University of California, Santa Cruz
flowchart I[University of California, Santa Cruz] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1764)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (425)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Physics
- University of California, Santa Cruz, Institute for Particle Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Plio-Pleistocene Synthesis of Tropical Planktonic Oxygen Isotope Records: Early Closure of the Isthmus of Panama and Late Development of the Walker Circulation
- A Quantitative Analysis of Flexural Faulting in the Cocos Plate at the Middle America Trench from Nicaragua to Costa Rica
- Arctic Influences: Causal Mechanisms and Climate Dynamics of the Warm Early Paleogene
- California Margin Records of Pliocene Circulation and Climate
- Deformation, Structure, and Hydrogeology in the Nankai Accretionary Prism, Japan: Initial Results of ODP Leg 196 Logging While Drilling and Installation of Long-term Hydrogeological Observatories
- Enhanced Carbonate Weathering: Helping Nature Capture and Sequester Carbon Dioxide
- Evaluation of Ancient and Future Submarine Landslides Along the Central California Coast and Their Potential to Generate Tsunamis
- Migrating Seals on Shifting Sands: Testing Alternate Hypotheses for Holocene Ecological and Cultural Change on the California Coast
- Paleolatitudes of the Ontong Java Plateau and the Louisville Hotspot
- Talus Lex: Regulatory Approaches to Reducing Mercury Concentrations in San Francisco Bay Fish.
- Time Series Models of Silver and Lead Contamination in San Francisco Bay
- Variation in flow speed on Ice Stream B
- A statistical approach to merge output from dynamic models with ground observations
- Biogeochemical Weathering Processes in a California Marine Chronosequence as Implicated by Pore-Water Major-Constituent Concentrations and Germanium-Silicon Fractionation
- Biogeochemistry of Sedimentary Carbon, Phosphorus and Redox-Sensitive Trace Metals in the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary
- Decadal-to-Millennial Oceanographic Variability Along the Antarctic Peninsula: ODP Site 1098 Demonstrates Strong Solar Forcing Signals In The Southern Ocean
- Drowned Carbonate Platforms in the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea; Morphology, Composition and Implications for Reef Development on a Rapidly Subsiding Margin
- Frontogenesis at the Mouth of Block Island Sound Evaluated by a Primitive Equation Model Incorporating ADCP Data
- Getting to the bottom of it: a paleoreconstruction of the - 400 m drowned carbonate platform off northwestern Hawaii
- Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen Utilization During the Southern Ocean Iron Enrichment Experiments (SOFeX)
- Melt Beneath the Siple Coast Ice Streams
- Metal Attentuation in an Acid Mine Drainage Impacted System: a Study at the Abandoned Spenceville Copper Mine, Nevada County, California
- Modeling Shoreline Formation on Mars and Titan
- Multi-proxy Characterization of the Feni and Gardar Drifts
- Nitrate Fluxes and Removal Rates Associated With Surface Water - Ground Water Interaction Within an Agriculturally-impacted, Coastal Watershed
- Ocean Observatory efforts in and around Monterey Bay, California, 1930 to the present
- Paleomagnetic Paleolatitude of Early Cretaceous Ontong Java Plateau Basalts: Implications for Pacific Apparent and True Polar Wander
- Pliocene-Pleistocene Sea Surface Temperature Record in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific as Recorded in Alkenone Saturation Ratios
- Quantifying Fine Root Carbon Inputs To Soil: Results From Combining Radiocarbon And Traditional Methodologies.
- Reconstruction of Eastern and Western Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Surface Seawater, 5 Ma to Present
- Sequential Extraction of Mercury from Sediments in San Francisco Bay Estuary
- Sequestering CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Ocean: Options and Consequences
- Silver in the North Pacific
- The Crustal Structure of the Convergent Nicaraguan Margin From a Combined Reflection and Refraction Study
- The Influence of Iron on the Biology and Biogeochemistry of the California Coastal Upwelling Area
- Time-Series Analysis of Streambed Thermal Records to Model Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Within a Coastal Watershed
- Using Drowned Coral Reefs to Constrain Flexural Models for Lower Plate Subsidence History: the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea
- Visualization of 2D Distributions from Models with Uncertainty
- Wide-Angle Complex Screen Propagator for Elastic Wave Propagation
- Wind Events and Shelf Transport (WEST): Understanding the Role of Wind-Driven Transport in Shelf Productivity.
- <SUP>15</SUP>N/<SUP>14</SUP>N Variation in CalCOFI Zooplankton: A 51 year history of Marine Nitrogen Dynamics and Climate Variability off Central California
- A Prominent Rise in Tropical SST during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum as inferred from Mg/Ca, Isotope, and other data
- Astronomical Calibration of the Late Oligocene Through Early Miocene Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale
- Ice rafting and oceanographic changes in the southern Indian Ocean during the Oi-1 transition
- Lichenometry's Black Box: Demographic Characteristics of Rhizocarpon geographicum and Pseudophebe pubescens Inferred from Whole Population Size-Frequency Distributions
- Links Between the Eastern Equatorial and Mid-Latitude Regions of the Eastern Pacific Ocean During the Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition
- Lower Mantle Anisotropy Beneath the Cocos Plate
- Ocean Drilling Program Records of the Last Five Million Years: A View of the Ocean and Climate System During a Warm Period and a Major Climate Transition
- Phosphorus: Sedimentary Geochemistry, Mass Balance, and Ocean History From ODP Sediments
- Short-term Fate of Carbon in two Woody Species Under Contrasting Resources Availability: Insights From a <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> Pulse Labeling Approach
- The Environmental Impact of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on the Coastal Ocean, New Jersey: Inferences from Stable Isotope, Trace Metal, and Organic/Inorganic Carbon Records
- The Response of Sea Surface Temperature to Past Global Climate Change at a California Margin Site
- The Use of Manipulations in Studies of Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling in Modern Microbial Mats
- Towards a rigorous MCMC estimation of PDFs of Climate System Properties.
- Tracer Tests and Peeper Samplers Used to Quantify In-Stream Nitrate Fluxes and Removal Rates in an Agricultural Watershed
- A Three-Dimensional Subseafloor Observatory Network for Cross-Hole, Hydrogeologic Experiments Established in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
- Accelerated Particle Spectra and Abundances in the 2003 October 28 and November 2 Solar Flares
- Characterizing the Chemical Composition of the Columbia River Plume: the use of Silicic Acid, Nitrate, Manganese and Salinity as Tracers of Sources of Waters Contributing to the Plume.
- Complexation of Inorganic Mercury in Freshwaters: Spatial Variability and Ligand Sources
- Distribution of Manganese, Silicic Acid, and Salinity Over Large Spatial Scales as Tracers of the Columbia River Plume off Oregon and Washington
- Do Tropical SST Changes Lead High Latitude Climate Change, Or Are Our Proxies Misleading Us?
- Draw-Down of Metals During a Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in South San Francisco Bay
- Effects of an Asian Dust Storm on the Gulf of Alaska: Trace Metal Evidence and Biological Consequences
- Giant Planet Cores: Solid vs. Stable
- High Resolution Paleoclimate Records From Fossil Corals Recovered From Drowned Reefs Around Hawaii
- Incorporating Environmental Regulation and Litigation in Earth Science Curriculum
- LiMPETS: Scientists Contributions to Coastal Protection Program for Youth
- Middle Eocene to early Oligocene paleoceanography of the Southern Ocean from foraminiferal stable isotope and Mg/Ca records
- Phosphorus and Barium Tracers of Productivity, Nazca Ridge ODP Site 1237, Southeast Pacific Paleoceanographic Transects
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Phytoplankton and Sea Surface Temperature during CoOP WEST (northern California)
- Tracers of Productivity across the PETM, Walvis Ridge, ODP Sites 1262 and 1263
- Warmer Tropics During the mid Pliocene: Evidence From Alkenone Paleothermometry and a Fully Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCM
- An Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of the South Portion of the California Current and Ecosystem Using ROMS
- Constraints on Paleocene and Eocene Tropical Sea-Surface Temperatures and Meridional Temperature Gradients From Mg/Ca and Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Foraminifera in Sediments Recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program
- Direct Observation of Prompt Solar Flare Perturbation to Stratospheric Electrodynamics
- Diversity of Arsenate Respiratory Reductase Genes Along Gradients of Arsenate and Arsenite Within Hypersaline, Alkaline Sediments
- Fabric contribution to sediment physical properties in Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308
- Icy satellite shell thickening: consequences for non-synchronous rotation rates and stresses
- Implications of the Rhizosphere Effect on Soil Organic Matter Decomposition
- In-situ pressure measurements in the Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of Mexico
- Magnetic polarity stratigraphy of Fenghuoshan and Wandouhu basins: an indirect tool for constraining the Tertiary uplift history of northern Tibet
- Multiproxy Evidence of the Role of the Vertical Structure of the Southern Ocean in Global Climate Change
- Preliminary Benchmarking of Numerical Simulations of the Supersonic Behavior of Plinian Eruptions
- Preliminary Benchmarking of Plinian Eruption Simulations Using an Adaptive Grid Eulerian Technique
- Pressure, Temperature and Flow in the Ursa Basin Ssediment Ccover, Northeast Gulf of Mexico
- SeaRover: An Emerging Technology for Sea Surface Sensor Networks
- Southern Ocean Paleoceanographic Change Across the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary From Foraminiferal Stable Isotope and Mg/Ca Records
- Stable Pb isotope ratios as indicators of historical atmospheric Pb sources around a Canadian smelter.
- The Presence of Plants Alters the Effect of Soil Moisture on Soil C Decomposition in Two Different Soil Types
- Transient Gamma-Ray Emissions Related to Thunderstorms: Coordinated RHESSI and CORONAS-F Observations
- Undulating Sediment Morphology in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea
- Warm upwelling regions during a period of global warmth
- A Gaussian Process Approach to Quantifying the Uncertainty of Vegetation Parameters from Remote Sensing Observations
- A Modeling Approach to Enhance Animal-Obtained Oceanographic Data Geo- Position
- A Multi-proxy Paleoclimatic Reconstruction of Monterey Bay, CA During the Past 32ka
- Adjoint Sensitivity Analyses in the Central California Coastal Region
- Airborne observations of gaseous mercury and other pollutants over the northwestern US during INTEX-B
- Albatrosses as Ocean Samplers of Sea Surface Temperature
- Assimilation of Fine-Scale Data in the Development of a Real-Time Ocean Prediction System
- Diatom Vertical Migration to Acquire Iron
- Ecosystem Nitrogen Stable Isotope Abundance Along Precipitation and Temperature Gradients in Inner Mongolian Grassland
- Elephant Seals and Temperature Data: Calibrations and Limitations.
- Habitat Selection and Foraging Behavior of Southern Elephant Seals in the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Hydrographic Description and Habitat use of Eddies by Northern Elephant Seals in the North East Pacific
- Indo-Pacific evidence for cooling subsurface water, stable Indo-Pacific warm pool temperatures, and cooling upwelling regions through the Plio-Pleistocene transition.
- Initiation of Precipitation in Warm Trade Wind Cumulus Clouds
- Izu Backarc Extensional Volcanism
- Measurement of the growth rate of aerosols during activation to form cloud droplets
- Microbial Soil Respiration and its dependency on Carbon Inputs, Soil Temperature and Moisture in two contrasting ecosystems
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- Modelling of Soluble Iron Formation, Transport and Deposition to the North Pacific Ocean, Role of Anthropogenic Pollutants.
- North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP): Producing Regional Climate Change Projections for Climate Impacts Studies
- Relationship Between Ensemble Mean Square and Ensemble Mean Skill in Four Climate Models
- Roots and Their Rhizosphere of Fremont Cottonwood and Ponderosa Pine Substantially Stimulated Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition.
- SAGE Validations of Volcanic Jet Simulations
- Science Communication: Recognizing the Obligation to Effectively Inform Management and Policy
- The Mount St. Helens Hybrid Earthquakes: Stick-slip or Resonating Pipes?
- Understanding the role of multiheme cytochromes in iron(III) reduction and arsenic mobilization by Shewanella sp. ANA-3
- Using MASTER Multispectral and LiDAR to Detect CO2 and Methane Above a Virtual pipeline.
- Widespread Changes in Ocean Circulation Following the Opening of Drake Passage
- A New Look at the Early Eocene Arctic Climate in CCSM3: Sensitivity to pCO2 and Basin Geography
- An Updated Method for the Measurement of Silicon Isotopes From Opal, Examples From Cariaco Basin Sediment Traps
- Analysis of Los Alamos Sferic Array Observations of Lightning Discharge Events Correlated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Bringing Geology to a Community: The Benefits of USing Interpretive Signs in a Self-Guided Tour
- Cerium Anomalies in Fossil Fish Teeth Reveal Changes in Bottom Water Oxygenation
- Comparison of statistical properties of simulated and observed cumulus clouds during GoMACCS
- Development of a Wireless Network of Temperature Sensors for Yellowstone National Park (USA)
- Distinct Cloud Droplet Growth Kinetics Observed Above the Marine Boundary Layer
- Dynamic implications of drowned reefs and raised coastlines along the Bismarck volcanic arc
- Estimating Different Regimes in a Tracer Breakthrough Curve with Bayesian Statistics.
- Evaluating the Timing of Volcanism at Baitoushan Volcano (North Korea/China) in the Context of Open-system Effects: Insights from Sr, Nd, and Pb Isotopes at the Single Grain Scale
- Geometrical and Structural Asperities on Fault Surfaces
- Global sensitivity analysis of Leaf-Canopy radiative transfer Model for analysis and quantification of uncertainties in remote sensed data product generation
- Hindcasts of Chemistry and Aerosols: Results and Plans
- Influences on the fractionation of calcium isotopes in planktonic foraminifera
- Integrated studies of Milankovitch solar forcing and climate response: strategies for understanding climate processes
- Is the stratosphere an important source of reactive mercury in the free troposphere?
- Late-Quaternary Environmental Change in the Sierra Nevada: A 19,000-Year Sedimentary Organic Matter Record From Swamp Lake, Yosemite National Park, California
- Lithospheric and Upper-Mantle Structure of the Red Sea and Arabian Peninsula
- Organic nutrient enrichment in the oligotrophic ocean: Impacts on remineralization, carbon sequestration, and community structure
- Partitioning and Phase Effects of Ni for the Martian Basalt Humphrey Composition
- Pliocene-Pleistocene pCO2 Changes Based on Alkenone Carbon Isotopes
- Preliminary SAGE Simulations of Volcanic Jets Into a Stratified Atmosphere
- Regional Failure of Intertidal Mussel Mg/Ca as an Independent Temperature Proxy: A Cautionary Tale
- Smooth, Mature Faults Radiate More Energy than Rough, Immature Faults in Parkfield, CA
- Temporal and spatial paleoproductivity patterns associated with Eastern Mediterranean sapropels: paleoceanographic significance.
- The Holocene Record of the Arctic Oscillation and a Possible Link to Solar Variability
- The Isotopic History of Western North American Grasslands
- The extent of phyllosilicates in the northern highlands around Mawrth Vallis: CRISM observations of Western Arabia Terra
- A Calcium Isotope Record Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary From an Isolated Carbonate Platform in South China
- Adapting to Uncertain Futures: Glacier Recession and Livelihood Vulnerability in the Peruvian Andes
- Aptian Carbon and Sulfur Isotope Curves From ODP Site 765
- Atmospheric deposition fluxes to Monetary Bay
- Biological Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Through the Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition
- CO2 Leak Detection Using Hyperspectral Plant Signatures During the 2008 ZERT CO2 Sequestration Field Experiment in Bozeman, MT
- Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Variation in Peat Bogs in the Midwestern US: Implications for Holocene Climate Reconstruction
- Carbonate Accumulation and Dissolution Events and the Seawater Calcium Isotope Record
- Comparing Observations of Low Frequency Earthquakes From Tremor at Three Subduction Zones
- Comparison of March 2008 Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) tiger stripe observations with shear heating predictions
- Controls over Carbonate Saturation in Temperate Estuaries: Insights from Historical Records
- Core formation in silicate bodies
- Does atmospheric deposition support phytoplankton productivity in Monterey Bay, CA?
- Effect of Seasonal Variation on Sediment Transport and Deposition on a Collision Margin: the Umpqua River
- Eruption Forecasting: Success and Surprise at Kasatochi and Okmok Volcanoes
- Evaluating Young Volcanism at Baitoushan Volcano: Insights From Single Mineral Crystal Sr and Pb Isotope Analyses
- Experimental Observations of Permeability Enhancements by Dynamic Stresses
- Extending the statistical framework for global sensitivity analysis of canopy radiative transfer models
- Fluvial Discharge Rates of Martian Gullies: Slope Measurements From Stereo HiRISE Images and Numerical Modeling of Sediment Transport
- Geobiological Responses to Ocean Acidification
- Hydrocode Modelling of the South Pole-Aitken Basin-forming Impact
- Hypoxic Conditions off the Oregon coast - A Modern Occurrence or Part of Larger Oceanographic Cycles?
- Impact of boundary regions on the interior circulation of the California Current System in a regional modeling framework
- Insights Into Water-Soluble Organic Aerosol Sources From Carbon-13 Ratios of Size Exclusion Chromatography Fractions
- Interdisciplinary modeling of the California Current System
- Intra Shell Variability Of Trace Element Distributions In Planktic Foraminifera From Plankton Tows And Sediment Traps
- JOIDES Resolution: The Old Made New Again
- Late Neogene sea Surface Temperatures in the Sub-tropical North Pacific
- Lessons from the Pliocene Warm Period and the Onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation
- Microbes Enhanced Mobility of Arsenic, without Iron Reduction in Deep Bangladesh Aquifer
- Mid-Holocene Climate Variability in the Western Sierra Nevada as Recorded in Sediments from Swamp Lake, Yosemite NP
- Near real-time 4DVAR Assimilation and Ensemble Prediction with GODAE Products
- New Magnetostratigraphic and Rock Magnetic Results From Sediments and Rocks of IODP Expedition 316
- Nitrogen Cycling in the Oligotrophic Ocean: How Seasonal Physical Processes Determine Biologically-Mediated Nitrogen Transformations
- Nonnormal Thermohaline Circulation Dynamics in an Idealized Ocean GCM
- Nutrient Limitation of Phytoplankton Growth in the Tropical South Pacific Ocean
- Observations of Two Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes (TGFs) over a Wide Energy Range with the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- Observations of speciated atmospheric mercury at three sites in Nevada, USA: evidence for a free tropospheric source of reactive gaseous mercury
- Paleo-redox Reconstructions Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Quantifying the Distribution and Dynamics of Managed Aquifer Recharge Using Mass- Balance and Time-Series Thermal Methods
- Recent Precipitation Trends Over the Southern Ocean in Relation to Oceanic Freshening Near Antarctica
- Reconstructing Holocene Fire History for Northern Israel: The Role of Climate and Human Activity
- Resilience to Changing Snow Depth in a Shrubland Ecosystem.
- Rhizosphere Effects Reduce the Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition
- Spontaneous Layer Formation in Three-Dimensional Simulations of Thermohaline Convection
- Structural styles based on LWD data at IODP Exp. 314 and its comparison to seismic expressions
- Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Coastal Water Quality on the Kona Coast: The Land Use Connection
- Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Nutrient Additions to the Puerto Morelos Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula
- Surface Ocean Circulation and Dynamics in the Philippine Archipelago Region
- The Effects of Acoustic Waves on Stick Slip Behavior in Sheared Granular Media and Their Implications for Earthquake Recurrence and Dynamic Triggering
- The Effects of Nutrient and Trace Metal Enrichment on Coastal and Oceanic Strains of Synechococcus
- The Role of Advection on Fault Zone Temperature after an Earthquake: Implications for Rapid Response Drilling
- The use of Oxygen Isotopic Signatures to Track Phosphate Transformations in Reclaimed Waste Water Irrigated Soil
- Updated Episodic Tremor and Slip on the Cocos-Caribbean Subduction zone as measured by a GPS and Seismic Network on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- When micro meets macro: microbial lipid analysis and ecosystem ecology
- (226Ra/230Th) excesses and the formation of high Mg andesitic lavas in the Western Bismarck arc, Papua New Guinea
- A Simple Model for Predicting Shoreline Position on a High-Energy Sandy Beach at Monthly to Multi-Year Timescales
- A preliminary result of stress orientation obtained from drilling induced tensile fractures and borehole breakouts at Site C0009 of Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE
- Automated Texture Classification of the Mawrth Vallis Landing Site Region
- Beach morphodynamics of the mixed grain-size delta of the dammed Elwha River, Washington
- CESAR Opto-Mechanical Design
- CHART: An Online Workshop About the Future of Scientific Ocean Drilling
- California Fault Zone Orphan Borehole Database
- Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Variation in Sphagnum from Peat Bogs in the Midwestern Us: Implications for Holocene Climate Reconstruction
- Chronology of magmatism and Eurekean deformation in the High-Arctic Large Igneous Province: 40Ar-39Ar age of the Kap Washington Volcanics, North Greenland
- Collateral Damage: How Damage Zone Fracture Density Profiles Reflect Slip Distribution
- Correlation between slip surface roughness and the internal structures of active faults
- Drizzle and Sub-cloud Evaporation in Marine Stratocumulus and Implications for Water and Energy Budgets
- Exoplanet albedo spectra and colors as a function of orbital phase, separation, and metallicity
- Export Production Fluctuations in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific During the Late Neogene - Reconstruction Using Barite Accumulation Rates
- Fijian tonalities and crustal evolution
- Geophysical investigations of subglacial Antarctic lakes: identifying drill sites for lake access
- Glacial-interglacial sea-surface temperature (SST) variability in the eastern tropical Pacific: spatial patterns from the late Pleistocene to present
- Grassland Soil and Fossil CO2 Fluxes Monitored Using Continuous CELS Measurements of [CO2] and δ13C
- Holocene hydrologic variability in the Sierra Nevada from D/H ratios in leaf waxes
- How Important is Methodology to Estimates of Aerosol Solubility?
