Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orleans
flowchart I[Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orleans] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (158)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (16)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A test of the hypothesis on the Guyana and the West-African Shield assembly: New Paleoproterozoic paleomagnetic results from French Guyana and Ivory-Coast
- Phase Equilibria and Pre-Eruptive Conditions of Dacite From Volcan San Pedro (Chilean Andes), and Implications for the Sulfur Content of Subduction-Related Silicic Magmas
- Organic Matter Preservation Control in Modern Deep-Sea Environments: Luderitz, Benguela Upwelling System
- Experimental Temperature-X(H<SUB>2</SUB>O)-Viscosity Relationship for Peraluminous Leucogranites, and Comparison With Synthetic Silicic Liquids
- Magnetostratigraphy and Rock Magnetism of the Neogene Yaha Section (Northwest China) and Possible Late Cenozoic Uplift of the Tianshan by 11 Ma
- Measuring fold growth and crustal shortening: a case study from northern Tien Shan
- An experimental tool to look in a magma chamber
- Holocene Paleoceanographic Conditions of Cabo Frio Upwelling System (Rio de Janeiro / Brazil). As Inferred by Bulk and Molecular Geochemical Approach From Sedimentary Organic Matter.
- Late Cenozoic Building History of the Chinese Tianshan Seen From The Rock Magentic Record
- New Structural, Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on the Late Paleozoic Geodynamic Evolution of Northwestern Tianshan, NW China
- Secular to Interannual Climatic, Oceanographic and Ecological Changes in the Peruvian Upwelling System Revealed by Multiproxies Sedimentary Records of the Past 250 Years
- Sedimantary Record of Erosion and Deformation Rated in the Northern Tianshan as Constrained From Magnetostratigraphic Sections in the Junggar Basin, Western China
- The Reactive Magma Concept, Local Equilibrium, and Experimental Studies of Silicic to Intermediate Magmas
- Heat Budget in Periodically Replenished and Erupted Andesitic Magma Reservoirs: a Numerical Approach on Mount Pelee (Lesser Antilles Arc)
- Hydrological changes during the Late-glacial times in northern Brazil inferred from sediments of Caço Lake.
- Late Neoproterozoic paleomagnetic results from the Sugetbrak Formation of the Aksu area, Tarim basin (NW China) and their implications on the paleogeographic reconstruction and snowball Earth hypothesis
- Modeling the Shortening History of a Fault-Tip Fold Using Structural and Geomorphic Records of Deformation
- On the Evolution of Volcanic Gas Composition During Magma Ascent
- Primary Carboniferous and Permian paleomagnetic results from the Yili Block (NW China) and their geodynamic implications on the evolution of Chinese Tianshan Belt
- Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (ASM) as a powerful tool to study sedimentary process in continental basin
- EC-NEAREST project: First Tsunami Underwater Observatory in the Gulf of Cadiz
- Experimental Characterization of Redox Changes During Degassing of a Vapor Saturated Magma: Redox Exchanges Between H-O-Fe Species
- Experimental Constraints on Ar and Ne Solubility in H2O-CO2 Bearing Basaltic Melts
- Experimental Study of the Behaviour of Gold in Calc-alkaline Arc Magmas : Demonstration of the Effect of Sulphur and Geological Implications on the Formation of Gold Deposits
- Fluid/Melt Partition Coefficients Of Halogens In Basaltic Melt
- Influence Of The Redox State On The Electrical Conductivity Of Basaltic Melts
- Limestone Assimilation by Basaltic Magmas: an Experimental re-Assessment and Application to Italian Volcanoes
- Modelling Sulfur Content in Volcanic Gases of Mars
- Permeability, anisotropy and tortuosity measurements of pumices using X-ray computed microtomography
- The Importance of Crust-derived CO2 in Mafic Magmas: Evidence from Italian Volcanoes
- A new Meso-Cenozoic Apparent Polar Wandering Path for East Eurasia and Tectonic Implications.
