University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Fluorescein Tracer Release Experiment in the Hydrothermally Active Crater of Vailulu'u Volcano, Samoa
- A Global Climatology of Phytoplankton Pigment Concentration
- A Lagrangian Approach to the Validation of Spatio-temporal Cloud Properties in a General Circulation Model Using Geostationary Satellite Imagery
- A New Earthquake Focal Mechanism Catalog for Southern California
- A Paleomagnetic Study of 0-3 Ma Volcanic Rocks from Costa Rica
- A Quantitative Evaluation of the Relationship Between Magnetic and Silicate Fabrics in Cumulates with no Discrete Magnetite
- A Subduction Factory Laboratory: Tectonics of the Southern Mariana Convergent Margin
- A Summary of ACPI Climate Downscaling Studies for the Western United States
- A Synthesis of \textit{P} and \textit{S} Anisotropy
- A permanent presence in the global ocean: A new approach to oceanography
- ACPI Elements 1 and 2: Initializing the Coupled Model from Observed Ocean Conditions and the Ensemble Runs
- Absolute Gravity Changes In Alaska
- Accuracies of Altimetric Methods to Estimate Surface Velocity
- Aerosol Forcing Efficiency Determined From ACE-Asia Aircraft Measurements
- Aerosol Properties derived from the PREDE POM-01 Mark II Sun Photometer
- An Overview of the Lost City Vent Field: An Extensive Off-Axis, Serpentinite-Hosted Hydrothermal Field, 30° N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Anatomy of apparent seasonal variations from GPS derived site position time series
- Archeomagnetic Results From California and Ecuador: Implications for Global Field Models
- Are Climate Models Sensitive to the Microphysics of Clouds?
- Asymmetric Upper-crustal Construction Beneath Overlapping Ridge Segments: Implications for Upper-crustal Evolution with Results from Seismic Tomography
- Atmospheric Absorption in ARESE II: Observations and Models
- Atmospheric cosmic dust fluxes in the mass range, < 10<SUP>2</SUP> g are 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than those in the near Earth space
- Boron and B Isotopes in Mud Volcanoes and Their Significance for Mobilization Depth and Global B Cycling
- Building a Digital Library for Multibeam Data, Images and Documents
- Characteristics of the Central Costa Rican Seismogenic Zone Determined from Microseismicity
- Characteristics of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone from Microseismicity
- Characterizing Winds over the Southern Ocean
- Chemical Fluxes in Subduction Zones: Implications for Forearc and Ocean Chemistry
- Comparing Numerical Planetary Dynamos with Observations: Constraints from Paleomagnetism
- Comparison and Combination of Solutions From the Southern California Integrated GPS Network
- Comparison of Historical and Prehistorical Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Biological Productivity in the Santa Barbara Basin
- Conceptual Modeling of the Climatic Role of Airborne Dust
- Contrasting Geochemistry of on- and off-axis Magmatism, 26° S Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Contributions of Igneous Rock-Forming Minerals to Magnetic Fabrics
- Coupling of Mesoscale Eddies in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to the Overlying Atmosphere
- Deep Circulation and Carbonate Changes in the Southern Ocean: Influences on Quaternary Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Variability
- Deep-water renewal and suggested warming in Lake Malawi/Nyasa
- Deployment of Seafloor Positioning System for the Monitoring of Seismic Coupling at the Japan Trench off Sanriku
- Differential Strain Accumulation Across Lake Tahoe as Measured From Submerged Paleo-Shorelines
- Diverse Seismicity and Anomalous Boron Fluid Geochemistry in the Japan Trench
- Drilling the Newfoundland Margin in the Newfoundland-Iberia Rift
- Earliest Life on Earth - New Data Call for Revision
- Effect of Quasi Stationary Wave 1 on Ozone Distribution During November 1993
- Electrical conductivity structures across seismically active and less active zones on the subducting Pacific plate, off northeast Japan
- Estimating Fault Displacement from the 1999 Hector Mine Earthquake Using LIDAR
- Estimating Surface Slope and Roughness over the Greenland Ice Sheet Through Deconvolution of Laser Altimeter Waveforms
- Evaluation of Chlorophyll-a Ocean Color Algorithms for the Southern Ocean
- Evidence for the Rapid Low-Temperature Alteration of Oceanic Crust on the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge from the Amplitude Envelope of Magnetic Anomalies
- Evolution of Jasper Seamount: Plume-Lithosphere Interaction?
- Evolution of the Bauer Microplate, Eastern Tropical Pacific
- Frictional Coefficients of Multi-Component Sediments: Implications for the Aseismic to Seismic Transition Zone, W. Nankai
- Future autonomous float and glider studies
- Geochemical Characteristics of Sediments Potentially Subducted in Western and Eastern Philippines
- Geochemical Evidence for Mantle Plume Involvement in the Early History of the Central Atlantic Ocean
- Geodetically determined deformation in the southern Levant (Israel and Jordan)
- Geologic Setting of the Lost City Vent Field, Off-Axis, Serpentinite-Hosted Vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 30 <SUP>o</SUP>N Latitude
- Geological Inferences About the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30N Core Complex From Initial Analysis of Side-Scan, Bathymetry and Basalt Petrography
- Geology of Nascent Ocean Basins: Insights from Western Pacific Back-arc Basins and the Gulf of California
- Geophysical Structure of the Adare Trough, a Cenozoic Boundary Between East and West Antarctica
- Global and Regional Constraints on Exchanges of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Between the Atmosphere and Terrestrial Biosphere
- Gross Thermodynamics of 2-component Core Convection
- Hawaiian Hot-Spot Swell Structure from Seafloor MT Sounding
- Helium and Carbon Relationships in Geothermal Fluids From the Central American arc in Costa Rica
- Helium-Carbon Relationships in Geothermal Fluids of Guatemala: Mapping the Subducted Sedimentary Component
- High Precision Relocations of Deep Hawaiian Earthquakes
- High resolution reconstruction of diatom production in a temperate fjord, west coast Vancouver Island, Canada: implications for late Holocene pelagic fish abundance
- High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Imaging of Lacustrine Stratigraphy of the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- High-Resolution Side-Scan Sonar Map of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30N Core Complex
- Holocene Climate Variability Documented in Lake Sediment Oxygen Isotope Records in Michigan (USA)
- Hydrothermal Activity at Vailulu'u Seamount, Samoa
- Hydrothermal Alteration, Serpentinization and Carbonate Precipitation at the Lost City Vent Field (30N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
- Implementing the NSF Geosciences Education Vision: A University Perspective
- Increasing Trends in Cloud Reflectance and Planetary Albedo Over the Maritime Antarctic
- Influence of Increased CO2 on Regional Climate Simulations
- Interpreting Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Signals in Lacustrine Carbonates Using Case Studies from Swiss Lakes: A Tribute to Kerry Kelts
- Investigating Paleomagnetic Field Behavior with New Lava Flow Data Sets
- Lateral Variations in Upper Mantle Shear Wave Attenuation
- Limit for the Survivability from Potassium Decay of Bacterial Spores in Halite Fluid Inclusions
- Limitations on Sedimentary Geomagnetic Analyses Due to Incomplete Age Control
- Long-lived but Discontinuous Hotspot Volcanism of the South Pacific Mantle
- Manganese Oxide Biomineralization by Spores of the Marine Bacillus sp. Strain SG-1
- Maritime Aerosol Optical Model Based on the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) Measurements.
- Measurement Of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Trapped In The Ice Core From Siple Dome, Antarctica
- Methods of Fluid and Geochemical Flux Measurement and new Insights From Seep Studies at the Eel River Margin
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence for Sapropel Deposition in the Western Mediterranean: Late Pleistocene-Holocene record
- Modeling Halogen Chemistry in the Troposphere With a Global 3D Model
- Modeling Sierra Nevada Wildfire Season Severity and Suppression Costs Under a Climate Change Scenario
- Monitoring Undersea Crustal Deformation of the South Flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Monitoring the Ocean Acoustically: A Review and Strategy for the Future
- Motions of the California Borderland: Results from the SCIGN array
- New Insights on the Fluid Flow Regime in the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone
- New Measurements of Radial Mode Eigenfrequencies
- New Perspectives on the Structure and Morphology of the Submarine Flanks of Galápagos Volcanoes- Fernandina and Isabela
- New Results Using the Marine Magnetotelluric Method Over a 3-D Structure
- New Seafloor Maps and Samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30N Oceanic Core Complex
- New ways to publish and to archive marine data:, GERM and Pmag
- Nitrogen-Helium-Argon and Nitrogen Isotope Relationships in Geothermal Fluids from the Central American Volcanic Arc: Mapping Subducted and Crustal Contributions to Volatile Output
- Observation of the April 2001 Asian Dust Event by Robotic Carbon Biomass Profiling Floats in the Subarctic North Pacific
- Observations of the Flow Field at the Nose of a Buoyant Coastal Current.
- Observations of the Surf Zone With Drifters
- Ocean Wireless Networking and Real Time Data Management
- Optimal observations for variational data assimilation
- Overview of ACE-Asia Spring 2001 Investigations on Aerosol Radiative Effects and Related Aerosol Properties
- Parallel Fault Strands at 9-km Depth Resolved on the Imperial Fault, Southern California
- Pathways to the Gauge: the Diurnal Streamflow Cycle as an Indicator of Snowmelt Rates and Transport
- Physical interpretation of hysteresis loops: Micromagnetic modelling of fine particle magnetite
- Pilot Study of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, offshore Northern Iceland, using High--Resolution Multichannel Seismic Reflection Profiling and CHIRP Sonar
- Postseismic Relaxation Time in the Near-Field of the Hector Mine Earthquake
- Preliminary Seafloor Controlled Source EM Results From APPLE
- Production and Fluid Flow at Shallow to Intermediate Forearc Depths: An Overview
- Prospects for paleointensity data in the Time Averaged Field Initiative
- Radar Interferometric Mapping and Numerical Simulation of Land Subsidence along the Dead Sea Shores, Israel and Jordan
- Rapid Climate Change at Siple Dome, Antarctica
- Re-Analysis of a Decade of Continuous GPS Data at the Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center: Implications for Terrestrial Reference Frame Stability
- Relative Paleointensity Variations in Icelandic Lavas from Chron C5N
- Results from a Round-Robin-Comparison of Radiance Calibrations at Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratories
- Review of Surfzone Observations of Alongshore Currents
- Role of Tropical Clouds in Surface and Atmospheric Energy Budget
- Scalable Models of Data Sharing
- Sea Level Rise and Quasi-Periodicity in Storminess Along the West Coast
- Seasonal Forecast of El Nino using the ECCO Ocean State Estimation with an Adjoint Optimization Approach.
- Sedimentary Inputs into the Nankai Seismogenic Zone
- Seismicity and Tectonics of the South Shetland Islands Region From a Combined Land-Sea Seismograph Deployment
- Sensitivity of Flow Uncertainty to Radar Rainfall Uncertainty in the Context of Operational Distributed Hydrologic Modeling
- Simulated Hydrologic Responses to Climate Variations and Change in the Merced, Carson, and American River Basins, Sierra Nevada, California, 1900-2099
- Siple Dome: Is it in Steady State?
- Southern California Earthquake Center Crustal Motion Map Version 3.0
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Strain Accumulation at the Sumatra Subduction Zone from Recent GPS Measurements
- Spectral Radiative Forcing of the ACE-Asia Aerosol Observed During the NOAA Ship R. H. Brown Cruise
- Stochastic Analysis of Southern and Pacific Ocean Sea Surface Winds
- Subduction Initiation Along the Macquarie Ridge Complex?
- Tectonic Analysis of Contractional Structures Within the Southern Taiwan Orogen using GPS
- The Abysmal State of Abyssal Time Series: An Acoustic Challenge
- The Crater Lake and Hydrothermal System of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines: Evolution in the Decade After Eruption
- The Directional Deviations of Polariztion of Telesiesmic \it {P} Waves Recorded by KNET in the Northern Tien Shan
- The First Year of Acoustic Extensometer Measurements at the South Cleft RIDGE Seafloor Observatory Site
- The Geochemistry and Hydrography of Lake Tanganyika
- The Leading Edge of the Galapagos Hotspot: Geochemistry and Geochronology of Submarine Glasses Coupled to New Sidescan Sonar Imagery
- The Origin of Bright Seismic Reflectors in Upper Oceanic Crust Formed at the EPR: New Insight from AVO Analysis
- The Origin of Velocity Anomalies in the Deep Mantle
- The Seamount Catalog in
- The effects of a climate change on the sardine habitat dimensions in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
- The transition from abiotic to biotic chemistry: When and where?
- Three-Dimensional Visualization of Fault Slip Data
- Tidal Correlations of Seismicity at Axial Volcano
- Tides on the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf from ERS Satellite Radar Altimetry
- Total Column Radiative Forcing by Aerosols During the ACE-ASIA Campaign
- Transport of Aerosols From Asia and Their Radiative Effects Over the Western Pacific: A 3-D Model Study for ACE-Asia Experiment During Spring 2001
- Triana-The First Deep Space Climate Observatory
- Tropical Forcing of North Pacific Decadal Variability Explored Using a GCM Ensemble
- Validation of Ocean Color Algorithms in East Asian Marginal Seas
- Variations in Coulomb Stress Accumulation Along the San Andreas Fault System
- Variations in Normal Stress along the San Andreas Fault due to Isostatically Compensated Topography
- Video-based Observations of Surface Currents in the Surf Zone
- Volatile Chemistry and Fluxes Along the Costa Rican Segment of the Central American Volcanic Arc
- Vorticity balance in coarse-resolution global ocean simulations
- What Drives Changes in the Timing of Snowmelt Runoff in the Western United States?
- With John Edmond in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- "The Oceans" not Withstanding: Scripps Geological-Geophysical Expeditions of the Golden Age
- 1000 Years of North American Climate Variability as Inferred from Lake Carbonate Stable Isotope Records
- <SUP>32</SUP>Si in Wet and Dry Deposition as an Input to the Vadose Zone
- A Comparison of Measured and Calculated Cloud Absorption-Line by Line and Standard Radiative Transfer Models
- A Decade of Ocean Acoustic Measurements from R/P FLIP
- A Decade on the Global Change EPO Trail
- A Highly Resolved Time-Series of Cloud and Surface Properties Using 3-D Radiative Transfer at the Antarctic Coastline
- A Multi-Channel Seismic Investigation of Ridge Crest and Ridge Flank Structure Along the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- A modelling study of the climatological current field and the trajectories of upwelled particles in the East Australian Current
- A new Perspective of the Tectonics of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, Offshore Northern Iceland, from EM300 Multibeam Bathymetry, High Resolution MCS and CHIRP Sonar Profiles
- Access to GPS and Seismic Data: Current Activities within UNAVCO and IRIS and their Potential Role in EarthScope
- Accuracy of Altimetric Surface Geostrophic Velocities
- Acoustic thermometry time series in the North Pacific
- Aerosol Forcing During INDOEX and ACE-Asia as Determined From Aircraft and Grou nd Measurements
- Aerosol-Cloud microphysical closure in warm tropical cumulus during CRYSTAL-FACE
- Alongshore polarization of currents over the inner shelf off Huntington Beach
- An International Perspective on Post Graduate Education in Physical Oceanography
- Apatite-Graphite in Quartz-Pyroxene Rock From Akilia Island; Primary Biogenic Origin Questioned by Oxygen Isotope Evidence.
- Atmospheric Aerosol Conditions Over the Central California Coast During ITCT-2K2
- Atmospheric Response to Anthropogenic Aerosols Modeled using Assimilation
- Broadband Observations of Plate Boundary Deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Broadband marine MT exploration of the East Pacific Rise at 9<SUP>o</SUP> 50'N
- Bullard's Law
- Carbon Explorer Assessment of Carbon Biomass Variability and Carbon Flux Systematics in the Upper Ocean During SOFEX
- Challenges in Measuring Air-Sea Interaction: Platforms and Sensors
- Characterization of recent Lake Tahoe fault activity: Combining Sub-Meter Resolution Seismic Imagery with AMS C-14 Dated Submerged Paleo-Surfaces.
- Chemical Reference Materials: Setting the Standards for Ocean Science
- Chronology of Millennial-Scale Climate Change at Siple Dome, West Antarctica
- Coastal upwelling and plankton bloom dynamics observed in atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>/N<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> records at Trinidad, California.
- Compositional and Fluid Pressure Controls on the State of Stress on the Nankai Subduction Thrust
- Comprehensive Processing of the Apollo Lunar Seismic Event Data
- Concentration and Mobility of Electrically-Conducting Defects in Olivine
- CruiseViewer: SIOExplorer Graphical Interface to Metadata and Archives.
- Crustal Structure of the Continent-Ocean Boundary Zone Using Seismic Refraction and Reflection Data, Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australia
- Crustal Structure of the Lau Back-Arc Basin from Multichannel Seismic Observations
- Decadal trends in land and ocean carbon exchanges from atmospheric records of CO2 concentration and 13C/12C, 14C/12C, and O2/N2 ratios
- Deformation of the Northern Edge of the Australian Continent in New Guinea
- Detecting Ocean Climate Change in Seismic Noise: the Need for Directional Information
- Deuterium excess at Siple Dome, West Antarctica: A role for the Pacific in millennial-scale climate change?
- Development of a Real-Time GPS/Seismic Displacement Meter: GPS Component
- Development of a Real-Time GPS/Seismic Displacement Meter: Seismic Component and Communications
- Development of a Stochastic Cloud-Radiation Parameterization
- Diagenetic behavior of the rare earth elements in Santa Barbara Basin sediments
- Directional Properties of Infragravity Waves
- Distribution and Architecture of Channels Preserved on Continental Shelves: A Comparison of the Carolinas and the U.S. East Coast
- Dust-Climate Interactions: A Conceptual Model
- EXAFS Study of Uranyl Complexation at Pseudomonas fluorescens Cell Surfaces
- Early Cenozoic Stratigraphy of the Equatorial Pacific and the Eocene Revealed
- Electrical Conductivity and Anisotropy in Pacific Lithosphere: CSEM Results from APPLE
- En Echelon Volcanic Ridges Along Seamount Chains Result from Episodic Changes In Stress Orientations That Open Cracks to the Asthenosphere and Permit Magma Ascent: They do not Require Plumes
- Estimates of Secular Changes in the Ocean
- Estimating SRTM Resolution for Applications of Fault Offset Recovery
- Evaluation of Accuracy in Kinematic GPS Analyses Using a Precision Roving Antenna Platform
- Evaluation of Boussinesq Model Predictions of Nearshore Hydrodynamics.
- Evidence for Globally Decreasing Subtropical Marine Stratocumulus Since 1952
- Evidence for a Thermally Controlled Seismogenic Updip Limit for Subduction at Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Experimental Results for the Thermal Diffusion Sensitivity of <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>36</SUP>Ar in air: Calibration of the Ice Core Fossil-Air Paleothermometer.
- Exploring the Planets: A Mathematical Journey
- Field Observations of Shear Waves
- Finescale Upper Ocean Structure Along 95W Between 10N and 1S During EPIC
- GCIP Water and Energy Budget Synthesis (WEBS)
- GERM in A reference model approach to data bases
- GPS Survey of the salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, for Satellite Altimeter Calibration
- Genomic Analysis of Uncultured Marine Viral Communities
- Geochemical and Pb and Nd Isotopic Characteristics of the Tethyan Asthenosphere: Implications for the Origin of the Indian MORB-type Mantle
- Geochemistry of the Oceanic Lithosphere Being Subducted Beneath the Tonga-Kermadec Arc
- Geoid Height and Swell-Push Force in the Lithospheres of Venus and the Earth
- Geologic Framework and Surficial Sediment Mapping Within South Carolina's Long Bay, From Little River to Winyah Bay
- Geomagnetic intensity of near axis flows on the East Pacific Rise, 9°30'-10°N: constraints on timing of eruptive activity
- Geophysical Constraints on the Plate Tectonic History of the Emerald Basin and South Tasman Ocean Crust Southwest of New Zealand
- Global azimuthal anisotropy from Rayleigh waves and circulation-derived finite strain
- Graduate Education in Coastal Science: Then and Now
- Graphite as a Biomarker in Rocks of the 3.8 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt
- Halogen chemistry in the troposphere - results from a global 3D model
- Has the relationship between the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation and air temperature remained constant over the last century? An example from central Europe
- Heat and Freshwater Budgets in the Eastern Pacific Warm Pool
- Helium and Carbon Systematics of the Sangihe Arc, Indonesia: Tracing Volatile Sources in an Arc-Arc Collision
- High End Visualization of Geophysical Datasets Using Immersive Technology: The SIO Visualization Center.
- High Precision Relocations of Hawaiian Earthquakes
- High-Quality Long-Base Strain Measurements in a Thrust Zone, Los Angeles, California
- Hydroacoustic Signals Recorded by the International Monitoring System
- Ice Shelf Elevation Changes due to Atmospheric Pressure Variations
- InSAR-derived grounding features of the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
- Indications of Hydrocarbons in the Tjörnes Basin, North Iceland
- Intense Lightning Discharges in the Global Atmospheric Electric Circuit
- Internal Waves, Reference Frames and the Search for Intrinsic Frequency
- Investigation for Anomalous Focal Mechanisms: Bárdarbunga Volcano, Iceland Events
- Is Snowmelt Initiation Independent of Elevation?
- Is it Possible to Detect Crustal Deformation of the Seafloor Using Interferometric Sonar?
- Kinematic mapping of circulation and water properties off Pt. Conception, California
- La Jolla Fog Study
- Large-Scale Elongated Gas Blowouts, Offshore Virginia/North Carolina: Process and Product
- Low Magnitude Detection Thresholds for Ocean-Bottom Recording Including Results on Quieting Oceanic Borehole Seismic Data.
- Magnitude of Abrupt Warming in Central Greenland 38.4 ky BP From Nitrogen and Argon Isotopes in Trapped Air in Glacial Ice
- Manganese Oxidizing Bacteria in Guaymas Basin Hydrothermal Fluids, Sediments, and Plumes
- Mean Jets and Mesoscale Variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Drake Passage from Shipboard ADCP Observations
- Measurements and Models of the Atmospheric { Ar/N<SUB>2}</SUB> Ratio
- Modelling of Infrared Radiative Forcing During the ACE-Asia Experiment - Influence of Dust and Sea-Salt
- Monitoring Surface Long-wave Radiation Budget from Satellite: Validation
- Moored Observations of Wind-Driven Oceanographic Variability Over the Shelf Near Bodega Bay, California During the Summer of 2001
- Morphology of a 9 Myr old Oceanic Core Complex: Mid Atlantic Ridge 30°N, 43°W
- Motion Along the Eurasian-Phillippine Sea Plate Boundary in the Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan From GPS
- Multichannel seismic imaging along the Vance and Cleft segments of the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge
- New Magnetic Database Initiatives: Exploitation of and Integration with other Developments.
- New Multichannel Seismic Constraints on the Crustal Structure of the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Evidence for a Crustal Magma Chamber
- Observation of Geodetic and Seismic Deformation with 11 Years of Continuous GPS: Horizontal and Vertical Deformation in Southern California
- Observations of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flow Across the North Side of the Cold Tongue in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Observations of Energetic Internal Waves in and Under the Kuroshio
- Observations of Langmuir Circulation From FLIP
- Observations of the Central California Diurnal-Band Velocity and Temperature Field.
- On boundary-element models of elastic fault interaction
- On the coupled response to anomalous Ekman advection of surface temperature
- Origin of the ``Ocean Bible"
- PMAG: Database Development Under the Umbrella Website
- PMAG: Database Examples for Paleomagnetic and Archeomagnetic Studies
- PMAG: Relational Database Definition
- Parameterizations of Cloud-Radiation Interactions Based on Detailed Cloud Microphysics
- Precipitation Scavenging of Aerosols: Sensitivity of Aerosol Amount to the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Precipitation
- Preliminary Estimates of Abyssal Mixing from WOCE Lowered ADCP/CTD Sections
- Preliminary Marine MT Results from the Anisotropy and Physics of the Pacific Lithosphere Experiment (APPLE)
- Pressure Response in the Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Maria Basin
- Primary Productivity and Size-Fraction Shifts During an in situ Southern Ocean Iron Fertilization Experiment (SOFeX).
- Projections of Increasingly Earlier Snowmelt Runoff in the Western United States under a "Business as Usual" Climate Change Scenario
- Recent Interannual Variations in Exchanges of CO2 with the Atmosphere: Inverse Model Results and Consistency with Bottom-up Approaches
- Recent Results From Seafloor Instruments at the NeMO Observatory, Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- SIOExplorer: Managing Data Flow into a Digital Library
- SIOExplorer: Overview, Initial Results and Next Steps
- Salt, Sediments and Seawater: Marine Magnetotellurics in the Gulf of Mexico
- Seafloor Geodetic Evidence of Episodic Spreading 25 km East of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Seasonality and Long-Term Trends in the Oceanic Carbon Cycle near Hawaii (Station ALOHA)
- Sediment Underplating Beneath Central America: Insights From N-He, δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Systematics of Volatile Discharges in Nicaragua
- Seismic Activity at Vailulu'u, Samoa's Youngest Volcano
- Seismic Attenuation in the Subduction Zone of Costa Rica
- Shelf Penetration of California Undercurrent Waters in the CoOP-WEST Study Region at Bodega, CA
- Size-Fractionated Maximum Quantum Yield Responses of Phytoplankton to two Open-Ocean Mesoscale Iron Enrichments - Results From the 2002 Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX)
- Sources, Transport, and Charicteristics of aerosols over the Asian Pacific Region: A Global Model Analysis of in-situ and Satellite data During ACE-Asia
- Spar Buoy Laboratories - Origins and Early Realizations
- Stable platform designs for global DEOS moorings
- Sun Photometer Laser and Lamp Based Radiometric Calibrations; Comparison with the Langley Technique and Implications on Remote Sensing
- Surfzone Currents Over Irregular Bathymetry: Drifter Observations and Numerical Model Results
- Sverdrup's Biology
- Synchrotron-Based Studies of Manganese Oxide Biomineralization
- Systematic Determination of Earthquake Fault Planes From Directivity Analysis of Long-Period Spectra
- Tapping of an Enriched Asthenospheric Layer at the Samoan Islands along Fractures Produced by Deformation of the Pacific Plate near the Tonga Trench
- Temporal Evolution of Boron Flux in the Izu and Honshu Arcs Measured by Ion Microprobe from the Forearc Tephra Record
- Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System: Integration of satellite and surface weather observations with ecosystem models
- Testing Binary Mixing Models for Lavas Erupted Along the Reykjanes Ridge: Insights From C-He Relationships
- The Altiplano-Puna Plateau as an Analog for Mars
- The Asian Brown Cloud
- The B Geochemical Cycle at the Japan Trench Subduction Zone
- The PISCES Project: Bringing Graduate Students into Elementary School Classrooms
- The Present Graduate Program at SIO
- The Role of Sea-Breezes in Nearshore Cold Water Events - a Southern California Case Study.
- The Santa Barbara Channel - Santa Maria Basin Study: A model for Coastal Ocean Observing Systems
- The Santa Barbara Channel - Santa Maria Basin Study: Wind Measurements and Modeling Resolving Coastal Mesoscale Meteorology
- The deep expression of the Indonesian Throughflow jet
- The exchange between northwest Pacific marginal seas and the North Pacific and its influence on North Pacific water mass properties
- Time-Series Analysis of Volatile Chemistry At Poas Volcano, Costa Rica
- Toward Determinations of Regional 0--5 Ma Paleofield Behavior
- Toward an ITRF2000 Combined Solution for the Southern California Integrated GPS Network
- Trace Element Distributions In San Diego Bay: Copper, zinc, manganese, and the rare earth elements
- Tracking Sediment Subduction Along the Sangihe Volcanic Arc, Indonesia Using Volatile Chemistry and N-isotopes
- Transgressive Shoreface Architecture Within a Sediment Starved Arcuate Strand: Long Bay, South Carolina
- Transient Deep Currents in the Santa Barbara Channel- Santa Maria Basin
- Two career chaos
- Uncertain depth-age relationships in paleomagnetic records: Assessing data quality and geomagnetic content
- Upwelling off Namibia: Approaches to Solving the Walvis Opal Paradox
- Using 3D Visualization to Communicate Scientific Results to Non-scientists
- Using Methane 14C to Determine the Origin of the Rapid Methane Rise at the End of the Younger Dryas 11,600 Years Ago: Increased Wetland Production or Methane Hydrates? A Progress Report.
- Using S/P Amplitude Ratios to Improve Earthquake Focal Mechanisms: Two Examples from Southern California
- Vertical Acoustic Arrays in the Deep Ocean
- Virtualizing Data Access for Generalized Geophysical Processing Systems
- Visualization of Real-time Seismic Field Experiments
- WEST Surface Wind and Wind Stress Measurements
- Was the ancient geomagnetic field dipolar?: Sources of shallow bias in paleomagnetic inclinations
- Water-Rock Interaction in the Upper Seismogenic Zone in the Nankai Trough Subduction Factory
- Wind Events and Shelf Transport (WEST): Understanding the Role of Wind-Driven Transport in Shelf Productivity.
- Zooplankton in Langmuir Cells Observed from FLIP
- <SUP>15</SUP>N/<SUP>14</SUP>N Variation in CalCOFI Zooplankton: A 51 year history of Marine Nitrogen Dynamics and Climate Variability off Central California
- A New View of 3-D Magma Chamber Structure Beneath Axial Seamount and Coaxial Segment: Preliminary Results from the 2002 Multichannel Seismic Survey of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- A Science Foundation for Orbital Subsurface Radar Sounding of Jupiter's Icy Moons
- A Widespread Trend Towards Earlier Streamflow Timing Across North America Over the Past 5 Decades
- A laboratory study of anaerobic oxidation of methane in the presence of methane hydrate
- A new Type of Idealized Global Climate Model and its Application to Dust-Climate Interactions
- A new archeointensity data compilation for the past 10 millennia
- Activity of the Offshore Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon Fault Zone, Coastal Southern California, From Relocated Microseismicity
- Aerosol Forcing During ACE-Asia: Measurements and Models
- Airborne Flask Measurements of O<SUB>2</SUB>/N<SUB>2</SUB>, Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Other Species During COBRA-NA 2003
- Along-Axis Crustal Structure of the Lau Back-Arc Basin From Multichannel Seismic Observations
- An Investigation Into the Causes and Limiting Factors of an Active Rift on the Amery Ice Shelf: Fieldwork and Modeling Results
- An Optical Fiber Sensor for Low-frequency Acoustics
- Anatahan Eruption of May, 2003: Integrated Response of the MARGINS Community
- Annual Cycle of Aerosol Radiative Forcing over the Northern Indian Ocean
- Array Averaged Particle Motion and Polarization for Southern California
- Assessing the Ecological Impact of the Antarctic Ozone Hole Using Multisensor Satellite Data
- Atmospheric CO2 Trapped In Siple Dome Ice Cores Over The Last 40 Thousand Years
- Beringian Sea Level and Marine Climate History: Investigations into Regional & Global Impacts
- Biogeochemical Investigations of Methane Seepage, Hydrate Ridge, OR.
- Bridging the Gap Between Ocean Science and Education: Creating Effective Partnerships With Informal Science Education Centers
- Broadband Seismic Observations at the Hawaii-2 Observatory During ODP Leg 200
- Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Ca-Bearing Phases of Marine Evaporites
- Community Digital Library Requirements for the Southern California Earthquake Center Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME)
- Comparisons of Sunphotometer-derived Optical Depths and Surface Radiation Measurements and their Effects on the Aerosol Surface Forcing Estimation
- Comprehensive Processing of the Apollo Lunar Seismic Data
- Comprehensive Waveform Cross-correlation of Southern California Seismograms: Part 1. Refined Hypocenters Obtained Using the Double-difference Method and Tectonic Implications
- Comprehensive waveform cross-correlation of southern California seismograms: Part 2. Event locations obtained using cluster analysis
- Compressional-Wave Studies on the Frequency Dependence of and Lateral Variations in Mantle Attenuation
- Constraining the Magmatic Budget of the EPR at 9<SUP>o</SUP>N Using Broadband Marine MT
- Constraints on the mechanics of the Southern San Andreas fault system from GPS velocity and stress
- Continent- Ocean Transition Across the Alarcon Basin, Gulf of California from Seismic Reflection and Refraction Data.
- Contrasting fabrics produced during magmatic slumping and compaction of gabbroic cumulates from the Stillwater complex, Montana
- Controls on Sub-seafloor Bioalteration of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt Glass
- Controls on Subaqueous-Delta Clinoform Development
- Correlating the textures of altimetric gravity and multibeam bathymetry
- Crustal Structure of the Cleft Segment (Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge) From Multichannel Seismic Profiling
- Crustal structure and rift evolution across the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- DMS oxidation: effects of halogens and of increased sea salt alkalinity.
- De-coupled upwelling, productivity, surface water pCO2 of the Benguela Current System During the Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation.
- Decadal- to Centennial-scale Changes in the California Current from Isotopic Records of Multiple Species of Planktonic Foraminifera
- Deep MT Sounding Across the Yellowstone-Snake River Hotspot Track
- Designing a Deep-Towed/Seafloor Repetitive Sound Source
- Detection of atmospheric acoustic-gravity waves through ionospheric measurements using dense GPS arrays
- Detection of the mixing state of individual organic carbon and elemental carbon particles from 50 nm up to 3 micrometers
- Development of 3D interactive visual objects using the Scripps Institution of Oceanography's Visualization Center
- Development of Ocean Noise "Budgets"
- Development of a GPS Seamless Archive
- Did Flow of Weak Middle or Lower Crust Accommodate Extension in the Gulf of California and Salton Trough?
- Dynamic Global Plate Motion Model from Continuous GPS Observations to Support PBO Objectives
- Dynamically balanced global mean sea level
- Earth's Collapsing Dipole in the Context of Long-term Geomagnetic Field Behavior
- Earthquake Relative Relocation Near the Mendocino Triple Junction
- Earthquake source scaling and self-similarity estimation by stacking P and S spectra
- Effect of Convective Parameterization Closure on Climate Simulation in the NCAR Model
- Electrical Conductivity and Anisotropy in Pacific Lithosphere: CSEM Results from APPLE
- Error Analysis of Continuous GPS Height Time Series
- Evolution of a Rift System on the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
- Extending the deep biosphere through ocean drilling: Bioalteration of volcanic glass in the oceanic crust
- Extracting and Using Time Domain Green's Functions From Ocean Acoustic Noise
- Fractures, not Plumes, Have Controlled Major Seamount Volcanism in the Pacific over 170 Million Years
- GeoWall-2 : a Scalable Display System for the Geosciences
- Geochemical Composition of Volcanic Rocks from the May 2003 Eruption of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands
- Geometry and velocity structure of the northern Costa Rica seismogenic zone from 3D local earthquake tomography
- Glacial Features on the Northern Insular Margin of Iceland
- Halogen Concentrations and Stable Isotopes (O, Sr, and Cl) in the Nankai Muroto Transect and Their Implication for Fluid-Sediment Interactions and Fluid Flow
- He, Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic variations in basaltic lavas from Marquesas Archipelago, south-central Pacific
- Helium Variations in Mineral Separates from Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua: Assessing Short Time-Scale Variations
- Hot Cracks in the Pacific Plate
- Hyperspectral Analysis of Paleoseismic Trench Stratigraphy: Toward Improving the Recognition and Documentation of Past Earthquakes
- Identifying Meteorological Regimes Using Satellite Data
- Identifying Sources of Fresh Water in the East Greenland Current
- InSAR Observed Surface Deformation at the Buckman Well Field, New Mexico
- Insights into along-strike passive continental margin variability from seismic reflection, refraction and gravity data, Northwest Australia
- Integrating High Temporal Resolution Single Particle Data with Atmospheric Models
- Investigating Effects of Land Surface Cover Heterogeneity on the Uncoupled and Coupled RSM and VIC
- Iroquoian and Canadian Disturbance to the Ecosystem of Crawford Lake, Canada
- Large incised channels on the Chukchi Shelf provide new constraints on onshore drainage: Implications for tectonic and climatic evolution of NW Alaska
- Launching Discovery through a Digital Library Portal: SIOExplorer
- Local fluid flow and borehole strain in the South Iceland Seismic Zone
- Location of Earthquakes in Three-dimensional Media Using Repeated, Multiple-Event Locations Over Spatial Grids of Control Points
- Long-Term Decline of South Pole Neutron Rate
- Long-Term Fuid Flow Measurements From Widely Varied Oceanic Settings Elucidate Near-Surface Hydrologic Environments
- Lost in Iceland? Fracture Zone Complications Along the Mid-Atlantic Plate Boundary
- MQUAKE multicast software early warning demonstrated for 31 October 2001 Anza Ml5.1 earthquake
- Marine Geophysical Investigations of Vestmannaeyjar and the Reykjanes Ridge, Iceland
- Maritime Aerosol Optical Data Collected by the NASA SIMBIOS Project
- Meridional Gradients in Atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB>.
- Micromagnetic Modeling of Transient Hysteresis
- Model Simulations of Orbitally Forced Terrestrial and Surface Ocean Variability in the Paleogene Greenhouse Climate
- Modeling the Growth of Hawaiian Volcanoes
- Molecular Biogeochemistry of Manganese
- Next-generation marine instruments to join plume debate
- Non-Seasalt Sulfate (NSS) Production by O3-Oxidation in Seasalt Aerosols under Clear Sky Conditions: Implications for Modeling of Global Marine Boundary Layer NSS and of New Particle Production
- Observations and Stochastic Modeling of Shortwave Radiative Transfer at the ARM CART Sites
- Observed Global Cloud and Radiation Flux Changes Since 1952
- On the Low-frequency North Pacific Climate Modulations Induced by the Mid-latitude Mixed Layer Heat Flux Convergence Anomalies.
- One Plus two Equals Five: How Layering and Nonhexagonal Symmetry Mess With Crustal and Mantle Anisotropy Measurements
- Organic Matter Isotopic Analyses from Chukchi Sea Sediments: New Constraints on the Late Quaternary Sea Level History of Beringia
- Origin of Tropical Obliquity-Dominated Sequences and Secular Trends in Deep Ocean Chemistry
- Oxygen isotope geochemistry of the May 10th Anahatan eruption.
- Paleointensity Distributions and the Early Geodynamo
- Palinspastic Reconstructions of the Gulf of California Based on Airy Isostatic Profiles: Evidence for One Kinematic Phase of Neogene Shearing
- Paving the Road to Broader Impact: California Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (CA COSEE)
- Physical Properties of Gabbros and Serpentinized Peridotites at the MAR, 15° N. Shipboard Results from ODP Leg 209
- Quantifying Three-Dimensional Silicate Fabrics in Cumulates Using Cumulative Distribution Functions
- Quantifying properties of seismic spectra: an examination of 100's of spectra from southern California earthquakes recorded by the ANZA seismic network
- ROAST: Peer Review as a Learning and Assessment Tool in Graduate Education
- Real-Time High-Rate Upgrades of SCIGN Sites
- Recent Observed Changes in the Tropical and North Pacific Connection Examined in an Extended Context Provided by Proxy Reconstruction and Coupled Models
- Recently Discovered Near-Shore Gascharged Sediments and Pockmarks, Northern Iceland
- Relationships Between Polar Highs Activity and Air Temperature Anomalies in the North Pacific Region
- Relative Earthquake Location Techniques: Tests using both Synthetic and Real Data
- Results From Long-Base Strainmeters in California: Implications for the PBO
- Retrieval and Validation of Surface Long Wave Radiation Budget From CERES
- SCEC Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME) - Data and Metadata Management Issues
- SCEC Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME) - Seismic Hazard Analysis Applications and Infrastructure
- SIOExplorer: Creating Educational Modules From Oceanographic Data
- SIOExplorer: Modern IT Methods and Tools for Digital Library Management
- Seafloor micro-gravity survey of the Sleipner CO2 sequestration site
- Seasonal Isotopic Ca, B, O, C and Sr Fractionation in Late Oligocene Oysters (C. Gigantissima)
- Secondary Hotspots in the South Pacific as a Result of Mantle Plumelets and Lithospheric Extension?
- Seismic Images of Faulting and Fossil Subduction of the Southern Baja California Margins
- Seismic Structure of the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Correlations of Crustal Magma Chamber Properties With Seismicity, Faulting, and Hydrothermal Activity
- Seismic imaging of the continent-ocean transition in the southern Gulf of California
- Seismic recording of the Anatahan eruption
- Self-consistent Derivation of Earthquake Source Properties: Method and Examples from Seismic Networks at ANZA, CA, and the Karadere-Duzce faults, Turkey
- Sensitive Amino Acid Composition and Chirality Analysis in the Martian Regolith with a Microfabricated in situ Analyzer
- Shallow Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia: Quaternary Neotectonics and Stratigraphy
- Shallow Seismic Trapping Structure in the San Jacinto Fault Zone, California
- Site Effect for KNET Stations in Middle Asia: the Directional Dependence of P-Wave Energy From Results on Magnitude mb Residual
- Solar Eclipses on Mars: Spatial and Temporal Patterns in the Motion of the Shadow of Phobos
- Speed and Magnitude of Abrupt Climate Change at 8,200 yrs B.P. from the Greenland Ice Core (GISP2)
- Storm-Time Plasma Behaviour at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Streamlining Metadata and Data Management for Evolving Digital Libraries
- Stress Orientations and Constraints on the Magnitudes of In Situ Strength of Hydrate Bearing Sediments - Evidence from Borehole Breakouts at ODP Leg 204 Sites, Hydrate Ridge
- Structural Characterization of Biogenic Manganese Oxides Produced in Sea Water
- Submarine Rivers of Mud and Sand: Channels Dispersing Sediment Across the Fly River Clinoform
- Submarine Tuff Cones at the Depth of 75 m South of Iceland: Evidence for Lower Sea Level During the Pleistocene
- Surface Water Processes in the Indonesian Throughflow as Documented by a 115-Year High-Resolution Coral Δ <SUP>14</SUP>C Record
- Systematic Determination of Earthquake Rupture Directivity and Fault Planes From Analysis of Long-Period P-Wave Spectra
- Tangent Cylinder within the Outer Core and the Constraints from Normal-Mode Data
- Temporal Evolution of Single Particles Emitted From Miyakejima Volcano, Japan
- Temporal and Spatial Resolution in Millennial-Scale Paleomagnetic and Archeomagnetic Field Modeling
- The Effect of Basin Scale on Diurnal Streamflow Timing in Snowfed Catchments
- The Extent of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emission and Oxidation in Thermogenic and Biogenic Gas Hydrate Environments
- The First Historical Eruption of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands
- The Global Geomagnetic Field on the Millennial Scale: Improving on CALS3K.1
- The Hawaii-2 Observatory: New Capabilities and Instrumentation
- The Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC)
- The Origin and Propagation of Microseisms: ODP Leg 200 at the Hawaii-2 Observatory
- The Role of Research Institutions in Building Visual Content for the Geowall
- The Tectonic Evolution of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, offshore Northern Iceland - Ridge Jumps and Rift Propagation
- The Trench Retreat Effect: Dynamics and Slab Folding
- Time-Dependent Coulomb Stres along the San Andreas Fault System
- Timing, Style, and Magnitude of Upper Crustal Extension, Sierra San Felipe, NE Baja California, Mexico: Constraints on Rift Processes in the NW Gulf of California Extensional Province
- Tracking the Equator Into the Paleogene
- Transient Fluid Pulsing and Noise in the Costa Rican Subduction Zone: Nearly Silent Slip Events?
- Understanding the Causes of Climate Change: Ice Cores, the International Polar Year, and Beyond
- Understanding the Mantle Through the Curious Topography on the 410 Discontinuity
- Using 3D Glyph Visualization to Explore Real-time Seismic Data on Immersive and High-resolution Display Systems
- Using Methane <SUP>14</SUP>C to Determine the Origins of the Rapid Methane Rise at the End of the Younger Dryas 11,600 Years Ago: Increased Wetland Production Only or a Contribution From Methane Hydrates? A Progress Report
- Validation of satellite altimeter range measurements over salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- Variability of Pan-based and Penman-based Evapotranspiration Estimates in California
- Volatile Emissions from Subduction-related Volcanoes: Major and Trace Elements
- Volatile Light Hydrocarbon Compositions of the Central American Arc and Yellowstone National Park
- Voyage into the Unknown: Ocean Exploration for the 21st Century
- Was the Ancient Geomagnetic Field Dipolar?
- What are the best ways to look for extinct or extant life on mars? Thinking outside the box
- What atmospheric oxygen measurements are telling us about the carbon cycle
- Why Gas Hydrate Is Where It Is At Hydrate Ridge: The Story From Infrared Images
- 1917-2002 Covariability of Climate and Hydropower Production; Impact on Energy Transfers in the Western U.S.
- A 3-D Semi-analytic Viscoelastic Model of the San Andreas Fault System: A 1000-year Perspective of the Earthquake Cycle
- A Comprehensive Search for Tidal Triggering of Southern California Earthquakes
- A Detailed Near-bottom Survey of Large Gas Blowout Structures Along the US Atlantic Shelf Break Using the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) SeaBED
- A Long Term Perspective on Decadal Variability in Climate and Wildfire in the Western United States
- A Pilot Marine EM Study of Hydrate Ridge, Oregon.
- A Potential Link between Fluid Expulsion and Slope Stability: Geochemical Anomalies Measured in the Gas Blowouts along the U.S. Atlantic Margin Provide New Constraints on their Formation
- A Reassessment of the Thermal Plate Model for the Ocean Basins
- A Scalable, Interoperable Network of Digital Libraries for Earth System Science with Examples from Oceanography and Hydrology
- A look at the data from ``Constraining the Magmatic Budget of the EPR at 9 N Using Broadband Marine MT''
- A new Idealized Global Climate Model and its Application to Dust-Climate Interactions
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Over the North Pacific Ocean: an Integrated Assessment Using Aircraft, Satellites and a Global Model
- Along-Isopycnal Variability in Temperature and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in the North Pacific
- An autonomous mid-column float designed to detect earthquakes
- Analysis of Regional Seismic Waveforms From Mining Explosions in the United States and Russia
- Anisotropy of Point Defect Mechanisms and Electrical Conduction in Single Crystal Olivine
- Argon Isotopes in Seawater: Fractionation During Air-Water Exchange and The δ <SUP>40</SUP>Ar of Seawater
- Assessing Acoustic Sound Levels Associated with Active Source Seismic Surveys in Shallow Marine Environments
- Biogeochimical modelling study of Tropical Instability Waves in Pacific ocean.
- Biological Alteration of Basaltic Glass With Altered Composition and Oxidation States
- Biological Sulfate Reduction Rates in Hydrothermal Recharge Zones
- Breaking Waves in the Gulf of Tehuantepec
- Broadband Marine Magnetotelluric Exploration of the Crust at a Petroleum Prospect and a Mid-Ocean RIdge
- CO2/CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography Program: Decadal Changes in the Inorganic Carbon Cycle in the North Atlantic Ocean
- CalClim: An accessible data archive to monitor California climate
- Calcification and Growth of the Marine Coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi in Response to Elevated Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide and Low Phosphate Conditions
- Calico Fault Structure Determined Using Traveltime Data from Seismicity and Explosions
- Catastrophic Drainage of Glacial Lake Iroquois Down the Hudson River Valley: A Potential Trigger for the Intra-Allerod Cold Period
- Cenozoic rifting in the West Antarctic Rift System
- Characterization of the Late 2003 Microseismic Signal Offshore Southern California
- Climate and Wildfire in Mountains of the Western United States
- Climate-Change Uncertainties and Water Supplies from Western Mountains--What are Observations and Models Trying to tell us?
- Close Resemblance Between Local Summer Insolation, O<SUB>2</SUB>/N<SUB>2</SUB> and Total Air Content from the Dome Fuji Ice Core, Antarctica
- Comprehensive geophysical study of the Transantarctic Mountains
- Conductivity Structure Associated with the Yellowstone-Snake River Hotspot Track
- Constraints on Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic Extension in the Ross Sea from the Southwest Pacific Plate Circuit
- Continental Rifting Across the Alarcon Basin, Gulf of California
- Cooling Rate Effects on Paleointensity Estimates in Submarine Basaltic Glass and Implications for Dating of Young Flows
- Corrected Paleolatitudes for Pangea in the Early Mesozoic
- Correlations Between Magnetic Anomalies and Surface Geology Antipodal to Lunar Impact Basins
- Craters in the Seabed of the Gulf of California Caused by Volcanic Explosion? Volcanic Subsidence? Meteoroid Impact? Hydrocarbon Venting? or Dissolution?
- Crust-Poor Lithosphere at Cold Spots in the Mid Atlantic and SW Indian Ridges
- Crustal Structure of Southern Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, From Magdalena Microplate to Farallon Basin
- Cyberinfrastructure (CI) for Interactive Ocean Observatories: LOOKING Ahead
- Cycling of Li, K, Rb, and Cs at Subduction Zones and Ridge Crests With Implications for Ocean Chemistry: Hydrothermal Experiments at 35-350° C and 600 bars
- Decreasing trends in the dissolved oxygen content of North Atlantic thermocline waters: Possible causes and implications for the ocean carbon cycle
- Deglaciation to Holocene Sea-ice History Over Navarin and Pervenets Canyons of the Northern Bering Sea Using Diatoms and Alkenones
- Deployment of a Deep-Water, Acoustically-Linked, Moored Buoy Observatory on the Nootka Fault, off Vancouver Island
- Detecting Non-Geocentric Axial Dipole Structure in the Time-Averaged Field
- Detecting and locating global seismic events using a matched filter on very-long-period seismic data
- Development of the Holocene Clinoform in the Gulf of Papua
- Dissolved Oxygen Extrema in the Arctic Ocean Halocline from the North Pole to the Lincoln Sea
- Dissolved argon, krypton and xenon demonstrate the importance of rapid cooling in causing gas undersaturations in the deep ocean
- Do Deep Convective Zones Exist in Low-Accumulation Firn?
