University of California, Davis
flowchart I[University of California, Davis] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (2686)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (510)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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- University of California, Davis, Bodega Marine Laboratory
- University of California, Davis, Department of Chemistry
- University of California, Davis, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- University of California, Davis, Department of Land Air and Water Resources
- University of California, Davis, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Lagrangean Streamtube-Ensemble Approach in Reactive Transport Modeling in Natural Heterogeneous Porous Media
- A Reactive Radial Diffusion Model with Multiple Non-Identical Porous Soil Particles
- ACE-Asia: Asian Aerosol Transport Into Alaska
- ACE-Asia: Ground Stations Overview
- ACE-Asia: Size/Time/Compositionally Resolved Aerosols During ACE-Asia Using Continuously Sampling DRUM Technology and Synchrotron-XRF Analysis
- Analysis of Aerosol Physical and Chemical Properties on the Coast of the Japanese Sea (Tango peninsula) during ACE-Asia
- Analysis of Aerosols Collected in Kyoto, Japan and Cheju, Korea in Spring 2001
- Application of Synchrotron-XRF to Quantitative Elemental Aerosol Analysis
- Asian Aerosols in North America: Extent and Frequency of Anthropogenic Pollutants
- Augmenting Filtration Theory with Cellular Mechanisms for Subsurface Bacterial Transport Modeling
- Bioremediation in Porous Media: Upscaling From the Pore to the Continuum Scales Via Volume Averaging
- Deep Groundwater and Heat Flow in the Tahoe Basin Region
- Development of Multi-Functional Measurement Techniques for Vadose Zone Characterization
- Differential Strain Accumulation Across Lake Tahoe as Measured From Submerged Paleo-Shorelines
- Energetics of Nanocrystalline TiO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Estimating Vadose Zone Hydraulic Properties of Artificially Drained Fields Using Irrigation District and Soil Survey Data
- Glacially Influenced Sequence Development on Basinal Stream-Dominated Alluvial Fans, San Joaquin Valley, California
- Gravity Modeling of Black Point, a "Surtseyan" Style Tuff Cone, Near Mono Lake, California
- High-Resolution Field Measurements of Water and Bed Surface Profiles for two Bedrock Downsteps on the Upper South Fork American River, CA
- In search of the hiatus in early Tertiary volcanism in the North Atlantic LIP
- Integrating Empirical Geomorphology, CAD and 2-D Hydraulic Models as Design Tools for Salmonid Spawning Gravel Rehabilitation Projects
- Kinetics of Crystal Growth in Synthesis of Silicalite-1
- Lessons From Complexity
- Long Term and High Resolution Approaches to Watershed Suspended Sediment Loading, Lake Tahoe Basin
- Marine Engine Emissions in Recreational Lakes
- Mass Fluxes Attending the Palagonitization of Sideromelane in Hyaloclastites From the HSDP-2 Core Hole
- Modeling Tidal and Floodplain Inundation for Restoration on the McCormack-Williamson Tract
- Molecular Models of the Structure and Hydration of Sodalite and Laumontite Zeolites
- New Thermochemical Adventures in Modern Mineralogy
- Paleoenvironmental history of a drained tidal freshwater wetland in the Sacramento Delta, California
- Particle Tracking for Calibration of First Order Decay Coefficients in 3-D Heterogeneous Aquifer Systems.
- Patterns of Mercury Bioaccumulation Downstream of Anthropogenic and Natural Mercury Point Sources in the Cache Creek Watershed of Northern California
- Quantifying the Effects of Chemical Heterogeneity by Combining Lagrangean Transport and the Exposure-time Concept
- Reactive Radial Diffusion Model for the Aging/Sequestration Process
- Seasonal Upwelling, Marine Productivity and Human Adaptive Responses Along the Northern California Coastline Over the Last 9000 Years
- Secondary Atmospheric Photooxidation Products: Evidence for Biogenic and Anthropogenic Sources
- Size-Segregated Aerosol Composition and Mass Loading of Atmospheric Particles as Part of the Pacific Northwest 2001(PNW2001) Air Quality Study In Puget Sound
- The Life Cycle of Mercury Within the Clear Lake Aquatic Ecosystem: From Ore to Organism
- The Role of Hydrodynamics on Transport of Mine-Derived Mercury in Clear Lake, California
- The use of STIM and PESA to respectively measure profiles of aerosol mass and hydrogen content across Mylar rotating drum impactor samples
- Themodynamic Properties of Hydrotalcites
- A Diffusion Limited Sorption Kinetics Model with a Mixture of Polydispersed Particles
- Advances in Measurement of Carbonyls in Aerosols.
- Aluminum Substitution in MgSiO3 Perovskite: Confirmation of Multiple Mechanisms by NMR Spectroscopy
- An Integrated Asian Emission Inventory and Analysis of its Characteristics to Support TRACE-P
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Flux in a California Rice Paddy
- Characterization of recent Lake Tahoe fault activity: Combining Sub-Meter Resolution Seismic Imagery with AMS C-14 Dated Submerged Paleo-Surfaces.
- Characterization of the Mass Size Distribution of Plumes Passing Over Lower Manhattan After the WTC Disaster
- Comparison of Size-Resolved Aerosol Chemical Composition Measurements Made Under Ambient and Low Relative Humidity Conditions at Trinidad Head During the ITCT 2k2 Experiment
- Coupled Groundwater and Heat Flow in the Tahoe Basin Region
- Determination of Chemical and Size-Resolved Mineral Dust Source Profiles During ACE-Asia Using Positive Matrix Factorization
- Dispersion of Groundwater Age as a Function of Heterogeneity and Well Screen Length in Heterogeneous Media
- Does Geophysics Need "A new kind of Science"?
- Dust and Non-dust Aerosol Outflow from Asia by Size, Time, and Composition, Spring, and Summer, 2001
- Effects of Field-Scale Heterogeneity on Plume Behavior and Remediation in Alluvial Aquifer Systems
- Ergodicity in Natural Fault Systems
- Estimating N Budget in a Deep Alluvial Unsaturated Zone: Potential for Nitrate Leaching to Groundwater
- Estimating Vadose Zone Hydraulic Properties of Tile-Drained Fields Using Inverse Modeling
- Estuarine Food for Thought
- Evidence of Land-Use Effects in High-Resolution Overbank Deposition Rates in the Pacific NW
- Habitat Enhancement on the McCormack Williamson Tract: an Evaluation of Proposed Scenarios with a Hydraulic Model and GIS
- Igneous Petrology of the Rift to Drift Transition in Central East Greenland
- Investigation and quantification of regional emissions of aerosols and trace gases during Ace-Asia
- Investigation of Nucleation Bursts During the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study
- Lessons from a Spawning Gravel Rehabilitation Program
- Mantle mixing, lateral transport, and isotopic heterogeneity at the subplate scale
- Mars Dust Threshold Under Heated Surface Conditions
- Mean Field Threshold Systems and Phase Dynamics: An Application to Earthquake Fault Systems
- Mineral Dust Analysis and Application in Refining Source Region Information for the Sahara and East Asia Deserts
- More Lessons From Complexity
- Quantifying the Combined Effects of Chemical and Physical Heterogeneities by Combining Lagrangean Transport and the Exposure-time Concept: Inverse and Forward Solutions
- Quantum Yield of Hydroxyl Radical from Photolysis of Nitrate on Ice
- Reduction of aqueous perchlorate by iron surfaces in batch and column studies
- Roadside Particle Number Distributions and Relationships Between Number Concentrations, Meteorology, and Traffic Along a Northern California Freeway
- Shallow Crustal Structure Along the Western Galapagos Spreading Center 91.3° to 95.2° W: Correlations Between Axial Magma Lens, Layer 2A and Topographic Characteristics
- Spectroscopic Measurements of CO and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Total Column Amounts: Trajectory Analysis Using ECMWF Data Set.
- The Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory: A web-based system for modeling multi-scale earthquake processes
- The Use of Spatial Complexity in a Spawning Gravel Rehabilitation Project
- The View from the Mountain - Comparing ITCT 2K2 Aerosol Data with the Long-Term Aerosol Record at Mount Lassen, Ca.
- Theoretical Investigation of Fault System Evolution
- Upscaling biofilm processes from the pore-scale to the Darcy scale: A report on continuing theoretical and experimental research
- Wind Events and Shelf Transport (WEST): Understanding the Role of Wind-Driven Transport in Shelf Productivity.
- Winter Cover Crop and Subsurface Hydrology
- Atmospheric Transformations of Chromium Species on Aerosol Nanoparticles
- Attenuation of Nitrate-15N by Vegetated Buffers in an Irrigated Pasture System
- Characterization of space-time correlations in aftershock and seismicity patterns
- Computational Modeling of Self-Preserving Turbulent Wall Jets and Associated Scour
- Computing and Visualizing the Complex Dynamics of Earthquake Fault Systems: Towards Ensemble Earthquake Forecasting
- Decomposition of <SUP>14</SUP>C-Labeled Roots in a Pasture Soil Exposed to 10 Years of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Direct and Indirect Measurements of DMS, Ozone, and CO Fluxes Over the Eastern Pacific Ocean
- Earthquake clustering in space as a percolation problem
- Effects of a Controlled Water Release on Water Quality in the Mokelumne River, California
- Environmental Magnetism of Corals from Moorea, French Polynesia
- Estimate of Nutrient Input to the Pacific Ocean from Long-Range Transport of Aerosols
- Evaluation and Development of the Pattern Informatics Method of Earthquake Forecasting
- FORC Diagrams of Synthetic Magnetic Minerals at Ambient and High Temperatures
- Finding Order in Chaos: Complexity in the Career of Don L Anderson
- Ice Crystals Inside the Bell
- Investigation of influence of ETc estimation methods to simulate water balance using MIKE SHE
- Liquids in the Diamond Anvil Cell: High Pressure-Temperature Chemistry of Formic Acid
- Local and Regional Scale Simulation of River Aquifer Interactions.
- Low Friction Subduction Erosion, a Model to Test With Ocean Drilling
- Mean-field studies of a slider-block model with noise
- Modeling hydrologic processes at the residential scale
- Oxygen Isotopic Anomaly in SO<SUB>4</SUB> and NO<SUB>3</SUB> Aerosol as a Tracer of Chemistry During Trans-Pacific Pollution Transport
- Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Results from ODP Leg 195, Site 1202, Okinawa Trough
- River-floodplain Hydrologic Connectivity: Impact on Temporal and Spatial Floodplain Water Quality and Productivity Patterns
- Rupture Source Identification Prior to the Occurrence of Large Events
- Simulation of Coarse Particle Nitrate Formations in Coastal Areas Using CMAQ-AIM
- Spatial Variability of Soil Hydraulic Paramaters in Relation to Sedimentary Facies
- Stress transfer and aftershocks
- The Association of Cryptosporidium parvum With Suspended Sediments: Implications for Transport in Surface Waters
- The Impact of Elevated CO2 on Soil C and N Cycling as Revealed by Decomposition of 15N-13C Labelled Residues in a Pasture Soil Exposed to FACE Conditions for 9 Years.
- The Relationship Between Carbon Input, Aggregation, and Soil Organic Carbon Stabilization in Sustainable Cropping Systems
- Total Carbon and Nitrogen Budget in Pasture Soils After 10 Years of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Water Flux Estimation by Multi Functional Heat Pulse Probe for Variably Saturated Sandy Soil
- A Comparison of Molecular and Isotopic Chemistry of Overland Flow DOM and yPOM to Soil Sources From a Small Mid-western Agricultural Basin
- A New GLORIA Target Region in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA; Alpine Plant Monitoring For Global Climate Change
- A model for inter-occurrence time distribution of aftershocks
- Accumulation and δ <SUP>13</SUP>C Composition of Soil Carbon Across a Chronosequence of Dune Complexes at Mono Lake, CA
- Aeolian Abrasion, a Dominant Erosion Agent in the Martian Environment
- Aerosol Transport to the Greenland Summit Site, June, 2003 to August 2004
- Aftershocks In Massless Cellular Automaton Slider-Block Models.
- Age Offsets of the Matuyama-Brunhes Polarity Transition in Records From the Atlantic: Lock-in Depth Variations or Site Dependent Field Behavior?
- Analysis Of Field-Scale Contaminant Transport Behavior Using Continuous Time Random Walk Theory
- Assessing Spatial and Temporal Variability in Aquatic Photosynthesis and Respiration with Oxygen and Carbon Stable Isotopes
- Assessment of Assumption Validity in the Colloid Filtration Theory: Direct Numerical Simulation of Colloids and Comparison of Filtration Equations
- Assessment of Long-term Nitrate Transport to Groundwater in a Deep Alluvial Unsaturated Zone
- Can Periodic Cicadas be used as a Biomonitor for Arsenical Pesticide Contamination?
- Can variations in precursory seismicity be used to forecast (predict) earthquakes?
- Chemical Analysis of Aerosols for Characterization of Long-Range Transport at Mt. Lassen, CA
- Chemical Nature and Turnover of Carbon Associated with Diagnostic Aggregate Fractions
- Co-Seismic Gravity Modeling of a Fault Network in Southern California
- Connecting the Microscale to the Macroscale in Earthquake Processes: Scaling and its Relationship to Nucleation in Damage Mechanics
- Determination of Relative Contributions from Marine and Terrestrial Sediment Sources in the Cariaco Basin using a Magnetic Mixing Model
- Earthquake Forecasting with Correlated Seismicity Patterns
- Earthquake Forecasting;Linear and Non-Linear Evolution
- Enhancing Earth Science And IT Literacy Through Environmental Science Information Technology Activities
- Enhancing spatial and temporal resolution of trace elements in sediment cores
- Equilibrium, Non-Equilibrium and Critical Points; Universality in Models of Earthquake Faults
- GLORIA Alpine Plant Monitoring in the White Mountains, Inyo County, California.
- HSDP II Drill Core: Preliminary Rock Strength Results and Implications to Flank Stability, Mauna Kea Volcano
- Influence of Anthropogenic Alterations on Geomorphic Response to Climate Variation and Change in San Francisco Bay, Delta, and Watershed
- Linking channel morphology, stream flow and micro-scale hydraulics in habitats utilized by spawning Atlantic salmon
- Lorenz Lecture: Process, Pattern, Prediction: Understanding Complexity in Driven Earth Systems
- Magnetic Properties of Ocean Crust from the Walls of Endeavor Deep: Implications for the Source Layers of Marine Magnetic Anomalies
- Mathematical Modeling of Fate and Transport of Aqueous Species in Stormflow Entering Infiltration Basin.
- Mechanics of Horseshoe Waterfalls
- Monitoring and Modeling the Fluctuations in Apparent Groundwater Age During a 30-Day Pumping Test.
- Physiological Regulation of Stomatal Conductance in Boreal Forest Species: Do Species Differ and Does it Matter?
- Plan for a Sierra Nevada Hydrologic Observatory: Science Aims, Measurement Priorities, Research Opportunities and Expected Impacts
- Predictive Design Morphologies for Gravel Augmentation
- QuakeTables: The Fault Database for QuakeSim
- Simulation-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Using System-Level, Physics-Based Models: Assembling Virtual California
- Size Distribution of Sea-Salt Emissions as a Function of Relative Humidity
- Stratospheric Ozone Heating and the Downward Reflection of Forced Planetary Waves
- Tensor Field Visualization in Geomechanics Applications
- The Hydrofacies Approach and Why ln K σ <SUP>2</SUP> <5-10 is Unlikely
- The International Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory
- The influence of mixed forest litters on decomposition processes affecting soil organic matter dynamics
- Time Resolved Chemical Analysis of Anthropogenic Aerosols in Norway, a Study of Long-Range Transport
- Why is Gutenberg-Richter scaling applicable, why are b-values nearly constant?
- X-ray CMT Study Shows that Drainage Boundary Condition is Responsible for Dynamic Effect in Sandy Material
- 100 Years after the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906: Earthquake Forecasting and Forecast Verification - Status, Prospects and Promise
- 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy of MgSiO3 (enstatite) glass quenched from high pressure: structural implications
- 3D Reconstruction of Intricate Archean Microbial Structures Using Neutron Computed Tomography and Serial Sectioning
- A RELM earthquake forecast based on pattern informatics
- A Southern Washington Chronosequence Study: The Impact of Interannual Climate Variability on Ecosystem Exchange of Carbon, Water, and Energy in a Newly Established and Old-Growth Coniferous Forest
- Application of a Gravity Green's Function Method Using a Stress-evolution Earthquake Simulation of California
- Calorimetry on a Chip: Toward Heat Capacities of Microgram Quantities of Iron-bearing Minerals
- Composition Modulation of Optical Characteristics of the Asian Continental Aerosol Plume: In Situ Observations at Western North America
- Considerations of a Field-Scale Soil Carbon Budget For Furrow Irrigation
- Controls on the relationship between salinity and the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater: Implications for past estimates of salinity
- Development and Performance of Charged Nano Particle Collector
- Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Leaching From Soil Formed in Grass, Oak and Pine Ecosystems of California
- Droplet Growth by Turbulent Coagulation - Comparison of Theory and Measurements
- Earthquake forecasting using the pattern informatics (PI) index
- Energy Tranfer of Saltating Sand Onto Rock Surface on Earth and Mars: Implications for Rock Morphology and Abrasion Rates
- Evaluating Changes in Organic C and Emission of Greenhouse Gases in a California Agricultural Landscape.
- Exploring Tensor Fields Using a Fabric Like Texture on Arbitrary Surfaces
- From Tornadoes to Earthquakes: Forecast Verification for Binary Events Applied to the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Ice Core Analysis by Synchrotron Based X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Impact of Atmosphere-sea Exchange on the Isotopic Expression of Carbon Excursions: Observations and Modeling of OAE-1a
- Improving Attitudes Toward STEM By Providing Urban-Based Environmental Science Research Opportunities
- Indications of Fluid Venting Along the Middle American Subduction Zone of Guatemala
- Interactions Between Plant Growth and Soil Nutrient Cycling Under Elevated CO2: a Meta-Analysis.
- Light Absorbance of Melted Arctic and Antarctic Snow
- Long-Term Transport of Cryptosporidium Parvum
- Long-term carbon accumulation in a cold desert: Role of shrub islands and soil moisture across a long chronosequence of shoreline dunes at Mono Lake, CA
- Marine Particle Nucleation: Observations at Bodega Bay, California
- Modeling Biogeochemical Cycling of Heavy Metals in Lake Coeur d'Alene Sediments
- Modeling Limited Foresight in Water Management Systems
- Modeling Transport and Transformation of Dissolved and Sediment Associated Mercury in Rivers
- Neotropical Moisturea and Dryness Dynamics At The Late Glacial/Holocene Transition Recorded By Pollen From The Cariaco Basin, Caribbean Sea
- New Visualization Techniques to Analyze Ultra-High Resolution Four-dimensional Surface Deformation Imagery Collected With Ground-based Tripod LiDAR
- On the Excitation and Decay of Aftershocks
- Optimizing water purchases for an Environmental Water Account
- P-V single-crystal- and P-V-T powder X-ray diffraction study of metamict zircon (ZrSiO4)
- Particulate Transport During ICARTT-ITCT-2K4: Aerosol Characterization from Time-Resolved and Size-Segregated Continuous Sampling and Analysis
- Photochemical Mechanism Computational Speed Improvements Using Asynchronous Time Stepping
- Preliminary analysis of elemental markers of Asian industrial emission detected at Lassen Peak in northern California
- Regional-scale hydrologic modeling of flow and reactive salt transport in the San Joaquin Valley, CA
- Scaling Properties of Aftershock Sequences
- Simulation Based Distributions of Earthquake Recurrence Times on the San Andreas Fault System.
- Stress Relaxation via Avalanche Dynamics in Materials: Long-Range Interaction in the Manna Model
- Striped Bass Habitat use in the San Francisco Estuary Determined Using Otolith Microchemistry Techniques
- The Role of Hydraulic Geometry on Hydraulic Jump Regime and Energy Dissipation at River Steps
- The Use of High Magnitude Peaks in Sedimentary Charcoal and Magnetic Susceptibility in California to Detect a Response to Abrupt Climate Change 8,200 Years Ago as Recorded in Greenland Ice Cores.
- Thoughts on the Past and Suggestions for the Future of Dispersion Research
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Models of the Dynamics of Slab Detachment
- Tracking Movement of Plant Carbon Through Soil to Water by Lignin Phenol Stable Carbon Isotope Composition in a Small Agricultural Watershed
- Vulnerability of soil organic matter to temperature changes: Exploring constraints due to substrate decomposability and microbial community structure
- Where the Rubber Meets the Road; Varied Techniques for Measuring the Land-Atmosphere Exchange of Water and Energy in a California Watershed and the Driving Influences on this Exchange
- Why Weibull?
- 140-Year Dynamics of a Forest Ecotone Under Climate and Environmental Change
- A Holistic Team Approach to Sun-Climate Research
- A Linked Hydro-Economic Model to Examine the Effects of Water Policy on Rural Poverty
- A Modified Pattern Informatics (PI) Method: Application to Forecasting the Locations of Future Large Earthquakes in Central Japan
- A Simple Model to Calculate Leaf Area Index from Lidar Data
- A coupled modeling approach for multi-component and multiphase reactive transport of metal contaminants in water column bed sediments of riverine systems
- A liquid crystal model for friction
- Application of DInSAR-GPS Optimization for Derivation of Three Dimensional Surface Motion of Southern California
- Assimilating Data Into Virtual California Models by a Method of Data Scoring
- Carbon Sequestration Potential in Irrigated Agriculture: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Contribution of Water.
- Changes in Upwelling Along the Northern California Coast From C-14 Reservoir Ages
- Characterization of Vegetation using the UC Davis Remote Sensing Testbed
- Density and formation of high coordinated Si in v-MgSiO3 recovered from high pressure conditions
- Determining Biophysical Controls on Forest Structure using Hyperspatial Satellite Imagery and Ecological Gradient Modeling
- Do Faults Strengthen or Weaken between Earthquakes?
- ENSO and NAO Influences on the Urmia Lake Basin Meteorology and Hydrology
- Earthquake statistics in models and data
- Earthquakes: Recurrence and Interoccurrence Times
- Ecosystem scale controls on the vascular plant component of dissolved organic carbon across a freshwater delta
- Flood Regime Characterization: A method to classify streamflow variability
- Geologic and Landuse Controls of the Risk for Domestic Well Pollution from Septic Tank Leachate
- High-Spatial-Resolution Thermal Infrared Satellite Images for Lake Studies
- Hyperspectral data to better couple observations from space with climate change impacts
- Implications of a Dynamic Hydromorphic Regime For Environmental Management on a Disturbed Large Gravel-Bed River
- Improving Focal Depth Estimates: Studies of Depth Phase Detection at Regional Distances
- Innovative instrumentation for in-situ soil NO3- measurements
- Interactive Mapping on Virtual Terrain Models Using RIMS (Real-time, Interactive Mapping System)
- Land Subsidence, Inter-particle Contact Stress and Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
- Landscape-scale characterization of individual plants using hyperspatial remote sensing: techniques, technologies and applications
- Megadroughts, Fire, Mass Wasting, And Paleoclimate Teleconnections For The Last 2 000 Years, Coburn Lake, Northern Sierra Nevada, California
- Model Complexity, Space-Time Resolution and Input Uncertainty in Hydrosalinity Modeling
- Modeling Integrated Water-User Decisions with Intermittent Supplies
- Oxygenation of Stratified Reservoir Using Air Bubble Plume
- Parkfield Aftershock Interoccurrence Scaling
- Pattern recognition of historic seismicity data and earthquake forecasting
- Potential utility of optical proxies for lignin in DOM
- Reactive Diffusive Transport Of Heavy Metals In Lake Coeur d'Alene Sediments
- Self-Organization and Correlations of the San Andreas Fault System through Interactions: Forecasting based on Recreating Great Earthquakes in the Computer
- Simulating the San Andreas Plate Boundary System: Progress and Prospects
- Spatial Variability of Carbon and Water Vapor Flux on Wheat and Abandoned Lands Estimated Using Mobile Eddy Covariance Towers
- The Critical Point Theory of Earthquakes: Observation of Correlated and Cooperative Behavior on Earthquake Fault Systems
- The Energetics of Hematite Dissolution in Iron Ore Melts for Assimilation in Commercial Sintering Processes: In Situ High Temperature Calorimetric Studies
- Tracking Intercontinental Dust Transport With Radiogenic Isotopes: Hefei, China to California, Spring 2002
- Using Satellite Gravity to Map and Model Forearc Basins and Thickness of Trench Sediment Worldwide: Implications for Great Earthquakes
- A 3D Immersive Fault Visualizer and Editor
- A Comparison Of Tree Crown Recognition Techniques
- A Coupled Biogeochemical Reactive Transport Model in Bed Sediments and Water Column of Riverine Systems
- A GIS Framework for Mitigating Volcanic and Hydrothermal Hazards at Yellowstone National Park and Vicinity
- A dynamic species modeling approach to assess climate change impacts on California tree species
- A new method for biometrically-based estimation of pre-settlement forest carbon stocks in the United States
- Aerosol Measurements From Recent Alaskan Volcanic Eruptions: Implications for Volcanic Ash Transport Predictions
- An Assessment of Pulsed Flows on Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Habitat Hydraulics in a Regulated River using Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling
- An examination of using gravity as a proxy for strain accumulation in complex fault systems
- Analysis Challenges for Emerging Water Strategies and Conditions
- Applicability of Raman Spectra Distributed Temperature Sensing in Hydrologic Observatories
- Applying Pattern Informatics to Southern California to Image Fault Systems in Three Dimensions
- Bayesian Analysis of the Pattern Informatics Technique
- Black Carbon Mass Concentration in California Mountain Snow
- Characteristics of Sediment Load Dynamics: A Nonlinear Pattern Recognition Approach
- Climate Effects on Soil Carbon Sequestration in a Grass, Oak and Conifer Ecosystem of California
- Community-Driven Initiatives to Achieve Interoperability for Ecological and Environmental Data
- Constraining the budget of DMS in the remote marine boundary layer - results from the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment (PASE)
- Convergent Hydraulics and Knickpoint Migration in an Incising Gravel-Cobble River
- Dissolved Inorganic and Spectrophotometrically Characterized Dissolved Organic Carbon From Source to sea: Tyne Catchment, UK
- Diurnal, Seasonal and Inter-annual Variations of N2O Fluxes from Perennial Vineyard Soils in California, USA.
- Examining the Influence of Teleconnection Patterns on CO2 Fluxes at an Old-Growth Forest Scaling from Stand to Region Using MODIS
- Explorating coupled production of dissolved organic material and methyl mercury in a tidal wetland using the intrinsic chemical composition of the organic material
- Geomorphic and Ecologic Interactions of Large Wood and Pacific Salmonid Redds Across Habitat Units on a Regulated California River
- Groundwater Monitoring of Land Application with Manure, Biosolids, and other Organic Residuals
- High-resolution evapotranspiration estimates for California using satellite imagery and weather station measurements and the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model
- Impacts of Urban Development on Channel Slope, Erosion, and Depositional Processes
- Land Retirement as a Habitat Restoration Tool
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Fluid Flow and Solute Transport in Porous Media at the Pore Scale and Upscaling to the Continuum Scale
- Linking N Cycling to Microbial Function Within Soil Microenvironments in Cover Crop Systems
- Mercury cycling in agricultural and non-agricultural wetlands in the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, California: bioaccumulation in small fish
- Mixing of continental and marine air masses and en route chemical transformations in transPacific transport of aerosols: Lagrangian analysis of a single transport event.
- Molecular Trickery - is Riverine DOM Really That Degraded?
- Monitoring Stand Level Photosynthesis from Spectral Reflectance
- New Visualization Techniques to Analyze Ultra-High Resolution Three- and Four-Dimensional Airborne and Tripod LiDAR Point-Cloud Data
- Numerical Simulation of Water Distribution in Plenum Within the Inclined Plate Settler
- Optimization of geometry and modeling parameters of artificial neural networks using genetic algorithms
- Pathogens in Dairy Farming: Source Characterization and Groundwater Impacts
- Processes affecting the transport of Cryptosporidium parvum and other persistent pathogens in surface- and ground-waters
- Quantifying Groundwater Model Uncertainty
- Quantifying the Hydrological Effects of Stream Restoration in A Mountain Meadow
- Reduction of Uncertainty in Water Mass Balances
- Refining Colloid Filtration Theory for Nanoparticle Transport in Porous Media
- Remote Environmental Monitoring With a Wireless Sensor Network System
- Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters in a Highly Turbid Estuary from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
- Size Distribution and First Flush Effects of Mercury Containing Particles in Highway Runoff Water
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory: integrating water cycle and biogeochemical processes across the rain-snow transition
- Species Identification From Spatial Analysis of Digital Imagery
- Statistics of Volumes, Swept by Small Spheroidal Particles in a Turbulent Flow.
- Temporal Variations of Elemental Carbon in Beijing
- The Davis Junior High Global Warming Project and Bike/Walk to School Challenge
- The Influence of Sediment Size on Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen in Hyporheic Mesocosms
- The leaf economic spectrum drives litter decomposition within regional floras worldwide
- Towards Understanding Environmental/Health Risks of Renewable Diesel (Biodiesel, Non- ester Diesel) in California
- Towards a core ontology for integrating ecological and environmental ontologies to enable improved data interoperability
- Vegetated buffer management practice to improve surface water quality
- Water Hyacinth Identification Using CART Modeling With Hyperspectral Data in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta of California
- 2D Numerical Models of Ridge-Trench Collision: Implications for Slab Detachment Beneath Baja California
- A Detailed Hydro-Economic Model for Assessing the Effects of Alternative Surface Water and Groundwater Policies
- A Field Intensive Approach to Understanding Relationships Between Vegetation, Landscape, and Management Factors and Their Effects on Stream Sediment and Nutrient Delivery in the Lake Tahoe Basin
- A Pacific Northwest old-growth forest's response to climate variability and extreme climate events over 10 years.
- A Quantitative Analysis of the Pattern Informatics Technique to Characterize Future Earthquakes
- Aerosols and the Sierra Nevada Snowpack: Is the Black Carbon Local?
- Aircraft Observations of Marine Aerosol Properties in the Presence of Boundary Layer Rolls
- An Approach to Spatial Classification of Hyperspatial Imagery
- An Interactive, 3D Fault Editor for VR Environments
- Arctic Summer Surface Energy Balance at Two Coastal Drained Lake Basins, Barrow, Alaska
- Biodegradability of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in estuaries draining glacial and wetland-dominated watersheds
- California's Future Carbon Flux
- Carbon Fluxes Across Vegetated Drained Lakes of Different ages on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
- Climate Change in the Tahoe Basin: Trends, Impacts and Drivers
- Climate change adaptation potential for water in California
- Comparison of Local and Nonlocal Transport in Composite Media: A Lagrangian Description
- Do Agricultural Soils of California have the Potential to Sequester Carbon and Mitigate Greenhouse Gases?
- Ecological effects of overshooting stabilization targets for greenhouse gases for California plant species
- Effect of Climate Change on Field Crop Production in the Central Valley of California
- Empirical Estimates of Tree Carbon Storage Over a Century due to Fire Reduction in California Montane Conifer Forests.
- Environmental Conditions for the Formation of Peat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California as Recorded by Palynological Data
- Equatorial Superrotation in the IPESD Multi-scale MJO Model
- Examples of complex, heterogeneous models and their benefits
- Exploring the Role of Filamentous Cyanobacteria in the Formation of Living Silica Stromatolites in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Extraction of Features from High-resolution 3D LiDaR Point-cloud Data
- Floodplain Heterogeneity Drives Riparian Vegetation Composition and Structure Through Channel Meander Migration and Channel Abandonment
- Geochemistry and Reactivity of Exported Congo Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter
- Geological Mediation of Hydrologic Process, Channel Morphology and Resultant Planform Response to Closure of Dwinnell Dam, Shasta River, California
- Greenland Environmental Observatory at Summit (GEOSummit): Year-Round Measurements and Results
- Heterogeneous OH oxidation of organic aerosols
- How can we measure the soil carbon stabilization capacity?
