University of Geneva, Switzerland
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- Integral Science Data Center
- University of Geneva, Astronomical Observatory
- University of Geneva, Data Center for Astrophysics
- University of Geneva, Physics Section
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Authigenic Carbonates and the Late Quaternary Lake Level History of Lago Cardiel, Southern Patagonia (Argentina)
- Late Pleistocene Lake Level History in Patagonia: Lake Cardiel \(49\°S\)
- Radiometric Evidence for a Composite Reefal Terrace of MIS 7 and MIS 5e age in Great Inagua Island, Bahamas
- Temperature-Induced Aluminum Zoning in Hornblendes of the Fish Canyon Magma, San Juan Volcanic Field, Colorado
- Textural and Compositional Zoning of Plagioclase Phenocrysts of the Current Eruption at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- The Cup of Tea - Drift Sediment Analogy: The Example of a Southern Patagonian Lacustrine Basin
- Rates, Mechanisms, and Implications of Crustal Assimilation in Continental Arcs
- Biomarker Records of Lake Albano (central Italy) and Lake Constance (southern Germany)- Implications for environmental change in the Holocene and Younger Dryas
- Neotropical Climate Change Related to Intertropical Convergence Zone Migration During the Last Deglaciation
- Unraveling Complex Crystal Populations of the Current Eruption of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica: Key to Understanding 35 Years of Continuous Eruption of Monotonous Basaltic Andesites
- High-resolution Stable Isotope Record From Lago Cardiel (49° S), Argentina - Implications for Past Hydroclimatic Conditions in Patagonia Since the Late Pleistocene
- Lowland Neotropical Climate Change during the Late Deglacial and Early Holocene
- Sedimentary Iron Oxyhydroxides Fluxes in Lago Cardiel (Argentina): Estimating Late Holocene Wind Intensity in Southernmost Patagonia
- The Lake Peten-Itza (Guatemala) Drilling Project: Tracking Late Quaternary Environmental Change in the Lowland Neotropics
- Contrasting Ti Zoning Patterns in Quartz Phenocrysts from the Bishop and Fish Canyon Tuffs: An Expression of Volatile Composition in Recharge Melts
- Correlated Oxygen Fugacity and Slab-Derived Fluid Flux Linked to Oceanic Fracture Zone Subduction at Nevado de Longavi Volcano, Southern Andes.
- Crystalline Debris, Not Phenocrysts: Mineralogical Evidence for Partial Assimilative Recycling of the Mafic-Ultramafic Plutonic Roots of a Continental Arc
- Lacustrine Records of Holocene Climate Change From Southernmost South America
- Maturation of Island Arcs: Pb-Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Evidence for Continuous Mantle Source Enrichment During ~120 Ma of Magmatic Activity of the Kohistan Paleo-Island Arc
- Nevado de Longavi Dacites: Adakite Genesis by Intra-Crustal Fractional Crystallization in a Cold Subduction Zone
- Old phenocrysts gather on the shores of the Aegean
- Paleoenvironmental history of the lowland Neotropics from Lake Peten-Itza, Guatemala
- Tracking tectonic activity and climate change in Southernmost Patagonia - The Lago Fagnano record
- Xenocrystic Material in Arc Volcanics: Example from Recent Merapi Lavas
- A Catastrophic Event From a Non-catastrophic Cause: The 1996 AD Megaturbidite in Lake Brienz (Switzerland).
- Climate vs. Tectonics at the end of the World: the Lago Fagnano Sedimentary Record, Tierra del Fuego, Southernmost South America.
- Climatic Drying in Mesoamerica Between 2000 and 1000 BC and its Potential Role of Initial Settlement of Early Maya Civilisations in Peten, Guatemala
- Deciphering Magma Chamber Dynamics From Styles of Compositional Zoning in Erupted Rocks
- Environmental History of Southern Patagonia Unraveled by Seismic Stratigraphy and Sediment Cores of Laguna Potrok Aike
- Fluid-Melt-Crust Interactions Beneath The Andean Arc: Textures, Crystal Zoning and CO2- Inclusions In Gabbroic Xenoliths From San Pedro Volcano (SVZ)
- Geomicrobiological Study of Sulfur Nodules Forming in Sediments of Lake Peten Itza, Guatemala
- Heat Budget in Periodically Replenished and Erupted Andesitic Magma Reservoirs: a Numerical Approach on Mount Pelee (Lesser Antilles Arc)
- High precision ages from the Torres del Paine Intrusion, Chile
- Microbes Caught in the Act: Disentangling the Role of Biofilms in the Formation of Low Mg Calcite Ooids in a Freshwater Lake
- Paleoclimate of northern Guatemala during the Last Glacial Cycle
- Paleoenvironmental History During Multiple Glacial Cycles in Southern Patagonia (Argentina) the proposed ICDP Project PASADO
- Reconstructing Late Holocene Glacial Fluctuations in Northern Patagonia (Argentina) Using the Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Lacustrine Cellulose
- The Processes and Timescales That Produce Zoning and Homogeneity in Magmatic Systems
- The pre-Kos Plateau Tuff Volcanic Rocks on Kefalos Peninsula (Kos Island, Dodecanese, Greece): Crescendo to the Largest Eruption of the Modern Aegean Arc
- 2D Lattice Boltzmann conduction-advection model with phase-change: Developing a new tool to assess melting/crystallization dynamics in magma chamber.
