ETH Zurich, Swiss Seismological Service
flowchart I[ETH Zurich, Swiss Seismological Service] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (217)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (34)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Software Tool for Quantitative Seismicity Analysis - ZMAP
- An European-Mediterranean Regional Moment Tensor Catalog - the Year 2000
- Efficient 3D Hybrid Ray-FD Modeling for Elastic Media with Locally Complex Structures
- New Unified Seismic Hazard Model for the European-Mediterranean Region
- Probabilistic Forecast of Earthquakes Using Spatially Variable b-Values
- Testing and Implementation of Real Time Probabilistic Aftershock Hazard Mapping
- 3D Finite-Difference Modeling of Strong Ground Motion in the Upper Rhine Graben - 1356 Basel Earthquake
- Automatic Moment Tensor Inversion in the European-Mediterranean Region
- Quantitative Mapping of Precursory Seismic Quiescence Before Large Aftershocks
- Seismicity Anomalies Preceding the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake: A Quantitative Analysis and Implications for Earthquake Hazard
- Source Parameters of European Intraplate Earthquakes
- Correlating Seismicity and Subsidence in the Tokai Region, Central Japan
- Probabilistic earthquake location and 3-D velocity models in routine earthquake location
- Regional Moment Tensor Inversion With Application to the 2003 Algeria Earthquake
- 3-D Local Earthquake Tomography Within The Marmara Sea Region
- B-Value Mapping of the Yellowstone Volcanic and Hydrothermal System
- Linking Earthquake Size Distribution to Stress
- Prospective Tests of Southern California Earthquake Forecasts
- QuakeML - An XML Schema for Seismology
- The Role of Stress in Causing High b-Value Regions in Aftershock Zones
- Using b-values as Stressmeter to Forecast Future Rupture Areas
- Characterization of the Central Costa Rican Pacific Seismogenic Zone from an ``Amphibious'' Local Seismological Network
- Correlating Aftershock Hypocenters With On-fault Main Shock Properties: Introducing Non-standard Statistical Tests
- Probabilistic Estimates of Monitoring Completeness of Seismic Networks
- Regional moment tensor inversion of Iranian earthquakes with Iranian broadband data
- Seismicity and structure of the central Cascadia shallow megathrust
- T-RELM: Testing Center for Probabilistic Earthquake Forecasts
- Rapid Moment Tensor Solutions for Switzerland and Europe
- Shaking and Sliding: Timing, Magnitudes and Locations of Paleoearthquakes Revealed by Slope Instabilities in Lakes.
- A Method for Real-Time Magnitude Estimation from Inversion of Displacement Spectra
- A new Tool for Estimating Losses due to Earthquakes: QUAKELOSS2
- Calibrating and Implementing the Virtual Seismologist Approach for Earthquake Early Warning in Switzerland
- Investigations of Icequake Source Physics - Assessing the Link Between Englacial Fracturing and Glacial Floods.
- Long-period Amplification by Two-Dimensional Resonance in a Deep Alpine Valley
- Loss Estimates in Scenario Mode may Help to Harden Those in Real-Time: Repeat of the 1356 Basel Earthquake as an Example
- New Ground Motion Prediction Equations Spanning Weak and Strong Ground Motion Levels
- QuakeML: XML for Seismological Data Exchange and Resource Metadata Description
- Seismicity Induced by Water Injection for Geothermal Reservoir Stimulation 5 km Below the City of Basel, Switzerland
- ShakeMaps at the Swiss Seismological Service: Current Status, Innovations, and Outlook
- Testing the Daily Predictive Power of Clustered Seismicity Models on the 1992 Landers Aftershock Sequence
- The Effect of Clustering Algorithms on Aftershock Productivity and Foreshock Rates
- The Euro-Med Testing Center: Testing in a Highly Heterogeneous Environment
- 3-D P-wave velocity structure and seismicity in Central Costa Rica from Local Earthquake Tomography using an amphibic network
- A Global Probability-based Magnitude of Completeness (PMC) Study
- Automatic P- and S-Phase Picker for High-Resolution Local Source Tomography: Application to the Alpine Region
- Effects of the Yellowstone hotspot and plume on the western U.S.
