Oregon State University, Corvallis, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Variety of Magmatic Processes at a Mid-ocean Ridge, Evidence Exposed by the Mendocino Transform Fault, Offshore Northern California
- Active Deformation of the Gorda Plate: Constraining Deformation Models and Subduction Coupling With Recently Collected Multibeam Bathymetric, Sidescan, and Seismic Data
- Changing Export Production in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific, Last Glacial Maximum to Present
- Dissolved Manganese and Particle Anomalies Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 4° to 14° N
- Exploring the Oceans for New Hydrothermal Systems: Collecting Stamps in the New Millenium
- Geochemistry and 40Ar-39Ar ages of the Mashhad Ophiolite, NE Iran: A Rare Occurrence of a 300 Ma (Paleo-Tethys) Oceanic Crust
- Hot Springs in a Cold Ocean: Evidence for Abundant Hydrothermal Venting on the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Ridge.
- Hydrothermal Links Between Ocean Plateau Formation and Global Anoxia
- Influence of the Galapagos hotspot on the crustal accretion along the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Integration of a Global Set of Millennial-Scale Climate Records: Insights From EOF Analysis
- Mapping Methane-Rich Fluid Systems Within Southern Hydrate Ridge With High-Resolution 3-D Seismic Reflection Data
- Measuring Longshore Current With Video Techniques
- P-wave Tomography of Hydrate Ridge, Oregon Continental Margin
- Paleomagnetic Definition of Domains and Quaternary Block-Rotations in the East Ventura Basin and San Fernando Valley, Southern California
- Phase partitioning of <SUP>234</SUP>Th and its relationship with acid polysaccharide content in the Gulf of Mexico
- Plumbing of Active Vents at the Southern Summit of Hydrate Ridge
- Polar Motion Constraints on Models of the Fortnightly Tide
- Seasonal Patterns of Alkenone Production in the Oligotrophic North Pacific
- Tracking Sediment Sources to Pacific Northwest Margin Sites through Radiometric Ages of Clays: Ocean-Land Response to Millenial Scale Climate Change
- A Preliminary Look at the NCEX Field Site Using Argus
- An Overview of EPIC2001 Observations of the Cross-equatorial Atmospheric Boundary Layer Along 95W
- An optimal approach to nearshore bathymetry estimation
- Bottom Boundary Layer Behavior during COAST
- Coastal Meteorology and Wind-Forced Coastal Ocean Currents
- Comparison of Hydrostatic and Nonhydrostatic Models in the Coastal Ocean.
- Data Assimilative Studies of Coastal Circulation off Oregon
- Development of a Rare Earth Element Paleoproxy
- Drilling Gas Hydrates on hydrate Ridge, Oregon continental margin
- Dye tracer studies of wind-driven upwelling on the Oregon shelf
- Education and Outreach in NOAA's Ocean Exploration Program: An Example From a Gulf of Alaska Alvin Cruise
- Equatorial to Mid-Latitude Connections in Eastern Boundary Currents
- Finescale Upper Ocean Structure Along 95W Between 10N and 1S During EPIC
- Glacial-Interglacial Sea Surface Temperatures in the Equatorial Western Pacific Using a Multiproxy Strategy
- Heat and Freshwater Budgets in the Eastern Pacific Warm Pool
- Helium-3 and Manganese in Hydrothermal Plumes Along the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Implementation of Energetics-Type Sediment Transport Models: comparing results with LIP data
- Investigation of the Wind-Driven Coastal Ocean off Oregon: A COAST Overview
- Is There a Relationship Between the Caribbean Large Igneous Province and Ocean Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) of the Late Cretaceous?
- Measurements of Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Ice Nucleation by Atmospheric Aerosols
- Mesoscale Bio-acoustic Surveys in the Northern California Current System
- Model Dynamical Balances within the California Undercurrent
- Morphology and Magnetic Studies of the Australian-Antarctic Discordance: an Asymmetric and Amagmatic Intermediate Spreading Ridge
- Nitrate Variability Measured in situ on the HALE ALOHA Open Ocean Mooring: Influence of Mesoscale Eddy Activity on Phytoplankton Community Dynamics
- Observations of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flow Across the North Side of the Cold Tongue in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Optical Measurements of Low Frequency Cross-Shore Flows
- Quantifying the Effects of Small-Scale Processes on the Circulation of the Coastal Ocean
- Sediment Transport Predicted by a Quasi two-Dimensional Boundary Layer Model
- Temporal Changes in Melting Beneath the Australian-Antarctic Discordance Since the Miocene
- The Changing Nature of the Hawaiian Hotspot in the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary: Evidence From Helium Isotopes and Melt Inclusion Compositions
- The Structural Evolution of the Gorda "Plate": Destruction of a Plate Fragment Prior to Subduction in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- The determination of bottom friction using data assimilation methods
- The linear instability characteristics of the coupled wave-current system in the nearshore
- Three-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Flow near a Continental Shelf Submarine Bank
- Tidal Currents on the Central Oregon Shelf: Models, Data, and Assimilation
- Trends in the Zonal Winds over the Southern Ocean from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and Scatterometers
- Age Progression and Changes in Mantle Source Composition With Time in the Rano Rahi Seamount Field, East Pacific Rise Flank, 15° -{19° S
- Cobb Hotspot Volcanism Prior to 7 Million Years ago
- Constraints on Gas Hydrate Dynamics at the Southern Summit of Hydrate Ridge Based on Dissolved Chloride Data
- Distribution of Recent Volcanism and Morphology of Volcanic Features in the GLIMPSE Study Area west of the East Pacific Rise
- Emplacement and Modification of the Autumn 2000 Po River Flood Deposit
- Evaluation of snow process over short vegetation in land surface modeling
- High H<SUB>2</SUB>O in MORB From Gakkel Ridge
- High sensitivity in-situ analysis of light lithophile (Li, Be, B) and alkali (Rb, Cs) elements by laser ablation magnetic sector ICP-MS: application to back arc basin magmatism
- Holocene History of Great Earthquakes in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Based on the Turbidite Event Stratigraphy
- Last Glacial Maximum Sea-Surface Temperatures - Sensitivity to Uncertainties and Change in the Tropical and Subtropical Ocean: Modeling results
- Lithostatic Gas Pressures and Venting at Southern Hydrate Ridge
- Nocturnal Katabatic Air Flow in a Forested Watershed: Measurements and Modeling
- Reconstruction of Pacific-Nazca Plates, Nazca Ridge, and Easter Seamount Chain
- Sediment Accumulation Along the Italian Adriatic Coast
- Stratigraphic and Structural Evolution of South Hydrate Ridge
- Stress Orientations and Constraints on the Magnitudes of In Situ Strength of Hydrate Bearing Sediments - Evidence from Borehole Breakouts at ODP Leg 204 Sites, Hydrate Ridge
- The Global S<SUB>1</SUB> Ocean Tide
- A High-Resolution, Holocene Climate Record From the N Iceland Shelf: Benthic and Planktonic Mg/Ca and d18O Records on a Radiocarbon, Tephrochronology and Paleomagnetic Chronostratigraphy
- A Non-Linear Inversion for the Global 3-D Electrical Conductivity Distribution in the Upper to Mid-Mantle
- A Reconstruction of Millennial-scale Changes in Sub-surface Watermasses Off of Central Chille
- A Web-Based Climatology of Global Ocean Winds
- AVHRR Observations of the Aerosol Indirect Effect for Summertime Stratiform Clouds in the Northeastern Atlantic
- Abiotic Organic Chemistry in Hydrothermal Systems.
- Adult-Rated Oceanography Part 1: A Project Integrating Ocean Sciences into Adult Basic Education Programs.
- Adult-Rated Oceanography Part 2: Examples from the Trenches
- Antarctic Timing of Surface Water Changes off Chile and Patagonian Ice-sheet Response Based on ODP Site 1233
- Barium Geochemistry of a Marginal Cold-seep Basin: Abundance and Provenance of Total Barium and Barite in the San Clemente Basin.
- Bedform Migration and Bed Envelope Statistics
- Changing Water Vapor Transport Across the Panama Isthmus: A Role for the Tropics in Global Climate Variability?
- Continental and Marine Climate Records from Chile and the Southeast Pacific: Joint Pollen, Oxygen Isotope, and Radiolaria Records from ODP Sites 1233 and 1234
- Continental and marine climate records from the Southeast Pacific as inferred from Radiolaria and pollen records from 0 to 90ka at ODP Site 1233
- Cryptic Striations in the Indian Ocean Mantle Revealed by Hf Isotopes in Southeast Indian Ridge MORB Glasses
- Developing a Holocene Chronostratigraphic Template for the North Atlantic: Paleomagnetic, Radiocarbon and Tephra chronostratigraphies from Iceland (MD99-2269) and East Greenland (MD99-2322)
- Development of Nested Modeling in the Modular Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion Software (MEMIS) System: A New Software Tool for EARTHSCOPE
- Does Barite Form in the Oceanic Water Column?
- Error Analysis of Estimated Means and Horizontal Gradients of Scalar Variables
- Evaluating the Mn/Ca Ratio of Foraminiferal Calcite Determined by Flow-Through ICP-MS as a Proxy for Terrigenous Input, Upwelling, and Carbon Rain Rate
- Fission of Internal Solitary Waves from a Decelerating Density Front
- Forcing a Three-Dimensional, Hydrostatic Primitive-Equation Model for Application in the Surf Zone.
- Formation and Preservation of Authigenic Metal Sedimentary Signatures: Carbon Cycle Proxies and Insights from Transition Element Stable Isotopes
- Global Distribution of Microbial Alteration of the Ocean Crust
- High-Resolution Holocene Records of Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic Variability from the Southern Alaskan Continental Margin
- Instabilities Along a Coastal Downwelling Front
- Linking Global Climates Between Hemispheres and Ocean Basins: Millennial-Scale Temperature and Isotopic Variability of Intermediate and Mid-Depth Watermasses of the Equatorial and Southeast Pacific.
- Long-term Observations of Crater Lake, Oregon: Energy, Carbon, and Nutrient Cycles in an Ultra-oligotrophic Ecosystem
- MODIS Observations of Ship Tracks: The Response of Marine Stratus to Smoke Particles
- Medusa-Isosampler: A modular, network-based observatory system for combined physical, chemical and microbiological monitoring, sampling and incubation of hydrothermal and cold seep fluids
- Modeling and Understanding Remotely Forced Rip Current Systems at the Nearshore Canyon Experiment (NCEX)
- Modeling bottom mixed layer variability on the mid-Oregon shelf during summer upwelling
- Numerical Model Simulations of Circulation over the Continental Shelf off Northern California
- Observations of a semi-permanent rip current system during NCEX
- Offshore Directed Flows in the Surf Zone From Video
- On-Line Isotopic Analysis of Soil-Respired CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Optical Remote Sensing of the Nearshore: The Argus Program
- Paleomagnetic Definition of Crustal Segmentation, Quaternary Block Rotations and Limits on Earthquake Magnitudes in Northwestern Metropolitan Los Angeles
- Paleomagnetic Results From ODP Leg 202: The Chilean Margin Sites
- Petrology and Geochemistry of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Progress in the Application of Tangent Linear and Adjoint Models for Predictability Studies in the Coastal Ocean.
- Remote Sensing of Radiation Stress Gradients from NCEX Optical Imagery
- Sediment Proxies of Quaternary Glacial Dynamics in the Gulf of Alaska Region
- Storms in the Sargasso Sea: Rapid Particle Export and DIC Drawdown
- Submerged Shorelines of Pilgrim Banks and the Northern Channel Islands, Southern California Continental Borderland, as Vertical Tectonic Strain Markers
- Temporal Variations in Flow Velocity and Temperature of Hydrothermal Fluids at Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Ogasawara Arc, Western Pacific
- The All-Atlantic Temperature-Salinity-Pressure Relation and Regionally Variable Orthobaric Density
- The Formation and Maintenance of Finescale Planktonic Structure in the Upper Ocean: Evaluating the Balance Between Vertical and Horizontal Processes
- The Medusa Sea Floor Monitoring System
- Turbulence and Mixing in the Columbia River Plume
- Variability of Southern Valu Fa Ridge Magmatic Systems
- Wind-driven coastal circulation response to the presence of a shallow submarine bank
- Winds and Ice Motion in Nares Strait and Smith Sound From a Regional Mesoscale Model and Satellite Observations
- A Decade of Ground-Air Temperature Tracking at Emigrant Pass Observarory, Utah
- Abrupt Shifts in the Position of the North Magnetic Pole From Arctic lake Sediments: Relationship to Archeomagnetic Jerks
- An Observational Study of East Pacific Intraseasonal Variability During Boreal Summer
- Analysis of Evaporative Flux Over Irrigated and Unirrigated Pasture in the Wood River Basin
- CO2 Clouds, CAPE and convection on Mars: Observations and General Circulation Modeling
- Controls on Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Alkenone-Producing Algae: Field Evidence
- Cooling of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific in Response to a Slow-Down of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Effective Elastic Thickness Of The India Plate From Receiver Function Imaging, Gravity Anomaly And Numerical Modelling
- Effects of Threshold Cloud Retrievals on Estimates of the Aerosol Indirect Radiative Forcing
- Establishing the Temporal Resolution of High-Latitude Paleoclimatic and Paleomagnetic Signals in Bioturbated Gulf of Alaska Continental Margin Sediments
- Evidence for the Decoupling of Stress Above and Beneath the Main Himalayan Thrust
- Fluid flow rate, temperature and heat flux at Mohns Ridge vent fields: evidence from isosampler measurements for phase separated hydrothermal circulation along the arctic ridge system
- Geochemistry of Seamounts Between the East Lau Spreading Center and Tonga Arc
- Geometry and Characteristics of the Main Himalayan Thrust in Nepal/Tibet Revealed by the Hi-CLIMB Seismological Experiment
- High Resolution Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Records From the Eastern and Western Canadian Arctic
- High-resolution Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Records from Iceland: Towards Marine - Terrestrial Synchronization
- Holocene Paleoceanography of the Southeast Greenland Shelf
- IODP Expedition 303 (North Atlantic): Excursions and Reversals in the Brunhes and Matuyama Chrons
- Late Brunhes Polarity Excursions and Sedimentation Patterns on the Eirik Drift (North Atlantic)
- Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix Mission Landing Site Selection
- Millennial-Scale Variations of Nitrogen Isotopes and Export Proxies in the Subarctic Pacific During MIS 3: Evidence for an Oceanic Fertility Switch?
- Nitrogen Fixation in Summertime Surface Waters of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- Optimizing the Depth-Age Transformation
- Past Productivity Variations in the California Current Upwelling System: 0-60 ka BP.
- Project Hi-CLIMB: A Synoptic View of the Himalayan Collision Zone and Southern Tibet
- Satellite Measurements of Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
- Southern ocean controls on the extent of denitrification in the southeast Pacific (ODP Site 1234)
- Space-borne Observations of Aerosols
- Storm Zones on Mars: Analyses of MGS TES Temperature Data
- Structural Evidence from Dall Bank of Miocene Continental Rifting in the Southern California Continental Borderland
- Surface and Space-based Estimates of the Surface Radiation Budget for the Northeastern Pacific
- The NSF Laboratory for Ocean Observatories Knowledge INtegration Grid (LOOKING)
- Tree-rings and Borehole Temperatures: Complementary Estimates of Extratropical Northern Hemispheric Warming
- Two Vent Fields Discovered at the Ultraslow Spreading Arctic Ridge System
- U-series Disequilibria in Continental Arcs: NE Japan Case
- Upper and Lower Jaramillo Polarity Transitions Recorded in North Atlantic Sediments From IODP Exp. 303
- Using Ship Tracks to Characterize the Effects of Haze on Cloud Properties
- Variational Data Assimilation and the Indirect Representer Method: Application to crustal geodynamics
- Variational Data Assimilation for Short-Term Dynamical Processes in Earth
- Western Pacific modulation of large phytoplankton blooms in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific
- What can Fe Isotopes in Anoxic Environments Tell us About the Rise of Oxygen in the Coupled Land-Ocean-Atmosphere System? - Clues From the Black Sea
- A 50-year Reconstructed Time Series of Nares Strait Winds
- A Helium Isotope Perspective on Mantle Sources for Basaltic Volcanism in the Northwestern US
- A High-Resolution Holocene Speleothem Record From Southwestern Oregon, USA
- A Non-linear Conjugate Gradient Numerical Inverse Solution for the Problem of 3-D Global Electromagnetic Induction
- A Thirty-Year Perspective on Washington Continental-Shelf Sedimentation: The Impact of Recent Environmental Changes
- A temporary broadband seismic array in Southern Tibet
- Altitudes for Marine Stratocumulus Derived From the CALIPSO Lidar and MODIS Data
- Bar Behavior and Sediment Movement during CROSSTEX
- Boundary Conditions for a Nested Model of the Oregon Coastal Transition Zone
- Carbon Cycle Dynamics in the Labrador Sea During the Spring to Summer Phytoplankton Bloom
- Carbon sources and fates in the Gulf of Papua
- Characterization of Phytoplankton's Role in Marine Biogeochemical Cycles: A Need to go Beyond Biomass and Productivity
- Coastal Applications for High-Resolution Altimetry
- Combined Fe-S stable isotopes in modern anoxic environments and the effect of Fe versus S limitation
- Comparisons of Inclination-only Statistical Methods
- Control of Atmospheric CO2 by the Ocean's Biological Pump and Shelf-Basin Fractionation
- Coretop Perspective on Alkenone Signatures Preserved Beneath Inland Waters of SE Alaska
- Cretaceous Anoxic Event 1a Linked with Submarine Plateau Volcanism: Geochemical Evidence from Marine Sedimentary Sections
- Deployment and Testing of the Third-generation Tool to Determine In-situ Temperatures While Piston Coring During Scientific Ocean Drilling
- Development of Variational Data Assimilation for Active Tectonics Studies
- Distribution and Origin of Organic Matter Preserved in Modern Surface Sediments throughout Coastal SE Alaska
- Do Continental Shelf Strata Contain Evidence of Rapid Late 20th Century Glacial Melting and Increased Runoff in Alaska?
- Earthquake Risk Analysis and Science for Peace in Western/ Kashmir Himalayas - A Road Map for Transnational Subsurface Earth Imaging
- Effects of surface-gravity waves on inner-shelf circulation along the central Oregon coast during summer.
- Establishing and characterizing modern depositional analogues for Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the Gulf of Alaska region
- First Assessment of the Importance of Land-Derived vs. Marine Organic Matter in Surface Sediments From Hudson Bay
- Flood Deposition Analysis of Northern California's Eel River (Flood- DANCER)
- Geochemical proxies of North American freshwater routing during the Younger Dryas
- Global observations of westward energy propagation in the ocean: Rossby waves or nonlinear eddies?
