Carleton College, Minnesota
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Designing Undergraduate Research Experiences: A Multiplicity of Options
- New Dimensions of Discovery About Earth and Space Science Using the Digital Library for Earth System Education(DLESE)
- The Western Hesperia Planum Region of Mars: MGS-based Revelations
- Archaeal Lipid Genes: Clues to Life in Acid and the Evolution of Membranes
- Bringing Research on Learning to the Earth Sciences: A Workshop Report
- Developing Strong Geoscience Programs and Departments
- Drawing Connections Between Local and Global Observations: An Essential Element of Geoscience Education
- From the Local to the Global: Integrating Fluvial Data Across Spatial and Temporal Scales
- Teaching Quantitative Skills in a Geoscience Context
- The Global Climatic Effect of Opening the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway in the mid-Cretaceous
- Trace Element Analysis of Basalt Provinces in the Early History of the Yellowstone Hot Spot
- A Coordinated Approach to Curricular Review and Development in Undergraduate Geoscience Programs: Using a Matrix to Identify and Track Skills and Skill Development
- Carleton College Geology Department: Seventy Years of Planning for Change
- Chemical Stratigraphy of the Weiser Embayment Columbia River Basalt
- Discontinuous Permafrost Thaw Accelerates in Boreal Peatlands During Late-20th Century Climate Warming
- Incubation of Chile's 1960 Earthquake
- Methane Production Pathways in a California Rice Paddy: Isotopic Evidence for Substantial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reduction as Cause for Isotopically Light Emitted CH<SUB>4</SUB> Carbon
- Microbiology and Geochemistry of Acidic Cave Biofilms in the Frasassi Caves, Italy
- Paleomagnetic Evidence for Neogene Tilting of Crustal Panels in Southeastern Alaska
- Refining a Proposal to Build Data-Rich Rock Suites for Learning Petrology
- Teaching Petrology in the 21st Century: A Workshop Report and Call to Action
- Teaching With Models: A Starting Point Resource Module
- The Alta Stock, Utah: An Exemplar Rock Suite for Learning Metamorphic Concepts
- The DLESE Community Services Center
- The Earth Exploration Toolbook: An Opportunity to Bring Earth Science Data to the Educational Community
- The Role of Geoscience Departments in Developing the Earth Science Teacher Workforce: A Workshop Report
- Using Data in the Classroom: Resources for Undergraduate Faculty
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating Reveals Multiple Generations of Mafic Dikes in Southeastern Alaska
- Achieving Broader Impacts Through Partnering in a Digital World
- Compiling Web-Based Topical Pages for Teaching Geoscience With Visualizations
- Determining the Source for the Magmas of Monte Amiata (Central Italy) using Strontium, Neodymium, and Lead Isotope Analysis
- Developing Effective On-Line Learning Resources in the Geosciences
- Earth System Science in a Nutshell: A Starting Point Module
- Eliminating the OUCH in OUtreaCH
- Instructional Practices in Introductory Geoscience Courses: Results of a National Faculty Survey
- Mass Balance and Atmospheric Chlorofluorocarbon CFC-12: Using Interactive Online Models and Data in Introductory Atmospheric Science.
- On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program: Workshop and Web Resources for Current and Future Geoscience Faculty
- On-Line Resources for Teaching Geoscience with Visualization
- Rates, Fluxes, and Cycling in the Earth System: What Do We Know, What Are We Teaching?