- Identifying sources of gaseous oxidized mercury at two southeastern U.S. sites using chemical ratios and back trajectories
- In situ stress and deformation patterns across the Nankai Kumano basin and forearc: Results from IODP Expedition 319
- Late Holocene Paleosalinity, Groundwater Discharge, and Regional Climate Change at Celestun Estuary, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- Long-term erosion and exhumation rates across different climatic zones in the Indian NW-Himalaya
- Measurements of atmospheric elemental and oxidized mercury and dry deposition to a surrogate surface at a coastal estuary location in Central California
- Monitoring Surface CO2 Leaks Using Hyperspectral Plant Signatures During the 2008 and 2009 ZERT Shallow Subsurface CO2 Release Experiment in Bozeman, MT
- Near-axis melt anomalies and segmentation of axial melt: a common framework for the EPR and Endeavour ISS? (Invited)
- Paleoproductivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific through the Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition
- Paleosecular variation analysis of high-latitude paleomagnetic data from the volcanic island of Jan Mayen
- Potential for Biomarkers in Phyllosilicate-bearing Rocks at Mawrth Vallis, Mars
- Rear Arc Contributions to Continental Crust (Invited)
- Sea surface temperatures of the subtropical North Pacific since the late Miocene: Cooling trends and mid-Pliocene warmth
- Seawater calcium isotopic ratios across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
- Silver in the Gulf of Alaska
- Soluble Nutrient and Trace Metal Fluxes from Aerosol Dry Deposition to Elkhorn Slough, CA
- Spontaneous Layer Formation in Salt Fingering Simulations
- Stratification of the Outermost Core by Reaction with the Mantle
- Surface processes on perennial Antarctic sea ice
- The 2004-2008 Worldwide Superswarm
- The B/Ca proxy for deep-water carbonate ion concentration: A new species-specific calibration for Nuttallides umbonifera
- The Bering Sea Drilling, IODP Expedition 323 in 2009: Pliocene-Pleistocene climate change with high sedimentation rates
- The Case for Ceres: Report to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey Committee
- The Character of Brunhes-Chron Paleomagnetic Secular Variation at High Latitudes: Results from IODP Expedition 323-Bering Sea (Invited)
- The dynamics of large-scale meridional flows in the solar interior, and their role in establishing the observed rotational balance
- The influence of atmospheric nutrients on primary productivity in coastal upwelling regions
- Trace metal proxies in the Oregon coastal zone- identifying Holocene hypoxic events
- Using Radium Isotopes to Characterize Coastal Mixing Processes: A Sensitivity Analysis
- Validating the Leaf-Canopy Radiative Transfer Model Using Field Data and Satellite Measurements
- Vegetation effects on sub-pixel roughness measurements from NASA’s Terra/ASTER stereo images
- Whillans Ice Stream stick-slip events: Slip-predictability and dynamically fluctuating till strength
- Worldwide Diversity and Occurrence of Arsenite Transporter acr3(2) Suggests an Important and Overlooked Pathway
- A 115-year δ15N record of cumulative nitrogen pollution in California serpentine grasslands
- A core-top calibration of the benthic foraminiferal B/Ca proxy for deep water carbonate saturation for Nuttallides umbonifera: Facilitating paleoceanographic reconstructions
- A state-space approach to predict stream temperatures and quantify model error: Application on the Sacramento River, California
- A strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) record of paleo-groundwater discharge and regional climate change at Celestun Estuary, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- Arc Basalt Simulator version 3: Spreadsheet mass balance for exploring on element behavior between subducted slab, mantle wedge, and magma
- Assessment of Parametric Uncertainty using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Surface Complexation Models in Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling
- Bering Sea conditions in the early Pliocene warm period (Invited)
- Brief (<1 sec) delays to particle activation, and their influence on deposition patterns in the respiratory system
- CESAR: Compact Echelle Spectrograph for Aeronomical Research
- Carbonate diagenesis in the methane-rich sediments of the Beringian margin, IODP 323 Expedition
- Climate Change, Agriculture and Sustainable Groundwater Management: Groundwater Reserves as a Hedge Against Climate Change and Drought (Invited)
- Coastal Resilience: Using interactive decision support to address the needs of natural and human communities in Long Island Sound, USA
- Commotion in the Ocean: Tasmanian Gateway Tectonics and Initiation of Circum-Antarctic Circulation
- Comparison of Magma Residence, Magma Ascent and Magma-Hydrothermal Interaction at EPR 9°N and Endeavour Segment
- Comparisons of The Habitat Utilization Of Top Predators In The Southern Ocean And The North Pacific
- Compound-specific nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids: a possible new tool for reconstruction of paleo-nitrogen sources and cycling
- Coupled organic and inorganic carbon diagenesis in the deeply buried sediment of the northeastern Bering Sea Slope (IODP Exp. 323)
- Crustal Lg-wave attenuation within the North China Craton and its surrounding regions
- Disequilibration by Planetary Collision
- Drilling into Faults Quickly After Earthquakes (Invited)
- Episodic Slip Events Measured by a Continuous GPS Network on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Extending the calibration of marine barite Pb isotope records
- Fijian Tonalites: Enriched mantle to continental crust in an oceanic arc setting
- Forecasting energy security impacts of biofuels using regional climate models
- Holocene Climate Variability in the Central North Pacific: An Organic Geochemical Record from Ka'au Crater Swamp, O'ahu, Hawai'i
- Ice/till coupling estimated from broadband seismology and continuous GPS
- Impact of atmospheric deposition on algal growth in Lake Tahoe, CA
- Influence of Titan's climate-driven surface mass redistribution on spin pole precession
- Interacting Earthquakes Along the Northern Vanuatu Subduction Zone
- Interannual lower trophic level ecosystem variability and nutrient limitation in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska from a data-assimilative, coupled physical-biological model (Invited)
- Joint Projections of North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature from Different Global Climate Models
- Mapping Oil-Water Emulsions from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Marine Ecosystem Response to Rapid Climate Warming on the West Antarctic Peninsula (Invited)
- Microseismicity illuminates open fractures in the shallow crust
- New Magnetostratigraphic Results From Sedimentary Rocks of IODP's Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE) Expedition 322
- Observation impacts on California Current transport during 4D-Var using ROMS (Invited)
- Observations of plumes containing gaseous mercury from point sources in the Los Angeles Basin during the 2010 CalNex ship cruise
- Observations of wave-driven surf-zone dynamics on a high-energy beach, Ocean Beach, San Francisco
- Paleomagnetic tests for impact-generated fields at Lonar and other terrestrial craters
- Paleomagnetism and rockmagnetism of basement basaltic rocks from Kashinosaki Knoll, Shikoku Basin: IODP NanTroSEIZE drilling Site C0012
- Particulate and dissolved iron sources in the Amundsen Sea, Western Antarctica
- Past Bering Sea Circulation and Implications for Millennial-Scale Climate Change in the North Pacific
- Planetary cores: a geodynamic perspective (Invited)
- Pleistocene foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope records at the Gateway to the Arctic in the Bering Sea (IODP Exp. 323 Site U1343)
- Preliminary Results from SCEC Earthquake Simulator Comparison Project
- Probing Fault Strength Variations Across the Continent with Remote Earthquake Triggering
- Probing soil C metabolism in response to temperature: results from experiments and modeling
- Quantification of Rock Clustering on Martian Patterned Ground Terrains
- Quantifying Ecological Memory of Plant and Ecosystem Processes in Variable Environments
- Reaction of CO2 and Carbonate Mineral in Seawater for Mitigation of CO2 and Ocean Acidity
- Reactive Iron Delivery to the Central Gulf of Alaska via Two Mesoscale Eddies (Invited)
- Recent Lunar Magnetism
- Reconciling Phytoplankton Growth Rates and Standing Stocks in the Northern Gulf of Alaska: Evidence for a Physical-Biological Mosaic (Invited)
- Remobilization of Industrial Lead Depositions by Wildfire
- Root-Soil Interactions as Input-Driven Feedbacks in Regulating Soil Carbon Cycle
- Roughness of fault surface: evidence of self-affine morphology from the submillimetric scale to large earthquake surface rupture
- Sea Level Rise: Vulnerability of California's Coastal Communities and Adaptation Strategies for Reducing Future Impacts Gary Griggs Director Institute of Marine Sciences University of California Santa Cruz Nicole L. Russell Ph.D. Student Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences University of California Santa Cruz
- Sea Surface Temperatures in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool During the Early Pliocene Warm Period
- Self-affine fault surface roughness: implications for the slip distribution and the amount of static stress drop after an earthquake
- Soil Carbon Change During Fifty Years of Old-Field Forest Development
- Structural and thermochronologic implications for the development of the Northern Qilian Shan; tracking the history of slip partitioning from the Altyn Tagh Fault into the Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Submarine groundwater discharge and associated nutrient fluxes into San Francisco Bay
- Submarine groundwater discharge and the coastal ocean extreme bloom incubator Monterey Bay, CA
- Systematic conservation planning for California avifauna in a climate change context (Invited)
- Teaching Marine Geoscience at Sea: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program's School of Rock Explores Cascadia Subduction Zone - Cores, Logs, and ACORKs
- Temporal Changes in Lead Bioaccessibility in Newly Deposited, Floodplain Sediments
- Temporal Variability of Ion Acceleration and Abundances in Solar Flares
- The 2010 Chile Earthquake - Variations in the Rupture Mode
- The Geochemical Signature of Antarctic Glaciation
- The Relationship Between Preserved Fault Zone Thickness and Total Displacement (Invited)
- The hydrologic cycle of the western coast of North America since the late Miocene
- The impact of low pH, low aragonite saturation state on calcifying corals: an in-situ study of ocean acidification from the "ojos" of Puerto Morelos, Mexico
- The interior and evolution of Enceladus: Current knowledge and future prospects (Invited)
- The role of the Bering Sea in the global climate: Preliminary results of the IODP Expedition 323, Bering Sea paloceanography (Invited)
- Trials at Sea: Successful Implementation of a Unique Two-Month Professional Development Program
- Tropical Pacific SST Patterns, Controls and Effects (past 1.5 Ma)
- Using GIS and NOAA HYPLIT trajectories to create meaningful airsheds in Pennsylvania
- Using oxygen isotopes of phosphate to investigate phosphate release from sediments and phosphate input from waste water treatment plants into Lake Erie
- Weddell Seal Foraging Behavior in the Weddell Sea
- What can geolocated sferics tell us about Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes?
- Why Wet Kaolin can be used as a Crustal Analog and its Application to Fault Evolution at Restraining Bends
- Winter Habitat Preference of Weddell Seals in the Ross Sea
- 1997 to Present: Quality and Versatile Access to the Deep Biosphere with Coupled Advanced CORKs and Fluid Pumping Systems
- 3D simulations of double-diffusive convection in the interior of giant planets
- A Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Approach to Forecast Future Climate - Blending Regional Climate Model Predictions for the American Southwest
- A dynamo driven by zonal jets at the upper surface: applications to giant planets
- A hybrid 3D-Var data assimilation scheme for joint state and parameter estimation: application to morphodynamic modelling
- AUV Mapping and ROV Sampling of Ridges and Seamounts: No Longer Wandering Around in the Dark
- An Information Nexus: the NASA Global Hawk Link Module
- Assessing Oxygen Isotope Variability and Sr/Ca Ratios in the Non-massive Coral Genus Isopora as a Paleoclimate Archive
- Back trajectory analysis of high-ozone days from a 15-year record of measurements at Great Basin National Park, Nevada
- Benthic foraminiferal stable oxygen isotope stratigraphies from IODP Sites U1339 and U1345
- Bering Sea Climate Change since 70 ka: A High Resolution Record from Bowers Ridge IODP Site U1340
- Brittle, flowing structures focused on subtle crustal heterogeneities
- Chemical modifications of subducted crust and sediments beneath convergent plate margins and the fate of extracted liquids and residual solids: examinations using ABS ver.4 numerical model
- Collection, Storage and Real-Time Transmission of Housekeeping and Instrument Data Aboard Manned NASA Airborne Science Platforms
- Comparative Lagrangian mixing and velocity structure in geostrophic vs. non-geostrophic velocity fields
- Consequences of climate change, eutrophication, and other anthropogenic impacts to coastal salt marshes: multiple stressors reduce resiliency and sustainability
- Consequences of long-term changes in seasonal precipitation for the biochemistry of photosynthesis in dominant desert shrubs and grasses
- Crater Relaxation and Stereo Imaging of Icy Satellites
- Electrochemical Acceleration of Carbonate and Silicate Weathering for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mitigation
- Evaluation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Source of Nutrients, Carbon , and Metals to the Monterey Bay Extreme Bloom Incubator
- Evolution of Marine Sedimentation in the Bering Sea Since the Pliocene
- Exploring deep soil carbon loss following field-to-forest land use change
- Foraminiferal oxygen isotope records at the Bering slope (IODP exp. 323 site U1343) provide an orbital scale age model and indicate pronounced changes during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Geochemical Constraints for Plate Scale Subseafloor Fluid Circulation: The Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Geologic Signatures of the Mega-Impact on Vesta
- High-resolution AUV mapping and lava flow ages at Axial Seamount
- Hydrologic Sensitivity to Climate Change of Precipitation Patterns via Integrated Modeling
- IODP Exp 323 Site U1342 from the Bering Sea may indicate past changes in ocean ventilation and climate
- Identifying sources of nitrate in select watersheds of the Tahoe Basin using stable isotope tracers
- Intermediate-depth ventilation in the Bering Sea from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene
- Jetting Activity and Thermal Emission across the South Polar Terrain of Enceladus: Observations and Comparisons with Shear-Heating Models
- Landscape change and megafan deposition in the Denver Basin during the PETM
- Latest Progress on the Gamma-Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar Flares (GRIPS)
- Measurements of Mercury in Rain and Fog Water from the Central Coast of California Measurements of Mercury in Rain and Fog Water from the Central Coast of California
- Microbial phylogeny of igneous minerals and glasses in deep ocean crust
- Millennial-scale variability in the Pacific sub-Arctic: new insights from the Bering Sea, IODP Expedition 323, Site 1340
- NASA's Coastal and Ocean Airborne Science Testbed
- NASA's Student Airborne Research Program as a model for effective professional development experience in Oceanography
- North Pacific sea surface temperature gradients since the late Miocene
- Numerical Simulation of Large-Scale Double-Diffusive Systems
- Ongoing microseismicity in Nicoya of Costa Rica: What it says about megathrust locking
- Paleoproductivity and paleoceanography of the last 4.3 Myrs at IODP Exp. 323 Site U1341 in the Bering Sea based on biogenic opal content
- Pleistocene tropical Pacific temperature sensitivity to radiative greenhouse gas forcing
- Preliminary results of stress and strain analyses, IODP Expedition 334, Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP)
- Preliminary results of the CRISP 3D seismic experiment, offshore Costa Rica
- Quantifying Atmospheric Mercury Emissions Sources in coastal California from Shipboard Measurements During CalNex 2010
- Redox Conditions and Related Color Change in Eastern Equatorial Pacific Sediments: IODP Site U1334
- Seasonal Berm Behavior on a Coastal Lagoon Pocket Beach
- Seasonal Variability in Mercury Speciation within Select Coastal Lagoons of Central California
- Single Foraminifera Reconstructions of Equatorial Pacific Variability from the Late Glacial Maximum to the Holocene
- Southwest Subtropical Pacific Surface Temperatures during the Pliocene
- Stable (<SUP>88</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr) strontium isotopes in marine barite
- Stable Carbon and Nitrogen isoscapes of the California Coast: integrated δ15N and δ13C of suspended particulate organic matter inferred from tissues of the California Mussel (mytilus californianus)
- Status of the Ocean Bottom Seismology Component of the Cascadia Initiative
- Stereo Topography of Fault Systems and Crater-Fault Interactions on Rhea
- Strontium Isotope Constraints on Permian-Triassic Global Change
- Subterranean Ground Water Discharge (SGD) in the Arctic as a Source of Atmospheric Methane
- Telling the Story of Ridge Flank Research to all Ages and Audiences
- Temporal Changes in Lead Depositions in East Africa: A Case Study of Lake Tanganyika
- The COMPASS Project
- The Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative: Field measurements of surface ozone in rural settings
- The comparative response of stratocumulus to meteorological and aerosol perturbations
- The geological record of ocean acidification
- Thresholds of glacier hydrologic change and emergent vulnerabilities in a tropical Andean waterscape
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Beneath West Antarctica from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis of POLENET/ANET Data
- Winter snowfall and summer photosynthesis for the Great Basin Desert shrubs Artemisia tridentata and Purshia tridentata.
- A Mathematical Model for Estimation of Kelp Bed Productivity: Age Dependence and Contributions of Subsurface Kelp
- A comparison of grounding zone features and flexure dynamics in two geometries over a 12-hour tidal range
- Across-arc geochemical variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile (34.5-38°S): Constraints on Mantle Wedge and Input Compositions
- An organic geochemical record of the Sangamon interglacial from the high elevation Colorado Rockies
- Basin-wide sea surface temperature distributions of the Pleistocene, Pliocene, and late Miocene
- Bering Sea records of climate and North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation
- Boron in Marine Barite: A Potential Proxy for the Boron Isotopic Composition of Seawater
- Bulk and Compound-Specific Stable Nitrogen Isotopes in Plankton Reveal Large Impact of Diazotrophy across the Subtropical North Atlantic
- Buried Middle Pleistocene ice wedge systems and longterm survival of ancient Yedoma carbon
- Characterization of Active Hydrothermal Fluid Discharge and Recharge Zones in the Endeavour Axial Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Characterization of Nutrient Source End-Members in Monterey Bay California
- Comparison of Reactive Mercury Concentrations Measured Simultaneously Using KCl-coated Denuders, Nylon Membranes, and Cation Exchange Membranes
- Comparison of planktic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope records in two Southern California basins from LGM to present
- Compound Specific δ13C of Amino Acids in a Deep-Sea Coral (Isidella) from the Monterey Canyon
- Continuous GPS Observations of Grounding Zone Dynamics of the Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Coupled 4D-variational physical and biological data assimilation in the California Current System
- Development of Observatories for the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project
- Distribution of biologic, anthropogenic, and volcanic constituents as a proxy for sediment transport in the San Francisco Bay coastal system, California
- Effect of melt composition and crystal content on flow morphology along the Alarcón Rise, Mexico
- Effects of Simulated Climate Conditions on Phosphorus Cycling in an Annual Grassland
- Effects of permafrost on groundwater constituent fluxes via submarine groundwater discharge in high latitude coastal environments
- Elevated concentrations of monomethyl mercury in Pacific marine fog water: investigation of sources and estimation of flux to the terrestrial landscape
- Elevation, Substrate, & Climate effects on Alpine & Sub-Alpine Plant Distribution in California's High Mountains: Preliminary Data from the California GLORIA Project
- Evidence for Changing Climate Sensitivity in the Geologic Past
- Extent of metal-silicate disequilibrium during accretion and early differentiation of the Earth
- Geology of the Alarcón Rise Based on 1-m Resolution Bathymetry and ROV Observations and Sampling
- Glacier seismology in a coastal temperate rainforest
- High-resolution record of export production in the eastern equatorial Pacific across the Eocene-Oligocene transition and relationships to larger climatic records
- Horizontal stress orientations in the largest displacement area of the Mw9.0 Tohoku earthquake
- How Are the Jets, Heat and Tidal Stresses across the South Polar Terrain of Enceladus Related?