- QuakeML: Recent Development and First Applications of the Community-Created Seismological Data Exchange Standard
- Real-Time and Off-Line Performance of the Virtual Seismologist Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm in California and Switzerland
- Simulation studies on the differences between spontaneous and triggered seismicity and on foreshock probabilities
- CISN ShakeAlert: Three Years of Comparative Real-Time Earthquake Early Warning Testing in California
- Characterization of synthetic seismicity distributions with spatially fractal properties
- Compilation of a combined controlled source seismology (CSS) and local earthquake tomography (LET) three dimensional (3D), P-wave model of the lithosphere in the greater Alpine region
- Dynamic fault rupture model of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake, Japan; Role of rupture velocity changes on extreme ground motions
- Enhanced Geothermal Systems in Urban Areas - Lessons Learned from the 2006 Basel ML3.4 Earthquake
- Geodynamics of the Yellowstone Hotspot and Mantle Plume: Seismic and GPS Imaging, Kinematics, and Mantle Flow
- Hot Dry Rock Induced Seismicity - Latest results from Basel, Switzerland
- ML versus Mw, earthquake scaling, and source parameter variations in Switzerland
- Propagating Uncertainties from Source Model Estimations to Coulomb Stress Changes
- Sensitivity study of forecasted aftershock seismicity based on Coulomb stress calculation and rate- and state-dependent frictional response (Invited)
- Testing the Predictive Power of Coulomb Stress on Aftershock Sequences
- The dynamic rupture and near source ground motion characteristics of thrust, normal and vertical strike slip faults under different tectonic loading regimes
- Uncertainties and resolution limits of spectral source property estimation
- A high and low noise model for strong motion accelerometers
- Bayesian Estimation of the Spatially Varying Completeness Magnitude of Earthquake Catalogs
- CISN ShakeAlert: Faster Warning Information Through Multiple Threshold Event Detection in the Virtual Seismologist (VS) Early Warning Algorithm
- Dynamics of iceberg detachment and mélange motion during the August 21, 2009, calving event at Jakobshavn Isbræ
- Earthquake Clusters - Slow Decay when Hot and Slippery at Depth?
- Identifying active faults in Switzerland using relocated earthquake catalogs and optimal anisotropic dynamic clustering
- Investigating the Seismic Response of a Large Rock Slope Instability (Randa, VS)
- Retrospective Evaluation of the Long-Term CSEP-Italy Earthquake Forecasts
- Seismic observations of long-period ocean waves generated by calving icebergs, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland
- Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Alpine Icequakes During Three Seasons of Glacier-Dammed Lake Drainages: Gornergletscher Switzerland
- The Swiss Seismological Service in Greenland: Network Building and Research Initiatives
- The seismic signature of rockslides: a review of events in the Central Alps
- Three-dimensional fluid mapping and earthquake probabilities for induced seismicity sequences
- A probabilistic framework for hazard assessment and mitigation of induced seismicity related to deep geothermal systems
- An Exponential Detection Function to Describe Earthquake Frequency-Magnitude Distributions Below Completeness
- CISN ShakeAlert: Improving the Virtual Seismologist (VS) earthquake early warning framework to provide faster, more robust warning information
- Dynamic rupture modeling of the 2011 M9 Tohoku earthquake with an unstructured 3D spectral element method
- Earthquake Monitoring: SeisComp3 at the Swiss National Seismic Network
- High fluid pressure and triggered earthquakes in the enhanced geothermal system in Basel, Switzerland
- High precision earthquake source and wave properties of the Yellowstone volcanic-tectonic system using automated seismic waveform analysis
- Interplate seismicity at the CRISP site: the 2002 Osa earthquake sequence
- Investigating Different Aspects of Supershear Rupture Speed to Constraint Earthquake Source Models
- Investigating the reliability of kinematic source inversion with dynamic rupture models
- Joint inversion of teleseismic and GOCE gravity data : Application to the Himalayas
- Macroscopic Source Properties from Dynamic Rupture Styles in Plastic Media
- Optimization of a Large-scale Microseismic Monitoring Network in Northern Switzerland
- Revisiting Seismicity Associated with the 'Loose Tooth' of the Amery
- Rupture characteristics of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake inferred from back-projection of Rayleigh waves
- Seismic Amplification in Unstable Rock Slopes and the Role of Compliant Fractures
- The 2005 Nicobar-Island Earthquake Swarm from Teleseismic Double-Difference Locations: Post-2004 Megathrust Back-Arc Transtension along the Sumatra Fault
- The Importance of Small Aftershocks for Earthquake Triggering
- The effects of artificially impounded water on tide gauge measurements of sea level over the last century
- Toward source characterization of local supershear ruptures in dip-slip faults
