University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Large Tensional Outer-Rise Earthquake in the Nicoya Seismic Gap, Costa Rica
- A New Software for Visualization, Processing, and Analysis of Marine Heat Flow Measurements
- A Search for Mid-mantle Discontinuities Beneath the Southwestern Pacific and the Coral Sea
- An impact origin of the Earth-Moon system
- Characteristics of the Central Costa Rican Seismogenic Zone Determined from Microseismicity
- Characteristics of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone from Microseismicity
- Clastic Intrusions and Chemosynthetic Communities in the Cretaceous-Paleocene Forearc, Panoche Hills, CA: Structural Context of a Linked Fluid System
- Clastic Intrusions and Chemosynthetic Paleocommunities in the Cretaceous-Paleocene Great Valley Forearc, Panoche Hills, CA: Fossil Evidence for Prolonged Subduction-Driven Fluid Expulsion
- Climate Response to Orbital Forcing Across the Oligocene/Miocene Boundary (19.5-26.0 Mya)
- Conditions for Antecedent Stream Abandonment Above Blind Thrusts
- Constraining PCO2 Levels in the Early-Middle Paleogene
- Constraints on inner core anisotropy from PKKP and P'P' differential travel times
- Crustal Structure Near the Mendocino Triple Junction, California From Broadband Receiver Functions
- Current Challenges in Dynamo Modeling
- Deep Ocean Ventilation and Chemical Stratification as a Driver of Orbital-Scale Climate Variability: Insights From the Pleistocene and Miocene of the Atlantic Ocean
- Deformation and In-situ Stress Observations in the Nankai Accretionary Wedge: Results from ODP Leg 196 Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) Resistivity Imaging
- Eocene Stable Isotope Stratigraphy from Calcareous Nannofossils, Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Ocean
- Examining the Validity of Simplifications Used in Modeling the Interior of Jupiter
- Heat Flow on the Incoming Plate Offshore Nicoya, Costa Rica margin: Implications for Hydrothermal Circulation and the Thermal State of the Subducting Plate
- High Resolution Neoglacial Record of Glacial Sediment Yield Exposed in an Outburst-Drained Proglacial Lakebed
- Large Underthrusting Earthquakes Beneath the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Late Permian to Early Triassic Non-Marine Magnetostratigraphy, Junggar Basin, NW China
- Lateral Hydrothermal Circulation Beneath the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Thermal, Chemical and Modeling Constraints.
- Lateral variation of the small-scale structure at the CMB west of Tonga-Fiji
- Linking Terrestrial Carbon Isotope Records and Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Response Across the Paleocene/Eocene Boundary
- Marine Productivity During Transient Climate Events: A new Outlook
- Measurement of Organic and Inorganic Chemical Tracers for Source Apportionment of Tropospheric Aerosols Collected During the ACE-Asia Experiment
- Migrating Seals on Shifting Sands: Testing Alternate Hypotheses for Holocene Ecological and Cultural Change on the California Coast
- Modeling of Non-Uniform, Late Cenozoic Exhumation of the Laramide Landscape Using Proposed Geophysical and Climatic Forcing Mechanisms
- Modeling the Effects of Precession on Motions in the Earth's Core
- Multichannel Seismic Imaging of the Lower Slope Offshore Nicaragua
- New Constraints on the timing and magnitude of the Paleocene-Eocene boundary Carbon Isotope Excursion in Marine Environments
- Numerical modeling of strath terrace sequence formation in response to climate oscillation
- Olmecan and Zapotecan tectonothermal events in the northern Oaxacan Complex, southern Mexico: constraints on Rodinia reconstructions.
- Onshore Mapping of Arc-Oblique Strike-Slip Faults in the Cascadia Forearc Using Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Physical Controls on Heat and Fluid Fluxes Associated With an Exposed Basement Outcrop: Numerical Models of Hydrothermal Circulation in a Midocean Ridge Flank
- Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results from Cretaceous Basalts of the Trans-Baikal Region, Southeastern Siberia
- Preliminary Thermal Models of Subduction at the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Rapid Late Cenozoic River Incision Rates from Cave Deposits, Sierra Nevada, California
- Regional Effects of Doubled CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations on the Hydrology of California
- Sensitivity of Mid Holocene Global Climate to Changes in Vegetation Reconstructed From the Geologic Record
- Spatial Patterns of Long-Term Erosion Rates Beneath the Marine West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Insights into the Physics of Continental Scale Glacial Erosion from a Comparison with the Ice-Velocity Field
- Spatial Variability in Sediment Accumulation on the Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank: Turbidity Current Deflection Around Topography and Implications for Sedimentation and Hydrothermal Seepage
- Spatial Variability of Deformation Front Structures in the Nankai Accretionary Prism
- Strong Lg Attenuation in the Tibetan Plateau
- Structure of the Subduction Plate Boundary Offshore Nicaragua
- Synthesizing Shear Wave Splitting in the Lowermost Mantle With Low-Velocity Lamellae and Transverse Isotropy Models
- Teleseismic 3-D Scattering Tomography of the Crust Beneath the San Jacinto-Anza Region, Southern California
- The Costa Rica M<SUB>w</SUB>=6.9 Underthrusting Earthquake: Aftershock Focal Mechanisms and Deformation Associated with Seamount Subduction
- The D" Region and Ultra-Low Velocity Zones: The Base of the Mantle as a Chemically and Dynamically Distinct Region
- The January 2001, El Salvador event: a multi-data analysis
- Thermal Regime at the Base of the West-Antarctic Ice Stream Tributaries - is the Holocene Decay of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Coming to an End?
- Ticoflux I - Seismic Results: Deep Crustal Faulting Associated With Localized Very High Heat Flow in the Cocos Plate Offshore Northern Costa Rica
- Time Series Models of Silver and Lead Contamination in San Francisco Bay
- Volumetric Constraints on Hydrous Phase Stability in the Earth's Transition Zone: The Relative Importance of the B-Phases Relative to Hydrated Spinelloids in Multicomponent Systems
- A Significant Warming Event in the Southern Ocean During the Late Middle Eocene
- Age and Mechanics of Formation of the Rocky Flats and Analogous Surfaces Bounding Laramide Ranges in Northern Colorado and Wyoming
- Characteristics of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone From Focal Mechanism Determinations
- Clay Mineralogy, Authigenic Smectite Concentration, and Fault Weakening of the San Gregorio Fault; Moss Beach, California
- Comparing Numerical Methods for Simulating Convection in Giant Planets
- Contrasts in Faulting and Veining Across the Aseismic to Seismic Transition, Kodiak Accretionary Complex, Alaska
- Cumulates, Dykes and Pressure Solution in the Ice-Salt Mantle of Europa: Geological Consequences of Pressure Dependent Liquid Compositions and Volume Changes During Ice-Salt Melting Reactions.
- D" Anisotropy Beneath the Atlantic Ocean and the Southern Pacific Ocean
- D" Shear Velocity Heterogeneity, Anisotropy and Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Caribbean and Central America
- Deep Interior: Spacecraft Initiatives for Near-Earth Object Geophysical Exploration
- Differentiation Timescales and Processes for Products From Recent Eruptions of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica (1968-1999)
- Does Silicate Weathering of Loess Affect Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>?
- Dolomite-II: A new high pressure polymorph of CaMg(CO3)2
- Duration and Structure of the Matuyama-Brunhes Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal from <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dated Lava Flows
- Estimates of radiated energy from global shallow subduction zone earthquakes
- Evidence for Carbonate Compensation Depth Shoaling at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on Shatsky Rise, ODP Leg 198
- Evidence for a Thermally Controlled Seismogenic Updip Limit for Subduction at Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Geodetic Measurements Providing Insight Into Magma Dynamics at Aremal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Getting to the bottom of it: a paleoreconstruction of the - 400 m drowned carbonate platform off northwestern Hawaii
- High-Pressure Hydrothermal Processing in Large Icy Satellites
- High-Southern Latitude Climatic and Biotic Events across the Oligocene-Miocene Boundary (Australo-Antarctic Gateway, Ocean Drilling Program Site 1168A)
- History of Debris-bearing Basal ice: Comparing Numerical Simulations of Basal Freeze-on to Borehole Video Images and Laboratory Experiments
- Hydrocarbons at the toe of the Nankai Accretionary Prism- Evidence from 3d Seismic Reflection
- Interpolated δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δD Values of Modern Rainwater and the Confidence of These Predictions: Towards an Integrated Model for the Interpretation of δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δD Records
- Interpreting Longitudinal Stream Profile Morphology in the Laramide Ranges
- Lateral Variations of the D" Discontinuity Beneath the Central Pacific
- Limits to Rocky Coastline Embayment and the Formation of Steps in Coastal Bedrock Profiles
- Magnetobiostratigraphic Chronology and Palaeoenvironmental History of Cenozoic Sequences From ODP Sites 1165 and 1166, Prydz Bay, Antarctica
- Magnetostratigraphy of Tertiary Sediments From the Wulanwula Lake Basin: Implications for the Cenozoic Tectonic History of the Tibetan Plateau
- Multiple Continuous Differential GPS Records of Surface Speed on the Bench Glacier, Alaska
- Neogene History of Antarctic Sea-ice and Development of the Sea-ice Diatom Community
- Nitrate Fluxes and Removal Rates Associated With Surface Water - Ground Water Interaction Within an Agriculturally-impacted, Coastal Watershed
- Paleomagnetism and multi-model stereo photogrammetry of the West Greenland flood volcanic province
- Radiocarbon in an integrated approach to understanding controls on soil carbon sequestration
- Real-time Hydrologic Observations of Hidden Creek Lake Jökulhlaups, Kennicott Glacier, Alaska
- Regional Changes in Extreme Climatic Events
- Relationship of Fluids and Deformation at Seismogenic Depths: Structural Study of the Rodeo Cove Thrust Zone, Marin Headlands, California.
- Rock-Mechanical Constraints on SPH Applications to Asteroid Impact Evolution
- Seismic Detection of Plume Head Residue Beneath the Pitcairn Hot-Spot Chain
- Sensitivity of Vegetation in the Western United States to Global Anthropogenic Changes in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration: Forcing and Feedbacks in an RCM-EVM Coupling
- Short-Term Sensitivity of Sub-Antarctic and Global Thermohaline Ocean Circulation to Disintegration of West Antarctic Ice Shelves
- Silicate Weathering of Marine Terraces North of Santa Cruz, California
- Speleothem Records of Glacial-Interglacial Transitions in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Statistical Studies on Summit Explosions and Volcanic Tremor, Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Subglacial Environment Inferred from Bedrock-Coating Siltskins, Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska
- Subglacial Microbial Communities and Their Relationship to Bedrock Lithology
- Subgrid-scale Methods for Simulations of Turbulent Magneto-convection
- Termination II Climate Records From Santa Barbara Basin, California Support Solar Forcing Mechanism and Milankovitch Theory
- Testing the Effects of Increased Horizontal Resolution in a Regional Climate Model for a Climatically Vulnerable Region
- The P-E Boundary Carbon Isotope Excursion in ODP Leg 198 Sites from Shatsky Rise: An Initial Test of the Methane Hydrate Dissociation Model
- Time-Series Analysis of Streambed Thermal Records to Model Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Within a Coastal Watershed
- Trying to Make Sense of Multidomain Arai Diagrams
- Updated Magnetostratigraphy of Ice Age Flood Deposits of the Cold Creek Bar at the Hanford Site, Southeastern Washington
- Using Drowned Coral Reefs to Constrain Flexural Models for Lower Plate Subsidence History: the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea
- Variation in the D" Discontinuity West of Central America
- A 9 Million Year Long High-Resolution Benthic δ <SUP>13</SUP>C and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O Record: Implications for Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene Paleoceanography
- A High Pressure Infrared Spectroscopic Study of PbCO3-Cerussite: Constraints on the Structure of the Post-Aragonite Phase
- A High Pressure X-Ray Diffraction Study of CaCO3-Aragonite: Implications for the Post-Aragonite Phase Transition
- A Prominent Rise in Tropical SST during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum as inferred from Mg/Ca, Isotope, and other data
- A Study of Mid-Miocene Yellowstone Hotspot Volcanics and the Search for the Steens Mountain Reversal
- A Study of the Shallow Seismicity (1971-1999) in the Anchorage, Alaska, Region
- A new pre-treatment pTRM Method for Paleointensity Determination: Application to Cretaceous Volcanic Rock Samples from China and Pacific Ocean
- Along-strike Variation in the Sandino Basin of Nicaragua and Implications for the Development of the Central American Forearc
- An Updated Assessment of the Hazard Due to Earth Impacts
- Applications of Physical Modeling to the Evolution of Slot Canyon Morphology
- Auto-Detection of Impact Crater Statistics and Crater Morphologies in Mars THEMIS Data
- Automated geologic mapping in Hellas Basin, Mars using THEMIS and GENIE
- Beyond Spaceguard: Steps Toward Protecting Planet Earth, and Stepping Stones on the Path to Exploration
- Boron Isotope Systematics of New Zealand Hydrothermal Systems
- California's Snow Gun and its implications for mass balance predictions under greenhouse warming
- Carbon isotope evidence for increased levels of multiple greenhouse gasses during the initial Eocene thermal maximum
- Complexities in D" anisotropy beneath the Caribbean: Evidence for a tilted symmetry axis of transversely isotropic media from data and synthetics
- Compressibility of Na<SUB>2</SUB>O-2SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Liquid and Melt to 8 GPa Using Brillouin Scattering
- Controls on the Morphological Variability of the Decollement in the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone
- Convection in giant planets with and without inner cores
- D": A Thermo-Chemical Boundary Layer With Partial Melt
- D": The Enigmatic Magmatic Boundary Layer
- Determining Shear Velocity Structure of ULVZs Using Stacked ScS Data
- Determining the Pace of Landscape Evolution in the Sierra Nevada, California, Using Cosmogenic Burial Dating of Cave Sediments
- Extreme Short Scale Variations in D" Topography Beneath the Pacific Ocean Just West of Central America
- Factors affecting the evaluation of scattering attenuation
- Ice Shelf Front Readjustment in Response to Inflow Perturbations: Towards a new Model of Ice Shelf Disintegration
- Ice rafting and oceanographic changes in the southern Indian Ocean during the Oi-1 transition
- Imaging D" Beneath Mexico Using American P Wave Data
- Impact Flashes in Saturn's Rings
- Integrating Seismological Studies of Crustal Structure in the Northern California Coast Ranges to Construct a Regional 3D Strain Model
- Jaramillo, Cobb Mtn., or Punaruu? - Re-examination of "Cobb Mtn. Event" Lavas at the Coso Volcanic Field, CA.