- Starting Point: Linking Methods and Materials for Introductory Geoscience Courses
- Teaching Quantitative Skills in the Geosciences: Resources for Faculty
- Teaching with Data: Resources for Designing Effective Activities
- Teaching with Games: Online Resources and Examples for Entry Level Courses
- The Microbial Karst Sulfuric Acid Dynamo
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments: A Workshop Report
- Developing Geoscience Students' Quantitative Skills
- Enhancing your Teaching and Developing New Leadership: Impact of the On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program
- Helping Educators Find Visualizations and Teaching Materials Just-in-Time
- Microbial Diversity and Population Structure of Extremely Acidic Sulfur-Oxidizing Biofilms From Sulfidic Caves
- Preparing Teachers to Teach Earth Science: Resources for Geoscience Faculty
- Seismo-tectonics of the Red Sea region in Eritrea: the case of the "transform faults"
- Coarse Woody Debris and Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics in a North Temperate Forest
- DataSheets: Making Geoscience Data Easier to Find and Use
- Integrating Research, Education, Outreach and Communication Through Storytelling: A Case Study in Progress
- Investigation of Low-Level Cascadia Tremor Between Major Episodes
- Prelude to the Livello Bonarelli (OAE 2): Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology in the Cenomanian
- Synchronostratigraphic evidence from terrane and craton for the offset of Baja BC (early Campanian)
- The Quantitative Preparation of Future Geoscience Graduate Students
- The Role of Introductory Geosciences in Students' Quantitative Literacy
- The effect of minor elements on H incorporation in MgSiO3 perovskite
- Thirty-Five-Year Slip Rates for the Creeping Segment of the San Andreas Fault and the Effects of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Using Low-tech Stream Discharge Calculations to Enhance Quantitative Reasoning Skills in an Introductory Geology Course
- A Rapid In-Situ Technique for Aerosol Chemical Composition as a Function of the Hygroscopic Growth: Results from Urban, Remote and Polar Field Sites
- A Revised Caribbean Plate Motion Model: GPS Geodetic Results From the Dominica NSF- REU Site
- Chemical Composition of Aerosol Particles Emitted by a Passenger Car Engine Fueled by Ethanol/Gasoline Mixtures
- Composition of Individual Aerosol Particles Measured in the Arctic
- Development and Application of Ontologies in Support of Earth and Space Science Education
- Dislocation Modeling and Comparison With GPS Data to Assess Possible Elastic Strain Accumulation in the Central Lesser Antilles: New Constraints From the NSF REU Site in Dominica Between 2001 and 2007
- Distributed Plate Boundary Deformation Across the San Andreas Fault System, Central California
- EarthLabs - Investigating Hurricanes: Earth's Meteorological Monsters
- Getting Started in Academic Careers: On the Cutting Edge Resources for Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Early Career Faculty
- Learning from One Another: On-line Resources for Geoscience Departments
- Quantifying Strain in the Mantle Across a Paleotransform Fault, Bogota Peninsula, New Caledonia
- Ship Rock Diatreme: is it a Classical Volcano? New Evidence on Magma Ascent and Emplacement Within the Navajo Volcanic Field
- Single-Particle Composition Measured in an Alpine Valley: Wood Smoke, EC and BC
- Teach the Earth: On-line Resources for Teachers and Teachers of Teachers
- Teaching about the Early Earth: Evolution of Tectonics, Life, and the Early Atmosphere
- Using Headspace Equilibration to Measure the d13C of Soil-Respired CO2
- Using Oxygen Isotopes of Zircon to Evaluate Magmatic Evolution and Crustal Contamination in the Halifax Pluton, Nova Scotia
- Volcanic Surface Deformation in Dominica From GPS Geodesy: Results From the 2007 NSF- REU Site
- Acquisition of thermal remanent magnetization by exsolved silicate-hosted titanomagnetite inclusions: Implications for determining paleodirection and paleointensity
- Archiving Data to Facilitate its use in Education
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments: Resources and Opportunities
- Carleton College: Geoscience Education for the Liberal Arts and the Geoscience Profession
- Detection of Sulfate Esters as a Function of Particle Composition using Single Particle Mass Spectrometry
- EarthLabs: A National Model for Earth Science Lab Courses
- Evidence for differential Hawaiian and Louisville Plume Motions Based on 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
- Fire and Long-Term Carbon Accumulation in Boreal Peatlands are Controlled by Interactions Between Climate and Successional Dynamics
- Ice at the Late Cambrian Equator: Climate Extremes During a Greenhouse Earth and the Last Gasp of Proterozoic-like Conditions
- Identification of Components in Organic Films by Coupled Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- June 2006 seismic swarm and dike injection event beneath the Michoacan-Guanajuato volcanic field
- Quantifying Strain Across a Paleotransform Fault in the Mantle Section of an Ophiolite, New Caledonia
- Quantifying Transport Associated With Non-Linear Internal Waves in Massachusetts Bay
- Structure and Geomorphic Expression of the Delüün Fault and Late Cenozoic Transpressional Mountain Building in the Mongolian Altai
- Teaching Introductory Geoscience: A Cutting Edge Workshop Report
- Unusally Large Amplitude Core Phases Recoded In Oahu, Hawaii at Distances near 360°
- Application of Absorption Spectrophotometry to Study the Seasonal Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Arctic Streams
