Northern Arizona University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Air-Water Interfacial Areas in Unsaturated Porous Media: Evaluation of Interfacial Domains
- Chemical Speciation of PM-2.5 Collected During Prescribed Burns of the Coconino National Forest
- Climate Record in a 240 kyr Sediment Core From Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho
- Implications for the Formation of Transform Faults from Pliocene Basins on Isla San Jose, Southern Gulf of California
- Methods of Using Detailed, Small-Scale Data to Calibrate Reach-Scale GIS Data in Order to Detect Changes Caused by Individual Floods in a Debris Fan-Dominated River
- Physiological control of carbon and water fluxes in the Chequamegon National Forest, its variability and consequences
- Preliminary Results of Study of the Mechanism of the December 26,1939 Erzincan Earthquake (M=7.9)
- The Application of General Circulation Models to the upper Atmospheres of Titan and Triton
- The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program: An experiment in science-based resource management
- Application of Magnetic Mapping to Proterozoic Continental Reconstruction
- Deformation Bands in an Exhumed Oil Reservoir, Corona del Mar, California, USA
- Deposition, Alteration, and Resuspension of Colorado River Delta Sediments, Lake Powell, Utah
- Depth Analysis of Historic Seismicity Using Intensity Data With Special Reference to Arizona Events
- Exploring Gusev with MER A
- Holocene Migrations of Creosote Bush and Pinyon Pines in the Western United States: Implications for the Next Century.
- Interactive Three-Dimensional Visualization for Digital Hydrogeologic Framework Models: GeoWall Presentation of the Grand Canyon
- New Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa 773: A Tholeiite from the Moon?
- Strontium Incorporation Into Calcite Generated by Bacterial Ureolysis
- The Effect of Forest Restoration on Stable Isotopes of Respired CO2
- The significance of discharge in the replenishment of sand bar deposits along the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon
- Trapping and Release of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Amorphous and Crystalline Water-ice Films
- A possible widespread Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene rift-related sequence under the marine shelf from Mazatlan to the Tres Marias islands, southeastern Gulf of California, Gulf of California MARGINS project
- Continent- Ocean Transition Across the Alarcon Basin, Gulf of California from Seismic Reflection and Refraction Data.
- Crustal structure and rift evolution across the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- Disturbance Frequency Changes in Western North and South America During the Holocene
- Enhancement of Spatial Understanding in AN Introductory Field Methods Project Through a Geowall Intervention
- GeoWall use in an Introductory Geology laboratory: Impacts in Student Understanding of Field Mapping Concepts
- Impacts of Prescribed Burning in Upland Meadows on Understory Evapotranspiration
- Late Quaternary Tephrochronology From Three Lakes, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
- On the Trail of Missing Heat: Forward Gravity Modeling of the San Francisco Volcanic Field, Northern Arizona
- Palinspastic Reconstructions of the Gulf of California Based on Airy Isostatic Profiles: Evidence for One Kinematic Phase of Neogene Shearing
- San José Island Accommodation Zone, Baja California Sur, Mexico: A Key to Onshore-Offshore Fault Relationships along the Western Margin of the Southern Gulf of California
- Scanning Transmission X-ray microscopy Imaging of Aerosol Particles
- Seismic Images of Faulting and Fossil Subduction of the Southern Baja California Margins
- Seismic imaging of the continent-ocean transition in the southern Gulf of California
- A Comparison of Techniques for Mapping the Distribution of Sediment on the Bed of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- A Primitive Achondrite With Oxygen Isotopic Affinities to CV Chondrites: Implications for Differentiation and Size of the CV Parent Body
- A new method of quantifying contributions from nitrification and denitrification. Tree species effects on soil sources of N<SUB>2</SUB>O.
- Abrupt and Cyclic Variations of Late-Quaternary Climate: High-Resolution Records From Alaskan Lake Sediments
- Age Models for a Continous 250-kyr Quaternary Lacustrine Record from Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho
- Characteristics of Martian Layered Ejecta Craters and Their Implications for Near-Surface Volatiles
- Continental Rifting Across the Alarcon Basin, Gulf of California
- Crustal Structure of Southern Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, From Magdalena Microplate to Farallon Basin
- Dendrochemical Dating of Tephra Layers
- Experimental Determination of Allanite Stability in High-Silica Rhyolite
- Geochemical Evolution of Pre-caldera Magmas at Caviahue Caldera, Neuquen Province, Argentina
- Global Change Simulations Affect Potential Methane Oxidation in Upland Soils
- Hydrologic and Ecologic Responses to Diminished Spring Discharge; Surface-Water/Groundwater and Vegetation Modeling, Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Intrabasin Variability of Volcanic Ash Stratigraphy in a Small Kettle Lake; Lorraine Lake, Anchorage, Alaska
- Involving Scientists in Outreach: Incentives, Barriers, and Recommendations from Research Findings
- Macrobrecciation at a Plate Boundary: The Iskenderun Block
- Monitoring Ecosystem Carbon and Water Variations During a Severe Drought in the Southwest With AVIRIS and MODIS Sensor Data.
- NSF-PARCS: A Case Study in Proxy Climate Syntheses for the CCSP Assessment
- On the Itinerant History of Crystals in Magma Reservoirs
- Petrologic and Geochemical Evidence for Biologic Contributions to Carbonate Formation in the Panoche-Tumey Hills Paleoseep, California
- Sediment Studies Refute EIS Hypothesis, While Most Fundamental Process Questions Remain Unanswered: An Update on Experiments in Grand Canyon
- Seismic Imaging of Rifted Margins in the Southern Gulf of California
- Soil Microbial <SUP>15</SUP>N-Natural Abundance is Enriched Relative to Other Soil N Pools and Indicates Microbial C-Limitation
- Successful Strategies for Earth Science Research in Native Communities
- Synchronous changes in the rift-margin San Jose Island basin and initiation of the Alarcón spreading ridge: implications for rift to drift transition in the Gulf of California
- The Need for More Precise, Accurate, and Complete Plant Distribution Data, and Its Importance in Reconstructing Past Climates
- Using Kettle Lake Records to Date and Interpret Holocene Ash Deposition in Upper Cook Inlet, Anchorage, AK
- the Cataract Creek, Arizona, 1993 Earthquake Sequence
- A synoptic climatology of desert dust deposition to the alpine snowpack in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, U.S.A.
- Analysis of Historic Seismicity in the Transition Zone of southeastern Arizona
- Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and Sedimentary Fabric Studies of Phreatomagmatic Surge Deposits, Hopi Buttes, Navajo Nation, NE Arizona
- Aqueous Geochemistry of the Pueblo Colorado Wash Aquifer
- Assessing the Response of Aerosol Nucleation, Cloud Parameters, and Radiative Forcing Over Oceans to Variations in Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensity
- Climate Change Over a Glacial-Interglacial Cycle From the Mid Pleistocene: A Lacustrine Record From the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Correlation of Tephra Deposits at Newberry Volcano, Oregon: Refining Estimates of Plinian Eruptions
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Gulf of California, the East Pacific Rise to the Jalisco Block
- Growth and recession of tamarisk in response to a regulated hydrograph in Grand Canyon National Park.
- Heterogeneous Crystal Populations: Signatures, Genesis and Chronologies
- High Releases From Glen Canyon Dam Cause Short-term Eddy-bar Aggradation if Timed to Coincide With Significant Input of Sediment From Tributaries
- Identification of newly grown microbial populations in soil through stable isotope probing with [18O]water.
- Influence of Glen Canyon Dam on Fine-Sediment Storage in the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Arizona
- Modification of the Semicircular Tube Aquifer Model by Including Water Geochemistry Temperature Constraints to Evaluate Geothermal Potential: An Example From the Clifton Hot Springs, in the Southeastern Quadrant of Arizona
- Quaternary Basalts in Grand Canyon: Correlation of Flows Using Lidar, 40Ar/39Ar Dating, Geochemical Correlation, Neotectonic Studies, and History of Lava Dams
- Sediment budget for Murder Creek, Georgia, USA, from Pu239+240 - determined soil erosion rates
- Seismic structure from multi-channel seismic reflection and wide-angle data of Transect 0E in the Southern Gulf of California
- Simulating the Phreatic Surface Within new Sediments Deposited During the November 2004 High Flow Test Along the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Submarine volcanism in the north Loreto subbasin, Baja California Sur, Mexico
- The 15N /14N and 13C/12C natural abundance isotope composition of microbial biomass or DNA in soil.
- The Holocene Thermal Maximum in the Arctic
- The Influence of Thinning on Components of Stand Water Balance in a Ponderosa Pine Forest Stand During and After Extreme Drought
- Unique Angrite NWA 2999: The Case For Samples From Mercury
- Using an Integrated, Remote-Sensing Methodology to Evaluate the Effects of Dam Operations on Fine-Grained Sediment Storage and Sand Bar Restoration in Marble Canyon
- A Helium Isotope Perspective on Mantle Sources for Basaltic Volcanism in the Northwestern US
- A Learner-Centered Spiral Knowledge Approach to Teaching Isotope Geology
- Characterization Of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Emissions During Prescribed Fires Of The Coconino National Forest
- Conduit changes and eruptive styles at Red Mountain cinder cone, AZ, USA
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Gulf of California and subducting Rivera plate
- Crystal-scale t-T-X records in zircons from the Youngest Toba Tuff, Sumatra, Indonesia
- Deformation and Oil Migration Along the Active Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone, Southern California, USA
- Differentiation and thermal history of the post-collapse magma reservoir at Yellowstone caldera as revealed by combining the temperature-age-compositional history of zircons
- EL3 Chondrite (not Aubrite) Northwest Africa 2828: An Unusual Paleo-meteorite Occurring as Cobbles in a Terrestrial Conglomerate
- Eruptive Variations During the Emplacement of Cerro Pinto, an Ambitious Rhyolite Dome, Puebla, Mexico
- Evaluating the Holocene Dynamics of Oceanographic Processes in the Southeast Brazilian Bight Using Accumulations of Calcitic and Aragonitic Shells
- Evidence for a Carbonaceous Chondrite Parent Body With Near-TFL Oxygen Isotopes From Unique Metachondrite Northwest Africa 2788
- Evolution of the east-central San Jose del Cabo basin, Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Evolution of the mouth of the Gulf of California based on rift-related seismic sequences and onshore basins
- Framework stratigraphy and chronology of the Comondu Group from Loreto to La Paz, Baja California Sur: regional correlation for use in across-Gulf of California correlations
- Geochemical Signatures of Springs Response to Recent Climate Change in a Semi-Arid Region, Middle Verde River Watershed, Arizona
- Holocene Tephrochronology from Lake Sediments, Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Hydraulic Inferences for Mars From Geologic Mapping in Margaritifer Terra, Mars and Measurements of Terrestrial Analogs.
- Interpreting 250m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Vegetation Indices in the Colorado Plateau, USA
- Late Holocene Climate Fluctuations at Cascade Lake, Ahklun Mountains, Southwestern Alaska
- Late Holocene climate change at Goat Lake, Kenai Mountains, south-central Alaska
- Late Quaternary faulting in the Cabo San Lucas-La Paz Region, Baja California
- Lateral and Vertical Vent Migration at Tecuitlapa Maar, Mexico
- Lidar return data vs. ground-based topographic and vegetation structure surveys in riparian habitats of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon.
- Mid-Miocene to Early Pliocene Upper Crustal Extension in the Southern Gulf of California
- Polygenetic Nature of a Rhyolitic Dome: Cerro Pizarro, Eastern Mexico
- Problems with recognition of post-collisional extension in ancient settings: an example from the Hualapai Mtns., AZ
- Short-Term Research Experiences with Teachers in Earth and Planetary Sciences and a Model for Integrating Research into Classroom Inquiry
- Shortwave radiative and melt forcing by dust in mountain snow cover
- Step-pool spacing in a travertine system, Fossil Creek, Arizona
- Symmetric Rifting of Cold Lithosphere in the Southern Gulf of California
- The Role of Crustal Radiogenic Heat Production in the Stability of Hadean, Archean and Proterozoic Lithospheres
- Two mid-Pleistocene Glacial Cycles (MIS 14 to 10) From Lacustrine Sediments in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Use of Springs as Indicators of Recent Climate Change: Physical Responses in the Middle Verde River Watershed, Central Arizona
- Zircon geothermometry and the Bishop Tuff: Evidence for remobilization of crystal mush or for temperature-independent Ti partitioning?
- None
- A Laser-Extraction Technique for Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Diatom Frustules
- A Simple Three Pool Model Accurately Describes Patterns of Long-term Litter Decomposition in Diverse Climates Across Two Continents
- A Survey of Raised Curvilinear Features in Aeolis Mensae, Mars
- A big old cold seep revisited: the Paleocene Panoche-Tumey Hills system
- Adding t to garnet P-T paths using the Lu-Hf method: Age constraints on thrusting and exhumation events in the hinterland of the Sevier orogen
- Be-10 Ages From Northern Alaska Range Moraines Help Constrain the Timing of the Penultimate Glaciation in Eastern Beringia
- Carbon Dioxide and Energy Exchange in Disturbed Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests
- Combining major and accessory phase geothermometry and geochronology to delimit the thermochemical evolution of high-silica rhyolite at Yellowstone caldera
- Constraining the Time-Scale of Interaction of Sea Ice Sediments and Surface Sea Water in the Arctic Ocean Using Short-Lived Radionuclide Tracers
- Coupled Basement-Detrital Thermochronology from the southern Gulf of California
- Effects of long-term increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration, precipitation, temperature and N deposition on gross N mineralization and nitrification rates in California annual grassland soil
- From detachment to transtensional faulting: A model for the Lake Mead extensional domain based on new ages and correlation of subbasins
- Late Holocene environmental change at three glacier-fed lakes, southern Alaska
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene Faulting History Along the Northern El Carrizal Fault, Baja California Sur, Mexico: Earthquake Recurrence at a Persistently Active Rifted Margin
- Late Quaternary Faulting along the San Juan de los Planes Fault Zone, Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Late Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Mendeleev Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean: Planktonic Foraminiferal Composition and Stable Isotopy
- Late-Quaternary Environmental Change in the Sierra Nevada: A 19,000-Year Sedimentary Organic Matter Record From Swamp Lake, Yosemite National Park, California
- Long-Term Influence of Wildfire on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Southwestern United States Ponderosa Pine Forest Soils
- Relating Productivity Events to Holocene Bivalve Shell Growth Rates
- Scrub-Oak Biomass Stimulation by CO2 Enrichment: Sustained 11 Years But Mediated by Precipitation and Contrasting Species Responses
- Synchronous changes in the rift-margin San Jose Island basin and initiation of the Alarcón spreading ridge: implications for rift to drift transition in the Gulf of California
- Testing a new method for measuring micro-morphological change using embedded magnets in a travertine depositional environment, Fossil Creek, Arizona
- Tracking the Longevity and Evolution of the Youngest Toba Tuff Using Allanite and Zircon Chronology, Thermometry, and Chemostratigraphy
- What Determines the N Isotope Composition of Soil Organic Matter Fractions?
- Ages of Sevier thrusting from dating of metamorphic garnet using the Lu-Hf method
- Assessing Ecological Flow Needs and Risks for Springs and Baseflow Streams With Growth and Climate Change
- Chemical and Isotopic Variability of Spring Discharge: Implications for Groundwater Flow Pathways and Residence Times in the R-aquifer, Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Comparison of Martian Dust Devil Track Morphologies in Gusev and Russell Craters
- Coupled Warming and Drought in the American Southwest During Long mid-Pleistocene Interglacials (MIS 11 and 13)
- Decadal Recruitment and Mortality of Ponderosa pine Predicted for the 21st Century Under five Downscaled Climate Change Scenarios
- Deformation and rotation in southern Baja California, MX
- Downscaled Climate Change Projections for the Southern Colorado Plateau: Variability and Implications for Vegetation Changes
- Evidence for a Tsunamigenic Impact Event in the New York Metropolitan Area Approximately 2300 B.P.
- Feedbacks between biotic and abiotic influences on travertine deposition, Fossil Creek, Arizona.
