Saturnian Icy Satellites From Galileo and Cassini Measurements
- Implications of Electrical Conductivity Structure Associated With the Nazca Slab Beneath Argentina
- Improvements to Absolute Locations from an Updated Velocity Model at Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Interpreting Thermochronometric Data in Fold-and-Thrust Belts: An Example From Taiwan
- Investigating EMIC waves as a relativistic electron precipitation mechanism during the MINIS balloon campaign
- Investigating Feedbacks Between Basal Sliding, Frictional Melting, and Longitudinal-Stress Transmission
- Investigation of the structure of the Martian Magnetic Pileup Region using High Resolution 3D multi-fluid Simulations
- Ionospheric convection observations following the solar flare of 20 January 2005 and during the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005
- MINIS Balloon and RHESSI Observations of a Solar Energetic Particle Event
- MINIS Observations of MeV electron precipitation on January 21st 2005
- Meters of Synchronous Holocene Slip on two Strands of a Fault in the Western Puget Sound Lowland, Washington
- Modeling Proglacial Stream Discharge Based on Climate and Stable Isotopes in Pituffik, Greenland, 76 N 68 W
- Modeling englacial attenuation using ice-core data for radar sounding of basal conditions
- Modeling the evolution of the Cordilleran ice sheet in the Puget lowlands
- Monitoring Mount St. Helens activity by airborne and space-based laser altimetry elevation measurements
- New Measurements of the Densities of Copper, Nickel, and Iron Sulfide Liquids
- On the Integration of Micro-textural and Crystal-Chemical Data With Magma Chamber Dynamics
- On the Mechanism of Layering in the Dais Intrusion, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Overview of seismicity associated with the 2004-2005 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Overview of the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005
- Patterns and mechanisms of orographic precipitation in the Olympic Mountains, Washington State
- Physically-based Hydrologic-response Simulation of a Steep, Zero-Order Catchment
- Plasma Energization in Ganymede's Magnetotail
- Polygenetic nature of the Cenozoic topographic evolution of the Washington Cascade Range
- Prehistoric Earthquakes in the Puget Lowland, Washington
- Preliminary Seismic Tomography of Deception Island Volcano, South Shetland Islands (Antarctica)
- Pseudobrookite-Magnetite-Ilmenite Assemblages in Highly Oxidized Hornblende Andesite of the Coleman Pinnacle Flow, Mount Baker, Cascade Range, WA
- Recent Alteration of 15-Ma Oceanic Crust, ODP Site 1256, Leg 206
- Regional and Land/Water Differences Between FORTE Optical and Ground-based VLF Lightning Detection
- Relationship Between Substorm Onset and Reconnection in The Magnetotail
- Rheological controls on the growth of subduction wedges
- Rocks and Rain: orographic precipitation and the form of mountain ranges
- Spatial Patterns of Accumulation and Ablation on the Martian North Polar Cap from Ice Flow Inverse Modeling
- Spatial and Temporal Isotopic Gradients in the Western Canary Islands
- Stalking the September 2005 Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip event: Results from a Dense GPS Deployment
- Tectonic evolution of subduction wedges at the Cordilleran margin
- Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes: Statistical and Individual Properties from RHESSI
- Testing Inner Core Alignment Processes With Seismic Travel Times
- The Multiphase Characterization of Volcanic Phenomena: A Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Approaches
- The Transition Between N-S and NE-SW Directed Crustal Shortening in the Central and Northern Puget Lowland: New Thoughts on the Southern Whidbey Island Fault
- Thermophysical Properties of Fluids Under Mantle Conditions of Pressure and Temperature
- Topographic Expression of Crustal Velocity Curls: An Example from Eastern Himalaya to Burma
- Towards a Reassessment of High Arctic Soil Organic Carbon Storage: Northwest Greenland Case Study
- Triclinic Elastic Constants for Albite: Implications for Shear Wave Splitting in the Lower Crust
- U-Th-Ra Disequilibria in Lavas from the 2004-2005 Eruption of Mt. St. Helens
- U-series crystal ages in historic eruptions of Volcan Quizapu, Chile
- Unique Angrite NWA 2999: The Case For Samples From Mercury
- Using the Carbon Isotope Ratios of Bison Tooth Enamel and Bone Collagen as a Quantitative Proxy for Reconstructing Grassland Vegetation and Paleotemperatures
- Waterfall Retreat Rates along the Dead Sea Western Tectonic Escarpment
- What Controls Cirrus Cloud Optical Depth Distributions?
- 3D Multi-Fluid Simulations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mercury's Magnetosphere
- 3D Multi-fluid simulations of Titan's plasma interaction highlighting the importance of ion gyroradius effects
- A Fresh Plutonic Igneous Angrite Containing Grain Boundary Glass From Tamassint, Northwest Africa
- A Multi-fluid Model of Enceladus: Plume Interactions With Saturn's Local Magnetospheric Flow
- A laboratory comparison of chemical volcanic gas sampling techniques using an artificial fumarole
- Active Faulting at the Northeast Margin of the Greater Puget Lowland: A Paleoseismic and Magnetic-Anomaly Study of the Kendall scarp, Whatcom County, Northwest Washington
- Active uplift and erosion of the Namche Barwa-Gyala Peri massif
- Advanced Computer Modeling of the Lunar Plasma Environment in the Dynamic Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- Alpine ice core records from Pacific North America
- Amphiboles as Indicators of Redox States in Volcanic Rocks
- Ancient Carbon Buried in Patterned Ground: Soil and Soil Carbon Dynamics Based on 14C Age of Soil Carbon, Pituffik NW Greenland (76°N, 68°W)
- Antarctic temperatures over the past two centuries from ice cores
- Are cirrus ice number concentrations sensitive to aerosol number concentrations?
- Auroral zone energetic proton precipitation and Pc 1 micropulsation activity on 27 January 2003
- BARREL: A Balloon Array for Monitoring Relativistic Electron Losses during the RBSP Mission
- Biocomplexity in Thule, Greenland: Physical-chemical-biological interactions in non-sorted stripes; controls on plant establishment and growth
- Biocomplexity in the High Arctic: Linearity's, interactions and hidden secrets in surface processes
- Biogeochemistry of the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
- CTserver: A Computational Thermodynamics Server for the Geoscience Community
- Carbon Sequestration by Coupled Landslide/Floodplain Deposition during Large Storms in River Basins of the Andean Amazon
- Characterizing climatic and tectonic feedbacks in mountain-belt dynamics: the relative importance of the critical topographic form and orographic precipitation.
- Climatology of Geomagnetic Storm-Induced Disturbance Winds in the Nighttime Upper Thermosphere Measured by Ground-Based Fabry-Perot Interferometers in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- Comparison of FORTE satellite VHF and WWLLN ground-based VLF data on lightning emissions from the same thunderstorms
- Comparison of U-Th-Ra Disequilibria in multiple crystal populations in lava from the current eruption of Mt. St. Helens
- Connecting Dusk-side Relativistic Electron Precipitation and Equatorial Electron Flux
- Convection Responses to the CME Shock Fronts of 21 January 2005
- Coupling nitrate Δ17O, δ15N, and δ18O in polar ice: Towards determination of paleoatmospheric oxidant concentrations and post-depositional processes
- Crustal Deformation and Microplate Motion of Adria, new Constraints on Present Day Tectonics From GPS Geodetic Measurements
- Cu, Fe, and Zn Isotope Variations Within a High-Temperature Mid-Ocean Ridge Sulfide Structure
- Deciphering Magma Chamber Dynamics From Styles of Compositional Zoning in Erupted Rocks
- Did ENSO Influence Regional Climate and Precipitation Isotopes in the Ross Sea Region of Antarctica through the Holocene?
- Does Alpine Glacial Erosion Limit the Altitude of the Cascade Range in Washington State? Insights from GIS and Thermochronometry
- EL3 Chondrite (not Aubrite) Northwest Africa 2828: An Unusual Paleo-meteorite Occurring as Cobbles in a Terrestrial Conglomerate
- Early-Holocene Climate Change in Beringia: Mediation of Global-Warming Impacts by Regional-Scale Boundary-Condition Changes
- Earthquake Migrations Along Streaks in Southern California
- Elasticity and Anisotropy of Common Crustal Minerals
- Electrical Conductivity Beneath the Andean Back-arc in Argentina Near 36.5°S: Creation of Minimum Structure 2D Model Across EW Transect Based on Significantly 3D Data
- Evidence for a Carbonaceous Chondrite Parent Body With Near-TFL Oxygen Isotopes From Unique Metachondrite Northwest Africa 2788
- Examining the spatial variation in glacial erosion rates and its potential relation to tectonics in the St. Elias range, southern Alaska.
- Experimental Increases in Snow Alter Physical, Chemical and Feedback Processes in the High Arctic.
- Finding the Source of South Sandwich Islands to Alaska PKP Travel-Time Anomalies
- Fine-scale heterogeneity and differential rotation of the inner core from scattered waves recorded by the LASA
- Fission-track Evidence for the Source of Brahmaputra River Sands Within the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: a Large Flux from a Tiny Source
- Floodplains and Sedimentation Processes in a Changing Basin: Case Study Sacramento Valley
- Flow and Mass Balance History of the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits: Prospective Tests from Imminent Radar-Stratigraphic Observations
- Glacier Erosion and Response to Climate in Chilean Patagonia
- Helmholtz Parameterizations of Fluid EOS Suitable for High Pressure Work
- Horizontal and Vertical Grading in a Tsunami Deposit
- How Slow Does it Go? GPS Analysis of the September 2005 Northern Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip
- Ice Cliffs and the Terminus Dynamics of Polar Glaciers
- Ice Front Changes on the Greenland Ice Sheet: 1992-2005
- Ice core measurements of the isotopic composition of nitrate: new results and interpretation
- In-situ measurements of temporal and spatial variability in firn compaction rates at Summit, Greenland, using Borehole Optical Stratigraphy
- Investigating Plasmasphere Location during Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events
- Investigating Sprite Halo Optical Signatures and Associated Lightning Characteristics over South America
- Investigation of Low-Level Cascadia Tremor Between Major Episodes
- Isotopes of Atmospheric NOx and HNO3: Implications for Ice Core Records of Climate and Atmospheric Chemistry
- Lateral erosion by abrasion in an experimental bedrock channel
- Lightning-driven electric fields measured in the upper mesosphere and lower ionosphere during the Thunderstorm-III rocket campaign: Implications for transient luminous events
- Limitations of the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter Dataset: Implications and Improvements
- Lithium enrichment in plagioclase and melt inclusions from the October 2004 eruption of Mount St Helens, Washington: Evidence of pre-eruptive vapor transfer?
- Magma Ascent and the Style of Volcanic Eruptions
- Meteorological Aspects of TLE-producing Thunderstorms Over Northeastern Argentina: Two Case Studies
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- Modeling Ground Ice Recharge in the Antarctic Dry Valleys Using In Situ and Satellite Data
- Modeling englacial radar attenuation at Siple Dome, West Antarctica, using ice-core chemistry and temperature data
- Modeling of the Titan Atmosphere to Obtain Surface Albedos From Cassini-VIMS Infrared Spectra
- Modeling the Thermodynamic Parameters of Orthorhombic Perovskites from Vibrational Data
- Modelling Transient Ice Flow With a Limited Domain
- Multi-Fluid Model of 1D Magnetotail Current Sheet
- Multi-scale/Multi-fluid Simulations of Reconnection and Flux Ropes at the Magnetopause
- N isotope fractionation and measures of organic matter alteration during decomposition across a climate-chrono sequence in Hawaii
- Observation of relativistic electron precipitation during a rapid decrease of trapped electron flux
- Plate Coupling, Block Rotation and Crustal Deformation in the Pacific Northwest
- Precipitation response by Qom Playa, Iran
- Reconstructing the glacial retreat history of Reedy Glacier, Antarctica, using inverse methods and surface exposure age data
- Relocating Nonvolcanic Tremor and High Frequency Earthquakes in Cascadia
- Rupture Velocities of Small Earthquakes
- Simulations of the Coupled Interaction of the Titan's Induced Magnetosphere with Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Sound Velocities for Ferrous Periclase Through the High Spin - Low Spin Transition
- Spectral Unmixing of Remotely Sensed Forest Images Using an Adaptive Topographic Shade Correction Algorithm
- Spectral affinities in the icy moons of Saturn investigated through the G-mode multivariate classification method
- Spectro-Polarimetric Observations of Interplanetary Hydrogen as a Diagnostic of the Heliopause Plasma Boundary
- Status of RHESSI Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Sudden stratospheric vertical electric field fluctuations over Antarctica during a hard solar energetic particle event.
