University of California, Davis, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Alkenone Perspective on Glacial-Interglacial Sea Surface Temperature Variations in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Characterizing the Magnetic Properties of Natural Samples Using First-Order Reversal Curve Diagrams
- Correlated Geophysical, Geochemical and Volcanological Manifestations of Plume-Ridge Interaction Along the Galápagos Spreading Center, 90.5-98° W
- Decline of a Hydrothermal Vent Field - Escanaba Trough 12 Years Later
- Detailed Observations and Sampling of the Sea Cliff Hydrothermal Field (GR-14) on the Northern Gorda Ridge
- Effect of Depositional Mechanisms on Morphology, Sediment Character, and Stratigraphy on Floodplain Fans, Navarro River, California
- Effects of Changes in Seawater Carbonate Ion Concentration on the Incorporation of Uranium into Planktonic Foraminiferal Calcite
- Eocene to Miocene Magnetic, Bio- and Chemostratigraphy at ODP Site 1090 (Sub-antarctic South Atlantic)
- Estimates of Recent Horizontal Strain from GPS in the White Wolf Fault Region, California.
- Evidence for Short Polarity Intervals Within Chrons C13r to C12r (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene) in High-Sedimentation-Rate Cores From the Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Geophysical constraints on the compensation mechanism of the Galápagos swell
- Glacially Influenced Sequence Development on Basinal Stream-Dominated Alluvial Fans, San Joaquin Valley, California
- Mass Flux of Continental Material at Cenozoic Subduction Zones--New Global and Trench-sector Calculations Using New Geological and Geophysical Observations
- Mercury Contamination and Bioaccumulation Associated with Historical Gold Mining in the Bear and Yuba River Watersheds, Sierra Nevada, California
- Multiproxy Evidence for Long-term Changes in Summer and Winter Monsoon Dynamics on the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Neutron-beam CT of magmatic rocks: Method development and applications
- Origin of Shallow Ground Water Supporting Regionally-Unique Riparian Plant and Wildlife Habitats as Determined by Isotopic and Chemical Procedures
- Paleoclimate Reconstruction From the d13C Organic and d13C Carbonate Proxies in Triassic Paleosols and Sediments, Ischigualasto Basin Argentina
- Paleointensity implications of a Holocene record of vector magnetic field behavior from Fish Lake, Oregon
- Paleomagnetic Secular Variation of Pliocene-Quaternary Lava Flows From Southern Patagonia
- Seasonal Upwelling, Marine Productivity and Human Adaptive Responses Along the Northern California Coastline Over the Last 9000 Years
- Solubility of TiO<SUB>2</SUB> in Olivine from 1 to 8 Gpa
- Temperature and Hydrological Changes in the Western Caribbean During the Last Glacial Cycle
- The Effects of Melt Depletion and Temperature on the Densities and Seismic Velocities of Garnet Lherzolite
- The Juan de Fuca Slab-window and Coast Range Volcanics, California: Correlation between Subducted Slab Age and Mantle Wedge Geochemistry
- The Life Cycle of Mercury Within the Clear Lake Aquatic Ecosystem: From Ore to Organism
- Thermochemical Models of Earth's Mantle Convection: New Insight From Fractionation and Outgassing Processes
- Thickened Ocean Crust or Basal Island Arc Origin for the Pitka Mafic-Ultramafic Complex, Northern Alaska
- Tracing Acid-Sulfate Mine Drainage Entering Clear Lake, CA, From the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine Superfund Site Using Lake Sediment Porefluid and Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry
- Ultrahigh-Resolution Holocene Geomagnetic Paleosecular and Relative Paleointensity Record From the St. Lawrence Estuary, Eastern Canada
- Uranium-Lead Ages of Lake Margin Tufa Calcite From the Middle Miocene Barstow Formation, Southern California
- Deformation in the Los Angeles Basin and Transverse Ranges: Comparison of Finite Element Model Velocities With Geodetic Velocities Observed by SCIGN
- Dispersion of Groundwater Age as a Function of Heterogeneity and Well Screen Length in Heterogeneous Media
- Evidence of differences in structure in forsterite- and enstatite-composition liquids
- Flume Experiments of Erosional Processes Post Dam Removal
- Hydrological and Temperature Changes in the Western Caribbean During the Last Glacial Cycle
- Magnetic Signature of Late Quaternary Sediments From the Kuroshio Current
- Mass balance attending gel palagonitization of hyaloclastites in the HSDP 2 Phase 1 core
- Millennial Scale Temperature and Hydrological Response of Galapagos Surface Waters During Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Northern Termination of the Calaveras Fault and Transfer of Dextral Slip Into the East Bay Hills, Eastern San Francisco Bay Area, California
- Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of pedogenic phyllosilicates and iron oxyhydroxides: Development of modern surface domain arrays and implications for paleotemperature reconstructions
- Stability and Localization of a Hydrothermal Field on a Rift Valley Wall: GR-14 on the Northern Gorda Ridge, 2002
- Structure and Heterogeneous Deformation in the 1989-90 Loma Prieta Aftershock Sequence
- Use of FORC Diagrams to Study Transformations Associated with Natural Physical and Chemical Gradients
- A Damage Mechanics Model for the Continuum Rheology of the Upper Continental Crust
- A Sedimentary Magnetic Record of Cenozoic Antarctic Environmental Changes from the Victoria Land Basin, Ross Sea
- Absolute Paleointensity Determinations of Oceanic Basalts Using the Thellier-Coe and Microwave Techniques
- Axial High Topography and Thermal Structure Along the Plume-Influenced Western Galapagos Spreading Center
- Bridging the Gap between Micromag and Cryogenic Magnetometer Measurements
- Caribbean Salinity Variation During the Last Glacial Cycle
- Damage Mechanics: Connecting the Microscale and Macroscale in Material Deformation
- Earthquake clustering in space as a percolation problem
- Effect of variable heat production on the thermal evolution of the mantle
- Evaluation and Development of the Pattern Informatics Method of Earthquake Forecasting
- Exploring the effect of variable material properties at depth on deep mantle convection
- Extending a Pacific Warm Pool SST Record From the Ontong Java Plateau to 1.0 Ma
- First Results From Hole 1256D - a New Ocean-Crust Reference Hole Drilled in Fast-Spread Crust During ODP Leg 206
- Geochemistry of the Deep Water Bamboo Coral Isidella; Intermediate Depth and Surface Ocean Chemical Recorder
- Landslides, Earthquakes, and Erosion
- Magnetic Field Gradient Differentiation of Pedogenic Iron Oxide Minerals From Chinese Loess and Paleosols
- Microbially Influenced Calcite Precipitation in Archean Communities
- Molecular Simulation of Electron Exchange Between Ferrous and Ferric Iron in Hydrolyzing Aqueous Solutions
- Quaternary Mineral Magnetic and Free Iron Records of Climatic Change from Chinese Loess/Paleosol Sequence
- River Channel Cut-off Dynamics, Sacramento River, California, USA
- The Age of Large Landslides From the Koolau Volcano, Oahu, From Coring on the Northern Hawaiian Arch
- Unified Scaling Law for Earthquakes: Implications for Hazard Assessment
- <SUP>210</SUP>Po-<SUP>210</SUP>Pb Dating and U-Series Disequilibria of a Young Basaltic Flow at 10° 44'N EPR
- A damage-mechanics model for crustal deformation
- Aftershocks In Massless Cellular Automaton Slider-Block Models.
- Can variations in precursory seismicity be used to forecast (predict) earthquakes?
- Connecting the Microscale to the Macroscale in Earthquake Processes: Scaling and its Relationship to Nucleation in Damage Mechanics
- Crustal Recylcing at Ocean Margin and Continental Subduction Zones and the Net Accumulation of Continental Crust
- Determination of Relative Contributions from Marine and Terrestrial Sediment Sources in the Cariaco Basin using a Magnetic Mixing Model
- Environmental Magnetism as an Instrument for Characterizing Paleoclimatic Variations in the Sediment Record of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa.