- Grain size variation of sediments from Expedition 311
- Heat flow in the outer Cascadia accretionary complex from boreholes and BSRs
- High Resolution Measurements of Beach Face Morphology Using Stereo Video Cameras
- High-Resolution Fields of Sea Surface Height (SSH) and Surface Velocity
- High-resolution Holocene Paleooceanographic and Paleoclimatic Records from Iceland: Land Sea Correlation
- Integration of MGS Observations of the 2001 Global Dust Storm on Mars
- Interpreting oceanic horizontal fine- and microstructure
- Joint Inversion for Earthquake Locations and 2D Velocity Structure Beneath Southern Tibet
- Large Oxygen Fluctuations in the Indian and Pacific Oceans Caused by Millennial-Scale Variations of North Atlantic Deep Water During the Last Glacial Period
- Late Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Northeast Pacific Ocean Based on Diatom Transfer Functions
- MODIS Observations of Marine Stratocumulus Polluted by Ships
- Millennial- to Centennial-Scale Changes in Earth's Magnetic Field Intensity and Direction From High Resolution Marine and Lacustrine Sedimentary Records: Implications for a Geomagnetism-Climate Relationship?
- Model estimates of air-sea fluxes in the northwestern subtropical North Atlantic
- Multi-sensor Observations of Hurricanes During 2003: Collocated Retrievals of Rain and Rain-Corrected Near-Surface Wind from the SeaWinds Scatterometer and AMSR
- Nearshore Circulation: Forcing, Response, and Data
- Nesting and Evaluation of a Coastal Ocean Modeling System along the Oregon Coast
- Observations of the poleward undercurrent in the California Current System, 1995-2005
- Oligocene intrusions in the central Coast Range of Oregon: New insight into the Tertiary magmatic evolution of western Oregon
- Optical Estimation of Swash Zone Sediment Transport
- Overestimation of Cloud Cover in the MODIS Cloud Product
- Paleomagnetic Dating of Holocene Rapidly Deposited Layers From the Saguenay Fjord, Quebec, Canada
- Radiocarbon Dating of Intertidal and Subtidal Fossils to Constrain Vertical Motion of Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Paleoshorelines, California Continental Borderland
- Receiver Function Images of the Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of Southern Tibet
- Repeat Temperature Measurements in Borehole GC-1, Northwest Utah: Confirming the Link Between Transient Subsurface Temperature and Surface Temperature Change
- Representer-based variational data assimilation in a model of nonlinear currents in the nearshore surf zone
- Satellite Altimeter Measurements of Eddy Variability in the Ocean
- Satellite Fingerprinting of Ecological Determinants of Diazotrophic Surface Blooms in the NPSG
- Sensitivity of 2D Circulation to Longshore Bathymetric Variability
- Source heterogeneity and melting conditions along the Southeast Indian Ridge: A U-series disequilibria perspective
- Source, Transport and Fate of Terrestrial Organic Carbon on the Western Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Lions, France.
- Sources of Contamination in Sedimentary Relative Paleointensity Records: Comparison of Site U1308 (North Atlantic) with Other Matuyama-Brunhes Records
- The Ar-Nd Isotopic Fingerprinting Technique: Provenance Applications to Fine-Grained Fluvial and Marine Sediment
- The Behavior of Aerosols Near Clouds
- The Effect of Grain-Size on the Erodibility of Bottom Sediments
- The Maximum Likelihood Solution for Inclination-only Data
- The Mean and Beyond: Anomalous Bio-Physical Conditions Along the Northern California Current System
- The Mn/Ca Ratio of Planktonic Foraminiferal Calcite Determined by Flo-Thru as a Proxy for Terrigenous Input, Carbon Rain and Mixed Layer Depth
- The Return of Pacific Waters to the Upper Layers of the Central Arctic Ocean
- The Role of 2D Circulation in Sand Bar Migration
- The Role of Submarine Canyons in the Development of Large-scale Shoreline Features
- The Role of the Benthic Boundary Layer in Frontal Stability and Cross-shelf Exchange: An Idealized Model of the East Coast of the United States
- The Roughage Effect of Dust on Carbon Assimilation in Grazers, and Potential Implications for Atmospheric CO2
- Time Scale of Magma Mixing Determined From Olivine Speedometry at Williams Crater, Crater Lake, OR
- Wave-Current Interactions at the Mouth of the Columbia River
- 4500 Years of Annual Sediment Accumulation Recorded in Lower Murray Lake in the Canadian High Arctic
- A Cross-Site Evaluation of Alternative FPAR Products for Use in Diagnostic Carbon Flux Models
- A parallel Atmosphere-Ocean Global Circulation Model of intermediate complexity for Earth system climate research
- Analysis and 3-D inversion of EarthScope magnetotelluric data : some preliminary results
- Analyzing Surface Solar Flux Data in Oregon for Changes Due to Aerosols
- Antarctic Ocean Tides from GRACE Intersatellite Tracking Data and Hydrodynamic Assimilation
- Changes in Aerosol and Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects Near Clouds
- Climatic and Tectonic Signals in Turbidite Systems off Western North America
- Complex Tectonics of an Oceanic Transform Fault: Segmentation of the Blanco Transform Fault Zone from Earthquake Analysis
- Correlation of Sr, Nd, Pb and He Isotopic Variation With Ridge Segmentation: Interaction Between the Southeast Indian Ridge (77-88°E) and the Amsterdam/St. Paul Hotspot
- Davidson Seamount: A Volcano Slowly Built on an Abandoned Spreading Center
- Different Methane Sources Feed Cold Seeps Along the Northeast Pacific Margin
- Dynamic Paleoceanographic History of the Eastern Tropical Pacific - Is the confusion clearing?
- EMSCOPE - Electromagnetic Component of EarthScope Backbone and Transportable Array Experiments 2006-2008
- ERESE: An online forum for research-based earth science inquiry
- Education and Professional Outreach as an Integrated Component of Science and Graduate Education
- Effects of Seafloor Temperature on the Distribution of Methane Hydrate
- Effects of Solar Heating on the Indirect Effect of Aerosols as Deduced from Observations of Ship Tracks
- Environmental magnetic and physical grain size data of surface sediments across a variety of depositional environments in the Gulf of Alaska region
- Estimates of Methane Production Rates Based on d13C of the Residual DIC in Pore Fluids from the Cascadia Margin
- Field and Laboratory Investigations of Coastal Dune Morphodynamics
- Fine scale control of microbial communities in deep marine sediments that contain hydrates and high concentrations of methane
- FlashMap: A Versatile and Intuitive Web-based User Interface for Rich Heterogeneous Geospatial Data
- Flow-Through Leaching of Marine Barite: New Insights on its Composition and Diagenesis
- Geochemical Evidence for Gas Hydrates in the Indian Ocean
- Geothermics of Climate Change: Linking Ground and Air Temperature Change Through Repeat Temperature Measurements in Boreholes From Northwest Utah
- Glacial-interglacial changes in sediment source to the Meiji sediment deposit in the North Pacific Ocean using Ar and Nd isotopic fingerprints: A drift deposit or a displaced Yukon River submarine fan?
- Growth-Phase Dependence of Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Long-Chain Alkenones from Emiliani huxleyi
- High Quality Proxy Data From Foraminiferal Calcite Using Flow-Through Time Resolved Analysis
- Insights into signal and noise in long period MT data from multi-station processing of EarthScope arrays
- Investigating Slow Slip: Development of an Adjoint-Based, Time-Dependent Inversion Scheme
- Objectively Derived Age Models for Marine Isotope Stage 3 Paleoclimate Records From Ice, Land and Sea
- Observations on the Sediment Magnetic Acquisition Process from Multicores Collected From the SE Alaska Margin
- Origin of Volcanic Seamounts Offshore California Related to Interaction of Abandoned Spreading Centers with the Continental Margin
- Oxygen isotopes of Pacific seawater, 0-40 kyr, based on d18O and Mg/Ca of benthic and planktic foraminifera: relation to deglacial sealevel rise.
- Pacific circulation during the middle Miocene climate transition (12-17 Ma)
- Possible Earthquake Generated Turbidites along the Sumatra Margin
- Post-Earthquake Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Survey of 6400 sq. km. of the Accretionary Complex / Forearc in the Area of the Main 12 Sept. 07 Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Reconstructing Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation From High Arctic Sediments
- Relating Soil CO2 Efflux and Root Respiration to Climate and Canopy Gas Exchange in Mature Ponderosa Pine
- Seamounts, knolls and petit spots on the NW Pacific Plate represent intra-plate volcanism from the Cretaceous to present
- Sedimentary Redox Conditions, Biogenic Production, and Oxygenation of Southeast Pacific Intermediate Waters Over the Past 30 ky.
- Snow Peak, OR: Miocene and Pliocene Tholeiitic Volcanism in the Cascadia Forearc
- Snow and Ground Temperature
- Spatial and Continuous Observations of Stream Hydrodynamics and Bedload Transport From Spectral Analysis of River Induced Seismic Noise
- The CARIACO Time Series: Carbon fluxes in a tropical, continental upwelling margin
- The Present ice age: A 5 Million Year Record of Glacial-Interglacial Oscillations Based on Volcanic Strata in Skaftafell, SE-Iceland
- Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Coastal Communities for Climate Change Information
- Uploading, Searching and Visualizing of Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Data in the Online MagIC Database
- Using the Radiative Kernel Technique to Calculate Climate Feedbacks in NCAR's Community Atmospheric Model
- Using the δ13C of ecosystem respiration to monitor ecosystem metabolism of entire watersheds in complex terrain.
- 34S/32S and 18O/16O ratios of dissolved sulfate from interstitial water samples above gas hydrate bearing sediments of IODP Expedition 311, Cascadia
- A MISR-based Surface Roughness Map of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- A Mg/Ca reconstruction of intermediate water temperature from the western North Atlantic during MIS 3: Heinrich events triggered by oceanic "low blows"?
- A Simple Model for Swash-foreshore Dynamics
- A Simple Model of the Warm-water Branch of Meridional Overturning
- A numerical modeling study of the upwelling source waters along the Oregon coast during 2005
- Acoustical Survey of Methane Plumes on North Hydrate Ridge: Constraining Temporal and Spatial Characteristics.
- An Earth System model with Atmosphere and Ocean Global Circulation models for long runs
- An Empirical Numerical Simulation on Wind-SST Coupling in Coastal Upwelling
- An emerging view of the crust and mantle of tectonic North America from EMScope: a mid- term progress review of Earthscope's magnetotelluric program
- An oceanic mechanism for glacial greenhouse gas fluctuations
- Another View of Anomalous Deglacial Radiocarbon Transients in the Pacific Ocean
- Assessing the Feasibility and Risks of Using Wave-Driven Upwelling Pumps to Enhance the Biological Sequestration of Carbon in Open Oceans
- Assimilation of 2D Currents in the Surf-zone: Bathymetric Sensitivity and Inversion
- Autonomous Glider Observations from the Oregon Shelf: The New Vagaries of Fortune
- Autonomous Glider Observations of Subducting Tongues of Warm, High-Chlorophyll Water on the Oregon Shelf
- Autonomous, In-situ Instrumentation for Continuous Measurement of Dissolved Copper and Zinc in Aquatic Systems
- Bacteria-Driven Carbon Metabolisms in Methane Hydrate-Bearing Deep Marine Sediments from the Bay of Bengal
- Climatic Feedbacks and Predictors of Model Response in a Multi-GCM based Perturbed Physics Ensemble
- Combined effects of wind-driven upwelling and internal tide on the continental shelf
- Comparison of Climate Feedbacks in Atmospheric Versus Coupled GCMs
- Contrasts in the flux and composition of particulate organic matter in a temperate estuary as a function of river discharge
- Contributions From Compound-specific Radiocarbon and Size Fraction-specific Th-230 Excess Data Towards Understanding of Sediment Redistribution Processes in the Panama Basin
- Correlation of Topography and Earthquakes along the Himalayan Arc
- Cross-shore momentum, mass, and buoyancy fluxes by shoaling nonlinear internal waves observed from dye-tracking studies and moored observations
- Diatom Transfer Functions for Sea Surface Temperature and Primary Productivity in Upwelling Areas: the Cupex Project
- Discharge and source of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen from a small mountainous river in the Oregon Coast Range
- Dynamics of the ENSO-Atlantic Hurricane Teleconnection: ENSO-related changes to the North African-Asian Jet affect Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclogenesis
- Earthquakes, Upper Plate Structure and Subducted Seamounts in the Central Cascadia "Locked" Zone
- Eddy Generation by a Steady Poleward Outflow
- Environmental Significance of Oxygen Isotopes Variability in Precipitation and Cave Dripwater in Oregon
- Episodic Mode Water Formation: Atmospheric Controls and Trends
- Evidence for differential Hawaiian and Louisville Plume Motions Based on 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
- Export of terrigenous organic carbon along submarine canyons driven by dense shelf water cascading
- Five Snow Sublimation Estimates From Barrow, Alaska Using Eddy Correlation and One- and Two-Level Profile Methods
- Frontal Structures and Eddy Variability in a 1 km Resolution Model of the Oregon Shelf Flows
- Geochemical and Sedimentological Proxies for the Extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Penultimate Interglacial
- Geochemical constraints on North American freshwater discharge to the Northwest Atlantic during the Bølling-Allerød Warm Period
- Geographical and Temporal Variability of the SST-Induced Surface Wind and Wind Stress Fields
- Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Export Production in the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean
- High Arctic Temperature Variations During the Past Five Millennia: a Varve Based Record From Lower Murray Lake, Nunavut, Canada
- High Sedimentation Rate Paleomagnetic Records for the Last 70 kyrs From the Chilean Margin (ODP Sites 1233, 1234, 1235)
- High-Resolution Records of Mid-Holocene Paleoceanographic Change From the Subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean
- Holocene Radiocarbon Dates on Coexisting Benthic and Planktic Foraminifera Shells in the Subarctic North Pacific
- Improved Segmented-Flow Tracer-Monitored Titration for Automated Measurement of Total Alkalinity in Seawater
- Increased Ice-age Influence of Antarctic Intermediate Water.
- Initial Results From the new Long Coring System of RV Knorr
- Integrating EarthScope seismic, GPS, and other active Earth observations into informal education programs in parks and museums
- Interannual Variability and Modeling of Upwelling-Driven Shelf Hypoxia off the Central Oregon Coast
- Interrogating Cascadia in Nankai (and Vice Versa)
- Inversion of Large-Scale 3D MT data sets such as EMSCOPE with ModEM, a Modular EM Inversion System
- Is the intensifying wave climate of the U.S. Pacific Northwest of more concern than sea level rise?
- Lithium Systematics Revealed in Samples from ODP Leg 204 (Hydrate Ridge): A Tribute to Lui-Heung Chan
- Mafic Lava Shields in the Central Cascade Arc: Tectonic Implications of Late Miocene to Early Pliocene Forearc HAOT Volcanism at Snow Peak, Oregon
- Microbial Communities in Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sediments from the Alaskan North Slope
- Modeling Nitrogen Isotopes in the Global Ocean
- Modeling analysis of the separated jet in the Coastal Transition Zone off Oregon
- Modeling the Contribution of Tides to the Larsen-C Ice Shelf Basal Melt Rate
- Modes of climate variability identified in MIS-3 climate records using singular spectral analysis.
- Near-Geostrophic Approximations to the Spherical Shallow-Water Equations
- Non Conventional Seismic Events Along the Himalayan Arc Detected in the Hi-Climb Dataset
- Numerical analysis of wind-driven circulation in the Baltic Sea
- Observation of Oceanic Internal Waves via Ship-Board X-Band Radar off the Massachusetts Coast
- Observations and Modeling of SST Influence on Surface Wind and Wind Stress
- Observations of Diurnal Period Wind-Driven and Wave-Driven Flows in Northern Monterey Bay
- Paleomagnetic Field Properties at High Southern Latitude, Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica
- Paleoproductivity of the Southern Chilean Margin Over the Past 30,000 Years
- Predictability of Wind-Driven Coastal Ocean Flow Over Topography
- Preliminary Analysis of Multibeam, Subbottom, and Water Column Data Collected from the Juan de Fuca Plate and Gorda Ridge Earthquake Swarm Sites, March-April 2008.
- Preliminary Results from Hydrologic Monitoring of Mill and Farm Ponds in Burgundy, France
- Preliminary Results of a Multi-Proxy Lake Sediment Core Study in East-Central France
- Preliminary heat flow results from NanTroSeize Expeditions 314/315/316 Nankai Trough, Japan
- Primary Productivity and Carbon Export During the Southern Ocean Gas Exchange (SOGasEx) Lagrangian Tracer Experiments
- Prokaryotic diversity, distribution, and insights into their role in biogeochemical cycling in marine basalts and gabbros
- Quantifying Transport Associated With Non-Linear Internal Waves in Massachusetts Bay
- Re-organization of Pacific intermediate and deep water circulation during middle Miocene stepwise onset of
- Recent Progress of WSINV3DMT
- Relocation of Central Oregon Subduction Zone Earthquakes using hypoDD
- Research and its Role in Planning for Climate Change: The Oregon Experience
- River Runoff is the Dominant Source of Freshwater to the Central Arctic Ocean and Beaufort Sea during Spring 2008
- Sea Level Trends Along the Coast of the Gulf of Finland
- Sea Surface Temperature Changes along the US East Coast over the Last 100-plus Years
- Sediment accumulation in the Siletz River estuary in response to changes in hydroclimate and land use.
- Sedimentary Silver as a Paleoproductivity Proxy
- Ship Tracks as Guides to Understanding Marine Stratocumulus and Aerosol Indirect Radiative Effects
- Simulations and Observations of Circulation in the Oregon Coastal Transition Zone during the 2002-2003 Downwelling Season
- Soil Drying Effects on the Carbon Isotope Composition of Soil Respiration
- Southern Hemisphere PDO?: Interhemispheric symmetry suggests tropical forcing of Pacific decadal variability
- Spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton chlorophyll and carbon in the equatorial Pacific, 2005 to 2008: Observations from ships and satellites.