- Assessing biogeochemical cycling and transient storage of surface water in Eastern Siberian streams using short-term solute additions
- Chair Talk: Resources to Maximize Administrative Efforts
- Community Efforts Bringing Research on Learning to the Geosciences
- Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in the Formation of Mars
- Linking River Morphology to Larval Drift of an Endangered Sturgeon
- New Resources on the Building Strong Geoscience Departments Website
- Paleomagnetic Data From the Rinconada Fault in Central California: Evidence for Off-fault Deformation
- Pedagogies in Action: A Community Resource Linking Teaching Methods to Examples of their Use
- Recruitment Strategies for Geoscience Majors: Conceptual Framework and Practical Suggestions
- Refining MARGINS Mini-Lessons Using Classroom Observations
- Resources for Designing, Selecting and Teaching with Visualizations in the Geoscience Classroom
- Steady-State Deformation Using Matrix Exponentials
- Subtle evidence for paleoseismicity in the cratonic interior, U.S. A
- Teaching about Climate Change and Energy with Online Materials and Workshops from On the Cutting Edge
- The Influence of Cooling History on the Redox Conditions of Subduction Zone Magmas
- The Lifestyle Project: Challenging Students to Redefine their Approach to Resource Use (Invited)
- Water Storage Change in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins Since 2003, Including Central Valley Groundwater Depletion
- A Preliminary comparison of the Flares as seen by SDO-EVE-ESP and GOES XRS
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate in the NE Siberian Arctic and Their Role in Processing Particulate Carbon
- Bio- and Photodegradation of DOM from Lakes, Streams, and Rivers within the Kolyma River Watershed, Northeast Siberia
- Carbon processing in the Kolyma River Watershed and the role it plays in CO2 outgassing
- Characterizing Deformation at Kettleman Hills North Dome, Central California Using Paleomagnetism and Structural Analysis
- DOM composition and lability during the Arctic spring freshet on the River Kolyma, Northeast Siberia
- Developing Students' Understanding of Complex Systems in the Geosciences (Invited)
- Effects of nitrogen deposition and cattle grazing on productivity, invasion impact, and soil microbial processes in a serpentine grassland
- Improving tsunami warning with a rapid linear model
- Kinematic Modeling of Deformation Near a Ridge-Transform Intersection in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
- Landscape Variation in N and P Uptake in Streams in the Kolyma River Basin
- Launching an Academic Career: On the Cutting Edge Resources for Geoscience Graduate Students, Post-doctoral Fellows, and Early Career Faculty
- Lessons learned from a rigorous peer-review process for building the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness (CLEAN) collection of high-quality digital teaching materials
- Microbial respiration and DOC composition in leachates from Holocene and Pleistocene soils from the Kolyma River basin in Eastern Siberia
- Modeling past and future mass balance and discharge of Gulkana Glacier, Alaska
- Modeling the Evolution of a Transform Fault in the Mantle Section of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
- Teaching Service Learning in the Geosciences: An On the Cutting Edge Workshop Report
- The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (clean) Pathway: Integrating Science and Solutions
- The Role of Geoscience Departments in Preparing Future Geoscience Professionals
- Understanding the Deep Earth: Slabs, Drips, Plumes and More - An On the Cutting Edge Workshop
- Virtual Workshop Experiences for Faculty: Lessons Learned from On the Cutting Edge
- Whole ecosystem approaches for assessing the coupling of N and P cycles in small streams
- A Numerical Kinematic Model for Deformation Near a Ridge-Transform Intersection in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus Based on Gabbro Paleomagnetic Rotations and Sheeted Dike Orientations
- Addressing climate and energy misconceptions - teaching tools offered by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments Through the Visiting Workshop Program
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments: Case Studies and Findings from Six Years of Programming
- Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) - Supporting the Scientists and Citizens of Tomorrow
- Extracellular enzyme activity and biogeochemical cycling in restored prairies
- Geoscience Education Research: A Brief History, Context and Opportunities
- Geoscience Education Research: The Role of Collaborations with Education Researchers and Cognitive Scientists
- Impact of the On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program on U.S. Geoscience Faculty
- Improving Climate Science Education by Supporting Faculty: Climate Programs from On the Cutting Edge
- Improving Geoscience Students' Spatial Thinking Skills: Applying Cognitive Science Research in the Classroom
- Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in Geoscience Education and Broadening Participation in the Geosciences at Two-year Colleges
- Microbial Enzymatic Response to Reduced Precipitation and Added Nitrogen in a Southern California Grassland Ecosystem
- On the Cutting Edge: Face-to-Face and Virtual Professional Development for Current and Future Geoscience Faculty
- Past and future mass changes of all High Asian Mountain glaciers
- Preparing Future Geoscience Professionals: Needs, Strategies, Programs, and Online Resources
- Professional Development Opportunities for Two-Year College Geoscience Faculty: Issues, Opportunities, and Successes