- Identifying beach sand sources and pathways in the San Francisco Bay Coastal System through the integration of bed characteristics, geochemical tracers, current measurements, and numerical modeling
- Influence of the summer marine layer on patterns of chaparral diversity in west central California
- Integrating multiple temporal scales of snowfall, soil, and plant processes at the Great Basin Desert - Sierra Nevada ecotone
- Investigating controls on calcium isotope ratios in marine carbonates and barite over the Cenozoic
- Land-Ocean Connections - Impacts of agricultural runoff on phytoplankton productivity in the Gulf of California
- Mercury Concentration in the Tissue of Terrestrial Arthropods from the Central California Coast
- Modeling basalt genesis across the Izu arc using the Arc Basalt Simulator
- Multicomponent, 3-D, and High-Resolution 2-D Seismic Characterization of Gas Hydrate Study Sites in the Gulf of Mexico
- NASA'S Coastal and Ocean Airborne Science Testbed (COAST): Early Results
- Nature of Phosphorus Compounds Fueling Microbial Life in Deep-Sea Sediments at North Pond
- New Evidence does not Support Extraordinarily Rapid Field Change at Steens Mountain
- New Method for Determining Isotopic Values of Glutamic Acid and Phenylalanine for Estimation of Precise Trophic Position in Food Web Studies
- Nonlinear sensitivity kernel and its De Wolf approximation for nonlinear inversion
- Numerical Simulations of Boundary-Driven Dynamos
- Observations Indicate Regional and Local Increases in Storm Intensity in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA, Between 1890 and 2010
- Oceanographic data-model comparisons, what exactly are we doing? A late Miocene case study
- On Prediction and Predictability of the Arctic Climate System
- On the Possibility of a Thin, Molten Silicate Basal Magma Layer at the Base of Earth's Mantle
- Origins, Evolutions and Processes of the Outer Planet Satellites
- Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Seawater Sulfate in the past 5 Ma
- Paleoceanography of the Bering Sea during the past five million years: results from IODP Expedition 323
- Paleomagnetism of basaltic basement rocks from IODP Hole C0012A, Exp. 322: Constraints on age, northward migration and rotation of Shikoku Basin
- Phenylalanine δ15N in Paleo Archives as a New Proxy for δ15N of Exported Primary Production
- Plate Scale Sub-seafloor Fluid Circulation: The Tale of Two Endmembers, Juan de Fuca Ridge and North Pond
- Plio-Pleistocene foraminifera-bound δ<SUP>15</SUP>N records of the Western Pacific and its global and regional implications
- Precise Measurement of Phenylalanine δ15N Values via Elemental Analysis-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Following Purification with High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography: A New Tool for Fine-Scale Paleo-Nitrogen Cycle Reconstructions
- Precursory remote triggering is absent before great earthquakes
- Productivity and Surface Water Conditions in the Bering Sea during Glacial and Interglacial Periods
- Pronounced changes in carbonate system and temperature history of the Southern California margin from LGM to present
- Quantifying Methane Fluxes in Sediments from Mangrove-dominated Costal Lagoons
- Rapid variablity of Cenozoic weawater sulfate concentrations
- Recent Patterns of Morphologic Evolution within a Structurally-Controlled Littoral Cell
- Resistive Heating in Radial Geometry Diamond Anvil Cell
- Rhizosphere Priming is as Crucial as Temperature and Water in Regulating Soil C-N Cycling
- Saturn's F Ring Core: Calm Amidst Chaos
- Seismic Migration of Multiples for Subsalt Imaging
- Subglacial volcanic seismicity in Marie Byrd Land detected by the POLENET/ANET seismic deployment
- Subsurface Remote Sensing of Kelp Forests
- Testing compound-specific δ13C of amino acids in mussels as a new approach to determine the average 13C values of primary production in littoral ecosystems
- The Regional Arctic System Model: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities
- The influence of the Fukushima event on the 129-Iodine content of western Pacific waters
- The role of temperature on the spatiotemporal distribution of West Nile virus in the United States
- Thousand Year Archives of the Bulk and Compound-Specific δ<SUP>15</SUP>N of Export Production From the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Indicate Increasing Nitrogen Fixation Over the Past 150 Years
- Total mercury concentration in sediment from the continental shelf of central California
- Use of passive samplers and surrogate surfaces to investigate sources of mercury deposited to the western United States
- Volcanology of the Alarcon Rise, Gulf of California
- A 23 Myr Magnetostratigraphic time framework for Site 1148, ODP Leg 184 in South China Sea
- A Novel Approach to Characterize Compositional Variability through Time at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- A field test of the relative influence of sediment flux and grain size in determining bedrock river channel slope
- Airborne Mapping of Total Carbon Productivity and Export within Giant Kelp Forests in the Santa Barbara Channel
- An evaluation of the latitudinal gradient of chlorophyll in the California Current
- Application of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing For Detection of Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms
- Arsenic, Anaerobes, and Astrobiology
- Atmospheric circulation modeling of super Earths and terrestrial extrasolar planets using the SPARC/MITgcm
- Axial Seamount Relative Eruption Timing Constraints Based on Paleointensity Data
- Boron Proxy Evidence for Ocean Acidification during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Comparison of POES & SAMPEX observations of relativistic precipitation events
- Concurrent Sr/Ca Ratios and Bomb Test 14C Records from a Porites evermanni Colony on Kure Atoll: SST, Climate Change, Ocean Circulation and Management Applications
- Connecting Anthropogenic Seismicity Rates To Operational Parameters At The Salton Sea Geothermal Field, Southern California (Invited)
- Could Fluid Seeps Originate from the Seismogenic Zone? Evidence from Southern Costa Rica
- Coupling Stormwater Capture and Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Critical Metals In Western Arctic Ocean Ferromanganese Mineral Deposits
- Discriminating phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) in the coastal ocean using the inversion algorithm PHYDOTax and airborne imaging spectrometer data
- Double Diffusive Convection in Jupiter as a result of H/He demixing
- Elastic thickness and heat flux estimates for the Uranian satellite Ariel
- Elucidating Microbial Adaptation Dynamics via Autonomous Exposure and Sampling
- Enhancement of Core Accretion by an Extended Low-Mass Envelope
- Evaluating controls on the aspect dependence of earthflows in the central California Coast Ranges
- Evaluating the Spatial Distribution of Toxic Air Contaminants in Multiple Ecosystem Indicators in the Sierra Nevada-Southern Cascades
- Experimental determination of methane dissolution from simulated subsurface oil leakages
- Feedbacks Between Wave Energy And Declining Coral Reef Structure: Implications For Coastal Morphodynamics
- Fluidal deep-sea volcanic ash as an indicator of explosive volcanism (Invited)
- Grain size distributions and their effects on auto-acoustic compaction
- HST Observations of Europa's UV Aurora Morphology (Invited)
- Holocene ENSO variability at the Line Islands, central tropical Pacific
- How Well Can We Predict Salmonid Spawning Habitat with LiDAR?
- Investigating the Effectiveness of ?18O in Phosphate as a Proxy for Phosphorous Cycling in Terrestrial Vegetation
- Magmatism and Eurekan deformation in the High Arctic Large Igneous Province: Age and geological constraints from North Greenland
- Managed aquifer recharge with low impact development under a changing climate (Invited)
- Mendenhall Glacier (Juneau, Alaska) icequake seismicity and its relationship to the 2012 outburst flood and other environmental forcing
- Mid-late Holocene North Pacific trade winds as inferred from deep-sea coral skeletal δ15N and δ13C biogeochemistry
- Modeled changes in extreme wave climate for US and US-affiliated Pacific Islands during the 21st century
- Observations of a subglacial discharge plume at the edge of a Greenland tidewater glacier
- Open Holes in the Sheepbed Unit of Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Overview of the Ocean Bottom Seismology Component of the Cascadia Initiative (Invited)
- Oxygen isotopes as a tracer of phosphate sources and cycling in aquatic systems (Invited)
- Paleoceanographic insights on oxygen minimum zone expansion: Lessons from the most recent deglaciation
- Paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism of basaltic basement rocks from IODP Site C0012, Shikoku Basin
- Permeability that changes over time (Invited)
- Phosphorus Concentrations in Above Ground Plant Biomass under Changing Climate Conditions
- Phosphorus cycling in the deep subseafloor biosphere at North Pond
- Productivity, ventilation and oxygenation in the north-central Bering Sea during the last deglaciation
- Records of trace metals in sediments from the Oregon shelf and slope: Investigating the occurrence of hypoxia in the past hundreds to thousands of years
- Remote sensing of Akashiwo sanguinea in the vertical column
- Sea level record obtained from submerged the Great Barrier Reef coral reefs
- Sedimentary Petrography and Facies Analysis at the Shaler Outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary architecture of the Shaler outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars: paleoenvironmental and sediment transport implications
- Seismic response to power production at the Coso Geothermal field, south-eastern CA: using operational parameters and relocated events to study anthropogenic seismicity rates and reservoir scale tectonic structure
- Shifts in Ross Sea food web structure as indicated by δ15N and δ13C values of fossil Antarctic seals
- Spatial and temporal patterns of air concentrations of mercury in Western North America 1998-present
- Spatio-temporal patterns of post-earthquake seismicity and afterslip following the 5 September 2012 (M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.6) Nicoya Peninsula earthquake
- Stereo Topography of Surface Features on Europa and Comparisons with Formation Models
- Temperature anomaly on the Wenchuan earthquake fault zone associated with 2008 MW 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- The Decollement of the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake: Oceanographic Provenance and a Potential Model for Tsunami Earthquake Production. (Invited)
- The lithologic expression of millennial-scale variability in the Pacific sub-Arctic: IODP Exp. 323, Site U1340
- The response of coastal surface ocean pH to naturally changing atmospheric pCO2
- The role of habitat-selection in restricting invasive blue mussel advancement to protect native populations in San Francisco Bay
- The seismic signature of glacier outburst floods (Invited)
- Three-Dimensional Spatial Characteristics and Contents of Zircon Crystals from High Resolution Optical Imagery for the Fission Track, (U-Th-Sm)/He, and U-Th-Pb Systems
- Tidal dissipation in the early lunar magma ocean and its role in the evolution of the Earth-Moon system
- Tidal response variation and recovery following the Wenchuan earthquake from water level data of multiple wells in the nearfield
- Tropical Climate Mean State and Variability during the Pliocene Warm Period (Invited)
- Validation and Application of PHYDOTax In The Santa Barbara Channel
- Vegetation and Fire Activity Changes in Southwestern Europe during Contrasting Interglacials Before and after the Middle Pleistocene Transition (mpt)
- Waveform Studies of Strong Cryoseismic Sources near the Top of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- What Will NuSTAR Observe from the Sun?
- What can be learned about the lunar mantle from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)?
- Where was Siberia in Mid Paleozoic? New paleomagnetic evidence
- A Modern Sr/Ca-δ18O-Sea Surface Temperature Calibration for Isopora Corals in the Great Barrier Reef
- A Systematic Comparison of Tidally Induced Water Pressure Changes with a Standard Aquifer Test to Infer Permeability
- A Thick, Deformed Sedimentary Wedge in an Erosional Subduction Zone, Southern Costa Rica
- A new paradigm relating global climate and North Pacific Intermediate Water circulation
- Aerial EM Survey Reveals Groundwater Systems Beneath Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- Alteration of rare earth element distribution as a result of microbial activity and empirical methane injection
- An Early Middle Eocene Orbital Scale Benthic Isotope Record From IODP Site 1408, Newfoundland Rise
- Analyzing Global Climate System Using Graph Based Anomaly Detection
- Assessing management options to reduce water temperatures in regulated rivers of California
- BARREL Microbursts Precipitation Data Analysis
- Ba/Ca Reproducibility and Growth Banding in Gulf of Alaska Bamboo Corals
- Bacterial community profiles before, during, and after Pseudo-nitzschia bloom events in Santa Cruz, CA.
- Bringing the Ocean into Finer Focus through the NASA COAST, HyspIRI, and OCEANIA Suborbital Missions
- Can Suspended Iron-Alloy Droplets Explain the Origin, Composition and Properties of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces?
- Changes in the Isotopic Value of Sedimentary Nitrogen at California Margin Site 1010: a Record of Denitrification Changes Over the Last Five Million Years
- Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon
- Combining metal and nonmetal isotopic measurements in barite to identify mode of formation
- Compound-specific nitrogen isotopes of equatorial Pacific sedimentary record
- Concentrations, isotopic compositions, and sources of lead in the surface waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
- Consequences and Resolution of Lunar Lower Mantle Partial Melt
- Constraints on the geometry and recent evolution of the Main Himalayan Thrust in western Nepal from U-Th/He thermochronology
- Contrasting slip zone mineralogy of major thrusts in ancient subduction complexes: examples from the Pasagshak Point Thrust in Alaska and the Nobeoka Thrust in Japan
- Cooling and Exhumation of the Coastal Batholith in the Peruvian Andes (5-12°S)
- Core to Atmosphere Exploration of Ice Giants: A Uranus Mission Concept Study
- Coulomb stress variations associated with slow slip, tectonic tremor, and seismicity along the northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Coupling stormwater capture and managed aquifer recharge
- Crustal-scale fluid migration and dewatering of the Costa Rica subduction zone
- Curiosity in Situ Observations at Kylie, a Preview of the Kimberley Drill Site Geology
- Decomposition of Decadally Cycling Soil Organic Carbon is Sensitive to Warming
- Degassing history of a mid-ocean ridge rhyolite dome on the Alarcon Rise, Gulf of California
- Depth Variations in Large Megathrust Earthquake Rupture Processes
- Destruction and Re-Accretion of Mid-Size Moons During an Outer Solar System Late Heavy Bombardment
- Dissolved Trace Metal Concentrations over the Peru Shelf and in the Subsurface Oxygen Minimum Zone Off Peru
- Dynamic Passage of Topography Beneath the Southern Costa Rica Forearc seen with Seismic Stratigraphy
- Early Phases of Jupiter's Formation from an Evolving Disk of Solids
- Effects of Simulated Climate Conditions on Phosphorus Cycling in an Annual Grassland Ecosystem
- Erosion Patterns in Elkhorn Slough, Central California
- Evidence for Mini-Magnetospheres at four Lunar Magnetic Anomalies: Reiner-Gamma, Airy, Descartes and Crozier
- Examining compound-specific nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids (δ<SUP>15</SUP>N<SUB>AA</SUB>) as a new proxy for sedimentary organic N
- Experimental Evolution of UV-C Radiation Tolerance: Emergence of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Traits in Escherichia coli Under Differing Flux Regimes
- Exploring the Effects of Anisotropic Aquifer Transmissivity on the Water Level Response to Earth Tides
- Export Production Fluctuations in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific during the Pliocene-Pleistocene: Reconstruction Using Barite Accumulation Rates
- Fault Roughness Records Strength
- Flow rate dictates permeability enhancement during fluid pressure oscillations in laboratory experiments
- GRAIL Bouguer Gravity Anomalies of Complex Lunar Craters: Determined Through Spectral Filtering
- GRAIL Investigation of the Subsurface Structure of South Pole-Aitken Basin
- Geologic Framework for Aeolis Palus Bedrock, and Its Relationship to Mt. Sharp, Mars
- Geophysical imaging reveals brine system beneath an ice-sealed Antarctic lake
- Gradients in Strong and Weak Organic Copper-Binding Ligands in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Projections using Statistical Downscaling of General Circulation Model Ensembles in the North Pacific.
- High-Resolution Locations and Focal Mechanisms of Aftershocks of the September 5, 2012 Mw=7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica Earthquake
- Ice Stream Slip Triggered by Distant Earthquakes
- Identification and Atmospheric Transport of Microcystin Around Southern California Using Airborne Remote Sensing
- Identifying Phytoplankton Classes In California Reservoirs Using HPLC Pigment Analysis
- Impact basin relaxation as a probe for the thermal history of Pluto
- Impact of Freshwater Fluxes on Labrador Sea Dynamics in the Regional Arctic System Model
- Impacts of the 2014 Drought on Vegetation Processes in the Sierra Nevada of California
- In-Situ Observations of Earthquake-Driven Fluid Pulses within the Japan Trench Plate Boundary Fault Zone
- InSight detection of a Lithospheric Low Seismic Velocity Zone in Mars
- Increased Precipitation over the Yucatan Peninsula Inferred from the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Late Holocene Foram Assemblages
- Influence of combined waves and currents on bedform orientation and evolution
- Insights into Seasonal Variations in Phosphorus Concentrations and Cycling in Monterey Bay
- Investigating Coseismic vs. Interseismic Uplift of Marine Terraces at the Southern Terminus of the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Cape Mendocino to Punta Gorda, Petrolia, CA
- Investigating Past Ocean Ecosystem Variability with δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Records in Long Lived Deep Sea Proteinaceous Corals from the Central Equatorial Pacific
- Investigation of Glacial/Interglacial Periods Using IRD Flux Records from Site U1340A in the Bering Sea
- Investigations on the "Extreme" Microbial Arsenic Cycle within the Sediments of an Acidic Impoundment of the Former Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine: Herman Pit, Clear Lake, California.
- Kinetic Effects on B/Ca in Synthetic Calcite: Implications for B(OH)<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> and B(OH)<SUB>3</SUB> Incorporation.
- Laboratory investigations on hydrate formation and dissociation in sediments - analogies and differences to natural systems
- Late Holocene Plankton Domain Shifts in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Revealed by Amino Acid Specific δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Records from Proteinaceous Deep-Sea Corals
- Lead Isotopic Composition and Trace Metals in Aerosols for Source Apportionment
- Localized Fault Slip to the Trench in the 2010 Maule, Chile M<SUB>w</SUB> = 8.8 Earthquake from Joint Inversion of High-Rate GPS, Teleseismic Body Waves, InSAR, and Tsunami Observations
- Lunar internal structure modeling using Apollo seismic travel time data and the latest selenodetic data from GRAIL and LLR
- Magnetic Sorting of the Regolith on the Moon: Lunar Swirls
- Making sense of martian sediments at the Kimberley, Gale crater
- Measurement of Bedding Geometry of Upper Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars
- Megathrust Properties and Large Earthquake Rupture Processes
- Methane Dynamics in Sediments from Mangrove-dominated Costal Lagoons
- Millennial scale oscillations in bulk δ<SUP>15</SUP>N and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C over the Mid- to Late Holocene seen in proteinaceous corals from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
- Modeled changes in extreme wave climates in the Pacific Ocean during the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century and implications for low-lying U.S. and U.S.-affiliated atoll islands
- Modeling Trace Element Concentrations in the San Francisco Bay Estuary from Remote Measurement of Suspended Solids
- NASA COAST and OCEANIA Airborne Missions Support Ecosystem and Water Quality Research in the Coastal Zone
- NEO Targets for Biological In Situ Resource Utilization
- Natural Pb Fluxes to the Southern Ocean from Accelerated Weathering in Antarctica
- New Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Smear Slides in Pelagic and Hemi-Pelagic Sediments of the Bering Sea
- NuSTAR's First Solar Observations: Search for Transient Brightenings / Nanoflares
- NuSTAR's first solar observations: Search for a high energy X-ray component to the "non-flaring" Sun
- Numerical Modeling of Particle-Fluid Mixtures in a Subglacial Setting: Granular Deformation and Hydrological Flow Response
- Numerical Simulations of Surface Topography Effects on Shallow Explosion Ground Motions with Applications to S-Wave Generation and North Korean Nuclear Tests
- Ocean Acidification: Euphausia Pacifica's Response to Decreasing pH
- Organic Phosphorus in the Deep Subseafloor Environment
- Paleomagnetism of Cougar Point Tuff XII, Snake River Plane Idaho
- Partial Anhysteretic Anisotropy Measured in the Greys Landing Ignimbrite of the Central Snake River Plain
- PbCl<SUB>2</SUB> and SnCl<SUB>2</SUB> at high-pressures as analogs for SiO<SUB>2</SUB> metallization
- Possible large-volume mafic explosive eruptions in the Izu arc recorded in IODP Site U1436
- Postseismic Slip Inferred from Repeating Earthquakes Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya Earthquake in Costa Rica
- Preliminary Results from the Summer 2014 ADELE (Airborne Detection of Energetic Lightning Emissions) Campaign Aboard the NOAA Hurricane Hunters' P3 Orion
- Reconstructing Ancient Fluvial Environments at the Balmville and Dingo Gap Outcrops, Gale Crater, Mars
- Reconstructing Changes in Deep Ocean Temperature and Global Carbon Cycle during the Early Eocene Warming Trend: High-Resolution Benthic Stable Isotope Records from the SE Atlantic.
- Reconstruction of Redox Conditions and Productivity in Coastal Waters of the Bothnian Sea during the Holocene
- Refuges from ocean acidification: determining tolerances of coralline algae to naturally low-pH water
- Risks, natural coastal defenses and the Economics of Climate Adaptation in the Gulf Coast
- Rupture Characteristics of Large (M<SUB>w</SUB> ≥ 7.0) Megathrust Earthquakes from 1990-2014
- Rupture Process of the Tonga Earthquakes of 3 May 2006 (M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.0) and 19 March 2009 (M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.6): Intraslab Thrust Deformation Below the Megathrust
- Salinity proxy comparison in four tropical biogenic carbonates for suitability in paleohydrologic reconstruction
- Science Highlights from the BARREL Antarctic Balloon Campaigns
- Sea surface-water condition and paleoproductivity reconstructions at Site U1385 (IODP, Exp 339) using the coccolithophore assemblages as proxy within MIS 16-11.
- Seasonal Trends in Airborne Fungal Spores in Coastal California Ecosystems
- Seismic Monitoring of Bedload Transport in a Steep Mountain Catchment
- Shallow Sub-Permafrost Groundwater Systems In A Buried Fjord: Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- Short- to Medium-Term Geomorphic Response of the Souhegan River to the 2008 Removal of the Merrimack Village Dam in Southern New Hampshire
- Simultaneous estimation of hypocenter and velocity in microseismic monitoring: A case study at Shengli Oilfield, China
- Sn Attenuation Model in Tibetan Region and its Geodynamic Implications to Plateau Formation
- Soil Modification by Native Shrubs Boosts Crop Productivity in Sudano-Sahelian Agroforestry System
- Solar Wind Interaction with Lunar Magnetic Fields: ARTEMIS Observations and Correlations with Surface Properties
- South China Sea Tectonics and Magnetics: Constraints from IODP Expedition 349 and Deep-tow Magnetic Surveys
- Stress induced near fault-zone breakout rotation: Two case studies in TCDP and JFAST
- Submarine Dissolution During the Late-Miocene Carbonate Crash and Subsequent Mega-Pockmark Formation on the Cocos Ridge
- Success of Rapid Continuous Thermal Demagnetization When Conventional Methods Failed
- Suitability of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Monterey Bay as a Nutrient Source to Phytoplankton
- Temporal and Spatial Variations of Earthquake Source Parameters within the 2012 Nicoya, Costa Rica M<SUB>w</SUB>=7.6 Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Testing Geomorphic Controls on Salmonid Spawning Habitat
- The Automated Dynamic Directed Evolution Chamber: A Tool for Studying Extremophile-Environment Interactions in Real Time
- The Complex History of Alarcon Rise Mid-Ocean Ridge Rhyolite Revealed through Mineral Chemistry
- The Dynamics of Mercury Speciation and Transport at a Central California Coastal Lagoon
- The Relation Between Lightning and Isolated Impulsive >30 keV Electron Precipitation Events
- The Seismic Signal of Sediment Transport in Rivers
- The effect of mineralogy and grain breakage on shear-induced noise and auto-acoustic compaction
- The first geothermal heat flux measurement below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The speciation of particulate iron in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone
- Topaz and Kyanite Luminescence Under High Pressure
- Toward Radiocarbon Measurement of Individual Amino Acids in Marine Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM): Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C Blank Quantification for an HPLC Purification Method.
- Toward an Optimized Third Catalog of RHESSI TGFs
- Tracing Bering Sea Circulation With Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Isotopes During the Pleistocene
- Transient response of bedrock channel networks to sea-level forcing in the Oregon Coast Range, USA
- Transient surface deformation over thousand-year timescales at Uturuncu volcano, Bolivia
- Trends in ENSO Amplitude Through the Holocene at the Line Islands, Central Tropical Pacific
- Trends in Seawater Boron-based Proxies during the Late Paleocene and Early Eocene Associated with Long-term Warming
- Unraveling burial heating and sediment recycling in retroarc foreland basins: Detrital thermochronologic insights from the northern Magallanes Basin, Patagonian Andes
- Unstable Titan-generated Rayleigh-Taylor Lakes Impact Ice
- Viral Lysogeny as a Potential Mechanism for Termination of a Red Tide Event
- Warm Pool Temperatures and the Zonal Gradient in the Tropical Pacific during the Early Pliocene Warm Period
- What can nutrients tell us about the Pliocene equatorial Pacific Ocean and the future of El Niño?