- Flexure with Damage
- Glacial ITCZ Shifts Recorded by Tropical Salinity Reconstructions in the Pacific and Caribbean
- Gulf Stream Salinity Variation During MIS 3 and its Link to D-O Cycles
- Holocene relative paleointensity and paleosecular variation from the Southern Okinawa Trough (ODP Hole 1202B)
- Influence of Environmental Factors over the Incorporation of U, Cd, and Minor Metals into Foraminiferal Calcite: Results of Summer 2004 Culture Experiments
- Interactive Modelling of Molecular Structures
- Investigating topography of transition zone discontinuities in the Southwest Pacific using a migration method
- Long-Term Observations of Active Hydrothermal Processes on the Gorda Ridge: The Sea Cliff Hydrothermal Field and Escanaba Trough
- Megathrust Slip and the Care and Feeding of the Subduction Channel Through which the Seismogenic Zone Runs
- Microbial Community Structure Responses to Long-Term Acid-Mine Drainage Contamination in a Coastal Salt Marsh
- Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Signature of Upper Oceanic Crust Generated by Superfast Seafloor Spreading: Results from ODP Leg 206
- Planktonic Foraminifera Study at Site ODP 999A (Caribbean Sea): Insights into Oceanic Exchange and Paleocirculation During the last 450 Kyrs.
- Preliminary δ <SUP>13</SUP>C and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr Curves for Late Mississippian (Chesterian) Carbonates and Siliciclastics in East-Central Idaho
- Reconstruction of Paleoenvironmental Conditions at the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition Using Pollen Data From Core MD03-2620 (Cariaco Basin, Caribbean Sea)
- Rules of Thumb for Producing FORC Diagrams
- Scales of mantle heterogeneity
- Short-Term Earthquake Prediction Based on the Reverse Tracing of Lithosphere Dynamics
- Simulation-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Using System-Level, Physics-Based Models: Assembling Virtual California
- Slab Devolatilization and Os and Pb Mobility in the Mantle Wedge of the Kamchatka Arc
- Strike-slip fault evolution at intermediate (10 ka - 1 Ma) timescales: an example from the Aksai restraining stepover along the Altyn Tagh fault, NW China
- Tensor Field Visualization in Geomechanics Applications
- The Effects of Increased Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity on Mixing Rates and Convection Patterns in the Deep Lower Mantle.
- The FORC Method: Where we are and where we are going.
- The Thermal Evolution of the Western Equatorial Pacific During the Midde and Early Pleistocene
- Thermal Neutron Radiography of Deuteriated Water in Soils
- Trajectories of Unsaturated Magnetic Properties on Day Plots
- Why is Gutenberg-Richter scaling applicable, why are b-values nearly constant?
- 100 Years after the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906: Earthquake Forecasting and Forecast Verification - Status, Prospects and Promise
- 3D Reconstruction of Intricate Archean Microbial Structures Using Neutron Computed Tomography and Serial Sectioning
- A Caliifornian perspective on High School Earth and Space Sciences in University admissions
- A New Look At The 1996 Gorda Ridge Eruption
- A RELM earthquake forecast based on pattern informatics
- Aftershock Relaxation for Japanese and Sumatra Earthquakes
- Coercivity Distributions and Magnetic Particle Interactions From First-Order Reversal Curves (FORCs): Examples from Natural Materials and Software for Data Analysis
- Detection of Silica-Mediated Dissolution of Magnetic Grains in Sediments Using FORC Diagrams
- Distinguishing Between Pelagic and Allochthonous Deposition in High-Resolution Records of Aptian-Albian Oceanic Anoxic Events at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 398, North Atlantic Ocean
- Dynamical effects of increases in viscosity and thermal conductivity in the lowermost 1000 km of the mantle.
- Earthquake forecasting using the pattern informatics (PI) index
- Effects of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Emplacement on Deep-sea Foraminiferal Assemblages
- Equation of state of refractory silicate glasses and melts by high-pressure x-ray microtomography
- Excess Silica in Stoichiometric and Non-Stoichiometric Clinopyroxene
- Experimental constraints on plagioclase liquidus relations and decompression induced crystallization in hydrous basalt.
- Exploring Tensor Fields Using a Fabric Like Texture on Arbitrary Surfaces
- Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin: Developing a More Continuous Composite Section from Overlapping Cores
- Forecasting the Next Great San Francisco Earthquake
- From Tornadoes to Earthquakes: Forecast Verification for Binary Events Applied to the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Geophysical and Geological Data Document That Sediment Subduction and Subduction Erosion Recycle Large Quantities (Globally 2-3 km3/yr) of Continental Crust to the Mantle Wedge
- High-Resolution C and N isotopic Records from the Aptian-Albian of Northeastern Mexico: Insight into OAE 1a and 1b Environmental Dynamics
- Kinematics of a continental triple junction in the western Tibetan plateau explains variation in structural style along the Karakoram fault
- Magnetic Properties and Absolute Paleointensity of Upper Oceanic Crust Generated by Superfast Seafloor Spreading, ODP Leg 209.
- Microbe-Mineral Interactions Along Biogeochemical Gradients in Bahamian Stromatolites: Key to Lithification and Preservation
- On the Excitation and Decay of Aftershocks
- Palagonitization of Mauna Kea Sideromelane: New Insights From in-situ Micro Mass Spectrometry
- Paleomagnetic Results From IODP Exp. 306: Shipboard and Preliminary Post-Cruise Studies
- Rapid North Atlantic Salinity Oscillations Across Dansgaard-Oeschger Transitions
- Rapid Reduction in Subducting Plate Strength in the Kermadec Trench: A New Application of Admittance Analysis Using Trench-Parallel Profiles
- Scaling Properties of Aftershock Sequences
- Short-Term Geomagnetic Variability as a Tool for Determining Precise Global Chronologies: Examples From the North Atlantic
- Simulation Based Distributions of Earthquake Recurrence Times on the San Andreas Fault System.
- Stress Relaxation and Failure in a Brittle Material Subjected to Damage
- The Effects of Melt Depeltion on Mantle Density and the Formation of Subcratonic Lithospheric Mantle
- The Iceland Deep Drilling Project, a 5 km Deep Drillhole Underway to Investigate Deep Geothermal Resources on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
- The Origin of 87Sr/86Sr in Cold Springs and Travertines of the Franciscan Complex near Cazadero, California
- Why Weibull?
- A Modified Pattern Informatics (PI) Method: Application to Forecasting the Locations of Future Large Earthquakes in Central Japan
- A New Apparent Polar Wander Path for Antarctica
- A liquid crystal model for friction
- Bending and flexure of brittle materials through damage: A model for folding in the elastico- frictional domain
- Changes in Upwelling Along the Northern California Coast From C-14 Reservoir Ages
- Comparison of U-Th-Ra Disequilibria in multiple crystal populations in lava from the current eruption of Mt. St. Helens
- Constraints from Earth's heat budget on mantle dynamics
- Deformation of tracers in isoviscous 3D flows with applications to mantle mixing
- Do Faults Strengthen or Weaken between Earthquakes?
- Drilling a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate: Hole 1256D
- Earthquakes: Recurrence and Interoccurrence Times
- Estimating the global volume of deeply recycled continental crust at continental collision zones
- Evidence for Highstand of Lake Tahoe During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Evidence for the Climatic Impact of the 1600 Eruption of Huaynaputina Volcano, Peru
- Geomagnetic Links to Climate Change and Orbital Cycles
- Geomorphic Response to Global Warming in the Anthropocene: Levee Breaches in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Watershed
- Holocene slip rate for the central Altyn Tagh Fault: Preliminary results from the Yue Ma Ke Qi site using displaced fluvial risers and 14C geochronology
- Iceland Deep Drilling Project: (VI) Fluid-rock Interactions in the Reykjanes Geothermal System as Indicated by Alteration Mineralogy and Sulfur Isotopes.
