University of California, Davis, Department of Land Air and Water Resources
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Aircraft Measurements of Gaseous and Fine Particulate Nitrogen over the Sierra Foothills and in the Tahoe Basin
- Aqueous Oxidation of Dibromide Radical Anion (Br<SUB>2</SUB>-) to Bromine (Br<SUB>2</SUB>) by Hydroperoxyl Radical (HO<SUB>2</SUB>): Implications for the Release of Br<SUB>2</SUB> from Sea-Salt Particles
- Coupling a new unsaturated flow model based on kinematic waves to the MODFLOW stream package
- Effects of Copper Availability on Methanotroph Growth and Activity in Rice Paddy Soil
- Image Classification using Artificial Neural Networks
- Improved Evaporation Measurements from Lake Tahoe, California
- Interannual and Spatial Variability of Carbon Fluxes and Soil Respiration Within the Understory of a Pacific Northwest Old-Growth Forest
- Large-Scale Numerical Modeling of Flow and Transport in a Deep Unsaturated-Zone System for Natural and Artificial Recharge Analysis
- Modeling Effects of Subsurface Heterogeneity on River Aquifer Interaction in an Alluvial Fan System - Implications for River Flow Restoration
- Modeling Tidal and Floodplain Inundation for Restoration on the McCormack-Williamson Tract
- Multiproxy Evidence for Long-term Changes in Summer and Winter Monsoon Dynamics on the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Newly Derived Equations for Describing Gas Flow in Porous Media
- Nitrogen Transport in Thick, Unsaturated, Spatially Variable Alluvial Sediments
- Potential carbon cycling implications of boreal forest encroachment on adjacent peatlands in Southeast Alaska
- Reactive Radial Diffusion Model for the Aging/Sequestration Process
- Runoff Forecasting with General Regression Neural Networks and Multilayer Perceptrons Networks
- Sediment Microbial Community Composition and Mercury Methylation at Four California Mercury Mines
- Spatio-temporal recharge patterns in a semi-arid alluvial basin with irrigated crops
- The Use of Streambed Temperatures to Estimate Losses in an Arid Environment
- Themodynamic Properties of Hydrotalcites
- Understanding Pore Characteristics For Air Conductivity And Gaseous Diffusivity In Soils
- An examination of anomalously low column ozone in the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes during 1997
- Estimating N Budget in a Deep Alluvial Unsaturated Zone: Potential for Nitrate Leaching to Groundwater
- Evidence of Land-Use Effects in High-Resolution Overbank Deposition Rates in the Pacific NW
- Forced Planetary Waves, Stratospheric Ozone, and Critical Layers: Ingredients for the Stratospheric Forcing of the Troposphere
- Got Milk? Got Water? Innovative Approach to Evaluating Groundwater Nitrate Nonpoint Source Pollution from Animal Farming
- Investigation of wadeable and unwadeable natural hydraulic jumps by integrating high resolution field surveying, digital terrain modeling, and process measurements
- Low-Dimensional Chaos in River Flow Dynamics: Remarks on the Performance of Local Approximation Prediction and Inverse Chaos Identification Approaches
- Measurements of Horizontal Advection of Carbon Dioxide Within a Forest Canopy
- Modeling Subsurface Heterogeneity and River Aquifer Interactions in an Alluvial Fan System - Implications for River Flow Restoration
- Nitrate loss from a restored floodplain on the lower Cosumnes River, California
- OH-Initiated Release of Br<SUB>2</SUB> from Sea-Salt Particles
- On the Transformation Between Wave Trains and Coherent Structures in Large-Scale Atmospheric Flow
- Perchlorate Sorption/Transformation from Solution Using Activated Carbon.
- Quantifying the Combined Effects of Chemical and Physical Heterogeneities by Combining Lagrangean Transport and the Exposure-time Concept: Inverse and Forward Solutions
- Quantitative analyses of pore-scale multi-phase flow processes: An application of synchrotron-based micro-imaging in the environmental sciences
- Selenium Removal and Mass Balance in a Constructed Flow-through Wetland System
- Sensitivity Analysis of Nonpoint Source Pollution in Deep Alluvial Aquifer Systems
- Simultaneous Estimation of Water Flux, Soil Moisture, Solute and Heat Transport Characteristics Using a Multi-functioned Heat Pulse Probe
- Soil moisture and soil respiration across an Alaskan peatland-forest ecotone
- Spatial Variability of Carbon Fluxes and Soil Respiration Within the Understory of a Pacific Northwest Old-Growth Forest
- Spatiotemporal Variation in Chemical Fluxes across the Last Undammed Watershed Draining the Sierra Nevada, California: a Paired Basin Study
- Testing The Feasibility of Estimating Forest Evapotranspiration From Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Data
- Transition Probability / Markov Chain Approach for Groundwater Flow Modeling: A Fractal Perspective
- Winter Cover Crop and Subsurface Hydrology
- A Multi-Functional Heat Pulse Probe for Simultaneous Measurement of Water, Heat, and Solute Transport in the Vadose Zone
- Atmospheric Transformations of Chromium Species on Aerosol Nanoparticles
- Characterization of Monthly Streamflow Dynamics in the Western United States
- Disequilibrium of <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes between photosynthesis and respiration in North American temperate forest biomes
- Effects of a Controlled Water Release on Water Quality in the Mokelumne River, California
- Formation of Gaseous Bromine From the Photolysis of Nitrate and Hydrogen Peroxide in Sea-Salt Solutions
- Hydrological and Biogeochemical Connectivity Between Uplands, Vernal Pools, and Streams, Great Central Valley, California
- Magnetic Field Gradient Differentiation of Pedogenic Iron Oxide Minerals From Chinese Loess and Paleosols
- Modeling the Erosion Process in Beaded Streams in a Semi-arid Bajada, Southern New Mexico
- Organic Nitrogen in Atmospheric Drops and Particles: Concentrations, (Limited) Speciation, and Chemical Transformations
- Quantum Yields of OH From the Photolysis of HOOH in Ice
- Quaternary Mineral Magnetic and Free Iron Records of Climatic Change from Chinese Loess/Paleosol Sequence
- Simulation of Coarse Particle Nitrate Formations in Coastal Areas Using CMAQ-AIM
- Soil Mineralogical Control of Aggregate-Protected Carbon in a Mature Secondary Conifer Forest in Northern California
- Stochastic Assessment of Regional Groundwater Nonpoint Source Pollution with Spatially Variable, Transient Forcing: Conceptual Framework and Nitrate Case Study
- Sulfur Biogeochemistry and Isotope Fractionation in Shallow Groundwater of Owens Dry Lake, California
- The Association of Cryptosporidium parvum With Suspended Sediments: Implications for Transport in Surface Waters
- The Effect of Heterogeneity on Salinization in the Western San Joaquin Valley
- A comparison of three alternatives for generation of continuous rainfall data at point locations
- Assessment of Long-term Nitrate Transport to Groundwater in a Deep Alluvial Unsaturated Zone
- Binary 3-D Markov Chain Random Fields: Finite-size Scaling Analysis of Percolation Properties
- Combining Data and Process Models to Characterize Non-point source Pollution to Shallow Ground Water from an Irrigated Dairy Farm
- Dairy Wastewater, Aquaculture, and Spawning Fish as Sources of Steroid Hormones in the Aquatic Environment
- Diurnal variations in the \delta<SUP>18</SUP>O of water vapor observed in the Pacific Northwest coniferous forests
- Ecosystem Water Use Varies With Disturbance And Stand Age
- Effective Conductivity of Periodic Media with Cuboid Inclusions
- Field experiments on impact of ethanol on natural attenuation of BTEX and MTBE in groundwater
- Geological Control of Physical and Chemical Hydrology in Vernal Pools, Central Valley, California
- Light Penetration in the Snowpack at Summit, Greenland: Measurements of Chemical Actinometry J-Values and Spectrally Resolved Actinic Flux
- Measurement of Wet Deposition of Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen in a Forest Environment
- Measurements of snow grain hydroxyl radical at Summit, Greenland
- Parameter Uncertainty Analysis of a Regional Subsurface Water Flow Model Using Single and Multi-Objective Calibration
- Quantum Yields for OH Formation from the Photolysis of Nitrite on Ice: Comparison to Nitrate and Hydrogen Peroxide
- Selenium Speciation, Solubility, and Mobility in Agricultural Evaporation Ponds in California
- Size Distribution of Sea-Salt Emissions as a Function of Relative Humidity
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Fire-Suppressed, Wildfire-Burned, and Prescribe-Burned Chaparral in the Sierra Nevada Foothills
- Suspended Sediment Dynamics at the Field-scale Channel of an Irrigation-dominated Watershed
- The Response of the QBO to Zonal-Mean Ozone Perturbations Consistent with the 11-Year Solar Cycle
- Thermal Neutron Radiography of Deuteriated Water in Soils
- Yet More Lessons From Complexity. Unity the key for Peace.
