U.S. Department of Agriculture
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Method for Source-load Allocation of Nutrients in Agricultural Watersheds
- A Sediment Budget for the Deschutes River, Oregon
- A Sensitivity Analysis Method to Study the Behavior of Complex Process-based Models
- Accessibility and Utilization of WSR-88D Radar Precipitation Data for Natural Resource Modeling Applications
- Accounting for wind-induced spatial heterogeneities in snow accumulation and melt using terrain analysis
- Advances in Modeling Streambank Stability by Incorporating the Mechanical and Hydrologic Effects of Woody and Herbaceous Riparian Vegetation
- Airborne FTIR Measurements Obtained Aboard the UW CV-580 During SAFARI-2000
- Analytic Description of the Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Structured Media
- Application of Various Nonequilibrium Flow Approaches to Upward Infiltration Data
- Arriving at a Scientific Consensus in the International Association of Hydrological Sciences(IAHS)
- Carbon Export for Surface Layers in Alaskan Rivers: Estimates of Contributions from the Surface Microlayer
- Changes in Plant Productivity, Plant Tissue Nitrogen Content, and Decomposition Rates in Shortgrass Steppe Under Elevated Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Changes in Turnover Rates and Pool Sizes of Soil Organic Matter Under Elevated CO2 on the Shortgrass Steppe
- Comparison of Spatial Prediction Methods for Estimating Snow Distribution in the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Comparison of Suspended Sediment and Discharge regimes among North American watersheds
- Comparison of numerical methods for calculation of chemical speciation, cation exchange and dissolution/precipitation
- Comprehensive Laboratory Measurements of the Emissions From Fires in African and Other Globally Significant Fuels Measured by FTIR, PTR-MS, and GC
- Conditional Sampling for Measuring Mercury Vapor Fluxes
- Contributions From a Deciduous Forest and Shrub Wetland to Regional Carbon Fluxes in Northern Wisconsin
- Controls on Arctic NDVI Patterns: a Zonal Analysis
- Controls on the Size and Occurrence of Pools in Coarse-Grained Forest Rivers
- Distorted Froude-scaled Flume Analysis of Large Woody Debris
- Drought and Water Resources Assessment in the Western United States Using Data and Analyses From the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Effects of Channel Network Representation on Runoff and Sediment-Yield Modeling in a Semiarid Catchment
- Energy and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes From Contrasting Urban Environments (Marseille, France; Lodz, Poland; Baltimore, USA and Vancouver, Canada)
- Energy, Water, and Carbon Dioxide Exchange of a Riparian Mesquite Stand
- Estimating Regional Nitrogen Oxide Fluxes From Northeastern Costa Rican Soils With An Ensemble Modeling Approach
- Evaluation of the Performance of HYDRUS-2D in Simulating Effects of Shading and Irrigation on Soil Water Content and Temperature
- Evaporative Water Loss from Soil Reduced by Elevated Atmospheric CO2
- Extending the ARS Experimental Watersheds to Address Regional Issues
- Field Comparisons of the Elwha Bedload Sampler and an Acoustic Gravel-transport Sensor: Middle Fork of the Piedra River, Colorado, USA
- Fractal Residence Time Distribution in the Hyporheic Zone of a 2<SUP>nd</SUP>-Order Mountain Stream: Implications for Scaling and Stream Biogeochemistry
- Future Soil Moisture Satellite Missions and Research Needs
- HYDROS: The Hydrosphere State Exploratory Mission
- Habitat Loss and Riparian Dis-Connectivity Following Long-Term Impoundment in the Connecticut River Basin.
- High Resolution Three Dimensional Water Vapor Fields for Estimating Spatially Distributed Evapotranspiration Over A Riparian Corridor From a Scanning Raman Lidar
- Impact of Canopy Nitrogen Deposition on Forest Carbon Storage: Initial Results from a manipulative Experiment at the Howland AmeriFlux Site
- Interaction effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and nutrient supplies on carbon cycling and sequestration in a pine forest
- Interactions among Riparian Vegetation, Wood, and Fluvial Processes: a Pacific Northwest Drainage Basin Perspective
- Land Use Effects on Net Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in the US Great Plains: Historical Trends and Model Projections
- Land-cover Change Mediating Nitrogen Trace Gas Emissions From Savanna Soils of North Texas
- Late Time Drainage and Measurments of Low-Saturation Unsaturated Conductivity
- Measuring the distribution of surface energy and water fluxes in a riparian mesquite savannah-type ecosystem.
- Mechanical Reinforcement and Enhanced Cohesion of Streambanks Using Common Riparian Species
- Mechanics of Log Movement in Streams: Effects of Propagating and Standing Waves
- Microbial Production in the Hyporheic Zone of a Coastal Floodplain River
- Model Validation Using Experimental Watershed Data
- Modeling Sediment and Wood Storage and Dynamics in Small Mountainous Watersheds
- Modeling the Effects of Fertilization on Net Ecosystem Exchange of Carbon, Water, and Energy.
- On Radar Rainfall, Catchment Runoff and the Response Scale
- Physiological control of carbon and water fluxes in the Chequamegon National Forest, its variability and consequences
- Predicting Change in Sediment Transport Rates in the Wake of the Cerro Grande Fire: Limitations and Potential of a Physically-based Approach
- Preferential Flow and Transport of Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts Through Vadose Zone: Experiments and Modeling
- Pressure Pumping Effects on Fluxes and Release of Trace Gases From Soils
- Regional differences in carbon source-sink potential in the US
- Seasonal Dynamics of Water, Carbon, and Energy Flux in Mesquite Forest: Project Overview and Preliminary Results
- Sediment Transfer-Storage Relations for Degrading Alluvial Reservoirs
- Simulation of Water and Energy Fluxes in an Old Growth Seasonal Temperate Rainforest Using the Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) Model
- Sources and chemistry of atmospheric aerosol in the Southern High Plains of west Texas, USA
- Southern African Haze During the SAFARI 2000 Field Campaign
- Spatial Variability of Nutrient Concentrations and Stream Temperatures within the McKenzie River Basin: Abiotic and Biotic Controls
- Spatially Distributed Snowmelt Modeling with the Utah Energy Balance Snowmelt Model
- Sublimation From the Forest Canopy at Different Elevations in the Fraser Experimental Forest, Fraser, CO
- Temporal and Spatial Variations in Patterns of Carbon Release From Burning of Organic Mats in Alaskan Black Spruce Forests
- The Challenge of Watershed Intercomparisons: Selected Examples from the USDA-ARS Experimental Watershed Network
- The Development of an Unsaturated Flow and Reactive Transport Model for Arsenic in Carlin-Trend Heap Leach Facilities
- The Impacts of Increasing Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Forest Carbon Accumulation in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region
- The Los Alamos Reservoir: A Gauge for Increased Erosion after the Cerro Grande Fire, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- The MODIS Land Rapid Response Project: A Comprehensive Suite of Products to Support U.S.D.A. Forest Service Fire Management
- The Middle Number World: A View of Complexity Theory and Methods in Ecology
- The San Dimas Experimental Forest - Long Term Study of Fire, Water and Vegetation
- The Use of EMI and Electrical Instruments for Estimating Soil Properties to Help in Mapping
- Trace Gas Emissions From the Production and Use of Biofuels in the African Tropics
- Tracing Nitrate Deposition Using Δ <SUP>17</SUP>O
- Transport and Fate of Colloids in Physically Heterogeneous Porous Media
- U.S. Timber Harvest from 1750 to 1997
- USDA-ARS Southeast Watershed Laboratory at Tifton, GA:Index Site Design for the Suwannee Basin
- Using Chemical Tracers to Estimate Pesticide Mass Discharge in an Agricultural Watershed
- Using Simulated Emergent Vegetation to Alter Stream Flow Direction Within a Straight Experimental Channel
- Validation of AMSR-E Soil Moisture Products Using Watershed Scale Observations
- Validation of a Spatially Distributed Energy Balance Snow Simulation Model
- Variations in Streamflow: A Comparison Among ARS Experimental Watersheds
- An Evaluation of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Estimation Using Passive/Active Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
- An Investigation of Effective Discharge for Suspended Sediment by Level III Ecoregion
- Analysis of a Mesoscale Model for Depicting Rain-on-Snow Flooding Events in Mountainous Terrain
- Assessing Nitrate Deposition in Southern California Ecosystems using Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O.
- Assessment of Provisional MODIS-derived Surfaces Related to the Global Carbon Cycle
- Automated Chamber Measurements of Soil-Atmosphere Carbon Dioxide Flux in Undisturbed Forest at the Tapajos National Forest, Brazil
- Carbon Sequestration at the Howland Forest in Maine: Where Does the Carbon go?
- Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Land-use Systems Experiencing Extremes in Moisture Inputs
- Climate Cahnge Effects on Vegetation Distribution, Carbon Stocks, and Fire Regimes in California
- Comprehensive Laboratory Measurements of the Emissions From Fires in Indonesian and African Fuels Measured by FTIR, PTR-MS, and GC
- Constant Capacitance Model Prediction of Boron Speciation for Varying Soil Water Content
- Controlled Field and Laboratory Experiments to Investigate soil-root Interactions and Streambank Stability.
- Cooperative Public Outreach - It can be Accomplished
- Deposition and Loss of Cations and Anions in a Lowland Forest on Highly Weathered Soils in the Amazon
- Dirty Snowballs and Magic Carpets: an Ontology of Geophysical Disturbance
- Discerning effects of crop management history on groundwater nitrate concentrations in two small adjacent watersheds
- Distribution of Frozen Soil in Rugged Terrain Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- ESTAR Brightness Temperatures for Soil Moisture Estimation and Spatial Characterization of the Retrieved Fields - A Study From SGP99
- Early Forecasts of Snowmelt Runoff using SNOTEL Data in the Upper Rio Grande Basin
- Estimation of Land Surface Window (8-12 μm) Emissivity from Multi-Spectral Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing -~A Case Study in a Part of Sahara Desert
- Estimation of Watershed Scale Soil Moisture from Point Measurements in SMEX02
- Evaluating the Importance of the Hyporheic Zone Throughout a 5<SUP>th</SUP>-order Mountain Stream Network
- Evaluation of Snowcover Characteristics as Simulated by two Physically Based Snow Models
- Fluid Interfaces at the Pore-Scale: Trying to Make Observations and Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations Meet
- Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from a Semi-Arid Riparian Soil Experiencing Extremes in Moisture Input
- Ground-Based Soil Moisture Observations Within Satellite Footprints During SMEX02
- Gully Development in Tributaries to Caspar Creek, Northern California Coast Range
- Helping Resource Managers Understand Hydroclimatic Variability and Forecasts: A Case Study in Research Equity
- Hurricanes vs. Humans: Their Comparative Long-Term Effects on Tropical Landscapes.
- Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Detect Water Repellent Soil Conditions after Forest Fires
- Implementation of a Remote Sensing-Snowmelt Runoff Forecasting System in the Rio Grande Basin
- Improvements in Snow Mapping of the Rio Grande Basin using MODIS Data
- Integration of Science on Biological and Physical Processes to Understand Ecological Diversity of Stream Fishes
- Interactions Between Sediment Storage and Bed Material Transport: A Field and Flume Study
- Interactions Between The Atmosphere and The Terrestrial Biosphere: From Biophysics to Vegetation Distribution
- Investigating Soil Carbon Dynamics Using N-15
- Investigating stream longitudinal geomorphic variability and hyporheic exchange residence time distribution using a groundwater flow model
- Is the size of the Carbon Sink caused by "Woody Encroachment" of U.S. Grasslands overestimated? One DGVM calculates an answer.
- Kings River Experimental Watershed Design and the Timing of Daily Discharge Peaks
- Measurement of Flow and Transport in Macroporous Soils
- Measurements of the Microstructure and Hardness of a Buried Surface Hoar Layer Using the SnowMicroPen
- Microbial Community Structure and Enzyme Activities in Semiarid Agricultural Soils
- Microbial ecology of á-Proteobacteria ammonia-oxidizers along a concentration gradient of dry atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the San Bernadino Mountain Range.
- Mobile-Immobile Model Simulation of Non-equilibrium Tracer Transport through Undisturbed Soil Columns under Transient Flow Conditions
- Modeling Forest Productivity in a Complex Forested Landscape Using High Spectral Resolution Remote Sensing and Extensive Field Data
- Modeling Hydrologic Variables and Terrain Features for Strategically Locating Riparian Buffers and Wetlands
- Modeling Low-Flow Sensitivity to Climate Variability and Forest Harvesting in the Willamette Basin: A Multi-scale Approach.
- Modeling Soil Freezing Dynamics
- Modeling and Estimation of Bank Storage in a Gaining Reach of the San Pedro River, Arizona
- Morphogenesis of Soils Associated With Frost Boils
- Nitrogen Gas Fluxes in Northeastern Temperate Forests
- Nonideal Transport of Solute and Colloidal Tracers Through Reactive Zeolite/Iron Pellets
- OVOC Emissions and Atmospheric Transformations.
- On Farm Management and its Effect on Carbon Sequestration
- Optimizing field methods for measuring C cycling in forests: A pilot test in the Delaware River Basin
- Physical and analytical modeling of upland soil erosion due to headcut migration
- Prospects for improving land surface model performance via the assimilation of remote sensing products.
- Quantitative Estimates of Land Surface Emissivity Using ASTER Data
- Riparian Dis-connectivity and Changes in Hydrologic Regime by Dams
- Root Decomposition and Trace Gas Dynamics in Two Moist Tropical Forest Soils
- Scale Invariant Relationships for Snow Avalanches
- Scale of Severe Channel Disturbances Relative to the Structure of Fish Populations
- Scaling Issues in the Evaluation of MODIS Gross Primary Production Estimates
- Sensitivity of Decomposition Rates and Long-term Carbon Sequestration to Modeled Disturbance Scenarios: Implications for National Monitoring Efforts
- Soil Moisture Experiments 2003 (SMEX03)
- Soil Surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux in a Wheat Field: Measurements and Modeling
- Solar and longwave radiation dynamics around a single conifer tree with implications for snow modeling in forests.
- Spatial Variability of Stem Wood and Soil Respiration in Tropical Forests
- Surface Layer Flux Processes During Cloud Intermittency and Advection above a Middle Rio Grande Riparian Forest, New Mexico
- Suspended-Sediment Transport Rates at the 1.5-Year Recurrence Interval for Level III Ecoregions of the United States
- The Cold Land Process Experiment's (CLPX) Local Scale Observation Site
- The Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX): Field Data Collection
- The Consequences of a Two Water Source Ecosystem on the Surface Carbon and Water Exchange in a Semiarid Riparian Woodland
- The Effect of Experimentally Induced Root Mortality on Trace Gas Exchange
- The Impact of a Flood Retarding Structure on Watershed Runoff Under Dry, Average, and Wet Climatic States
- The Importance of Seepage Zones in Predicting Surface Runoff, NO<SUB>3</SUB>-N and Pesticide Loss From Watersheds With GLEAMS and RZWQM
- The NASA Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX)
- The North American Carbon Program: Forest Monitoring and Modeling
- The Potential use of Soil-C Isotope Analyses to Evaluate Paleoclimate
- The Role of Woody Debris in Boreal Forest Carbon Sequestration
- The Sound of Pore Filling
- Watershed Complexity Impacts on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
- Where do the Field Plots Belong? A Multiple-Constraint Sampling Design for the BigFoot Project
- A Challenge to the Flux-Tower Upscaling Hypothesis? A Multi-Tower Comparison From the Chequamegon Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study
- A Comparison of Surface Flux Maps from Remote Sensing-based Models
- A Geomorphic Framework for Identifying Controls on Seasonal Discharge and Stream Temperature Regimes at Multiple Scales Within the Willamette Basin.
- A Model-based Approach to Scaling GPP and NPP in Support of MODIS Land Product Validation
- A Multi-Functional Heat Pulse Probe for Simultaneous Measurement of Water, Heat, and Solute Transport in the Vadose Zone
- A Multi-scale Remote Sensing Model for Disaggregating Regional Fluxes to Micrometeorological Scales
- A modeling study on the effects of vegetation and disturbances on episodic sediment delivery
- A new Approach for Quantifying Root-Reinforcement of Streambanks: the RipRoot Model
- ASTER Observations of Surface Temperature and Emissivity over New Mexico Test Sites
- Aboveground Biomass and C Pools in Pasture Chronosequences Along a Climatic Gradient in Costa Rica
- Active Layer Thickness of Soils in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica
- Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM) for Enhanced Riparian Water Use Estimates, Basin Sediment Budgets, and Terrain Characterization
- An Analysis of Two Amazonian Forests using an Automated Crown Detection Algorithm and IKONOS Imagery
- An Assessment of the Use of AMSR E 10 GHz Data for Soil Moisture Estimation in SMEX02
- An Observing System Simulation Experiment for HYDROS Soil Moisture Retrievals
- Analysis of PSR Microwave Observations during SMEX03
- Analysis of Spatial Soil Hydraulic Properties to Investigate Soil-Water Movement and Scaling in an Agricultural Field
- Analytical Solutions Of The Degenerate Diffusion Equation
- Application of Local Surface Matching to Multi-Date ALSM Data for Improved Calculation of Flood-Driven Sediment Deposition and Erosion
- Assessing Changes in Soil Carbon Quantity and Chemistry in Short-Rotation Hybrid Poplar Plantations
- Assessing Suspended-Sediment Transport Rates at the Regional Scale: Lake Tahoe Basin
- Biogeochemical and Ecological Effects of Nitrogen Deposition in Western North America
- Carbon limitation of heterotrophic respiration under seasonal snowpacks: Implications for carbon balance in seasonally snow-covered ecosystems
- Changes in Carbon Storage and Net Carbon Exchange After a Shelterwood Harvest at Howland Forest, Maine
- Channel Incision and Suspended Sediment Delivery at Caspar Creek, Mendocino County, California.
- Climatic Variability, Fire Regimes and Carbon Dynamics in Dry Forest Ecosystems of the Western US
- Columbia River Flow And Drought Since 1750
- Comparing simulated and measured sensible and latent heat fluxes over snow
- Comparison of Streamflow Response Among ARS Experimental Watersheds Using SWAT
- Continental-scale partitioning of fire emissions during the 1997-2001 El Niño / La Niña period
- Contribution of Climatic variables to Seasonal and Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange at Eight AmeriFlux Forest Sites
- DAYCENT Simulated Greenhouse Gas Fluxes for the US Agricultural Sector Under Current and Improved Land Management
- Defining Parameters from NOAAA AVHRR Imagery to Map Regional ET
- Dendrochemistry of base cations in red spruce: the fallacy of the passive recorder
- Differentiating atmospheric and mineral sources of sulfur during snowmelt using δ <SUP>34</SUP>S, <SUP>35</SUP>S activity, and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O of sulfate and water as tracers
- Disequilibrium of <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes between photosynthesis and respiration in North American temperate forest biomes
- Distribution of Soil Dynamics in a Small Mountain Catchment
- Ecohydrology and Woody Plant Encroachment: a Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Landscape Consequences
- Effects of Cover Crops to Offset Soil Carbon Changes Under No-till on an Ohio farm when Biomass is Harvested
- Effects of Harvest and Roads on In-stream Woody Material in Blue River Basin, Cascade Range, Oregon
- Effects of Remote Sensing Resolution on Surface Energy Flux Estimates
- Effects of spatial aggregation on land-atmosphere interactions using large-eddy simulations LES) with a Lagrangian dynamic model
- Estimating broadband emissivity of North Africa using satellite thermal infrared multispectral radiometers
- Evaluation of Data from the Multi-frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer (MSMR) and Its Potential for Soil Moisture Retrieval
- Evaluation of Two Methods for Determining Surface Soil Moisture from Radar Imagery
- Evaluation of canopy transfer models for growing vegetation using in-canopy profile measurements
- Experimental Measurements of Saturation Overshoot on Infiltration
- Global Patterns in Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction: A Latitudinal Gradient in Nitrogen Retention and Loss
- High Resolution Evaporative Fluxes Over Corn and Soybean Crops from Lidar
- How to Reach Across a Basin: Integrating Basin-Scale Interactions to Reach-Scale Predictions
- Hydraulic Control on the Spatial Distribution of Chinook Salmon Spawning Gravels in Central Idaho: Integrating Reach-Scale Predictions via Digital Elevation Models
- Hypothesized Hydrological Response to a Prescribed Fire on a Small Mountainous Watershed
- Impact of Corn Residue Removal on Crop and Soil Productivity
- Impact of Fire on Recharge at a Semiarid Site
- Impact of Tillage, Crop Sequence and N-fertilization on Trace Gas Exchange in an Irrigated Agroecosystem in Northeastern Colorado
- Improving Water Quality With Conservation Buffers
- Increasing the Stability of Streambanks through the Hydrologic Effects of Riparian Vegetation: Experimental Results
- Integrating NASA Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) Data Into Global Agricultural Decision Support Systems
- Integrating research and education in a study of Arctic frost-boil ecosystems
- Interannual Variability in Regional-Scale Measurements of ecosystem-Atmosphere CO2 Exchange at the WLEF Tall Tower: A Testbed for Regional Scaling Methodology.
- Intercomparison of two models to simulate snowcover dynamics beneath forest canopies
- Interpreting Environmental Change and Nutrient Cycling Using Major Element and Strontium Isotope Ratios in Tree Rings
- Large Eddy Simulation over Heterogeneous Terrain with Remotely Sensed Land Surface Conditions
- MIM Simulation of Cl<SUP>-</SUP> and B Transport: Comparison with Measured Data from an Irrigated Field
- Mapping Daily Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux From Grasslands Using Remote Sensing
- Mapping Forest Biomass Over Large Scales From Remote Sensing, Topographic and Climate Data
- Measured and Predicted Solar Transmission Through Conifer Canopies
- Methane Consumption and Production in Desert Ecosystems Experiencing Mesquite Invasion and Control
- Methods to Identify and Correct Snow Water Equivalent Pressure Sensor Measurement Errors to Improve Estimates of Water Stored as Snow
- Modeling the CO<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions From Stover Removal for Biofuel Production From Continuous Corn Production in Iowa
- Monitoring Soil Carbon Inputs and Changes with Crop Type and Management Practice Using Pyrolysis-Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry
- Multi-Watershed Evaluation of WSR-88D (NEXRAD) Radar-Precipitation Products for Hydrologic and Natural Resources Modeling Applications
- National Fire Fuels and Risks Assessment Using Remote Sensing and Ecological Modeling: Prototype Results
- Nitrogen Oxide Trace Gas Efflux and Soil N Dynamics in Response to N Inputs in Temperate Forests of the Northeastern U.S.
- Numerical Modeling of Regional Windblown Dust in the Pacific Northwest:Incorporation of an Improved Dust Emission Model
- Nutrient Transformations in Soils Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions
- On the Universality of Power-Law Exponents for Snow Avalanches
- Operational Accuracy of LIDAR in Mountainous Terrain
- Organic Carbon Sources in Coastal Southeast Alaskan Streams
- Physically Modeling Stream Channel Adjustment to Woody Riparian Vegetation
- Predicting Channel Evolution and Sediment and Contaminant Transport Following the Cerro Grande Fire, New Mexico
- Probing the Nanoscale Architecture of Mineral Surfaces
- Rain Induced Infiltration Into Soil With Dynamic Surface Seals
- Relations Between Albedos and Emissivities From MODIS and ASTER Data Over North African Desert
- Reliability of Groundwater Flow Models of the Hyporheic Zone of Small Mountain Streams
- Remote Sensing Spatial Resolution Analysis Using a Two-Source Energy Balance Model for SMEX02/SMACEX
- Residue Removal Affects the Carbon Content of No-Till Soils
- Satellite soil moisture validation using in situ point sources in the Southern Great Plains during SMEX03
- Scale Dependence Between Hydrologic and Atmospheric Models
- Scaling Forest Canopy Carbon Flux Measurements From Sites to Landscapes Using Airborne Remote Sensing and Canopy Nitrogen Chemistry
- Scaling and pattern of extreme geomorphic events in a mountain basin, Idaho, USA
- Sedimentation Investigation of the Granite/Rhoads Creek Subwatershed, Delta-Clearwater River, Delta Junction, Alaska Using the Hydraulic Modeling Tool FLO-2D
- Snow Cover Depletion and Soil Moisture Recharge at Three Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX) Meteorological Sites
- Snow Cover Distribution Modeled From NASA Cold Land Processes (CLPX) Field Measurements
- Soil Carbon Budget During Establishment of Short Rotation Woody Crops
- Soil Heat and Water (SHAW) Model Validation During Snowmelt in a Forested and Regenerating Clearcut on a Colorado Subalpine Hillslope
- Soil Moisture Mapping During SMEX03 Using Airborne NOAA C- and X-band Polarimetric Scaning Radiometer (PSR)
- Soil Moisture Observations for Validation of Remotely Sensed Data: SMEX 03, Georgia
- Soil Properties as Influenced by Dust Emissions
- Soils and Springs - Controls on the Isotope Hydrology of 3 Appalachian Landscapes
- Spatial Coherence of NEE Response of Different Ecosystems to the Same Climate Anomaly
- Spectral Signatures of Snow Depth Time Series
- Stream order and fractal as scaling factors for watershed water quality
- Surface flux processes and evolution of characteristic eddy scales above a young Middle Rio Grande forest
- Temperature Patterns and Cooling Through a Short Step-Pool Reach in a Headwater Stream, Dry Creek, Idaho
- The Ecohydrological Interactions Between Mesquite and its Water Sources
- The Effects of Residue Management on Soil Carbon Sequestration in the U.S. Cropland
- The Progression of Shrub Encroachment Into a Desert Grassland in Southern New Mexico from 1936-2003
- The Role of Dry Soil Connectivity Barriers on Hillslope-Stream Connections
- The simultaneous retrieval of surface evaporative fraction and heat transfer coefficients using variational data assimilation and surface radiometric temperature observations
- Tree-ring Indices and Isotope Signatures of Pinus ponderosa Related to Historic Ozone Changes Outside Los Angeles
- Tritium Phytoremediation at the Savannah River Site (SRS), USA: Water Management, Operations, and Research
- Use of LIDAR for Measuring Snowpack Depth
- Use of TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) to characterize soil moisture for the Little River Watershed
- Use of a Microarray to Detect Expression of Genes for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes in Soil Fungi
- Using Airborne LIDAR Data to Determine Old vs. Young Cottonwood Trees in the Riparian Corridor of the San Pedro River
- Using TRMM/TMI to retrieve soil moisture over southern United States from 1998 to 2002: results and validation
- Validation of the Community Land Model (CLM) using data collected during the Soil Moisture Experiment 2003 (SMEX03)
- Variation in frost-boil morphology and associated vegetation characteristics along a climatic gradient
- Variation of Evaporation Across a Corn-Soybean Production Region in Central Iowa
- A Distributed Snow Evolution Modeling System (SnowModel)
- A GIS and Remote Sensing Investigation of the Relationship of Terrain, Soil, and other Physiographic Factors on the Pine Community of Lincoln National Park in the Sacramento Mountains of Southwest New Mexico
- A Meteorological Distribution System for High Resolution Terrestrial Modeling (MicroMet)
- A Method to Estimate Fire Emissions From Siberia (1998-2002)
- A New GLORIA Target Region in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA; Alpine Plant Monitoring For Global Climate Change
- A Nitrogen Budget Model as an Indicator Of Leachable Nitrogen Under Agricultural Catchments
- A Physical-Based Model of Postfire Hillslope Dry Ravel
- A Review of Climate Change and Societal Impacts on Groundwater: Implications for a UNESCO Initiative
- A Semiarid Long-Term Hydrologic Observatory at the Continental Scale: The Upper Río Grande Basin
- A Simple Expedient Method for Interpreting the Landscape With Digital Imagery Tools: The Secret Srings Landslide as an Example
- A Water Balance Approach to Characterizing the Hydroclimatology of a Mountainous Semi-arid Catchment
- A scaling analysis of vegetation carbon uptake for the North American Carbon Program: What are we missing and what can we do about it?
- Aboveground Live Forest Biomass Map for the US From Satellite Imagery and Inventory Data
- Acoustic Techniques for Measuring Surface Sealing and Crusting of Agricultural Soils
- An Analytical Framework for Predicting the Downstream Geomorphic Effects of Dams on Rivers
- An Assessment of Ecosystem Effects of Wildfire from Space: Case Study of the 2002 Okefenokee Fire
- An Invasive Grass Species Alters Carbon Cycling in Hawaiian Dry Forest
- Arsenic Mobilization Influenced By Iron Reduction And Sulfidogenesis Under Dynamic Flow
- Carbon Cycling Dynamics in Mixed-Grass Prairie Following Coupled Changes in Winter Snow and Summer Precipitation
- Carbon Storage in Wetland Soils and Export to Streams in Southeastern Alaska
- Changes in Storm Flow as a Result of Direct Seed Farming Practices on the Columbia Plateau Semiarid Croplands
- Changes in Vegetation and Surface Fluxes Associated with the North American Monsoon in 2004
- Channel Geometry of Mountain Rivers Within the Debris-Flow Process Domain of the Idaho Batholith
- Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon Flushing in Three Small Watersheds, Oregon USA
- Characterizing The Hydro-Geomorphic Effects of Impoundment: Reference Conditions, Approaches, and Long-Term Fluvial Adjustments
- Chemical Stabilization of Soil Organic Nitrogen by Phenolic Lignin Compounds in Anaerobic Agrosystems
- Climate Change Altered Disturbance Regimes in High Elevation Pine Ecosystems
- Comparison of Methods to Estimate Ephemeral Channel Recharge, Walnut Gulch, San Pedro River Basin, Arizona
- Competing Interests and Concerns in the Rio Grande Basin: Mountain Hydrology, Desert Ecology, Climate Change, and Population Growth
- Constraining root-zone soil moisture estimates under dense vegetation using multi-frequency remote sensing observations.
- Contributions of Land Inventory and Biometrics for Characterizing Disturbance in Ecosystem and Carbon Accounting Models
- Coupling Sediment Transport with the Dryland Environment
- Debris Dams, Sediment Impoundment, and the Relief of Headwater Streams
- Detecting patterns of forest canopy carbon uptake across multiple scales using flux measurements, high resolution remote sensing and ecosystem modeling.
- Determination of the Infrared Emissivity with Multi-spectral Thermal Infrared Data from Space
- Discrimination between mountain stream channel types using independent control variables
- Distribution of Carbon Uptake Capacity of Plant Functional Groups Across the Canopy Gradient in Old-Growth Tropical Wet Forest in Costa Rica
- Dynamics of labile and recalcitrant soil carbon pools in a sorghum Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) agroecosystem
- ETRS Arrays: Boundary layer-to-water table total flux measurement system
- Ecosystem Water Use Varies With Disturbance And Stand Age
- Eddy Covariance(EC) Over Snow in a Mountainous Environment to Determine Sensible and Latent Heat and Mass Fluxes.
- Edge of Field Nitrate Loss and Oxygen-18 Dynamics in a Dryland Agriculture Setting
- Effect of Grazing on Soil Temperature and Moisture and Subsequent Implications
- Effects of Mean Annual Temperature and Vegetation Type on Soil Carbon Quality in Soils from North America.
- Effects of Salinity and Drought Stresses on Root Water Uptake
- Elevation controls on timing and quantity of water yield from a semi-arid catchment
- Estimation of the Spatial Distribution of Surface Soil Moisture Using Non-Stationary Geostatistical Methods
- Evaluating Least Absolute Deviation Regression As An Inverse Model In Groundwater Calibration
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Northern Alaska and Other Arctic Regions
- Experiments in eruption recovery: Channel bed and sediment transport adjustments as sand inputs decline
- Fractal Dimension as a Measure of Snow Depth Complexity
- GLORIA Alpine Plant Monitoring in the White Mountains, Inyo County, California.
- Geologically Mediated Groundwater Storage can be a First-Order Control on Streamflow Response to Changing Climate
- Geology Broadly Predicts Summer Streamflow in Volcanic Terrains: Lessons From the Oregon Cascades
- High-Elevation Response of Conifers to Climate Change in the Sierra Nevada and Western Great Basin, USA: Treeline Elevation is Not the Primary Effect
- High-resolution Land Surface Modeling and Data Assimilation
- Historical Changes in Carbon Storage of the Eastern United States: Uncertainties Associated With Forest Harvest and Agricultural Activities
- Historical Land Use Modeling of Agriculture and Forestry
- Hyporheic Exchange in Gravel-Bed Rivers with Pool-Riffle Morphology: A 3D Model
- Impacts of Fire and Mass Wasting on Channel Morphology and Stream Temperature in Mountain Rivers of Central Idaho
- Increasing Temperatures in Mountainous Regions of the Western United States and Effects on Insect Outbreaks
- Integrating Climate and Ecosystem-Response Sciences in Temperate Western North American Mountains: The CIRMOUNT Initiative
- Interaction of Hydraulic and Geotechnical Processes, and Sediment Transport in Controlling Channel Morphology in an Active Meander Bend
- Inverse Modeling of Tropospheric CO Using Satellite Measurements
- LEDAPS: A North American Disturbance Record from Landsat Imagery
- Landscape Controls on Monsoon Soil Moisture Distribution in Northern Sonora, Mexico
- Lessons from high-resolution satellite case studies for global-scale models of biomass burning: An approach for assessing the component of net deforestation linked with fire
- Lidar Measurement of Boundary Layer Evolution to Determine Sensible Heat Fluxes
- Linking an Energy-Balance Snow Model (SNOBAL) to a Soil Temperature and Moisture Model (SHAW)
- Long-term Effects of Clearcutting on N Availability and Soil Solution Chemistry in the Fraser Experimental Forest, CO
- Mapping Snowmelt and Snow Water Equivalent in Arctic Alaska using Microwave Remote Sensing
- Measuring and Modeling Snow Accumulation, Movement, and Ablation in Colorado Shrublands
- Model Abstraction to Assess Uncertainty in Flow and Transport Modeling
- Modeling storm runoff reduction through urban forestry
- N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production and Consumption in Semi-Arid Soils
- Near-Real Time Monitoring of Global Lakes and Reservoirs
- On-the-go Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Analysis of Soils
- Passive Samplers for Monitoring Insidious N Air Pollutants and Estimating N Deposition to Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Performance of Bedload Transport Equations Relative to Geomorphic Significance
- Power-law behavior of transient storage residence time distributions from a multi-scale stream tracer test in Lookout Creek, Oregon
- Predicting Arsenate Adsorption by Soils Using Soil Chemical Parameters in the Constant Capacitance Model
- Predicting Contrasting Responses to a Warmer Climate for Groundwater and Shallow Subsurface Dominated Systems in the Oregon Cascades
- Quantification of large vertical tree roots with borehole radar
- Reconciling Top Down and Bottom Up Approaches to Understand Land Carbon Cycle Variability
- Reconstructing a Past Climate Using Current Multi-species' Climate Spaces
- Relations Between Sediment Transport and Storage During Aggradation and Degradation in a Gravel Bed River
- Relationships between River Discharge and Stream Bed Scour: Implications for Redd Scour on a Large Regulated River
- Retention of Atmospheric and Biogeochemically Cycled Nitrogen in a Mediterranean Climate
- Reynolds Mountain East and Upper Sheep Creek: Experimental Catchments for Cold Season Hydrologic Research
- Selenium Speciation, Solubility, and Mobility in Agricultural Evaporation Ponds in California
- Simulating Sub-Decadal Channel Morphologic Change in Ephemeral Stream Networks
- Simulation of vegetation, soil characteristics, and topography effects on soil water distribution and streamflow timing over a semi-arid mountain catchment
- Simultaneous in-situ measurements of colloid concentration and water saturation using synchrotron x-rays
- Soil Moisture and Vegetation Effects on GPS Reflectivity From Land
- Soil-Atmosphere Exchange of Nitrous Oxide, Nitric Oxide, Methane, and Carbon Dioxide in Logged and Undisturbed Forest in the Tapajos National Forest, Brazil
- Soils, Permafrost, Fires and Climate Change Impacts
- Stream Discharge and Sediment Load Variation During Three Dry Years at Kings River Experimental Watershed in the Southern Sierra Nevada in California
- Stream Succession: Channel Changes After Wildfire Disturbance
- Streamflow Predictions using GOES Solar Radiation Based Evapotranspiration in the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model
- Streamwater Chemistry and Sediment Responses to Wildfire in the Colorado Front Range
- Temporal and spatial controls on variability in water repellency for prediction of runoff from burned watersheds
- Terrestrial-aquatic Interactions in SE Alaska: Seasonal Stream Response to DOM and Nutrient Inputs From Wetlands and Salmon
- Testing MODIS Capability to Map Peatlands
- The Pacific Northwest Hydrological Observatory (PNW HO): Hypothesis and model testing power through diversity
- The Potomac River Basin and Western Shore Chesapeake Bay Drainage as a Proposed CUAHSI Hydrologic Observatory
- The role of climate and humans in shaping interannual variability in biomass burning emissions: The Global Fire Emissions Dataset (GFED v2)
- Toward a Continental-Scale Mesonet: USDA National Resources Conservation Service SCAN and SNOTEL System
- Trace Gas Emissions and Soil C and N Transformations Following Moisture Pulses in Sagebrush: Effects of Invasive and Native Companion Plant Species
- Transport and Retention of Manure-borne E. coli in Saturated Well-Structured Soil
- Transport of microorganisms in the presence and absence of manure suspensions
- Transported Sediment in Comparison with Channel Bed Material in Low-Order Alluvial Channels
- Understanding Geology; Understanding Rivers
- Using Landsat Imagery to Detect Forest Disturbance in the Pacific Northwest
- Using airborne laser swath mapping to quantify sediment production and transport processes
- Variability of the Below Canopy Thermal Structure over Snow
- Variations in Below Canopy Turbulent Flux From Snow in North American Mountain Environments
- Watershed Scale Surface Soil Moisture Variability in the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed During the 2004 North American Monsoon
- 7Be/210Pbxs Ratio as an Indicator of Suspended Sediment Age or Fraction New Sediment in Suspension
- A Comparison of At-A-Station Hydraulic Geometry for Step-pool Channels
- A DEM-Based Watershed Model with Spatial Hortonian Infiltration and Run-Off/On
- A North Atlantic Wet Regime at the end of the 20th Century
- A Strategy for a Global In-Situ Soil Moisture Network
- A Watershed Scale Numerical Model of the Impact of Land Use Change on Bed Material Transport in Suburban Maryland, USA
- Advective Transport of CO2 in Permeable Media Induced by Atmospheric Pressure Fluctuations
- An Integrated Approach to a Complete Carbon Budget for the Delaware River Basin
- Analysis of the Spatial Scaling Characteristics of Snow Depth
- Application of Electromagnetic Induction Sensors for Mapping the Subsurface in Small Watersheds.
- Atmosphere-Biosphere Carbon Exchange in New England and Quebec During Summer 2004 From a Receptor Oriented Modeling Framework
- Biogeomorphology: Effects of Salmon Redds on River Hydraulics and Hyporheic Flow in Gravel-Bed Rivers
- Carbon Dynamics in Mid-Atlantic Temperate Forests: Responses to Changes in Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
- Changes in Hyporheic Exchange Flow Following Experimental Woody Debris Removal Determined by Groundwater Flow Modeling
- Changes in Nutrient Concentrations After a Chaparral Wildfire
- Characterizing Landscape Composition and Structure With Image Texture Parameters
- Characterizing Regional Spatial Variation in Summer Streamflow Response to Climate Warming in the Mountains of the Western US
- Coalescing Debris-Fill Complexes in Headwater Valleys of the Oregon Coast Range
- Comparative Effects of Burning on Ecosystem Fluxes and Productivity in Two Adjacent Tall Grass Prairie Pastures
- Comparison of Estimation Methods to Determine Turbulent Fluxes over Snow in a Mountainous Forested Environment.
- Considerations of Scale and Processes in Stream Restoration and Ecological Response
- Detectability and Uncertaintites in the Interpretation of the Impacts Land Disturbances on Catchment Runoff
- Determining Relative Contributions of Eroded Landscape Sediment and Bank Sediment to the Suspended Load of Streams and Wetlands Using 7Be and 210Pbxs
- Determining Sediment Sources in the Anacostia River Watershed
- Drainage Network Development on a Porous Landscape
- Ecohydrological Impacts of Woody Phreatophyte Invasion Within a Semiarid Riparian Environment
- Effects of Forest Thinning on Snow Accumulation in Lodgepole Pine Stands, Montana, U.S.A.
- Effects of Incorporating a Climate Index into the Upper Klamath Operational Water Supply Forecast: Trans-Nino Index
- Effects of Snow-making, Grading, and Timber Harvest on Stream Channel Morphology in the White River National Forest, Colorado
- Effects of a Warmer Climate on Stress Complexes in Forests of Western North America
- Enhancement of wind erosion by fire-induced water repellency in soils: a wind tunnel study
- Enhancing Access to NASA Data via Seamless Integration Into Decision Support Systems: two Examples
- Estimating Evapotranspiration in Three Contrasting Forest Ecosystems Using Eddy Covariance, Sapflow, and Soil Water Balance Methods
- Evaluating Soil Carbon Sequestration in Central Iowa
- Fire Emissions from Scotch Pine Forest in Central Siberia
- GLORIA Alpine Plant Monitoring in the White Mountains
- Global Estimates of Trace Gas Fluxes Affected by Land Use Change and Irrigation of Major Crops
- Gravity Driven Fingering and its Connection to Pore Scale Network Modeling
- Impacts of integrated crop-livestock systems on nitrogen dynamics and soil erosion
- Integrated snow, soil and water-balance measurement strategy for multi-scale environmental observations in mountain areas
- Integrating landscape and hydrologic simulation models to assess the influence of fire-suppression on water yield from forested Rocky Mountain watersheds
- Interaction between snowcover and climate, topography and vegetation in semi-arid mountain catchments
- Interannual consistency in fractal snow depth patterns at two Colorado mountain sites
- Interfacial Area Estimates for a NAPL-Water System and Their Effect on Predicting Groundwater Remediation Efficiency
- Interpolation of Water Quality Along Stream Networks from Synoptic Data
- Investigating Dynamic Behavior in Experimental Capillary Pressure-Saturation Curves Using a Lattice-Boltzmann Model
- Laboratory Characterization of Capacitance Sensors for Measuring Soil Water Content
- Late Quaternary Large-Scale Rock-Mass Defect Controlled Landslides of Eastern North Island, New Zealand: Tectonic and Climatic Forcing in Landscape Evolution
- Limber Pine Forest Mortality Event in Response to 1990s Persistent Low Precipitation and High Minimum Temperatures
- Long-Term Evaluation of the AMSR-E Soil Moisture Product Over the Walnut Gulch Watershed, AZ
- Long-Term Impacts of Fire and Mass Wasting on Solar Loading and Stream Heating in Mountain Streams of Central Idaho
- Long-term continuous GIS-based modeling of forest land use changes in Mica Creek watershed in northern Idaho
- Mapping Bed Texture Evolution to Explain Variations in Observed Sediment Transport
- Mapping Channel Morphology and Stream Habitat With a Full Waveform Green Lidar
- Measuring Winter Precipitation in a Mountain Catchment
- Methodologies for Estimating Forest Carbon Stocks From Annual Forest Inventory Data
- Milti-scaled studies of watershed characteristics within the Tongass National Forest, Southeast Alaska
- Modeling of the Water Balance of a Small Mountainous Catchment
- Modelling variability in radiative fluxes on snow surfaces beneath coniferous canopies
- Multi-Year Dynamics of Upland-Oak Forest Organic Horizons: Observations Based on a Unique 14C-Tracer and a Mechanistic Model
- Multi-year tracking of sediment sources in a small agricultural watershed using rare earth elements
- Near Real-Time Emissions of Trace Gases and Aerosol Particles From Biomass Burning Based on MODIS Direct Broadcast Data
- On the Definition of El Niño and Associated Seasonal Average U.S. and Global Weather Anomalies
- On the Role of Hyporheic Exchange and Stream Flow Velocity in Driving Diurnal Fluctuations in Discharge During Baseflow Recession
- Oregon-California Regional Carbon Budget Approach Using Model-Data Fusion to Estimate Gross Carbon Fluxes: Component of ORCA
- Potential for Loss of Breeding Habitat for Imperiled Mountain Yellow-legged Frog ( Rana muscosa) in High Sierra Nevada Mountain Water Bodies due to Reduced Snowpack: Interaction of Climate Change and an Introduced Predator
- Predicting Postfire Hillslope Erosion with a Web-based Probabilistic Model
- Prediction of Nitrogen Leaching from Freshly Fallen Leaves: Application of Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM)
- Quantifying Belowground Carbon Allocation in the Northeastern United States
- Quantifying Understory Transpiration in a Semiarid Riparian Area
- Quantifying the hydrological significance of tree hydraulic redistribution in a savanna ecosystem.
- Regional carbon budget approach and progress in support of the North American Carbon Program: ORCA Overview
- Regional watershed evaluation of influences on stream biogeochemistry in southeastern Alaska
- Responses of Soil Respiration to Precipitation in a Savannah Ecosystem: Fine Temporal Measurements of Soil CO2 Efflux
- Salmon contributions to dissolved organic matter and nutrient loads in a coastal stream in Southeastern Alaska
- Sediment Yields and Sediment Sources in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Sensitivity of Prosopis velutina to Summer Rainfall and Consequences for Seasonal Patterns of Ecosystem Carbon Exchange
- Simulating Energy, Water and Carbon Fluxes at the Shortgrass Steppe Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site
- Simultaneous carbon flux, tower-based optical measurements and remote sensing in support of NACP scaling efforts
- Small-scale spatial variability of sub-canopy radiant energy during snowmelt in deciduous and coniferous forest patches
- Snow Avalanche Climate and Extremes of the Western United States Mountain Ranges
- Snow, the Great River, and the Desert
- Snowmelt in an Arctic Mountain Shrub Tundra
- Soil and Canopy Control Over Ecosystem Carbon and Water Fluxes in a Desert Grassland: Patterns From a Rainfall Manipulation Experiment.
- Soil community structure and ecosystem C cycling in arid ecosystems experiencing multiple environmental changes
- Soil moisture structure for different soil depths from field to watershed scale during the Soil Moisture Experiment 2005 (SMEX05)
- Solute Transport in the Root Zone: Problem Formulation and Analytical Solutions
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Forest Fires in North America as Determined from 12 Years of Daily AVHRR Data
- Spatial structure differences in snow depth distributions between forested and open sites
- Spatially distributed estimates of riparian stream shading from remote sensing: effects of disturbance and relationship to stream temperature
- Stream Temperature: Distinguishing between Influences Using Diurnal Patterns
- Sub-pixel rainfall variability and the implications for uncertainties in radar rainfall estimates
- Surface Energy Flux Estimation Over a Wheat Crop Using Time-Temperature Difference Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- The Effect of Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks on the Spatial Structure of Land Surface Fluxes over Complex Terrain
- The National Biomass and Carbon Dataset 2000: A High Spatial Resolution Baseline to Reduce Uncertainty in Carbon Accounting and Flux Modeling
- The North American Arctic Transect: Patterned-Ground Ecosystems Across the Full Arctic Bioclimate Gradient
- The Role of Riparian Roots in Resisting Hydraulic Scour at Bank Toes
- The Sensitivity of Snowmelt Processes to Meteorological Conditions and Forest Cover During Rain-on-Snow
- The analysis of the trends in hydro-climatic parameters of a mountainous catchment in the western United States
- Toward Improved Calibration of a Semi-arid Distributed Flash-Flood Model: A Hierarchical Sensitivity Scheme for Model Evaluation
- Transport of Manure Constituents in Runoff
- Use of Footprint Modeling in a Regional Carbon Budget Approach to Estimate Gross Carbon Fluxes for Oregon-California: Component of ORCA and NACP-W
- Use of geomorphic regime diagrams in channel restoration
- Using Airborne Lidar to Differentiate Cottonwood Trees in a Riparian Area and Refine Riparian Water Use Estimates
- Using First Order Watersheds to Understand Potential Sediment sources
- Using Temporal Persistence to Upscale Soil Water Contents and Reduce Uncertainty
- VEMAP vs VINCERA: A DGVM sensitivity to climate, CO2, nitrogen, and fire
- Vadose Zone Effects on Snowmelt Generated Streamflow
- Validation of AMSR-derived soil moisture: Lessons from SMEX02, SMEX03 and SMEX04
- Validation of the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation (TES) algorthim with field measurements
- Water Balance and Residence Time in Stream Functional Units of Differing Scales
- Widespread Dieback of Forests in North America under Rapid Global Warming: Response to the VINCERA Future Climate Scenarios Simulated by the MC1 DGVM
- Wildfire, channel disturbance, and stream temperature: spatio-temporal patterns and associations with the distribution of fish and amphibians in central Idaho
- A Comparison of Measured and Modeled Turbulent Fluxes Over Snow Based on Site Characteristics
- A Generic, Interoperable, Hydrologic Data Assimilation Framework using the Land Information System
- A Global In-Situ Soil Moisture Network: Roadmap and Measurement Protocol
- A Tool to Analyze Environmental Impacts of Forest Roads on Forest Watersheds
- A Web-based Simulation Model to Support US Agricultural Carbon Management
- A framework to quantify predictive uncertainty for natural resource models using a case study of the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model
- Abiotic Gradients and Climate-Growth Relationships in Douglas-fir: Water Limits Tree Growth in Mountain Ecosystems from Stand to Region
- Adapting WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) for Forest Watershed Erosion Modeling
- Addressing Scaling Affects in Forest Watersheds with WEPP Technology
- Advancing the physical basis of depletion curves to improve curve estimation and snowmelt modeling
- Advective Transport of CO2 in Permeable Media Induced by Atmospheric Pressure Fluctuations
- An Objective Approach for Defining Reference Bed Load Transport Rates in Gravel-Bed River
- Analysis of transported sediment concentrations through flood events in a low-order ephemeral watershed
- Analyzing the Spatial Pattern of Deep-Seated Landsliding Evidence for Base Level Control, South Fork Eel River, California
- Antecedent moisture content and soil texture effects on infiltration and erosion
- Assessing the impact of errors in soil moisture retrievals on their utility in a data assimilation system
- Assimilation of AMSR-E Soil Moisture Retrievals into the USDA Global Crop Production Decision Support System
- Attachment of Escherichia coli to Soil Aggregates as Affected by Aggregate Water Content and Presence of Manure Constituents
- Automatically Measuring Individual Tree Crown Diameter and Height form LiDAR Data: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Spatial Wavelet Analysis.
- Biomass Consumption, CO2, CO and Main Hydrocarbon Gas Emissions in an Amazonian Forest Clearing Fire
- Changes in Carbon Storage Efficiency Following a Shelterwood Harvest at Howland Forest, Maine, USA
- Changes in hyporheic exchange, water temperature and macroinvertebrates following sediment-filled dam removal
- Charting the Impacts of Disturbance on Biomass Accumulation in Old-Growth Amazon Forests
- Climate change, cedar decline, and geomorphic response
- Comparison of Reference Evapotranspiration Rates Measured by a Weighing Lysimeter and Meteorological Predictions
- Controls on large landslide distribution in the southeastern interior Columbia River basin
- Decreases in stomatal conductance of soybean (Glycine max) under open-air elevation of CO2 is closely coupled with decreases in ecosystem evapotranspiration
- Deep-seated landslide and earthflow detection (DSLED): A suite of automated algorithms for mapping landslide-prone terrain with digital topographic data
- Detailed forest formation mapping in the land cover map series for the Caribbean islands
- Development of a Semi-Arid, Site-Specific Flash Flood Forecasting System for the Western Region: Results, Insights and Way Forward
- Development of an Integrated Water and Wind Erosion Model
- Direct Measurement of Biosphere-Atmosphere Isotopic CO2 Exchange using the Eddy Covariance Technique
- Disentangling Anthropogenic Impacts From Intrinsic Controls on a Large River: Implications For Channel Evolution and Restoration of the Willamette River, Oregon USA
- Disentangling multiple controls on the response of summer streamflow to climate forcing for the mountainous Western US
- Dynamics of the Variable Source Areas in Two Contrasting Headwater Forested Watersheds and their Implications to Forest Buffer Designs in the Southeastern US
- ERMiT: Estimating Post-Fire Erosion in Probabilistic Terms
- Effect of Timber Harvesting on the Channel Geometry of Headwater Streams in the Ouachita Mountains
- Effects of Debris Flows on Stream Ecosystems of the Klamath Mountains, Northern California
- Effects of Exceptional Drought and Burning on Two Adjacent Tall Grass Prairie Pastures
- Elevational Gradients and Differential Recruitment of Limber Pine (Pinus flexilis) and Bristlecone Pine (P. longaeva); White Mountains, California, USA
- Estimating Coniferous Forest Canopy Cover From LiDAR and Multispectral Data
- Estimating Forest Biomass Using MODIS and FIA Data in the Lake States: MN, WI, and MI, USA
- Feedbacks between fires and wind erosion in heterogeneous arid landscapes
- Fine-scale Patterns in Thaw Depth, Micro-relief, and Ground Cover on Non-sorted Circles and Small Patterned Ground Features Along a Climatic Gradient From Low to High Arctic
- Fire Impacts on Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion in a Steep Sagebrush Dominated Landscape
- Forest Management Effects on Channel Wood and Wood-Channel Interactions in Caspar Creek, California
- Forest Profiling with Multiple Observation Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Forest Structure at Five Sites in the Brazilian Amazon
- Fractional Solute Transport Equation Evaluated With the Miscible Displacement Experimental Data
- Generating Distributed Forcing Fields for Spatial Hydrologic Modeling
- Geomorphic Controls of Soil and Carbon Redistribution Across an Agricultural Landscape
- Geotechnical Implications for the use of Alfalfa in Experimental Studies of Alluvial-Channel Morphology and Planform
- High Resolution In Situ Measurements of Fine Particle Size Distributions in Biomass Burning Plumes
- Holocene Fire History of an Eastern Oregon Forest Based on Soil Charcoal Radiocarbon Dates
- Hydraulic Condition and Solution Concentration Impacts on Nitrate Anion Exclusion Under Unsaturated Flow Conditions
- Hydrologic Response of the Boise River Basin to Large Fires
- Hydrological Response to Timber Harvest in Northern Idaho: Implications for Channel Scour and Persistence of Salmonids
- Implications for the Removal of Invasive Species in Canyon de Chelly National Monument
- Improving Flood Prediction Through the Assimilation of AMSR-E Soil Moisture Retrievals into a Hydrologic Model
- InSAR/Lidar/Optical Data Fusion for Vegetation Height and Biomass Estimation in Support of the North American Carbon Program
- Incorporation of saturation excess processes in the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model.
- Increased Instream Wood Loading Attributed to Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak in Subalpine Watersheds
- Influence of Incidence Angle on the Use of C-Band SAR Data for the Detection Flooded Forests
- Insights Into the Hydrology of the Willamette River Basin Using d18O of Water During Summer Baseflow Conditions
- Integrating Research and Education in a Study of Biocomplexity in Arctic Tundra Ecosystems: Costs, Results, and Benefits to the Research Agenda
- Integrating climatic and fuels information into national fire risk decision support tools
- L-Band Microwave Observations over Land Surface using Two-Dimensional Synthetic Aperture Radiometer
- Landscape Estimates of Carbon Pools and Fluxes via Lidar and High Resolution Spectral Data
- Landscape controls on hillslope-riparian-stream hydrologic connections in a set of nested catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains
- Landscape-scale Dynamics of Wood in Stream Networks of the Western Cascades, Oregon
- Large-scale impacts of frozen soil on soil erosion: coupling the WEPP model to a macro- scale hydrologic model
- Linking Forest Carbon Monitoring with Management Decisions
- Local- to Basin-scale Snow Distributions for the Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX)
- Mapping and Monitoring Stream Aquatic Habitat With a Narrow-Beam Green Lidar
- Measuring Large Floods Events After Wildfires in the Western U.S.
- Methane fluxes in forests and wetlands of northern Wisconsin and Minnesota
- Microbial Biomass and Population Densities of Non-Sorted Circles in High Arctic Ecosystems
- Monitoring vegetation cover changes over a semi-arid rangeland with multispectral ASTER thermal infrared emissivities
- N Deposition Alters Decomposition and C Cycling in the San Bernardino Mountains
- National Scale Prediction of Soil Carbon Sequestration under Scenarios of Climate Change
- Non-Linear Responses to Precipitation and Shrub Encroachment in Semi-Arid Grassland: Isotopes and CO2 Fluxes Reveal Soil Microsite Alteration as Explanation
- Numerical Model of Channel and Aquatic Habitat Response to Sediment Pulses in Mountain Rivers of Central Idaho
- Observations of aerosol light scattering, absorption, and particle morphology changes as a function of relative humidity
- One Century of Unsaturated Zone Hydrology: Then and Now, But What Next?