- Influence of Slab Geometry on Diffuse Plate Boundary Deformation: 3D Numerical Models of the Plate Boundary Corner in Southern Alaska
- Initial Magnetostratigraphic and Environmental Magnetic Results from Old Cores from the Ross Sea Sector (Antarctica)
- Investigating Deglacial Climate Records: The Carbon Isotope Minimum Event and High- Resolution Radiocarbon Ages
- Lithium enrichment in plagioclase and melt inclusions from the October 2004 eruption of Mount St Helens, Washington: Evidence of pre-eruptive vapor transfer?
- Lower crustal migmatization via advective heating during intra-arc shortening; western Sierras Pampeanas Argentina
- Mantle Sources, Mantle Melting and the Genesis of the Central East Greenland Plateau Lavas
- Orbitally Tuned C and N Isotopic Records of Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event1a in Northeastern Mexico and Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 398, North Atlantic Ocean
- Parkfield Aftershock Interoccurrence Scaling
- Project REPEAT: Rates and Evolution of Peat Accretion through Time in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Quantifying Mixing and Scales of Heterogeneity in 2-D Numerical Models of Chaotic Mantle Mixing
- Stable Isotope Fractionation of Cr in Carbonaceous and Ordinary Chondrites
- The California Hazards Institute
- The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): (I) Status and Future Plans.
- The Terrestrial Fossil Organic Matter Record of Global Carbon Cycling: A Late Paleozoic through Early Mesozoic Perspective
- Triaxial deformation of the brittle crust in transtension: Coso-China Lake region, eastern margin of the Sierra Nevada Microplate, southeastern California
- Viscosity of komatiite liquid at high pressure and temperature
- A Paleoenvironmental Record From Tomales Bay, California: Organic and Geochemical Proxy Records of Anthropogenic Impacts
- A method for forecasting the locations of future large earthquakes
- Bamboo Coral Gorgonin: Surface Water Geochemical Records From the Organic Nodes of a Deep Water Coral
- Bringing the ocean to the classroom: Using real scientific data to engage students in environmental stewardship
- Cenozoic Right-slip Faulting Along the East Flank of the Pamirs, NW China: Implications for the Kinematic Evolution of a Major Salient in the Northern Margin of the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen
- Chronology of Methane Venting From Pockmarks on the Northern Flank of the Storegga Slide Complex
- Climatic Shifts and Geomagnetic Excursions
- Crustal Recylcing at Ocean Margin and Continental Subduction Zones and the Net Accumulation of Continental Crust
- Cryptic young zircon and young plagioclase in the Kaharoa Rhyolite, Tarawera, New Zealand: Implications for crystal recycling in magmatic systems
- Dating Ductile Deformation With Combined Lu-Hf and Ar-Ar Geochronology
- Diel Changes in U/Ca of Cultured Orbulina universa from Laser ICP-MS Profiles
- Focusing of 50-80 Percent of Total Arabia-Eurasia Convergence Since 5 Ma Along the Southern Margin of the Greater Caucasus: Effect of Strain Localization Along the Margins of a Rigid Inclusion Within a Young Orogen?
- Holocene slip rate for the central Altyn Tagh Fault: Preliminary results from the Tuzidun site based on 14C and 10Be dating of a displaced fluvial terrace riser.
- Influences of Source Heterogeneity and Potential Temperature on the Generation of Basalts from the North Atlantic Large Igneous Province
- Lithium and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of the Oceanic Crust formed at a Superfast Spreading Ridge, Hole 1256D
- Mantle mixing revisited: The influence of viscosity and implications for chemical geodynamics
- Megathrust Slip and the Care and Feeding of the Subduction Channel Through which the Seismogenic Zone Runs
- Milankovitch Forcing of Antarctic Climate in the Ross Sea Sector during the Quaternary
- Mineral-organic Dynamics During Export From Rivers to Oceans: Implications for Organic Matter Source and Diagenetic Alteration
- Modeling Magma Mixing: Evidence from U-series age dating and Numerical Simulations
- Modelling Aftershock Sequences With Missing Data
- No Evidence for Neotectonic Activity Along the Inferred Northern End of the Karakorum Fault
- Numerical Simulations for Earthquake Physics (Virtual California): Recent Results and Current Plans
- Numerical Simulations of Falling Sphere Viscometry Experiments.
- Oxygen isotopes in MORB revisited: insights into the nature of the Indian MORB source and implications for crustal recycling
- Reflected Light Microscopy, SEM and Rock Magnetic Characterization of Magnetic Minerals Through an Intact Sequence of Oceanic Crust, IODP Hole 1256D
- Selective Preservation and the Interpretation of Pollen Data from Hypoxic Marine Conditions: Evidence from Cariaco Basin Core MD03-2620
- Stretching of passive tracers and implications for mantle mixing
- The Effects of Melt Depletion on the Density Structure of Cratonic Mantle, and its Implication for the Post-Laramide Convective Thinning of the Wyoming Craton
- The FORCLIM Eco-Physiological Growth Model for Planktic Foraminifera: a new Tool to Reconstruct Ecological Niches, Abundance and Potential Depth and Season of Growth for Fossil Foraminifera Species in Ocean Sediment Records
- The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): (I) A New Era in Geothermal Development?
- The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum-central east Greenland flood basalts Connection?
- Threshold Behaviour of Millennial-Scale Variability in North Atlantic Deep Water Hydrography During the Last 1.1 Ma: Evidence From XRF Core Scanning at IODP Sites U1313 and U1314
- Tokunaga fractals: Stream networks, DLA, aftershocks, and biology
- Trace Element and Textural Variation in Plagioclase Phenocrysts from Prehistoric Eruptions at Mount St. Helens
- Virtual California: Interplay Between Fault System Complexity, Dynamics, and Numerical Stability
- Volatile Transport and Accumulation Timescales Modeled using 210Pb-226Ra Disequilibrium in Tephras From Mount Pinatubo Volcano, Philippines: Moving From the Timescales of 222Rn to 210Pb
- A New High-Precision Paleomagnetic Reference Vector From Mesa El Burro, Mesa Cartabón, and Mesa El Pinole, Baja California for the Tuff of San Felipe, a Miocene Ignimbrite Marker Bed Exposed in Baja California and Sonora, México
- A Tour of Paleomagnetic Results From Ocean Drilling
- A model to quantify mixing and anisotropy in three dimensional, incompressible flow fields
- An Interactive, 3D Fault Editor for VR Environments
- Dating Antarctic climatic and tectonic events of the Neogene - Age models from the ANDRILL 1B and 2A cores
- Degree-2 in the Transition Zone and Near the CMB: Bottom up Tectonics?
- Dense Root Removal by Asymmetric Delamination in Sierra Nevada, California: Insights from Numerical Modeling
- Effects of pH and Temperature on Calcification of the Planktic Foraminifer O. universa: Insights from Culture Experiments.
- Environmental Magnetism of Late Quaternary Sediments From the Southern Okinawa Trough: Paleoceanographic Implications and History of the Kuroshio Current
- Experimental Perspective on Cause of Planktonic Foraminifera Intrashell Mg/Ca Variability and Impact on Paleoceanographic Applications
- Extraction of Features from High-resolution 3D LiDaR Point-cloud Data
- High Pressure Tomography in Studies of Core Formation Mechanisms
- Hydrothermal Alteration of Hyaloclastites Adjacent to Sill-Like Intrusives in the HSDP 3-km Core Hole.
