University of California, San Diego
flowchart I[University of California, San Diego] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1948)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (453)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of California, San Diego, Center for Astrophysics and Space Science
- University of California, San Diego, Department of Chemistry
- University of California, San Diego, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- University of California, San Diego, Department of Physics
- University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Central Asian Seismic Bulletin: Utilizing the KNET, Kaznet, and Tien Shan Data Sets
- ACPI Elements 1 and 2: Initializing the Coupled Model from Observed Ocean Conditions and the Ensemble Runs
- Assessing Processes of Post-Seismic Deformation from Geodetic Observations Following the 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine Earthquake
- Building a Digital Library for Multibeam Data, Images and Documents
- Complete Isotope Study of Particulate Sulfate Above the Indian Ocean
- Fault Parameter Constraints Using Relocated Earthquakes: Implications for Stress Change Calculations
- Joint Inversions for Velocity and Discontinuity Structure in the Mantle
- Methyl Halide Emissions From Experimental Fires With Southern African Biofuels
- New ways to publish and to archive marine data:, GERM and Pmag
- Observations of, and implications from the left-lateral slip and collapse induced by the M<SUB>w7.1</SUB> Hector Mine earthquake on nearby right-lateral faults
- Ocean Wireless Networking and Real Time Data Management
- PASSCAL Real-Time Array at Parkfield, CA: Initial Results From PASO
- Scalable Models of Data Sharing
- Swashzone Fluid Velocities
- The ABYSS Mission: Satellite Altimetry Optimized for Seafloor Geophysics
- The Fire Locating and Modeling of Burning Emissions (FLAMBE) Project
- The Seamount Catalog in
- Tracing Life in the Earliest Terrestrial Rock Record
- Tracing Nitrate Deposition Using Δ <SUP>17</SUP>O
- Volume Rendering of Heliospheric Data
- Wireline CORKs Deployed for Long-term Hydrogeological Investigations in Holes 504B and 896A, Costa Rica Rift, and the First In-situ Video Collected from Within Upper Oceanic Crust
- Assessing Nitrate Deposition in Southern California Ecosystems using Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O.
- Atmospheric and Microbial Components of Desert Nitrate Deposits Indicated by Variations in <SUP>18</SUP>O:<SUP>17</SUP>O:<SUP>16</SUP>O Isotope Ratios
- Climate-Change-Induced Emergent Behavior in Melting Permafrost
- Constraints on timescales and mechanics of magmatic underplating from InSAR observations of large active magma sills in the Earth's crust.
- Estimating the similarity of earthquake focal mechanisms from waveform cross-correlation in regions of minimal local azimuthal station coverage
- GERM in A reference model approach to data bases
- Global P Wave Tomography: Rays and Waves
- Hall MHD and hybrid simulations of the magnetic reconnection: A comparative study
- Hydrogeology of Mound Culebra mud volcano offshore Nicaragua: Preliminary results from heat flow surveying.
- Magnetic reconnection in symmetric and asymmetric configurations
- Mantle Phases, Core Phases, and Earth Structure in the D'' Region
- Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotopic Compositions in Sulfate Aerosols and Surface Sulfates Derived from Atmospheric Deposition: Possible Sources of the MI Anomaly and Implications for Atmospheric Chemistry
- Measurments and Modeling of Δ <SUP>17</SUP>O Vatiations in Atmospheric Nitrate
- New Seismic Reflection Images of the Continent-Ocean Transition across the Exmouth and Cuvier Margins, off Northwestern Australia
- Noise levels in Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) data; Preliminary results
- Oxygen Isotopes in Protoplanets
- PMAG: Database Development Under the Umbrella Website
- PMAG: Relational Database Definition
- Properties of the Drift Kink Instabilities and Their Effect on the Tearing Mode
- Quantitative Considerations of Dissolved Barium as a Tracer in the Arctic Ocean
- Recent Developments in the IDA Component of the IRIS Global Seismographic Network
- SIOExplorer: Managing Data Flow into a Digital Library
- SIOExplorer: Overview, Initial Results and Next Steps
- Scalable Models of Data Sharing in the Earth Sciences
- Sulfur (δ<SUP>34</SUP>S) and oxygen (Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O) isotopic measurements of sulfate from two Antarctic ice cores over a complete glacial/interglacial cycle
- Sulfur oxidation chemistry preserved in South Pole snow and ice: The origin of sulfur and oxygen mass-independent fractionations generated in plinian eruptions.
- The Achilles Heel of Normal Determinations via Minimum Variance Techniques: Worldline Dependencies
- The Global Seismographic Network
- The Radiative Impacts of Multicomponent Aerosols Containing Dust (MCA-D) Over the ACE-Asia Study Domain
- Unusual Rocks of the Yap Ridge - Metamorphosed Basal Cumulates of an Arc ?
- Viewing and Editing Earth Science Metadata MOBE: Metadata Object Browser and Editor in Java
- Virtualizing Data Access for Generalized Geophysical Processing Systems
- Visualization of Real-time Seismic Field Experiments
- Visualization of Remotely-Sensed Heliospheric Plasmas
- Were the North and South Climate Changes Asynchronous Over the Entire Last Glacial Period?
- Zero Point Energy and Density of States in Various NO<SUB>2</SUB> Isotopomers
- 20 years of seismic tomography
- Broadband Deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area Measured at Mini-PBO Stations: Implications for PBO
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System and its role in hydrologic observatories
- Charging of meteoroids: effect of thermionic emission
- Charting a Course for the Infrasound Renaissance
- Climate Change Imprint in Spatial Patterns of Dune Fields
- Correcting for GPS Multipath Error in LIDAR Surveys Using Crossover Analysis
- Dynamic Dataflow Topology Monitoring for Real-time Seismic Networks
- Dynamic Web Expression for Near-real-time Sensor Networks
- Dynamical Interactions Between Human Populations and Landscapes in Barrier Island Environments
- ECPC Contributions to CEOP
- Earthquake Source Simulations: A Coupled Numerical Method and Large Scale Simulations
- Experiments With an Optical Seismometer
- Exploration of the Humboldt Slide using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility - Comparison with the Gaviota Slide
- Genetic Control of Methyl Halide Production in Arabidopsis
- GeoWall-2 : a Scalable Display System for the Geosciences
- Global finite-frequency surface-wave tomography
- Implementing a Network of Hydrologic Observatories
- Launching Discovery through a Digital Library Portal: SIOExplorer
- MQUAKE multicast software early warning demonstrated for 31 October 2001 Anza Ml5.1 earthquake
- Macroscopic Instability of the Ion Shell Distribution Function in the Divergent Solar Wind
- Modeling and measurements of oxygen isotope tracers of sulfate formation: Implications for the sulfur budget in the marine boundary layer
- Observations of Surface Deformation Following the 1992 M7.3 Landers Earthquake, Southern California: Robust Test of the Post-Seismic Relaxation Models.
- Order without a cause
- Oxygen Isotopic Anomaly in SO<SUB>4</SUB> and NO<SUB>3</SUB> Aerosol as a Tracer of Chemistry During Trans-Pacific Pollution Transport
- Providing Networking to the DEOS Fleet of Moored Ocean Observatories: High-Seas ROADNet.
- ROADNET: A Real-time Data Aware System for Earth, Oceanographic, and Environmental Applications
- Recent Progress with Atmospheric Noise-Reducing Filters
- Report to the Department of Defense on Infrasonic Re-entry Signals From the Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) (Revision 3.0)
- SCEC Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME) - Data and Metadata Management Issues
- SIOExplorer: Modern IT Methods and Tools for Digital Library Management
- Siple Dome: a Case Study of Flow Near an Ice Divide
- Slope Relaxation in Thaw Lake Terrain, NW Alaska.
- Surface water, groundwater, and social science measurements in a prototype hydrologic observatory
- The Cooling Oceanic Lithosphere as Constrained by Surface Wave Dispersion Data
- The First Globally Integrated Water Cycle Data Sets by CEOP
- The GSN Noise Model: Estimates of the Least Ambient Earth Noise From the IRIS Global Seismographic Network.
- The PISCES Project: How Teacher-Scientist Partners can Enhance Elementary Science Instruction
- 3D Magnetic reconnection: evolution of x-lines.
- A 3D Mimetic Finite Difference Method for Rupture Dynamics
- A Grid Service for Automatic Land Cover Classification Using Hyperspectral Images
- A Scalable, Interoperable Network of Digital Libraries for Earth System Science with Examples from Oceanography and Hydrology
- An Asymptotic and Stochastic Theory for the Effects of Surface Gravity Waves on Currents and Infragravity Waves
- Analysis of Core-Mantle Boundary Structure Using P and S Diffracted Waves
- Bridging Long-period and Hand-picked Arrival Times of Teleseismic Body Waves
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System
- Can kimberlites result from melting of ``normal'' mantle?
- Characterizing Deep (> 500 km) Earthquake Regions to Investigate the Fate of Subducting Slabs
- Cyberinfrastructure (CI) for Interactive Ocean Observatories: LOOKING Ahead
- Digital Image Support in the ROADNet Real-time Monitoring Platform
- Exploring aspects of a Cyber Infrastructure in Earth Science and Education
- Emergent Behavior of Coupled Barrier Island - Resort Systems
- Emergent Urban-Landscape Interactions in Mountain Catchments
- Fracturing From Seismic Waves At Regional Distances As Inferred From Water Well Tidal Response.
- GPS Data Products for Solid Earth Science
- High resolution visualization of USArray data on a 50 megapixel display using OptIPuter technologies.
- Improved Global Marine Gravity Field From Reprocessing of Geosat and ERS-1 Radar Altimeter Waveforms
- Integration of Kepler with ROADNet: Visual Dataflow Design with Real-time Geophysical Data
- Intermittent Volcanism in the S Pacific: Tracking Persistent Geochemical Sources
- Methods for Detecting Microseism-Generating Ocean Waves
- Modelling the salar de Uyuni, Bolivia as an equipotential surface of Earth's gravity field
- Observation and Modeling of Thermoelastic Strain in SCIGN Daily Position Time Series
- Paleomagnetic constrains to the evolution of the mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14º to 16º N.
- Proton Landau Damping of Oblique Alfven Waves in the Solar Wind
- Retention of Atmospheric and Biogeochemically Cycled Nitrogen in a Mediterranean Climate
- SIOExplorer: Advances Across Disciplinary and Institutional Boundaries
- Sources to the East Greenland Current and its Contribution to the Denmark Strait Overflow
- Stable Isotope Constraints on N Deposition and Cycling in Lake Tahoe
- Structure and Deformation in the Transpressive Zone of Southern California Inferred from Seismicity, Velocity, and Qp Models
- Synchronous changes in the rift-margin San Jose Island basin and initiation of the Alarcón spreading ridge: implications for rift to drift transition in the Gulf of California
- Synthetic Earthquake Location Tests in Southern California
- Techniques for Handling Large Data Sets in Global Tomography
- The ERESE Project: Enactment of Digital Library Inquiry-Based Plate Tectonic Lessons
- The ERESE Project: Interfacing with the ERDA Digital Archive and ERR Reference Database in
- The ERESE Project: Modeling Inquiry-Based Plate Tectonic Lessons
- The ERESE project: Bridging the gap between Digital Science Libraries and Education through Professional Development of Teachers and Database Development
- The Geosat Geodetic Mission Twentieth Anniversary Edition Data Product
- The Role of Grid Computing in the Geosciences: Developing a 3D Seismic Waveform Propagation Tool for Seismologists and EarthScope Research
- The SCEC TeraShake Earthquake Simulation
- Time-Frequency analysis of seismic signals using the Wigner-Ville Spectrum
- Transgressive Sequence Development on the Northern California Continental Shelf
- VORBrouter: A dynamic data routing system for Real-Time Seismic networks
- A Geoinformatics Approach to LiDAR / ALSM Data Distribution, Interpolation, and Analysis
- A New Method for Constraining Bulk Sound Speed at the Base of the Mantle
- A survey of 71 earthquake bursts across southern California: Exploring the role of pore fluid pressure fluctuations and aseismic slip as drivers
- A year-round isotopic survey of aerosol nitrate from a coastal Antarctic station
- ALVIN Magnetometer Investigations of Pito Deep, Easter Microplate
- Aftershock Densities, Peak Ground Motions, and Earthquake Triggering
- An Assessment of the Accuracy of GSN Sensor Response Information
- Attenuation Models (Qp and Qs) in Three-Dimensions of the Southern California Crust: Inferred Evidence for Dry Crust and Wet Faults
- DSL120 Mosaics of Superfast EPR Crustal Layers Exposed by Ultraslow Spreading near Pito Deep
- ERESE Professional Development in Science Education: A collaboration of scientists, teachers, and information technologists
- Enabling Discoveries in Earth Sciences Through the Geosciences Network (GEON)
- Europa: Geological activity and surface - subsurface exchange
- Extraction of Green Functions From Correlations of Seismic Noise
- Fe Melting at the Conditions of the Earth's Core
- Federated Observatory "Sense and Response" Framework
- Further Resolution of Past Earthquake Surface Ruptures at the Carrizo Wash Site, Superstition Mountain Strand of the San Jacinto Fault, Imperial Valley, Southern California.
- GEON Developments for Searching, Accessing, and Visualizing Distributed Data
- Geo-Ontology: Empowering new Discoveries in Earth Sciences
- Interoperability between loose-coupled distributed resources and application across autonomous systems
- Launching the Next Generation IODP Site Survey Data Bank
- Modeling the Climatic Consequences of Geoengineering
- Multivariate Sensitivity Analysis of Saturated Flow Through Simulated Highly Heterogeneous Groundwater Aquifers
- Observed Permeability Increases Generated by Seismic Waves
- Observing the San Andreas Fault at Depth
- Professional Development at ERESE: Refining the inquiry process and moving towards a modularized templeate
- Quantifying Properties Of Triggering (Non-Triggering) Local Mainshock/Aftershock Sequences: Establishing Thresholds That Can Be Applied To Remote Mainshock/Aftershock Triggering Studies
- SAR Observations and Theoretical Simulations of Interseismic, Coseismic, and Postseismic deformation: Toward a Realistic Mechanical Model of the Earth's Crust
- TeraShake-2: Next Steps
- TeraShake: Strong Shaking in Los Angeles Expected From Southern San Andreas Earthquake
- The B4 Project: Scanning the San Andreas and San Jacinto Fault Zones
- The ERESE Project: Involving Teachers in the Online Generation and QA/QC of Enduring Teaching Resources
- The ERESE Workshop: a Unique Opportunity for Collaboration Between Classroom Teacher and Research Scientist
- The Earthscope USArray Array Network Facility (ANF): Metadata, Network and Data Monitoring, Quality Assurance During the Second Year of Operations
- The Intensity of the Geomagnetic Field During the Last 6 Millennia as Recorded by Slag Deposits From Archaeological Sites in the Southern Levant
- The Measurement and Interpretation of Surface Wave Group Arrival Times
- The NSF Laboratory for Ocean Observatories Knowledge INtegration Grid (LOOKING)
- The Structure of the Separatix in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- Variations in Lower-Mantle Temperature and Chemistry From the Perspective of Seismic Tomography
- WHOI and SIO (I): Next Steps toward Multi-Institution Archiving of Shipboard and Deep Submergence Vehicle Data
- WHOI and SIO (II): Next Steps toward Multi-Institution Archiving of Shipboard and Deep Submergence Vehicle Data
- A >100 Ma Mantle Geochemical Record: Retiring Mantle Plumes may be Premature
- A Community Data Model for Hydrologic Observations
- A Global Census of Marine Life on Seamounts: are They Really Oases in the Ocean?
- Aerosol States of Mixing and Phase: Single Particle Mass Spectrometry Measurements
- Agent-based Model for the Coupled Human-Climate System
- An Efficient Implementation of a Local Binning Algorithm for Digital Elevation Model Generation of LiDAR/ALSM Dataset
- An investigation of Sensor Network middleware alternatives
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Information Systems
- Calibration of the Global Seismographic Network Using Tides
- Communicating Science Directly to the Public
- Comparison of Energy and Water Balance Terms During CEOP EOP-3/4 From Reanalyses and NASA/GSFC GEOS-5 Against Both in Situ Reference Site and Global-scale Observations
- Crustal earthquake bursts in California and Japan; their patterns and relation to volcanoes
- Deflecting Disinformation about Climate Change
- Discovery, Integration, and Analysis (DIA) Engine for Ontologically Registered Earth Science Data
- Dynamic User Interface for Cross-plot, Filtering and Upload/Download of Time Series Data
- Dynamics of Greenhouse Gas Release in Thaw Lake Terrain
- Enhanced Access to High-Resolution LiDAR Topography through Cyberinfrastructure- Based Data Distribution and Processing
- Experiences with the Application of Services Oriented Approaches to the Federation of Heterogeneous Geologic Data Resources
- Firedanger Applications of NCEP's Downscaled CFS Forecasts
- Geostatistical interpretation of transient pumping tests in randomly heterogeneous confined aquifers
- Grid-based Infrastructure and Distributed Data Mining for Virtual Observatories
- Heavy ion heating due to interaction with outward and inward Alfven wave packets
- High-latitude magnetospheric plasma convection and its dependence on solar wind parameters: Statistical analysis of Cluster EDI measurements
- Interactive 3D Visualization of Humboldt Bay Bridge Earthquake Simulation With High Definition Stereo Output
- Laboratory and Field Testing of two Rotational Seismometer Models
- Measurement and Interpretation of Surface Wave Group Arrival Times
- Nonlocal Theory of Anomalous Transport
- Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Nitrate and Sulfate in Fog and River water in Podocarpus National Forest, Ecuador
- Relations Between Shear Velocity and Bulk Sound Speed at the Base of the Mantle from Diffracted Data
- Scalability of Coral Rugosity From Microns to Centimeters
- The EarthScope USArray Array Network Facility (ANF): Metadata, Network and Data Monitoring, Quality Assurance During the Third Year of Operations
- The GEON IDV (Integrated Data Viewer) for Data Exploration and Discovery in the Geosciences
- The Global Seismographic Network: Structure, Diversity and Operational Challenges
- The effect of seamount induced oceanographic retention on the structure of seamount benthic communities
- Toward a Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network
- Unifying Access to National Hydrologic Data Repositories via Web Services
- Variable Density Flow in Porous Media
- Virtualization and Federation of Multiple Real-time Observatories Through the ROADNet Point of Presence
- Virtualization of Command and Control of Large-scale Observing Systems Using SOA (USArray Case Study)
- Visualization of Large and Small Scale Seismic Data
- What Do Observations of Postseismic Deformation Tell us About the Rheology of the Lithoshpere?
- Why do Slabs Disappear in the Lower Mantle?
- 50 years of Global Seismic Observations
- A Prototype for a Distributed and Automatic Visualization Pipeline for Oceanographic Datasets.
- A new Isotope Tracer to Identify Long Range Transport and Transformation of Aerosol
- Application of the Back-Projection Technique to Large Earthquakes Using the Hi-net Data
- Body-wave tomography at Hawaii from the first PLUME deployment of ocean-bottom seismometers
- Contaminants in Coastal Aquifers - An Analytical Approach
- Cyberinfrastructure for the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative
- Data Access System for Hydrology
- Deployment and Evaluation of an Observations Data Model
- Design and implementation of CUAHSI WaterML and WaterOneFlow Web Services
- Development of a Web Based Simulating System for Earthquake Modeling on the Grid
- Dynamo Bifurcation in Geodynamo Models
- Earth's deep H cycle: H isotope evidence from the Manus Basin for complementary recycled reservoirs
- Estimates of Methane Production Rates Based on d13C of the Residual DIC in Pore Fluids from the Cascadia Margin
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration Using Optical Scintillometry
- Evaluating Treatments of Aerosol Optical Properties and their Effect on Radiative Forcing using MILAGRO Measurements
- Evaluation of paleointensity experimental data: detection of non-ideal recording mechanisms
- From Local to EXtreme Environments (FLEXE): Promoting Earth Systems Science Literacy Through Student Inquiry and Real Data
- Geochemical studies of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction system: highlights, progress and future directions
- High Mobility of Erosive Granular Flows and Surge Generation
- Hybrid Pore- and Darcy-Scale Models of Coupled Reactive Transport.
- Hydrological Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, New Mexico Using ýElectromagnetic Soundings
- Imaging of the 2007 Pagai Earthquake with Back-Projection of the Hi-net Data
- InSAR Measurements of Postseismic Deformation due to the Mojave Desert Earthquakes: Implications for the Driving Mechanisms
- Insights on Sources, Growth, and Phase Partitioning of Atmospheric Particles from Hourly Measurements of Organic Marker Compounds
- Interseismic secular deformation in Southern California from InSAR-derived maps over the time period between 1992 and 2006
- Lessons Learned From 104 Years of Mobile Observatories
- Lessons Learned from the Deployment of a Hydrologic Science Observations Data Model
- Microseism Noise Sources observed by Earthscope USArray Transportable Array
- Mining Data, What a Blast!
- Mobile scintillometry to study heat advection over heterogeneous surfaces
- Mojave Compliant Zone Structure and Properties: Constraints from InSAR and Mechanical Models
- OLAP Cube Visualization of Hydrologic Data Catalogs
- Plate-driven flow constraints on arc and back arc magma mixing: influence of plate boundary geometry in the Lau Basin
- RBNB DataTurbine streaming data middleware deployment for global lake ecological observatory network sites
- Radical production as a controlling factor for oxidant fields and secondary organic aerosol production in the polluted atmosphere
- Reflectors Here, Reflectors There ... Reflectors Everywhere?
- SPICE: South PacIfic Circulation and Climate Experiment
- Synchronous changes in the rift-margin San Jose Island basin and initiation of the Alarcón spreading ridge: implications for rift to drift transition in the Gulf of California
- The Anisotropic Fractured Rock in Vicinity of the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Southern California From S-Coda Waves
- The EarthScope Portal
- The Multi-Scale Structure of the Electron Diffusion Region: Implications for Observations and Theory
- The Ridge 2000 Program: Promoting Earth Systems Science Literacy Through Science Education Partnerships
- The SCEC Petascale Cyberfacility for Physics-based Seismic Hazard Analysis (PetaSHA): Accelerating SCEC Research Using High Performance Computing
- The origin of deep ocean microseisms in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Tropospheric Signal Delay Estimates Derived from Numerical Weather Prediction Models and Their Impact on Real-Time GNSS Positioning Accuracy
- Using RBNB Data Turbine for Observational Cyberinfrastructure
- Validation of Sebal Heat Fluxes with Scintillometry
- Visualizing earthquake simulation data
- WaterML: an XML Language for Communicating Water Observations Data
- What does the future hold for Mexico City? Trends of emissions from mobile sources in the MCMA
- iGEON-India: International GEON Activities in India
- A California Statewide Three-dimensional Seismic Velocity Model From Both Absolute and Differential Times
- A Cyberinfrastructure Platform for Distribution of GeoEarthScope LiDAR Topography Data
- A Model for Collaborative Learning in Undergraduate Climate Change Courses
- A Tribute to Hank Bass: The Past, Present, and Future of US Infrasound Research
- A data model for environmental scientists
- Accessing and Sharing Data Using the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System
- Catalog Federation and Interoperability for Geoinformatics
- Continuous Seafloor Vertical Deformation Measurements: a Prototype Pressure Reference System for Correcting Instrumental Drift in Geodetic Pressure Gauges
- Cyberinfrastructure for the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative
- Data Latency Characteristics Observed Through Diverse Communication Links by the EarthScope USArray Transportable Array
- Diverse responses of phenology to global changes in a grassland ecosystem
- Erosion processes : increasing or decreasing the mobility of granular avalanches ?