- Lichenometry's Black Box: Demographic Characteristics of Rhizocarpon geographicum and Pseudophebe pubescens Inferred from Whole Population Size-Frequency Distributions
- Melting Arctic Sea Ice Dries the American West
- New Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Data From 10-12 Ma Basaltic Cores in ODP Site 1243, Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- One-way Wave Propagator Applied to Imaging in Heterogeneous Anisotropic Media
- Patterns of Heat Loss and Hydrothermal Recharge and Discharge Within 20-24 Ma Seafloor Offshore of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, From Collocated Thermal and Seismic Data
- Polar Science and Fast Ice Sheet Drilling - the FASTDRILL Perspective
- Results of New High-Resolution Geological Mapping and Geochemistry of the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Rg-Lg coupling as a Lg-wave excitation mechanism
- Seismological Characterization of the Boundary Layers at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Simulated Changes in Extreme Temperature and Precipitation Events at 6 ka
- The Coastal Stratocumulus Imposed Perturbation Experiment: Discerning aerosol indirect effects in stratocumulus clouds using imposed aerosol forcing
- The Early Paleogene Greenhouse and PCO2: A Look at the Role and Response of Vegetation
- The Effects of Radiogenic Heating in Geodynamo Simulation
- The Environmental Impact of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on the Coastal Ocean, New Jersey: Inferences from Stable Isotope, Trace Metal, and Organic/Inorganic Carbon Records
- The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Southern Ocean: Middle Bathyal Constraints from ODP Sites 689 and 738
- The end of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum: Evidence for Concomitant Cooling of Southern Ocean Surface Waters and Global Deep Waters From Dinoflagellate Endemism.
- Thermal Constraints on Upper Basement Permeability Near a Venting Seamount
- Tidal Disruption of Primordial Planetary Bodies
- Tracer Tests and Peeper Samplers Used to Quantify In-Stream Nitrate Fluxes and Removal Rates in an Agricultural Watershed
- Transient Fluid Pulsing and Noise in the Costa Rican Subduction Zone: Nearly Silent Slip Events?
- Understanding the Chemical and Structural Dynamics of a Geothermal System Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Field Observations, Dixie Meadows, Nevada
- Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Geochemical Heterogeneity: Seismic Constraints on the ~80% Peridotite Solution
- What can Paleomagnetism Tell us About the Next Reversal?
- What can Subglacial Sediment Tell us About the Underlying Geology and the Dynamic of the West-Antarctic Ice Sheet?
- What can we Learn From Small Non-Recoverable Strains at Plate Boundaries?
- 3-D seismic imaging of the D" region beneath the Cocos Plate
- A Creep Event on the Shallow Interface of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone
- A phenomenological model of multidomain behavior during Thellier paleointensity experiments
- An Approach to Simulation of the Turbulent Multifield/Multiphase Dynamics of Volcanic Conduits and Plumes
- An early Eocene transient warming ( ∼ 53 Ma): Implications for astronomically-paced early Eocene hyperthermal events.
- Application of Time-Series Method for Estimating Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction from Streambed Thermal Records
- Arctic Dinoflagellate Migration Marks the Oligocene Glacial Maximum: Implications for the Rupelian-Chattian Boundary
- Barium Cycling During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Evidence From Ba/Ca in Foraminifera
- Beamlet imaging using local cosine basis and aperture correction for true-reflection imaging
- CANOE: A Broadband Array in Northwestern Canada
- Changing Arctic Ice Cover and Water Resources in the American West
- Climate Sensitivity to Vegetation Distribution in the Early Eocene
- Closed to Open-System Crustal-level Differentiation During Eruption of Andesite: Arenal, Costa Rica, 1968-2003
- Collisional Evolution of Terrestrial Planets
- Decoupled Shelf-Ocean Phytoplankton Productivity Responses Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Deep Interior: Radio Reflection Tomographic Imaging of Earth-Crossing Asteroids
- Depth Dependant Variations in Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages and Stable Isotopes Across the P-E Boundary, Walvis Ridge (ODP Leg 208)
- Distinct Geodetic and Seismic Up-dip Limits to the Northern Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone: Evidence for Two Mechanical Transitions
- Documentation of Carbonate Platform Drowning During MIS 4 in the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea
- Ejecta Curtains and Ground Ice on Mars: Efficiencies of Volatile Release
- Events at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary as Recorded in Shelf Sediments From the Californian Margin
- Evidence for Along-Strike Hydrothermal Circulation Within Young Oceanic Crust on the Eastern Flank of the Endeavour Axis, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Extreme Acidification of the Deep Sea at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary: New Constraints From Ocean Drilling Program Leg 208
- Finite-Frequency Tomography of D'' Shear Velocity Heterogeneity beneath the Caribbean
- Fluid Dynamic Evidence for Extremely Low Viscosity Coseismic Fault Fluids
- From Greenhouse to Icehouse: Evidence for Late Early Eocene Concomitant Cooling of Southern Ocean Surface Waters and Global Deep Waters From Dinoflagellate Endemism
- Geochronology of Tropical Alpine Glaciations From the Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru
- Hf isotope and concentration systematics of the Mariana arc
- High-resolution investigation of lowermost mantle anisotropy beneath the Central Pacific
- Hyperspectral Imaging of a Chemosynthetic Seep System in the Panoche Hills, California: A Possible Terrestrial Analog for Mixed Carbonate-Silicate Deposits on Mars
- Illumination Assessment for the Seismic-Array, Applications to the USArray Project
- Imaging Lower Mantle Structure Beneath the Central Pacific by Stacking S Wave Data
- Investigating the Timing and Extent of Early Yellowstone Hotspot Volcanism While Expanding the Steens Mountain Magnetic Reversal Record.
- Is Markov Approximation Valid for Transmission Fluctuation Problems?
- Meteoroid Impacts onto Saturn's Rings
- Middle Eocene to early Oligocene paleoceanography of the Southern Ocean from foraminiferal stable isotope and Mg/Ca records
- Multiple Early Eocene Thermal Maximums
- Numerical Invesigation of Migration Imaging Resolution
- Observations and Modeling of Earth's Deep Mantle Boundary Layers
- Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Investigation of Leg 210 Cores, Newfoundland Basin
- Recent Contractile Deformation in the Forearc of Southern Peru: A Geomorphologic Analysis And 10Be Surface Exposure Ages
- Revisiting ODP Site 690 to Assess the Responses of Marine Carbonate Chemistry to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Rock Magnetic Properties Across Paleocene-Eocene Boundary Sediments from the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Eastern Pacific
- Seismic Noise Correlation with Seismicity and Fluid Flow
- Seismic evidence for present-day plume upwelling at the core-mantle boundary
- Seismogenesis and Strain Localization Across Accretionary Prisms: the Role of Decollement and Out-of-Sequence Thrusts.
- Seismogenic zone structure along the Middle America Trench, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, from 3D local earthquake tomography
- Seismological Evidence for General Anisotropy in the d" Layer Beneath the Caribbean
- Spatial Resolution of an Imaging System: Roles of Data-Acquisition Configuration and Imaging Propagators
- Structural and Temporal Requirements for Geomagnetic Field Reversal Deduced From 40Ar/39Ar Dated Lava Flows
- Study of Ice Sheet Basal Processes With Visible Light Images Acquired from a Borehole Probe
- Survey of Martian Alluvial Fans
- The Equation of State of Fe3P-iron phosphide to 54 GPa
- The Role of Cap de Creus Canyon in Off-Shelf Sediment Escape, Western Gulf of Lions, France
- The Times Scale of Andesite Differentiation at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica (1968-2003), Indicated by U-Th-Ra Disequilibria.
- The Verwey Transition Under Nonhydrostatic Stress
- The evolution of atmospheric carbon dioxide since the middle Eocene: a biomarker perspective
- Transient Fluid Pulsing and Seismic Tremor-like Seismic Noise: Episodic Creep and/or Fluid Expulsion at the Updip Edge of the Seismogenic Zone, Costa Rica
- Using Receiver Functions to Analyze Rapid Transitions in Crustal Structure and Deformation in Northern California
- Using a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model to Simulate the Response of Vegetation to Warming at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary
- Waveform Cross-Correlation Analysis of Seismic Data From the Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone
- Zonal Winds on Giant Planets
- A High-Pressure Phase Transition of Calcite-III
- A New Method for Constraining Bulk Sound Speed at the Base of the Mantle
- A Regional Climate Modeling Study of the Effects of Irrigation and Urbanization on California Climate
- A Saturian Dynamo Simulation
- A Step in the D'' Shear Velocity Discontinuity Beneath the Cocos Plate Imaged by Kirchhoff Migration
- A Surface-to-Bottom Progression of Oceanic Changes During the Initial Stages of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum.
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Evaluated with Aircraft Measurements during the Marine Stratus Experiment (MASE)"
- Coast-to-Coast Record of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in Shallow Marine Environments
- Collision-Coalescence Nuclei Measurements During the Rain In Cumulus over the Ocean Experiment
- Comparison of the Submarine 1888 Ritter and the Subaerial 1980 Mount St Helens Debris Avalanche Deposits
- Compilation of a Composite Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal Path Recorded in Basalts Erupted During Initial Yellowstone Hotspot Volcanism
- Crustal Redistribution From Planetary Scale Impacts on Mars
- Deep Mantle Melts: Seismic Constraints
- Deformation Analyses and Lithologic Characterization in Overpressured Basins Based on Logging While Drilling and Wireline Results from the Gulf of Mexico
- Detection of Subducted Lithosphere in the Midmantle From Asymmetric PP Reflections
- Double-Layer ULVZ Shear Velocity Structure Imaged With Stacked ScS Data
- Endeavour basalt geology and petrology
- Endurance: The rewards and challenges of landing a spacecraft on Europa
- Estimation of Underground Permeability and Porosity of Slope Sediments in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, IODP Expedition 308
- Examples of Mass Wasting and Hemipelagic Sedimentation of Brazos-Trinity Basin #4 and Ursa Basin, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Formation of methane on Mars by fluid-rock interaction in the crust
- From Crater to Graph: Manual and Automated Crater Counting Techniques
- How Jupiter helped Titan retain a finite orbital eccentricity
- How far did the ice melt? Deciphering the minimum extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the last interglacial from a subglacial carbonate record.
- Hydrogeology of the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico, IODP Expedition 308 Sites U1322 and U1324
- Hydrothermal Circulation Within and Between Basement Outcrops on a Young Ridge Flank: Numerical Models and Thermal Constraints
- Importance of Soil Texture in Paleo-Vegetation Modeling Studies
- Improved Access To Aging Ocean Basement Biosphere For Microbial Geochemical Studies
- Large Icy Diapirs and Small Icy Satellites: Reorientation of Mini-Moons
- Long Term Paleoceanographic Variability Across the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary: Correlating Orbital Scale Trends in the North Pacific and South Atlantic
- Mapping The Ruptures of the Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquakes
- Martian Alluvial Fans: A glimpse into Martian paleoclimate
- Mechanical feedbacks in calving glacier retreat, thinning and acceleration.
- Multiple Methods of Searching Large Areas of the Martian Surface
- New Paleomagnetic Results From Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Rocks of Tibet: Implications for the Paleogeography of the Eastern Qiangtang Terrane
- Numerical Simulations of Impacts Into Icy Targets Using the Pactech/SAIC Equation of State for Water
- Outflow Channels and Martian Climate: General Circulation Model (GCM) Simulations with Emplaced Water and Cloud Physics
- Overview of the evolution of clay mineralogy in the Gulf of Mexico: implications for regional climate and drainage history of the Mississippi and Brazos-Trinity Rivers
- Paleocurrent analysis and physical properties of deep-sea mud cores collected from NW Pacific and Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Paleomagnetic Results From Early Cretaceous Basalts and Sediments of the Trans-Baikal Region, Southeastern Siberia
- Pore Water Chemistry as Sensitive Indicators for Fluid Flow in Brazos-Trinity Basin #4 and Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of Mexico (IODP Expedition 308)
- Preservation and Significance of Vestimentiferan Tube Worms in Paleocene Cold Seep Carbonates, Panoche-Tumey Hills, California
- Quantifying the rates of Quaternary deformation in the Peruvian Forearc using in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al.
- RICO Graduate Student Research Flight: The Island Tail Objective
- Radar Studies of the Trunk and `Sticky Spot' of Kamb Ice Stream
- Satellite Capture via Binary Exchange Reactions: Application to Triton
- Sedimentologic and Geometric Characterization of Turbidites of Brazos-Trinity Basin IV in the Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308
- Shear-Wave Splitting Beneath the Arabian Shield and Red Sea
- Simultaneous Clockwise and Counterclockwise Rotation Along the Eastern California Shear Zone at the Coso Range, California
- Slope Failure Geometry and Physical Properties at IODP Sites U1322, U1323, and U1324, Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of Mexico
- Small scale lateral variations in azimuthally anisotropic D'' structure
- Southern Ocean Paleoceanographic Change Across the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary From Foraminiferal Stable Isotope and Mg/Ca Records
- Stratigraphic Evolution of Brazos-Trinity Basin IV, Western Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308
- Subduction of an Aseismic Ridge: Interseismic Deformation Above the Cocos Ridge, Costa Rica
- Symmetry and Stability of Earth's Magnetic Field
- The Effects of Small Solid Cores on Deep Convection in Giant Planets
- The Influence of Fluids on Seismogenic Zone Processes in Northern Costa Rica
- The Isotopic Rain Shadow and Elevation History of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
- The Origin of Water Soluble Particulate Iron in the Asian Atmospheric Outflow
- The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and the Global Carbon Cycle: Progress and Promise
- The Pole-to-Equator Paleoecological Signature of Dinoflagellate Cysts during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- The Time-Averaged Field Investigations Project: A Synthesis
- The influence of a more realistic representation of snow on sea ice: Results from a coupled, single column model
- Towards a Precise Age Model of IODP Holes U1319B and U1320B (Leg 308, Brazos-Trinity Basin IV, Gulf of Mexico) with Paleo- and Rock Magnetic Methods
- Triggering Mechanisms of Slope Instability Processes on the Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope: Preliminary Results From IODP Expedition 308
- Tsunami Deposits Related to Volcanic Island Collapses in the Southern Bismarck Sea
- U-series Disequilibria in Continental Arcs: NE Japan Case
- Upper mantle discontinuities around circum-Pacific subduction zones
- Volatile (H2O, CO2, Cl, S) contents of magmas in the Izu-Bonin back and rear arc
- Volcanic Architecture and Hydrogeology at the Juan de Fuca Ridge - First results from Downhole Logging in Hole U1301B (IODP Expedition 301)
- Volcano Collapse in the Bismarck Volcanic Arc, Papua New Guinea
- Water Recycling, Lower Mantle Slab Subduction, and Viscous Layering of the Deep Mantle
- 40Ar/39Ar Ages of the Early Columbia River Basalt Group: Determining the Steens Mountain Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal (R0-N0) as the top of the C5Cr Chron and the Imnaha Normal (N0) as the C5Cn.3n Chron.
- A Global Review of Slow Slip Events and Seismic Tremor at Circum-Pacific Subduction Zones
- A New Approach to Seismic Waveform Inversion
- A new Approach for Absolute Paleointensity Determination: Consideration on Blocking Processes Between Temperature and Interaction-Field
- Antarctica, why so Blue?
- Basalt Geochemistry of the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Better U-Pb Zircon Standards for SIMS and LA-ICPMS? Preliminary Results of Detailed Characterization and Pre-treatment using CA-TIMS
- Carnivore specific bone bioapatite and collagen carbon isotope fractionations: Case studies of modern and fossil grey wolf populations
- Characteristics of subduction zone tremor in SW Japan
- Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry and Continental Temperatures: a Case Study From the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary in the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
- Cometary Impact Delivery of Water to the Moon
- Complex faulting in the 2003 Mw6.5 San Simeon, California, earthquake sequence: observations from seismicity, seismic velocity structure, and InSAR imagery
- Constraints on faulting mechanisms found by combining multiscale fault surface geometry measurements with fault internal deformation structure
- Deployment and Testing of the Third-generation Tool to Determine In-situ Temperatures While Piston Coring During Scientific Ocean Drilling
- Developing the Molybdenum Isotopic Proxy in Marine Barite
- Does the Core Contain Potassium?: An Assessment of the Uncertainties in Thermal and Dynamo Evolution Models
- Driven Slip in the Northern Section of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Evaluating the Robustness of Mytilus californianus Skeletal Chemistry as an Paleoenvironmental Archive: Effects of Microenvironment and Ontogeny
- Evolution of Seismogenic Subduction Thrusts
- Fault rocks from seismogenic depths in exhumed subduction prisms: Pasagshak Point, Kodiak Island, AK.