- Rainsplash diffusion: Experimental smoothing of landscapes
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Solar-cycle variation of oscillation frequencies and surface magnetic field
- Spatiotemporal Thinking in the Geosciences
- Supporting Faculty Learning About Teaching: The On the Cutting Edge Website
- Tools and Methods for Visualizing and Representing Seismic Waves in College Classrooms
- Website Resources and Support for Two-Year College Geoscience Educators
- A Model Collaborative Platform for Geoscience Education
- Accumulation Rate Variability and Winter Mass Balance Estimates using High Frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar and Snow Pit Stratigraphy on the Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Cyber Enabled Collaborative Environment for Data and Modeling Driven Curriculum Modules for Hydrology and Geoscience Education
- Developing A Large-Scale, Collaborative, Productive Geoscience Education Network
- Developing a Geoscience Literacy Exam: Pushing Geoscience Literacy Assessment to New Levels
- Expanded Geochemical Analysis of the Eocene Crescent Formation, Olympic Peninsula, Washington
- Geochemical Analysis of Surface Water in Rice County, Minnesota
- InTeGrate: Transforming the Teaching of Geoscience and Sustainability
- On-line Resources for Teaching Sustainability
- Online Resources for Teaching Geoscience in the Field
- Repeated Mine Blasts Recorded on a Dense Broadband Array, Ruby Mountains, Nevada
- Stable Isotopes Indicate Nitrogen Sources in Pinguicula vulgaris Across Contrasting Habitat Types in Sub-Arctic Sweden
- Systems, Society, Sustainability and the Geosciences: A Workshop to Create New Curricular Materials to Integrate Geosciences into the Teaching of Sustainability
- TP and depth conditions of the basalt suites from the Crescent Formation on the Olympic Peninsula
- Teaching About Rates and Time: Challenges and Resources
- Teaching Environmental Geology in the 21St Century: A Workshop Report
- The CLEAN Workshop Series: Promoting Effective Pedagogy for Teaching Undergraduate Climate Science
- The development of the Midcontinent Rift in the context of rapid paleogeographic change
- Understanding geological processes: Visualization of rigid and non-rigid transformations
- Using Grand Challenges For Innovative Teaching in Structural Geology, Geophysics, and Tectonics
- DIG Texas Blueprints - Pathways for Teaching a Rigorous Earth Science Course
- Geoscience and the 21st Century Workforce
- InTeGrate's model for developing innovative, adaptable, interdisciplinary curricular materials that reach beyond the geosciences
- InTeGrate: InTeGrate: Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future
- Mercury Dynamics In Sub-Arctic Lake Sediments Across A Methane Ebullition Gradient
- Methane Concentrations and Biogeochemistry in Lake Sediments from Stordalen Mire, Sub-Arctic Sweden
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production Rates in Lake Sediments from Sub-Arctic Sweden
- National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) support for the Next Generation Science Standards (Invited)
- Piloting a Geoscience Literacy Exam for Assessing Students' Understanding of Earth, Climate, Atmospheric and Ocean Science Concepts
- Supporting Geoscience Students at Two-Year Colleges: Career Preparation and Academic Success
- The SERC K12 Educators Portal to Teaching Activities and Pedagogic Approaches
- Transforming Spatial Reasoning Skills in the Undergraduate Geoscience Classroom Through Interventions Based on Cognitive Science Research
- Web-based Interactive Landform Simulation Model - Grand Canyon
- What to do Next? Supporting Climate Literacy within Next Generation Science Standards (Invited)
- A Cyber Enabled Collaborative Environment for Creating, Sharing and Using Data and Modeling Driven Curriculum Modules for Hydrology Education
- Developing Expert Interdisciplinary Thinkers: Online Resources for Preparing Pre-service Teachers to Teach the NGSS
- Dissolved Mn Speciation and Ligand Characteristics in a Coastal Waterway
- Diversity and Innovation for Geosciences (dig) Texas Earth and Space Science Instructional Blueprints
- Evaluating Educational Resources for Inclusion in the Dig Texas Instructional Blueprints for Earth & Space Science
- High Temperature Emplacement of Clastic Breccia Dikes and Implications for the Development and Magnetization of Impact Craters
- Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the MARGINS-GeoPRISMS Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum: An Overview
- Infusing Sustainability Across Disciplines to Build Student Engagement
- Landscape hydrology and scaling of nitrate <SUP>15</SUP>N and <SUP>18</SUP>O isotope composition in a semi-arid agroecosystem
- Microstructural and Rheological Constraints on the Mantle Strength of Strike-Slip Fault Systems: Evidence from the Bogota Peninsula Shear Zone, New Caledonia
- National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) support for the Next Generation Science Standards
- New Materials for the Undergraduate Classroom to Build Pre-Service Teachers' NGSS Skills and Knowledge
- Observations of Undergraduate Geoscience Instruction in the US: Measuring Student Centered Teaching
- On the Cutting Edge: Workshops, Online Resources, and Community Development
- Preliminary Analysis of Manual and Automated Seep Detection in Multibeam Water-Column Backscatter
- Seep Mapping: Using NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Data to Visualize the Physical Environments of Seeps in the Gulf of Mexico
- Small-Scale Variations in Melt of the Debris-Covered Emmons Glacier, Mount Rainier, USA
