Michigan State University
flowchart I[Michigan State University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1329)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (257)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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- Michigan State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Michigan State University, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Continental Crust Formation in Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
- Earth Science Research in the National Underground Science Laboratory at the Homestake Mine, South Dakota
- Five 'Supercool' Icelandic Glaciers
- Glacially Influenced Sequence Development on Basinal Stream-Dominated Alluvial Fans, San Joaquin Valley, California
- Global Observations of Forest Cover: Monitoring the World's Forests and other Land Cover Types
- The Upper Mantle Velocity Structure Beneath the Sea of Okhotsk
- The effects of geographic position on mineralogical changes during incipient weathering of arc related lavas from Moyuta Volcano, SE Guatemala
- Tritium - Helium-3 Dating of Basal ice of the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Using SEM and EDS Data to Evaluate the Evolution of Secondary Minerals in Incipiently Altered Volcanic Rocks of Southeast Guatemala
- A Hierarchical Theory and Patch Dynamics Paradigm for Multi-scale Ground Water Modeling
- A Solution to the Computational Impasse of Stochastic Groundwater Modeling
- An Innovative Technique for Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Track Ice-Flow Velocities at Depth, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Basaltic Inputs to a Dacitic Magma: Results From Phase I Drilling at Unzen Volcano, Japan
- Evaluating Pumping Tests With Geologically-Constrained Models in a Heterogeneous Alluvial Aquifer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Terrestrial Regions of the Arctic
- Explosion Contamination of the Seismicity Catalog in the Irkutsk, Buryat, and Chita Regions, Eastern Russia
- Generation of Continental Crust in Central America: New Field and Geochemical Observations on Silicic Magmatism in Costa Rica
- Graded glaciers?: Supercooling Controls on Deepening of Subglacial Troughs
- Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging of Glaciotectonic Sediment Deformation in an Ice-Cored Moraine Generated by Movement of the Buried Ice During a Re-advance of the Active Ice, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Introducing Interactive Groundwater v3.5 - A comprehensive software system for unified deterministic and stochastic groundwater modeling
- Modeling a Combined Tracer and Time-Lapse Radar Imaging Test in the Heterogeneous Fluvial Aquifer at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site
- Origin of the Silicic Ash-flow Sheets in Southern Nicaragua
- Overdeepenings And The Sedimentological Record
- Regionalization of Methane Emissions in the Amazon Basin with Multi-temporal Microwave Remote Sensing
- The 1971 Artyk Earthquake: Is the Locus of Motion Changing in Northeast Russia?
- The Physics of seismic reflections within unconsolidated sediments: Technology for near-surface 3D imaging using dense receiver array.
- The origin of the silicic domes in the Macolod Corridor, Philippines
- A New Antarctic Field Course for Undergraduates at Michigan State University
- A generalized hierarchical paradigm for modeling and visualizing complex groundwater systems across-multiple spatial scales
- An Innovative Real-time Environment for Unified Deterministic and Stochastic Groundwater Modeling
- CEON: A Circum-Arctic Environmental Observatories Network
- Chemical Variation and Origin of Pleistocene Silicic Pyroclastic Flows from Central American Volcanic Arc
- Crustal Seismic Velocities of the Baikal, Amur, and Sakhalin Regions, Eastern Russia
- Differentiating Nitrification and Denitrification Sources of Nitrous Oxide Based on the Isotopomeric Composition
- Enhancing Student Learning in and out of the Classroom with Electronic Teaching and Study Aids Built Around Interactive Groundwater Visualization Software
- Environmental Controls on Multi-Scale Soil Nutrient Variability in the Tropics: the Importance of Land-Cover Change
- Evidence of Magma Mingling in the Tiribí Tuff, Valle Central Costa Rica
- Explosive and Effusive Silicic Magmatism in the Macolod Corridor, Luzon Islands, Philippines
- Glaciogeophysics at Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Integrating Hydrogeological, Microbiological, and Geochemical Data Using a Multi-Component Reactive Transport Model: Quantifying the Biogeochemical Evolution of Redox Zones in a Contaminated Aquifer
- Interpretation of Assessment Results in General Education Sciences Laboratories: the TA Effect
- Multi-Component Reactive Transport Modeling of Field-Scale Bioremediation: The Schoolcraft Site
- Olivines in the Egersund Dikes (SW Norway): Evidence for the Evolutionary History of Neoproterozoic Tholeiitic Magmas.
- Outburst Flooding and Surge Initiation
- Probing the Nanoscale Architecture of Mineral Surfaces
- Prototypical Concepts and Misconceptions of Plate Tectonic Boundaries
- Reconstructing the Recent Disturbance History of North America Using the AVHRR Satellite Record
- The Effect of Heterogeneity on Salinization in the Western San Joaquin Valley
- Topographic and Structural Analysis of Devana Chasma, Venus: A Propagating Rift System
- Trace Gas and Carbon Sequestration Dynamics in Temperate Croplands and Successional Ecosystems: A Full-Cost Accounting
- A Possible Differentially Shortened Strike-slip Plate Boundary: the Okhotsk Plate Example.
- A Seismic Swarm Near Neshkan, Chukotka, Far Northeastern Russia
- Apportionment of Nitrous Pxide Flux From a Successional Midwest Grassland to Denitrification and Nitrification Based on Isotopomers.
- Carbon Structural Investigations of Concentric Layers Within Macro-aggregates From Forest and Agricultural Soils
- Characterization of Isotopomer Factionation During Consumption of Nitrous Oxide in Pure Culture and Soils
- Earth Science Research in DUSEL; a Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory in the United States
- Eco-hydrologic Modeling of Nutrients, Oxygen, and Temperature Across a Range of Michigan Streams
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Northern Alaska and Other Arctic Regions
- Formation Rate of Saprolitic Regolith in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains, U.S.A., From Solute Geochemical Mass Balance: Equality With Erosion Rates and Implications for Landscape Evolution
- Generation of Magmas Within the Southwest Nevada Volcanic Field: Constraints Based on Trace Element Concentrations in Melt Inclusions and Sanidine
- Geochemistry of pyroclastic deposits in Metro Manila, Philippines: insight on volcanic source
- Geophysical Fields and Geodynamics of Eastern Chukotka
- Implications for the Petrogenesis of Distinct Silicic Magma Types from the Lower Pleistocene Guachipelin Caldera, NW Costa Rica
- Influence of Coarse-Grained Incised Valley Fill on Ground-Water Flow in Fluvial Fan Deposits, Stanislaus County, California, USA
- Influence of Land Cover on Regional Scale Groundwater Recharge: Analysis With NEXRAD Precipitation Data
- Land Use Change Around Nature Reserves: Implications for Sustaining Biodiversity
- Landscape variations in vegetation and soil: a moisture gradient at Bonanza Creek, Alaska
- Large-Scale Disturbance Events in Terrestrial Ecosystems Detected using Global Satellite Data Sets
- Microbial Distributions Through Pore Water Geochemical Gradients: How Well do Contemporary Organism Genomes Track Their Environment?
- Preliminary Hyperspectral Land Cover Classification of the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain- Application to Landscape Chronologies and the Thaw-Lake Geomorphic Cycle
- Regolith Evolution Influences Element Redistribution During Weathering of Volcanic Rocks in Erosional, Sedentary, and Depositional Landscapes: Examples From Hawai'i, Guatemala and Southeastern Australia
- Relationships Between Seismicity and GPS Determined Velocities in Northeast Asia
- Seismicity and Tectonic Stress Field of the Laptev Sea Shelf
- Silicic Magmas Erupted From the Laguna de Bay Caldera, Macolod Corridor, Luzon, Philippines: Geochemistry and Origin
- The Contributions of Leonid M. Parfenov to the Tectonics of Eastern Russia
- The Seismicity and Crustal Structure of Continental Eastern Russia
- Using Pure Cultures to Define the Site Preference of Nitrous Oxide Produced by Microbial Nitrification and Denitrification
- Using Spectral Analysis to Relate Climate and Land-Use Changes to Processes Influencing Stream Flow
- Variations in the fire regime in the North American boreal forest between 1990 and 2004 and their potential impacts on terrestrial carbon storage
- Water and Solute Mass Transport in Soils Developed on glacial Drift: A Br Tracer Investigation Using Instrumented Soil Monoliths at an Agricultural Long Term Ecological Research Site (Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, Southern Michigan)
- 3D Strain Modelling of Tear Fault Analogues
- A GIS-Enabled, Michigan-Specific, Hierarchical Groundwater Modeling and Visualization System
- A New Paradigm for Groundwater Modeling
- APEX, the Alaska Peatland Experiment: an Experimental Approach to Peatland Carbon Cycling at the Bonanza Creek LTER Site
- Above the glacier: non-glacial erosion rates and processes feeding the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Applications of Isotopomers to Apportion Nitrous Oxide Production From Tropical Rain Forest Soils to Nitrification and Denitrification
- Boreal Forest Fire Biomass Consumption for Carbon Emission Estimation: Measurement Requirements and Current Research
- Boreal Forests and Wildlfire Severity - Effects of Climate Change and the Fire Regime on Processes Influencing Biogeochemical Cycles
- Calcite Twin Analysis in the Central Andes of Northern Argentina and Southern Bolivia
- Decadal Estimates for Soil Carbon Inputs and Losses for Black Spruce Boreal Forests in Interior Alaska, USA and Northern Manitoba, Canada
- Design and Installation of Irrigation System for the Expansion of Sugar cane- Industries in Ahvaz, IRAN.
- Differential Travel-Time Pn Tomography in Northeast Asia
- Explosion Discrimination in Eastern Russia Based on Amplitude Ratios Obtained From Analog Records
- Isotopic characterization of carbon dioxide flux and DOC along a moisture gradient at Bonanza Creek LTER, Alaska
- Isotopomer fractionation during N2O consumption within soil mesocosms as a function of water filled pore space
- Lead Isotopic Chronologies From Inland Lakes: Evidence for Watershed Scale Sources of Lead in the Great Lakes Region
- Methanogenesis and methanogens in peatlands of the discontinuous permafrost zone of boreal western continental Canada
- New Developments in the Remote Estimation of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation in Crops
- Nitrogen Inputs and Transformations in a Boreal Wetland: Hypotheses and Preliminary Results From the Alaska Peatland Experiment (APEX)
- Passive microwave detected snowmelt and streamflow responses, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska: 1995-2004
- Projected Changes in Precipitation Variability and Distribution Due to Land Cover Change in East Africa
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Complex Groundwater Flow Models
- Real-time modeling and evaluation of a bioremediation system at the plume G site, Schoolcraft, Michigan
- Soil Solutions as the First Source of Divalent Cations in Rivers: Carbonate and Silicate Mineral Weathering in Two Michigan Watersheds (Tahquamenon and Huron)
- Solute Export Through Transpiration: A Possible Control of Soil Water Chemistry?
- The Central Costa Rica Deformed Belt: Neotectonics of the Eastern Segment
- The Costa Rican Central Valley Lavina Formation: Lahar or Debris Avalanche?
- The legacy of land use change on hydrologic dynamics
- Attenuation Tomography in Eastern Russia
- Boreal peatlands and their carbon stocks in a changing climate: where are the carbon surprises?
- Cascadia Basin Sediments as a Source for the North Pacific Silica Plume
- Challenges facing missions by drilling into permafrost on Mars
- Consumption of surface organic layer carbon during fires in Alaskan black spruce forests
- Coupled climate and human impacts on the wetland ecosystem in Zhalong Nature Reserve of Northeastern China
- Coupling simulations of land use change and groundwater travel time to develop land use legacy maps for the Muskegon River watershed in Michigan
- DOC composition at spring snowmelt and summer baseflow in boreal forest streams of interior Alaska
- Discrimination between Earthquakes and Chemical Explosions in Eastern Russia Using Amplitude Ratios Obtained From Analog Records
- Geochemical Constraints on Si Remineralization in Cascadia Basin Deep Waters
- Identifying End Members Involved in Magma Recharge at Unzen Volcano, Japan: Polytopic Vector Analyses
- Importance of Anammox to the Nitrogen Removal in Deep Cascadian Basin Sediments
- Improved Seismic Event Locations in Eastern Siberia Using Empirical and Model-Based Travel-Time Corrections
- Insights Into Houston Air Quality From Rawinsonde and Ozonesonde Data
- Integrated use of numerical models to support water resources decision making in Michigan
- Methane emissions from boreal peatlands in a changing climate: Quantifying the sensitivity of methane fluxes to experimental manipulations of water table and soil temperature regimes in an Alaskan boreal fen
- Modeling Complex Groundwater Systems at a Regional Scale: From a "Data-poor" Paradigm to a "Data-rich" Paradigm
- Modeling the Fate and Transport of Bacteriophage PRD-1 in a Large Surface Water System: The Grand River Watershed, Michigan
- Moisture Controls on CO2 Fluxes From Boreal Wetlands: Integration of Experimental and Gradient-Based Measurements at the Bonanza Creek LTER, Interior Alaska
- Predicting Aquifer Flow and Transport Using a New Source of Data
- Predicting Streamflow, Groundwater Recharge, and Evapotranspiration at the Regional Scale with the Integrated Landscape Hydrology Model (ILHM)
- Silicic Ignimbrites of El Valle Volcano, Panama: Comparison With Silicic Ignimbrites of the Central American Volcanic Arc
- Soil drainage and topographic influences on wildfire consumption of soil organic carbon in boreal forests: implications for carbon stability
- Solute Transport in a Medium with Spatially Variable Porosity
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- The Effects of Decomposition on the Oxidative Ratio and Carbon Oxidation State of Organic Matter
- The Integrated Landscape Hydrology Model (ILHM), a Fully-Distributed Approach to Simulate Regional Watershed Hydrologic Processes
- The St. Clair Delta: examining depositional history using geophysics and well cores
- Timscales of rhyodacite formation in Central America: U-series disequilibrium and implications for petrogenetic processes in El Salvador and Nicaragua.
- Transient Soil Moisture Characteristics Below Different Land Cover Types: Implications for Quantifying Groundwater Recharge
- Turbulence and Dynamics of Wildland Grass Fires: The FireFlux Experiment.
- Using Multivariate Polytopic Vector Analysis (PVA) to Test a Model of Magma Mixing for the Papagayo Tuff, Northern Costa Rica
- Using a soil temperature gradient approach to assess potential changes in Alaskan black spruce carbon dynamics
- WATERS Network: Increasing Vertical Collaboration within Hydrology Research and Education Communities
- Water Table Fluctuations Observed Using Time-lapse Ground Penetrating Radar Coupled with Spatial Modeling
- What do educated Americans believe? Alternative geoscience conceptions discovered through research using the Geoscience Concept Inventory
- (226Ra)/(230Th) Disequilibrium and Amphibole Crystallization in Rhyodacite From Ilopango Caldera, El Salvador
- Accuracy and Precision in Measurements of Biomass Oxidative Ratio and Carbon Oxidation State
- Active Faulting Along the Ulakhan Fault, Seimchan-Buyunda Basin, Northeast Russia
- Characterizing Long-Term Near-Surface Soil Moisture Variability in Natural Environments using Electrical Resistivity Imaging and Hydrological Modeling
- Crystallization and Melt Removal at Arenal Volcano, Polytopic Vector Analysis
- Deforestation and pasture establishment in watersheds: Implications for stream biogeochemistry in the Amazon Basin
- Denitrification is the Primary Source of Soil-Derived Nitrous Oxide in a Terrestrial Ecosystem: Evidence From Isotopologues
- Ecohydrology Controls on Feedbacks Between Northern Wetlands and Climate Systems
- Glaciohydraulic Supercooling and Basal Ice Formation at Outlet Glaciers of Vatnajökull and Oraefajokull, Iceland
- Impacts of improved land surface representations in a regional climate model with use of MODIS land surface temperature
- Incipient Dissolution Features of Corestone Pyroxenes in Guatemalan Basalts
- Interactive effects of fire, soil climate, and vegetation on CO2 fluxes in an upland black spruce forest and peatland in interior Alaska
- Investigation of Multiple Geophysical Parameters in the Russian Far East
- Isotopologue fractionation during nitrous oxide reduction in soil
- Isotopomers as a method for differentiating between bacterial and fungal production of nitrous oxide
- Landscape and climate controls on fire severity in Alaskan black spruce forests
- Late Wisconsin Permafrost Conditions Evidenced by Patterned Ground in the Saginaw Lowlands, Eastern-Central Lower Michigan
- Marine Archaea lipids: patterns and provenance in the water-column
- Mechanics and Partitioning of Deformation of the Northwestern Okhostk Plate, Northeast Russia
- Modeling Future Land Use, Regional Climate, and Maize Yields in East Africa
- Natural Variation in the Carbon Oxidation State and Oxidative Ratio of a Deciduous Forest
- Oxygen Isotopes of Silicic Volcanic Deposits of NW Costa Rica: A Key to Understanding Crustal Evolution in Central America?