- Towards Adjoint Finite Source Inversion: Application to the 2011 M9 Tohoku Earthquake
- Understanding earthquake source processes with spatial random field models
- AlpArray - a broad(band) seismology initiative on the European Alps
- Combining statistical and physics-based methods for predicting induced seismic hazard during reservoir stimulation
- Crustal Velocity Structure and Seismicity of the Yellowstone Volcanic Field from Automated Waveform Analysis of P- and S-wave Data of Yellowstone Earthquakes from 1984-2012
- Distribution and Characteristics of Repeating Earthquakes in Northern California
- Estimating the detectability of faults in 3D-seismic data - A valuable input to Induced Seismic Hazard Assessment (ISHA)
- Evaluation of Real-Time Performance of the Virtual Seismologist Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm in Switzerland and California
- How the use of statistical seismology benefits induced seismicity research
- Identifying co-located acoustic emissions with highly correlated waveforms during stick-slip experiments
- Importance of 1-point statistics in earthquake source modeling for ground motion simulation
- Linking earthquake source parameters of induced events with geomechanical reservoir properties.
- Monitoring Induced Seismicity with Acoustic-Emission Sensors : The Calibration Problem
- Network Optimization for Induced Seismicity Monitoring in Urban Areas
- Sensitivity analysis for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA)
- The Search for Harmonic Resonance in Basal Icequakes at Gornergletscher, Switzerland
- The Seismic Cycle at Subduction Thrusts: Implications of Geodynamic Simulations Benchmarked with Laboratory Models
- The Seismic Cycle on Spontaneously Evolving Subduction Faults in Geodynamic Simulations
- The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: Insights from analog models
- Towards constraining the dynamics of the India-Asia collision with 3D numerical models
- Yellowstone Hotspot Geodynamics
- A filter bank approach to earthquake early warning
- Coupling induced seismic hazard analysis with reservoir design
- Moment Tensor Inversions of the M1.7+ Earthquakes in Basel. Switzerland Reveal Predominant Shear Dislocations
- Near-real-time high-precision relocation of induced seismicity in the geothermal system below Sankt Gallen (Switzerland)
- Seismo-thermo-mechanical modeling of subduction zone seismicity
- Slip rate, magnitudes and ages of surface-rupturing events along the Main Frontal Thrust in Bhutan (Himalaya)
- Slip reactivation during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake: Dynamic rupture and ground motion simulations
- The Whisper of Deep Basins: Observation & Modelling
- The Yellowstone magma reservoir is 50% larger than previously imaged
- The current state of seismic monitoring in Switzerland
- The debate on the prognostic value of earthquake foreshocks: A meta-analysis
- The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: a parameter study
- Towards implementation of the GRiD MT algorithm for near real-time calculation of moment tensors at the Alaska Earthquake Information Center
- Water-Related Seismic Sources in Glaciers and Ice Sheets (Invited)
- What to Expect from the Virtual Seismologist: Delay Times and Uncertainties of Initial Earthquake Alerts in California
- Continuous Monitoring of Potential Geochemical and Geomagnetic Earthquake Precursors: Lessons Learned
- Development of Response Spectral Ground Motion Prediction Equations from Empirical Models for Fourier Spectra and Duration of Ground Motion
- Local Seismic Response of Sites with Pronounced Topography: Observations & Modeling
- Offline Performance of the Filter Bank EEW Algorithm in the 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Rrsm: The European Rapid Raw Strong-Motion Database
- Seismicity and Seismotectonics in the Himalaya of Bhutan: Insights from the GANSSER Seismic Network
- Structure of the Orogenic Wedge in the Bhutan Himalaya: First Results from the GANSSER Seismic Experiment
- Along-Strike Differences of the Main Himalayan Thrust and Deformation within the Indian Crust: Insights from Seismicity and Seismic Velocities in Bhutan and its Foreland
- Elastic properties and seismic anisotropy of the Seve Nappe Complex - Laboratory core measurements from the International Continental Drilling Project COSC-1 well, Åre, Sweden
- How a Country-Wide Seismological Network Can Improve Understanding of Seismicity and Seismic Hazard -- The Example of Bhutan
- Kinematic modeling the 2014 Mw6 South Napa, California, earthquake using near-fault strong-motion data and 3D Green's functions
- Mach-wave Properties in Scattering Media with Random Heterogeneities
- Near-Source Recordings of Small and Large Earthquakes: Magnitude Predictability only for Medium and Small Events
- SAPHYR: the Swiss Atlas of PHYsical properties of Rocks
- Simultaneous Determination of Structure and Event Location Using Body and Surface Wave Measurements at a Single Station: Preparation for Mars Data from the InSight Mission
- An Iterative Inversion Technique to Compute Structural Martian Models for Refining Event Locations
- Assessing the Applicability of Earthquake Early Warning in Nicaragua.
