North Carolina State University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Can a Single Representative Grain Size Describe Bed Load Transport in the Surf Zone?
- Climatological Studies of Severe Thunderstorm CG Lightning Polarity and Near-Surface Equivalent Potential Temperatures
- Effect of Local Slope on Bed Load Transport in the Surf Zone
- Evidence of High-Frequency Oscillations in the Relative Abundance of Foraminifera from the Western Tropical Atlantic During the Last 140 kyr
- Nonmethane Hydrocarbons and Ozone in the Rural Southeast United States National Parks: A Model Sensitivity Analysis and Its Comparison with Measurement
- Persistent Solar Influence on North Atlantic Surface Circulation During the Holocene
- Watershed Chemical Budgets and Interbasin Groundwater Transfer in the Lowland Rainforest of Costa Rica
- Choices of scale and process complexity in hillslope models
- Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington
- Data Assimilation in the South China Sea during ENSO
- Efficient Steady-State Solution Techniques for Variably Saturated Groundwater Flow
- Forecast Quality of Ensemble Streamflow Predictions for Seasonal Time Scales
- Fully Implicit Temporal Integration of Index One Differential-Algebraic Equations from Nonlinear Porous Media Flow
- Modeling Organic Contaminant Desorption from Municipal Solid Waste Components
- Some Characteristics of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Severe and Non-Severe Thunderstorms Over the Central United States From 1989-98
- Three-Dimensional Radar and Total Lightning Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems
- Using Oxygen 17 to assess the importance of Atmospherically Deposited N in the riverine flux of nitrogen in the Neuse River Basin, NC
- Carbon Cycling And Diagenetic Carbonate Formation in the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea
- Enhancing Spatial Cognition Using Mapping Technologies in Earth Science Education
- Eulerian-Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Methods for Nonlinear Reactive Transport
- Higher Order Time Integration and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Variably Saturated Groundwater Flow
- Implementing a Network of Hydrologic Observatories
- Lightning Location Relative to Storm Structure in Mesoscale Convective Systems
- Relationships Between Early Diagenetic Processes, Carbon Remineralization, and Sedimentary Dynamics in the Gulf of Papua Deltaic Complex
- Sensitivity of the Carolina Coastal Ocean Circulation to Open Boundary and Atmospheric Forcing
- Surface water, groundwater, and social science measurements in a prototype hydrologic observatory
- Use of Water and Chemical Budgets to Quantify Interbasin Groundwater Transfer in a Lowland Rainforest
- 3-D Source Identification of Borden Emplacement Site
- A Collaborative Effort to Increase Enrollment and Retention in Geoscience Majors in North Carolina
- A Lagrangian photoresponse model coupled with 2nd-order turbulence closure
- A Model for Teacher Professional Development Using Mapping Technologies to Foster Authentic Research in Earth/Environmental Sciences
- Changes in World Ocean Nitrate Availability Through the 20th Century.
- Columbia River Plume Salinity: the effect of maintenance dredging in the mouth of the Columbia River
- Grain Size Dependent, Short Time Scale Watershed Terrain Evolution Model Using a Path Sampling Monte Carlo Method
- Poleward flow events around Pt. Conception, California: An analysis based on HF radar and moored time series
- Predicting Hysteresis With Preisach Models
- Regional hydroacoustic perspective of the January 2006 eruption at the East Pacific Rise, 9º- 50'N
- Role of Land-Atmosphere Interactions on Convection Initiation and Precipitation over the Southern Great Plains
- Sediment Flux and Fate of the Yangtze River Sediments Delivered to the East China Sea
- Sedimentary Features of the Yangtze Derived Mud Deposits in the Inner Shelf of the East China Sea
- Tidal Influences on Tremor Activity at East Pacific Rise 9-50 N Eruption Site
- Variability in Tidal Triggering of Microearthquakes at 9˚50'N East Pacific Rise
- Water Quality Gradients across Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System: Seasonal Variations and Model Applications
- Aerosol Production and Transport in Southwest Asia
- An Investigation of the Coastal Circulations and Aerosol Transport in the Arabian Gulf region during Unified Aerosol Experiment (2004)
- Comparing Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Landslides and Rainfall, Using Remote Sensing
- Coordinated Imaging and Lidar measurements of Noctilucent Cloud Dynamics over Poker Flat, Alaska, August 2005.
- Developing Portfolios of Water Supply Transfers
- Do We Need To Consider Plant Hydraulic Architecture in Modeling Evapotranspiration? Lessons From a Coupled Land-Atmosphere Model
- Emplacement of a Layered Mafic Intrusion in the Shimanto Accretionary Complex of Southwest Japan: Evidence From Paleomagnetic and Magnetic Fabric Analysis
- Estimating Evapotranspiration in Three Contrasting Forest Ecosystems Using Eddy Covariance, Sapflow, and Soil Water Balance Methods
- Evaluation of WRF/Chem-MADRID with Satellite and Surface Measurements: Chemical and Optical Properties of Aerosols
- Evaluation of the Aethalometer and the Coefficient of Haze Sampler for Measuring Black Carbon Concentration
- Microphysical and Kinematic Structures Within Drizzling Stratocumulus in the Southeast Pacific
- Nitrogen Transport from Atmospheric Deposition and Contaminated Groundwater to Surface Waters on a Watershed Scale.
- Precipitation Structures and Atmospheric Waves over the Tropical Ocean
- Satellite and Radar Characteristics of Drizzling Marine Stratocumulus in the Southeast Pacific
- The Effects of Urban Land-Surface Processes on Thunderstorm Characteristics in the Indianapolis Urban Region
- The Swimming Efficiency of Magnetotactic Bacteria
- The influence of organic carbon flux on benthic foraminiferal proxies
- Thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) and Thellier laws in single-domain particles with mixed anisotropy
- Trends in Storminess Along Alaska's West Coast
- Use of Operational Climate Forecasts in Reservoir Management and Operation
- A factorial analysis of flooding due to storm surge in Barrow, Alaska
- A numerical study of the plume in Cape Fear River Estuary and adjacent coastal ocean
- Dynamical Development of the Bering/Chukchi Sea Storm, October, 2004
- Geochemical Structure of the Hawaiian Plume: Constrains from the Shield to Postshield Transition
- Geomorphologic Controls on the Age of POC Discharged From Small, Active-Margin Rivers
- Modelling of Soluble Iron Formation, Transport and Deposition to the North Pacific Ocean, Role of Anthropogenic Pollutants.
- Multi-model Ensembling based on Predictor State Space: Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts and Causal Relations
- Observations of sudden changes in aerosol properties along the coast: Separating artifact from physics in the littoral zone
- The Southern Appalachian Region in the Context of a Geologic Framework for the EarthScope USArray
- Artificial Neural Network Models for Long Lead Streamflow Forecasts using Climate Information
- Biogeochemistry of Iron Oxidation in a Circumneutral Freshwater Habitat
- Characteristics of Non-precipitating Clouds as Observed by the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Satellite
- Comprehensive comparison of gap filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes
- Estimating ET for a Mixed Oak Forest Using Two Methods: Eddy-Covariance and the Soil Water Budget
- Hydraulic Redistribution of Soil Water in a Drained Loblolly Pine Plantation: Quantifying Patterns and Controls over Soil-to-Root and Canopy-to-Atmosphere Interactions
- Identifying Temporal Patterns in Light use Efficiency for two Loblolly Pine Plantations in a Drained Lower Coastal Plain Region of North Carolina, U.S.A.
- Joint Variability of Airborne Passive Microwave and Ground-based Radar Observations Obtained in the TRMM Kwajalein Experiment
- Lava Dome Formation Along a Superfast Overlapping Spreading Center, 28-32 S on the East Pacific Rise
- Multimodel Ensembles of Streamflow Forecasts: Role of Predictor State in Developing Optimal Combinations
- Nitrogen Flux in Watersheds: The Role of Atmospheric Deposition, Waste Water Treatment Plants and Climate Oscillations in Nitrogen Exported to the Coastal Ecosystems
- On the Link Between Streamflow Transit Time and Hydrograph Recession
- On the instability leading to rip currents due to wave-current interaction
- Patterns and connections between aerosols, clouds and vegetation in the Amazon as seen by the twin MODIS sensors aboard Terra and Aqua
- Predictability of U.S. Winter Precipitation: Role of ENSO state in Developing Multimodel Combinations
- Regional hydroacoustic perspective of the January 2006 eruption at the East Pacific Rise, 9º- 50'N
- Soil-Water Evaporation Dynamics Determined From Soil Sensible Heat Transfer Measurements
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Groundwater-Based Nitrogen Input to a Stream in an Agricultural Watershed in North Carolina
- Spatial and temporal patterns of microearthquake frequency-magnitude distributions (b- values) within the axial region of the East Pacific Rise near 9-50 N
- Subsurface Characterization using Sensitivity based Pilot Point Methods
- The Effects of Disturbance on Forest Carbon Processes
- Tidal Influences on Tremor Activity at East Pacific Rise 9-50 N Eruption Site
- Tropical Cyclone Weather and Storminess
- Variability in Tidal Triggering of Microearthquakes at 9˚50'N East Pacific Rise
- A Potential Synergy Connecting Educational Leadership, The Geoscience Community, and Spatial Data
- A Preliminary Study of Sedimentation in the Mekong Sub-aqueous Delta, Southern Vietnam
- A new method of calculating magnetic hysteresis and thermal effects
- Acoustic monitoring of sea ice and ice sheet off Antarctic Peninsula
- Calibration of R/V Marcus G. Langseth Seismic Sources
- Decoupling the Influence of Leaf and Root Hydraulic Conductances on Stomatal Conductance and its Sensitivity to Vapor Pressure Deficit as Soil Dries in a Drained Loblolly Pine Plantation
- Digital Inversion and Initial Analysis of Nephelometer Data from the CHAPS Campaign
- Dislocations in single-domain grains: Linking stress fields to magnetic hysteresis properties
- Ecosystem carbon balance and vulnerability of soil carbon in a drained lower coastal plain loblolly pine plantation
- Electronic Structure of Solid FeO at High Pressures by Quantum Monte Carlo Methods
- Further consideration of the generation of rip currents by instability.
- How Well Do Optical and Geochemical Properties of Terrestrial DOM Correlate in the Coastal Ocean?
- Hydroacoustic monitoring of seafloor earthquake and cryogenic sounds in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
- Internal Solitary Waves Induced by Flow Over a Ridge: With Applications to the Northern South China Sea
- Investigation of Coastal Ocean Response to Landfalling Hurricane Using a Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Wave Sediment Transport (COAWST) Model: Idealized Experiments
- Investigation of Coastal Ocean Response to Landfalling hurricane using Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Wave Sediment Transport (COAWST) Model: Realistic Hindcast
- Investigation of the Gulf of Maine Circulation and Alexandrium fundyense Bloom in summer 2006: In Situ Observations and Numerical Modeling
- Isotopic Signatures of Particulate Organic Matter Sources, Transport Pathways and Diagenesis on the Waiapu Margin, New Zealand
- Late Quaternary Glacier Retreat in the Mongolian Altai
- Modeling Studies on Aging of Black Carbon and its Impact on Aerosol Optical and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Properties in Outflow From Anthropogenic Sources
- Modeling of atmospheric transport and deposition of iron to the oceans
- Nitrogen Isotopes in Tree Rings: A Record of Atmospheric Deposition or Tree Physiology?
- Occurrences and Origins of Hawaiian Intermediate- to Silicic-composition Magmas
- Preliminary Analysis of Multibeam, Subbottom, and Water Column Data Collected from the Juan de Fuca Plate and Gorda Ridge Earthquake Swarm Sites, March-April 2008.
- Probabilistic Estimates of Surface Ozone Concentration Derived Using an Ensemble of Model Configurations, Direct Sensitivity Calculations, and Bayesian Model Averaging
- Seismic activity associated with temperature perturbations at Bio 9 hydrothermal vent on the East Pacific Rise at 9deg50'N
- Sensitivity of indirect effects to cloud formation parameterization and meteorological fields
- Structure and Geomorphic Expression of the Delüün Fault and Late Cenozoic Transpressional Mountain Building in the Mongolian Altai
- The Chemical and Isotopic Signature of Old Groundwater and Magmatic Solutes in a Costa Rican Rainforest: Evidence From Carbon, Helium, and Chlorine
- The Role of Multimodel Combination in Improving Streamflow Prediction
- The Spatial Thinking Process Where Edcuational Leadership Tranfers Skill into the Classroom
- The distribution of near-axis seamounts at intermediate spreading ridges
- Tidal Triggering of Microearthquakes Constrains Permeability at 9º50'N East Pacific Rise
- Use of Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopes to Study Late Pleistocene to Holocene Environmental Change in the Waipaoa Sedimentary System, New Zealand
- Using Laser Scanning and Open Source GIS to Analyze Trends and Impacts of Topographic Change
- Using a Coupled Ocean - Atmosphere - Wave - Sediment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System to investigate impacts of storms on coastal systems
- Using a coupled wave and ocean circulation modeling system to investigate the impacts of Hurricane Isabel
- A Process Based Approach to Modeling Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions Across the Air-Surface Interface of Manure from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
- Availability Of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) In The Northern Cascadia Margin Gas Hydrate System: Results From IODP Expedition 311
- Climatic Effects of Marine Organic Aerosols
- Cloud condensation nucleation activity of secondary organic aerosols formed from the oxidation of alkenes and diiodomethane
- Connecting Oceanic Emissions, Aerosols, and Maritime Clouds: What do we know and where do we go?
- Direct comparison of three different methods of volcanic edifice identification from bathymetry maps
- Ecosystem biogeochemical function and services in an urbanizing desert region
- Geomorphology Of Possible Younger Dryas Boundary Impact Structure
- How well do GCMs simulate high impact measures of climate change? An assessment of past trends and future projections of agro-climate indices. (Invited)
- Identifying sediment sources and delivery mechanisms using background level polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Waiapu River watershed, New Zealand
- Incorporating Treatments of Marine Organics in the GU WRF/Chem Model
- Investigating variability in small multi-scale catchment response using lumped conceptual modelling of storm-based runoff and stable isotope data
- Investigations of the effects of air quality on surface UV solar radiation using measurements from the NOAA-EPA Brewer UV Network
- Isentropic descent beneath the Saharan Air Layer and its impact on tropical cyclogenesis
- Long-term controls on the composition of particulate organic carbon buried offshore from the Waipaoa River, North Island, New Zealand
- Long-term explosion records from two erupting submarine volcanoes in the Mariana and Tonga island-arcs
- Near-LES modeling of Eastern Pacific Stratocumulus Drizzle and Cloud Variability in VOCALS
- Nitrogen Flux in Watersheds: The Role of Soil Distributions and Climate in Nitrogen Flux to the Coastal Ecosystems
- Processes of Ammonia Air-Surface Exchange in a Fertilized Corn Canopy
- Processing Large LiDAR datasets for Forest Canopy Metrics Using 64-bit GRASS GIS (Invited)
- Quantifying the Impact of Mineral Dust and Dissolved Iron Deposition on Marine Biological Activity
- Reducing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from US Row-Crop Agriculture through Nitrogen Fertilizer Management: Development of an Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reduction Protocol
- Seafloor P- to T-wave Conversion at the Scotia Volcanic-Arc, South Atlantic Ocean
- Strategies to Improve the Accuracy of Mars-GRAM Sensitivity Studies at Large Optical Depths
- Temporal and Spatial Variation in Rainfall at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune North Carolina Using Tipping Bucket Gauges
- The Impact of Marine Organic Emissions on Coastal Air Quality of the Western US
- Variability and vertical structure of clouds and turbulence in the stratocumulus-capped boundary layer during VOCALS
- When do particle interactions lead to breakdown of the Thellier laws?
