ETH Zurich, Institute of Geophysics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A 3D Seismic Velocity Reference Model for the City of Basel
- Crust and upper-mantle discontinuities from analysis of broadband seismological data in the Mediterranean region
- Do Large Aftershocks Decrease Similarly to Smaller Ones?
- Dynamics of Retreating Slabs: Insights from 2-D Numerical and 3-D Laboratory Experiments
- Joint inversion of different seismic data types for upper mantle structure beneath southern Africa
- Mapping Temporal Changes of Earthquake Probability may Allow an Estimate of the Potential for Future Earthquakes
- Mapping the Structure of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System Under the Alpine Orogen with High-Resolution Teleseismic Tomography
- New 3-D Upper-Mantle S-Velocity Model for the Mediterranean Region
- Paleoseismology in the epicentral area of the 1356 large earthquake of Basel (Switzerland): Active normal faulting and seismic hazard implications.
- Resolution of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Slip for Large Earthquakes Using Seismological and Geodetic Data: Application to the 1999 Izmit (Turkey) Earthquake
- Seismic Source Study of the 19 January, 1995 Tauramena (Colombia) Earthquake
- Slip History of the 1999, October 16, Mw=7.1, Hector Mine Earthquake (California) Inferred From the Joint Inversion of InSAR and Teleseismic Data
- Spatial Features of Intermediate-Depth Seismicity in the Pacific Plate Beneath Northeastern Japan and Their Implications to the Formation of the Volcanic Front
- Subduction Initiation: Criticality by Addition of Water?
- Thermal and Seismic Signature of the Trailing Fragments of the Farallon Slab
- Three-Dimensional Structure of the Upper Mantle Beneath Fennoscandia (Baltic Shield) by High-Resolution Teleseismic Tomography
- Tomographic Imaging of the Three-Dimensional P-wave Velocity Structure Beneath Costa Rica: Constraints on Subduction Processes
- A Coupled Stokeslet-FEM Method for Geodynamic Simulations of Subduction with Solid-Fluid Feedback
- A Strike Slip Fault Model Including Compaction, Dilatancy, and Rate and State Friction
- Dynamic and Pseudo-Dynamic Source Characterization for Strong Ground Motion Prediction
- Earthquake recurrence parameters from seismic and geodetic strain rates in the Mediterranean
- European Mountain Permafrost: Geothermal Change and Associated Geomorphological Impacts
- First results of a physics-based, integrative model of the San Andreas fault system near the Big Bend including fluids, tectonics, and post-seismic relaxation.
- Flow and kinematics of partially molten continental crust measured by both low- and high-field AMS
- Laboratory Models of Subduction: Dynamics Induced by Slab-Mantle Feedback
- Mutually Interacting Ductile or Quasi-Brittle Faults from Coupling of Water-EOS-Rheology and Thermal-Mechanics
- New Tools for Quality Assessment of Modern Earthquake Catalogs: Examples From California and Japan.
- Rheology and Magnetic Fabric
- Separation of Anisotropy Components Using a High-field Torque Magnetometer in Hematite Bearing-rocks
- Switching on the Fault-valve: Observations, Modelling, and Implications of a Fluid-Controlled Earthquake Process
- Synthetic Seismic Signature of Thermal Mantle plumes
- The fluid flow response to the Umbria-Marche earthquake sequence by a high pressure CO<SUB>2</SUB> source at depth
- Thermal Interpretation of the Spherically Symmetric Seismic Structure of the Upper Mantle
- Towards an Integrated Image of the Mediterranean 3D Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure: Combined Results From Surface Wave Tomography and Receiver Function Analysis
- Uncertainties in Deterministic Earthquake Scenarios
- b-value: What about focal mechanisms?
- Analysis of teleseismic P, S, and SKS waves recorded in the Mediterranean region
- Coercivity Distributions of Soft-Magnetic Components and Their Occurrence in Sediments ANS Sedimentary Rocks
- Combined Constraints From Seismic and Mineral Physics Data on the 1D Velocity Structure of the Mantle: Towards a Physical Reference Model
- Dehydration, Earthquakes, and the Co-seismic Switch
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Magnetic Method vs Analytical Technique
- Expected Spatio-temporal Aftershock Patterns for Different Tectonic Regimes
- Geomagnetic Polarity Timescales and Reversal Frequency Regimes
- Magnetic Anisotropy in Carbonate Rocks: Revisiting the Carrara Marble
- New Insights on Stress Rotations From a Forward Regional Model of the San Andreas Fault System Near its Big Bend in Southern California
- News from MIDSEA Seismograms on the Upper Mantle of the Eurasia-Africa Plate Boundary Region
- Observational Constraints on Relief on the 410- and 660-km Discontinuities in the South American Subduction Zone
- On the Curvature of Oceanic Arcs
- Physically Self-Consistent Earthquake Source Models for Strong Ground Motion Prediction
- Seismic Moment From Regional Surface Wave Amplitudes of Recent and Historic Earthquakes
- Shallow Anisotropy in the Mediterranean Mantle From Surface Waves
- Surface Wave Group Velocity Tomography and Lithospheric S-velocity Structure of South American Continent
- Testing hypotheses of earthquake occurrence
- The 1997 Kagoshima (Japan) Earthquake Doublet: A Quantitative Analysis of Stress Interaction
- The Energy Budget of Earthquake Rupture: a View From Spontaneous Rupture Modeling and Finite-Source Models
- The Other Iron Minerals: Magnetic Properties at Room and Low Temperature
- The last stages of subduction in the South-Central Mediterranean reflected in geodetic and seismic strain rates
- The magnetic way of quantifying road traffic pollution in atmospheric particulate matter
- Towards High-Frequency Ground Motion Prediction Using a Dynamic/Pseudo-Dynamic Approach
- Yellowstone: A 3D Regional Delaytime Inversion Using Multiple Constraints
- A Quantitative Test for the Spatial Relationship Between Aftershock Distributions and Mainshock Rupture Properties
- Combined Neutron Texture And Magnetic Analyses On "Undeformed" Clays: The Origin Of Tectonic Lineations In Extensional Basins
- Crustal Deformation in Iceland: Constraints on Tectonic and Magmatic Processes from InSAR observations
- Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Modeling With Stochastic Fault Stress
- From Slip to Stress - A Shortcut
- Fundamental AMS for Single Crystals of Carbonate Minerals
- Global Multi-Resolution Models of Surface Wave Propagation: the Effects of Scattering.
- High-resolution Surface Wave Tomography of the Western and Central Alps
- Investigation of Magmatic Processes in the Alaska Subduction Zone Using b-Value Imaging and Seismic Body Wave Tomography
- Is a pyrolitic adiabatic mantle compatible with seismic data?
- Magnetic Anisotropy of Hemo-ilmenite Single Crystals: Testing the Lamellar Magnetism Hypothesis
- Magnetic Evidence for Metastable Ferrihydrite Particles in a Vertisol
- Magnetic Fabrics in Shear Zones from the Southern Appalachian Mountain Belt
- Normal and Inverse Magnetic Fabrics in Mesozoic Black Shales, Northern Siberia, Russia: Siderite Controlled?