- Testing Inner Core Alignment Processes With Seismic Travel Times
- Testing Physical Models of Episodic Tremor and Slip with Earthquake and Creep Data
- The Anomalous Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash of 17 January 2004
- The P wave velocity structure of Deception Island, Antarctica, from two-dimensional seismic tomography
- The Processes and Timescales That Produce Zoning and Homogeneity in Magmatic Systems
- The role of sediment accumulation on lowland floodplains in modulating sediment discharge and recycling
- Tropical-Polar Linkage During ENSO Epochs and Detection of Climate Change Signals in Antarctic Ice
- Twins Across the Pacific: A Comparison of Bezymianny Volcano, Russia and Mount St. Helens, USA
- Understanding Glaciers as an Indication of Regional Climate Variability
- Using Seismic Refraction to Assess the Crustal Thickness of the Great Basin and Sierra Nevada
- Using the World Wide Lightning Location Network to provide insight on elves detected by ISUAL
- Water Dynamics, Ice Stability, and Salts in Victoria Valley Soils, Antarctica: An Instructive Analog for Mars
- Wavelet Analysis of Seismic Signals at Mt. Etna
- 2D Lattice Boltzmann conduction-advection model with phase-change: Developing a new tool to assess melting/crystallization dynamics in magma chamber.
- 3D Multi-fluid Simulations With Ion-Neutral Interactions: Combining Observations and Modeling to Study Enceladus' Plume
- A Decade of Tsunami-Deposit Studies in the Russian Far East - Opportunities and Challenges
- A Microtremor Study in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- A Model of Fe Isotope Fractionation Within a High-Temperature Sulfide Structure from the Mothra Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- A Test for Past Ice Flow in the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits Based on Observed Radar Stratigraphy
- A handheld device for measuring snow grain size at centimeter resolution using IR- and visible- spectrum sensors
- Activity Dependent O+ Transport Paths From the Ionosphere to the Ring Current
- Advanced Computer Modeling of the Lunar Plasma Environment in the Dynamic Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- Anomalous sand deposit associated with evidence of late Holocene uplift near Bremerton, Washington
- CO2, SO, Hydrates, and Other Constituents on the Trailing and Anti-Jovian Hemispheres of Europa From Reprocessed Galileo/NIMS Measurements
- Calico Fault Structure Determined Using Traveltime Data from Seismicity and Explosions
- Calving of Talyor Glacier, Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Central Asian Glacier Sensitivity and Regional Climate: Past and Present
- Characterisation of juvenile pyroclasts from the Kos Plateau Tuff (Aegean Arc): insights into the eruptive dynamics of a rhyolitic caldera-forming eruption
- Comparison and Occurrence of Event Types at Bezymianny Volcano, Russia and Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Continental-Scale Salt Tectonics on Mars and the Origin of Valles Marineris and Associated Outflow Channels
- Cosmogenic 3He in Fe Oxide Weathering Products
- Detection of Severe Rain on Snow events using passive microwave remote sensing
- Determination of Partial Molar Volume of Ferrous Iron in Silicate Melts
- Do Glacier Dams Retard River Incision Into Southeast Tibet?
- Effects of birefringence within ice sheets on bistatic radar measurements
- Electric Field Probe Measurements in NLC and PMSE during the MASS rocket Campaign
- Eruption seismicity of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- Estimating radiated energy of lightning strokes detected by the World Wide Lightning Location Network
- Europa's surface composition: What we know, what we would like to know, and how we can find out
- Europan Ocean Sulfate Chemistry To 700 MPa From -20 to 100 °C
- Field-based Measurements of 37-GHz Microwave Extinction Length at Summit, Greenland
- GPU Multi-Scale Particle Tracking and Multi-Fluid Simulations of the Radiation Belts
- Geologic Hazards Associated With a Proposed Dam on the Yarlung-Tsangpo River in SE Tibet
- High-Resolution ice Nucleation Spectra of Sea-Ice Bacteria: Implications for Cloud Formation and Life in Frozen Environments
- How Repeatable are Episodic Tremor and Slip Events in Cascadia?
- Imaging Subduction, Episodic Tremor and Slip in the Pacific Northwest: Cascadia Arrays For Earthscope (CAFE)
- Inferring Histories of Accumulation, Ice Flow, and Ice Thickness from Internal Layers in Ice Sheets
- Isotopes of HNO3 in Air and Snow at Summit, Greenland
- Kinematics of thrust belt development in the external Dinarides, Croatia
- Laboratory and numerical experiments of radar back scattering: towards interpreting the shape of subsurface targets in cryospheric applications
- Lessons Learned From the Modern Monsoon Applied to Interpretation of Paleoclimate Records
- Lithologic Control on the Form of Amphitheater-headed Channels and the Influence of Seepage Erosion vs. Downstream Incision on Rates of Waterfall Retreat
- Localized Reconnection and Plasma Structures at the Magnetopause
- Mass-analysis of Charged Aerosol Particles in a PMSE/NLC Layer by a Rocket-borne Spectrometer
- Measurements of Fast ice Flow of the Malaspina Glacier to Explore Connections Between Glacial Erosion and Crustal Deformation in the St. Elias Mountains, Alaska
- Measurements of Meteor Smoke and Ice Particles During the ECOMA-2006 and ECOMA/MASS-2007 Rocket Campaigns
- Meteorological Context of RHESSI Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Modeling Magma Mixing: Evidence from U-series age dating and Numerical Simulations
- Multi-Fluid Simulations of the Jovian Magnetotail under Varying IMF Conditions
- New stratigraphic constraints on Holocene glacier advances at Mt. Baker, Washington
- Non-Volcanic Tremor Near Parkfield, CA Systematically Excited by Teleseismic Waves
- Non-volcanic Tremor and Earthquakes Driven by the Large Transient Shear Stresses of the 2002 Denali Earthquake
- Paleotsunamis in the Middle Kuril Islands -- Implications for a Seismic Gap (and in View of Recent Events)
- Parameterization of a cross polar cap potential decrease during a hard solar energetic particle event using the Hill saturation model
- Partial Molar Volumes of Components and Species in O-S-Fe-Ni Oxide and Sulfide Liquids
- Particle Motion Polarization Properties of Eastern Shikoku Tremor
- Permeability, anisotropy and tortuosity measurements of pumices using X-ray computed microtomography
- Physics-Based Continuous Simulation of Long-Term Near-Surface Hydrologic Response for the Coos Bay Experimental Catchment
- Plumbing the depths of Seattle's basins with noise correlation
- Primary Ferric Iron-Bearing Rhönite in Plutonic Igneous Angrite NWA 4590: Implications for Redox Conditions on the Angrite Parent Body
- Radar detection of the meteoric-accreted ice boundary over Lake Vostok
- Recent Measurements of Ice Flux From Outlet Glaciers of the South Shetlands and Antarctic Peninsula
- Reduced Seismic Anomalies in the Lower Mantle: Role of the High-Spin to Low-Spin Electronic Transition
- Riverine habitat and relative size of fluvial and glaciated valleys in central Idaho
- Saturn's Titan: Searching for Surface Change
- Seismicity Along the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Automated Event Locations for an Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Network
- ShakeMap at the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
- Shallow Geophysical Characterization of the Mount St. Helens Edifice
- Simulations of Inner Core Coda Waves with a Multiple-Scattering Phonon Based Algorithm
- Solving for ice-surface elevation history in the southern Ross Sea using inverse methods and surface-exposure ages
- Spatial Variation of Basal Conditions on Kamb Ice Stream
- Sprite Halos and Associated Lightning Characteristics over South America
- Strong Tidal Modulation of Non-Volcanic Tremor in Cascadia
- Subglacial water distribution and transfer in Antarctica mapped with ICESat and image differencing
- Thai Evidence for Recurrent Indian Ocean Tsunamis of the Last 3,000 Years
- The Case for CO2 on Titan From the VIMS Reflectance Spectra
- The Effect of Crater Obliteration on Inferred Surface Ages on Mars
- The Effect of Vibration on Stick-slip Behavior in Sheared Granular Media: Implications for Earthquake Recurrence and Triggering
- Tsunami Deposits on Simeulue Island, Indonesia--A tale of two tsunamis
- Tsunami Erosion: Geomorphology Before and After the 15 Nov 2006 Tsunami in the Middle Kuril Islands, Russia
- Tsunami Runup in the Middle Kuril Islands from the Great Earthquake of 15 Nov 2006
- U.S. states and territories national tsunami hazard assessment, historic record and sources for waves
- Unusual RHESSI TGFs: Electron Beams and Others
- Use of Narrow Bipolar Event sferics to probe lower-ionosphere disturbances
- VEIL: A New Frontiers Class Mission Concept for Exploring Venus
- VLF and transient electric fields in NLC and PMSE
- Very Active Sprite-Producing Thunderstorms Observed Over Argentina and Brazil
- Volatile Transport and Accumulation Timescales Modeled using 210Pb-226Ra Disequilibrium in Tephras From Mount Pinatubo Volcano, Philippines: Moving From the Timescales of 222Rn to 210Pb
- What Causes Runoff and Sediment Yields to Increase After Wildfires?
- Why is climate sensitivity so unpredictable?
- Widespread Triggered Non-volcanic Tremor Along the California Transform Plate Boundary
- A Mass-balance Analysis of Subduction of the Adria Microplate in the Northern Apennines, Italy
- A Slower and More Dangerous Seattle Basin - Application of Noise Correlation to Shallow Basin Surface Waves
- An Automatically Generated Earthquake Catalog for the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Linkages Between Segment and Vent-Field Scale Seismicity
- Atmospheric structure from Phoenix atmospheric entry data
- Balco, G
- Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) Piggyback Test Flight
- CAFE: a seismic investigation of water percolation in the Cascadia subduction zone
- Changes in Seismic Response of the Natural Resources Building, Olympia, WA Due to Earthquake Shaking
- Characterizing Lightning-Driven Negative Transient Luminous Events Over an Intense South American Storm
- Colluvium Erosion Rates in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Comparison of geodetic and paleoseismic rates of deformation in the Puget Sound- Georgia Basin, Pacific Northwest
- Cycles within cycles - Repetitive Tremor between Cascadia 14-month ETS episodes
- Data-driven Inquiry in Environmental Restoration Studies
- Does the Nazca Slab Beneath Central Argentina Influence the Water Content of the Adjacent Transition Zone?
- Dynamics of Polygonal Terrain in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Electric field measurements in an NLC/PMSE region during the MASS/ECOMA campaign
- Energetic Oxygen Flux at the Moon
- Exploring the Role of Filamentous Cyanobacteria in the Formation of Living Silica Stromatolites in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Fine-Scale Source Variations in Time-Series Samples From Kamchatkan Volcanoes Recorded in High-Precision Pb Isotope Ratios
- Formation of the Ring Current as a Function of Solar Wind Conditions
- Full-wave reflection of lightning long-wave radio pulses from the ionospheric D- region
- GPU Particle Tracking and MHD Simulations with Greatly Enhanced Computational Speed
- Geomorphic Evidence for Multiple Large Post-glacial Earthquakes on the Western Seattle Fault
- Geomorphology From Earth Orbit - Can it be Done?