- An 85-ka Record of Climate Change in Lowland Central America
- Characterisation of juvenile pyroclasts from the Kos Plateau Tuff (Aegean Arc): insights into the eruptive dynamics of a rhyolitic caldera-forming eruption
- Dynamical Constraints on the Life Cycle of Voluminous Silicic Systems: How to Build, Maintain, and Destroy Shallow Silicic Magma Bodies
- EARTHTIME: Isotopic Tracers and Optimized Solutions for High-Precision U-Pb ID-TIMS Geochronology
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene Paleomagnetic Record From Lago Cardiel, Argentina: Correlation of Geomagnetic Paleointensity Records and Geomagnetic Modulation of the Radionuclide Production
- Millennial-scale Hydrological Fluctuations in Western Mediterranean During the Last 20 ka: The Sedimentary Record of Lake Estanya (NE Spain)
- New Constraints on Maar Geometry and Sedimentary Fill of Laguna Potrok Aike, Southern Patagonia
- Permeability, anisotropy and tortuosity measurements of pumices using X-ray computed microtomography
- Persistent Atlantic cold-water spells into the Mediterranean caused abrupt aridities in the late Quaternary Levant
- The Growth of Magma Bodies by Amalgamation of Discrete Sheet Intrusions: Implications for the Formation of Magma Chambers
- The Initiation of the Southern Central Great Barrier Reef: Multiproxy Study on Periplatform Sediments From ODP Site 1195 on the Marion Plateau (NE Australia)
- Chronicles from the End of the Word: the Holocene climate variability in Tierra del Fuego
- Discovery of Lower Pleistocene Shallow-marine Deposits on Mayaguana Island, Bahamas. Implications for Eustatic Sea-Level Curves Derived From Deep-Sea Oxygen-Isotope Records
- Historic Crystal-Rich Pahoehoe Flows at Volcán Llaima (38.7° S, Chilean Andes) and the Minerals Therein: Implications for Magma Rheology and the Importance of Magma Replenishment and Gas Sparging for the Eruption of Crystal Mush
- Impacts of a Warmer Climate on Lake Geneva Temperature Profiles Using a Single- Column Lake Model.
- New Constraints on Dolomitization Models and Neogene Tectono-eustatic Events in the SE Bahamas From Exposed Messinian and Upper Pliocene Dolostones on Mayaguana Island
- Sensitivity Analysis of Snow Patterns in Swiss Ski Resorts to Shifts in Temperature, Precipitation and Humidity Under Condition of Climate Change
- A new method fingerprinting magmatic processes using combined U/Pb ID-TIMS geochronology and accessory mineral geochemistry
- Behind A Database: The Characterization Of Explosive Eruptions
- Blooms from the past: Building up a long diatom record from PASADO
- Deep Drilling at Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina: Recovery of a Paleoclimate Record for the Last Glacial from the Southern Hemisphere
- Formation of Amorphous Mg-Si Precipitates Mediated by Microbial Activity: A Recent Analogue For Understanding their Role in Microbialite Formation
- Influence of particle shape on tephra dispersal
- Infrasonic tremor driven by lava lake degassing dynamics at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- Investigating the deep cool lacustrine biosphere: Lake Potrok Aike, Patagonia, Argentina
- Lacustrine evidence of anti-phase distribution of moisture in Southern South America during the Neoglacial period (Invited)
- Late Holocene climatic record from a middle-mountain wet zone in Central Colombia
- Linking Eruptive Dynamics and Frequency to Petrologic and Geochemical Constraints at a Hyperactive Andean Arc Volcano
- Linking slope stability and climate change: the Nordfjord region, western Norway, case study
- Melt Inclusions from Volcán Llaima (38.7°S, Andean Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile): Insights into Shallow Magma Storage and Crystallization
- Middle and Late Holocene climate in the tropics : contribution of a high-resolution palynological and geochemical record in northwestern Colombia
- Open system degassing, bubble rise and flow dynamics within volcanic conduits- an experimental approach
- Origin and evolution of the Laguna Potrok Aike maar (Southern Patagonia, Argentina) as revealed by seismic data
- Pre-eruptive thermal rejuvenation and limited mass recharge in large silicic, crystal-rich magma bodies: the case of the Masonic Park Tuff, Southern Rocky Mountain volcanic field, CO
- Temporal Changes in Eruption Dynamics at Tungurahua Volcano Deduced from Infrasonic Measurements, June 2009
- The Siquisique basalts and gabbros, Los Algodones, Venezuela: late Cretaceous oceanic plateau formed within the proto-Caribbean plate?