- Oceanic Upper Mantle Rheology as Constrained by Combined Geodynamic and Seismic Modeling of Plate-Mantle Interaction
- Post-Seismic Deformation Following the June 2000 Earthquake Sequence in Southwest Iceland
- Regional Moment Tensor Parameter Resolution Tests
- Seismicity Patterns of the September 28th Parkfield Event
- Simulating Spatio-Temporal Slip Evolution of Fault Zones at Different Evolutionary Stages
- The Concept of Linear Unmixing - a Key for Interpreting Environmental Magnetic Signals
- The Mars SEIS Experiment : Development Status
- Whole Earth Tomographic Models: a Resolution Analysis
- 3-D Earthquake Nucleation on Rate-and-State Faults
- A Multi-Data Comparison of Shortwave Climate Forcing Changes
- An Approach to Planetary Core Formation: A First Transient Numerical Model
- Characterized Source Modeling of Surface and Subsurface Faulting for Strong Motion Prediction
- Comparison of the Iron Mineralogy of Tumor and Hippocampal Tissue From the Human Brain
- Global P Travel-Time Tomography With an Extended Data Set and a 3-D Starting Model
- Inferring the resolution of source kinematic inversions: a blind test
- Joint Inversion for Bulk Sound and Shear Wave Velocity Heterogeneity Beneath the Mediterranean Plate Boundary Region
- Lamellar Magnetism: Ferrimagnetic Effect of Cation Monolayers at Interfaces of Nanoscale Exsolution Lamellae
- Macroscopic Source Parameters From Multi-cycle Earthquake Simulation With Heterogeneity in Rate-and-State Friction
- Nucleation and Propagation of Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Under Constrained Stochastic Shear Stress
- Numerical Born kernels to account for finite-frequency effects in surface wave tomography
- On Nucleation Properties and Spatio-Temporal Slip Evolution of Simulated Seismicity
- Plate Tectonics is Enhanced by Continents
- Quantitative imaging of magnetic nanoparticles using off-axis electron holography
- Rupture Paths in Kappa-Maps: Quantitative Insights on Heterogeneous Earthquake Ruptures From Energy Arguments.
- Rupture dynamics of a geometrically complex fault
- Scope and Examples of Rock Magnetic Investigations in Weak Magnetic Fields Using Multi-Function Kappabridge Set
- Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation due to Finite Source Rupture Models Using an Arbitrarily High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Tetrahedral Meshes
- Some Lessons to be Learned After a Decade of InSAR
- Strong Ground Motions Scenarios for Mexico City
- Structures and dynamics in the lower and lowermost mantle: Effects of density crossover in the transition zone and post-perovskite phase change in the CMB region
- Surface Wave Tomography of the Central Alps: Merging Traditional Source and Non-traditional Noise Dispersion Measurements
- Susceptibility Anomaly at 50 K in Brain Tissue
- The Effects of Nanoscale Exsolution on Magnetic Properties: Insights From FORC Diagrams
- The Influence of Pore Pressure Variations in Fault Zones on Spatio-Temporal Seismicity Evolution
- Tracking Pleistocene Environmental Changes in Continental Archives: the Magnetic Record of the Pianico-Sellere Lacustrine Sequence (Northern Italy)
- A Modified Pattern Informatics (PI) Method: Application to Forecasting the Locations of Future Large Earthquakes in Central Japan
- Boundary Element Dynamic Models of Subduction in a 3-D Spherical Setting
- Deep Crustal Structure and Poisson's Ratio of the Western-Central Alps Inferred From Receiver Function Analysis
- Determining Paleoflow Directions in Deep Sea Fans Using Magnetic Anisotropy and Natural Remanent Magnetisation: a Case Study from the Late Cretaceous Cayo Fm., Ecuador
- Diamagnetic Sub-fabrics in Synthetic and Natural Marbles From Alpi Apuane, Italy and Morcles Nappe, Switzerland
- Disorder as a key for self-reversal in natural hemo-ilmenite nanostructures
- Dispersion Analysis and High-Order Symplectic Time Schemes in Spectral-Element Based Seismic Wave Propagation
- Dynamic controls on subduction kinematics: The role of the downgoing lithosphere and passive mantle flow
- Dynamic interpretation of global subduction kinematics: the role of the downgoing lithosphere
- Dynamics of a Thermal-Chemical-Phase Boundary Layer Above the Core-Mantle Boundary and its Influence on the Evolution of the Mantle and Core
- Dynamics of a velocity strengthening region and implications for postseismic slip and the generation of slow earthquakes
- Eastward and westward drift of the Earth's magnetic field for the last three Millennia
- Establishment of a high-rate continuous GPS network in Iceland
- Geodynamically Consistent Interpretation of Seismic Tomography under the Hawaiian Hotspot
- Geomagnetic Reversal Mechanisms
- Ground Motion from Potential Earthquakes in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey
- Heterogeneity in a solid solution and its effect on the magnetization: hemo-ilmenite as an example
- High-Resolution P-Wave Tomography at the Global Scale: Multi-Resolution Inversions of an Updated Database
- Lateral variations of CMB heat flow caused by a thermo-chemical boundary layer and the post-perovskite phase transition
- Linear volcanic ridges due to small-scale convection driven by partial melting - a 3D- numerical study
- Macroscopic Asymmetry of Dynamic Rupture on a Bimaterial Interface With Velocity- Weakening Friction
- Magmatic consequences of cold plumes: A possible off-crust generation of batholiths
- Mantle Convection Triggered by Mechanical Heating during Core Formation: A 2-D Study
- Mars SEIS Experiment : Development Status
- Merging Global and Regional Surface Wave Tomography in the Mediterranean Basin and Southern Europe
- Near-surface Structural Change in Magnetite: An EPR Study
- Nucleation and arrest properties of instabilities in rate-and-state earthquake cycle simulations
- Predicting Geochemical and Seismological Signatures Using Thermo-Chemical Mantle Convection Models
- Progress towards a new historical field model
- Spectral element modeling of earthquake nucleation and spontaneous rupture on rate and state faults
- Spiral Flow and Heat Transport in Rotating Density-Stratified Gas Giants without Cores
- Styles of Incipient Orogeny: Insights From Numerical Modeling and Observations
- Subduction Dynamics and Energy Dissipation: 3-D Numerical Models
- Tectonic fabric in weakly deformed clay sediments: the origin of the magnetic lineation deduced from AMS and neutron diffraction analyses
- Time scales of Core Formation in Terrestrial Planets by Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities
- 3D Modeling of Strong Ground Motion in the Pacific Northwest From Large Earthquakes in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- A High-Rate Continuous GPS Network in Iceland for Crustal Deformation Research
- Assessing the Reliability of Geoelectric Imaging Results for Permafrost Investigations
- Buoyancy control on continent subduction and implications for the dynamics of India-Asia convergence
- Deep mantle dynamics in 3D spherical geometry incorporating a realistic phase diagram calculated by free energy minimization
- Dynamics of Continental Plate Delamination: a Numerical Study Applied to the Northern Apenninic Belt.
- Dynamics of Double Subduction: Numerical Predictions and Critical Observations.
- Dynamics of plate bending at the trench and slab-plate coupling
- Earth Sphericity Effects on Subduction Morphology
- Earth's Core Formation Aided by Flow Channelling Induced by Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities
- Earthquake Source Inversion Blindtest: Initial Results and Further Developments
- Estimating hydrological parameters using surface nuclear magnetic resonance (SNMR) tomography
- High Resolution Seismic Reflection Survey Across a Segmentation Transfer Zone in the Ostler Fault Zone, South Island, New Zealand
- High-Rate GPS Data - When are They Useful?
- Inference of mantle viscosity from gravity data: a genetic algorithm inversion method
- Influence of velocity strengthening regions on the seismic cycle: Implications for postseismic slip and the generation of slow earthquakes.
- Looking Inside The Blind Test : Parameters, Modelling and Misfit Function
- Magma Generation and Transport in Subduction Zones: Numerical Simulations of Chemical, Thermal and Mechanical Coupling During Magma Ascent by Porous Flow
- Magnetic Fingerprint for Holocene Climate Change in a High Alpine Lake
- Magnetic fields due to motional induction in the oceans.