- Global Landslide Volume-Area Scaling Relationships and Implications for Landslide Erosion
- Heterogeneity in Mantle Sources for Eocene Basalts in Washington: Trace Element and Sr-Nd Isotopic Evidence from the Crescent and Teanaway Basalts
- High Pressure Shear Viscosities of Carbon Dioxide and Water
- High thermal inertia surfaces and the physical nature of the upper martian crust
- Historic Crystal-Rich Pahoehoe Flows at Volcán Llaima (38.7° S, Chilean Andes) and the Minerals Therein: Implications for Magma Rheology and the Importance of Magma Replenishment and Gas Sparging for the Eruption of Crystal Mush
- Impacts of physiological response and species composition on ecosystem respiration
- Improving Borehole Optical Stratigraphy (BOS): Modeling, laboratory calibration, and design
- Inferring Mass-Balance Patterns and Rates from Radar-Internal Layers in Martian Ice
- Interpolating an Ice Core Depth-Age Relationship from Sparse Data Using an Inverse Approach
- Long-Term Carbon Dioxide Monitoring in Salt Lake City
- Low-Frequency Earthquakes in Cascadia Using Texan Array
- MINIS Observations During the Geomagnetic Storm of 21 January 2005: ULF Waves
- New Geomorphic map of SW Fraser Lowland, NW Washington, Shows Multiple Post-LGM Moraines, Fossil Shorelines, Outburst Flood and Glacial Outwash Features
- Numerical Modeling of the Heat and Mass Transfer in Arcs: Unifying Geological and Geophysical Observations with a Multi-scale approach
- One Martian Year of Atmospheric Observations by the Mars Climate Sounder
- Origin of MGS-Observed Electron Flux Enhancements Using 3D Multi-Fluid Simulations of the Martian Solar Wind Interaction
- Paleo ice-cap surfaces and extents
- Paleomagnetism of the Astrobiology Drilling Project 8 drill core, Pilbara, Western Australia: implications for the early geodynamo and Archean tectonics
- Partners in International Research and Education: Student Contributions to the Collaborative Investigation of Bezymianny, Shiveluch, and Karymsky Volcanoes, Kamchatka, Russia and Mount St. Helens, WA, USA.
- Prolonged Storage of Andesitic Recharge Magmas Inferred From 238U-230Th-226Ra Mineral Separate Data
- Quaternary Fluvial History of the Lake Qinghai Basin, Northeastern Tibet
- Relationships Between Climate and Erosion over Long and Short Time Scales in the High Himalayas
- Relative Timing of Substorm Processes as Derived from Multi-Fluid/Multi-Scale Simulations : Reconnection Versus Current Disruption
- Remote Sensing of Desert Loess and Dune Fields Aids Revealing Proximal Loess Sources
- Salt Provenance and Migration in Sediment Core Samples From Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Seismic and geodetic constraints on Cascadia slow slip
- Significant warming of continental West Antarctica in the last 50 years
- Spatially Resolved Information on Ice Dynamics From Topography on the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits
- Spectroscopic Evidence for Titan Surface Materials
- Sr, Nd, Pb and Os Isotopic Compositions of Lavas From the Mount Baker Volcanic Field, Cascade Arc
- Statistical comparisons of RHESSI Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes and WWLLN-detected lightning
- Suboxic conditions at the Permian-Triassic boundary in the NE Panthalassic Ocean suggest a different extinction mechanism compared to Paleotethys anoxia
- Swarms, Mogi Doughnuts, and Earthquake Triggering Models
- Temporal-spatial modeling of non-linear electron density enhancement due to successive lightning strokes
- The Effects of Acoustic Waves on Stick Slip Behavior in Sheared Granular Media and Their Implications for Earthquake Recurrence and Dynamic Triggering
- The Effects of Woody Debris on Streambed Morphology: Flume Experiments on the Spatial Patterns of Fluid Flow Leading to Pool Formation
- The Influence of Climate Change and Uplift on Colorado Plateau Paleotemperatures From Clumped Isotope (Δ47) Carbonate Thermometry
- The Maupin, Oregon, Earthquakes Observed With A Portable Broadband Seismic Array
- The Nature of Lower Mantle Seismic Anomalies
- The Role of Multiplets in the Seismicity of the October 2007 Eruption at Bezymianny Volcano, Russia
- Toward a Spectral Source Model of the ETS Process
- Triggered Tremor as a Slow Slip Meter?
- Understanding changes in the subglacial environment through modeling of internal layers
- Using Bed Conditions of the Seward/Malaspina Glacier System to Investigate Erosional and Tectonic Interplays in the St. Elias Mountains, Alaska
- Variability of the Δ17O Value of Atmospheric Nitrate Aerosol in a Global 3D Chemical Transport Model
- 1-D Tremor Streaks: Implications for a Streak Source Model
- 3D Multi-Fluid Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause for the THEMIS Encounter of June 19, 2007
- A Comparison of Methods for Locating Non-Volcanic Tremor
- A Multi-Component Geochemical Study of Short-Term Melt and Volatile Evolution in the Kamchatka Volcanic Arc
- A Secret Decoder Ring for Volcanic Tremor: Method and Application to Erta 'Ale, Ethiopia
- A Simple Physical Model for the Thermal Conductivity of Planetary Regolith
- Acid Brines on a Cool, Semi-Arid, Early Mars?
- An Unusual Cluster of Low-Frequency Earthquakes at Mount Baker, Washington, as Detected by a Local Broadband Network
- An anomalous swarm of low-frequency events at Mount Baker, Washington, June-August 2009
- Atmospheric Production of Perchlorate on Earth and Mars
- Classifications of substorm and storm triggering mechanisms
- Climate change consequences for terrestrial ecosystem processes in NW Greeland: Results from the High Arctic Biocomplexity project
- Compositions of Bedrock Containing Craters on Mars as Viewed by TES, THEMIS, and CRISM
- Continental arc dynamics: a plutonic-volcanic marriage in New Zealand
- Coupling between the magnetospheres of Ganymede and Jupiter (Invited)
- Crystal-rich ignimbrites: Monotonous Intermediates but highly appropriate (Invited)
- Detecting Explosive Volcanic Eruptions with the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN)
- Determination Of Partial Molar Volumes Of Iron Species In Silicate Melts
- Effusive Eruptive Behavior as a Consequence of Mafic Recharge and Temperature-Induced Viscosity Decrease
- Elasticity of Calcium-Alkaline Amphiboles: Revised Properties for Crustal Seismic Models
- Episodic Tremor and Slip: Cycles Within Cycles
- Equatorial Ionosphere Total Electron Content measurements using whistler waves detected by the C/NOFS Satellite
- Estimating englacial radar attenuation using depth profiles of the returned power, central West Antarctica
- Flow Conditions of Thwaites Glacier for the Past ~1000 Years Using Radar-detected Internal Layer Patterns
- Geochemical Features of Extensional Mafic Lavas from Sivas, Central Anatolia (Turkey) Reflect Subduction-Related Source Modification
- Imaging the slab-continent interface beneath Washington with spectral ambient noise tomography
- Implications of 3D electrical conductivity beneath the Payun Matru basalt province in western Argentina (36.5S, 69.5W)
- Intense precipitation events during La Niña in the southwestern United States
- Investigating the response of Crane Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula to the disintegration of the Larsen B ice shelf using a 2-D flowline model
- Linking Eruptive Dynamics and Frequency to Petrologic and Geochemical Constraints at a Hyperactive Andean Arc Volcano
- Local Scale Emissivity Variations on the Moon from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment
- Long-term results from an urban CO2 monitoring network
- Low-Frequency Earthquakes in Cascadia
- MINIS Observations of ULF Waves Before the Geomagnetic Storm of 21 January 2005
- Material Matters in Landslide Volume-Area Scaling
- Melt Inclusions from Volcán Llaima (38.7°S, Andean Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile): Insights into Shallow Magma Storage and Crystallization
- Modeling RHESSI TGFs as a distribution in source altitude, distance, beaming direction and luminosity
- Multi-fluid simulations of plasmoid development at Saturn
- Multi-fluid/multi-scale simulations of the February 26, 2008 substorm
- New calibrated dataset of the Galileo-NIMS observations of the Jovian satellite Ganymede and mapping of its water ice grain sizes and non-ice components
- Notes on a catastrophe - surface albedo feedbacks and the descent into a Snowball Earth (Invited)
- Observations of relativistic electron precipitation during the 2009 Valentine's Day Storm: Results from the first BARREL test flight
- On the Relationship between Lightning and Equatorial Ionosphere Density Irregularities
- On the paleoclimate interpretation of Chinese loess Gerard Roe (Invited)
- Petrogenesis of Mt. Baker Basalts and Andesites: Constraints From Mineral Chemistry and Phase Equilibria
- Plenty of Deep Long-Period Earthquakes Beneath Cascade Volcanoes
- Pre-eruptive thermal rejuvenation and limited mass recharge in large silicic, crystal-rich magma bodies: the case of the Masonic Park Tuff, Southern Rocky Mountain volcanic field, CO
- Pumice, a window into the volcanic conduit
- Quantum magmatism: The Probability of Magma Chamber Melt Extraction From a Dynamics Perspective (Invited)
- Radar Evidence For Past Ice Flow on Gemina Lingula in the North Polar Layered Deposits
- Reconciling patterns of interseismic strain accumulation with thermal observations across the Carrizo segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Regional probing of ionospheric perturbations within 500 km of a lightning storm by using LASA VLF/LF broadband waveforms
- Scientists in the Classroom
- Sensitivity of Oxygen Isotopes of Sulfate in Ice Cores to Past Changes in Atmospheric Oxidant Concentrations
- Short-baseline VLF observations of D-region reflection near active thunderstorms
- Solar-induced Thermal Stresses in Surface Rocks
- Storm Time Production of Ring Current Ions: Energization, Injection, and Trapping of Ionospheric H+ versus O+
- Sublimation of ground ice and erosion of glacial deposits quantified with cosmogenic nuclides, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Supplying the Io plasma torus: Local versus extended plasma sources
- Terrestrial climate reconstructions from carbonate clumped-isotope thermometry (Invited)
- The Slumgullion Natural Laboratory: Landsliding Mechanisms Inferred from Seismic and Geodetic Observations
- The World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN): A Review and Update on Global Lightning Research
- The primary role of active large sand seas in forming warm-desert loess sequences
- The relative importance of interannual vs. persistent climate fluctuations in driving glacier variability at decadal and centennial timescales
- Thermal reactivation of shallow crystalline mushes, the dual role played by volatiles
- Tidal Modulation of Deep Non-Volcanic Tremor
- Transient Firn Compaction Model and Delta Age
- Tremor bands sweep Cascadia
- Using atmospheric composition as a metric for detecting life on habitable planets
- VIMS Observations of the Moon: a Recalibration in the Search for Water
- Water dynamics in hyperarid soils of Antarctica including water adsorption and salt hydration
- 2009 ETS in Cascadia, Crustal Deformation and its effect on Mt. St. Helens
- A Structural Origin for the Warrego Rise, Thaumasia Highlands, Mars, and Implications for the Origin of Warrego Valles
- A closer look at the pyroclastic density current deposits of the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mt St Helens
- Assessing the Utility of and Improving USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Products
- Assessment of dynamic and surface-forced mass losses at Columbia Glacier Alaska USA
- Beyond homogeneity and potential theory: Strain-dependence of material properties and the anisotropic fabric of orogens
- Combined Petrological and Numerical Modeling Approach to Address Highly Crystalline Magma Remobilization Prior to Eruption at Volcán Llaima (Chile, 38.7°S)
- Controls on magma outgassing and their influence on the effusive-explosive transition of volcanic eruptions
- Cosmogenic Chlorine-36 Global Production Rate Parameter Calibration
- Could inland seas have remained free of sea-glacier derived ice during Snowball Earth events?