- The mafic - granitic connection of the Torres del Paine laccolith, Patagonia
- Thermal evolution of magma reservoirs in the shallow crust and incidence on magma differentiation: the St-Jean-du-Doigt layered intrusion (Brittany, France)
- Trends in joint extremes of temperature and precipitation in Europe since 1901 and projected for 2100
- Application of U-Pb ID-TIMS dating to the end-Triassic global crisis: testing the limits on precision and accuracy in a multidisciplinary whodunnit (Invited)
- Assessment of microbial biomarkers with environmental genomics: a comparison of biochemical and phylogenetic indicators of microbial diversity in Yellowstone National Park
- Combined Petrological and Numerical Modeling Approach to Address Highly Crystalline Magma Remobilization Prior to Eruption at Volcán Llaima (Chile, 38.7°S)
- Crustal overprint on mantle-derived U-series disequilibria in arc magmas: A warning signal from Volcán Llaima, Chile
- Deriving accurate eruption ages from complex zircon populations: insights from zircon trace element chemistry and intercalibration with astronomical time
- Evolution of silicic magmas in the Kos-Nisyros volcanic center: cycles associated with caldera collapse
- Pahoehoe lavas at arc volcanoes with >50% crystals. How and why?
- Paleotemperature Estimation by Tandem δ18O Measurement of Biogenic Carbonate and Gypsum Hydration Water
- Reactive multiphase flow at the pore-scale: the melting of a crystalline framework during the injection of buoyant hot volatiles
- Revealing the degree of complexity in open magmatic systems: A new, but simple statistical treatment of whole-rock compositions
- Rhone glacier last deglaciation in western Lake Geneva from seismic reflection and sedimentary data
- Stratigraphy and Physical Characterization of the May, 2008, Chaitén Eruption, Chile
- Structural Controls on Quaternary Andean Arc Volcanism, a Geologic Map-based and 3D Model Approach—Tatara-San Pedro Volcanic Complex, 36°S, Chile
- The thermal evolution of pyroclastic density currents: Exploring the thermal histories of juvenile clasts of Tungurahua and Cotopaxi, Ecuador
- Toward a more quantitative understanding of open magmatic systems (Invited)
- Contrasting Mantle Sources and Intra-Crustal Evolution Paths at Lonquimay and Llaima Volcanoes (Andean Southern Volcanic Zone: SVZ)
- Extreme drying event in the Dead Sea basin during MIS5 from the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drill Core
- Sedimentary records of trace elements from large European lakes (Switzerland) document historic to recent freshwater pollution and climate-induced runoff variations
- Sunset Crater, AZ: Evolution of a highly explosive basaltic eruption as indicated by granulometry and clast componentry
- The Mohawkian Chronostratigraphic Problem: building a reliable timescale by combining biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, and tephrochronology
- Tracing episodic magma accretion by stable and radiogenic isotopes and U-Pb dating in the Adamello batholith, Italy
- Using the potential of accessory minerals: detailed reconstruction of emplacement and crystallization sequence in the Southern Adamello Batholith, N. Italy
- A multi-proxy approach to local and regional variations in magma chemistry between 36.5 and 41°S in the Chilean Volcanic Zone
- A study of sedimentation and aggregation of volcanic particles based on experiments carried out with a vertical wind tunnel
- Characterization of the 1000 AD Sunset Crater eruption and its pyroclastic products
- Climate change impacts on glaciers and runoff in Tien Shan (Central Asia)
- Diatom diversity and paleoenvironmental changes in Laguna Potrok Aike, Patagonia: the ~ 50 kyr PASADO sediment record
- Estimating the Volume of Tephra Deposits, Deriving the Height of Eruptive Plumes and Classifying the Eruptive Style: a New Comprehensive Strategy
- Evidence for an alternative biotic pathway for aragonite precipitation in the Dead Sea Basin, Levant
- Explosive magma interaction revealed by physical and textural properties of basaltic scoria at Stromboli volcano
- Improving on mass flow rate estimates of volcanic eruptions
- New evidence for the Storegga tsunami event in lake basins systems: western Norway
- Reconstructed Stratigraphic and Structural Controls on the Eruptive History of the Tatara-San Pedro Volcanic Complex in the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Chilean Andes
- River basins as dynamic markers of crustal deformation
- Simulating the evolution of Himalayan glaciers with the regional climate model REMO
- The ICDP Dead Sea deep drill cores: records of climate change and tectonics in the Levant
- Tracking the evolution of a giant magmatic system from assembly to supereruption
- Volcanic ash aggregation: a new classification scheme
- A 2000-year long seasonal record of floods in the southern European Alps reconstructed from varved lake sediments (Invited)