- Mantle Plumes: Seismic and Dynamic Models
- Modeling Lunar Borehole Temperature in order to Reconstruct Historical Total Solar Irradiance and Estimate Surface Temperature in Permanently Shadowed Regions
- Modes of Planetary Reshaping During Core Formation: Numerical Study
- Multi-year Postseismic Deformation in South Iceland Dominated by Viscoelastic Relaxation, but not Afterslip
- Neotectonic Evolution of Normal Faults Within the Taupo Rift (New Zealand) Revealed Using High-Resolution 3D GPR Data
- Neural Network Methodology for Earthquake Early Warning - first applications
- New 3D Vs model of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin
- Non-hotspot volcano chains originating from small-scale sublithospheric convection
- Ocean circulation generated magnetic signals: Application to geomagnetic field modeling
- Phase Transition Evolution and Convection Style in the Martian Mantle
- Predicting Seismological and Geochemical Observations Using Global and Regional 3-D Spherical Convection Models Incorporating Self-Consistently Calculated Mineral Physics
- Simulations and Measurements of Fluctuation-Driven Magnetic Fields in a Liquid Metal Experiment
- Slow-Slip Propagation Speeds
- Subduction dynamics and its expression in plate motions
- Surface wave tomography: where does ray theory break down on a global scale?
- Time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Measurements for Investigating Temperature Changes in Extrazonal Ventilated Permafrost
- Tomography of the Alps using seismic ambient noise
- Whole Mantle Thermo-Chemical Convection Models With Realistic Mineral Physics Naturally Develop Chemical Stratification
- 3-D Frequency-Domain Inversion of Global Induction Data
- Automatic P- and S-Phase Picker for High-Resolution Local Source Tomography: Application to the Alpine Region
- Broadband Ground Motion Simulations in the Messina Strait Area (Southern Italy): Appraising Strong Motion Variability due to Complexity in Source and Earth Structure.
- Capturing crustal deformation signals with a new high-rate continuous GPS network in Iceland
- Complex Isotope Mixing Arrays Arising From Upper Mantle Dynamics and Melting of a Veined Mantle Plume
- Compositional Stratification in the Upper Mantle: Seismic Evidence and Geodynamic Implications
- Dynamical Effects of the Post-Perovskite Transition in Thermal and Thermo-Chemical Mantle Convection
- Effects of Rheological Weakening by Fluids and Melts on the Dynamics of Subduction Under an Active Margin: Numerical Modeling
- Estimating Dynamic Source Parameters From an Uncertain Rupture Model: Application to the 2000 Western Tottori (Japan) Earthquake
- Evaluation of the Source Wavelet Estimation Procedure During Full-Waveform Inversion of Crosshole Georadar Data
- Geodetic Fault Modelling of the 1997 Zirkuh Earthquake (Iran) using InSAR data from the ERS-1/2 and JERS-1 Satellites
- Hemo-Ilmenite as Proxy to Deduce Landscape Development
- Implication of a high viscosity hill in the mid-lower Mantle on the transient dynamics of the subduction of Kula-Farallon plate shown by slab morphology in global tomography
- Implications of Style-of-Faulting and Loading Characteristics on the Dynamic Rupture Process
- Inversion of Long Period Waveforms and SS Precursor Data for Thermal and Compositional Models of the Upper Mantle.
- Magnetic Susceptibility and Anisotropy of Hematite Single Crystals Determined by Increasing Low-fields and High-field Instruments
- Mantle Convection, Stagnant Lids and Plate Tectonics on Super-Earths
- Models of thermo-chemical convection: what ingredients are needed to explain probabilistic tomography?
- Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology (NERIES)
- Normal-Mode Seismology at nHz Frequencies
- Numerical Modeling Of Plate Tectonics Initiation And Its Style In The Early Earth
- Optimized survey design: efficiently exploiting the full information content offered by geoelectrical data
- Polyphase Formation and Exhumation of HP-UHP Rocks in Continental Subduction Zone: Numerical Modeling
- Rate-and-state cycle simulations and their application to scaling problems in seismology
- Scaling Laws for Heat Partitioning in Terrestrial Planets During Core Formation
- Seismic and GPR Imaging of the Springfield Fault System, Canterbury Plains, New Zealand
- Sensitivity to initial CMB temperature of structure and evolution of the Earth's mantle and core based on 3-D spherical models of thermo-chemical mantle convection
- ShakeOut-D: Ground Motion Estimates Using an Ensemble of Large Earthquakes on the Southern San Andreas Fault With Spontaneous Rupture Propagation
- Signatures of Downgoing Plate-Buoyancy Driven Subduction in Cenozoic Plate Motions
- Simultaneous full-waveform inversion of permittivity and conductivity from georadar data.
- Stochastic and Full-Wavefield Finite-Fault Ground-Motion Simulations of the M7.1, Messina 1908 Earthquake (Southern Italy)
- Surface Wave Anisotropy in the Central Alps
- The Earth's outer core: reconciling geodynamics, travel-time modeling, and normal-mode eigenfrequency splitting.
- The SCEC-USGS 3D Rupture Dynamics Code Comparison Exercise
- The Upper Olduvai boundary recorded in Chinese loess at Lingtai: Evidence for transitional geomagnetic field behaviour or delayed remanence acquisition?
- The dynamical influence of the inner core on the geomagnetic field
- The last 850 millennia recorded at the Stari Slankamen loess-paleosol sequence: revised chronostratigraphy and long-term environmental trends
- Transitions in Tectonic Mode Based on Calculations of Self-Consistent Plate Tectonics in a 3D Spherical Shell.
- Water, Melting, and Convection in the Martian Mantle
- Zig-Zag Thermal-Chemical 3-D Instabilities in the Mantle Wedge: Numerical Study
- A Regional Characterization of Global Brightening Using Multiple Aerosol Data Sets
- Adaptive Wavelet Modeling of Geophysical Data
- Aerosol Chemical Composition Measured in the Arctic during ASCOS and Arctic-SOLAS
- Characterization of synthetic seismicity distributions with spatially fractal properties
- Combined high resolution imaging and inversion of multiple geophysical data for aquifer characterization at a restored river section
- Compilation of a combined controlled source seismology (CSS) and local earthquake tomography (LET) three dimensional (3D), P-wave model of the lithosphere in the greater Alpine region
- Current status of the European seismological data exchange and access; ORFEUS, EMSC, NERIES and EPOS
- Does low post-perovskite viscosity have an effect on structures at the core-mantle boundary ?
- Efflorescence in supersaturated ammonium sulfate and mixed ammonium sulfate/poly(ethylene) glycol-400 particles
- Estimating climate projection uncertainties from multi model ensembles of global general circulation models (Invited)
- Full and Constrained Moment Tensor Inversions of Basal Icequakes Beneath Gornergletscher, Switzerland (Invited)
- GPU Implementation for High-Resolution 2-D Variable Viscosity Stokes Flow
- Heterogeneity spectrum inversion from a stochastic analysis of global surface-wave delay-time data
- High-resolution 3-D seismic reflection imaging of late Quaternary deformation in the shallow Alpine Fault Zone, New Zealand
- Hydrogeophysical investigations of three-dimensional lithology and river-groundwater interactions in restored and unrestored river corridors (Invited)
- Inadvertent climate modification due to anthropogenic lead
- Interaction of slabs and plumes with a mid lower mantle viscosity and density transition
- Magnitude Estimation in Real-Time for Earthquake Early Warning applications using Inversion of Displacement Spectra
- Mantle discontinuities mapped by inversion of global surface wave data
- Mechanisms of deep slab hydration: numerical modeling and implications
- Modeling of geomagnetic field evolution at the core surface 1999-2009 (Invited)
- On the applicability of Benford's Law in the Geosciences
- Origin of ice diapirism, true polar wander, subsurface ocean, and tiger stripes of Enceladus driven by compositional convection
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment - Application to the Mediterranean Sea
- Properties of Steady State Dynamic pulse-like ruptures with off-fault plasticity
- Rayleigh and Love waves phase velocity measurements in central Europe from seismic ambient noise
- Reconstructing the Geomagnetic Field of the Past 10 kyrs
- Rheology, deformation, shear localization and strength of the lithosphere
- River flood events as natural tracers for investigating the hydrological dynamics of a coupled river-aquifer system: preliminary results from 3D crosshole electrical resistivity monitoring
- Searching for evidence of a preferred rupture direction in small earthquakes at Parkfield
- Should we believe model predictions of future climate change? (Invited)
- Small-scale sublithospheric convection reconciles geochemistry and geochronology of 'Superplume' volcanism in the western and south Pacific (Invited)
- Source Model of the 1997 Zirkuh Earthquake (Iran) from InSAR Data
- Spatial pattern of terrestrial carbon dioxide and water vapor coupling
- Surface radiation over the pan-Arctic land region: temporal variability and trends
- Temperature and heat flux scalings for isoviscous thermal convection in spherical geometry
- The Solid Earth Research and Teaching Environment, a new software framework to share research tools in the classroom and across disciplines
- The role of sublithospheric gravitational instability on oceanic intraplate volcanism
- The “O3E” Project : Raising awareness on natural hazards at school
- Toward Studying the Variability of Earthquake Seismicity in Geodynamic Numerical Simulations of a Subduction Zone
- Towards self-consistent modelling of the Martian dichotomy: Coupled models of simultaneous core and crust formation
- Trend of surface solar radiation over Asia simulated by aerosol transport-climate model
- A Mechanism for Shear-Thinning Rheology of Suspensions of Solid Particles
- A proto-Okavango Delta?