- Soluble Manganese(III) in the Marine Environment
- Teaching GeoEthics Across the Geoscience Curriculum
- Testing the Shock Remanent Magnetization Hypothesis at the Slate Islands Impact Structure, Canada
- The Integrate Student Portal: Online Resources to Prepare Students for the Workforce of a Sustainable Future
- The effects of rock type and landscape position on solution chemistry of soils in the Biosphere 2 Desert Site of the Santa Catalina Mountains Critical Zone Observatory
- Undergraduate Research in Earth Science Classes: Engaging Students in the First Two Years
- Undergraduate Research in Geoscience with Students from Two-year Colleges: SAGE 2YC Resources
- Understanding the Prevalence of Geo-Like Degree Programs at Minority Serving Institutions
- Using Systems Thinking to Frame the Evaluation of a Complex Educational Intervention
- A Bayesian approach to modeling 2D gravity data using polygon states
- Acid mine drainage simulated leaching behavior of goethite and cobalt substituted goethite
- Addressing Issues of Broadening Participation Highlighted in the Report on the Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education
- Bridging Science and Public Understanding of Long-term Soil, Water, and Vegetation Monitoring: Opportunities for broader impact connections with InTeGrate
- Bridging Science and Public Understanding of Water-Energy Nexus: Opportunities for broader impact connections with InTeGrate
- Determining Grain-scale Vorticity Axes from Crystallographic Orientation Data
- Direct Measurement of Atmospheric Ammonia from an Airborne Miniature Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (miniCIMS)
- Early Neoproterozoic Global Change Through the Lens of the Tambien Group, Northern Ethiopia
- Harnessing Multivariate Statistics for Ellipsoidal Data in Structural Geology
- High-resolution Chemostratigraphy Through a Nearshore, Mixed Carbonate-shale Succession of Late Ordovician Age (Sandbian-Katian) in the Laurentian Cratonic Interior
- Improving Undergraduate Research Experiences With An Intentional Mentoring Program: Lessons Learned Through Assessment of Keck Geology Consortium Programs
- Longevity of Yellowstone hotspot volcanism: Isotopic evidence linking the Siletzia LIP (56 Ma) and early Columbia River Basalt Group (17 Ma) mantle sources
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation to Assess Uncertainty in Models of Naturally Deformed Rock
- Newly Discovered Exposures of Neoproterozoic Diamictite within the Samre Fold-Thrust Belt of Northern Ethiopia
- On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program - An effective model built from years of experience
- PIXELS: Using field-based learning to investigate students' concepts of pixels and sense of scale
- Styles of Deformation on Either Side of a Ridge-Transform Intersection, Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
- Supporting Success for All Students
- Teaching Coastal Hazard, Risk, and Environmental Justice
- The Development of Electrostatic Precipitation-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (EP-ESI-MS) for Atmospheric Aerosol Analysis
- A Rhizosphere-Scale Investigation of Root Effects on Wetland Methane Dynamics
- Artificial Reefs in Motion: Legacy of changes and degradation at the Redbird Reef Site
- Assessing Student Learning about the Earth through the InTeGrate Project
- Characterizing Variability in Long Period Horizontal Tilt Noise Through Coherence Analysis
- Deformation Bands in the Etchegoin Formation of Central California: Implications for Stress Orientations NE of the San Andreas Fault
- Earth surface modeling for education: How effective is it? Latest classroom tests with Web-based Interactive Landform Simulation Model - Grand Canyon (WILSIM-GC)
- Geoscience as an Agent for Change in Higher Education
- Grain-Scale Analyses of Curiosity Data at Marias Pass, Gale Crater, Mars: Methods Comparison and Depositional Interpretation
- Heterogeneous Deformation in a Ridge-Transform System: An Example from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
- Make Change Happen at the Program or Institutional Scale: Converting Community Expertise into Practical Guidance
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Models of Ridge-Transform Intersections
- Paleomagnetic analysis of deformation and rotation associated with the Húsavík-Flatey Fault, northern Iceland
- Physical Models of a Locked-to-Creeping Transition Along a Strike-Slip Fault: Comparison with the San Andreas Fault System in Central California
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Inverse Models of Geologic Data from Shear Zones
- Resources and Approaches for Teaching Quantitative and Computational Skills in the Geosciences and Allied Fields
- Review of Paleomagnetic Age Constraints of Mid-Continent Rift Strata, Upper Midwestern United States
- Showcasing the InTeGrate STEP Center principles and implementation programs through interactive webinars and websites
- Supporting the Creation and Publication of Reviewed and Tested Teaching Modules through the InTeGrate Project
- The Onset of the Sturtian Snowball Earth: New Geochronology and Chemostratigraphy from the Tambien Group of Ethiopia
- Three-Dimensional Mantle Flow Near an Oceanic Paleotransform Fault System: Geological Constraints From the Bogota Peninsula, New Caledonia
- Trends and associated uncertainty in the global mean temperature record
- Using SERC for creating and publishing student generated hydrology instruction materials
- An 'Observational Large Ensemble' to compare observed and modeled temperature trend uncertainty due to internal variability.