- Chemical Behavior of Sulfur in Minerals and Silicate Glasses Studied Using Inner Shell Spectroscopy
- Historic Crystal-Rich Pahoehoe Flows at Volcán Llaima (38.7° S, Chilean Andes) and the Minerals Therein: Implications for Magma Rheology and the Importance of Magma Replenishment and Gas Sparging for the Eruption of Crystal Mush
- Modeling the Time-dependent Changes in Electrical Conductivity of Basaltic Melts With Redox State
- A continuum mechanics approach to quantify brittle strain on weak faults: application to the extensional reactivation of shallow-dipping discontinuities
- Bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence during the 1997 Vulcanian explosions of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- Deformation-induced magma degassing (Invited)
- Experimental simulations in the system H2O-Cl: A step forward in the study of magma degassing at Mount Erebus (Antarctica)
- Fluid dynamic simulations of the convection at Erebus lava lake, Antarctica
- Impact of climatic changes on organic carbon dynamic in wet tropical watersheds of Guadeloupe (FWI)
- Impregnating unconsolidated pyroclastic sequences: A tool for detailed facies analysis
- Lifetime of Superheated Aqueous Solutions in Micrometric Synthetic Fluid Inclusions
- Linking Eruptive Dynamics and Frequency to Petrologic and Geochemical Constraints at a Hyperactive Andean Arc Volcano
- Linking slope stability and climate change: the Nordfjord region, western Norway, case study
- Mechanical interactions between bubbles in experimentally decompressed H2O-saturated rhyolite melts
- Melt Inclusions from Volcán Llaima (38.7°S, Andean Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile): Insights into Shallow Magma Storage and Crystallization
- Mesozoic continental extension in eastern China: Metamorphic Core Complexes and granitic plutons as time and strain markers
- Pre-explosive Conduit Conditions of the 1997 Vulcanian Explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano (Montserrat): Pressure and Vesicularity Distributions
- South American climate teleconnections during the last millennium
- The Neogene Xiyu Formation, a diachronous prograding gravel wedge at front of the Tianshan: climatic and tectonic implications
- Three-dimensional textural analysis of products from the Vulcanian explosions of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 1997, using X-ray computed microtomography: comparison with 2D data and implications for vesiculation processes
- A kinetic model for bubbles growth and coalescence in viscous magmas
- Aegean tectonics, a record of slab-overriding plate interactions (Invited)
- Combined Petrological and Numerical Modeling Approach to Address Highly Crystalline Magma Remobilization Prior to Eruption at Volcán Llaima (Chile, 38.7°S)
- Comparison of dissolved inorganic and organic carbon export in the rivers of tropical volcanic island; example from Guadeloupe, French West Indies
- Controls on magma outgassing and their influence on the effusive-explosive transition of volcanic eruptions
- Differentiation conditions of a basaltic magma from Santorini and its bearing on andesitic/dacitic magma production
- Exhumation of HP-LT metamorphic rocks in the Cyclades: constraints from Pressure-Temperature-time-strain
- Experimental textures of mingling and mixing between two chemically contrasted magmas
- Extension in the Aegean nappe-stacks: Numerical Model and their Geological Validation
- Mass-conservative numerical scheme of bubble growth in incompressible viscous magmas
- P, T, X magma storage conditions of the dominantly silicic explosive eruptions from Santorini volcano (Aegean Arc, Greece)
- Pahoehoe lavas at arc volcanoes with >50% crystals. How and why?
- SIGMELTS: A Web-portal for Electrical Conductivity Calculations in Geosciences
- The modes of propagation of the North Anatolian Fault and the mechanical nature of the Aeagean lithosphere
- The shape of the Aegean MCC's, Insights from 3D numerical modelling
- Towards a universal set of bubble coalescence laws in low viscosity magmas
- "MERAPIDATA": New Petrologic and Geochemical Database of the Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia
- Crystallization and nucleation kinetics in volcanic systems
- Experimental Constrains On Shear-Induced Crystal Breakage In Magma
- Experimental Constraints in Favor of Partial Melting of the Middle Crust for the low Resistivity Zone under the Tibetan Plateau
- Experimental constraints on the crystallization and evolution of primitive magmas from Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- Explosive eruption of rhyodacitic magma at the Cordón-Caulle volcanic complex, southern Chile
- Inertial effects during outgassing and implications for the effusive-explosive transition
- Melt Segregation On Explosive Timescales in Subaqueous Eruptions
- Miocene shale tectonics in the Moroccan margin (Alboran Sea)
- Modelling Of Hindered Crystal Settling-Floating Process In A Magma Chamber
- The Fate of Eclogitized Oceanic Crust During Subduction: Implications for Subduction Zone Dynamics
- The structure of the Alpine distal margin: insights from the proximal margin shortening kinematics during collision, Western Alps
- What are submarine pyroclasts trying to tell us?
