Economic growth
flowchart AA["Associated Authors (162)"] C[Economic growth] BC["Broader Concepts (1)"] NC["Narrower Concepts (153)"] C== skos:broader ==>BC NC== skos:broader ==>C AA== dcterms:relation ==>C click BC "#broader-concepts" click NC "#narrower-concepts" click AA "#associated-authors" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->C C-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- Wikidata
- OpenAlex ID
- (API record)
- OpenAlex Description
- Increase in production and consumption in an economy
- OpenAlex Level [?]
- 1
Broader Concepts
Narrower Concepts
- Academic year
- Access to finance
- Accreditation
- Adult education
- Affordable housing
- Attendance
- Backwardness
- Basic education
- Bottom of the pyramid
- Brain drain
- Capability approach
- Capacity building
- Circular migration
- Community building
- Community development
- Community economic development
- Community education
- Community engagement
- Community mobilization
- Community organization
- Community organizing
- Compulsory education
- Convergence (economics)
- Cost of living
- Curriculum
- Developing country
- Development aid
- Development studies
- Development theory
- Disadvantaged
- Disaster risk reduction
- Donation
- Dreyfus model of skill acquisition
- Dual economy
- Early Head Start
- Early childhood education
- Economic potential
- Economic restructuring
- Economic security
- Economies of agglomeration
- Educational attainment
- Educational institution
- Educational leadership
- Emergency management
- Employability
- Empowerment
- Emulation
- Excursion
- Family income
- Field trip
- Formal learning
- Foundation Stage
- Full-time
- Gender analysis
- Gender equity
- Gentrification
- Glass ceiling
- Global education
- Gross domestic product
- Growing pains
- Health care
- Higher education
- Housing discrimination
- Human capital
- Human development (humanity)
- Human services
- Humanitarian aid
- Inclusive development
- Index of dissimilarity
- Informal sector
- Informal settlements
- Innovative financing
- International Standard Industrial Classification
- International comparisons
- International development
- Internship
- Kuznets curve
- Leapfrogging
- Life skills
- Literacy
- Living wage
- Local economic development
- Low income housing
- Malnutrition
- Maritime security
- Meaningful learning
- Micro-enterprise
- Microfinance
- Migrant workers
- Mine action
- Modernization theory
- Monitoring and evaluation
- National development
- Nutrition Education
- One-Step
- Outreach
- Overcrowding
- Panchayati raj
- Participatory action research
- Participatory planning
- Patient-centered outcomes
- Peer mentoring
- Personal income
- Photovoice
- Phytosanitary certification
- Positive Youth Development
- Poverty
- Practice research
- Primary education
- Private sector
- Productivity
- Professional association
- Professional development
- Prosperity
- Public education
- Public housing
- Public policy
- Remittance
- Rural community
- Scholarship
- School Certificate
- School discipline
- School meal
- Science park
- Single parent
- Slowdown
- Social assistance
- Social change
- Social deprivation
- Social exclusion
- Social issues
- Social protection
- Social sector
- Social work
- Socioeconomic development
- Spatial mismatch
- Study abroad