- Lithospheric Deformation Along the Denali Fault System of South-Central Alaska
- Local Perturbations to the Carbon and Oxygen Pools in the Lower Mississippian Madison Limestone, Montana and Wyoming
- Localization of Pliocene to present Arabia-Eurasia convergence in the Kura fold-thrust belt, Azerbaijan
- Magnetic Mineralogy of a Complete Oceanic Crustal Section (IODP hole 1256D)
- Magnetic Properties of Fast Spreading Ocean Crust Drilled by (I)ODP Hole 1256D Into the Gabbro Zone Revealed by Fuzzy c-Means Cluster Analysis
- Medium-term Earthquake Forecasting with Numerical Earthquake Simulators: A Feasibility Study with a Comparison to the WGCEP
- Missing Data in Aftershock Sequences: Explaining the Deviations From Scaling Laws
- Nitrogen stable isotope fractionation along trophic level pathways in deep sea bamboo corals
- Observations Favor BASS, the Self-Similar Limit of ETAS
- Paleomagnetism of the AND-2A Core, ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Project, Antarctica
- Palinspastic restoration of NAVDat and its implications for the origins of magmatism in western North America
- Plio-Quaternary detrital Be-10 paleo-erosion rates from the eastern Peninsular Ranges, California
- Preliminary Basin Analysis of Latest Miocene Conglomerate Near Bahía Kino, Coastal Sonora: A New Record of Crustal Deformation During Initial Opening of the Northern Gulf of California
- Prolonged Storage of Andesitic Recharge Magmas Inferred From 238U-230Th-226Ra Mineral Separate Data
- Provenance Investigations Using Magnetic Susceptibility of Pebble- to Cobble-Sized Clasts in the AND-2A Core, ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Project, Antarctica
- Provenance and Pathways: A Geochemical and Isotopic Analysis of Mt. Shasta Groundwater
- Rapid crystal recycling at Krafla Volcano, Iceland, inferred from oxygen-isotope and trace- element compositions and U-Th-Ra disequilibria in plagioclase
- Record-Breaking Earthquakes
- Record-Breaking in Geophysics
- Reticulate Structures Reveal the Significance of Cell Motility in the Morphogenesis of Complex Microbial Structures in Pavilion Lake, British Columbia
- Rock Magnetic Characterization Through an Intact Sequence of Oceanic Crust, IODP Hole 1256D
- Slip Rates and Scarp Profiles, Using Terrestrial LiDAR to Quantify Deformation on the Aberdeen Fault, South-Eastern California
- Spatial Distribution and Surface Expression of Groundwater in Fracture Controlled Systems
- Temporal and spatial late Quaternary slip rate variability on the southern San Jacinto fault, California
- The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): (I) Drilling for Supercritical Hydrothermal Fluids is Underway
- The Influence of Source Heterogeneity on Melt Production in OIBs and LIPs
- The Last Deglaciation Recorded in Central Sierra Nevada Stalagmites, California
- Timing of Alteration From Uranium-series Geochemistry of Altered Ocean Crust at IODP Site 1256D
- Title: Structural styles of active shortening within the Kura fold-thrust belt: Insights from the Qaramaryam fold, Azerbaijan
- Transtensional Analyses of Fault Patterns and Strain Provinces of the Eastern California Shear Zone-Walker Lane on the Eastern Margin of the Sierra Nevada Microplate, California and Nevada
- U Decay-Series Evidence for the Eruption of Two Magma Batches Between 2004 and 2008 at Mount St. Helens
- U/Ca ratios in deep-sea corals: Testing the relationship with carbon dioxide in seawater
- Using crystal ages and compositions to evaluate the generation of rhyolite at Tarawera, New Zealand
- Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) Paleointensity Determinations
- Volcanic Perspective on Plutonism based on Patterns in Evolution in Long-Lived Continental Volcanic Systems
- 10Be and U-series dating of late Quaternary landforms along the southern San Jacinto fault: Implications for temporal slip rate variability
- A General Landslide Distribution for Triggered Event Landslide Inventories from 100-10,000 Landslides (Invited)
- A damage-mechanics model for earthquake rupture initiation and propagation
- Along-strike variation in the formation of the Greater Caucasus and Kura fold-thrust belt: Insights from the stratigraphy of the Kura Basin, Azerbaijan
- Bamboo coral skeletal Sr/Ca: An indicator of growth rate or other vital effects?
- Benthic foraminiferal records of natural and anthropogenic environmental change in a coastal estuary: Tomales Bay, CA
- Biosignatures of photosynthetic influences on carbonate precipitation in surface nodules associated with modern, freshwater microbialites in Pavilion Lake, B.C. (Invited)
- California margin Bamboo corals: Spatial variability in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope composition
- Climatic controls on denudation in the deglaciated landscape of the Washington Cascades
- Confirmation of Late Miocene Age for Marine Strata on Isla Tiburón, Gulf of California, México
- Constraints on Hydrothermal Fluid Flow Geometry From Resistivity Measurements
- Correlations and Synchronization in Earthquake Physics (Invited)
- Crusta: Visualizing High-resolution Global Data
- Dynamics of Slab Detachment Due to Ridge-Trench Collision: 2D and 3D Implications
- Education and Public Outreach at The Pavilion Lake Research Project: Fusion of Science and Education using Web 2.0
- Effects of dynamic triggering on patterns of seismicity in Virtual California earthquake simulation
- Evaluating Earthquake Models and Forecasts Through CSEP
- Evidence for a Southern Pattern of Deglacial Surface Warming in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- High Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Trench Canyon Fault Zone, Mono Lake, Northeastern California
- Iceland Deep Drilling Project: (V) Isotopic Evidence of Hydrothermal Exchange and Seawater Ingress from Alteration Minerals in the Reykjanes Geothermal System
- Iron isotopes for the layered series of the Skaergaard intrusion
- Liquidus temperatures for the layered series of the Skaergaard intrusion
- Magnetostratigraphic and Cyclostratigraphic Records From Eocene-Miocene Sediments Cored in the Paleoequatorial Pacific: Initial Results From IODP Expedition 320
- Mantle Heterogeneity Beneath the Tectonically Stable US Interior
- Modeling seismic catalogs by cascade models: Do we need long-term correlations? (Invited)
- Models for Near-Ridge Seamounts Constrained by Gravity Observations
- Physical influences on microbialite morphological variation and distribution in Pavilion Lake, British Columbia, Canada
- Post-Pliocene localization of Arabia-Eurasia shortening in the Greater Caucasus and Kura fold-thrust belt (Invited)
- Preliminary Field Investigation and Numerical Modeling of Slip Transfer across the Aksay Bend and Stepover of the Altyn Tagh Fault
- Pressure Dependence of Komatiite Liquid Viscosity and Implications for Magma Ocean Rheology
- Reconciling Surface Plate Motions and Rapid Three-dimensional Mantle Flow around the Southern Alaska Slab Edge
- Record-Breaking Earthquake Intervals in a Global Catalog and an Aftershock Sequence
- Role of the Internet in Anticipating and Mitigating Earthquake Catastrophes, and the Emergence of Personal Risk Management (Invited)
- Scales of mantle heterogeneity emerging from 3-D models of advective stretching
- Structural and density relaxation in NaAlSi3O8 glass at high pressure and temperature
- Ten years later: The PI index and earthquake forecasting (Invited)
- The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP):(I) Drilling at Krafla encountered Rhyolitic Magma
- Three dimensional Qp- and Qs-Tomography beneath Taiwan Orogenic Belt: Implication to the Tectonic and Thermal Structure
- Transtensional Rifting in the Late Proto-Gulf of California Near Bahía Kino, Sonora, México
- A fault and seismicity based composite simulation in northern California
- Advancing Understanding of Earthquakes by Drilling an Eroding Convergent Margin
- Dispersion of the Geomagnetic Field Caused by Secular Variation: Constraints From Sediment Cores From Around Antarctica
- Earthquake behavior of the Enriquillo fault zone, Haiti revealed by interactive terrain visualization
- Influences of Biogenic Gas Production on Lamina-Scale Microbial Microfabrics in Modern and Ancient Stromatolites
- Integrating Surface and Seismic Observations as Constraints on Mantle Deformation and Rheology in the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone (Invited)