- Parameterization of an Urban Runoff Model
- Perceptions of Wood in Rivers and Challenges for Stream Restoration: an International Study of Students and River Managers
- Photosynthetic Water Use Efficiency in it Sorghastrum nutans (C4) and it Solidago canadensis (C3) in Three Soils Along a CO2 Concentration Gradient
- Potential Rapid Effects on Soil Organic Matter Characteristics and Chemistry Following a Change in Dominant Litter Inputs
- Potential for Gravel Augmentation to Reduce Water Temperatures in a Gravel-Bed River
- Predicting Spatial Distribution of Soil Texture With Electromagnetic Induction Mapping in Small Watersheds
- Problems in the Application of Thermal-based Energy Balance Models with Significant Sub- pixel Variability
- Quantifying Urban Groundwater in Environmental Field Observatories
- Rates and Effects of Climate Warming and Permafrost Thawing in the Yukon River Basin: The Yukon Climate Effects Assessment and Monitoring Network
- Regional Carbon Fluxes and Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics in the Southern Great Plains during the 2007 Mid Continent Intensive of NACP
- Regional Controls on the Rate and Magnitude of Channel Incision
- Regional Hydraulic Geometry Curves of the Northern Cascade Mountains, Chelan and King Counties, Washington State, USA
- Regional-scale flood detection using AMSR-E observations
- Relative Contributions of Avalanches and Chronic Tree Mortality as Wood Recruitment Processes in a Headwater Stream
- Response of Soil Respiration to a Subambient to Elevated CO2 Gradient in Grassland Ecosystems
- Restoration of Spatial Heterogeneity and Ecohydrological Processes in Deserts: Development of Artificial Islands of Hydrologically-Enhanced Productivity
- Road Erosion Modeling Using the WEPP Model: Validation and Application to Large Road Networks
- Scaling vegetation carbon uptake across a broad range of ecosystem types utilizing flux measurements and high resolution remote sensing.
- Snow Water Equivalent Pressure Sensor Performance in a Deep Snow Cover
- Snow modeling in the Klamath River Basin: Understanding the factors controlling snow distribution and melt
- Soil Biota and Litter Decay in High Arctic Ecosystems
- Soil Moisture Modeling Using Two Energy Balance Approaches with Thermal Infrared Satellite Inputs
- Soil dissolved organic matter export to coastal temperate rainforest streams
- Spatial Variability of Carbon and Water Vapor Flux on Wheat and Abandoned Lands Estimated Using Mobile Eddy Covariance Towers
- Spectroscopic Properties as Indicators of Changes in the Quality and Lability of Dissolved Organic Matter During Storm Flows in Northern Forested Watersheds
- Subsampling Approach to Aggregating LiDAR-Derived Forest Structure Predictions to the Forest Stand Level
- Surface Characterization for Land-Atmosphere Studies of CLASIC
- Surface-Subsurface Flow Linkage in a Snowmelt Environment
- Suspended sediment dynamics at high and low flows in an agricultural watershed
- The Association Between Equatorial Sea Surface Temperature Gradients and Upper Klamath Seasonal Streamflow: Trans-Niño Index
- The Carbon Balance of North American Wetlands
- The Determination of Total Snow Water Equivalent Volume Using the NOHRSC SNODAS Snowpack Model on Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA.
- The Effect of Altered Rainfall Interception on Peakflows in a Logged Coastal Redwood Forest
- The Effect of Timber Harvest on the Fool Creek Watershed After Five Decades
- The NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar A Cross-environment Lidar
- The Need for High-Resolution Thermal Imaging in Water Resource Management
- The Prediction of Landslide Size Using a Multi-dimensional Stability Analysis
- The Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed: A Hydro-Geo-Climatic Observatory for the 21^{st} Century
- The Upper San Pedro Partnership: A Case Study of Successful Strategies to Connect Science to Societal Needs
- The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model for saturation excess conditions: application to an agricultural and a forested watershed.
- The influence of ecosystem nitrogen status on carbon cycling in forests
- The robustness of observed El Nino and La Nina lifecycles.
- The role of hillslopes in stream flow response: connectivity, flow path, and transit time
- Throughfall Monitoring Of Old Growth, Second Growth, And Cleared Vegetation Plots On Prince of Wales Island, Alaska
- Time-lapse Measurements of Electrical Resistivities to Characterise Snowmelt Infiltration Patterns
- Tracer Observations of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Water Exchange Across the Stream-Catchment Interface
- Tracing Sources of Nitrate and Organic Matter in the Willamette River Basin During Summer Baseflow Conditions using Isotopic Techniques
- Transport, Storage, and Geomorphic Effects of Large Wood Delivered to Clearwater Creek During and After the 1980 Eruption of Mt. St. Helens, 1980-2005
- Turbulence and Dynamics of Wildland Grass Fires: The FireFlux Experiment.
- Use of Elastic Lidar to Examine the Dynamics of Plume Dispersion from an Agricultural Facility
- Use of UAVs for Remote Measurement of Vegetation Canopy Variables
- Using Airborne Lidar to Predict Leaf Area Index in Cottonwood Trees and Refine Riparian Water Use Estimates
- Using Data Assimilation Techniques to Calibrate Soil Moisture Retrievals
- Using Ensemble Predictions to Simulate Field-Scale Soil Water Time Series with Upscaled and Downscaled Soil Hydraulic Properties
- Using RAQMS Chemical Transport Model, Aircraft In-situ and Satellite Data to Verify Ground-based Biomass Burning Emissions from the Extreme Fire Event in Boreal Alaska 2004
- Using WEPP Technology to Assess the Distribution of Erosion Risk, Mitigation Benefit, and Peak Flow Following Wildfire
- Validating Disturbed WEPP for Fuel Management and Prescribed Fire Conditions in Northeast Oregon and Southeastern Washington
- WAVES (Water Vapor Variability Satellite/Sondes) - An Aura Satellite Validation Field Campaign Hosted at the Howard University Research Campus in Beltsville, MD
- WEPP With Energy-Based Winter Routine for Simulating Winter Hydrologic Processes in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Water Content Determination in Small Watersheds: Sensors for Distributed Networks and Geophysical Approaches.
- Water Repellency and Fire in Sagebrush Ecosystems of the Northern Great Basin, USA
- What Does the MODIS GPP Algorithm Miss by Modeling Wetlands and Uplands Alike?
- δ 13C of ecosystem-respired CO2 along a gradient of C3 woody-plant encroachment into C4 grassland
- A Calibration of Temperature and Fire Frequency
- A Cluster Analysis Approach to Comparing Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Observations with General Circulation Model (GCM) Results
- A Constrained Inverse and Forward Canopy Reflectance Modeling System for Mapping key Biophysical Properties Using Remotely Sensed Reflectance Observations
- A Global Soil Moisture Data Assimilation System for the USDA-FAS Crop Assessment Data Retrieval and Evaluation (CADRE) Decision Support System
- A Hot Knife Through Ice-Cream: Earthflow Response to Channel Incision (Or Channel Response to Earthflows?), Eel River Canyon, California
- A Machine Learning Approach to Modeling Old-Growth Using Spectral and Topographic Data
- A Model of Temperature Inversion Across the White Mountains, California to Explain Downslope Migration of Trees
- A Preliminary Study of Biomass Estimation of Boreal Forest in Alaska Using ALOS PALSAR Polarimetric Images
- A novel application of median filters and Fourier transforms for eddy covariance data
- A role for high frequency hydrochemical sampling in long term ecosystem studies
- Air quality modeling in the Valley of Mexico: meteorology, emissions and forecasting
- Aliphatic and aromatic plant biopolymer dynamics in soil particles isolated from sequential density fractionation
- Alpine Meadows Vegetation Monitoring
- Alpine Plant Monitoring for Global Climate Change; Analysis of the Four California GLORIA Target Regions
- An Assessment of Pulsed Flows on Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Habitat Hydraulics in a Regulated River using Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling
- An Integrated Suite of Multi-scale Remote Sensing Approaches for Measuring Thermal Characteristics and Associated Effects During Wildland Fires
- Assessing the Uncertainty of Future Climate Change Impacts on Terrestrial Wildlife Habitats
- Assessment of Filter Materials for Removal of Contaminants From Agricultural Drainage Waters
- Assessment of Potential AMSR-E Soil Moisture Disaggregation Using Scatterometer Observations
- Associations between regional moisture gradient, tree species dominance, and downed wood abundance
- Attenuation of trace gas fluctuations associated with turbulent flow in tubes: application to closed-path eddy covariance systems
- Automatic Tree Crown Delineation Using Discrete Return Lidar and its Application in ICEsat Vegetation Product Validation
- CO2 and Carbon Isotopes of CO2 Within a Subalpine Forest Snowpack
- Canopy Nitrogen, Carbon Assimilation and the Albedo of North American Forest Ecosystems
- Carbon Dioxide and Water Cycling in a Semiarid Savanna in Southern Arizona, USA
- Carbon Distribution and Net Primary Production in a Forest-Peatland Landscape Mosaic
- Changes of Soil Aggregate C Isotopes in No-Till Corn Following Bromegrass.
- Characterizing Storm Event Dynamics of a Forested Watershed in the Lower Atlantic Coastal Plain, South Carolina USA
- Characterizing Thermal features in Norris Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Using Multi- spectral Remote Sensing Data and Dynamic Calibration Procedures
- Climate drivers of fire extent and severity in US Rocky Mountains
- Climatically Driven Loss of Calcium in Steppe Soil.
- Comparing Burned and Unburned Forest Conditions Using Simulated Rill Experiments
- Comparison of Algorithms for Incoming Atmospheric Long-wave Radiation
- Comprehensive comparison of gap filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes
- Conceptualizing, testing, and transferring watershed characteristics-runoff generation relationships
- Connectivity and Variability as Drivers for Lowland River Backwater Restoration
- Correcting Unintended Perturbation Biases in Hydrologic Data Assimilation Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Data gathering and simulation of climate change impacts in mountainous areas
- Determining Regional Carbon Emissions Under Variable Fire Regimes in Central Siberia
- Development of Floating Wave Barriers for Cost Effective Protection of Irrigation and Catfish Pond Levees
- Development of a Remotely-sensed Soil Heat Flux Parameterization for Natural Landscapes in Semi-arid Regions
- Differences Between the Spatial Organization of Snow Depth Fields in Sub-alpine Forest and Alpine Tundra
- Distribution of 15N Tracers Applied to the Canopy of a Mature Spruce-Hemlock Stand: Implications for Carbon Sequestration
- Drainage Density: A Framework for Predicting Peak and Low Flows in Ungaged Catchments
- Effects of Channel Type on Hyporheic Exchange in Mountain River Basins: A Process Hierarchy
- Effects of Climate and Fire on Thermal Habitats Within Mountain Stream Networks: An Example With a Native Charr Species
- Effects of Crop Rotation, N Management, Tillage, and Controlled Drainage on nitrate-N Loss in Drain Flow
- Effects of Large Scale Poplar Plantations on the Hydrology of Semiarid Areas in Inner Mongolia
- Effects of Pre-Fire Fuels Treatments on Post-Fire Burn Severity on the 2007 Fires in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA
- Effects of Removal of Riparian Vegetation on Levee Stability on the Sacramento River
- Employing UAVs to Acquire Detailed Vegetation and Bare Ground Data for Assessing Rangeland Health
- Erosion Rates of Volcanic-ash Derived Soils in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon, USA: A Comparison Across Sales in Space and Time.
- Estimating ET for a Mixed Oak Forest Using Two Methods: Eddy-Covariance and the Soil Water Budget
- Estimating Hourly Land Surface Temperatures at 1-km Spatial Scales over the Southwestern U.S.
- Estimating rootzone soil moisture by assimilating both microwave based surface soil moisture and thermal based soil moisture proxy observations
- Evaluating the effectiveness of floodplain restoration on the North Fork John Day River, Northeast Oregon, USA
- Evaluation of Measured and Simulated Turbulent Components of a Snow Cover Energy Balance Model in Order to Refine the Turbulent Transfer Algorithm.
- Evaporation and Transpiration in Semiarid Grass- and Shrub-Dominated Ecosystems in Southeast Arizona
- Event to Multi-decadal Persistence in Spatial Rainfall and Rainfall and Runoff as a Function of Spatial and Temporal Scales
- Exploring Soils and Ecohydrological Structure in Small Watersheds Using Electromagnetic Induction.
- Factors Influencing Surface Runoff and Hydrologic Connectivity on an Agricultural Hillslope in Central Pennsylvania
- Field-Scale Distributed Wireless Network for Monitoring Dynamic Hydrologic Processes
- Fire Effects on Runoff Generation and Sediment Yield from a Coarse-Textured Sagebrush- Dominated Landscape
- Forecast uncertainty in semi-arid flash flood modeling using radar rain input
- Forest Structure Estimation and Pattern Exploration From Discrete Return Lidar in Subalpine Forests of the Central Rockies
- Fort Cobb Reservoir Watershed, Oklahoma and Thika River Watershed, Kenya Twinning Pilot Project
- Geomorphic Processes Along the Coastal Cliff, Central Coastline - Israel
- High Resolution Mapping and Interpretation of Channel and Floodplain Topography With a Narrow-Beam Terrestrial-Aquatic Lidar
- Historical Land Use Change Impacts in the Great Plains
- Homogeneous biogeochemical functions in terrestrial ecosystems of the heterogeneous coastal temperate forest ecosystem
- Hydraulic Redistribution of Soil Water in a Drained Loblolly Pine Plantation: Quantifying Patterns and Controls over Soil-to-Root and Canopy-to-Atmosphere Interactions
- Identifying Temporal Patterns in Light use Efficiency for two Loblolly Pine Plantations in a Drained Lower Coastal Plain Region of North Carolina, U.S.A.
- Impact of Land-use Change on Soil Erosion and Hydrologic Response at Regional Scale: Application of a Coupled Erosion and Hydrologic Modeling Scheme
- Influence of Hyporheic Flow and Geomorphology on Temperature in Large, Gravel-bed River, Clackamas River, Northwestern Oregon
- Influence of NRCS snowcourse measurement date on data accuracy and climatic trends
- Integrated Impacts of environmental factors on the degradation of fumigants
- Integrated Science, Modeling and Ecological Decision-making in the Upper San Pedro Basin, AZ
- Interannual Variation of Carbon Fluxes From a Tropical, a Temperate, and a Boreal Evergreen Forest: the Role of Gap Dynamics and Climate
- Intercomparison of remote sensing-based evapotranspiration models using SGP and SMEX data
- Land Cover of Northern Eurasia: Comparison and Assessment of Coarse Resolution Maps
- Landscape and climate controls on fire severity in Alaskan black spruce forests
- Landscape estimates of heat release from prescribed fires: analysis and calibration of infrared imagery from aircraft
- Large Scale Field Campaign Contributions to Soil Moisture Remote Sensing
- Leaf Area Index Modeling and Mapping in Conifer Forests using Multispectral and Lidar Data
- Lessons Learned Using Radiotelemetry for Wildland Hydrologic Research
- Lessons for Integrated Water Resources Management from the San Pedro HELP Basin on the U.S.-Mexico Border
- Long term adjustment of canopy root depth and strength: Implications catchment hydrology and slope stability
- Long term impacts of controlled burns on soil thermal conductivity and soil heating at a Colorado Rocky Mountain site
- Long-term changes in snow water equivalent and streamflow in northern Idaho
- Macropore Flow in Soil Columns: Investigations with Computer Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Simulations
- Mapping Fine-Scale Fire Effects After Wildfires in Alaska's Boreal Forest
- Measurement and Modeling of Soil Moisture Under Differing Evaporative Conditions
- Measurements of Boundary Layer Structure at Fort Cobb During CLASIC, June 2007
- Measuring spectral effects of calcium fertilization in the red spruce foliage
- Mercury Accumulation in the Forest Floor of the North Central United States
- Mexico City Aerosol Transect
- Mineralization of Soil Organic Matter in Two Elevated CO2 by Warming Experiments in Grassland
- Modeling Evaluation of Retention and Release of Atmospheric Deposition N in Mixed Coniferous Forests, San Bernardino National Forest, CA
- Modeling Stream/Aquifer Interactions on a Reach of the Upper San Pedro River Basin, AZ, by Integrating KINEROS and MODFLOW
- Modeling Watershed Hydrologic Water Balance Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Lower Coastal Plain, South Carolina USA
- Modeling the Coupled Effects of Pore Space Geometry and Velocity on Colloid and Nanoparticle Transport and Retention
- Monitoring Requirements and Methods for Greenhouse Gas Management and Climate Change Detection
- Monitoring regional patterns of canopy-scale phenology with a network of digitial webcams
- Native Trees and Salt Cedar: Quantifying Transpiration at Intermittent and Perennial Streamflows on the San Pedro River
- Nitrogen Cycle Modeling: a Mechanistic Estimate of N-losses From Agricultural Fields Over the Seasonal Time Period
- Nitrogen Deposition, Nitrogen Saturation and Carbon Interactions in Mid-Atlantic Forest Ecosystems
- Numerical model for analyzing the effects of sediment supply on river morphology and streambed characteristics
- Of Magic Carpets, Rolling Snowballs, and Sleeping Dragons: an Energetics-based Classification for Hillslope/channel Interactions
- Pore Space Statistics From the X-ray CT of Large Undisturbed Soil Columns
- Post-fire Erosion and Recovery in Chaparral Steeplands, Southern California
- Potential mechanisms for fine-scale variation in desertification thresholds
- Predicting Fire Severity and Hydrogeomorphic Effects for Wildland Fire Decision Support
- Predicting Soil Frost and its Response to Climate Change in Northeastern U.S. Forests
- Predicting tree-level forest structure from LiDAR data
- Preliminary Evaluation of Sensible Heat Flux Measurements From a Large Aperture Scintillometer Using Lysimetric Data
- Probabilistic Evaluation of the Vegetated Filter Strip Efficiency With Respect to Pathogen Removal From Runoff
- Progressive Landslides in Uplifted Volcanic Plateaus: Persistent Loci of Channel Perturbation
- Quantifying Land Use and Land Cover Effects on Urban Runoff Water Quality.
- Quantifying Reductions of Mass-Failure Frequency and Sediment Loadings from Streambanks using Toe Protection
- Quasi 3D model construction of artificial recharge through the vadose zone using time-lapse zero-offset profiling of cross borehole radar
- Radar Observations of Snowpack Changes from the Second Cold Land Processes Experiment
- Rapid Streamflow Generation from Subsurface Flow
- Regional Air Pollution Impacts of Biomass Fires: Sensitivity to Uncertainties in Fuel Consumption and Fire Plume Dynamics
- Regional DOC Fluxes for the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska
- Relationships Between Stream - Ground Water Exchange and Topography of the Channel, Valley, and Watershed
- Relationships between Fire Radiative Energy, Fuel Combustion Rates, and Emission Rates of Trace Gases and PM2.5 in Laboratory Fires
- Remote sensing of threshold conditions in an arid ecosystem
- Salmon and Wetland Influences on Streamwater Mercury Fluxes in Southeastern Alaska
- Scaling effects on forest area estimation in the three Lake States of USA
- Seasonal changes in the concentration and chemical quality of dissolved organic matter exported from wetland soils to streams in coastal temperate watersheds
- Secondary Effects of Climate Change on Streamflow Through Wildfire: Compensating or Exacerbating?
- Sensitivity of the seasonal snowcover to warming climate trends in a snow dominated semi- arid mountain basin
- Sierra Nevada Rock Glaciers: Biodiversity Refugia in a Warming World?
- Simulated Response of Conterminous United States Ecosystems to Climate Change at Different Levels of Fire Suppression, CO2,and Growth Response to CO2
- Simulating Stable Carbon Isotopic Signatures and Exchange of a C4 Canopy: Comparison with a 'Big-Leaf' Model
- Simulating the Effects of Climate and Land Use Change on Wetland Hydrology in coastal South Carolina, USA
- Site Specific Evaluation of Multisensor Capacitance Probes
- Size Frequency Distributions for Snow Avalanches
- Soil Moisture Retrieval During a Corn Growth Cycle Using L\-Band \1.6 GHz\) Radar Observations
- Soil Water and Shallow Groundwater Relations in an Agricultural Hillslope
- Soil moisture estimation using WindSat based passive microwave polarimetric observations
- Soil-Water Evaporation Dynamics Determined From Soil Sensible Heat Transfer Measurements
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory (CZO): hydrochemical characteristics, science and measurement strategy
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory: integrating water cycle and biogeochemical processes across the rain-snow transition
- Spatial Variability in Wheat Phenology Across a Landscape
- Spectral Analysis for Characterizing Landslide-Prone Terrain Using High Resolution Topographic Data
- Storms Induce Variable Changes in Phosphorus Release From a North Carolina Coastal Plain In-Stream Wetland
- Stream Water Temperature and Climate Variability along Two Elevational Gradients in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, U.S.A.
- Tannin-Metal Interactions in Soils: An Incubation-Extraction Approach in Hill-Land Environments
- Terrain and forest shelter effects on snowcover energetics, patterns of snow deposition, snowmelt and runoff over a semi-arid mountain catchment
- The Effect of Fire on Soil Respiration Rates in Siberia Scotch Pine Forest
- The Expanding NOAA Tall Tower Network for Monitoring Carbon Dioxide and Related Gases
- The Influence of Climate Change on Headwater Stream Discharge in the Southern Sierra Nevada (1957-2007)
- The Response of Soil Carbon Decomposition to Temperature
- The Role of Nitrogen Dynamics in the Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics to Changes in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Climate, and Land Use
- The Role of Observer Variation in Determining Rosgen Stream Types in Northeastern Oregon Mountain Streams
- The Soil Moisture Active/Passive Mission (SMAP)
- The Value of Tracer Data in Catchment Modeling and Process Representation
- The contribution of soil moisture retrievals to land data assimilation products
- Thermodynamic Structure of a Grass Fire Plume
- Tomographic Measurements of Pore Filling at Infiltration Fronts
- Topographic Controls on Hillslope-Riparian Water Table Continuity in a set of Nested Catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana
- Transient coupling of water, carbon and nutrient cycling patterns over hillslope gradients: Co- evolution of catenae in different landscapes
- Tree Age, Disturbance History, and Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in Subalpine Rocky Mountain Forests
- Tropical Forest Vegetation Profiles and Biomass from Multibaseline Interferometric SAR at C- band
- Two decades of forest disturbance and regrowth across the United States evaluated using the Landsat record for the North American Carbon Program
- Uncertainty in Climatology-Based Estimates of Shallow Groundwater Recharge
- Upscaling Carbon Fluxes from Stand-Level Towers to the Footprint of a Very Tall Tower in a Heterogeneous Landscape
- Using Lidar to distinguish leaf area index in cottonwood trees and improve riparian water use estimates in the Upper San Pedro River Basin
- Using large eddy simulation to evaluate source area contributions from aircraft flux measurements over heterogeneous land cover
- Validating regional-scale surface energy balance models
- Vegetation Water Content Retrievals for NAFE06 and CLASIC
- Warming and Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Alter Plant Production and Ecosystem gas Exchange in a Semi-Arid Grassland Through Direct Responses to Global Change Factors and Indirect Effects on Water Relations
- Watershed-Scale Post-Fire Treatment Effects on Runoff and Erosion After the Hayman Fire, Colorado
- Who Needs Environmental Monitoring?
- Winter Cover Crop Effects on Nitrate Leaching in Subsurface Drainage as Simulated by RZWQM-DSSAT
- A Century of Experimental Forest and Range Research at the US Forest Service: Recent Synthesis Efforts and Opportunities for Cross-Site Collaboration
- A Daily Wildland Fire Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory for the Conterminous United States
- A Meta-analysis of Timber Harvest and Site Preparation Effects on Soil Carbon Storage
- A Modeling Framework for Improved Agricultural Water Supply Forecasting
- A New National MODIS-Derived Phenology Data Set Every 16 Days, 2002 through 2006
- A Parsimonious Energy Balance Snowmelt Model and its use in Spatially Distributed Modeling
- A multi-scale decision support system for the analysis of the effects of USDA NRCS conservation programs in Michigan.
- A national hydrological model for New Zealand
- Aboveground net primary productivity and rainfall use efficiency of grassland on three soils after two years of exposure to a subambient to superambient CO2 gradient.
- An ENSO-Based Multivariate Wavelet-Decomposition Time Series Model for Nitrate Loads in the Little River Watershed
- An Examination of the Relation between Burn Severity and Forest Height Change in the Taylor Complex Fire using LIDAR data from ICESat/GLAS
- Analysis of Climate and Topographic Controls on Burn Severity in the Western United States (1984-2005)
- Assessing commercial livestock appropriation of the productive capacity of US drylands: A remote sensing approach
- Assimilation of AATSR, MERIS and MODIS Data in the Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) on the Upper Rio Grande (USA)
- Avalanche Crown-Depth Distributions
- Belowground Carbon Flux and Partitioning: Global Patterns and Response to Temperature
- Benchmarking Collaborative Inter and Intra-agency Enhancements to a Decision Support System for Global Crop Production Assessments
- Biochemically-resistant carbon compounds in physically- and chemically-protected soil C pools
- Biodegradability of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in estuaries draining glacial and wetland-dominated watersheds
- Biomass Estimation of Douglas-fir Stands Using Airborne LiDAR Data
- Burn Severity Assessment in the Okanogan-Wenatchee Forest Using NASA Satellite Missions
- Changes in Natural Abundance Carbon Stable isotopes of Human Blood and Saliva After 24 Days of Controlled Carbohydrate Supplementation
- Changes in Pedogenic Carbonate Accumulation Under Altered Atmospheric CO2 in a Mesic Calcareous Grassland
- Characterizing Wildlife Habitat With LiDAR Data: Distribution Mapping Of Snags And Understory Shrubs
- Climate Change Effects on Cascade Mountain Vegetation Distribution and Carbon Storage
- Climate Change Impacts on Carbon Storage, Ecotone Height, Runoff, and Ecosystem Area within the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States
- Climate Change Influences on Snow Distribution and Melt in a Mountain Catchment
- Comparing field, LiDAR, and spectral measures of percentage tree canopy cover in a mixed conifer forest
- Comparison of soil moisture distributions between irrigated and non-irrigated cropland during BEAREX08
- Complexity of mountain climates, ecosystem responses, and management decisions in the face of climate change: a new focus of Long Term Ecological Research at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
- Concentration Dependent Colloid Transport in Saturated Porous Media: The Role of Solution Chemistry
- Conceptualizing landscape controls on catchment transit times in different geomorphic provinces
- Constructing a Baseline Model of Alpine Wetlands of the Uinta Mountains, Utah, USA
- Contribution of herbaceous understory vegetation to ecosystem respiration in a semi-arid ecosystem undergoing woody encroachment
- Coupled Factors Influencing Colloid Transport and Retention in Saturated Porous Media
- Creating an Effective Network: The GRACEnet Example
- Debris Flow Associated Sediment Entrainment Thresholds in Small Watersheds in the Central Klamath Mountains, NW California
- Deconstructing Soil Respiration Response to Environmental Variables at Varying Temporal Scales
- Decoupling the Influence of Leaf and Root Hydraulic Conductances on Stomatal Conductance and its Sensitivity to Vapor Pressure Deficit as Soil Dries in a Drained Loblolly Pine Plantation
- Defining Reference Conditions for Assessing Biophysical Status of Rivers
- Dendrologic Effects on Soil Evolution Timescales and System Behavior in the Ouachita Mountains, USA
- Developing a Perceptual Model of Streamflow Generation From Spatially-Distributed Soil Moisture Data: Experiences in an Experimental NZ Catchment
- Development and Application of the GRACEnet Database
- Dew Frequency, Duration, Amount, and Distribution in Corn and Soybean During SMEX05
- Dimensionless snowmelt depletion curves using MODIS-derived SCA for improved hydrologic modeling
- Discrepancies in Watershed S Budgets in Southeast Canada and Northeast U.S.--A Comparative Mass-Balance Approach
- Discriminating Mechanistic Models of Root Water Uptake Under Stress Conditions
- Dissecting the Species Energy Curve Geographically for Conservation Implications: A Case Study for North American Birds
- Disturbance, Complexity, and Scale in Western Mountain Ecosystems
- Do Changes in Connectivity Explain Desertification?
- Dynamics and Resilience of Desert Ecosystems under Changing Climate
- Dynamics of the C and O isotopic signatures of chamber respiration varying with wetting and drying cycles in semi-arid grassland
- Ecosystem carbon balance and vulnerability of soil carbon in a drained lower coastal plain loblolly pine plantation
- Effect of LiDAR Point Density on the Ability to Monitor Stand-Level Growth and Disturbance in Coniferous Forest
- Effects of Bathymetric Lidar Errors on Hydraulic Models
- Effects of Clearcut Logging on Channel Form in a Coastal Redwood Forest
- Effects of Climate Change and Disturbances on Carbon Sequestration of California Ecosystems
- Effects of Fire and Drought on Soil CO2 Respiration in a Native Tallgrass Prairie
- Effects of Recent Debris Flows on Channel Conditions in Small Watersheds in the Central Klamath Mountains, NW California
- Effects of Recent Debris Flows on Stream Ecosystems and Food Webs in Small Watersheds in the Central Klamath Mountains, NW California
- Effects of an Experimental Drought on Trace Gas Emissions From a Humid Tropical Forest
- Effects of historic land-use change on soil erosion in the Great Lakes region
- El Nino Southern Oscillation Influences Forest Growth Response to Increasing Carbon Dioxide and Troposheric Ozone in Northern Wisconsin, USA
- Electrical Resistivity Imaging to Quantify Spatial Soil Heterogeneity
- Empirical Mode Decomposition Method Applied to Atmospheric Variables
- Empirical and modeling approaches to setting critical loads for N deposition in southern California shrublands
- Enhanced Bank-Stability Modeling With Coupled Geotechnical, Hydraulic and Near-Bank Groundwater Sub-Models: Development and Validation
- Erosion and Redeposition of Reservoir Sediment in Response to Removal of Marmot Dam, Sandy River, Oregon
- Estimating Fire-Caused Boreal Forest Disturbances Using Remote Sensing Data
- Estimating Runoff From Roadcuts With a Distributed Hydrologic Model
- Estimating Shortwave Solar Radiation Using Net Radiation and Meteorological Measurements
- Estimation Of Leaf Area Index From Landsat Imagery For Texas High Plains Using Support Vector Machines
- Estimation of Net Surface Shortwave Radiation From MODIS Data
- Evaluation of MODIS and discrete-return lidar-based estimates of Leaf Area Index in conifer forests of northern Idaho
- Evaluation of a Soil Moisture Data Assimilation System Over the Conterminous United States
- Evaluation of wildfire smoke forecasts in the southern California land-sea breeze environment
- Exploring Linkages Between Remotely Sensed Canopy Nitrogen and Albedo in U.S. and Canadian Forests
- Exploring carbon-nitrogen-albedo linkages in temperate and boreal forests.
- Fluxes of new and old mercury from mercury amendments to Puerto Rico soil columns
- Glacier runoff as a source of labile dissolved organic matter for near-shore marine ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska
- Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA): Results From Four Target Regions in California
- Gradient Analysis: A new paradigm in vegetation modeling
- Groundwater Modeling of the Texas High Plains using Modflow
- How General is the Current Photosynthate Controls on the soil CO2 Flux Paradigm?
- Hydrologic Fluctuations Resulting From Climatic Variability Cause Methylation Events in Peatlands Impacted by Elevated Sulfate Deposition
- Hydrological Response to Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation in Western Subalpine Watersheds
- Impacts of Current and Previous Land Use on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes for Biofuel Cropping Systems
- Implementation of the North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) Project: Current Progress and Future Plans
- Improving Riparian Land Surface Flux Estimation Through Root Zone Groundwater Interaction in Semiarid Environments
- In Field Monitoring of Potential Detrimental Effects of Biofuels Production on Soil Quality
- Incorporating maps of leaf chlorophyll in a thermal-based two-source energy balance scheme for mapping coupled fluxes of carbon and water exchange at a range of scales
- Incorporation of Root and Surface Litter Inputs Into Soil C Pools: What Do Different Physical Fractionation Approaches Tell Us?
- Initial Composition, Transformations, and Transport of Particles and Trace Gases From Mexican Biomass Burning
- Integrating Measures of Soil Respiration Across Spatial and Temporal Scales Along a Woody Plant Encroachment Gradient Using Traditional and Innovative Techniques
- Integration of multi-temporal spectral and structural information to map wetland vegetation in a brackish Connecticut marsh
- Internal Catchment Data for Improved Model Diagnosis and Calibration
- Introducing a New International Society of Aeolian Research
- Inventory and Analysis of Landslides in Redwood Creek, California Following the 1997 Storm
- Investigations of ROx Radical Photochemistry During the MCMA-2006 Field Campaign
- Laboratory Testing of Foundry Sands as Bulking Agents for Porous Media Filters Used to Treat Agricultural Drainage Waters
- Land cover characterization for hydrological modeling using thermal infrared emissivities
- Landscape Estimates of Total Heat Release and Fuel Consumption From Prescribed Fires: Analysis and Calibration of Sequential Infrared Images From Aircraft
- Landscape Structure as a 1st Order Control on Whole Catchment Hydrologic and Solute Response Characteristics Across Contrasting Climate Conditions
- Lava Flows, Rivers, and Lakes: Complex Interactions Along the McKenzie River, Central Oregon
- Local Versus Landscape Control of Leaf Litter Chemistry on a Diverse Tropical Island
- Long-Term Environmental Research Programs - Evolving Capacity for Discovery
- Long-term Water Quality and Stream Nutrient Responses to Forest Harvest and Disturbance at US Forest Service Experimental Forests and Ranges
- Methane Emissions and Warming Potentials of Wetlands of the Great Lakes Region
- Microorganisms in small patterned ground features and adjacent vegetated soils in the High Arctic, Canada
- Modeling Biofilm-Induced Hydraulic Changes In 3-Dimensional Prefractal Porous Media
- Modeling C and N Dynamics in a Forested Wetland Watershed on Southeast Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA
- Modeling Plant-Atmosphere Carbon and Water Fluxes Along a CO2 Gradient
- Multi-scale Modeling of Water and Chemicals Loads in Midwestern Watersheds using the TELM Approach
- North American Forest Dynamics Evaluated Using Landsat Observations and FIA Measurements: Science Goals within NACP
- Opportunities for Human-induced Increases in Carbon Sequestration of North American Forests
- Parameterizing Conductive Energy Fluxes and the Internal Energy Balance of a Snowpack: Inferences from Frequency Analysis of Snow Temperature Time Series
- Past and Projected Changes in Snowpack and Soil Frost at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire
- Plant Community Responses of Alaskan Arctic Tundra After 14 Years of Experimental Warming and Snow Manipulation
- Pore size distribution of soil near saturation as affected by soil type, land use, and soil amendments
- Potential Carbon Sequestration of Global Terrestrial Ecosystems under a CO2-enriched World
- Potential climate-change impacts on the Chesapeake Bay
- Projecting Climate Change Impacts on Wildfire Probabilities
- Quantum Yields in Mixed-Conifer Forests and Ponderosa Pine Plantations
- Redistribution and Destabilization of Forest Soil Carbon by Earthworm Invasion
- Reflex Project: Using Model-Data Fusion to Characterize Confidence in Analyzes and Forecasts of Terrestrial C Dynamics
- Regime Changes in California Temperature Trends
- Regional and temporal patterns of soil moisture during CLASIC using the TMI
- Regional watershed discharge patterns in Southeast Alaska: implications of climate change
- Remote Characterization of Forest Structure Using 5 and 10m SPOT-5 Satellite Data
- Remote sensing, field measurements and large eddy simulation: Tools for investigating evaporation and land-atmosphere dynamics
- Repeated remobilisation of submarine landslide debris on an active subduction margin interpreted from multibeam bathymetry and multichannel seismic data
- River Bed Sediment Classification Using Acoustic Doppler Profiler
- Role of Field Experiments in the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Project
- Scale-Related Effects of Interactions Between Topography, Climate, and Seasonality on Snow Accumulation and Melt
- Scaling and Predicting the Geotechnical Resistance Provided by Alfalfa in Experimental Studies of Alluvial-Channel Morphology and Planform
- Scaling rules for understanding coupled carbon and water cycling responses to hydrologic and vegetation changes in semiarid ecosystems
- Searching For The Optimal Landslide Size
- Seasonal and Long-Term Behavior of Soil and Autotrophic Respiration in the Ent Dynamic Global Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Sensible Heat Flux Measurements Using a Large Aperture Scintillometer Over Irrigated Cotton
- Simulating CO2 Released from Soil: A Bayesian Approach
- Simulating the Effects of Climate Change, CO2 and Fire Suppression on Ecosystems in California and Nevada
- Simulation of Infiltration Into Organic-covered Permafrost Soils
- Size Matters: Utility of Basin-Wide, Long-Term Data Sets for Advancing Knowledge of Ecosystem Processes
- Smoke and Emissions Model Intercomparison Project (SEMIP)
- Snowpack and Streamflow Trends in the Cascade Mountains of Northern Washington, USA and Southern British Columbia, Canada
- Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment 2008 (SMAPVEX08)
- Soil structure, colloids, and chemical transport as affected by short-term reducing conditions: a laboratory study
- Solute Sourcing and Hydrologic Response to Monsoon Precipitation Along a Gradient of Urban Land Use
- Spatial Patterns of Peatland Pore Water Chemistry and Correlation With LIDAR Derived Geomorphic Gradients: Indicators of Methylmercury Hot Spots in Forested Landscapes
- Stereo 3-D Imagery Uses for Definition of Geologic Structures and Geomorphic Features (Anaglyph colored glasses employed)
- Sterol-inhibiting fungicide impacts on soil microbial ecology in Atlantic Coastal Plain soils
- Sub-canopy radiant energy during snowmelt in non-uniform forests spanning a latitudinal transect
- Subsurface Chloride Transport in Shallow Groundwater: A Tracer Study
- Surface Fire Influence on Carbon Balance Components in Scots Pine Forest of Siberia, Russia
- The BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework
- The Character and Stability of Coarse Bed Material Patches in a Low-ordered, Ephemeral Watershed
- The Development of Terrestrial Water Cycle Applications for SMAP Soil Moisture Data Products
- The Dynamically Stable Channel as a "Reference" Condition for Stream Restoration
- The Impact of Standing Water and Irrigation on AMSR-E Sensitivity to Soil Moisture over the NAFE'06 Experiment Area
- The Long Term Evolution, Kinematics and Sediment Flux from an Active Earthflow
- The Monsoon-90 / SALSA / EOS / SUDMED / SAHRA / HELP / USPP Experience: A Progression of Interdisciplinary Integration of Science and Decision Making over 20 years.
- The Role of Late-Cenozoic Lava Flows in the Evolution of the Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon
- The Scientific and Institutional Context for the Removal of Marmot Dam, Sandy River, Oregon
- The Wildland Fire Emissions Information System: Providing information for carbon cycle studies with open source geospatial tools
- The contribution of vegetation cover and bare soil to pixel reflectance in an arid ecosystem
- The impact of Holocene soil-geomorphic riparian development on the role of salmon- derived nutrients in the coastal temperate rainforest of southeast Alaska
- The remote characterization of vegetation using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle photography
- The transport of antibiotic resistance genes and residues in groundwater near swine production facilities
- TimeSync: Synching Human and Automated Interpretations of Landsat Time-Series to Support a New Paradigm in Land Cover Change Detection
- Title: Interannual variability in the temperature-responsiveness of CO2 flux from forest and peatland soils
- Transport of metabolically active bacteria in porous media:the effect of substrate, age, and grain size
- Twenty year record of vegetation change from long-term plots in Alaskan tundra
- Two-Site Comparison of Transpiration by Larrea Tridentata
- U.S. Department of Agriculture UV-Monitoring and Research Program and Integrated Crop Modeling Activity
- USDA Experimental Watersheds for Studies of Ecohydrology
- Upscaling of Eddy Flux Measurements in the Upper Great Lakes Region Using MODIS Data and Modeling Approaches
- Urban Forests, Global Change and Carbon Dynamics: Windows Into the Future
- Urbanization Across Gradients: Testing Hypotheses on Effects of Land Change at Multiple Scales
- Use of Knowledge Base Systems (EMDS) in Strategic and Tactical Forest Planning
- Using MODIS FRP Values to Estimate Forest Fire PM 2.5 Emissions
- Using Sap Flow Monitoring for Improved Process-based Ecohydrologic Understanding
- Utilizing in Situ Directional Hyperpectral Measurements to Validate Reflectance and Bio- Indicator Simulations for Vegetation Canopies
- Vegetation Canopy Structure from NASA EOS Multiangle Imaging
- WEB-DHM: A distributed biosphere hydrological model developed by coupling a simple biosphere scheme with a hillslope hydrological model
- Water Vapor Enhancement in Prescribed Fire Plumes
- Water Yield and Runoff Timing Across the Rain-snow transition at the Kings River Experimental Watersheds in California's Southern Sierra Nevada
- When Forest become carbon sources: Impact of herbivory on carbon balance
- δ15Nitrogen in Tree Rings of Temperate Forest Trees: Indicators of Past Changes in Soil Nitrogen Cycling
- 12 years of intensive management increases soil carbon stocks in Loblolly pine and Sweetgum stands
- A 25-year Simulation of Snow Deposition and Melt over a Semiarid Mountain Catchment
- A Predictive ENSO Frequency-based Time Series Model for Nitrate Loads in the Little River Watershed Using Observed or Forecast NINO 3.4 Sea Surface Temperatures
- A Satellite-based Approach to Evaluate the Impact of Land Use Change on Recharge Rates in the Southern High Plains
- A Simple Method to Predict Threshold Shear Velocity in the Field
- Accounting for canopy shading and emissivity in simulated radiation fields over a complex mountainous region (Invited)
- An Integrated Multi-Scale Approach to the Study of Evapotranspiration on the Alaskan North Slope: Preliminary Characterization of Fluxes and Turbulence in the Imnavait Creek Basin
- An analysis of MODIS fractional snow cover estimates for snowmelt runoff modeling
- An instrument design and sample strategy for measuring soil respiration in the coastal temperate rain forest
- Analysis of Near-Surface Atmospheric Turbulence and Coherent Structures using Empirical Mode Decomposition
- Application Of New Spatial Statistical Stream Models For Precise Downscaling Of Climate Change Effects On Temperatures In River Networks
- Assessing the dust generation potential of soils/sediments in Southern Kalahari
- Biomass Accumulation Rates of Amazonian Secondary Forest and Biomass of Old-Growth Forests from Landsat Time Series and GLAS
- BlueSky Modeling Framework: Current application, user tools, and future additions
- CO2 Flux Measurement Uncertainty Estimates for NACP
- Calculating Nitrogen Gas Fluxes from Agricultural Soils in the Central US
- Can remote high-resolution mapping help individual-based fish population models go up-scale? (Invited)
- Canopy Composition and Topographic Controls on Root Cohesion in Landslide-Prone Terrain
- Canopy Vertical Spatial Scales which Constrain Biomass in a Tropical Forest at the Plot Level: Unifying Lidar and InSAR for Biomass Estimation
- Capturing Wind Speed and Snow Accumulation Gradients across Complex Terrain
- Carbon Input and Partitioning Along a 5°C Mean Annual Temperature Gradient in Hawaiian Wet Tropical Forests
- Carbon and Aerosol Emissions from Biomass Fires in Mexico
- Carbon cycling at a temperate evergreen forest: a comparison of three ecosystem-model data assimilation systems at Howland, ME (Invited)
- Cascading consequences of climate change and expanding population on the threat of wildfire and post fire debris-flow hazards, Western U.S. (Invited)
- Changes in the net carbon balance following a shelterwood harvest at Howland Forest in central Maine seven years after harvest
- Channel incision and water quality
- Characterizing CH4 and N2O Fluxes from a Soybean/Corn Ecosystem in Minnesota
- Climate induced changes in high-elevation lake chemistry and the importance of sulfide weathering
- Coarse clast transport and deposition during the September 29, 2009 tsunami in American Samoa and Samoa
- Comparative Influence of Terrain Slope and Canopy Closure on Lidar DEM Accuracy
- Comparing the Accuracy of Aboveground Biomass Estimates and Forest Structure Metrics at Large Footprint Level: Satellite Waveform Lidar vs. Discrete-Return Airborne Lidar
- Comparison of Modeling Approaches for Carbon Partitioning: Impact on Estimates of Global Net Primary Production and Equilibrium Biomass of Woody Vegetation from MODIS GPP
- Comparison of Soil Organic Matter Dynamics at Four Temperate Deciduous Forests with Physical Fractionation and Radiocarbon Measurements
- Conterminous U.S. Forest Disturbance Dynamics Evaluated from Landsat Time Series Stacks
- Controls of Stream Water Chemistry in Small Catchments Across Snow/Rain Transition in the Southern Sierra, California
- Controls on Shallow Landslide Size, Location, Shape, and Frequency
- DAYCENT Model Projections of Land Use Change Impacts on N Gas Emissions in the Central US (Invited)
- Data Basin Climate Center: where to get datasets, manipulate them, and generate practical answers
- Declining Streamflow Trends in the Pacific Northwest United States
- Dependence of Snowmelt Simulations on Scaling of the Forcing Processes (Invited)
- Design and implementation of a snow measurement network using ground-based wireless networks and space-borne measurements in the American River Basin of California
- Detailed Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in the United States Using SSURGO
- Developing and Evaluating Workshop Frameworks to Improve Climate Literacy
- Dissolved organic matter export in glacial and non-glacial streams along the Gulf of Alaska
- Distribution of Aboveground Biomass and Productivity of US Forests from Fusion of Multi-scale Remote Sensing
- Diurnal Patterns of Blowing Sand and Dust
- Dust Emissions from Undisturbed and Disturbed, Crusted Playa Surfaces: Cattle Trampling Effect
- Effect of Fringing Reefs on Tsunami Inundation: American Samoa
- Effect of Scintillometer Height on Structure Parameter of the Refractive Index of Air Measurements
- Effect of disturbance data set selection on quantification of fire emissions (Invited)
- Effects of Land Use Change From Grassland Pasture and Wheat to Switchgrass in the Southern Great Plains
- Effects of sand addition on turbulent flow over an immobile gravel bed
- Estimating Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Sources and Sinks in the Mid-Continent Intensive using Inventories and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Estimating Parameters of a Forest Ecosystem C Model Using Multiple Stock and Flux Measurements as Joint Constraints
- Estimating Recharge through Playa Lakes to the Southern High Plains Aquifer
- Estimating carbon emissions in Russia using the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
- Evaluating the Coupling of a Snow Cover Energy and Mass Balance (Isnobal) Model to a Fully Integrated Hydrology Model (PIHM) over a Semi-arid Mountain Catchment
- Evaluating the Impacts of Land Use Change on Stream Morphology in Coastal Maine
- Evaluation of Noah-LSM and METRIC-based Evapotranspiration Predictions with Bowen Ratio Measurements over Irrigated Corn Field
- Evapotranspiration Estimation Using Multispectral Thermal Infrared Data from ASTER and MODIS
- Field Observations Of The 29 September Tsunami In American Samoa: Spatial Variability And Indications Of Strong Return Flow
- Fire Whirl Formation in Complex Terrain
- Fire and ice: Atmospheric ice nuclei from prescribed and wild fires
- Forest influence on peak snow accumulation and snowmelt in a mixed northern hardwood-conifer forest of the northeastern U.S
- Geology and Woodland Expansion’s Influence on Belowground Carbon and Nitrogen in the Great Basin U.S
- Geomorphology of MODIS-Visible Dust Plumes in the Chihuahuan Desert - Preliminary Results
- Heterogeneity and scaling in soil-vegetation atmosphere systems: implications for pattern analysis (Invited)
- Hillslope hydrologic connectivity controls riparian groundwater turnover: Implications of landscape structure and organization for catchment scale source water dynamics (Invited)
- Holocene hydroclimate variability in the Uinta Mountains, Utah inferred from tree-rings and diatoms
- Hydrologic Modeling in Snow-Melt Dominated Mountainous Watersheds
- Impacts of Wildfire on Runoff and Sediment Loads at Little Granite Creek near Bondurant, Wyoming
- Implications of Geomorphic Change on Salmonid Habitat Using a Narrow-Beam Terrestrial-Aquatic Lidar and DEM Uncertainty Accounting
- Improving Catchment-Scale Rainfall Accumulation Using Satellite Retrievals of Soil Moisture
- Improving Flash Flood Prediction in Multiple Environments
- Improving World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates by Integrating NASA Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Data into USDA World Agricultural Outlook Board Decision Making Environment
- Influence of landscape position on soil water flux in a cropped field
- Influence of vegetation density and frontal area on streambank hydraulics
- Informing radar retrieval algorithm development using an alternative soil moisture validation technique
- Infrastructure Improvements for Snowmelt Runoff Forecasting and Assessments of Climate Change Impacts on Water Supplies in the Rio Grande Basin
- Interaction of turbine-generated turbulence with agricultural crops: Conceptual framework and preliminary results
- Interactions Between Hillslope Processes and Channel Form in a Logged Coastal Redwood Forest
- Interactive Effects of Urban Land Use and Climate Change on Biogeochemical Cycles (Invited)
- Interpolation and Meta-Analysis of IPCC AR4 General Circulation Model Scenarios applied to North America
- Irrigated Area Mapping in The Northern High Plains of Texas Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Data
- Laboratory Evaluation of Sulfur Modified Iron for Use as a Filter Material to Treat Agricultural Drainage Waters
- Landforms, soil development, and shallow water table dynamics: implications for hydrological connectivity at the catchment scale
- LiDAR DEM validation in shrub areas at Reynolds Mountain East subwatershed
- LiDAR, Tree Cores, and Snow: Modeling fine-scale tree invasion into a subalpine meadow landscape under future snow scenarios, Oregon Cascades, USA
- Lidar Approach in Estimating Particulate Mass Emissions from a Poultry Production Facility
- Linear and Non-linear Effects of Atmospheric CO2 and Soils on Plant Productivity and Soil CO2 Efflux in Grassland and Switchgrass Monocultures
- Linkages between land Cover, enzymes, and soil organic matter chemistry following encroachment of leguminous woody plant into grasslands
- Linking suspended sediment transport metrics with fish functional traits in the Northwestern Great Plains (Invited)
- Longevity of Wood-Forced Pools in an Old-Growth Forest
- MODIS EVI as a Proxy For Net Primary Production Across Precipitation Regimes
- Managing for Climate Change in Western Forest Ecosystems; The Role of Refugia in Adaptation Strategies (Invited)
- Measuring the Spatial Extent of Riparian Dis-Connectivity Following Flow Regulation by Dams
- Merging satellite-detected wildfire information with ground reports for improved fire and smoke modeling in emergency response
- Modeling Ecologically Relevant Flow Metrics for Small Streams
- Modeling the Effects of Strain During Progressive Failure of Root-Reinforced Soils
- Modeling the Future Global Carbon Balance: Is there a threshold from terrestrial sink to source in the Near Future?
- Modeling the Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance and Net Ecosystem Exchange of Agroecosystems of the Mid-Continent Intensive Campaign Region during 2000-2008
- Monitoring 2009 Forest Disturbance across the Conterminous United States, Based on Near-Real Time and Historical MODIS 250 Meter NDVI Products
- Monitoring Drought at Continental Scales Using Thermal Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration (Invited)
- Multi-Scale Drought Analysis using Thermal Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Georgia’s Altamaha River Watershed
- Multiple-scale patterns of semi-arid ecohydrology: Interactions between landscape position and vegetation community (Invited)
- Nineteenth-century Northeastern United States water law and policy: explorations in incorporating changes over time and space into assessments of water availability
- Nitrogen Availability and Forest Canopy Albedo from Leaf to Regional Scales
- Nitrogen deposition and forest carbon sequestration: a quantitative synthesis from plot to global scales
- Observational and Modeling Studies of Evening Transitional Boundary Layers
- On the Complementary Relationship Between Nitrogen and Water Use Efficiencies Among Pinus taeda L. Leaves Grown Under Ambient and Enriched CO2 Environments
- On the theory relating changes in area-average and pan evaporation (Invited)
- Optimal Leaf Water Use Drives Ecosystem Water and Carbon Fluxes in a Changing Environment (Invited)
- Oxygen Isotope Composition of Evapotranspiration and its Relation to C4 Photosynthetic Discrimination
- Ozone flux of an urban orange grove: multiple scaled measurements and model comparisons
- Passive Microwave Observations of Soil Moisture and Dew in Soil Moisture Experiments 2005 (SMEX05)
- Point-scale Estimation of Soil Moisture Profile through Data Assimilation with Root Zone Water Quality Model
- Potential effects of Rising CO2 and Climate Change Interactions with Atmospheric Deposition in Northeastern U.S. over the 21st Century Using a Dynamic Biogeochemical Model (PnET-BGC) (Invited)
- Predicting Individual Tree and Shrub Species Distributions with Empirically Derived Microclimate Surfaces in a Complex Mountain Ecosystem in Northern Idaho, USA
- Quantifying Age-based Forest Carbon Dynamics to Estimate Effects of Wildfire on Carbon Balance: a Multi-scale Empirical Approach
- Quantifying and Comparing the Relative Effects of Riparian Root Networks on the Geotechnical, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes Acting on a Streambank
- Reconciling Latent and Sensible Energy Fluxes with Footprints in a Heterogeneous Landscape at an Urban-suburban Tower near Baltimore, Maryland
- Regional & National Scale Assessment of the Impact of the US Livestock Footprint on Dryland Productive Capacity
- Relationships of Periglacial Processes to Habitat Quality and Thermal Environment of Pikas (Lagomorpha, Ochotona) in Alpine and High-Latitude Environments (Invited)
- Remote sensing of an agricultural soil moisture network in Walnut Creek, Iowa
- Remote sensing techniques for monitoring drought hazards: an intercomparison (Invited)
- Seasonal Comparison of Observed Water Vapor Enhancement in Prescribed Fire Smoke Plumes
- Sediment Sources in four Small Mountain Streams In the Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Sediment sources and yields within the Idaho batholith in a changing climate
- Sensor Needs for Effective Measurement of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation
- Simulating tracer transport in variably saturated soils and shallow groundwater
- Slope Impacts on Concentrated Flow Hydraulics in Rangeland
- Soil Emissions of N2O and NO in Agricultural Production Systems in the Upper Midwest U.S.: Management Controls and Measurement Issues (Invited)
- Soil Moisture Dynamics under Corn, Soybean, and Perennial Kura Clover
- Soil Organic Carbon under Native and Cropped Land Use
- Soil Phosphatase Activity and Plant-available Phosphorus Increase Following Grassland Invasion by N-fixing Tree Legumes
- Soil microbial activity and structure in mineralized terranes of the Western US
- Soil respiration flux in northern coastal temperate rainforest ecosystems
- Solute load sensitivity to stream flow gains and losses in transport simulations in coupled stream-subsurface systems
- Spatially-explicit model of mercury accumulation in the forest floor of the United States
- Storm Hydrograph Responses to Conversion to White Pine Forest in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
- Stream nitrate responses to hydrological forcing and climate change in northern forests of the USA (Invited)
- Temperature-dependant shifts in a wet tropical Hawaiian forest ecosystem: impact on belowground carbon stocks, dynamics, and processes
- Temporal Dynamics for Spectral Bio-Indicators and Photosynthetic Activities in a Cornfield
- The Emergency Smoke Response System (a prototype)
- The Fate of Failed Bank Material and Implications for Lateral Retreat: Lake Tahoe Basin
- The Impact of Climate Change on Past and Future Streamflow at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA
- The Persistent Life of Snow (Invited)
- The Potential Impacts of Nutrient and CO2 Variations on Ecosystem Oxidative Ratio
- The Potential Role of Fire and Fire Suppression in Influencing the Carbon Budget of the U.S. Pacific Northwest
- The Role of Structural, Biochemical and Ecophysiological Plant Acclimation in the Eco-Hydrologic Response of Agro-Ecosystems to Global Change in the Central US
- The fate and transport of reproductive hormones and their conjugates in the environment (Invited)
- Thirty Year Soil Water Trends Along a 1000 Meter Elevation Gradient
- Toward A National Early Warning System for Forest Disturbances Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Phenology
- Towards better-constrained assessments of the carbon balance of North America in the 21st Century: a comparison of recent model and inventory-based estimates
- Tsunami Sediment Transport and Deposition in a Sediment Limited Environment on American Samoa
- U.S. Forest Disturbance Evaluated using Landsat Observations and FIA Measurements: Initial Results and Ongoing Research in the North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) Project
- Uncertainties in fuel loading and fire consumption calculations and the Smoke and Emissions Model Intercomparison Project
- Uncertainty in Multimodel Water Flow Simulation Associated with Pedotransfer Functions and Weighting Methods
- Uncertainty in SMAP Soil Moisture Measurements Caused by Dew
- Undergraduate Research Experiences in Support of Dryland Monitoring: Field and Satellite Remote Sensing of Change in Savanna Structure, Biomass, and Carbon after Prescribed Fires
- Unlocking the biogeochemical black box: What drives microbial response to climate forcing in semi-arid soils?
- Validating Northern Texas High Plains Groundwater Model with Data from Observation Wells
- Validation of soil temperature dataset against ground measurements in Oklahoma
- Variation in forest canopy nitrogen and albedo in response to N fertilization and elevated CO2
- Vegetation Fraction Mapping with Artificial Neural Network and High Resolution Multispectral Aerial Imagery Acquired During BEAREX07
- Vegetation cover mapping at multiple scales using MODIS, Landsat, RapidEye, and Aircraft imageries in the Texas High Plains
- Ventilation of Animal Shelters in Wildland Fire Scenarios
- Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Larrea tridentate (Creosote bush) during the North American Monsoon
- Water and geochemical responses to seasonal changes across the rain-snow transition in the Southern Sierra Nevada (Invited)
- Wildland Fire Emission Inventories - Sensitivity to Assumptions in Fuel Mapping and Loading
- Wildland Soil Carbon Management
- Will Restoring Wet Meadows Increase Stream flow?