- Proterozoic Geomagnetic Field: Intensity, Morphology and Stability
- Seismicity of the Stanovoi Volcanic Field Region, Eastern Russia
- The Afar Plume and Ethiopian Lithosphere: A Hf and He Isotope Study of Primitive Quaternary Rift Lavas.
- The importance of mixing in the evolution of silicic magmas in northern Costa Rica
- Thermodynamic Structure of a Grass Fire Plume
- A Heated Debate: Evidence for Two Thermal Upwellings in East Africa
- Alaska Case Study: Scientists Venturing Into Field with Journalists Improves Accuracy
- An Integrated Approach to Determine Ground-water Surface Water Flux in a Contaminated Aquifer-Wetland System at the Norman Landfill Research Site, Oklahoma
- Cellular Metabolic Activity and the Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Composition of Intracellular Water and Metabolites
- Effects of dissolved Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ ions on the supramolecular aggregation of natural organic matter in aqueous solutions
- Facilitating Students Understanding Change in the Earth System on Multiple Time Scales
- Finite difference methods for anomalous diffusion
- Food Production Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use Change in East Africa
- Fractional Conservation of Mass
- Geophysical Imaging of Natural Free Convection in a Sabkha Aquifer near Abu Dhabi, UAE
- HONO Flux Measurement at a Forested Site in Northern Michigan
- Landscape feedbacks, Climate Change, and Food Production Risk in East Africa
- Mapping Understory Bamboo Across Large Spatial Extents Using Phenological Characteristics Derived From MODIS Data
- Membrane Lipid Analysis Applications to Monitoring Land Application of Food Processing Waste Water
- Mobility of College-level Student Ideas as Revealed by the Geoscience Concept Inventory: Implications for Teaching Introductory Courses
- Nano-confined water in the interlayers of hydrocalumite: Reorientational dynamics probed by neutron spectroscopy and molecular dynamics computer simulations
- Nitrogen Effects on Organic Dynamics and Soil Communities in Forest and Agricultural Systems
- Normal and anomalous dispersion of tracers in gravel-bed rivers
- Probing the Proteome on Earth and Beyond
- Relationship between Floristic and Phenologic Similarity in Temperate Forests: Implications for the Synoptic Assessment and Monitoring of Biodiversity
- Seismic Tomography of Crustal P and S in Eurasia
- Silicic Volcanics in the South Mountain Region: A Volcanic Center with the Breakup of Rodinia
- Simulation of Transport and Reaction Using Random Walks: Reactions Without Concentrations and the Automatic Simulation of Drastically Different Thermodynamic--- Versus Diffusion---Limited Reaction Rates
- Slow diffusional dynamics at the mineral-water interface: Nanoscale view from the computational molecular modeling perspective
- TNS - A compact, light-weight sensor for thermal neutrons
- Tempered fractional model for transient anomalous diffusion
- The Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization of a Corn Ecosystem's Oxidative Ratio and Its Carbon Cycle Implications
- The Galapagos-OIB signature of the central Costa Rican volcanic front: arc-hotspot interaction
- The Ordered Evolution of the Eastern North American Lithosphere Mantle: Pb, Nd, Sr and Hf Isotope Constraints
- A New Method for Rapid, High-Resolution Characterization of Hydraulic Conductivity: Application to Solute Transport at the MADE Site
- An Integrated Approach to Quantify Groundwater - Surface Water Interactions: the Norman Research Site, Oklahoma
- Barrow Arctic Terrestrial Observatory (BATO): An IPY Legacy
- Building Community Consensus for Earth Science Literacy Using an Online Workshop (Invited)
- Circumpolar Arctic greening: Relationships to summer sea-ice concentrations, land temperatures and disturbance regimes
- Deducing Rhyolite Origins in Keweenawan Magmas - Geochemical Correlations With Flood Basalts, Mamainse Point, ON
- Ecosystem Responses to the Changing Climate in the Midwest: What Do We Know about CO2 and H2O Fluxes?
- Examining the Influence of Heterogeneous Porosity Fields on Conservative Solute Transport
- Foliar anthocyanin content - Sensitivity of vegetation indices using green reflectance
- Geochemically Deduced Mantle Dynamics Beneath the Main Ethiopian Rift. (Invited)
- Geocognition Research: An International Discipline (Invited)
- Hydrostratigraphic Analysis of the MADE Site Using Full-resolution 3D GPR and Direct-Push K Data
- IPY-Back to the Future: Determining decadal time scale change in ecosystem structure and function in high latitude and high altitude tundra ecosystems
- Isotopologue data reveal denitrification as the primary source of nitrous oxide along a fertilization gradient in a temperature agricultural field
- Magma Plumbing System of Baru Volcano From Deep to Shallow Crust
- Positive feedback between increasing atmospheric CO2 and ecosystem productivity
- Reducing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from US Row-Crop Agriculture through Nitrogen Fertilizer Management: Development of an Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reduction Protocol
- Reducing Plate Tectonic Misconceptions with Lecture Tutorials
- Seismic Event Relocation in Northeastern Russia
- Simulated climate effects of land degradation near Urumqi, China
- Simulating Regional-Scale Terrestrial Hydrologic Fluxes at Fine Resolution with the Integrated Landscape Hydrology Model (ILHM) (Invited)
- Spatial Variability of Near-surface Soil Moisture for Bioenergy Crops at the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
- Stream Length Gradient Responses to Active Structural Deformation in Northeastern Russia
- The (mis)Alignment of the Earth Science Literacy Principles to the National Science Education Standards
- The 2009 Earth Science Literacy Principles
- The Potential Impacts of Nutrient and CO2 Variations on Ecosystem Oxidative Ratio
- The Relationship Between Amphibole Cumulates and Adakite Magma
- The Role of Vegetation in Critical Zone Hydrology: Imaging the Subsurface for Evidence With Geophysics
- The role of image design in communicating the plate tectonic model
- Understanding the influence of land state initialization on seasonal forecast skill in the NCEP global model
- A Bayesian functional data model for predicting forest variables using high-dimensional waveform LiDAR over large geographic domains
- A Geoelectrically-Monitored Tracer Test At The Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) Site In Columbus, Mississippi
- A New Approach to Address Complexities in Single-Well Push-Pull Test Data: Application of a Multi-Species Reactive Transport Model to Estimate Biogeochemical Rates
- A Process-Based, Distributed Hydrologic Model Based on a Large-Scale Method for Surface - Subsurface Coupling
- A Process-Based, Distributed Hydrologic Model Based on a Large-Scale Method for Surface - Subsurface Coupling
- Active Tectonics of the Chersky Fold and Thrust Belt, NE Russia, From Fluvial Geomorphology
- Alteration Assemblages in Martian Meteorite MIL 03346: Terrestrial, Pre-terrestrial, and Inferences for Martian Surface Fluids
- America's Climate Choices: Advancing the Science of Climate Change (Invited)
- Applying comparative fractal analysis to infer origin and process in channels on Earth and Mars
- Biochemical Disincentives to Fertilizing Cellulosic Ethanol Crops
- Biologically Driven Differences in Decomposition Dynamics Under Changing Ecosystems (Invited)
- Carbon sequestration through wood burial and storage: practical potential and policy considerations (Invited)
- Co-eruption of extracted liquid and complementary cumulate mush following mafic intrusion: the case of the zoned Ammonia Tanks ignimbrite
- Comparative Geostatistical Analysis of Flowmeter and Direct-Push Hydraulic Conductivity Profiles at the MADE Site
- Computed Microtomography Quantification of Internal Pore Geometry of Soil Aggregates from Contrasting Land Management Types
- Decadal Time Scale change in terrestrial plant communities in North American arctic and alpine tundra: A contribution to the International Polar Year Back to the Future Project (Invited)
- Electrical Resistivity Methods to Characterize Sediment Deformation; Examples from Large-scale Glaciotectonic Structures in Michigan, USA
- Fractional diffusion in geologic systems (Invited)
- Full-resolution 3D GPR and Direct-Push K Data Reveal Distinct Hydrostratigraphic Zones at the MADE Site
- Geochemical evidence of mantle reservoir evolution during progressive rifting
- Hierarchical Modeling of Fen Hydrology across Multiple Scales
- High School Students' Understanding of Change over Time and System Complexity: A Focus on the Cryosphere
- Influence of Hydrologic Regime and Biogeochemistry on Sediment Phosphorus Retention and Release Processes in Shallow Freshwater Ecosystems
- Integrating Cutting-edge Approaches to Describe and Interpret the Timing of Physical and Biological events: A Leap Forward for Monitoring Global Change Across Scales
- Integration of High-resolution GPR and Direct-Push Methods: Subsurface Imaging of the Highly Heterogeneous MADE Site (Invited)
- Land Use and Climate Change Impacts on Streamflow and Sediment Transport in a Groundwater-Dominated Watershed
- Magmatic processes that generate chemically distinct silicic magmas in NW Costa Rica and the evolution of juvenile continental crust in oceanic arcs
- Modeling and Electrical Imaging of Natural Free Convection Induced by Saline Recharge in a Coastal Sabkha
- Oxygen metabolism in the northern Gulf of Mexico in the vicinity of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- Partitioning CO2 Fluxes in Transitional Bioenergy CROPS:EFFECT of Land Use Change
- Protracted Storage and Lower Crust Differentiation at Baru Volcano, Panama
- Quantifying Nitrogen Loss From Flooded Hawaiian Taro Fields
- Root zone soil water dynamics and its effects on above ground biomass in cellulosic and grain based bioenergy crops of Midwest USA
- Simulating Regional Dynamic Vegetation and Water Resources with Coupled Biophysical and Hydrologic Models
- Soil Organic Matter Responses to Chronic Nitrogen Additions in a Temperate Forest (Invited)
- Stable Isotopic Insights into the Foraging Ecology of an Endangered Marine Predator, the Hawaiian Petrel
- Surface Storage Dynamics in Large Rivers: Comparing Three-Dimensional Particle Transport, 1D Fractional Derivative and Multi-Rate Transient Storage Models
- Temporal δ13C records from bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) reflect variation in foraging location and global carbon cycling
- The Impact of a Vegetation Canopy Parameterization on Smoke Dispersion from Wildland Fires
- The climatology of air stagnation conditions over U.S. as derived from the NARR data
- Tracing trends in erosion and exhumation during the Middle-Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Farewell terrane, SW Alaska
- Understanding drivers of recent Arctic tundra vegetation changes
- Use of Novel Whole Core Incubations to Measure the Fate of Fertilizer N in a Flooded Agricultural System
- Using Stable Isotopes to Trace Microbial Hydrogen Production Pathways
- Weathering of olivine and pyroxene on Mars: Evidence from missions, meteorites, and terrestrial mineral analogs
- Wind Climatology for the Great Lakes Region as Derived from the North American Regional Reanalysis
- 3D Conditional Fractal Simulation of Hydraulic Conductivity at the MADE Site
- A Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Approach to Forecast Future Climate - Blending Regional Climate Model Predictions for the American Southwest
- Augmenting an observation network to facilitate flow and transport model discrimination
- Carbon assimilation and loss in early bioenrgy systems
- Comparing N2O emissions at varying N rates from irrigated and rainfed corn in the US Midwest
- Comparison of Fickian and Temporally Non-Local Transport Theories Over Many Scales in an Exhaustively Sampled Sandstone Slab
- Confronting the Challenges of Climate Literacy at the High School Level
- Developing Linkages between Fish Metrics and Fluvial Variation to Explore Responses of Stream Fish Communities to Climate Change across the Conterminous United States
- Estimation of green leaf area index of crops: Sensitivity of vegetation indices
- Evaluation of the Lithospheric Contribution to Southern Rio Grande Rift Mafic Melts
- Globalization and the Spatial Economy: Implications for the Amazon Basin in the 21st Century
- High resolution simulation of historical droughts in the Murray Darling Basin with VIC hydrological model
- Interactions of U.S. Agricultural Production with Climatic Stresses and Reactive Nitrogen
- Investigating Root Zone Soil Moisture Using Electrical Resistivity and Crop Modeling
- Misconceptions Surrounding Climate Change: A Review of the Literature
- Modeling Nutrient Loading to Watersheds in the Great Lakes Basin: A Detailed Source Model at the Regional Scale
- New Carbon Source From Microbial Degradation of Pre-Production Resin Pellets from the North Pacific Gyre
- Nocturnal Air Seiches in the Arizona Meteor Crater
- Novice to Expert Cognition During Geologic Bedrock Mapping
- Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty in Scaling KINEROS2 Runoff Parameters
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region
- Professional Development of Faculty: How Do We Know It Is Effective?
- Projected Land Cover Change Effects on East African Rainfall Under Climate Change
- Reaction-Diffusion for the Fractional Mobile-Immobile Model
- Recommendations for Broader Impacts in K-12: Advice from Einstein Educator Fellows
- Reforming STEM Undergraduate Education: What's a Faculty Member to Do?
- Regional Approach for Managing for Resilience Linking Ecosystem Services and Livelihood Strategies for Agro-Pastoral Communities in the Mongolian Steppe Ecosystem
- Stable Isotope and Isotopomeric Constraints on Nitrous Oxide Production in a Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Stable Isotopic Signatures in the Isolated Brine Cyroecosystem of Lake Vida Reveal Evidence of both Abiotic and Biotic Processes
- Statistical Modeling of Hydraulic Conductivity Fields
- Strategic Institutional Change to Support Advancement of Women Scientists in the Academy: Lessons from a Study of ADVANCE-IT Projects
- Subsoil denitrification experiments at KBS MSU
- The East African Mantle: Warm but not Hot
- The Effect of Imperfect Mixing on the Rates (and Governing Equations) of Chemical Reactions
- Understanding Student Cognition about Complex Earth System Processes Related to Climate Change
- Understanding of Grassland Ecosystems under Climate Change and Economic Development Pressures in the Mongolia Plateau
- Useful to Usable (U2U): Transforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers
- Using Laser Diffractometry to Explain Coarse-Textured Basal Zones in Loess that Overlies Sandy Glacial Sediment
- Using settlement vegetation data for paleoclimate and carbon modeling: Preliminary results of the PalEON project
- A New Assessment of Groundwater Levels Across the High Plains Aquifer: From Predevelopment to Contemporary
- A landscape limnology framework to understand responses of lake ecosystems to environmental change across broad scales
- A recent assessment of terrestrial water storage depletion across the High Plains aquifer
- Analysis of Groundwater-induced Hydrologic Patterns and Controls in a Great Lakes Watershed Using a Subsurface - Land Surface Processes Model
- Anatomy of a deep sub-surface ridge flank aquifer: The "Red Brick" Horizon in ODP Hole 1256D
- Anthropogenic Impacts on Hydrology and Sediment Transport in a Baseflow-Dominated River
- Applying model abstraction techniques to optimize monitoring networks for detecting subsurface contaminant transport
- Assessment of Data Importance and Monitoring Network Optimization for HYDRUS-3D Model Calibration with a Linear Statistical Inference Method
- Assessment of the Area Ratio Method and the value of gages for predicting runoff in intermittently gaged portions of the Great Lakes basin
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- CFSv2 Driven Seasonal Drought Prediction over the United States
- CHANS-Net: Opportunities for the bigger picture in hydrology
- CHANS-Net: Opportunities in the Bigger Picture
- Carbon balances during land conversion in early bioenergy systems
- Climate Change Impact Assessments for International Market Systems (CLIMARK)
- Climate Literacy: Supporting Teacher Professional Development
- Climate risks for the Midwestern USA
- Conceptual Mobility of Geoscience Concepts in Introductory College-Level Courses: Results from Pre- and Post-testing with the Geoscience Concept Inventory
- Connecting Humans and Water: The Case for Coordinated Data Collection
- Coupling of N2O and CO2 fluxes from agriculture in Michigan
- Data Assimilation Methods for Hydrologic Downscaling
- Development of Magma Reservoirs during the Final Stages of Rifting - the Role of the Continental Lithosphere in Magma Genesis in the Afar Depression
- Effect of Natural Organic Matter on Lincomycin Transport in Saturated Porous Media
- Effects of Human-Nature Interactions on Wildlife Habitat Dynamics: The Case of Wolong Nature Reserve for Giant Pandas
- Effects of land-use history, fertilization, and precipitation on short-term N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from agricultural soils using open-path eddy flux N<SUB>2</SUB>O and static chamber methods.
- Evaluating Alternative Strategies for Investments in Freshwater Conservation
- Examining the human driving forces of water stress
- Experimental 25Mg and 13C NMR and Computational Modeling Studies of Amorphous Mg-Ca Carbonates
- Geochemical Evolution of Baru Volcano and the Origin of the Adakite Signal
- Geophysics applications in critical zone science: emerging topics.
- Globalization, shifting livelihoods, and their effects on natural resources on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua
- Interactive effects of agricultural management and topography on soil carbon sequestration
- Linking fluvial bed sediment transport across scales
- Magnetic mapping of (carbonated) oceanic crust-mantle boundary: New insights from Linnajavri, northern Norway
- Magnetotelluric Phase Tensor Applications to Geothermal Assessment in New Zealand and New Mexico
- Microbial geochemistry in rising plumes of two hydrothermal vents at the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Multimodeling Framework for Predicting Water Quality in Fragmented Agriculture-Forest Ecosystems
- N2O and CO2 fluxes from soils in response to nitrogen addition: Are there any differences between forests, agro-ecosystems, and coastal wetlands?
