Oregon State University, Corvallis
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dating of the Last Retreat of the Southern Margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet: Preliminary Results
- <SUP>187</SUP>Os-<SUP>186</SUP>Os and He Isotope Systematics of Iceland Picrites
- A Climate Observing System: Where are we, Where are we Going?
- A Distributed Hydrologic Model With Application to a Semi-Arid Chilean Catchment
- A Framework for Instrumentation Infrastructure Support For Hydrologic Research
- A Geospatial Study of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Point Estimates Calculated with a New and Simple Method of Hand-Dug Well Recovery Analysis
- A History of Protracted Volcanism on the Patton-Murray Seamount Platform, Gulf of Alaska
- A Sensitivity Analysis Method to Study the Behavior of Complex Process-based Models
- A Strategy for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science III
- Assessing Interannual Variation in Net Ecosystem Production over a Coniferous Forest Landscape
- Assessing Subsurface Bioaugmentation of a Mixed Culture Capable of Chlorinated Solvent Cometabolism via Molecular Methods
- Assessing the Feasibility of In-Situ Aerobic Cometabolism of Chlorinated Solvents by a Single-Well Push-Pull and Natural Gradient Drift Tests in McClellan AFB, CA
- Bioremediation in Porous Media: Upscaling From the Pore to the Continuum Scales Via Volume Averaging
- Carbon and Water Flux Observations from AmeriFlux and Fluxnet: Some Early Results
- Cascadia Slab Structure and Intraslab Earthquakes
- Causative Mechanisms of Peak Flows and the Effect on Flood Frequency at Reynolds Creek, Idaho
- Chemical Clues of a Changing Upper Arctic Ocean Circulation: A tribute to John M. Edmond
- Comparison of Microcosm Tests and a Field Demonstration of Cometabolic Air Sparging With Propane for the Bioremediation of Trichloroethylene and cis-Dichloroethylene
- Constraints on the Origin of the Middle Pleistocene Transition From the Glacial Sedimentary Record of the North-Central U.S.
- Constructing an ensemble of precipitation fields from the historical climate record
- Crustal Structure of the Puget Lowland, Washington State From the Dry SHIPS '99 Seismic Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflection Profile
- Demonstration of In situ Anaerobic Transformation of Toluene and Xylene Using Single-Well Push-Pull Tests and Deuterated BTEX Surrogates
- Developing a Computational Environment for Coupling MOR Data, Maps, and Models: The Virtual Research Vessel (VRV) Prototype
- Developments in Coastal Ocean Modeling
- Effects of catchment scale on stormflow timing and composition: A landscape discretization approach
- Electrical Structure of the Creeping San Andreas Fault at Hollister, California
- Evaluation of a Predictive Equation for Runup
- Experimental Examination of Late-Time Breakthrough Behavior in a Non-uniform Porous Medium
- Fractal Residence Time Distribution in the Hyporheic Zone of a 2<SUP>nd</SUP>-Order Mountain Stream: Implications for Scaling and Stream Biogeochemistry
- Fumarate as a Probe and Stimulant for In Situ Reductive Dechlorination of Trichloroethene
- Galapagos Plume-Ridge Interaction Part 2: Variations in Seamount Morphology Around the Galapagos Platform
- Heat Flow on the Incoming Plate Offshore Nicoya, Costa Rica margin: Implications for Hydrothermal Circulation and the Thermal State of the Subducting Plate
- Hillslope versus riparian zone runoff contributions in headwater catchments: A multi-watershed comparison
- Hydrochemical properties of small Spodosol-dominated catchments with contrasting disturbance from windthrow in a temperate rainforest, southeast Alaska
- In-situ evidence for uranium immobilization and remobilization
- Integration of a Global Set of Millennial-Scale Climate Records: Insights From EOF Analysis
- Interactions Between Microbial Dynamics and Transport Processes in Variably Saturated Porous Media. 1. Experimental System and Results
- Interactions Between Microbial Dynamics and Transport Processes in Variably Saturated Porous Media. 2. Model Development and Evaluation
- Interactions among Riparian Vegetation, Wood, and Fluvial Processes: a Pacific Northwest Drainage Basin Perspective
- Isotopic (13C) response of ponderosa pine ecosystem respiration to atmospheric stress events
- Magma Piracy in the Southern Mariana Backarc
- Magmatic Activity Beneath the Quiescent Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Central Oregon Cascade Range, USA, Inferred from Satellite InSAR
- Manganese and dissolved organic carbon in estuaries: Recycling on an Edmond scale
- Mantle Inputs to the Subduction Factory: Detailed Studies of the Southern Mariana Seamount Province
- Mantle and Crustal Components in pre-Caldera Lavas of the Jemez Mountains Volcanic Field, New Mexico
- Microorganisms From a Depth of 1350 m in Hawaii
- Miocene Extension, Volcanism and Possibly Associated Upper Crustal P-Wave Velocity Anomalies in the Northeastern Los Angeles Basin
- Modeled Attenuation of High Hillslope Pore Pressures by Canopy Interception of Rainfall
- Modeling Sediment and Wood Storage and Dynamics in Small Mountainous Watersheds
- Modeling the effects of disturbance history and climate on carbon and water budgets in evergreen needleleaf forests
- Motion of Hawaiian Hotspot During Formation of the Emperor Seamounts: Initial Results of ODP Leg 197
- Movement of Motile Bacteria in Unsaturated Porous Media
- Multi-Criteria Validation of an Infiltration Model for Macroporous Soils
- Observations and Explanations of Parabolic patterns of Gas Flow in Homogeneous Saturated Media
- Ocean-atmosphere Coupling over the Eastern Tropical Pacific During EPIC2001
- Oxygen-18 Content of Ecosystem Respiration Across a Climatic Gradient in Oregon.
- Paleomagnetic Definition of Domains and Quaternary Block-Rotations in the East Ventura Basin and San Fernando Valley, Southern California
- Petrology of Gakkel Ridge Basalts: Preliminary Results
- Plume-Affected Geochemical Trends in Along-Axis Samples from the Galápagos Spreading Center, 90° 30'W to 98° W
- Processes and Rates of Sediment and Wood Accumulation in Headwater Streams of the Oregon Coast Range, U.S.A.
- Reconciling the Misfit Between the Yellowstone Plume Trace and Global Plate Motion Models: Channelized and Pancake Plume Flow on Basal Lithospheric Topography
- Seafloor Spreading in the Southern Mariana Trough Inferred From 3-component Magnetometer Data
- Simulation of Water and Energy Fluxes in an Old Growth Seasonal Temperate Rainforest Using the Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) Model
- Soft Data: An approach for linking observations to models in catchment hydrology
- Spatial Variability of Derived Properties for Marine Stratus Clouds
- Tectonic Setting of the LARSE 2 line, East Ventura and San Fernando Basins
- Temporal Patterns of Turbidites Offshore the Northern San Andreas Fault and Correlation to Paleoseismic Events Onshore
- The Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Expedition -AMORE 2001- Seafloor Spreading at the Top of the World
- The Earliest Hominid Migration out of Africa and Near East Colonization
- The Influence of Subduction Zone Earthquakes on the Frequency of Submarine Landslides and the Destabilization of Gas Hydrate on Hydrate Ridge, Oregon Margin
- The Middle Number World: A View of Complexity Theory and Methods in Ecology
- The North Pole Environmental Observatory
- The Shevlin Park Tuff, Central Oregon Cascade Range: Magmatic Processes Recorded in an Arc-Related Ash-Flow Tuff
- Thresholds in Subsurface Flow Generation: An Intercomparison of Three Different Headwater Catchments
- Timing of Uplift and Subsidence of the Gorda Escarpment Constrained by Seismic Reflection Data and Biostratigraphy
- Towards an Objective Model of Catchment Hydrology
- Tracking Sediment Sources to Pacific Northwest Margin Sites through Radiometric Ages of Clays: Ocean-Land Response to Millenial Scale Climate Change
- Use of GPS, Sonar, Acoustic Doppler, and 2D Hydraulic Modeling for Evaluating Changes in Riverine Habitat with Discharge
- Using Historical Data and Quasi-Likelihood Logistic Regression Modeling to Test Spatial Patterns of Channel Response to Peak Flows in a Mountain Watershed
- Using Oxygen Isotopes to Characterize Local Freshwater Balance and Trace the Origins of Precipitation in the Gulf of Panama, Eastern Tropical Pacific
- A CFD Model for Wave Transformation and Breaking in the Surf Zone
- A Modeling Study of Lagrangian and Eulerian Shelf Flows due to Periodic Wind Forcing
- A Multi-System Investigation of Mixing, Circulation and Productivity at the New England Shelfbreak Front.
- A Synthesis and Reinterpretation of Field Observations on Hillslope Contributions to Streamflow
- Air-Sea Heat Exchange Along the Northern Sea Surface Temperature Front in the Eastern Tropical Pacic
- An Overview of the Southern Mariana Subduction Factory: Arc, Cross-Chains, and Back-Arc Basin
- Annual Soil CO2 efflux Across Three Climatically-distinct Forest Chronsequences in Oregon.
- Assessing Stream Bed Stability and Excess Sedimentation in Mountain Streams
- Assessment of Provisional MODIS-derived Surfaces Related to the Global Carbon Cycle
- Atmospheric Forcing of the Oregon Shelf During COAST 2001
- Bacterial Disproportionation of Elemental Sulfur in Marine Sediments Amplified by a Seafloor Fuel Cell
- Binary Mixing Processes at a Ridge Segment as Shown by Historic Reykjanes Peninsula Lavas, Iceland
- Bioaugmentation of an Aerobic Culture Capable of Chlorinated Solvent Cometabolism to a Subsurface Test Zone
- Bridge Structure, Foundation and Approach Embankment Performance for the October-November 2002 Earthquake Sequence on the Denali Fault, Alaska
- Climate Effects on Carbon and Water Exchange of Young and Intermediate-growth Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems in Central Oregon
- Comparison of Small-scale and Field-scale Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: A Tale of Cores and Drains
- Compositional Variation and Magma Mixing With Respect to Time and Space at Volcán Aucanquilcha, Northern Chile
- Controls on the seasonal cycle of NEE: Inferring temperature dependence of photosynthesis in evergreen needleleaf forests using eddy covariance data
- Cooling Rate and Isothermal Crystallization Effects on Melt Inclusion Formation in MORB High-An Feldspar and High-Fo Olivine
- Diagenetic and Isotopic Constraints for Molybdenum Geochemistry in Continental Margin Environments: Paleoproxy Potential
- Dirty Snowballs and Magic Carpets: an Ontology of Geophysical Disturbance
- Disappearing Glass: What Happened to the Volcanic Glass from the Tops of Shallow Seamounts in the Northeast Pacific?
- Do geochemical and faunal estimates of upper-ocean temperature agree in the tropics? Yes and no.
- Effect of Burrowing Mammals on the Hydrology of a Drained Riparian Ecosystem
- Evaluating the Importance of the Hyporheic Zone Throughout a 5<SUP>th</SUP>-order Mountain Stream Network
- Experimental Observations of Fluid Transport Across an Unsaturated Fracture-Intersection
- Exploring the First Order Controls of Hillslope Scale N and DOC Flushing: A Virtual Experiment Approach
- Field Evidence for Plug Flow
- Fluid Interfaces at the Pore-Scale: Trying to Make Observations and Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations Meet
- Geochemical Variations in Late Cenozoic Glacial Sediments Deposited by the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Implications for the Middle Pleistocene Transition
- Glacial Erosion as a Primary Control on Landscape Evolution of the Active Chugach/St. Elias Range of Southern Alaska
- Ground-Based Magnetic Remote Sensing Technique for Locating Sub-Surface Features and Tracking Solute Movement Through the Vadose Zone
- Helium and Carbon Isotope Systematics of Springs in the Separation Creek Drainage System, Three Sisters area, Central Oregon Cascades.
- Holocene Earthquakes, Slope Failures, and Submarine Gas Hydrates at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin
- Hydrologic Variability in the World's Transboundary River Basins
- Hydrothermal Vent Plume Discovery and Survey with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- ITCT 2K2: Trans-Pacific Transport of Anthropogenic Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds
- Improving regional and continental CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux estimates with surface concentration measurements
- Insights into the architecture of basaltic magmatic systems from melt inclusion studies
- Internal Waves and Turbulence at the Hawaiian Ridge
- Interoperability Among Spatial Data Resources Along a Continuum: "Data-to-Data", "Data Models" and "Data-to-Interpretation"
- Investigating stream longitudinal geomorphic variability and hyporheic exchange residence time distribution using a groundwater flow model
- Investigation of Meso-scale Land-Atmosphere Interactions Across the East-West Continental Precipitation Gradient: CASES in the International H20 Project (IHOP)
- Is the size of the Carbon Sink caused by "Woody Encroachment" of U.S. Grasslands overestimated? One DGVM calculates an answer.
- Laboratory, Field, and Modeling Studies of Aerobic Cometabolism of CAHs by Butane-Utilizing Microorganisms
- Large Crater Structures Offshore Southern California
- Limits to indirect aerosol forcing in stratocumulus
- Mesoscale Structure of Bio-Optical Properties Within the Northern California Current System, 2000-2002
- Microorganisms and Volcanic Glass
- Modeling Internal Tides and Mixing Over Ocean Ridges
- Modeling study of upwelling processes over the Oregon shelf
- Molecular Analysis of Endolithic Microbial Communities in Volcanic Glasses
- National Instrument Facility for Electromagnetic Studies of the Continents (EMSOC)
- New Patterns Emerging for Cascadia Paleoearthquakes: Clues from the Turbidite Record
- Nitrate and Pesticide Transport From Tile-Drained Fields in the Willamette Valley, Oregon
- Normal and Abnormal Major Element Variations in Lavas from Intermediate Spreading Centers: SEIR and Galapagos
- Observations and models of iron fertilization in the Southern Ocean with emphasis on high nitrate low silicate waters
- Observations of aerosol turbulent flux and determination of the effect of hygroscopic growth
- On the Processes Occurring During Infiltration of Brine into Porous Media
- On the mesoscale dynamics of the Indian/Atlantic interocean exchange.
- On the process of upwelling: Progress from Sverdrup to Allen
- Oregon Coastal Observing System
- Origins and consequences of heavy-tailed residence time distributions resulting from solute exchange
- Origins of Turbidites Along the Northern California Margin: Earthquakes on the Northern San Andreas Fault?
- Parameterization of Incident and Infragravity Swash Variance
- Particle Size Distributions Over the Oregon Continental Shelf During Upwelling: Relationship to Inherent Optical Properties
- Preliminary <SUP>10</SUP>Be Chronology for the Last Deglaciation of the Southern Scandinavian Ice Sheet
- Production and Fate of Organic C and N in the Wind Driven Coastal Ocean off Oregon
- Progress on physical circulation and ecosystem modeling in the COAST and WEST programs
- Quantitative Considerations of Dissolved Barium as a Tracer in the Arctic Ocean
- Radiometric Ages From ODP Leg 197 Drilling Along the Emperor Seamount Chain
- Radon as a Natural Partitioning Tracer for Locating and Quantifying DNAPL Saturation in the Subsurface
- Relating Weight and Count Distributions of Stream Bed Gravel
- Remote Sensing of Radiation Stress Gradients From Optical Imagery
- Scaling Issues in the Evaluation of MODIS Gross Primary Production Estimates
- Seismic Evidence for Widespread Serpentinized Forearc Upper Mantle Along the Cascadia Margin
- Simulation of Wind-Driven Circulation on the Northern California Coast
- Simulation of laboratory rip current experiments using nearshore POM
- Tectonic Reorganization of the Western Pacific in Eocene Time: Missing Pieces in the Subduction Initiation Puzzle
- The 19-ka Meltwater Pulse
- The Accuracies of Smoothed SSH Fields and Geostrophic Velocity Estimates from the Tandem TOPEX/POSEIDON and Jason Altimeter Mission
- The Cobb Hotspot: A Fixed Mantle Plume With MORB Geochemical Characteristics
- The Effects of Wind Forcing and Background Mean Currents on the Latitudinal Structure of Rossby Waves
- The Physical Context of the Southern Ocean Iron Experiment as Observed by Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
- The Role of Diffusion in Solute Transport and Reaction in Porous Media: Results from Direct Visualization of Laboratory Experiments
- Three-dimensional response of the ecosystem to upwelling off the Oregon Coast
- Transport of Solutes in Groundwater Through a Hillslope-Riparian Transition During two Rain Events at the Panola Moutain Research Watershed, Georgia
- Ultra-Rapid Landscape Response and Sediment Yield Following Glacier Retreat, Icy Bay, Southern Alaska
- Upscaling biofilm processes from the pore-scale to the Darcy scale: A report on continuing theoretical and experimental research
- Upwelling Along the Oregon Coast is a Sink for Atmospheric CO2
- Using Multi-Species Foraminiferal δ<SUP>18</SUP>O to Reconstruct Hydrologic Changes in the Gulf of Panama From LGM to Present
- Virtual Oregon: A Proof-of-Concept for Seamless Access to Distributed Environmental Information
- Water Residence Times and Runoff Sources Across an Urbanizing Gradient (Croton Water Supply Area, New York)
- Where do the Field Plots Belong? A Multiple-Constraint Sampling Design for the BigFoot Project
- Wind Events and Shelf Transport (WEST): Understanding the Role of Wind-Driven Transport in Shelf Productivity.
- A Model-based Approach to Scaling GPP and NPP in Support of MODIS Land Product Validation
- A Speleothem Climate Record of the Last Deglaciation From Southwestern Oregon
- Aboveground Biomass and C Pools in Pasture Chronosequences Along a Climatic Gradient in Costa Rica
- Accounting for age Structure in Ponderosa Pine Ecosystem Analyses: Integrating Management, Disturbance Histories and Observations with the BIOME-BGC Model
- Across-Arc Variability of Outputs From the Mariana Subduction Factory: Melt Inclusions From the 14° 35'N Cross-Chain
- Assessing the Role of Floods, Land Conversion and Bank Materials in Determining Channel Change Along the Willamette River, 1850-1996
- Assessment of Extent to Which Intensively-Studied Lakes are Representative of the Adirondack Mountain Region, New York
- Can We Monitor Ecosystem Function Using Keeling Plot Analyses of Nocturnal Cold-Air Drainage?
- Carbon and Nitrogen Pools in Oregon Cascades Forests Over a Successional Gradient
- Changes in Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages and Total Organic Carbon in Sediments at ODP Site 1058, Blake Outer Ridge During Marine Isotope Stages 11-12
- Chemical Evolution of Riparian Groundwater and Stream Baseflow at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA
- Climatic versus biotic constraints on carbon uptake in ponderosa pine forests
- Cobb Hotspot Volcanism Prior to 7 Million Years ago
- Controls on Regional Gas Hydrate Occurrence at Southern Hydrate Ridge (ODP Leg 204)-Geochemical Evidence
- Correlation Length Scales of Isotopic Variations Along Mid-Ocean Ridges and Upper Mantle Dynamics
- Determining the Ages and Origins of Earthquake Triggered Submarine Landslides
- Development of a Coupled 3-Dimensional Hydrological - Hydraulic Model Integrated With High Resolution Digital Elevation Model
- Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing From Devils Kitchen, Mt. Hood, Oregon
- Disturbance and Net Ecosystem Production Across Three Climatically-Distinct Forest Landscapes
- Effects of Harvest and Roads on In-stream Woody Material in Blue River Basin, Cascade Range, Oregon
- Effects of Microbial Colonization, Liquid Flow and Textural Heterogeneities on Gas-Phase Transport in Unsaturated Systems
- Estimating catchment residence time using environmental tracers: modeling recharge and input uncertainty
- Froude-number based spatio-temporal scaling of braided stream channels
- Gas hydrate distribution and its relationship to free-gas sources within southern Hydrate Ridge: Results from recent seismic experiments
- Gauging the ungauged basin: How to diagnose catchment function from field reconnaissance to long-term observation.
- Geochemical microanalysis: The link between textural and geochemical characterization of igneous rocks
- Geotechnical and Microstructural Characterization of the Recent Delta Po River Flood Deposit, Adriatic Sea, Italy
- Global and Regional Pools of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, a Common Soil Microbe
- High sensitivity in-situ analysis of light lithophile (Li, Be, B) and alkali (Rb, Cs) elements by laser ablation magnetic sector ICP-MS: application to back arc basin magmatism
- Holocene Earthquakes, Gas Hydrates, and an 11,000 Year Record of Slope Failures at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin
- How Does Canopy Structure Influence Interception and Canopy Storage of Rainfall in Young and Old Douglas-Fir Forests?
- How to Reach Across a Basin: Integrating Basin-Scale Interactions to Reach-Scale Predictions
- Hydrothermal Links Between the Caribbean Plateau and OAE2
- Hydrothermal Petroleum in Active Continental Rift: Lake Chapala, Western Mexico, Initial Results.
- In situ bio-immobilization of Uranium and Technetium via indigenous soil microbes: preliminary study results
- Incorporating Field Intelligence Into Conceptual Rainfall-runoff Models
- Inferring residence time distributions from hillslope tracer experiments
- Influence of Air Discontinuity and Wall Effects on the Measurements of Hydraulic Parameters Under Dynamic Conditions
- Interplay between internal deformation of the Gorda plate and spreading rates along the Gorda Ridge
- Interpreting concentration measurements at flux towers
- Last Glacial Maximum Sea-Surface Temperatures - Sensitivity to Uncertainties and Change in the Tropical and Subtropical Ocean: Modeling results
- Late Quaternary History of the Tropical Pacific: THe Gulf of Tehuantepec Foraminiferal Record
- Long-term monitoring of electromagnetic signals along the San Andreas Fault
- Matching Form to Function in Forestry Riparian Buffer Zones
- Modeling the influence of subsurface topography on spatial and temporal variability of subsurface stormflow
- Modeling the stratigraphy and preservation potential of meandering stream deposits
- Modular Approaches to Earth Science Scientific Computing: 3D Electromagnetic Induction Modeling as an Example
- Moving beyond the variable source area concept for defining the hydrologic and geomorphic process controls on water quality
- Multi-Phase Flow at the Pore-Scale: Making Lattice Boltzmann Simulations fit Experimental Data
- N isotope fractionation and measures of organic matter alteration during decomposition
- Nocturnal Katabatic Air Flow in a Forested Watershed: Measurements and Modeling
- Nonlinearity as a linkage between lateral hydrologic and geomorphic processes and emergent space-time scaling behavior
- Ocean Drilling Program Contributions to the Understanding of the Deep Subsurface Biosphere
- Origin Of Extreme <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He Signatures In Icelandic Lavas: Insights From Melt Inclusion Studies
- Origin of Upper Mantle Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt Source Isotope Signatures: Hafnium and Lead Isotope Constraints
- Origins of Newberry Volcano, Central Oregon: A Cascade Backarc, High Lava Plains, Basin and Range Shield Volcano?
- Parameterization of Forest Canopy Properties over Snow using MISR
- Persistent Spatial Variability of Throughfall Amounts and Intensity Beneath Forest Canopies
- Physical Property Correlations and Radiocarbon Ages Illuminate Cascadia Earthquake Recurrence Patterns
- Pickling Peridotites in the IBM Mantle Wedge: Inferences from the Guguan Cross-Chain, Mariana Arc
- Regional, Basin, and Local Factors Influencing the use of Synoptic Survey Data to Assess Anthropogenic Changes in Streambed Stability and Fine Sediment
- Reliability of Groundwater Flow Models of the Hyporheic Zone of Small Mountain Streams
- Rooting Dynamics and Soil Water Variation of Native Shrubs
- Salt Precipitation and Dissolution in an Unsaturated Porous Media Under Non-Isothermal Conditions
- Seasonal Variation in the Carbon Isotope Ratio of Ecosystem Respiration in Two Coniferous Forests
- Sedimentation in Pacific Northwest Coastal Streams -- Evidence from Regional Surveys of Bed Substrate Size and Stability
- Sensitivity to Uncertainties and Change in the Tropical and Subtropical Ocean During the Last Glacial Maximum: Reassessment of the CLIMAP LGM.
- Simplicity from complexity: How lateral soil pipes define clear threshold relations at the hillslope scale
- Small scale variations in soil depth affecting the patterns and relationships between soil moisture and transpiration
- Small, Highly Reflective Ice Crystals in CRYSTAL-FACE Anvil Cirrus
- Soils and Springs - Controls on the Isotope Hydrology of 3 Appalachian Landscapes
- Spatial Based Integrated Assessment of Bedrock and Ground Motions, Fault Offsets, and Their Effects for the October-November 2002 Earthquake Sequence on the Denali Fault, Alaska
- Spatiotemporal Snowpack Distribution Across a Topographically and Ecologically Complex Landscape, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
- Stable Chlorine Isotopes in Ocean Crust Processes
- The Age of Large Landslides From the Koolau Volcano, Oahu, From Coring on the Northern Hawaiian Arch
- The Effects of Forest Disturbance on Macroinvertebrates in Western Oregon Headwater Streams - Patterns in Existing Databases
- The Influence of Stand Development on Annual Carbon Exchange in Ponderosa Pine in Eastern Oregon
- The Microphysical and Radiative Evolution of a Cirrus Anvil During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Tree-ring Indices and Isotope Signatures of Pinus ponderosa Related to Historic Ozone Changes Outside Los Angeles
- Tropical Anvil Cirrus Microphysics
- Turbidite Based Earthquake Record Along the Northern San Andreas Fault
- Uranium Transport in Subsurface Materials: An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of pH and Inorganic Carbonate Concentration
- Use of stable isotope tracers as a diagnostic tool for determining connectedness of road runoff to stream peak flows in disturbed forest environments.
- (More) Biogenic Barium and Organic Carbon Relationships on the Continental Margin: a Study From the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean)
- A Collaborative Approach to Petrologic Monitoring of the Mt. Saint Helens 2004 Eruption
- A High Iron, Low Chlorophyll Coastal Ecosystem: the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
- A New Versatile Design for Automated Tension Infiltration
- A Study of Oil-Water and Air-Water Interfacial Areas Measured Using Synchrotron-based CMT
- A Three-Dimensional Subseafloor Observatory Network for Cross-Hole, Hydrogeologic Experiments Established in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
- A new laboratory instrument for defining near-saturation wetting-drying and capillary conductivity
- An Analytical Framework for Predicting the Downstream Geomorphic Effects of Dams on Rivers
- Assessing model and data uncertainty by combing a tracer experiment with process modeling
- Beyond Potential Vegetation: Combining Lidar Remote Sensing and a Height- Structured Terrestrial Ecosystem Model for Improved Estimates of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes at a Set of Sites in North and Central America
- Calculation of the Darcy-scale effective diffusion and dispersion tensors for porous media: Volume averaging with 3-dimensional closure solutions
- Cascadia Great Earthquake Recurrence: Correlation Evidence for Repeated Margin Wide Rupture
- Chemical and Isotopical Patterns of Nitrate Contamination in the Southern Willamette Valley, Oregon
- Chlorine cycling in subduction zones: Insights from submarine glasses and melt inclusions from arc and back-arc basalts
- Climate Mapping Challenges in Mountainous Regions
- Control of SOM Stabilization by Preferential Sorption of Nitrogenous Compounds
- Cyberinfrastructure (CI) for Interactive Ocean Observatories: LOOKING Ahead
- Daily forecast of Columbia River plume: a tale of two cruises
- Debris Dams, Sediment Impoundment, and the Relief of Headwater Streams
- Determining In-Channel Transient Storage by Comparing Solute Transport in a Bedrock Channel - Alluvial Channel Sequence, Lookout Creek Basin, Oregon, USA
- Detrital Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter in Soils: A Field Experiment
- Differential Response in Plant Taxa Morphology and Physiology During Increases in Late-Quaternary Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations Affect Plant-Climate Interactions.
- Dissolved Oxygen Extrema in the Arctic Ocean Halocline from the North Pole to the Lincoln Sea
- Diurnal variations in the \delta<SUP>18</SUP>O of water vapor observed in the Pacific Northwest coniferous forests
- Earthquakes and crustal structure beneath the central Cascadia continental margin
- Electromagnetic induction transfer functions estimated from Oersted, CHAMP and SAC-C missions
- Estimating forest canopy height from Geoscience Laser Altimeter System waveforms and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation models
- Evaluation of Colloid Transport and Dynamics using Light Transmission
- Evidence for Large-Scale Slope Failures on Northern Gulf of Alaska Seamounts
- Fluvial fingerprints in northeast Pacific sediments: Unravelling terrestrial-ocean climate linkages
- From process heterogeneity at the hillslope scale to model predictability at the catchment scale
- Geochemical and isotopic variations along the Galápagos Spreading Center, 90.8-97.8° W
- Geologically Mediated Groundwater Storage can be a First-Order Control on Streamflow Response to Changing Climate
- Geology Broadly Predicts Summer Streamflow in Volcanic Terrains: Lessons From the Oregon Cascades
- Glacial Advances and Retreats in Tectonic Southeast Alaska During the Little Ice Age and Last Glacial Maximum: Preliminary Results from EW0408
- Ground saturation following various harvest patterns: implications of assessing a hydrologic model versus statistical analysis
- Hawaiian Hotspot - Spreading Ridge Interaction in the Late Cretaceous: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Evidence
- Hierarchical Controls of Fire Weather and Fire Climate in the Western United States
- Holocene Turbidite Recurrence Frequency off Northern California: Insights for San Andreas Fault Paleoseismicity
- In Situ Production Of CO<SUB>2</SUB> In The Antarctic Siple Dome Ice Core Record
- In Situ Subsurface Cometabolic Transformation of Chlorinated Solvent Mixtures by Native and Bioaugmented Butane Utilizing Microorganisms
- Inclusion of Wave Direction in Bathymetry Inversion Algorithms
- Increases in Stream Flow at Stream Crossings on Forest Roads in Western Oregon, USA
- Interplay of Structure and Sediment Supply May Influence Subduction Zone Rupture Patches and Propagation
- Investigation of a 12,000 Year Record of Cascadia Tsunamis and Coastal Subsidence in Oregon
- Laboratory observations of waves and turbulence over a barred beach
- Landscape Vegetation Structure and Snow Cover Relationships at Multiple Scales in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
- Magmatic plumbing of Mount St. Helens - petrologic insights
- Mantle Heterogeneity and Melting Along a Regional Axial Depth Gradient: Th-U Disequilibria Along the Southeast Indian Ridge
- Modeling Carbon and Water Vapor Fluxes and Carbon Isotope Discrimination at the Canopy Scale in a Semi-arid Pine Forest.
- Modular Inversion and Data Assimilation
- Morphologic evolution: nonlinear coupling between cross-shore and alongshore variability and the incident wave field
- Multi-angle/Multi-spectral Mapping of Snow Covered Area and Vegetation Density Using MISR
- Nitrogen Addition as a Result of Long-Term Root Removal Affects Soil Organic Matter Dynamics
- Northwest Australian Shelf Dynamics Experiment: Along-Shelf Flow
- Northwest Australian Shelf Dynamics Experiment: Shelf-Edge Processes
- On the Nonlinearity of the Kuroshio Current South of Japan
- On-Line Isotopic Analysis of Soil-Respired CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Onshore-Offshore Correlation of Geologic Evidence for Great Cascadia Earthquakes--Permissive Agreement Between Washington Estuaries and Cascadia Deep-Sea Channel
- Orbitally Tuned Stratigraphies From 2.5 to 8 Ma at Sites 1237 and 1241
- Paleomagnetic Definition of Crustal Segmentation, Quaternary Block Rotations and Limits on Earthquake Magnitudes in Northwestern Metropolitan Los Angeles
- Paleoproductivity and Paleoclimate off Southern Chile During the last Deglaciation. Diatom and Phytoliths Records from Site 1233
- Petrochemical Results for Volcanic Rocks recovered from SHINKAI 6500 diving on the Bonin Ridge (27°15'N-28°25'N): submarine extension of Ogasawara forearc volcanism
- Petrologic monitoring of Mt St. Helens through laser ablation ICP-MS analysis of ash and dome material
- Petrology and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks collected in Association with ROV Investigations of Three Hydrothermal Sites in the Mariana Arc: NW Rota-1, E. Diamante, and NW Eifuku
- Physical Property Correlations from Cascadia Great Earthquakes: What Are They Telling Us About The Triggering Events?
- Power-law behavior of transient storage residence time distributions from a multi-scale stream tracer test in Lookout Creek, Oregon
- Predicting Contrasting Responses to a Warmer Climate for Groundwater and Shallow Subsurface Dominated Systems in the Oregon Cascades
- Pressure Gradients on a Barred Beach
- Recession Flow Analysis for Selection of a Basin Drainage Model and Estimation of Basin-Wide Hydraulic Parameters
- Seasonal Variations in Sugar Contents and Microbial Community Behavior in a Ryegrass Soil
- Single-Well Push-Pull Tests for Evaluating In Situ TCE, cis-DCE, and trans-DCE Cometabolism by Toluene-Utilizing Microorganisms
- Speed, extent, and sequence of abrupt climate change 8200 years ago
- Streambed Particle Size From Pebble Counts Using Visually Estimated Size Classes: Junk or Useful Data?
- Structural vergence variation and clockwise block rotation in the Cascadia accretionary wedge, offshore central Oregon
- Testing 3D fault configuration in the northern Los Angeles basin, California via patterns of rock uplift the since 2.9 Ma
- Testing MODIS Capability to Map Peatlands
- The Deuterium Excess record from Siple Dome, Antarctica in the Context of Global Climate
- The Efficacy of Thermodynamics in Development of Governing Equations and Constitutive Relations for Saline Solutions in Variably Saturated Porous Media
- The Impact of Microbes on the Composition of the Ocean Crust and Seawater
- The North Pole Environmental Observatory: A Community Resource for Tracking Change in the Arctic Marine Environment
- The Pacific Northwest Hydrological Observatory (PNW HO): Hypothesis and model testing power through diversity
- The low frequency variability of the South Atlantic circulation
- Time-Critical Studies: Rapid response to Transient Dynamic Mid-Ocean Ridge Events
- Tools for Online Access and Manipulation of Spatial Climate Data
- Topographic Effects in a Nonlinear Model of Coastal Upwelling
- Total Runoff From Roads as an Index for Potential Changes in Watershed Hydrology
- Upscaling and Uncertainty of Reactive Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Validation of an Optical Swash Velocity Measurement Algorithm
- Wave Transformation and Undertow Over a Barred Beach
- fO<SUB>2</SUB> Determination by Sulfur Kα Peak Shift and Olivine-Spinel Oxygen Barometry: Implications for Mantle Wedge Heterogeneities in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- A Continuous Flow Column Study of Anaerobic PCE Transformation With the Evanite Culture and Hanford Aquifer Solids
- A Distributed Data Management System to Support Arctic Geology and Geophysics: A Resource for Extended EEZ Claims
- A GCM study of the role of changing emissions and climate on atmospheric methane variations during the Holocene and glacial-interglacial transitions
- A Generalized Taylor-Aris Formula and Skew Diffusion
- A Macroscale Description of Mass Transfer and Dispersion in Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media: Developments Using the Method of Volume Averaging
- A Rover Concept for Exploring the Surface of Titan
- AAGRUUK: the Arctic Archive for Geophysical Research
- Across-arc geochemical variation of basalt in the Izi-Oshima to Niijima cross chan, norhtern Izu arc
- Airsheds, Isotopes and Ecosystem Metabolism in Mountainous Terrain
- Analysis of Evaporative Flux Over Irrigated and Unirrigated Pasture in the Wood River Basin
- Archiving Terrestrial Biogeochemistry Models
- Are Site-Based Sampling Protocols Useful for Characterizing Watersheds and Fish Distribution Patterns Necessary for Successful Restoration?
- Can Nocturnal Cold Air Drainage be Used to Monitor Ecosystem Function?
- Can Sulfur Speciation in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions be Accurately Determined by Electron Microprobe: An Experimental Study with a Practical Application
- Cascadia Great Earthquake Recurrence: Rupture lengths, Correlations and Constrained OxCal Analysis of Event Ages
- Changes in Hyporheic Exchange Flow Following Experimental Woody Debris Removal Determined by Groundwater Flow Modeling
- Climate, Elevation, and Tropical Pacific Teleconnections: The Siple Dome Ice Stable Isotopes Reveal a Complex West Antarctic Climate History
- Coalescing Debris-Fill Complexes in Headwater Valleys of the Oregon Coast Range
- Colored Dissolved Organic Matter and its Influence on the Satellite-Based Characterization of the Ocean Biosphere
- Combining Satellite and Ground Magnetic Measurements to Improve Estimates of Electromagnetic Induction Transfer Functions
- Composition and Dehydration of Clay Minerals from Hemipelagic Sediments at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Constraints on Late Glacial Methane Budgets From Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios
- Continued Support for a St. Lawrence Routing Event as the Cause for the Younger Dryas
- Crustal Assimilation in Parana Flood Basalts Revisited
- Development and Validation of a Field-Deployable Optical Spectrometer for Real-Time, Natural Abundance Measurements of O and H Isotopes of Water
- Drainage Network Development on a Porous Landscape
- Droplet Speed in Unsaturated Rock Fractures
- Ecosystem Consequences of Forest Fragmentation in the Pacific Northwest: Biogeochemical Edge Effects within Old-Growth Forest Remnants
- Engaging a community towards marine cyberinfrastructure: Lessons Learned from The Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative
- Enhancing Lunar Exploration with a Radioisotope Powered Dual Mode Lunar Rover
- Estimating Film Flow Behavior in a Crushed Volcanic Tuff
- Estimating the Glacial Atlantic Deep Water Circulation by Combining Simulations and Proxy Observations of Nutrient Distributions
- Extreme Geochemical Heterogeneity in Afro-Arabian Oligocene Tephras
- Far-Field Post-Glacial Sea-Level Geometries as a Probe of Antarctic Ice History
- Frontier Lecture in Hydrological Science: Runoff Generation in Gauged and Ungauged Watersheds: Status and Future
- Gas Records From The West Greenland Ice Margin Covering The Last Glacial Termination: A Horizontal Ice Core
- Germanium Isotope Measurements Using Double-Spike HG MC-ICP-MS: Results From Geothermal Fluids and Implications for the use of Ge/Si as a Paleoproxy
- Giant Aerosol Particles as a Potential Source of Supercooled Large Drops in Wintertime Stratiform Clouds
- High Resolution Upwelling Cycles in Guaymas and Cariaco Basins over the late Holocene: Coupling Between the Western Atlantic and Eastern Pacific?
- Hydrodynamic Characterization and Deep Drainage Dynamics of Two Contrasting Semi-arid Sites Subjected to Shrub Clearing
- Hydrodynamic Dispersion: Upscaling From the Pore to Darcy Scales
- Hydrological Controls on Nitrogen and DOC Transport at the Plot, Hillslope and Catchment Scale, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest.
- Ice Nuclei Variability and Ice Formation in Mixed-phase Clouds
- Impact of the Panama Seaway Closure on Ocean Circulation, Marine Productivity and Nutrient Cycling
- International Partnerships in Ice Coring Sciences (IPICS) and the IPICS-IPY Initiative
- Investigating Dynamic Behavior in Experimental Capillary Pressure-Saturation Curves Using a Lattice-Boltzmann Model
- Investigating Water Movement through Fractured Subsurface Systems: A Mesoscale Approach
- Investigating the influence of topography and landscape organization on scaling of small catchment storm runoff generation
- Is There a Record of a Northern Hemisphere Source for Meltwater Pulse 1A?
- Lahar Hazard Mapping of Mount Shasta, California: A GIS-based Delineation of Potential Inundation Zones in Mud and Whitney Creek Basins
- Long Term Monitoring of EM Signals Near Parkfield CA
- Mapping "At Risk" Snow in the Pacific Northwest
- Mapping Layer Sequence and Folds of Pre-Holocene Ice at the Pakitsoq "Horizontal Ice Coring"-Site, West Greenland.
- Measurement of the Isotopic Signature of Soil Carbon Dioxide: Methods Development and Initial Field Results
- Micrometerology and Flux Partitioning Between Understorey and Overstorey of Forest Canopies: a Aynthesis Based on FLUXNET Data
- Moisture and Energy Conditions Within a Sloping Soil Mass During Drainage: Hewlett and Hibbert 1963 Revisited
- Monte-Carlo Evaluation of Distributed Energy Balance Model Parameter Sensitivity. Implications for Multidecadal Mass Balance Simulations.
- Multiphase Flow in Micro-fracture Junctions
- Nitrate attenuation in the Missoula Flood Deposits Aquitard (Willamette Silt) of the Willamette Valley, Oregon
- Northern San Andreas Earthquake Recurrence: Rupture lengths, Correlations and Constrained OxCal Analysis of Event Ages
- Oregon-California Regional Carbon Budget Approach Using Model-Data Fusion to Estimate Gross Carbon Fluxes: Component of ORCA
- Outflow of Anthropogenic Semivolatile Organic Compounds From Asia and Trans-Pacific Transport to the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.A. in Spring 2004
- Particulate Organic Carbon Fluxes across the Arctic Land-Sea Interface
- Partnerships As A Means To Make Data Accessible
- Progressive assimilation and recycling of mafic arc lower crust beneath North Sister Volcano, Central Oregon Cascade Range
- Published GISP2 Methane Results for Dansgaard-Oeschger Events 19-21 Compared With N2, Ar Isotopes: A Need for a Higher Resolution CH4 Dataset.
- Quantifying States, Stocks, Flows and Residence Times: From Watershed Characterization to Watershed Diagnosis
- Rapid Holocene Deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Reconsideration of "Engineering Science" in the Context of Vadose Zone Processes
- Reducing the Uncertainty in Projections of the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation for the 21st century
- Regional carbon budget approach and progress in support of the North American Carbon Program: ORCA Overview
- Seismicity and structure of the central Cascadia shallow megathrust
- Seismomagnetic Effects from the Long-awaited September 28, 2004, M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- Site Reconnaissance for the EarthScope/USArray Transportable Seismic Array
- Soils and the CUAHSI Vision and Beyond
- Some Remarks on the Boussinesq Equation and dQ/dt - Q Recession Analysis
- The Effect of Land use/Land Cover Change on Hydrologic Properties in the Southern Willamette Valley, Oregon
- The Effect of Phosphorus Availability on Fine Root Decomposition in Western Oregon
- The Molybdenum Isotope Paleoproxy: Defining Signatures of Reducing Conditions in Marine Sediments
- The Onset of Nonlinear Flow in Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Flow Domains Based on Energy Dissipation Measures
- The Origin of Quartz Phenocrysts in the Bishop Tuff Rhyolitic Magma Based on Trace Tlements in Melt Inclusions and Pumice Matrix Glass
- The Relationship Between the Surface Expression of Blind Thrust Faults and Crustal-Scale Deformation in the Eastern Precordillera, San Juan, Argentina
- The causes of excess CO2 at the base of the Siple Dome ice core, Antarctica
- Thermal Profiling of Long River Reaches to Characterize Ground-Water Discharge and Preferred Salmonid Habitat
- Thinking Inside the box: A way to Improve the Dialog Between Experimentalist and Modeler in Watershed Hydrology
- Use of Footprint Modeling in a Regional Carbon Budget Approach to Estimate Gross Carbon Fluxes for Oregon-California: Component of ORCA and NACP-W
- Use of Rectangular Capillary Chambers for Nondestructive Microscopic Observation of Biofilm on Sand
- Using Paleoseismic Investigations to Test Hypothesized Fold Growth Mechanisms: A Case Study From the La Laja Fault System, San Juan Province, Argentina
- Using Teacher-Generated Ecological Models to Assess Knowledge Gained During Teacher Training
- VEMAP vs VINCERA: A DGVM sensitivity to climate, CO2, nitrogen, and fire
- Volatile (H2O, CO2, Cl, S) contents of magmas in the Izu-Bonin back and rear arc
- Volatile contents of komatiite magmas and the Archaean mantle: Insights from melt inclusions in komatiites
- Widespread Dieback of Forests in North America under Rapid Global Warming: Response to the VINCERA Future Climate Scenarios Simulated by the MC1 DGVM
- A "DUPAL" Geochemical Signature in Gakkel Ridge MORB and Relationship to Cenozoic Arctic Tectonics
- A 50-year Reconstructed Time Series of Nares Strait Winds
- A GCM Study of Methane Emissions During the Holocene and at Glacial-Interglacial Transitions Constrained by Ice Core Data
- A Helium Isotope Perspective on Mantle Sources for Basaltic Volcanism in the Northwestern US
- A High-Resolution Holocene Speleothem Record From Southwestern Oregon, USA
- A Spectro-directional Approach To Improving Snow Cover Mapping In Forested Areas
- A Synthesis of Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter, and Sidescan Sonar of the Mariana Submarine Magmatic Arc, Western Pacific
- A Unified Constitutive Model for Subglacial Till, Part I: The Disturbed State Concept
- A Unified Constitutive Model for Subglacial Till, Part II: Laboratory Tests, Disturbed State Modeling, and Validation for Two Subglacial Tills
- A record of the Holocene interplay atmospheric methane gradient from existing and new ice core data
- Application of LANDSAT Data for Field-Scale Comparisons and Basin-Scale Estimates of Evapotranspiration in the Wood River Valley, Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon.
