Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland
flowchart I[Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (6)"] AW["Affiliated Works (2932)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (761)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- ETH Zurich, Department of Earth Sciences
- ETH Zurich, Department of Physics
- ETH Zurich, Institute of Astronomy
- ETH Zurich, Institute of Geophysics
- ETH Zurich, Swiss Seismological Service
- Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Bed-Deformation Experiment Beneath Engabreen, Norway
- A Comprehensive Validation of Global Chemistry Transport Models Against Observations for a Complete 4-year Simulation Period (1995 to 1998)
- A comparison of 10Be, 21Ne and 26Al in quartz from the Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- An Overview of the Lost City Vent Field: An Extensive Off-Axis, Serpentinite-Hosted Hydrothermal Field, 30° N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Authigenic Carbonates and the Late Quaternary Lake Level History of Lago Cardiel, Southern Patagonia (Argentina)
- Can We Ever Solve The Magnitude Of Sea Level Question? Lessons Learned From ODP Leg 194, Marion Plateau, NE Australia
- Conservative Behaviour of <SUP>10</SUP>Be in the Water Column of the Weddell Sea and the Atlantic Sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?
- Crustal Strain in Greece and the Aegean from Multiply Repeated GPS Measurements in the Interval 1988--2000
- Denitrification in a Petroleum-Contaminated Aquifer: In-Situ Assessment Using Push-Pull Tests Combined With Acetylene Inhibition and <SUP>15</SUP>N-Techniques
- Differences in the nature of high frequency cycles from varied environments drilled by the Ocean Drilling Program
- Dynamic Recrystallization of Olivine Aggregates During High-strain Deformation
- Experimental Study of the Deformation of Synthetic White Mica Polycrystalline Aggregates at High Pressure and Temperature
- Feasibility of Mass-Balance Determination using Remote Sensing Methods and Numerical Flow Modeling
- Formation of Hydrothermal Vents in Volcanic Basins: the Karoo Basin, South Africa
- Fractionation of Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes During Microbial Nitrate Reduction
- How Soil Structure Influences the Topsoil Water Dynamics
- Hydrothermal Alteration, Serpentinization and Carbonate Precipitation at the Lost City Vent Field (30N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
- In-Situ <SUP>13</SUP>C-Labeling of Microbial Phospholipid Fatty Acids: Tracing Substrate Assimilation in a Petroleum-Contaminated Aquifer
- Interpreting Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Signals in Lacustrine Carbonates Using Case Studies from Swiss Lakes: A Tribute to Kerry Kelts
- Iron Isotope Fractionation in Microbial and Non-Biological Precipitates, and the Human Body
- Late Pleistocene Lake Level History in Patagonia: Lake Cardiel \(49\°S\)
- Late Quaternary Paleoceanography Offshore from a Temperate-water Carbonate Shelf
- Local and Regional Inputs of Lead in Pacific Deep Water Over the Past 20 Myr
- McGill Paleoclimate Model Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Ice Flow Rate and Discharge Parameters
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence for Sapropel Deposition in the Western Mediterranean: Late Pleistocene-Holocene record
- Nd and Pb Isotope Evolution of Atlantic Deep Water Masses: Evidence for Variations in Water Mass Exchange and Weathering Inputs Over the Past 20 Myrs
- Numerical Simulation of the Interaction Between Biomass Growth and Water Flow in a Porous Medium With a Two-Dimensional Flow Field
- Overriding or Plug-Flow: the Advance of Rock Glaciers Over Different Grounds
- Phase Transition Mechanisms in the Mineral Titanite CaTiOSiO<SUB>4</SUB> Under High Pressure - a X-ray Single Crystal Study Between 7 GPa and 10 GPa
- Raman Spectra and Nucleation Rates of Sulfuric Acid and Ammonium Sulfate Aerosols Supercooled with Respect to Ice
- Sea Surface Temperature Change in the Tropical Atlantic at the Last Glacial Maximum: Constraints from Cariaco Basin Pore Waters
- Seismic Images and Paleoclimatic Records from Lakes in Europe and Asia: Glaciated versus non-glaciated basins
- Shear Localization in Quartz Aggregates Deformed in Torsion
- Structure of the Last Glacial Maximum in New Zealand -Terrestrial and Marine Evidence from Southern mid-latitudes
- Terrestrial Carbon-Isotope Records from Early Cretaceous Coastal Deposits (Algarve, Portugal): High-Resolution Chemostratigraphy on an Intrabasinal and Global Scale
- The Cup of Tea - Drift Sediment Analogy: The Example of a Southern Patagonian Lacustrine Basin
- The Role of Recrystallization on the Deformation Behaviour of Calcite Rocks: High Strain Torsion Experiments on Carrara Marble
- Ultracalcic Magmas or Ankaramitic Picrites as Primitive Magmas in Island Arcs
- Unraveling the Chronology of the Late Pleistocene Wilson Creek Formation, Mono Lake, CA
- Using Microbial Anoxic Experiments to Study Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in Dolomite.
- Widespread Evaporation/Condensation Related Cadmium Isotope Fractionation in Chondritic Meteorites
- A Trajectory Study of the Tropical Troposphere-Stratosphere Exchange based on ECMWF Re-analysis Data
- An Enhanced, Albedo Accounting Degree Day Melt Model for Distributed Application
- An Interactive Geospatial Database and Visualization Approach to Early Warning Systems and Monitoring of Active Volcanoes: GEOWARN
- Assessment of Anaerobic Metabolic Activity and Microbial Diversity in a Petroleum-Contaminated Aquifer Using Push-Pull Tests in Combination With Molecular Tools and Stable Isotopes
- Automatic re-picking and re-weighting of first arrival times from the Italian Seismic Network waveforms database
- Bed-Deformation Experiments Beneath a Temperate Glacier
- Determination of Soil Water Regime Based on Ground-Based Microwave Radiometry Measurements
- Earthquake recurrence parameters from seismic and geodetic strain rates in the Mediterranean
- Garnet/silicate Liquid Partitioning in Mafic Lithologies
- Has the relationship between the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation and air temperature remained constant over the last century? An example from central Europe
- High-resolution simulations of multi-phase flow in magmatic-hydrothermal systems with realistic fluid properties
- Influence of Stratigraphic Uncertainty on the Reconstruction of Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates and Geomagnetic Field Intensity From Marine Sediments
- Maps of Dominant Runoff Processes - a Tool to Describe Runoff Generation During Flood Events
- Microbial Mediation of Carbonate Precipitation: Biogeochemistry of Stromatolitic Mats of Lagoa Vermelha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Motion of a Temperate Glacier Over Hard and Soft Beds: Subglacial Experiments at Engabreen, Norway
- Mountain-front collapse as a slope forming and sediment providing process in two contrasting morphologic environments
- Partial Melting of a Heterogeneous Mantle - Progress and Prospects
- Quiescent Diffusive and Fumarolic Volcanic Bromocarbon Emissions
- Rheological Constraints on the Plastic Lithosphere
- STEP: Likelihood Testing of an Online Time-Dependent Hazard Mapping Application
- The Concentration of Hafnium in Seawater: a Comparison Between the Arctic Ocean and the Northwestern Pacific
- The Mass-Dependence of Cadmium Isotope Fractionation During Evaporation
- Timing and Pattern of the Abrupt Development of the Subarctic North Pacific Stratification During the Late Pliocene: Implications for Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> and the Onset of Major Northern Hemisphere Glaciation.
- Universal scaling in transient creep
- Water Mass Distribution and Particle Flux in the Arctic Ocean From Dissolved <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>9</SUP>Be Concentrations
- a Marine Record of Holocene Climate Events in Tropical South America
- A Description Of Crevasse Formation Using Continuum Damage Mechanics
- A Geochemical/Mineralogical Record of Climate Variability in the Westernmost Mediterranean During Last 16,000 Years
- A Paleoclimate Record of the Great Australian Bight Provides Tropical-Extratropical Linkage for the Past 18,000 Years
- B, Cl, Li Variability in the Subducted Oceanic Mantle and in Antigorite-Breakdown Fluids: Implications for Fluid Processes and Light Element Recycling
- Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Systematics in Three Mid-Pleistocene Sapropels from ODP Site 974 in the Tyrrhenian Basin
- Changes on a glacial-interglacial timescale in the oceanic inventory of phosphorus and its relation to climate change
- Climate Change and Planktic Foraminiferal size Evolution
- Coercivity Distributions of Soft-Magnetic Components and Their Occurrence in Sediments ANS Sedimentary Rocks
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Studies And Geomorphological Implications In The Hyperarid Central Western Andes, Northern Chile
- Damage and elastic recovery of calcite-rich rocks deformed in the cataclastic regime
- Discovering New Mantle-Hosted Submarine Ecosytems: The Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- Effect of Dehydration Reaction on Serpentinite Deformation in Torsion
- Evidence That Ambient Nitric Acid Increases Relative Humidity in Low-Temperature Cirrus Clouds
- Experimental constraints on the role of pyroxenite partial melting in formation of basaltic magmas
- Fluid and Hydrous Melt Compositions in Equilibrium With K-Free Eclogite at 6 GPa and Temperatures of 900-1400° C
- Gas Push-Pull Test for In-Situ Quantification of Vadose Zone Microbial Activities
- Indication of active overthrust faulting along the Holocene-Wisconsin transition in the marginal zone of Jakobshavn Isbr{\ae}
- Influence Of Tropospheric OH On The Stratospheric Humidity And The Background Sulphuric Aerosol Layer: Impact Of Tropical Biomass Burning?
- Investigation of Matrix Diffusion in Deep Hot-Dry-Rock Reservoirs Using Single-Well Injection-Withdrawal Tracer Tests
- Isotope Fractionation of Uranium in Low-Temperature Environments
- Large Iron Isotope Variations in Mantle Minerals: The Influence of Oxidation State and the Implications for the Iron Isotope Heterogeneity of the Upper Mantle
- Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS in situ Uranium-Series Dating of U-Rich Speleothems.
- Light Induced Dissolution of Iron Oxides in the Presence of Siderophores
- Log-periodic oscillations in the acceleration phase prior to break-off of a large ice mass.
- Magnetic Anisotropy in Carbonate Rocks: Revisiting the Carrara Marble
- Mechanism of Non-Steady State Dissolution of Goethite in the Presence of Siderophores
- Melt Percolation and Melt Rock Interaction in the Ophiolitic Peridotites of the Alpine Apennine System (Italy): a Main Step in the Rift Evolution of the Jurassic Ligurian Tethys
- Microbial Mediation of Ca-Mg-Carbonates and Mg-Phosphates: Linking the Carbon and Phosphorous Cycles
- Modelling of Groundwater Weathering Rates From U- and Th- Series Nuclides
- Neotropical Climate Change Related to Intertropical Convergence Zone Migration During the Last Deglaciation
- Nitrogen Fixation Enhanced Organic Matter Production in Demerara Rise Black Shales
- Northwestern Subarctic Pacific Paleoproductivity Fluctuations : a Strong Link With Climate Variability During the Early-Mid-Neogene.
- Organics and Halocarbons in Volcanic Gas Emissions: Sampling, Analysis, and Estimates of Source Strengths for Diffuse and Fumarolic Gas Emissions
- Position and Life Span of Volcanic Arcs - What Link to Present-day Kinematic Parameters in Subduction Zones ?
- Precipitation of Dolomite in Aerobic Culture Experiments Using Halophilic Bacteria
- Preferred Pathways of Tropical Troposphere-to-Stratosphere Transport
- Rheological Behaviour and Microstructures of Natural Gypsum Experimentally Deformed in Simple Shear
- Seismic Properties of Rocks at High PT Conditions. Laboratory Measurements on Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks Representative of Subduction Zones
- Significance of Dust Inputs and Arc Fluxes for the Nd and Hf Budgets in the North Pacific
- Significance of Ilmenite for REE and P Distribution in Garnet From Metapelitic Schists
- Synchronous high lake levels in East Africa at 135 kyr BP
- The Distributed Application of an Enhanced Temperature-Index Melt Model Including Albedo and Global Radiation
- The Faithful Record of Synchrony and Amplitude of Neogene Sea Level Variability in Carbonate Depositional Environments From ODP Legs 133, 166, And 194
- The Fe-Si and Fe-S Binary Systems at 15 Gpa: Important Relations for the Light Element Constituent of the Earth's Core.
- The Global Climate Anomaly in 1940-1942
- The magnetic way of quantifying road traffic pollution in atmospheric particulate matter
- Thermochemical Erosion of Mantle Lithosphere by Melt/Rock reaction in the Lanzo peridotites (Italy), and Implications for the Transition from Rifting to Ultra-Slow Seafloor Spreading
- Trace Element Partitioning Between low-Ca Pyroxene and Ultracalcic Liquids.
- Using SAGE III PSC observations to derive solid particle nucleation rates in the Arctic
- A Modelling Framework to Simulate the Dynamics of the Groundwater, Hydrologic, and Ecologic System in an Alpine floodplain
- A New 2D-Advection-Diffusion Model Simulating Trace Gas Distributions in the Lowermost Stratosphere
- A Record of Multiple Sea-Level High-Stands for the Last 650 ka Preserved at Henderson Island, a Coral Atoll in the South Pacific
- Air-to-Soil Transition Model
- An Internal <SUP>205</SUP>Pb-<SUP>205</SUP>Tl Isochron for the Iron Meteorite Toluca and the Initial Solar System Abundance of <SUP>205</SUP>Pb
- Assessment of Microbial Methane Oxidation Above a Petroleum-Contaminated Aquifer Using Gas Push-Pull Tests, Stable Carbon Isotope Fractionation and Profile Modeling
- Asthenospheric Melt Segregation and Channelization: The Influence of Differential Yielding and Disaggregation on Fluid Flow in Ductile Rocks
- Automated thermo-tectono-stratigraphic basin reconstruction -- Examples from the Norwegian Sea and North Sea
- Borehole Logging to Reconstruct Past Annual Accumulation Rates in High Altitude Firn Areas
- Control of Stratospheric Water Vapor
- Cosmogenic Dating Evidence for the Routing of Lake Agassiz Overflow During the Younger Dryas
- Coupled versus Decoupled Solution Approaches for Non-Linear Fluid Flow Processes in Heterogeneous Porous and Fractured Media
- Does Plant Diversity Affect Carbon and Water-Use Efficiency in Grasslands? Evidence from a Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning Experiment
- Estimation of NAPL/Water Interfacial Areas in Well-Characterized Porous Media
- Experimental constraints on silicon in the Earth's core
- Experimentally Determined Trace Element Partitioning between Rutile and Melt: Implications for Subduction Zone Processes
- High pressure neutron powder diffraction study of OD-chondrodite
- How Lateral Preferential Flow Influences the Infiltration Behaviour
- In Search of r-Process <SUP>247</SUP>Cm in the Early Solar System
- Iron Isotope Fractionation in Iron Meteorites: New Insights into Metal-Sulfide Segregation and Core Crystallization
- Iron Isotope Variations in Reduced Groundwater and in Drinking Water Supplies: A Case Study of Hanoi, Vietnam
- Iron isotope fractionation in mantle minerals and the effects of partial melting and oxygen fugacity
- Linking Ridge Subduction to Paleomagnetic Rotations in the Andes
- Lowland Neotropical Climate Change during the Late Deglacial and Early Holocene
- Melting Of Amphibole-Bearing Wehrlites: An Experimental Study On The Origin Of Ultracalcic Nepheline-Normative Melts In Arc Settings.
- Modeling Flat Subduction Initiation and Accretion of the Pelona and Related Schists of Southern California
- Multi-Site Evidence for Marine Nitrogen Fixation in Mid-Cretaceous Black Shales
- Neutron powder diffraction studies of small-volume samples synthesized at high P-T
- New technical developments in silicon isotope measurements by MC-ICP-MS
- Nitric Acid in Cirrus and Polar Stratospheric Clouds
- Peraluminous websterite and granulite xenoliths from the Chyulu Hills volcanic field, Kenya: Plagioclase-rich cumulates re-equilibrated at uppermost mantle and crustal conditions?
- Phosphorus in the ocean and marine sediments: similarities between present and past processes
- Probabilistic Runoff Forecasting using a Limited-Area Ensemble Prediction System
- Sediment Production from Forest Roads During Different Rainfall Conditions
- Sedimentary Iron Oxyhydroxides Fluxes in Lago Cardiel (Argentina): Estimating Late Holocene Wind Intensity in Southernmost Patagonia
- Seismic Properties and Acoustic Emission of Olivine and Molten Basalt: A Laboratory Study
- Silicon Isotopes in River Waters: A First Look into Variability in the Continents
- Single-Rod Probes for Time Domain Reflectometry: Sensitivity and Calibration
- Snow HDRF Measurements on Various Snow Surfaces with the new IAC-Gonio-Spectrometer
- Snow and Glacier Monitoring Using Oblique Terrestrial Photography
- Sub-glacier ocean properties and mass balance estimates of Petermann Gletscher's floating tongue in Northwestern Greenland
- The Effect of Horizontal Stress Gradients on Layer Architecture
- The Influence of Volatiles on the Glass Transition
- The Lake Peten-Itza (Guatemala) Drilling Project: Tracking Late Quaternary Environmental Change in the Lowland Neotropics
- The Sedimentary N Isotope Record From Cariaco Basin - Local and Global Implications
- The Use of Stable Hydrogen Isotopes as a Geothermometer in Hydrothermal Systems
- The glacial record of New Zealand's Southern Alps
- Theoretical and experimental discovery of a CaIrO<SUB>3</SUB>-type MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> phase in Earth's D" layer
- Trace Element Partitioning Between Coexisting Silicate Melts: the Effect of Melt Composition
- Trace Element Partitioning Between Earths Lower Mantle Minerals and Iron Alloy Melts
- Trace Element and Isotopic (Re-Os, O) Systematics of Roberts Victor Eclogites: Evidence for 3 Ga Subduction-Incorporation of Archean Oceanic Lithosphere into the South African Kaapvaal Craton Keel
- Two new methods for high-resolution Micro-XRF analyses of trace elements in speleothems
- A 3 Permil Change in Carbon Isotope Fractionation Between Carbonates and Organic Matter: the Oxfordian Turning Point in Climate and Oceanography
- Ab Initio Treatment of the CaSiO3-MgSiO3 Solvus.
- Amazon and Mississippi River Basin Discharge Estimated From GRACE and a Land-Atmosphere Water Balance
- Anthropogenic Greenhouse Forcing and Strong Water Vapor Feedback Increase Temperature in Europe
- Artificial Targets to Refine Production Rate Scaling Factors for Surface Exposure Dating
- Assembly of lower arc crust: Natural and Experimental constraints
- Assessment of Drought Constraints on Transpiration and Canopy Conductance in Mature Aspen and Jack Pine Stands
- CRONUS-EU Cosmic Ray Produced Nuclide Systematics - The European Contribution
- Cadmium Isotope Fractionation in Seawater - A Signature of Nutrient Utilization
- Cenozoic Ridge Crest Sediments From the Central Arctic Ocean Yield cm/ka-Scale Sedimentation Rates
- Changes in Surface Radiation and Associated Effects on Climate
- Comparison of Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency Among Douglas fir Forest, Aspen Forest and Grassland Using Eddy Covariance and Carbon Isotope Techniques
- Constraints on the Formation of Metal and Sulphide in Iron Meteorites as Inferred From Nickel Isotopes
- Deep Roots of Island Arc Crust: Experimental Constraints on Formation, Composition, Element Partitioning and Physical Properties
- Discovery of a Nitric Acid Trihydrate (NAT) PSC Belt Around Antarctica by MIPAS on Envisat
- Dynamic Rupture in the Presence of Fault Discontinuities: an Application to Faults in the Marmara Sea, Turkey
- Effect Of Phase Transitions On Seismic Properties Of A Metapelite
- Equivalent Latitude as an Indicator for Dynamical Variability and Trends in ozone column and profiles
- Evaluation of IPCC AR4 Soil Moisture Simulations for the Second Half of the 20th Century
- Evolution of the Carbon Cycle During Major Turning Point in Oceanogaphy in the Late Jurassic.
- Fractionation of Stable Si Isotopes During in-situ Dissolution of Feldspars and Formation of Secondary Clay Minerals
- From Solar Dimming to Solar Brightening: Observations, Modeling, Impacts
- GRACE-derived Terrestrial Water Storage Depletion Associated with the 2003 European Heatwave
- Geochemical Evidence from the Kohistan Complex for Differentiation of Garnet Granulitic lower Crust in Island Arcs by Dehydration Melting of Amphibole-bearing Plutonics: Implications for the Andesite Model of Continental Crustal Growth
- Global P-wave tomography and information theory
- High-pressure phase of CaIrO3-type Al2O3: implications for electrical conductivity of the lower mantle
- Holocene Climate Variability in the Mississippi Catchment as Inferred From Gulf of Mexico Sediments
- Indirect Effect of Anthropogenic Aerosols on Cirrus Clouds: Satellite Observations and Climate Forcing
- Influence of Melt on Seismic Properties of Lower Crustal Xenoliths From SE Spain
- Interannual Variability in Ground-based Surface Radiation Budget-related Data Records
- Laboratory Characterization of Capacitance Sensors for Measuring Soil Water Content
- Maturation of Island Arcs: Pb-Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Evidence for Continuous Mantle Source Enrichment During ~120 Ma of Magmatic Activity of the Kohistan Paleo-Island Arc
- Measurements of Near Surface Concentration Profiles to Study Bromine Surface Enrichment and Nitric Acid Uptake of NaCl-NaBr Single Crystals
- Melt - Fluid Dichotomy vs. a Regime Involving Liquids Supercritical With Respect to the Endpoint of the Solidus and Geochemical Consequences for Subduction Zones (or: the end of the ''Melting the Slab'' - Myth)
- Methanotrophic Activity Along Diffusive Methane/Oxygen Counter-Gradients in Unsaturated Porous Media
- Microbial Mediation of Dolomite Precipitation in Natural Environments, Culture Experiments and Molecular Studies
- Microseismicity in High Temperature Experiments: A New Tool for Studying the Seismicity Preceding Volcanic Eruptions.
- Modeling in-situ uranium(VI) bioreduction at Oak Ridge, TN
- Modelling the Fate of Heavy Metals in the Vadose Zone: Preferential Flow Effects and the Role of Vegetation
- Observations of surface solar radiation variability from space and ground
- Old transient landscapes and surface processes: Multiple cosmogenic nuclide and sediment yield data from the Central Andes of northern Chile
- Oxygen and Sulfur Isotope Composition of Dissolved Sulfate in Interstitial Waters of the Great Australian Bight, ODP Leg 182.
- Paleoceanographic Inferences from Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Compositions of Cenomanian Black Shales from DSDP/ODP Sites 367, 530, 603, 641, 1257-1261, and 1276 in the Atlantic Ocean
- Paleoenvironmental history of the lowland Neotropics from Lake Peten-Itza, Guatemala
- Physical and Biological Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Methane During Gas-Push-Pull-Tests
- Reaction Driven Shear Localization: the Example From Torsion Experiments on Dolomite
- Revised Deglacial Chronology of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and Implications for Catastrophic Meltwater Discharge as Triggers for Abrupt Climate Change
- Roberts Victor Eclogites: The MacGregor Legacy of Archean Oceanic Lithosphere Subduction and its Role in Craton Formation
- Sediment Supply by Landsliding in a Steep Mountain Catchment
- Seismic constraints on the physical reference structure of the Earth's mantle
- Seismotectonics of the Teton Fault From a Revised Earthquake Catalog and Stress-Field Inversion
- Self Assembly of Biogenic Surfactants at Mineral Surfaces and Their Effect on Biological Iron Acquisition
- Solar Wind He and Ne - Implications of Surface Studies and Preliminary Data from Bulk Metallic Glass Flown on GENESIS
- Stability of Titanian Clinohumite-olivine Intergrowths in HFSE-enriched Chlorite-harzburgite produced by High-pressure Dehydration of Antigorite-serpentinite and its Potential Implications for the Origin of Subduction Signatures
- Structural constraints on the evolution of Atlantis Massif based on results from IODP Expedition 304/305
- Summer Drying Under Enhanced Greenhouse Gas Warming
- The Decisive but Quite Limited Role of Hydrous and Carbonaceous Minerals During Subduction - an Opinion
- The Effect of Ni on the Fe-S system to 36 GPa
- The European Network SPICE Code Validation
- The Exposed Moho In the Kohistan Arc: Seismic Properties At High Temperature And Pressure
- The Influence of Surfaces on the Reaction Kinetics of Biomolecules Under Hydrothermal Conditions
- The Mars SEIS Experiment : First Tests
- The Organic Chemistry of Volcanoes: Case Studies at Cerro Negro, Nicaragua and Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
- Thermodynamic Geodynamics: The Power of Volume Change
- Tracking tectonic activity and climate change in Southernmost Patagonia - The Lago Fagnano record
- Variability in Deep Subarctic Pacific Oxygen Concentration Over the Past 150 ka.
- Western Alps Crustal Deformation Monitored by Repeated GPS Surveys
- What Controls Deposition on Debris-Flow Fans Along the Eastern Sierra Nevada, California?
- 3D Finite Amplitude Folding: Implications for the Stress Evolution During Crustal and Lithospheric Deformation
- A Catastrophic Event From a Non-catastrophic Cause: The 1996 AD Megaturbidite in Lake Brienz (Switzerland).
- A Conceptual Model of Pore Pressure as Trigger of Subaqueous Landslides based on in situ Measurements
- A Mathematical Framework to Model Microbial Sulfate Reduction and Pyrite Formation in Anoxic Sediments
- A new application of hierarchical cluster analysis to investigate organic peaks in bulk mass spectra obtained with an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Ab Initio Study of U-bearing Aluminous CaSiO3 Perovskite
- Ab Initio Treatment of Lower Mantle Mineral Solvi.
- Aerosol Size-Dependent Below-Cloud Scavenging by Rain in the ECHAM5-HAM GCM
- Alpha-emitting mineral inclusions in apatite, their effect on (U-Th)/He ages, and how to reduce it
- Associating Seismicity to Late Quaternary Faults in Southern California
- Boundary Element Dynamic Models of Subduction in a 3-D Spherical Setting
- Can a sub-seafloor dike injection generate a mega-plume?
- Changes in Ocean Chemistry Across the K/T Boundary: A Laser-Ablation Study of a Marine Ferromanganese Crust
- Climate vs. Tectonics at the end of the World: the Lago Fagnano Sedimentary Record, Tierra del Fuego, Southernmost South America.
- Climatic Drying in Mesoamerica Between 2000 and 1000 BC and its Potential Role of Initial Settlement of Early Maya Civilisations in Peten, Guatemala
- Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Coupled Oxygen and Sulfur Isotope Investigations of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction Reveal Sulfur Cycling Processes in Deep Sea Sediments.
- Critical Behavior in Buoyant Melting Instabilities Beneath Extending Lithosphere
- Determining Paleoflow Directions in Deep Sea Fans Using Magnetic Anisotropy and Natural Remanent Magnetisation: a Case Study from the Late Cretaceous Cayo Fm., Ecuador
- Development of a New Model for Accurate Prediction of Cloud Water Deposition on Vegetation
- Distributed modelling of melting on Antizana Glacier 15, Ecuador
- Effect of Water-Table Fluctuations on Source Depletion and Dissolved-Plume Behavior of a Multi-Component Light Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid
- Environmental History of Southern Patagonia Unraveled by Seismic Stratigraphy and Sediment Cores of Laguna Potrok Aike
- Evidence for global reorganisation of biogeochemical cycles at 2.73 Ma.
- Evidences of microbial mediation in the formation of MDAC in the Gulf of Cadiz
- Evolutionary crystal structure prediction: discovering new minerals in the deep Earth.
- Face to Phase: Probabilistic Estimates of Monitoring Completeness of Seismic Networks
- Geomicrobiological Study of Sulfur Nodules Forming in Sediments of Lake Peten Itza, Guatemala
- Gold, Copper, and Iron Partitioning in Sulfur-Bearing Vapor-Brine-Melt Systems at 800°C and 100 MPa.
- Gulf of Mexico Moisture Balance Controls Hydrologic Variability on the North American Continent over the Past 1400 Years: A Geochemical Perspective
- Hydrological and sedimentological modeling of the Okavango Delta, Botswana, using remotely sensed input and calibration data
- Impact of heterogeneous ice nuclei on homogeneous freezing of ice crystals
- Inferring Radial Models of Mantle Viscosity from Geophysical Observables
- Intrusion of ultramafic bodies into the crust: A numerical simulation
- Ion Loads in Tropical Cloud Forests in Puerto Rico and Costa Rica and Tracer Techniques to Assess Throughfall
- Isotopic Variation in Greenland Precipitation in Relation to Changes in Atmospheric Moisture Transport
- Isotopic and Element Exchange During Serpentinization, Metasomatism, and Carbonate Precipitation at Lost City: Insights From B, O and Sr Isotope Data
- Lagrangian and Eulerian Methods for the Identification of Water Vapour Sources and Transport
- Land-atmosphere coupling and climate change in Europe
- Late syn-rift (65-55 Ma) uplift in the Voring Basin, Norwegian Sea - was it a 'hot' or a 'cold' event?
- Magnitude-frequency relations and the morphology of debris-flow fans
- Mass Spectrometric Studies of Indirect Effects
- Meter scale to global scale simulations using finite volume discretization, marker-in-cell technique and multigrid solvers
- Mode and Intermediate Waters in Models
- Moisture Sources for an Extreme Precipitation Event in Central Europe Simulated With a Mesoscale Model
- Monitoring and Modelling Glacier Melt and Runoff on Juncal Norte Glacier, Aconcagua River Basin, Central Chile
- Multidecadal Trends in Direct and Indirect Aerosol Radiative Effects over Europe in Observations and IPCC AR4 Models
- Ni Isotopes in the Early Solar System: an Overview
- North Pacific seasonality and the glaciation of North America 2.7 million years ago
- On the Relationship Between the Indian Summer Monsoon and River Flow in the Aral Sea Basin
- Overview of Decadal Variations in Salinity, Oxygen and Nutrients Based on Recent Repeat Hydrographic Sections
- Paleoclimate of northern Guatemala during the Last Glacial Cycle
- Paleoenvironmental History During Multiple Glacial Cycles in Southern Patagonia (Argentina) the proposed ICDP Project PASADO
- Percolation of Fe-FeS Melts in Partially Molten Peridotite
- Phases and Phase Changes of Mixed Organic/Inorganic Model Systems of Tropospheric Aerosols
- Process Based Explanations for Correlations Between the Structural and Seismic Segmentation of the Cascadia Subduction Wedge
- Range-Scale Denudation Patterns in a Normal Fault Footwall Deduced from Low- Temperature Thermochronology
- Recurrence Statistics of Earthquakes Explained by the ETAS Model
- Seismic tremor under the subduction zones: the rock-physics interpretation.
- Shaking and Sliding: Timing, Magnitudes and Locations of Paleoearthquakes Revealed by Slope Instabilities in Lakes.
- Stable carbon dioxide isotopes for partitioning grassland fluxes: a comparison of Mass Spectrometric and Spectroscopic (FTIR and QCL) techniques.
- Structural Transformations in Silica From Classical and ab Initio Metadynamics
- Studies on cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances: functional groups, calcite biomineralization and formation of capsular polymeric substances
- Surface Forces and Steady State Deformation
- The ETH Flux Research Network ("Swiss Fluxnet")
- The Effect of Measurement Uncertainties on Earthquake Forecasts: Towards Data Assimilation in Seismicity Models
- The Effect of Organic Compounds on the Hygroscopic Properties of Inorganic Aerosol
- The Role of Extracellular Polymeric Substances in the Nucleation of Microbial Dolomite
- The Role of Land - Atmosphere Interactions During Recent European Summer Heatwaves
- The atmospheric footprint of preindustrial, anthropogenic, and contemporary air-sea fluxes of CO2 estimated from an ocean inversion
- The building of granitic plutons from pervasive and continuous melting in the lower crust to discontinuous and spaced plutons building in the upper crust
- The effect of continents on the initiation and configuration of plate tectonics.
- Thermodynamical and Hydrological Discontinuities in Polythermal Glaciers
- Three-dimensional S-velocity structure of the mantle along the Tethyan margin
- To what depth can continental crust be subducted: numerical predictions and critical observations
- Transport Timescales in the Lowermost Stratosphere: Observations and Results from ECHAM5/MESSy
- Variability in Light Use Efficiency With Changes in Vegetation Structure and Understory, Using a Temporally Changing Flux Footprint at the BERMS Old Jack Pine Site
- Was the changing input of stratospheric ozone responsible for the tropospheric background ozone increase of the northern hemisphere in the 90s ?
- Water in the Tropical Upper Troposphere: a Comparative Study of Recent Aircraft Campaigns
- White Light Mie Resonance Spectroscopy Used to Measure Very low Vapor Pressures of Substances in Aqueous Solution Aerosol particles
- A Rapid In-Situ Technique for Aerosol Chemical Composition as a Function of the Hygroscopic Growth: Results from Urban, Remote and Polar Field Sites
- Ab Initio Investigation of the Structure, Stability and Atmospheric Distribution of Molecular Clusters Containing H2O, CO2 and N2O.
- Accurate earthquake location using automatically determined later phases
- Aerosol Optical Depth, Climate Sensitivity and Global Warming
- Aerosol Processing in Mixed-Phase Clouds in ECHAM5-HAM: Comparison of Single-Column Model Simulations to Observations
- An 85-ka Record of Climate Change in Lowland Central America
- Annually resolved lake and shallow marine sediment records of global climate change of the past 16,000 years
- Automated thermo-tectono-stratigraphic basin reconstruction -- Examples from the Norwegian Sea and North Sea
- Benchmark Experiments for Higher-Order and Full Stokes Ice Sheet Models
- Biomineralization of Metallic Copper and Copper Sulfide Nanomaterials in a Flooded Soil: Impact on Contaminant Mobility
- CO2 and potassium in the mantle: carbonaceous pelite melts from the trailing edge of a detached slab hybridizing in the mantle to ultrapotassic kamafugite
- Carbon Fluxes in the Underobserved Tropics
- Carbonate Solid Solution Models to 6 GPa
- Coastal Lakes in South-Central Chile (38°S) - Archives of Holocene Climate and Fore-arc Tectonics
- Comparative Analysis of the Long-term Trends of the Surface Ozone Concentration at Elevated Sites in the Alps and in Caucasus Region
- Composition of Individual Aerosol Particles Measured in the Arctic
- Constraining the Bulk Major Element Composition and Thermal State of the Earth's Lower Mantle from a Joint Inversion of Electromagnetic Sounding, Seismic and Gravity Data
- Constraining the Composition and Thermal State of the Moon from an Inversion of Electromagnetic Lunar Day-Side Transfer Functions
- Continental Crust Recycling: a Numerical Modeling Prespective
- Coupled Climate Model Simulations to Bracket the Impacts of Increasing Asian Aerosols Emissions and Aggressive Future Clean Air Policies
- Deep mantle dynamics in 3D spherical geometry incorporating a realistic phase diagram calculated by free energy minimization
- Deglacial terrigenous organic matter input to sediments from Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico - a combined optical and biomarker approach
- Design, Implementation, and Status of the CSEP Testing Center at SCEC
- Development of the CISN Earthquake Early Warning Web Site: Establishing a Basis for Comparison of Algorithms
- Diurnal temperature range over Europe between 1950 and 2005
- Dynamics of Double Subduction: Numerical Predictions and Critical Observations.