- H Isotopes as Tracers for Earth's Deep Water Cycle: a Model for Exchange of Water Between the Mantle and its Exospheric Reservoirs
- Integrating Data Distribution and Data Assimilation Between the OOI CI and the NOAA DIF
- Integrating Diverse Geophysical and Geological Data to Construct Multi-Dimensional Earth Models: The Open Earth Framework
- KML-Based Access and Visualization of High Resolution LiDAR Topography
- Linking Pore- and Darcy-scale Models of Reactive and Non-Reactive Transport
- Llnking the EarthScope Data Virtual Catalog to the GEON Portal
- Mantle Anisotropy Beneath the Hawaiian Islands from Measurements of Shear-wave Splitting: Results from the PLUME Ocean-Bottom and Land Seismograph Deployments
- Meso-Scale Stochastic Model for Flow and Transport in Porous Media
- Mixing-Induced Precipitation Phenomena: Range of Applicability of Macroscopic Equations
- New Mexico Scintillometer Network in Support of Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Modeling
- New Mexico Scintillometer Network in Support of Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Modeling
- OOI CyberInfrastructure - Next Generation Oceanographic Research
- Organic Aerosol Composition as Measured by Complementary In-Situ Techniques
- Oxygen Isotope Anomaly in the Carbonate Fractions of Aerosols and its Potential to Assess Urban Pollution
- Probability Density Functions for Reactive Transport in Porous Media
- Quantifying the amount of primary ship sulfate in a polluted maritime environment using triple-oxygen isotopic measurements of sulfate
- Recent Rift Volcanism in the Northern Gulf of California and the Salton Through: Why a Preponderance of Evolved Magmas?
- Reconnection Dynamics in Semi-Collisional Plasmas
- S-wave tomographic imaging of the mantle beneath the Hawaiian Islands from the PLUME deployments of ocean-bottom and land seismometers
- Searching for Seismic Attenuation Anisotropy in the Long-Period Variation of the High- Frequency Noise at ANZA Seismic Stations in Southern California
- Self - Organization of Zonal Flows Driven by Drift Mode Turulence in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
- Semantics-Based Interoperability Framework for the Geosciences
- Studies of Atmospheric Sources and Propagation Using the USArray
- The Earthscope USArray Array Network Facility (ANF): Metadata, Network and Data Monitoring, Quality Assurance as We Start to Roll
- Time Series of Deformation in Southern California From 15 Years of InSAR Observations
- Toward a Cyberinfrastructure for the Ocean Observatories Initiative: Enabling Interactive Observation Within the Oceans
- Use Of Cosmogenic 35S To Trace The Uptake Process Of SO2 In Aerosols In The Atmosphere
- A Probabilistic Framework for Risk Analysis: Application to Groundwater Problems (Invited)
- A Reduced Complexity Model for Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Groundwater Contamination (Invited)
- A full probabilistic description of infiltration into soils with uncertain hydraulic parameters
- A new approach for on-line measurements of the chemistry of individual ultrafine particles
- A random walk particle tracking methodology for modeling effective non-Fickian reactive transport behavior in heterogeneus porous media
- Accidental Predissociation: A Special Case of Photo-Induced Isotope Fractionation Effect and Possible Occurrence in Nature
- Aerosol and Cloud Properties during the Cloud Cheju ABC Plume -Asian Monsoon Experiment (CAPMEX) 2008: Linking between Ground-based and UAV Measurements
- An OpenEarth Framework (OEF) for Integrating and Visualizing Earth Science Data
- Analysis of Earthquake Source Spectra in Salton Trough
- Archiving and Near Real Time Visualization of USGS Instantaneous Data
- Bridging the Gap Between Magnetic Reconnection in Space & Laboratory Plasmas Using 3D Kinetic Simulations
- Calibration Response of the NSF EarthScope USArray Transportable Array
- Chemical Characterization of Biomass Burning Aerosols and an Examination of Their Impact on Clouds
- Constraining the thermal evolution of the oceanic lithosphere
- Critical Comparison of Information Models used by US Water Data Collection Agencies and Projects
- Development of a super-high resolution isotopic regional model and simulations of rapid isotopic variations during a single precipitation event
- Diversity of fault zone damage and trapping structures in the Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault from comprehensive analysis of near fault seismograms
- Drivers of aboveground primary production and litter accumulation in grass dominated systems
- Dynamic uplift of the Colorado Rockies and western Colorado Plateau in the last 6 Ma driven by mantle flow and buoyancy: Evidence from the Colorado River region
- Earth Surface Patterns in 200 Years (Invited)
- Effects of frictional melting on seismic slip in subduction-accretion complexes: Insights from high-velocity friction experiments and natural pseudotachylytes
- Estimates of the minimum 3-D stress in the lithosphere needed to support global topography
- Exact Probability Density Function (PDF) of Concentration for Transport in a Random Velocity Field
- Fire and ice: Atmospheric ice nuclei from prescribed and wild fires
- Geochemistry and degassing systematics of silicate magma at Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania
- Geomagnetic intensity spike recorded in high resolution slag deposit in southern Jordan
- Geophysical investigations of subglacial Antarctic lakes: identifying drill sites for lake access
- Getting Beneath the Surface with the OpenEarth Framework (OEF) Virtual Globe
- Impacts of Asian Dust on Cloud Microphysics and Precipitation during an Atmospheric River
- Incorporating Model Quality Information in Climate Change Detection and Attribution Studies (Invited)
- Internet-Based Software Tools for Analysis and Processing of LIDAR Point Cloud Data via the OpenTopography Portal
- Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) response to CO2 doubling
- Mantle shear-wave velocity structure beneath the Hawaiian hotspot from the PLUME deployments of ocean-bottom and land seismometers
- Mass-conservative level-set methods for two-phase free-surface flows
- Modeling and Observing Ocean Microseisms
- Modeling evolution of aerosol mixing state and the associated optical and CCN activation properties (Invited)
- Modeling of Elemental Isotopic Fractionations Induced By Thermal Gradients in Melts
- Optical Fiber Infrasound Sensor Arrays: An Improved Alternative to Arrays of Rosette Wind Filters
- Organic Mass Fragments and Organic Functional Groups in Aged Biomass Burning and Fossil Fuel Combustion Aerosol
- Physical aspects of micrometeoroids dynamics in the Earth atmosphere
- Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Groundwater Related Problems in Subterranean Excavation Sites
- Probability density functions for advective-reactive transport in divergent flow
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Fleetwide Standard Underway Data Products
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): How to Systematically Document Quality for the New Era of Data Re-Usability?
- Secure Identifications of the Electron Diffusion Region with Spacecraft Observations
- Sharing Hydrologic Data with the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (Invited)
- Simulation of maturity and decay of methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3) in the atmosphere
- Small-Group Consensus Among Climate Models Via Chaos Synchronization
- The Big Ten earthquake scenarios for Southern California
- The Coming Age of Petascale Kinetic Simulations: Implications for Theory and Observations of Magnetic Reconnection
- The Effect of Spectral Nudging on the Coupled Regional Model Simulation Skill
- The Global Seismographic Network
- The Phenology of Plant Invasions: How temporal niches assemble plant communities
- Triple Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Carbonates: A Novel Technique to Identify Heterogeneous Chemistry on Aerosol Surfaces in Polluted Environment
- US Southern Ocean CTD/Hydrographic/Carbon/Tracer Meridional Transects Contributing to the IPY
- Understanding the tropospheric residence time and transport of SO2 and SO4 using cosmogenic 35S and oxygen anomaly (Δ17O)
- Upscaling of Nonlinear Reactive Transport via Multiple-Scale Expansions
- Visualization of 3 Dimensional Seismic Vector Fields
- Visualization of High-Resolution LiDAR Topography in Google Earth
- A Bayesian Approach to Integrate Real-Time Data into Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Remediation Efforts in NAPL Sites
- A Heterogeneous Chemical Origin for the Mass-Independent Distribution of Oxygen Isotopes in the Solar System?
- A Scalable Infrastructure for Lidar Topography Data Distribution, Processing, and Discovery
- A Unified Theory of Soret Diffusion and Isotopic Fractionation of Elements in Silicate Melts
- Adapting the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System to OGC standards
- An Ontology for the Discovery of Time-series Data
- Analysis of fundamental and higher mode surface waves from noise correlation near Eastern Pacific Rise
- Are Solar Wind Reconnection Events Fossil Sites?
- Are debatable scientific questions debatable? (Invited)
- Automated sensor networks to advance ocean science
- Biodiversity of the Deep-Sea Benthic Fauna in the Sangihe-Talaud Region, Indonesia: Observations from the INDEX-SATAL 2010 Expedition
- Cellphones as a Distributed Platform for Black Carbon Data Collection
- Characterization of Particulate Ship Emissions during CalNex 2010 (Invited)
- Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity Associated with Chemical Composition and Precipitation Events
- Collaborative Science: Human Sensor Networks for Real-time Natural Disaster Prediction
- Community-Based Science: A Response to UCSD's Ongoing Racism Crisis
- Cumulative density function of runoff rate along heterogeneous hill slopes
- Current Trends in Satellite Laser Ranging
- Cyberinfrastructure for Online Access to High-Quality Data: Advances and Opportunities (Invited)
- Data Fusion and Visualization with the OpenEarth Framework (OEF)
- Development of an integrated information system for Critical Zone Observatory data
- Diel fluctuations in summer streamflow depend on stream channel sediment storage and valley-floor vegetation in the forested western Cascades of Oregon, USA
- Dynamic Triggering of Earthquakes in the Salton Sea Region of Southern California from Large Regional and Teleseismic Earthquakes
- Dynamic subsidence and uplift of the Colorado Plateau (Invited)
- EML, VEGA, ODM, LTER, GLEON - considerations and technologies for building a buoy information system at an LTER site
- Earthquake source parameters and swarm migration behavior in the Salton Trough
- Environmental Magnetism Survey of a Late Holocene Sedimentary Record from Barilari Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Estimates of stress drop from the 27 February 2010 Chile earthquake and tectonic stress in the crust: Implications for fault strength
- Evaluating the temporal stability of coda Q in southern California using similar event clusters
- Formation, Evolution, and Associated Flows for Flux Transfer Events: 3D Nature of Reconnection
- From M8 to CyberShake: Using Large-Scale Numerical Simulations to Forecast Earthquake Ground Motions (Invited)
- Future Oil Spills and Possibilities for Intervention: A Model for the Coupled Human-Environmental Resource Extraction System
- Geomagnetic field intensity: How high can it get? How fast can it change? Constraints from Iron Age copper-slag
- Global emissions of the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) HFC-365mfc, HFC-245fa, HFC-227ea, and HFC-236fa based on atmospheric observations
- GlyphSea: Interactive Exploration of Seismic Wave Fields Using Shaded Glyphs
- Heterogeneous Chemical Transformation on Mineral Aerosol Surfaces during Long Range Transport and its Implications in Understanding Aeolian Dust Deposits in Antarctic Dry Valleys
- If the predictions of climate models have come true, then why don't people believe them? (Invited)
- Integration of hydrologic parameter ontology in CUAHSI HydroCatalog
- Interoperable Data Systems for Satellite, Airborne, and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
- Is Guide Field Reconnection Inherently Turbulent?
- Measurements of Ocean Derived Aerosol off the Coast of California
- Observing Infrasound and Atmospheric Pressure with the NSF EarthScope USArray Transportable Array
- Onset and structure of small scale convection
- PDF Equations for Reactive Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Paleointensity Using Copper Slag Material: Extending Accuracy and Time Resolution of Geomagnetic Field Intensity Records (Invited)
- Parallel Event-Driven Global Magnetospheric Hybrid Simulations
- Probability Density Functions for Concentration Distributions in Random Velocity Fields
- Regional Hydroclimatology of the Peruvian Atacama Desert and Its Relation to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Next Steps in Ocean Exploration for Data Dissemination and Discovery
- Running On-Demand Strong Ground Motion Simulations with the Second-Generation Broadband Platform
- Seamless Provenance Representation and Use in Collaborative Science Scenarios
- Surface hydrology-climate interdependency in the Central Valley Agrosystem
- Teaching Ocean Sciences in the 21st Century Classroom: Lab to Classroom Videoconferencing
- The Census of Marine Life on Seamounts: results from a global science program
- The Co-evolution of Climate Models and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- The GSN Data Quality Initiative
- The M 8.8 2010 Maule, Chile, Earthquake: GPS Seismology Comes of Age (Invited)
- The MMI Device Ontology: Enabling Sensor Integration
- The MoHole: a Crustal Journey and Mantle Quest
- The NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure and the open availability of related climate data
- The Onset of Plate Tectonics on Super-Earths Using a Damage Rheology
- The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise: Regular and Extreme Ground Motion
- Tracking Severe Thunderstorm Outflows and Local Pressure Changes Using NSF EarthScope USArray TA Pressure Sensors
- A framework for improving top-down estimates of halocarbon emissions through synthetic multi-tracer inversion
- A hybrid continuum-scale model with pore-scale refinements for biogeochemical processes
- Accelerating the Development of Land Surface Hydrological Modeling to Address Societal Needs: Application of an Integrated Data and Modeling Framework to California
- An Indoor-Outdoor Building Energy Simulator to Study Urban Modification effects on Building Energy Use
- Anisotropic Electron Equations of State in 2D and 3D Magnetic Reconnection
- Comparison of an isotopic AGCM with new quasi global satellite measurements of water vapor isotopologues
- Crystallization, Fluid Exsolution, and Eruption of Extremely Volatile-rich Silicate Magma at Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano, East African Rift
- Delayed flowering and global warming
- Dependence of Ice Formation in Sierra Winter Orographic Clouds on the Mixing State of Aerosols Serving as Ice Nuclei
- Development of Unmanned Airborne System (UAS) instrumentation for air-sea-ice interaction research
- Early Ice Formation in Tropical Maritime Convection: First Results from ICE-T
- Effect of hilly urban morphology on dispersion in the urban boundary layer
- Formation of Flux Ropes and Associated Vortices at the Magnetopause: Kinetic Simulations and Comparison with Cluster Observations
- Formation of Whistler-Mode Cavity in the Earth's Magnetosphere by Nonlinear Induced Scattering
- GSL: An Open Source Framework for the Rapid Development of Data Archive Access Services
- Geographic Determinants of Chinese Urbanization
- Ground Motion Prediction Equations for data recorded in the immediate vicinity of the San Jacinto fault zone
- HYPERS: A Unidimensional Asynchronous Framework for Multiscale Hybrid Simulations
- High Resolution Interseismic Velocity Model of the San Andreas Fault From GPS and InSAR
- IGSN e.V.: Registration and Identification Services for Physical Samples in the Digital Universe
- Impact of Near-Exit Entrainment on Plume Development
- Impact of capturing rainfall scavenging intermittency using cloud superparameterization on simulated continental scale wildfire smoke transport
- In Situ Single Particle Measurement of Atmospheric Aging of Carbonaceous Aerosols During CARES
- In situ Measurements of Gas- and Particle-Phase Organic Compounds: Insights for SOA Formation Mechanisms and Contributions of SOA to Organic Aerosol
- Incorporating Spatial Support to Improve Interoperability of Shared Water Data
- Influence of Magnetic Shear on the Formation and Interaction of Flux Ropes in Magnetic Reconnection
- Influence of lower-hybrid instabilities on reconnection in asymmetric antiparallel configuration
- International Water Information Systems: Evolving the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System to a Standards-based Infrastructure
- Investigating the Seasonal, Interannual, and Long-term Influence of Clouds on Tropical Forest Phenology
- Investigating the impact of surface heterogeneity on the convective boundary layer over urban areas through coupled large-eddy simulation and remote sensing
- Kinect Technology Game Play to Mimic Quake Catcher Network (QCN) Sensor Deployment During a Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (RAMP)
- Leveraging Open Standards and Technologies to Enhance Community Access to Earth Science Lidar Data
- Modeling of resonant sweeping of Alfven waves in divergent solar wind
- Multiyear Evidence from Ground-based Observations and Modeling of the Impact of Dust on Snowfall in the Sierra Nevada
- NLAS: Improving the Accessibility and Utility of Lidar Waveform Data in the Earth Sciences
- Oxygen Isotopic Analyses of Water in Bjurböle Matrix and Chondrules
- Primary Forests Are Vital For Sustaining Tropical Biodiversity
- Prototype cross-domain cyberinfrastructure for the Critical Zone Observatories
- Quantifying Atmospheric Mercury Emissions Sources in coastal California from Shipboard Measurements During CalNex 2010
- Radioactive <SUP>35</SUP>S measurement in La Jolla, California to estimate neutron leakage from the Fukushima nuclear plant
- Rainfall Process Partitioning Using S-PROF Radar Observations Collected During the CalWater Field Campaign Winters
- Rapid Determination of Near-Fault Earthquake Deformation Using LIDAR
- Recent Field Measurements of Ice Nuclei Concentration Relation to Aerosol Properties
- Regulating emission of air pollutants for near-term relief from global warming
- Representation and evaluation of aerosol mixing state in a climate model
- Representation of Uncertainty in GPS data product Earth System Data Records
- Resolved X-line and Electron Diffusion Region Detection at Magnetopause Supported by Asymmetric PIC Simulations
- Scales and sources of pH and dissolved oxygen variability in a shallow, upwelling-driven ecosystem
- Segmentation of the Farallon slab
- Ship based observations of the spatial and temporal variability of gas-phase hydrochloric acid in the marine boundary layer
- Sources and evolution of cloud-active aerosol in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Spectral and Coherence Methods for Assessing Connections between Co-Located Seismic and Geomagnetic Observations
- Systematic Analysis of Dynamic Earthquake Triggering Using the EarthScope's USArray Data
- The CUAHSI Community Hydrologic Information System
- The Equilibrium Response to Idealized Thermal Forcings in a Comprehensive GCM: Implications for Recent Tropical Expansion
- The Impact of Water Regulation on the Availability of Shale Gas Resources for Production
- UCSD Time-Dependent Tomographic Forecasting with Interplanetary Scintillation and White-Light Observations
- Uncertainty quantification for unsaturated flow in porous media: a stochastic collocation method
- Uncertainty quantification in kinematic wave models
- Validation of a Size-resolved Parameterization of Primary Organic Carbon in Fresh Marine Aerosols for Use in Air-Sea Exchange Simulations
- Vertical eddy diffusivity as a control parameter in the tropical Pacific
- Warming experiments under-predict plant phenological responses to climate change
- WaveHRL: a high resolution, modular seismic event system and its application to the L'Aquila 2009 earthquake sequence
- Zn and C isotopic evidence of climatic change during the Marinoan
- iRODS-Based Climate Data Services and Virtualization-as-a-Service in the NASA Center for Climate Simulation
- 3-D Reconstruction of the Inner Heliosphere From Remote-Sensing Data: A Global Solar Wind Boundary that Includes CME Transient Effects
- 3D fully kinetic simulations of vortex induced magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause
- A Balloon-Borne Platform for Measuring Vertically-Resolved Concentrations of Black Carbon in the Troposphere
- A Community Roadmap for Discovery of Geosciences Data
- A New Robust Solver for Saturated-Unsaturated Richards' Equation
- A framework for integration of scientific applications into the OpenTopography workflow
- Active and passive interferometry with a deep-water OBS array
- An EarthCube Roadmap for Cross-Domain Interoperability in the Geosciences: Governance Aspects
- Archaeomagnetic study of ancient slag mounds in Cyprus: continuous paleointensity curves in high resolution
- Automatic Detections of P and S Phases using Singular Value Decomposition Analysis
- CDF Solutions of Buckley-Leverett Equation with Uncertain Parameters
- California foreshock sequences suggest underlying aseismic process
- Characterizing isotopic variability of primary production and consumers in Great Plains ecosystems during protracted regional drought
- Coastal environmental changes in the Gulf Coast of Mexico through Late Eocene to Early Oligocene: implication from geochemistry in shelf sediments of Mississippi
- Correlation of Peak Dynamic and Static Coulomb Failure Stress with Seismicity Rate Change after the M7.2 EL Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Development and testing of instrumentation for ship-based UAV measurements of ocean surface processes and the marine atmospheric boundary layer
- Evolutionary Forecast Engines for Solar Meteorology
- Exploring Meteorological and Climatic Conditions Driving California Coastal Marine Layer Clouds
- Fingerprinting Volcanic and Anthropogenic Sulfur Dioxide in the Air: A 25 Year Record of Sulfate Aerosols from the South Pole Snowpit, Antarctica
- Flow velocity impact on biofilm development in subsurface environments - A laboratory experiment
- Formation and early evolution of oceanic lithosphere- multi-faceted study of tectonic, magmatic, and hydrologic processes at Atlantis Massif, MAR 30°N
- High Resolution Interseismic Velocity Model of the San Andreas Fault System From a Joint Inversion of GPS and InSAR Data
- Homogenizability Conditions in Multicomponent Reactive Transport Processes
- How does altered precipitation and annual grass invasion affect plant N uptake in a native semi-arid shrub community?
- Ice Nuclei Emissions From Sea Spray Produced By Realistically Simulated Breaking Waves
- Impact of Long-Range Transported African Dust Events on Cloud Composition and Physical Properties at a Caribbean Tropical Montane Cloud Forest
- Increases in Flood Magnitudes in California Under Warming Climates
- Intermittent dissipation at kinetic scales in collisionless plasma turbulence
- Is Earth F**ked? Dynamical Futility of Global Environmental Management and Possibilities for Sustainability via Direct Action Activism
- Is it Possible that the Solar Corona Temperature Profile Does Not Require Mechanical Deposition of Energy?
- Kinetic Theory and Simulation of Magnetic Reconnection in Force-Free Current Layers
- Landforms in Lidar: Building a Catalog of Digital Landforms for Education and Outreach
- Magnetic Reconnection Regimes at the Real Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio
- Magnetic Reversal and Excursion Rates from Short-Time Fluctuations in the Virtual Axial Dipole Moment
- Measurement and characterization of the wave-induced components of winds over waves
- Measurements of Ocean Derived Aerosol Over the North Atlantic
- New Evidence does not Support Extraordinarily Rapid Field Change at Steens Mountain
- OOI's Cyberinfrastructure: An Opening
- Observables to distinguish magnetic islands generated in extended electron current layers during fast magnetic reconnection
- Oceanic heat sources to Pine Island Bay
- Oil Prices, Exhaustible Resources, and Economic Growth
- Oxygen Isotopic Analyses of Water Extracted from the Martian Meteorite NWA 7034
- Pliocene anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and diatom stratigraphy from the Wilkes Land margin
- Reassessment of some Holocene Sedimentary Paleomagnetic Records with Implications for Geomagnetic Field Models
- Recent Northern Hemisphere Tropical Expansion Primarily Driven by Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone
- Recent climate and air pollution impacts on Asian agriculture
- Seamless Synthetic Aperture Radar Archive for Interferometry Analysis
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from 2-Methyl-3-Buten-2-ol (MBO) Photooxidation: Evidence for Acid-Catalyzed Reactive Uptake of Epoxide
- Sensitivity of spring phenology to warming across temporal and spatial climate gradients in two independent databases
- Simplified Analytical Model of Superrotation Venusian Atmosphere
- Summer-time salinity variability in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre; comparison of freshening events observed in June 2006 and in July-August 2012
- Systematic reduction of pore pressure response near the San Jacinto fault
- Three-Dimensional Event-Driven Hybrid Simulations of Magnetized Plasmas
- Turbulence in a solar wind like plasma: Kinetic simulations and observations
- Waveform cross-correlation and relocations for seismic events in the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- Will Global Warming modify the Madden-Julian Oscillation activity: A CCSM4 study ?