- Structural and Seafloor Morphological Evidence for Collapse of the Nankai Trough Accretionary Prism
- Structure of Downwelling on the Oregon Continental Shelf
- Sub-seafloor Microbial Colonization of Igneous Minerals and Glasses
- The Caribbean LIP and OAE2: Further Resolution of Timing and Trace Metal Release
- The Effect of Changes in Relative Humidity on Aerosol Scattering Near Clouds
- The Influence of Mesoscale Eddies on the Detection of Quasi-Zonal Jets and Striations in the Ocean
- The Maupin, Oregon Earthquake Swarm
- The ORCA West Coast Regional Project - Atmospheric Top-Down Modeling to constrain Regional Carbon Budgets at high Temporal and Spatial Resolution
- The Role of Convective Clouds in Setting Air-sea Fluxes Over mode Water Formation Regions
- The Thermal Structure of the Costa Rica Margin along the Middle America Trench
- The impact of iron fertilization on the upper ocean heat budget
- Three-dimensional currents in the outer nearshore zone
- Tidal Generation (?) of Nonlinear Internal Waves on a Continental Shelf
- Tidal Impacts on Oceanographic and Sea-ice Processes in the Southern Ocean
- Tidal Processes in the Columbia River Estuary and Plume
- Trace Metal Associations in an Anoxic Lake: the Relative Roles of Organic Carbon and Reduced Sulfur
- Upwelling-driven buoyant plume dynamics in northern Monterey Bay
- Using an Array of NE Pacific Margin Sediment Samples to Link Land and Ocean Responses to Glacial-Interglacial Climate Variability
- Using stable isotopes to monitor water and carbon relations at the small-watershed scale
- Volcanic Perspective on Plutonism based on Patterns in Evolution in Long-Lived Continental Volcanic Systems
- A 30,000 year record of terrestrial sediment delivery to the southern Chile margin (Invited)
- A New U.S. Marine Heat Flow Capability
- A North Pacific View of Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation
- A new approach to generating scenarios for climate impacts studies in the West
- Abrupt Shifts of the North Magnetic Pole Over the Last Millennium and Beyond
- Assimilating AmeriFlux Site Data into the Community Land Model with Carbon-Nitrogen Coupling via the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- CALIPSO and MODIS Observations of Increases in Aerosol Optical Depths near Marine Stratocumulus
- Comparing sub-cloud vertical velocity distributions from ship-based Doppler lidar observations made during VOCALS-REx to those derived from LES Models
- Comparison of ship and satellite measurements of cloud properties in the southeast Pacific stratus deck with CAM3.1 results
- Conditional flux analysis and stable isotopes
- Consistent Differences in Climate Feedbacks between Coupled and Atmospheric GCMs
- Development of Cyber-Infrastructure for Experimental Data and Trace Element Partitioning (traceDs)
- Evaluation of Paleoproductivity Proxies in the Southern Ocean
- Extreme Ni Concentrations in High Forsterite Olivine from a Cascade Forearc Basalt
- Glacial-interglacial cycles of erosion and sediment transport along the western North American margin constrained by reconciling geologic and climate model data sets
- Implications of Plume-Trench Interaction Models for the Formation of Niue Trough
- Improved spatial monitoring of air temperature in forested complex terrain: an energy-balance based calibration method
- Massive Methane Hydrate in Sediments to Cause the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Multi-Proxy Approach to Terrestrial Input and Shifts in Circulation in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific from LGM to Present: Foraminiferal Mn/Ca, Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca
- New Insights from Sediment Ages and Carbon Isotopes at a Paleo-Seep/Chemosynthetic Biological Community in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, Offshore India
- North Pond: Evidence of upward supply of oxygen to deeply buried sediments from the basaltic basement
- Observed Strong Enhancements of N2 and Ar Test New Theories of the Dynamics of Mars Polar Atmosphere
- Organic carbon composition within the Po plume and prodelta during a flood event
- Quantifying Heat Flow from a Restless Caldera: Shallow Measurement from a Vapor Dominated Area of the Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic Field
- Reconciling patterns of interseismic strain accumulation with thermal observations across the Carrizo segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Regional and Nearshore Bathymetry of American Samoa: Implications for Tsunami Run-Up and Public Awareness
- Space-time variability of the wind, temperature, and horizontal advection of sensible heat in the subcanopy of a dense coniferous forest
- Spatial variability of mantle transition zone water content: evidence from global electromagnetic induction data (Invited)
- Stepwise climate cooling during the “Monterey” carbon-isotope excursion (Invited)
- Subseafloor Macroscopic Biofilms Involved in Anaerobic Oxidization of Methane
- Testing North Atlantic relative paleointensity correlations for the Brunhes Chron with oxygen isotope data and markers for (Heinrich-type) detrital layers (Invited)
- The Effect of CO2 Forcing on Radiative Climate Feedbacks
- The Relationship between East Greenland Current Temperature and Southern Greenland Ice Sheet Runoff during the Last Two Deglaciations
- The South Polar Residual Cap and Secular Climate Change on Mars: What Can We Learn From Observations and Models?
- Towards Data Driven Geodynamo Models Using Variational Data Assimilation
- Using in situ isotopic analyses of crystals to investigate the origins of layered intrusions
- Variability and vertical structure of clouds and turbulence in the stratocumulus-capped boundary layer during VOCALS
- A comparison of coupled biogeophysical and biogeochemical dynamics across a precipitation gradient in Oregon using data assimilation
- A comparison of physical climate feedbacks between reanalysis and model datasets
- A socioeconomic assessment of climate change-enhanced coastal storm hazards in the U.S. Pacific Northwest
- Absolute Humidity and the Seasonality of Influenza (Invited)
- Air-water CO2 Fluxes and Inorganic Carbon Dynamics in a Microtidal, Eutrophic Estuary
- Assessing coastal vulnerability in light of a changing climate: a multi-hazard, multi-timescale approach
- Biogeochemical Connections Between Inner Shelf Bottom Boundary Layer and Surface Waters
- Cadmium and barium distributions in Baffin Bay and Nares Strait summer 2003
- Cascadia Segmentation: Sediment supply, structural influences, and a pinchout of the locked interface
- Changes in the Chemical Composition of the Bottom Boundary Layer during AN Upwelling Event at the Oregon Coast
- Coastal Atmospheric Circulation Around An Idealized Cape During Wind-Driven Upwelling Studied From A Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- Concurrent remote and in situ wave and current observations at a tidal inlet
- Constraining the Biological Pump using Stable Nitrogen and Carbon Isotopes in the Glacial Ocean
- Continuous Time-Series of Carbonate System Dynamics in the Coastal Oregon Upwelling System
- Determination of Nearshore Surface Slope Field and Wave Heights Using Optical Polarimetry
- Distribution and Composition of Particulate Organic Carbon along Oregon's Upwelling Zone
- Eddy fluxes of nuclei mode particles to pine forest during BEARPEX'09
- Effect of Landscape-Watershed Attributes on CDOM in Florida's Gulf Coast Rivers
- Effects of small-scale, high-frequency ocean variability on surface material transport in the coastal ocean
- Evolution of tropical Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Gradients since the LGM and associated shifts of the marine Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone
- Flow-Through Time Resolved Analysis (FT-TRA) as a Tool for Better Understanding the Effects of Early Diagenesis on Foraminiferal Paleoproxies
- Global Holocene Temperature Variations
- Harnessing Paleomagnetic Secular Variation as a Long Distance Stratigraphic Tool (Invited)
- High-resolution deep Northeast Pacific radiocarbon record shows little change in ventilation rate during the last deglaciation
- Holocene Paleoearthquakes in the region of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Compared with other Paleoseismic Data
- Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation from the Gulf of Alaska
- How much do carbon isotope measurements constrain glacial ocean circulation?
- Hypoxia on the Oregon Shelf: a Modeling Study
- Ice-Ocean Interactions to the North-West of Greenland: Glaciers, Straits, Ice Bridges, and the Rossby Radius (Invited)
- Implementation of a boundary element method to solve for the near field effects of an array of WECs
- Inorganic carbon dynamics in the upwelling system off the Oregon coast and implications for commercial shellfish hatcheries
- Interactions of the Greenland Petermann Glacier with the ocean: An initial perspective (Invited)
- Lengthscales and Timescales of Homogenization in a Large Continental Magma System: A Case Study of the Purico Complex, Northern Chile
- Local Earthquake Detection in Marine Environments Using Seismic Signal Parameters
- Magnetic Fingerprinting of Greenland Sediments
- Modeling the internal tide in combination with wind-driven circulation on the Oregon shelf
- Models and observations of foam coverage and bubble content in the surf zone
- NICOPP: Nitrogen Cycle in the Ocean, Past and Present
- New insights on methane cycling from analyses of carbonate samples from the Cascadia Margin
- Northern Hemisphere cryosphere radiative forcing and albedo feedback during 1979-2008
- Observations and coupled models of flow, salinity, and hydrate formation in deepwater Gulf of Mexico vents
- Orbital forced rhythmites in the upper Lamar Limestone (Guadalupian) of the Delaware Basin, West Texas, USA
- Plagioclase Ultra-Phyric Basalts (PUBs): Implications for the nature of the plumbing system at ultraslow-spreading ridges
- Plio-Pleistocene Bering Sea - North Pacific Ocean Circulation Dynamics Inferred from Sediment Source Changes at the Meiji Drift, Northwest Pacific Ocean
- Post depositional alteration of foraminiferal shells in cold seep settings: New insights from Flow-Through Time-Resolved Analyses of biogenic and inorganic seep carbonates
- Properties of the magmatic system that feeds Yellowstone inferred from 3-D electrical conductivity model
- Quantifying Long-term Methane Flux Change by Coupling Authigenic Mineral Distribution and Kinetic Modeling at Southern Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
- Rare Earth Element Signatures of Early Diagenesis in Pore Waters at Methane-Seeps from Hydrate Ridge, off Oregon
- Reconstructing Holocene Laurentide Ice Sheet discharge and ocean temperature in the western Labrador Sea
- Regional conductivity structures of the northwestern segment of the North American Plate derived from 3-D inversion of USArray magnetotelluric data
- Relative Amplitudes of Surface Temperature Anomalies for the Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age, and 20th Century Warming Determined from Borehole Temperatures
- Resistivity and seismic structure at southern Hydrate Ridge
- Response of Sedimentary Iron to Hypoxia below the California Current System
- Response of polluted marine stratocumulus to more pollution
- Results from a winter 2009-2010 nearshore mooring test in 25 m water depth off Newport, Oregon
- Seasonal and Interannual Variations in the Hydrodynamics of the Skagit River Tidal Flats
- Slope Failure Records in Gas Hydrate Bearing Regions of the Cascadia Margin
- South-Central Tibetan Seismicity from HiCLIMB Seismic Array Data
- Structures and processes in the Himalayan-Tibetan lithosphere: an overview of Hi-CLIMB results
- Superensemble of a Regional Climate Model for the Western US using Climateprediction.net
- Synchronized High-Resolution Lacustrine Records in Iceland show Non-Linear Response to Holocene Insolation
- Textural and Compositional Variability of Phenocrysts from Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalts: Evidence for a genetic magmatic suite at the SEIR
- The Changing Coastal Ocean: Low-Oxygen Water off the Pacific Northwest (Invited)
- The Influence of the Antarctic Ice Sheet on the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds and Ocean Circulation
- The Statistics of Optical Radiance in the Surf Zone
- The benthic manganese cycle along the Oregon-California continental margin
- The geodynamo at ~200 Ma: paleosecular variation and paleointensity recorded by Central Atlantic Magmatic Province mafic rocks of Mauritania
- The upstream spreading of bottom trapped plumes
- Thermal legacy of near-ridge hydrothermal circulation reduces estimates of ridge flank advective heat loss
- Time-Scales Associated With Tectono-Magmatic Reconfiguration During A Paleo-Rift Jump In Northwest Iceland
- Toward a Theory of Geomagnetic Change: An Opportunity Through Ocean Drilling
- Trapping of gyrotactic organisms in an unstable shear layer
- Ubiquitous Drizzle from Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
- Using ocean tracers to reduce uncertainties about ocean diapycnal mixing and model projections
- Using the Radiative Kernel Technique to Evaluate Physical Climate Feedbacks in CMIP5 Models
- Variation in melting conditions beneath a hotspot influenced mid-ocean ridge revealed by rare earth elements in melt inclusions from the western Galapagos Spreading Center
- Variational assimilation in the coastal ocean model off Oregon: the role of dynamics
- Vertical diffusivity in the benthic boundary layer of the Oregon shelf from a deliberate tracer release experiment
- Watershed Fire Regime Effects On Particulate Organic Carbon Composition in Oregon and California Coast Range Rivers
- "Paleoseismograms": Testing a Hypothesis of Source-Time Function Recording of Paleoearthquakes
- 87/86Sr of Pore Fluids and Authigenic Carbonates from the Nankai Subduction Zone, IODP NantroSEIZE Expeditions 322 and 333
- A 1000-year increase in deep Pacific ventilation age during the last deglaciation
- A 37,000-yr record of Paleomagnetic and Environmental Variability from Burial Lake, Arctic Alaska
- A Geophysical Investigation of the Offshore Portion of the Northern Segment of the San Andreas Fault on a "green research vessel"
- An evaluation of parallelization strategies for low-frequency electromagnetic induction simulators using staggered grid discretizations
- Automatic Fault Extraction at Mid-Ocean Ridges: Effects of Bathymetry Resolution and Extraction Method
- Bacterial Oxidation of Iron in Olivine: Implications for the Subsurface Biosphere, Global Chemical Cycles, and Life on Mars
- Benthic foraminiferal stable oxygen isotope stratigraphies from IODP Sites U1339 and U1345
- Can crystals tell us how whole arcs behave?
- Carbon cycling around sulfate methane transition zone in the Ulleung Basin: How much methane is actually coming up?
- Cascadia Initiative Broader Impacts to Influence Student Career Choices and Engage K-12 Schools in Seismic Hazard Preparedness
- Cascadia Segmentation and Long Term Temporal Rupture Pattern based on Paleoseismicity: some Global Implications
- Characterization of Clay minerals in Deep Subseafloor Sediment, South Pacific Gyre: IODP Expedition 329
- Chemical Composition of Organic Matter in Surface Sediments of the Eel River Shelf Depocenter
- Climate change in the classroom: Reaching out to middle school students through science and math suitcase lessons
- Conditional Sampling of Sub-Canopy Respiration in Forests
- Correlation of Brunhes detrital-layer stratigraphy into the North Atlantic from Orphan Knoll (Labrador Sea)
- Crustal Structure Beneath Pleasant Valley, Nevada from Local and Regional Earthquake Travel Times
- Diagnosing cloud and nonlinear climate feedbacks with a novel radiative kernel updating technique
- Effects of reactive Mn(III)-oxalate complexes on structurally intact plant cell walls
- Efficient analysis of complex natural materials using LA-ICP-MS
- Evaluation of Quaternary paleo-circulation in the western Arctic Ocean based on radiogenic isotopes in sediments from the Northwind Ridge
- Evidence for Freshwater Discharge at a Gas Hydrate-Bearing Seafloor Mound on the Beaufort Sea Continental Slope
- Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing of alpine snowpacks
- Fingerprints of Greenlandic and Icelandic Sediment Sources to the North Atlantic through Five Glacial Terminations and Interglacials
- From Fysics to Phorestry: How do I engage diverse audiences in land-air interaction?
- Gas Geochemical Results from IODP Expedition 334: Influence of Subsurface Structure and Fluid Flow on Gas Composition
- Geodynamic Inferences from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 330 to the Louisville Seamount Trail
- Geomagnetic Change Near the North Magnetic Pole: Insights From High-Resolution Holocene Marine and Lacustrine Paleomagnetic Records
- High-resolution distributed temperature sensing: a new tool to study the space-time dynamics of transient cold-air pools in the weak-wind stable boundary layer
- Implicit estimation of ecological model parameters
- Increasing Diversity in the Earth Sciences (IDES) - An Oregon Effort
- Late Glacial and Holocene Fire History From Radiocarbon Dating of Charcoal in Valley-Bottom Sediments in Small Watersheds of the Oregon Coast Range
- Lithium Isotope History of Cenozoic Seawater: Changes in Silicate Weathering, Reverse Weathering and Seawater Chemistry
- Low-Angle Normal Faulting in the Pumqu-Xianza Rift, Tibet
- Magmatic evolution within the lower arc crust: Insights from crystal zoning in the Tenpeak pluton, North Cascades crystalline core, Washington
- Measurements of ice nuclei concentrations and compositions in the maritime tropics
- Methane Sources, Fluid Flow, and Diagenesis along the northern Cascadia Margin: Using the Carbonate Record to Link Modern Fluid Flow to the Past
- Microbial phylogeny of igneous minerals and glasses in deep ocean crust
- Microbiological Characterization of a Basaltic System Targeted for Geological Sequestration of Carbon
- Microphysical Retrieval and Rain Rates of Drizzling Stratocumulus
- Motion of Hawaii and Louisville hotspots: Comparision of modeling results with new age and paleolatitude data
- Near-term acceleration of hydroclimatic change in the western U.S
- New Global 3D Upper to Mid-mantle Electrical Conductivity Model Based on Observatory Data with Realistic Auroral Sources
- New observations of Yanai waves and equatorial inertia-gravity waves in the Pacific Ocean
- On the Possible Relation of the Louisville Hotspot and Ontong Java Plateau from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 330 Results
- On the Significance of Vanishing Group Velocity for Resonant Equatorial Inertia-gravity Waves
- Paleointensity: Where we stand and where the MagIC database can take us
- Plagioclase Compositional Profiles from Plagioclase Ultraphryic Basalts
- Potential Lacustrine Records of Cascadia Great Earthquakes
- Project Hi-CLIMB and the Comparison of Results with INDEPTH I-III.
- Relative humidity feedbacks in CMIP3 models
- Resistivity structure at the summit of South Hydrate Ridge
- Simulating Tsunami Inundation in Southern Oregon, USA Using Hypothetical Cascadia and Alaska Earthquake Scenarios
- Space-Time Correlation of Stable Boundary-Layer, Weak Wind Data from Ground Based Acoustic Sensors
- Spatial and Seasonal Variability of the Diurnal and Semidiurnal Cycles of Liquid Water Path and Water Vapor over the Southeast Pacific
- Spherical decomposition of the Biot-Savart law: a generalization of Fukushima's theorem and modeling of satellite measurements within the source region
- Stable Isotope Data from Nankai Sites C0011B and C0012A Constrain Fluid Processes in the Pre-Subduction Inputs for the Nantroseize Project, Japan
- Subducted Seamounts and Along-strike Variations in the Thickness of the Subduction Channel beneath the Oregon Shelf
- Superensemble of Regional Climate Simulations for the Western US Using Climateprediction.net
- Superquakes and Supercycles
- Tectonics at the Southeast Indian Ridge 79 to 99 E. Results from the GEISEIR cruises
- Textural and Compositional Variations in a Large Mafic Enclave from the Purico-Chascon Volcanic Complex: Understanding Mafic Recharge in a Large Continental Magmatic System
- The Eastern Pacific Diurnal Cycle of Clouds, Solar Forcing, and Tropospheric Waves
- The flooding of Beringia and North Pacific Intermediate Water formation
- The origin of the Line Islands: plate or plume controlled volcanism?