- Characterizing the metatranscriptomic profile of archaeal metabolic genes at deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Comparison of Glaciological and Gravimetric Glacier Mass Balance Measurements of Taku and Lemon Creek Glaciers, Southeast Alaska
- Creating Data and Modeling Enabled Hydrology Instruction Using Collaborative Approach
- Design thinking can deepen the collaboration between scientists and society: Lessons from the innovation economy
- Diversifying Geoscience by Preparing Faculty as Workshop Leaders to Promote Inclusive Teaching and Inclusive Geoscience Departments
- Implications of the bedform phase diagram for size-dependent changes of ooid cortical fabric
- Insights into recent and ancient trends in the co-evolution of Earth and life as revealed by microbial genomics
- Investigation of Mineral Alteration in Andesite and Dacite from Three Different Volcano Hydrothermal Systems on Dominica, Lesser Antilles
- Linking THEMIS Orbital Data to MSL GTS Measurements: The Thermophysical Properties of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars
- Microevolutionary dynamics in Methanothermococcus populations from deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Modeling 13.3nm Fe XXIII Flare Emissions Using the GOES-R EXIS Instrument
- Monitoring diffuse degassing in monogenetic volcanic field during seismic-volcanic unrest: the case of Tenerife North-West Rift Zone (NWRZ), Canary Islands, Spain
- Proposed Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research: Articulating a Community Research Agenda
- Radial Oxygen Loss in the Rhizosphere of Wild Rice as a Control On Root Surface Mineral Precipitation
- Retreat of Stephenson Glacier, Heard Island, from Remote Sensing and Field Observations
- Teaching about the Earth Online: Faculty-Sourced Guidance from InTeGrate
- The EarthConnections San Bernardino Alliance: Addressing Diversity in the Geosciences Using a Collective Impact Model
- Using InTeGrate materials to develop interdisciplinary thinking for a sustainable future
- Using the CLEAN educational resource collection for building three-dimensional lessons to teach the climate system
- A Peer-Contributed and Peer-Reviewed Collection of MATLAB Based Teaching Activities for Educators in the Geosciences and Allied Fields
- Analysis of the Magnetotelluric Profile Data from the Española Basin, New Mexico
- Catalyzing Inclusive Education Practices in Two-Year College Geoscience Programs and Departments: SAGE 2YC and Faculty Change Agents
- Community-Based Research Teams: Examples from On the Cutting Edge and InTeGrate Projects
- Deformation in Wide Transform Systems: An Example from Northern Iceland
- Detection of Submarine Groundwater Discharge on an Arid Island in the N. Pacific
- Dynamic Models of Ellipsoidal Data from Shear Zones
- EarthConnections Pathways: Linking Geoscience Learning and Community Involvement to Develop Community Science Literacy
- Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration (Project EDDIE): Successes and challenges using large online datasets to build quantitative reasoning
- Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration (Project EDDIE): Using Large Datasets to Build Quantitative Literacy
- Is Jet-Scale Overturning Circulation Present in the North Atlantic Ocean?
- Magnetic record of agricultural use in recently replanted prairie soils
- Mentoring the mentors: using project director workshops to develop faculty mentoring skills
- Precariously balanced rocks in northern Utah: are Wasatch Fault earthquakes worse than expected?