- World-wide association of timberline forest advance with microsite type along a precipitation gradient
- A 5-year analysis of crop phenologies from the United States Heartland (Invited)
- A Prescribed Fire Emission Factors Database for Land Management and Air Quality Applications
- A Wildland Fire Emission Inventory for the Western United States -Uncertainty Across Spatial and Temporal Scales
- A field-validated model for landfill methane emissions inclusive of seasonal methane oxidation
- A lidar-derived evaluation of watershed-scale large woody debris sources and recruitment mechanisms: coastal Maine, USA
- A stochastic simulation model to predict future air quality in protected areas
- Advances in cyberinfrastructure to promote synthesis and prediction at regional scales
- Aglite: A 3-wavelength lidar system for Assessment of Agricultural Air Quality, Whole Facility Emission Rates and Fluxes
- Altered Water Extraction and Hydraulic Redistribution of Agricultural Crop Soybean at Daily Time Scales in Open-Air Elevation of CO2 under Drought
- An evaluation of SEBAL algorithm using high resolution aircraft data acquired during BEAREX07
- Analysis And Assessment Of Forest Cover Change For The State Of Wisconsin
- Application of a long-term water balance of a semi-arid mountainous catchment to understand potential impacts of climate change (Invited)
- Application of the Tor Vergata Scattering Model to L Band Backscatter During the Corn Growth Cycle
- Assessing Potential Future Carbon Dynamics with Climate Change and Fire Management in a Mountainous Landscape on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA
- Assessment of Inter- to Multi-Decadal Temperature Variability in Coupled Climate Models
- Attic Dust Analysis Approach for Evaluation of Heavy Metal Deposition on the El Paso Del Norte Region
- BIOMAP A Daily Time Step, Mechanistic Model for the Study of Ecosystem Dynamics
- Big Data for Big Questions: Global Soil Change and the National Soil Carbon Network
- Biologically-Effective Rainfall Pulses in Mediterranean and Monsoonal Regions
- Biomechanics of Riparian Plant Species Common to the Platte River and Implications for Management of Habitat for Endangered Species. (Invited)
- Calculating CO2 and H2O Eddy Covariance Fluxes from Low-Power Gas Analyzer Using Fast Mixing Ratio
- Carbon Emission from Forest Fires on Scots Pine Logging Sites in the Angara Region of Central Siberia
- Carbon Emissions from North American Wildland Fires: Development and demonstration of the Wildland Fire Emissions Information System (WFEIS), a tool for scientists and land managers
- Carbon balance in conterminous U.S. forests based on historic changes in climate, atmospheric composition, and disturbances
- Carbon-Mineral Interactions along an Earthworm Invasion Gradient
- Catastrophic Fires in Russian Forests
- Change Detection using 75-year Aerial Photo and Satellite Data Sets, Inexpensive Means to Obtain 6 cm Resolution Data, and Developing Opportunities for Community-oriented Remote Sensing through Photography
- Changes in Carbon Pools 50 Years after Reversion of a Landscape Dominated by Agriculture to Managed Forests in the Upper Southeastern Atlantic Coastal Plain
- Changes in the Rain-Snow Transition Elevation: The Impact of Climate Warming on the Spatial Variability of Snow and the Hydrology of Mountains Basins (Invited)
- Characterizing bare-earth elevations from airborne LiDAR data in a shrub-dominated mountain environment (Invited)
- Climate-driven changes in scour regime and potential risks to salmonid survival in the Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho
- Climate-induced tree mortality: earth system consequences for carbon, energy, and water exchanges
- Complimentary And Dense Sensor Networks To Understand Climate Variability In Mountainous Terrain
- Conterminous U.S. Forest Disturbance Dynamics Evaluated from Landsat Time Series Stacks
- Controls of vegetation, hydrology, and climate on DOC production in Alaskan peatlands
- Controls on Hyporheic Nitrate Removal: Assessing Transport and Substrate Limitations with 15N Tracer Studies (Invited)
- Daily Fire Occurrence in Northern Eurasia from 2002 to 2009
- Detailed Soil Information for Hydrologic Modeling in the Conterminous United States
- Determining surface water sources using spatial and temporal variation in stream chemistry in a headwater catchment
- Developing Hourly Radiation, Wind and Precipitation Surfaces for Hydrologic Modeling in Mountain Basins
- Developing an Improved Wildland Fire Emissions Inventory
- Development of Metrics to Assess Effectiveness of Stream Restoration in Second-Growth Forests
- Development of a Continental Scale Water Balance Model and its Application in Projecting Water Supply Stress in the Conterminous U.S. Under Future Climate Scenarios
- Diagnosing streamflow trends to understand ecohydrologic sensitivity and feedbacks to climate change in the mountain west
- Digital Bedrock Compilation: A Geodatabase Covering Forest Service Lands in California
- Dissolved Organic Matter and Biogeochemical Hotspots in a Northern Peatland Catchment
- Dissolved organic carbon in peat porewater increases with warming: a field manipulation experiment in a northern temperate bog
- Do Polyethylene Plastic Covers Affect Smoke Emissions from Debris Piles?
- Downscaling of Aircraft-, Landsat-, and MODIS-based Land Surface Temperature Images with Support Vector Machines
- Drivers of Vulnerability of Carbon Stocks to Variations in the Fire Regime In Alaskan Boreal Forests
- Drought in the Nile Basin: characterizing variability, quantifying uncertainty, and studying processes with the Nile Land Data Assimilation System
- Dust emissions and dune mobilization in the southern Kalahari: possible effects on biotic-abiotic interactions in the Earth system (Invited)
- Early results of the SMAP In Situ Sensor Testbed
- Ecohydrological Consequences of Grasses Invading Shrublands: A Comparison of Cold and Warm Deserts
- Effect of Soil Crusting on the Threshold Friction Wind Velocity of Major Soils Across the Columbia Plateau
- Effect of Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation on SWAT Model Output
- Effect of vegetation and topography-induced snow redistribution on the hydrology of a mountain catchment (Invited)
- Effect of vegetation type on post-fire enhancement of wind erosion in semi-arid landscapes
- Effectiveness of Perennial Vegetation Strips in Reducing Runoff in Annual Crop Production Systems
- Effectiveness of post-fire channel treatments in reducing sediment transport
- Effects Of Climate Change And Fire On Sediment In The Southern Rockies Ecoregion
- Effects of overcast and foggy conditions on transpiration rates of Pinus patula trees along a chronosequence within the cloud belt of the Sierra Madre Oriental, central Veracruz, Mexico
- Emerging Technologies for Ecohydrological Studies during the North American Monsoon in a Chihuahuan Desert Watershed
- Engaging Citizen Scientists through Partnership with Interpreters
- Estimating Basin Snow Volume Using Aerial LiDAR and Binary Regression Trees (Invited)
- Estimating SWE distribution with a combination of ground-based radar measurements, modeling and remote sensing (Invited)
- Estimating Scots Pine Tree Mortality Using High Resolution Multispectral Images
- Estimating large-scale evapotranspiration in arid and semi-arid systems: A multi-site study linking MODIS and Ameriflux data
- Evaluating Spruce Peatland Responses Under Climatic and Environmental Change Using a Replicated In Situ Field Manipulation
- Evaluating potential impacts of species conversion on transpiration in the Piedmont of North Carolina
- Evaluation of Four Water Management Policies for Ogallala Aquifer Sustainability in the Texas High Plains
- Evaluation of SEBS for Deriving Land Surface Energy Fluxes with MODIS Data in a Semiarid Region
- Evolution of Channels Draining Mount St. Helens: Linking Non-Linear and Rapid, Threshold Responses
- Exploring U.S Cropland - A Web Service based Cropland Data Layer Visualization, Dissemination and Querying System (Invited)
- Field Bending Tests of Three Riparian Species Common to the Central Platte River: Resistance, Rigidity and Plant Streamlining
- Fine-scale characterization of juniper expansion via lidar data and fusion with Landsat 5 TM
- Fire and Carbon Cycling for the Yellowstone National Park Landscape (Invited)
- Fire, Vegetation, Climate Interactions in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Tipping Points and Landscape Vulnerability
- First results from a large, multi-platform study of trace gas and particle emissions from biomass burning
- Forest model inversions for quantifying biosphere-atmosphere interactions - In these matters, the only certainty is that nothing is certain
- Forest responses to increasing aridity and warmth in the southwestern United States
- Forests and Phenology: Designing the Early Warning System to Understand Forest Change
- Forests tend to cool the land surface in the temperate zone: An analysis of the mechanisms controlling radiometric surface temperature change in managed temperate ecosystems
- Functional classification of riparian roots for bank stability
- Future climate and wildfire: ecosystem projections of area burned in the western US
- Geochemistry and Chemical Weathering in Soils along an Earthworm Invasion Gradient
- Geospatiotemporal Data Mining of Remotely Sensed Phenology for Unsupervised Forest Threat Detection
- Greenhouse Gas and Criteria Air Pollutant Emission Reductions from Forest Fuel Treatment Projects in Placer County, California
- Heterogeneity of Snow Water Equivalent Derived from MODIS Imagery and the Isnobal Snowmelt Model (Invited)
- High-Resolution WRF-Chem Simulations of Particulate Matter Emitted By Different Agriculture Tillage under Different Weather Conditions Using
- Historic trends in the suspended sediment dynamics along the Missouri River
- How Does Decommissioning Forest Roads Effect Hydrologic and Geomorphic Risk?
- How Will Climate Change Affect Channel Morphology and Salmonid Habitat in Mountain Basins?
- How does complex terrain influence responses of carbon and water cycle processes to climate variability and climate change? (Invited)
- Hydrologic Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Associated With the Increased Role of Fire on Western Landscapes, Great Basin, USA
- Hydrological response to the drought estimation using Thermal Remote Sensing: A case study of the Little River Experimental Watershed in Georgia region, U.S
- Impact of land use change on wind erosion and dust emission: scenarios from the central US
- Impacts of bioenergy feedstock production on environmental factors in the Central U.S. using an agroecosystem model (Invited)
- Importance of Vertical Coupling in Agricultural Models on Assimilation of Satellite-derived Soil Moisture
- Improving satellite-based precipitation products using data assimilation and remotely-sensed soil moisture
- In-Situ ATR-FTIR and Surface Complexation Modeling Study of the Adsorption of Dimethylarsenic Acid and p-Arsanilic Acid on Iron Oxides
- Incorporating weather and climate predictions from NCEP GFS and CFS into operational water supply forecasts for the Western U.S
- Interannual Variability in Radiative Forcing and Snowmelt Rates by Desert Dust in Snowcover in the Colorado River Basin
- Isotope partitioning of soil respiration: A panacea?
- Isotopic Variability in Surface Water Vapor and Precipitation in the Upper Midwest, USA
- It's Not Just About The Snow: Interactions Between Snowpack And Groundwater Dynamics Mediate Streamflow Response To Climate Warming In Mountainous Terrains (Invited)
- Klamath Reservoir Sediment Characterization and Drawdown Impacts for the Dam Removal Investigation
- Laboratory Experiments To Investigate The Effects Of Bank-Toe Vegetation On Distributions Of Stresses On Streambanks
- Laboratory Feasibility Evaluation of a New Modified Iron Product for Use as a Filter Material to Treat Agricultural Drainage Waters
- Landsat-based monitoring of crop water demand in the San Joaquin Valley
- Landscape- and decadal-scale changes in the composition and structure of plant communities in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range of Arctic Alaska
- Landscape-scale effects of the 2008 Chaiten (Chile) eruption on vegetation disturbance and regeneration from satellite image analysis
- Lava flows vs. surface water: the geologic battle for the upper McKenzie valley, central Oregon Cascades
- LiDAR-derived spatial models of hydrological and biogeochemical source areas to improve estimates of terrestrial-aquatic mercury export in northern forested landscapes
- Limitations of the Stream Tracer Approach for Hyporheic Investigations
- Linking Carbon Fluxes with Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area and Aboveground Biomass Through Footprint Climatology
- Linking Nocturnal Eddy Fluxes to Land Use-Land Cover in a Heterogeneous Landscape Surrounding the Urban-suburban Tower near Baltimore, Maryland
- Long-term (10 year) trends in the chemistry of urban streams
- MC1 Model Simulations Suggest that Fire Will Determine whether the Biosphere Acts as a Carbon Source or Sink in the 21st Century
- Mapping aboveground biomass for interior Alaska using Landsat data and field measurements
- Measurement and Modeling of Surface Energy Fluxes of Rangeland Ecosystems
- Measurements of Trace Gases and Particles in Fresh and Aged Smoke from a Chaparral Fire in California
- Measurements of Wave Attenuation Through Model and Live Vegetation in a Wave Tank
- Microwave Radar Retrieval of Snow Water Equivalent
- Modeling low-height vegetation with airborne LiDAR (Invited)
- Monitoring pool-tail fines
- Mortality in Subalpine Forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA: Differential Response of Pines (Pinus albicaulis and P. flexilis) to Climate Variability
- Multi-Watershed Assessment of WEPP in the Tahoe Basin
- Near-Surface Soil Carbon, C/N Ratio and Tree Species Are Tightly Linked across Northeastern USA Watersheds
- Needs of Near Real-Time Data: Perspectives for Supporting Disaster Observations -- Wildfires
- New concentrated flow hydraulics equations for physically-based rangelands hydrology and erosion models
- On the value local knowledge in conceptualizing physically-based models (Invited)
- Overview and first results from the Canadian Experiment for Soil Moisture 2010 (CanEx-SM10)
- Overview of the Fire Lab at Missoula Experiments (FLAME)
- Oxidative Aging and Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Simulated Wildfire Emissions
- Particle Size Distributions During Laboratory-Scale Biomass Burns and Prescribed Burns Using Fast Response Instruments
- Performance of the Snowmelt Runoff Model when remotely-sensed estimates of snow covered area are not available
- Persistent wind-induced enhancement of diffusive CO2 fluxes in a mountain forest snowpack
- Perspectives on Fire Research Collaboration in Siberia: What Have We Learned; Why Does It Matter; and Where Do We Go from Here?
- Physiographic position modulates the influence of temperature and precipitation as controls over leaf and ecosystem level CO2 flux in shrubland ecosystems
- Plugs or Flood-makers? The Unstable Landslide Dams of Eastern Oregon
- Pore-Scale Simulations to Determine the Applied Hydrodynamic Torque and Colloid Immobilization
- Predicting Forest Floor Consumption From Wildland Fire in Boreal forests of Alaska
- Preliminary Analysis of a Dynamic General Vegetation Model, MC1, for use in Forecasting Runoff Under a Changing Climate
- Preliminary Observations of organic gas-particle partitioning from biomass combustion smoke using an aerosol mass spectrometer
- Prioritizing Road Treatments using the Geomorphic Roads Analysis and Inventory Package (GRAIP) to Improve Watershed Conditions in the Wall Creek Watershed, Oregon
- Providing climate change information to managers: interpreting the science and estimating the uncertainty
- Pyroclastic density currents from the May 2008 eruption of Chaitén volcano (Chile) and subsequent dome collapse
- Quantification of snowpack mass and energy dynamics in across a canopy discontinuity
- Quantifying ecological thresholds in a complex world
- Quantifying the coevolution of bedload transport rates and bed topography in mountain rivers: a field experiment in Reynolds Creek, ID
- Quantifying the impacts of piñon mortality on ecosystem-scale carbon and water cycling: a twinned flux tower approach
- Rapid bedrock channel incision and gorge formation in a Late Holocene lava flow, High Cascade Mountains, Oregon
- Reach Scale Sediment Balance of Goodwin Creek Watershed, Mississippi
- Recent Innovations in the BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework and Assessment of Plume Injection Height with MISR and CALIPSO
- Reflectance-Based Estimation of Soil Heat Fluxes in the Texas High Plains
- Regional-scale NEE estimates over 4 flux towers in the US
- Relationships between net primary productivity and forest stand age derived from Forest Inventory and Analysis data and remote sensing imagery
- Response of high elevation rocky mountain (Wyoming, USA) forest carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes to a bark beetle epidemic
- Responses of wind erosion to disturbance in a desert scrub grassland: grass vs. bush cover, and a snapshot into recovery
- Retrospective Analog Year Analyses Using NASA Satellite Precipitation and Soil Moisture Data to Improve USDA's World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates
- Role of vegetation and edaphic factors in controlling diversity and use of different carbon sources in semi-arid ecosystems
- Scale Effects in a Physically Based Distributed Snow Model
- Scale effects on information content and complexity of streamflows
- Scaling laws and dominant controls of low-severity fire regimes
- Scaling soil hydraulic properties: Concepts and a research example (Invited)
- Sensitivity analysis of tracer transport in variably saturated soils at USDA-ARS OPE3 field site
- Sensitivity of Off-Channel Salmon Rearing Habitats to Changing Base Flows in Low-Gradient Reaches of Central Idaho Mountain Streams
- Shear Stress and Turbulence Along a Streambank Due to Changes in Vegetation Canopy Density and Bank Angle
- Snow Micro Penetrometer for classifying grain types in the alpine and arctic environment
- Soil Moisture Data Assimilation in Soil Water Flow Modeling
- Soil water Storage, from Profile to Watershed (Invited)
- Soil, Water, and Greenhouse-gas Impacts of Alternative Biomass Cropping Systems
- Spatial Assessment of Snow Volume Using Lidar and Field Measurements
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Bed Mobility Revealed Through the Use of Hydrodynamic Modeling and Motion-Sensing Radio Tagged Particles in a Large Gravel-Bed River
- Spatially-Distributed Stream Flow and Nutrient Dynamics Simulations Using the Component-Based AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) Model
- Stand-replacing patches within a `mixed severity' fire regime: quantitative characterization using recent fires in a long-established natural fire area
- Streamflow Generation Processes and Structured Trends in Streamflow Chemistry in a Large, Alpine Watershed: Is Groundwater the Connection?
- Suitability of terrestrial laser scanner derived surface roughness for predicting rill erosion in rangeland ecosystems
- Summertime Rainfall Events in Eastern Oregon and Washington
- Suspended sediment dynamics in the Mississippi River basin
- Temporally-limited herbaceous plants significantly contribute to semi-arid woodland ecohydrological fluxes
- The Carbon Sink of the World's Forests: Trends and Causes of Change in Boreal, Temperate, and Tropical Regions from Forest Inventories
- The Effect of Fire Intensity on Soil Respiration in Siberia Boreal Forest
- The Effect of Soil Freezing on Nitrogen and Carbon in Soil Leachate during Snowmelt
- The Effects of Climate-Driven Changes in Fire Regimes on Carbon Dynamics of Forests Ecosystems
- The Grass Fires on Slopes Experiment
- The Great Geologic Sponge: What Do Storage Dynamics Reveal About Runoff Generation In Young Volcanic Landscapes? (Invited)
- The Impact of Livestock Grazing on US Rangeland Productive Capacity from 1981 to 2009
- The Potential of Carbonyl Sulfide as a Tracer for Gross Primary Productivity at Flux Tower Sites
- The Response of Soil Carbon Stocks to Changing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations are Soil-Type-Dependent
- The Rocky Mountain Epidemic of Bark Beetles and Blue Stain Fungi Cause Cascading Effects on Coupled Water, C and N cycles
- The Role of Water Subsidy on Vegetation Dynamics in a Semiarid Grassland Catchment: Comparison between Field Measurements and 3-D Ecohydrological Modeling
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiments (SMAPEx) for SMAP Algorithm Development (Invited)
- The climatology of air stagnation conditions over U.S. as derived from the NARR data
- The contribution of harvest residue to ecosystem carbon balance over the production cycle of managed forests
- The impact of diverse types of biomass burning in a tropical country
- The prominent role of urban confluences in the local and regional transport of atmospheric pollutants in the Valley of Mexico
- Time scales of biogeochemical and organismal responses to individual precipitation events
- Toward a National Early Warning System for Forest Disturbances Using Remotely Sensed Land-Surface Phenology
- Transport of pulse and chronic inputs of sand and their effects on salmonid spawning habitat in Bear Valley Creek, Idaho, USA
- Trends in Precipitation and Stream Discharge over the Past Century for the Continental United States: Implications (Invited)
- Tropical Forest Biomass Estimation from Vertical Fourier Transforms of Lidar and InSAR Profiles
- UVB Exposure Does Not Accelerate Rates of Litter Decomposition in a Semiarid Riparian Ecosystem
- Understanding Black Carbon Transport to the Arctic from Locations of Controlled Burning in the United States
- Understanding Metal Sources and Transport Processes in Watersheds: a Hydropedologic Approach (Invited)
- Understanding the role of wildland fire, insects, and disease in predicting climate change effects on whitebark pine: Simulating vegetation, disturbance, and climate dynamics in a northern Rocky Mountain landscape
- Use of Bedrock and Geomorphic Mapping Compilations in Assessing Geologic Hazards at Recreation Sites on National Forests in NW California
- Use of Current 2010 Forest Disturbance Monitoring Products for the Conterminous United States in Aiding a National Forest Threat Early Warning System
- Use of Fiber Optic, Distributed Temperature Sensing to Describe Snow Cover Dynamics in Complex Terrain
- Using LiDAR and GIS to extrapolate data from a small watershed to watershed-scale to provide insight into patterns and relationships in an Oregon central-western Cascade forest
- Using Long-Term Experimental Warming To Distinguish Vegetation Responses To Warming From Other Environmental Drivers Related To Climate Change
- Using Nitrate N and O Isotope Ratios to Identify Nitrate Sources and Dominant Nitrogen Cycling Processes in a 12ha Tile Drained Dryland Agricultural Field in the Palouse Basin of Eastern Washington State
- Using Satellite and Airborne LiDAR to Predict Woodpecker Presence at the Landscape Scale
- Variation in Foliar Nitrogen and Albedo in Response to Elevated Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide
- Variation in Wildfire Impacts on Vegetation Influences Longterm Recovery of C Stocks Lost to Disturbance
- Vegetation Fraction Mapping with High Resolution Multispectral Data in the Texas High Plains
- Volcano ecology at Chaiten, Chile: geophysical processes interact with forest ecosystems
- Water Research within the SPRUCE Experiment, a Large-Scale Study of Climate Change Effects on a Northern Peatland
- Water consumption information and other hydrologic retrievals from the proposed NASA HyspIRI mission
- Wildfire effects on carbon stocks and emissions in fuels treated forests (Invited)
- Wind Climatology for the Great Lakes Region as Derived from the North American Regional Reanalysis
- World-Wide and Regional Examination of Substrates Facilitating Timberline Expansion
- A GOES Thermal-based Drought Early Warning System
- A Hydropedological View of Critical Zone Structure and Function at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA
- A Model-Data Integration Framework for Interpreting Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements on Complex Terrain Covered by a Tall Canopy
- A National Crop Progress Monitoring System Based on NASA Earth Science Results
- A Regional Assessment of the Effects of Conservation Practices on In-stream Water Quality
- A Statistical Methodology for Detecting and Monitoring Change in Forest Ecosystems Using Remotely Sensed Imagery
- A comparison of SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> drought response in streams across southeastern Canada and northeastern USA
- A computationally efficient tool for capturing heterogeneous wind-affected snow accumulations from commonly available data
- A coupled carbon and plant hydraulic model to predict ecosystem carbon and water flux responses to disturbance and environmental change
- A vulnerability tool for adapting water and aquatic resources to climate change and extremes on the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming
- Advances in the Surface Renewal Flux Measurement Method
- Agroecohydrology: Key to Feeding 9 Billion?
- An Assessment of Regional Water Resources and Agricultural Sustainability in the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer System of Mississippi and Arkansas Under Current and Future Climate
- An Early Warning System for Identification and Monitoring of Disturbances to Forest Ecosystems
- An Objective Methodology to Optimally Merge Satellite- and Model-Based Soil Moisture Products for Obtaining a New Drought Product
- Analyses of Bed Topography and Hyporheic Exchange Using a High-Resolution Bathymetric Lidar
- Analysis and cross-comparison of emissions calculations from specific wildland fires
- Analysis of Microhabitat Use for Two Trout Species Using a Combination of Remote Sensing and Passive Integrated transponder Tags
- Analysis of Sierra Nevadan Snowpack and the Spatial Distribution of Wolverine Habitat
- Annual hydrochemical budgets (1989-2009) and their variability and annual trends for two alpine lake catchments, Snowy Range, Wyoming, USA
- Anomalous Spring Warmth in 2010: A Precursor of Future Changes to Ecosystem Phenology and Function in the Northeastern United States
- Anomalous trends of evapo-transpiration in semi-arid, snow dominated watersheds
- Approaches for Landscape-scale Forest Carbon Assessment
- Assessing Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on the Agro-ecosystems in California and Southwestern United States
- Assessing ecosystem carbon stocks of Indonesia's threatened wetland forests
- Assessment of Texas Rangelands Vegetation Trends using a 28-year Data Record of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity
- Attributing carbon sinks in conterminous US forests to disturbance and non-disturbance factors from 1901 to 2010
- Augmenting an observation network to facilitate flow and transport model discrimination
- Beaver Dam Effects on Gravel Transport Patterns - a Case Study
- Biogeochemical Iron Cycling in Subalpine Wetlands: Impact of Root Derived Organic Matter from the Molecular to the Field Scale
- Biomass burning in boreal forests and peatlands: Effects on ecosystem carbon losses and soil carbon stabilization as black carbon
- Biomass burning: space-based detection efficiency, differences between ground-based and airborne measurements, evolution of trace gases and particles
- Biotic-abiotic feedbacks in desertification: a modeling perspective on connectivity
- Black Carbon in the Arctic: Assessment of and efforts to reduce black carbon emissions from wildfires and agricultural burning in Russia
- Bridging the gap between empirical and mechanistic models for nitrate in groundwater
- Can Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Detect Species Specific Biochemicals ?
- Can Willamette Basin dams be managed to mitigate climate change?
- Catastrophic Fires in the Russian Federation
- Challenges encountered while assembling data sets for the analysis of climate and snowpack variability in the Rocky Mountain region
- Challenges in assessing nitrogen losses in urban watersheds
- Changes in carbon balance after insect disturbance in Western U.S. forests
- Changes in quantity and quality of leachable organic matter in soils of various ages following retreat of the Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, AK
- Changes in the Phase of Precipitation across the Western Mountains of North America
- Characterizing Growth Patterns of Early-successional Forests Using Phenological Parameters Derived from Near-daily Satellite Data
- Choices, Choices: Spatial, Spectral, Algorithmic and Training Data Requirements For Accurate Forest Remote Sensing
- Climate Change Effects on Multiple Disturbance Interactions: Wildland Fire, Mountain Pine Beetles, and Blister Rust Simulations on a Yellowstone National Park Landscape
- Climate Change Effects on Shallow Landslide Location, Size, and Frequency
- Climate Change Impacts on Forest Soils Critical Acid Loads and Exceedances at a National Scale
- Climate change and river temperature sensitivity to warmer nighttime vs. warmer daytime air temperatures
- Climate, water balance, and wildfire: an integration of vegetation, hydrology, and fire disturbance
- Coherent Flow Structures in Basaltic Lava Flows - Flow Dynamics and Rheology
- Combining KINEROS with SM-hsB for Flash Flood Predictions in Small to Medium Sized Watersheds
- Community impacts of mid-May frost event during an anomalously warm spring
- Comparative analysis of threshold rainfall-runoff response of small catchments in North Carolina's Piedmont region
- Comparison of reach-scale morphologic adjustment in confined and unconfined alluvial mountain rivers, Olympic Peninsula, Washington
- Comparison of spatially distributed snow water equivalent and precipitation patterns in a mountainous basin
- Constraining terrestrial biosphere models with forest inventory data
- Contribution of Near Real Time MODIS-Based Forest Disturbance Detection Products to a National Forest Threat Early Warning System
- Contribution of non biological CO2 flows in the net ecosystem carbon balance
- Coupled hydrological, ecological, decision and economic models for monetary valuation of riparian ecosystem services
- Coupled snow dynamics, soil moisture, and soil temperatures in complex terrain of a semi-arid mountainous watershed
- Coupling Snowpack and Groundwater Dynamics to Interpret Streamflow Trends in the Western United States
- Cross site analysis of forested watersheds in the northeastern U.S. to climate change and increasing CO2 over the 21st century using a dynamic biogeochemical model (PnET-BGC)
- Cross-scale interactions, legacies, and spatial connectivity: integrating time and space to predict post-disturbance response across scales
- DOC quantity and quality in northeastern USA catchments
- Data Mining for Forecasting Mississippi Cropland Data Layers
- Designing a Dynamic Data Driven Application System for Estimating Real-Time Load of DOC in a River
- Determining Solute Sources and Water Flowpaths in a Forested Headwater Catchment: Advances With the Ca-Sr-Ba Multi-tracer
- Development and Evaluation of the Carbon-nitrogen Cycle Module for the GPFARM-Range Model
- Development of a Three Dimensional Wireless Sensor Network for Terrain-Climate Research in Remote Mountainous Environments
- Diel trends in plant sensitivity to ozone: Toward parameterization of the defense component of effective flux
- Differences in Amazon forest growth and carbon dynamics predicted by profiles of canopy leaf area and light environment derived from LiDAR
- Dissolved organic carbon fluxes from soils in the Alaskan coastal temperate rainforest
- Distributed Temperature Sensing at the SMAP-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST)
- Drivers of belowground C accrual in response to woody plant encroachment of grasslands
- Dryland Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions Influenced by Tillage, Cropping Sequence, and Nitrogen Fertilization
- Dual Assimilation of Microwave and Thermal-Infrared Satellite Observations of Soil Moisture into NLDAS for Improved Drought Monitoring
- Dust emissions of organic soils observed in the field and laboratory
- Dynamic Agroecological Zones for the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA
- Early Results from the Soil Moisture Active Passive-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (SMAP-MOISST)
- Earthworm species influence on carbon-mineral association in a sugar maple forest in northern Minnesota
- Ecohydrological consequences of drought- and infestation-triggered tree die-off: insights and hypotheses
- Ecosystems in action: How free Landsat data are changing how we see landscapes
- Effectiveness of Straw Bale Check Dams for Reducing Post-Fire Ephemeral Channel Erosion
- Effects land surface type, land use, and land use change on aquatic-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide from tropical forests and peat lands of Borneo
- Effects of AN Alfalfa (medicago Sativa) Buffer Strip on Leached δ<SUP>15</SUP>N<SUB>NITRATE </SUB> Values: Implications for Management of Hydrologic N Losses
- Effects of forest die-off on hydrologic processes in southern Appalachian forests
- Elevated CO2 and O3 modify N turnover rates, but not N2O emissions
- Emissions from Open Burning: Evaluation Challenges at Different Scales
- Enabling Data Synthesis at Fluxdata.org: Lessons Learned
- Estimating concentrated flow erodibility parameters from pre- and post-fire rangeland field data for physically-based erosion modeling
- Estimating spatial variations in water content of clay soils from time-lapse electrical conductivity surveys
- Estimating sugarcane water requirements for biofuel feedstock production in Maui, Hawaii using satellite imagery
- Estimation of Soil CO2 Effluxes from Suburban Forest and Lawn Using Continuous Measurements of CO2 Profiles in Soils and a Process-based Model
- Evaluating Evapotranspiration of Pine Forest, Switchgrass, and Pine- Switchgrass Intercroppings using Remote Sensing and Ground-based Methods
- Evaluating energy sorghum harvest thresholds and tillage cropping systems to offset negative environmental impacts and harvesting equipment-induced soil compaction
- Evaluating root zone water quality impacts associated with various biomass production systems across landscape positions
- Evaluating the Application of Multi-Satellite Observations in Hydrologic Modeling
- Evaluation of Strategies to Improve Groundwater Quality in the Texas Rolling Plains using APEX model
- Evaluation of sediment hazards by extreme rainfall in wildfire lands
- Everything You Wanted to Know About Slope-Area Analysis * But Were Afraid to Ask
- Experimental Investigation of Wave Attenuation Through Vegetation
- Experiments on the Evolution of Sand Bed Forms for Varying Degrees of Supply Limitation
- Feedbacks between climate, fire severity, and differential permafrost degradation in Alaskan black spruce forests - implications for carbon cycling
- Fine scale variations of surface and ground water chemistry in an ephemeral to perennial drainage network in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USA
- Fire Activity in Northern Eurasia from 2002 to 2010
- First global Landsat surface reflectance products validated using near simultaneous MODIS observations
- Flooding and Profuse Flowering Result in High Litterfall in Novel Spathodea campanulata Forests in Northern Puerto Rico
- ForCaMF - Decision Support for Landscape-Level Forest Carbon Management
- Forest Canopy Temperature: a comparison between an isotopic measurement approach and photosynthesis-weighted air temperature
- Forest Mortality in High-Elevation Pine Forests of Eastern California, USA; Influence of Climatic Water Deficit
- Fragipan controls on nitrogen loss by surface and subsurface flow pathways in an upland agricultural watershed
- From 20cm to 1.5m: Is Digging Deeper Necessary?
- From Theory to Rural Farms: Testing the Efficacy of the Dryland Development Paradigm of Desertification
- Gap model development, validation, and application to succession of secondary subtropical dry forests of Puerto Rico
- Groundwater discharge to restored and unrestored meadow streams in the Feather River headwaters,Sierra Nevada
- Half-hourly atmospheric <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> observed by cavity ring-down spectroscopy analyzer in the USDA Forest Service Climate Tower Network
- Hazard Analysis for Post-Fire Debris-Flow Potential in Arizona
- High-Frequency, Automated Measurements of CO2, N2O and CH4 from Forested Soils
- Highway 61 Revisited: Finding Drivers for Hypoxia in Aquatic Systems in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- How well can we measure the vertical component of the wind speed: Implications for the fluxes of energy and mass
- Hydrologic Impacts Associated with the Increased Role of Wildland Fire Across the Rangeland-Xeric Forest Continuum of the Great Basin and Intermountain West, USA
- Hydrologic processes controlling herbicide transport in a Missouri claypan watershed
- Hydropedology at Hubbard Brook: Differentiating soil functional units with shallow ground water response data
- Identifying When, Where, and Why Atmospheric Nitrate Is Directly Transported Through Catchments to Streams
- Identifying signals of tree water stress with data from a new stress monitoring network
- If a Tree Dies in a Forest will it be Reflected in a Forest Carbon Inventory? Quantifying the Effect of Disturbance on U.S. Forest Carbon Stocks
- Imagery for Disaster Response and Recovery
- Impact of Irrigated Agriculture on Soil C Storage and Atmospheric CO2
- Impacts of Climate Change on Grain Sorghum Yield in the Ogallala Aquifer Region, USA
- Impacts of insect disturbance on the structure, composition, and functioning of oak-pine forests
- Implementation of Surface Soil Moisture Data Assimilation with Watershed Scale Hydrological Model (SWAT)
- Implications of Climate Volatility for Agricultural Commodity Markets in the Presence of Biofuel Mandates
- Inclusion of photosynthetic activity and exogenous antecedent conditions significantly improves predictability of soil respiratory efflux from multiple microhabitats
- Incorporating the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS) for Dust into a Regional Air Quality Modeling System
- Influence of Land Management and Hydrology on Urea Fate and Transport Within a Coastal Plain Watershed Dominated by Intensive Poultry Agriculture
- Influences of the Landscape on Life Cycle Carbon Intensity of Biofuels
- Integrating multiple satellite data for crop condition monitoring through data fusion approach
- Integration of ENSO Signal Power Through Hydrological Processes in the Little River Watershed
- Integration of Insect Infestations into Dynamic Global Vegetation Models Using Insect Functional Types
- Interactions of U.S. Agricultural Production with Climatic Stresses and Reactive Nitrogen
- Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Climate Change on Biodiversity
- Interannual and seasonal dynamics, and the age, of nonstructural carbohydrate pools in the stemwood of temperate trees across a climatic gradient in New England
- Interannual variability in energy exchange and evapotranspiration over two semi-arid grasslands in Arizona
- Irrigation Practice Affects Soil Phosphorus Chemistry
- Is Regional Root Reinforcement Controlled by Soil Moisture Variability?
- Laboratory and Numerical Modeling of Smoke Characteristics for Superfog Formation
- Land Cover Classification of the Jornada Experimental Range with Simulated HyspIRI Data
- Land Use and Climate Alter Carbon Dynamics in Watersheds of Chesapeake Bay
- Land-Use and Scale Influences on Nutrient Retention from the Reach to Watershed Scale
- Landscape structure, forest management, and climate influences on suspended sediment dynamics across 6 adjacent headwater catchments
- Landscape-level variation in greenhouse gas emissions in vineyards of central California
- Large scale evaluation of soil moisture retrievals from passive microwave observations
- Leaf δ15N as a temporal integrator of nitrogen-cycling processes at the Mojave Desert FACE experiment
- Lessons From Our Forests: Use Of Radiocarbon To Understand Soil Carbon Stabilization And Response To Temperature
- Local to Global Scale Time Series Analysis of US Dryland Degradation Using Landsat, AVHRR, and MODIS
- Long-term experiments to better understand soil-human interactions
- Long-term forest management effects on streamflow and evapotranspiration: modeling the interaction of vegetation and climate at the catchment scale
- Manipulating Crop Density to Optimize Nitrogen and Water Use: An Application of Precision Agroecology
- Mapping forest height, foliage height profiles and disturbance characteristics with time series of gap-filled Landsat and ALI imagery
- Meander migration in horizontally and vertically heterogeneous floodplains
- Mechanisms of soil organic matter stabilization in sediments eroded from small Sierra Nevada catchments
- Meeting the food, energy, and water demands of nine billion people: Will climate change add a new dimension?
- Mercury-Sulfur Interactions in an Experimental Peatland
- Modeling Colloid Transport and Retention in Saturated Porous Media Under Unfavorable Attachment Conditions
- Modeling Sorption and Degradation of 17β-Estradiol-17-Sulfate in Agricultural Soils
- Modeling Watershed-Scale Surface Water - Groundwater Interactions in Mountain Meadows
- Modeling of Air Pollutant Removal by Urban Trees Using a WRF/CMAQ/i-Tree Coupled System
- Modifying patch-scale connectivity to initiate landscape change: an experimental approach to link scales
- Monitoring Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen in Alpine Environments in Rocky Mountain and Yosemite National Parks, USA
- Monitoring Surface Deformation in Polar, Alpine, and Plateau Periglacial Environments From Space Using Radar Interferometry
- Multi-year estimates of plant and ecosystem <SUP>13</SUP>C discrimination at AmeriFlux sites
- Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide and evapotranspiration response of a high elevation Rocky Mountain (Wyoming, USA) forest to a bark beetle epidemic
- New Methods for Modeling and Monitoring Wildfires Using Multiple Data Sources: Smartfire v2
- Nine field experiments measuring CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O eddy fluxes from instantaneous mixing ratio output by an enclosed gas analyzer
- Nitrogen Contents and Fluxes in Sierra Nevada Forests of California
- Nitrogen Losses in Runoff from Row-cropped Watersheds: Environmental Benefits of Native Prairie Filter Strips
- Non-local Controls on Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Water Content in Heavy Clay Soils
- Nonlinear and Threshold Responses of Grassland Productivity and Species Composition to Increased CO<SUB>2</SUB> Vary with Soil Type
- North America Terrestrial Carbon Sink Estimation using Top-down and Bottom-up Methods
- On-site denitrification beds could reduce indirect greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural drainage waters
- Online vegetation opacity parameter estimation over Little Washita watershed using AMSR-E passive microwave observations
- Opportunities and Challenges of Using FIA Data to Validate Biomass Maps from LIDAR: Results from a Case Study in Maryland
- Opportunities for Reducing Nitrate Export from Drainage Systems through In-field Nitrogen Management, Cropping Practices, and Drainage Design and Management
- Ozone and Nitrogen Deposition as Modifiers of Biogeochemical Fluxes and Processes in California Forests
- Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty in Scaling KINEROS2 Runoff Parameters
- Partitioning Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes: A Method Based on Correlation Analysis of High-Frequency Time Series
- Peak flows and sediment yields before and after the 2011 Wallow Fire
- Performance Characteristics of the Electronic Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) Sensor in Arctic, Marine, and Humid Continental Climates
- Physical and Chemical Factors Influencing the Transport and Fate of Microorganisms in Soils with Preferential Flow
- Physical habitat predictors of Manayunkia speciosa distribution in the Klamath River and implications for management of Ceratomyxa shasta, a parasite with a complex life cycle
- Pit Gauges to Satellites: Precipitation Retrievals over the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, Arizona
- Plant phenological responses to extreme events - A long term perspective from the Chihuahuan Desert
- Pliocene to Recent alkalic volcanic centers in southeast Alaska: western component of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province
- Post-fire hydrologic model assessment for peak flow estimates across diverse watersheds and climate conditions
- Pre-launch Research to Integrate NASA SMAP Soil Moisture and Freeze/Thaw State Products in Applications
- Precipitation Pattern Controls on the Dynamics and Subsequent Export of Large Wood from River Catchments
- Predictive models for the occurrence and size of extreme fire events
- Quantifying Hyporheic Exchange Over a Long Time Scale Using Heat as a Tracer in Bear Valley Creek, Idaho, USA
- Quantifying Recent Changes in the Natural Thermal Regime of Cold-Water Streams
- Quantifying uncertainties in U.S. wildland fire emissions across space and time scales
- RS Application for conducting change detection within the Sundarban Mangrove Forest, Bangladesh to meet REDD+ initiatives
- Rainfall and Erosion Response Following a Southern California Wildfire
- Reconciling disparate trends in streamflow and precipitation networks in the Pacific Northwest United States
- Reconciling estimates of the contemporary North American carbon balance among an inventory-based approach, terrestrial biosphere models, and atmospheric inversions
- Reducing Methyl Halide Emissions from Soils
- Reducing runoff and nutrient loss from agricultural land in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Regional Approaches to Climate Change for Inland Pacific Northwest Cereal Production Systems
- Remote Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Stress (RAFES): Development of a Real Time Decision Support Tool for the Eastern U.S
- Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture and the Effects of Biomass as it Pertains to COSMOS
- Remotely Sensed Terrestrial Water Balance of the Nile Basin
- Response of total belowground carbon flux and soil organic carbon storage to increasing mean annual temperature in Hawaiian tropical montane wet forest.
- Retrospective Analog Year Analyses Using NASA Satellite Data to Improve USDA's World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates
- Root dynamics in native grassland exposed to elevated CO2 and warming
- Sand Transport and Turbulence over Immobile Gravel and Cobble Beds: Similarities and Differences Caused by Roughness Scale
- Scale-dependent hydraulic conductivity of mountain glacial sediments and implications for shallow groundwater recharge and stream baseflow
- Scaling water use of perennial grasses from the plot to Midwestern U.S.
- Seasonal GPR Signal Changes in Two Contrasting Soils in the Shale Hills Catchment
- Sediment and nutrient losses from an irrigated watershed.
- Sensitivity of the snowcover energetics to land cover and topographic position to variations in climate
- Simulated Local and remote biophysical effects of afforestation over Southeast United States in boreal summer
- Simulating Urban Tree Effects on Air, Water, and Heat Pollution Mitigation: iTree-Hydro Model
- Site-Specific, Climate-Friendly Farming
- Size Characteristics of Windblown Soil: Field Observations From the Columbia Plateau, USA
- Soil Chemical Weathering and Nutrient Budgets along an Earthworm Invasion Chronosequence in a Northern Minnesota Forest
- Soil heating and evaporation under extreme conditions: Forest fires and slash pile burns
- Soil moisture and flux sensing at 0.25-10,000 m scales using fiber optics
- Soil morphology as an indicator for spatial patterns of runoff generation thresholds
- Sources of Potential Water Imbalance in Low-gradient Coastal Watersheds
- Sourcing dry N deposition in urban areas and implications for national N inventories
- Spatial Variability of SWE in Alpine Areas - How do variability patterns change with grid designs?
- Spatial Variations in Carbon Storage along Headwater Fluvial Networks with Differing Valley Geometry
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Observed Bark Beetle-Caused Tree Mortality in Western United States and British Columbia
- Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal variability of soil CO2 efflux in southeastern forests
- Stream-Groundwater Interactions in Streams Wetting Up and Drying Down
- Surface Erosion Response to Climate Change in the Ouachita National Forest, USA
- Synoptic Scale Patterns and Variability in Long-Range Transport from the CONUS to the Arctic Circle: Informing Controlled Burn Strategy and Regulation
- Synthesis of Watershed and Ecosystem Responses to Lehmann Lovegrass Invasion in a SE Arizona Desert Grassland Watershed
- Temporal Trends in Stream N Concentrations and Responses to Disturbances in US Forested Basins
- The Effects of Soil Moisture Stress on Forest Recovery in the Entiat River Basin after Stand Replacing Fire
- The Effects of Three Conservation Practices on N Loss to Subsurface Drainage as Simulated by RZWQM
- The Effects of Water Availability and Ecosystem Vegetation Composition on Evapotranspiration and Net Ecosystem Carbon Dioxide Exchange in the Semiarid Southwest
- The Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) Mission: Improving Science Application Tools and Research
- The fate of alternative soil fumigants to methyl bromide
- The magnitude and variability of soil-surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux increase with mean annual temperature in Hawaiian tropical montane wet forest
- The role of spatial variability on optimal stability-test spacing for assessing snow avalanche conditions
- Towards an integrated soil moisture drought monitor for East Africa
- Towards positive feedbacks between vegetation and tropospheric O<SUB>3</SUB>
- Tree Harvest and Stream Discharge as Controls on the Mobilization of Aluminum in the White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire USA
- Tree-ring δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O responses to climate change, wildfire, and forest thinning in ponderosa pine ecosystems
- Uptake and preference of soil nitrate, ammonium and amino acid pools by a native grassland plant are altered by experimental warming and elevated atmospheric CO2
- Use of Plant Hydraulic Theory to Predict Ecosystem Fluxes Across Mountainous Gradients in Environmental Controls and Insect Disturbances
- Use of Plot Scale Observations to gauge the applicability of Physically-Based Models
- Using Ca isotopes to constrain source of streamwater Ca following clear-cutting of a New England watershed
- Using Cotton Model Simulations to Estimate Optimally Profitable Irrigation Strategies
- Using Land Surface Phenology as the Basis for a National Early Warning System for Forest Disturbances
- Using Modis Imagery to Track Changes in Forest Condition
- Using Radiocarbon to Assess Soil Organic Matter Stabilization in a Transect of Mature Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA
- Using Rare Earth Element (REE) tracers to identify preferential micro-sites of post-fire aeolian erosion
- Using measurements at various scales to explore uncertainty in model predictions of carbon budgets and cycling through time and space
- Variability in stream nitrogen at US Forest Service Experimental Forests and relevance to proposed stream nutrient criteria
- Vegetation cover and volume estimates in semi-arid rangelands using LiDAR and hyperspectral data
- Watering the Forest for the Trees: An Emerging Priority for Managing Water in Forested Landscapes
- Western U.S. Annual Steamflow: Correlations with Major Climate Indices and Increasing Trends Since 1912
- What Are the Factors Influencing Holocene Formation of Some Meadows in the Central Sierra Nevada, California?
- Wildfire Impacts Upon US Air Quality for Current and Future Climate Conditions
- Wildfire Impacts on Stream Sedimentation and Channel Morphology: Revisiting the Boulder Creek Burn in Little Granite Creek
- Wood and foliar respiration of tropical wet forest environment
- i-Tree: Tools to assess and manage structure, function, and value of community forests
- 30-m Land Surface Albedo by Integrating Landsat directional reflectance and MODIS anisotropic information
- A Geoclimatic Framework For Characterizing Summer Streamflow Vulnerability To Climate Warming In The Pacific Northwest, USA
- A comparison of Gridded Quantile Mapping vs. Station Based Downscaling Approaches on Potential Hydrochemical Responses of Forested Watersheds to Climate Change Using a Dynamic Biogeochemical Model (PnET-BGC)
- A comparison of one-dimensional models for estimating seedbed heat and water flux for rangeland seeding applications
- A conifer-friendly high-throughput α-cellulose extraction method for δ13C and δ18O stable isotope ratio analysis
- A decade plus of snow distribution observations in a mountain catchment: assessing variability, self-similarity, and the representativeness of an index site
- A flume investigation of the influence of flood recession rate and vegetation patches on channel bar morphology
- A novel mobile dual-wavelength laser altimetry system for improved site-specific Nitrogen fertilizer applications
- A test of catastrophic transition mechanisms in the Chihuahuan Desert Grassland
- Accounting for the Role of Landscape Heterogeneity in Physically-based Models: Linking Upland and In-stream Processes
- Activation of Deep-Seated Landslides in NW California After Wildfires in 2006 and 2008
- Advancing Fire Weather Research via Interagency Collaboration: The NOAA/USFS MOU
- Age and Availability of Nonstructural Carbohydrates in Red Maple
- Airborne Active and Passive L-Band Observations in Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12)
- Altered limitations to soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux following a tree mortality event in a semi-arid woodland
- An Integrated Model Framework of Catchment-Scale Ecohydrological Processes
- Analyzing and Projecting U.S. Wildfire Potential Based on NARCCAP Regional Climate Simulations
- Anomalously high K in soils of the Shoshone Range, Nevada USA
- Application of high resolution images from unmanned aerial vehicles for hydrology and rangeland science
- Application of wildfire simulation methods to assess wildfire exposure in a Mediterranean fire-prone area (Sardinia, Italy)
- Applying model abstraction techniques to optimize monitoring networks for detecting subsurface contaminant transport
- Assessing accuracy of a probabilistic model for very large fire in the Rocky Mountains: A High Park Fire case study
- Assessing plant hydraulic architecture with ultrasonic acoustic emission techniques
- Assessment of Data Importance and Monitoring Network Optimization for HYDRUS-3D Model Calibration with a Linear Statistical Inference Method
- Automatic and Objective Detection of Shallow Landslides from Lidar-Derived High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models Using a Wavelet Transform
- Baseflow characterization of the inter-mountainous regions of northern Idaho and eastern Washington, USA
- Baseline groundwater chemistry characterization in an area of future Marcellus shale gas development
- Bayesian Maximum Entropy Approach to Mapping Soil Moisture at the Field Scale
- Below- and above-ground controls on tree water use in lowland tropical forests
- Better interpretation of snow remote sensing data with physics-based models
- Biogeochemical Drivers of Sugar Maple Mortality at the Species-Range Scale
- Biogeochemistry of forested watersheds in the Southeastern U.S. prior to conversion to short-rotation pine for bioenergy
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- CO2 and CH4 exchange in an undisturbed coastal forested wetland in North Carolina
- Capacity of US Forests to Maintain Existing Carbon Sequestration will be affected by Changes in Forest Disturbances and to a greater extent, the Economic and Societal Influences on Forest Management and Land Use
- Carbon consequences of the turn-of-the-century drought in North America
- Carbon stocks in the Alaska Yukon River Basin
- Causes and implications of dry season control of tropical wet forest tree growth at very high water levels: direct vs. indirect limitations
- Changing snowpack accumulation and melt with a changing climate in the western U.S
- Characteristics, Significance, and Function Of Non-Perennial Streams in the Arid and Semiarid West with a Case Study from the San Pedro River
- Characterization of Shrubland-Atmosphere Interactions through Use of the Eddy Covariance Method, Distributed Footprint Sampling, and Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Chemical tracers illustrate pathways of solute discharge from artificially drained agricultural watersheds
- Climate Change Reduces the Sink of CH4 and N2O in a Semiarid Grassland
- Climate risks for the Midwestern USA
- Climate, Litter Chemistry, and Nitrogen Controls on Litter Decomposition and Organic Matter Stabilization
- Closing the Knowledge Gap: Effects of Land Use Conversion on Belowground Carbon near the 100<SUP>th</SUP> Meridian
- Closing the wildland fire heat budget - measurements in the field at intermediate and operational scales
- Comparing the above-ground component biomass estimates of western junipers using airborne and full-waveform terrestrial laser scanning data
- Comparison of Prognostic and Diagnostic Approaches to Modeling Evapotranspiration in the Nile River Basin
- Continental-scale Sensitivity of Water Yield to Changes in Impervious Cover
- Controls on Carbon Consumed by Wildland Fires in the Boreal Forest Region of Alaska
- Controls on debris flow bulking in proglacial gully networks on Mount Rainier, WA
- Convergence of the effect of root hydraulic functioning and root hydraulic redistribution on ecosystem water and carbon balance across divergent forest ecosystems
- Critical Zone Soil Properties effects on Soil Water Storage and Flux
- Crop gross primary productivity estimation using Landsat and MODIS data
- DOC and FPOM Concentrations and Fluxes in Urban Streams
- Deciphering landscape complexity to predict (non)linear responses to extreme climatic events
- Deposition and Release of Microorganisms with Runoff Water Solution Chemistry
- Determining During-Storm Precipitation Phase and the Rain/Snow Transition Elevation in a Mountain Basin
- Developing an Experimental Watershed for Monitoring the Impacts of Bioenergy Production on Marginal Lands of the Northeastern U.S
- Development of LiDAR aware allometrics for Abies grandis: A Case Study
- Development of a Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America
- Development of forest growth inputs from LiDAR
- Development of the Smap Radiometer Soil Moisture Algorithm Using Smos Data
- Downstream Effects of Diversion Dams on Riparian Vegetation Communities in the Routt National Forest, Colorado
- Dust from southern Africa: rates of emission and biogeochemical properties
- Ecosystem processes at the watershed scale: Geomorphic patterns and stability of forest catchment water, energy and nitrogen use efficiency in the southern Appalachians
- Effect of Check Dams on Erosion and Flow Dynamics on Small Semi-Arid Watersheds
- Effect of Remote Sensing Resolution on Evapotranspiration Estimates for the Jornada and Sevilleta, NM Experimental Rangeland Sites
- Effect of mean annual temperature on nutrient return via litterfall in Hawaiian tropical montane wet forests
- Effect of soil texture and chemical properties on laboratory-generated dust emissions from SW North America
- Effects of Biogeochemical Transformations, Source Variation, and Flowpath Routing on Interpretations of Concentration-Discharge Hysteresis Loops to Decipher Catchment Processes
- Effects of free-air CO<SUB>2</SUB> and temperature enrichment on soybean growth and development
- Effects of river hydrology and fluvial processes on riparian vegetation establishment, growth, and survival
- Elevation, Substrate, & Climate effects on Alpine & Sub-Alpine Plant Distribution in California's High Mountains: Preliminary Data from the California GLORIA Project
- Emission Factors for CO2, CO, CH4, and C2 - C4 Hydrocarbons from the 2011 Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia Fire
- Energy based method for measuring fracture energy and elastic properties of snow in field tests
- Energy budget closure and field scale estimation of canopy energy storage with increased and sustained turbulence
- Energy fluxes retrieval on an Alaskan Arctic and Sub-Arctic vegetation by means MODIS imagery and the DTD method
- Environmental Controls of Ecosystem Evapotranspiration (ET): Why generalized ET models do not work for forests?
- Erosion of bulk and pyrogenic C from upland forested Sierra Nevada ecosystems
- Estimating Biomass Burning Emissions for Carbon Cycle Science and Resource Monitoring & Management
- Evaluating a Mineralogical Control on Arsenic and Lead Concentrations in California Gold Mine Tailings
- Evaluating bedload transport with RFID and accelerometer tracers, airborne LiDAR, and HEC-GeoRAS modeling: field experiments in Reynolds Creek, Idaho
- Evaluating the accuracy of a MODIS direct broadcast algorithm for mapping burned areas over Russia
- Evaluation of a soil-snow-passive microwave coupled model against field and remotely-sensed measurements
- Examination of carbon associated with metal-humus complexes, short-range-order Al and Fe oxides, and crystalline Al and Fe oxides: Differences in carbon abundance and mean residence time
- Experimental Evidence Linking Elevated CO2, Rhizosphere C/N Stoichiometry and Microbial Efficiency
- Extreme precipitation patterns reduced terrestrial ecosystem production across biomes
- Field Observations of the Effects of Explosives on Snow Properties
- Field based measurements of albedo for two candidate perennial cellulosic feedstocks and row crops in Central Illinois
- Field-based ET calibration and validation sites in interior Alaska: Preparatory Science for NASA's planned HyspIRI Mission
- Fire Emissions Estimates in Siberia: Evaluation of Uncertainties in Area Burned, Land Cover, and Fuel Consumption
- Fire Impact on Carbon Emissions on Logged and Unlogged Scots pine Forest Sites in Siberia
- ForWarn Forest Disturbance Change Detection System Provides a Weekly Snapshot of US Forest Conditions to Aid Forest Managers
- ForWarn: A Cross-Cutting Forest Resource Management and Decision Support System Providing the Capacity to Identify and Track Forest Disturbances Nationally
- From the Mountains of the Moon to the Grand Renaissance: misinformation, disinformation and, finally, information for cooperation in the Nile River basin
- Functional Landscape Stratification for Site-Specific N Management in Dryland Wheat-Based Cropping Systems on Complex, Pacific Northwest Landscapes
- Geomorphic and Land Management Effects on Channel Altering Events in the Klamath Mountain, Northern California
- Geophysics applications in critical zone science: emerging topics.
- Global Agricultural Monitoring (GLAM) using MODAPS and LANCE Data Products
- Global Forest Interception Loss Based on Satellite Observations
- Global wildfire emissions as controlled by multifactor environmental changes from 1901 through 2010
- Hartree-Fock values of energies, interaction constants, and atomic properties for excited states with p <SUP>N</SUP> configurations of the negative ions, neutral atoms, and first positive ions from boron to bromine
- High winds induce nitrogen loss from US Pacific Northwest agricultural lands
- How can climate, soil, and monitoring schedule affect temporal stability of soil water contents?