- Hexagonal Diamonds (Lonsdaleite) Discovered in the K/T Impact Layer in Spain and New Zealand
- Identification of the Calderas for Major Ignimbrites of the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex, Central Andes, Including Two New Super-eruptions
- Impact-Shocked diamonds, Abrupt Ecosystem Disruption, and Mammoth Extinction on California's Northern Channel Islands at the Allerod-Younger Dryas Boundary (13.0-12.9 ka)
- Integrated Isotopic Dating and Geospeedometry: Timescales of Rhyolite Rejuvenation and Crystallization at Yellowstone
- Internet Mapping Services Facilitate Distribution and Analysis of Sediment Movement and Storage Changes of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Isotope Fractionation During N Mineralization and the N Isotope Composition of Terrestrial Ecosystem N Pools
- Laserprobe 40Ar/39Ar Dating Of Strain Fringes: An Example From The Interior Of The Sevier Orogen
- Methane Uptake in Forest Soils is Driven by Diffusivity and Methane Oxidizer Community Size
- Mid-Holocene Climate Variability in the Western Sierra Nevada as Recorded in Sediments from Swamp Lake, Yosemite NP
- Mineral Control of Soil Carbon Dynamics in Forest Soils: A Lithosequence Under Ponderosa Pine
- Neotectonics across an active oblique-divergent plate margin, SW Gulf of California
- New 40Ar/39Ar Ages From Southwest Bolivia Refine the Timing of APVC Volcanism
- New Constraints on the Timing, Magnitude and Style of Deformation in the Southern Gulf of California: Oblique Rifting Since ~14-12 Ma
- New JOPL special issue on late Holocene climate inferred from Arctic lake sediments
- Normal Fault Basin Geometries From Gravity Analyses in the La Paz - Los Cabos Region, Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Novel Insights to the Factors Controlling Monsoon Precipitation in Southwestern US From a mid-Pleistocene Lake Sediment Record, Valles Caldera, Northern New Mexico
- Prescribed Burning as a Means of Reducing Emissions From Fires?
- Presence of all Three Allotropes of Impact-Diamonds in the Younger Dryas Onset Layer (YDB) Across N America and NW Europe
- Ranking GCM Estimates of Twentieth Century Precipitation Seasonality in the Western U.S. and its Influence on Floristic Provinces.
- Record of Miocene sea-floor dome volcanism, Cabo de Gata, Spain
- Soot as Evidence for Widespread Fires at the Younger Dryas Onset (YDB; 12.9 ka)
- Spatial and Temporal Vegetation Changes of Pinyon and Juniper Woodlands on the Coconino Plateau Natural Reserve Lands in Northern Arizona
- Using spatial and temporal changes in bed-sediment grain size to trace sand transport: results of 30,000 bed-sediment grain-size measurements from Grand Canyon between 2000 and 2008
- A Weeks-Long Hiatus During the Quilotoa 800 BP VEI 6 Eruption
- A comparison of sediment cores from two lakes near Redoubt Volcano: improved tephrochronology and evidence of variable plume trajectories during the last 3900 years
- Active faulting and seismicity across the SW Gulf of California plate margin: anomalous rifting at slow geologic rates 2-3 m.y. after spreading initiated
- Amino acid racemization on planktic foraminifera from the central Arctic Ocean
- Are Nanodiamonds Evidence for a Younger Dryas Impact Event?
- Assessment of Factors that Influence the Recruitment of Majors from Introductory Geology Classes
- Carbon fluxes from ponderosa pine forests disturbed by wildfire and thinning
- Comparing Past and Future Elevational vs. Latitudinal Migrations in Mountains of the Western U.S
- Compositional Changes In Atmospheric Dust In Western United States During The Past 150 Years
- D/H Ratios From Sierra Nevada Varved Lake Sediments Record Decadal Hydroclimate Variability During The Medieval Period
- Debris Field of the July 19, 2009, Impact in Jupiter and Its Long-term Evolution
- Evidence for Widespread Biomass-Burning at the Younger Dryas Boundary at 12.9 ka
- ExploreNEOs: The Warm Spitzer NEO survey
- Geochemistry and Temperatures Recorded by Zircon During the Final Stages of the Youngest Toba Tuff Magma Chamber, Sumatra, Indonesia
- Geochemistry and alteration patterns in the early Mesozoic Cordilleran arc and arc-related rocks: evidence for sources of detritus in continental successions
- History of Martian Surface Changes Observed by Mars Global Surveyor
- Holocene hydrologic variability in the Sierra Nevada from D/H ratios in leaf waxes
- Hydro-morphodynamics of two large eddies and associated sandbars along the Colorado River during high flow
- Ice loss and sea level rise contribution from Alaskan glaciers
- Impacts of forest thinning on water balance
- Mid-Pleistocene Orbital and Millennial Scale Climate Change in a 200 ky lacustrine sediment core from SW North America
- Millennial- and centennial-scale vegetation and climate changes during the late Pleistocene and Holocene in northern Colorado (USA)
- Nanodiamonds and Carbon Spherules from Tunguska, the K/T Boundary, and the Younger Dryas Boundary Layer
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of the 2009 Jupiter impact debris field: Constraints on particle composition, size and vertical distribution
- New Hafnium Isotope and Trace Element Constraints on the Role of a Plume in Genesis of the Eastern Snake River Plain Basalts, Idaho
- New Hf Isotope Perspectives on Magma Sources Beneath the Colorado Plateau, Western U.S.A. (Invited)
- Orbital and Ground Observations of Martian Dust Devils
- Paleomagnetic Quantification of Neogene Block Rotations within an Active Transtensional Plate Boundary, Baja California, Mexico
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) as Biomarkers of Regional Fire in the Paleorecord
- Recent warming reverses long-term Arctic cooling (Invited)
- Rifting, volcanism, and magma genesis at the northern end of the Danakil Depression: The Alid volcanic center of Eritrea (Invited)
- SIMS analysis of fine-scale biogeochemical proxies in the Panoche-Tumey Hills paleoseep (PTHP)
- Soil nitrifying and denitrifying capacities are altered by global change factors in a California annual grassland
- Summary of impact markers and potential impact mechanisms for the YDB impact event at 12.9 ka
- The basal fallout and surge deposits of the mafic ignimbrite-forming Villa Senni Eruption Unit, (Colli Albani volcano, Italy)
- Vent Processes and Deposits of a Hiatus in a Violent Eruption: Quilotoa Volcano, Ecuador
- Why did the Southern Gulf of California Rupture So Rapidly?
- Zircon-Scale Insights Into the History of a Supervolcano, Bishop Tuff, Long Valley, California - With Implications for the Ti-in-Zircon Geothermometer
- A Preliminary Seismic Hazard Study in Northern Arizona: Another Look at the b-Value
- A late Pleistocene and Holocene record of vegetation and climate from an alpine lake from west-central Colorado (USA)
- Bottom-up factors influential on fire regime in northeastern Mexico
- Correlation of Earthquakes with Faults along the Southwestern Margin of the Colorado Plateau, Northern Arizona
- Effect of Increasing Vegetated Area on Sediment Storage in a Supply-limited Reach of the Colorado River
- Evolution of the Youngest Toba Tuff magma reservoir as recorded by Zircon Geochemistry and Crystallization Temperatures
- Extended Quaternary Record of Sea-Ice Conditions and Glacierization in the Western Arctic Ocean
- Forests tend to cool the land surface in the temperate zone: An analysis of the mechanisms controlling radiometric surface temperature change in managed temperate ecosystems
- From leaf to basin: evaluating the impacts of introduced plant species on evapotranspiration fluxes from riparian ecosystems in the southwestern U.S
- Geologic mapping as a method for the construction of a detailed and testable lithostratigraphic model for the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation of Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
- Influence of Sediment Input and Plate-Motion Obliquity on Basin Development in the Gulf of California and Salton Trough
- Multiyear analysis of the effects of wildfire and thinning on ecosystem carbon fluxes of ponderosa pine forests
- New Isotopic Measurements of Carbonate Minerals from the Cascadia Accretionary Prism Confirm Indications of Past Warm Fluid Flow and Reveal Complex Spatial Variations in Fluid Isotopic Patterns
- Preliminary tephra-fall records from three lakes in the Anchorage, Alaska area: advances towards a regional tephrochronostratigraphic framework
- Probing soil C metabolism in response to temperature: results from experiments and modeling
- Quantification of Nitrogen Cycling Processes in Two Great Basin Geothermal Springs (Invited)
- Recent Surface Changes on Mars
- Reconstructing the Strain History of the Northern Gulf of California-Salton Trough Oblique Rift
- Reconstructing the Strain History of the Southern Gulf of California Oblique Rift
- Rethinking how Undergraduate ``Hard Rock'' Petrology is Taught
- Retrograded eclogite xenoliths from mid-Tertiary potassic lavas along the southwest margin of the Colorado Plateau
- Soil emissions of CH4 and N2O in natural and managed ecosystems under elevated CO2
- Stability of soil organic matter is a non-linear function of soil age
- Starting with Teachers: Bringing GIS technology to the secondary classroom
- The Examining Your Environment through the Power of Data Project (EYE-POD) Project at NAU: Professional Development for Secondary Education Teachers Using Earth Sciences and GIS
- Topographic Analyses of Reaches of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon Reveal Focused Locations of Fine-Sediment Accumulation and Evacuation
- Vegetation and climate history from Laguna de Río Seco, Sierra Nevada, southern Spain
- Vent Processes and Deposits of a Hiatus in a Violent Eruption: Quilotoa Volcano, Ecuador
- Wildfire effects on carbon stocks and emissions in fuels treated forests (Invited)
- 87/86Sr of Pore Fluids and Authigenic Carbonates from the Nankai Subduction Zone, IODP NantroSEIZE Expeditions 322 and 333
- A Digital Approach to Learning Petrology
- A New Synthesis of Arctic Holocene Proxy Climate Records
- A carbon budget of Arizona: Comparing Natural Ecosystems with Emissions from Human Activities
- Assessing the impact of the expanding continuous measurement network in North America on carbon budgeting with an atmospheric inversion
- Climate variability during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12-11 transition recorded in lacustrine sediments from Valles Caldera, New Mexico, USA
- Elevated CO2 increases soil emissions of potent greenhouse gases and stimulates soil C turnover
- GIS Plate Tectonic Reconstruction of the Gulf of California-Salton Trough Oblique Rift
- Glacier Retreat and the Formation of New Lakes in Western Canada
- Hazard Analysis for Post-Fire Debris-Flow Potential in Arizona
- Holistic Approach to Secondary Earth Science Teacher Professional Development: the Triad of Project-based Instruction, Earth Science Content, and GIS Technology
- Implications of Zn/Fe ratios for the sources of Colorado Plateau basalts
- Influence of environmental factors on N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from denitrification in streambed sediments of low-relief coastal streams
- Jurassic thrust burial in the Funeral Mountains of the Sevier retroarc: Linking P-T paths and Lu-Hf garnet geochronology
- Late Quaternary Precipitation Seasonality of SW North America Reconstructed from Stable Isotopes in Fossil Packrat Pellets
- Leaf δ15N as a temporal integrator of nitrogen-cycling processes at the Mojave Desert FACE experiment
- Linking Morphodynamic Response with Sediment Mass Balance: Issues of Scale, Geomorphic Setting, and Sampling Design
- Microbial Composition in Decomposing Pine Litter Shifts in Response to Common Soil Secondary Minerals
- Millennial-Scale Climate Variability During a mid-Pleistocene Glacial (MIS 12) from a Terrestrial Lacustrine Record in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Mutli-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project - A Systematic Approach for Evaluating Land-Atmosphere Flux Estimates
- Potential Carbon Stock Changes in Arizona's Ecosystems Due to Projected Climate Change
- The Breccia of Frog Lakes: Record of Mafic Arc Magmatism in the Mesozoic Sierra Nevada, California
- The Cerro Guacha Caldera complex: An Upper Miocene-Pliocene polycyclic volcano-tectonic structure in the Altiplano Puna Volcanic Complex of the Central Andes of Bolivia
- The Paleoflood Record of the Upper Colorado River near Moab, Utah
- The Pastos Grandes Caldera Complex of SW Bolivia: The building of a composite upper crustal batholith
- Toward a Facies Model for AMS Fabrics in Deposits from Pyroclastic Currents
- Untangling Geomorphic Processes in the Grand Canyon with Topographic Time Series from Hybrid Surveys
- A mid-Pleistocene record of monsoonal precipitation in southwestern US, insights into the occurrence of drought
- Autotrophic DIC uptake rates and their association to microbial community structure in microbial mats from a sulfidic, saline, warm spring, Utah, USA
- Boron and Strontium Isotope Systematics of Interstitial Water from IODP Expedition 343, Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Carbon consequences of droughts, fires, bark beetles, and harvests affecting forests of the United States: comparative analysis and synthesis
- Carbon consequences of the turn-of-the-century drought in North America
- Clumped isotope analyses of Cascadia margin carbonate cements and veins recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program constrain temperatures in the prism during subduction
- Clumped isotope analyses of cold seep carbonates: Insights into formation environment and mechanisms
- Combining Project-based Instruction, Earth Science Content, and GIS Technology in Teacher Professional Development: Is this Holistic Approach Sustainable?
- Composition of Dust Deposited on Snow Cover in the Wasatch Range (Utah, USA): Controls on Radiative Properties of Snow Cover and Comparison to Some Dust-Source Sediments
- Constraining Vent Areas at Toba Caldera, Sumatra, Indonesia
- Continental-Scale Temperature Reconstructions from the PAGES 2k Network
- Data Standardization for Carbon Cycle Modeling: Lessons Learned
- Decadally resolved quantitative temperature reconstruction spanning 5.6 ka at Kurupa Lake, Arctic Alaska
- Developing a Regionally-Based "Next Generation" High School Climate Science Curriculum
- Estimating Uncertainty in Global Climate Projections using Gaussian Error Propagation
- Framework for Assessing Dynamism and Persistence of Eddy-Sandbar Complexes in the Grand Canyon
- From Collision to Escape: Cenozoic Surface to Mantle Dynamics of Central Anatolia
- Future atmospheric conditions increase the greenhouse gas intensity of rice production
- Ground measured evapotranspiration scaled to stand level using MODIS and Landsat sensors to study Tamarix spp.response to repeated defoliation by the Tamarix leaf beetle at two sites
- Hydrogen Isotopes of N-Alkanoic Acids from Lake Sediments Reveal Strong Amount-Effect Influence over the Past 5,000 Years, Adak Island, Alaska
- Implications of Bishop Tuff zircon U-Pb ages for rates of zircon growth and magma accumulation
- In Situ Stem Psychrometry: toward a Physiologically-Based Drought Monitoring Network
- Influence of inherited features on the boundaries and fault patterns of the Transtensional Gulf of California to Walker Lane/Basin and Range
- Interstitial Water Chemistry From the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): Results from Stable Isotopes and Dissolved Ions
- Large Quantities of Melt-Quenched Impact Spherules in Late Pleistocene Alaskan and Yukon "Muck" Deposits
- Late Holocene Hydroclimatic Variability Inferred from Two Lake Sediment Records on Adak Island, Alaska
- Local Environmental Effects from Deposition of Basaltic Tephra
- Measuring and modeling C flux rates through the central metabolic pathways in microbial communities using position-specific <SUP>13</SUP>C-labeled tracers
- Microbial Diversity and Lipid Abundance in Microbial Mats from a Sulfidic, Saline, Warm Spring in Utah, USA
- Mid-Holocene climate transition in the Arctic: a database of multicentennial quality climate proxy data from 6 to 2 ka
- Mild Little Ice Age and unprecedented recent warmth in an 1800-year lake sediment record from Svalbard
- Nitrification and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fixation in hot springs in the presence and absence of a nitrification inhibitor
- Nitrogen Eutrophication on the Colorado Plateau: Using Biological Indicators to Detect Nutrient Enrichment in the Grand Canyon Region
- On the effects of evaluation decisions in model-data intercomparisons: An example using CMIP5 evapotranspiration
- Persistence of the North American Monsoon over the last 50,000 years in Arizona, USA
- Probing metabolic processes of intact soil microbial communities using position-specific <SUP>13</SUP>C-labeled glucose
- Record of AN Extraterrestrial Impact in Lacustrine Basins of North, South and Central Mexico in the Younger Dryas Boundary Layer (ydb)
- Stable isotopic signatures of diachronous Andean mountain building from volcanic glass, Condoroma Basin, northern Altiplano, Peru
- The Effects of Soil Properties on Rain-garden Bioretention and Soil Processes in a Semi-arid City
- The Proto Southern Gulf of California represented by GIS Plate Tectonic Reconstructions
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- Tracking millennial-scale climate variability through the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 using terrigenous biomarkers in lacustrine sediments from Valles Caldera, New Mexico, USA
- UV degradation of accreted organics on Mars: IDP longevity, surface reservoir of organics, and relevance to the detection of methane in the atmosphere
- Variable Sources and Differentiation of Lavas from the Copahue-Caviahue Eruptive Complex, Neuquen Argentina
- Variation in functional rooting depth and soil water partitioning along an elevational gradient in the southwestern U.S
- Acoustic Scattering by an Heterogeneous River Bed: Relationship to Bathymetry and Implications for Sediment Classification using Multibeam Echosounder Data
- Aeolian dust nutrient contributions increase with substrate age in semi-arid ecosystems
- Benchmarking terrestrial biospheric models against CO2 observations from GOSAT
- CO2 Fertilization: What Models Can Talk to Observations
- Caldera-Fill Sediments at Toba Caldera, Sumatra, Indonesia: A Field Reconnaissance Report
- ChronRater: A simple approach to assessing the accuracy of age models from Holocene sediment cores
- Conduit Magma Storage during the 800 BP Quilotoa Eruption, Ecuador
- Constructing a morphologic sediment budget, with uncertainties, for a 50-km segment of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Crystal/liquid thermobarometry in the rapidly erupted Peridot Mesa phonotephrite: constraints from new measurements and phase equilibria experiments (Invited)
- Ecosystem scale measurements of biomass water using cosmic-ray neutrons
- Effects of Arabia-Eurasia Collision on Strike-slip Faults in Central Anatolia?