- The unusual Samoan hotspot: A "hotspot highway" juxtaposed with a trench
- Thermal Studies at the Middle America Trench Offshore Costa Rica and Nankai Trough, Japan
- Thermal considerations in inferring frictional heating from vitrinite reflectance and implications for shallow coseismic slip within the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Thermal results from IODP Expedition 334: Heat flow and Thermal Models Along the CRISP Transect
- Three dimensional electrical conductivity model of the Northwestern US derived from 3-D inversion of USArray magnetotelluric data
- Topics in Equatorial Wave Theory
- Towards Defining Modes of Paleomagnetic Variability: A 15,000 Year Inclination Anomaly Stack for the Eastern North Pacific
- Using radiative kernels to compare feedback behavior over different time scales in CMIP output and observations
- Variations in magma transport recorded by plagioclase ultraphyric basalts: Preliminary results from SWIR, Blanco and Juan de Fuca
- Wind-Induced Pressure Perturbations in Alpine Snow
- A Comparison of Disturbance Events in Cascadia Lakes to Marine Seismogenic Turbidites
- A Geoclimatic Framework For Characterizing Summer Streamflow Vulnerability To Climate Warming In The Pacific Northwest, USA
- A High Resolution Carbon Dioxide Record for the Last Deglaciation from the WAIS Divide Ice Core
- A New Model for Long-Period Tidal Variations in Length of Day
- A multi-proxy geochemical investigation of late-Quaternary paleoenvironmental change from Burial Lake, Noatak National Preserve, Alaska
- A new Approach at Long Distance, High Resolution Magnetic Stratigraphy Applicable to Both Marine and Terrestrial Records
- A new laser spectrometer for measurements of the carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) of methane in air and applications to ice core studies
- An integrated modeling framework to anticipate water scarcity and inform integrative water system response in the Pacific Northwest
- An ultra-high resolution continuous record of methane variations during the last glacial-interglacial transition from the WAIS Divide ice core
- Analyzing the Pacific-North American Teleconnection and its Relationship to Present and Future Climate in the CMIP5 Models
- Application of 2-D Inversion, to Magnetotelluric data on the Newberry Caldera, Oregon, for Potential Geothermal Power
- Application of Sr-isotope and Trace Element Concentrations in Plagioclase to Understanding Melt Evolution in the Lower Crust at Mid-ocean Ridges
- Assessing geomagnetic signal attenuation in North Atlantic deep-sea paleomagnetic records
- Baroclinic Scattering of Kelvin Waves by Sills in Straits
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Bipolar seesaw and atmospheric CO2 during the last glacial period
- Circulation within a high-resolution oceanic model of Nares Strait: Comparison to data and response of oceanic fluxes to wind forcing
- Consequences of magma eruption dynamics: Intraflow variations in petrography and mineral chemistry within a single eruptive unit from Whitewater Canyon, Oregon
- Construction of a sheeted magmatic complex within the lower arc crust: Insights from the Tenpeak pluton, North Cascades, Washington
- Continuing Investigation of Structures of the Accretionary Wedge off Aceh Province, Sumatra, using 2D MCS and Multibeam Bathymetric Data
- Controls on debris flow bulking in proglacial gully networks on Mount Rainier, WA
- Correction of bathymetry using the adjoint component of a coupled wave-circulation nearshore model
- Crust and upper mantle electrical conductivity beneath the Yellowstone Hotspot Track
- Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles driven by ice-shelf break-up and regrowth
- Deglacial carbon cycle dynamics: A high-precision, high-resolution record of the δ<SUP>13</SUP>C of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from the Taylor Glacier horizontal ice core
- Detecting Organic Compounds Released from Iron Oxidizing Bacteria using Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM)-like Instrument Protocols
- Drainage and Landscape Evolution in the Bighorn Basin Accompanying Advection of the Yellowstone Hotspot Swell Through North America
- Dynamic Antarctic ice-sheet disintegration during the last deglaciation - contribution to meltwater pulse 1a
- Effects of acid leaching on the distribution of K/Ca in altered and fresh groundmass of submarine basalts and implications for <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- Enhancing Understanding Of Coupled Human-Natural Systems Through Collaborative Learning
- Evaluating Extreme Total Water Levels in the NE Pacific using a Full Simulation, Time-Dependent Extreme Value Approach
- Evaporative cold pools enhance surface flux over the Indian Ocean
- Falling Apart: Log decay as an indication of process control in mountain streams
- Field testing model predictions of foam coverage and bubble content in the surf zone
- Geochemical Uniformity over 30 Million Years of Volcanic Activity in the Caribbean Large Igneous Province: Evidence from Curacao and Haiti
- Geochemically tracking provenance changes in marine sediment from the South Pacific Gyre throughout the Cenozoic
- Glider-Based Observations of Turbulent Mixing at Submesoscale Fronts
- Hampton Butte, a 30-Ma rhyodacite basement high bounding the subsiding Miocene to Pliocene High Lava Plains of Oregon
- Helium Isotope Variations in Peridotite, Gabbro and Basalt from the Kane Oceanic Core Complex
- High-Resolution Geomorphometry of Seamounts of the Young Walvis Ridge Guyot Province
- High-precision measurements of <SUP>14</SUP>C in ice cores: results and future prospects
- Holocene Geomagnetic Change in the Northern North Atlantic
- Holocene Southwest Greenland Ice-Sheet Retreat Suggests Recent Ice Retreat Is A Response To Global Warming
- Implementation of an Automatic S-Wave Picker for Local Earthquake Tomography in South-Central Tibet
- Implicit assimilation for marine ecological models
- Interactions Between Saharan Dust and Tropical Convection
- Internal tide induced turbulence in Luzon Strait of the South China Sea
- Internal wave energy dissipation: near and far, where and how?
- Investigation of the Offshore Section of the Northern San Andreas Fault: Slip Partitioning, Shallow Deformation, and Fault Trend Influence
- Is the radiative kernel technique appropriate for feedback calculations from short term climate variability?
- Isotopic constraints on the pre-industrial oceanic nitrogen budget
- Limited Latitudinal Motion of the Louisville Hotspot
- Magnetic Fingerprints of Greenlandic and Icelandic Sediment Sources to the Eirik Drift through Five Glacial Terminations and Interglaciations
- Magnetic Reversal and Excursion Rates from Short-Time Fluctuations in the Virtual Axial Dipole Moment
- Magnetotellurics in Scandes project. Multivariate analysis of high latitude magnetotelluric data
- Measurements of CO2 and CH4 Above Petroleum Infrastructure in Nevada
- Microbial Diversity in the Columbia River Basalt Group and the Context for Life in Subsurface Basalts
- Modeling Arctic Melt Ponds Using a Resolved Ice Model with GCM Forcing
- Modeling the formation of melt ponds on snow-covered first year sea ice
- Morphodynamics of Prograding Beaches
- Near-surface Ocean Temperatures South of Greenland over the Past 400,000 Years
- Nearshore Wave Predictions along the Oregon and Southwest Washington Coasts
- New geologic map and radiometric ages, Oldonyo Lengai volcano and vicinity, United Republic of Tanzania
- New insights into the explosive history of the Yellowstone super-volcano from high-precision dating and mineral chemistry
- Northeast Pacific Geomagnetic And Environmental Change During The Last 140 Kyr Recorded By Deep-Sea Sediment Core EW9504-17PC
- On the Mission to Archive Current and Legacy Paleo- and Rock Magnetic Datasets for Rapid Online Retrieval and Compilation
- Optical Estimation of Depth Induced Wave Breaking Distributions over Complex Bathymetry
- Pairing Geochemistry with Geophysical Models to Constrain the Petrogenesis of Age-Progressive Rhyolites from the High Lava Plains and Northwest Basin and Range, Oregon
- Paleo-Geomagnetic and Environmental Variability since the late Glacial, recorded at Burial Lake, Arctic Alaska
- Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar studies on tholeiite basalt samples from "HOTSPOT" corehole taken at Kimama, Idaho, central Snake River Plain
- Paleoseismograms: Can Turbidite Deposits Record Flow Unsteadiness Imparted by Earthquakes?
- Petrologic predictions regarding future eruptive activity at Mount Hood, Oregon
- Photographic Characterization of Alteration of Igneous Glass from the Ocean Basins
- Pipelining the cascade: Kelvin-Helmholtz transitions in simulations of baroclinic waves
- Project Hotspot: Temporal Compositional Variation in Basalts of the Kimama Core and Implications for Magma Source Evolution, Snake River Scientific Drilling Project, Idaho
- Quaternary magnetic and isotope stratigraphy at IODP Sites U1306 and U1305 (Eirik Drift, SW Greenland)
- Reaction and Anomalous Transport: Effective Reaction Rate Coefficients from the Multirate Model
- Reconstructing regional and global temperatures during the last interglaciation
- Relative paleointensity and environmental magnetism since 1.2 Ma at IODP Site U1305 (Eirik Drift, NW Atlantic)
- Sea Surface Conditions during Marine Isotope Stages 12 to 10 at Navarin Canyon in the Bering Sea (IODP Site U1345)
- Seasonal Modulation of Earthquake Swarm Activity Near Maupin, Oregon
- Seasonal variability of the marine atmospheric boundary layer response to Gulf Stream SST fronts
- Seasonality of alkenone estimates as inferred from sediment trap data
- Sediment-pore water interactions controlling cementation in the NanTroSEIZE drilling transects
- Seeing the Snow through the Trees: Towards a Validated Canopy Adjustment for Fractional Snow Covered Area
- Self-Induced Ekman Pumping Over Oceanic Mesoscale Eddies
- Shallow aquifer storage and recovery (SASR): Initial findings from the Willamette Basin, Oregon
- Simulation of Clay Mineral Dehydration Along the NanTroSEIZE Transect, SW Japan: Implications for Fault Properties and Fluid Flow
- Snow Accumulation and Ablation Processes Across a Range of Forest Canopy Densities in a Pacific Northwest Forest
- Snow Cover Contributes to Post-fire Vegetation Regeneration in Mediterranean Climate Regions
- Snow, Forests, and Disturbance: Monitoring Along an Elevation Transect in the Oregon Cascades
- Source and particle-size as controlling factors on the quality and interpretation of sediment magnetic records from the northern North Atlantic.
- Spatial and temporal structure of fluxes between a lateral embayment and the Columbia River estuary channel
- Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Composition of Eirik Drift Silt as a Proxy for South Greenland Ice Sheet Retreat during the Last Five Interglaciations
- Stratigraphic Correlation of Southern Cascadia Turbidites via Pairing of Sub Bottom Profiles and Sediment Core Data
- Strong near-inertial shear in the Gulf Stream front
- Structural Analysis and Basal Sheer Stress in Cascadia: Implications for the Up-dip Limit of the Locked Zone
- Structure and Mechanics of the Outer Accretionary Wedge and Shallow Seismogenic Zone off Southern Washington from new Seismic Reflection and Multibeam Imaging
- Structure of the accretionary prism up-dip of the M8.8 Maule earthquake rupture
- Submesoscale Instabilities on the North Wall of the Gulf Stream
- Submesoscale Mixing at the Wintertime Gulf Stream Front
- Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of Individual Aerosol Particles from Below and Within Stratocumulus Clouds over the Southeast Pacific Ocean During VOCALS
- Tectonomagmatic Associations on the Central Andean Plateau
- The Columbia River effects on near-surface oceanic fields
- The Evolution of the Historic Mt. Etna Magma Plumbing System: A Comprehensive in situ Plagioclase Compositional and Isotopic Study
- The Online MagIC Database: Data Archiving, Compilation, and Visualization for the Geomagnetic, Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Communities
- The Southeast Indian Ridge: Scale of Source Heterogeneity and Origin of the DUPAL Anomaly
- The Uplift of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus: Continental Collision to Subduction
- The extent of ocean acidification on aragonite saturation state along the Washington-Oregon continental shelf margin in late summer 2012
- The hyporheitron - a tool for measuring hyporheic processes along a discrete flow path in gravel bed streams
- The resazurin-resorufin tracer for quantifying respiration and surface water - groundwater interactions in fluvial ecosystems
- The role of mush in construction of magmatic complexes at different crustal levels
- Theory of the Forcing and Response of Oceanic Equatorial Waves
- Thermomechanics of pressurization in shallow crystallizing magma chambers
- Timing and Composition of Volcanic Activity at Harrat Lunayyir, western Saudi Arabia, and its Relation to Regional Mantle Flow
- Toward biologically meaningful net carbon exchange estimates for tall, dense canopies: multi-level eddy covariance observations and canopy coupling regimes in a mature Douglas-fir forest in Oregon
- Trace element geochemistry of zircons from mineralizing and non-mineralizing igneous rocks related to gold ores at Yanacocha, Peru
- Variations in the methane interpolar gradient during the last glacial termination
- Vertical Variations of Currents in the Outer Nearshore Zone
- Vesiculation and degassing in the 2005-6 submarine flow at 9°50'N, East Pacific Rise: Implications for volatile fluxes and CO<SUB>2</SUB>:He kinetic fractionation
- Vesiculation and textural variations within mafic enclaves of the Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
- Wave-Current Interaction at the Mouth of Columbia River
- Wave-Current Interaction in a Natural Tidal Inlets
- What matters most: Are summer stream temperatures more sensitive to changing air temperature, changing discharge, or changing riparian vegetation under future climates?
- What we have learned about Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau from IODP Expedition 324
- Will We Need to Change the Rules: The Implications of Climate Change for Dam Operations in Oregon's McKenzie River Basin
- 2-D magnetotelluric investigation of fluid controls involved in ETS in the Cascadia subduction zone
- A Comparison of Microbial Communities from Deep Igneous Crust
- A Gradual Compositional Change from Samoan Shield to Rejuvenated Lavas?
- A comparison of hydrology and channel hydraulics in headwater streams of the Central Oregon Cascades
- A comparison of slip rate, recurrence interval, and slip per event on several well-characterized faults (Invited)
- A transect of Tertiary central volcanoes across northwest Iceland
- Air Vertical Velocity Distributions of Trade Cumulus and Stratocumulus Clouds from the ARM Mobile Facility CAP-MBL Campaign
- Amplification of bedrock canyon incision by wind
- An Immense Shield Volcano within Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau, Northwest Pacific
- An efficient method to estimate processing rates in streams
- An update to the Surface Ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> Atlas (SOCAT)
- Analysis of CCN activity of Remote and Combustion Aerosol over the South East Pacific during autumn 2008 and links to Sc cloud properties
- Analytical Models for Imbibition and Flow in Moisture-Dependent Preferential Pathways
- Applying downscaled climate data to wildlife areas in Washington State, USA
- Assessing marine productivity in ancient oceans using silver as a paleoproductivity proxy
- Cascadia Seismoturbidites: A Landlubber Critiqued
- Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America
- Combined trace element and oxygen isotope measurements in Mount Hood andesites: a new approach for studying mixed crystal populations in intermediate magmas
- Combining Satellite and Ground-Based Radar Interferometry Data to Measure Surface Deformation Associated with EGS Pumping Activities at Newberry Crater, OR Geothermal Site
- Combining crystal growth and diffusion-based modeling techniques to determine magmatic timescales in a large silicic magmatic system
- Comparison of Stream Restoration and Vegetation Restoration on Stream Temperature in the Middle Fork John Day River, Oregon
- Constraints on Past Plate and Mantle Motion from New Ages for the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain
- Constraints on the Late Holocene Anthropogenic Contribution to the Atmospheric Methane Budget
- Correlations between Crustal Structure and Slip on the Cascadia Megathrust (Invited)
- Deep electrical resistivity structure of the Northwestern U. S. derived from 3-D inversion of USArray Magnetotelluric data (Invited)
- Development of Variational Data Assimilation Methods for the MoSST Geodynamo Code
- Duration of Louisville hotspot volcanism at IODP 330 sites Canopus, Burton, and Rigil via <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- EarthScope's USArray: A Decade of Observations and Results
- Engaging teachers, interpreters and emergency management educators in disaster preparedness and EarthScope science through joint professional development workshops (Invited)
- Evolving Shoreline Change Rates Along the US Pacific Northwest Coast
- Exploring the role of a basal magma ocean in generating Earth's ancient magnetic field (Invited)
- Extending particle filters to higher dimensional problems
- Fluid source inferred from strontium isotopes in pore fluid and carbonate recovered during Expedition 337 off Shimokita, Japan
- Frictional Shear Stress, Pore Fluid Pressure and Wedge Mechanics on the Cascadia Megathrust Timothy Kane, Chris Goldfinger and Chris Romsos
- From the Pacific to the Arctic: Paleoclimatic History of the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea (Invited)
- Geochemical evidence for fluid flow in the upper and subducting plates of the Costa Rica margin: Results from CRISP drilling during Exp. 334 and 344 (Invited)
- Geometric state space uncertainty as a new type of uncertainty addressing disparity in ';emergent properties' between real and modeled systems
- Glacial-interglacial variations in coupled thermocline ventilation and sedimentary iron delivery to the Peru upwelling system
- Greenland temperature response to climate forcing during the last deglaciation
- Helium and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in xenoliths and lavas from Harrat Hutaymah, Saudi Arabia: insight to magma sources
- High Resolution CO2 Reconstructions from the WAIS Divide Ice Core
- High Resolution Mapping of Wind Speed Using Active Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Historical and future hydrologic response to glacier recession in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia
- Holocene Paleomagnetic Record of the North Atlantic
- Hydrothermal mineralogy and fluid inclusions chemistry to understand the roots of active geothermal systems
- Identifying Non-Hotspot Volcanism in the Young Walvis Ridge Guyot Province using High-Resolution 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
- Implementing a Community-Driven Cyberinfrastructure Platform for the Paleo- and Rock Magnetic Scientific Fields that Generalizes to Other Geoscience Disciplines
- Improved Epicentral Locations for Earthquakes Near Explorer Ridge
- Innovations in making EarthScope science and data accessible (Invited)
- Insights Into the Origin of the Longest-lived Hotspot in the Pacific: Clues from the Tuvalus
- Interannual sandbar variability within the Columbia River Littoral Cell
- Introducing a New Interface for the Online MagIC Database by Integrating Data Uploading, Searching, and Visualization
- Investigating Labrador Sea warmth during the mid-Pliocene optimum with Eirik Drift sediments
- Investigating Storm-Induced Total Water Levels on Complex Barred Beaches
- Large Erosional Features on the Cascadia Accretionary Wedge Imaged with New High-Resolution Multibeam Bathymetry and Seismic Datasets
- Late Cenozoic exhumation and timing of the deformation front of the Kashmir Himalayas from U-Th/(He) thermochronometry
- Long Term Trends and Abrupt Perturbations in the late Quaternary Atmospheric Methane Budget (Invited)
- Low Coseismic Friction on the Tohoku Fault Determined from Subseafloor Temperature Measurements (Invited)
- Magma longevity and cyclicity in a supervolcanic system: Insights from the Pastos Grandes Caldera Complex, SW Bolivia
- Millennial slip rate of the Tazang fault in eastern Tibet: implications for strain partitioning and kinematics at the eastern termination of Kunlun fault system
- Modeling Snowcover Sensitivity to Warming Temperature Across a Climatic Gradient in the Oregon Cascades
- Neogene explosive volcanism of the Central Oregon Cascades: Implications for an evolving arc
- New Metrics for Characterizing Snowpacks in a Warming Climate
- New constraints on the late Quaternary slip rate and earthquake history of the Kalabagh fault from geomorphic mapping: Implications for slip rate and earthquake potential of the western Salt Range thrust
- Ocean Acidification of the coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest: A modeling study
- Oceanic response to buoyancy, wind and tidal forcing in a Greenlandic glacial fjord
- Organic carbon sequestration in soils and sediments along the land-ocean continuum of the Fly River, Papua New Guinea
- Paleo- and environmental magnetic record of Holocene marine sediments from West Greenland
- Permeabilities of Subduction Zone Sediments
- Petrogenesis and metal budget of Pelagatos volcano in the Chichinautzin monogenetic field, Mexico: A Melt Inclusion Study
- Petrologic-geodynamic models of the geochemical evolution of the segmented Siqueiros transform fault (Invited)
- Porewater salinity and δ18O reveal a kilometer-deep subsurface pathway for glacial meltwater into the Gulf of Alaska
- Pre-Little Ice Age advance and retreat of Linnébreen on Svalbard
- Probable Maximum Earthquake Magnitudes for the Cascadia Subduction
- Prolonged Mantle Melting Revealed in the Curaçao Lava Formation: Implications for the Origin of the Caribbean Plateau
- Radiometric <SUP>81</SUP>Kr dating identifies 120,000 year old ice at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica (Invited)
- Real-time Measurements of Biological Particles at Several Continental Sites using the WIBS-4A
- Records of trace metals in sediments from the Oregon shelf and slope: Investigating the occurrence of hypoxia in the past hundreds to thousands of years
- Redefining deuterium excess in ice cores: Antarctic-wide evidence for ITCZ and polar jet variability during abrupt climate change
- Reflection of Low Frequency Equatorial Kelvin Waves at Obliquely Oriented Eastern Boundaries
- Relocating Earthquakes on the Oregon Continental Margin using Cascadia Initiative Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Data
- Response of atmospheric CO2 to the abrupt cooling event 8200 years ago
- Response of the Labrador Sea to insolation forcing during the most recent five interglaciations
- Revised Geochronology and Magnetostratigraphy of Northwest Iceland
- Scientists Must Not Film but Must Appear on Screen!