- Atmospheric forcing of debris flows in the southern Swiss Alps
- Building a Bridge to Deep Time: Sedimentary Systems Across Timescales
- Empirically and theoretically determined spatial and temporal variability of the Late Holocene sea level in the South-Central Pacific (Invited)
- Foreland basins and gravity anomalies along the edges of mountain belts linked to faulting
- Highly explosive mafic eruptions from the interplay between high viscosity and low viscosity magma: the Sunset Crater (AZ, USA) eruption
- Improvement of a windgust parametrization with an application using the Canadian Regional Climate Model over Switzerland
- Late Holocene Sea-Level Changes in French Polynesia, South-Central Pacific
- Lava Fountaining Discharge Regime driven by Slug-to-Churn Flow Transition. (Invited)
- Marine vs. local control on seawater Nd-isotope ratios at the northwest coast of Africa during the late Cretaceous-early Eocene
- Non-oscillatory Central Differencing (Noc) Scheme to Solve the Shallow Water Equations Coupled with Sediment Transport and Bed Evolution in Two Dimensions
- Numerical Modeling of River Fluxes Under Changing Environmental Conditions (Invited)
- Sea-level changes over the past 6,000 years in the Society and Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia
- Sedimentation and aggregation of volcanic particles: lab and field experiments (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal variability of the Late Holocene sea-level and trace element ratios in the South-Central Pacific based on U/Th dated corals of Bora Bora, Huahine and Moorea, Society Islands, French Polynesia
- Thermal and physical evolution of magmatic systems and its control on volcanic activity (Invited)
- Water, Resilience and the Law: From General Concepts and Governance Design Principles to Actionable Mechanisms
- Aggregation Of Volcanic Particles: Physical Constraints Provided By Field And Numerical Investigations
- Distributed and Localized Deformation Along the Lebanese Restraining Bend from Geomorphic Observations and Modeling
- Dynamics of Wind-Affected Volcanic Plumes: The Example of the 2011 Cordon Caulle Eruption, Chile
- Early Diagenetic Imprint on Temperature Proxies in Holocene Corals: A Case Study from French Polynesia
- Environmental Signal Propagation in the Transfer Zone: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy
- Evaluation of rockslide hazard on the Vulcano Island
- Evidence of a complex shallow reservoir network from micro-textural observations of the scoria products of the 1085 AD Sunset Crater eruption
- Geochemistry of the Kalkarindji Magmas: Insights into the Source of the Oldest Phanerozoic Large Igneous Province
- Hypersaline Subsurface Microbial Communities from the Dead Sea Viewed from Their Metagenomes.
- Intercomparison of the Wetchimp-Wsl Wetland Methane Models over West Siberia: How Well Can We Simulate High-Latitude Wetland Methane Emissions?
- Interglacial Climate from Deglaciation to Glacial Inception
- Laboratory Models of River Pattern Evolution over a Deforming Template - Application to the Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Long-term evolution of erupted magma chemistry
- Looking through the Zircon Kaleidoscope: Durations, Rates, and Fluxes in Silicic Magmatic System
- Melt segregation and assembly of the youngest exposed magma chamber in the world: Takidani Pluton (Japan)
- Mid- to Late Holocene Sea-Level Record in French Polynesia, South-Central Pacific
- Organic Proxy Disturbance in the Dead Sea Basin at the Beginning of the Holocene
- Orogen-parallel Variation in Flexure of the Arabian Plate Beneath the Zagros Mountains
- Rapid Rejuvenation of the Source of a Backarc Sheeted Magmatic Complex (Torres del Paine, Patagonia): Evidence From Hf isotopes in Zircon
- Streamflow model of the six-country transboundary Ganges-Bhramaputra and Meghna river basin
- The Cerg-C: A Specialisation Certificate in Geological and Climate Related Risk of the University of Geneva, Switzerland
- The Role of Convective Instabilities from Ash Clouds in Proximal Deposition of Fine Ash
- Towards a Proactive Risk Mitigation Strategy at La Fossa Volcano, Vulcano Island
- Uncertainties in Modelling Glacier Melt and Mass Balances: the Role of Air Temperature Extrapolation and Type of Melt Models
- Using U-Pb Detrital Zircon to Identify Evolution of Sediment Drainage in the South Central Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain
- Volcanic Particle Aggregation: A Fast Algorithm for the Smoluchowski Coagulation Equation
- Zircon Age Distributions Provide Magma Fluxes in the Earth's Crust
- Zircon Record of the Plutonic-Volcanic Connection and Protracted Rhyolite Melt Extraction at Turkey Creek Caldera, Arizona
- Application of paleoDNA for identification of paleotsunami deposits
- Bridging Surface and Subsurface Observations of the Pulsating Behavior of Lusi: a New-born Sedimentary Hosted Hydrothermal System in East Java.