- Hygroscopic Properties of Aerosol Particles in the Arctic
- Identification of Greenhouse Gas Source Signatures in the San Francisco Bay Area Using In Situ Aircraft Measurements
- Impact-Shocked diamonds, Abrupt Ecosystem Disruption, and Mammoth Extinction on California's Northern Channel Islands at the Allerod-Younger Dryas Boundary (13.0-12.9 ka)
- In Situ Monitoring of Soil Solution Nitrate in Saturated and Unsaturated Sandy Soil
- Investigating extent of dissolved organic carbon stabilization by metal based coagulant in a wetland environment
- Isotopic constraints on the global terrestrial N cycle
- Landscape-Scale Soil Carbon Inventories by Microclimate Decomposition
- Light absorption by aerosols in the European Arctic: First results from ICEALOT
- Melting at High Pressures
- Modeling of DMS emissions, oxidation, and transport in the equatorial Pacific boundary and buffer layers during the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Monitoring Performance of a Dual Wall Permeable Reactive Barrier for Treating Perchlorate and TCE
- Object based tree crown detection and size prediction with LIDAR imagery
- Optimal Design of Groundwater Quality Monitoring Using Entropy Theory
- Pattern Informatics in Mining Induced Seismicity and its Applications to Rockburst Hazard Assessment
- Persistence of methane seepage from pockmarks in the Storegga Slide region
- Presence of all Three Allotropes of Impact-Diamonds in the Younger Dryas Onset Layer (YDB) Across N America and NW Europe
- Relating Seismicity Rate Changes to Stress Shadows in Order to Quantify Local Stress Field Changes Caused by Earthquake Events
- Relationship between N2O Fluxes from an Almond Soil and Denitrifying Bacterial Populations Estimated by Quantitative PCR
- Robust Collector Efficiency Equation and Verification for Colloid and Nanoparticle Transport
- Sensitivity analysis of key components in large-scale hydroeconomic models
- Simulation of Streamflow, Sediment and Nitrogen Processes Using SWAT over the East River Basin in Southern China
- Simulation of the Entire Distribution of Groundwater Age
- Soil C Saturation is Evident in Soils Rich in Organic Matter
- Sources of Atmospheric Pollutants Impacting Air and Water Quality in the Lake Tahoe Basin
- Spatial and Temporal Self-Calibration of a Hydroeconomic Model
- Statistical analysis of earthquake event correlations in Virtual California
- Structural and Symmetric Properties of Oxygen at 350 GPa
- Survival and persistence of fecal host-specific Bacteroidales cells and their DNA assessed by PMA-qPCR
- The Case Of The River Degraded So Badly That Now It Is Pristine
- The Oxygen Isotopic Signature of Nitrous Oxide is Determined by Oxygen Exchange
- The VIDA Framework as an Educational Tool: Leveraging Volcanology Data for Educational Purposes
- The dependence of aerosol light extinction on relative humidity during the spring 2008 ICEALOT experiment in the European Arctic
- The direct radiative forcing effects of aerosol on regional climate in California
- The estuary part of low-inflow estuaries: stratification and residence in a Tomales Bay tributary estuary.
- The impacts of riparian tree removal on water temperatures in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta using Lidar data analysis
- The role of constructed wetlands in sequestering eroded carbon in an agricultural landscape.
- Theoretical and Numerical Modeling of Transport of Land Use-Specific Fecal Source Identifiers
- Towards Efficient Encoding of Hydrologic Information via a Fractal Geometric Approach
- U/Ca ratios in deep-sea corals: Testing the relationship with carbon dioxide in seawater
- Understanding Multiscale Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions on Scott River Watershed Temperatures with the use of Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) in Support of the Coldwater Salmonid Fishery Beneficial Use
- Using Interactive Visualization to Analyze Solid Earth Data and Geodynamics Models
- Volcano Disaster Risk Reduction: A Detailed Gap Analysis From Data Collection to User Implementation
- Vulnerability of Lake Tahoe (CA-NV) mixing patterns in response to global warming and climate change
- A comparison of in situ and laboratory optical measurements of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the Yukon River, Alaska
- A relation between multirate mass transfer models and reaction kinetics with true memory (Invited)
- Absorption Spectra of Surface Snow, Sea Ice, and Frost Flowers at Barrow, AK
- Alpe Arami garnet peridotite from depth >300 km: revisited in 15 years (Invited)
- An Overview of the Gas-Phase Measurements Made During the OASIS - Barrow Spring 2009 Campaign
- An inverse modeling approach to estimate groundwater flow and transport model parameters at a research site at Vandenberg AFB, CA
- Apportionment of Size Distribution Data from the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer in Pittsburgh and Mexico City
- Building a Rich Community-Contributed Phenology Dataset: Lessons Learned from Winegrapes in California’s Napa Valley
- Carbon Turnover and Dynamics from Biochemically Diverse Microbial Groups in Temperate and Tropical Forest Soils
- Characterization of the Unregulated Spring Snowmelt Recession in the Sierra Nevada, California, and Potential Changes with Regional Climate Warming
- Characterizing the scale lengths of CN and C2 in the inner comae of the B and C fragments of comet 73P/Schwassman-Wachmann 3
- Climate variability and the collapse of a Chinook salmon stock (Invited)
- Comparing microfossil shell weight from two locations on the California coast to understand controls on bottom water carbonate chemistry over the past 14 ka
- Comparison of North America Lithospheric Thickness from Seismic Tomography & Thermo-Dynamic Models
- Comparison of computationally frugal (linear) to expensive (nonlinear) methods for analyzing inverse modeling results
- Comparison of heavy metal toxicity in continuous flow and batch reactors
- Conceptual ecosystem model of sub-Arctic river response to climate change: Kobuk River, Alaska
- Crusta: Visualizing High-resolution Global Data
- Differentiation and compaction in the Skaergaard intrusion
- Dissolved organic matter as an indicator of changing watersheds in northern rivers
- Does the terrestrial phenology concept apply in water?
- Downscaling Rainfall Records via a Deterministic Fractal Geometric Approach
- Ecology and Management of the Spring Snowmelt Recession
- Effect of wetting and drying on deep soil CO2 production and fluxes
- Emissions of Black Carbon Particles from Biomass Burning and Their Physical and Chemical Properties
- Emissions of Black Carbon Particles in Anthropogenic and Biomass Plumes over California during CARB 2008
- Estimating Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in 2050 from New Buildings in California
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration of Almond orchards using Remote Sensing based SEBAL model in Central Valley, California
- Examining Models of Public Participation in Scientific Research: A Tool for Design and Evaluation of Projects (Invited)
- Exploration of variability in the line shape and Doppler shift of scattered solar Lyman α radiation from interplanetary Hydrogen
- Historical estimates of spatial reference evapotranspiration for the Central Valley of California
- Impact of Rice Grown on Surface Energy Balance in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the Sacramento Valley
- Interactions among elevated CO2, root litter diversity and decomposition
- Investigating Attachment Behaviors of Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts Using Collision Efficiency in Laboratory Column Experiments
- Isotopic Tracers to Identify Far-traveled Pollutant and Mineral Aerosols in Northern California (Invited)
- Isotopic imprint of denitrification on the natural terrestrial biosphere (Invited)
- Issues of model accuracy and uncertainty evaluation in the context of multi-model analysis
- Litter leachate sources for streamwater dissolved organic matter in an oak woodland catchment
- Long Term Deep Mixing Changes in Lakes to Climate Change. The Question of When and How?
- Measurements of Greenhouse Gases around the Sacramento Area: The Airborne Greenhouse Emissions Survey (AGES) Campaign
- Measurements of black carbon particles’ chemical, physical, and optical properties (Invited)
- Mercury Isotopic Composition of Young-of-Year Fish in San Francisco Bay
- Miocene depositional history, sequences and chronostratigraphy of the ANDRILL AND-2A drillcore, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica
- Modeling of Ureolytic Calcite Precipitation for the Remediation of Sr-90 Using a Variable Velocity Streamtube Ensemble
- Multi-sensor time series of remote sensing data indicate rapid warming trend for lakes in California and Nevada
- New Frontiers in Fault Model Visualization and Interaction
- Nitrate distribution and isotopic composition in vadose-zone sediments underlying large dairy operations
- Ozone fluxes from Citrus species exposed to different levels of atmospheric ozone concentration
- Pavilion Lake Research Project - using multi-scaled approaches to understanding the provenance, maintenance and morphological characteristics of microbialites
- Photochemical Formation and Recycling of Hydrogen Peroxide on Snow in the Presence of Organic Compounds
- Planetary Defense is More Than Science and Technology: Policy, People, and Disaster Management
- QuakeSim: Increasing Utility of Spacebourne and Ground-based Earthquake Fault Data
- Remote sensing of the environmental boundaries of trees in Lake Tahoe, NV
- Role of subsurface lateral flowpaths in streamflow generation of a California oak woodland watershed
- Simulation of rice plant temperatures using the UC Davis Advanced Canopy-Atmosphere-Soil Algorithm (ACASA)
- Size-Time-Composition Resolved Study of Aerosols Across El Paso, Texas in Fall 2008
- Sources of Light Absorbing Aerosols Deposited to the Sierra Nevada Snowpack
- Structural and density relaxation in NaAlSi3O8 glass at high pressure and temperature
- Synergistic effects of disturbance and control in the decline of Eichhornia crassipes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Temperature trends at the Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii: A direct measurement of global warming?
- Temporal controls on dissolved organic matter and lignin biogeochemistry in a pristine tropical river
- The Impact of Spatial Resolution on Classification Accuracy of Hyperspatial Imagery
- Tokunaga Networks
- Trend and Regime Shift Analysis of Lake Baikal Freeze-up and Break-up Dates, and Ice Cover Duration
- Understanding Global Climate Change Effects on Annual Average Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Concentrations in California Using 7-year Average Meteorology
- Understanding the Effects of Multiscale Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions on Scott River Baseflow and Stream Temperature in Support of Beneficial Salmon Habitat
- Understanding the role of secondary chemistry, functionalization and chemical erosion in the heterogeneous oxidation of organic aerosols
- Urban Runoff and Nutrients Loading Control from Sustainable BMPs (Invited)
- Validating the B/Ca proxy for seawater carbonate chemistry: evidence from culture experiments with the planktic foraminifer Orbulina universa
- Watershed-Scale Geochemical Inventory of Soils by Portable X-Ray Fluorescence
- A Regional Study of Urban Fluxes from a Coupled WRF-ACASA Model
- A Shark's Eye View of the Ocean Floor: Integration of Oceanographic Research with Educational Outreach
- A WRF-based ensemble data assimilation system for dynamic downscaling of satellite precipitation information (Invited)
- A new method for separating the climatic and biological trend components from tree ring series, with implications for paleoclimate reconstructions
- A nitrogen mass balance for California
- Accounting for uncertainty when distinguishing geomorphic change in DoDs using historic contour maps
- Aeolian Simulations: A Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results
- Assimilation of precipitation-affected microwave radiances in a cloud-resolving WRF ensemble data assimilation system
- BVOC and tropospheric ozone fluxes from an orange orchard in the California Central Valley
- Benthic foraminifera record and geochemical studies to reconstruct the recent (~400 ya) paleoenvironment of Tomales Bay, California
- Bioclimatic limitations on global tree distributions
- Brief (<1 sec) delays to particle activation, and their influence on deposition patterns in the respiratory system
- CCN activity of thermodenuded aerosol particles downwind of the Sacramento area urban plume
- Carbonate melts in the Earth's mantle
- Changes in the community structure of microbial mats along chemical and temperature gradients in a Yellowstone hot spring
- Characterization of Highway Traffic Plumes in New York City with a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Characterization of Particulate Ship Emissions during CalNex 2010 (Invited)
- Characterization of submicron aerosol chemistry, evolution, and volatility at Cool (California) during the CARES field campaign with a thermodenuder-high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer
- Characterizing Seismic Properties of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California
- Chemical composition of pollution outflow off the California coast during the 2010 CalNex study as measured by the Aerodyne Research High-Resolution and Soot Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometers on board the WHOI R/V Atlantis
- Compressibility of vitreous silica by high pressure X-ray microtomography
- Continental-scale transport of sea salt aerosol
- Controls on DOM biogeochemistry across a gradient of streams within the Congo River Basin
- Controls on the fate, structure and function of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in a California grassland, oak woodland and conifer ecosystem
- Coupling WRF and the land surface model ACASA for Future Carbon Dioxide Simulation
- Decadal Time Scale change in terrestrial plant communities in North American arctic and alpine tundra: A contribution to the International Polar Year Back to the Future Project (Invited)
- Development of tunable spatial heterodyne spectroscopy (TSHS) for interferometry of extended targets
- Ecosystem effects of cultural eutrophication in a large, tropical lake
- Estimation of Stratification and Mixing of a Closed River System Using FLOW-3D®
- Evidence for millennial-scale oscillations to 735 ka utilizing high-resolution Quaternary climate records from Santa Barbara Basin, CA
- Evidence of spatial and temporal slip partitioning in the northern Central Nevada Seismic Belt from ground-based imaging of offset landforms
- Evolution of organic aerosol mass spectra upon heating: implications for OA phase and partitioning behavior
- Flat-slab subduction, whole crustal faulting, and geohazards in Alaska: Targets for Earthscope
- Geologic sources of nutrients for aquatic ecosystems (Invited)
- High resolution direct upscaling of flow and reactive transport: bridging the continuum gap
- Identifying sources of uncertainty using covariance analysis
- Impact of Ethanol on Natural Attenuation of BTEX: Development of Models for Evaluating Field Experiments and Their Implications
- Mapping Neglected Swimming Pools from Satellite Data for Urban Vector Control
- Mapping the El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake Rupture Using Crusta, a New Virtual Globe for Remote Field Studies
- Mechanisms Controlling Carbon Turnover from Diverse Microbial Groups in Temperate and Tropical Forest Soils
- Microbial lifestyles that enable survival in lithifying habitats
- Modeling Economic Impacts of Environmental Flows in California's Yuba River Watershed
- New constraints on the global secondary organic aerosol budget (Invited)
- Nitrogen Inputs Stimulate Phosphorus Mineralizing Enzymes across a Wide Variety of Terrestrial Ecosystems
- PDEs and Asymptotics for the Tropical Atmosphere (Invited)
- Paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic properties of sediments from IODP Site U1333 (Equatorial Pacific)
- Pervasive, high temperature hydrothermal alteration in the RN-17B drill core, Reykjanes Geothermal System-Iceland Deep Drilling Project
- Preferential eruption of andesitic magmas through recharge filtering at Mount Hood, Oregon
- Quantifying Natural Organic Matter with Calorimetry - assessing system complexity to build a central view C stability
- Quantifying radaition and energy balances at a heterogeneous oak savanna ecosystem in California: a three dimensional modeling appraoch
- Re-Evaluation of Event Correlations in Virtual California Using Statistical Analysis
- Regime Shift Analysis of Lake Baikal Freeze-up and Break-up Dates, and Ice Cover Duration
- Reuse of Winery Wastewater by Application to Vineyard Soils
- Role of non-convexity in characterizing single-scattering properties for ensembles of non-spherical precipitation particles
- Seamless Provenance Representation and Use in Collaborative Science Scenarios
- Seismic anisotropy from walk-around VSP data in the Kumano basin south of Kii Peninsula (IODP Site C0009A)
- Sidestream Elevated Pool Aeration, a Technology for Improving Water Quality in Urban Rivers
- Soot Particle Optical Properties: a Comparison between Numerical Calculations and Experimental Data Collected during the Boston College Experiment
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Piezometric Head in a Montane Peatland
- Submicron aerosol characterization during CARES 2010 field campaign using a high resolution aerosol mass spectrometry at the suburban site
- Terrestrial LiDAR analyses of coseismic surface deformation from the 4 April 2010 El Mayor-Cucapa Earthquake (Invited)
- The Value of the Groundwater Age Observation in Characterization of Regional Groundwater Systems: An Inverse Model Study Performed in San Joaquin Valley, Calilfornia
- The theoretical relation between unstable solutes and groundwater age
- Trade-Offs Associated with Soil Carbon Sequestration in ecosystems as Climate Change Mitigation (Invited)
- Water Intensity of Electricity from Geothermal Resources
- Water Management Adaptations for Aquatic Ecosystem Services Under a Changing Climate. Analytical Framework and Case Study for Chinook Salmon in California
- Water, Energy, and Ecosystems: A Case Study of California's Sierra Nevada to Assess Vulnerability to Climate Change and Opportunities for Adaptation
- A California Nitrogen Mass Balance: Uncertainties and information needs
- A comparison of measured and modeled nitrous oxide emissions from flood irrigated alfalfa in California using the DNDC model
- A global assessment of pre-industrial and contemporary nitrogen fluxes influenced by cropland conversion
- A synoptic/planetary multiscale theory of organized tropical dynamics
- Aerosol Composition in the Los Angeles Basin Studied by High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Application of Numerical Weather Models to Mitigating Atmospheric Artifacts in InSAR
- Aqueous secondary organic aerosol (SOA) production from the oxidation of phenols by triplet excited state organics
- Black Carbon and Particulate Matter Emission Factors from Ships Encountered During CalNex
- Can a new model better capture the stream temperature changes resulting from climate warming?
- Carbon-bearing silicate melts in the deep Earth
- Chasing storms in an agricultural catchment: the stream DOM story
- Choices, Choices: Spatial, Spectral, Algorithmic and Training Data Requirements For Accurate Forest Remote Sensing
- Climate-forcing & Feedbacks of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- Comparing SEBAL and METRIC: Evapotranspiration Models Applied to Paramount Farms Almond Orchards
- Conservation in metropolitan regions: assessing trends and threats of urban development and climate change
- Continental, Volcanic, and Marine Aerosols Arriving at Summit, Greenland as Recorded by Continuous Aerosol Monitoring
- Contrasting the cloud condensing properties of aerosol particles measured with HTDMA, CCNC and CRDS to their chemical composition measured with HR-AMS on board the R/V Atlantis during the Calnex 2010 campaign
- Creases Surfaces for Seismic Wave Data Analysis and Visualization
- Creating a Learning Community for Solutions to Climate Change
- Decadal Changes in Ozone and Emissions in Central California and Current Issues
- Detection of Salt Marsh Vegetation Stress after the Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill Along the Shoreline of Gulf of Mexico Using Aviris Hyperspectral Data
- Does the feedstock origin of pyrolyzed materials influence the leaching quality and quantity of dissolved organic carbon from soils?
- E-DECIDER: Earthquake Disaster Decision Support and Response Tools - Development and Experiences
- Earthquake Forecasting Based on Seismicity
- Economic Analysis of Nitrate Source Reductions in California Agriculture
- Efficiency of differentiation in the Skaergaard magma chamber
- Elevated CO2 and O3 modify N turnover rates, but not N2O emissions
- Estimating travel times of nitrate from the root zone to the water table at the basin scale: Tulare Lake Basin and Salinas Valley
- Evaluating Dead Wood Dynamics Along A River Corridor Using Kite-Blimp Imagery And 2D Hydrodynamic Models
- First results from the surface heterogeneity focus area of the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- Fluxes of BVOC and tropospheric ozone from a Citrus orchard in the California Central Valley
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for Identification and Quantification of Organic Functional Groups in Aqueous Phase Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Gas-Phase Photochemistry During the 2009 OASIS Barrow Field Intensive
- Geochemistry and Flux of Terrigenous Dissolved Organic Matter to the Arctic Ocean
- Gleaning Information for Marginally Detected Species
- Ground-Based Observations of Comet C2009/P1 (Garradd) using a developed Tunable Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer at Lick Observatory
- Groundwater Age in Multi-Level Water Quality Monitor Wells on California Central Valley Dairies
- How Reservoirs Alter DOM Amount and Composition: Sources, Sinks, and Transformations
- Hydrogeology of a portion of Yosemite Valley: Groundwater and surface water interaction and conceptual groundwater model
- Identifying and Quantifying Ecological Changes in Channel Bank Systems in a Small California Agricultural Watershed
- Identifying sources of nitrate in select watersheds of the Tahoe Basin using stable isotope tracers
- Imaging the Hikurangi Plate Interface Region, with Improved Local-Earthquake Tomography
- Influence of Heterogeneous OH Oxidation on the Evaporation Behavior and Composition of a Model Organic Aerosol
- Influence of Inter-regional Weather Patterns on 24-hour PM2.5 Exceedances in the Central Valley of California
- Investigation of the decay of turbulence over a forest during the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- Irrigation Management Strategies: a way to improve Water Productivity
- Lake Tahoe Ca-Nv USA to Climate Change
- Land Cover and Hydrologic Variability in Residential Watersheds: Drivers of N Loss in Sacramento CA
- Lead Isotopes in Highway Runoff
- Local Optical Closure Using Single Particle Mixing State Observations during the 2010 DOE CARES Campaign
- Long-term Changes of Relative Paleointensity From Sediments: Geomagnetic Field Behavior or Rock Magnetic Artifact?
- Managing Stream Temperatures for Climate Warming Adaptation with Selective Withdrawal from Reservoirs
- Mapping Proxy Sensitivity: A New Technique for Compositional Analysis of Cultured Biominerals and Inorganically Precipitated Materials
- Mapping and Characterizing Fire in the Arctic Tundra of North America
- Message Passing on GPUs
- Methods for Analyzing the El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake Rupture using LIDAR datasets
- Microbial survival in strongly lithifying hotspring environments, Yellowstone National Park
- Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation for Subsurface Immobilization of Contaminants
- Millennial-scale climate oscillations to 735 ka as recorded in high-resolution marine sediment records from Santa Barbara Basin, CA
- Modelling regional climate change and urban planning scenarios and their impacts on the urban environment in two cities with WRF-ACASA
- Near-Field Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Near-field coseismic deformation quantified from differential airborne LiDAR of the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake surface rupture
- Negotiation Support Systems for Facilitating International Water Conflicts
- Neutron radiography to visualize and quantify water flow in soil and plants
- New Perspectives on the Frequency and Importance of Tambora-like Events
- Nitrogen use efficiency in the US economy: Towards mitigation of climate change impacts
- Non-destructive infrared spectroscopic analysis of IMPROVE aerosol samples
- Oxidation enhancement of submicron organic aerosols by fog processing
- Pore Characteristics and their Evolution of Shale and Coal during Petroleum Generation
- Preliminary results of the CRISP 3D seismic experiment, offshore Costa Rica
- Pressure Dependence of Silicate Melt Viscosity
- Probing Microbial Activity in a Perched Water Body Located in a Deep Vadose Zone
- QuakeSim: a Web Service Environment for Productive Investigations with Earth Surface Sensor Data
- Rapid Weakening of Subducting Plates From Trench-Parallel Estimates of Flexural Rigidity
- Raster data analysis with R
- Relationship between CCN activation properties and oxidation level of aerosol organics observed during recent field studies
- Restoration of the Spring Snowmelt Recession Below Dams for Native Species Protection in a Changing Climate
- Roles of back diffusion and biodegradation reactions in sustaining MTBE/TBA plumes in alluvial media
- Scale-Dependent Dispersivity Explained Without Scale-Dependent Heterogeneity
- Significant Shear Preceded Rupture in the Oblique Gulf of California Rift
- Soil Aggregate Dynamics: A Mechanistic Model
- Soil C cycling dynamics and microbial distribution in a soybean agroecosystem under elevated CO2 and drought
- Soil organic matter and land use change: the effect of soil carbon saturation
- Soret fractionation of Fe isotopes in pure Fe and iron alloy melts at high pressure
- Spatial variability of time-constant slip rates on the San Jacinto fault zone, southern California
- Stable isotopes as indicators of sources and processes influencing nitrate distributions in dairy monitoring wells and domestic supply wells in the Central Valley, California
- Stable isotopic analysis of pyrogenic organic matter in soils by liquid-chromatography isotope-ratio mass spectrometry of benzene polycarboxylic acids
- Steady increase of secondary organic aerosol mass concentration and light extinction during the CARES 2010 Field Campaign
- Strategies for Interactive Visualization of Large Scale Climate Simulations
- TASTER: Trojan ASteroid Tour, Exploration and Rendezvous, a NASA Planetary Science Summer School Mission Design Exercise
- TEXES observations of Saturn's stratospheric thermal structure after the 2010 convective event
- The Extended Duration Sounding Rocket (EDSR): Low Cost Science and Technology Missions
- The Iron Redox Engine Drives Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- The NASA/NSERC Student Airborne Research Program Land Focus Group - a Paid Training Program in Multi-Disciplinary STEM Research for Terrestrial Remote Sensing
- The Role of Wildfire in the Export of Particulate Organic Carbon from a Small Mountainous River
- The coastal mosaic of ocean acidification: The influence of upwelling, riverine input, and geography along the US West Coast
- The effect of hydration on the anomolous compressibility of vitreous silica characterized by high pressure X-ray microtomography and GHz ultrasonic interferometry
- The relation between unstable environmental isotopic tracers and groundwater age in the context of hydrogeologic transience
- The ups and downs of being an atmospheric aerosol: Interpreting particle flux measurements over tropical and temperate forests
- Ultra-hydrous stishovite obtained by hydrothermal treatment of SiO2
- Updated analysis of the upwind interplanetary hydrogen velocity as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope during solar cycle 23
- Visualization of Flow Properties in Mantle Convection: Understanding Homogenization in CitcomS
- Water Year Classification in a Non-stationary Climate
- Wetland Plant Physiology Exhibits Controls on Carbon Sequestration Processes in a Restored Temperate Peatland of California, USA
- 'invisible' DOM in hourly-resolved headwater river records from Northern Amazonia
- 3D Lagrangian Model of Particle Saltation in an Open Channel Flow with Emphasis on Particle-Particle Collisions
- A Framework for Incorporating Hydroclimate Variability in Regulated Rivers: Implications for Hydropower Relicensing in California's Yuba River
- A Near-Census Of Streamwood Pieces Reveals Abundance and Distribution Patterns That Would Not Be Otherwise Recognized In A Mountain River, Sierra Nevada, California
- A flume investigation of the influence of flood recession rate and vegetation patches on channel bar morphology
- A metamodeling approach to estimate N2O emissions from agricultural soils
- Adsorption of organic molecules may explain growth of newly nucleated clusters and new particle formation
- An Airborne Study of Natural Gas Point Source Dispersion And Mixed Layer Scaling
- Analysis for water conflicts in a changing world
- Analysis of Biogenic Silica and Quartz δ18O Utilizing TC/EA CF-IRMS
- Analysis of the influence of salinity on Mg/Ca ratios of cultured and coretop planktic foraminifers
- Assessing the combined effect of dams and climate warming on streamflow in California's Sierra Nevada for regional-scale adaptation
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Characterizing particulate matter emissions from vehicles: chassis-dynamometer tests using a High-Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Chemical Characterization of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formed from Atmospheric Aqueous-phase Reactions of Phenolic Compounds
- Chinook Salmon Spawning Requires More Than Just Velocity, Depth, and Substrate
- Cholera and shigellosis in Bangladesh: similarities and differences in population dynamics under climate forcing
- Climatic implications of Nitrogen constraints on terrestrial C sequestration estimates in CMIP5 model projection
- Denoising surface renewal flux density measurements
- Determination of Geochemical Characteristics of Glass Alteration Environments Using Boron Isotopes
- Developing climate change indicators and a climate change monitoring plan for decision-makers at a National Marine Sanctuary
- Dissolved organic carbon source integration in an agricultural watershed
- Dissolved organic matter (DOM) and inorganic ions in a central Himalayan glacier— Insights into chemical composition and atmospheric sources
- E-DECIDER: Using Earth Science Data and Modeling Tools to Develop Decision Support for Earthquake Disaster Response
- Ecosystem carbon storage capacity as affected by disturbance regimes: a general theoretical model
- Effect of Mixing State on the Optical Absorption by Black Carbon Containing Particles
- Effects of agricultural practices on greenhouse gas emissions (N2O, CH4 and CO2) from corn fields
- Effects of hydrologic event history on suspended-sediment behavior
- Effects of the spring snowmelt recession on abiotic and biotic conditions in northern Sierra Nevada CA rivers with varying flow regimes
- Estimate of methane emissions from oil and gas operations in the Uintah Basin using airborne measurements and Lidar wind data
- Estimating Soil Thermal Properties from Land Surface Temperature Measurements Using Ant Colony Optimization Approach
- Evaluating China's black carbon emissions using surface observations: sensitivity to observation representativeness and transport model error
- Evaluating Policy Options for Biofuel Land Use Change
- Evaluation of Model Complexity and Parameter Estimation: Indirect Inversion of a Numerical Model of Heat Conduction and Convection Using Subsurface Temperatures in Peat
- Evapotranspiration Modeling and Measurements at Ecosystem Level
- Field Study on Runoff Processes at a Snow-covered Hillslope in Ward Valley, Lake Tahoe Basin
- From Microscopic to Macroscopic Bacterial Transport in Porous Media
- Future atmospheric conditions increase the greenhouse gas intensity of rice production
- Geophysics in the Critical Zone: Constraints on Deep Weathering and Water Storage Potential in the Southern Sierra CZO
- Global Modeling of the Oxygen Content of Organic Aerosol
- How quickly do earthquakes get locked in the landscape? One year of erosion on El Mayor-Cucapah rupture scarps imaged by repeat terrestrial lidar scans
- Hydro-economic Modeling: Reducing the Gap between Large Scale Simulation and Optimization Models
- Hydroclimatic alteration increases vulnerability of montane meadows in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Hydrogeologic conditions and water management modeling for a Sierra Nevada fen wetland
- Imaging P and S Attenuation in the Termination Region of the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand
- Impact of the aspects of forward model solution schemes in the inverse solution of density dependent flow problem
- Improving Particle Integration Efficiency in Mantle Convection Simulation by Combining Numerical Integration Techniques
- In search of governing equations for scalar dissipations
- Influence of Parent Compound Branching on the Products Formed in the Radical-initiated Heterogeneous Oxidation of Octacosane and Squalane
- Integrating participatory engagement and scientific research to inform causes and solutions to water problems in the River Njoro Watershed Kenya.