- How microtopography and soil morphology can help decipher flow paths and processes in headwater catchments
- Hydrologic Controls on Shallow Landslide Location, Size, and Shape
- Identifying Biologically Relevant Cues in the Hydrologic Regime
- Implications of carbon dust emission for terrestrial carbon cycling and carbon accounting
- Improved Mapping of Carbon, Water and Energy Land-Surface Fluxes Using Remotely Sensed Indicators of Canopy Light Use Efficiency
- Improved parameterization for the vertical flux of dust aerosols emitted by an eroding soil
- Improving Long-term Global Precipitation Dataset Using Multi-sensor Surface Soil Moisture Retrievals and the Soil Moisture Analysis Rainfall Tool (SMART)
- Imputation of Continuous Tree Suitability over the Continental United States from Sparse Measurements Using Associative Clustering
- Incorporating Peatland Plant Communities into the Enzymic 'Latch' Hypothesis: Can Vegetation Influence Carbon Storage Mechanisms?
- Increasing carbon sequestration in the northeastern US over the past two decades
- Influence of riparian vegetation on near-bank flow structure and erosion rates on a large meandering river
- Initial Motion and Bedload Transport Distance Determined by Particle Tracking in a Large Regulated River
- Integrating simple stochastic fire spread model with the Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System
- Interactions between organic matter and mineral surfaces along an earthworm invasion gradient in a sugar maple forest of Minnesota
- Intermediate conditions: The Goldilocks hypothesis defines sediment transport processes and pothole forms in bedrock streams
- Intermittency in bedload transport: the importance of coherent flow structures and grain to grain interactions
- Investigation into rainwater use by cotton under multiple irrigation management conditions in the Texas High Plains
- Irrigation Trials for ET Estimation and Water Management in California Specialty Crops
- Large Wildland Fire Growth Influenced by Dry Slots in the United States
- Large-Scale Simulation of the Effects of Climate Change on Runoff Erosion Following Extreme Wildfire Events Authors: Gould, Adam, Warren, Barber, Wagenbrenner, Robichaud, Wang, Cherkauer
- Large-area Active Landslide Detection and Monitoring with ALOS/PALSAR Imagery over Northern California and Southern Oregon, USA
- Lasers on the Landscape: Quantifying 3-D ecosystem structure to map continuous surfaces of carbon, avian species richness, and tree species distributions
- Last Glacial Maximum Development of Parna Dunes in Panhandle Oklahoma, USA
- Lateral redistribution of dissolved vs. complexed organic matter with soil erosion
- Life-histories from Landsat: Algorithmic approaches to distilling Earth's recent ecological dynamics
- Linking solar induced fluorescence and the photochemical reflectance index to carbon assimilation in a cornfield
- Long-term carbon accumulation in tropical peat swamp forests in Indonesia
- Long-term post-wildfire monitoring of phenology and recovery using a MODIS time series
- Magnitudes and time-scales of hyporheic exchange in streams across a range of morphological environments
- Management Effects on Soil Respiration in North Carolina Coastal Plain Loblolly Pine Plantations
- Manual and Automated Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural Soils
- Measurements, patterns, and controls of nitrogen flux in a cranberry bed during the harvest flood
- Measuring Postfire Erosion Using Simulated Rill Experiments in Rocky Mountain Forests
- Meteoric Beryllium-10 Inventories and Depth Distributions to Constrain Estimates of Post-Settlement Erosion and Soil Profile Truncation in the U.S. Corn Belt: Prospects and Challenges
- Model Evaluation and Uncertainty in Agricultural Impacts Assessments: Results and Strategies from the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP)
- Modeling E. coli Release And Transport In A Creek During Artificial High-Flow Events
- Modeling Overland Erosion on Disturbed Rangeland
- Modeling Regional Air Quality Impacts from Indonesian Biomass Burning
- Modeling net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide in a beetle-attacked subalpine forest using a data-constrained ecosystem model
- Modeling nonstructural carbohydrate reserve dynamics in forest trees
- Monitoring and Assessment of US Drylands
- Monitoring evapotranspiration and water resources with thermal infrared geostationary sensors: An intercomparison with model-based ET predictions and tower observations
- Multi-Dimensional Shallow Landslide Stability Analysis Suitable for Application at the Watershed Scale
- Network for Monitoring Agricultural Water Quantity and Water Quality in Arkansas
- Nitrate as a Mobile Anion: The Relevance of Abiotic Retention to Soil Solution Fluxes
- Nitrate transport and fluxes during storm-event discharge from a 12 ha tile-drained dryland agricultural field
- Nitrous Oxide Emission Flux Measurements for Ecological Systems with an Open-Path Quantum Cascade Laser-Based Sensor
- Nonstructural carbon dynamics are best predicted by the combination of photosynthesis and plant hydraulics during both bark beetle induced mortality and herbaceous plant response to drought
- NorWeST: A Regional Stream Temperature Model for High-Resolution Aquatic Vulnerability Assessments in the Northwest U.S
- Observing Arctic Ecology using Networked Infomechanical Systems
- Operational Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques: Theoretical Comparisons in the Context of Improving the NASA Standard Approach
- Opportunities and challenges to conserve water on the landscape in snow-dominated forests: The quest for the radiative minima and more...
- Passive L-Band H Polarized Microwave Emission During the Corn Growth Cycle
- Permafrost degradation and organic layer thickening over a climate gradient in a discontinuous permafrost region
- Plant rhizosphere species-specific stoichiometry and regulation of extracellular enzyme and microbial community structure
- Post-disturbance dust emissions in dry lands: the role of anthropogenic and climatic factors
- Postfire Forest Recovery in California's National Forests
- Processes Controlling Hydrochemistry in a Claypan Soil Watershed in Missouri
- Rainfall and Sheet Power Equation for Interrill Erosion on Steep Hillslope
- Rapid reconnaissance hydrogeologic modeling on public lands using analytic element solutions coupled with MODFLOW - application to the Eagle Creek watershed, New Mexico
- Real-Time Monitoring of TP Load in a Mississippi Delta Stream Using a Dynamic Data Driven Application System
- Recent Research toward Understanding Spatial, Temporal, and Climatic Variation in Stream Temperatures across the Northwest U.S.
- Reduced Microbial Resilience after a 17-Year Climate Gradient Transplant Experiment
- Regional scale analysis of nitrous oxide emissions within the U.S. Corn Belt and the potential role of episodic hot spots
- Relationships between dissolved organic matter and discharge: New insights from in-situ measurements in a northern forested watershed
- Relative Contribution of Climate Change to Conterminous US Forest Carbon Sinks
- Relative Skills of Soil Moisutre and Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals for Agricultural Drought Monitoring
- Resolving spatiotemporal variation in mountain stream temperatures using dense sensor arrays and air microclimate models
- Response of Cross-biome Productivity to the Early 21st Century Drought
- Role of MODIS Vegetation Phenology Products in the ForWarn System for Monitoring of Forest Disturbances in the Conterminous United States
- SKOSFIRE: Semantically Accessible Vocabularies for Wildland Fire Science
- Sagebrush Biomass Estimation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- Satellite-based Biome Productivity Responses to Large Scale Drought and Wet Cycles in Australia
- Satellite-based assessment of water requirement for biofuel feedstock production in Maui, Hawaii
- Scalar Transport and Dispersion in Complex Terrain within a High Resolution Mass-Consistent Wind Modeling Framework
- Sectoral Vulnerabilities to Changing Water Resources: Current and Future Tradeoffs between Supply and Demand in the Conterminous U.S
- Sensitivity of roughness length for heat transport (zoh) on evapotranspiration derived from SEBAL
- Simulating Tree and Topography Effects on Urban Air temperature and Humidity
- Site Specific Landfill CH4 Emissions: Shortcomings of National GHG Inventory Guidelines and a New Process-Based Approach Linked to Climate and Soil Microclimate
- Social Networks and Adaptation to Environmental Change: The Case of Central Oregon's Fire-Prone Forest Landscape
- Soil and elemental mixing rates across an earthworm invasion chronosequence
- Soil moisture retrieval using L-band time-series radar observations over shrub lands
- Solutions for the diurnally forced advection-diffusion equation to estimate bulk fluid velocity and diffusivity in streambeds from temperature time series
- Spatial and temporal variability in forest soil CO2 flux among stands and under elevated [CO2] and fertilization
- Spatial interpolation of hourly precipitation and dew point temperature for the identification of precipitation phase and hydrologic response in a mountainous catchment
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Distributions of Western Streamflow Conditioned on Climate Indices
- Steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence (Fs) as a tool to monitor plant heat and drought stress
- Steep Gravel Bedload Rating Curves Obtained From Bedload Traps Shift Effective Discharge to Flows Much Higher Than "Bankfull"
- Stream Dissolved Organic Matter Quantity and Quality Along a Wetland-Cropland Catchment Gradient
- Stream temperature modeling and its integration with watershed hydrologic simulation
- Surface Erosion Response to Climate Change in the Ouachita National Forest, USA
- Teaching change to local youth: Plant phenology, climate change and citizen science at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge
- Testing an Ensemble Kalman Filter for Assimilation of Soil Moisture into HYDRUS 1D and Coupled Crop Model
- The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP): Overview and Progress
- The BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework: Recent Developments
- The Consistency of Isotopologues of Ambient Atmospheric Nitric Acid in Passively Collected Samples
- The Effects of Peatland Plant Functional Types and Altered Hydrology on Porewater Chemistry in a Northern Bog
- The Heritage of the Operational Usda/nasa Global Reservoir and Lake Monitor
- The Hydrodynamics of Natural and Incised Mountain Meadows
- The Influence of Salmonid Spawning on Grain Architecture, Critical Bed Shear Stress, and Bed Load Transport in Streams
- The Inherent Uncertainty of In-Situ Observations and its Implications for Modeling Evapotranspiration
- The Remains of the Dam: What Have We Learned From 10 Years of Dam Removals?
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission: Geophysical Products and Algorithm Development
- The Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO): Science at Your Fingertips
- The Urban Watershed Continuum: Biogeochemistry of Carbon
- The Use of Hydrological Similarity Concepts to Represent Sub-grid Variability in a Snowmelt Dominated Watershed
- The Utility of a Thermal-based Two-Source Energy Balance Model for Estimating Surface Energy Fluxes over a Snow-dominated Landscape
- The hyporheitron - a tool for measuring hyporheic processes along a discrete flow path in gravel bed streams
- The relationship between specific event sediment yields and runoff depth and its significance
- Thermal and Hydrologic Attributes of Rock Glaciers and Periglacial Talus Landforms; Sierra Nevada, California, USA
- Thermal constraints on the emerald ash borer invasion of North America
- Toward Understanding Mechanisms Controlling Urea Delivery in a Coastal Plain Watershed
- Transport and retention of functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes in porous media
- Uncertainties in Instantaneous Rainfall Rate Estimates: Satellite vs. Ground-Based Observations
- Uncertainties in ecosystem gas exchange measurements due to differences in infrared gas analyzer response
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses of Model Predictions of Solute Transport
- Understanding the biological underpinnings of ecohydrological processes
- Urban metal sinks or biogeochemical hot spots?: potential for interactions
- Use of Eddy Covariance Data to Calibrate the PhotoCent Model for Grassland and Forest Ecosystems
- Use of Geologic Mapping of the Medicine Lake Volcano in NE California to Constrain Interpretation of Cultural Uses of Rhyolite Obsidian
- Use of Rare Earth Elements in Investigations of Aeolian Processes
- Use of Seasonal Meteorological Metrics to Forecast for Deep Slab Avalanches in Southwest Montana
- Use of isotopic and hydrometric monitoring methods to partition hydrologic contributions to forested wetlands in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Using Aerial Hydromulch in Post-fire Chaparral in Southern California: Effectiveness and Consequences
- Using Runoff Collectors to Understand Surface Runoff Characteristics in Remote Nevada Catchments
- Validation of the DNDC model in order to simulate future greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon changes from the Prairie-Pothole region of North Dakota following prairie conversion to agriculture
- Water Use Efficiency for Establishing Biofuel Crops in Central Illinois
- Water quality within biofuel production landscape: Integrating flow paths, residence time distribution and mixing dynamics in the stream side management zone
- What is an Extreme Wildfire? Perspectives from remote sensing, ecology, and the social sciences
- When it Rains, It Pours: Drought, Excess Water, and Agricultural Risk Management in the U.S. Corn Belt
- Whole Hillslope Irrigation Reveals Differential Interflow Behavior of Dye Tracers, Conservative Solutes and Nutrients
- Wildfire as a Mechanism to Reverse Ecohydrologic Thresholds in Juniper-Encroached Shrublands
- Will We Need to Change the Rules: The Implications of Climate Change for Dam Operations in Oregon's McKenzie River Basin
- Zonobiomes, forests, and major forest-forming conifers across Northern Eurasia by the end of the century under climate warming
- a Novel Theoretical Approach: from Hyporehic Temperature Time Series to Strembed Scour
- A Bayesian model to quantify uncertainty in eddy covariance flux measurements: spanning from instrument errors to estimates of ecosystem carbon sinks and sources
- A comparison in postfire ecosystem structure between two Alaska Arctic regions
- A curious case of downstream coarsening in a large mountain basin: Implications for landscape evolution models
- A framework for tracking post-wildfire trajectories and desired future conditions using NDVI time series
- Accounting for Impacts of Natural Disturbances on Climate Change Mitigation Projects in Tropical Forests (Invited)
- Advancing Integrated Understanding of Treeline Response to Environmental Change: the Alpine and Arctic Treeline Ecotone Network
- Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project: Phase I Activities by a Global Community of Science (Invited)
- Analyzing dynamics of snow distribution and melt runoff in a meso-scaled watershed using the AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) model
- Application of Satellite Data for Early Season Assessment of Fallowed Agricultural Lands for Drought Impact Reporting
- Application of a Backwards Lagrangian Stochastic Model to Estimate Particulate Matter Emissions from Lidar Data
- Assessing climate change impacts on water availability of snowmelt dominated watersheds of the Upper Rio Grande
- Assessing the remote sensing derived Evaporative Stress Index with ground observations of crop condition to advance drought early warning
- Assessing the uncertainty of biomass change estimates obtained using multi-temporal field, lidar sampling, and satellite imagery on the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska (Invited)
- Australian net (1950s-1990) soil organic carbon erosion is an omitted CO<SUB>2</SUB> source
- Automated Derivation of Fish Habitat, Geomorphic Units & Transition Zones from Topography (Invited)
- Bacterial Community Structure after a 17-year Reciprocal Soil Transplant Simulating Climate Change with Elevation
- Bagley Fire Sediment Study: Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Eastern Klamath Mountains, Northern California
- Bank Erosion Modulated by Exposed Roots from Riparian Vegetation in Small Gravel-Bed Streams
- Bankfull -- Does It Correspond to 1.0- to 3.0-yr Floods in Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Headwater Streams?
- Bark Beetle Impacts on Ecosystem Processes are Over Quickly and Muted Spatially
- Baseflow mean transit times in natural and human-altered catchments
- Bed Forms Modulating Temporal Peaks on Near-Bank Shear Stresses, the Wabash River Case
- Beneath the Arctic Green: Have recent increases in plant production been offset by increases in soil decomposition?
- Between micro and global scales- Environmental gradients in ecosystem studies (Invited)
- Biotic and abiotic controls on the distribution of tropical forest aboveground biomass
- Black Carbon, CO2, CO, CH4, and C2-C4 Hydrocarbon Emissions from Agricultural Residue Burning
- BlueSky Cloud - rapid infrastructure capacity using Amazon's Cloud for wildfire emergency response
- Boots on the Ground: Science-Management Partnerships Facilitate Climate Change Adaptation in National Forests
- Bridging Estimates of Greenness in an Arid Grassland Using Field Observations, Phenocams, and Time Series Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Imagery
- Can climate change increase fire severity independent of fire intensity?
- Can increased biomass offset carbon release from permafrost region soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert elicitation?
- Carbon cycling and the urban/city interface
- Changes in Fish Habitat And Demography Following Dam Removal in a Headwater Catchment: Linking Geomorphic, Hydrologic, and Ecological Controls
- Changes in Soil Nitrogen Storage and Dynamics in Response to Forest Management in Southeastern Pine Forest
- Changes in runoff rates and timing following wildfire in eastern Arizona
- Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America
- Characterizing Vegetation Model Skill and Uncertainty in Simulated Ecosystem Response to Climate Change in the United States
- Citizen Science - What's in it for the agencies? (Invited)
- Climate Change and Agriculture in the U.S.: Effects and Adaptation (Invited)
- Climate exerts sub-regional to regional controls over multicentury fire history across Mongolia's southern boreal forest ecotone
- Climatic and Edaphic Effects on the Turnover and Composition of Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Matter in Temperate Deciduous Forests
- Commentary: Urgent need for large-scale warming manipulation experiments in tropical forests
- Comparison of Stream Restoration and Vegetation Restoration on Stream Temperature in the Middle Fork John Day River, Oregon
- Comparison of methods for determining the hydrologic recovery time after forest disturbance
- Conifer encroachment and hydrology: Altered above and below ground hydrologic fluxes in western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis)
- Connectivity of preferential pathways for flow and transport in soils (Invited)
- Contrasting spatial and temporal analogs for evaluating climate sensitivity of western U.S. snowpacks using a large snow monitoring network
- Critical Shields Values in Coarse-Bedded Steep Streams
- Curve Number estimation from rainfall-runoff data in the Brazilian Cerrado Biome
- Decadal Change in Forest Carbon Stocks in the Delaware River Basin
- Decision Support and Robust Estimation of Uncertainty in Carbon Stocks and Fluxes
- Deep soil carbon and vulnerabilities to anthropogenic change (Invited)
- Demography and species contribution to carbon sink in eastern US forests
- Designing and Assessing Restored Meandering River Planform Using RVR Meander
- Determining suitability of Large Aperture Scintillometer for validating remote sensing based evapotranspiration maps
- Developing High-Resolution Climate Projections at the Watershed Scale: A Hubbard Brook Case Study
- Developing a National Climate Indicators System to Track Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Preparedness
- Development of Nutrient Model for i-Tree Hydro using Sampling Results from the Mianus River Watershed
- Development of a Coupled WEPP-WQ model
- Development of an Aquarius Soil Moisture Product
- Differences in aquatic habitat quality as an impact of one- and two-dimensional hydrodynamic model simulated flow variables
- Diurnal and Seasonal Patterns of Non-Structural Carbohydrates in Pinus edulis and Juniperus monosperma
- Does decreased orographic enhancement explain declining annual streamflows and recent increases in wildfire fire activity in the Pacific Northwestern US?
- Ecological-site based assessments of wind and water erosion: informing management of accelerated soil erosion in rangelands
- Ecophysiological differences in tree carbon gain and water use for two fast growing loblolly pine ideotypes that differ in carbon allocation
- Effects of Maize Residue Removal and Tillage on Soil Erosion, Carbon, and Macronutrient Dynamics
- Effects of poultry manure, compost, and biochar amendments on soil nitrogen dynamics in maize production systems
- Efficient Metamodel Estimates of Nitrate Flux to Groundwater and Tile Drains (Invited)
- Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> Alter Productivity and Carbon Storage in Northern Temperate Forests: Results from Aspen FACE
- Emissions of Greenhouse Gases and Fine Particles (PM2.5) from Wildland Fires in the United States from 2003 to 2011
- Empirical Mining of Large Data Sets Already Helps to Solve Practical Ecological Problems; A Panoply of Working Examples (Invited)
- Enhancing USDA's Retrospective Analog Year Analyses Using NASA Satellite Precipitation and Soil Moisture Data
- Environmental Drivers of Whole-Ecosystem Methane Fluxes from a Lowland Evergreen Forest
- Estimating Effects of Atmospheric Deposition and Peat Decomposition Processes on Mercury and Sulfur Accumulation and Retention in Northern Peatlands, Minnesota
- Estimating Evapotrnspiration in a Rice Field Using a Remote-Sensing Based Two Source Energy Balance Model
- Estimating Forest Floor Carbon Content in the United States
- Estimating Impacts of Reforestation on Water Outflow and Sediment Load in a Watershed from Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley
- Estimating tropical forest structure using LIDAR AND X-BAND INSAR
- Estimation of Daily Stream Temperatures in a Mountain River Network
- Evaluating the Performance of a Soil Moisture Data Assimilation System for Agricultural Drought Monitoring
- Evaluating the capability of the enhanced Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM) for modeling the soil erosion impact of disturbance on rangelands
- Evaluating the distributed hydrologic impacts of snow model configurations in a mountainous watershed (Invited)
- Evaluation of Assumptions in Soil Moisture Triple Collocation Studies
- Evaporation, transpiration, and ecosystem water use efficiency in a multi-annual sugarcane production system in Hawai'i, USA
- Evolving prioritization of carbon cycle science by the US Government
- Explaining Wetland Inundation Dynamics by Catchment Hydrology
- Extraordinary soils give insight into the role of non-crystalline minerals in soil carbon response to climate and land use changes (Invited)
- Extrapolating From Pits: Quantifying spatial variability of snow for remote sensing calibration/validation (Invited)
- Fluvial Geomorphic Legacies of Tie Driving Regulate Carbon Cycling in Rocky Mountain Headwater Streams, WY
- Forecasting corn and soybean yields in the United States utilizing pre- and within-season remotely sensed variables
- Forest response and recovery following disturbance (Invited)
- Frequent summer droughts homogenize landscape vegetation patterns at the catchment scale
- From grass to forest biomass: uncertainty estimates with lidar remote sensing (Invited)
- Fusing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery with High Resolution Hydrologic Modeling (Invited)
- Future Projections for Southern High Plains Agriculture Using Coupled Economic and Hydrologic Models and Climate Variability
- Global Albedo and Radiative Cooling from Anthropogenic Land-cover Change, 1700 to 2005
- Global Tree Range Shifts Under Forecasts from Two Alternative GCMs Using Two Future Scenarios
- Grain packing resistance to particle mobility
- Groundwater Availability Alters Soil-plant Nutrient Cycling in a Stand of Invasive, N-fixing Phreatophytes
- Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction of Several Irrigation Systems in the Mississippi River Basin Alluvial Aquifer
- Harvesting Duke FACE: improving estimates of productivity and biomass under elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- High Park burn in South Fork Cache la Poudre Basin: Preliminary findings from spring and summer 2013 hydrologic and sedimentation monitoring
- Historic Response of Forests to Disturbance; Hydrologic Implications (Invited)
- Hydrologic Carbon Fluxes from the Dryland Grain Producing Region of the Inland Pacific Northwest: Measurements and Modeling
- Hydrologic Vulnerability of Western US Rangelands in the Wake of Woodland Encroachment and Increasing Wildfire Activity
- Impact of climate variability on N and C flux within the life cycle of biofuels produced from crop residues
- Impacts of Different Assimilation Methodologies on Crop Yield Estimates Using Active and Passive Microwave Dataset at L-Band
- Impacts of Precipitation on Pathogens and a Fecal Indicator in a Tributary and Near-Coastal Area of Lake Michigan
- Impacts of snow water equivalent on forest disturbance in the Sierra Nevada with climate change
- Implementation of a two-source energy balance model in a sub-Arctic deciduous boreal forest
- Implication of Land Use and Belowground Weather on Nitrous Oxide Soil Depth Profiles and Denitrification Potential
- Improved regional mapping of carbon, water, and energy land-surface fluxes through indicators of canopy light use efficiency
- Increased carbon flux with rising mean annual temperature does not alter ecosystem carbon storage in a tropical montane wet forest
- Increased carbon uptake in the eastern US due to warming induced changes in phenology
- Inference of Hydrologic Parameters and Profile Storage from Limited Subsurface Sensor Arrays
- Influence of landscape disturbance patterns on modeled carbon fluxes and associated uncertainty
- Information as Adaptation to a Changing Climate: Managing the Intersection of Forests, Fish, Fire, and Water Resources on Public Lands
- Information-Based Analysis of Data Assimilation (Invited)
- Inorganic nitrogenous air pollutants, atmospheric nitrogen deposition and their potential ecological impacts in remote areas of western North America (Invited)
- Integrating Science and Land Management for the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) in Southwestern Rangelands
- Integrating Statistical and Expert Knowledge to Develop Phenoregions for the Continental United States
- Integrating fire with hydrological projections: model evaluation to identify uncertainties and tradeoffs in model complexity
- Integration of Landsat-based disturbance maps in the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Investigating local controls on temporal stability of soil water content using sensor network data and an inverse modeling approach
- Irrigated Agriculture and Water Resources in the Western U.S. (Invited)
- Irrigation Management in the Texas High Plains: Present Status, Challenges, and Opportunities (Invited)
- Land-Cover Change Within the Peatlands Along the Rocky Mountain Front, Montana: 1937-2009
- Land-atmosphere carbon cycle research in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Legacy model integration for enhancing hydrologic interdisciplinary research
- LiDAR Applications in Resource Geology and Benefits for Land Management
- Linking Stream Nitrate to Forest Response and Recovery after Severe Bark Beetle Infestation (Invited)
- Logging and Fire Effects in Siberian Boreal Forests
- Long-term increase in forest water-use efficiency observed across ecosystem carbon flux networks (Invited)
- Looking back to look forward: exploring novel options for the estimation of forest carbon stocks from 1990 to the present using the national forest inventory of the United States
- Magnitude and temperature sensitivity of tephra-derived soil carbon pools across a mean annual temperature gradient in tropical montane wet forest
- Management of the Spring Snowmelt Recession in Regulated Systems
- Mapping and monitoring cropland burning in European Russia: a multi-sensor approach
- Mapping cropland GPP in the north temperate region with space measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence
- Mapping ecological states in a complex environment
- Mapping of forest disturbance magnitudes across the US National Forest System
- Measurement and Modeling of Vertical Temperature, Humidity and Wind Profiles Through Aspen Stands in a Mountain Basin
- Measuring Carbon and Nitrogen Eroded From Burned Forests In The Western U.S
- Measuring sub-canopy evaporation in a forested wetland using an ensemble of methods
- Melt Energetics of 25-years of Distributed, Physically Based Snowcover Simulations in a Small Headwater Semiarid Mountain Catchment (Invited)
- Microbial Priming and Protected Carbon Responses to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> at Local to Global Scales: a New Modeling Approach
- Microbial Responses to Forest Management in the Western Gulf Coastal Plain, USA
- Mineral-organic matter associations in eroding hillslopes: findings from headwater catchments in the Southern Sierra Nevada (Invited)
- Modeling Diurnal and Seasonal 3D Light Profiles in Amazon Forests
- Modeling Study of the Contribution of Wildfires to Ambient Black Carbon Concentrations
- Modeling the Effect of Climate Change on Large Fire Size, Counts, and Intensities Using the Large Fire Simulator (FSim)
- Modeling the impacts of climate change on stream water temperature across the Conterminous U.S
- Moisture and temperature controls on vertical and lateral soil greenhouse gas emissions in the Alaskan coastal temperate rainforest
- Monitoring Regional Forest Disturbances across the US with Near Real Time MODIS NDVI Products included in the ForWarn Forest Threat Early Warning System
- Mountainous Ecosystem Sensor Array (MESA): a mesh sensor network for climate change research in remote mountainous environments
- Multidecadal trends in burn severity and patch size in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area, 1900-2007
- Near-Real-Time Earth Observation Data Supporting Wildfire Management
- New Techniques and Metrics for Describing Rivers Using High Resolution Digital Elevation Models
- Nitrous oxide emissions from intensively managed agroecosystems: the role of carbon inputs (Invited)
- Optical Sensing of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes Combining Spectral Reflectance Indices with Solar Induced Fluorescence
- Patterns of new versus recycled primary production in the terrestrial biosphere (Invited)
- Patterns of snowcover energetics over different land cover and topographic position with variations in climate
- Patterns of wildfires and emissions under future climate conditions across the conterminous United States
- Persistence of Salmonid Redds
- Photodegradation Pathways in Arid Ecosystems
- Physical and numerical investigations of channel bar response to hydrograph form
- Population persistence of stream fish in response to environmental change: integrating data and models across space
- Potential impacts of climate warming on runoff from snowmelt: a case study of two mountainous basins in the Upper Rio Grande
- Potential impacts of intensive cellulosic biofuel production on water quality and quantity in the Upper Coast Plain, US
- Pre-Launch Phase 1 Calibration and Validation Rehearsal of Geophysical Data Products of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission
- Predicting and adapting to the agricultural impacts of large-scale drought (Invited)
- Predicting forest structure across space and time using lidar and Landsat time series (Invited)
- Process-based modeling of species' responses to climate change - a proof of concept using western North American trees
- Propagation Tests in SnowPilot
- Quantification of the abundance and mean residence time of carbon associated with metal-humus complexes, short-range-order Al and Fe hydroxides, and crystalline Fe oxyhydroxides across a suite of ecosystems
- Quantifying Uncertainty in the Net Hydrologic Flux of Calcium at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA
- Quantifying litter decomposition losses to dissolved organic carbon and respiration
- Quantifying streambed deposition and scour from stream and hyporheic water temperature time series
- Quasi 3D modeling of water flow and solute transport in vadose zone and groundwater
- Rapid Response Tools and Datasets for Post-fire Erosion Modeling: An Online Database to Support Post-fire Erosion Modeling
- Rapid emergence of massive temperature monitoring networks in streams and rivers across North America (Invited)
- Recent Technical Changes to the United States Forest Carbon Inventory
- Reconciling Diurnal Features of Thermal- and Microwave-derived Land Surface Temperature
- Regional climate variability and patterns of urban development - Impacts on the urban water cycle and nutrient export (Invited)
- Relationship of surface fuels to fire radiative energy as estimated from airborne lidar and thermal infrared imaging
- Retrieval of soil moisture using airborne synthetic- and real- aperture radar data at different spatial scales
- Rhizosphere Priming: a Nutrient Perspective
- Role of satellite-derived surface soil moisture retrievals for determining eco-hydrological feedback (Invited)
- SMAP Global Model Calibration Using SMOS Multi-angle Time-series Observations
- Satellite-based water balance of the Nile River basin: a multisensor approach
- Scaling and Pedotransfer in Numerical Simulations of Flow and Transport in Soils
- Seasonal Sources of Carbon Exports in a Headwater Stream
- Secondary Pollutants in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA
- Sediment Mobility in Unconfined Spawning Reaches: With Implications for Climate Change
- Selecting Climate Projections for Public Land Management Decision-making: experiences in the U.S. Forest Service
- Simulated Vegetation Response to Climate Change in California: The Importance of Seasonal Production Patterns
- Simulating stand-level water and carbon fluxes in beetle-attacked conifer forests in the Western U.S
- Simulating the Dependence of Aspen on Redistributed Snow
- Sleuthing for drivers of particulate organic matter chemical fingerprints: Effects of land use history and soil heterogeneity in the winegrape region of Napa, CA
- Sources and Implications of Bias and Uncertainty in a Century of US Wildfire Activity Data
- Sources of uncertainty in nitrous oxide emissions from winter barley biofuel feedstock life cycles
- Spatial Modeling of Dry Ravel in Three Dimensions Development of Ravel RAT: The Ravel Risk Assessment Tool
- Spatial Representativeness of Flux Tower Sites: A Comparison Between Tower and Aircraft Eddy-Covariance Fluxes
- Spatial Variability of Snowpack Fracture Propagation Propensity at the Slope Scale
- Spatially-explicit techniques for earth surface characterization using multi-source and multi-temporal laser scanning data (Invited)
- Spectral Reflectance and Albedo of Snow-Covered Heterogeneous Landscapes in New Hampshire, USA: Comparison of Ground-based, Airborne Hyperspectral, and MODIS Satellite Data
- Stomatal conductance at Duke FACE: Leveraging the lessons from 11 years of scaled sap flux measurements for region-wide analyses
- Successes and challenges on the road to an operational mass and energy balance snow model (Invited)
- Surface - Groundwater Interactions Control Egg-Incubation Temperature Regimes on the Copper River Delta, Alaska: Implications for Understanding Likely Climate Change Impacts
- Taking stock of circumboreal forest carbon by combining inventory plot measurements with airborne and spaceborne LiDAR
- Temperature-driven seasonal and diel variation in soil respiration in a moist subtropical forest in Puerto Rico
- Temporal and spatial variation of factors controlling metabolism and primary productivity in headwater streams
- The Airborne Snow Observatory: fusion of imaging spectrometer and scanning lidar for studies of mountain snow cover (Invited)
- The Ecohydrological Consequences of Woody Plant Encroachment: How Accessibility to Deep Soil Water Resources Affects Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchange
- The Effect of Climate and Management on Carbon Fluxes of Three U.S. Southern Plains Ecosystems
- The NASA/USDA Reservoir and Lake Monitor: Present and Future Capabilities and Water Resources Applications
- The NorWeST Stream Temperature Database, Model, and Climate Scenarios for the Northwest U.S. (Invited)
- The South Fork Experimental Watershed: Soil moisture and precipitation network for satellite validation
- The Tor Vergata Scattering Model Applied to L Band Backscatter During the Corn Growth Cycle
- The US Forest Service Framework for Climate Adaptation (Invited)
- The biophysical controls on tree defense against attacking bark beetles in managed pine forests of the Southeastern United States
- The effect of management on forest carbon fluxes
- The effects of climate variability on the rainfall runoff response of catchments from monthly to annual timescales
- The impact of extreme drought on the biofuel feedstock production
- The impact of variable density forest thinning on snow-cover distribution patterns
- The inextricable link between hillslope scale hydrologic flow paths and soil morphology
- The limits of statistical climate-fire modeling: what goes up must come down
- The relationship between land management, fecal indicator bacteria, and the occurrence of Campylobacter and Listeria spp. in water and sediments during synoptic sampling in the S. Fork Broad River Watershed, N.E. Georgia, U.S.A
- The role of acclimation in scaling GPP from the leaf to the canopy for crops in a changing climate
- Timber harvest effect on soil moisture in the southern Sierra Nevada: Is there a measurable impact?
- Towards a Near Real-Time Satellite-Based Flux Monitoring System for the MENA Region
- Towards improving the NASA standard soil moisture retrieval algorithm and product
- Towards integrated error estimation and lag-aware data assimilation for operational streamflow forecasting
- Tracing industrial ammonium in atmospheric deposition in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada
- Tracking Fallow Land in California Using USDA's Cropland Data Layer
- Transport pathways of nitrogen and phosphorus in tile-drained cranberry farms
- Tropical forest phosphorus cycling under a changing precipitation regime
- Turbulence structures associated with fire-atmosphere interactions
- US Forest Disturbance Rates Observed from Landsat
- Uncertainty in Wildfire Behavior
- Understanding atmospheric and landscape level drivers of peak flow variability in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Understanding uncertainty in process-based hydrological models
- Using Airborne Microwave Remotely Sensed Root-Zone Soil Moisture and Flux Measurements to Improve Regional Predictions of Carbon Fluxes in a Terrestrial Biosphere Model
- Using CMIP5 results with linearized impacts models, and superensemble regional climate modeling, to quantify uncertainty in regional climate impacts (Invited)
- Using Nitrate Isotopes to Distinguish Pathways along which Unprocessed Atmospheric Nitrate is Transported through Forests to Streams
- Using Storage/Discharge Relationships to Assess Functional Differences between Catchment Types
- Using Time Series of Landsat, MODIS, and Ground Measurements to Characterize and Quantify the Sensitivity of Temperate Forest Phenology to Climate Change (Invited)
- Using a detailed uncertainty analysis to adjust mapped rates of forest disturbance derived from Landsat time series data (Invited)
- Using a sediment budget to understand geomorphic response following dam removal
- Using ground truth-validated, large-scale airborne Lidar to assess the accuracy of the SNODAS hydrological model in complex terrain
- Using stable isotopes to characterize differential depth of water uptake based on environmental conditions in perennial biofuel and traditional annual crops
- Using the Eddy Covariance Method, Chambers, and Box Modeling to Characterize Spatial and Temporal Trends in Greenhouse Gas Emissions over a Barley Field in the Inland Pacific Northwest
- Utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Rangeland Resources Monitoring in a Changing Regulatory Environment (Invited)
- Utilizing Multi-Sensor Data Products and high-resolution flood model in Analyzing North African Hydrological Processes
- Validating a novel lidar distributional approach for forest floor fuel load mapping: Eastern hardwoods vs. western spruce-fir environments
- Validating the soil observations from two USCRN stations with a dense temporary network
- Variable conductivity and embolism in roots, trunks and branches of tree species growing under future atmospheric CO2 concentration (DUKE FACE site): impacts on whole-plant hydraulic performance and carbon assimilation
- Varying likelihood of Megafire across space and time in the western contiguous United States
- VegScape: U.S. Crop Condition Monitoring Service
- What's so critical about the critical zone?: New insights at the boundaries between hydrology, pedology, geomorphology, rocks and life (Invited)
- Which are more accurate, orthogonal or non-orthogonal sonic anemometers?
- Wildfire Decision Making Under Uncertainty
- Winds of change: How will windstorms and forest harvesting affect C cycling in northern MN under different climate scenarios?
- a Standardized Approach to Topographic Data Processing and Workflow Management
- δ13C in aspen tree-rings using a long-term soil moisture record
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> century U.S. climate in CMIP5 experiments and its impacts on water yield
- 3D Observations of Dispersion, Mixing and Reaction in Heterogeneous Rocks
- A Cold Rain-on-Snow Event in a Canadian Rockies Alpine Catchment: Characteristics and Modelling
- A Contextual Classification Approach for Remote Sensing Image Classification of Hyperspatial Imagery
- A Framework for Long-term Monitoring and Research for Agricultural Sustainability in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- A Global Classification of Contemporary Fire Regimes
- A New Severity Rating System for Evaluating and Predicting the Impacts of a Nonnative Invasive Forest Insect on Two Pacific Northwest Fir Species
- A Quarter-Century U.S. Forest Disturbance History Mapped from Landsat
- A Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model for Developing Ecological Site Descriptions
- A Successful Example of Transitioning Research to NCEP Operations: The North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
- A Tale of Two Forests: Simulating Contrasting Lodgepole Pine and Spruce Forest Water and Carbon Fluxes Following Mortality from Bark Beetles
- A UAS-based remote sensing platform for crop water stress detection
- A Unified and Coherent Land Surface Emissivity Earth System Data Record
- A Unified and Coherent Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity (LST&E) Earth System Data Record (ESDR) for Earth Science Research
- A University-Level Curriculum in Climate Change for SE Asia and the Asian Pacific
- A comparison of modeling schemes for mapping daily evapotranspiration at high resolution using remote sensing
- A simple method for assessing available weather data quality for site specific nutrient management
- Adaptation Forestry in Minnesota's Northwoods
- Adapting Natural Resource Management to Climate Change: The Blue Mountains and Northern Rockies Adaptation Partnerships
- Airborne In-Situ Trace Gas Measurements of Multiple Wildfires in California (2013-2014)
- An Emerging Role for Numerical Modelling in Wildfire Behavior Research: Explorations, Explanations, and Hypothesis Development
- An agronomic field-scale sensor network for monitoring soil water and temperature variation
- An improved high-throughput method for p-nitrophenol based enzyme assays to aid soil ecology studies
- Analysis of field-sampled, in-situ network, and PALS airborne soil moisture observations over SMAPVEX12
- Antarctic surface temperature and sea ice biases in coupled climate models linked with cloud and land surface properties
- Applying shape selection methods to Landsat time series for mapping forest disturbance history and cause
- Assessing Forest Carbon Response to Climate Change and Disturbances Using Long-term Hydro-climatic Observations and Simulations
- Assessing Impacts of Disturbances and Climate Change on Carbon Stocks in Mexican Semidry Forests of the Yucatan Peninsula
- Assessing Phenological Controls on Carbon and Water Fluxes Using a Process-based Ecohydrological Model Incorporating Field Observations and Remote Sensing Data
- Assessing Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Fire-Affected Pinus Palustris Forests
- Assessing and correcting spatial representativeness of tower eddy-covariance flux measurements
- Assessing the Influence of Mineral Surface Chemistry on Soil Organic Matter Stability in the US in Response to Climate Change
- Assessing the cumulative effect of the weather variability on wetlands and the hydrological connection between wetlands and downstream waters
- Assessing the effectiveness of winter cover crop on nitrate reduction in two-paired sub-basins on the Coastal Plain of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Assessment of Hydrologic Impacts of Snowdrift in a Snow Dominated Watershed
- Assimilating Multiple Data Types in the Community Land Model (CLM) for Deciduous Forests in North America
- Assimilation of Synchronous and Asynchronous Active/Passive Microwave Observations at Different Spatial Scales for Improved Soil Moisture and Crop Growth
- Biofilm Formation and Adaptation by Pseudomonas fluorescens on both Biotite and Glass Coupons Under Varying Fe-Nutrient Availability
- Biosphere-Atmosphere Fluxes in Complex Terrain: Challenges and Opportunities
- Black Carbon Emissions from Fires in Northern Eurasia from 2002 to 2012
- Black carbon and particulate matter optical properties from agricultural residue burning in the Pacific Northwest United States
- Building Capacity for a Long-Term, in-Situ, National-Scale Phenology Monitoring Network: Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned
- Building a model to predict megafires using a machine learning approach.
- CELiS (Compact Eyesafe Lidar System), a portable 1.5 μm elastic lidar system for rapid aerosol concentration measurement: Part 2, Retrieval of Particulate Matter Concentration
- Capturing field-scale variability in crop performance across a regional-scale climosequence
- Carbon Balance in an Irrigated Corn Field after Inorganic Fertilizer or Manure Application
- Catchment streamflow response to climate change conditioned by historic alterations of land-use: forest harvest, succession, and stand conversion.
- Challenges in Alpine Watershed Modeling Associated with Q Similarity to the P - Q - ET Residual
- Change of flooding patterns in the upper Amazon as a consequence of river regime change, a case study of Iquitos city
- Characterizing Soil Organic Matter Degradation Levels in Permafrost-affected Soils using Infrared Spectroscopy
- Climate Change Effects on Treeline Communty Dynamics in Basin and Range Mountains
- Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security in 2050 under a Range of Plausible Socioeconomic and Emissions Scenarios
- Combined Use of Active and Passive Remote Sensing for Mapping Distribution and Biomass of Coastal Mangroves
- Combining Long-Term Watershed Monitoring at Buck Creek with Spatially Extensive Ecosystem Data to Understand the Processes of Acid Rain Effects and Recovery
- Composition and mean residence time of soil organic matter eroded from temperate, forested catchments: implications for erosion-induced carbon sequestration
- Concentrations and export of phosphorus during the cranberry harvest flood
- Contaminant Sources in Stream Water of a Missouri Claypan Watershed
- Contemporary Subsoil Carbon Accumulation During Reforestation is Conditioned by Long-term, Coupled C-Fe Cycling in Upland Soils
- Controls on Shallow Landslide Area, Depth, and Shape
- Cost-Effective Fuel Treatment Planning
- Daily High Spatial Resolution Evapotranspiration Estimation Using Multi-Satellite Data Fusion Approach in Agricultural and Forested Sites in the U.S.
- Data Mining Approach for Evaluating Vegetation Dynamics in Earth System Models (ESMs) Using Satellite Remote Sensing Products
- Daycent Model Development and Testing Using High Frequency N<SUB>2</SUB>o Sampling Data
- Decoupling Scale Effects and Natural Variability to Develop Pedotransfer Functions for Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
- Deriving Daily Time Series Evapotranspiration, Evaporation and Transpiration Maps With Landsat Data
- Design, implementation and hydrologic evaluation of a snow-measurement network using wireless sensors in the American River basin of California
- Designing Forest Adaptation Experiments through Manager-Scientist Partnerships
- Detecting and Tracking Shifts in National Vegetation Composition,Including Donors and Recipients, Across the MODIS Era
- Developing a Pilot Indicator System for U.S. Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Responses
- Developing and Validating a Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index
- Diagnosing Soil Moisture Anomalies and Neglected Soil Moisture Source/Sink Processes via a Thermal Infrared-based Two-Source Energy Balance Model
- Diel patterns of soil respiration in a moist subtropical forest: key drivers and future research needs
- Different responses to the 2011 drought between native- and exotic-dominated experimental communities in Texas
- Distribution of Near-Surface Permafrost in Alaska: Estimates of Present and Future Conditions
- Dynamic Downslope Travel Distance Modeling: Interflow Modeling from Bottom of Slope Upwards
- Dynamic Response of Plant Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Light, Water and Nutrient Availability
- ENSO and Multi-Decadal 'trends' in Terrestrial Evaporation
- Ecosystem and Community Responses to Rainfall Manipulations in Shrublands Depends on Dominant Vegetation Cover
- Effects of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Warming on Plant Productivity, Soil Moisture, and Plant Water-Relations in a Semi-Arid Grassland
- Effects of Nonnative Ungulate Removal on Plant Communities and Soil Biogeochemistry in Tropical Forests
- Effects of Surface and Subsurface Bed Material Composition on Gravel Transport and Flow Competence Relations—Possibilities for Prediction
- Effects of Wildfires and Fuel Treatment Strategies on Watershed Water Quantity across the Contiguous United States
- Elemental and Isotopic Perspectives on the Impact of Mycorrhizal Fungi on Mineral Weathering Across Imposed Geologic Gradients
- Elevation, Substrate, & Climate effects on Alpine & Sub-Alpine Plant Distribution in California & Nevada's High Mountains: Preliminary Data from the California and Nevada GLORIA Project
- Elucidating effects of atmospheric deposition and peat decomposition processes on mercury accumulation rates in a northern Minnesota peatland over last 10,000 cal years
- Empirical evidence for multi-scaled controls on wildfire size distributions in California
- Ensemble Integration of Forest Disturbance Maps for the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Environmental impacts on the evapotranspiration of an water limited and heterogeneous Mediterranean ecosystem.
- Equilibrium and Kinetic Models for Colloid Release Under Transient Solution Chemistry Conditions
- Erosion and Sedimentation from the Bagley Fire, Eastern Klamath Mountains, Northern CA
- Estimating National Trends in Soil Organic Carbon Stocks for US Agricultural Lands Using Large Datasets
- Estimating Phosphorus Loss at the Whole-Farm Scale with User-Friendly Models
- Estimating flow concentration and sediment redistribution in shrub-dominated rangeland communities
- Estimating pre-fire biomass for the 2013 California Rim Fire using airborne LiDAR and Landsat data
- Evaluating Mesoscale Numerical Weather Predictions and Spatially Distributed Meteorologic Forcing Data for Developing Accurate SWE Forecasts over Large Mountain Basins
- Evaluating Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration over Cotton with Two Surface Energy Balance Models
- Evaluating uncertainties in nitrous oxide emission inventories with multi-scale observations for an agriculture-dominated region
- Evaluation of Two Soil Water Redistribution Models (Finite Difference and Hourly Cascade Approach) Through The Comparison of Continuous field Sensor-Based Measurements
- Evapotranspiration Measurement and Estimation: Weighing Lysimeter and Neutron Probe Based Methods Compared with Eddy Covariance
- Evapotranspiration and surface energy balance across an agricultural-urban landscape gradient in Southern California, USA.
- Evolving Human Alteration of the Carbon Cycle: the Watershed Continuum
- Exploring the use of physically based evaporative demand anomalies to improve seasonal drought prediction
- Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Change Detection Around the Country (and the World)
- Field-Scale Partitioning of Ecosystem Respiration Components Suggests Carbon Stabilization in a Bioenergy Grass Ecosystem
- Forest fuel treatment detection using multi-temporal airborne Lidar data and high resolution aerial imagery ---- A case study at Sierra Nevada, California
- From Data to Knowledge — Faster: GOES Early Fire Detection System to Inform Operational Wildfire Response and Management
- Future Tree Effects on Air Quality and Human Health in the United States
- Global Fire emissions and its impacts on terrestrial ecosystem carbon budget from 1901 to 2010
- Grain Packing Resistance to Particle Mobility
- Growing Degree Vegetation Production Index (GDVPI): A Novel and Data-Driven Approach to Delimit Season Cycles
- High Spatial Resolution Soil Moisture with Passive Active Sensors Using a Change Detection Approach: Studies Using SMAPVEX12 Data
- How Much Water is in That Snowpack? Improving Basin-wide Snow Water Equivalent Estimates from the Airborne Snow Observatory
- How Much of US Dryland's Carbon Stocks Is Being Appropriated By Commercial Grazing Livestock?
- How Seasonal Drought Affect Carbon and Water Fluxes of Alternative Energy Crops in the US?
- How do changes in dissolved oxygen concentration influence microbially-controlled phosphorus cycling in stream biofilms?
- How does Wildfire Severity Influence Soil Black Carbon in a Minnesota Boreal Forest?
- Hydrologic Impacts of Fuel-Reduction Treatments in the Hat and Burney Creek Basin
- Hydrologic Response and Recovery to Prescribed Fire and Vegetation Removal in a Small Rangeland Catchment
- Hydrologic-Based Soil Texture Classification
- Hydrological and landscape controls on the chemical response of lakes in northern Wisconsin to environmental pressures
- I-Tree Temperature: An Object Oriented Model on Urban Microclimate Simulation
- Identification of Arctic transport potential within the Northern Hemisphere based on an analysis of trajectories, 1979-2009
- Impact of Forest Management on Future Forest Carbon Storage in Alaska Coastal Forests
- Impact of Years of Enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program on Depth of Rain Infiltration
- Impacts of climate and land use change on future water resources in the Yadkin River Basin, North Carolina
- Impacts of climate change on large forest wildfire of Washington and Oregon
- Implementing a Web-Based Decision Support System to Spatially and Statistically Analyze Ecological Conditions of the Sierra Nevada
- Implementing the Remotely Sensed Evaporative Stress Index Globally Using MODIS Day/Night Land-surface Temperatures
- Improving Indonesian peatland C stock estimates using ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity imaging (ERI)
- Improving and validating 3D models for the leaf energy balance in canopy-scale problems with complex geometry
- Influence of landscape features on variation of δ<SUP>2</SUP>H and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in seasonal mountain snowpack
- Integrated Cropland and Grassland Flux Tower Observation Sites over Grazinglands for Quantifying Surface-Atmosphere Exchange
- Integrating Hydrological Effects of Wildland Fire into Strategic Landscape Planning
- Inter-Comparison of Soil Moisture Data Products from Satellite Remote Sensing and Land Surface Modeling
- Interagency collaboration in the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains: Federal-university climate service networks for producing actionable information for climate change adaptation
- Intercomparison of Remote Sensing Models for Estimating Actual Daily and Seasonal Evapotranspiration
- Investigating fire emissions and smoke transport during the Summer of 2013 using an operational smoke modeling system and chemical transport model
- Is Lake Tahoe Terminal?
- Land-atmosphere interaction effect on convective available potential energy during the initiation of moist convection
- Landscape Characterization and RepresentativenessAnalysis for Understanding Sampling Network Coverage
- Large-eddy Advection in Evapotranspiration Estimates from an Array of Eddy Covariance Towers
- Linking Fine-Scale Observations and Model Output with Imagery at Multiple Scales
- Linking ecosystem services with state-and-transition models to evaluate rangeland management decisions
- Local Contributors and Predictability of Flash Drought at the Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST) During 2012
- Long-Term Network Experiments and Interdisciplinary Campaigns Conducted by the USDA-Agricultural Research Service
- Long-Term Precipitation Isotope Ratios (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>2</SUP>H, d-excess) in the Northeast US Reflect Atlantic Ocean Warming and Shifts in Moisture Sources
- Long-Term Trends in DOC Concentrations and Fluxes in a Southern Appalachian Headwater Stream
- Long-term Patterns of Climate, Tree Growth, and Tree Mortality in Permanent Forest Plots of Hawaii Island
- Long-term Trends in Particulate Organic Carbon from a Low-Gradient Autotrophic Watershed
- MODIS NDVI Change Detection Techniques and Products Used in the Near Real Time Forwarn System for Detecting, Monitoring, and Analyzing Regional Forest Disturbances
- Mangrove Canopy Height and Biomass Estimations by means of Pol-InSAR Techniques
- Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley
- Mapping Fuel Load and Its Dynamics in Shrubland and Grassland Using eMODIS Data
- Mapping rice in the USA with Earth Observations in real time
- Mapping standing dead trees (snags) in the aftermath of the 2013 Rim Fire using airborne LiDAR data.
- Mapping starting zone snow depth with a ground-based LiDAR to improve avalanche control and forecasting
- Maximizing the Use of Satellite Thermal Infrared Data for Advancing Land Surface Temperature Analysis
- Measurements of Ozone Precursors in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Modeling Root Exudation, Priming and Protection in Soil Carbon Responses to Elevated CO<SUB>2 </SUB>from Ecosystem to Global Scales
- Modeling the Emission, Transport, and Dispersion of Post-wildfire Dust from Western Sagebrush Landscapes within a Regional Air Quality Framework
- Modeling the Impacts of Historic Climate Change and Extreme Droughts on Water Yield and Productivity of National Forests over the Conterminous U.S
- Modeling the effect of urban infrastructure on hydrologic processes within i-Tree Hydro, a statistically and spatially distributed model
- Monitoring Crop Phenology and Growth Stages from Space: Opportunities and Challenges
- Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration in California Vineyards Using Landsat 8
- Monitoring Sediment Size Distributions in a Regulated Gravel-Bed Coastal Stream
- Multi-Scale Soil Moisture Monitoring and Modeling at ARS Watersheds for NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Calibration/Validation Mission
- Multi-Scale Variations in Streamwater Chemistry and Hydropedological Implications for Hotspot Development
- Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Clustering: A Framework for Integrating Disparate Data to Understand Network Representativeness and Scaling Up Sparse Ecosystem Measurements
- N2O Emissions in Southeastern Amazonia: The Effect of Agricultural Intensification
- NH<SUB>3</SUB> Emission from Fertilizer Application: A Collaborative Study in the Midwestern U.S.
- National Geospatial Data Asset Lifecycle Baseline Maturity Assessment for the Federal Geographic Data Committee
- Natural and Human-induced Disturbances and Their Impacts on Forest Carbon Budgets in North America
- Naturally Ocurring Polyphosphate-accumulating Bacteria in Benthic Biofilms
- Never Trust Anyone Over 30: Mitigation Strategies for Adapting to Three Decades of Persistent Degassing at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- New steady-state models for water-limited cropping systems using saline irrigation waters: Analytical solutions and applications
- Nitrous Oxide: A Greenhouse Gas That is Also an Ozone Layer Depleting Gas
- Nitrous oxide emissions from streams within the US Corn Belt scale with stream order
- Northern Forest DroughtNet: A New Framework to Understand Impacts of Precipitation Change on the Northern Forest Ecosystem
- Optical Polarization of Light from a Sorghum Canopy Measured under both a Clear and an Overcast Sky
- Optical Sensing of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes Combining Spectral Reflectance Indices with Solar Induced Fluorescence
- PALS (Passive Active L-band System) Radiometer-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval for the SMAP Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12)
- Partitioning Sources of Water Vapor Flux to the Atmosphere from a Subalpine Forest during Spring Snowmelt
- Partitioning evapotranspiration via continuous sampling of water vapor isotopes over common row crops and candidate biofuel crops.
- Past and Prospective Carbon Stocks of United States Forests: Implications for Research Priorities and Mitigation Policies
- Performance Of Bathymetric Lidar On Flow Properties Predicted With A 2-Dimensional Hydraulic Model
- Phosphorus and Nitrogen Co-Limit Global Grassland Productivity
- Photosynthetic Carbon Isotope Discrimination Increases with Elevated CO2 in a Grassland Ecosystem
- Plant Community Change Mediates the Response of Foliar δ<SUP>15</SUP> Nitrogen to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment in Mesic Grasslands
- Predicted Megafire Locations under Future Climate Scenarios in the Contiguous United States
- Predicting watershed sediment yields after wildland fire with the InVEST sediment retention model at large geographic extent in the western USA: accuracy and uncertainties
- Predominant Environmental Factors Controlling and Predicting Phenological Seasonality Across the CONUS over the Last Decade
- Prescribed Fire Effects on Runoff, Erosion, and Soil Water Repellency on Steeply-Sloped Sagebrush Rangeland over a Five Year Period
- Preserving Our Homeland: A Collaboration to Connect Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Mashpee Wampanoag Youth
- Quantifying Fast and Slow Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Exchange across a Water Availability Gradient in North American Flux Sites
- Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Variability of Methane Emissions from a Complex Area Source: Case Study of a Central Indiana Landfill
- Quantifying the Distribution and Landscape Controls of Peatlands and Organic Layer Thickness within Alaska
- Quantifying the Influence of Biomass Burning on Measurement Sites in the Western U.S.
- RHESSys-WMFire: coupling wildfire to hydrology and vegetation to project the effects of climate change on mountain watersheds.
- Rapid Water Uptake and Limited Storage Capacity at Height of Growing Season in Four Temperate Tree Species in a Central Pennsylvania Catchment
- Recent Results of Ambient Ozone Monitoring in Southern Sierra Nevada and White Mountains, California
- Recruitment Patterns and Mature-Tree Growth Response of High-Elevation Pines to Climatic Variability, 1883-2013, Western Great Basin, USA
- Reducing Uncertainty and Increasing Consistency: Recent Technical Improvements to the 2015 United States Forest Carbon Inventory
- Regional Mapping of Coupled Fluxes of Carbon and Water Using Multi-Sensor Fusion Techniques
- Relating Observations of Natural Wind Erosion Events with Field Wind Tunnel Measurements
- Relationships Between Long-term Atmospheric Wet Deposition and Stream Chemistry in Mid-Appalachian Forest Catchments
- Remote sensing in support of high-resolution terrestrial carbon monitoring and modeling
- Response of Forest Phenology, Evapotranspiration, and Net Ecosystem Exchange to Climatic Drivers in a Southern Appalachian Forest
- Rising Mean Annual Temperature Increases Carbon Flux and Alters Partitioning, but Does Not Change Ecosystem Carbon Storage in Hawaiian Tropical Montane Wet Forest
- River Restoration by Dam Removal: Assessing Riverine Re-Connectivity Across New England
- SMAP Global Model Calibration Using SMOS Time-Series Observations
- Salmon Spawning Effects on Streambed Stability
- Scaling Surface Fluxes from Tower Footprint to Global Model Pixel Scale Using Multi-Satellite Data Fusion
- Scanning L Band Active Passive Validation Experiment 2013
- Science-based Forest Management in an Era of Climate Change
- Searching for hot spots and hot moments of soil denitrification in northern hardwood forests
- Seasonal shifts in satellite time series portend vegetation state change - verification using long-term data in an arid grassland ecosyste
- Sensitivity of Alpine Snow and Streamflow Regimes to Climate Changes
- Simply active, or contributing too? Investigating the hydrologic connectivity of shallow water tables in a headwater catchment.