- What controls drizzle initiation? Insights from a comparison of large-eddy simulations with observations
- δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca From Coccolithophores May Reveal a Link Between the Ca and C Systems Upon Regulating the Physiological Adaptations of Calcification and Photosynthesis to Varying CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations
- "Supergreen" Renewables: Integration of Mineral Weathering Into Renewable Energy Production for Air CO<SUB>2</SUB> Removal and Storage as Ocean Alkalinity
- A 0.5 Tesla Transverse-Field Alternating Magnetic Field Demagnetizer
- A Coastal Flood Decision Support Tool for Forecast Operations in Alaska
- A Conceptual Model to Link Anomalously High Temperature Gradients in the Cerros del Rio Volcanic Field to Regional Flow in the Espanola Basin, New Mexico
- A Model For Selecting An Environmentally Responsive Trait: Evaluating Micro-scale Fitness Through UV-C Resistance and Exposure in Escherichia coli.
- A New Method for Measuring River Sinuosity across Varying Length Scales
- A Raman Spectroscopic Study of Kernite to 25 GPa
- A cyclostrophic transformed Eulerian zonal mean model for the middle atmosphere of slowly rotating planets
- A frequency-dependent log-quadratic Pn spreading model in the Northeast China and Korean peninsula
- AUV mapping and targeted ROV sampling on the Alarcon Rise
- Above the threshold for motion: erosion rates recorded in the bedload transport capacity of West Coast channels?
- Agricultural Intensification in the Amazon: Tracking Nitrogen Fertilizer from Soy-Maize Double Cropping to Streams
- Alternative Land-Use Scenarios for Bioenergy Production in the U.S. and Brazil
- Anthropogenic carbon release rate unprecedented during past 66 million years
- Application of Empirical Mode Decomposition for Identification and Characterization of Long-Run Persistence in California Reservoir Inflows
- Applying Reactive Barrier Technology to Enhance Microbially-mediated Denitrification during Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Approaches and Recommendations for Simulating Extreme Precipitation Years in Multi-site Experiments
- Assessment of Ecosystem Services in a Semi-arid Agriculture-dominant Area: Framework and Case Study
- Ba/Ca Ratios in North Pacific Bamboo Corals Record Changes in Intermediate Water Biogeochemistry
- Bar Morphology in a sinuous bedrock flume
- Bedload sediment transport embedded in seismic signals generated from a mountain stream
- Bioaerosol DNA Extraction Technique from Air Filters Collected from Marine and Freshwater Locations
- Biogeochemical and Microbial Survey of Gravity Cores from the Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin
- Bouncing Core Barrels: Measuring Elastic Rebound In Recovering Inner Core Barrels From 7000+ mBRT.
- Bringing the Coastal Zone into Finer Focus<em></em>
- California's Adjudicated Groundwater Basins: History, Current Conditions, Potential Reforms
- Captures, Cutoffs, and Autogenic Drainage Basin Reorganization from Bedrock River Meandering in the Oregon Coast Range
- Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Cool Ridge-Flank Hydrothermal Springs: The Dorado Outcrop of the Eastern Pacific.
- Characterizing Microbe-Environment Interactions Through Experimental Evolution: The Autonomous Adaptive Directed Evolution Chamber
- Characterizing radiation belt electron precipitation losses using BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses) data.
- Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon
- Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
- Climate Change Impact on Snowfall, Evapotransportation and Streamflow in a Temperate, Wet Watershed
- Cloud and fog interactions with coastal forests in the California Channel Islands
- Collisional Disruption of Gravity Dominated Bodies: New Data and Scaling
- Constraining Seasonal and Vertical Distributions of Planktonic Foraminifera for Paleoclimate Reconstruction Since MIS3 at the Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Constraining precipitation initiation in marine stratocumulus using aircraft observations and LES with high spectral resolution bin microphysics
- Constraints from Fault Roughness on the Scale-Dependent Strength of Rocks
- Contrasting two-dimensional and three-dimensional models of outcrop-to-outcrop hydrothermal circulation on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Copper, iron and the organic ligands that bind them - updates from San Francisco Bay and beyond
- Correlation between calculated stress distribution and recorded seismicity in Northern Israel and its surrounding
- Coupled Uranium-Series and (U-Th)/He Zircon Geochronology of the Emmons Lake Volcanic Center (ELVC): Dating the Record of Voluminous Tephra Production in Quaternary Eastern-Beringia.
- Deconstructing the Bulk Signal: Compound-Specific Nitrogen Isotopes in Marine Sediment
- Deep-sea coral record of human impact on watershed quality in the Mississippi River Basin
- Delineating ecotypes of marine photosynthetic picoeukaryotes in the wild
- Detection of high-silica lava flows and lava morphology at the Alarcon Rise, Gulf of California, Mexico using automated classification of the morphological-compositional relationship in AUV multibeam bathymetry and sonar backscatter
- Developing bioproxies of past ocean ecosystem change through compound-specific stable isotope analysis of proteinaceous deep-sea corals.
- Dimethyl Mercury in Seawater: a Potential Source of Monomethyl Mercury in Fog
- Dissolved Silver in Marine Waters: Reviewing Three Decades of Advances in Analytical Techniques and Understanding its Biogeochemical Cycling
- Do Jack Hills Detrital Zircons Contain Records of the Early Geodynamo?
- Double-Difference Earthquake Locations Using imaging Magma Under St. Helens (iMUSH) Data
- EUV & X-ray observations of microflare heating of AR12333
- Earthflow yield strength constrained by lateral levee morphology
- Eastern Australia's submarine landslides: implications for tsunami hazard between Jervis Bay and Fraser Island
- Effects of Bulk Composition on the Atmospheric Dynamics on Close-in Exoplanets
- Effects of Land-Use Change and Managed Aquifer Recharge on Geochemical Reactions with Implications for Groundwater Quantity and Quality in Atoll Island Aquifers, Roi-Namur, Republic of the Marshall Islands
- Environment at the Grounding Zone of the Whillans Ice Stream-Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
- Enzymatic assays of sediments from North Pond (IODP Expedition 336) to elucidate microbial phosphorus cycling strategies
- Evidence For Decadal and Century Scale Climate and Oceanic Variability in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Over the Last Millenium
- Exploring Liquid Water Beneath Glaciers and Permafrost in Antarctica Through Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys
- Fault zone hydrogeologic properties and processes revealed by borehole temperature monitoring
- Feedback between deglaciation and volcanism in arc settings: the example of the Mount Mazama volcanic system, Crater Lake, Oregon
- Field Evidence for a Low Permeability, High Storage Fault Core at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory
- Fifteen Years of Slow Slip and Tremor Observations at the Northern Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Finding Blackbody Temperature and Emissivity on a Sub-Pixel Scale
- Flash-Bang Detector to Model the Attenuation of High-Energy Photons
- Frozen Fractals All Around: Aggregate Particles in the Plumes of Enceladus
- Gaining insight into river ecosystem processes from a large-scale flow experiment
- Getting the Lead Out of Bermuda; The Legacy of a Forty Year Record in the North Atlantic Using a Transient Experiment in the Atmosphere and Water
- Glacier loss and emerging hydrologic vulnerabilities in the Peruvian Andes
- Guidelines for Groundwater Governance in California: A Framework for Evaluation of Local Options
- Hard X-ray Detectability of Small Impulsive Heating Events in the Solar Corona
- Harmful Algal Bloom Hotspots Really Are Hot: A Case Study from Monterey Bay, California
- High pressure Raman and single crystal X-ray diffraction of the alkali/calcium carbonate, shortite
- High pressure phase transitions in lawsonite at simultaneous high pressure and temperature: A single crystal study
- High-resolution seismic attribute analysis for the detection of methane hydrate and substrate fluid migration pathways along the central U.S. Atlantic Margin
- High-speed rupture during the initiation of the 2015 Bonin Islands deep earthquake
- Hydrogeologic Architecture of the San Andreas Fault near the Logan Quarry
- Hydrograph Asymmetry Drives Bedload Transport Hysteresis: Evidence from Fluvial Seismology
- Identification of subsurface brines in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, via an airborne EM resistivity survey
- Imaging High Pore Fluid Pressure in Subduction Zones Using Ambient Seismic Noise
- Impacts of a North Pacific Predator on Nearshore Seawater Mercury Cycling via Top-Down Contamination
- Interaction of the Siberian craton and Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) recorded by detrital zircons from Transbaikalia
- Investigating the hydrological origins of Blood Falls - geomicrobiological insights into a briny subglacial Antarctic aquifer
- Investigating the presence of predatory bacteria on algal bloom samples using a T6SS gene marker.
- Investigation of a Major Stratigraphic Unconformity with the Curiosity Rover
- JFAST Constraints on the Tohoku Earthquake Fault
- Latitudinal Variation in Spectral Properties of the Lunar Maria and Implications for Space Weathering
- Limitations on Silicon in the Outer Core: Ultrasonic Measurements at High Temperatures and High dK/dP's of Fe-Ni-Si Liquids at High Pressures
- Linking North Atlantic Teleconnections to Latitudinal Variability of Wave Climate Along the North American Atlantic Coast
- Mean Molecular Weight Gradients in Proto-Jupiter
- Measuring melt and velocity of Alaskan mountain glaciers using phase-sensitive radar and differential GPS
- Melt production constrained by the topographic signature of the Altiplano-Puna Magma Body
- Mercury and Other Chemical Constituents in Pacific Marine Fog Water: Results from Two Summers of Sampling in FogNet
- Micro-seismicity of the Whillans Ice Plain stick-slip cycle nucleation areas
- Microburst precipitation observed during the BARREL balloon campaigns
- Modeling the Tidal Response of Io: Coupled Viscoelastic Dissipation and Melt Distribution
- Morphometry of Small Flat Floored Craters on Mercury: Implications for Regolith Thickness
- Multi-proxy evidence for oceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean during the lead-up to the Oligocene/Miocene Boundary (Mi-1 Event)
- Nanoscale Characterization of Fault Roughness by Atomic Force Microscopy
- New Developments at the ALS High-Pressure Beamline 12.2.2
- New Radiometric Age Constraints for the Matuyama-Bruhnes Reversal and Santa Rosa Excursion
- Nitrogen deposition fuels harmful algal blooms in the East China Sea
- Nonlinear scale separation and a renormalization interpretation in seismic envelope inversion
- NuSTAR X-ray observations of small flares and non-flaring active regions
- Observational constraint of drizzle properties and processes in large-eddy simulations from two models with size-resolved microphysics
- Paradox of the peak-PCIM (Paleocene Carbon Isotope Maxima; ~57.8Ma) and Abrupt Global Warming
- Paradoxical High Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean During the Miocene "El Padre", ODP Site 849, and IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
- Positron density enhancements recorded within a thunderstorm by ADELE
- Potential Marine Benthic Habitat Map of Elkhorn Slough, California
- Preliminary Results from Downhole Osmotic Samplers in a Gas Tracer Injection Experiment in the Upper Oceanic Crust on the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Producing Scientific and Strategic Guidance for California's Department of Water Resources: The Climate Change Technical Advisory Group
- Quantifying the impact of low flow periods on bed topography and bedload transport rates
- Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons
- Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope Evidence for Increased Ventilation of the Southwest Pacific Ocean during the Last Deglaciation
- Real-time Data Processing and Visualization for the Airborne Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (S-HIS)
- Recent Findings Based on Airborne Measurements at the Interface of Coastal California Clouds and Clear Air
- Record of Subducting Topography revealed in 3D Seismic Imaging of Pleistocene unconformities, offshore Southern Costa Rica
- Refining atmospheric correction for aquatic remote spectroscopy
- Refining the Early and Middle Eocene Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale: new results from ODP Leg 208 (Walvis Ridge)
- Regional Analysis of Stormwater Runoff for the Placement of Managed Aquifer Recharge Sites in Santa Cruz and Northern Monterey Counties, California
- Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Address the U.S. Priorities and Advance Capabilities for Arctic Climate Modeling and Prediction
- Relative Effects of Angularity, Grain Size, and Sorting on Auto-Acoustic Compaction in Granular Flow
- Retrodeformation of a 3D Geologic Model of the Santa Cruz Mountains West of the San Andreas Fault
- Reverse Time migration Based on Internal Multiples
- Role of the subduction filter in mantle recycling
- Rupture Characteristics of Major and Great (M<SUB>W</SUB> ≥ 7.0) Megathrust Earthquakes from 1990-2015: Source Scaling and depth-dependence Relationships
- Salts as Water Ice Cloud Nuclei on Mars
- Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission
- Sea Surface Temperature Records Using Sr/Ca Ratios in a Siderastrea siderea Coral from SE Cuba
- Seafloor Geodetic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer Investigation of Shallow Slow Slip Events at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
- Seasonal and Inter-Annual Patterns of Phytoplankton Community Structure in Monterey Bay, CA Derived from AVIRIS Data During the 2013-2015 HyspIRI Airborne Campaign
- Sediment Accretion During Horst and Graben Subduction associated with the Tohoku Oki M9 Earthquake, Northern Japan
- Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary structures and stratal geometries at the foothills of Mount Sharp: their role in paleoenvironmental interpretation
- Source Parameters for Repeating Earthquakes along the Middle America Trench
- Southward Ejection of Subcontinental Lithosphere and large-scale Asthenospheric Enrichment beneath central Chile resulting from Flat Subduction
- Spring Fluids from a Low-temperature Hydrothermal System at Dorado Outcrop: The First Samples of a Massive Global Flux
- Standard Fog Collector Measurements Along the Central and Northern California Coast During the 2014 and 2015 Fog Seasons
- Sub-km HIMU-type Enriched Mantle at a Mid-ocean Ridge Far From a Plume: Endeavour, JdFR
- Sub-meter desiccation crack patterns imaged by Curiosity at Gale Crater on Mars shed additional light on former lakes evident from examined outcrops
- Systematically enhanced subarctic Pacific stratification and nutrient utilization during glacials
- Taking the pulse of the carbon release during the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- Tectonic tremor and microseismicity associated with shallow slow slip along the northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Temperature and salinity changes associated with the Paleocene-Eocene Carbon Isotope Excursion along the mid Atlantic margin
- Temporal correlation of U. S. Great Basin lake sediments below the Mono Lake Excursion using paleomagnetic secular variation
- The Cause of the Hardest Electron Precipitation Events Seen by SAMPEX: a Statistical Survey of Circumstantial Evidence
- The Effect of Pre-Impact Porosity and Vertical Density Gradients on the Gravity Signature of Lunar Craters as Seen by GRAIL
- The Effects of Changing Climatological Variables on Upwelling along the Southern California Coast
- The End of Monterey Submarine Canyon Incision and Potential River Source Areas-Os, Nd, and Pb Isotope Constraints from Hydrogenetic Fe-Mn Crusts
- The Impact of Climatological Variables on Kelp Canopy Area in the Santa Barbara Channel
- The Joint Statistics of California Temperature and Precipitation as a Function of the Large-scale State of the Climate
- The NuSTAR Sensitivity to Quiet-Sun Transient Events
- The Role of Mass Transfer between Martian satellites on Surface Geology
- The Steepest Slopes on the Moon: Gradual Degradation and Instant Removal by Basin-Forming Impacts
- The isolated 678-km deep 30 May 2015 M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.9 Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands earthquake
- The minimum scale of grooving on faults
- The role of hornblende in deep crustal seismic anisotropy: an investigation of the importance of deformation mechanisms
- Three-dimensional Models of Hydrothermal Circulation through a Seamount Network in Fast-spreading Crust
- Time-Dependent characteristics of Slow Slip Events beneath the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Tomographic Imaging of the Magmatic System at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- Toward better understanding of B/Ca and δ<SUP>11</SUP>B proxies: An experimental approach
- Tracking recent climate and anthropogenic change in Central America in sediments form the lower fan of the Rio Yaqui, Gulf of California, Mexico
- Tracking the source of mercury in coastal populations of California Cougars (puma concolor)
- Upcycling UAS into modular platforms for Earth science and autonomy research
- Using Coastal Fog to Support Sustainable Water Use in a California Agricultural System
- Using a Geographic Information System to Assess Site Suitability for Managed Aquifer Recharge using Stormwater Capture
- Using benthic foraminiferal B/Ca to constrain the effect of dissolution on key Pliocene Mg/Ca temperature records
- Using high-resolution topography and hyperspectral data to classify tree species at the San Joaquin Experimental Range
- Using the <em>urtA</em> Gene to Profile Nitrogen Stress Adaptation and Spatio-Temporal Abundance of <em>Synechococcus</em> Clades in the California Current System
- <SUP>230</SUP>Thand <SUP>231</SUP>Pa in Seawater Sinking Particles from the North Atlantic GEOTRACES Transect
- A 1400 km geochemical transect along the Central American Arc: Summary of mafic Holocene volcanism from Guatemala to Panama
- A Baseline for Temporal Monitoring of Azimuthal Anisotropy of the Hikurangi Megathrust in a Region of Shallow Slow Slip
- A New Protocol for 3-Axis Static Alternating Field Demagnetization of Rocks
- A Raman and Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Anglesite at High Pressures
- A Study of Spatially Variable Bed Forms Exposed to Time-Varying Flow Conditions in a Complex Estuarine Environment, the Mouth of the Columbia River, USA
- A Time Series Analysis of Mercury Species in the Nearshore Environment of Monterey Bay, CA
- A Transect of Mercury Species in Fog Across the Coastal Zone
- A UAV-Based Fog Collector Design for Fine-Scale Aerobiological Sampling
- A Uniform Fault Zone Diffusivity Structure in the Simi Valley Based on Water Level Tidal and Barometric Response
- A high-resolution, regional analysis of stormwater runoff for managed aquifer recharge site assessment
- A new paradigm for predicting zonal-mean climate and climate change
- A terrestrial gamma-ray flash viewed from below in the eyewall of Hurricane Patricia
- Abrupt North Pacific Anoxic Events Caused by Enhanced Primary Productivity and Iron Fertilization
- Advances in Understanding the Seismogenic Plate Interface From Nearly Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismic Observations on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Aftershock productivity as a potential indicator of the style of stress accumulation on volcanoes of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands
- Aftershock productivity of large megathrust earthquakes: regional variations and influence of mainshock source parameters
- Airborne Mission Concept for Coastal Ocean Color and Ecosystems Research
- An investigation of Haze Heating and Cooling in Pluto's Atmosphere
- Asymmetric Exhumation Patterns Revealed through Apatite-Zircon Thermochronology of the Santa Lucia Range, Central California
- Atmospheric CO2 variations on orbital time scale during the Paleocene and Eocene
- Atmospheric Correction Sensitivity Analysis for Chlorophyll-a Retrieval
- Automating Microbial Directed Evolution For Bioengineering Applications
- Bayesian Thermal Evolution Models for Giant Planets: Helium rain and double-diffusive convection in Jupiter
- Bed Conditions Inferred from Basal Earthquakes Beneath the Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica
- Bed structure and bedload transport: Sediment grain reorientation in response to high and low flows in an experimental flume
- Beyond the threshold for motion: river channel geometry and grain size reflect sediment supply
- Bullen's parameter as a seismic observable for spin crossovers in the lower mantle
- California Reservoir Inflow Projections Using a Hybrid EMD-Matalas Method
- Capturing the global signature of surface ocean acidification during the PETM
- Carbon Sequestration Within Northeast Pacific Seagrass Beds
- Characteristics of aerosol wet deposition inferred from satellite re-analysis
- Coastal Residents Ocean Literacy about Seawater Desalination and its Impacts on Marine Ecosystems in the Monterey Bay
- Comparison of different proxies using in situ measurements in the benthic foraminifera genus Uvigerina: an example from the Santa Monica Basin.
- Constructing a Higher Resolution Map of Lunar Magnetic Fields from the Lunar Prospector Mission
- Cyclicity of ice rafted debris in the Bering Sea (Site U1341) during the early Pleistocene
- DART: A Community Facility Providing State-of-the-Art, Efficient Ensemble Data Assimilation for Large (Coupled) Geophysical Models
- Deciphering the Boron Proxy Records of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Deformation and Uplift of the Santa Cruz Mountains: Re-evaluating and Augmenting the Restraining Bend-Advection Model
- Depositionary Margins: The Destruction and Renovation of Subduction Forearcs
- Design of a Seismic Reflection Multi-Attribute Workflow for Delineating Karst Pore Systems Using Neural Networks and Statistical Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
- Detailed study of the Mare Crisium northern magnetic anomaly
- Developing an Autonomous Unmanned Aerial System to Estimate Field Terrain Corrections for Gravity Measurements
- Development and Application of Sr/Ca-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-Sea Surface Temperature calibrations for Last Glacial Maximum-Aged Isopora corals in the Great Barrier Reef
- Dilation of Flow for Angular and Spherical Quartz Grains at High Shear Velocities
- Direct Iterative Nonlinear Inversion by Multi-frequency T-matrix Completion
- Discerning between Giant Kelp and Bull Kelp in AVIRIS Imagery
- Diversity and Petrogenesis of <4.4 Ma Rhyolites from the Izu Bonin Rear-Arc
- Earthquake-driven fluid flow rates inferred from borehole temperature measurements within the Japan Trench plate boundary fault zone
- Effect of Bacterial Microbiota on the Silica Uptake of the Marine Diatom, Odontella sp.