- Earth Sphericity Effects on Subduction Morphology
- Ecohydrologic Hypotheses Revisited: Global Synthesis with Canopy-Scale, FLUXNET Observations
- Efficiency of primary and secondary aerosols in indirect aerosol effects
- Empirical Constraints on Extrusion Mechanisms Derived From Pressure-Temperature-Time Histories From the Himalayan Metamorphic Core (Sutlej Valley, NW India)
- Estimating the sensitivity of the climate system to CO2 forcing from observed climate change
- Evolution of Plate Tectonics From Hadean to the Modern Geodynamic Regime According to 3D Spherical Models With Self-Consistently Generated Plates
- Experimental Constraints on Pt-Pd-Au Partitioning in an H2O-Haplogranite-Sulfide-Oxide phase assemblages
- From Mantle to Microbes: The Cycling of Volatiles in Slow- and Ultraslow Ridge Environments
- GPS and Conventional Surveying Measurement of Glacier and Iceberg Motion in the Jakobshavns Isbrae System
- Geomicrobiology of Carbonate Mounds in the Gulf of Cadiz off Morocco: Biogeochemistry, Mineralogy and Microbial Community Composition
- Global Remote Sensing of Water Use Efficiency: Initial Test and Application of a Synergistic Approach
- Grasland Stable Isotope Flux Measurements: Three Isotopomers of Carbon Dioxide Measured by QCL Spectroscopy
- Hardware, Software, and Policies of the CSEP Testing Center at SCEC
- High-altitude varve records of abrupt environmental changes and mining activity over the last 4000 years in the Western French Alps (Lake Bramant, Grandes Rousses Massif)
- High-resolution 3D models of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems: The relative importance of axial versus cross-axial flow.
- How Do We Actually Solve the Equations for Ice Shelves and Streams?
- Hydrothermal activity and core complex formation at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge: An overview of preliminary results of the H2DEEP expedition to the southern Knipovich Ridge at 73N
- In-Situ Quantification of Methanotrophic Activity in a Landfill Cover Soil Using Gas Push-Pull Tests
- Interpreting Si isotope records of diatomaceous opal
- Introducing ShakeMap to potential users in Puerto Rico using scenarios of damaging historical and probable earthquakes
- Joint inversion for 3-dimensional S-velocity mantle structure along the Tethyan margin
- MIBA-US: Temporal and Spatial Variation of Water Isotopes in Terrestrial Ecosystems Across the United States
- Melt flow in a conduit and seismic signals time evolution: a laboratory study
- Metadynamics study of iron phases at the Earth's inner core conditions
- Millennial-scale Hydrological Fluctuations in Western Mediterranean During the Last 20 ka: The Sedimentary Record of Lake Estanya (NE Spain)
- Modeling Flat Subduction Initiation and Accretion of the Pelona and Related Schists of Southern California
- Monitoring Phenology by use of Digital Photography
- Multiwavelength In-situ Aerosol Absorption, Scattering, and Hygroscopic Properties During the TEXAQS 2006 Field Campaign: Aerosol Classification and Variability
- Nitrogen deposition and photosynthetic performance relations at high-N-loading forests in Switzerland and at a highly variable-N-loading Rocky Mtn. subalpine forest: Fluorometry and the estimation of photosynthetic-efficiency-based critical N loads
- Numerical Modeling of Multiphase Fluid Flow in Ore-Forming Hydrothermal Systems
- Numerical improvement on simulation over the margin area of the Greenland ice sheet
- Ozone trends (1975-2000) in the northern hemisphere UTLS using measurements from ozone sondes and regular aircraft
- Percolation experiments of FeS melts in partially molten peridotites
- Plant Biodiversity Positively Affects Short-term Soil Carbon Storage in Experimental Grasslands
- Quantification of Microbial Activities in Near-Surface Soils
- Rapid Late Miocene Exhumation in the Central Alps, Constrained by (U-Th)/He and Fission Track Thermochronology
- Seismicity Induced by Water Injection for Geothermal Reservoir Stimulation 5 km Below the City of Basel, Switzerland
- Si isotopic composition of the Earth's mantle and meteorites
- Skill-Change Relations and Inter-Model Scatter in CMIP3 Surface Field Projections
- State dependence of climate sensitivity and its implications
- Temperature And Bandwidth Effect in Brewer and Dobson Direct Sun Observations
- The Effect of Strain Localization on the Rheology of Crystal-Rich Magmas
- The History and Dynamics of Anoxia in Cariaco Basin
- The Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon Variability Recorded in a Stalagmite From NE India.
- The Influence of Declustering on Seismicity Rate Change Estimations
- The Initiation of Aftershock Sequences: a New Formulation for the Omori Aftershock Law
- The Modulation of Potential Vorticity Streamers and Surface Weather Patterns by the Madden Julian Oscillation
- The Rheological Behaviour of Vesuvius Magmas
- The use of Fluxnet to improve processes and parameters in land surface models: a case study with the NCAR Community Land Model
- The use of the Multi-model Ensemble in Probabilistic Climate Projections
- Toward a self-consistent pressure scale: elastic moduli and equation of state of MgO by simultaneous x-ray density and Brillouin sound velocity measurements at high-pressure high-temperature conditions
- Trends and Variability of Mid Latitude Stratospheric Water Vapor Deduced From the Re- evaluated Boulder Balloon Series and HALOE
- Turbidite sequences in marine sediments off southern Chile ? records of Quaternary climate - tectonics interactions
- Water use Efficiency in a Blue oak ( Quercus douglasii) Savanna - a Combined Analysis of Stable Isotopes and Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Water-use efficiency at different scales and its between-site variability
- Weathering processes traced with isotopes in a glacial soil chronosequence
- Whole Mantle Thermo-Chemical Convection Models With Realistic Mineral Physics Naturally Develop Chemical Stratification
- A 17 kyr Record of the Southern Westerlies From Lago Cardiel, Patagonia, Argentina
- Aerosol Processing in Stratiform Clouds in a Global Climate Model
- Application of Clumped-Isotope Thermometry to Paleotemperature Reconstruction from Lacustrine Carbonates
- Atmospheric CO2 Changes During the Pliocene Epoch Revealed by Foraminiferal Boron Isotope Ratios.
- Attribution of Changes in Extreme Weather Risk: a Study of the European Summer 2003 Heatwave
- Beyond ASAP: Consistency of Stratospheric Aerosol Measurements and Modeling
- CSEP Earthquake Forecast Testing Center for Japan
- Carbon Cycling and Carbonate Chemistry in Santa Monica Bay, CA
- Catchments as simple dynamical systems, at different scales and in different climatic regimes
- Combined Surface Solar Brightening and Increasing Greenhouse Effect Support Recent Intensification of the Global Land-Based Hydrological Cycle
- Comparison of Methods to Assess the Fate of Methane in a Landfill-Cover Soil
- Continental Crust Recycling at Collision Zones: Insights From Numerical Modeling and Observations
- Core formation in silicate bodies
- Detailed Mechanistic Investigation of Preferential Flow and Transport in Variably- Saturated Fractured Clayey Till
- Dolomite Formation within Microbial Mats in the Sabkha of Abu Dhabi (UAE) and Associated Microsedimentary Structures
- Earthquake early warning in California: Evaluating Hardware and Software
- Ecosystem Fluxes of Stable Isotopes in Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor Above a Forest Measured by Laser Spectroscopy
- Estimating Spatially Heterogeneous Contributions to Ecosystem Scale Fluxes Directly From Eddy Covariance Measurements: A Case Study in Siberian wet Polygonal Tundra on Samoylov Island, Lena River Delta
- Experimental Constraints on Trace Element Partitioning During Dehydration and Melting of K-free MORB at 4-6 GPa and 700-1200 0C
- Extracting Exhumation and Relief History From Thermochronological Data: Can we Really Quantify Relief Changes Using age-Elevation Profiles?
- From the Pore to the Laboratory Scale: Predicting Flow Behavior for Drainage and Imbibition in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Future changes in daily summer temperature variability: Driving processes and its role for temperature extremes
- Gakkel Ridge: A window to ancient asthenosphere
- Geochemistry and Arsenic Mobilisation in Groundwaters of the Pannonian Basin (Hungary and Romania).
- Global Cooling and its Impact on Phytoplankton Evolution: The Diatom Point of View
- HFSE Processing During Subduction and the Consequences for Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in the Mantle
- How Long is the Trigger? Olivine Diffusion Profiles Constraining Pre-Eruptive Triggering Times, Nea Kameni, Santorini, Greece.
- Hydrothermal Fluid Flow in Oceanic Gabbros, IODP Site 1309, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Strontium and Oxygen Isotopic Composition
- Ice Formation via Deposition Mode Nucleation Onto Dust Particulates: The University of Toronto Continuous Flow Diffusion Chamber
- Ilmenite-Silicate Relations In The System Fe-Mg-Ti-Cr-Al-Si-O As A Function Of Pressure, Temperature And Bulk Composition
- Impact of the Atmospheric Transport on the Seasonal Variations and Trends of the Surface Ozone Concentration at Caucasian and Central European Mountain Sites
- Implication of a high viscosity hill in the mid-lower Mantle on the transient dynamics of the subduction of Kula-Farallon plate shown by slab morphology in global tomography
- Improvements in Precise and Accurate Isotope Ratio Determination via LA-MC-ICP-MS by Application of an Alternative Data Reduction Protocol
- Influence of Future Air-pollution Mitigation Strategies on Climate by 2030
- Initial Ecosystem Development in an Artificial Watershed
- Investigation of high-pressure post-magnesite phases of MgCO3
- Is the Low-Temperature Isotope Geochemistry of Mg Driven by Biology?
- Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland: DEMs, orthophotos, surface velocities, and ice loss derived from photogrammetric re-analysis of July 1985 repeat aerial photography
- Joint Inversion for 3-dimensional P-, S-velocity structures and radial anisotropy in the mantle along the Tethyan margin
- Lake Challa (Kenya/Tanzania) sediments, a varved climate archive of environmental variability in equatorial East Africa of the last 25.000 years
- Lake Challa (Mt. Kilimanjaro) sediments as recorder of present and past seasonality in equatorial East Africa
- Linking the Large With the Small: A Geomorphic Approach to Understanding Rock Slope Instability in the Matter and Saas Valleys, Switzerland
- Long-term CGPS Measurements (1995-2008) in the Hellenic Deformation Zone Between the Eurasian and African Plates
- Mass balance changes of 30 Swiss glaciers during the 20th century
- Mechanisms of Subcritical Cracking in Calcite
- Melting relations in the system CaCO3-MgCO3-FeCO3 at 35 kbar: an experimental study
- Microbial Biodiversity in the Subsurface of Carbonate Mounds from the Gulf of Cadiz off Morocco
- Mid- to Late Holocene Climate Variability in South-Central Chile on Millennial-to- Centennial Time Scales: Evidence From Sediments of the Coastal Lakes Lanalhue and Lleu Lleu (38°S)
- Mie-Grüneisen-Einstein Equation of State as a Practical High Temperature Pressure Scale
- Migration of Air Flow in Non-Fixed Saturated Porous Medium
- Modeling Reactive Transport in Heterogeneous Aquifers Using Multiple-Rate Mass Transfer
- Modeling the Thermodynamics of Mixed Organic-Inorganic Aerosols to Predict Water Activities and Phase Equilibria
- Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology (NERIES) - Web Portal Developments for Interactive Access to Earthquake Data on a European Scale
- New Magnetostratigraphic and Rock Magnetic Results From Sediments and Rocks of IODP Expedition 316
- Next-Day Earthquake Forecasts for California
- Noble Gas and Stable Isotope Systematics of Volcanic Gases and Hot Springs in the Aegean Arc, Greece
- North Atlantic, ITCZ, and Monsoonal Climate Links
- Numerical Modelling of Subduction Initiation at Passive Margins
- Peralkaline, Silica-rich Aqueous Fluids in Equilibrium with Albite, Jadeite and Quartz at 600°C, 15.5, 17.5 and 20 kbar: Implications for Subduction-Zone Metasomatism
- Preferential Deposition of Precipitation in Alpine Terrain and some Implications
- Quantitative Thermochronology in Orogenic Settings
- Resolution of the master structures partitioning shortening and extension in the northern Apennines, Italy
- Rheological and Textural Memory of Marbles: Examples from Complicated Torsion Experiments
- Rock-Physics Interpretation of Fluid-Driven non Volcanic Seismic Tremor
- Sandbox and Numerical Experiments of Extensional Deformation at Retreating Subduction Zones
- Scalable Solvers for Optimal Control of a Power-Law Fluid
- Seasonal variations in compound-specific leaf-wax lipid δD values and their relationship to environmental factors and plant physiological processes
- Sensitivity to initial CMB temperature of structure and evolution of the Earth's mantle and core based on 3-D spherical models of thermo-chemical mantle convection
- Simulation of Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: I. A P-H-X-based formulation for multiphase flow of H2O-NaCl fluids by a combined FE-FV scheme
- Simulation of Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: II. Phase-separation, brine formation and salinity variation at black smoker systems.
- Simulation of Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: III. Influence of Geological Structures on Fluid Flow at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Simulation of Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: IV. Fluid Flow in Active Arc-Related Volcanoes
- Single Particle Mass Spectrometry Measurements During the ASCOS 2008 Field Campaign: First results of the Aerosol Chemical Composition and CCN Activity in the Arctic
- Single-crystal elasticity of Al-bearing ferropericlase at high pressures up to 61 GPa
- Steady-state relief in the Southern Alps of New Zealand during the last glacial cycle.
- Subduction Zone Anisotropic Patterns Produced by Faulting and Hydration of the Slab.
- Systematic Land-Surface-Model Performance Evaluation on different time scales
- The GENESIS Mission: Solar Wind Isotopic and Elemental Compositions and Their Implications
- The Impact of Anthropogenic Lead on Atmospheric Ice Formation
- The Importance of Melt Extraction for Tracing Mantle Heterogeneity
- The Soil-Precipitation Feedback in Simulations With Explicit and Parameterized Convection
- The depositional records of two coastal lakes in south-central Chile (Lago Lanalhue and Lago Lleu Lleu, 38°S): Active forearc tectonics and climate variability
- The fate of aging: Insight into arc maturation processes from the Kohistan Island arc
- The polar ocean and glacial cycles in atmospheric carbon dioxide: Approaching the sawtooth
- The relative contribution of partial melting and crustal assimilation for upper continental crust formation: a lower crustal perspective from the Kohistan arc.
- Thermo-chemical interpretation of one-dimensional seismic reference models for the lower mantle
- Thermodynamics of Polythermal Glaciers and Ice Sheets
- Timing and Rates of Neogene Exhumation During Orogen-Parallel Extension in the Central Alps
- Trajectory Analysis on Ozone Changes at Jungfraujoch (Switzerland) in 1990- 2005
- U-Th/He Ages of HSDP-2 Submarine Samples
- Virtues and Pitfalls of U-series Ice Dating Gleaned from Dye3 (Greenland) and Dome C (Antarctica) Samples.
- Where is mantle's carbon?
- Why post-perovskite should have a low viscosity and its dynamical consequences .
- 18O/16O-ratios of dissolved sulfate: Insights from porewater modeling (Invited)
- A Viscoelastic Constitutive Relation Describing Primary and Secondary Creep and Solid Elastic Behaviour of Ice
- A broad thermochemical transition in the lower mantle?
- A laboratory landslide simulator to study triggering mechanisms: failure morphology and acoustic emissions
- A new method fingerprinting magmatic processes using combined U/Pb ID-TIMS geochronology and accessory mineral geochemistry
- A new subduction model in three-dimensional spherical geometry
- A priori prediction of discharge
- Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics simulations of Grain Boundaries for crystalline Silica
- Accurate Time Integration of 3D Grounding Line Dynamics
- Acoustic Emissions During Progressive Failure of Earth Materials - Can we “Hear” The Onset of a Landslide?
- Adaptively parameterized 3D models of the European upper mantle from surface wave tomography
- Alkali and Fe Exchange Between Basaltic Liquids and Supercritical Chloride Solutions at 200MPa and 1298 K: Geochemical Implications for Magmatic Degassing
- An Interdisciplinary Approach for Inferring the Thermochemical Structure of the Upper Mantle
- An objective approach to marginal benefit functions for environmental flows: an example for fluvial systems
- Bromine speciation and partitioning in high pressure aqueous fluids and silicate melts: implication for the behavior of halogens in subduction zones
- CISN ShakeAlert - Towards a Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System for California
- CISN ShakeAlert: Specification of the Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System
- Can Internal Evaporation / Condensation Enhance Vapor Transport through Porous Media?
- Characteristics of acoustic emissions from fluid front displacement in porous media
- Circadian Variability in Methane Oxidation Activity in the Root Zone of Rice Plants
- CitcomSX: Robust preconditioning in CitcomS via PETSc
- Conditional flux analysis and stable isotopes
- Coupling of Mass Transfer and Reactive Transport for Non-Linear Reactions in Heterogeneous Media
- Crystallization processes and 'adakitic' magmas: mutually exclusive ? (Invited)
- Double-Sided Wedge Model For Retreating Subduction Zones: Applications to the Apenninic and Hellenic Subduction Zones (Invited)
- Drought effects on allocation of recent carbon: From beech leaves to soil CO2 efflux
- Dust Provenance and Radiometric U-Series Ages as Evidence for an Eemian Ice Sheet in Greenland
- Earthquake parameters of historical earthquakes in Europe (Invited)
- Elasticity of hydrous aluminum-bearing orthopyroxene by Brillouin scattering spectroscopy
- Enhanced Ozone Over Western North America From Biomass Burning in Eurasia During April 2008 as Seen in Surface and Profile Observations
- Environmental Assessment of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems
- Experimental Determination of the Permeability of Asthenospheric Mantle and an Acceleration of Melt Extraction Velocities by 1-2 Orders of Magnitude
- Experimental Salix shoot and root growth statistics on the alluvial sediment of a restored river corridor
- Experimental constraints of the olivine crystals compaction in cumulus layer
- Fluid Flow Simulations of an Active Arc-Related Submarine Hydrothermal System
- Glacial-Interglacial changes in silicon cycling in the subarctic North Pacific: Insights from diatom δ30Si over Termination 1
- Hafnium and neodymium isotope composition of seawater and filtered particles from the Southern Ocean
- High-resolution tomography of CMB and lowermost mantle coupled by geodynamics
- Hypsometric analysis and numerical modeling to investigate the effect of glaciations on the landscape
- Interaction of slabs and plumes with a mid lower mantle viscosity and density transition
- International Legislation of Shallow Geothermal Energy Use
- Issues of model accuracy and uncertainty evaluation in the context of multi-model analysis
- Jakobshavn Isbræ: is there a speed limit?
- Lateral root reinforcement influence size and shape of shallow landslides
- Linking Eruptive Dynamics and Frequency to Petrologic and Geochemical Constraints at a Hyperactive Andean Arc Volcano
- Long-term erosion and exhumation rates across different climatic zones in the Indian NW-Himalaya
- Low-order models of biogenic ocean mixing
- Modeling Hydrologic Triggering of Shallow Landslides using Self-Organized-Criticality Concepts
- Modeling of water-induced thermo-chemical convection in the mantle wedge
- Mountain glacier velocity variation during a retreat-advance cycle quantified using high-precision analysis of ASTER images
- Multiple-Threshold Event Detection and Other Enhancements to the Virtual Seismologist (VS) Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm
- OSL-thermochronology: introduction, application and limitations
- Partitioning of protactinium, uranium, thorium and other trace elements between columbite and hydrous silicate melt
- Plant ecophysiological status and soil micro-organisms control the time-lagged response of ecosystem respiration to environmental changes
- Pliocene atmospheric CO2 changes (Invited)
- Progress towards Taylor State Models of the Core
- Solubility of albite or jadeite + quartz + paragonite in H2O at 500 °C and 600 °C, 1 - 2.2 GPa
- Southern Ocean CO2 fluxes, Atmospheric CO2, and the Tropical Land Source
- Statistical prediction of shallow landslides induced by extreme rainfall events in Switzerland
- Steady-state interstitial water sulfate O-18/O-16 ratios as a function of salinity
- Structural, petro-geochemical and modelling constraints on melt migration by porosity waves in sub-arc mantle
- Subduction Zone Anisotropic Patterns Produced by Hydration and De-hydration of the Slab
- Submarine Melting of the 1985 Jakobshavn Isbrae Floating Tongue and the Triggering of the Current Retreat
- Subsolidus and melting phase relations in the system CaCO3-MgCO3-FeCO3 at 35 kbar: from experiments to predictions based on a thermodynamic model
- Syntectonic Extension and Domes Development during NE-chinese Pamir - Formation, decreasing during the Plio-Pleistocene?
- Talc-Bearing Fault at Coseismic Velocities: an Attempt to explain the San Andreas Fault Behavior
- Temperature and Slant Path Effects in Dobson and Brewer Total Ozone Measurements
- The Earth’s Mantle is More Depleted Than we Thought
- The Effective Rheology of Partially Molten Rocks: Numerical and Experimental Data
- The GreenLand Ice Sheet monitoring Network (GLISN)
- The Modulation of the Extratropical Atmosphere in the Pacific Basin in Response to the Madden Julian Oscillation
- Three-Dimensional P- and S-velocity Structures and Radial Anisotropy in the Mantle along the Tethyan Margin
- Time series analysis of strain accumulation across the Haiyuan fault, Gansu, China, over the 2003-2009 period from ENVISAT InSAR data
- Topographic and Exhumational History of Taiwan Based on Detrital Zircon Fission-Track Thermochronometry
- Tracing carbon and oxygen isotope signals from newly assimilated sugars in the leaves to the tree ring archive (Invited)
- Use of MT3DMS for heat transport simulation of shallow geothermal systems
- Vertical coherency of heterogeneity in the Earth's mantle constrained from a comprehensive set of global seismic data
- δ30Si in the Modern Ocean: The Key to the Past
- A Case Study of Multifractal Omori Law on the Earthquake Catalog of Taiwan
- A Lunar Broad Band Seismometer on SELENE-2 / LUNETTE missions: Focus on VBB technical improvements
- A field assessment of high resolution aquifer characterization: A comparison of hydraulic investigation methods
- A holistic approach to understanding the N isotopic composition (d15N) of deep-sea sediments: diatom-bound, foraminifera-bound, whole sediment and modern nitrate d15N from the equatorial Pacific
- A new Markovian velocity process model for tracer dispersion in highly heterogeneous porous media
- A novel reactive transport code for coupling of combined finite element - finite volume transport with Gibbs energy minimization
- A proto-Okavango Delta?
- Adaptively parameterized surface wave tomography: Methodology and a global model of the upper mantle
- An Accurate Probabilistic Collocation Method for Uncertainty Propagation in Tracer Transport
- An experimentally-based thermodynamic model for the system CaCO3-MgCO3-FeCO3 at pressures to 6 GPa and implications for carbon mobility in subduction zones
- Avalanche modeling in forested terrain
- Bias correction of a Regional Climate Model in an orographically complex region
- Building the Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis (CORSSA)
- CISN Earthquake Early Warning: ShakeAlert Hybrid Branch
- CISN ShakeAlert: Development of a Prototype User Display for Providing Earthquake Alerts to End Users
- CISN ShakeAlert: The Decision Module for Earthquake Alerts
- Can cloud-climate-feedbacks be constrained by comparison of low-cloud parametrizations in the ECHAM5 GCM using CALIPSO and CloudSat Satellite data?
- Climate change effects on snow melt and discharge of a partly glacierized watershed in Central Switzerland (Invited)
- Comparing thin-sheet with fully 3D models for the India-Asia collision
- Comparison of modeling approaches in assessing hydrologic processes in a high elevation, semi-arid Andean watershed
- Conceptual melt models: the past or valuable tools for future scenarios? (Invited)
- Constraints on metasomatic vein formation and implications for the petrogenesis of alkaline magmas
- Continental rifting and upper mantle strength
- Crustal overprint on mantle-derived U-series disequilibria in arc magmas: A warning signal from Volcán Llaima, Chile
- Deriving accurate eruption ages from complex zircon populations: insights from zircon trace element chemistry and intercalibration with astronomical time
- Detecting the Lit Fuse of the Arctic's Carbon Bomb
- Determinants of NEE and NBP of croplands in Europe (Invited)
- Diffusive Fe-Ti-O exchange at high temperature: A magnetic approach
- Diversity of microbial communities of Loki's Castle black smoker field at the ultra-slow spreading Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Do cosmogenic nuclides (10Be, 14C , 21Ne, 26Al) track late Quaternary climate changes on the Altiplano?
- Dragon-Kings, Black-Swans and Prediction (Invited)
- Dynamics of iceberg detachment and mélange motion during the August 21, 2009, calving event at Jakobshavn Isbræ
- Dynamics of the marine N-cycle over glacial-deglacial transitions
- ESA's Cold Regions Hydrology High-resolution Observatory (CoReH2O): Overview and Progress (Invited)
- Early Stages of Orogenic Growth: Asymmetry of the Pyrenees Revealed by Detrital Zircons Double Dating (u/pb and U-Th and Detrital Aft
- Ecosystem carbon-water interactions of tropical pasture and afforestation
- Effect of aluminum on the elastic properties of orthopyroxene at high pressure: implications for the X-discontinuity
- Effects of river-floodplain exchange on water quality and nutrient export in the dam-impacted Kafue River (Zambia)
- Elasticity of dense hydrous phases and seismic detectability of hydration in deep subducted slabs (Invited)
- Estimation of monthly CO2 fluxes by a joint inversion of atmospheric and oceanic carbon observations
- Experimental Investigation of Flash Weakening in Limestones
- Fluxnet and Satellite data to optimize carbon and water fluxes simulated by ORCHIDEE biosphere model
- Fractionation of Fe isotopes during granite weathering, soil formation, and plant uptake in an Alpine glacier forefield
- Geodynamic coupling between mantle seismic structure and core-mantle boundary topography
- Global Thermochemical Models of the Upper Mantle (Invited)
- How to `Elk-test' biogeochemical models in a data rich world? (Invited)
- Hydrological control of stream water chemistry in a glacial catchment (Damma Glacier, Switzerland)
- Hydrothermal Activity and its Chemical Characteristics in the NE Lau Basin
- Hydrothermal Exploration at the Chile Triple Junction - ABE's last adventure?
- IONOTOMO: Ionospheric Tomography by OTH radar
- Identifying active faults in Switzerland using relocated earthquake catalogs and optimal anisotropic dynamic clustering
- Including the effects of debris cover in a distributed glacier energy balance model (Invited)
- Influence of particle surface modifications on the immersion freezing behavior of supercooled droplets
- Infrasound analysis of I18DK, northwest Greenland
- Interannual variability of net ecosystem CO2 exchange in a suburban landscape
- Interglacial climate in the tropical West Pacific through the late Pleistocene
- Intermediate-depth Earthquakes and Mantle Re-gassing Induced by Fluid Trapping During Slab Unbending
- Isotopic and Molecular Proxies for climate and vegetation shifts along the Portuguese and NW African margins since the last glacial period: the CHEETA Cruise Transect
- Leaf wax lipid D/H ratios of a single species along an environmental gradient on the Big Island of Hawai'i - lessons for the paleorecord (Invited)
- Long Term Evolution of volatiles in the Martian Atmosphere Constrained by Isotopic Ratios: Degassing and Atmospheric Escape
- Lunar BroadBand Seismometer System in the Japanese lunar landing mission SELENE-2: its science goals and instrument details
- Mantle flow, melting, and the evolution of the sub-arc mantle in the Lau Basin - Tonga Arc system
- Mantle metasomatism by alkali-rich Ca-carbonatites generated from carbonated pelites at 8-22 GPa and the EM I and EM II flavors of the mantle
- Mapping mineralogical phase transformations from global seismic data
- Mechanics of Formation of Forearc Basins of Indonesia and Alaska
- Modeling distributed glacier ablation for climate change simulations: comparison of an energy-balance and an enhanced temperature-index model
- Modeling of Flow And Transport in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (Invited)
- Modeling the runoff regime of the glacierised upper Aconcagua River Basin using a physically-based distributed hydrological model: the value of short term glaciological observations
- Multi-decadal variations of atmospheric aerosols and their effects on surface radiation trends
- Numerical Dynamo Simulations in a Full Sphere
- Online Data Streams: A Challenge and Paradigm Shift for the Observation of Environmental Phenomena
- Peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) transport at Jungfraujoch from European planetary boundary layer
- Plant water use efficiency shapes co-evolution of stomata size and density over geologic time
- Post-Pleistocene relief production and isostatic compensation within the Xining-Guide-Xunhua Basins (NE Tibetan Plateau) and their significances to plateau uplift and landscape evolution
- Reaching erosion and topographic steady state in response to tectonic forcing (Invited)
- Reconstructing tropical African hydrology using hydrogen isotope ratios of lacustrine sedimentary biomarkers: a calibration transect across Cameroon
- Reconstructing winter snowpack accumulation from energy balance simulations in alpine glacierised basins
- Reservoirs of dense primitive material in the deep mantle as partial source of Ocean Island Basalt
- Rheology of Pure Glasses and Crystal Bearing Melts: from the Newtonian Field to the Brittle Onset
- Running On-Demand Strong Ground Motion Simulations with the Second-Generation Broadband Platform
- Seismic observations of long-period ocean waves generated by calving icebergs, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland
- Seismicity-Based Pattern Recognition Approach of Fault Pattern Reconstruction and Statistics of Seismicity at the Fault Segment Scale
- Short Period Velocity Response to Tides and Calving Near the Terminus of Jakobshavn Isbrae
- Short term evolution of the basal magma ocean
- Short term variations of tracer transit speed on alpine glaciers
- Simulating the effects of geologic heterogeneity and transient boundary conditions on streambed temperatures - implications for temperature-based water flux calculations
- Simulating the runoff regime of a data scarce glacierised Himalayan catchment: the information content of different calibration strategies and data sets
- Single-crystal elastic properties of carbonates along the MgCO3-FeCO3 join
- Small-scale convection induces temporal and spatial variability in Hawaiian plume volcanism (Invited)
- Solving Free Surface Flows For Steady State Without Time Stepping
- Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Alpine Icequakes During Three Seasons of Glacier-Dammed Lake Drainages: Gornergletscher Switzerland
- Stable mercury isotope ratios as tracers for Hg cycling at the inoperative New Idria Hg mine, California
- State of the art of SWAM: Seismic Wave Attenuation Module
- Subvolcanic mafic to intermediate dike-systems: constraints on post-plutonic activity (S-Adamello, N-Italy)
- Surface wetness limit high evaporation rates from porous media into convective air flows
- Survey on Atmospheric Methane Oxidation in Young Glacier-Forefield Soils
- The Acasta Gneisses revisited: Evidence for an early depleted mantle
- The Geography of Conflict in International River Basins
- The Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN)
- The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise: Regular and Extreme Ground Motion
- The mass dependent and independent equilibrium fractionation of stable mercury isotopes during laboratory synthesis of metacinnabar and other mercury-bearing phases
- The resolving power of U-Pb zircon geochronology in magmatic systems: an example from the Southern Adamello Batholith, N. Italy
- Thermodynamic properties of carbonate-bearing fluids at high P-T conditions and the deep carbon cycle
- Towards OSL-thermochronology, a new thermochrometer of very low closure temperature (Invited)
- Transition Of Dynamic Rupture Modes And Macroscopic Source Properties In Elastic And Plastic Media
- Transport upscaling of a fractured clay-rich sedimentary formation
- Using speleothem growth periods to constrain Quaternary evolution of Siberian permafrost
- Wet melting along the Tonga Volcanic Arc
- Why is columnar jointing not perfectly hexagonal?
- 2D numerical modelling of fluid and melt percolation in the subduction zone
- 3D multi-observable probabilistic inversion for the compositional and thermal structure of the lithosphere and sublithospheric upper mantle
- A combined Poisson cluster-cascade stochastic model for temporal precipitation
- A detailed global sensitivity analysis of the LPJ-GUESS terrestrial ecosystem model
- A distributed physically based model to predict timing and spatial distribution of rainfall-induced shallow landslides
- A field assessment of high resolution aquifer characterization: Combining hydraulic and geophysical tomography
- A parallel computational framework for the simulation of variably saturated flow based on the Cellular Automata concept using CUDA architecture
- Age constraints for NanTroSEIZE sedimentary sequences: Drilling of Subduction input sediments and Mass transport deposits, IODP Expedition 333
- Assessing model sensitivity and uncertainty for a distributed enhanced temperature-index glacier melt model
- Bin-Resolved Microphysical Modeling of Water Vapor Isotopic Composition During Ice Nucleation and Growth in Mixed-Phase Clouds
- CISN ShakeAlert: Delivering test warnings for California earthquakes
- CORSSA: Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis
- Characteristics of acoustic emissions generated by drying front displacement in porous media
- Combined observational and modeling based study of the relationship between aerosols and super-cooled cloud fraction
- Combining Active Faults and Distributed Seismicity Sources in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Models: Current Approaches and Lessons from Regional Hazard Initiatives
- Conditional Sampling of Sub-Canopy Respiration in Forests
- Contrasting Mantle Sources and Intra-Crustal Evolution Paths at Lonquimay and Llaima Volcanoes (Andean Southern Volcanic Zone: SVZ)
- Coupled molecular and 14C studies of microbial carbonate laminae formation and growth rates in dolomite stromatolites from Lagoa Salgada, Brazil
- Decoupled and coupled multilevel preconditioners for problems in elasticity and variable viscosity Stokes flow
- Density of alkaline magmas at crustal and upper mantle conditions by X-ray absorption
- Determination of the 4D-Tropospheric Water Vapor Distribution by GPS for the Assimilation into Numerical Weather Prediction Models
- Discovery and paleoceanographic significance of unconsolidated Cretaceous pelagic sediment cover on northern Tamu Massif, Shatsky Rise (IODP Site U1348)
- Distributed debris energy-balance modelling on Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland
- Dynamics and Spatial Distributions of Discontinuous Evaporative Sites on Drying Porous Surfaces: Pore Scale Modeling and Infrared Imaging
- ELVIS: Multi-Electrolyte Aqueous Activity Model for Geothermal Solutions
- Effect of river-floodplain exchange on OC and ON biogeochemistry in a tropical floodplain system (Kafue Flats, Zambia)
- Elasticity and rheology of phase D and implications for seismic anisotropy in deep subducted slabs
- Enhanced Stormwater Contaminant Removal and Improved Runoff Quality Using Modified Sorbents in Tree Filters
- Evaluating the uncertainty of predicting future climate time series at the hourly time scale
- Experimental Final IGS Product from ESA Based on GPS Measurements from a Network of LEO Satellites
- Experimental determination of the Mo isotope fractionation factor between metal and silicate liquids
- Extreme drying event in the Dead Sea basin during MIS5 from the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drill Core
- Fair Water Allocation in Complex International River Systems
- Filling the gap for phosphorus tracing in the eco-hydrological system: are oxygen stable isotopes in phosphate a possible tool?