- Effects of temperature on microbial C metabolism in peat and mineral soil
- Evidence of the Timing and Rate of Uplift of Central Peruvian Andes from Deuterium Isotopes in Volcanic Glass
- Extensive Sampling of Forest Carbon using High Density Power Line Lidar
- From wetlands to sauropods (?) and cold seeps: New perspectives on methane cycling in the Phanerozoic (Invited)
- Global Impacts of atmospheric nitrogen enrichment on carbon fluxes and storage in terrestrial biosphere
- Global Monitoring of Martian Surface Albedo Changes from Orbital Observations
- Global net land carbon sink: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Global soil organic carbon dynamics as estimated by multi-terrestrial ecosystem models and field observations
- Growth, Survival, and Death of Bacteria and Fungi Following Wet-up of Seasonally Dried Soil Revealed by Heavy Water Stable Isotope Probing
- Highly explosive mafic eruptions from the interplay between high viscosity and low viscosity magma: the Sunset Crater (AZ, USA) eruption
- Impact of Large-Scale Climate Extremes on Biospheric Carbon Fluxes: An Intercomparison Based on MsTMIP Data
- Implementing watershed investment programs to restore fire-adapted forests for watershed services
- Influence of Sedimentation on Rift Architecture, Crustal Composition, and Lithospheric Rupture in the Gulf of California and Salton Trough (Invited)
- Integrate Data into Scientific Workflows for Terrestrial Biosphere Model Evaluation through Brokers
- Integration of multiple land surface models into NASA's Carbon Monitoring System
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene Fire History of the California Islands
- Linear diffusion model dating of cinder cones in Central Anatolia, Turkey
- Linking geochemistry to microbial ecology in hot springs: examples from southeastern Asia (Invited)
- Melting Conditions of Basaltic Volcanism from Collision to Escape in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province
- Mineralogy and geochemistry of secondary carbonates from NanTroSEIZE reference sites C0011 and C0012
- Modeling Central Carbon Metabolic Processes in Soil Microbial Communities: Comparing Measured With Modeled
- Modeling Seasonal Thermal Radiance Cycles for Change Detection at Volcanic / Geothermal Areas
- Modeling the effect of forest restoration scenarios on runoff through a reanalysis of historical experimental watershed data
- New Constraints on Baja California-North America Relative Plate Motion Since 11 Ma
- North-south contrast in climate change across northwestern North America during the mid-Holocene transition and the possible relation to western Arctic Ocean sea ice
- Origin of the 'dike-like' structure and transitions in eruptive styles at Colton Crater, northern Arizona: San Francisco Volcanic Field REU
- Potential Impacts of the Permafrost Carbon Feedback on Global Temperature
- Quantifying the benefit of GOSAT total column CO2 observations for constraining the global carbon budget: An inter-comparison study with bottom-up CO2 flux estimates from MsTMIP (Invited)
- Reconciliation of Flux-based and Morphologic-based Sediment Budgets
- Seasonal Patterns In Microbial Communities And Physicochemical Conditions In Hot Springs Of Tengchong, Yunnan Providence, China
- Seasonality and Sensitivity of Land-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange
- Sedimentological Evidence of the 1812 Santa Barbara Tsunami in Carpinteria Marsh, CA
- Seismicity and Faulting in an Urbanized area: Flagstaff, Arizona
- Significance of orthogonal flow in the Funeral Mountains metamorphic core complex, Death Valley, California: Insights from geochronology and microstructural analysis
- Springs as Ecosystems: Clarifying Groundwater Dependence and Wetland Status (Invited)
- Tephra Deposits in Lake Mead Miocene Sediments: Characteristics, Chronology, and Sources
- The Gürün Curl, SE Turkey: a potential link from crustal tectonics to mantle dynamics in the Arabia-Eurasia collision-escape zone
- Use of Position-Specific <SUP>13</SUP>C Isotopomers to Examine Central Carbon Metabolism in the Thermophile 'Thermoflexus hugenholtzii'
- Using Hydrogen Isotopes to Distinguish Allochthony and Autochthony in Hot Springs Ecosystems
- Using isotopic tracers to assess the impact of tillage and straw management on the microbial metabolic network in soil
- Western US Seismic Observations Viewed Through Lead Isotope Maps
- A Clumped Isotope Calibration for Lacustrine Carbonates
- A Threshold of Substrate Addition Rate Predicts the Direction of Soil Organic Matter Priming in Different Ecosystems
- An Ecohydrological Approach to Riparian Restoration Planning in the American Southwest
- Attributing Changes in Gross Primary Productivity from 1901 to 2010
- Boron Isotope Constraints on Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Shallow Megathrust at the Japan Trench
- CAT-scan analysis in scientific drilling: effective routine data acquisition and processing of whole cores, split cores and u-channels
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Carbon Mineralization and Nitrogen Transformation During a Long Term Permafrost Incubation
- Characterization of Growing Soil Bacterial Communities across a pH gradient Using H<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>18</SUP>O DNA-Stable Isotope Probing
- Contrasting lithospheres: does one size fit all for the structure of mantle under foreland arches?
- Dynamics of Caribbean and Nazca Plate Subduction Beneath Colombia from Receiver Function Analysis
- Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics in Response to Five Winters of Experimental Soil Warming and Permafrost Degradation
- Eocene lake basins in Wyoming and Nevada record rollback of the Farallon flat-slab beneath western North America
- Evidence of a complex shallow reservoir network from micro-textural observations of the scoria products of the 1085 AD Sunset Crater eruption
- Experimental Observations of Calcite Precipitation in Fractures: The Role of Physical and Chemical Heterogeneity on the Persistence of Preferential Flow Paths
- Finding the Plateau: Paleogene Topography and Basin Formation in the Cordilleran Hinterland
- Focused Fluid Flow and Cementation in Fault Zones From NanTroSEIZE Site C0002, Expedition 348
- Geochemical-Seismological Imaging of Volatile-Assisted Melting at the Southern Margin of the Colorado Plateau, USA
- Growing season soil moisture following restoration treatments of varying intensity in semi-arid ponderosa pine forests
- Holocene Temperature Reconstructions from Arctic Lakes based on Alkenone Paleothermometry and Non-Destructive Scanning Techniques
- Implications of Special Regions to Conducting Human Activities on Mars
- Late-Summer Peak in Sediment Accumulation in Two Lakes with Contrasting Watersheds, Alaska
- Light, temperature and water: How the combined effects of drought control terrestrial carbon flux
- Living on the Edge? Clumped Isotope and Oxygen Isotope Record of Early Cascade Topography (Eocene Chumstick Basin, WA, USA)
- Living the Volcano: A First-Year Study Abroad Experience to Santorini, Greece
- Microbial Decomposition of Extracellular DNA in Clay Soils
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Morphology and Sediment Transport Dynamics of a Trough-Blowout Dune, Bodega Marine Reserve, Northern California
- Petrogenetic connections between volcanic rocks and intrusive suites in the California arc - toward an integrated model for upper-crustal magma system evolution
- Possible Intercontinental Dispersal of Microorganisms from a Paleolake Toba in Sumatra, Indonesia
- Quartz Crystallization in the Youngest Toba Tuff Magma Chamber and its Remnants: A Complex Lineage Uncovered by CL Zoning
- Reconstructing Hydroclimate Changes During the Holocene using Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotope Records from the Norwegian Arctic
- Reducing Uncertainty in Terrestrial Biosphere Models with Satellite Observations of Atmospheric CO2: Comparing MsTMIP with GOSAT
- Satellite Image-based Estimates of Snow Water Equivalence in Restored Ponderosa Pine Forests in Northern Arizona
- Seismicity and Tectonics of the West Kaibab Fault Zone, AZ
- Smectite Dehydration, Membrane Filtration, and Pore-Water Freshening in Deep Ultra-Low Permeability Formations: Deep Processes in the Nankai Accretionary Wedge
- Soil Mineralogy and Substrate Quality Effects on Microbial Priming
- Survival of the 1%: Consequences of a Two-Phase Dynamic of Aragonitic Shell Loss and Stabilization for the Temporal Resolution of Proxy Data
- Testing Two Hypotheses of Proterozoic Crustal Growth Using Geochronology and Thermobarometry Analyses of Metasedimentary Rocks in Northwestern Arizona
- The Arctic Holocene Transitions Proxy Climate Database — Principal Millennial-Scale Patterns
- The Joint Fire Science Program Fire Exchange Network: Facilitating Knowledge Exchange About Wildland Fire Science Across the U.S.
- The Unified North American Soil Map and Its Implication on the Soil Organic Carbon Stock in North America
- The forest floor characteristics and C accumulation rate of black spruce forests across a climate gradient
- Tree Species Linked to Large Differences in Ecosystem Carbon Distribution in the Boreal Forest of Alaska
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology and Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of Basaltic Rocks Near the Iskenderun Gulf, Turkey
- A Long Pleistocene Paleoclimate Record from Stoneman Lake, Arizona
- A Major Eocene Lake System in the Hinterland of the North American Cordillera Comes into Geochronologic Focus
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- Addressing scale dependence in roughness and morphometric statistics derived from point cloud data.
- Ages, Distribution, and Evolution of Miocene Basalts, East-Central Anatolia
- Amounts of substrate carbon and nitrogen control the decomposition of soil organic matter
- Arctic Council Nations Could Encourage Development of Climate Indicator: Flux to the Atmosphere from Arctic Permafrost Carbon
- Assessing Model Treatment of Drought Legacy Effects in the Amazon
- Assessing the Dynamic Effects of Climate on Individual Tree Growth Across Time and Space
- Biomarkers as Indicators of Respiration During Laboratory Incubations of Alaskan Arctic Tundra Permafrost Soils
- Can Tree Ring Analyses Predict Resilience of Black Spruce Forests to Fire in Interior Alaska?
- Carbon and Nitrogen cycling in a permafrost soil profile
- Carbonate Cements and Veins as a Proxy for Paleotemperature and Fluid Evolution in the Deep Accretionary Prism, IODP Expedition 348, Nankai Trough, Japan
- Climate and vegetation change during the Holocene in southern Iberia
- Co-Production of Actionable Science: Recommendations to the Secretary of Interior and a San Francisco Case Study
- Dating Historical Sediments in Estuaries: A Multi-Proxy Approach
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Diverse Water-Magma Interactions In The Conduit And Column During The 2008 Okmok Eruption, Alaska
- Ecosystem Responses To Plant Phenology Across Scales And Trophic Levels
- Ecosystem carbon balance in a drier future: land-atmosphere exchanges of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, water and energy across semiarid southwestern North America
- Environmental Discourse: Helping Graduate Students Build Effective Deliberation and Communication Skills
- Examining the Relationship Between Suspended Sand Load and Bedload on the Colorado River Using Concurrent Measurements of Suspended Sand and Observations of Sand Dune Migration.
- Excellent amino acid racemization results from Holocene sand dollars
- FLUXNET to MODIS: Connecting the dots to capture heterogenious biosphere metabolism
- Getting to the root of the matter: Landscape implications of plant-fungal interactions for tree migration in Alaska
- Global Patterns of Drought Recovery
- High resolution crustal structure for the region between the Chilenia and Cuyania terrane above the Pampean flat slab of Argentina from local receiver function and petrological analyses
- Holocene Climate Change in Arctic Canada and Greenland
- Incorporation Of Air Into The Campanian Ignimbrite Pyroclastic Density Current
- Influence of the Tussock Growth Form on Arctic Ecosystem Carbon Stocks
- Insights into Low-frequency Climate Dynamics from a Surface Temperature Reconstruction Spanning the Last 2,000 Years
- Insights into the Tectonic Evolution of the North American Cordilleran Hinterland from Detrital Zircon Double Dating of the Eocene Elko Formation
- Land use and climate change impacts on mountain watershed hydrology in data-poor humid tropics
- Landscape Soil Respiration Fluxes are Related to Leaf Area Index, Stand Height and Density, and Soil Nitrogen in Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forests
- Late Holocene climate change in the western Mediterranean: centennial-scale vegetation and North Atlantic Oscillation variability
- Late Pleistocene pluton formation during the waning stages of the Altiplano-Puna ignimbrite flare-up
- Late Quaternary paleomagnetic secular variation, relative paleointensity, and environmental magnetism from Cascade Lake, Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska
- Linkages between controlled floods, eddy sandbar dynamics, and riparian vegetation along the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Arizona
- Lithospheric Structure of the North American Continent from Ambient Noise Tomography And Wave Gradiometry
- Long-term Ecosystem Experiments, Data Assimilation, and Meta-Analysis
- Middle Holocene thermal maximum in eastern Beringia
- Narco-scapes: Cocaine Trafficking and Deforestation in Central America
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- Numerical Simulation of Magma Reservoirs to Interpret Chrono-Chemical Signal
- Observations of Sand Dune Migration on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon using High-Resolution Multibeam Bathymetry
- Paleomonsoonal Precipitation and Hydroclimate Variability from Glacial to Interglacial Climates in the Southwest: The Stoneman Lake, Arizona Record
- Patterns of Channel and Sandbar Morphologic Response to Sediment Evacuation on the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Arizona
- Permafrost Thaw, Soil Moisture and Plant Community Change Alter Organic Matter Decomposition in Alaskan Tundra
- Pervasive Drought Legacy Effects in Forest Ecosystems and their Carbon Cycle Implications
- Post-fire stand structure impacts carbon storage within Siberian larch forests
- Pre-Launch Calibration and Performance Study of the PolarCube 3U Temperature Sounding Radiometer Mission
- Priming-induced Changes in Permafrost Soil Organic Matter Decomposition
- Seasonal variation of ecosystem respiration delta <SUP>13</SUP>C in response to experimental permafrost thaw and vegetation removal in moist acidic tundra
- Spatial and Temporal Variation in Feather Moss Associated Nitrogen Fixation in Coniferous and Deciduous Dominated Alaskan Boreal Forests
- Strategizing a Comprehensive Laboratory Protocol to Determine the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter in Permafrost
- Structural Geology and Exhumation of the Paleogene Southern Sivas Fold and Thrust Belt, Central Anatolia, Turkey
- Succession Stages of Tundra Plant Communities Following Wildfire Disturbance in Arctic Alaska
- Synthesizing the Use of Carbon Isotope (<SUP>14</SUP>C and <SUP>13</SUP>C) Approaches to Understand Rates and Pathways for Permafrost C Mobilization and Mineralization
- Tephra Blanket Record of a Violent Strombolian Eruption, Sunset Crater, Arizona
- The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment: Observing, Understanding, and Predicting Social-Ecological Change in the Far North
- The PAGES 2k Global Multiproxy Database for Temperature Reconstructions of the Common Era
- The Paleogene Evolution of the Cordilleran Hinterland
- The Timing and Amplitude of Holocene Neoglaciation in the Arctic
- The Tundra is a Net Source of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measured by Autochambers and Eddy Covariance Techniques During Five Years in a Site With Permafrost Thawing.
- The VULCAN Project: Toward a better understanding of the vulnerability of soil organic matter to climate change in permafrost ecosystems
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- Thermokarst terrain: pan-Arctic distribution and soil carbon vulnerability
- Three-dimensional estimates of tree canopies: Scaling from high-resolution UAV data to satellite observations
- Ubiquitous radiogenic Os in Miocene to recent basalts from diverse mantle domains beneath the Colorado Plateau, USA
- Use of Composite Fingerprinting Technique to Determine Contribution of Paria River Sediments to Dam-Release Flood Deposits in Marble Canyon, Grand Canyon, Az
- Variability in Albedo Associated with Fire-Mediated Controls on Stand Density in Siberian Larch Forests
- Variations of soil δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N across a precipitation gradient in a savanna ecosystem: Implications of climate change on the carbon cycle
- A Pan-Arctic Synthesis of Cold Season Carbon Emissions
- A Synthesis of Thermokarst and Thermo-Erosion Rates in Northern Permafrost Regions
- Accelerated soil carbon loss by biological changes under warming in Alaskan tundra
- Arctic and Boreal Carbon Stocks and Vulnerability
- Beyond clay - using selective extractions to improve predictions of soil carbon content
- Biotic and abiotic controls on the temporal relationship between subsurface CO<SUB>2</SUB> production and efflux in prairie grasslands
- Bottlenecks in Geospatial Data-Driven Decision-Making for Natural Disaster Management: A Case Study of Forest Fire Prevention and Control in Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve
- Calibrating Long-chain Diols for Quantitative Temperature Reconstructions in the High Elevation, Lacustrine Environments of the Sierra Nevada, Spain
- Carbon and nitrogen inputs affect soil microbial community structure and function
- Changing Temperature Gradients Linked to Holocene Moisture Trends in the Northern Hemisphere
- Channel Narrowing and the Relationship Between Geomorphic Change and Native Fish Habitat on the Colorado River in Canyonlands National Park, Utah
- Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration in a Warmer Climate
- Connecting Taxon-Specific Microbial Activities to Carbon Cycling in the Rhizosphere
- Constraints on the Timing and Style of Paleogene Extension in the Basin and Range from Apatite and Zircon Double Dating
- Coupling mammalian demography to climate through satellite time series of plant phenology
- Deep nitrogen acquisition in warming permafrost soils: Contributions of belowground plant traits and fungal symbioses in the permafrost carbon feedback to climate
- Divergent late-stage crystal records in melt domains from the Youngest Toba Tuff, Sumatra, Indonesia
- Drought Response and Recovery: How Good Are Terrestrial Biosphere Models?