- Forced Obliquity and Moments of Inertia of Titan
- Frequency Dependant P Wave Structure of D" Beneath Central America Imaged by Kirchhoff Migration
- Geochronology and Equilibrium Line Altitudes of LLGM through Holocene Glaciations from the Tropical Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru
- Global warming leads the carbon isotope excursion at the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- High Pressure Infrared Spectra of Talc and Lawsonite
- High Resolution Records of the Elmo Event from Shatsky Rise, IODP Sites 1209 &1211
- Imaging Ruptured Lithosphere Beneath the Arabian Peninsula Using S-wave Receiver Functions
- Imaging Upper Mantle Discontinuities in the Tonga Wedge by 3D True-amplitude Kirchhoff Migration of pXP, sXP and sXSH Data
- Impact of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on Continental Margins and Implications for the Carbon Cycle in Near-Shore Environments
- Implications for Dynamic Rupture from Slow Slip Events
- In-Situ Measurement of the Hydraulic Diffusivity of the Active Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan
- Inferring the State of Tidally-heated Satellite Ice Shells from Global Shape Measurements
- Influence of Land-use Change on Surface Energy Fluxes and Atmospheric Circulation in California
- Isotopic and Chemical Variability Among Submarine Lavas from a Cross-Arc Volcanic Ridge, 36 degrees S, Kermadec Arc - Havre Trough Arc-Backarc System, Southwest Pacific.
- Late Paleogene Volcanic Rocks From Central Tibet Record Shallow Paleomagnetic Inclinations
- Lead Isotopic Compositions of the Endeavour Sulfides, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- New Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Results From Lower Crustal Rocks of IODP Site U1039, Atlantis Massif
- New paleomagnetic results from the igneous rocks of the Nauru Basin, Western Pacific: implications on age of eruption and paleolatitudes
- Paleo-Subglacial Lake Environment in Canada's Great Slave Lake Yields Insight to Modern Antarctic Hydrology
- Paleomagnetism of the Neogene Jiuxi Basin, Hexi Corridor, China: implications for a non- rigid deformation mechanism?
- Paleosecular Variations and Geodynamo Simulations
- Physical Properties of Stacked Slumps in the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico (IODP Expedition 308) Determined from Log, Core, and Seismic Data
- Powering Mercury's Dynamo
- Preliminary Numerical Simulations of Nozzle Formation in the Host Rock of Supersonic Volcanic Jets
- Reconciling the Post-Perovskite Phase With Seismological Observations of Lowermost Mantle Structure
- Reversed deep-sea carbonate ion basin-gradient during Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Room Temperature Equation of State for Fe3P-Schreibersite
- SHALDRIL II: Record of Climate, Cryosphere and Ecological Changes in the Antarctic Peninsula Region During the Late Paleogene and Neogene
- Seafloor heat flux near seamounts and other basement outcrops: the influence of (delayed) hydrothermal rebound on sedimentation corrections
- Sediment dynamics and the changing nature of the subduction component beneath the Kurile volcanic Arc
- Single and Cross-hole Experiments Indicate Very High Permeability in Young Ocean Crust
- Spiral Flow and Heat Transport in Rotating Density-Stratified Gas Giants without Cores
- Structural Context of the Massive Ultrafine Fault Rocks (possible pseudotachylytes) at Kodiak Island, Alaska, USA
- Summer aridity in the United States: Response to mid-Holocene changes in insolation, ocean mean-state, and ocean variability
- Surface Tension-Driven Melt Flow in the Upper Mantle: An Experimental and Modeling Approach to Studying Capillary Flow of Silicate Melt Through an Olivine Matrix
- Tempo and Magnitude of Greenhouse Warming and Ocean Acidification at the Paleocene- Eocene Boundary
- Temporal Variation in Cenozoic Structural Style Along the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- The 17 July 2006 Java Tsunami Earthquake (Mw = 7.8)
- The Effects of Paleoelevation on the Early Eocene Climate of Western North America
- The Fate of Subducted MORB Crust at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- The Influence of Eruptive Fluid Pressure and Vent Radius on the Eruption Style of High- Pressure Supersonic Volcanoes
- The Influence of the Green River Lake System on the Local Climate During the Early Eocene Period
- The Martian Dichotomy: Numerical Investigations of the Impact Hypothesis
- The cause for the north-south orientation of the crustal dichotomy and the equatorial location of Tharsis on Mars
- Toward Hydrocode Models of an Impact-Generated Martian Greenhouse: Model Validation and Initial Results
- True Polar Wander of Bodies with Elastic Lithospheres: the Role of Elastic Energy in the Lithosphere
- U-Th-Ra and U-Pa disequilibria in Izu-arc basalts: the interplay of depleted mantle wedge and sediment poor slab fluid
- Using MASTER Multispectral and LiDAR to Detect CO2 and Methane Above a Virtual pipeline.
- Widespread Changes in Ocean Circulation Following the Opening of Drake Passage
- A Trace-Element and Radiogenic-Isotopic Pattern of Oceanic Arc Inception, Maturity, Demise, and Rejuvenation: Viti Levu, Fiji
- A big old cold seep revisited: the Paleocene Panoche-Tumey Hills system
- Absence of P-wave Reflectivity Near the D" S-wave Velocity Discontinuity in the Lowermost Mantle beneath the Cocos Plate
- Aliphatic and aromatic plant biopolymer dynamics in soil particles isolated from sequential density fractionation
- An Inter-Laboratory Assessment of the Th Isotopic Composition of Synthetic and Rock Standards.
- Are There Aerosol Indirect Effects on Buoyancy and Entrainment in Shallow Cumulus Clouds?
- Assessing Streambed Recharge Under a Wide Range of Flow Conditions Using Time-series Analysis of Streambed Thermographs
- Blind source deconvolution for deep Earth seismology
- Building Discrete Fracture Networks From Ground Based LiDAR Data
- Can a Warm (Aqueous Ammonium Sulfate) Ocean Survive Inside Titan?
- Carbon Dioxide and the Early Eocene Climate of Western North America
- Characterizing the Timing and Scale of Late Paleocene to Early Eocene Carbon Cycle Oscillations, Site 1262, Walvis Ridge
- Chemistry of an Antarctic Subglacial Environment - The role of subglacial geochemical processes in global biogeochemical cycles and quantifying subglacial hydrological processes
- Comparison of Hyperspectral, Carbon Isotopic, and Soil CO2 Flux Measurements Made During the plant stress part of the July 2007 ZERT CO2 Sequestration Field Experiment conducted at Bozeman MT
- Computational models of overpressured volcanic plumes: Implications for ash dispersion
- Correlation of Sub-Aerial Beach Change with Numerical Model Derived Nearshore Wave Conditions
- Coupling between brittle fracture and anticrack-vein pressure solution at asperities along a small-displacement thrust fault in limestone
- D" Shear Wave Velocity Structure Under the Cocos Plate: Discontinuity Sharpness and Double Crossing
- Differential Geometry of Fault Surfaces and Glacial Beds: Associated Deformation Patterns
- Dissolved Organic Matter as a Mechanism for Carbon Stabilization at Depth in Wet Tropical Forest Volcanic Soils
- Dust and the Dust Bowl: Connections between 1930's drought and dust
- Enormous Power Output and Fluid Fluxes Driven Through a few Mid-plate Outcrops
- Environmental Change Science Literacy Through Writing: Successes in an Undergraduate Writing and Composition Course
- Establishing the Limits of Yellowstone Hotspot Volcanism at the Time of the Steens Mountain Reversal
- Exploring the Seismic Wavefield with EarthScope's Transportable Array
- Extended Diffraction Tomography
- Extraterrestrial 3He Based Age Models for the PETM and ETM-2 Events from ODP Leg 208 Depth Transect Sites
- Field test of an autocorrelation technique for determining grain size using a digital camera
- Fluid Dynamic Evidence for Extremely Low Viscosity Coseismic Fault Fluids
- Frequently Shifting Magma Sources at Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Geochemical Variations in Paleoseeps Over Short Time Scales: Stable Isotope Results From the Panoche-Tumey Hills Paleoseep (PTHP), California
- Geophysical Evidence for Holocene Lake-Level Change in Southern California (Dry Lake): Additional Evidence for a Regional Early Holocene High Stand
- High Field Strength and Rare Earth Element Systematics of the Kurile arc.
- High Resolution Regional Climate Modeling of the Irrigation Cooling Effect in California
- High resolution mapping of Earth's deepest magma chamber: ultra-low velocity zones at the core mantle boundary
- High resolution record of glacial retreat in an Antarctic fjord, Maxwell Bay, South Shetland Islands
- Improving Managed Aquifer Recharge Operation to Reduce Nutrient Load in an Agricultural Basin: Delineation of Processes, Controls, and In-situ Potential
- Influence of Fe content on the creep properties of olivine under anhydrous and hydrous conditions
- Land surface coupling in regional climate simulations of tropical monsoon systems
- Landform Simulations of Parana Basin, Mars
- Layering of Al- and Fe/Mg-phyllosilicates in Western Mawrth Vallis, Mars, and Implications for Aqueous Processes During the Noachian Period
- Magnetic Dipole Reversals in Dynamo Simulations
- Mars' internal viscosity structure and response to short-period loads
- Mechanisms of Permeability Enhancement by Seismic Waves at the Pinon Flat Observatory
- Mid-Holocene Climate Variability and Coastal Upwelling: Geochemical Evidence From Mytilus californianus
- Multi-Frequency Diffraction Tomography and Imaging: Resolution and Fidelity Enhancement
- New Paleomagnetic Results From the Alxa Region of China: Implications for the Long-Term Slip History of the Altyn Tagh Fault and Strain Accommodation During the Indo-Asian Collision
- New Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Results from the Late-Cretaceous Kap Kane Volcanics, North Greenland Large Igneous Province
- Nitrate and Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Riparian-Zone Ground Water of the Lower San Joaquin River, California
- North-South Asymmetry in Martian Crater Slopes
- Observational and Theoretical Constraints on Plume Activity at Europa
- Observations of Size-resolved Drizzle Rates in Marine Stratocumulus
- Ocean acidification in the early Eocene and Anthropocene
- Organic Walled Dinoflagellate Cysts and the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO): Preliminary results from ODP leg 120, Kerguelen Plateau.
- Paleomagnetism of the Stanislaus Group, CA reveals revised stratigraphy, Walker Lane kinematics, and radio-isotopic constraints on C5 magnetic subchrons
- Phyllosilicate identification in Mawrth Vallis: an analysis of CRISM multispectral data and targeted images FRT4ECA and HRS307A
- Planetary Scale Impacts and Consequences for the Mars Hemispheric Dichotomy
- Pole-to-pole sea surface temperatures from the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum using organic and inorganic paleothermometers: the ultimate test case for climate models
- Quaternary Geologic History of the Rio Tambo, Southern Peru: Repeated Mass-Wasting Events in Western Cordillera Drainages
- Recent Contractile Deformation in the Forearc of Southern Peru: A Geomorphologic Analysis And 10Be Surface Exposure Ages
- Revelations From S660S: New Interpretations of Topography on the 660 km Discontinuity
- Scaling Relationships for Slow Slip Events and Tremor in Subduction Zones
- Soil mineral control on organic matter composition across the long substrate age gradient (LSAG) chronosequence in Hawaii
- Strike-slip Tectonics in the Schouten Basin: Western Branch of the Bismarck Sea Seismic Lineation
- Subglacial water transport throughout Antarctica from ICESAT laser altimetry
- Susceptibility to Long-Range Earthquake Triggering in California and Japan
- Tectonic Patterns of Reoriented and Despun Planetary Bodies: Application to Enceladus
- Tests for Wet Mechanism of Slope Streaks Formation on Mars.
- The Isotopic History of Western North American Grasslands
- The McCreary Glade Earthquake Sequence: Possible Reactivation of Ancient Structures Near Lake Pillsbury, Northern Coast Ranges, Mendocino County, California
- The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and Deep Sea Carbonate Compensation: Implications for Long-term Effects of Anthropogenic Carbon Emissions
- The effect of near-surface heating on the underlying convection pattern with application to Enceladus
- The geometry and lithology of the Cima Sandstone Lentil: a paleoseep-bearing interbed in the Moreno Formation, central California
- Tidal and librational feedback in icy satellite shells
- Tsunami Hazard Awareness from past Experience and the Differing Vulnerability of Indigenous and Immigrant Coastal Populations
- USArray Enables Improved Resolution Studies of Earth's Upper and Lower Mantle
- Validation of the RAGE Hydrocode for Impacts into Volatile-Rich Targets
- A High-Resolution Land Cover Study of Regional Early Eocene Climate
- A Turning Point in the Cenozoic Greenhouse to Icehouse Transition during the Late Middle Eocene
- A comparison of damage zone decay around small and large faults
- Active Early Chemistry Proposed for Mawrth Vallis, Mars, Based on Changing Redox Processes in Ancient Phyllosilicate Rocks
- Along-arc segmentation the southern Havre Trough backarc (SW Pacific)
- Amplitude Ratios of Reflected Phases: Implications for the Aluminum Content of the Mantle at the 660 km Discontinuity
- Application of ICTP RegCM3's New Dust Model to Modern N. America: Challenges and Questions
- Basal Conditions for Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers Determined using Satellite and Airborne Data
- Beam: A Ray-Tracing Monte Carlo Code for Photometric Studies of Saturn's Rings
- Biological Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Through the Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition
- Calculating the Stress Intensity Factor and Near-tip Stress Field of Curved Finite-length Mode III Cracks in the Quasi-static Approximation
- California Shoreline Sand Retention: Existing Structure Performance and Future Potential
- Carbon Stabilization in Wet Tropical Forest Volcanic Soils
- Central Peak Gully Formation and Morphologies on Mars
- Changes in In Situ Stress Across the Nankai and Cascadia Convergent Margins From Borehole Breakout Measurements During Ocean Drilling
- Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Basaltic Formation Fluids on a Ridge Flank: Using Drilling Perturbations to Elucidate Water-Rock-Microbial Reactions
- Confessions of a seismologist: What we can or cannot say about phase, temperature, and chemistry of the lower mantle based on seismic tomography
- Constraining in situ stress tensors in the upper Nankai accretionary wedge using borehole wall failures observed in the LWD boreholes, C0001, C0002 and C0004
- Coordinating CRISM Observations of Sulfates near Valles Marineris with the Subsurface Bright Salty Soils Exposed in Gusev Crater via Lab Experiments
- Coupling water, carbon and nitrogen cycles at the hillslope to catchment scale
- Dissolved organic matter production and stabilization across pedogenic thresholds
- Diversity of Mineralogy and Occurrences of Phyllosilicates on Mars
- Does Aerosol Concentration Affect Whether Mixing Occurs Inhomogeneously or Homogeneously in Warm Cumulus?