- Atmospheric CO2 and abrupt climate change in Antarctic warming events 3 and 4 (65 ~ 48 kyrBP)
- Atmospheric Forcing, Sea-Ice Interannual Variability, and Ocean Current Impacts on the Availability of Bowhead Whale Prey Near Barrow, AK
- Bar Behavior and Sediment Movement during CROSSTEX
- Capillary Pressure-Saturation Curves of Glass Bead Systems: Experimental Data and Lattice Boltzmann Simulations
- Change Seen by NPEO in the Central Arctic Ocean, 2000-2006, and Implications for Coupling with the Atmosphere
- Chiral Signatures of Anthropogenic Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds in Asian, trans- Pacific, and Pacific Northwestern Air Masses
- Comparison of St. Elias Ice Core Accumulation Records and Their Relationships to Climate Indices
- Conceptualizing and modeling lateral subsurface preferential flow at the hillslope scale
- Continuous distributed stream temperature observations along fiber-optic cables for watershed characterization
- Data Processing, Visualization and Distribution for Support of Science Programs in the Arctic Ocean
- Debris-Flow Deposition, Valley Storage, and Fluvial Evacuation in Headwater Valleys
- Deciphering the Fine Structure of Methane Change Around the Time Interval Encompassing DO event 21 in the GISP2 Ice Core.
- Deep Crustal Structure and Poisson's Ratio of the Western-Central Alps Inferred From Receiver Function Analysis
- Diagnosing Climate Feedbacks in NCAR's Atmospheric General Circulation Model
- Direct Simulation of Salt Sheets in a Double-diffusive Shear Layer
- Disentangling Anthropogenic Impacts From Intrinsic Controls on a Large River: Implications For Channel Evolution and Restoration of the Willamette River, Oregon USA
- Dynamic Oil-Water and Air-Water Capillary Pressure-Saturation Curves: Experiments and Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations
- Early-Holocene Climate Change in Beringia: Mediation of Global-Warming Impacts by Regional-Scale Boundary-Condition Changes
- EarthScope MT: The Oregon Pilot Project
- Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Subsistence Whaling in the Coastal Arctic Ocean
- Episodic non-Steady State Development of Ignimbrite Flare-ups: Implications for Large Ignimbrite Eruptions
- Estimation of Depth to Bedrock to Reduce Uncertainty and Improve Results of Distributed Hydrologic Models for Steep Mountainous Catchments
- Estimation of Sea Surface Directional Spectra Using AROSS-MSP, a Polarimetric Optical Camera System
- Evidence from Volatiles and Trace Elements for Continental Mantle in the Source of Gakkel Ridge MORB
- Evolution of West Rota Volcano in the Southern Mariana Arc: Evidence from Swathmapping, Seafloor Robotics, and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
- Formation of Martian Slope Streaks: Implications for Aqueous Processes
- Fossil Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems in Pleistocene Brokeoff Volcano, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
- Gas Hydrate Saturations and Their Uncertainties From Chlorinity and Well Log Data at IODP Site U1325 (Exp. 311, Cascadia Margin)
- Geochemical proxies of North American freshwater routing during the Younger Dryas
- Heat balance, sources and sinks in thermal refugia in alcoves, Willamette River, Oregon, USA
- Helium Isotope Variations and Mantle Plume-Spreading Ridge Interaction Along the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation and Relative Paleointensity from the Chilean Margin (ODP Site 1233)
- Human impacts on shelf strata formation in the Adriatic Sea: timing is everything
- Hyporheic Geophysics: D.C. Resistivity Imaging of Valley-bottom Alluvium in a 3rd-order Mountain Stream, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, USA
- Insights Into the Hydrology of the Willamette River Basin Using d18O of Water During Summer Baseflow Conditions
- Interleaving on a Baroclinic, Thermohaline Front
- Investigating the Processes of Crust Formation and Intraplate Continental Volcanism in the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Is the Isotopic Composition of CO2 Collected in Nocturnal Drainage Flows Representative of the Entire Watershed?
- Laboratory Observations of Dune Erosion
- Lake-Atmosphere Turbulent EXchanges (LATEX) field measurement campaign
- Landscape Estimates of Carbon Pools and Fluxes via Lidar and High Resolution Spectral Data
- Landscape-scale Dynamics of Wood in Stream Networks of the Western Cascades, Oregon
- Linking Rainfall, Soil Water Movement, and Groundwater Dynamics to Runoff in a Steep Hillslope: A Topdown Approach
- Linking Water Pathways and Sources of Dissolved Organic Matter at the Hillslope Scale: A 24-Day Sprinkling Experiment
- Lithium enrichment in plagioclase and melt inclusions from the October 2004 eruption of Mount St Helens, Washington: Evidence of pre-eruptive vapor transfer?
- Long Term Monitoring of EM signals near Parkfield CA
- Magma Chamber Processes Over the Past 475,000 Years at Mount Hood, Oregon: Insights From Crystal Zoning and Crystal Size Distribution Studies
- Meteorological Snow Chemistry Relationships at Divide Site, St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory
- Millennial-Scale Variations in Oxygen-18 of Atmospheric Molecular Oxygen
- Mixed sediment beach processes: Kachemak Bay, AK
- Modeling Tsunami Sedimentation
- Modeling surf zone hydrodynamics and sediment transport - toward an integrated approach
- Molybdenum isotope variability in marine sediments: A link to changes in the diagenetic environment?
- Moving beyond the curse of watershed heterogeneity and process complexity
- N isotope fractionation and measures of organic matter alteration during decomposition across a climate-chrono sequence in Hawaii
- Objective determination of biogeochemical regimes for prediction of coastal ocean surface pCO2
- Observations of Interannual Dune Morphological Evolution With Comparisons to Shoreline Change Along the Columbia River Littoral Cell
- Oligocene intrusions in the central Coast Range of Oregon: New insight into the Tertiary magmatic evolution of western Oregon
- On the value of data for catchment modelling.
- Opening the Black Box: Hillslope Ecohydrological Responses to Simulated Summer Rainfall in Western Oregon
- Panel Discussion: The Impacts and Historical Importance of the IGY
- Perceptions of Wood in Rivers and Challenges for Stream Restoration: an International Study of Students and River Managers
- Persistence and Detectability of Hydrologic Changes Following Multiple Timber Harvest Entries in the Oregon Coast Range: Alsea Revisited
- Petrological studies on the mantle peridotites recovered from the ocean floor in the western Pacific
- Petrology, geochemistry, and tectonic implications of newly collected samples from Babeldaob Island, Republic of Palau
- Physics of two-phase flow on rough surfaces
- Potential Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios of Methane Sources and Sink Fractionation
- Potential for Gravel Augmentation to Reduce Water Temperatures in a Gravel-Bed River
- Reactive Polyphenols: Adding a Function to DOM
- Regional Assessment of Land Use Impacts on Stream Channel Habitat in the Middle Columbia River Basin
- Regional Scale Associations between Tree Diversity and Remotely Sensed Estimates of Productivity within the U.S.A.
- Remote Sensing Characteristics of Wave Breaking Rollers
- Responses of Energy use to Climate Change: A Climate Modeling Study
- River-Shelf Interactions During Spring Floods in the Coastal Beaufort Sea
- Scaling of Carbon Cycle Processes in a Mountain Ecosystem Using Isotopes of Respired Carbon Dioxide in Nocturnal Cold-air Drainage
- Segmentation of the Cascade Arc Based on Compositional and Sr and Nd Isotopic Variations in Primitive Volcanic Rocks
- Sensorcope: A Urban Environmental Monitoring Network
- Simulating Carbon to Chlorophyll Ratio and Deep Chlorophyll Maximum in the Equatorial Pacific: Diurnal, Seasonal and Interannual Variations
- Structure and composition of early arc crust: observations and samples from Shinkai 6500 Dives in the southeastern Mariana Trench
- Sumatra and Cascadia: Parallels Explored
- Surface Energy Balance of Snow in High Alpine Environment
- Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last Five Centuries From Borehole Temperature Profiles
- The Association Between Equatorial Sea Surface Temperature Gradients and Upper Klamath Seasonal Streamflow: Trans-Niño Index
- The Eastern Equatorial Pacific Chlorophyll Dynamics: Update of the `Equatorial Box' Project
- The High Lava Plains Broadband Seismic Experiment: Objectives, Status and Preliminary Results
- The role of hillslopes in stream flow response: connectivity, flow path, and transit time
- Time Scale of Magma Mixing Determined From Olivine Speedometry at Williams Crater, Crater Lake, OR
- Toward an improved source model for satellite electromagnetic induction studies
- Trace Elements in Phenocryst Phases as a Record of Volatile Exsolution and Migration?: Mount St. Helens 2004-2005
- Trans-Pacific and Regional Atmospheric Transport of Anthropogenic Semivolatile Organic Compounds to Mt. Bachelor Observatory, U.S.A. from Spring 2004 to Spring 2006
- Transformations of DOM in forested catchments: the pathways of DOM from litter and soil to river export
- Transitions in glacial erosion under a thick Fennoscandian Ice Sheet: Evidence from cosmogenic nuclides
- Two populations of amphibole in dacite magmas at Volcan Aucanquilcha, Chile: A case for rapid and repeated mixing of a tiered magmatic system
- Uncertainty of Annual net Ecosystem Productivity Estimated Using Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements
- Using 14CH4 to constrain the atmospheric methane budget during the last glacial termination and test the clathrate hypothesis
- Variations in Suspended Sediment Yield and Nitrogen Export in Three Small Oregon Coast Range Streams
- Variety of Microbial Borings in Oceanic Basalt
- Visualization of the Links Between Rainfall, Soil Water, Groundwater and Subsurface Stormflow: A Physics-Based 3-D Simulation Approach
- Volatile Evolution and Anhydrite-Bearing Dacite, Yanacocha Gold Deposit, Cajamarca, Peru: Relevance for the Sulfur Budget
- Watershed Calibration: How much is too much? A comparison of several time-step models
- What Does the MODIS GPP Algorithm Miss by Modeling Wetlands and Uplands Alike?
- Will Ge Ever be an Effective Proxy for Earth Chemistry or Climate? Insights from Ge Isotopes and Diatom Ge/Si Ratios
- 10-Be Constraints on the Timing of the Last Glacial Maximum and Deglaciation in the Northern Peruvian Andes
- A 2006-2007 Update on Oceanographic Conditions in the Central Arctic Ocean
- A Cosmogenic 10Be Chronology of the Last Deglaciation of Western Ireland, and Implications for Sensitivity of the Irish Ice Sheet to Climate Change
- A Cross-Site Evaluation of Alternative FPAR Products for Use in Diagnostic Carbon Flux Models
- A Holocene Chronology of Alpine Glaciation for the Western United States
- A Prototype Ontology Tool and Interface for Coastal Atlas Interoperability
- A STXM/NEXAFS Investigation of the Role of Particle Composition in Organic Matter Stablization
- A Simple Three Pool Model Accurately Describes Patterns of Long-term Litter Decomposition in Diverse Climates Across Two Continents
- A Thermodynamically-Based Model For Predicting Microbial Growth And Community Composition Coupled To System Geochemistry
- A theoretical model for the wetting of a rough surface
- Across Arc Variation in Basaltic fO2: Influence of a Subduction Component in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Aging of the Glass to Altered-Glass Boundary in Seamount Basalts
- Aliphatic and aromatic plant biopolymer dynamics in soil particles isolated from sequential density fractionation
- Applicability of Raman Spectra Distributed Temperature Sensing in Hydrologic Observatories
- Are Variations in TiO2 Contents in Anorthite-Hosted MORB Melt Inclusions Controlled by Magma Compositions or Boundary Layer Phenomena?
- Assessment of Uncertainty of Forest Road Hydrology Modeling with the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM)
- Atmospheric CO2 and climate change on millennial time scales during the last glacial period
- Back-arc compositional variability in the Mariana Trough as a potential function of subduction zone geometry
- Black carbon in cloud residual nuclei during PACDEX: Combining the single particle soot photometer and the counterflow virtual impactor
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Measurement Facility's Multiscale Evapotranspiration Node for the Hydrologic Sciences Community
- Changing Snowcover, Temperature, and Streamflow Patterns in a Pacific Northwest Watershed
- Channel-Streambed Interactions Over and Under Ice
- Characteristics and Cloud Interactions of Ice Nucleating Aerosols From Asian Continental Emissions During the Pacific Dust Experiment
- Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Surface, Soil, and Ground Waters of a Small (10 ha) Catchment Using Stable Isotopes (C, N, S) and Chemical Methods
- Characterization of organo-mineral association by thermal analysis of density fractions
- Chemical, Isotopic, and Ar-Geochronologic Evidence for Three-Phase Volcanic History in the Northwest Basin & Range and High Lava Plains
- Clinopyroxene Compositions from Belingwe Komatiites: Constraints on Alteration and Komatiite Genesis
- Cobble Cam: Grain-Size Analysis of Gravel Bars from Digital Photographs
- Coherent vertical changes in North Pacific climate dynamics during the last millennium
- Comparing Pore-scale and Macro-scale Capillary Pressure Measurements Using a Two- dimensional Micromodel
- Complex Relationships Between the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Climate in Mountainous Terrain
- Constraining Absolute Plate Motion by 40Ar/39Ar Age Dating and Geochemical Fingerprinting of Linear Volcanic Chains
- Constraining the last glacial maximum and deglaciation of Mauna Kea with cosmogenic surface exposure dating
- Continental Mapping of Northern Eurasia Forest Disturbance Using MODIS Products
- Controls over vegetation water use in a small watershed at varying scales of time and space
- Critical Hydrologic and Atmospheric Measurements in Complex Alpine Regions
- Data gathering and simulation of climate change impacts in mountainous areas
- Deglacial sea surface and deep chlorophyll maximum temperature variations in the eastern equatorial Pacific: implications for regional palaeoceanography
- Developing a General Understanding of the Decomposition Process: Results From a Network Experiment
- Development of High Spatial and Temporal Measures of Snow Thermal Regimes using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing Systems
- Development of a "smart" tracer: The resazurin-resorufin assay of biological activity
- Discovering the Importance of Bi-directional Water Fluxes in Leaves
- Distribution and Energy Balance of Shallow Patchy Snow in Complex Terrain
- Do Species-specific Hydraulic Traits Predict Ecosystem Response and Community Structure? Evidence From Co-occurring Bryophytes of a Sloping Wetland
- Do Variations in Detrital Inputs Influence Stable Soil Organic Matter? - An Experimental Approach
- Drainage Density: A Framework for Predicting Peak and Low Flows in Ungaged Catchments
- Earthquake Surface Rupture of the Salt Range Thrust at the Himalayan Thrust Front in Pakistan
- Earthquakes and crustal structure beneath the central Cascadia continental margin
- Education and Professional Outreach for Scientists: Producing and Leveraging EPO Objects for Inquiry-Based Learning
- Effects of Low-Conductivity Regions Near Grain-to-Grain Contacts on Early Colloid Breakthrough at the Column Scale
- Enormous Power Output and Fluid Fluxes Driven Through a few Mid-plate Outcrops
- Estimates of Export production in Sargasso Sea During Winter Storms Prior to Seasonal Stratification
- Estimating 3D Variation in Active-Layer Thickness Beneath Arctic Streams Using Ground- Penetrating Radar
- Evaluation of segmentation algorithms for x-ray-based microtomographic imaging of multi- phase flow in porous media
- Evolution, structure and function of hydrologic subsystems in hillslopes
- Experimental Quantification of Evaporation from Surface-Exposed Fractures (ESEF)
- Field and Laboratory Investigations of Coastal Dune Morphodynamics
- Fingerprinting Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Sources with Specific UV Absorbance (SUVA) and Fluorescence
- Flow and transport at the hillslope scale: New experimental evidence from whole-hillslope irrigation and excavations
- Gas Hydrate Occurrence Across the Cascadia Margin From Pore Water Chlorinity and Downhole Geophysical Logs (IODP Exp. 311)
- Hybrid Pore- and Darcy-Scale Models of Coupled Reactive Transport.
- Identification of Water Source Areas Using a Multi Tracer Approach in a Semiarid Catchment in Inner Mongolia, PR China
- Impact of Pore Size and Salt Precipitation on the Evaporation From Porous Media
- Improving predictions of coastal air-sea CO2 fluxes
- Influence of Chemotaxis on Bacterial Dispersion in Porous Media
- Influence of Hyporheic Flow and Geomorphology on Temperature in Large, Gravel-bed River, Clackamas River, Northwestern Oregon
- Influence of Morphology and Permafrost Dynamics on Surface Water - Groundwater Exchange in Arctic Headwater Streams under Present and Enhanced Thaw Conditions
- Integration of MGS Observations of the 2001 Global Dust Storm on Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Modeling
- Interaction of nitric acid and cirrus clouds in the tropical upper troposphere during TC4
- Interannual Variation of Carbon Fluxes From a Tropical, a Temperate, and a Boreal Evergreen Forest: the Role of Gap Dynamics and Climate
- Intergration of MGS observations of 2001 global dust storm on Mars
- Interplay of Structure and Sediment Supply May Influence Subduction Zone Rupture Patches and Propagation
- Investigating Interfacial Area in a Multiphase Porous System Using Computed Microtomography and Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations
- Land Cover of Northern Eurasia: Comparison and Assessment of Coarse Resolution Maps
- Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS measurements of Pb isotope composition: Controls on Precision and Accuracy and Comparison between Faraday and Faraday-Ion Counter detection systems
- Linking Soil Moisture, Micro-climate, and Transpiration in a Headwater Catchment
- Marine Interoperability Efforts and Standards: What's Missing?
- Markov processes for Advection-Diffusion Transport in Non-Smooth Media: Skew Brownian Motion and the Generalized Taylor-Aris Formula.
- Measurement of Thin Film Characteristics in Porous Media
- Mechanisms for Sea Level Change During Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Methods for radiocarbon measurements of ultra-small samples of paleoatmospheric methane
- Molybdenum Behavior During Early Diagenesis: Insights from Mo Isotopes
- New Approach to Estimate Daytime Ecosystem Respiration From Conventional Eddy Covariance Data Using Conditional Sampling Methods
- Non-Linear Nitrogen Cycling and Ecosystem Calcium Depletion Along a Temperate Forest Soil Nitrogen Gradient
- Numerical Simulation of the Anaerobic Transformation of Tetrachloroethene to cis-Dichloroethene in a Continuous Flow Aquifer Column
- Objectively Derived Age Models for Marine Isotope Stage 3 Paleoclimate Records From Ice, Land and Sea
- Observations and Processes Near the Snow-Air Interface: Insights Gained from New and Comparative Sensor Systems in View of Snow Surface Energy Balance Closure
- On the Link Between Streamflow Transit Time and Hydrograph Recession
- Patterns in Long-Lived Continental Magmatism; Crustal Modulation of Mantle-Derived Input
- Plant phenology patterns at three sites on the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, 1987 to 2007.
- Pre-eruptive Volatile Contents of Mafic Magma at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico, from Olivine- hosted Melt Inclusions
- Precipitation Of Iron Minerals In Porous Media
- Quality control and improvement of eddy flux data for the CarboEurope-IP network
- Recharge as an Eruption Trigger Revealed at El Misti, Southern Peru
- Regional Differences in Carbon Storage Based on Distribution of Forest Age across Russia Using the FAREAST Gap Model and Detailed Forest Inventory Data
- Regional Variation in Landscape Controls on the Width of Wadeable Streams Across the Conterminous United States
- Relating Soil CO2 Efflux and Root Respiration to Climate and Canopy Gas Exchange in Mature Ponderosa Pine
- Resolving the Unresolved Complex Mixtures of Hydrothermal Petroleum Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography - Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
- Rupture of the Northern San Andreas Fault and Possible Stress Linkages to Cascadia
- Sediment Transfer and Storage in Headwater Basins of the Oregon Coast Range: Transit Times from Radiocarbon-Dated Deposits
- Snow Peak, OR: Miocene and Pliocene Tholeiitic Volcanism in the Cascadia Forearc
- Some Comments on Nonlocal Transport Models
- Some Recent Advances in Hydrologic and Atmospheric Sensor Technology
- Spatial Distribution of Biomass in Porous Media
- Speleothem-based Holocene Climate History in Southwestern Oregon
- Stoichiometry of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Regeneration Interactions in the Hyporheic Zones of Arctic Streams Draining Areas of Continuous Permafrost
- Stress Interaction Between the Cascadia Subduction Zone and the Northern San Andreas Fault
- Sulfate Saturated Hydrous Magmas Associated with Hydrothermal Gold Ores
- Sulfur Yield of the 1600 Eruption of Huaynaputina Determined by Apatite Compositions
- Tectonic Setting of the 8 October 2005 Kashmir Earthquake
- The Afar Plume and Ethiopian Lithosphere: A Hf and He Isotope Study of Primitive Quaternary Rift Lavas.
- The Cretaceous OAE1a-Submarine Plateau Link: Additional Geochemical Evidence from Marine Sedimentary Sections
- The Effect of Roughness on Fluid Droplets between Parallel Plates
- The Effects of Disturbance and Nitrogen Deposition on Carbon Uptake by Boreal and Temperate Forests
- The Effects of Disturbance on Forest Carbon Processes
- The IAHS Decade on Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB) as a key U.S. Contribution to International Hydrology
- The Influence of Grain Size and Crystal Content on Rheology and Deformation of Pyroclastic Material
- The ORCA West Coast Regional Project - Use of Top-Down Modeling in a Regional Carbon Budget Approach to Estimate Gross Carbon Fluxes for Oregon-California
- The Origin of DIRT (Detrital Input and Removal Treatments): the Legacy of Dr. Francis D. Hole
- The Physical Chemistry of Recalcitrance - What is Stable Organic Carbon?
- The Pulse of Cordilleran Batholith Formation Revealed in the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Large Silicic Volcanic Fields
- The Role of Surface-Exposed Fractures in Land-Atmosphere Dynamics
- The Termination Of The Northwest Basin And Range Into A Northwest Trending Extensional Fault System
- The Value of Tracer Data in Catchment Modeling and Process Representation
- Timing and Trends in Northern and Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Methane During the Holocene: new Results from Antarctic and Greenlandic ice Cores
- Transition In Style Of Miocene Volcanism And Inception And Style Of Faulting In The NW Basin And Range Province, Southern Oregon
- Tsunami Casualty Model
- Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Coastal Communities for Climate Change Information
- Unravelling nitrogen deposition effects on carbon cycling in forests
- Use of Residence Time and Hydrograph Component Information to Test Effective Parameters in a Physically Based Rainfall-Runoff Model
- Use of the "smart tracer" resazurin to identify biological activity and quantify sediment-water interaction in a stream in Catalonia, Spain
- Using the δ13C of ecosystem respiration to monitor ecosystem metabolism of entire watersheds in complex terrain.
- Virtual Experiments to Explore Non-Linear Soil Moisture-Hydrology Interactions at the Hillslope Scale
- Volatile (H, C, Cl, S) Concentrations in Ocean Island Basalt Glasses From Pitcairn and the Society Islands
- Volatile Contents of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions From the Central Oregon High Cascades
- Volatile Transport and Accumulation Timescales Modeled using 210Pb-226Ra Disequilibrium in Tephras From Mount Pinatubo Volcano, Philippines: Moving From the Timescales of 222Rn to 210Pb
- Water-use efficiency at different scales and its between-site variability
- Weighing trees: Measuring interception and evaporation dynamics by monitoring sub- micrometer tree trunk compaction
- Zircons From the Aucanquilcha Volcanic Cluster: Volcanic Sampling of an Evolving Batholith
- A Centrifuge-Based Technique for Dry Extraction of Air for Ice Core Studies of Carbon Dioxide.
- A MISR-based Surface Roughness Map of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- A Mathematical Framework for Particle Tracking Advection-Dispersion Across an Interface
- A Mg/Ca reconstruction of intermediate water temperature from the western North Atlantic during MIS 3: Heinrich events triggered by oceanic "low blows"?
- A New Proxy Method for Estimating the Aragonite Saturation State of Coastal Waters Using Chemical and Hydrographic Data
- A new two-Dimensional Physical Basis for the Complementary Relation Between Terrestrial and pan Evaporation
- A semi-analytical model for remote estimation of chlorophyll-a in turbid productive waters: Calibration and Validation
- Aeolian erosion of terrestrial ignimbrites and the formation of yardangs: synergistic remote and field observations on Earth with applications to Mars
- Analysis of Level of Analysis: Data Design, Sampling, and Treatment for Dam Removal Studies
- Analysis of Organic Carbon in Arctic Shelf Sediments
- Andesites/Dacites of the Oceanic Narcondam Volcano, Andaman Sea: Modification of Tholeiitic Arc Basalts by Crustal Contamination and Amphibole-Dominated Fractionation
- Arctic Ocean, Spring 2008: What's left after the minimum ice extent of 2007?
- Assessing Organic Carbon Stabilization in Chihuahuan Desert Soils Using Sequential Density Fractionation
- Assessing the Impact of Data Resolution for Remote Sensing Based Models of Lava Flow Rheology
- Assimilating Satellite Reflectance Data Into an Ecosystem Model to Constrain Estimates of Terrestrial Carbon Flux.
- Batholith Maturation as Inferred From Zircons From the Aucanquilcha Volcanic Cluster, Northern Chile
- Bio-optical observations of the North Atlantic Spring Bloom from continuous underway surface measurements
- Calibration and Validation for VIIRS Ocean Products
- Carry-over effect of a series of anomalous dry years on carbon and water exchange in a semi-arid Ponderosa Pine forest in the Pacific Northwest
- Characterizing Present-day and Future Snow Water Equivalent in the McKenzie River Basin, Oregon
- Climate Change Effects on Cascade Mountain Vegetation Distribution and Carbon Storage
- Climate Change Impacts on Carbon Storage, Ecotone Height, Runoff, and Ecosystem Area within the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States
- Coastal Dune Building Capabilities of Native and Exotic Beach Grasses: Initial Results From a Moveable Bed Wind Tunnel Experiment
- Comparison Study of MODIS Evapotranspiration in Australia during 2000-2006
- Complexity of mountain climates, ecosystem responses, and management decisions in the face of climate change: a new focus of Long Term Ecological Research at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
- Consistent responses of forest carbon dioxide fluxes to short term weather anomalies
- Contrasting geochemical trends in the fertile and refractory parts of the NE Atlantic mantle source
- Contributions of Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Mats to Forest Soil Carbon Cycles
- Did Tholeiitic Basalts Erupt First After Initiation of Subduction in the IBM System?
- Differentiation of organic C and N forms between density fractions: does the presence of Fe matter?
- Direct Numerical Simulations of Transient Dispersion
- Direct investigation of colloid/micro-particle behavior near grain to grain contacts
- Disturbance, Climate, and Management Impacts on US West-Coast Forest Carbon Budgets
- Eclipse Ice Core Accumulation and Stable Isotope Variability as an Indicator of North Pacific Climate
- Effective Medium Equations for Chemotaxis in Porous Media
- Effects of Temperature and Plant Carbon Supply on Soil Respiration
- Efficiently Communicating Rich Heterogeneous Geospatial Data from the FeMO2008 Dive Cruise with FlashMap on EarthRef.org
- Environmental Significance of Oxygen Isotopes Variability in Precipitation and Cave Dripwater in Oregon
- Envisioning Groundwater Influences on Stream Dynamics Through Temperature Signatures and a Tracer Application
- Establishing Reference Condition for Streambed Mobility: Quantifying the Effect of Form Roughness From Stream Habitat Survey Data
- Evolution of Sediment Accommodation Space in Steady-State Bedrock-Incising Valleys Subject to Episodic Aggradation
- Examination of air-sea CO2 fluxes from the low-latitude coastal Eastern Pacific: Application of predictive algorithms to new VOS observations.
- Examining the Representativeness of Current Climate Measurement Site Locations in the McKenzie River Basin, Oregon
- Examining the Role of Topography and Climate on Forest Water-use Efficiency
- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Transient Groundwater Flow on Dispersion
- Exploring the Unity of Hydrologic Response at Multiple Scales: the Role of Connectivity
- Flux-melting across the entire Izu backarc
- From flat ground to steep mountainous subsurface: Use of stable isotope data for watershed model development and testing
- Ground Deformation Analysis of Blast-Induced Liquefaction at a Simulated Airport Infrastructure Using High Resolution 3D Laser Scanning
- Holocene Asian and African Monsoon Strength Recorded in O-18 of Atmospheric Oxygen
- Hyporheic Denitrification in an Upland Agricultural Stream: a 15N Tracer Study
- Ice core records of the evolution of atmospheric methane in the Holocene
- Identification of the Calderas for Major Ignimbrites of the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex, Central Andes, Including Two New Super-eruptions
- In search of the mechanisms behind soil carbon metabolism of a Douglas fir forest in complex terrain using naturally abundant 13C
- Initiation of Recent Debris Flows on Mount Rainier, Washington: A Climate Warming Signal?
- Insights Into Ice Nucleation From Real-Time, Single-Particle Aircraft-Based Measurements of Ice Crystal Residues
- Integrating EarthScope seismic, GPS, and other active Earth observations into informal education programs in parks and museums
- Interannual Variability and Modeling of Upwelling-Driven Shelf Hypoxia off the Central Oregon Coast
- Interpolating an Ice Core Depth-Age Relationship from Sparse Data Using an Inverse Approach
- Investigating multi-decadal scale changes in ENSO variability using a coupled A/OGCM
- Is the intensifying wave climate of the U.S. Pacific Northwest of more concern than sea level rise?
- Lake-atmosphere exchanges: the LATEX field experimental campaign
- Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of the Relationship Among Pressure, Saturation, and Interfacial Area in Porous Media
- Light-Absorbing Carbon in Cloud Residual Nuclei During ICE-L: Combining the Single Particle Soot Photometer and the Counterflow Virtual Impactor
- Linking Pore- and Darcy-scale Models of Reactive and Non-Reactive Transport
- MGCM simulations of the 2001 Mars global dust storm using synthesized MGS dust opacity
- Mafic Lava Shields in the Central Cascade Arc: Tectonic Implications of Late Miocene to Early Pliocene Forearc HAOT Volcanism at Snow Peak, Oregon
- Managing River Resources: A Case Study Of The Damodar River, India
- Managing Rock and Paleomagnetic Data Flow with the MagIC Database: from Measurement and Analysis to Comprehensive Archive and Visualization
- Measurements of Carbon-14 of Methane in Greenland Ice: Investigating Methane Sources During the Last Glacial Termination
- Mg/Ca Paleothermometry In High Salinity Environments
- Modeling Coastal Morphodynamics using Local Estimates of Alongshore Sediment Transport: Limits and Alternatives
- Modeling of Mauritius as a Heterogeneous Mantle Plume
- Modes of climate variability identified in MIS-3 climate records using singular spectral analysis.
- New 40Ar/39Ar Ages From Southwest Bolivia Refine the Timing of APVC Volcanism
- Non-reactive Transport of Inert Tracers Through a Three-Dimensional Bimodal Highly Heterogeneous System
- Nonlinearity in Subsurface Stormflow Generation: Comparison of an Explicitly Nonlinear Model to a Darcy Equation Based Approach
- On the Walvis Ridge Hotspot Life-Cycle: Flood Basalt to Robust Aseismic Ridge to Low- Volume Intra-Plate Volcanism
- On the physical meaning of hillslope thresholds: A combined field-modeling analysis
- Optical Polarization in the Nearshore
- Paleomagnetism of the Miocene Columbia River Basalt Group in Oregon and Washington from the Pacific Coast to the Columbia Plateau: Magnetostratigraphy, Vertical-Axis Rotations, Paleosecular Variation, and Remagnetization
- Persistent Organic Pollutants in Snow: Scavenging, Aging, and Implications for Remote Ecosystems
- Physical Controls on the Isotopic Composition of Soil Respired CO2
- Potential Disappearance of Subalpine Vegetation from Yosemite
- Prediction of Groundwater Inputs during Low Flow from a Digital Elevation Model for Determination of Stream Water Temperature Reduction in Headwater Streams
- Prokaryotic diversity, distribution, and insights into their role in biogeochemical cycling in marine basalts and gabbros
- Quantification of film flow infiltration velocity in a crushed Yucca Mountain Tuff
- Quantifying the Interactions Between Spatially Variable Throughfall and Subsurface Connectivity at the Hillslope Scale
- Rates and patterns of sediment deposition in the Salinas River basin, Central California
- Recent Field Measurements of Ice Nuclei and Their Relevance to Ice Formation in Clouds
- Relating Capillary Pressure to Interfacial Areas Using a Two-dimensional Micromodel
- Research at Hanford's 300 Area Integrated Field Challenge Site
- Seasonal Variability in Surface Ocean pCO2 on the Oregon and Washington Shelf
- Simulating the Effects of Climate Change, CO2 and Fire Suppression on Ecosystems in California and Nevada
- Simultaneous Carbon Dioxide and Methane Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements Using a High-Speed WS-CRDS Analyzer: Field Comparisons to Conventional AmeriFlux Systems
- Soil Carbon Vulnerability and Black Carbon Stability
- Soil Drying Effects on the Carbon Isotope Composition of Soil Respiration
- Source Components and Intensive Parameters of Magma Genesis in the CentAm and North IBM Arcs: Analyses using Arc Basalt Simulator Version 2 Model
- Southern Hemisphere PDO?: Interhemispheric symmetry suggests tropical forcing of Pacific decadal variability
- Spatial Temporal Relationships and Rhyolite Geochemistry of the High Lava Plains, Oregon: Compositional Variations and Relationships to Other Volcanic Provinces
- Spatial and Temporal Trends in the Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Isotopes of Stream DOM From 10 Watersheds at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest.
- Studies of the Southern Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Forearc using Shinkai 6500: Watery Glimpses of an In Situ Forearc Ophiolite
- Sub-millennial atmospheric CO2 variations at around Antarctic warming event 1
- Summer lowflow deficits after two decades of forest regeneration in the western Cascades, Oregon
- Surface Parameters of Titan Feature Classes From Cassini RADAR Backscatter Measurements
- The Aerosol, Clouds and Ecosystem (ACE) Mission
- The Caribbean LIP and OAE2: Further Resolution of Timing and Trace Metal Release
- The Effects of Hillslope Scale Variations in Soil Depth on Soil Moisture and Transpiration Responses to Rainfall Events
- The Extent of the Oceanic Biosphere Throughout Geologic Time
- The ORCA West Coast Regional Project - Atmospheric Top-Down Modeling to constrain Regional Carbon Budgets at high Temporal and Spatial Resolution
- The Ocean Colour MEASURES project
- The Ocean Metaproteome: Where the Rubber Meets the Road
- The infidelity of melt inclusions?
- The pulse of large silicic magmatic systems
- The role of anthropogenic disturbance in the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems
- The role of pore space morphology in multi-phase flow in porous media
- Three-dimensional magnetotelluric modeling using finite element method: A study on tetrahedron element and hexahedron element
- TimeSync: Synching Human and Automated Interpretations of Landsat Time-Series to Support a New Paradigm in Land Cover Change Detection
- Tracking Volatile Movement and Fluxing in Magmatic Systems with Mineral Geochemistry: A Comparison Between two Mount St. Helens Eruptions
- Tracking the SO-GasEx tracer patch with ADCP and high-resolution surface data
- Tracking the incorporation of 15N from labeled beech litter into mineral-organic associations
- Transient Simulation of Climate Evolution over the Last 21,000 years (TraCE-21,000): First Results
- Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Northern Oregon Coast: A Multi-Deterministic Approach Tested at Cannon Beach, Oregon
- Two water worlds: Isotope evidence shows that trees and streams return different pools of water to the hydrosphere
- Uncertainty in future water supplies from forests: hydrologic effects of a changing forest landscape
- Understanding and predicting of hydrograph sources and residence time of water at the catchment scale
- Upwelling-driven buoyant plume dynamics in northern Monterey Bay
- Use and modeling of the "smart" tracer resazurin to quantify metabolically-active transient storage: Field results
- Use of Chiral Signatures of Organochlorine Pesticides in Asian, Trans-Pacific, and Western U.S. Air Masses to Identify Source Regions
- Use of Distributed Temperature Sensing for Soil Water Measurement
- Using a Relative Bed Stability Index to Define Reference Conditions for Assessing Anthropogenic Sedimentation
- Using an Array of NE Pacific Margin Sediment Samples to Link Land and Ocean Responses to Glacial-Interglacial Climate Variability
- Using remote sensing data to estimate real-time crop water consumption
- Using stable isotopes to monitor water and carbon relations at the small-watershed scale
- Valley-Bottom Sediment Storage Volumes Determined From LiDAR-Derived Digital Elevation Models and Channel Substrate Mapping
- Volatile Concentrations in Calc-Alkaline Andesites from Mount Hood Volcano, Oregon
- Volatile Outputs From Subduction-Related Magmatism in the Oregon Cascades Estimated From Melt Inclusions, Spring Discharges, Heat Flow Data and Geochronology
- Volatiles, major and trace element in quartz-host melt inclusions from ignimbrites in the Central Andes
- Volcanic Perspective on Plutonism based on Patterns in Evolution in Long-Lived Continental Volcanic Systems
- What Lies Within: Contributions of the Organic Horizon to Forest Soil Respiration
- Woody Detritus Controls Forest Carbon Budgets: The Disturbance Connection
- A Latest Pleistocene and Holocene Chronology of Alpine Glaciation for western North America
- A Primer on Inertial Flows in Porous Media
- A citizen science campaign encouraging urban forest professionals to engage the public in the collection of tree phenological data
- A fusion of top-down and bottom-up modeling techniques to constrain regional scale carbon budgets
- A global perspective on deglacial climate change
- A modeling system for predicting the impact of severe storms on the U.S. West Coast
- A spatial melt pond model for ice with surface and bottom height variations
- Abrupt atmospheric CO2 change during the Greenland stadial between Dansgaard-Oeschger events 8 and 9
- Accounting for Forest Harvest and Wildfire in a Spatially-distributed Carbon Cycle Process Model
- Advanced Techniques for Simulating the Behavior of Sand
- Aerosol Indirect Effects on Stratocumulus Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- Amplification and Dampening of Soil Respiration by Changes in Temperature Variability
- An evaluation of the impact of forest biomass harvest for biofuels on carbon storage in the US west coast states under different management scenarios
- An ultra-high resolution marine record from the Gulf of Alaska during the last deglacial period
- Application of DAYCENT to Access Long-Term Effect of a Water Resource Policy and Increasing Temperature on a Semi-Arid Pasture in South Central Oregon
- Assimilating AmeriFlux Site Data into the Community Land Model with Carbon-Nitrogen Coupling via the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Atmospheric decoupling in the Southeastern Pacific observed using sub-cloud clear-air turbulence profiles
- Beach morphodynamics of the mixed grain-size delta of the dammed Elwha River, Washington
- Biofilm Growth in Porous Media: Validation of three-dimensional characterization of biofilm growth in packed bead columns
- Branching Network Theory and Application in Geosciences (Invited)
- Canopy Vertical Spatial Scales which Constrain Biomass in a Tropical Forest at the Plot Level: Unifying Lidar and InSAR for Biomass Estimation
- Carbon Consequences of Disturbance in the West Coast U.S. States
- Century-long regional climate simulations for North America: Changes in the mean state and its variability in a doubled-CO2 atmosphere
- Characterization of a Tremor Patch Downdip from Earthquakes in the Central Oregon Locked Zone
- Chemical Characterization of Biomass Burning Aerosols and an Examination of Their Impact on Clouds
- Climate Change Impacts on Mountain Snowpack in a Pacific Northwest Watershed (Invited)
- Closing the Energy Budget: Advances in assessing heat fluxes into shallow lakes and ponds (Invited)
- Collaborating with beaver: An affordable, process-based approach to stream restoration
- Complex Molybdenum Isotope Behavior During Weathering and Erosional Transport
- Composition of the Southeast Mariana Forearc Rift pillow lavas : interaction between adiabatic decompression mantle melting and ultra-shallow slab-derived fluids
- Constraining recent lead pollution sources in the North Pacific using ice core stable lead isotopes
- Conterminous U.S. Forest Disturbance Dynamics Evaluated from Landsat Time Series Stacks
- Development of Cyber-Infrastructure for Experimental Data and Trace Element Partitioning (traceDs)
- Development of the EarthChem Geochronology and Thermochronology database: Collaboration of the EarthChem and EARTHTIME efforts
- Diatom tracing at the watershed scale : A new approach for assessing the geographic sources of water
- Discharge-related trends in the composition of particulate organic matter exported by small mountainous rivers: results from Oregon and California (Invited)
- Disturbances and Carbon Sequestration: Tower Flux Data from North American Forests
- Drivers of aboveground primary production and litter accumulation in grass dominated systems
- Dust-derived phosphorus in tropical forests of the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico (Invited)
- Earthquake activity along the Pumqu-Xianza rift (Tibet) and its tectonic implications
- Effects of small sediment barrier removal on geomorphic complexity and habitat diversity
- Effects of transient flow and water chemistry on U(VI) transport
- Elevated water concentrations and evidence of small scale heterogeneity in olivine-hosted melt inclusions: Insight into the source of high melt volumes in the Iceland hotspot
- Employing native shrubs to improve agricultural potential of arid lands: Drawing on plants to draw water (Invited)
- Evaluating model accuracy: Predicted and observed sediment deposition following the Chiloquin Dam removal
- Extent of the southern Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last and Penultimate Interglacials
- Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing of Snow
- Fire and ice: Atmospheric ice nuclei from prescribed and wild fires
- Geochemically Deduced Mantle Dynamics Beneath the Main Ethiopian Rift. (Invited)
- Geodynamical and petrological modeling constraints of mantle potential temperature at mid-ocean ridges (Invited)
- Glacial-interglacial cycles of erosion and sediment transport along the western North American margin constrained by reconciling geologic and climate model data sets
- Graduate Ethics Curricula for Future Geospatial Technology Professionals (Invited)
- Heat flow and gas hydrates on the continental margin of India: Building on results from NGHP expedition 01
- Helium Isotope Variations in Basalts Along Gakkel Ridge and Heterogeneity of the Arctic Upper Mantle
- High-Frequency Field Deployable Isotope Analyzer for Hydrological Applications
- High-Resolution Simulations of Paleoclimate over North America and Comparisons with Paleoclimatic Data (Invited)
- Hydrodynamic and thermal modeling in Devils Hole using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing (DTS) measurements
- Impact of Mobile-Immobile Water Domains on the Retention of Technetium (Tc-99) in the Vadose Zone
- Impact of atmospheric boundary layer temperature variations on moisture venting from fractures and cracks
- Impacts of diurnal temperature range on ecosystem carbon balance: an experimental test in grassland mesocosms
- Improved spatial monitoring of air temperature in forested complex terrain: an energy-balance based calibration method
- Improving external source models for mantle conducivity studies with observatory and satellite data (Invited)
- Influence of subsurface fluid flow on porewater chemical distributions at North Pond
- Influence of vegetation density and frontal area on streambank hydraulics
- Interactions between Channel Morphology and the Propagation of Coarse Sediment Augmentations Downstream from Dams
- Interoperability Between Coastal Web Atlases Using Semantic Mediation: A Case Study of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN)
- Interpreting diel hysteresis between soil respiration and temperature
- It’s a Rough Place: Satellite Mapping of the Greenland Ice Sheet From MISR
- LIDAR Investigations of the 2009 American Samoa Tsunami
- Labile Dissolved Organic Carbon Availability Controls Hyporheic Denitrification: a 15N Tracer Study
- LiDAR, Tree Cores, and Snow: Modeling fine-scale tree invasion into a subalpine meadow landscape under future snow scenarios, Oregon Cascades, USA
- Loading the dice: Climate change and recent Northwest droughts
- MISR at 10: Looking back, ahead, and in between
- Magmatic interactions on short time scales: magma mixing during the Kalama eruptive period at Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Measurement of Nutrient Transport and Uptake Parameters in Streams Using a Pulse Injection
- Melt Inclusions from the Galápagos Plume: Clues to the Origin of ‘Ghost Plagioclase’
- Microbiological and Mineralogical Characterization of Columbia River Basalts Prior to Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Addition
- Modeling Transverse Chemotaxis in Porous Media
- Modeling the Future Global Carbon Balance: Is there a threshold from terrestrial sink to source in the Near Future?