- Deconvolving the lightning sferic VLF source waveform from its temporally-superposed ionospheric reflections
- Electron and Ion Whistler Mode Waves Observed in the Low Latitude Ionosphere
- Evolution of Cascadian ETS: Initiation, Propagation, and Rapid Tremor Reversals
- Evolution of silicic magmas in the Kos-Nisyros volcanic center: cycles associated with caldera collapse
- Exploring tidewater glacier retreat using past and current observations at Columbia Glacier, Alaska. (Invited)
- From Crystal Elasticity to Crustal Seismology
- GPS measurements of crustal deformation across the northern Apennines, Italy
- Geochemical Modeling of Hot Spring Chemistries with Applications to Martian Silica Formation
- Geologic History of a Felsic and Hydrated Mineral Suite in Syrtis Major
- Glacier erosional response to transient climate
- Global Estimates of Lightning Peak Current from the WWLLN
- Global Optical Lightning Intensity near the Equator from the C/NOFS Satellite
- Global characteristics between lightning activity and frozen hydrometeor from WWLLN and AMSU-B/MHS
- Global detection of explosive volcanic eruptions with the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) and application to aviation safety (Invited)
- Homogeneous crystal-rich vs. zoned crystal-poor ignimbrites: how much strain accumulates in large magma reservoirs between a new magma recharge and eruption? (Invited)
- Influence of Ionospheric Plasma on Substorm Activity
- Intensive winds during glacial periods increased sand-dune activity and loess deposition
- Introductory Earth science education by near real time animated visualization of seismic wave propagation across Transportable Array of USArray
- Investigating Pliocene warm-water upwelling ("permanent El Niño condition") in littoral communities of Peru and southern California
- Io's Plasma Interaction with the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Low-Frequency Earthquakes in Cascadia: Results from Array of Arrays
- Mafic high inertia crater floors in the southern highlands: Implications for a widespread post-impact modification process on Mars
- Magmatic Differentiation Exposed on a Crustal Scale: A Field Example from Sierra Valle Fértil, Argentina
- Modeling methanesulfonic acid (MSA) deposition on Antarctica to understand the MSA-sea ice link
- Multi-Fluid/Multi-Scale Simulations of Plasmoid Production at Saturn
- Multiparametric Geophysical Signature of Vulcanian Explosions
- Outburst floods, landslide erosion, and the development of threshold hillslopes in the Tsangpo Gorge, eastern Himalaya
- Pahoehoe lavas at arc volcanoes with >50% crystals. How and why?
- Petrogenesis of Mt. Baker basalts (Cascade arc): Constraints from thermobarometry, phase equilibria, trace elements and isotopes
- Putting the Biology Back in Astrobiology: Defining Key Habitat Parameters with EJSM
- Range-front deformation on the northern limb of the Manastash Anticline, Yakima Fold Belt, Washington
- Reactive multiphase flow at the pore-scale: the melting of a crystalline framework during the injection of buoyant hot volatiles
- Regional-scale NEE estimates over 4 flux towers in the US
- Seasonal climate information preserved within West Antarctic ice cores and its relation to large-scale atmospheric circulation and regional sea ice variations
- Shallow Repeating Seismic Events Under an Alpine Glacier at Mount Rainier, Washington
- Short and Long-term Effects of High-severity Fires
- Simple Solutions for the Steady-State Longitudinal Profiles of Glacially-Eroded Valleys
- Slow-Slip Scaling Laws Inferred from Cascadia Tremor Swarms
- Space-time evolution of tremor and slip during the August 2009 ETS event in central Cascadia
- Spatial patterns of streambed morphology around woody debris: flume experiments and field observations on the effects of woody debris on streambed morphology
- Strongly Gliding Harmonic Tremor Preceding Eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2009
- Temperate Ice Under Jakobshavn Isbrae and Other Greenland Glaciers
- The `Daly Gap' and implications for magma differentiation in composite shield volcanoes: A case study from Akaroa Volcano, New Zealand
- The dynamics of pyroclastic density currents on Mars
- The isotope records from WAIS Divide and US ITASE: climate in West Antarctica over the past two millennia (Invited)
- The role of small-scale features in the magnetotail in substorm development
- Thermo-mechanical reactivation of locked crystal mushes: melting-induced internal fracturation and assimilation processes in magmas
- Thinning of the Khumbu Glacier, Nepal from 1955 to 2008 and Implications for Ice and Debris Fluxes
- Three and two-dimensional electrical conductivity of the mantle near the Chile-Argentina Nazca Flat Slab: insights into slab behavior
- Topographic Expression of Active Tectonics in the Absence of Physical Erosion in the External Dinarides of Croatia
- Tremor Depth and Vp/Vs Ratio from Moho Reflected Phases
- Tremor as observed by the Array of Arrays in Cascadia
- ULF Modulation of Relativistic Electron Precipitation during the Geomagnetic Storm of 21 Dec 2005
- Update for the Balloon Array for Radiation-belt Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) Mission
- Using WWLLN and TRMM data to investigate lightning activity and convective parameters in 2005 - 2010 tropical cyclones
- Using place-based curricula to teach about restoring river systems
- Utilizing Monte-Carlo radiation transport and spallation cross sections to estimate nuclide dependent scaling with altitude
- Watching the wind: seismic data contamination at long-periods due to atmospheric pressure-field-induced tilting
- What do glaciers tell us about climate variability and climate change?
- 21st century evolution of Greenland outlet glacier velocities
- 3D multi-fluid simulation of flux ropes in the Martian magnetotail
- A New Bed Topography Map for Columbia Glacier
- Accumulation rates across Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, West Antarctica
- An Enhanced Vapor Transport and Sublimation Model using 10+ Years of Field Measurements of Earth's Oldest Ground Ice in Beacon Valley, Antarctica
- An ice core record of net snow accumulation and seasonal snow chemistry at Mt. Waddington, southwest British Columbia, Canada
- Antarctic Snow Properties: Spatial Variability of Mean Annual Isotopic Composition
- Atmospheric Formation of Perchlorate on Mars
- Atmospheric escape, redox evolution, and planetary habitability
- Carbon Isotope Ratios Of Carbon Dioxide In The Urban Salt Lake Valley, Utah USA: Source And Long-Term Monitoring Observations
- Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Source Spectra from an Array of Arrays
- Cenozoic record of paleotopography and paleoenvironment in the Central Andes of NW Argentina
- Clast comminution during pyroclastic density current transport: Mt St Helens
- Composition of Lunar Crater Central Peaks: Integrating Thermal IR and Near-IR Spectral Measurements
- Conditions of basaltic magma generation at Mount Baker Volcanic Field, North Cascades
- Cosmogenic nuclide shielding corrections determined via MCNPX radiation transport and spallation cross sections
- Debris on Khumbu Glacier at the base of Mt. Everest (Nepal) and its relation to rates of ablation and erosion
- Dimensional and spatial patterns of disrupted blocks of Messinian gypsum, western Caltanissetta Basin, Sicily
- Electrically Conductive Plumes Rising From the Mantle Transition Zone in the Andean Back-Arc of Argentina from 30 to 40° South
- Erupted silicic cumulates in large ignimbrites
- Evaluation of Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks using TRMM/LIS Observations
- Evidence for an anthropogenic contribution to recent ocean-driven ice losses in West Antarctica
- Evolution of Stratigraphy Under the Action of Ice Flow in Gemina Lingula
- Examining Canonical Theories of U-series Disequilibria in Volcanic Arcs in Light of a More Comprehensive, Global Database
- Examples of Earthquakes as a Source of Volcanic Tremor
- Exploring Deep Icy World Oceans through New Experimental Equations of State for Aqueous MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> and NH<SUB>3</SUB>
- Generation of Saturn's Periodicities Through A Global Mode of the Centrifugal Interchange Instability
- High-resolution X-ray imaging of amygdules for measuring bubble size distribution in ancient lava flows
- Imaging Complexity in Slow Earthquakes in Cascadia Using Multiple Seismic Arrays
- Importance of Temperature Anisotropies in the Development of the Storm Time Ring Current
- Inertial effects during outgassing and implications for the effusive-explosive transition
- Integrating field and numerical techniques to understand the dynamics of pyroclastic density currents: Mount St Helens
- Magnetic-azimuth dependence of D-layer radio reflectivity, using lightning sferics as radio transmitters
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Ice at Transition Zone Depths?
- Modeled methanesulfonic acid (MSA) concentrations in Antarctica: the influence of meteorology in explaining modern versus LGM differences in ice cores
- Modeling the Daly Gap: The Influence of Latent Heat Production in Controlling Magma Extraction and Eruption
- Modification of solar wind flux by the Reiner Gamma magnetic anomaly
- Moment Tensor Inversion of the Mw 5.8 May 16 2010 Deep Earthquake in Puerto Rico
- Morphological Development of Polygonal Patterned Ground and Associated Sand Wedges in Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Multi-year estimates of plant and ecosystem <SUP>13</SUP>C discrimination at AmeriFlux sites
- Nucleation of Northern Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip Events
- Observation of Schumann Resonances in the Earth's Ionosphere: Implications for Thunderstorm and Lightning Monitoring from Orbit
- Olistostromes are the Source of Melange in Diapirs in the Cascadia-Olympics Accretionary Wedge , NW USA
- Refugium for surface life on Snowball Earth in a nearly-enclosed sea? A finite element approach for sea-glacier invasion
- Regional predictability and the linearity of climate feedbacks
- Relative and Absolute Detection Efficiency of WWLLN
- Science Communication Fellowship Program at the Pacific Science Center
- Sea-ice behavior and biological productivity in the Amundsen Sea: New insight from West Antarctic Ice Sheet records
- Seasonal bias in pedogenic carbonate formation: implications for interpreting paleosol temperatures from clumped isotopes
- Seismic Monitoring with NetQuakes: The First 75 in the Pacific Northwest
- Self-consistent ice-sheet properties: ice dynamics, temperature, accumulation, delta-age and chronologies for ice cores and radar isochrones
- Space-Time Variations in Tidal Stress and Cascadia Tremor Amplitude
- Spatial variation of glacial erosion rates in the St. Elias range, Alaska, inferred from a realistic model of glacier dynamics
- Streaking in Cascadia ETS Events and Implications for the Subduction Plate Interface
- Testing the threshold hillslope model of landscape evolution in the eastern Himalaya
- The Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Precipitation (BARREL) Investigation
- The CHUVA Lightning Mapping Campaign
- The Relative Importance of Orbital and Glacial Boundary Conditions on the Climate and Isotopic Composition of Precipitation
- The influence of cloud droplet heterogeneity on sulfate production mechanisms constrained by isotopic measurements of sulfate aerosol
- The origin of mafic fiamme in the late-erupted Carpenter Ridge Tuff, CO: Insights into the construction of a zoned magma chamber
- Thin Section Analysis of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core
- Three Dimensional Simulations of Strong Motions for Great Earthquakes on the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Time History of Repeating Low-Frequency Earthquakes Spanning 5 Years
- Titan at the Edge: Global Simulations of Titan's Plasma Interaction near Saturn's Magnetopause
- Tsunami modeling of multiple earthquake sources from the 2011 Tohoku event using GeoClaw
- Using Lightning Waveforms To Probe Thunderstorm's Electromagnetic Effects On The Ionospheric D-Layer
- WDC06A-5; an Initial chronology for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core from Electrical Measurements
- What do glaciers tell us about climate variability and change?
- What do we know about the initiation and early stages of brittle faulting in crystalline rocks?