- Early Onset of Industrial-Era Warming Across the Oceans and Continents
- Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Across Semiarid Southwestern North America: A Synthesis of Multi-Year Flux Site Observations and its Comparison with Estimates from Terrestrial Biome Models and Remote Sensing
- Effects of Enhanced Thaw Depth on the Composition of Arctic Soil Organic Matter Leachate
- Electromagnetic analysis of groundwater on the Arizona-Utah border
- Evolution and Structural Architecture of the Cenozoic Southern Sivas Fold-Thrust Belt: Implications for the Transition from Arabian Collision to Tectonic Escape in Anatolia
- Faster Turnover of New Soil Carbon Inputs under Increased Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Fire Effects at the Tundra-Boreal Ecotone in Interior Alaska
- Fire Severity and Soil Carbon Combustion in Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems
- Geophysical Exploration of Tyuonyi Ruins in Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, USA
- Grain-Scale Analyses of Curiosity Data at Marias Pass, Gale Crater, Mars: Methods Comparison and Depositional Interpretation
- How well does your model capture the terrestrial ecosystem dynamics of the Arctic-Boreal Region?
- Impacts of Climate and Insect Defoliators on Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Mortality and Productivity in Alaskan Boreal Forests
- Increasing fire severity, alternate successional trajectories, and the carbon balance of Alaskan boreal forests
- Integrating Statistical and Expert Knowledge to Develop Phenoregions for the Continental United States
- Interactive Effects of Experimental Warming and Elevated CO2 on Belowground Allocation and Soil Organic Matter Decomposition at the Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment Experiment
- Investigating the Influence of Vegetation Type on Modern Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotopes from a High Latitude Ombrotrophic Bog to Inform Paleoclimate Interpretation
- Isotopic constraints on the age of fluid migration and faulting in the deep Nankai accretionary prism at IODP Site C0002
- Late Cenozoic thermochronology and exhumation history of central Anatolia: Implications for the timing and nature of transition from collision to escape tectonics
- Late Pleistocene shifts in Northeast African hydroclimate and the Out-of-Africa migration
- LiPD and CSciBox: A Case Study in Why Data Standards are Important for Paleoscience
- Local Time Variation of Water Ice Clouds on Mars as Observed by TES During Aerobraking.
- Local Time Variation of Water Vapor on Mars using TES Aerobraking Spectra
- Long-term Priming-induced Changes in Permafrost Soil Organic Matter Decomposition
- Managing for Climate Change Adaptation in Forests: a Case Study from the U.S. Southwest
- Mapping TES Aerobreaking Data of The Martian Polar Caps
- Melting under Central Anatolia, Turkey: Hot, Young, Shallow
- Modeling Suspended Sediment to Understand Yield and Physical Processes in an Arctic Catchment
- Quantifying multi-dimensional functional trait spaces of trees: empirical versus theoretical approaches
- Reconstructing Century-Scale Changes in Nitrogen Cycling in Forests Throughout the United States using Tree-Ring δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Chronologies
- Remote Sensing of Tamarisk Biomass, Insect Herbivory, and Defoliation: Novel Lidar and Multispectral Methods in the Grand Canyon Region, Arizona
- Resolving the architecture of monogenetic feeder systems from exposures of extinct volcanic fields
- Response of organic matter quality in permafrost soils to warming
- Response of tundra plants to environmental variation during seven years of experimentally-induced permafrost thaw
- SOCCR2: North America within the context of the global carbon cycle
- Slab geometry of the South American margin from joint inversion of body waves and surface waves
- Strategizing a comprehensive laboratory protocol to determine the decomposability of soil organic matter in permafrost
- Testing the Millennial-Scale Holocene Solar-Climate Connection in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
- The Central Anatolian Volcanic Province: Geochronological Constraints on the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Volcanism and Links to Tectonic Processes
- The Intrinsic Temperature Sensitivity of Ecosystem Respiration as Explained by Thermodynamics
- The Liuqu Conglomerate, Southern Tibet: Paleoclimate and Paleoelevation
- The Long Pleistocene Paleoclimate Record from Stoneman Lake, Arizona: an Update
- The Soil Carbon Paradigm Shift: Triangulating Theories, Measurements, and Models
- The Water Content of Martian Recurring Slope Lineae: Insights from THEMIS Thermal Infrared Data
- The future of the North American carbon cycle - projections and associated climate change
- The use of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, charcoal and spheroidal carbonaceous particles to date the last 250 yr in coastal California
- Tracking Ophiolite Gabbro from Origin To Dispersal: A Record of Tectonic and Surface Processes in Central Anatolia
- Unusual Metasomatic Rocks Associated With Subducted Mantle Peridotite in the Orocopia Schist at Cemetery Ridge, Southwest Arizona
- Uplifting the Stable Crust of the Colorado Plateau through Crustal Hydration and Warming
- What Do Informal Educators Need To Be Successful In Teaching Planetary Science And Engineering?: Results From The PLANETS Out-Of-School Time Educator Needs Assessment (NASA NNX16AC53A)
- "Fire Moss" Cover and Function in Severely Burned Forests of the Western United States
- A Multi-Biomarker Biogeochemical Investigation of a Permafrost Core from Interior Alaska Dating to 40,000 Years Before Present: Insight Into Millenial-Scale Carbon Accumulation and Degradation Status
- Acclimation of methane production weakens ecosystem response to climate warming in a northern peatland
- An interactive toolkit to extract phenological time series data from digital repeat photography
- Assessing the Importance of Cross-Stream Transport in Bedload Flux Estimates from Migrating Dunes: Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park
- Breaching of strike-slip faults and flooding of pull-apart basins to form the southern Gulf of California seaway from 8 to 6 Ma
- Bridging the spectral divide: a case study with PAGES2k, the CESM Last Millennium Ensemble and proxy system models
- CO2 emissions from permafrost regions in Alaska during the nongrowing seasons
- Carbon combustion in boreal black spruce and jack pine stands of the Northwest Territories, Canada
- Changes in Arctic and Boreal ecosystems of North America: Integrating Recent Results from the Field, Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Models
- Changes in Land Cover and Terrestrial Biogeochemistry in the US: Key Findings from the Climate Science Special Report (CSSR)
- Climate change and future wildfire in the western USA: what model projections do and don't tell us
- Concentration and age of DOC transported from thawing permafrost soils into Arctic headwater streams
- Curiosity at Gale Crater's Hematite Ridge: High Mn and P Near the Ridge Show Chemical Evidence for Generation by an Oxidation Front
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Testable Hypotheses, First Results, and Implications for Habitability
- Data Driven Professional Development Design for Out-of-School Time Educators Using Planetary Science and Engineering Educational Materials
- Detecting early warning signals of tree mortality using multi-scale satellite data: a case study in boreal North Americ
- Development of a Low Cost Microcontroller-Enabled Handheld Sunphotometer and Comparison with NASA AERONET and MODIS
- Divergent patterns of experimental and model derived variables of tundra ecosystem carbon exchange in response to arctic warming
- Does Your Terrestrial Model Capture Key Arctic-Boreal Relationships?: Functional Benchmarks in the ABoVE Model Benchmarking System
- Dried Out: Phytoplankton Drought Response in the San Francisco Estuary
- Dynamics of biogeochemical sulfur cycling in Mono Lake
- Earth System Models Underestimate Soil Carbon Diagnostic Times in Dry and Cold Regions.
- EcoPAD, an interactive platform for near real-time ecological forecasting by assimilating data into model
- Ecosystem response to climatic variables - air temperature and precipitation: How can these variables alter plant productions in C<SUB>4</SUB>-grass dominant ecosystem?
- Effects of Fire on Understory Vegetation Communities in Siberian Boreal Forests and Alaskan Tundra
- Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) 2020 Overview
- Enhanced vegetation growth peak and its key mechanisms
- Evolution of multidecadal variability in the West African monsoon during the last deglaciation
- Experimental droughts: Are precipitation variability and methodological trends hindering our understanding of ecological sensitivities to drought?
- Forest restoration as a strategy to mitigate climate impacts on wildfire, vegetation, and water in semi-arid forests of the southwestern U.S.
- Future Projections and Consequences of the Changing North American Carbon Cycle
- Geophysical Analysis of Young Monogenetic Volcanoes in the San Francisco Volcanic Field, Arizona
- Global Synthesis of Common Era Hydroclimate using Water Isotope Proxies from Multiple Archives: First Results from the PAGES Iso2k Project
- Hazards in the Solar System: Out-of-School Time Student Activities Focused on Engineering Protective Space Gloves
- How Partners are Producing Science and Addressing Issues of Scale for Springs Management in the Desert Southwest
- Identification of discontinuous sand pulses on the bed of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Impact Delivery of Reduced Greenhouse Gases on Early Mars
- Impacts of Permafrost on Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services
- Impacts of climate and insect defoliators on productivity and function of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) in Alaskan boreal forests
- Incorporating Dine' Perspectives in Assessing Temporal and Spatial Changes of Contaminants after the Gold King Mine Spill in Navajo Agricultural Communities
- Increased Carbon Throughput But No Net Soil Carbon Loss in Field Warming Experiments: Combining Data Assimilation and Meta-Analyses
- Integrating EarthScope Data to Constrain the Long-Term Effects of Tectonism on Continental Lithosphere
- Integration of research infrastructures and ecosystem models toward development of predictive ecology
- Investigate the plant biomass response to climate warming in permafrost ecosystem using matrix-based data assimilation
- Is Recent Warming Unprecedented in the Common Era? Insights from PAGES2k data and the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- LAI is the major cause of divergence in CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization effect in land surface models
- Lambert Reflectance Albedo And Temperature Mapping Of Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data During The Mars Global Surveyor Aerobraking Phase
- Late Eocene Inversion and Exhumation of the Sivas Basin (Central Anatolia) Based On Low-Temperature Thermochronometry: Implications for Diachronous Initiation of Arabia-Eurasia Collision
- LinkedEarth and 21<SUP>st</SUP> century paleoclimatology: reducing data friction through standard development
- Linking THEMIS Orbital Data to MSL GTS Measurements: The Thermophysical Properties of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars
- Linking plant stomata and hydraulics through optimal stomatal theory to predict plant responses to climate extremes
- Linking tree demography to climate change feedbacks: fire, larch forests, and carbon pools of the Siberian Arctic
- Long-term fertilization, but not warming, shifts rates of ectomycorrhizal nutrient cycling in Arctic tussock tundra.
- Looking Forward - A Next Generation of Thermal Infrared Planetary Instruments
- Mantle to Surface Dynamics Across Subduction-Collision Transitions in Space and Time: Results from the CD-CAT Project in Anatolia
- Matrix approach to uncertainty assessment and reduction for modeling terrestrial carbon cycle
- Methane efflux measured by eddy covariance in Alaskan upland tundra undergoing permafrost degradation
- Methane, Ethane, and Nitrogen Stability on Titan
- Modeled Carbon Cycle Responses to Altered Precipitation Amount and Interannual Variation in Desert Grassland
- Monitoring post-fire changes in species composition and stand structure in boreal forests using high-resolution, 3-D aerial drone data and Landsat
- Mt. Sharp as a Source of the Sand within Gale Crater
- Multi-Scale Modeling of Boreal Forest Vegetation Growth Under the Influence of Permafrost and Wildfire Interactions
- Opposing effects of fire severity on climate feedbacks in Siberian larch forests
- Plant, Microbiome, and Biogeochemistry: Quantifying moss-associated N fixation in Alaska
- Predicting Nitrate Transport under Future Climate Scenarios beneath the Nebraska Management Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) site
- Predicting Tree Mortality Die-off Events Associated with Hotter Drought and Assessing Their Global Consequences via Ecoclimate Teleconnections.
- Quantification of Surface Subsidence Using Real-Time Kinematic GPS in Experimentally Warmed Permafrost
- Rapid changes in the permafrost soil carbon pool in response to warming
- Recent slowdown of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> amplification due to vegetation-climate feedback over northern lands
- Remote Sensing Mars Landing Sites: An Out-of-School Time Planetary Science Education Activity for Middle School Students
- Scientific Payload Of The Emirates Mars Mission: Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (Emirs) Overview.
- Seasonality of photosynthesis of a Rocky Mountain subalpine forest: implications for SIF as a metric for GPP
- Shifting Foliar N:P Ratios with Experimental Soil Warming in Tussock Tundra
- Soil Carbon Residence Time in the Arctic - Potential Drivers of Past and Future Change
- Soil Carbon in North American, Arctic, and Boreal Regions
- Soil mineral assemblage influences on microbial communities and carbon cycling under fresh organic matter input
- Soundscapes to Landscapes (S2L): Monitoring Animal Biodiversity from Space Using Citizen Scientists
- Spatial and Temporal Relationships of Stomatal Development and Function in a Temperate Forest Canopy
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Dust Deposition in the San Juan Mountains, CO: A Network of Late Holocene Lake Sediment Records
- Specific Heat Capacities of Martian Sedimentary Analogs at Low Temperatures
- Stratigraphic Mapping of Intra-Crater Layered Deposits in Arabia Terra from High-Resolution Imaging and Stereo Topography
- Stronger ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange capacity but higher lateral carbon loss of mangrove wetlands over terrestrial forests
- Surprisingly robust projections of soil temperature and moisture for North American drylands in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) 2017 Airborne Campaign
- The potential impacts of climate change induced changes to tropical leaf albedo and its feedback on global climate
- The role of deep nitrogen and dynamic rooting profiles on vegetation dynamics and productivity in response to permafrost thaw and climate change in Arctic tundra
- Three decades of landscape change in Alaska documented using spatiotemporal analyses of remote sensing imagery
- Titanium zoning and diffusion chronometry reveal dynamic and late-stage quartz growth in the Youngest Toba Tuff, Indonesia
- Toward Understanding Dynamics in Shifting Biomes: An Individual Based Modeling Approach to Characterizing Drought and Mortality in Central Western Canada
- Transient traceability analysis of land carbon storage dynamics: procedures and its application to two forest ecosystems
- Tropical rainforests dominate multi-decadal variability of the global carbon cycle
- Tundra ecosystem respiration is dominated by recent C inputs, masking contributions from old and more decomposed substrates
- Tundra plant biomass distribution and environmental constraints on the North Slope of Alaska
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Understanding the drivers of post-fire albedo and radiative forcing across Alaska and Canada: implications for management.