- Caldera Formation at the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Réunion
- The potential of high-rate GPS for hazard and risk assessment
- A consistent and uniform research earthquake catalog for the AlpArray region: preliminary results.
- Borehole Breakout Growth and In-Situ Stress Orientation in the Central Scandinavian Caledonides: Results from the Cosc-1 Borehole
- Challenges for implementing Earthquake Early Warning: A Case Study in Nicaragua
- Geomechanical Modeling for Improved CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Security
- Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN): Contributions to Science and Society
- How Deep is Shallow? Improving Absolute and Relative Locations of Upper Crustal Seismicity in Switzerland
- Numerical Modeling of Permeability Enhancement by Hydroshearing: the Case of Phase I Reservoir Creation at Fenton Hill
- One Decade of Induced Seismicity in Basel, Switzerland: A Consistent High-Resolution Catalog Obtained by Template Matching
- Probabilistic source mechanism estimation based on body-wave waveforms through shift and stack algorithm
- The DSeis Project: Drilling into Seismogenic zones of M2.0 to M5.5 earthquakes in South African gold mines
- The Swiss-Army-Knife Approach to the Nearly Automatic Analysis for Microearthquake Sequences.
- A New State-of-the-art Apparatus to Study Earthquake Nucleation and Propagation: HighSTEPS
- A rough business: Understanding earthquakes in the lab
- Anatomy of a fumarolic system inferred from a multiphysics approach
- Kinematic slip imaging of the Mw 3.3 earthquake in the St. Gallen 2013 geothermal reservoir, Switzerland, using isochrone back projection.
- Picking vs Waveform based detection and location methods for real-time microseismicity monitoring
- Probabilistic source mechanism estimation based on body-wave waveforms through shift and stack algorithm.
- The InSight Marsquake service: Procedures and results of Operational Readiness Test
- The November 15, 2017, Pohang earthquake: A potential anthropogenic event of Mw 5.5 in South Korea
- Unravelling magma emplacement mechanism in the lower crust: A forensic investigation of the Mafic Complex, Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Italy)
- 3-D Numerical Modeling of Hydrothermal Systems in Volcanic Domes: the case of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe Volcano (West Indies, France)
- Bedretto Deep Underground Laboratory for Geoenergies - a new Interdisciplinary Research Facility
- High-Resolution Imaging of Foreshock Patterns in Microearthquake Sequences in Switzerland
- Incorporating fault maturity-related earthquake slip characteristics into final rupture length determination for Earthquake Early Warning
- Inference of the Long-Lasting Footprint of the 2006 EGS Stimulation in Basel from a Highly Complete Catalog.
- Monitoring induced seismicity with a single seismic station by combining coda wave interferometry and distance geometry solvers
- What drove the Basel sequence? Inferences from a consistent relocated catalog of the last 12 years.
