Non-local Controls on Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Water Content in Heavy Clay Soils

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Listed Authors
Vanderlinden, K.
Pedrera-Parrilla, A.
Martinez, G.
Espejo Perez, A.
Giraldez, J. V.
Pachepsky, Y. A.
Listed Institutions
Centro Las Torres-Tomejil, IFAPA, Alcala Del Rio (Seville), Spain;
Centro Las Torres-Tomejil, IFAPA, Alcala Del Rio (Seville), Spain;
Dpto. de Agronomia, Universidad de Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain;
Dpto. de Agronomia, Universidad de Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain;
Dpto. de Agronomia, Universidad de Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain;
EMFSL, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD, Beltsville, MD, USA;

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