- A GigaLES of the TWP-ICE Field Campaign
- A Subglacial Lake Flood Model For Antarctic Lakes Based On High Resolution Radar Sounding And Validated With Satellite Altimetry And GPS
- Aerosol Impacts on California Winter Clouds and Precipitation during CalWater 2011: Local Pollution versus Long-Range Transported Dust
- Analysis of the 2012 Oct 27 Haida Gwaii Aftershock Sequence
- Anomalously High Geothermal Gradients in the Buckman Well Field, Santa Fe County, New Mexico
- Assessing Gravity Estimates to Improve Dynamic Ocean Topography
- Assessing the Extent of Black Carbon Absorption Enhancements from Field Observations
- Atmospheric signatures of changing global biogeochemistry (Invited)
- CDF Solutions of Advection-Reaction equations with uncertain parameters (Invited)
- Change Detection from differential airborne LiDAR using a weighted Anisotropic Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
- Cloud Induced Enhancement of Ground Level Solar Radiation
- Comparing ground and satellite imagery for cloud identification and their impact on solar radiation
- Considering the Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on Groundwater using In-Situ Well Data and GPS-Derived Surface Subsidence
- Could Fluid Seeps Originate from the Seismogenic Zone? Evidence from Southern Costa Rica
- Delineating the effect of El-Nino Southern Oscillations using oxygen and sulfur isotope anomalies of sulfate aerosols
- Deterministic High-Frequency Ground Motion Using Dynamic Rupture Along Rough Faults, Small-Scale Media Heterogeneities, and Frequency-Dependent Attenuation
- Direct measurement of the impact of the reactive uptake of ammonia and alkylamines on the CCN activity of ambient aerosol sampled during SOAS 2013
- Earthquake Clustering and Triggering of Large Events in Simulated Catalogs
- Evaluating host-associated sources of marine methane supersaturation
- Evaluation of Atmospheric Phase Screens by Adaptive Common-Scene Stacking of Dense InSAR Data Sets (Invited)
- Extending the Interoperability of Sensor and Sample Based Earth Observations using a Community Information Model (Invited)
- Facilitating Scientific Research through Workflows and Provenance on the DataONE Cyberinfrastructure (Invited)
- Federated query services provided by the Seamless SAR Archive project
- GPS-Acoustic Seafloor Geodesy using a Wave Glider
- Gas Geochemistry of Volcanic and Geothermal Areas in the Kenya Rift: Implications for the Role of Fluids in Continental Rifting
- Heat Transfer in Heterogeneous Fractured Rocks
- HydroShare: An online, collaborative environment for the sharing of hydrologic data and models (Invited)
- HydroShare: Applying professional software engineering to a new NSF-funded large software project
- Illuminating the hydration and dehydration of a subducting oceanic plate with marine controlled-source EM and magnetotelluric data (Invited)
- Impact of Long-Range Transported African Dust Events on Cloud Chemistry at a Caribbean Tropical Montane Cloud Forest
- In-Situ Lithospheric Rheology Measurement Using Isostatic Response and Geophysical State
- Incorporating rheologic anisotropy in self-consistent models of mantle flow and LPO near plate boundaries
- Increasing the Impact of High-Resolution Lidar Topography Through Online Data Access and Processing
- Induced emission of Alfvén waves as a main force behind solar corona heating and solar wind acceleration
- Inside versus Outside: Ion Redistribution in Nitric Acid Reacted Sea Spray Aerosol Particles as Determined by Single Particle Analysis (Invited)
- Intercomparison of Registration Techniques and Interactive 3D Visualization of Differential LiDAR from the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Intermittent Dissipation at Kinetic Scales in Plasma Turbulence (Invited)
- Inventorying and Assessing Cyberinfrastructure Readiness for Cross-Domain Information Re-use in the Geosciences: a Perspective from Hydrology (Invited)
- Joint inversion of marine MT and CSEM data over Gemini prospect, Gulf of Mexico
- Kinematic constraints on the forces driving the rapid motion of India in the Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic
- Large Eddy Simulations of Stratocumulus Cloud Dissipation over the Coast
- Locating magnetic reconnection x-lines in 3D PIC simulations
- Low Velocity Zones along the San Jacinto Fault, Southern California, inferred from Local Earthquakes
- Magnetopause reconnection under various space weather conditions
- Measurements and Simulations of Methane Concentration During a Controlled Release Experiment for Top-down Emission Quantification by In Situ and Remote Sensing
- Measurements to Fill Knowledge Gaps on Ice Nucleating Particle Sources over Oceans
- Melt detected at the oceanic LAB with magnetotelluric data: Where else could it exist? (Invited)
- Near field 3D displacement of El Mayor-Cupapah Earthquake: A hybrid approach. (Invited)
- Numerical Simulations of Complex Heliospheric Scenarios in March and July 2012
- Optical Fiber Borehole Strainmeter Arrays for Measuring Sediment Compaction in Bangladesh
- Overcoming Barriers: Tailoring Climate Education for Latino and non-Latino Citizen to Impact Decision Making
- Properties of Ductile Shear Zones Below Strike-Slip Faults: Insights From Numerical Experiments Incorporating Laboratory-Derived Rheologies (Invited)
- Putting Predictive Models to Use: Scoring of Unseen Streaming Data using a Multivariate Time Series Classification Tool
- Quantitative Evaluation of Ground Sensing Based Cloud Velocity Derivation Methods and Their Effects on Solar Irradiance Forecast
- Real-time Automatic Detectors of P and S Waves Using Singular Values Decomposition
- Refined Views of Strike-slip Fault Zones, Seismicity, and State of Stress Associated With the Pacific-North America Plate Boundary in Southern California
- Role of macro-scale instability of ion shell distribution in shaping the solar wind turbulence spectra
- Scalabiliity of the Leeds Dynamo Code for Geodynamo Simulations
- Scientific Workflows + Provenance = Better (Meta-)Data Management
- Seafloor Gravity and Pressure Measurements - Geodetic Observations of Deformation and Mass Redistribution (Invited)
- Signatures of Inelastic Coseismic Wedge Deformation in the Near-Field Tsunami Data
- Solar Irradiance Variability: Validation of Satellite-Based Assessment and Prospective Enhancements
- Solar Wind Acceleration and the Dynamic Character of the Polar Solar Wind
- Solid Earth Science ESDR System
- Suppression of breakers of stormy seas by oil films
- The feasibility of inverting for flow in the lowermost mantle (Invited)
- Towards a Conceptual Design of a Cross-Domain Integrative Information System for the Geosciences
- Transpiration Demand in Southern California Oak Woodlands: Making the Leap from Lab and Individual Tree to Watershed Scale
- Two distinct transition regions within the exhaust during asymmetric magnetopause reconnection
- Uncertainty Quantification in Unsaturated Flow Models (Invited)
- Using the ENTLN lightning catalog to identify thunder signals in the USArray Transportable Array
- WIFIRE: A Scalable Data-Driven Monitoring, Dynamic Prediction and Resilience Cyberinfrastructure for Wildfires
- Waveform analysis of Scholte waves observed in San Diego Trough using a seafloor source and OBS
- a Real-Time Global Solar Wind Boundary from Remotely-Sensed IPS Data for Use in 3D-MHD Modeling
- 2D Global Attenuation Model of the Upper Mantle from Combined Analysis of Surface Wave Phase and Amplitude Data
- A Comparison Between Seismogeodetic and Baseline Corrected Estimates of Ground Motion: Example Applications for the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku-oki Earthquake
- A Deep-Ocean Observatory with Near Real-time Telemetry
- A High Performance Virtualized Seismic Data Acquisition System
- A Hybrid Model of Reactive Immiscible Displacement
- A New Burst of Seafloor Mapping and Discovery Driven By Advances in Satellite Altimetry
- A New Interface for the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Paleo and Rock Magnetic Database
- A New Non-linear Technique for Measurement of Splitting Functions of Normal Modes of the Earth
- A Real-Time Seismogeodetic Network Using MEMS Accelerometers and Its Performance in Kinematic Slip Inversions
- A Regime Diagram of Mobile-lid Convection with Plate-like Behaviour
- A Seafloor Benchmark for 3-dimensional Geodesy
- A Spurious Jump in the Satellite Record: Has Antarctic Sea Ice Expansion Been Overestimated?
- A broadband investigation of microseisms and ocean surface gravity waves at the Cascadia array
- A new global bathymetry map at 15 arcsecond resolution for resolving seafloor fabric: SRTM15_PLUS
- Active Lakes of the Recovery Ice Stream, East Antarctica: A Bedrock-Controlled Subglacial Hydrological System
- An AMS Study of Gulf of Papua Ocean Sediment Cores- Evidence of Deformation Caused by Piston Coring
- An Assessment of Robust Holocene Geomagnetic Field Structures
- An ODIP Effort to Map R2R Ocean Data Terms to International Vocabularies
- An Updated One-Degree Seismic Tomographic Model Based on a Sensitivity Kernel Database
- An automated continuous system for seismo-geochemical research in an active fault zone in SW Taiwan
- Analysis of foreshock sequences in California - implications of foreshock triggering process
- Analysis of the Organic Content of Marine Aerosols with X-ray Spectroscopy
- Anisotropic Peridotite Rheology and Regional Upper Mantle Flow Patterns
- Anisotropy in the lowermost mantle beneath the circum-Pacific: observations and modelling
- Anomalous chlorofluorocarbons at the bottom of the eastern subtropical North Pacific Ocean
- Atmosphere Mitigation in Precise Point Positioning Ambiguity Resolution for Earthquake Early Warning in the Western U.S.
- CDF solutions of diffusion equation with random inputs
- CalWater 2 - Precipitation, Aerosols, and Pacific Atmospheric Rivers Experiment
- Chlorine isotope variability in subglacial glasses from Iceland
- Classification, Characterization, and Automatic Detection of Volcanic Explosion Complexity using Infrasound
- Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Earth - Report from the National Research Council
- Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Combined Helium and CO2 Isotope Systematics of Turkish Geothermal Systems: Relation to Volcanism and Active Tectonics
- Comparisons of GPS Troposphere Parameters Estimated at Rates from 1 to 1800 Seconds and Implications for Meteorological Applications
- Constraining Sources of Subducted and Recycled Carbon Along the Sunda Arc
- Constraining the Fore-Arc Flux Along the Central America Margin
- Continental Rifting in the Western Ross Sea
- Continuous Underway Seawater Measurements of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Western Atlantic Ocean
- CoopEUS EMSO-OOI Case Study: Tsunami Modelling and Early Warning Systems for Near Source Areas (Mediterranean, Juan de Fuca).
- Creating Infrastructure Resilience from Information Chaos: The City and County of San Francisco's Approach to Sea Level Rise Science and Adaptation Planning
- Critically Stressed Crust in Southern California: A Model of Crustal Stress from Plate Driving, Topography, and Fault Loading, with Geodetic and Seismic Constraints
- Decadal Changes in Hydrography of the Southern Pacific Ocean and Ross Sea
- Deep-Earth Structure from PKP Precursors and Other Scattered Body Waves
- Design of Community Resource Inventories as a Component of Scalable Earth Science Infrastructure: Experience of the Earthcube CINERGI Project
- Development of a relative paleointensity curve for the American Southwest
- Development of an Information Exchange format for the Observations Data Model version 2 using OGC Observations and Measures
- Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions from Dairies and Agriculture as a Potential Contributor to Sulfate Aerosols in the California Central Valley
- Direct observations of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound (BVOC) Air-Sea Exchange in the remote North Atlantic from the High-Wind Gas-Exchange Study (HiWinGS)
- Diurnal Variability and Kelvin Wave Propagation Through Maritime Continent
- Drivers of Intra-Summer Seasonality and Daily Variability of Coastal Low Cloudiness in California Subregions
- Drought-induced stress changes on faults associated with the 2014 South Napa earthquake
- Drought-induced uplift in the western United States as observed by the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory GPS network
- Dynamic Triggering of Deep Earthquakes—a Global Perspective
- Dynamics of Volcanic Jets from Short-Duration Eruptions: Mixing and Rise
- Earth-Tide Derived Aquifer Properties in Fractured Granite: Results from a Groundwater Monitoring Well Network in the Peninsular Ranges Batholith
- Ecosystem and Community Responses to Rainfall Manipulations in Shrublands Depends on Dominant Vegetation Cover
- Eddy-Driven Interannual Variability of the North-Atlantic Spring Bloom
- Effect of Cloud Observations and Uncertainties on Solar Irradiance Very-Short-Term Forecast
- Effects of Non-Uniform Wall Heating on Thermal and Momentum Fields in a 3-Dimensional Urban Environment
- Effects of Radial Variability in Sap Flow on up-Scaling of in Situ Evapotranspiration Measurements from the Scale of Individual Trees to the Grove Scale
- Estimating Dynamic Source Properties of Giant Megathrusts
- Exploring fault geometry uncertainties in finite-slip inversion with multiple moment tensor inversion
- Factors Contributing to Non-Linear Variation in Clear Sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation with Sea Surface Temperature
- Far-field seismic spectral response resulting from complex rupture behaviors
- Five years on: Revisiting GSN data quality
- Formation of Oxidized Organic Aerosol (OOA) through Fog Processing in the Po Valley
- Future Challenges in Magnetic Paleointensity Stratigraphy
- Geodetic observations of fault creep in the Imperial Valley: hidden faults, earthquake hazard and implications for frictional properties
- Geology of the Wilkes Land Sub-basin and Stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: Insights from rock magnetism at IODP Site U1361
- Getting Decision Makers to the Table: Digestible Facts, a Few Good Friends and Sharing Recipes for Solutions to Climate Change Impacts.
- Heliospheric Tomography from IPS Data at 140 MHz
- Helium isotopes of the Siberian sub-continental lithospheric mantle: Insights from eclogite xenoliths
- High Resolution Radar Detection of Individual Raindrops in Natural Cloud Systems
- Holocene paleointensity estimates of volcanic glass from the Big Island of Hawaii
- Hydrates in the California Borderlands Revisited: Results from a Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Survey of the Santa Cruz Basin.
- Ice Nucleating Particles and their Role in California Winter Clouds
- Identifying a Sea Breeze Circulation Pattern Over the Los Angeles Basin Using Airborne In Situ Carbon Dioxide Measurements
- Imaging the internal structure of the San Jacinto Fault Zone with high Frequency noise
- Improving coastal wave hindcasts by combining offshore buoy observations with global wave models.
- In-Flight Radiometric Calibration of SNPP VIIRS using Molecular Scattering over Oceanic Oligotrophic Regions
- Incorporating Systems Thinking in Traditional Geoscience Curriculum: A Laboratory Assignment
- Incorporation of Student-Centered, Practical Applications of Geographic Information Systems to Raise Awareness and Generate Solutions for Local Environmental Issues
- Increasing Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes and the Potential Role of Changing Plant Functional Types
- Influence of anthropogenic aerosols and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on tropical belt width
- Insights from geodynamo simulations into long-term geomagnetic field behaviour
- Integrated Climate Change Impacts Assessment in California
- Interannual Variations in Aerosol Sources and Their Impact on Orographic Precipitation over California's Central Sierra Nevada
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration amongst Colleagues and between Initiatives with the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database
- Inverse Modeling Via Linearized Functional Minimization
- Investigating Planetary Volatile Accretion Mechanisms Using the Halogens
- Investigation of SMOS Sea Ice Thickness Retrieval with respect to the Ice Temperature Gradient within an Ice Layer
- Is a Low Cloud Signal in Response to CO2 Forcing Potentially Observable in the Satellite Record?
- Kinetic Framework for the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Polar Wind System: Modeling Ion Outflow
- Long-Term Trends of Observed and Simulated Total Cloud Cover over the Mediterranean Region
- Long-term High-Quality Deformation Observations near Active Faults in California
- Mapping Mantle Mixing and the Extent of Superplume Influence Using He-Ne-Ar-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-N<SUB>2</SUB> Isotopes: The Case of the East Africa Rift System
- Marine biogeochemical influence on primary sea spray aerosol composition in the Southern Ocean: predictions from a mechanistic model
- Merged Real Time GNSS Solutions for the READI System
- Meridional Overturning Transports at 30°S in the Indian and Pacific Oceans in 2002-2003 and 2009
- Meter Accuracy Seafloor Geodesy using Repeated Multibeam Surveys
- Methods for Attributing Land-Use Emissions to Products
- Microseism Source Direction in Cascadia Using Cross-correlation and Array Coherence
- Modeling Horizontal GPS Seasonal Signals Caused by Ocean Loading
- Modeling surf zone-inner shelf exchange: Interaction of rip currents and stratification
- Models of Lithospheric Flexure and Outer Trench Wall Fracturing using an Iterative Spectral Method
- Multiscale Simulations of Reactive Transport
- No clear evidence for localized tidal triggering of earthquakes in the Japan region
- Noise propagation in hybrid models of nonlinear diffusion systems
- Numerical Internal Tide Scattering, Diffraction, and Dissipation on the Tasman Continental Slope
- Observations at a San Jacinto Fault Zone site (Sage Brush Flat) Using a Nodal Seismic High Frequency Array
- Observations of Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes and High-Frequency Internal Waves from Ship-Launched UAVs and Ship-based Instrumentation
- Observations of Surfzone Albedo
- Observations of a stratospheric depletion and annual mean interhemispheric gradient in the atmospheric Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB> ratio from the HIPPO Global campaign
- Observed High-altitude Warming and Snow Cover Retreat over Tibet and the Himalayas Enhanced by Black Carbon
- Observed Trends in Subtropical Stratocumulus and Associated Meteorology
- On siphons and sediments: A new model for draining active subglacial lakes in Antarctica informed with satellite radar and laser altimeter observations.
- On the Dynamic Character of the Polar Solar Wind
- Open Source Dataturbine (OSDT) Android Sensorpod in Environmental Observing Systems
- Ophiolite Perspectives on Oceanic Mantle Heterogeneity
- Over Three years of Monitoring <SUP>129</SUP>I spread in Pacific Ocean After the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
- Overview of Hydrographic Data From the GEOTRACES EPZT Cruise
- Ozone in the Free Troposphere: The Impact of Synoptic Meteorology on Ozone Transport to Southern California
- PGE abundance and Re-Os isotope Systematics of Native-Fe-Bearing Basaltic Rocks and Their Carbonaceous Crustal Contaminants: Insights into magma plumbing-system dynamics in LIPs
- Parallel goal-oriented adaptive finite element modeling for 3D electromagnetic exploration
- Patterns in the Waves
- PmagPy: Software Package for Paleomagnetic Data Analysis and Gateway to the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database
- Pseudo-data Inversions of California CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Combining Tower Measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> with OCO2 Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrievals
- Rapid kinematic slip inversion with regional geophysical data: towards site-specific tsunami intensity forecasts.
- Rapid tsunami propagation and inundation models from time-dependent earthquake source inversions from land- and ocean-based geophysical sensors
- Recent Improvements in Arctic and Antarctic Marine Gravity: Unique Contributions from CryoSat-2, Jason-1, Envisat, Geosat, and ERS-1/2
- Refining the Magnitude of the Shallow Slip Deficit
- Seasonal Variation of Methane Emissions in California's Urban and Rural Regions Using Multi-site Observations
- Seasonal variations of stable, including clumped, isotopologues of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in air: Initial observations from La Jolla, Ca
- Seismic structure of the Tonga Arc and Lau Backarc Spreading Center from joint inversion of local and teleseismic body wave arrivals
- Seismogeodesy for Rapid Response: The 2014 Mw 6 South Napa Earthquake
- Seismogeodetic Monitoring of Structural Deformation during Shaketable Experiments
- Semi-direct dynamical and radiative effect of North African dust transport on lower tropospheric clouds over the subtropical North Atlantic in CESM 1.0
- Sensitivity of summer ensembles of super-parameterized US mesoscale convective systems to cloud resolving model microphysics and resolution
- Silicon Isotope Geochemistry of Ocean Island Basalts: Search for Deep Mantle Heterogeneities and Evidence for Recycled Altered Oceanic Crust
- Sources and Properties of Cloud Condensation Nuclei in the Marine Boundary Layer
- Spatial Distribution of Diapycnal Diffusion of Heat and Buoyancy in the Indian Ocean
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Upper Ocean in the Drake Passage
- Stacking Global Seismograms Revisited
- Statistical Analysis of GPS Vertical Uplift Rates in Southern California
- Stress drop variations among small earthquakes in the Tohoki-oki region, Japan, and implication for the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Structure of the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon and Palos Verdes Fault Zones and Implications for Current Fault Models
- Subsurface Implications of Spatially Variable Seafloor Character on the Atlantis Massif
- Systematic re-analysis of 23 years of volcanic seismicity on Hawaii Island
- The ANF Catalog of Central United States Seismicity
- The Anthropogenic Ambient Noise Field: Tracking Cars, Trains and Planes Seismically
- The CalWater 2 - ARM Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (ACAPEX)
- The Central and Eastern U.S. Seismic Network: Legacy of USArray
- The City and County of San Francisco's Approach to Sea Level Rise Science and Adaptation Planning: Creating Infrastructure Resilience from Information Chaos
- The Complex History of Alarcon Rise Mid-Ocean Ridge Rhyolite Revealed through Mineral Chemistry
- The Diurnal Cycle over the Maritime Continent and its Interaction with the MJO
- The Future of Nearshore Processes Research
- The Impacts of California's San Francisco Bay Area Gap on Precipitation Observed in the Sierra Nevada during Hmt and Calwater
- The LITHO1.0 Model
- The Northern Oscillation Index as a Predictor of Precipitation in California
- The Propagation of Tsunami Generated Acoustic-Gravity Waves in the Atmosphere
- The community-driven BiG CZ software system for integration and analysis of bio- and geoscience data in the critical zone
- The impact of marine surface organic enrichment on the measured hygroscopicity parameter of laboratory generated sea-spray aerosols
- The vertical distribution of black carbon in CMIP5 models: Comparison to observations and the importance of convective transport
- Topographic - thermal circulations and associated GPS-measured moisture variability at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
- Total Water Vapor Transport Observed in Twelve Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeastern Pacific Ocean Using Dropsondes
- Towards Solving the Conundrum of Fast-Spread Ocean Crust Formation: Insights from Textural Analysis of Gabbroic Rocks from Pito Deep and Hess Deep, East Pacific Rise
- Tracing the Impact of Aviation on the Atmospheric Nitrate With Oxygen Triple Isotopes
- Tracking Dissipation Reduction, Externalities, Stability and Sustainability for Environmental Management of New Orleans
- Twenty-Two Years of Combined GPS Daily Coordinate Time Series and Derived Parameters: Implications for ITRF
- Tying Biological Activity to Changes in Sea Spray Aerosol Chemical Composition via Single Particle Analyses
- USArray Regional Phase Analysis
- Understanding subtropical cloud feedbacks in anthropogenic climate change simulations of CMIP5 models
- Understanding the Influence of Terrestrial Water Anomalies on Summer Surface Air Temperature Variability over North America
- Upgrading the HiSeasNet Ship-to-Shore Satellite Network
- Urbanization reduces fogginess in coastal Southern California, possibly counteracting global-warming induced increases in foggines
- Using IPS Magnetic Modeling to Determine Bz
- Validation of Coronal and Heliospheric Models for Quasi-Steady Solar Wind: WSA-Enlil, MAS-Enlil, SWMF, and IPS Tomography Models
- Variability of seismic source spectra derived from cohesive-zone models of symmetrical and asymmetrical ruptures
- Variations in hygroscopic growth of sub- and super-micron sea spray aerosols during a phytoplankton bloom
- Variations of Crustal Anisotropy along the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Southern California
- WDS Knowledge Network Architecture in Support of International Science
- WDS Trusted Data Services in Support of International Science
- WIFIRE Data Model and Catalog for Wildfire Data and Tools
- Weakly Penetrative Mixing in the Surface Layer of the Bay of Bengal
- What's New in the Ocean in Google Earth and Maps
- Where and What Is Pristine Marine Aerosol?