- Intermittent ephemeral river-breaching
- Interpolating Sparse Scattered Oceanographic Data Using Flow Information
- Late Eocene syntectonic magmatism along the dextral Denali Fault provides constraints on timing of strike-slip displacement
- Late-Holocene climate variability in southern New Zealand: A multi-proxy study of lake sediments from Lake Ohau to reconstruct regional climate
- Light Absorption by Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced from Aqueous Reaction of Phenols with an Organic Excited Triplet State and Hydroxyl Radical
- Light Elements in the Core and Equilibration Degree with Silicate Mantle: Perspective from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics
- Lower tropospheric ozone and aerosol measurements at a coastal mountain site in Northern California
- Microbial Diversity and Lipid Abundance in Microbial Mats from a Sulfidic, Saline, Warm Spring in Utah, USA
- Midlatitude Rossby Wave Forcing of Equatorial Kelvin Waves
- Modeling Energy and Mass Fluxes Over a Vineyard Using the Acasa Model
- Modeling Mantle Mixing in 3D with Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Implications for Mantle Reservoirs
- Modeling the yield potential of dryland canola under current and future climates in California
- N/P re-mineralization ratios across forests worldwide
- Nanostructured Deep Carbon: A Wealth of Possibilities
- New measurement of the upwind interplanetary hydrogen velocity as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope
- Newly discovered abundant fluid seep indicators off southern Costa Rica, imaged from overlapping multibeam swaths and 3D seismic data
- Observations of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves forced by Extratropical Wave Activity
- Observations of Near-Bed Deposition and Resuspension Processes at the Fluvial-Tidal Transition Using High Resolution Adcp, Adv, and Lisst
- Optimizing the Dammed: water supply losses and fish habitat gains from dam removal in California
- Organic Aerosol Composition Measurements at the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Sites
- Paired tree and soil instrumentation: what can we learn from two instrumented sites across various gradients in a forested catchment
- Paleomagnetic evidence of oblique rift localization in the Gulf of California
- Postfire Forest Recovery in California's National Forests
- Preparing Graduate Students as Science Communicators
- Process-identification in Bacteria Transport in porous media using statistical inverse modeling
- Quantifying Factors That Impact Riverbed Dynamic Permeability at a Riverbank Filtration Facility
- Radiative absorption enhancements due to the mixing state of atmospheric black carbon
- Real-time black carbon emission factors of light-duty vehicles tested on a chassis dynamometer
- Recent Developments in Surface Renewal Analysis of Evapotranspiration
- Reconstructing Water Column Hydrography Using Individual Shell Stable Isotope Data From Multiple Planktic Foraminifera Species
- Seismic attenuation structure of the accretionary prism in the Kumano Basin, Nankai Trough, Japan, revealed by walk-away VSP
- Stability of hydrocarbons at deep Earth pressures and temperatures
- Staggering successes amid controversy in California water management
- Statistical Scaling of Severe Tornadoes and Severe Tornado Outbreaks
- Status of Air Quality in Central California and Needs for Further Study
- Stochastic parameterization of moist convection estimated from LES data
- Superrotation in terrestrial atmospheres and tropical wave-mean flow interaction
- Surface Water Storage Capacity of Street Trees in Davis, California
- The 2012 Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP)
- The California Biomass Crop Adoption Model estimates biofuel feedstock crop production across diverse agro-ecological zones within the state, under different future climates
- The Geochemistry of Biomineralization in Planktonic Foraminifera: New Techniques and Tracers
- The Influence of a Secondary Organic Aerosol Coating on the Heterogeneous Reaction of Squalane Particles with OH
- The effect of hydration on the time-dependent elastic relaxation in vitreous silica: Combined synchrotron microtomography and diamond anvil cell ultrasonic measurements
- The effect of light on intrashell trace metal variability (Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca) in the planktic foraminifer Orbulina universa
- The potential vorticity budget of the multi-scale models of the MJO
- Thermodynamic study of amorphous and nano manganese carbonate phases
- Three-dimensional lidar point-cloud visualization and analysis of coseismic deformation using LidarViewer
- Towards understanding organic nitrogen species in emissions from post-combustion CO2 capture plants
- Transport properties of silicate melts at high pressure
- UV-CDAT Re-sharable Analyses and Diagnostics (U-ReAD): a framework to create and share UV-CDAT plugins.
- Using numerical models to place constraints on fluvial input into glacial lakes, Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Visualizing a possible atmospheric teleconnection associated with UK floods in autumn 2000
- Water use implications of biofuel scenarios
- A Comparison of Paleomagnetic Secular Variation during MIS 7-10 between the Bering Sea (IODP Ex. 323) and North Atlantic Ocean (ODP Leg 172): Implications for the space/time pattern of field and environmental variability (Invited)
- A New UHP Metamorphic Complex In The ~1.8 GYa Nagssugtoqidian Orogen Of West Greenland, And The Possible First Terrestrial Evidence For Ringwoodite
- A Quantitative Look at the Overshoot Problem in Mantle Convection Simulation
- A Satellite Based Modeling Framework for Estimating Seasonal Carbon Fluxes Over Agricultural Lands
- A Theoretical Framework for Understanding the Effects of Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols on African Easterly Waves
- A Validation Framework for Non-Point Source Simulation Models: Application to the Southern California Central Valley with Spatio-Temporally Heterogenous Source Rates
- A comparison of measured and modeled nitrous oxide emissions from flood irrigated alfalfa in California using the DNDC model
- A global model of rock nitrogen inputs to the terrestrial biosphere
- A multi-scale conceptual model of fire and disease interactions in North American forests
- A plutonic view of explosive volcanism: the shatter zone of the Cadillac Mountain granite, Maine
- Arbitrary-Order Hybrid Finite-Element Methods for Geophysical Flows
- Assessing the Extent of Black Carbon Absorption Enhancements from Field Observations
- Bacterial Transport and Fate and Its Effect on Horizontal Gene Transfer in Soil
- Bad News Comes in Threes: Stochastic Structure in Random Events (Invited)
- Building Models from the Bottom Up: The HOBBES Project
- California's Low-Carbon Fuel Standard - Compliance Trends
- Carbon substituting for oxygen in silicates: A novel mechanism for carbon incorporation in the deep Earth
- Change Detection from differential airborne LiDAR using a weighted Anisotropic Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
- Characterization of Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation at the Look Rock Site during the 2013 Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS)
- Characterization of pulsed flow attenuation on a regulated montane river
- Chemical Characterization of Gas and Particle-phase Water-Soluble Species during Winter 2013 DISCOVER-AQ Campaign in Fresno, CA
- Chemistry and processes of aerosols at Mt. Bachelor, a high elevation site in the Pacific Northwest U.S.: influences from regional transport and wildfire plumes
- Colloid Transport in Porous Media: A Contemporaneous Survey of Conceptual Models (Invited)
- Constraining CO2 tower measurements in an inhomogeneous area with anthropogenic emissions using a combination of car-mounted instrument campaigns, aircraft profiles, transport modeling and neural networks
- Could Fluid Seeps Originate from the Seismogenic Zone? Evidence from Southern Costa Rica
- Coupling the multi-layer land surface model ACASA with a biogeochemical model TEM to better represent carbon and nitrogen dynamics
- Dating widespread tephras and their proximal equivalents by SIMS analysis of accessory mineral rims and by argon geochronology (Invited)
- Determining the structure of vegetation canopies: an Object-based approach
- Development of Turbulent Diffusion Transfer Model to Estimate Hydrologic Budget of Upper Klamath Lake Oregon, USA
- Direct measurement of the impact of the reactive uptake of ammonia and alkylamines on the CCN activity of ambient aerosol sampled during SOAS 2013
- Distribution of deformation in a dextral fault-tip damage zone revealed from neotectonic mapping and high-resolution ALSM topography
- E-DECIDER Decision Support Gateway For Earthquake Disaster Response
- Early warning signs of regime shifts in complex systems: limitations and best approaches (Invited)
- Earthquake Simulations and Historical Patterns of Events: Forecasting the Next Great Earthquake in California
- EcoSIS
- Energetics of water interactions with amorphous and nanocrystalline carbonates
- Estimates of methane and ethane emissions from the Texas Barnett Shale
- Evaluation of Water Rights to Reveal Hidden Patterns and Trends in Water Resources Management
- Facilitating Scientific Research through Workflows and Provenance on the DataONE Cyberinfrastructure (Invited)
- First calibration and visible band observations of Khayyam, a Tunable Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy (SHS)
- Flow-Based Ocean Reconstructions from Sparse Observations
- Geomorphic constraints on the geologic history of Gale Crater (Invited)
- Geophysical Measurements for Real-time Monitoring of Biogeochemical Processes for Improvement of Soil Engineering Properties and Subsurface Environmental Conditions (Invited)
- Hidden lignin in soils: What's left behind is probably more important than what's measured
- Highly Size- and Time- Resolved Aerosol Source Allocation at Urban and Rural Sites During NASA - DISCOVER-AQ Winter Study 2013 in the San Joaquin Valley, CA
- Household Anthropogenic Pollutants Against Soil Respiration Erin Murphy EnvironMentors - AggieMentor -Trent Ichiuji University of California Davis / Woodland High School
- Hydrothermal Alteration in Submarine Basaltic Rocks from the Reykjanes Geothermal Field, Iceland. (Invited)
- Impact of hurricane Isaac on recovery of saltmarshes affected by the BP oil spill in Barataria Bay in the Gulf of Mexico
- In-Situ Measurements of Aerosol Optical and Hygroscopic Properties at the Look Rock Site during SOAS 2013
- In-stream Escherichia coli Modeling
- Incorporating Climate Change in Flow Regime Alteration Studies in Hydropower Licensing
- Influence Of Aerosol Water In The Organic Phase On The Mass, Properties And Source Apportionment Of Secondary Organic Aerosol In A Source-Oriented Model
- Inheritance of earthquake hazard from suturing: the Himalayas as an analogue for the structural architecture and seismic potential of the Greater Caucasus
- Insights from a distance - Perspectives on Delta Science and solutions (Invited)
- Integrated marine and terrestrial proxy records from the Chukchi Sea shelf (western Arctic Ocean) during the Holocene
- Intercomparison of Registration Techniques and Interactive 3D Visualization of Differential LiDAR from the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Is it Code Imperfection or 'garbage in Garbage Out'? Outline of Experiences from a Comprehensive Adr Code Verification
- Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Through the Synthesis of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data from the HyspIRI Preparatory Flight Campaign
- Linking global-change induced shifts in soil nitrogen cycling with the abundance of key microorganisms
- Lower tropospheric ozone and aerosol measurements at a coastal mountain site in Central California
- Management of the Spring Snowmelt Recession in Regulated Systems
- Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover initial Mastcam geomorphologic and multispectral characterization of the Gale crater field site
- Mixing by thermal convection in a spherical shell and the persistence of mantle reservoirs
- Modeled hydraulic redistribution by Helianthus annuus L. matches observed data only after model modification to include nighttime transpiration
- Modeling Climate Change Effects on Stream Temperatures in Regulated Rivers
- Modeling cultivar-specific crop growth and CH4 and N2O emissions using the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model: Calibration and validation in California rice systems
- Monitoring of water and nitrate leaching in an almond orchard
- Multi-Model Investigation of Ecological Response to Extreme Events
- Multi-mineral detrital geochronology applied to a glaciated strike-slip fault system: A case study along a ~250 km transect of the Denali Fault, Alaska
- Multi-model GCM ensemble simulations of idealized tropical cyclones
- Near-Field Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Neptune and Triton: A Study in Future Exploration
- Nitrogen Transport in Two Urban Residential Neighborhoods in California and Florida
- Nonhydrostatic adaptive mesh dynamics for multiscale climate models (Invited)
- Numerical modeling of a wall jet in a concave rough bed
- Open Holes in the Sheepbed Unit of Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Optical properties of soot particles: measurement - model comparison
- Paleoceanographic insights on oxygen minimum zone expansion: Lessons from the most recent deglaciation
- Parameterization of Forest Canopies with the PROSAIL Model
- Phosphorus limitation controls rates of biological N2-fixation in boreal peatlands
- Radiation in Yolo County
- Radiative Effects of Saharan Mineral Dust on the Linear Dynamics of African Easterly Waves in the Weather Research and Forecasting Tracer Model
- Raised Ridges in the Sheepbed Member as Evidence for Early Subaqueous Diagenesis at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Real-time emission factor measurements of isocyanic acid from light duty gasoline vehicles
- Reanalysis of a 15-year Archive of IMPROVE Samples
- Reducing surface water total and methyl mercury concentrations and bioavailability using a coagulation-wetland system
- Regional subsidence history and 3D visualization with MATLAB of the Vienna Basin, central Europe
- Relationship between Oxidation Level and Optical Properties of Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Relationships Between Topography and Leaf Area Index in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA
- Relict basin closure during initial suturing accommodates continental convergence with minimal crustal shortening or reduction in convergence rates
- Resolving the early chronology of Mono Craters volcanism with combined <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>230</SUP>Th and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating
- SAFRR Tsunami Scenario. Preparedness and Resilience for California's ecosystems, natural resources, and the communities that depend on them
- Satellite-guided hydro-economic analysis for integrated management and prediction of the impact of droughts on agricultural regions
- Scale Invariance and Self-Similarity of Hydrologic Processes
- Science For Decision-Makers: Climate Change Indicators For The North-Central California Coast And Ocean
- Scientific Workflows + Provenance = Better (Meta-)Data Management
- Sedimentary Petrography and Facies Analysis at the Shaler Outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary architecture of the Shaler outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars: paleoenvironmental and sediment transport implications
- Simulation of semi-explicit mechanisms of SOA formation from glyoxal in a 3D model
- Sleuthing for drivers of particulate organic matter chemical fingerprints: Effects of land use history and soil heterogeneity in the winegrape region of Napa, CA
- Source and composition of size fractionated aerosols collected in the Central Valley
- Stochastic Analysis of Fluctuations in the Dipole Moment
- Subducted, detached, and torn slabs during early orogeny: evidence from deep earthquakes under the Greater Caucasus
- Surface renewal analysis to obtain sensible heat flux in rice, maize and soybean canopies
- The California Multimedia Risk Assessment Protocol for Alternative Fuels
- The Cauchy value of groundwater mean age data in the inverse problem
- The Overshoot Phenomenon in Geodynamics Codes
- The Paleoceanography Frontier: Proxies, New Technologies and Novel Questions
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Improving Resilience for California from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- The importance of atmospheric ammonia in the Rocky Mountain region of the western U.S
- Thermodynamic basis for evolution of apatite in calcified tissues (Invited)
- Tree species classification in the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains based on MASTER and LIDAR imagery
- Trends in Gypsiferous Aerosol Downwind of White Sands, New Mexico
- Using Electromagnetic Techniques to Test Models for Shallow Permeability in the Surprise Valley, CA Geothermal System
- Using Socioeconomic Data to Calibrate Loss Estimates
- Using ecological forecasting of future vegetation transition and fire frequency change in the Sierra Nevada to assess fire management strategies
- Variable Resolution Modeling of California Snowpack within the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Visualization and Hierarchical Analysis of Flow in Discrete Fracture Network Models
- Was the 19th Century end of the Little Ice Age in the Alps forced by industrial black carbon?
- Water use impacts of future transport fuels: role of California's climate policy & National biofuel policies (Invited)
- What is the Right Temperature Sensitivity for Foraminiferal Mg/ca Paleothermometry in Ancient Oceans?
- What measurements tell us about air composition and emissions in three US oil and gas fields
- 2D Numerical Simulations of Outer Rise Faulting in the Tonga Subduction System
- <SUP>4</SUP>He in Bahamas Carbonates: A Link between Dust Export and North African Mega-droughts over the Last Millennium
- A Comparison of Methods for Ocean Reconstruction from Sparse Observations
- A Metagenomic Perspective on Changes to Nutrient-cycling Genes Following Forest-to-agriculture Conversion in the Amazon Basin
- A New Monotonicity-Preserving Numerical Method for Approximating Solutions to the Rayleigh-Benard Equations
- A Percolation Model for Fracking
- A Practical Upscaling of Mixing-Limited Reactive Transport Using the Concept of Lamellae.
- A Regional Hydrologic Classification of Unregulated Rivers: Towards the Development of Natural Flow Regime Characterization and Environmental Flows in California
- A Satellite Based Modeling Framework for Estimating Seasonal Carbon Fluxes Over Agricultural Lands
- A Theory for the Effects of Dust-Radiative Heating on the Linear and Weakly Nonlinear Dynamics of African Easterly Waves
- A Unified Experimental Approach for Estimation of Irrigationwater and Nitrate Leaching in Tree Crops
- A combined monitoring and modeling approach to quantify water and nitrate leaching using effective soil column hydraulic properties
- A performance geodynamo benchmark
- ARkStorm@Tahoe: Science as a foundation for discussing, recognizing and mitigating storm-disaster vulnerabilities in mountain and downstream communities
- Abandoned Channel Fill Sequences in Tidal Estuaries
- Allocating shortage amongst riparian and appropriative water right holders in California's drought
- An Airborne Investigation of Boundary Layer Dynamics, Entrainment, and Ozone Photochemical Production During DISCOVER-AQ in California's Central Valley
- An Innovative Modeling and Measurement Approach to Improve Rice Water Use Efficiency in California
- Arctic-COLORS (Coastal Land Ocean Interactions in the Arctic) - a NASA field campaign scoping study to examine land-ocean interactions in the Arctic
- Assessing Grid Refinement Strategies in the Chombo Adaptive Mesh Refinement Model
- Assessing Pathogen Levels in Dairy Lagoon Wastewater and Potential Evaporation Losses
- Assessing the Use of Dry Wells as a Tool for Stormwater Management and Groundwater Recharge in Urban Areas
- Assessing the Value of Improved Hydrologic Forecasting for Hydropower in the Sierra Nevada at Multiple Spatial Scales
- Assessing the Value of Information for Identifying Optimal Floodplain Management Portfolios
- Assessing the influence of seawater sulfate, pH, and Mg/Ca on the sulfate concentration of foraminiferal calcite.
- Assessment of pathogen levels in stream water column and bed sediment of Merced River Watershed in California
- Assimilation of GMI level-1C radiance and DPR level-2A reflectivity in the Goddard WRF Ensemble Data Assimilation System
- Asymmetric alluvial fans along strike-slip faults: A potential slip-rate record?
- Bayesian Nitrate Source Apportionment to Individual Groundwater Wells in the Central Valley by use of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Boron Isotopic Tracers
- Bedload Transport Processes in Armored, Gravel-bed Channels: Impacts of Hydrograph Form
- Better Redd than Dead: Optimizing Reservoir Operations for Wild Fish Survival During Drought
- Calibration and Groundwater Management Scenario Analysis with the Scott Valley Integrated Hydrologic Model
- Can Stream Rating Curves be Modeled from Large-Scale, Low-Resolution Airborne Laser Scanning Data?
- Characterizing Atmospheric Processing of Aerosols from Forest Fires at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory during BBOP
- Characterizing Past and Future Flood Regimes of California's Cosumnes River: A Hydroinformatic Approach
- Characterizing the danger of in-channel river hazards using LIDAR and a 2D hydrodynamic model
- Climate Change Effects on Treeline Communty Dynamics in Basin and Range Mountains
- Clustering of Leaf and Canopy Spectra: How Do They Correspond to Functional Traits and Types?
- Co- and post-seismic deformation for the 2014 Napa Valley Earthquake from Sentinel-1A interferometry
- Code and Solution Verification of 3D Numerical Modeling of Flow in the Gust Erosion Chamber
- Colloid Transport in Porous Media: A Continuing Survey of Conceptual Model Developmen
- Combined UAVSAR and GPS Estimates of Fault Slip for the M 6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Combining natural and man-made DNA tracers to advance understanding of hydrologic flow pathway evolution
- Comparing Migration Pathways of Biodegradation Products from Petroleum Hydrocarbon Natural Attenuation
- Constraining Carbonaceous Aerosol Climate Forcing by Bridging Laboratory, Field and Modeling Studies
- Constraints on the timing of the Moon-forming giant impact from MORB Xe isotopes
- Cultural and Technological Issues and Solutions for Geodynamics Software Citation
- Curiosity in Situ Observations at Kylie, a Preview of the Kimberley Drill Site Geology
- Direct Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity Field for Density Driven Flow Problem
- Disentangling the Complex Pore-Scale Dispersion Process in Natural Porous Media by Means of DNS
- Downwind Measurements of Wildfires with Varying Burn Conditions: Flaming vs. Smoldering Emissions
- Dynamic Linkages Between the Transition Zone & Surface Plate Motion in 2D Models of Subduction
- E-DECIDER Disaster Response and Decision Support Cyberinfrastructure: Technology and Challenges
- E-DECIDER Rapid Response to the M 6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Ecological Decision Scaling: A Framework For Incorporating Ecological Principles in Water Management Decision Making
- Ecosystem Resiliency Study under Extreme Droughts using Multi-Land Surface Models
- Emergent Patterns of Forest Biomass Production from Across and within a Micro-Network
- Errors When Extracting Oil from Algae
- Estimating pre-fire biomass for the 2013 California Rim Fire using airborne LiDAR and Landsat data
- Estimation of the Role of Natural Climatic Trends and Local Depositional Conditions on Peat Formation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Based on Palynological and Paleomagnetic Data
- Ethane: A Key to Evaluating Natural Gas Industrial Emissions
- Evaluating Trends in Historical PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Element Concentrations by Reanalyzing a 15-Year Sample Archive
- Evaluating the Current and Future Water Supply and Demands in the Apurimac River Basin, in Peru. Sensitivity Analysis of a Hydrologic and Water Planning Model
- Exploration of Photon Fluxes in Illuminated Water Ice
- Exploring the Influence of Student Focus Groups in Their Professional and Personal Development
- Fidelity of CMIP5 simulations in representing the dynamics of the large scale meteorology associated with California hot spells
- Finding a Needle in a Climate Haystack
- Flood Frequency Analysis of Future Climate Projections in the Cache Creek Watershed
- Forecasting in Complex Systems
- From Data to Knowledge — Faster: GOES Early Fire Detection System to Inform Operational Wildfire Response and Management
- From GCM Output to Local Hydrologic and Ecological Impacts: Integrating Climate Change Projections into Conservation Lands
- From the Exoplanetary Bestiary to the Exoplanetary Zoo
- Functional Flows in Modified Riverscapes: Hydrographs, Habitats and Opportunities
- Game Theory and Risk-Based Levee System Design
- Geochemical Characteristics of Overbank Deposits after a Flood Event in a Small, Mountainous River System in the Oregon Coast Range, USA
- Geodynamical studies using integrated gravity studies
- Geologic Framework for Aeolis Palus Bedrock, and Its Relationship to Mt. Sharp, Mars
- Geologic and structural controls on rupture zone fabric: A field-based study of the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake surface rupture
- Glacially driven formation of high-elevation, low-relief landscapes in eastern Tibet
- Global Transformation and Fate of Secondary Organic Aerosols: Implications of Low Volatility SOA and Gas-Phase Fragmentation Reactions
- Gone or Just out of Sight? the Apparent Disappearance of Aromatic Litter Components in Soils
- Groundwater Surface Trends at Van Norden Meadow, California, from Ground Penetrating Radar Profiles
- High Levels of Molecular Chlorine found in the Arctic Atmosphere
- Historical Climate Change Analysis over American River Watershed by Means of 137-Year Long-Term Dynamic Downscaling
- Horizontal Divergence and Vertical Velocity Adjacent to the Pyrenees Measured During the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon & Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- How is Mercury's dynamo powered?
- Identifying a Sea Breeze Circulation Pattern Over the Los Angeles Basin Using Airborne In Situ Carbon Dioxide Measurements
- Improved Data Set for the Frequency of Gaps and Steps in Ground Ruptures
- Improved Remote Sensing Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature in the Thermal Infrared (TIR) Using Visible/Short Wave Infrared (VSWIR) Imaging Spectrometer Estimated Water Vapor
- Inferring Transit Time Distributions from Atmospheric Tracer Data: Assessment of Predictive Capacities of Lumped Parameter Models on a 3D Crystalline Aquifer Model
- Influence of diffusive porosity architecture on kinetically-controlled reactions in mobile-immobile models
- Initial Paleomagnetic Results from a New Drill Core from Clear Lake, California
- Input of Terrestrial Palynomorphs since the Last Deglaciation from Sediments of the Chukchi Sea Shelf, Western Arctic Ocean
- Interpreting the Paleomagnetic Field Using Stochastic Models
- Investigating C<SUB>4</SUB> Grass Contributions to N-alkane Based Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- Investigating Cenozoic Deformation in the Southeast Tarim Basin Using Seismic Reflection: Evidence Against Large Scale Thrusting Along the Northwest Tibetan Margin
- Investigating the Hydrogeologic Controls on Memory and Feedbacks to Climate Change in Mountain Groundwater Systems: An Integrated Modeling Approach
- Investigation on the Reference Evapotranspiration Distribution at Regional Scale By Alternative Methods to Compute the FAO Penman-Monteith Equation
- Is Lake Tahoe Terminal?
- Kinetics of oxygenated product formation during the heterogeneous oxidation of organic aerosol
- Laboratory investigations on hydrate formation and dissociation in sediments - analogies and differences to natural systems
- Late Impacts and the Origins of the Atmospheres on the Terrestrial Planets
- Light Absorption by Soil Dust in Regional Haze over the United States
- Linking Climate Risk, Policy Networks and Adaptation Planning in Public Lands
- Linking Seasonal Foliar Chemistry to VSWIR-TIR Spectroscopy Across California Ecosystems
- Long Term Changes in Thermal Stratification in a Deep Lake: Measurements From the 20th Century and Simulations For the 21st Century
- Making sense of martian sediments at the Kimberley, Gale crater
- Mantle Convection Simulations using the Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Method
- Mapping standing dead trees (snags) in the aftermath of the 2013 Rim Fire using airborne LiDAR data.
- Matching scale to processes in stream DOM biogeochemistry
- Measurements of Point Source Methane Emissions in the Barnett Shale and Eagle Ford Basins
- Mixing Limited Reaction Rates in Radial Groundwater Flow Upscaled by the Lamella Approach at Continuum-Scales.
- Modeling Elemental Composition of Organic Aerosol: Exploiting Laboratory and Ambient Measurement and the Implications of the Gap Between Them
- Modeling the Temporal Evolution of the Magma Chamber at Mount Hood (Oregon, USA)
- New Observations of Coseismic Fault Zone Deformation from Differencing Pre- and Post-Earthquake Lidar Data
- Nitrogen Utilization and Environmental Losses from Organic Farming and Biochar's Potential to Improve N Efficiency.
- Observational Constraints on Modeling Growth and Evaporation Kinetics of Isoprene SOA
- On The Use Of Alternative Surface Atmospheric State VariablesFor Nighttime Flux Corrections
- On the Mechanisms Linking Nitrogen Oxides to Trends in Ammonium Nitrate Aerosol over the Last Decade in the San Joaquin Valley
- Optimal urban water conservation strategies considering embedded energy: coupling end-use and utility water-energy models.
- Oxygen Isotope Analyses From Guaymas Basin Sediment Trap Diatoms
- Ozone from Wildfires: Peering through the Smog
- Parallelization of the Legendre Transform for a Geodynamics Code
- Partial Atmospheric Loss and Partial Mantle Melting during the Giant Impact Stage of Planet Formation
- Particle capture by aquatic vegetation modeled in flume experiments: the effects of particle size, stem density, biofilm, and flow velocity
- Pathogen inactivation in liquid dairy manure during anaerobic and aerobic digestions
- Performance and Prospects of Khayyam, A Tunable Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer (SHS) for High Spectral Resolving Power Observation of Extended Planetary Targets in Optical Wavelengths
- Photochemistry of Solutes in Different Locations in/on Ice. Part I: Visualizing Solute Locations
- Photochemistry of Solutes in Different Locations in/on Ice. Part II: Reaction Rate Measurements
- Photoformation of Triplet Excited States and Other Oxidants in Fog Waters and Their Impact on Fog Processing of Organic Compounds
- Preliminary Optimization for Spring-Run Chinook Salmon Environmental Flows in Lassen Foothill Watersheds
- Probing the internal calcification chemistry of O. universa using B/Ca
- Quantifying Atmospheric Moist Processes from Earth Observations. Really?
- Quantifying the micrometorological controls on fog deposition
- Quantitative topographic analysis as a guide to rover-based research on Mars
- Radiative Effect of Saharan Mineral Dust on the Nonlinear Dynamics of African Easterly Waves
- Radiative Effects of Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols on the Structure of African Easterly Waves
- Rapid Mapping of Surface Rupture from the South Napa Earthquake
- Rapid Scientific Response as an Educational Opportunity Integrating Geoscience and Advanced Visualization
- Re-Envisioning Cross Sectional Hydraulic Geometry as Spatially Explicit Hydraulic Topography
- Reconstructing Ancient Fluvial Environments at the Balmville and Dingo Gap Outcrops, Gale Crater, Mars
- Reconstructing mantle volatile contents through the veil of degassing
- Relative Geomagnetic Paleointensity, Environmental Magnetism, and Cyclicity of Contourites from the West Iberian Margin (IODP Site U1389)
- Response of mesoscale convective system (MCS) and cold pool formation to dust-radiative effects
- Response of the San Francisco Bay to Natural and Anthropogenic Changes over the Last Decades
- Scale Invariance and Self-Similarity of 1-Dimensional Non-equilibrium Suspended Sediment Transport
- Seasonal CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions and plant growth characteristics of several cultivars in direct seeded rice systems
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced from Aqueous Reactions of Phenols in Fog Drops and Deliquesced Particles
- Seismogenic Expression of Three Dimensional Strain within a Single Earthquake Sequence
- Self-Similarity in One-Dimensional Unsteady Open Channel Flow through Irregular Channel Cross-Sections
- Shaping Watersheds Exhibit: An Interactive, Augmented Reality Sandbox for Advancing Earth Science Education
- Simulation of nonpoint source contamination based on adaptive mesh refinement
- Slab Stagnation in the Lower Mantle: A Multidisciplinary Investigation
- Slip rate gradients along parallel strands of the eastern Altyn Tagh fault confirm modeled rupture behavior at a transpressional bend
- Snow modeling within a multi-layer soil-vegetation-atmosphere model
- Soil Carbon Sequestration Following Conservation Tillage of a Vineyard.
- Soil Moisture Flow and Nitrate Movement Simulation through Deep and Heterogeneous Vadose Zone using Dual-porosity Approach
- Soil Phosphorus Stoichiometry Drives Carbon Turnover Along a Soil C Gradient Spanning Mineral and Organic Soils Under Rice Cultivation
- Statistical Estimates of the Long-Term Impact of Land-Use Disturbance on Woody Biomass in the Midwest (USA)
- Studies of the South Napa Earthquake Aftershocks
- Suite of Benchmark Tests to Conduct Mesh-Convergence Analysis of Nonlinear and Non-constant Coefficient Transport Codes
- Tempest - Efficient Computation of Atmospheric Flows Using High-Order Local Discretization Methods
- Tempest: Mesoscale test case suite results and the effect of order-of-accuracy on pressure gradient force errors
- Temporal and spatial evolution of the large scale meteorological patterns (LSMPs) for California Central Valley hot spells
- The Earth-Lunar Disk Connection: Favorable Aspects of a High-Angular Momentum Giant Impact
- The Formation of Widespread Volcanically Filled Crater Floors on Mars: Insights from Modeling and Observations
- The Impact of Iron on Soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production Depends on Oxygen Availability
- The Photochemical Reaction Between Phenol and an Excited Triplet State is Enhanced in/on Ice Compared to in Solution
- The Role of Soil Biological Function in Regulating Agroecosystem Services and Sustainability in the Quesungual Agroforestry System
- The Utility of CDOM for Improving the Resolution of Riverine DOM Fluxes and Biogeochemical Function
- The lamellar structure of reactive mixtures in porous media: Pore scale experimental imaging and upscaling
- The microbial mats of Pavilion Lake microbialites: examining the relationship between photosynthesis and carbonate precipitation
- Time-Dependent Earthquake Forecasts on a Global Scale
- Time-scale bias in evidence for anthropogenic acceleration of soil erosion and floodplain accretion
- Toward the Inference of Deglacial Ocean Dynamics from the Spatial Pattern of LGM-to-Modern d13C and d18O Change
- Transboundary Contributions To Surface Ozone In California's Central Valley
- Triple oxygen and sulfur isotope analyses of sulfate extracted from voluminous volcanic ashes in the Oligocene John Day Formation: insight into dry climate conditions and ozone contribution to supereruptions
- Two Years of Plankton Tows in a Seasonal Upwelling Region: Foraminiferal Abundances and Implications for the Fossil Record
- U.S. Biofuel Policies and Domestic Shifts in Agricultural Land Use and Water Balances
- Understanding the sources and mitigation potential of nitrous oxide in agriculture
- Using a multi-scale approach to identify and quantify oil and gas emissions: a case study for GHG emissions verification
- Vapor Wall Deposition in Chambers: Theoretical Considerations
- Variable-Resolution Ensemble Climatology Modeling of Sierra Nevada Snowpack within the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Variations in hygroscopic growth of sub- and super-micron sea spray aerosols during a phytoplankton bloom
- Verification & Validation Toolkit to Assess Codes: Is it Theory Limitation, Numerical Method Inadequacy, Bug in the Code or a Serious Flaw?
