Evapotranspiration Measurement and Estimation: Weighing Lysimeter and Neutron Probe Based Methods Compared with Eddy Covariance

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Listed Authors
Evett, S. R.
Gowda, P. H.
Marek, G. W.
Alfieri, J. G.
Kustas, W. P.
Brauer, D. K.
Listed Institutions
USDA ARS, Bushland, TX, United States
USDA ARS, Bushland, TX, United States; USDA-ARS-CPRL, Prasanna H. Gowda, Frisco, TX, United States
USDA ARS, Bushland, TX, United States
Agricultural Research Service Beltsville, Beltsville, MD, United States; Organization Not Listed, Washington, DC, United States
Agricultural Research Service Beltsville, Beltsville, MD, United States
USDA ARS, Bushland, TX, United States

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