- Understanding the eruption mechanisms of the explosive Bellecombe Eruptions on Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion
- Using S-wave Receiver Functions to Determine Lithospheric Thickness of the Nazca and South American Plates in the Pampean Flat Slab Region
- Using thermal and compositional modeling to assess the role of water in Alaskan flat slab subduction
- WRF-Chem Model Simulations of Arizona Dust Storms
- Water in the Solar System: The Development of Science Education Curriculum Focused on Planetary Exploration
- Wildfire, legacy carbon combustion, and the centennial carbon balance of permafrost ecosystems
- Within-species patterns challenge our understanding of the causes and consequences of trait variation with implications for trait-based models
- A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Drivers of Alternate Carbon Allocation Strategies in a Temperate, Deciduous Tree Species
- A Statistical Comparative Planetology Approach to Test the Habitable Zone Concept with Future Space Telescopes
- A framework for forecasting tree mortality in boreal North America using long-term multi-scale satellite data
- A rapid launch of near-term ecological forecasting: Chasing tree die-off experimentally during an intensifying drought
- Above and Belowground Carbon Emissions from Historical Fires Across Alaska and Canada
- Accelerating rates of Arctic carbon cycling revealed by long-term atmospheric CO2 measurements
- Amino Acid Racemization of Planktonic Foraminifera: Testing the Effects of Bleaching Pretreatment
- Ancient Bedforms within Valles Marineris, Mars
- Application of Machine Learning to Landform Classification and Surface Change Detection on Large Rivers
- Arctic and Boreal Carbon: Key Findings from the State of the Carbon Cycle Report
- Assessing the Role of Water in Alaskan Flat-Slab Subduction Using Thermodynamic and Phase Equilibria Modeling Approaches
- Atmospheric observations inform roles of climatic drivers in controlling NEE variations at seasonal and sub-seasonal scales
- Ballistic Emplacement Model for Pyroclastic Deposits in Lunar Alphonsus Crater
- Big-data-big-model Fusion to Improve Prediction of Global Soil Carbon Dynamics with Earth System Model
- Calibrating a Terrestrial Hydrology Model for Process-Realism
- Climate Change Impacts on Precipitation in Arid Regions: An Arizona Case Study
- Clumped isotope systematics in lacustrine and fluvial carbonates: A tool for paleoclimate, paleohydrology, and paleoaltimetry
- Combining soil flux and soil gas profiles to constrain CH<SUB>4</SUB> emission pathways in a Northern peatland - a data-model fusion study
- Comparing Raman Quartz-in-garnet Barometry with Thermodynamic Modeling Across a Barrovian Metamorphic Terrane: The Funeral Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex
- Comprehensive Sediment-Transport Measurements on a Large Sand-Bedded River: Bedform Tracking, Acoustical Suspended-Sediment Measurements, and Physical Sampling on the Lower Chippewa River, WI
- Contrasting degassing behaviors before and after a shift in eruptive style at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Major Findings and Implications for Habitability
- Detecting Oceans on Exoplanets with Next-Generation Telescopes
- Developing a Regional-scale Photosynthetic Carbon Flux Estimation Framework using Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements and a Geostatistical Inverse Modeling Approach
- Development of a forest structure Essential Biodiversity Variable for Colombia's Biodiversity Observation Network
- Dine' Worldviews driving assessment of environmental and human Impact of the Gold King Mine Spill on Navajo Agricultural Communities
- Drivers of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) mortality and productivity decline in boreal forests of interior Alaska
- Drivers, Interactions, and Timescales for Carbon and Water Fluxes in semiarid ecosystems
- Effects of permafrost thaw and changes in soil moisture on CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in Alaskan upland tundra
- Emirates Mars Mission Science Closure Strategy
- Engagement of Out-of-School Time Educators in the Design of On-Line Professional Development
- Estimating Riverbed Sand Thickness Using CHIRP Sonar: Case Study from the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Estimating bedload from suspended load measurements on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park
- Estimating forest restoration treatment effects on forest structure: Multi-temporal UAV SfM model and multispectral image analysis
- Evaluate the Influence of Green Infrastructure with Agent-based Model in Upper Huron River Watershed
- Evidence for Alteration and Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars from the Curiosity Rover
- Evidence for dynamic relationship between faulting and Neogene-Quaternary volcanism in post-collisional Central Anatolia (Turkey): Implications for shallow slab subduction and rollback.
- Evolved Climates and Observational Discriminants for the TRAPPIST-1 Planetary System
- Fire on Ice: Boundary Spanning and Disaster Diplomacy in Wildfire Science and Management in Alaska
- Flow Alteration, River Valley Morphology, and the Influence of Glen Canyon Dam on Sediment Availability along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Future of the North American Carbon Cycle
- GEDI Aboveground Biomass Modeling: Which Waveform Metrics are Most Useful to Predict Biomass Across Different Continents and Plant Functional Types?
- Geochemical evidence from the ChemCam instrument highlighting the role of diagenesis at Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale crater, Mars
- Global Water Scaling of Ecosystem Carbon Cycle Feedback to Climate Warming
- Holocene hydroclimatic change in south-central Alaska inferred from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O<SUB>diatom</SUB> at Sunken Island Lake, Kenai Peninsula lowlands
- How prominent was the 8.2 ka event? A global Holocene perspective
- Identifying Supports for Youth Development and Learning in a Planetary Science and Engineering Out-of-School Time Program
- Incorporating Low Resolution Proxy Records into Paleoclimate Data Assimilation of the Common Era
- Increasing fire frequency in boreal Alaska and its impact on forest composition, structure, and dynamics
- Information measures of land-carbon source-sink dynamics
- Integrating LiDAR and SfM data from ground-based, unmanned (UAV) and manned aerial platforms to estimate sediment budgets for aeolian dunefields
- Inter-annual Variation in Radiocarbon Age of Ecosystem Respiration Exceeds Permafrost Warming Effects
- Investigating the Clay-Bearing Unit in Gale Crater with the Curiosity Rover
- Joint age-proxy system modelling
- Leaf Area Index amplifies modelled carbon-concentration feedback—a model-data synthesis study
- Limits to Growth of Forest Biomass Carbon Sink Under Climate Change
- Mapping boreal forest deciduous fractional cover across Alaska and Western Canada
- Mapping global canopy cover and vertical profile metrics using spaceborne lidar
- Mapping land-atmosphere feedbacks using FLUXNET information flows
- Mapping the Thickness of Thermal Lithosphere Across the Continental US
- Maximization of Photosynthetic Light use Efficiency is a key Optimization Principle to Scale Carbon Gain From Leaves to Canopy
- Modifying the COP Method to Model Vulnerability of Semi-Arid Karst Aquifers, Developed on the Kaibab Plateau, Grand Canyon National Park
- Moss associated N fixation rates in Alaska are uncorrelated with the photosynthetic activity or the natural abundance <SUP>15</SUP>N signature of host mosses
- Mycobiont contribution to tundra plant acquisition of permafrost-derived nitrogen
- NASA ABoVE 10m Composite DEM
- Near Term Proximity of Temperature Tipping Points for the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Northern Hemisphere patterns of land surface phenology in a state-of-the-art climate model and remote sensing
- Numerical Modeling of Historical and Projected Permafrost Soil Temperatures with Carbon Flux Implications
- Observations of Didymos: Past Results and Future Plans
- Old soil carbon decomposition is underestimated when plant productivity and surface soil decomposition are high
- Permafrost Carbon Network: Synthesis Science and Outreach
- PhenoSynth: An Open Source Shiny(R) User Interface to Investigate Phenology Across Spatial and Temporal Scales
- Phenological improvement of ELM and its feedbacks to terrestrial hydrological cycle
- Phenology of temperate deciduous forests: Roles of energy and moisture
- Planetary Cards: An Interactive Card Game for Learning about Water in the Solar System
- Post-fire ecosystem resilience and carbon dynamics in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
- Preparing for EMIRS: Using TES aerobraking observations to assess the diurnal variation of surface and atmospheric temperature.
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Quantifying long-term soil phosphorus dynamics: a data assimilation approach
- Quantitative Microbiomics: New Frontiers Q-Stable Isotope Probing Is Enabling for Soil Microbial Ecology
- Rapid warming leads to greening of the tundra biome
- Rate variation in moss associated N fixation across a diverse group of host species in Alaska is driven by moss type and latitudinal location
- Reconstructing Late Holocene Productivity and Climate in Columbine Lake, Colorado
- Regional observations and modeling for evaluating land use strategies to mitigate climate change in the Pacific Northwest US
- Remote Sensing of Volcanic Deposits of the Apollo 17 Landing Site Region
- Reworking and Diagenesis of Martian Soil: Pathway to Murray Formation Sediments?
- Rhizosphere Priming Helps Explain Positive and Negative Effects of Warming and Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Soil Carbon Loss in Grassland
- Scientific workflows, reproducibility and uncertainty quantification in the paleogeosciences
- Soil Carbon Response to Climate Warming - Using Functional Benchmarks to Evaluate Model Projections of Soil Carbon Dynamics in a Changing World
- Soil Respiration and Carbon Dynamics as Controlled by Microbial Extracellular Enzyme Activities: Meta-analysis Results and Implications for Earth System Modeling
- Soil respiration and decomposition of soil organic carbon under a long-term field warming
- Some of what we learned from phase-1 of the Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Space Weathering of Carbonaceous Asteroids and Meteorites
- Spatially-Explicit Climate Forcings from Wildfire in Boreal North America
- Stochastic processes in terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle modeling: from the linear system of pool-based models to the adaptive dynamics of vegetation demographic models
- Stratal thicknesses in the Layered Deposits of Arabia Terra using High-Resolution Stereo Topography
- Structure and Shear Velocities of the Costa Rican Subduction Zone through Receiver Function Analysis and Ambient Noise Tomography
- Temporal variability of dust deposition from Holocene lake sediment records in the San Juan Mountains, CO.
- Testing Iso/Anisohydry as a Plant-Environment Interaction in Larrea tridentata
- The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) Airborne Campaign
- The Carbon Dioxide Emissions of US Cities
- The Forests Chapter of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- The Thermophysical Variability of the Vera Rubin Ridge as Explored by the Mars Science Laboratory
- The Time History of Power Flow in the United States at a County Level
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The role of ectomycorrhizae in Arctic shrub expansion: Long-term warming and fertilization differentially alter fungal community and function
- The role of microbial diversity on soil carbon use efficiency
- Thermophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Data
- Thermophysical Properties of the Regolith of Phobos
- Traceability Analysis of Ensemble Modeling Results with A Unified Diagnostic System to Improve Land Carbon Cycle Predictions
- Tracking regional sediment dispersal in the late Paleozoic Ancestral Rocky Mountain system using detrital zircon
- Underestimated Ecosystem Carbon Turnover Time and Sequestration under the Steady State Assumption: a Perspective From Long-term data Assimilation
- Unifying land carbon cycle models
- Unpacking the Soil Respiration Black Box: Growth of Individual Bacterial Populations Scales with CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Differently Across Soils from Forested, Shrub, and Grassland Ecosystems
- Using Earth Analogs of the Moon to Study Volcanic Fields and Prepare for Human Lunar Geophysical Exploration
- Using Hyperspectral Imagery to Detect an Invasive Fungal Pathogen and Determine Symptom Severity in Pinus Strobiformis Seedlings
- Using PhenoCams and Landsat to improve understanding of photoperiod control on spring phenology of deciduous forests in the Eastern US
- Using Terrestrial Analogs to Distinguishing Eolian, Fluvial, and Volcanic Deposits on Mars
- Using satellite remote sensing to quantify the impact of groundwater on dryland ecosystems' resilience globally
- Using the Relationship Between Active Layer Thickness and Subsidence to Constrain Permafrost Thaw
- Utilizing Data Fusion to Understand and Visualize the U.S. Food, Energy, Water Nexus at the Mesocale: the FEWSION 1.0 Data Product
- Vegetation structure impacts on the spatial and temporal dynamics of snow and soil moisture in restored semi-arid ponderosa pine forests
- Vertical and Lateral Changes in Sand-Wave Facies From Dilute Pyroclastic Density Currents
- Visualizing Experimental Whole-Ecosystem Warming Treatments on Vegetation and Ecosystem Phenology at the SPRUCE Experiment
- Vulnerability of boreal forest legacy carbon to combustion increases with shortened fire return intervals
- Water Footprint Benchmarks for the United States
- Water in the Solar System: A Science Education Activity Focused on Planetary Exploration
- What impact do plant and soil hydrologic schemes of varying complexity have on simulated water and carbon fluxes across semi-arid sites in the southwestern US?
- Whole-tree Nonstructural Carbohydrate Budgets and Seasonal Dynamics in Five Temperate Species
- A 1.5 Million Year Record of Climate and Vegetation Change in Southwestern North America from Stoneman Lake, Arizona
- A mixed scaling model for migrating bedform velocities in sand bedded rivers
- A narrow window of summer temperatures is associated with shrub growth in Arctic Alaska
- A sink-enabled model explains the inter-annual variability of woody growth in a temperate forest
- Adding space-based vegetation structure measurements to a global ecosystem model to simulate tropical forest animal communities and their role in ecosystem function
- Ages of Faulting and the Nature of Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Deep Nankai Accretionary Prism, IODP Site C0002, Japan
- Airborne Monitoring of Arctic Ecosystem Change
- Aligning the multiple goals of food production, environmental flow provision, and nutrition in US watersheds
- Amplified uncertainty in the terrestrial carbon cycle from CMIP5 to CMIP6
- Applying Quantitative Stable Isotope Probing to Metagenomic Sequencing of Rhizosphere-Associated Microbes
- Biogeographical constraints on a tussock forming sedge and its impact on near surface Arctic carbon stocks
- Bottom-up control of carbon combustion from boreal wildfires
- Characterization of hydrological model calibration using information theory
- Characterizing causal dependencies through information flow: emerging frontier for understanding and prediction of earth system dynamics
- Characterizing high-order spatio-temporal urbanization dynamics from remotely-sensed time series
- Climate controls on springtime phenology in Eastern Temperate Forests of North America
- Communicating and Mapping the Supply Chain Effects of Natural Hazards on the Food-Energy-Water System to Support Emergency Management Planning
- Comparison of the Effects of Ten Years of Warming and Twenty Years of Altered Plant Species Composition on Ecosystem Carbon Storage in Alaskan Arctic Tundra
- Constraining methane emission pathways via model structure selection and parameter estimation with flux and concentration data in a northern peatland
- Controls on fine-root trait variation and implications for defining Root Functional Types
- Correlating the Campanian Ignimbrite using matrix glass geochemistry and morphology
- Death and decay in the soil microbiome: how viruses, microfauna and resource availability shape the fate of soil carbon
- Declines in Nighttime Water Potential Vary Seasonally in a Common Desert Shrub
- Decomposability of soil organic matter over time: The Soil Incubation Database (SIDb, version 1.0) and guidance for incubation methods
- Deep Learning Optimizes Data-driven Representation of Soil Organic Carbon in Earth System Model over the Conterminous United States
- Development and Validation of a Compact, Low-cost, Low-power, UV Imaging System for Monitoring Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- Directly testing the distribution of surficial hydroxyl/water on the Moon with the Lunar Trailblazer mission
- Drivers and consequences of an intensifying fire regime in northern high latitudes
- Ecosystem feedbacks to climate warming: temporal dynamics of soil respiration and decomposition of soil organic carbon over a long-term field warming and its further impacts on ecosystem carbon residence time
- Electron-induced Amorphization of Crystalline H<SUB>2</SUB>O-ice
- Empowering Secondary Teachers to Enhance Instruction through the Power of Data and Geospatial Inquiry
- Environmental variables predict bacterial communities in the Serengeti
- Ericaceous root enzymes are more sensitive than ectomycorrhizal to nutrient addition in Arctic tundra
- Evaluation of Carotenoid Pigment Indices from High Resolution Satellites to Track the Photosynthetic Seasonality in Evergreen Forests
- Exploration of Recruitment of Earth Scientists (EXPLORES) at Northern Arizona University Through Collaboration Between Geology and Chemistry Departments
- Exploring the Environmental Drivers of Global Terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Inferred from OCO-2 and a Geostatistical Inverse Model
- Extrapolating Petrologic Aspects of Caldera Systems to Targets for Geophysical Observations
- Farming is Life: Community Driven University Partnerships to Empower Diné Communities following the Gold King Mine Spill
- Field in situ Microbial Growth Response to Warming using H<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>18</SUP>O qSIP in Deglaciated Soils of the Marr Ice Piedmont Glacier, Anvers Island, Antarctica
- Finite element method approach for quantifying the conditions for shape deformation of the primary of binary asteroid Didymos after the DART impact
- Fire, Forest, Ice, and Fungi: Exploring the Mesh of Relationships that Drive Seedling Recruitment in the Siberian Arctic
- Full implementation of matrix approach to biogeochemistry module of Community Land Model version 5 (CLM5)
- Functional Phenology Changes after Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition through Changing Structure and Physiology
- Geophysical Exploration Of the Dynamics and Evolution of the Solar System (GEODES)
- History of vegetation, lake fluctuations and climate since the last interglacial recorded in the sediments from Stoneman Lake, Arizona, USA
- Host moss identity is a significant predictor of associated N fixation rates in Arctic Alaska
- How Close Are We to the Temperature Tipping Point of the Terrestrial Biosphere?
- How increasing variability in precipitation may affect terrestrial primary production depends on mean precipitation
- Identifying Supports for Educators Facilitating a Planetary Science and Engineering Out-of-School Time Program
- Impacts of Vegetation Phenology on Surface-Energy Balance Dynamics: A Synthesis Integrating PhenoCam and AmeriFlux Data
- Impacts of increasing wildfire severity on the long-term carbon dynamics of Alaskan boreal forests
- Improving maximum carboxylation rate estimation with chlorophyll content as a proxy of RuBisCo
- Incorporating canopy structure from simulated GEDI lidar into bird species distribution models
- Integrating Annual Landsat Imagery in a Hydrologic Impact Analysis of Localized Land Use Change for a Rapidly Developing Watershed in Houston, Texas
- Is the 4.2 ka event remarkable in the context of Holocene centennial-scale climate variability?