- Earlier snowmelt streamflow in western North America--a response to Pacific decadal variability or climate change?
- Early History of Island Arcs - Evidence from the Mariana Trench
- Exploring aspects of a Cyber Infrastructure in Earth Science and Education
- Earthquake source properties in southern California from stacking P-wave spectra
- Energy Flux Balance of Surfzone Infragravity Waves
- Estimating Upper Mantle Hydration from In Situ Electrical Conductivity
- Evaluation of Geochemical Proxies Preserved in the Sapropel Record from the Eastern Mediterranean Within the Pliocene-Holocene Time Interval
- Evidence for Early Life in ∼3.5 Billion-Year-Old Pillow Lavas
- Evidence for Variability in the Shape, not Just the Level, in the High Frequency Spectrum of Strong Ground Motions
- Evidence for a plum pudding mantle from deep seismic scattering
- Exploring Distributed Ocean Profile Datasets with Java OceanAtlas and Dapper
- Extracting seismic time domain Green's functions from ambient noise
- Firn Physical Characteristics and Impact on Interstitial Convection and Diffusion in the Megadunes of East Antarctica
- Firn density profile at Megadunes, East Antarctica, calls for an improved densification model for low accumulation sites.
- Forty Five Years of Observed Soil Moisture in the Ukraine: No Summer Desiccation (Yet)
- Four Centuries of the Geocentric Axial Dipole Hypothesis
- Geochemistry of Alvarado and Sarmiento Ridges Suggests Widespread Galapagos Plume-Upper Mantle Interaction in the Miocene Eastern Pacific?
- Geomagnetic Dipole Moment of the Past 7000 Years - New Results From a Global Model
- Geomorphology of the Southern Gulf of California Seafloor
- Global Upper Mantle Structure from Finite-Frequency Surface-Wave Tomography
- High Return on Investments in Scientist-Educator Partnerships: Broader Impact Strategies That Endure and Propagate
- High Tech High School Interns Develop a Mid-Ocean Ridge Database for Research and Education
- High resolution visualization of USArray data on a 50 megapixel display using OptIPuter technologies.
- How the 2004 Onset of Snowmelt and Streamflow Varied with Elevation
- Hydrocarbon Exploration Using Marine Controlled-Source EM
- Hydrologic Drought in the Colorado River Basin
- Improved GPS time series in Southern California through the combination of SOPAC and JPL solutions
- Improvements in regional crustal deformation monitoring using ultra high rate GPS and seismic data
- In Situ Production Of CO<SUB>2</SUB> In The Antarctic Siple Dome Ice Core Record
- Inferences about the geometry and distribution of magma supply to oceanic crust at slow and intermediate spreading rates from AMS studies in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus.
- Interannual Variability in Upper-Ocean Heat Content, Temperature and Thermosteric Expansion on Global Scales
- Intraseasonal to Interannual Variability in the Tropical Indo-Pacific of Global POP.
- Is the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend Coeval for all Pacific Seamount Trails?
- Isotopic Stage 3 Deposition and Stage 2 Erosion of a Clinoform in the Gulf of Papua: Regional Tectonics Versus Eustatic Sea-Level Change
- Limitations in the Application of Tidal Harmonic Analysis to a Coastal Temperature and Velocity Field.
- Locating Ocean Microseism Sources With Seismic Directional Information
- Location of the Polar Front from AMSR-E Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Measurements
- Long-Term Continuous Monitoring of Fluid Chemistry and Flux at the Bush Hill Gas Hydrate Field, Gulf of Mexico Using a New Flow Meter, The MOSQUITO
- Low frequency drought variability in the western US from paleoclimatic indicators and GCM projections
- Magma Reservoir Dynamics and Diverse Mantle Melting at the Southern East Pacific Rise: 17° 22'S-17° 35'S
- Meanders Downstream the Agulhas Retroflexion.
- Measurements and Models of Oceanic O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes
- Measuring Short Term Transient Regional Deformation With High-Frequency GPS Network Positioning
- Meteorological Drought in the Mountainous West
- Mid-Ocean Microseisms: Coastal Source Areas and Historical Wave Climate Implications
- Models of Afterslip and Viscoelastic Response following the Landers and Hector Mine Ruptures
- Monitoring Local and Teleseismic Earthquakes Off--Shore San Diego(California) During an OBSIP Test Deployment
- Monitoring vertical deformation at Axial Seamount since its 1998 eruption using deep-sea pressure sensors
- Monte Carlo Approach to Estimating the Global Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing: Sensitivity to Assumptions and Datasets
- Moored Observations of Oceanographic Variability in the Columbia River Plume during the Summer of 2004
- Multiple views of the October 2003 Cedar Fires captured by the High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network
- NanTroSEIZE: The Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Drilling Project
- Nitrogen Isotopes in Olivine Separates from Volcanic Arcs, Hot Spots and Continental Mantle Xenoliths
- Non-Linear Internal Tides Move Cool sub-Surface Waters From the mid-Shelf to the Beach
- OTIS Flow Meter for Offshore Detection of Silent Earthquakes
- Observations of shoaling internal tidal waves during NCEX
- Oceanic Tidal Mixing as a Contributor to Milankovitch-scale Climate Change
- Optimization of Deep Moonquake Event Stacks in the Apollo Lunar Seismic Data and Applications to Lunar Structure
- Planar Laser Imaging Fluorometry In Situ: Microscale Distributions of Phytoplankton in Relation to Their Physical Environment
- Plate Kinematic Model and Resulting Evolution of Oceanic Transform Fault Tectonics Adjacent to the Macquarie Triple Junction, SW Pacific
- Progress in Kappa Estimation at Yucca Mountain
- Radiation Budget Over the Arctic Ocean: Influence of Aerosols and Clouds
- Radiative Forcing of Climate: Expanding the Concept
- Real-time Internet Data Collection for ORION Platforms
- Real-time monitoring of crustal deformation using large GPS geodetic networks - Japanese GEONET's potential as a natural hazards mitigation system
- Recent observations of warming in the North Pacific: Is this evidence of anthropogenic climate change?
- Reconstructing 3-D Ship Motion for Synthetic Aperture Sonar Processing
- Reconstructing Deep Ocean Temperature During the Last Glacial Maximum Based on Kr/N<SUB>2</SUB> and Xe/N<SUB>2</SUB> Ratios in air Trapped in Glacial ice
- ReefGrow v2.0: A classroom tool for visualizing the processes controlling coral reef development and demise
- Refraction of Surface Gravity Waves by Shear Waves
- Response of Global Ocean Temperature to the Sun's Quasi-Decadal UV Radiative Forcing of the Stratosphere
- Results of Seafloor Vertical Deformation Monitoring on the Submerged South Flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii from 2000 - 2004
- SIOExplorer: Advances Across Disciplinary and Institutional Boundaries
- Scales of mantle heterogeneity
- Seafloor Geodetic Measurements Reveal Locking Within 5 km of the Peru-Chile Trench at 12S
- Seismic Attenuation Anisotropy in the Crust Beneath ANZA (Southern California)
- Seismic Characterization of Crustal Magma Bodies at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Seismic Noise Correlation with Seismicity and Fluid Flow
- Seismic Structure of the Axial Magma Chamber Along the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge From Full-Waveform Inversion and Partial S-Wave Stacking
- Seismic anisotropy in the Western US as a testbed for advancing combined models of upper mantle geodynamics and texturing
- Seismogenic zone structure along the Middle America Trench, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, from 3D local earthquake tomography
- Sensitive Amino Acid Composition and Chirality Analysis with the Mars Organic Analyzer (MOA)
- Small-scale turbulence measurements with a free-falling DPIV profiler
- Southern Ocean response to high-frequency winds
- Space Geodetic Constraints on the Structure and Properties of Compliant Damage Zones Around Major Crustal Faults
- Spatial and temporal filtering for high-rate GPS regional networks: Implications for reference frame definition
- Spatial/Temporal interdependence of aftershocks following the 10/31/2001 M5.1 Anza Earthquake
- Spatio-temporal Signatures of Post-seismic Relaxation due to the Mojave Desert (S. California) Earthquakes from InSAR and GPS Data, With Implications for the Driving Mechanisms
- Speed, extent, and sequence of abrupt climate change 8200 years ago
- Stochastic Larval Settlement in Nearshore Marine Ecosystems
- Strain From Small-Scale GPS Networks: Differences in Apparent Noise Levels
- Structural Controls on Hydrate Distribution and Morphology at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
- Teaching Scientists to Fish, as Inspired by Jack Dymond
- Tectonic Details of the Tjornes Fracture Zone, an Onshore-Offshore Ridge-Transform in N-Iceland.
- Terrestrial Sources of Perfluorinated Gases: Excess CF<SUB>4</SUB> and SF<SUB>6</SUB> in Mojave Desert Groundwaters
- Testing monument stability with short-baseline GPS measurements
- Testing ocean models using measurements of interannual variations in atmospheric O2 and CO2 concentrations
- The CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office at UCSD/SIO
- The ERESE Project: Enactment of Digital Library Inquiry-Based Plate Tectonic Lessons
- The ERESE Project: Interfacing with the ERDA Digital Archive and ERR Reference Database in
- The ERESE Project: Modeling Inquiry-Based Plate Tectonic Lessons
- The ERESE project: Bridging the gap between Digital Science Libraries and Education through Professional Development of Teachers and Database Development
- The Eastern Lau Basin Integrated Studies Site (ISS): Recent Progress and Future Plans
- The Influence of Subducted Sediment Composition on the Volcanic gas Output at Arcs: Comparing the Luzon and Bicol Arcs, the Philippines
- The New Oceanographic Research Institution: Scripps in the ``Broader Impact'' Era
- The Nordic Seas 2002 Survey: Water Mass Comparisons with Previous Surveys
- The Role of Plastic Necking in Ice Shelf Rifting: A Comparison with Lithospheric Rifts
- The SCEC Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME) - An Overview of its Architecture and Current Capabilities
- The SCEC TeraShake Earthquake Simulation
- The Seamount Catalog in
- The Shallow Fault structure of the Incline Village Fault, Lake Tahoe NV, From Offshore Ultra High Resolution CHIRP Profiling and Onshore Paleo-Seismic Trenching.
- The Sills of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Implications for Crustal Melt Distribution and Thermogenic Carbon Flux
- The Source Physics of Large Earthquakes - Validating Spontaneous Rupture Methods
- The Underway CTD
- The Whole AMS Matrix: Using the Owens Lake, Ardath Slump, and Gaviota Slide cores to explore classification of ellipsoid shapes
- The shallow plumbing system of Stromboli volcano as imaged from 1 Hz instantaneous GPS positions
- The warming of the California Current System: Dynamics and ecosystem implications
- Three-dimensional MT Modeling and Inversion for Offshore Petroleum Exploration
- Tilt Recorded by a Portable Broadband Seismograph: The 2003 eruption of Anatahan, Northern Mariana Islands
- Topography of the Flattest Surface on Earth: Using ICESAT, GPS, and MISR to Measure Salt Surface Morphology on Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- Toward long-term geochemical sampling of gases and deep fluids in subduction zone fore-arcs: New instrument developments
- Towards a High Resolution Cellular Model for Coastal Simulation (CEMCOS)
- Towards the development of Hyperspectral Images of trench walls. Robotrench: Automatic Data acquisition
- Tracing Alteration Textures in Young to Ancient Pillow Lavas: A Petrographic Signature of Early Life on Earth
- Transient Fluid Pulsing and Seismic Tremor-like Seismic Noise: Episodic Creep and/or Fluid Expulsion at the Updip Edge of the Seismogenic Zone, Costa Rica
- Transport and high silica of the South Equatorial Current in the Indian Ocean: the deep Indonesian throughflow
- Trends in Snowfall Versus Rainfall for the Western United States
- USArray Array Network Facility (ANF): Metadata, Network and Data Monitoring, and Quality Assurance During the First Year of Operations
- Using 3D Interactive Visualizations In Teacher Workshops
- VQM3DA Global velocity, quality factor, and anisotropy models of the lower mantle
- Validation of GLAS range measurement over the salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- Variation in aseismic slip and fault normal strain along the creeping section of the San Andreas fault from GPS, InSAR and trilateration data
- Velocity Structure of the Rifted Crust in the Northwestern Ross Sea, From Seismic Refraction Data
- Visually Integrating Datasets of the Lau Back-arc Basin
- Wave Propagation Over a Submarine Canyon: Model-Data Comparisons
- Wave Propagation over a Submarine Canyon: Field Observations
- Wave-Current Interactions at SandyDuck
- Web-based Data Mining to Systematically Determine Data Quality From the EarthScope USArray Seismic Observatory Project
- Whole-Mantle 3D Seismic Attenuation: Evidence for Global Processes
- Wind Effects on Shoaling Wave Shape
- Wind-Wave Variability in the Northeast Pacific, 1981-2003
- WireWalker Wave Powered Profiling Platform
- 3-D Velocity Models and Earthquake Locations in Southern California With Synthetic Data Tests
- A Borehole Fiber-Optic Strainmeter
- A Canadian Pilot Project for a GPS-Augmented Tsunami Warning System
- A Cross-Arctic Geophysical Transect Collected from US Coast Guard Icebreaker Healy
- A Long-Term San Francisco Bay Inflow Record Derived From Tides: Defining the Great Flood of 1862
- A Mantle Domain With a Helium Isotope Ratio of 11Ra at the Margins of the North Atlantic Igneous Province
- A Model of Strongly-Forced Wind Waves
- A Multiple Proxy and Modeling Study of Cretaceous Upper Ocean Temperatures and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations From Tropical Atlantic Sediments
- A Paleomagnetic Study of Mt. Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica
- A Plea for Marine Vector Magnetometers: Cruise Experiences From the Central Pacific
- A comparison of plume images in P- and S-wave tomography
- A tentative record of the last 1,000 years of Greenland temperature from occluded air in the GISP2 ice core
- Abnormal fluid pressures at ODP Site 1251: Implications for fluid flow and hydrate concentration
- Absolute Gravimetry in Fennoscandia - A Contribution to Understanding Postglacial Uplift
- Adaptive Finite Element Modeling Using Unstructured Grids: the 2D Magnetotelluric Example
- Aerosol Particle Growth Events during ICARTT 2004 at Appledore Island
- Aerosol, cloud, and radiometric measurements with small autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles
- Airborne Video Observations of Wave Breaking Statistics
- Airborne measurements of spectral direct aerosol radiative forcing in INTEX/ICARTT (2004) and comparisons to previous campaigns
- An Adaptive Finite Element Algorithm For 2-D Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Modeling
- An Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of the South Portion of the California Current and Ecosystem Using ROMS
- An Amphibious Magnetotelluric Study at the South Chilean Continental Margin
- Applying a toolkit for dissemination and analysis of near real-time data through the World Wide Web: integration of the Antelope Real Time System, ROADNet, and PHP
- Array Processing of Large Aperture Seismic Arrays with Generalized Cross-Correlation
- Broadband Marine Magnetotelluric Exploration of the East Pacific Rise at 9 N
- Buildup of Aerosol Loading over the Indian Ocean during the Monsoon Transition
- CHAiOS: Chemistry of Halogens at the Isles of Shoals
- Ca, B, Sr and Cl Isotope Study on Pore Fluids in the Japan Trench Subduction Zone
- Characterization of Submicron Aerosol Organic Fraction by FTIR Spectrometry at Four ICARTT Platforms
- Chlorine Stable Isotopes in Three Subduction Zones, With Inferences For Serpentinization and Fluid Flow
- Consecutive Flow Events and Propagating Aseismic Slip at the Costa Rica Forearc: Matching Models to Measurements
- Constraints on Late Glacial Methane Budgets From Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios
- Continuous Chemical and Fluid Flux Monitoring in Two Distinct Fluid Flow Systems at the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Cool CO2 Springs of the Western U.S.: Continental "Smokers"?
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Gulf of California, the East Pacific Rise to the Jalisco Block
- Current Best Practices for Building ROADNet Sensor Network Infrastructure
- Depositional Remanent Magnetization: Toward a Theoretical and Experimental Foundation
- Depth-Dependent Extension at Passive Rifted Margins
- Detecting Ice Shelf Grounding Zones With ICESat
- Determining the Role of Multicopper Oxidases in Manganese(II) Oxidation by Marine Bacillus Spores
- Diffuse Intersesimic Deformation Across the North America-Pacific Plate Boundary: Observations and Modeling Results
- Digital Elevation Models of the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets from ICESat
- ERESE Professional Development in Science Education: A collaboration of scientists, teachers, and information technologists
- Effect of Multi-cycle Heat Treatment and Pre-history Dependence On Partial Thermoremanence (pTRM) and pTRM Tails
- Elucidating the Mechanisms of Microbial Weathering of Submarine Basalts
- Endolithic Mn-oxidizing bacteria commonly associated with basalts at active Seamounts
- Equatorial Pacific ``stable isotope reference curve'' for the Oligocene
- Estimates of Ridge-Axis Heat Flow from Depth and Age Data
- Experimental investigation of the effect of temperature on friction in gabbro and granite
- Federated Observatory "Sense and Response" Framework
- Field Imaging Spectroscopy. Applications in Earthquake Geology
- Field Testing the Mars Astrobiology Probe (MAP) Instrument Suite in the Atacama Desert
- Firm Conclusions from Electromagnetic Sounding
- Flow and Chemistry Pulsations, Monterey: Implications for Stress Transient Modulations of Hydrologic and Geochemical Systems in the Greater San Andreas Fault Zone
- Fossil Coral Snapshots of ENSO and Tropical Pacific Climate Over the Late Holocene
- Fractionation of Carbon Isotopes in Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids by A Piezophilic Bacterium Moritella Japonica DSK1
- Full 6-D characterization of ship motion using GPS & INS
- Future Area Burned in the Western U.S.
- Gas Records From The West Greenland Ice Margin Covering The Last Glacial Termination: A Horizontal Ice Core
- Genome-Scale Variation of Tubeworm Symbionts
- Geochemical Evidence for Gas Hydrates at Atwater Valley and Keathley Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
- Geomagnetic paleointensity results from 9° - 10°N on the East Pacific Rise and models of lava accretion at fast-spreading ridges
- Geophysical Constraints on the Nature of Atlantis Massif, 30°N MAR
- Geophysical and Geochemical Evidence For Methane Venting at Large Gas Blowouts Along the US Mid-Atlantic Shelf Edge
- Global Modeling of Nitrate and Ammonium: Implications on Direct and Indirect Aerosol Forcing
- Global gravity, bathymetry, and the distribution of submarine volcanism through space and time
- Graduate Students Unite! Building an Outreach Program From Scratch
- Great Earthquakes, Gigantic Landslides, and the Continuing Enigma of the April Fool's Tsunami of 1946
- Gulf of California Rift Structure and Magmatism: Guaymas Basin and Comparison With Southern Basins
- Helium and Carbon Isotope Systematics of Cold Seep Fluids at Monterey Bay (California, USA)
- Helium and Carbon Isotope and Relative Abundance Relationships in Lau Basin Basalts: Resolving Mantle Source Composition from Degassing and Contamination Effects
- Heterotrophic Fe-Oxidizing Bacteria Associated With Basalt Surfaces Supporting Life On Vailulu'u Seamount, American Samoa
- High Seas High Schoolers: Creating ERESE Content on an Expedition to Samoa
- High-Resolution Measurement of Beach Morphological Response to Hurricane-Induced Wave Dynamics
- Holocene record of deglaciation on the Chukchi Shelf, offshore NW Alaska
- Hydrocarbon prospect of the Tjornes Fracture Zone, north of Iceland
- Hydrological cycle in California from 50-year 10km resolution dynamically downscaled analysis
- ICESat Receiver Signal Dynamic Range Assessment and Correction of Range Bias due to Saturation
- Ice shelf tides: Modeling, detection and removal
- Imaging Gas Hydrate with Marine EM at Hydrate Ridge, Offshore Oregon
- Impacts of land use change on California's climate
- Improvements to Web Toolkits for Antelope-based Real-time Monitoring Systems
- Influence of Precipitation Assimilation on Regional Climate Simulations Over North America
- Influence of Precipitation Assimilation on the Numerical Weather Prediction Over South America
- Initiation of Pacific Cenozoic Seamount Chains at Older Fracture Zones
- Interoperability between loose-coupled distributed resources and application across autonomous systems
- Investigating Tidal Effects on Deep Lunar Seismic Activity
- Iron Oxidizing and Reducing Bacteria as Contributors to Basaltic Glass Colonization and Subsequent Weathering in Active Hydrothermal Vent Systems on Loihi and Vailulu'u Seamounts
- Is it okay to treat absorbing aerosols as steady in a climate model?
- Is the Elastic Half-Space Dislocation Model Appropriate for Estimating Far-Field Velocity?
- Isolating Magnetospheric Contributions for Electromagnetic Induction Studies Using Satellite Data
- Isotopic Records of Planktonic Foraminifera indicate a distinct response of the California Current to 20th century warming
- Krypton and Xenon as Indicators of Convective Zone Thickness in Firn at Megadunes, Antarctica
- Launching the Next Generation IODP Site Survey Data Bank
- Li Concentration and Isotope Cycling In The Ocean, An Experimental Study
- Low-level Cloud Variability Over the Equatorial Cold Tongue in Observations and Models
- Macrobiotic Communities of Vailulu'u Seamount, Samoan Archipelago
- Mapping Layer Sequence and Folds of Pre-Holocene Ice at the Pakitsoq "Horizontal Ice Coring"-Site, West Greenland.
- Mapping Offshore Faults with Marine EM
- Mapping Seafloor Tectonics from Space
- Marine Controlled Source EM Methods: Equipment, Methodology, and Results
- Meridional Overturning Circulation in the South Atlantic at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Metadata Exporter for Scientific Photography Management
- Modeling the Sources of Organic Carbon Aerosol in the Free Troposphere
- Modeling transition zone structure using multiple seismic discontinuity phases
- Multidecadal regional cloud and radiation changes in several surface and satellite data sets
- Nanometer Scale Morphology of Bacteriogenic Mn Oxides
- New Insight into Ice Shelf Rift Propagation from Geodetic and Seismic Monitoring
- New Insights Into the Farallon Plate Break-Up
- Nonisotropic Scattering of S-Waves in the Crust Around the San Jacinto Faulting Zone, Southern California
- Observations With High-Rate GPS and Accelerometers on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge: Synergism in Geophysical Methods
- Observations and Numerical Simulations of Fetch-Limited Waves in the Gulf of Tehuantepec
- Observations of hydrotectonic stress/strain events at a basement high at the Nicoya outer rise
- Observed Variability in the Indonesian Throughflow: A Review
- Ocean Circulation from Space: An Overview
- On Arcs and Ophiolites - Petrologic Comprison of Zambales Range and the Mariana Forearc - Evidence of Early Stages of Island Arc Development
- On the use of Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization (ARM) in Paleointensity Determination
- Optimal Estimation of the Soil Uptake Rate of Molecular Hydrogen from AGAGE and Other Measurements
- Optimizing Autonomous Underwater Vehicles' Survey for Reconstruction of an Ocean Field that Varies in Space and Time
- Physical Properties of Samples Cored From Atlantis Oceanic Core Complex, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30 N
- Preliminary Results from the ChevronTexaco Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates JIP: Hydrocarbon Gases in Sediments
- Probing Fault Properties Using Post-Seismic InSAR Observations and Finite Element Modeling of the Mw 7.1 Hector Mine Earthquake
- Professional Development at ERESE: Refining the inquiry process and moving towards a modularized templeate
- Progressive Barite Distillation at the Costa Rica Convergent Margin: Implications for Ba Contribution to the Arc Volcanoes
- Prospects for Resolving Short-term Variations in the Paleomagnetic Dipole Moment
- Providing Size-Resolved Mixing State Inputs to Improve Aerosol Optics Models: Comparison of ACE-Asia Aerosol Chemical Measurements for Different Source Regions With Simultaneous Optical Measurements
- Published GISP2 Methane Results for Dansgaard-Oeschger Events 19-21 Compared With N2, Ar Isotopes: A Need for a Higher Resolution CH4 Dataset.
- Rapid Event Detection and Discrimination From High Rate GPS Data
- Real-time monitoring of crustal deformation using large GPS geodetic networks - Replay of two major earthquakes with Japanese GEONET 1 Hz data
- Refined Deformation Models of the South Flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii Based on Seafloor Geodetic Data from 2000 to 2004
- Regional Ocean-Atmosphere Feedback in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- SORD: A New Rupture Dynamics Modeling Code
- Seismic structure from multi-channel seismic reflection and wide-angle data of Transect 0E in the Southern Gulf of California
- Sensitivity of Spring-Summer Drought to Warming in Montane and Arid Regions of The Western US
- Slip Rate Modulation Caused by Ocean Loading on Glacial Timescales
- Spatial and Temporal Stress Drop Variations in the Vicinity of the M6.0 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Sr, Nd and Pb Isotope Geochemistry of Near-ridge Seamounts in Eastern Pacific: Implications for Upper Mantle Composition and EPR Magmatic Segmentation
- Statistical properties of seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle based on geodynamic models
- Structural Response of the Menard Fracture Zone to Changes in Pacific-Antarctic Plate Motion
- Study of the mechanical properties of faults in the North Anatolian Shear Zone using the InSAR observations of coseismic deformation due to the 1999 Izmit Earthquake (Turkey)
- Tectonics of the Andaman Sea Region
- Tempest in Vailulu'u Crater
- TeraShake-2: Next Steps
- TeraShake: Strong Shaking in Los Angeles Expected From Southern San Andreas Earthquake
- The 2001 and 2005 Anza Aftershock Sequences: Examination of Mainshock Rupture Direction, Post-Seismic Creep, Focal Mechanisms and Spatial/Temporal Behavior of Relocated Aftershocks
- The ERESE Project: Involving Teachers in the Online Generation and QA/QC of Enduring Teaching Resources
- The ERESE Workshop: a Unique Opportunity for Collaboration Between Classroom Teacher and Research Scientist
- The Ecology and Geochemistry of Benthic Foraminifera From the Venice Lagoon, Italy.
- The GEOsensor: A measurement device for earthquake-induced rotational ground motions
- The Influence of Fluids on Seismogenic Zone Processes in Northern Costa Rica
- The Intensity of the Geomagnetic Field During the Last 6 Millennia as Recorded by Slag Deposits From Archaeological Sites in the Southern Levant
- The Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Online Database: Uploading, Searching and Visualizing Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Data
- The NSF Laboratory for Ocean Observatories Knowledge INtegration Grid (LOOKING)
- The Role of Intensity Data in Global Millennial Scale Geomagnetic Field Models
- The SCEC Community Modeling Environment(SCEC/CME): A Collaboratory for Seismic Hazard Analysis
- The Southern Ocean "superbloom" of 2000: implications for carbon cycling
- The Time-Averaged Field Investigations Project: A Synthesis
- The application of borehole resistivity measurements to fluid flow processes at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
- The causes of excess CO2 at the base of the Siple Dome ice core, Antarctica
- The control of salt flat topography by water-mediated halite transport - A case study at the salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- The evolution of the core-surface flow over the last seven thousands years
- The rapidly advancing field of applications of nuclides produced in terrestrial solids in earth and planetary sciences
- The recently discovered unique isotopic records in ice sheets
- Three High-Tech High Seniors Join the Alia Expedition to Samoa: Science and Science Education
- Time derivatives of the spectrum: Relaxing the stationarity assumption
- Toward a Molecular Understanding of the Role of Manganese Oxidation in the Maintenance of the Suboxic Zone in the Black Sea
- Toward the Rapid Imaging of Large Earthquake Rupture Zones with Teleseismic P-waves
- Tracing slab inputs along the Izu-Bonin-Marianas subduction zone: results from volatile emissions
- Undulating Sediment Morphology in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea
- Update on Plans to Establish a National Phenology Network in the U.S.A.
- Upper Crustal Evolution Along the Juan de Fuca Ridge Flanks and its Relation to Sedimentation and Tectonic History
- Use of prior information and multiple interferograms in SAR phase unwrapping.
- Using Kr/Ar and Xe/Ar Ratios to Identify Melt Layers in ice Cores
- Using Paleoseismic Investigations to Test Hypothesized Fold Growth Mechanisms: A Case Study From the La Laja Fault System, San Juan Province, Argentina
- Using Precipitation Assimilation to Improve Simulations of Regional Climate Extremes
- Vailulu'u Seamount, Samoa: Life and Death at the Edge of An Active Submarine Volcano
- Volatility of California Precipitation: Effects of Moisture Supply and Topography in a Mediterranean Climate
- Volcano Collapse in the Bismarck Volcanic Arc, Papua New Guinea
- WHOI and SIO (I): Next Steps toward Multi-Institution Archiving of Shipboard and Deep Submergence Vehicle Data
- WHOI and SIO (II): Next Steps toward Multi-Institution Archiving of Shipboard and Deep Submergence Vehicle Data
- Web-Based Services: Combined and Validated GPS Data Products for the Western US
- A Climatologically Significant Aerosol Longwave Indirect Effect in the Arctic
- A Comparison of MODIS and DOAS Sulfur Dioxide Measurements of the April 24, 2004 Eruption of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands
- A Complex Sub-Glacial Water System Beneath Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams Mapped Using ICESat
- A Dynamic Stability Criterion for Ice Shelves and Tidewater Glaciers
- A New Approximate Solution of the Optimal Nonlinear Filter for Data Assimilation with High Dimensional Systems
- A View Into the Cretaceous Geomagnetic Field From Analysis of Gabbros and Submarine Glasses of the Troodos Ophiolite
- A magnetic approach for determining mineralogy and particle size of hydrothermal iron flocs at Vailulu'u seamount
- ALOS L-Band Interferometry
- Ab-initio predictions of potassium partitioning between MgSiO3 perovskite and post- perovskite
- Absolute paleointensity: theory, experimental design and the current database
- Advanced Microfabricated Devices for Sensitive Biomarker Detection and Analysis on Mars
- Air-sea interaction during gap-outflow events
- Alongshore Sediment Transport and Rip Channel Migration
- An Assessment of the Southern Ocean Mixed-Layer Heat Budget
- An Update on the 0--5 Ma Geomagnetic Field recorded by Lava Flows
- An investigation of Sensor Network middleware alternatives
- Application of Aerosol Assimilation System of MODIS Radiances to Regional Chemical Transport Model
- Are Geodetically and Geologically Constrained Vertical Deformation Models Compatible With the 100-Year Coastal Tide Gauge Record in California?
- Asian aerosol assimilation and regional aerosol radiative forcing, using reanalyses, regional models and satellite data
- Associating Seismicity to Late Quaternary Faults in Southern California
- Automated Classification and Correlation of Drill Cores using High-Resolution Hyperspectral Images and Supervised Pattern Classification Algorithms. Applications to Paleoseismology
- Basaltic substrate composition affects microbial community development and acts as a source of nutrients in the deep biosphere
- Bathymetry and deep-water exchange at the central Lomonosov ridge
- Biogenic Silica Structure Formation in Diatoms: Cellular Components and Control
- Bjerknes Lecture: Global Dimming and its Masking Effect on Global Warming
- Breaking wave induced cross-shore tracer dispersion in the surfzone: Model results and scaling
- Calibration/Validation Surfaces for Satellite Laser Altimeters
- California Reanalysis Downscaling at 10km: Implication to regional reanalysis over south Asia.
- Characterization of earthquake rupture characteristics using hydroacoustic data
- Chasing Black Carbon using Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
- Chlorophyll Fluorescence Near the Shoreline: Connections to Waves and Wave-Driven Currents
- Climate Variability in the North Pacific Thermocline Diagnosed from Oxygen Measurements: An Update Based on the U.S. CLIVAR/CO2 Repeat Hydrography Cruises
- Communicating Science from the Inside Out
- Configurational entropy and Al partitioning in silicate perovskites of the lower mantle
- Contrasting the CO2-He Isotope and Relative Abundance Systematics of the Central American and IBM Arcs
- Crust and upper mantle structure beneath the Transantarctic Mountains, East Antarctic Craton and West Antarctic Rift System from the TAMSEIS project
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Gulf of California and subducting Rivera plate
- Crustal Thickness Variations Along the Southeastern Caribbean Plate Boundary From Teleseismic and Active Source Seismic Data
- Decadal Changes in Pacific Ocean Inorganic Carbon Inventory
- Decadal Variability in the North Pacific Ocean in a Coupled Physical-Ecosystem Model
- Design of a High Resolution Scalable Cluster Based Portable Tiled Display for Earth Sciences Visualization
- Direct measurements of albedo and solar absorption over the Northern Indian Ocean with a new observing system of Stacked Multiple UAVs
- Distributed Anelastic Strain and its Relationship to Compliant Zones Surrounding Active Faults of the Eastern California Shear Zone
- Does Thermoelastic Stress in the Cooling Oceanic Lithosphere Create Fracture Zones and Haxby Lineaments?
- Drought how the Western U.S. is Transformed from Energy-limited to Water-limited Landscapes
- Earlier streamflow in the Sierra Nevada: influence of elevation on detectability of past and projected trends
- Earth Science Community IT Resources through a Unified Data and Analysis Portal
- EarthScope's Transportable Array: Advancing Eastward
- Earthquake-Induced Submarine Landslides in Lake Tahoe
- Earthquakes in Action: Incorporating Multimedia, Internet Resources, Large-scale Seismic Data, and 3-D Visualizations into Innovative Activities and Research Projects for Today's High School Students
- Effects of Melting on the Dynamic Fault Friction: Theoretical and Experimental Insights
- Electromagnetic Exploration of the Loihi Seamount
- Electromagnetic Imaging of Crustal Magma Chambers
- Engaging in Education and Outreach: Guidance for Scientists
- Error Analysis and Sampling Design for Ocean Flux Estimation
- Estimated Drag Coefficients and Wind Structure of Hurricane Frances
- Estimating Local Vp/Vs Ratios Within Similar Earthquake Clusters
- Evaluation of the Role of Fire on PM2.5 concentrations in the Western United States
- Evidence of Deep Air Convection in Firn at Vostok, Antarctica in the Penultimate Glacial Maximum from Precise Measurements of Kr Isotopes
- Evolution of the Western Sunda Arc: A Model Derived From Study of the Andaman Sea
- Evolution of the mouth of the Gulf of California based on rift-related seismic sequences and onshore basins
- Examining Subantarctic Mode Water Formation With a new Method for Finding Mixed Layer Depths and ARGO
- Experiments in High-Frequency Imaging of the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield Earthquake
- Explaining observed variability in the interhemispheric gradient of atmospheric potential oxygen
- Fault History and Architecture of the Southernmost San Andreas Fault and Brawley Seismic Zone: New Constraints from CHIRP Data Acquired in the Salton Sea
- Fidelity of the Ocean and Ice in a New CCSM Simulation with a Finite-Volume Dynamical Core in a 1-deg x 1.25-deg Atmosphere
- Forearc morphology and thrust vergence, Sunda subduction zone
- Formation of Subtropical Mode Water in a High-Resolution POP Simulation of the Kuroshio Extension Region
- From Diversity to Volatility: Probability of Daily Precipitation Extremes
- Further investigation of upper crustal characteristics along the Lau basin spreading centers
- Gas Hydrate Saturations and Their Uncertainties From Chlorinity and Well Log Data at IODP Site U1325 (Exp. 311, Cascadia Margin)
- Geodetic Observations of an Earthquake Cycle at the Sumatra Subduction Zone: The Role of Interseismic Strain Segmentation
- Geomagnetic Paleointensity from Exsolved Oxide Inclusions in Silicates: Examples from the 2.06 Ga Bushveld Complex, South Africa
- Global Climate Signals: Decadal to Secular,and Equatorial SST Variability during the 20th Century
- Global Distribution of Seamounts as Inferred from Ship Depth Soundings and Satellite Altimetry
- Global Measurements of Atmospheric Sulfuryl Fluoride
- Google for Seamounts
- HB06 : Field Validation of Realtime Predictions of Surfzone Waves and Currents
- HLY0602: An integrated geophysical and geological study of the western Canada Basin
- HiSeasNet: a tool for Ocean Exploration
- High resolution renderings and interactive visualization of the 2006 Huntington Beach experiment
- High-Frequency Solar P-Mode Signals Observed on the HAW-1 Ocean Cables
- How stratification changes affect primary production in the California Current System.
- Hydrothermal Manganese Mineralization Near the Samoan Hotspot
- Hypsometry of the World's Ocean Basins
- Identifying CO2 Sources With Vertical Profiles of Δ14CO2 Above Colorado
- Imaging Slabs and Plumes with Finite-Frequency Inverted Transition Zone Thickness
- Impact of high resolution precipitation data on regional precipitation assimilation
- Impacts of Improved Cloud Microphysics in GCM Simulations
- Infrasound Associated With Long Period Events at Mount St. Helens
- Integrating high-resolution mapping of the seafloor with sediment-transport measurements to understand coastal erosion in northern South Carolina
- Inter-annual Variations and Trend Analyses of Precipitation and Vapor Isotopes with a Global Isotope Circulation Model and Observations
- Interactive 3D Visualization of Humboldt Bay Bridge Earthquake Simulation With High Definition Stereo Output
- Interannual Variability in North Pacific Heat and Freshwater Transport
- Internal Tides and Solitons in the Deep Basin of the South China Sea Observed From a Drifting Ship
- International Networking and Media Training for Early Career Scientists
- Involvement of pore water in the Izu-Ogasawara subduction process: Evidence from argon isotope ratio
- Is potassium really in the core? Ab-initio predictions of potassium partitioning between (Mg, Fe)SiO3 perovskite and iron
- Large Scale Dynamic Rupture Modeling with Realistic Geometry
- Late 20th Century Freshening in the Central Tropical Pacific Inferred from Modern Coral Records
- Late Quaternary faulting in the Cabo San Lucas-La Paz Region, Baja California
- Low-Velocity Zone on the San Andreas Fault, Parkfield, and its Co-seismic Damage and Post-mainshock Healing in the 2004 M6 Earthquake
- Magnetic Remanence and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of Dikes From Super-Fast Spread Crust Exposed At Pito Deep Rift
- Magnetic anomaly study and geologic implications for Gilbert and Tokelau seamounts, Pacific Ocean
- Mantle Upwelling Beneath the East Pacific Rise at 9
- Mantle flow under the western United States from shear wave splitting
- Measurements and Modeling of Primary Production in a Coastal Inlet
- Methane Fluxes to the Atmosphere from Perennial Hydrocarbon Plumes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Microbial Diversity And Evidence For Bacterially Mediated Basalt Dissolution On Vailulu'u Seamount
- Mid-Miocene to Early Pliocene Upper Crustal Extension in the Southern Gulf of California
- Millennial-Scale Variations in Oxygen-18 of Atmospheric Molecular Oxygen
- Mineral Springs of Southern Tibet, Everest Region: Geochemical Window to Three Structural Levels
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- Mixing Analysis of the Waters in the Shackleton Fracture Zone and the Ona Basin
- Modeling Coastal Response to Wave Energy Flux in the Southern California Bight Using a Proxy Wave Climate
- Modeling Crustal Deformation Due to the Landers, Hector Mine Earthquakes Using the SCEC Community Fault Model
- Modulation of the Earthquake Cycle at the Southern San Andreas Fault by Lake Loading
- Monitoring Potential Slope Failure in the Santa Barbara Basin Using Optical Fibers
- Monitoring the Monitors: Assessing and Visualizing the State-of-Health of Earthscope's Transportable Array
- Multidecadal Trends in Direct and Indirect Aerosol Radiative Effects over Europe in Observations and IPCC AR4 Models
- Multiple Oscillatory Modes of the Argentine Basin
- Nanoparticle Growth following Photochemical a- and b-Pinene Oxidation at Appledore Island during ICARTT/CHAiOS 2004
- Neodymium as a tracer of glacial to interglacial change in Atlantic water column structure
- New high-res multichannel profiles from the southern Gulf of California: Preliminary results
- Noble Gases in Carbonatite Magmatism: Oldonyo Lengai
- North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP): Producing Regional Climate Change Projections for Climate Impacts Studies
- Northern Hemisphere Forcing of Climatic Cycles Over the Past 360,000 Years Implied by Absolute Dating of Antarctic Ice Cores
- Observations at forearc carbonate mounds offshore Costa Rica
- Observatory Design in the Mountain West: Scaling Measurements and Modeling in the San Joaquin Valley and Sierra Nevada
- Ocean Heat Content Variability in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Results from the IPCC AR4 Simulations.
- Oceanic Core Complexes and Crustal Accretion at Slow-Spreading Ridges. Indications From IODP Expeditions 304-305 and Previous Ocean Drilling Results
- Old Shield Basalts from Savai'i Island, Samoa: Validation of A Plume-Hotspot Model for the Samoan Chain
- Optimization and Scalability of an Large-scale Earthquake Simulation Application
- Optimization on the Inverse 2-D Electromagnetic Induction Problem
- Origin of Miocene Volcanism Near the Coast in Central and Southern California, Revisited
- Overview of Decadal Variations in Salinity, Oxygen and Nutrients Based on Recent Repeat Hydrographic Sections
- PKKP scattering in the lower mantle resolved by small aperture arrays
- Parametric Wave Transformation Models on Natural Beaches
- Petrological feature of crust and mantle xenoliths in petit spot volcano: Implications for the structure of the old oceanic plate
- Petrology, geochemistry, and tectonic implications of newly collected samples from Babeldaob Island, Republic of Palau
- Pink Water: Surfzone Dye Measurements at Huntington Beach, CA.
- Prototypical Solitons in the South China Sea
- Punishments and Prizes for Explaining Global Warming
- Quantifying Archaeal Community Autotrophy in the Mesopelagic Ocean Using Natural Radiocarbon
- Radiative Impacts of the Elevated Dust Plumes over the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans
- Radiocarbon Distribution of Atlantic Water Masses Over the Last 30 kyr - Results From a South Atlantic Sediment Depth Transect
- Real-time Data Access to First Responders: A VORB application
- Recent atmospheric evolution of Gaseous Elemental Mercury concentrations revealed by firn air archive at Summit Station, Greenland.
- Rift topography linked to magmatic processes at the intermediate spreading Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Role of Aerosols in Governing Optical Depth of Marine Low-level Clouds
- Sampling and Variability Issues Related to Anthropogenic Warming of the World Oceans
- Seismic Imaging of the Damage Zone Around the Calico Fault
- Seismic Sleuths: Using Visualization Technology to Teach Middle School Earth Sciences Content
- Seismogenic, Electrically Conductive, and Fluid Zones at Continental Plate Boundaries in New Zealand, Himalaya, and California
- Shifting Baselines, Science, and Society
- Simultaneous Measurements of direct, semi-direct and indirect aerosol forcing with Stacked Autonomous UAVs: A New Observing Platform
- Simultaneous State-Parameter Estimation of a Princeton Ocean Model Using a Joint Singular Evolutive Extended Kalman Filter
- Simultaneous observations of aerosols, clouds, and radiometric fluxes using light-weight autonomous UAVs
- Source Mixing, Degassing and Crustal Contamination of Basaltic Glasses Along Reykjanes Ridge
- Space geodetic investigation of the co- and post-seismic deformation due to the 2003 Mw7.3 Altai (Russia) earthquake: Implications for the local lithospheric rheology
- Stratocumulus sensitivity to aerosols and dynamics
- Structure and composition of early arc crust: observations and samples from Shinkai 6500 Dives in the southeastern Mariana Trench
- Subcritical Water Extraction of Trace Organic Molecules from Arid Atacama Desert Soils: Laboratory Study in Support of in situ Urey Instrument Suite
- Submicron and Single Particle Organic Functional Group Composition in MIRAGE 2006
- Symmetric Rifting of Cold Lithosphere in the Southern Gulf of California
- The April Fool's Tsunami of 1946: Lessons From Sumatra
- The Art and Science of Education and Outreach: What Scientists Should Know
- The Five Dimensions of MagIC
- The Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Online Database: Uploading, Searching and Visualizing Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Data
- The Ocean Boundary Layer beneath Hurricane Frances
- The Role of Controlled Vocabularies in Digital Archiving
- The Seamount Catalog: Creating a Data Infrastructure for the Seamount Biogeoscience Network (SBN)
- The effects of volcanic eruptions on simulated ocean heat content and thermal expansion
- The influence of iron on phytoplankton communities in the deep chlorophyll maximum of stratified oceanic regimes
- The rotation sensor at Pinon Flat Observatory
- The scientific value of 4D visualizations
- Topographic Control on Cloud Cover Variations Along the West Coast
- Unbiased Spectrum Estimation: Improved Multiple Taper Spectral Analysis
- Underwater Dendrochronology of the Sierra Nevada: Testing the Medieval Mega-Drought Hypothesis
- Urey: Mars Organic and Oxidant Detector
- Using 14CH4 to constrain the atmospheric methane budget during the last glacial termination and test the clathrate hypothesis
- Using SCEC Computational Platforms to Advance Seismic Hazard Research
- Using cross-correlations of random wavefields for surface waves tomography and structural health monitoring.
- Virtualization and Federation of Multiple Real-time Observatories Through the ROADNet Point of Presence
- Virtualization of Command and Control of Large-scale Observing Systems Using SOA (USArray Case Study)
- Viscoplastic behaviour of Earth mantle peridotite inferred from micromechanical approaches
- Visual integration of multi-displicinary datasets for the geophysical analysis of tectonic processes
- Volatile Sources and Fluxes Through the Central American and Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction Factories
- Volcanic activity within the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago, south of Iceland
- Volcanism in response to plate flexure: Evidence for partial melt in asthenosphere
- Wave-Coherent Air-Sea Heat Flux.
- What Controls the Pacing of 100-ky Glacial Cycles?
- When Katrina hit California
- Wide Band Power and Harmonic Amplitude of Five Precipitation Sets
- Widespread Reduction in Coral Growth Rates on the Mesoamerican Reef Following the 1998 El Nino and Hurricane Mitch
- Zonal jets standing in the meridional geostrophic flow
- A Cretaceous Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Isotope Compilation
- A Finite-frequency Pdiff Kernel Library for Global Tomography Inversions
- A Global Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary?
- A High-Frequency Secondary Event During the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield Earthquake
- A New Method for MCS Refraction Data Analysis of the Uppermost Section at a Mid-Atlantic Ridge Core Complex
- A Prototype for a Distributed and Automatic Visualization Pipeline for Oceanographic Datasets.
- A Strategic Partnership for Teaching Earth and Ocean Sciences in the 21st Century Classroom
- A Year of Microseisms in Southern California
- A future for drifting seismic networks
- A new selection of archeomagnetic data for high resolution geomagnetic field modeling
- A statistical model for water quality predictions from a river discharge using coastal observations
- A web-based modular framework for real-time monitoring of large scale sensor networks
- Accurate reproduction of daily to interannual variations of stable water isotopes using Iso- GSM and spectral nudging technique
- Acoustic detection of gas emissions within the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Sea of Marmara
- Aerosol Physiochemistry in Clean and Polluted Regions: Influences on Optical Properties and CCN
- Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change
- Applications of Server Clustering Technology in Sensor Networks
- Argo Float Trajectories at Mid-Depth in the Southwest Pacific
- Array Processing of Teleseismic Body Wave Phases Recorded by the Transportable Array
- Assessment of the Relative Importance of Atmospheric Aging on CCN Activity Derived from Field Observations
- Atmospheric Solar Absorption measurements in the lowest 3-km of the atmosphere with small UAVs
- Bacterial Diversity and Spatial Variability Found in a Mn-Fe Oxide Encrusted Microbial Mat From the 5000 Meter-Deep Hydrothermal Vent 'Ula Nui, Hawaii
- Biennial Record of Northeast Pacific Ventilation Over the Past two Centuries: Radiocarbon and Benthic Foraminferal Evidence From the Santa Barbara Basin
- Biological Sulfate Reduction Rates in Hydrothermal Recharge Zones
- Black Carbon Mass Concentration in California Mountain Snow
- Bleaching of Symbiotic Foraminifera During Extreme Global Warming at the Paleocene- Eocene Boundary
- Bottom Interaction in Long-Range Ocean Acoustic Propagation
- Calculating Cloud Feedbacks From Changes in Temperature Using Daily Satellite and Reanalysis Data
- Calibration of USArray-TA Stations using Earth Tides
- Calico Fault Structure Determined Using Traveltime Data from Seismicity and Explosions
- Cenozoic rifting in the West Antarctic Rift System
- Characteristics and Cloud Interactions of Ice Nucleating Aerosols From Asian Continental Emissions During the Pacific Dust Experiment
- Characteristics of boundary-layer structure and cloud properties revealed by satellite data
- Chicxulub Crater Infilling and Yucatan Carbonate Platform Development: Implications for the Evolution of Large Terrestrial Impact Craters
- Chlorocarbon Fluxes in Coastal and Upland Ecosystems of California
- Circulation in the Southwest tropical Pacific for the year 2000 from an assimilated model
- Clastic Sedimentation in Lake Tahoe as a Record of Submarine Landsliding and Seismic Shaking
- Climate Effects on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Over the Last Century
- Climate Influences on Groundwater Recharge: Implications for Western Groundwater and Surface Water Resources in the Face of Climate Change
- Comparison and Calibration of Sea-Swell with Microseism Observations on Ice-Shelf and Land Based Seismometer Stations
- Comparison of 1- and 2-D Regularized MT Inversions
- Complex Evolution of Friction During Seismic Slip: New Experimental Results
- Compressional-Wave Velocities of Discrete Samples at In-Situ Pressures From IODP Hole U1309D
- Computation of 3-D static stress in the lithosphere from topographic loads at the surface and base
- Constraining Absolute Plate Motion by 40Ar/39Ar Age Dating and Geochemical Fingerprinting of Linear Volcanic Chains
- Constraining Regional Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions and Choosing an Optimal Measurement Network Using 14C Observations, Modeling, and Inversions.