- Sediment flux and accretion history on the Cascadia and Sumatra margins
- Seismotectonics of the Blanco Transform Fault Zone (Invited)
- Shatsky Rise: Constraining Duration of Volcanism in a Jurassic Large Igneous Province
- Shipboard Paleomagnetic Records from IODP Expedition 341 (Southern Alaska Margin) and Their Potential for Chronostratigraphy
- Simulation of River Bluffs and Slip-Off Slopes With a Discrete Particle-Based Model
- Storage conditions and temporal signals for the Tara supervolcanic magma system; insights from geothermobarometry and quartz chemistry
- Subsurface Thermal and Hydrological Changes Between a Forested and a Clear-Cut Site in the Oregon Cascades: Observations and Models
- Subsurface ocean changes during Heinrich events
- Sulfur and iron geochemistry of the dynamic sedimentary system at the Costa Rica margin, IODP Expedition 344
- Surface exposure dates of cirque basin deglaciation along a western Ireland transect
- Syn-eruptive CO2 Degassing of Submarine Lavas Flows: Constraints on Eruption Dynamics
- Temporal Variability of Methane Flares on the Cascadia Margin Imaged with Swath Bathymetric Data (Ancillary Data to Cascadia Initiative Cruise AT26-02)
- The 800-meter Long Road to Jaramillo and Other Paleomagnetic Observations from IODP Expedition 341(Southern Alaska Margin) (Invited)
- The Fate of Carbon Draining Permafrost Soils is Controlled by Photochemical Reactions in Addition to Microbial Degradation in Arctic Surface Waters
- The Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO): Four Years Operating on the International Space Station (Invited)
- The effects of acid leaching on 40Ar/39Ar age dating results using samples from the Walvis Ridge hotspot trail
- Timing and Composition of Continental Volcanism, Harrat Hutaymah, Western Saudi Arabia
- Trace Metals in Amphibole from Mount St. Helens, Mt. Hood, Shiveluch, and Mount Pinatubo: Insight into Metal Mobility in Volcanic Systems
- Transient simulation of global changes of the hydrological cycle during the last deglaciation (Invited)
- Understanding Natural Variations of the Greenhouse Gas Nitrous Oxide by Tracing its Isotopic Composition: Results over the Last Glacial/Interglacial Transition from the Taylor Glacier Horizontal Ice Core
- Understanding atmospheric and landscape level drivers of peak flow variability in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Update of the U.S. States and Territories National Tsunami Hazard Assessment: Historical Record and Sources for Waves
- Use of arsenic and REE in black shales as potential environmental tracers in hydraulic fracturing operations
- Using Passive Integrated Transponders to Represent Sediment Transport in an Active Natural Channel
- Variability of the continental wedge density at the maximum slip segment of the Chilean 2010 megathrust earthquake
- Winter conditioning of the Cascadian margin upwelling system: Remote forcing and coastal river influences (Invited)
- A 33 kyr Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Record from Fish Lake, Utah
- A 40-year record of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric carbon monoxide concentration and isotope ratios from the firn at Greenland Summit.
- A Century of Geology-Curriculum Response to Society: A Case Study at Oregon State University
- A Comparison of Oceanic Crustal Permeability at the Outcrop, Hand Sample and Thin Section Scales
- A Global Mass Balance of Isotope Ratios in Hydrologic Fluxes Provides Constraints on Terrestrial and Oceanic Water Cycling
- A High-resolution Detrital and Oxygen Isotope Record from Flemish Pass, Labrador Sea
- A Holocene paleomagnetic record from Fish Lake, Oregon.
- A field comparison of techniques to quantify surface water - groundwater interactions
- Adapt or Die on the Highway To Hell: Metagenomic Insights into Altered Genomes of Firmicutes from the Deep Biosphere
- Advection of Sea-Ice Meltwater and Halocline Water Along the Siberian Continental Margin
- Aspects of the Glacial-deglacial Climate of Western North America
- Assessing Microbial Activity in Marcellus Shale Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids
- Assessment of a Fully Coupled Circulation-Wave Model for the Mouth of the Columbia River
- CAT-scan analysis in scientific drilling: effective routine data acquisition and processing of whole cores, split cores and u-channels
- Carbon isotopes support Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation decline as a trigger for early deglacial CO<SUB>2</SUB> rise
- Comparison of Offshore Turbidite records and Lake Disturbance Events at the Latitude of Seattle, Washington
- Complex Sedimentary and Tectonic Events Captured in Stable Sulfur Isotope Profiles from the IODP Expedition 344
- Crystal Mush History at the Unzen Volcanic Complex of Southwestern Japan, determined using U-series Zircon Geochronology
- Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic Mid-Depth and Intermediate-Depth Water Variability
- Diffuse Volcanism at the Young End of the Walvis Ridge - Tristan - Gough Seamount Province: Geochemical Sampling and Constraints on Plume Dynamics
- Dual Heuristics for Assessment of Hydrologic Sensitivities to Climate Change in Watersheds of the Lower Colorado Basin
- Estimating Age Model Uncertainties for the Last Interglaciation
- Evaluating the Influence of Chemical Reactions on Wellbore Cement Integrity and Geochemical Tracer Behavior in Hydraulically-Fractured Shale Formations
- Explaining Tristan-Gough Plume Dynamics with New Age Data from Multiple Age-Progressive Seamount Sub-Tracks in the Young Walvis Ridge Guyot Province
- Exploring the Impacts of Both Climate Change and Decision Making Uncertainty on Coastal Community Vulnerability Assessments in a Policy-Centric Framework
- Exploring the Use of Historic Earthquake Information to Differentiate Between Deposit Triggers for the High-resolution Stratigraphy from Squaw Lakes, Oregon, USA
- Feasibility of Biogeochemical Sealing of Wellbore Cements: Lab and Simulation Tests
- Fluid Origins, Thermal Regimes, and Fluid and Solute Fluxes in the Forearc of Subduction Zones
- Geophysical Investigation of the Offshore Section of the Northern San Andreas Fault: Fault Zone Geometries, Shallow Deformation Patterns, and Holocene Sediment Distribution
- Heat Budget of Large Rivers: Sensitivity to Stream Morphology
- High Resolution Dating of Louisville Guyots from IODP Sites U1372, U1375, U1376 and U1377: Implications for post-erosional hotspot ocean island processes and volcanism
- Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation and Paleointensity: Influence of High Latitude Flux Lobes on the Tangent Cylinder
- Holocene deglaciation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and Implications for Late-Glacial Sea-Level Rise
- Impact of Greenland Ice Sheet Melt on Future AMOC Evolution
- Increasing Diversity in the Earth Sciences - Impact of the IDES Program in Oregon
- Integrating Climate Change Scenarios and Co-developed Policy Scenarios to Inform Coastal Adaptation: Results from a Tillamook County, Oregon Knowledge to Action Network
- Investigating Rare Earth Element Systematics in the Marcellus Shale
- Late Circulation Response in the Deep Southwest Atlantic during Termination I
- Live Ship-to-shore Video Events from the JOIDES Resolution during International Ocean Discovery Program Expeditions
- Magmas, Mushes and Mobility: Thermal Histories of Magma Reservoirs from Combined U-Series and Diffusion Ages
- Magnitude, Rates and Sources of Sea-level Rise Associated with Past Polar Ice-sheet Retreat
- Measuring Gravel Transport in an Active Natural System: An Analytical Framework
- Measuring Wind Ventilation of Dense Surface Snow
- Millennial-scale fluctuation in Ireland's cirque glaciers during the last deglaciation.
- Modeling the Temporal Evolution of the Magma Chamber at Mount Hood (Oregon, USA)
- New Insights from 10-Be on the Deglaciation of Greenland: Comparison of a Continent-Wide Database with Climatic Forcings and Model Results
- New Measurements of <SUP>14</SUP>C Provide Constraints on Sources of a Large Atmospheric Methane Increase During the Younger Dryas - Preboreal Abrupt Warming Event
- Northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet Dynamics in Coastal Alaska from MIS 3 to the Present: Initial Results
- Observed sea ice thickness changes in the Beaufort Gyre through synthesis of Eulerian and Lagrangian data
- Oxygen isotope stratigraphy in the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341)
- Particulate Silver Flux to the Seafloor and its Link to Marine Productivity
- Precipitation-Snowmelt Timing and Snowmelt Augmentation of Large Peak Flow Events, Western Cascades, Oregon
- Quantifying the role of climate variability on extreme total water level impacts: An application of a full simulation model to Ocean Beach, California
- Regional Heat Flow Map and the Continental Thermal Isostasy Understanding of México
- Resilience and Vulnerability of Southeast Asian Societies to Climate Variability in the Pre-Modern Era
- Seismic stratigraphy of the Bering Trough, Gulf of Alaska: Late Quaternary history of Bering Glacier dynamics
- Seismo-turbidite Sedimentology: Implications for Active Tectonic Margin Stratigraphy and Sediment Facies Patterns
- Silicate Weathering and Pervasive Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation Coupled to Methanogenesis in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, Offshore India
- South Greenland Ice-Sheet Response to the Mid-Pliocene Climatic Optimum
- Southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet Retreat from the Outer Continental Shelf by 18 ka
- Storage Conditions of Large Silicic Magmatic Systems: Gauging Melt Evolution from Melt Inclusions Hosted in Different Phenocryst Phases
- The Expansion of the Marginal Ice Zone in the Pacific Arctic
- The Impact of Differing Land Surface Models and Water Isotopic Parameterizations to the Distribution of Water Isotopes in a Coupled Atmosphere-Land Global Climate Model.
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- The Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) Project - Did the Ross Ice Shelf Collapse During MIS 5e?
- The three-dimensional structure of thermally and eddy-driven midlatitude jet variability
- Thermomechanics of Triggering the Eruption of Large Magma Reservoirs: The Effects of Buoyancy and Magma Recharge
- Tracing Bering Sea Circulation With Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Isotopes During the Pleistocene
- Turbidite Paleoseismology: Site Selection, Physiography, Sediment Supply, Current Dynamics and Temporal Considerations as Applied in Cascadia and Elsewhere
- Understanding the production and retention of in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C in polar firn
- Use of a Regional Climate Model to Diagnose Circulation and Surface Climate Controls of Wildfire in North America
- Using Li Diffusion to Track Thermal Histories within Single Zircon Crystals
- Using NPMR to forecast fire season severity for the state of Oregon
- Using Nitrogen Isotope Records to Constrain Changes to the Global Oceanic Fixed Nitrogen Budget during the Last Glacial Maximum in an Earth System Climate Model
- Using Zircon-Hosted Melt Inclusions to Track the Late Volatile Evolution of the 74 ka Youngest Toba Tuff, Sumatra
- Variations in Magmatic He, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP> C during the 2005-06 Seafloor Eruption Near 9°50'N on the East Pacific Rise
- a View of the Marble-Cake Mantle from the Southeast Indian Ridge
- <p>Advective and Conductive Heat Flow Budget Across the Wagner Basin, Northern Gulf of California
- 3D Visualization of Global Ocean Circulation
- A High-Resolution Labrador Sea Surface and Subsurface Water Foraminiferal δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Record and its Relation to Heinrich Events.
- AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt.
- Abrupt Atmospheric Methane Increases Associated With Hudson Strait Heinrich Events
- Aftershocks of the M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake: Early Results from Project NAMASTE
- Amount Effect, Altitude, and Moisture Source Influences on Precipitation Isotopic Variability in the Galápagos Islands
- An Analysis of Historic and Projected Climate Scenarios in the Western United States Using Hydrologic Landscape Classification
- An Ocean Sediment Core-Top Calibration of Foraminiferal (Cibicides) Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios
- Anaerobic oxidation of methane related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin
- Application of probabilistic event attribution in the summer heat extremes in the western US to emissions traced to major industrial carbon producers
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> and carbon cycle during the late Holocene
- Can basal magma oceans generate magnetic fields?
- Carbon Isotopic Excursions Associated with the Mid-Pleistocene Transition and the Mid-Brunhes Transition
- Changes in Biological Production and Lake Chemistry in Lake Tanganyika over the Past 400 Years
- Characterizing Land-cover Changes Since 1650 in the Southeastern United States for Application to Regional Climate Modeling
- Constraining timescales of pre-eruptive events within large silicic volcanic centers
- DOC Dynamics in Small Headwater Streams: the Role of Hydrology, Climate, and Land Management
- Defining the Tristan-Gough Hotspot: High-Resolution <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating of Volcanism at Tristan da Cunha
- Determining the imprint of Heinrich Stadial 4 on the latitudinal distribution of methane sources using the inter-polar methane difference from the WAIS Divide and GISP2 ice-cores
- Evaluating Active Methane Hydrate Dissociation Along the Washington Margin in Response to Bottom Water Warming
- Evaluating cloud precipitation efficiency with satellite retrievals of water isotopologues
- Evaluation of the changes in long-term Snow Water Equivalent trends in the Western US
- Extension and Explosivity during an Eccentric Era of the Early Oregon High Cascades
- Extracting Authigenic ɛ<SUB>Nd</SUB> Signals from Gulf of Alaska Sediments
- Fish Lake, Utah - a promising long core site straddling the Great Basin to Colorado Plateau transition zone
- Flash Mob Science - Increasing Seismic Hazard Awareness and Preparedness in Oregon
- Formation of continental crust in a temporally linked arc magma system from 5 to 30 km depth: ~ 90 Ma plutonism in the Cascades Crystalline Core composite arc section
- Impact of Greenland Ice Sheet Melt on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in GFDL ESM2Mb
- Incorporating feedback uncertainties in a model-based assessment of equilibrium climate sensitivity using Last Glacial Maximum temperature reconstructions
- Inferring the Behavior, Concentration and Flux of CO<SUB>2</SUB> from the Suboceanic Mantle from Undegassed Ocean Ridge and Ocean Island Basalts
- Insights into the Geochemical Evolution of the Youngest Toba Tuff Magma Chamber using Zircon-hosted Melt Inclusion
- Inter-comparison of isotropic and anisotropic sea ice rheology in a fully coupled model
- Intraplate Harrat Volcanism and Neogene Evolution of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary beneath Western Saudi Arabia
- Land-Marine Paleoseismic Integration for the Northern Cascadia Margin, USA
- Late Pleistocene pluton formation during the waning stages of the Altiplano-Puna ignimbrite flare-up
- Late Pliocene deglaciation of Southern Greenland
- Late Quaternary paleomagnetic secular variation, relative paleointensity, and environmental magnetism from Cascade Lake, Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska
- Late-Holocene Fluctuations of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Insights from a south Greenland threshold lake
- Links between abrupt change in tropical hydroclimate, high-latitude climate change, and atmospheric greenhouse gases during the last ice age
- Longevity of Yellowstone hotspot volcanism: Isotopic evidence linking the Siletzia LIP (56 Ma) and early Columbia River Basalt Group (17 Ma) mantle sources
- Mapping the Changing Extent and Thickness of Arctic Multiyear Sea Ice
- Marine Heat Flow Measurements of the Northern and Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Marine and Lacustrine Turbidite Records: Testing Linkages and Estimating Ground Motions, Central Cascadia Margin, USA
- Melt production constrained by the topographic signature of the Altiplano-Puna Magma Body
- Merging Marine Ecosystem Models and Genomics
- Metagenomic insights into important microbes from the Dead Zone
- Modeling Regional Climate Responses to 17<SUP>th</SUP>-20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Land Use Change over the Southeastern United States
- New Radiometric Age Constraints for the Matuyama-Bruhnes Reversal and Santa Rosa Excursion
- On the Possibility of Slip-to-trench Rupture in Cascadia Megathrust Earthquakes
- Origin of Siletzia, a Large Igneous Province in the Cascadia Forearc, and the Early History of the Yellowstone Hotspot
- Paleoceanographic history of the Lower Bengal Fan during the last glacial cycle - IODP Expedition 354
- Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Insights into the Middle to Late Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the 8<SUP>o</SUP> North Bengal Fan Transect, IODP Expedition 354
- Pleistocene to Miocene Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy from IODP Expedition 334 Hole U1381A and Expedition 352 Hole U1439A
- Pre-eruptive Magma Processes of the Catastrophic Eruption of Toya Caldera, Japan
- Preferential accumulation of gas hydrate in the Andaman accretionary wedge and relationship to anomalous porosity preservation
- Preliminary Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Ages on Laurentide Ice-sheet Retreat and Opening of the Eastern Lake Agassiz Outlets
- Projected Changes in CMIP5 Low Level North Atlantic Storm Tracks: Relative Roles of Local and Remote SST
- Reconstructing Methane Emission Events in the Arctic Ocean: Observations from the Past to Present
- Reconstructing Variations of Global Sea-Surface Temperature during the Last Interglaciation
- Retreat of the Coalescent Greenland and Innuitian Ice Sheets from Nares Strait
- Revisiting Tectonic Corrections Applied to Pleistocene Sea-Level Highstands
- Sediment Interfaces: Ecotones on a Microbial Scale
- Sediment and water column geochemistry related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin
- Shallow-mantle Recycling and Anomalous, Voluminous Volcanism along the Northern and Northwestern African Continental Margin
- Spatially-distributed Calibration of Two Macroscale Hydrologic Models Across the Columbia River Basin
- Spatiotemporal Variability in the Salinity-Oxygen Isotope Relationship of Seawater Across the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Stratigraphy of Carbon Preservation in Reservoir Sediments, Elwha River, Washington
- Superensemble Climate Simulations for attribution of 2013-15 Western US drought
- Surface uplift history of southern Alaska: Insight from stable isotopes
- Tectonic evolution of the outer Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore arc system: initial results from IODP Expedition 352
- Temporal resilience and dynamics of anaerobic methane-oxidizing microbial communities to short-term changes in methane partial pressures
- Testing Magnetotelluric Constraints on the Physical State of the Yellowstone Plume
- The Holocene History of the North American Flux lobe: New Constraints From Fish Lake, Harney County, Oregon
- The Influence of Crystal Mush on Magmatism Under Arc Volcanoes Recorded in Zircon from the Lassen Volcanic Center, California and Mount Hood, Oregon
- The Submarine Paleoseismic Recording Threshold of Shallow Cascadia Earthquakes Under a Wide Variety of Site Conditions
- The crystal's view of upper-crustal magma reservoirs
- Thermal history of caldera-forming magmatic systems
- Time and temperature dependence of the re-equilibration processes in plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions
- Towards Biogeochemical Modeling of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane: Characterization of Microbial Communities in Methane-bearing North American Continental Margin Sediments
- User Friendly Processing of Sediment CT Data: Software and Application in High Resolution Non-Destructive Sediment Core Data Sets
- Using integrated models to diagnose scaling of hydrologic processes to the continent.