- Isotope tools scaling soil microbial ecology to biogeochemistry
- Laboratory spectroscopy of terrestrial volcanic ash and potential applications to Martian remote sensing
- Large-scale reductions in terrestrial carbon uptake due to central Pacific El Niño revealed by remote sensing and land surface models
- Late Holocene spring snowfall and hydroclimate variability inferred from varved sediments, Columbine Lake, Colorado
- Lessons From the Dust Bowl: Grassland Responses to Extreme Drought
- Lessons from 10 Years of the Alaska Fire Science Consortium: Spanning Boundaries in Wildland Fire Science and Management
- Linking Variation in Active Soil Microbial Communities with Edaphic Properties in Mediterranean Grasslands Along a Precipitation Gradient
- Lunar Trailblazer: A Pioneering SmallSat for Lunar Water and Lunar Geology
- Mapping the Composition of the Moon Using Thermal IR Spectroscopy: Current and Future Observations
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- Mineralogical evidence for water-rock interactions in ancient Gale crater, Mars from the CheMin instrument on the Curiosity rover
- Modeling Respiration of Individual Bacterial Populations in situ with Quantitative Stable Isotope Probing (qSIP)
- Monitoring avian diversity with bioacoustics analysis, remote sensing and species distribution modeling
- Monsoon Tracing: Characterizing Karst Spring Catchment and Travel Times Using Geospatial Precipitation Data and Recession Curve Analyses, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA
- Mountain forest productivity across a regional climatic gradient in the southwestern USA
- Multiple constraints on biospheric CO2 fertilization
- NASA's Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE): Transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2 (2015-2022)
- Net ecosystem carbon exchange after three years of experimental precipitation manipulation in a mixed-grass prairie.
- New insights into spatial and temporal dynamics of the global water cycle from the Iso2k database
- Objective Identification of Diseased Plants from Hyperspectral Images Using Machine Learning
- Open source tools for sediment classification using compositional backscatter in fluvial environments
- Out of This World: Evaluation of a Remote Sensing Curriculum for Out-of-School Time Learners
- Particle size dependence of magnetic properties: A case study from the Northern North Atlantic.
- Partitioning Ecosystem Respiration Using δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C to Determine Sources of Permafrost C Loss After 10 Years of Experimental Warming
- Permafrost Carbon Network: Research synthesis to quantify the permafrost carbon feedback
- PhenoSynth: A User Interface to Integrate PhenoCam and MODIS Data
- PhenoSynth: Cross-Scale Phenological Data Integration to Improve PhenoCam-MODIS Comparisons
- Post-fire ecosystem and carbon recovery in the Northwest Territories, Canada
- Post-fire larch (Larix cajanderi) recruitment in central Siberia is highest in areas with increased fire severity
- Post-fire larch recruitment patterns in the Siberian Arctic indicate forest loss in many areas
- Post-fire seedling recruitment in high-latitude Siberian Larch (Larix cajanderi) forests associated with lower graminoid composition
- Pre-LGM chronological framework of the Quaternary sediment package in the North Sea Basin
- Predicting biomass change at boreal North American forest inventory sites using long-term satellite vegetation indices and environmental drivers.
- Preparing for EMIRS: Utilizing TES Aerobraking Observations to Assess the Uncertainty in Measurements Due to Altering Parameters.
- Quantifying snow cover and persistence in a post restoration environment: UAV-derived forest structure data and forest gap radiation modeling
- Quantifying the Effects of Warming and Ecosystem Change on Arctic Soil Microbial Communities
- Quantifying the temperature sensitivity of plant phenology
- Quantitative Stable Isotope Probing with Internal Standards.
- Recent Trends in Forest Productivity and Tree Cover Across the Boreal Forest Biome
- Reconciling Historical and Contemporary Trends in Terrestrial Carbon Exchange of the High-latitude Permafrost-zone
- Reducing Uncertainty in Net Ecosystem Exchange by Running the CABLE Land Surface Model for MsTMIP and Developing Low-Cost GHG Sensors for Deployment in the ABR
- Rethinking the Water Cycle in the Anthropocene
- Scientific Community Engagement for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) to Facilitate Research Collaboration
- Seasonal Pigment Changes Allow Detection of Activity and Dormancy of Evergreen Photosynthesis in Cold-Climate Conifer Forests
- Seasonal Variation in Coast Redwood Branch Hydraulic Conductivity: The Critical Link Between Climate and Growth
- Seismic Estimates of Mantle Melting in the Western US
- Short-Range Order Minerals Inhibit Taxon-Specific Bacterial Growth Rate with and without Fresh Plant Carbon
- Significant C source driven by elevated water table but sink by increasing thaw depth in Alaska tundra under experimental warming: A data assimilation study
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Profile Measurements Reveal an Increase in the Proportion of Old Soil Carbon over a Thirteen Year Study at a Permafrost Site in Interior Alaska
- Sounds and Colors: Relationships between Avian Soundscape Indices and Remote Sensing Datasets in Sonoma County, CA
- Space Hazards! A PLANETS Science Series Activity for Out of School Time
- Sputtering of Icy Surfaces by Low Energy Ions
- Sustainable Water Management in the Lower Colorado Basin: Influence of Climate and Regulatory Context on the Ability to Meet Human and Environmental Water Needs
- Terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage in plant biomass and soil: a negative relationship
- Terrestrial Carbon Flux Responses to a Warming Experiment Along a Primary Productivity Gradient in a Glacier Forefield on the Western Antarctic Peninsula.
- The Evolution of Cordilleran Topography in the Americas: Records of Surface Uplift and the Onset of Orogenic Collapse
- The MILO Space Science Institute and Smallsat Missions to Explore the Diversity of Near-Earth Asteroids
- The Regulation of Woody Plant Hydraulics Inferred from Water Potential Response to Vapor Pressure Deficit.
- The Relationship of Martian Crustal Remnant Magnetism and Mineralogy
- The Sputtering Yield of Electron Irradiated Water Ice and Its Dependence on Temperature
- The Stability of the Dangling Bonds in H<SUB>2</SUB>O-ice Subject to Electron Irradiation
- The Vulcan Version 3.0 High-Resolution Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions for the United States
- The Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change: Key Findings from a Decade of Synthesis
- The fate of cold-water carbonate: the scale of time averaging of molluscan aragonite on the productive Alaskan Arctic shelf
- The fossil fuel CO2 emissions of U.S. cities
- The influence of scale on modeled carbon combustion from historical wildfires across Alaska and Canada
- Unique Properties of Bedforms Formed from Dilute Pyroclastic Density Currents: Implications for Formation
- Using wave modeling and sedimentary provenance to better understand storage and transport processes in terrestrially-connected submarine canyon heads, King Range coast, CA
- Validating a Lunar Roughness-Based Thermal Correction with Diviner Temperature Observations
- Walking Tree Line: Changes in the Arctic and Alpine Forest Ecotone over a 1,000 km Climatic Gradient across Alaska's Brooks Range
- Warming, shrubs and nutrients: Soil organic carbon recalcitrance and resilience under changing environment in Arctic tundra
- Widespread Shallow Water Ice on Mars at High and Mid Latitudes
- Widespread ecological reorganization of boreal forests following severe wildfires
- Wildfire Interactions with Climate and Vegetation Change in the North American Boreal Forest: Implications for Shifting Fire Regimes under Higher Temperatures and an Altered Deciduous Fraction
- rSpectral & ASTRAL: Interactive Tools for Analysis of Hyperspectral Reflectance Data Acquired through the NASA ABoVE Campaign
- 10+ Years of Ocean Bottom Seismometer Noise: Fresh Insights and Persistent Questions
- 3D Shear-Velocity Structure across the Indo-Burman Subduction System from Surface-Wave Constraints
- <SUP>Tundra Underlain by Thawing Permafrost Persistently Emits Carbon to the Atmosphere Over Fifteen Years of Measurements</SUP>
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Mid-Infrared Survey of M-type Asteroids with SOFIA+FORCAST
- A Sub-pixel Sensitivity Analysis for Atmospheric Retrievals made by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS) Instrument
- A comparison of the environmental responses of canopy SIF and GPP in a subalpine conifer forest in Colorado, USA.
- A cooperative pivot into virtual and at home STEM education by a scientist-educator partnership
- A new pattern of coupling strength in North America using a linear inverse modeling framework of the land-atmosphere system
- Accounting for Subsidence Reveals 50% Deeper Permafrost Thaw and Double the Rate of Carbon Thaw in a Permafrost Warming Experiment
- Across Semiarid Ecosystems, Evapotranspiration Responds to Environmental Drivers Over Longer Timescales When Conditions are Dry
- Adding space-based vegetation structure measurements to a global ecosystem model to simulate tropical forest animal communities and their role in ecosystem function
- Advances in plate tectonics: interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the separation of continents and initiation of subduction zones at GeoPRISMS primary sites
- Atmospheric-based greenhouse gas measurements approaches can help cities achieve their climate and sustainability goals
- Big data-driven modelling reveals key mechanisms underlying soil organic carbon stabilization
- Boundary Spanning and Co-production with Management Partners in Arctic/Boreal Systems: Lessons from 10 Years of the Alaska Fire Science Consortium
- Bushmeat hunting reduces transport of key nutrients in Amazonia
- Classification of boreal spruce tree health status using UAV multispectral and G-LiHT hyperspectral imagery
- Comparing and validating measures of water-use efficiency from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Constraining Paleoenvironments on Mars from Infrared Spectral Observations of Amorphous and Poorly Crystalline Alteration Products
- Constraining the role of age uncertainty in event relationships in data-model comparison
- Core Values and Principles Guiding STEM in Out-of-School
- Country-level carbon sequestration potential by the middle of the 21 century
- Coupled impacts of sea ice variability and North Pacific atmospheric circulation on Holocene hydroclimate in Arctic Alaska
- Covid19's disparate impact on transportation and emissions
- Discontinuous High Velocity Lower Crust and Early Margin Segmentation along the Eastern North American Margin's Rift to Drift Transition
- Drilling the Corinth active rift, Greece: High resolution records of interacting tectonics, climate and sedimentation during rift evolution
- Drone-derived canopy height predicts aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems across the globe
- Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) 2020 Overview and Status
- Emirates Mars Mission 2020: Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS) Overview
- Estimating anthropogenic CO2 emissions from New York City using aircraft measurements and dispersion modelling
- Estimating the Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Budget for the Arctic-boreal Zone Using a Synthesis of Field Observations and Statistical Upscaling
- Evidence for Extensive Diagenesis in Gale Crater, Mars from X-ray Amorphous Component Compositions
- Evidence for ammonia-bearing species on the Uranian satellite Ariel supports recent geologic activity
- Exploring Remote Sensing in Out-of-School Time Settings: Results of a Field Test of a NASA-themed Curriculum for Middle School Youth
- Exploring the potential of GEDI fusion with multi-sensor imagery for mapping the canopy height of diverse tropical forests of Colombia
- Glacier-driven Chemical Alteration of Volcanic Rock: Implications for an Icy Low-Temperature Geochemical Cycle on the Surface of Mars
- Global Changes in Surface Dust Coverage using Mars Climate Sounder
- Image processing tools to improve THEMIS-based compositional analysis accessibility
- Increased CO2 and decreased CH4 emissions in response to drying of northern peatlands: experimental observations vs. model simulations
- Influence of Thawing Permafrost on Soil-Plant Mineral Element Transfer: Case Study in Interior Alaska
- Informing urban climate planning with high resolution data: the Hestia fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions for Baltimore, Maryland
- Integrating GEDI, ICESat-1 and -2 to Characterize Vegetation Structure Dynamics: DOs and DON'Ts
- Integrating the sedimentary stratigraphy of Arabia Terra, Mars: depositional history of Sera and Jiji craters.
- Interpreting Thermal Inertia in Arabia Terra Through Crater Density Analysis
- Investigating Potential Ancient Inverted Valley Networks on Mars
- Investigating the Impact of the Atmospheric State on Derived Thermophysical Properties of the Martian Surface.
- Lidar-derived soil surface roughness as a measure of biological soil crust disturbance and recovery within cool and hot deserts
- Linking Core to Outcrop: High-resolution Isotopic Records of the Wilkins Peak Member (Green River Formation) at White Mountain (Wyoming, USA)
- Linking Thermophysics from Earth to Mars
- Lunar Trailblazer: A Pioneering Small Satellite for Lunar Water and Lunar Geology
- MACIE: Mars Astrobiological Caves and Internal Habitability Explorer (a New Frontiers Mission Concept) for the next decade
- MIDA, a software system to facilitate Model-Independent Data Assimilation and ecological forecasting
- Mapping Martian ice availability in the mid-latitudes of Mars
- Mapping Vegetation Structure Gradients in Colombia With Spaceborne Lidar
- Matrix MIP to trace uncertainty in predicting land carbon dynamics
- Microbial composition of dust from alpine snow
- Mid-Holocene Warmth and Temperature Trends: Reconstructing Holocene Climate using a Global Proxy Database and Five Statistical Methods
- Mineral Element and Organic Carbon Transport from Permafrost Soils to a Headwater Stream under Contrasting Flow Regimes and Permafrost Degradation
- Mineralogical enhancement of crustal magnetization on Mars
- Modeling the acquisition of newly thawed deep nitrogen and its impact on vegetation dynamic and ecosystem carbon cycle.
- Moving Beyond the Incorrect but Useful Paradigm: Re-envisioning Forests in Earth System Models
- Multi-Decadal Carbon Cycle Measurements at the Howland Forest AmeriFlux Site
- Multi-proxy evidence for constant hydrological sources and mild, wet climate in post-EECO Greater Green River Basin
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- New York City greenhouse gas emissions estimated with inverse modelling of aircraft measurements
- Nitrogen limitation: which process is limited and how rapidly can processes adjust?
- Non-Binary Systems: Looking Toward the Future of Gender Equity in Planetary Science and Related Fields
- Observational evidence suggests the vernal window extends under climate warming
- Paleoscience questions for socially relevant understanding of climate change
- Performance of Carbon Flux Models Across the ABoVE Domain Using Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Periglacial vegetation dynamics in Arctic Russia: decadal analysis of tundra regeneration on landslides with time series satellite imagery
- Photoperiod compensates for decreased temperature sensitivity in deciduous forest greenup
- Photosynthesis and Phenology Parameter Optimization Alleviates Terrestrial Biosphere Model Underestimate of Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Interannual Variability at Semiarid Sites
- Phylogenetic signal of bacterial growth in response to short-term and long-term warming of the arctic tundra
- Pre-fire deciduous tree species drive forest regeneration after wildfire in interior Alaska
- Preparing for EMIRS: Utilizing the EMIRS Simulator to Help Develop a Retrieval Algorithm for Aerosols in Mars Atmosphere.
- Quantifying and Assessing Protected Area's Carbon Sequestration Potential and Ecological Values at Regional-scale
- Quantifying whole tree non-structural carbon dynamics under long-term experimental drought using radiocarbon
- Reducing Uncertainty in Future Projections of CO2 and Net Ecosystem Exchange
- Regional Wildfire Inferred From Micro-Charcoal Over Past 15,000 years in Southern Colorado USA.
- Revisiting the 3 µm feature on the lunar surface with an updated rough surface correction
- Scale Dependence in the Relationship between Forest Structural Diversity and Vascular Plant Diversity across Ecoclimatic Gradients
- Simulation of Boreal Treeline Migration in A Warming World
- Strong temperature response in spring and autumn phenological transition dates in response to whole-ecosystem warming
- Subsea Permafrost Carbon Stocks and Climate Change Sensitivity Estimated by Expert Assessment
- Teleseismic Converted Waves Image of the Indo-Burma Subduction System Across the Bangladesh-India-Myanmar (BIMA) Array
- Terrestrial Seismic and Magnetic Field Studies of Volcanic Fields as an Analog to Lunar Surface Prospecting
- The ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team: Synergies Across Land, Air, and Sea
- The Effects of Misregistered Topography on Lunar Thermal Modeling
- The Evolution and Seasonality of the North American Food-Energy-Water System
- The Future of Forest Ecosystem Benefits: Science-Based Management in the Anthropocene
- The Legacy Carbon Collaborative: a network to assess the impacts of wildfires on the long-term carbon storage of boreal and tundra ecosystems
- The Martian Dust Bowl: Thermal Inertia in Sediment-Filled Craters Reveals a Noachian Dry Spell
- The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) informs process-based estimates of inter-annual variability in the global carbon cycle
- The emplacement of the 39.8 ka Campanian Ignimbrite flow, Italy
- The impact of COVID-19 on realtime data-driven estimate of U.S. fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions.