- Ambient Noise Tomography of central Europe
- Building the European Seismological Research Infrastructure: results from 4 years NERIES EC project
- CALS10k.1: A geomagnetic field model spanning 10~kyr
- Comparing thin-sheet with fully 3D models for the India-Asia collision
- Constraining physical properties of ultra-low velocity zones using multiple seismic phases
- Core and early crust formation on Mars
- Development of a robust Stokes flow solver: toward a global simulation of the plate-mantle system
- Discontinuous hygroscopic growth of an aqueous surfactant/salt aerosol particle levitated in an electrodynamic balance
- Efficient formation of stratospheric aerosol for geoengineering by emission of condensable vapour from aircraft (Invited)
- Evidence for Decadal Variation in Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration between 1982 and 2002
- Extreme events in total ozone on global scale
- Flat versus steep subduction: contrasting modes for the formation and exhumation of high- to ultrahigh-pressure rocks in continental collision zones
- Geomagnetic secular variation as a window on the dynamics of Earth's core (Invited)
- Grid convergence study of the combined finite difference & Marker-In-Cell method for geodynamic applications
- Identifying active faults in Switzerland using relocated earthquake catalogs and optimal anisotropic dynamic clustering
- Impact of deep mantle structural heterogeneities on core-diffracted traveltimes: constraints on full-wave Born sensitivity kernel tomography
- Innovative surface NMR signal processing to significantly improve data quality
- Internal Flow Structures in Columnar Jointed Basalt from HREPPHÓLAR, Iceland
- Long-term changes and trends in total ozone over the northern mid-latitudes: Influence of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry and contribution from extreme events
- Model resolution, clustering, and zonal properties of cross-gradient joint inversion models (Invited)
- Monitoring of glacial seismic events from Greenland at regional distances: experience from the POLENET/LAPNET experiment during the IPY 2007-2009
- Net Rotation of the Lithosphere Induced by Slabs, Plate Geometry, and Keels
- Observability and Implication of Magnetic signals from different ocean circulation models
- Potential Causes for the Non-Newtonian Rheology of Crystal-bearing Magmas
- River flood events as natural tracer tests for investigating a coupled river-aquifer system: improved time-lapse 3D imaging of flow patterns by deconvolving ERT time-series
- Serpentinite channel and the role of buoyancy in exhumation: the case-study of the HP-Voltri Massif (Western Alps, Italy)
- Slabs and plumes crossing a broad density/viscosity discontinuity in the mid lower mantle (Invited)
- Slip rate of the Húsavík-Flatey Fault, North Iceland, derived from GPS and InSAR Time Series
- Stabilising temporal instabilities in geodynamic models
- Structural joint inversion of time-lapse crosshole GPR traveltime and ERT data
- The Earth's spectrum constrained directly from global seismic data: an evolutionary-algorithm approach
- The GEMS-2 Seis Experiment
- The dynamics and thermo-chemical structure of LLVSP: observations and models (Invited)
- The magnetic fields generated by the tsunami of February 27, 2010
- The role of individual cyclones for atmospheric latent and sensible heat transport into the European Arctic
- The role of methanol on the crystallization of Titan's primordial ocean
- Thermal evolution of Earth's mantle and core: Influence of reference viscosity and concentration of radioactive elements in the mantle
- Tomographic data selection as wave-based optimization problem
- Towards Multi-resolution Adjoint Tomography of the European Crust and Upper Mantle
- Towards millenial-timescale geodynamo models with zero viscosity
- Transformation from hydrophobic to hygroscopic diesel soot particles by photochemical aging
- Tuned in to the Earth from the classroom with `O3E' european project
- A Global Database for the Compilation and Assessment of Holocene Sedimentary Paleomagnetic Records
- Adaptive wavelet parameterization for 3d electrical resistivity tomography
- Adriatic indentation vs. Carpathian slab roll-back: what triggered rapid exhumation and lateral escape in the Eastern Alps?
- Ambient-noise Tomography of the European Lithosphere: Preliminary Results
- Archeomagnetic results from four historic kilns of Burkina Faso
- Biophysical controls on forest and grassland water and energy exchange under idealized land-atmosphere coupling
- CISN ShakeAlert: Accounting for site amplification effects and quantifying time and spatial dependence of uncertainty estimates in the Virtual Seismologist earthquake early warning algorithm
- Changes in the frequency of extreme air pollution events over the Eastern United States and Europe
- Dynamic evolution of outer rise faulting in subduction zones: The role of plate strength and subduction kinematics
- Dynamic rupture modeling of the 2011 M9 Tohoku earthquake with an unstructured 3D spectral element method
- Effect of a metallic core on transient geomagnetic induction
- End-User Applications of Real-Time Earthquake Information in Europe
- Global 3-D mapping of mantle electrical conductivity based on inversion of ground-based data. Data analysis and inversion results
- Global induction studies from space. From 1-D to 3-D conductivity models of the Earth's mantle
- How fast is water uptake on glassy and amorphous aerosol?
- Impact of spring drought on ecosystem carbon and water dynamics in Switzerland
- Implementation of the Virtual Seismologist Early Warning Algorithm within the SeisComP3 Earthquake Processing System
- Long-term projections of future changes from CMIP5: What's different from CMIP3?
- Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Soot Particles: Combining Bulk and Single Particle Instrumentation
- Numerical modeling of two-phase flow: Interaction of magmatism with active tectonics
- On the relationship between extreme and mean values in total ozone and atmospheric dynamics and volcanic eruptions at mid-latitudes
- Paleointensity: Where we stand and where the MagIC database can take us
- Phase-velocity and azimuthal anisotropy under the Western Alps measured from seismic ambient-noise
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment in the Mediterranean Sea
- Regional scale assessment of evaporation: a multi-spatial and -temporal analysis over Australia's Murray Darling Basin
- Subduction and interplate seismicity: new insights from statistical analysis of natural data and analog-numerical modeling
- The GEMS-2 SEIS Experiment
- The long-term seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: benchmarking geodynamic numerical simulations and analogue models
- The response of the MLS mesospheric daytime hydroxyl radical and water vapor to the short-term solar irradiance variability
- The stratospheric ozone response to a discrepancy of the SSI data
- Using ground-based geophysics to constrain the interpretation of airborne TEM data recorded across the Okavango Delta, Botswana
- three-dimensional fog forecasting with COSMO-FOG
- 3D numerical modeling of continental extension to oceanic spreading
- Advances and New Insights into Real-time Magnitude Estimation for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning
- Changes in large-scale atmospheric circulation caused by CO2 and solar forcing in a global climate model
- Efficient inversion for CMB topography: benchmarks and preliminary maps
- Elliptical instability excited by tides and libration in terrestrial planets and moons
- Evaluation of a 10-year cloud-resolving climate simulation driven by ERA-Interim
- Extracting CMB diffractions by Super-virtual Interferometry
- Ferromagnetic response of a sediment record from Lake Soppensee
- IRETHERM: Research and Exploration Challenges in Assessing Ireland's Deep Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Energy Potential
- Immersion Freezing of Clay Minerals and its Time Dependence
- Injection of Water into the Stratosphere by Moderate Volcanic Eruptions
- Modeling Holocene Geomagnetic Field Evolution
- Near-Source Shaking and Dynamic Rupture in Plastic Media
- New features revealed by multi-method seismic imaging of the seismic structure and activity of the Lesser Antilles and Hellenic subduction zones, and their comparison with Tohoku
- Non-linear iterative inversions for the distribution of noise sources
- Numerical modeling of outer rise deformation in the Tonga subduction system: Coupling between outer rise deformation, slab weakening and plate velocities
- On the effects of evaluation decisions in model-data intercomparisons: An example using CMIP5 evapotranspiration
- Paradigms, New and Old, for the Formation and Exhumation of UHP Terranes
- Reconciling westward drift and inner-core super-rotation in very low viscosity models of the geodynamo
- Reconstructing glaciers: Sedimentary sources, sinks and fingerprints
- Resonant forcing and instabilities of inertial waves
- S-band ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy and the detection of magnetofossils
- Sea-ice reduction and teleconnections with the focus on the extra-tropical climate
- Seismic structure and activity of the north-central Lesser Antilles subduction zone from an integrated approach: similarities with the Tohoku forearc
- Seismically and geodynamically consistent maps of CMB topography
- Simulating Martian water ice clouds in terrestrial laboratories: What can we learn about Mars without leaving Earth?
- Simulating the evolution of Himalayan glaciers with the regional climate model REMO
- Stability and structures of primitive reservoirs of dense material in the lower mantle:insight from numerical modeling
- Stagnant lid convection in spherical shells: parameterizations and implications for icy moons
- Subduction and interplate seismicity. What have we learnt with the EURYI project?
- The INSIGHT SEIS VBB Experiment
- The Seismic Cycle at Subduction Thrusts: Implications of Geodynamic Simulations Benchmarked with Laboratory Models
- The Seismic Cycle on Spontaneously Evolving Subduction Faults in Geodynamic Simulations
- The Seismic Potential of the Húsavík-Flatey fault and the kinematics of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, North Iceland, studied using GPS and InSAR
- Tidal signals in ocean bottom magnetic measurements of the Northwestern Pacific: observations versus predictions
- Towards constraining the dynamics of the India-Asia collision with 3D numerical models
- Validation of a 30+ year soil moisture record from multi-satellite observations
- Vertical profile measurements of water vapor, ozone and ice particles within the Asian monsoon anticyclone: New results from Kunming, China
- Water in the Slab: a Trilogy
- What we need to know to make sense of Multi-Model Ensembles
- Whole-mantle radial anisotropy from multi-mode surface wave dispersion and body wave traveltimes
- Zonal winds and flows generated by harmonic forcing in planetary atmospheres, subsurface oceans and cores
- Accelerated forward and inverse solutions to geomagnetic induction at the global scale (Invited)
- Accelerating spectral-element simulations of seismic wave propagation using local time stepping
- Anatexis and UHP metamorphics exhumation: insights from numerical modelling
- CMB topography and electrical conductivity as additional constraints for the lowermost mantle thermo-chemical structure
- Climate extremes and the carbon cycle (Invited)
- Climatology and dynamics of summer tropopause folds over the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
- Combining stress transfer and source directivity: the case-study of the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence, Northern Italy
- Decarbonation and carbonation processes in the slab and mantle wedge - insights from thermomechanical modeling
- Do land parameters matter in large-scale hydrological modelling?
- Ductile strain localization in pyroxenite by reaction-enhanced softening in the shallow subcontinental lithospheric mantle (Ronda Peridotite, Betic Cordillera, S. Spain)
- Effects of Organic-Inorganic Interactions on the Hygroscopicity of Aerosol Particles
- Effects of surface processes on multilayer detachment folding: a numerical approach
- Efficient Numerical Solution of Global Dynamic and Quasistatic Problems Using a Spectral-Element Method Coupled with an Infinite-Element Approach
- Evidence For Weak Ferromagnetic Moment Within The Basal Plane Of Hematite Natural Crystals At Low-Temperature
- Evidence for a Paleo-Okavango Megafan and overlying mega-lake from HTEM and ground-based geophysical data
- Experimental Study on Mixtures of Superparamgnetic and Single-Domain Magnetite with Respect to Day-Dunlop Plots
- From 2D to 3D modelling in long term tectonics: Modelling challenges and HPC solutions (Invited)
- Global Seismic Imaging Based on Adjoint Tomography
- Global water balances reconstructed by multi-model offline simulations of land surface models under GSWP3 (Invited)
- Intense Flows in Librationally Driven Non-Axisymmetric Systems
- Land surface controls on afternoon precipitation diagnosed from observational data: Uncertainties, confounding factors and the possible role of interception storage
- Land-atmosphere interactions and climate change: Recent results and new perspectives (Invited)
- Magnetic Anisotropy of Single Crystals: Amphiboles, Pyroxenes and Feldspars
- Magnetic and elastic wave anisotropy in partially molten rocks: insight from experimental melting of synthetic quartz-mica schist (Invited)
- Monitoring of Fluid Injection in an Enhanced Geothermal System: Towards Probabilistic 3D Time-lapse Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data
- Near-real-time high-precision relocation of induced seismicity in the geothermal system below Sankt Gallen (Switzerland)
- Phase diagram and density of fluids in the water-methanol system: experiments and implications for the crystallization and dynamics of subsurface oceans in icy moons
- Predicting ground electric field due to geomagnetic disturbances
- Pyrrhotite domain dynamics
- Rheology of continents and counterintuitive 3D features of the dynamic topography. (Invited)
- Seismo-thermo-mechanical modeling of subduction zone seismicity
- Sinking of spherical slablets through a non-Newtonian mantle
- Temperature extremes in a changing climate: Drivers and feedbacks (Invited)
- The GEWEX LandFlux Initiative: development and analysis of a global land surface heat flux product
- The Whisper of Deep Basins: Observation & Modelling
- The effect of melting and crustal production on plate tectonics on terrestrial planets
- The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: a parameter study
- Topographic-driven instabilities in terrestrial bodies
- Towards magnetic sounding of the Earth's core by an adjoint method
- Two-Basket Approach and Emission Metrics
- Uncertainty treatment and sensitivity analysis of the European Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment
- Water-Related Seismic Sources in Glaciers and Ice Sheets (Invited)
- What band rocks the MTB? (Invited)
- Basal Icequakes: Insights into Stick-Slip Motion of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Global Adjoint Tomography: Combining Big Data with HPC Simulations
- Seismicity and Seismotectonics in the Himalaya of Bhutan: Insights from the GANSSER Seismic Network
- Structure of the Orogenic Wedge in the Bhutan Himalaya: First Results from the GANSSER Seismic Experiment
- Tropopause Folds: Global Climatology and their Impact on Extreme Weather Events
- A Site-Level Comparison of Lysimeter and Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements of Evapotranspiration
- Dust, Elemental Carbon and Other Impurities on Central Asian Glaciers: Origin and Radiative Forcing
- Estimating transient climate response using consistent temperature reconstruction methods in models and observations
- Magnetohydrodynamic modes in the Earth's outer core under the Quasi-Geostrophic approximation
- Numerical Modelling of Subduction Plate Interface, Technical Advances for Outstanding Questions
- On the Relationship between Tropical Moisture Exports and Extratropical Cyclones
- Parameterization of the Lorentz to Coriolis Force Ratio in Planetary Dynamos
- Propagation and Reflection of Diffusionless Torsional Waves in a Sphere
- Robust Comparison of Climate Models with Observations Using Blended Land Air and Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures
- SAPHYR: the Swiss Atlas of PHYsical properties of Rocks
- Statistical Analysis of the Links between Blocking and Nor'easters
- Towards continuum models of lateral rupture propagation in a segmented megathrust
- A New Thermodynamic Model for High Pressure Melts and the Impact on Magma Ocean Crystallization
- An Iterative Inversion Technique to Compute Structural Martian Models for Refining Event Locations
- AxiSEM3D: a new fast method for global wave propagation in 3-D Earth models with undulating discontinuities
- Beyond Cold and Warm Fronts: An Objective Classification for Maritime Mid-Latitude Fronts
- Numerical modeling of deep oceanic slab dehydration
- Onset of thermal convection in rapidly rotating spheres and spheroids at very low Ekman number
- Origin and evolution of the Perm Anomaly
- Sampling Equivalence Domain in Geophysical Inverse Problems
- Self-consistent seismic cycle simulation in a three-dimensional continuum model: methodology and examples.