- First-order similarities and differences between the Alps, Dinarides, Hellenides and the Anatolides-Taurides
- Fluid displacement fronts in porous media - pore and front scale interfacial and pressure dynamics
- Forecasting spatial plant dynamics under future climate change in a semiarid savanna ecosystem with complex topography
- Geodynamic evolution and the history of the atmospheres of Mars and Venus
- GyPSuM: A tomographic image of the mantle incorporating seismic, geodynamic and mineral physics constraints
- Hydrological Conditions in Eastern Anatolia Over the Last CA. 500 KA - First Insights from Lake Van
- Hydrological models and data scarcity: on the quest for a model structure appropriate for modeling water availability under the present and future climate
- IMBER (Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research: Support of Ocean Carbon Research
- Imaging and characterizing root systems using electrical impedance tomography
- Impact of spring drought on ecosystem carbon and water dynamics in Switzerland
- In-Situ Quantification of Microbial Processes Controlling Methane Emissions From Rice Plants
- Influence of Aerosol Chemical Composition on Heterogeneous Ice Formation under Mid-Upper Troposphere Conditions
- Information on the Motions within the Earth's Core and on the Geomagnetic Field prior to Geomagnetic Data Inversion
- Integrating research infrastructures for solid Earth science in Europe: the European Plate Observing System
- Interpreting summertime speedup of the Greenland ice sheet in the context of borehole observations of the subglacial hydraulic system
- Issues and perspectives of physically-based ecohydrological modeling: crossing spatial and temporal scales
- Leaf thermal and hydraulic capacitances - structural safeguards for rapid ambient fluctuations
- Leaf wax n-alkane δD values reflect the evaporative deuterium enrichment of leaf water
- Little Ice Age to modern climate transition of Meso-American climate derived from speleothems
- Localization patterns and size-timing statistics of rainfall-induced shallow landslides at the catchment scale
- Magmatic dynamics and eruption styles at Volcan de Colima, Mexico
- Mass Balance modelling on Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland: how different levels of complexity of process representation affect predictions
- Microbial activity and biogeochemical cycling in first-order Russian Arctic streams
- Microfacies analysis of Green River Formation stromatolites and comparison to microbial mat experiments
- Mobilization and Processing of Ancient Organic Matter from Thawing Permafrost in the Siberian Arctic
- Morphology and scaling characteristics of propagating drying fronts in porous media delineated by neutron radiography
- Mountain building and rift-inheritance in the Pyrenees: insights from a new balanced cross-section and detrital thermochronometry
- Multisite stochastic downscaling of climate model precipitation outputs to high resolution scenarios
- Near-surface temperature lapse rates in a mountainous catchment in the Chilean Andes
- New developments and applicability of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP) testing framework
- New insights in the Pakitsoq Region of the Greenland Ice Sheet from Borehole Optical Televiewer measurements of in-situ ice properties: stratigraphy, englacial features, and the potential for optical identification of the Wisconsin-Holocene transition
- Numerical Simulations of Magmatic Hydrothermal Systems with H<SUB>2</SUB>O-NaCl Fluids
- Particle Tracking in a Hybrid Fracture-Matrix Formation
- Peatland records of dust deposition from Middleton Island, Gulf of Alaska
- Phase Diagrams and Fluid Properties of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-NaCl for Flow Simulations
- Phosphorus cycling in natural and low input soil/plant systems: the role of soil microorganisms
- Phosphorus, carbon- and nitrogen interactions in productive and degraded tropical pastures
- Primary Forests Are Vital For Sustaining Tropical Biodiversity
- Progressive serpentinization of the oceanic lithosphere from ridge to ridge flank: Consequences for biogeochemical cycles
- Protracted Storage of Biospheric Carbon In The Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin
- Pulse-drainage-induced surface acceleration near Jakobshavn Isbrae: water availability from supraglacial lakes
- Quantification of global erosion from mountain ranges using low temperature thermochronology
- Quantifying deformation in a magma reservoir - a rheology study of the Listino Ring Structure, Adamello Massif, N-Italy
- Quantifying deformation in crystalline magma using EBSD
- Rainfall-induced shallow landslides - from local progressive failures to hillslope criticality
- Reactive transport simulation via combination of a multiphase-capable transport code for unstructured meshes with a Gibbs energy minimization solver of geochemical equilibria
- Reconstruction of N fixation changes over the last glacial cycle in the Caribbean Sea with foraminifera-bound δ15N
- SCARF - The Swarm Satellite Constellation Application and Research Facility
- Seasonal changes of water carbon relations in savanna ecosystems
- Seasonal variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O fluxes in tropical pasture and afforestation
- Sediment transfer and landscape evolution by rock-slope failure and debris flows at the head of the Illgraben, Switzerland, 1963-2005
- September Arctic sea ice predicted to disappear for 2°C global warming above present
- Soil Moisture-Ecosystem-Climate Interactions in a Changing Climate
- Sound velocities of calcium-bearing majorite to high pressure and the seismic gradients in the transition zone
- Spatial and temporal variability of air temperature on a melting glacier: atmospheric controls, extrapolation methods and their effect on melt modelling
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of melt water delivery to the bed of the Greenland ice sheet
- Stability of Phase D at high pressure and temperature: Implications for the role of fluids in the deep mantle
- Structural Joint Inversion of Cross-Well Slug Test and Ground Penetrating Radar Data
- Structural inheritance vs large scale geodynamics, what controls the vertical displacement in the alboran-Rif sytem? Insights from 3D thermo-mechanical modeling
- The Drainage Foam Equation - An Alternative to the Richards Equation for Transient Unsaturated Flows
- The Effects of Measurement Error in Radar-derived Precipitation on Two-dimensional Scaling Estimators
- The Paleoceanography of Cariaco Basin and its Relationship to Deglacial and Abrupt Climate Change
- The Selene 2 LBBS seismic experiment
- The ecohydrological interaction of snow and vegetation type along a climate gradient in the Alps
- The effects of artificially impounded water on tide gauge measurements of sea level over the last century
- The great 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake probed the broad spectrum of earthquake behavior at the bottom of a seismogenic zone
- The impact of uncertainty in climate change scenarios on projections of future water supply from the Asian water towers
- The role of continents in the feasibility of plate tectonics and the thermal evolution of the Earth's mantle
- The study of a potential CO2 repository: Integrating laboratory and field geophysical experiments to characterize the upper Muschelkalk aquifer (northern Switzerland)
- Theoretical extension of the brittle onset of monodispersed magmatic suspensions: from spheres to spheroid
- Thermo-mechanical forcing of deformation and progressive failure in large rock slope instabilities
- Tightly Coupled Geodynamic Systems: Software, Implicit Solvers & Applications
- Tracing episodic magma accretion by stable and radiogenic isotopes and U-Pb dating in the Adamello batholith, Italy
- Tumbling experiments to test fragmentation and abrasion of rocks from the Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Using Garnet to Reconstruct Subduction Zone Dehydration Flux
- Using ground-based geophysics to constrain the interpretation of airborne TEM data recorded across the Okavango Delta, Botswana
- Using the potential of accessory minerals: detailed reconstruction of emplacement and crystallization sequence in the Southern Adamello Batholith, N. Italy
- Volume change reconstruction of Swiss glaciers from length change data
- reconstructing the geomagnetic field over the observatory era with a Bayesian approach
- 40Ar/39Ar dating of Pleistocene tuffs: an accurate age for the Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic reversal (MBGR)
- A Guatemalan Speleothem Record Of Climate Of The Past Millennium
- A Multi-Scale Approach to Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Hydrologic Response of Watershed Systems: 1. Quantifying Regional Trends and their Uncertainty
- A New Stochastic Particle Tracking Approach for Fractured Sedimentary Formations
- A comparison of GPS solutions for strain and SKS fast directions: Implications for modes of shear in the mantle of a plate boundary zone
- A laboratory study for tracer tomography based on arrival time inversion
- A ten-year record of supraglacial lake evolution and rapid drainage in West Greenland
- Ancient Yedoma carbon loss: primed by ice wedge thaw?
- Assessment of moulin head variations and subglacial conduit connectivity in the Greenland ablation zone
- Basin-scale characterization of river hydromorphology by map derived information: A case study on the Red River (Sông Hông), Vietnam
- Biogeography of serpentinite-hosted microbial ecosystems
- CMIP5 Projections of Temperature and Hydrologic Extremes for the U.S.
- Changes in European summer temperature variability revisited
- Chemical and mechanical feedback during reaction rim growth
- Chlorine partitioning between mantle minerals and aqueous fluid in synthetic and natural systems
- Climatic Forcing of Organic-Carbon-Export Dynamics from the Ganges-Brahmaputra River System
- Co-location of GPS, SLR and VLBI in space and its impact on the TRF
- Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability: Recent Developments and Extensions
- Composition and Biolability of Dissolved Organic Matter Leached from the Dominant Endmembers of the Siberian Arctic
- Compositional dependent partial molar volume and compressibility of CO2 in rhyolite, phonolite and basalt glasses
- Constraints on mantle electrical conductivity from geomagnetic jerks observation
- Continental rift observables limit upper mantle strength
- Cosmogenic 10Be size-dependent concentration in clasts of a landslide-dominated Himalayan watershed
- Deep Recycling of Carbon
- Density and ascent rates of carbonate liquids and implications for the origin of carbonatites
- Depth-dependence of the production rate of in-situ 14C in quartz
- Discriminating small-scale deep-mantle heterogeneities by 3D global wavefield modeling
- Dual Frequency Radar Observations of Snow and Ice Properties: Esa's COREH2O Candidate Satellite Mission
- Dust emission by a Mesoscale Convective System during the Fennec/LADUNEX field campaign simulated with a Lagrangian dust transport model
- East Asian summer monsoon dynamics lag continental air temperature changes during the last 130,000 years
- Effects of crystallization and bubble nucleation on the elastic properties of magmas
- Emerging temperature signal in low latitudes
- Eolian deposition of glacial flour dust to the Gulf of Alaska during the Holocene
- Evaluating the compatibility of physics-based deterministic synthetic ground motion with empirical GMPE
- Evidence for external forcing on 20th-century climate from combined ocean-atmosphere warming patterns
- Experimental determination of vertical uprooting resistance for grass species used in flume experiments
- Exploring the behavior of crystal mushes with physical models, recent advances and future challenges
- Fault Identification by Unsupervised Learning Algorithm
- Field-Scale Stable-Isotope Probing of Active Methanotrophs in a Landfill-Cover Soil
- Frequency-dependent seismic attenuation in shales: Experimental results and theoretical analysis
- Geodetic Observations of Ongoing Unrest at Santorini Caldera, Greece
- Getting Control Over Spatial Variability in CH4, N2O and CO2 Flux Measurements -- Examples from Switzerland and Alaska
- Global transfer of terrestrial organic carbon to the Ocean: an erosional control
- Global variations in H<SUB>2</SUB>O/Ce: Slab surface temperatures beneath volcanic arcs
- Greenhouse Gas Flux Budget of A Managed Swiss Grassland
- Heterogeneous ice nucleation of uncoated and coated desert dust
- Holocene activity of an alpine debris-flow catchment: does climate control erosion rate variability?
- Hydraulic Tomography and Heat Transport Simulation as a Combined Method for the Highly Resolved Characterization of Geothermal Systems
- Hydraulic tomography reconstruction used as a prior for a highly parameterized inversion based on pilot points
- Hydroclimatic changes recorded in Lake Van (eastern Anatolia, Turkey) during the last glacial/interglacial cycle
- Hydrogen isotopic composition of bacterial tetraether membrane lipids as recorder of precipitation dynamics
- Impact of Long-Range Transported African Dust Events on Cloud Composition and Physical Properties at a Caribbean Tropical Montane Cloud Forest
- Impact of extreme amounts of stratospheric sulfate aerosols
- Information on Glacier Dynamics from Probabilistic Icequakes Location (Triftgletscher, Switzerland)
- Integrated Assessment of Health-related Economic Impacts of U.S. Air Pollution Policy
- Interpreting intensities from white beam single-crystal Laue diffraction: A tool for structural characterization of Earth materials at extreme conditions.
- Intra-cratonic melting as a result of delamination of mantle lithosphere - insight from numerical modelling
- Investigation of heat flux processes governing the increase of groundwater temperatures beneath cities
- Ionosphere-free and geometry-free triple-frequency combinations for ambiguity resolution: theory and first results with real data
- Iron-Nickel carbide stability in the Earth's mantle
- Isotopic signatures as a tracer of cold cloud microphysical processes
- Local Earthquake Tomography of the Northern Part of the 27 February 2010 Maule Earthquake with the Extensional Aftershock Cluster of Pichilemu
- Local and regional climatic controls on high-resolution rainfall and cave dripwater oxygen isotopes in northern Borneo
- Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (Québec, Canada)
- Melt density and the efficiency of fractional crystallization for the generation of phonolite magmas
- Methane Emission Quantification at the Farm Scale Using Boundary-Layer Volume Budgets
- Microbial Diversity and Lipid Abundance in Microbial Mats from a Sulfidic, Saline, Warm Spring in Utah, USA
- Modeling Dynamic Source Rupture with Slip Reactivation and Near-Source Ground Motion of the 2012 Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake
- Modeling the glacio-hydrological response of a Himalayan watershed to climate change using a physically-oriented distributed model: sources of model uncertainty
- Observations of subglacial water pressure and velocity in the ablation region of Greenland.
- On the Generation of Supercontinent Cycles from Mantle Convection with Self-Consistent Plate Tectonics and Mobile Continents
- On the role of asymmetric feedbacks for the deglacial dynamics of the marine N-cycle
- Open Support Platform for Environmental Research (OSPER) - tools for the discovery and exploitation of environmental data
- Partitioning of CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from managed ecosystems
- Past "earthquake/tsunami" event deposits found in the Japan Trench: Results from the Sonne SO219A and Mirai MR12-E01 cruises
- Perceptions of the Decision Process though Drought and Flood in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
- Phase transitions and morphologies of aerosol particles
- Plume-induced crustal convection produces novae and coronae on Venus: 3D thermomechanical model
- Poly-Use Multi-Level Sampling Rod to Measure Soil-Gas Exchange in Glacier Forefield Soils
- Pore invasion dynamics during fluid front displacement in porous media determine functional pore size distribution and phase entrapment
- Rare earth element budgets in subduction-zone fluids
- Reconstructing Monsoon Variations in India - Evidence from Speleothems
- Regional and Seasonal Cycles of AOD and Precipitation from Satellite Retrievals and in a Global Model: Sensitivity to Convective Wet Scavenging Parameterizations
- Relation of slab-derived carbonate melts to kimberlite magma genesis and diamond formation
- River Incision, Sediment Storage, and Sediment Residence Times at the Western Tibetan Plateau Margin
- Robust Joint Projections for Humidity and Temperature Extremes
- Seasonal and spatial variations of precipitation deuterium excess are determined by the moisture source relative humidity
- Seismic signature of ultra-high pressure hydrous phases in subduction zones and constrains on water recycling
- Sensor-based actuation of water samplers in wireless sensor networks
- Shear wave velocities in deformed Al-stishovite and seismic heterogeneities in the mid-mantle
- Single crystal equation of state of phase D up to 64 GPa
- Space-time inversion of fluvial topography for paleo-uplift rates in Taiwan
- Spatial patterns of D/H ratios in meteoric water, leaf waxes from plants, POM and sediments within a large fluvial Himalayan catchment
- Spatiotemporal Perturbations of Pore fluid Pressure in Kumaon Himalayas
- Spectral signatures of water quality from H<SUP>+</SUP> to U: implications for trend analysis and change detection on timescales from days to decades
- Statistical distribution of pioneer vegetation: the role of local stream power
- Structure of the upper mantle beneath the northern Fennoscandian Shield revealed by high-resolution teleseismic P-wave traveltime tomography
- Subglacial channel evolution observed in western Greenland from moulin water level and GPS-derived surface velocities
- The ICDP Dead Sea deep drill cores: records of climate change and tectonics in the Levant
- The fine structure of microseisms: observations from a three-component array in Central France
- The importance of observed gradients of air temperature and precipitation for modelling water supply projections of a glacierised watershed in the Nepalese Himalayas
- The role of dune interactions and wind fluctuations in the selection of dune sizes within barchan fields
- The role of fluids in extracting and transporting metals in shallow magmatic systems
- Thermal Coupling between the Earth's Mantle, Basal Magma Ocean and Core
- Thermal influences on the displacement of a deep-seated rock instability in a permafrost environment in Switzerland
- Thermal instabilities in a soft and complex lithosphere: laboratory experiments and numerical simulations
- Thermal structure and fluid phase states in high-enthalpy geothermal systems as sensors of crustal permeability
- Tracking the evolution of a giant magmatic system from assembly to supereruption
- Uncertain future for the water resources of high mountain Asia
- Understanding the geodynamic setting of São Miguel, Azores: A peculiar bit of mantle in the Central Atlantic
- Unprecedented Evidence for Large Scale Heterogeneous Nucleation of Polar Stratospheric Clouds, Likely by Nanometer-Sized Meteoritic Particles
- Using U-series and beryllium isotopes to reveal the occurrence and relative timing of crustal and mantle processes in the Southern Volcanic Zone of Chile
- Using geochemical and isotopic chemistry to evaluate source water contributions to the hydrology of two high-elevation basins in the Himalayas of Nepal
- Water enables and controls subduction on Earth: why and how?
- Water in the Slab: a Trilogy
- Zircon crystallization and the lifetimes of ore-forming magmatic hydrothermal Systems
- 3-D Distribution of Retained Colloids in Unsaturated Porous Media
- 3-D Spherical Mantle Convection Simulations with Billions of Unknowns on the Yin-Yang Grid Using StagYY: Parallelization and Scaling (Invited)
- 3D Thermo-mechanical models of Equatorial Atlantic rifting and opening, and the oblique/transform continental margins formation and evolution - Preliminary results
- A 2000-year long seasonal record of floods in the southern European Alps reconstructed from varved lake sediments (Invited)
- A framework for the application of physically-oriented glacio-hydrological models in the Himalaya-Karakorum region based on a new approach of uncertainty evaluation
- A general advection model for transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers with conductivity measurements
- A probabilistic sediment cascade model of sediment transfer through a mountain basin
- A scalable, parallel matrix-free Stokes solver for geodynamic applications
- A simple 2D model of supraglacial debris cover evolution
- A synthetic GMPE based on deterministic simulated ground motion data obtained from dynamic rupture models
- Air Quality Co-Benefits of a Carbon Policy: Regional Implementation
- Altitude and Temperature Change in Climatic Time-Scale (Invited)
- An End-to-end Workflow for Full Seismic Waveform Inversions
- An Experimental Perspective on Lower Crustal Processing of (Arc) Magmas (Invited)
- Assessment of climate impacts on hydrology and geomorphology of semiarid headwater basins using a physically-based model
- Can Minor Hydrous Minerals Play a Role in Low Crust Seismic Anisotropy: an Experimental and Numerical Investigation to Finero Peridotites
- Carbonate deformation during exhumation through the ductile-brittle transition: insights from (U-Th)/He thermochrometry, stable and clumped-isotopes
- Co-settling of Chromite and Sulfide Melt Droplets and Trace Element Partitioning between Sulfide and Silicate Melts
- Comparing a FACE experiment with mechanistic ecohydrological modeling: which processes are reliably simulated under elevated CO2?
- Compensation of winter respiration to predict annual carbon uptake in European forests
- Compositional effects on the density of volatile-bearing magmatic liquids in the upper mantle
- Constraining Global Model Estimates of Aerosol Effects on Clouds (Invited)
- Contrasting Li and Mg isotope behaviour in small Alpine rivers: tracing seasonal changes in weathering processes (Invited)
- Controls on scaling relationships of dynamic headwater stream networks
- Detrital zircon geochronology and provenance analysis applied to the onshore Makran accretionary wedge, SE Iran
- Diurnal Cycles in Water Quality Across the Periodic Table
- Drastic lake level changes of Lake Van (eastern Turkey) during the past ca. 600 ka: climatic, volcanic and tectonic control
- Dyke emplacement and propagation: a new laboratory approach
- Electromagnetic Monitoring of Inter-annual Variation in the Ocean Flow
- Energetic constraints on the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone
- Enthalpy and Phase Relations in Saline Geothermal Fluids to "Supercritical" Conditions
- Estimating the gas transfer velocity: a prerequisite for more accurate and higher resolution GHG fluxes (lower Aare River, Switzerland)
- Evaluation and operationalization of a novel forest detrainment modeling approach for computational snow avalanche simulation
- Evaluation of thermally driven flows and orographic convection at cloud-resolving resolutions
- Evidence for a Paleo-Okavango Megafan and overlying mega-lake from HTEM and ground-based geophysical data
- First results from the C20C Detection and Attribution Project (Invited)
- Fluid pressure and fault strength: insights from load-controlled experiments on carbonate-bearing rocks
- Future global and regional climate change: From near-term prediction to long-term projections (Invited)
- GEROS-ISS: Innovative GNSS reflectometry/occultation payload onboard the International Space Station for the Global Geodetic Observing System
- Half of the world's population affected by changes in the water cycle by the end of the century
- High Resolution CH4 Emissions and Dissolved CH4 Measurements Elucidate Surface Gas Exchange Processes in Toolik Lake, Arctic Alaska
- High permeability backbones and their influence on flow and transport
- History and evolution of Subduction in the Precambrium
- How the Young Hydrologic Society can rejuvenate hydrology
- Hydroxyl concentration and δD to trace weathering from Critical Zones to river sediment in Himalaya
- IODP Expedition 338: Riser and Riserless Drilling Along the NanTroSEIZE Transect
- Impacts of Wet Scavenging Parameterizations on Global Simulations of Aerosol Concentrations and Lifetimes (Invited)
- Importance of clouds and aerosols in assessing climate change (Invited)
- In situ 3D-X-ray diffraction tracking of individual grains of olivine during high-pressure/ high-temperature phase transitions
- Incorporating climate-system and carbon-cycle uncertainties in integrated assessments of climate change. (Invited)
- Insights of magma chamber evolution from multiscale physical modeling (Invited)
- Insolation-driven 100 kyr glacial cycles and millennial climate change
- Inter-Comparison of the Phase Partitioning of Water in Mixed-Phase Clouds among Global Climate Models
- Interaction of Bar Morphology and Riparian Vegetation in Gravel-Bed Rivers
- Large peaks of N2O after grassland restoration
- Late Coupled Evolution of Venus' Atmosphere and the Effects of Meteoritic Impacts
- Lateral strength variation in the lithosphere: a key parameter for the localization of intra-plate deformation
- Limit of Predictability in Mantle Convection
- Mapping cropland GPP in the north temperate region with space measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence
- Marine induction studies based on sea surface scalar magnetic field measurements. A concept and its verification
- Mass-dependent U isotopic variations in altered oceanic crust and volcanic arc magmas
- Microbial carbon cycling in Lost City hydrothermal chimneys and other serpentinite-hosted ecosystems (Invited)
- Mineralogical constraints on seismic heterogeneities in the mid-mantle
- Mitigating heat waves through changes in agricultural practices
- Modeling cultivar-specific crop growth and CH4 and N2O emissions using the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model: Calibration and validation in California rice systems
- Modeling spatially- and temporally-explicit water stress indices for use in life cycle assessment
- Modeling step-pool systems in steep streams by a cellular automaton sandpile model
- New Archeointensities from Mid Holocene Archeological Materials
- New insight into the Iceland-Jan Mayen plume system from full waveform inversion
- Numerical modeling of the thermo-physical hydrology of volcanic geothermal systems
- Oceanic transform faults: how and why do they form? (Invited)
- Plenty to eat, nothing to breathe: challenges to life in serpentinite habitats (Invited)
- Pore invasion dynamics during fluid front displacement - an interfacial front model
- Precambrian geodynamics: models vs. concepts and constrains (Invited)
- Precise Estimates of 2-theta and 4-theta Rayleigh Wave Anisotropy in Southern California from Frequency-Wavenumber Analysis of Seismic Noise
- Predicting the impacts of climate change on plant dynamics and tree-grass-shrub competition using a Cellular Automata model in a Mediterranean catchment in Sicily, Italy
- Probabilistic inversion of a kinematic source scenario including rotational ground motion measurements
- Progressive rock slope failure resulting from fluvial incision and far-field stress changes in alpine landscapes
- Pseudo-dynamic source modeling with 1-point and 2-point statistics of earthquake source parameters
- Radial inhomogeneities in particle composition of single, levitated aerosol particles observed by Mie resonance spectroscopy (Invited)
- Rapid Transport of Stratospheric Ozone into the Planetary Boundary Layer over the Rocky Mountains
- Rapid field application of hydraulic tomography
- Rapid hydroclimatic shifts in the Eastern Mediterranean in response to unstable North Atlantic circulation
- Recent Experimental Advances to Determine (noble) Gases in Waters
- Retreating, tearing slabs: 3D thermo-mechanical models and implications for crustal deformation and surface dynamics
- River Capture in Disequilibrium Landscapes
- Role of lithospheric rheology on dynamic topography and uplift rate
- Root Niche Separation as Strategy of Avoidance of Seasonal Drought Stress in a Mature Amazonian Forest (Invited)
- Scale Dependence of Statistics in Large Eddy Simulations of Boundary Layer Clouds Subject to Time-Varying Forcing
- Seismic activity triggered at the Turrialba-Irazu volcanic complex, Costa Rica, by the M7.6 2012 Nicoya earthquake
- Sibyl: a system for evaluating the performances of ideal Earthquake Early Warning based on stochastic seismicity models
- Significance of previous year's weather for forest net ecosystem productivity
- Spatial aggregation reveals robust projections in climate extremes
- Spatial and temporal variations of glacial erosion in the European Alps: numerical models and implications for slope stability (Invited)
- Stochastic Particle Tracking in Fractured Sedimentary Formations
- Subduction dynamics, mineralization and related magmatism in eastern Mediterranean: insight from kinematic reconstructions
- Surface carbon transformations at a site of active continental serpentinization: the Tablelands, Newfoundland, Canada
- Surface energy partitioning during evaporation from drying porous media (Invited)
- Switches in subduction polarity, slab tearing and the opening of slab gaps along the Alpine chain - a view from the bottom up
- The Effect of Phytase on the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Phosphate
- The Evolution of Mountain Permafrost in Switzerland
- The GANSSER seismological network in Bhutan
- The Influence of Atmospheric Transport Regimes on Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Concentrations Measured at Zeppelin
- The ML 3.5 earthquake sequence induced by the hydrothermal energy project in St. Gallen, Switzerland
- The SEIS InSight VBB Experiment
- The development of a hydrologic-hydraulic representation of an urbanscape: the case study of Nashville, Tennessee
- The effects of the mineral phase on C stabilization mechanisms and the microbial community along an eroding slope transect
- The enigma of effective pathlength for <SUP>18</SUP>O enrichment in leaf water of conifers
- The impact of cultivar diversity in bioenergy feedstock production systems on soil carbon sequestration rates
- The influence of total suction on the brittle failure characteristics of clay shales
- The origin of andesites and continental crust driven by crystal fractionation: insights from global Zr and P systematics and mafic enclaves (Invited)
- The prediction of energy partitioning over evaporating terrestrial surfaces - from pores to remote sensing scales
- The role of local scale heterogeneities in terrestrial ecosystem functioning
- The unexpected effects of wind speeds on plant water use efficiency
- Thermal signatures help deduce evaporative fluxes into turbulent airflows
- Thermodynamic constraints on Fe and Si carbide stabilities in the Earth's mantle
- Towards a Comprehensive Earth Model Across the Scales
- Towards coupled giant impact and long term interior evolution models
- Trace gas composition in the free and upper troposphere over Asia: Examining the influence of long-range transport and convection of local pollution
- Trans-lithospheric scheme of arc magma transfer and evolution (Invited)
- Tropospheric and Boundary-Layer Water Vapor Isotopes over the Boreal Forest and Mediterranean Sea: Validation of Aura Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Retrievals of HDO and H2O
- Uncertainties and ensembles in global climate models: open issues with model dependence, performance, and robustness (Invited)
- Uncertainties in projections from global climate models: statistical idiosyncrasies and future directions in their analysis (Invited)
- Understanding Interior Dynamics in Earth and Terrestrial Planets: The Essential role of Analytical and Computational Mathematics (Invited)
- Use of Remote Sensing and Local Knowledge for Geoconservation of Regiao dos Lagos, Brazil
- Using synthetic kinematic source inversions with dynamic rupture models to evaluate the effect of seismic network density and geometry in near-field source inversions
- Variable results in hydrograph separation using geochemical and isotopic chemistry data from a glacierized mountain watershed in Nepal
- Vegetation establishment in convectively accelerated streams
- Water-Related Seismic Sources in Glaciers and Ice Sheets (Invited)
- West-to-east Moisture Transport Dynamics in the East Asian Monsoon
- "Dynamic Kinematics": Towards Linking Earth's Plate Motions to the Evolution of Global Mantle Flow
- 1,350,000 Year History of Siberian Permafrost Based on U-Pb Chronology of Speleothems
- 226Ra-230Th Disequilibria in Magmas from Llaima and Lonquimay Volcanoes, Chile: On the Roles and Rates of Subvolcanic Magmatic Processes.
- 2D Numerical Simulations of Outer Rise Faulting in the Tonga Subduction System
- 3D Numerical Model of Continental Breakup via Plume Lithosphere Interaction Near Cratonic Blocks: Implications for the Tanzanian Craton
- A 15 Ky High Resolution <SUP>10</SUP>be-Record of Denudation Rate Change from an Alpine Catchment in the Eastern European Alps
- A 60 Myr Sea Surface Temperature Record of the Northern Atlantic Ocean Using a Multi-proxy Approach
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Swiss Alpine Glaciers Using Helicopter-Borne Ground-Penetrating-Radar
- A Galerkin Method for Solving the Inertia-Free Navier-Stokes Equation in a Full Sphere
- A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
- A Lagrangian analysis of sea ice dynamics in the Arctic
- A Millennial-Scale Reduction in Ventilation of the Deep South Atlantic During the Last Interglacial Period
- A Multi-Model Analysis of Aerosol Effects on Clouds Simulated By Global Climate Models
- A New Promising Approach of Pattern Scaling
- A New View of Dynamic River Networks
- A Numerical Study on Small-Scale Permeability Creation Associated with Fluid Pressure Induced Inelastic Shearing
- A Regime Diagram of Mobile-lid Convection with Plate-like Behaviour
- A Stochastic Approach to Tracer Tomography
- A Synthesis View of Ocean Productivity during the Plio-Pleistocene Transition
- A comprehensive earth model across the scales: a global full waveform update, and methodological developments
- A global perspective on riverine export of terrestrial organic carbon to the ocean
- A grid-based Model for Backwasting at supraglacial Ice Cliffs on a debris-covered Glacier
- A new large initial condition ensemble to assess avoided impacts in a climate mitigation scenario
- A pore scale description of calcium isotope exchange and equilibration with calcite
- A secondary zone of uplift caused by megathrust earthquakes: Insights from seismo-thermo-mechanical models and geodetic data
- Accelerated Source-Encoding Full-Waveform Inversion with Additional Constraints
- Advancing Our Understanding of the Impacts of Historic and Projected Land Use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Aging of Refractory Black Carbon in Power Plant Plumes by Sulfate-Driven Chemistry during the Southeast Nexus (SENEX) study
- Airborne Measurements of the Atmospheric Emissions from a Fuel Ethanol Refinery
- Aircraft Measurement of Isoprene-derived Organic Aerosol during the Southeast Nexus (SENEX) Campaign Using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- An Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-flux (EDMF) closure for the unified representation of cloud and convective processes
- An Examination of Carbon Monoxide and Organic Aerosol Mass Sources in the Southeastern United States during the SENEX Project
- Analysis of Scale Dependent Statistics of Quasi-Steady-State Large Eddy Simulations in the Time Domain
- Antarctic Ocean Nutrient Conditions During the Last Two Glacial Cycles
- Application of δ<SUP>13</SUP>c Values Recorded in Neoproterozoic Marine Dolomite As a Marker for Global Correlations: Significance of Major δ<SUP>13</SUP>c Variations for the Carbon Cycle Based on Studies of Modern Dolomite Precipitating Environments
- Arctic stratospheric sulphur injections: radiative forcings and cloud responses
- Assessing Induced Seismicity Models for Use in Deep Geothermal Energy Projects
- Astrogeodetic Deflection of the Vertical at ETH Zürich: From the Development of Instrumentations to Concrete Applications.
- Asymmetric and dual 3D rift evolution over mantle plumes in presence of far-field stresses. Insights from ultra-high resolution numerical models
- Automated and Reproducible Full Waveform Inversion with Multiple Data Sets
- Basin-wide investigation of terrestrial biomarker source to sink transport along a major modern fluvial system
- Biochemical Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation during Lipid Biosynthesis in Higher Plants
- Boron Isotope Evidence for Oceanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage During the Last Deglaciation
- Bridging Basalts and Rhyolites in the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain Volcanic Province: the Elusive Intermediate Step
- Brittle Solvers: Lessons and insights into effective solvers for visco-plasticity in geodynamics
- Bubbles Accumulation And Their Role On The Eruptability Of Melt-Rich Silicic Lenses In Upper Crustal Magma Reservoirs
- CO<SUB>2</SUB>-dependent fractional crystallization of alkaline silicate magmas and unmixing of carbonatites within the intrusive complexes of Brava Island (Cape Verde)
- Changes in ENSO Frequency and Character as Recorded in NE Indian Speleothem Oxygen Isotopes
- Characterization of Unstable Rock Slopes Through Passive Seismic Measurements
- Characterization of a Densely Placed Carbon Observation Network
- Climate benefits of changes in agricultural practices in the context of heat wave mitigation
- Climate forcing of the terrestrial organic carbon cycle during the last deglaciation: the Himalaya-Bengal fan example
- Combining Full Waveform Inversion and Traveltime Tomography
- Comparison of temperature proxies in tropical stalagmites
- Composite solvers for linear saddle point problems arising from the incompressible Stokes equations with highly heterogeneous viscosity structure
- Constraining the extent and evolution of the Southwest Pacific carbon pool since the last glacial
- Constraining the upper plate surface deformation across coupled subduction-collision systems
- Constraints on melting, temperature and chemical composition from full waveform tomographic images
- Construction of an Upper Crustal Reservoir by Lateral Magma Propagation: New insights from Geochronological Data of La Gloria Pluton, Central Chile
- Continued global warming after CO2 emissions stoppage
- Continuous Monitoring of Potential Geochemical and Geomagnetic Earthquake Precursors: Lessons Learned
- Convection and Melt Migration in Io's Mantle
- Convection and the Soil-Moisture Precipitation Feedback
- Convection-Resolving Climate Change Simulations: Intensification of Heavy Hourly Precipitation Events
- Copper Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melts: the Effects of Temperature, Melt Compositions, Oxygen Fugacity and Water Concentrations
- Crustal Structure of the Gulf of Aden Continental Margins, from Afar to Oman, by Ambient Noise Seismic Tomography
- Cumulate Fragments in Silicic Ignimbrites
- Delineation of Paths of the Smallest Hydraulic Resistance and Their Influence on Flow and Transport.