- A New Refractive Index for Vertically Propagating Planetary Waves: Implications for Climate Variability
- Algal Biomass as an Indicator for Biochemical Oxygen Demand in the San Joaquin River, California.
- Analysis of Pumping Tests in Heterogeneous Aquifers Using CTRW Theory
- Coccolithophores and the Merchant Fishing Corps Along Northern California Shores: Atmospheric Monitoring of DMS and CO at the Bodega Marine Lab
- Crown Features Extraction from Low Altitude AVIRIS Data
- Estimation of Average Number of Carbons in Water Soluble Organic Compounds Present in Aerosols Inferred from Reaction with Hydroxyl Radicals
- Evaluating Changes in Organic C and Emission of Greenhouse Gases in a California Agricultural Landscape.
- Formation of Singlet Molecular Oxygen on Illuminated Ice and Snow
- Global and Regional Surface Albedo Changes due to Land Use Transformation: an Anthropogenic Source for Climate Change
- Hydrologic System Complexity and Classification: A Simple Nonlinear Data Reconstruction Approach
- Infiltration and Transport of Bromide and Cryptosporidium parvum in Vegetated, Tilted Soil Box Experiments
- Lagrangian Model of the Sacramento Urban Plume
- Linear Stochastic and Non-linear Deterministic Paradigms for Improved Spatial Interpolation of Groundwater Contamination: Implications for Management of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh
- Long-Term Transport of Cryptosporidium Parvum
- Micrometerology and Flux Partitioning Between Understorey and Overstorey of Forest Canopies: a Aynthesis Based on FLUXNET Data
- Modeling compensated root water and solute uptake
- Nonpoint Source Solute Transport Normal to Aquifer Bedding in Heterogeneous, Markov Chain Random Fields
- Photochemical Mechanism Computational Speed Improvements Using Asynchronous Time Stepping
- Quantum Yields of OH in the Photolysis of Nitrite Anion and Nitrous Acid in Snow and Ice
- River-Aquifer Interactions, Geologic Heterogeneity, and River Management
- Transformations of Model Organic Compounds on Snow Grains at Summit, Greenland
- A Linked Hydro-Economic Model to Examine the Effects of Water Policy on Rural Poverty
- Carbon Monoxide Measurements at a Coastal Site in Northern California: Implications for Ship Traffic Emissions
- Carbon Sequestration Potential in Irrigated Agriculture: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Contribution of Water.
- Diagnostic Tests for Quantitative Measurements of Singlet Molecular Oxygen on Ice
- Diel Variability in Dissolved Organic Matter Composition Determined by in-situ Optical Measurements.
- Dissolved Organic Carbon and Optical Properties as Indicators of Trihalomethane Formation Potential in an Agricultural Watershed
- Dissolved Organic Matter Transformations: Implications for Catchment-Scale Processes
- Effects of Planetary Wave-Induced Ozone Heating on Downward Control: Implications for Climate Variability
- Evaluation Of Functional Flows To Prioritize The Restoration Of Spawning Habitat Geomorphic Units Among Three Tributaries Of The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Evidence of a Benthic Source of DMS to the Atmosphere in the California Current Upwelling System
- Impact of climate change on crop water requirements, groundwater and soil salinity in the San Joaquin Valley, CA
- Investigating the Geomorphic and Ecologic Functions of Wood in Relationship to Habitat Type and Salmonid Redds on a Regulated California River
- Measurements of Methyl Halide Fluxes in California Salt Marshes and Grasslands Using a Stable Isotope Tracer Technique
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Hydrology: A Review and Look Forward
- Photochemical Fate of Phenanthrene and Other PAHs on Snow Grains at Summit, Greenland.
- Photoformation of HOOH on Polar Snow Grains
- Preferential Flow and Transport of Biocolloids in Soils
- A Cross-Site Evaluation of Alternative FPAR Products for Use in Diagnostic Carbon Flux Models
- A Paleoenvironmental Record From Tomales Bay, California: Organic and Geochemical Proxy Records of Anthropogenic Impacts
- A Tale of Two Oxidants: Hydroxyl Radical and Singlet Molecular Oxygen on Ice
- A geochemical approach to assessing the relative contributions of rivers, wetlands and island drains to dissolved organic matter in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
- CH4 and CO2 Fluxes from the Arctic Tundra during the Biocomplexity Manipulation Experiment
- Calibration of a Soil Water Uptake Model Using Model Ensemble and Prior Information in a Semiarid Environment Using Global and Local Search Methods
- Characteristics of Sediment Load Dynamics: A Nonlinear Pattern Recognition Approach
- Determination of Bimolecular Rate Constants for Reactions of Hydroxyl Radical with Large Organic Compounds in Atmospheric Water Drops
- Diurnal variability in riverine dissolved organic matter composition determined by in situ optical measurement in the San Joaquin River, California.
- Diurnal, Seasonal and Inter-annual Variations of N2O Fluxes from Perennial Vineyard Soils in California, USA.
- Earth Observations from Space: The First 50 Years of Scientific Achievements
- Evaluation of Alternative Heat Pulse Probe (HPP) Designs
- Examining the Influence of Teleconnection Patterns on CO2 Fluxes at an Old-Growth Forest Scaling from Stand to Region Using MODIS
- Geometric Modeling of Rainfall Distributions
- Global N2 fixation and its response to global climate change and increasing CO2 level
- Groundwater Monitoring of Land Application with Manure, Biosolids, and other Organic Residuals
- High Resolution Mass Spectrometry of Organic Nitrogen Species in Atmospheric Fog and Cloud Waters
- Improved Fluvial Geomorphic Interpretation Derived From DEM Differencing
- Improving Heat Pulse Probe Sensitivity without Changing its Geometry
- Interactive effects of litter quality and soil mineralogy on temperate forest soil carbon response to temperature
- Investigating the Sources and Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in an Agricultural Watershed in California (U.S.A.)
- Lagrangian water quality dynamics in the San Luis Drain, California.
- Microbial Origin and Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Agricultural Willow Slough Watershed, California: Insights From Amino Sugars
- Mineral-organic Dynamics During Export From Rivers to Oceans: Implications for Organic Matter Source and Diagenetic Alteration
- Occurrence and Distribution of Agricultural Pesticides and Transport Modeling in Surface and Subsurface Environments
- Occurrence of Antibiotics and Emerging Contaminants in Dairy Farming
- On the Connection between Solar Spectral Irradiance and Planetary Wave Drag
- Pathogens in Dairy Farming: Source Characterization and Groundwater Impacts
- Photochemistry of PAHs on Arctic Snow Grains
- Processes affecting the transport of Cryptosporidium parvum and other persistent pathogens in surface- and ground-waters
- Residuejams and their effect on Infiltration, Runoff and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in Furrow Irrigation Systems
- Seasonal Variability in Dissolved Organic Matter Quantity and Composition from the Yukon River Basin
- Singlet Molecular Oxygen on Ice: Rates of Formation and Steady State Concentrations
- The Davis Junior High Global Warming Project and Bike/Walk to School Challenge
- The Fate of Microbial Groups in Tropical and Temperate Forest Soils
- Tracing seasonal nitrate sources and loads in the San Joaquin River using nitrogen and oxygen stable isotopes
- Using a Process-Based Numerical Model and Simple Empirical Relationships to Evaluate CO2 Fluxes from Agricultural Soils.