- A Process-Based Assessment of Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions in Complex Terrain
- A Watershed Context for Interpreting the Landscape-Scale Spatial Heterogeneity of Biosphere-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange in Complex Terrain
- A comparison of calibrated sap flow and MAESTRA model simulation estimates of tree transpiration in a Eucalyptus plantation
- A general framework for predicting CCN activity of organic molecules from functional group data
- Acoustic Transmission Loss and Prolonged Coda Durations of Seismic Airgunning at Intermediate Ranges in the Lau Back-Arc Basin
- Calculation of ferromagnetic resonance spectra for chains of magnetic particles
- Calibration of home-made heat dissipation probes for a full rotation of Eucalyptus grandis trees in Brazil
- Cumulative moment release along-axis at the EPR ISS from May 2005 to April 2006
- Deriving a relationship between wind speed and marine aerosol optical depth using CALIPSO and AMSR-E data
- Developing Regionally Downscaled Probabilistic Climate Change Projections for the Southeast Regional Assessment Project
- Development of a Continental Scale Water Balance Model and its Application in Projecting Water Supply Stress in the Conterminous U.S. Under Future Climate Scenarios
- Downscaling the North American Regional Reanalysis Wind Dataset
- Downward influence from the stratospheric final warming
- Enhanced NH3 emission from swine liquid waste
- Evaluating potential impacts of species conversion on transpiration in the Piedmont of North Carolina
- Examining the Motivation and Learning Strategies Use of Different Populations in Introductory Geosciences
- Finisher hog production in the Southeastern United States: Ancillary measurements derived from the National Air Emissions Monitoring Study (NAEMS)
- First Use of an Autonomous Glider for Exploring Submarine Volcanism in the SW Pacific
- Formation of volcanic edifices in response to changes in magma budget at intermediate spreading rate ridges
- Geophysics on Wikipedia
- Hanging-wall topographic expression in oblique contractional orogens
- Hindcasting of the Gulf of Mexico Circulation and Age and Distribution of the Oil Plume Arising from the Deepwater Horizon Spill
- How Instructional Strategies Impact Students' Learning, Motivation, and Learning Strategies in Introductory Geology Courses
- Hydroacoustic Monitoring of Seismic and Volcanic Activity within the Lau Basin (Invited)
- Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Processes in Long Bay of the Carolinas
- Hygroscopicity frequency distributions of secondary organic aerosols
- Impacts of Climate Change on Landscape Dynamics in the US Southeast
- Influence of particle surface modifications on the immersion freezing behavior of supercooled droplets
- Interannual to Decadal Variability in Hydroclimatic Data: Analyses and Implications to Water Management
- Investigation of Hurricane Ivan Using the Three-Way Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave Sediment Transport (COAWST) Model
- Isolating factors that determine the organic enrichment of sea spray
- Landscape structure controls on biogeochemical fluxes in complex terrain (Invited)
- Localized Modeling of Storm Surge Effects on Civil Infrastructure using ADCIRC
- Long-term measurements of aerosol hygroscopicity at a forested site in Colorado
- Monitoring Of Volcanic Processes Through Analysis Of Hydroacoustic Signals Originating From Monowai Seamount
- New Particle Formation Events at Duke Forest, North Carolina: Relation to Meteorological and Chemical Conditions
- New insights into modeling an organic mass fraction of sea spray aerosol
- Nitrogen Flux in Watersheds: The Role of Soil Distributions in Nitrogen Flux to the Coastal Ecosystems
- Observations of the Diurnal Cycle of Marine Stratocumulus During the VOCALS Regional Experiment
- Optical Analysis of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter as a Tracer of Organic Material in the Neuse River Estuary, Eastern North Carolina
- Optimization of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey Design for Dynamic Terrain Monitoring
- Predictability of stratospheric warming events: more from the troposphere or the stratosphere?
- Predicting dissolved organic nitrogen export from a poorly drained loblolly pine plantation using the forestry version of DRAINMOD-NII
- Prediction of Estrogen Runoff and Transport Driven by Rainfalls from Swine Spray Fields
- Probabilistic Water quality trading model conditioned on season-ahead nutrient load forecasts
- Projecting groundwater arsenic levels to define water use options in South Asia (Invited)
- Quantifying Marine Emissions of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Using Laboratory Measurements of Plankton Monocultures and Field Samples
- Reduced Deep Root Hydraulic Redistribution Due to Climate Change Impacts Carbon and Water Cycling in Southern US Pine Plantations
- Role of Climate Variability in Modulating Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction over the Southeast United States
- Sensitivity Analysis of Dune Height Measurements Along Cross-shore Profiles Using a Novel Method for Dune Ridge Extraction
- Shelfbreak Frontal Structure and Gulf Stream Interaction north of Cape Hatteras: High resolution observations and regional modeling
- Simulating the three dimensional dispersal of aging oil with a Lagrangian approach
- Temporal and Spatial Variability in the Partitioning and Flux of Riverine Iron Delivered to the Gulf of Alaska
- The Role of Multimodel Combination and Data assimilation in Improving Streamflow Prediction
- The contribution of harvest residue to ecosystem carbon balance over the production cycle of managed forests
- Tracing Organic Carbon from the Terrestrial to Marine Environment via Coupled Stable Carbon Isotope and Lignin Analyses
- Ubiquitous Drizzle from Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
- Underwater acoustic energy generated by drifting ice in the Scotia Sea
- Vegetation Fraction Mapping with High Resolution Multispectral Data in the Texas High Plains
- Vegetation influences on hillslope-stream connectivity in a forested northern Rocku Mountain watershed
- Volcanic Explosions, Seismicity, and Debris from the West and North Mata Volcano Complex, NE Lau Basin
- A Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Simulate Sociotechnical Dynamics in Urban Water Resources Management
- A Model for Partitioning CO2 Flux and Calculating Transformation of Soil C Fractions
- Assessing the dynamics of fluvial nitrate over short stream reaches in watersheds impacted by agricultural pollution
- Catchment isotope ecohydrology: Unraveling the combined influences of vegetation and topography on runoff generation in forested headwater catchments
- Characterizing Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from a Swine Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation
- Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Terrestrial-Ocean Fluxes of Carbon and Nutrients and Associated Biogeochemical Cycling in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ecosystem
- Comparative analysis of threshold rainfall-runoff response of small catchments in North Carolina's Piedmont region
- Competing for Water: Tension Between Biological and Physical Influences on Runoff in Vegetated Watersheds
- Connection to deep groundwater alters ecosystem carbon fluxes and budgets: an example from a Costa Rican rainforest (Invited)
- Determining the Inception and Magnitude of Subsurface Evaporation
- Discovery of Dynamic Dipoles Using Graph Based Representation of Climate Data
- Dissolved and particulate organic matter fluorescence in coastal river systems in relation to land use and carbon transfer
- Dynamic creation and distribution of flexible climate indices for ecological modeling and climate change impact assessments
- Ecohydrology of an Outbreak: Impacts of vegetation pattern and landscape structure on mountain pine beetle disturbance
- Elucidating the Effect of Biomolecule Structure on Calcium Carbonate Crystal Formation
- Emerging Patterns in Coupled Terrestrial-Aquatic Processes
- Evaluating the potential impact of marine organic aerosols on climate assessments
- Forest Canopy Temperature: a comparison between an isotopic measurement approach and photosynthesis-weighted air temperature
- Frequency and intensity of precipitation events as seen by the TRMM Precipitation Radar
- Gas flux measurements from a year-long hydroacoustic record at an erupting submarine volcano
- Geoscience Education Research: The Role of Collaborations with Education Researchers and Cognitive Scientists
- High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) of Dislocations in Magnetite
- How field monitoring of green infrastructure stormwater practices has led to changes in North Carolina's Stormwater BMP design manual
- Hydrology Controls Soil Respiration and its Isotopic Composition from Different Soil Types in a Forested Wetland in Southeast U.S.A
- Impacts of Vegetation and Development on the Morphology of Coastal Sand Dunes Using Modern Geospatial Techniques: Jockey's Ridge Case Study
- Improving Groundwater Predictions using Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts
- Improving Landslide Inventories by Limiting Land Classification to Drainage Areas of Debris Flow-Dominated Channels
- Intensive Eucalyptus plantation management in Brazil: Long-term effects on soil carbon dynamics across 300 sites
- Interactions of U.S. Agricultural Production with Climatic Stresses and Reactive Nitrogen
- Investigating Sediment Source to Sink Processes in a Post-Orogenic Landscape
- Is Basin Averaging Enough? Understanding The Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature - Tropical Cyclone Relationship
- Is it possible to detect marine biogenic aerosols with existing or future satellite platforms?
- Landscape structure and climate influences on hydrologic response
- Low-frequency oscillation in annual precipitation and streamflow over Southeastern United States
- Modeling GPP in Semi-arid Inner Mongolia using MODIS Imagery and Tower-based Fluxes
- Modeling Gas-phase Glyoxal and Associated Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in a Megacity using WRF/Chem
- Modeling the daily-flow distribution of unregulated basins in the continental US
- Modeling the effects of climate and land use change on instream temperature in the Upper Tar River, North Carolina
- Mongolian Summit Plateaus: Uplifted Mesozoic Erosion Surfaces or the Leveling of Topography by Quaternary Glacial and Periglacial Processes?
- Monte Carlo path sampling approach to modeling aeolian sediment transport
- National Mosaic and Multi-sensor QPE (NMQ/Q2) reanalysis in the Carolinas region and directions toward a ConUS-wide implementation
- Numerical simulation of dispersive magma shock waves
- Nutrient Overland Flow and Nitrous Oxide Losses from Residential Landscapes
- On the Cutting Edge: Face-to-Face and Virtual Professional Development for Current and Future Geoscience Faculty
- Organization and scaling of carbon dynamics in complex landscapes: Implications of water, life, and landform feedbacks for terrestrial carbon cycling
- Projecting Ammonia Dry Deposition Using Passive Samplers and a Bi-Directional Exchange Model
- Role of initial conditions and climate variability on seasonal streamflow forecasting in the southeastern US
- Solving stochastic systems with memory using algebraic geometry
- Systematic uncertainty reduction in streamflow forecasts development: Importance of Input and Hydrologic Model Uncertainty
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Measuring Stream Bank Erosion within Legacy Sediments: Data Processing and Analysis Methods
- The Eastern Pacific Diurnal Cycle of Clouds, Solar Forcing, and Tropospheric Waves
- The Topographic Wake of Transient Landscape Response Forced by Knickpoint Retreat in Post-Orogenic Settings
- The spatial distribution of precipitation frequency for atmospheric river storms in Northern California
- The use of stable isotopes of H and O as indicators of shifts in hydrological processes across multiple land-use types at the hillslope scale in the southern Appalachian Mountains
- Three-dimensional structure and evolution of the Sierra Barrier Jet: A CalWater case study from 14-16 February 2011
- Tidal triggering of microearthquakes through an eruptive cycle at the East Pacific Rise
- Updated dust-iron dissolution mechanism: Effects of organic acids, photolysis, and dust mineralogy
- Utility of Climate Forecasts in promoting optimal inter-basin transfer in the North Carolina Triangle Area Weihua Li, Sankarasubramanian Arumugam and Ranji S. Ranjithan Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering North Carolina State University
- Watershed storage and riverine particulate organic radiocarbon
- A High-Resolution Drought Monitoring Prototype Tool for the United States
- A Real-Time Data-Assimilative Nowcast/Forecast System for the Gulf of Mexico
- A Seismic Reflection Profiling Survey of Lake Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia: Preliminary Findings from the Field
- A Simple Framework To Estimate Distributed Soil Temperature From Discrete Air Temperature Measurements At High Temporal And Spatial Resolutions In Complex Terrain
- A Stochastic Hourly Stream Temperature Model to Forecast Land-Use and Climate Change Effects on Temperature Threshold Exceedance Duration for Freshwater Mussels
- A Storm Surge and Coastal Inundation Model TESTBED for the South Eastern Region of U.S
- A conifer-friendly high-throughput α-cellulose extraction method for δ13C and δ18O stable isotope ratio analysis
- A hydrodynamic instability for rip currents
- A new instrument for high resolution stereoscopic photography of falling hydrometeors with simultaneous measurement of fallspeed
- An Integrated Study of the Kinematics and Evolution of Fault Systems in the Hellenic Margin, Crete, Greece: Insight into Forearc Development above a Retreating Subduction Zone
- CO2 and CH4 exchange in an undisturbed coastal forested wetland in North Carolina
- Convergence of the effect of root hydraulic functioning and root hydraulic redistribution on ecosystem water and carbon balance across divergent forest ecosystems
- Decomposition of Sources of Errors in Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in a Rainfall-Runoff Dominated Basin
- Developing A Large-Scale, Collaborative, Productive Geoscience Education Network
- Development and applications of a Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System
- Effect of Secondary Organic Aerosol Coatings on Black Carbon Water Uptake, Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity, and Particle Collapse
- Electronic structure of transition metal and f-electron oxides by quantum Monte Carlo methods
- Environmental Controls of Ecosystem Evapotranspiration (ET): Why generalized ET models do not work for forests?
- Estimating Required Reservoir Storage from Synthetically Generated Streamflow through a Hierarchical Bayesian Framework Combining Observed and Paleo Streamflow
- Forecasting the Effects of Land-Use and Climate Change through 2060 on Stream Temperature in The Upper Tar River, North Carolina
- From Particles and Point Clouds to Voxel Models: High Resolution Modeling of Dynamic Landscapes in Open Source GIS
- Graph Based Analysis of Dynamic Teleconnections
- High Resolution Urban Land Cover Mapping Using NAIP Aerial Photography and Image Processing for the USEPA National Atlas of Sustainability and Ecosystem Services
- How plants die of thirst: insights into mechanisms of tree drought mortality
- Imputation of Continuous Tree Suitability over the Continental United States from Sparse Measurements Using Associative Clustering
- InTeGrate: Transforming the Teaching of Geoscience and Sustainability
- Incorporating Climate Change Effects into Next-Generation Coastal Inundation Decision Support Systems: An Integrated and Community-Based Approach
- Intracontinental Deformation and Surface Uplift - Geodynamic Evolution of the Hangay Dome, Mongolia Central Asia
- Kinematic Structures Observed in the Boundary Layer during the VOCALS-Rex Campaign
- Land use as an influence on runoff generating processes: A comparison of agricultural and forest land uses in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
- Lessons and Perspectives on Balancing Research and Diversity-Oriented Service
- Management Effects on Soil Respiration in North Carolina Coastal Plain Loblolly Pine Plantations
- Measurements of African dust aerosol properties as ice nuclei in the laboratory and atmosphere
- Metasomatic Evolution in Tectonically Mixed Zones (Mélange) and Significance for Geochemical Evolution of the Slab-Mantle Interface
- Model implementation of marine organc aerosols
- Modeling agricultural commodity prices and volatility in response to anticipated climate change
- Models for interacting superparamagnetic particles
- Observations of Cloud Fraction Variability within Southeast Pacific Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
- Oscillating controls on carbon sequestration in a subalpine forest ecosystem
- Probabilistic Projections of Corn Yield Damages in the Eastern United States Due to Climate Change
- Putting urban biomass on the map: contrasting case studies from three climactic zones
- Reducing the uncertainty in background marine aerosol radiative properties using CAM5 model results and CALIPSO-retrievals
- Seasonal fluctuation and estuarine removal of glacially-derived iron fluxes to the Gulf of Alaska
- Soil Carbon Transformation in Heterogeneous Landscapes
- Space-Time Cube Analytics of Evolving Landforms Captured by Airborne and Terrestrial Lidar
- Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks
- Spatial and temporal variability of runoff and streamflow generation within and among headwater catchments: a combined hydrometric and stable isotope approach
- Spatiotemporal Representation of Stream Bank Evolution Mapped by Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopic Composition of Diamond-Grade MORB
- Status of Air Quality in Central California and Needs for Further Study
- Sustainable Management of Coastal Environments Through Coupled Terrestrial-Coastal Ocean Models
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning of a Stream Bank During Naturally and Experimentally Induced Erosion by Groundwater Seepage
- The Role of Stratospheric Vortex Breakdown in Southern Hemisphere Climate Trends
- The Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO): Science at Your Fingertips
- The character of organic carbon in recharge water and arsenic mobilization in Bangladesh aquifers
- The combined effects of topography and vegetation on catchment connectivity
- The effect of asymmetrical topography on the generation of internal waves
- The use of PARAFAC components in studying headwater catchments: a stream and soil study
- Time and Space Scales of Variability of Sea Surface Salinity from Aquarius Data
- Trace gas fluxes in complex terrain: The space-time dynamics of soil methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide
- Updated dust-iron dissolution mechanism in GEOS-Chem
- Vertically Varying Cumulus Entrainment and Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves in a GCM
- Water withdrawals reduce native fish diversity across the sunbelt of the US
- Were parts of the Laurentian margin of Iapetus hyper-extended?