- Study guide
- Summer vacation
- Teacher education
- Timor leste
- Training manual
- Training system
- Underdevelopment
- Unemployment
- Urban studies
- Urbanization
- Vocational education
- Voluntary sector
- Workforce
- Youth engagement
- Youth participation
- Youth work
Associated Authors
- A. M. Portier
- Abhijeet Abhishek
- Aditi Modi
- Akash Verma
- Alessandro Ossola
- Alex B. Hill
- Alex de Sherbinin
- Allison Mattheis
- Alvin C. G. Varquez
- Amber S. Bismack
- Amruta Nori-Sarma
- Andrew J. Felton
- Angappan Regupathi
- Anita Desikan
- Anne Gold
- Annette Hilton
- Annisa Triyanti
- Areidy Aracely Beltran-Peña
- B. K. Meinke
- Babak Jalalzadeh Fard
- Bernardo A. Bastien-Olvera
- Brandon Lawton
- Brianna John
- Burak Güneralp
- Caitlin G Jones
- Caitlin Grady
- Caitlin Rublee
- Catherine Fallon Grasham
- Chang Jae Kwak
- Chen Wu
- Cheryl Manning
- Christopher Johnson
- Christopher T. Emrich
- Chu-Chun Chen
- Corinne J. Schuster‐Wallace
- Cory T. Forbes
- Cynthia Garcia
- Daniel J. Morgan
- Dany Waller
- David Farnham
- Decheng Zhou
- Destenie Nock
- Destini N. Petitt
- Devarati Bhattacharya
- Don Duggan-Haas
- Elisa Savelli
- Elizabeth Frankenberg
- Emily Cloyd
- Emily Nagamoto
- Eunseon Lee
- Evan L. Sneed
- Fengpeng Sun
- Franciele Maria Vanelli
- G. Darrel Jenerette
- Gabriele Manoli
- Gerald C. Nelson
- Harshith Clifford Prince
- Harvey Henson
- Hasan Shareef Ahmed
- Heather Fischer
- Heather L. Petcovic
- Hisham Zerriffi
- Ian Bolliger
- Idowu Ajibade
- Iman Haqiqi
- Irene Palazzoli
- Isabel Jorgensen
- Jacob May
- Jacob O’Connor
- James D. Goltz
- Jason K. Hawes
- Jason Soohoo
- Jasper Denissen
- Jinkyul Choi
- Joanna R. Blaszczak
- John Balbus
- John Humphreys
- Joseph Thomas
- Joynal Abedin
- Julia M. Schneider
- Julie Edwards
- Junyan Ding
- Kangkang Tong
- Kathryn Boyd
- Kimberly Carroll Steward
- Koteswara Rao Dagani
- Kristina G. Hopkins
- Kwun Yip Fung
- Kyle Onda
- Lain Graham
- Laura E. R. Peters
- Laura Lukes
- Lauren M. Broyles
- Lea Beusch
- Leila Mirzagholi
- Leila Mizrahi
- Leiqiu Hu
- Leon Scheiber
- Liesl Hotaling
- Lifei Wang
- Marco Molinaro
- Marena Lin
- Mariah R. Jenkins
- Masahiko Haraguchi
- Meiliu Wu
- Melinda D. Smith
- Meredith P. Goins
- Michelle Farfán-Gutiérrez
- Michelle Stuhlmacher
- Mohsin Ramzan
- N. A. O'Mara
- Nathan Morrow
- Nicholas A. Mailloux
- Nivedita Dubey
- Norihiro Miwa
- Norma Salinas
- Onjalé Scott Price
- Patrick Neri
- Patrick Shabram
- Pedro José Perez Martinez
- Peter Huszár
- Philip A. Fay
- Prithviraj Pramanik
- Purnendu Sardar
- Rabin Bastola
- Rebecca Ward
- Rhonda Christensen
- Roshan Rathod
- Rui Silva
- S. E. Olds
- S. E. Schoedinger
- Sakib Imtiaz
- Sam D. Faulstich
- Sam Heft-Neal
- Samuel Cornelius Nyarko
- Schuyler R. Borges
- Scott Hottovy
- Shoobhangi Tyagi
- Silvia-Jessica Mostacedo-Marasovic
- Siyuan Wang
- Solmaz Mohadjer
- Sophia W. R. Tsang
- Soumya Satyakanta Sethi
- Sutapa Bhattacharjee
- T. G. Schwerin
- T. S. Ledley
- TC Chakraborty
- Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi
- Tess Doeffinger
- Timothy Foster
- Tong Qiu
- Tonia A. Dousay
- Vijay S. Limaye
- Xiangnan Zhou
- Xuecao Li
- Xuhui Lee
- Yu-Hsuan Lee
- Yuerong Zhou
- Yuyu Zhou
- Zhao Jing
- Zhao Wang
- Zhiying Li
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