- Virtual California, ETAS, and OpenHazards web services: Responding to earthquakes in the age of Big Data
- Virtual California: Earthquake Statistics, Surface Deformation Patterns, Surface Gravity Changes and InSAR Interferograms for Arbitrary Fault Geometries
- Visual Mapping of Sedimentary Facies Can Yield Accurate And Geomorphically Meaningful Results at Morphological Unit to River Segment Scales
- Volumetric and elastic properties of basalt at high pressure by X-ray microtomography and GHz-ultrasonic interferometry
- Water Quality Monitoring of the Upper St Lawrence River Using Remote Sensor Arrays Placed in a Hydropower Dam Combined with Hydrodynamic Modeling
- time Dependence of Aerosols in Biomass Burn Plumes from Bbop
- 2D Dynamic Models of Subduction: Links between Surface Plate Motion and Deformation in the Transition Zone from Observations of Deep Slab Seismicity
- 3D movies for teaching seafloor bathymetry, plate tectonics, and ocean circulation in large undergraduate classes
- A Comparison of Eddy Covariance and Static Vented Chamber Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Flux in Mid-South US Rice
- A Comparison of Eemian and Holocene Transgressions of the Baltic Sea based on the Sedimentary Record of Lake Ladoga
- A Survey of Methane Emissions from California's Natural Gas Infrastructure
- Alteration of Crystalline and Glassy Basaltic Protolith by Seawater as Recorded by Drill Core and Drill Cutting Samples
- Ambient Observations of Organic Nitrogen Compounds in Submicrometer Aerosols in New York Using High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- An alternative tensiometer design for deep vadose zone monitoring
- An open-source software platform for data management, visualisation, model building and model sharing in water, energy and other resource modelling domains.
- Application and Validation of a Novel Airborne Sampling Methodology That Uses Green's Theorem and Micrometeorological Principles to Estimate Surface Emission Rates
- Application of data on climate extremes for the southwestern United States
- Application of near surface geophysical methods to image water table response in an Alpine Meadow, Northern California.
- Applications of a New Tropical Cyclone Initialization Scheme on Improving TC Track, Intensity and Structure Forecasts
- Assessing climate refugia from a terrestrial vegetation vulnerability assessment for 29 types in California.
- Assessing the Potential Impact of the 2015-2016 El Niño on the California Rim Fire Burn Scar Through Debris Flow Hazard Mapping
- Ba/Ca Ratios in North Pacific Bamboo Corals Record Changes in Intermediate Water Biogeochemistry
- Bayesian Nitrate Source Apportionment to Individual Groundwater Wells in the Central Valley by Use of Elemental and Isotopic Tracers
- Bayesian optimization of modeled CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in Oregon using a dense tower network, aircraft campaigns, and the community land model 4.5
- Bedrock nitrogen inputs support litter nitrogen fixation and temperate forest ecosystem fertility
- BeefTracker: Spatial Tracking and Geodatabase for Beef Herd Sustainability and Lifecycle Analysis
- Black-backed woodpecker habitat suitability mapping using conifer snag basal area estimated from airborne laser scanning
- Brine migration in salt in a thermal gradient
- CAM-SE-CSLAM: Consistent finite-volume transport with spectral-element dynamics
- Characterization of Organic Nitrogen in the Atmosphere Using High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Characterizing Microbial Mat Morphology with Structure from Motion Techniques in Ice-Covered Lake Joyce, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Characterizing the Hygroscopicity of Nascent Sea Spray Aerosol from Synthetic Blooms
- Characterizing the Source Water for Montane Meadows to Assess Resiliency under Changing Hydroclimatic Condition
- Climate Change Challenges of Managing Quality of Drinking Water: Survey Results from Utilities in California
- Climate Change Effects on Snow-Precipitation Ratio over Northern California in the 21st Century
- Climate change and storage response in alpine geologic endmember catchments using integrated modeling and baseflow recession analysis
- Climatic Controls on Soil and Deep Regolith Development in Southern Sierra CZO
- Combining Heat and Mass Flux Methods for Estimating Real-Time Evaporation from a Water Surface
- Comparison between Measured and Calculated Sediment Transport Rates in North Fork Caspar Creek, California
- Condensing the Moon from a MAD Earth
- Cooperative Drought Adaptation: Integrating Infrastructure Development, Conservation, and Water Transfers into Adaptive Policy Pathways
- Deep Carbon Stocks in a California Delta Floodplain: Evidence for Long Term Sequestration Potential of Seasonally Inundated Soils.
- Deformation of the Tonga Slab: Evidence for Interaction with a Small-scale Secondary Plume in the Transition Zone
- Degradation State, Sources, and Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter from an Amino Acid Time Series in an Agricultural Watershed
- Development and Application of a Hygroscopicity Basis Set for the Analysis of the Mixing State of Nascent Sea Spray Aerosols
- Disaster Response Tools for Decision Support and Data Discovery - E-DECIDER and GeoGateway
- Discriminating Canopy Structural Types from Optical Properties using AVIRIS Data in the Sierra National Forest in Central California
- Discriminating plant species across California's diverse ecosystems using airborne VSWIR and TIR imagery
- Down Core Oxygen Isotopic Measurements Of Diatom δ<SUP>18</SUP>O From The Guaymas Basin, Gulf Of California
- Drought effects on evapotransiration and subsurface water storage in the southern Sierra Nevada
- Dynamic changes in an estuary over the past eleven years
- Early and long-term mantle processing rates derived from xenon isotopes
- Earth-System Scales of Biodiversity Variability in Shallow Continental Margin Seafloor Ecosystems
- Economic Effects of Reservoir Re-operation Policy in the Rio Grande/Bravo for Sustainable Human and Environmental Water Management
- Eddy covariance measurements of NH3 fluxes over a natural grass land with an open-path quantum cascade laser-based sensor
- Efficient Computation of Atmospheric Flows with Tempest: Development of Next-Generation Climate and Weather Prediction Algorithms at Non-Hydrostatic Scales
- Elastic properties of silicate melts at high pressure and implications for low velocity anomalies in the crust and mantle
- Encoding and simulation of daily rainfall records via adaptations of the fractal multifractal method
- Environmental Co-Benefit Opportunities of Solar Energy
- Estimates of Methane and Ethane Emissions from the Barnett Shale Using Atmospheric Measurements
- Estimating CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Pre and Post Drought Using Remote Sensing Data in the Sierra Nevada Range
- Estimating forest biomass from LiDAR data: A comparison of the raster-based and point-cloud data approach
- Estimation of Distributed Groundwater Pumping Rates in Yolo County,CA—Intercomparison of Two Modeling Frameworks
- Estimation of Flood Frequencies under Changing Climate Conditions During 21st Century by means of a Numerical Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrologic Modeling Approach
- Exploring Subduction, Slab Breakoff, and Upper-Plate Deformation in the Georgian Greater Caucasus: Shortening Estimates from Area- and Line-Balanced Crustal Scale Cross Sections
- Exploring quantum computing application to satellite data assimilation
- Farmer Decision-Making for Climate Adaptation
- Fate of Methane and Ethanol-Blended Fuels in Soil: Laboratory and Field Experiments
- Field Scale Groundwater Nitrate Loading Model for the Central Valley, California, 1945-Current
- Field-Based High Resolution P-T-t Mapping Shows Recrystallization to BE Highly Localized, Even at HP and Uhp Conditions
- Finite Element Modeling of the Magnetotelluric Phase Tensor Response to Evaluate Sensitivity to Lateral and Vertical Resistivity Contrasts
- Flat Slab Formation and Evolution below Cratonic Lithosphere: Insights from 3D Time-Dependent Modeling
- Flood Bypass Capacity Optimization
- Fullerene Soot in Eastern China Air: Results from Soot Particle-Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Generating Porosity in the Critical Zone: Does Volumetric Strain Dominate Chemical Mass Loss?
- Heating and Cooling in Small Undifferentiated Planetary Interiors
- Helium isotopes reveal a ubiquitous recycled component in the MORB mantle
- High-Resolution Magnetic Properties and Cyclicity of Contourites from IODP Site U1389 (West Iberian Margin)
- High-Resolution Zircon U-Pb CA-TIMS Dating of the Carboniferous—Permian Successions, Paraná Basin, Brazil
- High-resolution regional climate model evaluation using variable-resolution CESM over California
- Historic, Current, and Future Availability of Surface Water for Agricultural Groundwater Banking in the Central Valley, California
- Homo Sapiens as Geological Agents
- How Do Severe Constraints Affect the Search Ability of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms in Water Resources?
- Hydrological WEAP Modeling of the Upper Basin of the Apurimac River Basin, in Peru. An Assessment of Available Water Resources and Supply
- Hydrothermal venting on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the last 600,000 years
- Impact and Recovery of Ecologically and Hydrologically Diverse Wetlands after the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
- Impact of Stronger Production and Loss Rates of Secondary Organic Aerosols on their Global Distribution and Budget
- Impact of hydrograph form on bedload transport processes in armored channels
- Implications for sustainability of a changing agricultural mosaic in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Interacting effects of vegetation and hydrogeomorphic complexity on nitrate in agricultural waterways
- Investigating the Influence of Sea Spray Particle Composition on Water Uptake
- Large Collisions on Icy and Rocky Bodies with Strength
- Large-Scale Experiments in Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP): Reactive Transport Model Development and Application
- Latitudinal Study of the Geochemical and Lipid Biomarkers in Alaskan Arctic Soils
- Light absorption properties of water soluble organic aerosol from Residential Wood Burning in Fresno, CA: Results from 2013 NASA DISCOVER-AQ Campaign
- Local Discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) Method for Advection of Active Compositional Fields with Discontinuous Boundaries: Demonstration and Comparison with Other Methods in the Mantle Convection Code ASPECT
- Maintaining ecosystem services through continued livestock production on California rangelands
- Manganese Influences Carbonate Precipitation in a Laminated Microbial Mat
- Mapping Erosion Risk in California's Rangelands Using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)
- Mapping Global and Regional Correlations Between MORB Helium Isotopes and Seismic Wave Speeds
- Mapping Terpenes over the Teakettle Experimental Forest
- Matching Livestock Production Systems and Environment
- Memories of Earth Formation in the Modern Mantle: W Isotopic Composition of Flood Basalt Lavas
- Mercury Concentrations in Fish and Sediment within Streams are Influenced by Watershed and Landscape Variables including Historical Gold Mining in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Mercury and Other Chemical Constituents in Pacific Marine Fog Water: Results from Two Summers of Sampling in FogNet
- Microbial Indicators, Pathogens, and Antibiotic Resistance in Groundwater Impacted by Animal Farming: Field Scale to Basin Scale
- Midlatitude Rossby wave forcing of equatorial Kelvin waves
- Modeling Large Water Infiltration Events in Small Plots Using the 1-D Finite Water-content Method and Numerical Solutions to the Richards' Equation.
- Modeling Water Resource Systems Accounting for Water-Related Energy Use, GHG Emissions and Water-Dependent Energy Generation in California
- Modeling the Spread and Control of the Asian Tiger Mosquito in Los Angeles
- Monitoring of Three Case Studies of Creeping Landslides in Ecuador using L-band SAR Interferometry (InSAR)
- Monitoring the Impacts of Severe Drought on Plant Species in Southern California Chaparral
- Multiyear Multiseasonal Changes in Leaf and Canopy Traits Measured by AVIRIS over Ecosystems with Different Functional Type Characteristics Through the Progressive California Drought 2013-2015
- Mutli-temporal Imaging Spectroscopy Analysis for the Identification of Coniferous Forest Mortality Related to Drought Stress in the Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Neogene exhumation in the eastern Alaska Range and its relationship to splay fault activity in the Denali fault system
- Not all breaks are equal: Variable hydrologic and geomorphic responses to multiple intentional levee breaches along the lower Cosumnes River, California
- Numerical Atmospheric-Hydrologic Modeling-Based Flood Frequency Analysis from Future Climate Projections at Cache Creek Watershed, California.
- Numerical Model Assessment of the Effects of Drywell Facilitated Stormwater Infiltration on Groundwater Quality
- Numerical Models of Subduction Beneath Non-Uniform Overriding Plates. Implications for Subduction Velocity and Seismic Anisotropy
- Numerical experiments with the Lamellae Upscaling Concept with Approximate Handling of Coalescence of the Reaction Front
- On The Suitability of Air Temperature as a Predictive Tool for Lake Surface Temperature in a Changing Climate: A Case Study for Lake Tahoe, USA
- Optical Properties and Mixing State of Aerosols from Residential Wood Burning and Vehicle Emissions in Central and Southern California
- Optical Properties of Submicron and Coarse Mode Ambient Particulate Matter in Northern California
- Optimal Estimation of Phenological Crop Model Parameters for Rice (Oryza sativa)
- Optimal Hedging Rule for Reservoir Refill Operation
- Optimization of Parallel Legendre Transform using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) for a Geodynamo Code
- Optimization of urban water supply portfolios combining infrastructure capacity expansion and water use decisions
- Organic Composition and Morphology of Sea Spray Aerosols as a Function of Biological Life during IMPACTS
- Ozone and Volatile Organic Compound Distributions in Rocky Mountain National Park During FRAPPÉ: Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Urban Emissions on Park Air Quality
- Partitioning the relative contribution of dew and fog to total occult precipitation across a decreasing fog inundation gradient in the Pajaro Valley, CA
- Patterns of Seismicity Characterizing the Earthquake Cycle
- Percolation Theory and Modern Hydraulic Fracturing
- Petascale Diagnostic Assessment of the Global Portfolio Rainfall Space Missions' Ability to Support Flood Forecasting
- Photochemistry of solutes in/on ice: reaction rate dependence on sample orientation and photon flux
- Plant physiological models of heat, water and photoinhibition stress for climate change modelling and agricultural prediction
- Plate interface strength and the flexural rigidity of subducting oceanic plates
- Post-Earthquake Geology in the ERA of Ubiquitous Point Clouds
- Predicted Impacts of Conjunctive Water Management Scenarios on Late Summer Streamflow in an Agricultural Groundwater Basin with Limited Storage, Scott Valley, CA.
- Predicting Streamflow from Fractal Geometric Encodings of Yearly and Decadal Records
- Producing Scientific and Strategic Guidance for California's Department of Water Resources: The Climate Change Technical Advisory Group
- Projecting 21st Century Snowpack Trends in the Western United States using Variable-Resolution CESM
- Providing farmers, ranchers, and foresters in California with actionable climate information: opportunities and obstacles for California's USDA Regional Climate Sub Hub
- Quantifying Floods of a Flood Regime in Space and Time
- Quantifying the effect of fire disturbance on free-living nitrogen fixation in tropical ecosystems
- Rapid documentation of earthquake surface displacements using structure from motion photogrammetry
- Reactive mixing in heterogeneous porous media flows: concentration gradient distribution, spatial intermittency and temporal scaling of effective reaction kinetics
- Reconnaissance <SUP>14</SUP>C Dating and the Evaluation of Mg/Li as a Temperature Proxy in Bamboo Corals from the California Margin
- Reconstructing 40ky of N cycling from stable isotopes of plant compounds in a Siberian permafrost soil
- Redistribution of Argon by Lower Mantle Phases During Magma Ocean Crystallization
- Reducing regional vulnerabilities and multi-city robustness conflicts using many-objective optimization under deep uncertainty
- Remote visualization and scale analysis of large turbulence datatsets
- Revealing the diversity of hydro-geomorphic settings in a Dry Summer Subtropical region with DEM-based modeling
- Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter Degradation Modeled Through Microbial Incubations of Vascular Plant Leachates
- Robustness Analysis of Regional Water Supply Portfolios using Synthetic Inflow Scenarios with Variable Drought Frequency
- Ryukyu Subduction Zone: 3D Geodynamic Simulations of the Effects of Slab Shape and Depth on Lattice-Preferred Orientation (LPO) and Seismic Anisotropy
- Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
- Scale Invariance and Self-Similarity of 1-Dimensional Non-equilibrium Bedload Sediment Transport
- Scientific Insights for Managing Droughts in California
- SeaVOICE: Sea-going Experiments to Test Potential Linkages among Sea Level Change, Ocean Ridge Volcanism, and Hydrothermal Activity.
- Seasonal variation and processing of vascular plant organic matter in tropical montane catchments as reflected by riverine DOC compositions
- Seasonally dependent iron limitation of nitrogen fixation in tropical forests of karst landscapes
- Secular Variation in the Storage and Dissipation of Elastic Strain Energy Along the Central Altyn Tagh Fault (86-88.5°E), NW China
- Self-Similarity in Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamics
- Simulating CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from direct-seeded rice systems using the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model
- Simulation of Surface Energy Fluxes and Snow Interception Using a Higher Order Closure Multi-Layer Soil-Vegetation-Atmospheric Model: The Effect of Canopy Shape and Structure
- Software Attribution for Geoscience Applications in the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
- Soil Pore Characteristics, an Underappreciated Regulatory Factor in GHGs Emission and C Stabilization
- Solfataric Alteration at Hawaii as a Potential Analog for Martian Surface Processes
- Source Apportionment of Volatile Organic Compounds and PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Using Positive Matrix Factorization in Two National Parks Impacted by Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Operations
- Southern Ocean Blocking: A comparison of reanalyses
- Spatial Patterns between Regolith Thickness and Forest Productivity in the Southern Sierra CZO
- Spatial Verification of Earthquake Simulators Using Self-Consistent Metrics for Off-Fault Seismicity
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Nitrate Concentration below the Root Zone in an Almond Orchard and its Implications for Potential Groundwater Contamination
- Statistical Properties of Induced and Triggered Earthquakes at The Geysers, California
- Suggestions for Forest Conservation Policy under Climate Change
- Surface Temperatures of Exoplanets
- Synoptic-Dynamics of Extreme Cold Air Outbreaks Over the California Central Valley
- TOPDOWN 2015: A Multi-aircraft Assessment of Methane Emissions in the Four Corners Region
- Tempest: Tools for Addressing the Needs of Next-Generation Climate Models
- Terrestrial carbon storage dynamics: Chasing a moving target
- The Contribution of Trans-Pacific Submicron Aerosols and Local Particle Nucleation Bursts to California's Air Quality as Seen from the Pacific Coast Mountain Range
- The Influence of Geologic Nitrogen on Douglas Fir Foliar Mass and Elemental Composition
- The Integration of Ecological processes into a Multi-layer Higher order closure Land Surface Model
- The Modern Era of Research in Biosphere Atmosphere Interactions
- The Nature of Temporally Variable Methane Emissions at Oil and Natural Gas Operations in the Eagle Ford Basin
- The Organic Matter Biogeochemistry of the Congo River
- The Potential Vorticity Budget of Multi-Scale MJO Models
- The Record of Geomagnetic Excursions from a ~150 m Sediment Core: Clear Lake, Northern California
- The Thermal States of Accreting Planets: From Mars-like Embryos to a MAD Earth
- The Virtual Quake Earthquake Simulator: Earthquake Probability Statistics for the El Mayor-Cucapah Region and Evidence of Predictability in Simulated Earthquake Sequences
- The crystal's view of upper-crustal magma reservoirs
- Three-dimensional simulation of the motion of a single particle under a simulated turbulent velocity field
- Tracking Sediment Movement with Pittag Surveys during Storm Events in the North Fork of Caspar Creek, California
- Trends in California's Water Footprint, 1992-2012
- Triggered Swarms and Induced Aftershock Sequences in Geothermal Systems
- Tropical Cyclone Evolution and Water and Energy Fluxes: A Hurricane Katrina Case Study
- Tuning the Mg/Ca Paleothermometer for High-Latitude Species and Insights into Intraspecific and Intrashell Variability
- Tying California's Water System Together
- Understanding Particulate Matter Dynamics in the San Joaquin Valley during DISCOVER-AQ, 2013
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors
- Upscaling Mixed-Limited Reactions for Equilibrium and Fast Complete Kinetic Reactions in Radial and 1-D Flow.
- Use of UAS Remote Sensing Data (AggieAir) to Estimate Crop ET at High Spatial Resolution
- Using Coupled Subsurface-Atmospheric Simulations to Investigate the Impact of Irrigation on Atmospheric Response in the San Joaquin River Basin, California
- Using a multi-scale approach to identify and quantify oil and gas emissions: a case study for GHG emissions verification
- Using high-resolution topography and hyperspectral data to classify tree species at the San Joaquin Experimental Range
- Using the Chombo Adaptive Mesh Refinement Model in Shallow Water Mode to Simulate Interactions of Tropical Cyclone-like Vortices
- VAVUQ, Python and Matlab freeware for Verification and Validation, Uncertainty Quantification
- Variable Trends in High Peak Flow Generation Across the Swedish Sub-Arctic
- Virtual Quake and Tsunami Squares: Scenario Earthquake and Tsunami Simulations for a Pacific Rim GNSS Tsunami Early Warning System
- Visualization as a Tool for Validation and Exploration
- What gravel size may tell us about the rivers draining from the north wall of Gale Crater
- Wintertime aerosol chemical composition, volatility, and spatial variability in the greater London area
- Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty: Providing resources and support for new faculty to succeed
- Xenon isotopic constraints on the timing of atmospheric volatile recycling
- the Role of Species, Structure, and Biochemical Traits in the Spatial Distribution of a Woodland Community
- A Comparison of Sedimentary Environments in an Alpine Meadow and the Influence on Groundwater Availability, Applying Near Surface Geophysical Methods.
- A Kinematic Model for Vertical Axis Rotation within the Mina Deflection of the Walker Lane
- A Reservoir Model for the Evolution of Deep Carbon in the Earth
- A Study of the Climate Change during 21st Century over Peninsular Malaysia Watersheds
- A Transformational Journey: Compositional Changes in Organic Matter during Desorption from Sediments
- A Volume-of-Fluid Interface Tracking Method for Modelling the Advection of Compositional Fields with Sharp Boundaries in the Mantle Convection Code ASPECT
- A deterministic approach to simulate and downscale hydrological records
- A hybrid machine learning model to estimate nitrate contamination of production zone groundwater in the Central Valley, California
- A new look at the Effect of NO<SUB>x</SUB> on Biogenic SOA Yields
- A paleoseismic investigation of a frontal foreland thrust in the Greater Caucasus
- A volatile-rich Earth's core inferred from melting temperature of core materials
- Accretion of the Moon after a High-Energy, High-Angular Momentum Giant Impact
- Activity of the Mill Creek and Mission Creek fault strands of the San Andreas fault through the San Gorgonio Pass
- Advances in Estimating Methane Emissions from Enteric Fermentation
- Airborne Measurements of Ozone and Other Trace Gases Captured by the Alpha Jet Atmospheric eXperiment (AJAX) during the 2016 California Baseline Ozone Transport Study (CABOTS)
- Airborne Quantification of Methane Emissions over the Four Corners Region
- Alternative Turbulence-Based Surface Similarity Scaling with a variable von Karman coefficient
- An Evaluation of Atmospheric Blocking Statistics in Future CLIVAR Experiments Using CESM
- An open source hydroeconomic model for California's water supply system: PyVIN
- An open source web interface for linking models to infrastructure system databases
- Analysis and classification of topographic flow steering and inferred geomorphic processes as a function of discharge in a mountain river
- Application of Local Sensitivity Analysis for Grouped Model Parameters of Coupled Hydrologic Models
- Application of a Lagrangian Particle Tracking and Reaction method to simulate the field-scale bioremediation experiment at the Schoolcraft site, Michigan
- Are Sierran Lakes Warming as a Result of Climate Change? The Effects of Climate Warming and Variation in Precipitation on Water Temperature in a Snowmelt-Dominated Lake
- Assessing the Impact of Organic Carbon on Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in Soils
- Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on the Surface Hydrology of a Watershed in Western Turkey using a Physically Based Hydrologic Model
- Assessing the groundwater salinization in closed hydrologic basins due to overdraft
- Assessment of Climate Change and Vector-borne Diseases in the United States
- Assessment of Drywells as Effective Tools for Stormwater Management and Aquifer Recharge: Results of a Two-Year Field and Numerical Modeling Study
- Assimilating MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Observations to Assess the Impact of Saharan Mineral Dust on the Genesis and Evolution of Hurricane Ernesto (2006)
- Atmospheric Rivers in VR-CESM: Historical Comparison and Future Projections
- Attributing Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Anthropogenic and Natural Sources Using AVIRIS-NG
- Benchmark Results Of Active Tracer Particles In The Open Souce Code ASPECT For Modelling Convection In The Earth's Mantle
- Benthic δ<SUP>13</SUP>C stacks: Metrics for deglacial changes in deep ocean carbon storage and the terrestrial biosphere
- Bottom-up perspectives of extreme event and climate change threats to water quality: Drinking water utilities in California
- Carbon Flux Throughout Arctic Tundra Soils and Snowpack
- Changes in Ocean Circulation with an Ice-Free Arctic: Reconstructing Early Holocene Arctic Ocean Circulation Using Geochemical Signals from Individual Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) Shells
- Characterizing precipitation changes during twenty-first century over western United States using variable-resolution CESM
- ChemCam observations of Fluorine in Murray and Stimson units, Gale crater, Mars
- Chemical and Physical Properties of Aerosols in Regional Background Air masses and Free Troposphere in the Western U.S.
- Chemical and physical characteristics of long-range transport submicron particles at the central Tibet Plateau
- Climate Modeling and Analysis with Decision Makers in Mind
- Climate model applications at the scale of NWP
- Comparing Multiple Evapotranspiration-calculating Methods, Including Eddy Covariance and Surface Renewal, Using Empirical Measurements from Alfalfa Fields in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
- Comparison of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation between Gas-phase and Aqueous-phase Reactions: A Case Study on Guaiacol
- Comparison of Sensor Resolution Trade-offs Between Landsat 8 and a Sentinel-2 Proxy for Mapping Wetland Vegetation Phenology
- Component Analysis of Errors on PERSIANN Precipitation Estimates over Urmia Lake Basin, IRAN
- Comprehensive evolutionary algorithm (CEA) development for single and multi-objective optimization
- Connecting above and below: the impacts of large wildlife loss and pastoralism on savanna carbon dynamics
- Contrasting Ambient Brown Carbon from Primary Emissions and Secondary Production
- Coupling Virtual Quake and Tsunami Squares: Rapid Tsunami Scenario Calculation for GNSS Tsunami Early Warning
- Coupling long and short term decisions in the design of urban water supply infrastructure for added reliability and flexibility
- Creating a Bio-Inspired Solution to Prevent Erosion
- Dating the Transition from Reverse to Sinistral Slip on the Haiyuan Fault, NE Tibetan Plateau, Using Magnetostratigraphy from the Ganyanchi Pull-apart Basin
- Defining a "Zone of Impact": Transport Processes and Patterns for Small-Scale Land Runoff.
- Differentiating Metamorphic Events in a Polymetamorphic Terrane using Zr-in-Ttn thermometry and Titanite U-Pb Geochronology
- Differing response of soil microbial biomass phosphorus and phosphatase activities to lithology and climate in the Sierra Nevada of California
- Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) Method for solving time dependent convection-diffusion type temperature equation : Demonstration and Comparison with Other Methods in the Mantle Convection Code ASPECT
- Distributions of single-clast cosmogenic inheritance: Implications for dating and quantifying surface processes
- Diurnal and Seasonal Responses of High Frequency Chlorophyll Fluorescence and PRI Measurements to Abiotic Stress in Almonds
- Drought Water Right Curtailment
- Ecological effects of extreme drought on Californian herbaceous plant communities
- Economic and Policy Drivers of Agricultural Water Desalination in California's Central Valley
- Ecosystem Dynamics of the Microbial Mats in Lake Fryxell, Antarctica
- Effects of Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols on the Structure and Energetics of the African Easterly Jet-African Easterly Wave System
- Energy Dissipation in Earthquake Soil Structure Interaction: The September 3rd, 2016 M5.8 Pawnee Oklahoma Earthquake
- Engagement Between Decision Makers and the Research Community in Califonria'a Climate Assessments
- Enhancing participatory approach in water resources management: development of a survey to evaluate stakeholders needs and priorities related to software capabilities
- Establishing the Impact of Model Surfactants on Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activation of Sea Spray Aerosols
- Estimating Hyrdologic Properties of Groundwater Wells Using Tracer Pulse Dynamic Flow Profiling
- Estimating Unsaturated Zone N Fluxes and Travel Times to Groundwater at Watershed Scales
- Evaluation of Daily Evapotranspiration Over Orchards Using METRIC Approach and Landsat Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of the Black Carbon Measurements in the Arctic
- Evaluation of water security in Jordan using a multi-agent, hydroeconomic model: Initial model results from the Jordan Water Project
- Experimental Findings from Aircraft Measurements in the Residual Layer
- Experiments on the Effects of Confining Pressure During Reaction-Driven Cracking
- Exploring the geological expression of the transition from subduction to continental collision in the Georgian Greater Caucasus
- Farmers' climate information needs for long-term adaptive decisions: A case study of almonds in CA
- Fate of Nitrogen on California Dairies as Measured by Regulatory Reporting
- Field-scale and Regional Variability in Evapotranspiration over Crops in California using Eddy Covariance and Surface Renewal
- First year results from an experimental study of the ecohydrologic benefits of beaver and beaver dam analogue restoration techniques in Childs Meadow, CA
- Flood Seasonality in a Changing Climate - A Comparison Between Northern Europe and Northeastern North America
- Flowpath of Snowmelt Water in an Ice-Covered Arctic Lake
- Flux observations of isoprene oxidation products above a South East US forest point to chemical conversions on leaf canopy surface
- Fostering successful scientific software communities
- Fracture size and transmissivity correlations: Implications for transport simulations in sparse three-dimensional discrete fracture networks following a truncated power law distribution of fracture size
- From microbes to water districts: Linking observations across scales to uncover the implications of riparian and channel management on water quality in an irrigated agricultural landscape
- Future Climate Change Impact Assessment of River Flows at Two Watersheds of Peninsular Malaysia
- Future Climate Change Impacts on Watershed-scale Precipitation in Northern California
- Future changes of large scale meteorological patterns (LSMPs) linked to California heat waves
- Geospatial Analysis for Flood-Risk Management, Resilience, and US Policy
- Global nitrogen cycling: How widespread are rock nitrogen sources in the terrestrial biosphere?
- Heterogeneous Oxidation of Laboratory-generated Mixed Composition and Biomass Burning Particles
- Highly time-resolved measurements of refractory black carbon and associated coatings over the Tibetan Plateau (4730m a.s.l) in China
- How Bedrock Nitrogen Influences Carbon Storage
- How to Recharge a Confined Alluvial Aquifer System
- Hydrogeologic Heterogeneity Enhances the Transfer of Salt Toward the High-Quality Deep Aquifers of the Western San Joaquin Valley (CA, USA)
- Identification of Phase Relationships and Incorporation Mechanisms of Barium in Calcite Internodes of Deep-Sea Bamboo Corals
- Implementation of dynamic sub-grid scale (SGS) model for dynamo simulations in a rotating spherical shell
- Implementing Flexible and Scalable Particle-in-Cell Methods for Massively Parallel Computations
- Implications of a reservoir model for the evolution of deep carbon
- Implicit-Explicit Time Integration Methods for Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Models
- Improved Rock Magnetic Characterization From Trajectories of Unsaturated Magnetic Hysteresis Parameters
- Improving Estimates of Entrainment Mixing, Subsidence, and Photochemical Ozone Production using Aircraft and Ozone lidar during the California Baseline Ozone Transport Study (CABOTS)
- Incorporating recent advances in isoprene photooxidation into GEOS-Chem: Effects on oxidant, NO<SUB>x</SUB>, and VOC budgets
- Influence of Climate and Lithology on Soil Phosphorus
- Influence of persistent exchangeable oxygen on biogenic silica δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in deep sea cores
- Inland Water Temperature Trends
- Investigation into Improving Predictions of Channel Morphology: Scale Invariance Conditions of the One-Dimension Non-Equilibrium Bedload Transport Process
- Investigation of the heat source(s) of the Surprise Valley Geothermal System, Northern California
- Investing carbon offsets in woody forests - the best solution for California?
- Iron Isotope Fractionation in the Bushveld Igneous Complex Provide Insight into Fractional Crystallization
- Is Soil Development Controlling Ecohydrologic Response to Climate Change in the Southern Cascade and Sierra Nevada Watersheds, CA, USA?
- Isoscapes of the Sierra Nevada, California: Inferences from Landscape Patterns of Carbon, Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Lakes and Their Watersheds
- Isotopic Expression of Soil Denitrification across Gradients in Nitrogen and Carbon Availability
- Lagrangian algorithms for bedload transport in streams: An analysis of relative force importance, inter-particle collisions and other features
- Large Earthquakes Disrupt Groundwater System by Breaching Aquitards
- Lessons from COASST: How Does Citizen Science Contribute to Natural Resource Management & Decision-Making?