- Basalts, gabbroic cumulates and andesite generation in the Lesser Antilles - An experimental perspective
- Bubble nucleation in H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> bearing basaltic melts: results of high temperature decompression experiments
- CO2-rich melts generated during basalt magma ascent and degassing
- Climate variabilty in Northeast Brazil lakes since the LGM
- Electrical Conductivity of Carbonated Melts at Mantle Conditions
- Electrical Resistivity, Crustal Melting and Strain Localization beneath the Himalayan-Tibetan Belt
- Magmas trapped at depth and the continental lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary
- New evidence for the Storegga tsunami event in lake basins systems: western Norway
- Paleo-denudation rates at the Plio-pleistocene transition from in situ produced cosmogenic isotopes (10Be): method and new results from the Tianshan and the Himalayas
- Spatial and temporal distribution of Cu-Au-Mo ore deposits along the western Tethyan convergent margin: a link with the 3D subduction dynamics
- Storage and eruption of near-liquidus rhyodacite magma at Cordón Caulle, Chile
- The Role of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Silica Undersaturated Melt Structure: Implication for Melt Physical Properties
- Through the volcanic-looking glass: using pyroclastic obsidian to image magma degassing and flow in shallow silicic conduits
- Towards a better understanding of Mantle melting in presence of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O
- Concealing in-situ melt and ex-situ glass observations: The point of view of spectroscopy and molecular dynamic simulations (Invited)
- Electrical Properties of Hydrous Magmas
- Gas emissions due to magma-sediment interactions during flood magmatism at the Siberian Traps (Invited)
- Mantle convection and crustal tectonics in the Tethyan subduction zone
- Natural and Experimental Petrology constraints on the Plumbing system of Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion island)
- Retreating, tearing slabs: 3D thermo-mechanical models and implications for crustal deformation and surface dynamics
- Strain weakening enables continental plate tectonics
- Subduction dynamics, mineralization and related magmatism in eastern Mediterranean: insight from kinematic reconstructions
- Ascent Dynamics of Low Degree Mantle Partial Melts, Constrained from CO<SUB>2</SUB> Solubility Experiments.
- Deformation-induced diagenesis and microbial activity in the Nankai accretionary prism
- In situ thermodynamic monitoring of serpentinization and H<SUB>2</SUB> generation - An experimental study
- Melt Connectivity and Its Effect on Grain Growth in Natural Olivine Aggregates: An Experimental Study
- Reactive transport modeling to quantify trace element release into fresh groundwater in case of CO<SUB>2</SUB> leak from deep geological storage.
- Contribution of the RSCM geothermometry to understanding the thermal history of the Hajjar deposit (Guemassa massif, Morocco).
- Detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic constraints on the terrigenous flexural basins of the Western Alps and their paleogeographic implications
- Early Cretaceous extensional reworking of the Triassic HP-UHP metamorphic orogen in Eastern China
- Evidence of phase nucleation during olivine diffusion creep: a new perspective for mantle strain localization and Plate tectonics
- GRAAL - Griggs-type Apparatus equipped with Acoustics in the Laboratory: a new instrument to explore the rheology of rocks at high pressure
- Geodynamics of melting in the Asthenosphere
- Holocene Erosion Patterns in European Alps Viewed from Lake Sediment
- Magma Ascent Timescales in Basaltic Explosive Eruptions: Constraints from Decompression Experiments
- Modelling the thermodynamics Sulfur in Silicate Melts
- Tectonic-metamorphic evolution of the Jebilet massif (Morocco) in the context of the Variscan orogeny
- Unraveling static olivine grain growth properties in the Earth's upper mantle
- Badlands as a major source of petrogenic particulate Organic Carbon and sediments to the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea)
- Characterization of the paleo-hydrothermal fluids flow in the geothermal province of Limagne. (French Massif Central).