- Molecular aspects of aromatic C additions to soils: Implications of char quality for ecosystem functionality
- Near-LES modeling of Eastern Pacific Stratocumulus Drizzle and Cloud Variability in VOCALS
- Net Fluid and Heat Fluxes for the Hyporheic Zone of a Gravel Bar on the Willamette River, Oregon
- New high-precision, high-resolution records of atmospheric methane from Greenland and Antarctic ice cores: 0-1800 A.D
- North American Water and Energy Balances Under a Doubling of Atmospheric CO2
- North Atlantic melting water forcing of early Pacific deglacial warming and two-step North Pacific ventilation: a transient GCM study with CCSM3
- Oceanic Controls on Ice Shelf Basal Melt Rate Following a Large Calving Event
- Organic Matter Fluxes from the Fly River, Papua New Guinea
- Paleosecular variation analysis of high-latitude paleomagnetic data from the volcanic island of Jan Mayen
- Pore scale study of interfacial areas at drainage and imbibition in granular media
- Potential biogeochemical and biogeophysical consequences of afforestation in North America
- Preliminary Heat Flow Measurements from Plate Boundary Observatory Boreholes along the San Andreas Fault System
- Quantification of hydrophobic interaction affinity of colloids
- Quantifying Mixing in Confined Stratified Aquifer Flows
- Reconstructing Holocene Regional Environmental Variability from North Atlantic Deep-Sea Sediments using Environmental Magnetic Properties
- Regional and Nearshore Bathymetry of American Samoa: Implications for Tsunami Run-Up and Public Awareness
- Relating Nutrient Uptake And Respiration With Metabolically Active Transient Storage
- Requirements for a multi-scale, ultra wide-band National Geoelectromagnetic Facility (Invited)
- Retrieval of cloud microphysical parameters using the NOAA/PSD W-band cloud radar from R/V Ronald H. Brown during the VOCALS-REx field program
- Sediment Reservoirs at Mountain Stream Confluences: Dynamics and Effects of Tributaries Dominated by Debris Flow and Fluvial Processes
- Sediment fluxes through headwater valley floor deposits of two contiguous reaches in the Oregon Coast Range
- Seismic activity in the outer Cascadia accretionary prism from a 2-year onshore/offshore seismic array
- Simulating ENSO During the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene
- Small mammals and high elevation vegetation in Yosemite National Park could be responding to smaller temperature increases than previously reported
- Soil organic matter dynamics across density fractions from two Oxisol soil depth profiles
- Spatial Analysis of Volcanoes at Convergent Margins on Earth
- Spatial and Temporal Influences on Hydrologic Connectivity: A Mathematical Formalization
- Tectonic Settings of Great Outer-Rise/Outer-Trench-Slope (OR/OTS) Earthquakes in the Instrumental Record
- Testing the Two Water Worlds Hypothesis: column experiments and 1D transport modeling
- The 2-ka Eruption of Misti Volcano, Southern Peru
- The Lava Morphology Database (LAMDA)
- The MagIC Database: A Rock- and Paleomagnetic Online Comprehensive Archive, Scientific Analysis Environment, and Rich Visualization Platform
- The Potential Role of Fire and Fire Suppression in Influencing the Carbon Budget of the U.S. Pacific Northwest
- The Sensitivity of Sea-Level Fingerprints to the Geometry of Ice Sheet Mass Balance
- The use of zircon crystals as tracers for pre-eruptive magmatic processes at Cerro Galán caldera, NW Argentina
- Thermal effects of seamount subduction on the Nankai margin
- Towards a Holocene northern North Atlantic Magnetic Synthesis: Developing a better understanding of Climate, Environment and the Geomagnetic Field (Invited)
- Trace Metal Record of a 200-Year-Old Deep-Sea Bamboo Coral (Isidella sp.)
- Transient Climate Simulation of Last Deglaciation in CCSM3 (Invited)
- Transient Firn Compaction Model and Delta Age
- Trends In Particulate Organic Carbon Composition In Oregon And California Coast Range Rivers
- Twenty years of chronic nitrogen addition to pine and mixed hardwood stands at Harvard Forest: effects on carbon balance and dynamics differ by vegetation (Invited)
- Two Approaches for Estimating Discharge on Ungauged Basins in Oregon, USA
- Using Borehole Temperature Profiles to Reconstruct and Test Surface Temperature Scenarios over the Last Millennium
- Visualization of eastern Pacific atmospheric dynamics during the record flood of 1996 in Oregon using global reconstructed datasets
- Volatile Contents of Mafic Magmas From Cinder Cones in the Central Oregon High Cascades: Implications for Magma Formation and Mantle Conditions in a Hot Arc
- Weighing trees - tree rainfall interception measured by stem compression
- What Caused the Younger Dryas? An Assessment of Existing Hypotheses
- Will Restoring Wet Meadows Increase Stream flow?
- 238U-230Th-226Ra disequilibria in plagioclase from recent mixed magmas at Mount Hood: constraints on crystal storage timescales and eruption triggering processes
- A Comparison of Symmetric and Asymmetric Warming Regimes on the Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics of Grassland Ecosystems
- A Field Comparison of Laser Hygrometers Over Snow
- A Model for Export of Particulate Organic Carbon in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
- A Model for Population Persistence of Certain Insects in Stream Networks
- A Spatial Model of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus in Competing Plant Species with Seasonality and Age Structure
- A Theory for Mixing and Reactions in Porous Media
- A comparison of coupled biogeophysical and biogeochemical dynamics across a precipitation gradient in Oregon using data assimilation
- A glass always half full: Reconsideration of the Wales apparatus to apply constant head boundary conditions
- A large-scale laboratory evaluation of dune erosion models
- Actively Heated Fiber Optic Method for Distributed Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Alaska climate divisions based on objective methods
- An Atmospheric Teleconnection Linking ENSO and Southwestern European Precipitation
- Assessing coastal vulnerability in light of a changing climate: a multi-hazard, multi-timescale approach
- Atmospheric CO2 Link to Climate at Onset of the Last Glacial Termination
- BIOMAP A Daily Time Step, Mechanistic Model for the Study of Ecosystem Dynamics
- Bathymetric Sensitivity/Inversion in a River Model
- Behavior of Volatile Metals in Basaltic Systems: Insights from Kilauea Iki and Loihi Volcanoes, Hawaii
- Beyond the Black Box: Coupling x-ray tomographic imaging of multi-phase flow processes to numerical models and traditional laboratory measurements (Invited)
- Biogeochemically-driven evolution of pore structures and flow paths: experimental studies and modeling
- CCSM3 transient simulations of the deglacial evolution of precipitation in Africa
- Calculating CO2 and H2O Eddy Covariance Fluxes from Low-Power Gas Analyzer Using Fast Mixing Ratio
- Challenges to managing forests for carbon sequestration, bioenergy production, and natural adaptation (Invited)
- Changes in soil moisture affect carbon and water fluxes from trees and soils differently in a young semi-arid ponderosa pine stand
- Clod-o-meter: A New Method for the Calculation of Shrinkage/Swelling Curves for Soil Clods by Integrating an Open Source Software Solution and Digital Imagery Analysis
- Coastal foredune evolution: evidence for ecological control
- Coastal foredune evolution: evidence for physical control
- Comparison of FFSM Transient Eddies and MOC Storms, MY 24-26
- Composition and spatial evolution of mantle and fluids released beneath the active Southeast Mariana Forearc Rift: do they have arc or backarc basin signatures?
- Conceptual approach for examining effects of network structure on dispersal and migration in aquatic communities and insights gained from mathematical modeling
- Concurrent remote and in situ wave and current observations at a tidal inlet
- Conditions of magma mixing as recorded in amphiboles from Mount Hood, Oregon
- Connections Between Forest Disturbance and Snowpack in a Pacific Northwest Watershed
- Conterminous U.S. Forest Disturbance Dynamics Evaluated from Landsat Time Series Stacks
- Controls on Hyporheic Nitrate Removal: Assessing Transport and Substrate Limitations with 15N Tracer Studies (Invited)
- Crustal reworking during a long-lived magma pulse: 11 m.y. isotopic record from the Aucanquilcha Volcanic Cluster, central Andes
- Death and landscape dynamics: The effect of tree throw on sediment transport and landscape evolution
- Deep-sea ash layers reveal evidence of large Pleistocene and Holocene volcanic eruptions from Sumatra, Indonesia
- Designer-Wet Micromodels for Studying Potential Changes in Wettability during Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Determining controls on sediment storage volumes and residence times on valley bottoms in steeplands: debris flow and fluvial evacuation of tributaries and their respective confluence deposits
- Diel fluctuations in summer streamflow depend on stream channel sediment storage and valley-floor vegetation in the forested western Cascades of Oregon, USA
- Direct Quantification of Microbial Community Respiration along a Contamination Gradient using a novel Hydrologic Smart Tracer
- Direct numerical simulation of inertial flows in porous media
- Discovery Of An Extensive Hydrothermal Sulfide/Sulfate Mounds Field In East Diamante Caldera, Mariana Volcanic Arc
- Does thermal convection occur in mammalian burrows during the night?
- Drilling into Faults Quickly After Earthquakes (Invited)
- Earth's Dynamo: Fore- and Hind- casting Limits from a Variational Data Assimilation Approach
- Ecohydrological implications of shallow water uptake by plants in a seasonal tropical montane cloud forest (Invited)
- Effects of Juan de Fuca Ridge Convergence on the Composition of Cobb Hotspot Lavas, 33 Ma to Present
- Enhanced PIV Measurement Methods Using Polarized Light in Porous Media Flows
- Enhanced Snow Sublimation by Wind-induced Pressure Changes
- Eroding forest carbon sinks following thinning for combined fire prevention and bioenergy production
- Eruption and Degassing Processes in a Supervolcanic System: The Volatile Record Preserved in Melt Inclusions from the 3.49Ma Tara Ignimbrite in the Central Andes
- Estimating storage dynamics by combining top-down and bottom-up approaches
- Evaluating the role of prior information in atmospheric inverse modeling frameworks through comparison with geostatistical inverse modeling techniques
- Examining the linkages between forest water use, hydrology, and climate using dual-isotope approaches: insights and challenges in headwater catchments (Invited)
- Exploring the effect of interfacial tension, viscosity, and flow rate on the effectiveness of capillary trapping of CO2
- Extended Quaternary Record of Sea-Ice Conditions and Glacierization in the Western Arctic Ocean
- Fast Physics, Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity
- Felsic Magmatism in Intra-Oceanic Arcs: The Diamante Cross-chain in the Southern Mariana Arc
- Field Method for Measuring the Shrinkage/Swelling Dynamics of Cracks Using a Low-Cost ``Crack-o-meter''
- Flow Zone Isolation in Sedimentary Inputs to the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone, IODP Expedition 322 (Invited)
- Global Holocene Temperature Variations
- Groundtruthing Ground Penetrating Radar Measurements of a High Arctic Glacier Using Glacial-Speleology
- Headwater and basin scale forest harvesting effects on sediment yeild using near-continuous turbidity measurements and sediment yield modeling
- High frequency baseflow sampling of stream and snowmelt isotopic composition: Bridging the plot to catchment scale divide
- How Accurate are Deep-Sea Sediments as Paleomagnetic Recorders: A case study from the North Atlantic?
- How does complex terrain influence responses of carbon and water cycle processes to climate variability and climate change? (Invited)
- Hydraulic features of Engineered Log Jams (ELJs) and their influence on salmonid behavior
- Impact of Mobile-Immoble Water on the Transport of Technetium (Tc-99) in Unsaturated Sediments
- In situ imaging of biofilm within opaque porous media (Invited)
- Influence of Biological Macromolecules and Aquatic Chemistries on the Inhibition of Nitrifying Bacteria by Silver Nanoparticles
- Influence of ultrasonic energy on dispersion of aggregates and released amounts of organic matter and polyvalent cations
- Initial results from new Northern Cascadia tide gauge network
- Interactive effects of cations on multi-decade trends in sulfate and acid deposition in North America and Europe: a new look at an old problem
- Interfacial Effects In Fragmented Domains: An Example from Breakthrough Curves
- Interpreting δD and δ18O isotopic signals of ambient water vapor in PNW coniferous forest using a high frequency CRDS analyzer
- It's Not Just About The Snow: Interactions Between Snowpack And Groundwater Dynamics Mediate Streamflow Response To Climate Warming In Mountainous Terrains (Invited)
- Land use change effects on stormflow generation in humid tropical montane cloud forests
- Landscape-scale effects of the 2008 Chaiten (Chile) eruption on vegetation disturbance and regeneration from satellite image analysis
- Large scale effects of localized physical heterogeneity on environmental processes (Invited)
- Lengthscales and Timescales of Homogenization in a Large Continental Magma System: A Case Study of the Purico Complex, Northern Chile
- Long Paleoseismic Records at Plate Boundaries: Clustering, Segmentation, Supercycles and More (Invited)
- MC1 Model Simulations Suggest that Fire Will Determine whether the Biosphere Acts as a Carbon Source or Sink in the 21st Century
- Massive parallelization of a 3D finite difference electromagnetic forward solution using domain decomposition methods on multiple CUDA enabled GPUs
- Migration of salt bands through a porous medium
- Milankovitch-paced Termination II in a Nevada speleothem
- ModEM: A modular system for inversion of elecgtromagnetic geophysical data
- Modeling soil-moisture storage distribution using a dynamic topographic wetness index
- Monitoring of Magnetotelluric Impedance Tensor near Parkfield, CA
- Multi-scale linkages between forest water use, catchment storage, and streamflow dynamics (Invited)
- Multidecadal variability of atmospheric methane and the Inter Polar Gradient: 0-1800 C.E
- Multiple data sets converge on a geologic structural model for Glass Buttes, Oregon geothermal prospect
- New Insights into Antarctic Ice-Sheet Retreat During the Last Sea-Level Rise
- New Paleomagnetic and Geochemical Reference Sections in Miocene Grande Ronde Basalt Flows on the Columbia Plateau are Fundamental to Stratigraphic, Structural, and Tectonic Studies in the Portland Metro Area and Coast Ranges of Oregon and Washington
- Nonlinearity of carbon cycle feedbacks
- Northern Hemisphere Meltwater Discharge and the Last Ice-Age Termination (Invited)
- Optimal sampling of soil depth variability for the prediction of hydrological response
- Pacing, Forcing, or Chance? Milankovitch Plays Dice and Scores Ice Ages. (Invited)
- Parameterization of a Diagnostic Carbon Cycle Model for Continental-Scale Application
- Particulate Organic Carbon Burial in Ocean Margin Sediments in the Oregon Upwelling Margin: Terrestrial vs. Marine Sources
- Perspectives on Plume-Ridge Interaction in The Northern Galápagos Province
- Plagioclase Ultra-Phyric Basalts (PUBs): Implications for the nature of the plumbing system at ultraslow-spreading ridges
- Plate boundary segmentation and upper/lower plate structure in Cascadia
- Pore water contraints on organic carbon and biogenic Si deposition and remineralization in the sediments underlying the Amazon Plume
- Predicting Waves in the Pacific Northwest of the US
- Preferential eruption of andesitic magmas through recharge filtering at Mount Hood, Oregon
- Preliminary Analysis of a Dynamic General Vegetation Model, MC1, for use in Forecasting Runoff Under a Changing Climate
- Processes influencing model-data mismatch in drought-stressed, fire-disturbed eddy flux sites
- Processing of sediment pulses following the removal of three small, gravel-filled barriers (Invited)
- Radiative forcing from forest disturbances
- Recent Advances in the MagIC Online Database: Rock- and Paleomagnetic Data Archiving, Analysis, and Visualization
- Resazurin as a Proxy for Estimating Stream Respiration
- Rheological controls on roof failure in large caldera-forming eruptions
- Saline Evaporation from Porous Media: Characteristics of Salt Precipitation and Its Effect on Evaporation
- Scaling Issues and Spatio-Temporal Variability in Ecohydrological Modeling on Mountain Topography: Methods and Future of the VELMA Model
- Sea Level As A Stabilizing Factor For Marine Ice Sheets
- Seasonal Analysis of a Regional Climate Model for the Western US using Climateprediction.net Beta Run Experiments
- Seasonal Variation in Phosphorus and Ammonium Uptake Related to Changes in Transient Storage Characteristics
- Seasonal Variations in Sediment Transport Potential in a Tidal Channel-Flat Complex in Willapa Bay, WA
- Shear Stress and Turbulence Along a Streambank Due to Changes in Vegetation Canopy Density and Bank Angle
- Simulating Water Flow in Variably Saturated Soils - Exploring the Advantage of Three-dimensional Models
- Soil Carbon Change During Fifty Years of Old-Field Forest Development
- Soil Organic Matter Responses to Chronic Nitrogen Additions in a Temperate Forest (Invited)
- Sources of Sea-Level Rise and Freshwater Discharge during the Last Deglaciation
- Southwest Washington Littoral Drift Restoration Project: Beach and Nearshore Morphological Monitoring
- Studies of Arc Volcanism in the Southern Mariana Arc from Pagan to Tracey: Preliminary results from ROV Hyper-Dolphin Dives
- Sub-arc Mantle Reservoirs Through Time in Cascadia
- Subsurface Thermal and Hydrological Changes Between Forest and Clear-cut Sites in the Oregon Cascades
- Textural and Compositional Variability of Phenocrysts from Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalts: Evidence for a genetic magmatic suite at the SEIR
- The Changing Coastal Ocean: Low-Oxygen Water off the Pacific Northwest (Invited)
- The Effect of Rainfall on Biogeochemistry Characterization of Particulate Organic Matter in the Intertidal Zone
- The Great Geologic Sponge: What Do Storage Dynamics Reveal About Runoff Generation In Young Volcanic Landscapes? (Invited)
- The Last Deglaciation of Ireland
- The Magmatic Origin and Evolution of the Oxnadalur Volcanic Complex in Northern Iceland
- The National Geoelectromagnetic Facility - an open access resource for ultra wideband electromagnetic geophysics (Invited)
- The Promise of Wave Power (Invited)
- The Proxy Record of Global Surface Temperature Variations during the Last Deglaciation and Implications for Climate Change Mechanisms (Invited)
- The Trans African Hydro Meteorological Observatory
- The Use of Surface Energy Balance Models As a Means to Quantify Changes in Glacier Mass Balance: Application to the Collier Glacier, OR
- The Why of Waiting: How mathematical Best-Choice Models demonstrate optimality of a Refractory Period in Habitat Selection
- The effect of dopants on phase equilibria: Implications for tests of Henry's Law behavior
- The effects of fire-flood events on the sediment yield of a coastal California watershed
- The impact of the 2009-10 El Niño on West Coast beaches
- The role of the Bering Sea in the global climate: Preliminary results of the IODP Expedition 323, Bering Sea paloceanography (Invited)
- The spatial and temporal variability of particulate organic carbon in the tropical Pacific: a data-model synthesis study
- Tokunaga self-similarity for symmetric homogeneous Markov chains
- Towards an Understanding of Form Drag and Tidal Energy Conversion at Three Tree Point, Puget Sound, WA
- Tropical Pacific SST Patterns, Controls and Effects (past 1.5 Ma)
- Turbulence-induced pressure fluctuations in snow and their effect on heat and moisture transport
- Two Primary Basalt Magmatypes from Northwest Rota-1 Volcano, Mariana Arc
- U(VI) transport under the condition of water table fluctuations
- U-series in zircon and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology reveal the most recent stage of a supervolcanic cycle in the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex, Central Andes
- Using LiDAR and GIS to extrapolate data from a small watershed to watershed-scale to provide insight into patterns and relationships in an Oregon central-western Cascade forest
- Vadoze zone hydrology in low relief terrain: the importance of lateral subsurface stormflow
- Variation in melting conditions beneath a hotspot influenced mid-ocean ridge revealed by rare earth elements in melt inclusions from the western Galapagos Spreading Center
- Verifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Vertical structure of fluid velocity for flow through vegetation under waves
- Volcano ecology at Chaiten, Chile: geophysical processes interact with forest ecosystems
- Watching the wind: seismic data contamination at long-periods due to atmospheric pressure-field-induced tilting
- Wind- forced currents and advection of dissolved oxygen off the central Oregon coast
- pCO2 Dynamics on the Western Canadian Coastal Margin
- A Budyko analysis of long-term ecological research sites: evidence for resistance and resilience of water yield responses to climate variability
- A Continuous Flow Column Study of the Anaerobic Transformation of a CAH Mixture of Tetrachloroethene and Carbon Tetrachloride Using Formate as an Electron Donor
- A New Estimate of the Earth's Land Surface Temperature History
- A New NRC Report on Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges
- A Paleo Perspective on the Role of Pacific Water in the Arctic Ocean System
- A Physiochemical Analysis of the Mechanisms for Transport and Retention of Technetium (Tc-99) in Hanford Sediments
- A Probabilistic Approach to Understanding the Rain-Snow Transition in Future Climates
- A Prolific Warm Rain Process and its Possible Influence on Ice Nucleation as Observed During ICE-T
- A Study of Temperature Trends Using Rural Sites Identified from MODIS Classifications
- A new Holocene sea-level database for the US Gulf Coast: Improving constraints for past and future sea levels
- A study of nutrient generation in headwater watersheds in Southeastern Australia
- A time-varying model of pDRM processes based on deep-sea Holocene and deglacial sedimentary paleomagnetic records
- Active thrusting within the Himalayan orogenic wedge in the Kashmir Himalayas
- Aerosol Impacts on Microphysical and Radiative Properties of Stratocumulus Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- Age and chemical constraints of Volcán Tunupa: Implications for behind arc volcanism in the Bolivian central Andes
- Aircraft profile measurements of 18O/16O and D/H isotope ratios of cloud condensate and water vapor constrain precipitation efficiency and entrainment rates in tropical clouds
- Along- and Across-arc Basalt Geochemical Trends of Seamounts in Lau Basin: Evidence for Fluid Components and Mantle Melting
- Amphibole trace elements as indicators of magmatic processes at Mount St. Helens
- An early Pleistocene Mg/Ca-δ18O record from the Gulf of Mexico: Evaluating ice sheet size and pacing in the 40-kyr world
- An investigation of controls on chemical weathering in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon
- Analysis of Extreme Events in Regional Climate Model Simulations for the Pacific Northwest using weatherathome
- Analysis of Seasonal Variability in Gulf of Alaska Glacier Mass Balance using GRACE
- Analysis of interfacial curvature during drainage and imbibition
- Analyzing the Pacific-North American teleconnection pattern and its relationship to climate using RegCM3, a high-resolution regional climate model
- Application of spatially distributed coupled glacio-hydrological model to predict the effect of glacier recession on the flow of the Upper Bow River, Alberta, Canada
- Applying the Active Heating Pulse DFOT Method to Drip Irrigation. Characterization of a wetting bulb in drip emitter
- Assessing the impact of the expanding continuous measurement network in North America on carbon budgeting with an atmospheric inversion
- Atmospheric greenhouse gases and climate at onset of the last glacial termination
- Automated Sensing of Douglas Fir Bud-Burst
- Bering Sea Porewaters and Late Glacial Ocean Circulation
- Beyond scenario planning: projecting the future using models at Wind Cave National Park (USA)
- Biofilm Growth and Turbulence Effects on Stream Ecosystem Respiration: Measurement by Resazurin
- Bioimmobilization of uranium-practical tools for field applications
- Breaking Out of Gridlock: Simulating Natural Processes on Meaningful Spatial Units
- Calibration and Assessment of a Distributed Hydrologic Model Applied to a Glacierized Basin in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Can Willamette Basin dams be managed to mitigate climate change?
- Can satellite data be used to constrain climate change feedbacks in GCMs?
- Characterizing Growth Patterns of Early-successional Forests Using Phenological Parameters Derived from Near-daily Satellite Data
- Climate change and mountain-front morphology: Estimating Late Glacial to Holocene erosion rates from the shape of fault-bounded hillslopes
- Climate change and river temperature sensitivity to warmer nighttime vs. warmer daytime air temperatures
- Climate change in the classroom: Reaching out to middle school students through science and math suitcase lessons
- Climate sensitivity estimated from temperature reconstructions of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Collaboration of EarthChem and EARTHTIME to Develop a Geochronology and Thermochronology Database
- Compilation of Slip in Last Earthquake Data for High-Slip Rate Faults in California for Input into Slip Dependent Rupture Forecast
- Compositional Characteristics of Plagioclase Crystal Size Distributions (CSDs) from the 2000 B.P. Eruption of El Misti Volcano, Southern Peru
- Compositional diversity and plumbing systems: Evidence from amphiboles from Mount Hood, Oregon
- Computational Study of the Thermodynamics of Atmospheric Nitration of PAHs via OH-Radical-Initiated Reaction
- Conditional Sampling of Sub-Canopy Respiration in Forests
- Controls on the fluxes and composition of organic matter across the land-ocean continuum- what can we learn from sedimentary records in different depositional environments?
- Cosmogenic 10Be Age Constraints on the Holocene Deglaciation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet
- Coupling Hyporheic Nitrification-Denitrification: Evaluating Net Nitrate Source-Sink Dynamics as a Function of Transport and Reaction Kinetics
- Coupling Snowpack and Groundwater Dynamics to Interpret Streamflow Trends in the Western United States
- Critical Infrastructure for Ocean Research and Societal Needs in 2030
- Cross-Regional Assessment Of Coupling And Variability In Precipitation-Runoff Relationships
- Degree-Day and Surface Energy Balance Modeling of the Collier Glacier, OR
- Designing riparian zones for efficient nutrient removal: A simple physically-based approach
- Detecting Forest Disturbance in the Pacific Northwest From MODIS Time Series Using Temporal Segmentation
- Development of 21st Century Regional Climate Services
- Direct Geoelectrical Evidence of Mass Transfer at the Lab scale
- Distinguishing Features of Atmospheric River Storms Linked to Debris Flow Initiation on Mt. Hood, Oregon and Mt. Rainier, Washington
- Distributed Temperature Sensing as a tool for measuring soil heat flux
- Distributed Temperature Sensing at the SMAP-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST)
- Distributed Temperature Sensing of the Atmosphere with Fiber Optic Cables of Different Diameters and Albedos
- Do diatoms run downhill? Using biodiversity of terrestrial and aquatic diatoms to identify hydrological connectivity between aquatic zones in Luxembourg
- Does nitrogen saturation theory apply to unpolluted temperate forests? A test along a forest soil nitrogen gradient in Oregon
- Dynamic Agroecological Zones for the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA
- Dynamic SPARROW Modeling of Nitrogen Flux with Climate and MODIS Vegetation Indices as Drivers
- Dynamics of Rainfall-mobilized Suspended Particulate Organic Carbon in Salt Marsh Tidal Creeks
- Dynamics of riparian wetlands and stream flow generation in montane watersheds
- Early Results from the Soil Moisture Active Passive-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (SMAP-MOISST)
- Ecohydrological consequences of drought- and infestation-triggered tree die-off: insights and hypotheses
- Ecosystems in action: How free Landsat data are changing how we see landscapes
- Eddy-Induced Ekman Pumping from Sea-Surface Temperature and Surface Current Effects
- Effects of Water-Availability on Carbon and Water Dynamics in a Semi-Arid Pine Forest
- Effects of reactive Mn(III)-oxalate complexes on structurally intact plant cell walls
- Effects of sediment pulses on bed relief in bar-pool channels
- Efficient analysis of complex natural materials using LA-ICP-MS
- Eleven million years of fractionation, magma mixing, and MASH zone expansion: geochemical constraints on the evolution of the Aucanquilcha magma system, northern Chile
- Enhancing Simulation of Sand Behavior through 3D Subdivision Techniques
- Estimating advection for water vapor transport and the surface energy balance
- Estimating soil moisture on a spatial and temporal scale beginning with temperature signals collected via Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Evolution of a Coupled Marine Ice Sheet - Sea Level Model
- Examining an underappreciated control on lignin decomposition in soils? Effects of reactive manganese species on intact plant cell walls
- Experimental Trace Element Partitioning Databases: Characteristics and Challenges
- Exploration of DGVM Parameter Solution Space Using Simulated Annealing: Implications for Forecast Uncertainties
- Exploring deep soil carbon loss following field-to-forest land use change
- Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing of alpine snowpacks
- Finite Element Model of a Two-Phase Non-Newtonian Thixotropic Fluid: Mount St. Helens Lava Dome
- Foam-based delivery of amendments to immobilize metals and radionuclides in deep vadose zone environments
- Fortnightly earth rotation, ocean tides, and mantle anelasticity
- Fracture ventilation by surface winds
- Geochemical Constraints on Fluid-Rock Reactions, Fluid Sources, and Flow Pathways Along the CRISP Transect; IODP Expedition 334
- Geomorphic and paleoseismic evidence for late Quaternary deformation in the southwest Kashmir Valley, India: Out-of-sequence thrusting, or deformation above a structural ramp?
- Heterogeneous Reactions of Chinese Particulate Matter with O3, OH radicals and N2O5 to Simulate Trans-Pacific Atmospheric Transport of PAHs
- High-Latitude Field Morphologies of Brunhes Excursions and Reversal
- High-resolution distributed temperature sensing: a new tool to study the space-time dynamics of transient cold-air pools in the weak-wind stable boundary layer
- High-resolution numerical modeling of tides in the western Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea during the Holocene
- Holey buckets! Monitoring plot-scale runoff
- Impacts of Saharan Dust on the Microphysical Processes in Tropical Convection
- Increasing Diversity in the Earth Sciences (IDES) - An Oregon Effort
- Interactive effects of reactive nitrogen and climate change on US water resources
- Interhemispheric Ice-Sheet Synchronicity During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Investigating sources of ignimbrites in the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex using U-Pb dating of zircons
- LiDAR-derived measurements of slip in the most recent ground-rupturing earthquakes along elements of the San Andreas fault system
- Linking Geomagentic Data to Dynamo Models via Variational Data Assimilation
- Linking disturbance intensity and carbon cycle in forest ecosystems
- Lipid compounds in speleothem calcite from southwestern Oregon: Composition, sources and paleoenvironmental implications
- Lotic ecosystem response to chronic metal contamination assessed by the resazurin-resorufin smart tracer with data assimilation by the Markov chain Monte Carlo method
- Managing perennial revegetation in a changing climate: some lessons from ecohydrology.
- Measuring Ammonia Volitilization from Agricultural Fields following Anhydrous Ammonnia Aplication
- Measuring interfacial areas and curvatures for three immiscible fluid phases in a porous medium
- Mechanisms controlling evaporation of a saline film
- Microbial response to modified precipitation patterns in tallgrass prairie soil: molecular mechanisms, activity rates and organic matter dynamics
- Minerals as mantle fingerprints: Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf in clinopyroxene and He in olivine distinguish an unusual ancient mantle lithosphere beneath the East African Rift System
- Mixing and melt sources in the Miocene Aztec Wash pluton (Nevada, USA) as revealed by zircon Hf and O and whole rock Sr, Nd, and Hf isotopes
- Modeling flow and solute transport at a tile drain field site by explicit representation of preferential flow structures: Equifinality and uncertainty
- Molybdenum Isotopes and Soil Processes
- Multi-year estimates of plant and ecosystem <SUP>13</SUP>C discrimination at AmeriFlux sites
- New Rainfall and Evaporation Recorder
- New insights on the phasing of atmospheric methane and temperature change during the Last Glacial Termination from the North Greenland Eemian (NEEM) Ice Core
- Nine field experiments measuring CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O eddy fluxes from instantaneous mixing ratio output by an enclosed gas analyzer
- Observations of Debris Impact on Buildings and Infrastructure after the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
- Old Growth Conifer Watersheds in the Western Cascades, Oregon: Sentinels of Climate Change
- Optimization of capillary trapping for application in geological carbon dioxide sequestration
- Perching and Interflow Occurrence over a Shallow Argillic Layer in a Low Relief Upper Coastal Plan Watershed
- Physical habitat predictors of Manayunkia speciosa distribution in the Klamath River and implications for management of Ceratomyxa shasta, a parasite with a complex life cycle
- Physiographic Drivers of Snow Water Storage: Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Our Water & the Suitability of Our Monitoring Network
- Plagioclase Compositional Profiles from Plagioclase Ultraphryic Basalts
- Pore Network Simulation to Develop Electrical Petrophysical Relations in the Presence of Mass Transfer
- Precipitation Pattern Controls on the Dynamics and Subsequent Export of Large Wood from River Catchments
- Predicting the Effect of Mountain Glacier Recession on Water Resources: A Modeling Study on the Bow Glacier, Alberta
- Primitive Submarine Basalts and Magmatic Variation of Pagan and Daon, Mariana Arc
- Process representation and uncertainty reduction for modeling the effects of bioenergy crop systems on catchment-scale water use
- Processing of a fine sediment pulse after dam removal: sediment mass balance and longitudinal trends
- Program coordinators' perceptions of effective national citizen science programs and their impacts: An exploratory study
- Prolonged volcanic history for the Curaçao Lava Formation inferred from new <SUP>40</SUP>Ar-<SUP>39</SUP>Ar ages and trace phase geochemistry
- Quantifying Recent Changes in the Natural Thermal Regime of Cold-Water Streams
- Quantifying the effects of fluid properties and flow rates on the effectiveness of capillary trapping of CO2 in a Bentheimer sandstone
- Quantifying the residence time distribution of surface transient storage in streams: A computational fluid dynamics approach
- Quantifying thresholds in state space to advance our understanding of emergent behavior
- Quantitative measurement of stream respiration using the resazurin-resorufin system
- Rapid associations of microbial amide N with iron(oxyhyd)oxides in N deficient forest O-horizons
- Reconciling bottom-up and top-down estimates of regional scale carbon budgets through geostatistical inverse modeling
- Reconciling estimates of the contemporary North American carbon balance among an inventory-based approach, terrestrial biosphere models, and atmospheric inversions
- Reconstructing Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems via Geologic Mapping of the Tilted, Cross-sectional Exposures of the Yerington District, Nevada
- Regional Approaches to Climate Change for Inland Pacific Northwest Cereal Production Systems
- Relationship between Tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature variability and southern Indian Ocean tropical cyclones
- Representing groundwater - surface water interactions, flow and transit time: A conceptual modeling approach
- River Temperature Dynamics and Habitat Characteristics as Predictors of Salmonid Abundance using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Role of CaCO3 and Charcoal Application on Organic Matter Retention in Silt-sized Aggregates
- Sandbar variability in the U.S. Pacific Northwest: Applying a long-term data set to understand large-scale coastal behavior
- Seasonal Changes in the Marine Production Cycles in Response to Changes in Arctic Sea Ice and Upper Ocean Circulation
- Seasonal rainfall and ecohydrological feedbacks ameliorate the potential hydrological impact of climate warming in a Mediterranean ecosystem
- Seismic Signal Classification with Offshore/Amphibious Networks Using an Artificial Neural Network
- Short and Long Term Impacts of Forest Bioenergy Production on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Emissions
- Soil Carbon Decomposition: "Quality control" or logistic challenge?
- Soil moisture and flux sensing at 0.25-10,000 m scales using fiber optics
- Soil vulnerability to future climate in the southwestern USA, with implications for vegetation change and water cycle
- Solving the challenges of data preprocessing, uploading, archiving, retrieval, analysis and visualization for large heterogeneous paleo- and rock magnetic datasets
- Source and Export of Particulate Nitrogen in Forested Catchments: Two Case Studies from the Oregon Coast Range and Gulf Coastal Plain
- Spatial and temporal controls on sediment supply rates measured at artificial and natural debris dams at Canal Creek
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Gross Rainfall, Throughfall and Stemflow in a Non-native Hawaiian Forest
- Sr-Nd-Pb isotope evidence for substantial retreat of the southern Greenland Ice Sheet during Marine Isotope Stage 11
- State of the Art for Distributed Soil Water Content and Fluxes Monitoring Using Heated Fiber Optics
- Status of the Ocean Bottom Seismology Component of the Cascadia Initiative
- Structure-based biomass estimation in an Amazon forest from ICESat/GLAS observations: the performance of Fourier transforms of profiles
- Superquakes and Supercycles
- Synthesizing Local And Long-Term Observations To Evaluate Water Supply Sensitivity And Ecosystem Resilience To Land Use Change, Climate Change, And Climate Variability At The National Scale
- Temporal Trends in Stream N Concentrations and Responses to Disturbances in US Forested Basins
- Temporal Variation and Bifurcating Differentiation Trends from Olivine Tholeiite Among Mafic Volcanic Rocks in the Bimodal High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Textural and Compositional Variations in a Large Mafic Enclave from the Purico-Chascon Volcanic Complex: Understanding Mafic Recharge in a Large Continental Magmatic System
- The August and October, 2008 earthquake swarms on the Explorer/Pacific plate boundary
- The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Averaging Methodology
- The Cerro Guacha Caldera complex: An Upper Miocene-Pliocene polycyclic volcano-tectonic structure in the Altiplano Puna Volcanic Complex of the Central Andes of Bolivia
- The Education and Public Engagement (EPE) Component of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI): Enabling Near Real-Time Data Use in Undergraduate Classrooms
- The Effect of Thermal Convection on Earth-Atmosphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Exchange in Aggregated Soil
- The Effects of Wet Canopy Evaporation on the Isotopic Composition of Throughfall
- The Geomorphic Expression and Surface Patterns of Ash-flow Deposits on Earth: Implications for the Presence of Ash Deposits on Mars.
- The MagIC Online Database: Improving the Archive Quality via a New Review System
- The Pastos Grandes Caldera Complex of SW Bolivia: The building of a composite upper crustal batholith
- The Role of Wildfire in the Export of Particulate Organic Carbon from a Small Mountainous River
- The Temporal Record of Ignimbrite Flare-ups - Filtered Signals From Deep
- The Unsolved Mysteries of Atmospheric Chemistry for High School Students and Teachers
- The answer is blowing in the wind: using wind induced resonance of trees to measure time varying canopy mass, including interception
- The recent marine sedimentary record of Baranof Island, Southeast Alaska - implications for paleoclimate reconstructions
- Thermal-mechanics of roof failure and caldera formation in large silicic systems
- Three-Dimensional Geophysical Structure of the Yellowstone / Snake River Plain Hotspot System: Is a Deep Mantle Plume Required?