- The lunar space weathering rate: dichotomies in agents and products
- The predictability of near-term changes in forest biomass: a case study in boreal North America
- Thermophysical and Compositional Trends of Lithified Bedforms on Mars
- Tracking Meltwater Source Availability in Taylor Valley, Antarctica Through Automated Snow Detection
- Trends In Mineralogy and Grain Size Distribution Across Paleolake Basins on Earth and Mars
- Tussocks enduring or shrubs greening: Alternate responses to changing fire regimes in the Noatak River Valley, Alaska
- UAV remote sensing of plant-soil-nutrient dynamics in burned rangeland
- UAV thermal image detects genetic trait differences among populations and genotypes of Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii, Salicaceae)
- Understanding the role of energy fluxes in shaping the seasonal patterns of ABL heights and cloud dynamics for select AmeriFlux sites across the United States
- Upper mantle seismic anisotropy of Indo-Burma Subduction Zone from Shear Wave Splitting and Shear Wave Splitting Tomography
- Upscaling FLUXNET-CH<SUB>4</SUB>: Data-driven model performance, predictors, and regional to global methane emission estimates for freshwater wetlands
- Using 3D Geodynamic Models of Flexure Backed by Seismic Imagery to Constrain the Rheology and Thermal Structure of the Oceanic Lithosphere Under the Hawaiian Islands
- Using Individual-Based Modeling to Understand Future Climate Impacts on Canadian Aspen Parklands
- Using Linear Optimization To Model Spatially Resolute Emissions Of CO<SUB>2</SUB> From Gasoline Flows Across The United States
- Using Vegetation Greenness to Predict Seasonal Variation in Evaporative Fraction at AmeriFlux Sites
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- 3D Shear-Velocity Structure across the Indo-Burman Accretionary Margin by the Joint Inversion of Surface-Wave and Scattering Constraints
- A Synthesis of Wildfire Impacts on Permafrost Thaw Depth Across Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems
- A high-resolution inventory for inverse modeling ofNew York City methane emissions
- Adding animal arboreal traits and vegetation structure to a global mechanistic trait based model
- An Active-source Seismic Velocity Cross-section of the Andreanof Segment of the Aleutian Island Arc
- An Automated System For Propagating the Impacts of Natural Hazards through Local, Regional, and International Supply Chains
- An Overview of NASAs Lucy Mission: First to the Trojans
- An analytical understanding of model uncertainty using matrix approach
- Analyzing the role of surface energy fluxes in determining the seasonal patterns of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) heights at various ecosystems across the United States
- Assembly of an Extreme Magmatic Differentiate: Sugarloaf Mountain, USA
- Assessing Shallow Water Carbonates as a Record of Seawater Nickel Isotopic Composition
- Assessing the Sub-pixel Sensitivity of Atmospheric Retrievals from the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- Assessing the influence of changing vegetation distributions on increasing seasonal CO2 exchange in high latitudes
- Automated Post Wildfire Debris Flow Detection using Seismic Data
- Balancing Watershed Carbon and Ecohydrological Priorities: An UAV perspective 63 years after woody control treatment
- Carbon Release Accelerated by Abrupt Thaw at Eight Mile Lake, AK
- Challenges and Opportunities from a Semester of Anti-Racist Geoscience Curriculum: Lessons from the School of Earth & Sustainability URGE Pod at Northern Arizona University
- Changing State of the Climate System
- Community Supply Chain Mapping to Understand the Impacts of Natural Hazards on Local Food-Energy-Water Systems
- Constraints on subduction zone structure from active-source seismic imaging in the area of the July 2021 M8.2 Chignik earthquake
- Controls on Bending-Related Faulting Offshore of the Alaska Peninsula
- Crustal structure along-strike in the Andreanof segment of the Aleutian Arc from wide-angle seismic refraction data
- Crystallographic orientation of crystal clusters in 3D using laboratory diffraction contrast tomography: initial tests on Kilauea olivine
- DART Impact Ejecta Plume Imaging by LICIACUBE
- Dead right: Climatic tipping points predict regional tree die-off in a dryland conifer species
- Decreases in plant carbon use efficiency under whole ecosystem warming and no significant effect with carbon dioxide enrichment within a northern peatland ecosystem
- Deep learning soundscape classification and remotely sensed forest structure reveal landscape patterns in ecoacoustics
- Developing a ground observation network to monitor carbon fluxes across the Arctic-boreal zone
- Distinct microbial ecophysiological traits predict soil carbon formation in rhizosphere and detritusphere microbial communities
- Drying reduces carbon sink strength and carbon stock in northern circumarctic peatlands
- Dual effects of iron on lignin decomposition: A case study from data-model fusion
- Evidence of Shallow Storage and Re-equilibration of Magmas Feeding the 39.8 ka Campanian Ignimbrite (Italy) Eruption
- Exchange kinetics and fractionation mechanism of stable tungsten isotopes during sorption to Mn-oxides in terrestrial freshwater environments
- Exploring differences in sector wise FFCO2 emissions from the Vulcan product and the EPA GHG inventory in the U.S.
- Exploring the role of peak CO2 fluxes versus growing season length in controlling semiarid ecosystem net CO2 flux interannual variability
- Extrapolating snowpack properties from small temperature sensors in two watersheds on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
- Feldspar-rich Terrains in the Terra Cimmeria-Sirenum Region: a Differentiated Crust on Early Mars?
- Fire Severity and Carbon Combustion in Larch Forest Ecosystems of Northeast Siberia
- First Assimilation of Atmospheric Temperatures from the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- Flexure of the lithosphere at the Hawaiian Islands based on legacy and new seismic reflection profile data
- Geospatial analysis of cancer incidence and its association to estimated pesticide usage in the U.S. west
- Hestia-AKL: An Inventory of Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions for Auckland, New Zealand
- Heterogeneous Mantle Flow and Deviations from Half-Space Cooling Observed Beneath the Central Pacific
- Holocene Hydroclimate: Multi Millennial-Scale Trends in Proxies and Models
- Holocene Temperature: A Spatial and Temporal Reconstruction using Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
- Holocene volcanism trends from south-central Alaska tephra records: exploring linkages to climate
- HydroBench: Jupyter Supported Reproducible Hydrological Model Benchmarking and Diagnostic tool
- Hydrologic and geomorphic effects on riparian plant species occurrence and encroachment: remote sensing of 360 km of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Hyphae move matter and microbes to minerals: Integrating the hyphosphere into conceptual models of soil organic matter stabilization
- Identifying Effective Practices in STEM Planetary Science for Out-of-School Time Underserved Audiences
- Improving terrestrial paleoenvironmental reconstructions through macro-scale associations between GDGTs and the environment
- In preparation for Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS) data: Using Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) Aerobraking observations to analyze diurnal temperatures and characterize thermophysical properties
- Interannual moisture controls on soil CO2 fluxes in adjacent high elevation conifer and deciduous forests
- Internal Structure across the Emperor Seamounts from Seismic Wide-Angle Reflection-Refraction Tomography
- Investigating Detection Limits of Antarctic Microbial Communities Using Remote Sensing Data
- Investigation of diurnal variability in Mars atmospheric dust and water ice aerosol using the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- Joint inversion of surface-wave and S-to-p receiver function constraints for shear-wave velocity in the Western United States: Evidence for melt in the asthenosphere
- Linking Thermal Properties of Terrestrial Sedimentary Environments to Mars
- Linking large geochemical and geophysical data sets to understand magmatic processes in Cascadia
- Lithospheric Modification Beneath the Colorado Plateau Margins
- Low Temperature Thermal Oxidation of H2S Ice
- Lunar Trailblazer: A Pioneering Smallsat for Lunar Water and Lunar Geology
- Magma-Assisted Flexure of Hawaiian Lithosphere Inferred From Three-Dimensional Models of Lithospheric Flexure and Active Source Seismic Data
- Mapping and Modeling Interbasin Water Transfers within the United States
- Mapping boreal forest spruce beetle health status at the individual crown scale using fused spectral and structural data
- Mars Year 34 Dust Storm Effects on Hydrogen Escape in the LMD-MGCM
- Mars surface science results from the Emirates eXploration Imager (EXI)
- Matrix approach to land carbon cycle modeling
- Measurement and interpretation of bubble number-density evolution through the upper 1200 meters of the SPC14 South Pole Ice Core
- Measuring and Modeling Carbon Isotopes in the Atmosphere to Diagnose the Carbon Cycle
- Mechanisms of post-fire larch forest recovery in far northeastern Siberia
- Meeting the need for strategic reforestation planning: high-resolution geospatial framework for future forest carbon storage and protected area expansion
- Mixed detrital provenance in the Late Paleozoic Ancestral Rocky Mountains region, USA: a case study in grain size analysis of detrital zircon datasets
- Modeling Spatially Resolved US Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Supply Chains of Gasoline and Diesel Consumption
- Modeling cement volumes within ancient lithified bedforms on Mars
- Modeling forest canopy height across heterogeneous ecoregions through the integration of Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar with multispectral and SAR imagery.
- Modeling leaf senescence of temperate deciduous tree species
- New Insights into the Effects of Farallon Slab Subduction on the Colorado Plateau
- New seismic reflection imaging of the Andreanof Segment of the Aleutian subduction zone
- Nitrogen Limitation Retrieved from Field Warming Experiment and Its Influences on Prediction of Land Carbon Sequestration
- Observing and Modeling Phenology at Local to Global Scales Using Remote Sensing
- Overview of scientific drilling to active backarc basin, Okinawa Trough: ongoing rifting of Eurasian continental margin
- P-wave attenuation tomography of the Tonga-Lau mantle wedge improved by a Bayesian Monte Carlo approach and independently constrained source spectra
- Physical and Biological Nitrogen Storage Along an Entire Intermittent Stream Corridor
- Pinning down uncertainties in land carbon modelling through the matrix approach: case studies with CMIP6 and Trendy
- Planetary ReaCH (Resources and Content Heroes) - Connecting Scientists of Color with Diverse Communities
- Preparing for EMIRS: Observation of the South Pole Cryptic Region Using TES Data
- Quantifying the Temporal Variability and Drivers of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Across a Range of North American Ecosystems Using the Jarvis-McNaughton Coefficient ()
- Reconstructing postglacial hydrologic and environmental change in the eastern Kenai Peninsula lowlands using proxy data and mass balance modeling
- Remotely Investigating the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Soil Moisture in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica: Hydrological and Ecological Implications
- Results from the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- Roads, Deforestation, and the Evolution of a Narco-Trafficking Economy in Eastern Honduras
- Seismic Monitoring of Post-Wildfire Debris Flows
- Seismic anisotropy and lithospheric structure across the eastern margin of the Wyoming craton
- Separating the Effects of Stand Age and Interannual Variability on Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange: Data-Model Fusion in Loblolly Pine
- Shrubs compensate for tree leaf area index (LAI) variation and influence vegetation indices in post-fire Siberian larch forests.
- Snow and Soil Moisture Response to Post-thinning Forest Structure and Seasonal Drought Conditions
- Structure of the Hawaiian Ridge, West of the Island of Hawaii, from Active-Source Seismic Tomography
- Surface-Wave Anisotropy of 125-Ma Oceanic Lithosphere and Asthenosphere in the Southwest Pacific
- The Atmosphere of Mars as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- The Lakes380 project: Using sediments as indicators of current and historic lake health on a national scale in New Zealand
- The Spatial Distribution of Atmospheric Dust and Temperatures of Mars as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- The Surface of Mars as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- The Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change: Key Findings from a Decade of Synthesis
- The growth and collapse of the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain from marine seismic data
- The limits of the predictability of near-term changes in forest biomass: a case study in boreal North America
- The science of the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- The ups and downs of subduction: Influence of horsts and grabens on sediment flux at the Japan trench
- Time averaging of shell beds in Lake Tanganyika, Africa; implications for a biodiverse and threatened ecosystem
- Tomographic evidence for small scale asthenospheric convection beneath the central Pacific Ocean
- Training course on land carbon cycle modeling
- UAV-Based Monitoring of Vegetation Composition and Structure following a High Severity Wildfire in the Sierra Ancha Experimental Forest, Arizona
- Unsupervised Cluster Mapping of the Cucomungo Alluvial Fan, and Implications for Mapping Fans on Mars.
- Updated Magnetostratigraphy for the Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming
- Upper Mantle Anisotropic Structure Across the Blanco Transform
- Upper plate structure and megathrust properties in the Shumagin Gap near the July2020 M7.8 Simeonof event
- Urban eddy-covariance: Why, how and where?
- Using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) to Determine the Flow Characteristics of a Pyroclastic Density Current: The Nine Hill Tuff, Nevada and California
- Using GEDI to improve biomass estimates and understand recent biomass change in tropical forests
- Using machine learning techniques to quantify the environmental impact of African forest elephants: combining real world conservation with informatics in Google Earth Engine
- Utility-based energy consumption to improve Megacity building-scale CO2 emissions
- Validation of lacustrine proxy system modeling for Arctic lakes
- Variations in teleseismic body-wave attenuation along the East African Rift
- Vegetation greenness trends consistent with a boreal biome range shift
- Water and carbon cycles are tightly coupled in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations along the coastal plains of southeastern U.S.
- Waterfalls in Reservoirs: Old Rivers Chart New Paths as Drought Drains Lake Powell and Lake Mead
- Were rapid late glacial climate changes expressed throughout the Arctic? An example from the Polar Ural Mountains
- Where management and climate variability matter most: an evaluation of metrics for monitoring agroecosystem production and phenology
- Widespread decrease in temperature control of northern plant productivity
- A Continuous High-Resolution Profile of the Riverbed and Water Surface for 460-km of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona
- A Framework for Tracing Uncertainty of Land Carbon Cycle in Earth System Models
- A Holistic Approach to Monitoring Abrupt Environmental Shifts in the Kluane Lake Region through Knowledge Co-Production
- A Multiscale Surface Roughness Analysis of Polygons on Mars Using HiRISE Digital Terrain Models
- A Novel Approach to Inferring Depth-dependent Seismic Anisotropy from Shear-wave Splitting in Noisy Oceanic Environments
- A Synthesis on Microbial Carbon Cycling Models in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- A time series of soil carbon pool change following permafrost thaw
- ALMA Observations of the DART Mission: Revealing Composition of the Impact Ejecta and the Interior Composition of S-Type Asteroids
- Accelerated Retreat of Greenland's Peripheral Glaciers in the Twenty-First Century
- After DART: post-impact characterization of the Didymos system
- An Ancient Evolved Crust in Early Mars Deciphered by Remote Sensing
- An Overview of the Mars Atmospheric State as Observed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS)
- Analyzing the Fragility of Microbial Trophic Associations and Their Contributions to Nutrient Cycling in Soil
- Assessment of Drought Impacts on New Mexico's Rangeland productivity
- Benchmarking land surface models in the Arctic-Boreal region
- Biophysical Controls on Regeneration-associated Ponderosa Pine Forest Persistence Across Complex and Changing Forests of the Southwestern United States
- Changes in Nutrient Sources for Arctic Tundra Vegetation upon Permafrost Thaw
- Climate and Phenology Changes in the Appalachian Trail Landscape
- Comparative Physiology and Growth of Treeline White Spruce in the far Western and far Eastern Brooks Range, Alaska.
- Comparison of the Mars PCM Dust Storm Effects on Water Vapor and the Hope Probe Observations
- Correcting Regional Climate Bias in Reanalysis Forcing Products for The Warming Permafrost Model Intercomparison Project
- Crustal Structure of the Semidi Segment in the Alaska Subduction Zone Across the 2021 Mw8.2 Chignik Earthquake Rupture Area Revealed from 2D Wide-Angle Reflection/Refraction Seismic Data
- DART Determination of Momentum Transfer from Kinetic Impact: initial results
- DART's Planetary Defense Investigation and Achieving the Mission's Level 1 Requirements: Current Status and Ongoing Activities
- Detecting Hydrological Connectivity in Polar Environments Using Silicon Isotopes
- Determining Snow Distribution and Influence in Taylor Valley, Antarctica, Using Remote Sensing
- Diagnostics and postprocessing of the National Hydrological Model product
- Diurnal Constraints on Water Ice Particle Sizes as Determined Through Data Fusion Using the Emirates eXploration Imager and Emirates Mars InfraRed Spectrometer
- Diurnal Temperature Variations and Thermal Tides in the Martian Atmosphere Observed by EMM/EMIRS
- Drivers of Fire Severity in Boreal Deciduous Forests
- Estimating Soil Moisture Content in Antarctic Soils Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
- Estimating the Change in the Mutual Orbit of Dimorphos Due to the DART Impact Using Lightcurve and Radar Observations
- Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes Using Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory at Two Urban Sites Through the COVID-19 Lockdown
- Evapotranspiration Partitioning in Drylands Using Eddy Covariance and ECOSTRESS Data
- Evolution of Mantle-Derived Magmas on Mars based on Water Loss from the Martian Mantle
- Evolution of Soils and Erosion Rates on Recent Post-glacial Landscapes in the Coastal Temperate Rainforest of Southeast Alaska
- Exploring the Habitat of Slow and Fast Earthquakes in and around the Guerrero Seismic Gap off the Pacific Coast of Mexico using New Active Source Seismic Data
- Forecasting Net Forest Biomass Changes for Land Management in Interior Alaska
- Geomorphic expression of graben subduction and implications for décollement evolution at the Japan Trench
- Global Commodity Supply Chain Shocks and Diversity
- Global Synthesis of Regional Holocene Hydroclimate Variability Using Proxy and Model Data
- High-Resolution Gravity Analysis for Rock Valley Direct Comparison: Towards a Joint Inversion of Gravity and Seismic Data
- High-resolution Rayleigh-wave tomography constraints on hydration, faulting, and mantle fabric in the incoming plate along the Alaska Subduction Zone
- Holocene Paleoseismicity in the Northern Cascadia Forearc: Non-steady Slip on the Right-lateral Oblique Beaufort Range Fault, Vancouver Island, Canada
- How Do African Forest Elephants Influence Canopy Structure? An Analysis of a Critically Endangered Species' Ecological Role Using Lidar.