- From shales to slates: The magnetite and pyrrhotite temperature windows
- Paleomagnetism of Cretaceous limestones from western Tarim basin suggests negligible latitudinal offset yet significant clockwise rotation
- Reactive transport at the pore-scale: Geological Labs on Chip studies (GLoCs) for CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage in saline aquifers
- Shales and geological waste repositories: from microstructure description to macro-scale properties
- Viscosity of silicate melts: the effect of volatiles (CO<SUB>2,</SUB>H<SUB>2</SUB>O) at HP and HT.
- A plate tectonic origin of kimberlites on a cooling Earth
- Evaluation of metal mobility in contaminated sediments using a sequential chemical extraction procedure and a multi-isotopic approach (Zn and Cu)
- Lithium extraction from natural brines and salars - thermodynamic modeling of electrolytic systems and the evaporative sequences
- Lithium isotopes: an innovative tool for the characterization of Lithium resources, clues from Li-rich brines and pegmatites field studies
- Multi-Continuum Reactive Transport Modeling Approaches for Heterogeneous Clay Media: Overview and Challenges
- OZCAR: French network of Critical Zone Observatories exploring the human's habitat
- Rheological behavior and electrical conductivity of San Carlos olivine at low melt fraction
- CRITICAL PEAT project : The importance of hydrology for Carbon Reactivity along with atmosphere - peatland interactions. Preliminary results from the Frasne peatland monitoring (Jura Mountains, France).
- Experimental study of the co-valorization of carbon dioxide storage through hydrogen production in ultramafic geological formations
- Geophysical Imaging for the Petrophysical Properties Characterization of a Limestone Heterogeneous Vadose Zone - Beauce Aquifer (France)
- Impact of Local Human Activities on Dissolved Organic Carbon Export from Peatlands - a Global Review
- Key Parameters Controlling the Seasonal and Inter-annual Variations of pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, Chemical Composition and Carbonate Equilibrium in Stream Water from a Mountainous Karstic Catchment (Pyrenees, France)
- Mechanical-chemical capillary processes driven by high pore sizes heterogeneity
- Mechanism for the Formation of the Jurassic Large Granite Province in SE China
- Normal grain growth of quartz by experiment and discussion on the effect of grain size reduction by deformation in natural conditions
- Water pumping in mantle shear zones: From field observations to experimental evidence
- Fiber Optic and Hydrogeological Sensors for the Monitoring of Mass and Heat Transfers Through the Vadose Zone of a Cenozoic Limestone Aquifer (beauce, ORLÉANS, France)
- Constraining Rheology and Deformation Processes of Wet Quartzite from High-Pressure and High-Temperature Experiments
- Deformation structure and peak-metamorphic conditions in the Kodiak accretionary complex, Alaska
- Hydrogeophysical characterization and determination of petrophysical and hydrodynamic parameters at the O-ZNS observatory of the vadose zone.
- Impact of the 2019 Heat Wave Episodes on the Carbon and Water Vapor Fluxes of the French ICOS Sites: a 3 Model Approach on Determining the Annual and Daily Impact
- Improving Field Lava Flow Temperatures with Lab-based Spectral Emissivities for The 20142015 Holuhraun Eruption.
- Investigating 13C values in stalagmites from tropical South America for the last two millennia
- Oscillating Detachment and Buckling Dominated Fold-Duplex Model for the Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalayan Wedge and Its Seismotectonic Implications
- The Role of an Excess Fluid Phase in Controlling Eruption Styles and Ascent Rates in Basaltic Andesite Magmas
- Thermal Radiative Properties of Bardarbunga Basalts: Importance of Emissivity in Magma Rheology and Volcanic Hazard.
- Constraining Rheology and Deformation Processes of Fine-grained Quartz Aggregate from High-Pressure and High-Temperature Experiments
- Phase Transitions in a Dual Porous Media Connecting Nano-scale Throats to Millimeter-scale Pores
- Segregation and extraction of late magmatic melt and fluids in mushes: experimental approach at high pressure
- Strain Localization and Weakening during Eclogite-Facies Transformation in Experimentally Deformed Plagioclase-Pyroxene Mixtures
- Variation of Thermodynamic Properties of in-pore Water when Coming Closer to a Solid Boundary: the Notion of Interphase