University of California, Davis, Bodega Marine Laboratory
flowchart I[University of California, Davis, Bodega Marine Laboratory] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (50)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Bodega Ocean Observing Node (BOON).
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Phytoplankton and Sea Surface Temperature during CoOP WEST (northern California)
- Bringing the ocean to the classroom: Using real scientific data to engage students in environmental stewardship
- A summertime study of mixing between Walker Creek and Tomales Bay waters
- COCMP Surface Current Mapping Reveals Eddy and Upwelling Jet off Cape Mendocino
- Carbon Cycling in the Coastal Ocean off California
- Developing a Proxy for Intermediate/Deep Seawater Phosphorus Concentrations Using Bamboo Coral From California Coastal Seamounts
- Ocean Acidification Impacts Larval and Juvenile Growth in the Native Oyster Ostrea lurida
- Statistical Relationships Among Proxies of Climate, Productivity and the Carbon Cycle Across Climatic Regimes, Santa Barbara Basin, California
- The estuary part of low-inflow estuaries: stratification and residence in a Tomales Bay tributary estuary.
- Toward the Characterization of Upwelling and Productivity Potential Along the California Coast.
- Comparing microfossil shell weight from two locations on the California coast to understand controls on bottom water carbonate chemistry over the past 14 ka
- Investigating a transect of anoxic waters in the Santa Barbara Basin during the past 15 ka
- Climate, productivity, and intermediate water nutrients: new records from bamboo coral Ba/Ca
- Coastal Marsh Sediments from Bodega Harbor: Archives of Environmental Changes at the Terrestrial-Marine Interface
- Constraining the vertical movement of OMZ waters in Santa Barbara Basin for the past 15 ky
- Estimation of Stratification and Mixing of a Closed River System Using FLOW-3D®
- Marine and terrestrial organic matter supplying Tomales Bay ecosystem respiration: modern vs historical estimates
- Variance: An Under-Appreciated Parameter in Marine Climate Change Ecology (Invited)
- Boron isotopes in deep-sea bamboo corals: pH, vital effects and environmental factors
- Inter-annual Variations and Decadal Trends in Surface Equatorial Pacific Phosphate Concentrations: Coral Records from the Line Islands
- Spatial scaling of deglacial hypoxia in the Santa Barbara Basin: Using rank-abundance curves and kurtosis to understand paleoecological community stress
- The coastal mosaic of ocean acidification: The influence of upwelling, riverine input, and geography along the US West Coast
- Bay-Ocean Coupling and the Proximal Fate of Water-Borne Material Exported from San Francisco Bay
- Environmental Litigation and the Role of Climate Scientists
- Hypoxia in high-resolution sediment records: reconstructing the California Current Oxygen Minimum Zone on multi-decadal timescales
- Multiscale Approach to Small River Plumes off California
- Multispecies Record of Benthic Foraminiferal Shell Weight in Santa Barbara Basin: A Deglacial Environmental Record
- Precise Measurement of Phenylalanine δ15N Values via Elemental Analysis-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Following Purification with High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography: A New Tool for Fine-Scale Paleo-Nitrogen Cycle Reconstructions
- Quantifying the Variability in Species' Vulnerability to Ocean Acidification
- The interaction of short surface waves with stratified flow in Raccoon Strait
- Examining the Impacts of Oxygen and Carbon System Variability on Fossil Benthic Foraminiferal Shell Weight
- Impact of variability in coastal fog on photosynthesis and dissolved oxygen levels in shallow water habitats: Salmon Creek estuary case study
- Paleoceanographic insights on oxygen minimum zone expansion: Lessons from the most recent deglaciation
- Bryozoans as indicators of global change: predictable shifts in morphology and carbonate mineralogy in response to warming and ocean acidification
- Methylmercury and other chemical constituents in Pacific coastal fog water from seven sites in Central/Northern California (FogNet) during the summer of 2014
- Effects of beach morphology and waves on onshore larval transport
- Carbon Sequestration Within Northeast Pacific Seagrass Beds
- Modeling Sediment Bypassing around Rocky Headlands
- Connecting the surface to near-shore bottom waters in the California Current ecosystem: a study of Northern California interannual to decadal oceanographic variability
- Pairing Quaternary paleoecology and modern ROV exploration to produce novel reconstructions of marine ecosystem responses to millennial-scale climate change
- Insights from stable isotopes and C/N ratios: Assessing the spatial and temporal variation of sedimentary organic matter stored in seagrass meadows
- A review of Holocene climate and oceanography of the Western United States and Northeast Pacific
- Impacts of Changing Ocean Chemistry on the West Coast: From Research to Action
- Recent changes along the California margin as told by bamboo corals.
- Synthesizing Geochemical Data from Archaeological Shells to Construct Long-term, Seasonal Archives of Nearshore Environments
- Bamboo corals as unique high-resolution archives of ocean processes: Evidence from the California margin.
- Improving Online Dialogues about Justice and Equity in Climate and Science Policy
- An Integrated Understanding of Oceanographic Stressors and Climate Extremes in the Southern California Bight from 1984 to the Present
- Science Policy Collaborations: Optimizing Ocean Monitoring Networks for Environmental Management