- 2.8 Million Years of Arctic Climate Change from Deep Drilling at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia
- 21st-century Greenland outlet glacier velocities on multiple timescales
- A "0.1 bar Tropopause Law" in Thick Atmospheres of Planets and Large Moons: Its Identification, Explanation, and Use in Determining Exoplanet Habitability
- A Potential Role of Double Layers on Solar Wind Acceleration
- A Stochastic Model of Grain-Size Distribution and Crystal Orientation in Snow and Firn
- A community firn densification and gas transport model
- A new polythermal regime? An advection-dominated seasonally layered accumulation area at Mount Waddington, British Columbia
- Air density 2.7 billion years ago limited to less than twice modern levels by fossil raindrop imprints
- Along Strike Variations in Episodic Tremor and Slip Rate
- An Analytic Radiative-Convective Model for Planetary Atmospheres
- An observed negative trend in West Antarctic accumulation rates from 1975 to 2010: evidence from new observed and simulated records
- Arctic sea ice albedo through the summer melt cycle: CCSM4 compared with a satellite/empirical record over 1979 -2005
- Booming Tremor Reversals Influenced by Tidal Stressing
- Carbonyl sulfide hydrolysis in polar ice cores and the feasibility of recovering a paleoatmospheric history
- Climate Field Reconstruction via Data Assimilation
- Clumped isotopes reveal the influence of deformation style on fluid flow and cementation along the Moab Fault, Paradox Basin, Utah
- Comparison of Global Models for the Escape of Martian Atmospheric Plasma
- Consistent magmatic and magnetic anisotropy data in La Gloria Pluton, central Chile: Implications for the magma flow record in a shallow pluton
- Cosmogenic nuclide depth profiles as a signal of Pleistocene glacial erosion
- Cosmogenic nuclide production rates as a function of latitude and altitude calculated via a physics based model and excitation functions
- Dual Hemisphere Abrupt Climate Change Analysis from Greenland and Antarctic Ice Cores
- Electrical modification of D-layer electron distribution by local thunderstorm
- Energetic differences of land and oceanic lightning
- Equilibrium-Line Altitudes In Cold Hyperarid Settings
- Erosion of the Yarlung-Tsangpo Gorge sustained by episodic megaflooding
- Flat-slab subduction, orogenesis, intraplate deformation, and glacial erosion in southern Alaska: A tectonic-glacial progression from STEEP
- Flow modeling of Gemina Lingula with slope-dependent ablation reproduces near-surface radar stratigraphy
- Full-wave model of D-region upward VLF coupling to whistlers in the plasmasphere
- Geomicrobiology of subglacial meltwater samples from Store Landgletscher and Russell Glacier, West Greenland
- Glacier quakes mimicking volcanic earthquakes: The challenge of monitoring ice-clad volcanoes and some solutions
- Gravity Wave Coupling Between the Mesosphere and Thermosphere Over New Zealand
- High Heat-Flow Beneath the Central Portion of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Identification of a new class of chloride-bearing unit on Mars
- Illuminating the Transition Between Steady Sliding and Episodic Tremor and Slow Slip Using Low Frequency Earthquakes at the Downdip Edge
- Incorporation of neutral cloud coupling in a global multifluid simulation of Saturn's magnetosphere
- Ingredients for a value-neutral target data set of exposure-age constraints on ice sheet thickness change
- Inter-Eruption Evolution of Mount St. Helens Tracked by Coda Wave Interferometry
- Investigation into the erosive capacity of pyroclastic density currents at Mount Saint Helens, Washington (USA)
- Is emissivity immutable?
- Knowability and no ability in climate projections
- Linkage between Grounding Line Dynamics and Geological Observations in the Weddell Sea Sector of Antarctica
- Lower TGF Detection Threshold for Fermi GBM: Sample Properties
- Model Simulation and Remote Electric Field Change Measurement Show Return Stroke Current Travels in a Dispersive and Lossy Manner
- Modeling or Galileo/NIMS Europa Spectra Using Two Endmembers and Water Ice
- Modeling the dynamics and deposits characteristics of dilute pyroclastic density currents
- Near-Greenland ocean conditions under RCP8.5 forcing
- New, High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Accumulation Rate Measurements and Their Validation of Climate Models and Implication for the Recent Sea-Level Contribution from West Antarctica
- Nonlinear and Nonlocal Feedbacks in an Aquaplanet
- OH and H2O on Vesta and on the Moon: A comparative analysis
- On Snowball Earth, were all inland-sea refugia created equal?
- Paired Magnetic Susceptibility Cyclostratigraphy and Revised Magnetostratigraphy with Late Cretaceous Euler Pole from Forbes Formation, Sand Creek, Sacramento Valley, California
- Particle size-density relationships in pyroclastic deposits: using component subpopulations to elucidate depositional conditions
- Perception of Natural Hazards and Risk among University of Washington Students
- Perennial ice cap glaciation and progressive valley incision beginning by ~6 Ma in Patagonia
- Petrology and geochemistry of coeval andesite flows at Mount Baker, North Cascades
- Petrology of the Basalt of Summit Creek: A [Slab] Window into Pacific Northwest Tectonics during the Eocene
- Present-day kinematics of the Garlock-San Andreas fault interaction detected with InSAR observations and GPS-constrained block models
- Pyroclastic Density Current Hazards in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
- Quantifying Vertical Exhumation in Intracontinental Strike-Slip Faults: the Garlock fault zone, southern California
- Rapid rates of soil production in the western Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Refining thermal modeling parameters to assess the survivability of upper crustal silicic magma reservoirs
- Searches of RHESSI Data for Weak Signals Associated with TGFs
- Seasonal and regional variability in dissolved and particulate iron fluxes via glacial runoff along the West Greenland coast
- Seasonal changes of chemical, isotopic and microbiological signatures in meltwater outflows of the West Greenland Ice Sheet
- Slow Slip May Extend Updip of Tremor in Northern Cascadia ETSs
- Soil thawing and warming in the High Arctic and the potential breakdown of previously frozen
- Soluble Salt Accumulations in Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Implications for Paleolakes and Ross Sea Ice Sheet Dynamics
- Southern Ocean Sensitivity to Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Depleted Stratospheric Ozone in a Fine Resolution Ocean Climate Model
- Spatial and temporal isotopic patterns across the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide from new snowpits and firn cores
- Supraglacial Debris, Erosion Rates, and Climate Change at Khumbu Glacier, Nepal
- Tectonic Tremor Source Amplitude in Northern Cascadia
- Testing thick-skinned vs thin-skinned faulting in the Yakima fold and thrust belt, Washington: kinematic modeling based on new geologic mapping
- The Assembly and Emplacement of the Mushy Magma Model: A Historical Perspective
- The Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) Investigation
- The Case For Regional Feedbacks
- The Evolution of Solar Flux: Quantitative Estimates for Planetary Studies
- The Role of Deep Creep in the Timing of Large Earthquakes
- The decrease in Greenland ice-core δ15N of nitrate in the industrial period: influenced by changes in atmospheric acidity?
- The depth and distribution of crevasses' thermal influence in Western Greenland
- The impact of Tibet and the Andes on the climate and isotopic composition of precipitation
- Tremor Asperities Control Evolution of Slow Earthquakes
- Understanding of Silicate Weathering in Subglacial Environment by Inverse Modeling of West Greenland Glacial Meltwater
- Unlocking the Secrets of Slow Slip on the Plate Interface Using Cascadia LFEs
- West Antarctic ice core indicates Southern Hemisphere oxidant changes since 1800 CE are unprecedented in the last two millennia
- Widespread Magmatism as a Result of Impact Related Decompression Melting on Early Mars
- A Web-Based Polar Firn Model to Motivate Interest in Climate Change
- A data-assimilation-based multiproxy reconstruction of the Common Era
- A nonmagnetic differentiated planetary body (Invited)
- A ~0.1 bar Rule for Tropopause Temperature Minima in Thick Atmospheres of Planets and Large Moons
- Accuracy assessment of Terra/ASTER standard land-surface temperature and spectral emissivity products
- Adapting ElarmS Earthquake Early Warnings for Cascadia: Development and Testing of ShakeAlerts in the Pacific Northwest
- Aeolian Abrasion at the Curiosity Landing Site: Clues to the Role of Wind in Landscape Modification
- Applications of clumped-isotope thermometry: Precipitation season as a control on the timing of pedogenic carbonate growth in the central Andes
- Carbonyl sulfide during the late Holocene from measurements in Antarctic ice cores (Invited)
- Changes in Seismic Velocity During the 2004 - 2008 Eruption of Mount St. Helens Volcano
- Changes of Electron Density in the Ionosphere in Response to Lightning Discharges and Their Parental Thunderstorms (Invited)
- Charge particle deflection by lunar magnetic anomalies
- Constraining the recent mass balance of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, West Antarctica with airborne observations of snow accumulation (Invited)
- Constraints on the Composition and Evolution of the Lunar Crust from Meteorite Nwa 3163
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Exposure Dating of the Tiltill Rock Avalanche, Yosemite National Park
- Cross-validation of strainmeter observations in Cascadia using GPS and tremor-derived slip distributions
- D-layer electron profiles observed with substantial spatial and temporal change near thunderstorms
- Deformation of the Bellingham Basin in the Northern Cascadia Forearc as Inferred from Potential Field Data
- Distinct Nucleation and Propagation Phases of Northern Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip Events
- Dynamics of pyroclastic density currents: Conditions that promote substrate erosion and self-channelization - Mount St Helens, Washington (Invited)
- ETS and tidal stressing: Fault weakening after main slip pulse
- Earth is not flat: Global denudation occurs mostly in the mountains, not mainly on the plains
- Earthquake Early Warning using a Seismogeodetic Approach: An operational plan for Cascadia
- Elastic properties of alkali-feldspars
- Estimates of the global electric circuit from global thunderstorm activity
- Examining the Relationship between Surface Albedo and Glacier Mass Balance in the Central Alaska Range
- Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE) (Invited)
- Flume experiments on the effects of buried wood debris on delta processes and sediment exhumation during a partial, stepped dam removal
- Generation of Periodic Signatures at Saturn Through Titan's Interaction with the Centrifugal Interchange Instability
- Geolocation of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Gamma Rays Using the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- Global Monitoring of Mountain Glaciers Using High-Resolution Spotlight Imaging from the International Space Station
- How deep does a typical crevasse in western Greenland carry meltwater?
- How well does WWLLN reproduce the satellite-observed distribution of flashes during the 2007-2012 time period?