- Combined 2-D Electrical Resistivity and Self Potential Survey to Investigate the Pattern of the Watukosek Fault System Around the Lusi Eruption Site, Indonesia.
- Earthquake-triggered fluid release at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy.
- Evolution of the mantle source in an evolving arc-backarc system (Torres del Paine, Patagonia): Evidence from Hf isotopes in zircon
- Geochemical Stratigraphy of Southern Parana' Lava Piles
- Relationships Between Eruption Rate and Total Grain Size Distribution at Hekla and Askja Volcanoes, Iceland: Enhancing the Source Term for Tephra Modeling
- Towards a Numerical Description of Volcano Aeroacoustic Source Processes using Lattice Boltzmann Strategies
- Ambient vibration technique to explore mud volcanoes structure
- Biofilms as bioindicators of mercury exposure in surface waters
- Chronology of magmatic and biological events during mass extinctions
- Geochemical Dataset of the Rhone River Delta (Lake Geneva) Sediments - Disentangling Human Impacts from Climate Change
- Reconstructing Mid- to Late Holocene sea-level change from coral microatolls, French Polynesia
- Reference dataset of volcanic ash physicochemical and optical properties for atmospheric measurement retrievals and transport modelling
- Sources and assembly of diverse rhyolitic magmas in a hotspot environment inferred from microanalysis of zircon isotopes
- The Birth of a Cratonic Core: Petrologic Evolution of the Hadean-Eoarchean Acasta Gneiss Complex
- The quest to understand Pb loss in baddeleyite
- Thermal erosion of cratonic lithosphere as a potential trigger for mass-extinction
- Volatile transport in subvolcanic magma reservoirs
- Citizen Science to Support Community-based Flood Early Warning and Resilience Building
- Combined Climate and Flow Abstraction Impacts on an Aggrading Alpine River
- Delayed inflation triggerd by regional earthquakes at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy.
- Determining the physical and chemical processes behind four caldera-forming eruptions in rapid succession in the San Juan caldera cluster, Colorado, USA
- Fragmentation efficiency of low viscosity magmas: Which mechanisms control ash formation?
- From Crustal Anatexis to Pluton Emplacement: High-Precision Zircon Geochronology Reveals the Thermal History of the Larderello-Travale Geothermal System (Italy)
- Increased Mediterranean Magma Production and Volcanism Triggered by the Messinian Salinity Crisis
- Modulation of magmatic processes by carbon dioxide
- Monitoring earthen dams and levees with ambient seismic noise
- On the Role of Subduction Dynamics on Emplacement of Metamorphic Core Complexes and Geothermal Systems
- Pollen-proxies say cooler, climate models say warmer: resolving conflicting views of the Holocene climate of the Mediterranean region
- Possible climate effects of the CAMP intrusive and extrusive activity and its influence on the end-Triassic mass extinction
- Reconstructing Mid- to Late Holocene Sea-Level Change from Coral Microatolls, French Polynesia
- The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP)
- The chemical evolution of Earth's emerged crust inferred from titanium isotopes
- The volcanic-plutonic connection unveiled
- a Matlab Toolbox for Basin Scale Fluid Flow Modeling Applied to Hydrology and Geothermal Energy
- A Combination of Dry Spells and Extreme Precipitation Is Responsible for Triggering Landslides in the Outer Western Carpathians
- Assessing the Recent and Future Evolution of Glacial Lakes in the Poiqu River Basin, Central Himalaya
- Bacterial Recycling of Archaeal biomass in the Extreme Dead Sea Sediments
- Biological effects on uranium isotope fractionation in primary biogenic carbonates
- Citizen science: reconstructing past flood events from episodic memory
- Crustal architecture and tectonic evolution of a major pull-apart basin in East Antarctica
- Crystal-plastic fabrics within serpentinized peridotites of Hole BA1B, BA3A and BA4A drilled by the Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 on D/V Chikyu
- Effects of Hydrothermal Alteration During Cycles of Deformation Along Fault Zones in Granitoids (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica)
- Fault Reactivation and Oblique Rift Opening Revealed by Reoccurring Magma Intrusions in Central Iceland
- Fluid Escape above a Gravity-driven Linked System in the Orange Basin, Offshore South Africa
- Landslide EVO: Citizen Science and Sensor Networks for Landslide Risk Reduction and Resilience Building
- Milankovitch Cycles in Paleoproterozoic Banded Iron Formation
- Physical properties of the lower oceanic crust and mantle: quantifying the relationships in wireline logging data from the Oman Drilling Project Phase I
- Present-day Uplift of the European Alps: Mechanisms and Relative Contributions