- Continuous Measurements of Ice Motion and Associated Seismicity at Bering Glacier, Alaska.
- Coral Records of Late 20th Century Warming and Freshening in the Central Tropical Pacific
- Coral Skeletal Records of Water Quality Change in Mesoamerica
- Correlation of Seismic Noise From an OBS Aarray off Costa Rica
- Coupling an ocean wave model with a global aerosol transport model: A sea salt aerosol parameterization perspective
- Crust-Poor Lithosphere at Cold Spots in the Mid Atlantic and SW Indian Ridges
- Cyberinfrastructure for the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative
- DIVE Into Metadata With MMI
- Davidson Seamount: A Volcano Slowly Built on an Abandoned Spreading Center
- Deformation of the Converging Juan de Fuca Plate Offshore Central Oregon
- Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenically Induced Changes in Snowpack Over the Western U.S.
- Detection and Attribution of Climate Change in JFM Streamflow Fractions in the Western United States
- Detection and Attribution of temperature changes in the mountainous western United States.
- Detection of regional events using streaming GPS
- Dynamic implications of drowned reefs and raised coastlines along the Bismarck volcanic arc
- Dynamical Downscaling Technique for Global Climate Model
- ERESE: An online forum for research-based earth science inquiry
- Earth Observations from Space: The First 50 Years of Scientific Achievements
- Education and Professional Outreach as an Integrated Component of Science and Graduate Education
- Education and Professional Outreach for Scientists: Producing and Leveraging EPO Objects for Inquiry-Based Learning
- Effects of Organic Particle Types and Mixtures on Aerosol Water
- Electromagnetic imaging of hydrates and accretionary structure at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon using 2.5 D model studies
- Estimating source parameters and uncertainties using a small aperture array
- Evaluating Recent 20th Century Changes in Cool Season Precipitation Variability in the Western U.S. in the Context of Paleoclimatic Reconstructions
- Evaluating the effects of a +3C climate change with a regional recharge model
- Evaluation of paleointensity experimental data: detection of non-ideal recording mechanisms
- Evolutionary Response of Planktic Foraminifera to a Pronounced Global Warming Event 40 Myr ago
- Exploring the Ocean Remotely and in Real-Time With HiSeasNet
- Father's Day dike intrusion and eruption reveals interaction between magmatic and tectonic processes at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Fine scale control of microbial communities in deep marine sediments that contain hydrates and high concentrations of methane
- Firn-air Properties and Influences at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide
- FlashMap: A Versatile and Intuitive Web-based User Interface for Rich Heterogeneous Geospatial Data
- Foraminiferal Ecology and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Methane Seeps in Monterey Bay, California
- GPS Precipitable Water Estimates Using Station Pressures Interpolated from the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) and Rapid Update Cycle (RUC)
- Gas Hydrate Occurrence Across the Cascadia Margin From Pore Water Chlorinity and Downhole Geophysical Logs (IODP Exp. 311)
- Geochemical Evidence for Gas Hydrates in the Indian Ocean
- Geochemical Evolution of the Louisville Seamount Chain
- Geochemical Signature of Land-based Activities in Caribbean Coral Surface Samples
- Global Structure of the D" Region Using Diffracted Waves and Finite Frequency Kernels
- Global and Regional Climate Changes due to Soot Aerosols
- Human Induced Changes in the Hydrological Cycle of the Western United States
- Hurricane Wave Power Extremes Along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
- Iceberg scours offshore of South Carolina
- Importance of Sulfate-Reducing Bacterial Activity in Controlling Mercury Methylation in Anoxic Estuarine Sediment Slurries
- Improved Hard Lower Bounds on the Geodynamo Power Requirements
- Improvements on the Regional Climate Predictions Using Initialized Soil Moisture and Snow Fields
- Improving Seismic Constraints on Subduction Zone Geometry
- In the Footsteps of Roger Revelle: Seagoing Oceanography for Middle School Science
- Inflation of Kilauea Along the Southwest Rift Zone in 2006
- Investigation of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Using a Chemical Transport Model Constrained by Satellite Observations
- Kinetic Gas Fractionation by Air Convection in Polar Firn
- Lessons Learned From 104 Years of Mobile Observatories
- Lobe Shifting in the Gulf of Papua: Internal or External Forcing?
- Long-range transport its effect on cloud condensation nuclei over the Pacific Ocean
- Lunar Obliquity History Revisited
- MMI: Increasing Community Collaboration
- Manned submersible observations at cold seeps in the North Anatolian Fault zone, Sea of Marmara
- Mantle Structure, Melting and Flow in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica and Izu Bonin-Marianas Subduction Zones
- Mapping Geomagnetic Field Variations in the Cretaceous Quiet Zone with Unmanned Airborne Vehicles
- Marine Electromagnetic Imaging of the Catalina Crater
- Marine Interoperability Efforts and Standards: What's Missing?
- Mechanisms of Permeability Enhancement by Seismic Waves at the Pinon Flat Observatory
- Methods for radiocarbon measurements of ultra-small samples of paleoatmospheric methane
- Microbially Mediated Glass Alteration in the Geological Record: Textural clues for Microbial Functions.
- Micromechanical Modelling of the Viscoplastic Behavior of Olivine
- Miniaturized aerosol, cloud and radiometric payloads for small unmanned aerial vehicles
- Miniaturized instrumentation for routine measurement of aerosol and gas phase pollution by lightweight autonomous unmanned aircraft.
- Models of Deformation of Uppermost Oceanic Lithosphere: Comparison of Crustal Flexure in the Blönduós Area, Northern Iceland, and Structure of East Pacific Rise Crust at Hess Deep
- Modulation of the aerosol absorption and single-scattering albedo due to synoptic scale and sea breeze circulations - United Arab Emirates experiment perspective.
- New Lunar Paleointensity Measurements, Ancient Lunar Dynamo or Lunar Dud?
- New Observations of Regional Variability in Delta-14C of Background CO2 from the Scripps CO2 Program
- New Seismic CHIRP evidence for Transpression and Transtension Beneath the Salton Sea, California
- Observation and Modeling of Seafloor Flow Rate Response to Slow Slip Deformation at the Costa Rica Forearc
- Observation and modeling of thermoelastic strain in Parkfield borehole strainmeter records
- Observations of Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Mixing in Warm Cumulus Clouds
- Ocean acoustic interferometry using noise and active sources
- Optimal Estimation of the Surface Fluxes of Chloromethanes Using a 3-D Global Atmospheric Chemical Transport Model
- Pore fluid chemistry of cold seeps in the Sea of Marmara
- Quasi-Periodic Slow Earthquakes and Their Association With Magmatic Activity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- Radar, electromagnetic, and active seismic investigation of a propagating ice shelf rift tip
- Reanalysis of Geophysical Data With IODP Constraints at Atlantis Massif
- Reconstructing Atmospheric Histories of Halogenated Compounds to Preindustrial Times Using Antarctic Firn Air
- Reconstruction of Coastal-Scale Ocean Fields in an Upwelling Region
- Relations between cloud condensation nuclei and aerosol optical properties: Their sensitivities to size, composition and hygroscopicity observed from aircraft for biomass burning, urban pollution, dust and sea-salt particles over North America
- Relationship Between Fault Creep and Shallow Stress Accumulation Rate
- Relocating and Characterizing the 10 Feb 2006 "Green Canyon" Gulf of Mexico Earthquake Using Oil-Industry Data
- Resampling the 0-5 Ma Geomagnetic Field Recorded by Lavas
- Response of Deep Ocean Carbon Cycling to Astronomical Forcing in the Non-Glaciated Eocene 'Greenhouse' World
- Robustness and Limitations of 0-1 Ma Absolute Paleointensity Data
- Rupture kinematics of Mw8.4 South Pagai Earthquake, Sumatra, from joint inversion of seismic and geodetic data
- Salinity and Temperature Reconstruction from Oxygen Isotopes and Mg/Ca in Benthic Foraminifera in the NE Pacific margin for the Late Holocene
- Scattering of PKKP and P'P' - a tool for mapping fine-scale mantle heterogeneity
- Scientific Visualizations of Data Collected From EarthScope's Seismic Observatory (USArray) and San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
- Scripted Finite Element Methods Applied to Global Geomagnetic Induction
- Sea & See Experiences for Undergraduates: Educational Outreach in Papua New Guinea
- Seismic Attenuation Observations: Signals and Artifacts
- Seismological Evidence for Increasing Oceanic Storm Intensity
- Shaking up an Old Standard: The Paleocene-Eocene Boundary Through the Eyes of DSDP Site 401
- Simulations of Inner Core Coda Waves with a Multiple-Scattering Phonon Based Algorithm
- Single particle ATOFMS measurements of the chemical and physical properties of polluted and fresh air masses in Gosan, Korea
- Spectral Signature of Radiative Forcing by East Asian Dust-Soot Mixture
- Statistical Views of Long Term Geomagnetic Field Variations
- Stratocumulus Sensitivity to Aerosols and Dynamics: Evaluating Aerosol-Cloud Parameterizations
- Structure and Origins of Trends in Hydrologic Measures over the Western US
- Structure and mechanical properties of faults from InSAR observations of coseismic deformation due to the 1999 Izmit earthquake (Turkey)
- Study of the postseismic deformation transient due to the Mw6 2004 Parkfield earthquake using a new 3-D semi-analytic model of stress-driven fault creep.
- Subglacial plumbing mapped from space: water transfer, water volumes and implications for ice dynamics
- Subglacial water distribution and transfer in Antarctica mapped with ICESat and image differencing
- Tectonic controls on sedimentation in the Eel River Basin: high-resolution CHIRP seismic data
- Testing paleosecular variation field models in the Pre-Cambrian
- The 12 September 2007, Mw=7.9 Pagai-Sipora Earthquake, an Impulsive Rupture on the Central Sumatra Megathrust.
- The Ecology and Trace Metal Geochemistry of Living Benthic Foraminifera in the Venice Lagoon, Italy
- The ICSU World Data Center System: Meeting the Long-Term Data Management Requirements of the Global Earth Observation Programs.
- The Iceberg Calving Problem: Can we Model Iceberg Calving with an Empirical Calving Law?
- The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: A Science Communication Challenge
- The Manihiki Plateau, Hikurangi Plateau, Wishbone Scarp, and Osbourn Trough: A Review and Analysis
- The Mauna Loa CO2 story: lessons for long-term earth observations
- The Pacific Dust Experiment (PaCDEX) Field Campaign: A summary of accomplishments during the field campaign and examples of early results.
- The Sills of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Implications for Crustal Melt Distribution and Thermogenic Carbon Flux
- The effect of flocculation on DRM direction and intensity
- The origin of high 3He/4He values in oceanic lavas: arguments against a heterogeneous upper mantle source
- Toward Adjoint Tomography of the Japan Subduction Zone
- Toward Unified Global Access to Polar Satellite Remote Sensing Data
- Transport in the Solomon Sea Measured by an Ocean Glider in Aug-Nov 2007
- Understanding the Magmatic Construction of the Dufek Complex, Antarctica
- Uploading, Searching and Visualizing of Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Data in the Online MagIC Database
- Utility of daily vs. monthly large-scale climate data: an intercomparison of two statistical downscaling methods
- Vector Deformation Maps of the Father's Day Intrusion at Kilauea: Constraints on Magma Injection
- Velocity Structure of the Rifted Crust in the Northwestern Ross Sea, From Seismic Refraction Data
- Verification of SORD, and Application to the TeraShake Scenario
- Visualizing earthquake simulation data
- Whole Mantle 1-D Structure From Short-period Body Waves
- Whole Mantle Vp/Vs Tomography
- iRODS: A Distributed Data Management Cyberinfrastructure for Observatories
- "The lateral convergences of vorticity and thermal energy in surface layers of the equatorial Pacific Ocean"
- 2D Parameterized Inversions of Marine CSEM Data
- 3-D Stress Variation at Ridge-Transform Systems From Bathymetry Variations and Plate Driving
- 34S/32S and 18O/16O ratios of dissolved sulfate from interstitial water samples above gas hydrate bearing sediments of IODP Expedition 311, Cascadia
- A Comparison of the Annual Circulation of the Western South Atlantic Ocean Based on two OGCMs, the Parallel Ocean Model (POP) and the Ocean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modelling Project (OCCAM)
- A Global Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary
- A MITgcm/DART Ocean Analysis and Prediction System with Application to the Gulf of Mexico
- A North American Climate Simulation: The ECPC-RSM Contribution to NARCCAP
- A Study of Deep Earthquakes using Back-Projection of Multiple Seismic Phases
- A Synthesis Of In Situ Measured Export Production in the Southern Ocean
- A Tale of Two Countries, Three Discriminants, and Many Mining Explosions
- A controlled evaluation of magnetite formation in synthetic submarine basaltic glass: implications for paleointensity studies
- A high-resolution marine osmium isotopic record for the late Maastrichtian: the chemical fingerprints of Deccan volcanism
- Additional Constraints on the Shallow Seismic Velocity Structure of the Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex
- Air-sea Fluxes in Subantarctic Mode Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water Formation
- Along-arc Variations in Volatile Cycling in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Alongshore Variability of Shoreline Change and Geologic Factors
- Amino acid preservation in saline halite core samples: Analogs for Martian dry evaporitic regions
- An Airborne Scanning LiDAR System for Ocean and Coastal Applications
- Anthropogenically-induced changes in temperatures and implications for water resources in the western United States.
- Application of Ocean Data Assimilation in a Nested Model
- Aridity and climate change in the western US
- Asymmetric Velocity across the San Andreas Fault System: The Effects of Fault Dip
- CGPS detected hydrological and anthropogenic signals in California and Nevada from NASA REASoN project
- California Real Time Network: Test Bed for Mitigation of Geological and Atmospheric Hazards within a Modern Data Portal Environment
- Can the resolution of marine MT be enhanced with inter-station transfer functions?
- Cenozoic Motion Between East and West Antarctica and the Global Plate Circuit
- Centennial- to millennial-scale changes in tropical Pacific climate from central tropical Pacific fossil corals: temperature and hydrological signals
- Change and Anomaly Detection in Real-Time GPS Data
- Characterizing Lithospheric Thickness in Australia using Ps and Sp Scattered Waves
- Characterizing Noise Levels on the PBO Borehole Seismometers and Strainmeters
- Climate change in California - why is this region especially vulnerable?
- Coastal Algal Blooms in the Southern California Bight
- Coherence and Phase Relationships of Broadband Ambient Seismic Noise in the Pacific Ocean
- Compressional-Wave Velocities of Discrete Samples at In-Situ Pressures From IODP Hole U1309D with Emphasis on the Interval from 1000-1400 mbsf
- Continuous P-Wave Seismic Noise Observed At Regional Distance In California
- Coseismic Displacement of M8.0 Sichuan Earthquake Derived by ALOS Radar Interferometry
- Crustal Structure of the Caucasus and Caspian Region Using Gravity and Receiver Functions
- Crustal Structure of the Southeast Indian Ridge at the Eastern Boundary of the Australian-Antarctic Discordance From Seismic Refraction Data
- CyberTEAM Interactive Epicenter Locator Tool
- Cyberinfrastructure for the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative
- Data-Derived Coulomb Stress Rate Uncertainties of the San Andreas Fault System
- Decadal Variability in Low Cloud Cover in the Northeast Pacific
- Designing ICESat-II: Laser waveform simulations, and effects of different multi-beam configurations on change detection.
- Diagnosing Meridional Meandering of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Directional microphone arrays: Reducing wind noise without killing your signal or filling up your disk
- Dissolved Iron Speciation in Oxic and Suboxic Water Column Profiles: Trends in the Distribution and Strength of Iron-Binding Ligands
- Dual-Frequency Coherence as Signature of Fluid Flow Noise Observed in Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Dynamic subglacial lakes and West Antarctic ice streams
- Effects of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current on hydroacoustic propagation and implications for Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
- Efficiently Communicating Rich Heterogeneous Geospatial Data from the FeMO2008 Dive Cruise with FlashMap on
- Enabling Long-Term Oceanographic Research: Changing Data Practices, Information Management Strategies and Informatics
- Enabling Science Integration through the Marine Geoscience Data System Media Bank
- Estimating Seismic Source Parameters: Inversions for Source Time Functions
- Estimating Tropical Cyclone Atmospheric Boundary Layer Properties From Surface Drifter Wind and Pressure Observations
- Estimation of Relative Contributions of Localized Shear vs Broad Viscous Flow in Postseismic Transients: Case Study of the 1992 Landers and 1999 Hector Mine, California, Earthquakes.
- Evidence for Footwall Rotation in an Oceanic Core Complex From IODP Core Samples Reoriented Using Borehole Wall Imagery
- Evidence of Tectonic Rotations and Magmatic Flow Within the Sheeted Dike Complex of Super-Fast Spread Crust Exposed at the Pito Deep Rift
- Evolution of Eighteen Degree Water and deep mixed layer oxygen and properties from profiling floats during CLIMODE
- Excitation and decay of barotropic modes in the Australia-Antarctic Basin
- Experimental Investigation of a Transition Between Stick-Slip and Creep as a Function of Slip Velocity, Temperature and Normal Stress
- Exploring TechQuests Through Open Source and Tools That Inspire Digital Natives
- Friction at Seismic Slip Speeds: Experiments and Theory
- Fusion of High-Rate GPS and Seismic Data: Applications to Early Warning Systems for Mitigation of Geological Hazards
- Geochemical Constraints on Fluid-Rock Reactions, Fluid Sources, and Flow Pathways Along the NanTroSEIZE Transect; IODP Expeditions 315/316
- Geodetic Observations of an Earthquake Cycle at the Sumatra Subduction Zone: The Role of Interseismic Strain Segmentation
- Geomagnetic Field Models for 0-3kA Derived Using Various Data Types and Selection Criteria
- Glider observations of internal waves in the South China Sea
- Glider-based Measurements of Kuroshio Seasonal Variation
- Global Marine Gravity and Bathymetry at 1-Minute Resolution
- Global P, PP, and PKP wave microseisms observed from distant storms
- Global Seismic Event Detection Using Surface Waves: 15 Possible Antarctic Glacial Sliding Events
- Global ocean freshwater transport pathways
- Gravity Anomalies in the Northern Hawaiian Islands: Evidence for an Alternative Magma Chamber on Kauai and a Conjoined Niihau-Kauai Island
- Ground Truth Comparison of Sensor Orientation determined from Polarization Analysis of Large-eatthquake Body-was at USArray Seismic Stations
- High-Nb Basalts Provide Evidence for Rapid Recycling of High Field Strength Elements?
- Holocene Asian and African Monsoon Strength Recorded in O-18 of Atmospheric Oxygen
- How do Aerosol Histories Affect Solar Dimming and Brightening Over Europe? - IPCC- AR4 Models vs. Observations
- HyFlux - Part II: Subsurface sequestration of methane-derived carbon in gas-hydrate- bearing marine sediments
- Ice core records of the evolution of atmospheric methane in the Holocene
- Imaging and Characterization of Submarine Landslides and Associated Deposits in Lake Tahoe, CA/NV and Fallen Leaf Lake, CA
- Imaging the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary with Scattered Waves
- Impact of the Satellite-Gauge Based Precipitation Assimilation on Regional Downscaling
- Incorporating JPL ECCO Ocean Data Assimilation Into the ECPC Climate Prediction Model Seasonal Forecasts.
- Increased flood risks in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valleys, CA, under climate change
- Indian Ocean Kelvin waves in the Indonesian Throughflow Exit Passages
- Integrating Data Distribution and Data Assimilation Between the OOI CI and the NOAA DIF
- Integrating EarthScope Data Into Interactive Visualizations, Movies and High-Resolution Static Images
- Interaction of Deep and Shallow Convection in GCM Simulation of Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982 to 2006
- Internal Wave Momentum Fluxes at Kaena Ridge, Hawaii
- Investigating the Brittle Ductile Transition Zone Using Southern California Seismicity and the SCEC Community Fault Model
- Iron Sulfides and Sulfur Isotopes in Sediments from the Nankai Trough, Japan
- Iron(II) Intercomparison in Baja California Sub-Oxic Zone
- Isopycnal Diffusivities in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current of 1/10 degree POP Inferred From Subsurface Numerical Floats
- Large-Scale Volcanic Jet Noise
- Late 20th Century Warming and Freshening in the Central Tropical Pacific
- Learning the Theory in Reverse: An Epistemological Approach to Introducing Concept
- Long-Term Observations in Drake Passage from ISOS to IPY: Highlights from Recent Analyses.
- Low-mode Internal Tide Generation: an Experimental and Numerical Investigation
- Managing Rock and Paleomagnetic Data Flow with the MagIC Database: from Measurement and Analysis to Comprehensive Archive and Visualization
- Mean Ocean Temperature Deduced from Kr and Xe Covaries with Atmospheric CO2
- Measurements of Carbon-14 of Methane in Greenland Ice: Investigating Methane Sources During the Last Glacial Termination
- Mercury's internal magnetic field: Constraints on fields of crustal origin
- Micro-seismicity of the submerged section of the North-Anatolian Fault within the Sea of Marmara : results from Ocean Bottom Seismometers
- Microstructural & AMS Constraints on the Origin of Cumulates From the Dufek Range, Antarctica
- Mixed-Layer Depth Variability in Drake Passage
- Mobilization of Lithium in Sedimentary Hydrothermal Systems
- Modeling Rip Channel and Mega-Cusp Migration With XBeach
- Modeling the Contribution of Tides to the Larsen-C Ice Shelf Basal Melt Rate
- Modernized Techniques for Dealing with Quality Data and Derived Products
- Multi-Decadal Variations in Calcareous Holozooplankton in the California Current System: Thecosome Pteropods and Foraminifera from CalCOFI
- Multi-Polarity Magnetisations Acquired During Progressive Cooling of Young, Lower Oceanic Crust
- Near Real-Time Processing and Archiving of GPS Surveys for Crustal Motion Monitoring
- Networking offshore with HiSeasNet
- New Constraints on the Timing, Magnitude and Style of Deformation in the Southern Gulf of California: Oblique Rifting Since ~14-12 Ma
- New Global Bathymetry and Topography Model Grids
- New constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Salton Trough
- New evidence for aggradation and preservation of sediment during lowstands of sea level from offshore northern California
- New insights into the size-resolved chemical mixing state of atmospheric dust: Impacts on cloud formation and optical properties
- No active extension across axial valley walls of an intermediate spreading center from GPS-Acoustic data: south Cleft Segment of Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Nonlinear wave generation at a sill
- North Atlantic Water Mass Formation as Depicted by Coupled Climate Models
- Numerical Simulations of Texture Development and Associated Rheological Anisotropy in Regions of Complex Mantle Flow
- OOI CyberInfrastructure - Next Generation Oceanographic Research
- Observations of Bispectra in the Propagating Internal Tide
- Observations of Ekman Currents in the Southern Ocean
- Observing the Indirect Effect at North Slope of Alaska: Spectroscopic Lessons for Future Satellite Missions
- Ocean transition layer characteristics based on the Arabian sea mooring data
- Ocean ventilation as a driver of interannual variability in atmospheric potential oxygen
- Oceanic Gas Bubble Measurements Using an Acoustic Bubble Spectrometer
- On the Possible (1D) Seismological Signature of the Spin Crossover in Ferropericlase.
- On the Spatial Extent of the Anticorrelation of Bulk Sound Speed and Shear Velocity in the Lower Mantle
- On the Time-dependence of the Lagrangian Surfzone Cross-shore Diffusivity
- Overview of global mode waters with emphasis on Subantarctic and North Atlantic Subpolar Mode Waters
- Oxidation Dynamics and their Effects on Texture and Magnetic Response in Remelted and Quenched Submarine Basaltic Glass
- PADM2M: A Time-varying Model of Paleomagnetic Axial Dipole Moment for 0- 2Ma
- Paleomagnetic Field Properties at High Southern Latitude, Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica
- Parameterization of a size-structured biogeochemical model for the California Current Ecosystem
- Particle Size Distributions and Optical Backscatter Measured in situ With the SOLOPC During the 2008 North Atlantic Bloom Experiment
- Petrologic Evolution of Palau; A Nascent Island Arc
- Petrology and Geochemistry of Abandoned Spreading Center Lavas Off Baja California: Implications for Intraplate Magmatism in Eastern Pacific
- Petrology and source of lavas from seamounts in the Adare Basin, Western Ross Sea: Implications for the origin of Cenozoic magmatism in Antarctica
- Plate Boundary Geometry Effects on Arc-Back Arc Magma Mingling Beneath the Lau Basin
- Pore Water Geochemistry of IODP Exp 315 and 316: The NanTroSEIZE Transect
- Predictability of Kuroshio Current Intrusions into the East China Sea.
- Probability Distribution Functions of Liquid Water Path Associated With Marine Low Cloud
- Projecting climate change impacts on hydrology: the potential role of daily GCM output
- Quantifying Regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions of HFC-134a From Atmospheric Measurements at the Trinidad Head (California), Cape Grim (Tasmania) and Mace Head (Ireland) Remote AGAGE Sites.
- Rapid subsidence and formation of thick volcanic sections at magma-rich spreading centers: Paleomagnetic and AMS evidence from north-central Iceland
- Rare Earth Element and Trace Metal Composition of Pore Fluids in the Nankai Trough as Relates to the Lithostratigraphy and Deep Biosphere.
- Real World Example of a Hazard Warning System based on a Network of Autonomous High Rate, Low Latency GPS Sensors
- Real-Time Detection and Mixing-State of Methanesulfonic Acid in Single Aerosol Particles During a Phytoplankton Bloom
- Realizations of a Yearlong Eddy-Permitting Hindcast of the Tropical Pacific With the ECCO Assimilation System
- Reanalysis and In Situ Real-time Weather Data in GPS Tropospheric Delay Studies
- Recent Atmospheric Methane Growth: AGAGE and CSIRO Measurements and Optimal Estimation of Hemispheric Emission Rate Increases
- Reconstructing Aragonite Saturation States Along the California Coastline Using Chemical and Hydrographic Data
- Relations Between Cloud Condensation Nuclei And Aerosol Optical Properties Relevant to Remote Sensing: Airborne Measurements in Biomass Burning, Pollution and Dust Aerosol Over North America
- Response of Antarctic Peninsula Mesoscale Cyclones to the Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode: Potential Linkages to Climate Change
- Ridge 2000 Data Integration and Synthesis
- Rolling Deck to Repository I: Designing a Database Infrastructure
- Rolling Deck to Repository II: Getting Control of Provenance and Quality
- Rolling Deck to Repository III: Shipboard Event Logging
- SCEC Earthquake System Science Using High Performance Computing
- Seasonal Observations of Upper Ocean Thermohaline Structure and the Relic Mixed Layer
- Seasonal Variability at the Mesoscale in the Southern California Current System Revealed by Glider Surveys
- Sedimentological and Geochemical Characteristics of Turbidites Related to Earthquake Activity in the Sea of Marmara
- Segmentation and Accretionary Processes Near the Andrew Bain Mega-Transform Fault: The Southwest Indian Ridge 25°-35°E
- Sensitivity of a Numerical Ice Sheet Model to Interannual Climate Forcing and Interactive Atmosphere-Ice Sheet Coupling.
- Sensitivity of a Regional Climate Change Detection and Attribution Study to the Global Forcing Data Set
- Shallow-water seismoacoustic noise generated by tropical storms Ernesto and Florence
- Single Particle Composition and Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) Activity during the San Diego Wildfires 2007
- Small-Scale Turbulent Mixing in Southern Drake Passage
- Springtime Warming and Reduced Snow Cover from Carbonaceous Particles
- Structure of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Drake Passage From Direct Velocity Observations
- Study on data assimilation of vapor isotope with the ensemble Kalman filter
- Subantartcic mode water formation estimated from data assimilating model simulations
- Submicron Organic Aerosol Function Groups during the International Chemistry Experiment in the Arctic LOwer Troposphere (ICEALOT)
- Supporting EarthScope Cyber-Infrastructure with a Modern GPS Science Data System
- Synoptic Cloud Sensitivities: a New Lagrangian Diagnostic
- Testing for Holocene Hydroclimatic Change in the Sierras: New Insights From Fallen Leaf Lake, Lake Tahoe Basin, California
- Tetrafluoromethane in the global atmosphere
- The 2007 Mentawai earthquake sequence on the Sumatra megathrust
- The Behavior of Li in Subduction Zones with Implications for Fluid Cycling
- The EarthScope Array Network Facility: application-driven low-latency web-based tools for accessing high-resolution multi-channel waveform data
- The Effect of Pressure on the In Situ Variation of Velocity with Depth in IODP Hole U1309D
- The Force Balance of the Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation
- The Indian Ocean's Role in Ocean Carbon Uptake Over the Last Decade
- The Madden Julian Oscillation and convectively coupled waves in NOGAPS and COAMPS®
- The Mercury Gravity Field: MESSENGER Observations
- The Morphology and Distribution of Submerged Reefs in the Maui Nui Complex, Hawaii: New Insights Into Their Evolution Since the Early Pleistocene
- The Nicaragua - Costa Rica slab and wedge: imaging deep fluid pathways
- The Python Interface to Antelope and Applications
- The Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) Program, Climate Services, and Meeting the National Climate Change Adaptation Challenge
- The Role of Magma Replenishment in the Construction of the Lower 500m of the Layered Mafic Dufek Intrusion, Antarctica
- The dynamical influence of the inner core on the geomagnetic field
- The near-sonic rupture velocities of the intracontinental Kokoxili Mw 7.8 and Denali Fault Mw 7.9 strike-slip earthquakes imaged with teleseismic P-waves
- The new ICSU World Data System: Building on the 50 Year Legacy of the World Data Centers
- Theory and Applications of Variational, Sequential and Bayesian Hierarchical Methods in Data Assimilation
- Thirty years of change on Wilkins and Larsen ice shelves from multi-mission satellite altimetry
- Time-lapse photography of ice-shelf rift processes
- Timing and Characterization of the 8.2 ka Event With Atmospheric Gases (O2, CH4, N2, Ar)
- Toward Global Models of Lowermost Mantle Azimuthal Anisotropy Using Long-Period Body-Wave Data
- Toward a Cyberinfrastructure for the Ocean Observatories Initiative: Enabling Interactive Observation Within the Oceans
- Towards Realistic Global Geomagnetic Induction Modeling Using Scripted Finite Element Methods
- Transformation and pathway of Subpolar Mode Water in the northeastern Atlantic
- Tropical Pacific Nutrient Dynamics From the Late Quaternary to the Modern Ocean
- USCGC Healy science seawater system latency
- Uncertainty Estimates for Millennial Scale Geomgagnetic Field Models
- Understanding the Evolution of Organic Aerosols in the Mexico City Airshed in 2002, 2003 and 2006 using Positive Matrix Factorization
- Updated science systems on USCGC Healy
- Using Tidal Signals in ICESat Data to Characterize the Grounding Zones of Siple Coast Ice Streams
- Using fracture zones magnetic anomalies to unravel the long-term behavior of the geomagnetic field
- Ventilation History of the Tropical Atlantic Thermocline: New Insights From the Sensitivity of Foraminifera to Water Mass Nutrient Concentrations
- Vertical Heat Transport in Eddying Ocean Models
- Vertical Structure of the Turbulent Dissipation Rate in the Surfzone
- Wave-driven Littoral Subcells in the Southern California Bight
- Young Saucer-Shaped Sills Within Rapidly Accumulated Sediments of the Central Gulf of California
- 2-D tomographic imaging of continental crust and relic slab beneath Baja California
- A Buckling Model for the Flattening and Equatorial Ridge of Iapetus
- A Climate Model Investigation of Lower-Atmospheric Wind Speed Biases over Wind Farm Development Regions of the Continental United States
- A Comparison of Single Particle Composition and CCN Activity during the 2007 and 2008 San Diego Wildfires
- A Hypothesis on the Link Between Outer-Rise Faults, Water, and Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes
- A Regime Diagram for Subduction
- A coral-based reconstruction of Atlantic sea surface temperature trends and variability since 1552 (Invited)
- A modeling system for predicting the impact of severe storms on the U.S. West Coast
- A three-dimensional tomographic velocity model above Mid Atlantic magma chamber from simulated seafloor multi-channel seismic refraction experiment
- AMS Constraints on Initial Magma Flow in Sills: An Icelandic Analog For Crustal Accretion At Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Active faulting and seismicity across the SW Gulf of California plate margin: anomalous rifting at slow geologic rates 2-3 m.y. after spreading initiated
- Aerosol Chemical, Physical, and Optical Properties Over an Ice-Free Region of the Arctic During the International Chemistry Experiment in the Arctic LOwer Troposphere (ICEALOT)
- An examination of dipole moment variations for 0-2 Ma
- Anomalous export of tropical water vapor to western North America during the current decade
- Array processing for observing Earth's "hum" and microseisms
- Aspects of orogenic mesoscale convective organization admitted by a global multi-scale climate modeling framework
- Atmosphere -> Ocean Waves -> Seismic Signals: Solid Earth - Climate Connections (Invited)
- Atmospheric Nitrogen Trifluoride: Optimized emission estimates using 2-D and 3-D Chemical Transport Models from 1973-2008
- Atmospheric Sulfur Hexafluoride: Measurements and Emission Estimates from 1970 - 2008
- Biases in Time-Averaged Field and Paleosecular Variation Studies
- Brave New Media World: A Science Communications Voyage to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
- Broader Impacts Demystified (Invited)
- Building a Rich Community-Contributed Phenology Dataset: Lessons Learned from Winegrapes in California’s Napa Valley
- California's wind energy resource: seasonal, synoptic, and diurnal characteristics, and variability on several time scales
- Carbohydrate-Like Composition of Submicron Atmospheric Particles and their Production from Ocean Bubble Bursting
- Cataloguing Severe Winter Cold Snaps in the Eastern and Midwestern United States for Medium-Range Predictability
- Changing timing of the onset of spring in western North America—An update (Invited)
- Climate change and water-supply availability across the western US in the coming century (Invited)
- Climatic influence on rift structure: Axial rift evolution in Guaymas Basin during the past 250,000 years
- Coastal Jets and Upwelling Events in the Humboldt Current System
- Comparing Earthquake Simulators That Include Rate and State Friction
- Constraining aerosol histories with modeled and observed clear-sky surface solar radiation fluxes in Asia and Europe
- Constraints on early Gulf of California rifting from seismic images across the eastern margin of Guaymas Basin
- Containing Climate Change With Black Carbon Reductions: A Grand Challenge Field Experiment
- Coseismic Slip Model of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Derived From Joint Inversion of InSAR, GPS and Field Data
- Coupled Feedback and Ocean Heat Transport in the Simulation of ITCZ
- Crustal Structure of the Himalayan Foothills using Noise Correlation Tomography
- D/H Ratios From Sierra Nevada Varved Lake Sediments Record Decadal Hydroclimate Variability During The Medieval Period
- Deep seafloor arrivals - A new set of arrivals in long-range ocean acoustic propagation
- Detection of high-frequency radiation sources during the 2004 Parkfield earthquake by a matched filter analysis
- Development of Atmospheric Chemistry-Aerosol Transport Model for Bioavailable Iron From Dust and Combustion Source
- Development of InSAR tropospheric correction maps using continuous GPS data and weather models
- Do climate models reproduce observed solar dimming and brightening over China and Japan?
- Dual-Frequency Coherence of Seismic Tremor and Source Properties
- Dynamical State and Parameter Estimation (Invited)
- Efficient spectral estimation for time series with intermittent gaps
- Episodic Recurrence of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly?
- Estimating the Distribution of Noise Sources in Ambient Noise Derived Green’s Functions
- Ethane and propane emissions to the ocean and atmosphere from 550-1200 m seeps in the Gulf of Mexico
- Evaluating the Significance of Subglacial Lakes in the Context of an Ice Sheet Water Model
- Evidence for subduction of upper plate serpentine at the western edge of the Caribbean plate
- Evolution of Seawater 44Ca/40Ca Through the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic
- Expanded Coverage of Shallow and Deep Seismic Velocity Structure at Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex
- Expansion of the On-line Archive "Statistically Downscaled WCRP CMIP3 Climate Projections"
- Faulting, Seismicity and Stress Interaction in the Salton Sea Region of Southern California
- Fire Regime and Ecosystem Effects of Climate-driven Changes in Rocky Mountains Hydrology
- First Results from the Scarborough Marine EM Survey
- Friction and Plasticity at Seismic Slip Speeds: Experiments and Theory
- Full and Constrained Moment Tensor Inversions of Basal Icequakes Beneath Gornergletscher, Switzerland (Invited)
- Fundamental and Higher-order Rayleigh Wave Characteristics of the New Zealand Ambient Seismic Noise Field
- Future Changes in Low-Level Temperature Inversions in California
- GPS Observations Following the Sept. 30, 2009, Padang Earthquake
- Generation of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes and the Role of Water from the Subducting Plate (Invited)
- Geomagnetic intensity spike recorded in high resolution slag deposit in southern Jordan
- Geophysical Investigation of Yahtse Glacier, Alaska USA (Invited)
- Gravitational settling in the Ar/N2 Ratio observed during the START08 and HIPPO-Global Airborne campaigns
- HYFLUX: Satellite Inventory and Sea-Truth for Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate System
- Helium and carbon isotope systematics of Rungwe geothermal gases and fluids; southern Tanzania
- High-Precision Global Geodetic Systems: Revolution And Revelation In Fluid And 'Solid' Earth Tracking (Invited)
- Icequake Tremors During Glacier Calving (Invited)
- Impacts of Asian Dust on Cloud Microphysics and Precipitation during an Atmospheric River
- Improved data capacity using bandwidth acceleration in HiSeasNet
- InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (Invited)
- Influence of anisotropic viscosity on mantle flow patterns near plate boundaries-- implementation for general, flow-induced olivine texture
- Information Infrastructure, Information Environments, and Long-Term Collaboration
- Initial Progress in Developing the New ICSU World Data System
- Initial Report on In Situ Measurements of Major Anthropogenic Halocarbons for Understanding Trends and Usage Patterns in Northeast Asia
- Insights into the mechanism of the Northern Gulf of Mexico MS 5.3 "Green Canyon event" of 10 February 2006
- Instrumental, Theoretical, Temporal, and Statistical Challenges in the Search for Transient Deformations (Invited)
- Intercomparison of PBO Borehole-Strainmeters and -Seismometers in Anza, California with Nearby Surficial Broadband Seismometers
- Internal structure of multiple Eocene climatic warming events from Demerara Rise
- Interseismic Strain Accumulation in the Imperial Valley and Implications for Triggering of Large Earthquakes in Southern California
- Investigation of Aerosol Effect on Cloud Optical Depth using a Chemical Transport Model Constrained by Satellite Observations
- It’s our Fault: Immersing Young Learners in Authentic Practices of Seismology
- LTER Community Resources: Unit Dictionary and Unit Registry
- Landslide Versus Splay: The Source of the Near-Field Tsunami of 1 April 1946
- Large-scale impact of anthropogenic mercury during the 1970s revealed by polar firn air
- Long Range Hydroacoustic Propagation from Small Explosives to Large Tectonic Events (Invited)
- Magnetic characterization of the late Paleocene-early Eocene Cicogna section (NE Italy): climate forcing on sedimentation
- Magnetite Formation in Submarine Basaltic Glass: Insights From Synthetic Analogues
- Manifestation of Aerosol Indirect Effects in Arctic Clouds
- Mechanics and Evolution of Long-Offset Oceanic Transform Faults: Insights From Numerical Experiments
- Microseisms and Globally Widespread Changes in Extreme Storm Frequency (Invited)
- Modeling study on the factors affecting regional air quality during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
- Modelling Steady Magmatic Inflation at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- Monitoring the Dynamic Properties of an active Mud Volcano in the West Nile Delta
- Morphology and Organic Functional Group Composition of Submicron Single Particles Collected in the Continentally-Influenced Marine Boundary Layer of the Southeast Pacific during VOCALS-REx 2008
- Motion Between the Indian, African and Antarctic Plates in the Early Cenozoic
- NSF EarthScope USArray Transportable Array Catalog and Magnitude Comparisons
- Near Real-time Visualization of the Coastal Ocean: A Google Maps Approach
- Nitrogen isotope geochemistry as a volatile tracer of the deep mantle: insights from Iceland
- Observational and model evidence for positive low-level cloud feedback (Invited)
- Ocean Bottom Mapping with Ambient Noise and Adaptive Array Processing
- Oceanic Controls on Ice Shelf Basal Melt Rate Following a Large Calving Event
- Oldoinyo Lengai gas chemistry from 2005 to 2009: Insights to carbonatite-nephelinite volcanism
- Optical Seismometers: Borehole and Vault Applications
- Origin and Significance of Magnetic Anisotropy in the Dufek Layered Intrusion
- Origin of ice diapirism, true polar wander, subsurface ocean, and tiger stripes of Enceladus driven by compositional convection
- Paleosecular variation analysis of high-latitude paleomagnetic data from the volcanic island of Jan Mayen
- Perfluorocarbons in the global atmosphere: a) Measurements of tetrafluoromethane, hexafluoroethane, and octafluoropropane
- Perfluorocarbons in the global atmosphere: b) Emission estimates using inversions of atmospheric observations of tetrafluoromethane, hexafluoroethane, and octafluoropropane
- Pn and Sn Tomography of the Western United States Using USArray
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) as Biomarkers of Regional Fire in the Paleorecord
- Pore Water Data From Three Gas Hydrate Sites in the Gulf of Mexico: First Results From the HyFlux Project
- Precipitation Volatility and the Probability of Daily Extremes (Invited)
- Preliminary Results from a High Resolution 0.1° Global Coupled Ocean-Ice Simulation
- Preliminary results from the Gulf of Mexico gas hydrate CSEM experiment
- Probing the atmosphere and atmospheric events using dense seismic networks (Invited)
- Probing the atmosphere with the USArray
- Progress towards Taylor State Models of the Core
- Rapid Detection and Characterization of Medium to Large Earthquakes Using Absolute Displacement Waveforms from GPS and Seismic Data
- Rapid Determination of Near-Fault Earthquake Deformation using LIDAR
- Rayleigh Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy Observed during the Hawaiian PLUME Project
- Rayleigh-wave Group Velocity Tomography in the Vicinity of the Hawaiian Hotspot
- Reconstructing the Geomagnetic Field of the Past 10 kyrs
- Records of Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Back to ~1950 AD from Greenland Firn Air
- Relationship Between Fault Creep and Shallow Stress Accumulation Rate
- Repeated GPS surveys of the salar de Uyuni for continued calibration of ICESat altimeter data
- Resolving Lithospheric Interfaces Using SS Waveform Stacks
- Resolving P-wave travel-time anomalies using seismic array observations of oceanic storms
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Building the Data Pipeline - Initial Results
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Fleetwide Standard Underway Data Products
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): How to Systematically Document Quality for the New Era of Data Re-Usability?
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Technical Design - Experiences and Lessons (Invited)
- Science at Sea: Meeting Future Oceanographic Goals with a Robust Academic Research Fleet
- Seafloor horizontal positioning from a continuously operating buoy-based GPS-acoustic array
- Searching for evidence of a preferred rupture direction in small earthquakes at Parkfield
- Seismic signatures of advancing and retreating tidewater glaciers
- Seismo-acoustic events recorded at the USArray
- Self-consistent Models of Postseismic and Interseismic Deformation due to Mature Strike-slip Faults (Invited)
- Sensitivity of Runoff to Climate Warming over the Western U.S
- Simulation of Satellite Observations of Induced Magnetic Fields using Scripted Finite Element Methods
- Single-site estimation of phase velocities and deformation monitoring at the SAFOD borehole using an optical fiber, interferometric strainmeter
- Solid Earth Science Data System for Exploration of Lithospheric Deformation in the Western US
- Sonification of Earthquake Data: From Wiggles to Pops, Booms and Rumbles
- Statistical Downscaling of Wind Speeds for California Wind Energy with an Application to 21st Century Climate
- Subevents of long-period seismicity during the 2004-2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Sulfate-Reducing Ammonium Oxidation: A Thermodynamically Feasible Metabolic Pathway in Subseafloor Sediment
- Surface Meltwater Lakes in Greenland Observed through ICESat Repeat-track Analysis
- The Diurnal Cycle of GPS Precipitable Water in California
- The Dupal isotope anomaly in the Paleo-Asian sub-oceanic mantle: Nd-Sr-Pb isotope evidence from ophiolites in Northern China
- The Earthscope USArray Array Network Facility (ANF): Evolution of Data Acquisition, Processing, and Storage Systems
- The Global Fracture Zone and Magnetic Lineation Project
- The Influence of Antecedent Soil Moisture on Springtime Runoff in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- The MagIC Database: A Rock- and Paleomagnetic Online Comprehensive Archive, Scientific Analysis Environment, and Rich Visualization Platform
- The Rationale for a New High-resolution Imaging Radar Mission to Venus
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP): Rift Processes and Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough (Invited)
- The Sea of Marmara, within the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault : an unique site to study the relations between fluid seepage and seismic activity using seafloor observatories
- The Waveform Server: A Web-based Interactive Seismic Waveform Interface
- The biogeography of export productivity across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary as inferred from sediment mixing and biogenic barium
- The ecology of benthic foraminifera associated with methane seeps offshore Costa Rica
- The effect of wildfires on atmospheric heating rates as measured by unmanned aircraft
- The influence of aseismic creep patches on the seismic cycles on Megathrust
- The influence of spatial variations in fault friction on earthquake ruptures and interseismic coupling
- Time Series, Velocity, Transient Deformation, and Strain Data Products from the PBO and Other Geophysical Networks in Western North America
- Top-down Estimation of Emission Strengths of Major Anthropogenic Halocarbons from China Using High-frequency Measurements with HCFC-22/HFC-23 as Tracers
- Transition from Slow to Fast Slip with Temperature, Forcing Velocity and Normal Stress: Experimental Evidence
- Upper Crustal Anisotropy in Southern California from Local Earthquake Shear Wave Splitting
- Upper plate controls on deep subduction, trench migrations and deformations at convergent margins
- Using Passive Seismicity to Characterize and Quantify Tidewater Glacier Dynamics
- Using Seismic Signals as a Quality Assessment Tool of USArray stations at the Array Network Facility
- Using unmanned aircraft to measure the impact of pollution plumes on atmospheric heating rates and cloud properties during the Cheju ABC Plume-Asian Monsoon Experiment (CAPMEX)
- What if the Sun enters a Maunder Minimum tomorrow?
- Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD): Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats (Invited)
- 0-2 Ma Paleomagnetic Field Behavior from Lava Flow Data Sets
- A 21st Century Observing System for Forcings of Extreme Precipitation and Flood Events in California
- A Joint Rayleigh and Love Wave Analysis for the Hawaiian PLUME Project
- A Review of Marine Geophysical Constraints on the Motion Between East and West Antarctica in the Cenozoic (Invited)
- A Solid Earth educational module, co-operatively developed by scientists and high school teachers through the Scripps Classroom Connection GK12 Program
- A high resolution, one million year record of extraterrestrial 3Helium from the Shatsky Rise (site 1209) following the K/T impact
- A holistic approach to understanding the N isotopic composition (d15N) of deep-sea sediments: diatom-bound, foraminifera-bound, whole sediment and modern nitrate d15N from the equatorial Pacific
- A new eruptive model for the 1.61 Ma eruption of the Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Abundance and isotope systematics of carbon in subglacial basalts, geothermal gases and fluids from Iceland's rift zones
- Adjoint sensitivity studies of coastal upwelling at northeast of Taiwan
- Adjoint tomography using Green's functions from ambient noise
- Air-sea Fluxes and Mode Waters in an Eddy Resolving Ocean Data Assimilating Southern Ocean State Estimate (SOSE) (Invited)
- Aircraft and shipboard measurements of aerosol mixing state in southern and northern California during the Calnex 2010 and CARES field campaigns (Invited)
- Albedo, clouds and climate sensitivity in the CMIP3 models
- Alongshore Shear-Dispersion of Surfzone Drifters: The Effect of a Finite Lagrangian Time-Scale
- An Australian contribution to CryoSat-II cal/val in East Antarctica including the Totten glacier region
- An Investigation of Lower-Atmospheric Wind Speed Biases Over Wind Farm Development Regions of the Continental United States: Results from Gcm-Driven Mesoscale Simulations
- An Observed Poleward Shift of the Polar Front in Drake Passage
- An examination of ``before'' and ``after'' bathymetry for uplift of the sea floor following the Feb. 27, 2010 Maule, Chile Earthquake
- Analysis of fundamental and higher mode surface waves from noise correlation near Eastern Pacific Rise
- Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 318 to Wilkes Land (Invited)
- Archeointensity variations in India from 1400 BC to 1200 AD
- Argo measurements of Madden-Julian Oscillation mixed-layer variability
- Assessing XCTD Fall Rate Errors using Concurrent XCTD and CTD Profiles in the Southern Ocean
- Atmospheric Wind Relaxations and the Oceanic Response in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
- Atmospheric trend and emission estimates for HFC-43-10mee (1999 to 2010)
- Automated sensor networks to advance ocean science
- Biogeochemical Cycling and Methane Production in Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Offshore Southeast India
- Black Carbon : Impacts on Local, Regional and Global Environment and Climate (Invited)
- Boussinesq modeling of HB06 tracer releases Part 1: Wave and current model-data comparisons
- Boussinesq modeling of HB06 tracer releases Part 2: Tracer plumes
- Brave New Media World: Science Communication Voyages through the Global Seas
- CALS10k.1: A geomagnetic field model spanning 10~kyr
- Capturing fracture propagation in a glacier using passive seismology
- Cascadia Tremor Spectra from Beamforming Fall Off as Frequency Squared
- Case Study in Detection of Transient Crustal Deformation
- Changes in the Timing of Phytoplankton Blooms Related to Diminished Ice Cover in the Arctic
- Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity Associated with Chemical Composition and Precipitation Events
- Coastal carbonate chemistry dynamics associated with macrophyte systems
- Coatings of black carbon in Tijuana, Mexico, during the CalMex Campaign
- Combined Analysis of CGPS-Derived Velocity and Deformation Fields in the Western U.S
- Combining High Rate GPS and Strong Motion Data: A Kalman Filter Formulation for Real-Time Displacement Waveforms
- Comparing Water Vapor Estimates From AIRS and a Preliminary NVAP Reprocessed Data Set
- Comparison of the Microseismic Signature of Hurricanes Katrina (2005) and Ioke (2006)
- Composition and Morphology of Individual Combustion, Biomass Burning, and Secondary Organic Particle Types Obtained Using ATOFMS and STXM-NEXAFS Measurements (Invited)
- Constraining Aerosol Distributions in Asia by Integrating Models with Multi-sensor Observations (Invited)
- Constraining carbon input for early-middle Eocene 'hyperthermals'
- Construction of Three Dimensional Geometry for Greenland Supraglacial Lake Basins and Estimation of Lake Water Volume from ICESat data
- Continuous measurements of dissolved oxygen isotopes in the California coastal ocean
- Coseismic Offsets on PBO Borehole Strainmeters: Real, or Spurious?