- Identifying and Mapping Seasonal Surface Water Frost with MGS TES
- Influence of bedrock lithology on strath terrace formation in the Willapa River watershed, SW Washington, USA
- Investigating Climate at an Inland Sea During Snowball Earth
- Investigating Low-Frequency Earthquake Properties
- Key Concepts in Geomorphology - NSF supports community-based creation of a new style of textbook
- Landslides that never go catastrophic: dynamics of self-regulating earthflows along the Eel River, CA
- Lightning NOx Production per Flash based on OMI NO2 Observations
- Lightning VLF wave propagation from source, through ionosphere to inner magnetosphere using WWLLN and Van Allen Probes
- Linking Microearthquakes and Seismic Tomography on the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Implications for Hydrothermal Circulation
- Linking Variations in Cascadia Subduction Zone Locking, Episodic Tremor and Slip, Crustal Properties and Primitive Arc Magmas
- Magma flow recorded by magmatic and magnetic fabrics in a shallow granitic pluton: La Gloria Pluton, central Chile
- Mapping the late Quaternary evolution of the lower Mississippi Valley
- Mass-balance inferences from the Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE)
- Measuring glacial erosion of bedrock landforms with cosmogenic nuclide depth profiles
- Modeling Tidal Uncertainty in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA)
- Modeling ground thermal regime of an ancient buried ice body in Beacon Valley, Antarctica using a 1-D heat equation with latent heat effect
- Modeling of New Galileo/NIMS Europa Spectra Using Two Endmembers and Water Ice
- Modeling the Effect of Solar Wind Forcing on a Saturn-like Exoplanet
- Moving towards the operational seismogeodesy component of earthquake and tsunami early warning
- Oceans and Internal Structures of the Large Icy Satellites
- Petrologic observations and multiphase dynamics in highly-crystalline magmatic mushes sourcing Galápagos Island volcanoes
- Polarimetry of Lightning-driven VLF Waves in the Near-equatorial Plasmasphere, Using VEFI Electric-field payload on C/NOFS Satellite
- Quaternary Arctic Climate Change of the past 2.8 Ma as reconstructed from sediments of Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia (Invited)
- Redefining deuterium excess in ice cores: Antarctic-wide evidence for ITCZ and polar jet variability during abrupt climate change
- Results from the First BARREL Antarctic Balloon Campaign (Invited)
- Results from the Third RHESSI Catalog of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Sea Ice Control Of <SUP>17</SUP>O<SUB>excess</SUB> In Antarctic Precipitation
- Sea ice/ice mélange and outlet glacier interaction in northwest Greenland
- Seasonal variations in the carbon isotope composition of soil-respired CO<SUB>2</SUB> and the dominance of root/rhizsophere respiration in desert soils (Invited)
- Seismic Structure of the Shallow Mantle Beneath the Endeavor Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Sensitivity of West Antarctica to climate and ice sheet variability on multiple timescales (Invited)
- Soil nutrient status across soil denudation gradients, Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Southern Ocean abyssal heat uptake in fine and coarse resolution climate model simulations
- Swarms of repeating stick-slip glacierquakes triggered by snow loading at Mount Rainier volcano
- Temporal Characteristics of Impulsive Electron Precipitation Associated with Thunderstorm Activity
- The Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment: Visualizing Firn Densification Models to Characterize Uncertainty in the Physics of Firn Densification
- The Fractal Behavior of Crystal Distribution of la Gloria Pluton, Chile
- The effect of interannual variability on the moraine record: A new perspective on paleoclimate estimation in glacial landscapes
- The growth of the central Andes 22-26°S (Invited)
- The role of atmosphere and ocean mechanisms in coupling millennial-scale climate variability between the hemispheres
- The timing and magnitude of lake-level variability, in response to interannual climate variability
- Theoretical and practical considerations for the design of the iMUSH active-source seismic experiment
- Thermal imaging for input to terrestrial and planetary thermal models (Invited)
- Tightly-coupled real-time analysis of GPS and accelerometer data for translational and rotational ground motions and application to earthquake and tsunami early warning
- Triple-isotope analysis of oxygen in water by cavity ring-down laser spectroscopy
- Unraveling the Intricacies of Cascadia Slow-Slip Rupture Using Repeating Low-Frequency Earthquakes
- Waiting ages for atmospheric oxygen: A titration hourglass and the oxidation of the solid Earth. (Invited)
- An Icy Regolith Model that Predicts the Estimated Source Flux of H<SUB>2</SUB>O on Ceres and CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Callisto
- Aquarius Satellite Salinity Measurement Mission Status, and Science Results from the initial 3-Year Prime Mission
- BARREL Microbursts Precipitation Data Analysis
- Constraining faint terrestrial gamma-ray flashes with stacking analyses
- Did photosynthetic organisms take refuge in ice shadows during Snowball Earth events?
- Gas bubble dimensions in Archean lava flows indicate low air pressure at 2.7 Ga
- Glacial-interglacial 3D ice sheet modelling of Antarctica; Validation by age-isotope advection
- Investigating the Possible Mechanisms by Which the Salinity Fronts Form and Grow Under the Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone
- Modeling plasma pressure anisotropy's effect on Saturn's global magnetospheric dynamics
- Multiple-Component Crystal Fabric Measurements from Acoustically-Generated Normal Modes in Borehole
- North Greenland's Ice Shelves and Ocean Warming
- Observations of the coupling efficiency of VLF lightning-generated whistlers into the low-latitude plasmasphere
- Preliminary Results from the AIDP-2 and AIDP-3 Drill Cores Hint at Systematic Mo Enrichments in the ~2.65 Ga Roy Hill Shale
- Science Highlights from the BARREL Antarctic Balloon Campaigns
- Solar wind interation with magnetic anomalies at the Moon and signatures from spectral imaging
- The Role of Time Scales in Estimating the Relative Importance of Isopycnal and Diapycnal Oceanic Mixing
- 3-D Simulations of Megathrust Earthquakes - Application to the 2003 M8.3 Tokachi-Oki Earthquake
- A Millennial Simulation of Isotope-Enable GCM with a Special Focus on Antarctic Climate Variability in the Past 1,000 Years
- A dynamic perennial firn aquifer
- Cryosphere Science Outreach using the Ice Sheet System Model and a Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory
- Deep long-period earthquakes (DLPs) beneath Mount St. Helens
- Dual-propagation-path entry of lightning-generated whistlers into the low-latitude magnetosphere
- Estimates of Lightning NOx Production Based on OMI NO2 Observations over the Gulf of Mexico
- Global Trends and Variability In the Mass Balance of Mountain and Valley Glaciers
- Identifying Dynamically Induced Variability in Glacier Mass-Balance Records
- Interannual Variability in Amundsen Sea Ice-Shelf Height Change Linked to ENSO
- Interrogating Seismic Anisotropy using Receiver Functions - An Improved Understanding of Past Deformational Processes in Cratonic North America
- Interseismic deformation and creep along the Sumatran fault, Indonesia from InSAR time-series analysis
- Leveraging Cloud Technology to Provide a Responsive, Reliable and Scalable Backend for the Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory Using the Ice Sheet System Model and Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud
- Mid-Latitude Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production from OMI and WWLLN Data
- Predicting Strong Ground-Motion Seismograms for Magnitude 9 Cascadia Earthquakes Using 3D Simulations with High Stress Drop Sub-Events
- Satellite Studies of Interactions Between Antarctic Circumpolar Current Eddies and Sea Ice
- Study of lightning whistler waves observed at high L-shells on Van Allen Probes
- The Eurasian and Makarov Basins target changes in the Arctic Ocean
- The Strong Control of Sea Ice Dynamics on Lower Cell Circulation Changes
- Tomographic Imaging of the Magmatic System at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- Upper-Crustal Structures Beneath Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica and their Influence on Ice Dynamics
- VISL: A Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory For Outreach and K-12 Education
- Variation of Geochemical Signatures and Correlation of Biomarkers in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments
- A Kinematic Model of Slow Slip Constrained by Tremor-Derived Slip Histories in Cascadia
- A Search for Long-term Slow Slip Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- A terrestrial gamma-ray flash viewed from below in the eyewall of Hurricane Patricia
- Alteration of the Lithosphere beneath Northeast China Inferred from Seismic Structure
- An Absolute Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder for Campaign-Style Detection of Vertical Seafloor Deformation in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- An Offshore Geophysical Network in the Pacific Northwest for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning and Hazard Research
- Are recycled carbonates essential to explain light Mg isotopes in magmatic rocks? Insights from Late Cenozoic mantle-derived magmas in Iran
- Bayesian Earthquake Relocation With Application to the Puget Sound Region
- C/NOFS-VEFI results on magnetic-latitude control over coupling of lightning-generated VLF into zero-hop whistlers
- Coastal sea-surface temperature anomalies during the 2014-2016 northeast Pacific marine heat wave: regional variability, timing, and relation to wind stress anomalies
- Common-midpoint radar surveys of ice sheets: a tool for better ice and bed property inversions
- Comparing Moment Release and Tremor Amplitudes in Cascadia ETS Events
- Comparing spatial scales of IMERG rain with depth-resolved near-surface salinity structure as measured during the SPURS-2 experimen
- Complicated Kinematics In The Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Cryosphere Science Outreach using the NASA/JPL Virtual Earth System Laboratory
- Deep long-period earthquakes (DLPs) beneath Mount St. Helens
- Dependence of Seismic Wave Amplification on Event Location and Basin Geometry
- Examining model hierarchies of glacier response to climate
- G-FAST Early Warning Potential for Great Earthquakes in Chile
- Historic Drought puts the Brakes on Earthflows in Northern California
- Holocene history of deep-seated landsliding in the North Fork Stillaguamish River valley (Washington, USA) in the context of climate change from surface roughness analysis, radiocarbon dating, and numerical landscape evolution modeling
- Ice-Cliff Failure via Retrogressive Slumping
- Impacts of Ocean Surface Boundary Layer Observations on Ocean State Estimation
- InSAR Constraints on the Deformation of Debris-Covered Glaciers in the Khumbu Region of Nepal
- Investigating Segmentation in Cascadia: Anisotropic Crustal Structure and Mantle Wedge Serpentinization
- Local Earthquake P-wave Tomography at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- M9.1 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Tsunami Inundation Modeling of Sequim Bay and Lopez Island, Washington
- Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Kamchatka Sub-Arc Mantle Peridotites
- Magnesium isotopic behavior during the formation of chlorite-rich hydrothermal sediment in the middle Okinawa Trough
- Mass Balance and Structure of the Ross Ice Shelf
- Metasomatism-induced magnesium isotope fractionation in ultramafic rocks: Evidence from the Franciscan Complex, California
- New Elastic Moduli for Amphiboles and Feldspars: Impact on Interpretations of Seismic Velocities
- Ocean Observations Below Petermann Gletscher Ice Shelf, Greenland From a Cabled Observatory
- Patterns of variability in steady- and non steady-state Ross Ice Shelf flow
- Rain Rate from IMERG as a Predictor for Salinity Stratification in the Upper Meter of the Ocean during SPURS-2 Rain Events
- Rapid Response of West Antarctic Ice Shelves to El Niño and La Niña
- Refined modeling of Seattle basin amplification
- Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica: Bathymetry, Structural Geology and Ocean Circulation from New IcePod Airborne Geophysical Data
- Seasonal To Interannual Variations of Aquarius Satellite Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) Measurements, Precipitation and Evaporation in the Tropical Pacific.
- Solubility and Speciation in the Water-Carbon Dioxide System
- Systematic detection of seismic events at Mount St. Helens with an ultra-dense array
- The M9 Project: 3-D Simulations of Megathrust Earthquakes in Cascadia
- The Roles of Tectonics and Climate in Driving Erosion Rates in the Eastern Himalaya
- The enhancement of neutral metal Na layer above thunderstorms
- Thermodynamic potentials of NaCl(aq) between 0 - 0.7 GPa and 250 - 340 K.
- Tracing salt provenance in McMurdo Dry Valley soils by using magnesium isotopes
- Transient Fluvial Response to Alpine Deglaciation, Mount Rainier, WA: Geomorphic Process Domains and Proglacial Flux Controls on Channel Evolution.
- Upper-crustal structures in Byrd Subglacial Basin, West Antarctica, revealed by ground-based and airborne geophysical data
- Using Subspace Detection to Study Deep Long-period Seismicity Beneath the Executive Committee Range, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
- VESL: The Virtual Earth Sheet Laboratory for Ice Sheet Modeling and Visualization
- Virtual Earth System Laboratory (VESL): Effective Visualization of Earth System Data and Process Simulations
- 3-D Simulation of Earthquakes on the Cascadia Megathrust: Key Parameters and Constraints from Offshore Structure and Seismicity
- 3D Ground-Motion Simulations for Magnitude 9 Earthquakes on the Cascadia Megathrust: Sedimentary Basin Amplification, Rupture Directivity, and Ground-Motion Variability
- Analysis of Deep Long-Period Subglacial Seismicity in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
- Campaign-Style Measurements of Vertical Seafloor Deformation in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using an Absolute Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder
- Comparing Three-Dimensional Geophysical Models of Mount St. Helens
- Could a secular increase in organic burial explain the rise of oxygen? Insights from a geological carbon cycle model constrained by the carbon isotope record
- Crater Morphology of Engineered and Natural Impactors into Planetary Ice
- Deep ice and salty oceans of icy worlds, how high pressures influence their thermodynamics and provide constrains on extraterrestrial habitability
- Duality of Ross Ice Shelf systems: crustal boundary, ice sheet processes and ocean circulation from ROSETTA-Ice surveys
- Dynamic Triggering of Microseismicity in the North Island of New Zealand following the Mw7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake
- Dynamical adjustment of Scandinavian glacier mass-balance time series
- Estimating Past Temperature Change in Antarctica Based on Ice Core Stable Water Isotope Diffusion
- Estimating glacier response times and disequilibrium in a changing climate
- Estimating the Heat Production and Distribution across Ice-Stream Shear Margins Using Surface Velocities
- Evaluating the use of seafloor pressure data for the study of slow slip earthquakes; insights from the 2011-2015 Cascadia Initiative deployment
- Experimental Thermodynamics of [Na-Mg-Cl-SO<SUB>4</SUB>] Aqueous Solutions at GPa Pressure With Application to Icy Worlds.