- Terrestrial Magma Ocean Crystallisation: Bottom-up or Middle-out?
- The Influence of Weather Systems on Interannual Isotopic Variability in a 10-Year High Resolution Simulation of Stable Water Isotopes over Europe
- seismo-live: Training in Computational Seismology using Jupyter Notebooks
- 3D Electromagnetic Modelling Using High-Order Integral Equation Method
- 3D Instantaneous Dynamics Modeling of Present-Day Aegean Subduction
- A Groundwater and Runoff Formulation for Weather and Climate Models
- A consistent and uniform research earthquake catalog for the AlpArray region: preliminary results.
- An analysis of ionospheric versus oceanic tidal magnetic signals
- Applications of GPS seismology in the Japanese region
- AxiSEM3D: broadband seismic wavefields in 3-D aspherical Earth models
- Core-exsolved SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Dispersal in the Earth's Mantle
- Electrical resistivity structure beneath the Hangai Dome, Mongolia: intraplate volcanism and deformation imaged with magnetotelluric data
- Evaluations of Surface Shortwave and Longwave Radiation from Earth System Models of CMIP5
- Evolution of whole-mantle plumes: Consequences for hotspot volcanism
- Expanding the frontiers of waveform imaging with Salvus
- First results from a full-waveform inversion of the African continent using Salvus
- Full-waveform inversion for the Iranian plateau
- Generating Seismograms with Deep Neural Networks
- Global and regional observations of mid-mantle discontinuities: implications for mantle dynamics and flow
- Global-scale Full Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Inversion of Seismic Sources in Complex Media
- High Temporal Resolution Mapping of Seismic Noise Sources Using Heterogeneous Supercomputers
- How Deep is Shallow? Improving Absolute and Relative Locations of Upper Crustal Seismicity in Switzerland
- Imaging density and seismic velocities in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Jupyter Notebooks for Earth Sciences: An Interactive Training Platform for Seismology
- Long-period noise source inversion in a 3-D heterogeneous Earth
- Magnetotellurics with geomagnetic observatory data influenced by the ocean effect: upper mantle conductivity under the islands of Gan and Tristan da Cunha
- Multiscale numerical simulations of magnetoconvection at low magnetic Prandtl and Rossby numbers.
- ObsPy - A Python Toolbox for Seismology - and Applications
- Probabilistic In Situ Stress Estimation and Forecasting using Sequential Data Assimilation
- Regional 3-D Modeling of Ground Geoelectric Field for the Northeast United States due to Realistic Geomagnetic Disturbances
- SKS splitting results in central Italy and Dinaric region inside the AlpArray-CASE project
- Salvus: A scalable software suite for full-waveform modelling & inversion
- Seismic and thermodynamics constraints on temperature and composition of the Italian crust.
- Subtropical tropospheric wave forcing of planetary wave 2 in the prephase of the Stratospheric Sudden Warming Event in January 2009
- The Collaborative Seismic Earth Model Project
- The link between eddy-driven jet variability and weather regimes in the North Atlantic-European sector
- Towards Noise Tomography and Passive Monitoring Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Volcanic geothermal system in the Main Ethiopian Rift: insights from 3D MT finite-element inversion and other exploration methods
- 3-D Storm Time Ground Geoelectric Field Modeling for the Northeastern United States
- 3D-Printed Analog Rocks: New Perspectives for Understanding the Relationship Between Deformation and Magnetic Anisotropy
- Accuracy of moment tensor inversion of large (6.6 < Mw < 7.3) earthquakes using GPS data
- Bayesian Elastic Full-Waveform Inversion using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Beyond the second-order tensor: Higher-order components in magnetic anisotropy carried by exsolved magnetite in pyroxene
- Convergence Behavior of Convection-Resolving Simulations of Summertime Moist Convection over Land
- Deciphering Volcanic Unrest through Forward-Modeled Monitoring Datasets
- Design and Installation of a Very Broad Band Seismometer on Mars
- Discrete Wave Equation Upscaling
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing Experiments in Crystalline Rock - A Field Study in Switzerland
- Dynamics and Evolution of the Primitive Mantle With Magma Oceans
- Effects of heat-producing elements on the long-term evolution of thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle
- Efficient Global-Scale Full-Waveform Inversion Using Event-Specific Meshes
- Evolutionary full waveform inversion
- Forward and inverse modeling of body and ocean load tides in a 3D Earth
- Frequency-dependent ambient seismic source inversion based on cross-correlation waveforms
- From how far away can we hear waves on Titan? - Maria microseismicity on Titan
- Full Seismic Waveform Tomography of the Taurus-Zagros Region of Iran and Turkey
- Global observability of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities: implications for mantle mineralogy
- Global-scale Full Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion Applied to Earth's Hum
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo tomography
- High-resolution temporo-ensemble PIV to resolve pore-scale flow in 3D-printed fractured porous media
- Investigating rheological models in the context of geophysical inversion for planetary structure
- Mantle melting and intraplate volcanism due to upwellings from the stagnant slab
- Modelling tectonics and seismicity due to slab retreat along the northern Apennines thrust bel
- Mountain Volume Control on Moisture Extraction via Deep Convection
- Nullspace Shuttle for Nonlinear Inverse Problems Using Hamiltonian Dynamics
- ObsPy - A Python Library for Seismology
- On the response of tracer tests to fracture aperture variability and its correlation with fracture surface area
- Picking vs Waveform based detection and location methods for real-time microseismicity monitoring
- Probing the interior of Icy Ocean Worlds - Full waveform modeling of Enceladus and Titan
- Seismic Source Inversion for the Japanese Islands Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and a 3-D Earth Model
- Sensitivity of Seismic Noise Correlation Functions to Local and Global Noise Sources
- Simulating hydro-mechanical processes in rough fractures with a Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) approach with a parallel transfer operator
- Stochastic inversion of P-to-S converted waves for mantle thermal and compositional structure
- The Evolution and Distribution of Chemical Heterogeneity in the Earth's Mantle
- The InSight Marsquake service: Procedures and results of Operational Readiness Test
- The formation and preservation of large-scale primordial heterogeneity in the Earth's mantle
- The influence of various choices in full-waveform inversions applied to the Australasian region
- Tomography across scales: Knowledge transfer from seismology to imaging breast tissue with ultrasound
- Using Combinatorial Optimization on Graph Networks to Compute Fluid Flow through Discrete Fracture Networks
- Volcanic flux variations along the Hawaiian hotspot track: plume pulsations vs. plume-lithosphere interaction
- Waveform tomography the Eastern Mediterranean
- When is it ok to switch off the parameterization of deep convection?