- Wind, mixed-layer depth and Chl-a variability in the Southern Ocean
- <p>T-Phase Observations in Global Seismogram Stacks
- 2D Global Rayleigh Wave Attenuation Model Using Finite Frequency Focusing and Defocusing Theory
- 3D Analysis of Remote-Sensed Heliospheric Data for Space Weather Forecasting
- 6.5 Years of Slow Slip Events in Cascadia: A Catalogue of SSE Surface Expressions, Interface Slip Distributions, Event Magnitudes and Relationship to Tremor.
- A Comparison of Process-Scale Modeling and Measurements of Atmosphere-Snowpack Exchange of Nitrogen Oxides at Summit, Greenland
- A Conceptual Model to Link Anomalously High Temperature Gradients in the Cerros del Rio Volcanic Field to Regional Flow in the Espanola Basin, New Mexico
- A Database of Tornado Events as Perceived by the USArray Transportable Array Network
- A General Implicit Boundary Reconstruction for Flow and Transport in Porous Media
- A General Multiscale Hybrid Method for Transport through Complex Porous Media
- A Large Scale Automatic Earthquake Location Catalog in the San Jacinto Fault Zone Area Using An Improved Shear-Wave Detection Algorithm
- A Methadology for Near-Real-Time Access to Environmental Data through Federation
- A Robotic Communications Gateway for Ocean Observations
- A regional study of atmospheric gravity waves using the USArray Transportable Array
- A-21<SUP>st</SUP>-century-approach to firefighting in the Western US: How microwave-based seismic networks can change fire suppression from reactive to proactive
- AUV mapping and targeted ROV sampling on the Alarcon Rise
- Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event
- Analytical Exact Solution of the Cloud Thickness and Inversion Height Time Evolution for the Mixed Layer Model
- Antarctic Subglacial Lake Drainage Via Canals Incised Into Sediment: Progress From Modelling And Observations
- Application of data on climate extremes for the southwestern United States
- Array Coherence
- Atmospheric Balloon Swarms for Persistent In-Situ Measurements in Hurricanes
- Automated Infrasound Event Detection and Location Using a Mesh of Arrays
- Axial Seamount - Under the hood of the volcano machine.
- CalWater 2015 — Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation
- California's Epic 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Drought - Where Are We at and Where Do We Go from Here?
- Can basal magma oceans generate magnetic fields?
- Characterization of the San Jacinto Fault Zone Northwest of the Trifurcation Area from Earthquake Data Recorded by a Dense Linear Array
- Characterizing the Hygroscopicity of Nascent Sea Spray Aerosol from Synthetic Blooms
- Chlorophyll-a Variability in the Southern Ocean Mixed Layer and Euphotic Zone From Elephant Seals and Profiling Floats
- Climate Change Intensification of Horizontal Water Vapor Transport in CMIP5
- Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Clouds and Precipitation Simulated by the US DOE Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME)
- Cluster Close Separation at the Bow Shock Campaign: Initial Results.
- Coherent Cloudiness Variability from Sierra Nevada to the Sea in California
- Coherent structures, dissipation and intermittency in plasma turbulence
- Cold and wet at the roots of U.S. Cordilleran high elevation
- Comparing models of seasonal deformation to horizontal and vertical PBO GPS data
- Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
- Connecting real-time data to algorithms and databases: EarthCube's Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Constraining porosity of the shallow forearc and plate interface offshore Nicaragua with marine electromagnetic data
- Constructing a Cross-Domain Resource Inventory: Key Components and Results of the EarthCube CINERGI Project.
- Continental-scale water fluxes from continuous GPS observations of Earth surface loading
- Continuous GPS observations of crustal loading from hydrometeorological events on the scale of storms to drought
- Controls on the fore-arc CO2 flux along the Central America margin
- Coupled Porosity and Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Circulation: Implications for the Morphology of Vents and Recharge Zones at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Creation a Geo Big Data Outreach and Training Collaboratory for Wildfire Community
- Crustal Stress Rotation Along the San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults: A Modeling Study With Constraints From Seismology, Geodesy, Topography, and Gravity
- Deformation associated with the 2015 Eruption of Axial Seamount
- Deformation at the Australia-Pacific Boundary in the North Island of New Zealand: Comparison of 20 Years of GPS-recorded Average Deformation With 6.5 Years Time Series of SSEs and Transients
- Detailed gas and diesel vehicle emissions: PTR-MS measurements of real-time VOC profiles and comprehensive characterization of primary emissions for IVOC, SVOC, and LVOC by gas chromatography with vacuum ultra-violet ionization mass spectrometry
- Detecting and Cataloging Global Explosive Volcanism Using the IMS Infrasound Network
- Determining OBS Instrument Orientations: A Comparison of Algorithms
- Development and Application of a Hygroscopicity Basis Set for the Analysis of the Mixing State of Nascent Sea Spray Aerosols
- Development of a GNSS-Enhanced Tsunami Early Warning System
- Direct Measurement of Atmospheric Ammonia from an Airborne Miniature Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (miniCIMS)
- Do primary marine aerosol organics play a role in the biological regulation of climate?
- Does extreme precipitation intensity depend on the emissions scenario?
- Does the "mantle" helium signature provide useful information about lithospheric architecture of Tibet/Himalaya?
- Dynamics and impacts of eddy-driven air-sea interaction in a regional air-sea coupled model for the US West Coast
- Early post-seismic deformation due to the 2015 M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake: Constraints on rheology of the Tibetan lithosphere
- EarthCube as an information resource marketplace; the GEAR Project conceptual design
- Emission Inventory of Halogenated greenhouse gases in China during 1980-2050
- Emissions and Characteristics of Ice Nucleating Particles Associated with Laboratory Generated Nascent Sea Spray Aerosol
- Employment of Mixed Layer Models and Large Eddy Simulations to Determine the Factors Controlling Stratocumulus Cloud Lifetime over the Coast
- Environmental Co-Benefit Opportunities of Solar Energy
- Estimating Earthquake Source Parameters from P-wave Spectra: Lessons from Theory and Observations
- Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Pore-Scale Multi-Phase Flow Dynamics
- Exploring Microbial Life in Oxic Sediments Underlying Oligotrophic Ocean Gyres
- Fatty acids as biomarkers for food web structure in the eastern North Pacific Ocean
- Further Evaluation of Geomagnetic Dipole Asymmetry in Growth and Decay
- GLONASS Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution (PPP-AR) and its Integration with GPS for Earthquake Early Warning
- Gap-flow Mediated Transport of Pollution to a Remote Coastal Site: Effects upon Aerosol Composition
- GeoCSV: tabular text formatting for geoscience data
- GeoSciGraph: An Ontological Framework for EarthCube Semantic Infrastructure
- Geochemical Variation of Subducting Pacific Crust Along the Izu-Bonin Arc System and its Implications on the Generation of Arc Magmas
- Geodetic constraints on frictional properties of the Imperial fault, Southern California
- Geomagnetic Intensity Record from the 1.43 Ga Laramie Anorthosite Complex
- Grounding Zones, Subglacial Lakes, and Dynamics of an Antarctic Ice Stream: The WISSARD Glaciological Experiment
- Heat Transport and Long-Term Change in the Southern Ocean: Assessing the Role of Eddies
- Ice shelf structure from dispersion curve analysis of passive-source seismic data, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Identification and Characterization of Earthquake Swarms in Southern California
- Identification and Estimation of Postseismic Deformation: Implications for Plate Motion Models, Models of the Earthquake Cycle, and Terrestrial Reference Frame Definition
- Illuminating the Depths of the MagIC (Magnetics Information Consortium) Database
- Impacts of ENSO events on cloud radiative effects in preindustrial conditions: Changes in cloud fraction and aerosol emissions, wet scavenging and transport
- Improvement of stratospheric balloon positioning and the impact on Antarctic gravity wave parameter estimation
- Improvements to the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Paleo and Rock Magnetic Database
- Initial Results from the Los Angeles Megacity Carbon Project: Exploring Spatial and Temporal Variability of the In Situ CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations
- Instabilities of Tropical Cyclones and their Nonlinear Saturation in Moist-Convective Rotating Shallow Water Model
- Integrating Solar Power onto the Electric Grid - Bridging the Gap between Atmospheric Science, Engineering and Economics
- Interannual modulation of subtropical Atlantic boreal summer dust variability by ENSO
- Interseismic deformation and creep along the Sumatran fault, Indonesia from InSAR time-series analysis
- Intra-hour to day-ahead global and direct solar irradiance forecasts
- Investigate the Spatiotemporal Relationship Between Slow Slip Transients and Tremor in Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Investigating the Influence of Sea Spray Particle Composition on Water Uptake
- Investigation of the linkages between insoluble precipitation residues and cloud properties at Yosemite National Park during U.S. West Coast storms
- Ion Dynamics and Field Structure of Quasi-perpendicular Collisionless Shocks near the Critical Mach Number
- Is there a "blind" strike-slip fault at the southern end of the San Jacinto Fault system?
- Line of Sight Displacement from ALOS-2 ScanSAR Interferometry: Burst Alignment and the Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake
- Lithological, Chemical and Chronological Constraints on Melt Extraction from the Mantle Section of the ~492 Ma Shetland Ophiolite Complex, Scotland
- Long-term Evolution of Seismicity Rates in California Geothermal Fields
- MARE3DEM: A Three-dimensional CSEM Inversion Based on A Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Method Using Unstructured Meshes
- Macrofaunal Biodiversity Response to Natural Gradients of Multiple Stressors on Continental Margins
- Mantle to Surface Fluid Transfer Above a Flat Slab Subduction Zone: Isotopic Evidence from Hot Springs in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Mapping mantle-melting anomalies in Baja California: a combined helium-seismology approach
- Marine biogenic aerosol sources simulated from below the global ocean-atmosphere interface
- Measurements and an Empirical Model of the Zodiacal Brightness as Observed by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI)
- Measurements of radioactive and stable sulfur isotopes at Mt. Everest and its geochemical implications
- Meteorological and Aerosol effects on Marine Cloud Microphysical Properties
- Microseism Directivity from Noise Cross-correlation
- Mid-tropospheric Moisture Variations During the Development of Hurricane Karl as Resolved by Airborne GPS Radio Occultation with Open Loop Tracking
- Modeling Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Precipitation: Insights from CalWater 2015
- Near-Field Imaging Based on High Resolution Focal Spot Properties
- Neon Isotope Fractionation in Ice Cores at Close-Off Depth
- New High-Resolution 3D Imagery of Fault Deformation and Segmentation of the San Onofre and San Mateo Trends in the Inner California Borderlands
- New Radar Altimeter Missions are Providing a Dramatically Sharper Image of Global Marine Tectonics
- Observations of Seafloor Vertical Deformation on Axial Seamount with the Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder
- Observing Physical and Biological Drivers of pH and O<SUB>2</SUB> in a Seasonal Ice Zone in the Ross Sea Using Profiling Float Data
- Ocean Tracks: College Edition - Promoting Data Literacy in Science Education at the Undergraduate Level
- Ocean Tracks: Investigating Marine Migrations in a Changing Ocean
- On the Decadal Scale Correlation Between African Dust and Sahel Rainfall: the Role of Saharan Heat Low-Forced Winds
- One-Year Real-Time Operational Prediction Intervals for Direct Normal Irradiance
- Operational Shortest-Term PV Solar Forecasting for ramp rate control with an ultracapacitor energy storage system using a Whole Sky Imager
- Optical Properties and Mixing State of Aerosols from Residential Wood Burning and Vehicle Emissions in Central and Southern California
- Optical-Fiber Strainmeters for Earthquake Early Warning
- Organic Composition and Morphology of Sea Spray Aerosols as a Function of Biological Life during IMPACTS
- Paleosecular variation and time-averaged field analysis over the last 10 Ma from a new global dataset (PSV10)
- Positive dust and low cloud feedbacks help to generate tropical north atlantic Multidecadal variability
- Prediction of Solute Concentration in the Presence of Uncertainty: beyond Moments
- Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System for Areas of Highest Seismic Risk in the Western U.S.
- Rapid subglacial water system evolution triggered by subglacial floods in West Antarctica
- Reconsidering Fault Slip Scaling
- Reducing the uncertainty in subtropical cloud feedback
- Relationships of Entrainment Rate with Dynamical and Thermodynamic Properties in Shallow Convection
- Residual topography and gravity anomalies reveal structural controls on co-seismic slip in the 2011 M<SUB>w</SUB> 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Resistivity structure of the Del Mar methane seep.
- Resolving Changing Chemical and Physical Properties of SSA Particle Types during Laboratory Phytoplankton Blooms using Online Single Particle Analysis
- Responding to Climate Change at the Poles: Findings from the National Research Council's Reports on Climate Intervention
- Response of Stem Respiration of Two Tropical Species to an Imposed Drought
- Role of ion shell instabilities and wave-wave interactions in formation of parallel and perpendicular spectra of the solar wind turbulence
- Santa Ana Winds of Southern California: Their Climatology and Variability Spanning 6.5 Decades from Regional Dynamical Modelling
- Satellite estimates of trends in magnitude and timing of phytoplankton pigments, primary production and export production in the Arctic Ocean
- SciSpark's SRDD : A Scientific Resilient Distributed Dataset for Multidimensional Data
- SciSpark: Highly Interactive and Scalable Model Evaluation and Climate Metrics
- Seasonal advection of Pacific Equatorial Water alters oxygen and pH in the Southern California Bight
- Segmentation Along the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon Fault Zone: Implications for Rupture Propagation
- Seismic Excitation of the Ross Ice Shelf by Whillans Ice Stream Stick-Slip Events
- Seismic Tomography of the Continental United States from a Joint Inversion of Surface Waves and Body Waves
- Shallow Water Hydrothermal Vents in the Gulf of California: Natural Laboratories for Multidisciplinary Research
- Silicon Isotope Geochemistry of Ocean Island Basalts: Mantle Heterogeneities and Contribution of Recycled Oceanic Crust and Lithosphere
- Siple Coast ice streams reorganization following the reactivation of Kamb Ice Stream tributaries, West Antarctica
- Skill Test of the West-WRF and GFS Models Verified Using CalWater Dropsonde Observations
- Slip Model of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake from Inversions of ALOS-2 and GPS Data
- Slip kinematics and ground motions of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake imaged with 5Hz GPS data and ALOS-2 InSAR constraints
- Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal.
- Slow rupture and slip to the trench during the 2015, Mw8.3 Illapel, Chile earthquake
- Solar Irradiance from GOES Albedo performance in a Hydrologic Model Simulation of Snowmelt Runoff
- Source Mechanism of Tiny Long-Period Events at Mount St. Helens in July 2005
- Sources and sinks of momentum in the Southern Ocean State Estimate
- Spatio-temporal Upscaling of Reactive Transport in Porous Media for Ultra-long Time Predictions: Theory and Numerical Experiments
- Spiking the Geomagnetic Field
- Strong Plate, Weak Slab Dichotomy
- Sub-meter Range Precision of Seafloor Deformation Obtainable from Correlation of Repeated Raw Sidescan Sonar Surveys
- Surface Towed CSEM Systems for Shallow Water Mapping
- Teleseismic Earthquake Signals Observed on an Ice Shelf
- The CHORDS Portal: Lowering the Barrier for Internet Collection, Archival and Distribution of Real-Time Geophysical Observations
- The Capabilities of Seismogeodesy with Low-Cost MEMS Accelerometers and Very-High-Rate GNSS Data and Implications for Earthquake and Near-Shore Tsunami Early Warning
- The Effect of Loading Rate on Hydraulic Fracturing in Synthetic Granite - a Discrete Element Study
- The Global Seismographic Network: New Sensor Developments, Quality Assessments and Continuing Challenges
- The Mantle Seismic Heterogeneities Inferred by USArray Data
- The Role of Real-Time GNSS in Tsunami Early Warning and Hazard Mitigation
- The effects of continental growth on global sea level
- The effects of dune slopes and material heterogeneity on the thermal behavior of dune fields in Mars' Southern Hemisphere
- The effects of thick sediment upon continental breakup: seismic imaging and thermal modeling of the Salton Trough, southern California
- The heterogeneity spectrum of Earth's upper mantle constrained by global observations of scattered P-waves
- The impact of boreal deciduous and evergreen forests on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonality
- The importance of kinetic ion physics in the interaction of magnetic islands
- Thermal Evolution and Crystallisation Regimes of the Martian Core
- Three-Dimensional Propagation of Tsunami-Generated Internal Waves in the Atmosphere
- Three-dimensional numerical modeling of bottom-diffracted surface-reflected arrivals in the North Pacific
- Toward improved solar radiation forecasts: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer parameterizations for marine boundary layer clouds in Southern Californian coast
- Treating Stormwater with Green Infrastructure: Plants, Residence Time Distributions, and the Removal of Fecal Indicator Bacteria
- Trench Outer Rise Flexure Models with Laterally Variable Plate Rigidity Derived from Oceanic Lithosphere Strength Profiles
- Tropical Atlantic Impacts on the Decadal Climate Variability of the Tropical Ocean and Atmosphere.
- Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer in a Heterogeneous Fracture Network
- UQ-Guided Selection of Physical Parameterizations in Climate Models
- Understanding strain transfer and basin evolution complexities in the Salton pull-apart basin near the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Understanding the Interaction between Convection and Large-scale Circulation Using Cloud Resolving Model Simulations
- Using Network Theory to Understand Seismic Noise in Dense Arrays
- Using Regional GPS Network Atmospheric Models for Mitigating Errors in Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Images
- Using a peer review exercise to teach students the value of the peer review process
- Using the mystery box as a means to explore the scientific method in an undergraduate lecture setting
- Variation of Ground GPS Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor Estimates among GPS Processing Packages and Strategies in the Context of Forecaster Situational Awareness
- Version 3 of the GEOMAGIA50 Paleomagnetic Database
- Vertical Transport of Aerosol Particles across Mountain Topography near the Los Angeles Basin
- Water Tectonics: Evidence That Hydration Plays a Role in Tectonism
- Wavelet-enabled progressive data Access and Storage Protocol (WASP)
- What controls the onset of stable fault creep at the bottom of the seismogenic zone?
- What the Spatial Correlation of He Isotope and Seimic Velocity Anomalies Implies for Rifting and Volatile Sources in Ethiopia and Afar
- Workflow-Oriented Cyberinfrastructure for Sensor Data Analytics
- geoKepler Workflow Module for Computationally Scalable and Reproducible Geoprocessing and Modeling
- <p>Inferring subglacial lake water pressure from a bending model of surface displacement observations
- 3D CSEM inversion based on goal-oriented adaptive finite element method
- <SUP>182</SUP>W in Modern Ocean Island Basalts
- A 2008-2012 Biogeochemical Southern Ocean State Estimate
- A New Method Using Single-Particle Mass Spectrometry Data to Distinguish Mineral Dust and Biological Aerosols
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A Spectral Expansion Approach for Geodetic Slip Inversion: Implications for the Down-dip Rupture Limits of Oceanic and Continental Megathrust Earthquakes
- A Study on Airborne Radio Occultations and their Impact on Hurricane Karl (2010)
- A Water Mass Tracer Detected in Aerosols Demonstrates Ocean-Atmosphere Mass Transfer and Links Sea Spray Aerosol to Source Waters
- A reference model for crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica
- Adaptive Hybrid Algorithm for Flow and Transport in Porous Media
- Air-sea interactions in the Southeast Pacific: Mooring, ship, and float observations
- Airborne GPS Radio Occultation Observations of Moisture Variations in Atmospheric Rivers
- An Absolute Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder for Campaign-Style Detection of Vertical Seafloor Deformation in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- An Assessment of Seasonal Circulation Patterns in the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam, Utilizing a Numerical Model, HF Radar and In Situ Observations
- Assessing the dependence of seafloor displacement measurements from repeated sidescan sonar surveys upon ship speed and track separation
- Assimilating coastal wave buoy observations and global wave model predictions in regional wave models
- Atmospheric evidence for a global secular increase in isotopic discrimination of land photosynthesis
- Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Concentrations Enhanced on Sulfate-Containing Particles during Multi-Day Stagnation Events at Look Rock during SOAS
- Carbon Isotopes in Ocean and Land Carbon Cycle Models: Atmospheric Forcing Data and Applications for CMIP6 and Beyond
- Chacterization of Teleseismic Earthquakes Observed on an Ice Shelf
- Characterizing Magnetic Properties in Belize Corals
- Chilean Tsunami Rocks the Ross Ice Shelf
- Connecting sources of circumpolar deep water to the Antarctic continental shelf using lagrangian pathways
- Constraining the presence and abundance of an excess gas phase prior to the June 1991 eruption of Mt Pinatubo (Philippines) using S-isotopes
- Constraints on Fault Damage Zone Properties and Normal Modes from a Dense Linear Array Deployment along the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- Construction, Installation, and Results from a Seafloor Horizontal Optical Fiber Strainmeter
- Contrasting Ambient Brown Carbon from Primary Emissions and Secondary Production
- Crustal and mantle source inputs in the evolution of the South China Sea
- DSA-WDS Common Requirements: Developing a New Core Data Repository Certification
- Data Nomads: Find Your Way with the Atlas of Organizations
- Derivation of phase velocity from joint analysis between translation and rotation/strain
- Detection of the Combined Seismic and Infrasound Fields at the USArray Transportable Array
- Dispersion induced by permeable surfaces
- Dynamic modeling of the Mw, 7.8 Gorkha earthquake
- Earthquake Early Warning with Seismogeodesy: Detection, Location, and Magnitude Estimation
- Earthquake Source Properties from P-wave Spectra
- Effect of atmospheric forcing resolution on the model fidelity of sea level variability in the North Pacific
- Effective Social Media Practices for Communicating Climate Change Science to Community Leaders
- Effects of southeastern Pacific sea surface temperature on the double-ITCZ bias in NCAR CESM1
- Enhanced methane emission during carbonaceous sediment-basalt interactions as a mechanism for mass extinction
- Estimate of Rayleigh-to-Love Wave Energy Ratio based on Array-derived Rotation and Vertical Component Seismograms
- Evaluating the Roles of Topography and Aerosols in Atmospheric River Rainout Using a Paired Stable Isotope and Ice Nucleating Particle Time Series Approach
- Evaluation of the scale-awareness of the multi-draft ZM scheme
- Event Relocations, Focal Mechanisms and Source Parameters of Recent Earthquake Sequences in the Reno, Nevada Urban Areas
- Evidence for Primordial Water in Earths Deep Mantle: D/h Ratios in Baffin Island and Icelandic Picrites
- Evidence that Palmer Station Antarctica seasonal O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> cycles understate regional marine boundary layer means
- Experiential Learning: High School Student Response to Learning Oceanography at Sea
- Fault Deformation and Segmentation of the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon, and San Onofre Trend Fault Systems from New High-Resolution 3D Seismic Imagery
- FireMap: A Web Tool for Dynamic Data-Driven Predictive Wildfire Modeling Powered by the WIFIRE Cyberinfrastructure
- First direct on-line mass spectrometry measurements of marine ice nucleating particles
- Flexural-gravity Wave Attenuation in a Thick Ice Shelf
- From Mars Meteorites to Laboratory Investigations: Understanding Heterogeneous Photochemical Transformations Using Oxygen Triple Isotope Anomalies of Carbonates
- Geologic Maps of the Clarias Rise, Mars
- Global surface density variability on scales relevant to SWOT
- Gravity and InSAR remote sensing of groundwater usage in the Sahel and Horn of Africa
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift and Valles Caldera Area, New Mexico
- Heat Flow Budget of the Gulf of California Rift: Preliminary Results of a High Resolution Survey Across the Wagner Basin
- High-Resolution Relocations of Digital-Era Seismicity and Stress Field Estimates in the Vicinity of the Nevada National Security Site, Southern Nevada
- High-resolution Body Wave Tomography of the Ross Sea Embayment, Antarctica
- Highly siderophile element systematics of abyssal peridotites from intermediate and fast spreading ridges
- How do Wave Properties Determine the Surfzone Horizontal Eddy Diffusivity?