- Exploring Low-Amplitude, Long-Duration Deformational Transients on the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Forced Climate Changes in West Antarctica and the Indo-Pacific by Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheet Topography
- Gamma-ray signatures of neutrons from Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Heteogeneities During Deformation of Polycrystalline Ice, Recent Advances in Cryo-EBSD Analyses
- High pressure study of water-salt systems, phase equilibria, partitioning, thermodynic properties and implication for large icy worlds hydrospheres.
- Imaging Seismic Zones and Magma beneath Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- Intereruptive deformation at Three Sisters volcano, Oregon, USA: a strategy for traking volume changes through coupled hydraulic-viscoelastic modeling
- Investigating Sedimentary Basin Effects in the Puget Lowland: Observations and 3D Ground Motion Simulations
- Is Recent Warming Unprecedented in the Common Era? Insights from PAGES2k data and the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- Lithospheric Structure of the Incoming Nazca Plate Adjacent to the 2014 Iquique Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Long-term Glacial History of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet from Cosmogenic Nuclides in a Subglacial Bedrock Core
- Marie Byrd Land glacier change intimately linked to inter-decadal climate variability
- Marine redox structure at the culmination of the Great Oxidation Event: Insights from the Zaonega Formation, Karelia, Russia
- Mass Fluxes of Ice and Oxygen Across the Entire Lid of Lake Vostok from Observations of Englacial Radiowave Attenuation
- Mid-latitude thermospheric dynamics from an inter-hemispheric prospective
- Miscibility and Speciation in the Water/carbon Dioxide System
- Modeling the sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) over the last deglaciation using improved climate reconstructions of temperature and precipitation in the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM)
- Observing the seasonal cycle of the upper ocean in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, with autonomous profiling floats
- Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
- On the interactions between energetic electrons and lightning whistler waves observed at high L-shells on Van Allen Probes
- Rare Earth Element Recovery from Low-Grade Feedstocks Using Engineered E. coli
- Real-time Monitoring of 2017 Hurricanes and Typhoons with Lightning
- Reconstructing Holocene Climate based on Alkenones and Isotopes from West Greenland Lake Sediments: Temperature or Effective Moisture as a Driver?
- Seasonal to Interannual Surface Ocean Salinity Trends With Aquarius Data
- Seismic Wave Velocity in the Subducted Oceanic Crust from Autocorrelation of Tectonic Tremor Signals
- Sferic propagation perturbations caused by energetic particle events as seen in global lightning data
- Spatial Comparisons of Tremor and Slow Slip as a Constraint on Fault Strength in the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet Derived from Paleoclimate Reanalysis
- The Climate Response to Explosive Volcanism in the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- The Effect of Earthquakes on Episodic Tremor and Slip Events on the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) Catalog
- The Nature of Antarctic Temperature Change
- The Preservation and Recycling of Snow Pack Nitrate at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide Ice Core Site from the Present Day to the Last Glacial Period.
- Trends and variability in the Hadley circulation over the Last Millennium from the proxy record
- VESL: The Virtual Earth Sheet Laboratory for Ice Sheet Modeling and Visualization
- Virtual Earth System Laboratory (VESL): A Virtual Research Environment for The Visualization of Earth System Data and Process Simulations
- A 2D Tomographic P-Wave Velocity Model for the Incoming Nazca Plate Adjacent to the 2014 Iquique Earthquake
- A Numerical Toolbox to Guide Radar and Seismic Field Campaign Planning
- A Study of Boreal Mid-Latitude Lightning-NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production
- A multiple methods vertical land movement analysis to support sea level rise planning for Washington State
- Across the Great Divide: The Flow-to-Fracture Transition and the Future of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- An Online, Historical, Tropical Cyclone Database Combining Lightning with Observations from the GPM Core Observatory and the GPM Constellation
- An alternative interpretation of the late -to-mid Quaternary tectonic evolution of the southern San Andreas Fault along its restraining bend
- Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat in the western Ross Embayment since the Last Glacial Maximum constrained by geochronology and ice flow modeling
- Arctic MISST: Multi-sensor Improved Sea Surface Temperature: Continuing the GHRSST Partnership and Improving Arctic data
- Brinicles and the Fates of Trapped Salts in the Ices of Ocean Worlds
- Climate evolution of the Earth-like planets with surface plate motion in a whole Earth system evolution model
- Climatic Thresholds for Widespread Ice Shelf Hydrofracturing and Ice Cliff Calving In Antarctica: Implications for Future Sea Level Rise
- Co-Observations of Thunderstorm Ground Enhancements by the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) array and the Gamma-ray Observations During Overhead Thunderstorms (GODOT) instrument
- Comparing Post-Harvest Soil Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling and Content in Tall Fescue Fields Under Conventional and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilization
- Comprehensive equations of state for high pressure ices and aqueous brines for accurate thermodynamic properties predictions.
- Constraining Ages of Glacial Deposits Recorded in a Victoria Valley Permafrost Core
- Crater Zonation and Characteristics of a Proposed Impact Lander Using Field and Lab Testing as an Analog for Icy Worlds.
- Crustal Deformation in Southernmost Cascadia: Insights from GPS-inferred Strain Rate Maps
- Deciphering controls on sedimentary C/N ratios in ancient marine sedimentary rocks
- Delivery of deep-sourced, volatile-rich plume material to the global ridge system
- Drivers of extreme 2012 melt and basin-scale runoff from three catchments along the West Greenland ice sheet
- EPEx: Imaging Precipitation-Driven X-ray Bremsstrahlung Over Western Canada
- Emergence/subsidence histories along the Carnegie and Cocos Ridges and their bearing upon biological speciation in the Galápagos
- Energetic Particle Precipitation Measurements From High Altitude Balloons with Imaging X-ray Detectors
- Expansion of GPS-Acoustic Arrays offshore the Cascadia and Alaska Subduction Zones
- Experimental Exploration of the Speciation, Solubility and Solid Phases of Carbon in the CO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O and CO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O-NaCl Systems to 7 GPa and 700 K.
- Fire and ice: Intense convective precipitation observed at high latitudes by the GPM satellite's Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) and the ground-based World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN)
- Five Years Of Recording VLF Intensities In Inner Plasmasphere Using CNOFS VEFI
- Forecasting Local Tsunamis with GNSS Earthquake Source Products
- Holocene Retreat of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Southern Ross Embayment from Records at Amundsen and Liv Glaciers, Southern Transantarctic Mountains During the last glaciation, grounded ice filled much of the Ross Embayment
- ICESat-2 Over Antarctica and Greenland: First Evaluation of Land-Ice Elevation Products
- Ice Cliffs: A Region Primed for Enhanced Flow or Failure?
- Ice Shelf Vulnerability to Increased Seasonal Upper Ocean Warming
- Identifying Trends in Tsunami Coastal Hazards Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone Through Synthetic Testing
- Impact of High-Pressure Chemistry on Planetary Habitable Zones
- Impact of evolving subglacial hydrology on marine ice sheet dynamics
- Induced Stresses on the Cascadia Megathrust during ETS Events and Implications for the Triggering of Tremor
- Integrated Modeling of Hydro-Geomorphic Hazards: Floods, Landslides and Sediment
- Interannual to Sub-Daily Fluctuations in Thwaites Glacier Speed Associated with Ocean Forcing and Calving
- Investigating fault scarp evolution in jointed bedrock in southwestern Iceland and northern California
- Lateral translation of the Burma Platelet since the late Cretaceous: An Asian analogue for the Baja-BC hypothesis?
- Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB>Production in the Tropics as Determined Using OMI NO<SUB>2</SUB>Retrievals and WWLLN Stroke data
- Magnesium isotopic systematics in postshield lavas from Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Megathrust Earthquakes and Coseismic Landslides in Cascadia: Insights from a New Inventory of Thousands of Landslides Dated Using Calibrated Surface Roughness
- Multidecadal Climate Response of Outlet Glaciers in Northwestern and West Central Greenland
- New Insights into Peak Ground Displacements Recorded with High-Rate GNSS
- No measurable calcium isotopic fractionation during crystallization of Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii, and its implication to calcium isotopic fractionation during mantle partial melting
- Northwest Earth and Space Sciences Pipeline: Incorporating Native Americans in STEM education in a co-creation model
- Ocean redox conditions during the Cryogenian interglacial period controlled by continental weathering
- On the Orientation of Solar-induced Stresses in Boulders on Mars Using 3D Simulations
- Past temperature and snow accumulation at the South Pole from ice-core water-isotope diffusion
- Post-Collisional Deformation of the Anatolian Orogeny, Turkey: Insights from Geochronology and Sedimentology of the Saricakaya Basin, Western Anatolia
- Potential Impacts of Remotely-Sensed Ocean Surface Boundary Layer LiDAR Profiler Observations on Ocean State Estimation
- Preliminary investigation of Ti transport and isotopic fractionation in the critical zone
- Properties of magmas at depth from SiO<SUB>2</SUB> density and local structure measured using X-ray absorption and X-ray Raman spectroscopy
- Role of lithospheric melt transport in controlling the assembly of magmatic systems
- Scalable InSAR processing and analysis on the Cloud - with applications to geohazard monitoring in the Pacific Northwest
- Seaglider and Float Observations Beneath Dotson Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
- Sustained, Autonomous Observations Beneath Ice Shelves
- The Detectability of Offshore Slow Slip Earthquakes with Seafloor Pressure Sensors: A Sensitivity Analysis for the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- The unstable rivers and the stable ones: using historical records of channel geometry to understand the processes driving changes in flood hazards in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Thinning at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet divide during the last glacial-interglacial transition
- Using radio-wave attenuation to constrain ice temperature in regions of fast flow
- What can short-term observations tell us about attribution and predictability of ice-stream response to climate?
- 3D Seismic images of double BSRs at the northern Hikurangi margin and the implications for subduction processes
- <SUP>14</SUP>CO in Glacial Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from 1870 AD to Present
- A Combined Ocean Bottom Seismometer and Multi-Channel Seismic Streamer P-Wave Tomography Model Characterizing the Subducting Iquique Ridge
- Along-strike variations in sediment input at the Alaska Peninsula subduction zone from new open access multichannel seismic reflection data of the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
- An Inverse Approach to Estimate Past Ice Sheet Conditions from the South Pole Ice Core
- An analysis of source models and ground motion predictions from ShakeAlert geodetic and seismic algorithms for the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest, CA Earthquake
- Analyzing Morphologic and Microscopic Deformation Caused By A Proposed Asteroid Impact Sampler
- Applying True Source Depth to ShakeAlert Algorithms in Subduction Zones
- Arctic ocean surface observations from Saildrones
- Assessment of rapid earthquake source characterizations for local tsunami forecasting along the Cascadia subduction zone
- Association of ionospheric whistler waves with WWLLN lightning using a relaxed correlation method
- Attempted Ultradeep Drilling to the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone Plate Boundary: The Saga of IODP NanTroSEIZE Expedition 358
- Attribution and Predictability of Ice Sheet Change under Variable Climate Forcing
- Boron isotope constraints on Neoarchean ocean pH and climate
- Comparing Lightning Stroke Energy determined by RF Versus Optical Methods
- Comparison of model-observed runoff along the West Greenland Ice Sheet
- Constraining Spatial Asymmetry in Europa's Oceans
- Constraining the Eruptive Tempo of the Deccan Traps to understand potential climate consequences
- Constraints of Geothermal Flux from Coastal Domes of the Ross Ice Sheet, Antarctica
- Controls on magnesium isotope cycling at subduction zones
- Design Considerations for an Offshore Instrument Network for Tsunami Early Warning in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Direct and indirect impacts of basal channels on ice-shelf stability
- Distinct small-scale (0.1 to 1 m) regolith features suggest regolith activity and provide clues about the bedrock at Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars
- Dual porosity modeling of lanthanide separation using fixed-bed columns of bead-encapsulated, engineered Escherichia coli
- Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning from Offshore Geophysical Networks: Design Considerations for the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Energetic and thermodynamic controls on the meridional distribution of meteoric isotopes
- Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Controls Regional Warming Uncertainty
- Evidence for Extended Charging Periods Prior to Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Finding the optimal site for a deep ice core at Hercules Dome, Antarctica
- FrontDetect: a python library for segmenting glacier calving fronts from satellite imagery
- Glaciogenic sediment implicated in river bed elevation instability across the uplands of Washington State, USA
- Heat flow and thermal regime in frontal region of Nankai accretionary prism off Kumano revealed from borehole APCT and observatory thermal data
- High Altitude Balloons and Riometers as Tools to Understand Energetic Electron Precipitation - Results from The ABOVE^2 and EPEx Missions
- Hisingerite-forming serpentinization in the Duluth Complex (USA): A rare terrestrial analogue for serpentinization on Mars
- How cold was Antarctica during the Last Glacial Maximum?