- 3D seismic structure beneath the Taurus-Zagros region of Iran and Turkey constrained by full-waveform inversion
- A Consistent and Uniform Research Earthquake Catalog for the AlpArray Region.
- A connection between Beamforming and Kernel-Based Source Inversion
- A distributed acoustic sensing and geophone array to study the Mt. Meager Volcano
- A machine-learning model to predict surface-wave amplification in sedimentary basins
- A seismic signal and noise budget for Titan: Preparation for Dragonfly
- A spectral element normal mode code for the generation of eigenfrequencies, dispersion curves and synthetic seismograms of 1D planets
- Accelerated full-waveform inversion using dynamic mini-batches
- Ambient Noise Array-to-station Correlations: Wiener Filters
- An Improved 1-D Velocity Model for Routine Seismic Location in Central Brazil
- Auto-tuning Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for high-dimensional model space exploration
- Characterization of the InSight Landing Site Near Surface Properties Using the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Probe (HP<SUP>3</SUP>) Mole as a Seismic Source
- Comodulation Analysis of Atmospheric Energy Injection into the Ground Motion at InSight Part 2: Environmental Sensitivity of SEIS and Quake Detection
- Constraining Mars Crust and Mantle Structure From Multi-mode Surface Wave Measurements: Blind Test Results
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing from millihertz to kilohertz: An experimental instrument response function
- Estimating ice shell thickness of icy moons from flexural and Crary waves using 3D seismic simulations
- Global Scale Full-Waveform Inversion Using Wavefield Adapted Meshes
- Global-scale Full-Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion applied to Earth's Hum
- H2020 PIONEERS Study : Planetary Instruments based on Optical technologies for an iNnovative European Exploration Using Rotational Seismology
- Imaging Spatial and Temporal Subsurface Variability in a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment
- Instrumental, Lander, and Geophysical Resonances from the InSight Seismometer on Mars
- Intra-continental uplift and volcanism in the Hangai and Gobi-Altai Mountains in Mongolia; Insights from a magnetotelluric multiscale 3-D inversion
- Inverting for Thermo-Chemical Structure of the Mantle Using P-to-S and S-to-P Converted Waves
- Is the Sequence of Quakes on Mars Poissonian?
- Mantle heterogeneity in terrestrial planets: Formation, mixing, and segregation through time
- ObsPy - A Python Library for Seismology
- Optimal processing for seismic noise correlations
- Overview of observed seismic signals on Mars
- Permian to present tectonic and geodynamic evolution of the eastern Tethys
- Probing mantle plumes using seismic arrays
- Quantitative Predictions of Two-Phase Flow Dynamics in Porous Media by the Pore-Network Modeling
- Rapid Global Finite-Frequency Ambient Noise Source Inversion
- Reconciling Conflicting Results on Intensification of Heavy Precipitation in a Changing Climate
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Searching for seismic sources around the InSight landing site: focus on the sol 173 and sol 235 events
- Seasonal evolution of an englacial conduit network on a temperate alpine glacier using ground-penetrating radar
- Seismic Source Inversion Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and a 3-D Earth Model in the Japanese Islands
- Seismic activity level of Mars estimated from 300 Sols of InSight data
- Seismicity of Mars
- Simulating Fragmentation of Hard Granitic Rocks during Electropulse Drilling
- Simulating hydro-mechanical processes in intersecting rough fractures with a fictitious domain method
- The Effect of Water Layers on Large-scale Seismic simulations - An Application to the SCEC UCVM
- The Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package HP<SUP>3</SUP> on InSight: Status and First Results
- The Mars Structure Service for InSight:Single-Station Marsquake Inversions for Structure
- The Marsquake Service for InSight: the first year of operations
- Towards Global Probabilistic Full-Waveform Inversion
- Unsupervised representation learning for clustering SEIS data in continuous records with deep scattering network
- Want to break into Hard Rock? Ride the lightning! Electropulse stimulation of Granite: Numerical models and experimental results.
- When does slab fragmentation evolve into a STEP fault? The Kefalonia Transform Fault case study
- 3-D magnetotelluric investigation of the mid-enthalpy geothermal region near Tsetserleg city in Mongolian Arkhangai province
- A Description of the Atmospheric Large-scale Circulation during EUREC<SUP>4</SUP>A and its Impact on the Thermodynamic Vertical Profiles in the Trades
- An Analysis of Normal-Mode Based 3-D Mantle Density Models using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Methods
- An Efficient 3-D Electromagnetic Forward Modeling based on A Nested Integral Equation Approach
- An Update on the Seismicity on Mars as seen from InSight
- Analysis of Shallow Wave Propagation Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing Beneath Bern, Switzerland
- Assessing and responding to complex risk in a changing climate
- Attributing Country-Level Warming to Individual Major Emitters
- Building a Monthly Earth System Model Emulator for local temperature
- Characterizing felsic magma reservoirs through integrated geophysical and petrological modelling: Insights from dormant volcanoes in the Ethiopian rift
- Combined Multi-Scale Inversion of Regional and Local Magnetotelluric Data from the Main Ethiopian Rift
- Compound and concurrent extremes: Attribution, projections and storylines under higher global warming levels
- Constraining marsquake focal mechanisms and martian crustal structure using InSight's seismic data
- Could Some Mars Seismic Events be Generated by Fluid Flow?
- Determination of Minimum Transmissivity for High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage from Reservoir-Engineering and Economic Constraints
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing for the Exploration of the Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, British Columbia, Canada.
- Drivers and Patterns of Extreme Future Summer Warming
- Embedded Convection in the Warm Conveyor Belt of a North Atlantic Cyclone and its Relevance for the Mesoscale and Larger-scale Dynamics
- Evolutionary full-waveform inversion of the African Plate
- Examining Three Approaches to the Construction of an Inducing Source for the Ground Electric Field Modeling during Space Weather Events
- From Strain to Rotation: Connecting Waveform Gradients
- Full Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion for Finite Domains
- Geophysical monitoring highlights the importance of hydro-thermal flow for talik formation
- Global Scale Full-Waveform Inversion Using Wavefield Adapted Meshes
- Global Simulations of the Atmosphere at 1.45 km Grid-Spacing with the Integrated Forecasting System
- HMCtomo: Gradient-based sampling and physical models for large-scale Bayesian geophysical inference
- Imaging Noise Sources: Comparing a Data-Driven, Matched-Field Processing Technique and Noise Source Inversion
- Impacts of climate change on global terrestrial water storage and the implications on future droughts
- InSight seismic data from Mars: Effect and treatment of transient data disturbances
- Information Synergy Between IOD and ENSO on the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall in Observations, Reanalysis, and in GCM-RCM Model Chain.
- Intensification processes of extreme Vb-floods in Central Europe
- Investigation of core-mantle boundary topography using adjoint methods.