- Propagation of a planar hydraulic fracture perpendicular to the isotropy plane of a transversely isotropic material
- Pure, but not Simple (Shear): Structural Characterization of the gabbroic crust and crust-mantle transition in the Wadi Tayin Massif of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman (Oman Drilling Project Holes CM1A, CM2B, GT1A & GT2A)
- Rural Water for Thirsty Cities: Indicators, Tools and Applications of the Global Reallocation Database
- Structural inheritance controlling Southern Pyrenean foreland basin architecture: insights from multi-proxy provenance analysis
- 3D modelling of the fault-bounded Castelluccio basin (2016 Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake, central Italy) using deep resistivity Full Waver survey
- A 400 ka-multi-centennial record from Lake Petén Itzá reveals mechanisms of moisture transport across Central America
- A Model for Basaltic Magma Jet Fragmentation
- A Multi-Approach Diagenetic Study of Late Triassic Atoll-Type Carbonates From Dalnegorsk Area (Taukha Terrane, Far Eastern Russia)
- A new dataset of eruption source parameters devoted to eruptive column model evaluation.
- An umbrella cloud model to explain thickness and grain size variation in tephra deposits: Pululagua (Ecuador)
- Can Seismic Waves Induce Permeability Changes in Fluid-Saturated Porous Rocks?
- Climate Vulnerability Mapping: State of the Art and Recommended Practices
- Controls on titanium isotope fractionation in tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmas
- Eruptive Style Transition at La Fossa Cone, Vulcano Island, Italy
- Experiments on the Effect of Particle Concentration and Size on Settling-Driven Gravitational Instabilities Associated with Volcanic Clouds
- Geophysical imaging unveils the largest pull-apart basin in East Antarctica
- Going Beyond the Mean: Using Empirical Models to Upscale and Predict Aquatic Boreal CH4 Emissions in a Warming World
- High-precision cavity ring-down measurements of ẟ<SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> and ẟ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> along the Eastern North Atlantic onboard the sailing research vessel Fleur de Passion
- Interplay Between Shear at the Base of Volcanic Clouds and Ash Sedimentation
- Israel Slump Complex - A second-tier seal and transient reservoir in the Levant Basin, Mediterranean Sea
- Landslide EVO: Monitoring landslides in remote western Nepal by leveraging technological advances and citizen science
- Lipid biomarkers as fingerprints of modern dolomite formation in hypersaline coastal lagoons, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Mapping Spatial and Temporal Variations with Coda-Wave Sensitivity Kernels: A Review of Recent Progresses and Applications.
- Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sediments
- Modulation of magma diversity sampled by volcanoes through contrasting thermochemical regimes
- Multi-decade Analysis of Ground Deformation at the Koa'e Fault System (Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii) Using Structural Data and Air Photo Correlation.
- Numerical Modeling of Gravitational Instabilities at the Base of Volcanic Plumes
- Real-time assessment of particle size distribution in volcanic jet by thermal monitoring : potential and limitations of a low cost and fast processing method
- Seismicity and geodynamics of western Peloponnese and central Ionian Islands: insights from a local seismic deployment.
- TEMPO- Revealing volcano-tectonic processes byintegrating multi-temporal and spatial deformation analysis
- Testing Ambient-Noise Tomography as a Geothermal Exploration Method in Switzerland
- The July 2018 M<SUB>L</SUB> 4.5 sequence analysis, Sea of Galilee: geodynamic investigation using moment tensor and local earthquake tomography.
- Unsupervised learning exposes magma dynamics during the 2014-2015 Holuhraun-Bardarbunga eruption (Iceland)
- Zircon petrochronology of four large, rapid-succession, caldera-forming eruptions in the central San Juan caldera cluster, Colorado
- Zr Isotope Variations in Zircon as an Indicator of Magmatic Differentiation
- A data-driven approach to the petrological study of an ignimbrite flare-up in the central San Juan caldera cluster, Colorado
- A typology of compound weather and climate events
- Abrupt Increase in the Mid-Holocene Flood Magnitudes Recorded in the Grain Size of Alluvial Fan Surfaces: Death Valley, CA
- Consequences of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-magma interaction for explosive volcanism at Colli Albani (Italy)
- Emplacement temperatures of the Chachimbiro pyroclastic blast from paleomagnetic data
- Evaluating the dependence structure of compound precipitation and wind speed extremes
- Ground Displacement Analysis of the 1975 Kalapana Earthquake (South Flank of Kīlauea Volcano) Using Air Photo Correlation.