- Coseismic slip distribution of the February 27, 2010 Mw 8.9 Maule, Chile earthquake
- Cyclo-octafluorobutane (PFC-318) in the global atmosphere
- D.E.E.P. Learning: Promoting Informal STEM Learning through Ocean Research Simulation Games
- Deep Water Cycle: its Role in Earth's Thermal Evolution and Plate Tectonics
- Deep structure in rifted crust at the ocean-continent margin in the northwestern Ross Sea
- Dense Regional GPS Networks for Real-Time Crustal Motion and Seismic Monitoring (Invited)
- Dependency of black-carbon-induced atmospheric warming on the concentration of sulphate and organic aerosols
- Design and Applications of the SAMI-pH Sensor
- Detailed Axial Morphology of the Chile Rise as it Approaches the Chile Triple Junction
- Detecting Mantle Anisotropy with Marine CSEM Sounding
- Development of an Integrated Model for the Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation Methods Relating to the Preservation of Urban Coastal Cultural Heritage
- Did 2010 Mw 8.8 Chile earthquake fill the seismic gap? Insight by tsunami and InSAR data
- Distinct differences in crustal structure and radial anisotropy along two seismic profiles in the North China Craton by ambient noise analysis
- Donax do and don't tell: The relationship of isotopic and elemental variations to environmental conditions in the shell chemistry of a common intertidal bivalve
- Dynamics of iceberg detachment and mélange motion during the August 21, 2009, calving event at Jakobshavn Isbræ
- Effects of Composition, Melt, and Fluids on Electrical Resistivity With Application to Magnetotelluric Investigations
- Electromagnetic imaging the of the Pacific-North American plate boundary in central California, USA
- Enhanced Biological Processes at a Frontal Zone in the Southern California Current System: A Model and Data Synthesis
- Enhanced Cloud Regime Classification for Evaluation of Model Fast Physics
- Evaluation of Tropospheric Zenith Delays Estimated from GPS Data and Derived from Weather Model Water Vapor Data, in the Context of InSAR Tropospheric Correction
- Evidence of Recent Warming in Polar Latitudes from Borehole Temperature
- Exploring Lithospheric Deformation of Western US with Large GPS Networks
- Exploring the impact of model and data uncertainties in the detection and attribution of upper-ocean warming (Invited)
- Export Production in the Southern Ocean Estimated from Satellite Ocean Color Data and Seasonal Variations in Atmospheric Potential Oxygen
- Extracting complex subglacial water dynamics through tight coupling of flow models to airborne radar sounding and satellite altimetry
- Fault depth and seismic moment rate estimates of the San Andreas Fault System: Observations from seismology and geodesy
- First Results from SERPENT Marine MT Study
- Future Dry Spells in the Southwest US Aggravated by Climate Warming (Invited)
- GMTSAR Software for Rapid Assessment of Earthquakes
- GPS coseismic and postseismic surface displacements of the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake
- Geochemistry of post-spreading lavas from fossil Mathematician and Galapagos spreading axes, revisited
- Geodetic Seamless Archive Centers Modernization - Information Technology for Exploiting the Data Explosion
- Geomagnetic field intensity: How high can it get? How fast can it change? Constraints from Iron Age copper-slag
- Grass Roots Design for the Ocean Science of Tomorrow
- He-Ne-Ar isotope studies of mafic volcanic rocks and mantle xenoliths from the East African Rift System - contrasting isotope signals in different rift branches
- Hear it, See it, Explore it: Visualizations and Sonifications of Seismic Signals
- Heat flow in the Gulf of California: effects of recent magmatism and hydrothermal circulation
- High-Resolution Seafloor Bathymetry of the Rupture Area "Before" and "After" the Magnitude 8.8 Chilean Earthquake of 2010
- High-velocity, Aseismic Lower Crust Inboard of the High Himalaya: An Eclogite Conundrum
- History of Atmospheric SF6 Emissions from 1973 to 2008
- Holocene Tectonic and Sedimentary Evolution of Coastal San Diego
- Hydrologic sensitivities to warming temperatures in the Colorado River basin
- Hydrothermal Exploration at the Chile Triple Junction - ABE's last adventure?
- ICESat's contribution to advancing our understanding of ice sheet processes (Invited)
- Ice Surface Velocity Changes On and Around Active Subglacial Lakes Whillans and Mercer Ice Streams, West Antarctica
- Imaging Earth Structure and Microseism Sources Using Seismic Array Observations of Oceanic Storms
- Imaging the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary beneath the Pacific using SS Waveform Modeling
- Impact of California's Air Pollution Laws on Black Carbon and their Implications for Direct Radiative Forcing
- In the Footsteps of Roger Revelle: a Partnership between SIO, ONR and Middle School Science Students
- InSAR Scientific Computing Environment
- Infrasonic Observations of Ground Shaking along the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor Rupture
- Infrasonic source location imaging with the USArray: Application to one year of seismic data
- Inter-annual Comparison of New Particle Formation Chemistry and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements at a Remote Rural Mountain Site
- Investigating the Atlantic Warm Pool Impact on Precipitation Variability Over the Continental United States (Invited)
- Investigations into early rift development and geothermal resources in the Pyramid Lake fault zone, Western Nevada
- Investigations of a novel fauna from hydrothermal vents along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR) (Invited)
- Large-Scale Pockmarks on the West Margin of Baja California
- Long-Term Hydrogeochemical Records from Ocean Drilling Program Borhehole Observatories in the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Magnetic Response and Redox Reaction Texture in Basaltic Glass, Interrelated (Invited)
- Magnetic mineralogy of ash flow tuffs: Teasing out effects of emplacement and post-emplacement conditions
- Mainshock/Aftershock Sequences Within the Heterogeneous San Jacinto Fault Zone: Assessing if Empirical Green's Function Methods Produce Reliable Results
- Mantle P-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Hawaiian Hotspot
- Marine Ecosystem Response to Rapid Climate Warming on the West Antarctic Peninsula (Invited)
- Measurement of Turbulent Water Vapor Fluxes from Lightweight Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Mesoscale and submesoscale thermohaline structure in the California Current System from glider observations
- Microbial Carbon Pump ---A New Mechanism for Long-Term Carbon Storage in the Global Ocean (Invited)
- Microphysics Parameterization in Convection and its Effects on Cloud Simulation in the NCAR CAM5
- Miniaturization and Autonomous Deployment of the Optical Fiber Infrasound Sensor
- Modeling shallow slip deficit in large strike-slip earthquakes using simulations of spontaneous earthquake sequences in elasto-plastic media
- Modelling the fate of the Tijuana River discharge plume
- New Daily Downscaled Information at the "Bias-Corrected Downscaled WCRP CMIP3 Climate Projections" online archive
- North American Monsoon Onset In California As Indicated by GPS Precipitable Water
- Nudged and forecast simulations in a multiscale modeling framework - maximizing the use of high value intermittent observations
- Numerical Simulations of Lithospheric Shear Zones Associated with Strike-Slip Faults
- Observations and Modeling of the Mw 7.2 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake with Real-Time High-Rate GPS and Accelerometer Data: Implications for Earthquake Early Warning and Rapid Response (Invited)
- Observations of the Mindanao Current and the North Equatorial Current (Invited)
- Observed Latitudinal Shift in Storm Track Cloudiness During Recent Decades
- Orogenic propagating precipitation systems over the US in a global climate model with embedded explicit convection
- PSI of the oceanic internal tide
- Paleointensity Using Copper Slag Material: Extending Accuracy and Time Resolution of Geomagnetic Field Intensity Records (Invited)
- Paleointensity results from the mid Jurassic: Submarine basaltic glasses of ODP Site 801C
- Persistent data archives, data publication, authorship and scientific recognition (Invited)
- Precise Geodetic Infrastructure: National Requirements for a Shared Resource
- Predictable variability in the neutral sugar composition of DOM in the North Atlantic and South Pacific Ocean
- Predictive Relationships for pH and Carbonate Saturation in the Southern California Current System Using Oxygen and Temperature Data
- Preliminary Results From the Serpentinite, Extension and Regional Porosity Experiment Across the Nicaraguan Trench (SERPENT)
- Prevalence of ketonic carbonyl groups in submicron particles from a boreal forest in Hyytiälä, Finland during HUMPPA-COPEC 2010
- Properties of the magmatic system that feeds Yellowstone inferred from 3-D electrical conductivity model
- Quality Control and Application of Oxygen Data from Profiling Floats
- Quantifying the Benefits of Different Management Approaches to Climate Change on the Colorado River Water Supply
- Rapid Modeling of and Response to Large Earthquakes Using Real-Time GPS Networks (Invited)
- Real-Time In-Situ Measurements for Earthquake Early Warning and Space-Borne Deformation Measurement Mission Support
- Real-time science and outreach from the UNOLS fleet via HiSeasNet
- Recent Advances in Climate Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation Studies in California
- Recent Advances in the MagIC Online Database: Rock- and Paleomagnetic Data Archiving, Analysis, and Visualization
- Resistivity and seismic structure at southern Hydrate Ridge
- Revised East-West Antarctic plate motions since the Middle Eocene
- Role of Black Carbon and Absorbing Organic Carbon Aerosols in Surface Dimming Trends
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Next Steps in Ocean Exploration for Data Dissemination and Discovery
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Organizing Datasets from Heterogeneous Shipboard Data into an Integrated Catalog
- Routing of terrigenous clastics to oceanic basins in the southern Gulf of California, inherited from features of the pre-spreading protogulf
- Seismic Structure and Inferred Lithology of the Heterogeneous Upper Lithosphere at Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex, 30°N MAR
- Seismic Structure of Volcanic Edifice and Lava Lake at the Lucky Strike Volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Seismotectonics of the 2010 El Mayor Cucapah - Indiviso Earthquake and its Relation to Seismic Hazard in Southern California
- Sensitivity of western boundary transport at NEC bifurcation latitude to wind forcing
- Shared Semantics for Oceanographic Research: Development of Standard ``Cruise-Level'' Metadata
- Shear wave splitting in the Parkfield pilot hole from cross-correlation of seismic noise
- Simulating Geomagnetic Depth Sounding using a Time-domain Finite Element Method: Effects of Asymmetric External Source Fields
- Slab width control on current global plate and trench velocities, and on Cenozoic western North America tectonics
- Slip on faults in the Imperial Valley Triggered by the 4 April 2010 Mw 7.2 El Major earthquake as revealed by InSAR
- Some Connections Between the Solar Wind, Barometric Pressure, Geomagnetism, and Seismic Background Noise
- Source Signatures of Organic Compounds in the Particle Phase in Bakersfield, CA
- Southern California Beaches during the El Niño Winter of 2009/2010
- Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Alpine Icequakes During Three Seasons of Glacier-Dammed Lake Drainages: Gornergletscher Switzerland
- Stability of biases in daily climate model data: implications for downscaling
- Static Rupture Model of the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake from ALOS, ENVISAT, SPOT and GPS Data
- Surface forcing of ocean heat content in Drake Passage
- Surfzone Tracer Transport and Dispersion during the IB09 Field Experiment
- Teaching Ocean Sciences in the 21st Century Classroom: Lab to Classroom Videoconferencing
- Tectonic Implications of the Coupled Motions of India and Africa in the Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic
- Tectonics, Microbes and Ice: Subglacial volcanism as a generator for microbial habitat beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The 2010 (M 8.8) Maule, Chile Earthquake: An Overview of the Emergency Geodetic Response and Some of its Early Findings (Invited)
- The Airy phase in oceanic Rayleigh and Scholte waves
- The Effect of Redox Mechanisms on the Fractionation of Uranium `Stable' Isotopes
- The Geodetic Seamless Archive Centers Service Layer: A System Architecture for Federating Geodesy Data Repositories
- The ICSU World Data System: From Concept to Reality
- The Influence of Damage on Drip Instabilities in Continental Lithosphere
- The Mw8.8 2010 Maule, Chile Earthquake: Significant slip occurred only above the continental Moho
- The NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure and the open availability of related climate data
- The SAFOD Optical Fiber Strainmeter
- The Slow and Bilateral Rupture Process of the 2010 M 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake Inferred from Local and Teleseismic Data
- The impact of port emissions and marine biogenics on the single-particle chemistry of marine aerosol measured on board the R/V Atlantis during the CalNEX 2010 field campaign
- The isotopic composition of oxygen in atmospheric CO2 and El Niño: a new constraint on global productivity
- The mean and time-variability of the shallow meridional overturning circulation in the tropical South Pacific Ocean
- The model atmospheric response to the meso-scale SST variations along the Polar Front in Drake Passage
- Thermochemical plume models can reconcile upper-mantle seismic velocity structure beneath Hawaii
- Three decades of change on Antarctica's major ice shelves from multi-mission satellite radar altimetry
- Time-Domain vs. Frequency-Domain CSEM: Implications for Marine Exploration
- Tomography of the Mojavian Lithosphere Viscosity from Space Geodetic data of the Landers and Hector Mine Earthquakes
- Top-down Validation of Global and East Asian Emissions of Tetrafluoromethane and Hexaflurorethane
- Towards inferring earthquake patterns from geodetic observations of interseismic coupling (Invited)
- Towards millenial-timescale geodynamo models with zero viscosity
- Towards understanding carbon recycling at subduction zones - lessons from Central America
- Triggered Fault Slip in Southern California Associated with the 2010 Sierra El Mayor-Cucapah, Baja California, Mexico, Earthquake
- Uppermost mantle velocity structure obtained from USArray regional phase data
- Using acoustic monitoring to observe and interrelate ambient noise, sea ice dynamics, marine mammal distributions, and anthropogenic activity in the Alaskan Arctic
- Web-based access to near real-time and archived high-density time-series data: cyber infrastructure challenges & developments in the open-source Waveform Server
- What do formal inversions of space geodetic data tell us about fault slip rates? Examples from Southern California. (Invited)
- What is in the flask? Going beyond inventories
- 3D Numerical Models of Co-Eruptive Volcanic Vent Evolution and Influence on Eruptive Dynamics
- A "tropical" Early Eocene marine environment on the Antarctic margin: TEX86 results from IODP expedition 318
- A Geochemical Analysis of the Formation and Preservation of Biosignatures in Subseafloor Basalt Glasses
- A Global Assessment of Oceanic Heat Loss: Conductive Cooling and Hydrothermal Redistribution of Heat
- A geochemical comparison of alkalic lavas in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, peninsular Baja California and intraplate volcanoes in the eastern Pacific
- A mechanism for preseismic steady rupture fronts observed in laboratory experiments
- A meta-analysis of deuterium-excess in water vapor in the atmospheric surface layer in mid-latitudes
- A new visualization of the motion of the Indian Plate in the Cenozoic
- A sequence of distinct dynamic ruptures in the early stage of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- A tremor detector based on Gaussianity differences
- Acoustic Bright Spot Monitoring for Target Tracking and Characterization
- An Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of an eddy permitting state estimate of the Peruvian Current System
- An analysis of the Infrasound Atmospheric Sounding problem
- Analysis of Trends in the Seasonal Cycle of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Northern Hemisphere from 1958 to 2010
- Are Heinrich Stadials Required or Optional for Terminations?
- Basal Channels of Amery Ice Shelf from ICESat Data
- Can we estimate the mass balance of the Gulf of Alaska glaciers from satellite altimetry?
- Canadian Arctic Archipelago Glacier Contributions to Sea Level: 1950-2011
- Changes in extratropical storm track cloudiness 1983-2008: Observational support for a poleward shift
- Climate Variability and Water-Regulation Effects on Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in California's Central Valley
- Climate and Air Pollution Impacts on Indian Agriculture, 1979-2009
- Co-located pore pressure and volumetric strain at Plate Boundary Observatory boreholes
- Coastal Ground Motions From Local Ocean Waves in Southern California
- Coherent Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy for Contrasting Organic Aerosol Particles from Boreal and Tropical Forests during HUMPPA-COPEC-2010 and AMAZE-08
- Communicating Ocean Sciences College Courses: Science Faculty and Educators Working and Learning Together
- Complex rupture modes of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake inferred from teleseismic and local waveforms
- Composition of California coastal marine aerosol particles measured during CalNex 2010 and E-PEACE 2011
- Constraints on ocean and atmospheric models with high-resolution airborne observations of the O2/N2 ratio
- Constructing a history of elevation changes over Antarctic ice shelves from multi-mission satellite radar altimetry
- Continuing the Whillans Ice Stream subglacial lake record with GPS
- Critical Infrastructure for Ocean Research and Societal Needs in 2030
- Crustal Deformation along the Dead Sea Transform and Carmel Fault Inferred from 12 years of GPS Measurements in Israel
- Current results from the Serpentinite, Extension, and Regional Porosity Experiment across the Nicaraguan Trench
- Cyclo-octafluorobutane (PFC-318, c-C<SUB>4</SUB>F<SUB>8</SUB>) in the global atmosphere
- D.E.E.P. Learning: Promoting Informal STEM Learning through a Popular Gaming Platform
- DSCOVR: A New Perspective for Earth Observations from Space. Synergism and Complementarity with Existing Platforms
- Dark Oligotrophic Volcanic Ecosystems (DOVEs) in Fumarolic Ice Caves of Mt. Erebus Volcano
- Data stream mobility across shipboard satellite networks
- Detailed Surface Structure in High-Resolution Bathymetry and Backscatter from the CRISP 3D Seismic Experiment, Offshore Costa Rica
- Detection of Asian Dust in California Orographic Precipitation
- Detection of sediment compaction and disturbance of marine sediments with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS)
- Determination of the sources and impacts of aerosols on clouds and orographic precipitation during CalWater
- Determining the depth of seismic anisotropy beneath the Western United States using mantle flow models
- Development of Unmanned Airborne System (UAS) instrumentation for air-sea-ice interaction research
- Direct Measurement of Cloud Condensation Nuclei Chemistry using a New Microfluidic Instrument During the CalWater 2011 Campaign
- Diversity of hydrologic responses to summer and winter warming in the Columbia River basin
- Double layering of thermochemical-plume material can reconcile upper-mantle seismic velocity structure beneath Hawaii
- Dynamic Models of Stress Transfer From Plate Motion to Seismogenic Faults
- Dynamic seismic moment tensor creation for the Antelope Environmental Monitoring System
- Early Eocene cyclicity at the Wilkes Land Margin, Antarctica: Orbital forcing and environmental response
- Early to Mid-Pleistocene Warm Events at the Antarctic Margin
- Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment (E-PEACE) 2011: Design and Highlights
- Ecosystem Impacts of Geoengineering: A Review for Developing a Science Plan
- Effect of the Reunion plume head on Indo-Atlantic plate motions: evidence from the bend along the Southwest Indian ridge fracture zones
- Electrical properties of methane hydrate + sediment mixtures
- Emissions of HFCs in East Asia: Consumption or Production?
- Enhancing the Communication of Climate Change Science
- Ensemble Downscaling of Winter Seasonal Forecasts over the United States
- Estimating absorbing black carbon and organic carbon optical properties from AERONET and MISR data over East Asia
- Evaluating Forecasts of Central US Mesoscale Convective Systems in a GCM with Explicit Embedded Convection
- Evaluation of transient deformation from two decades of continuous GPS time series analysis in Western North America
- Evidence Of Nonlinear Infrasound Propagation From The 2010 El Mayor Rupture
- Examining the role of climate and land use change on hydrologic trends in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Exploring Subglacial Lake Connectivity via Groundwater Aquifers in the Dome C Region, East Antarctica
- Exploring the relationship between a ground-based network and airborne CCN spectra observed at the cloud level
- Fault Architecture of the Salton Sea through multi-scale Seismic Reflection Surveys
- Field Geophysics at SAGE: Strategies for Effective Education
- Fluid Dynamics and Wave Propagation in Volcanic Conduits with Deformable Walls
- Fluid Sampling from Oceanic Borehole Observatories: Design and Methods for CORK Activities (1990-2010)
- Formation and Growth of Ultrafine Particles from Secondary Anthropogenic Sources in Bakersfield
- Formation of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol at Bakersfield, CA
- Fossil coral records of tropical Pacific climate over the last millennium: relationship to external forcing
- Gas/Particle partitioning of total alkyl nitrates measured in Bakersfield during CALNEX
- Geochemical and petrological indicators of volcanic behavior: Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia
- Geochemistry of basaltic lavas from the southern Lau Basin suggests input of variable subduction component
- Geodetic slip rates in the southern San Andreas Fault system: Investigation of the effects of heterogeneous elastic structure
- Glacier Speeds and Elevation Change Rates from ASTER Satellite Data for the Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Gliders Measure Western Boundary Current Transport from the South Pacific to the Equator
- Global N2O emissions - with a focus on natural soil
- Global Subducting Slab Entrainment of Oceanic Asthenosphere: Re-examination of Sub-Slab Shear-Wave Splitting Patterns
- Has the risk of big earthquakes recently increased?
- Heavy perfluorocarbons in the global atmosphere: Atmospheric histories and top-down global emission estimates for C<SUB>4</SUB>F<SUB>10</SUB>, C<SUB>5</SUB>F<SUB>12</SUB>, C<SUB>6</SUB>F<SUB>14</SUB>, C<SUB>7</SUB>F<SUB>16</SUB> and C<SUB>8</SUB>F<SUB>18</SUB>
- Heterogeneous reactivity of sea spray particles during the CalNex field campaign: Insight from single particle measurements and correlations with gas phase measurements
- High-resolution Vp and Vp/Vs Tomographic Models of Kilauea and Mauna Loa
- Holocene climatic and oceanographic change of the western Antarctic Peninsula: expanding the paleo-record to the open shelf
- Holocene geomagnetic field evolution
- Hotspot volcanism and highly siderophile elements
- IGSN e.V.: Registration and Identification Services for Physical Samples in the Digital Universe
- Ice Core Oxygen-18 of Atmospheric O2 Confirms Tropical Hydrological Reorganization With Abrupt Climate Change
- Ice Sheet Dynamics in the Vicinity of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin During The Pliocene
- Illuminating infrasonic hotspots with the USArray and Southern California Seismic Network
- Imaging the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Beneath the Pacific Using SS Waveform Modeling
- Imaging the structure of the atmosphere with infrasound waves
- Impacts of regional mixing on circulations in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Improvement in Global Marine Gravity from CryoSat
- Increased Marine Stratocumulus Cloudiness due to Weakened Subsidence in the Subtropics: Possible Negative Feedback to Anthropogenic Warming
- Infrasound from lightning measured in Ivory Coast
- Inland Penetration of Atmospheric Rivers
- Integrated stratigraphy of the Eocene Wilkes Land Margin, Antarctica; preliminary results from IODP Expedition 318; Dinoflagellate cysts
- Investigating Variations in Strain Rate of the San Andreas Fault System due to Dipping Fault Geometry Resolved by Geodetic and Seismicity Data
- Is the Sierra Nevada losing its snow? -- Scenarios of climate change impacts on spring snowpack in California.
- John Tyndall and his pioneering contributions to climate science and scientific outreach
- Joint Imaging of the Crust Beneath the Southeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Using Body Wave Travel Times and Surface Wave Dispersion Curves
- Joint-modeling of the Viscosity and the Electrical Conductivity of Silicate and Carbonatitic Melts and Implications for Geophysical Data Interpretation
- LITHO1.0: An Updated Crust and Lithosphere Model of the Earth
- Layer 2A controversy resolved using full waveform inversion of downward continued seismic reflection data at the Lucky Strike Volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Learning from History: The Response of Western U.S. Streamflow to Natural Climate Variability and Implications for Future Climate Change
- Localized Imaging of the Uppermost Mantle with USArray Regional Data
- Long-term trends in Arctic and Boreal CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake from 1986 to 2007 inferred from a time dependent inversion compared with satellite NDVI observations to identify likely regions of change
- Mantle flow deduced from geochemical variations in alkaline magmas of HIMU affinity from continent to ocean, northwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Marine EM inversion using unstructured grids and a parallel adaptive finite element method
- Marine and land active-source seismic investigation of geothermal potential, tectonic structure, and earthquake hazards in Pyramid Lake, Nevada
- Maximizing the science return from 3.3 g of martian meteorite: A consortium study of olivine-phyric shergottite NorthWest Africa 6234
- Methane rising from the Deep: Hydrates, Bubbles, Oil Spills, and Global Warming
- Microbial Evolution at High Pressure: Deep Sea and Laboratory Studies
- Migrating petal-shape lakes on the George VI Ice Shelf: A new kinematic wave?
- Mind the Gap: furthering the development of EU-US collaboration in marine geoscience
- Mineralogy: a modern approach to teaching a traditional discipline
- Miocene through Pleistocene Diatom biostratigraphy, the Antarctic margin off Wilkes Land, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 318 rise sites
- Mixing State and Aging of Biomass Burning Aerosols During the 2007 San Diego Wildfires
- Modeling Rayleigh Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle Beneath Hawaii
- Multi-site, multi-proxy records of 'hyperthermals' at the onset of middle-late Eocene cooling
- NISTAR: The NIST Advanced Radiometer
- New insights on the phasing of atmospheric methane and temperature change during the Last Glacial Termination from the North Greenland Eemian (NEEM) Ice Core
- Next-Generation Geodetic Station for Natural Hazards Research and Applications
- Notes on the Modified Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
- Observationally-inferred radiative feedback effects of Arctic sea ice retreat
- Observations of Aerosol Conditions Associated with Precipitation Events in the Remote Sierra Nevada Foothills
- Observed Increase in Zonal Mean High-Level Cloud Top From 1983 to 2008
- Ocean Colour Radiometry across the Southern Atlantic and South-Eastern Pacific
- On the Kuroshio intrusions
- Opposing Seasonal Trends in Seawater pH and Aragonite Saturation State on the Bermuda Coral Reef Platform Reveal Complex Controls on Seawater Chemistry by Biological and Physical Processes
- Optical and Chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols in California
- Organic carbon cycling in deep-sea benthic ecosystem across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Implication from ostracodes at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 401, North Atlantic
- Palaeomagnetic constraints on the evolution of the Atlantis Massif oceanic core complex (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30°N)
- Paleointensity estimates derived from non-SD recording materials: Testing the IZZI technique on MD slag and a new bootstrap procedure
- Paleointensity in ignimbrites and other volcaniclastic flows
- Paleointensity results for 0 and 3 ka from Hawaiian lava flows: a new approach to sampling
- Paleointensity: Where we stand and where the MagIC database can take us
- Paleomagnetic Analysis of Block Rotations in the Wake of the Migrating Tjörnes Transform Zone in Northern Iceland
- Paleomagnetic contributions to IODP Wilkes Land Expedition (318) science
- Partitioning of dust and carbonaceous aerosol absorption in the Western United States based on AERONET observations
- Petrology and geochemistry of lavas from the rift basins in the Gulf of California
- Predicting heat waves and cold snaps in the United States across multiple time scales
- Probing the impact of different aerosol sources on cloud microphysics and precipitation through in-situ measurements of chemical mixing state
- Quality assessment of marine geoscience data collected with the U.S. academic oceanographic research fleet
- Quantifying ENSO, ENSO Teleconnection Patterns, and Western U.S. Extreme Precipitation Events Using Community Earth System Model
- Quantifying the limitations to the performance of passive correlation processing methods applied to the extraction of tomographic information
- Rapid estimation of critical source parameters for early tsunami warning based on coastal GPS networks: A feasibility study
- Real-time Moment Tensor Inversion and Centroid Location for Large Events from Local and Regional Displacement Records
- Real-time modeling of GPS and accelerometer data for earthquake early warning and rapid hazard assessment
- Reevaluating gravitational coupling in the core-mantle system
- Reexamination of Faulting in the Tahoe Basin Using Airborne LiDAR Data and Seismic CHIRP Imagery
- Resistivity structure at the summit of South Hydrate Ridge
- Retracking CryoSat-2 Ocean Waveforms for Optimal Gravity Field Recovery
- Revisiting Seismicity Associated with the 'Loose Tooth' of the Amery
- Rock-Magnetic Method for Post Nuclear Detonation Diagnostics
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): A "Linked Data" Approach for the U.S. Academic Research Fleet
- Satellite observations of Antarctic subglacial hydrology
- Selecting Empirical Green's Functions in Regions of Fault Complexity: A Study of Data From the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Southern California
- Signals emerging from ambient seismic noise: microseisms and the Earth's hum
- Smallholder Irrigation and Crop Diversification under Climate Change in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence and Potential for Simultaneous Food Security, Adaptation, and Mitigation
- Solar induced Greenland temperature variability over the past 4000 years
- Solving the challenges of data preprocessing, uploading, archiving, retrieval, analysis and visualization for large heterogeneous paleo- and rock magnetic datasets
- Source analysis of two unique Microseismic Signature from Hurricanes Katrina (2005) and Ioke (2006)
- Sources and evolution of cloud-active aerosol in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Structural Constraints and Earthquake Recurrence Estimates for the West Tahoe-Dollar Point Fault, Lake Tahoe Basin, California
- Studies Of Infrasonic Propagation Using Dense Seismic Networks
- Studying of Infrasonic Sources Generated by the Swell
- Subglacial lake matters: piracy on a divide between thawed and frozen bed
- Surficial Expressions of Deeper Processes- Ridge 2000 Spurs Understanding of Mantle-Hydrothermal Connections and the Role of Crustal Processes at Oceanic Spreading Centers
- Symbiodinium Clade Affects Coral Skeletal Isotopic Ratio
- Systematic analysis of foreshock sequences in southern California
- Targeting Autotrophic and Lithotrophic Microorganisms from Fumarolic Ice Caves of Mt. Erebus, Antarctica
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of Methane in a Freshwater Outflow to the Baltic Sea
- The Depth Dependence of Earthquake T-phases at an Ocean Acoustic Observatory
- The Education and Public Engagement (EPE) Component of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI): Enabling Near Real-Time Data Use in Undergraduate Classrooms
- The Fraction of the Sun's Lifetime in a Grand Minimum State Estimated from Studies of Solar-Type Stars
- The ICSU World Data System: First Triennial Term
- The Importance of Humidity Changes to the Future Water Balance over the Western U.S.: Divergences Between Global and Hydrological model Projections of the Future Humidity Trend
- The MagIC Online Database: Improving the Archive Quality via a New Review System
- The Ocean Observatories Initiative: Sustained ocean data for decades
- The Resolving Capabilities of Marine CSEM for a TIV Anisotropic Earth: Practical Implications for Data Acquisition and Inversion
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP): Active Rift Processes in the Brawley Seismic Zone
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project: Investigating Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough, Southern California
- The magmatic and thermal history of the Dufek Complex, Antarctica
- The recent marine sedimentary record of Baranof Island, Southeast Alaska - implications for paleoclimate reconstructions
- Thin-sheet modeling of bathymetry and coast effects in MT data from central California
- Three-dimensional subduction models of overriding plate deformation and mantle flow
- Timescales Necessary for Comparing Geodynamo Simulations and Paleomagnetic Models
- Towards a paleolatitude record from the Louisville Seamount trail
- Towards continuous global measurements and optimal emission estimates of NF<SUB>3</SUB>
- Towards global observations of shear wave splitting in the Earth's lowermost mantle
- Transitional Field Studies Using a Large Scale Database (MagIC)
- Understanding the Development of Passive Continental Margins: the Value of Detailed Heat Flow Surveys
- Understanding the Spatial Patterns of Global Warming and Climate Feedbacks with a New Analysis Approach
- Velocity structure and radial anisotropy in the crust of SE Tibet and its dynamic implication
- Visualizing Oceans of Data: Using learning research to inform the design of student interfaces to climate data (Invited)
- Visualizing how Seismic Waves Propagate Across Seismic Arrays using the IRIS DMS Ground Motion Visualization (GMV) Products and Codes
- Volcanic jet noise: infrasonic source processes and atmospheric propagation
- Was there a Little Ice Age in West Antarctica?
- Weather and short period climate driven fluctuations of streamflow over the western US.
- Zn isotopic composition of planetary basalts
- A Method for Specifying Atmospheric Gravity-Wave Fields for Infrasound Propagation Calculations
- A Self-Powered Fast-Sampling Profiling Float in support of a Mesoscale Ocean Observing System in the Western North Pacific
- A comparison of grounding zone features and flexure dynamics in two geometries over a 12-hour tidal range
- A comprehensive dispersion model of surface wave phase and group velocity
- A continuous spectrum of subduction style arising from slab-plate coupling at convergent boundaries in mantle convection models
- A network of active subglacial lakes under Recovery Ice Stream from ICESat, IceBridge and image differencing
- A new Termination I temperature history from the Taylor Dome area
- A strong linear relationship between equatorial Pacific nutrient utilization and seasonal insolation: a 1 million year history of equatorial upwelling
- Active rifting processes in the central Salton Trough, California, constrained by the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Air-sea Interaction over the Kuroshio Current during a Cold-air Outbreak
- An Analysis of NSF Geosciences Research Experience for Undergraduate Site Programs from 2009 to 2012
- An extensive melt layer beneath the oceanic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary discovered by magnetotelluric data
- An improved understanding of the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of H2: tower-based H2 fluxes in a mid-latitude forest
- Anisotropy at the edges of the mantle: shear wave splitting observations in the upper and lowermost mantle from around the globe
- Application of 2-D Inversion, to Magnetotelluric data on the Newberry Caldera, Oregon, for Potential Geothermal Power
- Archaeomagnetic study of ancient slag mounds in Cyprus: continuous paleointensity curves in high resolution
- Arctic winter longwave aerosol indirect effect with a new parameterization of frost flower salt particle emissions
- Assessing the possibility of a runaway ice-albedo feedback
- Automated Detection and Modeling of Slow Slip: Case Study of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Black carbon concentrations and fluxes since the Last Glacial Maximum in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores
- Capturing the dynamics of gravity waves across the USArray Transportable Array
- Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Lipid Biosynthesis of Piezophilic Bacteria - Implications for Studying Microbial Metabolism and Carbon Cycle in Deep Biosphere
- Challenges for Surface Fluxes in the Southern Ocean
- Changes in deep-sea carbonate-hosted microbial communities associated with high and low methane flux
- Changing linkage between the tropical atmosphere and the southern annular mode during the 20th century
- Characterisation of regional ambient biomass burning organic aerosol mixing ratios
- Characterization of a high pressure, chemical ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer for the measurement of alkylamines in the marine boundary layer
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover and Fog Inundation in the Northern Channel Islands Using Satellite Datasets and Comparison to Ground Measurements
- Chasing the Late Jurassic APW Monster Shift in Ontario Kimberlites
- Chemical Composition of Organic Aerosol Particles over the Remote Ocean
- Chemical and Biological Influences on the Organic Composition and Cloud Activity of Sea Spray Aerosol
- Clean Cook Stoves for combating air pollution problems in S. Asia: Project Surya
- Climate-Water Resources-Land-Use in California's Central Valley: Integrating Groundwater and Surface Water Modeling
- Combining Infrasound and Imaging Techniques to Characterize and Quantify Eruptive Activity at Karymsky Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- Comparing Volcano Infrasound and Aeroacoustics Laboratory Experiments
- Concerning the co-occurrence of subglacial lakes and flow bifurcations of water and ice in Antarctica
- Connecting hydrology and evolving properties of subglacial sediment beneath Russell Glacier, Greenland
- Constraining the influence of natural variability to improve estimates of global aerosol indirect effects in a nudged version of the Community Atmosphere Model 5
- Constraining the rheology of mantle and slabs from geodynamic modeling
- Constraints on lowermost mantle heterogeneity from global stacks of PKP precursor amplitudes
- Contributions to dynamic topography from shear-driven mantle flow at lithospheric edges
- Cooling and warming of SST in the wake of typhoon Fanapi (2010)
- Coral oxygen isotope reconstruction of sea surface salinity variability in the southern Makassar Strait since 1938 C.E. and its influence on the Indonesian Throughflow
- Could borate have played a role in the RNA World?
- Cross-shore Tracer Exchange Between the Surfzone and Inner-shelf
- CryoSat-2 validation in East Antarctica: ASIRAS, ALS and in situ data analysis over Law Dome and Totten Glacier
- Cyberinfrastructure for Data Authorship, Publication and Application Interoperability
- Decadal variability of rift propagation on the Amery Ice Shelf
- Deep Margins Under Pressure: Sustaining Biodiversity and Function where Climate Change and Humans Collide
- Deep-Sea Trench Microbiology Down to 10.9 Kilometers Below the Surface
- Deglacial carbon cycle dynamics: A high-precision, high-resolution record of the δ<SUP>13</SUP>C of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from the Taylor Glacier horizontal ice core
- Developing climate change indicators and a climate change monitoring plan for decision-makers at a National Marine Sanctuary
- Development and testing of instrumentation for ship-based UAV measurements of ocean surface processes and the marine atmospheric boundary layer
- Development of Global Bathymetry and Topography at 15 arc seconds
- Development of a System to Generate Near Real Time Tropospheric Delay and Precipitable Water Vapor in situ at Geodetic GPS Stations, to Improve Forecasting of Severe Weather Events
- Direct and indirect evidence for earthquakes; an example from the Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada
- Display of Magellan SAR and Topography Data in Google Earth
- Diurnal Variability of Upper Ocean Temperature from the Surface to the Base of the Mixed Layer
- Downward Continued Seismic Analysis of Axial Upper Crustal Structure at the Central Lau Spreading Center Propagating Tip
- Dynamic connectivity in the Southern California Bight and Georges Bank: Identifying ecosystem interactions using chaotic time series analysis
- Eddy Heat Fluxes across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Northern Drake Passage
- Effects of Natural Dust and Sulfate on Atmospheric Circulation and Radiation in CESM1: Comparison of Prescribed v. Interactive Emissions Schemes
- Effects of Vent Asymmetry on Explosive Eruptions
- Efficient use of satellite bandwidth for shipboard science platforms
- Elastic Full Waveform Inversion reveals the fine-scale structure of Axial Volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Electrical conductivity of lab-formed methane hydrate + sand mixtures; technical developments and new results
- Elucidation of riverine and lacustrine dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition using comprehensive GC×GC time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-TOF-MS)
- Enhancing the capability of the research fleet.
- Equilibrium Beach Profiles on the East and West U.S. Coasts
- Estimating properties of nonlinear mesoscale eddies using mixing length arguments
- Estimating radiative forcing of carbonaceous aerosols over California based on satellite and ground observations
- Evaluating the opposing-wave interaction hypothesis for the generation of microbaroms in the eastern North Pacific
- Evaluation of CMIP5 models in the context of food security assessments in Sahel and Eastern Africa
- Evaluation of Microphysics Parameterization for Convective Clouds in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model CAM5
- Evidence for de-sulfidation to form native electrum in the Fire Creek epithermal gold-silver deposit, north-central Nevada
- Experimental Investigation of Vent Evolution for High-speed Jets
- Experimenting with Educational Games using the Xbox, PC, and iPad
- Exploring Meteorological and Climatic Conditions Driving California Coastal Marine Layer Clouds
- Exploring the Origins of the Mindanao and Kuroshio Currents in Eddy-Resolving Global Ocean General Circulation Models
- Finite slip inversions from far-field seismic data: How much can we hope to resolve?
- First UAV Measurements of Entrainment Layer Fluxes with Coupled Cloud Property Measurements
- Frequency-dependent seismic radiation of megathrust earthquakes and depth-varying properties of the subducting plate
- Gabbro microstructure and crystallography from Pito Deep: Evidence for Gabbro Glacier Flow
- Geochemical Consequences of Mass Extinction: The K/Pg Compensation Depth Excursion
- Geology of the Alarcón Rise Based on 1-m Resolution Bathymetry and ROV Observations and Sampling
- Global distributions of CO2, trace gases and potential temperature in HIPPO: lessons about global rates of tracer transport and inverse modeling.
- Global flood risk response to large-scale land-ocean-atmospheric interactions
- Halogens in normal- and enriched-basalts from Central Indian Ridge (18-20°S): Testing the E-MORB subduction origin hypothesis
- Helium isotopes in lithospheric peridotites and eclogites
- High wind speed measurements of dimethylsulfide air/sea gas transfer by eddy correlation in the North Atlantic
- High-precision measurements of <SUP>14</SUP>C in ice cores: results and future prospects
- High-resolution earthquake catalogs for southern California and Hawaii from waveform cross-correlation
- How Variations in Summertime Marine Clouds Drive California Temperatures
- Ice Nuclei Emissions From Sea Spray Produced By Realistically Simulated Breaking Waves
- Ignimbrite (Post-)Emplacement Thermal History Derived from Titanomagnetite Curie Temperatures: Effects of Nonconvergent Cation Ordering and Exsolution
- Impact of stratification and climatic perturbations to stratification on baroclinic and barotropic tides
- In-situ measurements of the effects of wave breaking on near-surface turbulence
- Interactive Learning Modules: Enabling Near Real-Time Oceanographic Data Use In Undergraduate Education
- Internal wave energy dissipation: near and far, where and how?
- Intraseasonal Kelvin Waves in the Indonesian Throughflow Passages
- Introducing Convective Cloud Microphysics to a Deep Convection Parameterization Facilitating Aerosol Indirect Effects
- Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Early Planetary Crusts
- Lack of deep air convection in firn at Dome Fuji in the last glacial maximum from precise measurements of krypton isotopes
- Lagrangian analysis of ICESat altimetry reveals patterns of ice shelf basal melting
- Large-scale increase in the seasonal cycle of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Northern Hemisphere since 1960
- Limited Latitudinal Motion of the Louisville Hotspot
- Lithium isotope systematics of volcanic glasses from ridge axes and off-axis seamounts in the northern EPR (10-15°N)
- Lithophile-siderophile isotopic and elemental constraints on long-term mantle source heterogeneity preserved in Azores ocean island basalts
- Lithospheric Shear Zones and Postseismic Deformation: Insights from 3-D Numerical Experiments
- Magmatic-Hydrothermal Connections and Geothermal Potential in the Extensional Great Basin Province, Southwestern U.S., as Revealed Through Integrative MT Surveying
- Magnetic property variation with vapor-phase alteration in the Bishop Tuff, and implications for paleointensity studies
- Mapping marine gas hydrate systems using electromagnetic sounding
- Mapping methane hydrate with a towed marine transmitter-receiver array
- Measured surface brightening in California attributable to reduced aerosol absorption caused by BC controls between 1985 and 2005
- Metagenomics of the Methane Ice Worm, Hesiocaeca methanicola
- Middle Miocene environmental and climatic evolution at the Wilkes Land margin, East Antarctica
- Midtropospheric Response to a Siberian Cold Air Outbreak over the Kuroshio Current in the Pacific Basin
- Mind the Gap: furthering the development of an international collaboration in marine data management
- Modeled alongshore circulation and morphologic evolution onshore of a large submarine canyon
- Moisture dynamics in the cloudy and polluted tropical atmosphere: The Cloud Aerosol Radiative Forcing Dynamics Experiment (CARDEX)
- Moving Beyond Environmental-Recruitment Relationships For Ecosystem Based Management
- Narrowing the gap: A consensus estimate of glacier mass wastage for 2003-09
- Natural modes of variability and their teleconnections over the Pacific-North American region in CMIP3 and CMIP5 models
- New Circulation Features in the Northwestern Tropical Pacific Ocean from Profiling Float Measurements
- New High-Frequency Measurements of CH4, N2O and SF6 from a High-Altitude Station in the Eastern Himalayas of India and Derived Emissions Estimates
- New mineral chemistry and oxygen isotopes from alkaline basalts in the northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica: insights on magma genesis across rifted continental and oceanic lithosphere
- Next-Generation Real-Time Geodetic Station Sensor Web for Natural Hazards Research and Applications
- Non-Volcanic Tremor Tracking Using Sequential Bayesian Techniques
- Observation of Horizontal Variations in the Diurnal Surface Heating Layer, Convective Processes, and Internal Waves during DYNAMO Leg IV
- Observation-constrained Estimation of Aerosol Climate Impacts over S Asia
- Observational Constraints from Waveform Relocated Southern California Seismicity and Refined Focal Mechanisms for Synthesizing Heterogeneities in Fault Zone Properties and Signatures of Seismic Rupture
- Observational constraints for climate forcing by biomass burning aerosols
- Observational evidence for underestimation of BC radiative forcing trends in CMIP5 models
- Observational evidence that enhanced free-tropospheric subsidence reduces marine boundary layer cloudiness
- Observations of Shoaling, Wave Current Interactions, and Surface Wave Breaking in a Coastal River Inlet using Drifting Wave Buoys and X-band Radar
- Observed and Simulated Drifter Tracks and Lyopanov Exponents During the RIVET 2012 Experiment
- Observed tropical expansion and its impact on the hydrological and energy cycles
- Ocean Drifter Design for In-Situ Measurements in Atmosphere and Ocean during Tropical Cyclones: Results from Typhoon Fanapi
- Ocean-atmosphere relationships from synoptic scale to local scale in South San Francisco Bay, with implications to flood risk at NASA Ames Research Center, Silicon Valley
- Oceans of Data: In what ways can learning research inform the development of electronic interfaces and tools for use by students accessing large scientific databases?
- Off-axis mantle melting beneath the East Pacific Rise at 9°30'N: discovery by a magnetotelluric survey and dynamical constraints from flow modeling
- On the Mission to Archive Current and Legacy Paleo- and Rock Magnetic Datasets for Rapid Online Retrieval and Compilation
- Oxygenation of petroleum hydrocarbons after the Deepwater Horizon disaster
- Paleosecular Variation and Time-Averaged Field Behavior: Global and Regional Signatures
- Paleosecular variation over the last 10 Ma from a new global dataset (PSV10): Evidence for long-term hemispheric asymmetry
- Physical processes governing summer Chl-a in the Southern Ocean
- Pliocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin
- Potential Improvements to Remote Primary Productivity Estimation in the Southern California Current System
- Potential contributions of Seafloor Geodesy to understanding slip behavior along the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Prediction, Coupling, and Causation
- Predictions of SKS splitting in Western North America using a spherical, three-dimensional mantle flow model
- Predictions of Seismic Anisotropy in the Lau Back-arc Basin Using 2D Numerical Models
- Preliminary Strategies to Automate Data Quality Control of USArray Transportable Array Stations
- Preliminary results from the retrieval and assimilation of GPS radio occultation refractivity observations during tropical storm development
- Probing Molecular Associations of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Samples from CalNex 2010 with Nano-DESI High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- Properties of Carbonaceous Aerosols during CARDEX 2012: an Instrument Intercomparison
- Properties of shallow creep on the Southern San Andreas Fault from InSAR and GPS
- Quantifying planktic foraminiferal responses to Paleogene global warming events
- Quantitative comparison of airborne remote-sensed and in situ Rhodamine WT dye and temperature during RIVET & IB09
- Radiative Properties of Black Carbon Superaggregates in South East Asian Outflow
- Rapid Source Characterization of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake with Real-Time GPS and Strong Motion Data: Implications for Tsunami Warning
- Receiver function imaging of the onset of melting, implications for volcanism beneath the Afar Rift in contrast to hotspot environments
- Recent Trends in Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases, and their Implications for Emissions and Lifetime Estimates
- Recent advances in discrete dipole approximation
- Recent and past dust concentrations and fluxes from a developing array of Antarctic ice cores
- Regional Trends in the Statistical Distributions of Daily Temperature
- Resolving Urban to Rural CH4 Emissions Across California with Multi-site Observations
- Results of SO222; Pore fluid chemistry of the Kumano Basin mud volcanoes, Japan
- Revisiting the 1912 Murefet, Turkey earthquake and tsunami
- Rhyolite, dacite, andesite, basaltic andesite, and basalt volcanism on the Alarcon Rise spreading-center, Gulf of California
- Right model, wrong prediction: Model-free vs Mechanistic forecasting for nonlinear ecological systems
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Building a Reference Cruise Catalog for the Research Fleet
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Linking and Integrating Data for Oceanographic Research
- S-to-P Receiver Function Imaging the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary and the Onset of Melting beneath Hawaii
- Salton Seismic Imaging Project Line 7: Data and Analysis to Date
- Saving the Cryosphere in the Arctic and the Himalayas: Mitigation of Short Lived Climate Pollutants
- Scales of preservation and root causes of heterogeneities in the convecting upper mantle of the Iapetan Ocean
- Scaling of vortex generation by breaking surface gravity waves
- Sea Changes - ACT : Artists and Scientists collaborating to promote ocean activism and conservation. (
- SeaGlider observations of temperature and salinity in diurnal to intraseasonal timescales during DYNAMO
- Seasonal Northern Hemisphere CO2 Exchange as Observed by HIPPO
- Seasonal to Decadal Variability in the Upper Ocean Scattering Layer in Drake Passage in Relation to Atmospheric and Oceanic Forcing
- Secondary organic aerosol and the burning question of gasoline vs. diesel
- Seismic attenuation tomography of the Tonga Arc and Lau Backarc Spreading Center
- Shallow sediment and upper crustal structure beneath the Salton Sea as imaged by active source marine seismic refraction in conjunction with the Salton Seismic Imaging Project
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Tonga Arc and Lau Backarc Basin from Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Source specific aerosol radiative heating over tropical Indian Ocean during Cloud Aerosol Radiative Forcing Dynamics Experiment (CARDEX)
- South Pole ice stream temporal and spatial evolution in the last glacial cycle
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of the Ocean's Turbulent Mixing from Argo Profiles
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Antarctic Ice Shelf Elevations from Multi-Mission Satellite Radar Altimetry
- Structure of the accretionary prism up-dip of the M8.8 Maule earthquake rupture
- Subduction disfigured mantle plumes: Plumes that are not plumes?