- Detecting the Signature of Permafrost Thaw in Arctic Rivers
- Detection and quantification of fraction of attributable risk of extremes at regional to global scale
- Determining resolvability of mantle plumes with synthetic seismic modeling
- Development of a Magnitude-Scaling Law for Non-Volcanic Tremors in Cholame Near Parkfield, California
- Downward shortwave radiation trends in Europe since the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century: what we know from direct measurements and sunshine duration records
- Dynamics and Significance of Plume-Induced Subduction Initiation: Numerical Modeling
- Dynamics of large submarine landslide from analyzing the basal section of mass-transport deposits sampled by IODP Nankai Trough Submarine Landslide History (NanTroSLIDE)
- Dynamo Driven By Inertial Instabilities, Application to the Moon
- Early Earth tectonics: A high-resolution 3D numerical modelling approach
- Early evolution and dynamics of Earth from a molten initial stage
- Eastward escape of Tibet facilitated by mid-crustal upwelling where conjugate faults meet at its western end
- Emergent Patterns of Forest Biomass Production from Across and within a Micro-Network
- Emissions of Black Carbon Aerosols from Alaskan Boreal Forest Wildfires
- Emplacement and fluctuations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet across the Eocene-Oligocene transition
- Energy-balance and melt contributions of supraglacial lakes, Langtang Khola, Nepal
- Enhanced deep ocean ventilation and oxygenation with global warming
- Equation of State of Amorphous MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> and (MgFe)SiO<SUB>3</SUB> to Lowermost Mantle Pressures
- Estimation of country-scale methane emissions by airborne and ground-based in situ observations and inverse modeling
- Evaluations of Surface Shortwave and Longwave Radiation from Earth System Models of CMIP5
- Evidences for Long Residence Time for the Miocene Silicic Ignimbrites of the Pannonian Basin, Eastern-Central Europe: Constrains from In-Situ U-Pb Zircon Dating
- Evolution of pore fluid pressures in a stimulated geothermal reservoir inferred from earthquake focal mechanisms
- Exploring the hydrologic impact of increasing urbanization in a tropical river catchment in the megacity of Jakarta, Indonesia
- Formation of rhyolite at the Okataina Volcanic Complex, New Zealand: New insights from analysis of quartz clusters in plutonic lithics
- From Source to Sink: Integration and Alteration of Oxygen Isotope Signals during the Transfer from Precipitation to Leaf Water, Leaf Sugars, Twig Phloem Sugars into the Stem Phloem Sugars of Four Mature European Tree Species
- Full Seismic Waveform Inversion for the Japanese Islands
- GPS Source Solution of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Geochemical Constraint on Sediment Sorting, Transport and Deposition Throughout the Himalayan River System
- Geological controls on supercritical fluid resources in volcanic geothermal systems
- Glacial-to-interglacial Changes in Nitrate Supply and Consumption in the Subarctic North Pacific from Microfossil-bound N Isotopes at Two Trophic Levels
- Glacial/interglacial changes in export production in a series of sediment cores spanning the Indian sector Antarctic Polar Front
- Global Famine after a Regional Nuclear War
- Greenhouse gas fluxes over Central European grasslands
- High Contribution of Gallery Forests to Local Evaporation in Semi-Arid Burkina Faso
- High-Resolution Monitoring of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection with Permanent Electrodes: A 5-Year Retrospect from the Ketzin Site and Design Recommendations for Future Projects
- High-Resolution Monitoring of Himalayan Glacier Dynamics Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Horizontal Transition of Turbulent Cascade in the Near-surface Layer of Tropical Cyclones
- Hydration State and Aqueous Phase Connectivity Shape Microbial Dispersal Rates in Unsaturated Angular Pore Networks
- Hydration and diffusion dynamics shape microbial community composition and function in soil aggregates.
- Hydro-glaciological modeling in the Upper Maipo River basin, extratropical Andes Cordillera, with explicit representation of debris-covered glaciers.
- Hydrologic and geomorphic drivers of changing flood hazard
- Ice Cliff Backwasting over debris-covered Glaciers - Insights into their Formation and Development based on new Measurements and a point-scale Model
- Ice Nucleation of Snomax® Particles below Water Vapor Saturation: Immersion Freezing in Concentrated Solution Droplets
- Identifying the Crystal Graveyards Remaining After Large Silicic Eruptions
- Imaging the Subduction of Continental Lithosphere in the Banda Sea Region
- Impact of Cretaceous Climate on Upwelling and Erosive Capacity of Transequatorial Current in the Tethys Seaway - Tales from Deep-Sea Sediments
- Impact of Water Retention Curves on Evaporation Under Diurnal Atmospheric Forcing
- Impacts of Variations of Vegetation Hydraulic Properties on Land-Surface Hydrology
- Improving carbonate clumped isotope thermometry for application to foraminifera-based paleoceanography
- In Situ Formation of Relic Landscapes By Fluvial Processes
- In Situ Monitoring of Microstructures during Subsequent Phase Transitions in the Olivine System up to 30 GPa and 1100 K Using 3D-XRD Single-Grain Analysis. Effects of Grain Size Evolution on the Stagnation of Slab.
- In situ vertical profiles of aerosol extinction, mass, and composition over the SEUS during the SENEX and SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS studies
- Incising Tibet
- Incoming sediments and its deformation observed on high resolution seismic profiles in the northern Japan Trench axis region
- Increases in River Runoff Projected for High Mountain Asia's River Basins during the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Influence of orbital precession on the polar methane accumulation on Titan
- Influence of the turbulence and convection parameterization on convective initiation in kilometer-scale simulations
- Initiation of the Fiordland-Puysegur subduction zone, New Zealand
- Insights into Microbial Mats and Possible Stromatolite Formation from Little Hot Creek, California
- Instantaneous generation of broadband global-scale waveforms
- Integrated Interpretation of Geophysical, Geotechnical, and Environmental Monitoring Data to Define Precursors for Landslide Activation
- Integrated and Sustainable Water Management of Red-Thai Binh Rivers System Under Change
- Integration of strong motion networks and accelerometric data in Europe
- Interannual Variability in the Large-Scale Dynamics of the South Asian Summer Monsoon
- Interfacial motions and pressure fluctuations during fluid displacement in porous media
- Investigating hum sources using cross-correlation asymmetry
- Iron Fertilization in the Subantarctic South Pacific?
- Italian and Alpine crustal structure imaged by ambient-noise surface-wave dispersion
- Key players of methane dynamics in alpine fens: interaction of vascular plants and microbial communities
- LA-ICP-MS Pb-U Dating of Young Zircons from the Kos-Nisyros Volcanic Centre, SE Aegean Arc (Greece)
- Lacustrine Turbidites as a Tool for Quantitative Paleoseismology: Evidence from 17 Chilean Lakes
- Lagrangian Statistics and Modeling of Pore-Scale Dispersion in Heterogeneous Natural Porous Media
- Land-Use/Land Cover Change as Driver of Earth System Dynamics: past progress, future priorities, and new data and models for advancing the science
- Land-atmosphere interactions in a changing climate: An overview of the GLACE-CMIP5 experiment
- Large-Eddy Simulations of the Sensitivity of Polar Clouds to Climate Change and Sea Ice
- Large-Scale 3D Electromagnetic Modelling Using High-Order Finite-Element Method
- Late Glacial and Holocene Flow Dynamics of the Denmark Strait Overflow Water
- Latest Developments in Best Practices and Mitigation Efforts for Induced Seismicity Due to Fluid Injections and/or Withdrawal
- Latitudinal Libration in a Triaxial Ellipsoid
- Leaf water and plant wax hydrogen isotopes in a European sample network
- Linking tracers and travel time distributions: the emergence of age mixing patterns
- Long-Period Surface Motion of the Multi-Patch Mw9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Long-Term Time Variability of Temperature, Gas Abundance and Cloud Fields in Jupiter from Thermal Emission Observations
- Long-Term Trends of Observed and Simulated Total Cloud Cover over the Mediterranean Region
- Long-Term Variability of Evapotranspiration and Vegetation Productivity: The Role of Temporal Scales
- Lower Mantle melting model and it's geodynamical applications
- Magma Boiling Underneath Volcanoes: A Key to Massive S Release during Eruption
- Martian Ambient Seismic Noise: from the first modeling to the future data of the InSight Seismic experiment.
- Measurements of Saharan Dust from the Fennec Aircraft Campaign: Giant Particles, Optical Properties and Effects of Transport
- Mechanisms of Stationary Rossby Wave Change in a Changing Climate
- Mechanisms of doubly-vergent vs. single-sided orogens: insights from numerical modelling
- Microbial Life in Soil - Linking Biophysical Models with Observations
- Millennial to orbital-scale ice sheet effects on drought intensity in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Modeling the Vakhsh Cascade in the Amu Darya River Basin - Implementing Future Storage Facilities in a Hydrological Model for Impact Assessment
- Modelling the response of a Himalayan watershed to climate change: new insights from linking high resolution in-situ data and remote sensing with an advanced simulation model
- Moment tensor inversion of the South Napa Earthquake using highrate GPS
- More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Increased Information Content through a Combination of Ground-Penetrating-Radar and Seismic Methods on Temperate Glaciers.
- Multi-Proxy Palaeothermometry (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, Mg/Ca, clumped isotopes) of Mid-Cretaceous Rudist Bivalves: Deciphering Stratigraphic and Seasonal Changes in Shallow-Marine Sea-Surface Temperature
- Multi-Solver and Multi-Grid Sampling for Fast, Non-Intrusive, and Versatile Uncertainty Quantification of Two-Phase Flow and Transport
- Multi-decadal trends of solar radiation reaching the surface: What is the role of aerosols?
- Multifractal Analysis of Large Eddy Simulations of Marine Stratocumulus
- Multiscale Pore Network Model for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
- Nitrogen Utilization and Environmental Losses from Organic Farming and Biochar's Potential to Improve N Efficiency.
- Non-local Second Order Closure Scheme for Boundary Layer Turbulence
- Objective calibration of regional climate models: Application over Europe and North America
- Oblique boundary systems: nature Vs theory
- Observations and Model Simulations of Orographic Mixed-Phase Clouds at Mountain Range Site
- Ocean export production and foraminiferal stable isotopes in the Antarctic Southern Ocean across the mid-Pleistocene transition
- Offline Performance of the Filter Bank EEW Algorithm in the 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- On the Non-Uniqueness of Sediment Yield
- On the effect of short temporal scale climate variability on long-term water, energy and carbon fluxes: Insights from a modeling approach
- On the importance of variable soil depth and process representation in the modeling of shallow landslide initiation
- Orogen-parallel Variation in Flexure of the Arabian Plate Beneath the Zagros Mountains
- Paleoseismology Along the Japan Trench Subduction Zone: Deep-Sea Sediment Records of Earthquakes in Tohoku
- Physical Parameters Controlling Subduction Dynamics and Surface Topography in Self-consistent Global Models of Mantle Convection
- Pore Scale View of Fluid Displacement Fronts in Porous Media
- Potential of ambient noise techniques to monitor reservoir dynamics at the St. Gallen geothermal site
- Precise Astronomical Azimuth Determination By Qdaedalus System to the Sun, Moon, and Planets in Daytime Conditions
- Predicting long-term responses of vegetation water use to elevated atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Preliminary Experimental Results on the Technique of Artificial River Replenishment to Mitigate Sediment Loss Downstream Dams
- Preliminary Results of Full Seismic Waveform Tomography for Sea of Marmara Region (NW Turkey)
- Preservation of submarine event deposits: Where is the most preferable area to reconstruct the past earthquake/tsunami events from marine sediment records?
- Protocol for Identifying Fossil Biofilm Microfabrics in Archean and Martian Sedimentary Rocks
- Quantification of Feedbacks in Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions of Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Quantifying the uncertainty in surface energy fluxes of glacierised environments: How does the lack of information affect estimations of ablation amounts?
- Reactive transport in 3D models of irregularly fractured rock masses
- Recent Developments within the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Reconstructing Modes of the Amoc Back to the Penultimate Glacial Maximum
- Redefining Field Capacity: Intrinsic Criteria for Soil Internal Drainage Dynamics
- Reducing Nonuniqueness in Finite Source Inversion Using Rotational Ground Motions
- Relating Aerosol Mass and Optical Depth in the Summertime Continental Boundary Layer
- Relevance of land forcings and feedbacks in the attribution of climate extremes
- Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics: The Helmholtz Alliance
- Retrospective Evaluation of Earthquake Forecasts during the 2010-12 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Sequence
- Robust Forced Signals and Irreducible Uncertainties in Projections of Extremes
- Robust computational techniques for studying Stokes flow within deformable domains: Applications to global scale planetary formation processes
- Seasonal Variability in Atmospheric-Methane Oxidation in a Swiss Glacier Forefield
- Seasonal dynamics of organic carbon cycling in the Fraser River, Canada
- Seismo-Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Subduction Zone Seismicity: Methodology, Applications, and Perspectives
- Self-Organizing Reactive Fluid Escape from Dehydrating Rocks
- Sensing the Electrical Conductivity of the Upper Mantle and Lithosphere Using Satellite Magnetic Signal Due to Ocean Tidal Flow
- Serpentinization and Life: Motivations for Drilling the Atlantis Massif
- Shedding "Dark" on the Oxidation of Dissolved Organic Matter by Hydroxyl Radical in Arctic Soils and Surface Waters
- Shock Waves Trigger Fault Weakening in Calcite-bearing Rocks During Earthquakes
- Short and Long Term Effects of Meteoritic Impacts on the Evolution of Venus and Its Surface Conditions.
- Si-Metasomatism During Serpentinization of Jurassic Ultramafic Sea-floor: a Comparative Study
- Signatures of the Toba super-volcano eruption in Borneo stalagmite geochemistry: a multi-proxy approach
- Single particles measured by a light scattering module coupled to a time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer onboard the NOAA P-3 aircraft during SENEX
- Slip reactivation model for the 2011 Mw9 Tohoku earthquake: Dynamic rupture, sea floor displacements and tsunami simulations.
- Soil bioturbation by earthworms and plant roots- mechanical and energetic considerations
- Southern Greenland water vapour isotopic composition at the crossroads of Atlantic and Arctic moisture
- Southern Ocean and Antarctic Peninsula Temperatures During Critical Climate Transitions of the Cenozoic Constrained by Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- Spatial Distribution of Preferential Groundwater Pathways in the Poehla Mine (Ore Mountains, Saxony, Germany)
- Statistics of Static Stress Earthquake Triggering
- Stratigraphic Signatures of Forearc Basin Formation Mechanisms
- Strength of Calcite-Bearing Faults in Fluid Pressure-Controlled Experiments
- Subduction Initiation in a Stagnant Lid and Episodic Overturn on Venus
- Subduction-related oceanic crust in the Khantaishir ophiolite (western Mongolia).
- Sublithospheric Triggers for Episodic Silicic Magmatism in Subduction Zones
- Subsurface sediment mobilization and active pockmarks from sublacustrine ground-water seepage
- Supercycles at subduction thrusts controlled by seismogenic zone downdip width
- Taking Surface Seismic Monitoring to the Nano-Seismic Scale: Results from Natural and Induced Seismic Sequences in Switzerland.
- Tectonic Escape and Present-Day Crustal Deformation in Northernmost Longitudinal Valley, Hualien Taiwan
- Tectonics from Fluvial Topography Using Formal Linear Inversion: Theory and Applications to the Inyo Mountains, California
- Ten new long-term glaciological mass balance series for Swiss glaciers
- Testing for supply-limited chemical erosion in field measurements of soil production and chemical depletion
- The Amplification of Australian Heatwave Characteristics in a Large Single-Model Ensemble.
- The Application of 238U/235U as a Redox-Proxy for Past Ocean Chemistry
- The Cerg-C: A Specialisation Certificate in Geological and Climate Related Risk of the University of Geneva, Switzerland
- The Effect of Plumes on the Dynamics of Supercontinents in a Self-Consistent Plate Tectonics Setting
- The Effect of fO<SUB>2</SUB> on Partition Coefficients of U and Th between Garnet and Silicate Melt
- The Efficiency of the Biological Pump in the Southern Ocean over the Past 40,000 Years As Evidenced from Deep-Sea Corals
- The Flushing of the Northern Lower Stratosphere and the Influence of the Monsoon: Results from Tacts/Esmval 2012
- The Imprint of Plumes on Waveforms Using Spectral-Element Method Synthetics
- The Influence of Hydrothermal Plumes on the Distribution of Anthropogenic Radionuclides Between the Particulate and Dissolved Phases: Results from U.S. Geotraces Equatorial Pacific Zonal Transect GP16
- The Last Interglacial in the Levant: Perspective from the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drill Core
- The Magnetostrophic Dynamo
- The Ocean is Shaping Tropospheric Adjustments
- The Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycle of Zinc and Its Isotopes
- The Persistence of Volcanic Ash in the Tropical Stratosphere after the Kelud Eruption
- The Role and Spatiotemporal Occurrence of Off-megathrust Earthquakes: Insights from Seismo-Thermo-Mechanical models
- The Role of Bluff-Body Roughness Elements on Turbulent Evaporative Fluxes from Porous Surfaces: Momentum and Energy Partitioning
- The Role of Soil Biological Function in Regulating Agroecosystem Services and Sustainability in the Quesungual Agroforestry System
- The impact of Saharan dust events on long-term glacier mass balance in the Alps
- The impact of crustal density variations on seismic wave propagation
- The impact of variable building height on drag, flow and turbulence over a realistic suburban surface
- The science between tsunami science and evacuation decisions
- The suitability of different surface melt models for long-term simulations of glacier response to climate change
- Thermal footprints in groundwater of central European cities
- Three decades of debris-covered area change for 94 glaciers in Northern Pakistan
- Time Varying Climate Sensitivity in the Current Generation of GFDL Coupled Models
- Time of emergence of multiple ocean ecosystem stressors in a large ensemble with an Earth System Model
- Timescales of Porphyry Cu Formation: Bajo de la Alumbrera, NW Argentina
- Towards Coupled Giant Impact and Long Term Interior Evolution Models
- Towards sediment residence time in a Himalayan catchment? Insights from paired in-situ <SUP>14</SUP>C and <SUP>10</SUP>Be measurements in river sands
- Trends In Secular Mean State And Variance Changes In Ocean Carbon Uptake In RCP8.5 Large Ensemble Experiments With Two Earth System Models
- Trends in Aerosol Emissions over Europe and Global Aerosol Forcing
- Trends in the Vertical Distribution of Ozone: Assessment and Implications in Terms of Ozone Recovery
- Triclosan and Hydroxylated Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Lake and Esturaine Sediments
- U-Pb Dating of CA/non-CA Treated Zircons Obtained by LA-ICP-MS and CA-TIMS Techniques: Impact for their Geological Interpretation
- Uncertainties in Modelling Glacier Melt and Mass Balances: the Role of Air Temperature Extrapolation and Type of Melt Models
- Understanding the mechanisms that control the diurnal phase of tropical convection using a hierarchy of models.
- Using Zircon Chemistry as a Discriminating Tool for Geodynamical Context of Magma Formation
- Using a pseudo-dynamic source inversion approach to improve earthquake source imaging
- Using seismic tomography models to constrain the viscosity structure of the Earth's mantle
- Vertical profiles of cloud condensation nuclei, aerosol hygroscopicity, water uptake, and scattering across the United States
- Very long-period GPS waveforms. What can GPS bring to Earth seismic velocity models?
- Waveform inversion schemes for 3D density structure
- What Does the Mantle Remember of Its Convection History?
- What can nutrients tell us about the Pliocene equatorial Pacific Ocean and the future of El Niño?
- Why Understanding When and How Plate Tectonics Began Is Essential for a Robust Theory of the Earth
- Wind speed effects on leaf energy balance, transpiration and water use efficiency
- Zircon Record of the Plutonic-Volcanic Connection and Protracted Rhyolite Melt Extraction at Turkey Creek Caldera, Arizona
- Zn and Ni Isotope Systematics in the Black Sea, an Analogue for Past Ocean Anoxia
- "Frictional processes" in carbonate-bearing rocks at seismic deformation conditions
- A Clinopyroxene-Plagioclase Geobarometer for A-type Silicic Volcanic Rocks
- A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
- A New Concept for Thermal Tracer Tomography to Identify Heterogeneous Aquifer Structures
- A Review on Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges
- A Tool to Assist Pressure Management by Detecting and Localizing Low Permeability Faults
- A probabilistic sensitivity analysis of water availability in the Budyko-space
- A reduced-complexity model for sediment transport and step-pool morphology
- Adaptive Multi-Scale Pore Network Method for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
- Aerosol Indirect Effects on Cirrus Clouds in Global Aerosol-Climate Models
- Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event
- After the Earthquake: Impacts of Seismic Snow and Ice Redistribution in Langtang Valley, Nepal, on Glacier Mass Balances and Hydrological Regimes
- Airborne bacteria transported with Sahara dust particles from Northern Africa to the European Alps
- Along-Strike Differences of the Main Himalayan Thrust and Deformation within the Indian Crust: Insights from Seismicity and Seismic Velocities in Bhutan and its Foreland
- An Empirically-based Steady-state Friction Law and its Implications for Fault Stability
- An efficient distribution method for nonlinear transport problems in stochastic porous media
- Analysis of N<SUB>2</SUB>O isotopic composition at a tall tower in central Switzerland to identify emission sources and hot spots
- Analysis of precipitation extremes using generalized extreme value theory in convection-resolving climate simulations
- Analytical Complementary Relationship Between Actual and Potential Evaporation Defined by Steady State Reference Surface Temperature
- Analytical simulation and inversion of dynamic urban land surface effects
- AniTomo - New Anisotropic Teleseismic Body-Wave Tomography Code to Unravel Structure of the Upper Mantle: Impact of Inversion Settings on Inferences of the Output Model
- Anthropogenic Aerosol Dimming Over Oceans: A Regional Analysis
- Application of a tree-level hydrodynamic model to simulate plot-level transpiration in the upland oak/pine forest in New Jersey
- Assessment of High-rate GPS time series at long periods
- Bedload sediment transport embedded in seismic signals generated from a mountain stream
- Belt-Zone Contrasts in Vertical Motion and Cloud Structure in Jupiter's Troposphere
- Beyond seismic interferometry: imaging the earth's interior with virtual sources and receivers inside the earth
- Bridging Surface and Subsurface Observations of the Pulsating Behavior of Lusi: a New-born Sedimentary Hosted Hydrothermal System in East Java.
- Broadband Waveform Sensitivity Kernels for Large-Scale Seismic Tomography
- Can earthquake source inversion benefit from rotational ground motion observations?
- Centroid Moment Tensor Inversion in a 3D heterogeneous Earth: Application to the Australasian region
- Cloud Effects on Atmospheric Solar Absorption in Light of Most Recent Surface, Satellite, and GCM Datasets
- Comparison of Fracture Surface Properties in Natural and Artificially Generated Fractures in Crystalline Rock
- Compensatory Root Water Uptake of Overlapping Root Systems
- Comprehensive Assessment of Land Surface, Snow, and Soil Moisture-Climate Feedbacks by Multi-model Experiments of Land Surface Models under LS3MIP
- Constrained and joint inversion on unstructured meshes
- Constraining Processes Involved with Aerosol Effects on Cloud Radiative Forcing
- Constraining the Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric Methane Using Stable Isotope Observations and Chemistry Climate Modeling
- Contrasting Responses to Orbital Precession on Titan and Earth
- Contrasting Strategies of Tree Function in a Seasonal Amazon Rainforest
- Contributions of Understory and Overstory to Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes in a Temperate Mixed Forest in Switzerland
- Controls on Calcite Solubility in Metamorphic and Magmatic Fluids
- Correlation Between Mobile Continents and Elevated Temperatures in the Subcontinental Mantle
- Coseismic landslides associated with the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
- Coupling giant impacts and long-term evolution models
- DISCUSSION: When and How did Plate Tectonics Begin, What Came Before, and Why is this Controversy important for Understanding the Earth and Exoplanets?
- Decadal changes in all and clear-sky shortwave radiation from high spatial resolution satellite-derived and ground-based observations over Europe
- Deep into an interglacial: A compound-specific biomarker study of Marine Isotope Stage 11 (Tenaghi Philippon, Greece)
- Detection and Attribution of Simulated Climatic Extreme Events and Impacts: High Sensitivity to Bias Correction
- Determining Erosion Rates and Processes in the Pro-Glacial Area over a 28-Year Period
- Dihedral angle of carbonatite melts in mantle residue near the upper mantle and transition zone
- Disentangling the Complex Pore-Scale Dispersion Process in Natural Porous Media by Means of DNS
- Do We Need Larger Eddy Covariance Site Networks? Sites Spatial Distribution and Network Size Effect on Carbon and Water Fluxes Upscaling Using Empirical Models
- Does increasing CO<SUB>2</SUB> increase aridity?
- Drivers And Uncertainties Of Increasing Global Water Scarcity
- Early Earth tectonics: A high-resolution 3D numerical modelling approach
- Earthquake supercycle in subduction zones controlled by the width of the seismogenic zone
- Earthquake-triggered fluid release at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy.
- Effects of isolated drainage on the seasonal evolution of the Greenland subglacial hydrologic system
- Effects of post-perovskite phase transition properties on the stability and structure of primordial reservoirs in the lower mantle of the Earth
- Efficient ecologic and economic operational rules for dammed systems by means of nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II
- Employing terrestrial photogrammetry to determine surface roughness on a debris covered glacier
- Energetically consistent large-eddy simulations of subtropical cloud-topped boundary layers under idealized climate change
- Equilibrium Ocean Thermal Expansion Depends Non-Linearly on the Forcing Level
- Estimating the Duration of Short Igneous Events using Diffusion Chronometry and Contact Metamorphism
- Evidence for Along-Strike Variations in the Crustal Deformation beneath the Bhutan Himalaya from Receiver Function Imaging and Seismicity
- Experimental and theoretical pore-scale study of thermal field responses to drying of porous surfaces
- Exploring current and projected tradeoffs between hydropower profitability and reliability of supply in the Alps
- Expression of Superparamagnetic Particles on FORC Diagrams
- Feedbacks, climate sensitivity, and the limits of linear models
- Fidelity of High-Order LES of Boundary Layer Clouds with Closed Entropy and Water Budgets
- Field-Scale Inhibition and Recovery of Atmospheric-Methane Oxidation in Soil
- Fluid Flow and Fault Zone Damage in Crystalline Basement Rocks (Ore Mountains Saxony)
- Foam-like Drainage Dynamics Follow Rapid Passage of Fluid Displacement Fronts in Porous Media
- From Stochastic toward Deterministic Characterization of Discrete Fracture Network via Thermal Tracer Tests
- From quantifying historical LULCC impacts to optimizing land management for climate mitigation: Insights from climate modelling
- Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas: insights into in-situ melt segregation from crystal mushes
- Generating Mechanism of Large Earthquakes Associated with the Caldera Collapse of Bárðarbunga Volcano during the 2014-2015 Holuhraun Eruption, as seen by Seismic Waveform Analysis
- Getting Under Mars' Skin: The InSight Mission to the Deep Interior of Mars
- Glacier seismology: eavesdropping on the ice-bed interface
- GlacierMIP - A Model Intercomparison of Global-scale Glacier Mass-balance Models and Projections
- Global Freshwater Thermal Pollution from Steam-Electric Power Plants with Once-Through Cooling Systems
- High-Velocity Frictional Properties of Westerly Granite and the Role of Thermal Cracking on Gouge Production
- High-precision ID-TIMS zircon U-Pb geochronology using new 10<SUP>13</SUP> Ohm resistors
- How a Country-Wide Seismological Network Can Improve Understanding of Seismicity and Seismic Hazard -- The Example of Bhutan
- How and when to terminate the Pleistocene ice ages?
- Human influence on meteorological drought risk in Europe
- Hydro-mechanical regimes of deforming subduction interface: modeling versus observations
- Hydrogen isotopic compositions of organic compounds in plants reflect the plant's carbon metabolism
- Hydrothermal Activity in the Northern Guaymas Basin
- Ice Nucleating Particle Properties in the Saharan Air Layer Close to the Dust Source
- Ignimbrites to Batholiths
- Imaging changes at depth: coda wave depth sensitivity in 3D heterogeneous media
- Impact of far-field stress distributions and thermo-rheological structure of continental lithosphere on mantle-lithosphere interactions.
- Implementing a C++ Version of the Joint Seismic-Geodetic Algorithm for Finite-Fault Detection and Slip Inversion for Earthquake Early Warning
- Importance of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Cover for Energy Balance partition in Burkina Faso
- InSight/SEIS@Mars Educational program : Sharing the InSight NASA mission and the Seismic Discovery of Mars with a International Network of classes
- Induced Seismicity Related to Hydrothermal Operation of Geothermal Projects in Southern Germany - Observations and Future Directions
- Inverting for the Sources of the Earth's Hum
- Investigating Baseline, Alternative and Copula-based Algorithm for combining Airborne Active and Passive Microwave Observations in the SMAP Context
- Investigating spatial and volumetric trends in silicic volcanism along the Yellowstone hotspot track using high-resolution thermomechanical numerical models
- Investigating the Sources of Nitrogen Contamination in the Shallow Aquifer of Jakarta using a Newly Developed Distributed River-Aquifer Flow and Transport Model
- Iron Partitioning and Oxidation State in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Iron-carbonate interaction at Earth's core-mantle boundary
- Is South-eastward Crustal Flow Possible around East Himalayan Syntax? - New Insights from SINOPROBE Magnetotellurics Array Data
- Landscape response to the Mw7.9 Gorkha earthquake
- Lateglacial temperature reconstruction in the Eastern Tropical Andes (Bolivia) inferred from paleoglaciers and paleolakes
- Lateral variations of terrestrial and satellite gravimetry along the Himalayan arc
- Linking the Modern and Recent Record of Cabo Frio Upwelling with Local Climate and Biogeochemical Processes in Hypersaline Coastal Lagoons, Região dos Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Lithosphere delamination and topography evolution in collisional orogens
- Little Ice Age Wetting of Interior Asian Deserts and the Rise of the Mongol Empire
- Lossy Wavefield Compression for Full-Waveform Inversion
- Magnesium isotope compositions of Solar System materials determined by double spiking
- Magnetohydrodynamic modes in the Earth's outer core under the Quasi-Geostrophic approximation
- Measurements of the Spatial Variability of Mean Wind Profiles Using Multiple Doppler Lidars over Distances less than 1 Km
- Microbial Mg-carbonate Precipitation and Early Diagenetic Dolomite Crust Formation at Hypersaline Lagoon, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
- Microbial community transitions across the deep sediment-basement interface
- Microbial life in variably saturated soil aggregates - upscaling gaseous fluxes across distributed aggregate sizes in a soil profile
- Migration Rate Of Tidal Meanders: Inferences From The Venice Lagoon
- Migration of buoyant non-wetting fluids in heterogeneous porous media
- Modeling Hydrologic Transport through the Critical Zone: Lessons from Catchment-Scale and Lysimeter Studies
- Multi-Solver and Multi-Grid Sampling for Fast, Non-Intrusive, and Versatile Uncertainty Quantification of Two-Phase Flow and Transport
- Multi-phase saturation experiments on the Oldoinyo Lengai natrocarbonatite lavas: derived from a sodic-potassic calciocarbonatite through fractionation
- Multiscale Analysis of the Water Content Output the NWP Model COSMO Over Switzerland and Comparison With Radar Data
- Natural Length Scales Shape Liquid Phase Continuity in Unsaturated Flows
- Near-Source Recordings of Small and Large Earthquakes: Magnitude Predictability only for Medium and Small Events
- New Insights on the Variability of Ecosystem Functioning Across Time Scales
- New seismological evidence for fragmentation of the Tethys slab beneath Anatolia
- No Memory Effects of Restoration on N<SUB>2</SUB>O Exchange above an intensively managed Grassland in Switzerland
- Nonlocal Formulation for Multiscale Flow in Porous Media
- Numerical Modelling of Subduction Plate Interface, Technical Advances for Outstanding Questions
- Observations of Ice Nucleating Particles at a Remote Location in Cyprus
- Optimization of Drip Irrigation in Sahel Regions by Means of Evolving Soil Matric Potential Thresholds
- Origin of Small Tectonic Plates
- Orogen-Parallel and -Normal Extension at the Dinarides-Hellenides Junction during Clockwise Rotation and Radial Expansion of the Retreating Hellenic Arc-Trench System
- Oxygen gradients across the Pacific Ocean: Resolving an apparent discrepancy between atmospheric and ocean observations and models
- Pattern recognition constrains mantle properties, past and present
- Patterns of the Oceanic Redistribution of Heat and Carbon during Global Warming Hiatus Periods in a Large Earth System Model Ensemble
- Plate interface strength and the flexural rigidity of subducting oceanic plates
- Plume tectonics and cratons formation in the early Earth
- Potential of ambient seismic noise techniques to monitor injection induced subsurface changes
- Precessionaly driven instability in the Lunar core.
- Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
- Process of Obduction in Global Mantle Convection Models
- Propagation and Reflection of Diffusionless Torsional Waves in a Sphere
- Provenance Analysis using Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceaous Material: a case study in the Southern Alps of New Zealand
- Quantifying Direct and Indirect Effects of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Ecosystem Response
- Radiation Budget Profiles measured through the Atmosphere with a Return Glider Radiosonde
- Random River Fluctuations Shape the Root Profile of Riparian Plants
- Rate of fluvial incision in the Central Alps constrained through joint inversion of detrital 10Be and thermochronometric data
- Real Case Simulations of Ship Tracks in the Bay of Biscay: from the Kilometer Scale towards the GCM Scale
- Recent Achievements of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Recent Improvements to the Finite-Fault Rupture Detector Algorithm: FinDer II
- Reconciling Subglacial Drainage Patterns on the Western Greenland Ice Sheet
- Reconstructing Mantle Circulation and Surface Tectonics Using Ensemble Data Assimilation
- Redistribution of black and brown carbon in aerosol particles undergoing liquid-liquid phase separation
- Removal of Trigger Delays from Cross-borehole Seismic Data by Exploiting Tube Wave Coherency - A Pre-processing Tool for Waveform Inversion
- Reservoir Stimulation Experiments at the Grimsel Test Site: Stress Measurements using Hydraulic fracturing, Hydraulic Tests on Pre-existing Fractures and Overcoring
- Resolution analysis by random probing
- Response of Atmospheric-Methane Oxidation to Methane-Flux Manipulation in a Laboratory Soil-Column Experiment
- Role of Stationary wave feedback in shaping the glacial ice sheets
- Role of the subduction filter in mantle recycling
- Role of volatile compounds on the thermal evolution of Pluto and Charon
- San Andreas fault zone monitoring near Parkfield: 9 cross-correlation components and lapse-time dependent seismic wave speed changes
- Scaling Characteristics of Rill Networks
- Scaling thermal convection of stratified fluid over sloping surfaces
- SciSpark's SRDD : A Scientific Resilient Distributed Dataset for Multidimensional Data
- SciSpark: Highly Interactive and Scalable Model Evaluation and Climate Metrics
- Seasonal Spatial Patterns of Surface Water Temperature, Surface Heat Fluxes and Meteorological Forcing Over Lake Geneva
- Secular decline of seawater calcium increases seawater buffering and pH
- Seismic Structure of Southeast Asia from Full Waveform Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography
- Seismic source inversion using Green's reciprocity and a 3-D structural model for the Japanese Islands
- Semi analytical model for the effective grain size profile in the mantle of the Earth: partitioning between diffusion and dislocation creep through the Earth's history
- Sequential Data Assimilation for Seismicity: a Proof of Concept
- Short-Term Weather Variability is an Important Control of Interannual Variability in Carbon and Water Fluxes in Temperate Forests
- Simulating CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from direct-seeded rice systems using the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model
- Simultaneous Determination of Structure and Event Location Using Body and Surface Wave Measurements at a Single Station: Preparation for Mars Data from the InSight Mission
- Single Large Impacts and their Consequences on the Evolution of a Coupled Atmosphere-Interior Venus Model
- Snowmelt as a driver of ecosystem response in water limited mountain forests of the Western U.S.
- Soil Moisture and Sea Surface Temperatures equally important for Land Climate in the Warm Season
- Some Thoughts on Estimating Maximum Magnitude and Corner Magnitude
- Source-structure trade-offs in ambient noise correlations: Theory and numerical examples
- Sources of uncertainties in 21<SUP>st</SUP> century projections of marine ecosystem drivers
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Atmospheric-Methane-Oxidizing Bacterial Community Structure and Activity in an Alpine Glacier Forefield
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of EC and OC Aerosol Combustion Sources in a Polluted Metropolitan Area
- Spatial bedrock erosion distribution in a natural gorge
- Spatio-temporal Snowmelt Dynamics and Hydrological Response in an Alpine Catchment
- Spectro-polarimetry of Ice-dust Mixtures measured in the Laboratory with Application to the Solar System and Beyond
- Spectrum of Slip Processes on the Subduction Interface in a Continuum Framework Resolved by Rate-and State Dependent Friction and Adaptive Time Stepping
- Stabilization of Sulfur and Arsenic Species in Sulfidic, Iron-rich Geothermal Waters Using Solid Phase Extraction
- Streambed Roughness, Flow Velocity, and Sediment Transport Rates in a Steep Mountain Channel
- Strong Plate, Weak Slab Dichotomy
- Study of Snow-Atmosphere Interactions over an Antarctic Surface Using Large Eddy Simulations Coupled with a Lagrangian Stochastic Model
- Subcanopy Flux Measurements in Forest Ecosystems
- Subgrid-scale Condensation Modeling for Entropy-based Large Eddy Simulations of Clouds
- Synthetic inversions for density in the Earth's interior from seismic waveform and geodetic data
- Tectonic and Climatic Forcing of Erosion rates in Taiwan across Timescales
- Tephrochronology of Lacustrine Ash Layers in Lake Petén Itzá Sediments drilled in the Frame of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP): Implications for Regional Volcanology and Central American Palaeoclimate
- The Asian Tropopause Aerosol layer through satellite and balloon-borne measurements combined with modelling approaches.
- The Delta Low-Inclination Satellite Concept, an Opportunity to Enhance the Science Return of the Swarm Mission
- The Global Array of Primitve Arc Melts
- The Global Turnover Time Distribution of Soil Carbon Derived from a Meta-analysis of Radiocarbon Profiles
- The Impact of Switchgrass Cultivar Diversity on Nitrogen Use Efficiency
- The Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition of The Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- The Organic Matter Biogeochemistry of the Congo River
- The Preferential Deposition of Snow in Complex Terrain: An LES Investigation
- The Response of Idealized Stationary-Eddy Circulations to Climate Change
- The Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Erosion Rate in the Southern Central Range of Taiwan
- The Water - Energy Nexus Of Hydropower. Are The Trade-Offs Between Electricity Generation And Water Supply Negligible?
- The critical role of extension-orthogonal shears in oblique rift development
- The effects of extensional inheritance on transtensional deformation patterns
- The electrical conductivity of the upper mantle and lithosphere from satellite magnetic signal due to ocean tidal flow
- The equatorial energy balance, ITCZ position, and double ITCZ bifurcations
- The global mean energy balance under cloud-free conditions: an assessment based on direct observations and CMIP5 models
- The imprint of crustal density heterogeneities on seismic wave propagation
- The long-term seismic cycle in collisional margins: insights from Seismo-Thermo-Mechanical models
- The role of spatial scale and background climate in the latitudinal temperature response to deforestation
- Tin-tungsten mineralizing processes in tungsten vein deposits: Panasqueira, Portugal
- To Be or not to Be ... Markovian?
- Towards a Full Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion
- Towards a Fully Distributed Characterization of Water Residence and Transit Time by Coupled Hydrology-Transport Modeling
- Towards continuum models of lateral rupture propagation in a segmented megathrust
- Towards convection-resolving climate modeling
- Towards dynamically constraining subduction zone parameters from surface-topography characteristics
- Towards inclusion of dynamic slip features in stochastic models for probabilistic (tsunami) hazard analysis.
- Transition from a localized to wide deformation along Eastern branch of Central East African Rift: Insights from 3D numerical models
- Tropospheric Profiles of Total Refractivity Based on Numerical Weather Prediction Model and GNSS Data Using the Collocation Software COMEDIE
- Uncertainty Quantification of Tracer Dispersion with the PMVP Model under Realistic Conditions
- Understanding slow velocities in the European upper mantle - evidence for melting?
- Untangling Element Fluxes From The Subducting Slabs: Aqueous Solutions Through The Electrostatic Lense
- Upscaling multi-component reactive transport in presence of connected subsurface structures
- Using Effective Media Theory to Better Constrain Seismic Full Waveform Inversion
- Validation of a Fast-Response Urban Micrometeorological Model to Assess the Performance of Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies
- Variations of upper plate mechanics, seismicity, and arc volcanism along the Middle America Trench
- Volatiles in Kimberlitic Magmas: Forced Multiple Saturation with a Mantle Source
- Water cycle dynamic increases resilience of vegetation under higher atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
- Western tropical Pacific hydrology as inferred from northern Borneo speleothems: interannual to orbital-scale variability
- What Is the Age of Transpiring Fluxes? Exploring the Impact of Vegetation on Water and Solute Mass Balance
- What has driven the interannual variability of atmospheric methane concentrations over the last three decades?
- Wind increases "evaporative demand" but reduces plant water requirements
- Wind-induced Resuspension Events in the Venice Lagoon: evidence from the Past and Trends for the Future.
- Wireless Sensor Networks: Some Insights Gained in West African Hydrology
- Young and old water in global rivers and aquifers
- Zircon U-Pb Age Distributions in Cogenetic Crystal-Rich Dacitic and Crystal-Poor Rhyolitic Members of Zoned Ignimbrites in the Southern Rocky Mountains by Chemical Abrasion Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass Spectrometry (CA-LA-ICP-MS).
- 3D Numerical Modeling of Thermal Convection in Multiple Fractures
- 3D Velocity Structure in Southern Haiti from Local Earthquake Tomography
- 3D numerical modeling on continental collision: Lateral variations and coupling with surface processes
- A 2D petrological-thermomechanical study of a carbonate metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle with variable tectothermal ages
- A Decade-Long European-Scale Convection-Resolving Climate Simulation on GPUs
- A Laboratory Study on the Impact of Hydrograph Unsteadiness on the Morphodynamics of a Gravel-Bed Channel
- A Model-Based Investigation of Charge-Generation According to the Relative Diffusional Growth Rate Theory
- A Novel Process-Based Sediment Rating Curve to Explain Changes in Fine Sediment Yield in the Rhone Basin
- A Simple Approach to Account for Climate Model Interdependence in Multi-Model Ensembles
- A global reconstruction of past terrestrial water storage changes
- A numerical visit of the relationship between hydraulic and mechanical apertures in natural granite fractures: Effects of heterogeneity and REV scale
- A particle-based reduced-complexity model for sediment transport and step-pool morphology
- Aeolian snow transport from wind tunnel experiments
- Allowable CO2 emissions based on regional and impact-related climate targets: The role of land processes
- An experimental study of the influence of pore water on dynamic rupture processes.
- Analysis on the Change in Shallow Groundwater Level based on Monitoring Electric Energy Consumption - A Case Study in the North China Plain
- Arctic climate sensitivity to changes in North Pacific and North Atlantic ocean heat flux
- Are acid digestion styles responsible for differences in clumped isotope calibrations?
- Asymmetric Subductions in an Asymmetric Earth: Geodynamics and Numerical Modeling
- Atmosphere/mantle coupling on Venus and long term planetary evolution.
- Attenuation of seismic waves in rocks saturated with multiphase fluids: theory and experiments
- Autocyclic eruptivity of basaltic systems: New insights into processes of reservoir replenishment and pressurization from high-resolution borehole strain data recorded at Hekla Volcano
- Automated Full Waveform Inversion for North America and the Northern Atlantic
- Automatic classification of particles imaged by a Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera
- Bayesian Inference of Seismic Sources Using a 3-D Earth Model for the Japanese Islands Region
- Biomarker signature of Greenland sediments: from modern rivers and soils to MIS 5e and 11 records
- Breaking Up is Hard to Do: On the Solvability of Incompressible Stokes with Viscoplastic Rheologies in Geodynamics
- Bridging the Gap from Leaf to Ecosystem Photosynthesis Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- CSEP Evaluations of 24-Hour Earthquake Forecasting Models for California: New Results and Ensemble Models
- Carbonate melts in the hydrous upper mantle and their role in H<SUB>2</SUB>O controlled metasomatic mantle transformation
- Challenges for the geosciences after the Paris agreement
- Characterizing urban hydrodynamic models in densely settled river-corridors: Lessons from Jakarta
- Climate variability of Central Asia on orbital to millennial timescales
- Cloud response and feedback processes in mixed-phase clouds perturbed by ship exhaust
- Comparing climate policy co-benefits in the United States and China
- Constraining Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions of Orographic Mixed-Phase Clouds with Trajectory Budgets
- Constraining spatiotemporal patterns in exhumation across the southern Tibetan plateau from inversion of low-temperature thermochronometric data
- Constraining timing and fluid sources of brittle fault gouge formation within the Naxos detachment, Greece
- Constraints on the extent and kinetics of eclogitization processes in the Indian lower crust
- Constructing optimal observables for density tomography
- Contrasting Climate Change Impact on River Flow from Glacierised Catchments in the Himalayan and Andes Mountains
- Core-mantle carbon partitioning during Earth accretion
- Direct access to the serpentinite subsurface: a biogeochemical investigation to characterize a unique habitat
- Downstream lag of cosmogenic-derived denudation in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
- Driving Factors of the Decadal Variations in Sunshine Duration and Surface Solar Radiation in China
- Dynamic Fluctuations of an East Antarctic Outlet Glacier Since the Pliocene
- Dynamics of intraoceanic subduction initiation: 2D thermomechanical modeling
- ENSO variability over the last 2000 years from a sub-decadal lacustrine lipid biomarker record from Isabel Island, Mexico
- Eclogitization on the way up: Lu-Hf garnet chronology of metasomatic ultrahigh-pressure rocks from the Western Gneiss Complex, Norway
- Ecohydrological and subsurface controls on drought-induced contraction and disconnection of stream networks
- Effects of the uncertainty of energy price and water availability forecasts on the operation of Alpine hydropower reservoir systems
- Effects of urban trees on mean wind, turbulence and momentum exchange within and above a realistic urban canopy
- Ensemble Model Earthquake Forecasts During the 2010-12 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Sequence
- Entrainment and Detrainment Rates in Shallow Cumulus Clouds Diagnosed from LES under Various Modeling Assumptions
- Episodic Growth of Orogenic Plateau: Insights from 3-D Thermo-Mechanical Modeling
- Equilibrium and Effective Climate Sensitivity
- Equilibrium of Graded Mountain Streams Maintained by Adjustment of Bed Roughness
- Evaluation of a physics-preserving bias correction methodology designed for climate impact simulations
- Evaporation suppression from water reservoirs using floating covers: Lab scale observations and model predictions
- Evidence for deep melting in the European upper mantle from seismology
- Evolution and dynamics of Earth from a molten initial stage
- Evolution of surface and deep water conditions in the Antarctic Southern Ocean across the MPT
- Evolving Patterns of Surface Heat Fluxes Influence Global Radiative Feedback Strength
- Examples of Viscosity-Free Dynamos
- Exhumation Reconstruction of the Xiangcheng Area, SE Tibetan Plateau. Implication on the Evolution of the Yangtze River in the Cenozoic.
- Experimental high temperature carbon isotope fractionation involving graphite
- Expert agreements and disagreements on induced seismicity by Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Fast global gravity modeling using tesseroid grids and adaptive multilevel fast mutlipole method
- February 2011 sensitive clay landslides in eastern Turkey
- Finite Frequency Kernels for Ambient Noise Sources
- Flow driven in the outer core of a precessing planet with an inner core
- From Shoestring Rills to Dendritic River Networks: Documenting the Evolution of River Basins Towards Geometric Similarity Through Divide Migration, Stream Capture and Lateral Branching
- Generalised interferometry by correlation
- Geometry of channel networks incised by subsurface flow
- Global Model Comparison with NOAA Observed Surface Ozone to Understand Transport in the Arctic
- Global convergence of maixmum light use efficiency using fraction of PAR absorbed by chlorophyll
- Has Earth's Plate Tectonics Led to Rapid Core Cooling?
- High-resolution Dynamic Rupture Simulations Using Local Time Stepping
- Holocene Time-slip history of normal fault scarps in western Turkey: <SUP>36</SUP>Cl surface exposure dating
- How atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations can affect the hydrogen isotope composition of plant organic compounds
- How can countries achieve sustainable food supply in 2050: current knowledge and way forward
- How multiple impacts affect the evolution of the venusian atmosphere.
- Hydraulic Strategies and Response to El Niño Drought in Amazon Rainforest
- Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of Slow Slip Phenomena at the Subduction Interface.
- Hydrologic Response to Changes in the Timing and Rate of Snowmelt: Implications for Water Resource Management in the Western U.S.
- Hydrological response in catchments whit debris covered glaciers in the semi-arid Andes, Chile
- Identifying tectonic parameters that affect tsunamigenesis
- Imaging changes at depth with probabilistic 3D sensitivity kernels
- Impact of Iceland Plume on Norway's Rifted Margin
- Impacts of root traits and genotypic diversity in switchgrass cropping systems on biogeochemical cycling of soil carbon and nitrogen
- Implementation of a Pore Scale Resistance Parameterization for Soil Evaporation in a Land Surface Model
- Improving plant water isotope models with precise estimates of source water δ<SUP>2</SUP>H and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O values for trees from precipitation δ<SUP>2</SUP>H and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O values
- Influence of atmospheric blocking on the distribution of heatwaves in large climate model ensembles
- Influence of grain size evolution on the self-consistent generation of LLSVPs from primordial material and subducted MORB
- Insights into soil carbon dynamics across climatic and geologic gradients from temporally-resolved radiocarbon measurements
- Insights into the Mount St. Helens Magma Plumbing System from Coarse-grained, Crystal-rich Enclaves
- Integrated Numerical Model for the East African Rift System: Plume-induced Rifting and Continental Break-up from Lake Malawi to Red Sea
- Inter-hemispheric asymmetry of the global energy budget and near-surface temperature anomalies throughout the 20th Century
- Interactive Online Real-time Groundwater Model for Irrigation Water Allocation in the Heihe Mid-reaches, China
- Investigating Deep Earth Structure with Earthquake Interferometry
- Investigating Evolution of Sulfur Species as Sources of Inter-model Variability in the VolMIP-Tambora Aerosol Climate Model Ensemble
- Isolated characterization of marine ice nucleating particles at the Mace Head Observatory and the Southern Ocean
- Joint Seismic-Geodetic Algorithm for Finite-Fault Detection and Slip Inversion in the West Coast ShakeAlert System
- Large Eddy Simulations Driven by Large Scale Models
- Large Rock-Slope Failures Impacting on Lakes - Event Reconstruction and Interaction Analysis in Two Alpine Regions Using Sedimentology and Geophysics
- Large- and Very-Large-Scale Motions in Katabatic Flows Over Steep Slopes
- Late Pleistocene Glaciations in Zijovo Range, Montenegro; with <SUP>36</SUP>Cl cosmogenic dating
- Limits of cirrus cloud seeding
- Linking changes in Indonesian Throughflow dynamics with the Middle Pleistocene Transition
- Local Earthquake P-wave Tomography at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- Localization of Ductile Shear on Precursor Pseudotachylyte in the Lower Crust
- Location of eastern Mediterranean hot springs induced by mantle heat flow due to slab roll-back and tearing
- Long-term 4D Geoelectrical Imaging of Moisture Dynamics in an Active Landslide
- Low-temperature anisotropy changes in monoclinic pyrrhotite
- Magmatic Longevity Constrained by ID-TIMS U-Pb Dating of Zircon and Titanite
- Mass-dependent Mo isotope variations in oceanic basalts - a new tracer for mantle recycling processes
- Mechanism and Responses of Lithosphere Delamination in Continental Collisional Orogens: A Systematic Numerical Study
- Mechanisms of Soil Aggregation: a biophysical modeling framework
- Megathrust vs splay fault: rupture path selection in subduction zones
- Melting-induced chemical differentiation at the base of the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Modeling the Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation performed for Reservoir Permeability Enhancement at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland
- Modeling the Long-Term Evolution of Supraglacial Ice Cliffs on Himalayan Debris-Covered Glaciers
- Modelling of Lunar Laser Ranging in the Geocentric Frame and Comparison with the Common-View Double-Difference Lunar Laser Ranging Approach
- Monitoring Unstable Glaciers with Seismic Noise Interferometry
- Narrowing of the ITCZ in a Warming Climate: Physical Mechanisms
- Nitrogen partitioning during core-mantle differentiation
- No Spatial Analogue - Novel Climates and Disappearing Climates
- Non-Fickian Tracer Dispersion in a 3D Heterogeneous Model Porous Medium
- Non-radiative processes dominate land surface signals in the climate system
- Normal faulting in south Tibet: Insight from 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling
- Novel Scalable 3-D MT Inverse Solver
- Numerical modeling of deep oceanic slab dehydration
- Numerical simulations of stick-slip in fluid saturated granular fault gouge
- Observations of snow cover processes on Antarctic sea ice from in-situ and model studies.
- Observed heavy precipitation increase confirms theory and early model
- Observing terrestrial water storage and land-atmosphere dynamics from space: Implications for forecasting and climate projections
- Omissions in the Penman-Monteith equation affect leaf energy balance estimates and potential sensitivity to climate change
- On the migration rate of tidal meanders
- Onset of thermal convection in rapidly rotating spheres and spheroids at very low Ekman number
- Origin of Methane Entrapped in Calcareous Glacial Sediments of the Swiss Alps
- Partial melting of the mafic lower oceanic crust
- Phase-specific Geochemistry of Ni: a Tracer of Geosphere-Biosphere Co-evolution?
- Planetary Lithosphere-Outer Core-Inner Core-Mantle Coupled Evolution Over the Entire Age of the Solar System
- Plate convergence rate controls earthquake-size distribution of mountain belts
- Plume-induced cratonization in Archean Earth
- Plume-induced subduction
- Potential biases in evapotranspiration estimates from Earth system models due to spatial heterogeneity and lateral moisture redistribution
- Predicting ground geoelectric field using magnetospheric model and 3d conductivity model of Earth
- Preferential flow along fracture planes and its effect on large scale coupled fracture-matrix transport
- Quantifying new water fractions and water age distributions using ensemble hydrograph separation
- Radar Measurements of Precipitation in a Coastal Region of Antarctica
- Rainstorm-pattern analysis and its utilization in a high resolution "weather generator" to investigate flash flood conditions and climatic change hydrological impacts
- Recent Achievements of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Recent ice mass loss of outlet glaciers and ice caps in the Qaanaaq region, northwestern Greenland
- Reconciling the aerosol-liquid water path relationship in the ECHAM6-HAM GCM and the Aerosol_cci/Cloud_cci (A)ATSR dataset by minimizing the effect of aerosol swelling
- Regional Patterns of Stress Transfer in the Ablation Zone of the Western Greenland Ice Sheet
- Regional amplification of extreme temperatures strongly controlled by soil moisture-temperature feedbacks
- Residence times of transient riverbank exchanges traced by dissolved gases
- Resolvability of regional density structure
- Resolving Plume Tails in the Lower Mantle With Finite Frequency Tomography: Insight From Synthetic Experiments
- River geomorphology reveals distinct patterns and causes of elevation change between the northern and southern Sierra Nevada, California, USA.
- Salvus: A flexible open-source package for waveform modelling and inversion from laboratory to global scales
- Satellites and Steep Slopes - the challenge of topography in the Himalaya - Karakorum for cryosphere models
- Scalar Dispersion from Point Sources in a Realistic Urban Environment
- Scale Effects in the Flow of a Shear-Thinning Fluid in Rough Fractures
- Seismic cycle in the Nepal Himalaya: Instantaneous Modelling
- Seismic cycle modeling on evolving faults: The question of fault branching
- Seismic translational plus rotational sources and receivers from multicomponent arrays and wavefield gradients
- Self-Consistent Generation of Continental Crust in Global Mantle Convection Models
- Self-consistent seismic cycle simulation in a three-dimensional continuum model: methodology and examples.
- Shallow-Crustal Magmatic Evolution and Timescales of Mineralization in Porphyry-Skarn Cu-Au Deposits from High-Precision Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Trace Element Geochemistry
- Silicon and Ge in the deep sea deduced from Si isotope and Ge measurements in giant glass sponges
- Simple Weighting Methods to Combine Multimodel Projections
- Small scale variability of snow density on Antarctic sea ice
- Snow surface erosion measurements in a cold wind tunnel
- Soil surface morphology evolution under spatiallynon-uniform rainfall
- Solving constrained inverse problems for waveform tomography with Salvus
- Source to Sink Transport of Terrestrial Biomarkers in a Monsoon-driven Fluvial System
- Spatial and temporal distributions of ice nucleating particles during the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (ACAPEX)
- Spin and Valence Dependence of Iron Partitioning in Earth's Deep Mantle
- Spontaneous Aseismic and Seismic Slip Transients on Evolving Faults Simulated in a Continuum-Mechanics Framework
- Stagnant-lid convection in large versus small-core spherical shells: implications for modeling the Moon and Galilean satellites
- Stencil method: a Markov model for transport in porous media
- Strategies for efficient resolution analysis in full-waveform inversion
- Subducting Plate Breakup by Plume-Lithosphere Interaction
- Subduction Initiation Along Passive Margins Through 2D and 3D Numerical Models
- Tectonic Tilting and Reorganization of an Aluvial Fan to a Dendritic, Erosional River Network: the Example of the Ogallala Gravels
- The Emergence of the Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation (PMOC) Paced by Obliquity Cycles during the Pliocene
- The Global Array of Primitive Arc Melts: the Nature of the Slab Component and its Heterogeneous Addition to the Mantle Wedge
- The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) Contribution to CMIP6: Rationale and Experimental Design
- The Lateral Migration of Groundwater-fed Streams
- The Potential Role of Formate for Synthesis and Life in Serpentinization Systems
- The Role of Surface Water for the Branching Geometry of Mars' Channel Networks
- The Soil Foam Drainage Equation - revisiting a geometrically-explicit formulation of unsaturated flow
- The complementary relationship for estimating actual evaporation from heterogeneous land surfaces
- The importance of stochasticity and internal variability in geomorphic erosion system
- The influence of water on mantle convection and plate tectonics
- The plutonic-volcanic connection in porphyry copper deposits: Evidence from zircon geochemistry and high-precision CA-ID-TIMS geochronology
- The potential of high-rate GPS for hazard and risk assessment
- The pulse of a montane ecosystem: coupled diurnal cycles in solar flux, snowmelt, evapotranspiration, groundwater, and streamflow at Sagehen Creek (Sierra Nevada, California)
- The terrestrial hydro-climate of the Early Eocene: insights from the oxygen and clumped isotope composition of pedogenic siderite
- Timescale of silicic melt extraction/transport by diking from shallow intermediate crystalline-rich reservoirs: numerical modelling and case study
- Topological characteristics underpin intermittency and anomalous transport behavior in soil-like porous media
- Towards Full-Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion
- Trade-offs between obtaining plate-like surface motion and constraining core heat loss in global mantle convection models
- Transition in the Mode of Syn-Collisional Continental-Recycling with Secular Cooling of the Earth and its Implications for Crustal Evolution
- Tree to plot scaling - how individual properties and species specific traits add up to describe a forest
- Tree-Level Hydrodynamic Approach for Modeling Aboveground Water Storage and Stomatal Conductance Highlights the Effects of Tree Hydraulic Strategy
- Two-dimensional Numerical Models of Accretionary Wedges Deformation in Response to Subduction and Obduction: Evidence from the Middle Part of the Manila Trench
- Understanding Decreases in Land Relative Humidity with Global Warming: Conceptual Model and GCM Simulations
- Unusual very positive enrichment of <SUP>13</SUP>C in carbonate sediments deposited in modern hypersaline environment, Lagoa Salgada, Brazil: Indicator of salinity controlled metabolic processes
- Use of a GPS-Derived Troposphere Model to Improve InSAR Deformation Estimates in the San Gabriel Valley, California
- Using New Constraints on Stress and Strength in Dynamic Rupture Models of the M 9.1-9.3 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- Using Radiative Signatures to Diagnose the Cause of Warming Associated with the Californian Drought
- Viability of Archean Subduction Initiation from Gravitational Spreading
- Volatile transport in subvolcanic magma reservoirs
- Western tropical Pacific hydroclimate across four glacial cycles
- What causes the Besnus transition in monoclinic pyrrhotite?
- 3D Electromagnetic Modelling Using High-Order Integral Equation Method
- 6C polarization analysis - seismic direction finding in coherent noise, automated event identification, and wavefield separation
- A Computational Approach to Modeling Magma Ocean Evolution in 2-D and 3-D
- A Detailed Analysis of Frontal Precipitation in a Decadal Convection-Resolving Regional Climate Simulation over Europe
- A groundwater data assimilation application study in the Heihe mid-reach
- A layer of neutrally buoyant olivine in the early stages of a deep lunar magma ocean and a possible consecutive overturn
- A new framework for the analysis of continental-scale convection-resolving climate simulations
- Advances in Global Full Waveform Inversion
- Alpine Ecohydrology Across Scales: Propagating Fine-scale Heterogeneity to the Catchment and Beyond
- An experimental overview of the seismic cycle
- Analysis of energy requirement in the irrigation sector and its application in groundwater over-pumping control at a local scale - A case study in the North China Plain
- Analysis of surface waves from ambient vibrations on Alpine glaciers in Switzerland
- Applications of GPS seismology in the Japanese region
- Applications of seismic spatial wavefield gradient and rotation data in exploration seismology
- Assessment of clear sky radiative fluxes in CMIP5 climate models using surface observations from BSRN
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Atmospheric Influences on the Anomalous 2016 Antarctic Sea Ice Decay
- Azimuthally Anisotropic Global Adjoint Tomography
- Benchmarking CCMI models' top-of-atmosphere flux in the 9.6-µm ozone band using AURA TES Instantaneous Radiative Kernel
- Benefits of rotational ground motions for planetary seismology
- Benthic Foraminifera Clumped Isotope Calibration
- Borehole Breakout Growth and In-Situ Stress Orientation in the Central Scandinavian Caledonides: Results from the Cosc-1 Borehole
- Bridging the Gap Between Large-Scale Drivers of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Lifetime Model Differences & Instantaneous, Localized Measurements of OH & Related Species
- Can a grain size-dependent viscosity help yielding realistic seismic velocities of LLSVPs?
- Catchment Storage and Transport on Timescales from Minutes to Millennia
- Changes in extremes due to half a degree warming in observations and models
- Characterisation of columnar inertial modes in rapidly rotating spheres and spheroids
- Characterisation of the atmospheric surface layer over a debris cover glacier in the Nepal Himalayas.
- Characterizing the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer using in situ balloon measurements: the BATAL campaigns of 2014-2017
- Climate-forced variability of suboxia and associated N-loses in the Pacific Ocean
- Combined Climate and Flow Abstraction Impacts on an Aggrading Alpine River
- Combining sediment fingerprinting and a conceptual model for erosion and sediment transfer to explore sediment sources in an Alpine catchment
- Context, Biogeochemistry, and Morphology of Diverse and Spatially Extensive Microbial Mats, Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.
- Cross-site comparisons of concentration-discharge relationships reveal climate-driven chemostatic set points
- Crustal melting beneath orogenic plateaus: Insights from 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling
- Data and Workflow Management Challenges in Global Adjoint Tomography
- Data assimilation for groundwater flow modelling using Unbiased Ensemble Square Root Filter: Case study in Guantao, North China Plain
- Delayed inflation triggerd by regional earthquakes at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy.
- Diagenetic susceptibility of carbonate archives - an experimental approach
- Differential response of surface temperature and atmospheric temperature to the biogeophysical effects of deforestation
- Dynamics of biogeochemical sulfur cycling in Mono Lake
- Ecohydrological Responses to Variability in Annual Precipitation
- Effect of Different Loading Conditions on the Nucleation and Development of Shear Zones Around Material Heterogeneities
- Establishing the Conceptual Model to Connect Stress with Geoelectric Signals
- Estimating background denudation rates and delivery of landslide sediment from a time series of <SUP>10</SUP>Be concentrations in landslide dominated basins in the southern Central Range of Taiwan
- Experimental Determination of Carbon Isotope Fractionation in C-O-H-Fluids and the Carbonate-melt - Graphite System at High Temperatures
- Exploring the sensitivity of landslide erosion rate to local topographic gradient
- First results from a full-waveform inversion of the African continent using Salvus
- Flow regulation in the Swiss Alps: a river network modelling approach to investigate the impacts on bed load and grain size distribution
- Fluid Sources at the Panasqueira Tungsten-Vein Deposit
- Fluid thermodynamics control thermal weakening during earthquake rupture.
- Formation of an Oceanic Transform Fault During Continental Rifting
- GISMO: A MATLAB toolbox for seismic research, monitoring, & education
- Gaussian copula as a likelihood function for environmental models
- Generating Seismograms with Deep Neural Networks
- Geometric and topological characterization of porous media: insights from eigenvector centrality
- Glacier and snow hydrology investigation in the Upper Indus Basin using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Global-scale Full Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion
- Grain scale observations of stick-slip dynamics in fluid saturated granular fault gouge
- Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN): Contributions to Science and Society
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Inversion of Seismic Sources in Complex Media
- High Temporal Resolution Mapping of Seismic Noise Sources Using Heterogeneous Supercomputers
- High resolution climate scenarios for snowmelt modelling in small alpine catchments
- High-resolution RCMs as pioneers for future GCMs
- High-resolution numerical modeling of tectonic underplating in circum-Pacific subduction zones: toward a better understanding of deformation in the episodic tremor and slip region?
- Highly Resolved Mg/Ca Depth Profiles of Planktic Foraminifer test Walls Using Single shot Measurements of fs-LA-ICPMS
- How accurately can the instantaneous aerosol effect on cloud albedo be constrained?
- How internal drainage affects evaporation dynamics from soil surfaces ?
- How seismicity impacts the evolution and branching of strike-slip faults
- Hydrodynamic Influences on Multiproxy-based Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Marine Sediments
- Hydrological states and the resilience of deltaic forested wetlands
- Ice Nucleation of Soot Particles in the Cirrus Regime: Is Pore Condensation and Freezing Relevant for Soot?
- Ice crystal number concentration measured at mountain-top research stations - What do we measure?
- Imaging Seismic Zones and Magma beneath Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- Imaging density and seismic velocities in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Increase in Ice Nucleation Efficiency of Feldspars, Kaolinite and Mica in Dilute NH<SUB>3</SUB> and NH<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>+</SUP>-containing Solutions
- Indian Ocean circulation changes over the Middle Pleistocene Transition.
- Inheritance vs ongoing evolution of the passive margin lithosphere in the southeastern United States: A comparison of <50Ma tectonism with tomographically imaged lithospheric structures.