- Influence of faulting on magma propagation during volcano-tectonic events (Iceland) using structural data and analogue modelling.
- Machine Learning thermo-barometry to compare the architecture of volcanic plumbing systems across tectonic settings
- Mercury as a proxy for enhanced volcanism across the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Mid-Holocene Warmth and Temperature Trends: Reconstructing Holocene Climate using a Global Proxy Database and Five Statistical Methods
- Palaeohydraulic reconstructions of the Escanilla fluvial system, south-central Pyrenees, Spain
- Quantitative chemical mapping of plagioclase as a tool for the interpretation of volcanic stratigraphy: an example from St Kitts, Lesser Antilles
- Reconstructing the Fluvial History of Antoniadi Crater: Evidence for Noachian and Amazonian Stream Networks on Mars
- Rock Magnetism, Paleomagnetism and Paleointensity of Imbabura Volcano (ecuador) - Implications for the Spatiotemporal Growth Model
- Societal Transformations in Models for Energy and Climate Policy: The Ambitious Next Step
- Source to Sink Upstream or Downstream Propagation of Climate Cycles and Events: Insights from the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin.
- Textural segmentation of magmatic minerals to compare geochemical zoning in elemental maps: assessing changes in plagioclase zoning based on the size of pyroclasts
- The Off-Hawaii deep crust drilling on the North Arch as a pilot hole for future mantle drilling
- Upstream and downstream controls on aggradation in a small-scale physical river model: implications for fluvial stratigraphy
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- A Holistic Approach to Understanding the Migration Mechanisms of Pb in Apatite and Ar in Alkali Feldspar from Proterozoic Granitic Batholiths from the Mt. Isa Inlier (Australia): Inferences from Multi-Method Petrological Characterisation and Isotope Analysis of Multiple Minerals
- Assessing strategies to mitigate debris-flow risk in the south-central Peruvian Andes
- Basin subsidence & chronology of southern Rio Grande rift stratigraphy: Comparing different estimates of rapid subsidence
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- Chromospheric Heating Mechanisms in a Plage Region Constrained by Comparison of Magnetic Field and Mg II h & k Flux Measurements with Theoretical Studies
- Combining Visible- and Infrared-Wavelength Observations with Numerical Modelling to Describe Vulcanian Eruption Plumes at Sabancaya, Peru
- Diachronous Flooding During Pannonian Basin Extension (Central Europe): Constraining the Miocene Incursion of the Central Paratethys using High-Precision Geochronology
- Disequilibrium 44Ca in Calc-silicate Minerals and Kinetic Isotope Effects During Skarn Formation
- Etna as melts leaking from the Low velocity Zone
- Evolution of seafloor pockmarks along the Northern Orange Basin, offshore South Africa
- First Field Measurements of the Electric Charge Carried by Single Volcanic Ash Aggregates
- Fluid and Melt Transport in Shallow Silicic Plutons: Emplacement of a Foamy Magma Batch in the Torres del Paine Igneous Complex (Patagonia, Chile)
- Giant Volcano Flank Motion Imaged by Historical Air Photos Correlation During the M 7.7 Kalapana Earthquake (1975), Big Island, Hawaii
- Global Estimate of Size and Location of Rifted Area since Rodinia Break-Up
- Integrative Post-Event Impact Assessment Framework for Volcanic Eruptions: a Disaster Forensic Investigation of the 2011-2012 Eruption of the Cordon Caulle Volcano (Chile)
- Interaction of Faulting and Magma Propagation in Obliquely Extensional Settings in North Iceland using UAV-Based Structural Data
- Interrogating a newly found olivine gabbro in the Ivrea Verbano Zone: preliminary data on magma differentiation in the lower continental crust
- JUpiters Global maGnetic Environment and RadiatioN ObservaTory (JUGGERNOT): A Mission to the Solar Systems Greatest Particle Accelerator
- Local Melt Contamination and Global Climate Impacts: Geochronology of Karoo LIP Sills in Organic-Rich Shales
- Longitudinal survey data for diversifying temporal dynamics in flood risk modelling
- Methodologies for the study of change in hydrology and society
- New In-Situ Technique for 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Altered Mafic Rocks in Large Igneous Provinces: The Karoo Example.