- Summary of ICESat-1 inter-campaign elevation biases and detection methods
- Summertime pCO2 in the Cumberland Sound in the eastern Arctic
- Surfzone eddies: Instabilities or forced by finite-crest-length wave breaking?
- Temperature Reconstruction at WAIS Divide for the Last 1000 years, from Noble Gas Isotopes and Borehole Temperature
- Testing late 20th century El Nino-Southern Oscillation variability against new coral-based estimates of natural variability
- The 2012 California Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Study
- The Energy Balance of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- The Heat Flow Anomaly across the Ocean Continent Transition: Application to the Gulf of California
- The ICSU World Data System: a Global System of Data Systems, Year 4
- The Meridional Overturning Circulation of the Southern Indian Ocean Based on Xbt, ARGO and Repeat Hydrographic Transects
- The Online MagIC Database: Data Archiving, Compilation, and Visualization for the Geomagnetic, Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Communities
- The Role of Climatological Variability on Aerosol Indirect Effects in a Trade Cumulus Regime
- The Search for Harmonic Resonance in Basal Icequakes at Gornergletscher, Switzerland
- The diurnal cycle in the atmosphere and ocean during DYNAMO
- The early Pliocene diatom biochronology in the Southern Ocean: evidence from Sites U1359 and U1361 off Wilkes Land margin, Antarctica
- The effect of mantle plume heads on the motion between the African and Antarctic plates in the Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic
- The geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-He isotopic characterization of the mantle source of Rungwe Volcanic Province: comparison with the Afar mantle domain
- The importance of weather and short period climate events in driving projected high sea level extremes along the California Coast
- The petrology and source composition of alkaline basalts from the northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica inferred from Re-Os isotope systematics
- The role of breaking waves and associated bubble plume evolution in the production and properties of marine aerosols
- The temperature of the western U.S. lithosphere
- Time- and Temperature-Dependent Cation Ordering in Natural Titanomagnetites
- Toward a quantitative understanding of mantle dynamics beneath western United States
- Towards 1 MilliGal Global Marine Gravity Accuracy from CryoSat, Envisat, and Jason-1
- Towards Automated Processing and Integration of InSAR and GPS Data
- Tracking and predicting the northward propagating monsoon intraseasonal oscillations based on extended EOF analysis
- Triggering of Tremor along the San Jacinto Fault near Anza, California
- Understanding the annual cycle of subsurface ocean temperature and salinity using Argo's first million profiles
- Upper mantle shear velocity structure beneath Eastern Lau back-arc Spreading Center from ambient noise tomography of ocean bottom seismometer data
- Use of High Abundance Sensitivity Filters in Low-Level Isotopic Measurements by MC-ICPMS: An Example from 226Ra/228Ra Isotopes
- Use of multi-disciplinary mooring data to extend intermittent OA observations from ship surveys
- Using Ichthyoliths to Determine the Fish Response to the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction
- Using a dynamic, introductory-level volcanoes class as a means to introduce non-science majors to the geosciences
- Vertical Eddy Diffusivity as a Control Parameter in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Vertical and Horizontal Optical Fiber Strainmeters for Measuring Earth Strain
- 3-D Distribution of Partial Melt beneath the Lau Backarc Basin from Seismic Attenuation Tomography
- 4-D Strain Rate Along the San Andreas Fault System: Knowns and Unknowns (Invited)
- A 3,000-year quantitative drought record derived from XRF element data from a south Texas playa
- A Field Measurement of Isocyanic Acid (HNCO): Evidence of a Secondary Source and Presence in Cloud Water
- A Range Correction for ICESat and an Assessment of its Impact on Ice Sheet Mass Balance Estimates
- A large magma chamber and complex magma delivery system revealed beneath Axial volcano
- A new estimate of average dipole field strength for the last five million years
- Abrupt climate change in West Antarctica and Greenland during the last deglacial warming
- Almost but not quite 2D, Non-linear Bayesian Inversion of CSEM Data
- An Approach To Using All Location Tagged Numerical Data Sets As Continuous Fields With User-Assigned Continuity As A Basis For User-Driven Data Assimilation
- Analysis of Chinese emissions trends of major halocarbons in monitoring the impacts of the Montreal Protocol
- Analysis of Growth and Decay Rates of the Axial Dipole in Geodynamo Models
- Anisotropic shear velocity structure beneath the Eastern Lau back-arc Spreading Center from joint Rayleigh and Love wave ambient noise tomography - Implications for the variation of mantle wedge melt distributions
- Array-based hydroacoustic characterization of P, S, and T-phases in the Philippine Sea
- Assessing Methane Fluxes in a Small Run-of-River Reservoir: The Importance of Adjacent Marshland
- Assessing the Extent of Black Carbon Absorption Enhancements from Field Observations
- Assessment of relative Ti, Ta, and Nb (TiTaN) enrichments in global ocean island basalts
- Balloon-borne observations in the Antarctic Stratosphere from the Concordiasi Campaign (Invited)
- Biochemical Controls on the Production and Composition of Primary Marine Aerosol
- Biogeographic patterns of desert springs in the Great Basin with an emphasis on regional aquifer thermal springs as refugia for vulnerable crenobiotic species
- CALWATER-2 An Experiment Exploring the Roles of Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosols in Modulating U.S. West Coast Precipitation in a Changing Climate
- Causes and extent of subduction-related highly siderophile element processing in oceanic mantle
- Changing structures and dynamics of western Antarctic Peninsula Ice Shelves
- Characterization of Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation at the Look Rock Site during the 2013 Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS)
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover And Fog Inundation in the California Channel Islands
- Computational and Experimental Assessment of Benzene Cation Chemistry for the Measurement of Marine Derived Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds with Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Constraints on transient fast flow at South Pole in the last glacial cycle
- Continuous monitoring of fluid flow rate and contemporaneous biogeochemical fluxes in the sub-seafloor; the Mosquito flux meter
- Coral Reef Habitat Suitability in Future Climate Scenarios from NCAR CESM1 considering a Suite of Biogeochemical Variables
- Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Loss of Refractory Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
- Coupling Between the Changes in CO2 Concentration and Sediment Biogeochemistry in the Salinas De San Pedro Mudflat, California, USA
- Crustal structure during active rifting in the central Salton Trough, California, constrained by the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Current hiatus of global-warming tied to natural variability of the equatorial Pacific
- Decadal Variability of West Coast Marine Stratus Clouds
- Decadal to millennial scale archaeointensity variations in the Levant
- Deformation Along the Wassuk Range of the Northern Walker Lane, Nevada
- Densified GPS Estimates of Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor Improve Weather Forecasting during the North American Monsoon
- Diagnosing MJO forecast biases in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model during the DYNAMO field campaign
- Differing effects of subsidence on marine boundary layer cloudiness (Invited)
- Direct Measurement of Air-Sea Exchange of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> and ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> at a Polluted Coastal Site (Invited)
- Direct measurement of the impact of the reactive uptake of ammonia and alkylamines on the CCN activity of ambient aerosol sampled during SOAS 2013
- Downscaling climate model output for water resources impacts assessment (Invited)
- Drake Passage Oceanic pCO2: Evaluating CMIP5 Coupled Carbon/Climate Models Using In-Situ Observations
- Dual Mechanism of Gas Diffusion Through Ice Lattice Supported by Observed Temperature Dependence of Firn Air Close-off Fractionation
- Dynamic triggering potential of large earthquakes recorded by the EarthScope U.S. Transportable Array using a frequency domain detection method
- Earthquake Early Warning using a Seismogeodetic Approach: An operational plan for Cascadia
- Educational Videogames: Concept, Design And Evaluation
- Effect of earthquake locations on Rayleigh wave azimuthal anisotropy
- Effects of Vent Asymmetry on Steady and Unsteady Eruption Dynamics
- Effects of catastrophic draining of Wisconsinian glacial lakes on the continental shelf; an example from Block Island Sound, RI
- Effects of climate variability on global scale flood risk
- Emissions of Tetrafluoromethane (CF<SUB>4</SUB>) and Hexafluoroethane (C<SUB>2</SUB>F<SUB>6</SUB>) from East Asian Aluminum and Semiconductor Industries
- Enhancement of EarthScope Infrastructure with Real Time Seismogeodesy
- Estimating CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO Emissions in California's Urban and Rural Regions Using Multi-site Observations
- Estimating Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions in China using atmospheric observations and inverse modeling
- Evaluating Student Success and Outcomes in the Scripps Institution of Oceanography REU Program
- Evaluating host-associated sources of marine methane supersaturation
- Evaluation of triggering functions in convective parameterization schemes using observations
- Examination of Flow Response to Vent Shape Modification
- Examination of Scale-Awareness of Convective Transport for Parameterization Development in Mesoscale and Climate Models
- Exploring L1 model space in search of conductivity bounds for the MT problem
- Exploring finite-slip inversion with near-field seismic data: Analysis of the 2004 Parkfield earthquake, California
- Exploring the role of a basal magma ocean in generating Earth's ancient magnetic field (Invited)
- Extracting Regional Ionospheric TEC Measurements from Dense GPS (GNSS) Networks in Areas of High Seismic Risk
- Extreme Tolerance to Elevated Pressure in a Thermococcus isolate from the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE) (Invited)
- Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta: Balance of Subsidence, Sea level and Sedimentation in a Tectonically-Active Delta (Invited)
- Geochemical evidence for fluid flow in the upper and subducting plates of the Costa Rica margin: Results from CRISP drilling during Exp. 334 and 344 (Invited)
- Glacier melting contributions to lakes in typical Basins at high altitude on the Tibetan Plateau
- Global analysis of glacier mass balance - how important are firn pack changes? (Invited)
- Global and regional emissions estimates for N2O
- Greenland temperature response to climate forcing during the last deglaciation
- He isotope ratios in the Nankai Trough and Costa Rica subduction zones - implications for volatile cycling
- Helium isotope evidence for plume metasomatism of Siberian continental lithosphere
- High-Rate Strainmeter Observations Of Aseismic Creep In A Transition Zone Between Creeping And Locked Sections Of The San Andreas Fault
- High-resolution Profiling of the Lower Troposphere from Airborne GPS Radio Occultation
- High-resolution geodetic observations of fault zone deformation on the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults in southern California (Invited)
- Highly siderophile element constraints on the genesis of Azorean lavas
- How Big is the Dufek Intrusion? Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Cooling History of the Dufek Layered Intrusion (Invited)
- How to Reach Decision Makers: Build a network of educators and practitioners with common goals
- Hydrates in the California Borderlands: 2D CSEM inversion results from towed and seafloor arrays
- Ice-shelf Elevation Change from Radar Altimetry: What are the Uncertainties?
- Identification of a New Dust Indirect Effect Over the Tropical North Atlantic
- Identifying and Characterizing Blasts from recordings at USArray stations
- Implementing a Community-Driven Cyberinfrastructure Platform for the Paleo- and Rock Magnetic Scientific Fields that Generalizes to Other Geoscience Disciplines
- Improved elevation change records for Antarctic ice shelves from satellite radar and laser altimetry, 1992-2012
- In-Situ Measurements of Aerosol Optical and Hygroscopic Properties at the Look Rock Site during SOAS 2013
- Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble:The Zonal Dipole mode
- Inferred cation reordering in natural titanomagnetites with implications for Curie temperature and other magnetic properties (Invited)
- Infrasound Studies at the USArray (Invited)
- Infrasound from the Chelyabinsk Meteor recorded at the USArray
- Insight into several compound earthquakes: A method to recognize multiple-point source earthquakes
- Interaction of Aerosols, Convection and Large-scale Circulation in the NCAR CAM5
- Introducing Subgrid-scale Convective Cloud and Aerosol Interactions to the WRF-CMAQ Integrated Modeling System
- Introducing a New Interface for the Online MagIC Database by Integrating Data Uploading, Searching, and Visualization
- Investigating Ice Nucleation with an Aerosol Enabled Multi-scale Modeling Framework
- Is there a discrepancy between geological and geodetic slip rates along the San Andreas Fault System?
- Isolating the response of Central US summer precipitation to anthropogenic climate change in global simulations with explicitly resolved convection
- Laboratory and Numerical Investigations of Frictional Properties of Gabbro at Low Normal Stress and Elevated Temperatures
- Large-scale thermodynamical and dynamical controls on subtropical cloud variability in observations and CMIP3 and CMIP5 models
- Lithospheric mantle heterogeneity across the continental-oceanic transition, northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica: new evidence from oxygen isotopes
- Long-term geomagnetic field variations inferred from geodynamo simulations
- MARE2DEM: an open-source code for anisotropic inversion of controlled-source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data using parallel adaptive 2D finite elements (Invited)
- Mapping marine gas hydrate systems in the Gulf of Mexico with electromagnetic methods
- Marine electromagnetics: A new tool for mapping fluids at subduction zones
- Mass-balance inferences from the Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE)
- Measurements of the Ambient Noise Field in an Arctic, Glacial Fjord
- Methane emission estimates in East Asia from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
- Microseism Noise in the Philippine Sea
- Modeling Optical and Radiative Properties of Clouds Constrained with CARDEX Observations
- Modeling Strains Associated with Fluid Extraction
- Modulation of Whillans Ice Stream Stick Slip Cycle: Loading Rate, Subglacial Hydrology and Slowdown
- More than a thousand words: Helping science speak for itself (Invited)
- Moving towards the operational seismogeodesy component of earthquake and tsunami early warning
- Multi-angle, multi-spectral, photo-polarimetric radiance observed from space in the UV: sensitivities to natural variations in scattering and absorption properties of open oceans
- Near-Field Tsunami Models with Rapid Earthquake Source Inversions from Land and Ocean-Based Observations: The Potential for Forecast and Warning
- Network-based evaluation of infrasound source location at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- New constraints on the geometry and evolution of the Southern San Andreas Fault and Salton Pull-apart basin
- Next-Generation GPS Station for Hazards Mitigation (Invited)
- Noise cross-correlation and beamforming with the Cascadia Initiative data
- Non-linearity of geocenter motion and its impact on the origin of the terrestrial reference frame
- Observations from a Dense Infrasound Sensor Network on Sakurajima Volcano, Japan: a Benchmark Dataset for the Volcano Acoustics Community
- Observations of Higher Mode Rayleigh Waves in Southern California
- Observations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) from the Remote North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from the High-Wind Gas-Exchange Study (HiWinGS)
- On the Interaction Among Deep Convection, Surface Winds, and SST in the Equatorial Atlantic
- On- and off-axis magma transport in dikes at axial discontinuities: 9N OSC EPR
- Optimal estimation in an inverse problem arising in absorbance spectroscopy of geological materials
- Origin of Seasonal Predictability for Summer Climate over the Northwestern Pacific
- Origin of isotopically light Zn in lunar samples through vaporization and the Zn isotope composition of the Moon
- Origin of the Mackenzie large igneous province and sourcing of flood basalts from layered intrusions
- Petrology and Geochemistry of the Eocene Volcanic Rocks in the Kahrizak Mountains, Central Iran
- Pliocene and Early Pleistocene orbital forcing of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Pliocene and latest Miocene anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) from the Wilkes Land margin (Invited)
- Plume locations and thermal anomalies determined by S-to-P receiver function imaging of the onset of melting: Afar, Hawaii, Galapagos, and Iceland (Invited)
- Quantifying Climate Change Hydrologic Risk at NASA Ames Research Center
- Quantifying Contributions of Climate Feedbacks to Global Warming Pattern Formation
- Radiometric <SUP>81</SUP>Kr dating identifies 120,000 year old ice at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica (Invited)
- Rapid estimation of fault parameters for tsunami warning along the Mexican subduction zone based on real-time GPS (Invited)
- Refining the Magnitude of the Shallow Slip Deficit
- Representativeness of regional and global mass-balance measurement networks (Invited)
- Returning from the deep: Archean atmospheric fingerprints in modern hotspot lavas (Invited)
- Ridge-transform interaction and seismic behavior within the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, N-Iceland
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Supporting Global Data Access Through the Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP)
- Rupture speed dependence on loading conditions: Insights from glacier and laboratory stick-slip
- Science For Decision-Makers: Climate Change Indicators For The North-Central California Coast And Ocean
- Sea Ice Variability in the Bering Sea
- Secular and Time-Dependent Deformation in the Eastern California Shear Zone From a Joint Analysis of the ERS, ENVISAT, and GPS Data
- Segmentation and step-overs along strike-slip fault systems in the inner California borderlands: Implications for fault architecture and basin formation
- Seismic stratigraphy, gas distribution and slope stability along the U.S. Atlantic margin
- Seismic velocity structure in the Hemet Stepover and Trifurcation Areas of the San Jacinto Fault Zone from double-difference earthquake tomography
- Severe Storms and California's Fragile Delta--Historical Impacts and New Monitoring Approaches
- Shallow-level magma-sediment interaction and explosive behaviour at Anak Krakatau (Invited)
- Shear wave splitting hints at dynamical features of mantle convection: a global study of homogeneously processed source and receiver side upper mantle anisotropy
- Silicon and Zinc Isotopes in Ocean Island Basalts
- Similarities in large-scale pattern of precipitation responses to aerosol and greenhouse gas forcing (Invited)
- Sinking of spherical slablets through a non-Newtonian mantle
- Small- to intermediate-scale mantle heterogeneity from observations of seismic scattering
- Smartphone interface to USGS 'Did You Feel It?' - Getting More Citizens Involved in Science
- Source properties of medium earthquakes in the Tohoku-oki region, Japan and implications for the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Southern Ocean Aerosols: Particle Composition and the Mass and Number Budget (Invited)
- Space geodetic observations and modeling of postseismic deformation due to the 2005 M7.6 Kashmir (Pakistan) earthquake
- Spectral Methods for Magnetic Anomalies
- Stress drop heterogeneity within the Southern California plate boundary fault system
- Subglacial flood event observed using in situ GPS data, CryoSat-2 altimetry, and MODIS image differencing on the Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica
- Systematic re-analysis of volcano-seismic waveform data
- Tectonic Tremor Triggered along Major Strike-Slip Faults around the World
- Tectonics of the Nafir-Skjálfandadjúp volcanic system, Tjörnes Fracture Zone, offshore North Iceland: A case of transtensional rifting along a divergent plate boundary
- Terrestrial laser scanning of anthropogenic beach berms for urban flood defense
- The Coral Reef pH-stat: An Important Defense Against Ocean Acidification? (Invited)
- The Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment: Visualizing Firn Densification Models to Characterize Uncertainty in the Physics of Firn Densification
- The Pb Paradox is a Consequence of CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> Recycling?
- The Seasonality of California Coastal Marine Layer Clouds from a New Satellite-Derived Dataset
- The Shortwave Spectroradiometer as a Versatile Sensor for Observation of Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties
- The U.S. East Coast Meteotsunami of June 13, 2013
- The influence of sea ice albedo on the global hydrological cycle
- The next generation of ship-to-shore networking from research vessels
- The role of HFCs in mitigating 21st century climate change
- The role of discharge history on Strombolian-plume rise
- The temperature of the western United States lithosphere and areas of likely mantle compositional variations
- Tidally driven oceanic turbulence over topography above the turning latitude (Invited)
- Tightly-coupled real-time analysis of GPS and accelerometer data for translational and rotational ground motions and application to earthquake and tsunami early warning
- Towards 1 MilliGal Global Marine Gravity Accuracy from CryoSat-2, Jason-1, and Envisat
- Towards global geomagnetic field reconstruction for the past 100 thousand years (Invited)
- Trade cumulus clouds embedded in a deep regional haze: Results from Indian Ocean CARDEX experiment
- Trends in carbon isotope fractionation in atmospheric carbon dioxide constrain water use efficiency of northern ecosystems from the 1980s to 2010
- Triggering Deglaciations: A Potential Mechanism Based on Laurentide Ice Sheet Induced Freshwater Forcing Changes and North Pacific Deep Water Formation
- Tropical cyclone variability over the North Atlantic: Observations and high-resolution simulations
- Understanding Natural Variations of the Greenhouse Gas Nitrous Oxide by Tracing its Isotopic Composition: Results over the Last Glacial/Interglacial Transition from the Taylor Glacier Horizontal Ice Core
- Using Geoarchaeology to Predict the Presence of Offshore Sites in Southern California (Invited)
- Variability of Cloud Cover and Its Relation to Spring Snowmelt in the Sierra Nevada
- Variability of seismic source spectra derived from cohesive-zone models of circular rupture
- Visualizing Oceans of Data: Using learning research to inform the design of student interfaces to climate data (Invited)
- Water vapour in the Sarahan Heat Low: A new theory of interannual to decadal scale variability in the summertime circulation over West Africa
- Water-Related Seismic Sources in Glaciers and Ice Sheets (Invited)
- What the FRAC? How can we improve paleointensity data selection?
- <SUP>4</SUP>He in Bahamas Carbonates: A Link between Dust Export and North African Mega-droughts over the Last Millennium
- A 40-year record of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric carbon monoxide concentration and isotope ratios from the firn at Greenland Summit.
- A 400-kyr record of millennial-scale carbonate preservation events in the Southern Ocean: Implications for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- A Comparison Between Seismogeodetic and Baseline Corrected Estimates of Ground Motion: Example Applications for the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku-oki Earthquake
- A Deep-Ocean Observatory with Near Real-time Telemetry
- A Description of Local and Nonlocal Eddy-Mean Flow Interaction in a Global Eddying State Estimate
- A Distributed, Open Source based Data Infrastructure for the Megacities Carbon Project
- A High Performance Virtualized Seismic Data Acquisition System
- A High-Resolution Dynamic Approach to Identifying and Characterizing Slow Slip and Subduction Locking Processes in Cascadia
- A Multi-wavenumber Theory for Eddy Diffusivities: Applications to the DIMES Region
- A Real-Time Seismogeodetic Network Using MEMS Accelerometers and Its Performance in Kinematic Slip Inversions
- A Rossby Wave Bridge from the Tropical Atlantic to Antarctica Climate
- A Spurious Jump in the Satellite Record: Has Antarctic Sea Ice Expansion Been Overestimated?
- A Summer Mode of the North Indian Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
- A new global bathymetry map at 15 arcsecond resolution for resolving seafloor fabric: SRTM15_PLUS
- ARkStorm@Tahoe: Science as a foundation for discussing, recognizing and mitigating storm-disaster vulnerabilities in mountain and downstream communities
- Active Lakes of the Recovery Ice Stream, East Antarctica: A Bedrock-Controlled Subglacial Hydrological System
- Active deformation offshore the Western Transverse Ranges
- Active faulting in the Inner California Borderlands: new constraints from high-resolution multichannel seismic and multibeam bathymetric data.
- Advances in Airborne Altimetric Techniques for the Measurement of Snow on Arctic Sea Ice
- An AMS Study of Gulf of Papua Ocean Sediment Cores- Evidence of Deformation Caused by Piston Coring
- An Assessment of Robust Holocene Geomagnetic Field Structures
- An Early Cenozoic Ichthyolith Record from Demerara Rise (ODP Site 1258: Equatorial Atlantic Ocean)
- An Early Middle Eocene Orbital Scale Benthic Isotope Record From IODP Site 1408, Newfoundland Rise
- Analytical bias in the oldest section of the Dome C CO<SUB>2</SUB> record
- Anisotropic 2.5D Inversion of Towed Streamer EM Data from Three North Sea Fields Using Parallel Adaptive Finite Elements
- Atmosphere Mitigation in Precise Point Positioning Ambiguity Resolution for Earthquake Early Warning in the Western U.S.
- Atmospheric River Model Simulation Diagnostics and Performance Metrics
- Atmospheric Rivers in Southeast Alaska and British Columbia: The Bella Coola Event of 2010 and Alaska Events of 2012
- CCHDO: Almost As Good As They Think They Are
- CalWater 2 - Precipitation, Aerosols, and Pacific Atmospheric Rivers Experiment
- Cenozoic Circulation History of the North Atlantic Ocean From Seismic Stratigraphy of the Newfoundland Ridge Drift Complex
- Clinothem Lobe Growth and Possible Ties to Downslope Processes in the Gulf of Papua
- Comparing Stable Water Isotope Variation in Atmospheric Moisture Observed over Coastal Water and Forests
- Complex Antarctic Ice-Shelf Height Changes Revealed By Eighteen Years of Satellite Radar Altimetry
- Computation of Air-Sea Fluxes in Five Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeast Pacific Using Dropsonde Observations
- Consequences and Resolution of Lunar Lower Mantle Partial Melt
- Constraining Sources of Subducted and Recycled Carbon Along the Sunda Arc
- Constraints on the Circulation of the Interior South Atlantic During the Last Glacial Maximum Inferred from a Highly-Resolved Sedimentary Depth Transect
- Continuous Underway Seawater Measurements of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Western Atlantic Ocean
- Crustal Shear Structure and Seafloor Compliance in the Shallow and Deep Ocean
- Decadal Modulation of Global Surface Temperature By Internal Climate Variability
- Deglacial floods in the Beaufort Sea
- Development of a relative paleointensity curve for the American Southwest
- Dimensionality and geological implications of a sparse magnetotelluric dataset
- Direct observations of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound (BVOC) Air-Sea Exchange in the remote North Atlantic from the High-Wind Gas-Exchange Study (HiWinGS)
- Directivity of Underwater Sounds Generated in the Vicinity of Tidewater Glaciers
- Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Microbial Diversity In The Lake Tahoe Basin, Sierra Nevada, California.
- Do high-resolution global climate models simulate climate extremes better? A validation.
- Dominant Factors Controlling the Hydrometeorology of Northern California: Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers and Sierra Barrier Jets
- Drivers of Intra-Summer Seasonality and Daily Variability of Coastal Low Cloudiness in California Subregions
- Drought-induced stress changes on faults associated with the 2014 South Napa earthquake
- Drought-induced uplift in the western United States as observed by the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory GPS network
- Dynamically Triggered Earthquakes in the Geysers Region following the 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Dynamics of Volcanic Jets from Short-Duration Eruptions: Mixing and Rise
- Enhanced Seasonal Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> by Northern Ecosystems - Observations and Models
- Estimating Dynamic Source Properties of Giant Megathrusts
- Evaluation of A Convective Cloud Microphysics Scheme in CAM5 under the CAPT Framework
- Evolution of aerosol and CCN properties on the Antarctic Peninsula and Southern Ocean during the spring and summer seasons.
- Examination of convective parameterization closures and their scale awareness using cloud-resolving model simulations
- Examining the Sensitivity of Regional Scale Cloud Properties to Convective Microphysics
- Exploring the Relationship between Surface Wind Convergence and Convective Rainfall in the Tropics.
- Extreme daily precipitation in the Northern Sierra Precipitation 8-Station index: The combined impact of landfalling atmospheric rivers and the Sierra barrier jet
- Facilitating Semantic Interoperability Among Ocean Data Systems: ODIP-R2R Student Outcomes
- First Observation of Rock Motion on Racetrack Playa, Death Valley National Park—Role of a Persistent Pool, Sun, Zephyrs, Windowpane Ice, and Tugboats
- Fish like it Hot? The response of ichthyolith accumulation to changing climates of the Paleogene
- Fish production and diversity in the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum—Increased production but no novel faunas during a "Future Earth" analog
- Fluid Origins, Thermal Regimes, and Fluid and Solute Fluxes in the Forearc of Subduction Zones
- Fluid migration pathways, sediment subduction, and the source of fluids escaping along the forearc seafloor revealed offshore Nicaragua with marine electromagnetic data
- Frequency Domain Detection with Nearest Neighbor Clustering to Detect Dynamically Triggered Remote Small Earthquakes within the Footprint of the EarthScope USArray Transportable Array
- From ecology to geochemistry to DNA: New information about Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi
- Full-3D Tomography of the Crustal Structure in Southern California Using Earthquake Seismograms and Ambient-Noise Correlagrams
- Geodetic observations of fault creep in the Imperial Valley: hidden faults, earthquake hazard and implications for frictional properties
- Glacial-interglacial Changes in Ocean Carbon Chemistry constrained by Boron Isotopes, Trace Elements, and Modelling
- Gradients in Strong and Weak Organic Copper-Binding Ligands in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
- High-Resolution Imaging of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca ridge.
- Holocene paleointensity estimates of volcanic glass from the Big Island of Hawaii
- How Well Does Natural Variability Explain the Difference Between Observed and Modeled Sea Ice Trends in Both Hemispheres?
- Hydrates in the California Borderlands Revisited: Results from a Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Survey of the Santa Cruz Basin.
- Improving coastal wave hindcasts by combining offshore buoy observations with global wave models.
- In the Footsteps of Roger Revelle: A STEM Partnership Between Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Office of Naval Research and Middle School Science Students Bringing Next Generation Science Standards into the Classroom through Ocean Science
- Indirect and Direct Parameterizations of Subgrid-scale Turbulent Orographic Form Drag and Implementations in CESM
- Inferring upper ocean dynamics from horizontal wavenumber spectra: Insights from Drake Passage
- Insights from geodynamo simulations into long-term geomagnetic field behaviour
- Interannual and decadal variability of sea level in the South China Sea
- Investigation of SMOS Sea Ice Thickness Retrieval with respect to the Ice Temperature Gradient within an Ice Layer
- Is Privately Funded Research on the Rise in Ocean Science?
- Kinematics and planktonic ecosystem dynamics of a coastal cyclonic eddy in the Southern California Bight
- Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers in California—Historical and Future Impacts
- Local and remote infrasound from explosive volcanism
- Localized Fault Slip to the Trench in the 2010 Maule, Chile M<SUB>w</SUB> = 8.8 Earthquake from Joint Inversion of High-Rate GPS, Teleseismic Body Waves, InSAR, and Tsunami Observations
- Magnetotelluric Investigations of Convergent Margins and of Incipient Rifting: Preliminary Results from the EarthScope MT Transportable Array and MT FlexArray Deployments in Cascadia and in the North American Mid-Continent Region
- Mean annual temperature of New Zealand during the last glacial period derived from dissolved noble gases
- Meter Accuracy Seafloor Geodesy using Repeated Multibeam Surveys
- Modeling surf zone-inner shelf exchange: Interaction of rip currents and stratification
- NOAA Utilization of the Global Hawk Unmanned Aircraft for Atmospheric Research and Forecast Improvement
- Neutrino geoscience with real-time modeling in the web browser
- New Constraints on K-Pg boundary Environmental Changes with Lithium Isotopes
- New Measurements of <SUP>14</SUP>C Provide Constraints on Sources of a Large Atmospheric Methane Increase During the Younger Dryas - Preboreal Abrupt Warming Event
- New Observations of Coseismic Fault Zone Deformation from Differencing Pre- and Post-Earthquake Lidar Data
- New climate archives from the high latitude North Atlantic Ocean: Preliminary results from IODP Exp 342, Newfoundland sediment drifts
- North American west coast summer low cloudiness: Broadscale variability associated with sea surface temperature
- North Greenland's Ice Shelves and Ocean Warming
- Observations of Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes and High-Frequency Internal Waves from Ship-Launched UAVs and Ship-based Instrumentation
- Observations of Surfzone Albedo
- Observations of a stratospheric depletion and annual mean interhemispheric gradient in the atmospheric Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB> ratio from the HIPPO Global campaign
- Observed Trends in Subtropical Stratocumulus and Associated Meteorology
- Ocean and Atmosphere Forcing of Larsen Ice Shelf Thinning
- On siphons and sediments: A new model for draining active subglacial lakes in Antarctica informed with satellite radar and laser altimeter observations.
- On the Multi-scale Variability of High-frequency Surface Air Temperature
- On the cause of the correlation between West African dust outbreaks and Sahelian rainfall
- Overview of Hydrographic Data From the GEOTRACES EPZT Cruise
- Paleointensity Estimates of Neoprotorezoic North Shore Volcanic Samples
- Parallel goal-oriented adaptive finite element modeling for 3D electromagnetic exploration
- Potential of Higher Moments of the Radar Doppler Spectrum for Studying Ice Clouds
- Precise Interhemispheric Phasing of the Bipolar Seesaw during Abrupt Dansgaard-Oeschger Events
- Probabilistic representations of regional climate change in the CESM Large Ensemble
- Quake clamps down on slow slip at the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand
- Quantifying transient rip current-driven exchange between the surfzone and inner shelf
- Rapid Access Ice Drill: A New Tool for Exploration of the Deep Antarctic Ice Sheets and Subglacial Geology
- Rapid kinematic slip inversion with regional geophysical data: towards site-specific tsunami intensity forecasts.
- Rapid tsunami propagation and inundation models from time-dependent earthquake source inversions from land- and ocean-based geophysical sensors
- Refining the Magnitude of the Shallow Slip Deficit
- Regions of Significant Influence on Unforced Global Mean Surface Temperature Variability in Climate Models
- Remote and In Situ Observations of Surfzone and Inner-Shelf Tracer Dispersion
- Response and Recovery of Surface Ocean Carbonate Chemistry in the Mid-latitude North Atlantic During the PETM
- Response of the Surface Circulation of the Arabian Sea to Monsoonal Forcing
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Big Data and Standard Services for the Fleet Community
- Satellite Remote Sensing Detection of Wastewater Plumes in Southern California
- Scale Dependency of Convective Momentum Transport as Diagnosed from Cloud-Resolving Model Simulation with Spectral-bin Microphysics
- Scale- and Aerosol-Aware Kain-Fritsch Convection Parameterization: Formulations and Tests
- Sea Surface Salinity Under Rain Cells: SMOS and in-Situ Observations
- Seasonal Variation of Methane Emissions in California's Urban and Rural Regions Using Multi-site Observations
- Sedimentological and Stratagraphic Evidence for a Catastrophic Flood Along the Beaufort Margin, Arctic Ocean
- Seismogeodesy for Rapid Response: The 2014 Mw 6 South Napa Earthquake
- Seismogeodetic Monitoring of Structural Deformation during Shaketable Experiments
- Semi-direct dynamical and radiative effect of North African dust transport on lower tropospheric clouds over the subtropical North Atlantic in CESM 1.0
- Sensitivity of intermittent streams to climate variations in the western United States
- Silicate Weathering and Pervasive Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation Coupled to Methanogenesis in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, Offshore India
- Smectite Dehydration, Membrane Filtration, and Pore-Water Freshening in Deep Ultra-Low Permeability Formations: Deep Processes in the Nankai Accretionary Wedge
- Southern Ocean air-sea heat flux, SST spatial anomalies, and implications for multi-decadal upper ocean heat content trends.
- Spatial Distribution of Diapycnal Diffusion of Heat and Buoyancy in the Indian Ocean
- Stress-state and micro-scale deformations in the hangingwall of the splay fault: Preliminary results from the Site C0002, IODP Expedition 348
- Sub-Surface Currents and High-Salinity Intrusions in the Southern Bay of Bengal during the Northeast Monsoon
- Surf zone, infragravity wave energy flux, and runup in extreme conditions
- Systematic re-analysis of 23 years of volcanic seismicity on Hawaii Island
- The 'footloose' mechanism: Iceberg decay from hydrostatic stresses
- The Anthropogenic Ambient Noise Field: Tracking Cars, Trains and Planes Seismically
- The April 1, 2014 Pisagua Earthquake as a Natural Laboratory for Studying the Effect of Geologic Heterogeneity on Earthquake Slip
- The Central and Eastern U.S. Seismic Network: Legacy of USArray
- The Impacts of California's San Francisco Bay Area Gap on Precipitation Observed in the Sierra Nevada during Hmt and Calwater
- The Influence of Remote Wind Forcing and Kelvin Waves on the Java Upwelling in Positive IOD Years
- The Inland Penetration of Atmospheric Rivers over Western North America: A Lagrangian Analysis
- The Keeling Curve and The Coral Reef Mosaic Project - Introducing the Realities of Climate Change to Educators and Scholars using Mosaic Arts.
- The LITHO1.0 Model
- The Response of US Summer Rainfall to Quadrupled CO<SUB>2</SUB> Climate Change in Conventional and Superparameterized Versions of the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model
- The Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) Project - Did the Ross Ice Shelf Collapse During MIS 5e?
- The influence of spatial and seasonal variability on the stability of the sea ice cover
- The origin of bajaites from the San Borja Volcanic Field in Baja California Norte, Mexico
- The temperature and carbonate ion influence on Pleistocene high latitude planktonic foraminiferal carbon isotopic records
- Time-Domain Techniques to Automatically Detect Local Earthquakes in the Wavetrain of Large Remote Teleseseismic Events Using Data within the Continental United States
- Total Water Vapor Transport Observed in Twelve Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeastern Pacific Ocean Using Dropsondes
- Towards 2D Bayesian Tomography of Receiver Functions
- Transport and Evolution of Aerosol Above/Below the Boundary Layer in the Western Mediterranean Basin
- Twenty-Two Years of Combined GPS Daily Coordinate Time Series and Derived Parameters: Implications for ITRF
- Understanding subtropical cloud feedbacks in anthropogenic climate change simulations of CMIP5 models
- Understanding the Influence of Terrestrial Water Anomalies on Summer Surface Air Temperature Variability over North America
- Understanding the production and retention of in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C in polar firn
- Upgrading the HiSeasNet Ship-to-Shore Satellite Network
- Urbanization reduces fogginess in coastal Southern California, possibly counteracting global-warming induced increases in foggines
- Variability of Cloud Cover and Its Relation to Snowmelt and Runoff in the Mountainous Western United States
- View Angle Dependence of MODIS Liquid Water Path Retrievals in Warm Oceanic Clouds
- WISSARD at Subglacial Lake Whillans, West Antarctica:scientific operations and initial observations
- Weakly Penetrative Mixing in the Surface Layer of the Bay of Bengal
- Why CMIP5 models projected precipitation changes over California are uncertain
- Wind, mixed-layer depth and Chl-a variability in the Southern Ocean
- <p>Advective and Conductive Heat Flow Budget Across the Wagner Basin, Northern Gulf of California
- <p>T-Phase Observations in Global Seismogram Stacks
- 85 million years of pelagic ecosystem evolution: Pacific Ocean deep-sea ichthyolith records reveal fish community dynamics and a long-term decline in sharks
- A 14-year-long Measurement of the Convergence Rate of the Juan de Fuca and North America Plates Offshore Central Oregon using GPS-Acoustics
- A Robotic Communications Gateway for Ocean Observations
- A-21<SUP>st</SUP>-century-approach to firefighting in the Western US: How microwave-based seismic networks can change fire suppression from reactive to proactive
- AUV Mapping and ROV Exploration of Los Frailes Submarine Canyon, Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park, Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Abrupt Atmospheric Methane Increases Associated With Hudson Strait Heinrich Events
- Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event
- Aerosol-cloud closure study using RPAS measurements
- Along-Strike Electrical Conductivity Variations in the Incoming Plate and Shallow Forearc of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Amphibious Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Aleutian Arc: Mantle Melt Generation and Migration beneath Okmok Caldera
- An Airborne and Ground-based Study of a Long-lived and Intense Atmospheric River Impacting California during the CalWater-2014 Early-Start Field Campaign
- Antarctic Peninsula Tidewater Glacier Dynamics
- Antarctic Subglacial Lake Drainage Via Canals Incised Into Sediment: Progress From Modelling And Observations
- Array Coherence
- Assessing Drought Impacts on Water Storage using GRACE Satellites and Regional Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley of California
- Atmospheric River Forecasting: Current Capabilities, Needs and New Directions
- Beyond Resonance: Characterizing Complex Basin Effects Using a Dense Seismic Array
- CalWater 2015 — Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation
- California's Epic 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Drought - Where Are We at and Where Do We Go from Here?
- Changes in the strength of Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation across repeated Eocene warming events
- Characterization of Multi-Scale Atmospheric Conditions Associated with Extreme Precipitation in the Transverse Ranges of Southern California
- Chlorophyll-a Variability in the Southern Ocean Mixed Layer and Euphotic Zone From Elephant Seals and Profiling Floats
- Climate Change Intensification of Horizontal Water Vapor Transport in CMIP5
- Climate model biases in the Indian Ocean meant state, variability and change
- Coherent Cloudiness Variability from Sierra Nevada to the Sea in California
- Comparing Organic Aerosol Composition from Marine Biogenic Sources to Seawater and to Physical Sea Spray Models
- Comparing Vertical Distributions of Water Vapor Flux within Two Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers
- Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
- Computation of Air-sea fluxes in Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeast Pacific using Dropsonde Observations
- Constraining The Radiocarbon Distribution Within Major Components of Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon
- Constraining porosity of the shallow forearc and plate interface offshore Nicaragua with marine electromagnetic data
- Continental-scale water fluxes from continuous GPS observations of Earth surface loading
- Continuous GPS observations of crustal loading from hydrometeorological events on the scale of storms to drought
- Data Science Careers: A Sampling of Successful Strategies, Pitfalls, and Persistent Challenges
- Decreased Temperate but not Polar Fish Productivity Across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition: Insights from Ichthyoliths
- Deep Learning for Climate Pattern Detection
- Detecting Recent Atmospheric River Induced Flood Events over the Russian River Basin
- Determining OBS Instrument Orientations: A Comparison of Algorithms
- Discontinuous Staggered Finite Difference Method for Anelastic Wave Simulations
- Distinct Patterns of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Versus Greenhouse Gas Forcing
- Diurnal Cycle of Winds and Convection in the ITCZ
- Dynamics and impacts of eddy-driven air-sea interaction in a regional air-sea coupled model for the US West Coast
- Early Warning Signals for Abrupt Change Raise False Alarm During Sea Ice Loss
- Early post-seismic deformation due to the 2015 M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake: Constraints on rheology of the Tibetan lithosphere
- Earthquake Source Parameters Relationships from 3D Rough Fault Dynamic Rupture
- Eastern tropical north Pacific coral radiocarbon reveals North Pacific Gyre Oscillation variability
- Effects of Climatological Model Biases on the Projection of Tropical Climate Change
- Episodic Rifting Events Within the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, an Onshore-Offshore Ridge-Transform in N-Iceland
- Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion
- Evaluating Observational Constraints on N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions via Information Content Analysis Using GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint
- Evolution of Temperature and Carbon Storage Within the Deep Southeast Atlantic Ocean Across the Last Glacial/Interglacial Cycle Inferred from a Highly-Resolved Sedimentary Depth Transect
- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Shear on the Electrical Properties of Polycrystalline Olivine and the Role of Grain Boundaries
- Experimental Investigation of the Electrical Anisotropy of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System
- Exploring the tropical Response to Global Warming via an Overriding Technique
- Fatty acids as biomarkers for food web structure in the eastern North Pacific Ocean
- Fault morphology controls rupture size: Evidence from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
- Fish Productivity in Open-Ocean Gyre Systems in the Late Oligocene and Miocene
- Fluvial and oceanographic controls on clinoform architecture in the Gulf of Papua
- Gap-flow Mediated Transport of Pollution to a Remote Coastal Site: Effects upon Aerosol Composition
- Geochemical Variation of Subducting Pacific Crust Along the Izu-Bonin Arc System and its Implications on the Generation of Arc Magmas
- Grounding Zones, Subglacial Lakes, and Dynamics of an Antarctic Ice Stream: The WISSARD Glaciological Experiment
- Groundwater Variability in a Sandstone Catchment and Linkages with Large-scale Climatic Circulatio
- Gulf Stream marine hydrokinetic energy resource characterization off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
- High quality absolute paleointensity data from Santa Fe, New Mexico
- High-speed rupture during the initiation of the 2015 Bonin Islands deep earthquake
- How Much Can We Hope to Resolve in Earthquake Rupture Processes with Back-projection
- Ice core measurements of <SUP>14</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation
- Ice shelf structure from dispersion curve analysis of passive-source seismic data, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Identification and Characterization of Earthquake Swarms in Southern California
- Identification and Estimation of Postseismic Deformation: Implications for Plate Motion Models, Models of the Earthquake Cycle, and Terrestrial Reference Frame Definition
- Identifying Dynamically Induced Variability in Glacier Mass-Balance Records
- Illuminating the Depths of the MagIC (Magnetics Information Consortium) Database
- Impact of Decreasing Perennial Arctic Sea Ice Extent on Local and Remote Water Masses as Depicted by a 60-Year Forced Global Coupled 0.1° Ocean/Sea Ice Simulation
- Impacts of ENSO events on cloud radiative effects in preindustrial conditions: Changes in cloud fraction and aerosol emissions, wet scavenging and transport
- Improvement of stratospheric balloon positioning and the impact on Antarctic gravity wave parameter estimation
- Improvements to the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Paleo and Rock Magnetic Database
- Increasing Temperature Extremes during the Recent Global Warming Hiatus
- Indus-wide C<SUB>4</SUB> expansion between 7-6 Ma: an IODP Expedition 355 discovery
- Influence of the Southern Ocean on the Global deep ocean stratification
- Initial Results from the Los Angeles Megacity Carbon Project: Exploring Spatial and Temporal Variability of the In Situ CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations
- Inner shelf circulation patterns driven by synoptic weather systems on the South Carolina Coast
- Insight into the Pacific Sea Surface Temperature- North American Hydroclimate Connection from an Eastern Tropical North Pacific Coral Record
- Insights on Antarctic climate variability from paleo-temperature proxies
- Interannual Variability in Amundsen Sea Ice-Shelf Height Change Linked to ENSO
- Interannual modulation of subtropical Atlantic boreal summer dust variability by ENSO
- Large-scale Atmospheric Variability and the Risk of Atmospheric River-Related Flooding in the West Coast of the United States
- Late Quaternary carbonate accumulation along eastern South Atlantic Ocean
- Line of Sight Displacement from ALOS-2 ScanSAR Interferometry: Burst Alignment and the Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake
- Links between abrupt change in tropical hydroclimate, high-latitude climate change, and atmospheric greenhouse gases during the last ice age
- Lithology, Geochemistry and Paleomagnetism of the Table Mountain Formation at the Little Walker Caldera
- Local Seismicity Recorded by ChilePEPPER: Implications for Dynamic Accretionary Prism Response and Long-term Prism Evolution
- Long-Term Drop in Caribbean Marine Export Productivity with the Demise of the Central American Seaway
- Long-term Evolution of Seismicity Rates in California Geothermal Fields
- M7+ Virtual Earthquakes near Kanto Sedimentary Basin
- Magnetotelluric Investigation of Melt Storage Beneath Okmok Caldera, Alaska
- Meteorological and Aerosol effects on Marine Cloud Microphysical Properties
- Microseism Directivity from Noise Cross-correlation
- Model uncertainty in tropical rainfall projection: The crucial role of ocean warming pattern and atmospheric circulation coupling
- Modeling Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Precipitation: Insights from CalWater 2015
- National Weather Service, Emergency Medical Services, Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UCSD and California EPA Collaboration on Heat Health Impact and Public Notification for San Diego County
- NavManager: Open Source Software for Processing Shipboard Navigation Data
- Neon Isotope Fractionation in Ice Cores at Close-Off Depth
- New Archaeointensity Result from Middle-Eastern China and Its Constraints on the Variation of the Geomagnetic Field during the last 6 kyr
- New CHIRP Seismic Images of Submarine Terraces Around San Clemente Island Constrain its Tectonic Evolution and Geomorphology
- New High-Resolution 3D Imagery of Fault Deformation and Segmentation of the San Onofre and San Mateo Trends in the Inner California Borderlands
- New Insights into Amino Acid Preservation in the Early Oceans using Modern Analytical Techniques
- New paleomagnetic and paleointensity results from plio-pleistocene volcanic sequences from southern Georgia
- New sedimentological evidence supporting a catastrophic meltwater discharge event along the Beaufort margin, Arctic Ocean
- Northern hemisphere mid-latitude geomagnetic anomaly revealed from Levantine Archaeomagnetic Compilation (LAC).