- Magnetostratigraphy of ANDRILL Core AND-2A, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Mid Holocene earthquake cluster along the central Altyn Tagh Fault, NW China resolved through integration of morphochronologic datasets
- Precursory Activation and Quiescence Prior to Major Earthquakes
- QuakeSim Computational Infrastructure for Integrating DESDynI and UAVSAR Data into Earthquake Models (Invited)
- Self-Discovery of Structural Geology Concepts using Interactive 3D Visualization
- Strontium and oxygen isotopic profiles through 3 km of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust in the Reykjanes Geothermal System, Iceland
- The role of the Denali fault, slab geometry, and rheology in the deformation of the overriding plate in Alaska
- UAVSAR and GPS Observations of Crustal Deformation in Southern California and Implications for Earthquake Risk
- 10Be-derived paleo-erosion rates recorded in the Fish Creek-Vallecito basin, California indicate no increase across the Plio-Pleistocene climate transition
- Assessing coseismic slip variation with terrestrial lidar scans of the 4 April 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah surface rupture
- Compositional variations in the mantle, and their velocity and density effects
- Concentrated Strain Associated with Blind Thrusting in The California Eastern Coast Range from Continuous GPS Data
- Coupled Conodont δ18Ophosphate, Climate Model, and Stratigraphic Perspectives on Carboniferous Cyclic Deposits from Mid-Continent North America
- Dynamic evolution of outer rise faulting in subduction zones: The role of plate strength and subduction kinematics
- Effect of hydration on elasticity of vitreous silica
- Evolution of fluid-rock interactions: fluid inclusion, isotopic, and major/minor element chemistry of hydrothermally altered volcanic rock in core RN-17B, Reykjanes, Iceland
- Groundwater Contributions of Flow, Nitrate, and Dissolved Organic Carbon to the lower San Joaquin River, California, during 2006-2008
- High Temperature Metamorphism In The Conductive Boundary Layer Of An Intrusion Of Rhyolite Magma In The Krafla Geothermal System, Iceland
- Links between crustal melting, plate boundary forces, and syn-convergent exhumation in the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina
- Modeling of Slow Slip Events at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin
- Offset Landforms Record the Holocene History of Fault Slip Along the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Postglacial Response of Terrestrial Neotropical Vegetation to Abrupt Climate Change as Recorded by Pollen from a Marine Core, Cariaco Basin
- SCEC Earthquake Simulator Comparison Results for California
- Structural Controls on the Surface Rupture Associated with the Mw7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake of 4 April 2010: A Comparative Analysis of Scarp Array Kinematics, Orientation, Lithology and Width
- Tracing changes in the East Asian Monsoon using the Mg isotope record in a loess-paleosol sequence from Luochuan, China
- Underthrusting of passive margin strata into deep crustal hot zones associated with Cretaceous arc magmatism in North America: links and timescales of magmatic vs. tectonic thickening
- Using <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar and Lu-Hf isotopic dates to further understand the deformational history of an ancient subduction zone in Alaska
- A Mullti-Proxy Stalagmite Reconstruction of Climate in the Central Sierra Nevada during the Last Deglaciation
- An integrated multidisciplinary re-evaluation of the geothermal system at Valles Caldera, New Mexico, using an immersive three-dimensional (3D) visualization environment
- Delineating the P-T-t History of Blueschist Rocks in the Ruby Terrane, Alaska using <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar UV laser ablation and Lu-Hf
- Eocene to present slip rate history of the eastern Denali Fault System
- Gulf of Alaska and California bamboo corals: Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca records
- Hypoxia in high-resolution sediment records: reconstructing the California Current Oxygen Minimum Zone on multi-decadal timescales
- Multispecies Record of Benthic Foraminiferal Shell Weight in Santa Barbara Basin: A Deglacial Environmental Record
- Preliminary Holocene History of Fault Slip for the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Slab-Dip Variability and Trench-Parallel Flow beneath Non-Uniform Overriding Plates: Insights form 3D Numerical Models
- The Earthquake Cycle on the San Andreas Fault System in northern California
- Triple isotope composition of CAS on the MC-ICPMS Neptune
- ΔCO<SUB>3</SUB> from benthic U/Ca in Caribbean core VM28-122: comparison with benthic B/Ca, δ<SUP>11</SUP>B, and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C
- Examining the Impacts of Oxygen and Carbon System Variability on Fossil Benthic Foraminiferal Shell Weight
- Interactive 3D Visualization of the Great Lakes of the World (GLOW) as a Tool to Facilitate Informal Science Education
- Mantle convection benchmarking in a 3D spherical shell: on the transitional behavior of polyhedral pattern formations
- Measurement Of Diatom Oxygen Isotopes From The Guaymas Basin Using A Sediment Trap Time Series
- Multi-scale convection in a geodynamo simulation with uniform heat flux along the outer boundary
- Near field 3D displacement of El Mayor-Cupapah Earthquake: A hybrid approach. (Invited)
- Probing the source and timing of rejuvenation and hybridization in post-caldera rhyolite magmas at Yellowstone Caldera
- Strain rates, stress markers and earthquake clustering (Invited)
- Time-dependent evolution of slab geometry and trench-parallel flow due to non-uniform overriding plates. Results from numerical modeling. (Invited)
- 1,500 Year Periodicity in Central Texas Moisture Source Variability Reconstructed from Speleothems
- Asymmetric alluvial fans along strike-slip faults: A potential slip-rate record?
- Consequences of 3-D flow on crustal production along the Lau back-arc spreading center
- Geochemical Proxy Distribution at the Atomic-Scale: Atom Probe Tomography of Foraminiferal Calcite
- Iron Isotope Systematics of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: Initial Results
- Linkages Between Upwelling and Shell Characteristics of Mytilus californianus: Morphology and Stable Isotope (δ<SUP>13</SUP>C, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O) Signatures of a Carbonate Archive from the California Current
- Magmas, Mushes and Mobility: Thermal Histories of Magma Reservoirs from Combined U-Series and Diffusion Ages
- Mineralizing conditions and source fluid composition of base metal sulfides in the Lon District, southeastern Iceland
- New Zealand-Wide 3-D Qp Attenuation Model: Low Qp North Island Crust Contrasts with High Qp South Island Terranes
- Relationship of magma storage, recharge, mixing, and eruption from U-series crystallization ages and diffusion timescales at Lassen Volcanic Center, CA
- Stromatolites provide a terrestrial record of a ~35ka warming event in Walker Lake, a remnant of the Pleistocene Lake Lahontan (Western Nevada, USA)
- Studies of the South Napa Earthquake Aftershocks
- Tectonic Setting of 24 August, 2014 M = 6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- The Dynamics of the Post-Caldera Magmatic System at Yellowstone: Insights from Age, Trace Element, and Isotopic Data of Zircon and Sanidine
- The Relationships of Plate Triple-junction Evolution, Trench-Arc Lengthening, Boninite Generation, and SSZ Spreading Centers to Ophiolite Formation, High-Temperature Soles, and Obduction
- The effect of light on the Mg/Ca ratio in the planktic foraminifer Orbulina universa: implications for a light driven vital effect on Mg incorporation into foraminiferal calcite
- The link between collisional tectonics and arc magmatism in the Paleozoic Famatina arc, Argentina
- U-Pb Detrital Zircon Geochronologic Constraints on Depositional Age and Sediment Source Terrains of the Late Paleozoic Tepuel-Genoa Basin
- Using Laser Ablation-ICP-MS to generate culture-based foraminiferal calibration relationships for Neogloboquadrina dutertrei
- Using Li Diffusion to Track Thermal Histories within Single Zircon Crystals
- Volumetric and elastic properties of basalt at high pressure by X-ray microtomography and GHz-ultrasonic interferometry
- Why were Past North Atlantic Warming Conditions Associated with Drier Climate in the Western United States?