- Linking Plant Water-Use Efficiency and Depth of Water Uptake to Field-Level Productivity Under Surplus and Deficit Irrigation in Almond Orchards
- Living Liquid: Creating new Genres of Museum Exhibits with Scientific Visualizations
- Long-term climate and competition explain regional forest mortality patterns under extreme drought
- MAIA pathfinder: Imaging Polarimetric Assessment and Characterization of Tropospheric Particulate Matter (ImPACT-PM) field campaign
- Magnetic Properties of Synthetic Gusev Crater Basalts: Implications for Remanence Acquisition and Impact Demagnetization of the Martian Crust
- Mapping Aquifer Systems with Airborne Electromagnetics in the Central Valley of California
- Mapping Changes in the Distribution of Aquatic Plant Species in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from Airborne AVIRIS-ng Data
- Mapping past, present, and future climatic suitability for invasive Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in the United States: a process-based modeling approach using CMIP5 downscaled climate scenarios
- Marine Air Penetration: The Effect of Synoptic-scale Change on Regional Climate
- Marine sedimentary coring and high-quality, multi-proxy records in the high-latitude North Pacific: a synthesis of paleoceanographic cruise and research effort
- Measuring Sea Level Rise-Induced Shoreline Changes and Inundation in Real Time
- Metastability of Subducted Slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone: A Collaborative Geodynamic, Petrologic, and Seismological Approach
- Mining residential water and electricity demand data in Southern California to inform demand management strategies
- Modeling Sediment Bypassing around Rocky Headlands
- Modeling pesticide loadings from the San Joaquin watershed into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using SWAT
- Monitoring Forage Production of California Rangeland Using Remote Sensing Observations
- Multi-Land Surface Models Sensitivity Study on Ecosystem Responses to Enhanced and Extended Drought Conditions
- Navigating translational ecology: Creating opportunities and overcoming obstacles for scientist participation
- New Holocene Slip-rate Sites Along the Mojave San Andreas Fault Near Palmdale, CA
- New Numerical Approaches To thermal Convection In A Compositionally Stratified Fluid
- New developments in calorimetry and thermal analysis above 2000 °C
- Nocturnal winds over steep terrain: Turbulence structure and modeling challenges
- Non-Gaussian Multi-resolution Modeling of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes
- Novel, Efficient Techniques for the Integration of Einstein's Integrals
- Nowcasting Earthquakes
- Nowcasting Induced Seismicity
- Nowcasting: A New Approach to the Statistics of Aftershocks
- Nutrient inputs via rock weathering point to enhanced CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake capacity of the terrestrial biosphere
- On the Physical Meaning of Bedload Transport Rating Curve Parameters
- Optimum Orientation of the Atmospheric River (AR) for Extreme Storms in Feather, Yuba, and American River Watersheds in the Pacific Coast of the US
- Ozone Laminae and Their Entrainment Into a Valley Boundary Layer, as Observed From a Mountaintop Monitoring Station, Ozonesondes, and Aircraft Over California's San Joaquin Valley
- Paleoceanographic Synthesis of Abrupt Sea Ice and Temperature Changes in the Subarctic Pacific and Marginal Seas through the Past 20,000 Years
- Photochemistry of impurities in nature-identical snow crystals
- Plagioclase, Amphibole, and Magnetite in the 1991 Pinatubo Reservoir: Timescales of Crystallization and Storage
- Policy Tree Optimization for Adaptive Management of Water Resources Systems
- Potential decoupling between the regional monsoon intensity and local moisture conditions during the last millennium in central Brazil
- Preservation of Primordial Mantle in the Aftermath of a Giant Impact
- Probing the lower mantle composition and thermal structure: Insights from D``
- Projected Future Snow Conditions over Shasta Dam Watershed by means of dynamical downscaling
- Quantifying Changes in Spatio-temporal Floodplain Inundation Patterns due to Restoration along the Lower Cosumnes River, California
- Quantifying Flocculation Settling Dynamics of Natural Fine-grained Suspended Sediments: "Floccin' Across the USA!"
- Quantifying Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Solvents and their Impacts on Urban Air Quality
- Raman and X-Ray Investigation of High-Temperature Methane in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Real time measurements of submicrometer aerosols in Seoul, Korea: Sources, characteristics, and processing of organic aerosols during winter time.
- Recent advances in measurement-based insights of secondary organic aerosols and their impact on global climate sensitivity
- Recharging California's Groundwater: Crop Suitability and Surface Water Availability for Agricultural Groundwater Banking
- Reconstruction and Trend Analysis of Precipitation Over Shasta Dam Watershed based on 20th Century Reanalysis Dataset
- Regional Scale Simulations of Nitrate Leaching through Agricultural Soils of California
- Relict basin closure accommodates continental convergence with minimal crustal shortening or deceleration of plate motion as inferred from detrital zircon provenance in the Caucasus
- Review of Paleomagnetic Age Constraints of Mid-Continent Rift Strata, Upper Midwestern United States
- Saharan Mineral Dust and the Dynamics of African Easterly Waves: Sensitivity to Spatial Variations in the Zonally Averaged Background State
- Searching for the Source of Salt Marsh Buried Mercury.
- Sediment Source Analysis at Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park, California
- Seismic anisotropy in subduction zones: numerical modeling and infinite strain axis calculations
- Self-Similarity in Three-Dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
- Sensitivity Analysis and Calibration of a Non-linear Integrated Hydrologic Model in an Agricultural Groundwater Basin with a Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem
- Shock Temperatures of Major Silicates in Rocky Planets
- Shock and Release Data on Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO4) Single Crystals
- Silicon Photomultiplier Performance in High ELectric Field
- Simulating Mass Removal of Groundwater Contaminant Plumes with Complex and Simple Models
- Simulating partially illegal markets of private tanker water providers on the country level: A multi-agent, hydroeconomic case-study of Jordan
- Soil Nitrification and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production: the connection with N concentration and Soil Water Content
- Source apportionment of particulate organic matter using infrared spectra at multiple IMPROVE sites
- Source of Volatiles in Earth's Deep Mantle from Neon Isotope Systematics in the South Atlantic
- Spatially-resolved aircraft-based quantification of methane emissions from the Fayetteville Shale Gas Play
- Stakeholder Theory and Rangeland Management: The Importance of Ranch Income Dependence
- Stochastic modeling of Cryptosporidium parvum to predict transport, retention, and downstream exposure
- Stromatolites Record Changing Primary Productivity in Perennially Ice-Covered Lake Joyce, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Subcritical Destabilization of African Easterly Waves by Saharan Mineral Dust
- SubductionGenerator: A program to build three-dimensional plate configurations
- Subsoil carbon storage in the lower Cosumnes River floodplain, California
- Sustained Climate Assessments in California: Linkages with Local and National Efforts
- Sustaining Open Source Communities through Hackathons - An Example from the ASPECT Community
- Symbiotic N fixation is not down-regulated in mature versus secondary tropical forests in Bahia, Brazil.
- Synoptic-dynamics of California Cold Air Outbreaks
- Targeting water and energy conservation using big data
- TempestExtremes: Automated Detection and Characterization of Extreme Weather
- Terrain, Turbulence, and Tight Turns: Airborne Measurement of the Aliso Canyon Methane Leak
- Test of synthetic DNA tracers in a periodic hydrodynamic system for time-variable transit time distribution assessment
- The AR Sandbox: Augmented Reality in Geoscience Education
- The Antarctic analogy for ancient lakes at Gale Crater, Mars
- The Compositions And Sources Of Fluids Through Time In A 1.8 Gya UHP Subduction Complex
- The Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics as a Community of Practice
- The Dinner Menu: Spatial Distribution of Organic Carbon Composition Across the San Francisco Bay-Delta
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Moist Baroclinic Wave Test Case
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Supercell Test Case
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Tropical Cyclone Test Case
- The Economic Cost of Hydrologic Non-stationarity for Infrastructure Planning and Design
- The Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture: New Damage Functions from a Meta-Analsis and the GGCMI
- The Effect of Land-use Change and Management on Free-living N<SUB>2</SUB> fixation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
- The Effect of the Vertical Canopy Structure on Snow Processes in Low and High Snow Scenarios in the Western California and Southern Wyoming: Simulations of Vertical Resolved Energy Fluxes & Snow Interception Using a Higher Order Closure Multi-Layer Soil-Vegetation-Atmospheric Model
- The Effects of Climate Change on the Hydrology and Water Resources of the Bhumibol DAM, Upper Ping River Basin, Thailand
- The Hurst Exponent of Turbulent Flow: Evidence from Laboratory Experiments
- The Quantum Yield of Nitrite from Nitrate Photolysis at the Air-Ice Interface
- The Slow Moving Threat of Groundwater Salinization: Mechanisms, Costs, and Adaptation Strategies
- The Spatial and Seasonal Variability in Fine Mineral Dust and Coarse Mass Concentrations at Remote Sites across the United States
- The anthropogenic influence on heat and humidity in the US Midwest
- The role of academic institutions in leveraging engagement and action on climate change
- Tracking the Surface Circulation in Coastal Upwelling off Central and Northern California over Long Times and Large Areas.
- Two-dimensional sediment transport modeling under extreme flow events at Lower Cache Creek
- Understanding California Mountain Wintertime Hydroclimate Trends using an Ensemble of High-Resolution Variable-Resolution CESM Simulations
- Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Improving Farm Scale Agricultural Water Management in Agriculture at a Farm Scale. A case study for field crops in the California's Central Valley
- Using Economic Experiments to Test the Effect of Reliability Pricing and Self-Sizing on the Private Provision of a Public Good Results: The Case of Constructing Water Conveyance Infrastructure to Mitigate Water Quantity and Quality Concerns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Using Imaging Spectroscopy to Map Changing Distributions of Dominant Species in Oil-Contaminated Salt Marshes of Louisiana
- Using Multi-Temporal Imaging Spectroscopy Data to Detect Drought and Bark Beetle Related Conifer Mortality across the Central Sierra Nevada, California, USA
- What controls DOM/POM partitioning in rivers?
- Where will the flow go after the snow? Case study of the Diguillín Watershed, Central Chile
- Whole Watershed Management to Maximize Total Water Storage: Case Study of the American-Cosumnes River Basin
- Wildfire and soil emissions of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and their consequences for ozone observed at a remote mountaintop site in Central California
- 3D Modeling of the Deep Groundwater System at Mount Shasta, California, Using Finite Difference and Inverse Modeling in Combination with Magnetotellurics
- 3D Numerical Rift Modeling with Application to the East African Rift System
- 3D numerical simulations of multiphase continental rifting
- A California Statewide App to Simulate Fate of Nitrate in Irrigated Agricultural System
- A Regional Groundwater Observatory to Enhance Analysis and Management of Water Resources
- A comprehensive analysis of high-magnitude streamflow and trends in the Central Valley, California
- A reservoir model study of the flux of carbon from the atmosphere, to the continental crust, to the mantle
- A study of the required Rayleigh number to sustain dynamo with various inner core radius
- Adaptive Management Using Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Modeling in Response to Climate Variability and Invasive Aquatic Plants for the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Water Resource
- Advances in Satellite Remote Sensing of Particulate Air Pollution: From MISR to MAIA
- Agricultural Recharge Practices for Managing Nitrate in Regional Groundwater: Time-Resolution Assessment of Numerical Modeling Approach
- Airborne Measurements and Air Quality Impacts of the 2016 California Soberanes Wildfire
- Airborne Quantification of Methane Emissions in the San Francisco Bay Area of California
- Alternate wetting and drying practice for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in flooded rice agroecosystems
- An Equation Governing Ultralow-Velocity Zones: Implications for Holes in the ULVZ, Lateral Chemical Reactions at the Core-Mantle Boundary, and Damping of Heat Flux Variations in the Core
- An initial validation of Landsat 5 and 7 derived surface water temperature in US lakes and estuaries
- An intercomparison of GCM and RCM dynamical downscaling for characterizing the hydroclimatology of California and Nevada
- Analysis of Future Climate Change Impacts on Snow Regime over Mountainous Watersheds in Northern California by Means of a Physically-Based Snow Distribution Model
- Analysis of Landslide Kinematics using Multi-temporal UAV Imagery, La Honda, California
- Analysis of the Coupled Influence of Hydraulic Conductivity and Porosity Heterogeneity on Probabilistic Risk Analysis
- Are implicit policy assumptions about climate adaptation trying to push drinking water utilities down an impossible path?
- Assessment and Monitoring of Nutrient Management in Irrigated Agriculture for Groundwater Quality Protection
- Assessment of applications of transport models on regional scale solute transport
- Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on the Water Balances and Flooding Conditions of Peninsular Malaysia watersheds by a Coupled Numerical Climate Model - Watershed Hydrology Model
- Atmospheric Blocking and Intercomparison of Objective Detection Methods: Flow Field Characteristics
- Balancing Flood Risk and Water Supply in California: Policy Search Combining Short-Term Forecast Ensembles and Groundwater Recharge
- Better estimates of Entrainment Mixing, Subsidence, and Photochemical Ozone Production using Aircraft and WRF data during the California Baseline Ozone Transport Study (CABOTS)
- Bio- and mineral acid leaching of rare earth elements from synthetic phosphogypsum
- Biogeochemical cycling in Rice Agroecosystems Resulting From Water and Si management: Implications for As abatement and Sustainable Rice Production
- Breaching of strike-slip faults and flooding of pull-apart basins to form the southern Gulf of California seaway from 8 to 6 Ma
- Can nanotechnology help advance glaciological research?
- Characterization and Modelling of a Tropical Groundwater Basin:La Villa Watershed, Republic of Panama
- Characterization of ice nucleating particles during continuous springtime measurements in Prudhoe Bay: an Arctic oilfield location
- Characterizing rupture propagation from slip-rate gradients through the Pingding Shan restraining bend of the Altyn Tagh fault, northwest China
- Chemical characteristics of submicron particles at the central Tibet Plateau: influence of long-range transport
- Chemical composition of wildland and agricultural biomass burning particles measured downwind during the BBOP study
- Climate Change Impact Assessment of Hydro-Climate in Southern Peninsular Malaysia
- Climate Implications of an Ancient Lake Basin in Gale Crater, Mars
- Combining tracer flux ratio methodology with low-flying aircraft measurements to estimate dairy farm CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions
- Comparison of Large eddy dynamo simulation using dynamic sub-grid scale (SGS) model with a fully resolved direct simulation in a rotating spherical shell
- Connecting the surface to near-shore bottom waters in the California Current ecosystem: a study of Northern California interannual to decadal oceanographic variability
- Constraining Biomarkers of Dissolved Organic Matter Sourcing Using Microbial Incubations of Vascular Plant Leachates of the California landscape
- Coupling of Noah-MP and upscaled unsaturated flow model to account for spatial heterogeneity in various scales
- Crossing Scales and Disciplines to Understand Challenges for Climate Change Adaptation and Water Resources Management in Chile and Californi
- DNA-labeled micro- and nanoparticles: a new approach to study contaminant transport in the subsurface
- Decision-relevant evaluation of climate models: A case study of chill hours in California
- Deep Soil Carbon in the Critical Zone: Amount and Nature of Carbon in Weathered Bedrock, and its Implication for Soil Carbon Inventory
- Developing decision-relevant data and information systems for California water through listening and collaboration
- Direct Scaling of Leaf-Resolving Biophysical Models from Leaves to Canopies
- Domain size sensitivities of landfalling eastern Pacific atmospheric rivers
- Dynamic and inertial controls on forest carbon-water relations
- Effect of Climate Extremes, Seasonal Change, and Agronomic Practices on Measured Evapotranspiration and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange in Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Alfalfa Fields
- Effects of dew deposition on transpiration and carbon uptake in leaves
- Effects of land use on the timing and magnitude of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate fluxes: a regional analysis of high-frequency sensor measurements from forested, agricultural, and urban watersheds
- Emission and Aging of Organic Aerosol in Wildfires in the Western US: Insights from the DOE BBOP Campaign
- Enhancing Effective Stakeholder Participation in Local Groundwater Sustainability Planning through Technical Assistance in California
- Episodic vein formation in Gale crater, Mars: evidence for an extended history of liquid water
- Estimating Rangeland Forage Production Using Remote Sensing Data from a Small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS)
- Estimating the Change of Groundwater Salinization in the Central North China Plain for Sustainable Groundwater Utilization
- Estimating the ecology of extinct species with paleoecological data assimilation
- Evaluation of AirMSPI photopolarimetric retrievals of smoke properties with in-situ observations collected during the ImPACT-PM field campaign
- Evolution of Optical Properties of Biomass Burning-Derived Particles
- Examining Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions in California's San Joaquin Valley
- Experimental Investigation of the Viscosity of Iron-rich Silicate Melts under Pressure
- Experimental constraints on the degree of melting beneath tectonic plates
- Flocculation Settling Dynamics of Natural Cohesive Suspended Sediments: "Floccin' Across the USA!"
- Forsterite Shock Temperatures and Entropy: New Scaling Laws for Impact Melting and Vaporization
- From lakes to sand seas: a record of early Mars climate change explored in northern Gale crater, Mars
- Genealogy of Iron and Pallasite Meteorites as Revealed by Cr Isotopes
- Heterogeneous Oxidation of Secondary Organic Aerosol: Effect of Relative Humidity
- Hierarchically nested river landform sequences
- High Frequency Monitoring of Isotopic Signatures Elucidates Potential Effects of Restoring Floodplain Habitat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- How innovative ICT tools can enhance understanding of interactions between societal, hydrological and environmental changes
- How interactions between top-down and bottom-up controls on carbon cycling affect fluxes within and from lakes
- How to Recharge a Confined Aquifer: An Exploration of Geologic Controls on Groundwater Storage.
- Hybrid Multi-Objective Optimization of Folsom Reservoir Operation to Maximize Storage in Whole Watershed
- Hydrospatial Analysis of Inundation Patterns for a Restored Floodplain to Evaluate Potential Climate Change Impacts
- Immersive Visual Data Analysis For Geoscience Using Commodity VR Hardware
- Immersive Visualization of the Solid Earth
- Impact of selection on maize root traits and rhizosphere interactions
- Inferring biogeochemistry past: a millennial-scale multimodel assimilation of multiple paleoecological proxies.
- Influence of Intense secondary aerosol formation and long range transport on aerosol chemistry and properties in the Seoul Metropolitan Area during spring time: Results from KORUS-AQ
- Integrated Analysis of Flow, Form, and Function for River Management and Design Testing
- Integrating the New Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into K- 6 teacher training and curricula
- Investigating Diesel Engines as an Atmospheric Source of Isocyanic Acid in Urban Areas
- Investigating the rheology and dynamics of three-phase crystal mush using microstructural analysis from plutons of the Coastal Maine Magmatic Province
- Lacustine conditions at Gale crater, Mars: A cold and wet hypothesis
- Livestock Grazing as a Driver of Vernal Pool Ecohydrology
- Magma-Hydrothermal Transition: Basalt Alteration at Supercritical Conditions in Drill Core from Reykjanes, Iceland, Iceland Deep Drilling Project.
- Managing Groundwater Recharge and Pumping for Late Summer Streamflow Increases: Quantifying Uncertainty Using Null Space Monte Carlo
- Managing air and water quality in the face of uncertain futures: perspectives, perceptions, reported action, and needs for climate adaptation at the local level
- Mapping Evapotranspiration in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta using simulated ECOSTRESS Thermal Data: Validation and Inter-comparison
- Master Middle Ware: A Tool to Integrate Water Resources and Fish Population Dynamics Models
- Micro-scale experimental study of Microbial-Induced Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) by using microfluidic devices
- Mitigating climate change through the understanding of Nitrous Oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) consumption processes in peat lands
- Modeling Effects of Groundwater Basin Closure, and Reversal of Closure, on Groundwater Quality
- Modeling Transport of Turbulent Fluxes in a Heterogeneous Urban Canopy Using a Spatially Explicit Energy Balance
- Monitoring air quality in California's Central Valley with aircraft and continuous mountaintop observations - attribution insights gained by considering the scalar budget equation
- Multi-wavelength search for complex molecules in Titan's Atmosphere
- Multi-year encoding of daily rainfall and streamflow via the fractal-multifractal method
- Near-census Delineation of Laterally Organized Geomorphic Zones and Associated Sub-width Fluvial Landforms
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Destabilization of Quasigeostrophic Disturbances by Trace Shortwave Radiative Absorbers: Application to Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols
- New Numerical Approaches for Modeling Thermochemical Convection in a Compositionally Stratified Fluid
- Nowcasting Induced Seismicity at the Groningen Gas Field in the Netherlands
- OH-initiated Aging of Biomass Burning Aerosol during FIREX
- Observational Constraints on a Novel Source of Secondary Methanol
- On the spatial coherence of temperature within and above a vineyard under drainage conditions
- On-Farm, Almond Orchard Flooding as a Viable Aquifer Recharge Alternative
- Paleo-environmental Setting of the Murray Formation of Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars, as Explored by the Curiosity Rover
- Phenotyping Drought Tolerance and Yield Potential of Warm-Season Legumes Through Field- and Airborne-Based Hyperspectral VSWIR Sensing
- Pores-scale hydrodynamics in a progressively bio-clogged three-dimensional porous medium: 3D particle tracking experiments and stochastic transport modelling
- Predicting Plant-Accessible Water in the Critical Zone: Mountain Ecosystems in a Mediterranean Climate
- Primary emissions and chemical oxidation of volatile organic compounds emitted from laboratory biomass burning sources during the 2016 FIREX FireLab campaign: measurements from a H<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUP>+</SUP> chemical ionization mass spectrometer
- Quantifying relief on alluvial fans using airborne lidar to reveal patterns of sediment accumulation
- REE Distribution in Cultivated and No Cultivated Soils in Two Viticultural Areas of Central Chile: Mineralogical, Pedological and Anthropic Influences
- Raining a magma ocean: Thermodynamics of rocky planets after a giant impact
- Reconstruction of Historical Weather by Assimilating Old Weather Diary Data
- Regional Interdependence in Adaptation to Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding
- Remote sensing of Essential Biodiversity Variables: new measurements linking ecosystem structure, function and composition
- Revealing the Hidden Water Budget of an Alpine Volcanic Watershed Using a Bayesian Mixing Model
- Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols and the Inter-Annual Variability of the Strength of African Easterly Waves
- Scaling up Planetary Dynamo Modeling to Massively Parallel Computing Systems: The Rayleigh Code at ALCF
- Searching for signposts: Adaptive planning thresholds in long-term water supply projections for the Western U.S.
- Seasonal, Spatial, and Long-term Variability of Fine Mineral Dust in the United States
- Sensitivity of California water supply to changes in runoff magnitude and timing: A bottom-up assessment of vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies
- Solar energy potential of the largest buildings in the United States
- Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Land Use Land Cover Change Driven by Large Scale Land Transactions in Cambodia
- Stochastic Management of Non-Point Source Contamination: Joint Impact of Aquifer Heterogeneity and Well Characteristics
- Stochastic dynamics of intermittent pore-scale particle motion in three-dimensional porous media
- Stratigraphic distribution of veins in the Murray and Stimson formations, Gale crater, Mars: Implications for ancient groundwater circulation
- Subarctic Lake Sediment Microbial Community Contributions to Methane Emission Patterns
- Superhot Drilling in Iceland, the Experience of the Iceland Deep Drilling Project.
- Tectonic geomorphology of the Qilian Shan in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: insights into the plateau formation processes
- The Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics: An Example of Software Curation and Citation in the Geodynamics Community
- The Future of Wind Energy in California: Future Projections in Variable-Resolution CESM
- The Relationship Between Turbulence and Air Quality in California's Central Valley
- The Role of Basal Channels in Ice Shelf Calving.
- The Vertical Flux Method (VFM) for regional estimates of temporally and spatially varying nitrate fluxes in unsaturated zone and groundwater
- The formation of nitrogen-containing organic oxidation products in a heavily polluted urban environment
- The last stage of Earth's formation: Increasing the pressure
- The principal Hugoniot of Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> to 950 GPa
- Time Dependence of Aerosol Light Scattering Downwind of Forest Fires
- Towards data-driven decision-making for sustainable diets in Vietnam: Identifying priority indicators through stakeholder engagement
- Towards extensive spatio-temporal reconstructions of North American land cover: a comparison of state-of-the-art pollen-vegetation models
- Tracing the source of numerical climate model uncertainties in precipitation simulations using a feature-oriented statistical model
- Transitioning Groundwater from an Extractive Resource to a Managed Water Storage Resource: Geology and Recharge in Sedimentary Basins
- Trust Pathways, Trust Catalysts, Theory of Change and Citizen Science: A COASST Case Study
- Tsunami Early Warning via a Physics-Based Simulation Pipeline
- Understanding Hydrological Processes in Variable Source Areas in the Glaciated Northeastern US Watersheds under Variable Climate Conditions
- Understanding the Impact of Model Surfactants on Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity of Sea Spray Aerosols
- Understanding the Socioeconomic Effects of Wildfires on Western U.S. Public Lands
- Understanding the interactions between Social Capital, climate change, and community resilience in Gulf of Mexico coastal counties
- Usability of Particle Film Technology and Water Holding Materials to Improve Drought Tolerance in Gossypium hirsutum L. Plants
- Using Extreme Tropical Precipitation Statistics to Constrain Future Climate States
- Vadose Zone Nitrate Transport Dynamics Resulting from Agricultural Groundwater Banking
- Visualizing Three-dimensional Slab Geometries with ShowEarthModel
- Web-Based Water Accounting Scenario Platform to Address Uncertainties in Water Resources Management in the Mekong : A Case Study in Ca River Basin, Vietnam
- What Does a Multilayer Canopy Model Tell Us About Our Current Understanding of Snow-Canopy Unloading?
- Who's hot, who's not? Effects of concentrating solar power heliostats on soil temperature at Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, Mojave Desert, USA
- `Blame' Hawaii for Extreme Cold Air Outbreaks on the US West Coast?
- `Surface-Layer' momentum fluxes in nocturnal slope flows over steep terrain
- A Computationally-Efficient Framework to Represent the Chemistry, Thermodynamics, and Microphysics of Organic Aerosol in Large-Scale Atmospheric Models
- A Decade+ of Open Software Practice at CIG
- A New Harmonized Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Data Product and its Applications
- A SWAT-based optimization tool for obtaining cost-effective strategies for agricultural conservation practice implementation at watershed scales
- A box model for the transport of carbon between major carbon reservoirs over geologic time.
- A decreasing vanadium footprint of bunker fuel emissions
- A fast-response wildland fire modeling framework for prediction and risk assessment
- A new generation of miniature high sensitive spectrometers for future planetary missions
- A survey of decision-making processes for environmental flows in hydropower facilities
- ARkStorm and the 2017 Relentless Storm Season
- Accounting for isotopic under-expression increases gaseous nitrogen losses from the terrestrial biosphere
- Achieving Education Goals with Climate-Related Community and Citizen Science
- Aerially-guided leak detection and repair: A pilot field study for evaluating the potential of methane emission detection and cost-effectiveness
- Air Quality PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Data Validation: Techniques, Challenges, and Good Practices
- Airborne Quantification of Methane (CH<SUB>4</SUB>) Emissions in the San Francisco Bay Area of California
- An Archaeal Clade Grouped Closely to Methanomassiliicoccales Lacks the Canonical Methanogenesis Pathway
- An Automatic Mapping of Tree Crops Planting Age Using Landsat Time Series Stacks and Google Earth Engine
- Analyzing California Reference Streamflow with the Seasonally-based Functional Flows Calculator
- Applications of the Multi-angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) for Air Quality and Health: Optimization of Epidemiological Study Areas for Societal Benefit
- Arctic-COLORS (Arctic-COastal Land Ocean inteRactionS) Field Campaign Scoping Study Update and Plans
- Are Microplastic Methods Comparable and Do They Reflect Reality?
- Assessing formation and radiative forcing of secondary organic aerosols in the global Earth System Model (E3SM)
- Assessing the impact of sea surface temperature on global atmospheric river activity in an aquaplanet model
- Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Methods for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Over Large Rivers
- Assessment of Observational Uncertainties and Model Performance in Mean and Extreme Precipitation Characteristics.
- Assessment of groundwater susceptibility using three-dimensional transient indexes
- Associating Speciated Fine Particulate Matter with Adverse Health Outcomes in the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Investigation
- Atmospheric dry and wet nitrogen deposition in agro-pastoral catchments of the Western China and Mongolia
- Atmospheric rivers and reservoir control: Combining short-term forecasts with clustering of weather regimes to inform conjunctive management in California
- Bedrock nitrogen weathering influences carbon dioxide uptake in terrestrial biosphere
- Biodiversity Assessment Along a Moisture Gradient in Tropical Deciduous Forests in India Using AVIRIS-NG Data
- BlobMetrics: An R-based analysis toolkit for assessment and intercomparison of atmospheric blocking detection algorithms
- Blue Carbon in an Eastern Pacific Reverse Estuary: Organic Matter Cycling links Salt Marshes and Seagrass Beds
- CWSI derived from Landsat 8 thermal imagery as an affordable alternative to high resolution imagery for irrigation management in California vineyards
- California's Drought of the Future: A Prospective Look at the 2012-2017 Drought
- Can a subducted sedimentary layer survive into the deep mantle? Maybe, if it is strong or thin.
- Challenges and opportunities in modeling cross-scale, cross-sector feedbacks to inform critical decision-making in food-energy-water systems
- Challenges of Recruitment and Mentoring of 2YC Students for Successful Research Proposals
- Characterizing Sediment Transport in a Watershed Using CCHE1D Sediment Transport Model
- Characterizing and Detecting the Influence of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Global Crop Yields
- Chemical Composition, Sources and Formation Process of Submicron Aerosols in Seoul Metropolitan area during Summer: Comparison to Winter
- Coccolithophore calcium carbonate export in an acidified ocean
- Comparison of Methods for Evaluating Prediction Uncertainty from a Highly Non-Linear Integrated Groundwater Surface-Water Model
- Comparison of modeled and measured discharge from a supraglacial catchment in southwest Greenland
- Conceptual Hydrogeologic Modeling of the Mount Shasta Volcanic Aquifer Informed by Magnetotelluric Geophysics
- Cosmogenic nuclides suggest long-term Pleistocene exposure of subglacial bedrock at the Ohio Range in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Coupling multiple stable isotopes and hydrochemistry to quantitative identify nitrogen pollution sources in a mesoscale watershed of eastern China
- Crop classification using Sentinel satellite observations and Support Vector Machine algorithm over a highly diverse agricultural region
- Data Driven Almond Yield Prediction at the Orchard Level with a Stochastic Gradient Boosting Method
- Data integration across scales to estimate subsurface nitrate fluxes in agricultural areas
- Decision-relevant metrics for regional hydroclimate phenomena
- Decoupling of Late Paleozoic epicontinental sea and open ocean δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in a fully coupled isotope-enabled Earth system model
- Deducing Crustal-scale Reverse-Fault Slip Distribution from Folded River Terraces, Qilian Shan, China
- Defining Extreme Temperatures Using Social Remarkability: Evidence from Twitter for Rapidly-Shifting Baselines in a Changing Climate
- Detecting climate change impacts on North Atlantic hurricane precipitation and size in a high-resolution climate model
- Determining Area Burned from GOES-16 for Use in Smoke Forecast Modeling
- Differentiation of basalts of the Harrat Rahat volcanic field, Saudi Arabia
- Do Rearing Juvenile Salmonids Predictably Occupy Physical Microhabitat?
- Ecological Spectral Information System: An Open Spectral Library
- Edged out: Edge to interior gradients in forest microenvironment as important drivers of the terrestrial carbon cycle
- Effects of Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge on Groundwater Availability in Irrigated Basins
- Estimating the Adaptive Benefits of Water Market Reform for Irrigated Agriculture
- Estimation of Total Water Storage Changes Over the Balkhash Lake Basin of Central Asia from Multi-Satellite Data
- Evaluating Beer's Law Approach for Light Interception in Diverse Canopy Architectures
- Evaluating solar PV effects on California's hydropower generation with a hybrid LP-NLP optimization model
- Evaluation of Implicit-Explicit, Additive Runge-Kutta Method Efficiency in HOMME-NH
- Evapotranspiration measurements using a new fast-response relative humidity probe
- Evidence for Earthquake Rupture through a >30° Restraining Bend of the Altyn Tagh fault
- Evolution of a Paradoxical Landscape: New Constraints for Tectonic and Climatic Processes in the Forearc of Southern Peru
- Exploring Martian subsurface through a new approach of monitoring Martian trace gases in future missions
- Exploring the Relative Importance of Hydrofacies Configuration and Hydraulic Properties for Managed Aquifer Recharge Feasibility in Alluvial Aquifer Systems
- Fish versus tomatoes and other tales of using remote sensing to meet California's co-equal goals of providing water supplies and protecting ecosystems.