- Simulated Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology of Multiple Watersheds Using Traditional and Recommended Snowmelt Runoff Model Methodology
- Simulated Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer on Throughfall and Stemflow Inputs of Water and Nitrogen in Black Ash Wetlands in Northern Michigan
- Simulating Climate, Fire, and Management Influences on Forest Carbon Dynamics in Single- and Multi-Species Forests of the Southwestern and Southeastern US
- Simulating Pacific Northwest Forest Response to Climate Change: How We Made Model Results Useful for Vulnerability Assessments
- Simulating Sustainable P Management Practices in Tile-Drained Landscapes of Central Ohio Using the Agricultural Policy Environmental Extender (APEX)
- Simulating the Influence of Urban Trees and Green Infrastructure on Ecosystem Services
- Site Level Climate Downscaling for Forecasting Water Balance Stress and Reslience of Acadian Boreal Trees
- Soil Carbon Variability and Change Detection in the Forest Inventory Analysis Database of the United States
- Sonic Anemometer Vertical Wind Speed Measurement Errors
- Spatially and Temporally Refined Sources of Black Carbon Aerosols in the Arctic in spring
- Studying dissolved organic carbon export from the Penobscot Watershed in to Gulf of Maine using Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System (RHESSys)
- Sulfur Speciation in Peat: a Time-zero Signature for the " Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Climate and Environmental Change" Experiment
- Surface Ozone in the Lake Tahoe Basin
- Temperature and Microbial Activity Effects on Soil Carbon Stabilization
- Temporal Changes in Drought Indices Provide Early Warning of Drought Development over Sub-Seasonal Time Scales
- Terrestrial and stream chemical linkages reveal extent of rock weathering in the perhumid coastal temperate rainforest of Alaska.
- Testing the Addition of Topographic Features for Field Scale Infiltration Excess Water Quality Modeling in SWAT
- The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool (AGWA): Developing Post-Fire Model Parameters Using Precipitation and Runoff Records from Gauged Watersheds
- The Construction and Examination of historical Fuel Moisture Parameters across Southern California
- The Coupling of Ecosystem Productivity and Water Availability in Dryland Regions
- The Elephant in the Room: Spatial Heterogeneity and the Uncertainty of Measurements and Models
- The Impact of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Plant Production Responses to Drought: A Model-Data Comparison at Four US FACE Sites.
- The Importance of Permafrost Thaw, Fire and Logging Disturbances as Driving Factors of Historical and Projected Carbon Dynamics in Alaskan Ecosystems
- The Influence of Downscaling Models and Observations on Future Hydrochemistry Reponses of Forest Watersheds
- The Influence of Fuelbed Physical Properties on Biomass Burning Emissions
- The Joint Fire Science Program Fire Exchange Network: Facilitating Knowledge Exchange About Wildland Fire Science Across the U.S.
- The NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Demonstration Mission 2
- The NDVI: Back to Basics
- The Need for Modernized Operational Snow Models: A Tale of Two Years
- The Seasonal Water Cycle over the India Subcontinent Indicated in the Correlated Analysis of Aquarius, GRACE and River Discharge Data
- The Sensitivity of Mountain Snowcovers to Temperature, Humidity, and Phase Change in a Warming Climate
- The USDA-ARS Experimental Watershed Network - Evolution and Lessons Learned
- The Use of Cover Crops as Climate-Smart Management in Midwest Cropping Systems
- Towards Generating Long-term AMSR-based Soil Moisture Data Record
- Transducer Shadowing Explains Observed Underestimates in Vertical Wind Velocity from Non-orthogonal Sonic Anemometers
- Transport of Black Carbon Across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface Following Wildfire: Contributions of Short and Long-term Controls
- Trends and Sensitivities of Low Streamflow Extremes in Pacific Northwest
- Two-source energy balance model implementation in the Alaska Arctic tundra
- U.S. Forest Service Leads Climate Change Adaptation in the Western United States
- USDA Biochar Research: Land Application Advances to Reap Its Multifunctional Abilities
- USDA Southwest Regional Hub for Adaptation to and Mitigation of Climate Change
- Uncertainties in forest soil carbon and nitrogen estimates related to soil sampling methods in the Delaware River Basin
- Uncertanity Analysis in Parameter Estimation of Coupled Bacteria-Sediment Fate and Transport in Streams
- Understanding moisture stress on light-use efficiency based on MODIS and global flux tower data
- Understanding the Role of Controls on the Timing of Daily Streamflow Peak and its Seasonal Variation
- Unexpectedly High Methane Emissions through Black Ash Lenticels in Forest Wetlands of Northern Michigan
- Unraveling the Complex Drivers of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Flux in Permafrost Soils
- Urban Forest Ecosystem Service Optimization, Tradeoffs, and Disparities
- Urban Land Use Change Effects on Below and Aboveground Carbon Stocks—a Global Perspective and Future Research Needs
- Use of Land Surface Temperature Observations in a Two-Source Energy Balance Model Towards Improved Monitoring of Evapotranspiration and Drought
- Use of Sharpened Land Surface Temperature for Daily Evapotranspiration Estimation over Irrigated Crops in Arid Lands
- Use of isotopically-tagged isolates of E. coli for tracking bacterial movement in karst environments
- Using High Resolution Model Data to Improve Lightning Forecasts across Southern California
- Using High-Resolution Field Measurements to Model Dune Kinematics in a Large Elongate Meander Bend.
- Using LiDAR to Estimate Surface Erosion Volumes within the Post-storm 2012 Bagley Fire
- Using Microwave Observations to Estimate Land Surface Temperature during Cloudy Conditions
- Using NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) to develop annual US Forest Disturbance products
- Using NPMR to forecast fire season severity for the state of Oregon
- Using TimeSync and a New Statistical Method to Validate a Forest Disturbance Model
- Using aircraft eddy-covariance measurements to examine the spatial heterogeneity of CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange above three temperate forests
- Using regional-scale LiDAR surveys to validate operational snow models
- Utility of a Thermal-Based Two-Source Energy Balance Model for Estimating Surface Fluxes over a Wide Variety of Landscapes
- Utility of a Two-source Energy Balance Approach for Daily Mapping of Landsat-scale Fluxes Over Irrigated Agriculture in a Desert Environment
- Validation of in Situ Networks Via Field Sampling: Case Study in the South Fork Experimental Watershed
- Variation in forest biomass change highlights regional differences in forest succession in the Pacific Northwest, USA.
- Variations in canopy and litter interception across a forest chronosequence in the southern Appalachian Mountains
- Version 5 of Forecasts; Forecasts of Climate-Associated Shifts in Tree Species
- Visualizing the Stability of Char: Molecular- to Micron-scale Observations of Char Incubated in a Tropical Soil
- Water Quality and Supply Issues of Irrigated Agricultural Regions - Lessons from the San Joaquin Valley of California
- Water Table and Soil Gas Emission Responses to Disturbance in Northern Forested Wetlands
- Water and Solute Connectivity in Northern Peatlands of Minnesota; Assessing How Hydrological Connectivity Affects Solute Yields from Peatland Catchments and Responds to Climate Change
- Weighting Nitrogen and Phosphorus Export Coefficients to Represent Runoff and Trapping Likelihoods
- When a Refuge is No More: Higher than Expected Wildfire Severity in Historical Forest Refugia
- Where No (Observed) Forest has Gone Before: New Patterns in Forest Response to Climate Change and Variability
- Why has streamflow in a northern Idaho creek increased while flows from many other watersheds in the US Pacific Northwest have decreased over the past sixty years?
- Why is SMOS Drier than the South Fork In-situ Soil Moisture Network?
- Widespread climate-driven increases in global wildfire season length (1979-2013) and potential carbon cycle feedbacks
- Wildfire Risk Management: Challenges and Opportunities
- 20 Years of Developing Capacity for Action-Oriented Collaborative Regional Research in the Asia-Pacific Region
- 62129 - HyspIRI and ECOSTRESS
- A Bayesian model to estimate the true 3-D shadowing correction in sonic anemometers
- A Comparison of Eddy Covariance and Static Vented Chamber Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Flux in Mid-South US Rice
- A Comparison of Three Millennial-Length Streamflow Reconstructions from Tree Rings Along a North-South Gradient Straddling the ENSO Dipole Transition Zone
- A Data-Driven Approach to Assess Coastal Vulnerability: Machine Learning from Hurricane Sandy
- A Multi-Year Comparison of No-Till Versus Conventional-Till Effects on the Carbon Balance in a Corn/Soybean Agro-Ecosystem Using Eddy Covariance
- A Satellite Driven Real-time Forecasting Platform in the Upper Zambezi Basin: A Multi-model Comparison
- A Simple Statistical Model for Estimating Evapotranspiration of Tallgrass Prairies in the Central United States Using MODIS Data
- A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies.
- A hydrometeorological dataset across the rain-to-snow transition at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Idaho.
- A novel land surface-hydrologic-sediment dynamics model for stream corridor conservation assessment and its first application
- AERO: A Decision Support Tool for Wind Erosion Assessment in Rangelands and Croplands
- Aboveground Biomass Modeling from Field and LiDAR Data in Brazilian Amazon Tropical Rain Forest
- Accurately constraining surface soil moisture/evapotranspiration coupling using ground observations and satellite remote sensing
- Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources
- Adapting natural resource management to climate change: The South Central Oregon and Northern Rockies Adaptation Partnerships
- Advances in regional crop yield estimation over the United States using satellite remote sensing data
- Advances in the Two Source Energy Balance (TSEB) model using very high resolution remote sensing data in vineyards
- Aeolian transport of biota with dust: A wind tunnel experiment
- Aerosol emissions from biochar-amended agricultural soils
- Agro-Ecosystem Research Results with Big Data and a Modified Scientific Method
- Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview
- Alternate Wetting and Drying as an Effective Management Practice to Reduce Methane in Arkansas Rice Production
- An Induced Infiltration and Groundwater Transfer Project to Enhance Recharge in the Lower Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer: Modeling and Analysis
- Application and Evaluation of a Snow Energy and Mass Balance Distributed Model in the Merced and Tuolumne River Watersheds of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Application of Ca stable isotopes to long-term changes in the Ca cycle of a Northern Hardwood forest
- Applications of Advanced Technology for Monitoring Forest Carbon to Support Climate Change Mitigation
- Arctic Deposition of Black Carbon from Fires in Northern Eurasia from 2002 to 2013
- Assessing and Synthesizing the Last Decade of Research on the Major Pools and Fluxes of the Carbon Cycle in the US and North America: An Interagency Governmental Perspective
- Assessing the Dynamic Effects of Climate on Individual Tree Growth Across Time and Space
- Assessing the Performance of Large Scale Green Roofs and Their Impact on the Urban Microclimate
- Assessment of Measurement Uncertainty by Incorporating IPEAT and SWAT
- Assessments of Regional Climate Change and Land-Cover Change Impacts on Fire Weather in the United States
- Bark Beetle-Induced Mortality Impacts on Forest Biogeochemical Cycles are Less than Expected
- Biochar and Mill Ash Use as Soil Amendments to Grow Sugarcane in Sandy Soils of South Florida
- Biochar soil amendments as a tool for climate change adaptation in PNW agriculture
- Biogeochemical Hotspots in Shallow to Bedrock Zones: Sources of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in the Appalachian Mountain Region of the Eastern USA.
- Black-backed woodpecker habitat suitability mapping using conifer snag basal area estimated from airborne laser scanning
- Blind Inlet as a Possible Technology for the Remediation of Phosphorus from Surface Runoff
- Bridging Multiple Lines Of Evidence To Quantify Plant Phenology And Assess Links To Dryland Ecosystem Function
- Calibration of Noah soil hydraulic property parameters using surface soil moisture from SMOS and basin-wide in situ observations
- Can Viral Videos Help Beaver Restore Streams?
- Candidate perennial bioenergy grasses have a higher albedo than annual row crops
- Carbon and Water Fluxes of Crops Exposed to the Sequence of Naturally Occurring Heat Stress, Drought and Freezing
- Cascading Impacts of Longwave Radiation Uncertainty on Modeled Snowmelt and Summer Evapotranspiration at Mountain Research Sites
- Change of Tree-ring δ13C, δ18O and Water Use Efficiency of Loblolly Pine in Southeastern US in Response to Drought
- Changes in Amazon Forest Structure and Canopy Illumination from Multi-temporal Lidar Data
- Characterizing Runoff and Water Yield from Headwater Catchments in the Southern Sierra Nevada
- Characterizing Soil Organic Carbon Recalcitrance in Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill) Stands
- Characterizing hydrological hazards and trends with the NASA South Asia Land Data Assimilation System
- Characterizing organic matter lability in Alaskan tundra soils using mid-infrared spectroscopy
- Characterizing the Source Water for Montane Meadows to Assess Resiliency under Changing Hydroclimatic Condition
- Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System
- Climate Change and the Water Cycle: A New Southwest Regional Climate Hub Curriculum Unit for 6<SUP>th</SUP>-12<SUP>th</SUP> Grade Students
- Climate Responses to Changes in Land-surface Properties due to Wildfires
- Climate and Vegetation Effects on Temperate Mountain Forest Evapotranspiration
- Climate change increases soil C losses from a corn-soy ecosystem
- Combining ground-based measurements and satellite-based spectral vegetation indices to track biomass accumulation in post-fire chaparral
- Coming of Age: Polarization as a Probe of Plant Canopy Water Status
- Competition for light and water increases tree carbon allocation to fine roots and leaves in a next-generation dynamic vegetation model
- Connecting Stakeholders and Climate Science: A Summary of Farmer, Rancher, and Forester Climate Data Needs and Climate Change Attitudes
- Consistency analysis of the water cycle from recently derived satellite products
- Constraining Annual Water Balance Estimates with Basin-Scale Observations from the Airborne Snow Observatory during the Current Californian Drought
- Constraining soil C cycling with strategic, adaptive action for data and model reporting
- Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) and Carbon Dioxide Isotopes to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchanges
- Contrasting the patterns of aspen forest and sagebrush shrubland gross ecosystem exchange in montane Idaho, USA
- Contributions of wildfire to climate variability
- Converting Snow Depth to SWE: The Fusion of Simulated Data with Remote Sensing Retrievals and the Airborne Snow Observatory
- Coupling iSnobal and ASO: Towards an Integrated Water Supply Toolbox for Water Resource Managers
- Cross-Scale Structural and Functional Connectivity as a Driver of Hillslope Erosion on Disturbed Landscapes
- Crowd-Sourcing Management Activity Data to Drive GHG Emission Inventories in the Land Use Sector
- Detecting soil moisture pulses and associated vegetation response in a southern Arizona watershed using SMAP and MODIS
- Determining the Role of Hydraulic Redistribution Regimes in the Critical Zone
- Developing Snow Model Forcing Data From WRF Model Output to Aid in Water Resource Forecasting
- Developing a Method to Mask Trees in Commercial Multispectral Imagery
- Developing a concept of social-ecological-technological systems to characterize resilience of urban areas and infrastructure to extreme events
- Development and Initial Assessment of the SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Product
- Development of the Long-Term Agro-ecosystem Research (LTAR) Network: Current Status and Future Trends
- Differential Temperature Sensitivity of Mountain Streams: Cool Streams Keep Their Cool
- Does woodland encroachment impact water?: An ecohydrology study of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) and other semi-arid conifers in the western U.S.
- Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production and Land Fallowing in California's Central Valley in 2015
- Drought and Wildfire Impacts on Carbon and Water Cycles in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Drought effects on evapotransiration and subsurface water storage in the southern Sierra Nevada
- Dust-on-snow and the Timing of Peak Streamflow in the Upper Rio Grande
- Dynamic Rainfall Patterns and the Simulation of Changing Scenarios: A behavioral watershed response
- ECOSTRESS: NASA'S Next-Generation Mission to Measure Evapotranspiration from the International Space Station
- Early results of the Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment (SMAPVEX15)
- Ecohydrological Implications of Drought for U.S. Forests
- Ecosystem carbon balance in a drier future: land-atmosphere exchanges of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, water and energy across semiarid southwestern North America
- Effective Climate Refugia for Cold-water Fishes
- Effects and Mitigation of Clear Sky Sampling on Recorded Trends in Land Surface Temperature
- Effects of Climate and Fuels Management on Wildfire Occurrence, Size, Severity and Emissions in the Sierra Nevada
- Effects of Forest Management on Productivity and Carbon Sequestration:A Review and Hypothesis
- Effects of warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a semiarid grassland are temporally dynamic due to interactions among water, nitrogen, and plant community composition
- Empirical analysis and hydrological modeling of wildfire impacts on flow regimes in forest watersheds: Eastern vs. western United States
- Enhancing The USDA Global Crop Assessment Decision Support System Using Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Estimates Obtained From The Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission
- Erosional distribution of metal oxides and its implication for soil carbon dynamics
- Estimating Ecosystem Carbon Stock Change in the Conterminous United States from 1971 to 2010
- Estimating forest biomass from LiDAR data: A comparison of the raster-based and point-cloud data approach
- Estimating phosphorus removal by steel slag in a flume experiment: effects of P concentrations and subsurface hydrological conditions
- Estimation of soil organic carbon in forests of the United States
- Evaluating Soil Oxygen as a Control on N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions from Ruminant Urine Patches under Different Irrigation Frequencies
- Evaluating winter snowfall event distribution in a mountain watershed using differential airborne laser scanning
- Evaluation of NYC's Coastal Vulnerability and Potential Adaptation Strategies in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy
- Evaluation of the SMAP Level 4 Surface and Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product
- Evapotranspiration of a pine-switchgrass intercropping bioenergy system measured by combined surface renewal and energy balance method
- Evidence for Recent Invasion of Historically Resistant Chaparral Shrublands to Grasslands
- Excess growing-season water limits lowland black spruce productivity
- Expanding the performance curve of different weather data sources for hydrologic modeling in central Texas: a comparison of ground observations and the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis as watershed model inputs
- Factors Influencing Phosphorous Cycling in Biogeochemical 'Hot Spots'
- Field Evaluation of a New Sensor for Near-Surface Critical Zone Soil Moisture in Continuous Spatial Profile
- Field and Lab Methods to Reduce Sampling Variation in Soil Carbon
- Forecasting Regional Agroecosystems Responses to Drought and Wet Periods using Long Term Data from LTAR and LTER sites
- Forensic Analysis of the May 2014 West Salt Creek Rock Avalanche in Western Colorado
- Forest and Shrub Canopy Structure from Multiangle and High Resolution Passive Remote Sensing
- Geospatial Technologies and i-Tree Echo Inventory for Predicting Climate Change on Urban Environment
- Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections
- Global Greening Is Firm, Drivers Are Mixed
- Global Patterns of Drought Recovery
- Grazing alters net ecosystem C fluxes and the net global warming potential of a subtropical pasture
- Groundwater recharge in different physiognomies of the Brazilian Cerrado
- HSPF Modeling of a Forested Headwater in North-Central Minnesota
- Harmonization of Multiple Forest Disturbance Data to Create a 1986-2011 Database for the Conterminous United States
- High-Resolution Biogeochemical Simulation Identifies Practical Opportunities for Bioenergy Landscape Intensification Across Diverse US Agricultural Regions
- High-Resolution Modeling Disturbance-Induced Forest Carbon Dynamics with Lidar and Landsat Observations
- High-resolution remote sensing and coupled fire-weather simulation modeling offer unprecedented insight to megafire behavior: The 2014 California King Megafire case study
- Hydrogeologic Influence on Changes in Snowmelt Runoff with Climate Warming: Numerical Experiments on a Mid-Elevation Catchment in the Sierra Nevada, USA
- Hydrologic Processes Of Reference Watersheds In US Forest Service Experimental Forests
- Hydropedological hotspots for dissolved organic carbon loading to streams along the perhumid temperate rainforest coastal margin of Alaska.
- Identifying Decision Support Tools to Bridge Climate and Agricultural Needs in the Midwest
- Identifying the main drivers of soil carbon response to climate change in arctic and boreal Alaska.
- Impact of Temperature and Hydrological Residence Time on the Fate and Transport of Iron and Organic Carbon in Subalpine Wetlands
- Impact of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid upon iron speciation and microbial biomass in the rhizosphere of wheat
- Impacts of Sample Design on Estimation of Aboveground Biomass: Implications for the Assimilation of Lidar and Forest Inventory Data
- Impacts of projected mid-century temperatures on thermal regimes for select specialty and fieldcrops common to the southwestern U.S.
- Implication of Intrastorm Rainfall-Canopy Interaction on Interception Performance of Broadleaf Evergreen Shrubs in an Ultra-Urban Setting
- Importance of temporal resolution of meteorological forcings for physics-based snow modeling
- Improving soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux estimates from in-situ soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> sensors with gas transport measurements
- Improving the Projections of Vegetation Biogeography by Integrating Climate Envelope Models and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- Improving the Representation of Near Source and Downwind Smoke Plume Chemistry in Regional and Global Air Quality Models
- Improving the spatial representation of soil properties and hydrology using topographically derived watershed model initialization processes
- Incorporating Ecosystem Experiments and Observations into Process Models of Forest Carbon and Water Cycles: Challenges and Solutions
- Indicators for Tropical Forests Degradation Assessment: A Multitemporal Perspective Using Lidar Data
- Inferring Process Changes from 30 Years of Distributed Mountain Snowfall and Measured Streamflow at Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, USA.
- Influence of land use on the hydrobiogeochemistry of the Camanducaia and Jaguari watersheds, Brazil
- Innovations and Lessons Learned Developing the USDA Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network Common Observatory Data Repository
- Integrating snow albedo from the Airborne Snow Observatory into the distributed energy balance snowmelt model iSnobal
- Inter-comparison of multiple downscaled climate datasets for the Pacific Northwest
- Intercomparison of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture with Synergistic Satellite Products
- Into the Deep: Variability in Soil Microbial Communities and Carbon Turnover Along a Tropical Forest Soil Depth Profile
- Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: an overview of planned improvements to the methodologies and activity data used to develop the carbon estimates in the Land Use, Land-use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sector
- Investigating Ecosystem Pattern and Process Across a Land-Sea Gradient: A New Coastal Margin Observatory in the Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest
- Investigating the Impacts of Wildfires on Air Quality in the Western US
- Investigation of the Relative Effects of Insolation, Groundwater, and Spatial Variability in Temperature Dynamics of Two Headwater Streams
- Ironing out the details of soil organic matter cycling: The unique role of Fe-bearing minerals in regulating organic matter transformation in soils
- Is hyporheic flow an indicator for salmonid spawning site selection?
- Laboratory Experiments Lead to a New Understanding of Wildland Fire Spread
- Land use effects on quality and quantity aspects of water resources in headwater areas of the Jaguari River Basin
- Landscape Soil Respiration Fluxes are Related to Leaf Area Index, Stand Height and Density, and Soil Nitrogen in Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forests
- Landscape-scale estimation of denitrification rates and nitrous oxide to dinitrogen ratio at Georgia and Pennsylvania LTAR sites
- Linking Wildfire and Climate as Drivers of Plant Species and Community-level Change
- Linking land use/land cover change to phosphorus and sediment runoff in the Great Lakes basins
- Local Discrepancies in Continental Scale Biomass Maps: A Case Study over Forested and Non-Forested Landscapes in Maryland, USA
- Long-term Agroecosystem Research in the Northern Great Plains.
- Long-term Monitoring of Ecological and Geomorphic Adjustments to Dam Removal in an Upland Mesic Catchment
- Low Elevation Riparian Environments: Warm-Climate Refugia for Conifers in the Great Basin, USA?
- MODIS Snowcover in North America: A Comparison of Winter 2013/14 and 2014/15 to Median Condition
- Machine Learning to Assess Grassland Productivity in Southeastern Arizona
- Magnitude and Uncertainty of Carbon Pools and Fluxes in the US Forests
- Managing the critical zone to obtain and sustain multiple benefits from working landscapes: The value of partnerships between LTAR and NSF CZO networks
- Mangrove Blue Carbon stocks and change estimation from PolInSAR, Lidar and High Resolution Stereo Imagery combined with Forest Cover change mapping
- Mapping Evapotranspiration in the Alps through Two-Source Energy-Balance Models and Multi-Satellite Data Fusion: Scale Effects in Heterogeneous Landscapes
- Mapping Urban Tree Canopy Coverage and Structure using Data Fusion of High Resolution Satellite Imagery and Aerial Lidar
- Mapping Vegetation Canopy Structure and Distribution for Great Smoky Mountains National Park Using LiDAR
- Matching Social and Biophysical Scales in Extensive Livestock Production as a Basis for Adaptation to Global Change
- Measuring evapotranspiration and carbon dioxide fluxes in Mid-South US rice (Oryza Sativa) with eddy covariance
- Microwave based implementation of two source energy balance model to estimate Evaporation
- Mobile Detection of Fugitive Emissions using Computationally Optimized Geochemical Methods
- Modeling Hydrologic Transport through the Critical Zone: Lessons from Catchment-Scale and Lysimeter Studies
- Modeling Pacific Northwest carbon and water cycling using CARAIB Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Modeling Sustained Delivery of Agroecosystem Services at a Watershed Scale under Climate Change
- Modeling compensatory responses of ecosystem-scale water fluxes in forests affected by pine and spruce beetle mortality
- Modeling forest carbon and nitrogen cycles based on long term carbon stock field measurement in the Delaware River Basin
- Modeling the impacts of climate change on stream water temperature across scales
- Moving the Watershed Ecosystem Approach Beyond the Black Box with Sensor Technologies and New Conceptual Models
- Multiyear Multiseasonal Changes in Leaf and Canopy Traits Measured by AVIRIS over Ecosystems with Different Functional Type Characteristics Through the Progressive California Drought 2013-2015
- Mutli-temporal Imaging Spectroscopy Analysis for the Identification of Coniferous Forest Mortality Related to Drought Stress in the Central Sierra Nevada, California
- National Research Networks Facilitate Mutually Beneficial Research at ARS Locations
- Observations From The Field: Further Developing Linkages Between Soil C models with Long-Term Bioenergy Studies
- Observations and Impacts of Permafrost Thaw in the Lower Yukon River Basin and Yukon Delta Region: the Importance of Local Knowledge
- Observed Global Historical Changes in Soil Decomposition Rates (1900-2011) and Plant Production (1981-2011)
- Operational Snow Modeling: A Look at the Current State and Future Challenges
- Pacific Northwest Regional and Ecozone-scale Carbon Cycle Responses to 25 Years of Variation in Climate and Disturbance
- Partitioning Evapotranspiration to Illustrate the Effects of Shrub Competition and Soil Water on Ecosystem State Transitions
- Partitioning autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration to improve simulations of terrestrial carbon fluxes and stocks
- Passive/Active Microwave Soil Moisture Disaggregation Using SMAPVEX12 Data
- Pervasive Drought Legacy Effects in Forest Ecosystems and their Carbon Cycle Implications
- Potential vulnerability of southeast Alaskan wetland soil carbon stocks to climate warming
- Predicting future, post-fire erosion and sedimentation with watershed models in the western USA
- Process-based upscaling of surface-atmosphere exchange
- Production of Excess CO<SUB>2</SUB> relative to methane in peatlands: a new H<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- Providing farmers, ranchers, and foresters in California with actionable climate information: opportunities and obstacles for California's USDA Regional Climate Sub Hub
- Quality control of station-based soil moisture observations in Turkey
- Quantification of Brown Carbon Mass Absorption Cross Section from Sources through the Application of Physical and Mathematical Segregation of Black Carbon
- Quantification of uncertainty in aboveground biomass estimates derived from small-footprint LiDAR data
- Quantifying Age-Related Hydraulic and Biochemical Constraints on Tree Photosynthesis in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
- Quantifying Amount and Variability of Cloud Water Inputs Using Active-Strand Collector, Ceilometer, Dewpoint, and Photographic Measurements
- Quantifying Surface Energy Flux Estimation Uncertainty Using Land Surface Temperature Observations
- Quantifying Temporal Changes in Sub-daily Precipitation Intensities Across Agricultural Regions of the U.S.
- Quantifying nitrogen inputs to the Choptank River estuary
- Real-time soil flux measurements and calculations with CRDS + Soil Flux Processor: comparison among flux algorithms and derivation of whole system error
- Reconstruction of MODIS daily land surface temperature under clouds
- Region-Wide Soil Carbon Assessment Across "the Land of Pines"
- Relative Importance of Dust, Splash, and Sheet/Rill Transport Processes on Off-Highway Vehicle Trails in the Ouachita Mountains
- Relative Influence of Top-Down ond Bottom-Up Controls on Mixed Severity Burn Patterns in Yosemite National Park, California, USA
- Remote Sensing Observations of Snow and Soil Moisture for Snowmelt Flood Predictions in the Red River of the North Basin
- Remote Sensing Soil Salinity Map for the San Joaquin Vally, California
- Representing Northern Peatland Hydrology and Biogeochemistry within the Community Land Model
- Resilience Through Disturbance: Effects of Wildfire on Vegetation and Water Balance in the Sierra Nevadas
- River Suspended Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Transport in Two Montane Catchments in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory of Puerto Rico over 25 years: 1989 to 2014
- Robotic Measurement of Aeolian Processes
- SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- SMAP Validation Experiment 2015 (SMAPVEX15)
- Scaling an in situ network for high resolution modeling during SMAPVEX15
- Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts for African Basins
- Sediment Mobilization and Storage Dynamics of a Debris Flow Impacted Stream Channel using Multi-Temporal Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
- Short-Term Weather Variability is an Important Control of Interannual Variability in Carbon and Water Fluxes in Temperate Forests
- Simulation of semi-arid hydrological processes at different spatial resolutions using the AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) model
- Slow Climate Velocities in Mountain Streams Impart Thermal Resistance to Cold-Water Refugia Across the West
- Soil Organic Carbon Response to Cover Crop and Nitrogen Fertilization under Bioenergy Sorghum
- Soil Water Improvements with the Long Term Use of a Winter Rye Cover Crop
- Spatial Variation of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Estimated Critical Loads for Aquatic Ecosystems in the Greater Yellowstone Area
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Redistribution in a Heterogeneous Shrub Dominated Landscape
- Spatial-temporal dynamics of agricultural drought in the tallgrass prairie region of the Southern Great Plains during 2000-2013
- Statewide Mapping of Aboveground Biomass by Integrating Airborne Lidar Data and National Forestry Inventory Plots
- Steel Slag and Shredded Tires as Media for Blind Inlets to Improve Water Quality
- Stream water quality in the context of payments for environmental services in Southeastern Brazil
- Synthesis of recent advances in critical loads research on impacts from atmospheric nitrogen deposition on terrestrial plant communities.
- Testing an Irrigation Decision Support Tool for California Specialty Crops
- Testing the PRISM Temperature Model in Complex Terrain: Implications for Mountain Ecohydrology
- The 2014 Tanana Inventory Pilot: A USFSNASA partnership to leverage advanced remote sensing technologies for forest inventory
- The AirMOSS Level 4 Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product
- The Alaska Land Carbon Assessment: Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of Alaska
- The Bias Effects of Even Minor GPS Error
- The Carbon Balance Pivot Point of Southwestern U.S. Semiarid Ecosystems: Insights From the 21st Century Drought
- The Debris Flow of September 20, 2014, in Mud Creek, Mount Shasta Volcano, Northern California
- The Importance of Groundwater in Regulating Stream Water Quantity and Quality in a Claypan Watershed in Missouri
- The Lower Chesapeake Bay LTAR: A coastal urban-agricultural region
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland
- The NorWeST project: Crowd-sourcing a big data stream temperature database and high-resolution climate scenarios for western rivers and streams
- The Response of Subalpine Vegetation to Climate Change and Bark Beetle Infestations: A Multi-Scale Interaction.
- The Role of African Dust Particles on Cloud Chemistry and Microphysics in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest in the Caribbean
- The Role of Research Coordination in Enhancing Integrative Research: the Co-production of Knowledge Agenda of the Global Land Programme
- The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Ecohydrological Model Circa 2015: Global Application Trends, Insights and Issues
- The Stability of Peatland Carbon Stores to Global Change: Evidence for Enhanced Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production
- The Subtropical Grasslands LTAR: balancing agricultural production and conservation goals
- The Walnut Gulch - Santa Rita Wildland Watershed-Scale LTAR Sites
- The effects of chronic nitrogen deposition on atmospheric biomass burning emissions
- The impact of forest structure and light utilization on carbon cycling in tropical forests
- The new forest carbon accounting framework for the United States
- The role of tree age in triggering convective clouds: implications for plantation forestry expansion in the Southeastern US
- Thresholds in Soil Mineral Weathering and Relation to Streamwater Chemistry in Glaciated Catchments of the Northeastern USA
- Time dependence of energy storage across multiple ecosystems
- Toward a Low-Cost System for High-Throughput Image-Based Phenotyping of Root System Architecture
- Towards a better understanding of the sensitivity of permafrost and soil carbon to climate and disturbance-induced change in Alaska
- Towards a universal trait-based model of terrestrial primary production
- Transport and Export of Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) in Steep Streams
- Tropical peatland carbon dynamics simulated for scenarios of disturbance and restoration and climate change
- Tropical-Forest Biomass Dynamics from X-Band, TanDEM-X DATA
- Tropical-Forest Profiles and Biomass from TanDEM-X, Single-Baseline Interferometric SAR: InSAR Performance at Higher Frequencies and Bandwidths
- Understanding the variations in the timing of daily streamflow peak during melt season
- Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information
- Upscaling and Downscaling of Land Surface Fluxes with Surface Temperature
- Use of UAS Remote Sensing Data (AggieAir) to Estimate Crop ET at High Spatial Resolution
- Using GDAL to Convert NetCDF 4 CF 1.6 to GeoTIFF: Interoperability Problems and Solutions for Data Providers and Distributors
- Using Multiple Soil Carbon Maps Facilitates Better Comparisons with Large Scale Modeled Outputs
- Using a data fusion method to estimate daily stand-scale evapotranspiration over a managed pine plantation in North Carolina, USA
- Using stable isotope tracers to assess flow pathways for P transport in tile-drained landscapes
- Using the Surface Renewal Technique to Estimate CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange from a Rice Field to the Atmosphere
- Utilizing a Tower Based System for Optical Sensing of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes
- Validated Metrics of Quick Flow Improve Assessments of Streamflow Generation Processes at the Long-Term Sleepers River Research Site
- Validating SMAP L2/3 Products
- Validation of the Soil Moisture Active Passive mission using USDA-ARS experimental watersheds
- Vapor pressure deficit is as important as soil moisture in determining limitations to evapotranspiration during drought
- Variability and Controls of Plant Phenology in Drylands: A Novel Case Study from the Northern Chihuahuan Desert
- Variability of Residence Time tracer Concentrations at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory during the California Drought
- Vertical variations in the turbulent structure over vineyards
- Wall-to-wall assessment of carbon stock and flux consequences of forest disturbances in the Pacific Northwest United States using remote sensing and forest inventory data
- Water And Carbon Fluxes Along An Elevation/Precipitation Gradient In A Sagebrush Steppe Environment
- Water Quality-Quantity Evaluation of the Ribeirão das Posses Watershed, Brazil, applying the AgES-W model.
- What is Hidden in Hiding Functions? The Influence of Packing on Size-Selective Transport
- What is the Fate of Belowground Carbon? Grass Crown and Root Traits, and Soil Organic Matter Priming Following Seven Years of Prairie Heating and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment (PHACE), WY, USA
- Where are the forests in the United States "not disturbed" over a quarter century?
- Who is in the Driver's Seat? Millennial-Scale Records of Wildfire in the Western USA Reveal a Complex Interplay of Climate, Fire, and Vegetation
- Wild Fire Emissions for the NOAA Operational HYSPLIT Smoke Model
- Wildfire Risk to Aboveground Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in the Western United States
- winderosionnetwork.org - Portal to the National Wind Erosion Research Network
- - to Late-Holocene Fire History, Vegetation, and Climate Change in the Grand Staircase Region of the Colorado Plateau, Southwest Utah
- A Bayesian Analysis Shows That a Spruce Beetle Outbreak Reduces Snow Interception and Sublimation in a Subalpine Spruce-Fir Forest
- A Polar Approach for Defining a Spatially-Explicit "Phenological Year" and Quantifying the Degree and Date of Seasonality for Existing Vegetation Across the United States
- A Simple Water Balance Model Adapted for Arctic Hydrology Reveals Glacier and Streamflow Responses to Climate Change in the Copper River, Alaska
- A Tale of Two Forest Carbon Assessments in the eastern United States: Forest Use versus Cover as a Metric of Change
- A Tracer Approach to Quantify Post-Wildfire Stream Nitrogen Retention and Transport
- A Tropical Paradox - High Mercury Deposition, but Low Mercury Bioaccumulation in Northeastern Puerto Rico
- A decadal glimpse on climate and burn severity influences on ponderosa pine post-fire recovery
- A modern soil carbon stock baseline for the conterminous United States
- A new computer tool "FastEmap" for mapping annual forest attributes from U.S. forest inventory at 30m resolution
- A simple stochastic rainstorm generator for simulating spatially and temporally varying rainfall
- A terrestrial lidar assessment of climate change impacts on forest structure
- Afloat in a Boat: Linking Land Use / Land Cover to the Spatial Evolution of Water Quality along a Blackwater Stream
- Agricultural Applications for Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Data in Monitoring Water Use, Water Quality, and Water Security
- An Empirical Typology of Tree Species Assemblages across the U.S. for Assessing Climate Change Threats to Forest Communities
- An Evaluation of Site-specific and Generalized Spatial Models of Aboveground Forest Biomass Based on Landsat Time-series and LiDAR Strip Samples in the Eastern U.S.A.
- An Experimental and Modeling Synthesis to Determine Seasonality of Hydraulic Redistribution in Semi-arid Region with Multispecies Vegetation Interaction
- An analysis of carbon and radiocarbon profiles across a range ecosystems types
- Analysis of in situ resources for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiments in 2015 and 2016
- Application of Coupled Human-Natural Systems Model for Assessing Trade-Offs Between Watershed Ecosystem Services in Veracruz, Mexico
- Application of the Ecosystem Disturbance and Recovery Tracker in Detection of Forest Health Departure from Desired Conditions in Sierra Nevada National Forests
- Arctic Tundra Soils: A Microbial Feast That Shrubs Will Cease
- Aspect Shifts and Local Extirpations in Limber Pine without Change in Elevation Over 3600 Years of Climate Variability in the Western Great Basin, USA
- Assess and Adapt: Coordinated Ecoregional Forest Vulnerability Assessments Covering the Upper Midwest and Northeast in Support of Climate-informed Decision-making
- Assessing Hydrologic Impacts of Future Land Cover Change Scenarios in the South Platte River Basin (CO, WY, & NE) and the San Pedro River Basin (U.S./Mexico).
- Assessing Impacts of Selective Logging on Water, Energy, and Carbon Fluxes in Amazon Forests Using the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
- Assessment and Combination of SMAP with ASCAT (Active) and AMSR2 (Passive) Soil Moisture Products: A Case Study in Northeast Asia
- Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Assessment of Soil Water Conservation with Biochar in Oregon Cropping Systems
- Attribution of Net Carbon Change by Disturbance Type across Forest Lands of the Continental United States
- Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in the Hawaiian Islands
- Beyond Forest Classification: Continuous Mapping of Forest Species Composition, Mortality, and Sub-Canopy Using Landsat Imagery and Agnostic Analysis
- Beyond clay - using selective extractions to improve predictions of soil carbon content
- Calibration of a Complex Watershed Model using High Resolution Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Retrievals
- Can a simple lumped parameter model simulate complex transit time distributions? Benchmarking experiments in a virtual watershed.
- Carbon Budgets for Four Forests in Northern California
- Carbon and Water Vapor Fluxes of Different Ecosystems in Oklahoma
- Carbon dioxide and Water Vapor Fluxes of Winter Wheat and Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystems
- Carbon sequestration potential in operational loblolly pine plantations
- Carbon, fire, and fuels: The importance of fuels and fuel characterization and the status of wildland fire fuels data for the United States
- Carbon... and What Else?: Watershed Leachate Potential in Lakes of Northern Wisconsin
- Cataloging Hydrologic Theory
- Challenges for measuring and modeling carbon cycling in degraded tropical forests: Examples from the Brazilian Amazon
- Chamber and eddy covariance comparisons of alternate wetting and drying and continuous flood irrigation in mid-South rice
- Change of intrinsic Water Use Efficiency of Loblolly Pine in Southeastern US in Response to Drought and Fertilization
- Changes in Soil Carbon Turnover after Five Years of Bioenergy Cropping Systems from a Long-Term Incubation Experiment and Radiocarbon Measurements.
- Changes in belowground C that accompany ecosystem shifts: an approach to constraining depth, timing, and magnitudes of soil change
- Changes in grassland plant composition explain 2011 drought-triggered legacy effects
- Characterization of SWAT hydrologic parameter sensitivity and behavior across spatial and temporal gradient
- Climate Change Impacts on Biogenic Emissions in the Central Hardwoods
- Climate Induced Changes in Global-Scale Litter Decomposition and Long-term Relationships with Net Primary Productivity
- Climate change will restrict ponderosa pine forest regeneration in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century in absence of disturbance
- Combined Hydrologic (AGWA-KINEROS2) and Hydraulic (HEC2) Modeling for Post-Fire Runoff and Inundation Risk Assessment through a Set of Python Tools
- Comparison of Historically Severe Droughts and the Vulnerability of Agroecosystems in Mid-Continent USA: Lessons Learned
- Comparison of PALSAR-2 Interferometric Estimates of Snow Water Equivalent, Airborne Snow Observatory Snow Depths, and Results from a Distributed Energy Balance Snow Model (iSnobal)
- Comparison of Soil Loss Predictions from RUSLE and WEPP for the Conterminous U.S. Under Different Cropping Systems
- Components of Complex Non-crystalline Mineralogy Contribute Differently to Soil Carbon Storage and Turnover
- Consequences of environmental and biological variances for range margins: a spatially explicit theoretical model
- Debris Flows and Road Damage Following a Wildfire in 2014 on the Klamath National Forest, Northern California, Near the Community of Seiad, CA
- Defining remotely sensed forest decline in terms of forest structural and compositional changes
- Deriving temporal net ecosystem exchange estimates by combining eddy covariance and remote sensing data
- Detecting the fingerprints of complex land management practices in a tallgrass prairie site using PhenoCam, satellite remote sensing, and the eddy covariance technique
- Determining source areas of biodegradable dissolved organic matter in two peatland catchments with different upland forest types, Minnesota, USA
- Developing COMET-Farm and the DayCent Model for California Specialty Crops
- Development of SMAP Resolution-Enhanced Passive Soil Moisture Product
- Digging a Little Deeper: Microbial Communities, Molecular Composition and Soil Organic Matter Turnover along Tropical Forest Soil Depth Profiles
- Disentangling dust emission mechanisms - a field study
- Disentangling the Long-term Effects of Climate Change and Forest Structure and Species Composition on Streamflow Across the Eastern US
- Disentangling the response of streamflow to forest management and climate
- Diurnal and Seasonal Cloud Base Patterns Highlight Small-Mountain Tropical Cloud Forest Vulnerability
- Do climate model predictions agree with long-term precipitation trends in the arid southwestern United States?
- Do we need a spatially and temporally variable observation error?
- Downscaled Soil Moisture from SMAP Evaluated Using High Density Observations
- Dual State/Rainfall Correction via Soil Moisture Assimilation for Improved Hydrologic Prediction - A Synthetic Study Using the VIC Model in the Arkansas-Red River Basin
- Dynamic reorganization of Amazon forest structure and canopy illumination from tree and branch fall events
- Ecohydrological Projections of Fire Regimes: Balancing Uncertainty and Complexity to Integrate Cross-disciplinary Simulation Systems
- Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Across Semiarid Southwestern North America: A Synthesis of Multi-Year Flux Site Observations and its Comparison with Estimates from Terrestrial Biome Models and Remote Sensing
- Effect of Polyphosphate-accumulating Organisms on Phosphorus Mobility in Variably Saturated Sand Columns
- Effects of Climate Oscillations on Burning Index Variability in the Continental United States
- Effects of Whole-Ecosystem Warming on Porewater Chemistry and Hydrology in a Northern Peatland
- Effects of land use/cover and landform on upper soil physical properties in the highlands of Veracruz, Mexico
- Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) of subsurface hydrological connectivity controlling phosphorous transport in artificially drained agricultural landscapes
- Enhanced Carbon Uptake from Nitrogen Deposition in North American Forests is a Species Dependent Phenomenon
- Enhancing the USDA Global Crop Assessment Decision Support System Using SMAP Soil Moisture Data
- Estimating Achievable Accuracy for Global Imaging Spectroscopy Measurement of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover
- Estimating Field Scale Crop Evapotranspiration using Landsat and MODIS Satellite Observations
- Estimating Tropical Aboveground Biomass from Fourier Transforms of Vegetation Profiles from TanDEM-X Phase Heights
- Estimating ecological water stress caused by anthropogenic uses in the US Great Lakes region
- Estimating the Relative Water Content of Single Leaves from Optical Polarization Measurements.
- Evaluating the Impacts of Extreme Events on Ecological Processes Through the Lens of an Ice Storm Manipulation Experiment
- Evaluating the differences in scale for snowpack modeling using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System and iSnobal in the Boise River Basin, Idaho
- Evaluation of Bioenergy Crop Growth and the Impacts Of Bioenergy Crops on Streamflow, Tile Drain Flow and Nutrient Losses Using SWAT
- Evaluation of Forest Health Conditions using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
- Evaluation of SMAP downscaled brightness temperature observations using airborne data in Australia
- Evaluation of surface renewal and flux-variance methods above agricultural and forest surfaces
- Evaluation of the Performance of Multiple Drought Indices for Tunisia
- Evapotranspiration Estimates Derived Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing in a Semi-arid Region
- Expanded science and management utllity of SWE and albedo data from the NASA/JPL Airborne Snow Observatory
- Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon following Prescribed Fire on Forested Watersheds: Implications for Watershed Management for Drinking Water Supply
- Extension of the USGS Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System to Simulate Hydrology in Large Glacierized Basins
- Factors Influencing Divergent Patterns of Phosphorus Availability in NY and PA Biogeochemical `Hotspots'
- Federal climate change programs in the water-limited Southwest: intersection of mission, stakeholders and geography to build successful collaboration
- Field strategies for the calibration and validation of high-resolution forest carbon maps: Scaling from plots to a three state region MD, DE, & PA, USA.
- Fire Impacts on Mixed Pine-oak Forests Assessed with High Spatial Resolution Imagery, Imaging Spectroscopy, and LiDAR
- Fire suppression has led to greater drought-sensitivity in dry conifer forests: tree-ring carbon isotope evidence from Central Oregon
- First year results from an experimental study of the ecohydrologic benefits of beaver and beaver dam analogue restoration techniques in Childs Meadow, CA
- Fish Mercury Loads and Lake Productivity Are Not Impacted by Wildland Fire in Northern Minnesota
- Floodplain restoration via the two-stage ditch alters nutrient export from agricultural watersheds
- From "can't be done" to actionable: Chugach Vulnerability Assessment Snow and Ice
- From hilltop to kettle hole: what trends across the terrestrial-aquatic transition zone are revealed by organic matter stable isotope (δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N) composition?
- Fundamental concepts and research priorities for advancing the science of urban stormwater hydrology and flood management
- GRL-FLUXNET: Measuring GHG, Water, and Microbial Fluxes in the Southern Great Plains
- Geospatial Data Combined With The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) Tool For Rapid Post-Fire Watershed Assessments
- Global, Frequent Landsat-class Mosaics for Real Time Crop Monitoring and Analysis
- Grassland Responses to Precipitation Extremes
- Groundwater recharge is affected by irrigation efficiency and climate change
- Harnessing long-term flux records to better understand ecosystem response to drought
- High Resolution Ecosystem Structure, Biomass and Blue Carbon stocks in Mangrove Ecosystems- Methods and Applications of Lidar, radar Interferometry and High Resolution imagery
- High-Resolution Mapping of Aboveground Biomass for Forest Carbon Monitoring - A Case Study in Three Mid-Atlantic States, USA
- High-Resolution Precipitation Mapping in a Mountainous Watershed: Ground Truth for Evaluating Uncertainty in a National Precipitation Dataset
- High-Resolution Profiling of Richardson Number Across the Surface Boundary Layer Using Heated Fiber Optics
- Historical and Projected Trends in Landscape Drivers Affecting Carbon Dynamics in Alaska
- Historical trends in precipitation extremes in North America: tales from an independent dataset
- How Do Trees Know When to Flower? Predicting Reproductive Phenology of Douglas-fir with Changing Winter and Spring Temperatures
- How Snowmelt Runoff Model climate change simulations reflect recently reported changes in the hydrologic cycle of snowmelt basins.
- How fine is a fine model scale for process-based snow modeling?
- How is Biomass Burning Affected by Grazing and Drought in Central and Western Asia?
- Hydrodynamics of isohydric and anisohydric trees: insights from models and measurements
- Hydrologic model calibration using remotely-sensed data in Alaska
- Identifying and Characterizing Climate-related Changes Influencing Accessiblity to Ecosystem Services in Rural Boreal Alaska
- Identifying the hydrologic center of watersheds for different weather data sources
- Impact of Aerodynamic Resistance Formulations used in Two-Source Modeling of Energy Exchange from the Soil and Vegetation Using Land Surface Temperature
- Impact of Climate Change on Projected Runoff from Mountain Snowpack of the King's Rivershed in California
- Impacts of Potential Evapotranspiration and Precipitation Patterns on Downscaling Soil Moisture in Regions with Large Topographic Relief
- Impacts of hydraulic redistribution on overstory-understory interactions in a semiarid savanna
- Impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on vegetation productivity across the North American Great Plains
- Implementation of a subcanopy solar radiation model on a forested headwater basin in the Southern Appalachians to estimate riparian canopy density and stream insolation for stream temperature models
- Implications of Increasing Forest Density and Vegetation Water Demand on Drought Impacts in California Montane Forest
- Implications of Topographically Induced Variations in Solar Radiation for Water Balance, Vegetation and Soil Development.
- Improving the Representation of Cryospheric Processes in Land Models
- Improving the precision of estimates of forest carbon emissions and removals using national forest inventory data and dense time series of Landsat imagery.
- Increasingly, Data Availability Limits Model Predictive Capacity: the Western Lake Erie Basin, a Case Study
- Indigenous Waters: Applying the SWAT Hydrological Model to the Lumbee River Watershed
- Influence of the airborne lidar pulse density on biomass change prediction in tropical forest
- Insights from a network of long-term measurements of biosphere-atmospheric exchanges of water vapor and carbon dioxide in southern Arizona
- Institutional Context of Carbon Cycle Science Research in the U.S. and North America - A SOCCR perspective
- Integrated Modeling and Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation in North America: Lessons learned from Mexico
- Integrating Fire Effects into an Ecohydrologic Model for Simulating Fire Regimes
- Integrating Legacy Data to Understand Agroecosystem Regional Dynamics to Catastrophic Events
- Integrating Measurements and Models of Water Limitation on Soil and Ecosystem Respiration in Two New England Forests from Hourly to Decadal Timescales.
- Integrating Statistical and Expert Knowledge to Develop Phenoregions for the Continental United States
- Integrating wetland connectivity into models for watershed-scale analyses: Current and future approaches
- Integrating wildfire plume rises within atmospheric transport models
- Inter-Comparison of SMAP, SMOS and GCOM-W Soil Moisture Products
- Interactive Effects of Experimental Warming and Elevated CO2 on Belowground Allocation and Soil Organic Matter Decomposition at the Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment Experiment
- Interdisciplinary science for land managers: Lessons learned in the context of public land management
- Interlinkages between Carbon and Water Residence Times in Peat
- Is Managed Wildfire Protecting Yosemite National Park from Drought?
- Large-scale Watershed Modeling: NHDPlus Resolution with Achievable Conservation Scenarios in the Western Lake Erie Basin
- Lateral weathering gradients in glaciated catchments
- Lidar Applications for Fine Tuning Forest Inventory Estimates in the Nonforest and Understory Carbon Pools
- Linking climate and environmental factors to the recent and surprising growth increase of red spruce trees across the northeastern US
- Long-term climate and competition explain regional forest mortality patterns under extreme drought
- Mapping Fuel Loads and Dynamics in Rangelands Using Multi-Sensor Data in the Great Basin, USA
- Measuring Land-Use and Land-Cover Change Using the USDA Cropland Data Layer: Cautions and Recommendations
- Mekong Land Cover Dasboard: Regional Land Cover Mointoring Systems
- Mekong Regional Land Cover Monitoring System Reference Methods
- Methods for Automating Analysis of Glacier Morphology for Regional Modelling: Centerlines, Extensions, and Elevation Bands
- Mobile Characterization of Wind Flow Fields Around Solid and Porous Objects
- Model-based evidence for persistent species zonation shifts in the southern Rocky Mountains under a warming climate
- Modeling carbon dynamics in mangrove ecosystems in North America and Eastern Africa
- Modeling mangrove biomass using remote sensing based age and growth estimates
- Modeling prescribed burning experiments and assessing the fire impacts on local to regional air quality
- Modelling Middle Infrared Thermal Imagery from Observed or Simulated Active Fire
- Monitoring Trends in Productivity to Identify Vulnerable Ecosystems: Measuring Ecosystem Condition and Drought Resistance Across California Ecosystems
- Monthly Paleostreamflow Reconstruction from Annual Dendrochronologies for Water Systems Analysis
- Multi-Crop Specific Area Frame Stratification Based on Geospatial Crop Planting Frequency Data Layers
- Multi-Scale Mapping of Vegetation Biomass
- Multi-scale patterns of subalpine fir mortality are driven by complex interactions among broad-scale climate, local topography, stand structure, and tree characteristics
- Multiple-scale Proximal Sensor and Remote Imagery Technology for Sustaining Agricultural Productivity During Climate Change
- Next Generation Image-Based Phenotyping of Root System Architecture
- Nitrogen Cycling Considerations for Low-Disturbance, High-Carbon Soil Management in Climate-Adaptive Agriculture
- Nitrous Oxide Emissions Affected by Biochar and Nitrogen Stabilizers
- On The Usage Of Fire Smoke Emissions In An Air Quality Forecasting System To Reduce Particular Matter Forecasting Error
- Optical Sensing of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes from Tower-mounted Spectrometers
- Overview of the 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report Process, results and next steps
- Parameterization of the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM) Using Dynamic Landsat-Based Foliar Cover Estimates
- Partitioning Evapotranspiration over a Vineyard in California's Central Valley
- Partitioning Uncertainty In Aboveground Carbon Density Estimates: Relative Contributions From Lidar and Forest Inventory In The Brazilian Amazon.
- Patterns and watershed controls of dissolved nitrogen in temperate rainforest streams, southeast Alaska
- Pb inventory in an ombrotrophic bog decreases over time
- Permafrost in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska: a case for a holistic and integrated view of permafrost degradation
- Persistent Influences of the 2002 Hayman Fire on Stream Nitrate and Dissolved Organic Carbon
- Pollution Critical Load Exceedance and an Extended Growing Season as Modulators of Red Spruce Radial Growth
- Post-fire Tree Mortality: Heating Increases Vulnerability to Cavitation in Longleaf Pine Branches
- Producing a long-term baseline snow depth distribution from 45 snow-on lidar surveys over a large mountain basin
- Profiling agricultural land cover change in the North Central U.S. using ten years of the Cropland Data Layer
- Projecting climate change impact on water-carbon cycling in the conterminous United States
- Projections of the future distributions of subalpine Neotropical forests and páramo from satellite image interpretation and climate data
- Quantification of Tropical Forest Biomass and its Changes through Using InSAR Phase Measurements
- Quantification of uncertainty in aboveground biomass estimates derived from small-footprint LiDAR data
- Quantifying Fire's Impacts on Total and Pyrogenic Carbon Stocks in Mixed-Conifer Forests: Results from Pre- and Post-Fire Measurements in Active Wildfire Incidents
- Quantifying Hillslope to Watershed Erosional Response Following Wildfire
- Quantifying Post-Fire Aeolian Sediment Transport Using Rare Earth Element Tracers.
- Quantifying uncertainty in carbon and nutrient pools of coarse woody debris
- Quantifying uncertainty in national forest carbon stocks: challenges and opportunities for the United States National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- Rangeland Brush Estimation Toolbox (RaBET): An Approach for Evaluating Brush Management Conservation Efforts in Western Grazing Lands
- Rapid dissipation of semi-arid carbon sink with drought and shift in rainfall sensitivity across Australia over past three decades
- Rapid recovery of gross ecosystem production and ecosystem-level respiration in a semiarid sagebrush shrubland following prescribed fire.