- 3D movies for teaching seafloor bathymetry, plate tectonics, and ocean circulation in large undergraduate classes
- AUV mapping and targeted ROV sampling on the Alarcon Rise
- Alteration of Crystalline and Glassy Basaltic Protolith by Seawater as Recorded by Drill Core and Drill Cutting Samples
- Atom-scale insights into carbonate organic-mineral interfaces
- Brine migration in salt in a thermal gradient
- Characterizing Microbial Mat Morphology with Structure from Motion Techniques in Ice-Covered Lake Joyce, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
- Comparative Study of δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Compositions Determined for Fossil Holocene Planktic Foraminifera by In Situ SIMS Measurements and Standard Gas-Source IRMS Bulk Shell Analyses
- Comparison of laser-ablation and solution-mode ICP-MS techniques for measuring speleothem <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr values
- Constraining timescales of pre-eruptive events within large silicic volcanic centers
- Deformation of the Tonga Slab: Evidence for Interaction with a Small-scale Secondary Plume in the Transition Zone
- Down Core Oxygen Isotopic Measurements Of Diatom δ<SUP>18</SUP>O From The Guaymas Basin, Gulf Of California
- Elastic properties of silicate melts at high pressure and implications for low velocity anomalies in the crust and mantle
- Experimental determination of the partition coefficient for Ba in <em>Neogloboquadrina dutertrei</em> suggests calcification occurs in a Ba-enriched microenvironment
- Fault connectivity, distributed shortening, and impacts on geologic- geodetic slip rate discrepancies in the central Mojave Desert, California
- Garden City Vein Complex, Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Late Diagenetic Fluid Flow
- Geochemical Relationships between Volcanic and Plutonic Upper to Mid Crustal Exposures of the Rosario Segment, Alisitos Arc (Baja California, Mexico): An Outstanding Field Analog to the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
- Geochronology and Geochemistry of Zircons from the IODP Site U1437 in the Rear of the Izu-Bonin Volcanic Arc
- High-Resolution Zircon U-Pb CA-TIMS Dating of the Carboniferous—Permian Successions, Paraná Basin, Brazil
- Mechanics of Multifault Earthquake Ruptures
- Neogene exhumation in the eastern Alaska Range and its relationship to splay fault activity in the Denali fault system
- Noble Gas geochemistry of the newly discovered hydrothermal fields in the Gulf of California: preliminary He-isotope ratios from the Alarcon Rise and Pescadero basin vent sites
- Origin and Role of Recycled Crust in Flood Basalt Magmatism: Case Study of the Central East Greenland Rifted Margin
- Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity
- Post-Earthquake Geology in the ERA of Ubiquitous Point Clouds
- Rapid documentation of earthquake surface displacements using structure from motion photogrammetry
- Ryukyu Subduction Zone: 3D Geodynamic Simulations of the Effects of Slab Shape and Depth on Lattice-Preferred Orientation (LPO) and Seismic Anisotropy
- Seafloor Hydrothermal Activity in the Southern Gulf of California
- Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary structures and stratal geometries at the foothills of Mount Sharp: their role in paleoenvironmental interpretation
- Slip rate and paleoseismicity of the Minle-Damaying Fault, middle of the Hexi Corridor, Northwest China
- Testing fundamentals: The chemical state of geochemical tracers in biominerals.
- The crystal's view of upper-crustal magma reservoirs
- Thermal history of caldera-forming magmatic systems
- Triggered Swarms and Induced Aftershock Sequences in Geothermal Systems
- Tuning the Mg/Ca Paleothermometer for High-Latitude Species and Insights into Intraspecific and Intrashell Variability
- What gravel size may tell us about the rivers draining from the north wall of Gale Crater
- "Building" 3D visualization skills in mineralogy
- <SUP> 40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating and zircon chronochemistry for the Izu-Bonin rear arc, IODP site U1437
- <SUP>182</SUP>W evidence from flood basalt lavas for the long-term survival of primordial mantle
- Activity of the Mill Creek and Mission Creek fault strands of the San Andreas fault through the San Gorgonio Pass
- Application of the open-source mantle convection code ASPECT to long-term tectonic simulations
- Argon Diffusion Measured in Rhyolite Melt at 100 MPa
- Changes in Ocean Circulation with an Ice-Free Arctic: Reconstructing Early Holocene Arctic Ocean Circulation Using Geochemical Signals from Individual Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) Shells
- Constant Flux Proxies and Pleistocene Sediment Accumulation Rates on the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Northeast Pacific
- Controls of Walker Lane Belt Pull-aparts on the Plumbing System in the Ancestral Cascades Arc, Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Differentiating Metamorphic Events in a Polymetamorphic Terrane using Zr-in-Ttn thermometry and Titanite U-Pb Geochronology
- Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) Method for solving time dependent convection-diffusion type temperature equation : Demonstration and Comparison with Other Methods in the Mantle Convection Code ASPECT
- Distributions of single-clast cosmogenic inheritance: Implications for dating and quantifying surface processes
- Ecosystem Dynamics of the Microbial Mats in Lake Fryxell, Antarctica
- Erosion of volcanic ocean islands: insights from modeling, topographic analyses, and cosmogenic exposure dating
- Exploring the geological expression of the transition from subduction to continental collision in the Georgian Greater Caucasus
- Geochemical Relationships between Middle- to Upper-Crustal Exposures of the Alisitos Oceanic Arc (Baja California, Mexico): An Outstanding Field Analog to Active Extensional Oceanic Arcs
- Global Links to Local Carbon Cycling Perturbation
- Heterogeneous Exhumation of Mid-crustal Rocks along the Hayes Restraining Bend of the Central Denali Fault
- Influence of persistent exchangeable oxygen on biogenic silica δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in deep sea cores
- Inverting noble gas and carbon measurements for the mid-ocean ridge carbon flux
- Investigation of the heat source(s) of the Surprise Valley Geothermal System, Northern California
- Laurentide Ice Sheet Meltwater Geochemistry During the MIS 3 Warm Phase from Single-Shell Trace Element and Isotope Measurements
- Marine sedimentary coring and high-quality, multi-proxy records in the high-latitude North Pacific: a synthesis of paleoceanographic cruise and research effort
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations of Heterogeneous Mantle Melting
- Mg-banding in the non-spinose planktic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina dutertrei caused by diurnal light/dark cycle
- Origin of the two scales of wind ripples on Mars
- Paleoceanographic Synthesis of Abrupt Sea Ice and Temperature Changes in the Subarctic Pacific and Marginal Seas through the Past 20,000 Years
- Paleoseismic Investigation of the Aksay Double-restraining Bend, Altyn Tagh Fault, and Its Implication for Barrier-breaching Ruptures
- Plagioclase, Amphibole, and Magnetite in the 1991 Pinatubo Reservoir: Timescales of Crystallization and Storage
- Polar Ice Sheets Drive Paleohydroclimate Affecting Terrestrial Plant Distribution and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Potential during the Upper Carboniferous
- Potential decoupling between the regional monsoon intensity and local moisture conditions during the last millennium in central Brazil
- Preservation of Primordial Mantle in the Aftermath of a Giant Impact
- Rapid late-Pleistocene canyon incision in arid northeastern Tibet controlled by glacial meltwater runoff
- Recycling, Remobilization, and Eruption of Crystals from the Lassen Volcanic Center
- Relict basin closure accommodates continental convergence with minimal crustal shortening or deceleration of plate motion as inferred from detrital zircon provenance in the Caucasus
- Sedimentary Controls on Foraminifera Deposition in the Bay of Bengal: Implications from Single Shell Mg/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Source of Volatiles in Earth's Deep Mantle from Neon Isotope Systematics in the South Atlantic
- Stromatolites Record Changing Primary Productivity in Perennially Ice-Covered Lake Joyce, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Synthesis of North Pacific oxygen fluctuations during the climate transitions of the last 20,000 years
- The AR Sandbox: Augmented Reality in Geoscience Education
- The Upper- to Middle-Crustal Section of the Alisitos Oceanic Arc, (Baja, Mexico): an Analog of the Izu-Bonin-Marianas (IBM) Arc
- The mechanics of multifault ruptures and the keystone fault hypothesis
- Were lakes on early Mars perennially were ice-covered?