- Valley Width Variation Controls on Riffle Location and Persistence on a Gravel Bed River
- A Detailed Hydro-Economic Model for Assessing the Effects of Alternative Surface Water and Groundwater Policies
- A Multi-isotope Tracer Approach Linking Land Use With Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in the San Joaquin River System
- A button heat pulse probe for simultaneous measurements of soil thermal properties, water content and solute concentration
- An Introduction to Atmosphere - Snow/Ice Interactions
- Atmospheric Deposition of Coarse and Fine-Mode Phosphorus in Sequoia National Park
- Atmospheric Observations of Abundant Formaldehyde Above a Coniferous Forest Provides Further Evidence of Rapid Oxidation of Arboreal Hydrocarbons
- California's Future Carbon Flux
- Can Phytolith Concentrations Indicate That Wind Erodes Drained Peatlands?
- Climatology of Wave-Mean Flow Interaction and Stratospheric Ozone Transport
- Compliance Groundwater Monitoring of Nonpoint Sources - Emerging Approaches
- Constraining the budgets of DMS and Ozone in the remote marine boundary layer
- Coupled isotopic and simulation modeling of gaseous nitrogen losses from tropical rainforests
- Degraded Litter Leachates as a Potential Control on Streamwater Nitrogen Dynamics
- Determination of Bimolecular Rate Constants for Reactions of Hydroxyl Radical with Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Chemicals - Implications to the Fate in the Aquatic Environment
- Determining the kinetics and concentrations of singlet molecular oxygen on natural snow
- Diagnostic study on the sources of the simulation bias in Community Atmospheric Model (CAM3)
- Do Agricultural Soils of California have the Potential to Sequester Carbon and Mitigate Greenhouse Gases?
- Dynamic modeling of organophosphate pesticide load in surface water in the northern San Joaquin Valley watershed of California
- Effect of Hierarchical, Multi-Scale Heterogeneity on Long-Term Nitrate Transport in a Deep Vadose Zone
- Evaluation of Monitoring Approaches for Natural Attenuation
- Geochemistry and Reactivity of Exported Congo Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter
- Hydrogen Peroxide and Methylhydroperoxide Budgets in the Marine Boundary Layer During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Hydrologic controls on the sources and dynamics of dissolved organic matter in an agricultural catchment in the Central Valley, California (U.S.A.)
- Impacts of Agricultural Practices on Concentrations and Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon
- In Situ Monitoring of Soil Solution Nitrate in Saturated and Unsaturated Sandy Soil
- Longitudinal Variations in Stratospheric Ozone: Effects on "Downward Control"
- Mitigation efficacy of vegetated buffers in reducing non-point source pollution: A critical review and meta-analysis
- Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment (PASE): An Overview
- Photochemical Recycling of Hydrogen Peroxide on Snow in the Presence of Organic Compounds
- Provenance and Pathways: A Geochemical and Isotopic Analysis of Mt. Shasta Groundwater
- Rates and patterns of sediment deposition in the Salinas River basin, Central California
- Regional Climate Change Impacts on California's Irrigated Agriculture: Water Demand and Salinity
- Relationship between N2O Fluxes from an Almond Soil and Denitrifying Bacterial Populations Estimated by Quantitative PCR
- Remote Environmental Monitoring of Hydrologic/ Biotic Interaction in a Mountain Environment
- Seasonal, Variably Saturated Flows in a Vernal Pool Wetland Ecosystem
- Sensitivity of agricultural runoff to climate change in the San Joaquin Valley watershed of California
- Snow and Soil Moisture Response Across Elevation, Aspect and Canopy Variables in a Mixed-conifer Forest, Southern Sierra Nevada
- Soil Carbon Dynamics Along the Pathway From Diverse Microbial Carbon to Humus in a Temperate and Tropical Forest
- Study of Convective Clouds in Different Regions using 2-D WRF Model
- Sulfur Dioxide in the Tropical Marine Boundary Layer
- The Kinetics of Hydroxyl Radical on Ice
- Understanding potential feedbacks in aquatic systems: submerged aquatic plans and turbidity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.
- A Button Multi-Functional Heat Pulse Probe for in-situ Soil Moisture, Thermal Properties and Salinity Measurements
- Aldehydes in Artic Snow at Barrow (AK) during the Barrow 2009 Field Campaign
- An inverse modeling approach to estimate groundwater flow and transport model parameters at a research site at Vandenberg AFB, CA
- Application of nitrate and water isotopes to assessment of groundwater quality beneath dairy farms in California
- Carbonaceous Species in the Snowpack during the OASIS 2009 campaign in Barrow, Alaska
- Creating a 21st Century Community through the Teacher Research Experience (Invited)
- Discharge-related trends in the composition of particulate organic matter exported by small mountainous rivers: results from Oregon and California (Invited)
- Evaluation of the effects of agricultural conservation practices on sediment yield in the Colusa Basin, California
- Field Confirmation and Monitoring Tools for Aerobic Bioremediation of TBA and MTBE
- HONO Measurements in Barrow, Alaska; using LOPAP technique
- Implications of diel changes in water chemistry and isotopes in large rivers for regional to national-scale water quality monitoring programs (Invited)
- Investigating Attachment Behaviors of Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts Using Collision Efficiency in Laboratory Column Experiments
- Investigation of short-term photochemical processes in surface snow
- Linking Geomorphic Processes and Ecologic Functions Over Long Channel Segments And Retaining Fine Details- Let’s Have Our Cake And Eat It Too (Invited)
- Multi-functional measurement devices for vadose zone characterization (Invited)
- Nitrogen as a constraint on terrestrial carbon uptake: implications for the global carbon-climate feedback (Invited)
- Nitrogen transformations in sediments of San Joaquin River, California
- Nonpoint Source Groundwater Solute Transport Using Unit Response Functions
- Observations of HOBr, BrO, and other halogen species by CIMS in Barrow, AK during OASIS
- Partitioning of sediment-associated organic matter in agricultural watersheds: controlling parameters and water quality implications
- Photochemical Transformation and Bacterial Utilization of Dissolved Organic Matter and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors from Foliar Litter
- Rainfall Driven Sorting of Soils and Manure in Beef Feedlot Pens, Implications for Steroid Hormone Transport
- Results of the 2008 dissolved organic matter fluorescence intercalibration study
- Scaling soil water retention functions using particle-size distribution
- Shallow Aquifer Connectivity and Early Season Water Supply of Seasonal Wetlands and Drainages Leading to Regional Drainage Systems
- Soil Moisture/ Tree Water Status Dynamics in a Mid-Latitude Montane Forest, Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory, CA
- Soil moisture response to snowmelt and rainfall across elevation, aspect and canopy cover in the Southern Sierra Nevada
- Spatial radiation environment in a heterogeneous oak woodland using a three-dimensional radiative transfer model and multiple constraints from observations
- Spatially Distributed Exposure Assessment of Pesticide Sources in the Central Valley, California, USA
- Temporal controls on dissolved organic matter and lignin biogeochemistry in a pristine tropical river
- The Estimate of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Above a Coniferous Forest During BEARPEX 2007 and 2009