- Recent trends, drivers, and projections of carbon cycle processes in forests of North America
- Regional Climate Enterprises in the South Central U.S.: Crossover Relationships to Maximize User Engagement Effectiveness
- Regional-scale Controls on Dissolved Nitrous Oxide in the Upper Mississippi River
- Remote-sensing-based rapid assessment of flood crop loss to support USDA flooding decision-making
- Representation of diffusion controlled carbon stabilization in reactive transport models
- Representing heterogeneous snow accumulation and melt in snowmelt models
- Resilience and Vulnerability of Carbon Cycling in North American Grasslands
- Rethinking plant functional types in Earth System Models: pan-tropical analysis of tree survival across environmental gradients
- SMAP soil moisture drying more rapid than observed in situ following rainfall events
- SOCCR2: North America within the context of the global carbon cycle
- Seasonal Carbon Fluxes and Emissions in Forested Stands and Lawns Along an Urban to Rural Gradient Near the Cub Hill Tower, Baltimore, MD.
- Seasonal Soil Respiration and Methane Emissions in a SE Freshwater Tidal Riparian System
- Sensitivities of dry season runoff to precipitation and temperature in southern Sierra Nevada streams
- Seven years of dynamic snowpack CO<SUB>2 </SUB>profiles, fluxes, and winter soil respiration in a mortality-impacted subalpine forest
- Severe Drought Constrains Seedling and Sapling Growth in a Puerto Rican Tropical Rainforest
- Significant Threat to North American forests from Southern Pine Beetle with Warming Winters
- Simulation Study Based Analysis of the Statistical Properties of Biomass Estimators that use a Sample of GEDI Lidar Measurements
- Slowdown of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from China's croplands
- Snow Water Equivalent and Root Zone Soil Moisture Retrieval using P-band Passive Bistatic Radar
- Socio-ecological transitions trigger fire regime shifts and modulate fire-climate interactions in the Sierra Nevada, CA, 1600-2015 CE
- Soil nitrogen cycling and availability are linked to ammonia oxidizer abundance across a tropical mean annual temperature gradient
- Sorption of atrazine, acetochlor, and 2,4-D by hardwood-derived biochar
- Spatial Patterns in Water Temperature in Pacific Northwest Rivers: Diversity at Multiple Scales and Potential Influence of Climate Change
- Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Nitrogen in Forested Headwater Catchments of the Northern Coast Range of Oregon
- Spatial and Temporal Influences on Carbon Storage in Hydric Soils of the Conterminous United States
- Spring Phenology—A Newly Identified Ecophysiological Role of the Deciduous Forest Floor.
- Stakeholder Theory and Rangeland Management: The Importance of Ranch Income Dependence
- State of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Wetlands of North America
- Staying Relevant in a Crowded Media Environment: Telling Stories about Ever Changing Forests
- Structural uncertainty of downscaled climate model output in a difficult-to-resolve environment: data sparseness and parameterization error contribution to statistical and dynamical downscaling output in the U.S. Caribbean region
- Surface Renewal: Micrometeorological Measurements Avoiding the Sonic Anemometer
- Suspended sediment concentrations following natural watershed disturbances: temporal and spatial considerations
- Taking the pulse of the skin of the earth: quantifying the spatial and temporal variability in soil biogeochemical cycling and stream aqueous losses
- Temporal vairations in water quality of the Ogallala Aquifer on the Texas High Plains
- Terra Incognita: Absence of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations from the National Land Cover Database and Implications for Environmental Risk
- Testing the reduction of methane emissions from alternate wetting and drying in rice fields: two years of eddy covariance measurements from Arkansas
- The Influence of Fuel Properties on Combustion Efficiency and the Partitioning of Pyrogenic Carbon
- The Influence of Landslides on Channel Flood Response: A Case Study from the Colorado Front Range
- The Lasting Effect of Wildfire and Fire Extent on the Chlorine Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter after the 2002 Hayman Fire, Colorado
- The Necessity of Determining the Gas Transfer Coefficient In-situ to Obtain More Accurate Soil Carbon Dioxide Effluxes Through the Gradient Method
- The North American Carbon Budget Past, Present and Future
- The Seasonal Soil Respiration-Temperature Hysteresis Relation Regulated by Photosynthesis and Soil Moisture
- The Soil Carbon Paradigm Shift: Triangulating Theories, Measurements, and Models
- The USA Nr Inventory: Dominant Sources and Primary Transport Pathways
- The USDA Long-Term Agro-ecosystems Research (LTAR) Network
- The challenges associated with applying global models in heterogeneous landscapes: A case study using MOD17 GPP estimates in Hawaii
- The importance of mercury in leaves, bark and wood of eight tree species across four northeastern forests
- The shared and unique value of optical, flourescence, thermal and microwave satellite data for estimating large-scale crop yields
- The unrecognized climate change signal: during-storm humidity increases in mountain regions of the western USA.
- The use of remotely-sensed wildland fire radiation to infer the fates of carbon during biomass combustion - the need to understand and quantify a fire's mass and energy budget
- Thermal landscapes in a changing climate: How different are water temperature patterns in our most extreme years?
- Topographic and physicochemical controls on soil denitrification potential in prior converted croplands located on the Delmarva Peninsula, USA
- Topographic soil wetness index derived from combined Alaska-British Columbia datasets for the Gulf of Alaska region
- Towards a portable, scalable, open source model of tree cover derived from Landsat spectra
- Tracking agricultural soil nitric oxide emission variations with novel isotopic measurements
- Transferability of Space-for-Time Models of Snow
- Transition of the GOES Evapotranspiration and Drought Product System (GET-D) into Operations at NOAA/NESDIS
- Transport and Retention of Toxoplasma gondii Oocysts in Loamy Sand and Sandy Loam Soils
- Tree Removal as a Mechanism to Reverse Ecohydrologic Thresholds in Pinyon- and Juniper-Encroached Shrublands
- Tropical rain forest biogeochemistry in a warmer world: initial results from a novel warming experiment in a Puerto Rico tropical forest
- USDA Climate Hubs - delivering usable information and tools to farmers, ranchers and forest land managers - Communication insights from the Regions
- Uncertainties in detecting decadal change in extractable soil elements in Northern Forests
- Understanding Sources and Spatial Patterns of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
- Understanding the Representativeness of FLUXNET for Upscaling Carbon Flux from Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Understanding the dynamic climate-fire-ecosystem interactions using the CESM: Fire model development and implications for decadal climate variability
- Unintended consequences of carbon enhancement in agricultural soils: The N<SUB>2</SUB>O problem
- Use of ordinary kriging to interpolate observations of fire radiative heat flux sampled with airborne imagery
- Using Mid Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter Stored in Arctic Tundra Soils
- Using Multi-Temporal Imaging Spectroscopy Data to Detect Drought and Bark Beetle Related Conifer Mortality across the Central Sierra Nevada, California, USA
- Using the NSF EarthCube BCube brokering interface to study the Saturation Excess/Infiltration Excess nexus within watershed initializations.
- Utilizing Machine Learning to Downscale SMAP L3_SM_P Brightness Temperatures in Iowa for Agricultural Applications
- Variability of Water Quality across Headwater Catchments with Distinct Soils and Hydrologic Systems in Central Missouri
- Variation in agricultural CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes during the growing season, collected from more than ten eddy covariance towers in the Mississippi Delta Region
- Variation in wetland connectivity across contrasting landscapes
- Vegetative biomass predicts inflorescence production along a CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration gradient in mesic grassland
- Water Quantity and Water Quality Impacts of Intensive Woody Biomass Feedstock Production in the Southeastern US.
- Water in the Native World: Hydrological Impacts of Future Land Use and Climate Change in the Lumbee River Watershed and Implications for Ecosystems and Indigenous Communities
- Water quality characterization of an on-farm storage reservoir-tailwater recovery system associated with agricultural production in the Mid-South US
- Watershed-scale Hydrology and Water Quality Impact of Switchgrass Intercropping in Southern Managed Pine Forests
- Wide Dynamic Range Multiband Infrared Radiometer for In-Fire Measurements of Wildland Fire Radiant Flux Density
- Wildland fire and climate variability impacts on annual streamflow in watersheds across the continental United States: Regional patterns and attribution analysis
- Windblown Dust and Air Quality Under a Changing Climate in the Pacific Northwest
- Winter fluxes from Eastern Arkansas Rice-Waterfowl Habitats
- "Fire Moss" Cover and Function in Severely Burned Forests of the Western United States
- "I get by with a little help from my friends": A case study in Holy Cross and Grayling using geographic, ethnographic, and biophysical data to tell the story of climate change effects in the lower-middle Yukon River region
- A "high severity" spruce beetle outbreak in Wyoming causes moderate-severity carbon cycle perturbations
- A 3-step framework for understanding the added value of surface soil moisture measurements for large-scale runoff prediction via data assimilation - a synthetic study in the Arkansas-Red River basin
- A Century Trend of Precipitation in Forest Watersheds from the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- A Comprehensive Snow Density Model for Integrating Lidar-Derived Snow Depth Data into Spatial Snow Modeling
- A Decade of Annual National Land Cover Products - the Cropland Data Layer
- A Framework for Mapping Global Evapotranspiration using 375-m VIIRS LST
- A Multi-stakeholder Approach to Moving Beyond Tree Mortality in the Sierra Nevada
- A Multi-temporal Analysis of Logging Impacts on Tropical Forest Structure Using Airborne Lidar Data
- A New Platform for Investigating In-Situ NIR Reflectance in Snow
- A Novel Ice Storm Experiment for Evaluating the Ecological Impacts of These Extreme Weather Events
- A Pipeline for 3D Digital Optical Phenotyping Plant Root System Architecture
- A System Engineering Approach to Strategic Partnership Development: A pilot study with NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) and the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment (NLAE)
- A data-model integration approach toward improved understanding on wetland functions and hydrological benefits at the catchment scale
- A novel design for sap flux data acquisition in large research plots using open source components
- A soil-landscape framework for understanding spatial and temporal variability in biogeochemical processes in catchments
- A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica's volcanoes
- Adapting HYDRUS-1D to Simulate Overland Flow and Reactive Transport During Sheet Flow Deviations
- Adaptive Management Using Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Modeling in Response to Climate Variability and Invasive Aquatic Plants for the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Water Resource
- Added-values of high spatiotemporal remote sensing data in crop yield estimation
- Advancing Methods for Estimating Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions by Incorporating Freeze-Thaw Cycles into a Tier 3 Model-Based Assessment
- Aerosol Optical Properties and Trace Gas Emissions From Laboratory-Simulated Western US Wildfires
- Agricultural Incentives: Implications for Small-Scale and Subsistence Farming in the US Caribbean Islands
- Alluvial Mountain Meadow Source-Sink Dynamics: Land-Cover Effects on Water and Fluvial Carbon Export
- Alternate wetting and drying practice for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in flooded rice agroecosystems
- An Event-based Assessment of Uncertainty in Measurements Between Multiple Precipitation Sensors During the North American Monsoon
- An Intercomparison of Large-Extent Tree Canopy Cover Geospatial Datasets
- An app for climate-based Chikungunya risk monitoring and mapping
- An evaluation of nitrogen and phosphorus responses to rain events in a forested watershed
- An experimental study of the impact of trees and urban form on the turbulent dispersion of heavy particles from near ground point sources
- An improved triple collocation algorithm for decomposing autocorrelated and serially-white soil moisture retrieval errors
- An innovative approach for Predicting Farmers' Adaptive Behavior at the Large Watershed Scale: Implications for Water Quality and Crop Yields
- Analysis of Gridded SPI in Hawai`i from 1920 to 2012 and Management Responses to Drought
- Analysis of Microbial Community Composition and Methane Production From Northern Peatlands Across a Climate Gradient
- Application of DSSAT-CROPGRO-Cotton Model to Assess Long Term (1924-2012) Cotton Yield under Different Irrigation Management Strategies
- Application of a MODIS Soil Moisture-Evapotranspiration (MOD-SMET) Model to Evaluate Landscape and Hydrologic Recovery after the High Park Fire in Colorado, USA
- Applying a Systems Approach to Monitoring and Assessing Climate Change Mitigation Potential in Mexico's Forest Sector
- Applying soil property information for watershed assessment.
- Assessing Climate Risk on Agricultural Production: Insights Using Retrospective Analysis of Crop Insurance and Climatic Trends
- Assessing Ecosystem Model Performance in Semiarid Systems
- Assessing Effects of Climate Change on Access to Ecosystem Services in Rural Alaska: Enhancing the Science through Community Engagement
- Assessing Soil Organic C Stability at the Continental Scale: An Analysis of Soil C and Radiocarbon Profiles Across the NEON Sites
- Assessing UAVs in Monitoring Crop Evapotranspiration within a Heterogeneous Soil
- Assessing a Top-Down Modeling Approach for Seasonal Scale Snow Sensitivity
- Assessing biomass accumulation in second growth forests of Puerto Rico using airborne lidar
- Assessing the Impacts of forest degradation on water, energy, and carbon budgets in Amazon forest using the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator
- Assessing the dynamics of the upper soil layer relative to soil management practices
- Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Evaporative Fraction for Improved Agricultural Irrigation Water Management
- Assisting the U.S. Forest Service in monitoring and managing the Pacific pine marten
- Asymmetry in ecosystem responses to precipitation: Theory, observation and experimentation
- Benefits of Long-term Catchment/Observatory Research: Reynolds Creek Case
- Bioavailable dissolved and particulate organic carbon flux from coastal temperate rainforest watersheds
- Biogeochemical hotspots following a simulated tree mortality event of southern pine beetle
- Burn Severity Based Stream Buffers for Post Wildfire Salvage Logging Erosion
- Bushland Evapotranspiration and Agricultural Remote Sensing System (BEARS) software
- CMIP5 land surface models systematically underestimate inter-annual variability of net ecosystem exchange in semi-arid southwestern North America.
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dynamics in winter wheat and canola under different management practices in the Southern Great Plains
- Carbon Fluxes and Transport Along the Terrestrial Aquatic Continuum
- Carbon dioxide effluxes and their environmental controls in sagebrush steppe ecosystems along an elevation gradient in the Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory
- Carbon dioxide emissions and energy balance closure before, during, and after biomass burning in mid-South rice fields
- Catchment-scale Validation of a Physically-based, Post-fire Runoff and Erosion Model
- Changes in Nitrogen Cycling in a Shrub-Encroached Dryland
- Characterization and predictability of basin scale SWE distributions using ASO snow depth and SWE retrievals
- Characterization of Al-coated and Uncoated Steel Slags in Flow-through Experiments: An Approach to Evaluate the Potential Efficiency of P Sorption Materials in P Removal Structures
- Characterizing agricultural soil nitrous acid (HONO) and nitric oxide (NO) emissions with their nitrogen isotopic composition
- Characterizing temporal changes of agricultural particulate matter number concentrations
- Climate Impacts of Fire-Induced Land-Surface Changes
- Climate Sensitivity of Water Yield for a Small Boreal Headwater Watershed in North-Central Minnesota
- Climate change and future wildfire in the western USA: what model projections do and don't tell us
- Climate variability and productivity of grassland under different management systems
- Climate-Smart Seedlot Selection Tool: Reforestation and Restoration for the 21st Century
- Cokriging of Electromagnetic Induction Soil Electrical Conductivity Measurements and Soil Textural Properties to Demarcate Sub-field Management Zones for Precision Irrigation.
- Combining multiple approaches and optimized data resolution for an improved understanding of stream temperature dynamics of a forested headwater basin in the Southern Appalachians
- Comparing Multiple Scales of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes in a Boreal Transition Forest - from Soil-Chambers to Eddy Covariance
- Comparison of characteristic of soils with and without salt crust soils in a hyper-arid floodplain
- Converting Paddy Rice Field to Urban Use Dramatically Altered the Water and Energy Balances in Southern China
- Credibility of Watershed Modeling: Revisit of Uncertainty Sources by IPEAT
- Current and Future Impacts of Wildfires on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Public Health in Colorado
- Daily monitoring of 30 m crop condition over complex agricultural landscapes
- Declining groundwater level caused by irrigation to row crops in the Lower Mississippi River Basin, Current Situation and Trends
- Deep Percolation in Arid Piedmont Slopes: Multiple Lines of Evidence Show How Land Use Change and Ecohydrological Properties Affect Groundwater Recharge
- Deep groundwater quantity and quality in the southwestern US
- Determination of Tree and Understory Water Sources and Residence Times Using Stable Isotopes in a Southern Appalachian Forest
- Developing a Carbon Monitoring System For Pinyon-juniper Forests and Woodlands
- Development and Demonstration of an Aerial Imagery Assessment Method to Monitor Changes in Restored Stream Condition
- Development and application of the microbial fate and transport module for the Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) model
- Development of a Distributed Parallel Computing Framework to Facilitate Regional/Global Gridded Crop Modeling with Various Scenarios
- Development of a Global Evaporative Stress Index Based on Thermal and Microwave LST towards Improved Monitoring of Agricultural Drought
- Direct Scaling of Leaf-Resolving Biophysical Models from Leaves to Canopies
- Dirt: Integrating Scientific and Local Knowledge to Support Global Land Management
- Do Quercus ilex Woodlands Undergo Abrupt Non-linear Changes in their Functional Dynamics in Response to Human Disturbance and Climatic Variation?
- Do We Really Need Sinusoidal Surface Temperatures to Apply Heat Tracing Techniques to Estimate Streambed Fluid Fluxes?
- Drought-induced changes in Amazon forest structure from repeat airborne lidar
- Ecosystem Level Methane Dynamics in a Southern Forest Wetland
- Ecosystem Nitrogen Retention Following Severe Bark Beetle and Salvage Logging Disturbance in Lodgepole Pine Forests: a <SUP>15</SUP>N Enrichment Study
- Effectiveness of prescribed fire to re-establish sagebrush vegetation and ecohydrologic function on woodland-encroached sagebrush steppe, Great Basin, USA
- Effects of Meteorological Data Quality on Snowpack Modeling
- Effects of Monovalent and Divalent Salt Solutions on the Transport of Toxoplasma gondii in Saturated Porous Media
- Effects of Surfactant on the Transport of Toxoplasma gondii in Saturated Sandy Porous Media: Experimental Tests and Modeling
- Effects of climate, CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration, nitrogen deposition, and stand age changes on the carbon budget of China's forests
- Effects of cover crops incorporation and nitrogen fertilization on N<SUB>2</SUB>O and CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- Effects of different types of moderate severity disturbance on forest structural complexity and ecosystem functioning: A story of ice and fire
- Effects of rhododendron removal on the water use of hardwood species following eastern hemlock mortality
- Effluent Gas Flux Characterization During Pyrolysis of Chicken Manure
- Elucidating Carbon Exchange at the Regional Scale Via Airborne Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements
- Emailing Drones: From Design to Test Range to ARS Offices and into the Field
- Emerging ecological datasets with application for modeling North American dust emissions
- Engaging Citizens In Discussions of Coastal Climate ChangeTwo examples of place-based research that engaged community members will be presented. Lessons learned in how to engage community members and working with high school students and hands-on learning across generations can provide insights into social and ecosystem change will be shared.
- Engineered Photorespiratory Bypass Pathways Improve Photosynthetic Efficiency and Growth as Temperature Increases
- Enhancements to the WRF-Hydro Hydrologic Model Structure for Semi-arid Environments
- Estimates of Leaf Relative Water Content from Optical Polarization Measurements
- Estimating landscape-scale impacts of agricultural management on soil carbon using measurements and models
- Estimation of Hydraulic Parameters and Aquifer Properties for a Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot Study in The Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Estimation of In-canopy Flux Distributions of Reactive Nitrogen and Sulfur within a Mixed Hardwood Forest in Southern Appalachia
- Evaluating UAV and LiDAR Retrieval of Snow Depth in a Coniferous Forest in Arizona
- Evaluating the role of river-floodplain connectivity in providing beneficial hydrologic services in mountain landscapes
- Evaluation of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) to Monitor Forest Health Conditions in Alaska
- Evaluation of different shadow detection and restoration methods and their impact on vegetation indices using UAV high-resolution imageries over vineyards
- Evaluation of forest management practices through application of a biogeochemical model, PnET-BGC
- Evapotranspiration Fluxes in Winter Wheat Under Contrasting Grazing and Tillage Management Practices in the Southern Great Plains
- Evidence of a robust relationship between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary productivity across dryland ecosystems of southwestern North America
- Examining fire-induced forest changes using novel remote sensing technique: a case study in a mixed pine-oak forest
- Examining the extreme 2017 spring drought event in South Korea using a suite of drought indices (SPI, SC-PDSI, SPEI, EDI)
- Expanding dryland ecosystem flux datasets enable novel quantification of water availability and carbon exchange in Southwestern North America
- Experimental Evidence that Hemlock Mortality Enhances Carbon Stabilization in Southern Appalachian Forest Soils
- Experimental droughts: Are precipitation variability and methodological trends hindering our understanding of ecological sensitivities to drought?
- Exploring Challenges and Opportunities of Coproduction: USDA Climate Hub Efforts to Integrate Coproduction with Applied Research and Decision Support Tool Development in the Northwest
- Field Measurements of Trace Gases and Aerosols Emitted by Undersampled Combustion Sources Including Wood and Dung Cooking Fires, Garbage and Crop Residue Burning, and Indonesian Peat Fires
- Field-scale surface soil moisture retrieval using L-band synthetic aperture radar data: shrublands examples
- Fire Effects on Soil and Dissolved Organic Matter in a Southern Appalachian Hardwood Forest: Movement of Fire-Altered Organic Matter Across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface Following the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Fire of 2016
- Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment: Coordination of a study to improve smoke modeling for fire operations within the United States
- Forest Fire Smoldering Emissions from Ponderosa Pine Duff in Central Washington
- Form and function relationships revealed by long-term research in a semiarid mountain catchment
- Frequency Analysis of Extreme Sub-Daily Precipitation under Stationary and Non-Stationary Conditions across Two Contrasting Hydroclimatic Environments
- Freshwater Ecosystem Services and Hydrologic Alteration in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- From Drought to Flood: An Analysis of the Water Balance of the Tuolumne River Basin During Extreme Conditions (2015 - 2017)
- G-REALM: A lake/reservoir monitoring tool for drought monitoring and water resources management.
- GPM Precipitation Estimates over the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed/LTAR site in Southeastern Arizona
- Gauging leaf-level contributions to landscape-level water loss within a Western US dryland fores
- Geoscience research helps rice farmers mitigate climate change and world hunger
- Gravel Transport Measured With Bedload Traps in Mountain Streams: Field Data Sets to be Published
- Greater soil carbon accumulation in deeper soils in native- than in exotic-dominated grassland plantings in the southern Plains
- Green Infrastructure Increases Biogeochemical Responsiveness, Vegetation Growth and Decreases Runoff in a Semi-Arid City, Tucson, AZ, USA
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Beef Cattle Production in the Southern Great Plains
- Ground Field-Based Hyperspectral Imaging: A Preliminary Study to Assess the Potential of Established Vegetation Indices to Infer Variation in Water-Use Efficiency.
- High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment Across The Tri-state Area (MD, PA, DE), USA
- High-resolution three-dimensional mapping of forest structure and aboveground biomass stocks in blue carbon ecosystems with airborne Lidar, TanDEM-X and WorldView Stereo
- How Much Can Remotely-Sensed Natural Resource Inventories Benefit from Finer Spatial Resolutions?
- How can remotely sensed data complement the Watershed Condition Framework?
- How disturbance, competition and dispersal interact to prevent tree range boundaries from keeping pace with climate change
- How has climate change altered network connectivity in a mountain stream network?
- How to address a global problem with Earth Observations? Developing best practices to monitor forests around the world
- Idaho forest carbon projections from 2017 to 2117 under forest disturbance and climate change scenarios
- Identifying Groundwater Recharge from an Oxbow Lake-Wetland System Based on Hydrologic Monitoring and Temperature Tracing
- Impact of Crop Conversions on Runoff and Sediment Output in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Impact of hydraulic redistribution on multispecies vegetation water use in a semi-arid ecosystem: An experimental and modeling synthesis
- Impact of long-term conservation management on soil microbial N cycling and greenhouse gas emissions in a humid agroecosystem in West Tennessee
- Impacts of Irrigation Practices on Groundwater Recharge in Mississippi Delta Using coupled SWAT-MODFLOW Model
- Improving dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) simulation of western U.S. rangelands vegetation seasonal phenology and productivity
- Improving groundwater storage and soil moisture estimates by assimilating GRACE, SMOS, and SMAP data into CABLE using ensemble Kalman batch smoother and particle batch smoother frameworks
- In Situ Groundwater Denitrification in the Riparian Zone of a Short-Rotation Woody Crop Experimental Watershed
- Infiltration capacity in a tropical montane landscape: Disentangling the effects of land-use intensity and biophysical gradients
- Influences of coupled fire-atmosphere interaction on wildfire behavior
- Intensified Vegetation Water Use due to Soil Calcium Leaching under Acid Deposition
- Interaction of Land Management Intensity and Micro-topography Controls on Geochemistry of Raindrop-Liberated/Mobilized Soil Particles
- Interactions between Point Bar Growth and Bank Erosion on a Low Sinuosity Meander Bend in an Ephemeral Channel: Insights from Repeat Topographic Surveys and Numerical Modeling
- Interpretation of Landscape Scale SWAT Model Outputs in the Western Lake Erie Basin: Potential Implications for Conservation Decision-Making
- Investigating and Modeling Ecosystem Response to an Experimental and a Natural Ice Storm
- Joint Sentinel-1 and SMAP data assimilation to improve soil moisture estimates
- L-band brightness temperature disaggregation for use with S-band and C-band radiometer data for WCOM
- Laboratory Measurements of Gas Phase Pyrolysis Products from Southern Wildland Fuels using Infrared Spectroscopy
- Landsat Collection 1 Data: Assessing the Impacts of Surface Reflectance Product Changes on an Operational Rangeland Management Tool
- Landuse legacies of old-field succession and soil structure at the Calhoun Criticl Zone Observatory in SC, USA.
- Lateral carbon export in the Mississippi River Basin, integrating fluxes from the headwaters to the Gulf of Mexico
- Linking solar induced fluorescence with genetic variability in productivity of biomass sorghum.
- Long term high resolution rainfall runoff observations for improved water balance uncertainty and database QA-QC in the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed.
- Long-term Observations of Intense Precipitation Small-scale Spatial Variability in a Semi-arid Catchment
- Long-term impacts of recurrent logging and fire in Amazon forests: a modeling study using the Ecosystem Demography Model (ED2)
- Long-term stream discharge and chemistry observations reveal unexpected ecosystem dynamics: Coweeta Watershed 7 clearcut manipulation
- Loss of ecosystem productivity with repeated drought: a multi-year experiment to assess the role of drought legacy effects
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models to Predict Runoff Water Quantity and Quality
- Mapping Croplands in Morocco and Tunisia using MAGE
- Mapping Evapotranspiration in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta using simulated ECOSTRESS Thermal Data: Validation and Inter-comparison
- Mapping of past stand-level forest disturbances and estimation of time since disturbance using simulated spaceborne LiDAR data
- Mean Annual Temperature Drives Microbial Nitrogen Cycling and Fine Root Nutrient Foraging Across a Tropical Montane Wet Forest Elevation Gradient
- Measured and modeled evidence for a two-fold increase in water use efficiency at an old-growth forest site in the Pacific Northwest
- Mechanistic modeling of reactive soil nitrogen emissions across agricultural management practices
- Minority Households' Willingness-to-Pay for Public and Private Wildfire Risk Reduction in Florida
- Mitigating Hillslope Erosion After Post-fire Salvage Logging Operations
- Model-data integration for developing the Cropland Carbon Monitoring System (CCMS)
- Modeled Carbon Cycle Responses to Altered Precipitation Amount and Interannual Variation in Desert Grassland
- Modeling Emissions and Vertical Plume Transport of Crop Residue Burning Experiments in the Pacific Northwest
- Modeling Forest Management Strategies for Hydrological Climate Change Adaptation in the upper Columbia
- Modeling of dust emission for a crusted surface
- Modeling of phosphorus fluxes produced by wild fires at watershed scales.
- Modeling the effects of vegetation heterogeneity on wildland fire behavior
- Modeling the recovery and degradation of mangroves at the global scale
- Modernized Approach for Generating Reproducible Heterogeneity Using Transmitted-Light for Flow Visualization Experiments
- Monitoring and validating spatio-temporal continuously daily evapotranspiration and its components at river basin scale
- Monitoring post-fire changes in species composition and stand structure in boreal forests using high-resolution, 3-D aerial drone data and Landsat
- Monitoring the Impact of Climate Change on Soil Salinity in Agricultural Areas Using Ground and Satellite Sensors
- National institute for Food and Agriculture: novel and changing funding strategies and mechanisms in response to changes in budgets, legislative authorities and scientific culture
- National-scale aboveground biomass geostatistical mapping with FIA inventory and GLAS data: Preparation for sparsely sampled lidar assisted forest inventory
- Nutrient Removal through Oyster Habitat Restoration in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida
- On-farm irrigation reservoirs for surface water storage in eastern Arkansas: Trends in construction in response to aquifer depletion
- Operational Retrievals of Evapotranspiration: Are we there yet?
- Overview and Evaluation of a Smoke Modeling System and other Tools used during Wildfire Incident Deployments
- PDO and ENSO Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Control Grassland Plant Production across the United States Great Plains
- Parameterization of L-, C- and X-band Radiometer-based Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm Using In-situ Validation Sites
- Partitioning carbon fluxes from a Midwestern corn and soybean rotation system using footprint analysis
- Peatland Organic Matter Chemistry Trends Over a Global Latitudinal Gradient
- Phenological Unmixing of Sequential Wildfire and Windstorm Effects in the Southern Appalachians
- Physical responses of volcanic soils to land-use intensity in tropical headwater catchments of central Veracruz, Mexico
- Pika: A snow science simulation tool built using the open-source framework MOOSE
- Post-fire Water Quality Response and Associated Physical Drivers
- Post-fire ecosystem recovery trajectories along burn severity gradients
- Post-fire land management: Comparative effects of different strategies on hillslope sediment yield
- Predicting Phosphorus Dynamics Across Physiographic Regions Using a Mixed Hortonian Non-Hortonian Hydrology Model
- Predicting Vulnerability of the Integrity and Connectivity Associated with Culverts in Low Order Streams of Northern Michigan
- Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on Runoff and Sediment Processes in Agricultural Watersheds: A Case Study from the Sunflower Watershed in the Lower Mississippi Basin
- Quantifying Hillslope to Watershed Erosional Response Following Wildfire
- Quantifying Nitrogen Transport from Riparian Groundwater Seeps to a Headwater Stream in an Agricultural Watershed
- Quantifying Precipitation Undercatch in a Semi-arid Watershed in Southeastern Arizona
- Quantifying agricultural drought impacts using soil moisture model and drought indices in South Korea
- Quantifying edge effect extent and its impacts on carbon stocks across a degraded landscape in the Amazon using airborne lidar.
- Recent trends, drivers, and projections of carbon cycle processes in forests and grasslands of North America
- Reducing uncertainty in dust monitoring to detect aeolian sediment transport responses to land cover change
- Regional Analysis of Remote Sensing Based Evapotranspiration Information
- Remote Sensing of Surface Soil Moisture using Semi-Concurrent Radar and Radiometer Observations
- Remote sensing based crop type mapping and evapotranspiration estimates at the farm level in arid regions of the globe
- Representing Northern Peatland Hydrology and Biogeochemistry with ALM Land Surface Model
- Results from SMAP Validation Experiments 2015 and 2016
- SAR Tomography for Terrestrial Snow Stratigraphy
- SMAP Radiometer Soil Moisture Downscaling in CONUS
- SMERGE: A multi-decadal root-zone soil moisture product for CONUS
- SWANN: The Snow Water Artificial Neural Network Modelling System
- Salt Efflorescence Effects on Soil Surface Erodibility and Dust Emissions
- Satellite derived smoke climatology for the United States and surface particulate pollution implications
- Satellite-based mapping of field-scale stress indicators for crop yield forecasting: an application over Mead, NE
- Sediment Concentration and Its Relation to Catchment Characteristics in Forested Headwater Streams of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Short-term climate change impacts on Mara basin hydrology
- Simulation of Drought-induced Tree Mortality Using a New Individual and Hydraulic Trait-based Model (S-TEDy)
- Snow measurement Using P-Band Signals of Opportunity Reflectometry
- Soil Bulk Density by Soil Type, Land Use and Data Source: Putting the Error in SOC Estimates
- Soil Carbon Chemistry and Greenhouse Gas Production in Global Peatlands
- Soil Organic Matter Stabilization via Mineral Interactions in Forest Soils with Varying Saturation Frequency
- Soil moisture monitoring with long term in situ sensors: Lessons from MOISST.
- Soil pH Errors Propagation from Measurements to Spatial Predictions - Cost Benefit Analysis and Risk Assessment Implications for Practitioners and Modelers
- Spatial Modeling for Resources Framework (SMRF): A modular framework for developing spatial forcing data in mountainous terrain
- Spatial modeling of litter and soil carbon stocks with associated uncertainty on forest land in the conterminous United States
- Spatial relationships between weather and air pollution in China
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Corn Phenoregions in the Continental United States
- Species- to continental-scale influences of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on tree growth and mortality across the conterminous United States
- Static Vented Chamber and Eddy Covariance Methane Flux Comparisons in Mid-South US Rice
- Statistical Properties for Hybrid Estimators of Biomass that use GEDI Waveform Data
- Stochastic Analysis and Probabilistic Downscaling of Soil Moisture
- Stream Water, Carbon and Total Nitrogen Load Responses to a Simulated Emerald Ash Borer Infestation in Black Ash Dominated Headwater Wetlands
- Stream runoff and nitrate recovery times after forest disturbance in US and Japan
- Supporting the operational use of process based hydrological models and NASA Earth Observations for use in land management and post-fire remediation through a Rapid Response Erosion Database (RRED).
- Surface Runoff Threshold Responses to Rainfall Intensity, Scale, and Land Use Type, Change and Disturbance
- Surveying Small Streams with COTS UAVs
- Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Patterns of C, N, P in a Forested First Order Watershed
- Testing climate-smart irrigation strategies to reduce methane emissions from rice fields
- The 2<SUP>nd</SUP> State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR-2): Process, Progress and Institutional Context
- The Contribution of On-Road Emissions of Ammonia to Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition
- The Effects of Realistic Irrigation on the Great Plains Low-Level Jet
- The Impact of Infiltration Losses and Model Resolution on the Simulated Hydrometeorological Response of a Semi-Arid Catchment
- The Impact of Soil Properties on Valley-Bottom Gully Form, Northwest Highlands of Ethiopia.
- The Microbiome Structure of Oklahoma Cropland and Prairie Soils and its Response to Seasonal Forcing and Management Practices
- The Regional Land Cover Monitoring System: Building regional capacity through innovative land cover mapping approaches
- The Role of Driving Factors in Historical and Projected Carbon Dynamics in Wetland Ecosystems of Alaska
- The Role of Management in Enrichment Ratio Dynamics and Resilience of Aggregate Fractions Via Raindrop Impact within Agricultural Hillslopes
- The Simulations of Wildland Fire Smoke PM<SUB>25</SUB> in the NWS Air Quality Forecasting Systems
- The US Forest Service Watershed Condition Classification: Status and Path Forward
- The Value of SMAP Soil Moisture Observations For Agricultural Applications
- The Waterviz: The Confluence of Science, Art and Music Illuminates Pattern and Process in Water Cycle Data
- The importance of temporal inequality in quantifying vegetated filter strip removal efficiencies
- The influence of soil organic matter chemistry and site/soil properties in predicting the decomposability of tundra soils
- The influence of the surface roughness parameterization on remote sensing-based estimates of evapotranspiration from vineyards
- The role of mountain precipitation as a drought buffer in Puerto Rico: Assessing natural systems' resilience to change
- The role of reforestation in carbon sequestration
- The surface renewal method for better spatial resolution of evapotranspiration measurements
- The use of remote sensing and GIS data in the NW Forest Plan aquatic assessment
- Through the Looking Glass: Droughtorama to Snowpocalypse in the Sierra Nevada as studied with the NASA Airborne Snow Observatory
- Time series measurements of carbon fluxes from a mangrove-dominated estuary
- Topographic Metric Predictions of Soil redistribution and Organic Carbon Distribution in Croplands
- Tracing past ambient air pollution and its consequences on human health
- Translating National Level Forest Service Goals to Local Level Land Management: Carbon Sequestration
- Turbulent water vapor exchanges and two source energy balance model estimated fluxes of heterogeneous vineyard canopies
- Understanding Tropical Forest Abiotic Responses to Canopy Loss and Biomass Deposition from an Experimental Hurricane Manipulation
- Understanding patterns of vegetation structure and distribution across Great Smoky Mountains National Park using LiDAR and meteorology data
- Understanding the Hydrodynamics of a Coastal Wetland with an Integrated Distributed Model
- Understanding the Socioeconomic Effects of Wildfires on Western U.S. Public Lands
- Understanding the Temporal Variation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes in a Subtropical Seasonal Wetland
- Understanding the relationship between vegetation phenology and productivity across key dryland ecosystem types through the integration of PhenoCam, satellite, and eddy covariance data
- Universal Algorithms for Plant Phenotyping: Are we there yet?
- Updating older forest inventory data with a growth model and satellite records to improve the responsiveness and currency of national carbon monitoring
- Upscaling Ameriflux observations to assess drought impacts on gross primary productivity across the Southwest
- Urbanization accelerates long-term salinization and alkalinization of fresh water
- Using Linear and Non-Linear Temporal Adjustments to Align Multiple Phenology Curves, Making Vegetation Status and Health Directly Comparable
- Using Moss to Detect Fine-Scaled Deposition of Heavy Metals in Urban Environments
- Using SMAP to identify structural errors in hydrologic models
- Using the Landsat Archive to Estimate and Map Changes in Agriculture, Forests, and other Land Cover Types in East Africa
- Validation of SWAT+ at field level and comparison with previous SWAT models in simulating hydrologic quantity
- Vallerani Micro-Catchment Infiltration Dynamics and Erosion from Simulated Rainfall and Concentrated Flow
- Variable Width Riparian Model Enhances Landscape and Watershed Condition
- Varying geospatial analyses to assess climate risk and adaptive capacity in a hotter, drier Southwestern United States
- Vegetation Water Content Mapping for Agricultural Regions in SMAPVEX16
- Vegetation response to the 2016-2017 extreme Sierra Nevada snowfall event using multitemporal terrestrial laser scanning: initial results
- Water Futures for Cold Mountain Ecohydrology under Climate Change - Results from the North American Cordilleran Transect
- Water and Energy Balances of Loblolly Pine Plantation Forests during a Full Stand Rotation
- Water-related Spectral Reflectance Indices: Principle, Constructing, Application, and Improvement
- What Can Catchment Transit Time Distributions Tell Us About Runoff Mechanisms? Exploring "Age Equifinality" with an Integrated Surface-Groundwater Model.
- What's in it for me? - Applied science in a busy world.
- Where should the upper boundary of the earth's critical zone be?
- Wildfire Effects on In-stream Nutrient Processing and Hydrologic Transport
- Wind erosion potential after land application of biosolids
- Winter CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux from cold semiarid sagebrush shrublands distributed across the rain-to-snow transition zone
- Wintertime Ambient Ammonia Concentrations in Northern Utah's Urban Valleys
- A Former WRR Editor's Perspective of a Century of Progress in Hydrologic Sciences
- A Fully Coupled Surface Water Storage and Subsurface Soil Water Dynamics Model for Characterizing Hydroperiod of Wetlands
- A Large-scale Warming Experiment Reveals Changes to Stream Flow and Solute Concentrations in a Northern Peatland Ecosystem
- A SERVIR FAO Open Source Partnership: Co-development of Open Source Web Technologies using Earth Observation for Land Cover Mapping.
- A STELLA model to predict water use, nutrient uptake, and biomass production in a short-rotation bioenergy plantation
- A SWAT-based optimization tool for obtaining cost-effective strategies for agricultural conservation practice implementation at watershed scales
- A Value of Information impact assessment: The cost effectiveness of using Burn Area Reflectance Classification Maps for wildfire mitigation decisions in a Burn Area Emergency Response protocol
- A carbon cycle partnership and program: reaching out towards international engagement and collaborations
- A cloud based approach to synchronize the advancements in global land cover mapping
- A country-wide assessment of mangrove C stocks, forest biomass, and land use change in Cambodia
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- A fast-response wildland fire modeling framework for prediction and risk assessment
- A framework for identifying and partitioning CH<SUB>4 </SUB>emissions into stationary and non-stationary events
- A multi-method exploration of landslides and their contribution to landscape evolution
- A multi-source approach to characterize inundation and connectivity across forested wetlands
- A national assessment of forest, rangeland, wetland, and urban soils of the United States
- A novel approach to assess food security and natural capital using cloud-based remote sensing and machine learning: a case study of Nghe An and Thanh Hoa Vietnam.
- A paradigm shift in the use of thermal remote sensing for evapotranspiration estimation
- A risk-based assessment of the impacts of a changing climate in the U.S. Northeast
- A trans-disciplinary approach to disease ecology: linking local to regional scales of drivers and biological processes through big data-model integration
- Aboveground forest biomass projections for the Northwestern USA from 2016 to 2116 under forest disturbance and climate change scenarios
- Advances in a community watershed model to represent land management impacts on watershed hydrological and biogeochemical fluxes
- Ag Data Commons: Open Government and Open Science Solutions for Agricultural and Related Environmental Data
- Agroforestry: Enhancing Resiliency and Sustainability in U.S. Agricultural Landscapes Under Climate Change
- Amazon Rainforest Drying Trend from Climate Warming and Extreme Anomalies
- An integrated and spatially scalable prioritization framework for green stormwater infrastructure planning: A trade-off analysis of socio-ecological vulnerability
- An open-source tool to enable regional and field-scale ET estimates from Big Data
- Analysis of high-resolution gridded weather datasets obtained from NCEP's URMA and LDAS reanalysis
- Anisohydric species have more vulnerable xylem than isohydric species in Eastern US forests
- Anomalous increasing annual streamflows driven by the demise of western white pine dominated ecosystems
- Application of the Budyko Framework for an Assessment of Wildfire Impact on Annual Water Yield in the Western US
- Application of watershed nitrogen budgets to inform management
- Assessing Weather and Climate-related Agricultural Losses Using Crop Insurance Data for Effective Risk Management
- Assessing the Dynamics of the Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem in the Context of Restoration and Fire in Western North America using the Ecosystem Demography (ED2) Model
- Assessing the Impacts of a Changing Climate in the Southern Great Plains
- Assessing the Linkages Between Tree Species Composition and Stream Water Nitrate in a Reference Watershed in Central Appalachia
- Assessment of Landsat Harmonized sUAS Reflectance Products Using Point Spread Function (PSF) on Vegetation Indices (VIs) and Evapotranspiration (ET) Using the Two-Source Energy Balance (TSEB) Model
- Automated Development of a Farm Management Database for the SWAT Model
- Below canopy radiation divergence in a vineyard - implications on inter-row surface energy balance
- Biogeochemical implications of beaver-mediated fluvial complexityin river-floodplain meadows
- Biogeochemical sensitivity of a northeast forest ecosystem to the natural and human land disturbance
- Biophysical and social aspects of climate vulnerability: a case study of irrigated cropland agriculture in New Mexico
- Brush management and grassland conservation: an ecosystem services perspective
- Building and Implementing Science Collaborations Innovatively and Effectively: Exploring Lessons Learned and Opportunities in the Carbon Space
- Built Environment, Urban Systems, and Cities
- CWSI derived from Landsat 8 thermal imagery as an affordable alternative to high resolution imagery for irrigation management in California vineyards
- Can reduced forest density increase resilience to severe drought in municipal water supply watersheds across a gradient of urbanization?
- Carbon and Nutrient Loss from Forest Mesocosms During Plant-Microbe Phenological Asynchronies
- Carbon cycling across the land-ocean aquatic continuum of North America
- Carbon dynamics and the carbon balance of rice fields in the growing season
- Carbonyl sulfide and physiological measurements provide joint constraints on ecosystem-scale photosynthesis: Insights from an old-growth forest.
- Century-old groundwater dominance of nitrate export of stream water in a claypan watershed in Missouri
- Cesium Emissions from Fires in Contaminated Forest
- Challenges in Operational Smoke Dispersion Forecasting for the Mendocino Complex Fire
- Challenges of Calibrating SWAT for Arid/Semiarid Agricultural Regions
- Chaotic Attractors in Wildland Fire Behavior
- Chapter 5: SOCCR2: Current State of the Carbon Cycle in Agricultural Systems in North America
- Characterizing Subsurface Hydrologic Fluxes within a Glaciated Watershed
- Characterizing the anthropogenic aquifer in the vadose zone between cranberries and wetland
- Climate adaptation science in Alaska: evolution of a flexible collaborative network for responding to climate change
- Climate change and tree harvest interact to affect future tree species distribution changes
- Climate change may worsen mercury pollution in northern hardwood forests
- Cloud shadow cover detection in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) imagery using machine learning algorithms
- Combining national forest inventory data with spatial indicators of water availability to assess forest health vulnerability
- Combustion Characteristics of Forest Litter in Larger Laboratory Fires as Determined from Fuel Mass Loss, Fluxes of Evolved Gases and Soot, and Gas Temperatures for CFD Fire Modeling
- Communicating Science in the Social Media Age Utilizing Twitter, Facebook and a Digital Newsletter
- Comparing Eddy Covariance and Penman-Monteith Methods to Estimate Evapotranspiration from Mid-South Rice Production
- Comparing HIGRAD/FIRETEC to QUIC-Fire, a Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Model for Operational Applications
- Comparing Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions Simulated by the New Freeze-Thaw Version of DayCent with Fluxes Inferred from Atmospheric Inversion
- Comparing the Impact of Hydraulic Redistribution on Co-existing Vegetation Interaction in Semi-arid Upland and Riparian Sites
- Comparing water use of Paulownia tomentosa to co-occurring native species in the southern Appalachian Mountains
- Comprehensive Effects of Land Use Change and Disturbances on Forest Aboveground Biomass Dynamics in the Northern USA
- Conservation management of Midwestern maize/soybean agroecosystems may reverse soil carbon losses
- Consistency between the NASS Soil Moisture Condition Table and the SMAP L4SM Product
- Controls of event-based nutrient transport within nested headwater agricultural watersheds of the western Lake Erie basin
- Coupling Hydrologic Model Outputs and Demographics Data to Inform Climate Change Planning
- Creation of a Conterminous U.S. Land Cover and Land Change Reference Dataset for LCMAP Validation
- DRAST: Quantifying Spatiotemporal Post-disturbance Recovery Using Field Inventory, Tree Growth, and Remote Sensing
- Data-model integration to develop a knowledge landscape map for improved prediction
- Decoupled Water and Nitrate Transport Downslope and across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface
- Decreased floodplain sediment retention and organic carbon storage along complex channel segments with abundant logjams
- Decreased forest water use efficiency under acid deposition
- Deep Images require Deep Learning: A Pixel-Based Convolutional Neural Network Classifier can Accurately Identify Tree Species Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Deep groundwater quality and use in the western U.S. and Mexico
- Delineation of agricultural ditch network and critical source area using LiDAR data
- Demonstrating the Added Values of Suction Losses for Channel Infiltration in WRF-Hydro Hydrologic Model and its Applications in Semiarid Region
- Deriving a proxie for soil carbon turnover using field descriptions of soil development
- Determining Area Burned from GOES-16 for Use in Smoke Forecast Modeling
- Determining the Presence of Remains Using the Chemical Composition of Burned Cadaver Ash
- Developing Practical Skills for Regional Land Cover Mapping Using a Cloud Computing Platform: An Example of Capacity Building for Service Delivery
- Development of a Global Evaporative Stress Index Based on Thermal and Microwave LST towards Improved Monitoring of Agricultural Drought
- Do Fuel Treatments Reduce Wildfire Suppression Costs and Property Damages? Analysis of Suppression Costs and Property Damages in U.S. National Forests
- Documenting and Distributing a Regional Land Cover Monitoring System using Free Data and Cloud-based Computing Infrastructure in the Lower Mekong Countries in Southeast Asia
- Downscaling SMAP radiometer soil moisture using land surface temperature and vegetation over CONUS
- Downscaling Soil Moisture Monitoring by Combining Remote Sensing Observation and In Situ Measurements
- Drivers of Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Denitrification in Agricultural Systems
- Drought Assessment using Web based Global Soil Moisture Data and Tools
- Drought Impacts and Management in Hawai'i and the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands: A Multi-Sector Synthesis
- Dynamic pore volumes and hydraulic properties in a tilled soil
- Early season mapping of Corn and Soybeans in the US Midwest
- EarthInsights: Parallel Clustering of Large Earth Science Datasets on the Summit Supercomputer
- Eco-hydrological modeling using field-based and Earth Observations to assess water use efficiency and support agricultural water resources management
- Effects of Fire Frequency on Soil Water Potential in the New Jersey Pine Barrens
- Effects of Snow Removal on Soil Frost Development in Forested Peatlands
- Effects of long-term forest management on total mercury and methylmercury in stream water and biota: A case study in a paired watershed (unmanaged vs. managed) in the lower coastal plain of South Carolina
- Electrokinetic Response of Drainage Tile Functionality on Agricultural Farmlands
- Emissions, Transport, and Chemistry of Smoke from the Oct. 2017 Northern California Fires
- Empirical Characterization of Fire Regimes Across the Globe
- Encouraging climate smart behaviors through community programs: a synthesis of best practice
- Enhancing the USDA FAS crop forecasting system using SMAP soil moisture observations
- Environmental Decision Making with Immersive Technology: The Case Study of Wildfire Management in the Ishi Wilderness
- Estimates of vegetation carbon uptake by solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) are modulated by photosynthetic pathway (C3 vs. C4)
- Estimating Atrazine Removal and Degradation by Activated Carbon Cloth
- Estimating Rates of Forest Demographic Processes: Disentangling Growth from Mortality with the Generalized Method of Moments Applied to Repeat Canopy Height Models
- Estimating boreal shrub cover and biomass: Scaling from laborious field measurements to 3D structural quantification using UAV and airborne lidar
- Evaluating evapotranspiration estimation methods in APEX model in irrigated cropping systems
- Evaluating interactions between flow structure and planform evolution on a series of six consecutive meander bends along the Pearl River, Louisiana.
- Evaluating the sensitivity of surface soil moisture dynamics to soil profile layering schemes
- Evaluation of Coherence Properties of Signals of Opportunity for Snow Measurement
- Evaluation of ISNOBAL performance with incorporated in situ and remotely sensed snow albedo in Senator Beck Basin, San Juan Mountains, CO
- Evaluation of Winter Wheat Identification Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Optical Data
- Evaluation of a RANS-based CFD solver in WindNinja
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Green Infrastructure on Hydrology and Water Quality in a Combined Sewer Overflow Community
- Evapotranspiration Estimates at Ak-Chin, Arizona using High-Frequency Remote Sensing Data
- Evapotranspiration and ecosystem water use efficiency of alfalfa under rainfed condition in the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- Evapotranspiration-based Irrigation Scheduling in Cool-Season Vegetables
- Examine the impact of different managements on grassland productivity at global FLUXNET sites
- Exploring feedbacks in burned area, wildfire synchrony, and fuel treatment cost effectiveness with outputs of the FSim model
- Exploring the Speculative Potential of Modeling NDVI Curves for Creating End-of-Year Yield Estimates
- Extent and canopy height maps of Trees outside Forest (ToF) for Bangladesh
- Extreme wildfire events: Understanding and prediction
- Fluvial Seismology: Using Seismograms to Infer Discharge, Bedload, and Other River Processes
- Forecasting and Assessing the Smoke Impacts of the 2018 Wildfires
- Forest Trees Are Not Equally Affected by Hydrologic and Atmospheric Drought
- Forest water use and carbon cycling trait diversity impacts on watershed hydrologic and ecosystem dynamics
- Forests in Focus: Engaging Multinational Brands in Data-Driven Conservation Initiatives
- Formation of Secondary Aerosol through Oxidation of Agricultural Amines and Reduced Sulfur Compounds: A Chamber Study
- From Research to Impacts on Lives: Carbon Cycle Science in U.S. Foreign Assistance Development Programs
- Fusion of satellite and UAV imagery and big data for smarter farming
- Future forest aboveground carbon dynamics in the central United States: the importance of forest demographic processes
- Future forest carbon sink dynamics in the southern United States under climate change: great effects of disturbances and forest aging
- G-REALM: A Lake/Reservoir Monitoring tool for Water Resources and Regional Security assessment
- GADAS - A new Enterprise Web GIS for USDA Crop AnalystsRobert Tetrault<SUP>1</SUP>, Kenneth Pelman<SUP>2</SUP>, Bob Baldwin<SUP>1</SUP>, and Michael Shean<SUP>3</SUP>
- GRAPEX: A Project Integrating Ground, Aerial and Satellite Observations for Improved Water Management of Vineyards
- Geomorphic and Disturbance Controls on Vegetation Dynamics in Great Basin Riparian Ecosystems
- Global Evidence for Recent Temperature-Related Changes in Abundance and Seasonality of Aero-Allergenic Pollen.
- Global High-Resolution Soil Moisture Product based on SMAP and Copernius Sentinel SAR Data
- Global trends in mangrove canopy height, biomass and carbon stocks
- Gone with the Wind: Soil Respiration Source Depending on Residue Placement in an Irrigated Corn System in Colorado
- Harnessing the Power of Open Data and Analytics for Characterizing the Role of Hydrological Processes in the Spread of a Vector-borne Livestock Disease in Multiple Watersheds across the Western US
- Heterotrophic respiration and the divergence of productivity and carbon sequestration
- High resolution spatial measurement of snow properties in a mountain environment: A multi-instrument snow properties assessment experiment
- High-Spatial Resolution Soil Moisture from Integration of Spaceborne Observations for Agricultural Applications in the Western United States
- Hillslope erosion and sediment yield after wildfire and post-fire forest management in California's Northern Coast Range
- Hillslope soil moisture patterns across wet and dry conditions in a CA coastal forest
- How Changes in Management Impact Size Distribution and Stability of Soil Aggregates
- How do forest fuel treatments affect watershed hydrology during extreme drought? Insight from the southern Sierra Nevada.
- Hurricane defoliation effects on water cycle processes in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
- Hydrogeomorphic controls on sediment characteristics in the southern Sierra Nevada
- Hydrologic heterogeneity drives asynchronous food web dynamics in Southeast Alaskan rivers
- Hydrologic-geologic threshold effects on groundwater-surface water interaction
- IPEAT<SUP>+</SUP>: Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis Tool of the SWAT<SUP>+</SUP> Model
- Identifying Black Ash Wetlands Regionally using Visible and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
- Impact of Climate Change and Climate Anomalies on Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Processes in an Agricultural Catchment of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA
- Impact of Training Sample Ratio on Classification Accuracy of Early Season Winter Wheat Classification Using See5 Decision Tree
- Implementation of climate change adaptation actions on western U.S. national forests
- Improved Estimates of Direct Emissions from Fires on Forest Land in the United States
- Improved Land Cover Identification for the June Agricultural Survey Segments Using the Geospatial Cropland Data Layer
- Improved empirical estimates of drivers of in-forest carbon flux at sub-state levels in the West Coast USA
- Improving Characterization of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in the United States
- Improving Forest Management Through Early Detection of Bark Beetle Outbreaks in the Southeastern United States Using Earth Observations
- In Pursuit of the Sub-Pixel Dream: Integrating Unmanned Aerial System-Acquired Structure from Motion (SfM) data for Multi-Scale Rangeland Assessment, Monitoring, and Model Improvement
- Increased Severity of Ice Storms May Have Important Implications for Carbon Cycling
- Increasing Hydrologic Drought Severity in the Northwestern U.S. Mountain Rivers: Causal Influences and Implications for Drought Projections
- Inferring vegetation-infiltration relationships from multitemporal land surface reflectance across gradients of management intensity and forest regeneration in the humid highlands of Veracruz, Mexico
- Influences of land use, wind direction and anthropogenic cycles on urban to rural carbon fluxes in the mid-Atlantic region
- Infrared Spectroscopy for Detection of Gas-Phase Pyrolysis Products from Prescribed Burns in the Southeastern United States
- Integrating eddy fluxes and multiple remote sensing products in a rotational grazing native pasture
- Integrating environmental metabolomics and proteomics to describe changes in carbon decomposition resulting in increased greenhouse gas flux under whole ecosystem warming at the Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments (SPRUCE) experimental site
- Integrating multi-source remote sensing data for global mapping of soil moisture and latent heat flux coupling
- Inter-annual variation in precipitation alters warming-induced belowground carbon fluxes in tropical montane wet forests
- Interactive simulation of forest harvesting and climate change scenarios to evaluate long-term forest sustainability using a biogeochemical model, PnET-BGC
- Interagency Remote Sensing Collaborations to Assess and Monitor Ecosystem Carbon Balance and Drivers
- Intercomparison of the vertical structure of turbulence over vineyards under non-advective and advective conditions
- Into the Deep: Interactions Between Plant Roots, Microbial Ecophysiology, and Soil Minerals shape the fate and persistence of deep soil carbon
- Investigating ecohydrological processes and residence times in a southern Appalachian forest using stable isotopes of water
- Investigating temporal dynamics of wetland groundwater using in-situ monitoring data
- Investigating the Effects of Reduced-impact Selective Logging on Tropical Forest Phenology
- Joint Prediction of Sampled Forest Inventory and LiDAR Data using Linear Models for Coregionalization: An Application to National-Scale Aboveground Biomass Spatial Prediction Exploiting Space-Borne LiDAR
- Land cover and land-use change are important drivers of global climate change and can have both positive and negative feedbacks on the climate system
- Land surface temperature difference between the forest and grassland: mechanism and implication
- Land-use and land-management scenarios to support regional-global ecosystem assessments
- Landfill Carbon: Decadal to Millennial Pathways for Methanogenesis, Methanotrophy and Carbon Sequestration
- Landscape-scale variability in tropical forest turnover: lessons from lidar for vegetation demographic models
- Leaf Water Status Estimated from Visible-NIR Polarization Measurements
- Learning Surface Soil Moisture Behavior from Global SMAP and GPM Satellite Data
- Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead: Supporting Operational Water Resources Decision-Making with NASA Airborne Snow Observatory
- Lessons and Challenges for New User Development for NASA Earth Observation Data
- Lessons from the semi-arid West: drought controls carbon uptake dynamics in mesic Eastern US forests
- Limited Evidence for Canopy Tree Plasticity in Amazon Forests
- Linking hillslopes to river corridors to understand dissolved organic matter export at the watershed scale
- Linking measurements and models to estimate landscape-scale impacts of agricultural management on soil carbon and groundwater use
- Long-term Experimental Watershed Infrastructure Facilitates Novel Advancements in Semiarid Catchment Hydrology through Multi-Agency Collaboration
- Machine Learning for Accelerating Science
- Machine learning in coupled wildfire-water supply risk assessment: Data science toolkit
- Mapping Agricultural Subsurface Drainage by Proximal and Remote Sensing Technologies Integrated with a Satellite Navigation System - Invited Paper 351735
- Mapping within-season crop growth stages at field scales using multi-sensor remote sensing data: opportunities and challenges
- Methane Emissions of Beef Cows Grazing Early, Late and Dormant Season Tallgrass Prairie
- Methane reductions at the field scale with alternate wetting and drying in US mid-south rice production
- Minimal data collection for maxima results, combining geospatial modeling and a heat flux approach to the thermal regimes of headwater streams in a humid, hardwood forest.