- Imaging hydrothermal roots along the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca ridge using elastic full waveform inversion.
- Imaging the mantle transition zone beneath Hawaii from seismic Ps receiver functions
- Impacts of ENSO on Air-Sea Oxygen Exchange: Observations and Mechanisms
- Implications of altered rainfall and exotic plants on soil microbial communities and carbon biomass
- Implications of cumulative GHG Emissions to Climate, Society and Ecosystems in California
- Improved Data Model and Data Entry Methods for the MagIC Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Database
- In Situ Carbon Dioxide and Methane Measurements from a Tower Network in Los Angeles
- Influence of the Equatorial Kelvin Waves on the Reversal of the Somali Current
- Innovative contributions and continued diplomacy will be necessary on the path forward from Paris
- Ins and outs of a complex subduction zone: C cycling along the Sunda margin, Indonesia
- Integrating Semantic Information in Metadata Descriptions for a Geoscience-wide Resource Inventory.
- Internal Structure of the San Jacinto Fault Zone at Blackburn Canyon from a Dense Linear Deployment across the Fault
- Internal Tide Generation, Propagation and Transformation north of Pt. Conception, CA: Observations and Model Simulations
- Investigating the Impact of Solar Wind Model Boundary Conditions on Model Verification Metrics
- Investigation of Partial Melting in Planetary Interiors using Electrical Measurements
- Isotope Effect in Ozone Formation: Assessing the Relationship Between Photon Energy and Stabilization
- Joint tomographic inversion of surface wave and body wave data: shear wavespeed and Vp/Vs ratios in the mantle beneath the Continental US
- Laboratory Studies of the Cloud Droplet Activation Properties and Corresponding Chemistry of Saline Playa Dust
- Lateral variations of mantle transition-zone discontinuities
- Lava Accumulation Patterns at Fast-Spread Ridges and the Fidelity of Marine Magnetic Anomalies
- Lithosphere Flexure at Pacific Trenches: Relating Bending Moment to Seafloor Age
- Lithospheric Subduction on Earth and Venus?
- Low Cloud Feedback Amplifies Tropical North Atlantic Mutidecadal Oscillation: Observations, Model and Consequences
- Mapping Anisotropy in the Lowermost Mantle: Towards Understanding Its Cause
- Mesoscale and submesoscale variability in Drake Passage, Southern Ocean: observations from ocean gliders
- Meter Scale Heterogeneities in the Oceanic Mantle Revealed in Ophiolites Peridotites
- Methods for in situ Mesocosm Water Table Manipulation in Amazon Peatlands
- Mixed Calcium Dust and Carbonaceous Particles from Asia Contributing to Precipitation Changes in California
- Modeling coastal upwelling around a small-scale coastline promontory
- Modeling upper ocean diurnal variability: the role of diurnal winds versus wind gusts.
- Moho Temperature and Compositional Controls on Lithospheric Bending Strength in the Western United States
- Moment Magnitudes and Local Magnitudes for Small Earthquakes: Implications for Ground-Motion Prediction and b-values
- Monitoring Urbanization Processes from Space: Using Landsat Imagery to Detect Built-Up Areas at Scale
- Monitoring the Daytime Earth Radiation Budget from DSCOVR
- National High Frequency Radar Network (hfrnet) and Pacific Research Efforts
- New Possibilities for High-Resolution, Large-Scale Ecosystem Assessment of the World's Semi-Arid Regions
- North Pacific Meridional Mode over the Common Era
- Numerical Modeling of Infragravity Wave Runup on Steep and Mildly Sloping Natural Beaches
- Observations and models of Co- and Post-Seismic Deformation Due to the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake
- Observations of Cross-Surf-zone / Inner-shelf Dye Exchange from Aerial Hyperspectral and in Situ Data.
- Observations of High-frequency Internal Wave Energy Offshore of Point Loma, California
- Observations of Nonlinear Internal Wave Runup into the Surfzone
- Observed Strengthening of Inter-basin Exchange via the Indonesian Seas due to Rainfall Intensification
- Oceanic Spreading and Continental Rifting in Ross Sea, West Antarctica
- Optical Fiber Strainmeters at Piñon Flat Observatory: Calibration, Intercomparison, and Performance
- Organic Functional Group Composition of Submicron Aerosol Particles at Alert, Nunavut, during 2012-2014
- Parametric Analysis of the feasibility of low-temperature geothermal heat recovery in sedimentary basins
- Pathways to 1.5 degrees: new GCM simulations for scenarios which meet the Paris temperature targets
- Phase Locking between Atmospheric Convectively Coupled Equatorial Kelvin Waves and the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation over the Maritime Continent
- Physical Properties of Gabbroic Rock Exposed in Oceanic Core Complexes- New Borehole Data From IODP Hole U1473A in the Indian Ocean and Prior Mid-Atlantic Ridge Results
- Physicochemical Characterization of Nanoparticles from Indoor Ventilation Systems and Their Potential Health Impacts
- Process Contributions to Cool Java SST Anomalies at the Onset of Positive Indian Ocean Dipole Events
- Recent Instrumentation Developments in the Global Seismographic Network (GSN)
- Recent deformation on the San Diego Trough and San Pedro Basin fault systems, offshore Southern California: Assessing evidence for fault system connectivity.
- Reconciling Seismicity and Geodetic Locking Depths on the Anza Segment of the San Jacinto Fault
- Reducing Uncertainty in GMPE's Through Physical Explanations of the Path Term
- Relationships Between Gravity Waves Observed At The Surface And In The Stratosphere Over The Continental United States
- Residual topography and gravity anomalies reveal structural controls on co-seismic slip in the 2011 M<SUB>w</SUB> 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- SOCCOM Biogeochemical Profiling Floats: Representativeness and Deployment Strategies Utilizing GO-SHIP/Argo Observations and SOSE/Hycom Model Output
- Satellite observations of diurnal wind-convection coupling in the Bay of Bengal
- Scalable parallel inversion of electromagnetic induction data using unstructured grids and goal oriented adaptive finite elements
- Scale-dependency of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions using Scale-Aware Cloud Microphysics in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- SciSpark: In-Memory Map-Reduce for Earth Science Algorithms
- SeaView: bringing EarthCube to the Oceanographer
- Seasonal and interannual variations in the influence of cloud cover variability on snowpack and streamflow in the western U.S.
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation of Tailpipe Emissions from On-road Gasoline Vehicles
- Seismogeodetic monitoring techniques for tsunami and earthquake early warning and rapid assessment of structural damage
- Siderophile Element Constraints on the Origin of the Moon
- Six years after the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake: Transient far-field postseismic vertical motion observed by tide gauges and GPS
- Slow Preconditioning for Abrupt Convective Jump Over the Summer Northwest Pacific
- Sorting Earth Materials as a Means to Explore Physical Properties of Rocks and Minerals
- Southern Ocean Zonal Scale Summertime Oxygen Outgassing and Carbon Dioxide Ingassing
- Spatial and temporal distributions of ice nucleating particles during the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (ACAPEX)
- Subglacial sediment mechanics investigated by computer simulation of granular material
- Submesoscale currents and coastal wave impacts: example of the North Carolina Outer Banks and possible investigation with future satellites
- Subsurface metagenomes uncover a vast repertoire of hypervariable proteins encoded by genetic elements in uncultivated organisms and viruses
- Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation During Vacuum Ultraviolet Photolysis of SO<SUB>2</SUB>: Implication for Meteorites and Early Earth
- Summertime Atmospheric Boundary Layer Gradients of O2 and CO2 Over the Southern Ocean
- The ARM West Antarctic Radiation Experiment (AWARE)
- The Effect of Biological Processes on Sea Spray Aerosol Composition and the Impact on Nitric Acid Heterogeneous Reactivity
- The Effect of Oxygen on the Structure and Dynamics of Planetary Cores: Insights from Melting Phase Relations in the Fe-S and Fe-S-O Systems
- The Global Seismographic Network (GSN): Goals, Structure, Accomplishments and Challenges
- The Impact of Marine Enzymatic Activity on Sea Spray Aerosol Properties
- The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) and its impacts on the Indian Ocean during the global warming slowdown period
- The Role of Viscous Coupling in Determining Subduction Style within Numerical Models of Mantle Convection
- The annual cycle of nitrate and net community production in surface waters of the Southern Ocean observed with SOCCOM profiling floats
- Tidal energy dissipation over long geological timescales
- Tide Clouds: The atmospheric response to tidal mixing in the Indonesian Seas
- Topographic beta-plane turbulence and form stress
- Toward Improving Convection Simulation in Global Climate Models
- Toward a 30m resolution time series of historical global urban expansion: exploring variation in North American cities
- Tracing Mantle Plumes: Quantifying their Morphology and Behavior from Seismic Tomography
- Tracking RAFOS-enabled, under-ice Argo profiling floats using a Kalman smoothing technique
- Trends in the frequency of sea-surface fronts in the California Current System detected by satellite imagery
- Tsunami Generation Model Using Precise Seafloor Geodetic Data Along the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Ultra-Long Time Dynamics of Contaminant Plume Mixing Induced by Transient Forcing Factors in Geologic Formations
- Ultraprecise compaction and vertical strain measured in the Mississippi River Delta using Optical Fiber Strainmeters
- Understanding the recent changes in the Southern Ocean carbon cycle: A multidisciplinary approach
- Upper-mantle discontinuities beneath USArray from topside reflections
- Urgent and Compelling Need for Coastal and Inland Aquatic Ecosystem Research Using Space-Based Sensors
- Verification of Scaling Relationship Between Litter Production and Biomass in a Near Tropical Montane Cloud Forest
- Vortex interactions between mean longshore currents and transient rip currents
- What can Citizen Science do for Ocean Science and Ocean Scientists?
- Wind-driven Sea-Ice Changes Intensify Subsurface Warm Water Intrusion into the West Antarctic Land Ice Front
- Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O Trends of Collected Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Resulting from Seasonal Changes in the Biosphere
- 3D Constraints On Fault Architecture and Strain Distribution of the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon and San Onofre Trend Fault Systems
- A 3D view of magnetic stripes at Pito Deep: implications for the thermal history of fast-spreading lower oceanic crust
- A Comparative Analysis of Postseismic Deformation due to Three Major Thrust Earthquakes at the Margins of the Tibetan Plateau
- A Model of Volcanic Outgassing for Earth's Early Atmosphere
- A focus on melt focusing
- ASHI: An All Sky Heliospheric Imager for Viewing Thomson-Scattered Light
- Advancing solar energy forecasting through the underlying physics
- An Improved Method to Determine Coda-Q, Earthquake Magnitude, and Site Amplification: Theory and Application to Southern California
- An Iterative Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Analysis Using Time-dependent 3-D MHD Models as Kernels
- An Updated Earthquake Relocation Catalog for the Island of Hawaíi from 2009 to 2016
- Assessing δ<SUP>18</SUP>O heterogeneity in Icelandic olivine crystals
- Basic to Advanced InSAR Processing: GMTSAR
- Campaign-Style Measurements of Vertical Seafloor Deformation in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using an Absolute Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder
- Central Atlantic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Study (CAL-LAB): Massive Coast effects in MT data
- Cloud Microphysics and Aerosols as Drivers of Variability in Orographic Precipitation Under Atmospheric River Conditions
- Combined GPS and seismic monitoring of a 12-story structure in a region of induced seismicity in Oklahoma
- Combining X-Ray Fluorescence and Magnetic Techniques to Quantify Elemental Concentrations in Coral Cores from Belize
- Combining observations and models to reduce uncertainty in the cloud response to global warming
- Comment on "Localized water reverberation phases and its impact on back-projection images" by Yue et al. [2017]
- Conceptual Model for the Geothermal System of the Wagner Basin, Gulf of California
- Deep uncertainty and broad heterogeneity in country-level social cost of carbon
- Detecting Land-Use Change and On-Farm Investments at the Plot Scale
- Detection of very long period solar free oscillations in ambient seismic array noise
- Development and validation of a regional coupled forecasting system for S2S forecasts
- Dynamic Rupture Models of the 2015 MW7.8 Nepal Earthquake
- EarthCube Data Discovery Hub: Enhancing, Curating and Finding Data across Multiple Geoscience Data Sources.
- Electrical Investigation of Metal-Olivine Systems and Application to the Deep Interior of Mercury
- Establishment of a Subsidence Superstation in the Mississippi Delta: Integrating sediment core, SET, GPS and vertical strainmeter data to understand subsidence
- Estimating the Global Agricultural Impact of Solar Radiation Management using Volcanic Eruptions as Natural Experiments
- Evaluating the use of seafloor pressure data for the study of slow slip earthquakes; insights from the 2011-2015 Cascadia Initiative deployment
- Externally forced patterns of multidecadal cloud change in observations and models
- Formation and stability of a double subduction system: a numerical study
- Full wave field recording of the vertical strain at SAFOD from local, regional and teleseismic earthquakes
- GPS Measurements of Crustal Deformation in San Diego, CA: Results from fixed-height monument network and implications for the Inner Continental Borderlands
- Global Bathymetry: Machine Learning for Data Editing
- Global and regional drivers of land-use emissions 1961-2013
- High-Resolution Body Wave Tomography of the Ross Sea Embayment, Antarctica
- How to spy on your neighbor's water consumption from space
- IODP Site 1476: 7.5 Million Year Record of Southeast African Climate
- Imaging Small-scale Seafloor and Sub-seafloor Tectonic Fabric Using Satellite Altimetry
- Impacts of Biomass Burning on African Climate and Inhabitants
- Increases to Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols from SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the Southeastern US
- Insights into lithospheric structure beneath the Central and Eastern United States from a joint inversion for Vp and Vs anomalies
- Interseismic Coupling, Co- and Post-seismic Slip: a Stochastic View on the Northern Chilean Subduction Zone
- Iron snow in the Martian Core?
- Laboratory Simulation and Measurement of Instrument Drift in Quartz-Resonant Pressure Gauges
- Local near-instantaneously dynamically triggered aftershocks of large earthquakes at transform plate boundaries
- Long-lived tsunami edge-waves within the Tehuantepec Gulf triggered by the Mw8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake
- Mapping mantle-melting anomalies in Baja California: a combined subaereal-submarine noble gas geochemistry new data set.
- Marine self potential and CSEM measurements using an autonomous underwater vehicle
- Meteorological Drivers of West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Ice Shelf Surface Melt
- Micro-mechanics of hydro-mechanical coupled processes during hydraulic fracturing in sandstone
- Microseismicity along major Ross Ice Shelf rift resulting from thermal contraction of the near-surface firn layer
- Multiphase modeling of channelized pyroclastic density currents and the effect of confinement on mobility and entrainment
- Multiple geophysical observations indicate possible splay fault activation during the 2006 Java Tsunami earthquake
- Near Real Time Structural Health Monitoring with Multiple Sensors in a Cloud Environment
- Near-surface elastic changes in the Ross Ice Shelf arising from transient storm and melt forcing observed with high-frequency ambient seismic noise
- Not Business-as-Usual: Resetting Expectations for Recruitment, Engagement & Professional Development of Today's URM in Geosciences
- Observation and modeling of hydrothermal response to the 2015 eruption at Axial Seamount, Northeast Pacific: An OOI Cabled Observatory case study
- Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
- Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling Processes Affecting Predictability in the Climate System
- Pacific Research Platform - Creation of a West Coast Big Data Freeway System Applied to the CONNected objECT (CONNECT) Data Mining Framework for Earth Science Knowledge Discovery
- Path and site effects in GMPEs: Incorporating crustal physical properties for region-specific ground motion estimation using small magnitude data from Southern California
- Pito Deep reveals spatial/temporal variability of accretionary processes in the lower oceanic crust at fast-spread MOR
- Pito Seamount revisited: the discovery and mapping of new black smoker vents
- Predictive Power of Clean Bed Filtration Theory for Fecal Indicator Bacteria Removal in Stormwater Biofilters
- Probabilistic estimation of splitting coefficients of normal modes of the Earth, and their uncertainties, using an autoregressive technique
- Remote and Local Influences in Forecasting Pacific SST: a Linear Inverse Model and a Multimodel Ensemble Study
- Resuspended dust as a novel source of marine ice nucleating particles
- Seismic and thermal structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica from inversion of multiple seismic datasets
- Short-period variability in terrestrial water storage from GNSS observations of Earth surface deformation
- Study of Rayleigh-Love coupling from Spatial Gradient Observation
- The Characteristics of Kelvin waves in the Navy Global Coupled System
- The Double ITCZ Syndrome in GCMs: A Coupled Problem among Convection, Atmospheric and Ocean Circulations
- The Global Seismographic Network (GSN): Deployment of Next Generation VBB Borehole Sensors and Improving Overall Network Noise Performance
- The Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers on California's Extreme Precipitation
- The Ongoing Addition of Infrasound Sensors and the Flexette Wind-Noise Reducing System to Global Seismic Network Stations Operated by Project IDA
- The variable nature of the solar wind
- Toward constructing a time-series of geomagnetic field variations from thermal remanence in slowly cooled igneous rocks
- Towards PACE Atmospheric Correction, Aerosol and Cloud Products: Making Use of Expanded Spectral, Angular and Polarimetric Information.
- Towards a Better Understanding of Biomas Burning and Large Scale Climate Dynamics on the West African Monsoon
- Transforming Ocean Observations of the Carbon Budget, Acidification, Hypoxia, Nutrients, and Biological Productivity: a Global Array of Biogeochemical Argo Floats
- Travel time tomography with local image regularization by sparsity constrained dictionary learning
- Understanding Complex Seismic Anisotropy in Western U.S. using 4D Mantle Flow Models
- Understanding the Impact of Model Surfactants on Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity of Sea Spray Aerosols
- Using a history of subduction to constrain timing and depth of seismic anisotropy development under the western United States
- Using geodynamic models to investigate how sediments influence subduction dynamics.
- Vertical Strain Measured in the Mississippi River Delta Using Borehole Optical Fiber Strainmeters
- Weather on Steroids: The Art of Climate Change Science.
- West-WRF Sensitivity to Sea Surface Temperature Boundary Condition in California Precipitation Forecasts of AR Related Events
- A New Harmonized Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Data Product and its Applications
- A Sentinel-1 survey of Aleutian arc volcano deformation using InSAR time series analysis
- A multidisciplinary assessment of heat flux at the core mantle boundary
- A strong seismic reflector above the Kamchatka slab in the lower mantle
- ARTMIP-Early Start Comparison of Atmospheric River Detection Tools:How Many Atmospheric Rivers Hit Northern California's Russian River Watershed?
- ASHI: An All Sky Heliospheric Imager for viewing Thomson-scattered sunlight
- Aerosol Particle Size Distributions from Sea Spray and their Variability during Four Seasons in the North Atlantic
- An independent quantification of global ocean heat uptake from changes in atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Analysis of Atmospheric Transport Uncertainty for Different Weather Regimes over Los Angeles Basin and its Impact on Greenhouse Gases Mixing Ratios
- Analysis of Fault-Fold Structures along the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon Fault System at an unprecedented scale using 3D P-Cable seismic reflection data
- Assessing the impact of representing snow-albedo feedback on the response of hydrology to a warming climate
- Assessment of Ocean Reference Models as the Basis for Long-Range Passive Acoustic Localization
- Assimilation of High-Resolution Measurements of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer collected from instrumented Unmanned Aerial Systems into a Coupled Numerical Weather Prediction Model
- Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe
- Asymmetric growth and decay of the geomagnetic dipole field examined with numerical dynamo simulations
- Atmospheric Rivers Drive Flood Damages in the Western United States
- Atmospheric rivers and public health: observed links between extreme precipitation events and California's coastal water quality
- Bringing deltaic geology into the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century: A multidisciplinary investigation of the subaqueous Mississippi River Delta Front
- Broadband seismic response of the Ross Ice Shelf to tidal forcing observed by stations near grounded ice margins
- CCHDO: delivering high quality hydrographic data from the Southern Ocean and beyond
- Calibrated pressure measurements for seafloor geodesy
- Causes of the anomalous heat flux onto the Greenland continental shelf
- Characterizing the vertical structure of the cloudy boundary layer with GPS radio occultation observations
- Coarse-grained Sediment Delivery to the Inner California Borderlands from the Last Glacial Maximum to Present
- Combining paleoseismic and geodetic data to study the characteristics of an auxiliary plate boundary fault within the California Borderlands: Earthquake history and preliminary slip rate for the southern section of the Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon fault system
- Comparison of Brune-type Stress Drops Estimated from Direct S and Coda Waves
- Comparison of hybrid 4DEnVar and 3DEnVar data assimilation methods for atmospheric river forecasts in the WRF model
- Comparison of variability in air-sea heat fluxes and Subantarctic Mode Water formation from concurrent mooring observations in the Southeast Indian and Southeast Pacific
- Constraints on geothermal reservoir volume change calculations from InSAR surface displacements and injection and production data
- Constraints on ocean heat uptake from the atmospheric argon-nitrogen ratio
- Cooling and Freshening of the Southeast Pacific by Enhanced Sea Ice Export from the Ross Sea
- Deep Carbon Storage in Fe-Ni-S Melt and Diamond Formation
- Defining Coastal Ecosystem Mooring Configurations to Improve Nationwide Ecosystem Observing Capabilities
- Defining Extreme Temperatures Using Social Remarkability: Evidence from Twitter for Rapidly-Shifting Baselines in a Changing Climate
- Dependence of the Global Burden of Aerosol-Driven Societal Impacts on the Geographic Location of Emissions
- Detecting Non-stationary Internal Tides in the California Current System: A Case Study for SWOT
- Determining the Daytime Earth Radiation Budget from DSCOVR
- Development of seafloor real-time geodetic observatories in the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone for slow slip event detection.