- Water Isotope Tracers of Indo-Pacific Atmospheric Circulation: A Modern Take on Past Dynamics
- Wind Stress Increases Glacial Atlantic Overturning
- 2015, a Year without Snow in the Oregon Cascades: Recession Response of Small Watersheds
- A global synthesis of Holocene sea-level data to determine its rates, mechanisms and geographic variability
- A new estimate of climate sensitivity using Last Glacial Maximum model-data constraints that includes parametric, feedback, and proxy uncertainties
- Abrupt changes in atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide during Heinrich Stadials from very high resolution ice core data
- Adapting Better Interpolation Methods to Model Amphibious MT Data Along the Cascadian Subduction Zone.
- Along-strike variation in gas hydrate and re-equilibration in response to external forcing on the Cascadia margin
- An Efficient Multigrid (MG) Method For 3D Finite Difference Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Solutions
- An XRF Geochemical Investigation of the Deglaciation of Hall Basin, Naires Strait
- An assessment of streamflow vulnerability to climate using Hydrologic Landscape classification
- Assessing the statistical robustness of inter- and intra-basinal carbon isotope chemostratigraphic correlation
- Beach and dune building processes: Linking nearshore to backshore and events to decades
- Bradley Lake: There and Back Again, Additional Sedimentary Evidence for Earthquakes
- Bubble composition of natural gas seeps discovered along the Cascadia Continental Margin
- Characterizing Feedbacks Between Environmental Forcing and Sediment Characteristics in Fluvial and Coastal Systems
- Charting a path forward: building AGU's capacity to help foster scientist-decision maker engagement
- Climate model parameter sensitivity and selection for incorporating uncertainty in regional climate modeling
- Climatic Controls on Forest Productivity in Western North America; Variability, Covariability, and Projected Change
- Co-producing Coastal Adaptation Plans with Pacific Northwest Stakeholders: Applying Alternative Futures Analysis to Quantitatively Envision Policy and Climate Scenarios
- Collaboration as a means toward a better dataset for both stakeholders and scientist
- Comparing Meander Sizes of Alluvial and Bedrock Channels to Loop-Erased Random Walks: Implications for Controls on the Sizes of Meander Bends
- Complementary Constraints from Carbon (<SUP>13</SUP>C) and Nitrogen (<SUP>15</SUP>N) Isotopes on the Efficiency of the Glacial Ocean's Soft-Tissue Biological Pump
- Controls on the Burial Efficiency of Sediments in Lake Billy Chinook, Oregon
- Core-seismic investigation of Surveyor Channel tributaries: Glacial history of the southern Alaskan margin
- Covariation of deglacial North Pacific intermediate water ventilation and atmospheric CO2 evidenced by authigenic neodymium isotope composition
- Deciphering physical properties of preferential flowpaths using non-Newtonian fluids
- Deglacial sea-surface temperature change and rapid response along the western margin of the northern and southern Cordilleran ice sheet
- Developing a High-Resolution Paleointensity Assisted Chronology Through the Matuyama-Brunhes Transitional Interval (0.7 to 1.25 Ma) for the NE Pacific From IODP Expedition 341, Sites U1417 and U1418
- Development of regional spherical coordinate electromagnetic forward modeling with non-uniform sources
- Dysoxia in the Gulf of Alaska evinced by benthic foraminiferal assemblages and redox-sensitive trace elements during deglacial and glacial intervals
- Eastward routing of glacial Lake Agassiz runoff caused the Younger Dryas cold event
- Efficient calculation of full waveform time domain inversion for electromagnetic problem using fictitious wave domain method and cascade decimation decomposition
- Electrical conductivity of the Cascadia subduction zone and implications for the plate interface
- Electromagnetic signals due to ocean tides: Multiscale Forward Modelling in Spherical Coordinates
- Estimating Inland Ground Motions from Lake Turbidite Sequences, Northern Cascadia margin, USA.
- Examining the diversity and distribution of microbial communities from newly discovered methane seeps along the Cascadia Margin
- Exploring Effects of Mesoscale Eddy Mixing in a Global Ocean Circulation Model
- Foraminiferal δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Evidence for a Biological Pump Driver of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Rise during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Frequency domain and full waveform time domain inversion of ground based magnetometer, electrometer and incoherent scattering radar arrays to image strongly heterogenous 3-D Earth structure, ionospheric structure, and to predict the intensity of GICs in the power grid
- Genomic evidence for the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway for carbon fixation in warm basaltic ocean crust
- Geological Development of the Izu-Bonin Forearc Since the Eocene Based on Biostratigraphic, Rock Magnetic, and Sediment Provenance Observations from IODP Expedition 352 Drill Cores
- Helium Isotope Variations in Basalts from the Gulf of Aden
- High-pressure behavior of 10 Å phase (Mg<SUB>3</SUB>Si<SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>10</SUB>(OH)<SUB>2.</SUB>H<SUB>2</SUB>O)
- Hydrologic and forest management controls on DOC dynamics in the small watersheds of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, OR
- Hydrologic climate change impacts in the Columbia River Basin and their sensitivity to methodological choices
- Ice core measurements of <SUP>14</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> show no evidence of methane release to atmosphere from methane hydrates during a large warming event 11,600 years ago
- Improving Ionospheric Source Models for Imaging Upper Mantle/Transition Zone Resistivity
- Intermediate magma genesis of Mount Hood and Mount Jefferson, OR: Insights from Cumulate Inclusions
- Intraplate Volcanism beneath Western Saudi Arabia: An enigmatic offshoot of the Afar mantle plume?
- Lake Sediment Particle Size Analysis for Holocene Paleoenvironmental Study of Steens Mountain, Eastern Oregon
- Last Glacial Maximum's ocean circulation, iron and carbon cycles and their effect on marine isotopes.
- Late Holocene glacial history of Petermann Fjord, Northwest Greenland: Non-destructive CT, XRF, and magnetic results from OD1507 sediment cores
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene phytoplankton productivity in the Gulf of Alaska, IODP Site U1419
- Late Pliocene Glaciation of Southern Greenland and Ice/Ocean Interactions
- Linking Particle Size Specific Measurements of Terrestrial and Marine Sediments to Understand the Deglacial Behavior of the Southern Greenland Icesheet since MIS12.
- Location, location, location! Regional differences in morphologic and hydrodynamic controls on extreme total water levels along the West Coast of the United States
- Long Term Monitoring of Microbial Induced Soil Strengthening Processes
- Magnetic study of a recent levee in the Bengal Fan (8°N, IODP Site U1454)
- Massive Freshwater discharges: an example from Glacial Lake Missoula
- Microbial communities in methane seep sediments along US Atlantic Margin are structured by organic matter and seepage dynamics
- Microbial communities inhabiting deep-sourced fluids in recent mud breccia flows from the active Venere Mud Volcano offshore Italy
- Modeling the re-equilibration processes between melt inclusions and their host plagioclase megacrysts in Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalts
- Monitoring an EGS injection at Newberry Volcano using Magnetotelluric dimensionality analysis
- New Constraints on Relative Sea-Level Change in Northern Greenland from Marine Bivalves; Implications for Ice History and GIA Models
- North Pacific Modulation of the Global Carbon Cycle Through MIS-2: Insights from IODP Expedition 341
- Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Records from Onshore and Offshore Core Data
- Numerous Bubble Plumes Mapped and New Seeps Characterized on the Cascadia Margin
- Observation to Theory in Deep Subsurface Microbiology Research: Can We Piece It Together?
- Orbital scale oxygen isotope stratigraphy at Sites U1417 and U1418 in the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341)
- Plagioclase, Amphibole, and Magnetite in the 1991 Pinatubo Reservoir: Timescales of Crystallization and Storage
- Quaternary Landscape Evolution and the Surface Expression of Plume-Lithosphere Interactions in the Greater Yellowstone Area.
- Recycling, Remobilization, and Eruption of Crystals from the Lassen Volcanic Center
- Regional Moment Tensor Analysis Using OBS and Land Data for Blanco Transform Fault Zone and Gorda Plate Earthquakes
- Revised Bounds on Peak Global Mean Sea Level During MIS 5a and MIS 5c
- Signal to noise quantification of regional climate projections
- Southern Ocean Control of Glacial AMOC Stability and Dansgaard-Oeschger Interstadial Duration
- Surface Exposure Dating of Glaciated Landscapes in Washington Land, Northwest Greenland
- Surface ocean carbon isotope anomalies on glacial terminations: An alternative view
- Sutures and an Anomalous Deep Lithospheric Electrical Resistor in the Southeastern United States as Revealed by EarthScope Magnetotelluric Data
- Tephrostratigraphy of the Deschutes Fm., Central Oregon: Deciphering an Exceptionally Explosive Period of Cascade Arc History
- Testing electrostatic equilibrium in the ionosphere by detailed comparison of ground magnetic deflection and incoherent scatter radar.
- The Analytical Limits of Modeling Short Diffusion Timescales
- The Petermann Glacier Experiment, NW Greenland
- The Southern Washington Cascades magmatic system imaged with magnetotellurics
- The glacimarine sediment budget of the Nares Strait-Petermann Fjord area since the Last Glacial Maximum
- The history of retreat dynamics of Petermann Glacier inferred from submarine glacial landforms
- The last glacial cycle documented on the Lower Bengal Fan - chronological and paleoclimate implications
- The solid Earth's involvement in oxygen cycling: Observations and theory
- The subsurface record for the Anthropocene based on the global analysis of deep wells
- Three-dimensional magnetotelluric imaging of Cascadia subduction zone from an amphibious array
- Toba's Resurgence: Comparing <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar and (U-Th)/He ages
- Towards the Complete Characterization of Marine-Terminating Glacier Outlet Systems
- U-Pb zircon age of dykes in the roof of the Black Peak Intrusive Complex, North Cascades
- Ultra-High Resolution Late Pleistocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Records From the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341 Sites U1418 and U1419)
- Understanding the production and retention of in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C in polar firn
- Using EarthScope magnetotelluric data to improve the resilience of the US power grid: rapid predictions of geomagnetically induced currents
- Widespread Neogene and Quaternary Volcanism on Central Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean
- 80 Million Years of Prolonged and Localized Fluid flow on Shatsky Rise
- A Bayesian-Based Approach to Marine Spatial Planning: Evaluating Spatial and Temporal Variance in the Provision of Ecosystem Services Before and After the Establishment Oregon's Marine Protected Areas
- A High-Resolution Lipid Biomarker Perspective on North Iceland Shelf Marine Climate over the Last Millennium
- A Two Million Year Equatorial Paleogeomagnetic and Relative Paleointensity Record from IODP Site U1489 in the West Pacific Warm Pool: Towards an Improved Tuning Target.
- A continuous record of glacial-interglacial cycles spanning more than 500 kyr from Lake Junín, Perú
- Along - Strike Analysis of Contemporary Ocean Temperature Change on the Cascadia Margin and Implications to Upper Slope Hydrate Instability
- Analysis of African Biomass Burning Over the South East Atlantic and its Interaction with Stratocumulus Clouds during ORACLES 2016/17
- Application of individual foraminifera Mg/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O analyses for paleoceanographic reconstructions in the Bay of Bengal and other active depositional environments
- Assessing the biogeochemical impact of AMOC collapse during Heinrich Stadial 1: New surface and mid-depth records from the South Atlantic
- Characterizing Process-Based River and Floodplain Restoration Projects on Federal Lands in Oregon, and Assessing Catalysts and Barriers to Implementation
- Cloud-based Computing and Applications of New Snow Metrics for Societal Benefit
- Combining super-ensembles and statistical emulation to improve a regional climate and vegetation model
- Comparing Three-Dimensional Geophysical Models of Mount St. Helens
- Constraining Resurgence through Lake Sediment Paleomagnetism on Resurgent Dome Samosir Island in Toba Caldera, Sumatra, Indonesia
- Constraints on the Chemistry and Abundance of Hydrous Phases in Sub Continental Lithospheric Mantle: Implications for Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuities
- Controls on Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes at Yellowstone Supervolcano: The Wideband Magnetotelluric Component of an Integrated MT/Seismic Investigation
- Correspondence between North Pacific Ocean ventilation, Cordilleran Ice Sheet variations, and North Atlantic Heinrich Events
- Cracking up (and down): Linking multi-domain hydraulic properties with multi-scale hydrological processes in shrink-swell soils
- Crustal inheritance and arc magmatism: Magnetotelluric constraints from the Washington Cascades on top-down control
- Development of a Process Based Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Dating Curve for the Northern Hemisphere Through the Radiocarbon Interval
- Development of a Shallow Decollement Along the South-Central Chile Margin from 2D Seismic Reflection Data
- Effects of spin crossover on iron isotope fractionation in Earth's mantle
- Elasticity of Pargasite Amphibole: A Hydrous Phase at Mid Lithospheric Discontinuity
- Elasticity of fluorite at high temperatures
- Entrainment and cloud evaporation deduced from the stable isotope chemistry of clouds during ORACLES
- Environmental controls on barium incorporation into planktic foraminifer, Globorotalia truncatulinoides
- Environmental controls on the geochemistry of Globorotalia truncatulinoides in the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions
- Evaluating the use of seafloor pressure data for the study of slow slip earthquakes; insights from the 2011-2015 Cascadia Initiative deployment
- Exploring the Circulation Dynamics of Mississippi Sound and Bight Using the CONCORDE Synthesis Model
- Exploring the Mass Balance and Sea Level Contribution of Global Glaciers During the Last Interglaciation and Mid-Holocene
- Extensive Sediment Subduction along the South-Central Chile Margin and its Role in the Maule and Valdivia Megathrust Earthquakes
- Fault structure in the Nepal Himalaya as illuminated by aftershocks of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake recorded by the local NAMASTE network
- First Gridded Spatial Field Reconstructions of Snow from Tree Rings
- Food, energy, and water in an era of disappearing snow
- Geochemical and Isotopic Variations Along the Southeast Indian Ridge (126°-140°E) Related to Mantle Flow Originating from Beneath Antarctica
- High-Temperature Elasticity of Topaz: A Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopic study
- Historical Evaluation of Groundwater Responses to Underground Injection Controls in an Urban Watershed
- How do the methodological choices of your climate change study affect your results? A hydrologic case study across the Pacific Northwest
- Hydrogen in the Deep Earth
- Hydrologic vulnerability of tribal reservation lands across the U.S.
- Initial report for magnetostratigraphy of IODP Site U1490
- Late Holocene spatio-temporal variability of the south Greenland Ice Sheet and adjacent mountain glaciers
- Laurentide Ice-Sheet Meltwater Sources to the Gulf of Mexico During the Last Deglaciation: Assessing Data Reconstructions Using Water Isotope Enabled Simulations
- Lithospheric Structure of the Incoming Nazca Plate Adjacent to the 2014 Iquique Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Magmatic and Volcanic Processes Interpreted from Recent Ash Emissions from Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia
- Magmatism, Hydrothermalism, and Carbon Cycling in the sedimented Guaymas Basin
- Magnetotelluric Investigations of the Yellowstone Caldera: Understanding the Emplacement of Crustal Magma Bodies
- Microbial Community Structure of an Alluvial Aquifer Treated to Encourage Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation
- Mitigating Space Weather Impacts on the Power Grid in Real-Time: Applying 3-D EarthScope Magnetotelluric Data to Forecasting Reactive Power Loss in Power Transformers
- Mobile Bay river plume mixing in the inner shelf
- Mode of seismic slip at an Ocean Transform Fault: Results from the Blanco Transform Fault OBS Experiment
- Moist entropy and water isotopologues in a Walker-type circulation framework of the MJO
- Multi-core, multi-constraint chronostratigraphic framework over past 50,000 years places high-resolution Gulf of Alaska ocean-ice-sediment history into a global framework
- Multi-decadal Arctic sea ice roughness.