- Tracking Long-lived Hotspots to Constrain Temporal Mantle Compositional Evolution
- Tradeoffs among carbon, biodiversity, and economic returns for future land-use scenarios in the conterminous United States
- Transitional Field Studies Using a Large Scale Database (MagIC)
- Uncertainty in Hydrologic Response due to Climate Change; Santiam River, Oregon
- Unearthing the basement of the Central Andes: insights from crustal xenoliths
- Using a Mechanistic Reactive Transport Model to Represent Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and Climate Sensitivity
- Using biological filters to separate biogenic and leak CO2 emissions at carbon capture and storage sites
- Using crystal records to investigate the parentage of orogenic andesites
- Using multiple natural and injected tracers to evaluate spatial and temporal patterns of hyporheic flux and biogeochemistry
- Variability in stream nitrogen at US Forest Service Experimental Forests and relevance to proposed stream nutrient criteria
- Variations in Snow Cover Frequency over the Contiguous US: Implications for Green Biomass and Water Stress
- Visualization and analysis of inertial flow in porous media
- Weather extremes in very large, high-resolution ensembles: the weatherathome experiment
- Young segment-scale eruption discovered on the eastern Galapagos rift during the GALREX 2011 Expedition
- 3D inversion based on multi-grid approach of magnetotelluric data from Northern Scandinavia
- A Comparison of Three Flux Measurement Systems during the DYNAMO Experiment
- A Large-scale Observational View of Internal Tide Intermittency on Continental Margins
- A Unique Laboratory to Explore Soil-Wine Relationships, North Canterbury, New Zealand
- A comparison of geostatistical and Bayesian atmospheric inversion techniques for detecting interannual variability in regional-scale CO2 budgets
- A mechanistic accounting of SOM speciation and kinetics in soils
- A new Termination I temperature history from the Taylor Dome area
- A paleo- and environmental magnetic record from Prince William Sound, Alaska
- A synopsis of X-band radar-derived results from New River Inlet, NC (May 2012): Wave transformation, bathymetry, and tidal currents
- A-Posteriori Analysis of Surface Energy Budget Closure to Determine Missed Energy Pathways
- Active Faults of the Northwest Himalaya: Pattern, Rate, and Timing of Surface Rupturing Earthquakes
- Active tectonics of the northwestern tip of Walker Lane in southern Oregon
- An Investigation of Controls on Oceanic Ge/Si Ratios, a Potential Proxy for Changes in the Biogeochemical Cycling of Si
- An eco-hydrological modeling framework for assessing trade-offs among ecosystem services in response to alternative land use scenarios
- An integrated modeling framework to anticipate water scarcity and inform integrative water system response in the Pacific Northwest
- Analysis of TES FFSM Eddies and MOC Dust Storms, MY 24 - 26
- Analysis of bubble plume spacing produced by regular breaking waves
- Assessing plant hydraulic architecture with ultrasonic acoustic emission techniques
- Assessing the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Net Ecosystem Exchange over North America
- Assimilation of Remote Sensing Observations to Estimate Surf Zone Bathymetry
- Augmenting Sand Simulation Environments through Subdivision and Particle Refinement
- Below- and above-ground controls on tree water use in lowland tropical forests
- Biogeochemistry of forested watersheds in the Southeastern U.S. prior to conversion to short-rotation pine for bioenergy
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Biophysical and ecological effects of aggrading vegetion on unsaturated water flow in the vadose zone
- COAST: Cascadia Open-Access Seismic Transects
- Carbon consequences of the turn-of-the-century drought in North America
- Changes in Natural Microbial Communities in Basalts Exposed to Geological Carbon Sequestration Conditions
- Characteristics of the Greenland Ice Sheet from GISP2 During the Eemian
- Characterization of Oscillatory Boundary Layer Over a Closely Packed Bed of Sediment Particles
- Characterizing Groundwater Flowpaths with Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing and Stable Isotopes
- Characterizing Mass Transfer at the Hanford 300 Area
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover and Fog Inundation in the Northern Channel Islands Using Satellite Datasets and Comparison to Ground Measurements
- Climatic controls on summer fog and low stratus cloudiness in coastal southern California, USA
- Connecting the dots: An interdisciplinary approach to watershed connectivity using terrestrial diatoms
- Constraints on thermal histories of magmas from combined U-series crystal ages, trace-element diffusion, and textural information
- Controls on Valley Width in Mountainous Landscapes: The Role of Landsliding and Implications for Salmonid Habitat
- Cosmic meteor dust: potentially the dominant source of bio-available iron in the Southern Ocean
- DARLA: Data Assimilation and Remote Sensing for Littoral Applications
- Darcy's Law from the Stokes Equation: New Perspective on the Upscaling Problem
- Deglacial Accumulation Rate and Temperature Change in Central West Antarctica
- Designing Scatterometer Constellations for Sampling Global Ocean Vector Winds
- Do Cutthroat Trout Go With the Flow? Hydrologic Determinants of Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) Abundance in the Western Cascades
- ERIM (Electrical Resistivity Infiltrometer Monitoring): A Non-invasive Method for Detection of Preferential Flow in Soils
- Ecosystem Carbon-13 Isoscapes and Uncertainty Estimates for Africa: Integrating Remote Sensing and Field Isotope Measurements
- Effectiveness factor in reactive transport in porous media
- Enhancing Understanding Of Coupled Human-Natural Systems Through Collaborative Learning
- Estimated damage from the Cascadia Subduction Zone tsunami: A model comparisons using fragility curves
- Evaluation of VIIRS Ocean Color products for the West Coast and Hawaii
- Evaluation of a Lattice Bolzmann Model with Realistic Equations of State for Capillary Trapping of CO2 at the Pore-Scale
- Evidence against small dam removal as an ecological disturbance: Benthic macroinvertebrate and channel responses to dam removals in Oregon, USA
- Evolution of silicic volcanism following the transition to the modern High Cascades, Deschutes Formation, central Oregon
- Exploring Interannual Sandbar Behavior Along a High-Energy Dissipative Coast
- External current source modeling and simultaneous source-conductivity inversion in global induction studies
- Extreme Drought, Fire and Harvest Impacts on Pacific Northwest Forests, and the Effects of Future Climate and Mitigation Measures on the Carbon Balance
- Field Scale Optimization for Long-Term Sustainability of Best Management Practices in Watersheds
- Field Survey of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami in Fukushima
- Fog and its influence on the water relations of adult and sapling trees in a coastal California pine forest
- Forest carbon response to management scenarios intended to mitigate GHG emissions and reduce fire impacts in the US West Coast region
- Formation and Recovery of Cold Wake during Typhoon Fanapi (2010)
- Formation of nitro-PAHs from the heterogeneous reaction of ambient particle-bound PAHs with NO3/N2O5
- Fractures as Advective Conduits at the Earth Atmosphere Interface
- Fragmentation as a condition for persistence - exploring a new perspective of mineral-organic interactions
- Freshwater Discharge into the Gulf of Alaska
- Global patterns of the shifts of seasons over the last 6 decades and their phenological impacts
- Growth and Evolution of a Hydrologic Measurement Facility
- Handling Model Uncertainty: The Importance of Human Knowledge
- High-frequency observations of δ2H and δ18O in storm rainfall
- Holocene Deglaciation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet: Preliminary 10Be Ages
- Horton and Tokunaga self-similarity in basic models of branching, aggregation, time series
- How well do CMIP5 models capture the observed decline in North Hemisphere snow cover?
- Hydrologic Modeling of Urbanizing Oregon Basins for Water-Related Ecosystem Service Assessment using SWAT
- IODP: Facilitating Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Subseafloor Investigations
- Identifying Biologically Relevant Cues in the Hydrologic Regime
- Identifying spatial and temporal variations in seismicity in eastern Canada
- Imaging and quantifying three-phase flow in porous media
- Impact Forces from Tsunami-Driven Debris
- Impact of Temperatures on Evaporation from Soils under Different Hydraulic Conditions
- Improving Tidal Mixing Parameterizations
- Influence of pore morphology and topology on capillary trapping in geological carbon dioxide sequestration
- Initial conditions influence over reactive transport in porous media
- Interaction of Particulate and Dissolved Organic Carbon from Ephemeral Watersheds of the Gulf Coastal Plain
- Interaction of Sublithospheric Mantle with a Complex Continental Lithosphere: Radiogenic Isotope Constraints
- Interactive Learning Modules: Enabling Near Real-Time Oceanographic Data Use In Undergraduate Education
- Interactive effects of changing climate, increasing atmospheric CO2, nitrogen deposition and disturbance on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in Oregon forests
- Interannual turbulence variability with seasonal snow
- Laboratory Experiments of Roughness Effects on the Lateral Surface Transient Storage Mean Residence Time in Small Streams
- Lasers on the Landscape: Quantifying 3-D ecosystem structure to map continuous surfaces of carbon, avian species richness, and tree species distributions
- Last Glacial Maximum Ocean Circulation Simulated by PMIP3 Climate Models
- Lessons Learned from the 2011 Tohuku Tsunami on Coastal Structures
- Life-histories from Landsat: Algorithmic approaches to distilling Earth's recent ecological dynamics
- Litter decomposition over broad spatial and long time scales investigated by advanced solid-state NMR: insight into effects of climate, litter quality, and time
- Long-term carbon accumulation in tropical peat swamp forests in Indonesia
- Magma Evolution During a Single Caldera Cycle: Insights from Melt Inclusions of the 3.49 Ma Tara Supereruption, Guacha Caldera, SW Bolivia
- Manganese Cycling in a Long-term Plant Litter Decomposition Time Series
- Mercury Accumulation and Redistribution on Near-Channel Floodplains
- NANOOS, the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems: a regional Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) for the Pacific Northwest US
- Nature and Timing of Interaction Between the Cascade Arc and Cascadia Backarc Structural Regimes
- Nearshore Wave Predictions along the Oregon and Southwest Washington Coasts
- Nitrogen, Ecosystem Services and Environmental Justice: how can a Spatial Valuation Approach Inform Responsible Nutrient Management?
- Northwest Climate Risk Assessment
- Northwest Climate Science Center: Integrating Regional Research, Conservation and Natural Resource Management
- Now Ain't that Swell? A New Method for Measuring Hydraulic Conductivity in Expansive Soils
- Observation and interpretation of BSRs on the continental slope east of Hydrate Ridge
- Observing diagenesis on the Oregon Margin through a Paleomagnetic lens
- On the Remote Sensing of Heat Fluxes and Surface Energy Balance
- Optical Estimation of Depth Induced Wave Breaking Distributions over Complex Bathymetry
- Optical Estimation of Depth and Current in a Ebb Tidal Delta Environment
- Optimization geological sequestration of CO2 by capillary trapping mechanisms
- Overland Tsunami Flow through Complex Topography
- Oxygen isotopic composition of the Bering slope bottom water during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Photographic Characterization of Alteration of Igneous Glass from the Ocean Basins
- Pore-scale imaging of biofilm grown under varying flow rates
- Post-Wildfire Impacts on Snow Accumulation and Melt: Hydrologic Implications for Headwater Catchments
- Potential Abiotic Functions of Root Exudates in Rhizosphere Cycling of Soil Organic Matter
- Principal Component Analysis of Geomagnetic Observatory Data for the Past 50 Years
- Quantifying catchment water cycle connections via the local meteoric and evaporation water lines
- Radar Observations of Rip Currents (duck, Nc)
- Recent Results from Application of the Implicit Particle Filter to High-dimensional Problems
- Role of Reactive Mn Complexes in a Litter Decomposition Model System
- Runoff Thresholds in Shrink-Swell Clay Soils
- Saharan dust in Yucatan soils: Sr isotope and trace element evidence of dust inputs
- Sandbar Variability in the U.S. Pacific Northwest: Observations of Nearshore Morphology from a Large-scale Data Set
- Scaling and predicting solute transport processes in riverine ecosystems
- Sedimentary Dispersal of Seismoturbidites Offshore Sumatra and Cascadia: Forcing Factors from Physiography
- Seismic Imaging of the Cascadia Plate Boundary with Four Source Array Configurations
- Shallow aquifer storage and recovery (SASR): Initial findings from the Willamette Basin, Oregon
- Simultaneous measurements of OCS and CO<SUB>2</SUB> isotopic composition during photosynthetic uptake and soil respiration to constrain ecosystem gross CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes
- Soil properties affect pinyon pine-juniper response to drought
- Source of the Patagonian shelfbreak upwelling derived from a two-way nesting model experiment
- Soutth Atlantic Circulation and Salinity
- Spatial distribution and temporal evolution of sea surface hydrodynamics estimated through a Coherent X-band Marine Radar
- Spectromicroscopy to explore scale transitions in two topsoil horizons
- Spring and fall bloom evolutions estimated from 8 day composite satellite chlorophyll data in the East/Japan Sea
- Streamflow response of partially glacierized river basins to glacier recession using a coupled glacio-hydrological model
- Subjectivity of LiDAR-Based Offset Measurements: Results from a Public Online Survey
- Systematically Optimized Degree-Index Models for Data-Scarce Regions: A Comparison of Structures Using Measured Versus Optimized Parameters
- Testing hypotheses of soil organic matter dynamics in a mechanistic reactive transport model
- The Ocean Wave Resource
- The Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory: Leapfrogging in water and climate science
- The effects of low-tide rainfall on metal content of suspended sediment in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- The importance of cross-shore winds on freshwater dispersal in the New York Bight
- The resazurin-resorufin tracer for quantifying respiration and surface water - groundwater interactions in fluvial ecosystems
- The response of complex and direct-current electrical measurements in the presence of multirate solute transport
- Thermal influences on the development and evolution of large catastrophic caldera-forming magmatic systems
- Thermodynamic models and reactive tracers: robust tools for predicting complex system behavior
- Tonga Trench gabbros and peridotites: A suit of temporal and spatial forearc materials
- Toward biologically meaningful net carbon exchange estimates for tall, dense canopies: multi-level eddy covariance observations and canopy coupling regimes in a mature Douglas-fir forest in Oregon
- Tsunami Inundation Modeling in Constructed Environments: A Physical and Numerical Comparison of Free-Surface Elevation, Velocity, and Momentum Flux
- Tsunami Inundation of the Columbia River Estuary resulting from a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake
- Twenty Years of Litter and Root Manipulations: Insights into Multi-Decadal SOM Dynamics and Controls
- Use of <SUP>13</SUP>C Labeled Carbon Tetrachloride to Demonstrate the Transformation to Carbon Dioxide under Anaerobic Conditions in a Continuous Flow Column
- Use of MODIS Vegetation Data in Dynamic SPARROW Modeling of Reactive Nitrogen Flux
- Using a Global Vegetation Model to Plan Local Natural Resource Management
- Using light, gas, and pressure to quantify distributed snowpack temperature and interstitial flow dynamics
- Using multi-scale stable isotopes analyses to study the microbial processes of soil organic matter stabilization
- Variability in microbial communities attached to minerals and glasses incubated in young ocean crust
- Water quality within biofuel production landscape: Integrating flow paths, residence time distribution and mixing dynamics in the stream side management zone
- Watershed Runoff Model Uncertainty as affected by Spatial Climate Data Resolution for McKenzie River, OR
- Wave Height Attenuation in Heterogeneous Vegetation using Laboratory Observation and Numerical Simulations
- Wave Velocity Attenuation and Sediment Retention among Different Vegetation Types in a Pacific Northwest Estuary
- We aren't done yet: hydrological discovery based on new sensor systems
- Whole Hillslope Irrigation Reveals Differential Interflow Behavior of Dye Tracers, Conservative Solutes and Nutrients
- 'Fracking' Controversy and Communication: Using National Survey Data to Understand Public Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing (Invited)
- A 10Be Based Deglacial Chronology of the McMurdo Sound Region, West Antarctica
- A 3D Velocity Model of the Central Cascadia Subduction Zone beneath the Oregon Continental Shelf and Coast Range
- A Comparison of Paleomagnetic Secular Variation during MIS 7-10 between the Bering Sea (IODP Ex. 323) and North Atlantic Ocean (ODP Leg 172): Implications for the space/time pattern of field and environmental variability (Invited)
- A Multiscale Model for Sub-Microscale Bacterial Adhesion Forces
- A New Trans-Disciplinary Approach to Regional Integrated Assessment of Climate Impact and Adaptation in Agricultural Systems (Invited)
- A Review of Studies on the Nearshore Impact of Wave Energy Arrays: What have we learned and what is still needed? (Invited)
- A high resolution method for soil moisture mapping at large spatial and temporal scales
- A new parameterization of the post-fire snow albedo effect
- Abrupt climate change in West Antarctica and Greenland during the last deglacial warming
- Active and passive-source imaging of the Cascadia subduction zone using both onshore and offshore data
- Aggregating snow metrics across spatial scales: can we detect anthropogenic influence amid measurement and sampling uncertainty? (Invited)
- Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project: Phase I Activities by a Global Community of Science (Invited)
- An Analytical Method for Deriving Reservoir Operation Curves to Maximize Social Benefits from Multiple Uses of Water in the Willamette River Basin
- Analysis of TES FFSM Eddies and MOC Dust Storms, MY 24 - 26
- Analysis of Waves in the Near-Field of Wave Energy Converter Arrays through Stereo Video
- Analysis of the impacts of Wave Energy Converter arrays on the nearshore wave climate in the Pacific Northwest
- Analytical Models for Imbibition and Flow in Moisture-Dependent Preferential Pathways
- Ar isotope evidence for ~1 Myr old ice from shallow cores in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica
- Assessing aromaticity and the degree of aromatic condensation of pyrogenic carbon
- Assessing effects of climate change and adaptation strategies on irrigated pastures using DAISY
- Assessment of the Relationship Between Flexibility and Adaptive Capacity in Flood Management Systems
- Attrition of Tyee Formation Sandstone in a Natural Fluvial System
- Can air temperatures be used to project influences of climate change on stream temperatures?
- Cenozoic sedimentation rates and provenance variations in the South Pacific Gyre
- Changing Forest Land Use in the Pacific Northwest and Implications for Ecosystem Processes (Invited)
- Characterictics and Sources of Organic Tracers in Atmospheric Particulate Matter from the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia
- Characteristic magnitude of subduction earthquake and upper plate stiffness
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover And Fog Inundation in the California Channel Islands
- Characterizing fractured rock aquifers using heated Distributed Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensing to determine borehole vertical flow
- Climate Change and Land Use Impacts on Forests: What Have We Learned and What Do We Do Now? (Invited)
- Climate controls on the carbon isotopic composition of soil organic matter and its regional variability in grasslands and savannas
- Comparison of LA-ICP-MS analyses of melt inclusions and their host olivine from the 1959 eruption of Kilauea Iki, Hawaii: Insights into picrite formation
- Constraining CO2 tower measurements in an inhomogeneous area with anthropogenic emissions using a combination of car-mounted instrument campaigns, aircraft profiles, transport modeling and neural networks
- Convective Self-Aggregation on Short Time Scales: Cycling Clusters
- Cross-Spectral Comparison of Dust and Cosmogenic Nuclide Records from Greenland Ice Cores Demonstrate Synchronicity at Millennial Timescales
- Deep Soil Carbon Influenced Following Forest Organic Matter Manipulation In A Loblolly Pine Plantation In The Southeastern United States
- Delving into the Deep Biosphere
- Distinct Surface Features of Ignimbrites Related to Post-depositional Degassing - Criteria for their Identification on Other Planetary Surfaces
- Diurnal Cycles of Tree Mass Obtained Using Accelerometers
- Early-mid Holocene context for modern and future surface mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Effect of Multiple Lateral Surface Transient Storage Zones on Stream Solute Transport and Mean Residence Time
- Environmental Dynamics and the Habitability Potential at Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- Estimating three phase relative permeability based on realistic pore scale configurations
- Estimation of Coastal Freshwater Discharge into Prince William Sound using a High-Resolution Hydrological Model
- Evaluating the Spatial Distribution of Toxic Air Contaminants in Multiple Ecosystem Indicators in the Sierra Nevada-Southern Cascades
- Evolving Shoreline Change Rates Along the US Pacific Northwest Coast
- Farm water budgets for semiarid irrigated floodplains of northern New Mexico: characterizing the surface water-groundwater interactions
- Field and Lab-Based Microbiological Investigations of the Marcellus Shale
- Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE) (Invited)
- Forest-stressing climate factors on the US West Coast as simulated by CMIP5
- Free and forced convection in high permeability soils: impact on gas flux at the soil-atmosphere interface
- Going Steady: Using multiple isotopes to test the steady-state assumption at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (Invited)
- Ground-atmosphere interactions at Gale
- Ground-based imaging spectrometry of canopy phenology and chemistry in a deciduous forest
- High Resolution Global Electrical Conductivity Variations in the Earth's Mantle
- High Resolution Mapping of Wind Speed Using Active Distributed Temperature Sensing
- High Resolution X-ray CMT Imaging of Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Porous Media: Experimental Challenges, Solutions, and Results
- High Spatial Resolution Forecasting of Long-Term Monthly Precipitation and Mean Temperature Trends in Data Scarce Regions
- High-precision Pb Isotopes Reveal Two Small Magma Bodies Beneath the Summit of Kilauea Volcano
- High-resolution x-ray tomography imaging of supercritical CO2: Investigating capillary trapping under reservoir conditions and addressing wettability alteration
- Holocene Deglaciation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet: Preliminary 10Be Ages
- Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes from the us Atlantic Coast
- Hydrologic Prediction in the Pacific Northwest: An Integrated Scenarios Approach
- Hydrologic interactions in snow-melt runoff driven semiarid watersheds
- Hyperactive hydrothermal activity in the NE Lau basin revealed by ROV dives
- Identifying Seismogenic Deposits in Cascadia Inland Lake Sediments: A Natural Experiment Recorded in the Sedimentary Records at Squaw Lakes, Oregon, USA
- Imaging Microbial Biofilms in Opaque Three-dimensional Porous Media: Opportunities and Limitations (Invited)
- Impact of fog-drip versus fog immersion on leaf-level function of Bishop pines
- Impacts of climate change on plant productivity in the Cajander larch woodlands of northeastern Eurasia
- Impacts of glacier reduction on biodiversity and ecosystem function in alpine streams. (Invited)
- Improving Mechanical Insight into Ring Fault Initiation and Caldera Formation via Elastic Models of Magma Reservoir Inflation (Invited)
- Information Entropy and the Effective Rate of Reaction in Mixing
- Integrating Economic Models with Biophysical Models in the Willamette Water 2100 Project
- Integration of Landsat-based disturbance maps in the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Intercomparisons of Prognostic, Diagnostic, and Inversion Modeling Approaches for Estimation of Net Ecosystem Exchange over the Pacific Northwest Region
- Juan de Fuca Plate Ridge-to-Trench Experiment: initial results from active source seismic imaging of the Juan de Fuca plate and Cascadia fore-arc (Invited)
- Landward vergent thrust faults in marine accretionary prisms off Cascadia, Sumatra, and Southern Chile: Where do they occur and what may control them?
- Leveraging Google Earth to Explore Volcanic Geomorphology (Invited)
- Linking canopy phenology to the seasonality of biosphere-atmosphere interactions in a temperate deciduous forest (Invited)
- Linking fish and fluid behavior: Results from a physical model of turbulence and bioenergetics around large wood in rivers
- MBARI CANON Experiment Visualization and Analysis
- Mantle dynamics, lithospheric structure, and topographic evolution of the Mid-Atlantic continental margin and central Appalachian orogen
- Mapping Soil Carbon from Cradle to Grave: C Transformations of Root Exudates and Plant Litter
- Mass-balance inferences from the Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE)
- Microbial community composition and metagenomes across the river-to-ocean continuum of the Columbia and Amazon Rivers (Invited)
- Mixing Matters, Here's Why - Ocean Mixing Controls Seasonal Sea Surface Cooling in Equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue (Invited)
- Mixing and connectivity of groundwater and surface water within the near-stream saturated zone of a small headwater catchment (Luxembourg)
- Multi-species monitoring for fugitive gases and CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage at enhanced oil recovery operations
- Multiscale Hydrogeologic Modeling with Emphasis on Hybrid Multiscale Methods (Invited)
- On the distribution of permafrost carbon, plant functional type, and wildfire occurrence in northern high latitudes
- Open Holes in the Sheepbed Unit of Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Overview of the Ocean Bottom Seismology Component of the Cascadia Initiative (Invited)
- Poor Soil Wettability: Does moisture alter measurement results?
- Pore-scale mechanisms for hysteresis in capillary-dominated drainage and imbibition (Invited)
- Potential impacts of intensive cellulosic biofuel production on water quality and quantity in the Upper Coast Plain, US
- Potentials and limitations for scaling plant photosynthesis across northern latitudes using MODIS (Invited)
- Predicting diffuse light-enhancement of GPP from plant functional traits: A multi-site synthesis
- Predicting forest structure across space and time using lidar and Landsat time series (Invited)
- Preliminary results on horizontal stress orientation and stress magnitude off Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Project Hotspot: Linear accumulation rates of late Cenozoic basalt at Kimama, Idaho, and implications for crustal strain and subsidence rates of the central Snake River Plain
- Real-time Measurements of Biological Aerosol Particles in Clouds
- Recent advances in quantitative analysis of fluid interfaces in multiphase fluid flow measured by synchrotron-based x-ray microtomography
- Reflection of Intermediate Frequency Equatorial Kelvin and Yanai Waves at Obliquely Oriented Eastern Boundaries
- Representative Agricultural Pathways and Climate Impact Assessment for Pacific Northwest Agricultural Systems
- Representative Agricultural Pathways: A Trans-Disciplinary Approach to Agricultural Model Inter-comparison, Improvement, Climate Impact Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement
- Reservoir Performance Under Future Climate For Basins With Different Hydrologic Sensitivities
- Seasonal Sources of Carbon Exports in a Headwater Stream
- Seasonally-Dynamic SPARROW Modeling of Nitrogen Flux Using Earth Observation Data
- Sensitivity of West Antarctica to climate and ice sheet variability on multiple timescales (Invited)
- Shifting species ranges and changing phenology: A new approach to mining social media for ecosystems observations
- Simulated Vegetation Response to Climate Change in California: The Importance of Seasonal Production Patterns
- Simulating Sand Behavior through Terrain Subdivision and Particle Refinement
- Soil freeze-thaw causes shift to older respired carbon
- Spatial and temporal patterns of Pleistocene biogenic sediment accumulation in the Gulf of Alaska
- Statistics of Tropical Atmospheric Cold Pool Structure and Occurrence as Sampled by a Scanning Doppler Lidar and In-situ Sensors Aboard the RV Revelle during the Dynamics of the Madden Julian Oscillation (DYNAMO) Experiment
- Structure of the Juan de Fuca Plate and Washington Forearc from 2D Travel Time Tomography of OBS and Land Seismometer Data along and East-West Transect
- Summary of IODP Expedition 344, CRISP-A2, offshore the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Surface - Groundwater Interactions Control Egg-Incubation Temperature Regimes on the Copper River Delta, Alaska: Implications for Understanding Likely Climate Change Impacts
- Systematic Improvements to Gridded Surface Heat Flux Products in the DYNAMO Array
- Teachers as Researchers: environmental science research experiences for middle and high school teachers in Oregon
- Tectonic Constraints on the Geomorphology of the Chile Trench and Submarine Axial Channel from 34-36°S
- Temporal and spatial variation of factors controlling metabolism and primary productivity in headwater streams
- Testing a Theoretical Model that Predicts Thresholds in Populations Forced by Imposing Random, Episodic Disturbances
- The Archaeology of Archaeology
- The DIRT on Q10: In situ depletion of labile-inputs does not increase temperature sensitivity in a laboratory incubation (Invited)
- The Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment: Visualizing Firn Densification Models to Characterize Uncertainty in the Physics of Firn Densification
- The Relationship Between Lower Tropospheric Stability and Marine Stratiform Cloudiness From Seasonal to Daily Time Scales
- The Relationship of Salt Marsh Vegetation Lateral Obstruction to Vegetation Morphology
- The Temperature Gradient and Transition Timescales as a Function of Topography in Complex Terrain
- The effect of hydraulic loading on bioclogging in porous media: Quantitative results from tomographic imaging
- The effect of shadow fronts on dynamics of the surface layer during evening transitions
- Tidally driven oceanic turbulence over topography above the turning latitude (Invited)
- Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO): A network to monitor weather, water, and climate in Africa
- Turbulence kinetic energy budget and spatial heterogeneity of surface fluxes above and beneath an open pine canopy
- Understanding and projecting sea level change: improvements and uncertainties (Invited)
- Understanding uncertainty in process-based hydrological models
- Using Airborne Microwave Remotely Sensed Root-Zone Soil Moisture and Flux Measurements to Improve Regional Predictions of Carbon Fluxes in a Terrestrial Biosphere Model
- Using CMIP5 results with linearized impacts models, and superensemble regional climate modeling, to quantify uncertainty in regional climate impacts (Invited)
- Using a detailed uncertainty analysis to adjust mapped rates of forest disturbance derived from Landsat time series data (Invited)
- Using radiocarbon to investigate soil respiration impacts on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Using soils in sensitivity analysis for vegetation change models
- Variable conductivity and embolism in roots, trunks and branches of tree species growing under future atmospheric CO2 concentration (DUKE FACE site): impacts on whole-plant hydraulic performance and carbon assimilation
- Vegetation controls on carbon, water, and energy dynamics with implications for permafrost thaw
- Volatile organic compound production and consumption by microbial plankton communities on the NOAA WACS cruise
- Water as a Medium for Communication
- Zircon oxygen isotopes reveal Ivrea-Verbano Zone source characteristics of the Sesia Valley Caldera
- 1,500-Year Cycle in Holocene Climate from Burial Lake, Arctic Alaska
- 7-Years of Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) to assess river restoration efforts : synergies of high-resolution observation and modeling on the Middle Fork of the John Day River
- <SUP> 40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar incremental heating experiments on celadonite from the Skessa Tuff, eastern Iceland: Thermochronology of low-temperature alteration of a flood basalt pile during burial metamorphism
- A 33 kyr Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Record from Fish Lake, Utah
- A Framework Predicting Water Availability in a Rapidly Growing, Semi-Arid Region under Future Climate Change
- A Geochemical Transect Across the Lau and North Fiji Basins: New Evidence for the Distribution of Multiple Mantle Plume Components
- A High Resolution Sea-Ice Model with Variable Snow Cover and Resolved Melt Ponds
- A Model of Beaver Meadow Complex Evolution in the Silvies River Basin, Oregon.
- A New Interface for the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Paleo and Rock Magnetic Database
- A New Severity Rating System for Evaluating and Predicting the Impacts of a Nonnative Invasive Forest Insect on Two Pacific Northwest Fir Species
- A Portable Streambed Permeameter Built With 3-D Printed and Arduino Controller/Data-Logger
- A Practical Approach for Uncertainty Quantification of High Frequency Soil Respiration Using Forced Diffusion Chambers
- A Quarter-Century U.S. Forest Disturbance History Mapped from Landsat
- A comparison of modeling schemes for mapping daily evapotranspiration at high resolution using remote sensing
- A global assessment of transboundary watersheds for potential hydro-political tensions using environmental, political, and economic indicators
- A methodology to generate high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) and surface water profile for a physical model using close range photogrammetric (CRP) technique
- A model to predict annual bed load transport in ungauged watersheds
- A new age constraint on the deglaciation of the Ross Sea from an ice core from Roosevelt Island, East Ross Sea, Antarctica
- A new multi-angle remote sensing framework for scaling vegetation properties from tower-based spectro-radiometers to next generation "CubeSat"-satellites.
- AUV Measured Variability in Phytoplankton Fluorescence within the ETM of the Columbia River during Summer 2013
- Abandoned Channel Fill Sequences in Tidal Estuaries
- Active landsliding and landscape denudation in response to transient tectonic uplift, Northern California.
- Age constraints on basalt samples from a transect across the Lau Basin: supporting evidence for modification by multiple mantle sources.
- Airborne lidar for ocean-atmosphere studies and assessment of future satellite mission concepts
- Alteration of rare earth element distribution as a result of microbial activity and empirical methane injection
- An Evaluation of the Complex Age Progression along the Cook-Austral Islands Using High-resolution <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Incremental Heating Ages
- Analysis of Submarine Landslides at West Mata Volcano, NE Lau Basin, Using Hydroacoustic Data
- Apxs Chemical Composition of the Kimberley Sandstone in Gale Crater
- Assessing Microbial Activity in Marcellus Shale Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids
- Assessment of a Fully Coupled Circulation-Wave Model for the Mouth of the Columbia River
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reconstructions from Polar Ice: What Do High-Resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> Records and δ<SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> Analyses Tell Us about Past Climate and Global Carbon Cycle Processes?
- Attribution of low precipitation in California during the winter of 2013-2014
- Automated Means of Identifying Landslide Deposits using LiDAR Data using the Contour Connection Method Algorithm
- Axial, Brownbear and Cobb Seamounts: Examples of Growth and Demise of the Submarine Volcanic Edifice through Time.
- Bathymetry Estimates on Open Beaches and in Tidal Inlets via Remote Sensing
- Behaviour of oceanic <SUP>137</SUP>Cs following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident for four years simulated numerically by a regional ocean model
- CAT-scan analysis in scientific drilling: effective routine data acquisition and processing of whole cores, split cores and u-channels
- Calculation of the effective permeability of saturated random porous media
- Change in bedload transport frequency with climate warming in gravel-bed streams of the Oregon Cascades
- Changes in the Canada Basin: Results From Beaufort Gyre Observing Program/Joint Ocean Ice Studies Expeditions, 2003-2014.
- Characterization of terrestrial organic matter transported through the Lena River Delta (NE Siberia) to its adjacent nearshore zone using lignin phenols, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C
- Characterizing an Integrated Annual Global Measure of the Earth's Maximum Land Surface Temperatures from 2003 to 2012 Reveals Strong Biogeographic Influences
- Characterizing water use strategies of Acer saccharum, Liriodendron tulipifera, and Quercus spp. during a severe drought
- Charred Forests Increase Snow Albedo Decay: Watershed-Scale Implications of the Postfire Snow Albedo Effect
- Climate Evolution Across the Mid-Brunhes Transition
- Climate Inferences from Geothermal Measurements in South America
- Coherent Changes of Northern and Eastern Equatorial Africa Rainfall during the Last Deglaciation
- Comparing MSL ChemCam Analyses to Shergottite and Terrestrial Rock Types
- Comparison of PIV measurement and direct numerical simulation of low Reynolds number flow in porous media
- Compositional Variations of Paleogene and Neogene Tephra From the Northern Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
- Constraints on the last deglaciation of the Ross Sea Sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) from <SUP>10</SUP>Be dating
- Continental Tele-connections of ET and Precipitation: Tractable Models, Viable Management, and Potential Monitoring.
- Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchange
- Continuous Lake Recession of Siling Co, Central Tibet, Since the Middle Holocene
- Continuous and discrete measurements of atmospheric methane from an ice core from Roosevelt Island, East Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Contribution of a Headwater Stream to the Global Carbon Budget
- Countries at Risk: Heightened Human Security Risk to States With Transboundary Water Resources and Instability
- Creating Infrastructure Resilience from Information Chaos: The City and County of San Francisco's Approach to Sea Level Rise Science and Adaptation Planning
- Data Assimilation and Bathymetry Inversion at Tidal and Navigational Inlets
- Data mining to predict climate hotspots: an experiment in aligning federal climate enterprises in the Northwest
- Decomposing the Unsteady Flow Routing in River Systems
- Differential Effects of Wildfire and Forest Harvest on Snow Hydrology in the Oregon Cascades
- Diffuse Volcanism at the Young End of the Walvis Ridge - Tristan - Gough Seamount Province: Geochemical Sampling and Constraints on Plume Dynamics
- Diverse, Alkali-Rich Igneous and Volcaniclastic Rocks Reflect a Metasomatised Mantle Beneath Gale Crater
- Do Long-Term Changes in Organic Matter Inputs to Forest Soils Affect Dissolved Organic Matter Chemistry and Export?
- Dynamic Downslope Travel Distance Modeling: Interflow Modeling from Bottom of Slope Upwards
- Early Diagenesis and Trace Element Accumulation in North American Arctic Margin Sediments
- EarthCube - Earth System Bridge: Spanning Scientific Communities with Interoperable Modeling Frameworks
- Ecohydrologic connectivity in semiarid watersheds of central Oregon
- Educator professional development as a component of earthquake and tsunami readiness and early warning systems
- Effect of Aseismic Ridge Subduction on Volcanism in the NE Lesser Antilles Arc
- Effects of Wave Nonlinearity on Wave Attenuation by Vegetation
- Effects of surface waves on three-dimensional hydrodynamics of a tidal inlet: Energy transfer from waves to ocean
- Elucidating the Physical and Chemical Structural Changes of Proteins on Clay Mineral Surfaces using Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Tandem with NMR Spectroscopy
- Emergent SOM Dynamics Considering Interactions Between Microbial Physiology, Microbial Competition, Mineral Interactions, Vertical Transport, and Temperature
- Energy partition between the hemispheres when an equatorial Kelvin or Yanai wave reaches an inclined eastern boundary.
- Energy transport and secondary circulations due to vertically-propagating Yanai waves observed in the equatorial Indian Ocean.
- Ensemble Integration of Forest Disturbance Maps for the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Ensemble Predictions of Future Snowfall Scenarios in the Karakorum and Hindu-Kush Mountains Using Downscaled GCM Data
- Estimating Age Model Uncertainties for the Last Interglaciation
- Estimating more reliable measures of forest canopy temperatures using thermal imaging
- Estuarine Nitrogen Dynamics Along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea Coast: Seasonal Patterns and Potential Climate Change Effects
- Ethical Implications of Probabilistic Event Attribution for Policy Discussions about Loss and Damage
- Evaluating the Influence of Chemical Reactions on Wellbore Cement Integrity and Geochemical Tracer Behavior in Hydraulically-Fractured Shale Formations
- Evaluation and Advancement of Similarity Scalings for a Steep Alpine Slope
- Evaluation of Landslide Mapping Techniques and LiDAR-based Conditioning Factors
- Evaluation of Potential Wetlands to Reduce Peak Flows in Future Climate Scenarios in the Eagle Creek Watershed, IN
- Evaluation of Regional Extended-Range Prediction for Tropical Waves Using COAMPS<SUP>®</SUP>
- Expanding the Range of Plant Functional Diversity Represented in Global Vegetation Models: Towards Lineage-based Plant Functional Types
- Experimental Approach To Elucidating Damage Mechanisms In Cement-Well Casting-Host Rock Settings For Underground Storage of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Exploration of Salt Wedge Dynamics in the Columbia River Estuary Using Optical Measurements of Internal Ship Wakes.
- Exploring the Impacts of Both Climate Change and Decision Making Uncertainty on Coastal Community Vulnerability Assessments in a Policy-Centric Framework
- Exploring the Use of Historic Earthquake Information to Differentiate Between Deposit Triggers for the High-resolution Stratigraphy from Squaw Lakes, Oregon, USA
- Extensive hydrothermal activity in the NE Lau basin revealed by ROV dives
- Feasibility of Biogeochemical Sealing of Wellbore Cements: Lab and Simulation Tests
- Fluid Origins, Thermal Regimes, and Fluid and Solute Fluxes in the Forearc of Subduction Zones
- Fluid and Solute Fluxes from the Deformation Front to the Upper Slope at the Cascadia Margin
- Foliar Temperature Gradients as Drivers of Budburst in Douglas-fir: New Applications of Thermal Infrared Imagery
- Freshwater - the key to melt pond formation atop first year sea ice
- From Space to the Rocky Intertidal: Measuring the Body Temperature of the Intertidal Mussel Species, Mytilus californianus using NASA MODIS Surface Temperatures
- From community preferences to design: Investigation of human-centered optimization algorithms in web-based, democratic planning of watershed restoration
- Genesis of Microfracture Evolution in Epikarst
- Geochemical Characteristics of Overbank Deposits after a Flood Event in a Small, Mountainous River System in the Oregon Coast Range, USA
- Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Roughness and Glacier Zones from MISR, 2000-2013
- Heat Flow Surveys on the Washington Margin of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- High Resolution Dating of Louisville Guyots from IODP Sites U1372, U1375, U1376 and U1377: Implications for post-erosional hotspot ocean island processes and volcanism
- High-Resolution Modeling of Freshwater Discharge and Glacier Mass Balance in the Gulf of Alaska Drainage
- Hillslope response to differences in aspect-related microclimate
- How Can a Little Shrimp Do so Much Damage?: Ecosystem Service Losses Associated with Land Cover Change in Mangroves
- How does the representation of altitudinal variation of temperature in gridded forcing data affect modeled assessment of snow sensitivity to climate warming?
- Hydrologic Impacts of Fuel-Reduction Treatments in the Hat and Burney Creek Basin
- Hypotheses on the Source of Potassium Enrichment in Some Gale Crater Rocks
- IODP Expedition 351 Lithostratigraphy: Volcaniclastic Record of Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation
- Imaging Magma Under St. Helens (iMUSH): Details of passive-source seismic deployment and preliminary 3-D velocity structure
- Impacts of Land Cover Change on the Carbon Dynamics in Indonesian Tropical Forested Wetlands- Mangroves and Peat Swamp Forests
- Impacts of Wildfire and Salvage Harvesting on Stream Nitrogen across Nine Years of Watershed Research
- Impacts of Wildfire on Interception Losses and Net Precipitation in a Sub-Alpine Rocky Mountain Watershed in Alberta, Canada.
- Impacts of climate change on large forest wildfire of Washington and Oregon
- Improved Epicentral Locations for Earthquakes Near Explorer Ridge
- Independently dated paleomagnetic secular variation records from the Tibetan Plateau
- Infiltration of Highway Stormwater Runoff into Vegetated Filter Strips under Wet Climate in Western Oregon
- Influence of precipitating systems on upper Indian Ocean stability during DYNAMO
- Integrated snow and hydrology modeling for climate change impact assessment in Oregon Cascades
- Integrating Climate Change Scenarios and Co-developed Policy Scenarios to Inform Coastal Adaptation: Results from a Tillamook County, Oregon Knowledge to Action Network
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration amongst Colleagues and between Initiatives with the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database
- International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349 and Multidisciplinary Research in the South China Sea
- Investigating Rare Earth Element Systematics in the Marcellus Shale
- Investigation of wind turbine effects on Evapotranspiration using surface energy balance model based on satellite-derived data
- Keeping Pace with Climate Change: Habitat Protection in the Face of Uncertainty
- Linking Multi-Scale Observations to Determine Hyporheic Nitrate Removal in a Stream
- Linking SOM Content, Chemistry, and Decomposition: Complex Responses to Input Manipulation and Long-term Incubation
- Linking Tectonics and Surface Processes through SNAC-CHILD Coupling: Preliminary Results Towards Interoperable Modeling Frameworks
- Long-Range Radiation of Barotropic Rossby Waves from the Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Long-term perspective underscores need for stronger near-term policies on climate change
- MISR at 15: Multiple Perspectives on Our Changing Earth
- Magma Dynamics at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge, from Seafloor Deformation Data
- Magnetotelluric Investigations of Convergent Margins and of Incipient Rifting: Preliminary Results from the EarthScope MT Transportable Array and MT FlexArray Deployments in Cascadia and in the North American Mid-Continent Region
- Magnitude, Rates and Sources of Sea-level Rise Associated with Past Polar Ice-sheet Retreat
- Maintaining High Quality Data and Consistency Across a Diverse Flux Network: The Ameriflux QA/QC Technical Team
- Mapping M2 Internal Tides Using a Data-Assimilative Reduced Gravity Mode
- Measuring Bi-Directional Reflectance for Gross Primary Productivity with a Constellation of SmallSats
- Measuring Gravel Transport in an Active Natural System: An Analytical Framework
- Measuring Wind Ventilation of Dense Surface Snow
- Mechanism of Convective Cloud Triggering and Organization By Cold Pools during Dynamo
- Meridional Energy Flux Near an Eastern Boundary Within the Turning Latitudes of an Equatorial Basin
- Metadata for numerical models of deep Earth and Earth surface processes
- Millennial-scale Variability in Antarctic Ice-Sheet Discharge Throughout the Last Deglaciation From Scotia Sea Records of Iceberg-Rafted Debris
- Millennial-scale fluctuation in Ireland's cirque glaciers during the last deglaciation.
- Modeling Shoreline Rotation of Headland-bounded Littoral Cells due to Wave Climate Variability
- Modification of the Himalayan Orogenic Wedge by Late Cenozoic Southeastward Flow of Tibet
- Molybdenum isotope fractionation in the critical zone
- Monitoring a CO2 plume using time-lapse 3D magnetotellurics, DC resistivity, and induced polarization
- Monitoring fluid velocity using Active - Distributed Temperature Sensing (A-DTS)
- Monitoring soil water dynamics at 0.1-1000 m scales using active DTS: the MOISST experience
- Multiangular Contributions for Discriminate Seasonal Structural Changes in the Amazon Rainforest Using MODIS MAIAC Data
- Neotectonics and structure of the Himalayan deformation front in the Kashmir Himalaya, India: Implication in defining what controls a blind thrust front in an active fold-thrust belt
- Nitrate loading and CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Flux from headwater streams
- Numerical Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of Subglacial Meltwater Plumes: Implications for Ocean-Glacier Coupling in Rink Isbrae, West Greenland
- Numerical investigation of class H cement deterioration under CO<SUB>2</SUB>-O<SUB>2</SUB> co-exposure in down-well conditions
- Observation of environmental boundary layers at miltiple scales
- Observations of Intertidal Bars Welding to the Shoreline: Examining the Mechanisms of Onshore Sediment Transport and Beach Recovery
- Organic Matter Sequestration in Oregon Margin Sediments: Tectonic, Climatic and Oceanographic Controls
- Origin of Siletzia, an Accreted Large Igneous Province in the Cascadia Forearc, and the Early History of the Yellowstone Hotspot
- Overshoot in Leaf Development of Ponderosa Pine in Wet Years Leads to Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Fine-Textured Soils in Drier Years
- Oxidation State of Iron in the Izu-Bonin Arc Initial Magma and Its Influence Factors
- Paleo- and Environmental Magnetic Record of U1396: a 4.5Myr Record from the Caribbean Sea
- Paleoceanography in Pelagic Clay of the South Pacific Gyre
- Paleomagnetism of Early and Middle Pleistocene Cataclysmic Flood Deposits in the Pacific Northwest
- Petrology and geochemistry of igneous basement rocks, IODP Expedition 349, South China Sea
- PmagPy: Software Package for Paleomagnetic Data Analysis and Gateway to the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database
- Pore-scale Evolution of Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> within Bentheimer Sandstone during Multiple Drainage-Imbibition Cycles
- Post-fire influences of snag attrition on albedo and radiative forcing
- Precise Interhemispheric Phasing of the Bipolar Seesaw during Abrupt Dansgaard-Oeschger Events
- Predicting Air-Water Geysers and Their Implications on Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows
- Predicting the Hydrologic Response of the Columbia River System to Climate Change
- Preliminary Cosmogenic Nuclide Chronology of Late Pleistocene Missoula Floods
- Quaternary Morphodynamics for two large rivers: the Fly River, PNG, and the Mekong River, Cambodia.