- Dissolved Kr and Xe isotope ratios in groundwater enable quantitative resolution of water-table depth at the time of recharge
- Earthquake Stress Drop and Peak Ground Motion: A Machine Learning Perspective
- Earthquake and emergent correlated noise detection from a dense seismic deployment on the San Jacinto fault zone
- Earthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing are pervasive in Oklahoma
- Effects of anthropogenic emission phase-out on public health and climate
- Eikonal tomography constrained by local sparse and low-rank matrix factorization
- End-To-End Metadata Curation Workflows for Improved Data Discovery: Experience of the Earthcube Data Discovery Hub Project
- Evaluation of the six year geomagnetic oscillation in hourly mean observatory data since 1930
- Expansion of GPS-Acoustic Arrays offshore the Cascadia and Alaska Subduction Zones
- Exploring the Southern Ocean Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) to Nitrate ratio: A hybrid profiling float and model study
- Factors controlling topography at ocean-continent convergent margins using 2D numerical models
- Fault Segmentation Controls on Stratal Geometry and Morphology; New Insights from 3D P-Cable data Offshore Southern California
- Feasibility of Detecting Submerged Landforms and Archaeological Resources Using Controlled Source Electromagnetic Methods
- First constraint on historical geomagnetic secular variation in Cambodia, Southeast Asia
- Formation of Organosulfur Compounds in the Aqueous Phase Through Transition Metal Ions Catalyzed Reactions
- Gaseous Carbon Waste Streams Utilization: Status and Research Needs
- Geodetic Imaging of the 2018 Kilauea Volcano Eruption
- Geotechnical Characterization of Mississippi River Delta Front Sediments
- Global Implications of Arctic Sea Ice Retreat
- Global Variations of the 520-km Discontinuity
- Global bathymetry at 15 arc seconds resolution with implications for the isostatic compensation of geological features in the MH370 survey area
- Granular physics of soil production and creep
- Hawaii Island Seismicity High-Precision Relocation 1986-2017
- Heliopause Instability and Its Relation to Variations in the Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux at Voyager 1
- High spectral resolution datasets of in situ aquatic inherent and apparent optical properties
- High-frequency and high-wavenumber variability in the California Current: Evaluating model requirements for SWOT assimilation
- How does deforestation affect rainfall recycling in the southern Amazon and northern Cerrado?
- Idealized simulations of wave-current interactions over geophysical flows
- Importance of cropping area in driving crop production under climatic warming
- Improving scientific data discovery and access - a case study using high resolution topography data in OpenTopography
- InSAR deformation time-series of the 2018 Kilauea events: depletion of the volcano, the east rift zone and the Mw 6.9 Earthquake
- Influence of Biological Activity in Seawater on the Formation of Secondary Marine Aerosol
- Integrating Semantically-Enhanced Cross-Disciplinary Geoscience Resource Catalog with a JupyterHub-based Analytical Workbench: the EarthCube Data Discovery Hub Project.
- Integrating clinic and climate to shed new light on Kawasaki Disease
- Interannual variations and trend of Southern Ocean deep mixed layers and Subantarctic mode water based on Argo data: patterns and mechanisms
- Internal Wave-Driven Mixing in Continental Slope Canyons
- Internal Waves Across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Investigating atmosphere-ocean-wave interactions and mesoscale features in atmospheric river events using a regional coupled model
- Joint analysis of seismic, geologic, resistivity and topographic data collected within the San Jacinto fault zone trifurcation area near Anza, California
- Lagrangian transport by breaking deep-water surface waves
- Leveraging network science to evaluate mechanisms and models of soil organic matter stabilization and change
- Long range vs marine sources of aerosols and their effects upon landfalling atmospheric rivers in California
- Long-term Reproducibility of Carbonate Standard D<SUB>47</SUB> values: An Intra-laboratory Comparison
- Mapping Economic Impact of Major Hurricanes in 2014-2018: Visualization of VIIRS DNB and LEHD Data.
- Marine Ice Nucleating Particles: Creation, Characteristics and Controls over Emissions
- Melt focusing at mid ocean ridges
- Meridional asymmetry in recent Pacific sea surface height trends
- Meteorological Observations of the Alaska Transportable Array
- Microseismicity along Major Ross Ice Shelf Rift Resulting from Tidal Stresses and Thermal Contraction of the Near-Surface Firn Layer
- Momentum and vorticity budgets of the Arabian Sea and reversing Somali Current in a 0.1° global ocean model
- Multi-Sensor Natural Hazard Structural Monitoring at the UC San Diego Geisel Library
- Multi-scale study of ground motion coherence in Piñon Flats Observatory
- NIWA's δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurement Programme: Twenty Years of Monitoring in New Zealand and Antarctica, including the Performance Assessment of an in-situ Analyser at Baring Head
- Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory
- Observed Monsoon Precipitation Suppression Caused by Anomalous Inter-hemispheric Aerosol Transport Over the Gulf of Guinea
- Observed Water Vapor Budget in an Atmospheric River over the Northeast Pacific
- On the contribution of co-seismic displacements to the 2018 Palu Tsunami
- Ongoing modernization of the Global Seismographic Network
- Optical Fiber Strainmeters and the Potential for the Detection of Slow Slip Events
- PIDs, Decisions & Open Science for All: What the Scholarly Commons Could do for Us
- Physical drivers of phytoplankton bloom initiation in the Southern Ocean
- Pilot Study Recommendations from the IRIS GSN Working Group on Long-Term Seafloor Seismographs
- Propagation of Tsunami-Induced Infragravity Waves
- Quality control measures and analysis of EarthScope's USArray Transportable Array in the conterminous United States
- Quantifying Methane Hydrate in the Gulf of Mexico Using Controlled Source Electromagnetic Methods.
- Quantifying the Relationship between Inequality and the Stability and Sustainability of the Coupled Societal-Environmental System in New Orleans
- Questioning the Penrose Paradigm: Insights from in-situ gabbroic lower ocean crust at Pito Deep
- Reasons to doubt the 15 November 2017 Pohang, South Korea, earthquakes were induced
- Regional Aerosol Impacts in India from Local and Non-Local Sources and their Implications for Emissions Accounting
- Seafloor geodesy calibration from sidescan sonar surveys of the Ayu Trough
- Seismic moment variations of the San Andreas Fault System: Exploring sensitivity of crustal rheology in southern California
- Shallow slow slip event on the Southern San AndreasFault triggered by the 2017 Chiapas (Mexico) earthquake
- Southern Ocean Storm positions and intensity estimated with seismic observations in the Ross Ice Shelf
- Spatially Heterogeneous Subsidence in California's Central Valley Attributable to Differential Water Demand
- Spectral Distortion of Volcano Infrasound at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, by Topographic Diffraction and Nonlinear Acoustic Propagation
- Spectral modeling of the radiative interactions between large scale solar farms and the atmosphere
- Stormquakes: New sources light up North America
- Stratéole 2: An Ultra Long Duration Super Pressure Balloon Campaign to Study the Equatorial Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Stress Accumulation Rates of the San Andreas Fault System Derived from Spatial Variations in Crustal Rigidity
- Stress-Drop Estimates for Seismicity on Hawai'i Island from P-wave Spectral Analysis
- Subseasonal Predictability of Sea Level in the Hawaiian Islands
- Surface Creep Rate of the Southern San Andreas Fault Modulated by Stress Perturbations from Nearby Large Events
- Sustainability Stories: Guidelines for Scientists on Making Engaging and Uplifting Videos
- TPOS 2020: Evolving the Tropical Pacific Observing System
- The Climatology of Rainfall Before, During, and After Atmospheric River Landfalls in California
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Initial Benchmarks and Future Directions
- The Detectability of Offshore Slow Slip Earthquakes with Seafloor Pressure Sensors: A Sensitivity Analysis for the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- The Electrical Conductivity of Dehydrating Lawsonite and Implications for Cascadia Subduction Zone Structure
- The Formation and Morphology of Discordant Zones
- The MagIC Database Looks Toward Stability and Sustainability with Open Source Software, Data Model 3.0, and New Funding
- The Role of Rainfall-Runoff Processes in Associations Between Heavy Rainfall and Waterborne Disease
- The climate geoengineering and global income inequality paradox
- The contribution of geologic emissions, thawing permafrost and methane hydrates to the global methane budget - perspective from ice core records
- The effect of ion multi-scales on magnetic reconnection in earth's magnetotail -Cluster and MMS observations and comparisons with simulations
- The effect of sediment fluxes on the dynamics and style of convergent margins
- The role of hydrological initial conditions on Atmospheric River floods along the U.S. West Coast in a warming climate
- Towards Improved Stress Drop Measurement: A Detailed Comparison of Contrasting Approaches
- Two decades of coastal oceanic nitrous oxide emissions inferred from atmospheric measurements and high-resolution inverse modelling
- Understanding the role of asymmetrical warming on streamflow changes in the Western U.S. using multi-model approach
- Unusual Warmth in California's Central Sierra Nevada during the 2012-2015 Drought
- Up hot creek with a paddle: Characteristics of western US hydropower operators who support environmental flows under climate change
- Using oil to understand groundwater and subsidence dynamics in California's Central Valley
- Variability in Southern Ocean air-sea carbon dioxide fluxes estimated from biogeochemical profiling floats
- Water Level Changes within the Great Lakes Induce Observable Vertical Displacements in North America
- Web-based Topographic Differencing of High Resolution Topography Data
- What we do and don't know about the 2018 Palu Tsunami - A future plan
- X-Band Radar Observations of Shoaling Nonlinear Internal Waves in Coastal California
- A 1.1 billion-year-old anisotropy experiment: a study of anorthosite xenoliths within the Beaver River diabase
- A Global View on Geomagnetic Excursions Through the Past 100 kyr
- A Recipe for Groundwater on Mars
- A dynamic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary dictated by variations in melt generation and migration: Results from the PI-LAB Experiment in the Equatorial Mid Atlantic
- A dynamic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary revealed using marine magnetotelluric data
- A global view on mantle melt dynamics from the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary the transition zone, insights from the PI-LAB experiment
- A machine learning approach to data editing and rescue for global bathymetry models
- A scale of atmospheric river intensity captures the economic impacts of flooding in the western United States
- Advanced Discovery, Visualization, and Access of the Cryosphere's Changing Surface Height from NASA's ICESat-2 Mission Using the OpenAltimetry Platform.
- Antarctic Shelf Break Processes and Circumpolar Deep Water Intrusion
- Anthropogenic Heat Intensities - Studying Surface Urban Heat Islands Worldwide
- Are Rainfall Trends Associated with Deforestation in the Southern Amazon and Northern Cerrado?
- Assessing the Rohingya Displacement Crisis Using Satellite Data and Convolutional Neural Networks
- Assessing the in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C production rates by muons using <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>, <SUP>14</SUP>CO, and <SUP>14</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> measurements in ice cores
- Cenozoic Evolution of the Iceland Hotspot Reveals a Temporal Shift in the Composition of the Primordial Component
- Classifying emergent and impulsive signals in continuous seismic waveforms
- Climate-to-ecosystem integrated modeling in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary: An overview of the CASCaDE project (Part 1—Modeling of physical processes)
- Clouds and Precipitation in Tibetan Plateau: Comparison of Satellite Observations and CAM5 Simulations
- Cold Air Pooling during Summer Heat Waves in California's Sierra Nevada
- Contributions of aerosol-cloud interactions to mid-Piacenzian seasonally sea ice-free Arctic Ocean
- Contributions of local anthropogenic, marine, and long-range transported aerosol to cloud properties and precipitation in Northern California during atmospheric river events in CalWater-2015
- Controlled-source Electromagnetic Imaging of Submarine Groundwater Reservoirs Offshore the Island of Hawai'i
- Creative use of surroundings on (or near) campus for experiential learning in introductory physical geology and Earth science classes.
- Cryo Purge and Trap Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry for the Quantitative Measurement of Organosulfur Compounds Over the Course of a Phytoplankton Bloom
- D Global Kinetic Simulations of Solar-Wind Interactions Under Extreme Space Weather
- Deep Structure of the Main Himalayan Thrust and Indian Mantle From Structural Imaging, Geodetic Modeling, and Seismicity
- Determining the dependence of relative humidity and oxidative aging on the hygroscopicity and phase state of sea spray aerosol
- Development of a Differential Pressure Gauge Calibration System
- Downscaling IPCC Scenarios to the Hourly Level: Projected Changes in Energy Demand and Chill Hours in California
- Drift Corrected Pressure Time Series at Axial Seamount, July 2018 to Present
- Drivers of high latitude atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal cycle and amplitude: considering the role of plant functional types
- Dynamic architecture and the restructuring of subsurface flow in the Critical Zone of the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
- EESI Does It: Utilizing Extractive Electrospray Ionization to Determine the Molecular Composition of Secondary Marine Aerosol Generated in a Mesocosm during the Sea Spray Chemistry and Particle Evolution (SeaSCAPE) 2019 Experiment
- Effects of local atmospheric conditions on plane-of-array solar irradiance
- Effects of off-fault inelasticity on near-fault directivity pulses
- Electrical Investigation of the Fe-S-O-Mg and Fe-S-O-Si Systems up to 10 GPa and Application to Terrestrial Cores
- Electrical properties of multi-component methane hydrate systems, a potential tool for constraining volumetric distribution of fluids in high-saturation formations
- End-to-End Workflow-Driven Hydrologic Analysis for Different User Groups in HydroFrame
- Experiences in Microgravity Surveying Techniques
- Exposing lateral complexity in the fast-spread lower ocean crust: U/Pb zircon chronology of gabbroic rocks from Pito Deep, EPR
- Extending Stochastic Representations of Geomagnetic Field Variability
- Factors Controlling the Release of Methylated Sulfur Species from Laboratory Mesocosm Experiments in Coastal Seawater
- Freight Trains as a Powerful Seismic Noise Source for Monitoring Active Faults
- Global estimates of human migration from projected climate change
- Global tropospheric OH concentrations in the past four decades inferred from surface network and satellite trace gas observations
- Gravitational fractionation of Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB> and age of air in the lowermost stratosphere
- Helium and carbon isotopes in southern Costa Rica and western Panama
- High Spatial Resolution Mesoscale Oceanic Variability from Non-repeat Satellite Altimetry
- Highly siderophile element and <SUP>187</SUP>Os/<SUP>188</SUP>Os heterogeneity in the 1.95 Ga Jormua Ophiolite, Finland: Implications for upper mantle budgets and evolution history
- Homogenization Schemes for Hydro-Mechanical Constitutive Modeling of Fractured Media
- How does El Nino warm the free troposphere?
- Hydroframe: A Software Framework to enable Continental Scale Hydrologic Simulation
- Hydrogen isotope systematics and water contents of the Icelandic crust - Implications for the water uptake of the oceanic crust
- Hydrothermal <SUP>15</SUP>N<SUP>15</SUP>N abundances constrain the origins of mantle nitrogen
- Icequakes Triggered by Tidal and Thermal Stresses along a Major Ross Ice Shelf Rift
- Identification of ecosystem-specific markers in dissolved organic matter by ultrahigh resolution tandem mass spectrometry
- Impact of sea surface salinity on tropical cyclone intensification in the Bay of Bengal
- Impacts of ozone and climate change on California perennial crops
- Influence of dust on landfalling atmospheric rivers in an idealized framework
- Instabilities and Magnetic Reconnection at the Heliopause Affect the Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux and Ion Acceleration
- Investigating the Effect of Nonlinear Acoustic Propagation on Infrasound-Based Volume Flux Estimates at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- Investigating the Source of Springs in Arequipa, Peru
- Investigating the role of fluids at three subduction zones along the Ring of Fire with electromagnetic data
- Investigation of inertia gravity waves observed by dropsonde and airborne Radio Occultation during an Atmosphere River event in the northeast Pacific
- Large Swell Events Impacting the Ross Ice Shelf and the Harmonic Excitation of Ice Shelf Seismic Waves
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Light-Induced Processes within Blooming Seawater: Making Connections between Marine Biology, Photochemical Transformations and Biogenic Emissions
- Line-of-Sight Deformation Time-series along the San Andreas Fault System from Sentinel-1 InSAR and GPS
- Machine Learning to Improve Satellite Observations of Orographic Winds
- Magnetic Evidence for Tectonic Movements Related to Paleo-OCC Massif at Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
- Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database Interoperability Improvements: ORCID, EarthCube, Google, and PmagPy
- Magnetosheath Jets in Global 3D Hydrid Simulations
- Many Roads to Paris: The Uncertain Aerosol Emissions Implied by National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets
- Measuring tidewater glacier melt rates with underwater noise
- Monitoring urban greenhouse gas emissions: Lessons from the NIST greenhouse gas measurements test-bed program
- Multiphase Oxidative Molecular-Level Transformations of Sea Spray Aerosol and Plastics Studied by Extractive Electrospray Ionization High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
- New, open-source micro-met station for capturing microclimate.
- Observation of slow crustal deformation by seafloor fiber optic strainmeter connected to DONET seafloor cable observation network.
- Observation-Based Aerosol Induced Stratocumulus-Cumulonimbus Transition in the Equatorial Atlantic
- Observing the 'Spheres with the EarthScope Transportable Array
- Ocean-Driven Seasonal Velocity Variability of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- On the parameterization of convective downdrafts to represent marine stratocumulus clouds
- On-Demand 3D topographic differencing hosted by OpenTopography
- Particle Acceleration by Magnetosheath Jet-driven Bow Waves
- Physics-based, Data-driven Solar Irradiance Forecasting
- Pre-Earthquake Deformation, Coseismic Displacements and Post-Earthquake Transient Motions in the Region of the Ridgecrest Earthquakes From Survey and Continuous GNSS Observations
- Production, Composition, and CCN Activity of Secondary Marine Aerosol Observed During SeaSCAPE
- Radiative impacts of Arctic sea ice melt: using observations to inform future climate effects
- Rapid Visualization and Analysis of ICESat-2 Data using an Intuitive GUI and JupyterHub Notebooks
- Rapid geomagnetic changes inferred from Earth observations and numerical simulations
- Recent Changes in United States Extreme Precipitation as Indicated by Excursions on the R-CAT Scale
- Recipe for a Caldera Collapse related to Magma Draining from a Deep Body in a Rift-Caldera Setting: The 2014-2015 Collapse of Bardarbunga, Iceland
- Remote Sensing and Synthetic Controls: Measuring the Effects of Land Titling on Agricultural Productivity in Benin
- Rupture models of the 2019 M6.4-7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes constrained by space geodetic data and aftershock locations
- SCOPE: Spectral Cloud Optical Property Estimation from GOES-R Longwave Imagery
- Sea Spray Aerosol Fluorescence: Intercomparison of Excitation Emission Matrix Spectroscopy and Single Particle Integrated Fluorescence Measurements
- Seismic Observations of Processes in Collisional Continental Lithosphere: Rheological Changes, Phase Changes, and Deformation
- Seismic Velocity Monitoring of Natural Faults: The FaultScan Project
- Source Spectra and Stress Drop of Deep Earthquakes in the Tonga Subduction Zone
- Spatiotemporal Variations of Earthquake Locations and Focal Mechanism Solutions for the Island of Hawai'i Based on 33 Years of Seismic Monitoring from 1986 to 2018
- Stormquakes
- Structural Properties of the Southern San Andreas Fault System near Coachella Valley from Magnetotelluric Imaging
- Sub-horizontal magnetic stripe boundaries imply conductive cooling in fast spread crust
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Prediction of Atmospheric Rivers and Precipitation over the Western United States
- Substantial increase in the joint occurrence and human exposure of heat and haze hazards over South Asia in the mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- TRM Measurements Of Single And Multi-Domain Magnetite Particles Using A Quantum Diamond Microscope
- The CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban Synthesis and Analysis ("CO<SUB>2</SUB>-USA") Project: Results and Deliverables
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
- The Distinctive Pb Isotopic Mantle Evolutions between the Paleo-Asian and Paleo-Tethyan Suboceanic Mantle Domains
- The Distribution of Heat-producing Elements during Mercury Evolution
- The Genesis of the Global Seismographic Network
- The Surprisingly Inexpensive Cost of Decentralized Emission Control Strategies
- The Zinc isotopic composition of the Moon and the origin of volatile loss
- The effect of sound velocity uncertainty on GNSS-Acoustic measurements quantified by synthetic tests
- The influence of spreading rate and permeability on melt focusing beneath mid-ocean ridges
- The precipitation wildcard: diagnosing the sources of uncertainty about precipitation's impact on welfare
- The role of oxygen ions on local and global dynamics during reconnection in the Magnetotail
- Thorough Annotation of Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Contributions with Structured Metadata
- Tidally Induced Icequake Swarms at the Grounded Margins of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Torn Subducting Cratonic Lithosphere Shown by Mantle Fluids: India Does Not Underplate the Lhasa Terrane West of 82° or East of 88°E, and Does Not Underplate the Qiangtang Terrane
- Tracking Volatiles Cycling at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, North Island, New Zealand: An Integrated Geologic, Petrologic and Isotopic Approach
- Tsunami hazard assessments with consideration of uncertain bathymetry
- Understanding spatiotemporal dimensions of groundwater sustainability using geophysical data and management boundaries
- Understanding the Role of Asymmetrical Warming on Streamflow Changes in the Western U.S. Using a Multi-model Approach
- Urban Seismic Noise Classification using Dense Array Data
- Using noble gases to trace the migration of hydrocarbons into shallow aquifers: separating signal from noise with inverse modelling techniques
- Using the similarity Matrix Profile to detect and study foreshocks and aftershocks of the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence
- <SUP>14</SUP>CO in Glacial Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from 1870 AD to Present
- A Homogenization Framework for Inelastic Layered Porous Materials
- A ten-step guide for engaging in science policy
- Accessing the Building Blocks of Life: Deepening Hole U1309D, Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: IODP Proposal 937.
- An Extreme-Preserving Long-Term Gridded Daily Precipitation Data Set for the Conterminous United States
- An Investigation of Oxygen Fugacity in Ocean Island Basalts
- Another Surprising Turn in the Global Emission of CFC-11
- Assessing Vulnerability and Adaptive Management Under Climate Change Scenarios: Lessons from California's Largest Reservoir
- Assessment of ICESat-2 For the Recovery of the Marine Gravity Anomalies
- Atmospheric Oxidation Impacts on Sea Spray Produced Ice Nucleating Particles
- Atmospheric river integrated vapor transport ground truth: dropsonde observations compared to reanalyses
- Automated Early Detection of Wildfire Smoke Using Deep Learning with Combined Spatial-Temporal Information
- Biases in temperature and precipitation over the CONUS in ensembles of the historical model simulations of CMIP6
- Biological and Anthropogenic Influences on the Organic Composition of Coastal Sea Spray Aerosol
- Building and Maintaining a global seismic network in the oceans
- COVID-19 Shutdown Reveals Patterns of Environmental Injustice in Minnesota
- CSEM Exploration for Submarine Groundwater: Paths for Encroachment or Exploitation?
- Can we identify mantle influence in paleomagnetic field reconstructions with help from geodynamo simulations?
- Carbon Isotopic Insights into Biological Processing of Marine Organic Matter and Transfer to Sea Spray Aerosol
- Causal inference using satellite data and artificial neural networks.