- Teach the Earth: Linking research and practice to attract, support, and prepare diverse students for geoscience careers
- Teaching about Food, Water and Energy in the context of Sustainability: Opportunities and connections with the InTeGrate STEP center
- The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
- Tools and Resources for Educators: Teaching Quantitative Thinking in Geoscience with MATLAB
- Using a Near Surface Geophysics and Critical Zone Science Field Experience to Broaden the Participation of Underrepresented Minorities in the Geosciences
- An Overview of EvaluateUR-CURE: Measuring Learning Gains and Providing Student Feedback
- Analyzing infrasound, geodetic, and seismic data from Kīlauea 2018 caldera collapse
- Broadening Participation and Engagement of Underrepresented Minorities in the Geosciences Through a Near Surface Geophysics Field Experience
- Characterization of a Shallow Firn Aquifer at the Matthes-Llewellyn Glacier Divide, Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Characterizing deformation surrounding the Húsavík-Flatey fault in northern Iceland through statistical analysis of structural and paleomagnetic data
- Comparison of Inter-Annual and Long Term Trends in Glacier-Wide Mass Balance of Three Neighboring Glaciers in SE Alaska 1998-2018
- Deformation Bands Near Parkfield, California: Implications for Deformation in the San Andreas Fault System
- Deformation Experiments of the Etchegoin Sandstone
- Designing Data-rich Undergraduate Teaching Materials That Get Used
- Differences in functional potential provide an advantage to specific microbial lineages in distinct hydrothermal vent habitats
- Earth Education for Addressing Obstacles to Sustainability
- Earth Education for a Habitable World
- EarthConnections Geoscience Pathways: An Ecosystem Supporting Learning from K to Career
- Environmental magnetism and geochemical constraints on paleoprecipitation change during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Piceance Creek Basin, western Colorado
- Exhumation Responses to Supercontinent Cycles Constrained Through Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronology: Results from the North American Craton and Method Refinements
- Forward and Inverse Modeling of the Development of Quartz Crystallographic Preferred Orientation Textures in Shear Zones
- Increasing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Two-Year College Geoscience: Lessons Learned from the SAGE 2YC Project
- Insights Emerging from Evaluation of the InTeGrate Project: A Collaborative Effort to Improve Undergraduate Geoscience Education Nationwide
- Invigorating the geoscience community: Graduate student-led efforts in creating inclusive, equal, and diverse science and community at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Leveraging Peer-Developed Resources for Designing and Implementing Successful Field Experiences
- Making Research Data Visible to Educators: Dissemination through SERC
- Opening Access to Results of the National Geoscience Faculty Survey
- Promoting teaching of quantitative reasoning using environmental data: Project EDDIE
- Seismic cycle recorded by microstructural and stress variations in the mantle section of an oceanic transform zone
- Strengthening Cross-Campus Programs to Enhance Interdisciplinary Environmental and Sustainability Education through Traveling Workshops
- Supporting and Assessing Systems Thinking Skills Development in Undergraduates
- The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
- The Influence of Late Ordovician Volcanism on the GICE
- 2020 Dickinson Hackweek: Evidence for Terminus Advance from a Piedmont-type Glacier along the Southeastern Edge of Sydkap Ice Cap, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
- 2020 Dickinson Sidkap Hackweek: Glacier changes near Canada's most northern community, Grise Fiord, Nunavut, Canada
- 2020 Dickinson Sydkap Hackweek: Ice loss in Southwestern Ellesmere and Northwestern Devon Islands since 1959, Nunavut, Canada
- 2020 Dickinson Sydkap Hackweek: Sixty year record of ice area loss from the marine terminating Sydkap Glacier, southern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
- 2020 Dickinson Sydkap Hackweek: Using a U-Net for Semantic Segmentation of Glaciers on Southern Ellesmere and Western Devon Islands, Canada
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> century changes in ice flow dynamics of Greenland's marine-terminating peripheral glaciers
- Biogeochemical response to Holocene climate change in deep and shallow lakes: a case study comparison from southeastern Minnesota
- Critical Assessment of Tropospheric Ozone Simulations in CMIP6 Earth System Models
- Diverse viruses have restricted biogeography in deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluids
- Estimating the "noise" with the Observational Large Ensemble
- Evaluate-Compete: A Method for Assessing Student Outcomes in MATE's ROV Competitions
- Evaluation of Forests and Native Vegetation for Nutrient and Sediment Management in Great Lakes Priority Basins
- Exploring Stability of Greenland's Peripheral Marine-Terminating Glaciers through Analysis of Automated Terminus Position Timeseries
- Investigation of the Long-Term Stability of the NAO SST Tripole
- Linkages between soil organic matter and magnetic mineral formation in agricultural fields in Northfield, MN
- Next Steps for Community Infrastructure Supporting Geoscience Education