- Modeling Coarse Woody Debris Decomposition in Forests
- Modeling Sediment Transport from Forest Roads to Nearby Streams
- Modeling observed changes in forest tree species assemblages in response to forest management, disturbance and climate across the conterminous U.S.
- Monitoring Climate Change Impacts in Agricultural Areas with Proximal and Remote Sensors: Soil Salinity
- Monitoring Vineyard Water Use and Vine Stress using Thermal-Based Satellite Remote Sensing for Improved and Sustainable Water Management
- Monitoring forest disturbance events and recovery status with eDaRT 3.0
- Monitoring, modeling, and manipulative experiments for understanding ecological and biogeochemical processes in terrestrial ecosystems
- Moving Towards Sustainable Land Management in the Chesapeake Bay Through Novel Engagement Strategies
- Multiple nutrient co-limitation stabilizes grassland productivity and plant community change by buffering effects of precipitation variability
- Multitemporal regulation of soil respiration by substrate availability, moisture and, finally, temperature
- NASA Goddard's G-LiHT Airborne Remote Sensing System for Forestry Applications
- NCA4 U.S. Caribbean Regional Chapter
- NCA4: Agriculture and Rural Communities Chapter
- National Climate Assessment IV, Chapter 17: Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, and Complex Systems
- Natural and social aspects of global wildfire threats to water supplies
- Net ecosystem exchange and evapotranspiration in US mid-south rice production
- New National Percent Greenup Completion Departure Maps Show Deviations in the Seasonal Progression of Vegetation Timing Every 8 Days
- New top-down constraints on methane emissions from animal agriculture based on GEM airborne measurements in the US Upper Midwest
- North American Monsoon sub-daily rainfall intensification in the semi-arid region of Southwestern US.
- Objective Integration Soil Moisture Satellite Observations and Model Simulations toward a Blended Drought Index
- Omitting C erosion by Wind in C Cycling Reveals Overestimated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission and Unrecognised Uncertainty in Drylands.
- OpenET: Filling the Biggest Gap in Water Data for the Western United States
- Operational Flood Monitoring of Agriculture during Hurricanes Harvey and Irma with Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
- PM10 Emissions from Natural Surfaces in Southwestern North America
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Source Apportionment Analysis for the 2018 Large Fire Events in California
- Parallel K-means Clustering of Geospatiotemporal Data Sets Using Manycore CPU Architectures
- Patterns in soil organic carbon deficit across the Conterminous US
- Peatland methane emission driven by interaction of soil temperature and water table
- Pedogenic carbonates and radiocarbon isotopes of organic carbon at depth in the Russian Chernozem
- Per-pixel uncertainty for the Airborne Snow Observatory's SWE products
- Pine to Potato Conversion Impacts to Groundwater Recharge in the Northern Great Lakes Region
- Pixel Resolution Sensitivity Analysis for the Estimation of Evapotranspiration Using the Two Source Energy Balance Model and sUAS Imagery under Agricultural Complex Canopy Environments
- Plant-Soil interactions under Global Warming: Learning Mechanisms from Multiyear Field Experiments and Natural Gradients.
- Post-Fire Variability in Aeolian Deposition in the Northern Great Basin
- Potential Local to Regional Scale Impacts from Wildfire Re-emission of Hypothetical Radiological Contamination Incidents
- Predicting daily land surface temperature at high spatial resolution by fusing Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-2 data
- Predicting the impact of wildfires on watersheds in the continental US
- Projections of future stream water chemistry under the Representative Concentration Pathways in an old-growth Douglas-fir forest of the Pacific Northwest using a biogeochemical model with improved algorithm on soil cation exchange capacity
- Quantification and Analysis of Agricultural N<SUB>2</SUB>O Fluxes Using Continuous Airborne Atmospheric Observations
- Quantifying Fuel Consumption for Two Western U.S. Fires using Repeat LiDAR
- Quantifying and Characterizing the Legacy Phosphorus Pool in a Mississippi Delta Waterbody
- Quantifying crop water use by combining multi-sensor remote sensing data over a semi-arid region
- Quantifying plant physiological response to water stress with high-frequency, near-surface observations of chlorophyll fluorescence and photochemical reflectivity
- Quantifying the Effects of Outer-Bank Large Wood on Flow-Resistance and Bank Erosion in AN Evolving Meandering River
- Random and systematic errors in mixed sensor networks
- Rapid Assessment of Fuel Load Using the GLOBE Observer Fire Fuel App
- Reanalysis of Woody Encroachment of US Drylands with Finer Resolution MODIS LST
- Recent advances in critical loads research and understanding vulnerability to N and S deposition across the contiguous U.S.
- Recent trends, drivers, and projections of carbon cycle processes in forests of North America
- Reducing California Homeowners' Wildfire Risk on Their Property and in Their Community: Willingness to Pay Results of a Choice Experiment
- Reduction and quantification of forest change mapping error: supporting carbon accounting in seven East African countries
- Reduction in Rainy Days during Summer Exacerbates Western US Forest Fire Extent
- Relationship between shrub cover and plant available water in a U.S. Southwest desert
- Relationships Between, Soil Water Content, Irrigation, and Evapotranspiration Measurements in a California Drip-irrigated Pinot Noir Vineyard
- Remote Sensing of Corn at High Spatial, Spectral, and Temporal Resolutions
- Response of grassland phenology to burning and grazing in different climatic conditions in Southern Oklahoma
- Rift Valley fever Outbreak in East Africa: Signature of Climate Extremes
- Risk Analysis of Rainfed Cotton Production in the U.S. Southern High Plains
- Rock and Roll: Passive and automated sensing of fluvial bedload and wood transport
- Runoff and sediment delivery from small, burned headwater catchments in California
- SMERGE Validation by Ranked Correlation Analysis with NDVI and Streamflow
- Satellite-based mapping of field-scale stress indicators for crop yield forecasting: an application across the Corn Belt, USA
- Scaling Remotely Sensed ET Measurements in the Lower Colorado River Region in the Development of User-Friendly Water Management Tools
- Seasonal Variability and Trends in Long Time Series Remote Sensing Based Evapotranspiration and its Impacts on New Mexico's Water Use and Food Production
- Seasonal carbon and water dynamics in corn-soybean rotation systems in Central Iowa
- Selection and spatial analysis of USDA-NRCS soil survey map units by soil color for forensic investigations
- Sharing Data, Telling Stories, and Delivering Science - Meeting Users on Their Terms
- Sharing Science with Journals, Peers, and Skeptics: A Reproducible Approach in the Era of Big Data
- Simulating Biological Disturbances Under Changing Climates: A Forest Dynamic Landscape Modeling Approach
- Small UAS Remote Sensing for Assessing Corn N Status
- Socio-environmental synthesis: Exploring the relationship between climate events, agricultural crop loss, and climate/weather perceptions of USDA employees
- Soil greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O and CH4) flux measurements from grazing pastures using automated system
- Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence exhibits a nearly universal relationship with terrestrial photosynthesis across a wide variety of biomes
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Pore Water Chemistry and Stable Isotopes at Tropical Three Hillslopes: El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Carbon Management Experiences and Opportunities
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Key Findings from Assessing a Decade of Science, Decisions, and Management Impacts
- State of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Wetlands of North America
- Study the Spectral and Structural Signatures of Canopy Defoliation by Herbivorous Insects at the Individual Tree Level using Bi-temporal Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and LiDAR Measurements
- Synthesizing and communicating ecosystem responses to air pollution for federal resource management
- Temporal Concerns around Interpretation of Landscape Scale SWAT Modeling Outputs: potential implications for conservation decision-making
- Temporal variation in soil carbon cycling in response to wildfire in the ReynoldsCreek Critical Zone Observatory, Idaho, USA
- Terrestrial Carbon Storage: Improving Estimates of Net Ecosystem Exchange using Soil Profile Measures of Carbon Dioxide (CO<SUB>2</SUB>) Flux in a Cold Sage-Steppe Ecosystem
- The FACE Wood Decomposition Experiment: Understanding Processes Regulating Carbon Transfer to Soil Carbon Pools Using FACE Wood at Multiple Scales
- The Fire Climate that Preceded the Largest Fire in California History: A Statistical Anomaly or Wave of the Future?
- The Forests Chapter of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Air Quality Impacts
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Midwest
- The High Resolution Rapid Refresh Atmospheric Model to Supplement a Sparse Measurement Network for Snow Modeling
- The International Soil Radiocarbon Database (ISRaD): A new resource for the synthesis of soil radiocarbon data across scales.
- The JECAM SAR Inter-Comparison Experiment: Comparing agriculture classification results utilizing a well-established operational decision tree methodology incorporating a variety of C-band SAR and optical imagery applied to 13 worldwide, diverse agriculture systems.
- The Northwest Chapter of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- The Power of Long-term Observation: New Insights from 50+ Years of Monitoring Sediment Fluxes at the Caspar Creek Experimental Watershed, CA
- The Role of Broad-scale Climate in the Periodic Northern Expansion of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Incidence in North America
- The Role of Drought in the Hydrologic Response of a Managed Coast Redwood Watershed
- The SOCCR2 Architecture: What did over 200 minds across government, academic and private institutions assess across North America? Why and How We Did It.
- The Surface Renewal Application over Sixteen Rice Fields for Water Consumption Monitoring of Four Irrigation Management Practices
- The USDA-Agricultural Research Service Experimental Watershed and LTAR Research Network: Contributions to Socially Relevant Catchment Science
- The Use of Steel Slags In Phosphorus Removal Structures: An Approach to Evaluate Their Potential Efficacy and How to Improve It
- The Value of SMAP for Improving the USDA FAS Soil Moisture Information: Early Adopters Perspective
- The effects of land cover on soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux in a temperate suburban neighborhood
- The perplexing drought response strategy of Eastern oak species, evaluated in the context of their ongoing decline.
- The promise and challenges of small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) for agricultural research in the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network.
- The response of soil-profile temperatures to climate change and potential impacts on decomposition, plant processes, and nutrient cycling.
- The scientific and societal value of long-term watershed research.
- The social dimensions of the carbon cycle: progress and challenges
- Thermal Habitat Restoration in Urban Areas: how Specific Thermal Drivers can Offset the Restoration Outcomes.
- Thermal Infrared Science and Applications from HyTES and ECOSTRESS in Support of Surface Biology and Geology Science
- Thinning and Prescribed Fire Alter Tree-Level Climate-Growth Relationships and Reduce Vulnerability to Drought in Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Northern Rockies
- Title: Long-term Estimates of Inland Riverine Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) fluxes from Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho USA
- Toward Avoiding the "Right Answer for the Wrong Reason": Probabilistic Appraisal of Competing Model Structures in Distributed Hydrologic Models
- Toward estimating greenhouse gas emissions and removals on managed forest land in Alaska, USA
- Toward the Predictive Understanding of Greenhouse Gas Production in High Latitude Peatlands
- Tracing deep biogeochemical impacts in the intensively managed desert region of Arequipa, Peru
- Tracking the "Vernal Window" with bundled Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) protocols
- Transgenic plants and the global carbon cycle
- Tribally directed collaborative research on wild rice: the Kawe Gidaa-Naanaagadawendamin Manoomin project
- Tropical forest structure modulates flammability and response to extreme droughts in the Amazon
- Turbulence in a wildland fire - a micrometeorological perspective
- Turning ASO Snow Depths Into Streamflow Through a Reproducible Snow Modeling System
- US Forest Service National Riparian Areas.
- Uncertainty of the Reference Pixel Average Soil Moisture Observed at SMAP Core Validation
- Understanding Tropical Forest Abiotic Response to an Experimental Hurricane Manipulation and an Actual Hurricane using Field and Satellite Data
- Understanding emerging contaminants in the environment: Moving from fear to empowerment
- Understanding vineyards stress physiology from the leaf to the canopy: How do we accurately measure and scale 'true' ground observations?
- Unexpected patterns of grassland root production during and after repeated extreme droughts
- Upscaling Airborne Eddy Covariance Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases Using Landcover Information and Temporal Trends from Towers
- Upscaling of in situ soil moisture measurements based on phase space analysis
- Use of Ground-based Infrared Thermometry on Estimation of Evapotranspiration under Various Moisture Conditions
- Use of a Physics-Based Fire Model to Evaluate How Tree Separation Distance and Group Size Influence Crown Fire Behavior Through Flame Interactions and Altered Convective Regimes
- Use of a detailed physics-based modeling approach for evaluating the impact of low-intensity operational burning activities
- Use of physics-based fire models provide insights on the effect of spatially-heterogeneous fuels on fine-scale fire behavior
- Use of satellite soil moisture to diagnose climate model representations of European soil moisture - air temperature coupling strength
- Using Deep Learning to Model Potential Impacts of Geoengineering via Solar Radiation Management on US Agriculture
- Using Global Seasonal Forecasts to Map Chikungunya Risk
- Using Landsat Time Series to Evaluate Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestation over Southern Appalachian Mountains
- Using Narrative to Enhance Learning and Adaptation Practice Integration Into Resource Management Decisions and Climate Change Adaptation Projects on National Forests.
- Using SERVIR's Regional Land Cover Monitoring System to improve the integration of forest change data with other land use change at a regional scale
- Using a Big Data Model Integration Approach to Forecast the Geographic Range of an Invasive Disease at the Continental Scale
- Using a Multi-Temporal Data Cube with Random Forest near real-time Classification of Major Crops in USA
- Using a broad suite of traits, including hydraulics, for robust prediction of species and forest vital rates in space and time
- Using citizen science and stream methane to locate and understand hydrocarbon-related contaminant sources in Pennsylvania
- Using field scale ET estimated with high spatiotemporal resolution remote sensing data to study impact of tile drainage on evapotranspiration
- Using flowpath decomposition to understand time-varying transit time distributions and storage selection with an integrated surface-groundwater model of a small watershed
- Using process-based fire models to advance ecological knowledge beyond fire effects
- Using scintillometry to understand MOST validity over a trellised canopy
- Using soil development patterns and processes to explain sources of streamflow generation in a glaciated catchment
- Using the Cloud to Collaboratively Mind the Gap between High and Medium-Resolution Tree Cover Data
- Utilizing SMAP soil moisture products to assess information flow in the NOAH-MP land surface model
- Validating the 2011 and 2016 NLCD Tree Canopy Cover Products using Crowdsourced Interpretations
- Variation in soil nutrients shape tropical dry forest structure, function, and recovery
- Vulnerability of Subsistence Systems in the Face of Social and Environmental Change: A Case Study in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Warmer temperature affects the capacity of fine-root production to recover after a hurricane event in a tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico
- Warming effects on litter decomposition and carbon cycling in a tropical forest
- Water Balance in the SMAP Level-4 Soil Moisture Algorithm
- Water, Health, and Toxoplasmosis: Epidemiology and Environmental Aspects
- Watershed Water Resource Assessments in an East Arkansas Critical Groundwater Area: Translating Agronomic and Hydrologic Understanding into a Sustainable Agricultural Future
- Watershed-scale water quality and quantity responses to wildfire in the southern Appalachian mountain region, USA
- Weather, Climate, and Wildfire: developing and implementing research for wildfire management and policy
- Wetland hydrologic resilience to climate variability: a case study at a coastal wetland of North Carolina, USA
- What impact do plant and soil hydrologic schemes of varying complexity have on simulated water and carbon fluxes across semi-arid sites in the southwestern US?
- Whole Farm Water: Collaborative science for farm irrigation decisions in vegetable production systems
- Wildfire and post-fire forest management impacts on soil water content in California's Northern Coast Range
- Wind Perturbations Drive Variability in Wildland Fire Outcomes
- Winter weather whiplash: impacts of extreme meteorological events misaligned with natural and human systems in seasonally snow-covered regions
- Wood Jam Dynamics and Resulting Geomorphic Effects in Natural and Engineered Valley Bottoms
- 2017 Northern California Wildfires - A NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) Tiger Team
- A Turbulent Pipe Model for Fire Spread
- A big data-driven model for water quality estimation with high spectral and spatial resolution imagery
- A comparison of transit time distribution vs. fraction of young water to characterize storage in a mountain headwater catchment: does the tail matter?
- A comprehensive evaluation of RHEM in the WGEW watersheds with long-term data
- A multi-sensor assessment of forest structure change following mountain pine beetle and fire
- A new era of anchoring water cycle science and water resource management with paradigm-shifting snow remote sensing
- A preliminary assessment of current hydrological, soil, and botanical conditions in the dynamic montane meadows of the Northeastern Sierra Nevada and Diamond Mountains geographical transitional region.
- Advances in Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration
- Advances in fire science from a constellation of satellite sensors
- Advancing remote sensing methods to constrain physical understanding of accelerated mountain snowmelt
- Airborne snow accumulation estimates from L-Band InSAR during the NASA SnowEx 2017 campaign and validation with airborne LiDAR and in-situ observations
- An Evaluation of Gridded Drought indices to Enhance the Upper Missouri River Basin's Drought Early Warning System
- An Evapotranspiration Data Product at 2km resolution from NOAA GOES-16
- An Experimental Study of the Ecohydrologic and Carbon Sequestration Benefits of Beaver Dam Analogue Restoration Techniques in Childs Meadow, CA, USA
- An Integrated Monitoring and Modeling System for Fire Smoke Exposure and Health Impact Assessment
- An alternative method to estimate atmosphere-canopy fluxes from semi-high frequency canopy infrared temperature
- An estimation of reference sites numbers necessary for the validation of global soil moisture products
- Application of Existing Long-Term Studies to Develop Management Options that Reduce Production Risks and Enhance Ecosystem Services Under Increased Weather Variability
- Application of a Monthly Water Balance Model to Better Understand Cryospheric Change in Alaska
- Applying a remotely sensed land-atmosphere coupling diagnostic to improve land surface evapotranspiration estimation
- Applying novel mapping and remote sensing technologies to identify and survey agricultural irrigation systems in the Upper Snake Rock watershed
- Arctic tundra and boreal forest surface energy balance retrieval using a thermal-based remote sensing model
- Assessing Controls on Connectivity of Forest Roads to Streams at Segment to Network Scales
- Assessing Peak Discharge Model Accuracy to Prioritize Road Treatments following Wildfire
- Assessing different sampling methods to develop forest carbon budgets
- Assessing land cover change and lowland vulnerability to permafrost thaw, altered fire regime, and hydrologic changes on Interior Alaska
- Assessing the hydrologic resilience of coastal wetlands at the Southeastern US under climate disturbances: the critical role of regional-scale hydrologic interaction
- Assessment of Aboveground Root Growth and Surface Elevation Changes In Mangrove Forests Using a Rapid-Scan, Low Point Density Terrestrial Laser Scanner
- Assessment of Alpine Lakes Exceeding Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in the Greater Yellowstone Area
- Assessment of High-Resolution Daily Evapotranspiration Models Using Instantaneous sUAS ET in Grapevine Vineyards
- Assessment of Sustainable Biomass through Forest Restoration
- Assessment of the Vulnerability and Sustainability of Groundwater Resources in the Big Sunflower River Watershed, Mississippi under Changing Climate
- Automated DRASTIC Groundwater Assessment Model Development for Contamination Susceptibility Determination
- Automatic forest plot structure characterization from terrestrial and UAV-based point clouds
- Basalt application for carbon sequestration reduces nitrous oxide fluxes from croplands
- Belowground carbon varied with aboveground carbon along an elevation gradient at Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory in California
- Benefits of State and Private Forest Lands for Water Supply in the Southern United State
- Beyond sustainability: a regenerative ecosystem management approach integrating prescribed livestock grazing, ecological monitoring, and land stewardship
- Beyond the Horizon: WEPPcloud - PEP, Postfire Erosion Prediction Tool
- Bias Adjustment Factors Based on Climate and Temporal Resolution for a Precipitation Intensity Factor Commonly Used in Soil Erosion Modeling
- Bias Correction for Modeled Soil Moisture via Calibrating of Soil Parameters Against SMAP Surface Soil Moisture Data
- Biological Threat Agents in the Environment: Detection, Fate, and Transport of Toxoplasma gondii in Soils
- Biophysical controls of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in Alaskan coastal temperate rainforest streams
- Carbon fluxes and balance in managed and natural forested wetlands along the coastal plain of North Carolina
- Catchment-scale prediction of post-fire erosion and runoff with the geospatial WEPP model
- Changes in Hydroclimatic Characteristics of River Basins in the U.S over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Characterization of Crop Commodities Replacing Forest lands and Associated Carbon Budgets in Indonesia
- Characterization of Pyrolysis Gases from Southeastern US Pine Forest Fuel Beds in Wind Tunnel Fire Experiments.
- Characterizing Groundwater Chemistry and Recharge in an Agricultural Claypan Watershed Using End Member Mixing Analysis
- Climate Change Impact Assessment for an Agricultural Watershed in the U.S. Desert Southwest
- Climate Change Impacts on Water and Carbon Fluxes along an Elevational Gradient in a Sagebrush Ecosystem
- Climate impact on US Potato yield, water demand and nutrient uptake
- Climate impacts on important food-producing shrubs: predicting change and disseminating results
- Comparative Analysis between SMAP Level-4 Data and NASS Surveyed Soil Moisture Estimates for U.S. Midwest Cropland Areas
- Comparative water relations and moisture-limited growth of co-occurring white spruce and paper birch in interior Alaska: implications for deciduous dominance of the Boreal Forest
- Comparing Different Spectral Indices in Monitoring Forest Disturbances Using Landsat Time Series Imagery
- Comparing Traditional Water Balance Estimates of Evapotranspiration with Eddy-Covariance and Satellite-Based Modeling in a Drip Irrigated Vineyard
- Comparing the impacts of continuous and rotational grazing on tallgrass prairie landscape using the National Agriculture Imagery Program imagery
- Comparison of Evapotranspiration Estimates from Remote Sensing, Crop Coefficient Models, and Eddy Covariance Stations for Celery in California
- Comparison of methane reductions with alternate irrigation techniques in US mid-south rice production
- Completing the map - Catchments in absentia
- Connecting the dots with airborne geophysics: Mapping aquifer structure at new scales in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Continental-scale Projection of Future Douglas-fir Growth from Tree Rings: Testing the Limits of Space-for-Time Substitution
- Correcting Errors in Error Propagation for REDD+ Carbon Accounting
- Cryospheric process representation in local to national-extent hydrologic models
- Deciphering the altitudinal context of land-use effects on volcanic ash soils in Veracruz, Mexico
- Decreased bed load transport following timber harvesting and wood input to the North Fork of Caspar Creek, CA
- Deriving a proxie for soil carbon turnover using field descriptions of soil development
- Development of a Global Evaporative Stress Index Based on Thermal and Microwave LST towards Improved Monitoring of Agricultural Drought
- Differential soil moisture and groundwater responses to precipitation events across hillslope transects in a California coastal forest
- Digital Soil Mapping using Machine Learning in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana
- Do Adsorbed Organics Stabilize Nanoparticles by Steric Effects or Alternations of Nanoscale Roughness?
- Does Increased Santa Ana Wind Intensity Change Simulated Spatial Burn Probability In Southern California?
- Does microbial diversity in nitrous oxide reducers regulate soil nitrous oxide emissions?
- Drought stress has driven widespread shifts in forest hydraulic trait composition
- Dust Source Characterization on Lordsburg Playa in Southwestern New Mexico
- Dynamic Role of Fire in Vegetation Shift and Carbon Stock Changes for the Conterminous USA Under Climate Change Scenarios
- ECOSTRESS-Landsat Synergy for Mapping Evapotranspiration and Vegetation Stress in Agricultural Landscapes
- Early 20<SUP>th</SUP> century impacts of atmospheric deposition on California ecosystems: Results from aquatic and terrestrial paleoarchives
- Earth observations and models to support agricultural water resources management
- Economic and climate change mitigation tradeoffs between forest management strategies aimed at reducing wildfire risk in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California, USA
- Effects of Climate Variability on Agroecosystems: Potential Threats to National Security
- Effects of Urbanization on Water Yield, Ecosystem Productivity, and Climate: Case Studies in the United States and China
- Effects of an Experimental Ice Storm on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Effects of drought and defoliation on moisture and energy balances in a tropical mountain cloud forest
- Efficacy of using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery, terrestrial laser scanning, and airborne laser scanning data in measuring three-dimensional forest properties
- El Niño-Southern Oscillation Teleconnections and Global Patterns of Disease Outbreaks
- Emissions, Transport, and Chemistry of Smoke from Western U.S. Wildfires
- Enabling Annual Land Cover Mapping in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region
- Estimated Empirical Nitrogen Deposition Critical Loads for Nitrate Export from California Forests and Shrublands
- Estimating Annual Sediment Yields from Forest Roads Using a Process-Based Model
- Estimating E. coli concentrations in water using sensor and drone-based imagery data
- Estimating the interannual variations of the contribution of oceanic moisture to summer precipitation in eastern China: A stable isotope approach
- Estimation of Surface Water Flux from SMAP/SMOS Soil Moisture Retrievals
- Estimation of leaf area index and above-ground biomass in soybean canopy using Sentinel-1 & 2, and Landsat images
- Evaluating ET Partitioning in Vineyards from a Two-source Energy Balance Model using Land Surface Temperature from Canopy to Field Scale Resolutions
- Evaluating Mechanisms of Rain-On-Snow Flood Events Using an Ensemble Approach to a Physically Based Snow Model
- Evaluating high-frequency solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and photochemical reflectivity as improved proxies for photosynthesis and associated water stress effect in dryland ecosystems
- Evaluating the Performance of a Vegetation Demographic Model (ED.v2) in Drylands.
- Evaluating the sensitivity of modeled surface soil moisture and microwave brightness temperature to soil profile layering schemes
- Evaluation of Methods for Assessing Soil Water Repellency via a Single Tension Infiltrometer Experiment
- Evaluation of applicability to biochar amended soils for pedotransfer functions in agroecosystem, soil erosion and hydrology models
- Evaluation of vegetation-based and thermal infrared-based ET retrievals for near real-time water use and water stress monitoring in a California vineyard
- Evapotranspiration-based Irrigation Scheduling in Salinas Valley Vegetable Crops
- Evolution of Stormflow Thresholds in Long-Term Instrumented Catchments
- Evolution of rock cover, surface roughness, and flow velocity on stony soil under simulated rainfall
- Examining multi-scale snow vegetation relationships using object-derived measures of canopy structure from terrestrial laser scanning, Grand Mesa, Colorado
- Exploring spatiotemporal relations between soil moisture, precipitation, and stream flow for a large set of watersheds in the Contiguous United States.
- Exploring the Effect of Fuels and Forest Structure on Daily Emissions and Smoke Production from the Rim Fire
- Feast or famine: Climate impacts on agriculture using crop insurance data
- Feedbacks between irrigation and climate from field to regional scales in the Midwest US
- Field Scale Crop Water Use Trends and Spatial Variability over the Upper Rio Grande Basin of United States and Mexico using Landsat-Based Evapotranspiration
- Field level variability in topography and soil quality: implications on dryland cereal production in the Central Great Plains of North America.
- Field-Scale Soil Moisture Retrieval using PALS Airborne Microwave Radiometer during SMAPVEX16
- Fifty-seven years and counting of watershed science at the Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds in northern California
- Fine-time-scale DEM analysis illuminates long-term geomorphic legacy of 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption in North Fork Toutle River watershed
- Fire Effects on Vegetation: Towards a Process Model Linking Fire Behaviour, Plant Traits, and Plant Physiology
- Fire-induced Changes in Soil Physicochemical Properties and Infiltration: Assessment Based on Prescribed Burns of Forested Watersheds in the Southeastern U.S
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Fluxpart: Open Source Software for Partitioning Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor Fluxes
- Fly Another Day: Spying on Vegetation with Drones in Semi-Arid Rangelands
- Forest Cover Indices for Identifying Canopy Cover in Multispectral Imagery
- Forest Disturbance Intensity Based on Annual Landsat Observations and Field Inventory Data
- Forest Road/Stream Crossings Erosion Vulnerability Assessment using Geospatial Hydrologic Models under Extreme Precipitation Events
- Forest ecosystem responses to interacting bark beetle and fire disturbance
- Framing land change through the lens of annual, broad-area land cover maps for the continental United States
- Frost damage in specialty crops: current concerns, future risks, and implications for water resources
- Fuel treatment effects on forest mortality resistance and water yield during drought
- Functional traits predict plant species' climate distributions across the Hawaiian Islands
- GeoAPEXOL, a web GIS interface for the Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender (APEX) model enabling both field and small watershed simulation
- Geophysics at multiple scales to address groundwater depletion in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer
- Getting closer to Landsat: Advances from the GRAPEX Project in the Application of UAVs for High-Resolution Evapotranspiration
- Global assimilation of L-band brightness temperature observations from SMAP and SMOS into the Catchment land surface model and contribution to the skill of soil moisture estimates
- Global bioclimatic controls of leaf nitrogen: an implementation of Least-Cost Optimality Theory
- Global carbon and biomass implications of mangrove land use change 2000-2016
- Gone with the wind: Aeolian transport of microplastics
- Groundwater Recharge and Microbial Water Quality From Drywells
- Habitat Suitability Model; Building Towards Predictive Fire-Land Management Framework
- Half-century history of crop nitrogen budget and nitrogen use efficiency in the conterminous United States: Variations over time, space and crop types
- High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Soil Moisture for Agricultural Applications in the Western United States
- High-resolution mapping of forest above ground carbon storage over the 11 state RGGI+ domain
- How Management Practices Influence the Stability of Surface Aggregates During Intense Rainfall Events
- How can we significantly reduce the methane impact of rice production?
- How does forest structure control temperature and water fluxes in the Amazon?
- How drying and wetting events impact landscape methane fluxes
- How long does it take to grow a tree? Evaluating the potential for restoration strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change on stream temperature.
- Hydraulic traits of trees growing in wet places: Do lessons learned from arid biomes translate to mesic forests?
- Hydrological Response of High Elevation Watersheds in the Conterminous United States to Climate Change under the Representative Concentration Pathway Scenarios
- IPEAT<SUP>+</SUP>: A Deeper Look at the Automatic Calibration Tool of SWAT<SUP>+</SUP>
- Identifying Pathways of Nitrous Oxide Flux from Agricultural Soils Using Nitrogen Isotopomer Analysis
- Identifying relationships between vegetative indices and gross primary productivity (GPP) in rice agriculture sites
- Impact of Agricultural Land Use Change on Surface-Groundwater Water Interaction in the Big Sunflower River Watershed
- Impact of early termination of vegetation around paired eddy covariance towers in a divided winter wheat field
- Impacts of Climate and Land Use Changes on Water Resource in the Big Sunflower River Watershed
- Impacts of N-stabilizers and N-fixing microorganisms on agronomic and environmental components of N budgets in an irrigated coarse-textured soil
- Impacts of Precipitation Intensification on Runoff, Sediment Yield, and Plant Available Water in Central Oklahoma
- Implications of an Intensified Fire Regime Across Interior Alaska's Spatiotemporal Black Spruce Dominated Landscape: Relationships Among Plant Diversity, Functional Traits and Fire
- Importance of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from stream and river networks: Constraints from agricultural watersheds in Southern Minnesota
- Incorporating water contamination risk from wildfire ash into the decision-making process: a new online tool for researchers and end-users
- Incorporation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Point Cloud Product into Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Models and Yield Estimation in Grapevine Vineyards
- Increased Spatiotemporal Resolution of Whole-Tree Carbon Assimilation Estimated with Stable Isotopes from Tree-Ring Cellulose
- Increasing Concurrence of Wildfire Drivers Doubles Megafire Critical Danger Days in Southern California
- Influence of topography on stream insolation and thermal regimes in a mid-latitude, montane, forested headwater
- Insurance and Extraction Incentives in a Common Pool Resource: Evidence from Groundwater Use in the Ogallala Aquifer Region.
- Integrating Satellite Fire Detections with Coupled Fire-Weather-Smoke Forecasting System WRFx for Improved Wildland Fire Decision Making
- Integrating thermal infrared stream temperature data and spatial stream network models to understand the natural spatial variability in stream temperatures
- Intra- and Inter-Annual Variability in Wetland CH4 Emissions from a Sub-Boreal Peatland
- Intra-Event Trends in Stable Isotopes: Exploring Summer Monsoon Convective Precipitation in Arizona
- Investigating Consistency In Snow Distribution Using A Six-year Airborne Lidar Time Series Of Snow Depth In Tuolumne Basin, California, USA
- Investigating Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength Biases in CMIP5 Climate Models Using Remote Sensing Data
- Investigating UAV Multispectral Imagery for Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity Monitoring in Small Streams
- Investigating drought-induced tree mortality using remotely sensed ET data in a temperate forest in the Central US
- Investigating the Processes Affecting Surface Air-Quality in California's Sierra Nevada Mountain Range
- Investigation of Gross Nitrogen Transformation Rates in a Series of Wetlands Under Different Management Regimes
- Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Measurements? A Comparison of Drone Systems and Data Processing Methods for Rangeland Vegetation Monitoring
- Isotopic and high resolution analytical techniques to investigate the stability of peat soils across gradients in latitude and altitude
- Landsat-based Leaf Area Index Estimation for the Contiguous US using Google Earth Engine
- Landscape and management controls on temperature and flow permanence of Great Basin streams
- Large wood dynamics in disturbed riparian areas and associated impacts on channel morphology
- Late Oligocene -Early Miocene Kinematics, Volcanism, and Coarse Clastic Sedimentation During the Transition from Margin-Normal Extension to Margin-Parallel Dextral Strike-Slip, Eastern San Emidigo-Western Tehachapi Mountains, Southern California
- Leaf Surface Structures Alter Polarization of Incident Light
- Leaf level spectral features related to grapevine water status: informing viticulture remote sensing sensor development.
- Legacy of Historic Logging on Mid-Atlantic and New England Streams and Riparian Corridors; Experimental Approaches to Improving Aquatic Health and Ecosystem Function
- Lessons Learned from the Development and Implementation of the USDA-FAS SMAP-based Drought Monitoring System
- Lessons from Extreme Climate Events: Learning to improve preparation, response and recovery from hurricanes
- Lessons on Water Use Efficiency from Water Vapor and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux observations over Vineyards Across the Californian Mediterranean Climate Gradient
- Leveraging the Power of SAR Observations for Forest Monitoring Systems
- Lidar tree crown detection reveals new patterns of tree density, height and volume in the Brazilian Amazon
- Linking Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Soil Health in Irrigated Corn Systems
- Long-term Forest Watershed Research on the Southeastern Coastal Plain - The Santee Experimental Forest
- Long-term impacts of conservation-oriented soil management practices in Western Oregon seed cropping systems
- Long-term research and new findings from experimental catchments at H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon
- Long-term trends in dissolved organic matter from fluvial systems across biomes
- Managing Tallgrass Prairies for Productivity and Ecological Function: A Long Term Grazing Experiment in the Southern Great Plains, USA
- Mapping Arctic Vegetation using Hyperspectral Airborne Remote Sensing Data
- Mapping Crop Emergence in Near Real-time at Field Scales Using High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Imagery: Challenges and Opportunities
- Mapping High Spatiotemporal Resolution Evapotranspiration in Agricultural Landscapes Using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion System
- Mapping Tall Shrub Structure in Alaska at Scale Using Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry and Lidar
- Mapping Winter Cover Crop Performance in Maryland
- Measurement Uncertainty and Model Validation: An Irrigated Cotton Case Study
- Mechanistic Fire Disturbance and Ecosystem Response Model: Cycled fire disturbances in longleaf pine ecosystems
- Methane Fluxes and Drivers in a Coastal Freshwater Forested Wetland: From the Soil to the Canopy
- Microwave Radiometry for Remote Sensing of Plant Water Status Dynamics: Stand-Scale Evaluation in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Modeling mangrove ecosystem sea-level rise vulnerability for Pohnpei, Micronesia
- Modeling snow distribution, melt and flows in the rain-to-snow transition zone
- Modeling the Human Health Effects of Wildfires Across Various Forest Management Scenarios in the Lake Tahoe Basin
- Modeling the interactions of forest cutting and climate change on the hydrology, biomass and biogeochemistry of a northeastern forest
- Monitoring Changes in Aboveground Biomass Across US Forestlands Using Satellite Observations and Forest Inventory Data
- Monitoring Crop Water Use at Field Scales Using Remotely Sensed Big Data
- Monitoring vineyard water use and stress with high-spatiotemporal thermal satellite ET retrievals for improved and sustainable water management from field to regional scales
- Mountain forest productivity across a regional climatic gradient in the southwestern USA
- Multi-Decadal Biomass Accumulation in Second Growth Forests of Puerto Rico: An Island-Wide View from Airborne Lidar
- NISAR UAVSAR AM-PM Campaign: An evaluation of UAVSAR L-Band Radar Over Agricultural and Forested Areas for Crop Identification and Biomass Estimation
- Neotropical Montane Cloud Forests to Lose Much of What Defines Them: Clouds
- Net Carbon Change: Emissions and Attribution for US Forests in 2005-2016
- New Geochronology and Paleoseismic Data for the Cheraw fault at the Old Ranch Site, SE Colorado
- New Land Disturbance Products for the Conterminous US
- Nonstationary Flood-Frequency Analysis for Streams at the Marcell Experimental Forest, Minnesota, USA
- Nonstationary Hydrologic Behavior in Forested Watersheds Is Mediated by Climate-Induced Changes in Growing Season Length and Subsequent Vegetation Growth
- Objective Identification of Diseased Plants from Hyperspectral Images Using Machine Learning
- Observations from the Fire Front: the role of Fire-Atmosphere Interactions on Wildfire Behavior
- Occurrence and Fate of Microplastics in Agricultural Runoff from Land Application of Biosolids
- Opening the black box: A 21<SUP>st</SUP> century investigation of watershed processes in a managed coast redwood forest, Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds
- Organic Matter Occlusion of Mineral Surfaces as a Function of Mineral Weathering in Volcanic Ash Soils
- Phenology in U.S. agroecosystems - Integrating data from the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network
- Photo-based change estimation
- Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) is Sensitive to the Ecohydrology of a Semi-arid Mixed Conifer Forest
- Plant Genotype Impacts on Soil Biochemical Profiles and Implications for Soil Carbon Stabilization
- Positive Futures for Transformative Change
- Predicting drought responses of tropical woody plants through coordination among drought survival traits
- Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on Irrigation Demand and Erosion Processes in Agricultural Watersheds
- Predictive Modeling of Forest Insects in Ecosystem Models: Challenges and Progress
- Probing the sub-seasonal predictability of the Evaporative Stress Index
- Projected Snowpack Loss in the Tahoe Basin: Ecohydrologic Impacts
- Putting the Research Catchments on a Map: An Overview of Research Sites that have Shaped Knowledge in Trans-Disciplinary Research
- Quantifying Red Maple Tree Transpiration across Different Urban Forest Management Contexts in Maryland
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Allometric Models: Fake Forests for the Real World
- Quantifying forest management impacts on soil carbon using meta-analysis, data synthesis, and remote sensing
- Quantifying the Effect of Post-Wildfire Soil Water Repellency on Watershed Runoff: Numerical Simulations
- Quantifying the Effects of Outer-Bank Large Wood Debris(lwd) Patches on Flow-Resistance and Bank Erosion with Porous Structure Approximation
- Quick Assessment Method to Establish Long-Term Effects of Dam Operations on Downstream Rivers
- Rapidly develop, deploy and scale a snow model in the cloud, providing valuable real time information for more efficient water management in California
- Relationships Among Climate and Geochemical Drivers with Viral and Microbial Community Composition of Northern Poor Fen Peatlands
- Remote Sensing of ET Over U.S. Southwest Irrigated Agriculture
- Remote sensing of crop residue using the SWIR bands of the Worldview-3 satellite platform
- Removal of atrazine and lead by commercial charcoal
- Resilience and the unfortunate potential for doublespeak in ecosystem management
- Resilience of an old-growth coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest, USA in warmer and drier summers
- Response in Nitrogen Cycling Processes under Natural Diurnal Temperature Changes in Tropical and Midwest Agricultural Surface Soil
- Response of Microbial Growth and Carbon Use Efficiency to Crop Rotational Diversity Across a Soil-Climate Gradient
- Response of Tallgrass Prairie to Management in the U.S. Southern Great Plains: Site Descriptions, Management Practices, and Eddy Covariance Instrumentation for a Long-Term Experiment
- Responses of ecosystem-atmosphere exchange to precipitation pulses in adjacent native and introduced prairie pastures
- Responses of tallgrass prairie to continuous and rotational grazing under different climate conditions
- Responses to Land Use and Climate Change for a Culturally Significant Blackwater Stream
- Reusing Data and Metadata to Create New Metadata through Machine-learning & Other Programmatic Methods
- Revisiting a 50-year-old hillslope drainage experiment at the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab
- Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed and Critical Zone Observatory
- Riparian Atmospheric and Water Borne Material Exchanges Along a Freshwater Tidal Gradient, South Eastern USA
- Rising Mean Annual Temperature Alters Nutrient Cycling and Availability in Hawaiian Tropical Montane Wet Forest
- Role of Groundwater in Hydraulic Redistribution and Inter-Annual Water Use Dynamics in Semi-Arid Upland and Riparian Sites
- Runoff and Stream Water Chemistry Responses to Simulated Emerald Ash Borer Invasion in Black Ash Wetlands in Northern Michigan
- Safeguarding future water supplies by restoring fire-dependent longleaf pine savannas
- Satellite applications for analysis of surface PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations in California and contiguous U.S.
- Satellite-data Based Geospatial Modeling Approach for Estimating Evapotranspiration and its parameters for Switchgrass Intercropped Pine Forests
- Scale Independent Method for Mapping Ephemeral Gully Initiation through Topographic Index
- Select Maps from the 2017 Census of Agriculture
- Sensitivity Coefficients of Reference Evapotranspiration to Weather Variables across Turkey
- Sensitivity of Nitrous Oxide Emissions to Changes in Precipitation
- Shale as a Source of Organic Carbon in Floodplain Sediments of a Mountainous Watershed
- Significant Tradeoffs Between Broader Ecological Goals and More Focused Climate Mitigation Goals in Fire Prone West Coast US Forests
- Simulating Dryland Cotton and Sorghum Production over the U.S. Southern High Plains
- Simulating Energy and Water Dynamics for a Temperate Urban Microclimate Using a Fully Distributed Eco-Hydrological Model
- Simulating rice pesticide runoff at basin level via an integrated RICEWQ-AnnAGNPS modeling system
- Simulation of Nature-Based Management Scenarios for Restoring Thermal Pollution and Flood Risk in Urban Rivers
- Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont USA
- Soil Health Indicator Reference Conditions for Soil Survey
- Soil Health and Agroecosystem Carbon Dynamics in the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region
- Soil Loss from Small Rangeland Plots under Simulated Rainfall and Run-on Conditions
- Soil Moisture Characteristics Curve Measurements in a Sandy Loam as Affected by Tillage
- Soil Soundscapes from Seismic Arrays: Monitoring Bioturbation in Mima Mounds and Hillslopes
- Soil carbon data and networks for resilience and mitigation of climate change
- Spatial Distribution and Prediction of Hillslope Soil Organic Carbon
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Carbon Storage and Emissions after Wildfire in an Old-Growth Forest Landscape
- Spatially Complete and Daily Continuous Evapotranspiration Monitoring in an Agricultural Field Using TSEB and a Data Fusion Approach
- Spectral and Quantitative Monitoring of Tile-Drainage on Agricultural Watersheds
- Stable isotope composition of soil water, groundwater, streams, and trees of the California Northern Coast Range
- Stochastic model of water table depth in snow-dominated and hydrologically connected ecosystems
- Streamflow and water quality responses to winter weather whiplash events at long-term research sites
- Streamflow is Resilient to Landscape-Scale Wildfires in the Lower Colorado River Basin
- Streamflow response and recovery after forest disturbance in different climates
- Stronger influence of growth rate than severity of drought stress on mortality of large ponderosa pines during the 2012-2015 California drought event
- Sustainable Utilization of Dairy Manure as an Agricultural Amendment to Benefit Soil health
- Switchgrass Roots and Reduced Soil Water Potentials Enhance Soil Extracellular Polysaccharide Content and the Frequency of Water-stable Aggregates
- Synthesizing Diverse Data Sources to Quantify Net Historical Emissions From Mangrove Loss
- Terrestrial biosphere models underestimate the mean and inter-annual variability of net CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in semi-arid ecosystems
- Terrestrial laser scanning improves LiDAR and radar biomass calibration in tallest mangrove forest on Earth
- The 3D variability of microbial water quality in irrigation ponds translates in temporal variation of the microbial water quality at the fields.
- The BB-FLUX project: How much fuel goes up in smoke?
- The Coweeta Long-Term Ecological Research Program at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory
- The DASH Portal: Supporting GeoHealth Research by Automating Geospatial Data Tasks
- The Dynamics of the Uncertainty and Parameter Sensitivity in Modeling Semi-arid Systems.
- The Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Systems: A Southwest Climate Hub Curriculum Unit for 6<SUP>th</SUP>-12<SUP>th</SUP> Grade Students
- The Entiat Experimental Forest: Evaluating Short and Long-term Impacts of Wildfire on Water Quality and Quantity and Forest Ecology
- The Future of Evapotranspiration: Global requirements for ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources
- The Influence of Water Availability on Evapotranspiration Partitioning
- The Key for the Integration of Public and Private Stakeholders in the Development of a Comprehensive All-Lands Monitoring System in Costa Rica
- The Kings River Experimental Watersheds: resolving processes in Sierra Nevada headwaters since 2002
- The Landscape Hydrologic Capacitance Hypothesis: Exploring hydrogeomorphic and hydroclimatic drivers of wetlandscape hydrology
- The Marcell Experimental Forest Research Catchments
- The National Soil Moisture Network: Building a strategy from the ground up
- The Potential Role of a Downslope Windstorm and Associated Hydraulic Jump in the Formation of a Fire Tornado during the 2018 Carr Fire in Redding, CA
- The State and Future Transition of Soil Science in the Alaskan Coastal Temperate Rainforest
- The Three Mountain DRAGONS of FIREX-AQ
- The USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch and Santa Rita Experimental Watersheds
- The USDA-Agricultural Research Service LTAR Experimental Watersheds
- The evolution of partnerships and their role in building resilience in the first five years of the USDA Climate Hub Network
- The future of snow science: Spatial data assimilation and modeling in mountain regions
- The importance of resolving small-scale processes and their impacts on large-scale smoke plume dynamics
- The imprint of agricultural ecosystems on trace gas emissions in the US Midwest
- The influence of reintroduced beavers on sediment processes in post-wildfire headwater streams, Methow River, WA
- The influence of vapor pressure deficit on rain-induced pulses of land-air carbon exchange in drylands
- The worth of all-weather evapotranspiration for optimizing a regional hydrological model
- Thermal Regime Agronomic Cereal Experiment: Crop Phenology
- Threats for Carbon Storage in High Elevation Forests of the Sierra Nevada
- Topographic and Statistically Based Model of Water Table Position, Groundwater Storage, and Transit Times
- Toward estimating greenhouse gas emissions and removals on forest land in the United States Territories and Hawaii
- Tracking Water Parcels as They Move Through Agricultural Watersheds
- Tracking the Vernal Window Using Bundled Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) protocols
- Turbulence and Energy Exchange during Wildland Fires in the New Jersey Pinelands
- Two Decades of MODIS Daily Albedo, NBAR, and BRDF products
- USA continental scale intensification of sub-daily precipitation intensities and erosivity
- Uncertainty in Measurements of Trees in the US Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program.
- Uncertainty in rates of urban forest carbon storage for Baltimore, MD and Syracuse, NY
- Understanding Forest-Snow Dynamics for Wenatchee Watershed in Canopy Gaps Scenario in a Distributed Hydrologic Model
- Understanding Miscanthus production in the United States using big data and machine learning
- Unexpected Decrease in Forest Water Use Efficiency: Legacy Impacts of Acid Deposition
- Unraveling Ecosystem Carbon Uptake into its Component Plant Species Contributions using Phenology
- Upscaling Gross Primary Production in Corn-Soybean Rotation Systems in the Midwest
- Using Extreme Events to Build Regional Resilience: The Midwest/Plains Inundation of 2019
- Using Global Fiducials High Resolution Imagery, Landsat Imagery, and Sentinel Imagery to Monitor Cyclic Subglacial Draining of Berg Lake, Alaska: 2014 - 2019
- Using ICESat-2 and Landsat to map forest carbon pools with associated uncertainty: A multivariate geostatistical modeling approach
- Using Temporal "Rubber-Sheeting" to Match an Annual Phenological Profile to a Reference Profile for Direct Comparison of Vegetation Status and Health
- Using networked observations to parameterize SOC enrichment of dust and constrain the impacts of wind erosion on global carbon cycling
- Utilizing Spatially Resolved SWE to Inform Snowfall Interpolation Across a Headwater Catchment in the Sierra Nevada
- Variability in gross primary productivity of native and managed pastures to climatic variability and management practices
- Warming increases plant-available nutrients in the SPRUCE bog
- Water Informatics approach to analyze the dynamics of surface water runoff with climate change
- Water Science Objectives and Water Budget Quantification in the SPRUCE Experiment
- Watershed 'Chemical Cocktails' - Evolving Urban Biogeochemical Processes
- Watershed Studies at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: New Lines of Investigation Stemming from a Rich Legacy of Research
- Watershed-scale Effects of Longleaf Pine Restoration on Water Yield and Carbon: A Paired Watershed and Modeling Approach
- Watershed-scale geomorphology and disturbance influence riparian vegetation change in small mountain basins
- What are the current and future properties of coinciding aboveground, surface and belowground extreme high temperature pulses, and are these events meaningful?
- What makes southwestern communities resilient to climate change?
- What the Ecosystem Models are Missing: Hydraulic Functional Traits Differ Among Subspecies of Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)
- Where is the bottom of the critical zone? Evidence for deep, stacked critical zones from airborne EM and hydrological models in Reynolds Creek CZO
- Wildfire impacts carbon storage and loss mechanisms in dryland ecosystems in the Western US
- Within-Stand Boundary Effects of Snow Water Equivalent Distribution in Forested Areas
- Woody Plant Encroachment has a Larger Impact than Climate Change on Dryland Water Budgets
- Yield-scaled global warming potentials from commercial rice systems under alternate wetting and drying irrigation
- A Comparison of Multi-temporal Airborne Laser Scanning and the Fuel Characteristics Classification System for Estimating Fuel Load and Consumption
- A Machine Learning Framework for Identifying Shrubs vs. Trees and Live vs. Dead in the Boreal Forest of Interior Alaska
- A Near Real-Time Mine Alert System using Sentinel 1 data
- A New Crop Water Stress Index for Desert Agriculture Derived from Satellite Observations and Soil Hydraulic Parameters
- A deep-learning approach to forest disturbance detection using Sentinel-1 imagery in the Lower Mekong Basin
- A field-scale, ET-based crop stress indicator for yield estimates: an application across the Corn Belt, USA
- A multi-site synthesis of impacts of multi-year extreme events on dryland ecosystem resilience
- A multi-year constraint on ammonia emissions and deposition within the U.S. Corn Belt
- Adaptive Agricultural Water Management to Cope with Warm-Dry Future in the US Desert Southwest
- Added Value of Sentinel-2 and VIIRS Data in Mapping Daily Evapotranspiration at Sub-field Scales
- Advancements in Soil Health Assessment
- Air quality during the COVID-19 pandemic: Novel Development of Wildfire Smoke Emission Forecasts from an Early Warning System
- Alternative methods for reducing sediment delivery from skid trails used for post-fire logging
- Amazon forest structure mediates drought impacts on carbon uptake and evapotranspiration
- An Empirical Approach for Statistically Delineating Shared Global Fire Regimes
- Anthropogenic Warming Increased Ponderosa Pine Mortality by 20% During 2012-2015 Mega-drought in the Sierra Nevada.
- Applying Local-Scale Knowledge to Solve Broad Global Environmental Change Problems: a Case Study for Climate Change Refugia Conservation
- Assessing disturbance severity with lags in post-fire mortality in subalpine forests of the Sierra Nevada
- Assessing effects of water quality and aquatic ecosystem responses across gradients of forest stand age
- Assessing the Performance of MODIS NDVI, ET and SMAP Soil Moisture for Crop Yield Forecasting at the Province Scale in Argentina.
- Assessment of the Contribution of Native-, African-, and Brown American Dryland Agriculture to US Carbon Dynamics
- Automated Stem Mapping Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Hough Transforms
- Balancing Vertical and Lateral Carbon Fluxes of Agroecosystems
- Bare soil evaporation stress determines soil moisture - evapotranspiration coupling strength bias in land surface modeling
- Bark Beetle Impacts on Forest Evapotranspiration and its Partitioning
- Beyond Carbon Flux Partitioning: Inferring the Dynamic Non-structural Carbon Storage and Carbon Allocation at the Canopy Scale from Continuous Fluxes
- Boreal Forest Tree Species Classification at the Crown Scale Using Fusion of G-LiHT Hyperspectral and Lidar Data
- Broad-scale Climate Drivers of a Vector-borne Livestock Disease Movement from Mexico into the United States
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from stream and river networks in the Midwest
- Calibrating an All-Lands Wind Erosion Model for Rangelands
- Can we take this road back? The effectiveness of legacy road restoration practices in headwater basins of western United States National Forests
- Carbon Export from the Pacific Northwest Coastal Rainforest Margin
- Carbonate Mineral Sustained Methanogenesis Under Alkaline Conditions
- Characterizing Recent Bark Beetle-Caused Tree Mortality in the Western United States from Aerial Surveys
- Circular Buffer Strips of Native Perennial Grasses to Improve Ecosystem Resilience of Center Pivot Irrigated Agriculture
- Climate Sensitivity of Peatland Methane Emissions Mediated by Seasonal Hydrologic Dynamics
- Climate, land cover, and parent material drive global patterns of soil C partitioning and persistence
- Climate, mineral weathering, and cloud forest succession as interactive drivers of soil organic carbon and nutrient balances in central Veracruz, Mexico
- Commodity-driven changes in Southeast Asia forest cover and carbon stock using robust visual photo-interpretation
- Comparing Spectral Indices from High Resolution WorldView-2 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery to Evaluate Time-Sensitive Post-Wildfire Ash Cover
- Comparing flow predictions of five multi-scale hydrologic models with edge-of-field data in western Lake Erie basin, USA
- Context and Future Directions for Integrating Forest Carbon into Sub-National Climate Mitigation Planning in the RGGI+ Region of the U.S.