- New seamounts and broad seafloor depressions revealed in shipboard geophysical data from the Early Cretaceous - Middle Jurassic seafloor, Central-Western Pacific
- Nitrous Oxide Emission Flux Measurements for Ecological Systems with an Open-Path Quantum Cascade Laser-Based Sensor
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as a Probe of Meso-timescale Dynamics: Ion and H<SUB>2</SUB>O Behavior at Mineral-H<SUB>2</SUB>O Interfaces
- Pliocene Cinder Cone Chains Adjacent to the Main Ethiopian Rift: Precursors to Rift-based Quaternary Zones of Focused Magmatic Intrusion?
- Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on Agricultural Yields and Water Resources in the Maumee River Watershed
- Quantifying Fluxes of Chemical and Biological Species in Great Lakes Watersheds: A Reactive Transport Modeling Framework
- Quantifying the Impacts of Outlet Control Structures on Lake Hydrology and Ecology
- Role of Water Molecules in Stabilizing Calcium Carbonate Pre-Nucleation Clusters and Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
- Seismic Tomography in Sensor Networks
- Sensitivity Analysis in Agent-Based Models of Socio-Ecological Systems: An Example in Agricultural Land Conservation for Lake Water Quality Improvement
- Simulating Regional-Scale Hydrologic Responses to Climate Change Across Michigan, USA
- Social and Ecological Dynamics of Small-Scale Fisheries
- Soil water fluctuations: microbial community responses and CO2 production
- Stream Health Sensitivity to Landscape Changes due to Bioenergy Crops Expansion
- The Impacts of Changes in Snowfall on Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using an Automated Chamber System
- The Land-Use Legacy Effect: Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Ecosystem Responses to Land Use/Cover
- The Uplift of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus: Continental Collision to Subduction
- The last frontier? High-resolution, near-bottom measurements of the Hawaiian Jurassic magnetic anomaly sequence
- The riftward migration of focused magmatism in Central Ethiopia: Geochemical evidence of magmatic processes within the Galema Ridge
- Understanding Prairie Fen Hydrology - a Hierarchical Multi-Scale Groundwater Modeling Approach
- A Community Frost/Freeze Susceptibility Operational Guidance Tool
- A Hybrid Framework to Bias Correct and Empirically Downscale Daily Temperature and Precipitation from Regional Climate Models
- A coupled hydrogeophysical modeling approach to estimate soil moisture redistribution in the face of land use changes
- Active Deformation Within the North America-Eurasia Boundary Zone in Northeast Asia: Evidence from Aftershocks of the February 14, 2013, Yakutia Earthquake and Geomorphology
- Approach to Integrate Global-Sun Models of Magnetic Flux Emergence and Transport for Space Weather Studies
- Assessing the Impact of Climatic Variability and Change on Maize Production in the Midwestern USA
- Biochar soil amendment for waste-stream diversion, nutrient holding capacity, and carbon sequestration in two contrasting soils
- Can Crop Models Simulate the ENSO Impacts on Regional Corn Yield in U.s. Corn Belt?
- Climate Change and Sustainability for the High Plains Aquifer: Quantifying Impacts to Water, Soil, and Crop Yields (Invited)
- Conditions of melt generation beneath the Taupo Volcanic Zone: The influence of heterogeneous mantle inputs on large-volume silicic systems
- Consistent Coupling of Canopy Structure with Stem Diameter Distributions and Demography Reveals Organizing Principles of Amazonian Forest Architecture
- Continental subsurface waters support unique but diverse C-acquisition strategies
- Decadal changes in north-American tundra plant communities
- Development of a Climate Concept Inventory and Assessment of High-school Students Engaged in the EarthLabs Climate Modules
- Educational Seismology in Michigan: The MIQuakes Network
- Effects of the Conservation Reserve Program on Groundwater Resources of the High Plains
- Evapotranspiration dynamics of biofuel crops with different land use histories
- Examining the impact of climate change and variability on sweet potatoes in East Africa
- Geodynamic modeling of the Mid-Continental Rift System: Is a mantle plume required?
- Hydrological Controls of Riverine Ecosystems of the Napo River (Amazon Basin): Implications for the Management and Conservation of Biodiversity
- Improved methods for GRACE-derived groundwater storage change estimation in large-scale agroecosystems
- Interaction between Silver Nanoparticles and Spinach Leaf
- Investigating Climate Science Misconceptions Using a Teacher Professional Development Workshop Registration Survey
- Laser-ablation ICP-MS as a tool for whole rock trace element analyses on fused powders
- Linkages of seasonal hypoxia and mixing events to atmospheric fluxes and isotope biogeochemistry of N<SUB>2</SUB>O and CH<SUB>4</SUB> in Muskegon Lake
- Mo & Fe Influences on Nitrate Assimilation in Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River
- Modeling Forest Biomass and Productivity: Coupling Long-Term Inventory and G-LiHT Data
- Modeling Regional Groundwater Implications of Biofuel Crop Production in the Great Lakes Region
- Natural Serpentinite Carbonation at Linnajavri, N-Norway (Invited)
- Numerical investigation of the morphological transition of submarine lava flow due to slope change
- Postprocessing of hydrological ensemble prediction with an online learning method
- Quantifying Storage in Regional Great Lakes Watersheds Using GRACE,MODIS Products and Coupled Subsurface - Land Surface Process Models
- Recent Changes in the Biogeochemistry of the Great Lakes System (BOGLS)
- Response of soil respiration to climate across biofuel crops and land use histories
- Scaling and Pedotransfer in Numerical Simulations of Flow and Transport in Soils
- Scientists' internal models of the greenhouse effect
- Seafloor structure and uppermost sedimentation in the Pigafetta Basin, Magellan Seamount Chain, and East Mariana Basin of the Central-Western Pacific
- Self-regulation in land plant and global climate interactions
- Soil Carbon Recovery of Degraded Steppe Ecosystems of the Mongolian Plateau
- Temperature sensitivity (Q10), and dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition in permafrost soils with different carbon quality and under experimental warming. R. Bracho1, E.A.G Schuur1, E. Pegoraro1, K.G. Crummer1, S. Natali2, J. Zhou, Y Luo3, J. L. Wu3, M. Tiedje4, K. Konstantinidis5 1Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 2Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA. 3Institute for Environmental Genomics and Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 4Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; 5Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics and School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- The 14 February, 2013, Yakutia Earthquake: Fieldwork, Aftershock Deployment, and Macroseismic Effects
- The Origin of the Jurassic Quiet Zone -new insights from Hawaiian Jurassic magnetic anomalies (Invited)
- The enigmatic nitrogen biogeochemistry of Lake Vida, Antarctica: an isolated brine cryoecosystem
- Transient Changes in the Biosphere as a Result of Freshwater Hosing
- Use of a crop climate modeling system to evaluate climate change adaptation practices: maize yield in East Africa
- Variability in Soil Moisture in a Temperate Deciduous Forest Using Electrical Resistivity and Throughfall Data
- Watershed dissolved organic carbon export patterns exhibit significant transport-limitations
- Why High-Resolution Characterization Matters: 3D Transport Simulations at the MADE Site
- A Successful Example of Transitioning Research to NCEP Operations: The North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
- A Tale of Two Gases: Isotope Effects Associated with the Enzymatic Production of H<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O
- A top to bottom stratigraphic investigation of two transects through the Ethiopian flood basalt province
- Abiotic Nitrous Oxide Production in Natural and Artificial Seawater
- An olivine-free mantle lithology as a source for mantle-derived magmas: the role of metasomes in the Ethiopian-Arabian large igneous province.
- Analysis of Inter- and Intra-individual Variation in Foraging Habits of the Endangered Hawaiian Petrel Using Stables Isotopes
- Application of Multi-Model CMIP5 Analysis in Future Drought Adaptation Strategies
- Assessing the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Carbon Balance of the Terrestrial Biosphere in Response to Climate Change in 1911-2000
- Assessing the value of different data sets and modeling schemes for flow and transport simulations
- Challenges in the segmentation and analysis of X-ray Micro-CT image data
- Characterizing the skill of CFSv2-based seasonal drought prediction at multiple spatiotemporal scales over China
- Climate modeling and Groundwater: the key role of the water table in the terrestrial water cycle
- Contribution of Soil Carbonates to CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Emissions Following Land Use Change
- Dealing with Climate Change and Variability in the Growing Season: a U2U Decision Support Tool for Central United States Corn Producers Based on Corn Growing Degree Days
- Deciphering Deep Crustal Structure Based on Gravity and Seismic Modeling of the Western Hawaiian Jurassic-Cretaceous Crust
- Detection and Monitoring of Inundation with Polarimetric L-Band SAR
- Developing Remote Sensing Products for Monitoring and Modeling Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Vulnerability to Climate Change and Land Use
- Differentiating between Land Use and Climate-driven Change using Long-term Vegetation Index Trends adjusted for Precipitation on the Mongolian Plateau
- Distribution of Near-Surface Permafrost in Alaska: Estimates of Present and Future Conditions
- Evidence for Direct Transfer of Carbon from Surface Litter to Subsoil in Well-Developed Spodosols of Northern Michigan, USA
- How Seasonal Drought Affect Carbon and Water Fluxes of Alternative Energy Crops in the US?
- How does Wildfire Severity Influence Soil Black Carbon in a Minnesota Boreal Forest?
- Impacts of Autonomous Adaptations on the Hydrological Drought Under Climate Change Condition
- Impacts of Changing Climate and Land Cover on Water and Carbon Dynamics in Northern Eurasia
- Incorporating Functional Gene Quantification into Traditional Decomposition Models
- Insights into the internal structure and formation of striated fault surfaces of oceanic detachments from in situ observations (13°20'N and 13°30'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
- Integrating Diffraction, Advanced Microscopy and NMR Methods to Explore NOM-Mineral-Cation Interactions
- Isotope Effects Associated with N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production By Fungal and Bacterial Nitric Oxide Reductases: Implications for Tracing Microbial Production Pathways
- Isotope Effects Associated with N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production by Fungal and Bacterial Nitric Oxide Reductases: Implications for Enzyme Mechanisms
- Large-N in Volcano Settings: Volcanosri
- Leveraging atmospheric CO2 observations to constrain the climate sensitivity of terrestrial ecosystems
- Linking Intra-Aggregate Pore Size Distribution with Organic Matter Decomposition Status, Evidence from FTIR and X-Ray Tomography
- Linking Multi-Scale Observations to Determine Hyporheic Nitrate Removal in a Stream
- Linking a Large-Watershed Hydrogeochemical Model to a Wetland Community-Ecosystem Model to Estimate Plant Invasion Risk in the Coastal Great Lakes Region, USA
- Lithospheric mantle deformation in the Yerer-Tullu Wellel Volcanotectonic Lineament: A study of peridotite xenoliths
- Magnetotelluric and Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements of Regional and Local Variability of Deep Saline Permafrost in Adventdalen, Svalbard
- Metagenomics-Enabled Understanding of Soil Microbial Feedbacks to Climate Warming
- Microbial Carbon Processing in Gas-Rich Ultrabasic Wells from Groundwaters Hosted in Serpentinizing Diamondiferous Kimberlite Pipes
- New insights on late stage volcanism in the Pigafetta basin, western Pacific
- Partitioning the climatic and biological controls on photosynthetic fluxes in Amazonian tropical evergreen forests
- Potential Hydrologic Changes in the Amazon By the End of the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century and the Groundwater Buffer
- Quantifying Coseismic Normal Fault Rupture at the Seafloor: The 2004 Les Saintes Earthquake (Mw 6.3) Along the Roseau Fault (French Antilles)
- Regional Vegetation Dynamics and Its Response to Climate Change—A Case Study in the Tao River Basin in Northwestern China
- Relating Nearshore Algal Blooms Determined Using Satellite Imagery to Nutrient Loading, Watershed Land Use, and Storm Events
- Relative Importance of Nitrous Oxide Vs. Nitric Oxide Emissions from Soils Across a Management Intensity and Biodiversity Gradient.
- Serpentinization and Life: Motivations for Drilling the Atlantis Massif
- Simulating high resolution soil moisture distribution using TOPMODEL-based Land Surface-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (TOPLATS) model
- Social Network Analysis for the U.S. National Climate Assessment: A Tool for Improving the Transmission of Scientific Information to Public Audiences
- Some Large-Scale Patterns in Groundwater-Ecosystem Coupling
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Hyporheic Respiration Under Variable Discharge Conditions
- Subsurface Implications of Spatially Variable Seafloor Character on the Atlantis Massif
- Teaching Climate Social Science and Its Practices: A Two-Pronged Approach to Climate Literacy
- Terrestrial Water Balances in the Face of Variable Climate over 49 years in Southern Michigan
- The Effects of More Extreme Rainfall Patterns on Infiltration and Nutrient Losses in Agricultural Soils
- Time series analysis of hydrological drought under climate change with anthropogenic water management
- Unraveling the Drivers of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Biogeochemical Cycling at Aquifer-River Interfaces - The LEVERHULME Hyporheic Zone Research Network
- Water Footprints of Cellulosic Bioenergy Crops: Implications for Production on Marginal Lands
- A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Spatio-Temporal Prediction and Uncertainty Assessment Using Repeat LiDAR Acquisitions for the Kenai Peninsula, AK, USA
- A Physical Explanation for the Development of Redox Microzones at Stream-Groundwater Interfaces
- A field method to quantify exchange with less-mobile porosity in streambeds using electrical hysteresis
- A future Demand Side Management (DSM) opportunity for utility as variable renewable penetrate scale up using agriculture.
- A systems approach to identify adaptation strategies for Midwest US cropping systems under increased climate variability and change.
- Adaptation of rainfed agriculture to climatic variability in the Mixteca Alta Region of Oaxaca, Mexico
- Agriculture Information Service Built on Interoperable Sensor Network
- Along-rift Variations in Deformation and Magmatism in the Ethiopian and Afar Rift Systems
- Application of Manifold Methods for Data Assimilation in Integrated Earth System Models
- Assessing Hydro-Ecological Vulnerability from Space
- Assessing methods for developing crop forecasting in the Iberian Peninsula
- Assessing the Dynamic Effects of Climate on Individual Tree Growth Across Time and Space
- Assessments of Regional Climate Change and Land-Cover Change Impacts on Fire Weather in the United States
- Assimilating multi-sensor satellite observations for initializing hydrologic and agricultural forecasts
- Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture and Vegetation with a Crop Simulation Model
- Biogeochemical and biophysical climate regulation services from converting native grassland to bioenergy production in the US Midwest
- Climate Change Impacts of Irrigation on the Central High Plains
- Climate Teleconnections and the Biosphere
- Comparing Sediment Yield Predictions from Different Hydrologic Modeling Schemes
- Contribution of Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies to the Ongoing California Drought
- Detected CFCs: UV Absorption Spectra, Atmospheric Lifetimes, Global Warming and Ozone Depletion Potentials for CFC-112, CFC-112a, CFC-113a and CFC-114a
- Detecting neighborhood vacancy level in Detroit city using remote sensing
- Development of the Long-Term Agro-ecosystem Research (LTAR) Network: Current Status and Future Trends
- Diary of a flood basalt: A stratigraphic tour of two sections within the Oligocene Ethiopian Traps
- Diurnality of soil nitrous oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) emissions
- Effects of the Conservation Reserve Program on Hydrologic Processes in the Southern High Plains
- Evaluating Water Sustainability across the High Plains Aquifer using Remote Sensing and Process-Based Hydrology Models
- Evaluating the influence of fire history on dissolved pyrogenic C exported from coniferous and deciduous forest soils in northern Great Lakes Region
- Evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in maize-soybean crops in the US Midwest
- Extent and impact of Cretaceous magmatism on the formation and evolution of Jurassic oceanic crust in the western Pacific
- Flux everywhere, all of the time?
- Grazing Effects on Water Use Efficiency on a Mongolian Desert Steppe
- Groundwater Sustainability in the Michigan Lowlands - Understanding the Complex Interplay of Natural Brine Upwelling, Human Activity, and Climate Change
- High Altitude Infrasound Measurements using Balloon-Borne Arrays
- How Has Land Cover Change Affected Precipitation for the Mongolian Plateau Since 2001?
- How does irrigation modulate regional climate under wet and dry conditions?