- Rapid Assessment of Wave Height Transformation through a Tidal Inlet via Radar Remote Sensing
- Recent developments in the use of DTS to monitor atmospheric flows
- Reconciling Measured and Modeled Distributed Snowpack Temperatures and Subsurface Heat Fluxes
- Removing Traffic Emissions from CO<SUB>2</SUB> Time Series Measured at a Tall Tower Using on-Road Measurements and WRF-Stilt Transport Modeling
- Response of Soil Temperature to Climate Change in the CMIP5 Earth System Models
- Response of the Length and Stratification of the North River Estuary to Changes in Forcing
- Results of Formal Evaluation of a Data and Modeling Driven Hydrology Learning Module
- Riparian Zones and the Role of Hyporheic Exchange in the Carbon Budget of a Small, Forested, Headwater Stream, Western Oregon, USA.
- Rivers meandering in bedrock: Lithologic, climatic, and process controls on form and evolution
- Role of storms and forest practices in sedimentation of an Oregon Coast Range lake
- Roles of the Mendocino Transform, Vizcaino Block, and Onshore King Range Terrane in Evolution of the Northern San Andreas Fault System and Its Associated Slab Windows
- Runoff Routing Beneath Marine-terminating Glaciers in Central West Greenland
- Scaling Surface Fluxes from Tower Footprint to Global Model Pixel Scale Using Multi-Satellite Data Fusion
- Seasonal and Event Scale Forcings on the Magnitude and Composition of Particulate Organic Matter Fluxes Across a Small Mountainous River Estuary
- Seismic Tremor Reveals Subglacial Discharge at Tidewater Glaciers
- Shortening rates in the Nepalese Himalaya derived from quantitative geomorphic analysis
- Single Pass LiDAR-derived Estimate of Site Productivity in Western Oregon
- Soil-water interactions in shrink-swell clays: measurements and models across scales
- Sources of spatial and intermodel variability in CMIP5 precipitation projections for the western and northwestern USA
- South Greenland Ice-Sheet Response to the Mid-Pliocene Climatic Optimum
- Spatial Patterns of Channel Steepness in the Central Rockies: Do River Profiles Record Landscape Evolution Forcing By Yellowstone Dynamic Topography?
- Spatial Variability in Surface Elevation Changes of Central-West Greenland Outlet Glaciers
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Forest Harvest, Fire, and Pest/Pathogen Disturbance for Western and Eastern Oregon
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics in the Upper Willamette River Basin, Oregon
- Sunlight Controls Water Column Processing of Carbon in Arctic Freshwaters
- Terrestrial and Marine Organic Matter Accumulation in Hudson Bay: A High-Resolution Record of Climate/Watershed Processes over the Late Holocene
- The April 1, 2014 Pisagua Earthquake as a Natural Laboratory for Studying the Effect of Geologic Heterogeneity on Earthquake Slip
- The City and County of San Francisco's Approach to Sea Level Rise Science and Adaptation Planning: Creating Infrastructure Resilience from Information Chaos
- The Effects of Eddy-Induced Ekman Pumping on Mesoscale and Large-Scale Ocean Circulation
- The Future of Nearshore Processes Research
- The Hidden Watershed's Journals: the Informational Characteristics of Biomarkers in Sedimentary Deposits
- The Impacts of Climate-Change on Estuarine Flooding: a Pacific Northwest Case Study
- The Joint Fire Science Program Fire Exchange Network: Facilitating Knowledge Exchange About Wildland Fire Science Across the U.S.
- The Ocean's Role in Outlet Glacier Variability: A Case Study from Uummannaq, Greenland
- The Role of Protein-Mineral Interactions for Protein Adsorption or Fragmentation
- The Sedimentary Record of an Intraoceanic Magmatic Arc, from Inception through Maturation to Abandonment: IODP Expedition 351, Site U1438
- The Southern Mariana Forearc: An Active Subduction Initiation (SI) Analogue
- The potential influence of sedimentary diagenetic processes on the ocean's ɛNd signature
- The role of tree species and soil moisture in soil organic matter stabilization and destabilization
- The spatial distribution of C<SUB>3</SUB> and C<SUB>4</SUB> grasses in North America through the next century
- The use of distributed temperature sensing technology for monitoring wildland fire intensity and distribution.
- Three Dimensional Lithospheric Electrical Structure of the Tibetan Plateau As Revealed By Long Period Magnetotelluric Array Data
- Three dimensional inversion of EarthScope long-period magnetotelluric data in north-central USA
- Timing of Cordilleran Ice Rafting, Freshwater Discharge, and Implications for Subsurface Ventilation in the Northeast Pacific During the Last Deglaciation
- Traceds: An Experimental Trace Element Partitioning Database
- Tropical Diabatic Heating and Its Influence on the Extratropical Jet during Winter
- Tropical Pacific Variability and its Influence on Twenty-First Century Arctic Sea Ice Loss
- Tropical teleconnections to Antarctic circulation during the millennial-scale Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycles.
- Turbidite Paleoseismology: Site Selection, Physiography, Sediment Supply, Current Dynamics and Temporal Considerations as Applied in Cascadia and Elsewhere
- Updated mapping and seismic reflection data processing along the Queen Charlotte fault system, southeast Alaska
- Uranium Isotopic Fractionation Induced by U(VI) Adsorption Onto Common Aquifer Minerals
- Uranium and Strontium Isotopic Study of the Hydrology of the Alluvial Aquifer at the Rifle Former U Mine Tailings Site, Colorado
- Urbanization reduces fogginess in coastal Southern California, possibly counteracting global-warming induced increases in foggines
- Use of MODIS Data in Dynamic SPARROW Analysis of Watershed Loading Reductions
- Using Impact-Relevant Sensitivities to Efficiently Evaluate and Select Climate Change Scenarios
- Using NPMR to forecast fire season severity for the state of Oregon
- Using Redwood Tree Ring Chronologies to Obtain the Long-View on California's Coastal Climate
- Using TimeSync and a New Statistical Method to Validate a Forest Disturbance Model
- Using Zircon-Hosted Melt Inclusions to Track the Late Volatile Evolution of the 74 ka Youngest Toba Tuff, Sumatra
- Using shallow seismic tomography to characterize patterns of near-surface weathering and the mobile-immobile regolith transition: Implications for the erodibility and morphology of hillslopes.
- Using vegetation model-to-data comparisons to test the role of abiotic factors in the Neogene and Quaternary origins of modern C<SUB>4</SUB> grasslands
- Variability in Canopy Transpiration with Atmospheric Drivers and Permafrost Thaw Depth in an Arctic Siberian Larch Forest
- Water Resource Management Mechanisms for Intrastate Violent Conflict Resolution: the Capacity Gap and What To Do About It.
- Water distribution in traditionally irrigated valleys under different scenarios of water availability in Northern New Mexico
- Zinc Enrichments in the Rocks of Gale Crater, Mars Measured by MSL-APXS Reflect Both High Zn in Jake_M Rocks and the Concentration of Zn in Sedimentary Cements
- <em>An Amphibious Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Cascadian Seismogenic and ETS zones.</em>
- 3D Visualization of Global Ocean Circulation
- 3D quantification of dynamic fluid-fluid interfaces in porous media with fast x-ray microtomography: A comparison with quasi-equilibrium methods
- 3D transient electromagnetic simulation using a modified correspondence principle for wave and diffusion fields
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Interlaboratory Calibration into the Holocene.
- A Comparative Study of the 2011 and 2015 Eruptions of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, From Seafloor Hydrophones
- A Local Index of Cloud Immersion in Tropical Forests Using Time-Lapse Photography
- A Mechanistic Assessment of a Near-stream Saturated Area Dynamics in a Headwater Catchment
- A Multi-Peaked Mid-Holocene Relative Sea-Level Highstand on the Sunda Shelf, Indonesia
- A New and Improved Carbon Dioxide Isotope Analyzer for Understanding Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions
- A Remotely Controlled Siphon System for Dynamic Water Storage Management
- A Theoretical Model of Water and Trade
- A Trace Gas Method of Evaluating Wind-enhancement of Interstitial Air Movement in Snow
- A new chapter in environmental sensing: The Open-Source Published Environmental Sensing (OPENS) laboratory
- A one-dimensional numerical model for predicting pressure and velocity oscillations of a compressed air-pocket in a vertical shaft
- A paleomagnetic and relative paleointensity record from the Argentine Basin (western South Atlantic Ocean) for the last ~125 kyrs
- A subsurface model of the beaver meadow complex
- Actively Heated Fiber Optics for Distributed Soil Moisture Measurements: Addressing Field Calibration and Spatial Variability
- Age Dependent Absolute Plate and Plume Motion Modeling
- Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview
- Along-Strike Electrical Conductivity Variations in the Incoming Plate and Shallow Forearc of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Alternative Parameterization of the 3-PG Model for Loblolly Pine: A Regional Validation and Climate Change Assessment on Stand Productivity
- An Ocean Sediment Core-Top Calibration of Foraminiferal (Cibicides) Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios
- An experimental study of geyser-like flows induced by a pressurized air pocket
- Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia
- Analysis of the NASA AirMOSS Root Zone Soil Water and Soil Temperature from Three North American Ecosystems
- Asynchronous Amazon Forest Canopy Phenology Indicates Adaptation to Both Water and Light Availability
- Atmospheric teleconnections between the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds during abrupt climate change
- Automatable Measurement of Gas Exchange Rate in Streams: Oxygen-Carbon Method
- Bayesian optimization of modeled CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in Oregon using a dense tower network, aircraft campaigns, and the community land model 4.5
- Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates
- Biotic Nitrogen Enrichment Regulates Calcium Sources to Forests
- Birnessite mediated abiotic protein fragmentation may supply oligopeptides to soil biota
- Building Consensus on Community Standards for Reproducible Science
- Building a Probabilistic Denitrification Model for an Oregon Salt Marsh
- Buoyant Turbulence Kinetic Energy (TKE) Production in Katabatic Flow Despite Stable Thermal Stratification
- CMIP5 Global Climate Model Performance Evaluation and Climate Scenario Development over the South-Central United States
- Carbon Dynamics in the Hyporheic Zone of a Headwater Mountain Stream in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon
- Carbon Isotopic Excursions Associated with the Mid-Pleistocene Transition and the Mid-Brunhes Transition
- Challenges to natural process restoration: common dam removal management concerns
- Changes in CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration and carbon cycle during the last glacial termination
- Channel and Catchment Morphology, Spatial Intermittency, and Carbon Chemistry of a Headwater Stream
- Characterizing Soil Organic Carbon Recalcitrance in Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill) Stands
- Characterizing dynamic processes in the Critical Zone: Crazy new tools provide crazy new insights
- Characterizing the transient geomorphic response to base level fall in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Chemical Composition of Diagenetic Features at Lower Aeolis Mons, Mars as Measured by Curiosity's APXS
- Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
- Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
- Chemostat Studies of TCE-Dehalogenating Anaerobic Consortia under Excess and Limited Electron Donor Addition
- Classification of Snowfall Events and Their Effect on Canopy Interception Efficiency in a Temperate Montane Forest.
- Climate Change Impacts on the Cryosphere of Mountain Regions: Validation of a Novel Model Using the Alaska Range
- Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System
- Closing the North American Carbon Budget: Continental Margin Fluxes Matter!
- Cloud and fog interactions with coastal forests in the California Channel Islands
- Colloid Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media: 3D Visualization Using Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography
- Comparing Soil and Bison δ13C to Field Estimates of C4 Plant Abundances in North America
- Comparing Temporal Variations in LUE and GPP across Evergreen and Deciduous Forest Types
- Comparison of gas analyzers for quantifying eddy covariance fluxes- results from an irrigated alfalfa field in Davis, CA
- Complex Relationship between Accumulation and Temperature in West Antarctica for the Past 31,000 Years
- Consequences of scale of flow field observation on apparent energy expenditure and habitat selection by juvenile coho
- Constraints from Seamounts on Pacific Plate or Plume Motion Prior to 80 Ma.
- Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) and Carbon Dioxide Isotopes to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchanges
- Controls on the Composition and Distribution of Holocene Sediment in Lake Junín, Peru
- Crustal structure of the Mid-Atlantic Margin from the MAGIC seismic array
- Curvature Measurement and Tracking of Nonwetting Phase Trapping and Pressure State in Porous Media
- DOC Dynamics in Small Headwater Streams: the Role of Hydrology, Climate, and Land Management
- Deep diagenesis in tephra-rich sediments from the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc
- Defining the Tristan-Gough Hotspot: High-Resolution <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating of Volcanism at Tristan da Cunha
- Developing a Greater Understanding of Rocky Intertidal Ecosystems using NASA Earth Observations
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow in a Porous, Face-centered Cubic Unit Cell
- Discrimination of Terrestrial Source Materials to the Northern North Atlantic Using Particle Size Specific Magnetic Measurements and Electron Microscopy.
- Distributed Sensible Heat Flux Measurements for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Does Litter Impart A Detectable Chemical Signal on Soil DOC? DOC Fluorescence Signatures in Soils Undergoing Long-Term Litter Manipulations
- Drought, Fire and Insects in Western US Forests: Observations to Improve Regional Land System Modeling
- Dust, Volcanic Ash, and the Evolution of the South Pacific Gyre through the Cenozoic
- Early Depositional History of the Eocene Izu-Bonin Mariana Arc, Western Pacific Ocean
- Ecohydrologic relationships of two juniper woodlands with different precipitation regimes
- Ecohydrological Implications of Drought for U.S. Forests
- Effects of Fine-Scale Landscape Variability on Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature Products Over Sparse Vegetation Canopies
- Efforts to Unravel the Cause of Shrinkage of Lake Chad: Development of Hydrologic Real-time Observatory Network in the Lake Chad Basin
- Estimates of minimum shaking intensity required to induce liquefaction and sediment redistribution in southern Cascadia forearc lakes
- Extension and Explosivity during an Eccentric Era of the Early Oregon High Cascades
- Extracting Authigenic ɛ<SUB>Nd</SUB> Signals from Gulf of Alaska Sediments
- Extreme Daily Temperature and Precipitation in a Weather@home Superensemble for the Western United States: Model Performance and Projections
- Fish Lake, Utah - a promising long core site straddling the Great Basin to Colorado Plateau transition zone
- Fish Lake, Utah - shallow seismic investigation of a lake-filled high-altitude graben
- Flash Mob Science - Increasing Seismic Hazard Awareness and Preparedness in Oregon
- Flexible Decision Variables in Short-term Operation of Reservoirs Using Dimension Reduction Approach
- Forest Harvesting of a Rocky Mountain Headwater Catchment: Assessing the Impacts on Runoff and Sediment Transport Into and Through Riparian Buffers
- Forest Management Shifts in the Western US and Potential Impacts on the Carbon Balance
- Free and Forced Convection in High Permeability Porous Media: Impact on Gas Flux at the Earth-atmosphere Interface
- From carbon numbers to ecosystem services: usable results comparing natural versus managed lands
- Full waveform time domain solutions for source and induced magnetotelluric and controlled-source electromagnetic fields using quasi-equivalent time domain decomposition and GPU parallelization
- Garden City Vein Complex, Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Late Diagenetic Fluid Flow
- Giant Plagioclase "Mosaicrysts" and Other Textures in the Steens Basalt, Columbia River Flood Basalt Province
- Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N<SUB>2</SUB>O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
- Glacier loss and emerging hydrologic vulnerabilities in the Peruvian Andes
- Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections
- Harmonization of Multiple Forest Disturbance Data to Create a 1986-2011 Database for the Conterminous United States
- Headwater Streams in Porous Landscapes - What's the contributing area?
- High Resolution Modeling of the Water Cycle to Refine GRACE Signal Analysis in the Gulf of Alaska Drainage
- High Resolution Thermal Model and Heat Flow along the Washington Margin of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- High-resolution, terrestrial radar velocity observations and model results reveal a strong bed at stable, tidewater Rink Isbræ, West Greenland
- Holocene primary productivity and the atmosphere/ocean linkage in the Gulf of Alaska
- How Diagenesis Determines the Deep Ocean's ɛNd Composition
- Hydrogeological and Seismic Responses to Incoming Materials at the Non-Accreting Margin, Offshore the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Hydrologic Controls on In-Stream Optical Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics in an Old-Growth Forest of the Oregon Cascades
- Hydrologic regime controls pattern and architecture of woody debris in mountain streams
- Ice Retreat Forcings in Southwest Greenland from the Last Glacial Maximum through the Late Holocene
- Ice core measurements of <SUP>14</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation
- Illuminating the Depths of the MagIC (Magnetics Information Consortium) Database
- Impact of Aquifer Heterogeneities on Autotrophic Denitrification.
- Improvements to the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Paleo and Rock Magnetic Database
- Insights into the Geochemical Evolution of the Youngest Toba Tuff Magma Chamber using Zircon-hosted Melt Inclusion
- Inter-comparison of multiple downscaled climate datasets for the Pacific Northwest
- Investigating Uranium Mobility Using Stable Isotope Partitioning of <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U and a Reactive Transport Model
- Investigation of microclimatology under solar panel
- Land-Marine Paleoseismic Integration for the Northern Cascadia Margin, USA
- Late Pliocene deglaciation of Southern Greenland
- Late Quaternary paleomagnetic secular variation, relative paleointensity, and environmental magnetism from Cascade Lake, Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska
- Late-Holocene Fluctuations of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Insights from a south Greenland threshold lake
- Links between abrupt change in tropical hydroclimate, high-latitude climate change, and atmospheric greenhouse gases during the last ice age
- Local Seismicity Recorded by ChilePEPPER: Implications for Dynamic Accretionary Prism Response and Long-term Prism Evolution
- Log Distribution, Persistence, and Geomorphic Function in Streams and Rivers, in the Northeastern U.S.
- Long term carbon fluxes in south eastern U.S. pine ecosystems.
- Long-term variation in above and belowground plant inputs alters soil organic matter biogeochemistry at the molecular-level
- Longer-term Stream Nitrogen Dynamics after Wildfire and Salvage Harvesting: Implications for Management Concepts based on Trajectories of Post-disturbance Watershed Recovery.
- Magnetotelluric imaging of the subducting slab in Cascadia with constraints from seismology
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- Mantle Flow Pattern and Dynamic Topography beneath the Eastern US
- Mapping 2002-2012 Aboveground Biomass Carbon from LiDAR and Landsat Time Series across Northern Idaho, USA
- Maps of the MY 25 Planet-encircling Dust Storm
- Margin Architecture and Sediment Flux as Controls on Submarine Fan Development: Tectonic-Climate Interactions in the Gulf of Alaska
- Marine Heat Flow Measurements of the Northern and Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Marine and Lacustrine Turbidite Records: Testing Linkages and Estimating Ground Motions, Central Cascadia Margin, USA
- Microclimate controls on weathering: Insights into deep critical zone evolution from seismic refraction surveys in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Microcosm Studies to Evaluate Aerobic Cometabolism of Low Concentrations of 1,4-Dioxane by Isobutane-utilizing Microorganisms in the Presence of Chlorinated Solvent Co-contaminants
- Midcontinent Rift and Remnants of Initiating Mantle Plume Imaged With Magnetotellurics
- Millennial Scale Geomagnetic and Environmental Change in the West Iberian Margin during Late Quaternary
- Mobile Detection of Fugitive Emissions using Computationally Optimized Geochemical Methods
- Modeling Hydraulic Properties and Hydrologic Processes in Shrink-swell Clay Soils
- Modeling Pacific Northwest carbon and water cycling using CARAIB Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Modeling Subglacial Meltwater Plumes across Greenland's Outlet Glaciers: Implications for Ice-Ocean Coupling in a Warming Climate
- Modeling the Effect of Geomorphic Change Triggered by Large Wood Addition on Salmon Habitat in a Forested Coastal Watershed
- Modeling the impacts of climate change on stream water temperature across scales
- Molybdenum isotopes and mass balance during early stages of pedogenesis
- Monitoring vegetation water uptake in a semiarid riparian corridor
- Multi-dimensional Magnetotelluric Modeling of General Anisotropy and Its Implication for Structural Interpretation
- Near-continuous thermal monitoring of a diverse tropical forest canopy
- New Estimates of Late Pleistocene Slip Rate Along the Panamint Valley Fault System: Implications for Distributed Shear in Eastern California
- New Petrologic and Geochemical Insights into Differentiation Processes Required to Produce the Lower Steens Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Province, SE Oregon
- New Radiometric Age Constraints for the Matuyama-Bruhnes Reversal and Santa Rosa Excursion
- No Snow No Flow: How Montane Stream Networks Respond to Drought
- Observed Spatial and Temporal Variability of Subglacial Discharge-Driven Plumes in Greenland's Outlet Glacial Fjords
- Ocean observations from below Petermann Gletscher
- Offshore Tectonics of the St. Elias Mountains: Insights from Ocean Drilling and Seismic Stratigraphy on the Yakutat Shelf
- Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity
- Pacific Northwest Regional and Ecozone-scale Carbon Cycle Responses to 25 Years of Variation in Climate and Disturbance
- Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Insights into the Middle to Late Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the 8<SUP>o</SUP> North Bengal Fan Transect, IODP Expedition 354
- Paradigm Shift in Transboundary Water Management Policy: Linking Water Environment Energy and Food (weef) to Catchment Hydropolitics - Needs, Scope and Benefits
- Particle image velocimetry measurement of steady, transitional, and turbulent flow in a randomly packed porous media
- Patterns of Hydrologic Sensitivity to Climate in the Western US: Implications for Future Predictions
- Patterns of Rapid Deceleration Observed at Two Tidewater Outlet Glaciers in West Greenland
- Phase 1 Validation Testing and Simulation for the WEC-Sim Open Source Code
- Polyploidy in aspen alters plant physiology and drought sensitivity
- Pore-scale Evaluation of Immiscible Fluid Characteristics and Displacements: Comparison Between Ambient- and Supercritical-Condition Experimental Studies
- Predicting future productivity of Southeastern U.S. pine ecosystems in a changing climate using data assimilation with diverse data sources
- Preliminary Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Ages on Laurentide Ice-sheet Retreat and Opening of the Eastern Lake Agassiz Outlets
- Prevalence and Contribution of Anaerobic Microsites to Carbon Mineralization in Upland Soils
- Probabilistic, Seismically-Induced Landslide Hazard Mapping of Western Oregon
- Quantifying Forest and Coastal Disturbance from Industrial Mining Using Satellite Time Series Analysis Under Very Cloudy Conditions
- Quantifying the Representation Error of Land Biosphere Models using High Resolution Footprint Analyses and UAS Observations
- Rapid Response of Volcanism to Deglaciation in Southeast Alaska and Evidence for Attendant Climate Impacts
- Recent Developments in Active and Passive Distributed Temperature Sensing for Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Reconstructing Historical Changes in Watersheds from Environmental Records: An Information Theory Approach
- Recurring, year-round, icequakes at a Greenland tidewater glacier
- Reductive Dechlorination of Carbon Tetrachloride by Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene Respiring Anaerobic Mixed Cultures
- Reflection of incident Equatorial Kelvin Waves from eastern basin boundaries which are not perpendicular to the Equator.
- Region-Wide Soil Carbon Assessment Across "the Land of Pines"
- Retention controls on-shelf hypoxia in coastal upwelling systems
- Retreat of the Coalescent Greenland and Innuitian Ice Sheets from Nares Strait
- River Discharge Estimation Using Imaged Critical Flow Phenomena
- Robust multi-objective optimization for short-term reservoir operation under inflow uncertainty
- Role of storms and forestry practices in sedimentation in an Oregon Coast Range Lake
- SKS splitting beneath the MAGIC FlexArray experiment
- SLICEIT and TAHMO Partnerships: Students Local and International Collaboration for Climate and Environmental Monitoring, Technology Development, Education, Adaptation and Mitigation
- Scaling Effect In Trade Network
- Scaling properties of rainfall-runoff generation processes and nutrient flushing mechanisms in the Oregon Cascade Mountain
- Sediment Interfaces: Ecotones on a Microbial Scale
- Sediment transport dynamics and its relation to primary production in mountain headwater streams
- Simulated Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance of Western US Forests Under Contemporary Climate and Management
- Simulating Granular Materials Using a 3D Voronoi Subdivision Tree
- Smart Fluids in Hydrology: Use of Non-Newtonian Fluids for Pore Structure Characterization
- Spatial Heterogeneity in Shallow Streambed Water Temperatures, Copper River Delta, Alaska: Implications for Understanding Landscape-Scale Climate Change Impacts to Pacific Salmon Egg Incubation Rates
- Spatial and Temporal Stream Temperature Response to Contemporary Forest Harvesting in the Oregon Coast Range
- Spatio-temporal Variability in the Glacier-Ocean Boundary in Central West Greenland
- Standardised Embedded Data framework for Drones [SEDD]
- Stratigraphy of Carbon Preservation in Reservoir Sediments, Elwha River, Washington
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- Superensemble Climate Simulations for attribution of 2013-15 Western US drought
- Symmetry Breaking for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
- Synthesizing Fluvial Sedimentary and Geomorphic Response to Dam Removal—A Two-Decade Perspective
- Taming Data to Make Decisions: Using a Spatial Fuzzy Logic Decision Support Framework to Inform Conservation and Land Use Planning
- Temperature sensitivity of stream gross primary production and respiration from the tropics to the arctic
- Temporal Evolution of Volcanic and Plutonic Magmas Related to Porphyry Copper Ores Based on Zircon Geochemistry
- Temporal and Spatial Variation of Surface Water Stable Isotopes in the Marys River Basin, Oregon
- Temporal resilience and dynamics of anaerobic methane-oxidizing microbial communities to short-term changes in methane partial pressures
- Tephrochronology as a tool to constrain radiocarbon reservoir age in the deglacial Bering Sea
- Testing Magnetotelluric Constraints on the Physical State of the Yellowstone Plume
- Testing the PRISM Temperature Model in Complex Terrain: Implications for Mountain Ecohydrology
- The AgMIP Coordinated Global and Regional Assessments (CGRA) of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security
- The Contribution of Soils to North America's Current and Future Climate
- The Evolution of the Surveyor Fan and Channel System, Gulf of Alaska based on Core-Log-Seismic Integration at IODP Site U1417
- The Holocene History of the North American Flux lobe: New Constraints From Fish Lake, Harney County, Oregon
- The Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition of The Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland
- The Relative Motion of Pacific Mantle Plumes: Implications for the Viscosity Structure of the Earth's Mantle.
- The Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) ice core: climate and ice dynamics of the Ross Sea, West Antarctica
- The Submarine Paleoseismic Recording Threshold of Shallow Cascadia Earthquakes Under a Wide Variety of Site Conditions
- The TERRA-PNW Dataset: A New Source for Standardized Plant Trait, Forest Carbon Cycling, and Soil Properties Measurements from the Pacific Northwest US, 2000-2014.
- The Use of Shear-Thinning Fluids as "Smart" Tracers to Infer Fracture Network Properties
- The View from a Few Hundred Feet : A New Transparent and Integrated Workflow for UAV-collected Data
- The northeast Japan margin: an example of slow accretion rather than tectonic erosion?
- The orography of anthropogenic climate change in the western USA
- The response of ecosystem carbon pools to management approaches that increase the growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.)
- Thermal Imaging of Forest Canopy Temperatures: Relationships with Biological and Biophysical Drivers and Ecosystem Fluxes
- Thermal history of caldera-forming magmatic systems
- Three dimensional electrical structure of Southern Tibet across the northern part of Yadong-Gulu Rift.
- Three-Phase Capillary Pressure, Hysteresis and Trapping in a Porous Glass-Bead Column
- Three-dimensional Thermal Model of the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Tidal Triggering and Statistical Patterns of Microseismicity at Axial Volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Time and temperature dependence of the re-equilibration processes in plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions
- Time-space Variability of Weekly to Monthly Period Equatorial Waves in the Pacific Ocean
- Timescales of rhyolite formation at a mid-ocean ridge: Alarcon Rise segment of the northern East Pacific Rise.
- Timing and magnitude of the Caribbean mid-Holocene highstand
- Toward the Nexus Equation: A Conceptual and Mathematical Framework for Energy-Water-Food Nexus Analysis
- Tropical peatland carbon dynamics simulated for scenarios of disturbance and restoration and climate change
- UAS and DTS: Using Drones and Fiber Optics to Measure High Resolution Temperature of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- UAS and Distributed Temperature Sensing Reveal Previously Unseen Atmospheric Processes
- UV-Excited Fluorescence of Rocks in Gale Crater, Mars
- User Friendly Processing of Sediment CT Data: Software and Application in High Resolution Non-Destructive Sediment Core Data Sets
- Using an Engineered Protein Model to Constrain Protein-Mineral Interactions
- Utilizing In-Situ Static Chamber Measurements and UAV Imagery for Integrated Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimations: Assessing Environmental and Management Impacts on Agricultural Emissions for Two Paired-Watershed Sites in Vermont
- Variability of subglacial discharge recorded with thermal infrared timelapse of a tidewater glacier, West Greenland
- Vulnerabilities to Rock-Slope Failure Impacts from Christchurch, NZ Case History Analysis
- Water Films: Moisture that Extends Beyond the Capillary Wetting Front
- Watershed erosion estimated from a high-resolution sediment core reveals a non-stationary frequency-magnitude relationship and importance of seasonal climate drivers
- Wave breaking turbulence in the ocean surface layer
- What We Have Learned About the Existing Trace Element Partitioning data During the Population Phase of traceDs
- What can molecular dynamics simulations reveal about the stability of proteinaceous soil organic matter on mineral surfaces?
- "Grid" versus "Ground": Optimized Design of Low-Distortion Projections Using Existing Projection Types Rigorously Georeferenced to the National Spatial Reference System
- <p>Particle Resolved Direct Numerical Simulation of Particle-Bed-Turbulence Interactions in Oscillatory Flows
- 2015, a Year without Snow in the Oregon Cascades: Recession Response of Small Watersheds
- <SUP> 40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating and zircon chronochemistry for the Izu-Bonin rear arc, IODP site U1437
- A 3-D Non-hydrostatic Numerical Study of Frontal Structures and Their Surface Signatures in Estuaries
- A Cause and A Solution for the Underprediction of Extreme Wave Events in the Northeast Pacific
- A Hyporheic Mesocosm Experiment: Influence of Quantity and Quality of stream-source DOC on Rates of Hyporheic Metabolism
- A Lagrangian Perspective on Aerial Hydrologic Cycle Changes in a Warmer World
- A New Browser-based, Ontology-driven Tool for Generating Standardized, Deep Descriptions of Geoscience Models
- A Parametric Model For 2DH Barred Beaches
- A Tracer Approach to Quantify Post-Wildfire Stream Nitrogen Retention and Transport
- A global synthesis of Holocene sea-level data to determine its rates, mechanisms and geographic variability
- A modeling study of the radar signatures of rip currents with comparisons to data
- A superparameterized, isotope-enabled global climate model (iSPCAM)
- A tale of phenocrysts: trace element contents of boninites and forearc basalts from IODP Expedition 352
- Abrupt changes in atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide during Heinrich Stadials from very high resolution ice core data
- Acoustic Measurements of Particle Flux in Strongly Bi-Modal Sediment Suspensions
- Active folding of fluvial terraces across a `blind' Himalayan deformation front in the Kashmir Himalaya, northwest India.
- Adjacent fjords and glaciers respond differently to ice sheet surface melt in West Greenland
- Advancing Atmosphere-Ocean Remote Sensing with Spaceborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Aftershock stress analysis of the April 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake from the NAMASTE project
- Allan Hills Pleistocene Ice Project (PIP)
- Along-strike Variations in the Himalayas Illuminated by the Aftershock Sequence of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake Using the NAMASTE Local Seismic Network
- Along-strike variation in gas hydrate and re-equilibration in response to external forcing on the Cascadia margin
- AmeriFlux portable profile reference system for reducing uncertainty in canopy CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage
- An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Integrate Tsunami Science, Human Behavior, and Unplanned Network Disruptions for Nearfield Tsunami Evacuation
- An Assessment of Magma-Hydrothermal Heat Output at the Costa Rica Rift
- An Assessment of Seasonal Circulation Patterns in the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam, Utilizing a Numerical Model, HF Radar and In Situ Observations
- An Integrated Investigation of the Sea Ice-Ocean Energy Balance using Satellite Remote Sensing, Autonomous In-Situ Observations, and Three-Dimensional Sea Ice Modelling.
- An Integrated, Observation-based System to Monitor Aboveground Forest Carbon Dynamics in Washington, Oregon, and California
- An Isotopic Perspective into the Magmatic Evolution and Architecture of the Rift Zones of Kīlauea Volcano
- An XRF Geochemical Investigation of the Deglaciation of Hall Basin, Naires Strait
- An analysis of carbon and radiocarbon profiles across a range ecosystems types
- An analysis of the downstream propagation of stream temperature changes following headwater forest management in western Oregon
- Analysis of a Conductive Heat Flow Profile in the Ecuador Fracture Zone
- Analysis of beachgrass ecomorphodynamics and foredune morphology along US Pacific Northwest coastal sand dunes using a Bayesian network
- Analyzing the Potential for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Photogrammetry in Estimating Surface Deformations at a Geothermal Fiel
- Application of Kite Based Aerial Photography to Resolve Short Term Sediment Exchanges Between a Dissipative Beach and Densely Vegetated Dunes
- Assessing Atmospheric and Oceanographic Influences on ITCZ Position and Intensity over the Last Millennium from the Proxy Record
- Assessing Mechanisms of Climate Change Impact on the Upland Forest Water Balance of the Willamette River Basin
- Atmospheric forcing of sea ice leads in the Beaufort Sea
- Beach and dune building processes: Linking nearshore to backshore and events to decades
- Biomineralization of 1,4-dioxane in Pure Culture, Microcosm, and Column Studies Using <SUP>13</SUP>C Labeling
- Black carbon content in a ponderosa pine forest of eastern Oregon with varying seasons and intervals of prescribed burns
- Bore-bore capture and large runup events
- Brucite-carbonate chimneys found at the Shinkai Seep Field, a serpentine-hosted vent system in the Southern Mariana Forearc
- Changes in Soil Carbon Storage in Industrial Forests of Western Oregon and Washington Following Modern Timber Harvesting Practices
- Characterizing "Rotten" Ice: Changes in first-year Arctic sea ice during advanced summer melt
- Characterizing Feedbacks Between Environmental Forcing and Sediment Characteristics in Fluvial and Coastal Systems
- Clean, Logistically Light Access to Explore the Closest Places on Earth to Europa and Enceladus
- Climate change drives a northward expansion of C4 grasses in North America by the end of the century
- Climate model parameter sensitivity and selection for incorporating uncertainty in regional climate modeling
- Climatic Controls on Forest Productivity in Western North America; Variability, Covariability, and Projected Change
- Co-producing Coastal Adaptation Plans with Pacific Northwest Stakeholders: Applying Alternative Futures Analysis to Quantitatively Envision Policy and Climate Scenarios
- Coastal hazards along the U.S. West Coast during the 2015-16 El Niño
- Comparing IMERG-v3 with gauge-based precipitation data in Africa
- Comparing Meander Sizes of Alluvial and Bedrock Channels to Loop-Erased Random Walks: Implications for Controls on the Sizes of Meander Bends
- Connecting medieval megadroughts and surface climate in the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- Connections between residence time distributions and watershed characteristics across the continental US
- Controls on Seasonal Terminus Positions at Central West Greenland Tidewater Glaciers
- Controls on the Burial Efficiency of Sediments in Lake Billy Chinook, Oregon
- Controls on the composition and distribution of late Pleistocene and Holocene sediment in Lake Junín, Peru: A transect core study
- Coupling Stable Water Isotopes in Vapor and Precipitation to Raindrop Size Distributions at a Mid-latitude Tall-tower Site to Evaluate the Role of Rain Evaporation in Boundary Layer Moisture Recycling
- Covariation of deglacial North Pacific intermediate water ventilation and atmospheric CO2 evidenced by authigenic neodymium isotope composition
- Data-Informed Stochastic Model and Parametrization of Wave Breaking
- Defining remotely sensed forest decline in terms of forest structural and compositional changes
- Deglacial sea-surface temperature change and rapid response along the western margin of the northern and southern Cordilleran ice sheet
- Detecting Tsunami Source Energy and Scales from GNSS & Laboratory Experiments
- Detection of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) from various man-made sources using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
- Determining Deglacial Climate from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O - The GISS-E2-rosetta
- Developing a High-Resolution Paleointensity Assisted Chronology Through the Matuyama-Brunhes Transitional Interval (0.7 to 1.25 Ma) for the NE Pacific From IODP Expedition 341, Sites U1417 and U1418
- Did the Laurentide ice sheet survive through Marine Isotope Stage 9?
- Disentangling the response of streamflow to forest management and climate
- Dissolved Nd isotope ratios along the US GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
- Does Root Carbon from Harvested Trees Replace Mineral Carbon? Effects of LTSP Treatments in a Western Oregon Douglas-fir Forest
- Does resolution of flow field observation influence apparent habitat use and energy expenditure in juvenile coho salmon?
- Drivers of inter-annual variability in C<SUB>4</SUB> abundance in mixed C<SUB>3</SUB>-C<SUB>4</SUB> grasslands
- Dynamics of carbon, water and energy cycles in a heterogeneous landscape and a changing climate
- Early Deglacial Ice Margin Instability in Baffin Bay not forced by changing Oceanic Conditions
- Eastward routing of glacial Lake Agassiz runoff caused the Younger Dryas cold event
- Eclipse Megamovie: Solar Discoveries, Education, and Outreach through Crowdsourcing 2017 Eclipse Images
- Ecohydrological and Socioeconomic Relationships in Disturbed Woodland Ecosystems of the Western U.S.
- Efficient calculation of full waveform time domain inversion for electromagnetic problem using fictitious wave domain method and cascade decimation decomposition
- Electrical conductivity of the Cascadia subduction zone and implications for the plate interface
- Environmental factors influence for pho-voltaic solar energy efficiency
- Estimating Inland Ground Motions from Lake Turbidite Sequences, Northern Cascadia margin, USA.
- Evaluation of the Horizontal and Vertical Accuracy of GNSS Survey Observations from a Real-Time Network
- Exploration of Objective Functions for Optimal Placement of Weather Stations
- Exploring Effects of Mesoscale Eddy Mixing in a Global Ocean Circulation Model
- Fire suppression has led to greater drought-sensitivity in dry conifer forests: tree-ring carbon isotope evidence from Central Oregon
- Frequency domain and full waveform time domain inversion of ground based magnetometer, electrometer and incoherent scattering radar arrays to image strongly heterogenous 3-D Earth structure, ionospheric structure, and to predict the intensity of GICs in the power grid
- From Icefield to Ocean: Investigating Biophysical Linkages at Wolverine Glacier Alaska
- From stem to crest: Vegetation control on the maximum height, alongshore continuity, number and spacing of coastal foredunes
- From the sand bed to the free surface: an experimental study of wave-induced sediment transport over a sandbar
- Generation of equatorial Kelvin, Yanai and short Rossby waves near a western boundary.
- Genomic evidence for the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway for carbon fixation in warm basaltic ocean crust
- Geochemical Evolution of Steens Basalt: Quantification of Mantle vs. Crustal Contributions to an Evolving Flood Basalt Magmatic System
- Glacier geometry sets inland thinning limits around Greenland
- Heat Flow Budget of the Gulf of California Rift: Preliminary Results of a High Resolution Survey Across the Wagner Basin
- High Frequency Equatorial Waves in the Pacific
- High-Resolution Precipitation Mapping in a Mountainous Watershed: Ground Truth for Evaluating Uncertainty in a National Precipitation Dataset
- High-Resolution Profiling of Richardson Number Across the Surface Boundary Layer Using Heated Fiber Optics
- Hydrograph Shape Controls Channel Morphology and Organization in a Sand-Gravel Flume
- Hydrologic and forest management controls on DOC dynamics in the small watersheds of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, OR
- Identification of a Hawaiian-Emperor Style Bend in the Tuvalu Segment of the Rurutu Hotspot
- Identifying Eruption Dynamics in the Northern Lesser Antilles Using Cryptotephra
- Illuminating the hydrology of a high-elevation tropical ecosystem: Runoff generation in the páramo
- Impacts of climate change on rainfall, seasonal flooding, and evapotranspiration in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
- Improved Data Model and Data Entry Methods for the MagIC Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Database
- Increased Drake Passage through-flow triggered abrupt re-invigoration of Atlantic Overturning Circulation during the last deglaciation
- Increasing tsunami preparedness through educator professional development in coastal Cascadia communities
- Influence of Geology and Basin Characteristics on Suspended Sediment Yield in Harvested Western Oregon Headwater Streams
- Influence of Sea Ice Anomalies on Antarctic Precipitation and Its Source Attribution
- Influence of Sea Level Rise on Tidal Wetland Sediment and Carbon Accumulation Under Differing Fluvial Sediment Supply in the Pacific Northwest
- Initial Results from the Deep Drilling of Lake Junin, Perú
- Instantaneous Sediment Bed Level Response to Wave-induced Pore-pressure Gradients on a Surfzone Sandbar
- Integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Terrestrial Structure from Motion Photogrammetry for Assessing High Mountain Glacier Change, Huaytapallana, Peru
- Intermediate magma genesis of Mount Hood and Mount Jefferson, OR: Insights from Cumulate Inclusions
- Interpreting ionospheric current systems from Swarm magnetic measurements
- Intertidal Sandbar Welding as a Primary Source of Sediment for Dune Growth: Evidence from a Large Scale Field Experiment
- Investigating near-glacier circulation and plume theory with high-resolution fjord surveys in West Greenland
- Iron Fertilization and Productivity in the Panama Basin
- Is it working? A look at the changing nutrient practices in Oregon's Southern Willamette Valley Groundwater Management Area
- Kinetic Studies of the Cometabolism of 1,4-DIOXANE and Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Mixtures by Rhodococcus Rhodochrous Grown on Isobutane
- Lake Sediment Particle Size Analysis for Holocene Paleoenvironmental Study of Steens Mountain, Eastern Oregon
- Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Mapping in Tropical Areas - Southern Mexico
- Large Regional Sea-level Oscillations on Human Timescales, Revealed by Mid-Holocene Corals
- Large and unexpected runup events and their relation to the incident wave field
- Late Holocene glacial history of Petermann Fjord, Northwest Greenland: Non-destructive CT, XRF, and magnetic results from OD1507 sediment cores
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene phytoplankton productivity in the Gulf of Alaska, IODP Site U1419
- Late Pliocene Glaciation of Southern Greenland and Ice/Ocean Interactions
- Less local warming during heavy precipitation with increasing CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Linking Particle Size Specific Measurements of Terrestrial and Marine Sediments to Understand the Deglacial Behavior of the Southern Greenland Icesheet since MIS12.