- Flood Risk Assessment from Dam Failure based on 2007/60/EC European Flood Directive: A case study on Kelefinas Dam in Greece
- Flood-Driven Morphological Unit Evolution and Morphological Unit Relationships in a Gravel/Cobble River
- Fossilized drip-water from a Sierra Nevada Cave reveals variability in precipitation sources and atmospheric dynamics over the last deglaciation
- Functional habitat dependence on ecohydraulics and life-cycle specific hydrogeomorphic processes
- Geologic Map of the Northern Harrat Rahat Volcanic Field, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Getting Students Wet! Key Lessons From Immersive Education on California's Water Science, Policy and Management
- High-Resolution Modeling using E3SM
- High-Resolution Simulation of Nonpoint Source Pollution in Groundwater Basins using a Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method
- How can citizen and community science support the goals of a sustained national climate assessment?
- Hydrologic regime influences on the style of riffle-pool, plane bed, and step-pool sequences
- Iceland Deep Drilling Project Explores the Magma-Hydrothermal Interface
- Impacts of declining snowpack and seasonal runoff forecast accuracy on California water supply
- Improving Characterization of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in the United States
- Improving Current and Future Spatial Surrogates for Emissions Inventories in California
- Improving hydrogeophysical insights of the soil-plant-atmosphere hydraulic continuum
- Improving the Representation of Ecosystem Damages in the Social Cost of Carbon
- Influences of Pacific Ocean domain extent on the western US hydroclimatology in variable-resolution CESM
- Integrated Water Management in the Upper Russian River Watershed
- Into the Relevance of Conceptual Complexity for Non-Point Source Management: Spatial Variability in the Hydraulic Conductivity, Recharge and Contaminant Leakage
- Investigation of dynamic sub-grid scale (SGS) terms in dynamo simulations with small Ekman number
- Isotopic constraints on soil carbon and nitrogen storage among long-term agricultural management practices in California
- It's all about scale: impact of uncertainty in surface water elevation and effects of grid size on water table depth in global groundwater modeling
- Layer-wise Application of River Habitat Enhancement Features Yields Significant Ecological Functionality and Physical Sustainability
- Learning Together: Engaging Climate Scientists, K-12 teachers and Students in Climate Science through Arctic Plant Phenology
- Linking a novel 3D leaf-resolving biophysical model with terrestrial LiDAR-based canopy reconstructions to resolve structural heterogeneity from leaves to canopies
- Long-term Cloud Condensation nuclei (CCN) Activity, Variability and Closure Analysis at a Meteorological Tower in Western Europe
- Long-term Projections for Migration Phenology in Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep
- Mangrove Forest Change Detection along the Coast of the Red Sea
- Marine and terrestrial influences on ice nucleating particles during continuous springtime measurements in an Arctic oilfield location
- Mitigation of Enteric Methane Emissions from Dairy Cattle in East Africa through Urea Treatment of Crop Residue Feeds
- Model Comparison and Sensitivity Analysis of Groundwater Salt Balance Calculations in the North China Plain and Tulare Basin, California
- Model simulated spatial distribution and the variation of ground water level in Sacramento Watershed, California from 1985 to 2017
- Modeling Air Quality Impacts of Future Biogas Use under Low-Carbon Climate Policy in California
- Modeling NH<SUB>4</SUB>NO<SUB>3</SUB> in California during the CalNex-2010 and DISCOVER-AQ-2013 Field Campaigns
- Monitoring forest disturbance events and recovery status with eDaRT 3.0
- Native Waters on Arid Lands: Enhancing Climate Resilience on Tribal Lands
- Natural Time and Nowcasting Induced Seismicity at the Groningen Gas Field in the Netherlands
- Net-zero Emissions Energy Systems
- Nitrogen and light co-limitation of primary production in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Nitrogen deposition has small effect on the global carbon cycle, large influence on nitrogen losses from the land
- On the Relationship between the African Easterly Jet, Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols, and West African Precipitation
- Palynological Criteria for Identification of Abrupt Climate Change During Heinrich Event 1
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on California's Crop and Livestock Agriculture: Modeling Insights from the Statewide's 4<SUP>th</SUP> Climate Assessment
- Predicting Channel Forms From Remote Sensing Data: A Multi-tiered Machine Learning Framework
- Predicting the Probability and Degree of Preferential Flow in Porous Media from Pore-Network Geometric and Topological Properties
- Probing the Thermal Behaviors of α-pinene, Δ<SUP>3</SUP>-carene and IEPOX SOA using Cluster Analysis
- Quantifying forest range shifts and biotic velocities since the Last Glacial Maximum in the upper midwestern US
- Quantifying the Effect of Climate Change on Rangeland Forage Production and Phenology Using Landsat and MODIS Data
- Quantifying uncertainty in aerosol light absorption due to unresolved variability in particle physical and chemical properties
- Quantitative analysis of distributed normal faulting patterns in 3D thermal-mechanical simulations of continental rifting
- Regional Adaptation to Sea Level Rise in the San Francisco Bay Area: Establishing Interdependence and Motivating Coordinated Action
- Regional loss of long-lived tree species reduces the capacity of the biosphere to store carbon over centuries
- Reimagining high-resolution ecosystem monitoring with low-cost autonomous sensing
- Remote Detection of Plant Drought Stress Using Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data Over a Three Year Period of Progressive Drought
- Remote Detection of Water Stress over walnut orchards using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based Multispectral Images
- Remote Sensing Analysis of Pre-fire Controls on Burn Severity in Northern California Coastal Mountains using Random Forest Approach
- Remote sensing of canopy nitrogen content in drylands: challenges and solution
- Remotely sensed geodiversity for identifying and predicting biodiverse landscapes
- Revealing Hidden Flowpaths in a Permeable Alpine Catchment Using Endmember Mixing Analysis and a Hierarchical Bayesian Mixing Model
- Routine Speciated Particulate Monitoring in the United States: the CSN and IMPROVE Networks
- SAR-CBC: A Capacity Building Center for the Use of SAR in Decision Making
- Searching for a Seismic Signature in the Landscape of the Western Quebec Seismic Zone, Canada
- Seasonal Variation of a Multi-Layer Exchange Flow in a Basal Channel below the Milne Ice Shelf
- Separating evapotranspiration into its components using the three-temperature model and thermal remote sensing
- Shannon Information Content of Earthquake Sequences:Application to Nowcasting and Forecasting
- Similarity function for katabatic flows from field observations
- Soil Viral Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Ecosystems
- Spatial heterogeneity within lake ecosystems
- Strategies for Setting Conservation Target in Human Dominated Landcover Areas for Systematic Conservation Planning at the Regional Scale
- Structural Changes in the African Easterly Jet and its Role in Mediating the Effects of Saharan Dust on the Linear Dynamics of African Easterly Waves
- Tele-Presence and Tele-Collaboration in Shared Virtual Environments
- Temperature and Composition Dependence of Sea Spray Aerosol Production
- Terrestrial Organic Matter as a Subsidy to the Lower Aquatic Food Web in Estuarine Habitats
- Testing threshold-based identification of future water supply vulnerabilities in the western United States
- The Arctic Plant Phenology Learning through Engaged Science (APPLES) program supports K-12 teachers to integrate science practices into climate science curriculum.
- The Community and Watershed Resilience Program: Science and Partnerships to Support Resilience
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Chapter 25: Southwest
- The Virtual Effect of Water Vapor Helps Stabilize Tropical Climate
- The impacts of anthropogenic aerosols emitted from Asia on the precipitation and hydrology of mainland Southeast Asia.
- The shift from Annual to Permanent Crops in California's Central Valley and Implications for Agricultural Water Shortage Risks
- Thermochemical Evolution of Mantle Plumes Observed Spatially (TEMPOS)
- Three-Dimensional Printed Models of Pore-Scale Networks for Colloid Transport Investigation
- Timing for the onset of Late Pleistocene wet conditions in the Mono Basin, California
- Towards Generative Deep Learning Emulators for Fast Hydroclimate Simulations
- Tracing groundwater flow from the volcanic aquifers of Mt. Shasta to the Shasta Valley Basin alluvial aquifer and assessing the combined system's vulnerability to climate change
- Transdisciplinary approaches to ancient human health and environmental interactions: New insights from the California Channel Islands
- Transitioning to Sustainable Groundwater Use: an Economic Analysis of Supply and Demand Management Options to Inform Policy Decisions in California's San Joaquin Valley
- Uncertainty caused by resistance terms in evapotranspiration estimation: a comparison of the Penman-Monteith equation and the three-temperature model
- Understanding vineyards stress physiology from the leaf to the canopy: How do we accurately measure and scale 'true' ground observations?
- Up hot creek with a paddle: Characteristics of western US hydropower operators who support environmental flows under climate change
- Upscaling Regional, 3D, Non-Fickian Solute Transport with 2D Equivalent Models
- Upscaling of regional scale transport under transient conditions
- Urbanization and Groundwater Management: Modeling the feedbacks between land use change, infiltration, and withdrawals in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Using Managed Aquifer Recharge to Cope with Climate Extremes and Change in the Western U.S.
- Using Self-Organizing Maps to Identify Coherent Precipitation Regions: Application to Extreme Precipitation Mechanisms
- Water Security, Drought and Climate Change: A California Perspective
- 2017 Northern California Wildfires - A NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) Tiger Team
- 3D Immersive Visualization Facilitating New Paradigms and Scientific Reproducibility in Solid Earth Dynamics
- A Comparative Assessment of TKE Terms for Two Near-canonical Sites
- A Multimodel Technique for Estimating Future Changes in Extreme Precipitation
- A New approach, Adaptive Multi-rate Mass Transfer, to Upscale Regional-scale Transport under Transient Flow Conditions
- A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Measurements of Composition-Dependent Thermal Desorption of Organic Aerosol
- A Tree-Based Policy Search Framework for Dynamic Adaptation to Climate Change in Water Resources Systems
- A coupled ice, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and volcanic record across the latest Carboniferous and Early Permian
- A functional flows approach for developing environmental flow standards in California
- A negative climate feedback due to the lightness of water vapor
- A review of Holocene climate and oceanography of the Western United States and Northeast Pacific
- Actionable knowledge and the art of engagement
- Active Soil Aeration (Oxygation) in Almond Trees During Agricultural Groundwater Banking in the Central Valley, California
- Adapting Nutrient Management for Pasture-based and Organic Dairies in North Coastal California
- Adapting to Climate Change via Groundwater Banking in the Southern Central Valley: Necessity and Feasibility
- Air entrainment and transport in hydraulic jumps: a numerical study
- Airborne Lidar and Electro-Optical Imagery Along Surface Ruptures of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Southern California
- Alteration of Sheeted Dikes by Supercritical Seawater in an Active Hydrothermal System at Reykjanes, Iceland.
- An Experimental Study of the Ecohydrologic and Carbon Sequestration Benefits of Beaver Dam Analogue Restoration Techniques in Childs Meadow, CA, USA
- An Experimentally Constrained Chemistry-Microphysics Model for Organic Aerosol Aging and Particle Phase State
- An Exploration of Extreme Precipitation from Tropical Cyclones over the Eastern United States in Variable-Resolution CAM
- An alternative method to estimate atmosphere-canopy fluxes from semi-high frequency canopy infrared temperature
- An assessment of turbulent/hyper diffusivities in geodynamo simulations
- An open infrastructure for mapping crop distribution and estimating crop yield
- An ultra-high-resolution oxygen analyzer for simultaneous measurement of oxygen and carbon dioxide fluxes.
- Analysis of NFIP claims reveals previously unexplored relationships between flood depth and building damage
- Animal, vegetable, mineral: Identifying the indirect effects of large vertebrate herbivores and land use on carbon cycling in a Kenyan savanna ecosystem
- Antarctic Cyanobacteria Phormidium pseudopriestleyi Produces O2 in Sulfidic and Low Light Conditions
- Antarctic ice-covered lakes as windows into ancient microbial ecosystems
- Applicability of Long Short Term Memory Network to Flow Discharge Modeling at Watershed in Kyushu Region, Japan
- Application of parallel flow visualization using 3D line integral convolution for geodynamo simulations
- Asian Dust Transport to Summit, Greenland Explored through Size-Resolved Composition and Trajectory Analysis
- Assessing Uncertainty and Bias in the U.S. Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- Assessing environmental change at high-elevation in the Sierra Nevada of California: over 35 years of hydrological and limnological study from the Tokopah and Emerald Lake watersheds
- Assessment of Flood risks from the sea based on 2007/60/EC European Flood Directive
- Assessment of climate change impact over California for wintertime using dynamic downscaling with a bias correction technique
- Astronomical forcing of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and strategies for integrating proxy data into regional chronostratigraphic frameworks generated by constrained optimization (CONOP)
- Automated identification of South Asian monsoon low pressure systems: Historical variations across reanalysis products
- Benthic microbial communities from the McMurdo Dry Valleys provide insights into microbial ecology, life on early earth, and the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis.
- Biochar for Soil Carbon Management in California Almond Production
- Biochemical Reduction of Nitrate in the Deep Vadose Zone Under Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Blown away: 3-year flood period yields 20 times the sediment export rate as previous flood and drought periods in a regulated gravel/cobble river
- Boat Induced Sediment Resuspension and Water Clarity at Lake Tahoe
- Box Model Assessments of Biomass Burning Smoke Oxidation and the Interplay Between VOCs, NO<SUB>x</SUB>, and NO<SUB>y.</SUB>
- Carbon Accumulation, Flux, and Fate in Stordalen Mire
- Characterization of Fault Related Folding from High Resolution Topography: Implications for Time-Dependent Rheology of the Brittle Crust
- Characterizing Tropical Cyclone Simulation in E3SM
- Citizen Science And Dam Removal: Opportunities for Harnessing and Deepening Community Engagement and Stewardship in Watershed Research
- Climate Change Science and its Engagement with Practitioners
- Climate impacts on important food-producing shrubs: predicting change and disseminating results
- Climate-Driven Changes in Rice Phenology in California
- Climatic Controls on Deep Soil Organic Carbon Persistence Across a Bioclimatic Gradient in California
- Community-Based Monitoring and Dam Removal: Stakeholder Collaboration and Learning for Social-Ecological Resilience
- Comparing In-situ Measurements of Evapotranspiration of Crop and Fallow Fields in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta of California in 2018 Using Surface Renewal and Eddy Covariance Methods
- Comparing Precipitation Seasonality During the Last Deglaciation from Speleothem Records and Isotope-enabled Model Simulations
- Comparing Traditional Water Balance Estimates of Evapotranspiration with Eddy-Covariance and Satellite-Based Modeling in a Drip Irrigated Vineyard
- Comparing machine learning methods for dynamically identifying future water supply vulnerabilities under climate change
- Conditions for Accomplishing Groundwater Recharge with Flood Flows: Indications from Study of Two Groundwater Sub-basins in California
- Constraining Biomarkers as Dissolved Organic Matter Source Indicators: Past, Present, and Future Directions
- Constraining first-order controls on volcanic repose time by examining cumulative distribution functions
- Contrasting ITCZ changes over recent decades and under anthropogenic warming: causes and impacts
- Deficit-Irrigated Alfalfa Soil-Crop Hydrology in Integrated Hydrologic Basin Modeling: Field Observations and Validation of the Irrigation Demand Calculator (IDC) Software
- Deformation Bands Near Parkfield, California: Implications for Deformation in the San Andreas Fault System
- Deglacial Lake Agassiz Meltwater Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry From Linked Ba-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Analyses on Arctic N. pachyderma Shells
- Detecting hotspots of methane emissions in wetlands through eddy-covariance measurements and footprint modelling
- Determination of Foraminiferal Mg/Ca in Thin Section by LA-ICP-MS: Testing the Monterey Hypothesis
- Determining Habitat Constraints on Invasive Species in a Tidal Freshwater Ecosystem using Remote Sensing Data and Hydrodynamic Model Outputs
- Determining the dependence of relative humidity and oxidative aging on the hygroscopicity and phase state of sea spray aerosol
- Deviations in point of zero charge with nanoscale pore geometries of synthesized silica-based materials
- Diablo Winds in the California Bay Area: Their Climatology, Extremes, and Predictability
- Discerning the electrosteric forces between silver nanoparticles and mica surfaces to elucidate nanoparticle deposition in soils
- Diurnal Forcing Causes Dipole-type Modification on Summer Salinity in the East China Sea and Its Formation Mechanism
- Diversity and organization of mountain river morphological units challenge conceptions of riffle-pool, step-pool, and cascade channel types
- Downscaling Rainfall and Temperature in Time via a Deterministic Geometric Fractal Approach
- Drought as a Driver of Change? Farmer participation in groundwater management in California
- Dynamic modeling of human behavior to support regional-scale water resources planning: a data-driven approach
- Dynamics of Resilience and Equity in Social-Ecological Systems with Power Asymmetries
- EESI Does It: Utilizing Extractive Electrospray Ionization to Determine the Molecular Composition of Secondary Marine Aerosol Generated in a Mesocosm during the Sea Spray Chemistry and Particle Evolution (SeaSCAPE) 2019 Experiment
- Early Holocene climate change in SE Iberia as inferred from the oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of archaeological shells
- Early Results from the E3SM Global Storm-Resolving Model
- EcoSIS: A Spectral Library and the Tools to Use It
- Effects of Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge on Groundwater Availability in the Central Valley, California
- Engaging Diverse Audiences in Citizen Science Through the California Naturalist Program
- Environmental flows in a nonstationary future: Partitioning hydrologic alterations due to climate change and reservoir management
- Estimating Crop Planting Delays and Phenological Variation caused by Extreme Rainfall Events in the US Lower Mississippi River Basin using Earth Observation Systems
- Evaluating Beer's law for leaf area density estimation in homogeneous and heterogeneous canopies
- Evaluating Groundwater Budget Estimates in an Agriculturally-Intensive Alluvial Aquifer System—Effects of Scale, Complexity, and Data Availability.
- Evaluating the Accuracy of Hybrid Finite-Element/Particle-In-Cell Methods for Modeling Mantle Convection and Lithosphere Dynamics
- Evaluating the Performance of a Vegetation Demographic Model (ED.v2) in Drylands.
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- Evaluating the transition to new X-ray fluorescence instruments using archived samples
- Evaluation of Carotenoid Pigment Indices from High Resolution Satellites to Track the Photosynthetic Seasonality in Evergreen Forests
- Evaluation of Implicit-Explicit, Additive Runge-Kutta Method Efficiency in HOMME-NH
- Evidence for Rhizosphere Impacts on Viral Communities in Agricultural Soils
- Exploring farm pond dynamics in low-order agricultural watersheds: A synthetic analysis and process-based modeling
- Facilitating a Robust Expert Network in Response to Wildland Fire Smoke: Convening the Third International Smoke Symposium (ISS3)
- Feature Tracking in TempestExtremes: Automated Detection and Characterization of Extreme Weather
- Fire Progression Mapping: An Examination of Interpolation Techniques Utilizing MODIS and VIIRS Active Fire Products in Northern California
- From MISR to MAIA: Applications of NASA Satellite Data to Airborne Particulate Matter Exposure and Human Health
- Frost damage in specialty crops: current concerns, future risks, and implications for water resources
- Fusion of SAR and optical remote sensing data to map montane forest biomass: A case study in El Choco, Ecuador
- Future nitrogen availability and its effect on carbon sequestration in Northern Eurasia
- Getting closer to Landsat: Advances from the GRAPEX Project in the Application of UAVs for High-Resolution Evapotranspiration
- Gradient-based Travel Path Dependency of Non-Point Source Contaminant Transport
- Groundwater Modeling Results of Flood-MAR Efficiency in the Cosumnes River Floodplain
- Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Characterization in an Alluvial Valley Using Numerical Modelling Approach
- Harmonization of Data from Two Complimentary U.S. Networks: CSN and IMPROVE Speciated Particulate Matter
- Hedging Our Bets: The Long-Term Impact of Hedgerows on Soil Carbon and Other Metrics of Soil Health
- High time variability of emissions observed at a natural gas storage site
- High-Resolution Simulations for Understanding the Climate of Southwest North America at the Last Glacial Maximum
- High-resolution Palaeozoic Biodiversity History of Marine Invertebrates Based on CONOP and Parallel Computing
- Highly Variable Fluid Composition Associated with 1.8 Gya UHP Subduction Metamorphism in West Greenland
- Hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) Formation during Summertime in An Arctic Oil Field
- IPEAT<SUP>+</SUP>: A Deeper Look at the Automatic Calibration Tool of SWAT<SUP>+</SUP>
- Identifying dominant human-environmental parameters and robust groundwater planning alternatives in Mexico City
- Impacts of Changing Ocean Chemistry on the West Coast: From Research to Action
- Impacts of ozone and climate change on California perennial crops
- Impacts of the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard - Linking Policy, Economics, and Environmental Outcomes
- Impacts of timber harvest treatments on stream biogeochemistry in a northern California redwood forest
- Improved Soil Virus Quantification and Genome Recovery
- Improving Reference Database Representation of California Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
- Improving Water Rights Management in the California Sacramento San Joaquin Delta: Results from a Comparative Study Using Remote Sensing, Field Measurements and Self Reporting.
- Influence of Intense Secondary Aerosol Formation and Long Range Transport on Severe Haze in Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Influence of residential wood burning emissions on aerosol pollution during wintertime in the San Joaquin Valley of California
- Integrated Quadrant Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Turbulent Coherent Structures in the Atmospheric Surface Layer
- Interacting Physical Processes during Ice Formation and at Ice Break-up in a Large Deep Lake
- Investigating Crustal and Mantle Contributions using Pb and Sr Isotopes in Okataina and Taupo Volcanic Centers, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Investigating Factors behind Subsurface Carbon Loss and Formation under Long-Term Agricultural Systems
- Investigating Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Photo-Sensitized Aqueous-Phase Reactions of Guaiacyl Acetone under Conditions Relevant to Urban Wood Burning
- Investigating the utility of an idealized model in understanding the response of atmospheric rivers to climate change
- Investigation of the Impacts of Drought Severity on Ecosystem Water-Use Efficiency and Drought Recovery across the Contiguous United States
- Investigations of the high-T behavior of CaO in the CaO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> and CaO-Y<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> systems with aerodynamically levitated laser heating and drop-and-catch calorimetry
- Irrigation and Nitrogen Management and Monitoring to Improve Almond Production While Minimizing Groundwater Nitrate
- Leaf level spectral features related to grapevine water status: informing viticulture remote sensing sensor development.
- Lessons on Water Use Efficiency from Water Vapor and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux observations over Vineyards Across the Californian Mediterranean Climate Gradient
- Linking Pore Network Structure to Preferential Pathway Development: Differential Evolution & Shortest Path Analysis
- Local similarity functions for katabatic flows derived from field observations over steep- and shallow-angled slopes
- Long-term Hydrological Response of Snow-influenced Upland Watersheds across California's Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains Under a Changing Climate
- Machine Learning and Wildfire Burned Area: Examining the Influence of Weather and Socioeconomic Factors
- Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Structural Complexities and Heat Source(s) Controlling the Surprise Valley Geothermal System in Northeastern California
- Mapping Water Resources Research in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Measurement Consistency and Uncertainty in Quantifying Carbonaceous Aerosol in Urban PM2.5 Samples Using Thermal-Optical Reflectance Analysis
- Methane Point Source Emissions from California Dairy Farms
- Methane emissions from underground gas storage in California
- Metrics for appraising tropical cyclones in climate data
- Modeling Science to Action in California State Government - Building a new research program that supports policy-driven science coupled with meaningful engagement of partners, to ensure actionable research results
- Modeling carbon storage and water use efficiency in a California agro-ecosystem
- Modeling data collected from a new wireless sensing network of river temperature to map river temperatures at micro-habitat scales relevant to juvenile salmonids
- Modeling present and future ice covers in two Antarctic lakes: west lobe of Lake Bonney and Crooked Lake
- Modeling the Impact of the Non-Traditional Coriolis Force on A Convective Circulation
- Modeling the vulnerability of socio-ecological communities to groundwater shortages during drought at a regional scale
- Monitoring Blue Oak Traits in a Woodland Savanna through California Drought by using AVIRIS Imagery from 2013 to 2018
- Monitoring vineyard water use and stress with high-spatiotemporal thermal satellite ET retrievals for improved and sustainable water management from field to regional scales
- Morphology of Colloidal Aggregates in Porous Media: Consequences for Transport, Deposition and Reentrainment
- Mountain Precipitation Patterns in Mixed Rain-Snow Areas from a Distributed Wireless-Sensor Network and a Random Forest Model
- Multi-scale modeling of vector fields on the sphere with application to satellite based surveys
- Multi-sensor Monitoring of Processing Tomato at a Field-scale
- Multiphase Oxidative Molecular-Level Transformations of Sea Spray Aerosol and Plastics Studied by Extractive Electrospray Ionization High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
- N<SUB>2</SUB>O Observations in Beijing Haze Identify NO<SUB>2</SUB> and HONO as In-cloud Oxidants for Sulfate Formation
- Neogene Magnetostratigraphy, Relative Paleointensity, and High-Resolution Magnetic Record of IODP Site U1514 (Mentelle Basin, Australia)
- Nitrogen Cycling Dynamics in the Shallow Vadose Zone under Varying Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge Practices
- Nitrogen cycling in perennially ice-covered lakes in Antarctica
- Numerical Investigation of Continental Extension in Heterogeneous Cratonic Lithosphere, Constrained by Observations From the Labrador Sea
- Numerical simulations of fault behavior during the transition from orthogonal to oblique extension
- Observations of the Daytime, Anabatic Winds over a Steep Alpine Slope
- On the Relationship Between the Mass Concentration of Water-Soluble Species in Cloud Droplets and Cloud Droplet Number Concentration
- Optical Properties of Volcanic Dust
- Optimization of restoration for non-natal rearing habitats using a population dynamic model (HaBPWM) for winter-run Chinook Salmon along the Sacramento River.
- Organic Matter Characterization using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in the Global Speciation Surface PARTiculate mAtter Network (SPARTAN)
- Organic functional group composition and OM/OC ratios in the IMPROVE monitoring networ
- Oxygenated Aromatic Compounds Contribute Substantially to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Photooxidation of Wildfire Emissions
- Ozone production in the Soberanes smoke haze: impact on air quality in the San Joaquin Valley during the California Baseline Ozone Transport Study
- Paleoseismic Recurrence on the Geometrically Simple Section of the Altyn Tagh Fault, Northern Tibet
- Pareto optimality and compromise for environmental water allocations
- Patterns of U uptake and implications for diagenesis and trace element records in biomineral eggshell
- Petrological insights into the initiation of volcanic eruptions
- Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) is Sensitive to the Ecohydrology of a Semi-arid Mixed Conifer Forest
- Photodegradation rate differences of chemical impurities in nature-identical snow crystals and other frozen matrices
- Physiological functioning of seasonally dry-adapted floras in response to changes in late Paleozoic atmospheric composition and aridity.
- Planeteando: climate change video-blogging
- Planktonic respiration and organic matter cycling using short-term in situ measurements
- Plasticity and spatial variation in growth rates and hydraulic and photosynthetic traits in ten Eucalyptus species adapted to different moisture availability
- Pore-Scale Colloid Retention Processes in the Vadose Zone: A Statistical Analysis
- Predicting daily streamflow with a dilated convolutional neural network.
- Predicting mean molecular weight and carbon number of organic particulate matter in monitoring network samples using aliphatic C-H absorbances
- Preservation and reactivation of ancient lithospheric-scale structures in Alaska inferred from receiver function imaging and geologic constraints
- Primary production in estuaries is complicated. Whole ecosystem experiments and multiple metabolism methods reveal nitrogen limitation in part of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Ecosystem
- Primitive helium is sourced from seismically slow regions in the lowermost mantle
- Processing of Cometary Nuclei by Cosmic Rays
- Production, Composition, and CCN Activity of Secondary Marine Aerosol Observed During SeaSCAPE
- Projected Snowpack Loss in the Tahoe Basin: Ecohydrologic Impacts
- Quality Standards and the Role of Earth Observation in Improving Index Insurance Design
- Quantification of nitrate budget from irrigated lands in Central Valley of California using SWAT
- Quantifying Heat-related Morbidity in California: Understanding Community-scale Impacts
- Quantifying Organic Matter and Functional Groups in Aerosol Filter Samples from the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization (SEARCH) Network
- Quantifying post-restoration changes in hydrology and vegetation composition in subalpine meadows using high-resolution satellite imagery
- Quantifying the root zone water budget of the Butte Valley Groundwater Basin, California
- Quantifying tropical cyclone rainfall from weather to climate scales in numerical simulations and observations
- Rainfall Drives Variation in Rates of Change in Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency of Tropical Forests
- Rapid Bedrock Canyon Incision During A Mid-Holocene Pluvial Period, Qilian Shan, China
- Relationships Among Climate and Geochemical Drivers with Viral and Microbial Community Composition of Northern Poor Fen Peatlands
- Reliability of Stable Nitrogen Isotope Dendrochronologies for Long-Term Ecological Reconstruction
- Reliability of a Low-Complexity Tool for Large-Scale Flood Inundation Mapping
- Remote Detection of Drought Stress and Mortality in a Blue Oak Woodland Using Leaf, Canopy and Airborne Sensing Systems
- Remote sensing of biodiversity in shrubland ecosystems in Great Basin, USA
- Responses of soil organic matter stability, N transformation processes and nitrous oxide production to compost application in long-term sustainable managed soils
- Robust Adaptation of Multi-Objective Reservoir Operations to Snowpack Decline Under Climate Change
- Rupture through the >30° Akatengneng Shan restraining bend from slip-rate gradients along the Altyn Tagh fault, northwest China
- Saharan Dust Transport during the Incipient Growth Phase of African Easterly Waves
- Scales of variability of cyanobacteria in Clear Lake
- Seasonal Pigment Changes Allow Detection of Activity and Dormancy of Evergreen Photosynthesis in Cold-Climate Conifer Forests
- Seasonal crop mapping using radar images in Kitale, Kenya
- Seasonal variation of flow through a basal channel within the Milne Ice Shelf, Canada
- Self-organization of biogeomorphic patterning of limestone depressions in a low-relief karst landscape
- Sensitivity of Mountain Lake Thermal Regimes to Changing Snow-packs Mediated by Lake and Catchment Features
- Sensitivity of Mountain Lakes to Increasing Algal Growth
- Simple Models of Light Interception in Heterogenous Canopies
- Simulating rice pesticide runoff at basin level via an integrated RICEWQ-AnnAGNPS modeling system
- Simulating the role of fire in forest structure and functional type coexistence: Testing FATES-SPITFIRE in California forests
- Simulation of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) in the Mississippi Embayment Aquifer Using a Coupled Hydro-economic Model
- Simulation of climate change effects on surface water-groundwater interactions in a fractured rock tropical basin
- Size of the atmospheric blocking events: A scaling law and response to climate change
- Slab-wedge Coupling Promotes Deep Subduction of Sediment: Geodynamic Insights to Mantle Geochemical Heterogeneity
- Slabs as Agents of Mixing and Material Recycling in the Earth's Mantle
- Solar Energy Development in an Era of Looming Land Scarcity: Land-Use Metric Standardization and Novel Concepts
- Source Identification using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) Network
- Spatial-temporal Analysis of the Urbanization of Beijing in Twenty Years by Multi-source Remote Sensing Data at Google Earth Engine
- Spatiotemporal patterns and environmental controls on increasing wildfires in Sierra Nevada, California
- Spontaneous Tropical Cyclogenesis without Radiative and Surface-Flux Feedbacks.