- Impacts of climate change on corn yield and the length of corn growing season in U.S. Corn Belt
- Information content of downscaled GCM precipitation variables for crop simulations
- Integrating a Spatial Dimension Into the Relationship Between Landscape and Lake Chemistry Through the Use of a Large, Multi-Themed Database
- Land use history, ecosystem type and species composition drive water use efficiency in annual maize and perennial grasslands in a humid temperate climate
- Large-Scale Forest Die-off in Temperate versus Tropical Regions: Comparison of Local and Global Climate Effects
- Leaf ontogeny and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests
- Modeling water cycle change in the U.S.: Climate versus human drivers
- N2O fluxes over a corn field from an open-path, laser-based eddy covariance system and static chambers
- Nitrogen removal by anammox and denitrification in a subtropical seagrass ecosystem
- North America's Midcontinent Rift: when Rift MET Lip
- Northern Eurasia Future Initiative: Facing the Challenges of Global Change in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Psychometric Principles in Measurement for Geoscience Education Research: A Climate Change Example
- Quantifying the Impact of a Transboundary Streamflow Agreement on Groundwater Resources in the US High Plains Aquifer
- Regulations of evapotranspiration and ecosystem productivity from biophysical and human drivers in drylands Northern Eurasia
- Remote Sensing-based estimates of herbaceous aboveground biomass on the Mongolian Plateau
- Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
- Simulating Groundwater Recharge Across the Southern High Plains
- Soil Pore Characteristics, an Underappreciated Regulatory Factor in GHGs Emission and C Stabilization
- Solute tracer transport does not vary systematically with stream discharge or geomorphology
- Some Advances in Downscaling Probabilistic Climate Forecasts for Agricultural Decision Support
- Sorption, Uptake, and Translocation of Pharmaceuticals across Multiple Interfaces in Soil Environment
- Spatial Analysis of Cryoplanation Landforms in Beringian Uplands, Alaska, USA
- Subsoil Carbon Stocks and Vulnerability to Land Use Change Across a Network of Seven Experimental Sites in the US Northern Lake States
- Testing Earth System Model Assumptions of Photosynthetic Parameters with in situ Leaf Measurements from a Temperate Zone Forest.
- The 2014 Tanana Inventory Pilot: A USFSNASA partnership to leverage advanced remote sensing technologies for forest inventory
- The Effects of More Extreme Rainfall Patterns on Infiltration and Nutrient Losses in Agricultural Soils
- Ultra-high Resolution Mapping of the Inner Crater of the Active Kick'em Jenny Volcano
- Up-regulation of Amazon forest photosynthesis precedes elevated mortality under drought
- Uptake and Accumulation of Pharmaceuticals in Lettuce Under Surface and Overhead Irrigations
- Watershed-scale Evapotranspiration Changed Little over 50 years of Agricultural Land Abandonment in Southern Michigan
- A Comparison of Hemispheric / Global Scale Satellite Snow-Cover Products
- A Model-Based Approach to Infer Shifts in Regional Fire Regimes Over Time Using Sediment Charcoal Records
- A framework to assess the impacts of climate change on stream health indicators in Michigan watersheds
- A new approach to map cropland irrigation distribution using time series remote sensing and ancillary data in a heterogeneous semi-arid and arid region: a case study in Heihe watershed
- Accelerated soil carbon loss by biological changes under warming in Alaskan tundra
- Accounting for "Ecoclimate Teleconnections" that structure ecological responses to disturbance and climate, from local to global scales
- An operational drought prediction framework in the United States based on USDM and NMME
- Application of a Lagrangian Particle Tracking and Reaction method to simulate the field-scale bioremediation experiment at the Schoolcraft site, Michigan
- Applications of UAVs in row-crop agriculture: advantages and limitations
- Applying Telecoupling Framework for Urban Water Sustainability Research and Management
- Assessing inaccuracies in remotely sensed irrigation maps across the High Plains Aquifer
- Bacterial uptake of antibiotics in model unsaturated systems
- Building the capacity of Extension educators to address climate change and agricultural sustainability
- Calibration of an Unsteady Groundwater Flow Model for a Complex, Strongly Heterogeneous Aquifer
- Capacity Building to Support Governmental Meteorological and Agricultural Communities in East Africa
- Climate and Biological Drivers of Biodiversity Across the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- Climatic impacts of managed landscapes for sustainable biofuel feedstocks production.
- Comparative Riftology: Insights into the Evolution of Passive Continental Margins and Continental Rifts from North America's Failed Midcontinent Rift
- Compressibility and spin state of iron-rich post-perovskite in ULVZs
- Connections Between Soil Fertility Declines, Land Use, Ethnicity, Education, and Wealth In Uganda
- Correcting reanalysis atmospheric vapor convergence data based on GRACE water stroage and observed streamflow data
- Cover crop root, shoot, and rhizodeposit contributions to soil carbon in a no- till corn bioenergy cropping system
- Cross-site evaluation of methods for the estimation of aerodynamic roughness parameters from flux-tower data
- Crustal Velocity Model of the Altai-Sayan Region
- Cryoplanation Terraces: A Characteristic Upland Periglacial Landscape
- Detection of Urban Land-cover Change in Altamira, the Brazilian Amazon With High Spatial Resolution Multi-sensor Data
- Does Density-Driven Nocturnal Water Column Mixing Drive Redox Oscillations in Flocculent Organic Sediments?
- Ecosystem Carbon Budgets under Contrasting Land Use Histories Using Eddy Covariance and Deep Core Methods
- Effects of Environmental Perturbations and Seasonal Dynamics upon Microbial Populations in Serpentinite-hosted Groundwater
- Effects of Telecoupling on Global Vegetation Dynamics
- Effects of Vegetative Buffers on Sediment and its Associated Pollutants Transport and Deposition
- Field strategies for the calibration and validation of high-resolution forest carbon maps: Scaling from plots to a three state region MD, DE, & PA, USA.
- Fire-induced changes in boreal forest canopy volume and soil organic matter from multi-temporal airborne lidar
- FracFit: A Robust Parameter Estimation Tool for Anomalous Transport Problems
- Frozen Stiff: Cartographic Design and Permafrost Mapping
- Geophysicists' views about public engagement
- Geostatistical model-based estimation of forest biomass in interior Alaska combining landsat derived tree cover, sampled airborne lidar and field observations
- Global hotspots of water scarcity impacts due to human interventions
- Global sand trade is paving the way for a tragedy of the sand commons
- High-resolution Continental Scale Land Surface Model incorporating Land-water Management in United States
- How Should We Collect Biogeochemical Data in the Stream-Groundwater Interface at the Watershed Scale?
- Human-induced Terrestrial Water Storage Change: A Global Analysis using Hydrological Models and GRACE
- Hydrologic Response to Irrigation across the Republican River Basin of the High Plains Aquifer
- Impact of Initial Condition Errors and Precipitation Forecast Bias on Drought Simulation and Prediction in the Huaihe River Basin
- Impact of Spatial Resolution of SMAP Soil Moisture Product on Hydrologic Modeling of Soil Moisture
- Impacts of Water Level on Metabolism and Transient Storage in Vegetated Lowland Rivers - Insights from a Mesocosm Study
- Impacts of root traits and genotypic diversity in switchgrass cropping systems on biogeochemical cycling of soil carbon and nitrogen
- Improvement of Ground Truth Classification of Soviet Peaceful Nuclear Explosions
- Iron and Sulfur Geochemistry in Serpentinizing Groundwaters: Relationships to Microbiological Processes
- Is there a link between free-living nitrogen fixation rates and nitrogen mineralization rates?
- Lidar Applications for Fine Tuning Forest Inventory Estimates in the Nonforest and Understory Carbon Pools
- Long-term active-layer dynamics: results of 22 years of field observations in Northern Hemisphere permafrost regions.
- Mapping Cropland and Crop-type Distribution Using Time Series MODIS Data
- Modeling Continental Rifts and Melting Under Precambrian Mantle Conditions: Effects of Mantle Potential Temperature and Rheology
- Modeling Impacts of Irrigation on Land Surface Hydrology and Subseasonal Forecast
- Multi-Scale Weather-within-Climate Information and Forecasts for Decision Support in Agriculture
- Multi-year mapping of irrigated croplands over the US High Plains Aquifer using satellite data
- Next generation of weather generators on web service framework
- Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI): Presentation and Justification of the NEFI Science Plan
- Optical Mass Displacement Tracking: A simplified field calibration method for the electro-mechanical seismometer.
- Peaceful Nuclear Explosion Seismogram Analysis: Constraining the Velocity Structure of Eastern Siberia
- Purpose, Processes, Partnerships, and Products: 4Ps to advance Participatory Socio-Environmental Modeling
- Quantifying Fire's Impacts on Total and Pyrogenic Carbon Stocks in Mixed-Conifer Forests: Results from Pre- and Post-Fire Measurements in Active Wildfire Incidents
- Quantifying multiple telecouplings using an integrated suite of spatially-explicit tools
- Rapid Declines in Aufeis Means Major Changes for Many Arctic Rivers
- Refining the Formation and Early Evolution of the Eastern North American Margin (ENAM): New Insights from Multiscale Magnetic Anomaly Analyses
- Relationships between Microbial Activities and Subduction-related Outgassing and Volatile Flux at Aleutian Arc Volcanoes
- Seasonality of semi-arid and savanna-type ecosystems in an Earth system model
- Soil Response to Natural Vegetation Dynamics During the Late Holocene in Minnesota, USA, and Implications for SOM Accumulation and Loss
- Sources of Elevated Cl<SUP>-</SUP> Concentrations in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan: An Integrated Multiscale Water Quantity-Quality Analysis
- Spatially-explicit modelling of nutrient loading to the landscape in the Great Lakes Basin
- Studying Exchange with Less-mobile Porosity at the Laboratory Scale: Experimentation and Multiphysics Simulations
- Tectonic Setting and Aftershocks of the Mw 6.7 Feburary 14, 2013 Earthquake in Yakutia, Northeast Russia
- Texture-contrast profile development across the prairie-forest ecotone in northern Minnesota, USA, and its relation to soil aggregation and clay dispersion.
- The Effects of Punctuated Warm and Wet Environments on Phyllosilicate Formation - or How Long was Early Mars Wet?
- The Interactive Multi-sensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) over the Last Two Decades.
- The Last Gasp - the Terminal Magmatic Stages of the Keweenaw LIP
- The effects of more extreme rainfall patterns on nitrogen leaching from a field crop system in the upper Midwest, USA
- The stability and density of Fe-bearing akimotoite and implications for subduction
- Traditional agroforestry practices in Atlantic Nicaragua promote biodiversity and natural resource diversity
- Understanding High-Resolution Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Groundwater Recharge Using Process Based Hydrologic Modeling
- Varying influence of environmental gradients on vegetation patterns across biomes
- Wetland Restoration and Hydrologic Reconnection Result in Enhanced Watershed Nitrogen Retention and Removal
- A Geodynamic model for melt generation and evolution of the Mid-Continental Rift
- A New Boundary for the High Plains - Ogallala Aquifer Complex
- Analyzing Variability in Landscape Nutrient Loading Using Spatially-Explicit Maps in the Great Lakes Basin
- Aqueous Geochemical Dynamics at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory and The Case for Subsurface Mixing of Regional Groundwaters
- Assessing landscape hydroperiods across the Mekong Basin using multi-scale remote sensing to understand water-energy-food tradeoffs
- Carbon Debt of CRP Lands Converted to Annual and Perennial Bioenergy Crops
- Catchment-Scale Sampling Reveals the Consistent Function of the Sediment-Water Interface to Remove Landscape Scale Dissolved Organic Carbon Properties
- Changes to Watershed Hydrology due to Changing Snowmelt Patterns, Michigan, US
- Characterizing Dissolved Organic Matter and Metabolites in an Actively Serpentinizing Ophiolite Using Global Metabolomics Techniques
- Characterizing and quantifying superparamagnetic magnetite particles in serpentinized mantle peridotite observed in continental ophiolite complexes.
- Characterizing the Seasonality and Spatiotemporal Evolution of the U.S. Warming Hole
- Climate-Agriculture-Modeling and Decision Tool for Disease (CAMDT-Disease) for seasonal climate forecast-based crop disease risk management in agriculture
- Comparing carbon to carbon: Organic and inorganic carbon balances across nitrogen fertilization gradients in rainfed vs. irrigated Midwest US cropland
- Comparison of modelled runoff with observed proglacial discharge across the western margin of the Greenland ice sheet
- Complex interactions among climate change, sanitation, and groundwater quality: A case study from Ramotswa, Botswana
- Decadal-scale ecosystem memory reveals interactive effects of drought and insect defoliation on boreal forest productivity
- Decomposition of standing litter in arid grasslands: Interactions between sunlight, non-rainfall moisture, microbes, and plant traits
- Effects of the international soybean trade on the dynamics of Gross Primary Productivity in soybean-producing regions in China and Brazil
- Enhanced vegetation growth peak and its key mechanisms
- Enhancing the water management schemes of H08 global hydrological model to attribute human water use to six major water sources
- Estimating Soil and Root Parameters of Biofuel Crops using a Hydrogeophysical Inversion
- Estimation and Application of Ecological Memory Functions in Time and Space
- Evaluation of Stakeholder-Driven Groundwater Management through Integrated Modeling and Remote Sensing in the US High Plains Aquifer
- Expanding the Annual Irrigation Maps (AIM) Product to the entire High Plains Aquifer (HPA): Addressing the Challenges of Cotton and Deficit-Irrigated Fields
- Experimental insights into spin state and hyperfine parameters of Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> in bridgmanite and silicate glass up to 91 GPa
- Frictional Behavior of Altered Basement Approaching the Nankai Trough
- From the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative to the Northern Eurasia Future Initiative
- Geodynamics of Modern Structures and Seismotectonics of the Russian Northeast
- Global Water Cycle Diagrams Minimize Human Influence and Over-represent Water Security
- Grassland Aboveground Biomass in Inner Mongolia: Dynamics (2001-2016) and Driving force
- High resolution modeling of reservoir storage and extent dynamics at the continental scale
- High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment Across The Tri-state Area (MD, PA, DE), USA
- Hyporheic less-mobile porosity and solute transport in porous media
- Identifying Spatiotemporal Changes In Irrigated Area Across Southwestern Michigan, USA, Using Remote Sensing and Climate Data
- Implications of Martian Phyllosilicate Formation Conditions to the Early Climate on Mars
- Improving irrigation and groundwater parameterizations in the Community Land Model (CLM) using in-situ observations and satellite data
- Investigating Different Patterns of Slab Deformation in the Lower Mantle
- Investigating the Role of Hydrologic Residence Time in Nitrogen Transformations at the Sediment-Water Interface using Controlled Variable Head Experiments
- Investigating the early snowmelt of 2015 in the Cascade Mountains using new MODIS-based snowmelt timing maps
- Investigations of Chemical and Biological Treatment Options for the Attenuation of Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine Contamination in Groundwater at Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Landsat Time-series for the Masses: Predicting Wood Biomass Growth from Tree-rings Using Departures from Mean Phenology in Google Earth Engine
- Landscape dynamics and different climate forcings in eastern Mongolia
- Large Scale Geomorphic Mapping of Cryoplanation Terraces in Central and Eastern Alaska
- Life and Death of a Flood Basalt: Evolution of a Magma Plumbing System in the Ethiopian Low-Ti Flood Basalt Province
- Long-term Behavior of Hydrocarbon Production Curves
- Long-term comparison of Kuparuk Watershed active layer maps, northern Alaska, USA
- Mapping Regional Impervious Surface Distribution from Night Time Light: The Variability across Global Cities
- Marine sources influence fog bioaerosol composition in Namibia and Maine
- Melt Origin Across a Rifted Continental Margin: A Case for Subduction-related Metasomatic Agents in the Lithospheric Source of Alkaline Basalt, Northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Methane- and Hydrogen-Influenced Microbial Communities in Hydrothermal Plumes above the Atlantis Massif, Mid Atlantic Ridge
- Microwave Observations of Snow-Covered Freshwater Lake Ice obtained during the Great Lakes Winter EXperiment (GLAWEX), 2017
- Monitoring N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production Using a cNOR Modeled Active Site
- National-scale aboveground biomass geostatistical mapping with FIA inventory and GLAS data: Preparation for sparsely sampled lidar assisted forest inventory
- Numerical Modeling of Anaerobic Microzones Development in Bulk Oxic Porous Media: An Assessment of Different Microzone Formation Processes
- Predicting Tree Mortality Die-off Events Associated with Hotter Drought and Assessing Their Global Consequences via Ecoclimate Teleconnections.
- Reaction between hydrous wadsleyite and iron: Implication for water distribution in Earth's transition zone
- Receiver Functions of the Mangystau Region, Western Kazakhstan
- Reconstructing Heat Fluxes Over Lake Erie During the Lake Effect Snow Event of November 2014
- Release of Nitrogen during Planetary Accretion Explains Missing Nitrogen in Earth's Mantle
- Repeat synoptic sampling reveals drivers of change in carbon and nutrient chemistry of Arctic catchments
- Seismic Characterization of Silica Diagenesis in the Northwestern Pacific
- Simulating the Effects of Widespread Adoption of Efficient Irrigation Technologies on Irrigation Water Use
- Socioeconomic Collapse of Rural Areas, Atlantic Forest Transition and Sustainability
- Spatial and temporal variations of evapotranspiration, groundwater and precipitation in Amazonia
- Spatiotemporal impacts of LULC changes on hydrology from the perspective of runoff generation mechanism using SWAT model with evolving parameters
- Strength and Deformation of Solid Krypton and Xenon to Mbar Pressures
- The Caucasus Seismic Network (CNET): Seismic Structure of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus
- The Climate-Agriculture-Modeling and Decision Tool (CAMDT) for Climate Risk Management in Agriculture
- The Effects of Realistic Irrigation on the Great Plains Low-Level Jet
- The Land-Use Legacy Effect: Groundwater mechanisms behind ecosystem responses to land use/cover
- The Person Behind the Picture: Influence of Social and Cultural Capital on Geoscience Career Pathways
- The Stirring of Oceanic Crust in the Mantle: How it Changes with Time?