- Insights into organic carbon oxidation potential during fluvial transport from laboratory and field experiments
- Interaction between Edge-Driven Convection and Mantle Plumes
- Interactions between tectonics, silicate weathering, and climate explored with carbon cycle modeling
- Interphase boundary misorientation in mantle rocks
- Interseismic coupling and geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust: A complementary approach
- Investigating Interactions between the Silica and Carbon Cycles during Precipitation and Early Diagenesis of Authigenic Clay/Carbonate-Mineral Associations in the Carbonate Rock Record
- Investigating the Impact of Land-Atmosphere Interactions on the Interannual Carbon Flux
- Joint Geodetic and Seismic Analysis of the effects of Englacial and Subglacial Hydraulics on Surface Crevassing near a Seasonal, Glacier-Dammed Lake on Gornergletscher, Switzerland
- Life cycle of soil sggregates: from root residue to microbial and physical hotspots
- Linking soil type and rainfall characteristics towards estimation of surface evaporative capacitance
- Linking the distribution of carbon isotope ratios in soil carbonates and speleothems to climate conditions in the past: A model for the dependence of respiration rate on soil moisture
- Long-period noise source inversion in a 3-D heterogeneous Earth
- Low-warming Scenarios and their Approximation: Testing Emulation Performance for Average and Extreme Variables
- Magnetotellurics with geomagnetic observatory data influenced by the ocean effect: upper mantle conductivity under the islands of Gan and Tristan da Cunha
- Mass Spectrometry of Single Particles Levitated in an Electrodynamic Balance: Applications to Laboratory Atmospheric Chemistry Research
- Mature oil palm plantations are thirstier than tropical forests
- Measurements of ice nucleating particle concentrations at 242 K in the free troposphere
- Mechanism of the 2016 giant twin glacier collapse in Aru range, Tibet
- Mediterranean Magmatism: Bimodal Melting Patterns Inferred By Numerical Models
- Melting and Its Influence on the Long-term Evolution of the Lower Mantle Heterogeneities (LLSVP and ULVZ)
- Meteorological and small scale internal ecosystem variability characterize the uncertainty of ecosystem level responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>. Insights from the Duke Forest FACE experiment
- Microbial ecology of soda lakes: investigating sulfur and nitrogen cycling at Mono Lake, CA, USA
- Microseismic Stick-Slip Motion of Alpine Glaciers
- Mid Ocean Ridge Processes at Very Low Melt Supply : Submersible Exploration of Smooth Ultramafic Seafloor at the Southwest Indian Ridge, 64 degree E
- Modeling subglacial sediment discharge in 1-dimension: comparison with measurments and implications for glacial retreat
- Modeling the Hydrological Regime of Turkana Lake (Kenya, Ethiopia) by Combining Spatially Distributed Hydrological Modeling and Remote Sensing Datasets
- Modelling Earthquakes Using a Poro-Elastic Two-Phase Flow Formulation
- Modelling the contribution of supraglacial ice cliffs to the mass-balance of glaciers in the Langtang catchment, Nepalese Himalaya
- Models are Likely to Underestimate Increase in Heavy Rainfall in the Extratropical Regions with High Rainfall Intensity
- Monitoring the englacial fracture state using virtual-reflector seismology
- Morphological processes in permeable sediment traps with check dams
- Multi-Scale Thermal Heat Tracer Tests for Characterizing Transport Processes and Flow Channelling in Fractured Media: Theory and Field Experiments
- Multi-objective optimization for conjunctive water use using coupled hydrogeological and agronomic models: a case study in Heihe mid-reach (China)
- Multi-scale heterogeneity in the temporal origin of water taken up by trees water uptake inferred using stable isotopes
- Multi-scale mantle structure underneath the Americas from a new tomographic model of seismic shear velocity
- Multidecadal variations of solar radiation reaching the surface and the role of aerosol direct radiative effects
- Nature of the Crust, West of the Manila Trench, South China Sea (20°-21.5°N): New Insight from 2D Numerical Modeling
- Nitrogen partitioning during Earth's accretion and core-mantle differentiation
- Numerical Simulations of Melting-Crystallisation Processes at the Boundaries Between Magma Oceans and Solid Mantle
- Numerical Simulations of Thermo-Mechanical Processes during Thermal Spallation Drilling for Geothermal Reservoirs
- Numerical simulations of thermo-compositional global convection with generation of proto-continental crust
- ObsPy - A Python Toolbox for Seismology - and Applications
- ObsPy: Establishing and maintaining an open-source community package
- On the Role of Subduction Dynamics on Emplacement of Metamorphic Core Complexes and Geothermal Systems
- Once Upon a Time, Scientific Fairy Tales Explaining Topics Related to the Discovery, Protection and Use of the Ocean
- One Decade of Induced Seismicity in Basel, Switzerland: A Consistent High-Resolution Catalog Obtained by Template Matching
- Overview and First Results of an In-situ Stimulation Experiment in Switzerland
- Partitioning Concentration-Discharge Patterns of Weathering Products from Monolithologic Catchments to Global Rivers
- Plate Bending, Dissipation, and the Energetics of Subduction: a Boundary-Element Approach
- Pores-scale hydrodynamics in a progressively bio-clogged three-dimensional porous medium: 3D particle tracking experiments and stochastic transport modelling
- Pre-"peak water" time in the southwest Yukon: when cryospheric changes trigger hydrological regime shifts
- Precession Driven Instabilities and Dynamos in the Early Moon
- Precipitation variability increases in a warmer climate
- Predictive performance of rainfall thresholds for shallow landslide triggering in Switzerland from daily gridded precipitation data
- Preferential pathways in complex fracture systems and their influence on large scale transport
- Probabilistic In Situ Stress Estimation and Forecasting using Sequential Data Assimilation
- Rates and patterns of Pleistocene rock uplift revealed by dating paleoshorelines on Crete, Greece: Implications for earthquake hazards in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Reaction Gradients Viewed Inside Single Photoactive Particles
- Reconciling experimental and static-dynamic numerical estimations of seismic anisotropy in Alpine Fault mylonites
- Regional 3-D Modeling of Ground Geoelectric Field for the Northeast United States due to Realistic Geomagnetic Disturbances
- Regional climate models reduce biases of global models and project smaller European summer warming
- Regional warming of hot extremes accelerated by surface energy fluxes consistent with drying soils
- Remotely-Sensed Mapping of Irrigation Area in the Chu-Talas River Basin in Central Asia and Application to Compliance Monitoring of Transboundary Water Sharing
- Representation of Precipitation in a Decade-long Continental-Scale Convection-Resolving Climate Simulation
- Residence time distributions of artificially infiltrated groundwater used for drinking water production
- Results from the Subglacial Hydrology Model Intercomparison Project (SHMIP)
- Revising the hygroscopicity of inorganic sea salt particles
- Revisiting Temporal Markov Chains for Continuum modeling of Transport in Porous Media
- River Network Reorganization along the Upper Yangzte, Eastern Tibet: Insights from Thermochronology and Sedimentology.
- STEP-TRAMM - A modeling interface for simulating localized rainfall induced shallow landslides and debris flow runout pathways
- Scale Effects in the Flow of a Shear-Thinning Fluid in Geological Fractures
- Scaling a Convection-Resolving RCM to Near-Global Scales
- Scaling and Intensification of Extreme Precipitation in Convection-Resolving Climate Change Simulations
- Scaling future tropical cyclone damage with global mean temperature
- Science, Policy, and Rationality in a Partisan Era
- Seawater Li and Be isotope records and the spatial and temporal partitioning of denudation as driver of late Neogene cooling
- Seismic and Aseismic Slip on Mature and Evolving Faults Simulated with Rate-and-State Friction in a Continuum.
- Seismic azimuthal anisotropy in crevasse fields
- Seismic signal and noise on Europa and how to use it
- SeismoDome: Sonic and visual representation of earthquakes and seismic waves in the planetarium
- Self-Sustained Mode-3 Tear Controls Dynamics of Narrow Retreating Subduction Zones
- Sensitivity of Arctic low-lying mixed-phase clouds to surface forcing and aerosol perturbations
- Simulating the Impacts of Climate Extremes Across Sectors: The Case of the 2003 European Heat Wave
- Simulating the effect of water management decisions on groundwater flow and quality in the Kyzylkum Irrigation Scheme, Kazakhstan
- Slab flattening and exhumation of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
- Soil Structure - A Neglected Component of Land-Surface Models
- Soil warming response: field experiments to Earth system models
- Spatial Structure of Forested Wetland Degradation on the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain
- Spectro-Polarimetry of Fine-Grained Ice and Dust Surfaces Measured in the Laboratory to Study Solar System Objects and Beyond
- StagBL : A Scalable, Portable, High-Performance Discretization and Solver Layer for Geodynamic Simulation
- Stenian Estuarine System and Early Neoproterozoic Microbial Records of Capiru Formation, Southern Ribeira Belt.
- Stochastic dynamics of intermittent pore-scale particle motion in three-dimensional porous media
- Stress Testing Water Resource Systems at Regional and National Scales with Synthetic Drought Event Sets
- Super-resolution Time-Lapse Seismic Waveform Inversion
- Surface Evolution and Uplift History of the Central Apennines, Italy: New Constraints from Thermochronology and Paleoaltimetry
- Surveying glacier bedrock topography with a helicopter-borne dual-polarization ground-penetrating radar system
- The Case Against Charge Transfer Interactions in Dissolved Organic Matter Optical Properties
- The Collaborative Seismic Earth Model Project
- The DSeis Project: Drilling into Seismogenic zones of M2.0 to M5.5 earthquakes in South African gold mines
- The Hydrothermal System of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa - An Analog for Subduction Zone Hydrothermal Systems
- The Miocene Extraterrestrial Dust Deposition Event Tracked by Helium, Neon, Chromium and Extraterrestrial Insoluble Organic Matter at the Monte Dei Corvi Beach Section
- The Swiss-Army-Knife Approach to the Nearly Automatic Analysis for Microearthquake Sequences.
- The Young Hydrologic Society: an outlook to the next five years
- The Young Hydrologic Society: five years of creating community for early-career hydrologists
- The effect of mixing and residual transport on Mean Age of Air in CCMVal-2 and CCMI model simulations
- The effects of spatial heterogeneity and subsurface lateral transfer on evapotranspiration estimates in large scale Earth system models
- The impact of the fuel chemical composition on volatile organic compounds emitted by an in-service aircraft gas turbine engine
- The influence of mantle refertilisation on the formation of TTGs in a plume-lid tectonics setting
- The influence of water on mantle convection and plate tectonics
- The optimal kinematic dynamo driven by steady flows in a sphere
- The relationship between groundwater ages, streamflow ages, and storage selection functions under stationary conditions
- The role of land-climate interactions for the regional amplification of temperature extremes in climate projections
- The role of particle jamming on the formation and stability of step-pool morphology: insight from a reduced-complexity model
- The transition of North Atlantic dust deposition and Saharan landscape during the Holocene
- The uneven nature of daily precipitation and its change
- The world at 1.5°C: Understanding its regional dimensions and driving processes
- Thermochronological Record of a Jurassic Heating-Cooling Cycle Within a Distal Rifted Margin (Calizzano Massif, Ligurian Alps)
- Three dimensional fracture aperture and porosity distribution using computerized tomography
- To Which Extent can Aerosols Affect Alpine Mixed-Phase Clouds?
- Towards 3D Noise Source Localization using Matched Field Processing
- Towards Mountains without Permanent Snow and Ice - Impacts and Challenges for Adaptation
- Towards monitoring unstable glaciers with ambient seismic noise
- Towards prediction of heatwaves based on the complementary relationship between actual and potential evaporation - energy partitioning and hydrologic attributes
- Upscaling Bedrock Erosion Laws from the Point to the Patch and from the Event to the Year
- Use of ground-based radiometers for L-Band Freeze/Thaw retrieval in a boreal forest site
- Vegetation dielectric characterization using an open-ended coaxial probe
- What controls the bimodal seismicity of large Himalayan earthquakes?
- What controls the contrasting lithospheric structure beneath the western and central-eastern Tibetan plateau?
- What controls the survival of ice cliffs on debris-covered glaciers? An investigation into the aspect-dependent evolution of supraglacial cliffs in the Nepalese Himalaya
- When and where is thaw slump mass wasting energy limited? A landscape-scale assessment using TanDEM-X single-pass radar interferometry
- 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling of continental indentation: Implications for coupled orogeny-plateau growth during the India-Asia convergence
- 3D numerical models of thermal convection inside Triton's icy shell
- 3D-Printed Analog Rocks: New Perspectives for Understanding the Relationship Between Deformation and Magnetic Anisotropy
- A Coupled Method Using Longterm Subduction Models to Provide Realistic Conditions for Dynamic Earthquake Models
- A Guide to Ambient Vibration Classification of Unstable Rock Slopes
- A New Urban Ecohydrological Model to Quantify the Effect of Vegetation on Microclimate and Water Fluxes in Cities
- A Peat Core Biomarker and Hydrogen Isotopic Study of a Holocene Climate Analogue in the Eastern Mediterranean (MIS 11, Tenaghi Philippon, Greece)
- A River-Network Bedload Model to Explore the Effects of Perturbations on Sediment Fluxes Along Fluvial Systems
- A new approach to benchmark present-day's TOA flux in 9.6-μm ozone band from model ensemble
- A rough business: Understanding earthquakes in the lab
- A secondary zone of uplift caused by megathrust earthquakes
- Accuracy of moment tensor inversion of large (6.6 < Mw < 7.3) earthquakes using GPS data
- Aggravating positive feedback of ecosystem greenhouse gases to climate warming beyond 2<SUP>o</SUP>C
- Air-Sea CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes in the Southern Ocean: Lessons Learned From the Comparison Between Models and SOCCOM Data
- Alternative approaches for using stable water isotopes in catchment hydrology studies
- An assessment of the hydrological response of the Olivares River catchment during severe droughts and glacier retreat scenarios
- Antarctic Ocean surface residence time and the development of the hundred-thousand-year ice age cycle
- Assessing impacts of agricultural interventions and land use planning activities on deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
- Automated detection of lunar rockfalls using a Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network
- Avoided heat-related mortality under targeted Paris Agreement scenarios
- Basal icequake source mechanisms beyond the standard double-couple stick-slip model
- Bayesian estimation of the parameters of the nonlinear cloud and rain equation: finding physically relevant model parameters from large-eddy simulations.
- Carbon-water interactions: Global-scale effects of terrestrial water variations on carbon cycle
- Characterizing the Impact of Fracture Geometry and Network Structure on Multiphase Flow through Fractured Media
- Climatic and Physiological Controls on a Stable Isotope Tree-ring Network of White Spruce across North American Boreal Forests
- Cohesion-induced enhancement of aeolian saltation
- Comparisons of in situ and satellite stratospheric aerosol measurements, 1990-2005 over Laramie, Wyoming, using a new retrieval of size distributions from the in situ aerosol measurements
- Concentrations of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and Ice Nucleating Particles (INP) over the Southern Ocean during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition
- Constraining phase separation in magma reservoirs from field observations and modeling
- Coupled mechanistic ecohydrological modelling and machine learning can provide robust estimates of global ET and GPP
- Debris Covered Glaciers in High Mountain Asia
- Destruction of the North China Craton
- Determining crustal melt and water contents from geophysics and experimental work to characterize a long dormant volcano: Ciomadul (Romania)
- Discrete Wave Equation Upscaling
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing Experiments in Crystalline Rock - A Field Study in Switzerland
- Dynamics and Evolution of the Primitive Mantle With Magma Oceans
- Early Oligocene exhumation and syn-collisional volcanism in the Central Alps as revealed by combined FT and U-Pb analysis of detrital zircons in the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin
- Effects of Location, Season, and Storm Type on Hershfield-type Rainfall Sampling Adjustment Factors
- Estimation of Catchment-Scale Reaction Rates from a Comparison of Passive and Reactive Tracer Time Series in Precipitation and Streamflow
- Evaluating the impacts of climate change on forest demography and carbon cycling in boreal forests
- Evaporation Suppression from Water Reservoirs using Floating Covers - Insights and Surprises from a Field Study
- Evidence of coccolithophore adaptation to changing environments from coccolith geochemistry, size, and cellular calcification
- Exploring Accumulation-Mode-H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> Stratospheric Sulfate Geoengineering in a Sectional Aerosol-Chemistry-Climate Model
- Fate of Methane Entrapped in Calcareous Alpine Proglacial Soils Under Variable Environmental Conditions
- Fault State Estimation in Subduction Zones Using a Particle Filter with Time-Lagged Particle Generation
- Frequency-dependent ambient seismic source inversion based on cross-correlation waveforms
- From Carbon Micro-Heterogeneity to Macro-Evolutionary Pattern: Insight from the Plate Tectonic Pump
- From magma oceans to solid mantle: insights from numerical simulations
- Gap Filling of Long Time Series of Actual Evapotranspiration Data from Lysimeters: A Comparison of Methods
- Geochemical-Thermo-Mechanical Modeling Applied to Plume-induced Subduction Initiation Along the Caribbean Large Igneous Province
- Geodynamic-Petrological Modelling of Near-Continent Volcanic Islands: the Case of the Eastern Atlantic
- Global Water Scaling of Ecosystem Carbon Cycle Feedback to Climate Warming
- Global environmental variability drives trace element changes in soils
- Gradual Desiccation of Rocky Protoplanets from <SUP>26</SUP>Al-heating
- Heat transfer in rapidly rotating magnetoconvection at low magnetic Prandtl and Rossby numbers.
- High-resolution temporo-ensemble PIV to resolve pore-scale flow in 3D-printed fractured porous media
- Historical Warming Has About Tripled Global Population Annually Exposed to Extreme Events
- How Faults Grow (A)Seismically Into Complex Networks
- How Predictable Are the Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillations? Exploring the Variability and Predictability of the Northern Hemisphere
- How vegetation and climate constrain the global range of T/ET?
- Hydraulic Link between Glacier-dammed Lake and Meltwater Plume Revealed by Seismic Tremor, Time-lapse Imagery, Radar and Mooring
- Imaging Tracer Transport and In-Situ Fracture Aperture Changes Due to Shear Displacement with X-Ray Computerized Tomography
- Impact of surface topography on full-waveform tomography for Central Mexico
- Insights into the Physics of Macroscopic Extensional Fracture Formation from a Natural Exfoliation Event on Långören Island, Finland (Summer 2014)
- Interseismic coupling on the Main Himalayan Thrust: Bayesian modelling accounting for data and prediction uncertainties
- Inventory of Methane Entrapped in Sediments of Calcareous, Alpine Glacier Forefields in Switzerland
- Investigating Atomic Force Microscopy as a biosignature detection tool in Europa-analog samples
- Investigating rheological models in the context of geophysical inversion for planetary structure
- Kinematic slip imaging of the Mw 3.3 earthquake in the St. Gallen 2013 geothermal reservoir, Switzerland, using isochrone back projection.
- Land Management in the Earth System: An Overlooked Driver of Temperature Extremes in Low-Emissions Scenarios
- Land cover changes, plant trait variability, and their impact on the terrestrial water and carbon cycles
- Large influence of soil moisture on the terrestrial carbon cycle
- Large wind farms can destroy stratocumulus clouds - evidence from large eddy simulations
- Learning About Ice-Sheet Dynamics and Rheology From Plume-Like Internal Radar Layer Structures
- Lithium isotopic and concentration gradients in plagioclase - implications for pre- and syn-eruptive magmatic processes
- Low-level sublimation of Antarctic snowfall due to katabatic winds
- Machine learning reveals the spatial and temporal dynamics simulated slip events in a sheared granular fault gouge
- Mantle melting and intraplate volcanism due to upwellings from the stagnant slab
- Mantle structure and dynamics under the continuous United States inferred from tomographic imaging of radially anisotropic shear velocity
- Mapping Remanent and Induced Magnetic Sources from the Km to Micron-scale
- Microbial native sulfur formation in the subsurface without oxygen
- Microstructural evolution on oxide-rich gabbros from the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex, Southwest Indian Ridge (ODP Hole 735B)
- Mixing-limited Bimolecular Chemical Reactions Under Flow Heterogeneities at Pore-scale
- Modeling recharge and convective downward migration of fractures in low-temperature geothermal systems
- Modelling tectonics and seismicity due to slab retreat along the northern Apennines thrust bel
- Molecular and Isotopic Reconstructions of the Eastern Mediterranean Climate (Lake Van) over Major Transitions during the last 250.000 Years
- Monitoring Greenland calving volumes with glacial earthquakes
- Mountain Volume Control on Moisture Extraction via Deep Convection
- Nanoscale Imaging and Aerosol Modeling of Molecular Diffusion and Photochemical Reaction
- New views on estimation of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> from alkenone ɛ<SUB>p</SUB>
- Numerical and Laboratory Study of Low-frequency Elastic Properties of Limestone
- Once Upon a Time... A Scientific Fairy Tale - Explaining Ocean Research to Children and Adults
- Overview of the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition: Study of Preindustrial-like Aerosols and Their Climate Effects (ACE-SPACE)
- Palæo-climatic reconstruction in the High Tropical Andes during the deglaciation from palæo-lake and glaciers
- Physically based modeling of rainfall thresholds for landslide triggering
- Plant hydraulics and the electric circuit analogue: modeling pitfalls and opportunities
- Plume Penetration into Venusian Lithosphere and the Origin of Coronae.
- Plume-plateau interaction: Insight from numerical modelling
- Predicting the Probability and Degree of Preferential Flow in Porous Media from Pore-Network Geometric and Topological Properties
- Probing the interior of Icy Ocean Worlds - Full waveform modeling of Enceladus and Titan
- Probing the origins of large calderas in Kamchatka: are short-lived large silicic systems in continental arcs produced by periodic delamination of the lower crust?
- Propagator networks and truth maintenance systems: blending physical constraints and data to understand land-atmosphere interaction in the pre-satellite and pre-FLUXNET era.
- Quantification of Snow Water Equivalent Using Buried Low Cost GPS Antennas in Alpine Terrain
- Quantifying plant transpiration and stomatal behavior at the canopy scale: An underlying water use efficiency method
- Quasi-geostrophic Flow in the Earth's core in the Presence of Topography at the Boundaries
- Random walks for quantifying the uncertainty in the flow response in heterogeneous media
- Recession Analysis using Water Stage: utilizing the rating curve form without the need discharge data
- Reconciling the controversies about the "global warming hiatus"
- Ridge-ridge-ridge triple junctions: failed attempts and "magic" formula
- Rossby Wave Propagation into the Northern Hemisphere Stratosphere: The Role of Zonal Phase Speed
- Scales and causes of European river flooding
- Seasonal origins of the precipitation used by trees
- Seasonality and driving mechanisms of low flows across Switzerland
- Seismic Source Inversion for the Japanese Islands Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and a 3-D Earth Model
- Seismic moment tensor and single force analysis of landslides in Switzerland and Greenland
- Seismic response of unstable rock slopes - insights from numerical modeling
- Seismology-at-School in Nepal: a first regional educational and seismic network
- Sensitivity of carbon cycle inter-annual variability to terrestrial water storage: models vs observations
- Simulating hydro-mechanical processes in rough fractures with a Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) approach with a parallel transfer operator
- Slab Rollback Orogeny Model: A test-of-concept
- Soil moisture controls on C cycle variability and drought impacts across scales
- Soil texture effects on surface resistance to bare soil evaporation
- Spatial Patterns of Soil Bacterial Abundance and Diversity - from Pores to Continents
- Spatial Patterns of Sub-Canopy Irradiance: Measurements from Mobile Radiometer Surveys and Model Results
- Spatially variable thermochemical and melting anomalies above the mantle transition zone beneath Hawaii
- Subduction Zones Migration Led by Brittle-Viscous Deformation Throughout The Lithosphere
- Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions in a Regulated Alpine Gravel-Bed Braided River
- Testing the QDaedalus Measurement System for Astrogeodetic Observations of the Gravity Field
- The ATAL during the Asian Monsoon 2016: COBALD measurements and CLaMS trajectory Calculations
- The Challenges of Soil Biogeochemistry Mechanistic Modeling - A Reality Check
- The ENSO-North Atlantic Teleconnection: Interaction between the Stratosphere and the Strength of the Pacific Tropical Forcing.
- The Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata (GSIM) archive - A Collection of 30,959 Streamflow Records across the Globe
- The November 15, 2017, Pohang earthquake: A potential anthropogenic event of Mw 5.5 in South Korea
- The Strontium Anomaly in Modern vs. Ancient Dolomites: Geochemical Study of Carbonate Sediments and Associated Fluids in Hypersaline Coastal Lagoons, Região dos Lagos, Brazil and Coastal Sabkhas, Dohat Faishakh, Qatar
- The Topographic Signature of Late-Pleistocene Fluvial Incision in the Central Swiss Alps
- The formation and preservation of large-scale primordial heterogeneity in the Earth's mantle
- The impact of multiphase flows on energy storage: insights from microfluidics
- The influence of mantle refertilisation on the formation of TTGs in a plume-lid tectonics setting
- The trigger of Mid-Brunish coccolithophore bloom: evidences from coccolith geochemical and morphologic data
- Thermo-compositional evolution of solid mantle bounded by magma oceans: insights from numerical simulations using a phase change boundary condition
- Thermochemical Evolution of Mantle Plumes Observed Spatially (TEMPOS)
- Topographic controls on the expansion and contraction of stream networks
- Towards improved travel time estimates that account for interfaces in the hydrological cycle
- Tree-Level Recovery from Hydraulic Stress: Insights from Experiments and Hydrodynamic Models
- Using Principal Oscillation Patterns to represent stratosphere-troposphere interactions
- Using big data to detect and attribute global hydrological change
- Vegetation in Cities: Urban Ecohydrological Modelling as a Quantitative Tool to Assess the Effects of Urban Vegetation on Selected Ecosystem Services
- Waveform tomography the Eastern Mediterranean
- What Influences Flood Generating Processes Around the World?
- When is it ok to switch off the parameterization of deep convection?
- Where Are Things Shaking? A Seismological Perspective for Potential Landing Sites on Europa
- didthisreallyhappen.net: Fighting everyday sexism in academia, one comic strip at a time
- <SUP>2</SUP>H/<SUP>1</SUP>H Variation in Microbial Lipids is Controlled by NADPH Metabolism
- A Consistent and Uniform Research Earthquake Catalog for the AlpArray Region.
- A Faster Super-Parameterized Model: Results From the New SP-E3SM
- A Machine Learning Examination of Methane Lifetime Differences Among Model Simulations for CCMI-1
- A Singularity-Free Crack Model Inferred from Contained Laboratory-Generated Earthquakes
- A circumpolar view of Subantarctic iron fertilization over the last ice age
- A connection between Beamforming and Kernel-Based Source Inversion
- A hybrid model-observation analysis of changes in global flood hazard
- A pathway to assess chemistry-climate models' tropospheric ozone radiative forcing from satellites
- Agreement of bulk sedimentary and foraminifera-bound nitrogen in the detection of a 4 million year trend in equatorial Pacific N isotopes (δ<SUP>15</SUP>N)
- An Integrated Ecohydraulic Approach to Assess Surface Water-Groundwater-Riparian Vegetation Interactions
- An Unsupervised-Machine-Learning Approach to Understanding Seismicity at an Alpine Glacier
- Anomalous pressure diffusion in sparse fracture systems: Insights from hydraulic and thermal field experiments at the Grimsel Underground Research Laboratory, Switzerland
- Anthropogenic Earthquakes and Forensic Seismology
- Assessing the role of deep-time Andean and Amazonian landscape evolution on the development of biodiversity
- Assessment of suitable satellite datasets for Weather Index-based Insurances for rain-fed agriculture in Malawi
- Azimuthal Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle based on Global Adjoint Tomography
- Basin-scale and regional sea level budgets from GRACE and GRACE Follow-On, Sea Surface Height observations, and Argo
- Bedretto Deep Underground Laboratory for Geoenergies - a new Interdisciplinary Research Facility
- Beyond Debuttressing: Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Rock Slope Damage during Repeat Glacial Cycles
- Bounding aerosol radiative forcing of climate change
- Bringing diverse datasets on societal vulnerability and resilience into assessments of post-disaster recovery needs
- COBALD Measurements and CLaMS Simulations of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL) over Nainital in August 2016
- Calcium hydroxide dissolution drives the release of gold and silver nanoparticles from sewage sludge ash
- Carbon Dioxide Diffusivity in Single, Levitated Organic Aerosol Particles
- Carbon Isotope Fractionation between CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Carbonate Melt, an Experimental Approach
- Characterization of the InSight Landing Site Near Surface Properties Using the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Probe (HP<SUP>3</SUP>) Mole as a Seismic Source
- Climate change + AI: Tackling climate change with machine learning
- Combined quantification of post-glacial bedrock erosion and surface exposure duration by coupling OSL and 10Be dating
- Comodulation Analysis of Atmospheric Energy Injection into the Ground Motion at InSight Part 2: Environmental Sensitivity of SEIS and Quake Detection
- Comparing Internal Variabilities in Three Regional Single Model Initial-condition Large Ensembles (SMILE) over Europe
- Comparing hillslope sediment supply with river sediment in a threshold landscape
- Constraining Mars Crust and Mantle Structure From Multi-mode Surface Wave Measurements: Blind Test Results
- Continental-scale hydraulic gradients
- Correcting Errors in Error Propagation for REDD+ Carbon Accounting
- Crowdsourcing science: Synthesizing global perspectives with the help of social media
- Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure below Central Mexico
- Data assimilation for seismic cycles: estimation of mechanical parameters and stress
- Deep and shallow interactions in retreating subduction zones.
- Dissolved gas and metal composition of hydrothermal plumes from a 2008 submarine eruption on the Northeast Lau Spreading Center
- Divergent Estimates of Carbon Flux Sensitivities Explained by Soil Moisture - Temperature Feedbacks
- Do Slow Slip Events Trigger Great Megathrust Earthquakes?
- Do we need brittle precursors to initiate shear zones? Constraints from laboratory experiments
- Drought-vegetation interactions and their impact on the climate system
- Early Pleistocene Multiproxy Record From Dove Basin, Scotia Sea: New Data to Evaluate the 41kyr World Problem
- Earthquake rupture modeling of rough fault in lab experiments.
- Ecohydrological Separation and the Seasonal Origins of Water Used by Trees
- Effects of grain size reduction for oceanic detachment fault formation and inversion
- Effects of green spaces on urban climate and hydrology from global to local scales
- Estimating vegetation carrying capacity of arid landscapes from rainfall fraction escaping surface evaporation
- Evaluating forest spatiotemporal trends of self-thinning trajectories and its implications on carbon storage
- Evaluation of Cloud Properties in Three Climate Models Using MODIS Observations and its Corresponding COSP Simulator.
- Evidence of secondary ice production in orographic mixed-phase clouds: An observational and modelling study
- ExaSeis: A dynamically adaptive discontinuous Galerkin framework for the simulation of earthquakes with mesh generation avoiding schemes.
- Exoplanet bulk silicate composition as a function of host stellar elemental abundances and its effects on long-term planetary evolution
- Fertilization effects on the long-term stability of crop yields
- Field-Scale Characterization of Permeability-Stress Relationship in Bedretto Underground Laboratory in Switzerland
- Flood and heatwave in Japan 2018 and future increase of consecutive compound risk in a warmer world
- Fore-arc Building and Destruction: a Critical Interplay Between Fluid Flow, Megathrust Strength and Tectonic Underplating
- Forecasting the Soil Microbiome
- Geochemistry and Geochronology of Quaternary Calderas in North and Central Sumatra (Indonesia)
- Geochemistry of the Narayani river sediments tracing the evolution of erosion of Central Nepal over the LGM-Holocene and last decades
- Geomorphological Controls on Stream Baseflow Recession
- Global Adjoint Tomography - Model GLAD-M25
- Greater Antilles in the Lesser Antilles: lessons from Eocene thrusting at St. barthelemey island
- Green wood is not deadwood - sensitivity of xylem hydraulic conductivity to pressure gradient
- H2020 PIONEERS Study : Planetary Instruments based on Optical technologies for an iNnovative European Exploration Using Rotational Seismology
- High-Resolution Seismo-Hydromechnic Monitoring in Mesoscale Multi-stage Stimulation Experiment
- High-precision GNSS for the Monitoring and Detection of Geohazards
- High-resolution analysis on seismic source characteristics of earthquakes near Pohang enhanced geothermal system
- How well do we understand the influence of drifting and blowing snow in extreme environments?
- Hydrodynamic Influences on Proxy Records in Marine Sediment Drifts: Challenges, Opportunities and Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstruction
- Hydrological research in the wet and steep pre-alpine Alptal catchments of central Switzerland
- Identification of Regions with Long-term Wetting or Drying Trends Using GRACE and Climate Models
- Imaging and monitoring the subsurface of glaciers: recent advances in Green's function estimation from interferometry of passive seismic on-ice recordings
- Impact of atmospheric models' horizontal resolution on water budgets in HighResMip.
- Importance of Framing for Extreme Event Attribution: the Role of Spatial and Temporal Scales
- In-situ and Real Time 2D Temperature Mapping Using 4 Color Pyrometry at the Beamline PSICHE, Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Including localized sediment sources in catchment-scale sediment production and transport modelling
- Incorporating fault maturity-related earthquake slip characteristics into final rupture length determination for Earthquake Early Warning
- Inference of the Long-Lasting Footprint of the 2006 EGS Stimulation in Basel from a Highly Complete Catalog.
- Influence of landslides on fluvial sediment transport in Taiwan during the decade following Morakot
- Influences of forest canopy on snowpack accumulation and isotope ratios
- Insights into Large Volume Silicic Magmatism in the Caucasus via large-scale Thermomechanical Modeling and Zircon Petrochronology
- Instrumental, Lander, and Geophysical Resonances from the InSight Seismometer on Mars
- Integrated Human-Earth System Modeling: Extreme events, biogeophysical processes, and land use changes
- Integrated approaches to Agricultural Monitoring and Forecasting in Dryland Regions
- Interphase Misorientation as a Tool to Study Metamorphic and Magmatic Processes
- Inverting for Thermo-Chemical Structure of the Mantle Using P-to-S and S-to-P Converted Waves
- Investigating the origin of the M<SUB>W</SUB> 5.5 Pohang, Korea, earthquake of November 15, 2017: the investigations and conclusions of the Overseas Research Advisory Committee (ORAC)
- Is the Sequence of Quakes on Mars Poissonian?
- Laboratory flume experiments on the formation of spanwise large wood accumulations - effect on backwater rise and local scour
- Laboratory observations of frictional stability and fault zone evolution under heterogeneous friction, rheology, and stress conditions
- Land-atmosphere feedbacks exacerbate concurrent soil drought and atmospheric aridity
- Landscape Evolution and Biodiversity in the Age of Plate Tectonics
- Landslide Dams of Zion National Park: the Hop Valley Rock Avalanche
- Large recent continental heat storage
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Local Radiation Maxima in Snow-Covered Mountains and its Influence on PV Winter Production
- Machine learning submesoscale dynamics of Lagrangian ocean drifters
- Magmatic compositional trends predicted by geodynamic models: The case of intraplate volcanism in the Eastern Atlantic
- Magnetic properties of natural greigite flower-like microspheres
- Magnetotactic Bacteria preservation in coastal upwelling cells
- Mantle heterogeneity in terrestrial planets: Formation, mixing, and segregation through time
- Mantle structure and dynamics under the continuous United States inferred from tomographic imaging of radially anisotropic shear velocity.
- Mapping Spatial and Temporal Variations with Coda-Wave Sensitivity Kernels: A Review of Recent Progresses and Applications.
- Marked isotopic variability within and between the Amazon River and marine dissolved black carbon pools
- Measurements of ice nucleating particles in remote locations of the atmosphere
- Melts from continental crust at mantle depths: a metasomatic agent still preserved as melt inclusions in eclogite/pyroxenite garnets
- Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sediments
- Microbial sulfate reduction rates in low temperature serpentinizing mantle rocks
- Microwave Radiometry for Remote Sensing of Plant Water Status Dynamics: Stand-Scale Evaluation in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Modal Analysis of a Freestanding Sandstone Monolith (Castleton Tower, Utah)
- Modeling seasonal snow hydrology using vertical air temperature profiles from reanalysis
- Modeling the long-term progressive failure of giant rock slopes: an integrated approach
- Modelling the effects of 3D shallow scatterers and atmospheric sources on Martian seismic signals at high frequencies
- Monitoring an unstable hanging glacier in the Swiss Alps using icequake repeaters and Coda Wave Interferometry.
- Monitoring and imaging water saturation variations using ballistic body- and surface-waves from seismic ambient noise correlations
- Monitoring induced seismicity with a single seismic station by combining coda wave interferometry and distance geometry solvers
- Montane conifer water use under more episodic and earlier snowmelt
- Nano- and micro-level investigations of foraminifers
- Ocean Island Basalts in the Upper Mantle: Multiply Saturated Volatile-bearing Melts at 5 GPa.