- Off-Fault Deformation Due to Changes in Slip Dynamics on the San Andreas Fault: An Experimental Approach
- Polar Literacy: Conducting Professional Development for Early Career Polar Researchers during a Pandemic
- Polar Literacy: Maintaining and Innovating Youth STEM Outreach Programs during a Pandemic
- Quantification and analysis of dynamic mass loss from Greenland's peripheral glaciers
- Reconstructing the Evolutionary History of Dissimilatory Sulfur Cycling Genes
- Soil moisture-driven increases in hot and dry days in the American West
- The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
- Virtual Professional Development for STEM Faculty: Promoting and Modeling Active Learning Strategies
- Advancing GeoHealth collaboration for systemic change: ideas and opportunities from existing models, resources, and infrastructure
- Analyzing the Structure of Coronal Loops in MURaM Radiation MHD Simulations
- Architecture, Internal Structure, and Strain Geometry of a Transcurrent Shear Zone in the Lithospheric Mantle
- Causes and implications of the observed desiccation of the US Southwest
- Dynamic mass loss from Greenlands peripheral glaciers from 1985-2018
- Effects of heterogeneity on inferred stress directions using borehole breakout and hydraulic fracture orientations: A physical modeling approach
- Environmental and biogeochemical response to hydroclimate for a shallow-lake system over the Holocene in south-central Minnesota
- Field trials testing carbon sequestration and agricultural co-benefits of enhanced silicate weathering with basaltic soil amendments in a corn-soybean agricultural field in Northfield, Minnesota
- Geoscience in the time of COVID-19: Lessons learned from the early days of the pandemic
- Getting a holistic view: Documenting change in undergraduate science teaching
- Greenhouse constraints on the inorganic carbon sequestration potential of enhanced silicate weathering in agriculture
- How does the spatial distribution of GPS stations influence calculations of strain rate patterns?
- Physical Modeling of a Creeping-to-Locked Transition in Strike-Slip Fault Behavior: Implications for Off-Fault Deformation in the San Andreas Fault System, Central California
- Polar Science Data Jam: Building Data Literacy through Creative Engagement with Scientific Data
- Sediment yield from three watersheds following the 2018 Carr Fire, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, northern California
- The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
- Train the facilitators: Applying Lessons from URGE to NAGT Professional Development Programming
- URGE at Scripps Institution of Oceanography Accomplishments, Challenges, and Future Plans
- Unlearning Racism in Geosciences: A Case Study from the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- A Geospatial Model to Calculate Land Suitability and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Enhanced Weathering in Agriculture
- Advancing GeoHealth Through Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science: Recommendations for Future Work
- Carbon dioxide removal through enhanced weathering: lessons from laboratory and field experiments using rocks and industrial wastes
- Connecting Geoscience Educators to Teaching Resources: The Compass Project to Improve Resource Discovery
- Connecting Youth to the Arctic Through Mystery-Themed Activities
- Cyanotypes as co-creation: Increasing connection and understanding of ice cores on the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- Data-rich and societally-oriented geodesy curricular modules: design inputs and actual use patterns
- Ensuring a thriving geoscience open education resource ecosystem: perspectives from 20 year at SERC
- ICON Science Relevance to Geoscience Education Research
- Mapping Eucalyptus Mortality Using Hyperspectral Imagery in Ellwood Mesa, Santa Barbara
- Organosulfate Formation in Proxies for Aged Sea Spray Aerosol: Reactive Uptake of Isoprene Epoxydiols to Acidic Sodium Sulfate
- Reconstructing Temperature Variability in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Over the Last 150 Years Using Clam Shell Oxygen Isotopes and High-Resolution Ocean Models
- Soil Lead in the Context of Redlining: The Racist Legacy of Pollution in 3 Ohio Cities & Implications for Action
- The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
- The Need to Advance Geoscience Collaboration for Environmental Justice
- Understanding the Response and Transport of Nitrate in a Karst Aquifer to Recharge Events
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adnan Rajib
- Alan D. Wanamaker
- Alexander D. Lusk
- Amy E. East
- Andrew P. Ault
- Anna M. Wilson
- Anne Gold
- B. T. Crosby
- Benjamin F. Zaitchik
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- Devarati Bhattacharya
- Ellyn M. Enderlin
- G. H. C. Ng
- Gabriel M. Filippelli
- Isla R. Simpson
- Jacqueline E. Reber
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Jamy Y. Lee
- Jennifer A. MacKinnon
- John R. McDaris
- K. Bateman
- Karen A. McKinnon
- Kathryn Boyd
- Kristen Guirguis
- Kristen St. John
- Lauren Haygood
- Liesl Hotaling
- Lynn M. Russell
- Malcolm A. Barnard
- Melisa A. Diaz
- Naomi Ochwat
- Nina M. Whitney
- Nina S. Oakley
- Peter K. Kang
- Qingqing Sun
- S. W. McCoy
- Sarah Titus
- Sujata R. Emani
- T. S. Ledley
- Tanya Furman
- Vasileios Chatzaras
- William E. Chapman
- Yue Zhang
- Ziying Lei