- The Temporospatial Variations and Propagation of Drought in China
- The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models
- The impact of including export limitation in photosynthetic models from leaf to global scales
- Uncertainty and inference in the world of paleoecological data
- Understanding the Amazon Hydrology for Sustainable Hydropower Development
- Unveiled Risks in a Telecoupled Arena Dependent on Agricultural Commodity Trade
- Utilizing Ecological Health Index to Monitor Grazingland Ecological Health: A Quick and Flexible Method for Ranchers and Farmers
- Vestiges of Submarine Serpentinization Recorded in the Microbiology of Continental Ophiolite Complexes
- A Century-Old Geomorphic Enigma: Cryoplanation Terraces and Associated Processes
- A Deep Learning Architecture for Long-Range Forecasting of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
- A Half-Century of Biophysical Change in Polygonised Tundra on the Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska.
- A New Adjoint-state Full Waveform Tsunami Source Inversion Method
- A Novel Approach for An Advanced Sustainable Greenhouse Using Spectral-Splitting Material and A Solar Desalination Unit
- A Quarter Century of CALM: Recent Developments in the Alaskan Component of the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Program
- A Water Cycle for the Anthropocene
- A cloud-based scheme for hydro-dam detection and LULC change across time and space in the Mekong River Basin
- A multidisciplinary assessment of heat flux at the core mantle boundary
- A strong seismic reflector above the Kamchatka slab in the lower mantle
- An Event Observed as a Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) and a Terrestrial Electron Beam (TEB) by Fermi-GBM
- Analyzing Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Mount Elgon Ecosystem
- Application of Regional Drought and Crop Yield Information System to enhance drought monitoring and forecasting in Ninh Thuan Province in Vietnam
- Applications of Multi-scale Climate Information for Decision Supports in Agriculture
- Assessing geomorphic change from increasing flood frequency and magnitude using stream gage data and aerial imagery
- Atmospheric <SUP>15</SUP>N<SUP>15</SUP>N as a tracer of nitrogen cycling from local to planetary scales
- Balancing Open Science and Individual Data Privacy in the Earth Sciences
- Balloon-Borne Instrumentation for Detection of Gamma-ray Glows from Lightning
- CUAHSI Virtual University: An inter-institutional framework for graduate education applied to the hydrologic sciences
- Can reduced air density along the lightning leader path to ground increase x-ray production relative to normal atmospheric conditions?
- Carbon and nutrient dynamics in Arctic stream networks determined with catchment-scale estimates of redox reactions
- Carbonate polymorphism reverses carbonate-silicate reaction in Earth's lower mantle
- Changes in Flood Dynamics in the Lower Mekong River Basin Due to Upstream Flow Regulation
- Characterizing rooting depth distribution and nitrogen acquisition by dominant tundra plant species
- Chemical and biological carbon sinks in the Costa Rican Forearc: First insights from the Biology Meets Subduction project
- Climate related uncertainties associated with the future conditions for the migratory monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
- Comparing Active and Time-Averaged Deformation Patterns in Cratonic Rifts: A Western rift, Africa Case Study
- Connecting Watershed Factors to Plant Invasion within the Coastal Wetlands of the Great Lakes Basin
- Consequences of Extreme Rainfall Patterns on Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in Midwest Cropping Systems
- Constraining Magma Compressibility, Volatile Content and Pressure Changes at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, prior to the 2006 Eruption
- Contemporary Environmental Changes over the Dry Land Belt of Northern Eurasia and Their Consequences
- Continental-scale consequences of tree die-offs in North America
- Cross-validation and Transferability Performance of GEDI Footprint Aboveground Biomass Models
- Cryoplanation terraces at the Seward Peninsula: mechanisms of origin and influence on subsurface hydrology on the local scale
- Deep Graph Convolution for Weather Prediction
- Depletion of the Southern High Plains Aquifer: Simulating the Effects of Conserving Irrigation Water through Reduced Irrigated Area and Limited Application
- Deriving Arctic Lake Ice Phenology From Sentinel-1 Time-Series Using Cloud-Based Detection Algorithms
- Developing longitudinal models of 20-year water quality in Texas gulf region—A hybrid of remote sensing and machine learning approach
- Downscaling Probabilistic Seasonal Rainfall and Temperature Forecasts for Climate Risk Management in Agriculture
- Drought and Crop Nowcast and Forecast in NASA SERVIR Hubs
- Drought monitoring and forecasting for Lower Mekong Countries via the Regional Hydrological Extremes Assimilation System (RHEAS)
- Eastward expansion of the eastern Tibetan margin revealed by adjoint waveform tomography
- Ecological responses to hydrological characteristics in Hawaii streams and their implication with changing climate
- Effects of rapid plate motion on the Mid-Continental Rift and mantle plume interactions under Pre-Cambrian mantle conditions
- Enhancing Drought Resilience and Crop Yield Security in Vietnam
- Evaluating a Coupled Phenology and Surface Energy Balance model to Understand Stream-Subsurface Temperature Dynamics in a Mixed-Use Farmland Catchment
- Evaluation of LIS-based Weekly Drought Prediction System over the United States
- Evapotranspiration of Annual and Perennial Biofuel Crops
- Examining decadal hydrologic shifts in the Amazon basin using Budyko framework
- Expanding Wallace species distribution modeling software to support national biodiversity change indicator calculations for GEO BON assessment and reporting.
- Exploring Deformation Mechanisms at the Base of the Earth's Mantle with Combined Constraints from Geodynamics, Mineral Physics and Seismic Anisotropy.
- Flux-based enrichment ratios for stemflow used to characterize and quantify spatial distribution of subcanopy solute fluxes within urban forest fragments
- Fluxes from Across the Street: Using Artificial Neural Networks to Model Carbon Cycling from Paired Flux Sites
- Fourth National Climate Assessment Chapter 15 - Tribes and Indigenous Peoples
- GEDI Aboveground Biomass Modeling: Which Waveform Metrics are Most Useful to Predict Biomass Across Different Continents and Plant Functional Types?
- GLD360-Reported Radio Emissions Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, Intraplate Deformation, and Relative Sea Level Changes in the Eastern US
- Global Variations of the 520-km Discontinuity
- How can hierarchical Bayesian calibration of a dynamic vegetation model help with ecological forecasts?
- How do evapotranspiration-driven discharge fluctuations alter reach-scale ecosystem function?
- Improving classification of humid-region irrigation using the red-edge band of Sentinel-2: Comparing irrigated and non-irrigated corn and soy in southwestern Michigan
- Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Language in K-12 STEM Geoscience Education Through Place- and Inquiry Based Experiences and Curriculum Development
- Increased Dependence on Irrigated Crop Production across the CONUS
- Insights from the magmatic record into the development of the East African Rift
- Inundation Mapping Over Tonle Sap Lake Region in Cambodia Using C-band Sentinel-1 Data in 2017 to support WEF Nexus Assessment
- Investigating the effects of hydropower development, deforestation, and climate change on the hydrology of rivers in the Brazilian Amazon
- Is there a thundercloud electric field threshold for terrestrial gamma-ray flash production?
- Joint Prediction of Sampled Forest Inventory and LiDAR Data using Linear Models for Coregionalization: An Application to National-Scale Aboveground Biomass Spatial Prediction Exploiting Space-Borne LiDAR
- Land-use legacies, nutrient transport and attenuation along groundwater flowpaths
- Large-Scale Patterns And Landscape Variability Of Forest Canopy Structure
- Less-mobile Exchange Dynamics in Porous Media
- Lightning Interferometry Using RAPID
- Modeling Root Processes Along a Successional Forest Transect using a Coupled Hydrogeophysical Inversion Approach
- Modeling Sigmoidal NOAA Active Region 12665 Using Non Linear Force Free Field
- Modeling benthic vs. hyporheic nutrient uptake in unshaded streams with varying substrates
- Monitoring Power Restoration Using Satellite Imagery and Social Vulnerability
- Multi-year Legacy Impacts Following Droughts in a Seasonal Amazon Forest
- Multivariate and Network Analysis of Microbe-Environment Interactions Across a Geochemically Active Subduction Zone in Northern Costa Rica
- New insight into an EIP event from detailed interferometric imaging
- Observation of Less-mobile Porosity Dynamics in an Urban Stream
- On the value of collecting long-term, periodic, synoptic water chemistry data in stream networks: Revealing structure and stability of headwater conditions
- Optimizing Dam Management in the Mekong River Basin to Minimize Environmental Impacts
- Overland water flow component for DSSAT model
- Plant Production Responses to Water Balance Differ Across Dryland Ecosystems and are Enhanced Under Extremes
- Predicting US Drought Monitor Drought Categories with multiple land surface models and machine learning
- Projections of maize and rice yield in the Rufiji Basin, Tanzania
- Quantifying Nutrient Loading Landscapes using Spatially Explicit Maps in the Great Lakes Basin
- Quantifying the Impacts of Early and Late Growing Season Precipitation on Midwestern US Corn Production: A Downscaling and Modeling Approach
- Relative and Absolute Weathering Trends from Eagle Summit, Alaska Cryoplanation Terraces
- Remotely sensed geodiversity for identifying and predicting biodiverse landscapes
- Representing Agricultural Systems in Earth System Model: implementation, calibration, and multi-scale validation of CLM-AgSys
- Rupturing paradigms of continental rift magmatism: a chemo-spatial analysis of rift magmas
- Seismogenic Zone of Deep Intraslab Earthquakes beneath Japan Constrained by Adjoint Tomography
- Sensitivity and Feedback Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Variability of Rainfall to Land Cover Change across the Amazon Basin
- Shifting Bioenergetics Over the Lifetime of Serpentinizing Systems
- Shifting irrigation patterns in response to policy, technology, and water availability: Mapping three decades of irrigation across the US High Plains Aquifer with Landsat satellite data
- Slab strength and trench length influence lowermost mantle flow directions
- Social Dimensions of Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Ili-Balkhash Basin in Central Asia
- Socio-Environmental Systems (SES) on the Changing Mongolian Plateau: A review
- Soil-surface temperatures, active-layer thickness, and satellite trends of increasing phytomass in northern Alaska
- Spatial and temporal relationships between hydrologic forcing, geologic setting, and river corridor exchange in a mountain stream network
- Spatial coherence of carbon flux towers in Midwest ecosystems
- Spatially Explicit Modeling of Nutrient Transport in the Great Lakes Basin
- Spatiotemporal consistency of four gross primary production products and solar-induced fluorescence in response to climate extremes across CONUS in 2012
- Spin state and elasticity in an intermediate MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB>-FeAlO<SUB>3</SUB> bridgmanite: implication for Earth's lower mantle
- Technical Challenges in the Sophistication of Reservoir Operation Schemes in Hyper-resolution Global Hydrological Modeling
- The Geophysical Structure and Deformational Regime of the Arabian-Eurasia Collision
- The Impacts of the U.S. Warming Hole on Agricultural Yields
- The JECAM SAR Inter-Comparison Experiment: Comparing agriculture classification results utilizing a well-established operational decision tree methodology incorporating a variety of C-band SAR and optical imagery applied to 13 worldwide, diverse agriculture systems.
- The Role of Surface Topography in Temporal Stability of Field-Scale Patterns of Soil Water Content
- The USDA-Agricultural Research Service Experimental Watershed and LTAR Research Network: Contributions to Socially Relevant Catchment Science
- The effects of non-rainfall moisture on fungal communities and standing grass litter decomposition in a hyperarid desert
- The mechanism of the akimotoite-bridgmanite phase transition and implications for the dynamics of subducted slabs
- Tracking the geochemical evolution of low-Ti continental flood basalts: NW Ethiopian Plateau
- Transposing Socioeconomic and Qualitative Research into a Historical, Landscape-scale Assessment of Carbon Stock in Agricultural-Forestland
- Use and Synthesis of the Third National Climate Assessment for the Great Lakes Region
- Utilizing SMAP Soil Moisture Data to Improve Irrigation Parameterizations in Land Surface Models
- Vegetation spectroscopy of tropical forests: scaling from leaves to landscapes
- Water Resource Sustainability and Food Security in the Lower Mekong River Basin: Alternative Diets to Fish Protein Loss Caused by Dam Construction
- Water, Energy, and Carbon Emissions from Irrigation over the Central High Plains Aquifer, USA
- Within-canopy leaf functional traits from airborne remote sensing
- A thermal tolerance trait distinguishes microclimatic niches of tropical trees
- A watershed-scale approach to understanding socio-ecological systems: Combining multiple data streams to assess a land surface model
- Addressing the "Why": Strategic Science Communication in Research and Practice
- Aerial VSWIR imaging spectroscopy for early crop disease detection
- Along-strike segmentation of intermediate-depth seismicity along the Alaska Peninsula and implications for slab dehydration
- Along-strike variations in b-value for subduction zone earthquakes at the Alaska Peninsula
- An investigation of the thresholds for two conventional water scarcity indicators using a global hydrological model with human activities
- An open source tool to reduce geolocation uncertainty in GEDI data
- Application of 3-D Finite Difference Method in High-Speed Rail Wave Field Simulation
- Assessing Groundwater Flow Dynamics in the Headwaters of the Southern Amazon Basin
- BIFoR - Combining sensor network innovations with adaptive modelling approaches for identifying non-linear dynamics in hydrological and biogeochemical responses to global environmental change at the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
- Beyond the "lollipop" - roots as dynamic participants in root-microbe-mineral interactions
- Brazilian Amazon Cloud Cover: A Case Study in Acre State Using Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 Data
- Bringing Undergrads to the Field: A Short Course on Tectonics and Seismic Research in Kodiak, Alaska
- Can Regional Paleotemperatures Constrain Projections of Future Warming?
- Carbon Mineralization during Decomposition of Switchgrass: Effect of Pore Size Distribution and Residue Type on the Source of Carbon Dioxide Emission
- Changing Soil Fungal Composition and Soil Properties with Shrub Encroachment in Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands
- Chemical Complexity Matters: Differential Mobilization of Mineral-Associated Organic Matter Driven by Functionally Distinct Compounds Released from Roots
- Co-design of a Water Cycle Diagram to Discover Similarities and Differences among Global Water Impact Models
- Complex Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Coastal Dead Zones
- Connecting Landscape Nitrogen Loads to Groundwater Nitrate Concentrations
- Consequences of Extreme Rainfall Patterns on Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in Midwest Cropping Systems
- Constraining the exsolved volatile fraction, the H<SUB>2</SUB>O/CO<SUB>2</SUB> molar ratio, and magma compressibility of the 2006 Augustine eruption, Alaska
- Constructing a New Integrated Hydrologic Model over California's Central Valley to Help Inform Irrigation Practices
- Conterminous United States Evidence for Landsat 5 Satellite Orbit Change Reflectance Inconsistencies
- Could Water Resources Management Measures Mitigate Flood Risk in Lancang-Mekong River Basin?
- Cross-Scale Evaluation of WRF / Noah-MP-Crop Yield Simulations
- Crowdsourcing science: Synthesizing global perspectives with the help of social media
- Decadal viscoelastic postseismic deformation of the 1964 Mw9.2 Alaska earthquake and its stress perturbations over crustal active faults
- Deep convolutional neural network large area Landsat time series land cover classification
- Detecting Changes in Irrigation Technology Over the High Plains Aquifer, USA, Using More Than Three Decades of Satellite Data
- Detecting Irrigation in Nuanced and Diverse Landscapes: A Comparison of Neural Networks and Forest-based Classifiers
- Detection and Relocation of Earthquakes in the Sparsely Instrumented Mackenzie Mountain Region, Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada
- Determination of Phase and Group Velocities between Greater Caucasus and North-Eastern Anatolia
- Development of a decision support model for the management of fungal ear rot and associated mycotoxin contamination in corn grain
- Disentangling Roots from Electrical Resistivity Signals: Adding Dynamic Geochemistry to Coupled Hydrogeophysical Inversions
- Effects of soil freezing on methane oxidation in deciduous vs conifer forests in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, USA
- Embedding Co-Production into Long Term Ecological Research: Insights from Hubbard Brook and Harvard Forest
- Estimating pressure and temperature conditions of hydrothermal vent fluid formation: Historic and recent observations at the East Pacific Rise 9°50'N
- Evaluating Climate Change Scenarios across the Mekong River Basin using a High Resolution Integrated Hydrologic Model
- Evaluating the Impact of Field Heterogeneity on Food Security Assessment in Tanzania
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Less-mobile Domain Processes in Naturally Occurring Porous Media
- Exploring the Geochemical Characteristics of the Eocene Ethiopian Flood Basalts
- Food, Energy, and Water Responses to Water Use Restrictions Enforcing the Republican River Compact
- Formation criteria for hyporheic anoxic microzones: Assessing interactions of hydraulics, nutrients and biofilms
- Frequency Limit for the Pressure Compliance Correction of Ocean-bottom Seismic Data
- From Classroom to Community: Student Contributions to WikiProject Limnology & Oceanography Expand Public Education in the Aquatic Sciences
- Full waveform inversion of the crust and upper mantle model beneath the contiguous U.S.