- Links Between Clay Dehydration and Plate Boundary Earthquakes Along the Costa Rica Subduction Megathrust
- Machine Learning Techniques to Improve Model Error Estimation in Variational Data Assimilation
- Magma genesis of Ojin Rise Seamounts, Northeast of Shatsky Rise
- Managing Long-term Risks from Natural Hazards in a Dynamic Volcanic and Institutional Environment: The Spirit Lake Story
- Mantle-crust interaction at the Blanco Ridge segment of the Blanco Transform Fault Zone: Results from the Blanco Transform Fault OBS Experiment
- Maps of Structured Aerosol Activity During the MY 25 Planet-encircling Dust Storm on Mars
- Marine sources of ice nucleating particles: results from phytoplankton cultures and samples collected at sea
- Measuring Changes in E-P with Isotope Ratios in Water Vapor
- Methodology for Time-Domain Estimation of Storm-Time Electric Fields Using the 3D Earth Impedance
- Microbial communities inhabiting deep-sourced fluids in recent mud breccia flows from the active Venere Mud Volcano offshore Italy
- Microclimate Controls on the Evolution of Critical Zone Architecture in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Modeling the Impact of Fjord-glacier Geometry on Subglacial Plume, Wind, and Tidally-forced Circulation in Outlet Glacier Fjords
- Modernizing the MagIC Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Database Technology Stack to Encourage Code Reuse and Reproducible Science
- Modification of surface gravity waves due to the presence of fluid mud within the surf zone: a study based on video imagery.
- Modular 3D-Printed Soil Gas Probes
- Molybdenum isotope fractionation during complexation with organic matter in the Critical Zone
- Monitoring Subsurface Ice-Ocean Processes Using Underwater Acoustics in the Ross Sea
- Monitoring an EGS injection at Newberry Volcano using Magnetotelluric dimensionality analysis
- Monitoring glacier change: advances in cross-disciplinary research and data sharing methods
- Multi-Scale Mapping of Vegetation Biomass
- Multi-scale temporal and spatial data-assimilative modeling for improving bathymetry information
- Multiscale Climate Emulator of Multimodal Wave Spectra: MUSCLE-spectra
- Multiscale Lagrangian Statistics of Curvature Angle in Direct Numerical Simulation of Pore-Scale Turbulence
- Multiscale assessment of water limitations on forest carbon cycling in the western United States
- Natural and Anthropogenic Causes of Accelerated Sediment Accumulation Rates in Nehalem Bay Salt Marshes, Oregon
- Navigating the high seas of Federal Programs to ensure usable science delivery
- Neoglacial Behavior of Spitsbergen Valley Glaciers and Relationship to Sea Level and Climate
- New Marine Heat Flow measurements at the Costa Rica Rift, Panama Basin
- Nocturnal winds over steep terrain: Turbulence structure and modeling challenges
- Non-Fickian Tracer Dispersion in a 3D Heterogeneous Model Porous Medium
- Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Records from Onshore and Offshore Core Data
- Numerical Investigation of Sediment Suspension Above Plane Bed Under Skewed Grouping Waves
- Nutrient Mitigation And Changes In Hydraulic Parameters Caused By Two Helophyte Species
- Observation-based Model Development for Groundwater Dominated Catchments
- Observations of beach cusp evolution using a stationary, shore-based lidar system
- Oregon Hazard Explorer for Lifelines Program (OHELP): A web-based geographic information system tool for assessing potential Cascadia earthquake hazard
- Oxygen Carbon Dynamics within the Hyporheic Zone of a Headwater Stream
- Parameter Space of the Columbia River Estuarine Turbidity Maxima
- Partitioning the effects of Global Warming on the Hydrological Cycle with Stable Isotopes in Water Vapor
- Peeking Beneath the Caldera: Communicating Subsurface Knowledge of Newberry Volcano
- Plagioclase, Amphibole, and Magnetite in the 1991 Pinatubo Reservoir: Timescales of Crystallization and Storage
- Pore Water Constraints on the Competition Between Carbonate and Tephra Diagenesis in Sediments from the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc: Implications for Carbon Preservation
- Pore-scale Simulations of Capillary Trapping of CO2 Under Supercritical Conditions
- Post 4.5 Ma Erosionally Driven Rock Uplift and Landscape Evolution of the Cascade Range in the Pacific Northwest
- Predicting the state of the nearshore ocean using satellite-based SAR observations
- Prediction of Melt Pond Formation Date using a Resolved Melt Pond Model: Surface Flux Sensitivity
- Pressure-driven Ventilation of Homogenous Seasonal Snow Layers
- Projections of the future distributions of subalpine Neotropical forests and páramo from satellite image interpretation and climate data
- Qualifying fish relevant hydraulic changes triggered by Large Wood Additions
- Quantifying uncertainty in carbon and nutrient pools of coarse woody debris
- Quaternary Landscape Evolution and the Surface Expression of Plume-Lithosphere Interactions in the Greater Yellowstone Area.
- Radioactive and Stable Paleoatmospheric MethaneIsotopes across the Last Deglaciation and Early Holocene from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Recent developments from the OPEnS Lab
- Reduced ENSO Variability at the LGM Revealed by an Isotope-enabled Earth System Model
- Regional Moment Tensor Analysis Using OBS and Land Data for Blanco Transform Fault Zone and Gorda Plate Earthquakes
- Remotely-sensed horizontal structure and evolution of the leading and trailing edges of the salt wedge at the Columbia River mouth
- Revised Bounds on Peak Global Mean Sea Level During MIS 5a and MIS 5c
- Ridge interaction features of the Line Islands
- Riverine organic matter composition and fluxes to Hudson Bay
- Robust Spatial and Seasonal Changes to the Coupled Arctic Energy Budget in a Large Ensemble
- Role of wildfire in controlling the source and flux of particulate organic carbon from a small, mountainous, semi-arid watershed
- Scale Effects in the Flow of a Shear-Thinning Fluid in Rough Fractures
- Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Height Distributions for the Arctic Ocean in Winter, Just Prior to Melt
- Seismic volcano-stratigraphic characteristics and igneous province assessment of the Jan Mayen microcontinent, central NE-Atlantic
- Seismicity of the Juan de Fuca and Gorda plates with Focus on the Blanco Transform Fault Zone.
- Signal to noise quantification of regional climate projections
- Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Nitrogen in Forested Headwater Catchments of the Northern Coast Range of Oregon
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Hillslope Soil Moisture Across Steep, Highly Dissected Topography
- Spherical versus flat displays for communicating climate science concepts through stories
- Stories from dynamic Earth: developing your sense of place through Landsat-based citizen science
- Surface Runoff and Sediment Transport Through a Riparian Buffer of a Steep Rocky Mountain Catchment
- Temperate forest impacts on maritime snowpacks across an elevation gradient: An assessment of the snow surface energy balance and airborne lidar derived forest structure
- Temperature Regulation in Critical Salmon Habitat of the Middle Fork of the John Day River, Oregon.
- Tephrostratigraphy of the Deschutes Fm., Central Oregon: Deciphering an Exceptionally Explosive Period of Cascade Arc History
- Test of Taylor's Hypothesis with Distributed Temperature
- Testing electrostatic equilibrium in the ionosphere by detailed comparison of ground magnetic deflection and incoherent scatter radar.
- Testing the time dependence of slip on the West Klamath Lake fault zone
- The Analytical Limits of Modeling Short Diffusion Timescales
- The Distribution of Slab Dehydration in the Cascadia Subduction Zone beneath Mt. Rainier
- The Effect of Original and Initial Saturation on Residual Nonwetting Phase Capillary Trapping Efficiency
- The Effects of Dissolved Organic Carbon Quantity and Quality on Hyporheic Zone Microbial Respiration
- The Petermann Glacier Experiment, NW Greenland
- The Role of Aeolian Transport Processes in the Intertidal Zone on Sediment Exchange Between Marine and Aeolian Coastal Zones.
- The Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report: The Persistence and Vulnerability of Carbon in Soil
- The Southern Washington Cascades magmatic system imaged with magnetotellurics
- The Status of Global Fire Modeling: Results from the Fire Model Intercomparison Project (FireMIP)
- The Trans-African Hydro-Meteorlogical Observatory (TAHMO): Interactions with Schools, Students, and Citizens
- The challenge of establishing decomposition functional types to estimate heterotrophic respiration at large scales
- The pace of arc volcanism
- The response of ecosystem carbon pools to management approaches in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations
- The value of redundant measurements - highlights from AmeriFlux site visits using a portable eddy covariance system
- Throughfall reduction and nutrient availability effects on carbon balance in loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States
- Time-Scales of Storm Flow Response in the Stream and Hyporheic Zone of a Small, Steep Forested Catchment - Contrasting the Potential Contributions from the Hillslope, Riparian-Hyporheic Zones, and the Stream Channel
- Toba's Resurgence: Comparing <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar and (U-Th)/He ages
- Topographic Modulation of Ice-Ocean Interactions
- U-Pb zircon age of dykes in the roof of the Black Peak Intrusive Complex, North Cascades
- Ultra-High Resolution Late Pleistocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Records From the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341 Sites U1418 and U1419)
- Uncertainties in Integrated Climate Change Impact Assessments by Sub-setting GCMs Based on Annual as well as Crop Growing Period under Rice Based Farming System of Indo-Gangetic Plains of India
- Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Denitrification in an Oregon Salt Marsh
- Use of a Land-Based, Dual-Parameter Analyzer for Tracking Ocean Acidification in Nearshore Coastal Habitats
- Using EarthScope magnetotelluric data to improve the resilience of the US power grid: rapid predictions of geomagnetically induced currents
- Using Inclination and Declination Data from South African Lake Sediment Records to Evaluate Radiocarbon-based Chronologies of the Past Millennium
- Using a Fast X-Ray Microtomography Study to Better Inform Two-Phase Flow Theories
- Water Column Methane Bubble Stream Data Analysis and Visualization from a Survey of the U.S. Cascadia Continental Margin
- Water Quantity and Water Quality Impacts of Intensive Woody Biomass Feedstock Production in the Southeastern US.
- Wet meadow ecosystems and the longevity of biologically-mediated geomorphic features
- What We Have Learned From 20+ Years of Research on Effects of Drought, Fire and Management on Carbon and Water Dynamics of Pacific Northwest Semi-Arid Forests
- Who's driving?: Separating Fire, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and Climate Change Influences on Vegetation and Carbon Dynamics on MC2 Results for Western Oregon and Washington, United States
- Wildfire Effects on Soil Hydraulic Properties and Subsurface Flow Pathways in Southwestern Oregon
- Wildfire vs. Agricultural Operations: A Tale of Overprinted Disturbance Regimes
- <p>A predictive parameter estimation approach for the thermodynamically constrained averaging theory applied to diffusion in porous media
- 80 Million Years of Prolonged and Localized Fluid flow on Shatsky Rise
- 90-year-old firn air from Styx glacier, East Antarctica
- <SUP>14</SUP>CO in Antarctic Glacial Ice as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from 1880 AD to Present
- A Citizen Science Campaign to Validate Snow Remote-Sensing Products
- A High Precision $3.50 Open Source 3D Printed Rain Gauge Calibrator
- A method to precisely measure Ar isotopes and Xe/Kr ratios in air trapped in ice cores for simultaneous ice core dating and mean ocean temperature reconstruction
- A physical framework for evaluating net effects of wet meadow restoration on late summer streamflow
- Accessing the inaccessible: making (successful) field observations at tidewater glacier termini
- Advances in Estimating Current and Future Effects of Climate and Management on Forest Ecosystem Carbon and Water Dynamics at Multiple Scales
- Along - Strike Analysis of Contemporary Ocean Temperature Change on the Cascadia Margin and Implications to Upper Slope Hydrate Instability
- An evaluation of nitrogen and phosphorus responses to rain events in a forested watershed
- Analyzing spatial and temporal trends in Aboveground Biomass within the Acadian New England Forests using the complete Landsat Archive
- Arctic Lower Tropospheric Temperature Inversions in the CESM Large Ensemble
- Assessing Soil Organic C Stability at the Continental Scale: An Analysis of Soil C and Radiocarbon Profiles Across the NEON Sites
- Asynchronous warming and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O evolution of deep Atlantic water masses during the last deglaciation
- Axial crustal structure of the Costa Rica Rift: Implications for along-axis hydrothermal circulation
- Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry across stream ecosystems
- Changing Drought Risk in a Warming World - Using Event Attribution Methods to Explore Changing Likelihoods of Drought in East Africa in the Past, Present and Future
- Characterizing Process-Based River and Floodplain Restoration Projects on Federal Lands in Oregon, and Assessing Catalysts and Barriers to Implementation
- Climate-Smart Seedlot Selection Tool: Reforestation and Restoration for the 21st Century
- Cloud-based Computing and Applications of New Snow Metrics for Societal Benefit
- Coal and Open-pit surface mining impacts on American Lands (COAL)
- Constraining Resurgence through Lake Sediment Paleomagnetism on Resurgent Dome Samosir Island in Toba Caldera, Sumatra, Indonesia
- Constraining the sources of CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions during past abrupt climate change using CH<SUB>4 </SUB>triple isotopes mass balance from the ice core records
- Controls on Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes at Yellowstone Supervolcano: The Wideband Magnetotelluric Component of an Integrated MT/Seismic Investigation
- Cracking up (and down): Linking multi-domain hydraulic properties with multi-scale hydrological processes in shrink-swell soils
- Creating a FIESTA (Framework for Integrated Earth Science and Technology Applications) with MagIC
- Design and Deployment of a General Purpose, Open Source LoRa to Wi-Fi Hub and Data Logger
- Detecting frontal ablation processes from direct observations of submarine terminus morphology
- Detection of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Induced by 2010 Mindanao Earthquakes
- Determining the Extent of Hydrothermal Interaction on the Southern Costa Rica Rift Ridge Flank During the Past 8 Ma from Joint Inversion of Geophysical Data
- Development of a Process Based Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Dating Curve for the Northern Hemisphere Through the Radiocarbon Interval
- Development of an Open Source, Air-Deployable Weather Station
- Diachronous high-latitude North Atlantic temperature evolution across the last interglaciation
- Directly measuring melt at a vertical face tidewater glacier: is it possible?
- Dynamic network expansion, contraction, and connectivity in the river corridor of mountain stream network
- Eastern Ross Ice Sheet Deglacial History inferred from the Roosevelt Island Ice Core
- Ecosystem-scale plant hydraulic strategies inferred from remotely-sensed soil moisture
- Effects of Hydrograph Shape on Sediment Transport and Size
- Effects of Langmuir Turbulence on Reactive Tracers in the Upper Ocean
- Elevated Annual Runoff Ratios in Pacific Northwest Catchments Impacted by Epidemic Foliage Disease of Douglas-fir
- Entrainment and cloud evaporation deduced from the stable isotope chemistry of clouds during ORACLES
- Estimating ecosystem iso/anisohydry using microwave satellite data and its applications in ecohydrology
- Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Partitioning in Remote Sensing Models
- Evaporometer | A Wireless Mesh of Open-Source Rainfall/Evaporation Gauge and Sensor Suite for In Situ Near-Real-Time Environmental Data
- Evolution of Heat Flow with Age on the Southern Flank of the Costa Rica Rift
- Examining the Effectiveness of Hacked, Commercial, Self-Tuning RFID Tags to Passively Sense the Volumetric Water Content of Soil
- Fire Effects on Soil and Dissolved Organic Matter in a Southern Appalachian Hardwood Forest: Movement of Fire-Altered Organic Matter Across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface Following the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Fire of 2016
- Five millions years of paleosecular variations from the Golan Heights volcanic field, Israel
- Forecasting Vulnerability to Drought-related Mortality in Western US Forests
- Forest canopy temperatures: dynamics, controls, and relationships with ecosystem fluxes
- Fully Resolved Simulations of Particle-Bed-Turbulence Interactions in Oscillatory Flows
- Global map of solar power production efficiency, considering micro climate factors
- Grand adventures: combing backcountry enthusiasts with machine learning to improve pollinator biodiversity and conservation across North America
- Heat flow evidence for hydrothermal circulation in the volcanic basement of subducting plates
- Helium Ion Microscopy: A Promising Tool for Probing Biota-Mineral Interfaces
- Historical Evaluation of Groundwater Responses to Underground Injection Controls in an Urban Watershed
- Hydraulic Evolution of Karst Microfracture
- IceTrendr: a linear time-series approach to monitoring glacier environments using Landsat
- Idaho forest carbon projections from 2017 to 2117 under forest disturbance and climate change scenarios
- Identifying strategic sites for Green-Infrastructures (GI) to manage stormwater in a miscellaneous use urban African watershed
- Improving Snow Modeling by Assimilating Observational Data Collected by Citizen Scientists
- Improving dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) simulation of western U.S. rangelands vegetation seasonal phenology and productivity
- In Search of a Dipole Field during the Plio-Pleistocene
- Inferring the source of evaporated waters using stable H and O isotopes
- Influence of the Amino Acid Sequence on Protein-Mineral Interactions in Soil
- Interfacial Area Development in Two-Phase Fluid Flow: Transient vs. Quasi-Static Flow Conditions
- Investigating plume dynamics at the ocean-glacier interface with turbulence profiling and autonomous vessels
- Ionospheric variation observed in Oregon Real-time GNSS network during the total eclipse of 21 August 2017
- Late Holocene spatio-temporal variability of the south Greenland Ice Sheet and adjacent mountain glaciers
- Leaf-wax lipid biomarker paleoaltimetry and hydrologic evolution of the south-central Andean Plateau (Puna)
- Linking carbon and hydrologic fluxes in the critical zone: Observations from high-frequency monitoring of a weathered bedrock vadose zone
- Linking plant stomata and hydraulics through optimal stomatal theory to predict plant responses to climate extremes
- Lithologic and Process Controls on Meander Wavelengths and Lateral Migration Rates of Rivers Meandering in Bedrock
- Long-time Dynamics of Stochastic Wave Breaking
- Making the MagIC (Magnetics Information Consortium) Web Application Accessible to New Users and Useful to Experts
- Measured and modeled evidence for a two-fold increase in water use efficiency at an old-growth forest site in the Pacific Northwest
- Methane fluxes and inventories in the accretionary prism of southwestern Taiwan
- Migration to Current Open Source Technologies by MagIC Enables a More Responsive Website, Quicker Development Times, and Increased Community Engagement
- Mitigating Space Weather Impacts on the Power Grid in Real-Time: Applying 3-D EarthScope Magnetotelluric Data to Forecasting Reactive Power Loss in Power Transformers
- Mod3DMT and EMTF: Free Software for MT Data Processing and Inversion
- Mode of seismic slip at an Ocean Transform Fault: Results from the Blanco Transform Fault OBS Experiment
- Model-data frameworks for determining greenhouse gas implications of bioenergy landscapes in the US
- Modeling the Effects of Drought, Fire, Beetles, and Management on Future Carbon Cycling in the Western US
- Modeling the sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) over the last deglaciation using improved climate reconstructions of temperature and precipitation in the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM)
- Modern Timber Harvesting Practices Have Little Short-Term Effect on Soil Carbon Stores in Industrial Forests of Western Oregon and Washington, U.S.A.
- Moist entropy and water isotopologues in a Walker-type circulation framework of the MJO
- Network Structure as a Modulator of Disturbance Impacts in Streams
- New Insights on Tsunami Genesis and Energy Source
- Observation and modeling of hydrothermal response to the 2015 eruption at Axial Seamount, Northeast Pacific: An OOI Cabled Observatory case study
- Openly Published Environmental Sensing (OPEnS) | Advancing Open-Source Research, Instrumentation, and Dissemination
- Optimizing Placement of Weather Stations: Exploring Objective Functions of Meaningful Combinations of Multiple Weather Variables
- Past collapse and late Holocene reestablishment of the Petermann Ice Tongue, Northwest Greenland
- Performance of Oil Infrastructure during Hurricane Harvey
- Post-fire land management: Comparative effects of different strategies on hillslope sediment yield
- Post-wildfire summer greening depends on winter snowpack
- Precipitation variability as a strong determinant on tree cover across global tropics
- Predicting hydrologic function with the streamwater mircobiome
- Quantifying ratios of suspended sediment sources in forested headwater streams following timber-harvesting operations
- Reciprocal interactions between fluvial processes and riparian plants at multiple scales: ecogeomorphic feedbacks drive coevolution of floodplain morphology and vegetation communities
- Reconstructing the Glacial Cycle of the Last 150 ka in the Southern Bay of Bengal
- Resilience in Source to Sink Systems: A Millennial Record of Watershed Responses to Disturbance in Loon Lake, Umpqua River Basin, Oregon
- Roughing in Human Replumbing of the Water Cycle: Challenges, Opportunities, and Progress in Capturing the Influence of Water Management in Regional Models of Hydrology and Climate
- Salmon and Sagebrush: The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Collaborative Approach to Adaptation Planning
- Scale Effects in the Flow of a Shear-Thinning Fluid in Geological Fractures
- Seeing through the forest: New forest structure metrics improve process understanding of snow-forest dynamics
- Sensitivity of landscape metrics to changing scale of remote sensing data in spatial pattern analysis: effect, criticality and scaling.
- Sharing Stories: Community/Science Collaboration and Learning As We Go
- SnowCloud - a Framework to Predict Streamflow in Snowmelt-dominated Watersheds Using Cloud-based Computing
- Snowscape Ecology: Linking Snow Properties to Wildlife Movements and Demography
- Soil Carbon in North American, Arctic, and Boreal Regions
- Solving the African Climate Observation Puzzle, and Concurrently Building Capacity
- Source Biases in Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions due to Pc3/Pc4 ( 10-100s) Geomagnetic Activity at Mid-Latitudes
- Structure and Evolution of the Central Appalachians from the Mantle to the Surface: Results from the MAGIC Project
- Surprises from the Magnetotelluric Component of the USArray in the Eastern United States: Perplexing Anticorrelations with Seismic Images and Puzzling Insights into Continental Dynamics
- Systematic Heat Flow Measurements Across the Wagner Basin, Northern Gulf of California
- The Breathing Snowpack: Pressure-induced Vapor Flux of Temperate Snow
- The Climate Impacts Research Consortium: Lessons Learned from the Evaluation of Co-production projects
- The Geomorphically Effective Hydrograph: An Emerging Concept For Interpreting Channel Morphology And Evolution
- The Indigenous Phenology Network: Engage, Observe, and Adapt to Change
- The NHERI RAPID Facility: Enabling the Next-Generation of Natural Hazards Reconnaissance
- The OPEnSampler: A Low-Cost, Low-Weight, Customizable and Modular Open Source 24-Unit Automatic Water Sampler
- The Snake River Plain Volcanic Province: Insights from Project Hotspot
- The dependence of entrainment and drizzle in marine stratiform clouds on biomass burning aerosols derived from stable isotope and thermodynamic profiles
- The influence of barometric pumping and reduced permeability layers on firn air transport in a 2D model
- The role of fluid mobility in the development of shale weathering profiles: Direct observations from a vadose zone monitoring system
- The role of rock moisture on regulating hydrologic and solute fluxes in the critical zone
- The role of varying flow on channel morphology: a flume experiment
- The turbulent life of juvenile icebergs: Observations from an array of high-rate time-lapse cameras in LeConte Bay, Alaska
- Thermotolerance and responses to short duration heat stress in tropical and temperate species
- Timecale of the surface flux transitions in response to a solar eclipse
- Timing and magnitude of Last Interglacial ocean warming
- Toward Quantification and Valuation of Flexibility for Hydropower Reservoir Systems
- Transforming Ocean Observations of the Carbon Budget, Acidification, Hypoxia, Nutrients, and Biological Productivity: a Global Array of Biogeochemical Argo Floats
- Transforming data into usable knowledge: the CIRC experience
- Trends and variability in the Hadley circulation over the Last Millennium from the proxy record
- Trust Pathways, Trust Catalysts, Theory of Change and Citizen Science: A COASST Case Study
- Updates from the AmeriFlux Management Project Tech Team
- Using HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor to Adjust Nozzle Height in Center Pivot Irrigation System.
- Using RFID and PIT tags to Quantify Bedload Transport in the Oregon Coast Range
- Using small mammals to understand the effects of urbanization in Southern California over the last 100 years
- Using stable isotopes to track the effects of deforestation on small-mammal ecology in the Pacific Northwest over the last 100 years
- Using the Landsat Archive to Estimate and Map Changes in Agriculture, Forests, and other Land Cover Types in East Africa
- Warming Snowfall Temperatures in the Western United States
- Water Storage, Mixing and Transit Times During a Multiyear Drought.
- What Happens in the Burn Zone Doesn't Stay in the Burn Zone: How Markets Distribute Disturbances Across the Landscape
- Within-species patterns challenge our understanding of the causes and consequences of trait variation with implications for trait-based models
- `Surface-Layer' momentum fluxes in nocturnal slope flows over steep terrain
- 3-D Storm Time Ground Geoelectric Field Modeling for the Northeastern United States
- A Hierarchical, Synoptic, and Dynamic Seascape Framework for Observing and Understanding Pelagic Biodiversity
- A Mobile Sensor Package for Real-time Greenhouse Monitoring Using Open-source Hardware.
- A PCB Based Sap Flux Sensor for Increased Manufacturability and Lower Cost
- A Secure Decision Support System for Coordination of Adaptation Planning Among FEW Actors
- A Stream-Side Mesocosm Study of Organic Matter Processing in the Hyporheic Zone
- A synthesis of fast changes in greenhouse gases in ice cores
- Aboveground forest biomass projections for the Northwestern USA from 2016 to 2116 under forest disturbance and climate change scenarios
- Absence of the West Antarctic ice sheet during the last interglaciation
- Advanced ecosystem accounting for state to country-level forest sector net emissions that account for biogenic, pryogenic, and anthropogenic emissions
- Advancing Best Practices for the Analysis of the Vulnerability of Military Installations in the Pacific Basin to Coastal Flooding under a Changing Climate
- Aerosol Particle Size Distributions from Sea Spray and their Variability during Four Seasons in the North Atlantic
- An Overview of The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES)
- An integrated and spatially scalable prioritization framework for green stormwater infrastructure planning: A trade-off analysis of socio-ecological vulnerability
- An overview of the Idealized Planar Array experiment for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity (IPAQS) in the atmospheric surface layer experiment
- Annual, moderate resolution maps of land surface properties for the continental United States in support of process-based carbon modeling
- Anti-Atlas Field Camp, Tafraoute Morocco
- Applying 'universal' functions as quality control tests for sonic anemometers: An analysis using AmeriFlux Tech Team site visits
- Assessing the use of small mammal isotopes as paleoclimatic proxies: case studies from the Pacific Northwest and Southern California
- Assessment of Western Juniper Encroachment and Removal Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Ground-based Data Collection
- Atmospheric nitrous oxide in the pre-800 ka atmosphere from ice cores from the Alan Hills, Antarctica
- Bedform Migration and Bedload Sediment Transport in Combined Wave-Current Flows
- Boundary Layer Instabilities in Wind-Forced Frontal Zones
- Building Upon the Geophysical Fluid Dynamical Framework of MPAS-A to Study the Atmosphere of Mars: Progress Toward a New GCM With Mesoscale Capability
- Building community resilience through co-production of knowledge
- Building rich and interactive web applications with CoverageJSON
- COCOONED: Unraveling Shoreline Response Due To Climate Variability And Associated Implications In A Changing Climate.
- Carbonyl sulfide and physiological measurements provide joint constraints on ecosystem-scale photosynthesis: Insights from an old-growth forest.
- Changing biogeochemistry of the polar oceans
- Characterization of Differences in Snow Grain Evolution in Forested and Open Environments on Grand Mesa, Colorado
- Characterization of Recently Located Methane Seeps on the Cascadia Margin
- Citizen Scientists and Seasonal Snow Modeling: Constraining Outputs by Using Avalanche Probes and Smartphones
- Climate change as one of multiple overlapping pressures for future agriculture and food security: AgMIP projections and solution pathways
- Co-developing drought indicators for Pacific Northwest state water managers
- Coastal bathymetry mapping by combined inversion of remotely-sensed data
- Combined fate of rock-bound carbon in watersheds
- Combining perturbed physics ensembles with statistical emulation to explore model process sensitivity and constrain uncertainty in projections
- Community Snow Observations (CSO): A Citizen Science Campaign to Validate Snow Remote Sensing Products and Hydrological Models
- Comparing leaf temperature with canopy carbon and water fluxes during heat waves
- Comparison of Intra-Annual Tree-Ring Δ<SUP>13</SUP>C in Live and Dead Ponderosa Pine Following the 2012-2015 "California Drought" to Assess Differences in Physiological Response to Climate Variability and Drought Stress
- Constraining the Evolution of the Fossil Component of the Global Methane Budget Since the Pre-Industrial Using <SUP>14</SUP>C Measurements in Firn Air and Ice Cores
- Controls on sediment accretion and blue carbon burial in salt marshes: Insights from the Oregon coast
- Creating a Meteorology Context Framework for NAAMES
- Determining Relative Mantle Plume Motion Using Hotspot Track Geometry, Geochronology and Geochemistry.
- Diagnosis of Glacier and Ice Sheet Bed Dynamics By Means of Raman Distributed Temperature Sensing and Melt-Probe Deployment
- Dynamics Don't Matter: Poleward Atmospheric Heat Transport Changes Constrained by Energetics and Consistent With Down-Gradient Diffusion
- E/V Nautilus: Mapping and ROV Exploration of Previously Unexplored Seamounts in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
- Ecohydrologic Connections of an Agroecosystem in a Mediterranean Climate Watershed of Western Oregon, USA
- Effects of Suspended Sediment Concentration on Stream Primary Production in Basins with Contrasting Lithology
- Electrical Anisotropy of Quaternary continental volcanic fields revealed by 3D MT survey: examples form Datong and Tengchong volcanic fields
- Elevated ambient melting and large melt intrusions at a tidewater glacier
- Emergence of ecosystem stressors at the ocean's euphotic zone depth under 21st century climate change
- Episodic creep triggering seismic slip at the Blanco Transform Fault, Blanco Ridge segment, NE Pacific
- Estimating soil evaporation from different irrigation system designs using isotope geochemistry.
- Evaluating the need for two-way groundwater-surface water exchange mechanisms in the National Water Model over the Northern High Plains Aquifer, USA
- Evaluation of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) soil and vegetation data products for predicting changes in vegetation phonology
- Evaporometer Upgrades | Enclosure and Sensor Redesign for Improved Weatherproofing and Accuracy in Real-Time Environmental Data Gathering
- Evolution of Heat Flow, Hydrothermal Circulation and Permeability with Age on the Southern Flank of the Costa Rica Rift
- Expanding Life's Boundaries: A Grand Challenge of Estimating Where and How Life Survives in Earth and Other Planets
- Exploring Volcano-Tectonic Connections in Cascadia—Temporal Linkages between Tephra Deposition and Turbidite Sequences
- Exploring the co-production process: Three case studies from the Pacific Northwest
- Feasibility of estimating large-scale sea surface height from surface current velocity streamfunction fields
- Firn Smoothing of Abrupt Methane Variations in the South Pole Ice Core
- Fourth National Climate Assessment Chapter 15 - Tribes and Indigenous Peoples
- Freshwater budgets for the ocean east of Greenland
- Future changes in carbonate chemistry in the Southern Ocean under acidification using insights from SOCCOM biogeochemical floats
- Gas age scale and total air content record for the South Pole ice core
- Gas composition monitoring with Multi-GAS during the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea, Hawai'i
- Geneohydrology: Using Aquatic Gene Fragments to Quantify Macroscale Ecohydrologic Function
- Generation of unusually large runup events
- Geochemistry of seamount volcanic rocks, eastern margin of the Ontong Java Plateau
- Global and regional modeling of absorbing aerosols in the southeast Atlantic during ORACLES 2016: comparisons to new observations
- Global environmental variability drives trace element changes in soils
- Heat Budget of Melt Pond Onset for First Year Sea Ice
- Herding DGVM cats: A fuzzy logic modeling approach to incorporate the implications and uncertainty of DGVM results into resource management decisions
- High Vertical Resolution Lidar Results and Case Studies during NAAMES
- High resolution profiling of the atmospheric boundary layer with UAS and DTS
- High-frequency Forcing of Near-terminus Water Properties at LeConte Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Hillslope erosion and sediment yield after wildfire and post-fire forest management in California's Northern Coast Range
- Hillslope soil moisture patterns across wet and dry conditions in a CA coastal forest
- Hurricane defoliation effects on water cycle processes in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
- Hydrometric and Tracer Based Analysis of Hydrologic Storage Across Geologically and Geomorphologically Variable Temperate Catchments
- HyperRail: Modular, 3D Printed, 1-100 meter, Programmable, and Low-cost Linear Motion System for Imaging and Sensor Suites
- Idealized Planar Array experiment for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity (IPAQS) provides insight into the role of dispersive fluxes role on the Surface Energy Balance (SEB) closure
- Identification of Tile Drain Networks using Thermal and RGB Data from Unmanned Aircraft
- Impact of sea-level and bottom water temperature change on methane-hydrate stability: IODP Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin
- Impacts of Holocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Discharge in a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- Implications of Critical Flow Phenomena for Estimating Lava Flux During Recent Activity at Kīlauea Volcano
- Improving Ecological Vulnerability Assessments Through Deliberate Collaboration between Ecologists and Climate Scientists
- Improving vegetation response to drought stress in earth system models
- Influence of Ocean Acidification and Climate Change on the Biogeochemistry in the Gulf of Alaska: A regional modeling study
- Influence of Sand Fences on the Decadal-Scale Morphology of a Developed Barrier Island
- Influence of the riparian zone to stream function
- Insights Into Phasing and Evolution of the Ocean Bipolar See-Saw from the RICE Ice Core.
- Integrated paleomagnetic, <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar, and U-Pb constraints on the first hominin migration out of Africa at 2.48 Ma
- Interactive Visualization of 3D Coordinate Uncertainties in Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds
- Intermittent subharmonic edge wave excitation with random incoming waves.
- Introduction to Climate Science, an online textbook
- Investigating synchrony between volcanism and glacial cycles through tephra layers in the North Pacific
- Investigating the Effects of Reduced-impact Selective Logging on Tropical Forest Phenology
- Investigation of Deep Seismic Reflections Beneath the Accretionary Prism of the Chile Subduction Zone in South-Central Chile
- Isotopic enrichment of molecular nitrogen, oxygen, and argon due to gas loss in the bubble-clathrate transition zone
- Late Winter Observations of Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Sail Heights
- Leveraging network science to evaluate mechanisms and models of soil organic matter stabilization and change
- Linking Surface and Subsurface Behaviors: UAV-based multi-spectral Imagery as Predictor of Soil Wetness, Thaw Depth and Soil Respiration in an Arctic Watershed
- Lithology and cement controls on the evolution of compressional wave velocity and porosity in input materials at northern Hikurangi and other subduction zones
- Loom: Plug and Play Wireless Sensor Actuator Platform for Rapid Prototyping New Instrumentation
- Loyalty across Scales: How Collaborations Stretch Over Time
- MT Responses and Parametric Sensitivities of 3D General Anisotropy by A Modular Finite-Volume Approach
- Machine Learning with Aquatic DNA to Estimate Hydrologic and Catchment Characteristics
- Machine learning in coupled wildfire-water supply risk assessment: Data science toolkit
- Magmatic Source Estimates at Axial Seamount for the 2015 Eruption From Seafloor Deformation and Seismic Data
- Mapping Hazardous Snow Conditions for Dall sheep, a Climate Sensitive and Iconic North American Alpine Ungulate.
- Mapping Heat Vulnerability in Maricopa County Arizona with the HeatMappers Volunteer Science program
- Methane-driven microbial community succession in Arctic seafloor gas hydrate mounds
- Microbial N assimilation: the forgotten process in the soil N cycle
- Modeling Future Scenarios of Snow, Forests, Wildfire, and Hydropower Within the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
- Modelling the effects of a series low-head, leaky dams on water budget partitioning in semi-arid areas
- Moving Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: What We Can Learn from Subsurface Imagery
- Multiscale Modeling of Integrated Urban Water Management in Oregon
- Natural and social aspects of global wildfire threats to water supplies
- Near-future forest vulnerability to drought and fire varies across the western US
- Network at a glance: Probing turbulent statistics across AmeriFlux sites by using the roving eddy covariance system
- New Heat Flow Measurements on the U.S. Beaufort Margin: Implications for Fluid Flow and Methane Hydrate Stability in the Western Arctic.
- Nonequilibrium Ionization Analysis of a Coronal Shock Driven by a Coronal Mass Ejection
- North Atlantic dimethylsulfide variability during the North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystem Study
- OPEnS Hub - A Real-Time Decentralized Internet Portal, Connecting Field Sensors to Google Sheets
- Ocean Lidar Profile Results during the North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study
- Ocean Science, Diplomacy, and Africa: Outcomes from a year in the life of the Science Envoy for the Ocean
- Organic geochemistry of soil organic matter with long-term nitrogen enrichment: Molecular-level insights on impacts to soil biogeochemistry
- Origins and Transport Pathways of Air Masses Encountered by the Ship and Aircraft during NAAMES campaigns
- Paleo-reanalysis of Arctic Common Era Climate: A statistical reconstruction of spatially- and temporally resolved climate 10-1970 C.E.
- Paleoearthquake Rupture Length and Magnitude along the Central and Southern Panamint Valley Fault System, Eastern California
- Past temperature and snow accumulation at the South Pole from ice-core water-isotope diffusion
- Predicting Reactive Power Loss in Power Grid High-Voltage Transformers due to Geomagnetic Disturbances: Fusion of Geophysical Observations, CLFA Algorithm and Power Flow Solutions using PSS/e
- Quantifying plant-available soil moisture in topographically complex terrain
- Rapid Ross Sea Deglaciation as captured in the RICE Ice Core
- Rapid Shift in Centennial Antarctic Climate Variability during the Early Holocene - New Evidence from the RICE Ice Core
- Rapid incorporation of recently assimilated carbon into mineral protected organic matter of an eroded soil evidenced by field scale soil manipulation, <SUP>14</SUP>C labeling, and sequential fractionation
- Re-Interpretation of Neoproterozoic Sediments of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas Mountains: Implication for the Snowball Earth Model
- Recession Analysis using Water Stage: utilizing the rating curve form without the need discharge data
- Reduction and quantification of forest change mapping error: supporting carbon accounting in seven East African countries
- Reevaluating seismic hazards from new mapping of the Back Butte-San Joaquin fold-thrust belt, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
- Refugee Camps as Climate Traps: Measuring the Enviro-climatic Marginality of 922 Global Refugee Camps with Satellite Time Series Data
- Regional Aridity Drives Urban Nighttime Vegetation Derived Air Cooling
- Regional observations and modeling for evaluating land use strategies to mitigate climate change in the Pacific Northwest US
- Resolving Thick Thermal Lithosphere beneath the Southeastern United States: The Importance of Anelasticity in Synthesizing Seemingly Contradictory MT and Seismic Results
- Runoff and sediment delivery from small, burned headwater catchments in California
- Sensitivity of Seasonal Snowpack Longevity to Nocturnal Cold Content Injection
- Short- and long-term hydrologic recovery after wildfire in the interior Pacific Northwest
- Slide Sentinel: Designing Remote Sensor Systems to Estimate Landslide Potential in Oregon Landscapes
- Soil carbon pools, processes, and vulnerabilities in North America: key findings from SOCCR-2
- Statistically Based Predictive Modeling of Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreaks in Lodgepole Pine Forests of the Western United States
- Structural Controls on Paleodrainage During the Last Glacial Maximum on the Oregon Continental Shelf
- Structural Evidence for Heterogeneous Plate Coupling on the Cascadia Margin
- Supporting Teachers to Identify Natural Phenomena Through the Storylines Embedded in Online Earth Science Datasets
- Temporal Downscaling of Hydrometeorological Tracers
- The Case for Agrivoltaic Systems
- The Effects of Wildfire on Soil Hydraulic Properties and Organic Matter in an Appalachian Hardwood Forest
- The Effects of X-ray CT Scanning on Microbial Communities in Sediment Cores
- The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study: A Multi-Year Data Set of Marine Aerosol-Cloud In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- The Northwest Chapter of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- The Pole-to-Pole Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) of the Americas: Building a Regional Community of Practice for Understanding and Conserving Life in the Ocean
- The Resolution Capabilities of Surface Current Vorticity and Divergence Estimates from a Future Doppler Scatterometer Satellite Mission
- The Role of Radiative Feedbacks in Driving Uncertainty in the Meridional Pattern of Climate Change
- The contribution of geologic emissions, thawing permafrost and methane hydrates to the global methane budget - perspective from ice core records
- The effects of eddy-induced air-sea interaction on mesoscale eddies in the South Atlantic Ocean
- The hidden half: exploring below ground biodiversity and function of deep roots in a dry tropical forest
- The impact of biomass burning aerosols on isotope ratios of stratocumulus clouds
- Thinking outside of the box: How data assimilative and machine learning methods can help us understand the nearshore ocean
- Time-varying emulator for short- and long-term analysis of coastal flooding: TESLA flood
- Understanding airborne fertilization of oceanic ecosystems using MODIS, VIIRS and CALIPSO
- Understanding the Long-Term Evolution of the Coupled Natural-Human Coastal System: The Future of the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Understanding the response of the zonal-mean hydrologic cycle to global warming from a diffusive energy balance model.
- Upper Ocean Response to Super Typhoon Mangkhut from a Profiling Float Array
- Use Cases of Ecological Marine Units for Improved Regional Ocean Observation Data Integration within the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)
- Using Hyperspectral Imagery to Detect an Invasive Fungal Pathogen and Determine Symptom Severity in Pinus Strobiformis Seedlings
- Using Small Mammal Isotopes to Understand Climate and Environmental Changes in Southern California Over the Last 1500 Years
- Using Social Network Analysis to Understand NASA Collaborations
- Using scintillometry to understand MOST validity over a trellised canopy
- Water Stable Isotope Ratios Reveal Network Scale Variability in Base Flow Water Sources in a Western Cascades headwater stream network
- Water level monitoring in different regions of the U.S. using GNSS-Reflectometry
- What Not to Do when Working with a Tribe: Lessons from Ground Zero of Climate Change
- Wildfire and post-fire forest management impacts on soil water content in California's Northern Coast Range
- Zircon Geochemistry at Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge: Implications for Magmatic Accretion at Slow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
- 3D HyperSense: 1-100 meter, Low-Cost Programmable Gantry and Sensor Suites
- <SUB>Evaluating Springtime Atmospheric Ridging Over the Pacific Northwest in the HadAM3p Large Ensemble</SUB>
- A Comparative Assessment of TKE Terms for Two Near-canonical Sites
- A Hydrogeologic Framework for Understanding Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions within the Oak Creek Watershed in Western Oregon's Coastal Range
- A Perspective Change: Soil C Destabilization, not Stabilization, Drives C Cycle Feedbacks to the Earth System
- A Visualization Workflow for Quantifying Parameter Sensitivities and Uncertainties for Hydrologic Models
- A collaborative design and implementation strategy for a geohazards planning and mitigation undergraduate certificate
- A database for developing soil health scoring functions for Oregon agricultural soils
- Abandoned boreholes - additional source for CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions?
- Aerosol impacts on biogeochemical cycles: new insights for ocean and land systems
- Afternoon Slump; The role of antecedent snowpack on midday transpiration declines
- Alternative models of guyot formation on mid-Cretaceous Pacific seafloor
- Anticipating Illegal Maritime Activities from Anomalous Multiscale Fleet Behaviors
- Applying Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Improve Estimates of Hazelnut Transpiration
- Are Cover Crops Improving Agricultural Soil Health in Oregon's High Desert?