- Paleoclimate Reconstrcution on the Lower Bengal Fan for the last 200 ka - Implications for Monsoonal Development
- Past collapse and late Holocene reestablishment of the Petermann Ice Tongue, Northwest Greenland
- Preliminary 3D P-wave Seismic Velocity Structure in the Rupture Zone of the April 1, 2014 Pisagua, Chile Earthquake from Controlled Source Data
- Quantifying Proxy Influence in the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- Reconstructing Sea Surface Conditions in the Bay of Bengal during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Reconstructing Southern Greenland Ice Sheet History During the Plio-Pleistocene Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation: Insights from IODP Site U1307
- Release of Volatiles During North Atlantic Flood Basalt Volcanism and Correlation to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Salmon and Sagebrush: The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Collaborative Approach to Adaptation Planning
- Sediment Budgets and Sources Inform a Novel Valley Bottom Restoration Practice Impacted by Legacy Sediment: The Big Spring Run, PA, Restoration Experiment
- Seeing through the forest: New forest structure metrics improve process understanding of snow-forest dynamics
- Segmentation and Contrasting Magma Supply Along the South-East Indian Ridge, 130°E to 140°E: Results of the STORM Cruise
- Southward migrations of tropical rainfall during Heinrich Events: compelling evidence from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- Stress Regime in the Nepalese Himalaya from Recent Earthquakes.
- Structure and tectonics of the Main Himalayan Thrust and associated faults from recent earthquake and seismic imaging studies using the NAMASTE array
- Structure, energetics, and elasticity of phase Egg: insights from theory and experiments
- Structure, thermodynamics, and properties of hydrous aluminosilicate melt in the deep Earth
- Surface Ocean Radiocarbon Reservoir Ages From Land-Sea Tephra Correlation Constrains Deglacial Chronology and Ocean Circulation in the Southeast Bering Sea
- Tectonic Impact on the Sedimentary Magnetic Record in Active Margin Settings
- The CASEIS project: toward a better understanding of the seismic cycle and paleoseismology of the Lesser Antilles megathrust
- The Caucasus Seismic Network (CNET): Seismic Structure of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus
- The Impact of Urban Growth and Climate Change on Heat Stress in an Australian City
- The Last Millennium Reanalysis: Improvements to proxies and proxy modeling
- The Newberry Deep Drilling Project (NDDP)
- The consequences of crystal relaxation on CO<SUB>2</SUB> partitioning in plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions
- The dependence of entrainment and drizzle in marine stratiform clouds on biomass burning aerosols derived from stable isotope and thermodynamic profiles
- The ins and outs of mélange diapirs: a multidisciplinary approach to formation, ascent, and observation
- Three-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Imaging of the Cascadia Subduction Zone with an Amphibious Array
- Timing and magnitude of Last Interglacial ocean warming
- Timing of Glacial Lake Missoula Outburst Floods and the southwestern Cordilleran Ice Sheet retreat.
- Toward Assessing the Causes of Volcanic Diversity in the Cascades Arc
- Transforming data into usable knowledge: the CIRC experience
- Trends and variability in the Hadley circulation over the Last Millennium from the proxy record
- Upper mantle oxygen fugacity recorded by peridotite xenoliths from oceanic islands
- Using Perturbed Physics Ensembles and Machine Learning to Select Parameters for Reducing Regional Biases in a Global Climate Model
- Using Spectroscopy to Infer the Eruption Style and Volatile History of Volcanic Tephras
- Water Source and Isotope changes through the Deglaciation and Holocene
- Weak overturning circulation and increased iron fertilization maximized carbon storage in the glacial ocean
- A 2D Tomographic P-Wave Velocity Model for the Incoming Nazca Plate Adjacent to the 2014 Iquique Earthquake
- A synthesis of fast changes in greenhouse gases in ice cores
- Absence of the West Antarctic ice sheet during the last interglaciation
- Advancing Best Practices for the Analysis of the Vulnerability of Military Installations in the Pacific Basin to Coastal Flooding under a Changing Climate
- Air-Sea Disequilibrium Enhances Ocean Carbon Storage During Glacial Periods
- Along-Strike Variations in Seismic Velocity Structure and Implications for Geologic Controls on the Rupture Zone of the April 1, 2014 Pisagua, Chile Earthquake
- Annual, moderate resolution maps of land surface properties for the continental United States in support of process-based carbon modeling
- Assessing Orbital Forcing in the Tropical Andes: Developing a 700 kyr paleointensity assisted chronology for ICDP drilling in Lake Junín, Peru
- Atmospheric nitrous oxide in the pre-800 ka atmosphere from ice cores from the Alan Hills, Antarctica
- Bengal Fan depositional history through Pleistocene climate, monsoon, and sea level transitions
- Boundary Layer Instabilities in Wind-Forced Frontal Zones
- Brucite at high pressures
- Building community resilience through co-production of knowledge
- COCOONED: Unraveling Shoreline Response Due To Climate Variability And Associated Implications In A Changing Climate.
- Characterization of Recently Located Methane Seeps on the Cascadia Margin
- Coastal bathymetry mapping by combined inversion of remotely-sensed data
- Combined fate of rock-bound carbon in watersheds
- Combining perturbed physics ensembles with statistical emulation to explore model process sensitivity and constrain uncertainty in projections
- Comparison of 4.5-Hz Geophones to Broadband Seismometers from a Real Field Deployment
- Comparisons of Four Dynamical Cores for Mars Atmospheric Modeling with Simplified Global Circulation Model Simulations
- Controls on sediment accretion and blue carbon burial in salt marshes: Insights from the Oregon coast
- Crystal relaxation, an important temperature-dependent post entrapment process of mineral-hosted melt inclusions
- Deglaciation of Nares Strait and Washington Land, northwest Greenland
- Determining Relative Mantle Plume Motion Using Hotspot Track Geometry, Geochronology and Geochemistry.
- Does topography along the Cascadia forearc reflect permanent deformation of North America?
- E/V Nautilus: Mapping and ROV Exploration of Previously Unexplored Seamounts in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
- Elasticity of Tremolite at High Pressures
- Elasticity of talc at high-pressures
- Episodic creep triggering seismic slip at the Blanco Transform Fault, Blanco Ridge segment, NE Pacific
- Evaluation of satellite-derived water quality variables using satellite remote sensing and in situ data in San Luis Reservoir
- Expanding Life's Boundaries: A Grand Challenge of Estimating Where and How Life Survives in Earth and Other Planets
- Exploring Volcano-Tectonic Connections in Cascadia—Temporal Linkages between Tephra Deposition and Turbidite Sequences
- Extensive authigenic carbonate hardgrounds on the Cascadia continental margin
- Extra-tropical Influence on Hydrologic Balance in the High Elevation Andes: Physical Sedimentology Evidence from Lake Junín, Peru during the Last Glacial Period
- Future changes in carbonate chemistry in the Southern Ocean under acidification using insights from SOCCOM biogeochemical floats
- Gas age scale and total air content record for the South Pole ice core
- Generation of unusually large runup events
- Geochemical Constraints on Fluid-Rock Reactions, Fluid Sources, and Flow Pathways Along the IODP Expedition 375 Transect; Northern Hikurangi Margin
- Heterogeneous Upper Plate Extension in South Central Chile and Implications for Megathrust Fault Development
- High resolution surf zone hydrodynamic observations and data assimilation from sUAS
- Horizontal advection critical for maintaining an Antarctic biological hotspot
- Hydrometric and Tracer Based Analysis of Hydrologic Storage Across Geologically and Geomorphologically Variable Temperate Catchments
- Impacts of Holocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Discharge in a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- Improving vegetation response to drought stress in earth system models
- Influence of Sand Fences on the Decadal-Scale Morphology of a Developed Barrier Island
- Influence of rapid sediment erosion and deposition on sea-level change in Taiwan
- Intrashell trace element variability in the deeper dwelling planktic foraminifers Globorotalia menardii and Globorolia tumida
- Introduction to Climate Science, an online textbook
- Investigating phytoplankton-grazer dynamics at the deep chlorophyll maximum: A model-data comparison
- Investigation of Deep Seismic Reflections Beneath the Accretionary Prism of the Chile Subduction Zone in South-Central Chile
- Iron Released by Ash Alteration in Sediments of the Hikurangi Margin Potentially Consumes Methane beneath the Sulfate-Methane Transition
- Isotopic enrichment of molecular nitrogen, oxygen, and argon due to gas loss in the bubble-clathrate transition zone
- Lattice preferred orientation of chloritoid and implications for seismic anisotropy in subduction zones
- Liquid iron-carbon alloy in the Earth's outer core
- Magnetotelluric exploration of Newberry Volcano, Oregon, for volcano properties and geothermal resources
- Making MagIC More FAIR with Structured Metadata
- Marine Contributions to Coastal Foredune Growth
- Methane-driven microbial community succession in Arctic seafloor gas hydrate mounds
- Modeling global magnetic fields in the daily variation band for mantle induction studies
- Modeling the Effects of Mesoscale Eddies on Large-scale Circulation, Mixing and Tracer Distributions in a Global Ocean Circulation Model
- Morphological and chemical properties of Microtektite grains from Bay of Bengal (IODP Expedition: 354)
- Morphology of stratospheric sudden warming - insights from a rotating tank experiment
- Multiscale Modeling of Integrated Urban Water Management in Oregon
- Neodymium isotopes in the western Arctic highlight the role of sediment-water interaction in the distribution of Nd isotopes
- New Approaches to Address Scaling Issues of Water Flow through Snow
- Observations of Nonlinear Internal Waves and Atmospheric Surface Layer Interaction
- Occurrence and fractionation of light hydrocarbons in the gas-hydrate bearing sediments of IODP Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Oceanographic conditions in the Southern Bay of Bengal from 0.8 to 1.3Ma
- Paleo-reanalysis of Arctic Common Era Climate: A statistical reconstruction of spatially- and temporally resolved climate 10-1970 C.E.
- Paleoearthquake Rupture Length and Magnitude along the Central and Southern Panamint Valley Fault System, Eastern California
- Patterns of coastal response and recovery from the 2015-16 El Niño
- Phase Equilibria Experiments on Anorthitic Megacrysts and Their Melt Inclusions in Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalts (PUBs)
- Pilot Study Recommendations from the IRIS GSN Working Group on Long-Term Seafloor Seismographs
- Potential Consequences of the Compositional Distribution of Trace Element Partitioning Experiments
- Predicting Reactive Power Loss in Power Grid High-Voltage Transformers due to Geomagnetic Disturbances: Fusion of Geophysical Observations, CLFA Algorithm and Power Flow Solutions using PSS/e
- Preliminary Tephrostratigraphy and Eruption History of Misti Volcano, Southern Peru, Since the Late Pleistocene
- Quantifying underlying trends in Twitter posts during Hurricane Irma
- Rapid Ross Sea Deglaciation as captured in the RICE Ice Core
- Reconstructing Temperature and Carbonate Ion Concentration in the Santa Barbara Basin Using Planktic Foraminifera Trace Element Composition
- Refugee Camps as Climate Traps: Measuring the Enviro-climatic Marginality of 922 Global Refugee Camps with Satellite Time Series Data
- Regionally Consistent Western North America Paleomagnetic Directions from 15-35 ka: Assessing Chronology and Uncertainty with Paleosecular Variation (PSV) Stratigraphy
- Sediment and Faunal Evidence of Ice Shelves and Their Disintegration during the Early Holocene Deglaciation of Nares Strait
- Stratigraphic control of landscape response to base-level fall, Young Womans Creek, Pennsylvania, USA
- Structural Evidence for Heterogeneous Plate Coupling on the Cascadia Margin
- T-phase characterization of an oceanic transform fault earthquake swarm using the Ocean Observatories Cabled Array
- Tectonic and Climate Influences on Spatial and Temporal Variations of Subglacial Erosion; Bering Glacier, Alaska
- The Census of Deep Life: Metadata Then and Now
- The Detectability of Offshore Slow Slip Earthquakes with Seafloor Pressure Sensors: A Sensitivity Analysis for the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- The Effects of X-ray CT Scanning on Microbial Communities in Sediment Cores
- The Geophysical Structure and Deformational Regime of the Arabian-Eurasia Collision
- The High Arctic Geomagnetic Field over the Middle to Late Holocene: Towards a Reconciliation of Discrepant Chronologies
- The MagIC Database Looks Toward Stability and Sustainability with Open Source Software, Data Model 3.0, and New Funding
- The Particle Size Specific Magnetic Properties of Eirik Ridge Sediments over the Last 150 ka from IODP Expedition 303 U1305 and U1306: Disentangling the Influences of the Greenland Ice Sheet and Deep Western Boundary Current
- The contribution of geologic emissions, thawing permafrost and methane hydrates to the global methane budget - perspective from ice core records
- The effects of eddy-induced air-sea interaction on mesoscale eddies in the South Atlantic Ocean
- The influence of the source function on seawater REE patterns
- Thinking outside of the box: How data assimilative and machine learning methods can help us understand the nearshore ocean
- Three-Dimensional Structures in the Low-Frequency Flow Variability of the Extratropical Troposphere
- Trigger of the Toya ignimbrite eruption, Japan: short-time mixing of multiple magma batches with high-silica rhyolite
- Two-phase flooding of the Bering Strait reflects the sea-level fingerprint of an expanding ice-free corridor
- Understanding the Yellowstone Volcanic System through Application of Magnetotelluric and Seismic methods
- Using Last Glacial Maximum proxy data and a large ensemble of climate simulations to constrain an estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity
- Using Terrestrial Analogs to Distinguishing Eolian, Fluvial, and Volcanic Deposits on Mars
- Utility of Ba/Ca ratios in deeper-dwelling planktic foraminifers as a proxy for paleo-productivity
- Yangtze upstream-river network expansion reveals potential top-down incision
- "Net Result": Using Plankton Tow Material to Evaluate Geochemical Variability between Individual Foraminifera on a Single Day in the Ocean
- <SUP>14</SUP>CO in Glacial Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from 1870 AD to Present
- <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and CO<SUB>2</SUB>/<SUP>3</SUP>He Systematics of Deep Rift Zone Lavas from Lō'ihi Seamount, Hawaiian Islands
- A Combined Ocean Bottom Seismometer and Multi-Channel Seismic Streamer P-Wave Tomography Model Characterizing the Subducting Iquique Ridge
- A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole-to-Pole of the Americas in support of conservation and sustainable use of living resources in the sea
- A dynamic, global seascape framework for observing and understanding biodiversity patterns in ocean ecosystems
- A new conceptual model for interpolar climate coupling during the Ice Ages
- Age Estimation of the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: Insights from Porewater Geochemistry and Numerical Modeling
- Ambient Seismicity on Europan Analogs using the Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS)
- An Inverse Approach to Estimate Past Ice Sheet Conditions from the South Pole Ice Core
- Antarctic Accumulation-Temperature Sensitivity on centennial to multi-millennial timescales
- Anticipating Illegal Maritime Activities from Anomalous Multiscale Fleet Behaviors
- Assessing the in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C production rates by muons using <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>, <SUP>14</SUP>CO, and <SUP>14</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> measurements in ice cores
- Assessment of Water Flow Operations Impacts on Turbidity Using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Basal sediment accretion along the south central Chile margin and implications for megathrust processes and great earthquakes
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O in Plagioclase-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Ocean-Ridge Lavas: An Indicator of Crystallization in the Lower Oceanic Crust
- Captured biogeochemical "hidden processes" in a high-altitude watershed during wintertime isolation
- Capturing Illegal Fishing Effort in the Patagonia Shelf
- Carbon Cycling and Microbial Community Characteristics in a High-Latitude Wetland
- Carbonate Burial Through The Miocene Climate Optimum: Atlantic Versus Pacific Response
- Changes in andesite-dacite genesis over the 3-Myr lifespan of the Goat Rocks volcanic complex, central Cascade arc
- Cold air drainage and pooling in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest: synoptic versus local controls
- Comparing 40Ar/39Ar and Unspiked K-Ar Geochronology for Zao Volcano, NE Japan
- Complex and dynamic magmatic processes captured in plagioclase and their implications for petrogenesis of Taupo Volcanic Zone rhyolites
- Constraining Biomarkers as Dissolved Organic Matter Source Indicators: Past, Present, and Future Directions
- Constraining first-order controls on volcanic repose time by examining cumulative distribution functions
- Contrasting Sediment Transport Modes in the Holocene Levee of the Middle Bengal Fan, IODP Site U1454
- Crustal Structure of the Caucasus
- Crustal structure of the Nepalese Himalaya revealed by receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersion
- D-O Warming Episodes During the Last Glacial Period From the ReCAP Ice Core
- Determination of Phase and Group Velocities between Greater Caucasus and North-Eastern Anatolia
- Developing a geomagnetic network to explore IODP Exp 341 Drill Sites on South Alaska Margin: Regional synchronization of magnetic, lithologic, and radiocarbon data
- Development and Prospects of Continental-Scale Resistivity Surveying for Orogenic Processes and Resource Controls
- Development and initial results of ice core CO<SUB>2</SUB> extraction by sublimation for <SUP>14</SUP>C analysis
- Dynamic Time Warping of Paleomagnetic Secular Variation (PSV) Data: Building Libraries of Objective and Reproducible Correlations for Northern North Atlantic Sedimentary Records
- Dynamic satellite seascapes as biogeographic framework for tracking seasonal shifts of phytoplankton assemblages in south Florida waters
- Dynamics of proton in brucite (Mg(OH)<SUB>2</SUB>)
- Early Pleistocene Multiproxy Record From Dove Basin, Scotia Sea: New Data to Evaluate the 41kyr World Problem
- Earthquakes and Megafloods: Extreme Events Recorded in Marine Sediments of the Pacific Northwest since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Effects of an engineered log jam on the flow field across submergence depths
- Efficacy of Dune Grading and Grass Planting for Controlling Excess Sand Supply in a us Pacific Northwest Coastal Community
- Electrical Investigation of the Fe-S-O-Mg and Fe-S-O-Si Systems up to 10 GPa and Application to Terrestrial Cores
- Electromagnetic Induction Forward Modeling with Non-Uniform Ionospheric Sources to Explore Spatial Patterns in Three-Dimensional MT Arrays
- Energetic and thermodynamic controls on the meridional distribution of meteoric isotopes
- Evidence for persistent benthic hypoxia on the Pacific Northwest continental margin during the Holocene Thermal Maximum
- Evolution of Seismology Education and Outreach
- Evolution of the Global Overturning Circulation since the Last Glacial Maximum based on Neodymium isotopes
- Exploring Volcano-Tectonic Connections in the Pacific Northwest with Tephra and Seismoturbidite Deposits —Temporal Linkages between Cascades Volcanic Eruptions and Cascadia Megathrust Earthquakes
- Framing land change through the lens of annual, broad-area land cover maps for the continental United States
- Fusing magnetotelluric, magnetic observatory and power grid sensor data with real-time power flow analysis: Providing actionable information to mitigate risk to the power grid from geomagnetic disturbances/EMP
- Geochronology and Geochemistry of Volcanism at Harrat Ithnayn, Western Saudi Arabia.