- Geospatial Coherence and Modelling of Land-Surface Fluxes
- Global validation of the NASA MODIS and VIIRS burned area products
- Helium and carbon isotopes in southern Costa Rica and western Panama
- Historical Fluxes of Toxic Trace Elements in the Salton Sea Basin
- How and why do physical, chemical, and biological characteristics (co)vary through space in a 5<SUP>th</SUP> order river basin?
- How does pyrogenic organic matter influence post-fire soil carbon efflux? Insights from a manipulative lab experiment.
- Impact of Agriculture and Roadways on Fragmented Forests in Michigan
- Impact of urbanization on land-atmosphere heat fluxes.
- Implementing a prognostic groundwater scheme in the Community Land Model version 5
- Implication of Terrestrial Water Storage Changes on Hydrological Extremes in the Mekong River Basin
- Improving satellite-based soybean yield mapping across irrigated and rain-fed conditions
- Increasing Late-season Drought Impacts on Forest Productivity due to Mesophication in the Eastern US Forests
- Inland water bodies as surface energy hotspots
- Instrumentation and Methodology for Balloon-Based Detection of Gamma-Ray Glows in Central Florida Thunderstorms
- Interannual Variation in Land Surface Phenology: Impacts of Snow Cover Seasonality and Terrain on the Highland Pastures of the Kyrgyz Republic from 2001 to 2017
- Interdependent dynamics of food, energy and water in Kazakhstan and Mongolia: Connecting LULCC to the transitional socioecological systems
- Large and Fragmented Lithospheric Velocity Variations in the Northern Canadian Cordillera Imaged by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Leveraging the Future: Best Practices from Transdisciplinary Collaborations
- Life on the Grid: Wiring Biology and Geology with Microbial Nanowires
- Linking field, model, and remote sensing methods to understand when tree mortality breaks the forest carbon cycle
- Magmatic record of the continuous Neo-Tethyan subduction after initial India-Asia collision in the central part of southern Tibet
- Measuring Landslides and Volcanic Eruptions with ArcticDEM
- Measuring and managing energy in soil organic matter
- Microbial Worlds: Integrating microbiology with the arts and humanities toward public understanding of social-ecological issues
- Microbial community coupling to deep subduction processes
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- Modeled Vs Measured NPP: Are Global Satellite Estimates of Forest NPP Appropriate Across the Terrain of Northern Rocky Mountain Forests?
- Multistage Core Formation of Mars
- North America's mid-continent rift: a chanced meeting of a plume and a rift
- On establishing the U.S. weekly drought prediction system based on empirical and dynamic modeling framework
- Opportunities for innovative Earth Observation from Space providing information for science from discovery to sustainable development.
- P-wave Tomography of the Mackenzie Mountains Region, Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada
- Patterns and drivers of total canopy nitrogen (g/m<SUP>2</SUP>) in a southeastern US mixed temperate forest: a three-dimensional remote sensing approach to ecosystem function.
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Potential for operationalizing a hydro-agricultural modeling and information system: Lessons from Mekong and Eastern Africa regional applications
- Quantifying Nutrient Loads to the Great Lakes Coastline with a Spatially Explicit Nutrient Transport Model
- Quantifying landscape-water quality nexus and predicting water quality under alternative planning scenarios using machine learning approaches
- Radio Emissions from Streamer Ensembles
- Regional Phases Attenuation in Azerbaijan and Surrounding Regions
- Seasonal and event-based concentration discharge relationships from contrasting Arctic headwater catchments
- Seismic constraints on the hydrous state of the Tonga slab
- Shear Wave Splitting across the Mackenzie Mountains, Canada
- Short-period Full Waveform Modeling of the Spatial Relationships of Fine Slab Structure and Deep Earthquakes beneath Japan and Izu-Bonin
- Snowmelt-Related Hydrologic Changes in the Central and Eastern United States Resulting from Warmer Winter Temperatures
- Source Spectra and Stress Drop of Deep Earthquakes in the Tonga Subduction Zone
- Spatial Model-Data Comparison of Mid-Holocene Temperatures
- Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Heat Waves Across the United States
- Statistical Estimation of Vegetation Production in the Northern High Latitude Region based on Satellite Image Time Series
- Steady GeV-TeV solar gamma-ray emission reveal surprises about cosmic-ray transport in the heliosphere
- Strength, deformation and equation of state of tungsten carbide to 66 GPa
- Sustainable hydropower development in the Amazon river basin using In-stream Turbine technology
- The Potential to Retrieve Lake Ice Thickness Through SAR Interferometry: Case Study in Utqiagvik, Alaska
- The Significance of Intergenerational and Intercultural Knowledge Transfer on Youth and Adults
- The fill-and-fit (FF) approach for wall-to-wall within-year Landsat land surface monitoring
- The other side of drought: What is the effect of hydrological environment on Amazon forest "green-up" and drought responses?
- The spatial and temporal patterns of impervious surface and their socioeconomic impacts in a Chinese rapid urbanized area—A hybrid of remote sensing and machine learning approaches.
- Toward hyper-resolution reservoir modeling at the continental scale
- Towards a Refined 3D Model of the Western Pacific Slab to Investigate the Nature of Deep Earthquakes
- Tundra wildfire triggers long-term lateral nitrogen loss
- Understanding the Regional Implications of Drought on Rice Yields over the Lower Mekong Region
- Upper Plate Motion, Slab Geometry, and Slip Behavior Along the Eastern Alaska Subduction Zone
- Urban Stormwater Signatures Across the United States: A Machine Learning Approach
- Using ICESat-2 and Landsat to map forest carbon pools with associated uncertainty: A multivariate geostatistical modeling approach
- Using science and art to reveal the "Hidden Water" of our everyday lives
- Validation of a 30 m combined Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2A/B burned area product using high resolution PLANET Dove-Classic and Dove-R constellation data
- Variations in Amazonian forest canopy structure and light environments across environmental and disturbance gradients
- Warming increases plant-available nutrients in the SPRUCE bog
- What Can Smaller Cities Show Us? Examining Recent and Projected Urban Dynamics from the Perspective of Urban Scaling Theory
- Whole-profile soil carbon change after 25 years along an agricultural management gradient.
- Yield Stability Predicts Reactive Nitrogen Losses in the U.S. Midwest
- 25 year history of volcano magma supply in the east central Aleutian arc, Alaska
- A Global Analysis of Streamflow in a Changing World
- A Novel Environmental Flow Modeling Calibration Approach based on Multi-Objective Performance Characterization
- A fireside chat: large wildfires are a looming threat to US lakes
- A mixed-methods approach to assessing sub-seasonal retreat rates of retrogressive thaw slumps in the Eureka Area, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
- A multi-site synthesis of impacts of multi-year extreme events on dryland ecosystem resilience
- A novel coupled cycling of abiotic denitrification and N<SUB>2</SUB>O-reduction is frequent across tropical peatlands
- A prevalent isotopic signature in the East African upper mantle: implications for the composition of the African LLSVP
- Active, Action-Oriented Learning with an Online Instructional Modeling Platform: MAGNET4Water
- Adaptive multi-paddock grazing management increases soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in southeastern U.S.
- Along Strike Variations in Structure and Melt Production in the Lau Back Arc Spreading Center from Body-wave Tomography
- An Updated Velocity Field for Northern Canadian Cordillera
- Application of SERVIR - Mekong's RDCYIS to Enhance Drought Forecast and Warning Generation in Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam
- Application of machine learning in seismic array processing
- Are bluffs along the Great Lakes eroding faster now than ever before? A case study of modern and historical rates and drivers of bluff retreat along Lake Michigan in Western Michigan, U.S.
- Are the abundance of mid-size pores and soil carbon accrual via diverse plant communities occurred in highly sandy soil?
- Assessing the hydrological impacts of hydropower boom in the Amazon River basin using high resolution modeling
- AutoCoulomb: Program for flexibly calculating Coulomb stress changes on receiver faults with any orientation and nonvertical profiles with any trend
- Bark Beetle Impacts on Forest Evapotranspiration and its Partitioning
- Classifying Irrigation Using Cloud Computing: An Overview of an Earth Observation powered Neural Network Classifier
- Classifying Irrigation: Developing a CONUS-wide Neural Network Classifier
- Comparing 2019 and 2020 mortality in rural Bangladesh in relation to COVID-19 and arsenic exposure
- Comparison of 1D vs 3D viscosity models for glacial isostatic adjustment
- Compositional heterogeneities in the mid-mantle revealed by seismic discontinuities and reflectors
- Compounded Effects of Climate Change and Cascade Hydropower Development on the Flood and Sediment Regimes in the Mekong River Basin
- Conjugate Faulting, Lower Mantle Seismicity, and Slab Settling Associated with the 2015 Bonin Islands Deep-Focus Earthquake
- Connecting Landscape-Applied Nutrients to Widespread Coastal Wetland Invasion Across the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Crossing the Border with SENSEmap: Estimating Point and Nonpoint Nutrient Inputs Across Ontario and Quebec
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of the Caucasus and Eastern Anatolia
- Deep low-velocity layer in the Tonga slab
- Differences in Groundwater Contributions to Streamflow Versus Watershed Nitrate Export Reveal the Importance of Scale in Evaluating Agricultural Conservation Practices.
- Digging Into Nitrogen Pollution: Analyzing Drivers of Groundwater Nitrate Concentration using the SENSE Nutrient Modeling Framework
- Double-difference adjoint tomography of the Cascadia subduction zone
- Establishing a database for volcanic eruptions and landslides using ArcticDEM
- Evaluating the Influence of Short-term Cryospheric Fluctuations on the Earthquake Cycle in Southern, Coastal Alaska
- Evaluation and generation of consistent high spatial resolution multispectral reflectance time series using Planetscope and NASA Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 data
- Experimental constraints on biotic and abiotic drivers of near surface-marine iodine redox transformations at the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series
- Explaining patterns of biodiversity across spatial scales with improved detection and attribution of disturbances
- Exploring Stream-Lake Interaction Impacts on the Biogeochemistry of a Lake-Dominated Arctic Watershed
- Fate of C and N during Switchgrass Root Decomposition: Linking Trace Gas Emission, Microbial Biomass, and Extracellular Enzyme Activity
- Formation of Planetesimals through Gravitational Collapse
- Formation of Terrestrial-like Systems with Pebble Accretion
- Four-Dimensional Rupture Processes of Deep-Focus Earthquakes Near Japan
- Free-living Nitrogen Fixation in the Switchgrass Rhizosphere
- Future Amazon Hydropower under Climate Change
- Future projection of land use change and its impacts on water resources and ecosystems investigated with MIROC-INTEG-LAND: a global bio-geophysical land surface model with human components
- GHG mitigation potentials in the U.S. Corn-Soybean cropping system: Promises and threats from genetically engineered crops, weed resistance and tillage practices
- Geomorphometry of a Sorted Patterned Ground Field: Fluvial Processes and Cryoplanation Terrace Development
- Global Observation Data Show Variable but Increasing Active-Layer Thickness
- How Alaska's Barry Arm Can Help Us Prepare for Climate Change Hazards
- How much melt forms in continental rifting and where does it go?
- Hydraulic connectivity of impervious surfaces as a key indicator of urban flood control
- Hydrologic Sensitivity to Climate Forcing and Spatial Resolution: A Study on the Mekong River Basin Using the Community Land Model (CLM5.0)
- Hydrological Thresholds for Sustainable Land Use and Land Cover Change in Amazon River Basin
- Impacts of climate change on global terrestrial water storage and the implications on future droughts
- Improved Joint Seismic-Geodynamic Tomography: Effects of Topography at Discontinuities in the Transition Zone on Mantle Heterogeneity and Convection-Related Observables
- Improving Solution Accuracy and Convergence for Stochastic Physics Parameterizations with Colored Noise
- Influence of soil pore characteristics on the spatial distribution pattern of added carbon: X-ray micro-tomography and isotopic labelling approach
- Investigating how the cross-sectional shape of ULVZs provides information on the intrinsic viscosity of LLSVPs and ULVZs
- Investigating the potential of consolidating water utilities to address water quality risks and population change in California, USA
- Irrigation's effects on summer precipitation and temperature over the CONUS in 1979-2018
- Isotopic Fractionation during Multi-Stage Core Formation
- July 2020 Simeonof Earthquake: Was slip in the earthquake contained within the interseismically locked region?
- Kinematics of the Fairweather-Queen Charlotte Transform System and Deformation of the Northeast Pacific plate
- Land Surface Phenology and Snow Seasonality in the Highland Pastures of Kyrgyzstan: What High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Data Reveals about the Landscape Heterogeneity of Vegetation
- Large-scale Riverine Reaction and Transport of Anthropogenic Nitrate in the Community Land Model
- Lithospheric structure of the North American Craton constrained by full waveform inversion
- Looking Forward to 30 Years since the Disintegration of the USSR: Environmental and Socio-Economic Consequences of Fundamental Institutional Change amidst Changing Climates
- Mapping dimensions of biodiversity in forested ecosystems with lidar and imaging spectroscopy fusion
- Metasomatism, Melting, and Magmatism: Insights into the evolution of continental rifting in East Africa
- Modeling Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in the Nebraska Sandhills
- Periglacial Investigations in Louise Arner Boyd's American Geographical Society Expeditions to East Greenland, 1933 and 1937
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Projecting the long-term effectiveness of groundwater conservation initiatives: A western Kansas case study
- Quantifying post-glacial biotic velocities of tree taxa from fossil pollen records: can the trees keep up?