- Xe isotopic constraints on deep volatile cycling over Earth history
- 600 kyr of Hydrothermal Activity on the Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- A geochemical record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the late Paleozoic Ice Age: The relationship between atmospheric pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, climate and fire.
- A reservoir model study of the flux of carbon from the atmosphere, to the continental crust, to the mantle
- Active shortening and the geological expression of the transition from subduction to continental collision in the western Greater Caucasus, Republic of Georgia
- Advances in understanding the tectonic evolution of the Santa Rosalia Basin and its stratiform ore deposits: Results of the Baja Basins Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Alaskan crustal thickness variations from P receiver functions provide insight into both inherited and active plate boundary structures
- Are the different gully morphologies due to different formation processes on the Kaiser dune field on Mars?
- Core top confirmation of the carbonate ion effect in multiple species of planktic foraminifera and a reassessment of the upper water column equatorial Pacific δ<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>FORAM </SUB>records.
- Deformed Fluvial Terraces of Little Rock Creek Capture Off-Fault Strain Adjacent to the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Detrital zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Boleo Formation of Santa RosalÍa Basin, Baja California Sur, México
- Did the Basement-Involved Main Caucasus Thrust Form during the Cenozoic Arabia-Eurasia Collision?
- From lakes to sand seas: a record of early Mars climate change explored in northern Gale crater, Mars
- Genealogy of Iron and Pallasite Meteorites as Revealed by Cr Isotopes
- Geochemical Insights into the Volcano Tectonic Evolution of the Gulf of California near Mulegé, Baja California Sur, México
- Identifying Fault Connections of the Southern Pacific-North American Plate Boundary Using Triggered Slip and Crustal Velocities
- Immersive Visual Data Analysis For Geoscience Using Commodity VR Hardware
- Immersive Visualization of the Solid Earth
- Magma-Hydrothermal Transition: Basalt Alteration at Supercritical Conditions in Drill Core from Reykjanes, Iceland, Iceland Deep Drilling Project.
- Mantle viscosity structure constrained by joint inversions of seismic velocities and density
- Nebular Volatiles in Earth's Deep Mantle from Neon Isotope Systematics of Plume-influenced South Atlantic MORBs
- New Numerical Approaches for Modeling Thermochemical Convection in a Compositionally Stratified Fluid
- Nowcasting Earthquakes and Tsunamis
- Nowcasting Induced Seismicity at the Groningen Gas Field in the Netherlands
- Paleo-environmental Setting of the Murray Formation of Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars, as Explored by the Curiosity Rover
- Primordial domains in the depleted upper mantle identified by noble gases in MORBs
- Quantifying relief on alluvial fans using airborne lidar to reveal patterns of sediment accumulation
- Scaling up Planetary Dynamo Modeling to Massively Parallel Computing Systems: The Rayleigh Code at ALCF
- Stratigraphic distribution of veins in the Murray and Stimson formations, Gale crater, Mars: Implications for ancient groundwater circulation
- The Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics: An Example of Software Curation and Citation in the Geodynamics Community
- The Mantle Isotopic Array: A Tale of Two FOZOs
- The last stage of Earth's formation: Increasing the pressure
- Timing of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age: A Review of the Status Quo and New U-Pb Zircon Ages From Southern Gondwana
- Tsunami Early Warning via a Physics-Based Simulation Pipeline
- Visualizing Three-dimensional Slab Geometries with ShowEarthModel
- Volcanic and Tectonic Evolution of The Gulf of California Near Mulege, Baja California Sur: Results From Baja Basins NSF-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
- Wicked Problems in Natural Hazard Assessment and Mitigation
- A Decade+ of Open Software Practice at CIG
- A box model for the transport of carbon between major carbon reservoirs over geologic time.
- A multidisciplinary assessment of heat flux at the core mantle boundary
- Carbonate-Metal Reactions in the Mantle
- Constraining the Conditions of the Moon-Forming Giant Impact With Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Lithophile Elements
- Convection Simulations Explain the Compositional Heterogeneity of Oceanic Island Chains
- Correlations Between MORB Helium Isotopes and Seismic Wave Speeds Beneath Ocean Basins
- Cosmogenic nuclides suggest long-term Pleistocene exposure of subglacial bedrock at the Ohio Range in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Decoupling of Late Paleozoic epicontinental sea and open ocean δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in a fully coupled isotope-enabled Earth system model
- Diagenetic Concretions in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Diagenetic groundwater models and the distribution of salts observed at Gale crater, Mars
- Effect of viscosity structure on long wavelength convection and comparison with tomographic models
- Effects of heat-producing elements on the long-term evolution of thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle
- Equations of State of Stishovite and CaCl<SUB>2</SUB>-type SiO<SUB>2</SUB> to Lower Mantle Conditions
- Evidence for Shallow, Oxic Waters in the Gale Crater Lake.
- Experimental Thermal Equations of State of B2 RbBr and CsI
- Facilitating Rapid Analysis of Remotely Sensed Cascading Disasters using Science Gateways
- Fossilized drip-water from a Sierra Nevada Cave reveals variability in precipitation sources and atmospheric dynamics over the last deglaciation
- Iceland Deep Drilling Project Explores the Magma-Hydrothermal Interface
- Inference of mantle viscosity structure from density tomography
- Laboratory Experiments to Unravel Inner Secrets of Continents
- Mantle Convection Beyond the Reference Profile: Accurately Modeling Dynamic Effects of Compressibility
- Middle Miocene reorganization of the Altyn Tagh fault system, northern Tibetan Plateau
- Modeling Melt Generation and Transport by Integrating Thermodynamic Models in Geodynamic Simulations Using the Community Code ASPECT
- Natural Time and Nowcasting Induced Seismicity at the Groningen Gas Field in the Netherlands
- Niche Selection in the Benthic Microbial Communities of Lake Fryxell, Antarctica
- Observing a Wide Range of Fault Creep Behavior in California using Geodetic Imaging
- Phase relations in the Fe-S-O system to Earth and planetary core conditions
- Physical properties of volatile-rich silicate melts in the Earth and implications for seismic detection
- SAM and the organic matter in Gale Crater, Mars - Inventory and implications
- Statistics of seismicity associated with a sequence of explosive eruptions at Kilauea, Hawaii
- Surface faulting associated with the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura earthquake: complexity of ruptures, 3D structure, geological history and fault source definition
- Tele-Presence and Tele-Collaboration in Shared Virtual Environments
- The critical point of the Bulk Silicate Earth
- Toward a Phanerozoic History of Earth's Surface Temperature: The Oxygen Isotope Record of the Paleozoic to Early Cretaceous Time Slice (PalECTS)
- Vaporizing Forsterite: Implications for Planetary Accretion and Distribution of the Moderately Volatile Elements
- Velocity structure and relocated aftershocks in the Kaikōura to Palmerston region, New Zealand, from body-wave seismic tomography
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast?
- Why Are the Pieces of Land in the Wide Water that Breath out Fire and Smoke Made of Different Types of Rocks?
- Xe Isotopic Constraints on the History of Deep Earth Volatile Recycling
- 3D Immersive Visualization Facilitating New Paradigms and Scientific Reproducibility in Solid Earth Dynamics
- A Model for The Origin of Seismic b-Value: Statistics of Seismic Bursts for Induced and Triggered Earthquakes
- A Model-Based Evaluation of Permo-Carboniferous Climate Change in Tropical Pangaea
- A New K-feldspar Liquid Hygrometer: Initial Experiments, Calibration and Application
- A Percolation Model for Induced Seismicity: An Avalanche Burst Model for Classic b-Value Seismicity.
- A coupled ice, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and volcanic record across the latest Carboniferous and Early Permian
- Alteration of Sheeted Dikes by Supercritical Seawater in an Active Hydrothermal System at Reykjanes, Iceland.