- The Madden-Julian oscillation wind-convection coupling and the role of moisture processes in the MM5 model
- Trends In Particulate Organic Carbon Composition In Oregon And California Coast Range Rivers
- Understanding Global Climate Change Effects on Annual Average Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Concentrations in California Using 7-year Average Meteorology
- Using remote-sensing products to identify velocity thresholds on submerged aquatic vegetation cover in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Vertical structure of evapotranspiration at a spruce forest site
- A Comparison of Observations and Process-based Simulations (WRF-ACASA and WRF-NOAH) for Scaling Controls of Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) from the leaf to the regional and global scales (Invited)
- A Quasi-3D transport model for simulation of non-point source contamination in large domains
- An Observed Step Change in River Delta Turbidity Following 1982-1983 El Nino Floods
- Bed Sediment Monitoring of Multiple Contiguous Small Dam Removals
- Bedrock Nitrogen Contributes to Increased Carbon Storage in Temperate Conifer Forests of Northern California, USA
- Carbon Fluxes in a Managed Landscape: Assessing the Drivers of Temporal and Spatial Variability in Flux Tower, MODIS and Forest Inventory Data of the Pacific Northwest
- Comparing plot-scale sensor measurements to the watershed level: a comprehensive case study of snow depth and soil moisture in the southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Contributions of Airborne GPS Radio Occultation Observations to Investigations of Moisture Evolution during the Development of Tropical Depressions and Storms
- Dust Long-Range Transport and the Dust-Radiation Effects on the Modification of the SAL Environment
- Ecohydrology of Wetlands Occurring on Perched Seasonally Saturated Water Tables in the Central Valley of California
- Evaluating conceptual modeling frameworks for farm scale groundwater pathogen transport associated with animal farming and municipal wastewater recharge
- Evaluation of Robust Heat Pulse Probes for Water Content Measurement
- Faithful deterministic encodings of precipitation series via a fractal-multifractal method
- First Results From a Dynamic Fog Climatology Modeling System
- Global N cycling: Isotopic and C, N, P constraints on worldwide patterns (Invited)
- Hierarchical Geomorphic, Hydrologic, and Ecohydraulic Analysis of a Remote Mountainous Regulated River using Ginormous Datasets
- Impact of Ethanol on Natural Attenuation of BTEX: Development of Models for Evaluating Field Experiments and Their Implications
- Investigation on the Acasa Model Performance Over Mediterranean Maquis Ecosystem
- Macroscopic Thermal Energy Balance on Montane Valley Aquifers and Groundwater Recharge Source Identification
- Measurement of fossil fuel derived carbon dioxide and other anthropogenic trace gases above Sacramento, California in Spring 2009
- Method to Rapidly Collect Thousands of Velocity Observations to Validate Million-Element 2D Hydrodynamic Models
- Photodegradation of dissolved organic matter in two contrasting reaches of a regulated river
- Propagation of information in a pilot-point based multi-objective calibration exercise for a surface-subsurface distributed hydrologic model
- Quantifying the Geomorphic Dynamics of the Extensively Impacted Lower Yuba River
- Regional-scale NEE estimates over 4 flux towers in the US
- SPECIAL - The Savanna Patterns of Energy and Carbon Integrated Across the Landscape campaign
- Singlet molecular oxygen on natural snow and ice
- Soil Moisture/ Tree Water Status Dynamics in Mid-Latitude Montane Forest, Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory, CA
- Spatial variability in groundwater N2 and N2O in the San Joaquin River
- The Chemistry and Flow Dynamics of Molecular Biological Tools Used to Confirm In Situ Bioremediation of Benzene, TBA, and MTBE
- The Relative Importance of Aqueous-Phase and Gas-Phase Phenol Oxidation as Sources of SOA (Invited)
- The Role of Chemistry in Atmosphere-Forest Exchange (Invited)
- The benefits of competition: Rapid-scan FTIR reveals that goethite enhances initial As oxidation via Mn-oxides (Invited)
- A Physical Interpretation of the Deterministic Fractal-Multifractal Method as a Realization of a Generalized Multiplicative Cascade
- A Robust Heat-Pulse Sensor for Field Water Content Measurement
- A comparison of measured and modeled nitrous oxide emissions from flood irrigated alfalfa in California using the DNDC model
- An Evaluation of the Lifetime of Hydrogen Peroxide in Polar Snow and Ice
- Analyzing the Natural Spatial Organization of Morphological Unit Landforms in the Lower Yuba River, CA
- Aqueous secondary organic aerosol (SOA) production from the oxidation of phenols by triplet excited state organics
- Comparing methods for quantifying soil moisture in the southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Comparison of sap flux data from two instrumented tree species in a forested catchment with different levels of water stress
- Contribution of microbial carbon to soil fractions: significance of diverse microbial group biochemistry
- Economic Analysis of Nitrate Source Reductions in California Agriculture
- Evaluation of Groundwater Sustainability under the influence of Irrigated Agriculture in San Joaquin Valley, California
- Evaluation of the impact of planning alternative strategies on urban metabolism with the ACASA model
- Evidence For Stage-Dependent Gravel-Channel Resilience Through Coupling Geomorphic Change Detection And 2D Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Groundwater Contributions of Flow, Nitrate, and Dissolved Organic Carbon to the lower San Joaquin River, California, during 2006-2008
- Landscape-level variation in greenhouse gas emissions in vineyards of central California
- Managing Nitrogen in Croplands: Implications for Increasing Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes
- Mapping wetland species and the impact of oil from the Deep Horizon using the Airborne/Visible Imaging Spectrometer and Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis
- Measuring Streamwood Accumulations In A Reservoir Using Landsat Imagery
- Modeling groundwater-surface water interaction in cross-cutting alluvial fan system
- Nitrate Contamination of Shallow Groundwater in The San Joaquin Valley - A Domestic Well Survey
- Optimization of hydrological parameters in a Soil-Tree-Atmosphere Continuum model of a large White Fir
- Parameterizing floodplain vegetation roughness using Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) on a 2D hydrodynamic model of the Lower Yuba River, CA
- Plant Response to Differential Soil Water Content and Salinity
- Predictions of Long-Term Radionuclide Transport at Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site
- Roles of back diffusion and biodegradation reactions in sustaining MTBE/TBA plumes in alluvial media
- Simulating Coastal Fog with a Regional Climate Model
- Soil C cycling dynamics and microbial distribution in a soybean agroecosystem under elevated CO2 and drought
- Stable isotopes as indicators of sources and processes influencing nitrate distributions in dairy monitoring wells and domestic supply wells in the Central Valley, California
- Subsidence due to Excessive Groundwater Withdrawal in the San Joaquin Valley, California
- The Influence of Dust-radiation-microphysics Processes on Tropical Cyclone Development
- The Upside to Hg-DOM Associations for Water Quality: Removal of Hg from Solution Using Coagulaion with Metal-Based Salts
- Transport of Water Vapor and Ozone to the Northern Sacramento Valley Boundary Layer