- Human Influence on the Retreat of Palcaraju Glacier (Cordillera Blanca, Peru)
- Hydration State of the Upper Mantle in the Arc-Extended Backarc of Southern Cascadia and the Great Basin, western U.S., from Magnetotellurics
- Improved Precision of Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O Measurements by Laser Spectroscopy
- Insight on the physical properties of sediments within the Nankai inner accretionary prism, from repeated borehole geophysics of NanTroSEIZE IODP expeditions 348 and 358.
- Investigating Interseismic Slip Rates near the Mendocino Triple Junction through Block Modeling
- Investigating Sources of the Global Electric Circuit Using WWLLN Lightning and the IMERG Precipitation Product: Comparison with Vertical DC Electric Field Measurements
- Investigating the role climate reconstructions play in the simulated retreat history of southwestern Greenland during the Holocene using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM).
- Is Tibetan Plateau uplift more recent than we thought?
- Magnesium isotope compositions of Mauna Kea lavas: Crystal fractionation effect
- Mapping silicic plutons from the surface to 10-km depth in the vicinity of Mount St. Helens using joint active- and passive-source tomography
- Middle Miocene uplift of the Olympic Mountains, Washington State, shown by sedimentary provenance
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Insights into the Origin and Evolution of West Qinling Melilititic Magmatism
- Modeling bremsstrahlung X-ray signatures of Lightning-induced electron precipitation in the upper atmosphere
- Ocean pH, atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and habitability of the early Earth
- Physical properties of the Nankai Trough at Sites C0002, C0024 and C0025, IODP Expedition 358
- Potassium Isotopic Compositions of International Geological Reference Materials
- Quantifying the Thunderstorm Contribution to Earth's Global Electric Circuit
- Radar-Detected Layering in Ice: Experiments, Field Data, Modeling, and Application to Mars
- Radio-echo sounding of Crary Ice Rise reveals abundant marine ice in former ice shelf rifts and basal crevasses
- Reaching Depths of Kilometers in Cold Ice with Small Melt Probes, by Managing Melt-Hole Refreezing
- Reanalysis of Greenland temperature and precipitation over the last 20,000 years using data assimilation
- Revisiting the Precambrian carbon cycle: the influence of reverse weathering and alternative interpretations of the carbon isotope record
- Sensing the Endgame for Callisto's Ocean
- Sixteen Years of Ice-Sheet Change from ICESat to ICESat-2.
- Structural and Sedimentological evolution of the Çankiri Basin: Implications for Early-Middle Miocene Plateau Development During Protracted Paleogene Intercontinental Collision in Central Anatolia (Turkey)
- Structural observations across the Nankai accretionary prism, IODP Expedition 358 (NanTroSEIZE)
- Sub-Auroral Ionospheric and Stratospheric Electric Field Responses to an Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Event
- Sustained, Autonomous Observations Beneath Dotson Ice Shelf
- Testing different configurations of GNSS-based rapid source products for tsunami and ground motion characterization
- The Great Oxidation Event: An Inside Job?
- The Holistic Role of GNSS in Local Tsunami Warning
- The Value Of Real-Time Geomechanics During Riser Drilling Operations In Complex Environments: NanTroSEIZE IODP Exp 358 Case Study
- The complex kinematics and multi-fault rupture process of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes
- The effect of sound velocity uncertainty on GNSS-Acoustic measurements quantified by synthetic tests
- Thermo-chemical plume interactions with mantle viscosity layering and phase transformations: comparisons with seismic imaging
- Three-Dimensional Structural Interpretation and Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Accretionary Wedge and Decollement Evolution, Nankai Subduction Zone, Kii-Kumano Region, SW Japan
- Towards GNSS Enhanced Local Tsunami Warning
- Tracking Explosive Eruptions with Volcanic Lightning
- UWRover: A Low-Cost, Autonomous, Solar-Powered, Modular Polar Rover for Radar Survey Applications
- Understanding Drivers of Glacier Length Variability Over the Last Millennium
- Wavelet methods for the analysis of GPS recordings of slow earthquakes
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet History from a Subglacial Bedrock Core
- When is chemical disequilibrium in Earth-like planetary atmospheres a biosignature versus an anti-biosignature? Investigating disequilibria from prebiotic to post-biotic worlds.
- Wood Debris Sources and Logjam Distribution and Dynamics Before and After Two Large Dam Removals on the Elwha River, WA
- 10Be in the South Pole Ice Core - A Late Holocene Solar Variability Record
- 3D forearc crustal structure in the vicinity of the 2014 Iquique earthquake sequence
- A 3-D Sedimentary Model of Frozen Terrain in Taylor Valley, Antarctica from Ground Penetrating Radar: Implications for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Deglaciation and the Physical Properties of Sediment in the Ross Sea Region
- A Deep Dive into Planetary Abysses: Effects of Pressure, Phase Equilibria and Chemistry on the Structure and Habitability of Icy-Ocean Worlds.
- A Description of the Atmospheric Large-scale Circulation during EUREC<SUP>4</SUP>A and its Impact on the Thermodynamic Vertical Profiles in the Trades
- A Ground Motion Model from GNSS Peak Ground Displacement
- A Lagrangian perspective on tropical anvil cloud lifecycle in present and future climate
- A Mission Concept for a Solar Observatory in a Highly-Inclined Heliocentric Orbit - Demystifying the Magnetic Nature and Activity of our Star
- A New Method to Retrieve Electron Precipitation Spectra from High Altitude Balloon X-ray Spectrometer Data
- A Nitrogen-Rich Atmosphere on Ancient Mars Indicated by Isotopic Evolution.
- A Unique Sodic Mafic Igneous Achondrite From an Ancient(?) Differentiated Parent Body
- A multi-million-year record of vegetation and ice-cover in the basal sediment from the Camp Century ice core, northwestern Greenland
- Abundant phosphorus for life in the Enceladus ocean
- Analysis of a Decade-Long Low-Frequency Earthquake Catalog in Southernmost Cascadia
- Applying True Source Depth to ShakeAlert Algorithms for Intraslab Earthquakes
- Assimilating glaciological and geochronological data into ice-flow models to constrain the deglaciation of Beardmore Glacier, Transantarctic Mountains
- Atmospheric Erosion by Giant Impacts onto Terrestrial Planets: A Scaling Law for any Speed, Angle, Mass, and Density
- CAPE Threshold for Lightning Over the Tropical Ocean
- Chemical fractionation in Enceladus' plume driven by dynamic exsolution and condensation
- Chloramphibole in Nakhlite Northwest Africa 13368 and Implications for Halogens on Mars
- Climatic imprint in the mechanical properties of ice sheets and its effect on ice flow. Observations from South Pole and EPICA Dome C ice cores.
- Comparing the morphologic variability of jointed bedrock fault scarps across four different settings
- Coral constraints on ENSO in a warming world
- Differential mechanical weathering and the evolution of topographic asymmetry in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
- Distinct Outlet-Glacier Responses to Surface-Mass-Balance and Ocean Variability
- Empirical Study of Daytime D-Region Attenuation of VLF Waves in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide, Using the World-Wide Lightning-Location Network
- Evaluating the likelihood of flow reactivation at the sticky-spot of Whillans Ice Stream using ICESat-2 and swath radar topography
- Evaluation of megaflood deposits with photogrammetry and photogranulometry
- GNSS driven local tsunami warning performance for non-megathrust tsunamigenic events
- Geochemistry as a Tool for Magnetic Induction, Gravity, and Seismology in Icy Ocean Worlds
- Global Electric Circuit: Thunderstorm and Electrified Shower Cloud Areas from Lightning and Precipitation
- Global lightning at high latitudes
- Hercules Dome ice core project: Prospects for obtaining Eemian records that constrain the size of the West Antarctic ice sheet through time.
- High-resolution CHIRP survey offshore Seattle, Washington
- Hydraulics of a Megaflood in the eastern Himalaya: Feedbacks between Form and Flood
- HydroSphere: an open source code to model the structure and thermodynamic equilibria of water dominated planetary shells.
- Inferring Holocene variations in ice-flow patterns and accumulation gradients at Hercules Dome from radar measurements of internal layering and englacial velocity profiles with 2D ice-flow modeling
- Initiation and Propagation Phases of Northern Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip Events
- Interior Ice-Sheet Dynamics are Constrained through the Holocene Transition using the Thermodynamics of South Pole Lake
- Isotope constraints on moisture exchange processes from EUREC4A and ATOMIC
- Magmatic architecture of continental flood basalts - a Deccan Traps perspective
- Magnetic Fields Induced from an Asymmetric Ocean, with Application to Europa
- Molecules for the origin of life from impact-generated atmospheres on early Earth
- Noise Characteristics of Operational Real Time High Rate GNSS Positions in a Large Aperture Network: Implications for Early Warning Applications
- Novel oxygen false positives on habitable zone planets
- On the Connection Between Continent Scale Rates of Lightning and Solar Wind Sector Structures
- On the Role of Lightning in Coupling Geospace and the Neutral Atmosphere Through the Excitation of the Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator
- Precipitation modulates Greenland Ice Sheet size during the Holocene
- Progress Towards Operational Rapid Tsunami Forecast via GNSS analysis
- Radiative and Dynamic Controls on Atmospheric Heat Transport
- Raman Spectroscopy of the Amphibole Cummingtonite under Compression to 21 GPa—Ali Fuat Yuvali, Jason N. Ott, Elise Knittle and Quentin Williams
- Redox Revolutions on Earth and Beyond: Implications for Life Detection on Extrasolar Worlds
- Relevance of Topographic Roughness Amplitude, Orientation, and Spatial Frequency for Basal Resistance Inversions: A Case Study on Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica.
- Responses of stable water isotopes to a collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in high-resolution simulations with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Riftquakes: Recording and Modeling Seismic Signals of Rifting at Pine Island Glacier
- SeaFreeze GUI: A User-Friendly Dive into Water and Ice Thermodynamics of Planetary Abysses.
- Seasonal to Interannual variations of salinity fronts under Pacific ITCZ from spaceborne observations and their associations with ENSO
- Secular oxidation of the mantle decreased the proportion of reducing gases in volcanic emissions and could trigger the atmospheric oxygenation
- Slipping the Shumagin Gap: A Kinematic Rupture Model of the Mw 7.8 Simeonof Island, Alaska, Earthquake
- South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) Dust Record of Southern Westerly Wind Variability during Dansgaard-Oeschger Events
- Surface pressure and winds in the Amundsen Sea Embayment during the 20th century
- Survival of the strong, slow, and dense: Field evidence for rapid, transport-dependent bed material abrasion of heterogeneous source lithology
- The AEPEX Mission: Atmospheric Effects of Precipitation through Energetic X-rays
- The Connection Between Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Lightning Activity in Their Originating Thunderstorms
- The early Earth productivity paradox
- Thunderstorms as Possible HF Radiation Sources of Propagation Teepee Signatures
- Total Air Content of the South Pole ice core
- Understanding Morphologic Flood Risk Relevant to River Management in Western Washington State
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Water Desorption as a Mechanism for Recurring Slope Lineae Formation
- Weathering Processes in Antarctica as an Analog for Planetary Systems