- A Max-Stable Spatial Model for Extreme Precipitation (Invited)
- A Multi-Level Approach to Modeling Rapidly Growing Mega-Regions as a Coupled Human-Natural System
- A high-resolution study of surfactant partitioning and kinetic limitations for two-component internally mixed aerosols
- A modeling study on the January 2013 severe haze over the southern Hebei, China
- Acoustic and tephra records of explosive eruptions at West Mata submarine volcano, NE Lau Basin
- Anomalies in Sea Spray Aerosol Optical Properties Detected by NASA High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Assessing Mountain Pine Beetle infestation patterns in space and time using high resolution QuickBird imagery and LiDAR
- Automated sinkhole detection using a DEM subsetting technique and fill tools at Mammoth Cave National Park
- CO2-induced decrease of canopy stomatal conductance of mature conifer and broadleaved trees
- Connection to deep groundwater alters ecosystem carbon fluxes and budgets: an example from a Costa Rican rainforest (Invited)
- Contribution of pollen to atmospheric ice nuclei concentrations
- Decadal Simulation and Comprehensive Evaluation of CESM/CAM5 with Advanced Chemistry, Aerosol Microphysics, and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
- Determining suitability of Large Aperture Scintillometer for validating remote sensing based evapotranspiration maps
- Development of a Climate Concept Inventory and Assessment of High-school Students Engaged in the EarthLabs Climate Modules
- Ecophysiological differences in tree carbon gain and water use for two fast growing loblolly pine ideotypes that differ in carbon allocation
- Effect of Plant Uptake on Perchlorate Isotopic Composition
- Effect of atmospheric organics on iron bioavailability
- Effect of particle interactions on thermoremanent magnetization
- Evaluation of Model Microphysics Within Precipitation Bands of Extratropical Cyclones
- Failure of an atmospheric model to capture the U.S. 'warming hole'
- Global Tree Range Shifts Under Forecasts from Two Alternative GCMs Using Two Future Scenarios
- Global emission projections for the transportation sector using dynamic technology modeling
- How sampling integration scale affects estimates of coupled groundwater and nitrogen fluxes into an agricultural stream
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Effects on the Spatial and Temporal Variability of the δ13C of Soil CO2 and CO2 Efflux in Complex Terrain
- Implementing a Volatility Basis Set Approach for Simulation of Secondary Organic Aerosol and its Climatic Impacts in CESM-CAM5
- InTeGrate's model for developing innovative, adaptable, interdisciplinary curricular materials that reach beyond the geosciences
- Incorporation of Advanced Activation Treatments into CESM/CAM5: Model Evaluation and Impacts on Aerosol Indirect Forcing
- Introducing Subgrid-scale Convective Cloud and Aerosol Interactions to the WRF-CMAQ Integrated Modeling System
- Investigating Climate Science Misconceptions Using a Teacher Professional Development Workshop Registration Survey
- Islands in the Sky: Ecophysiological Cloud-Vegetation Linkages in Southern Appalachian Mountain Cloud Forests
- Jet and storm track variability and change: adiabatic QG zonal averages and beyond... (Invited)
- Laboratory and modeling studies for the effect of atmospheric organics on iron bioavailability
- Long-term landscape evolution in the Hangay Dome, Mongolia
- Measurements of Semi-volatile Aerosol and Its Effect on Aerosol Optical Properties During Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study
- Mirror-type Boundary Condition in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
- Modeling the impacts of climate change on stream water temperature across the Conterminous U.S
- Monitoring Nitrate, Chlorophyll, and CDOM Cycling in a Reservoir using In Situ Mapping Techniques
- Motivation, Classroom Environment, and Learning in Introductory Geology: A Hierarchical Linear Model
- Nutrient Processing in Urban Headwater Streams and Floodplains Following Restoration (Invited)
- Organic Carbon from Mountains to the Seabed--Common Themes and Insights from Source-to-Sink Investigations
- Predicting Deforestation Patterns in Loreto, Peru from 2000-2010 Using a Nested GLM Approach
- Real-time Measurements of Biological Particles at Several Continental Sites using the WIBS-4A
- Soil bacterial and archaeal communities of the Stringer Creek Watershed in relation to soil moisture, chemistry, and gas fluxes
- Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks (Invited)
- Spatio-temporal distribution of microseismicity along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center, Lau Basin, SW Pacific
- Stomatal conductance at Duke FACE: Leveraging the lessons from 11 years of scaled sap flux measurements for region-wide analyses
- The Impacts of Marine Organic Emissions on Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate (Invited)
- The Relationship Between Lower Tropospheric Stability and Marine Stratiform Cloudiness From Seasonal to Daily Time Scales
- The acoustic response of submarine volcanoes in the Tofua Arc and northern Lau Basin following two great earthquakes in Samoa and Chile
- The biophysical controls on tree defense against attacking bark beetles in managed pine forests of the Southeastern United States
- The burial of organic carbon over the last 10 kyr by the Waipaoa River, New Zealand sedimentary system
- The effect of management on forest carbon fluxes
- The effects of climate variability on the rainfall runoff response of catchments from monthly to annual timescales
- The riskiness of extrapolating short term nutrient retention observations to long term trends in tidal marshes
- Topographic and Genetic Markers of Landscape Change: Landslides and Isolated Fish Populations Demarcating Basin-wide Erosional Waves Above the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigations of Domain Wall and Dislocation Interactions
- Trends in Particle-phase Liquid Water Measurements During the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study
- Tropospheric response to an 'ozone depletion'-like polar stratospheric cooling
- Two Model-Based Methods for Policy Analyses of Fine Particulate Matter Control in China: Source Apportionment and Source Sensitivity
- Uncertainty quantification and propagation in a complex human-environment system driven by fire and climate
- Using Landsat imagery and GIS to constrain late Miocene paleorelief and rates of erosion in the Hangay Dome, Mongolia
- Watershed scale soil biogeochemistry and greenhouse gas fluxes: Space-time dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O
- a Coupled Soil-Plant Approach to Modeling Convective Rainfall Initiation Induced by Water Table Fluctuation
- a Three-Dimensional Approach to Modeling Root Water Uptake by Multiple Trees
- A Framework for Evaluation of CORDEX Using Dam Operation Policies for the East African Hydroelectric Power Industry
- A Record of the in-Lake and Upland Response to Large Earthquakes, Lake Quinault, Washington
- A Template for an Intensive Ecohydrology Field Course
- Age and thinning effects on the temperature sensitivities of respiration in loblolly pine plantations in eastern North Carolina
- Agent-based Modeling to Simulate the Diffusion of Water-Efficient Innovations and the Emergence of Urban Water Sustainability
- Analysis of Giga-size Earth Observation Data in Open Source GRASS GIS 7 - from Desktop to On-line Solutions.
- Analysis of Submarine Landslides at West Mata Volcano, NE Lau Basin, Using Hydroacoustic Data
- Anthropogenic processing of dust affects the oxygen content of the North Pacific Ocean
- Assessing Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on Terrestiral-Ocean Fluxes of Carbon and Nutrients and their Cycling in Coastal Ecosystems
- Availability Of Deep Groundwater-Derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> For Plant Uptake In A Costa Rican Rainforest
- Beyond the climate envelope: using trait filtering models to predict biome boundaries from plant physiology.
- Can Knowledge Deficit Explain Societal Perception of Climate Change Risk?
- Carbon Accumulation and Nitrogen Pool Recovery during Transitions from Savanna to Forest in Central Brazil
- Characterization of Organic Carbon and Its Bioavailability in Recharge Waters and Aquifer Sediments: Implications for Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh
- Decomposition of Sources of Errors in Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting over the US Sunbelt
- Designing and Using Videos in Undergraduate Geoscience Education - a workshop and resource website review
- Developing a Graphical User Interface to Automate the Estimation and Prediction of Risk Values for Flood Protective Structures using Artificial Neural Network
- Dynamic base level and deterministic climate forcing as a possible explanation for transience in bedrock river incision rates
- Dynamics Governing the Response of Tidal Current in Jiaozhou Bay Mouth to Land Reclamation
- EarthLabs Climate Detectives: Using the Science, Data, and Technology of IODP Expedition 341 to Investigate the Earth's Past Climate
- Effects of LiDAR point density and landscape context on the retrieval of urban forest biomass
- Error Decomposition of Streamflow and Groundwater Projection Under Climate Change Information
- Estimation of Injected Carbon Longevity and Re-oxidation Times at Enhanced Reductive Bioremediation Sites
- Geomorphic and Fish Genetics Constraints on Late Cenozoic Long Wavelength Topographic Evolution of the Hangay Mountains, Central Mongolia
- Gulf Stream Power Characteristics near Cape Hatteras; Regional Model vs. Direct Current Observations
- IPHEx 2014: Observations of Orographic Precipitation Processes in the Southern Appalachians
- ISO, FGDC, DIF and Dublin Core - Making Sense of Metadata Standards for Earth Science Data
- Ice Nucleating Particles and their Role in California Winter Clouds
- Imagining Future Forests: What Models Can Learn from Field Data.
- Impact of Urbanization on Precipitation Distribution and Intensity over Lake Victoria Basin
- Implications of Water Use and Hydroclimatic Anomalies on the Freshwater Sustainability across the US Sunbelt
- Improved Regional Water Management Utilizing Climate Forecasts: An Inter-basin Transfer Model with a Risk Management Framework
- Improved Water and Energy Management Utilizing Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts
- Incorporating Systems Thinking in Traditional Geoscience Curriculum: A Laboratory Assignment
- Increasing Mississippi river discharge throughout the twenty-first century influenced by changes in climate, land use and atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Influences of Terrain Complexity on the Temporal Sensitivity of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes to Climate
- Initiating New Science Partnerships in Rural Education (INSPIRE): Enhancing Scientific Communication by Bringing STEM Research into the Classroom
- Initiating New Science Partnerships in Rural Education: STEM Graduate Students Bring Current Research into 7<SUP>th</SUP>-12<SUP>th</SUP> Grade Science Classrooms
- Inter-Comparison of WRF Model Simulated Winds and MISR Stereoscopic Winds Embedded within Mesoscale von Kármán Wake Vortices
- Long-Term Trends in DOC Concentrations and Fluxes in a Southern Appalachian Headwater Stream
- Modeling pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Variability in the Gulf of Mexico
- Modeling the Impacts of Historic Climate Change and Extreme Droughts on Water Yield and Productivity of National Forests over the Conterminous U.S
- Multivariate Downscaling of Decadal Climate Change Projections over the Sunbelt
- Natural and Human Impacts on Recent Development of Asian Large Rivers and Deltas
- Observations of Undergraduate Geoscience Instruction in the US: Measuring Student Centered Teaching
- Observed Influence of Riming, Temperature, and Turbulence on the Fallspeed of Solid Precipitation
- On the Cutting Edge: Workshops, Online Resources, and Community Development
- On the role of spatial patterns of watershed storage in observed storage-discharge relationships
- Optimal Design and Operation of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation Using Stochastic Cost Optimization Toolkit
- Paper 5643 - Role of Maintenance in the Performance of Stormwater Control Measures
- Predictability of magnetic hysteresis and thermoremanent magnetization using Preisach theory
- Preparing Teachers to Support the Development of Climate Literate Students
- Reactive transport modeling of secondary water quality impacts due to anaerobic bioremediation
- Scaling of Viscous Shear Zones with Depth Dependent Viscosity and Power Law Stress-strain Rate Dependence
- Seasonal changes in H/V spectral ratio at high-latitude seismic stations
- Sources of Errors in Developing Monthly to Seasonal Nutrient Forecasts
- Space-time Variability of Baseflow in Headwater Streams of the Southern Appalachians
- Spatial and Temporal Statistics for Validating Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Measurements with Argo in Situ Observations
- Spatial patterns of catchment water redistribution: The intersection of topography and vegetation structure
- Stick-slip failure in granular experiments: the role of low-frequency vibrational modes
- Tangible Exploration of Subsurface Data
- Teaching Climate Change in the Undergraduate and Graduate Classroom Using Multiple Representations and a Variety of Teaching Modalities
- Testing framework for GRASS GIS: ensuring reproducibility of scientific geospatial computing
- The Effect of Aerosol Hygroscopicity and Volatility on Aerosol Optical Properties During Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study
- The Effects of Dislocations on the Verwey Transition as Observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Low Temperature Magnetic Measurements
- The Fate of Soil OC in the Marine Environment: Examples from the Rapidly Eroding Landscapes of Two New Zealand North Island Rivers
- The GPM GV Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) in the Southern Appalachians- Focus on Water Cycle Processes
- The Hangay Dome, central Mongolia: A relict Mesozoic landscape
- The role of tree species and soil moisture in soil organic matter stabilization and destabilization
- Toward Quantifying the Mass-Based Hygroscopicity of Individual Submicron Atmospheric Aerosol Particles with STXM/NEXAFS and SEM/EDX
- Vapor Pressure Deficit, Soil Moisture, and Stream Flow Relationships to Land-Atmosphere Fluxes of Water and Carbon.
- Version 5 of Forecasts; Forecasts of Climate-Associated Shifts in Tree Species
- Vertical Sampling in Recharge Areas Versus Lateral Sampling in Discharge Areas: Assessing the Agricultural Nitrogen Legacy in Groundwater
- Wagging ETOM's Long Tail: MOOCs, Hangouts on Air, and Formal and Informal Undergraduate Experiences with Climate Change Science and Clean Energy Solutions
- Water Quality Data at High Time and Space Resolution in the Field : Expanding Spectrophotometer Capabilities with Arduino Driven Autosamplers
- Where No (Observed) Forest has Gone Before: New Patterns in Forest Response to Climate Change and Variability
- Who Died, Where? Quantification of Drought-Induced Tree Mortality in Texas
- kNOw Soil - kNOw Life: Integrating soil science across disciplines
- A Comparative Study of the 2011 and 2015 Eruptions of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, From Seafloor Hydrophones
- A Fast and Scalable Method for A-Optimal Design of Experiments for Infinite-dimensional Bayesian Nonlinear Inverse Problems with Application to Porous Medium Flow
- A Prototype for Content-Rich Decision-Making Support in NOAA using Data as an Asset
- Aerosol Size, CCN, and Black Carbon Properties at a Coastal Site in the Eastern U.S.
- Aerosol Types using Passive Remote Sensing: Global Distribution, Consistency Check, Total-Column Investigation and Translation into Composition Derived from Climate and Chemical Transport Model
- Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event
- An Investigation of the Hydroclimate Variability of Eastern Africa
- An index for assessing salt-water vulnerability in coastal regions
- Antibiotics and Manure Effects on Microbial Communities Responsible for Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Grasslands
- Assessing Information Quality: Use Cases for the Data Stewardship Maturity Matrix
- Assessing Stewardship Maturity: Use Case Results and Lessons Learned
- Assessing the Potential Impact of the 2015-2016 El Niño on the California Rim Fire Burn Scar Through Debris Flow Hazard Mapping
- Assessment of High-school Students Engaged in the EarthLabs Climate Modules using the Climate Concept Inventory
- Betwixt and Between: Structure and Evolution of Central Mongolia
- Bimodality of Pure Compaction Bands, Buckskin Gulch, Utah
- Black and Brown Carbon in Biogenic Settings with Different Levels of Anthropogenic Influence, and The Effect of Semivolatile Compounds on Aerosol Optical Properties
- Capturing Tweets on Climate Change: What is the role of Twitter in Climate Change Communication?