- ASTUTI-Costa Rica: Fixed Network Smartphone-based Earthquake Early Warning
- An Update on the Seismicity on Mars as seen from InSight
- Assessing a 6C Kalman Filter using Experimental Datasets from an Industrial Robot
- Automated first-motion focal mechanisms and local stress inversion at Laguna del Maule, Chile
- Building Earthquake Early Warning across Central America
- CS-D: an In-Situ Experiment to Monitor Fault Sealing in Caprock for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Geological Storage
- Constraining marsquake focal mechanisms and martian crustal structure using InSight's seismic data
- Earthquake Early Warning Testing Developments: Realistic Warning Time Estimates for Large Magnitude Events
- Fault damage and pore fluid distribution regionally around Kaikōura, New Zealand from body-wave tomography
- InSight seismic data from Mars: Effect and treatment of transient data disturbances
- Insights into the 2020 Earthquake Swarm at Makushin Volcano, Alaska from Relative Relocations and Focal Mechanisms
- Is Earthquake Rupture Predictability Real or Apparent?
- Polarized ambient noise on Mars
- Probing the atmosphere-driven ground motion through comodulation at InSight, Mars
- Quantification of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data Fidelity
- Real-time discrimination of earthquake foreshocks and aftershocks: An update
- The Finite-Fault Rupture Detector (FinDer): Recent Performance and Developments
- The future strong-motion national seismic networks and earthquake early warning systems in Central America.
- Thermomechanical Properties of the Shallow Martian Regolith
- Toward Integrating a Machine Learning Signal Classifier in the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System
- Validation of seismic source properties using rate and state-dependent friction models of frictional acoustic emissions
- Application of FinDer to Earthquake Scenarios on Existing and Planned Stations in Southwest China for Real-time Rupture Characterization
- Data-driven Synthesis of Broadband Earthquake Ground Motions Using Artificial Intelligence
- From DAS to Discharge: Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing to Estimate the Hydrological Response of the Rhonegletscher, Switzerland.
- High-resolution Analysis of the Recent Onset of Seasonal Microseismicity in the Mt. Blanc Massif (France/Italy/Switzerland)
- Implementing a Machine Learning Classifier in the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System: Progress and Performance to Date
- Latency and Geofence Testing of Wireless Emergency Alerts intended for the ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system (West Coast, United States of America)
- SeisBench: A Python Toolbox for Benchmarking and Deploying ML Models in Seismology
- Seismology on Mars: An analysis of direct, reflected and converted seismic body waves with implications for interior structure
- Spatiotemporal Seismic Velocity Variations During the 2018 Kilauea Eruption
- Testing the US West Coast ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System in Complex Earthquake Sequences
- The Finite-Fault Rupture Detector (FinDer): Enhancing Rupture Determination for the Largest Earthquakes
- A Deep First Motion Polarity Focal Mechanism Catalogue for Switzerland
- High-Resolution Seismic Tomography across Hengill Geothermal Field in SW-Iceland using a Large-N Nodal Array
- Implementation of a Real-time Machine Learning Classifier in the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System
- Rapid Rupture Characterisation for New Zealand Using the Finite-Fault Rupture Detector (FinDer) Algorithm
- Real-Time Performance of the Finite-fault Rupture Detector (FinDer) Algorithm in ShakeAlert
- Towards National Public Earthquake Early Warning Systems across Central America.
- Uncertainty in Ground-Motion-to-Intensity Conversions Significantly Affects Earthquake Early Warning Alert Regions
- Which picker fits my data? A quantitative evaluation of deep learning based seismic pickers
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Baltay
- A. I. Chung
- Alberto Michelini
- Andreas Fichtner
- B. P. Lipovsky
- C. Giunchi
- Cecilia Durán
- Debi Kilb
- Eileen Martin
- Fabian Walter
- Frederik Tilmann
- Frédérick Massin
- Grace A. Parker
- Guoqing Lin
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- J. J. McGuire
- J. K. Saunders
- Jennifer Andrews
- John Clinton
- M. A. Florez
- Maren Böse
- Maria Mesimeri
- Marino Protti
- Men‐Andrin Meier
- Peter M. Shearer
- R. M. Allen
- S. E. Minson
- Simon C. Stähler
- Sin‐Mei Wu
- Stefan Wiemer
- Toni Kraft
- Verena Simon
- Yannik Behr
- Zachary E. Ross