- Antarctic Cyanobacteria Phormidium pseudopriestleyi Produces O2 in Sulfidic and Low Light Conditions
- Antarctic ice-covered lakes as windows into ancient microbial ecosystems
- Application of parallel flow visualization using 3D line integral convolution for geodynamo simulations
- Benthic microbial communities from the McMurdo Dry Valleys provide insights into microbial ecology, life on early earth, and the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis.
- Capturing Dynamic Effects of Compressible Mantle Convection: New Formulations and Numerical Methods
- Cascading Parallel Fractures on Enceladus: Origin of the Tiger Stripes
- Characterization of Fault Related Folding from High Resolution Topography: Implications for Time-Dependent Rheology of the Brittle Crust
- Characterization of fluvial terraces in the eastern segment of Adjara-Trialeti fold-thrust belt, Lesser Caucasus, Georgia
- Comparing Precipitation Seasonality During the Last Deglaciation from Speleothem Records and Isotope-enabled Model Simulations
- Connecting the deep Earth volatile cycles
- Constraining Mantle Source Conditions Beneath Iceland Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion
- Coupled Precipitation of Light Elements from the Core into the Mantle: Importance for Powering Earth's Dynamo
- D Oceanic Arc Crust Virtual Field Model: the Cretaceous Alisitos Arc (baja California) as a Reference Model for the Izu-Bonin Arc
- Earthquake and Tsunami Nowcasting and Forecasting Using Shannon Information Theory
- Effects of heat-producing elements on the stability of thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle
- Estimating fault configurations from InSAR data
- Evaluating the Accuracy of Hybrid Finite-Element/Particle-In-Cell Methods for Modeling Mantle Convection and Lithosphere Dynamics
- Fault-normal rupture displacement gradients and the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence of 2019
- High Pressure-Temperature Equation of State and Optical Properties of Fe-bearing silicates to 1.4 TPa
- High-Resolution Simulations for Understanding the Climate of Southwest North America at the Last Glacial Maximum
- How much does hydrothermal scavenging influence thorium-derived sediment fluxes?
- Impacts of Changing Ocean Chemistry on the West Coast: From Research to Action
- Inferences of mantle viscosity from whole-mantle density models and implications for large-scale structure
- Integrative Approaches to Building Planet Earth: New Wide-Ranging Equations of State
- Leveraging the Future: Best Practices from Transdisciplinary Collaborations
- Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Structural Complexities and Heat Source(s) Controlling the Surprise Valley Geothermal System in Northeastern California
- Major Ignimbrites of the Oligocene Parajes Group in the Guazapares Mining District/Cerocahui Basin Region, Northern Sierra Madre Occidental, Western Chihuahua, Mexico
- Natural time analysis of quasi-periodic caldera collapse events during the 2018 Kīlauea volcano eruptive sequence
- Near-field Inelastic Strain Measurements of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence using High-res Geodetic Imaging Data: Implications for Development of a Geodetic-based Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis.
- Nitrogen cycling in perennially ice-covered lakes in Antarctica
- Opportunities for innovative Earth Observation from Space providing information for science from discovery to sustainable development.
- Orbital Forcing of Tropical Precipitation during the late Paleozoic Ice Age revealed by Conodont Oxygen Isotope Composition
- Paleo to Policy: A Workshop to Build Bridges Between Paleoclimate Research and Decision Making
- Peak shock conditions during Giant Impacts in terrestrial planets
- Physiological functioning of seasonally dry-adapted floras in response to changes in late Paleozoic atmospheric composition and aridity.
- Plume formation across scales: The influence of subducted slabs, chemical heterogeneities and a partially molten boundary layer
- Preservation and reactivation of ancient lithospheric-scale structures in Alaska inferred from receiver function imaging and geologic constraints
- Primitive helium is sourced from seismically slow regions in the lowermost mantle
- Reconciling the formation of shear-induced melt bands in numerical and laboratory experiments: The effects of surface tension and a porosity-weakening bulk viscosity
- Shallow lower mantle viscosity modulates the pattern of mantle structure
- Sulfur from source to surface
- Superimposed Signatures of Ancient Heterogeneity and Long-term Volatile Transport from Noble Gases
- The Earthquake Flat and Rotoiti Subsurface Relationship (Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand): A Cryptic Connection at Depth?
- The morphology, evolution and seismic visibility of partial melt at the core-mantle boundary: Implications for ULVZs
- The physiological landscape of the Carboniferous: Freezing, Vegetation, and Earth System Processes
- The relationship between lithospheric structure and observed deformation centered on the Eastern Branch of the East Africa Rift System
- Transtensional Stresses Tap Magmas From the Middle Crust, and Also Low-degree Melts in Crystal-Liquid Mush Zones: Evidence from the Sierra Crest-Little Walker Volcanic Center, Central California
- Tsunami Squares: Validation by Comparison to the Regional Ocean Modeling System Tsunami Simulator and Earthquake Driven Inundation Mapping
- Understanding the Thermal and Chemical State of a Silicic Magmatic System Prior to Caldera-Forming Eruptions: Taupo Volcanic Center, New Zealand
- Variations in Moderately Volatile Elements in Planetary Bodies from Impact Vaporization
- A Forest Fire Model Of Earthquake Faulting
- ASPECT: The Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth's Convection - Building a sustainable software and community
- An Open-source 3D Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Modeling Code using ASPECT
- Climatic Influences on ẟ<SUP>18</SUP>O in California Rainwater and Cave Dripwaters
- Ecosystem-to-global scale modeling of vegetation-climate feedbacks during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- Evaluating the Significance of Changes in the Gutenberg-Richter b-value in Western North America
- Evidence for fluids at the shallow Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, imaged by offshore seismic attenuation
- Fault damage and pore fluid distribution regionally around Kaikōura, New Zealand from body-wave tomography
- Imaging the meso-scale structure and dynamics of the upper mantle beneath the Atlantic ocean
- Insights into Earth's Accretion from Deep Mantle Kr Isotopes
- Investigating Thermal Shear Instability as a Viable Failure Mechanism for Deep Earthquakes in High Strain-rate Regions of Subducting Slabs
- Is there an isotopic signature from vaporizing collisions during planet formation?
- Long-lagged response of accelerated erosion to surface uplift on the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Mobilizing high crystallinity magmas: Earthquake Flat eruption of the Okataina Volcanic Center, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Modeling Induced Seismicity as Invasion Percolation on a Correlated Lattice.
- New insights into the construction of the 25.4 ka Oruanui, New Zealand, magma reservoir from a comparison of whole-rock and plagioclase-hosted zircon records
- Nowcasting earthquakes with Machine Learning:How Aftershocks and swarms may signal regional tectonic stress
- Planetary differentiation in the aftermath of giant impacts
- Quantifying Uncertainty and Kinematics of Earth Systems (QUAKES) Analytic Center Framework and Imager
- Recognizing Fossil versus Remobilized Crustal Boundaries in Alaska through Earthscope TA Combined with Geologic History
- Resolving Recharge: quantifying the efficacy of mafic recharge as an eruption initiation mechanism
- Shallow lower mantle viscosity modulates the pattern of mantle structure
- Simulating Inundation using Tsunami Squares: Comparison to Multiple Tsunami Events
- Spatial Distribution of Deep Earthquakes Tied to Strain-rate Variations in Slabs
- Systematic evaluation of Geoscience education programs that are designed for American Indian Alaska Native students, use Indigenous epistemologies or Traditional Ecological Knowledge.
- Time-dependent evolution of off-fault deformation
- Transpression along North Altyn Fault and Northwestern Margin of Tibetan Plateau Indicated by Structural Observations and Fission Track Thermochronology
- Using 3D Geodynamic Models of Flexure Backed by Seismic Imagery to Constrain the Rheology and Thermal Structure of the Oceanic Lithosphere Under the Hawaiian Islands