- Dynamic subglacial lakes and West Antarctic ice streams
- Evidence for Cenozoic Multiple-Phase Tectonic Evolution of the Northern Tibetan Plateau from the Northern Qaidam Basin and Hexi Corridor, NW China
- Evidence for Long-period (14-30 Days) and Against Short-period (12-24 Hours) Tidal Modulation of Volcanic Tremor at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Evolution of fault-surface roughness with slip from ground-based LIDAR
- Flux-melting across the entire Izu backarc
- Future Changes in Surface Winds in the Western U.S. due to Climate Change
- Giant impacts on early Mars and the cessation of the Martian dynamo
- Gravity and tectonic patterns of Mercury
- Ice Stream Shear Margin Basal Melting, West Antarctica
- Imaging Upper Mantle Discontinuities by 3D Kirchhoff Migration of pXP, sXP and sXSH Reflections with Seismic Illumination Compensation
- Implications From Ithaca Chasma for the Thermal and Orbital History of Tethys
- Insights Into Water-Soluble Organic Aerosol Sources From Carbon-13 Ratios of Size Exclusion Chromatography Fractions
- LCROSS Impact Simulations and Predictions
- Large Potential Tsunami Run-up Along the North Coast of Papua New Guinea, as Seen by 12 Mapped Sector Collapses
- Late Paleogene Volcanic Rocks from the Qiangtang Terrane (Central Tibet) Record Shallow Paleomagnetic Inclinations
- Linking Sediment Management Practices, Ebb-Tidal Delta Evolution, and Shoreline Change in the San Francisco Bay Coastal System
- Lithospheric Scale Deformation in Mega-thrust Subduction Zones
- Martian Post-Impact Hydrothermal Systems: Effects of Permeability and Freezing on Surface Discharge and Water:Rock Ratios
- Measuring the evolution of slip surface roughness with LiDAR
- Modeling and Interpretation of Localized P-wave and S-wave Reflectivity in D"
- Observations of Ocean Surface Wave Damping on a Muddy Continental Shelf
- Observing Outlet Glacier Motion Using High Rate GPS
- On the Relationship of Dynamic Forearc Processes in Southern Peru to the Development and Preservation of Andean Topography
- Open Magmatic Systems at Ocean Ridges
- Origin of Theater-Headed Tributaries to Escalante and Glen Canyons, Utah: Analogs to Martian Valley Networks
- Over two orders of magnitude variation are determined solely by slip for a group of small earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, CA
- Paleo-redox Reconstructions Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Paleolatitude Records of the Western Pacific as Determined From DSDP/ODP Basaltic Cores
- Paleosecular Variation of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Sediment, Gulf of Salerno, Western Mediterranean Sea
- Phyllosilicates in Mawrth Vallis: Implications for a Past Aqueous Environment
- Polarity Reversals in Chaotic Geodynamo Models
- Processes, Controls, and Potential for In-situ Nutrient Removal During Managed Aquifer Recharge in an Agricultural Basin
- Progress on the Timing and Magnitude of Cenozoic Shortening Across the Qilian Shan, NW China
- Proximity of Titan's spin pole to a Cassini state
- Quantifying Dynamic Earthquake Triggering in the Near and Far-Field
- Reconstructing Holocene Fire History for Northern Israel: The Role of Climate and Human Activity
- Regional Climate System Feedbacks from Land Use Changes in Southeast Asia: A sensitivity study using RegCM3
- Reverse Paleomagnetic Polarity in Exposed Lacustrine Sediment in Searles Valley, California, Dated 34,000-46,000 Calendar Years B.P.
- Sediment Fluxes and Provenance for the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) at Walvis Ridge; Constraints From Helium Isotopes
- Seismic Fault Zone Rocks from a Subduction Megathrust (Kodiak Is., AK)
- Seismic Imaging of Multi-Scale Thermal and Chemical Complexities in Earth's Convecting Mantle
- Size and Spatial Distribution of Rocks in Polygonal Patterned Ground on Mars
- Slow Slip and Tremor Detected at the Northern Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone
- Small-Scale Mantle Heterogeneities Beneath the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Soil and saprolite geochemistry along an eroding to depositional hillslope transect
- Stable Isotopic Insights into Sedimentary Basin Evolution Along the Northern Tibetan Margin
- Structural evolution in accretionary prism toe revealed by magnetic fabric analysis: NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316, Sites C0006 and C0007
- Sub-cloud Evaporation in Marine Stratocumulus and Implications for Water and Energy Budgets
- Sub-seafloor Microbial Colonization of Igneous Minerals and Glasses
- The 520 km Discontinuity: No Longer Just the Middle Child of the Transition Zone
- The Feedback Between Fault Surface Topography and Granular Flow Inside a Fault Zone
- The Regional Impact of Current and Future Dust Levels on Climate in Western North America
- The Spatial and Temporal Variability of a High-Energy Beach: Insight Gained From Over 50 High-Resolution Sub-aerial Surveys
- The effects of fault zone architecture on earthquake triggering
- Thick fluidized cataclasites from subduction (Pasagshak Point Thrust, Alaska) and continental (Naukluft Thrust, Namibia) faults - textural evidence for transient weakening?
- Tide Gage Records of Two Large XIX Century Tsunamis Originated in South America
- Timing and Significance of a Global Deep-sea Dissolution Event during the Eocene- Oligocene Transition
- Tracer discharge testing and modeling used to assess the dynamics of surface water - ground water exchange across a range of discharges
- U-series constraints on mantle melting in the Manus back-arc basin
- Using Detrital Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronology From the Sutlej River Valley in the NW Indian Himalaya to Examine Erosion Distribution During the Early Holocene Monsoon
- Using the Difference in 18O-enrichment in Pedogenic Carbonates and Freshwater Mollusk Shells as a Paleoaridity Proxy
- Visualizing the Seismic Wavefield With EarthScope's Transportable Array
- Volatile Mobilization by Large Impacts: Constraining the Initial Conditions of an Impact- generated Martian Greenhouse.
- Volcanic flow deposits on the flanks of Long Island, Papua New Guinea: lavas or pyroclastics?
- Vp/Vs Ratio and Depth to Moho and the Subducting Cocos Slab across Northern Costa Rica estimated from Receiver Function Analysis
- What can we Learn From Dynamic Triggering of Low-Frequency Earthquakes?
- Young Populations of Small Impact Craters on Mars as Observed in HiRISE Images
- 2D Two-fluid Simulations of Core Formation in 10km Planetesimals
- A Comprehensive Regional Shoreline Change Assessment of Alaska’s North Slope: 1947-2007
- A large crater as a probe of the internal structure of the E-type asteroid Steins
- A zircon (U-Th)/He exhumation study in the lower Sutlej River valley; Northwestern Himalaya
- Accounting for atmospheric delays in InSAR data; looking for low amplitude long wavelength deformation in South America
- Aerosol Hygroscopicity at High (99 to 100%) Relative Humidities
- Algorithms for near real-time detection of gas leaks from buried pipelines using hyperspectral imagery
- An analysis of entrainment mixing processes in warm cumulus
- Analysis of Recent Major Outer-Rise Earthquake Rupture Characteristics
- Back-reaction of K-feldspar + sillimanite assemblages: Insights from SIMS and EMP analysis of muscovite + quartz symplectites
- Background- versus event-level biotic variability: Hyperthermals of the late Paleocene and early Eocene
- Carbonate clumped isotope paleothermometry and stable isotope results from the Eocene Fenghuo Shan Group, Hoh Xil Basin, Central Tibet
- Characterizing Mafic, Clay, and Carbonate Components found in MRO/CRISM Images in Libya Montes, Mars, using Advances in Automated Gaussian Modeling of Spectral Features
- Constraining in situ stress tensor in the Kumano forearc basin, Nankai, based on borehole wall failure analysis
- Coupled calcium and carbon isotopes in the aftermath of the Permo-Triassic Extinction
- Determination Of Partial Molar Volumes Of Iron Species In Silicate Melts
- Determining the Ages and Eruption Rates of the Columbia River Basalt Group Magnetozones
- Deterministic scattering imaging in the lowermost mantle in a slab graveyard (Invited)
- Diverse Behavior of Slow Slip and Tremor at the Northern Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Do bedrock river terraces record climate change? Evidence for episodic bedrock terrace formation due solely to meander bend growth and cutoff
- Does Core-Mantle Boundary Heat Flow Regulate Geodynamo Reversal Frequency?
- Dual-Frequency Coherence of Seismic Tremor and Source Properties
- Dynamic Stress Stimulates Flow in Fractures
- Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary (Invited)
- Earthquake-induced Rockfall and Tsunami in Southern Chile
- Earthquakes on mature faults radiate seismic energy differently than earthquakes on immature faults
- Effects of Kinematic Constraints on Teleseismic Finite-Source Rupture Inversions: Great Peruvian Earthquakes of 23 June 2001 and 15 August 2007
- Effects of waveguide heterogeneity on Pn amplitude decay
- Evidence for Constructing Continental Crust by Deep Accretion of Sedimentary Rocks
- Evidence of a Global Magma Ocean in Io Revealed by Electromagnetic Induction
- Evidence of hurricane-induced mudflows and their characteristics near the West Delta, Gulf of Mexico
- Glacial-interglacial sea-surface temperature (SST) variability in the eastern tropical Pacific: spatial patterns from the late Pleistocene to present
- Great Samoa Earthquake (Mw = 8.2) of 29 September 2009
- Holocene Paleoecology of a California Estuary - A Window into Ecosystem Responses to Natural and Anthropogenic Perturbations in Water Chemistry
- How do the physical properties of ice influence the habitability of outer solar system satellites? (Invited)
- Hydrochemistry of ice stream beds - evaporitic or microbial effects?
- Imaging the ruptures of the 2009 Samoan and Sumatran earthquakes using broadband network back-projections: Results and limitations
- Improving Approaches for Determining Ice Volume Change on the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin using ASTER and SPOT Digital Elevation Models and Spectral Masking
- Improving riparian wetland conditions through evaluation of infiltration and drainage behavior during and after a controlled flood event
- Insights to PETM Terrestrial Records from Global Patterns in Carbon Isotope Fractionation by Modern Plants
- Investigating Grounding Zones by RAGEing WISSARDs
- Magmagenesis at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Insights from Uranium-series systematics
- Magnetofossils as Biomarkers of Environmental Change: A Multiproxy Example from the Paleocene-Eocene Continental Shelves of North America (Invited)
- Mesozoic to Cenozoic Tectonics of Northern Qaidam Basin, Northern Tibetan Plateau, Constrained by Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronology and Basin Analysis
- Miocene Exhumation of the Northern and Southern Qilian Shan, N. China; results from Apatite U-Th/He thermochronology
- Nature of crustal terranes and the Moho in northern Costa Rica
- New Late Jurassic and Middle Carboniferous Paleomagnetic Results from the Junggar Basin, NW China
- New paleointensity and Ar-Ar geochronologic results from the Columbia River Basalts
- Numerical modeling of Martian gully sediment transport: Testing the fluvial hypothesis (Invited)
- Numerical simulations of magnetic field induction in the tidally driven oceans of Europa and Titan (Invited)
- Observations of Rock Organization on High Latitude Patterned Ground Terrains on Mars
- Ocean Drilling in Service to Understanding Oceanic Geohazards (Invited)
- Paradoxical Planetary Cores: Compositional Stratification and Initial Top-down Solidification are Likely the Norm in Cores from Asteroids to Mercury (Invited)
- Persistently Shallow Paleomagnetic Inclinations from Central Tibet: Implications for Cenozoic Tectonics and Climate
- Physically Linking Volcanic Plume Height to Radiated Seismic Waves
- Preferential Flow Paths Allow Deposition of Mobile Organic Carbon Deep into Soil B Horizons
- Quantifying and forecasting dynamic earthquake triggering in the near and farfield
- Reconstructing erosion distribution during the early Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon in the NW Himalaya
- Rock Morphologies of the Mawrth Vallis Landing Site Region
- SIMS analysis of fine-scale biogeochemical proxies in the Panoche-Tumey Hills paleoseep (PTHP)
- Seasonal CO2 Ice at Mid-Latitudes on Mars: Implications for Subsurface Water Ice
- Seismic evidence connecting western Pacific volcanism to thermo-chemical structures in the core-mantle boundary region
- Soil organic matter dynamics across density fractions from two Oxisol soil depth profiles
- Spatial and temporal variations in seepage during managed aquifer recharge
- Spatiotemporal Distribution of Earthquakes During Slow Slip in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotope Ratios in Recent NE Lau Lavas
- Standard development for coupled (U-Th)/(Pb-He) chronology of monazite
- Statistical characterization of Earth’s heterogeneities from seismic scattering
- Subsurface microbial observatories deployed in young ocean crust
- Tectonics, climate and mountain building in the forearc of southern Peru recorded in the 10Be chronology of low-relief surface abandonment
- The B/Ca proxy for deep-water carbonate ion concentration: A new species-specific calibration for Nuttallides umbonifera
- The Control of Viscosity on Eruption Repose Time and Run-Up Time
- The Role of Impact Excavation in Distributing Clays Over Noachian Surfaces
- The Role of Insolation and the Equatorial Pacific in South American Climate during the Holocene: A Paleoclimate Record from Laguna Blanca, Venezuela
- The Search for Triggered Seismicity Associated with the 2007 Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Slow Slip Event
- The magnitude and controls on denitrification during managed aquifer recharge into a shallow, unconfined aquifer in a coastal groundwater basin
- The response of subsurface oceans in icy satellites to tidally driven forcing
- Thermophoresis and Wind Lifting Particles on Mars: 1st Order Approximation
- Three decades of 3D global simulations of the solar dynamo (Invited)
- Threshold of Breakout Formation: Stress Orientations and the Mechanics Borehole Failure
- Timing of Deformation, Sedimentation, Surface Uplift and Climate Change in the Northern Tibetan Plateau (Invited)
- Twenty years of chronic nitrogen addition to pine and mixed hardwood stands at Harvard Forest: effects on carbon balance and dynamics differ by vegetation (Invited)
- Using Oxygen Isotopes in Fish Scale Apatite to Reconstruct Past Temperatures and Water Isotope Ratios
- Wavelength of Reticulate Bedforms on the Tharsis Montes, Mars: Spacing Control by Atmospheric Density
- Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD): Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats (Invited)
- iTEMP: intercomparison of TEMperature Proxies for the PETM carbon injection event
- A Comparison of Long-Period SKS Datasets And What They Reveal About 1D Outer Core Structure
- A Satellite Formation Due to A Giant Impact: The Effect of the Protoplanet Mass and Its Composition on the Disk Gas Fraction
- A Volcano Exploration Project Pu`u `O`o (VEPP) Exercise: Is Kilauea in Volcanic Unrest? (Invited)
- A core-top calibration of the benthic foraminiferal B/Ca proxy for deep water carbonate saturation for Nuttallides umbonifera: Facilitating paleoceanographic reconstructions
- A depth transect comparison of extraterrestrial 3He-based timescales for the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) from ODP Leg 208
- Abrupt change in the rate of hemipelagic sedimentation at the Late Miocene (~11 Ma) in the Shikoku Basin: implications for the tectonic history of the southwestern Japan
- Acidification and Deoxygenation during Hyperthermal Events: Evidence from Seafloor Biota
- Ambient Tremor, But No Triggered Tremor at the Northern Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- An Early Nutation-Driven Lunar Dynamo
- Angle-domain imaging condition for elastic reverse time migration
- Application of an iterative analytical model for determining formation permeability from temperature data in subseafloor boreholes
- B/Ca evidence for surface water pH changes over the PETM
- Basal Mass Balance of Antarctica and Greenland
- Bedload transport from spectral analysis of seismic noise near rivers
- Campaign GPS Measurements from 2000-2010 in the Sierra Block South of Long Valley Caldera, CA, USA
- Can in situ measurements be used to estimate the age of shallow cumulus clouds?