- Ionospheric Electric Current System Responsible for Daily Variations of Martian Magnetic Field as Recovered from MAVEN Data
- Isotope constraints on moisture exchange processes from EUREC4A and ATOMIC
- Lithosphere seismic structure across the Zagros region from full seismic waveform inversion
- Mode-Decomposition Diagnosis for the Dynamical Processes of Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
- Modelling topographic effects on surface radiation - A fast algorithm to compute Horizon and Sky View Factor from large high-resolution Digital Elevation Models
- Monitoring Glaciers with Fiber Optic Cables
- NanoMagSat, a 16U Nanosatellite Constellation High-Precision Magnetic Project to Monitor the Earth's Magnetic Field and Ionospheric Environment
- Near Real-Time Global Ambient Noise Source Inversions
- New insights on the interaction between seismic waves and mantle plumes
- New seismological constraints on the crustal structure of Mars and the Moon
- On the Role of High-Latitude Blocking for Arctic Warm Extremes and Moisture Transports
- Polarized ambient noise on Mars
- Probing the atmosphere-driven ground motion through comodulation at InSight, Mars
- Projected Land Carbon Sink Uncertainties Related to Water-Carbon Interactions
- Quantification of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data Fidelity
- Recurrent Rossby wave packets and their effect on dry and wet spells
- Representation of Snow Cover in the EURO-CORDEX Regional Climate Model Ensemble - Evaluation of Current State and Future Projection
- Seasonal Prediction of the Boreal Stratospheric Vortex
- SeisAndes: A High Resolution Seismic Velocity Model of Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Central and South Andes from Full Waveform Inversion
- Seismic Velocities Distribution in a 3D Mantle: Implications for InSight Measurements
- Soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks mitigate projected surface water availability declines in drylands
- Spatial scales of vertical mixing in the lower atmosphere during EUREC4A/ATOMIC
- Statistical and energetic characteristic of High Frequency (HF) and Very High Frequency (VHF) Martian events
- The Deuterium Excess Fingerprint of the North Atlantic Storm Track's Interannual Variability
- The Effect of the Hydrostatic Approximation, Horizontal Resolution, and Timestep Size on Deep Convective Processes: A Model Intercomparison between COSMO and IFS
- The Role of km-Resolution Climate Models for Climate-Change Projections: From the Extratropics to the Tropics
- The Spring Transition of the North Pacific Jet and its Relation to Deep Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Mass Transport over Western North America
- The hidden signature of temperature-moisture couplings in the heat sensitivity of global crops
- Thermomechanical Properties of the Shallow Martian Regolith
- Towards Multi-Component Observations of Seismic Rotation, Strain and Translation
- Towards coupling fluid flow and rate-and-state friction in compacting visco-poro-elasto-plastic reservoirs
- A Sneak Peek into Spatially Resolved Climate Model Emulation
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- Chapter 11: Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate
- Comparing algorithms for Bayesian tomography: SVGD versus HMC
- Contributors to Complex Magnetic Fabrics: A Tool to Investigate the Deformation History of Metamorphosed Amphibole-Bearing Rocks
- Countries Most Exposed to Multivariate Extremes at Different Global Warming Levels
- Cryoseismic Event Analysis on Distributed Strain Recordings Leveraging Unsupervised Clustering
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing on Volcanoes: Grimsvotn and Fagradalsfjall, Iceland
- Drought and Heat as Compounding Drivers of Tropical Fires Extremes in a Current and Future Climate
- Droughts and climate change: The role of drought-vegetation-climate interactions
- Evaluating large ensembles for persistent extreme events such as the 2020 temperature anomaly over Siberia
- From DAS to Discharge: Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing to Estimate the Hydrological Response of the Rhonegletscher, Switzerland.
- From User-Defined Emission Scenarios to Spatially Resolved Warming Projections with a Chain of Computationally Efficient Emulators: MAGICC MESMER Coupling
- Global and Local Electrical Conductivity Structure of the Moon
- Hail research in Switzerland - a recent series of severe hail storms highlights the value of ground observations and the need for research on climate change impacts
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion to Evaluate their Potential to Constrain the Density Distribution in the Earth.
- Land use and land cover changes in low-emissions climate scenarios
- MESMER A Spatially Resolved Earth System Model Emulator
- Real-time simulation of the geoelectric field spatiotemporal evolution due to geomagnetic disturbances
- Seismic Monitoring of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, SW Iceland
- Seismic array processing methods for snow avalanche characterization
- The Kids Arent Alright
- Thermodynamic Drivers of Precipitation Variability over the Arabian Peninsula
- Towards Exploiting the DAS-Potential in Gradiometry: Combining DAS-Collected Divergence Measurements with Conventional Receiver Data
- Urban Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Bern, Switzerland: Observations and Modelling
- Will we cross 1.5C?
- 3D Lithospheric Strength Variation Controls on Far-Field and Syntaxial Orogens: Inferences from the Himalayas and Comparison with Model Results
- A Comparative Analysis of Continuum Plasticity, Viscoplasticity and Phase-field Models for Earthquake Sequence Modeling
- Constraining the projected changes in compound hot and dry extremes in CMIP6 simulations
- Continental slivers in oceanic transform faults controlled by tectonic inheritance: numerical modelling from rifting to spreading
- Crustal deformation and residual topography in the East Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian system
- Fiber-optic sensing of volcanic tremor on a natural amplifier system
- Free surface methods applied to global scale numerical geodynamic models
- From millions of years to sub-second time scales in subduction earthquake sequence models: linking slab, mantle and surface displacements.
- Improvements to snowmelt rate and timing using remotely sensed snow albedo and numerical weather prediction solar radiation data in a spatially distributed process-based snow model in the East River Watershed, Colorado, USA
- Influence of Solid-Fluid Interactions and Dilatancy on Seismic Cycles in a Poro-Visco-Elasto-Plastic Fault Structure
- Ocean Tide-load Adjoint Sensitivity in 3D
- Optical Fibers Listen to the Death Sounds of Glaciers
- Structural Inversion of Rotational and Oblique Rifts: Inferences from 3D Coupled Thermo-Mechanical and Surface Processes Models
- The Origin of Asymmetrical Coronae on Venus: Morphology Classification and 3D Thermo-Mechanical Models of Plume-Margin Interactions
- The effect of grain size reduction for the origin of the mid-lithosphere discontinuity
- The role of cyclones and potential vorticity cutoffs for the occurrence of unusually long wet spells in Europe
- Using Open-source Tools to Create a Structure-based Inversion of Geophysical data for Improved Imaging of the Subsurface
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Mittelholz
- Akihiko Ito
- Alejandro Di Luca
- Alexander Grayver
- Alexander Nauels
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Alexey Kuvshinov
- Andrea R. Biedermann
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andrew Curtis
- Andries Jan de Vries
- Anna Gülcher
- Attila Balázs
- B. L. N. Kennett
- B. P. Lipovsky
- Betti Hegyi
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Christian Steger
- Christian Teyssier
- Christoph Müller
- Christoph Schär
- Christopher J. Smith
- D. C. Bowden
- David A. May
- Dominik Gräff
- Donna L. Whitney
- Eileen Martin
- Elena Marshalko
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Erich M. Fischer
- F. Wagner
- Fabian Walter
- Flavio Lehner
- Freysteinn Sigmundsson
- Fulden Batıbeniz
- Hansruedi Maurer
- Hilary R. Martens
- Isla R. Simpson
- Joachim Meyer
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- Joeri Rogelj
- John K. Hillier
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- June‐Yi Lee
- Karin van der Wiel
- Kerry Emanuel
- Lars Gebraad
- Lea Beusch
- Ling Chen
- Luca Dal Zilio
- Lukas Gudmundsson
- Luuk van Agtmaal
- M. Skiles
- Martin van Driel
- Masaki Satoh
- Matthew F. Horan
- Matthias Röthlisberger
- Megan C. Kirchmeier‐Young
- Michael Wehner
- Mikhail Kruglyakov
- Mingqi Liu
- Moetasim Ashfaq
- Muhammad Adnan Abid
- Naota Hanasaki
- Olivia Martius
- P. J.
- P. J. Tackley
- Pascal Edme
- Pauline Rivoire
- Paulo M. Brando
- Piers M. Forster
- Renyu Hu
- Ryan S. Padrón
- S. Vance
- Sebastian Milinski
- Sebastian Sippel
- Simon N. Gosling
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Subimal Ghosh
- Sölvi Thrastarson
- Taras Gerya
- Thomas Lecocq
- Wenfeng Liu
- Whitney M. Behr
- Wim Thiery
- Yeşim Çubuk-Sabuncu
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yoshihide Wada
- Zebedee Nicholls