- Turbulent Boundary Layer Dynamics and its Relationship to Shallow Cumulus Convection over the Central Equatorial Pacific
- Validation and future predictions based on a new Non-Point Source Assessment Toolbox, applied to the Central Valley, California
- Water Management for Competing Uses: Environmental Flows in the Transboundary Rio Grande/Rio Bravo
- A Novel Approach to Investigate Soil Organic Matter Development Using Isotopes and Thermal Analysis: C Sourcing from Various Plant Materials and Mineral Influence on Stability
- An experimental study of summertime coastal fog and its inland penetration in Northern California
- Assessment of nitrous oxide and methane emissions for California agriculture
- Atmospheric LIDAR Provides Insight into Land Surface-Atmosphere Exchange at AmeriFlux Towers
- Carbon consequences of the turn-of-the-century drought in North America
- Chemical Characterization of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formed from Atmospheric Aqueous-phase Reactions of Phenolic Compounds
- Closing the loop with fractal interpolating functions for geophysical encoding
- Determining Leaf-Angle Distribution of Vineyards in Delano, CA Using Terrestrial LiDAR
- Direct observation of solute location in solutions frozen using various methods
- Dissolved phosphorus distribution in shallow groundwater beneath dairy farms, Central Valley, California
- Dynamic Hedging Rule for Natural Lake Restoration Through Modified Reallocation Scheme
- Exploring the Relationship Between Water Flux and Vegetation Water Status Using Time Series Data of Evapotranspiration and Modis Vegetation Indices
- Exploring the Terrestrial Ecosystem Response to Extreme Weather Events using Multiple Land Surface Models
- Forest management, litter dynamics and the altered energetic properties of soil organic matter (SOM) - Quantifying anthropogenic change with thermal analysis
- Integrating soil water measurements from plot to catchment scale in a snow-dominated, mixed-conifer forest of the southern Sierra Nevada
- Landforms Affect Gravel-Cobble Bed River Hydraulics at Different Spatial Scales and Discharges
- Light Absorption by Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced from Aqueous Reaction of Phenols with an Organic Excited Triplet State and Hydroxyl Radical
- Liquid- and Ice-Phase Kinetics of Singlet Molecular Oxygen with Organic Pollutants
- Lower stratospheric ozone loss and recovery: Preconditioning of upward propagating wave activity and the driving of the stratospheric circulation
- Mixing measures in non-conservative transport systems
- Modeling of Groundwater Quantity and Quality Management, Nile Valley, Egypt
- Modeling of Soil and Tree Water Status Dynamics in a Mixed-Conifer Forest of the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory
- Observational constraints on entrainment in stratocumulus
- Preliminary results from the retrieval and assimilation of GPS radio occultation refractivity observations during tropical storm development
- Recent Developments in Surface Renewal Analysis of Evapotranspiration
- Regional distribution and weathering of nitrogen-rich bedrock in the Pacific Southwest, USA
- Regional simulation of urban evapotranspiration over Helsinki, Finland in 2008
- Soil Moisture Dynamics in Deep Southern Sierra Nevada Soils
- Soil mineral weathering in glacial deposits in the western Sierra Nevada and implication for U/Th geochronology
- Spatial variation in hydraulic redistribution by the desert shrub, Sarcobatus vermiculatus, at multiple scales
- Spatially Explicit Regions Of Peak Velocity Are Highly Differentiated At Different Discharges Ranging from 0.2 to 20 Times Bankfull In A Dynamic Gravel/Cobble Bed River
- Stream temperature modeling and its integration with watershed hydrologic simulation
- Streamline simulation of Non Point Sources Pollution in unconfined aquifers based on iterative moving mesh and domain decomposition methods
- Strike-slip Fault Zone Structural Geology Manifest in the Landscapes of Active Faults at High Elevation
- Strong Predictability Of Spatially Distributed Physical Habitat Preferences For O. Mykiss Spawning Across Three Spatial Scales
- Tempered stable models for preasymptotic pollutant transport in alluvial settings: The influence of medium heterogeneity
- Terrestrial N constraints on the global C cycle: Exploring the potential for reconstruction from isotopic measurements on chlorophyll degradation products in soil
- The CO2 footprint of new nitrogen creation
- The Pacific Coast Fog Project: A Multi-disciplinary Effort to Provide Web-based Climate Products for Ecologists
- Towards a Unified Test Case Suite for Global Atmospheric Models
- Use of the Advanced Canopy-Atmosphere-Soil Algorithm (ACASA) model to determine flux quality and gap-fill nighttime data at multiple AmeriFlux sites
- A comparison of measured and modeled nitrous oxide emissions from flood irrigated alfalfa in California using the DNDC model
- Airborne Quantification of Ozone Transport and Photochemical Production in the Southern San Joaquin Valley
- An Efficient Simulation-Optimization Coupling for Management of Coastal Aquifers
- Aqueous Oxidation of Green Leaf Volatiles as a Source of Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Building Models from the Bottom Up: The HOBBES Project
- Characterization and genesis interpretation of charcoal-bearing concretions from the early Eocene Ione Formation, CA
- Climate Change Impact on Evapotranspiration, Heat Stress and Chill Requirements
- Combined use of stable isotopes and hydrologic modeling to better understand nutrient sources and cycling in highly altered systems (Invited)
- Comparison of methane emissions from wetlands measured from aircraft and towers
- Detecting weathered oil from the Deepwater Horizon incident in the wetlands of Barataria Bay, Louisiana, using a time series of AVIRIS imaging spectrometer data (Invited)
- Evaluating the value of enhanced atmospheric measurements and models to improve interpretation of flux data
- Experimental Studies of Liquid-Like Regions in/on Ice
- Gold-standard performance for 2D hydrodynamic modeling
- Improving Our Understanding of Aqueous OH and Its Organic Sinks
- Large Wood Storage Does Not Decrease Downstream Through a Watershed
- Late Holocene Earthquake Behavior on Either Side of a Crustal-Scale Complexity Along the Central Altyn Tagh Fault, Xinjiang, China
- Micrometeorological Mass Balance Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Composting Green-waste
- Modelling Approach to Assess Future Agricultural Water Demand
- Nitrite Quantum Yields from Photolysis of Nitrate in/on Ice
- On the retrieval of water-related canopy biochemistry from airborne hyperspectral data and its comparison to MODIS spectral response
- Patterns of new versus recycled primary production in the terrestrial biosphere (Invited)
- Pedologic influences on hillslope hydrology: The relationships between soil and hydrologic connectivity in a Californian oak-woodland
- Remote Sensing Technologies for Estuary Research and Management (Invited)
- Root water uptake under water and salinity stresses
- Searching for trends in inter-annual runoff records via a fractal geometric approach
- Sleuthing for drivers of particulate organic matter chemical fingerprints: Effects of land use history and soil heterogeneity in the winegrape region of Napa, CA
- Test of simultaneous synthetic DNA tracer injections for the estimation of the englacial and subglacial drainage system structure of Storglaciären, northern Sweden
- The Subglacial Drainage System Structure and Morphology of Storglaciären, Sweden
- Timber harvest effect on soil moisture in the southern Sierra Nevada: Is there a measurable impact?