- Convergent Hydraulic Redistribution in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem with Groundwater Access
- Debris-flow timing and occurrence 1 to 3 years after wildfire provides insights into how peak and triggering rainfall intensity-duration thresholds differ and change with time since fire
- Deep learning enabled detection of low incidence plant disease with integrated proximal and remote sensing
- Deforestation associated with seasonal rainfall intensity, frequency, and clustering in the Amazon-Cerrado transition zone
- Delineating surface water bodies for irrigation management: comparison of the NHD, manual, and LiDAR-based delineations
- Detecting Soil Moisture under Temperate Forest Canopies: SMAP Validation Experiment 2019-2021 (SMAPVEX19-21)
- Detecting frequent harvesting of alfalfa using active and passive remote sensing
- Determining Sources and Residence Times of Groundwater and Carbon in a Semi-Arid Basin
- Developing and Using a Public-Private Partnership to Locate Legacy Phosphorus Fields for Implementation and Testing of Management Practices within the Lake Erie Basin
- Direct Partitioning of Eddy-Covariance Water Vapor and Carbon Fluxes into Surface and Plant Components
- Disaggregation of eddy covariance evapotranspiration fluxes from heterogeneous landscapes
- Divergence in Quantifying Terrestrial Fluxes of Carbon in Global Carbon Budgets
- Does streamwater have an address? What flow dynamics tells us about flow origins
- Drivers of spatiotemporal heterogeneity in precipitation, snowpack storage, and surface water inputs at the rain-snow transition in water-limited western US mountains
- Drone-derived canopy height predicts aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems across the globe
- Dynamic Soil Properties Web Application
- Ecohydrologic modeling in a boreal deciduous forest: model evaluation for application in non-stationary climates
- Ecosystem and Atmosphere Water and Carbon Exchanges at the Extremes
- Effects of Emissions, Transport, and Chemistry on Prediction of Air Quality Impacts from Fires
- Effects of Forest Harvesting and Residual Biomass Harvesting on Mercury Mobilization and Mercury Accumulation in a Peatland Catchment
- Effects of Riparian Buffer on Streamflow Response to Land Use and Climate Change
- Effects of Urban Development Patterns on Municipal Water Shortage
- Effects of Urbanization on Watershed Water Yield and Gross Primary Productivity in the Conterminous United States
- Effects of high atmospheric demand on the growing season productivity of semiarid ecosystems
- Effects of rainfall on the spatial variability of gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration across USDA Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Sites
- Emerging resilience: How the 2018 Colorado Plateau drought spurred the Drought Learning Network
- Enhancing Evapotranspiration Data Product from GOES-16/17 Advance Baseline Imagers for NOAA NWP, NWM and Drought Monitoring Operations
- Enhancing the Efficiency of a Permeable Reactive Barrier in Remediating Trichloroethylene in a Contaminated Groundwater Using an Amended Trench
- Error Characteristic Assessments of Soil Moisture Estimates from Satellites and Land Surface Models : Focusing on Forested and Irrigated Regions
- Estimating the carbon sequestration potential of tree planting campaigns on existing forest land in the United States
- Estimating vineyard water use with remote sensing: Lessons learned from the GRAPEX project
- Estimation of Cotton and Sorghum Crop Density and Cover at Early Vegetative Stages Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
- Evaluating Post-wildfire Logging-slash Cover Treatment to Reduce Hillslope Erosion After Salvage Logging Using Ground Measurements and Remote Sensing
- Evaluating how climate-induced changes in wildfire regimes affect forest hydrology in the Sierra Nevada
- Evaluating the robustness of NISAR's cropland algorithm to time of observation, observing mode and dithering
- Evaluation of Forests and Native Vegetation for Nutrient and Sediment Management in Great Lakes Priority Basins
- Evaluation of Water Use Efficiency Algorithms for Flux Variance Similarity-Based Evapotranspiration Partitioning in C<SUB>3</SUB> and C<SUB>4 </SUB>Grain Crops
- Evolving Regional Climate Services Across the U.S.: Supporting Decisions Before, During and After the 2019 Extreme Flood and Precipitation Event in Agriculture and Hydrology
- Exploring large scale variability of a national network of soil moisture stations: magnitudes and distributions
- Exploring wildfire management applications for advanced earth observation techniques
- FIREXAQ: Insights into satellite- and fuel-based fire emissions
- FIRMS US/Canada - An Extension of NASA Near Real-Time FIRMS for the Forest Service and Inter-agency Wildfire Management Community
- Flash droughts over the Contiguous United States: Sensitivity of inventories and trends to quantitative definitions
- Foot-print Scale Real-time Modeling Tool of Surface Energy Fluxes, Evapotranspiration, Soil Moisture, and Soil Temperature: Application in the the Southern Great Plains
- Forecast and Early Alert Model Based on Nine Viral Pandemics Originating in South-Central China, 1889-2020
- Forest degradation in the Brazilian arc of deforestation: Land cover classification and biomass estimation using very high-resolution satellite images
- Forestry and mercury: Site specific factors that influence the catchment sensitivity to forest harvest
- Forests: The Dance of Diversity
- From Playas to Peaks: Developing Infrastructure and Methods to Constrain Dust Dynamics and Monitor Impacts on Snow Water Resources in the Intermountain West
- From a vulnerability assessment toward regionally-coordinated, use-inspired science: Chugach National Forest and the Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center
- Fuel and emissions in a prescribed fire in the Blackwater River State Forest during FIREX-AQ: synthesis of observations from ground, aircraft, and satellites and comparison with models
- Fuels, consumption, and emissions estimated for two stand-replacing prescribed crown fires in Utah
- GHG Inventory Reveals Shifting Emission Intensity in US Corn Production
- Generating MODIS-consistent High-resolution Leaf Area Index for Landsat and Sentinel-2 with a Data-driven Approach
- Glacier shrinkage impacts dissolved and particulate organic carbon export from coastal temperate forested watersheds
- Global pattern of vegetation cover and land water mass changes in relation with climate variability
- Grapevine Leaf Area Index Estimation with Machine Learning and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Information
- Great Expectations: Deconstructing Process-based Pathways Underlying Beaver-related Restoration to Guide Evaluation
- Greenland supraglacial discharge measurements highly correlated with diurnal ice sheet motion
- Ground Truth Trekking: Validating Interpretations of Satellite-Based Change in Reflectance Metrics Across Scales and Resolutions Using MODIS, Landsat, and Worldview Imagery of South-Central and Arctic Alaska
- Growing Season Water Use Efficiency and Evapotranspiration Determined by Eddy Covariance and Surface Renewal of a Soybean-Corn Rotation Behind a Tree Windbreak in Nebraska
- High Resolution Estimates of Gross Primary Productivity Derived From Tree-Ring Stable Isotopes and Sap-Flux Measurements
- High-Resolution Soil Moisture using Thermal Hydraulic Disaggregation for Agricultural Applications
- High-resolution forest carbon modeling for climate mitigation planning over the 11-state RGGI+ region, USA
- High-resolution monitoring of root-zone soil moisture for vineyard irrigation scheduling
- Hillslope Hack and hydraulic distributions: Theory and Mutual Information
- Hillslope scale comparative hydrogeophysical classification of the near surface using electrical resistivity and seismic
- Hindsight is 20/20 for the 2012-2015 California drought: Tree-rings forecasted widespread forest mortality decades prior to the event
- Hydrological recovery after a severe wildfire in a chaparral dominated, mountainous watershed
- Hydrometeorological sensitivities of net ecosystem carbon dioxide and methane exchange of an Amazonian palm swamp peatland
- Hyperspectral Airborne Remote Sensing Estimates Functional Diversity Rather Than Species Diversity at a Local Scale for Temperate Forests
- IPEAT<SUP>+</SUP>UI/WEB: Free User Interface Options of Automatic Calibration Tool for SWAT<SUP>+</SUP>
- Identification of suitable Managed Aquifer Recharge locations In California's Central Valley using an evolutionary multi-objective optimization
- Impacts of Alternate Wetting and Drying and Delayed Flood Rice Irrigation on Growing Season Evapotranspiration
- Impacts of Forest Disturbance on Evapotranspiration and Source Water Appropriation in a Coastal Montane Forest
- Impacts of Watershed Glacier Coverage on Interannual Variability in Watershed Organic Matter and Nutrient Concentrations and Fluxes
- Impacts of lowered baselevel on the hydrology of Van Norden meadow
- Improved Daily ET Estimation Using Remotely Sensed Data in a Data Fusion System
- Improvements and Sensitivities of Key Inputs to the ALEXI/DisALEXI Modeling Scheme for California Specialty Crops
- Improving Drought Monitoring for the Middle East and North Africa Region via Data Assimilation Using the NASA Land Information System (LIS)
- Improving hydrological prediction across different spatial scales with observation-informed modeling
- Individual Storm Event Influence on Seasonal Snow Depth Distribution in Complex Mountain Terrain
- Inferring energy incident on sensors in low-intensity surface fires from remotely-sensed radiation and using it to predict tree stem injury
- Influence of Spatial Heterogeneity in Evapotranspiration Modeling at Natural Areas Using sUAS High Resolution Data
- Initial Comparison of Inter-row and Sub-canopy Measurements of Incident Solar Radiation within Vineyards
- Inland Northwest Forests and their Non-forests
- Instantaneously Identifying Biological Sources of Nitrous Oxide Flux from Agricultural Soils via Position Specific Nitrogen Stable Isotope Compositions
- Institutional adaptive capacity to floods: Bridging the gaps between observed and perceived flooding risks and climate change actions in North American cities
- Integrating drivers of nutrient biogeochemistry in riverine floodplains to inform restoration design
- Integrating remote measurements and environmental covariates to estimate forage yield and nutritive value
- Integrating the Effects of Climate Change and Invasive Species on Wetland Ecohydrology to Evaluate Management Options
- Interbasin transfers extend the benefits of National Forest System Lands for water supply beyond downstream users
- Into the Deep: Effects of Agricultural Management on Deep Soil Carbon Dioxide
- Invasive Annual Grass Mapping: Leveraging Land Surface Phenology and Bioclimatic Relationships
- Investigating the Influence of Timber Harvests on Bedload Transport
- Investigating the effects of forest disturbances on streamflow for mesoscale postglacial catchments using remotely sensed datasets and the case study approach
- Investigation of fire smoke plume injection height sensitivities during the 2017 Northern California wildfires outbreak using a combination of satellite data and air quality modeling: Implications for health risk assessment
- Laboratory Methods in Surface Hydrology: Using Engineered Surfaces to Verify Analytical Solutions for Overland Flow on Complex Surfaces
- Leaf Volume Reflectance: Better Estimate of Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration
- Leaf and Wood Decomposition Across Tropical Lowland and Montane Forests: A Pantropical Study Across Climates
- Learnings from Municipal Water Use Characterization in the Contiguous United States
- Leveraging NEON soil archives to link soil organic carbon stocks, persistence, and climate sensitivity at the continental scale
- Leveraging spatiotemporal models and a transdisciplinary framework to anticipate the spread of Vesicular stomatitis (2019-2020)
- Linkage between river dynamic patterns and deforestation at gold mining activities in the Madre de Dios (MdD) River, Peru
- Linking Urban Forest Hydrology, Ecosystem Services, and Remote Sensing of Biodiversity
- Linking above- and below-ground responses to temporal repackaging of precipitation in a semiarid grassland agroecosystem
- Linking ground-based monitoring programs and models to identify management responses to US dust emissions
- Long-Term, Annual, and Seasonal Solute Export Patterns in Two Snow-Covered, Forested Headwater Experimental Watersheds in Northern U.S.
- Longer intervals between rainfall and increasing interannual variability compound soil moisture drought across the western United States
- Making `Chemical Cocktails' in Streams across the Periodic Table of Elements
- Mapping Crop Emergence at Sub-field Scales Using PlanetScope Imagery
- Mapping Crop Phenological Metrics at Field Scales by Fusing Time Series of VIIRS and HLS over the United States Corn Belt
- Mapping Heterogeneous Fuel Characteristics and Fuel Consumption Using AVIRIS, LiDAR, and Field Data for Fire Emissions Modeling
- Mapping the Wildland-Urban Interface in the United States Using Building Point Locations
- Methane emissions from rice production: a synthesis of 24 eddy covariance sites
- Microbial respiratory preferences linked to C and dissimilatory N metabolism follow ecohydrological patterns at the landscape scale
- Modeling Down Dead Wood for US Forest Carbon Reporting
- Modeling Methane Emissions in an Amazonian Palm Swamp Peatland with the E3SM Land Model
- Modeling Miscanthus Biomass from UAS-LiDAR Data Using Machine Learning
- Modelling Runoff and Sediment Yield Delivered from Floodplain Mining Activities to the Madre de Dios River
- More Resilient Mangrove Forests For More Resilient People
- Movement monitoring and runout simulations of the Gold Basin landslide complex using LiDAR, SAR, and numerical models
- Moving from Citizen Science to Community Science: Lessons from using GLOBE Observer, a Global Citizen Science Program, in Community-based Science to Meet Community Priorities
- Multi-Decadal Carbon Cycle Measurements at the Howland Forest AmeriFlux Site
- Natural and anthropogenic size-frequency disturbance from crown damage, tree fall and tree removal in the Brazilian Amazon using airborne lidar
- Observed and Expected Increases in Fire Severity Weaken Stabilizing Feedbacks that Promote Forest Resilience
- Observed summertime patterns in coastal low cloud frequency for the Pacific Northwest, 1996-2017
- On-farm reservoir monitoring using Landsat inundation datasets
- OpenET: Enabling Science-Based Water Management through Open Data Services and User-Driven Design
- OpenET: Filling a Critical Gap in Water Data for the Western U.S.
- Parameterization of a drag partition scheme using field measurements of surface shear stress distribution
- Patterns and Predictors of Tree Mortality Amidst Exceptional Drought
- Phenological implications of sequential 2020 spring freezes for deciduous forests of the Interior East, USA
- Photosynthesis and Phenology Parameter Optimization Alleviates Terrestrial Biosphere Model Underestimate of Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Interannual Variability at Semiarid Sites
- Plant Exudate-Soil Interactions Linked to Delayed Mineralization of Subsurface C Stores After 3 Years of Experimental Warming.
- Plant hydraulics: A theory-rich but data-poor field
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Projection of Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Resource in Forestlands of Mississippi Embayment
- Quantifying ET and Carbon Fluxes at Crop Scale by Integrating AmeriFlux and Remote Sensing Data
- Quantifying Post-fire Vegetation Recovery on the Colorado Front Range
- Quantifying hydrologic benefits of meadow restoration while accounting for interannual and spatial variability
- Quantifying the relationship between CO mass fluxes and satellite fire radiative power from wildfires
- Reactive Transport Modeling of the Combined Effects of Elevated Ambient Temperatures and Drought on Fertilizers of Cultivated Soils
- Reconstructing Primary to Secondary Paleo-productivity Using Nitrogen Isotopes: a Case Study from Bainbridge Lake, Galápagos
- Regional climate variability and the spatial spread of the vector-borne virus vesicular stomatitis in the United States
- Regionalizing crop varieties improves modeling of crop production and greenhouse gas emissions with process-based ecosystem model
- Remote Sensing of Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) Plant Health with Varying Endophyte and Fertilizer Types: A Case for Improving Poultry Manuresheds
- Satellite-based modeling of gross primary production of sugarcane plantations at two eddy flux tower sites
- Scaling Up Rice Methane Fluxes in Monsoon Asia Through Data-Driven Model
- Shifting boreal forest fire regimes in northern Alberta, Canada
- Shrub Encroachment Enhances Methanotrophy in a Minerotrophic Fen
- Simulating Prescribed Fire Disturbance and Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Response
- Snagging Drought-Related Tree Moratliy Over Time with Machine Learning
- Social-Ecological Impacts of Invasive Annual Grass Cover and Rural Community Change over Time across the Northern Great Basin
- Societal Benefits of the USDA-ARS Experimental Watershed Network
- Spatial Variation in Bedrock Weathering Under a sequence of ridges and valleys in the Great Valley Sequence of Northern California revealed through geophysics and deep drilling
- Spatial-temporal dynamics of maize and soybean planted area, harvested area, gross primary production, and grain production in the Contiguous United States during 2008-2018
- Spatially distributed process-based snowmelt modeling in the East River Watershed, Colorado: Assessment against in situ observations and operational forecasts
- Statistically rigorous estimation of forest carbon stocks in northwestern US combining stakeholder forest inventory and remote sensing data, USFS FIA plots, Landsat and GEDI lidar
- Storage, mixing, and fluxes of soil water inferred from stable isotope composition in the California Northern Coast Range
- Structural predictors of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) at intact and degraded forests in the Brazilian Amazon
- Sustainable use of groundwater dramatically reduces maize, soybean, and wheat production in the United States
- Synergistic use of SMAP and OCO-2 data in assessing the responses of ecosystem productivity to the 2018 U.S. drought
- Taxonomic and Metabolic Novelty in Wildfire-Impacted Soil Microbiomes
- The Cape Romain Coastal Conservation Partnership: multi-decision-maker adaptation planning for global change along the U.S. Atlantic coast
- The ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team: Synergies Across Land, Air, and Sea
- The Future Resiliency of Mangrove Forests to Sea-Level Rise in the Western Pacific: Initiating a National Assessment Approach
- The Global Water Monitor: A New Phase in the Operational Monitoring of Lakes, Wetlands, and River Reaches for Resources Management and Hazard Observation
- The Hawaiʻi Drought Knowledge Exchange: co-producing site-specific climate and drought portfolios with resource managers
- The Influence of Hydroclimate and Silvicultural Treatment on Rates of Forest Regrowth Following Harvest across the Western U.S.
- The Integrated Soil Health Index
- The Observed Diversity and Distribution of Flow Regimes and Streamflow Drivers across Alaska
- The Potential for Ventenata dubia to Intensify the Annual Grass Driven Transformation of the American West Now and in the Future
- The Risk of "One-Size Fits All" Conservation Recommendations to Improve Agricultural Water Quality
- The Role of Rainstorm Properties on Crop-Land Soil Erosion: Coupling Event-Scale Modeling with a Stochastic Rainfall Generator for Estimating Erosion Risks
- The effect of shrinking boreal lakes on plants, soils, and microbial communities in nearshore habitats: Implications for C cycling and storage
- The impact of enhanced sulfate deposition and recovery on mercury dynamics and water quality in a peatland catchment
- The jet stream as a driver of continental phenology and its impact on monarch migration
- The new US Department of Agriculture snowmelt runoff and water supply forecast model for the American West: leveraging multi-model ensembles, evolutionary computing, and automated, theory-guided, interpretable artificial intelligence
- Thinking Outside the Floodplain: A LiDAR-based Tool to Assess Stream Network Connectivity
- Towards rigorous, non-stationary permanence risk maps from climate-sensitive disturbances to guide forest planning
- Trends in Regional Large Magnitude Snow Avalanche Occurrence and Associated Climate Patterns in the U.S. Northern Rocky Mountains
- USDA Climate Change Indicators for Agriculture: A New Framework for Understanding Climate Risks and Impacts to U.S. Agriculture.
- USFS-NASA Virtual Pitch Fest: Exploring a new way to connect Earth observations research with decision-support needs
- Understanding Composition and Decomposability of Arctic Soils by Integrating Laboratory Incubations with New Measurements and Models
- Understanding phenology of diverse tropical vegetation using high spatio-temporal resolution remote sensing
- Understanding the Dynamics of Parameter Importance for Global Parameterization of Modeling Semi-Arid Watersheds.
- Understanding the Interactions Between Post-Fire Landscapes and Water Quality Over Time and Space
- Understanding the Patterns and Drivers of Arctic Tundra Plant Communities
- Understanding the impact of terrain and avalanche characteristics on the detection of avalanche debris in Sentinel-1 imagery
- Use of Bed-Surface Grain Size To Infer Equilibrium Bedload Transport Rates And Sediment Supply
- Using Dupuit's equations to build a topographically based and GIS-driven water table model for estimating water table position and transit times
- Using Dynamic Soil Properties and Ecological Sites to set Soil Health Indicator Reference Conditions for Soil Survey
- Using NASA Earth Observations to Identify Wildfire Impacts on Hydrologic Functions and Recovery in the Gila National Forest
- Using Space/Time Data Fusion to Estimate PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>Concentrations and Quantify the Acute Health Impacts of Smoke Exposure During the 2017 California Wildfires
- Using Wet-Dry Forest Extremes to Construct Water Budgets and Improve Watershed Modeling in Hardwood Forests of East Texas USA
- Using a New Dataset of International Climate Parameters to Drive Soil Erosion Modeling
- Using triple collocation of precipitation and evapotranspiration products to reduce uncertainty and improve inferences of catchment-scale water budgets
- Validation of the SAFER ET model using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 images over commercial vineyards in California
- Value Metrics for Data Repositories in Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Variability in Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) derived allometric equations for northern Sierra Nevada forests
- Variability of Amazon water balance determined by atmospheric isotopic water vapor measurements
- Variability of Tree Transpiration Along a Soil Moisture Gradient in a Southeastern U.S. Piedmont Watershed
- Variability of headwater stream network extent is highly sensitive to projected impacts of climate change
- Variations of net ecosystem exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Arkansas rice fields
- Vegetation Feedback Mediates Climate Warming Effects On Insect Disturbances In A Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Vegetative Productivity as Controlled by Topography in Semi-Arid Lands with Complex Terrain.
- Water Stable Isotopes of Peatland Catchments: Toward a Better Understanding of Water Budgets in the Marcell Experimental Forest, MN
- Water and Agriculture Management from Space - Building a Community of Practice through a Legacy of NASA Earth Observations and Tools
- Water use efficiency and the effective use of water in the water-abundant sugarcane agroecosystem: Which is a better measure of agricultural water use?
- Web Geoprocessing Services for Disseminating and Analyzing SMAP Derived Soil Moisture Data Products
- A Framework for Improving Methods for Inverse Modeling of Streambed Fluxes and Thermal Diffusivity Using Temperature Time Series
- A Multi-sensor Satellite Imagery Approach to Monitor On-farm Reservoirs
- A Network Approach Linking Spatial Patterns in Water Chemistry to Post-Fire Landscapes
- A Spatial-Spectral-Temporal Evaluation of Ash Cover After Wildfire
- A Year of Boom or Bust for Equine Viruses with Different Insect Vectors
- A comparison of methods to estimate transpiration of a coastal loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation in the southeastern United States
- A low-order wind-resolving model for predicting transport processes in row-organized agricultural canopies
- A multi-objective optimization framework for Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge
- A remote sensing-based evapotranspiration toolkit for water management applications in California
- Advances in incorporating wildfire ash into post-fire erosion and water quality modelling
- Advancing Global SWE Observations Through the NASA SnowEx Campaign
- An Evaluation of Biomass Burning Plumes on the Vertical Distribution of Tropospheric Ozone Over the Midwestern United States
- An Integrated System for Estimating Burn Severity, Day-of-Burning, and Emissions with Google Earth Engine
- An adaptive adversarial domain adaptation approach for corn yield prediction
- An evaluation of the impact of water use on hydrological processes in the Haihe River basin
- Analyzing the role of surface energy fluxes in determining the seasonal patterns of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) heights at various ecosystems across the United States
- Assessing the impacts of uncertainties from satellite Leaf Area Index on water use monitoring in California vineyards
- Assessment of Distributed Snow Energy Balance Model Performance in Highly Dust-Impacted Basins in Southwest Colorado
- Atmospheric Ammonia Fluxes in the USA Corn Belt: Insights from Aircraft Measurements and WRF-CHEM Modeling of a Spring Peak Emission Period
- Balancing Vertical and Lateral Carbon Fluxes for Cropland in the U.S. Midwest
- Beyond the window of detection: Using multi-scale solute tracer studies to assess mass recovery at the detection limit
- Bias correction and uncertainty quantification of forest carbon maps using spatial regression models
- CMS Maps of Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates Compared to Ground Truth Estimates at Stand, County, and FIA Sample Hexagon Levels
- Capturing the Influence of Large Wood on Fluvial Bedload Transport with RFID Tracers and Linear Mixed Modelling
- Characterizing change in soil organic carbon in forests of the United States
- Characterizing the Wildland Fire Environment for Smoke Modeling and Air Quality Mapping
- Characterizing the response of photosynthesis, spectral reflectance, and sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence to extreme drought at a semi-arid grassland site
- Climate, land use, and soil drivers of aeolian transport: investigations of the dust and water resources (DUST-AWARE) project
- Comparative Study of Beach Erosion and Shoreline Recession Using XBeach in Non-hydrostatic Mode
- Comparing tracer techniques to explore flow paths and transit times through the river corridor
- Confronting the water potential information gap
- Contribution of forest canopy structure to components of evapotranspiration in a diverse temperate forest
- Daily evapotranspiration estimates from application of Shuttleworth-Wallace model with Sentinel-2 surface reflectance data over California vineyards
- Data Assimilation as a Tool for Improving Seasonal Predictions of T/ET Partitioning in Southwestern US Semiarid Ecosystems
- Data from National Wind Erosion Research Network highlights potential impacts of climate change on aeolian processes
- Developing a Public-Private Partnership to Identify and Manage Legacy Phosphorus Fields in Western Lake Erie Basin
- Developing a robust indirect measurement of leaf area index in California almond orchards for validating remote sensing-based retrievals
- Diurnal Vegetation Water Stress Over a Semiarid Mixed Conifer Forest
- Drought-induced decoupling between tree growth and carbon uptake impacts forest carbon turnover time
- Earth Information System (EIS) -Freshwater: A cloud-based open system for integrated hydrological cycle studies
- Ecosystem-level Water Use Efficiency and Evapotranspiration Partitioning in Canola
- Effect of the Deepening of Driven Active Layer on the Hydrology and Hydrochemistry within the Yukon River Basin
- Effects of Forest Understory Removal and Prescribed Fire on Watershed Water Yield and Nitrate Export in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, USA.
- Effects of meteorological and ecological disturbances on tropical vegetation phenology
- Enhanced Evapotranspiration and Evaporative Stress Index Data Products for NOAA NWP, NWM and Drought Monitoring Operations
- Environmental Flows to Support Riparian Forest Galleries in the Middle Rio Grande/Bravo Basin
- Estimating Crop Coefficients for Rice Fields in the U.S. Mid-South using Eddy Covariance Measurements and the gridMET Dataset
- Estimating Impacts of Hurricanes on Forest Hydrological Processes Using HAWQS Model and Multivariate Statistics
- Estimating Sulfate Reduction Rates in Boreal Peatlands at the Marcell Experimental Forest of Northern Minnesota
- Evaluating agricultural runoff from land-applied biosolids and manure as an under-reported transport route for terrestrial microplastics
- Exploring Natural Climate Solutions: Could flux towers be useful at industrial scales?
- Exploring the role of peak CO2 fluxes versus growing season length in controlling semiarid ecosystem net CO2 flux interannual variability
- Exposure of forests to long-term drought across the U.S.: recent trends and future projections
- Field testing and simulation of small-diameter vadose-zone recharge wells as an on-farm managed aquifer recharge method for an alluvial aquifer in a humid subtropical climate
- Flavors of flash drought: definitions and classification
- Footprint analysis of particulate sensors in structured canopies
- Forest Migration Outpaces Tree Species Range Shift Across North America
- Forests mitigate floods from hurricanes through evapotranspiration in the North Carolina Piedmont watersheds
- Grazing in a Warmer World - Assessing the Vulnerability of Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie and Rangeland Livestock Production to Climate Change
- High Spatio-Temporal Root Zone Soil Moisture for Agriculture using Data Assimilation in the Land Information System Framework Case Study in Mississippi River Basin
- High-resolution Tracking of Root-zone Soil Moisture Availability for High-value Irrigated Crops
- Hurricane Michael: remote sensing-based assessment of vegetation damage, severity and recovery
- Impact of FireLab/FIREX-AQ Fuel Burned Amounts and Emission Factors on Pyrogenic Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter Simulated by a Regional Chemical Model
- Implementing a Remote Sensing Data-based Evapotranspiration Toolkit for Real-Time Irrigation Scheduling in California vineyards: Performance and Limitations.
- Improving Temporal Sampling of ET Timeseries Retrievals using Multi-Sensor Thermal Imaging Sources
- Improving the E3SM Land Model Simulations of Carbon Fluxes for an Amazonian Palm Swamp Peatland
- Influence of Precipitation Intensity-Duration-Frequencies on Road Culvert Vulnerabilities at Three USDA Forest Service Long-term Experimental Forests in Varying Ecoregions
- Informing adaptation and mitigation actions through the Adaptation Workbook
- Integrating Dynamic and Inherent Factors to Improve Soil Health Interpretation
- Integrating eddy covariance and remotely sensed data to improve vegetation parameterization in a coupled land surface-groundwater model
- Interaction Assessment Between Tallahatchie River-Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer and Low Flow Management
- Investigating links between drought and declining runoff efficiencies in the California Sierra Nevada
- Keeping Soils Climate Mitigation Potential Grounded for US Agriculture
- Leaf Volume Reflectance: Better Estimates of Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration
- Lessons learned from NASA SnowEx Hackweek 2021 for fostering open science communities
- Leveraging post-fire soil loss: Can we use fire-derived sediment to fill incised channels and restore degraded meadows in the southern Sierra Nevada?
- Long-term Impacts of Slash Pile Burning on Soil Biogeochemistry Provide Insights into Carbon Cycling Changes with Increased Wildfire Severity.
- Long-term Research and Monitoring at Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont USA
- Long-term Research of Microbial Quality of Irrigation Waters in Maryland and Pennsylvania
- Long-term experimental drought increases soil nitrogen mineralization rates in southeast Utah
- Managing Stormwater with Urban Forests: Transpiration Rates and Whole-Tree Water Use by Deciduous Species Varies across Management Contexts
- Manuresheds: reconnecting crop and livestock production to improve sustainability and introduce circularity
- Mapping Irrigation Crop Water Use with Sentinel 2-adjusted FAO-56 Growth Duration Values in Yuma, Arizona
- Mapping surface soil moisture at 30-m resolution and assessing its spatial variability across the United States using SMAP-HydroBlocks
- Modeling in Near-Real Time for Burned Area Emergency Response: Lessons Learned
- Modeling the Responses of Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Drought-induced Saltwater Intrusion in Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands
- Molecular characterization of fire-impacted soils reveals severity-dependent transformations of organic nitrogen species
- Multi-decadal change in western US nighttime vapor pressure deficit
- NASS-CIS: Web-based information system for monitoring and evaluating climate impacts on crop production
- New Approach for Capturing and Characterizing Large Aerosolized Particles in Agricultural Settings
- Numerical Study of Influences from Time-variant Streambed Conductance on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions during Storm Events
- Observations of depth, SWE, and stratigraphy using FMCW radar and machine learning, during the NASA SnowEx 2020 Grand Mesa Campaign
- On the Validity of Flux Estimates using Semi-Infinite Domains.Comparing Flux Estimates from Semi-Infinite and Bounded Domains using the LPMLEn - a Multi Frequency, Multi Sensor Method to Estimate Vertical Streambed Fluxes and Sediment Thermal Properties.
- Open System N2:Ar Ratios Demonstrate that Stoichiometric Imbalances Drive Patterns in Denitrification and N Fixation in Experimental Ponds
- OpenET Satellite-based ET Intercomparisons with Ground-based Measurements: Phase II Results
- OpenET: Operational Evapotranspiration Data for Water Management in the Western United States
- Peak Flows and Sediment Yields Before and After a Reburn of the 2011 Wallow Fire Area by the 2021 Horton Fire
- Planktonic nitrogen fixation from an isotopically-labelled long-term nutrient enrichment experiment
- Playing with fire: A genome-resolved view of the soil microbiome response to high severity forest wildfire
- Quantifying Carbon Effects of Discrete Temporal Events From Continuous Forest Monitoring
- Recommended Crop Residue Bands for the Landsat Next Mission
- Reconstructing Daily 30 m NDVI over Complex Agricultural Landscapes Using A Crop Reference Curve Approach
- Reconstructing Primary to Secondary Paleo-productivity Using Nitrogen Isotopes: a Case Study from Bainbridge Lake, Galapagos
- Reflective Ash: Determining Hyperspectral Signatures of Wildfire Ash Under Different Moisture Regimes
- Research and Observatory Catchments: Promoting the Sites Behind the Rich Legacy of Knowledge Discovery and Innovation
- Response of Soil Carbon Dioxide Efflux to Rainfall Intensification in a Semiarid Grassland
- Response of peatland water table recession to extreme drought: Experimental results and historical analysis, Marcell Experimental Forest, Northern Minnesota
- Role of Convergent Hydraulic Redistribution in a Riparian Critical Interface in Semiarid Climate
- Role of wind within the canopy and fuel bed on fire spread
- Seismic Monitoring of Post-Wildfire Debris Flows
- Significant Metal-Bound Organic Carbon Across Hydrologically Diverse Peatlands
- Simulated Breakpoint Precipitation from Global Climate Products based on Machine Learning Regressions Calibrated with Ground Network Information.
- Site reigns supreme across temperate grasslands: plant and soil carbon stocks vary widely across sites but are relatively insensitive to decade-long fertilization
- SnowEx Snow Microstructure for Simulation of Microwave Scattering
- Soil organic carbon response to global environmental change is informed by mineral-associated and particulate organic matter
- Spatial Variability of Inter-row and Sub-canopy Measurements of Incident Solar Radiation within Vineyards
- Spatial-temporal Changes of Winter Wheat Croplands in the Contiguous United States during 2008-2018
- Spatially distributed process-based snow model for operational water forecasting; a case study in the East River Watershed, Colorado, USA
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Surface Shear Stress and Aeolian Sediment Transport in an Open Shrubland
- Specifying the Utility of Remote Sensing Datasets for Natural Resource Management: A Case Study for Forest Inventory
- Surface runoff from small, burned headwater catchments
- Synergistic use of spectral information from Landsat and Sentinel-2 data for modeling near real-time crop water status across California vineyards
- The Importance of Long-term Observations for Understanding Dryland Soil-Water-Vegetation-Climate Dynamics
- The Importance of Tree Size on Fire-Induced Injuries
- The Phenological Responses of Savanna Trees and Understory to Soil Water Content Across Space and Time and Their Effects on Savanna Gross Primary Productivity
- The Role of Precipitation, Vegetation, and Evapotranspiration in Lowland, Snow-dominated Headwater Catchments
- The channel source hypothesis: empirical evidence for in-channel sourcing of solutes to explain hysteresis in a headwater mountain stream
- Time and Tide: Hydrology, Biogeochemistry and Water Quality in an Estuary Headwaters
- Turbulent Transport and Diffusivity for Backing Surface Fires in Forested Environments
- Ultra-Low-Power LoRa-Embedded Microcontrollers Simplifying Rapidly Deployable Inexpensive Weather, Soil, and Streamflow Sensor Designs
- Unpacking the Drivers of Diurnal Dynamics of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF): Canopy Structure, Plant Physiology, Instrument Configuration and Retrieval Methods
- Using ECOSTRESS to model composite diurnal ET
- Using critical loads of N for lichens, trees, and herbaceous plants to determine risk to ecosystem health in federal lands
- Using the Material Point Method (MPM) to Simulate Dry and Two-Phase Granular Dam-Breaks
- Vulnerability to Water Shortage Under Current and Future Water Supply-Demand Conditions Across U.S. River Basins
- Warming enabled upslope advance in western US forest fires
- Where is the snow and when does it melt? Using spatially distributed SWE time series to support decision making
- Where management and climate variability matter most: an evaluation of metrics for monitoring agroecosystem production and phenology
- a Continental Scale Analysis of Soil Organic Matter Composition Using Untargeted Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry; Exploring Changes in Composition with Depth and Soil Order
- iFlow: a new graphical user interface to quantify thermal properties and advection from temperature time-series analysis
- 2023 SnowEx field campaign in Alaska, U.S.
- A Multisite Evaluation of Stratified and Balanced Sampling for Estimating Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Agricultural Fields
- A Novel Phenology Guided Deep Learning Model for Within-Season Field-Level Crop Mapping
- A Transdisciplinary Approach to Bridging the Science-Policy-Development Gaps in Sustainable Land Management
- Adapting Systematic Review Methodology: Improving Data Infrastructure to Support Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry
- Aerodynamic temperature: The Mystic Component in Thermal Remote Sensing of Evaporation
- An Aquatic Ecosystem Carbon Monitoring System (AECMS) for Quantifying Carbon Fluxes, Sources and Sinks of Inland Waters: New Developments in the Simulation of Aquatic Nutrient and Carbon Cycling in Water Bodies
- An Operational Product for Peatland Applications: The Version 7 of the SMAP Level-4 Soil Moisture Data Assimilation Product
- Application of Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Aquifer Characterization at Shellmound, MS
- Are Soil Moisture Recession Slopes Good Predictors of Relative Wetness Across Landscape Positions?
- Assessing Soil Supply and Plant Demand to Interpret Long-Term Post-Fire Stream N Export
- Assessing the Communication and Engagement Needs of a Growing Research Network
- Assessing the Impacts of Dam and Weir Operation on Streamflow Predictions using LSTM across South Korea
- Assimilating SMAP-based Soil Moisture Products into EPIC Crop Model for Improved Simulation of Surface and Subsurface Soil Moisture
- Beyond biochar basics: Scaling up and moving the needle
- Bias-corrected Crop Coefficients for Different Land Cover Types in the U.S. Mid-South derived from Eddy Covariance Measurements and the gridMET Dataset
- Biological Smoke Emission Factors: The Foundation for a Terrestrial-Atmospheric Exchange Budget for Microbes Aerosolized by Wildland Fires
- CCMS v.2.0: Improved Cropland Carbon Monitoring System
- Calculating a Minimum Colocation Period for Successful Inter-Calibration of In Situ Soil Moisture Sensors
- Canopy Gap Edge Effects on Sap Flux Density of Hardwood Species in Southern Appalachian Forests
- Catchment and in-stream processing contributions to sediment and phosphorus fluxes from a Midwest USA watershed
- Changes in Extreme Precipitation Patterns in the Meuse River Basin as a Driver of the July 2021 Flooding
- Characterizing Dust From National Wind Erosion Network Sites Using Isotopic Fingerprinting, Mineralogy, and Major and Trace Element Chemistry
- Characterizing Microtopography and its Impact on Carbon Dynamics in Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands
- Characterizing Solute Transport in Flat Agricultural Landscapes During a Simulated Storm Event with Time-lapse 3D and 1D Electrical Resistivity
- Climate Change Impacts on the Natural World
- Climate Change and Cleaner Emissions Decrease Methylmercury Export from Peatland Headwater Catchments
- Comparing Biophysical Parameters Controlling Evapotranspiration in Long Leaf Pine and Loblolly Pine Ecosystems across the Southeastern US
- Comparison of Aircraft Observed, Remotely Sensed, and Modeled Ammonia Concentrations in the American Midwest.
- Controls on Surface and Subsurface Soil Organic Matter Composition and Carbon Storage Along a Mean Annual Temperature Gradient in Hawaiian Tropical Montane Wet Forest
- Coupling Strength Bias in Land Surface Models Significantly Limits the Effectiveness of Land Data Assimilation Systems
- Data Fusion and Mining Techniques to Map Water Use and Drought across Spatial Scales
- Detecting Frequent Harvest of Alfalfa with Spatio-temporal Fused Data
- Divergent controls on decomposition and persistence of soil organic matter fractions
- Do Land Surface, Vegetation, and Climate have Causality with Wildfire in Boreal Forests?
- Drought Characteristics Constraining Spread of the Vector-Borne Livestock Disease Vesicular Stomatitis
- Early greenup impact on seasonal streamflow and soil moisture dynamics in humid, temperate forests
- Ecosystem Fluxes from Natural and Degraded Tropical Mountain Peatlands in Colombia
- Effects of B Vitamins on Experimental Pond Phytoplankton Communities Across a Stoichiometric Gradient
- Effects of Climate and Soil Environments on Switchgrass Yield and Trait Plasticity Across a Latitudinal Gradient in the U.S.
- Effects of Hot vs. Dry Vapor Pressure Deficit on Ecosystem Carbon and Water Fluxes
- Environmental heterogeneity and aspect drive hillslope-scale differences in productivity among alpine tundra vegetation communities
- Estimating Forest Carbon Using Machine Learning-produced Maps: Correcting for Machine Learning Estimator Bias and Estimating Uncertainty Using National Forest Inventory Data, Model-assisted and Geostatistical-model-based Estimators
- Evaluating Large-Scale Long-Term Forest Road Restoration Effects on Public Lands in the Northwestern United States
- Evaluating Water Supply-Demand Gap using Remote Sensing for Sustainable Water Use
- Evaluating the Temporal Robustness of NISAR's Cropland Mapping over a Stable and a Planting-Prevented Agricultural Region
- Evaluating the potential of remote sensing-based fire fuel mapping methods across multiple fires for emissions modeling
- Evaluation of machine learning models to assess relationships between climate and corn suitability in the U.S.
- Evaporative Cooling Regulates Leaf Temperature and Respiration in Riparian and Upland Mesquite Trees
- Exploring almond, water, and climate linkages with the Tree Remote sensing of Evapotranspiration eXperiment (T-REX)
- Extreme drought-induced reductions in ecosystem productivity and solar-induced fluorescence are tightly coupled to changes in ecosystem structure in a semiarid grassland
- FPA-FOD-Plus Dataset: Physical, Social, and Biological Attributes for Improved Understanding and Prediction of Wildfire Ignitions and Size
- Field-scale methane measurements from row irrigated rice in US Mid-South rice production
- Forest structure controls on water inputs to soils, vegetation water stress, and percolation at sites with contrasting ephemeral or seasonal snowpack
- Forest types outpace constituent tree species in range shifts under global change
- ForestMicroNet: A Forest Microclimate Observation Network for Southeastern US Forests
- Fuels predicted from pre- and post-fire lidar collections and consumption estimated at four western wildfires
- Future Changes in Intensity and Frequency of Sub-daily and Daily Extreme Precipitation in the USFS Experimental Forests from Dynamically and Statistically Downscaled Simulations
- Geomorphological Investigation of Burned and Unburned Meadows in the Southern Sierra Nevada: an Assessment of Process-based Restoration Potential
- High Resolution Soil Moisture Monitoring and Challenges
- Hopping onto Airborne-Based Validation for Landsat-Based Rangeland Brush Estimation Tool (RaBET) Woody Cover Maps
- How well can we detect plant water stress from space?
- Hydrodynamic drivers of hillslope soil DOC concentrations during storm events
- Hydrological flash drought forecasting using meteorological flash drought indices and machine learning approaches - A case study in the Mississippi River Basin
- Hydrological trends over six decades at the Marcell Experimental Forest: Harbingers of change along the southern boundary of the boreal peatland zone.
- Impacts of the availability of water and nitrogen on Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) of corn during drought and heat stress
- Implications of Environmental Water Allocation Scenarios for Agricultural Water Availability in a Desert River Basin
- Improving Erosion Modelling in Cold Environments by adding a snow module to the KINEROS2-Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model
- Improving Irrigation Water Management along the Lower Colorado River, USA, Using Sentinel 1 & 2
- Improving SWAT-C simulation of terrestrial carbon using a new forestry module: A case study in the St. Croix River Basin
- Improving soil carbon metrics and monitoring to inform management: leveraging carbon dioxide removal on grazing lands
- Improving the Prediction Capacity of a Hybrid Method of SWAT and LSTM by Reducing Parameter Uncertainty.
- Improving the SWAT-C Model to Predict the Dynamics of Site-scale Soil Organic Carbon in the U.S. Corn Belt
- Improving watershed modeling capacity by incorporating remotely sensed products
- Improving wildfire severity prediction with evapotranspiration retrievals from thermal imaging
- Information Theory and Flux Footprints to Characterize Drivers of Daily Satellite-Based and Flux Tower Evapotranspiration
- Integration of Remote Sensing and Field Observations in Evaluating DSSAT Model in Estimating Soybean and Maize Growth and Yield in Maryland, USA
- Lessons Learned from SnowEx 2022 Hackweek for Fostering Open Science Communities
- Meteorological Variation and Storage Dynamics in Small Peatland Catchments: Marcell Experimental Forest, Minnesota
- Methane Emissions During Biochar Co-composting Are Driven by Biochar Application Rate and Aggregate Formation
- Modeling Continuous Erosion Processes of Soil-Mantled Landscapes
- Modeling Streamflow Source Area Contributions in a Forested Watershed of the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Modeling the Impact of Surface and Groundwater Fluxes in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer, USA
- Modeling the Spread of a Livestock Disease With Semi-Supervised Spatiotemporal Deep Neural Networks
- Moisture Transport from Groundwater through Roots Prompts Facilitative Tree-Grass Interaction in a Semiarid Ecosystem
- Monthly Water Yield Responses to Forest Removal are Controlled by Changes in Evapotranspiration and Soil Water Recharge Rates
- Multi-Temporal LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data Fusion for Classification of Woody Cover Species at Different NEON Sites
- Multi-scale remote sensing of extreme drought impacts on vegetation productivity across drylands of the southwestern US
- Multiscale Predictors of Tropical Small Tree Survival Across a Heterogeneous Tropical Landscape
- Multiscale differences of concentration-discharge relationships: implications for process inference and watershed management
- Numerical Study of the Effects of the Capillary Fringe on Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer through Assimilation of NLDAS data
- Overwintering or Re-Invasion? Interrogating Genomes and Geography to Unravel Multiyear Vesicular Stomatitis Epizootics
- Planning ADCP Cross Section Measurement-Locations for Meandering Rivers
- Profiles of Operational and Research Forecasting of Smoke and Air Quality Around the World
- Quantifying Citrus Plant Water Use by Evapotranspiration Partitioning Using In-Situ Measurements
- Quantifying Wildfire Impacts on a High-Elevation Seasonal Snowpack in Northcentral Colorado
- Rapid Organic-Matter Decomposition in Response to Whole-Ecosystem Warming in an Ombrotrophic Peatland
- Reconstruction of the SMAP-based 12-hourly soil moisture product over the CONUS through water balance budgeting
- Regional and Seasonal Differences in Nitrate-N (NO3-N) Load in U.S. Agroecosystems Instrumented with Water Quality Conservation Practices
- Resolving Site-Specific Landfill CH4 Emissions
- Retrieving Runoff in Ungauged Basins using Satellite Observations of Rainfall and Soil Moisture
- Revisiting riparian zones: When and where can riparian transformation matter more than hyporheic transformation?
- Reynolds Mountain East SnowEx2020 Dataset and Initial Research Findings
- Satellite Data-Driven Vegetation Recovery for Pre- and Post-Wildfire Hydrologic and Erosion Simulation
- Satellite-based Modeling of Gross Primary Production of C3 Fields with Time Series of Landsat and Sentinel-2 Images
- Sediment Reduction Effects of Best Management Practices in Roadside Ditch Lines
- Sensitivity analysis on inputs to the DisALEXI algorithm using a Machine Learning interpretability method
- Sensitivity of Water Use Efficiency Parameterizations on Flux Variance Similarity-based Partitioning of Evapotranspiration
- Six Years of Experimental Manipulations at SPRUCE: Consequences for Nutrient cycling in Vegetation, Water & Peat
- Soil and Stem Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes of an Amazonian Palm Peatland
- Spatial Patterns of Soil Water Repellency and Infiltration in Unburned and Burned Rangelands, Woodlands, and Dry Forests
- Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Methane Emissions in Peruvian Amazonian Peatlands: A Modeling Approach
- Spectral Analysis of the Turbulent Flow over a California Vineyard under Non-advective and Advective Conditions
- Studying the impacts of dust emission and dust deposition on snow over the Upper Colorado River Basin using the WRF-Chem-CTSM coupled framework
- Substituting Sentinel-3 OLCI for MODIS NDVI, Converting Historical MODIS into Synthetic Sentinel-3, and Generating National Days Early/Late Phenology Timing Maps
- The Economic Costs of Wind Erosion in the United States
- The Forest Carbon Framework: leveraging Earth-observation data to democratize carbon markets
- The Roles of Forests on Water Supply and Quality Across the Mississippi River Basin: a Quantitative Assessment with DLEM Model.
- The adaptation of a hierarchical CH4 model for rice fields in Arkansas
- The impact of vegetation removal by oil and gas development on wind erosion and dust emission in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Towards advancing models of soil carbon dynamics by incorporating scale dependence of microbial decomposition
- Traversing and Synthesizing Fragmented Ecological Observations across Global Networks and Databases
- Trends in Rain-Snow Transition Elevation, Seasonal Snowfall Fraction, and Runoff Efficiency Across the Sierra Nevada (1980 - 2022)
- Ultra Real-Time and Near Real-Time wildfire detection enhancements for the US and Canada through NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)
- Uncertainty Analysis Framework in the Water Balance Equation Using Bayesian Statistical Modeling Approach
- Understanding Ecohydrologic Processes of Irrigated Agricultural Ecosystems by Integrating in-Situ and Modeling Approaches
- Understanding the Impacts of Alternative Management on Methane Emissions in US Rice
- Understanding the Influence of Flame Residence Time in Fire Scar Formation
- Understory removal and prescribed fire to manipulate forest vegetation cover in a southern Appalachian hardwood forest: Effects on soil and stream biogeochemistry
- Untangling Land-Atmosphere Water and Carbon Fluxes to Understand Water Limitation Effects in Drylands
- Upscaling dryland carbon and water fluxes with artificial neural networks of optical, thermal, and microwave remote sensing
- Urban Soil Research and Community Involvement: Lessons Learned in Baltimore City
- Use of Multiple Sensor Satellite Images to Predict the Concentration of Chlorophyll-a within Wetlands using Artificial Neural Networks
- Using UAV and Satellite-Based Sensing to Detect Eroded Ecological States at the Landscape Scale
- Using empirical observations from the national forest inventory in the United States to support forest carbon estimation
- Vegetation changes and burn severity drive post-fire hydrological response as shown by high resolution ET observations in Western U.S.
- Visualizing Rainfall: A Case Study in Data Visualization and Interpretation for Three Diverse Audiences
- WRF-Chem Simulation of a Southwest United States Dust-on-Snow Episode
- Watershed Scale Modeling of the Coupled Terrestrial and Aquatic Carbon Cycle
- Wavelet Analysis of Surface-Fire-Induced Turbulence in a Forested Environment
- Wet carbon monitoring with remote sensing: a review of the knowledge and needs
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Arendt
- A. Hudson
- A. J. Soja
- A. M. Middlebrook
- A. R. Hedrick
- A. W. Nolin
- A. Youberg
- Adam S. Ward
- Adrienne B. Keller
- Adrienne B. Narrowe
- Alexander Brooks
- Alfonso F. Torres-Rúa
- Ali Behrangi
- Ali Mirchi
- Allison E. Goodwell
- Amy M. McKenna
- Anderson Luís Ruhoff
- Andrew M. O’Reilly
- Andrew N. French
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Andrzej Wałęga
- Ankur R. Desai
- Anna M. Jalowska
- Anna T. Trugman
- Anthony J. Stewart
- Arfan Arshad
- Ashish Sharma
- Augusto Getirana
- Avni Malhotra
- Ayman Nassar
- B. L. McGlynn
- B. de Foy
- Barry Baker
- Benjamin D. Goffin
- Benjamin F. Zaitchik
- Benjamin N. Sulman
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin R. K. Runkle
- Bijan Seyednasrollah
- Bin Peng
- Brandy M. Toner
- Brendan P. Harrison
- Brent C. Christner
- Brian McDonald
- Bryan Quaife
- Byeongwon Lee
- C. E. Tweedie
- C. Hain
- C. Jason Williams
- C. R. Lawrence
- C. Reavis
- C. Warneke
- C. Y. Chang
- Camille L. Stagg
- Carl C. Trettin
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Catalina Segura
- Catherine Mitchell
- Charles H. Luce
- Christian Anibas
- Christine Hatté
- Christine Wiedinmyer
- Christoforos Pappas
- Christopher L. Kibler
- Claire Baffaut
- Clare Webster
- Colin P.R. McCarter
- Colleen M. Iversen
- Craig R. Ferguson
- Creighton M. Litton
- Cristina Santín
- D. G. Chandler
- D. L. Karwan
- D. M. Ricciuto
- D. M. Thompson
- Daniel McGrath
- Daniel T. Roman
- Daniel Tong
- Daniele Tonina
- Danny Marks
- Daphne Szutu
- Dar A. Roberts
- Darren L. Ficklin
- David C. Goodrich
- David Gwenzi
- David J. P. Moore
- David Lagomasino
- Dawn M. Browning
- Dawn URycki
- Dennis Baldocchi
- Devendra M. Amatya
- Diana Vieira
- Diane M. McKnight
- Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis
- Donald S. Ross
- Dongho Kim
- Dylan B. Millet
- E. A. Mutter
- E. C. Seybold
- E. J. Hyer
- E. M. Demaria
- E. Natasha Stavros
- Eddy J. Langendoen
- Edward G. Stets
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Eric Beamesderfer
- Eric F. Wood
- Eric James
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Ermias Aynekulu
- Ernesto Trujillo
- Eunsang Cho
- Evan W. Osborne
- F. Nippgen
- Fabien Margairaz
- Fan Chen
- Fangni Lei
- Fenghui Yuan
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Frank T.-C. Tsai
- G. N. Flerchinger
- G. R. Miller
- Gabriel B. Senay
- Gary Sheridan
- Gayle Tyree
- Ge Sun
- George Kourakos
- George Pouliot
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Gerd Vandersteen
- Grant M. Domke
- Greg A. Barron‐Gafford
- Gregory B. Noe
- Gregory R. Goldsmith
- Gregory T. Carling
- H. E. Dahlke
- Hadi Heidari
- Hamada S. Badr
- Hannah Holland‐Moritz
- Hanqin Tian
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Hatim M. E. Geli
- Helga do Rosário Gomes
- Hinsby Cadillo‐Quiroz
- Hoori Ajami
- Humfredo Marcano‐Vega
- Hyemin Jeong
- Hylke E. Beck
- Hyunglok Kim
- J. C. Adam
- J. D. Wood
- J. M. Duncan
- J. M. Roberts
- J. Stelling
- Jack Tarricone
- James R. Holmquist
- Jan Adamowski
- Jan Jacob Keizer
- Janice Brahney
- Jared H. Bowden
- Jason A. Otkin
- Jay P. Zarnetske
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeff W. Atkins
- Jeffrey B. Basara
- Jeffrey Beem-Miller
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jennifer A. Bower
- Jennifer S. Powers
- Jessica D. Lundquist
- Jiaming Wen
- Jingjing Liang
- Jingyi Huang
- Jitendra Kumar
- Joachim Meyer
- Joaquim I. Goés
- Jocelyn M. Lavallee
- Joel A. Biederman
- John C. Stella
- John Humphreys
- John T. Abatzoglou
- John Volk
- Johnny L. Boggs
- Jonas Mortelmans
- Jordan L. Schnell
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Juan S. Acero Triana
- Julia A. Jones
- Julia Perdrial
- Julie D. Jastrow
- Justin Gosses
- Justin Sheffield
- Justin T. Maxwell
- K. J. McGuire
- Kaiyu Guan
- Kang Liang
- Kaniska Mallick
- Kashif Mahmud
- Katherine S. Rocci
- Kelley C. Wells
- Ken W. Krauss
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kerry Cawse‐Nicholson
- Kevin A. Ryan
- Kim Locke
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kimberly P. Wickland
- Kory Konsoer
- Kyle S. Hemes
- L. C. Bowling
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- Laura Torres‐Rojas
- Lawrence E. Band
- Leda N. Kobziar
- Lee Slater
- Lianhong Gu
- Lixin Wang
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Lori Abendroth
- Lu Zhang
- M. Béla
- M. E. Litvak
- M. Francesca Cotrufo
- M. H. Conklin
- M. J. Garay
- M. L. Reba
- M. M. Bitew
- M. M. Osman
- M. N. Gooseff
- M. Roby
- M. Skiles
- M. Talat Odman
- M. van Berkel
- Maggie Bowman
- Malcolm A. Barnard
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Manh-Hung Le
- Marc Simard
- Marguerite Mauritz
- Martha C. Anderson
- María Mar Alsina
- Masahito Ueyama
- Matthew Bromley
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Matthew P. Dannenberg
- Melanie A. Mayes
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Melody Sandells
- Meng Ling
- Michael Bliss Singer
- Michael C. Duniway
- Michael D. Bell
- Michael Durand
- Michael H. Cosh
- Michael L. Kaplan
- Michael P. Ricketts
- Michel Bechtold
- Miguel L. Villarreal
- Ming Pan
- Mojtaba Sadegh
- Mollie D. Gaines
- Mostafa Javadian
- Nancy H. F. French
- Nancy P. Ziegler
- Natalie A. Griffiths
- Natasha MacBean
- Nathaniel A. Brunsell
- Nathaniel W. Chaney
- Nelson Aj
- Nicholas P. Webb
- Nicoleta Cristea
- Nigussie Haregeweyn
- Nina K. Lany
- Ning Liu
- Nishan Bhattarai
- Noemi Vergopolan
- Nurit Agam
- P. D. Broxton
- P. E. Thornton
- Paige Stanley
- Pang‐Wei Liu
- Patrick Campbell
- Paul J. Hanson
- Paul W. Richardson
- Peng Xian
- Peter R. Colarco
- Peter R. Robichaud
- Peter V. Caldwell
- Philip A. Fay
- Pradeep Wagle
- Praveen Kumar
- Pushpendra Raghav
- Qian Zhao
- R. C. Porter
- R. E. Emanuel
- R.J.R. van Kampen
- Randal D. Koster
- Ravindra Dwivedi
- Ray G. Anderson
- Rebecca Finger‐Higgens
- Rebecca T. Barnes
- Rohit Nandan
- Rolf H. Reichle
- Rossella Guerrieri
- Russell L. Scott
- S. Ahmad
- S. Havens
- S. T. Henderson
- Salli Dymond
- Saroj Dhital
- Sasha C. Reed
- Scott L. Collins
- Sean A. Parks
- Sean Swenson
- Sean T. Michaletz
- Sebastian Apers
- Shane Stoner
- Shelby C. McClelland
- Shufen Pan
- Si Gao
- Simon Kraatz
- Siyuan Wang
- Sophie F. von Fromm
- Soumaya Belmecheri
- Stefan Metzger
- Stephanie Schollaert Uz
- Stephen D. Sebestyen
- Stephen M. Powers
- Steven E. Lohrenz
- Steven J. Hall
- Steven Pestana
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sumanta Chatterjee
- Susan O’Neill
- Susanne Wiesner
- Svetlana Stuefer
- T. P. Covino
- T. Ryan McCarley
- Taewon Hwang
- Taichu Y. Tanaka
- Tana E. Wood
- Tanya L. Spero
- Tara B. B. Bishop
- Teamrat A. Ghezzehei
- Thomas E. Gill
- Thomas Holmes
- Timothy J. Griffis
- Tirtha Banerjee
- Travis Nauman
- Troy S. Magney
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- Uwe Schneidewind
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- Yongsung Kwon
- Zachary M. Easton
- Zhenqi Luo
- Zihao Bian
- О. В. Калашникова