- Quantifying the effect of dams in reducing global flood exposure under climate change
- Quantitative multi-factor characterization of ecological vulnerability in the Mount Elgon ecosystem
- Rapid Water-level Rise Drives Unprecedented Coastal Erosion in the Laurentian Great Lakes, USA
- Regional Implications of Drought on Rice Yields over the Lower Mekong Region
- Regional Phases Attenuation in Caucasus
- Regionalization of Statistical Forecasts of Field Scale Resolution Runoff Modeling using National Water Model Outputs through Unsupervised Cluster Analysis
- Relating geophysical and geochemical signatures to bulk electrical resistivity
- Relationship between nearshore bathymetry, winter shore ice and coastal erosion: A case study from the Laurentian Great Lakes, USA
- Risks of Automated Data Discovery: Recommendations for Data Stewardship in Data-Centric Climate Science
- Root exudates mediate N transformations and plant N availability in marginal land soils
- Sedimentary and crustal structure of California and Nevada from joint inversion of multiple passive seismic datasets
- Seismic attenuation above the Pampean flat slab in South America
- Sexual Harassment on UNOLS research vessels: Policy Creation, Implementation, and Experience
- Shear Wave Speed Imaging of the Magma-poor Western Branch of the East African Rift
- Shining light on Arctic river biogeochemical dynamics: Using in-situ high-frequency optical sensors to constrain carbon and nitrogen exports and stoichiometry in two headwaters
- Simulating the Integrated Surface and Groundwater Resources of the Mekong River Basin at High Resolution
- Simulation of the hydrological impacts of climate change on Hawaiian streams
- Slab Thinning Controls the Distribution of Large Deep Intraslab Earthquakes in the Western Pacific Subduction Zones
- Slab morphology at the source region of the 2015 Mw 7.9 Bonin earthquake imaged by full waveform inversion
- Source Spectra of Intermediate-depth and Deep Earthquakes in the Tonga Subduction Zone
- Spin transitions and compressibility of ε-Fe<SUB>7</SUB>N<SUB>3</SUB> and γ'-Fe<SUB>4</SUB>N: implications for iron alloys in terrestrial planetary cores
- Sub-field Variability of Nitrate Leaching in the Midwest: A Process Based Crop Simulation Approach
- Subsea Permafrost Carbon Stocks and Climate Change Sensitivity Estimated by Expert Assessment
- Temperature Monitoring Under Different Land Covers on the North Slope of Alaska
- The Contributions of Shear and Turbulence to Cloud Overlap for Cumulus Clouds
- The Effect of Agricultural Adaptation on Future Land Atmosphere Coupling over the Central United States
- The Means of Production: Carbon fixation and assimilation in an ultrabasic, serpentinization-influenced aquifer
- The Origins of Seismic Heterogeneities in the Lower Mantle: Insights from Mineral Physics
- The impact of global reservoir expansion on the present day climate
- The potential impact of the COVID-19 on the corn growth and yield of the United States
- The quest for understanding the organisational principles of hyporheic exchange flow and biogeochemical cycling across scales
- The role of decadal and sub-annual water-level and wave variability in coastal carbon budgets
- Tipping Points Planner - Supporting Better Informed Land Use Planning Policies in the Great Lakes Region
- Towards an Integrated Understanding of Soil-Microbe-Fungi Interactions in the Rhizosphere using Novel Sample Approaches and Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Imaging
- Updated iodine cycle constraints and parameters in the cGENIE model: implications for modern iodine redox transformation and paleoredox reconstruction
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- 3-D sedimentary structures beneath southeastern Australia constrained by Passive seismic array data
- 3D seismic velocity structure of the Tonga subduction zone constrained by body-wave tomography
- A 3D Azimuthal Anisotropy Model Beneath the East Asia Continent and Western Pacific Subduction Zone
- A Seasonal US Atlas of Stopover Locations for Nocturnal Bird Migration: Hotspots and Drivers
- A new mechanism for nearshore geomorphic change and sediment transport by shore ice
- A novel deep convolutional neural network approach for large area satellite time series land cover classification
- Accretion Models and Collisional Erosion in the Context of Geo- and Cosmochemical Constraints
- Addressing coastal monitoring data gaps in the Great Lakes of North America using UAVs, ROVs, and community scientists
- An Enhanced Earthquake Catalogue for Northern Cordillera Using EQTransformer Event Detection
- Analysis of permafrost vegetation interactions based on long-term ground surface observations
- Analyzing the Multi-scale Heterogeneity of Wood Depositional Environments in the Mackenzie River Delta
- Application and Validation of XBeach Surfbeat for Coastal Morphodynamic Modeling in the North American Great Lakes
- Arctic River Integrated Observations through Synoptic Sampling (RIOS): Aquatic Networks Reveal Ecosystem Export of Carbon and Nutrients in Permafrost Watersheds
- Assessing Causal Relationships in Agricultural Soil and Water Management from Observational Satellite Data
- Assessing the Relationship Between Rift Magmatism and Differing Modes of Strain Distribution in an Advanced Continental Rift Setting: Manda Hararo, Afar
- Assessing the use of vegetation attribute from Sentinel-1A/1B C-band SAR to improve performance of the SMAP-Sentinel active-passive high-resolution soil moisture product
- Assimilating SMAP-Sentinel1 High-Resolution Soil Moisture Data in Numerical Modeling to Quantify the Irrigation Water Use
- Building Relationships with Fenceline Communities and Change Agents to Build Capacity for Ethical Earth Science
- Carbon accounting of ponderosa pine forests across the interior western U. S. based on tree-ring and forest inventory data
- Cartesian Meshing Spherical Earth (CMSE): A code package for meshing the earth geometry based on SPECFEM3D_Cartesain
- Characterizing change in soil organic carbon in forests of the United States
- Climate TRACE - Tracking Real time Atmospheric Carbon Emissions: Making greenhouse gases emissions visible through remote sensing and artificial intelligence
- Consequences of magma- and lake-loading on the structural expression of continental rifting
- Considerable Belowground Carbon Transfer via Direct Root Contact compared to Indirect Interaction and Roles of Each Species in Diverse Plant Communities
- Constraining the 410-km Discontinuity and Slab Structure in the Kuril Subduction Zone with Triplication Waveforms
- Crustal growth in continental rifts and flood volcanic provinces
- Deep Learning With Extreme Value Theory for Modeling Precipitation Events
- Deformation of Fe-Nitrides Under Uniaxial Compression
- Detection and Analysis of Food, Energy, Water, Carbon, and Economic Impacts of Solar Photovoltaic Co-Location in Californias Central Valley
- Detection of Crop Attributes Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1A/B Observation Over a Large Agricultural Domain
- Development of a Framework to Predict Edge-of-Field Runoff Risk Using a Continental Scale Operational Hydrological Model Combined with Data Driven Modeling Approaches
- Development of a Multi-Model Ensemble to Forecast Tick-Borne Diseases in the US
- Development of an Efficient Optimization Framework for Improving Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Digital technologies can lead to sustainable and circular agricultural systems
- Disentangling the Relative Impacts of Temperature and VPD on Tropical Forest GPP using a Demographic Ecosystem Model
- Documenting Pasture Degradation in the Central Highlands of Kyrgyzstan: Observing Pasture Vegetation Using Near-Nadir Digital Photography
- Effects of a Climate-Changed Atmosphere on Cool-Climate Wine Production in the United States
- Estimating Wave Conditions from Web Cam Imagery in the Great Lakes using a Deep Neural Network
- Evaluating Climatic Conditions and Variables in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program
- Evaluating canopy height metrics from spaceborne against airborne lidar and in situ observations in the temperate-boreal transition forests of North America
- Exploring the Efficacy of Seasonal Forecasts of Crop Yields for Agriculture Sustainability
- Foraminiferal I/Ca Reveals Regional Variation in Eastern Tropical Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone Intensity Across the Miocene Climatic Optimum
- Future Changes in Hydro-climatic Extremes in the South Asian River Basins: Evidence from the Modeling Studies
- GAGE Facility Response to the M8.2 Chignik Earthquake
- GeoCaFES: Communities and Future Earth Scientists
- Geophysical implications of ferric-iron-rich akimotoite in harzburgite in Earths transition zone
- Global microbial necromass contribution to soil organic matter
- Gombe Group and Pliocene Shield Volcanism in Turkana: Insights into the Magmatic Differentiation Processes in the Lithosphere
- Groundwater Dynamics in the Mekong River Basin: Response to Climate Change and Human Activities
- Helium isotope characteristics of Andean Convergent Margin geothermal fluids
- Hidden Consequences of International Food Trade for Biodiversity
- How Prairie Strips and Other Subfield Agricultural Practices Could Enhance Soil Health and Contribute to Sustainability Goals
- How do canopy structure and leaf properties influence reflectance in a Temperate Forest? A Radiative Transfer and Imaging Spectrometer data-model approach
- How low can you go? Redox requirements for maintaining present but sustained low iodate in Proterozoic seas
- Hydrological environments, climate, and traits structure large-scale Amazon forest drought response
- Image analysis of water adsorption by plant residue incorporated into the soil
- Imaging Yellowstones magmatic system with adjoint ambient noise tomography
- Impact of Hydropower Dams in the Mekong on the Tonle Sap Lakes Hydrodynamics
- Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Terrestrial Water Cycle of the Amazon River Basin
- Impacts of Local Hydrology on Microbial Community Assembly and Biogeochemical Function in Serpentinizing Bedrock: Is it Who You Are or How You Got There?
- Impacts of disturbance regime on biodiversity varies by taxa: Insights from Landsat, NEON, and historical records
- Implementing Reservoir Operation in a Global River Routing Model for Integration in Earth System Models
- Implications of Climate and Socioeconomic Change for Future Drought Risk
- Improving disturbance detection over NEON sites based on Landsat time series clustering
- Insights from shipboard radiotracer experiments into the role of reactive oxygen species on iodine speciation transformations at the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series
- Inspiration for turning STEM into STEAM in Natural Science Museums
- Integration of multiple data streams reveals the impact of environmental change on northern Rocky Mountain forests
- Interdependent Dynamics of Food, Energy and Water in Kazakhstan and Mongolia: Connecting LCLUC to Socio-ecological Systems in Central Asian transitional economies.
- Investigating how composition-dependent rheology controls the lateral spatial stability of LLSVPs in the lower mantle
- Iodine Incorporation into Dolomite: Insights from Dolomitization Experiments and Implications for the Iodine Redox Proxy
- Land Surface Phenologies of Montane Pastures at High Spatial and High Temporal Resolution: Exploring the Naryn VENS dataset 2018-2020
- Large Lithospheric Velocity Variations Across the Northern Canadian Cordillera Imaged by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Lithosphere Layering of the Midwestern US and the Relation to Failed Continent Rifting: Evidence from Seismic Full Waveform Inversion
- Long-Term Trends from the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) Program
- Long-term change in river silicon from the poles to the tropics
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Planning Implications Related to Sterilization-Sensitive Science Investigations Associated with Mars Sample Return (MSR)
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Science & Curation Considerations for Time Sensitive Measurements That Should be Performed in Containment
- Mapping Agricultural Tile Drainage across the US Midwest using Satellite Imagery and Random Forest Machine Learning
- Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Using ArcticDEM and Machine Learning
- Mapping decadal scale sediment transport pathways during a period of rapid water level rise in the Great Lakes of North America
- Marine iodine cycling in an Earth system model
- Modeling Groundwater Transport of Nutrients from the Maumee River Watershed to Lake Erie
- Modeling of riverine transport and reaction of anthropogenic nitrate in the Great Lakes Basin
- Modeling the evolution of low-Ti magmas in a Continental Flood Basalt: A case for recharge-evacuation-assimilation-fractional crystallization in the Ethiopian Flood Basalt province
- Modeling the evolution of mantle and atmospheric elemental abundances on nascent Earth-like planets
- Natural Vegetation Responses in Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) G6 Experiments
- New advances in body-wave attenuation studies of the Tonga subduction zone
- Observing the Very-High-Energy Sun in TeV Gamma rays with HAWC
- P-wave attenuation tomography of the Tonga-Lau mantle wedge improved by a Bayesian Monte Carlo approach and independently constrained source spectra
- Petrogenesis of Eocene Flood Basalts in the Turkana Region of the East African Rift System: Re-Os Constraints
- Potential Ecological Impacts of Climate Intervention with Solar Radiation Modification
- Potential Effects of Climate Change on Historical Streamflow and Water Temperature in the Southwestern United States
- Potential Satellite Monitoring of Surface Organic Soil Properties in Arctic Tundra from SMAP
- Probabilistic Predictions of Ecologically Relevant Hydrologic Indices Using a Hydrological Model
- Projected Changes in Nitrate Leaching and Crop Yield in the Northeastern Great Plains of the United States
- Projected Climate Change Adaptation Potential of Existing and Future Irrigation in the Central United States
- PyFK: A Fast MPI and CUDA Accelerated Python Package for Calculating Synthetic Seismograms Based on the Frequencywavenumber Method
- PyGMT: An open-source Python library for geospatial processing, analysis, and visualization
- Quantification of time-varying aquifer responses to adoption of low-pressure irrigation technology
- RAPID Response to the July 29, 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake
- Recent, broad-scale changes in forest composition and structure in the Western United States
- Remote Sensing of Pasture Degradation: Terrain Features and Distance from Settlement Affect Land Surface Phenology in Kyrgyzstan
- Seismic Constraints on the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary and Partial Melt Below the Southwestern United States
- Seismic Constraints on the Structure of Alaska: A Review
- Seismic Evidence for an Intermediate Phase during the Olivine-Wadsleyite Transformation within the Subducting Pacific Slab in Kuril
- Seismic imaging of the Alaska Peninsula using the body-wave double-difference tomography
- Service delivery by SERVIR-Mekong for addressing drought and food security issues in the Lower Mekong region: contributions, challenges and planned impacts
- Shear Wave Speed Imaging of the East African Rift System Implication to Magma-poor Rift Process
- Shrinking Grasslands in Topographically Heterogeneous Landscapes: The Role of Elevation and Slope Gradients in Determining Land Cover Change
- Simulating the Hydrologic Effects of Aquifer-wide Adoption of Efficient Irrigation Technologies
- Slab morphology in western Pacific subduction zones constrained by various seismic techniques
- Snow-cover Effects on the Active Layer Above Permafrost: Results of Long-term Ground Surface Temperature Observations in Northern Alaska
- Snowbank impacts on frozen foundations in cities of continuous permafrost zone
- Source Spectra and Stress Drops of Small-to-Moderate Earthquakes Beneath the Alaska Peninsula
- Spatiotemporal analysis of drought characteristics in Western Nepal using the Standardized Precipitation Index
- Sticky Roots Change Rhizodeposition Quality and Quantity Leading to Variable Disruption of Mineral-Organic Associations
- Sticky Roots: Plants and microbes poised to attack mineral-associated organic matter
- Strain Localization in the Turkana Depression of the East African Rift Magmatic Evidence from South Island
- Stress Triggering and Megathrust Cascades Along the Eastern Alaska Subduction Margin
- Subsurface Landscape of a Chemolithoautotrophy-based Ecosystem
- Supporting Diverse Students in Spatial-Heavy Geoscience Curriculums
- Surface and groundwater dynamics across the Mekong River Basin
- Sweet, sour, and umami: Do the discerning tastes of denitrifiers impact N2O emissions from the soil?
- Temporal Dynamics of Free-living Nitrogen Fixation in the Switchgrass Rhizosphere
- Terrestrial and Aquatic Controls on the Movement of Material Transported Hydrologically Across Vast Arctic River Basins
- The August 2018 Mw=6.4 Kaktovik (North Slope), Alaska earthquake: a further look combining InSAR and relocated seismicity
- The Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Microbial Resilience Along a Crop Biodiversity Gradient
- The Effects of Ice on the Nearshore
- The Forest Carbon Estimation (Force) Project: Mapping GEDI-derived Forest Structure Metrics in the U.S. and Canada with Plot-based Inventory and Multimodal Remote Sensing Data in a Hierarchical Spatial Modeling Framework
- The July 2020 Simeonof Earthquake: Coseismic Slip and the Megathrust Slip Budget
- The Role of Fire on Water and Carbon Cycling Across Two Contrasting Terra Firme Amazonian Forests
- The effect of bacteria grazing nematodes on nitrogen availability in the switchgrass rhizsophereThe effect of bacteria grazing nematodes on nitrogen availability in the switchgrass rhizsophere
- The reuse of root channels affects rhizosphere physical properties and therefore the fate of carbon
- The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought under climate change
- Thermal Sensitivity Across Forest Vertical Profiles: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Ecological Implications
- Towards Modeling Multivariate Extremes with Normalizing Flows
- Untangling the Role of Socio-Economic and Climatic Changes on Vegetation Greenness and Productivity in Kazakhstan
- Variations in landscape characteristics, nutrient sources and hydrologic processes drive spatial and temporal variation in nutrient fluxes from Michigans Great Lakes Tributaries
- Where management and climate variability matter most: an evaluation of metrics for monitoring agroecosystem production and phenology
- "MAGNET4WATER - MAGNET 4 WATER Cloud Powered, Data enabled Global Groundwater Modeling System and Case Studies"
- A Corrected Local Geodetic Velocity Field for Northern Cordillera
- A Framework to Support a Standardized Accounting of Soil Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gass Reductions
- A Holistic Approach to Monitoring Abrupt Environmental Shifts in the Kluane Lake Region through Knowledge Co-Production
- A data-driven snapshot algorithm for high-resolution soil moisture retrievals for the upcoming NISAR mission
- A novel model to accurately predict continental-scale timing of forest green-up
- A synthesis of climate, water, food, energy, and ecosystem datasets to advance transdisciplinary research and collaboration in the Mekong River basin
- Advancing Socioecological Sustainability Among Vulnerable Populations in a Changing Climate
- Africa 30 m NASA Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) Burned Area Product Generation, Comparison with the NASA 500 m Burned Area Product, and Comprehensive Validation with 3 m PlanetScope Burned Area data
- An Examination of the Amount of GEDI Data Required to Reliably Characterize Central Africa Tropical Forest Aboveground Biomass at REDD+ Project Scale
- An Updated Geodetic View of Active Tectonics in Interior Alaska
- An integrated framework for monitoring and seasonal forecasting of drought and crop yield for water and agricultural resources management
- Arctic Stream Networks are Sensitive Sentinels of Environmental Change in the Permafrost Zone.
- Are Limiting Total Impervious Areas (TIA) and Improving Green Infrastructure Connectivity Effective for Flooding Control in Both Growing and Shrinking Cities?
- Assessing the Functional Significance of Wood Nutrients Along a Soil Fertility Gradient
- Biodiversity and Woody Cover Change in East Africa: Integrating Field and Remote Data Collection to Monitor Change in a Savanna Ecosystem
- Biotic Homogenization due to Agricultural Commodity Production for Global Markets
- Blinded by the Light: Seasonal Sensitivity of Arctic River Carbon to Photo- and Biodegradation
- Bulk measurements and microscale heterogeneity: Reconciling differences for the detection of agnostic biosignatures
- Can Perennial Bioenergy Cropping Systems Promote Negative N2O Fluxes?
- Cascade Hydropower Dams in the Mekong River: Impacts on the Region's Hydrological Dynamics and Water-Food-Energy Systems
- Climate Induced Alterations in Groundwater Resources over the Sparsely Gauged Mekong River Basin
- Climatic and Anthropogenic Controls on Groundwater Dynamics in the Mekong River Basin
- Comprehensive Statistical Analysis of Ionospheric and Geomagnetic Signatures Before and After Earthquakes
- Coseismic Slip Model Evaluation and 3-month Stress Driven Afterslip Simulation of the July 29, 2021 Mw 8.2 Chignik Earthquake.
