Title: Structural styles of active shortening within the Kura fold-thrust belt: Insights from the Qaramaryam fold, Azerbaijan
- ADS bibcode
- 2008AGUFM.T33C2076F
- year
- 2008
- Listed Authors
- Forte, A. M.
- Cowgill, E. S.
- Murtuzayev, I.
- Kangarli, T.
- Listed Institutions
- Department of Geology, UC Davis, One Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616, United States
- Department of Geology, UC Davis, One Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616, United States
- Geological Institute of Azerbaijan, H. Javid Ave. 29A, Baku, Az1143, Azerbaijan
- Geological Institute of Azerbaijan, H. Javid Ave. 29A, Baku, Az1143, Azerbaijan
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