- Characterization of the High Velocity Impact Phenomena of Small Water-Ice Particles
- Climate Champions: A K12-University-Community Response to our Climate Crisis
- Cloud software for enabling community-oriented integrated hydrologic modeling
- Complicated lithospheric structures beneath the contiguous US revealed by teleseismic S reflections
- Constraints on marine gas-phase sulfur emissions during an induced phytoplankton bloom and their impact on sulfate formation in a coastal marine environment
- Critical Risk Indicators (CRIs) for the electric power grid: A survey and discussion of interconnected effects
- Crossing Oceans & Disciplines: Ocean Fellowship's Novel Approaches to Ocean-oriented Research
- Current Subsidence Rate of the Mississippi River Delta Using Satellite and Ground-based Observations
- Data Gaps within Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeastern Pacific
- Data-Model Comparisons of Tropical Hydroclimate Changes Over the Common Era
- Decoupled He-W isotope systematics in the East African Rift System
- Deep San Jacinto fault Zone Geometric and Bimaterial Properties from Analysis of Fault Zone Head Waves Recorded by Several Dense Across-fault Arrays
- Detecting seismic signals and sources with networks of single stations and arrays
- Detecting the Impact of COVID-19 Shutdowns on Anthropogenic Emissions in the Los Angeles and Baltimore/Washington Urban Regions
- Developing a Welfare-based Sustainable Energy Portfolio
- Developing a data-driven understanding of water management connectivity across physical and social boundaries
- Direct-waves passive monitoring of fault zones: processing strategy and source/structure sensitivity trade-offs
- Distinct spatial patterns of tidal and dynamic triggering at the Coso geothermal field
- Does Earthquake Stress Drop Increase With Depth?
- Dynamics of the coastal Stratocumulus cloud dissipation
- ENSO influence on freshwater and heat budgets in the Tropical Pacific Ocean state estimate
- Earthquake nucleation phases do not determine the event final magnitudes
- Environmental injustice in California revealed by the COVID-19 economic shutdown
- Equatorial waves triggering extreme rainfall and floods in southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Estimating past and future impacts of multiple dimensions of climate change
- Evaluating Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals from Space-Born Imagers at a Dusty AERONET site in Southeastern California
- Evaluating Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Electricity and Water Systems in the Western US with a Cross-Sectoral Energy-Water Nexus Modeling Approach
- Evaluating the meteorological conditions associated with dusty atmospheric rivers
- Evaluation of Commercial and Public GNSS RO observations during the Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Campaigns
- Evaluation of Hydro-Mechanical Inelastic Fracture Propagation in Weak Sandstone Reservoirs
- Evolution and dynamics of nonlinear internal wave fronts over inner- to mid-shelf
- Examination of Global Mid-Latitude Atmospheric River Lifecycle Precipitation Using an Object-oriented Methodology
- Explaining seasonal flow variations of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Failure Process of the September 22, 2017 Wrangell Mountain landslide in Alaska
- GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry measurements of sea levels and wave height at E. B. Scripps Pier, California
- Global CO<SUB>2</SUB> recycling time and gross primary productivity of the terrestrial and oceanic biospheres
- Global and Regional Drivers of Land-Use Emissions
- Going With the Flow: Using a Particle Dispersion Model to Reveal Links Between Ocean Ecosystems and Marine Aerosols
- High-precision, heavy noble gas isotope ratios in groundwater identify past water-table depth
- Humming trains as an opportunistic source for imaging the shallow crust
- Hypervelocity Sampling of the Enceladus Plume: Implications for Astrobiology Investigations
- Identification of Icequakes and Earthquakes on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica using Unsupervised Deep Embedded Clustering
- Imaging the next Cascadia earthquake: Optimal design for a seafloor observation network given realistic data uncertainties
- Increasing trend in atmosphere helium from 1975 to 2020
- Insights into San Joaquin Valley, California groundwater from GPS-enhanced InSAR surface displacements and in situ data
- Investigating the Feasibility of Using Loon Long Duration Balloons for Meteorological Studies
- Isotope Effects in Sulfur Recombination Reactions: Preliminary Results from Laboratory Experiments and Implications for Planetary Atmospheres
- Jupyter Notebooks as a tool to increase Visibility of EarthCube Products
- Machine Learning-Based Tomography of the Ridgecrest Region
- MagIC Updates: New Compact File Format Supports XPEEM, SQUID Microscopy, and FORC Contributions; Successful Interoperability with EPOS, GFZ Data Services; Continuing Collaboration with EarthCube's GeoCODES and ESIP's cluster
- Magma transport beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Mexico Perennial Crops in a Changing Climate
- Microbial biosignatures in the lower oceanic crust at Atlantis Bank, Indian Ocean
- Missing Freshwater Found at Depth During the Melt Season in the Canada Basin of the CESM Climate Model
- Modeling the sources of the 2018 Palu Tsunami, Indonesia, with the help of social media videos.
- Multi-Country Modeling of Sustainable Land-Use Futures for North America
- Multidisciplinary assessment of volatile release beneath North Island, New Zealand: geologic, geochemical, and thermodynamic forward modeling approach
- Multiresolution Tensor Learning for Efficient and Interpretable Spatial Analysis
- Nonlinear acoustic propagation single-point spectral indicator: Comparative performance analyses for Sakurajima, Yasur, Popocatépetl, Augustine, Nabro, Reventador, Tungurahua, Villarrica, Cotopaxi, and Calbuco explosion waveforms
- On the Impact of High-Frequency Wind Variability on Upper Ocean Stratification
- On the Misclassification of Suspended Dust at an AERONET Site in the Sonoran Desert
- Organic Composition of Three Different Size Ranges of Aerosol Particles over the Southern Ocean
- Organic Nitrogen, Bimodal Size Distributions, and Polluted Marine Air in an Ocean-in-Lab Experiment
- Pacific/Circumpolar and North Atlantic Deep Waters in the Argentine Basin: Lateral Stirring within the AMOC
- Paleointensity and Rock magnetism of Martian nakhlite meteorite MIL03346: Small Scale Magnetization of the Martian Crust
- Postseismic deformation and stress evolution following the 2015 M 7.2 Sarez (Pamir) earthquake constrained by 5 years of Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 observations
- Probabilistic Weather Prediction with Bayesian Neural Networks
- Projected changes of precipitation extremes in the U.S. Northeast based on two downscaled climate datasets LOCA and MACA
- Projections of Future Flood Damages Associated with Atmospheric Rivers in the Western United States
- Pyregence: Free and open access to the next generation of wildfire risk models for electricity grid resiliency
- Recent estimates of changes in the emissions of CFC-11 and related ozone-depleting substances from eastern China
- Recovering Mesoproterozoic geomagnetic field intensity using anorthosite xenoliths hosted in Midcontinent Rift diabase
- Regional Stress and Faulting Patterns in the Epicentral Area of the 2019 Ridgecrest (Eastern California) Earthquakes
- Relation Inference among Sensor Time Series in Smart Buildings with Metric Learning
- Revisiting AMOC Transport Estimates from Models and Observations
- Scenarios for Offshore Wind Power Production for BOEM Central California Call Areas
- Seasonal to Interannual Variability of Upper Ocean Temperature and Salinity: the Role of Atmospheric Rivers
- Seismic Stereometry reveals preparatory behavior and source kinematics of intermediate-size earthquakes
- Sensitivity of Western U.S. river basins to seasonally varying climate warming
- Simulating Observations from Loon Balloons for Atmospheric River Reconnaissance
- Simulation of Southern Ocean Properties Across Model Generations and Future Changes under Continued 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Warming in CMIP6.
- Simulation of flexural-gravity wave response of Antarctic ice shelves to tsunami and ocean wave impacts
- Supercool Southern Ocean Waters from Sinking Plumes and Ice-Shelf Melting
- The Impact of Climate Change on Mixed Layer Depth and its Role in Shaping Past and Future Marine Heatwaves
- The Interconnection between the Urban Heat Island and Social Factors on Health Outcomes: Transforming Heat Wave Experiences into Meaningful Community Improvement
- The North Pacific Pacemaker Effect on Historical ENSO and Its Mechanisms
- The Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent in Three Generations of Global Climate Models and Glider Observations
- The Urban Heat Island Effect: Capturing Community Engagement in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, NY
- The influence of spreading rate and permeability on melt focusing beneath mid-ocean ridges
- The role of O+ in the local, mesoscale and global dynamics of the earth's magnetotail
- The strength of the Earth's magnetic field from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Jordan
- Theory and Application of an Observational Method to Estimate the Direct Radiative Effect of Mineral Dust in Southeastern California
- Tidally forced icequakes near the grounding line of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica.
- Time-Varying Probability Distributions of Southern Ocean Surface Winds: Leading Empirical Modes Linked to SAM and the Annual Cycle
- Tonga Pumice raft Detection using MODIS images during their drift: biological and SST signatures within and around rafts in August 2019
- Towards Physics-informed Deep Learning for Turbulent Flow Prediction
- Transforming Students into Climate Scientists through Urban Heat Island Investigations
- Tropical waves observed by balloon-borne GPS Radio Occultation measurements of Strateole-2 campaign over equatorial area
- Understanding hypervelocity sampling of ice-borne biosignatures in space missions
- Understanding the onset of mudflows and rainwater droplet impact dynamics on hydrophobic tilted surfaces
- Updip Migration of Slow Slip Revealed Through Seafloor Geodesy during 2019 East Coast Slow Slip at the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using marine magnetotelluric determinant data to study the oceanic upper mantle
- Variational Analysis to reconstruct the 3D dynamics of an anticyclonic eddy, possible use of SWOT observations.
- What caused barrier layer formation observed during the SPURS-2 Field Campaign?
- Who's carrying the burden of urban heat waves?
- A Complex Systems Analysis of the Decolonization of Geophysics
- A Framework for a Solar Geoengineering Research Program: Recommendations from a National Academies Study
- A Preliminary Record of Changes in Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric OH Abundance from 14CO in Glacial Ice (Law Dome, Antarctica, 1870 AD to Present)
- A Recent Increase in Extreme Low Relative Humidity Hours in the Southwestern U.S.
- A Simple Global Carbon Model for Verification of Reported CO2 Emissions
- A case study for decision-relevant GCM selection in the western US
- A deep and dynamic groundwater system beneath an Antarctic ice stream
- A summary of microphysical research performed during C-FOG and challenges for Fatima
- A tractable model of ambient particulate matter exposure from wildfire smoke
- ASHI, an All Sky Heliospheric Imager Designed to Maximize the Scientific Return from Structures Passing the Spacecraft
- Accumulation of partial melt beneath the Cascadia forearc constrained by teleseismic S reflections and P receiver functions
- Across-Scale Geomechanical Evaluation of Rain Intensity, Slope and Sand Type on Post-Wildfire Mudflow Composition and Onset Mechanisms
- Acting Rapidly to Deploy Readily Available Methane Mitigation Measures by Sector can Immediately Slow Global Warming
- Actionable Analytics Co-producing Climate Information for Electricity Sector Adaptation
- Air Quality Equity in American Climate Policy
- An URGEnt Vision
- An introduction to ICESat-2s gridded land-ice products
- Animations of Various Geomagnetic Field Components over 0-100 ka
- Assessing meteorological and hydrological drought in the western US using geodesy
- Assessing the influence of changing vegetation distributions on increasing seasonal CO2 exchange in high latitudes
- Asymmetry in the seasonal cycle of Antarctic sea ice due to insolation
- Atmospheric Benzothiazoles in a Coastal Marine Environment: Implications for Sea Spray Aerosol Selective Organic Enrichment and Secondary Marine Aerosol Chemistry
- Autonomous Provenance to drive Reproducibility in Computational Hydrology
- BMP-Net: Deep-learning models to identify BMPs
- Building a better cryosphere community for everyone
- COVID-19, Air Quality Equity, and US Climate Policy
- Can Fault-Zone Complexity Explain Spatiotemporal Variation in Observed Stress Drops?
- Central Anomaly Magnetization High and Crustal Accretion at the East Pacific Rise, 950N
- Certainties and Uncertainties in P-wave Spectral Analysis: Results for the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence as part of the Community Stress Drop Validation Study
- Characterizing the Source of Mineral Dust in Ice from the Allan Hills, East Antarctica during the Last Interglacial Period
- Competing roles of regional aerosol emissions on the tropical Pacific climate: climatology, trend, and decadal variability
- Constraining the Seasonal Cycle of the Southern Ocean CO2 Uptake with Airborne Observations
- Coseismic and early postseismic deformation due to the 2021 M7.4 Maduo (Tibet, China) earthquake
- Coupled biological and photochemical control of secondary marine aerosol composition and cloud-forming ability
- Decision Support Tools for Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations: Atmospheric River Related Situational Awareness Products at the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
- Designing and Developing the Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) Curriculum
- Distributed Space Telescopes Enabled by Constellation of Small Satellites
- Drift Corrected Pressure Time Series at Axial Seamount, July 2018 to November 2021 A Progress Report
- Drivers of heat and freshwater transport from the Pacific to Indian Ocean using proxy-model synthesis
- Dust-climate archive time machines
- Emissions of Ice-Nucleating Particles from Seawater and Freshwater
- Emissions of Tetrafluoromethane (CF4) and Hexafluoroethane (C2F6) from East Asia from 2008 to 2019
- Estimating Antarctic Grounding Zone Ice Flexure with ICESat-2 Data
- Estimating Water Reflectance from EPIC/DSCOVR Data
- Evaluation of A New Framework for Modeling the Dust Cycle in the Community Atmosphere Model (Version 6.1)
- Exploring patterns in seismic attenuation on rocky coasts to assess the potential for active rock damage processes and erosion
- Extensive Post-Seismic Cover-Collapse Sinkhole Opening During 20202021 Petrinja Earthquake Sequence (Croatia): a Unique Local Geological, Geotechnical and Hydrological Setting
- Fatima: A mega-project at the nexus of (marine) fog and turbulence
- Finite-source attributes of 39 M 3.9 to 5.5 Ridgecrest, California earthquakes
- Functionalized Hydroperoxide Formation from the Reaction of Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediates with Formic Acid: Experiment and Theory
- Global Migration Response to Climate Trend and Variability
- Global sub-mesoscale ocean variability from multi-year altimetry: an analysis of the influencing factors
- Greater Los Angeles Area dominates U.S. emissions of sulfuryl fluoride, a potent greenhouse gas
- Groundswell Anti-Racism Action in the Geosciences
- Heavy Metals in Dust From the Shrinking Great Salt Lake: Where Do They Come From and Where Do They Go?
- Hierarchical Forecasting and the Nonlinear Dynamics of Flooding Events, Resistance Movements and the Blues in New Orleans
- HydroFrame Infrastructure: Developments in the Software Behind a National Hydrologic Modeling Framework
- Identifying Hydrologic and Coastal Hydrodynamic Drivers of Inland Salinity Spikes within the Pajaro Watershed
- Imaging Lithospheric and Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath Alaska Using Long-Period Teleseismic S-Reflections from USArray
- Improved stress drop estimates for M 1.5 to 4 earthquakes in Southern California from 1996 to 2019
- In-Situ Calibration of Differential Pressure Gauges on OBSIP Ocean Bottom Seismometers
- Intersection of Urban Flood Hazards and Neighborhood Disadvantage across the Los Angeles Metropolitan Region
- Introducing KARAR: A FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible) 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar Geochronology Data Repository Utilizing the FIESTA Domain Repository System
- Investigating earthquake foreshock processes using a dense nodal array on the San Jacinto fault zone
- Investigating the Global Distribution, Metabolic Potential, and Adaptation Strategies of the Cosmopolitan Genera Halomonas and Marinobacter
- Iron Oxide Minerals in Atmospheric Dust: Types, Amounts, Sizes, Occurrences, and their Effects on the Earth System
- Iron Sulfides and Anomalous Electrical Resistivity in Cratonic Environments
- Law Dome 14CH4 measurements confirm revised fossil methane emissions estimates
- Likely PKS-PKP from cross-component cross-correlations of noise recordings with strong body-wave components
- Locating Activity Nests of Sunspots in Solar Cycle 24 using Data from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager
- Low temperature water uptake of individual marine and biologically relevant atmospheric particles using micro-Raman spectroscopy
- Machine-assisted data editing for global bathymetry compilations using gradient boosting methods
- MagIC Data Repository Update: Data Translation Script For IRM Data Files Available, MagIC Funded JupyterHub for Running PmagPy Without Local Installation, EPOS-MSL Collaboration is Live, Datasets Crawled and Presented by Google's Dataset Search and EarthCube's GeoCODES
- Mechanisms, pathways, and variability of oxygen ventilation in the upper tropical Pacific
- Mesoscale atmospheric forcing leads to mixed layer deepening in the North Pacific
- Modeling the breakup of tabular icebergs
- Modification of downscaled climate trends depending on bias correction before dynamical downscaling increases uncertainty in regional projections
- Multiphase and Photosensitized Oxidation Kinetics of the Plastic Additive, Bisphenol-A, in Sea Spray Aerosol Mimics
- Nitrogen and argon isotopes in the South Pole ice core record firn temperature change through the last deglaciation.
- Noble Gases Record Widespread Six Degrees Celsius Low-Latitude Land Cooling During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Non-targeted tandem mass spectrometry enables detection of molecular markers of microplastics in the coastal environment
- Observations From Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Networks Detect the Abrupt Changes in Emissions During the COVID-19 Lockdown
- On the hemispheric difference of oxygen isotope anomaly in atmospheric CO2
- Origin of robust multicomponent remanence from oceanic gabbros in Pito Deep
- Population Exposure to Compounding Hazards of Wildfire Particulate Matter and Heat in California
- Post-Seismic Deformation Modeling of the May 15, 2020 M 6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada, Earthquake from InSAR Data Reveals Shallow Afterslip Near the Surface Rupture Area
- Predicting Geomagnetic Reversals with Machine Learning
- Preliminary results from the Electromagnetic Alaskan GeoPRISMS Experiment (E-MAGE)
- Prioritizing GCMs for Regional Dynamical Downscaling
- Radiogenic 40Ar signals in groundwater at the sub-permil level: a new age and/or flow tracer?
- Rapid increases and extreme months in projections of United States high-tide flooding
- Reducing Micro-urban Heat Islands as an Intervention to Decrease Heat-related Impacts: Comparing Various Fine-scale Greening Scenarios and Their Impact on Hospitalizations in San Diego County
- Reproducible Science Supported by Python Jupyter Notebooks for Interacting with the Open-Source FIESTA API
- Results from a Sediment Compaction Rate Measurement in the Mississippi River Delta
- Reversing Sahelian Droughts via Regional Geoengineering
- Robust Forecasting through Generalized Synchronization in Reservoir Computing
- STEREO A HI Observations Now Provide Near Real Time High-Resolution 3-D Density Reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere
- Scripps Community Outreach for Public Education (SCOPE): A Volunteer STEM Outreach Program Connecting Communities to Research at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Seafloor Geodetic Constraints on an Instraslab Earthquake: The M7.6 2020 Sand Point, AK Earthquake
- Seafloor Geodetic Constraints on the 29 July 2021 Mw 8.2 Chignik, AK Earthquake
- Seafloor Motion Monitoring Based on Offshore Platforms Using Satellite Radar Images A Case Study in the Adriatic Sea
- Seafloor geodetic observations of the July 22 2020 Mw 7.8 Simeonof earthquake
- Seasonality in Arctic Warming Driven By Sea Ice Effective Heat Capacity
- Shear velocity inversion guided by resistivity structure from the PI-LAB Experiment for integrated estimates of partial melt in the mantle
- Sizing up the 2005-2006 volcanic eruption near 950N, East Pacific Rise, using repeat near-bottom surveys
- Skillful Wintertime Temperature Forecasts out to 6 Weeks with Machine Learning Methods over the America's
- Spatial and temporal trends in California coastal cliff erosion and influencing factors
- Spatio-Temporal Variations in Localization of Shallow Creep on the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Spatiotemporal Seismic Velocity Variations During the 2018 Kilauea Eruption
- Spurious climate impacts in sea ice loss simulations
- Stochastic optimization: Efficient uncertainty quantification for regularized inversion models using the randomize-then-optimize strategy
- Structural properties of the Southern San Andreas fault zone in northern Coachella Valley from magnetotelluric imaging
- Studies of Molecular Fragmentation of Ice-Entrained Organics After Hypervelocity Impact
- Subsurface seismic properties across the southern San Andreas Fault in the Thousand Palms Canyon based on train-generated seismic waveforms
- Surface Topography Observations Needed to Advance Cryosphere Science in the Coming Decades
- Surface features of the 2021 M7.2 Haiti earthquake from InSAR data
- The Impact of Very-Short Lived Chlorine Compounds and GHGs on Trends in Stratospheric Ozone
- The NASA EPIC/DSCOVR Ocean PAR Product
- The Phase State and Molecular Composition of Oxidatively Aged Sea Spray Aerosol During a Phytoplankton Bloom
- The September 22, 2017 Wrangell Mountains (Alaska) Landslide: Detection, Location, and Failure Dynamics
- The Surprisingly Inexpensive Cost of State-Driven Emission Control Strategies
- The UCSD Climate Action and Policy Committee: A Blueprint for Graduate Student Climate Action on University Campuses
- The effect of salts in the hypervelocity-induced fragmentation of amino acids embedded in icy clusters
- The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- The recent emergence of Arctic Amplification
- The role of drought in the persistence of post-fire hydrologic hazards
- The role of heterogeneous and multiphase chemistry of hydroperoxymethyl thioformate in the conversion of dimethyl sulfide to sulfate aerosol
- The seasonal contrast of aerosols that can seed ice formation in central Arctic clouds
- Through-Ice-Shelf Drainage of Surface Meltwater Lakes and its Implications for Antarctic Ice Shelf Stability
- Towards a New Era of Non-stationary Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessments in a Changing Climate
- Towards the Theoretical Accuracy of InSAR Time Series
- Tracking Changes in Hydrothermal Vent Temperatures and Crustal Permeability During Seafloor Eruptions at the East Pacific Rise, 9 50'N
- Triple Oxygen Stable Isotopes Reveal Changes in Sulfate Sources and Production during the COVID-19 Shutdown in Southern California
- Tungsten-182 variability in ocean island basalts from combined geochemical and geophysical perspectives
- Turn your regularized inversion code into a Bayesian sampler: Efficient uncertainty quantification for resistivity models estimated from electromagnetic geophysical data
- URGE at Scripps Institution of Oceanography Accomplishments, Challenges, and Future Plans
- Unlearning Racism in Geoscience-URGE-ing with our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Participants
- Using Single-Particle Microscopy and FTIR on NAAMES samples to link the Ocean Microlayer to Atmospheric Aerosols
- Using observations and a simple model to constrain the date of a seasonally ice-free Arctic
- Using the Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate to Constrain the Estimated CO2 Flux from Land Use and Land Cover Change Since 1900
- Verification of Atmospheric River Forecasts in Support of FIRO objectives
- West-WRF Near Real-Time Forecasts in Support of FIRO: Current Status and New Developments
- What are Unusually Rapid Geomagnetic Events?
- What happens during wildfire?
