Historic Crystal-Rich Pahoehoe Flows at Volcán Llaima (38.7° S, Chilean Andes) and the Minerals Therein: Implications for Magma Rheology and the Importance of Magma Replenishment and Gas Sparging for the Eruption of Crystal Mush

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Graph neighborhood for 'Historic Crystal-Rich Pahoehoe Flows at Volcán Llaima (38.7° S, Chilean Andes) and the Minerals Therein: Implications for Magma Rheology and the Importance of Magma Replenishment and Gas Sparging for the Eruption of Crystal Mush'. Click aggregate nodes to navigate.
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Listed Authors
Dungan, M.
Bouvet de Maisanneuve, C.
Bachmann, O.
Burgisser, A.
Moreno, H.
Listed Institutions
University of Geneva, Section des Sciences de la Terre, 13 rue des Maraichers, Geneva, 1205, Switzerland
University of Geneva, Section des Sciences de la Terre, 13 rue des Maraichers, Geneva, 1205, Switzerland
University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Seattle, WA 98195, United States
CNRS-ISTO, University of Orleans, 1a rue de la Ferrollerie, Orleans, 45071, France
SERNAGEOMIN-Chile, OVDAS, Cerro Nielol, Temuco, 641, Chile

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