- Effects of Core Formation on the Hf-W System
- El Niño in the Pliocene
- Elevated and Variable Geothermal Heat Flux below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Environmental Transitions Recorded by Fluvial Fan Stratigraphy at Dingo Gap and Moonlight Valley, Gale Crater, Mars
- Evaluating the Addition of a Dinoflagellate Phytoplankton Functional Type Using Radiance Anomalies for Monterey Bay, CA
- Evidence for Paleo-Dune Fields in the Upper Formation of Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars
- Evidence for an enhanced hydrologic cycle during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum from salinity variations on the New Jersey paleoshelf
- Examining the Resilience of Crop Production, Livestock Carrying Capacity, and Woodland Density in a Rural Zimbabwean Socio-Ecological System Using Agent-Based Models Representing Human Management Decisions
- Fault roughness and the earthquake energy budget
- Focal Mechanism Solutions from the HOBITSS Ocean Bottom Seismometer Experiment, Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand
- Following the Tungsten: Isotopic Consequences of Earth, Mars, and the Proto-Moon Formation in Grand Tack Accretion Simulations
- Food Quality and Phytoplankton Community Composition in San Francisco Bay using Imaging Spectroscopy Data from the California HyspIRI Airborne Campaign
- From Density Contrast to Compositional Difference on Pluto and Charon
- Global learning for local solutions: Reducing vulnerability of marine-dependent coastal communities
- Ground Detection of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from Distant Radio Signals
- Hard X-ray Detectability of Small-Scale Coronal Heating Events
- High-Pressure Raman Spectroscopy of Natural Nyerereite
- Highly focused asymmetric surface uplift and bedrock exhumation along the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault in the Santa Lucia range, central California
- How rivers remember: The impacts of prior stress history on grain scale topography and bedload transport
- Hydrologic Response to Climate Change: Missing Precipitation Data Matters for Computed Timing Trends
- Hysteresis in both sediment transport and water turbulence contribute to seismic hysteresis in a steep mountain stream
- Impact of coastal fog on the energy and water balance of a California agricultural system
- Impacts of Advection Fog on the Surface Radiation Budget in coastal California
- Impacts of Ocean Acidification and Temperature Change on Zooxanthellae Density in Coral Stylophora pistillata
- Impacts of effluent from Carlsbad Desalination Plant on the coastal biology and chemistry in a in-situ study of pre- and post-discharge
- Implementation of a high spectral resolution bin microphysics scheme in large eddy simulations of marine stratocumulus
- Implementation of the Peak Scaling Method for Temperature Measurement in the Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell at ALS Beamline 12.2.2
- Instrumentation <p> for Examining <p> Microbial Response <p> to Changes In Environmental Pressures
- Internal Tide Generation, Propagation and Transformation north of Pt. Conception, CA: Observations and Model Simulations
- Interpretation Of Wind Regime of Bagnold Dunes In Gale Crater, Guided By Third-Generation Models Of Dune Formation
- Investigating Controls on Denitrification Rates During Managed Aquifer Recharge: Linking Field and Laboratory Column Experiments
- Investigating controls on denitrification rates during managed aquifer recharge: Field studies of infiltration
- Lg-wave attenuation and potential crustal material flow in the Indochina Peninsula and its vicinity
- Linking collection of stormwater runoff to managed aquifer recharge using a geographic information system and hydrologic modeling
- Measurement and Discrepancies of Tsunami Flow Directions Using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and Dip Orientations of Heavy Mineral Layers in Tsunami Deposits
- Mercury speciation in terrestrial biota from coastal and inland food webs in California: A provisional model
- Mesh Intercomparisons of Fog Water Collected Yield Insight Into the Nature of Fog-Drip Collection Mechanisms
- Metallization of Silica Analogue: High pressure study of Barium Iodide
- Microbial Communities in the Northeastern Pacific and Responses to Organic Matter Inputs Above the Sediment-Water Interface
- Miocene Wet and Extreme Arid Climatic Conditions in the Southeast Indian Ocean off Western Australia Revealed by the Lithology of Roebuck and Perth Basins
- Modeled atoll shoreline and run-up changes in response to sea-level rise and varying large wave conditions at Wake and Midway Atolls, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
- Modeling coastal upwelling around a small-scale coastline promontory
- Modelling Cryovolcanism Due to Subsurface Ocean Freezing on Pluto and Charon
- NEOTEC: Negative-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Emissions Marine Energy With Direct Mitigation of Global Warming, Sea-Level Rise and Ocean Acidification
- Natural polish in granitic rocks
- New sedimentary records of enhanced weathering during the PETM
- NuSTAR's X-ray search for high energy emission from weakly flaring active regions
- Offshore seismicity at Hikurangi Margin from Hikurangi Ocean Bottom Investigation of Tremor and Slow Slip (HOBITSS), New Zealand
- On the Scale-Dependence of Asperity Strength: Insights from Studies of Fault Roughness and Nanoindentation Hardness
- Optimizing Fungal DNA Extraction Methods from Aerosol Filters
- Orbitally paced climatic variations of the North Atlantic during the Mid Eocene: Implications from a 2 Myr benthic isotope record in the North Atlantic (IODP Exp. 342)
- Origin of the two scales of wind ripples on Mars
- Paleomagnetic Evaluation of the Resurgent Dome at Valles Caldera, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico
- Perfluoroalkyl Acids Shift Microbial Community Structure Across Experimental Scales
- Permeability, storage and hydraulic diffusivity controlled by earthquakes
- Phosphorus cycling and limitation under modified conditions that represent potential future conditions with a changing climate.
- Physical Mechanisms of Coastal Fog Retreat From Aircraft Observations
- Projects for People: An International Exchange Focused on Drinking Water Quality in Rural Peru
- Quantifying How Climate Affects Vegetation in the Amazon Rainforest
- Regional and climate forcing on forage fish and apex predators in the California Current: new insights from a fully coupled ecosystem model.
- Remotely Sensing Pollution: Detection and Monitoring of PCBs in the San Francisco Bay
- Sandstone provenance and detrital zircon geochronology record changes in Plio-Pleistocene tectonism of the Southern Cascadia forearc
- Scales of magmatic replenishment and differentiation on an intermediate spreading mid-ocean ridge segment: Endeavour, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Seismicity and tectonic tremor accompany the 2014 Gisborne Slow Slip Event: Insights from the Hikurangi Ocean Bottom Investigation of Tremor and Slow Slip (HOBITSS) Experiment, New Zealand
- Shaken, Not Stirred: How Tidal Advection and Dispersion Mechanisms Rather Than Turbulent Mixing Impact the Movement and Fate of Aquatic Constituents and Fish in the California Central Valley
- Significance of a Shelf-wide Dissolution Event during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Maryland and New Jersey, USA
- Stable isotopes and weathering dynamics in the Fraser River
- Statistical Surrogate Modeling of Atmospheric Dispersion Events Using Bayesian Adaptive Splines
- Strong Control of Salts on Near Surface Liquid Water Content in a High Polar Desert Indicated by Near Surface Resistivity Mapping with a Helicopter-Borne TEM Sensor, Lower Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- Successful Teaching, Learning, and Use of Digital Mapping Technology in Mazvihwa, Rural Zimbabwe
- TGF Ground Observations from a Winter Thunderstorm in Japan: First Ground Observation of a Multipulse TGF & Evidence of Neutron Production from a TGF
- The 16 April 2016, M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Ecuador earthquake: a quasi-repeater of the 1942 M<SUB>s</SUB> 7.5 earthquake and partial re-rupture of the 1906 M<SUB>s</SUB> 8.6 Colombia-Ecuador earthquake
- The 2016 Mw5.1 Fairview, Oklahoma earthquake sequences: Evidence for long-range triggering of earthquakes by coupled fluid pressure and poroelastic stress changes
- The Early Eocene Hyperthermal Events: Magnitude, Characteristics and Orbital Chronology.
- The GULLS project: a comparison of vulnerabilities across selected ocean hotspots and implications for adaptation to global change.
- The High-Pressure Monoclinic Lawsonite Phase: The Primary Carrier of Water from Subducted Crust to the Deep Mantle
- The Impact of Coupled High-Latitude Climate Feedbacks on Tropical Circulations
- The Possible Decapitation of a Megathrust Indenter: Evidence from Imaging of Time-dependent Microseismic Structures before and after the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica
- The Turbulent Diffusivity of Convective Overshoot
- The magnitude and phasing of variations in climate and ocean carbonate chemistry during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2: Insights into C cycle feedbacks
- The propagation of varied timescale perturbations in landscapes
- Tuffaceous Mud is a Volumetrically Important Volcaniclastic Facies of Reararc Submarine Volcanism
- Understanding the Impact of Reservoir Operations on Temperature Hydrodynamics at Shasta Lake through 2D and 3D Modeling
- Using Remote Sensing Techniques to Measure Chl:C in the Santa Barbara Channel
- Valuing the risk reduction of coastal ecosystems in data poor environments: an application in Quintana Roo, Mexico
- Which fraction of soil organic matter is more vulnerable to rhizosphere priming effect?
- Why do local communities support or oppose seawater desalination?
- Widespread hydrothermal ash deposits in sediment cores from Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge record deep-marine caldera formation 1300-800 yr BP
- A Cenozoic water isotope record of the evolution of the Patagonian Andes
- A Gap-Filling Procedure for Hydrologic Data Based on Kalman Filtering and Expectation Maximization: Application to Data from the Wireless Sensor Networks of the Sierra Nevada
- A Mechanism for Planetesimal Mass-loss and Volatile Depletion
- A Novel Carbon Bonding Environment in Deep Mantle High-Pressure Dolomite
- A Statistical Comparative Planetology Approach to the Hunt for Habitable Exoplanets and Life Beyond the Solar Syste
- A high-resolution sulfur isotope record of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- A multi-pulse, downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash from a winter thunderstorm in Japan
- A test for the minimum scale of grooving on the Amatrice and Norcia earthquakes
- Abrupt Climatic Change during the Latest Maastrichtian: Establishing Robust Temporal Links with the Onset of Deccan Volcanism and K/Pg Mass Extinction
- Amino acid stable isotope applications to deep-sea corals: A molecular geochemistry approach to reconstructing past ocean conditions
- Analysis of P and Pdiff Coda Arrivals for Water Reverberations to Evaluate Shallow Slip Extent in Large Megathrust Earthquakes
- Applying a regional hydrology model to evaluate locations for groundwater replenishment with hillslope runoff under different climate and land use scenarios in an agricultural basin, central coastal California
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- Calcium Isotope (δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca) Composition of Morozovella Velascoensis During the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum Ocean Acidification Event
- Central Tropical Pacific Variability And ENSO Response To Changing Climate Boundary Conditions: Evidence From Individual Line Island Foraminifera
- Climate change and carbon-cycling during the latest Cretaceous-Early Paleogene; a new 13.5 million year-long, orbital-resolution, stable isotope record from the South Atlantic
- Coastal California's Fog Aerobiology and Ecology: A Local-Scale Survey on Atmospheric Microbial Life
- Coastal California's Fog Aerobiology and Ecology: Designing and Testing an Optimal Passive Impactor Collection Unit
- Constraining Saturn's interior density profile from precision gravity field measurement obtained during Grand Finale
- Contributions of Volcanic Carbon Emissions to Environmental Change at the Cretaceous-Paleogene and Paleocene-Eocene Boundaries: Observational and Theoretical Constraints
- Cryovolcanic Resurfacing on Pluto
- Desalination Brine Discharge Impacts on Coastal Biology and Water Chemistry - A Case Study from Carlsbad Southern California
- Dried Out: Phytoplankton Drought Response in the San Francisco Estuary
- Dynamic Solar Coronal Jets occurring in a Near-Limb Active Region
- Earth's Paleomagnetosphere and Planetary Habitability
- Emplacement of Widespread Fe/Mg Phyllosilicate Layer in West Margaritifer Terra, Mars
- Examining the distance decay of injection induced seismicity to unravel the contribution of fluid-pressure and poro-elastic stress triggering
- Exploring Microbial Processes with Thermal-Hydrological Models of the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Exploring the Hg pollution in global marginal seas by trophic biomagnification in demersal fishes
- Gamma-ray signatures of neutrons from Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Global Variations of Large Megathrust Earthquake Rupture Characteristics
- Groundwater and Thaw Legacy of a Large Paleolake in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica as Evidenced by Airborne Electromagnetic and Sedimentological Techniques
- High-Energy Aspects of Small-Scale Energy Release at the Sun
- Imaging Crustal Structure with Waveform and HV Ratio of Body-wave Receiver Function
- Impacts of ocean acidification on coral calcification: experimental results from a field study around submarine springs
- Intercorrelation of P and Pn Recordings for the North Korean Nuclear Tests
- Interpretation of Ground Temperature Anomalies in Hydrothermal Discharge Areas
- Laftr
- Landsat satellite evidence of the decline of northern California bull kelp
- Late Quaternary high resolution micropaleontological and sedimentological records in the Gulf of Cadiz.
- Lateral, vertical, and longitudinal connectivity of runoff source areas drive stream hydro-biogeochemical signals across a low relief drainage network
- Linked hydro-thermo-chemo-microbiological processes within a cool hydrothermal circulation system in 18-24 M.y. old seafloor of the Cocos Plate
- Linking field and laboratory studies to investigate nitrate removal using permeable reactive barrier technology during managed recharge
- Magmatism, Hydrothermalism, and Carbon Cycling in the sedimented Guaymas Basin
- Mainshock-Aftershocks Clustering Detection in Volcanic Regions
- Mercury genomics in the Arctic Ocean
- Modeling Hf-W Evolution for Earth, Moon and Mars in Grand Tack Accretion Simulations: The Isotopic Consequences of Rapid Accretion
- Morphology and Evolution of Sublimation Pits on Pluto
- Nanoscale Roughness of Faults Explained by the Scale-Dependent Yield Stress of Geologic Materials
- Neutrons from Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Observing the ExoEarth: Simulating the Retrieval of Exoplanet Parameters Using DSCOVR
- Paleomagnetic evidence for a young inner core: ultra-low geomagnetic field 565 million years ago
- Penguin Proxies: Deciphering Millennial-Scale Antarctic Ecosystem Change using Amino Acid Stable Isotope Analysis.
- Plastic Scintillator Based Detector for Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes.
- Provenance of the exotic Northern Sierra terrane (North American Cordillera) based on U-Pb detrital zircon data
- Radial Mixing and Ru-Mo Isotope Systematics Under Different Accretion Scenarios
- Reappraisal of the 2010 Maule, 2014 Iquique, 2015 Illapel through Inversion of Geodetic Data and Tsunami Waveforms Using the Optimal Time Alignment (OTA) Method
- Refining the Tonga Slab Geometry Using Slab Phases of Seismic Waves
- Regional reduction in paleogroundwater discharge and rainfall in the Late Holocene Yucatan Peninsula reconstructed from trace metals in benthic foraminifera
- Rupture Depth-Varying Aftershock Patterns for Major and Great (M<SUB>W</SUB> ≥ 7.0) Megathrust Earthquakes
- Scaling up Planetary Dynamo Modeling to Massively Parallel Computing Systems: The Rayleigh Code at ALCF
- Sea Surface Warming and Increased Aridity at Mid-latitudes during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2
- Shear dilatancy and acoustic emission in dry and saturated granular materials
- Soil Properties and the Conditions for Recurring Earthflow Failure
- Source characteristics of the 3 September 2017, North Korean nuclear test (m<SUB>b </SUB>= 6.3) inferred from teleseismic forward modeling and regional waveform deconvolution of broadband P and Pn waves
- Spatiotemporal streamflow generation processes in a low relief ephemeral-to-perennial drainage network
- Stable and Radiogenic Sr Isotopes in Barite - Clues on the Links Between Weathering, Climate and the C Cycle
- Sustainability of utility-scale solar energy: Critical environmental concepts
- TGF Observations From A Small, Low-Cost, Low-Mass, High-Speed Versatile Detector System.
- Testing Orbital Parameters as a Hypothesis for the Presence of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Deposits on Mars's South Pole
- Testing the Limits to Accurate Comminution Dates: A Progress Report
- The 2017 M<SUB>W</SUB> 8.2 Chiapas, Mexico Earthquake: Energetic Slab Detachment
- The Bright Side of Saturn's Gravity
- The Connection Between Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Energetic In-Cloud Lightning Pulses
- The Evolution of Indian and Pacific Ocean Denitrification and Nitrogen Dynamcs since the Miocene
- The Linear Mixing Approximation for Planetary Ices
- The Post-Earthquake Stress State on the Tohoku Megathrust as Constrained by Reanalysis of the JFAST Breakout Data
- The Search for Fluid Injection-induced Seismicity in California Oilfields
- The case for local food in sustainable food-energy-water systems
- The evolution of El Niño through the Pliocene
- The varying stability of benthic homes: hydrologic regime and sediment supply control the timing and intensity of bed mobility
- Thermal evolution of the equatorial Pacific thermocline during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 from foraminifera stable isotope and trace metal analysis
- Thin, Conductive Permafrost Surrounding Lake Fryxell Indicates Salts From Past Lakes, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Tidal dissipation in the subsurface ocean of Enceladus
- Timescales of Crustal Cooling of the Superior Craton near Attawapiskat, Ontario, Canada, and Implications for Extent of Keweenawan Plume Heating.
- Tsunami Early Warning via a Physics-Based Simulation Pipeline
- Untangling Topographic and Climatic Forcing of Earthflow Motion
- Uranus and Neptune: internal heat flow
- Using Lunar Impact Basin Relaxation to Test Impact Flux Models
- Using a geographic information system and hillslope runoff modeling to support decision-making for managed aquifer recharge using distributed stormwater collection
- Using the KBO density distribution as a constraint on formation timescale
- Utilizing Landsat 8 to measure kelp physiological health in the Santa Barbara Channel
- VLF Wave Properties During Geomagnetic Storms
- What processes control collisional growth in marine stratocumulus?
- Young surface of Pluto's Sputnik Planitia caused by viscous relaxation
- 3D Kinematic Modeling and Restoration of the Costa Rican Margin: Unraveling a Complex Geologic and Tectonic History of Subduction
- A High Pressure XRD Study of Structural Changes in Anglesite
- A Lacustrine Environment Recorded at Vera Rubin Ridge: Overview of the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy observed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
- A Look into Marine Stratocumulus Clouds Microphysical Response to Biomass Burning Emissions Using Aircraft In-Situ Data by the California Coast
- A Magnetized Elliptical Disk on the Moon
- A horizontal permeable reactive barrier stimulates nitrate removal and shifts microbial ecology during rapid infiltration for managed recharge
- A summary of high-energy radiation events from recent observing campaigns at ground-based sites in Japan, Mexico, and Canada
- Accelerated electron distributions in NuSTAR microflares
- Airborne Preparatory Activities for Decadal Survey Designated Foundational Observations
- Arsenic Biogeochemical Cycling Under Extreme, Archean-like Conditions
- Assessing Asian Aerosol and Dust Contribution to U.S. West Coast Atmospheric River Events
- Assessment of Climate Impacts on Oceans and Marine Resources of the United States
- Atmospheric Circulation of Saturn- and Jupiter-like Planets and Brown Dwarfs: Zonal Jets, Long-term Variability, and QBO-Type Oscillations
- Bringing the boron proxy pieces together to solve the ocean carbonate system puzzle: Miocene Monterey excursion and PETM case studies
- Calibrating a Method for Reconstructing Total and Interannual (ENSO) Variability in the Equatorial Pacific Using Mg/Ca in Individual Planktic Foraminifera
- California Heartbeat Initiative- Freshwater (CHI-FW): advancing understanding of California's freshwater resources using the University of California Natural Reserves and innovative technology.
- Cassini Ring Seismology as a Probe of Saturn's Rotation
- Cassini's observation of Titan's gravity field and interior structure
- Characterizing the Modern-Day Aeolian Environment at Gale Crater, Mars
- Characterizing the onset of fast flow at Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Co-Observations of Thunderstorm Ground Enhancements by the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) array and the Gamma-ray Observations During Overhead Thunderstorms (GODOT) instrument
- Co-location of the downdip end of seismic locking and the continental shelf break
- Comparative Terrestrial Exoplanetology in an Era of Space-Based Infrared Spectroscopy
- Constraining the Dip of Shallowly-Dipping Thrust Events Using Long-period Love Wave Radiation Patterns: Applications to the 4 May 2018 Hawaii Island and 25 October 2010 Mentawai Earthquakes
- Constraining the source geometry and formation age of the Moon's Reiner Gamma lunar swirl
- Core Processes: Mechanism and Timing of Volatile Loss on the IVB Parent Body
- Coupled Foraminiferal Oxygen Isotope and Mg/Ca Constraints on Ocean Temperature across the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary: Back to Basics
- Deciphering the Cause of an Abrupt Extinction and Stable Isotope Excursion Event Across the Aptian-Albian Boundary Interval (AABI, 113 Ma)
- Dendra: A Real-time Cloud-based Time-series Curation System
- Depth-profile laser-ablation split-stream ICP-MS analysis of metamorphic zircon rims from the Orocopia Schist: Implications for the chronology of erosion and underplating during flat-slab subduction.
- Determining Limits to Pluto's Elastic Thickness and Heat Flux Using Fault Topography
- Development of a Light, Fast, and Inexpensive TGF Detector
- Distribution of CDW Intrusion Sites in Eastern Amundsen Sea and West Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelves Revealed by Antarctic Seals
- Dynamical Upheaval in the Formation of the Solar System's Ice Giants
- Effects of Fog Deposition on Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Coastal Food Webs
- Effects of a transient marine sulfur reservoir on marine sulfate δ<SUP>18</SUP>O<SUB>SO4</SUB> during the PETM
- Episodic Stress Tensor and Fluid Pressure Cycling in Subducting Oceanic Crust During Northern Hikurangi Slow Slip Events
- Evaluating the impact of a carbon amendment in managed aquifer recharge site sediments on redox sensitive elements
- Evidence for a Positive Feedback Between Shallow Groundwater Flow and Shear Failure in an Active Earthflow
- Evidence for globally enhanced microbial activity during the immediate aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary impact
- Faint solar X-rays observed with NuSTAR
- Fragments from the Origins of our Solar System (FOSSIL): Exploring the Chemical Diversity of Comets, Asteroids, and Interstellar Dust at 1 AU.
- Geological storage of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in sub-seafloor basalt offshore Washington State and British Columbia (CarbonSAFE Cascadia project)
- Giant Planets as Pathfinders for Characterizing the Pale Blue Dot
- Grain-size controls on sand storage in rivers
- Heat and Health in a Changing Climate: Building a Decision Support Tool for California Public Health Officials
- High Pressure Raman and Nd<SUP>3+</SUP> Luminescence Spectroscopy of Bastnaesite-(Ce)
- High-Energy Radiation Phenomena from Winter Thunderstorms and Lightning in Japan
- High-resolution seafloor imaging of the diverse North Hikurangi Margin, including the creeping and catastrophic North Tuaheni Landslide
- Hillslope-scale critical zone structure effects on regional-scale watershed hydrology
- How do planetary bodies respond to periodic tidal forcing and how does that influence heat flow and orbital evolution?- Report from the KISS Workshop entitled "Tidal Heating-Lessons from Io and the Jovian System"
- How often does a gravel riverbed mobilize? The answer depends on sediment supply and hydrology, which vary enormously between regions
- How subduction megathrust structural variability impacts earthquakes
- Imaging and Spectroscopy of Six NuSTAR Microflares
- Impact Ejecta and Gardening in the Lunar Polar Regions
- Implications of 5+ years of post-seismic crustal deformation following the M<SUB>w</SUB>7.8 October 28, 2012 Haida Gwaii and M<SUB>w</SUB>7.5 January 5, 2013 Craig, AK earthquakes along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault system
- Information measures of land-carbon source-sink dynamics
- Insights into the atmospheres of the TRAPPIST-1 planets from the laboratory and models
- Interior Models that Explain the Gravity Fields of Saturn and Jupiter
- Interstellar Probe (ISP) Observations of the Solar System's Debris Disks
- Ion Microprobe Depth Profile Analysis of Micron-Scale Metamorphic Rims on Detrital Zircons from the Pelona Orocopia Rand Schist
- Is there a thundercloud electric field threshold for terrestrial gamma-ray flash production?