- Northwestern Pacific Typhoon Intensity Controlled by Changes in Ocean Temperatures
- Observations of Dynamic Triggering in the Coso Geothermal Field 2004-2013
- Observations of Seafloor Vertical Deformation on Axial Seamount with the Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder
- Observing Physical and Biological Drivers of pH and O<SUB>2</SUB> in a Seasonal Ice Zone in the Ross Sea Using Profiling Float Data
- Ocean Tracks: College Edition - Promoting Data Literacy in Science Education at the Undergraduate Level
- Ocean Tracks: Investigating Marine Migrations in a Changing Ocean
- Ocean mediation of tropospheric response to reflecting and absorbing aerosols
- On the Decadal Scale Correlation Between African Dust and Sahel Rainfall: the Role of Saharan Heat Low-Forced Winds
- Origin and Constraints on Ilmenite-rich Partial Melt in the Lunar Lower Mantle
- Palaeomagnetic field strength variations suggest a Mesoproterozoic age of inner core nucleation
- Paleosecular variation and time-averaged field analysis over the last 10 Ma from a new global dataset (PSV10)
- Preferential accumulation of gas hydrate in the Andaman accretionary wedge and relationship to anomalous porosity preservation
- Producing Scientific and Strategic Guidance for California's Department of Water Resources: The Climate Change Technical Advisory Group
- Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System for Areas of Highest Seismic Risk in the Western U.S.
- Providing farmers, ranchers, and foresters in California with actionable climate information: opportunities and obstacles for California's USDA Regional Climate Sub Hub
- Rapid subglacial water system evolution triggered by subglacial floods in West Antarctica
- Reduced weather variability indicated by decreases in atmospheric energy spectra
- Reducing the uncertainty in subtropical cloud feedback
- Resistivity structure of the Del Mar methane seep.
- Resolution and Accuracy of GPS-Based Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies During Hydrologic Extremes: Linking Hydrologic Process, Solid-Earth Response, and Monitoring Networks
- Room-temperature instability of TRM and the problem of estimating absolute paleointensity from non single domain materials.
- Sampling the Vertical Moisture Structure of an Atmospheric River Event Using Airborne GPS Radio Occultation Profiling
- Santa Ana Winds of Southern California: Their Climatology and Variability Spanning 6.5 Decades from Regional Dynamical Modelling
- Satellite estimates of trends in magnitude and timing of phytoplankton pigments, primary production and export production in the Arctic Ocean
- Segmentation Along the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon Fault Zone: Implications for Rupture Propagation
- Seismic Source Spectral Properties of Crack-like and Pulse-like Modes of Dynamic Rupture
- Shallow Water Hydrothermal Vents in the Gulf of California: Natural Laboratories for Multidisciplinary Research
- Siple Coast ice streams reorganization following the reactivation of Kamb Ice Stream tributaries, West Antarctica
- Skill Test of the West-WRF and GFS Models Verified Using CalWater Dropsonde Observations
- Slepian Basis Approach for GRACE Measurements Reveals Mass Loss in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Slip kinematics and ground motions of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake imaged with 5Hz GPS data and ALOS-2 InSAR constraints
- Slow rupture and slip to the trench during the 2015, Mw8.3 Illapel, Chile earthquake
- Solar Irradiance from GOES Albedo performance in a Hydrologic Model Simulation of Snowmelt Runoff
- Source model and ground shaking of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Mw7.8 earthquake
- Sources and sinks of momentum in the Southern Ocean State Estimate
- Spectral Expansion Inversion for the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake: Investigation on the Boundaries of Rupture
- Stacking coda waves to resolve the scattering and attenuation structure of Southern California
- Strike-slip faulting in the Inner California Borderlands, offshore Southern California.
- Structural Architecture of the Western Transverse Ranges and Potential for Large Earthquakes
- Sub-meter Range Precision of Seafloor Deformation Obtainable from Correlation of Repeated Raw Sidescan Sonar Surveys
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- Surface Towed CSEM Systems for Shallow Water Mapping
- Tectonic Seasonal Loading Inferred from cGPS Measurements as a Potential Trigger for the M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- The Capabilities of Seismogeodesy with Low-Cost MEMS Accelerometers and Very-High-Rate GNSS Data and Implications for Earthquake and Near-Shore Tsunami Early Warning
- The Role of Real-Time GNSS in Tsunami Early Warning and Hazard Mitigation
- The Role of Secondary Frontal Waves in Causing Missed or False Alarm Flood Forecasts During Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers
- The Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) ice core: climate and ice dynamics of the Ross Sea, West Antarctica
- The effects of continental growth on global sea level
- The effects of thick sediment upon continental breakup: seismic imaging and thermal modeling of the Salton Trough, southern California
- The heterogeneity spectrum of Earth's upper mantle constrained by global observations of scattered P-waves
- The impact of poleward moisture and sensible heat flux on Arctic winter sea-ice variability.
- The radiation of surface wave energy: Implications for volcanic tremor
- Thermal Evolution and Crystallisation Regimes of the Martian Core
- Three-Dimensional Propagation of Tsunami-Generated Internal Waves in the Atmosphere
- Trends in snowfall versus rainfall in the Western United States--Revisited
- Tropical Atlantic Impacts on the Decadal Climate Variability of the Tropical Ocean and Atmosphere.
- Two Scales of Mixed Rossby-gravity and Kelvin Waves in the lower Stratosphere
- Two-dimensional dust concentration from an outcrop of Last Glacial Maximum ice at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Understanding strain transfer and basin evolution complexities in the Salton pull-apart basin near the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Using Electrical Conductivity to Map Melt and Fluids at Subduction Zones
- Using Network Theory to Understand Seismic Noise in Dense Arrays
- Version 3 of the GEOMAGIA50 Paleomagnetic Database
- Water isotope characteristics of landfalling atmospheric rivers in California
- What controls the onset of stable fault creep at the bottom of the seismogenic zone?
- What the Spatial Correlation of He Isotope and Seimic Velocity Anomalies Implies for Rifting and Volatile Sources in Ethiopia and Afar
- A 2008-2012 Biogeochemical Southern Ocean State Estimate
- A Heat Warning System to Reduce Heat Illness in San Diego County
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A Sedimentary and Stratigraphic Record of the Deglaciation of the Beaufort Margin, Arctic Ocean
- A Spectral Expansion Approach for Geodetic Slip Inversion: Implications for the Down-dip Rupture Limits of Oceanic and Continental Megathrust Earthquakes
- A Water Mass Tracer Detected in Aerosols Demonstrates Ocean-Atmosphere Mass Transfer and Links Sea Spray Aerosol to Source Waters
- AGU, Science and Engagement with the Energy Industry
- ARM Mobile Facility 2: West Antarctic Radiation Experiment
- Abrupt changes in atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide during Heinrich Stadials from very high resolution ice core data
- Air-sea interactions in the Southeast Pacific: Mooring, ship, and float observations
- Airborne GPS Radio Occultation Observations of Moisture Variations in Atmospheric Rivers
- An Absolute Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder for Campaign-Style Detection of Vertical Seafloor Deformation in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- An Assessment of Seasonal Circulation Patterns in the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam, Utilizing a Numerical Model, HF Radar and In Situ Observations
- Archaeointensity Study on Armenian Archaeological Pottery Sherds from 6000-1000 BCE
- Assessing Drought Impacts on Water Storage Changes from New GRACE Mascons Solutions and Regional Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley of California
- Assessing the Central U.S. Land-Atmosphere Hotspot using Dynamical Adjustment
- Assessing the Contribution of Superconducting Gravimetry and GPS to Lunar Laser Ranging at Apache Point Observatory, New Mexico
- Assessing the dependence of seafloor displacement measurements from repeated sidescan sonar surveys upon ship speed and track separation
- Assimilating coastal wave buoy observations and global wave model predictions in regional wave models
- Atmospheric Rivers and Historic California Floods: A Look in the Past and a Peek in the Future
- Atmospheric Rivers as a Trigger for Landslides and Post-Fire Debris Flows in Southern California
- Atmospheric evidence for a global secular increase in isotopic discrimination of land photosynthesis
- Back-projection of large earthquakes: advances and caveats
- Bayesian Inversion of 2D Models from Airborne Transient EM Data
- Beyond the threshold for motion: river channel geometry and grain size reflect sediment supply
- Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Concentrations Enhanced on Sulfate-Containing Particles during Multi-Day Stagnation Events at Look Rock during SOAS
- Can we apply the <SUP>10</SUP>Be/<SUP>9</SUP>Be flux tracer to marine sediments along glaciated margins?
- Characterizing Magnetic Properties in Belize Corals
- Chilean Tsunami Rocks the Ross Ice Shelf
- Classification and Localization of Extreme Weather Patterns with Deep Learning
- Climate change as a driver for future human migration
- Coastal Carbon Dynamics as a New Chapter in SOCCR2: Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries
- Coastal hazards along the U.S. West Coast during the 2015-16 El Niño
- Coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific in post-El Niño summer
- Connecting sources of circumpolar deep water to the Antarctic continental shelf using lagrangian pathways
- Constraints on global temperature target overshoot
- Constraints on the thermosteric component of Last Interglacial sea level
- Creating a Regional Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) for California and Nevada: Building Off of Information Gathered and Lessons Learned after 5 Years of Drought
- Crustal structure and tectonic history of the Kermadec arc inferred from MANGO seismic refraction profiles
- Deep-seated mud volcanoes and their impact on seismicity[WM1] at Nankai (landward of the NanTroSEIZE drilling transect)
- Deliberating Albedo Modification in Finnish Lapland: Integrating Geoengineering Research With Community-Specific Insights
- Dissecting the Precipitation and Moisture Biases in CMIP5 Models
- Double-corner-frequency source models: new perspectives in earthquake self-similarity
- E/V Nautilus Mapping and ROV Dives Reveal Hundreds of Vents along the West Coast of the United States
- Earth's Core-Mantle equilibrium and a heat sink at the Core Mantle Boundary
- Earthquake Early Warning with Seismogeodesy: Detection, Location, and Magnitude Estimation
- Effect of atmospheric forcing resolution on the model fidelity of sea level variability in the North Pacific
- Effects of ocean-atmosphere coupling on rainfall over the Indian Ocean and northwestern Pacific Ocean during boreal summer
- Effects of southeastern Pacific sea surface temperature on the double-ITCZ bias in NCAR CESM1
- Estimating Snow Water Equivalent from GPS Vertical Position: Relationship between Errors and Station Density for the Western U.S.
- Estimating soil moisture exceedance probability from antecedent rainfall
- Evaluating the Roles of Topography and Aerosols in Atmospheric River Rainout Using a Paired Stable Isotope and Ice Nucleating Particle Time Series Approach
- Evaluation of the scale-awareness of the multi-draft ZM scheme
- Event Relocations, Focal Mechanisms and Source Parameters of Recent Earthquake Sequences in the Reno, Nevada Urban Areas
- Evidence that Palmer Station Antarctica seasonal O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> cycles understate regional marine boundary layer means
- Experiential Learning: High School Student Response to Learning Oceanography at Sea
- Exploring the geomagnetic field anomaly during the first millennium CE: Evidence from new archaeointensity data from China
- Fault Deformation and Segmentation of the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon, and San Onofre Trend Fault Systems from New High-Resolution 3D Seismic Imagery
- Flexural-gravity Wave Attenuation in a Thick Ice Shelf
- Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations - An Opportunity to Improve Water Supply Reliability Lake Mendocino Demonstration Project
- GPS Imaging of Time-Dependent Seasonal Strain in Central California
- Global surface density variability on scales relevant to SWOT
- Gravity and InSAR remote sensing of groundwater usage in the Sahel and Horn of Africa
- GrowClust: A hierarchical clustering algorithm for relative earthquake relocation, with application to the Spanish Springs and Sheldon, Nevada, earthquake sequences
- Hiatus on the upward staircase of global warming
- High-Resolution Relocations of Digital-Era Seismicity and Stress Field Estimates in the Vicinity of the Nevada National Security Site, Southern Nevada
- How do Cloud Macrostructure and Weather Pattern Modulate the Removal of Ice Nucleating Particles and Stable Isotopes in Precipitation?
- How do Wave Properties Determine the Surfzone Horizontal Eddy Diffusivity?
- Hydrological Forecast Certainty Using Historical Forecast Skill Curves - For A Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operation
- Ice core measurements of <SUP>14</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> show no evidence of methane release to atmosphere from methane hydrates during a large warming event 11,600 years ago
- Impacts of ENSO on Air-Sea Oxygen Exchange: Observations and Mechanisms
- Improved Data Model and Data Entry Methods for the MagIC Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Database
- Improving GPM Precipitation Phase for the Western US
- In Situ Carbon Dioxide and Methane Measurements from a Tower Network in Los Angeles
- Inconsistent strategies to spin up models in CMIP5: implications for ocean biogeochemical model performance assessment
- Influence of the Equatorial Kelvin Waves on the Reversal of the Somali Current
- Innovative contributions and continued diplomacy will be necessary on the path forward from Paris
- Ins and outs of a complex subduction zone: C cycling along the Sunda margin, Indonesia
- Insights into Along Strike Variability in the Lau Back Spreading Center and Tonga Arc from Bodywave Tomography
- Intensification of Landfalling Typhoons over the Northwest Pacific Since the Late 1970s
- Internal Tide Generation, Propagation and Transformation north of Pt. Conception, CA: Observations and Model Simulations
- Introduction and Comments by H.E. Ms. Ségolène Royal, President of the COP 21/CMP 11 Bureau
- Investigating the Impact of Microphysical Processes on Storm-Total Precipitation During Atmospheric River Events in Northern California
- Late Miocene Hydrological Change in the Indus River Catchment
- Late Quaternary carbonate accumulation along eastern South Atlantic Ocean
- Lateral variations of mantle transition-zone discontinuities
- Leaky Sinks: Should (Paleo)erosion Rates and Floodplain Sedimentation Rates Covary?
- Low-level Cooling is Important to MJO Simulation in CAM5
- MagIC: Geomagnetic Applications from Earth History to Archeology
- Marine Hydrokinetic Energy from Western Boundary Currents
- Mass Balance and Structure of the Ross Ice Shelf
- Microbial community composition and function in the Tonga Trench: from 400m below the sea surface to 9100m water depth and from 0 to 2 m below the seafloor.
- Modeling coastal upwelling around a small-scale coastline promontory
- Modeling upper ocean diurnal variability: the role of diurnal winds versus wind gusts.
- Modernizing the MagIC Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Database Technology Stack to Encourage Code Reuse and Reproducible Science
- National High Frequency Radar Network (hfrnet) and Pacific Research Efforts
- Natural Hazards Risk Reduction and the ARkStorm Scenario
- Net Ecosystem Fluxes of Methyl Halides from a Coastal Salt Marsh with Invasive Pepperweed
- New sedimentary records of enhanced weathering during the PETM
- Noble gas isotopes in groundwater as a proxy for past water table depth
- Noisy Icebergs: Low Frequency Acoustic Noise Levels Observed off Palmyra Atoll
- North Pacific Meridional Mode over the Common Era
- Numerical Modeling of Infragravity Wave Runup on Steep and Mildly Sloping Natural Beaches
- Observations of Cross-Surf-zone / Inner-shelf Dye Exchange from Aerial Hyperspectral and in Situ Data.
- Observations of High-frequency Internal Wave Energy Offshore of Point Loma, California
- Observations of Nonlinear Internal Wave Runup into the Surfzone
- On the Response of the Aleutian Low to Greenhouse Warming
- On the renewed growth of atmospheric methane: implications for the oxidative capacity of the troposphere
- Optimal Estimation of Sulfuryl Fluoride Emissions on Regional and Global Scales Using Advanced 3D Inverse Modeling and AGAGE Observations
- Organic Functional Group Composition of Submicron Aerosol Particles at Alert, Nunavut, during 2012-2014
- Paleodrainage insights into the fluvial and glacial history of the western Chukchi margin, Arctic Alaska
- Preliminary Archaeointensity Reference Curve for the "Four Corners" Region of the American Southwest
- Process Contributions to Cool Java SST Anomalies at the Onset of Positive Indian Ocean Dipole Events
- Projections of Climate Change Effects on Global Atmospheric River Landfalls
- Propagation of near-inertial waves beneath atmospheric storm tracks on the non-traditional beta-plane
- Quantification of Atmospheric River Landfall Errors at Bodega Bay, California in the Global Forecast System and West-WRF
- Radioactive and Stable Paleoatmospheric MethaneIsotopes across the Last Deglaciation and Early Holocene from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Range and beam angle dependence of the empirical wave inversion method of HF radars
- Rapid Response of West Antarctic Ice Shelves to El Niño and La Niña
- Recent deformation on the San Diego Trough and San Pedro Basin fault systems, offshore Southern California: Assessing evidence for fault system connectivity.
- Reconciling Estimates of Mantle Viscosity Across Scales: Case Study of the Basin and Range
- Reconciling Seismicity and Geodetic Locking Depths on the Anza Segment of the San Jacinto Fault
- Reduced Interdecadal Variability of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under Global Warming
- Reducing Uncertainty in GMPE's Through Physical Explanations of the Path Term
- Resolution Study of Marine CSEM Imaging of Subduction Zones
- Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica: Bathymetry, Structural Geology and Ocean Circulation from New IcePod Airborne Geophysical Data
- SOCCOM Biogeochemical Profiling Floats: Representativeness and Deployment Strategies Utilizing GO-SHIP/Argo Observations and SOSE/Hycom Model Output
- Satellite observations of diurnal wind-convection coupling in the Bay of Bengal
- Scalable parallel inversion of electromagnetic induction data using unstructured grids and goal oriented adaptive finite elements
- Scale-dependency of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions using Scale-Aware Cloud Microphysics in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- SeaView: bringing EarthCube to the Oceanographer
- Seasonal and interannual variations in the influence of cloud cover variability on snowpack and streamflow in the western U.S.
- Seismogeodetic monitoring techniques for tsunami and earthquake early warning and rapid assessment of structural damage
- Sensitivity of Detecting Shallow Slip in Tsunami Earthquakes Using High-Rate Seismogeodetic Displacement and Velocity Waveforms
- Shallow Seismic Structure of the Seafloor in the Cascadia Basin from Observations of Scholte Waves by Ocean-Bottom Seismographs
- Similarity and disparity in regional climate response between greenhouse gas and aerosol forcing
- Slow Preconditioning for Abrupt Convective Jump Over the Summer Northwest Pacific
- Southern Ocean Zonal Scale Summertime Oxygen Outgassing and Carbon Dioxide Ingassing
- Space and Time Variability of the Southern Ocean Carbon Budget
- Spatially variable till deformation and water transport in ice-stream shear margins from numerical simulations
- Structural controls on the megathrust segmentation of the Middle America Trench from multiple geophysical observations
- Subglacial sediment mechanics investigated by computer simulation of granular material
- Submesoscale currents and coastal wave impacts: example of the North Carolina Outer Banks and possible investigation with future satellites
- Summertime Atmospheric Boundary Layer Gradients of O2 and CO2 Over the Southern Ocean
- Taking advantage of the predictive potential of process-based models for ice exploration
- Terrestrial water storage anomalies across the contiguous United States as estimated using GPS and GRACE observations
- The ARM West Antarctic Radiation Experiment (AWARE)
- The Effect of Oxygen on the Structure and Dynamics of Planetary Cores: Insights from Melting Phase Relations in the Fe-S and Fe-S-O Systems
- The Stanislaus Group in a Beheaded Drainage: Tectonics at the Margin of the Sierra Nevada Microplate
- The international Argo data infrastructure; past, present, and future.
- The role of Ekman transport on the ITCZ response to extratropical thermal forcing
- Till Dynamics Underneath Ice Streams with a Nonlocal Dense Granular Flow Model
- Timescales of Equatorward Transport through the Solomon Sea from Glider and Altimetry
- To Catch a Cloud - Multiscale Precipitation Processes in the Andes and in the Himalayas
- Topographic beta-plane turbulence and form stress
- Toward Improving Convection Simulation in Global Climate Models
- Tracking RAFOS-enabled, under-ice Argo profiling floats using a Kalman smoothing technique
- Transient deformation from daily GPS displacement time series: postseismic deformation, ETS and evolving strain rates
- Tropical Pacific climate during the Medieval Climate Anomaly: progress and pitfalls
- Tropical Pacific variability as a key pacemaker of the global warming staircase
- Uncertainty estimation of continuous in-situ greenhouse gas observation
- Understanding deep cumulates: insights into crust-building processes across time and tectonic setting
- Understanding the production and retention of in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C in polar firn
- Understanding the recent changes in the Southern Ocean carbon cycle: A multidisciplinary approach
- Underwater sound radiation patterns of contemporary merchant ships
- Upper Ocean Meso-Submesoscale Eddy Variability in the Northwestern Pacific from Repeat ADCP Measurements and 1/48-deg MITgcm Simulation
- Upper-mantle discontinuities beneath USArray from topside reflections
- Using X-Ray Fluorescence Technique to Quantify Metal Concentration in Coral Cores from Belize
- Using seismic coda waves to resolve intrinsic and scattering attenuation
- Vortex interactions between mean longshore currents and transient rip currents
- WES feedback and the Atlantic Meridional Mode: observations and CMIP5 comparisons
- Wave induced coastal cliff top ground motions and infragravity wave dissipation under high energy wave conditions.
- West Antarctica as a Natural Laboratory for Single- and Mixed-Phase Cloud Microphysics
- Wind-driven Sea-Ice Changes Intensify Subsurface Warm Water Intrusion into the West Antarctic Land Ice Front
- 3-D acoustic waveform simulation and inversion supplemented by infrasound sensors on a tethered weather balloon at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- 3-component time-dependent crustal deformation in Southern California from Sentinel-1 and GPS
- 3D Constraints On Fault Architecture and Strain Distribution of the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon and San Onofre Trend Fault Systems
- 5 Ma of plume source evolution in the Niihau - Kauai - North Arch magmas, Hawaii
- A 3D view of magnetic stripes at Pito Deep: implications for the thermal history of fast-spreading lower oceanic crust
- A Bayesian analysis of the 2016 Pedernales (Ecuador) earthquake rupture process
- A Critical Appraisal of the `Day' Diagram
- A Scale to Characterize the Strength and Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers
- A Threshold in Phanerozoic Oxygen Concentrations: Evidence from Carbonate Sediment Color and Physiological Requirements of Marine Fauna
- A focus on melt focusing
- A method to precisely measure Ar isotopes and Xe/Kr ratios in air trapped in ice cores for simultaneous ice core dating and mean ocean temperature reconstruction
- Advancing solar energy forecasting through the underlying physics
- An Improved Method to Determine Coda-Q, Earthquake Magnitude, and Site Amplification: Theory and Application to Southern California
- An Inter-comparison Between Reanalysis and Dropsonde Observations of the Total Water Vapor Transport in Individual Atmospheric Rivers
- An Updated Earthquake Relocation Catalog for the Island of Hawaíi from 2009 to 2016
- An analytical model of iceberg drift
- Analysis of the Source and Ground Motions from the 2017 M8.2 Tehuantepec and M7.1 Puebla Earthquakes
- Assessing the High Temperature, High Pressure Subsurface for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
- Atmospheric Circulation Response to Episodic Arctic Warming in an Idealized Model
- Atmospheric River Importance to Extratropical Climate and Hydrology
- Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Science Goals and Preliminary Analysis
- Augmenting Onshore GPS Displacements with Offshore Observations to Improve Slip Characterization for Cascadia Subduction Earthquakes
- Basic to Advanced InSAR Processing: GMTSAR
- Building a SuAVE browse interface to R2R's Linked Data
- California heat waves: their spatial evolution, variation, and coastal modulation by low clouds
- Campaign-Style Measurements of Vertical Seafloor Deformation in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using an Absolute Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder
- Central Atlantic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Study (CAL-LAB): Massive Coast effects in MT data
- Characteristics of Atmospheric River Families in California's Russian River Basin
- Chronostratigraphic framework for the late Miocene interval of IODP Exp. 355 Site U1457: timing of the C3-C4 transition
- Cloud Microphysics and Aerosols as Drivers of Variability in Orographic Precipitation Under Atmospheric River Conditions
- Combined GPS and seismic monitoring of a 12-story structure in a region of induced seismicity in Oklahoma
- Combined cGPS and InSAR time series for observing subsidence in the southern Central Valley due to groundwater exploitation
- Combining X-Ray Fluorescence and Magnetic Techniques to Quantify Elemental Concentrations in Coral Cores from Belize
- Combining observations and models to reduce uncertainty in the cloud response to global warming
- Conceptual Model for the Geothermal System of the Wagner Basin, Gulf of California
- Constraining the sources of CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions during past abrupt climate change using CH<SUB>4 </SUB>triple isotopes mass balance from the ice core records
- Creating a FIESTA (Framework for Integrated Earth Science and Technology Applications) with MagIC
- Crustal Deformation along San Andreas Fault System revealed by GPS and Sentinel-1 InSAR
- Data recovery of North American directional archaeomagnetic records for the development of a robust reference curve for the "Four Corners" region of the American Southwest
- Decadal trends in deep ocean salinity and regional effects on steric sea level
- Deciphering Stress State of Seismogenic Faults in Oklahoma and Kansas Based on High-resolution Stress Maps
- Deep-towed CSEM survey of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico
- Development and validation of a regional coupled forecasting system for S2S forecasts
- Direct Measurements of Iceberg Melt in Greenland Tidewater Glacier Fjords
- Diversity in Detection Algorithms for Atmospheric Rivers: A Community Effort to Understand the Consequences
- Duality of Ross Ice Shelf systems: crustal boundary, ice sheet processes and ocean circulation from ROSETTA-Ice surveys
- Dynamics of delayed triggering in multi-segmented foreshock sequence: Evidence from the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake
- Early 20th Century Arctic Warming Intensified by Pacific and Atlantic Multidecadal Variability
- EarthCube Data Discovery Hub: Enhancing, Curating and Finding Data across Multiple Geoscience Data Sources.
- Eastern Ross Ice Sheet Deglacial History inferred from the Roosevelt Island Ice Core
- Effect of Impingement Angle on landfalling Atmospheric River precipitation efficiency
- Effect of bend faulting on the hydration state of oceanic crust: Electromagnetic constraints from the Middle America Trench
- Effects of Varying Cloud Cover on Springtime Runoff in California's Sierra Nevada
- Electrical Investigation of Metal-Olivine Systems and Application to the Deep Interior of Mercury
- Electrically Anisotropic 35 Ma Pacific Lithosphere
- Estimation of the direct dust-climate feedback
- Evaluating sub-seasonal skill in probabilistic forecasts of Atmospheric Rivers and associated extreme events
- Evaluating the cause(s) of Ti, Ta, and Nb (TITAN) enrichment in ocean island basalts using LA-ICP-MS
- Evidences of Episodic Crustal Magmatic Diapir and Shallow Volcanic Activity at Uturuncu, Central Andes, from Geodetic Observations between 2014 - 2017
- Experimental Investigation of the Viscosity of Iron-rich Silicate Melts under Pressure
- Externally forced patterns of multidecadal cloud change in observations and models
- First archaeointensity results from the historical period of Cambodia, Southeast Asia
- Five millions years of paleosecular variations from the Golan Heights volcanic field, Israel
- Fjord circulation promotes significant glacier-wide submarine melting at a Greenland tidewater glacier
- Flooding During Drought: Learning from Stakeholder Engagement & Partner Coordination in the California-Nevada Drought Early Warning System (DEWS)
- Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations: Bringing Science and Decision-Makers Together to Explore Use of Hydrometeorological Forecasts to Support Future Reservoir Operations
- Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations: Lessons Learned from a Multi-Agency Collaborative Research and Operations Effort to improve Flood Risk Management, Water Supply and Environmental Benefits
- Formation and stability of a double subduction system: a numerical study
- Fractionation of neon isotopes in ice cores during air bubble trapping
- GPS radio occultation simulation experiments for the upcoming Strateole-2 superpressure balloon campaign investigating equatorial waves
- Geomagnetic spikes on the core-mantle boundary
- Global Analysis of Climate Change Projection Effects on Atmospheric Rivers
- Global Bathymetry: Machine Learning for Data Editing
- Hadean silicate differentiation revealed by anomalous <SUP>142</SUP>Nd in the Réunion hotspot source
- Holocene deformation offshore Ventura basin, CA, constrained by new high-resolution geophysical data
- How to spy on your neighbor's water consumption from space
- Hunting for shallow slow-slip events at Cascadia
- IODP Site 1476: 7.5 Million Year Record of Southeast African Climate
- Identifying Biases in Dust Source Functions
- Impacts of Biomass Burning on African Climate and Inhabitants
- Improvement of real-time seismic magnitude estimation by combining seismic and geodetic instrumentation
- In Search of a Dipole Field during the Plio-Pleistocene
- Increases to Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols from SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the Southeastern US
- Increasing Storm Water Capture for Water Supply using Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) in Orange County, California
- Influence of Meteorological Regimes on Cloud Microphysics Over Ross Island, Antarctica
- Investigating the contribution of dust on Atmospheric River events using calcium data in precipitation samples collected along the U.S. west coast
- Investigating the fate of microplastics in the San Diego Bay area: A paleoenvironmental approach
- Investigation of Back-Projection Uncertainties with M6 Earthquakes
- Investigation of small earthquake source processes with IRIS community wavefield experiment in Oklahoma
- Is Convection Sensitive to Model Vertical Resolution and Why?
- Isotopic composition of ice core air reveals abrupt Antarctic warming during and after Heinrich Event 1a
- Joint Geodetic and Seismic Analysis of the effects of Englacial and Subglacial Hydraulics on Surface Crevassing near a Seasonal, Glacier-Dammed Lake on Gornergletscher, Switzerland
- Large short-term deviations from dipolar field during the Levantine Iron Age Geomagnetic Anomaly ca. 1050-700 BCE
- Linking Calving Behavior and Iceberg Distributions in Greenland Fjords
- Locating sources within a dense sensor array using graph clustering
- Long-time Dynamics of Stochastic Wave Breaking
- Making the MagIC (Magnetics Information Consortium) Web Application Accessible to New Users and Useful to Experts
- Mantle to Surface Dynamics Across Subduction-Collision Transitions in Space and Time: Results from the CD-CAT Project in Anatolia
- Mapping Ross Ice Shelf with ROSETTA-Ice airborne laser altimetry
- Mapping Subsea Permafrost Using Suface-Towed Electromagnetic Methods Near Prudhoe Bay, AK
- Massive Mortality of a Planktivorous Seabird in Response to a Marine Heatwave: A Citizen Science Case-study
- Mechanisms of unsteady shallow creep on major crustal faults
- Melt Origin Across a Rifted Continental Margin: A Case for Subduction-related Metasomatic Agents in the Lithospheric Source of Alkaline Basalt, Northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Meteorological Drivers of West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Ice Shelf Surface Melt
- Migration to Current Open Source Technologies by MagIC Enables a More Responsive Website, Quicker Development Times, and Increased Community Engagement
- Modeling Archean Subduction Initiation from Continental Spreading with a Free-Surface
- Monitoring Snow Water Equivalent in Mountain Watersheds with GPS Vertical Displacement Time Series
- Multi-Decadal Averages of Basal Melt for Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica Using Airborne Observations
- Multiple geophysical observations indicate possible splay fault activation during the 2006 Java Tsunami earthquake
- Nascent Marine Aerosol Acting as Ultra-Efficient Cloud Nuclei
- Near Real Time Structural Health Monitoring with Multiple Sensors in a Cloud Environment
- New constraints on slip rates and locking depths of the San Andreas Fault System from Sentinel-1A InSAR and GAGE GPS observations
- Nonlinear Response of Iceberg Melting to Ocean Currents
- Not Business-as-Usual: Resetting Expectations for Recruitment, Engagement & Professional Development of Today's URM in Geosciences
- Observed Characteristics and Origins of Meltwaters Exported from Jakobshavn and Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland
- Observing the seasonal cycle of the upper ocean in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, with autonomous profiling floats
- Ocean Wave-to-Ice Energy Transfer Determined from Seafloor Pressure and Ice Shelf Seismic Observations
- Oil production and subsidence trends from InSAR over the Powder River Basin, WY
- Pacific Research Platform - Creation of a West Coast Big Data Freeway System Applied to the CONNected objECT (CONNECT) Data Mining Framework for Earth Science Knowledge Discovery
- Patterns of Precipitation and Streamflow Responses to Moisture Fluxes during Atmospheric Rivers
- Plans for a Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory
- Postseismic deformation following the 2013 Mw 7.7 Balochistan (Pakistan) earthquake observed with Sentinel-1 Interferometry
- Prebiotic Synthesis in Volcanic Discharges: Exposing Ash to Volcanic/Primordial Gas Atmospheres
- Preceding Winter's ENSO Control on Summertime Atmospheric River Activity over the North Pacific
- Predictive Power of Clean Bed Filtration Theory for Fecal Indicator Bacteria Removal in Stormwater Biofilters
- Probabilistic estimation of splitting coefficients of normal modes of the Earth, and their uncertainties, using an autoregressive technique
- Production and Uses of Multi-Decade Geodetic Earth Science Data Records
- Pulse-Like Partial Ruptures and High-Frequency Radiation at Creeping-Locked Transition during Megathrust Earthquakes
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Near Surface Electromagnetic Imaging Using Bayesian Methods
- Rapid magnitude estimation from time-dependent displacement amplitude measured with seismogeodetic instrumentation
- Real-time Ensemble Flow Forecasts for a 2017 Mock Operation Test Trial of Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations for Lake Mendocino in Mendocino County, California
- Refining the Tonga Slab Geometry Using Slab Phases of Seismic Waves
- Regional Landscape Response to Wedge-Top Basin Formation
- Regional Sea Level Changes and Projections over North Pacific Driven by Air-sea interaction and Inter-basin Teleconnections
- Relationship between changes in the upper and lower tropospheric water vapor: A revisit
- Remote and Local Influences in Forecasting Pacific SST: a Linear Inverse Model and a Multimodel Ensemble Study
- Removing Circulation Effects to Assess Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Observations and GLACE-CMIP5
- Removing Hydrology Signals to Determine Ground Motion at the Apache Point Lunar Laser Ranging Site, New Mexico
- Results from the Subglacial Hydrology Model Intercomparison Project (SHMIP)
- Revision of IRIS/IDA Seismic Station Metadata
- Revision of global carbon fluxes based on ocean heat constraints
- SPCZ Zonal Events and Downstream Influence on Surface Ocean Conditions in the Indonesian Throughflow Region: Implications for SPCZ Mean Position Effects on the ITF
- SPURS-2: Multi-month and multi-scale observations of upper ocean salinity in a rain-dominated salinity minimum region.
- Seismic azimuthal anisotropy in crevasse fields
- Short-period variability in terrestrial water storage from GNSS observations of Earth surface deformation
- Snow drought in western U.S. mountains: proximate causes, regional differences, and implications for streamflow and forests
- Solar Geoengineering as part of an overall strategy for meeting the 1.5C Paris target
- Southward migrations of tropical rainfall during Heinrich Events: compelling evidence from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- Stratigraphy, Structure and Tectonics of the Eyjafjarðaráll Rift, Abandoned Southern Segment of the Kolbeinsey Ridge, North Iceland
- Structure in the lowermost mantle from seismic anisotropy
- Substructures of the mantle transition-zone discontinuities and compositional heterogeneities in the mid-mantle
- Summertime Maximum of Organic Functional Group Concentrations and High Organic Nitrogen from Ocean Biogenic Aerosols at Coastal West Antarctica during AWARE
- Synoptic evolution of Atmospheric River landfalls in Northern California and the pre-conditioning of their characteristics by the climate state
- Systematic Heat Flow Measurements Across the Wagner Basin, Northern Gulf of California
- The 2015-2016 El Niño and the response of the carbon cycle: Findings from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) mission
- The Double ITCZ Syndrome in GCMs: A Coupled Problem among Convection, Atmospheric and Ocean Circulations
- The Early Development and Evolution of the QARTOD for In-Situ Wave Measurements
- The FIRO-2017 Field Campaign: Findings from a Unique Observing Period in the Russian River Watershed in Northern California during Jan - Mar 2017
- The Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers on California's Extreme Precipitation
- The Impacts of Synoptic Forcing on Urban Moist Convection
- The Interplay of Internal and Forced Modes of Hadley Cell Expansion: Lessons from the Global Warming Hiatus
- The Ongoing Addition of Infrasound Sensors and the Flexette Wind-Noise Reducing System to Global Seismic Network Stations Operated by Project IDA
- The SeaView EarthCube project: Lessons Learned from Integrating Across Repositories
- The dynamics of sediment size and transient erosional signals in heterogeneous lithologies
- The importance of community building for establishing data management and curation practices for physical samples
- The influence of barometric pumping and reduced permeability layers on firn air transport in a 2D model
- The role of hydrological initial conditions on Atmospheric River floods in the Russian River basin
- The role of pCO2 in astronomically-paced climate and carbon cycle variations in the Middle Miocene
- The weight of a storm: what observations of Earth surface deformation can tell us about Hurricane Harvey
- Thermal Models of the Ocean Floor: from Wegener to Cerro Prieto
- Thermoremanent magnetization in pseudo-single domain grains
- Timing and magnitude of Last Interglacial ocean warming
- Tool-effect: Controls on Landscape Persistence
- Top-down and Bottom-up aerosol-cloud-closure: towards understanding sources of unvertainty in deriving cloud radiative flux
- Toward a Multi-City Framework for Urban GHG Estimation in the United States: Methods, Uncertainties, and Future Goals
- Towards Mountains without Permanent Snow and Ice - Impacts and Challenges for Adaptation
- Towards a Better Understanding of Biomas Burning and Large Scale Climate Dynamics on the West African Monsoon
- Transdimensional Bayesian tomography of the lowermost mantle from shear waves
- Transient deformation of karst aquifers observed by GPS: improved knowledge from Central Apennines (Italy)
- Transitory signal in the Copiapó region of the Chilean subduction interface
- Tsunami Scenario in the Nankai Trough, Japan, Based on the GPS-A and GNSS Velocities
- Tsunami waves generated by dynamically triggered aftershocks of the 2010 Haiti earthquake
- Twenty-three years of height changes on Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves
- Understanding Ice Shelf Basal Melting Using Convergent ICEPOD Data Sets: ROSETTA-Ice Study of Ross Ice Shelf
- Understanding surface-water availability in the Central Valley as a means to projecting future groundwater storage with climate variability
- Understanding the Role of Non-Single Domain Remanences in Paleointensity Experiments
- Unlocking the Barite Paleoproductivity Proxy: Using a New Barite Extraction Method to Understand Productivity Trends During the Eocene Greenhouse
- Unraveling the cause of large surface-height anomalies on Slessor and Recovery glaciers, East Antarctica, with multi-mission data integration
- Update on GPS-Acoustics Measurements on the Continental Slope of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Upper crustal structure of the Hawaiian Swell from seafloor compliance measurements
- Using "CONNected objECT (CONNECT)" Algorithm to Explore Intense Global Water Vapor Transport to Investigate Impacts of Climate Variability and Change
- Using a history of subduction to constrain timing and depth of seismic anisotropy development under the western United States
- Variability of North Atlantic Hurricane Frequency in a Large Ensemble of High-Resolution Climate Simulations
- Wave inhibition by sea ice enables trans-Atlantic ice rafting of debris during Heinrich Events
- Weather on Steroids: The Art of Climate Change Science.
- West-WRF Sensitivity to Sea Surface Temperature Boundary Condition in California Precipitation Forecasts of AR Related Events
- What We Do Not Yet Know About Global Ocean Depths, and How Satellite Altimetry Can Help
- What's Cooler Than Being Cool? Icefin: Robotic Exploration Beneath Antarctic Ice Shelves
- Wind-driven Ocean Circulations on Exoplanets
- A Decade of Seismicity in the Shallow Subduction Zone of Nicaragua-Costa Rica
- A Multi-Agency Cooperative Program and Pilot Study to Evaluate Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO)
- A New Harmonized Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Data Product and its Applications
- A Sentinel-1 survey of Aleutian arc volcano deformation using InSAR time series analysis
- A novel ensemble design for fine particulate matter probabilistic predictions and quantification of their uncertainty
- ARTMIP-Early Start Comparison of Atmospheric River Detection Tools:How Many Atmospheric Rivers Hit Northern California's Russian River Watershed?
- ARkStorm and the 2017 Relentless Storm Season
- Aerosol Particle Size Distributions from Sea Spray and their Variability during Four Seasons in the North Atlantic
- Aerosol-Cloud Closure Study using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Measurements during the BACCHUS field campaign in Cyprus
- Airborne Radar Reveals Multi-Decadal Basal Melt Rates for Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Airborne, ship- and ground-based observations of clouds, aerosols and precipitation from recent field projects over the Southern Ocean
- An Ensemble-Based Evaluation of WRF Precipitation Forecast Uncertainty in California Watersheds
- An independent quantification of global ocean heat uptake from changes in atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Analysis of Atmospheric Transport Uncertainty for Different Weather Regimes over Los Angeles Basin and its Impact on Greenhouse Gases Mixing Ratios
- Analysis of Fault-Fold Structures along the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon Fault System at an unprecedented scale using 3D P-Cable seismic reflection data
- Assimilation of High-Resolution Measurements of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer collected from instrumented Unmanned Aerial Systems into a Coupled Numerical Weather Prediction Model
- Atmospheric River Families and their Relationship to Landslides in Washington State
- Atmospheric Rivers Drive Flood Damages in the Western United States
- Atmospheric rivers and public health: observed links between extreme precipitation events and California's coastal water quality
- Automated cobble mapping using ground-based mobile LiDAR and machine learning on a southern California beach
- Bayesian Estimation of Paleointensity: A Criteria Free Approach for Dealing with Data
- Beyond Single Model and Single Domain - Using Big Data to Answer Fundamental Questions in Rock Magnetism
- Blocking statistics in a varying climate: lessons from a 'traffic jam' model with aperiodic forcing
- Breakup of the Indian Craton and Clockwise Rotation of the Shillong Plateau
- CCHDO: delivering high quality hydrographic data from the Southern Ocean and beyond
- Calibrated pressure measurements for seafloor geodesy
- California's Drought of the Future: A Prospective Look at the 2012-2017 Drought
- Causes of the anomalous heat flux onto the Greenland continental shelf
- Characterization of the Degree of Linear Polarization of Scattered Light for Seawater Samples of Contrasting Particle Size Distribution and Composition
- Choosing the future of Antarctica: a perspective looking back from 2070
- Cloud-Aerosol Interactions and Aerosol Variability Near Southern Ocean Low Clouds
- Coarse-grained Sediment Delivery to the Inner California Borderlands from the Last Glacial Maximum to Present
- Coastal Sea Surface Temperature Variability in Northern California during Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers
- Combined Monitoring and Simulation of Groundwater Contribution to Streams in the Lake Mendocino Watershed
- Comparison of Brune-type Stress Drops Estimated from Direct S and Coda Waves
- Comparison of hybrid 4DEnVar and 3DEnVar data assimilation methods for atmospheric river forecasts in the WRF model
- Comparison of variability in air-sea heat fluxes and Subantarctic Mode Water formation from concurrent mooring observations in the Southeast Indian and Southeast Pacific
- Connecting community data repositories for discovery and sharing by leveraging and JSON-LD
- Constraining the Evolution of the Fossil Component of the Global Methane Budget Since the Pre-Industrial Using <SUP>14</SUP>C Measurements in Firn Air and Ice Cores
- Constraints on ocean heat uptake from the atmospheric argon-nitrogen ratio
- Cooling and Freshening of the Southeast Pacific by Enhanced Sea Ice Export from the Ross Sea
- Coupled Interpolation of Three-component GPS Velocities
- Creating a Meteorology Context Framework for NAAMES
- Crustal structure of the Nankai subduction zone revealed by two decades of onshore-offshore and ocean-bottom seismometer data
- Data recovery of North American directional archaeomagnetic archives: Towards the development of a robust reference curve for the "Four Corners" region of the American Southwest
- Deep Carbon Storage in Fe-Ni-S Melt and Diamond Formation
- Detecting Non-stationary Internal Tides in the California Current System: A Case Study for SWOT
- Development of a method for Arctic ice restoration using high-albedo reflective materials for localized surface treatments
- Digging deeper with template matching: challenges and opportunities in seismicity analysis
- Directional Spectral Properties of Wind-Generated Surface Waves across the Equilibrium-Saturation Ranges
- Dissolved Kr and Xe isotope ratios in groundwater enable quantitative resolution of water-table depth at the time of recharge
- Distinct tropical climate response to subpolar energy perturbations from the Northern or Southern Hemisphere
- Drone Augmented Hydrodynamic Observations of Intermittently Open Estuaries
- Dynamic Reference Frames for California
- Dynamic small-scale morphology and mass-loss processes near the fronts of Antarctica's large ice shelves
- Dynamics of Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing
- Dynamics of the subglacial discharge plume generated in a two-layer stratified fjord (Sarqardleq, Greenland): scalings and implications of the neutral buoyancy height
- ENSO Forced and Internal Variability in Indo-Western Pacific Climate
- Earth's "Heartbeat": Marine Productivity Records Reveal Cyclicity at Milankovitch Frequencies
- Earthquake and emergent correlated noise detection from a dense seismic deployment on the San Jacinto fault zone
- Eikonal tomography constrained by local sparse and low-rank matrix factorization
- Electrical characterization of methane hydrate with coexisting brine
- Emergence of a cryptic nitrogen cycle in the co-evolution of Prochlorococcus and sympatric heterotrophs
- Estimates of Upwelling in the Vicinity of the Galápagos Archipelago from Glider Observations
- Estimating seasonal snow accumulation and melt in the Sierra Nevada from GPS vertical displacement time series
- Estimating submarine melting around the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Estimation of continental scale vertical crustal velocities using GPS and GRACE
- Evaluate the significance of different spatial resolution rainfall forecast on the streamflow estimation with GSSHA
- Evaluating Generative Adversarial Network Stochastic Parameterizations of the Lorenz '96 Model at Climate and Weather Scales
- Evaluation of the six year geomagnetic oscillation in hourly mean observatory data since 1930
- Examining Interannual Variability of Precipitation in the Western U.S. Considering Peak Atmospheric River Periods
- Experimental Subseasonal Forecasting of Atmospheric Rivers over the Western U.S. During Winter 2017-2018 and 2018-2019
- Exploring the Southern Ocean Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) to Nitrate ratio: A hybrid profiling float and model study
- Exploring variability in CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO measurements due to episodic emissions in the Los Angeles Megacity
- Extraction of Continuous Atmospheric River Objects with Characteristics Using an Updated CONNECT Algorithm
- Fault Segmentation Controls on Stratal Geometry and Morphology; New Insights from 3D P-Cable data Offshore Southern California
- First constraint on historical geomagnetic secular variation in Cambodia, Southeast Asia
- Formation of terrestrial craters on thick ice sheets
- Freshwater budgets for the ocean east of Greenland
- From genes to particles to the global carbon cycle: Using genetic analyses to investigate the marine biological carbon pump
- Front morphology of Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf and implications for mass loss
- GFS Downscaling Using Personal Weather Stations for Heat Wave Vulnerability
- GPS-based estimates of seasonal snow accumulation and melt: challenges and uncertainty
- Gas age scale and total air content record for the South Pole ice core
- Gas transfer by breaking waves
- Geodetic Imaging of the 2018 Kilauea Volcano Eruption
- Global Implications of Arctic Sea Ice Retreat
- Global bathymetry at 15 arc seconds resolution with implications for the isostatic compensation of geological features in the MH370 survey area
- Global distribution of coastal cliffs and retreat rates
- HF Radar Observations in Palau
- Heavy Noble Gas Isotopes as Novel Tracers of Gas Exchange During Deepwater Formation
- High spectral resolution datasets of in situ aquatic inherent and apparent optical properties
- High-fidelity archeointensity results for the late Neolithic Period from central China
- High-frequency and high-wavenumber variability in the California Current: Evaluating model requirements for SWOT assimilation
- Historical Geomagnetic Field Paleointensity Recovery from Thailand, Southeast Asia
- Holocene Hydroclimate in Coastal Southern California
- Horizontal advection critical for maintaining an Antarctic biological hotspot
- Human cause of recent Yellow River drying-up from a 1,200-year flow reconstruction
- Hydroclimatic Extremes as Challenges for the Water Management Community: Lessons from Oroville Dam and Hurricane Harvey
- Hydroclimatic Variability in Southeast Asia over the Past Two Millennia
- Hydrologically-induced deformation in Long Valley Caldera and the adjacent Sierra Nevada range
- ICESat-2 Over Antarctica and Greenland: First Evaluation of Land-Ice Elevation Products
- Ice Nucleation Measurements and Parameterizations
- Idealized simulations of wave-current interactions over geophysical flows
- Imaging slip evolution on the San Andreas fault due to the 2004 Parkfield earthquake
- Imaging the Farallon Slab and other Upper-Mantle Structure under USArray using Long-period Reflection Seismology
- Impact of Dynamical Downscaling Two CMIP5 Models on the Historical and Future Changes in Winter Extratropical Cyclones Along the East Coast of North America
- Impact of Ocean Observation Systems on Sub-seasonal Forecasts and Ocean Analyses
- InSAR deformation time-series of the 2018 Kilauea events: depletion of the volcano, the east rift zone and the Mw 6.9 Earthquake
- Influence of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation of Sea Spray Aerosol on Southern Ocean Clouds in theNCAR Community Atmosphere Model
- Influences of dust on landfalling atmospheric rivers in an idealized framework
- Initial rifting to seafloor spreading: geochemical and petrologic variations in basalts from the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Center
- Integrated Modeling of Hydro-Geomorphic Hazards: Floods, Landslides and Sediment
- Interannual variability of the Asian summer monsoon: Role of the Indian Ocean
- Interannual variations and trend of Southern Ocean deep mixed layers and Subantarctic mode water based on Argo data: patterns and mechanisms
- Intermittent subharmonic edge wave excitation with random incoming waves.
