ECOSTRESS-Landsat Synergy for Mapping Evapotranspiration and Vegetation Stress in Agricultural Landscapes

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Listed Authors
Anderson, M.
Gao, F.
Hain, C.
Yang, Y.
Xue, J.
Knipper, K.
Kustas, W. P.
Alfieri, J. G.
Listed Institutions
USDA ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, United States
Hydrology and Remote Sensing, USDA-Agricultural Research Service Beltsville, Beltsville, MD, United States
National Integrated Drought Information System, Boulder, CO, United States
ESSIC, University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD, United States
USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, United States
USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD, United States
U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, United States
U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, United States

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