- Lessons from a coupled photochemical-condensation model of the full Venusian atmosphere
- Lightning-triggered termination of a gamma-ray glow in a Japanese winter thunderstorm
- Limits to Growth of Forest Biomass Carbon Sink Under Climate Change
- Linked field and laboratory studies reveal controls on enhanced denitrification during managed recharge
- Lithology and cement controls on the evolution of compressional wave velocity and porosity in input materials at northern Hikurangi and other subduction zones
- Long-term Reproducibility of Carbonate Standard D<SUB>47</SUB> values: An Intra-laboratory Comparison
- Low productivity aftershock sequences in Oklahoma are correlated with rapid induced seismicity mitigation and abrupt reduction in wastewater disposal rates
- Low-frequency earthquakes describe the slow slip that drives them
- Mass Distribution in the Interiors of Saturn and Jupiter Inferred From Measured Gravity Fields With Minimal Assumptions
- Microbial and geochronologic constraints on the Neogene paleotopography of northern Tibetan Plateau
- Mid-Miocene Transition from Rigid to Soft Plate Tectonics in the Northern Tibetan Plateau: A Lookback after 20 Years of Tests
- Mixed-layer dynamics in the Nordic Seas during MIS 11: Implications for the AMOC
- Multidimensional Numerical Modeling of Coupled Heat and Fluid Flow Processes Within Marine Sediment Ponds
- Multivariate Metrics to Quantify Co-occurring Extremes Resulting from the Dipole Circulation Pattern
- New insights into Seattle fault zone geometry: incorporating shallow offshore deformation using high resolution seismic reflection imagery
- Non-Hydrostatic Modeling Jupiter's Cloud Formation and Tropospheric Dynamics in the Juno Era
- Observations of tidally-varying ocean bottom pressure near the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
- Photochemical Hazes Control the Atmospheric Temperature Structures on Pluto and Triton
- Planet Growth via Accretion of Pebble-to-Boulder Size Solids
- Plasma Interaction with Lunar Crustal Magnetization: Implications for Space Weathering
- Plot-scale field studies of denitrification and trace element cycling during infiltration for managed recharge
- Polygenetic marine terraces built over several 100 kyr: the ages are not what they seem
- Potential Biases in a Global Database of Paleoshorelines Reflecting Coastal Uplift Rates
- Precession and Sub-Orbital Cyclicity of Ice Rafted Debris in the Bering Sea (IODP Site U1341) during the early Pleistocene
- Properties of Shallow Subduction Megathrust Earthquakes: A Multi-Decade Review
- Quantifying the role of off-fault plastic failure in reconciling differing geodetic and geologic slip rates along the San Andreas fault in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA using thermochronology and finite element modeling
- Radar Reflections from Basal Ice May Be Misinterpreted As Frozen Bed
- Recent Orbital and Thermal Evolution of Mimas, and Implications for Enceladus
- Reproducible, Automated and Portable Computational and Data Science Experimentation Pipelines with Popper
- Seamount Subduction Prolongs Shallow Slow Slip Event in the Forearc of the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand
- Seismic Anisotropy and Vp/Vs Changes Measured on Ocean Bottom Seismometers Suggest Fluid Pressure Changes Occur With Slow Slip off the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Seismic Detection of Internal Gravity Waves at the Dongsha Atoll, South China Sea
- Shoaling of the deep chlorophyll maximum during Early Eocene hyperthermals
- Streaks of basal icequakes, subglacial geomorphology, and the evolving basal boundary of a major Antarctic ice stream
- Surface ocean acidification during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2)
- Synchronizing volcanic, sedimentary, and ice core records of Earth's last magnetic polarity reversal
- TRACE: Telescope for RAdiation Characterization at Europa
- The 2018 flight of the magnet spectrometer AESOP-Lite for the study of low-energy cosmic ray electrons and positrons
- The Dependence of Local vs. Remote Precipitation Impacts of Aerosols on Emitting Region
- The Electrical Conductivity of Dehydrating Lawsonite and Implications for Cascadia Subduction Zone Structure
- The Global Coupling Between Inertial and Transitional Regimes in Granular Shear Flow
- The Impact of Satellite Altimeter Observations on Ocean Circulation Estimates from Regional Ocean Models
- The Mid-Infrared Search for Life on Nearby Transiting Exoplanets Using The Origins Space Telescope
- The Possibility of the Ground Based Detection of Gamma Rays from the Reverse Positron Beam of a TGF.
- The Role of Atmospheric Eddies on the Lapse Rate Feedback and Arctic Amplification
- The Role of Radiative Feedbacks in Driving Uncertainty in the Meridional Pattern of Climate Change
- The causes and consequences of a temporally variable threshold for motion for fluvial bedload transport
- The importance of topographic steady-state for the stability of half-graben structures
- The influence of fault damage and fluids on seismic behavior during slip on laboratory faults
- The long-term effect of the thermocline on ENSO: the Holocene and Pliocene test cases
- The temperature of the Pliocene West Pacific Warm Pool:constraints from a new benthic B/Ca record
- Thermochemical evolution of the upper mantle over 3.5 Gyr: Implications from Mid Ocean Ridge and Subduction Zone basalt magmas
- Tidally Modulated Microseismicity Near the Grounding Zone of the Whillans Ice Plain: Observations and Analysis of Seismic Source
- Transient Glacial Incision in the Patagonian Andes from 6 to 3 Ma
- Using Cascadia Initiative Data to Investigate Seismicity and Possible Shallow Slow Slip Along the Southernmost Section of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Utilizing Drone- and Ground-based Sensors, and Vegetation Samples to Calibrate Coyote Brush Phenological Responses to Water Deficit
- Variability and Pathways of Along-Shelf Exchange in the West Antarctic Peninsula
- Very Long-Period Seismic Signals and Collapse Events at the Kilauea Summit Crater in 2018
- What controls drizzle initiation in marine stratocumulus?
- When does the rock break?: Finding earthquakes during the 2008 Okmok eruption
- Why do strike-slip earthquakes produce fewer aftershocks?
- 150 years of Yellowstone hot spring research: Biogeosciences and the past, present, and future of studying 'warm little ponds'
- 3D Seismic images of double BSRs at the northern Hikurangi margin and the implications for subduction processes
- A Search for Potential Ground Based TGF Detection Sites
- A multi-element stable isotope approach to investigate sources and cycling of dissolved organic nitrogen
- A physical basis for the high latitude lapse rate feedback
- A window into California's past coastal environments: Compound-specific amino acid isotope ratios from bivalve shells to reconstruct nearshore primary productivity
- Agreement of bulk sedimentary and foraminifera-bound nitrogen in the detection of a 4 million year trend in equatorial Pacific N isotopes (δ<SUP>15</SUP>N)
- Along-strike variations in sediment input at the Alaska Peninsula subduction zone from new open access multichannel seismic reflection data of the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
- Assessment of mercury concentrations in fur, liver and brain tissue from necropsied southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis)
- Autodetection of microearthquakes in Oklahoma during the Prague 2011 earthquake sequence.
- Benthic Foraminifera as Indicative of Austral Summer Monsoon Precipitation and Winter Monsoon Wind-Driven Upwelling
- Bringing Undergrads to the Field: A Short Course on Tectonics and Seismic Research in Kodiak, Alaska
- Bringing new life to harmful algal bloom prediction after crossing the valley of death
- Catchment critical zone controls on groundwater contributions to surface water chemistry variability
- Centrifugally forced viscous Rayleigh-Taylor instability:growth of the varicose modes
- Changes in Clay Mineralogy and Provenance in Response to Shifting Hydrologic Patterns During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Salisbury Embayment, USA
- Characterizing spatial variability in denitrification potential during infiltration under heterogeneous land use and precipitation patterns
- Co-seismic rupture process of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence from joint inversion of geodetic and seismological observations
- Combating Global Proliferation of Harmful Algal Blooms Along River to Sea Continuum in the Face of Nutrient Over-Enrichment and Climate Change
- Comparison of Two In-water Optical Profilers in a Dynamic Coastal Marine Ecosystem
- Compound specific N isotopes and U-Th proxies suggest high 15N signature of Bolling-Allerod warm event affected by denitrification in the subarctic North Pacific
- Compression and Metastability of the Amphibole Tremolite to High Pressures and Temperatures through Raman Spectroscopy
- Contamination of soil and dust with arsenic, copper and lead from smelting operations in Namibia: implications for human health exposures
- Continuous records of human-environment interaction in the Lofoten Islands of Arctic Norway based on fecal lipids and alkenone paleothermometry
- Contrasting slip rates on the Hilton Creek normal fault in- and outside the Long Valley Caldera (California)
- Coupled high frequency sensor network and environmental tracers to quantify subsurface nitrate transport to a coastal estuary
- Coupling <SUP>13</SUP>C, <SUP>15</SUP>N, and <SUP>14</SUP>C information potential of individual AA: prospecting for unique signatures of bacterial and protist sources and cycling in oceanic dissolved organic matter.
- Critical Zone Controls on Coupled Differential Plant Water Source Uptake, Subsurface Water Storage, and Streamflow Processes
- Deep subsurface brines in the polar desert of McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, revealed by a regional AEM (Airborne ElectroMagnetic) survey
- Disentangling Historical Land Use and Pleistocene Climate Change as Triggers for Floodplain Abandonment on a Large Coastal California River
- Effects of Backarc Basins on the Geochemical Evolution of Oceanic Arcs
- Enhancing Tsunami Warning Using P Wave Coda
- Environmental Drivers of the Late Neogene Expansion of C<SUB>4</SUB> Ecosystems
- Evaluating Component Level Carbon Fluxes at Regional Scales Over North America Using Atmospheric Observations of Carbon Dioxide and Carbonyl Sulfide
- Event-Based Programming Tools to Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within Earth and Planetary Science Departments
- Evidence for Extended Charging Periods Prior to Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Evidence for a Dichotomy in the Interior Structures of Jupiter and Saturn from Helium Phase Separation
- Evolution of Sea Surface Temperature in the West Pacific Warm Pool (Site U1488) over the Last 10 Million Years
- Explaining The Galilean Satellites' Density Gradient By Hydrodynamic Escape.
- Formation of the summit caldera at Axial Seamount
- Fossil Coral Record of Younger Dryas Chronozone warmth in the context of deglacial sea level rise and warming since 25 kyr BP on the Great Barrier Reef
- Fractional Crystallization of a Martian Magma Ocean and Formation of a Thermochemical Boundary Layer at the Base of the Mantle
- Fracture energy of Cascadia input sediments integrated into a global compilation
- From Drought to Flood: Is There a Link Between Freshwater Runoff and Domoic Acid Events in Central California?
- Geodynamic Origins of Broad and Focused Deformation in the Central California Coast Ranges Illustrated by the Monterey and Big Sur Segments of the San Gregorio-Hosgri Fault
- Geologic controls on baseflow generation across watershed scales
- Geophysics at the Edge of the Solar System: New Horizons at (486958) 2014 MU69
- Groundwater Management Under Drought and Climate Change in California: Past History and New Strategies
- How Coseismic Temperature Rise Affects Postseismic Healing
- Hydroclimatic drought effects on physical habitat and benthic invertebrates of headwater streams of differing hydrogeology in the Sierra Nevada of California
- IMPRESS: A Scintillation Detector for Solar Flare Observations
- Impact of High Latitude Freshwater Flux on the AMOC during MIS 11: Insight for Future Climate?
- Impact of phosphatization events across the Rio Grande Rise (Southwest Atlantic) during the Miocene
- In situ measurements on benthic foraminifera: a comparison between Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and Wavelength-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (WDS).
- Inclination Damping on Callisto
- Influence of a carbon amendment on nutrient and metal concentrations at a managed aquifer recharge site
- Insights Into Hillslope-Scale Critical Zone Structure and Runoff Generation From a Regional-Scale Analysis.
- Investigating Fault Rupture Connectivity Between Upper-plate Faults and the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone: A Paleoseismic Investigation of the Little Salmon Fault Zone, Hydesville, California
- Is Plant Phenology Keeping Pace with the Climate?
- King Tides Result in Episodic Cross-Contamination of a California Coastline With Cyanobacterial and Algal Toxins
- Large Scale Detection of Fault Damage
- Latest Climate Hazards Center (CHC) products for drought and agro-climatological monitoring and forecasting: AGMERG, CHIRPS v2.1 and CHIRPS-GEFS
- Light availability controls rhizosphere priming effect of temperate forest trees
- Linking the Vertical Structure of Arctic Warming to Local and Remote Processes: A Causal Network Approach
- Long-Term Local Ecological Change in the Klondike Exposed with Permafrost eDNA.
- Long-term trends and orbital variability in late Paleocene and early Eocene (LPEE) climate, carbonate chemistry and planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- Magnesium and strontium stable isotopes in hypersaline microbial mats
- Magneto-biostratigraphic integration of Neogene sequences from the subantarctic Pacific Ocean: Initial results from IODP Exp. 383
- Managing the ocean in real-time: Ecological forecasts for dynamic management
- Mapping Bull Kelp Canopy in Northern California Using Landsat to Enable Long-term Monitoring
- Marchenko redatuming for the recovery of Born reflection data and its applications to seismic imaging
- Meteorite Outgassing Experiments to Inform Chemical Abundances of Super-Earth Atmospheres
- Meteorological and Regional Factors influencing TGE and TGF production
- Minimum paleofield estimates from lunar magnetic anomalies
- Mining geospatial data to quantify biophysical and anthropogenic controls on low flow frequency and magnitude in southeastern USA streams
- Mixing of Condensible Constituents with H/He During Formation of the Giant Planets
- Modeling Pluto's atmosphere: temperature distribution and rotational emission lightcurves
- Modeling of the slide and tsunami generation from the 12/22/18 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano (Sunda Straits, Indonesia): comparison with recent field surveys of slide deposits and tsunami impact
- Modeling the vulnerability of socio-ecological communities to groundwater shortages during drought at a regional scale
- Multi-proxy evidence for the evolution of Indo-Pacific Warm Pool temperature since the Pliocene
- Near-surface Hydrologic Investigations of Pleistocene lakes within the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- New instrumentation for ground and airborne high-energy observations
- Newly Detected Strain Transient on the Anza Segment of the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Southern California
- NuSTAR observations of the quietest Sun
- Ocean Modeling Supports Management Conversations on the Impact of Local Pollution Sources on Algal Blooms in Southern California
- Oxic sulfur cycling during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Paleoclimate reconstructions in Cuba inferred from coral aragonite δ18O, δ13C and Sr/Ca
- Physical controls on salmon redd site selection in restored reaches of a gravel-bed river
- Pluto and Charon's Topographic Variance Spectra from Limb Profiles
- Reconstructing High-resolution Centennial Ecosystem Changes in the California Current System from Deep-sea Coral Amino Acid δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Records
- Refining Seawater Sr Isotope Ratios During The Eocene Using Marine Barite
- Residence time and groundwater storage for a periodically irrigated catchment
- Reversal in Ocean Overturning Circulation During the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2
- Revisit the Sulfur-water Chemical System in the Middle Atmosphere of Venus
- Saturn's Probable Interior: An Exploration of Saturn's Potential Interior Density Structures and What They Imply About the Planet's Composition
- Setting a Lower Limit on the TGF Avalanche Volume by the Presence of a Reverse (Positron) Bremsstrahlung Beam
- Shallow Megathrust Slip During Large Earthquakes That Have High P Coda Levels
- Signal of Opportunity CubeSat for Ranging and Timing Experiments (SOCRATES)
- Signatures of focused fluid flow and methane venting along the Queen Charlotte Fault off southeastern Alaska and western British Columbia
- Slip in, and Strength of, Natural Pyropic and Majoritic Garnets at High Pressures
- Stable and radiogenic Sr isotopes in the ocean across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum event as recorded in marine barite
- Sub-Auroral Ionospheric and Stratospheric Electric Field Responses to an Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Event
- Submarine caldera influence on basaltic eruption processes
- Synchronous change in the carbon isotopes, large benthic foraminifera and sea-level recorded in shallow-water carbonate platforms across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- Testing the Predictions of the Dilatant Strengthening Model in an Active, Slow-Moving Landslide
- The 26 May 2019 M<SUB>W</SUB> 8.0 Intermediate Depth Peru Earthquake
- The Coast Range Orogeny of California: transpression or oblique subduction?
- The Effect of the Australian Monsoon on Paleoproductivity and Terrigenous Flux during the Mid-Pleistocene
- The Importance of Uncertainty in the Detection of Weather Events: Probabilistic Detection of Atmospheric Rivers
- The Longitude of Tropical Pacific Deep Convection: A Perspective on ENSO Diversity and Implications for Western US Hydroclimate
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Plasmoid Instability in Partially Ionized Plasmas
- The Pliocene Expansion of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
- The Role of Lithology in Fault Re-Strengthening: A Case Study of the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma Induced Earthquake Sequence
- The Role of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Marine Isotope Budgets
- The Role of a Moderately Conductive Basal Magma Ocean in the Ancient Lunar Dynamo
- The Shapes of (486958) 2014 MU69 and 14 Other Kuiper Belt Objects from New Horizons
- The Shortwave Cloud and Surface Albedo Response to Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosol Geoengineering
- The South Atlantic Transect - A Multidisciplinary Scientific Ocean Drilling Investigation
- The relationship between ENSO and tropical Pacific background state: Evidence from individual foraminifera
- The temperature of the West Pacific Warm Pool in the Pliocene
- The temporally evolving environmental consequences of LIP outgassing
- Transient glacial incision in the Patagonian Andes from 6 to 3 Ma
- Two pulses of carbon released during the onset of Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Two- and Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Coupled Fluid and Heat Flow Processes Beneath a Marine Sediment Pond
- Uranian satellite characteristics as indicators of the internal evolution of Uranus
- Using Big Data Analytics to Analyze Phanerozoic Trends in the Intensity of Biogenic Sediment Reworking
- Using triple oxygen isotopes to test Cretaceous/Cenozoic LIP activity as a driver of the marine sulfur cycle
- Vibration and yield in sheared angular granular materials
- Weather Extremes During the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- What are the Drivers of River Water Temperature Below a Large Dam?
- What record will the Greenheugh pediment and associated landforms in Gale crater reveal about Martian climate history?
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Tale of Two Algorithms: Analysis of PHYDOTax vs. MESMA in the San Francisco Bay Area
- A new method for determining rate-and-state frictional properties from experimental shear stress oscillations, Application to ice-on-rock sliding
- A simplified one-dimensional unsaturated hydrology model for rainfall-induced landslides
- Abiotic Oxygen on the Atmospheres of Venus-Like Exoplanets
- Adapting the CoastWatch satellite course to the COVID-19 life
- Airborne Sensor Combination for Calibration, Validation, and Research in Dynamic Aquatic Systems
- Ancient DNA in lake sediment reveals High Arctic greening during the Last Interglacial
- Application of the mixed length theory to assess the generation of melt in planetary bodies
- Applying Local-Scale Knowledge to Solve Broad Global Environmental Change Problems: a Case Study for Climate Change Refugia Conservation
- Aseismic slip history during the interseismic period between the 2012 M 7.5 Ometepec and the 2018 M 7.2 Pinotepa earthquakes
- Assessing Long-Term Changes in Sea Surface Temperature Extremes
- Assessing Wildfire Impacts on Canopy Density and the Extinction Risk of Amphibians
- Assessing spatial patterns and drivers of intermittent flow in the contiguous U.S.
- Atmospheric rivers in the PETM: Importance for cool season precipitation
- Bamboo corals as unique high-resolution archives of ocean processes: Evidence from the California margin.
- Beyond Sea Surface Temperatures: a Holistic Approach to Addressing Pliocene Tropical Conditions
- Bioaerosols Impacts on Ocean Biogeochemistry
- Biodegradable Plastic and the Suppliers that can provide them to Local Businesses
- COFFIES - Developing a Reliable Physical Model of the Solar Activity Cycle
- Carbon Sequestration in Restored Tidal and Non-tidal Managed Wetlands in California's San Francisco Bay-Delta
- Changing State of Earth's Climate for the last 66 Million Years
- Characteristics of surface water persistence in a non-perennial stream network
- Characterization of the Phytoplankton Phenology in the Subarctic Pacific Ocean
- Climate Change Impacts on Mountains in Coastal Santa Barbara Based on 30 Years of High Resolution Downscaling
- Comparison of Repeating Earthquake Activity during the 2014 and 2019 Gisborne Slow Slip Events and Implications for Seamount Subduction and Fluid Migration at the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
- Competition between fault advection and fluvial aggradation determines channel geometry along strike-slip faults
- Constraining Europa's Global Shape with Stellar Occultations Collected by Europa Clipper's UV Spectrograph
- Constraining the conditions for soft-bed subglacial ruptures: rate-state friction parameters in ice-till slip experiments
- Constraints on Geologic Carbon Release at the End of the Last Ice Age From the Planetary Radiocarbon Budget
- Constructing a Paleoseismic Record from Lacustrine Landslide Deposits
- Controls on River Flashiness Across the Continental United States
- Convolutional Neural Networks as a Tool for Raman Spectral Mineral Classification Under Low Signal, Dusty Mars Conditions
- Deep Ocean storage of heat and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Arctic Mediterranean during the last glacial period
- Density vs. Mineralogy Correlation of the Mantle: A Quantitative Measurement of the Spatial Distribution of Thermal Pressure in a Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell and its Implications on Derived Equations of State.