- On the suppression of the Besnus transition in 4C pyrrhotite
- Organic functional group composition and OM/OC ratios in the IMPROVE monitoring networ
- Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic
- Overview of observed seismic signals on Mars
- Passive seismic source localization and velocity model estimation by using kinematic wavefront attributes
- Performance of the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System During the Ridgecrest Sequence
- Physical constraints improve soil hydraulic parameters deduced from pedotransfer functions
- Plant Water Status and Source Water Partitioning: A Combined Analysis of Plant Hydraulics, Root Distribution, Isotopic Dynamics, and Soil Matric Potential
- Potential borehole observatory in the aftershock zone at about 3.5 km depth of a 2014 M5.5 sinistral earthquake that the ICDP DSeis project has probed
- Prediction of global reaction behavior in mixing-limited chemical reactions using the dispersive lamella concept in a pore scale reactive transport experiment
- Probabilistic inference of fracture aperture fields using single-hole ground-penetrating radar data within a coupled hydrogeophysical inversion framework
- Quantifying changing characteristics of water available for groundwater recharge under climate change
- Quantifying long-term landslide frequency and sediment fluxes in New Zealand with in-situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>14</SUP>C
- Quantitative tracing of precipitation in the critical zone: The Spike II experiment
- Rapid Finite-Fault Determination from Pre-calculated Spatial Patterns of Peak Ground Acceleration for Potential Subduction Related Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest
- Rapid Global Finite-Frequency Ambient Noise Source Inversion
- Reactive Freezing of the Basal Magma Ocean on Earth and other Terrestrial Planets
- Recession Analysis 42 Years Later - Work Yet To Be Done
- Reconciling Conflicting Results on Intensification of Heavy Precipitation in a Changing Climate
- Reconsidering ecohydrologic separation
- Resolution Matters: Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Subgrid Heterogeneities on Soil Moisture Distribution with a Physically Based Hydrological Model
- Resolving the influence of climatic forcing on rock glacier dynamics: a numerical modelling approach
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Sagehen Creek, Sierra Nevada, USA: Ecohydrological Response to Changing Snow Climate in A Groundwater-Dominated Catchment
- Searching for seismic sources around the InSight landing site: focus on the sol 173 and sol 235 events
- Seasonal drought forecasts to optimally balancing multisector interests during reservoir filling transients
- Seasonal evolution of an englacial conduit network on a temperate alpine glacier using ground-penetrating radar
- Sediment thickness and its influence on subduction dynamics and seismicity
- Seismic activity level of Mars estimated from 300 Sols of InSight data
- Seismic rupture on propagating faults: Off-fault fan, splay faults and wing cracks
- Seismicity of Mars
- Simulating hydro-mechanical processes in intersecting rough fractures with a fictitious domain method
- Simulating the Effects of Flow Regulation and Climate Change on Riparian Vegetation in an Alpine Gravel-Bed Braided River
- Slab dynamics in the Caribbean, interactions between the deep and the shallow.
- Slip pulse formation, evolution, and dynamics along bimaterial interfaces
- Soil structure effects on infiltration-runoff partitioning - injecting vegetation and soil type into soil hydraulic parameterization
- Soil, Climatic and Biophysical Constraints Determine Global Distribution and Activity Windows of Earthworms
- Southwest Pacific Absolute Plate Kinematic Reconstruction Reveals Major Cenozoic Tonga-Kermadec Slab Dragging
- Spatial Patterns of Storm-Induced Landslides and Their Relation to Past Extreme Rainfall
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Transport and Reactive Processes Across a 1<SUP>st</SUP>- 5<SUP>th</SUP> Order Fluvial Network
- Splay fault rupture dynamics and off-fault deformation constrained by geodynamic subduction modelling
- Strong, consistent coupling between Southern Ocean deglacial ventilation and air-sea partitioning of CO2 over the past 1.5 Myrs
- Synconvergent Extension and the AD 365 earthquake: Implications for seismic and tsunami hazards in the eastern Mediterranean
- TERENO - A decade of long-term observatory based terrestrial research in Germany
- Tectonics and Seismicity in the Northern Apennines Driven by Slab Retreat and Crustal Delamination
- Testing Ambient-Noise Tomography as a Geothermal Exploration Method in Switzerland
- The Early and Long Term Evolution of Venus and its Atmosphere.
- The Impact of Grid Resolution on Fog and Low Stratus Modelling in Complex Terrain
- The Influence of the Tropical Atlantic on the ENSO - North Atlantic Teleconnection
- The Mars Structure Service for InSight:Single-Station Marsquake Inversions for Structure
- The Marsquake Service for InSight: the first year of operations
- The Mid-Pleistocene Transition: The Inevitable Result of Long-term Evolution of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet?
- The Pinatubo Emulation in Multiple models (PoEMS) experiment
- The Plynlimon Research Catchments: Six Decades of Research in an Open Air Laboratory in Wales
- The Role of Circulation Changes for the Future Mediterranean Precipitation Decline is Dependent on the Season
- The Solubility of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O in Granitic Melts at Pressures Relevant for Subduction Zones
- The influence of magnetic Prandtl number on magnetoconvection
- The origin of the Mw 5.4 Pohang, Korea, earthquake of November 15, 2017 and search for faults in the drillhole cuttings
- The political price of phasing out coal: An analysis of US Presidential Elections
- The role of groundwater in modulating the global mean sea level variations during ENSO events
- The water budget of Tropical Cyclones in climate models and the role of model resolution.
- Thermomechanical modeling of the origins of large silicic systems in continental subduction zones
- Timing and Vertical Distribution of Solute Input Drive Concentration-Discharge Relations
- Towards Human-Centric Rapid Post-Disaster Impact Assessments Through Transdisciplinary Informatics
- Tracking phase separation in mature silicic magma reservoirs
- Understanding of the physics of induced seismicity from natural fracture and in-situstress information from borehole logging
- Understanding past and future patterns of elevation-dependent climate change in mountains: a meta-analysis of global temperature and precipitation changes.
- Understanding the source of glacial earthquakes : mechanical modeling of capsizing icebergs and generated water motion
- Unsupervised representation learning for clustering SEIS data in continuous records with deep scattering network
- Validation of Broadband Ground Motion from Dynamic Rupture Simulations: towards better characterizing seismic hazard for engineering applications
- Watching Multi-Phase Chemistry Inside Single Aerosol Particles
- Water-soil-vegetation dynamics deciphered by stable isotopes of water
- Weather and Climate Extremes
- Wet and Deep vs. Dry and Shallow: Global Fractionation Conditions in Volcanic Arcs
- Why Are They So Darn Big? The Role of Crustal Melting in the Formation of the Gore Mountain Mega Garnets (Adirondacks, US)
- A Deep Dive into Planetary Abysses: Effects of Pressure, Phase Equilibria and Chemistry on the Structure and Habitability of Icy-Ocean Worlds.
- A Global Perspective on the Importance of Rossby Wave Breaking and Intense Moisture Transport for Extreme Precipitation Events
- A close look at the effect of grain shape on bedload transport
- A stochastic birth and death model to represent the evolution of ice cliff population and their total contribution to melt at the glacier scale
- A systematic study of seismic moment tensor inversions using a 3-D structural model: application to Central and Southern Mexico
- Accelerated global glacier mass loss in the early twenty-first century
- An Observation-Based Estimate of Precipitation Changes from Forestation in Europe
- An Update on the Seismicity on Mars as seen from InSight
- Approaching the Geodynamo Through an Inviscid Convective Dynamo Model
- Arid Region Vegetation Carrying Capacity Constrained by Rainfall Fraction Sheltered from Surface Evaporation
- Assessing a 6C Kalman Filter using Experimental Datasets from an Industrial Robot
- Balloon Measurements of Microphysical and Optical Properties of Tropopause Cirrus Clouds during the BATAL Campaign
- CS-D: an In-Situ Experiment to Monitor Fault Sealing in Caprock for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Geological Storage
- Cd Isotopes in Carbonates Deposited during `OAE 2': Assessment of a Novel Palaeo-Productivity Tracer
- Challenges in developing low-likelihood high-warming storylines for climate extremes
- Challenges of Running Global Climate Simulations at 2.8 km on GPU with the ICON Model
- Characteristics of earthquake ruptures and dynamic off-fault deformation on propagating faults
- Clays are not created equal: How clay mineral type affects soil parameterization
- Climate Sensitivity Increases Under Higher CO<SUB>2</SUB> Levels Due to Feedback Temperature Dependence
- Cloud on a chip: Quantifying the activity of ice-nucleating particles with a microfluidic platform
- Coccolith clumped isotopes suggest a more modest Miocene North Atlantic polar amplification
- Coexistence of three liquid phases in atmospheric aerosol particles
- Compound and concurrent extremes: Attribution, projections and storylines under higher global warming levels
- Comprehensive exploitation of seismic data at a debris flow torrent - Early warning, hazard assessment, parameter estimation
- Computation of Hessian Vector Product by Spectral-Element and Adjoint Methods Using Wavefield Storage Scheme
- Computation of glacial and tectonic stress off Svalbard: implications for seabed methane seepage along the Vestnesa Ridge
- Computational biogeodynamics: coupled modeling of Earth's interior, climate, environment and life evolution
- Constraining marsquake focal mechanisms and martian crustal structure using InSight's seismic data
- Contribution of resuspended sediments to sinking particles in the ocean
- Controlling Factors of Global Heat-Humidity Extremes
- Could Some Mars Seismic Events be Generated by Fluid Flow?
- Cropland carbon uptake delayed and reduced by 2019 Midwest floods
- Cross-Correlation of LO and LRO Images suggests an Upper Limit of Lunar Wrinkle Ridge Co-Seismic Displacement Velocities
- Deciphering speleothem trace element records: a combined fluorescence imaging-laser ablation approach
- Detecting the Mantle Transition Zone of Mars From Seismic Triplicated and Reflected Waves
- Developing Artificial Intelligence methods for addressing major challenges in cryosphere research: The AI-CORE project
- Diel observations suggest earlier snowmelt-driven streamflow than land surface modeling
- Dissecting the Water Tower of Europe: Climate Change Vulnerabilities Derived from High-Resolution Ecohydrological Modelling of the Alps
- Ectomycorrhizal fungi: mediators of plant-microbial interactions and terrestrial biogeochemistry
- Effect of normal and shear loading on the hydraulic transport properties of calcite bearing faults with customized roughness
- Elucidating Ice Nucleating Particle Concentrations in the Arctic: Investigating Predictability from Parameterizations and Fresh Snow Samples
- Embedded Convection in the Warm Conveyor Belt of a North Atlantic Cyclone and its Relevance for the Mesoscale and Larger-scale Dynamics
- Evidence of in situ cirrus formation in the Tropical Tropopause Layer over the Southwestern Indian Ocean
- Existing data suggest that UVA radiation could be the principal contributor to sunlight inactivation of SARS-COV-2
- Experimental Investigation of Glaucophane Rheology through Shear and Axial Compression Griggs Apparatus Experiments on Hot-Pressed Aggregates
- Experimental Microfluidics and Computational Studies of Precipitation and Dissolution
- Exploring Extended Warm Periods in an Observational Large Ensemble of Historical European Temperature
- Fault hydromechanical response to a remote gallery excavation in Opalinus Clay (Mont Terri, Switzerland)
- Foraminifera-bound nitrogen isotopes over the past 25 million years
- Forest ecosystem response to weather shocks: case study of a montane mixed forest in Switzerland
- From Strain to Rotation: Connecting Waveform Gradients
- From soil to stream: reading subsurface structure from stream chemistry
- Future warming exacerbated by aged soot effect on cloud formation
- GDGTs in Canadian Arctic lakes: insight into the methane cycle and climatic changes
- Generation of Broadband Ground Motion from Dynamic Rupture Simulations: A Group Modeling Approach towards better Characterizing Seismic Hazard for Engineering Applications
- Global analysis of the links between forest structure and land surface albedo
- Global and Local Carbon Footprints of Hong Kong and Macao from 2000 to 2015
- Harmonizing Miocene alkenone- and boron-based carbonate chemistry reconstructions
- How Mini-Ruedi Rüssel sniffs the world or real time insitu (noble) gas determination
- How lithology impacts global topography, vegetation, and animal biodiversity
- Hydrogen in mantle xenoliths from a forearc-backarc transect: heterogeneities at the km, cm and µm scale
- Hydrological Extremes and Human Society
- ID-TIMS U-Pb geochronology at the 0.1 ‰ level using the Triton XT with 10^13 Ω resistors
- Imaging Photoactive and Viscous Organic Aerosol Particles
- Impact of Atmospheric Pressure Variations on Noise-based Velocity Changes Measurements
- Impact of small scale Gulf Stream SST features on the North Atlantic storm track
- Improving full-waveform inversion using signal enhancement assessed by adjoint sensitivity kernels
- InSight seismic data from Mars: Effect and treatment of transient data disturbances
- Increasing the broad-leaved tree fraction in European forests mitigates hot temperature extremes
- Insights in the reasons for the model spread in the radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols
- Investigating Secondary Ice Processes in Winter Mixed-Phase Cloud over the Swiss Alps
- Lagrangian framework to simulate landscapes with local sinks and independently solved fluxes of water, sediment, and tracers
- Large-scale dynamics, dry katabatic winds and snowfall microphysics: two contrasted precipitation events over Davis, East Antarctica
- Late Accretion and the Origin of Water on Terrestrial Planets in the Solar System.
- Leveraging decadal-scale in situ experiments to examine plant, soil and ecosystem responses to climate warming
- Long-term high-resolution land-use/land-cover change dataset for regional climate modeling
- Lowering the Memory Footprint of Fully Spectral Full Sphere Simulations
- Mantle potential temperature controls crustal thickness and spreading pattern at slow-ultraslow mid-ocean ridges
- Measured ice nucleating particle concentrations improve the simulation of mid-level mixed-phase clouds over the high-latitude Southern Ocean
- Mobile Mapping of Surface Displacements Using a Novel Compact UAV-Borne / Car-Borne InSAR System
- Mode-Decomposition Diagnosis for the Dynamical Processes of Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
- Monitoring Glaciers with Fiber Optic Cables
- Multi-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network for High-Resolution Downscaling of Wind Fields from Operational Weather Prediction Models in Complex Terrain
- NW Iberia speleothems, a bridge to understand past high latitude to tropical teleconnections
- Near-real time assimilation of glacier observations in Switzerland using a particle filter
- New insights from continuous monitoring of ice nucleating particles in the Swiss Alps
- New insights in the characterization of sparse fracture systems obtained from Distributed Temperature Sensing data acquired during thermal experiments
- New seismological constraints on the crustal structure of Mars and the Moon
- Observing Montane Forest Evapotranspiration and Water Limitations With Thermal-Based Models In Complex Terrain
- Origin of the Temporal Evolution of Elastic Properties During Laboratory Seismic Cycle.
- Plesio-Geostrophy: A Rapid Dynamics Formulation for the Earth's Core
- Polarized ambient noise on Mars
- Preparing Earth Sciences to Upcoming Infrastructures. The Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE)
- Probing Upflowing Plasma in Solar Coronal Holes to Categorise the most frequent Events
- Probing the atmosphere-driven ground motion through comodulation at InSight, Mars
- Quantification of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data Fidelity
- Quantification of Flood Induced Fish Habitat Changes in an Alpine River
- Quantifying landslide recurrence intervals and tracing landslide-derived sediment with in-situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>14</SUP>C
- Quantifying the Role of Hydropeaking Regimes on Reach-Scale Vegetation Recruitment in a Gravel Bed River
- Quantifying the influence of process-based covariates on heat wave probability in non-stationary climate simulations
- Reactive Crystallization of the Basal Magma Ocean on Terrestrial Planets
- Reanalyzing carbonate clumped isotope calibration materials using robust carbonate standardization
- Recent health and future sustainability of glaciers in High Mountain Asia derived from remote sensing
- Rescue, Documentation and Re-analysis of Swiss Glacier Monitoring Data
- Robust design of dam heightening in a changing climate: a case study in the Swiss Alps
- S-coda wave analysis of InSight seismic data to determine the scattering and intrinsic attenuation in the crust of Mars
- Seasonal shifts in dissolved oxygen, carbon dynamics, and resazurin transformation along a 12-m long artificial hyporheic flowpath
- Seismic and Transient Slip Characteristics of Heterogeneous Frictional-Viscous Shear Zones
- Soil respiration insensitivity under combined extremes: Insights from laboratory experiments
- Southern Ocean upwelling, Earth's obliquity and glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> change
- Spatial Distribution of Slip and Stress Changes in Contained Laboratory-Generated Earthquakes with Heterogeneous Initial Stress
- Spontaneous Formation of an Internal Shear Band Facilitates the Flow-to-sliding Transition on Rough Beds Suggesting an Alternative Sliding Law
- Stable isotopes in the cold Critical Zone: Snowmelt water contributes significantly to tree water storage refilling
- Stress and Strain Resulting from Water Adsorption on an Induced Tensile Fracture in Fine Grained Granite
- Stringent mitigation substantially reduces risk of unprecedented near-term warming rates
- Subduction initiation: attempted vs. sustained
- Subsurface Flow Path and Stream Chemistry Response to Warming in a High Elevation Mountain Watershed in Colorado
- Sudden Large-Volume Detachments of Low-Angle Mountain Glaciers - More Frequent Than Thought
- Synergetic retrieval of aerosol from radiometer and lidar measurements coupled with radiosonde observations using GRASP algorithm
- Testing the temperature dependence of high-alpine erosion with in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C-<SUP>10</SUP>Be-<SUP>3</SUP>He
- The Bayesian Ice Thickness Estimation Model (BITE)
- The Influence of Viscoelastic Properties of Ice on the Probability of Higher-order Spin-orbital Resonance Trapping During the Early Evolution of Pluto-Charon
- The Role of Hillslope Failures and Internal Climate Variability in Climate Change Impact Assessment on Debris Flows and Sediment Yield in an Alpine Catchment
- The Source Scaling of Earthquake Swarm-genic Slow Slip Events
- The causes of sea-level rise since 1900
- The influence of surface processes and orographic effects on mountaintop observations of Arctic mixed-phase clouds
- The magnetohydrodynamical modes of plesio-geostrophy
- The origin of large zoned ignimbrites: the case of Aso caldera, Japan
- The relative importance of landslides and soil creep for eroding steep soil-mantled hillslopes
- The rheology and mechanical anisotropy of a foliated blueschist
- Thermomechanical Properties of the Shallow Martian Regolith
- Time for closure: Comparing CCN and cloud droplet number concentrations in Arctic mixed-phase clouds
- Totally topography? Assessing the resilience of blanket peatlands to climate change using Winter's concept of the `hydrologic landscape' and the DigiBog model
- Towards Multi-Component Observations of Seismic Rotation, Strain and Translation
- Towards coupling fluid flow and rate-and-state friction in compacting visco-poro-elasto-plastic reservoirs
- Transmissivity and connectivity changes sustained by stimulated fault damage zones - New observations
- Tropical Cyclones in a Reduced Rossby Wave Breaking Environment
- Uncertainty in carbon budget estimates due to internal climate variability
- Understanding Frictional Equilibrium in the Brittle Crust through Stochastic Frictional Slips
- Understanding Microphysical Processes in Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds from Balloon-Borne Holographic Instrument
- Understanding monsoon controls on the surface energy- and mass-balance of HMA glaciers
- Using Plumes as Indicators for Mantle Flow in the South America Subduction Zone
- Validation of model internal variability for partitioning climate projection uncertainty in Large Ensembles and CMIP5/6
- Validation of seismic source properties using rate and state-dependent friction models of frictional acoustic emissions
- Very rare heat extremes: how anomalous could they get?
- Vulnerability of ski tourism towards internal climate variability and climate change
- Weakening mechanisms efficiency during seismic slip.
- "How wet is that rock?" Why we can no longer avoid asking the difficult questions
- A Downscaling Intercomparison Study: The Representation of Slope- and Ridge-scale Processes in Models of Different Complexity
- A Scaling Relation Between the Moment Release due to Aseismic Motion and the Injected Volume of Fluid
- A Sneak Peek into Spatially Resolved Climate Model Emulation
- A climate engineering dead end? Cirrus cloud thinning fails to produce cooling even with more physically based ice microphysics in the ECHAM-HAM GCM.
- A model of stomatal regulation driven by nonlinearities in soil-plant hydraulics enables plants to avoid critical leaf water potentials during drought
- A more direct estimation on relative humidity inside the leaf airspaces across angiosperm species
- A review on snow saltation dynamics and its implications for the surface mass balance
- A simple and effective model for channel width in self-formed channels paves the way from Navier-Stokes to the stream power incision model
- A systematic and Python-based approach to process coupling in atmospheric models
- Advancing Knowledge on Microphysical and Radiative Cirrus Properties and Aviation Impact by Airborne Measurements of Cirrus Clouds
- Ambient noise-based monitoring of seismic wave velocity modulations at the CarbFix reinjection site, SW-Iceland
- An End-to-end Seismic Catalog Builder From Continuous Seismic Data Based on Machine Learning and Waveform Migration
- An Unsupervised-Machine-Learning Approach to Understanding Seismicity at an Alpine Glacier
- An Update of the Noise Model of the SEIS Seismometer of the InSight Mission To Mars
- An eastern equatorial Pacific nutrient tongue during the warm Pliocene
- Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over the past 1.5 million years
- Assessing a 3.0 1.7 Ma Scotia Sea relative paleointensity record and its potential to constrain the chronology of Antarctic dynamics during the intensification of bipolar glaciation
- Atmospheric monitoring with GNSS IoT data fusion based on machine learning
- Bedload continuity and wood retention at inclined bar screens
- Between-catchment variations in recession curves explained by geological diversity
- Brittle-ductile segmentation of subducting oceanic plates near trenches
- Brush accumulation behind logjams with a lower gap: formation and impact on backwater rise
- Can a Seismometer Detect Events from Europas Silicate Interior? Yes, if ...
- Can the coccolith carbon isotope fractionation solve the Last Mile problem from p to pCO2?
- Carbon isotope systematics of Icelandic glacial and non-glacial rivers and streams
- Carbonate-Brucite Chimneys At The Southwest Indian Ridge: The Old City Hydrothermal Field
- Catchment characteristics and seasonality influence the composition of microbial assemblages exported from three outlet glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Chapter 4: Future global climate: Scenario-based projections and near-term information
- Characterizing Nonlinear, Nonstationary, and Heterogeneous Hydrological Response Using Ensemble Rainfall-Runoff Analysis.
- Characterizing VLP, LP, VT events and tremor on Etna volcano, Italy using a rotational sensor
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions to food, energy, and water systems
- Cloud from a chip: Homogeneous freezing of water at different volumes and cooling rates
- Co-Evolution of Metazoan Life and Plate Tectonics: The Biogeodynamic Perspective on the Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic Transitions
- Collaborative Seismic Earth Model: Generation 2
- Combined soils and in situ 14C approach to evaluate erosion of non-lithified landforms
- Comparing algorithms for Bayesian tomography: SVGD versus HMC
- Competing controls on the sensitivity of gross primary productivity to drought
- Competition between main meniscus and corner film flow during imbibition in strongly wetting porous media
- Composition and Diversity of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Leaf Litter in the Biosphere 2 Tropical Rainforest
- Compositional Stratification across the Mantle Transition Zone as sustained by Plume Ponding and Segregation
- Concern and anticipation of extreme climate risk provide grounds for social tipping towards climate action
- Constraining dust-driven immersion freezing in climate models using spaceborne retrievals
- Contols on the grain size distribution of landslides in Taiwan and implications
- Could climate models have captured the record-shattering 2021 Pacific Northwest heatwave - and did they?
- Coupled hydromechanical numerical modelling of a hydroshearing experiment at the Grimsel Test Site using a discrete fracture-matrix model
- Creating virtual measurements inside a medium using spherical recording arrays
- Creep fronts and asperity interactions in laboratory earthquake sequences illuminate delayed earthquake triggering
- Crustal Melting and Assimilation in Compositionally Bimodal Volcanic Settings: Insights from Hydrothermally Altered Rocks Recovered from Drilling in the Krafla Volcanic Field, Iceland
- Cryoseismic Event Analysis on Distributed Strain Recordings Leveraging Unsupervised Clustering
- Cumulate Melting in Volcanic Roots: Insights from the Blumone Complex (Adamello Batholith, Northern Italy)
- Decoupling the overlapping causal factors of induced seismicity in the Delaware basin
- Deep quantum learning with long short-term memory for geodetic time series prediction: Application to length of day prediction
- Delineating Particulate Organic Matter Sources in the Major Arctic Rivers: The Importance of Contemporary Autochthony
- Denitrifying pathways dominate nitrous oxide emissions from managed grassland during drought and rewetting
- Detecting the Imprint of Climate Change in High Mountain Hazards: Challenges and Opportunities
- Deterministic Gravitational Wave Analysis Based on a Tri-Linear Data Approximation
- Developing Instantaneous Subduction Models to Investigate Thermal Shear Instability as a Deep Focus Earthquake Failure Mechanism in the Tonga Subduction Zone
- Diagnosing and evaluating the dynamics of terrestrial carbon cycle models
- Did the cessation of convection in Mercury's mantle allow for a dynamo supporting increase in heat loss from its core?
- Diffusion Creep of a Glaucophane-Bearing Blueschist
- Disentangling Scatter in Long-Term C-Q Relationships: the Role of Runoff Events
- Disequilibrium 44Ca in Calc-silicate Minerals and Kinetic Isotope Effects During Skarn Formation
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing on Volcanoes: Grimsvotn and Fagradalsfjall, Iceland
- Diverse carbon-rich peatlands in the Amazonia and Orinoquia of Colombia
- Divide migration and escarpment retreat in Madagascar and the Western Ghats of India
- Drivers of Holocene Southeast Asian Winter and Summer Monsoon Variability
- Droughts and climate change: The role of drought-vegetation-climate interactions
- Dynamically Adjusted Extreme Event Attribution Based on Elements of Statistical Learning
- Dynamics of two-phase porous, mushy and suspension flows in magmatic systems
- Earth and field observations underpin metapopulation dynamics in complex landscapes: near-term study on Carabids
- Earthquake Nucleation on Faults with Heterogeneous Weakening Rate: a Homogenization Framework for Slip-dependent Friction Laws
- Ecohydrological Modeling of Multi-Century Precipitation-Aquifer Recharge Relation in the Jerusalem region
- Effect of drought on soil microbial metabolisms driving carbon allocation and volatile organic compound cycling in the tropical rainforest at Biosphere 2
- Efficient Global-Scale Full-Waveform Inversion
- Energy Sector Implications of Wind Stilling Caused by Internal Climate Variability
- Europa Seismic Package (ESP): Development of a seismometer for the exploration of Europas interior
- Evaluating large ensembles for persistent extreme events such as the 2020 temperature anomaly over Siberia
- Evaluation of the sensitivity of carbon isotopic fractionation during photosynthesis (p) to CO2 during the Late Quaternary at the Western Tropical Atlantic
- Evaporation-Sheltered Soil Water - Constraining Arid Region Vegetation Response to Changes in Rainfall Patterns
- Evidence from ice cores for an ancient extreme solar particle event hitting Earth during a solar minimum
- Evolution of the rate-and-state frictional parameters of carbonate bearing faults at the brittle-ductile transition
- Experimental Investigation of Glaucophane Rheology Through General Shear Deformation Experiments
- Experimental Phase Relations in the CaS-FeS and MgS-FeS Systems and their Bearing on the Evolution of Mercury
- Exploring New Phenomena in Ice Clathrates and Filled Ices Under Planetary Conditions
- Exploring the convection in super-Earths: Comparing LHS 3844b with 55 Cnc e
- Extrapolating magmatic processes in the Grenadines archipelago, southern Lesser Antilles arc
- Fast Directional Changes during Geomagnetic Transitions: Global Reversals or Local Fluctuations?
- Flood Basalt Volcanic Climate Disruptions: Dynamical and Radiative Feedbacks on SO2 Emissions
- Flow-induced bioaggregation at pore-throats and morphology transition to biofilm streamers
- Forest mycobiome composition dictates tree growth and carbon capture across Europe
- Formation of the First Bend of the Yangtze River caused by the late Eocene magmatic activity
- From Ancient Venus to the Present-Day: What Place for Habitability?
- From DAS to Discharge: Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing to Estimate the Hydrological Response of the Rhonegletscher, Switzerland.
- From User-Defined Emission Scenarios to Spatially Resolved Warming Projections with a Chain of Computationally Efficient Emulators: MAGICC MESMER Coupling
- From fault creep to slow and fast earthquakes in carbonates
- Full sphere dynamo models for Mars' ancient magnetic field
- Full-Waveform Inversion of Geological Structures in the Human Brain
- Full-waveform modelling and inversion to explore the core-mantle boundary region using adjoint methods.
- Full-waveform tomography of the African Plate
- GPU-accelerated Ice Sheet Flow Modeling for Unstructured Meshes, application to Shallow Shelf Approximation
- Generating future rainfall field at a high spatial-temporal resolution, based on a stochastic generator and an hourly-scale convection-permitting model
- Geochemical and Geophysical implications for the source of Ocean Island Basalts
- Geochemical evidence for recharge-mush interactions across the magmatic spectrum
- Geodynamically-constrained inversions of Mars seismic structure with a compositional stratification in the deep mantle.
- Global and Local Electrical Conductivity Structure of the Moon
- Global assessment of past compound events, model performance and future projections
- Global scale numerical models of the emergence of plate tectonics and complex life on Earth
- Global variations of the rooting zone water storage capacity inferred from Earth observation
- Greenhouse Gas Flux Trends for Africa, 1985-2019
- Hail research in Switzerland - a recent series of severe hail storms highlights the value of ground observations and the need for research on climate change impacts
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Inversion of AVA Seismic Data Including a Rock Physics Model with the Help of Automatic Differentiation
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion to Evaluate their Potential to Constrain the Density Distribution in the Earth.
- High-resolution Analysis of the Recent Onset of Seasonal Microseismicity in the Mt. Blanc Massif (France/Italy/Switzerland)
- Hints of large particle events around solar cycle 14 from 36Cl in Greenland ice cores
- How can we account for antecedent conditions in rainfall thresholds for shallow landslides?
- Hydraulic Diffusivity Enhancement during Injection-Induced Fault Reactivation
- Hydro-mechanical earthquake cycles in a poro-visco-elasto-plastic fluid-bearing fault
- Hydrogen production from sustainable biomass with carbon capture and storage can contribute to carbon-neutrality goals
- Identification, Characteristics, and Dynamics of Arctic Extreme Seasons
- Identifying causal links between tectonic processes and biodiversity in an orogenic wedge setting with a coupled landscape-biodiversity evolution model
- Impact of bacterial growth on evaporative soil drying and soil water distribution
- Implementation and Analysis of Performance Portable Programming Models for cloud resolving GPU-enabled climate modeling
- Improving characterization of early spring carbon dynamics in high-latitude ecosystems
- Improving microseismic cluster localization using DAS and Distance Geometry Solvers: application to data from the FORGE geothermal experiment
- In-Situ Observations Of Aerosol Hygroscopicity And Cloud Droplet Formation In Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, During Fall 2019 And Spring 2020
- In-situ Inclusion-bearing Ilmenite 230Th/238U Geochronology of Quaternary Volcanic Deposits by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)
- InSight Observations of ULF Waves and Magnetic Impulses on Martian Surface
- Increased DOC concentrations and earlier stream flow generation in response to warming in a high elevation mountain watershed in Colorado
- India-Eurasia Corner Collision and Syntaxis Formation: Implications from Coupled Thermo-mechanical and Surface Processes 3D Models
- Influence of landscape transience on biodiversity in the Hengduan Mountains, China
- Innovative Sensors for Measuring Large Wood (LW) Movement Dynamics in Rivers
- Integrating LCLM feedbacks into climate models: an emulator approach
- Integrating thermochemical modelling and seismic observations to constrain temperature, composition, and geodynamics of Earths upper and mid mantle
- Interplay between productivity, temperature and day length controls the timing of autumn senescence in northern forests
- Investigation on the biophysical and biogeochemical responses of ecosystem conductance to water stress using eddy-covariance data
- Its hard to be like Inge: Female authorship in seismology.
- Joint resolving of the fault plane ambiguity and anisotropic earthquake triggering in Southern California
- Lagrangian Intermittency in Colloid Transport Through Porous Media
- Land use and land cover changes in low-emissions climate scenarios
- Lessons learned from summer 2021 storm events in view of a new landslide early warning system for Switzerland
- Limiting Regimes of a Three-Dimensional Buoyant Hydraulic Fracture Emerging from a Point Source
- Local hydraulic resistance in heterogeneous porous media
- Loss of twenty percent of global wetlands since 1700 estimated by soil drainage reconstruction
- MESMER A Spatially Resolved Earth System Model Emulator
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Planning for the curation of MSR samples in a Sample Receiving Facility
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Rationale and Proposed Design for a Mars Sample Return (MSR) Science Program
- Magmatic to hydrothermal conditions in the transition from an A-type granite to a pegmatite in the Pikes Peak Batholith
- Martian Dichotomy: Impact-induced Crustal Production in Mantle Convection Models
- Meteoric 10Be/9Be as a Denudation Proxy in Fast-eroding Claystone Lithology
- MicroCT as a tool to improve the accuracy of cosmogenic 3He exposure dating in magnetite
- Microphysical Properties of Tropopause Cirrus Clouds during BATAL campaigns in India.
- Microplastic Water Repellency impacts Water Flow and Microplastic Transport in Soils
- Modal Analysis of Freestanding Rock Towers in Utah, USA
- Mode III vertical tearing controlled by the geometry-related dynamical instability and the rheology of oceanic subducting slab
- Modeling of Natural Hydraulic Fracturing in a Dehydrating Subducting Slab
- Modeling the drying of biofilms and mucilage distribution in porous media
- Multi-channel Coherency Migration (MCM) location algorithm: improving its computational efficiency and location accuracy
- Multi-year Drought Storylines for Western Europe and Central North America
- Natural climate variability is an important aspect of future projections of rain-on-snow events
- Near Surface properties of the InSight Mars landing site
- New geodynamic processes and phenomena discovered with numerical modeling: examples and recipes
- Nitrogen speciation in the terrestrial magma ocean at mantle conditions from ab initio simulations
- Nucleation Enhancement in Multicomponent Vapors: The Role of the Volatile Substance
- Observation of Inner Core Shear Waves with AlpArray
- Observations and Simulations of the Stable Water Isotope Signature of Convective Updrafts and Downdrafts Associated with Different Mesoscale Organization Patterns of Shallow Trade Wind Clouds
- Observing Avalanche Dynamics with Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Old Soils in Sub-Saharan Africa Contain Mostly Young Carbon
- On the Scale Dependence in the Dynamics of Frictional Rupture.
- On the detectability of mantle plumes using seismic arrays
- Ongoing carbon mineralization and peridotite alteration at the Oman Drilling Projects Multi-Borehole Observatory
- Operational Reservoir and Dam Monitoring and Forecasting System using Multi-Basin Model And Space Techniques in the Greater Mekong Region (GM-ResDam v1)
- Origins of the Olivine-rich Lavas from the April 1977 Eccentric Eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise and Karthala Volcanoes.