- Climate Change, Agriculture and Sustainable Groundwater Management: Groundwater Reserves as a Hedge Against Climate Change and Drought (Invited)
- Comparison of numerical and analytical models of obliquity-driven flows in icy satellite oceans
- Consensus on the Eocene Latitude of Lhasa and the Age of the Tethyan Himalaya-Asia Collision?
- Constraints on Lobate Debris Apron Evolution and Rheology from Numerical Modeling of Ice Flow
- Crater Relaxation and Stereo Imaging of the Icy Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn
- Crust and upper mantle characteristic of northeast Tibet: receiver function results of Indepth-IV passive array
- Developing Regional Seismological Reference Models for Mineral Physics Interpretations
- Development of the B/Ca and U/Ca surface water carbonate system proxies in the Pacific ocean
- Discrete Element Modeling of Complex Granular Flows
- Evidence from carbonate clumped isotope (Δ47) thermometry for the Late Cretaceous `Nevadaplano' in the northern Basin and Range Province
- Exhumation in the Bendeleben Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska constrained by radiogenic helium thermochronometry
- First Results From a Dynamic Fog Climatology Modeling System
- From the Nearshore and Back Again: Biological Implications of Coastal Mixing
- Greenland's Biggest Losers
- Heterogeneity, anisotropy, and compartmentalization of fluid, heat, and solute transport in the upper ocean crust on ridge flanks (Invited)
- High-Fidelity Imaging with illumination Compensation in 3-Dimensional Angle-Domain
- High-temperature Brillouin scattering study of haplogranitic glasses and liquids: Effects of F, K, Na and Li on Tg and elastic properties
- IODP Packer Experiments in Young Juan de Fuca Crust Suggest Lateral Continuity of Hydrological Structure on Ridge-parallel Scale of ~1 km
- Ice Streams as the Critical Link Between the Interior Ice Reservoir of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the Global Climate System - a WISSARD Perspective (Invited)
- Ice Surface Velocity Changes On and Around Active Subglacial Lakes Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams, West Antarctica
- Imaging the rupture of the 27 February 2010 Chile (Mw 8.8) earthquake via backprojection of P, PP, and PKP waves
- In situ detrital zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology
- Influence of the Entrainment Interface Layer on Cloud Microphysical Properties near Stratocumulus Top
- Influence of the Samoan Plume in the Northwestern Lau Back-arc Basin
- Isotopic and genetic insights into the persistence of the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) (Invited)
- Large amplitude variations in global carbon cycling and terrestrial weathering from the late Paleocene through the early Eocene: carbon isotope and terrigenous accumulation records at Mead Stream, New Zealand
- Large methane reserves beneath Antarctica?
- Lava Flow Ages and Geologic Mapping on Mid-ocean Ridges
- Linking Basin Sedimentation to Source Exhumation: Insights from Detrital-zircon Thermochronology in the Magallanes Basin, Patagonia
- Long-term carbon stabilization through sorption of dissolved aromatic acids to reactive particles (Invited)
- Magnetic Asymmetry of Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Marine Stratocumulus during VOCALS: Comparing Microphysical Observations to Large-Eddy Simulation Results
- Microbial borehole observatories deployed within the oceanic crust: Design considerations and initial results from long-term colonization experiments (Invited)
- Mitigating agricultural impacts on groundwater using distributed managed aquifer recharge ponds
- New paleomagnetic results from Cretaceous rocks of the Gyaring Co fault region, central Tibet
- New records of the Eocene/Oligocene transition from the IODP Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (PEAT)
- Ocean Acidification during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Constraints from Multiple Proxies (Invited)
- Off-fault injections as constraints on the rheology and pressure of fault rocks during deformation
- Paleomagnetism of the Brenham Pallasite
- Persistent Tremor and Coupling Within the Northern Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone
- Phase transitions in pyrolitic mantle and MORB materials and their electrical conductivities at lowermost mantle conditions (Invited)
- Post-Cretaceous Sinistral Transpression in Southwest Alxa: Structural and Paleomagnetic Insights into the Long-Term Slip History of the Altyn Tagh Fault
- Probability distribution functions of δ15N and δ18O in groundwater nitrate to probabilistically solve complex mixing scenarios
- Quantifying alpha-producer zonation in apatite with LA-ICP-MS depth profiles; implications for low-temperature thermochronology and standardization to NIST glass
- Reconstructing deep-sea acidification during the early Cenozoic (Invited)
- Regional climate model ensemble techniques: Towards higher spatial resolution probabilistic climate scenarios. (Invited)
- Resolution and Trade-offs in Finite Fault Inversions for Large Earthquakes Using Teleseismic Signals (Invited)
- Role of Triggering Processes in Great Earthquake Ruptures
- Saturn Dynamo Model (Invited)
- Sedimentary and Thermochronologic Constraints on the Cenozoic Tectonics of Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Seismic detection of the layers of the lunar core (Invited)
- Slip Trajectories and Absolute Traction from Analysis of Slickenlines
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of infiltration and hydraulic conductivity during managed aquifer recharge
- Stream channel surface water - groundwater interactions in a fire impacted watershed
- Sub-weekly to interannual variability of a high-energy shoreline (Invited)
- Teaching about Subduction Zone Magmagenesis using MARGINS Subduction Factory Focus Site Geochemical Compilations and ABS3 (Invited)
- Tectonics, Fluids, and the Seismogenic Zone: Four Decades of Drilling at Convergent Margins (Invited)
- Temperature Measurements in the WFSD-1 Borehole Following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake (Mw7.9)
- Temperature and carbon isotope histories for early Eocene hyperthermals: events linked by a similar causal mechanism? (Invited)
- The Impacts of Back-Beach Barriers on Sandy Beach Morphology Along the California Coast and Implications for Coastal Change with Future Sea-Level Rise
- The Role of Impact Excavation in Distributing Clays Over Noachian Surfaces
- The Same Variably Enriched Mantle Wedge in the SW Pacific from Arc Birth to Death
- The ``Adopt A Microbe'' project: Web-based interactive education connected with scientific ocean drilling
- The importance of downstream bed surface coarsening in predicting the wave of incision in response to a sudden base level drop at the mouth of a river: the Holocene Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USA
- Thermal evolution of Pluto and implications for despinning and sub-surface oceans
- Tilted lake shorelines record the onset of motion along the Hilton Creek fault adjacent to Long Valley caldera, CA, USA
- Timescales of glacial limits to mountain topography in the Patagonian Andes
- Towards an Understanding of Aerosol Redistribution by Shallow Cumulus Clouds with a Focus on Organics
- Triggerability varies inversely with seismicity rate
- Turning up the Heat on the Antarctic Ice Sheet (From Below): Challenges and Near-Term Opportunities for Measuring Antarctic Geothermal Fluxes (Invited)
- Uranium-series disequilibria of inflated sections of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Implications for mantle melting
- What do Westerly Wind Reconstructions from Fiordland, New Zealand, say about Southern Hemisphere Paleoclimatic Mechanisms?
- What is the South Pole-Aitken basin hiding?
- A calcium isotope test of end-Permian ocean acidification using biogenic apatite
- A collision-based model for measuring bedload transport from the seismic waves generated by rivers
- A field- and modeling- based study of the denudation and topographic evolution of the Washington Cascades
- A high-resolution benthic stable-isotope record for the South Atlantic: implications for orbital scale changes in Late Paleocene-Early Eocene climate and circulation
- Aerosol Redistribution by Shallow Cumulus Clouds: An Investigation using Airborne Measurements over Southeastern Texas
- Along Dip Variation of Teleseismic Short-period Radiation from the 11 March 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (Mw 9.0)
- Analysis of Seismic Magnitude Differentials (mb - Mw) Across the Megathrust Faults in the Vicinity of Recent Great Earthquakes in Japan, Chile and Sumatra
- Auto-acoustic compaction in granular shear flows: Experimental evidence for suppression of shear dilatancy by internal acoustic vibration
- B/Ca of planktic foraminifera documents elevated pCO2 and ocean acidification during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Bering Sea Climate Change since 70 ka: A High Resolution Record from Bowers Ridge IODP Site U1340
- Boulder Movement on High-Latitude Martian Thermal Contraction Crack Polygons
- CO2 Sequestration Leak Detection Using Satellite-Based Sensors
- Catchment Boundary Delineation of Greenlandic and Antarctic Ice Sheets
- Characterization of a storm surge exposed arctic inlet: Shaktoolik, Alaska
- Climatic and human controls on the late Holocene fire history of northern Israel
- Constraints on the Formation of Mid-latitude Valleys from Numerical Modeling of Fluvial Runoff and Erosion
- Continuing the Whillans Ice Stream subglacial lake record with GPS
- Coseismic overpressure recorded in fault rocks
- Coupling between exhumation and precipitation across the Central Nepalese Himalaya: evidence from apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He analyses
- Depth-varying Rupture Properties of Subduction Zone Megathrust Faults
- Detailed Surface Structure in High-Resolution Bathymetry and Backscatter from the CRISP 3D Seismic Experiment, Offshore Costa Rica
- Detecting Tremor Events in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, from late 1999 - mid 2001
- Do faults stay cool under stress?
- Earth Crossing Asteroid Characterization by Transient Tidal Events
- Earth, Wind, & Water: studying the dynamic interplay of fluvial and wind channelization processes in the Altiplano-Puna
- Frequency-Magnitude Distributions of Triggered and Non-Triggered Populations of Seismicity
- Geophysics of Titan from gravity, topography and spin state
- Great Earthquake Ruptures in the Age of Seismo-Geodesy
- High Fluid Pressures and High Fluid Flow Rates along Splay Faults in the Realm of the 1944 M 8.1 Tonankai Earthquake, SW Japan
- Historical Overview of ODP/IODP CORK Hydrological Observatories
- How do Rivers Meander in Rock? Insights from the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA, USA
- IODP Exp 323 Site U1342 from the Bering Sea may indicate past changes in ocean ventilation and climate
- Identifying sources of nitrate in select watersheds of the Tahoe Basin using stable isotope tracers
- Imaging the Moon's core with seismology
- Inelastic deformation at scales of tens of meters around rough faults
- Interplay of Topography, Vegetation, and Wildfire Intensity in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA, USA
- Inversion of high-rate (1 sps) GPS data for rupture process of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake (Mw 9.1)
- J-FAST: A Proposal to drill into the Fault Zone of 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Kinects as sensors in earth science: glaciological, geomorphological, and hydrological applications
- Knickpoint Stabilization from Tributary Input of Coarse Bedload in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA, USA
- Late Cenozoic Exhumation in the Northern Peruvian Andes
- Local and regional seismic response to injection and production at the Salton Sea geothermal field, southern California
- Mapping Modern and Historical Geological Changes to the Upper Elkhorn Slough Estuary, Moss Landing, California
- Microgravity anomalies observed during eruptions at Karymsky Volcano, Kamchatka
- Modeling of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Tsunami and its Impacts on Hawaii
- Modeling the spatial and temporal dynamics of infiltration during managed aquifer recharge
- Morphological Disparity During the Ammonoid Recovery After the Permian Mass Extinction
- Natural variability in ocean carbon chemistry on the California margin during the Holocene
- Obliquity tides do not significantly heat Enceladus
- Oceanic mechanical forcing of the dynamics of a marine-terminating Greenland glacier by ice mélange removal and ocean tides
- Origin of fault roughness and the development of slip surfaces
- Paleochannels and Sediment Characteristics of the Chenier Plain Inner Shelf, Louisiana
- Paleoclimate and paleoelevation in the western US Cordillera, 80 Ma to Present
- Paleomagnetic correlation of ignimbrites along the southern margin of the central Snake River Plain, Yellowstone hotspot
- Paleomagnetic results from the Seling Co Basin of central Tibet: constraints on V-shaped conjugate strike-slip fault formation
- Petrological variability in recent magmatism at Axial Seamount
- Phosphorous bioavailability along a soil chronosequence
- Planetary cores: current knowledge and future prospects
- Preliminary Core-Mantle Boundary Heat Flux Map
- Preliminary Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Results From Sediments and Rocks of IODP's Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP) Expedition 334
- Preliminary Stress Calculations and 3-Dimensional Mohr Circle Diagrams for a Proposed Borehole to be Drilled into the Tohoku Fault Zone, Japan
- Quaternary Marine Sulfur Cycle Dynamics
- Reconstructing Paleoclimate from Oxygen Isotopes and Trace Element Ratios in Olivella biplicata shells
- Refining the Late Quaternary Paleomagnetic Secular Variation record in the Mediterranean Region as a Chronologic Tool for Marine Geology Investigations
- Reorientation of Vesta: Gravity and Tectonic Predictions
- Ridge-flank crustal microbiology investigated with long-term borehole observatories
- Roughness of Grain-scale Frictional Sliding Surfaces in the Actively Creeping Clay Gouge of the San Andreas Fault
- S and P Travel-time Curves: Using Elemental Data for Direct Characterization of CMB Heterogeneity
- S-wave Receiver Function study in Northeast Tibet and adjacent boundaries
- Seasonal Variability in Mercury Speciation within Select Coastal Lagoons of Central California
- Simulating Coastal Fog with a Regional Climate Model
- Slow Slip and Tremor at the Northern Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Source Mechanism and Near-field Characteristics of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Tsunami
- Spatial Analysis of Suitability for Managed Aquifer Recharge in a Groundwater Basin in Central Coastal California
- Starting and stopping basal sliding on ice streams: New insights from Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica
- Testing of SIR (a transformable robotic submarine) in Lake Tahoe for future deployment at West Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding lines of Siple Coast
- Textural evidence for jamming and dewatering of a sub-surface, fluid-saturated granular flow
- The 6 July 2011 (Mw 7.6) Normal-Faulting Kermadec Trench Earthquake: Rupture Process and Aftershock Sequence
- The Importance of Magnetic Field Direction in Swirl Formation
- The Rheology of Granular Flow with Acoustic Vibrations at Constant Volume
- The Sanriku-oki Low Seismicity Region on the Northern Margin of the Great 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- The permeability variations on the Wenchuan Fault measured on the water level response to solid Earth tides
- Timing and Distribution of Tectonic Rotations in the Lhasa and Qiangtang Terranes
- Tremor Detection in the Seismically Active New Zealand and Costa Rica Subduction Zones
- Triggering a Wet Climate on Mars: The Role of Outflow Channels in Martian Water Cycles
- Twin Selection at the Verwey Transition Using Uniaxial Stress
- What do seismologists really know about ultra-low velocity zones?