- Geophysical monitoring of microbial transport in saturated media
- Global patterns of subsurface microbial diversity through deep time and space
- High H<SUB>2</SUB>O and H<SUB>2</SUB>O/Ce in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts (MORB) from Gulf of Aden
- High-resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O records reveal centennial variations
- Holocene sea ice dynamics in Petermann Fjord - implications for the stability of Petermann ice tongue
- How cold was Antarctica during the Last Glacial Maximum?
- Hunting Hydrocarbon Seeps Around the World - Linking Industry and Academia
- Identifying Physical Drivers of Climate and Land-surface Biases in a Regional Climate Model Using Perturbed Parameter Ensembles
- Identifying the Poisoned Chalice: Using Particle-Size Specific Magnetic Properties to Deconvolve Source from Transport on the Eirik Ridge, Labrador Sea (IODP Sites U1305 and U1306)
- Illuminating Magma Storage at Yellowstone Volcanic System via the Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data
- Implementing a Variable Mesoscale Eddy Parameterization Scheme to Reconstruct the Ocean of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Influence of volatiles on the structure and properties of aluminosilicate melts
- Investigating Crustal and Mantle Contributions using Pb and Sr Isotopes in Okataina and Taupo Volcanic Centers, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Investigating lithospheric structure across the Nepalese Himalayas using local earthquakes.
- Isotopic and Hydrochemical Investigation of Surface-Spring Water Dynamics in Urbanized Catchment, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Left in the Dust? South Pole Ice Core Dust Record of Southern Westerly Winds During Dansgaard-Oeschger Events
- Less remineralized carbon in the intermediate depth South Atlantic during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Leveraging the rapid retreat of the Amundsen Ice Stream 13,000 yrs ago to constrain large-scale North American deglaciation
- Linked Carbonate Cementation and Silicate Dissolution in the Sediments of the Bengal-Nicobar Fan, Inputs to the Sumatra Subduction Zone
- Long Term Recurrence of Deeply Ponded Turbidites and Thick Homogenites in the Lesser Antilles Forearc: Imprint of Great Earthquakes
- Long-term research and new findings from experimental catchments at H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon
- Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database Interoperability Improvements: ORCID, EarthCube, Google, and PmagPy
- Magneto-biostratigraphic integration of Neogene sequences from the subantarctic Pacific Ocean: Initial results from IODP Exp. 383
- Magnetotelluric Activities at IRIS - Continuing MT Array Operations and Establishing New Portable MT Capabilities Under SAGE
- Magnetotelluric imaging under source complexity with simultaneous observations of incoherent scatter radar and magnetotelluric array in the interior of Fairbanks, Alaska
- Mantle Heterogeneity, Partial Melting and Volatile Degassing Beneath Fast-Spreading Ridges: Evidence from Helium Isotope Variations and He-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Ba Systematics in Basalts from the Garrett Transform Fault
- Marine forearc structure of the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique earthquake in Northern Chile revealed by relocated hypocenter locations from offshore observations
- Mendocino Fracture Zone - Not So Simple!
- Mobilization and fate of rock carbon in contrasting watersheds along US west coast
- Modeling magnetic field variations in the daily variation band with ground-based and satellite data
- Modeling post-storm coastal dune recovery in Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC
- Molecular and Isotopic Characterization Elucidate Shifts in the Composition and Functional Role of DOM in Watersheds Undergoing Glacier Loss.
- Next Steps for Induced Geo-Electric Fields Benchmarks
- On the timing and frequency of beach growth via onshore intertidal sandbar migration
- P/E Balance and Glaciation in the Tropical Andes during Marine Isotope Stages 13-15
- Particle size dependence of magnetic properties: A case study from the Northern North Atlantic.
- Petrological insights into the initiation of volcanic eruptions
- Possible Stratigraphic Evidence of Stress Triggering of the Northern San Andreas Fault Following Southern Cascadia Earthquakes
- Potential of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence to Enhance Earthquake Activity along Low-Angle Detachment Faults in Panamint and Searles Valley, California
- Probing the nature of the Hikurangi Margin hydrogeologic system - Preliminary results from the SAFFRONZ Expedition
- Pythia's Oasis: Fluid sources and overpressures within the central Cascadia subduction zone revealed by a warm, fluid-dominated, high-flux seafloor seep
- Rapid and widespread Early Holocene deglaciation of Washington Land, northwest Greenland
- Re-evaluating the crustal contribution to volcanism along the Izu-Bonin arc: a geospatial and geochemical approach
- Re-evaluating the diagenetic interpretation of Ba/Ca in deeper dwelling foraminifera: evidence for a primary Ba/Ca signal
- Reconciling Porewater Geochemical Observations with Predicted Smectite to Illite Reaction Progress on the Cascadia Margin Offshore Oregon
- Reconstructing Surface Reservoir Age with Aleutian tephrochronology
- Regional Phases Attenuation in Azerbaijan and Surrounding Regions
- Relocating the Antarctic Core Collection: The Story of a Large-Scale Data Rescue Initiative for an Historic Collection of Geologic Samples
- Remote Sensing of Water Quality in Lake Toba (Indonesia)
- River network residence time explains bacterial community composition and DOM quality in the Connecticut River Basin.
- Seismic structure of the north Chilean continental slope between 19-21ºS using multichannel seismic reflection and refraction data
- Significance of Upper-Mantle Geochemical Signals of the Picture Gorge Basalt (PGM) Member in Light of an Extended Distribution and New Age Data Placing PGB at Onset of Columbia River Basalt Group Eruptions
- Spanish Language Earthquake Resources Yield U.S. and International Impacts
- Spatially Varying Forecasts of Extreme Total Water Levels in Oregon: Drivers and Impacts
- Strong sediment inputs at the south-central Chile margin revealed from fault patterns in 2D seismic reflection data and the relationship to megathrust earthquakes
- Synchronizing the WAIS Divide Ice Core with GICC05 from 39-43 ka BP using High-resolution <SUP>10</SUP>Be Measurements during Laschamp Geomagnetic Excursion
- Temperature and Iron Fertilization Dominate 100 Parts Per Million Glacial-Interglacial CO2 Changes
- The 700-kyr Sediment Record of Lake Junín, Peru: Lessons for U-Th Dating Lake Sediments
- The Cloud, Aerosol, and Monsoon Processes, Philippines Experiment (CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex): Planning, performance, and early outcomes
- The Earthquake Flat and Rotoiti Subsurface Relationship (Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand): A Cryptic Connection at Depth?
- The Influence of Dune Aspect Ratio and Beach Morphology on the Protective Services of Coastal Dunes
- The Last Geomagnetic Intensity Cycle Initiative: A constrained time interval to build cross-disciplinary geomagnetic collaboration
- The Link Between Ontong-Java and Louisville Revealed in the West Pacific
- The M7.1 and 6.4 Ridgecrest Earthquakes on the Airport Lake Fault Connect Owens Valley to the Garlock Fault
- The development of educational resources and materials for ShakeAlert, the earthquake early warning system for the West Coast of the United States
- The ice core record of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> variability on the centennial-scale: insights from timing and isotopic tracing
- The origin of Ba-rich mica and alkali feldspar from the Ponte Nova alkaline mafic-ultramafic massif (Southeastern Brazil) explained by major-and trace-elements and isotopic analyses
- The spurious controversy about cold vs. warm magma storage and the influence of conceptual models
- Thermochronological Constraints on the Spatial and Temporal Growth and Segmentation along 300 km of the Actively Deforming NW Himalayan Foreland
- Thorough Annotation of Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Contributions with Schema.org Structured Metadata
- Three-Dimensional Lithospheric Electrical Structure of the Central Altyn Tagh Fault on the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Understanding the Thermal and Chemical State of a Silicic Magmatic System Prior to Caldera-Forming Eruptions: Taupo Volcanic Center, New Zealand
- Unforced AMOC Oscillation in Glacial and Deglacial Climate
- Using MicroCT to Quantify 3D Zoning in Sanidine: Implications for Magma Reservoir Processes
- Using trace metal ratios in volcanic glass for Aleutian tephrochronology
- Variation of the mode of slip along the Blanco Transform Fault, NE Pacific
- "Net result": using individual foraminifera from plankton tows to investigate the environmental variability recorded by different geochemical proxies
- 3D forearc crustal structure in the vicinity of the 2014 Iquique earthquake sequence
- <SUP>14</SUP>CO in Glacial Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from 1870 AD to Present
- A 2700 Year Record of Earthquakes from Snake Monster Lake, Oregon, USA
- A Mechanism for the Formation of Shallowing-Upward Sequences in Hothouse Periods
- A Recirculating, Subsurface Eddy Increases Deep Residence Times in an Antarctic Biological Hotspot
- A new record of the methane inter-polar difference across the Last Deglaciation
- Agricultural stability explains the location choices of internally displaced people (IDPs) during the Syrian Civil War
- An initial evaluation of olivine diffusion timescales from monogenetic-style volcanoes in the Oregon High Cascades
- Atmospheric Buoyancy from Ocean Diurnal Warm Layers
- Bridging Pointillism and Realism: Convergence of Discrete Particle-based and Continuum Mechanics-based Models of Hillslope Evolution
- Broad-scale Climate Drivers of a Vector-borne Livestock Disease Movement from Mexico into the United States
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Production in Sterile Solutions of D-galacturonic acid, Sodium Glutamate, and L-aspartic Acid: Evidence for Low Temperature Abiotic Decarboxylation
- Calibrating the Smallest Southern Cascadia Earthquakes with Historic Era Turbidite Stratigraphy
- Can we identify mantle influence in paleomagnetic field reconstructions with help from geodynamo simulations?
- Challenges and Opportunities in Tracking Sediment-Associated Contaminants in Green Stormwater Infrastructure
- Complex bathymetry beneath Thwaites and Dotson Ice Shelves revealed by active-source seismic surveys
- Concentration of Global Fishing Effort with Climate Change
- Concentration-discharge relationships and the dissolved chemistry of contrasting small mountainous rivers in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Connectivity & Socio-Hydrogeomorphic Vulnerability of the Oregon Coast
- Constraints on Fluid Transport and Sequestration in the Cascadia Subduction Zone from 3D inversion of an Amphibious Magnetotelluric Array
- Correlating Aleutian Tephra Layers Using Trace Element Ratios
- Coupling of Carbon, Iron, and Microbial Dynamics Across a Glaciated, High-Latitude Wetland Landscape
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of the Caucasus and Eastern Anatolia
- Diagenesis Scorecard for Reducing Uncertainty in Holocene Coral Reconstructions
- Dissolved Oxygen Over The Oregon And Washington Shelves Observed From Sustained Glider, Profiler, And Fixed Depth Time Series
- Education Resource Development and Assessment for ShakeAlert®,the Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast of the United States
- Effect of Water on the Structure and Properties of Albite Melt
- Effects of Including Inner Shelf Currents in Surf Zone Modeling Studies
- Electrical resistivity imaging of contiguous United States from three dimensional inversion of EarthScope USArray magnetotelluric data
- Estimated 2020 Emission Reductions from COVID-19 in Virginia
- Evaluating long-term change in the biogeography of Large Marine Ecosystems of the Americas derived from dynamic satellite seascapes.
- Extreme Total Water Level Forecasts in Alternative Futures Modeling to Assess Coastal Community Adaptation Pathways
- Fifty years of storm runoff response to forest succession at the H.J. Andrews Forest
- Full waveform inversion of OBS data of a 350 km long profile in the Pisagua/Iquique earthquake region
- Gas bubble formation in crystal-rich magma and its roles on eruption dynamics
- Geochemical Constraints on the Hikurangi Margin Hydrogeologic System - Results from the SAFFRONZ Expedition
- Geochronology and Stratigraphy of the Ekitale Basin, Turkana County, Kenya
- Glacial isostatic adjustment directed incision of the Channeled Scabland by ice-age megafloods
- Glacial-interglacial methane cycle, what we know and don't know
- Great Expectations: Deconstructing Process-based Pathways Underlying Beaver-related Restoration to Guide Evaluation
- High Resolution Measurements of CH<SUB>4 </SUB>and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N-N<SUB>2 </SUB>in the GISP2 Ice Core Across Heinrich Events H1 Through H5
- Iceberg Calving Events Driven by Submarine Ice Morphology at LeConte Glacier, Alaska
- Identifying Best Practices for an Impactful Twitter Platform: Examples from the International Ocean Discovery Program
- Imaging the electrical structure of the Great Lake Regions from 3D inversion of Lithoprobe and Earthscope Magnetotellurics data
- Importance of the Basset History Force in Point-Particle Approaches for Modeling Suspended Sediments in Oscillatory Flow
- Improving pedotransfer functions: A new framework to predict soil saturated hydraulic conductivity
- Incorporating plant hydraulics improves modeled ecosystem response to environmental stress
- Insights into Earth's Accretion from Deep Mantle Kr Isotopes
- Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Western Climate Science to Enhance Climate Resilience of Tribal Communities
- Isotope constraints on moisture exchange processes from EUREC4A and ATOMIC
- Isotopic Constraints on Past N<SUB>2</SUB>O Variations
- Linking Hess Rise and the Mid-Pacific Mountains to the Marquesas and Pitcairn Hotspots Through Improved <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology and Plate Motion Models.
- Linking salt marsh lateral change with vertical accretion: Insights from the Oregon coast, USA
- MagIC Updates: New Compact File Format Supports XPEEM, SQUID Microscopy, and FORC Contributions; Successful Interoperability with EPOS, GFZ Data Services; Continuing Collaboration with EarthCube's GeoCODES and ESIP's schema.org cluster
- Marine forearc structure at the seismogenic up-dip end of the 2014 Iquique Mw 8.1 earthquake
- Mechanisms of Silica Availability in a New England Salt Marsh
- Millennial-scale variability in mean ocean temperature
- Mobilizing high crystallinity magmas: Earthquake Flat eruption of the Okataina Volcanic Center, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Modeling and Assimilation of Oceanographic Measurements Collected by Tagged Brandt's Cormorants at the Mouth of Columbia River
- Monitoring turbidity in San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using satellite remote sensing
- New insights into the construction of the 25.4 ka Oruanui, New Zealand, magma reservoir from a comparison of whole-rock and plagioclase-hosted zircon records
- Observing rain layers, diurnal warm layers, and their impacts in tropical oceans
- Oceanic Dissolved Organic Carbon: The World Tour
- Paleointensity and Paleodirection Estimates from the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica
- Pliocene Record of Relative Paleointensity from IODP Site U1396 in the Caribbean Sea: Chronostratigraphic and Paleogeomagnetic Opportunities.
- Post-depositional changes in planktic foraminifera bulk density reflect deep equatorial Pacific carbonate ion concentrations since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Precipitation modulates Greenland Ice Sheet size during the Holocene
- Probing magma storage conditions and the controls of silicic magma formation: Tumalo Volcanic Center, central Oregon
- Quantifying canopy-intercepted snow mass from tree sway observations: a demonstration over six winters in a subalpine coniferous forest
- Quantifying timescales of eruptible magma: Evidence from Sr and Mg diffusion in plagioclase at Cerro Galán caldera
- Quantitative assessment of volcanogenic aluminosilicate weathering in the northern Hikurangi margin sediments and its global implication
- Rayleigh wave detection to monitor seismicity associated with brine release at Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Recent changes in carbon monoxide mole fraction and stable isotope values observed in firn air from Summit, Greenland
- Reconstructing Tumalo Volcanic Center (Central Oregon Cascades, USA) Eruption Volumes Using ArcGIS
- Rectifier Effect due to Seasonality in Convective Mixing in Firn
- Regional Phases Attenuation in Caucasus
- Remotely-sensed observational constraints on snow-covered area and snowpack albedo improve snowpack and streamflow simulations in the NOAA National Water Model
- Responses of Critical Zone Soil Processes to Climate: A Meta Analysis
- Sea level response to rapid sediment redistribution in Taiwan
- Set up for failure. High sedimentation rates, earthquakes and the Tuaheni Landslide Complex.
- Sexual Harassment on UNOLS research vessels: Policy Creation, Implementation, and Experience
- Shallow and Weak or Shallow and Strong Glacial Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation?
- South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) Dust Record of Southern Westerly Wind Variability during Dansgaard-Oeschger Events
- Structure and properties of volatile bearing aluminosilicate melts
- Sub-Cloud Layer Mediates Interactions between the Ocean Surface and Trade Cumulus Clouds
- Subsurface structure controls water transit time, carbon transformation, and carbonate weathering at the hillslope scale
- Supporting Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Scientific Workflows with the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database
- Sustained Ocean Observatories Initiative Glider Measurements Over the Oregon and Washington Shelves
- The Legacy of Redlining on Urban Heat in Virginia Cities
- The Varying Drivers and Impacts of Extreme Total Water Levels in the Pacific Basin
- The new Kr-86 excess ice core proxy for synoptic activity: West Antarctic storminess possibly linked to ITCZ movement through the last deglaciation
- Total Air Content of the South Pole ice core
- Transport properties of metallic melts at conditions relevant to Earth's outer core
- U-Pb Dating of Oligocene-Miocene Petrified Wood Carbonates from the Turkana Basin, Kenya
- Using Landsat and ECOSTRESS Thermal Remote Sensing to Examine Habitat Conditions for the Endangered Delta Smelt
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Variations in plate interface reflectivity within the rupture zone of the 2014 Iquique earthquake sequence: evidence from seismic and bathymetric data
- What makes volcanoes erupt?
- High-Resolution Radiocarbon Evidence for 1 kyr Older Deep Pacific Ventilation Ages during the Last Glacial Maximum
- The Baffin Bay Deglacial Experiment (BAD-Ex): Spatiotemporal Observations of the Last Demise of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
- MagIC Data Facility Update: Online Editing, Science-on-Schema.org 1.3 Headers, API Improvements, New MagIC Team, Three-Year Facility Grant, 2023 MagIC Workshop, Upload and Contributor Statistics, FIESTA Repository Expansion
- Progress Towards Configuring the FIESTA Platform for the New KArAr and CDR Data Repositories