- Change of Tree-ring δ13C, δ18O and Water Use Efficiency of Loblolly Pine in Southeastern US in Response to Drought
- Cost and Performance Assessment of In-situ Chemical Oxidation for Intermittent and Continuous Oxidant Injection
- Development of a Computational Framework for Stochastic Co-optimization of Water and Energy Resource Allocations under Climatic Uncertainty
- Effects of Forest Management on Productivity and Carbon Sequestration:A Review and Hypothesis
- Enabling the Usability of Earth Science Data Products and Services by Evaluating, Describing, and Improving Data Quality throughout the Data Lifecycle
- Evaluation of the performance of the WRF 1-Dimensional Lake model over the East Africa Great Lakes
- Evapotranspiration of a pine-switchgrass intercropping bioenergy system measured by combined surface renewal and energy balance method
- Exploring Tradeoffs in Demand-side and Supply-side Management of Urban Water Resources using Agent-based Modeling and Evolutionary Computation
- Fire-Vegetation-Microclimate Feedbacks under Simulated Global Change in Savanna - Wetland Ecotones
- Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS
- Fostering Engagement Activities To Advance Adaptation And Resiliency
- Gap-flow Mediated Transport of Pollution to a Remote Coastal Site: Effects upon Aerosol Composition
- Gravity and Magnetotelluric Modeling of the Santo Domingo Basin, Northern New Mexico
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Gulf Stream marine hydrokinetic energy resource characterization off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
- High Altitude Infrasound Measurements using Balloon-Borne Arrays
- How much does downscaling contribute to uncertainty in downscaled climate projections? A case study in Eastern North Carolina.
- Importance of Preserving Cross-correlation in developing Statistically Downscaled Climate Forcings and in estimating Land-surface Fluxes and States
- Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products - An Overview
- Incorporating Ecosystem Experiments and Observations into Process Models of Forest Carbon and Water Cycles: Challenges and Solutions
- Investigation of the Relative Effects of Insolation, Groundwater, and Spatial Variability in Temperature Dynamics of Two Headwater Streams
- Laser Measurements of the H Atom + Ozone Rate Constant at Atmospheric Temperatures
- Market Anatomy of a Drought: Modeling Barge and Corn Market Adaptation to Reduced Rainfall and Low Mississippi River Water Levels During the 2012 Midwestern U.S. Drought
- Measurements of Hygroscopicity- and Size-Resolved Sea Spray Aerosol
- Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER.
- Mercury's global evolution: New views from MESSENGER
- Microcosm Studies to Evaluate Aerobic Cometabolism of Low Concentrations of 1,4-Dioxane by Isobutane-utilizing Microorganisms in the Presence of Chlorinated Solvent Co-contaminants
- Modeling the Local Ecological Response to Regional Landscape and Global Change Forcings: A Case Study of Bioenergy in North Carolina, USA
- Modeling the impacts of climate change on stream water temperature across scales
- Multivariate Bias Correction Procedures for Improving Water Quality Predictions using Mechanistic Models
- New Instrument for Measuring Size-resolved Submicron Sea Spray Particle Production From Ocean
- Nitrogen Flux in Watersheds: the Role of Critical Buffer Zones in River Nitrate Concentration Variations
- Non-planetary Science from Planetary Missions
- On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program - An effective model built from years of experience
- Predicting future productivity of Southeastern U.S. pine ecosystems in a changing climate using data assimilation with diverse data sources
- Production of Excess CO<SUB>2</SUB> relative to methane in peatlands: a new H<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- Psychometric Principles in Measurement for Geoscience Education Research: A Climate Change Example
- Pupil diameter as predictor of cognitive load: A novel tool for geoscience education research
- Quantifying Carbon Consequences of Recent Land Management and Disturbances in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE) by linking inventory data, remote sensing and carbon modeling
- Quantifying the Value of Downscaled Climate Model Information for Adaptation Decisions: When is Downscaling a Smart Decision?
- Regional Groundwater Discharge Drives High Carbon Dioxide Emissions from a Lowland Tropical Rainforest Stream
- Relative permeability of hydrate-bearing sediments from percolation theory and critical path analysis: theoretical and experimental results
- Salinization of Freshwater-Dependent Coastal Ecosystems: Understanding Landscapes in Transition Along the Leading Edge of Climate Change
- Scalable Algorithms for Global Scale Remote Sensing Applications
- Science-Grade Observing Systems as Process Observatories: Mapping and Understanding Nonlinearity and Multiscale Memory with Models and Observations
- Seasonal Variation in the Quality of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Matter Exchanged Between a Salt Marsh and Its Adjacent Estuary
- Shifts in Functional Traits Elevate Risk of Fire-driven Tree Dieback in Tropical Savanna-forest Biomes
- Slow death for a swamp forest: Implications of salinity, infrastructure and their interactions for ecosystems in transition along North Carolina's estuarine coast
- Source Contributions of Urban PM2.5 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region: Changes between 2006 and 2013 and Relative Impacts of Emissions and Meteorology
- Sources and fate of bioavailable dissolved organic nitrogen in the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina
- State Wildlife Action Plans as Tools for Adapting to a Continuously Changing Climate
- The EarthLabs Climate Series: Approaching Climate Literacy From Multiple Contexts
- The Fifth International Ice Nucleation Workshop Activities FIN-1 and FIN-2: Overview and Selected Results
- The First Global Geological Map of Mercury
- The Influence of Regional Groundwater on the Dissolved Organic Matter in Costa Rican Streams
- The Presence and Origin of Enterococcus faecalis in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
- The Stability of Peatland Carbon Stores to Global Change: Evidence for Enhanced Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production
- The role of hydroclimate and water use on freshwater sustainability over the conterminous US.
- Tidal Triggering and Statistical Patterns of Microseismicity at Axial Volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Transit Times In A Shallow Aquifer From Tracer Measurements In The Aquifer And A Gaining Stream
- Uncertainty in Estimation of Bioenergy Induced Lulc Change: Development of a New Change Detection Technique.
- Understanding the Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Streamflow: Human-Feedback Analysis on Downstream Impacts and Relevance to Reservoir Management
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors
- Uptake of Cadmium by Flue-Cured Tobacco Plants: Exploring Bioavailability
- Using a data fusion method to estimate daily stand-scale evapotranspiration over a managed pine plantation in North Carolina, USA
- Watershed Ecohydrology: How Do Vegetation Patterns and Climate Affect Watershed Storage and Connectivity?
- What Controls the Extent of Tropical Forest? An 8-year Experiment to Understand the Response of Savanna-Forest Boundaries to Climate, Soils, and Fire in Central Brazil
- Afloat in a Boat: Linking Land Use / Land Cover to the Spatial Evolution of Water Quality along a Blackwater Stream
- Alpine lakes preserve mineral dust signatures: Implications for long-range mineral dust transport and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) tornado frequency in the United States
- An Empirical Typology of Tree Species Assemblages across the U.S. for Assessing Climate Change Threats to Forest Communities
- Applying Machine Learning to Climate Forcing of Streamflow: Regression Ensembles Illuminate Local Influences on Watershed Responses to ENSO.
- Archaeological Geophysics in Field Courses and Flipped-Classrooms: Lessons Learned from the Marine and Geological Science Programs at North Carolina State University
- Biomineralization of 1,4-dioxane in Pure Culture, Microcosm, and Column Studies Using <SUP>13</SUP>C Labeling
- Carbon sequestration potential in operational loblolly pine plantations
- Change of intrinsic Water Use Efficiency of Loblolly Pine in Southeastern US in Response to Drought and Fertilization
- Characterizing Magnetic Properties in Belize Corals
- Climate Voyager: An Iteratively Built Information and Visualization Tool for At-Risk Climate Communities
- Comparing Mid-Century Climate Change Projections at Convective Resolving Scales (2-km) for Life Zones Within Puerto Rico
- Comparison of Sensor Resolution Trade-offs Between Landsat 8 and a Sentinel-2 Proxy for Mapping Wetland Vegetation Phenology
- Controls on cross-shore sediment flux and geometry of the subaqueous Mekong Delta
- Coupling simultaneous dissolved nitrate measurements with quantum cascade laser based nitrous oxide flux and isotopocule analysis to investigate the biogeochemical processes occurring in a denitrifying bioreactor.
- Customer Use Cases and Analytics for Climate Data at NOAA's National Centers forEnvironmental Information
- D-Optimal Experimental Design for Contaminant Source Identification
- Depicting CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes and drivers dynamics
- Depth of Faulting in Mercury's Northern Hemisphere from Lobate Scarp Morphology
- Developing Indicators of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux from Arctic Wetlands
- Development of the User Interface for AIR-Spec
- Development, testing and application of an integrated field scale model for water, carbon, and nitrogen cycling in bioenergy ecosystems (monoculture and intercropping) in lowland areas
- Drier climate and productivity of operational poplar plantation - four years of throughfall exclusion experiment
- Ecohydrology of a Tropical Landscape: Hydrological Regimes and Implications for Water Resources and Ecological Dynamics in the Talgua Watershed, Honduras
- Effect of atmospheric organics on bioavailable Fe lifetime in the oceans
- Effects of Climate Variability on Transpacific Transport of Ozone
- Evaluation of surface renewal and flux-variance methods above agricultural and forest surfaces
- Export and losses of blue carbon-derived particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC and DOC) in blackwater river-dominated and particle-dominated estuaries
- Ghost Forest Rising: A Hyperspectral Approach to Assessing Vegetation Health and Tree Die-Off in Response to Saltwater Intrusion in a Coastal Environment
- Harnessing long-term flux records to better understand ecosystem response to drought
- High resolution satellite retrievals of NO<SUB>2</SUB> and Aerosol Optical Depth for health impact studies on urban scales
- High-resolution photometric observations of swirls from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Icy Shell Stresses from Despinning and Thickness Variations: Applications to Rifting on Icy Moons of Saturn
- Implementation of a subcanopy solar radiation model on a forested headwater basin in the Southern Appalachians to estimate riparian canopy density and stream insolation for stream temperature models
- Indigenous Waters: Applying the SWAT Hydrological Model to the Lumbee River Watershed
- Influence of Air Pollutant Emission Controls on the "Climate Penalty" in the United States
- Kinetic Studies of the Cometabolism of 1,4-DIOXANE and Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Mixtures by Rhodococcus Rhodochrous Grown on Isobutane
- Laboratory Measurements of Biomass Cook-stove Emissions Aged in an Oxidation Flow Reactor: Influence of Combustion and Aging Conditions on Aerosols
- Linking netCDF Data with the Semantic Web - Enhancing Data Discovery Across Domains
- Linking remotely sensed aerosol types to their chemical composition
- Managed Clearings: an Unaccounted Land-cover in Urbanizing Regions
- Marine Hydrokinetic Energy from Western Boundary Currents
- Measuring evapotranspiration: comparison of in situ micrometeorological methods including eddy covariance, scintillometer, Bowen ratio, and surface renewal method
- Microbially-mediated Destabilization Of Sedimentary Organic Carbon: Isotopic Tracking of Carbon Movement in Laboratory Incubations of Glucose-amended Aquifer Sediment to Determine Priming Effects
- Microearthquake focal mechanisms and ring-fault mechanics during periods of inflation, deflation, and re-inflation surrounding the 2015 eruption of Axial Seamount
- Model Independence in Downscaled Climate Projections: a Case Study in the Southeast United States
- Modeling of Density-Dependent Flow based on the Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory
- Multi-Year Application and Evaluation over U.S. using the Weather Research and Forecasting model with Chemistry and the Physics/Aerosol Packages from the Community Atmosphere Model version 5 (WRF-CAM5)
- Multisource Image Kalman Filtering for Rapid Phenological Monitoring and Forecasting
- NOAA's Regional Climate Services Program: Building Relationships with Partners and Customers to Deliver Trusted Climate Information at Usable Scales
- NOAA's State Climate Summaries for the National Climate Assessment: A Sustained Assessment Product
- Observations of beach cusp evolution using a stationary, shore-based lidar system
- Progress towards the use of publicly available data networks to conduct cross-scale historical reconstructions of carbon dynamics in US Drylands
- Projecting climate change impact on water-carbon cycling in the conterminous United States
- Quantification of Aerobic Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria in Soil using Activity-Based Fluorescent Labeling of Ammonia Monooxygenase
- Quantifying Carbon Consequences of Recent Land Management, Disturbances and Subsequent Forest Recovery in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE)
- Re-plumbing the coast: Untangling the effects of climate change and water management on vulnerability of coastal landscapes to saltwater incursion
- Scale Dependence of Air-Sea Interaction
- Scale-dependency of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions using Scale-Aware Cloud Microphysics in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Seasonal estimates of DOC standing stocks in Apalachicola Bay estuary: Towards a better understanding using field, ocean color and model data
- Shipborne measurements of aerosol number size distribution and hygroscopicity over the North Pacific Ocean
- Spaceborne Remote Sensing of Aerosol Type: Global Distribution, Model Evaluation and Translation into Chemical Speciation
- Structural uncertainty of downscaled climate model output in a difficult-to-resolve environment: data sparseness and parameterization error contribution to statistical and dynamical downscaling output in the U.S. Caribbean region
- Substantial Lateral Motions Accompany Tectonic Deformation on Venus
- Supporting the Creation and Publication of Reviewed and Tested Teaching Modules through the InTeGrate Project
- Synthesis of US Public Water Supply: Spatio-temporal Patterns and Socio-Economic Controls
- Terra Incognita: Absence of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations from the National Land Cover Database and Implications for Environmental Risk
- The Influence of Water Circulation on Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in Bald Head Creek
- Throughfall reduction and nutrient availability effects on carbon balance in loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States
- Urgent and Compelling Need for Coastal and Inland Aquatic Ecosystem Research Using Space-Based Sensors
- Utilizing Climate Forecasts for Improving Water and Power Systems Coordination
- Vulnerability Assessment of Groundwater Resources by Nutrient Source Apportionment to Individual Groundwater Wells: A Case Study in North Carolina
- Water and Power Systems Co-optimization under a High Performance Computing Framework
- Water in the Native World: Hydrological Impacts of Future Land Use and Climate Change in the Lumbee River Watershed and Implications for Ecosystems and Indigenous Communities
- Watershed-scale Hydrology and Water Quality Impact of Switchgrass Intercropping in Southern Managed Pine Forests
- Waveform Template Matching and Analysis of Hydroacoustic Events from the April-May 2015 Eruption of Axial Volcano
- Western Tropical Atlantic Hydrologic change during the last 130,000 years
- Wildland fire and climate variability impacts on annual streamflow in watersheds across the continental United States: Regional patterns and attribution analysis
- Analysis of Fault Spacing in Thrust-Belt Wedges Using Numerical Modeling
- Application of fluorescence spectroscopy for dissolved organic matter characterization in constructed wetlands
- Assessing the Impact of Fires on Air Quality in the Southeastern U.S. with a Unified Prescribed Burning Database
- Automated Detection of Fronts using a Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network
- Automated species-level identification and segmentation of planktonic foraminifera using convolutional neural networks
- Beyond Box Checking: Toward Sound Environmental Justice Analyses for Informed Decision-Making and Meaningful Tribal Consultation
- Block Tectonic Motion on Venus
- Can small island mountains provide relief from the Subtropical Precipitation Decline? Simulating future precipitation regimes for small island nations using high resolution Regional Climate Models.
- Characterizing the "Time of Emergence" of Air Quality Climate Penalties
- Climate Penalty on Air Quality and Human Health in China and India
- Coarse-grained Mineral Dust Deposition in Alpine Lake Sediments: Implications for Regional Drought Patterns and Land-use Changes in the Southwest USA
- Combining X-Ray Fluorescence and Magnetic Techniques to Quantify Elemental Concentrations in Coral Cores from Belize
- Combining multiple approaches and optimized data resolution for an improved understanding of stream temperature dynamics of a forested headwater basin in the Southern Appalachians
- Combining photorealistic immersive geovisualization and high-resolution geospatial data to enhance human-scale viewshed modelling
- Continuous Flow Hygroscopicity-Resolved Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (Hy-Res REA) Method of Measuring Size-Resolved Sea-Salt Particle Fluxes
- Contribution of Seawater Surfactants to Generated Primary Marine Aerosol Particles
- Crater Degradation on Mercury: A Global Perspective
- Customer Use Cases and Analytics for Climate Data at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information
- Data Assimilation using observed streamflow and remotely-sensed soil moisture for improving sub-seasonal-to-seasonal forecasting
- Determination of Tree and Understory Water Sources and Residence Times Using Stable Isotopes in a Southern Appalachian Forest
- Direct push injection logging for high resolution characterization of low permeability zones
- Dynamic Bubble Surface Tension Measurements in Northwest Atlantic Seawater
- Ecohydrological Responses to Hurricane Harvey across South-Central Texas a Multidisciplinary Approach of the Texas Water Observatory
- Ecosystem Level Methane Dynamics in a Southern Forest Wetland
- Evaluating Outdoor Water Use Demand under Changing Climatic and Demographic Conditions: An Agent-based Modeling Approach
- Fast and Slow Dynamics of Saltwater Exposure in Freshwater-Dependent Coastal Ecosystems
- Future Wildfire and Managed Fire Interactions in the Lake Tahoe Basin
- Gaseous Criteria Pollutants in Bangkok Metropolitan Region, Thailand: Analysis, Issues and Management
- Global latitudinal trends in peat recalcitrance quantified with calibrated FTIR spectroscopy
- Hurricane Matthew's Effects on Wetland Sources of Organic Matter to North Carolina Coastal Waters.
