A test of the hypothesis on the Guyana and the West-African Shield assembly: New Paleoproterozoic paleomagnetic results from French Guyana and Ivory-Coast
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Listed Authors
Sebastien, N. Sebastien, N. yan, C. Gilbert, F. Andre, P. Andre, P. Max, V. yao, D.
Listed Institutions
Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2455 Ridge road, Berkeley, CA CA94709 United States ISTO, Universite d'orleans Rue de Saint Amand, Orleans, 45067 France ISTO, Universite d'orleans Rue de Saint Amand, Orleans, 45067 France CNRS Geosiences Azur, Universite de Nice -sophia Antipolis Parc de Valrose, Nice, 06108 France ISTO, Universite d'orleans Rue de Saint Amand, Orleans, 45067 France CNRS Geosiences Azur, Universite de Nice -sophia Antipolis Parc de Valrose, Nice, 06108 France ISTO, Universite d'orleans Rue de Saint Amand, Orleans, 45067 France Direction de la geologie et des Mines, Direction de la geologie et des Mines, Abidjan, Cote D'ivoire ;
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