- Urban Fluxes Monitoring and Development of Planning Strategies to Reduce Ghg Emissions in AN European City
- Use of an Advanced Land Surface Model for linkage to Regional Scale Models for Scaling Evapotranspiration and other Surface Fluxes (Invited)
- Using high resolution subsurface modeling in managed aquifer recharge
- Visualizing solute locations in laboratory ice samples
- Dust Propagation and Radiation In the Presence of a Low-level Jet in Central China on March 17, 2010
- Comparison of laser-ablation and solution-mode ICP-MS techniques for measuring speleothem <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr values
- Coupling of Belowground Carbon Cycling and Stoichiometry from Organisms to Ecosystems along a Soil C Gradient Under Rice Cultivation
- Fluvial Change Processes During an Exceptional Drought Punctuated by Atmospheric Rivers
- Groundwater Under Vertisols
- Historic, Current, and Future Availability of Surface Water for Agricultural Groundwater Banking in the Central Valley, California
- Morphodynamic and Biotic Responses to Sediment Sluicing and Natural Floods in a Regulated Mountain River
- Plant physiological models of heat, water and photoinhibition stress for climate change modelling and agricultural prediction
- Quantifying the effect of fire disturbance on free-living nitrogen fixation in tropical ecosystems
- Revealing the diversity of hydro-geomorphic settings in a Dry Summer Subtropical region with DEM-based modeling
- Soil Properties Drive Changes in Water Use efficiency Across a Climatic Gradient
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Nitrate Concentration below the Root Zone in an Almond Orchard and its Implications for Potential Groundwater Contamination
- The Integration of Ecological processes into a Multi-layer Higher order closure Land Surface Model
- The topographic design of river channels for form-process linkages
- A Study on Airborne Radio Occultations and their Impact on Hurricane Karl (2010)
- Advancing Littoral Zone Aerosol Prediction via Holistic Studies in Regime-Dependent Flows
- Agricultural Carbon Sinks
- Airborne GPS Radio Occultation Observations of Moisture Variations in Atmospheric Rivers
- Alternative Turbulence-Based Surface Similarity Scaling with a variable von Karman coefficient
- Analysis and classification of topographic flow steering and inferred geomorphic processes as a function of discharge in a mountain river
- Aqueous reactions of triplet excited states with allylic compounds
- Assessing the Impact of Organic Carbon on Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in Soils
- Assessment of Drywells as Effective Tools for Stormwater Management and Aquifer Recharge: Results of a Two-Year Field and Numerical Modeling Study
- Assimilating MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Observations to Assess the Impact of Saharan Mineral Dust on the Genesis and Evolution of Hurricane Ernesto (2006)
- Comparison of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation between Gas-phase and Aqueous-phase Reactions: A Case Study on Guaiacol
- Developing COMET-Farm and the DayCent Model for California Specialty Crops
- Effects of Carbon and Cover Crop Residues on N<SUB>2</SUB>O and N<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- Effects of Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols on the Structure and Energetics of the African Easterly Jet-African Easterly Wave System
- Estimating Field Scale Crop Evapotranspiration using Landsat and MODIS Satellite Observations
- Estimating Unsaturated Zone N Fluxes and Travel Times to Groundwater at Watershed Scales
- Evaluation of Daily Evapotranspiration Over Orchards Using METRIC Approach and Landsat Satellite Observations
- Fate of Nitrogen on California Dairies as Measured by Regulatory Reporting
- Field-scale and Regional Variability in Evapotranspiration over Crops in California using Eddy Covariance and Surface Renewal
- Hydrogeologic Heterogeneity Enhances the Transfer of Salt Toward the High-Quality Deep Aquifers of the Western San Joaquin Valley (CA, USA)
- Intricacies in Drought Management Policy, Crisis Response and Preparedness: Linking the Interface
- Linking Plant Water-Use Efficiency and Depth of Water Uptake to Field-Level Productivity Under Surplus and Deficit Irrigation in Almond Orchards
- Modeling Sediment Bypassing around Rocky Headlands
- Nonlinear Terrestrial Feedbacks and Fluxes Exchange Investigated by a Multi-layer Higher order closure Turbulence Ecosystem Model
- Photochemistry of impurities in nature-identical snow crystals
- Potential decoupling between the regional monsoon intensity and local moisture conditions during the last millennium in central Brazil
- Predictable oxygen isotope exchange of plant lipids improves our ability to understand hydrologic shifts and partition evapotranspiration across scales
- Recharging California's Groundwater: Crop Suitability and Surface Water Availability for Agricultural Groundwater Banking
- Regional Scale Simulations of Nitrate Leaching through Agricultural Soils of California
- Role of Seasonal Transitions and the Westerly Jet in the Interannual Variabiligy of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Role of wildfire in controlling the source and flux of particulate organic carbon from a small, mountainous, semi-arid watershed
- Saharan Mineral Dust and the Dynamics of African Easterly Waves: Sensitivity to Spatial Variations in the Zonally Averaged Background State
- Seasonal Transitions and the Westerly Jet in the Holocene East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Sensitivity Analysis and Calibration of a Non-linear Integrated Hydrologic Model in an Agricultural Groundwater Basin with a Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem
- Soil Nitrification and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production: the connection with N concentration and Soil Water Content
- Stochastic modeling of Cryptosporidium parvum to predict transport, retention, and downstream exposure
- Subcritical Destabilization of African Easterly Waves by Saharan Mineral Dust
- Testing the Role of Westerly Jet in Triggering and Terminating Mei-Yu
- The Effect of Land-use Change and Management on Free-living N<SUB>2</SUB> fixation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
- The Energetics and Consequences of Hydrometeor Frictional Heating in Clouds
- The Impact of the Dust-Shortwave Radiation Effect on Atlantic Hurricane Activity in 2007
- The Influence of Climate, Valley Form, and Flow Regulation on Floodplain Inundation Regime of a Gravel-Bed River in a Mediterranean-Climate Region
- The Quantum Yield of Nitrite from Nitrate Photolysis at the Air-Ice Interface
- Uncertainty in evapotranspiration estimation caused by resistance: a case study using Penman-Monteith equation and the three-temperature model
- Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Improving Farm Scale Agricultural Water Management in Agriculture at a Farm Scale. A case study for field crops in the California's Central Valley
- Whole Watershed Management to Maximize Total Water Storage: Case Study of the American-Cosumnes River Basin
- Wildfire vs. Agricultural Operations: A Tale of Overprinted Disturbance Regimes
- A California Statewide App to Simulate Fate of Nitrate in Irrigated Agricultural System
- A Regional Groundwater Observatory to Enhance Analysis and Management of Water Resources
- A comprehensive analysis of high-magnitude streamflow and trends in the Central Valley, California
- A dam in the drylands: Effects of soil geomorphic actions on a mediterranean alluvial scrubland and the endangered Santa Ana woolly star (Eriastrum densifolium spp. sanctorum)
- Atmospheric Blocking and Intercomparison of Objective Detection Methods: Flow Field Characteristics
- Can rainfall be predicted at decadal timescales?
- Dynamic and inertial controls on forest carbon-water relations
- Heterogeneous Oxidation of Secondary Organic Aerosol: Effect of Relative Humidity
- Hierarchically nested river landform sequences
- Integrated Analysis of Flow, Form, and Function for River Management and Design Testing
- Intraseasonal Forcing of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Western Indian Ocean by Downwelling Equatorial Rossby Waves
- Managing Groundwater Recharge and Pumping for Late Summer Streamflow Increases: Quantifying Uncertainty Using Null Space Monte Carlo
- Mapping Evapotranspiration in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta using simulated ECOSTRESS Thermal Data: Validation and Inter-comparison
- Multi-year encoding of daily rainfall and streamflow via the fractal-multifractal method
- Near-census Delineation of Laterally Organized Geomorphic Zones and Associated Sub-width Fluvial Landforms
- Solar energy potential of the largest buildings in the United States
- Stochastic Management of Non-Point Source Contamination: Joint Impact of Aquifer Heterogeneity and Well Characteristics
- Sustainability of utility-scale solar energy: Critical environmental concepts
- Synergies of solar energy across a land-food-energy-water nexus
- The fractal-multifractal method and temporal resolution: Application to precipitation and streamflow
- Using Extreme Tropical Precipitation Statistics to Constrain Future Climate States
- A Hybrid Statistical-Mechanistic Model for Forecasting Groundwater Quality in the Great Lakes Basin
- An Automatic Mapping of Tree Crops Planting Age Using Landsat Time Series Stacks and Google Earth Engine
- Assessment of Observational Uncertainties and Model Performance in Mean and Extreme Precipitation Characteristics.
- BlobMetrics: An R-based analysis toolkit for assessment and intercomparison of atmospheric blocking detection algorithms
- California's Drought of the Future: A Prospective Look at the 2012-2017 Drought
- Comparison of Methods for Evaluating Prediction Uncertainty from a Highly Non-Linear Integrated Groundwater Surface-Water Model
- Crop classification using Sentinel satellite observations and Support Vector Machine algorithm over a highly diverse agricultural region
- Data Driven Almond Yield Prediction at the Orchard Level with a Stochastic Gradient Boosting Method
- Data integration across scales to estimate subsurface nitrate fluxes in agricultural areas
- Decision-relevant metrics for regional hydroclimate phenomena
- Do Rearing Juvenile Salmonids Predictably Occupy Physical Microhabitat?