- What's Cooking? Evaluating frictional stress using extractable organic material in fault zones
- a Summer at Voice of America: Communicating Science to the World
- δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of apatite phosphate in small pelagic fish: insights from wild-caught and tank-grown specimens
- "Gray Areas": Silica gels, amorphous silica and cryptocrystalline silica on fault surfaces
- A Vibroseis Seismic Source for Climate, Ice Sheet and Tectonic Studies in Antarctica
- A comparison of tectonic tremor and microseismicity associated with the 2010 and 2011 slow slip events in the northern Hikurangi subduction zone
- A dense, intersecting array of normal faults on the outer shelf off Southern Costa Rica, associated with subducting Quepos ridge
- A high-resolution benthic stable-isotope record and new benthic Mg/Ca data from the South Atlantic: implications for orbitally-paced changes in Late Paleocene-Early Eocene climate and circulation
- A small cumulus cloud clock from in situ measurements
- Actively dewatering fluid-rich zones along the Costa Rica plate boundary fault
- An Earthtime Chronology for the Matuyama-Brunhes Geomagnetic Field Reversal
- An organic geochemical multi-proxy study of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Evidence from northern Spain
- Assessing the triggerability of glacier (icequake) seismicity
- Bering Sea records of climate and North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation
- Booming Tremor Reversals Influenced by Tidal Stressing
- Boron in Marine Barite: A Potential Proxy for the Boron Isotopic Composition of Seawater
- Braiding, Sediment Supply, and Paired Strath Terrace Formation
- Changes in surf zone morphodynamics driven by multi-decadal contraction of a large ebb-tidal delta
- Chemical and dynamical perspectives on accretion and differentiation
- Coherent structures on fault surfaces
- Comparison of planktic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope records in two Southern California basins from LGM to present
- Conodont body size and diversity trends after the end-Permian extinction: implications for the recovery of pelagic vs. benthic marine ecosystems
- Continuous Record of Permeability inside the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Zone
- Convection-driven compaction as the source of Enceladus' enigmatic long wavelength topography
- Crustal Flow Pattern in Tibetan Plateau Constrained by Regional Lg Q Tomography
- Debris Flow Control on Fluvial Hanging Valley Formation in the South Fork Eel River, CA
- Differential Rotation and Magnetic Field Generation in Giant Gas Planets
- Dissipation at tidal and seismic frequencies in a melt-free Moon
- Does erosion of Himalayan gorges drive focused uplift along transverse rivers?
- Effects of atmospheric dry deposition on native phytoplankton in Barbados
- En Echelon and Orthogonal Fault Ruptures of the 11 April 2012 Great Intraplate Earthquakes
- Enhancing the Ocean's Role in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mitigation
- Exhumation of the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes (5-12°S)
- Experiments on Graphitization of Diamond in the Presence of Water: Implications for Exhumation of Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphic Rocks
- Fault roughness and grain size distribution: the onset of isotropy
- Finding Faults: Tohoku and other Active Megathrusts/Megasplays
- Frequency content of P and S wave travel time measurements and chemical heterogeneity in the lower mantle
- High Resolution 3D Radar Imaging of Comet Interiors
- High Resolution Telesesimic P-wave Back-Projection Imaging Using Variable Travel Time Corrections: Characterizing Sub-Events of the Great April 11th 2012 Indian Ocean Intraplate Earthquakes
- High-rate GPS results for the April 2012 Sumatra earthquake sequence, an unusual, complex, and very large intraplate strike-slip event
- High-resolution investigation of shear wave anisotropy in D'' beneath the Central Pacific
- Holocene denudation and landscape deformation in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Imaging the Velocity and Density Contrasts at Upper Mantle Discontinuities: Evidence for Thermo-chemical Heterogeneity and Dynamics
- Impact-induced Climate Change on Titan
- Influence of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) on paleomagnetic sampling in volcanic glasses: a case study on rheomorphic ignimbrites of the Yellowstone hotspot-track, southern Idaho
- Interseismic Strain Accumulation at the Northern Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone From Integration of InSAR and GPS
- Investigating Geothermal Activity, Volcanic Systems, and Deep Tectonic Tremor on Akutan Island, Alaska, with Array Seismology
- Investigating the translation of Earth's inner core
- Landing instrument packages on regolith in micro gravity: point designs for passive, self-righting landers
- Lunar cryptomare: Analysis of mineralogy and distribution of ancient volcanic deposits
- Mapping margin dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Landsat ETM+ imagery
- Maps of Lunar Topographic Roughness: Correlation with Geological Features
- Microseismicity of the Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica
- Modeling of Vesta's interior structure using gravity and shape models from the Dawn mission and hydrodynamic impact simulations
- Modeling of the 2011 Tohoku Near-field Tsunami from Finite-fault Inversion of Seismic Waves
- Morphology and formation of the upwind margin at White Sands Dune Field
- Natural or controlled experiment? Disentangling anthropogenic and geologic contributions to the sediment load of the Le Sueur River, MN, USA
- New Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleomagnetic Results from the Central Tibet Conjugate Fault Zone
- Newly discovered abundant fluid seep indicators off southern Costa Rica, imaged from overlapping multibeam swaths and 3D seismic data
- Numerical Simulations of Boundary-Driven Dynamos
- Observational constraints on entrainment in stratocumulus
- Off-shore to near-shore transects of ferromanganese crusts adjacent to the California margin Tracey A. Conrad1, James R. Hein2, Adina Paytan1 1University of California Santa Cruz, CA, 95064 ( 2USGS, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA (
- Origin of co-existing basalts, high-Mg andesites, and adakites in the SW Japan hot subduction system
- Parameterization of Heat Transport in a Fjord
- Power Spectrum Analysis of Martian Patterned Ground in the Northern Hemisphere
- Precise Measurement of Phenylalanine δ15N Values via Elemental Analysis-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Following Purification with High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography: A New Tool for Fine-Scale Paleo-Nitrogen Cycle Reconstructions
- Productivity and Surface Water Conditions in the Bering Sea during Glacial and Interglacial Periods
- Pronounced changes in carbonate system and temperature history of the Southern California margin from LGM to present
- Recent advances and on-going challenges of estimating past elevation from climate proxy data
- Relating fault geometry and aseismic slip along the Haiyuan fault creeping segment
- Response of vegetation stability and groundwater depth to spatial variability in sediment transport; White Sands National Monument, New Mexico
- Rough-crust subduction, upper plate structure, and variable fault behavior at the northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Roughness of Frictional Sliding Surfaces in Actively Creeping Gouge of the San Andreas Fault
- Seismic response to fluid injection at the Salton Sea geothermal field
- Silicate-metal reaction-induced snow atop the Earth's core
- Structural and hydrologic controls of subduction zone seismogenic behavior along the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Structure and impacts of drizzle on coastal stratocumulus
- Subsurface Structure and Thermal History of Icy Satellites from Stereo Topography
- Systematic Behavior of the Non-dipole Magnetic Field during the 32 ka Mono Lake Excursion
- Temporal Distribution of Repeating Very Low Frequency Earthquakes near Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- The Effects of Boundary Conditions on Auto-Acoustic Compaction
- The Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): Investigating Large Slip of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki, Japan Earthquake with Seafloor Boreholes
- The Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): Success in logging, sampling and instrumenting the megathrust in the region of large slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- The Proto Southern Gulf of California represented by GIS Plate Tectonic Reconstructions
- The biological consequences of flood basalt volcanism
- The role of filamentation and vortex merger in coastal planktonic accumulation and transport
- The role of ocean dissipation in satellite evolution
- Three dimensional modeling of self-sustaining, subseafloor hydrothermal circulation through paired seamounts
- Time-series geochemical and tracer injection recovery data from the deep (basaltic) crustal fluids from IODP Holes 1301A/1362B on the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Topography along the Smith River, OR provides insight into the process of bedrock river meandering and it's influence on adjacent hillslope lowering rates
- Tremor at the Up-dip Edge of the Northern Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone During a 2011 Slow Slip Event
- Using Multiple Approaches, including δ18O Signatures of Phosphate to Investigate Potential Phosphorus Limitation and Cycling under Changing Climate Conditions
- Vulnerability of a subarctic barrier spit to global warming induced changes in storm surge and wave runup: Shaktoolik, Alaska
- Widespread Mega-Pockmarks Imaged Along the Western Edge of the Cocos Ridge
- 3D seismic detection of shallow faults and fluid migration pathways offshore Southern Costa Rica: Application of neural-network meta-attributes
- A Sled-Mounted Vibroseis Seismic Source for Geological Studies in Antarctica
- Accurate sediment budgets in rivers require high-resolution discharge-independent measurements of suspended-sediment concentration
- Amplification of bedrock canyon incision by wind
- Analysis of Marine Stratocumulus Drizzle Variability Using In Situ Observations
- Analysis of small earthquake source parameters along the Nicoya Peninsula: Probing changes following the 2012 Mw=7.6 earthquake and within slow slip and tremor zones
- Avoiding the Pitfalls of Anisotropy in Paleomagnetic Correlation of Snake River Plain Ignimbrites
- Biogeophysical and Biogeochemical Climate Impacts of Mountaintop Coal Mining in Southern Appalachia USA
- Bulk Chemical and Hf/W Isotopic Consequences of Lossy Accretion
- Changes in Advective Flow Rates and Flow Paths in Response to Earthquakes Recorded by Japan Trench Subseafloor Temperature Observations
- Climate of the Eocene Greenhouse Intervals from TEX<SUB>86</SUB> and Other Proxies: Evidence for a More Energetic Hydrologic Cycle? (Invited)
- Critical Metals In Western Arctic Ocean Ferromanganese Mineral Deposits
- Deep crustal shear zone development and implications for seismic anisotropy: An example from southwestern Montana
- Detrainment and aerosol redistribution in shallow convective clouds (Invited)
- Direct evidence for CCD over-compensation in the aftermath of the PETM
- Discrete element modeling of subglacial sediment deformation
- Dynamically Self-consistent Simulations of the 3D Gravity and Magnetic Fields to be Measured by Juno at Jupiter
- Enceladus' Internal Structure Inferred from Analysis of Cassini-derived Gravity and Topography
- Energy Release of the 2013 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.3 Sea of Okhotsk Earthquake and Deep Slab Stress Heterogeneity
- Envelope inversion and some application issues
- Establishing the chronology of explosive super-eruptions in the record of the Yellowstone hotspot track (Invited)
- GRAIL Constraints on Vertical and Lateral Density Structure of Lunar Crust
- Gas Evidence and Seepage: Implications and Subsidence in the Elkhorn Slough, CA
- Geologic Structure at the Curiosity Field Site from Stereo Topography (Invited)
- Geophysical implications of Io limb profile data
- Holocene ENSO variability at the Line Islands, central tropical Pacific
- IODP 327 tracer experiment: recovery of microspheres in basaltic crustal fluids from IODP Holes 1362B, 1362A, 1301A, 1301B, and 1026B on the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Incision Rates in Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Channels Dominated by Transience Over 10<SUP>3</SUP>-10<SUP>7</SUP> Year Timescales (Invited)
- Integrating South Pacific carbon cycling and climate history from Late Paleocene to Middle Eocene: an upper slope transect from eastern New Zealand
- Internal structure of the shallow Japan Trench décollement: insights into the long-term evolution of the margin and coseismic slip processes
- Interpretations of bedload generated seismic waves on the Chijiawan River, Taiwan
- Kelp, cobbles, and currents: biological reduction of coarse sediment entrainment stress
- Long- and short-term trends in seawater B/Ca and pH across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary
- Long-lived large-scale ground deformation caused by a buoyantly rising magma resevoir
- Low Coseismic Friction on the Tohoku Fault Determined from Subseafloor Temperature Measurements (Invited)
- Mega-pockmarks surrounding IODP Site U1414: Insights from the CRISP 3D seismic survey
- Mercury Concentrations in Coastal Sediment from Younger Lagoon, Central California
- Microphysical Analysis using Airborne 2-D Cloud and Precipitation Imaging Probe Data
- Mid to late Devonian back-arc rift basins in the Brooks Range, AK, and across the Arctic: a possible paleogeographic piercing point for Arctic reconstructions
- Modeled changes in extreme wave climate for US and US-affiliated Pacific Islands during the 21st century
- Modeling the temporal variability of the Enceladus plume (Invited)
- Modulation of Whillans Ice Stream Stick Slip Cycle: Loading Rate, Subglacial Hydrology and Slowdown
- Multiple thermochronometers applied to normal-fault sections reveal prolonged exhumation history of the northernmost Sierra Nevada Batholith
- New Paleointensity Results from the Parana Basin Basalts
- North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation in the Bering Sea over the last 1.2 myrs
- Observations of slip-coincident basal seismicity near the nucleation zone of Whillans Ice Plain stick-slip events
- Outward growth of the Tibetan Plateau across the Cenozoic (Invited)
- Paleomagnetic records of core samples of the plate-boundary thrust drilled during the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Pervasive evidence for seabed fluid expulsion along upper slope of the U.S. Atlantic continental margin
- Phosphorus cycling in the deep subseafloor biosphere at North Pond
- Physical properties and Consolidation behavior of sediments from the N. Japan subduction zone
- Preliminary Results from a Gas Tracer Injection Experiment in the Upper Oceanic Crust on the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Preliminary magnetostratigraphy of cores collected during IODP Expedition 344 (CRISP-A2) offshore Costa Rica
- Pushing the Envelope: Ship to Shore Events and High-Bandwidth Telepresence Engages Scientists and the Public
- Radon Indicates Hydrological Connection between the Ocean and Lagoon, Santa Cruz, CA
- Reconciling Short-period and Broadband Source Models of the Mw 8.7 Indian Ocean Earthquake of 11 April 2012
- Rescue of Long-Tail Data from the Ocean Bottom to the Moon
- Ripples and Dunes in Directionally Varying Flows--Three Decades of Experiments, Theory, and Modeling (Invited)
- Rupture speed dependence on loading conditions: Insights from glacier and laboratory stick-slip
- SPH Simulations of Volatiles Loss from Icy Satellites During a Late Heavy Bombardment
- Seasonal Equability in Late Cretaceous Central-Eastern Iberia? Inferences from Isotopic Data on Vertebrates
- Seasonal Variability of Water Sources in Monterey Bay
- Simulated Effects of Southeast Asian Deforestation on the Local and Regional Hydrologic Cycle: Results from A Regional Climate Modeling Study Using RegCM4.1.1
- Soil organic matter dynamics and mineral associations with depth across a toposequence from a Mediterranean grassland in Northern California
- Steady-state unsteadiness: drainage network reorganization triggered by bedrock river meandering in the Oregon Coast Range
- Stratigraphic Correlation of an Excursion at 22 kyr in the U.S. Great Basin - the Hilina Pali Excursion?
- Structural controls on the hydrogeology of the Costa Rica subduction thrust NW of the Osa Peninisula (Invited)
- Supershear Rupture of 2013 Jan 05, Mw 7.5, Craig, Alaska earthquake
- The 2010 Mw 7.8 Mentawai Earthquake: a Tsunami Earthquake With Triggered Subevents Modeled by Regional hr-GPS, Teleseismic Body Waves and Tsunami Observations
- The Early Shape of the Moon
- The Simulated Effect of Deforestation on the Hydrologic Cycle in Borneo and Sumatra. Results from the RegCM 4.1.1 Regional Climate Model
- The response of coastal surface ocean pH to naturally changing atmospheric pCO2
- Three-dimensional modeling of subseafloor hydrothermal circulation through paired seamounts
- Tropical Climate Mean State and Variability during the Pliocene Warm Period (Invited)
- Understanding the thermodynamic basis of the B/Ca paleo-pH proxy based on controlled inorganic precipitation experiments
- Using the U-Pb system's dual decay scheme towards reconstructing the thermal histories and origins of ordinary chondrites (Invited)
- Very Low Frequency Earthquakes Embedded within Shallow Tremor offshore the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Vibrational Spectra of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Under Pressure
- Water depth-composition trends in ferromanganese crusts adjacent to the California margin compared to those in equatorial Pacific crusts
- A 400-year phytolith-based reconstruction of wild rice (Zizania palustris) abundance from Mud Lake core sediments, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Reservation, Minnesota, USA.