- Paleoseasonality of sea surface temperatures: Insights from the Eocene of Antarctica
- Pan-Arctic Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter: Synchronous Molecular Stability, Shifting Sources and Subsidies
- Parallel modeling of coupled processes: the recent development of TOUGH-FLAC
- Performance of existing models at forecasting seismicity rates during hydraulic fracturing stimulations
- Petrogenesis of the McDermitt Caldera magmas, northern Nevada and southern Oregon
- Potential Biogeophysical Effects from idealized Land Cover and Land Management Changes
- Prime Tower: Long-Term Monitoring, Mode Characterization and 6 Component (6C) Sensor Fusion from Detected Events using Accelerometer, High-Rate GNSS and Rotational Measurements recorded on a 132 m High Building in Switzerland.
- Probability of record-shattering climate extremes depends on rate of global warming
- Probing the state of felsic magma reservoirs through integrated magnetotelluric-petrological modelling
- Projected twenty-first century global glacier mass change using PyGEM and OGGM
- Properties of the top Forty Centimeters of the Martian soil From HP3 Mole Penetration and Thermal Conductivity Measurements
- Quantification of Mucilage Deposition and its Effect on Gas Transport in Porous Media
- Radiocarbon Constraints on the Sources and Cycling of Organic Carbon in Mackenzie Delta Lakes
- Reconciling 3-D Mantle Density Models using Recent Normal-Mode Measurements and Thermochemical Convection Modelling
- Reconstruction of the Global Carbon Cycle Fluxes from the Devonian to the Present
- Rheological controls on the self-consistent formation of Archean cratons in global convection models
- Robustness of the Bornite (Cu5FeS4) Rhenium-Osmium (187Re187Os) Geochronometer for the Quantification of Geological and Hydrothermal Processes Constraints from Microscale Spatial Distribution and Mineralogical Residency of Rhenium
- SANS: Publicly available daily seismic ambient noise source maps on a regional to global scale
- School Seismology in Nepal for Earthquake Risk Reduction
- Science and Governance Implications of Low Environmental Impact Outdoors Solar Geoengineering Experiments
- Seasonal variations of sub-surface seismic velocities observed by the SEIS-InSight seismometer on Mars
- Seismic Monitoring of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, SW Iceland
- Seismic array processing methods for snow avalanche characterization
- Seismic scattering in the Martian lithosphere: an analytical approach using InSight data
- Seismology on Mars: An analysis of direct, reflected and converted seismic body waves with implications for interior structure
- Sensitivity of Topography and Erosion Rate to Climate and Tectonic Forcing
- Shaping Earths mantle convection via strain-weakening rheology in the lower mantle.
- Single-crystal elasticity of antigorite at high pressures and seismic signature of subducted antigorite-bearing rocks
- Solar Noise in 40-year long Total Solar Irradiance Composite Time Series
- Spatial metabolic profiling in roots reveals plant specific responses to drought at the Biosphere 2 tropical rainforest
- Stable Water Isotope Signals in Tropical Ice Clouds in the West African Monsoon Simulated with a Regional Convection-Permitting Model
- Stochastic Forcing and Sediment Supply Affect Sediment Yields in a Debris-Flow Catchment
- Stratified Layer in Martian Mantle as a Consequence of Magma Ocean Overturn
- Stringent mitigation substantially reduces risk of unprecedented near-term warming rates
- Subglacial water flow routing taking uncertainties and supercooling effects into account
- Summertime Circumglobal Rossby Waves in Climate Models: Small Biases in Upper-level Circulation Create Substantial Biases in Surface Imprint
- Surface expression of a Himalayan-style corner collision: Insights from numerical thermo-mechanical models
- Temporal changes and dynamics of dryland ecosystem variables and their relation to aridity
- Testing Physics and Statics Based Hybrid ETAS Models
- The Bering Strait Was Flooded During Marine Isotope Stage 3: Evidence from Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Modeling
- The DEEP Project: Innovation for De-Risking Enhanced Geothermal Energy Projects
- The Dynamics of Forearc Back-arc Vertical Motion: Numerical Models and Observations from the Mediterranean
- The Earths energy budget, climate feedbacks, and climate sensitivity
- The Effect of Fault Roughness on Bare Fault Surfaces in Load-Controlled Biaxial Experiments
- The Electronic State of Iron in Peridotitic Glasses up to 172 GPa and Its Implications for Deep Magma Oceans
- The Influence of Hydrothermal Alteration on the Frictional Properties of Andesites from La Soufriere de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean)
- The Influence of a Realistic Crustal and Lithospheric Rheology on Venusian Resurfacing History and Global Tectonics: Implications from Global Geodynamic Models
- The Interplay Between Recycled and Primordial Heterogeneities: Predicting Earth Mantle Dynamics Via Numerical Modeling
- The Kids Arent Alright
- The Mesamavida Fault:A Seismogenic Fault in the Western Andean Front (WAF), Central Chile ( 36S)
- The Role of Water Chemistry on the Frictional Behavior of Carbonate Faults
- The Seismicity on Mars as recorded by InSights' Marsquake Service
- The effect of brittle-ductile weakening on the formation of detachment faults at ultraslow spreading ridges
- The effect of fault architecture on aseismic slip behavior in shale revealed by distributed fiber optic strain sensing
- The enigma of Venusian coronae
- The impact of drought-induced root and root hair shrinkage on root-soil contact: insights from high-resolution synchrotron X-ray CT
- The influence of drifting and blowing snow on surface (turbulent) mass- and energy exchange assessed with different methods
- The influence of ozone feedbacks on Final Stratospheric Warmings and their surface impact
- The influence of sediment accretion and transport on subduction zone dynamics.
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- The optimal depth of silicic subvolcanic magma chambers, a dynamic approach to the brittle-ductile transition
- The response of the ozone layer under abrupt 4xCO2 in CMIP6
- The role of irrigation to adapt agriculture to climate change
- The role of sub-hazards in tropical cyclone impact modelling now and in a changing climate
- The shallow and deep hypothesis: linking flow paths, biogeochemical reactions, and stream chemistry in the Critical Zone
- Three-dimensional microstructural analysis of MICP cemented sand samples
- Tight Coupling of Meltwater Addition and AMOC Slowdowns during the Penultimate Deglaciation
- To explode or not to explode? A magma chamber perspective on eruptive styles
- Towards Exploiting the DAS-Potential in Gradiometry: Combining DAS-Collected Divergence Measurements with Conventional Receiver Data
- Towards more robust future climate projections understanding and embracing the uncertainties in CMIP6 models
- Tracing volatile elements delivery on Earth with S, Se and Te
- Transform and passive margin subsidence history and stratigraphy: inferences from 3D thermo-mechanical and surface processes models
- Upscaling mixing-controlled reactions in unsaturated porous media
- Uptake of HCl and HNO3 on solid particles in potential solar geoengineering scenarios: experiments and modeling
- Urban Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Bern, Switzerland: Observations and Modelling
- Using Sensitivity Kernels to Untangle Basin Path and Site Amplification Effects
- Validation of GGMplus and CHGeo2004 Using Observed Deflection of the Vertical Data from QDaedalus and CODIAC Systems in the Mountainous Terrain of the Surses Region, Switzerland
- Velocity-Driven Frictional Sliding: Coarsening and Steady-State Pulses
- VenSpec-H: an Infrared Spectrometer to Study Venus' Activity
- WCB Characteristics and Impacts and how they are interrelated in ERA5
- Water weakening of sandstones fracture toughness and static friction: experimental constraint on the brittle strength
- What drives primary production phenology in large mesotrophic lakes?
- What makes this catchment so dynamic? Lessons learned in the Alptal, central Switzerland, during summer floods of 2021
- Widespread thermal acclimation of canopy photosynthesis
- 100 Giant Alaska Landslides
- 3D Lithospheric Strength Variation Controls on Far-Field and Syntaxial Orogens: Inferences from the Himalayas and Comparison with Model Results
- 3D Spherical Mantle Convection Models illuminate the Coupled Preservation of Recycled and Primordial Heterogeneity in Earth's Lower Mantle
- A Deep Catalogue of Marsquakes
- A Deep First Motion Polarity Focal Mechanism Catalogue for Switzerland
- A Global Study of Dust Devils on Mars using Neural Networks and Zooniverse
- A Shifty Toba Magma Reservoir: Zircon Geochemistry Constraints on the Build-up to Four Caldera-forming Eruptions
- A Siderastrea siderea Coral from Flower Garden Banks Records Human Impacts as a Candidate for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the Anthropocene
- A multi-mission study of interstellar dust in the heliosphere: observations and simulations
- Accelerated organic carbon mobilization from thaw slumps on the Taymyr Peninsula quantified using remote sensing
- Acceleration of Aerosol Particle Photochemistry Due to Optical Confinement
- Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: Hydroclimate of the Common Era
- Annual Precipitation Explains Variability in Dryland Vegetation Greenness Globally but not Locally
- Anticipating SWOT Water and Wetland Phenomenology using airborne Ka-band SAR from AirSWOT
- Aquatic Biomass is a Major Overlooked Source to Particulate Organic Matter Export in Large Arctic Rivers
- Assessing the Sensitivity of the Warm Rain Initiation Process to Key Physical Properties for Accurate Representation in Earth System Models
- Balloon-borne and Satellite Observations of the New Mexico PyroCb Plumes during the DCOTSS 2022 Field Campaign
- Belowground Carbon Density of Lowland Colombian Peatlands
- Calibration of Phase-Field Models with Experimental Data of Anisotropic Rock
- Changes in ocean acidification extreme events over the past four decades
- Climate and soil mineral controls on global radiocarbon profiles
- ClimateBench: A benchmark for data-driven climate projections
- Combining Local, Regional and Global Funding for Large Infrastructure Programs: the Examples of EPOS and InSight
- Combining Microbial DNA and Lipids to Track Glacial/Interglacial Environmental and Climate Changes: the Case of Lake Fucino.
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Composition and Reactivity of Volatile Organic Compounds in the South Coast Air Basin and San Joaquin Valley of California
- Constraining the projected changes in compound hot and dry extremes in CMIP6 simulations
- Contrasting Carbon Functions of Colombia's Palm Swamp and White Sand Peatlands
- Controlling for Canopy Leaf Area Homogenizes Transpiration Responses of Five Southern Pine Species to Variation in Atmospheric and Soil Moisture Conditions
- Coronal Up- & and Downflows in Hinode/EIS seen by Solar Orbiter EUI
- Coupled effects of drought and salinity on soil-plant hydraulics
- Coupled indoor-outdoor aerosol mass, composition, and size measurements from a residential home in Fairbanks, Alaska during ALPACA 2022
- Crustal Structure Constraints from the Detection of the SsPp Phase on Mars
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- Determination of atmospheric parameters from globally crowdsourced GNSS data
- Developing Low-likelihood Climate Storylines for Extreme Precipitation
- Diamond as an alternative to sulfate for Stratospheric Aerosol Injection.
- Discussion on seismically triggered avalanches on Mars
- Disentangling abiotic and biotic drivers of plant nutrient resorption efficiencies at global scales
- Distributed Subsea Fiber-Optical Sensing along the Calving Front of a Greenlandic Tidewater Glacier
- Drought Sensitivity of Gross Primary Productivity for Water- vs. Energy-Limited Ecosystems
- Ecosystem-scale downregulation on biochemical process outweighs biophysical process in response to soil water stress
- Effect of Methanol on the Crystallization of Primordial Oceans and the Thermal Evolution of Large Icy Moons
- Effects of Long-Term Dipole Evolution on Sudden Commencement and Regional GIC Risk
- Emergence of multiple feedbacks in the extreme and persistent warmth over Siberia in 2020
- Environmental Implications of a Net-Zero Chemical Industry
- Estimating vegetation relative water content from passive microwave observations of vegetation optical depth
- Evaluating Inter-laboratory Bias in ID-TIMS U-Pb Geochronology: Preliminary Results of an EARTHTIME Reproducibility Experiment Employing Natural Zircon Solutions
- Evaluating the Plausible Range of N2O Biosignatures on ExoEarths: Flux-Abundance Relationships and Simulated Spectra for FGKM Main Sequence Stars
- Experimental constraints on the fO2 dependence of the olivine-clinopyroxene cotectic crystallisation in hydrous arc magmas
- Exploring DAS as a Tool for Earthquake Monitoring in Urban Environments
- Exploring distributions of mineral-associated organic carbon age and chemical composition across diverse soil mineralogies
- Exploring the role of the Pacific Ocean and Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Late Pleistocene global climate
- Explosion monitoring on planetary surface with atmosphere: comparison between Mars and Earth.
- Fast and Automated Global-scale Waveform Inversion
- Fault roughness's influence on experimental fault mechanical behavior
- Fiber-optic Monitoring of a Volcanic Eruption: Fagradalsfjall, Iceland
- Fiber-optic sensing of volcanic tremor on a natural amplifier system
- FieldSafe: Building Inclusive and Safe Field Teams
- First observations of seismic waves travelling through the Martian core
- Flow Heterogeneity Controls Geologic Dissolution Hotspots in Porous Media
- Fluid-Driven Transport of Round Sediment Particles: From Discrete Simulations to Continuum Modeling
- Foraminifera-Bound Organic Matter Nitrogen Isotopic Composition Records Marine Environmental Perturbations Across the Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary
- Forearc Permeability and Fluid Flow in the Deep Slow Slip and Tremor Source Region: Insights From an Exhumed HP-LT Veined Sequence (Cycladic Blueschist, Greece)
- Forest structure analysis and above-ground biomass prediction in a European temperate forest via UAV-LiDAR, DL methods and spatial statistics.
- Forward and inverse theory for phase transmission fiber optics
- Free surface methods applied to global scale numerical geodynamic models
- Frictional weakening leads to unconventional singularities during laboratory earthquakes
- From understanding which seasons' precipitation is used by vegetation to understanding which it is sustained by: Leveraging long time series of streamflow Oxygen-18 data to understand the time-varying fate of precipitation in terrestrial ecosystems
- Full Waveform Inversion Modelling for Seismic Hazard : Focus on the Aegean Region.
- Glacier Loss and Vegetation Expansion Alters Organic and Inorganic Carbon Dynamics in Alpine Streams
- Global High-resolution Total Water Storage Anomalies from Assimilating GRACE Measurements and Hydrological Simulations using Deep Learning Algorithms
- Global Transition-Zone Topography and Elastic Properties From Normal-Mode Tomography and Their Implications for Compositional Heterogeneity
- High-Resolution Seismic Tomography across Hengill Geothermal Field in SW-Iceland using a Large-N Nodal Array
- How Do Equally Spaced Valleys Initiate? A Stability Theory for Fluvial Landscapes
- Hydro-Chemo-Mechanical Modeling of Fluid Chimney Formation During Geological Sequestration
- Hydromechanical Model Shows that Pockmarks in the Chatham Rise-Bounty Trough May Have Released Significant Volumes of Geologic CO2 During the Last Glacial Termination
- Hygroscopic and mass measurements of single sea salt aerosol particles using optical trapping
- IGM, a data assimilation and Glacier Evolution Model Accelerated by Deep-learning and GPU
- Imaging and Monitoring High-Temperature Geothermal Reservoirs with Seismic Noise Interferometry
- Impact ionization dust detection with compact, hollow and fluffy dust analogs
- Impact of biofilm permeability field on flow and transport in three-dimensional porous media: A stochastic study
- Improving Measurement Uncertainty Reporting for Atmospheric Composition Measurements to Enhance Data Interoperability and Usability
- Influence of Solid-Fluid Interactions and Dilatancy on Seismic Cycles in a Poro-Visco-Elasto-Plastic Fault Structure
- Influence of viscous fluids in the nucleation of spontaneous frictional ruptures.
- Internal variability of surface solar radiation under different background climate states
- Interstellar Probe: a Goldmine for Interstellar Dust Research and Synergies with Heliosphere Science
- Intraday Probabilistic Photovoltaic Power Forecasts Based on Satellite-Derived Cloudiness
- Investigating the Doublet Pool Thumping Cycle in Yellowstone National Park through temporal nodal deployments
- Investigating the Effect of Soil Chemistry and Climate on GDGT Climate Proxies (MBT'5ME, TEX86), Using 6 Globally distributed Altitudinal Gradients.
- Investigating the Fast Timescales of Polar Amplification
- Is Your Ensemble of CMIP6 Models Consistent with IPCC AR6?
- Laboratory Observations Linking Fault Surface Characteristics to the Onset and Evolution of Frictional Sliding and Off-fault Damage
- Lattice model of bed load sediment transport based on collective entrainment
- Linking Wildfire Models with Catchment Scale Soil and Hydrologic Response
- Lithospheric Structure of Hyderabad India Revealed by Multi-observable Probabilistic Inversion
- Locating the largest event observed on Mars with multi-orbit surface waves
- Location of Meteoroid Impacts on Mars Using Seismic and Acoustic Waves Data From InSight
- Long-range Noise Correlation Modeling for Seismic Velocity Monitoring of Fault Zones.
- Magmatic Differentiation vs Contamination in Arc Plutons: A new in situ perspective based on Sr isotopes in plagioclase from Adamello (Italy)
- Maintaining open-system conditions in persistently active volcanoes requires magma recirculation
- Maximum Land Surface Temperatures under a Changing Climate: Modeling and Global Scale Analyses
- Megathrust Deformation along Sediment-Rich- vs. Poor Subduction Margins - Examples from the Chugach Accretionary Prism, Alaska (USA)
- Metamorphism, Deformation, and Exhumation of the Blueschist-Greenschist Unit in Seldovia, Alaska
- Microwave Frequency Fiber Interferometry (MFFI): A Promising Technique for Earthquake detection in Commercially Deployed Cables
- Mid-mantle Structure of the Yellowstone Plume Imaged Using Box Tomography
- Modeling Earth's mantle evolution using olivine and bridgmanite grain growth parameters
- Modeling Seismogenic Glacier Basal Sliding under Varying Hydraulic Conditions
- Modeling Subduction Interface Shear Zone Seismic Anisotropy and Resulting Receiver Functions
- Modes of Ice Nucleation Relevant for the Upper Troposphere
- Moist heatwave: a concern on workability and survivability in India
- New Land- vs. Ocean based Global Mean Temperature Reconstructions reveal high consistency except for early 20th Century Ocean Cold Anomaly
- New Non-Invasive Technique for Monitoring Canopy-Scale Water Content Offers Additional Constraint on the Hysteresis of Vegetation Stress
- New Perspective on Seismo-Hydrology
- Norman L. Bowen Lecture 1 - The Formation of Continental Crust by Crustal Distillation: An Experimental Perspective
- Numerically Modelling Along-strike Rheologic Variations in 3D Subduction Zones
- Ocean Tide-load Adjoint Sensitivity in 3D
- Opportunities to Directly Observe the Interaction of Interstellar Dust with our Heliosphere with an Interstellar Probe
- Optical Fibers Listen to the Death Sounds of Glaciers
- Origin and Early Evolution of Volatile Elements on Earth Inferred From Mantle Krypton and Xenon Signatures
- Origin of Nighttime Magnetic Pulsations on Mars Surface
- Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modelling
- Oxidation of Reduced Peat Particulate Organic Matter by Dissolved Oxygen - Combining Laboratory with In Situ Studies
- Oxidized Gas-Phase Products and New Particle Formation from the Application of Selected Personal Care Products
- Partitioning of heat-producing elements and iron valence distribution between a deep pyrolitic magma ocean and its first solid cumulates
- Peering into Permanently Shadowed Regions on the Moon using Machine Learning
- Permafrost Monitoring on Mt. Zugspitze (Germany): Can We Derive Rock Temperatures in Space and Time with Passive Seismic Monitoring?
- Plant access to belowground moisture allows sustained evapotranspiration during drought
- Prediction of Regional Soil Moisture Dynamics Using Deep Leaning Techniques
- Probing the Unfathomable: Ensemble Boosting for Physical Climate Storylines of Unseen Heat Extremes Such as the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave
- Quantifying Continental Collision Dynamics for Alpine-style Orogens
- Quantifying the physical processes leading to atmospheric hot extremes at a global scale
- Radiocarbon Measurements of Soil Density Fractions Represent Powerful Constraints on Carbon Turnover: A Case Study of Swiss Forest Soils
- Recent Developments and Future Directions in Phytoplankton-based Records of Cenozoic pCO2
- Reconstructing Interannual Variability in Regional Climate from Water Isotope Sampling of the Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Reservoir operation variations in Alpine catchments: a reconstruction using generalized additive models
- Rheology Controls the Spontaneous Formation of an Internal Shear Band on Rough Beds
- Risks and benefits of stratospheric solid particle injection for climate intervention
- River Response to the 2009 Typhoon Morakot Dictated by Tectonic History, Landscape Steepness
- Rupture renormalization from large to small earthquakes for rough faults
- SANS: Daily Global Seismic Ambient Noise Source Maps
- SISAL Speleothem Database Updates - Link to Monitoring Data, Additional Proxies and Increased Accessibility
- Scattering of Ice Components in Pluto's Haze
- Seismic Full-waveform Inversion of the Crust-mantle Structure beneath China and Adjacent Regions
- Seismic Noise Interferometry for Phase Transmission Fibre Optics
- Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight
- Seismo-Tectonic Context of Cerberus Fossae, Mars.
- Seismology on Mars: Analysis and Identification of Body-Waves with Implications for Martian Structure
- Sensitivity Analysis of Western U.S. Velocities from Daily GNSS Displacements
- Shattered veins elucidate brittle creep processes in the deep slow slip and tremor region
- Stalagmite record of Indian Summer Monsoon variability during Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Stalagmite-inferred European westerly drift with centennial-scale variability in marine isotope stage 5a
- Standardization of Eddy Covariance Measurements: Role of Setup, Calculation and Filtering
- Storm types and antecedent conditions during local and regional floods in the United States
- Structural Mapping of the Eclogite Zone, Tauern Window: Implications for the rheology of the subduction zone interface
- Synthetic Modeling of Multi-Offset GPR and Seismic Data for Void and Buried Rock Detection on the Moon
- Terrestrial Radar Interferometry on the Juneau Icefield
- The 2020 Westmorland, California earthquake swarm as aftershocks of a slow slip event sustained by fluid flow
- The 2021 Stratospheric Aerosol Layer: Comparison of Model Results and Observations
- The DOLPHIN Mission Concept and Unique Opportunities in 2030 to Probe Dust-Heliosphere Interactions
- The Effects of Soil Texture on Transpiration Losses During Drought: A Field Study of Three Oak Forests in Southern Switzerland
- The Evolution of Isotope Heterogeneities in Early Earth: A Geodynamic Perspective
- The Global Energy Balance as Represented in CMIP6 Climate Models
- The Origin of Asymmetrical Coronae on Venus: Morphology Classification and 3D Thermo-Mechanical Models of Plume-Margin Interactions
- The effect of grain size reduction for the origin of the mid-lithosphere discontinuity
- The role of cyclones and potential vorticity cutoffs for the occurrence of unusually long wet spells in Europe
- The social component: Understanding the public perspective for the development of EEW systems across Central America
- Thermochemical maps reveal persistent stagnation of plumes and slabs in the mantle transition zone
- Three-dimensional waveform model of seismic speed for uppermost lithosphere of the Arabian-Eurasian collision zone using full waveform inversion
- Threshold for Volcanic Climate Warming via Feedbacks on SO2 Emissions
- Time-resolved biofilm-porous media permeability fields and control on fluid flow velocities
- Towards National Public Earthquake Early Warning Systems across Central America.
- Towards a Deep-Learning based Inventory of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps across the Arctic
- Towards a Digital Twin on Geophysical Extremes
- Towards performance portability and productive performance engineering for global cloud-resolving Earth system models on large supercomputers
- Transformational Faulting in the Lab, Implications for the Slab
- Tropical Peatland Mapping using Earth Observation
- Tropical soil carbon storage as a nature based solution for climate mitigation: When missing understanding for tropical soil genesis meets socio-economic and agronomic reality
- Understanding The Influence Of Natural Climate Variability On Monsoon (Kharif) Cereal Crops In India
- Understanding complex seismicity produced by simple uniform seismic asperities in 3D
- Urban Shallow Subsurface Imaging and Hazard Assessment with Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Athens, Greece
- Variations of the System Properties of a High-Rise Building over 1 Year using a Single Station 6C Approach.
- Volcanic Event Characterization with Fiber-Optic Sensing.
- Volcanic Trigger of Northeast Pacific Deoxygenation during Cordilleran Ice Sheet Retreat
- What Marsquakes Tell Us About Impact Rates on Mars
- What can Glacier Beds tell us about Earthquake Nucleation?
- Which picker fits my data? A quantitative evaluation of deep learning based seismic pickers
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Joshua West
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. Mittelholz
- A. N. Zhukov
- A. R. Poppe
- A. Rius
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adam Varble
- Adonis Bogris
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Aigen Li
- Akihiko Ito
- Alan C Mix
- Alan Fried
- Alba González-Lanchas
- Alba Zappone
- Alberto Michelini
- Alec Paschalis
- Alejandro Di Luca
- Alexander Grayver
- Alexander Nauels
- Alexandra G. Konings
- Alexandros Savvaidis
- Alexey Kuvshinov
- Alfredo Martínez‐García
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Alisson Gounon
- Allison Jaynes
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Amilcare Porporato
- Amir AghaKouchak
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrea Carminati
- Andrea Giuliani
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andreas Musolff
- Andreas Schmittner
- Andrei Osiptsov
- Andrew Curtis
- Andrew Robison
- Andries Jan de Vries
- Andréa Di Muro
- Andy Aschwanden
- Andy Baker
- Andy Ridgwell
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Angela Gallego‐Sala
- Angeline G. Pendergrass
- Ankit Barik
- Ann Pearson
- Anna Gülcher
- Anna Horleston
- Anna M. Ukkola
- Annabel Wolf
- Anne Gold
- Antoine Lucas
- Antonio Pio Rinaldi
- Antonio Salazar Vásquez
- Arefeh Moarefvand
- Arya Udry
- Aryeh Feinberg
- Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
- Athanasios Nenes
- Attila Balázs
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Avni Malhotra
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- B. Banerdt
- B. K. Holtzman
- B. L. Konecky
- B. L. N. Kennett
- B. P. Lipovsky
- B. R. Markle
- Barbara Cavalazzi
- Barbara Romanowicz
- Barnaby Fryer
- Beata Orlecka‐Sikora
- Belén Martrat
- Benchun Duan
- Benedikt Soja
- Benjamin D. Stocker
- Benjamin F. Zaitchik
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Benjamin J. Henley
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benoît Tauzin
- Bernard Marty
- Betti Hegyi
- Björn Stevens
- Blandine Gardonio
- Bo Zhang
- Boriana Chtirkova
- Brandi Carrier
- Brian A. Haley
- Brian J. Yanites
- Brian Jackson
- Brian Menounos
- Brice Lecampion
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- C. Gillmann
- C. Giunchi
- C. Hain
- C. J. Davies
- C. Keegan
- C. M. Dundas
- C. M. Lisse
- C. Perrin
- C. R. Jones
- C. T. Russell
- C. Warneke
- Caitlyn Witkowski
- Camilla Cattania
- Camille Minaudo
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Carolina Giorgetti
- Caroline Beghein
- Caroline Bouvet de Maisonneuve
- Carolyn M. Tewksbury-Christle
- Carène Larmat
- Cathy Hohenegger
- Cecilia Durán
- Chao Liu
- Chao Lyu
- Charitra Jain
- Cheng‐Nan Liu
- Chet Hopp
- Chi Hung Yan
- Chloé Michaut
- Chris Marone
- Christian Huber
- Christian Onof
- Christiane Schmullius
- Christiane Voigt
- Christina L. Belanger
- Christine M. McKenna
- Christine Thomas
- Christoforos Pappas
- Christoph Müller
- Christoph Schär
- Christopher J. Smith
- Chuan–Chou Shen
- Chun‐Yu Ke
- Ciaran J. Harman
- Clara Deser
- Clara Orbe
- Clarke DeLisle
- Claudio Faccenna
- Clay Tabor
- Colin Tully
- Constantin M. Zohner
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Corentin Caudron
- Corentin Noël
- Cédric Schmelzbach
- D. C. Bowden
- D. F. Hurst
- D. Malaspina
- Daisuke Tokuda
- Dan H. Shugar
- Dan J. Bower
- Dani Or
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel Farinotti
- Daniel J. Lunt
- Daniel Melnick
- Daniel P. Glavin
- Daniel S. Goll
- Daniela Brito Melo
- Daniela I. V. Domeisen
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Daniele Brunelli
- Dario Papale
- David A. May
- David Dralle
- David McGee
- David Mimoun
- David N. Bresch
- David Rounce
- David S. Kammer
- Deepti Singh
- Demetris Koutsoyiannis
- Diego Villanueva
- Dmitry I. Garagash
- Domenico Giardini
- Dominik Gräff
- Donald R. Blake
- Dongyang Huang
- Doyeon Kim
- Duncan Watson-Parris
- E. C. Apel
- E. Marteau
- E. S. Cochran
- Edward W. Schwieterman
- Eileen Martin
- Elena Leonarduzzi
- Eliza Harris
- Elías Rafn Heimisson
- Emily H. G. Cooperdock
- Eric Deal
- Eric Kirby
- Erich M. Fischer
- Erin Dougherty
- Erin K. Bessette-Kirton
- Ermias Aynekulu
- Ernst Willingshofer
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Eva P. S. Eibl
- Evgenii Kanin
- F. Abdulghafur
- F. C. Lin
- F. L. Vernon
- F. Nimmo
- Fabien Maussion
- Federica Lanza
- Federico D. Munch
- Fei Luo
- Felix Gerick
- Finn Løvholt
- Flavio Lehner
- Florent Brenguier
- Florian Mekhaldi
- Florian Soom
- Foivos Karakostas
- Francesco Comola
- Francesco Grigoli
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- Francien Peterse
- Frank N. Keutsch
- Frederik Tilmann
- Freysteinn Sigmundsson
- Friedemann Samrock
- Frédéric Deschamps
- Frédéric Herman
- Frédérick Massin
- Fulden Batıbeniz
- G. Ricker
- Gabriel Chiodo
- Gabriel Spreitzer
- Gabriela Martins Sophia
- Gabriele Manoli
- Gaël Kermarrec
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Gilda Currenti
- Govindasamy Bala
- Gregor J. Golabek
- Gregory C. McLaskey
- Grégory Duveiller
- Guido Grosse
- Gustau Camps‐Valls
- György Hetényi
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. R. Barnard
- Hang Wen
- Hanlin Chen
- Hanna Joos
- Hans W. Linderholm
- Hans‐Peter Bunge
- Hardi Peter
- Heather Graven
- Heidi Nepf
- Heiner Igel
- Helen McGregor
- Helen W. Beeson
- Henri Samuel
- Hideo Shiogama
- Hilary R. Martens
- Hongrui Qiu
- Hongyu Liu
- Hsiang-Wen Hsu
- Hua Zhang
- Hyongki Lee
- Hyungjun Kim
- I. J. Daubar
- Ian Bailey
- Iason Grigoratos
- Ilja van Meerveld
- Inne Vanderkelen
- Isabella Schalko
- Isla R. Simpson
- J. A. Richardson
- J. B. Garvin
- J. B. Gilman
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. E. Mound
- J. Helbert
- J. M. Guerrero
- J. Mao
- J. P. Chittenden
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. P. Lowman
- J. Peischl
- J. R. Szalay
- J. S. Stoner
- J. Taylor Perron
- J. W. McClelland
- Jaime Caballer Revenga
- Jaime S. Crouse
- Jakub Śliwiński
- James Andrew Leong
- James Badro
- James Holmes
- James Keeble
- James W. Kirchner
- Jamie Farrell
- Jason P. Evans
- Jay R. Alder
- Jean Soubestre
- Jean-Philippe Montillet
- Jean‐Paul Vernier
- Jean‐Philippe Nicot
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeffrey R. Moore
- Jenny Suckale
- Jens M. Turowski
- Jeremy G. Venditti
- Jeremy McGibbon
- Jeroen van Hunen
- Jesse Farmer
- Jessenia Gonzalez
- Jessica L. Oster
- Jessica V. Fayne
- Jesús Muñoz-Montecinos
- Jiacheng Tian
- Jianghui Du
- Jiangong Liu
- Jianlin Zhao
- Jiaqi Li
- Jida Wang
- Jincheng Ma
- Joachim Wassermann
- Joaquín Jiménez‐Martínez
- Joel Zeder
- Joeri Brackenhoff
- Joeri Rogelj
- John B. Nowak
- John C. Gosse
- John Clinton
- John Dunne
- John P. Brodholt
- John T. Fasullo
- Jonas Igel
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jonathan D. Slavin
- Jonathan F. Donges
- Jonathan Jung
- Jonathan P. Warnock
- Jorge Macías
- Joseph Eggington
- Joshua B. Fisher
- José Guitián
- Juan Carlos Afonso
- Julia Perdrial
- Julia Pongratz
- Julie Granger
- Julie K. Lundquist
- Julie Lattaud
- June‐Yi Lee
- Junle Jiang
- Junyang Gou
- Justin Erwin
- Jyotirmoy Paul
- Jérôme Dujardin
- Jörg Klausen
- Jörn Behrens
- K. Dialynas
- K. F. Tiampo
- K. R. Johnson
- Kai Deng
- Kai Kornhuber
- Karin van der Wiel
- Katarzyna Tokarska
- Katinka Tuinstra
- Katrina D. Gelwick
- Kenneth Hurst
- Kenneth P. Bowman
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Kerry Emanuel
- Kerry Leith
- Keurfon Luu
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kira Rehfeld
- Korbinian Sager
- Kristel Chanard
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Kristopher M. Bedka
- Krittanon Sirorattanakul
- Krzysztof Barczynski
- Kyle C. Armour
- Kyle G. Pressel
- L. C. Smith
- L. K. Harra
- L. Mejnertsen
- L. P. Chitta
- L. Teriaca
- Lara F. Pérez
- Larisa Tarasova
- Lars Gebraad
- Laura Ermert
- Laura Meredith
- Laurie Menviel
- Lazaro J. Perez
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- Leif Tokle
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- Leila Mizrahi
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- Li Hu
- Li Li
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- Long Cao
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- Lukas Gudmundsson
- Lukas Jonkers
- Lukas Papritz
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Luuk van Agtmaal
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- M. Khoshmanesh
- M. Krämer
- M. M. M. Meier
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- M. P. Panning
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Mana Gharun
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- Manuela Irene Brunner
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- Maureen E Raymo
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- Michelle Almakari
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- Mingqi Liu
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- Mostafa Kiani Shahvandi
- Márcia Maia
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- Olivier Poch
- On Ki Angel Ling
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- P. J. Polissar
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- Pascal Edme
- Patrick A. Rafter
- Paul Antony Selvadurai
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- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
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- Ryosuke Ando
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- Sophie F. von Fromm
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- Ulrich K. Krieger
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- Zebedee Nicholls
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- É. Beucler
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- É. Stutzmann
- Νikolaos S. Melis