- Array Analysis of Magnetic and Electric Field Observatories in China: Estimation of Magnetotelluric Impedances at Very Long Periods
- Assessing the Thermal Regime of the Stevenson Island Vent Field, Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Assessment of a passive microwave based hard snow and ice layer detection algorithm across Arctic Boreal Alaska
- Bayesian Parameter Estimation in Linear Inverse Models: An Application to High-Latitude Decadal Sea Surface Temperature Variability
- Biological control of volatile organic compound sea-air exchange
- Breaking Ground: Automating the Detection of Refugee Settlement Establishment and Growth through Landsat and PlanetScope Time Series Analysis with a Case Study in Northern Uganda
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O in Plagioclase-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Ocean-Ridge Lavas: An Indicator of Crystallization in the Lower Oceanic Crust
- Canopy interception losses of rainfall in North American biomes
- Captured biogeochemical "hidden processes" in a high-altitude watershed during wintertime isolation
- Capturing Illegal Fishing Effort in the Patagonia Shelf
- Carbon Cycling and Microbial Community Characteristics in a High-Latitude Wetland
- Changing Views of the River
- Citizen Scientists and Seasonal Snow Modeling in Alaska: Constraining Model Outputs by Using A New Snow Dataset from Community Snow Observations
- Cold air drainage and pooling in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest: synoptic versus local controls
- Combining Agriculture with Solar Energy for Food, Energy, and Water Benefits: Lessons Learned from 25 Field Studies of the DOE InSPIRE Project
- Combining a stochastic climate emulator with surrogate models of dynamic coastal simulators to drive coastal flood impacts research
- Cometabolic Treatment of 1,4-DIOXANE, Cis-Dichloroethene 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHENE by Rhodococcus Rhodochrous 21198 Co-Encapsulated with Slow Release Compounds
- Comparing 40Ar/39Ar and Unspiked K-Ar Geochronology for Zao Volcano, NE Japan
- Comparison of the water balance in treated vs. untreated juniper-dominated watersheds in central Oregon, USA
- Constraining Lower Tropospheric Aerosol Scavenging using Heavy Water Isotope Ratios in Vapor
- Constraining the Properties of a Subglacial Lake in Northwest Greenland with Active Source Seismology
- Convergence Research and Collaborative Modeling: New Approaches are Needed to Address Complex Challenges
- Cosmogenic surface exposure dating of Cordilleran-Laurentide ice-sheet separation during the last deglaciation
- Cross-Network Coordination and the Ocean Observatories Initiative (ooi)
- Determining the Effect of Topography on Plant-available Water in Steep, Highly Dissected Forested Terrain
- Dewfall and rain wetting dynamics in an old growth Pseudotsuga menziesii canopy: modelling canopy wetness with random forest classification for use with long term climate data
- Did Ontong Java Nui rift apart during its construction?
- Differential soil moisture and groundwater responses to precipitation events across hillslope transects in a California coastal forest
- Direct observations of submarine melt and subsurface geometry at a tidewater glacier
- Discretizing diversity: What do two decades of plant functional ecology tell us about parameterizing plants in vegetation models?
- Diversity Responses to Landscape Change in the Basin and Range Province: Tectonics Influence Macroevolutionary Dynamics and Faunal Structure in Mammals over the Neogene
- Do Marine Plankton Ecosystems affect the Properties of Freshly Emitted Sea Spray Aerosol?
- Do Soil Health Indicators Correlate with the Incidence of Disease caused by Soilborne Pathogens ?
- Dynamic Role of Fire in Vegetation Shift and Carbon Stock Changes for the Conterminous USA Under Climate Change Scenarios
- Earth Observations to assess SDG 16: monitoring terrestrial and coastal signals of conflict in Gaza via satellite imagery
- Earthquakes and Megafloods: Extreme Events Recorded in Marine Sediments of the Pacific Northwest since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Ecohydrology in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: A Convergence of Opportunities for Global Sustainability and Social Justice and Equity
- Effects of an engineered log jam on the flow field across submergence depths
- Effects of drought and defoliation on moisture and energy balances in a tropical mountain cloud forest
- Efficacy of Dune Grading and Grass Planting for Controlling Excess Sand Supply in a us Pacific Northwest Coastal Community
- Efforts to Establish a University-Wide Graduate Learning Outcome to Promote DEI Competency Among STEM Graduate Students
- Encouraging K-12 Math Interest Through Sea Ice Dynamics
- Energetic and thermodynamic controls on the meridional distribution of meteoric isotopes
- Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizer: Potential Impacts on Crop Yield and Groundwater in Tall Fescue Fields of the Southern Willamette Groundwater Management Area, Oregon, USA.
- Enigmatic Seamounts: Investigating Pacific Intraplate Volcanism with Lead Isotopes
- Establishing Reasonable Expectations on the Role of Meadows in Late-season Streamflow
- Estimating future flood discharge in the Columbia River Basin under climate change using an ensemble of hydrologic simulations
- Evaluating the volunteer and scientific outcomes of citizen science programs
- Evidence for persistent benthic hypoxia on the Pacific Northwest continental margin during the Holocene Thermal Maximum
- Exploring Wettability Alteration and Contact Angle Hysteresis in Porous Media Multi-Phase Flow Using 3D Imaging
- Feasibility Study of GNSS-Reflectometry for Tsunami Analysis
- Fine scale UAV based Albedo Mapping
- First Heat Flow Measurements in the Auka and JaichMaa 'ja'ag vent fields Pescadero Basin, Southern Gulf of California
- Formation, flow, and break-up of ephemeral ice mélange at LeConte Glacier and Bay, Alaska
- Framing land change through the lens of annual, broad-area land cover maps for the continental United States
- Fusing magnetotelluric, magnetic observatory and power grid sensor data with real-time power flow analysis: Providing actionable information to mitigate risk to the power grid from geomagnetic disturbances/EMP
- Geochronology and Geochemistry of Volcanism at Harrat Ithnayn, Western Saudi Arabia.
- Geomorphological Controls on Stream Baseflow Recession
- Girl Scouts and GLOBE Observer: Creating a Summer of Science for Girl Scout Campers
- Global Climate Change Forecasting Under Uncertainties
- HF Leaching of Volcanic Groundmass in an Effort to Reduce 39Ar Recoil in 40Ar/39Ar Dating
- Hadean detrital zircons record crustal diversity but no evidence for Phanerozoic-type continental crust
- Headwater dynamics: quantifying spatial differences in flow permanence and network connectivity across diverse landscapes
- Heat flow observations seaward of the Cascadia deformation front offshore Grays Harbor, WA, reveal ongoing hydrothermal circulation in subducting crust and its impact on the thermal regime of the megathrust
- High Resolution Reconstruction of Primary Productivity and Climate of the Central Gulf of California During the Past 7100 years
- Homotopy Data Assimilation
- How cold was Antarctica during the Last Glacial Maximum?
- How long does it take to grow a tree? Evaluating the potential for restoration strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change on stream temperature.
- How to Estimate Statistically Detectable Trends in a Time Series: A Study of Soil Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations at the Calhoun LTSE
- Hydrologic monitoring and morphometric analysis to characterize debris flow initiation at multiple temporal scales in Southeast Alaska
- Hydrological change due to deforestation and urbanization on the West Coast of the United States: Evidence from stable isotopes of small mammals
- Identifying Physical Drivers of Climate and Land-surface Biases in a Regional Climate Model Using Perturbed Parameter Ensembles
- Identifying the organic and inorganic products of incipient weathering in natural environments
- Imaging of mantle electrical conductivity using joint inversion of ionospheric and magnetospheric signals in ground geomagnetic observatory data
- Imaging the 3D electrical resistivity structure of Trans-Hudson Orogen region in north-central U.S. by EarthScope MT array
- Impact of Inhomogeneous boundary on 3D frequency-domain finite difference electromagnetic modeling
- Impact of wind speed, air temperature, and soil permeability on gas transport in the upper vadose zone
- Impacts of Changing Ocean Chemistry on the West Coast: From Research to Action
- Incorporating Stable Water Isotopes into Forecasting Models Improves Drought Prediction
- Influence of Two Hydrogeologic Units on Summer Surface-Groundwater Interactions and Stream Temperature in a Mediterranean Climate Agroecosystem of Western Oregon, USA
- Information Partitioning of SMAP Dual Channel Algorithm Retrieved Products
- Integration of MGS TES FFSM eddies and MOC-observed dust storms, MY 24-26
- InterACTWEL Science Gateway for Adaptation Planning in Food-Energy-Water Sectors of Local Communities: Data, Methods, Lessons Learned and Future Directions
- Intern Experience in the Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE) Program.
- Introducing SOils DAta Harmonization tools (SoDaH)
- Investigating Crustal and Mantle Contributions using Pb and Sr Isotopes in Okataina and Taupo Volcanic Centers, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Ionospheric Detection of Explosive Events
- Isotopic and Hydrochemical Investigation of Surface-Spring Water Dynamics in Urbanized Catchment, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Land use and carbon fluxes from global shifts in food consumption
- Large Scale Sustainable Agriculture is Possible with Existing Technology
- Lava effusion rates and channel dynamics during the 2018 Kilauea lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Leveraging model-generated hypotheses and cross-network observations to understand biome- to global-scale controls on soil organic matter stocks
- Limited carbon cost of fire management in Californian forests: compensatory responses may buffer against long-term soil carbon losses
- Linking upwind marine biological and meteorological processes to local marine particle concentrations with FLEXPART
- Lithology-Mediated Differences in the Physical Disturbance Regimes and Recovery of Primary Production in Mountain Streams
- Long-term Nitrogen Addition Decreases Organic Matter Decomposition and Increases Forest Soil Carbon
- Long-term effects of forest harvesting on summer mean daily flow in the Oregon Coast Range: Alsea Watershed Study Revisited
- Long-term impacts of conservation-oriented soil management practices in Western Oregon seed cropping systems
- Long-term trends in dissolved organic matter from fluvial systems across biomes
- Magnetotelluric imaging under source complexity with simultaneous observations of incoherent scatter radar and magnetotelluric array in the interior of Fairbanks, Alaska
- Microbes help and hinder the stabilization of soil C
- Mixing and reactions: Evolution from the Initial Condition
- Mobilization and fate of rock carbon in contrasting watersheds along US west coast
- Modeling Hydrologic Effects of Urbanization Using a Coupled Natural-Human Systems Model
- Modeling post-storm coastal dune recovery in Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC
- Multiple-Time-Scale Dynamics of Tropical Forest Vegetation and Projections for Decision Support
- NASA Carbon Monitoring System Phase 2 Synthesis: Scope, Findings, Gaps, and Recommended Next Steps
- NASA's Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE) Program: A Mentor-based Model Enabling Diverse Undergraduate Students to Succeed in Space Science and Engineering at Scale
- Nitrogen-fixing trees enhance access to mineral nutrients from bedrock
- North Pacific Acidification Considered for Emergence Timescales and Extreme Events
- Objective Identification of Diseased Plants from Hyperspectral Images Using Machine Learning
- Observation of the lower atmospheric boundary layer with fiber optic distributed sensing on a tethered balloon
- Paleomagnetic, Geochemical, and Geochronological Evidence for Reconstructing a Paleochannel of the Tuolomne River, Sierra Nevada, CA.
- Pollinator-Focused Solar: Observations in a Dual-Use Agriculture System
- PolyWAG (Water Acquired Genomics) System: A Field Programmable and Customizable Auto-sampler for eDNA.
- Potential of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence to Enhance Earthquake Activity along Low-Angle Detachment Faults in Panamint and Searles Valley, California
- Primary and secondary instabilities of turbulent, nocturnal canopy flows
- Probing the nature of the Hikurangi Margin hydrogeologic system - Preliminary results from the SAFFRONZ Expedition
- Pythia's Oasis: Fluid sources and overpressures within the central Cascadia subduction zone revealed by a warm, fluid-dominated, high-flux seafloor seep
- Quantifying the effects of continuous residue removal on soil health indices in perennial grass seed production in Western Oregon
- Recession Analysis 42 Years Later - Work Yet To Be Done
- Resilience of an old-growth coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest, USA in warmer and drier summers
- River network residence time explains bacterial community composition and DOM quality in the Connecticut River Basin.
- Sea Ice Leads as Drivers of Interannual Variability of the Beaufort Gyre in Winter.
- Seasonality of Lower Tropospheric Stability in the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble
- Seismic triggering of shallow landslides - linking threshold mechanics and hydrological considerations
- Seismogenic Zone Characteristics Along the Nicaragua/Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Sharp Turn Ahead: Modeling the Risk of Sudden Forest Change in the Western Conterminous United States
- Significance of Upper-Mantle Geochemical Signals of the Picture Gorge Basalt (PGM) Member in Light of an Extended Distribution and New Age Data Placing PGB at Onset of Columbia River Basalt Group Eruptions
- Simulating water-carbon interactions in a Mediterranean mountain ecosystem using a dynamic global vegetation model
- Slide Sentinel: A Fully Automated, Low-Cost Landslide Monitoring System Using Real Time Kinematics
- Soil carbon, where does it come from? Where does it go? Insights from the long-term DIRT network.
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory: a Hub for Multi- and Interdisciplinary Research on Soil Development, Forest Water Use, and Biogeochemistry in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Spatially Varying Forecasts of Extreme Total Water Levels in Oregon: Drivers and Impacts
- Stable isotope composition of soil water, groundwater, streams, and trees of the California Northern Coast Range
- Stakeholder-Driven Adaptation Planning of Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Local Communities
- Storage conditions and longevity of rift zone magmas at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i: melt inclusion insights from the 2018 Lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Sulfur dioxide emissions associated with Kīlauea Volcano's 2018 fissure eruption
- The Alsea Watershed Study - Original and Revisited
- The Canadian Southern Rockies Watershed Project Observatory; Natural Disturbance and Land Management Effects on Watersheds from "Source to Tap"
- The Entiat Experimental Forest: Evaluating Short and Long-term Impacts of Wildfire on Water Quality and Quantity and Forest Ecology
- The Geography of Exclusion: Assessing Refugee Settlement Presence across Global Remote Sensing-Derived Settlement Datasets
- The HD-YLAKE project: or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Smell of Hydrogen Sulfide
- The Idealized Planar-Array Study for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity (IPAQS) in the atmospheric surface layer
- The Impact of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Soil Porosity in Permafrost-Affected Soils
- The Impact of Urbanization on Southern California Ecosystems over the Past 100 Years Quantified by Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis
- The Influence of Dune Aspect Ratio and Beach Morphology on the Protective Services of Coastal Dunes
- The Kings River Experimental Watersheds: resolving processes in Sierra Nevada headwaters since 2002
- The Link Between Ontong-Java and Louisville Revealed in the West Pacific
- The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES): Overview and Findings
- The Pivotal Role of Heterogeneity in the Persistence of Soil Organic Matter
- The Role of Horizontal Advection and Vertical Flux Divergence on the Temperature Tendency Equation
- The Sensitivity of Clouds to Aerosols: Using a Model Parameterization to Interpret Airborne Observations from NAAMES and Recent Campaigns
- The Short Rupture Interval of The Westernmost Nam Ma Fault in the Past Millennium
- The State and Future Transition of Soil Science in the Alaskan Coastal Temperate Rainforest
- The first five years of the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological observatory (TAHMO): From nice idea to a network of 500+ stations
- The influence of bark beetle outbreaks on burn severity for sub-boreal forests in British Columbia
- The influence of environmental microseismicity on detection and interpretation of small-magnitude ice quakes in a polar glacial setting: quantifying uncertainty
- The transferability of perturbed parameters across different regions and the effects of perturbed parameters on climatic extremes
- Thermal histories of k-feldspar from granites located in the central and northern Menderes Massif, western Turkey: Implications for regional extension
- Thermochronological Constraints on the Spatial and Temporal Growth and Segmentation along 300 km of the Actively Deforming NW Himalayan Foreland
- Three Decades of Stream Equilibrium, Disturbance Response, and Recovery in a Forested Mountain Watershed
- Tropospheric HDO/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Distribution over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean from Satellite, Aircraft and Model
- Turbulence in Porous Media
- Understanding Drivers of Glacier Length Variability Over the Last Millennium
- Understanding exposure, vulnerability, and risks of cascading seismic-tsunami hazards on infrastructure and society in Seaside, OR.
- Understanding the effect of iron availability on metabolite exchange between model grass Brachypodium and Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Helium Ion Microscopy
- Use of 1-M Scale AUV and 1-Cm Scale ROV Surveys to Guide Exploration and Sampling of the Auka Hydrothermal Vent Field, South Pescadero Basin, Gulf of California
- Using Indirect Measurement Techniques to Evaluate the Effect of Nutrient Flow Rate on Biofilm Growth in Porous media
- Using MicroCT to Quantify 3D Zoning in Sanidine: Implications for Magma Reservoir Processes
- Using Stream Bacterial DNA as a Unique High Dimensional Dataset for Understanding Macroscale Catchment Function across Scales
- Using citizen science data to improve modeling of seasonal snow
- Using stable water isotopes to estimate evaporation from a Hazelnut farm in the Pacific Northwest with three treatments of drip irrigation.
- Variability in sediment carbon stocks with tidal elevation, climate, and decomposition metrics in Pacific Northwest tidal marshes and forested wetlands
- Variability in subglacial discharge and submarine melt at LeConte Glacier, Alaska inferred from oceanographic budgets: methods, error analysis & results
- Variation of the mode of slip along the Blanco Transform Fault, NE Pacific
- We told you so 20+ years ago!
- Weak Miocene meridional SST gradients imply wetter subtropical conditions
- What is the fate of snowmelt water in the Colorado Rocky Mountains?
- A Trend Analysis of Nitrate in the Southern Willamette Valley Groundwater Management Area (GWMA)
- A 2700 Year Record of Earthquakes from Snake Monster Lake, Oregon, USA
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A New Approach to the Siltation Problem in the Sand Storage Dam
- A Science Products Inventory: Case Study Applications for Evaluating NASA Citizen Science Projects
- A deep-learning approach to forest disturbance detection using Sentinel-1 imagery in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Agricultural stability explains the location choices of internally displaced people (IDPs) during the Syrian Civil War
- Alternative methods for reducing sediment delivery from skid trails used for post-fire logging
- An empirical 3D model of the ionospheric currents spanning 20 years
- Atmospheric Buoyancy from Ocean Diurnal Warm Layers
- Automated monitoring of sub-decadal changes in glacier covered area using Google Earth Engine and a suite of ancillary datasets
- Autonomous Vibrational Analysis and Insect Behavioral Manipulation With Pied Piper
- Beach dune subsurface hydrodynamics and the formation of dune scarps
- Biome- to global-scale controls over soil carbon storage: divergence in observations and process-based models
- COVID Sampler: Open-source Composite Auto-sampler Against the Pandemic
- Calibrating the Smallest Southern Cascadia Earthquakes with Historic Era Turbidite Stratigraphy
- Carbon losses following a climate-induced mangrove mortality in Brazil
- Challenges and Opportunities in Tracking Sediment-Associated Contaminants in Green Stormwater Infrastructure
- Charting Justice for Refugee Relocation Under Extreme Climate Change
- Clays are not created equal: How clay mineral type affects soil parameterization
- Climate-Driven Changes in Synchronicity of Mainstem and Tributary High Flows May Alter Flood Risk in the Columbia River Basin
- Co-location of Solar Power and Food Production to Improve Economic Resilience of Farmers
- Comparison of Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing and Mobile High-Sensitivity Temperature Probes for Stream and Hyporheic Zone Characterization
- Comparisons between laboratory experiments and a theoretical model of intermittent edge wave excitation
- Concentration of Global Fishing Effort with Climate Change
- Concentration-discharge relationships and the dissolved chemistry of contrasting small mountainous rivers in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Coupling of Carbon, Iron, and Microbial Dynamics Across a Glaciated, High-Latitude Wetland Landscape
- Creating a Community of Practice through scientific teams and support: NASA Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) and Arctic Boreal and Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Cultivating Local Knowledge with Telemetry Monitoring of Traditional Irrigation Networks in the Rio Hondo Watershed, Northern New Mexico, USA.
- DNS study of turbulence effects on hyporheic mixing in aquatic sediment beds
- Deep Learning Methods for Extracting Habitat Summaries from Remotely Sensed Data for Species Distribution Modeling
- Democratizing access to remotely-sensed seasonal snow data with user-focused cloud computing portals - SnowCloudMetrics and SnowCloudHydro
- Destabilization of Long-Lived Hadean Protocrust and Onset of Pervasive Hydrous Melting at 3.8 Ga Recorded in Detrital Zircons of the Green Sandstone Bed, South Africa
- Developing Allometric Equations for Exotic Annual Grasses using Extremely Close-Range Structure-from-Motion (SfM) in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem
- Dewfall during the dry season in an old growth conifer canopy: characterization of a potentially important water subsidy to trees and canopy biota
- Direct Partitioning of Eddy-Covariance Water Vapor and Carbon Fluxes into Surface and Plant Components
- Dissolved Oxygen Over The Oregon And Washington Shelves Observed From Sustained Glider, Profiler, And Fixed Depth Time Series
- Diurnal sea surface temperature drives turbulence in the tropical atmospheric mixed layer
- Dynamic Likelihood Filter: A Data Assimilation Scheme that Exploits Hyperbolicity in Wave Problems to Propagate Observations
- Dynamics of Mangrove Carbon Stocks in the Niger Delta - linking remote sensing timeseries of vegetation structure, loss drivers and in situ measurements
- EPʻIK Summer: Integrating Earth, Planets, ʻIke, and Kuleana into an online summer camp for high school students and teachers in Hawaiʻi
- Eddy Covariance in a Mountain Headwaters: Evapotranspiration Estimates in a Tale of Two Limitations
- Enabling Sustainable Environmental Decision Making Through the NASA and Conservation International Partnership
- Evaluating Fish Rescue as a Drought Adaptation Strategy using a Life-Cycle Modeling Approach for Imperiled Coho Salmon
- Evidence of Entrainment of Particles from the Free Troposphere into the Marine Boundary Layer over the Tropical Oceans
- Existing data suggest that UVA radiation could be the principal contributor to sunlight inactivation of SARS-COV-2
- Experimental study on bichromatic wave runup on a gently sloping beach
- Exploring the Three-Phase-Fluid Relationship Between Capillary Pressure, Saturation, and Interfacial Area for Flow in Porous Media
- Exploring the relationship between submarine melt and subglacial discharge with observations from LeConte Glacier, Alaska
- Extreme Total Water Level Forecasts in Alternative Futures Modeling to Assess Coastal Community Adaptation Pathways
- Feedback Between Coastal Erosion Processes And Landslide Activity On The Oregon Coast
- Fifty years of storm runoff response to forest succession at the H.J. Andrews Forest
- Floodplain hydrogeomorphic connectivity of abandoned channels regulates the content and diversity of dissolved organic matter within sediment
- Fog and low-level stratus in coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations of the northern California Current System
- From Ground to Cloud: Employing the Community-Building Modalities of Citizen Science, Cloud-based Data Tools, and Communication Technologies to Overcome Barriers in a Nationwide Summer Research Project
- Geochemical Constraints on the Hikurangi Margin Hydrogeologic System - Results from the SAFFRONZ Expedition
- Glacial Heinrich events mute water isotope records at Greenland due to sea ice
- Global Retrievals of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence With TROPOMI
- Going With the Flow: Using a Particle Dispersion Model to Reveal Links Between Ocean Ecosystems and Marine Aerosols
- Great Expectations: Deconstructing Process-based Pathways Underlying Beaver-related Restoration to Guide Evaluation
- Heterogeneity or Optimality? Conceptual arguments and field data suggesting evolution of ecohydrological landscapes
- High Resolution Measurements of CH<SUB>4 </SUB>and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N-N<SUB>2 </SUB>in the GISP2 Ice Core Across Heinrich Events H1 Through H5
- Hindsight is 20/20 for the 2012-2015 California drought: Tree-rings forecasted widespread forest mortality decades prior to the event
- How Pseudo is Pseudo-Global-Warming?
- Hydroclimate Footprint Accompanying Asian Monsoon Water Isotope during Last Deglaciation
- Hypnos Board: A Low-Cost All-In-One Solution for Environment Sensor Power Management, Data Storage, and Task Scheduling
- Impact of soil preparation method and shade zones between solar arrays on pasture establishment in agrivoltaics system
- Impacts Of Development And Climate Change At Multiple Scales In Oregon
- Impacts of Forest Disturbance on Evapotranspiration and Source Water Appropriation in a Coastal Montane Forest
- Importance of the Basset History Force in Point-Particle Approaches for Modeling Suspended Sediments in Oscillatory Flow
- Improved Prediction of Debris-Flow Deposit Delivery in Headwaters of the OCR
- Incorporating plant hydraulics improves modeled ecosystem response to environmental stress
- Information based uncertainty decomposition in SMAP modified Dual Channel Algorithm retrieve soil moisture
- Insights on aeolian streamer dynamics from conventional and doppler lidar measurements
- Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Western Climate Science to Enhance Climate Resilience of Tribal Communities
- Interfacial boundaries offer insights to assess (a)biotic mineral weathering
- Interhemispheric Sea-Level Forcing of the Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Ice Age
- Invasive Annual Grass Mapping: Leveraging Land Surface Phenology and Bioclimatic Relationships
- Investigating the Relative Roles of Sand Supply and Dune Vegetation on Foredune Morphology in the US North Carolina Outer Banks
- Investigation of salt-precipitation processes in porous-media systems at the pore scale
- Isotope constraints on moisture exchange processes from EUREC4A and ATOMIC
- Key Mechanisms that Weaken the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Rain Shadows under Global Warming
- Landslide Warning Systems with Short-Term Observation: Using Available Data for Adaptive Thresholds
- Late Holocene (3.0-2.6 ka) enhancement of ocean-terrestrial teleconnections in California, Nevada, and coastal Oregon
- Leveraging NEON soil archives to link soil organic carbon stocks, persistence, and climate sensitivity at the continental scale
- Life cycle and properties of snow and sea ice in the Arctic transpolar drift during MOSAiC
- Linking salt marsh lateral change with vertical accretion: Insights from the Oregon coast, USA
- Loom, A Simple Modular Framework for Rapid Prototyping Environmental Sensors, Actuators, and Data Collection
- Low-cost, Low-profile Dendrometer Optimized for Grapevines
- Mapping landscapes of the displaced: Automating land cover change detection with multi-sensor satellite time series at internally displaced people (IDPs) settlements in Ethiopia
- Measuring Darcy Flux and Transient Pore Velocity: Development of a Compact Temperature, Pressure, and Electrical Conductivity Sensor
- Measuring Tomato production and Water Productivity in Agrivoltaic Systems
- Modeling Diurnal Variation Magnetic Fields for Mantle Induction Studies
- Modeling Dune Growth and Recovery on Developed Barrier Islands
- Modeling and Assimilation of Oceanographic Measurements Collected by Tagged Brandt's Cormorants at the Mouth of Columbia River
- Modeling the effects of fresh water rain flux on convective coupling in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
- Modeling variable dune evolution in Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina, USA
- Molecular biogeochemistry of soil organic matter after twenty years of litter additions and exclusions in a coniferous old-growth forest
- Momentum Transport in Heterogeneous Forest Canopies
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Numerical Modeling of Lateral Erosion During Reservoir Drawdown
- Observations of Stress and Strain at Floe Scale in Sea Ice
- Observed summertime patterns in coastal low cloud frequency for the Pacific Northwest, 1996-2017
- Online capacity building for ocean sciences in West Africa
- Openly Published Environmental Sensing (OPEnS) | Distributed Sensing, Distributed Society
- Optimizing CO<SUB>2</SUB> Trapping in Geological Carbon Sequestration by Reducing Nonwetting Phase Connectivity
- Origin of Mid-Lithosphere Discontinuities in the South-Eastern US
- Peak grain forecasts in the U.S. High Plains amid withering waters
- Perspectives from Citizen Science Practitioners on How Projects Develop Science Identity and Community-Building Among Volunteers
- Physical Modeling on Dune Erosion: Design, Instrumentation and Experimental Observations
- Planetary resilience jeopardized by homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle
- Pore-scale DNS and Upscaling of Turbulent Flows through a Randomly-Packed Porous Medium Using the Method of Volume Averaging
- Potential of Agrivoltaic Systems to Increase US Food, Energy, and Water Security
- Probing magma storage conditions and the controls of silicic magma formation: Tumalo Volcanic Center, central Oregon
- Projections of Future Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns, Temperature, and Precipitation over the Pacific Northwest
- Protecting Valuable Resources in a Multi-Scale Effort in Oregon Through Comprehensive Wildfire Hazard Assessments on the Regional to Landscape Scale.
- Quantifying Sediment Transport Across a Rapidly Eroding Berm
- Rapid basal melting and destabilization of the Dotson Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Refugia from Climate Change: Emerging Concepts and Applications
- RegionGrow3D: A Deterministic Analysis for Characterizing Discrete Three-Dimensional Coseismic or Precipitation-Induced Landsliding on a Regional Scale
- Response of forest soil carbon and nutrients to reforestation and ecological succession at the Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Experiment (LTSE)
- Responses of Critical Zone Soil Processes to Climate: A Meta Analysis
- Responses of evapotranspiration to precipitation events, across ecosystems and climates
- Revisiting the IPCC's "Discernible Human Influence" Finding: History and Lessons Learned
- Role of cyberinfrastructure for engaging multi-sectoral stakeholders in use-inspired and decision-relevant research on adaptation to climate change
- Science at Home: Supporting Families Through Informal Education Providers
- Sea Ice Deformation at MOSAiC
- Seasonal shifts in dissolved oxygen, carbon dynamics, and resazurin transformation along a 12-m long artificial hyporheic flowpath
- Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Forests, Climate Change, and Our Future
- Seismic Wave Attenuation and the EAGBS Model for the MLD and LAB
- Selective Adsorption of Dissolved Organic Matter by Calcium Bridging to Mineral Surfaces
- Sexual Harassment on UNOLS research vessels: Policy Creation, Implementation, and Experience
- Simulating Miocene warmth: insights from an opportunistic Multi-Model ensemble (MioMIP1)
- SitkaNet: A Low-Cost, Open-Source System for Landslide Monitoring and Study
- Situating a STEM Education Enhancement Program in Place and Identity: NASA SEES Mosquito Mappers Virtual Summer High School Research Internship
- Snowmelt supports more of transpiration at the bottom than top of an alpine hillslope in the East River Watershed, Colorado
- Spatial Heterogeneity as a Bridge Between Canopy Turbulence and Numerical Weather Prediction
- Spatial scales of vertical mixing in the lower atmosphere during EUREC4A/ATOMIC
- Statistical Downscaling of NEON Precipitation Water Isotope Datasets for Daily Time Series Generation
- Storage, mixing, and fluxes of soil water inferred from stable isotope composition in the California Northern Coast Range
- Structural predictors of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) at intact and degraded forests in the Brazilian Amazon
- Structure of Arctic Cyclones During MOSAiC and Their Surface Impacts
- Sub-Cloud Layer Mediates Interactions between the Ocean Surface and Trade Cumulus Clouds
- Subsurface structure controls water transit time, carbon transformation, and carbonate weathering at the hillslope scale
- Supersized and Speedy: The Timing and Initiation of the Lava Creek Tuff Supereruption, Yellowstone Caldera
- Sustained Ocean Observatories Initiative Glider Measurements Over the Oregon and Washington Shelves
- Temporal dynamics of microbial metabolic processes under hyporheic fluctuation
- Testing the incorporation of ecohydrological separation into Hydrus-1D using isotopic tagging
- The Complex Relationship Between the Spatial Variation of Wind and Surface Thermal Heterogeneity: Observations From a Highly Idealized Environment During IPAQS 2019
- The Effect of Atmospheric Demand and Soil Moisture Deficits on Tree Growth and Physiological Water Stress: Implications for the Future of Forest Management
- The Fate of Mineral-Organic Associations Within Functionally Distinct Rhizosphere Microenvironments
- The Future of Forest Ecosystem Benefits: Science-Based Management in the Anthropocene
- The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet
- The Potential for Ventenata dubia to Intensify the Annual Grass Driven Transformation of the American West Now and in the Future
- The Varying Drivers and Impacts of Extreme Total Water Levels in the Pacific Basin
- The new Kr-86 excess ice core proxy for synoptic activity: West Antarctic storminess possibly linked to ITCZ movement through the last deglaciation
- The new US Department of Agriculture snowmelt runoff and water supply forecast model for the American West: leveraging multi-model ensembles, evolutionary computing, and automated, theory-guided, interpretable artificial intelligence
- The timing of Cordilleran-Laurentide ice-sheet separation and meltwater pulse 1A
- Tidal influence on ice shelf flow dynamics on the Dotson-Crosson Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Total Air Content of the South Pole ice core
- Toward Understanding the Synergetic Interactions between Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles
- Trends in Lithology Revealed through Three-Dimensional Mapping of Rupture Surface Geometry and Shear Strength Properties using Landslide Inventories
- Tsunami intrusion into a river
- Two decades of dynamic changes on the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf
- Two-Dimensional Strain in Landfast and Drifting Sea Ice Using Space- and Ground-Based Radar Interferometry
- Unfolding the Link between Forest Canopy Structure and Flow Morphology
- Using Community Science to Reveal Global Chemogeography of River Metabolomes
- Using Dupuit's equations to build a topographically based and GIS-driven water table model for estimating water table position and transit times
- Using In-situ Water Isotope Measurements to Identify Air Mass Hydrologic Histories and Mixing Regions in the Southeast Atlantic Lower Troposphere
- Using Measurements of Diameter and Tilt in Antarctic Boreholes to Improve our Understanding of the Influence of Ice Properties on Deformation
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using monazite geochronology to constrain timing of deformation within the Hell Roaring Creek Shear Zone, SW Montana
- Vertical Zooplankton Distribution on Continental Slope off Oregon Coast
- Vertical partitioning of root distributions correlated with ecophysiological characteristics: Initial results from NEON megapit data
- Water Budget of AN Energy Canopy
- What drives variability in nitrate concentration off the Oregon Coast?
- Wind-driven bed shear stress in the presence of dune grasses: implications for species-driven controls on coastal foredune development
- "What we wish we had learned in Graduate School" - a data management training roadmap for graduate students
- 3D Mantle Viscosity Structure in Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models Resolves Discrepancies in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5a and 5c Global Mean Sea Level Predictions
- 3He/4He, CO2, H2O, and the Presence of Primordial and Recycled Components in Loihi Seamount Lavas
- A Comprehensive Geochronology Study of the Rio Grande Rise: Evidence for Prolonged On and Off-ridge Volcanism
- A LandTrendr Optimization Approach for Improved Mapping of Annual Land Cover
- A Magnetic Signature of Heinrich Events from a Particle Size Perspective at IODP Sites U1302/03: Proximal observations on sediment transfer from the Laurentide Ice Sheet across the Late Pleistocene
- A New Approach to Forecasting Dune and Beach Change on Developed Barrier Islands
- A Perspective from Earths Deep Mantle Krypton and Xenon on Evolution of Planetary Interiors
- A Preliminary Record of Changes in Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric OH Abundance from 14CO in Glacial Ice (Law Dome, Antarctica, 1870 AD to Present)
- A Site-Level Integrated Analysis of Agrivoltaic Systems
- A Unified Theory of Variability in Precipitation Isotope Ratios
- A novel method for predicting rapid changes in soil structure and hydraulic conductivity
- Adopt-a-Pixel 3km: Facilitating Collaborative Science through NASA Tools, Imagery, and Resources
- Advancements in ground-penetrating radar for applications in seasonal snow: measuring and modeling average snow density with radar travel-time and LiDAR snow depth at Grand Mesa, Colorado
- Advancing Measurement of Shallow Bathymetry from Space in Support of Coastal and Nearshore Science Objectives
- Agrivoltaic Systems Have the Potential to Meet Energy Demands of Electric Vehicles in Rural Oregon
- Aligning GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper and Land Cover Citizen Science Datasets to Open Geospatial Consortium Standards
- An Affordable Open Source Tree Sap Flow Measurement System Using Flexible Printed Circuit Boards
- An Analysis of Surface-Tile Runoff Dynamics in the Midwestern United States
- An Extension-Induced, Hot-Dry-Reduced Ignimbrite Flare-up in the Cascades Arc: The Deschutes Formation, Central Oregon
- An Integrated Understanding of Oceanographic Stressors and Climate Extremes in the Southern California Bight from 1984 to the Present
- An experimental assessment of the comparative role of combustion conditions, burn severity, and fuel types on post-fire vegetation biochemistry
- Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over the past 1.5 million years
- Applying Earth Observation Data to Forest Restoration Decision Making Through Time-Series Analysis in Nepal
- Applying a Science Products Inventory: Three Use Cases Across Earth and Space Science
- Approaches to International Water Allocation: Introducing the Typology for Transboundary Water Allocation
- Aquatic ecosystem response to fire across a gradient of fire severity and pre-fire stand age
- Assessing a 3.0 1.7 Ma Scotia Sea relative paleointensity record and its potential to constrain the chronology of Antarctic dynamics during the intensification of bipolar glaciation
- Assessing the veracity of Citizen Science data as a method to build computational literacy and big data processing skills
- Assessment of Interannual to Multidecadal Variability in Coastal Flood Risk since AD 1500 over the Western United States using Weather Type Reconstruction
- Atmospheric Structure and Processes Associated with Significant, Multi-disciplinary, Environmental Transitions in the Central Arctic
- Atmospheric gas-based techniques to date basal ice
- Bathymetry and Resolution: Keys to Develop a Channel-to-Ocean Basin-Scale Hydrodynamic Model for the US East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts
- Bias correction and uncertainty quantification of forest carbon maps using spatial regression models
- Biogeochemical Cycling in Conifer Forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA: Long-term Interactions of Soil Nitrogen, Mineralogy, and Logging Disturbance
- Broadening Access to High School Science Research Enrichment Experiences Using Cloud-Based Data Tools, Handheld Mobile Devices and Virtual Communication Technologies
- Built Biological: Indicators at the Intersection of Resources, Environmental Limits and Ecosystem Function in the Willamette Valley, OR
- CMS Maps of Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates Compared to Ground Truth Estimates at Stand, County, and FIA Sample Hexagon Levels
- Characterizing inter and intra annual variability in hydroclimatic extremes: The case of the Tempisque river basin in Northwestern Costa Rica.
- Characterizing the Source of Mineral Dust in Ice from the Allan Hills, East Antarctica during the Last Interglacial Period
- Chemical Weathering in Two Small Mountainous Rivers in the Pacific Northwest, USA from Major and Trace Element Chemistry
- Coastal wave exposure in northern Alaska
- Collaborative Computational Resource Development around ICESat-2 Data: the icepyx Community and Library
- Collapse of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf by intersecting fractures.
- Comparing the Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Harvested and Unharvested Watersheds within the Oregon Cascades
- Complex Collaboration For Understanding Drivers and Consequences of Arctic Environmental Change
- Connecting indigenous stories, geoscience knowledge, and the traditional practice of observation (kilo) to stimulate a more diversified geoscience community
- Constraints on Deep Magmatic Volatile Budgets from Olivine Hosted Melt Inclusions: Integrating 3D Imaging with Chemical Microanalysis.
- Contact Angle Hysteresis in Multi-Phase Flow
- Continental bottom-up data assimilation to support terrestrial carbon cycle and disturbance Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Forecasting
- Coupled Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer Analysis of Single and Partial Orbulina universa Shells
- Creating Open-Source Automated Data Cleaning and Flagging Procedures: Examples from the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper and Land Cover Datasets
- Critical Tokunaga model for river networks
- Cross-scale oceanographic drivers of human impacts on marine biodiversity
- Crystallographic orientation of crystal clusters in 3D using laboratory diffraction contrast tomography: initial tests on Kilauea olivine
- Dammed for 200 years: Biogeochemical hotspots in riparian zones due to milldams and their evolution following dam removal
- Deep Soil Nitrogen Storage Decreases Nitrate Leaching Through the Vadose Zone
- Deformation Models for the 2015-Eruption and Post-Eruption Inflation at Axial Seamount from Repeat AUV Bathymetry
- Depth- and time-dependent responses of soil organic carbon observed by repeated sampling over 60 years of reforestation and ecological succession
- Design Optimization of a Novel Dam Outlet Structure for Exclusive Collection of Sand in Ephemeral Streams Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling
- Detecting Precipitation and Aerosol Removal from the African Boundary Layer during ORACLES using Water Vapor Heavy Isotope Ratios
- Detecting and Characterizing Sea Ice Pressure Ridges with ICESat-2
- Detection of recurrent lead formation mechanisms at Point Barrow with MODIS imagery
- Developing Riverine (234U/238U) Ratios as a Watershed Tracer for Climate, Lithology, and Land Use Conditions: Initial Insights from a Combined Geochemical, Geological, and Geographic Approach in Texas River Basins
- Development of Williams Ridge (Kerguelen Plateau) and Broken Ridge: Tectonics, Hotspot Magmatism, Microcontinents, and Australias Extended Continental Shelf
- Development, validation, and deployment of a Sentinel 1 SAR-based forest alert system in a tropical wildlife sanctuary
- Different Origins of Rhyolite Magmas Reveal Details of Magmatic Processes During an Ignimbrite Flare-up Dominated by Monotonous Intermediates.
- Dilute permanganate oxidizes organic functional groups typically associated with polyphenolic compounds
- Does accumulation of large volumes of silicic magma require prolonged heating?
- Effects of Snow Water Equivalent Products on Streamflow Volume Forecasts and Climate in the Colorado River Basin
- Emerging importance of clouds for Greenland Ice Sheet energy balance and meltwater production
- Enhanced Carbonate Weathering due to Woody Encroachment
- Enhanced Vertical Mixing in the Glacial Ocean Inferred From Sedimentary Carbon Isotopes
- Enhanced rock weathering in agricultural lands for carbon removal: a reactive transport modeling perspective
- Estimating turbidity and total suspended solids of the Peace-Athabasca Delta using multispectral UAV imagery
- Estuaries on the Edge: Sediment Dynamics and Resiliency of U.S. Pacific Coast Wetlands
- Evaluating CMIP6 Model Fidelity at Simulating Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Associated Temperature and Precipitation over the Pacific Northwest
- Evaluating the Regional-Scale Influence of Antecedent Soil Moisture and Shear Strength Uncertainty on Rainfall-Induced Landsliding Using a Deterministic Susceptibility Framework
- Evaluation of Land Surface Model Evapotranspiration Partitioning using NEON Water Isotope Datasets across the United States
- Evaluation of mixing mechanisms in the control of cyanobacterial blooms
- Evapotranspiration partitioning and root water sources in a sagebrush shrubland
- Evolution of Arctic continental shelves: modelling morphodynamic feedbacks to climate-driven increases in sea states
- Evolution of a Subglacial Discharge Plume from Upwelling to Outflowing and its Control on Fjord-Scale Exchange Flow
- Evolution of pulsed magmatism in the Northwest Arabian Peninsula: detachment and melting of lithospheric drips revealed by bulk rock elemental, isotopic, and He-in olivine and pyroxene data from Harrats Ash Shaam and Uwayrid
- Expanding the Humanitarian Horizon: On the Application Readiness of Geospatial Data for Systematic, Anticipatory Analysis of Climate Change Impacts in the Worlds Refugee Camps
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flux Partitioning methods for water vapor and carbon dioxide
- Exploring functional diversity and metabolic capabilities of microbial communities across the continental and marine subsurface
- Exploring the Interactive Effects of Regional Climate and Seasonal Climate Variability on Soil Microbial Diversity
- Extrapolating snowpack properties from small temperature sensors in two watersheds on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
- FloDar: An Inline Flow Meter for Observing Flow Data for Research
- Flood Risks and Governance: Rethinking the Multi-Dimensional Limits of Adaptation to Climate Change
- Forest transpiration dynamics from high-elevation forests: interannual variations, species differences, and landscape scaling with near-surface remote sensing
- High Precision Zero-friction Magnetic Dendrometer
- How strong is ocean mixing in the Pacific Ocean cold tongue, and does it matter?
