E&S Environmental Chemistry, Inc., P.O. Box 609, Corvallis, OR 97339 United States
Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Biology, Troy, NY 12180 United States
University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Science, Charlottesville, VA 22904 United States
Syracuse University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse, NY 13244 United States
University of Maine, Department of Soil Sciences, Orono, ME 04469 United States
Oregon State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Corvallis, OR 97331
SUNY, College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13244 United States
Dartmouth College, Department of Biology, Hanover, NH 03755 United States
Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Biology, Troy, NY 12180 United States
E&S Environmental Chemistry, Inc., P.O. Box 609, Corvallis, OR 97339 United States; SUNY, College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13244 United States
E&S Environmental Chemistry, Inc., P.O. Box 609, Corvallis, OR 97339 United States
Dartmouth College, Department of Biology, Hanover, NH 03755 United States
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Bureau of Watershed Management, 4th Floor 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233 United States