- Stochastic Assessment of Land-Use Change Effect on Groundwater Quality
- Stream Chemistry Indicates Catchment Response to Disturbance and Regional Warming in the Boreal Forest
- Stream canopy influences timing of annual maximum water temperature
- Suitability Map to Identify Water Scarcity Remediation Opportunities for Disadvantaged Communities in Tulare Lake Basin, CA, USA
- Surface renewal measurements in roughness sublayer for water management in irrigated orchards
- Sustainable Water Management in the Lower Colorado Basin: Influence of Climate and Regulatory Context on the Ability to Meet Human and Environmental Water Needs
- Tectonic and compositional controls on magma storage depths globally: Results from CIDER 2019
- The AGU Art and Science Community
- The Dynamics of Water Supplies, Land Use, and Disadvantaged Communities in the Tulare Lake Basin, California
- The Earthquake Flat and Rotoiti Subsurface Relationship (Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand): A Cryptic Connection at Depth?
- The Existential, Unanticipated Threat of Groundwater Basin Closure
- The Hidden Value of Private Water Markets in Jordan: Simulating Spatial Price Equilibria in a Coupled Hydro-Economic Model
- The Incredible Lightness of Water Vapor
- The Longitude of Tropical Pacific Deep Convection: A Perspective on ENSO Diversity and Implications for Western US Hydroclimate
- The Production, Loss, and Fluid Dynamics of Ozone in the San Joaquin Valley
- The Role of Averaging Scale in Modeling Non-linear Leaf Level Processes for Canopies using a Three-dimensional Leaf-resolving Model
- The Role of Spatial Scale and Data Density on the Representation of Geologic Heterogeneity and Managed Aquifer Recharge Processes
- The Role of the Boundary Layer in Convective Self-Aggregation Illustrated by a New Diagnostic Framework of Moist Static Energy (VRMSE)
- The boon and bane of natural water storage in mountains
- The spurious controversy about cold vs. warm magma storage and the influence of conceptual models
- Time Evolution of Trace Gasses, Aerosols, and Their Optical Properties in Nine Wildfire Plumes Sampled During the BBOP Field Campaign
- To Scale or Not to Scale: The Question is Truly How to Characterize the Integral Scales of Turbulence.
- Towards a single filter, single analytical method speciated PM monitoring network
- Towards robust shear band angle and width in visco-plastic rheology
- Transferring 30-m Historical Landsat to 10-m Sentinel-2-like Archive through Generative Adversarial Network based Super-resolution
- Transitioning from Snowfall to Rainfall: Impacts of Climate Change on Spatial Patterns of Precipitation and Water Resource Management
- Tree mortality detection and assessment using AVIRIS imaging spectroscopy data in Sierra Nevada
- Trends and Drivers of Burn Severity and Fire Size in Northern California's Inter-coastal Mountains
- Tsunami Squares: Validation by Comparison to the Regional Ocean Modeling System Tsunami Simulator and Earthquake Driven Inundation Mapping
- U-Pb Chronology of Zircons from Anomalous Eucrite Serra Pelada
- Ubiquitous imaging of solar photospheric fields using miniature, photonic magnetographs
- Understanding Interannual Forage Production Variability of Annual Grassland in an Era of Changing Climate using Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
- Understanding Natural Streamflow with the Seasonal Flow Detection Algorithm
- Understanding Uncertainty in California Farmers' Decision-making on Nitrogen and Water Management
- Understanding the Link between Chemical Composition and Inflammatory Response and Mutagenic Effects of Atmospheric Fine Particulates in Northern China
- Understanding the Thermal and Chemical State of a Silicic Magmatic System Prior to Caldera-Forming Eruptions: Taupo Volcanic Center, New Zealand
- Upscaling of Regional Scale Transport Under Transient Conditions
- Using Self-Organizing Maps to Identify Coherent CONUS Precipitation Regions: Application to Extremes Aggregation
- Validation of a quasi 3D streamline framework for the simulation of Non Point Source Pollution in large agricultural basins
- Variations in Amazonian forest canopy structure and light environments across environmental and disturbance gradients
- Vehicle Electrification in Mexico: Evaluating Long-Term Grid Capacity Planning and Interplay with Renewable Deployment
- Verifying Multi-Decadal Consistency of Light-Absorption Measurements in a Filter-Based Haze Monitoring Network
- Viromes from Northern Minnesota Reveal Peatland Habitat Endemism of Globally Distributed Viral Populations
- Water Quality Impacts of the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard
- What do we learn from higher-resolution satellite data? Investigating aggregation bias in the crop yield response to prices
- What happens to DOM when a big river, the Yukon, meanders through a big delta and out into the big ocean?
- Winter Haze in Northern China Driven by Secondary Inorganic and Organic Formation in Liquid Aerosols
- Woody plant diversity assessment and its relationships to functional traits in Mundumalai National Park in India using AVIRIS-NG data
- A Comparison Between Measurements Using Surface Renewal, Eddy-Covariance, and Radiant Temperature Based Aerodynamic Methods, and Satellite-Based Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Estimates for Fallow and Cropped Fields
- A Generalized Modeling Approach to the Stability of Natural Resource Governance Systems
- A Marine Hydrokinetic Turbine Design Targeting Enhanced Operational Performance
- A Paradigm Shift in Sulfate-Nitrate-Ammonium Aerosol Formation in the United States and its Implications for Reactive Nitrogen Deposition
- A Vertically Resolved Moist Static Energy Framework Highlights the Role of the Boundary Layer in Convective Self-Aggregation
- A comparison of the environmental responses of canopy SIF and GPP in a subalpine conifer forest in Colorado, USA.
- A marine science internship, without the ocean: transitioning a community college internship program to a virtual setting
- Agricultural managed groundwater recharge: interrelation of nitrogen cycling and hydrology
- Air quality trade-offs of a rapid expansion of personal electric vehicles in China.
- Altered Ice Algal Phenology In A Changing Cryosphere
- Amphibian Collapses Exacerbated Malaria Outbreaks in Central America
- An evaluation of probes for oxidizing triplet excited states of organic matter in aerosol liquid water
- Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Contribute Substantially to Air Pollution Mortality
- Applying Local-Scale Knowledge to Solve Broad Global Environmental Change Problems: a Case Study for Climate Change Refugia Conservation
- Assessing the Role of Lithospheric Buoyancy Forces and Mantle Flow in Driving Deformation across the East Africa Rift through 3D Geodynamic Modeling
- Assessing the Utility of Historic NASA Imaging Spectroscopy Data to Detect Plant Disease in California Vineyards
- Assessing the impact of Floodplain Landfill on Hydrology and Water Quality in the Lower Mekong River Basin by Numerical Modeling and Field Survey
- Associations among topography, snowmelt, and plant green-up phenology, revealed through a time-lapse camera network
- Bamboo corals as unique high-resolution archives of ocean processes: Evidence from the California margin.
- Behavior of Internal Variables of Long and Short-Term Memory Neural Network for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
- Bridging the precision gap in zircon <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>230</SUP>Th and <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>206</SUP>Pb ages between 100 and 350 ka: Development of a coupled ID-TIMS and ID-MC-ICPMS zircon dating technique
- Can estimation of leaf area density from terrestrial LiDAR scanning data be further improved by using additional information provided by full-waveform instruments?
- Canopy structure: the link between optical and lidar remote sensing through canopy spectral invariants
- Changes in Fire Potential and Extreme Downslope Winds in California under Global Warming Projections of 1.5 °C, 2.0 °C, and 3°C
- Changes in Vegetation Associated with Recent Climate Trends in Southern California: A Remote Sensing Approach
- Changes of Banded Vegetation Patterns in Drylands and their Drivers
- Chemical composition of recent snow in Southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Climatic Influences on ẟ<SUP>18</SUP>O in California Rainwater and Cave Dripwaters
- Cold air rises in the tropics. Does cold air rise in CMIP6?
- Combining environmental tracers and numerical modeling to estimate mountain-front recharge components in the Tucson Basin
- Comparing In-Situ Evapotranspiration of Two Cherry Orchards in California's Central Valley with ECOSTRESS ET Estimates and Modelled ET from a Higher-Order Closure, Multilayer Soil, Plant, and Atmosphere Model
- Comparison between 2D-CNN a 3D-CNN for precipitation downscaling
- Connecting laboratory and field measurements of smoke composition to build a framework explaining ozone formation from Western U.S. wildfires measured during FIREX-AQ
- Considering the effects of canopy structure on hyperspectral radiative transfer and terrestrial photosynthesis
- Contaminant Dispersion in Agricultural Soils as Influenced by Land Management Practices
- Contrasting changes in the seasonal ITCZs between recent observations and future projection
- Convergence and divergence of canopy photosynthesis, fluorescence, and reflected radiance
- Cosmogenic nuclide inheritance as an archive of erosional processes
- Coupled Evolution of Landscape Geomorphology and Species Traits across Environmental Gradients
- Cropland carbon uptake delayed and reduced by 2019 Midwest floods
- Cutting to the core: measuring variable drought sensitivity in tree species across their climatic niche
- Degradation of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Mobile Genetic Elements in Dairy Manure Anaerobic Digestion
- Delineating solar energy and land use interactions: An exigency for standardized metrics
- Denitrification in heterogeneous aquifers: Relevance of spatial variability and upscaling
- Developing Map-Based Web Interfaces to Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Community Models
- Development of a Remote-Sensing-Based Method to Monitor Changes in Groundwater Storage
- Direct Measurements of the Forces Between Silver and Mica in Humic Substance-Rich Solution
- Direct Partitioning of Eddy-Covariance Water Vapor and Carbon Fluxes into Surface and Plant Components
- Dynamic Adaptation to Climate Change: Framing the Challenge of Uncertainty Characterization for Human-Environmental Systems
- Effects of drought-intensified tree mortality on wildfire behavior in Sierra Nevada forests
- Enabling polar coverage of solar photospheric fields with miniature, photonic magnetographs
- Environmental scientists in the field: Lessons learned connecting to the local experience, network, and knowledge as an Environmental Toxicology outsider in a small Californian agricultural community
- Error or insight: Tracing how errors in dynamically downscaled hydrologic projections shape vulnerability inferences in complex water infrastructure systems
- Estimating vineyard water use with remote sensing: Lessons learned from the GRAPEX project
- Evaluating the Strengths and Limitations of Fluorescence to Constrain Photosynthetic Processes: A New Statistical Inference Framework
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Across Resolution
- Evaluation of historical CMIP6 model simulations of extreme precipitation over contiguous US regions
- Evapo-sublimation Variability Across a Forest/Meadow Transition Zone
- Evapotranspiration estimation with high-resolution aerial imagery over almond orchards using TSEB model
- Examining the Continental-Level Relationship Between Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Gross Primary Productivity at High Latitudes
- Exploring changes to ocean oxygenation and seafloor ecosystems in Southern California Borderlands through the Holocene
- Exploring the climate change and variability effects on almond phenology in California
- Fast LUT Building by Combining PROSAIL and DART: Application to Gap Fraction and Leaf Pigments Estimations over a Woodland Savanna.
- Flow path resistance in heterogeneous porous media recast into a graph-theory problem
- Genomes and Metabolic Traits of Soil Microorganisms Enhanced by Organic Compost Amendment
- Geologic and geochemical variability across an alluvial vadose zone and shallow groundwater underneath an irrigated agricultural almond orchard site
- Geomorphic covariance analysis of thirty ephemeral streams in the South coast of California, USA.
- Global Retrievals of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence With TROPOMI
- Greenland Icebergs as a source of sediment and micronutrients to the ocean domain
- Greenland ice sheet meltwater export from a land terminating glacier 2008-2019
- Groundwater Externalities, Water Pricing, and Land Use Change
- High-resolution monitoring of root-zone soil moisture for vineyard irrigation scheduling
- Hydro-economic modeling of managed aquifer recharge for an agricultural landscape
- Hydrological Extremes and Human Society
- IPEAT<SUP>+</SUP>UI/WEB: Free User Interface Options of Automatic Calibration Tool for SWAT<SUP>+</SUP>
- Ichnos: An efficient node based stochastic particle tracking algorithm
- Identification of Macroplastics Subject to Degradation in Lake Tahoe, Nevada
- Identification of burning influenced fine aerosol samples in a monitoring network using mid-infrared spectroscopy
- Identification of suitable Managed Aquifer Recharge locations In California's Central Valley using an evolutionary multi-objective optimization
- Imaging Spectroscopy Processing Environment on the Cloud (ImgSPEC)
- Impacts of end of century climate extremes on California hydrology
- Impacts of lowered baselevel on the hydrology of Van Norden meadow
- Improved Daily ET Estimation Using Remotely Sensed Data in a Data Fusion System
- Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of Hybrid Finite Element / Particle-In-Cell Methods for Modeling Geologic Processes
- Inferring gross primary productivity from TROPOMI SIF
- Influence of Anthropogenic Emission Reduction during COVID-19 on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in California's San Joaquin Valley: Concentrations and Chemical Properties
- Influence of Intense Secondary Aerosol Formation and Long Range Transport on Severe Haze in Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Infrared Analysis of Photolytically Aged Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol
- Integrated Quadrant Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Turbulent Coherent Structures in the Atmospheric Surface Layer
- Integrating earth observations and biodiversity data to predict nature-based across Costa Rica
- Interdisciplinary Modeling of the Socioeconomic Tradeoffs of Water Management in River Basins with Potential for Disconnection between Surface and Groundwater
- Invasive and Native Plant Trait Space Dynamics across an Aquatic-Terrestrial Continuum
- Investigating Thermal Shear Instability as a Viable Failure Mechanism for Deep Earthquakes in High Strain-rate Regions of Subducting Slabs
- Investigating physical drivers of straying behavior in California Central Valley fall-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) through ecohydraulic analysis
- Investigating the Spatiotemporal Trends of Agricultural Soil Viral Communities via Paired Total Metagenomes and Viromes
- Lakes and Watersheds in the Sierra Nevada (California): Responses to Environmental Change
- Large scale field demonstrations to test the carbon sequestration potential of enhanced weathering in working lands
- Linking Physical Infiltration Processes to Changes in Water Quality and the Potential to Address Legacy Contaminants during Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Linking Social, Political, and Technical Feedbacks to Model Tipping Points in the Climate-Social System
- Long Enough? Uncertainty-driven Metrics for Modeling Air Quality Health Impacts under Climate Change
- MANTIS: An online, groundwater nonpoint source pollution decision support system
- Mean flow direction modulates non-Fickian transport in a heterogeneous alluvial aquifer-aquitard system
- Mechanistic drivers of canopy-scale spatial patterns in solar induced fluorescence from boreal forests
- Methane and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from the Offshore Oil and Gas Supply Chain in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
- Mexican School in Geoscience Communication: Bridging International Communities
- Mobilizing high crystallinity magmas: Earthquake Flat eruption of the Okataina Volcanic Center, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Modeling Induced Seismicity as Invasion Percolation on a Correlated Lattice.
- Modeling Legacy Nitrate Leaching Potential during Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Modeling high-resolution precipitation by means of a regional climate model coupled with a machine learning algorithms: Application to Dong Nai-Sai Gon river watershed.
- Modeling the Magnitude and Direction of SIF and GPP in Response to Light Conditions Across Evergreen Forests
- More Bang for your Buck: Where technical investments in Earth System Models have the greatest promise for payoff
- Moving From "Outreach" to "Engagement" in the Design of Community and Citizen Science Projects
- Multi-Objective Policy Trees for Dynamic Adaptation to Climate Change
- New insights into the construction of the 25.4 ka Oruanui, New Zealand, magma reservoir from a comparison of whole-rock and plagioclase-hosted zircon records
- Observing, resolving and predicting the terrestrial carbon cycle and its sensitivity to climate.
- Operator Replacement Using Machine Learning with Conservation Laws
- Optimizing Conservation and Habitat Restoration Portfolio Actions for Winter-run Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawystscha) Based on Life Cycle Simulation
- Optimizing the Efficiency of Metadata Curation in Large Scale Data Repositories
- Organic Nitrogen, Bimodal Size Distributions, and Polluted Marine Air in an Ocean-in-Lab Experiment
- Particle Size Distribution Dynamics Can Help Constrain the Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Planning-driven model diagnostics to determine the effects of observation and parameter uncertainty on groundwater management in Mexico City
- Pore-scale Hydrodynamics During Biofilm Development in Porous Media: Temporal Evolution and the Effect of Biofilm Properties
- Post-fire recovery of ecosystem productivity in Arctic and boreal forests of Alaska
- Quantifying ecologically relevant changes in streamflow patterns in response to climate change
- Radiative transfer and viewing geometry considerations for the SIF/GPP relationship
- Rapid cloud removal of dimethyl sulfide oxidation products short circuits new particle formation in the marine boundary layer
- Resolving Recharge: quantifying the efficacy of mafic recharge as an eruption initiation mechanism
- Revealing the Diversity of Hydropeaking Patterns by Time-Series Data Mining
- Review of the State of Digital Collections Management
- Scaling up Solar-Induced Fluorescence from Leaf to Canopy in in a Conifer Forest with the Geometric Optical and Radiative Transfer Model
- Seasonal upwelling patterns drive water quality heterogeneity in the nearshore of a deep lake
- Secondary Organic Aerosol from the Oxidation of Highly Substituted Phenols by Aqueous Hydroxyl Radical
- Sensitivity Analysis of Long-term Groundwater Nitrate Dynamics in the Central Valley, California
- Short-term effects of sheep grazing on C and N cycling in a cover cropped vineyard
- Simulating Inundation using Tsunami Squares: Comparison to Multiple Tsunami Events
- Simulation of Ozone during Lightning Event in pre-Monsoon Season using WRF-Chem over India
- Soil Properties Below a Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge Site on the Flood Plain of the Cosumnes River, Elk Grove, CA
- Soil organic carbon sequestration as a strategy to enhance soil health and ecosystem resilience to mitigate future pandemics and global change.
- Spatial Distribution of Deep Earthquakes Tied to Strain-rate Variations in Slabs
- Spatial Variation in Littoral Zone Benthic Algal Productivity in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Spectral detection of water stress in grapevine
- Techno-hydrological Attributes and Land Sparing Opportunities of Floating Solar Photovoltaics
- The Cameron SIF System: Combining SIF measurements with High-Resolution Imagery for Complex Canopy Characterization
- The Compressional Beta-Effect: Analytical Solution, Numerical Benchmark, and Data Analysis
- The DoNUT Kinematic Model for Convective Circulation and the Divergence-Free, Non-Traditional Coriolis Force
- The ESS-DIVE repository and next steps toward a usable, trusted, and FAIR repository
- The bioanalytical screening of deleterious organic compounds on volcanic ash: a pilot study using the AhR-CALUX assay
- The effect of vapor buoyancy on tropical atmospheric circulations
- The impact of spatial and temporal aggregation on the relationships among SIF, GPP, and hyperspectral reflectance using airborne data
- The impact of the Moisture-Entrainment-Convection feedback on Spontaneous TC genesis
- The importance of the water-energy limitation threshold in drought impact studies
- The intercalibration of astrochronological data with composite sections produced by constrained optimization (CONOP): A case study from Neogene strata in the Southern Ocean
- The role of terrestrial vegetation in abrupt climate change during last Dansgaard-Oeschger cycle and Heinrich Event 1 according to palynological data
- Thermal structure at the inner core boundary in dynamo simulations with heat equation for the whole core
- Time-dependent evolution of off-fault deformation
- Toward data-driven generation and evaluation of model structure for integrated representations of human behavior in water resources systems
- Understanding Determinants of Rapid Wildfire Spread Across California's Diverse Ecosystems
- Understanding hydrogeological processes at a volcanic headwater in Central Chile.
- Understanding the influence of water uptake on absorption by aerosols
- Uniting Advances in Remote Sensing, Crop Modeling, & Economics for Understanding and Managing Weather Risk in Agriculture
- Using Landsat and ECOSTRESS land surface temperature to parameterize sub-grid tiling schemes and enable tile-level calibration of land surface models
- Using Space/Time Data Fusion to Estimate PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>Concentrations and Quantify the Acute Health Impacts of Smoke Exposure During the 2017 California Wildfires
- Using a Model-Data Fusion Approach to Better Understand the Fate of Terrestrial Carbon in the Southern Sierras.
- Using a Mountain Landscape to Understand Drivers of Spatial Variation in Aquatic Ecosystem Metabolism
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using integrated models to avoid tipping points in a multi-objective water allocation problem
- Variations in spatiotemporal averaging, canopy illumination, and surface coverage and their impact on the interpretation of SIF and vegetation index observations
- Vegetation index sensitivity analysis for wetland vegetation phenology using Sentinel-2 Data
- Visualization and Analysis of 3D Data in the Geosciences Using the yt Platform
- Water use in non-irrigated cover crops for the benefit of nesting waterfowl in California Sacramento Valley
- What makes volcanoes erupt?
- Width variability controls on and channel slope response to spatial patterns of macro-roughness elements in mountain rivers
- Wildfire ignitions in California: spatial and temporal patterns and drivers
- Wildfire response to changing daily temperature extremes in California's Sierra Nevada
- Winter limnology: how do hydrodynamics and carbon biogeochemistry shape unique ecosystems under ice?
- Working towards diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
- rSHUD: An R Package Facilitating Quick and Reproducible Hydrologic Deployment Worldwide.
- Investigating benefits from additional recharge facilities within the American River Basin
- A Data-Model Integration Framework to Study Carbon Uptake Phenology in Tropical and Boreal Forests
- A Dynamical Systems Approach to the Stability of Complex Governance
- A Framework for Predicting Impactful Research in Hydrological Science
- A Headwaters-to-Groundwater Analysis of the Climate Sensitivity of the Mt Shasta River Basin: Integrating Hydrogeology, Remote Sensing, Particle Tracking, and Isotopic Tracers
- A Mass-Conserving Thermal Structure for Slabs in Instantaneous Models of Subduction
- A New Kind of Scientist: The Case for Community and Citizen Science as Integral to Graduate Education
- A New Method to Estimate Sensible Heat Flux from Wavelet Analysis of Semi-high Frequency Radiometric Canopy Temperature
- A Perspective from Earths Deep Mantle Krypton and Xenon on Evolution of Planetary Interiors
- A Process-Level 3D Atmospheric Model for Secondary Organic Aerosol: Model Development and Applications to the GoAmazon Field Campaign
- A Retrospective Analysis of b-value Changes Preceding Strong Earthquakes
- A Statistical Physics Description of Glacier Calving Behavior in Ice-shelf Evolution
- A Storm-Resolving Data Set for Analysis of Precipitation at its Native Scale, Diagnosis of Cloud-Resolving Models, and Development of Next-Generation Parameterizations
- A Synthesis of Wildfire Impacts on Permafrost Thaw Depth Across Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems
- A comprehensive investigation of machine learning models for estimating daily snow water equivalent over the Western U.S.
- A low-order wind-resolving model for predicting transport processes in row-organized agricultural canopies
- A multi-objective optimization framework for Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge
- A new view on the timing and kinematics for major structures associated with the Denali fault system
- A remote sensing-based evapotranspiration toolkit for water management applications in California
- A retrospective and prospective examination of the 1960s U.S. Northeast Drought.
- ATR-FTIR Identification of Polymer Type in Macroplastic Trash from Lake Tahoe, Nevada: Opportunities and Challenges
- Actual Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients of Commercial Strawberry Grown for Plant Propagation in California
- Adaptation of a dynamically coupled fire spread model to account for heterogeneous terrain and fuels
- Advanced Atomic- and Molecular-level Techniques Reveal Alterations to Soil and Stream Organic Matter from Agricultural Sulfur Applications
- Age Validation for Nonpoint Source Assessment Tool in Central Valley, California
- Agricultural Managed Groundwater Recharge: Interrelation of Nitrogen Cycling and Hydrology
- An Assessment of Nonhydrostatic and Hydrostatic Dynamical Cores at Seasonal Time Scales in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SMv1)
- An Integrated Understanding of Oceanographic Stressors and Climate Extremes in the Southern California Bight from 1984 to the Present
- An Underground, Wireless, Open-source, Low-cost System for Monitoring Oxygen, Temperature, and Soil Moisture
- Anthropogenic and Meteorological Contributions to the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave
- Applicability of precipitation data from reanalysis as input to rainfall-runoff model using LSTM.
- Application of Automated Riparian Vegetation Recruitment Potential Model for Habitat Enhancement Pilot Study
- Application of an Inexpensive Spark-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Instrument for Measurements of Atmospheric Metal Particles
- Are the Good Times Burning Out? Changes in Prescribed Burn Windows over the Past Four Decades in California
- Assessing Potential Recharge Project Success Through Novel Monitoring and Numerical Modeling Methods
- Assessing risks of water shortages for small communities in Californias Central Valley by forecasting groundwater elevation and predicting well failure
- Assessing the Effects of Non-photochemical Quenching and Structural Effects on the Seasonal Cycle of Solar-induced Fluorescence in a Coniferous Forest with a Land Surface Model
- Assessing the permanence and performance of enhanced weathering for carbon sequestration using geospatial modelling.
- Assessing the veracity of Citizen Science data as a method to build computational literacy and big data processing skills
- Atmospheric Benzothiazoles in a Coastal Marine Environment: Implications for Sea Spray Aerosol Selective Organic Enrichment and Secondary Marine Aerosol Chemistry
- Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of Subduction Zone Rheology from the Geoid
- Bean physiology under drought stress: High-throughput field phenotyping using tower-based spectral reflectance and solar-induced fluorescence (SIF)
- Beneath the bark: assessing woody stem water and carbon fluxes and its prevalence across climates and the woody plant phylogeny
- Bin and Bulk Schemes Are More Alike Than They Are Different
- Biodiversity lowers ecosystem sensitivity to climate variability
- Broadening Access to High School Science Research Enrichment Experiences Using Cloud-Based Data Tools, Handheld Mobile Devices and Virtual Communication Technologies
- COVID-19 impacts on California methane point source emissions
- Can property level flood losses be reliably predicted?
- Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Evapotranspiration Responses to a One-time Compost Application in a Grazed Grassland.
- Characterization and Source Apportionment of Nonrefractory Submicron Aerosol Chemistry at the Southern Great Plains Observatory
- Characterizing Emissions from California Biomethane Facilities
- Cloud-performant reading of NetCDF4/HDF5/Grib2 using the Zarr library
- Combined Effects of High Temperature and Light Reveal Novel Interactions Between Photosynthesis and Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Comparison of Almond Tree Evapotranspiration and Stress Indices Derived From Surface Renewal, Eddy Covariance, Thermal Imagery, and Weighing Lysimetry
- Comparison of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Beneath Oceanic and Continental Lithosphere in the Southern California Continental Margin
- Complement method of missing streamflow time-series data by means of Long and Short-Term Memory network
- Comprehensive model evaluation to maximize utility to model developers, scientists and stakeholders: Towards Coordinated Model Evaluation Capabilities
- Connecting Spatial Climate Information to Infrastructure Operations using Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Connecting physics-based and data-driven approaches for predicting Earth Systems from partial observations.
- Considerations for Assessing the Technical Potential of Floating Solar: A Systematic Review
- Contaminant Transport in Heterogeneous Soils from Different Land Management Practices
- Cooling crusts create concomitant cryovolcanic conduits
- Coordinating Agricultural Land Idling and Managed Aquifer Recharge to Prevent Domestic Well Failure
- Corn and Alfalfa Yield Responses to Enhanced Weathering and Organic Soil Amendments in California
- Coupled Models in PyLith for Earthquake Cycle Simulations
- Coupled Sulfur and Carbon in the Archean: Petrographic Relationships Between Pyrite and Kerogen in 2.63 Ga Carbonates
- Coupled biological and photochemical control of secondary marine aerosol composition and cloud-forming ability
- Cumulate Overturn Dynamics of the Lunar Mantle Constrained by Mg-suite Petrogenesis
- Cutting the San Gorgonio Knot: Luminescence Thermochronology Suggests Quaternary Uplift Across Mill Creek Fault in Southern California
- Daily evapotranspiration estimates from application of Shuttleworth-Wallace model with Sentinel-2 surface reflectance data over California vineyards
- Detecting Plant Phenological Response to Snowmelt on Barren Alpine Landscapes
- Detecting, mapping and characterizing agroforestry systems in Peru
- Detection and Attribution of Regional Precipitation Change with Granger Causality: Approaches to Short- and Long-Lived Climate Forcers
- Detection and Attribution of Regional Precipitation Change with Granger Causality: Overcoming Limited Observations, Modeling Uncertainty, and Large Internal Variability
- Determining the optimal configuration of sub-grid tiles in Land Surface Models over the Contiguous United States
- Developing Instantaneous Subduction Models to Investigate Thermal Shear Instability as a Deep Focus Earthquake Failure Mechanism in the Tonga Subduction Zone
- Developing Systematic Evaluation Methods of Acid Reductive Leaching for Paleoceanographic Proxies: a Case Study using Pacific Marine Sediment.
- Developing a robust indirect measurement of leaf area index in California almond orchards for validating remote sensing-based retrievals
- Development Status of the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Surface-Based Particulate Matter Measurement Network
- Diagnosing cloud and precipitation processes at the individual cloud scale in E3SMs global 3km convection permitting model
- Dilution and Photooxidation Driven Processes Explain the Evolution of Organic Aerosol in Wildfire Plumes
- Discovering emergent organization in complex spatiotemporal systems
- Divergence among spaceborne observations of photosynthetic phenology across the pan-boreal domain
- Does accumulation of large volumes of silicic magma require prolonged heating?
- Drone-Based Mapping of Evapotranspiration and Crop Water Stress in Vineyards during Heatwave Events
- Dual-Objective Assessment of a Stakeholder-Defined Suite of Management Actions in an Undammed Agricultural River Valley with Mediterranean Climate, California, USA
- Dynamic Attributes in Deep Learning Rainfall-Runoff Models to Address Non-Stationarity
- Ecosystem collapse or recovery? A model-data fusion framework for assessing drought-induced tipping points in a Californian forest.
- Effects of Irrigation on Grapevine Ecophysiology and Evaporative Cooling During Extreme Heat Events
- Effects of the latent heat at the inner core boundary on the thermal structure at ICB in numerical dynamo simulations
- Emissions of CH4, CO2, and NOx from Offshore Alaska Oil and Gas Activities
- Environmental Enforcement Monitoring at the Food-Water Interface: Measuring Regulatory Land Management Performance with Comparative Integrated Hydrologic Simulations
- Environmental Justice Analysis for Six Future Energy Scenarios in California
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) Across Resolutions
- Evaluation and Use of 18 years of Daily Reference Evapotranspiration for California
- Evaluation of OpenET DisALEXI and Ensemble ET over the State of California
- Evidence of a low-to-no snow future and its impacts on water resources in the western United States
- Examination of the Information in the Spectral Curvature of in situ Aerosol Hyperspectral (300-700 nm) Optical Properties Measured from Wildfire Aerosols from a Ground-based Mobile Lab during FIREX-AQ
- Expanding Grids for Efficient Cloud Dynamics Simulations Across Scales
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flux Partitioning methods for water vapor and carbon dioxide
- Factors Regulating Nearshore Periphyton Blooms in Lake Tahoe
- Flow dynamics during upwelling events in rotationally influenced lakes: A numerical study
- Flow heterogeneity impact on dissolution reaction behavior in geologic porous media
- Footprints in the tundra: Considerations for linking remote sensing observations with flux tower data in the Arctic-Boreal Zone
- From storylines to anthologies Systematically examining the implications of climate change on known weather extremes and their multisectoral impacts
- Getting to the Heart of Science Communication: Taking Relational Work Seriously in Practice
- Groundwater Salinization Under Irrigated Farmlands: Impact of Groundwater Development Strength and Basin Closure Status
- High-resolution Tracking of Root-zone Soil Moisture Availability for High-value Irrigated Crops
- How to Do Community Science to Improve Environmental Justice and Health Outcomes
- Hydrologic Impacts of Cover Crops in Sacramento Valley Rice Systems
- Hydrology Research Articles Are Becoming More Interdisciplinary
- IPEAT+UI/CLOUD:Cloud-based Automatic Calibration Tool for SWAT+
- Identifying Central Tendencies in Ensemble Solutions to Geophysical Inverse Problems
- Identifying key geomorphic parameters characterizing ecohydraulic responses of river channels using River Builder
- Imaging Spectroscopy Processing Environment on the Cloud (ImgSPEC): A Prototype of an Open Science, Scalable Processing Environment
- Impact of Scientist Spotlight Activities on Belonging, Science Identity, and Self-efficacy in an Introductory Geology Laboratory
- Impact of managed aquifer recharge on critical zone processes in agricultural landscapes
- Impact of water vapor isotopes observation on tropospheric atmospheric circulation
- Implementing a Remote Sensing Data-based Evapotranspiration Toolkit for Real-Time Irrigation Scheduling in California vineyards: Performance and Limitations.