- Internal Wave-Driven Mixing in Continental Slope Canyons
- Investigating Atomic Force Microscopy as a biosignature detection tool in Europa-analog samples
- Investigating atmosphere-ocean-wave interactions and mesoscale features in atmospheric river events using a regional coupled model
- Investigating phytoplankton-grazer dynamics at the deep chlorophyll maximum: A model-data comparison
- Is the rate of ocean warming during the Younger Dryas overestimated?
- Isolating the Conditions of Drainage Reorganization and its Impacts on Species Evolution using Numerical Models
- Isotopic enrichment of molecular nitrogen, oxygen, and argon due to gas loss in the bubble-clathrate transition zone
- Laboratory Experiments to Unravel Inner Secrets of Continents
- Lagrangian transport by breaking deep-water surface waves
- Large spatial variations in the frontal mass budget of a Greenland tidewater glacier.
- Lateral heterogeneity of the upper oceanic lithosphere surrounding Hawaii
- Leveraging the Data and Network of the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- Life Under Ice: Antarctic Ocean World Analogs with HROV Icefin and RISE UP
- Linking stochasticity of convection to large-scale vertical velocity to improve Indian summer monsoon simulation in the NCAR CAM5
- Local processes dominate over remote processes in polar amplification
- Long range vs marine sources of aerosols and their effects upon landfalling atmospheric rivers in California
- Long term satellite record of Arctic sea ice thickness reveals slower sea ice loss than expected while confirming present day ocean mass changes and their contribution to sea level rise
- Low-frequency Vibrations in the Coupled Ocean - Ross Ice Shelf - Atmosphere System
- Lower-Stratosphere Wind Predictions with an Analog Ensemble
- Machine learning-based surface wave tomography of Long Beach, CA, USA
- Macroplate Versus Microplate Deformation of the Western Transvers Range: New Constraints from Directional Paleomagnetic Data
- Making MagIC More FAIR with Structured Metadata
- Marine Permaculture to Regenerate Ocean Productivity
- Maritime Continent Water Cycle Regulates Low-latitude Chokepoint of Global Ocean Circulation
- Mass balance of Alaskan glaciers from GPS, GRACE, and satellite altimetry
- Measured and Simulated Cloud Condensation Nuclei over the Southern Ocean and their Effects on Cloud Microphysical and Optical Properties
- Measurements of Interseismic Deformation Using Dense Catalogs of SAR Data
- Modeling and assessing impact of artificially enhancing the Arctic Sea Ice Albedo
- Modeling large waves on a low slope beach with SWASH 1D
- Modeling the Impacts of Thinning Ice Shelves on Upstream-Flow of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Momentum and vorticity budgets of the Arabian Sea and reversing Somali Current in a 0.1° global ocean model
- Multi-Sensor Natural Hazard Structural Monitoring at the UC San Diego Geisel Library
- Multi-scale study of ground motion coherence in Piñon Flats Observatory
- Multidecadal modulations of key metrics of global climate change
- Mw6.0 Myanmar Earthquake Ruptured a Previously Undiscovered Thrust Fault: Using Aftershock Relocations, Seismic and Geodetic Inversions to Infer Fault Geometry
- Native Waters on Arid Lands: Enhancing Climate Resilience on Tribal Lands
- Naval Research Laboratory Preliminary Results from AR RECON 2018
- Near-surface geophysical methods at multiple scales of measurement to understand variation in erosion rates and water storage in the Luquillo CZO, Puerto Rico
- New Insights into Peak Ground Displacements Recorded with High-Rate GNSS
- New perspective on recovery processes in the upper mantle and their geophysical implications from natural and experimental peridotites
- North Atlantic and Southern Ocean Heat Uptake: Structure and Model Uncertainty
- Numerical simulations of stress variations with depth in a model for the San Jacinto fault zone
- Observations of Nonlinear Internal Waves and Atmospheric Surface Layer Interaction
- Observations of Wind-Wave Coupling in Coastal California: Equilibrium Range, Drag Coefficients, and WaveWatch III Assessment
- Observed Monsoon Precipitation Suppression Caused by Anomalous Inter-hemispheric Aerosol Transport Over the Gulf of Guinea
- Observed Water Vapor Budget in an Atmospheric River over the Northeast Pacific
- Ocean Warming Drives Increased Mass Loss at 79 North Glacier, Northeast Greenland
- On the contribution of co-seismic displacements to the 2018 Palu Tsunami
- Only skin deep? Linking sea surface temperatures with glacier discharge and deep fjord temperature change
- Operationalizing GNSS as a Fourth Observation for Local Tsunami Warning
- Overview of the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- Paleobathymetric Reconstructions of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain During the Latest Paleocene and Earliest Eocene
- Patterns of coastal response and recovery from the 2015-16 El Niño
- Physical drivers of phytoplankton bloom initiation in the Southern Ocean
- Post-Fire Debris Flows in California: An Atmospheric Perspective
- Primary Marine Aerosol Size Distributions: Airborne Observations Associated with Boundary-Layer Clouds during NAAMES
- Probabilistic estimation of normal-mode structure coefficients and their uncertainties for mantle-sensitive modes
- Quantifying Methane Hydrate in the Gulf of Mexico Using Controlled Source Electromagnetic Methods.
- Rapid Ross Sea Deglaciation as captured in the RICE Ice Core
- Ray-based Tomography and Acoustic Full Waveform inversion with the Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm
- Re-evaluating Remote Dynamic Earthquake Triggering by First Establishing Background Seismicity Rates
- Regional hydroclimatic drivers of variability in surface water diversions throughout the Central Valley, California
- Reimagining AGU's Diversity and Inclusion Policies and Practices
- Role of Ocean Dynamics in Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program Data Services for the Oceanographic Research Community
- Rupture scenarios for the San Diego Trough and San Pedro Basin fault systems, offshore Southern California: New constraints combining marine geophysical, paleoseismic, and ground motion modeling investigations.
- Russian River Watershed Hydrograph Separation Using Stable Isotopes and Natural Geochemical Tracers During Precipitation Events
- Scripps Community Outreach for Public Education (SCOPE): An example of a thriving, student-led, volunteer-driven, outreach program at a primarily research-focused institution
- Seafloor geodesy calibration from sidescan sonar surveys of the Ayu Trough
- Seismic moment variations of the San Andreas Fault System: Exploring sensitivity of crustal rheology in southern California
- Seismogeodesy for Local Tsunami Warnings: Case Studies from the Mexico Subduction Zone
- Sensitivity of the streamflow to dually-calibrated WRF-Hydro simulations in the Russian River Watershed
- Shorecasts: a novel approach to shoreline prediction and modelling
- SimArai- an Arai Simulator Generated from Magnetic Models by MERRILL
- Simulated Kinematic Ruptures and Source Inversions for Near-Shore Tsunami Early Warning of Mw8 Megathrust Earthquakes
- Southern Ocean Heat Uptake, Redistribution, and Storage in a Warming Climate: The Role of Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Southern Ocean Storm positions and intensity estimated with seismic observations in the Ross Ice Shelf
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Atmospheric River Hydrologic Impacts across the Western U.S.
- Spatially Heterogeneous Subsidence in California's Central Valley Attributable to Differential Water Demand
- Strain Analysis of Graben in Claritas Fossae, Mars
- Stress-Drop Estimates for Seismicity on Hawai'i Island from P-wave Spectral Analysis
- Study of postseismic deformation due to the 2015 M 7.2 Sarez (Pamir) earthquake using Sentinel-1 InSAR observations
- Submesoscale eddy formation in the Kuroshio front interacting with a cape south of Taiwan
- Surface Creep Rate of the Southern San Andreas Fault Modulated by Stress Perturbations from Nearby Large Events
- Surface-wave arrival angles and wave-propagation effects at the USArray Transportable Array
- Tectonic setting controls long term stability of Ross Ice Shelf
- Tectonic strain accumulation and release in California from 20+ years of continuous GNSS displacement observations with respect to a dynamic datum and consideration of transient deformation
- Temperature and Composition Dependence of Sea Spray Aerosol Production
- Testing the Potential of Full-waveform Inversions Based on Machine Learning Applied to Synthetic Magma Reservoirs
- The Climatology of Rainfall Before, During, and After Atmospheric River Landfalls in California
- The Formation and Morphology of Discordant Zones
- The MJO Across Future Time Periods and Scenarios in CESM1: When are Changes Detectable?
- The MagIC Database Looks Toward Stability and Sustainability with Open Source Software, Data Model 3.0, and New Funding
- The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study: A Multi-Year Data Set of Marine Aerosol-Cloud In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- The Pacific Meridional Mode pacemaker effect on historical ENSO
- The Ups and Downs of California's Central Valley from GPS-enhanced InSAR
- The Ups and Downs of the Inner California Borderlands Constrained by Submarine Terraces
- The contribution of geologic emissions, thawing permafrost and methane hydrates to the global methane budget - perspective from ice core records
- The effect of sediment fluxes on the dynamics and style of convergent margins
- The global ocean warming from top to bottom
- The relationship between forearc structure and geodetic locking along the Hikurangi margin from SHIRE seismic data
- The role of atmospheric river precipitation intensity, rain-snow height levels, and antecedent snowpack in the 2017 Oroville Dam crisis
- The role of atmospheric rivers in precipitation regime change projected for western North America
- The role of hydrological initial conditions on Atmospheric River floods along the U.S. West Coast in a warming climate
- Thermomagnetic recording fidelity of nanometer sized iron: implications for planetary magnetism
- Time-varying freshwater fluxes from Antarctic ice shelves
- Toward a Search Space Extension for the Analog Ensemble technique to Improve Probabilistic Predictions
- Transition from rifting to seafloor spreading behind the tip of the westward propagating Cocos-Nazca spreading center
- Transport of soil in different environments through the lens of soft matter physics
- Tsunami Generation From Coseismic Deformation During the 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.5 Palu Earthquake
- Two decades of coastal oceanic nitrous oxide emissions inferred from atmospheric measurements and high-resolution inverse modelling
- UAS Investigations of Mixed-phase Clouds at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
- Understanding and Reducing Precipitation Biases in the NCAR CESM
- Unusual Warmth in California's Central Sierra Nevada during the 2012-2015 Drought
- Upper Ocean Response to Super Typhoon Mangkhut from a Profiling Float Array
- Using Dimensionless Scaling Parameters as Decision Metrics in a Heterogeneous Hydraulic Routing Scheme
- Using oil to understand groundwater and subsidence dynamics in California's Central Valley
- Variation in Coastal Cliff Ground Motion from Individual Wave Impact Events: Do Bigger Waves Cause More Shaking?
- Water Level Changes within the Great Lakes Induce Observable Vertical Displacements in North America
- West and East Antarctic ice sheet mass losses for different Ross Ice Shelf basal melt rate scenarios
- What we do and don't know about the 2018 Palu Tsunami - A future plan
- X-Band Radar Observations of Shoaling Nonlinear Internal Waves in Coastal California
- Year-to-year Variability of Summer Surface Air Temperature over Central India
- a Deep Learning Architecture for Intermediate-Depth Earthquake Detection, Phase Picking and Magnitude Estimation
- 500 Million years of sediment color: the evolution of ocean oxidation, marine organic matter production and burrowing
- <SUP>14</SUP>CO in Glacial Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from 1870 AD to Present
- A Complete Solution Set for Autonomous Ocean Bottom Seismometry
- A Dynamic Holocene Grounding Line: In situ sedimentary evidence from Whillans and Mercer ice streams, West Antarctica
- A New Convective Trigger for Better Capturing the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Weather and Climate Models: Observational Evidence and Modeling Results
- A New Lake Sediment Record from North Yolla Bolly Lake (40° N) Reveals Multi-Scale Holocene Hydrologic Variability in Northwest California
- A Risk-Based Decision Support System for Flood Operations of Lake Mendocino in Water Year 2019
- A dynamic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary dictated by variations in melt generation and migration: Results from the PI-LAB Experiment in the Equatorial Mid Atlantic
- A dynamic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary revealed using marine magnetotelluric data
- A global view on mantle melt dynamics from the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary the transition zone, insights from the PI-LAB experiment
- A machine learning approach to data editing and rescue for global bathymetry models
- A scale of atmospheric river intensity captures the economic impacts of flooding in the western United States
- Adaptative cloud exploration by UAV fleet in simulated cumulus fields for studying entrainment and microphysics of clouds
- Advanced Discovery, Visualization, and Access of the Cryosphere's Changing Surface Height from NASA's ICESat-2 Mission Using the OpenAltimetry Platform.
- An Assessment of Soil Moisture Effects on C- and L-band InSAR Observables
- An End to Southern California Drought? Monitoring Groundwater Recovery with Seismic Noise
- An Ensemble-Based Evaluation of WRF Precipitation Forecast Uncertainty in California Watersheds
- An excavation through multiple scientific estates: Recovering and publishing America's archaeomagnetic records
- Anatomy of a draining subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- Anatomy of the Nankai subduction zone.
- Archaeomagnetic studies of burned daub: A California case study from the Grandad archaeological site in the central Sierra Nevada and experimental archaeology
- Archeointensity results from El Papalote and Casas de Fuego furnaces, Chihuahua state, northern Mexico
- Are Cloud Radiative Effects Constrained to Cancel over the Tropical Warm Pools?
- Are Southern Ocean Low-Cloud Droplet Numbers Buffered by Recently Formed Particles Associated with Cyclonic Uplift?
- Assessing Along-Axis Continuity of Oceanic Detachment Faults using microearthquakes near 13°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Assessing WRF's Seasonal Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPE) in California's Sierra Nevada Using the Airborne Snow Observatory
- Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Dissolved and Gaseous Methane Emissions from Seeps Along Continental Margins
- Assessing the Sensitivity of Earthquake Cycle Vertical Deformation to Spatially Variable Elastic Plate Thickness
- Assessing the in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C production rates by muons using <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>, <SUP>14</SUP>CO, and <SUP>14</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> measurements in ice cores
- Atmosphere doubles the impact of the ocean on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the Second Phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Atmospheric river precipitation drives rapid terrestrial water storage variability in the western United States
- Basal sediment accretion along the south central Chile margin and implications for megathrust processes and great earthquakes
- Basin structure under the Metropolitan Tokyo from ambient seismic field analysis
- Bayesian Paleointensity Estimation: Building a Framework to obtain Accurate and Precise Intensity Measurements.
- Bringing new life to harmful algal bloom prediction after crossing the valley of death
- Can we observe depth-variable iceberg melt rates?
- Catch or Release? Sensitivity of Extreme Rain-on-Snow Responses to Snowpack Mass and Energy Balances in California's Northern Sierra Nevada, USA
- Changes in Precipitation Extremes with Climate Warming
- Changes in the rates of weathering and soil production following transient erosion in the Rio Blanco watershed, Puerto Rico
- Characterizing sea cliff response to wave action and identifying potential rock damage processes using seismic methods
- Characterizing the Size of Atmospheric Rivers: an Approach Independent from the Detection Algorithm.
- Classifying emergent and impulsive signals in continuous seismic waveforms
- Climate-to-ecosystem integrated modeling in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary: An overview of the CASCaDE project (Part 1—Modeling of physical processes)
- Combining a stochastic climate emulator with surrogate models of dynamic coastal simulators to drive coastal flood impacts research
- Comparative geomorphology of coral reefs from a joint analysis of ICESat-2 bathymetry and multi-spectral imagery using machine learning
- Comparing the response of endolithic and sediment microorganisms at a dynamic cold seep on the Costa Rica Pacific Margin
- Comprehensive high-precision relocation of seismicity on the Island of Hawai`i 1986-2018
- Connecting Wildlands and Communities: Integrated Land-Use Planning to Support Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Local Communities
- Continental Scale Heterogenous Channel Routing Strategy for Operational and Forecast Models
- Contrasting ITCZ changes over recent decades and under anthropogenic warming: causes and impacts
- Contributions of local anthropogenic, marine, and long-range transported aerosol to cloud properties and precipitation in Northern California during atmospheric river events in CalWater-2015
- Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Methods (CSEM) to Detect and Characterize Resources and Hazards on the Continental Shelf
- Controls on titanium isotope fractionation in tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmas
- Cryo Purge and Trap Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry for the Quantitative Measurement of Organosulfur Compounds Over the Course of a Phytoplankton Bloom
- Determining the dependence of relative humidity and oxidative aging on the hygroscopicity and phase state of sea spray aerosol
- Detrital Remanent Magnetization of Magnetic Mineral Inclusions: Implications for Relative Paleointensity Determinations
- Distilling an Analog Ensemble into a Deep Neural Network
- Distinguishing the Coseismic Phase of the Crustal Deformation Cycle with Seismogeodesy: Implications for Modeling Crustal Processes and Early Warning
- Downscaling IPCC Scenarios to the Hourly Level: Projected Changes in Energy Demand and Chill Hours in California
- Downslope Winds and Dust Storms in the Salton Basin
- Drivers, priorities, and best practices for maintenance and expansion of the global network of GNSS stations co-located with tide gauges
- Ductile deformation explains the physics of rock friction
- Dynamics of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing: From Global to Regional Scale
- EESI Does It: Utilizing Extractive Electrospray Ionization to Determine the Molecular Composition of Secondary Marine Aerosol Generated in a Mesocosm during the Sea Spray Chemistry and Particle Evolution (SeaSCAPE) 2019 Experiment
- ENSO Modulation and Mean State Interactions Revisited: Implications for the Early 2000s Regime Shift
- Earthquake rupture pathways along the southern Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon Fault, San Diego, California
- Electromagnetic imaging of subglacial hydrogeology of Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica
- Evaluating the skill of GPM-IMERG satellite precipitation estimation over the mountains of central Chile
- Evaluation of shipboard and satellite-derived bathymetry and gravity data over seamounts in the north Pacific Ocean
- Evaluation of the subseasonal forecast skill of AR-related flooding along the coastal Western U.S.
- Evolving approaches for streamlining access to biology and ecosystem observations to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Experimental investigation of amphibole rheology and deformation mechanisms at deep crustal conditions
- Experiments using Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Dropsondes
- Exploration of the microbial diversity and metabolic potential of ultra-deep trench sedimentary and water column environments in the Tonga Trench
- Exploring Novel Strategies to Enhance Use of Existing Water Management Infrastructure: Collecting Unique Observations with Local Partners
- Export Primary Productivity Changes in the Maud Rise (Weddell Sea) during the Maastrichtian
- Extreme Changes in Atmospheric Snow Level Observed by FM-CW Snow Level Radars During California Storms
- Factors Controlling the Release of Methylated Sulfur Species from Laboratory Mesocosm Experiments in Coastal Seawater
- Fast-spread lower ocean crust is more complicated than traditionally thought: insights from in-situ crust at Pito Deep - Invited Paper 542504
- First archeointensity results recovered from central Thailand, Southeast Asia and the implications for chronology of the Phromthin Tai site
- Fog prediction by COAMPS during C-FOG field experiment
- Forging Signatures: Climate's Limited Role in Shaping the Earth's Surface
- Formation of Terrain Trapped Airflows in Northern California during Atmospheric Rivers and its impact on Precipitation: A Case Study using Measurements and Model
- Formation of the Galapagos Microplate and its Effect on Rifting at the Galapagos Triple Junction
- Freight Trains as a Powerful Seismic Noise Source for Monitoring Active Faults
- From Wind to Coral: Assessing the Mechanism Behind the Coral Mn/Ca-based Trade-wind Proxy
- GISS CMIP6 Simulations of the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent With and Without Emissions of Greenhouse Gases
- GO-SHIP Global hydrographic surveys: Partnering with the community to deliver the highest quality oceanographic data
- Geodetic Earth Science Data Records: Consideration of the effects of the 2019 M 6.4 and M 7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake Sequence on Plate Boundary Deformation
- Geodetic Imaging of Spatial Variations in Vertical Land Motion and its Implication for Relative Sea Level Change Along the US West Coast
- Geothermal Gradient Estimation from the Depth of Bottom Simulating Reflectors Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Global Fish Production in the Cenozoic Greenhouse and Icehouse Oceans
- Global Oceanic Low Cloud Radiative Sensitivity to Perturbations in Large-Scale Atmosphere-Ocean Conditions
- Global estimates of human migration from projected climate change
- Global pattern formation of ocean surface heat uptake in a warming climate
- Global tropospheric OH concentrations in the past four decades inferred from surface network and satellite trace gas observations
- Gravitational fractionation of Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB> and age of air in the lowermost stratosphere
- Heat and freshwater convergence over the extra-tropical North Atlantic
- Heat needed to melt ice: the Cryosphere's contribution to the Earth's Energy Imbalance
- Helium and carbon isotopes in southern Costa Rica and western Panama
- High Spatial Resolution Mesoscale Oceanic Variability from Non-repeat Satellite Altimetry
- Higher sea levels at Hawaii caused by strong El Niño and weak trade winds
- How Ready Is The Hydrologic Sciences For the Loss of Seasonal Snowpacks (And What Can Be Done)?
- How Sea Ice Motion Changes Can Drive Antarctic Sea Ice Expansion in an Idealized Global Model
- How cold was Antarctica during the Last Glacial Maximum?
- ICESat-2: Next generation estimates of glacier mass change
- Iceberg, right ahead!: The surprising and ongoing collapse of an East Antarctic ice shelf in response to changes in the ocean environment
- Icequakes Triggered by Tidal and Thermal Stresses along a Major Ross Ice Shelf Rift
- Identification of ecosystem-specific markers in dissolved organic matter by ultrahigh resolution tandem mass spectrometry
- Imaging Upper-Mantle Structure under USArray using Long-period Reflection Seismology
- Imaging the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Impact of Ross Ice Shelf basal melting on mass loss from West and East Antarctic ice sheets
- Impacts of ice-shelf melting on water mass transformation in the Southern Ocean from E3SM simulations
- Improving Regression-Based Water Supply Forecasts following Snow Droughts in the Western U.S.
- Influence of dust on landfalling atmospheric rivers in an idealized framework
- Information transfer across scales of climate variability in understanding of anomalies and extreme events: from El Niño-Southern Oscillation to precipitation variability in East China
- Investigation of inertia gravity waves observed by dropsonde and airborne Radio Occultation during an Atmosphere River event in the northeast Pacific
- Isotopic Expressions of ENSO: The Last Millennium to the 21st Century
- Kinematic Reference Frame for the Crustal Deformation Cycle: Transients and Model Discrepancies
- Large Swell Events Impacting the Ross Ice Shelf and the Harmonic Excitation of Ice Shelf Seismic Waves
- Large-scale drivers of connected atmospheric rivers along the US West Coast
- Leveraging Julia and the Cloud for Scalable High Throughput Computing in Seismology
- Light-Induced Processes within Blooming Seawater: Making Connections between Marine Biology, Photochemical Transformations and Biogenic Emissions
- Lightning Characteristics Associated with Atmospheric Rivers Affecting the Continental US Using the GOES-16/17 Geostationary Lightning Mappers
- Line-of-Sight Deformation Time-series along the San Andreas Fault System from Sentinel-1 InSAR and GPS
- Linking erosion rates and critical zone architecture using geophysical surveys at multiple spatial scales (Luquillo CZO, PR)
- Linking life and landscapes with new modeling tools
- Machine Learning to Improve Satellite Observations of Orographic Winds
- Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database Interoperability Improvements: ORCID, EarthCube, Google, and PmagPy
- Many Roads to Paris: The Uncertain Aerosol Emissions Implied by National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets
- Mapping Marine Ice Beneath Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, with ROSETTA-Ice Radar Sounding and ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry
- Marine aerosol composition over the North Atlantic by offline TDCIMS: quantifying polysaccharides and characterizing other components
- Measuring Iceberg Calving Fluxes with Underwater Noise
- Measuring tidewater glacier melt rates with underwater noise
- Modeling the impact of localized artificial enhancement of Sea Ice Albedo in the Arctic
- Monitoring urban greenhouse gas emissions: Lessons from the NIST greenhouse gas measurements test-bed program
- Multiphase Oxidative Molecular-Level Transformations of Sea Spray Aerosol and Plastics Studied by Extractive Electrospray Ionization High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
- Mutually Interactive Decadal-timescale Processes Connecting the Tropical Atlantic and Pacific
- Near-Surface Sonar Detection of Submerged Archaeological Lithics
- Near-field Inelastic Strain Measurements of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence using High-res Geodetic Imaging Data: Implications for Development of a Geodetic-based Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis.
- New insights into Ross Ice Shelf stability over broad timescales from high-resolution ROSETTA-Ice survey
- Non-Invasive investigation of water content in trees using high-resolution ground-penetrating radar (GPR) measurements in the Luquillo Mountains (Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, CZO)
- Numerical Insights into the Formation and Stability of Cratons
- Observation-Based Aerosol Induced Stratocumulus-Cumulonimbus Transition in the Equatorial Atlantic
- Observations of an Episodic Coastal Cliff Erosion Sequence in Del Mar, California
- Observations of time-dependent crustal accretion at intermediate spreading rates using data from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 search
- Ocean Modeling Supports Management Conversations on the Impact of Local Pollution Sources on Algal Blooms in Southern California
- Ocean-Driven Seasonal Velocity Variability of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Oceanographic data from Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R), 10 years of platform data management and how it relates to airborne data archiving
- Origins and Variability of Extreme Precipitation in the Santa Ynez River Basin of Southern California
- PDIR (PERSIANN Dynamic Infrared - Rain rate) model for high-resolution, real-time satellite precipitation estimation
- Paleointensities during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron: new preliminary data from Costa Rica
- Parameterizing turbulent transport of reactive tracers
- Polar "Opposites" in Aerosol Seasonal Cycles: Particle Chemical Composition in the Arctic and Antarctic
- Positive marine low cloud feedback inferred from satellite cloud observations
- Probabilistic characterization of a melt-rich channel at the base of the Cocos Plate
- Production, Composition, and CCN Activity of Secondary Marine Aerosol Observed During SeaSCAPE
- Profiling of Soil Moisture Variability and Its Role in Rainfall-Runoff Generation in Northern California's Russian River Watershed
- Projections of Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century from the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Quantifying the 2006 submarine eruption and along-axis features near 9°50'N on the East Pacific Rise
- Radiative impacts of Arctic sea ice melt: using observations to inform future climate effects
- Rapid Visualization and Analysis of ICESat-2 Data using an Intuitive GUI and JupyterHub Notebooks
- Real-Time Performance of the PLUM Earthquake Early Warning Method During the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Recent Changes in United States Extreme Precipitation as Indicated by Excursions on the R-CAT Scale
- Restoring Arctic Albedo Through Rebuilding Ice Reflectivity in the Arctic
- Rethinking the definitions of modes of decadal climate variability
- Retrospective and Real-Time Event-Based Performance of the PLUM Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm for the West Coast, USA
- Ridging associated with drought across the Western United States: S2S predictability sources and model skill
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Review of Standard Underway Instrument Formats Across the US Academic Research Fleet
- Rupture models of the 2019 M6.4-7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes constrained by space geodetic data and aftershock locations
- SALSA: An Integrated Program Focusing on Carbon Transformations in Mercer Subglacial Lake located 1100 m beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Sea Spray Aerosol Fluorescence: Intercomparison of Excitation Emission Matrix Spectroscopy and Single Particle Integrated Fluorescence Measurements
- Seismic Images of a Deep Melt-Mush Feeder Conduit Beneath Axial Volcano
- Seismic Velocity Monitoring of Natural Faults: The FaultScan Project
- Sensitivity of submarine melting of 79<SUP>o</SUP>N glacier to ocean forcing
- Show and Tell…and Touch: Passing Around Materials to Augment Student Learning in Introductory Earth Science Classes
- Sinking of the Upper Midwest, rise of the Great Lakes, and collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet forebulge
- Sixteen Years of Ice-Sheet Change from ICESat to ICESat-2.
- Slab-wedge Coupling Promotes Deep Subduction of Sediment: Geodynamic Insights to Mantle Geochemical Heterogeneity
- Soil Soundscapes from Seismic Arrays: Monitoring Bioturbation in Mima Mounds and Hillslopes
- Spatial and Temporal Characteristics Associated with Remote Dynamic Earthquake Triggering
- Stormquakes
- Strain accumulation in the Southernmost Section of the San Andres fault system in northern Baja California, Mexico
- Stratocumulus cloud-top inhomogeneous entrainment parcel model parameterization
- Structural Controls on Rupture Extent of Sumatran Fault Zone Earthquakes, Indonesia
- Sub-horizontal magnetic stripe boundaries imply conductive cooling in fast spread crust
- Subduction of rough seafloor facilitates sediment underplating beneath a low velocity prism
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Prediction of Atmospheric Rivers and Precipitation over the Western United States
- Sudden Emergence of a Shallow Aragonite Saturation Horizon in the Southern Ocean
- Surface rupturing and triggered slip on nearby faults from the Ridgecrest earthquakes revealed by InSAR
- Synchronizing the WAIS Divide Ice Core with GICC05 from 39-43 ka BP using High-resolution <SUP>10</SUP>Be Measurements during Laschamp Geomagnetic Excursion
- Synoptic Scale and Fog Occurrence at Ferryland, Newfoundland during C-Fog 2018 Field Program
- Tectonic and compositional controls on magma storage depths globally: Results from CIDER 2019
- The AGU Art and Science Community
- The C-FOG Project: Toward Improving Coastal Fog Prediction
- The CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban Synthesis and Analysis ("CO<SUB>2</SUB>-USA") Project: Results and Deliverables
- The Challenge of Providing Safe Water to All in a World of Climate Change
- The Disproportionate Effect of Uniform Warming on Mountain Snowpack
- The Effect of Indian Ocean Warming on Atlantic ocean salinity and meridional overturning circulation (AMOC)
- The Effects of Hydrologically-Related Processes on Long Valley Caldera and Adjacent Sierra Nevada at Different Temporal and Spatial Scales
- The Genesis of the Global Seismographic Network
- The Marine Gravity Field: From Ships to Satellites
- The Morphology and Tectonic Interpretation of "See-saw" Propagators
- The Relative Importance of Winds and Ocean Currents in Determining the Drift of Icebergs and Other Floating Objects
- The Ups and Downs From Afar: Vertical Deformation of the 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
- The precipitation wildcard: diagnosing the sources of uncertainty about precipitation's impact on welfare
- Thorough Annotation of Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Contributions with Structured Metadata
- Time-dependent freshwater fluxes from deep and shallow meltwater sources under Antarctica's large ice shelves
- Toward Greater Resilient Water Infrastructure to Future Hydrometeorological and Climate Extremes: Lessons from Oroville Dam and Hurricane Harvey
- Tracking Inflation of Okmok Volcano with a Mogi Source and FEM Constrained by InSAR and GPS Data Between 2010-2019
- Transforming understanding of paleomagnetic recording: Insights from experimental observations and numerical predictions
- Tsunami and Infragravity Wave Excitation of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Tsunami hazard assessments with consideration of uncertain bathymetry
- Turf Algae on Dead Corals: Unexpected Daytime Calcification and Nighttime Dissolution
- Understanding spatiotemporal dimensions of groundwater sustainability using geophysical data and management boundaries
- Upper mantle seismic velocity estimates around the St. Paul Transform System, Equatorial Atlantic
- Use of 1-M Scale AUV and 1-Cm Scale ROV Surveys to Guide Exploration and Sampling of the Auka Hydrothermal Vent Field, South Pescadero Basin, Gulf of California
- Using a New Ice Core Timescale from the Northwestern Third Pole to Refine Regional Climate History
- Utility of GPS vertical displacements in terrestrial water storage monitoring
- Utilizing GOES satellites data for producing solar-flare predictions using deep learning techniques
- Validating a Fully Coupled Model of Calving, Subglacial Hydrology, Proglacial Plumes and Ice Flow at Store Glacier, West Greenland, using High-Resolution Radar Interferometry
- Variations in crustal structure in the region of the Galapagos triple junction
- Verifying an Observational Method to Estimate the Direct Radiative Effect of Mineral Dust in the Sahara Desert
- Vertical variability of microphysical properties of Southern Ocean stratus clouds observed during the SOCRATES field campaign
- Viruses don't breathe: Understanding ecosystem effects of viruses in marine oxygen minimum zones
- Visibility Observations and Predictions during the C-FOG Project
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet History from a Subglacial Bedrock Core
- What lies beneath: using sea surface temperatures to reconstruct sub-surface continental shelf ocean variability near Helheim Glacier, Greenland
- "Bloom and Bust" Behavior in Oceanic Plankton: Range-expansions are Rare and Short in Fossil Foraminifera
- <SUP>14</SUP>CO in Glacial Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from 1870 AD to Present
- A Global Meta-Analysis of Halophilic Microbial Communities
- A Lagrangian perspective on tropical anvil cloud lifecycle in present and future climate
- A Multiyear Southern Ocean-scale EOF analysis between Surface Ocean Parameters and Biogenic Aerosol Presence
- A New Technique for Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction of Analog Ensemble Predictions
- A hybrid empirical and parametric approach to forecasting dissolved oxygen in Lake Geneva to address long-term changes in lake biogeochemistry under re-oligotrophication and climate change
- A new type of hydrous alteration on Mars? Investigating the unique textures of olivine in martian meteorite NWA 7042
- A testbed for evaluation of forecast skill for Atmospheric River flooding in California watersheds
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Analysis to Understand Spatial Distribution of Terrestrial Biosignature's in Brine Pools as an Analog for Planetary Extant and Relic Oceans
- Advances in Marine Electromagnetic Instrumentation
- An Extreme-Preserving Long-Term Gridded Daily Precipitation Data Set for the Conterminous United States
- Another Surprising Turn in the Global Emission of CFC-11
- Application of Deep Learning Techniques to Ice Sheet Surface and Bed Interface Detection
- Application of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for Precipitation Forecasting
- Assessing Vulnerability and Adaptive Management Under Climate Change Scenarios: Lessons from California's Largest Reservoir
- Assessing the Reliability of the Coral Mn/Ca-based Trade-wind Proxy: Interpreting the Mn Signal Lag
- Assessing the Viability of Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) in Western U.S. Reservoirs Where Atmospheric Rivers Are Key to Both Water Supply and Flooding: Summary, Lessons Learned, and Broader Implications
- Assessment of ICESat-2 For the Recovery of the Marine Gravity Anomalies
- Assessment of Streamflow Forecast Skill in the Truckee River Basin
- Atmospheric Oxidation Impacts on Sea Spray Produced Ice Nucleating Particles
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the second phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Atmospheric pressure loading in GPS positions: A comparison of data products and processing methods for the contiguous U.S. and Alaska
- Atmospheric river integrated vapor transport ground truth: dropsonde observations compared to reanalyses
- Barite Microcrystal Abundance, Size and Morphology in Eastern Pacific Water Column Profiles: Precipitation and Dissolution Dynamics
- Biological and Anthropogenic Influences on the Organic Composition of Coastal Sea Spray Aerosol
- CCHDO: responding to changing expectations in a changing world
- CSEM Exploration for Submarine Groundwater: Paths for Encroachment or Exploitation?
- Carbon Isotopic Insights into Biological Processing of Marine Organic Matter and Transfer to Sea Spray Aerosol
- Changes in greenhouse gas emissions observed in Indianapolis, IN during the COVID-19 shutdown
- Climate Champions: A K12-University-Community Response to our Climate Crisis
- Cloud feedbacks cause higher climate sensitivity in CMIP6. What do observations say?
- Cloud source and sink process as a path toward constraining climate sensitivity
- Co-effect of Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability and Cold Ocean-Warm Land Pattern on Global Warming Slowdown and Acceleration
- Coastal Fog Microphysics and Dynamics During C-FOG: Parameterization Development and Scale issues
- Coastal cliff erosion in California 2009-2016
- Comparative Genomic Analysis of Halophilic and Xerophilic Microbes to Elucidate Adaptions to Chaotropic and Low Water Activity Environments
- Comparison of Ground-based and Space-based Surface Rupture Mapping of the May 15, 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake, Nevada
- Comparison of InSAR Processing Techniques Applied to Cultivated Areas within California's Central Valley
- Comparisons between laboratory experiments and a theoretical model of intermittent edge wave excitation
- Constraints on marine gas-phase sulfur emissions during an induced phytoplankton bloom and their impact on sulfate formation in a coastal marine environment
- Coral constraints on ENSO in a warming world
- Cusps and mega cusps on a mixed sediment beach
- Data Gaps within Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeastern Pacific
- Dating Off-axis Volcanism Along the 8°20'N Seamount Chain Using Sediment Thickness Proxy from Near-bottom Chirp Images
- Deep San Jacinto fault Zone Geometric and Bimaterial Properties from Analysis of Fault Zone Head Waves Recorded by Several Dense Across-fault Arrays
- Delineating the phases of the crustal deformation cycle for the Western U.S. from geodetic data, 1995-2020
- Detecting the Impact of COVID-19 Shutdowns on Anthropogenic Emissions in the Los Angeles and Baltimore/Washington Urban Regions
- Developing a data-driven understanding of water management connectivity across physical and social boundaries
- Development and Applications of a New Coastal Cloud and Fog Satellite-derived Albedo Record for San Clemente Island
- Diel Patterns of Bocaccio Rockfish Communication
- Differential heating and Earth rotation modify lake warming under ice
- Distinct regimes of particle and virus abundance explain face mask efficacy for COVID-19
- Distinct spatial patterns of tidal and dynamic triggering at the Coso geothermal field
- Dust transport to Antarctica during previous warm periods
- ENSO influence on freshwater and heat budgets in the Tropical Pacific Ocean state estimate
- Effects of Marine Debris on Open Ocean Biodiversity
- Efforts to Build Infrastructure Resiliency to Future Hydroclimate Extremes
- Emerging technologies for air-sea interaction research: saildrones during EUREC4A/ATOMIC
- Environmental injustice in California revealed by the COVID-19 economic shutdown
- Estimating Benefits of Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO): Lake Mendocino Case-Study and Transferable Decision Support Tool
- Estimating past and future impacts of multiple dimensions of climate change
- Evaluating Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals from Space-Born Imagers at a Dusty AERONET site in Southeastern California
- Evaluating the meteorological conditions associated with dusty atmospheric rivers
- Evaluation of Commercial and Public GNSS RO observations during the Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Campaigns
- Evaluation of a Neural Network for Automated Classification of Beaked Whale Echolocation Clicks
- Evidence from Saturation Analysis and Thermal Fluctuation Tomography for Stress Dominated Magnetic Anisotropy in a Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt
- Evolution and dynamics of nonlinear internal wave fronts over inner- to mid-shelf
- Explaining seasonal flow variations of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Exploring Controls on the Grain Size Distribution of Weathered Rock in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico with Landlab
- Extensive saline groundwater beneath Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Frequency-Difference Back-projection of Earthquakes
- Frontal convergence and vertical velocities measured by drifters in the Alboran Sea
- GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry measurements of sea levels and wave height at E. B. Scripps Pier, California
- Generation of synthetic ground motions for induced seismic events in Oklahoma using varied fault orientations
- Genesis locations of the costliest atmospheric rivers impacting the western United States
- Geometry of the eastern Thwaites ice shelf cavity and implications for continued grounding zone retreat
- Ghastly Groundwater: Integrating Career-Relevant Technical and Soft-Skill Development Through an Active Learning Activity
- Glacial Overturning Circulation Structure in the Cape Basin from Neodymium Isotope Measurements
- Global Survey of Oxygen Minimum Zones Reveals Endemism and Functional Redundancy in Viral Communities
- Going With the Flow: Using a Particle Dispersion Model to Reveal Links Between Ocean Ecosystems and Marine Aerosols
- Grounding Line Retreat Observed in the Eastern Totten Glacier Grounding Zone with DInSAR
- High Resolution Measurements of CH<SUB>4 </SUB>and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N-N<SUB>2 </SUB>in the GISP2 Ice Core Across Heinrich Events H1 Through H5
- High-precision, heavy noble gas isotope ratios in groundwater identify past water-table depth
- History of a Large Basal Channel Near the Ross Ice Shelf Front: a Story of Bathymetry, Ocean Heat, and Ice Damage
- Hydraulic control and wave adjustment in a channel+plateau system: Deep Western Boundary Current passing through the Samoan Passage
- ICESat-2 melt depth retrievals: Revisiting surface melt on Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
- Ice sheet surface velocity determination from ICESat-2 repeat tracks
- Identification of Icequakes and Earthquakes on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica using Unsupervised Deep Embedded Clustering
- Identification of Tolerable Risk Levels for the Operation of a Multi-Purpose Reservoir in Northern California
- Identifying Best Practices for an Impactful Twitter Platform: Examples from the International Ocean Discovery Program
- Impact of Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Dropsonde Data on NCEP GFS Forecast: A Case Study
- Improving Accumulated Precipitation Forecasts with Convolutional Neural Networks
- Improving dynamical assumptions in deep convective parameterizations
- Increasing trend in atmosphere helium from 1975 to 2020
- Inferring changes in terrestrial water storage from seasonal and transient deformation: an application of Kalman filtering on vertical GPS signal in the United States
- Injection-Induced earthquake clusters in Raton Basin, New Mexico & Colorado
- Insights into San Joaquin Valley, California groundwater from GPS-enhanced InSAR surface displacements and in situ data
- Integrating ICESat-2 and Sentinel-1 measurements to quantify thaw subsidence in Alaska
- Integrating experimental and geologic observations to provide constraints on viscous rheology: assessing the role of calcic-amphibole in lithospheric strength
- Intensity based predictions of the dipole field and their value in characterizing the Earth-like nature of models
- Interpretable Machine Learning applied to Seasonal Forecasting of Western US Precipitation
- Inversion Studies of Molecular Hydrogen in Megadunes Firn Air
- Investigating atmosphere-ocean-wave interactions in the Red Sea in response to strong mountain-gap wind jets
- Investigating early earthquake rupture characteristics with borehole strainmeters
- Investigating the Feasibility of Using Loon Long Duration Balloons for Meteorological Studies
- Is the Western US ENSO teleconnection stationary in a warming world?
- Lagoon Morphology: A Key Component of the Coral Mn/Ca-based Trade-wind Proxy
- Localization for MCMC: sampling high-dimensional posterior distributions with local structure
- Long-term late Holocene cliff retreat rate in Del Mar, California revealed from shore platform <SUP>10</SUP>Be concentrations and numerical modeling
- MagIC Updates: New Compact File Format Supports XPEEM, SQUID Microscopy, and FORC Contributions; Successful Interoperability with EPOS, GFZ Data Services; Continuing Collaboration with EarthCube's GeoCODES and ESIP's cluster
- Magma transport beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Global Change - Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
- Measuring Total Heat Flux at 9^o50'N, East Pacific Rise, using Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Sentry
- Mechanisms Forcing the Diurnal Cycle of Dust in an Arid Closed Basin
- Mechanisms modulating warm Atlantic Water temperatures and inflow toward Helheim Glacier in southeastern Greenland
- Mesoscale Controls on the Equatorial Pacific Oxygen Balance: A Model Study
- Micromagnetic modeling of a multi-layer core-shelled magnetite/maghemite particle and its geological significances
- Millennial-scale variability in mean ocean temperature
- Modeling the exacerbated natural hazard impacts due to climate change for the island nation of Antigua and Barbuda using HAZUS.
- Modeling the sources of the 2018 Palu Tsunami, Indonesia, with the help of social media videos.
- Moment Magnitude Determination for Local Tsunami Warnings Using Seismogeodesy
- Montreal Protocol to delay ice-free Arctic by a decade
- Multivariate Tropical Variability from Microwave Satellite Data Records
- New Insights into Dynamics of Coastal Low-level Jets
- New paleointensity results from Hawaii indicate age sampling may be responsible for the "missing dipole"
- New perspectives on modeling INPs in the remote marine atmosphere
- No consistent ENSO response to volcanic forcing over the last millennium
- Nourishing an unstable coast
- Observation-Enabled Assessment of Simulated Southern Ocean Aerosol and INP Populations in the Community Atmosphere Model Version 6
- Observational Evidence that Radiative Heating Modifies the Life Cycle of Tropical Anvil Clouds
- Observed summertime patterns in coastal low cloud frequency for the Pacific Northwest, 1996-2017
- Observing the Isotopic Expression of Weak vs. Strong El Niño: A Palmyra Atoll Case Study
- Ocean-Color Remote Sensing from the First Earth-Sun Lagrange Point
- On the Impact of High-Frequency Wind Variability on Upper Ocean Stratification
- On the Misclassification of Suspended Dust at an AERONET Site in the Sonoran Desert
- On the origin and cycling of Holocene-aged carbon beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Optimizing Observational Arrays for Biogeochemistry in the Tropical Pacific by Estimating Correlation Lengths
- Organic Composition of Three Different Size Ranges of Aerosol Particles over the Southern Ocean
- Organic Nitrogen, Bimodal Size Distributions, and Polluted Marine Air in an Ocean-in-Lab Experiment
- Pacific Meridional Modes without Equatorial Pacific Influence
- Pacific/Circumpolar and North Atlantic Deep Waters in the Argentine Basin: Lateral Stirring within the AMOC
- Paleointensity and Paleodirection Estimates from the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica
- Postseismic deformation and stress evolution following the 2015 M 7.2 Sarez (Pamir) earthquake constrained by 5 years of Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 observations
- Probabilistic Weather Prediction with Bayesian Neural Networks
- Projections of Future Flood Damages Associated with Atmospheric Rivers in the Western United States
- Quantifying the Effects of Downward Longwave Radiation on Low Clouds
- Recent estimates of changes in the emissions of CFC-11 and related ozone-depleting substances from eastern China
- Rectifier Effect due to Seasonality in Convective Mixing in Firn
- Regional emissions of HFC-23 in East Asia derived from high frequency atmospheric measurements
- Reinforcing the Mn/Ca Trade-Wind Proxy: A Closer Look at Manganese Redox in Kiritimati's Lagoon
- Resolving sources of marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) via novel sulfur isotope analyses
- Revisiting the Role of the Water Vapor and Lapse Rate Feedbacks in the Arctic Amplification of Climate Change
- Seasonal Dependency of Tropical Precipitation Change under Global Warming
- Seasonal Forecasting of Sea Level Anomalies in a Multi-model Prediction Framework
- Seasonal Variability of Deep Chlorophyll Maxima in an Oligotrophic Regime
- Seasonal to Interannual Variability of Upper Ocean Temperature and Salinity: the Role of Atmospheric Rivers
- Seasonality in Oxygen Structure, Utilization Rates, Export Production, and Impacts of Vertical Mixing in the Eighteen Degree Water Region of the Sargasso Sea as Observed by Profiling Floats
- Seesaw ridge propagation and the strength of the lithosphere at slow-spreading ridges
- Seismic imaging of the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Shallow Deformation Features of the Imperial Fault System from Subsurface Imaging
- Simulating Observations from Loon Balloons for Atmospheric River Reconnaissance
- Simulating seismic wave propagation to understand Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Atmospheric River and Precipitation Research and Experimental Forecast Product Development at CW3E/NASA JPL
- Supporting Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Scientific Workflows with the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database
- Surface fractures nearby the Ridgecrest earthquakes: what can we learn on the regional stress and fault properties?
- Synoptic Scale Weather and Coastal Fog Occurrence along Atlantic Canada during C-FOG
- The Atmospheric Drivers of the Major Saharan Dust Storm in June 2020
- The C-FOG Project: Salient Outcomes
- The Dynamics of an Orographically Forced Dust Storm in a Closed Basin
- The Effect of Resolution on Vertical Heat and Carbon Transports in a Regional Ocean Circulation Model for the Argentine Basin
- The Impact of Additional Surface Pressure Observations over the Northeast Pacific Ocean on the Data Assimilated Analysis and Forecast of Atmospheric Rivers During Feb - Apr 2019
- The Impact of Freezing Level Forecast Uncertainty on Reservoir Operation in the Yuba-Feather Rivers Watershed
- The Influence of Atmospheric Cloud Radiative Effects on Annular Mode Persistence
- The North Pacific Pacemaker Effect on Historical ENSO and Its Mechanisms
- The Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent in Three Generations of Global Climate Models and Glider Observations
- The Plum Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm: A Case Study of Two West Coast, USA, Datasets
- The Relationship Between the Atmospheric River Strength and Impacts Scale to Extratropical Extreme Storms
- The Scotia Sea Magnetic Susceptibility Record: Coupling of the Deep Ocean and Atmosphere?
- The Unique Role of Jason-2 Geodetic Mission for high Resolution Gravity Field Modelling
- The development of East Antarctic ocean simulation with a focus on the Totten Glacier.
- The first flights of the Strateole-2 technology demonstration campaign: Observing the global equatorial tropopause with long-duration balloons
- The impact of cloud processes and the transport of biological emissions on the vertical structure of cloud condensation nuclei in the Southern Ocean.