- Demonstration of the Suitability of Commercial High Spatial and Temporal Resolution PlanetScope Imagery for Burned Area Mapping
- Detecting converted seismic phases of Tonga deep earthquakes: insights from deep-learning methods
- Development of Low-Cost Handheld Soil Moisture Measurement Device for Farmers and Citizen Scientists
- Did the Megathrust Slip during the 2020 M7.6 Sand Point, Alaska, Strike-Slip Earthquake?
- Digital Agriculture to avoid GHG emissions while increasing profitability across millions of acres of the US corn belt.
- Discerning Magma Chamber Evolution During Early Stages of Rift Development Using the Kalakol Basalts of the East African Rift System
- Dissolution of Calcium into Bridgmanite and Disappearance of Davemaoite in Warm Regions of the Lower Mantle
- Earthquake statistics at the Alaska Peninsula empowered by deep learning
- Ecological forecasting of ponderosa pine forest biomass in the Interior West US
- Effects of ENSO-Induced Precipitation on Lowveld Ecosystems, South Africa
- Effects of Great Lakes Lake Levels Fluctuations on Groundwater Elevations and Streamflow across Michigan
- Embracing community science, rapid data development, and open science platforms to facilitate data driven management within coastal communities
- Empirical Assessment of State and Transition Model Developed for Kyrgyz Mountain Pastures by Combining New Classified Degradation Types for Inner and Central Tien-Shan Highlands
- Ensemble Approach for Drought Monitoring and Forecasting in Southeast Asia with Mekong Drought Crop Watch Tool
- Environmental Change in Rural Kyrgyzstan: Assessing Montane Household Exposures and Experiences With a Sustainability Lens
- Estimating Forest Carbon Using Machine Learning-produced Maps: Correcting for Machine Learning Estimator Bias and Estimating Uncertainty Using National Forest Inventory Data, Model-assisted and Geostatistical-model-based Estimators
- Estimation at regional and country scale of direct nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from synthetic nitrogen fertilizers in row-crops using a series of proxy data
- Estimation of the change in velocity experienced by Dimorphos in response to the DART spacecraft impact
- Evaluating Cascading Disaster Impacts Through the Telecoupling Framework: A Case Study Using Midwest Drought and the Cerrado of Brazil
- Evaluating the Impacts of a Dynamic Nearshore Ice Complex on a Shallow Engineered Coastal Embayment Along a Wave-dominated Beach Shoreline of Southwestern Lake Michigan
- Evidence of melt accumulation beneath Yellowstone Caldera from full-waveform inversion
- Experimental and Diagenetic Assessment of the Foraminiferal Iodine-to-Calcium Proxy
- Exploring the Efficacy of Seasonal Climate Forecasts on Crop Yields for Agriculture Sustainability
- First Assessment of the Dynamical State of the Didymos Binary Asteroid System Before and After the DART Impact
- Forecasting crop yields to increase food security: a novel biophysical and social integrated systems approach
- GPR and OSL-based Insights into the Depositional Architecture and Age Composition of a Migrating Great Lakes Beach-ridge Plain (with Paleoclimate Implications), SW Lake Michigan
- Geochemical Stratigraphy of a Continental Flood Basalt - the Peleketch section of the Turkana Depression (East African Rift System)
- Geodetic Constraints on Slip Along the Easternmost Alaska Subduction Zone
- Harmonization of commercial high-resolution satellite time series - a least-squares spatio-temporal adjustment approach
- Helium and carbon isotope systematics in arc-related fumarolic gases and geothermal fluids
- High-Resolution Soil Moisture for the Northern Latitude Regions to Monitor Permafrost Critical for Climate Change Studies
- How Does a Phenological Transition Scale in Montane Pastures? Evaluating Phenometric Timing Across Different Spatio-Temporal Resolutions in the Highlands of Kyrgyzstan
- Human and Hydrologic Influences on Unique Playa Wetlands
- Identifying ethical curricular needs of professionals working with Indigenous communities in resource extractive spaces
- Improving Agricultural Land-use Decisions for Renewable Energy Development in the Midwest
- Improving soil carbon metrics and monitoring to inform management: leveraging carbon dioxide removal on grazing lands
- Interdecadal Terrestrial Hydrologic Changes in the Amazon River Basin
- Investigating How Composition-dependent Rheology Controls the Lateral Spatial Stability of LLSVPs in the Lower Mantle
- Iodine Speciation in the Redox-stratified Baltic Sea and Implications for I/Ca Paleoredox Interpretations
- Island hydrodynamics on the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana over tidal and seasonal timescales
- Land Cover Land Use Change and Socioeconomic Influences on Terrestrial Carbon Production in a Southwest Michigan Watershed
- Large Lithospheric Seismic Velocity Variations Across the Northern Canadian Cordillera Imaged by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Linking Magmatism and Strain: A Study of the Pliocene Volcanism in the Turkana Depression
- Linking machine learning with remote sensing and process-based model to predict fluxes in a row crop agriculture.
- Long-term Temperature Change in a Lake under Climate Change
- MAGNET4WATER - MAGNET 4 WATER Cloud Powered, Data enabled Global Watershed Modeling System and Case Studies
- Magmatism During the Continent - Ocean Transition
- Mass balance constraints on euphotic iodine speciation from GEOTRACES meridional and zonal Pacific transects
- Mechanistic Drivers of Runoff Sensitivity to Temperature in the Community Land Model: A Study on the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Mechanistic and machine learning studies of emerging contaminants in the environment
- Merging theory and remote sensing to predict whole forest functional type and biodiversity
- Modeling Avian Seasonal Stopover Distributions Across the Contiguous United States Using Weather Surveillance Radar Data
- Modeling Spatiotemporal Patterns of Land Use / Land Cover Change in Central Malawi Using a Neural Network Model
- Modeling the Effects of Forest Management and Wood Utilization on Carbon Sequestration and Storage in 7 US States
- Modeling the Global Warming Impact of Bioenergy Production Systems by Integrating Long Term Eddy Covariance, Remote Sensing, Plant Productivity and Soil Carbon Measurements
- Modeling the Leaf Area Index of Inner Mongolia Grassland Based on Machine Learning Regression Algorithms Incorporating Empirical Knowledge
- Modeling the impacts of diagenesis on carbonate paleoredox proxies
- Modelling the Impact of Shorefast Ice on Sediment Transport for Cold Coasts
- Multimodal Heliophysical/Geophysical Machine Learning Models for Earthquake Identification and Forecasting
- Multimodal Machine Learning for Earthquake Identification and Forecasting
- Open-Source Data Pipelines and Statistical Tool for Studying Pre-Seismic and Post-Seismic Disturbances in the Ionosphere and Geomagnetic Field
- Optimization of soil parameters in the hydrological model and its impact assessment in agricultural drought estimation
- Orbit Period Variations of Dimorphos After the DART Impact
- P-wave attenuation structure of the Tonga subduction zone and implications for mantle wedge processes
- Periglaciation in the Appalachian Highlands, Eastern USA
- Phosphorus Budgets of Intensively Managed Cropping Systems
- Place-based education engages geoscience students in community and environmental stewardship
- Plant viral infection modulates the destabilization of mineral-associated organic matter in the rhizosphere
- Pore-resolved direct numerical simulations of hyporheic exchange induced by rough bedforms
- Precision Conservation: Modeling Alternative Scenarios On Low Productivity Lands
- Predicting coastal recovery potential following high water levels by documenting patterns and processes of coastal geomorphic change and nearshore sediment transport
- Pressure enhances sodium solubility in magnesiowüstite
- Probing the Magmatic Differentiation System of Mt. Kenya - Petrographic Constraints from Optical and Electron Beam Analyses of Crystals
- Probing the Relationship Between Magmatism and Extension- Highly Alkaline Mid-Miocene Lavas from Lothagam, Turkana, East African Rift System
- Providing Actionable Information for Policy-Makers: Evidence that Emissions Estimates Generated via Satellite-Imaging Better Capture the Effects of Agricultural Subsidies on the Climate than do Self-Reported Emissions Inventories
- Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrology of the Great Lakes Region
- Redefining Geoscience Through Photovoice: Student and Faculty Reflections on a Summer Research Program
- Regional and Seasonal Differences in Nitrate-N (NO3-N) Load in U.S. Agroecosystems Instrumented with Water Quality Conservation Practices
- Resolving Source Components for Low-Ti Lavas in a Continental Flood Basalt Province using Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopes
- Revisiting riparian zones: When and where can riparian transformation matter more than hyporheic transformation?
- STEM faculty engage with curriculum mapping to reform program curriculum and assess learning outcomes
- Scale-dependency of Lateral Groundwater Flow in Land Surface Models
- Seismic Attenuation of the Alaska Peninsula Section of the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Shallow or deep? Belowground nitrogen acquisition strategies of dominant tundra plant species
- Shear wave splitting and Upper Mantle Anisotropy in the Caucasus
- Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis of a 28 Year Active Layer Thickness Record from North-Central Alaska
- Stable Instability: Exploring the role of Arctic stream-lake chains on watershed-scale carbon and nutrients
- Stress drops of small-to-moderate earthquakes beneath the Alaska Peninsula
- Subcatchment Spatiotemporal Solute Trends in a Wetland-Dominated Catchment in Michigan, USA
- Subduction fluids control slab slip behaviors and megathrust earthquakes at the Alaska Peninsula
- Subseasonal Controls of U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones
- Teal Carbon - Stakeholder-driven Monitoring of Forested Wetland Carbon
- The Earth's elastic response caused by predicted Future Glacier Mass Loss
- The Impact of Crop Rotation on Crop Attributes Detection Using Sentinel-1A Observations
- The Impacts of Mentoring and Exposure to Research Opportunities for Persistence, Self-Efficacy, and Imposter Syndrome on Latinx Students in the Geosciences
- The Metacoupled Arctic: Human-Nature Interactions Across Local to Global Scales as Drivers of Sustainability
- The Role of Initial Condition in Controlling the Vertical Stability of Deep Mantle Compositional Reservoirs
- The lake is greener on the other side: A continental-scale study of the nonlinearities and heterogeneity in lake productivity response to climate change
- Toward Land Cover Quality: Challenges Linking a Land Surface Phenology Model with a State-and-Transition Model of Pasture Degradation in Central Kyrgyzstan
- Underrepresented STEM Faculty Experience Identity Gaps in Academia: Can Science Communication Training Help?
- Understanding the effect of plant richness, patch configuration and landscape composition on biodiversity in bioenergy production systems
- Vertical Motions of the Hawaiian Islands and Other Sites on the Pacific Plate and Comparison to Global Loading Models
- What's in a (Place) Name?
- Where are Mountains at AGU?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. D. Kendall
- A. N. Adams
- A. W. Smith
- Abhijeet Abhishek
- Abigail L. S. Swann
- Adam S. Ward
- Adam S. Wymore
- Adriaan M. Dokter
- Ahmed Elkouk
- Alan Robock
- Amar Deep Tiwari
- Amir Mazrooei
- Anastasia Piliouras
- Andreas Colliander
- Andrew J. Curtright
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Andrew T. McDonald
- Andrés Viña
- Andy Ridgwell
- Anthony J. Stewart
- Arial J. Shogren
- B. B. Hanan
- Baoqiang Xiang
- Ben Kravitz
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin W. Abbott
- Bernard Marty
- Bijan Seyednasrollah
- Brandee Carlson
- Brandi Carrier
- Brandon Schmandt
- Bruno Basso
- C. E. Tweedie
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. J. Henney
- C. R. Sherwood
- Carmencita B. Arpa
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles W. Rice
- Chengxin Jiang
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Chia Ping Huang Yang
- Chris Rollins
- Clément Estève
- Colleen M. Iversen
- Connor Drooff
- D. A. Streletskiy
- D. C. Richardson
- D. J. Hayes
- D. Schutt
- D. W. Hyndman
- Dai Chang-lei
- Dalton S. Hardisty
- Daniel J. Scheeres
- Daniel P. Glavin
- Daniel Ruiz Carrascal
- Daniele Visioni
- Dara Entekhabi
- Darian N. Smercina
- David Butman
- David M. Lawrence
- David Saah
- David V. Bekaert
- Dawn M. Browning
- Diane M. McKnight
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Donald Akanga
- Dongdong Tian
- Dongzhou Zhang
- Douglas A. Wiens
- E. M. Golos
- Edward Byers
- Ehsan Jalilvand
- Eileen C. Gonzales
- Ekrem Ozlu
- Elizabeth A. Payton
- Ellen Wohl
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Emily H. Stanley
- Emma L. Chambers
- Erin Bunting
- Erin M. Schliep
- Ethan J. Theuerkauf
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Evelyn Valdéz-Ward
- Farrukh Chishtie
- Farshid Felfelani
- Fenglin Niu
- Fidel Maureira
- Finnigan Illsley‐Kemp
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- G. A. Abers
- G. C. Beroza
- G. N. Flerchinger
- G. Philip Robertson
- G. R. Miller
- Gaisheng Liu
- Gan Zhang
- Geoffrey M. Henebry
- Grant M. Domke
- Gregory T. Carling
- Guoliang Li
- Gurjeet Singh
- Haijiang Zhang
- Hannes Müller Schmied
- Helio Lopes Guerra Neto
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Hideo Shiogama
- Howard Chen
- Hugo De Lemos
- I. D. Bastow
- Ian M. McCullough
- Inne Vanderkelen
- J. A. O’Donnell
- J. D. Stopar
- J. D. Wood
- J. F. Beacom
- J. Gosselin
- J. S. Byrnes
- J. Sebastian Hernandez‐Suarez
- J. T. Freymueller
- James Badro
- James J. Butler
- Janice Brahney
- Jay P. Zarnetske
- Jeeban Panthi
- Jennifer S. Fehrenbacher
- Jesus D. Gomez‐Velez
- Jiaqi Li
- Jiayuan Yao
- Jie Li
- Jillian M. Deines
- Jiquan Chen
- Jonathan M. Winter
- Joy Buongiorno
- Justin M. Mathias
- Justin Wilgus
- K. M. Fischer
- K.J. Jankowski
- Kaitlin L. Reinl
- Katherine E. Webster
- Kelsey E. Nyland
- Kendall DeLyser
- Kenny C. Y. Ng
- Konstantinos M. Andreadis
- Kristi Chadwick
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kyle G. Horton
- L. Allibert
- L. C. Bowling
- Lauren M. Fry
- Lienne R. Sethna
- Lisa K. Tiemann
- Lori Abendroth
- Lucas Harris
- Lucas K. Zoet
- Luo Liu
- M De Moor
- M. Francesca Cotrufo
- M. O. Schrenk
- Maik Lucas
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Mantha S. Phanikumar
- Marco Keiluweit
- Margaret Smith
- Marguerite Mauritz
- Martha C. Anderson
- Martyn P. Clark
- Mary Scholes
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Maximiliano Bezada
- Melissa K. Ward Jones
- Michael C. Dietze
- Michael Everett Mann
- Michael Grund
- Min Chen
- Miriam Reiss
- Naota Hanasaki
- Natalia Restrepo‐Coupe
- Natalie Kramer
- Nathaniel A. Brunsell
- O. Chegwidden
- P. H. Scherrer
- P. J.
- Paige Stanley
- Pascal Audet
- Patrick J. Hanly
- Patrick Michel
- Paul Siqueira
- Paul Sánchez
- Peter Burek
- Peter H. Barry
- Peter R. Girguis
- Phoebe L. Zarnetske
- Preet Lal
- R. Arrowsmith
- R. C. Aster
- R. Moucha
- R. W. Porritt
- Rachel L. Harris
- Rahil Makadia
- Ranjeet John
- Raven J. Mitchell
- Raymond M. Lee
- Revathy M. Parameswaran
- Richard H. Chen
- Ronni Grapenthin
- Ross Maguire
- Russell L. Scott
- Ruth C. Heindel
- S. J. C. Oliva
- S. S. Wei
- Salli Dymond
- Samuel C. Zipper
- Sean Swenson
- Sergey Sokratov
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Shawn P. Serbin
- Sherlynette Pérez Castro
- Sherrie Wang
- Shervan Gharari
- Siegfried Eggl
- Simon N. Gosling
- Simone Tilmes
- Susannah M. Dorfman
- T. Partridge
- T. W. Hudiburg
- Thomas J. Glose
- Thomas L. Delworth
- Thomas P. Ferrand
- Tim Linden
- Tokuta Yokohata
- Tong Zhou
- Tyeen Taylor
- Tyrone O. Rooney
- V. G. Salmon
- Venkatesh Kolluru
- Vikalp Mishra
- Vitali B. Prakapenka
- W. M. Wollheim
- Wei Ji Leong
- Wei Zhang
- Wei Zhang
- William H. McDowell
- Wim Thiery
- Wonsuck Kim
- Xiaojing Lai
- Xiaotao Yang
- Yadu Pokhrel
- Yao Hu
- Yao Zhang
- Yifan Cheng
- Yingjie Yang
- Yoshihide Wada
- Yuan Liu
- Yun Zhang
- Zhuohui Xiao