- Detecting Marine Heat Waves using Deep Learning
- Developing a Method for Detecting and Counting Marine Bacteriophages Using a Solid State Nanopore
- Disconnected Drivers of Late Pleistocene Northwest African Hydroclimate and Vegetation
- Discovering Bio-Signatures in Microbial Dolomite using Trace Metal Analysis and Magnesium and Strontium Stable Isotope Analysis
- Do non-native terrestrial isopods transfer marine-derived mercury to threatened steelhead trout (O. mykiss) in a coastal California stream?
- Doubling of the surface carbon inventory across the PETM?
- Drivers and Impacts of Southern Ocean Polynyas in High-Resolution Earth System Models
- Dynamic catchment water storage-discharge partitioning across water- and energy-limited catchments
- Dynamics of Subseafloor Hydrothermal Circulation on Ocean Worlds
- Electrostatic Dust Analyzer (EDA) for Characterizing Dust Transport on the Lunar Surface
- Extreme Precipitation Across the North Atlantic: Model-Data Comparisons from the PETM
- Fermi resonance observed in high-pressure ilmenite (FeTiO<SUB>3</SUB>)
- Foraminiferal calcium isotope response to carbon cycle perturbations: comparison of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum to Ocean Anoxic Event 2
- Forecasting endangered fish migration and survival through an urbanized estuary using acoustic telmetry and stochastic modeling
- Frequency Analysis of Marine Heatwaves in the North Eastern Pacific Ocean
- From regional flood risk analysis to local: comparing coastal flooding in Miami Beach with XBeach and SFINCS
- Future intensification of extreme Aleutian Low events and their climate impacts
- Future wave climate in nearshore California: new insights into the need for nearshore projections in local coastal hazard assessments
- Global change in continental climate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: a view through the window of terrestrial palynology
- Harmonizing Miocene alkenone- and boron-based carbonate chemistry reconstructions
- Helioseismic Constraints on the Solar Interior Dynamics and Dynamo
- How Much Marsh Restoration is Enough to Deliver Coastal Protection Benefits
- How department chairs can support faculty during COVID-19: tools, strategies, and limitations.
- Importance of local uplift rates for the creation of marine platforms and terraces built by repeated sea-level occupations
- In-situ observations of ice dynamics on the pinning point of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Informing Advocacy Through Scientific Analysis: The Plastics-Climate Connection
- Inter-event, Kinematic and Post-seismic slips of the 2019 RidgeCrest earthquakes: insights into the seismic/aseismic slip behaviors
- Investigating the Possible Role of Chitin Deposition in the Shuram-Wonoka δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Excursion
- Jellywatch: Examining the physical drivers behind on-shore Velella sightings through citizen science
- Large source of mercury from the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Links between Hydrologic Processes, Water Chemistry, and Microbiology during Rapid Infiltration for Managed Recharge
- Major (M<SUB>W</SUB> ≥ 7.0) Near-Trench Intraplate Compressional Faulting and the 25 March 2020 M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.5 Paramushir, Northern Kuril Islands Earthquake
- Mapping Denitrification Potential During Infiltration with Machine Learning Informed by Field and Laboratory Information
- Measurement and Characterization of Fault Asperities on Hand Samples
- Measuring Hydraulic Diffusivity of a Fault Damage Zone of the Blue Mountain Using Tidal Responses
- Mixing of Condensable Constituents with H/He During the Formation of the Giant Planets
- Modeling Pluto's rotational thermal emission from its atmosphere and surface
- Multi-fidelity Temperature Modeling to Better Understand Sensitivities and Uncertainties in a Managed Reservoir-River System
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Near-surface structure and mechanical properties of shallow seismogenic faults: Implications for ground-motion simulations
- New evidence for climate and erosion history in Gale crater, Mars, from Curiosity's ascent onto the Greenheugh pediment
- Novel Data-driven Method for the Prediction of Remotely Sensed Leafing Phenology
- Novel oxygen false positives on habitable zone planets
- NuSTAR Observation of Eleven Solar Microflares
- Nutrient utilization and the efficiency of the biological pump during late Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles in the subarctic Pacific
- Observation of 'neutron bursts' from Cosmic Ray Showers and relevance to ground based Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) observational campaigns.
- Orbitally-resolved Pliocene environmental variability at North Pacific ODP 883
- Outgassing Predictions for TRAPPIST-1 and Implication for Methane Biosignatures
- Oxidation of sedimentary sulfides as negative feedback to ice-sheet expansion: A case study from the Eocene-Oligocene Antarctic glaciation
- Paleoearthquakes in the Sedimentary Record
- Potential origins of the solar hemispherical helicity rule: Simulations of rising flux tubes in a background field
- Probing the Southern Cascadia Plate Interface with a Dense Amphibious Seismic Array
- Projecting the Coupled Impact of Sustainable Groundwater Management Laws and Development Planning on Land-use/land-cover Change in California
- Quantifying High Probability Deployment Sites for Downward Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash Observations.
- Raman Spectroscopy of the Amphibole Cummingtonite under Compression to 21 GPa—Ali Fuat Yuvali, Jason N. Ott, Elise Knittle and Quentin Williams
- Reconstructing Martian environmental change across a major unconformity at Gale crater: sedimentology of the Stimson formation at the Greenheugh pediment
- Regional Earthquakes that Trigger Creep on the Northern Central San Andreas Fault
- Regional Hydrological Variations Along the California Coast During the PETM
- Resolving sources of marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) via novel sulfur isotope analyses
- Reversal in ocean overturning circulation during the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2
- Sedimentary ancient DNA and molecular evidence for pre-Norse occupation of the Faroe Islands
- Short-Term Interaction between Silent and Devastating Earthquakes in Mexico
- Slope-aspect dependent hillslope water storage capacity, threshold responses and runoff generation
- Spatial variability of geothermal heat flux in the McMurdo region of Antarctica constrained by new airborne electromagnetics data
- Spatio-temporal assessment of Wave Energy Conversion in California, across technologies and water depths
- Surface Investigations of Aeolian Activity on Mars: Recent Advances and Outstanding Questions
- Switching field angular dependence and the measurement of anhysteretic remanence magnetization (ARM)
- Systematic Variations in Lava Flow Morphology Along the North and South Rift Zones of Axial Seamount
- Temperature rise, slip localization, and fault weakening as observed from the rock record
- The Composition and Flux of Seafloor Sediments in the Global Ocean
- The Global Distribution of Human and Natural Threats to Protected Mangrove Regions
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Noachian Climate of Mars: Overview of Critical Mars System Science Questions
- The Promise and Limitations of High-Precision Gravity Field Measurements for Uranus and Neptune
- The Role of Lithology in Fault Re-Strengthening: A Case Study of the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma Induced Earthquake Sequence
- Trace Species Variations Enlightened by Chemical-Transport Models in the Middle Atmosphere of Venus
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- Turbulent Confinement of Large-Scale, Poloidal Magnetic Fields to Stellar Radiative Zones
- Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismological Insight into the Seismogenic Zone: A View from Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Two centuries of climate change from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and Sr/Ca analyses of a Cuban Coral
- UCSC-GEOPATHS SUMMER INTERNSHIP Educational Outreach with Sunbank SolarSimone Wright and James Richards
- UCSC-GEOPATHS SUMMER INTERNSHIP Waste Not, Want Not: The Procurement Project- Removing Plastics from the Local Restaurant Waste Stream
- UCSC-GEOPATHS SUMMER INTERNSHIP: A Summary of High-Pressure Techniques Used to Collect Raman Spectroscopy Data of Cummingtonite Under Compression — Ali Fuat Yuvali and Elise Knittle
- UCSC-GEOPATHS SUMMER INTERNSHIP: Protecting California's Groundwater Resources
- UCSC-GEOPATHS SUMMER INTERNSHIPHydrology and Terrain Analysis
- UCSC-GEOPATHS SUMMER INTERNSHIPSoil Properties and Analysis of Sediment samples from a Site to be Used for Flood Managed Aquifer Recharge
- UCSC-GEOPATHS Summer Internship: Analyzing the Microbiome Community of Diseased Coral
- Ucsc-Geopaths Summer Internship: Developing a Biofuel Business and Professional Skills in 2020
- Understanding Perverse Consequences of Ecosystem Services: a Literature Review
- Using Aerial Imagery and GPS Ground Truth Data to Measure Water Quality in a California Estuary.
- Using high spatiotemporal nitrate measurements to assess nutrient transport and transformations at the terrestrial-marine interface of a tidal watershed
- Using stable isotopes to understand multi-scale changes in aquatic biogeochemistry in the human-impacted San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- Validating the Coastal Armoring Database using a custom Field Survey
- What Causes the Arctic's Bottom-Heavy Warming Structure? Diagnosing the Relative Influence of Sea-Ice Loss and Atmospheric Heat Transport
- A 10kyr record of active Antarctic subglacial lake flushing cycles and response to millennial scale climate shifts
- A Long-Term Record of Antarctic Ice Sheet Loss During Millennial-Scale Ocean Warming
- A mushy source for the geysers of Enceladus
- A surface temperature model of Arrokoth, a Kuiper Belt Object visited by New Horizons
- ADU's in Santa Cruz County
- Accurate RESET Corrected Paleointensities from Non-Single-Domain Mt. Lassen 1915 Dacite
- Advancing Arctic Climate Predictability with Causal Inference Methods
- Advancing GeoHealth collaboration for systemic change: ideas and opportunities from existing models, resources, and infrastructure
- Airborne Remote Sensing Estimation of Surface Salinity for the Southern San Francisco Bay
- An Analysis of Online Science Communication Strategies
- An Assessment of Changes in the Seasonal Precipitation of Central California during PETM
- An Efficient Two-Platform Approach to Determine the Drivers of Discharge Temperature in a Thermally Stratified Reservoir
- An Examination of Prompt and Delayed Lightning Sferics Associated with TGFs
- An Integrated Understanding of Oceanographic Stressors and Climate Extremes in the Southern California Bight from 1984 to the Present
- An eastern equatorial Pacific nutrient tongue during the warm Pliocene
- Analyzing Phytoplankton Limitations with NASA
- Antarctic subglacial precipitates record ice surging in response to millennial-scale Southern Ocean warming
- Arctic Feedbacks: The Interconnected Roles of Sea Ice, Atmospheric Energy Transport, and Lapse Rate Changes
- Are Multi-Decadal Fluctuations in Arctic and Antarctic Surface Temperatures a Forced Response to Anthropogenic Emissions or Part of Internal Climate Variability?
- Aspect dependent microclimate and vegetative controls on intrastorm and long-term soil moisture drydown dynamics
- Atmospheric rivers in the Eocene: What can we learn about high latitude moisture transport using Earth system models?
- BARREL Observations of Microbursts
- BIMAP-3D: 3-Dimensional Broadband Interferometric Mapping and Polarization Observations of Lightning Discharges
- Baffin Island subglacial precipitates record subglacial melting beneath the northern Laurentide Ice Sheet concurrent with Heinrich events
- Biogeochemical transformations linked to varying carbon amendments during infiltration for managed recharge
- Bluefin Tuna Reveal Global Patterns of Mercury Pollution and Bioavailability in the World's Oceans
- Catchment storage state controls event-scale runoff generation in catchments at the threshold between water- and energy-limitation
- Challenges in the Determination of Europas Moment of Inertia with the Europa Clipper Mission
- Characterization of seismicity over a range of subglacial slip conditions: laboratory investigation of ice stick-slip acoustic emissions
- Climate Sensitivity is Sensitive to Changes in Ocean Heat Transport
- Coarse sediment supply sets the slope of bedrock channels in rapidly uplifting terrain: Field and topographic evidence from eastern Taiwan
- Collaborating with Small Farms to Increase Their Technological Access and Productivity
- Comparative Hydrologic Changes in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain during the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2
- Comparison of Depth-to-Bedrock with VS30 and Terrain Classes, Including Implications for Predicting Dominate Site Frequencies (fd)
- Constraining Hydrogeologic Conditions to Produce Thermal Convection in the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Constraining Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current dynamics across the Plio-Pleistocene using organic geochemical biomarker proxies from IODP Expedition 383 Site U1540
- Constraining Saturn's interior with ring seismology: effects of differential rotation and stable stratification
- Constraining the Interior Structure of Uranus and Neptune With Independent Measurements of Gravity and Moment-of-Inertia
- Constraints on the Deglacial Release of Geologic Carbon Using Atmospheric 14C and CO2 Records
- Contextualizing the 2021 M8.2 Chignik and 2020 M7.8 Simeonof earthquakes: Background seismicity detected by the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
- Creation of a collaborative multi-organization undergraduate internship program at UC Santa Cruz
- Creeping Closer: Clay Separation and X-ray Diffraction for Refined K/Ar Dating of Fault Motion on the Creeping Central Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Decreases in Root Strength and Hydraulic Conductivity Promote Reactivation of Coastal Bluff Landslides, Puget Sound, WA
- Determining Hydraulic Diffusivity from Ambient Noise Signals of Advection in Temperature Data
- Development and Testing of a Simple DC Resistivity Setup for Investigations of Water Table Depth
- Diatom Silicon Isotope Record Suggests Increased Major Nutrient Supply to the Subarctic North Pacific supported the High Productivity of the Bolling-Allerod
- Direct Measurements of the Spectrum of Slip on Novel Laboratory Fault
- Distribution of failure stress on prestressed faults
- Ecological forecasting of leafing and flowering phenology during climate change to inform public health
- Effectively recording high photon rates from terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
- Engaging Students in the Geosciences using Effective and Versatile Climate and Data Literacy Teaching Modules
- Enriched Water Abundance over Jupiters High Latitudes and Polar Atmosphere
- Evaluating ecohydraulic model sensitivity to remotely-sensed river bathymetry
- Examining streamflow flashiness trends across the northeastern USA
- Facilitating Animal Health and Community Engagement in the Understanding of Monterey Bay Marine Biodiversity as a Student Intern Aquarist.
- Flexible and Scalable Earthquake Forecasting
- GeoCaFES: Communities and Future Earth Scientists
- Global changes in terrestrial vegetation and continental climate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- High-resolution records of dust and productivity from the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean across Termination III
- Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Wetland Methane Emissions in the San Francisco Bay Sacramento San Joaquin River Delta: Detection and Prediction with a Data-Driven Model
- How strong is a sticky spot? New constraints on healing and shear strength beneath Whillans Ice Plain
- How to identify exoplanet surfaces: without seeing them?
- Human Migration in the North Atlantic: Re-evaluating Timing and Environmental Consequences
- IMpulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer (IMPRESS): Science and Detector Goals
- Icy, Moist, and Seasonal: Polar Amplification in Idealized Climates
- Impacts of Wildfire on Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Small Coastal Watersheds
- Implications for Cenozoic environmental trends and variability from leaf wax n-alkane distributions in Western Africa
- Induced seismicity spikes during abrupt changes in injection and production rates in geothermal reservoirs
- Inorganic Mercury and Monomethyl Mercury Fluxes and Speciation in Gulf of Mexico Rivers and Estuaries
- Insights on bioturbation-driven, post-fire soil mixing and sediment transport mechanics from short-lived radionuclides.
- Integrating microstructural, geochemical, and geochronological observations to evaluate deformation conditions during exhumation of the Orocopia Schist, northern Plomosa Mountains, west-central Arizona
- Interconnected global deep-sea circulation changes over the past 25,000 years
- Investigating Amino Acid Diagenesis in Marine Invertebrate Fossils using Compound-Specific Stable Nitrogen Isotope Analysis
- Investigating Environmental Mercury Concentrations in Relation to Wildfires
- Investigating Global Warming Surges
- Investigating Marine Denitrification with Sediment Analysis of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- Kinetic and Magnetic Helicity in Solar Active Regions
- Laboratory experiments to better constrain frictional heating and seismicity on icy satellite faults
- Lessons learned from the AGU EPSP URGE pod on how to structure an equitable, inclusive, and safe committee space
- Lichen as a bioindicator of mercury emissions and deposition from abandoned mercury mines in central California
- Lightweight Artificial Neural Networks for Rock and Mineral Classification on Remote Planetary Surfaces
- Linking Physical Infiltration Processes to Changes in Water Quality and the Potential to Address Legacy Contaminants during Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Linking bioturbation and wildfire to nonlocal transport in steeplands of the California Bay Area
- Linking ecological and anatomical aspects of skate habitat associations
- Long Period Non-Synchronous Rotation of Io
- Long-term shifts in particulate organic matter dynamics evident throughout the San Francisco Bay-Delta system
- Making a difference in the community: Stakeholder-based research experience in an undergraduate hydrology course
- Mars Paleopole Locations From Crustal Magnetic Anomalies
- Mixed-up in the mixed-layer: Observed differences in Mg/Ca-derived G. ruber morphotype temperatures as indicators of water-column or seasonal change?
- Mixing and age distribution in shallow groundwater at the terrestrial-marine interface
- Modeling the Shuram 13Ccarb Excursion as the Onset of Calcium Carbonate Biomineralization by Acritarchs
- Modeling the breakup of tabular icebergs
- Modelling climate and weather for deep-time warm paleoclimates: Lessons from the Eocene
- Morpheus-Ice: Pixel-Level Classification of Imaging Data from Astrophysics to Earth Science
- Mountaintop gamma ray observations of two TGFs at the Santis Tower, Switzerland with coincident radio waveforms characteristic of a RREA current pulse.
- Multi-fault rupture during the 2020 Mw6.5 Stanley, Idaho earthquake
- New Considerations on the Marine 18O Record as an Indicator of Continental Ice Volume
- New Mechanism for the Subglacial Formation of Cryogenic Brines
- Northeast African climate cycles from leaf wax isotopes in Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean sapropels
- Novel prediction-based framework and machine learning model for quantifying phenological mismatch during climate change
- NuSTAR Observations of a Repeatedly Microflaring Active Region
- Numerical Simulation of Cool-Hydrothermal Processes Beneath a Marine Sediment Pond: North Pond, North Atlantic Ocean
- Observation of phase change in FeTiO3 ilmenite at room temperature
- Origin and age of the Cross-Hosgri slope: implications for sedimentation on the central California shelf
- Outcrop-to-outcrop Hydrothermal Circulation under Ocean World Gravity Conditions
- Passive Seismic Monitoring of Evolving Material Properties at the Seasonally Active Oak Ridge Earthflow
- Predictability of Marine Heatwaves Using Random Forests
- Preparing Data for Machine Learning Neural Network to Track and Identify Fish Species
- Prototyping and Testing of Mobile Geology Exhibit to Inspire Stewardship of the Natural World for the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History
- QUEST: A New Frontiers Uranus Orbiter Mission Concept Study
- Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Variations in Infiltration During Managed Aquifer Recharge
- RGB Data as a High Resolution Proxy for Southern Ocean Nutrient Changes on a Centennial Scale
- Raptor Bird and Invasive Species Monitoring in San Diego Bay
- Recharge Net Metering to Enhance Water Supplies, Water Quality, and Hydrologic System Services, and Incentivize Stakeholder Engagement
- Regional Variability of the South Asian Monsoon Through the PETM
- Remote sensing of water quality in coastal Belize: Implications for coastal zone management and informing Sustainable Development Goals
- Reorganization of ocean overturning circulation during the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2
- Rupture Directivity of the May 21, 2021 MW 6.0 Yangbi, Yunnan Earthquake
- Salton Sea Chlorophyll: A Case Study of How Biology Responds to an Increasingly Hypersaline Environment
- Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History: Science Outreach at Summer Camp
- Science Policy Collaborations: Optimizing Ocean Monitoring Networks for Environmental Management
- Seasonal Changes in Subsurface Hydrology Influence Nutrient Cycling in a Salt Marsh
- Seasonal Precipitation is a Hydrologic Driver of Salt Marsh Nitrogen Removal
- Shifts in soil chemistry during infiltration through soils amended with bioavailable carbon
- Spatial Variability of Suspended Particulate Matter in San Francisco Bay
- Spurious climate impacts in sea ice loss simulations
- State of Our Nations Coast: Using HCD to Improve Delivery of USGS Coastal Hazards Information
- Stress heterogeneity as a driver of aseismic slip during the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma aftershock sequence
- Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash Detection from Upward Leader in Uchinada, Japan
- The 1.65 Ma event at Northwest Australian IODP Site U1483: A major transition during the mid-Pleistocene 40 kyr world
- The Addition of Carbon Amendments during Managed Aquifer Recharge and their Impacts on Water Quality and Enhancement of Denitrification
- The Bering Strait Was Flooded During Marine Isotope Stage 3: Evidence from Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Modeling
- The Crustal Ocean Biosphere Research Accelerator (COBRA) Will Inform Decision Making for Deep-Sea Mining and Subseafloor Carbon Sequestration
- The Drying Regimes of Non-Perennial Rivers and Streams
- The IMpulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer Mission at the University of Minnesota
- The Northwest African Monsoon through the (ice) ages: new evidence for low-latitude drivers of monsoon rainfall, vegetation and dust flux over the past 1.1 million years
- The Rise of Buoyant Magnetic Structures Through Convection with a Background Magnetic Field.