- Hydroacoustic Observations of Long-Term Trends in Eruptive Activity at West Mata Submarine Volcano, NE Lau Basin
- Hypnos Board: A Low-cost All-in-One Solution for Environment Sensor Power Management, Data Storage, and Task Scheduling
- Ignimbrite Magma Ascent Rate in the Conduit Determined by Diffusion in Banded Pumice
- Illuminating the Cascadia Subduction Zone with ultra-long offset Multi-Channel Seismic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer data: Overview on the CAscadia Seismic Imaging Experiment 2021 (CASIE21).
- Implications of beaver proliferation on arctic tundra ecosystems: a comparison of sediment microbiomes from beaver ponds and tundra lakes
- Improving Crop Yield Simulation by Better Representing the Dynamic Crop Growth Processes and Management Practices
- Improving access to ocean and coastal data: Engaging coastal communities to develop user-defined products through NANOOS - US IOOS
- Increased DOC concentrations and earlier stream flow generation in response to warming in a high elevation mountain watershed in Colorado
- Innovating STEM Workforce Development: The NASA LSPACE Model of Enabling a More Accessible, Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Authentic STEM Experience
- Insights into Landsat, MODIS, and VIIRS Snow Cover Mapping Algorithm Performance as Validated by Airborne Lidar Datasets
- Insights on Muonic Production of Radiocarbon (14C) from ablating and accumulating ice sheets: Revised Production Rates and Improved Estimates of 14C Retention in Firn
- Inspiring Girls Expeditions of Alaska: A model for mentorship and stimulating interest in field sciences for high school youth and early career professionals
- Integrating Physics-based Models and Machine Learning to Improve Snow Density Estimation
- Integrating a Seacliff Erosion Forecast Model into the State of Oregons Climate Change Strategy
- Integrative Molecular Biogeochemistry of Soil Organic Matter After 15 Years of Detrital Manipulation in a Temperate Forest
- Integrative Remote Sensing to Promote Environmental Discovery: The RMBL Spatial Data Platform
- Interannual Variations in Snow Accumulation and Melt Govern Variability in Groundwater Contributions to Streams Across the Western USA.
- Interannual climate variability mediates changes in carbon and nitrogen pools caused by annual grass invasion in a semi-arid shrubland
- Interannual moisture controls on soil CO2 fluxes in adjacent high elevation conifer and deciduous forests
- Interconnected global deep-sea circulation changes over the past 25,000 years
- Interpreting the history of Blood Falls and the terminus of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica through photographs and field observations
- Introducing KARAR: A FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible) 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar Geochronology Data Repository Utilizing the FIESTA Domain Repository System
- Introducing Oregons Research-Centric Agrivoltaics Facility
- Investigating Changes in Single Shell Trace Element Chemistry of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei with Increasing Water Depth Using Sediment Trap Samples from the Panama Basin
- Irrigation-induced landslides in a Washington desert: kinematics regulated by slip-surface geometry
- Is this research? _()_/
- Isotropic and Anisotropic Shear Wave Velocity Structure Beneath the Greater and Lesser Caucasus
- Lamb Production and Pasture Development in Agrivoltaics Production System
- Last Glacial Maximum AMOC: Strength vs Depth
- Law Dome 14CH4 measurements confirm revised fossil methane emissions estimates
- Leveraging Icesat-2 and Multispectral Imagery to Detect Bathymetric Change due to Hurricanes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Linkages between dune morphosedimentary processes and erosive hydrodynamics.
- Linking glacial mass loss to methane cycling in high-latitude wetlands
- Linking large geochemical and geophysical data sets to understand magmatic processes in Cascadia
- Long-term change in river silicon from the poles to the tropics
- MagIC Data Repository Update: Data Translation Script For IRM Data Files Available, MagIC Funded JupyterHub for Running PmagPy Without Local Installation, EPOS-MSL Collaboration is Live, Datasets Crawled and Presented by Google's Dataset Search and EarthCube's GeoCODES
- Mantle processes related to the explosive-effusive transition during the last eruptive cycle at Kilauea (Hawaii)
- Mapping uncertainty in modeled snowpack density across climates and landscapes
- Measurement and interpretation of bubble number-density evolution through the upper 1200 meters of the SPC14 South Pole Ice Core
- Measuring Changes in Inclination and Diameter of Antarctic Boreholes to Improve our Understanding of the Influence of Ice Properties on Deformation
- Measuring Paleo-atmospheric CO2: Improving Precision with Automation and Data from Heinrich Stadials 4 and 5 in the South Pole Ice Core
- Measuring the Electrical Conductivity of Rainfall in Real Time
- Metrics, Measurements, and Methods for Advancing Ecosystem Model Evaluation
- Millennial-scale changes in atmospheric nitrous oxide during the Holocene
- Monitoring at Axial Seamount since its 2015 eruption reveals tightly linked rates of deformation and seismicity
- Multi-decadal CO2 variations from the WAIS Divide Ice Core
- Natural Climate Solutions in Indonesia
- New Approach for Capturing and Characterizing Large Aerosolized Particles in Agricultural Settings
- New Snow Metrics Show Variable Impacts of Changing Climate Across Snowpack Regimes
- Next-generation wildlife tracking devices and integrated sensors for measuring species-environment interactions and advancing conservation
- Nitrogen and argon isotopes in the South Pole ice core record firn temperature change through the last deglaciation.
- Nitrogen inputs best predict farm field nitrate leaching in the Willamette Valley, Oregon
- Not Dead Yet: Physiological Resilience of Pinus ponderosa to Wildfire and Prolonged Drought
- Novel Dam Outlet Structure for Exclusive Collection of Sand in Ephemeral Streams
- Numerical Modeling of Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge: Application of Concepts using the Integrated Water Flow Model on the Toppenish Fan Shallow Aquifer Recharge Project, Yakama Nation, WA
- Ocean-Ice or Ice-Ocean? Exploring the Seasonal Interplay Between Iceberg Calving, Submarine Melt, and Terminus Morphology at a Tidewater Glacier
- Openly Published Environmental Sensing (OPEnS) | Advancing Open Environmental Instrumentation
- Opportunities and challenges in remote sensing-based critical zone ecohydrology
- Paleoseismic Segmentation in Cascadia: Possible Link to Juan de Fuca Rift Propagator Wakes
- Patterns and drivers of fire-feedbacks across the tropics
- Permanganate Oxidizable Carbon Reference Conditions for Soil Survey
- Pinning points in ice shelves: Mountains or mole hills?
- Plume generated internal gravity waves as a driver of melt at LeConte Glacier, Alaska
- PolyWAG (Water aquired Genomics) Opensource 24-filter eDNA Water Sampler - Robotic DNA Collection with High Performance Sample Isolation and Preservation
- Progress and puzzles in the history of atmospheric methane
- Progress in Data-Model Integration for Long Term Carbon Burial Rates in Coastal Wetlands
- Projections of Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Associated Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies over the Pacific Northwest using CMIP6 Models
- Provenance of Greenlands first confirmed subglacial lake: high effective pressures support water flow accumulation
- Putting microorganisms on the map: continental-scale context for thousands of newly sampled microbial genomes from North American watersheds
- Putting the BIO in hydroBIOgeochemistry: current knowledge and future directions of river microbiome science
- Quantifying the Hydrologic Data Encoded within the Stream Microbial Community: an Information Theoretic Approach
- Quantifying the rates and styles of coastal dune growth using observations and a coupled numerical model
- Queer Connections: How LGBTQ+ Community and Citizen Science Volunteers Perceive and Value a Sense of Community
- Radar Interferometry on Drifting Sea Ice: Measuring Micro-Strain, Detecting Cracks, and Supporting On-Ice Decisions
- Rapid postglacial rebound amplifies global sea-level rise following West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse
- Regional Geoelectric Signatures of Southwest North America; A Magnetotelluric Dimensionality Analysis
- Reproducible Science Supported by Python Jupyter Notebooks for Interacting with the Open-Source FIESTA API
- Research and Observatory Catchments: Promoting the Sites Behind the Rich Legacy of Knowledge Discovery and Innovation
- Responses of Soil Organic Matter Molecular Biogeochemistry to Altered Detrital Inputs are Determined by Site-specific Ecosystem Properties: A Comparison Across Temperate Forests.
- Roots as Agents of Rapid Soil Structural Change in the Anthropocene
- SIDEx Observations of Sea Ice Stress-Strain-Fracture Fields
- Sediment dynamics of an Arctic cape and shoals
- Sedimentological Constraints on Paleovalley Formation and Fill on the Oregon Continental Shelf
- Seismo-Geodetic Investigations of Subsurface Properties of the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Simulated changes in recharge to the Ash Meadows Groundwater Basin (SW Nevada) during the late Pleistocene
- Simulating Mantoloking Dune Erosion Under Hydrodynamics Driven by Hurricane Sandy.
- Smart Rock - Low Cost Water Monitoring
- Snow Today at the National Snow and Ice Data Center
- Snow drought reduces water transit time in headwater streams
- Soil carbon accumulation in turf grass: A meta-analysis
- Spatial distribution of C3 and C4 vegetation from 2000 to 2019 in the contiguous U.S.
- Spatio-temporal Response of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter in Five Streams Following a Wildfire
- Stable isotopes contain unique additive information about carbon and water cycles in arid environments
- Strategic Groundwater Augmented Streamflow for Temperature Reduction Reduced Salmonid Mortality
- Structural properties of the Southern San Andreas fault zone in northern Coachella Valley from magnetotelluric imaging
- Subdecadal Variability in Tropical Paleoclimate: Proxy Insights from Individual Foraminifera Analysis (IFA) in Core Tops and Plankton Tow
- Temperature Variability Along an Entire Stream Longitudinal Profile and a Stream Temperature Factor Analysis at the Agricultural Reach Scale in a Mediterranean-Type Climate Watershed in Western Oregon, USA
- Temperature-sensing Genes as a Model for Lifes Adaptations in Dark Ocean Worlds
- Temporal Dynamics of Refugee Camp Establishment and Tree Cover Change
- Tephrostratigraphy of Misti Volcano, Arequipa, Peru: A Chronicle of Multiple VEI 25 Eruptions from the Late Pleistocene to the Mid-15th Century
- The Baffin Bay Deglacial Experiment (BAD-Ex): Spatiotemporal Observations of the Last Demise of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
- The Challenges of Simulating SWE Beneath Forest Canopies are Reduced by Data Assimilation of Snow Depth
- The Chemical Characteristics of Permanganate Oxidizable Organic Carbon
- The Effect of Original Saturation on Residual Nonwetting Phase Capillary Trapping Efficiency
- The First Geochemical Exploration of the Mantle and Crustal Signatures of Young Lavas from the North Rift Zone of Loihi Volcano, Hawaii
- The NASA L'SPACE Program - Providing Authentic STEM Undergraduate Research Experiences at Scale
- The Relationship Between D-O Variability in Greenland Ice Core Deuterium Excess, Vapor Sourcing, and Source Region Humidity.
- The Relative Contribution to Total Water Levels Over Morphological Thresholds along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of Florida
- The ice core gas age-ice age difference as a proxy for surface temperature
- The potential of using in situ cosmogenic 14CO in ice cores at Dome C to examine the assumption of a constant galactic cosmic ray flux
- The predominant control of hydroclimatic conditions on carbon and weathering fluxes at the hillslope scale
- The role of water stress and agriculture in conflict-migration dynamics: an examination of location choices of internally displaced people (IDPs) during the Syrian Civil War (2015-2017)
- The shallow and deep hypothesis: linking flow paths, biogeochemical reactions, and stream chemistry in the Critical Zone
- Thermal Evolution of the 3 Ma to 0.1 Ma Goat Rocks Volcanic Complex, Washington Cascades
- Thermochronologic Constraints for Synchronous Accretion of the NW Sub-Himalayan Foreland by 4 Ma Followed by Distributed Wedge-Internal Deformation: An Argument for Tectonics as the Primary Driver of Himalayan Tectonics in the Late Cenozoic
- Towards Understanding the Relationship Between Coastal and Riverine Processes and Civil Infrastructure in the Arctic
- Towards an understanding of Greenland Ice Sheet Instability Through a Detailed Magneto-stratigraphic and Sedimentological Examination of the Deep Eirik Ridge Sedimentary Record
- Trace Element Composition of Pooled and Individual Planktic Foraminifera from a Modern Oxygen Minimum Zone
- Upper Mantle Seismic Structure Beneath the Greater and Lesser Caucasus From Teleseismic P-wave Tomography
- Using Single-Particle Microscopy and FTIR on NAAMES samples to link the Ocean Microlayer to Atmospheric Aerosols
- Using TROPOMI satellite SO2 observations to inform near-real-time volcano monitoring and eruption warnings by the Alaska Volcano Observatory
- Variable Stoichiometry Effects on Ocean Model Biogeochemical Cycles
- Water imbalances: stakeholder disparities and resiliency in Arequipa, Peru
- What happened to the crust under the High Lava Plains, Oregon?
- When and where do top-down processes govern critical zone structure and feedback to influence climate?
- Whether the vulnerability of climate change solely depends on the socio-economic strata of farming community and how the tradeoff of adaptation and mitigation strategies influence the strategy? - Results from Indo-Gangetic Plains-India study
- Wind-driven effects on spectral amplitudes and seismic detection thresholds in a polar glacier setting
- Zircons as tracers for ignimbrite flare-ups in the Central Andes: Sources and processes of magma generation
- a Continental Scale Analysis of Soil Organic Matter Composition Using Untargeted Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry; Exploring Changes in Composition with Depth and Soil Order
- A 3-D seismic velocity model across the south-central Cascadia subduction margin
- A 30,000-Year Record of Glacial History and Water Balance from Fish Lake, Utah
- A Dynamic Holocene North Greenland Ice Sheet: The Marine Sediment Perspective
- A Meta-Learning Framework for Characterizing and Accessing Training Data for GLOBE Observer Program Land Cover Protocols
- A New Stable Isotope Derived Dataset of Residence Times in North America Biomes
- A Quarter Century of Nearshore-Beach-Dune Observations: Coastal Change in the Columbia River Littoral Cell
- A Recurrent, Unusually Wide Double Chain in the Rurutu-Arago Hotspot Track
- A Synthesis of Tidal Fronts via Radar Remote Sensing at Three Estuary Mouths
- A new plate boundary born as another dies: The influence of the Nootka Fault Zone segmenting subduction processes along the northern Cascadia margin
- A paleo-proxy based reconstruction of still water levels in the San Francisco Bay over the past 500 years: implications for future coastal flood risk
- Acoustic spectrometry of bubbles in an estuarine front
- Advances and Opportunities for Predicting and Understanding Gulf Stream Impacts on Weather and Climate: 2022 CLIVAR Workshop Report
- An Analysis of the Climate and Health Impacts of Harvard University's Building Portfolio: A Case-Study
- An efficient and parameter-free algorithm to delineate slope units for landslide susceptibility
- An interdisciplinary perspective on Greenland's changing coastal margins
- Analysis of AC-S (Spectrophotometer) Proxies for Ecosystem Variables using the OOI Endurance Array off the Coasts of Oregon and Washington
- Analysis of Shear Instabilities Along Flood Intrusion Fronts at Two Estuaries Using Field Data and Model Comparisons
- Analysis of Surface Heat Flux Anomalies to Understand Recent Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwave Events
- Are headwater-dependent lakes the early warning system for climate change, and can we still adapt to avoid collapse?
- Asymmetric Warming with Reduced Diurnal Temperature Range Maintained Soil Moisture in Mediterranean Grassland Ecosystem: Altered Temperature Range is Essential for Predicting Soil Moisture with Warming
- Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeast United States
- Bering Sea Extremes: Atmospheric Circulation Variability drives Anomalies in Air-Sea Heat Fluxes
- Bipolar impact and phasing of Heinrich-type climate variability
- Bringing the Search for Oldest Ice to Classrooms and Early Career Researchers Through COLDEX, a new NSF Science and Technology Center
- Building equity and inclusion for the long term at the Arctic LTER
- Calibrating a proxy for North Pacific marine heatwaves from individual foraminifera oxygen isotope composition
- Can restored floodplain connectivity lead to greater baseflow in a semi-arid, multi-use watershed?
- Cascadia 2021: Developing a 3-D Seismic Velocity Model Across the Central Cascadia Subduction Margin
- Characterizing Variability in the Tropical Ocean Mixed Layer and Thermocline: Insights from Core-top Multi-species Individual Foraminiferal Analysis (IFA)
- Citizen Science-Enabled Tools for the Global Surveillance and Control of Mosquitoes
- Classifying Forest Degradation Using Within-Pixel Lidar Return Distributions
- CoBE Projection: A Tool to Project Health and Climate Co-Benefits of Energy Conservation in Built Environment
- Coarse-Grained Sediments are Potential Microbial Methane Factories in Marine Sediments
- Coastal Erosion Rates of Cliffs on Disko Island, Greenland
- Columbia River Plume Variability in Summer 2022
- Coming To Terms: Building a Better Vocabulary for Richer Conversations about Citizen and Community Science
- Community-driven Action Plan for the Hydrology Section to Improve DEI(Justice)
- Composition of Soil Organic Matter Changes After 20 Years of Detrital Manipulation in a Temperate Forest in Central Europe
- Conditional Emulation of Global Precipitation with Generative Adversarial Networks
- Constraining seismic noise and estimates of sensitivity and orientation as a function of depth
- Controls on salt marsh carbon burial along the Oregon coast
- Creating strategic reserves to protect biomass carbon, habitat, and drinking water sources in the western U.S. forestlands
- Critical Invariant Galton-Watson Branching Process for Earthquake Occurrence
- Critical Tokunaga Model for River Networks
- CryoCommunity: On the need for strategic goals to guide EDI efforts across the polar sciences
- D-O Variability in Greenland Summit δ18Op Controlled by Southern Extent of Sea Ice in the North Atlantic During the Last Glacial.
- Decreasing surface albedo signifies a growing importance of clouds for Greenland Ice Sheet meltwater production
- Designing and Studying Holistic Undergraduate Field Learning Experiences: The UFERN Model
- Detection of forest degradation by selective logging and fires in the Brazilian Amazon Arc of Deforestation based on Sentinel-2 data
- Developing Sample Citation Guidelines with AGU Publishers
- Developing Typologies of River Silicon Seasonality Across Biomes to Understand Controls on Changing Exports.
- Development of ATL24: The newest ICESat-2 along-track data product for bathymetry.
- Development of Real-Time and Data Processing Software for the Next Generation of Instruments for Multi-Penetration, Heat-Flow Measurements in Sedimented Seafloor
- Development of Snow Data Assimilation Systems for Water Resources Applications at Local to Global Scales
- Disentangling Pre- and Post-Fire Land Management on Water Quality and Soil Health in the Hinkle Creek Watershed, Western Oregon
- Dominant Source Areas Shift Seasonally from Longitudinal to Lateral Contributions in a Montane Headwater Stream
- Drivers of Relative Streamflow Contributions and Flow Paths in Mountainous Headwater Streams
- Drivers of snowpack spatial variability in the East River, Colorado: Insights from remote sensing and physically-based modeling
- Effectiveness of LandTrendr optimized temporally stabilized composites for enhancing the Lower Mekong regional land cover monitoring system
- Effects of Boundary Proximity on Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability and Turbulence
- Effects of Forest Harvesting and Different Riparian Buffer Treatments on Summer Low Flows in Headwater Streams of Coastal Northern California
- Elucidating the nature of obliterated ancient crust by studying the geochemistry of detrital zircons in the 3.6-3.2 Ga Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa
- Evaluating the Regional-Scale Influence of Antecedent Soil Moisture on Seismically Induced Landsliding Using a Deterministic Landslide Initiation Framework
- Evaluating the connections between carbon abundance and persistence across a continental climate gradient
- Evaporation Processes in Marine Atmospheric Cold Pools during ATOMIC
- Examining Fine-Scale Greenhouse Gas and Water Isotopic Variability in Shallow Drill Core Samples from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
- Expanding the Utility of Non-Spinose Foraminifera in Paleoceanographic Reconstructions, Insight from Laboratory Experiments and Observations
- Experiencing the Science of Team Science in a Multidisciplinary Earth Science Project
- Experimental and Diagenetic Assessment of the Foraminiferal Iodine-to-Calcium Proxy
- Exploring the role of the Pacific Ocean and Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Late Pleistocene global climate
- Extratropical storms fundamentally shape the maritime surface wind climatology
- FPA-FOD-Plus Dataset: Physical, Social, and Biological Attributes for Improved Understanding and Prediction of Wildfire Ignitions and Size
- Field Observations and Stochasticity of Sediment Transport Rates
- Field sampling procedures to quantify riverine plastic pollution in the U.S.
- Fluid flow within the shallow forearc of the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Seismic imaging, high-resolution ROV mapping, and gas/fluid geochemistry
- Forest degradation rates and carbon changes in the Brazilian Arc of Deforestation using repeated airborne lidar
- From Soils to Streams: Connecting Terrestrial Carbon Transformation, Chemical Weathering, and Solute Export Across Hydrological Regimes
- GLOBE Observer's Earth System Explorers: A Scalable Virtual Internship Model to Engage Emerging Scientists in Open-Source Science
- Geochemical and Thermal Evidence from Pythia's Oasis Seep Indicate Strike-Slip Faults May Regulate Megathrust Pore Fluid Pressure Offshore Central Oregon
- Geomagnetic Network Analysis (GNA) a Paleomagnetic Approach for Regional Synchronization and Chronological Improvement: A Case Study Constraining Non-linear Accumulation Rates During the Last Interglaciation in Cores South of Greenland
- Geophysical Investigations Into the Structure, Activity and Hydrology of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Glacial Fans as an archive of Ice Sheet Dynamics: A Multi-proxy Investigation of the Northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet during Siku Events using Surveyor Fan Sediments acquired from IODP EXP 341
- Glacial isostatic adjustment as a director of ice-age megaflood incision in the Channeled Scabland
- Global reorganization of deep-sea circulation and carbon storage after the last ice age
- High-resolution measurements of δ13C-CH4 reveal heavy anomalies during enhanced CH4 emissions associated with Heinrich Events
- Holocene terrestrial ice mass loss precedes floating ice tongue collapse in NW Greenland - Insights from revised high-precision relative sea level curves and cosmogenic exposure ages
- How much do climate and hydrograph uncertainty limit the performance of a perfect hydrologic model?
- How radiative feedbacks shape the response of the hydrological cycle to global warming
- Human-robot teaming for real-time data foraging decisions
- Hydrologic and Water Quality Responses to Pacific Northwest Wildfires
- Improving Predictions of Global Canopy Interception Losses by Leveraging Remotely Sensed Canopy Structure Data
- Improving deformation modeling at Axial Seamount using bathymetry and realistic magma reservoir geometry
- Improving soil carbon metrics and monitoring to inform management: leveraging carbon dioxide removal on grazing lands
- Increasing wave energy moves Arctic continental shelves toward a new future
- Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Increase Climate Resilience of Native Alaskan Villages
- Inferring Snowpack Contributions and the Mean Elevation of Source Water to Streamflow in the Willamette River, Oregon Using Water Stable Isotopes.
- Influence of a Narrow Offshore Reef on Infragravity Wave Transformation With Comparison To Field Data
- Inner Shelf Current Effect on Bathymetric Rip Current Circulation in an Offshore Rocky Reef
- Innovative Drywell Designs and Applications for Enhanced Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Integrating Chronic Coastal Flooding and Erosion Hazards with Co-developed Adaptation Strategies to Envision Alternative Coastal Futures
- Intrashell trace element ratios in the foraminifera Globorotaloides hexagonus record anaerobic microbial metabolisms in an oxygen minimum zone
- Introduction to the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S): Student and Early Career Led Initiatives to Enrich Collaboration Among the Water Community.
- Investigating Paleoenvironmental Influences on the Magnetic Record from the Pacific Northwest Margin since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Investigating the 4.2ka Event with Methane Measurements from the SPICE Core
- Investigating the homogeneous nucleation of Earth's solid inner core.
- Large wood hydraulics: Using structure from motion to estimate flood depths
- Large-Eddy Simulations for Two Nearshore Applications
- Lava Beds National Monument Cave Ice as a Paleoclimate Proxy
- Lead Isotopic Fingerprinting of Industrial (1750-2010) Pollution in Central Greenland Ice
- Longevity of Large Wood Restoration Success to Improve Coho Salmon Habitat: A 2D Modeling Approach
- LoomV4, A rapid prototyping library for environmental sensing, telemetry, logging, and actuation.
- Low Cost Sensors from TAHMO and TWIGA: Development, Deployment and Governance (DDG).
- MagIC Data Facility Update: Online Editing, Science-on-Schema.org 1.3 Headers, API Improvements, New MagIC Team, Three-Year Facility Grant, 2023 MagIC Workshop, Upload and Contributor Statistics, FIESTA Repository Expansion
- Magnetic Signature of Glacial/Interglacial & Paleo-Redox Variations at IODP Site U1543 from the Eastern Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean: Evolving System Dynamics Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Magnetotelluric Constraints on Geologic Structure and Geochemistry at Cotopaxi, Ecuador
- Managing California's central Sierra Nevada forests for resilience in a warming world
- Map of Incoherent Internal Tides in the World's Oceans
- Mass balance and stability of Western Ross Sea ice tongues by laser altimetry and SAR ice surface velocities.
- Measuring Science Literacy across an Education Collaborative
- Measuring ocean-bottom wave driven dynamic pressure using seafloor fiber optic cable
- Mission Ready - Global Snow Water Equivalent from Space
- Modeling Holocene evolution of the Colville River Delta, AK under sea ice
- Monthly Water Yield Responses to Forest Removal are Controlled by Changes in Evapotranspiration and Soil Water Recharge Rates
- Morphology and sediments of the subaqueous Colville River Delta (Alaska)
- MudMixtureFoam - A two-phase model for dense mud-water mixtures
- Multidisciplinary study of South Pescadero Basin hydrothermal venting reveals a single source for vent fields along the southwest basin margin
- NASA's Prototype Spectral Water Inversion Processor and Emulator (SWIPE): Towards Global Coastal and Inland Water Quality and Algal Biodiversity Monitoring
- NOT EVEN CLOSE: Remote sensing and its impact on humanitarian action
- New Constraints on Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity using a Large Ensemble of Climate Simulations with Cloud Feedback Uncertainties
- New Insights on the Yakutat slab tear, south central Alaska (USA): Sr-Nd-Pb isotope constraints on the Pleistocene Maclaren River Volcanic Field
- New Observations of Plate Interface Depth and Geometry at the Offshore Cascadia Subduction Zone from the CAscadia Seismic Imaging Experiment 2021 (CASIE21) and Comparisons with Existing Plate Depth Models.
- New early Pleistocene atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane data from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica
- Northern Cascadia Subduction Termination and Plate Boundary Amplitude Variations from Marine Seismic Data
- Novel Sampling Devices for Sewage System Monitoring: The Beaver Dam and OPEnS Integrating Sampler
- Novelty does not Undermine Niche-Based Invasion Projections for an Invasive Annual Grass
- Observations of Breaking Wave Energy Dissipation on a Rocky Coast
- On-the-Spot Feedback: Strategies for Improving Scientists' Interaction with their Audience
- Openly Published Environmental Sensing (OPEnS) | Advancing Open Environmental Instrumentation
- Opportunities and Challenges using Observations and Simulated Data for Machine-Learning-Based Retrievals of Water Quality
- Paleointensity Estimates from the Pleistocene of Northern Israel: Implications for hemispheric asymmetry in the time-averaged field
- Particle-Turbulence Interaction of Kolmogorov-Scale Sediment Particles in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence Using the Point-Particle Model
- Pied Piper: An Open-Source Vibrational Camera Trap for Autonomously Monitoring Activity Patterns and Population Distributions of Treehopper and Leafhopper Pest Insects
- Pliocene ice preserved in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (BIA), East Antarctica
- Preliminary Results of a Deeper Exploration of a NW Greenland Subglacial Lake
- Processes controlling vertical moisture transport in cloudy regimes of the Atlantic trade cumulous region
- Progress Towards Configuring the FIESTA Platform for the New KArAr and CDR Data Repositories
- Projections of Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Associated Temperature and Precipitation Over the Pacific Northwest Using CMIP6 Models
- Proxy Potential of Trace Element/Calcium Ratios in Planktic Oxygen Minimum Zone Foraminifer Globorotaloides hexagonus
- Pushing the Limits of Precise Small Sample Analysis of Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes in Calcium Carbonate via Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
- Putting microorganisms on the map: a continental scale context for microbial genomes sampled from North American watersheds
- Quality Assessment and Quality Control of Precipitation Measurement: Procedures, Challenges, and Solution Pathways in the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO)
- Quantification of Zooplankton Diel Vertical Migration via Ocean Color Retrievals of the Particle Size Distribution
- Quantifying Climate Change Impacts on Water Use and Yield of Almond and Pistachio Crops in the San Joaquin Valley
- Quantifying suspended sediment load across the surf zone
- Quantifying the Impact of δ13Ccarb Curve Completeness on Correlation Accuracy with a Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm
- Quantifying the effects of participatory science on seasonal snow modeling outputs using the Community Snow Observations dataset
- Rapid atmospheric CO2 rise during Heinrich Stadials
- Reactive Transport Modeling of Microbial Dynamics in Marine Methane Hydrate Systems
- Reactive transport modeling of enhanced rock weathering in soils for carbon removal
- Reassessing the dynamic and thermodynamic contributions to hydrologic change under global warming: Insights from the CESM large ensemble
- Reconstructing Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during Heinrich Stadial 1 using carbon isotopes.
- Reconstructing mid-Pliocene El Padre thermocline conditions
- Refining Estimates of Pliocene Sea-Level Change and Geographic Source of Ice Melt: An Ice Sheet-Solid Earth-Sea Level Model Approach
- Remembering My Friend and Longtime Collaborator Vijay Gupta
- Removing the Compost Heaps: Water Quality Drivers of Food Web and Salmon Disease Risk Responses with the World's Largest Dam Removal on the Klamath River.
- Response of the Mobile Bay outflow plume to forcing based on remote sensing, in-situ observations, and modeling
- Results from E/V Nautilus Expedition NA128 "Cascadia Margin Seep Exploration": Cascadia Margin Mapping, High-Resolution ROV Multibeam, and Gas/Fluid Sampling
- Revisiting riparian zones: When and where can riparian transformation matter more than hyporheic transformation?
- Scalable Hyperspectral Inversion with Uncertainty Quantification
- Sea Ice Dynamics in the East Greenland Sea Marginal Ice Zone During Summer
- Seafloor Geodetic Observations at Axial Seamount Show a Decade-Long Surge in Magma Supply and a Greater Than Ten-Fold Variation in Supply Rates Over the Last 25 Years
- Seasonal Pigment-Based Characterization of Phytoplankton Functional Types in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: 2016 to 2021
- Seawater intrusions beneath grounded ice at Thwaites Glacier
- Sediment Subduction along the Cascadia Subduction Zone Constrained by New Active Source Seismic Imaging from the CASIE21 Experiment
- Seismic constraints of a subglacial lake found in Northwest Greenland
- Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon and Chemical Weathering Dynamics to Variations in Landcover, Lithology, and Aspect in High Elevation Montane Systems
- Shapes and Voids of Atlantic Trade Cumulus Clouds
- Shear wave splitting and Upper Mantle Anisotropy in the Caucasus
- Shifting Sands: Storm-Driven Sediment Dynamics and the Contrast with Long-Term Averages
- Simulated Assessment of Preferential Flow during Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Simultaneous Winds and Surface Currents from Space: ODYSEA (Ocean Dynamics and Surface Exchange with the Atmosphere)
- Smart Rock: Low Cost, User Friendly Stream Monitoring
- Snow Loss into Arctic Sea Ice Leads: Cold Hard Fact or Red Herring?
- Stability from Instability: Quantifying Total and Pyrogenic Carbon Stocks in Deep-Seated Landslides
- Stream Temperature and Biogeochemical Responses to Disturbance in Forested Headwater Streams in California: The Role of Catchment Physiography
- Structure and Dynamics of Estuarine Surface Fronts: a Comparative Study
- Sub-cloud Rain Evaporation in the North Atlantic Ocean during ATOMIC Campaign
- Substantial contribution of internal variability to satellite-era tropospheric warming inferred from CMIP6 large ensembles
- Surveying the First Year of SAIL Data and Formulating Hypotheses for its Second Year
- Tackling Data Quality and Interoperability Challenges in Citizen Science Datasets: Examples from the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper and Land Cover Datasets
- The COLDEX regional aerogeophysical survey for oldest ice core candidate site selection: plans for 2022/23
- The Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX): Science plans and opportunities for community involvement
- The Effects of Terrain Physiography on Surface Water Source-flow in the Headwaters of a Mountain Catchment
- The Evolution of the Tumalo Volcanic Center in Central Oregon as Recorded in Zircon Ages and Trace Elements
- The Forest Carbon Framework: leveraging Earth-observation data to democratize carbon markets
- The NASA L'SPACE Program: A Model for Creating Successful Pathways Towards More Equitable, Inclusive, and Relevant STEM Workforce Development Experiences
- The Northeast Dip of the Southern San Andreas Fault from Space Geodetic and Seismic Imaging
- The Role of Vertical Advection and Mixing in Estuarine Frontogenesis
- The Search for Long-lived Deep-Rooted Mantle Plumes in the Pacific
- Three Dimensional S-wave Velocity and Discontinuity Structure of the Caucasus
- To be crusted or not to be crusted: Differences in trace element geochemistry between shells of living and dead planktic foraminifera
- Toward a more complete picture of canopy effects on snowpack: combining complementary observations
- Tracking Fertilizer Flushing Through the Vadose Zone Using the Dual Stable Isotopes of Water and Nitrate
- Tracking an ongoing river avulsion with satellite remote sensing and field measurements
- Tracking the effect of Lateral Flow on Transit Times using a water tracer model in WRF-Hydro
- Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Quantitative Data Mapping - How to Communicate Risks to Cultural Suitability
- Two-step Heinrich Stadial 1 and Abrupt Climate Change Recorded in Northeast Brazilian Stalagmite
- Understanding Sea Ice Deformation from Single Buoy Trajectory Stretching Exponents
- Understanding Seasonal Variations of U.S. State Energy Demand
- Using Quantitative Metatranscriptomics to Link Microbial Genes with Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Rates in an Arctic Lagoon
- Using Stable Water Isotope Data to Evaluate Opportunities for Improvement in Existing Land Surface Models
- Validation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Hyperspectral Inversion of Common Water Quality Indicators
- Volcanic Trigger of Northeast Pacific Deoxygenation during Cordilleran Ice Sheet Retreat
- Warming had greater impact than drought or soil nitrogen for reducing Lupine survival in a Mediterranean grassland terracosm experiment
- Water and Generation Resource Integrated Database (wGRID): A Tool to Quantify Water Impacts of Electricity Use
- Wave Transformation and Circulation on Rough Rocky Sea-beds: Initial Results From the First Campaign of Rocky Shores Experiments and Simulations (ROXSI)
- WeatherChimes
- What Are Bulk Sediment Magnetic Records?
- What is the best technique to dynamically downscale regional climate change?
- Wildfire Effects on Catchment Hydrology and Biogeochemical Processes in the Pacific Northwest
- Woody Encroachment increases Evapotranspiration and Groundwater Flow in a Prairie Grassland
- Working toward equitable, accessible, and scientifically valid citizen science: reflections from a citizen science program evaluator
- XBeach Modeling of Cross-shore Hydrodynamics and Morphodynamics in a Shallow Surf Zone
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Allam
- A. A. Arendt
- A. Bécel
- A. C. Aiken
- A. C. Stanciu
- A. E. Andrews
- A. J. Pietruszka
- A. L. Dugger
- A. M. Smith
- A. T. Fisher
- A. V. Di Vittorio
- A. V. Rocha
- A. W. Nolin
- Aaron Donohoe
- Aaron N. Koop
- Adam M. Booth
- Adam S. Ward
- Adam S. Wymore
- Adam Schultz
- Adam T. Ringler
- Adam Varble
- Adrian A. Harpold
- Adriana Bailey
- Adrienne Hoarfrost
- Alan C Mix
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alberto Malinverno
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alejandro Tejedor
- Alex Hall
- Alexandra Simpson
- Alexey V. Fedorov
- Allan Lerner
- Allison Myers‐Pigg
- Amanda C. Spivak
- Amy Goldman
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Ana P. Barros
- Andrea Burke
- Andrea K. Thomer
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andreas Schmittner
- Andrei V. Kurbatov
- Andrew B. Gray
- Andrew R. Mahoney
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Andrew Walker
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Anna Crawford
- Anna L. Herring
- Anne M. Tréhu
- Anne de Vernal
- Anthony A. P. Koppers
- Arial J. Shogren
- Ashley A. Coble
- Atsuhiro Muto
- B. Boston
- B. P. de Sousa
- B. R. Smith-Konter
- B. T. Philip
- Bao Quoc Nguyen
- Barton R. Faulkner
- Ben Kravitz
- Ben Leshchinsky
- Benjamin B. Mirus
- Benjamin D. Santer
- Benjamin Hmiel
- Benjamin R. Lintner
- Benjamin Tsai
- Bhavna Arora
- Biplov Bhandari
- Bo Wang
- Bonan Li
- Brandi Kiel Reese
- Brian A. Haley
- Brian K. Arbic
- Briana M. Wyatt
- Brittany N. Hupp
- Bryson Goto
- Byron Blomquist
- Byron C. Crump
- C. Carr
- C. Class
- C. G. Wheat
- C. J. Davies
- C. J. Gleason
- C. M. Simurda
- C. M. Trudinger
- C. Rhett Jackson
- Caitlyn Hall
- Cara Walter
- Carina R. Fish
- Carl Tape
- Carlos E. Ramos‐Scharrón
- Carol Anne Clayson
- Casey Saenger
- Catalina Segura
- Catherine Constable
- Catherine Finkenbiner
- Celia Trunz
- Chaoqun Lü
- Cheryl Gansecki
- Chih‐Lun Liu
- Chris Polashenski
- Christian Kienholz
- Christina L. Belanger
- Christina M. Aragon
- Christo Buizert
- Christof Pearce
- Christoph K. Thomas
- Christoph Kern
- Christopher Cox
- Christopher Erdmann
- Christopher J. Still
- Christopher M. Little
- Christopher N. Janousek
- Christopher Parrish
- Chuang Xuan
- Clare Eayrs
- Claudia Tebaldi
- Cody S. Sheik
- Cristina G. Wilson
- Crystal Wespestad
- D. A. Butterfield
- D. A. Young
- D. D. Blankenship
- D. Feldman
- D. J. Jerolmack
- D. N. DellaGiustina
- D. P. Winebrenner
- D. R. Bohnenstiehl
- D. Wildenschild
- Dalton S. Hardisty
- Daniel B. Whitt
- Daniel Markewitz
- Daniel McGrath
- Daniel T. Myers
- Daniel Watkins
- David A Hodell
- David A. Neave
- David A. Sutherland
- David Bonan
- David C. Wilson
- David Clemens‐Sewall
- David E. Rupp
- David Gochis
- David K. Ralston
- David M. Lawrence
- David Noone
- David R. Griffith
- David W. Caress
- Dawn URycki
- Deborah S. Kelley
- Deepak Cherian
- Derya Gürer
- Desirée Tullos
- Di Yang
- Diane M. McKnight
- Dominick M. Ciruzzi
- Donald K. Perovich
- Donald Slater
- Dorothy J. Merritts
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Douglas I. Benn
- Duane E. Waliser
- Dustin Carroll
- E. A. Sproles
- E. B. Thornton
- E. Brook
- E. D. Kyzivat
- E. E. Hooft
- E. E. Small
- E. MacDonald
- Eckart Meiburg
- Edward H. Bair
- Edward Kim
- Edward R. Sobel
- Efi Foufoula‐Georgiou
- Ekena Rangel Pinagé
- Elie Bou‐Zeid
- Elisha M. Wood‐Charlson
- Elizabeth A. Barnes
- Elizabeth G. Ceperley
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Emily B. Graham
- Emily Eidam
- Emma L. Aronson
- Emma Lathrop
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Eric D. Skyllingstad
- Eric J. Steig
- Eric Keenan
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Eric Rignot
- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
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- Erin C. Pettit
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- Ernesto Rodríguez
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- Fabrice Ardhuin
- Falk Feddersen
- Feifei Qian
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- Frédéric Castruccio
- G. A. Abers
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- Gabriel Barinas
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Gabriel J. Bowen
- Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben
- Ge Sun
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- Gerhard Wörner
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- Grant M. Domke
- Gregor Luetzenburg
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- Hanchao Jian
- Hang Deng
- Hang Wen
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- Hans‐Peter Marshall
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- J. Renée Brooks
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- J. Thomas Farrar
- J. Z. Mejia
- Jaap H. Nienhuis
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- Jessica V. Fayne
- Jessica Z. Buser-Young
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jianghui Du
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- K. H. Rubin
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- K.J. Jankowski
- Kaden Martin
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- Kassandra M Costa
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- Katherine B. Lininger
- Katherine Todd-Brown
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- Kehua You
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- Kenji Kawamura
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- Kevin A. Reed
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- Khaled Ghannam
- Knut Christianson
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- Krzysztof Gaidzik
- Kumar Sadayappan
- Kyle C. Armour
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- Kyle Frankel Davis
- Kyotaek Hwang
- L. A. Stearns
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- L. M. Burkhard
- L. Ruby Leung
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- L. Vetter
- L. W. O’Neill
- Lara F. Pérez
- Larry A. Mayer
- Laura Castañeda‐Gómez
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- Lesleigh Anderson
- Li Li
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- Linda Pan
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- Luisa von Albedyll
- Lynn M. Russell
- Lígia F. T. de Souza
- M. A. Mischna
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- M. Francesca Cotrufo
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- M. N. Gooseff
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- M. R. Nedimović
- M. Reusche
- M. S. Raleigh
- M. Skiles
- M. Syndonia Bret‐Harte
- Maegen Simmonds
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- Maoya Bassiouni
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- Margaret L. Palmsten
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- Mats A. Granskog
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- Maureen E Raymo
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- Nyein Soe Thwal
- Osamu Seki
- P. A. Ullrich
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- Paul Andrew Mayewski
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- Pieter‐Ewald Share
- Qing Zhu
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- Ruying Wang
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- Saeed Moghimi
- Samantha Grieger
- Samuel Kachuck
- Sandrine Péron
- Sara K. McMillan
- Sara R. Warix
- Sarah Lambart
- Sarah M. Aarons
- Sarah Ramdeen
- Sarah T. Gille
- Sascha Brune
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- Shaun A. Marcott
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- Shreeram Inamdar
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- Skye Wills
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- Sophie-Berenice Wilmes
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- Stephen Po‐Chedley
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- Stijn Hantson
- Sudarshana Mukhopadhyay
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sujoy Mukhopadhyay
- T. A. Scambos
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- Tian‐Jian Hsu
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- Tong Lee
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- W. Rockwell Geyer
- Wei Ji Leong
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