- A Cross-Hole, Multi-Year Tracer Injection Experiment in the Volcanic Ocean Crust
- A Geospatial Analysis of Stormwater Runoff and Capture for Enhanced Groundwater Recharge
- Coupling stormwater capture and managed aquifer recharge
- Destruction and Re-Accretion of Mid-Size Moons During an Outer Solar System Late Heavy Bombardment
- Following up on the Discovery of Water Vapor at Europa's South Pole with HST
- GRAIL Investigation of the Subsurface Structure of South Pole-Aitken Basin
- Impact basin relaxation as a probe for the thermal history of Pluto
- InSight detection of a Lithospheric Low Seismic Velocity Zone in Mars
- Investigation of SMOS Sea Ice Thickness Retrieval with respect to the Ice Temperature Gradient within an Ice Layer
- Kinetic Effects on B/Ca in Synthetic Calcite: Implications for B(OH)<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> and B(OH)<SUB>3</SUB> Incorporation.
- Lunar Crustal Properties: Insights from the GRAIL Gravity Signatures of Lunar Impact Craters
- Mixing of Impactor Liquid Cores and Planetesimals Constrained by Single Silicate Crystal Magnetism
- Modeling Crustal-Scale Hydrothermal Flows through a Seamount Network
- Probing the Interior of Enceladus from Eruption Activity
- Refining the Subseafloor Circulation Model of the Middle Valley Hydrothermal System Using Fluid Geochemistry
- Spatial Heterogeneity in Ice-bed Interactions Revealed by Variable Seismic Coupling and Basal Seismicity on the Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica
- Structure of the Moon's Orientale Basin from Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Observations
- Suitability of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Monterey Bay as a Nutrient Source to Phytoplankton
- Sustainability of Outcrop-to-Outcrop Hydrothermal Siphons in Three Dimensions
- The Dynamics of Mercury Speciation and Transport at a Central California Coastal Lagoon
- The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa's Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
- The first geothermal heat flux measurement below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Time-Resolved Records of Magnetic Activity on the Pallasite Parent Body and Psyche
- Trends in ENSO Amplitude Through the Holocene at the Line Islands, Central Tropical Pacific
- WISSARD at Subglacial Lake Whillans, West Antarctica:scientific operations and initial observations
- <p>Advective and Conductive Heat Flow Budget Across the Wagner Basin, Northern Gulf of California
- A 0.5 Tesla Transverse-Field Alternating Magnetic Field Demagnetizer
- Anelastic Versus Fully Compressible Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection
- Collisional Disruption of Gravity Dominated Bodies: New Data and Scaling
- Convection in Solid Nitrogen and Other Supervolatile Ices on Pluto
- Earth-System Scales of Biodiversity Variability in Shallow Continental Margin Seafloor Ecosystems
- Enceladus' 101 Geysers: Phantoms? Hardly
- Enhanced Tidal Deformation in Icy Satellites with Subsurface Oceans
- Environment at the Grounding Zone of the Whillans Ice Stream-Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
- Exploring Liquid Water Beneath Glaciers and Permafrost in Antarctica Through Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys
- Geological and paleontological results from the WISSARD (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) Project
- Grounding Zones, Subglacial Lakes, and Dynamics of an Antarctic Ice Stream: The WISSARD Glaciological Experiment
- Identification of subsurface brines in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, via an airborne EM resistivity survey
- Imaging an Englacial Brine Conduit within a -17°C Polar Glacier
- Intense magnetic field generation by solidification and crustal delamination
- Interpreting Hydraulic Conditions from Morphology, Sedimentology, and Grain Size of Sand Bars in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Investigating the hydrological origins of Blood Falls - geomicrobiological insights into a briny subglacial Antarctic aquifer
- Magnesium solubility in metallic iron during core formation
- Measuring melt and velocity of Alaskan mountain glaciers using phase-sensitive radar and differential GPS
- Micro-seismicity of the Whillans Ice Plain stick-slip cycle nucleation areas
- Modeling the Tidal Response of Io: Coupled Viscoelastic Dissipation and Melt Distribution
- N<SUB>2 </SUB>glacial flow on and onto Sputnik Planum
- New Developments at the ALS High-Pressure Beamline 12.2.2
- New Insights into the Structure, Origin, and Evolution of Pluto and Charon
- Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons
- Rapid subglacial water system evolution triggered by subglacial floods in West Antarctica
- Science Measurements for the <em>Io Volcano Observer (IVO)</em>
- Secular variation of a metallic asteroid dynamo
- Siple Coast ice streams reorganization following the reactivation of Kamb Ice Stream tributaries, West Antarctica
- The Chasmata and Montes of Charon
- The Effect of Pre-Impact Porosity and Vertical Density Gradients on the Gravity Signature of Lunar Craters as Seen by GRAIL
- The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa's Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
- The Role of Mass Transfer between Martian satellites on Surface Geology
- Three-dimensional Models of Hydrothermal Circulation through a Seamount Network in Fast-spreading Crust
- Till Provenance for Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica: from Upstream B, Subglacial Lake Whillans, and the Grounding Zone
- Using benthic foraminiferal B/Ca to constrain the effect of dissolution on key Pliocene Mg/Ca temperature records
- Whillans Ice Stream from UpB to WGZ: Siliceous Microfossils, Palynomorphs, and Biomarker Evidence of Sub-glacial Processes and Ice Stream History
- A New Protocol for 3-Axis Static Alternating Field Demagnetization of Rocks
- A Probabilistic Approach to Injection-Induced Seismicity Assessment for Different Reservoir Types and Pressure-Diffusion Models
- A Raman and Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Anglesite at High Pressures
- A high-resolution, regional analysis of stormwater runoff for managed aquifer recharge site assessment
- A robust, statistical identification and analysis of fluid disposal wells that cause earthquakes in central Oklahoma
- A scaling relationship for impact-induced melt volume
- An Active Englacial Hydrological System in a Cold Glacier: Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- An Early Geodynamo Driven by Exsolution of Mantle Components from Earth's Core
- Bed Conditions Inferred from Basal Earthquakes Beneath the Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica
- Bladed Terrain on Pluto: Possible Origins and Evolutions
- Cessation of large-scale convergence within the Tibetan plateau by 23 Ma
- Cleaning the IceMole: collection of englacial samples from Blood Falls, Antarctica
- Coastal Permafrost Bluff Response to Summer Warming, Barter Island, NE Alaska
- Coastal Residents Ocean Literacy about Seawater Desalination and its Impacts on Marine Ecosystems in the Monterey Bay
- Comparison of different proxies using in situ measurements in the benthic foraminifera genus Uvigerina: an example from the Santa Monica Basin.
- Detection of a hydrogen corona in HST Lyman-alpha images of Europa in transit of Jupiter
- Development and Antarctic Testing of a Maneuverable Probe for Clean In-Situ Analysis and Sampling of Subsurface Ice and Subglacial Aquatic Ecosystems
- Development of a Magnetic-Core, Transverse-Field AF Demagnetizer
- Diversity and commonalities in Antarctic subglacial microbial communities
- Effects of Core Formation on the Hf-W System
- El Niño in the Pliocene
- Elevated and Variable Geothermal Heat Flux below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Following the Tungsten: Isotopic Consequences of Earth, Mars, and the Proto-Moon Formation in Grand Tack Accretion Simulations
- From Density Contrast to Compositional Difference on Pluto and Charon
- Geodynamic Setting of Proterozoic Dyke Swarms of the Leo-Man Craton, West Africa, Based on New U-Pb Dating and Geochemistry
- High Pressure Single Crystal Diffraction at the Advanced Light Source
- Impacts of effluent from Carlsbad Desalination Plant on the coastal biology and chemistry in a in-situ study of pre- and post-discharge
- Implementation of the Peak Scaling Method for Temperature Measurement in the Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell at ALS Beamline 12.2.2
- Investigating Controls on Denitrification Rates During Managed Aquifer Recharge: Linking Field and Laboratory Column Experiments
- Investigating controls on denitrification rates during managed aquifer recharge: Field studies of infiltration
- Linking collection of stormwater runoff to managed aquifer recharge using a geographic information system and hydrologic modeling
- Measurement and Discrepancies of Tsunami Flow Directions Using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and Dip Orientations of Heavy Mineral Layers in Tsunami Deposits
- Melting Behavior Analysis of a Maneuverable Ice Melting Probe in Englacial Environments
- Metallization of Silica Analogue: High pressure study of Barium Iodide
- Modelling Cryovolcanism Due to Subsurface Ocean Freezing on Pluto and Charon
- Natural polish in granitic rocks
- Paleomagnetic Excursion Recorded in Exposed Lacustrine Sediments on Paoha Island in Mono Lake, CA.
- Paleomagnetic evidence for a partially differentiated H chondrite parent planetesimal
- Pallasite Paleomagnetism: Quiescence of a Core Dynamo
- Phosphorus cycling and limitation under modified conditions that represent potential future conditions with a changing climate.
- Recharge Net Metering to Incentivize Sustainable Groundwater Management
- Relating triggering processes in lab experiments with earthquakes.
- Strong Control of Salts on Near Surface Liquid Water Content in a High Polar Desert Indicated by Near Surface Resistivity Mapping with a Helicopter-Borne TEM Sensor, Lower Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- Subglacial sediment mechanics investigated by computer simulation of granular material
- The 2016 Mw5.1 Fairview, Oklahoma earthquake sequences: Evidence for long-range triggering of earthquakes by coupled fluid pressure and poroelastic stress changes
- The High-Pressure Monoclinic Lawsonite Phase: The Primary Carrier of Water from Subducted Crust to the Deep Mantle
- The development of the Non-hydrostatic Unified Model of the Ocean (NUMO), validation and a roadmap to high-resolution simulations of Sermilik Fjord
- The disruption of H and L ordinary chondrite parent bodies at 60 Ma
- The ocean exchange with the Ross Ice Shelf grounding zone, Antarctica
- The tidally-modulated plume of Enceladus: an update
- Thermal evolution of a partially differentiated H chondrite parent body
- Three-dimensional Simulations of Hydrothermal Circulation in Faulted Ocean Crust
- Tidal deformation of Ganymede: A parameter study in anticipation of future geodetic measurements
- Timing of mid-crustal ductile extension in the northern Snake Range metamorphic core complex, Nevada: Evidence from U/Pb zircon ages
- Viscous relaxation on tidally-heated Saturnian satellites
- Where is the Geophysical Evidence for the Giant Impact Origin of the Pluto System?
- A Mechanism for Planetesimal Mass-loss and Volatile Depletion
- Aftershocks and triggering processes in rock fracture
- Applying a regional hydrology model to evaluate locations for groundwater replenishment with hillslope runoff under different climate and land use scenarios in an agricultural basin, central coastal California
- Aseismic Slip Throughout the Earthquake Cycle in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Central Tropical Pacific Variability And ENSO Response To Changing Climate Boundary Conditions: Evidence From Individual Line Island Foraminifera
- Continuous Shear Wave Signals from around a Subducted Seamount Following 2014 Mw 6.8 Slow-slip Event in the Hikurangi Subduction Margin Offshore New Zealand
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Testable Hypotheses, First Results, and Implications for Habitability
- Desalination Brine Discharge Impacts on Coastal Biology and Water Chemistry - A Case Study from Carlsbad Southern California
- Developing decision-relevant data and information systems for California water through listening and collaboration
- Exploring Microbial Processes with Thermal-Hydrological Models of the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Extensive Holocene ice sheet grounding line retreat and uplift-driven readvance in West Antarctica
- From lakes to sand seas: a record of early Mars climate change explored in northern Gale crater, Mars
- Groundwater and Thaw Legacy of a Large Paleolake in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica as Evidenced by Airborne Electromagnetic and Sedimentological Techniques
- Heat flow evidence for hydrothermal circulation in the volcanic basement of subducting plates
- Intercorrelation of P and Pn Recordings for the North Korean Nuclear Tests
- Linking carbon and hydrologic fluxes in the critical zone: Observations from high-frequency monitoring of a weathered bedrock vadose zone
- Linking field and laboratory studies to investigate nitrate removal using permeable reactive barrier technology during managed recharge
- Microbial processes at the beds of glaciers and ice sheets: a look at life below the Whillans Ice Stream
- Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
- Patterned basal seismicity shows sub-ice stream bedforms
- Preserved Crevasse Casts in the Whales Deep Basin, eastern Ross Sea
- Quantifying iceberg evolution in a temperate fjord
- Reduction in Surface Ocean Carbon Storage across the Middle Miocene
- Regional reduction in paleogroundwater discharge and rainfall in the Late Holocene Yucatan Peninsula reconstructed from trace metals in benthic foraminifera
- Relating sedimentary processes in the Bagnold Dunes to the development of crater basin aeolian stratification
- Shear dilatancy and acoustic emission in dry and saturated granular materials
- Source characteristics of the 3 September 2017, North Korean nuclear test (m<SUB>b </SUB>= 6.3) inferred from teleseismic forward modeling and regional waveform deconvolution of broadband P and Pn waves
- Spatiotemporal Relationship between Shallow Slow Slip and Repeating Earthquakes in the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
- Testing the Limits to Accurate Comminution Dates: A Progress Report
- The Holocene Minimum of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Radiocarbon Model Ages for Subglacial Sediments
- The Pressure Dependence of Thermal Expansion of Core-Forming Alloys: A Key Parameter in Determining the Convective Style of Planetary Cores
- The Search for Fluid Injection-induced Seismicity in California Oilfields
- The along-fault velocity structure and its relation to the b-value distribution along a rough laboratory fault undergoing stick-slip cycles
- The evolution of El Niño through the Pliocene
- The role of fluid mobility in the development of shale weathering profiles: Direct observations from a vadose zone monitoring system
- The role of rock moisture on regulating hydrologic and solute fluxes in the critical zone
- Thin, Conductive Permafrost Surrounding Lake Fryxell Indicates Salts From Past Lakes, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Timescales of Crustal Cooling of the Superior Craton near Attawapiskat, Ontario, Canada, and Implications for Extent of Keweenawan Plume Heating.
- Towards an improved understanding of hillslope runoff as a supply for groundwater recharge: Assessing hillslope runoff under regional deforestation and varying climate conditions in a drainage basin in central coastal California
- Tracking Local Spatiotemporal Microfracturing Processes and Stress Field Evolution Before and After Laboratory Fault Slip
- Using a geographic information system and hillslope runoff modeling to support decision-making for managed aquifer recharge using distributed stormwater collection
- What processes control collisional growth in marine stratocumulus?