- The new Kr-86 excess ice core proxy for synoptic activity: West Antarctic storminess possibly linked to ITCZ movement through the last deglaciation
- The strength of the Earth's magnetic field from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Jordan
- Theory and Application of an Observational Method to Estimate the Direct Radiative Effect of Mineral Dust in Southeastern California
- Three years of weekly coastal cliff erosion monitoring with lidar in southern, CA
- Time-Varying Probability Distributions of Southern Ocean Surface Winds: Leading Empirical Modes Linked to SAM and the Annual Cycle
- Total Air Content of the South Pole ice core
- Towards improved understanding and predictability of Tropical Pacific variability through a redesigned Tropical Pacific Ocean System: the role of new observational platforms
- Towards improvement in process understanding and modeling of the Tropical Pacific
- Tropical waves observed by balloon-borne GPS Radio Occultation measurements of Strateole-2 campaign over equatorial area
- Uniform Warming and Snowpack Disappearance in the Western US
- Upper-plate controls on megathrust slip behaviour: Comparing the Hikurangi and Nankai subduction zones
- Urban greenhouse gas emission response to COVID-19 shutdowns
- Using Machine Learning to Classify Oceanographic Structures in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica.
- Using PPE simulations and parametric sensitivity analysis to better understand model physics and parameterization in E3SM atmosphere model over different cloud regimes
- Using Remote Sensing to Characterize Change in Planetary-Analog Brine Environments
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using marine magnetotelluric determinant data to study the oceanic upper mantle
- Utilizing shipboard sediment green-blue color ratio to constrain glacial-interglacial changes in South Pacific diatom productivity
- Variability and Predictability of Indian Rainfall During the Monsoon Onset Month of June
- Variational Analysis to reconstruct the 3D dynamics of an anticyclonic eddy, possible use of SWOT observations.
- Water-rich Melt Channel Beneath the Cocos Plate Imaged With Petrologically-constrained Bayesian Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data
- What caused barrier layer formation observed during the SPURS-2 Field Campaign?
- When water meets fire: The Effects of Hydrologically-Related Processes in Long Valley Caldera at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales
- Where did it go, and why? Surf-zone tracer release 3-D hindcast with obliquely incident swell.
- 3D Modeling of the Kathmandu Basin Effects on Ground Motions for the 2015 Gorkha earthquake
- 4CAST Gofar: New Observations of Structure, Tectonics, Magmatism, and Hydrothermal Activity within the Gofar Transform Fault
- A Global Meta-Analysis of Hypersaline Communities
- A New Ethics Workshop: Addressing Racism and Colonialism in the Geosciences
- A Preliminary Record of Changes in Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric OH Abundance from 14CO in Glacial Ice (Law Dome, Antarctica, 1870 AD to Present)
- A Recent Increase in Extreme Low Relative Humidity Hours in the Southwestern U.S.
- A Resolution Comparison of Surface-towed and Seafloor Electromagnetic Data for Imaging Submarine Aquifers: A Case Study from the U.S. Atlantic Margin.
- A Simple Global Carbon Model for Verification of Reported CO2 Emissions
- A Southern Ocean-wide examination of Multi-year Trends in Sea Ice, Chlorophyll Concentration, and Marine Aerosol Optical Depth
- A deep and dynamic groundwater system beneath an Antarctic ice stream
- A new approach for simultaneous estimation of entrainment and detrainment rates in non-precipitating shallow cumuli
- A new bathymetry surrounding and beneath the West Ice Shelf in East Antarctica
- A new ice shelf melt model that accounts for freshwater discharge and application to Denman Glacier, East Antarctica
- A synthesis of in-situ emissions and dissolved sub-surface 13C-CH4, 13C-CO2, and D-CH4 from northern wetlands, lakes, and seasonally-inundated ecosystems
- A testbed for geomagnetic data assimilation
- Accounting Epistemic Uncertainty in Finite-fault Inversion: Development of a Potency-density Tensor Approach to Investigate Complex Earthquake Rupture Processes
- All of the benefits without much work: Practical implementation of CF and FAIRer Data
- An introduction to ICESat-2s gridded land-ice products
- Analyzing the multipath of GNSS time series to study snow properties
- Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over the past 1.5 million years
- Archaeomagnetic contributions to archaeological studies of feature function and taphonomy, a case study from Texas
- Array Analysis Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing on Small Magnitude Regional Earthquakes
- Aseismic Movement of Gofar Transform Fault may be Aided by Formation of Clay-Bearing Basaltic Breccias
- Assessing Soil Moisture Controls on Runoff Generation Under Atmospheric River Conditions for FIRO Hydrologic Modeling Applications
- Assessing a 3.0 1.7 Ma Scotia Sea relative paleointensity record and its potential to constrain the chronology of Antarctic dynamics during the intensification of bipolar glaciation
- Assessing meteorological and hydrological drought in the western US using geodesy
- Assessment of GPS-enhanced InSAR and in-situ data for groundwater and aquifer structure characterization in Californias San Joaquin Valley
- Atmospheric Benzothiazoles in a Coastal Marine Environment: Implications for Sea Spray Aerosol Selective Organic Enrichment and Secondary Marine Aerosol Chemistry
- Atmospheric gas-based techniques to date basal ice
- Central Anomaly Magnetization High and Crustal Accretion at the East Pacific Rise, 950N
- Certainties and Uncertainties in P-wave Spectral Analysis: Results for the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence as part of the Community Stress Drop Validation Study
- Changes in hydrothermal fluid origin conditions approaching the next eruption at 9 50N East Pacific Rise
- Characterizing the Source of Mineral Dust in Ice from the Allan Hills, East Antarctica during the Last Interglacial Period
- Climate Change Risk Modelling to Assist in Developing Effective National Adaptation Strategies for the Island Nation of Antigua and Barbuda
- Climate Change and Water ResourcesA History of Scientific Methods and Findings
- Comparison of GPS Observations of Crustal Deformation and Hydrologic Storage Estimates
- Constraining the Seasonal Cycle of the Southern Ocean CO2 Uptake with Airborne Observations
- Continental Geometrys Role in Shaping Regional Temperature Distributions
- Controls on Large Rain-On-Snow Events across the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Coseismic and early postseismic deformation due to the 2021 M7.4 Maduo (Tibet, China) earthquake
- Coupled biological and photochemical control of secondary marine aerosol composition and cloud-forming ability
- Decision Support Tools for Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations: Atmospheric River Related Situational Awareness Products at the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
- Dust-climate archive time machines
- Enhanced open-ocean fish production and community resilience across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- Ensemble Streamflow Predictions for Multi-Objective Risk Based Operations of Prado Reservoir in Riverside County, California
- Estimating Antarctic Grounding Zone Ice Flexure with ICESat-2 Data
- Estimating Water Reflectance from EPIC/DSCOVR Data
- Evaluating machine learning methods applied to physics-based ground motion modeling via proper orthogonal decomposition
- Expanding access to FIRO benefits through the Screening Process
- Exploring coupled surface hydrology and freeze-thaw dynamics around Toolik Lake, Alaska, using ICESat-2 and InSAR data
- Field and microstructural constraints on viscous rheology at the base of the subduction seismogenic zone
- Finite-source attributes of 39 M 3.9 to 5.5 Ridgecrest, California earthquakes
- Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO): Overview and Pilot Programs
- Frequency-Difference Backprojection of Earthquakes
- Future Changes in Extreme Precipitation over the Northeastern U.S.
- Future changes in the MJO in CMIP6 models
- Global Application of the Atmospheric River Scale
- Global Distribution and Morphology of Seamounts
- Global sub-mesoscale ocean variability from multi-year altimetry: an analysis of the influencing factors
- Groundswell Anti-Racism Action in the Geosciences
- High Resolution Monitoring of Subsurface Processes Using Infrastructure Seismic Noise Recorded on Dark Fiber Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Arrays
- How Many Components? A New Statistical Approach for Fitting Complex Paleodirections.
- Hydrologic Signals in GNSS Geodesy and Their Implications for Future Hydrology
- Ice loss from asymmetric melting at Thwaites Glacier grounding zone
- Identifying Hydrologic and Coastal Hydrodynamic Drivers of Inland Salinity Spikes within the Pajaro Watershed
- Identifying lava bombs in seismometer data during the 2018 Kilauea eruption
- Imaging multiscale fault zone dynamics following the 2004 Parkfield rupture
- Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on Arctic Sea Ice Variations
- Impact of Dropsonde Data on Atmospheric River and Precipitation Forecasts with NCEP GFS over California: A Case Study
- Implementation of Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Research and Development within the US Army Corps of Engineers
- Improving the Physical Basis for Updraft Dynamics in Deep Convection Parameterizations
- In-Situ Calibration of Differential Pressure Gauges on OBSIP Ocean Bottom Seismometers
- India-Eurasia Corner Collision and Syntaxis Formation: Implications from Coupled Thermo-mechanical and Surface Processes 3D Models
- Initial results from a broadband deployment in Uzbekistan
- Insights on Muonic Production of Radiocarbon (14C) from ablating and accumulating ice sheets: Revised Production Rates and Improved Estimates of 14C Retention in Firn
- Interseismic Deformation in the Dead Sea Fault Region Inferred by InSAR and GNSS Measurements
- Investigating Aquifer Recharge with InSAR and Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley
- Investigating the processes driving day-to-day and seasonal variability of ice-nucleating particles in marine air
- Isolating the impacts of ocean heat uptake on global warming pattern and climate sensitivity
- Key components of marine mineral-related characterization studies learned from collaborative research on mineral systems in the Southern California Borderland
- Law Dome 14CH4 measurements confirm revised fossil methane emissions estimates
- Long-base seismic interferometry reveals a hidden slow slip near the Anza seismic gap, CA
- Long-term Observation-based Emission Estimates of Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Potent Greenhouse Gases in East Asia
- Loss of water in the ground in the southwest U.S.during drought in 2020 and 2021
- MJO impacts on precipitation extremes over the western U.S.: seasonality and QBO modulation
- Machine Learning Predictions to Support Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations
- Machine-assisted data editing for global bathymetry compilations using gradient boosting methods
- MagIC Data Repository Update: Data Translation Script For IRM Data Files Available, MagIC Funded JupyterHub for Running PmagPy Without Local Installation, EPOS-MSL Collaboration is Live, Datasets Crawled and Presented by Google's Dataset Search and EarthCube's GeoCODES
- Mechanisms, pathways, and variability of oxygen ventilation in the upper tropical Pacific
- Mesh-independent diffuse fault modelling in 2D SEM for dynamic rupture simulations
- Mesoscale atmospheric forcing leads to mixed layer deepening in the North Pacific
- Modern Seismogeodetic System for Mitigating Natural Hazards
- Molecular Hydrogen in Greenland Firn Air: Atmospheric Reconstructions and Interpretation
- Monitoring fault zones using freight trains, a case study in southern California
- New Insights to the Origin of Ultramafic-Mafic Magmatism, Gorgona Island, Colombia
- New Particle Formation in the Boundary Layer Over the Pristine Temperate/Boreal Forest and its Anthropogenic Perturbation
- Next-generation Sub-Bottom Profiler (SBP 29) Has Arrived, and Represents a Step-change in Data Quality and Quantity for the Marine Geoscience Community: Imaging Marine Sediments at Decimeter-scales, >100m Penetration, Without Diffractions, All While Surveying at 10+ Knots
- Nitrogen and argon isotopes in the South Pole ice core record firn temperature change through the last deglaciation.
- Noble Gases Record Widespread Six Degrees Celsius Low-Latitude Land Cooling During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Observational Constraints on Southern Ocean Cloud-phase Feedback
- Observations in Support of Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Objectives Summary of Accomplishments to Date
- Operational Microwave-Adjusted Hydro-Estimator to support Flash Flood Assessments Worldwide
- Optimal stress but no big (recent) breaks exploring the enigmatic earthquake cycle of the San Andreas Fault System
- Origin of robust multicomponent remanence from oceanic gabbros in Pito Deep
- Past and Present Deformation along the San Andreas from Microseismicity, Geodesy, and Seismological Constraints
- Personal Reflections and National Recommendations on the Role of Education in Next Generation Earth System Science
- Petrofabrics in Arc Cumulates: Insights into Lithospheric Foundering
- Pito Deep: Evidence for Gabbro Glacier Flow at the EPR
- Population-Based Earthquake Early Warning Alert Performance Comparison of PLUM with ShakeAlert
- Pre-, Co- and Postseismic GNSS-Corrected Sentinel-1 InSAR Time Series: Moving Beyond the 2019 Ridgecrest, CA Earthquake Sequence
- Precise Estimation of Earthquake Source Parameters in the Imperial Valley Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing Applied to Dark Fiber
- Predicting Extreme Weather Events in California on Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Timescales Using a Statistical-Dynamical Weather Regime Impacts Model
- Predicting Geomagnetic Reversals with Machine Learning
- Preliminary Analysis of Ocean Heat Transport with SOHI, an Eddy-resolving Ocean Model
- Quantifying uncertainties in GNSS-inferred surface hydrologic loading
- Radiogenic 40Ar signals in groundwater at the sub-permil level: a new age and/or flow tracer?
- Rapid deformation and annealing events recorded in a mantle xenolith from the Wyoming craton; A pathway for understanding microstructure evolution in the mantle
- Realtime building monitoring for rapid response to earthquakes
- Reconstructed and simulated snowpack variability in the western United States over the last millennium
- Reducing Micro-urban Heat Islands as an Intervention to Decrease Heat-related Impacts: Comparing Various Fine-scale Greening Scenarios and Their Impact on Hospitalizations in San Diego County
- Representation of dropsonde-observed atmospheric river conditions in reanalyses
- Reproducible Science Supported by Python Jupyter Notebooks for Interacting with the Open-Source FIESTA API
- Reversing Sahelian Droughts via Regional Geoengineering
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Perspectives from a Decade of Ocean Data Management
- Science Supporting Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations Viability Assessments and Implementation
- Scientific Ocean Drilling IMPACT Workshop Series: Advancing Impact through Policy
- Seasonal Forecast Skill of Western U.S. Precipitation: Characterizing the Most Predictable Spatial Patterns
- Seismicity pattern along the large slow-slipping St. Paul multi-fault transform system reveals deep and exceptional brittle-ductile transition zone in equatorial Atlantic
- Seismo-Geodetic Investigations of Subsurface Properties of the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Seismological Observation of Earths Oscillating Inner Core
- Sizing up the 2005-2006 volcanic eruption near 950N, East Pacific Rise, using repeat near-bottom surveys
- Slip rate deficit offshore the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica and implications for great earthquake and tsunami hazard.
- Soil Chemical and Physical Erosion Rates and Dust Deposition Rates Along An Altitudinal Climate Transect at San Jacinto Peak, Southern California
- Southern Ocean pathways of Antarctic Bottom Water: conduits vs blender
- Spatial and Temporal Lags in Meltwater Propagation Through the Greenland Ice Sheet Hydraulic System
- Spatial and temporal trends in California coastal cliff erosion and influencing factors
- Spatial variability and evolution of sea ice permeability on the MOSAiC central floe from autumn to spring: Biogeochemistry research sites
- Spectral Analyses of Paleomagnetic Secular Variation on Centennial to Multi-millennial Timescales
- Stochastic optimization: Efficient uncertainty quantification for regularized inversion models using the randomize-then-optimize strategy
- Structural properties of the Southern San Andreas fault zone in northern Coachella Valley from magnetotelluric imaging
- Study of trade winds cumuli using UAS during EUREC4A
- Surface Deformation from July 29th Alaska 8.2 Magnitude Earthquake via Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS
- Surface Topography Observations Needed to Advance Cryosphere Science in the Coming Decades
- Surface expression of a Himalayan-style corner collision: Insights from numerical thermo-mechanical models
- Surface features of the 2021 M7.2 Haiti earthquake from InSAR data
- Testing the US West Coast ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System in Complex Earthquake Sequences
- The Baffin Bay Deglacial Experiment (BAD-Ex): Spatiotemporal Observations of the Last Demise of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
- The Benefits of Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations: A Water Management Perspective
- The Differing Responses of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds to Climate Warming
- The EUREC4A-Ocean/Atmosphere campaign: status
- The Economic Costs of Road Safety and Mobility Impacts of Extreme Precipitation from Atmospheric Rivers in the Western United States
- The IODP IMPACT workshop series: envisioning the future for communicating scientific ocean drilling
- The Impact of the Mt. Pinatubo Climate Perturbation on Marine Productivity
- The Influence of Atmospheric Cloud Radiative Effects on Annular Mode Persistence
- The Oceans Dynamic Response to Northern Hemisphere Cooling and Insights into Cross-Equatorial Energy Transport
- The Phase State and Molecular Composition of Oxidatively Aged Sea Spray Aerosol During a Phytoplankton Bloom
- The UCSD Climate Action and Policy Committee: A Blueprint for Graduate Student Climate Action on University Campuses
- The potential of using in situ cosmogenic 14CO in ice cores at Dome C to examine the assumption of a constant galactic cosmic ray flux
- The recent emergence of Arctic Amplification
- The role of P-rich precursors in barite formation in the ocean
- The state of stress at seesaw propagating ridges
- Through-Ice-Shelf Drainage of Surface Meltwater Lakes and its Implications for Antarctic Ice Shelf Stability
- Time-series Monitoring of Hydrothermal Processes During the Run-up to the Next Volcanic Eruption at the East Pacific Rise 9 50N
- Trace metal controls in high temperature hydrothermal fluids leading up to the next eruption at 950N East Pacific Rise
- Tracking Changes in Hydrothermal Vent Temperatures and Crustal Permeability During Seafloor Eruptions at the East Pacific Rise, 9 50'N
- Tracking the storage and dissipation of atmospheric river storm water in the Russian River watershed using GPS elastic displacements
- Transform and passive margin subsidence history and stratigraphy: inferences from 3D thermo-mechanical and surface processes models
- Tropical Pacific subseasonal forecast: the role of mean state biases, model errors, and ocean data assimilation
- Turn your regularized inversion code into a Bayesian sampler: Efficient uncertainty quantification for resistivity models estimated from electromagnetic geophysical data
- Two 'Accelerants' of the 2020-2021 Drought in California-Nevada
- URGE at Scripps Institution of Oceanography Accomplishments, Challenges, and Future Plans
- Unlearning Racism in Geoscience-URGE-ing with our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Participants
- Unsupervised classification identifies coherent thermohaline structures in the Weddell Gyre
- Upper plate rigidity and shallow subduction zone slip stability in data-constrained seismic-cycle models of the central Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
- Using Elastic Deformation of the Earths Surface to Investigate Watershed Storage-Discharge Relationships
- Using Single-Particle Microscopy and FTIR on NAAMES samples to link the Ocean Microlayer to Atmospheric Aerosols
- Using global Bayesian optimization in ensemble data assimilation: parameter estimation, tuning localization and inflation, or all of the above
- Using microearthquakes to investigate the earthquake preparation process at the Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise
- Using seafloor morphology and microseismicity to investigate the Quebrada transform fault system, East Pacific Rise
- Using the Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate to Constrain the Estimated CO2 Flux from Land Use and Land Cover Change Since 1900
- Variability in the Meridional Overturning Circulation at 32S in the Pacific Ocean during 2009 diagnosed by Inverse Box Models
- Variations in Earthquake Stress Drop on Gofar Transform Fault at the End of the 2008 and 2020 Seismic Cycles
- Verification of Atmospheric River Forecasts in Support of FIRO objectives
- WRF-Hydro Streamflow Prediction Driven by West-WRF Ensemble Precipitation: A Case Study in Californias Lake Mendocino Basin
- Water and Aerosol Atmospheric Rivers: Connections to Weather, Air Quality and Climate
- Weather Patterns Driving Atmospheric Rivers, Santa Ana Winds, Floods and Wildfires During California Winters and Evidence of Increasing Fire Risk
- West-WRF Near Real-Time Forecasts in Support of FIRO: Current Status and New Developments
- What can we learn from the earthquake induced surface fractures mapped by InSAR
- Why do my squiggles look funny? A gallery of compromised seismic signals
- Working with Leaders and Stakeholders to Implement Anti-racist Policies within Geoscience Workplaces
- 3D Lithospheric Strength Variation Controls on Far-Field and Syntaxial Orogens: Inferences from the Himalayas and Comparison with Model Results
- 72-Hour Inflow Forecast Verification for Yuba-Feather FIRO
- A Detection of the Sea Level Fingerprint of Greenland Ice Sheet Melt
- A Dynamic Holocene North Greenland Ice Sheet: The Marine Sediment Perspective
- A Fall Fog Bank Along Nova Scotia Generated by Coastal Sea and Air Turbulent Processes
- A Micromagnetic Approach To Determining The FORC Response Of Single-Vortex Signals.
- A New Method for Identifying Seismic Lineaments and Evaluation of Dihedral Angles Between Conjugate Strike-Slip Faults, With Application to Southern California
- A Simple Model for Residual Land-Ocean Temperature Contrasts Under Solar Geoengineering
- A Time Series of Microbial-Mediated Impacts on Phosphorus Cycling and Energy Transformations in the Southern California Bight
- A three-dimensional P-wave velocity model for Central America by applying a nested regional-global tomographic technique
- Abundant Off-Axis Hydrothermal Chimneys Found at the East Pacific Rise, 9°50'N
- Accounting for Uncertainty of Ensemble Streamflow Predictions in the Operations of Prado Reservoir in Riverside County, California
- Actionable Steps to Improve Inclusivity and Diversity in the Geosciences in Higher Education
- Advances Toward FIRO Objectives Supported by Observations - Progress and Future Directions
- Aero-geophysical constraints on the crustal structure of the western margin of the Aurora Subglacial Basin, East Antarctica
- Airborne Radio Occultation Data Retrieved from Multi-Global Navigation Satellite Systems in Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Campaigns over the Northeast Pacific
- An Evaluation of the Southern Ocean high-resolution simulation(SOhi)
- An interdisciplinary perspective on Greenland's changing coastal margins
- Analytical Model explains State-Dependence and Regional Variation of Earth's Clear-Sky Longwave Feedback
- Artes Con-ciencias: Science and Artivism Against Eco-Capitalism
- Atmospheric River Forecasts for the United States using NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System Reforecasts and Reanalysis 2000-2019
- Atmospheric River Sector Identification
- Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeast United States
- Atmospheric-Solid Earth Coupling Excites Global Vibrations from the Upper Crust to the Upper Mantle Following the 2022 Hunga Eruption, Tonga.
- Better Use of High-Latitude Data in Assimilative Ocean Modeling
- Bipolar impact and phasing of Heinrich-type climate variability
- CCHDO: Your Stop for 50+ Years of Reference-Quality Hydrographic Data
- CO2 Emissions from Drainage Canals in Southeast Asian Peatlands
- Can Regional Marine Cloud Brightening Target Local Climate Change Impacts?
- Characterizing Predator-Prey Interactions in the Megazooplankton Siphonophora
- Chasing tails: Insights for thermomagnetic recording in non-uniform magnetic structures from micromagnetic modeling
- Constraining Surface Reservoir Ages in the Southern Ocean Over the Past 30,000 Years Using Foram and Coral-Based Records
- Constraints on lithology, pore-filling media, and pore closure depth beneath Insight on Mars
- Continental slivers in oceanic transform faults controlled by tectonic inheritance: numerical modelling from rifting to spreading
- Contribution of Atmospheric River Precipitation to Height Changes Over the Antarctic Ice Sheet, 2019-2022
- Creating interdisciplinary coastal research networks: Activities and lessons from the first Greenland Ice Sheet Ocean Science (GRISO) Network summer school
- DOC Oxidation in Tropical Peatland Drainage Canals
- Declining Dry Years in the California Sierra Nevada and Upper Colorado River Basins in CMIP6 Model Projections
- Deep Learning Forecast Uncertainty for Precipitation over Western US
- Deep crustal deformation from the Central San Andreas fault through the Sierra Nevada from seismicity and anisotropic receiver functions
- Deep earthquake source properties from inversion of both high- and low-frequency waveforms at teleseismic distances
- Detecting high-frequency anthropogenic seismic sources for seismic velocity monitoring
- Detection of Active Lava Flows on Venus using Repeated SAR and InSAR Measurements: InSAR Analysis of the 2018 Hawaii Lava Flows
- Developing a Code of Conduct at The University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) - Alternative Approaches, Measures of Success, and Open Questions
- Developing a New Long-Term Soil Moisture Observing Network in the Upper Yampa River Basin
- Development of a High Resolution, Shallow Water CSEM System
- Directional Wave Spectra From Lagrangian Drifters: Hurricane Michael (2018) and Beyond
- Downstream Impacts of Melting Icebergs on Circulation and Mercury Cycling in a Glacial Fjord
- Dramatic Changes in the Deepwater Circulation of the Southern Ocean since late Miocene
- Earth's Dynamic Magnetic Field: Centennial to Million Year Time Scales
- Earthquake Cycle Stress Accumulation Disparities of the San Andreas Fault System in the Cajon Pass Region, Southern California
- Earthquake Source Spectra Estimates Obtained from S-Wave Maximum Amplitudes: Application to the 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence
- Empirical relationship between GNSS-derived antecedent water storage and streamflow runoff in the western United States
- Entrainment Rate in Shallow Cumuli: Aircraft Observations and Large-Eddy Simulations
- Estimating Vertical Velocity in the Equatorial Indian Ocean
- Evaluating and improving aerosol effective radiative forcing in E3SM
- Evaluating the feedbacks of rain-induced SST gradients to atmospheric convection over the tropical Indian Ocean using a regional coupled atmosphere-ocean model
- Examination of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Ability to Improve Marine Reconstructions Using Spatially Diverse Coral Records
- Expanding Access to FIRO Benefits with the FIRO Screening Process
- Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation and Environment (ESCAPE)
- Experimental Seasonal Water Supply Forecast in the California-Nevada Region
- Exploring the Role of Soil Moisture in Seasonal Streamflow Forecast over the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Finite-source Attributes of M4 to 5.5 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes
- Fluctuation in subsurface water inferred from GPS elastic displacements: Insight on water cycle processesand the critical zone
- Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO): Overview and pilot programs
- Freshwater Displacement Effect on Weddell Gyre Carbon Transport
- From Classroom to Career: Building a Culture of Access for Geoscientists with Disabilities.
- Geologic controls on subglacial thermal conditions and old ice preservation from a COLDEX perspective - insights from East Antarctic airborne geophysical surveying
- Get Ready for SWOT: the Status of the SWOT Oceanography Calibration and Validation Campaigns
- Glacial Fans as an archive of Ice Sheet Dynamics: A Multi-proxy Investigation of the Northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet during Siku Events using Surveyor Fan Sediments acquired from IODP EXP 341
- Global Distribution of Small Seamounts from Satellite Gravity and Ship Soundings
- How does the Pinatubo eruption influence our understanding of long-term changes in ocean circulation and biogeochemistry?
- Hydrologic Signals in GNSS Geodesy and Their Implications for Advancing Hydrologic Models
- Immediate and long-lasting impacts of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption on ocean oxygen and carbon inventories using the CESM-LENS
- Impact of microbial biofilms on Mn(II) oxidation dynamics
- Impacts of Atmospheric Cloud Radiative Effects on Annular Mode Persistence
- In-situ Vp/Vs ratio reveals fault-zone material variation at the westernmost Gofar transform fault, East Pacific Rise
- Integrating ICESat-2 altimetry, optical imagery, and digital elevation models to measure erosion rates and coastal morphology along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea Coast
- Integrating seismic and space geodetic observations in monitoring Greenland glacier calving events
- Interpreting excess air in groundwater with new hydroclimate tracers
- Investigating Active Crustal Deformation Processes along the San Andreas Fault: Insights from a 7+ year Sentinel-1 InSAR/GNSS Time Series Across California
- Investigating Paleoenvironmental Influences on the Magnetic Record from the Pacific Northwest Margin since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Investigating the Relationship Between GPS Elastic Displacements and Hydrologic Storage in Rain and Snow Dominated Watersheds
- Lagrangian analysis of the global routes of the mid-depth meridional overturning circulation
- Large Events on the Southern San Andreas Fault Modulated by Lake Filling Events
- Late Pleistocene Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice Sheet Coupling in the Scotia Sea: Unraveling the Magnetic Susceptibility-Ice Core Dust Correlation
- Lightning Characteristics of Atmospheric Rivers over the Americas Observed by GOES Geostationary Lightning Mappers
- Linking Drought Indicators to Multi-Sectoral Impacts in Complex Water Systems
- Long Eccentricity Cycles and the Ocean Chemocline Over the Past 1.5 Million Years
- Long-range Noise Correlation Modeling for Seismic Velocity Monitoring of Fault Zones.
- Machine Learning Weather Analogs for Renewable Forecasting
- MagIC Data Facility Update: Online Editing, 1.3 Headers, API Improvements, New MagIC Team, Three-Year Facility Grant, 2023 MagIC Workshop, Upload and Contributor Statistics, FIESTA Repository Expansion
- Mapping Groundwater Level Changes using Surface Displacement and Machine Learning in California's Central Valley
- Marine Ice Nucleating Particles: Progress and Needs
- Marine dust records as templates to date 1.5 million year old ice
- Marine fog microphysics and associated weather systems during Fatima Campaign
- Measurements of Centimetre-scale Temperature Gradients at the Ice-water Boundary of Floating Glacier Ice
- Microseismicity delineates active plate boundaries and intraplate faults at Discovery transform fault system, East Pacific Rise
- Mid-level moisture observed in hurricanes from multi-GNSS Airborne Radio Occultation
- Morphologic Models for the Growth and Decay of Volcanic Seamounts
- Multi-instrument, Realtime Monitoring of Seismically Vulnerable Structures
- Multidisciplinary study of South Pescadero Basin hydrothermal venting reveals a single source for vent fields along the southwest basin margin
- Multiple subevent inversion: towards bridging point sources and finite slip models for geometrically complex earthquakes
- Near-term predictions of multiple marine stressors
- Near-trench coupling conditions offshore the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica and Southern Nicaragua.
- New GNSS and geological data from the Indo-Burman subduction zone indicate active convergence on both a locked megathrust and the Kabaw Fault
- New early Pleistocene atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane data from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica
- Non-ENSO Precursors for a Coherent Mode of Summer Monsoon Variability with Implications for Predictability
- Oblique continental rifting. Insights from 3-D forward geodynamic modelling coupled with surfaceprocesses and application to the Equatorial passive margins formation
- Observing Hikurangi Margin Methane Extent Through Electromagnetic Resistivity
- Operational Evaluation of Synthetic Ensemble Forecasts for Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO)
- Paleointensity Estimates from the Pleistocene of Northern Israel: Implications for hemispheric asymmetry in the time-averaged field
- Parameterizing Transitions from Shallow to Deep and to Organized Convection via Entrainment and Moisture Distributions in Climate Models
- Passive cryoacoustics as a developing tool for the monitoring of calving fluxes and calving styles
- Persistent Groundwater Reduction Induced by Dynamic Stresses From the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Observed Within A Fractured Aquifer Near Ash Meadows, Nevada, USA.
- Physics-based Constraints on the Moment Magnitudes for Induced Seismicity in the Groningen Gas Field through 3D Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Modelling
- Pliocene ice preserved in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (BIA), East Antarctica
- Postseismic deformation due to the 2021 M7.4 Maduo (China) earthquake from InSAR and GNSS observations
- Predictability of Passive Scalar Dispersion in Atmospheric Surface Layers with Urban-like Roughness: An LES Study
- Progress Towards Configuring the FIESTA Platform for the New KArAr and CDR Data Repositories
- Projected Global Changes in CMIP6 Simulations of Extreme Low Relative Humidity Days
- Quantifying Subsurface Water Loss During the Present Southwest U.S. Drought, 2020-2022
- Quantifying the Temporal Evolution of Trade-Wind Clouds Using Observations and Large Eddy Simulations
- Real-time gas-phase analysis using modified commercial liquid chromatography-mass spectrometers
- Real-time performance and new developments of the Propagation of Local Undamped Motion (PLUM) earthquake early warning algorithm for the West Coast, U.S.A.
- Reconstructing Westerly Wind Bursts and Climate over Abaiang Atoll using Coral Mn/Ca and δ18O Records
- Records of Shearing in Near-Surface Fault Zone Grains
- Reduced-order Modeling for Physics-based Ground Motion Simulation
- Regional-to-Local Scale Numerical Modeling of Wave Transformation around the Monterey Peninsula, Central California.
- Remote sources of oceanic heat delivery to the Antarctic continental shelf
- SeaFAIRing: experiences supporting deep ocean data providers towards more FAIR data
- Seasonal Superrotation in Earth's Troposphere
- Seasonality of sub-mesoscale sea surface variability from multi-year satellite altimetry: getting ready for SWOT
- Seismic Imaging of a Weakly Extended Magmatic Rift Zone: the Kivu Rift Project
- Seismic velocities and thermal structure in uppermost mantle across the Mendocino Fracture Zone, Pacific ocean
- Seismotectonics of the Easternmost Segment of Gofar Transform Fault
- Sensitivity Analysis of Western U.S. Velocities from Daily GNSS Displacements
- Simultaneous Winds and Surface Currents from Space: ODYSEA (Ocean Dynamics and Surface Exchange with the Atmosphere)
- Soil chemical depletion and dust deposition rates along an altitudinal climate transect at San Jacinto Peak, southern California
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of ICESat-2 observation of Ice Mélange Thickness in Antarctic rifts
- Spectral Cancellation of Climate Feedbacks
- Strain accommodation during continental rifting: Mantle lithosphere matters
- Streamflow Observations in Support of Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Objectives
- Structural Inversion of Rotational and Oblique Rifts: Inferences from 3D Coupled Thermo-Mechanical and Surface Processes Models
- Submarine Record of Disastrous Earthquakes at a Strain Partitioned Transpressional Boundary: NSF RAPID Response of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault, Jamaica Passage
- Supraglacial Lake Drainage Initiated by Tidally Induced Hydro-fracture on Amery Ice Shelf
- Surface Deformation Surrounding the 2021 M7.2 Haiti Earthquake Illuminated by InSAR Observations
- Surface Water and Ocean Topography Data Assimilation With Correlated Error Reduction
- Terrigenous Provenance Evidence for Sediment Transport by the Agulhas Current Through the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- The COLDEX regional aerogeophysical survey for oldest ice core candidate site selection: plans for 2022/23
- The Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX): Science plans and opportunities for community involvement
- The Fog and Turbulence in Marine Atmosphere (Fatima) 2022 Field Campaign
- The Importance of Precipitation in Climate Impact Models
- The Influence of Caribbean Current Eddies on the Panama-Colombia Gyre
- The Late January 2021 Atmospheric River Event in California: Meteorological Characteristics, Predictability, and Sources of Forecast Uncertainty
- The Northeast Dip of the Southern San Andreas Fault from Space Geodetic and Seismic Imaging
- The Ocean as a Teacher: Bringing the Argo Array into the Classroom
- The South Asian Monsoon System Response to AMOC Perturbations
- The effect of SST anomalies on surface fluxes in U.S. West Coast atmospheric rivers and their downstream precipitation.
- The surface expression of the Gofar oceanic transform fault, East Pacific Rise using newly acquired, 1m-resolution multibeam bathymetry from AUV Sentry
- Theoretical Approach for Earthquake Magnitude Determination Using A Combination of GNSS and Seismic Data
- Towards Automated Generation of Ice-Sheet Wide Supraglacial Meltwater Depth Measurements from ICESat-2 Data, Using High-Throughput Computing
- Tracking atmospheric river forecast through time: intra-season and seasonal assessments of precipitation and integrated vapor transport in support of FIRO objectives
- Trends and Inferred Emissions of Atmospheric Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in East Asia
- Ubiquitous Earthquake Dynamic Triggering in Southern California
- Uncertainty in Atmospheric River Detection and Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation due to Reanalysis Selection
- Variability in finite-fault slip models of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and implications for observationally constrained dynamic rupture simulations
- Variations in Groundwater Recharge during the mid-Holocene Revealed in the Tucson Basin (Arizona, USA) using Radioisotopes and Noble Gases
- Wave Glider-Based GNSS-Acoustic Surveying of A Single Transponder in Shallow Water
- Wave Transformation and Circulation on Rough Rocky Sea-beds: Initial Results From the First Campaign of Rocky Shores Experiments and Simulations (ROXSI)
- What prevented the Instantaneous Dynamic Triggering of the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Mainshock by the Mw 5.4 Foreshock?
- Wildfires as a Teacher: Leveraging 21st Century Data Science and Image Processing in High School Science
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Allam
- A. A. Borsa
- A. B. Watts
- A. Baltay
- A. Chapman
- A. F. Arnulf
- A. Hernández‐Guerra
- A. I. Chung
- A. M. Smith
- Adam P. Young
- Adam T. Ringler
- Adele K. Morrison
- Adina Paytan
- Adrian A. Harpold
- Adrian R. Muxworthy
- Adriane R. Lam
- Agniv Sengupta
- Aidan Starr
- Alan C Mix
- Alejandro Cardona
- Alejandro Damian‐Serrano
- Alek Petty
- Alex Gardner
- Alexander Gershunov
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Alison Cobb
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Allen H. Goldstein
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Alonso Hernández‐Guerra
- Alvar Escriva-Bou
- Amanda R. Fay
- Andreas Behrendt
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andrei V. Kurbatov
- Andrew E. Kiss
- Andrew F. Thompson
- Andrew Gase
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew J. Lucas
- Andrew L. Stewart
- Andrew M. Dzambo
- Andrew McC. Hogg
- Andrew V. Newman
- Andy Dinh
- Aneesh Subramanian
- Anhco Nguyen
- Anna M. Wilson
- Annette Rinke
- Anning Huang
- Anthony A. P. Koppers
- Ariane Verdy
- Armin Schwartzman
- Ashlesha Khatiwada
- Ashley E. Payne
- Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
- Athina Peidou
- Attila Balázs
- B. E. Smith
- B. R. Smith-Konter
- B. Shiro
- Baptiste Rousset
- Bar Oryan
- Barbara E. John
- Ben Yang
- Benjamin Birner
- Benjamin Hmiel
- Benjamin J. Hatchett
- Benjamin Taylor
- Bin Guan
- Bin Zhu
- Bing Cao
- Brian Kawzenuk
- Britton B. Stephens
- Brooke Medley
- C. Anela Choy
- C. D. Cappa
- C. G. Wheat
- C. H. Thurber
- C. I. Czimczik
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. M. Trudinger
- C. S. Siddoway
- C. W. Fairall
- C. Wauthier
- Cailey Condit
- Caitlyn Hall
- Cary A. Talbot
- Casey J. Wall
- Catherine Constable
- Celia Trunz
- Chad A. Greene
- Chad W. Hecht
- Channing J. Prend
- Charlotte A. DeMott
- Charlotte DeVitre
- Charlotte Dejean
- Chelle Gentemann
- Christina S. McCluskey
- Christine A. Shields
- Christine F. Dow
- Christo Buizert
- Christof Pearce
- Christophe Prigent
- Christopher M. Castellano
- Christopher M. Little
- Christopher R. German
- Cinzia Cervato
- Claire Masteller
- Clara Yoon
- Clarice R. Perryman
- Claudia Acquistapace
- Claudia Cenedese
- César B. Rocha
- D. A. Young
- D. D. Blankenship
- D. Golriz
- D. Mencin
- D. N. Wiese
- D. P. Winebrenner
- D. Tangunan
- Daniel B. Whitt
- Daniel T. Trugman
- Dariusz B. Baranowski
- Darryl Reano
- David A. May
- David A. Sutherland
- David C. Wilson
- David Heslop
- David Shean
- David T. Sandwell
- David V. Bekaert
- David W. Caress
- David W. Pierce
- Dawn J. Wright
- Debi Kilb
- Delaney B. Kilgour
- Denis Felikson
- Derek J. Posselt
- Diego Melgar
- Dominik Fahrner
- Don Duggan-Haas
- Donald F. Argus
- Donald Slater
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Dorothea Bauch
- Duane E. Waliser
- Duncan Axisa
- E. B. Thornton
- E. Brook
- E. Klein
- E. O. Lindsey
- E. Povl Abrahamsen
- E. S. Cochran
- Edwin Sumargo
- Elizabeth C Sibert
- Elizabeth G. Ceperley
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Ellen Knappe
- Elliott L. Hazen
- Emanuele Di Lorenzo
- Emily B. Franklin
- Emily Kraus
- Eric Blinman
- Eric C. Bruning
- Eric J. Anderson
- Eric J. Morgan
- Eric P. Chassignet
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Eric Rignot
- Erin C. Pettit
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- Esteban Gazel
- F. L. Vernon
- F. W. Landerer
- Fabian Walter
- Fabrice Ardhuin
- Falk Feddersen
- Fan Mei
- Fiammetta Straneo
- Fiona J. Clubb
- Florent Brenguier
- Francisca Martínez Ruiz
- G. S. Mattioli
- G. Wilson
- Gabriel Lewis
- Gabriella Alodia
- Gabrielle Pétron
- Galen A. McKinley
- Gene A. Ichinose
- Geno Pawlak
- Georges Saliba
- Graeme A. MacGilchrist
- Grant B. Deane
- Grant Ferguson
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Gregory L. Britten
- Gregory R. Foltz
- Greig A. Paterson
- Guang J. Zhang
- Guilherme Weber Sampaio de Melo
- Guillaume Lapeyre
- Guoqing Lin
- Gusti Z. Anshari
- Göran Ekström
- H. Harper
- H. J. Van Avendonk
- Hailong Wang
- Haoran Meng
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Harriet Zoe Yin
- Hayden Johnson
- Helin Wei
- Henry M. Johnson
- Hervé Giordani
- Hilary McMillan
- Hilary R. Martens
- Holly Olivarez
- Hongfeng Yang
- Hongrui Qiu
- Hugh Morrison
- Hyang Yoon
- Hye‐Mi Kim
- I. D. Bastow
- I. S. Puchtel
- Ian Bailey
- Ian Eisenman
- Ian Fenty
- Ian Robert Hall
- Isaac Keohane
- Ivana Cerovečki
- J. A. Collins
- J. B. Paduan
- J. Gong
- J. J. McGuire
- J. K. Saunders
- J. M. Maloney
- J. M. Warren
- J. Paul Winberry
- J. S. Stoner
- J. Thomas Farrar
- J. Z. Mejia
- Jadwiga H. Richter
- James Biemiller
- James Harle
- James Holte
- James T. Kirby
- Jamie MacMahan
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Jared Peacock
- Jeena Yun
- Jeff S. Bowman
- Jeffrey P. Severinghaus
- Jennifer A. MacKinnon
- Jennifer Andrews
- Jennifer S. Haase
- Jens Gruetzner
- Jens Mühle
- Jerome D. Fast
- Jessica Wan
- Jhardel Dasent
- Jim Thomson
- Jing Tan
- Jin‐Song von Storch
- Jiwen Fan
- Joel R. Norris
- Johannes Karstensen
- John E. Vidale
- John Paden
- John Patterson
- John W. Goodge
- Jonathan C. Lewis
- Jonathan J. Rutz
- Jonathan P. Warnock
- Jonathan Weiss
- Jooil Kim
- Jorge N. Hayek
- Joseph K. Wong
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Josué Medellín–Azuara
- Julia Pongratz
- Julie L. McClean
- Junle Jiang
- Justin Lawrence
- K. H. Kilbourne
- K. Homola
- K. L. Riverman
- K. M. Soderlund
- Kaden Martin
- Kai Zhang
- Karen J. Heywood
- Karen Luttrell
- Karen Stocks
- Kasey Aderhold
- Katherine A. Guns
- Katherine M. Scharer
- Kathryn A. Bennett
- Kathy J. Licht
- Kaycie B. Lanpher
- Keiko Shimizu
- Keith W. Nicholls
- Kelly Hogan
- Ken L. Ferrier
- Kenji Kawamura
- Kenneth C. Carroll
- Kerry Key
- Kevin J. Anchukaitis
- Kevin J. Sanchez
- Kevin Shionalyn
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kimberly A. Prather
- Kira Mizell
- Kirstin Schulz
- Knut Christianson
- Korbinian Sager
- Kristen Guirguis
- Kristen St. John
- Kristopher B. Karnauskas
- L. A. Ward
- L. M. Burkhard
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lara F. Pérez
- Larry A. Mayer
- Lars Boehme
- Laura Stevens
- Laurence Y. Yeung
- Laurie Padman
- Lee T. Murray
- Lei Zhu
- Lena Schulze
- Lesleis Nagy
- Liam Heffernan
- Linda Pan
- Lionel Renault
- Lisa Tauxe
- Loes Buijze
- Lorenz Meire
- Luc Lenain
- Lukas van de Wiel
- Luuk van Agtmaal
- Lydia Keppler
- Lynn M. Russell
- Lynne D. Talley
- M. A. Merrifield
- M. D. Behn
- M. D. Covington
- M. Dolores Pérez‐Hernández
- M. Dyonisius
- M. E. French
- M. M. Weng
- M. R. Koutnik
- M. Ralph
- M. S. Hastings
- Magdalena Balmaseda
- Manish Shrivastava
- Mara Freilich
- Maren Böse
- Margaret Lindeman
- Margaux Winter
- Maria Rugenstein
- Mariko Oue
- Mark A. Zumberge
- Mark England
- Martin Jakobsson
- Marvin D. Lilley
- María Vernet
- Mason Perry
- Mathew Koll Roxy
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matt Biddle
- Matt O’Regan
- Matthew C. Long
- Matthew Levy
- Matthew M. Haney
- Matthew R. Kumjian
- Matthew R. Mazloff
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Mattias Rolf Cape
- Maureen E Raymo
- Maureen H. Walczak
- Maurice A. Tivey
- Meghan Miller
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Melanie R. Fewings
- Melissa Burt
- Mercedes Pozo Buil
- Michael Angelopoulos
- Michael D. Dettinger
- Michael E Weber
- Michael G. Jacox
- Michael J. Behrenfeld
- Michael J. DeFlorio
- Michael J. McPhaden
- Michael L. Bender
- Michael Manga
- Michael P. Jensen
- Michael S. Steckler
- Michael Wehner
- Michele L. Cooke
- Ming Pan
- Minghuai Wang
- Murat Aydın
- N. Lathika
- Nadir Jeevanjee
- Nathalie F. Goodkin
- Nicholas Holschuh
- Nicholas J. Lutsko
- Nicholas L. Swanson‐Hysell
- Nicholas Lau
- Nicolas D. DeSalvio
- Nicole S. Lovenduski
- Nina S. Oakley
- Onjalé Scott Price
- Osamu Seki
- Oscar Schofield
- Oskar Głowacki
- P. Elósegui
- P. M. Bremner
- P. Polonik
- P. Vélez‐Belchí
- Paquita Zuidema
- Patricia A. Matrai
- Patricia K. Quinn
- Patrick Dobson
- Paul Andrew Mayewski
- Paul Betka
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paul Wessel
- Pavlos Kollias
- Paweł Hordyniec
- Pengcheng Zhang
- Peter Caldwell
- Peter E. D. Davis
- Peter H. Barry
- Peter Landschützer
- Peter M. Shearer
- Phoebe J. Lam
- Pierre Boué
- Pieter‐Ewald Share
- Po‐Lun Ma
- Prabir K. Patra
- Q. Wang
- Qiqi Cao
- R. Anthony Shaw
- R. C. Aster
- R. J. Mellors
- R. J. Michaelides
- R. K. Varner
- R. Kounoudis
- R. Malservisi
- R. Paul Lawson
- Rachel E. Abercrombie
- Rachel E. Breunig
- Rachel E. S. Clemesha
- Ralph F. Keeling
- Ray F. Weiss
- Rebecca Bendick
- Rebecca Hudak
- Riccardo Farneti
- Richard F. Katz
- Richard J. Walker
- Richard Kilburn
- Robert E. Anthony
- Robert Evans
- Robert Frouin
- Robert G. Hatfield
- Robert N. Harris
- Robert Nazarian
- Robin S. Matoza
- Roby Douilly
- Ron Shaar
- Rona L. Thompson
- Ross Parnell‐Turner
- Ru Chen
- Ruei‐Jiun Hung
- Ryan Patnaude
- Ryo Okuwaki
- Rémi Laxenaire
- S. A. Jones-Cervantes
- S. Anandakrishnan
- S. Dasarathy
- S. E. Minson
- S. L. Goldstein
- S. L. Nooner
- S. M. White
- S. Naif
- S. P. Hicks
- S. R. Ford
- S. R. Hemming
- S.K.V. Hines
- Sabine Mecking
- Sahra Kacimi
- Sam Illingworth
- Sara Fleury
- Sarah G. Purkey
- Sarah M. Aarons
- Sarah M. Kang
- Sarah N. Giddings
- Sarah T. Gille
- Saskia Goes
- Sean P. S. Gulick
- Sebastian G. Wolf
- Seung‐Sep Kim
- Shang‐Ping Xie
- Shaocheng Xie
- Shineng Hu
- Shiro Hirano
- Shuai Yan
- Simone Tilmes
- Solmaz Mohadjer
- Sonia M. Kreidenweis
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- Sophie Cravatte
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- Stephen Barker
- Stephen Diggs
- Stephen Yeager
- Steven Constable
- Steven J. Bograd
- Stewart Fallon
- Sudip Chakraborty
- Sunyoung Park
- Surui Xie
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Susheel Adusumilli
- Sönke Dangendorf
- T. A. Morrow
- T. A. O’Brien
- T. C. Bartholomaus
- T. C. Sutterley
- T. D. van Ommen
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. J. Craig
- T. J. Fudge
- T. Neumann
- T. Taira
- T. W. Becker
- Taras Gerya
- Theodore E. Grantham
- Thibaut Barreyre
- Thomas C. J. Hill
- Thomas M. Marchitto
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- Thomas Wagner
- Tianze Liu
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- Timothy Logan
- Tong Lee
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- Toshiro Tanimoto
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- Twila Moon
- V. L. Ferrini
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
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- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- Vijay Tallapragada
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- Volker Wulfmeyer
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- W. Payton Gardner
- Walter H. F. Smith
- Wei Wang
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- Werner Aeschbach–Hertig
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- Yangang Liu
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