- Hydrological Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter Quality and Export in a Coastal River System in Southeastern USA
- Identifying ecological "sweet spots" underlying cyanobacteria functional group dynamics from long-term observations using a statistical machine learning approach
- Impacts of Extreme Flooding on Hydrologic Connectivity and Water Quality in the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Implications for Vulnerable Populations
- Influences of Moisture Regimes and Functional Plant Types on Nutrient Cycling in Permafrost Regions
- Influences of Scavenging and Removal of Surfactants by Bubble Processing on Primary Marine Aerosol Production from North Atlantic Seawater
- Insights Regarding Ice Nucleating Particle Measurement Capabilities from Laboratory and Field Measurements During the Fifth International Ice Nucleation Workshop
- Integrated Drought Monitoring and Forecasts for Decision Making in Water and Agricultural Sectors over the Southeastern US under Changing Climate
- Integrated indicators are important metrics of catchment biogeochemical function
- Investigating Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence Transformations with Organic Geochemical Proxies in a Growth and Degradation Experiment using Amino Acids, Amino Sugars, and Phenols
- Key Findings from the U.S.-India Partnership for Climate Resilience Workshop on Development and Application of Downscaling Climate Projections
- Land loss by pond expansion on the Mississippi River Delta Plain
- Landscape Evolution Comparison between Sacra Mensa, Mars and the Grand Mesa, Colorado, USA
- Learning topography with Tangible Landscape games
- Leveraging Mechanism Simplicity and Strategic Averaging to Identify Signals from Highly Heterogeneous Spatial and Temporal Ozone Data
- Linking solar induced fluorescence with genetic variability in productivity of biomass sorghum.
- Local and regional scale exchanges of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) between tidal wetlands and their adjacent coastal waters
- Long-term stream discharge and chemistry observations reveal unexpected ecosystem dynamics: Coweeta Watershed 7 clearcut manipulation
- Mars: Lithospheric Flexure of the Tharsis Montes Volcanoes and the Evolutionary Relationship to Their Tectonic History
- Mercury's Lithospheric Magnetization
- Multivariate Bias Correction Procedures for Improving Water Quality Predictions from the SWAT Model
- NHERI: Advancing the Research Infrastructure of the Multi-Hazard Community
- Nitrate and Moisture Content of Broad Permafrost Landscape Features in the Barrow Peninsula: Predicting Evolving NO<SUB>3</SUB> Concentrations in a Changing Arctic
- Nitrate concentration-drainage flow (C-Q) relationship for a drained agricultural field in Eastern North Carolina Plain
- Physical factors controlling carbon cycling dynamics in blackwater river-dominated and particle dominated estuaries
- Potential Impacts of Future Climate Change on Regional Air Quality and Public Health over China
- Predicting marine physical-biogeochemical variabilities in the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern U.S. shelf sea
- Progress toward Modular UAS for Geoscience Applications
- Properties and Fluxes of Primary Marine Aerosol Generated Via Detrainment of Turbulence-Modulated Bubble Plumes from Fresh North Atlantic Seawater
- Quantifying and predicting historical and future patterns of carbon fluxes from the North American Continent to Ocean
- Quantifying the Spatio-temporal Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Carbon Storage Using Repeat Lidar Surveys and Multispectral Satellite Imagery
- Radiocarbon (<SUP>14</SUP>C) Constraints On The Fraction Of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon In Primary Marine Aerosol From The Northwest Atlantic
- Simulating Bubble Plumes from Breaking Waves with a Forced-Air Venturi
- Soil pH Errors Propagation from Measurements to Spatial Predictions - Cost Benefit Analysis and Risk Assessment Implications for Practitioners and Modelers
- Spacing of Imbricated Thrust Faults and the Strength of Thrust-Belts and Accretionary Wedges
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Land Loss in Mississippi River Delta
- Spatiotemporal behavior of microearthquakes over an eruption cycle at 9°50'N East Pacific Rise and Axial Seamount
- Statistical Compression for Climate Model Output
- Streamflow response to future land-cover change at a headwaters catchment spanning the alpine-subalpine transition on the Colorado Front Range
- Sub-seasonal-to-seasonal Reservoir Inflow Forecast using Bayesian Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model
- Temporal variability in the importance of hydrologic, biotic, and climatic descriptors of dissolved oxygen dynamics in a shallow tidal-marsh creek
- Temporally Resolved Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics on the Georgia Coast
- Test of Monin-Obukhov similarity theory using distributed temperature sensing
- Tools for open geospatial science
- Topographic Signatures of Extensional Tectonic Landforms at Alba Mons, Mars
- Understanding and Projecting Climate and Human Impacts on Terrestrial-Coastal Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes
- Understanding the Effect of Biomineralization on Subsurface Injection Processes
- Updating older forest inventory data with a growth model and satellite records to improve the responsiveness and currency of national carbon monitoring
- Using Remote Sensing and Synthetic Controls to Understand Deforestation Drivers and their Moderation by Forest Use in Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Variability in isotopic composition of baseflow in two headwater streams of the southern Appalachians
- Water and Energy Balances of Loblolly Pine Plantation Forests during a Full Stand Rotation
- Water savings from reduced alfalfa cropping in California's Upper San Joaquin Valley
- What Happens Where the Water and the Rock Touch in Small Space Bodies
- What are the Best Practices of Using to Twitter in Climate Change Communication?: A Case Study of Two Climate Related Events
- When high waters recede and the floodplain reemerges: Evaluating the lingering effects of extreme flooding on stream nitrogen cycling.
- A 2.5D Seismic Exploration of the Ayeyarwady River Subaqueous Delta in the Andaman Sea
- A Conceptual Approach using the "Limits Concept" for Extending Budyko's Framework for Natural Watersheds and Human-Altered Landscapes
- A Globally Fragmented and Mobile Lithosphere on Venus
- Adaptive Management as structured Translational Ecology: A proposal and a case study from Puerto Rico
- Addressing SST Uncertainty for Future Precipitation Extremes within the Southeast and Caribbean US at Convective Permitting Scales
- An Overview of the U.S.-India Partnership for Climate Resilience
- An improved and practical approach for estimating catchment-scale response functions through power spectral analysis
- Analysis of the Jack Rabbit II Sonic Anemometer Dataset to Inform Boundary Layer Adjustments in Atmospheric Dispersion Models
- Anticipated improvements to in-river DEMs from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission
- Application of Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) precipitation forecast in multipurpose multi-reservoir system for water and energy management
- Application of WRF Model for Simulation of High Ozone Episodes in Islamabad, Pakistan
- Artificial Drainage and the Altered Vulnerability of Freshwater-Dependent Coastal Landscapes to Saltwater Intrusion
- Assessing climate risks and adaptation opportunities in the Southeast U.S. as part of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- Assessing the Impact of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms on Drinking Water Intakes Across the United States
- Assessment of important SPECIATE profiles in EPA's emissions modeling platform and current data gaps
- Atmospheric Fronts in Climate Models: Inter-comparison Across Historical and Future Scenarios
- Below canopy radiation divergence in a vineyard - implications on inter-row surface energy balance
- Beyond Citizen Science: Models for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and STEM Education
- Building Digital Infrastructure and Communities to Assess Risk of Drinking Water Hazards Caused by Hurricanes Maria and Florence
- Can reduced forest density increase resilience to severe drought in municipal water supply watersheds across a gradient of urbanization?
- Carbonate Clumped Isotope-derived Climate Records of the Early Paleogene from Ellesmere Island and Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut, Arctic Canada
- Challenges and opportunities in modeling cross-scale, cross-sector feedbacks to inform critical decision-making in food-energy-water systems
- Characterization of Air Quality in Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR), Thailand
- Characterization of Reactive Nitrogen Emissions from Turfgrass
- Classification of Disturbance Events Preserved in the Late Holocene Sedimentary Record of Lake Crescent, WA
- Cloud droplet activation of secondary organic aerosol is mainly controlled by molecular weight
- Community-Based Research Teams: Examples from On the Cutting Edge and InTeGrate Projects
- Construction of Landscape Level QL2 LiDAR Data Sets for Species Habitat Assessment in Eastern North Carolina.
- Coupling Climate, Land Use, and Land Cover Projections to Identify Estuaries Threatened by Freshwater-driven Change across the South Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
- Coupling Hydrologic Model Outputs and Demographics Data to Inform Climate Change Planning
- Decadal changes in groundwater recharge and nitrate concentrations in a shallow aquifer under changing agricultural practices: application of repeat sampling and machine learning approaches
- Detecting Waves in Doppler Radial Velocity Observations
- Determining Thermal Properties of Soil Using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing Models in COMSOL Multiphysics
- Downscaling of Real-Time Coastal Flooding Predictions for Decision Support
- Drivers of spatial resilience under climate change
- Dynamic pore volumes and hydraulic properties in a tilled soil
- Ecosystem Model Comparison at Multiple Scales and Sites
- Effect of Salinization on Methylmercury Levels in Coastal Wetlands of the Southeastern United States
- Effects of dam purpose and degree of regulation on flow regime alteration over the continental United States
- Effects of phytoplankton growth on the production of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nucleating particles (INP)
- Engaging stakeholders and decision-makers in geosimulations with Tangible Landscape
- Engaging the Public Through Wikipedia: Strategies and Tools
- Enhancing Communications and Building Partnerships Between University Geoscience Faculty and K-12 Students and Teachers.
- Establishment of the North America and sub-Saharan Africa Mountain Aerosol Network (NASA MAN) of Handheld Sunphotometers for Air Quality Studies and Validation of Satellite-Retrieved Aerosol Products
- Evaluating machine learning approaches for mapping flood risk
- Evaluating the Controls of the Long-Term Water Balance through a Conceptual Hydrological Model Representing Saturation Excess and Infiltration Excess Runoff Generations
- Extreme Flooding and Water Quality in the Lumbee River basin, NC: Implications for Vulnerable Populations
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- Fates of the Ayeyarwady and Thanlwin River-Derived Sediments to the Andaman Sea and Gulf of Bengal
- Field Determination of the PFAS Flux from Groundwater to Streams in a Contaminated Area of the North Carolina Coastal Plain
- Fluoride and Arsenic Removal by Bone Char in High pH Groundwaters
- GRASS GIS: A General-purpose Geospatial Research Tool
- Global and regional modeling of absorbing aerosols in the southeast Atlantic during ORACLES 2016: comparisons to new observations
- Global assessment of evapotranspiration impacted by anthropogenic land cover changes
- Grand Challenges for Future Research on Diverse Instructional Strategies to Improve Geoscience Learning
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Standing Dead Trees Along the Albemarle Pamlico Peninsula, North Carolina
- Habitat Change Analysis in a Barrier Island from Multi-Temporal Color Infrared Imagery
- Helping Decision Makers Incorporate Climate Model Projections into their Future Planning
- Heterotrophic respiration and the divergence of productivity and carbon sequestration
- High resolution profiling of the atmospheric boundary layer with UAS and DTS
- High-resolution Isotope (δ<SUP>13</SUP>C, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, Δ<SUB>47</SUB>) Analyses of an Eocene Lacustrine Stromatolite (Green River Formation, Wyoming): Evidence of Spatiotemporal Patterns in Carbonate Precipitation
- Higher rates of sea level rise result in higher lateral flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from tidal wetlands to coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Hurricane Florence and its Impact on Coastal Ocean off Carolinas, United States
- Hydrometeorlogical Variables as Drivers of Episodic Saltwater Intrusion in Freshwater Dependent Coastal Landscapes.
- Identifying Major Sources of Uncertainty in Estimates of Wildfire Impacts on Air Quality and Public Health
- Impact of Momentum Coupling on Large-Scale Pacific and Atlantic Climate
- Impact of a Normal Fault on the Geochemical Composition of the Urban Aquifer Underlying San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
- Impact of drying-rewetting cycles on nitrate removal rates in woodchip bioreactors
- Impacts of Extreme Flooding on Hydrologic Connectivity and Water Quality in the Atlantic Coastal Plain
- Impacts of Weather System Changes on Future Extreme Precipitation Design Values
- Increasing Underrepresented High School Students' STEM Career Awareness and Interest: An Informal Geospatial Science Program
- Integrating environmental sensor networks and real-time ecological forecasting to adaptively manage water quality
- Integration and Analysis of Diverse Lidar and UAS Surveys to Study Coastal Sand Dune Evolution and Changes in Agricultural Field Microtopography.
- Integrative vs. derivative indicators: which should we use to detect water quality improvements?
- Investigating ecohydrological processes and residence times in a southern Appalachian forest using stable isotopes of water
- Investigating the Formation of Noctis Labyrinthus, Mars
- Landfill Carbon: Decadal to Millennial Pathways for Methanogenesis, Methanotrophy and Carbon Sequestration
- Landscape dynamics of Great Basin pinyon-juniper woodlands: expansion, or regional decline?
- Limited Prospect for Geological Activity at the Seafloors of Europa, Titan, and Ganymede; Enceladus OK
- Long-term temporal variation of nitrate concentration - stream discharge (C-Q) relationship from an agricultural watershed in Midwest U.S.
- Magmatic Source Estimates at Axial Seamount for the 2015 Eruption From Seafloor Deformation and Seismic Data
- Mapping Annual Land Cover and Phenology from MODIS: Global Data Sets Supporting Modeling and Global Change Science
- Measuring the Soil Moisture Spatial Variability Using an Optical Fiber Dual-Probe Heat Pulse Approach
- Mechanisms of Blue Carbon Export in Blackwater River-dominated and Particle-dominated Estuaries
- Meso-Scale Infiltration Experiments and Modeling of Preferential Flow in Macroporous Soils
- Microtopography and Crop Vigor Changes Assessment Using Time Series of UAS Derived Data.
- Minimal data collection for maxima results, combining geospatial modeling and a heat flux approach to the thermal regimes of headwater streams in a humid, hardwood forest.
- Modeling Architecture Necessary for Prognostications of Coastal and Inland Flooding
- Modeling Future Air Pollution and Climate Interactions in China
- Modeling observed changes in forest tree species assemblages in response to forest management, disturbance and climate across the conterminous U.S.
- Multitemporal regulation of soil respiration by substrate availability, moisture and, finally, temperature
- NCA4 U.S. Caribbean Regional Chapter
- National Trends in Undergraduate Exposure to Climate Education
- Observing Oyster-Driven Freshwater Detention at the Estuary-Scale from Space
- Optical properties of high latitude lakes and implications for airborne and satellite remote sensing
- Planning Optimal UAS Flight Areas for Rare Plant Monitoring in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina
- Production of ice nucleating particles in a marine aerosol reference tank by the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii
- Projecting Changes in Air Quality and Health Impacts Across the U.S. at 2050 and 2090 Using Multiple Scenarios
- Quantification of Global Reactive Nitrogen Emissions from Biomass Burning using Satellite Observations
- Quantifying emerging infectious disease impacts on above ground biomass
- Re-examining the Role of Lakes in Carbon Cycling Across High Latitudes - Results from ABoVE
- Relative contribution of different sources to ultra-fine particle number budget in the urban environment
- Remotely sensed geodiversity for identifying and predicting biodiverse landscapes
- Salt Water Intrusion Reduces Potential CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions From a Freshwater Forested Wetland
- Satellite Estimation of Coastal PCO2 and Air-Sea Flux of Carbon Dioxide in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Seasonal differences of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the eutrophic Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA
- Sediment Dispersal and Accumulation off the Ayeyarwady River Delta: Tectonic and Oceanographic Controls
- Simultaneous neutron and X-ray time resolved tomography of water and reacting flows in geological materials
- Singling Out the Most Important Needs to Make Surer Guesses of How Crazy Fire Changes the Air and Human Well-being
- Socio-Environmental Systems (SES) on the Changing Mongolian Plateau: A review
- Software Citation with Fine Granularity: The g.citation Module for GRASS GIS
- Spatial, Temporal and Size-Frequency Characteristics of Microearthquake Sequences Leading up to the 2015 Eruption of Axial Seamount
- Statistical Power of Federal Environmental Justice Analyses
- Subgrid-Scale Corrections to Increase the Accuracy and Efficiency of Storm Surge Models
- Subsurface Nutrient Delivery in the Gulf of Maine: A Study of Subsurface Lagrangian Pathways in a High Resolution Model
- Temporal Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Melt and Freeze Season Climate Indicators Using a Satellite Passive Microwave Climate Data Record
- The Effects of Climate Change on Tick Habitat Suitability and Potential Transmission of Lyme Disease in the South Central U.S.