- 3D numerical models of thermal convection inside Triton's icy shell
- A horizontal permeable reactive barrier stimulates nitrate removal and shifts microbial ecology during rapid infiltration for managed recharge
- Aftershock density decay in space and time: Observations for Oklahoma and implications
- Arsenic Biogeochemical Cycling Under Extreme, Archean-like Conditions
- Atmospheric Circulation Regimes of Synchronously Rotating Habitable Exoplanets
- Characterizing Australian lithospheric anisotropy with Ps receiver function analysis
- Comparing seismic, mechanical, and geometrical asperities observed in a laboratory granite fault undergoing stick-slip cycles
- Composition and Thermal Evolution of Ordinary Chondrite Parent Body Determined Using EDS and EBSD Analysis of Olivine and Phosphate Grains
- Core Processes: Mechanism and Timing of Volatile Loss on the IVB Parent Body
- Coupled Foraminiferal Oxygen Isotope and Mg/Ca Constraints on Ocean Temperature across the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary: Back to Basics
- Determining Limits to Pluto's Elastic Thickness and Heat Flux Using Fault Topography
- Estimates of Tethys' Present-day Heat Flux and Moment of Inertia from its Long-Wavelength Topography
- Evaluating the impact of a carbon amendment in managed aquifer recharge site sediments on redox sensitive elements
- Fluvial boulder transport, jamming and valley blocking by earthflows
- GEODES: A model for graduate-student led initiatives in diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Hf/W Isotopic Evolution in Various Earth-Moon Impact Scenarios Occurring in Grand Tack Accretion Simulations
- How Uranus Fell Over: Consequences of Giant Impacts with High Resolution Simulations
- How do planetary bodies respond to periodic tidal forcing and how does that influence heat flow and orbital evolution?- Report from the KISS Workshop entitled "Tidal Heating-Lessons from Io and the Jovian System"
- Large Eddy Simulations of the Dusty Martian Boundary Layer and Dust Devils with MarsWRF
- Linked field and laboratory studies reveal controls on enhanced denitrification during managed recharge
- Magnesium isotope evidence that accretional vapour loss shapes planetary compositions
- Multiple long-period variations in the plume of Enceladus offer insights into eruption mechanism
- Observations of tidally-varying ocean bottom pressure near the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
- Plot-scale field studies of denitrification and trace element cycling during infiltration for managed recharge
- Radar Reflections from Basal Ice May Be Misinterpreted As Frozen Bed
- Recent Orbital and Thermal Evolution of Mimas, and Implications for Enceladus
- Seamount Subduction Prolongs Shallow Slow Slip Event in the Forearc of the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand
- Seismic Anisotropy and Vp/Vs Changes Measured on Ocean Bottom Seismometers Suggest Fluid Pressure Changes Occur With Slow Slip off the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Seismic Detection of Internal Gravity Waves at the Dongsha Atoll, South China Sea
- Streaks of basal icequakes, subglacial geomorphology, and the evolving basal boundary of a major Antarctic ice stream
- Temperature profiles along the Whillans Ice Stream measured using a Distributed Temperature Sensor
- The Burkian Earth
- The Rotation of Io
- The influence of fault damage and fluids on seismic behavior during slip on laboratory faults
- The long-term effect of the thermocline on ENSO: the Holocene and Pliocene test cases
- The temperature of the Pliocene West Pacific Warm Pool:constraints from a new benthic B/Ca record
- Tidally Modulated Microseismicity Near the Grounding Zone of the Whillans Ice Plain: Observations and Analysis of Seismic Source
- Trees use deep rock moisture, yet the xylem of their stable isotopes do not fully record this moisture source
- Using Cascadia Initiative Data to Investigate Seismicity and Possible Shallow Slow Slip Along the Southernmost Section of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Using Topographic Power Spectra to Infer Geological Processes: the Example of Europa
- What Happened in the Jane Basin, NE Antarctic Peninsula, ODP Site 697, 3.34 my ago?
- What controls drizzle initiation in marine stratocumulus?
- 3-D Global Cloud-Resolving Model with Horizontally Explicit and Vertically Implicit Time Integration Scheme: Application to Ice Giants
- A mechanism for induced earthquakes at large distances and depths from injection wells
- Can Higher Mode Surface-Wave Dispersion Discriminate Between Different Mars Mantle Models?
- Changes in Clay Mineralogy and Provenance in Response to Shifting Hydrologic Patterns During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Salisbury Embayment, USA
- Characterizing spatial variability in denitrification potential during infiltration under heterogeneous land use and precipitation patterns
- Compression and Metastability of the Amphibole Tremolite to High Pressures and Temperatures through Raman Spectroscopy
- Critical Zone Controls on Coupled Differential Plant Water Source Uptake, Subsurface Water Storage, and Streamflow Processes
- Deep subsurface brines in the polar desert of McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, revealed by a regional AEM (Airborne ElectroMagnetic) survey
- Earthquake Swarms Triggered by Groundwater Extraction Near the Dead Sea Fault
- Electrical Resistivity Measurements of the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Reveal Seawater Intrusion in New Detail
- Estimates for Tethys' moment of inertia, present day heat flux, and interior structure from its long-wavelength topography
- Event-Based Programming Tools to Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within Earth and Planetary Science Departments
- Explaining Past High Heat Fluxes of Miranda and Ariel Using "Resonance Locking"
- Explaining The Galilean Satellites' Density Gradient By Hydrodynamic Escape.
- Fault Damage Zones in 3D with Active-Source Seismic Data
- Forward Modeling of the Phobos Tides and applications to the InSight Mission
- Geodynamo origin to inner core growth: Core chemical evolution traced by paleomagnetism
- Global Tectonic Patterns of the Moon
- Hidden earthquakes as a tool to conduit evolution during an explosive eruption
- How Big Will the Next Eruption Be?
- Impact of High-Altitude Hazes on the Observed Mass-Radius Relationship of Exoplanets
- Inclination Damping on Callisto
- Influence of a carbon amendment on nutrient and metal concentrations at a managed aquifer recharge site
- Integrating Materials Science Techniques into the Study of Planetary Hazes
- Large Scale Detection of Fault Damage
- Linking Physical Infiltration Processes to Changes in Water Quality and the Potential to Address Legacy Contaminants during Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Long-term trends and orbital variability in late Paleocene and early Eocene (LPEE) climate, carbonate chemistry and planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- MAGIC, A Discovery Proposal to the Icy Moon Callisto
- Meteorite Outgassing Experiments to Inform Chemical Abundances of Super-Earth Atmospheres
- Migratory versus self-nucleation
- Modeling Pluto's atmosphere: temperature distribution and rotational emission lightcurves
- Multi-proxy evidence for the evolution of Indo-Pacific Warm Pool temperature since the Pliocene
- Newly Detected Strain Transient on the Anza Segment of the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Southern California
- Numerical Models of the Atmospheric Circulation on Jupiter and Saturn:Zonal Jets, Long-term Variability, and QBO-type Oscillations
- Photochemical Haze Formation in Exoplanet Atmospheres: Insight from Laboratory Simulations
- Pleistocene Subglacial Precipitate from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet Records 100,000 Years of Subglacial Water Chemistry.
- Pluto and Charon's Topographic Variance Spectra from Limb Profiles
- Potential for tipping point in melting beneath Filcher-Ronne Ice Shelf triggered by melt from neighboring ice shelves
- Reconstructing North Atlantic Ocean circulation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Revisit the Sulfur-water Chemical System in the Middle Atmosphere of Venus
- Revisiting and Updating Triggerability of Earthquakes in California Using Resent Seismic Catalogs
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Seismic Evidence for Pervasive Surface Fracturing Near the Grounding Line of the Ross Ice Shelf
- Stress Drop, Magnitude and Earthquake Kinematics of Acoustic Emissions observed in Triaxial Stick-Slip Experiments.
- Surface explosives in active-source seismic surveying: performance and new imaging at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide
- Systematic precursory slip and nucleation processes revealed before ice stream earthquakes
- The Surface Energy of "Tholin" and its Implication on Haze-Liquids Interactions on Titan
- The relationship between ENSO and tropical Pacific background state: Evidence from individual foraminifera
- The temperature of the West Pacific Warm Pool in the Pliocene
- The thermo-chemical evolution of Mars with a compositionally stratified mantle
- Thermal-Hydrological Models Consistent with Low Effective Porosity for Subseafloor Transport in the Upper Crust, Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Two- and Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Coupled Fluid and Heat Flow Processes Beneath a Marine Sediment Pond
- U-series Isotopics of Silts from Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Applying Comminution Dating Methods on Polar Desert Tills and Implications for the Timeframe of Valley Incision
- Uranian satellite characteristics as indicators of the internal evolution of Uranus
- Using Recharge Net Metering to Incentivize Sustainable Groundwater Management using Stormwater: Current Progress and Future Prospects
- Using Δ<SUP>95</SUP>Mo to Trace Late Carbonaceous and Non-Carbonaceous Contributions to the Earth and Mars
- Vadose Zone Controls on the Seasonal Dynamics of a Large, Slow-Moving Landslide
- Vibration and yield in sheared angular granular materials
- Weather Extremes During the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Abiotic Oxygen on the Atmospheres of Venus-Like Exoplanets
- Aerosol-Organic Condensates-Lake Interactions on Titan
- Assessing the influence of various soil carbon amendments on nutrient and trace metal loading during infiltration for managed recharge
- Atmospheric rivers in the PETM: Importance for cool season precipitation
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> reaction rates in sub-seafloor basalt for offshore geologic carbon sequestration
- Characteristics of surface water persistence in a non-perennial stream network
- Cleaning Our Hazy and Cloudy Lens on sub-Neptune Exoplanets
- Comparison of Repeating Earthquake Activity during the 2014 and 2019 Gisborne Slow Slip Events and Implications for Seamount Subduction and Fluid Migration at the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
- Competition between fault advection and fluvial aggradation determines channel geometry along strike-slip faults
- Constraining Europa's Global Shape with Stellar Occultations Collected by Europa Clipper's UV Spectrograph
- Constraints on Thermal History of Mars from Depth of Pore Closure Below InSight
- Constructing a Paleoseismic Record from Lacustrine Landslide Deposits
- Creating opportunities for undergraduates during COVID-19: An online seismology skill building workshop for a global community
- Earth Sciences Mentor Match: A new accessible mentorship program aiding underrepresented students in applying to graduate school and fellowships
- Experimental Investigation of the Acetylene-Benzene Co-Crystal on Titan
- Extreme Precipitation Across the North Atlantic: Model-Data Comparisons from the PETM
- Groove Generation and Coalescence on a Large-Scale Laboratory Fault
- Gullies on the Central Peak/Pit of Bamberg Crater
- InSight seismic data from Mars: Effect and treatment of transient data disturbances
- Insight Low Frequency Seismological Measurements: Environmental Noise Decorrelation And Applicability To Mars Internal Structure Refinement
- Interactions between heterogeneous slip and a locked asperity on a glacier fault
- Lacustrine Paleoseismic Records of Large Cascadia Earthquakes from Lake Ozette, Washington
- Linking Physical Infiltration Processes to Changes in Water Quality and the Potential to Address Legacy Contaminants during Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Links between Hydrologic Processes, Water Chemistry, and Microbiology during Rapid Infiltration for Managed Recharge
- Long-term trend and solar cycle in the middle atmosphere temperature revealed from merged HALOE and SABER datasets
- Mapping Denitrification Potential During Infiltration with Machine Learning Informed by Field and Laboratory Information
- Measurement and Characterization of Fault Asperities on Hand Samples
- Measurement and Implications of Surface Energies of Titan's Haze Analogs "Tholins"
- Measuring Hydraulic Diffusivity of a Fault Damage Zone of the Blue Mountain Using Tidal Responses
- Mid-Holocene Retreat and Late Holocene Re-advance of the Grounding Line in the Ross Sea Sector
- Modeling Pluto's rotational thermal emission from its atmosphere and surface
- Novel oxygen false positives on habitable zone planets
- Outgassing Experiments on Carbonaceous Chondrites to Understand the Formation of Titan's Atmosphere
- Paleoearthquakes in the Sedimentary Record
- Persephone: A Pluto-System Orbiter and Kuiper Belt Explorer
- Probing the Southern Cascadia Plate Interface with a Dense Amphibious Seismic Array
- Regional Earthquakes that Trigger Creep on the Northern Central San Andreas Fault
- Sensitivity of modeled ice-shelf basal melt rates to ocean horizontal mixing in the Energy Exascale Earth System (E3SM) Model
- Slope-aspect dependent hillslope water storage capacity, threshold responses and runoff generation
- Soil Properties Below a Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge Site on the Flood Plain of the Cosumnes River, Elk Grove, CA
- Spatial variability of geothermal heat flux in the McMurdo region of Antarctica constrained by new airborne electromagnetics data
- Switching field angular dependence and the measurement of anhysteretic remanence magnetization (ARM)
- The Hydraulic Diffusivity of Faults
- The Librations, Tides, and Interior Structure of Io
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- The surface energies and lifetimes of cool exoplanet haze analogs: insight from laboratory experiments
- Thermomechanical Properties of the Shallow Martian Regolith
- Trace Species Variations Enlightened by Chemical-Transport Models in the Middle Atmosphere of Venus
- Two centuries of climate change from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and Sr/Ca analyses of a Cuban Coral
- UCSC-GEOPATHS SUMMER INTERNSHIP US Geological Survey Coral Reef Hazards Assessment
- UCSC-GEOPATHS SUMMER INTERNSHIPSoil Properties and Analysis of Sediment samples from a Site to be Used for Flood Managed Aquifer Recharge
- USGS Coral Reef Project
- Using high spatiotemporal nitrate measurements to assess nutrient transport and transformations at the terrestrial-marine interface of a tidal watershed
- Using stable isotopes to understand multi-scale changes in aquatic biogeochemistry in the human-impacted San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- An Update of the Noise Model of the SEIS Seismometer of the InSight Mission To Mars
- Clay mineral reactions at earthquake timescales
- Comparing fault healing in laboratory experiments to repeating earthquakes: A case study of Prague, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
- Consolidation results in more unstable frictional slip in core materials from the source region of induced seismicity in British Colombia
- Granular Flow vs. Sintering in High-Temperature Shear Zones
- In-situ measurements of pore fluid pressure modulated stick-slip motion in a slow landslide suggests similarities to episodic slow slip on faults
- Investigating Hydrobiogeochemical Drivers of Salt Marsh Nitrogen Cycling
- Physical Properties of Bishop Tuff (RORD REU Program)
- Reactive transport modeling subsurface hydrological dynamics in tidal salt marshes
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Mittelholz
- A. N. Price
- A. Visser
- Amy G. Ryan
- B. Banerdt
- B. M. Carpenter
- Bhavna Arora
- C. D. Rowe
- C. R. Murphy
- Christine McCarthy
- D. L. Goldsby
- David Mimoun
- Dipankar Dwivedi
- E. C. Seybold
- E. Heggy
- E. Mazarico
- E. S. Cochran
- Emilio Grande
- Emily E. Brodsky
- J. D. Kirkpatrick
- John E. Chambers
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Kristina Okamoto
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Louis S. Hansen
- M. A. Zimmer
- M. Drilleau
- M. E. French
- Maggie A. Thompson
- Matěj Peč
- Michael Heap
- P. J. Wheatley
- P. Lognonné
- Patrick Michel
- Randolph T. Williams
- Richard Massey
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Tod R. Lauer
- V. J. Bray
- V. R. Eke
- Yajing Liu