- Drivers of agricultural development and salinity in California's Salinas Valley watershed: A multi-decadal analysis
- Effects of Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge on Groundwater Availability in Irrigated Basins
- Effects of Ice Habit on Sierra Nevada Snowfall and Implications for Climate Change
- IPEAT<SUP>+</SUP>: Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis Tool of the SWAT<SUP>+</SUP> Model
- Impact of canopy feature and water stress on evapotranspiration over salt-affected pistachio orchards
- Improving Current and Future Spatial Surrogates for Emissions Inventories in California
- Into the Relevance of Conceptual Complexity for Non-Point Source Management: Spatial Variability in the Hydraulic Conductivity, Recharge and Contaminant Leakage
- Land-surface properties and atmospheric conditions impacting sea-breeze convection and aerosol transport in a moist environment
- Linking measurements and models to estimate landscape-scale impacts of agricultural management on soil carbon and groundwater use
- Probing the Thermal Behaviors of α-pinene, Δ<SUP>3</SUP>-carene and IEPOX SOA using Cluster Analysis
- Projecting streamflow records one year ahead with neural networks of fractal-multifractal encodings
- Quantifying the Effect of Climate Change on Rangeland Forage Production and Phenology Using Landsat and MODIS Data
- Remote Detection of Water Stress over walnut orchards using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based Multispectral Images
- Remote Sensing Analysis of Pre-fire Controls on Burn Severity in Northern California Coastal Mountains using Random Forest Approach
- Tracing groundwater flow from the volcanic aquifers of Mt. Shasta to the Shasta Valley Basin alluvial aquifer and assessing the combined system's vulnerability to climate change
- Using Managed Aquifer Recharge to Cope with Climate Extremes and Change in the Western U.S.
- Using Self-Organizing Maps to Identify Coherent Precipitation Regions: Application to Extreme Precipitation Mechanisms
- A Multimodel Technique for Estimating Future Changes in Extreme Precipitation
- A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Measurements of Composition-Dependent Thermal Desorption of Organic Aerosol
- A comprehensive analysis of model outputs characterizes and compares machine-learning-enabled classification of rivers in seven distinct regions of California (USA)
- A functional flows approach for developing environmental flow standards in California
- Adapting to Climate Change via Groundwater Banking in the Southern Central Valley: Necessity and Feasibility
- Automated Basin-wide ET Estimation Using the SEBS Method to Improve Groundwater Sustainability Plan Development
- Automated Ecohydraulic Assessment of River Connectivity Identifies Fish Stranding and Redd Dewatering Risks
- Automation of Ecological River Design: Opportunities and Challenges
- Biochemical Reduction of Nitrate in the Deep Vadose Zone Under Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Blown away: 3-year flood period yields 20 times the sediment export rate as previous flood and drought periods in a regulated gravel/cobble river
- Can airborne lidar point clouds quantify grain size contributions to ground sediment facies?
- Comparing In-situ Measurements of Evapotranspiration of Crop and Fallow Fields in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta of California in 2018 Using Surface Renewal and Eddy Covariance Methods
- Comparison of Evapotranspiration from Four Field Methods and Five Remote Sensing Models for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Area of California
- Coupling weather and field scale information to forecast strawberry yield on a weekly basis via machine learning approaches
- Diversity and organization of mountain river morphological units challenge conceptions of riffle-pool, step-pool, and cascade channel types
- Downscaling Rainfall and Temperature in Time via a Deterministic Geometric Fractal Approach
- Drivers of River Salinity and Nitrate in the Salinas Valley agricultural watershed
- Dynamics of Resilience and Equity in Social-Ecological Systems with Power Asymmetries
- Effect of Ice Habit on Modeled Predictions of Orographic Precipitation
- Evaluating Groundwater Budget Estimates in an Agriculturally-Intensive Alluvial Aquifer System—Effects of Scale, Complexity, and Data Availability.
- Feature Tracking in TempestExtremes: Automated Detection and Characterization of Extreme Weather
- Feedbacks between irrigation and climate from field to regional scales in the Midwest US
- Fire Progression Mapping: An Examination of Interpolation Techniques Utilizing MODIS and VIIRS Active Fire Products in Northern California
- Groundwater Modeling Results of Flood-MAR Efficiency in the Cosumnes River Floodplain
- Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Characterization in an Alluvial Valley Using Numerical Modelling Approach
- Hedging Our Bets: The Long-Term Impact of Hedgerows on Soil Carbon and Other Metrics of Soil Health
- Identifying dominant human-environmental parameters and robust groundwater planning alternatives in Mexico City
- Integrated Quadrant Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Turbulent Coherent Structures in the Atmospheric Surface Layer
- Investigating Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Photo-Sensitized Aqueous-Phase Reactions of Guaiacyl Acetone under Conditions Relevant to Urban Wood Burning
- Large Flood Drives Massive Morphological Unit Overhaul in a Regulated Gravel/Cobble River
- Linking Physical Infiltration Processes to Changes in Water Quality and the Potential to Address Legacy Contaminants during Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Long-term Hydrological Response of Snow-influenced Upland Watersheds across California's Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains Under a Changing Climate
- Mapping Water Resources Research in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Modeling data collected from a new wireless sensing network of river temperature to map river temperatures at micro-habitat scales relevant to juvenile salmonids
- Modeling the Impact of the Non-Traditional Coriolis Force on A Convective Circulation
- Multi-sensor Monitoring of Processing Tomato at a Field-scale
- Nitrogen Cycling Dynamics in the Shallow Vadose Zone under Varying Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge Practices
- Nitrogen Leaching From California's Central Valley Irrigated Lands: A Multi-scale Modeling Study
- Photodegradation rate differences of chemical impurities in nature-identical snow crystals and other frozen matrices
- Physical controls on salmon redd site selection in restored reaches of a gravel-bed river
- Procedural Generation is the Future of Eco-Geomorphic River Design
- Quantifying the root zone water budget of the Butte Valley Groundwater Basin, California
- Quantifying uncertainty in flood inundation mapping using Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) and Hierarchical BMA
- Scales of variability of cyanobacteria in Clear Lake
- Self-Maintained Riffle-Pool Couplets are Less Abundant than Expected Across California's Diverse River Systems
- Setting limits with limited information: A catchment-scale modeling framework to evaluate distributed human - ecological water management tradeoffs
- Shasta Valley Groundwater Basin (CA) Hydrogeological Conceptual Model Development & Groundwater Sustainability Scenario Planning Efforts
- Simulating the role of fire in forest structure and functional type coexistence: Testing FATES-SPITFIRE in California forests
- Simulation of climate change effects on surface water-groundwater interactions in a fractured rock tropical basin
- Solar Energy Development in Deserts Reduces Ecosystem Services and Socioecological Resources of Indigenous People
- Solar Energy Development in an Era of Looming Land Scarcity: Land-Use Metric Standardization and Novel Concepts
- Spatiotemporal patterns and environmental controls on increasing wildfires in Sierra Nevada, California
- Surface renewal measurements in roughness sublayer for water management in irrigated orchards
- The Existential Crisis of Aerosol: Irrelevance to Relative Dispersion of the Droplet Size Distribution?