- The Role of Forecasts in Managing Endangered Salmon in an Engineered River Basin
- The effect of interior temperature on the atmospheric circulation and observable properties of hot and ultra-hot Jupiters
- The global vulnerability of plant xylem
- The recent emergence of Arctic Amplification
- The role of P-rich precursors in barite formation in the ocean
- The role of shallow and deep critical zone architecture on hydrologic partitioning
- The static stability of a giant planet's weather layer
- Thermoelasticity of Water in Silicate Melts: Implications for Partial Melt Chemistry above 410 km and at the Base of the Mantle
- Tidal forcing influences on biochemical processes in a salt marsh
- Tides in Enceladus' Porous Core
- Trace Metal Concentrations and Hydrochemical Indicators in the Elkhorn Slough Estuary
- Trace element dynamics in five fire-impacted coastal California watersheds
- Trait Modeling Reveals Differences in Climatic Response across Soil Fungal Guilds
- Trajectories of greenhouse gas sequestration in a recently restored coastal marsh
- URGE Pod Outcomes for the AGU EPSP Section
- Understanding Initial Terrestrial Planet Differentiation: The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Update on "Constraints on Thermal History of Mars from Depth of Pore Closure Below InSight"
- Use of WRF-Hydro to Simulate Runoff-Generated Debris Flow Hazards in Burn Scars
- Using Active Source Seismology to Image a Strike-Slip Fault Damage Zone as a Function of Depth, Distance, and Geology
- Using Publicly Available LiDAR Data-Sets to Develop New Topographic Map Resources
- Using Sediment Texture to Estimate Infiltration Rates at a Managed Aquifer Recharge Site
- Using Stable and Radiogenic Strontium Isotopes in Pore Fluids to Assess Water Sources and Carbonate Recrystallization
- Using cloud-top chemical species to constrain the surface process, atmospheric dynamics and cloud formation on Venus
- Using near repeating earthquakes for monitoring aseismic processes along the Central Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Using neural networks to detect and locate aftershocks for the 2020 Stanley, Idaho earthquake
- Variability in hydrologic response to rainfall across a burn scar: observations from the Dolan Fire, California
- Vegetation greening and winter ground temperature decoupling across the Canadian Arctic
- Watershed structural controls on water, carbon, and nutrient export in fire-affected head water streams
- What makes a stream flashy? Controls on river flashiness across the continental US.
- Wildfire and Mudstone: Fine Sediment Input One Year Post-wildfire in a Coastal California Stream
- Wildfire impact on California Watershed soils and hydrology
- Younger Dryas glacier readvance in the Teton Range, Wyoming, USA
- 100 Giant Alaska Landslides
- A Cross-Laboratory Comparison Study of Titan Haze Analogs and A Database of Material Properties of Organic Liquids, Ices, and Hazes on Titan
- A High-Rate, High-Sensitivity Scintillator Detector for Solar Hard X-Ray Spectroscopy
- A New Scenario for Pit and Dome Crater Formation on Jupiter's Moons Ganymede and Callisto
- ALS beamline 12.2.2: A versatile tool for old and new geoscience experiments
- Analysis of an Earthquake Cluster outboard of Kodiak Island, AK and its Tectonic Implications
- Are size and timing within earthquake sequences separable?
- Assessing the Impact of Soil Carbon Amendments on Water Quality and the Potential to Address Legacy Contaminants during Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Assessing the preservation of late Pleistocene (MIS 4) Tahitian fossil corals for paleo sea-level reconstruction
- Beauty from (Volcanic) Ashes: Analyzing the Effects of Volcanic Ash Deposition on Phytoplankton Blooms in LNLC Oceanic Regions Using Remote Sensing
- Characterization of Synthetic Uranus up to 40 GPa Through X-Ray Diffraction and Raman Studies
- Characterizing Controls on Postfire Steepland Ravel - When Does Bioturbation Go Too Far for Diffusive Models?
- Characterizing Deep CZ Structure and Saturation in the Piedmont using P-wave and S-wave Seismic Refraction
- Characterizing Fire Regimes of Northwest African Savannas From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Late Holocene
- Characterizing Geologic Carbon Release as an Explanation for Deglacial Δ14C Anomalies within the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Clay mineral reactions at earthquake timescales
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Comparing fault healing in laboratory experiments to repeating earthquakes: A case study of Prague, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
- Comparing the boron isotope proxy for atmospheric CO2 in two species of planktic foraminifera across the late Neogene
- Consolidation results in more unstable frictional slip in core materials from the source region of induced seismicity in British Colombia
- Constraining the Frequency of Transient Energy Emission through NuSTAR Spectroscopic Analysis
- Constraining the Origin Altitude of the First Satellite-Detected Reverse-Beam Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Produced by a Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Leader
- Contaminants of emerging concern: a spatial analysis of antibiotic prevalence in cenotes of Yucatan Mexico
- Coral RXCT Calibration Methods
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- Deep critical zone weathering influenced by rock damage from active faults: Implications for catchment water balances
- Detecting and locating aftershocks for the 2020 MW 6.5 Stanley, Idaho earthquake using convolutional neural networks
- Detection and Analysis of Coral Stressors in Belize Barrier Reef using Remote Sensing Imagery
- Determination of the Interior Structure of Europa through Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Induction Data
- Development of Real-Time and Data Processing Software for the Next Generation of Instruments for Multi-Penetration, Heat-Flow Measurements in Sedimented Seafloor
- Discrepancies in Net Primary Production Estimated from Satellite Observations versus In Situ Autonomous Profiling Floats
- Dynamic, Downstream-Propagating Thermal Vulnerability in a Mountain Stream Network: Implications for Biodiversity in the Face of Climate Change
- Earthquake detection in subduction zones: Transfer learning with amphibious data from the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
- Episodic Aqueous Conditions Punctuated dominantly Aeolian Deposition within the Layered Sulphate-bearing Unit, Gale crater (Mars)
- Estimates for Mimas' Moment of Inertia, Heat Flux Distribution, and Interior Structure from its Long-Wavelength Topography
- Evidence for Hadean to Eoarchean Stagnant Lid Tectonics from the Paleomagnetism of Zircons
- Evolution of Fault Surface Topography and Structure: Field Measurements, Experimental Results and Model Predictions
- Exploring the Relative Roles of Biogenic and Hydrothermal Particles as Drivers of Metal Scavenging in the Equatorial Pacific
- Exploring the Seasonal Predictability and Uncertainty of Water Temperature and Thermal Impacts to Endangered Fish in a Managed River System
- Exploring the role of water in Jupiter's weather layer: Implication to the evolution and interior of gas giants
- Fault roughness promotes earthquake-like aftershock clustering in the lab
- Flow directions and velocities of subsurface water in a Mediterranean salt marsh system constrained by isotope tracing
- Ganymede During a Cassini State Transition
- Glacial changes in sea level modulated millennia-scale variability of the Southeast Asian autumn monsoon
- Glacial isostatic adjustment as a director of ice-age megaflood incision in the Channeled Scabland
- Glacial isostatic adjustment shapes proglacial lakes around the Laurentide ice sheet over the last glacial cycle
- Global reorganization of deep-sea circulation and carbon storage after the last ice age
- High Resolution Paleoclimate Modelling for Hydroclimates
- High-frequency monitoring of agricultural drainage channels to quantify impacts on water quality and material exports to downstream rivers in central California
- How radiative feedbacks shape the response of the hydrological cycle to global warming
- Identification of Hot Moments of Nutrient Processing in Coastal Systems Using High Frequency Sensors
- Identify Surfaces on Sub-Neptunes in the JWST Era
- Identifying pinning point elevation thresholds for Ross Sea ice streams (West Antarctica) over the last deglaciation based on glacial isostatic adjustment and grounding line simulations
- Improved Composition-Agnostic Interior Models of Jupiter
- In-situ measurements of pore fluid pressure modulated stick-slip motion in a slow landslide suggests similarities to episodic slow slip on faults
- Inferring flowering phenology of wind-pollinated plants with high spatiotemporal resolution imagery
- Influence of soil carbon amendments on denitrification in linked field and laboratory managed aquifer recharge systems
- Insights into Fault Scaling from Small Faults, Upper Gaylor Lake, CA, USA
- Invariance of Stress Drop Scaling for Slow Slip Events on Novel Laboratory Fault
- Investigating Hydrobiogeochemical Drivers of Salt Marsh Nitrogen Cycling
- Investigating the climatic and ecohydrologic controls on oak water use patterns during drought conditions
- Io's Tidal Dissipation and Rotation Rate
- Isolating the Role of Slope Change Due to Glacial Isostatic Adjustment on Meander Rates and River Morphology in the Red River (North Dakota, USA)
- Late Neogene leaf wax and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon records from Lake Baikal, Russia
- Magnetic Field Morphology Related to Topography and Surface Slopes at the Gerasimovich Lunar Magnetic Anomaly
- Monitoring Soil Moisture Changes Using Multi-band SAR Over Landslide Regions in California
- Monitoring Taxonomic and Functional (Agro)biodiversity along the Agricultural-Riparian Matrix of California's San Joaquin River using Remote Sensing and Environmental DNA
- Near-term predictions of multiple marine stressors
- Observations of extensive mineral replacement at Von Damm vent field
- Observations of plant water use, vadose zone storage dynamics, and groundwater recharge across hillslope aspect in an oak savannah
- Ocean Model Downscaling with Regional Data Assimilation: A Reanalysis of Circulation in the Coastal Ocean and Adjacent Deep Sea of the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf
- Particle Cycling Rates Across Biogeochemical Regimes in the Ocean
- Plant-wax Evidence for a Middle Miocene C3 Grass-rich Ecosystem in NW Africa
- Primary Dolomite Formation Mechanisms: Insight from Biogeochemical Characterization of Dolomite-Forming Lagoons
- Quantifying the fragility of the coral reefs in the Florida Keys to hurricane impacts
- Reactive transport modeling subsurface hydrological dynamics in tidal salt marshes
- Recent Developments and Future Directions in Phytoplankton-based Records of Cenozoic pCO2
- Reconstructing mid-Pliocene El Padre thermocline conditions
- Sea Ice Perturbations in Aquaplanet Simulations: Isolating the Physical Climate Responses From Model Interventions
- Seasonal Terrestrial Freshwater Inputs Impact Salt Marsh Hydrology
- Seasonal and tidal forcing control salt marsh porewater nitrate dynamics in a Mediterranean system
- Seismic Shear Wave Velocity Response During Seasonal Initiation and Cessation of Earthflow Motion
- Seismicity Migration and a Surface Creep Event in 2021 on the Calaveras Fault
- Seismological Indicators of Geologically Inferred Fault Maturity
- Short-term Physical and Chemical Recovery of Soils Burned by Wildfires in Central Coastal California
- Six years of fluvial evolution after large dam removal on the Carmel River, California
- Steady-state Erosion and Soil Production in the South Carolina Piedmont Inferred from Cosmogenic Nuclide Depth Profiles
- Streamflow flashiness controls fluvial suspended sediment transport efficiency across a large climate gradient
- Sub-cloud Rain Evaporation in the North Atlantic Ocean during ATOMIC Campaign
- Supporting Climate-Ready and Resilient Fisheries: Using Satellite Data to Conserve and Manage Life in the Ocean and Support Sustainable Fisheries
- Suspected Stepped-Leader X-ray Bursts Observed Preceding a Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash on Mt. Fuji, Japan
- Temporal Fluctuation of Sunscreen From Tourism in the Groundwater of Yucatán Peninsula
- Testing the Robustness of Parker's Method Against Complexly Magnetized Sources and Implications for Lunar and Planetary Paleopole Determinations
- The Competition Between Wave-Driven and Current Sheet Scattering-Driven Precipitation of Relativistic Electrons
- The Cycling of 231Pa in the Pacific Ocean and Implications for its Use as a Paleoceanographic Proxy
- The Impulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer (IMPRESS) CubeSat Science and Status
- The Origin of Saturn's Obliquity and Young Rings
- The Role of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment on Cordilleran Ice Stream Stability Over the Last Glacial Cycle
- The Role of Moisture in Polar Amplification
- The Spherical Multi-Lacunarity of the Pit and Dome Craters of Jupiter's Moons Ganymede and Callisto
- Tsunami Size Variability with Rupture Depth and Implications for Near-field Warning Guidance
- Understanding N and C Dynamics Using Budgets and Isotopes in Managed Aquifer Recharge Systems Enhanced with Bioavailable Carbon
- Understanding the deep critical zone in the South Carolina Piedmont using borehole sampling and imaging
- Using Null Models and Mechanistic Models to Provide Baselines for Early Warning Systems: an Example with West Nile Virus
- Using Particle Size Distribution to Identify Changes in Sediment Transport After a Wildfire
- Using Short-Lived Radionuclides to Examine Bioturbation on Hillslopes After Wildfires
- Using Time-Distance Helioseismology to Constrain Simulations of Meridional Circulation on the Sun
- Utilizing Supervised Machine Learning to Derive Water-Leaving Radiance from Existing Geostationary Satellite Imagery
- Volume Fraction of Subducted Basaltic Crust Above the Core-Mantle Boundary Revealed by PKPdf and PKPbc Waves
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Dombard
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. Marm Kilpatrick
- A. N. Price
- A. R. Vasavada
- A. T. Fisher
- A. Verbiscer
- A. Visser
- Abigail A. Fraeman
- Adina Paytan
- Adriana Bailey
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Alan C Mix
- Alba M. Rodriguez Padilla
- Albert Ruhí
- Alexander L. Handwerger
- Alexander R. Simms
- Alexander Robel
- Alexey V. Fedorov
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Amanda E. Cravens
- Amir Caspi
- Amir Sagy
- Amy E. East
- Amy Gartman
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrea Burke
- Andrea Dutton
- Andrea J. Fassbender
- Andrew Calderwood
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew Wells
- Andrey M. Stejko
- Ann Holbourn
- Ann Pearson
- Anna Horleston
- Appy Sluijs
- Ariane Arias‐Ortiz
- Ariel Morrison
- B. Banerdt
- B. G. Andersson
- B. G. Bills
- B. G. Downey
- B. K. Holtzman
- B. M. Carpenter
- Benchun Duan
- Benjamin B. Mirus
- Benjamin Fernando
- Beth N. Orcutt
- Bhavna Arora
- Bhishek Manek
- Bingxu Luo
- Bradley J. Carr
- Bradley W. Hindman
- Brady Flinchum
- Brant Robertson
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- C. B. Olkin
- C. D. Rowe
- C. G. Barcheck
- C. G. Wheat
- C. J. A. Howett
- C. J. Bierson
- C. Nathan Jones
- C. R. Murphy
- C. R. Neal
- C. R. Riesselman
- C. S. Riebe
- C. Sotin
- C.A. Alvarez Zarikian
- Caitlyn Witkowski
- Camilla Cattania
- Carina R. Fish
- Carl J. Legleiter
- Caroline Beghein
- Cecilia Durán
- Chao He
- Christina Richardson
- Christine A. Shields
- Christine McCarthy
- Christopher M. Moy
- Christopher Mankovich
- Christopher T. Hayes
- Christopher W. Kinsley
- Chuanfei Dong
- Clara L. Blättler
- Claudie Beaulieu
- Clifton S. Buck
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Colin R. Meyer
- Constantinos Charalambous
- D. L. Roth
- Dalton S. Hardisty
- Daniel E. Horton
- Daniel Katz
- Daniel S. Brothers
- Daohong Wang
- David Bonan
- David Lumley
- David M. Rubin
- David M. Smith
- David McGee
- David Noone
- Denise K. Kulhanek
- Dennis V. Kent
- Dipankar Dwivedi
- Dong Lai
- Donna K. Blackman
- Doron Morad
- Dorothy J. Merritts
- Doyeon Kim
- E. A. Cherrington
- E. C. Seybold
- E. J. Fielding
- E. Mazarico
- E. S. Cochran
- Ella Sciamma-O’Brien
- Elliott L. Hazen
- Emanuele Di Lorenzo
- Emilio Grande
- Emily E. Brodsky
- Eric G. Blackman
- Erika E. Lentz
- Erin L. Hestir
- Erin Leonard
- Esteban J. Chaves
- Esther Kennedy
- F. Nimmo
- F. X. Timmes
- Farid Salama
- Flavio Petricca
- Francisca Martínez Ruiz
- Frank Lamy
- G. A. Abers
- G. Berlanga
- Gabriel M. Filippelli
- Galen Gorski
- German Vargas G.
- Gifford H. Miller
- Gisela Winckler
- Giuseppe Buscarnera
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- H. A. Singh
- H. A. Weaver
- H. E. Dahlke
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. L. Ford
- H. S. Hudson
- Hejun Zhu
- Henri Samuel
- Hima J. Hassenruck‐Gudipati
- Hiroo Kanamori
- Huapei Wang
- Huazhi Ge
- I. G. Hannah
- I. J. Daubar
- I. R. Linscott
- Ian Eisenman
- Isaac J. Larsen
- Ittai Kurzon
- Ivano Aiello
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. A. Tarduno
- J. D. Kirkpatrick
- J. E. Kay
- J. G. Sample
- J. I. Moses
- J. J. Buffo
- J. L. Hayes
- J. N. H. Abrahams
- J. Ortberg
- J. R. Spencer
- J. T. Freymueller
- J. T. Hoeksema
- J. T. Keane
- Jacqueline Austermann
- James C Zachos
- James W. B. Rae
- Janosz W. Dewberry
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jeffrey Kwang
- Jeffrey R. Moore
- Jenna L Everard
- Jennifer L. Middleton
- Jenny Suckale
- Jesse Farmer
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessie Duncan
- Jiang Zhu
- Jiaqi Li
- Jiaxuan Li
- Jidong Yang
- Jody M. Webster
- John C. Hammond
- John R. Reinfelder
- John Wilkin
- Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Jonathan Kingslake
- Jordan T. Abell
- Joshua J. Roering
- Julie Castillo‐Rogez
- Julie Granger
- Junle Jiang
- K. Dascher-Cousineau
- K. M. Hill
- K. N. Singer
- K. R. Johnson
- Kanani K. M. Lee
- Kassandra M Costa
- Kazumasa Ohno
- Kevin T. Uno
- Kristina Okamoto
- Kristopher Cooper
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Kwok Fai Cheung
- Kyle C. Armour
- L. Capannolo
- L. S. Sklar
- Larry Syu-Heng Lai
- Lauren A. Edgar
- Lisa Luna
- Louis S. Hansen
- Louisa I Bradtmiller
- Luke Tremblay
- Lydia Keppler
- M. A. Mischna
- M. A. Zimmer
- M. E. Splitt
- M. G. A. Lapôtre
- M. Grott
- M. O. Schrenk
- M. P. Panning
- M. Piquette
- Maggie A. Thompson
- Marci M. Robinson
- Marcus P. S. Badger
- Margaret L. Palmsten
- Mariem Saavedra‐Pellitero
- Mark England
- Mark L. Willenbring
- Marshall J. Styczinski
- Martha K. Raynolds
- Martin Kunz
- Mason Leandro
- Mathis P. Hain
- Matthew A. Thomas
- Matthieu Plasman
- Maureen H. Walczak
- Meng Li
- Mercedes Pozo Buil
- Michael G. Jacox
- Michael L. Griffiths
- Michael McCarthy
- Michael P. Lamb
- Miles E. Daniels
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- Mohammad Safeeq
- N. A. O'Mara
- N. Badt
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. E. Petro
- N. Lapusta
- N. M. Gasparini
- N. Mangold
- N. Movshovitz
- N. Stein
- Nancy G. Prouty
- Natalie J. Burls
- Neal J. Turner
- Neil Redmond
- Nicholas J. Lutsko
- Nicholas Siler
- Nicolas B. Cowan
- Nicole Feldl
- Nicole S. Lovenduski
- Nikki M. Seymour
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Nithin Sivadas
- P. J.
- P. J. Polissar
- P. Lognonné
- P. M. Bremner
- P. M. Fulton
- P. Segall
- P. Wright
- Patrick A. Rafter
- Paul J. Kushner
- Pauli Kehayias
- Peter M. Chutcharavan
- Peter N. Blossey
- Philippe Lognonné
- Phoebe J. Lam
- Pierre Romanet
- Prithvi Thakur
- Quancheng Huang
- R. A. Beyer
- R. A. Yingst
- R. Bučík
- R. D. Cottrell
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. E. Grimm
- R. G. French
- R. K. Larkey
- R. M. E. Williams
- R. M. Millan
- R. M. Skarbek
- R. P. Callahan
- R. Sonnenfeld
- R. V. Masek
- Rachel E. Abercrombie
- Rachel Lupien
- Randolph T. Williams
- Raphael M. Kudela
- Raphaël Garcia
- Raymond J Hess
- Raymond S. Bradley
- Rebecca J. Dorsey
- Rebecca L. Lewison
- Ricardo A. Gonzales
- Richard F. Katz
- Richard H. Chen
- Richard K. Bono
- Richard S. Vachula
- Robert F. Anderson
- Robert Mahon
- Robert N. Harris
- Roger C. Wiens
- Roger Creel
- Ross Maguire
- Ryan A. Green
- Ryosuke Ando
- S. A. Cummer
- S. A. Stern
- S. M. Howell
- S. M. Tikoo
- S. M. Tulaczyk
- S. M. White
- S. Nagihara
- S. R. David
- S. R. Hemming
- S. S. Wei
- S. W. McCoy
- S.K.V. Hines
- Samuel Birch
- Samuel Boury
- Samuel C. Zipper
- Samuel T. Kodama
- Samuel Y. Johnson
- Sapna Shekhar
- Sarah E. Crump
- Sarah G. Evans
- Sarah M. Hörst
- Scott D. King
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sebastián Carrasco
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Seth Saltiel
- Seung-bum Kim
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Simon C. Stähler
- Simon P. de Szoeke
- Sonia A. Nagorski
- Stephanie Hay
- Stephen Po‐Chedley
- Stephen Yeager
- Steven Christe
- Steven G. Banham
- Steven J. Bograd
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Susan Benecchi
- Susan J. Conway
- Susan Q. Lang
- Susannah M. Dorfman
- Sylvain Barbot
- Szilárd Gyalay
- T. Alongi
- T. M. Hill
- T. R. Watters
- T. Taira
- Tamara Pico
- Terra M. Ganey
- Thaddeus D. Komacek
- Theresa Sawi
- Thomas Goebel
- Thomas Wagner
- Thorne Lay
- Tien-Hao Liao
- Tim DeVries
- Timothy M. Merlis
- Tod R. Lauer
- Tom Pike
- Tristan J. Horner
- Valère Lambert
- Vamsi K. Sridharan
- Vernon F. Cormier
- Vladimir Lyakhovsky
- W. A. L. Chapman
- W. Steven Holbrook
- Wenrui Xu
- William M. Landing
- William P. Hammond
- William R. Gray
- William Rush
- William Setterberg
- Wouter van der Wal
- Xi Zhang
- Xin Sun
- Xinting Yu
- Xuan‐Min Shao
- Yajing Liu
- Yang Liao
- Yige Zhang
- Yihe Huang
- Yingcai Zheng
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yoshihiro Kaneko
- Yunling Lou
- Yuyun Yang
- Zhifeng Yang
- Zhong Lü
- É. Beucler
- É. Stutzmann