- Physical Processes and Timescales of Aeolian Remobilization: the Example of the Tephra-Fallout Deposit Associated with the 2011 Eruption of Cordon Caulle Volcano (Chile)
- Precipitation Sensitivity of High-altitude Polylepis pepei in Northern Bolivia
- Robustness of the Bornite (Cu5FeS4) Rhenium-Osmium (187Re187Os) Geochronometer for the Quantification of Geological and Hydrothermal Processes Constraints from Microscale Spatial Distribution and Mineralogical Residency of Rhenium
- Seismic Geomorphology of a Late Cretaceous Turbidite Channel system in Deepwater Kribi/Campo sub-basin, offshore Cameroon
- Toward a more reliable estimation of volcanic hazards during explosive eruptions: the case of Mt. Etna, in Italy
- When and how quickly do magma systems look like those associated with rifting? A case study from the Southern Rocky Mountains and northern Rio Grande Rift
- "Understanding the Genesis of Gold-rich Porphyry Systems: A case of Study from the Dorado Porphyry Gold Deposit in the Maricunga Belt, Northern Chile"
- 3D Tomographic Analysis of Volcanic Tephra from the 2020-2022 Activity of Mt. Etna: Insights into Magma Porosity and Crystallinity, and Eruption Style and Intensity
- A pioneer geochemical approach applied on carbonate cements to decipher past environmental changes
- A tomographic analysis of the melt inclusions of Colli Albani
- An Experimental Study on the Competition Between Crystal Growth and Element Diffusion
- Climate Controlled Fluvial Stratigraphic Architecture in the Middle Eocene Escanilla Formation, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain
- Combining Microbial DNA and Lipids to Track Glacial/Interglacial Environmental and Climate Changes: the Case of Lake Fucino.
- Cretaceous Magmatism in the Antarctic Peninsula and its Tectonic Implications
- Discovery of a Neogene Paleo-pockmark Field in the Northern Orange Basin, Offshore South Africa
- Evaluating Inter-laboratory Bias in ID-TIMS U-Pb Geochronology: Preliminary Results of an EARTHTIME Reproducibility Experiment Employing Natural Zircon Solutions
- Geophysical and Thermal Modelling for Geothermal Exploration in the Northeast Pannonian Basin (Romania)
- Heliophysics at the Solar System's most powerful particle accelerator: the COMPASS mission to Jupiter
- Magmatic Differentiation vs Contamination in Arc Plutons: A new in situ perspective based on Sr isotopes in plagioclase from Adamello (Italy)
- Melts from the Low Velocity Zone as the Source for Mt Etna
- Numerical investigation of particle settling in a magmas: from hindered settling to dynamical instabilities
- Origin of precession-scale cycles in 2.46-Ga iron formations and implications for the history of the Earth-Moon system
- Primordial Ocean Condensation on Rocky Planets
- Termination of Snowball states: Constraining the Climate Forcing of Stochastic Events
- The Isotopic Record of Waning Subduction - an Example from the Antarctic Peninsula
- The Variability of Mineral Chemistry and Eruptive Dynamics During the February-April 2021 Sequence of Lava Fountains (South-East Crater, Mt. Etna)
- The curious case of Colli Albani: a VEI 6 eruption of extremely low viscosity magma
- Toward a quantitative definition of the state of activity of volcanoes
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alex Burton‐Johnson
- Alexander Drozdov
- Alexander García
- Alexander Minakov
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Allison Jaynes
- Andrea Castelletti
- Andrea Giuliani
- B. H. Mauk
- Baojian Fan
- Carmen Gaina
- Christian Huber
- Christian Vérard
- Diego Perugini
- Donald A. Swanson
- E. Roussos
- Edoardo Rossi
- Elena Mondino
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Franck Donnadieu
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- G. Clark
- G. Leto
- Giovan Peyrotty
- Giuliano Di Baldassarre
- Grant Berland
- H. T. Smith
- I. A. Johanson
- I. J. Cohen
- J. Tomás Ovalle
- James Hollingsworth
- Jan Adamowski
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- Joaquin Bastías
- John K. Hillier
- Joseph H. A. Guillaume
- Joshua M. Rosera
- Julie Schindlbeck-Belo
- Kareem Sorathia
- Karin van der Wiel
- L. W. Blum
- Luca Caricchi
- Lucas A. Tarr
- Luís Valero
- M. Pajola
- Magdalena Ellis Curry
- Manuel Pimenta Silva
- Matteo Spada
- Maurizio Petrelli
- Melissa Haeffner
- Michael A. Antonelli
- Nikhil Sharma
- Ovie Emmanuel Eruteya
- P. Kollmann
- Pauline Rivoire
- Peter K. G. Williams
- Q. Nénon
- Rigoberto Aguilar Contreras
- Saket Pande
- Sean P. Gaynor
- Steffen Kutterolf
- Stephen E. Watkins
- Sébastien Castelltort
- Tetsu Anan
- Thomas A. Schad
- Tirthankar Roy
- Tushar Mittal
- W. Li
- Xinlin Li
- Xuesong Ding
- Émeline Bolmont