- The Role of Spatial Variability of Climate Variables on the Long-Term Water Balance Using a Semi-distributed (SWAT) Mechanistic Model
- Towards a global synthesis of land-surface fluxes for natural and human-altered watersheds using the low-dimensional Budyko framework
- Turbulence Spectra in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- USA-NPN Observations Reveal the Ecological Relevance of Remotely Sensed Phenology
- Uncertainty in integrated projections of climate change impacts on air quality, public health, and policy benefits
- Understanding Precipitation Partitioning, Biases, and Role of Adjustment Timescale in Multi-scale Atmospheric Simulations
- Understanding the cumulative effects of dams on regional streamflow dynamics
- Utilizing Data Fusion to Understand and Visualize the U.S. Food, Energy, Water Nexus at the Mesocale: the FEWSION 1.0 Data Product
- Utilizing video-driven "flipped" instruction to enable active learning and affect student outcomes within an introductory physical geology course
- Validation and Improvement of a Blended Sea Surface Temperature Analysis using Recent Buoy Observations in the Arctic
- Water in the Native World: An intersection of Indigenous Water Knowledge and Hydrologic Sciences
- Water: Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA4) Volume 2, Chapter 3
- Wetland hydrologic resilience to climate variability: a case study at a coastal wetland of North Carolina, USA
- A Bayesian framework to unravel food, groundwater and climate linkages
- A Geo-processing Tool for co-locating the dependency of critical infrastructure with hydrologic information network
- A Land Surface Phenology Product for North America from Harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 imagery
- A Novel Heated Fiber-Optic Technique to Measure Variability in Soil Thermal Properties and Moisture Content over a Wide Range of Spatial Scales
- A Year-long Hydroacoustic Survey of Submarine Volcanic Activity in the Mariana Arc
- A comparison of bulk- and bin-microphysical schemes for warm rain processes and their polarimetric radar fingerprints : sensitivity analysis and implications for microphysical parameterizations
- Air quality and health impacts of an operational prescribed burning program
- An Analysis of Heavy Multi-day Precipitation Events In CMIP6 Model Simulations in Support of the Fifth National Climate Assessment
- Available Fossil Fuel Resources, Decarbonization Rates, and Economic Growth are Key Drivers of Business-As-Usual Feasibility of Paris Climate Targets
- Benefits of State and Private Forest Lands for Water Supply in the Southern United State
- Can Oceanic Heat Content Predict ENSO in a Realistic Forecast Setting?
- Carbon fluxes and balance in managed and natural forested wetlands along the coastal plain of North Carolina
- Changes in Eastern North Carolina PIDF Curves Projected in Dynamically Downscaled CESM and CM3 Models, Under Future Scenarios (2025-2100) Using WRF
- Changes in Precipitation Extremes with Climate Warming
- Climate controls on springtime phenology in Eastern Temperate Forests of North America
- Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: An Integrated Modeling Framework to Analyze Water and Power Systems Under a Changing Climate
- Cometabolic Treatment of 1,4-DIOXANE, Cis-Dichloroethene 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHENE by Rhodococcus Rhodochrous 21198 Co-Encapsulated with Slow Release Compounds
- Communicating drought: Innovating approaches through engagement with decision makers
- Community turnover by Composition and Climatic Affinity across Scales in an Alpine System
- Comparing soil moisture and geochemistry in continuous versus discontinuous permafrost watersheds in the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA.
- Controls on <SUP>10</SUP>Be-derived basin-wide erosion rates in the south-central Andes: a multivariate Bayesian approach
- CyberWater—An open and sustainable framework for diverse data and model integration
- Data Analytics for Environmental Justice and Indigenous Rights: Early Warning Systems or Blind Spots?
- Demand-side Management of Peak Water Demands using Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Persuasive Games
- Designing Strategies to Jointly Manage the Financial Risk of Wet and Dry Periods for Hydropower Generators in a Changing Market
- Dynamical downscaling of a global chemistry-climate model to study the influence of climate change on mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> century PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> distributions in the Continental US
- Effects of drying and rewetting cycles on respiration and greenhouse gas emissions in saturated ligneous substrate
- Evolution of Stormflow Thresholds in Long-Term Instrumented Catchments
- Exploring subtropical mountain buffering against globally-forced precipitation declines: Results from a high-resolution climate model experiment for Puerto Rico.
- Extracting the Buoyancy-Driven Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Fast and Slow Dynamics of Surficial Saltwater Intrusion
- Generating a framework for inter-model comparisons in electricity dispatch modeling
- Geological Significance of Preserved Interior Structures in Venus Tessera Units
- Global Groundwater Governance: Economic Framework and Cross-Country Comparison
- Hothouse paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental reconstructions at the continental scale: spatial interpolations of surface temperature, precipitation, and vegetation proxy data
- How Regional Evapotranspiration Fluxes are altered due to Urbanization?
- How does flow alteration propagate across a large, highly-regulated basin? Dam attributes, network context, and implications for biodiversity
- Human and climate variables explain spatio-temporal patterns of streamflow variation across the United States
- Hurricane-related forest degradation and dieback across the Caribbean
- Identifying Sources of Methane from Standing Dead Trees in Coastal Forested Wetlands
- Impact of Preferential Flow on Contaminant Transport through the Riparian Vadose Zone: Laboratory Experiments and Modeling Framework
- Impacts of ozone and climate change on California perennial crops
- Improved Accuracy of Watershed-Scale General Circulation Model Runoff Using Deep Neural Networks
- In-situ experiments and quantification of the influence of preferential subsurface flow on water and contaminant transfer through riparian buffers
- Influence of topography on stream insolation and thermal regimes in a mid-latitude, montane, forested headwater
- Integrating climate and land use change to capture historical water quality variability among coastal watersheds across large spatial scales
- Interactions between climate, land use, and infrastructure in the southeastern United States: Implications for water resources and society
- Landlab Jupyter Notebooks: Tools for learning about earth surface processes and how to model them
- Late Quaternary intraplate deformation: The Las Chacras Fault Zone (LCFZ), West-Central Argentina
- Long Term Slip Rate of Camp Rock Fault (Eastern California Shear Zone) and Implications for the Regional Understanding of Geological Rates
- Magmatic Deformation Models including Caldera-Ring Faulting for the 2015 Eruption of Axial Seamount
- Methane Fluxes and Drivers in a Coastal Freshwater Forested Wetland: From the Soil to the Canopy
- Multi-Scale Atmospheric and Oceanic Weather, Seasonal, Sub-Seasonal and Climate Variability and Trends.
- Nonstationary Hydrologic Behavior in Forested Watersheds Is Mediated by Climate-Induced Changes in Growing Season Length and Subsequent Vegetation Growth
- Observed Climatological Relationships between Precipitable Water and Extreme Precipitation in the Contiguous United States
- Organic carbon quality changes in response to altered hydrological regime and rapid climate warming of an arid, permafrost environment (Kangerlussuaq, SW Greenland)
- Organic carbon storage in anthracite-containing riparian soil
- Our fragmented rivers-mapping human-made river obstructions around the globe
- Parameter uncertainty drives important incongruities between simulated chlorophyll-a and phytoplankton functional group dynamics in a mechanistic management model
- Pleistocene rapid decrease in extensional exhumation of the Diancang Shan implies tectonic changes in SE Tibet
- Progress on Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting and Applications: Opportunities and Challenges
- Quantifying the impact of land-use/land-cover change and climate variability surface water extent dynamics in a dryland region with three decades of satellite data
- R-Ladies Global: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the R Community
- Reconsidering ecohydrologic separation
- Reflecting regional variation in the U.S. public health burden of air pollution under climate change
- Representing reservoir storages in the earth system models using storage-reliability-yield relationships
- Responses to Land Use and Climate Change for a Culturally Significant Blackwater Stream
- Revising Flood-Frequency Curves under Climate Change in the United States
- Safeguarding future water supplies by restoring fire-dependent longleaf pine savannas
- Satellite-data Based Geospatial Modeling Approach for Estimating Evapotranspiration and its parameters for Switchgrass Intercropped Pine Forests
- Seismo-acoustic Observations of Submarine Volcanic Eruptions: 80 Years of Progress in Quantifying Seafloor Volcanism
- Simulated Effects of a Novel Operational Strategy for Sustainable Water Management in Drained Croplands
- Simulating soil carbon pools and fluxes in the boreal forests of Alaska using a new hybrid model of LANDIS-II and DAMM-MCNiPP
- Smelt Habitat Suitability and Thermal Refugia in the San Francisco Bay Delta as Seen by Landsat and ECOSTRESS with Comparison to CDEC
- Some Rock Worlds Are So Big Their Outer Layer is Soft
- Stratigraphic Expression and Slip Rate of the Main Frontal Thrust in Central Nepal: A 50,000-year record in the Bardibas area
- Strengthening Cross-Campus Programs to Enhance Interdisciplinary Environmental and Sustainability Education through Traveling Workshops
- Surrogate-Based Bayesian Inference for Source Localization
- Sustainable Urban Systems: Managing the Urban Multiplex and its Hydrologic Challenges
- Sustainable Water Management in the Lower Colorado Basin: Influence of Climate and Regulatory Context on the Ability to Meet Human and Environmental Water Needs
- Synconvergent Extension and the AD 365 earthquake: Implications for seismic and tsunami hazards in the eastern Mediterranean
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana: A decade of research and education on coupled carbon and water cycles in snow-dominated watersheds
- Testing the trade wind charging mechanism and its influence on ENSO variability.
- Thalassa: A Mission Concept to Follow the Water on Venus
- The Atmospheric Bridge Between the Subpolar and Tropical North Atlantic
- The Benefits of Using High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperatures for Simulating Historical and Future Climate Extremes
- The Impact of Drainage Water Recycling on Crop Yield and Water Quality in North Carolina
- The Interaction Between Convection and African Easterly Waves
- The Long-term Response of Nutrient and TSS Loads to an Agricultural Stream Restoration in Coastal plain of North Carolina
- The Roles of Climate Variability on Runoff at Daily, Monthly, Inter-annual, and Mean Annual Scales
- The Utility of Gauge-measured Streamflow Records in Improving Month-ahead Streamflow Forecasts through Variational Data Assimilation
- The role of climate on crop yield per unit area across the contiguous United States
- Timing and extent of Quaternary glaciation in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen
- Towards an Integrated Hybrid MHK Prototype at the Jennette's Pier Wave Energy Test Site in Nags Head, North Carolina U.S.A.
- Tracking long-term changes in swine CAFO growth through satellite remote sensing
- Understanding Drivers of Subseasonal to Seasonal Streamflow Variability over Contiguous United States
- Understanding Tectonic and Oceanographic Influenced Sediment Deposition throughout the Northern Andaman Sea
- Using Fisher Information Methods to Detect Shifting Regimes in Water Supply Systems
- Using Gaussian Process Emulators to Reduce Uncertainty in Sea Level Projections with Ice Sheet Models
- Using Machine Learning and Remotely Sensed Data to Develop Spatiotemporal Maps of Flood Surge and Retreat for the Coastal Plain of North Carolina
- Using an Integrated Groundwater and Surface Water Model for Understanding the Effects of Climate Change Scenarios on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
- VIIRS Day-Night Band Satellite Remote Sensing
- Water-soil-vegetation dynamics deciphered by stable isotopes of water
- Web-based Decision Analytics For Mapping Host Species Distributions and Forecasting the Spread of Forest Pests and Pathogens
- What defines a flood? Building shared understanding across differing attributes and definitions of flooding
- <SUP>3</SUP>H/<SUP>3</SUP>He Groundwater Ages and Discharge of PFAS from Groundwater to a Coastal Plain Stream in North Carolina
- A framework for ecological flow allocation in multiple reservoir operation
- A model-based study of the effects of spatial recharge patterns on groundwater transit time distributions in the Nebraska Sand Hills
- Advances in NCEI's U.S. Hourly Precipitation Dataset for Assessing Extremes in Urban Areas
- America's Water: Multiscale Forecasting and Innovation in Infrastructure Design & Management Instruments is critical for Climate Adaptation
- An assessment of a gridded gauge-based precipitation estimates (nClimGrid) with National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Stage IV radar-based precipitation estimates
- Anthropogenic Warming Increased Ponderosa Pine Mortality by 20% During 2012-2015 Mega-drought in the Sierra Nevada.
- Assessing Microbiological Water Quality Dynamics in Hurricane Florence Floodwaters as a Function of Floodwater Contact Time
- Assessing the Role of Weathering in Co-Cycling of Vanadium, Iron, and Manganese Within Oregon Coast Range Soils
- Assessment of the Contribution of Native-, African-, and Brown American Dryland Agriculture to US Carbon Dynamics
- Beyond Carbon Flux Partitioning: Inferring the Dynamic Non-structural Carbon Storage and Carbon Allocation at the Canopy Scale from Continuous Fluxes
- COREGS: An optimization framework to analyze water and power systems together under a changing climate
- Can strategic buffers mitigate anthropogenic land cover impacts and improve coastal health?
- Can we detect more ephemeral floods with higher density harmonized Landsat 8/Sentinel 2 data compared to just one sensor?
- Climate Scenarios for the Fifth National Climate Assessment.
- Comparison of Social Vulnerability and Flood Risks in Massachusetts
- Constraining water age estimations for runoff and evapotranspiration fluxes via multi-objective parameterization of StorAge Selection functions based on stable isotopes sampled at the catchment outlet and in trees
- Creating Valid Scientific Experiences Through A Symbiotic Citizen Science Program: A Climate Observing Network Case Study
- Crustal Strength Variations Inferred from Earthquake Stress Drop at Axial Seamount Surrounding the 2015 Eruption
- Dead or alive: greenhouse gas fluxes from live and girdled trees in a coastal freshwater wetland
- Deriving Sediment and Terrestrial Organic Carbon Budgets for the Offshore Ayeyarwady River Delta, Myanmar
- Developing High-Resolution Sea Surface and Lake Surface Temperature Datasets for Simulating Future Climate Extremes
- Developing Köppen climate zone maps for key paleoclimate events: quantitative compilations and interpolation improve Late Cretaceous predictions
- Do the Health Benefits of Boiling Drinking Water Outweigh the Associated Impacts of Increased Household Air Pollution Exposure?
- Does streamwater have an address? What flow dynamics tells us about flow origins
- Dynamic evolution of flow structures and viscosity during basaltic magma emplacement and crystallization in an upper-crustal sill
- Dynamical Downscaling of a Global Chemistry-climate Model to Study the Influence of Climate Change and Variability on Mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> Century PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>and Associated Human Mortality in the Continental US
- Effects of Riparian Buffer on Streamflow Response to Land Use and Climate Change
- Engaging Stakeholders to Identify Barriers Preventing the Use of Machine Learning in Natural Resources Management
- Enhanced Hydrologic Monitoring using Fiber Optics - Implementing Distributed Temperature Sensing to Uncover Flow Paths and Groundwater Interactions in Stormwater Conveyance Structures
- Episodic Saltwater Intrusion: Characteristics and Ecological Implications.