- Implementing and benchmarking high-performance particle methods in the geosciences and beyond
- Improving Temporal Sampling of ET Timeseries Retrievals using Multi-Sensor Thermal Imaging Sources
- Improving the accuracy of Kumamoto's groundwater level modeling using deep learning LSTM
- Influence of hydrogeologic structure on long-term sustainable groundwater elevations for a moderate-altitude rain-fed groundwater basin under climate change
- Influence of organic carbon amendments on weathering of pulverized silicate minerals: interplay of biotic and abiotic processes
- Investigating Potential Melt Sources for the Magma-Poor Albertine-Rhino Graben of the East African Rift System Using 3D Geodynamic Modeling with ASPECT
- Investigating the complexation of soil organic carbon by calcium in soils developed in the diverse parent materials of Point Reyes, California using synchrotron-based spectro-microscopy.
- Laboratory prototype for a photonic magnetograph
- Lagrangian Intermittency in Colloid Transport Through Porous Media
- Landscape measurements of evapotranspiration and CO2 fluxes during the first year of newly established bioenergy poplar plantation
- Large Scale Meteorological Patterns Associated with Extreme Precipitation Events Over Northern California
- Legacies of fire in fluvial yields of carbon and nitrogen from boreal catchments
- Leveraging Expert Analysis to Remove Duplicates in GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Data
- Light absorbing particle induced snow aging enhances radiative forcing in Southwest Greenland.
- Linked convective cycling of water, chlorine and noble gases through Earth's mantle
- Linking Physical Infiltration Processes to Changes in Water Quality and the Potential to Address Legacy Contaminants during Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Machine Learned Marine Fog Detection and Climatology from GOES and HYCOM
- Machine learning predictions of mean ages of groundwater in the Great Lakes Basin, USA
- Magma-Assisted Flexure of Hawaiian Lithosphere Inferred From Three-Dimensional Models of Lithospheric Flexure and Active Source Seismic Data
- Mechanisms Driving Delayed Beetle Outbreaks at High Elevations in the Southern Sierra Nevada
- Metabolism in lake pelagic and littoral habitats respond differently to smoke from wildfires
- Metagenomic Investigation into 300 Years of Cyanobium Population Dynamics in Mono Lake
- Methods and challenges of merging heterogenous data for development of large scale nitrate simulation models
- Microbial Induced Anaerobic Oxidation of Magnetite to Maghemite in a Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Aquifer
- Miscibility of Rock and Ice in Exoplanet Interiors Using Ab Initio Simulations
- Modeling Impacts of Nonpoint Source Nitrate Flux from an Almond Orchard on Shallow Groundwater in the Central Valley, California
- Modeling Nitrate Leaching Potential during Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge using a Conditional, Reactive Transport Model
- Modeling Tropical Convective Clouds and Circulations with the DoNUT
- Modeling the Effects of Initial Continental Rift Structure on the Symmetry and Vergence of Collisional Orogens Formed by Rift Inversion
- Modeling the impact of levee setback on groundwater recharge and stream flow and temperature for ecosystem and anthropogenic needs
- Morphodynamic stage threshold for confined mountain rivers can be identified using geomorphic covariance structure analysis
- Multifractal Analysis of Seismic Moment Distributions Obtained From InSAR Inversion
- Neotectonics of the Rift-Bounding Toro-Bunyoro Fault, Albertine Graben (Uganda), Western Branch of the East African Rift System
- Nickel Isotope Fractionation in Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-S alloys by Thermodiffusion
- Non-negligible Surface Charge Within Mesoporous Siliceous Analogue and Applicability to Biogenic Siliceous Mudstone (Mowry Shale)
- Nowcasting Earthquakes by Visualizing the Earthquake Cycle with Machine Learning:A Comparison of Two Methods
- Nowcasting Earthquakes in Southern California with Machine Learning: Correlations with Regional Tectonic Stress
- Object-based analysis of fronts and frontal precipitation in climate datasets
- Observations of radiatively driven convection plumes in a deep, unstratified, ice-free lake
- On the Implementation and Usability of CPO Evolution in Geodynamic Modelling
- One is Greater than Two for Collision-Coalescence in Bulk Microphysics Schemes
- Organic Sulfur Compounds and Their Relative Abundance in IMPROVE Network Samples
- Pervasive crustal weakening from widespread off-fault damage: Implications from the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes
- Philosophy and Progress of the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model
- Physical and ecophysiological controls on the relationship between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary productivity across diurnal and seasonal scales in the boreal forest
- Pooling Data Improves Multimodel IDF Estimates over Median-Based IDF Estimates: Analysis over the Susquehanna and Florida
- Potential for soil-based negative emissions technologies to complement decarbonization pathways to achieve statewide carbon neutrality in California
- Predicting volatile organic compound (VOC) production and uptake locations using depth-resolved concentrations for a better understanding of the soil metabolome
- Preparation for the DART Mission at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2021
- Prioritizing GCMs for Regional Dynamical Downscaling
- Progressive Lateral Propagation, Interaction, and Linkage of Active Rift Segments: Insights from the East African Rift System
- Promoting equity in urban aquifer management: Modeling differential impacts of groundwater pumping policies on marginalized communities
- Provenance of Terrestrial Volatiles Determined from Non-radiogenic Krypton and Xenon Isotopes in MORBs
- Queer Connections: How LGBTQ+ Community and Citizen Science Volunteers Perceive and Value a Sense of Community
- Radiative transfer and viewing geometry considerations for remote sensing as a proxy for carbon uptake in boreal ecosystems
- Recipe for Magma-Deficient Rifting: Tectonic Memory or Magmatism?
- Representing Explicit Microbial and Plant Process in Wetland Biogeochemical Models
- Reservoir sedimentation management using diversion tunnel
- Revisiting the Effects of Shear Zone Strength, Low Temperature Plasticity and Mantle Phase Transitions in 2-D Subduction Dynamics
- Riparian vegetation planting can be guided by machine learning model
- Science Policy Collaborations: Optimizing Ocean Monitoring Networks for Environmental Management
- Seasonal and diurnal variability in methane emissions from California dairy facilities partially explain mismatch between inventory and atmospheric observations: implications for reducing emissions
- Shaky foundations and constructed disasters: the role of history and memory studies in evaluating disaster response in Mexico and Puerto Rico
- Shock response of a magma ocean analog to 1 TPa
- Simulation of Climate Change Impacts in the Water Balance of a Tropical Groundwater Basin in South-Central Panama
- Soil Carbon Sequestration from Enhanced Weathering During a Historic Drought Year
- Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a ground-based and remotely-sensed physiological indicator of grapevine stress
- Spatial Variability of Inter-row and Sub-canopy Measurements of Incident Solar Radiation within Vineyards
- Spatial and temporal variations in the CH4 homopause altitude at Jupiters mid-to-high latitudes
- Speciated Aerosol Composition across the United States from Urban and Rural Long-term Monitoring Networks
- Storylines as a tool for advancing co-production of science and informing climate adaptation pathways: A perspective from the U.S. DOE HyperFACETS Project
- Strain Accommodation along Early-Stage Rift-Bounding Faults, Bilila-Mtakataka Fault, Southern Malawi
- Submesoscale eddy-driven mixing and heat transport observed beneath the calving edge of the Nansen Ice Shelf
- Subsidence, Faulting, and Thermal Conditions of the Fish Creek Vallecito Basin Within the Northern Gulf of California Rift
- Supporting Equitable, Inclusive, and Just Science Communication and Engagement Practice-based Career Development
- Synergistic use of spectral information from Landsat and Sentinel-2 data for modeling near real-time crop water status across California vineyards
- Testing Models of Archean Crust Formation with Hf isotope of Zircons in Acasta Gneiss Complex
- The Addition of Carbon Amendments during Managed Aquifer Recharge and their Impacts on Water Quality and Enhancement of Denitrification
- The DRIAR Project: Dry-Rifting In the Albertine-Rhino Graben, Uganda
- The Divergence-free Net Coriolis Force creates Vertical Geostrophic Balance and Westward tilted Atmospheric Convection
- The Non-Traditional Coriolis Terms and Their Impact on the Convective Weak Temperature Gradient
- The Non-traditional Coriolis force drives Westward tilts in Multiscale Theories and Laboratory Experiments of Tropical Dynamics.
- The Relationship Between Vertical Velocity and Extreme Precipitation
- The Role of Relative Humidity on the Photo-bleaching of Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol
- The TEMPEST Initiative
- The Unrealized Carbon Emission Potential of Three Northern California Reservoirs
- The generation mechanism of the equatorially antisymmetric flow associated with dipole reversal in geodynamo simulation
- The impact of climate change mitigation practices on nitrous oxide emissions from agroecosystems and food systems
- The nontraditional Coriolis terms and convective system propagation
- The phenology and environmental drivers of oak tree-growth and photosynthesis at the Lamont Sanctuary Forest in the northeastern US
- The role and timescale of the moisture-entrainment-convection feedback in Spontaneous TC genesis
- The role of heterogeneous and multiphase chemistry of hydroperoxymethyl thioformate in the conversion of dimethyl sulfide to sulfate aerosol
- The vapor buoyancy feedback beyond the equator: Evidence from GCM simulations
- Tight nitrogen recycling recorded in benthic microbial mats of nutrient limited, perennially ice-covered Lake Vanda, Antarctica
- Title: Tracking Magma Evolution at Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic Field Using the PB Isotopic Compositions of Sanidine Crystals
- Tomato Yield Prediction using Time Series of Satellite, Weather Data and Phenology Information with Machine Learning Model
- Toward Data-Driven Generation and Evaluation of Model Structure for Integrated Representations of Human Behavior in Water Resources Systems
- Tracking the temporal dynamics of canopy-scale chlorophyll fluorescence with a low-cost nighttime LED platform
- Turbulence Characteristics during Diablo Wind Events
- Understanding the Large-Scale Drivers of Precipitation in the Northeastern United States Via Linear Orthogonal Decomposition
- Understanding the risk of building damage to wildfires at the wildland-urban interface
- Unlearning Racism in Geosciences: A Case Study from the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- Upscaling Transport of Silver Colloids in Porous Media: from Interface- to Pore- to Continuum-Scales
- Using Stable Isotope Analysis and Foliar Growth Measurements to Understand Physiological Responses to Drought in Whitebark Pine
- Vapors are Lost to Walls, Not to Particles on the Wall: Development of Artifact-Corrected Parameters and Implications for Global Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Vertically-Resolved Moist Static Energy Diagnosis on the Development of Tropical Cyclones
- Very Long Timescale of Grain Size and Shear Zone Evolution in a Continental Strike-slip Setting.
- Water Balance Estimates of Evapotranspiration for Ground-Truthing Satellite Derivations of Grapevines Water Use
- Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity Shown by a New Index of Accumulated Cyclone Energy Considering TC Size and Asymmetry
- What happens during wildfire?
- Wildfire impacts to aridland stream chemistry across a hydroclimatic gradient
- Winter Limnology: How do Hydrodynamics and Biogeochemistry Shape Ecosystems Under Ice?
- 3D Modeling of Dynamics in the Hikurangi-Kermadec Subduction System
- A Field-Scale Groundwater Protection Formula Using an Integrated APEX-MODFLOW Model to Predict Nitrate Leaching into Unconfined Aquifers
- A Life Cycle Assessment of Bio-mediated Earthquake Hazard Mitigation to Improve Infrastructure Resiliency
- A Negative Climate Feedback due to the Lightness of Water Vapor
- A Tale of Two Droughts - Analysis of Changing Hydrology in the Scott Valley Watershed, California
- A footprint-informed approach for deriving flux response functions at AmeriFlux sites
- A leaf-level instrument bridging the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis: benchmarking spectral signals for scaling purposes
- Advances of the DRIAR Project: Dry-Rifting In the Albertine-Rhino Graben, Uganda
- Aerial Measurements of Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas Production Regions and Midstream/End use Facilities in Canada
- Agricultural and Water Management in Bugesera and Nyagatare, Rwanda
- Air Quality Monitoring in African Countries: A Scoping Review and a Way Forward
- Analyzing the Fragility of Microbial Trophic Associations and Their Contributions to Nutrient Cycling in Soil
- Analyzing the Green-Up Phenology of North American Forest Ecosystems with Carbon Flux and Digital Camera Time Series
- Aqueous Phase Processing of Black Carbon Containing Aerosols in an Urban Environment
- Archetypal River Corridor Terrain Models for Various Channel Types
- Are We on the Same Page? What COP26 Taught Us About Sectoral Alignment in the Global Water-Climate Policy Space
- Assessing Remotely-Sensed Vineyard Evapotranspiration Across Multiple Scales During Heatwaves
- Assessing Wildfire Survivors' Needs and Impacts Following 2017 Northern California Wildfires
- Assessing the Impact of Soil Carbon Amendments on Water Quality and the Potential to Address Legacy Contaminants during Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Assessment of Leaf Stress Indices Derived from Leaf-level Hyperspectral Measurements in California Vineyards.
- Asymmetric hemispheric decline of American Cordillera snowpack with future warming
- Asymmetric quantification of stream-groundwater interaction based on Stream Aquifer Flow Exchange (SAFE) method
- Asynchronous carbon assimilation and tree growth explains ring-width climate sensitivity of Eastern US temperature oaks
- Asynchrony among satellite metrics of photosynthetic phenology across the boreal domain
- Asynchrony of Spaceborne Chlorophyll Fluorescence and the Near Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation in Tropical Forests
- Atmospheric Rivers and Their Growth, Decay, and Propagation
- Atmospheric Science and Chemistry mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT): A new ground-based high time-resolution air quality monitoring network
- Big data analytics for urban global change research
- Biogeochemical Response of a Sierra Nevada Watershed Following Compounding Extremes: Drought, Wildfire, and Atmospheric Rivers
- Biome range shifts under climate change: impacts on country-level macro-economic production and ecosystem services
- Changing Trends in Drought Patterns over the Northeastern U.S. Using Multiple Large Ensemble Datasets.
- Characterization of lower crustal arc cumulate amphiboles (H2O content, δD, Fe3+/FeT ratios) by a combination of microanalytical techniques on single crystals
- Climate Change Impacts and Adaptive Capacity for California Almonds
- Combining Regional Mesh Refinement With Vertically Enhanced Physics to Target Marine Stratocumulus Biases
- Combining physiology and hyperspectral remote sensing for phenotyping drought resilience in beans
- Comparison of Classic Time Series Forecasting Methods and Deep Learning Models for Reference Evapotranspiration Forecasting
- Comprehensive Evidence Implies a Higher Social Cost of CO2
- Connecting spatial climate information to infrastructure operations using deep reinforcement learning
- Contested Flows: A Systems Modeling Approach to Understanding Influence and Narratives of Water Governance in the San Joaquin Valley
- Continuous re-optimization of reservoir policies as an adaptation to climate change
- Contrasting Responses of Atlantic and Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity to Atlantic Multidecadal Variability
- Controls on plant available water and stand-scale transpiration in forested montane catchments
- Cooling crusts and cryovolcanism on icy ocean worlds
- Coseismic static stress transfer between propagating faults promotes intra-rift faulting: Insights from the 2009 Mw 6.0 and 2014 Mw 5.2 Karonga Earthquakes, Malawi Rift
- Could agricultural drylands be promising candidates for carbon farming? Long-term SOC storage and additionality potential demonstrated under compost application in wheat-fallow rotations in Washington State
- Coupled effects of drought and salinity on soil-plant hydraulics
- Coupling of Displacement and Basement Damage Distribution Across a Border Fault Relay Zone, Toro-Bunyoro Fault, Albertine Rift
- Creation of a Shallow Groundwater Model of Bugesera District, Rwanda
- Dendrochronology Reveals the Response of a Riparian Forest to Water Management Policies in an Arid Basin
- Detection, Classification, and Evaluation of Mobile Sources Using Computer Vision and Real-Time Sensing
- Differential Exposures to Compounding Wildfire Smoke and Extreme Heat Hazards in California, 2010-2020
- Do Strain-rate Variations Determine Where Deep Earthquakes Occur in Subducting Slabs?
- Does Land Derived Nutrients Drive Water Column Carbon and Nutrient Cycling in Mangrove Tidal Creeks at the Land-Sea Interface?
- Early Rifting Exposed: Rapid Sedimentation, Faulting, And Thermal Evolution Of The Northern Gulf Of California Rift Recorded In The Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin
- Early career DEI resources from the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (AGU-H3S)
- Early laboratory testing of a photonic magnetograph
- Earthquake Nowcasting with Machine Learning: Analyzing the Information Content of Earthquake Catalogs for Scenario Earthquakes
- Ecosystem Carbon Flux Responses to Local Climate and Management in Irrigated Vineyards
- Effect of Hidden State Selection in Output Layer in Streamflow Complementation Using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Network
- Effect of natural variability in mediating short term adaptation to air pollution
- Engaging Community to Protect the Pinole Creek Watershed: Assessment of Trash Impacts to Inform Policy and Promote a Thriving Ecosystem
- Estimating Biogeochemical Rates by a Novel Tracer Approach
- Estimating Evapotranspiration using Wavelet Analysis of Semi-High Frequency Water Vapor Tracers Time Series
- Evaluating Thermal Habitat and Tidal Wetland Restoration using ECOSTRESS Surface Temperature Products in the San Francisco Estuary
- Evaluating the Impacts of Deficit Irrigation on Processing Tomatoes with Remote Sensing
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS at the watershed scale for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) across resolutions
- Evaluation of Fine Scale Fuel Mapping in Wildland Urban Interface with Multi-sensor Remote Sensing
- Evaluation of Particle Tracking Codes for Dispersing Particles in Porous Media
- Evaluation of Precipitation Indices in Suites of Dynamically and Statistically Downscaled Regional Climate Models over Florida
- Expanding the Utility of Non-Spinose Foraminifera in Paleoceanographic Reconstructions, Insight from Laboratory Experiments and Observations
- Exploring almond, water, and climate linkages with the Tree Remote sensing of Evapotranspiration eXperiment (T-REX)
- Exploring the Cascadia slab structure coupling 3D thermomechanical and CPO modeling.
- Exploring the Feasibility of a Single Liquid Category Bulk Microphysics Scheme
- Extreme drought-induced reductions in ecosystem productivity and solar-induced fluorescence are tightly coupled to changes in ecosystem structure in a semiarid grassland
- FORCE - A Newly Created "Facility for Open Research in a Compressed Environment."
- Feature Importance Evaluation and Trend Analysis of Long Time Series of Reference Evapotranspiration in California
- Flow Heterogeneity Controls Geologic Dissolution Hotspots in Porous Media
- Framework for Quantifying Simulated Precipitation Distributions at Regional Scales
- From Biology to Physics to Earth-System Science: Making Sense of Optical Signals for Tracking the Seasonality of Photosynthesis in Evergreen Forests
- GLOBE Observer's Earth System Explorers: A Scalable Virtual Internship Model to Engage Emerging Scientists in Open-Source Science
- Get in the Zone: The Risk-Adjusted Welfare Effects of Machine Learning to Define Index Insurance Zones
- Grazing herbivores reduce fire activity via fuel reductions across broad-scale savanna gradients
- Groundwater Age Tracer and NPS Pollutant Mixing in Groundwater Samples: Comparing Effects of Diffusion, Mechanical Dispersion, Aquifer Heterogeneity, and Well Screen Mixing
- H3S at Justice in Geoscience Chapman Conference: Thoughts reflections and resources
- Headwater Reservoir Management Must Consider Hydrological Supply and Agricultural Demand In a Future With Less Snowpack
- Higher-order Accurate Particle Methods Improve Models of Transient Geodynamic Processes: Benchmarks and Applications
- How Should Diverse Stakeholder Interests Inform Robust Adaptation Actions in Complex Water Resources Systems Confronting Change?
- How the past creates the present: reviewing the foundational roles of colonialism and systemic racism and their modern manifestations in paleontology
- Humidity Effects on Mixed Carbon and Dust Aerosols in Houston Measured to Evaluate Radiative Forcing and Deep Convection Modules in Climate Models
- Hydrogen Peroxide Photoformation in Particulate Matter and its Contribution to S(IV) Oxidation During Winter in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Hydrogeochemistry and Geothermometry of the Hot Springs Along the Magma-poor Western branch of the East African Rift System
- Hypergravity Experiments and Physical Modeling of Cryospheric Processes
- Identifying Sustainable Development Goal Research Trends and Recommendations for Future Food, Water, Energy Nexus Research and Policy
- Imaging mantle plumes in the southern and central Atlantic ocean
- Impact of biofilm permeability field on flow and transport in three-dimensional porous media: A stochastic study
- Impact of humidification on ambient aerosol optical properties; Field observations from TRACER-CAT in Houston, TX
- Impacts of Emission Changes and Meteorology on the Long-term (2013-2020) Ozone Trend in a Megacity (Chengdu), China
- Impacts of Floating Solar Photovoltaic Arrays on Water Quality Indicators and Thermal Dynamics of Human-Made Bodies of Water
- Implementing Earthquake Cycle Simulations in PyLith
- Improve estimation of crop water use by linking multi-scale thermal data, vegetation indices and solar-induced fluorescence measurements
- In-Situ Air Quality Monitoring in Ethiopia for the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Investigation: Spatial and Temporal Trends in Levels and Composition of Ambient PM2.5
- Incorporating Novel Isotopic Calibration Techniques into Heterogeneous Groundwater Models to Evaluate Effectiveness of Aquifer Recharge Techniques
- Influence of African Easterly Wave Suppression on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity in a Convection-Permitting Model
- Integrated modeling and observation of the feedback between photosynthesis, leaf optics, active and passive fluorescence, and leaf biochemical and biophysical properties
- Intrafield Variability of Soil Health Indicators After Whole Orchard Recycling
- Introduction to the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S): Student and Early Career Led Initiatives to Enrich Collaboration Among the Water Community.
- Investigating Melt Generation Beneath the Northern Western Branch of the East African Rift System Using 3D Geodynamic Modeling with ASPECT
- Investigating the Driving Mechanisms of the Biogeobattery using Cores from a Crude Oil Spill Site
- Investigating the Hydrologic Responses to Climate Change: The case of the Feather River Watershed in California.
- Laboratory and Ambient Comparison of Hygroscopicity and Optical Properties of Aerosols
- Land-use emissions embodied in international trade
- Landscape measurements of evapotranspiration and CO2 fluxes of bioenergy poplar under different irrigation treatments
- Lessons Learned from Implementing and Assessing Scientist Spotlights in Three Introductory Geoscience Courses
- Leveraging spatial patterns in precipitation forecasts using deep learning to support regional water management
- Linking Canopy Structure and Water-Use Efficiency in Heterogenous and Anisotropic Canopies
- Linking Drought Indicators to Multi-Sectoral Impacts in Complex Water Systems
- Long-Period Magnetotelluric (MT) Investigation of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen; New Insights Into Past Episodes of Rifting
- Magnetic Raynolds number range to sustain dipolar magnetic field in geodynamo simulations with different inner core sizes
- Mapping groundwater dependent ecosystems globally to build resilient communities, combat climate change, and mitigate biodiversity loss
- Masks Prolong Exposure to Bleach Disinfection Byproducts
- Mathematical and experimental models of steam-driven fluid oscillations in a laboratory geyser with a bubble trap
- Methane Emissions Decline From Reduced Oil, Natural Gas, and Refinery Production During COVID-19
- Microbial roles in the terrestrial carbon dynamics during 1901-2016 as simulated by the CLM-Microbe model
- Mixed Carbon Aerosol Properties in Houston, TX (TRACER-CAT): Role of chemistry in absorption, scattering, and humidification
- Modeling Hydrological Connectivity Matrices due to Riparian Vegetation at the Channel-floodplain Interface
- Modeling and observations of OH UV-emissions in the Lunar exosphere
- Nitrate Validation for Non-point Source Assessment Tool in the Central Valley, California
- Noble Gas Analysis on Plume Influenced Ocean Island Basalt from the Easter Salas y Gomez Seamount Chain
- Non-steady-state Stomatal Conductance Modeling and Its Implications: From Leaf to Ecosystem
- Numerical Modeling of Efficient Nitrate Management and AgMAR Projects to Reduce Nitrate Leaching and Improve Shallow Groundwater Quality at the Orchard Scale
- Observational data of uncrewed systems over Southern Great Plains (SGP)
- Observations show that methane emissions elevate the carbon intensity of oil and gas production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
- Opportunities and challenges in evaluating photosynthetic activity across Arctic-Boreal land cover types using solar-induced fluorescence
- Opportunities to reconcile conceptual and data-driven process representations in human-environmental systems models
- Origin and Early Evolution of Volatile Elements on Earth Inferred From Mantle Krypton and Xenon Signatures
- Ozone Source Apportionment in Los Angeles using PMF Analysis of VOCs and Direct Ozone Sensitivity Measurements
- Patterns and Controls of Ecosystem Carbon Sequestration and Emissions along a Hillslope-Gradient of Boreal Forest Stands in Alaska
- Pedogenic and mineralogical influence on soil organic carbon stability and depth distribution in a coastal temperate rainforest, southeast Alaska
- Potential and limitations of remote sensing metrics for tracking ecosystem photosynthesis: Insights from a network of tower spectrometers and aircraft data
- Potential to Detect Nonstationary Reservoir System Performance Driven by Climate and Land Use
- Predicting the effects of climate change on global plant biodiversity
- Process-Level Representation of Organic Aerosols in a Regional Climate Model (WRF-Chem): Processes, Parameterizations, and Predictions for GoAmazon
- Projecting Climate-Driven Changes in Extreme Ozone Pollution under Natural Variability and Uncertain Climate Sensitivity
- Prolonged Drought in a Mediterranean EcoRegion Suppresses Wildfire Impacts on Hydrology
- Quantifying Residual Elemental Carbon by Thermal-Optical Analysis Using an Extended IMPROVE_A Protocol with Higher Maximum Temperature
- Quantifying the effects of regenerative management on summer evapotranspiration in almond orchards in California's Central Valley
- Rapidly approaching a thermal tolerance tipping point in the Eurasian boreal forest at its southern margins
- Recharge As a Regional Groundwater Quality Remediation Strategy
- Reducing Ozone Concentrations in the year 2050 under a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Energy Scenario in California
- Regional PM2.5 Mass Budgets in Urban and Rural U.S. Aerosol Monitoring Networks
- Regionally Refined Model of E3SM Version 2: Overview of Atmosphere, Land, and River
- Remote Sensing of Water Status in Perennial Agroecosystems with Hyperspectral, Thermal, and SIF Imagery
- Revisiting the role of geometrical complexity in rupture propagation and arrest in strike-slip earthquakes
- SISAL Speleothem Database Updates - Link to Monitoring Data, Additional Proxies and Increased Accessibility
- Seasonal Prediction of End-of-Dry Season Watershed Behavior in a Highly Interconnected Alluvial Watershed, Northern California
- Seasonal changes in species specific ecophysiology within a flux tower footprint in the rainforest in Costa Rica
- Seismic Shear Wave Velocity Response During Seasonal Initiation and Cessation of Earthflow Motion
- Sensitivity analysis on inputs to the DisALEXI algorithm using a Machine Learning interpretability method
- Setting Bounds on Levee Setback Distance to Optimize High Flow Pathway Use for Groundwater Recharge
- Simulated Assessment of Preferential Flow during Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Social vulnerability in U.S. communities affected by wildfire smoke
- Socially-informed urban aquifer analysis: evaluating the role of aggregation scale in modeling differential impacts of groundwater pumping policies
- Sources, Formation, and Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols within the North Slope of Alaska Oil Fields
- Spatial and temporal variations in the CH4 homopause altitude at Jupiter's mid-to-high latitudes
- Spectral Analysis of the Turbulent Flow over a California Vineyard under Non-advective and Advective Conditions
- Sustaining Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds - Simulating Relative Increases in Free Tropospheric INP and CCN with Idealized Large Eddy Simulations
- The Contribution of Radiative Feedback to Convective Self-Aggregation Decreases With Warming
- The Effect of Pre-impact Surface Conditions on the Efficiency of Atmospheric and Ocean Loss in Giant Impacts
- The Influence of High-Tides on the Physiochemical Properties of Tidal Creeks of the Wouri Estuary
- The Making of a Geoscience Sustainability Atlas: Communicating the Contributions and Influence of Geoscientists in Advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- The Role of Triplet Excited States in Multiphase Sulphate Formation During Wintertime Pollution Events in Fairbanks, Alaska During ALPACA
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- What is the best technique to dynamically downscale regional climate change?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. B. Watts
- A. C. Aiken
- A. E. Morelan
- A. E. Schuh
- A. J. Soja
- A. Kumamoto
- A. T. Fisher
- A. T. Tokunaga
- A. V. Di Vittorio
- A. V. Rocha
- A. Visser
- A. Z. Csank
- Aaron S. Donahue
- Abhishekh Srivastava
- Adele L. Igel
- Adnan Rajib
- Adrian A. Harpold
- Alan M. Gorchov Negron
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alba M. Rodriguez Padilla
- Albert A. Presto
- Alessandro Ossola
- Alex Hall
- Alex J. Webster
- Alexander J. Turner
- Alexander Norton
- Alfonso F. Torres-Rúa
- Ali Akherati
- Allen H. Goldstein
- Allen L. Robinson
- Allison T. Karp
- Alvar Escriva-Bou
- Amanda Hendrix
- Amy M. McKenna
- Amy Valach
- Andrea Carminati
- Andrea Castelletti
- Andrea Donnellan
- Andrea Romina Díaz Gómez
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew Calderwood
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andy Baker
- Anna C. Talucci
- Antonio José Pérez Cortés
- Arman Ahmadi
- Arthur Z. Hu
- Ashlee Dere
- B. A. Schichtel
- B. Boston
- B. Chidester
- B. R. Hillman
- Bar Oryan
- Barbara C. Ratschbacher
- Barbara Romanowicz
- Beat Schmid
- Becky Alexander
- Benjamin I. Cook
- Benjamin J. Hatchett
- Benjamin J. Tully
- Bernardo A. Bastien-Olvera
- Betsy M. Summers
- Bradford J. Foley
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian A. Bergamaschi
- Brian Buma
- Brian Medeiros
- Brunno F. Oliveira
- Bruno Blais
- Bryce E. Harrop
- C. D. Cappa
- C. F. Byrne
- C. H. Anderson
- C. Hain
- C. I. Czimczik
- C. Jackson
- C. M. F. Rosales
- C. R. Terai
- C. W. D. Milliner
- Caitlin G Jones
- Caitlyn Hall
- Cameron Saylor
- Carina R. Fish
- Caroline Leland
- Carolyn E. Jordan
- Cassandra Nickles
- Chao Wang
- Charles E. Lesher
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- Charles H. Fite
- Chelle Gentemann
- Christina M. Patricola
- Christina Tague
- Christine F. Dow
- Christine M. Albano
- Christoph K. Thomas
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Christopher M. Jernigan
- Christopher Y. Lim
- Christopher Y. S. Wong
- Claire E. Moffett
- Clare Cannon
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Colin R. Meyer
- Craig L. Stevens
- Cécile Hannay
- D. Feldman
- D. H. Crider
- D. J. Shillington
- D. M. Peteet
- D. McCammon
- D. S. Stamps
- D. W. Toohey
- D. Y. Sumner
- Da Yang
- Daniel A. Laó‐Dávila
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- Daniel F. Stöckli
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- Derrick Kwadwo Danso
- Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis
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- Donna Eberhart‐Phillips
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