- How do Anti-reflective Coatings Affect the Reflectivity of Solar Panels?
- Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the DART Impact
- Hyperspectral Soil Albedo in Earth System Models Significantly Impacts Climate Simulations
- Identification of Mesospheric Clouds in Dayside Disk Images from the Emirates Mars Mission
- Impact of Planetary Parameters on Water Clouds Microphysics with 1-D CARMA
- Increased fire frequency and tree regeneration strategies reinforce boreal forest biome shift
- Influence of outer-rise faults on sediment flux and décollement heterogeneity at the Japan trench
- Insolation Forcing of mid-Holocene drought in the Southwestern US
- Investigating Brittle-Ice Behavior and Onset in Antarctic Ice Cores in Preparation for the Hercules Dome Ice Core Project
- Investigating the Age, Abundance and Origin of Chloride Salt-Bearing Deposits on Mars
- Investigating the DART Impact Event with the Lucy LOng Range Reconnaissance Imager
- Investigating the Effects of 20 Years of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization on Boreal Forest Plant and Soil Carbon Pools
- Investigating the impact of fire severity on tree recruitment, soil properties, and ecosystem carbon storage in a high latitude forest in the Yakutia region of Southeastern Siberia
- Keystone Metabolites in the Rhizosphere of Switchgrass Link Plant and Microbial Response to Nitrogen Limitation
- Legacy Soil Organic Matter Age Predicts Boreal Soil Carbon Cycling After Fire
- Long-term Warming Increases Plant Productivity and Soil Respiration Leading to No Change in Soil Organic Carbon in Grasslands
- Low-Tech Approaches to Engaging Youth in Planetary Science and Engineering Activities
- Mapping Deforestation Across Gradients of Tree Diversity in Colombia's Moist Tropical Forests
- Martian Surface Ice Mapping from EMM/EMIRS Temperature Retrievals
- Martian Surface Ice Mapping from EMM/EXI Observations
- Measuring surface topography and vegetation changes in complex terrain with lidar and photogrammetry
- Meteorological Variation and Storage Dynamics in Small Peatland Catchments: Marcell Experimental Forest, Minnesota
- Microbes Persist: How Soil Moisture Regimes Shape the Ecophysiology and Biogeochemical Effects of Wild Soil Microbiomes
- Modeling bird species distributions in a Mediterranean climate region with space-based measurements of habitat structure, chemistry and phenology
- NASA's DART Impact: Reshaping-induced Mutual Orbit Perturbation on (65803) Didymos
- Net Ecosystem Exchange Across the Arctic-Boreal Zone: Long Term Trends and Site-Level Drivers of Interannual Variability
- New Insight into the Physical Properties of the East African Mantle from Seismic Attenuation
- Observations of the DART Impact by JWST
- On the Edge: Evolution of the Eastern Margin of the Wyoming Craton
- Opportunities for crowdsourcing in urban flood monitoring
- Organic-matter Accumulation and Degradation in Holocene Permafrost Deposits Along a Central Alaskan Hillslope
- P-wave attenuation structure of the Tonga subduction zone and implications for mantle wedge processes
- Permafrost and Climate Change: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks From the Warming Arctic
- Pervasive Loss of Arctic-Boreal Vegetation Resilience from Climate Change and Disturbance
- Planetary ReaCH: Developing a new model to engage Subject Matter Experts and Informal Educators in Engaging with Black and Latinx Communities
- Polar Explorer: An Interactive Virtual Field Trip-Based Exploration of Alaska and the Changing Arctic
- Postglacial environmental change inferred from carbonate- and organic-rich sediments of groundwater-fed Kelly Lake, Kenai Peninsula, south-central Alaska
- Pre and Post-Impact Observations of Didymos in Support of NASA's DART Mission
- Predicting of near-term changes in forest biomass: a case study in boreal North America
- Preliminary Analysis of Brightness Profiles Derived from Telescopic Observations of DART Impact Ejecta
- Probing the Physical Nature of LABs and MLDs Across the Continental US from Joint Shear-velocity Inversion of Surface-wave and Receiver-function Observations
- Quantifying the Effects of Deforestation on Surface Water Availability in the Tropical Andes to Improve Ecosystem Service Provisioning
- Reconstructing Holocene temperatures - Using data assimilation to explore Holocene climate in space and time
- Results from the 2022 ABoVE Airborne Campaign
- Revealing the unseen diversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria in aquatic ecosystems
- Role of Dissolution-Precipitation of Mineral Organic Carbon Interactions on Carbon Loss and Gain upon Permafrost Thaw
- Satellite data reveal a larger seasonal amplitude of the global carbon cycle compared to most bottom-up models
- Sea level rise impacts on wetland forest hydrologic and carbon fluxes in North Carolina, USA
- Seismic reflection imaging of along-strike changes in forearc structure in the Andreanof segment of the Aleutian subduction zone
- Severe Drought More Than Offset Post-harvest Hydrological Gains at Caspar Creek in Northern California
- Simplified Fully Automatic Atmospheric Correction for THEMIS Infrared Data
- Simulation and Evaluation of Electric Power Flow to Predict Regional U.S. Water Footprints
- Spatial Variation in Anisotropic Structure and Phase Velocity of Old Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere in the Southwest Pacific
- Spring Onset of Photosynthesis in Winter-Dormant Temperate and Boreal Forests
- Strategic expansion of the Arctic-Boreal carbon flux network
- Surface Processes on Metal Worlds: Space Weathering, Micro-Impacts, & Regolith Formation in Meteoritic Metal
- Sustainable Partnerships for Sustaining Life on Land: Using Earth Observations to Develop Nationally Validated SDG 15 Indicators in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
- The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall: The Collapse of the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain
- The Biogeochemical Model Database bgc_md2, a Python Package for Fast Comparison and Benchmarking of Element Cycling Models
- The Diurnal and Seasonal Variability in Properties of Mars Water Ice Aerosol as Observed by EMIRS
- The Impacts of a Changing Permafrost Tundra Ecosystem on Dissolved Organic Carbon Age and Concentration in Surface and Groundwater in a Long-Term Experiment
- The Spatial and Diurnal Distribution of Lower Atmospheric Dust as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS)
- The Subsurface Structure Of Kilbourne Hole From An Active Source Seismic Survey In An Astronaut Training Ground.
- Towards Realistic Modeling of Seamount Densities in Isostatic Studies
- Towards reducing uncertainty in land carbon predictions through the Global Matrix MIP traceability framework
- Tracking Seasonal Change with PhenoCam Data: Scaling Local Success to Cross-Biome Teaching Practice
- UAV and Lidar-based Estimate of Forest Fire and Flood Impacts in Wildland-Urban Interface
- US National Academy report on Greenhouse Gas Information for Decision Making
- Unravelling the Role of Vegetation Structure in Ecosystem Functioning with LIDAR, Field Studies and Modelling
- Using GEDI spaceborne lidar to model cross-biome forest biodiversity: effects of scale, sampling density, and spatial structure
- Verifying method to determine surficial heterogeneity of sedimentary deposits with thermal infrared observations of the Curiosity rover
- Wetter Winters Coincided with Warm Mid-Holocene Summers in Northwestern Russia: Insights from Lipid Biomarkers and Proxy System Modelling
- Wetting Experiments of Mars-Analogous Surfaces in the Southwestern United States
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Simon-Miller
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. B. Watts
- A. Birkey
- A. Bécel
- A. Cheng
- A. Cluett
- A. E. Andrews
- A. H. D. Koeppel
- A. Karion
- A. M. Rutledge
- A. M. Stickle
- A. N. Murray
- A. R. Weintraub
- A. S. Rivkin
- A. V. Rocha
- A. W. Merkel
- A. Youberg
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Adrienne B. Keller
- Alessandro Rossi
- Alexander Norton
- Alice Lucchetti
- Alysha Helmrich
- Amy Marcarelli
- Anders A. Bjørk
- Andreas Westergaard‐Nielsen
- Andrew Annex
- Aneesh Kumar Chandel
- Anna C. Talucci
- Ariel D. Anbar
- Arielle Moullet
- Ashley P. Ballantyne
- Asko Noormets
- Aurélien Stcherbinine
- Ayumu Miyakawa
- B. Boston
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. M. Jakosky
- Beth Tellman
- Bhaskar Mitra
- Bijan Seyednasrollah
- Brad S. Singer
- Bradley G. Johnson
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian Buma
- Britta J.L. Jensen
- Byron J. Adams
- C. A. Thomas
- C. B. Olkin
- C. E. Tweedie
- C. Gately
- C. J. A. Howett
- C. M. Ernst
- C. M. Pieters
- C. Morrill
- C. S. Edwards
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Catia M. Domingues
- Chang Gyo Jung
- Charles E. Miller
- Charlotte Wiman
- Christina Schädel
- Christine Regalla
- Christo Buizert
- Christopher E. Doughty
- Christopher J. Still
- Christopher P. Loughner
- Christopher R. Hakkenberg
- Christopher S. Lowry
- Claire C. Treat
- Claus Gebhardt
- Cody S. Sheik
- Colin A Quinn
- Colm Sweeney
- Craig R. See
- Cuijuan Liao
- D. C. Richardson
- D. J. Shillington
- D. Lizarralde
- D. M. Ricciuto
- D. M. Saffer
- D. N. Huntzinger
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Dany Waller
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- David J. Dean
- David M. Lawrence
- David R. Bowling
- David R. Thompson
- Dawn M. Browning
- Diane M. McKnight
- Diogo Spinola
- Dongdong Tian
- Dorian S. Abbot
- E. Dotto
- E. G. Rivera-Valentín
- E. J. Dlugokencky
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Edwin Nissen
- Efrén López‐Blanco
- Elena Scire
- Elizabeth Hoy
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Ella T. Sieradzki
- Elyn Humphreys
- Emerson M. Lynch
- Emily Hopper
- Emily Schottenfels
- Emma Lathrop
- Enqing Hou
- Eric Beamesderfer
- Eric J. Steig
- Eric Slessarev
- Eric T. Wolf
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Evan L. Sneed
- F. Rivera‐Hernández
- Francien Peterse
- G. A. Abers
- G. Keppel‐Aleks
- G. M. Holsclaw
- G. N. Flerchinger
- G. R. Miller
- Ge Sun
- Geoffrey Roest
- George C. Hurtt
- George Koch
- Gregor Luetzenburg
- Guadalupe Tovar Mendoza
- Guido Grosse
- Göran Ekström
- H. A. Ford
- H. A. Janiszewski
- H. A. Weaver
- H. F. Mark
- Hatim M. E. Geli
- Heather D. Alexander
- Heather Kropp
- Heidi Rodenhizer
- Holger Metzler
- Huanzhou Yang
- I. Ganesh
- Ingo Grevemeyer
- Ioana C. Stefanescu
- J. A. O’Donnell
- J. A. Richardson
- J. B. Gaherty
- J. B. Miller
- J. D. Wood
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. G. Singley
- J. L. Hora
- J. M. Christoph
- J. M. Sunshine
- J. R. Spencer
- J. R. Whetstone
- J. S. Byrnes
- J. Scott Evans
- J. Stansberry
- J. de León
- Jennifer Harding
- Jens Strauß
- Jeremy W. Lichstein
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessica M. Driscoll
- Jianyang Xia
- Jian‐Yang Li
- Jing Tao
- Jinho Ahn
- Jocelyn Turnbull
- Joel A. Biederman
- Joel B. Sankey
- John H. Adler
- John M. Fegyveresi
- John Naliboff
- Jon M. Wells
- Jonathan Wang
- Jooil Kim
- Joseph Pitt
- Joseph S. Levy
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Joshua Russell
- Julio Sepúlveda
- Junjie Liu
- Justin Deighan
- Justin Estep
- K. A. Bennett
- K. R. Gurney
- Kateryna Zhalnina
- Katrina E. Bennett
- Kayla Iacovino
- Kennda Lynch
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kevin Schaefer
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Krishnaprasad Chirakkil
- Kristian D. Hajny
- Kristian K. Kjeldsen
- Kristin Morell
- Kyle A. Arndt
- L. Bruhwiler
- L. Gómez de la Peña
- L. R. Welp
- L. T. Berner
- Landon Marston
- Laura E. Fackrell
- Laurel G. Larsen
- Lauren A. Edgar
- Lauren Gregoire
- Leah P. Marshall
- Li Zhang
- Lifen Jiang
- Lina C. Pérez‐Angel
- Linqing Yang
- Lucinda J. Leonard
- M. A. Friedl
- M. A. Walvoord
- M. C. Nolan
- M. C. Palucis
- M. D. Smith
- M. E. Litvak
- M. J. Loeffler
- M. J. Macander
- M. L. Anderson
- M. M. Loranty
- M. M. Osterloo
- M. N. Gooseff
- M. O. Fillingim
- M. Pätzold
- M. R. Nedimović
- M. R. Reid
- M. R. Salvatore
- M. Roby
- M. S. Torn
- M. W. Buie
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Manuel Helbig
- Marcos Longo
- Margaret Garcia
- Marguerite Mauritz
- Mariah S. Carbone
- Mark J. Lara
- Martijn Pallandt
- Martin Cordiner
- Maryjo Brounce
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Mathias Goeckede
- Max Berkelhammer
- Maximiliano Bezada
- Maëlle Villani
- Melanie J. Leng
- Michael Chaffin
- Michael Gomez
- Michael P. Erb
- Michael S. Steckler
- Michael Wolff
- Minkyu Moon
- Miriam C. Jones
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. L. Chabot
- Natasha MacBean
- Nathan J. Steiger
- Nathaniel A. Brunsell
- Naveen Joseph
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicholas M. Schneider
- Nicholas P. McKay
- Nima Madani
- Olivier S. Barnouin
- P. B. Shepson
- P. C. Griffith
- P. J. Rayner
- P. L. Whelley
- P. M. Bremner
- P. Miller
- Patricia Persaud
- Patrick J. Burns
- Patrick Michel
- Paul A. Levine
- Paul E. Grams
- Paul J. Hanson
- Paul J. Valdes
- Paul Sánchez
- Paul W. Richardson
- Paul Wessel
- Peter R. Robichaud
- Phillip Cilli
- Pierre Gentine
- Pieter P. Tans
- Qianlai Zhuang
- R. A. Dunn
- R. Busey
- R. C. Porter
- R. Commane
- R. E. Milliken
- R. L. Klima
- R. T. Daly
- Rachel L. Lamb
- Ralph F. Keeling
- Rebecca C. Scholten
- Rebecca E. Hewitt
- Renato K. Braghiere
- Richard B. Alley
- Richard Rushforth
- Robert Green
- Robert J. Lillis
- Robinson W. Fulweiler
- Roland Young
- Roman Dial
- Ruixue Lei
- Russell L. Scott
- Ruza Ivanovic
- Ryuta Arai
- S. England
- S. Marchi
- S. Piqueux
- S. Rondenay
- S. S. Wei
- Salli Dymond
- Samuel A. Atwood
- Sander Veraverbeke
- Sandrine Guerlet
- Sarah J. Hart
- Schuyler R. Borges
- Scot M. Miller
- Scott Bennett
- Scott J. Goetz
- Seth A. Spawn‐Lee
- Sharon Gourdji
- Shuang Ma
- Shuli Niu
- Siteng Fan
- Sonal Jain
- Sophie Opfergelt
- Sourish Basu
- Spahr C. Webb
- Steven J. Hall
- Stéphanie Arcusa
- Susan M. Natali
- Susarla Raghuram
- Sylvia Dee
- T. D. Glotch
- T. M. Shanahan
- T. W. Hilton
- Taha Moiz
- Tanner Acquisto
- Tatiana A. Shestakova
- Temuulen Tsagaan Sankey
- Thaddeus D. Komacek
- Thomas A. Douglas
- Thomas Shea
- Tomohiro Toki
- Torben R. Christensen
- Uri S. ten Brink
- V. E. Hamilton
- V. G. Salmon
- V. M. Cruz‐Atienza
- V. Payré
- Verónika Ceballos-Núñez
- Vincenzo Della Corte
- W. B. Hawley
- William J. Riley
- William Stuart Nelson
- Xanthe J. Walker
- Xue Feng
- Yadvinder Malhi
- Yanlan Liu
- Ying‐Ping Wang
- Yiqi Luo
- Yoshihiro Ito
- Yoshimi Kubota
- Youmi Oh
- Yu Zhou
- Yuanyuan Huang
- Yun Zhang
- Z. Eilon
- Zhaopeng Zhu
- Zhi Hua Liu