- Estimating 36 Years of Moderate Resolution Land Surface Phenology using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model
- Estimating Groundwater Age in the Nebraska Sand Hills from SF<SUB>6</SUB> in Stream Water: An Application of the Reach Mass-Balance Approach to Groundwater Mean Transit Time
- Estimating Regional Crustal Thickness on Venus: A Morphological and Structural Analysis of Ridge Belts.
- Estimating Uncertainty Of Forest Species Distributions To Better Forecast The Spread Of Forest Pests And Pathogens
- Estimation of ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from turfgrass systems using a dynamic chamber method and a biogeochemical modeling framework
- Evaluating Changes in Urban Water Consumption and Impacts to Water Infrastructure During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Evaluation of Smoke Modeling Tools Used for Estimating Air Quality Impacts from Prescribed Burning
- Evidence of subduction-related fluid circulation along the active Altotiberina low-angle normal fault
- Examining the Influence of Fluvial Geomorphological Variables on Existing Empirical Models of Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading
- Exploring Technology Pathways to Achieve Deep Decarbonization in the United States by Mid-Century
- Exploring the benefits of integrated energy-water management in reducing economic and ecological tradeoffs
- Fertilizer legacies and saltwater incursion constrain recovery of water quality benefits in a restored coastal wetland
- Filling in Spatio-temporal Gaps in the GOES-R Land Surface Temperature Product
- Future pluvial flooding associated with projected extreme rainfall in North Carolina, USA
- Groundwater <SUP>14</SUP>C Age at the Point of Discharge in a Groundwater Dominated Stream: Sampling Below the Streambed in Nested Watersheds in the Nebraska Sand Hills (USA).
- Highly variable lead (Pb) air concentrations associated with fire events in California
- Identifying Hot Moments of Iron and Manganese Cycling in a Drinking-Water Reservoir Using a High-Frequency Water Quality Sensor
- Impact of climate related uncertainty on projections of US air quality and implications for extremes
- Impacts of Protected Area Deforestation on Dry-season Regional Climate in the Brazilian Amazon
- Incorporating Climate Change Into Intensity-Duration-Frequency Value for the United States
- Incorporating Extreme Weather Risks into Energy System Modeling
- Initial Wood Substrate Composition, more so than Fungal or Oomycete Endophyte Communities, Explain Decay Trajectories Across Woody Species
- Interbasin transfers extend the benefits of National Forest System Lands for water supply beyond downstream users
- Investigating Impacts and Identifying Opportunities of Wide-scale Deployment of Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumps in India
- Investigating hurricane-induced compound flooding and sediment dispersal using coupled hydrology and ocean models
- Investigating the thermal effects of Cordilleran processes on a retroarc foreland basin using thermochronometry, vitrinite reflectance, and carbonate clumped isotopes
- Large Scale Unstructured WAVEWATCH III for Hurricane Hindcasts: Offshore and Nearshore Validation
- Linking Core to Outcrop: High-resolution Isotopic Records of the Wilkins Peak Member (Green River Formation) at White Mountain (Wyoming, USA)
- Long Enough? Uncertainty-driven Metrics for Modeling Air Quality Health Impacts under Climate Change
- Managing Weather- and Market-Related Financial Risk in Algae Production for Biofuel and Co-products
- Mercury Lander: A Planetary Mission Concept Study for the 2023-2032 Decadal Survey
- Mesoscale Enhancement of Turbulent Air-Sea Heat Exchange in the Tropics
- Model Development in Irrigated Data-Scarce Environments Using Publicly Available Datasets
- Momentum and Buoyancy Contributions to Atlantic Ocean Circulation Variability
- More Weather or More Water: What is Driving Increases in Extreme Precipitation?
- Multi-Country Modeling of Sustainable Land-Use Futures for North America
- NOAA Big Data Program - Transforming Access to NOAA Data
- New Evidence for a Prehistoric Multi-Fault Rupture of the Calico-Hidalgo Fault System of the Southern Eastern California Shear Zone
- Nonlocal rheology of dense granular flows
- Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (nefi), Update
- Observations Modeling and Analysis of Air Quality in Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR) Thailand.
- On-farm reservoir monitoring using Landsat inundation datasets
- Pacific Meridional Modes without Equatorial Pacific Influence
- Paleoseismic and geomorphic evidence for recent rupture on the Hidalgo fault, Eastern California Shear Zone
- Physical-biogeochemical response to climate change and sea level rise in the Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Predicting Tipping Points in Water Supply using Early Warning Signals
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Public Perception of Smoke and Wildland Fire in North Carolina and the Influence of Proximity to Fire
- Publishing to the DataONE Network of Repositories for Improved Discovery, Assessment, and Interoperability
- Reconstructing the Late Miocene-Pliocene paleoenvironment and paleoclimate of southern continental South America (SA) in order to determine the factors driving expansion of C4 grasslands: δ13C isotopes, molecular biomarkers, phytoliths, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) from Río Iruya, NW Argentina.
- Rise of the Colorado Plateau and Southern Rocky Mountain Region: A Synthesis of Paleoelevation Constraints and a Path Forward Using Temperature-Based Elevation Proxies
- So Why Does The Drought Map Look Like That? Unpacking The Linkages Between The Transparency Of Drought Monitoring Processes And Usability Of Drought Communication Products
- Spatiotemporal Assessment of Forest Water Use Response To Climate Change
- Strategic Habitat Conservation and Adaptive Strategies for Recovery and Pre-listing Conservation of Eleutherodactylus (coqui) Amphibians in Puerto Rico
- Tesserae on Venus Feature Layered, Folded, and Eroded Rocks
- Tesserae on Venus may preserve evidence of fluvial erosion
- The Effects of Climate and Human Drivers on Changes in Surface Water in the Southeastern United States
- The Effects of Urbanization on Watershed Evapotranspiration and Surface Energy Budget in Southern China
- The Southern Hemisphere as a Thermodynamic Modulator of ENSO Amplitude
- The Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network: Delivering Flood Information to AnyOne, AnyTime AnyWhere
- The Venus Atmospheric Dynamics and Infrasound Seismology (VADIS) Instrument
- The air quality trade-offs of wildfire and prescribed burning
- Thirty Year Record of Hurricane Disturbance and Recovery in Mangrove Forests Across the Caribbean Basin
- Towards Developing Community Guidelines for Sharing and Reuse of Digital Data Quality Information
- Tracing the transport of algal blooms from reservoir to estuary using satellite imagery and in situ hydrologic data
- Understanding Changes in Water Consumption during a Water Supply Interruption using Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data
- Understanding the food-energy-water nexus through hydroeconomic modeling under near-term climate change and regional development portfolios
- Useful, useable, and scalable: Climate adaptation science to support adaptive management in the US Caribbean
- Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Evaluate the Impact of Hurricane Florence in 2018 on Water Quality of North Carolina Coastal Aquifers
- Using Passive Acoustics to Monitor Impending Failure in a Sheared Granular Material
- Using empirical transit time distributions to forecast stream water tracer concentration
- Using high spatiotemporal nitrate measurements to assess nutrient transport and transformations at the terrestrial-marine interface of a tidal watershed
- Using long-term satellite image records to map swine concentrated animal feeding operations and estimate their historical impact on nutrient inputs in the NC Coastal Plain
- Validation of Near-Term Rainfall Forecasts in Data Scarce Coastal North Carolina
- A Comparative Review of Drought Metrics for Public Health Research Applications
- A Multi-sensor Satellite Imagery Approach to Monitor On-farm Reservoirs
- A Novel Approach for Reconstructing Slip Histories of A Bedrock Normal Fault Scarp with Rock Surface Luminescence Dating
- A comparison of methods to estimate transpiration of a coastal loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation in the southeastern United States
- A footprint-informed decomposition approach for deriving flux response functions at AmeriFlux sites
- A watershed modeling framework to assess the impacts of environmental changes in the Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Air-Sea Interaction Plays a Different Role in North Pacific Turbulent Heat Flux Exchange in Summer Versus Winter
- Analysis of 1 Hz, High Precision Pressure Sensor Data to Identify Gravity Waves
- Analysis of Rock Varnish from East-Central California by Handheld Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- Anti-Racism in Women in Coastal Geoscience and Engineering
- Application of the CMAQ-HSRL-CH and HSRL-CH methodologies for improving estimates of PM2.5 concentration to data from the KORUS-AQ campaign
- Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of Subduction Zone Rheology from the Geoid
- Bridging the Research-Application Divide by Utilizing Low-Density LiDAR Data to Estimate the Aboveground Biomass of Short Rotation Coppice American Sycamore trees (Platanus occidentalis L.) in the Piedmont Region of North Carolina.
- Characterizing Daily Precipitation Concentration and their Interannual Variability over Mainland China
- Characterizing Southeastern Populations Impacted by Wildland Fire Smoke: Implications for Land Management Practices
- Characterizing and Projecting Reservoir Phosphorus Dynamics through Bayesian Mechanistic Modeling
- Comparing OMI and TROPOMI NO2 Data Assimilation for Estimating NOx Emissions
- Coordination of sap flux and water storage at various heights and depths inside stems in two tree species of differing hydraulic strategies
- Data-driven Generalized Release Policies for Reservoirs in the Tennessee River Basin
- Demonstrating a Preference for Dynamical Downscaling over Statistical Downscaling for Extreme Rainfall Projections
- Deuterium as a Tracer to Investigate Tree Water Transport in Tree Species with Varying Ecohydrological Strategies
- Developing Potential Scenarios of Changes in Hydroclimatic Variables for Analyzing the Impacts on a Regional Water Supply System
- Developing Probabilistic Flood Inundation Forecasts using SWMM
- Development of a Landsat reflectanceTurbidity model using watershed hydrological connectivity and machine learning for understanding the propagation of fluvial sediment pulses
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Enhances Cr(III) Solubilization but Diminishes its Oxidation by Manganese Oxide.
- Do Winter Storms Pose Hidden Risks for Offshore Wind and the New England Grid?
- Dual effects of iron on lignin decomposition: A case study from data-model fusion
- Ensemble Kalman Filter for Non-Conservative Adaptive Meshes and Lagrangian Observations With a Joint Physics and Mesh Update.
- Ensemble Kalman Filter for Non-Conservative Moving Mesh Solvers With a Joint Physics and Mesh Location Update.
- Environmental Justice and the Critical Zone: A Perspective from the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, USA
- Estimation of Aerosol Direct Radiative Effect Through CATCH-derived Aerosol Types
- Evaluating drivers of seasonal fecal coliform levels in coastal waters through machine learning
- Event-scale Hysteresis Metrics to Reveal Processes and Mechanisms Controlling Constituent Export from Watersheds: a Review
- Evidence of deep, external fluids along epidetachment normal faults and their implications for slip along the Altotiberina fault system
- Examining bloom-driven management risks using historical in situ data and Sentinel-3 OLCI imagery
- Exploring the 2023 and 2024 eclipses through accessible resources.
- Exploring the benefits of integrated energy-water management in reducing economic and ecological tradeoffs
- Forecasting Precipitation Extremes in an Age of Changing Climate: Does the Performance of Forecast Methods Vary Across the CONUS?
- Forecasting land change in response to sea-level rise and frequent flooding
- Freezing of Secondary Organic Aerosols at Upper Tropospheric Cloud Conditions
- Global Climate, Environmental, and Health Benefits of Replacing Traditional Solid Fuels with Liquified Petroleum Gas
- Historical Perspective on the 2021 heat waves in western North America
- How Does Wave Asymmetry Influence Delta Evolution and River Dynamics?
- Image Muting of Mixed Precipitation to Improve Identification of Regions of Heavy Snow from Radar Data
- Improving LGBTQ+ retention in STEM: A transatlantic perspective on current barriers and best practices
- Influence of Boundary Conditions on Slow Granular Flows
- Integrative Remote Sensing to Promote Environmental Discovery: The RMBL Spatial Data Platform
- Investigating Changes in Single Shell Trace Element Chemistry of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei with Increasing Water Depth Using Sediment Trap Samples from the Panama Basin
- Investigating Inorganic Arsenic Exposure from Drinking Water and Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2: A Digital Interactive Notebook
- Investigating the Fate of Creeping Landslides with Complex Network Theory
- Landscape Scale Variability in Optical Water Quality Indicators at NEON Sites
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of CO2-enabled Sedimentary Basin Geothermal
- Machine learning-based landslide detection using different satellite sensors - A case study in Chimanimani District, Zimbabwe
- Mapping Cretaceous Koppen climate zones: quantitative analysis of climatic and environmental changes from 145 to 66 Ma
- Mapping Estuarine Vulnerability to Nutrient Loading Change in the US
- Mapping Flow-obstructing Structures on Global Rivers
- Market and Operational Weather Risks in the Western U.S. Power Grid
- Modeling Hurricane Florence Flood Water Quality Dynamics as a Function of Flood Extent and Watershed Characteristics
- Monitoring Change With Heterogeneous Satellites: A Multivariate Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection Approach
- Monitoring Crop Development in Smallholder Farms Using Remotely Sensed Time Series Data Augmentation
- Natural Gas Pipelines and Social Vulnerability in the United States: Reflections from an Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- New financial instruments for managing hydrometereological risk for hydropower producers
- Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI): The Current Status
- Observing Long-Term Annual land Surface Phenology at Medium Spatial Resolution
- Observing and Modeling Phenology at Local to Global Scales Using Remote Sensing
- Operational Near-real Time Drought Monitoring Using Global Satellite Precipitation Products (CMORPH) and In-situ Datasets (NClimGrid)
- Projecting surface water in the Southeastern U.S. under three climate and development scenarios
- Public Health Impacts and Environmental Justice Considerations of Decarbonizing the Texas Power Grid
- Quantifying the Drinking Water Benefits of Upstream Forest Cover Using a Hydrologic Model
- Quantifying the Sampling Uncertainty in Non-stationary Design Flood Estimation Approaches
- Sapwood and heartwood water storage and transport differ in pine and oak trees: assessment using a novel in situ 2H isotope tracing method and StorAge selection function analysis
- Satellite observations underestimate the effect of growing season length on global vegetation productivity
- Seasonal Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water and Energy Management : Progress and Challenges
- Separating the Effects of Stand Age and Interannual Variability on Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange: Data-Model Fusion in Loblolly Pine
- Solar water pumping in India: investigating farm-level impacts and the potential to provide flexibility to the power grid
- Spatio-temporal hierarchical modeling for Improved National Water Model Predictions
- Survey Exploring Water Utility Approaches to Smart Technologies and Customer Complaint Management
- The Impact of Very-Short Lived Chlorine Compounds and GHGs on Trends in Stratospheric Ozone
- The Influence of a Novel Salinity-Based Solar Attenuation Algorithm on Modeled Temperature in Mobile Bay
- The Kinematic Evolution of Transpression in the Eastern California Shear Zone
- The Need for More Efficient Use and Recycling of Phosphorus
- Thermal Sensitivity Across Forest Vertical Profiles: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Ecological Implications
- Time of Emergence of Bioclimatic Variables using Observations and Multi-model Large Ensembles
- Towards Comprehensive Ecosystem Modeling In Response To Climate Change And Sea Level Rise In Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Towards global flood mapping with machine learning based on the Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel 2 data
- Towards the development of a sweetpotato simulation model: Analyzing in-season trends in crop quantity and quality
- Trace Element Composition of Pooled and Individual Planktic Foraminifera from a Modern Oxygen Minimum Zone
- Tree Water Storage and Release in Heartwood and Deep and Shallow Sapwood
- Trends in short-duration precipitation extremes in the U.S.
- Understanding Historical Fecal Coliform Trends in North Carolinas Shellfish Growing Waters
- Water and carbon cycles are tightly coupled in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations along the coastal plains of southeastern U.S.