- 3-D Reconstructions of Mesoscale Solar Wind Structures in the Solar Wind
- 72-Hour Inflow Forecast Verification for Yuba-Feather FIRO
- A Comparison of Data Sources to Quantify Agricultural Water Use in California's Central Valley
- A New Method for Identifying Seismic Lineaments and Evaluation of Dihedral Angles Between Conjugate Strike-Slip Faults, With Application to Southern California
- A Novel Implementation of Machine Learning to Estimate Daily Wildfire-specific PM2.5 in California (2006-2020)
- A Simple Model for Residual Land-Ocean Temperature Contrasts Under Solar Geoengineering
- A declining trend of methane emissions in the Los Angeles Basin from 2015 to 2020
- Across-scale effects of reservoir temperature and rock deformation on coupled supercritical carbon-dioxide transport - A review
- Advances Toward FIRO Objectives Supported by Observations - Progress and Future Directions
- Airborne Radio Occultation Data Retrieved from Multi-Global Navigation Satellite Systems in Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Campaigns over the Northeast Pacific
- Alaska Subduction Zone Shallow Megathrust Slip Variability Revealed by Seafloor Geodesy
- Analysis of Shear Instabilities Along Flood Intrusion Fronts at Two Estuaries Using Field Data and Model Comparisons
- Anoxic and Oxic Subseafloor Sediment in the Puerto Rico Trench Region
- Assessment of PPL Solid-Phase Extraction and Non-Targeted Tandem Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Xenobiotics in Seawater
- Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) content in post-wildfire soil and risk to human health
- Atmospheric Inversions and Fine Particulate Pollution in Southern California
- Automatic Classification with an Autoencoder of Seismic Signals by Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Bipolar impact and phasing of Heinrich-type climate variability
- Bitter Stew-Flavors of Drought in the Western United States
- Body-wave Tomography of the Imperial Valley, Southern California Using Earthquake Data Recorded by Distributed Acoustic Sensing on Dark Fiber
- Butterfly: A Satellite Mission to Transform Our Understanding of the Contribution of Air-Sea Fluxes to Weather and Climate
- CMIP6 Intermodel Spread in Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Tropical ClimateResponse to Greenhouse Warming: Extratropical Ocean Effects
- CO2 and H2O fluxes from the global mid-ocean ridge system: Critical role of deep-sourced, volatile-rich plume material
- Can Regional Marine Cloud Brightening Target Local Climate Change Impacts?
- Characterization of Earthquake Swarms and Ruptures and Their Relation to the Orientation of the Stress Field
- Climate-adjusted Wildfire Risk Estimated at Property Resolution in the US
- Comparisons Between Array Derived Dynamic Strain Rate and Fiber-optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing Strain Rate
- Connecting Indoor-Outdoor Atmospheric Chemistry and Exposure
- Considerations for an Ocean Color Mission from the L1 Orbit
- Constraining U.S. Sulfuryl Fluoride Emissions With Atmospheric Measurements and a Geostatistical Inverse Model
- Constraints on lithology, pore-filling media, and pore closure depth beneath Insight on Mars
- Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica from Subglacial Sediments
- Contribution of Atmospheric River Precipitation to Height Changes Over the Antarctic Ice Sheet, 2019-2022
- Data-Driven Analysis of Coastal Groundwater under Marine Flooding and Sea-Level Rise
- Declining Dry Years in the California Sierra Nevada and Upper Colorado River Basins in CMIP6 Model Projections
- Deep earthquake source properties from inversion of both high- and low-frequency waveforms at teleseismic distances
- Developing a New Long-Term Soil Moisture Observing Network in the Upper Yampa River Basin
- Development of a High Resolution, Shallow Water CSEM System
- Development of a Secondary Reaction Chamber for the Study of the Oxidation of Marine VOC Emissions from the Scripps Ocean-Atmosphere Research Simulator (SOARS)
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing in the Puget Sound and Puget Lowlands, Washington, USA
- Downscaling CMIP6 Models with Localized Constructed Analogs (LOCA) Version 2: an Improved Representation of Precipitation Extremes
- Electrical Image of Crustal Magma Systems at the Northern East Pacific Rise
- Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes Using Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory at Two Urban Sites Through the COVID-19 Lockdown
- Experimental Seasonal Water Supply Forecast in the California-Nevada Region
- Exploring the Role of Soil Moisture in Seasonal Streamflow Forecast over the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Finite-source Attributes of M4 to 5.5 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes
- Geoscience Cyberinfrastructure for Open Discovery in the Earth Sciences (
- Global retrieval of phytoplankton phenology and primary production using DINEOF reconstructed satellite chlorophyll a product
- Horizontal deformation rates near the Cascadia subduction zone trench revealed by offshore GNSS-Acoustic time series
- How does sea surface temperature drive the Intertropical Convergence Zone in the southern Indian Ocean?
- How radiative feedbacks shape the response of the hydrological cycle to global warming
- Hydrologic Signals in GNSS Geodesy and Their Implications for Advancing Hydrologic Models
- Ice-sheet subannual volume variations from ICESat-2 laser altimetry
- Impact of freshwater on tropical cyclone intensification during the post-monsoon transition in the Bay of Bengal
- In-situ Vp/Vs ratio reveals fault-zone material variation at the westernmost Gofar transform fault, East Pacific Rise
- Increase in global and East Asia Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) emissions inferred from atmospheric observations
- Interpreting excess air in groundwater with new hydroclimate tracers
- Investigating the Relationship Between GPS Elastic Displacements and Hydrologic Storage in Rain and Snow Dominated Watersheds
- Investigating the Viability of Gridded Climate Extreme Data for Coastal Water Resources Planning a California Case Study
- Is there a Deep Equatorial Upwelling Pathway for the Global Meridional Overturning Circulation?
- Lagrangian analysis of the global routes of the mid-depth meridional overturning circulation
- Land-use emissions embodied in international trade
- Large Events on the Southern San Andreas Fault Modulated by Lake Filling Events
- Long-Period Seismicity at Long Valley Caldera
- Machine Learning Weather Analogs for Renewable Forecasting
- MagIC Data Facility Update: Online Editing, 1.3 Headers, API Improvements, New MagIC Team, Three-Year Facility Grant, 2023 MagIC Workshop, Upload and Contributor Statistics, FIESTA Repository Expansion
- Mapping Groundwater Level Changes using Surface Displacement and Machine Learning in California's Central Valley
- Marine fog microphysics and associated weather systems during Fatima Campaign
- Measurements of Freshly Emitted Dust Size Distributions made with a Cloud Droplet Probe in the Sonoran Desert Suggest Larger Particle Sizes than Predicted by Theory
- Micromechanical Investigation of Hydrophobic Particle Surface Modifiers Effects on Raindrop Splash and Erosion
- Mid-level moisture observed in hurricanes from multi-GNSS Airborne Radio Occultation
- Mouth Morphodynamics of an Intermittently Closed Estuary
- Multi-instrument, Realtime Monitoring of Seismically Vulnerable Structures
- Multi-source Estimates of Land / Ocean Moisture Transport Variability over the Satellite Era
- New Constraints on the Factors that Control the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Transition and the Driving Forces of Plate Motions from the PI-LAB Experiment
- New Opportunities with the Alaska and Cascadia Near-Trench Community Geodetic Experiment
- Nitrogen Isotope Heterogeneity in the Oceanic Mantle
- Observing Hikurangi Margin Methane Extent Through Electromagnetic Resistivity
- On Resolving Models for Ocean Island Volcanism
- Paleointensity Estimates from the Pleistocene of Northern Israel: Implications for hemispheric asymmetry in the time-averaged field
- Postseismic deformation due to the 2021 M7.4 Maduo (China) earthquake from InSAR and GNSS observations
- Predicting InSAR deformation with GNSS using machine learning
- Quantifying Subsurface Water Loss During the Present Southwest U.S. Drought, 2020-2022
- Real-time gas-phase analysis using modified commercial liquid chromatography-mass spectrometers
- Reconciling S-reverberation and P-receiver-function observations of mid-lithosphere discontinuities beneath the Central United States
- Reconstruction of in-situ measurements of CMEs using MHD simulation with IPS data observed from multiple ground-based stations
- Records of Shearing in Near-Surface Fault Zone Grains
- Recurrent Neural Network Emulation for High Resolution Sea Surface Forecasts
- Regional-to-Local Scale Numerical Modeling of Wave Transformation around the Monterey Peninsula, Central California.
- Remote sources of oceanic heat delivery to the Antarctic continental shelf
- Remotely-Sensed Heliospheric Analyses Reinforced by Multi-Spacecraft Observations used to Determine Radial Transport of Heliospheric Structures
- Retrieving Water-body Reflectance and Marine Biogeochemical Properties with the GRASP Algorithm
- Rheology of post-wildfire mudflows considering the trapped air
- Ross Ice Shelf Acceleration and Lamb Wave Propagation Induced by Whillans Ice Stream Slip Events
- Sea Spray Aerosol Production Estimates in the Scripps Ocean-Atmosphere Research Simulator
- Searching for Biosignatures in the Plume of Enceladus at Hypervelocity: Experimental and Theoretical Validation
- Seasonality of sub-mesoscale sea surface variability from multi-year satellite altimetry: getting ready for SWOT
- Seismic velocities and thermal structure in uppermost mantle across the Mendocino Fracture Zone, Pacific ocean
- Shallow slow slip and associated VLFE observed by seafloor fiber optic strainmeter in the Nankai Trough.
- Source-Specific Acute Health Effects of Ambient Dust Exposure in California's Salton Sea Region
- Spatial and seasonal variations of sea surface temperature threshold for tropical convection
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of ICESat-2 observation of Ice Mélange Thickness in Antarctic rifts
- Spatiotemporal Patterns in Coastal Climate and Groundwater in the California Pajaro Valley
- Streamflow Observations in Support of Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Objectives
- Submarine Record of Disastrous Earthquakes at a Strain Partitioned Transpressional Boundary: NSF RAPID Response of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault, Jamaica Passage
- Surface Deformation Surrounding the 2021 M7.2 Haiti Earthquake Illuminated by InSAR Observations
- Surface Water and Ocean Topography Data Assimilation With Correlated Error Reduction
- Surface and Subsurface Ocean Adjustment and Tropical Pattern Formation Responses to Extratropical Radiative Forcing
- Sustained long-term collapse of Conger-Glenzer ice shelf, East Antarctica
- Temporal Velocity Variations Associated with the 2020 Eruption of K ̄ılauea Volcano in Hawai'i, Revealed by Ambient Noise Autocorrelation
- The Agricultural Ice Nuclei at SGP (AGINSGP) experiment: Understanding sources and variability of ice-nucleating particles in the Great Plains
- The Fog and Turbulence in Marine Atmosphere (Fatima) 2022 Field Campaign
- The Importance of Precipitation in Climate Impact Models
- The Influence of Caribbean Current Eddies on the Panama-Colombia Gyre
- The Upper-mantle Structure Beneath Alaska Imaged by Teleseismic S-wave Reverberations
- The effect of SST anomalies on surface fluxes in U.S. West Coast atmospheric rivers and their downstream precipitation.
- The radiative feedback continuum from Snowball Earth to an ice-free hothouse
- Thermodynamic and Volcanic Gas Geochemical Insights into Volatile Release During Subduction Along the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Tilt Measurement along the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone by Borehole Type Tiltmeters
- Towards Automated Generation of Ice-Sheet Wide Supraglacial Meltwater Depth Measurements from ICESat-2 Data, Using High-Throughput Computing
- Tracking atmospheric river forecast through time: intra-season and seasonal assessments of precipitation and integrated vapor transport in support of FIRO objectives
- Trends and Inferred Emissions of Atmospheric Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in East Asia
- Understanding Mare Basalt Generation from Ancient KREEP-Free Meteorites: Evidence for Possible Shallow Melting on the Moon
- Unraveling Regional Patterns of Sea Level Change over the Altimeter Era
- Uptake Kinetics of a Pure α-pinene-derived Hydroxy Nitrate onto Seed Aerosol at Different Relative Humidity and Particle Acidity.
- Urban Tree Canopy as Receptor of Atmospheric Pollutants
- Using hydrologic forecasts from the Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service for Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO)
- Wave Glider-Based GNSS-Acoustic Surveying of A Single Transponder in Shallow Water
- Wave Transformation and Circulation on Rough Rocky Sea-beds: Initial Results From the First Campaign of Rocky Shores Experiments and Simulations (ROXSI)
- Where does water come from for food production: a global analysis
- Wildfire VOC Partitioning, Surface Cleaning, and Air Cleaning in A Smoke-Contaminated House
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Borsa
- A. A. Norton
- A. Basu Sarbadhikari
- A. Karion
- A. M. Smith
- A. Nyblade
- A. Youberg
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adam P. Young
- Agniv Sengupta
- Aixue Hu
- Alek Petty
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alex Gardner
- Alex Hall
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alexander Gershunov
- Alexandra Simpson
- Alison Cobb
- Alla Zelenyuk
- Allen H. Goldstein
- Amato T. Evan
- Amir AghaKouchak
- Amy E. Hofmann
- Amy Leventer
- Andrei V. Kurbatov
- Andrew V. Newman
- Andrey A. Grachev
- Andrés Jaramillo-Botero
- Aneesh Subramanian
- Anna M. Wilson
- Anne Pommier
- Anthony A. P. Koppers
- Anthony M. Castronova
- Ariane Verdy
- Armin Schwartzman
- Arne Biastoch
- Ashlesha Khatiwada
- B. B. Hanan
- B. E. Rosenheim
- B. E. Smith
- B. P. Lipovsky
- Barbara E. John
- Benjamin Birner
- Benjamin Hmiel
- Benjamin J. Hatchett
- Benjamin J. Tully
- Benjamín Idini
- Bianca C. Baier
- Bing Cao
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brett F. Sanders
- Brian Kawzenuk
- Britton B. Stephens
- Brooke Medley
- C. C. Walker
- C. D. Cappa
- C. J. Davies
- C. J. Ruhl
- C. M. Trudinger
- C. Rychert
- Carol Anne Clayson
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- Catherine Constable
- Cecilia M. Bitz
- Chad A. Greene
- Chad W. Hecht
- Channing J. Prend
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles H. Fite
- Christina S. McCluskey
- Christine Kirkpatrick
- Christine M. Albano
- Christo Buizert
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Christopher M. Jernigan
- Claire Masteller
- Claus W. Böning
- Craig A. Taatjes
- D. A. Schmidt
- D. Feldman
- D. Fils
- D. Goldberg
- D. M. Rabin
- D. N. Wiese
- D. P. Winebrenner
- D. T. Shindell
- Daniel B. Whitt
- Daniel T. Trugman
- David Bonan
- David K. Ralston
- David L. Osborn
- David Saah
- David Shean
- David T. Sandwell
- David V. Bekaert
- David W. Pierce
- Delaney B. Kilgour
- Denis Felikson
- Dennis P. Lettenmaier
- Donald F. Argus
- Douglas A. Wiens
- Doyeon Kim
- Dustin Carroll
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- Dylan C. Gaeta
- E. B. Thornton
- E. Brook
- E. C. Pavlis
- E. S. Cochran
- Edward J. Kearns
- Edwin Sumargo
- Eiichiro Araki
- Ellen Knappe
- Emily B. Franklin
- Emmanuel Mahieu
- Eric J. Morgan
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Esteban Gazel
- F. L. Vernon
- F. W. Landerer
- Falk Feddersen
- Fanghui Deng
- Felix Vogel
- G. A. Catania
- G. Keppel‐Aleks
- G. P. Schill
- G. Ricker
- G. Wilson
- Gabriel A. Vecchi
- Gavin C. Cornwell
- Gayan Rubasinghege
- Gene A. Ichinose
- Geno Pawlak
- Geoffrey Roest
- Georges Saliba
- Gian Luigi Liberti
- Gourihar Kulkarni
- Graeme A. MacGilchrist
- Grant B. Deane
- Grant Ferguson
- Guilherme Weber Sampaio de Melo
- Guoqing Lin
- H. Harper
- Haksu Lee
- Haoran Meng
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Harriet Zoe Yin
- Henry M. Johnson
- Hilary McMillan
- Hilary R. Martens
- Hongfeng Yang
- Honghai Zhang
- Hyang Yoon
- Hyodae Seo
- Ian Eisenman
- Ignacio Sepúlveda
- Isaac Vimont
- Isla R. Simpson
- Ivana Cerovečki
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. B. DeSanto
- J. B. Miller
- J. G. Sample
- J. Gong
- J. J. McGuire
- J. M. Maloney
- J. Paul Winberry
- J. R. Herman
- J. R. Whetstone
- J. Thomas Farrar
- J.‐M. Kendall
- Jadwiga H. Richter
- James T. Kirby
- James W. Elkins
- James W. Hannigan
- James W. Hurrell
- Jamie MacMahan
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Janet Sprintall
- Janice Brahney
- Jared Peacock
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jeff S. Bowman
- Jeffrey P. Severinghaus
- Jennifer A. MacKinnon
- Jennifer S. Haase
- Jens Mühle
- Jessica Wan
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jhardel Dasent
- Jim J. Lin
- Jing Tan
- Jocelyn Turnbull
- Jochen Braunmiller
- Jochen E. Schubert
- John C. Lin
- John D. Wilding
- John T. Fasullo
- Jonathan I. Lunine
- Jooil Kim
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Julia Pongratz
- Julie L. McClean
- Jun Meng
- K. J. Mayer
- K. R. Gurney
- K. R. Verhulst
- K.K. Mullane
- Kaden Martin
- Kasey Aderhold
- Katherine A. Guns
- Katherine M. Scharer
- Kathryn A. Moore
- Kathryn McKain
- Kazumasa Iwai
- Kenji Kawamura
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kerry Key
- Kevin J. Sanchez
- Kimberly A. Prather
- Kimberly J. Hageman
- Kirstie L. Haynie
- Kristen Guirguis
- Kristopher B. Karnauskas
- Kyle C. Armour
- L. A. Ward
- L. K. Emmons
- L. M. Burkhard
- L. R. Welp
- L. Ruby Leung
- Laura E. Condon
- Laurie Padman
- Lee T. Murray
- Lily Hahn
- Lisa Tauxe
- Luc Lenain
- Luke A. McGuire
- Lynn M. Russell
- Lynne D. Talley
- M. A. Merrifield
- M. Dyonisius
- M. Harvey
- M. Ralph
- Mao‐Chang Liang
- Marena Lin
- Margaux Winter
- Maria Rugenstein
- Marina E. Vance
- Marine Denolle
- Marissa L. Childs
- Mark A. Cane
- Mark A. Richards
- Mark A. Zumberge
- Mark D. Risser
- Mark England
- Mason Perry
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matthew Agius
- Matthew C. Long
- Matthew D. Shupe
- Matthew Levy
- Matthew R. Mazloff
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matthew Rigby
- Matthew Rodell
- Matthew S. Spydell
- Maura Allaire
- Maurice A. Tivey
- Mead A. Allison
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Merrick C. Haller
- Michael F. Link
- Michael F. Vansco
- Michael G. Bosilovich
- Michael J. Behrenfeld
- Michael J. DeFlorio
- Michael J. Malaska
- Michael Manga
- Michael R. Alves
- Michael R. Hudak
- Michael S. Steckler
- Ming Pan
- Mingxuan Wu
- Mingyang Zhang
- Molly A. Blakowski
- Morgan L. Cable
- N. Jackson
- N. M. Mahowald
- Naomi Goldenson
- Nicholas Harmon
- Nicholas Holschuh
- Nicholas J. Lutsko
- Nicholas L. Swanson‐Hysell
- Nicholas Lau
- Nicholas Siler
- Nick Rosser
- Nicola Ulibarri
- Nicole Feldl
- Nina S. Oakley
- Onjalé Scott Price
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. Ola G. Persson
- P. Polonik
- P. R. Thompson
- Pamela Wales
- Patricia K. Quinn
- Patrick Dobson
- Paul Ginoux
- Paul J. DeMott
- Pawel K. Misztal
- Paweł Hordyniec
- Peter D. Bromirski
- Peter Gerstoft
- Peter H. Barry
- Peter J. Haeussler
- Peter M. Shearer
- Peter Sperlich
- Petros Bogiatzis
- Philip L.‐F. Liu
- Philippe Lognonné
- Prabir K. Patra
- Q. Wang
- Qiqi Cao
- R. C. Aster
- R. Gök
- R. J. Mellors
- R. J. Salawitch
- R. S. Nerem
- Rachel E. Abercrombie
- Rachel E. S. Clemesha
- Ralph F. Keeling
- Randall K. Scharien
- Ray F. Weiss
- Rebecca Bendick
- Rebecca L. Caravan
- Richard J. Walker
- Richard Kilburn
- Richard L. Reynolds
- Richard Seager
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robert C. J. Wills
- Robert C. Witter
- Robert E. Continetti
- Robert Evans
- Robert Frouin
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert Hodyss
- Roby Douilly
- Ron Shaar
- Rona L. Thompson
- Ronald G. Prinn
- Rosana Aguilera
- Ross Parnell‐Turner
- Ru Chen
- S. A. Montzka
- S. E. Minson
- S. L. Nooner
- S. Naif
- S. Tharimena
- S. W. Kahler
- S. W. Tyler
- S.M. Richard
- Sahra Kacimi
- Sally Newman
- Sam Heft-Neal
- Samuel J. Van Kooten
- Sandeep Wagh
- Sarah M. Aarons
- Sarah M. Kang
- Sarah N. Giddings
- Sarah T. Gille
- Satoru Baba
- Scot M. Miller
- Scott J. Goetz
- Sean P. S. Gulick
- Shangqin Hao
- Shang‐Ping Xie
- Shelley A. Wright
- Sherrie Wang
- Shineng Hu
- Shunguo Wang
- Simone Tilmes
- Sin‐Mei Wu
- Sonia M. Kreidenweis
- Spahr C. Webb
- Stephen G. Penny
- Steven Constable
- Steven J. Davis
- Sujata A. Murty
- Sunyoung Park
- Surui Xie
- Suryansh Saxena
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Susheel Adusumilli
- Swarup China
- T. C. Sutterley
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. J. Fudge
- T. Neumann
- Ted Smith
- Thibaut Barreyre
- Thomas C. J. Hill
- Thomas W. Corringham
- Thomas Wagner
- Tianyi Sun
- Tianze Liu
- Timothy H. Dixon
- Tong Lee
- Torbjörn E. Tornqvist
- Tricia Light
- Tse‐Chun Chen
- Tushar Mittal
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- V. V. Petrenko
- Valerie Finlayson
- Valier Galy
- Vanessa C. Monteiro
- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- Vineet Yadav
- W. Neely
- W. Payton Gardner
- W. Rockwell Geyer
- Weiming Hu
- Wenyuan Fan
- Werner Aeschbach–Hertig
- Will Krantz
- William C. Porter
- William D. Barnhart
- William E. Chapman
- William F. Jenkins
- Xiaohong Liu
- Xiaohua Xu
- Xiaopei Lin
- Xiaowei Chen
- Xiao‐Tong Zheng
- Yangyang Xu
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- Yash Srivastava
- Yassir A. Eddebbar
- Yehuda Ben‐Zion
- Yen‐Heng Lin
- Yojiro Yamamoto
- Yu Gao
- Yuan Gao
- Yue Qin
- Yuming Jin
- Yuning Fu
- Yuri Fialko
- Z. H. Hoylman
- Zachary E. Ross
- Zeyu Jin
- К. J. Meech