- The Importance of Uncertainty in the Detection of Weather Events: Probabilistic Detection of Atmospheric Rivers
- The Role of Spatial Scale and Data Density on the Representation of Geologic Heterogeneity and Managed Aquifer Recharge Processes
- Threats for Carbon Storage in High Elevation Forests of the Sierra Nevada
- Tipping the scale: Coupling statistical scaling and geomorphic classification models to extend high-resolution ecohydraulic analysis to the network scale
- Tree mortality detection and assessment using AVIRIS imaging spectroscopy data in Sierra Nevada
- Trends and Drivers of Burn Severity and Fire Size in Northern California's Inter-coastal Mountains
- Understanding Interannual Forage Production Variability of Annual Grassland in an Era of Changing Climate using Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
- Understanding Natural Streamflow with the Seasonal Flow Detection Algorithm
- Using Self-Organizing Maps to Identify Coherent CONUS Precipitation Regions: Application to Extremes Aggregation
- Using remotely piloted aircrafts to evaluate potato water stress in Central Wisconsin
- Using stakeholder-relevant hydrogeologic metrics to quantify drought response in an agricultural intermontane valley in Siskiyou County, California
- A Comparison Between Measurements Using Surface Renewal, Eddy-Covariance, and Radiant Temperature Based Aerodynamic Methods, and Satellite-Based Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Estimates for Fallow and Cropped Fields
- A Generalized Modeling Approach to the Stability of Natural Resource Governance Systems
- A Resilience-Based Framework for Advancing Adaptive Management of Highly Regulated Rivers: A Case Study from the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico (USA)
- A land use model for high-resolution black carbon estimation in Oakland, CA: A comparison of different machine learning models' performance in spatial prediction
- A quantitative description of the fractal dimension of topography across scales reveals the scale at which erosion processes fade away in the face of tectonics.
- Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge and Groundwater Flow Dynamics in a Heterogeneous Alluvial Aquifer
- Agricultural managed groundwater recharge: interrelation of nitrogen cycling and hydrology
- Assessing disturbance severity with lags in post-fire mortality in subalpine forests of the Sierra Nevada
- Balancing Competing Water Needs in an Unregulated Seasonal Watershed Subject to Distributed Diversion Pressures
- Building a resistivity atlas in the Central Valley of California
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration and Ion Transport from Enhanced Rock Weathering at a Northern California Cropland Site
- California research and extension with the Water Talk podcast: Expertise, reflection, and best practices
- Cloud Microphysical Properties and Processes in Marine Fog
- Comparing In-Situ Evapotranspiration of Two Cherry Orchards in California's Central Valley with ECOSTRESS ET Estimates and Modelled ET from a Higher-Order Closure, Multilayer Soil, Plant, and Atmosphere Model
- Connections to Tidal Marsh and Restored Salt Ponds Drive Seasonal and Spatial Variability in Ecosystem Metabolic Rates in Lower South San Francisco Bay
- Delineating solar energy and land use interactions: An exigency for standardized metrics
- Denitrification from terrestrial ecosystems: accounting for underrepresented sources and identifying paths forward
- Development, calibration, and application of an integrated hydrologic model for the Butte Valley Groundwater Basin, California
- Dynamics of Fungal and Bacterial Biomass Carbon in Natural Ecosystems: Site-level Applications of the CLM-Microbe Model
- ECOSTRESS and CIMIS: A Comparison of Potential and Reference Evapotranspiration in Riverside County, California
- Effects of Aerosol Concentration on the Dissipation of Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Effects of drought-intensified tree mortality on wildfire behavior in Sierra Nevada forests
- Estimating Ag-MAR flood duration based on crop tolerance, root depth, and soil texture data
- Evaluation of historical CMIP6 model simulations of extreme precipitation over contiguous US regions
- Evapotranspiration estimation with high-resolution aerial imagery over almond orchards using TSEB model
- Exploring the climate change and variability effects on almond phenology in California
- Geomorphic Covariance Structure Analysis of River Terrains for Process Evaluation and River Design
- Geomorphic covariance analysis of thirty ephemeral streams in the South coast of California, USA.
- How high to fly? Evaluating different elevations for mapping evapotranspiration from remotely piloted aircrafts
- Hydro-economic modeling of managed aquifer recharge for an agricultural landscape
- Ichnos: An efficient node based stochastic particle tracking algorithm
- Identification of suitable Managed Aquifer Recharge locations In California's Central Valley using an evolutionary multi-objective optimization
- Impact of Model Resolution on Tropical Cyclone Simulation of Present-day and Future Projection using the HighResMIP Multi-model Ensemble
- Impact of climate related uncertainty on projections of US air quality and implications for extremes
- Impacts of Alternate Wetting and Drying and Delayed Flood Rice Irrigation on Growing Season Evapotranspiration
- Incorporating High-fidelity Air Quality Simulation into Integrated Assessment Models
- Integrated Quadrant Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Turbulent Coherent Structures in the Atmospheric Surface Layer
- Interdisciplinary Modeling of the Socioeconomic Tradeoffs of Water Management in River Basins with Potential for Disconnection between Surface and Groundwater
- Investigating physical drivers of straying behavior in California Central Valley fall-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) through ecohydraulic analysis
- LGBTQ+ Scientists and Allies in the Agronomy, Crop, and Soil Science Societies: Sharing Stories and Enacting Change
- Large scale field demonstrations to test the carbon sequestration potential of enhanced weathering in working lands
- Linking Physical Infiltration Processes to Changes in Water Quality and the Potential to Address Legacy Contaminants during Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Manifestation of Structural Differences Between Bin and Bulk Schemes
- Microplastics in San Francisco Bay: Abundance, Transport, Fate, and Policy Recommendations
- Modeling Legacy Nitrate Leaching Potential during Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Modeling the Impact of Levee Removal on Groundwater Recharge Using Robust Floodplain Data - a Case Study of the Cosumnes River
- Optimizing Regional Water Management using Probabilistic Seasonal Forecasts
- Planning-driven model diagnostics to determine the effects of observation and parameter uncertainty on groundwater management in Mexico City
- Quantifying ecologically relevant changes in streamflow patterns in response to climate change
- Quantifying river recharge rates based on tritium-helium groundwater ages
- Revealing the Diversity of Hydropeaking Patterns by Time-Series Data Mining
- Revisiting the Fractal-Multifractal method in describing geometries of precipitation and temperature: Case of global circulation models outputs
- Secondary Organic Aerosol from the Oxidation of Highly Substituted Phenols by Aqueous Hydroxyl Radical
- Short-term effects of sheep grazing on C and N cycling in a cover cropped vineyard
- Soil Properties Below a Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge Site on the Flood Plain of the Cosumnes River, Elk Grove, CA
- Synthesizing Stormwater Infrastructure in United States Cities: Are we speaking the same language?
- Techno-hydrological Attributes and Land Sparing Opportunities of Floating Solar Photovoltaics
- The DoNUT Kinematic Model for Convective Circulation and the Divergence-Free, Non-Traditional Coriolis Force
- The Log-Linearity of Vertically Integrated Moisture Quantities and Rain Rate
- The Ongoing Need for High-Resolution Regional Climate Models: Process Understanding and Stakeholder Information
- The Shifting Scales of Western US Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers Under Climate Change
- Understanding Determinants of Rapid Wildfire Spread Across California's Diverse Ecosystems
- Using a Model-Data Fusion Approach to Better Understand the Fate of Terrestrial Carbon in the Southern Sierras.
- Using integrated models to avoid tipping points in a multi-objective water allocation problem
- Variations of net ecosystem exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Arkansas rice fields
- Water use in non-irrigated cover crops for the benefit of nesting waterfowl in California Sacramento Valley
- Which Physical Processes are the Main Causes of Extreme Precipitation over the CONUS?
- Width variability controls on and channel slope response to spatial patterns of macro-roughness elements in mountain rivers
- Wildfire ignitions in California: spatial and temporal patterns and drivers
- Wildfire response to changing daily temperature extremes in California's Sierra Nevada
- rSHUD: An R Package Facilitating Quick and Reproducible Hydrologic Deployment Worldwide.
- Influence of hydrogeologic structure on long-term sustainable groundwater elevations for a moderate-altitude rain-fed groundwater basin under climate change
- No One Plan can have all that Power: Efficient Designs and Valid Inference for Soil Carbon Measurement and Monitoring on Heterogeneous Landscapes
- Agricultural and Water Management in Bugesera and Nyagatare, Rwanda
- Creation of a Shallow Groundwater Model of Bugesera District, Rwanda
- Evaluating the Impacts of Deficit Irrigation on Processing Tomatoes with Remote Sensing