- Watershed Nutrient Pollution Dynamics Under Extreme Events in the Cape Fear River Watershed, North Carolina
- We Cant Have It Both Ways - Accepting the Trade-off of Detection Time and Accuracy in Multi-source, Near Real-time Deforestation Monitoring
- Youth Climate Action: The Power of Making Personal Connections to Climate Change
- A Community-based Resilience Model on Climate and Health Equity in the Carolinas: the Carolinas Collaborative on Climate, Health, and Equity
- A Scalable Approach to Develop Electricity Grid Models for Stress Testing to Diverse and Compounded Hydrometeorological Extremes and Climate Change: U.S. Western Interconnection Case
- A footprint-informed approach for deriving flux response functions at AmeriFlux sites
- ASAP or AAAP? The Importance of Tradeoffs Between Detection Time and Accuracy for Multisource Deforestation Monitoring
- An Adaptive Spatiotemporal Approach for Monitoring Change At Scale with Planet Imagery
- An Agent-based Modeling Approach to Simulate the Emergence of Institutions that Reverse the Freshwater Salinization Syndrome
- An Assessment of the Differences among the Distributions of Daily Precipitation Associated with the Dominant Generating Mechanisms in United States
- Are Legacy Phosphorus Estimates Predictive of in situ Soil Phosphorus Concentrations?
- Assessment of spatio-temporal variation in landslide susceptibility in the Central Vietnam using machine learning-based approach
- Calculating Blue-Carbon Fluxes from Barrier-Island Migration
- Can Multiple Stable Isotopes Improve Mass Flow Diagram Validation for Small Watersheds?
- Can Perennial Bioenergy Cropping Systems Promote Negative N2O Fluxes?
- Can We Rely on Trend Test for Identifying Non-stationarity in Floods?
- Canopy Gap Edge Effects on Sap Flux Density of Hardwood Species in Southern Appalachian Forests
- Carbon Emissions from Coarse Woody Debris and their Contribution to Carbon Dynamics of an Eddy-Flux Tower
- Catalyzing bottom-up solutions to environmental grand challenges through transdisciplinary research: application to the freshwater salinization syndrome
- Characteristics of Microscale Updrafts in Winter Storms Accompanying Snow Bands Along the U.S. Northeast Coast Using High-Resolution Cloud Radar Observations
- Characterizing within-footprint spatial heterogeneity of CH4 emissions in freshwater wetlands through remote sensing and Footprint-weighted Eddy Covariance Flux Maps.
- Chemical Speciation from High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL)-Based Methods for Estimating PM2.5 During the DISCOVER-AQ and KORUS-AQ Campaigns
- Climate-Driven Changes in Wildland Fire Smoke and Land Management Impacts in the Southeastern U.S.
- Coupling coastal and hydrologic models through the first coastal Basic Model Interface in the Next Generation National Water Model Framework in low gradient coastal regions of Galveston Bay, Texas, USA
- Coupling fast and slow data to understand the role of regulated water releases on downstream water quality
- Cross-Calibration of Magnetic Field Measurements of Solar Active Regions
- Crowd the Tap: A Participatory Science Initiative to Identify and Address Lead Contamination in Tap Water
- Customer Complaint Management and Smart Water Technology Adoption among Community Water Systems
- Data-Model Intercomparisons of Roadway Flooding Due to Sea-Level Rise
- Data-driven Generalized Release Policies for Reservoirs across the CONUS
- Destructive Interference of ENSO on North American Precipitation Associated with Aleutian Low/PNA Variability
- Determinants of Air Pollution Exposures in Urban Charcoal-Using Households in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Developing Predictive Water Quality Models for Forecasting Shellfish Water Closures
- Development of the South American Monsoon System and its Impact on Grasslands
- Effect of natural variability in mediating short term adaptation to air pollution
- Effects of Land Use Change on the Development of Hot Spots of Methane Flux in a Restored Freshwater Wetland
- Effects of Oyster Reefs on the Composition and Erodibility of Surrounding Bed Sediment
- Evaluation of Techno-Economical Feasibility and Carbon Intensity of Decarbonization Energy Pathways for U.S. Freight Rail
- Expanding Species Ecohydrology in a Forest Landscape Dynamics Model
- Exploring Relationships Between Emerging Climate Change Signals and Species Range Shifts
- Exploring drivers of exhumation and erosion in the Pyrenees Mountains with 3D inverse modeling of a multi-thermochronometer data set
- Exploring spatio-temporal variability in phosphorus hydrologic losses across the contiguous United States
- Future Changes in Intensity and Frequency of Sub-daily and Daily Extreme Precipitation in the USFS Experimental Forests from Dynamically and Statistically Downscaled Simulations
- Future Changes in the Role of Ekman Heat Flux on SST Variability
- Geofluxes of Major Arctic Rivers of European Russia: Long-term Changes and Possible Causes
- Global Flood Mapping with High-Resolution Optical-Radar Data Fusion
- Global Spatiotemporally Seamless Estimates of Mean River Discharge Extrapolated from In-Situ Observations
- Harmful Cyanobacterial Aerosolization Dynamics in the Airshed of a Eutrophic Estuary
- Health benefits and employment impacts of decarbonization in China's electric power system
- How Well Do CMIP6 Models Simulate Heavy Multi-Day Precipitation Events?
- Impacts of Accelerating Decarbonization in China on the Country's Power System and Public Health
- Increasing Interconnectedness among Climate Change Education Efforts. Results from a social network analysis of the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN).
- Inspecting Alternative Decarbonization Pathways in an Open Energy Outlook for the United States
- Integrating Physical and Remote Sensing Models to Map Inundation at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution
- Interactions Between Organic Carbon and Synthetic Manganese and Iron Oxides in Acidic Forest Soil
- Intrashell trace element ratios in the foraminifera Globorotaloides hexagonus record anaerobic microbial metabolisms in an oxygen minimum zone
- Introducing a building level, continental scale, flood risk forecast system
- Key Descriptors of Nutrient Concentrations in Flood-Impacted Surface Waters
- Lightning-NOx Emissions, Impacts, and Evaluation Using Satellite Data Assimilation and Remote Observations
- Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Pellet Fuels as Replacements for Charcoal Cooking: Household Energy Transitions Observed in Urban Rwanda
- Litter Transformation During Decomposition as a Function of Warming and Manganese Addition
- Machine Learning-Based Detection of Weather Fronts and Associated Extreme Precipitation in Historical and Future Climates
- Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Liquid Water Path Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in the Southeast Pacific and Southeast Atlantic
- Modeling the Effects of Outwash Events on Barrier Island Evolution
- Modeling the multi-scale, multi-variate uncertainties that impact electricity system dynamics under global change
- Monitoring Smallholder Agriculture at Scale with Convolutional Networks and Data Augmentation
- Near-real Time Daily Drought Monitoring Using Remotely Sensed and In-situ Gridded Precipitation Datasets
- Observed synergistic effects of wind and solar resource blending on capacity credit at increasing regional grid penetration levels
- Particle Turbulent Mass Flux Retrievals Through Novel Remote Sensing Methodology
- Pedogenic and mineralogical influence on soil organic carbon stability and depth distribution in a coastal temperate rainforest, southeast Alaska
- Potential For Using Monthly Flood Forecasts To Utilize Flood Control Storage And Meet Downstream Water Demand Over the Southeastern United States
- Precipitation impacts of a weaker AMOC over the Euro-Atlantic region in the EC-Earth3 climate model
- Predicting Channel Mobility in an Altered River using Remote Sensing and Statistical Models
- Predicting estuarine fecal indicator bacteria concentrations using sensor data
- Problems in the mechanistic spring phenology models
- Projecting Climate-Driven Changes in Extreme Ozone Pollution under Natural Variability and Uncertain Climate Sensitivity
- Projecting surface water area in the southeastern U.S. under multiple emissions and development scenarios
- Proxy Potential of Trace Element/Calcium Ratios in Planktic Oxygen Minimum Zone Foraminifer Globorotaloides hexagonus
- Quantifying Bacterial Water Quality Impacts of Sunny-Day Floods
- Quantifying Internal Phosphorus Loading in Lakes and Reservoirs across the United States
- Quantifying social inequality arising from flood inundation and its impacts on infrastructure services
- Quantifying the food-energy-water nexus at regional scales: Inter-sectoral tradeoffs under hydroclimatic extremes
- Reconstructed Seasonality During the Mid Pliocene Warm Interval and Early Pleistocene Cooling as Recorded in Oxygen Isotope Ratios from Shells of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria Spp.
- Regional and Seasonal Differences in Nitrate-N (NO3-N) Load in U.S. Agroecosystems Instrumented with Water Quality Conservation Practices
- Rice area mapping in Bangladesh: Harnessing the power of time-series of Sentinel data and Google Earth Engine
- Sea level rise impacts on wetland forest hydrologic and carbon fluxes in North Carolina, USA
- Simulation and Evaluation of Electric Power Flow to Predict Regional U.S. Water Footprints
- Soil Moisture and Displacement Data Forecast the Fate of Creeping Landslides via Multilayer Networks
- StorAge Selection (SAS) function application to whole tree water storage and transport using enriched 2H tracing and sap flow in two tree species of North Carolina
- Subgrid Correction of Storm Surge Modeling in Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates
- Sweetpotato Yield Forecasting at the County Scale Through Machine Learning and Satellite Remote Sensing
- The Contribution of Laundry Detergent to Inland Freshwater Salinization and Opportunities for Product Switching
- The Dual Impacts of Space Heating Electrification and Climate Change on Seasonal Peaking and Reliability of the Texas Power Grid.
- The Effect of 3D Geological, Geotechnical, and Geophysical Models on Seismic Hazard for the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains
- The Potential Contribution of Household Detergents to Inland Freshwater Salinization
- The Social-Ecological System (SES) for Inland Freshwater Salinization and Implications for Collective Management
- The source of phosphorus in an agricultural area revealed by oxygen isotope ratio of phosphate signatures
- Tracing Tree Water Storage and Transport in Trembling Aspen and Douglas Fir in Idaho, USA: An in Situ Study Using Deuterated Water and CRDS Spectroscopy
- Transitioning to action: Long-term cross-disciplinary collaboration across the earth system sciences to facilitate local adaptation strategies for high-elevation amphibian species in the US Caribbean.
- Travel Route Planning Under Flood Inundation Conditions
- Turbulent Flux Measurements and Transfer Velocity Estimates of Sub-10 nm Sized Particles
- Understanding Eclipses Using Innovative Resources
- Understory removal and prescribed fire to manipulate forest vegetation cover in a southern Appalachian hardwood forest: Effects on soil and stream biogeochemistry
- Using Hyperspectral Imagery to Estimate Cover Crop Biomass and Nitrogen Concentrations in the Mid-Atlantic United States.
- Using Many-objective Optimization to Design Low Carbon and Weather Resilient Biofuel Supply Chains
- Using Social Network Analysis to Understand and Improve Climate Change Education Efforts
- Using Statistical Learning Methods to Accelerate Model Parameter Sensitivity Experiments
- Utility of Satellite-based remotely sensed streamflow in a spatio-temporal hierarchical model for improving NWM forecasts
- Value of medium range inflow forecast for hydropower scheduling flexibility
- Viewscape Dynamics Highlight Shifting Relationships Between Landscape Drivers and Exurban Development Over Time
- What's in a name? The paradox of citizen science and community science
- Wind Driven Ocean Redistribution of Heat Leads to Increased Anthropogenic Surface Warming over 1979-2014 in CESM2
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Sankarasubramanian
- Adam Terando
- Alexander L. Handwerger
- Ali Aydoğdu
- Amy Valach
- Andrew D. Ashton
- Anna M. Jalowska
- Anne Gold
- Antonia Sebastian
- Ariane Arias‐Ortiz
- Arun Kumar
- Ashlee Dere
- Asko Noormets
- Barron H. Henderson
- Bharat Sharma
- Bhaskar Mitra
- Brian A. Colle
- Brian Dzwonkowski
- C. R. Sherwood
- Caner Zeyrek
- Carl J. Schreck
- Celso F. Castro‐Bolinaga
- Celso M. Ferreira
- Cheryl Weyant
- Christopher J. Hein
- Christopher J. Still
- Christopher L. Osburn
- Chuxuan Li
- Colin Wilson
- Cuijuan Liao
- Cédric H. David
- D. A. Kaplan
- Daiwen Kang
- Danica Schaffer‐Smith
- Daniel E. Horton
- Daniel R. Obenour
- Daniel Tong
- Daphne Szutu
- David B. Rowley
- David M. Love
- David Mechem
- Dennis Baldocchi
- Di Tian
- Diogo Spinola
- Don Duggan-Haas
- E. J. Wallace
- E. Mazarico
- Ekrem Ozlu
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Elizabeth Herndon
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Emily Zechman Berglund
- Emine Fidan
- Emmanuel Mahieu
- Enqing Hou
- Erin R. Hotchkiss
- Erwan Monier
- Ethan G. Hyland
- Evan B. Goldstein
- Farnaz Fazelpour
- Fatai O. Balogun
- Fernanda Santos
- Fernando Garcia–Menendez
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- G. Philip Robertson
- Gabriel Pérez
- Ge Sun
- George H. Allen
- George J. Huffman
- Georgina M. Sanchez
- Gerald A. Meehl
- Giuseppe Mascaro
- Gregory W. Characklis
- Haozhe Yang
- Housen Chu
- Ian R. McGregor
- Iryna Dronova
- J. Michael Johnson
- Jacob D. Hosen
- Jacob O’Connor
- James East
- James W. Elkins
- James W. Hannigan
- Jared H. Bowden
- Jeffrey M. Bielicki
- Jennifer S. Fehrenbacher
- Jesus D. Gomez‐Velez
- Jie Chen
- Johnathan Hair
- Jon M. Wells
- Jonathan R. Lamontagne
- Jordan Kern
- Joseph V. Gray
- Jost von Hardenberg
- Julianne Quinn
- Jyoti S. Jennewein
- K. McMonigal
- Karen E. Daniels
- Karl W. Wegmann
- Karsten Baumann
- Katherine Anarde
- Katherine Dagon
- Katherine L. Martin
- Katherine Ratliff
- Kathryn Boyd
- Kathryn C. Conlon
- Katinka Bellomo
- Kelly L. Hondula
- Kenneth E. Kunkel
- Kerem Ziya Akdemir
- Kimia Karimi
- Kristen Butler
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kuno Kasak
- Kyle T. Mandli
- L. C. Bowling
- L. Golub
- Latif Kalin
- Laura J. Moore
- Laura Suárez-Gutiérrez
- Lewis A. Owen
- Liangzhi You
- Lifen Jiang
- Lilit Yeghiazarian
- Linqing Yang
- Lori Abendroth
- Lucas Ford
- M. A. Friedl
- M. I. Billen
- M. L. Rudolph
- M. S. Torn
- Magdalena Ellis Curry
- Mahdi Hasan
- Malcolm A. Barnard
- Margaret Smith
- Mariko Oue
- Marwan Kheimi
- María J. Molina
- Matthew L. Kirwan
- Matthias Sprenger
- Megan Gillen
- Megan Lickley
- Michael Durand
- Mollie D. Gaines
- Morgan DiCarlo
- N. Meskhidze
- Naresh Devineni
- Natalie Chazal
- Natalie Nelson
- Nathalie Voisin
- Nathan Collier
- Nina Stark
- Ning Liu
- Odeta Qafoku
- Pamela Wales
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paula Figueiredo
- Peter V. Caldwell
- Peter van der Beek
- Qian Luo
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. E. Emanuel
- R. J. Salawitch
- Ray F. Weiss
- Rebecca Logsdon Muenich
- Rebecca Ward
- Richard Rushforth
- Robert Evans
- Robert T. Hensley
- Roberta D’Agostino
- Ronald G. Prinn
- Rosa I. Cuppari
- Ross K. Meentemeyer
- Russell Perkins
- S. A. Montzka
- S. Biraud
- S. P. Burton
- S. Vance
- Sean Turner
- Shane R. Coffield
- Shannon C. Doherty
- Shannon N. Koplitz
- Shantanu V. Bhide
- Sheila M. Saia
- Shineng Hu
- Shiqi Fang
- Sigrid Dengel
- Simona Denaro
- Sonia M. Kreidenweis
- Stanley B. Grant
- Steven J. Hall
- Susanna Corti
- T. Fritz-Endres
- T. Pavelsky
- Tanya L. Spero
- Theodore Langhorst
- Thomas L. Delworth
- Thomas Thelen
- Tingju Zhu
- Tyeen Taylor
- Upmanu Lall
- Victor A. D. Faria
- Virna Meccia
- Xiao Yang
- Yiqi Luo
- Yoshiyuki Okumura