SUNY Syracuse, New York
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Effects of catchment scale on stormflow timing and composition: A landscape discretization approach
- Geophysiology, Extended Organisms, and the Problem of Emergent Homeostasis
- Hillslope versus riparian zone runoff contributions in headwater catchments: A multi-watershed comparison
- Hydrologic response as a function of suburbanization in three northeastern watersheds
- Thresholds in Subsurface Flow Generation: An Intercomparison of Three Different Headwater Catchments
- Water Quality Modeling of an Urbanizing Catchment: Model Compatibility and Comparison
- Where did all the Nitrogen go? Use of Watershed-Scale Budgets to Quantify Nitrogen Inputs, Storages, and Losses.
- A Further Investigation of Baseflow Correlation to Estimate Low Streamflow Statistics at Ungauged River Sites
- A Synthesis and Reinterpretation of Field Observations on Hillslope Contributions to Streamflow
- Can Aerosols Catalyze the Reaction of OH Radical with Volatile Organic Compounds?
- Patterns of Nitrate Export From two Hydrolgically Similar Catchments
- Water Residence Times and Runoff Sources Across an Urbanizing Gradient (Croton Water Supply Area, New York)
- Assessment of Extent to Which Intensively-Studied Lakes are Representative of the Adirondack Mountain Region, New York
- Controls of riparian areas, hillslopes, and hollows on storm-event evolution of stream water and chemistry
- Differentiating atmospheric and mineral sources of sulfur during snowmelt using δ <SUP>34</SUP>S, <SUP>35</SUP>S activity, and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O of sulfate and water as tracers
- Effect of Suburban Development and Landscape Position on Water Quality in Three Small Watersheds Within the Croton System, New York.
- Effects of Harvesting Intensity and Herbivory by White-tailed Deer on Vegetation and Nutrient Uptake in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Estimates of Nitrogen Removal in U.S. Streams and Reservoirs from the SPARROW Watershed Model
- The Application of Censored Regression Models in Low Streamflow Analyses
- Tracing Nitrate Contributions to Streams During Varying Flow Regimes at the Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont, USA
- Environmental Framework for Vostok Core Samples of Lake Vostok
- Examination of Terrain and Land use Control on Soil Water Chemistry in Two Suburban Watersheds
- Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Connections between Uplands and Streams in Contrasting Landscapes
- Quantifying Atmospheric N Sources in Major Watersheds of New York State
- Separation in storm-event trajectories of DOC and nitrate concentrations with seasons
- The Importance of Soil Mineralogy to Plant Nutrient Availability in the Northeastern U.S.
- Tracing Nitrogen Sources in Forested Catchments Under Varying Flow Conditions: Seasonal and Event Scale Patterns
- Water and solute exports across catchment scales with varying proportions of hillslope and valley-bottom saturated areas
- A comparison of regional regression and baseflow correlation for estimating low streamflow statistics
- Contrasts in Flushing Patterns Among Solutes
- Elucidating Sources and Factors Affecting Delivery of Nitrogen to Surface Waters of New York State
- Hydrochemical responses among nested catchments of the Sleepers River Research Watershed.
- Land-water movement of dissolved organic matter in watersheds: hydroclimatic controls and environmental implications
- Siberian lakes are growing in the north, shrinking in the south
- Simulation of Baseflow and Low Streamflow Statistics Using the SAC-SMA Model and a SAC-SMA/Hillslope-Storage Boussinesq Model
- Storm-event water and solute exports across catchment scales
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Algal Blooms in the Lower Great Lakes
- The effect of Soil Freezing on N Cycling: Comparison of two Headwater Subcatchments With Varying Snowpack, Hokkaido, Japan
- Carbon Isotope Composition as an Indicator of DOC Sources to a Stream During Events in a Temperate Forested Catchment
- Paleo Tibetan Lake Extent Mapping from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Digital Elevation Models: A Case Study of Dagze Lake
- Photochemical Production of Oxidants in Sea-Salt Aerosols
- The Effect of Soil Freezing on N Cycling: Comparison of two Headwater Subcatchments With Varying Snowpack, Hokkaido, Japan
- Mercury Transport Following Storm Events from a Northern Forest Landscape
- Pan-Tropical Forest Clearing, 2000-2005
- Satellite-based Paleo and Recent Lake Changes across the Tibetan Plateau
- The effect of soil freezing on nitrogen dynamics: A snow manipulation study in a forested watershed in the snow belt of western New York, USA
- Using Mechanistic Studies to Model Riparian Tree Establishment Under Environmental Flow Scenarios on Regulated Rivers
- Using Multiple Watershed-scale Dye Tracing Tests to Study Water and Solute Transport in Naturally Obstructed Stream Channels
- Who Needs Environmental Monitoring?
- A Conceptual Model of Riparian Forest Response to Channel Abandonment on Meandering Rivers
- A Systematic Regional-scale Assessment of Lake Dynamics across the Tibetan Plateau
- Discrepancies in Watershed S Budgets in Southeast Canada and Northeast U.S.--A Comparative Mass-Balance Approach
- Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Transport in Watersheds: Controls of Sources, Flowpaths and DOM Quality
- Factors Controlling Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and Nitrogen (DON) Dynamics in Watersheds
- Floodplain Heterogeneity Drives Riparian Vegetation Composition and Structure Through Channel Meander Migration and Channel Abandonment
- Monitoring large area forest cover change using multi-resolution satellite data sets
- The Soil N Source to Stream Runoff During Springmelt is Affected by Soil Freezing: A Snow Manipulation Study in a Forested Watershed in the Snow Belt of Western New York, USA
- Factors controlling differences in nitrate release during hydrologic events in a forested watershed in western New York
- Identifying data gaps and prioritizing restoration strategies for Fremont cottonwood using linked geomorphic and population models
- Quantifying geomorphic controls on riparian forest dynamics using a linked physical-biological model: implications for river corridor conservation
- Size-resolved Parameterization of Primary Organic Carbon in Fresh Marine Aerosols
- Using small quantities of streamflow data to improve low streamflow estimation at ungauged river sites
- Evaluation of Watershed Characteristics on Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) quality and quantity at the Hubbard Brook Experiment Forest, NH
- Isotope Effect of Deuterated Methoxy Radicals (CH2DO) Reacting With O2
- Long-Term Variation in Speciated Mercury at Marine, Coastal, and Inland Sites in New England
- Measurements of Ocean Derived Aerosol off the Coast of California
- Multi-Scale Drivers of Riparian Forest Decline Along a Mediterranean-Climate River
- Quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in watershed compartments for a forested mid-Atlantic watershed
- Storm-event patterns and sources of dissolved organic matter (DOM) for stream runoff in a forested, mid-Atlantic watershed
- Temporal Variability of Stemflow Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Concentrations and Quality from Morphologically Contrasting Deciduous Canopies
- Aluminum solute chemistry in stemflow in relation to season and tree species in a mid-Atlantic broadleaved deciduous forest
- Analysis of Daily-Peaking and Run-of-River Dam Operations on Flow Variability Metrics Considering Subdaily to Seasonal Timescales
- Automated Tree Crown Delineation and Biomass Estimation from Airborne LiDAR data: A Comparison of Statistical and Machine Learning Methods
- Composition of California coastal marine aerosol particles measured during CalNex 2010 and E-PEACE 2011
- Contrasts in growth and water sources in co-occurring Mediterranean riparian tree species: Evidence from tree ring isotopes and dendrochronology
- Documentation of intra-meander flux intensification with river table dye tracking and modeling
- Hydrodynamic Impacts of Disrupting Point Bar Steering with River Restoration Structures
- Hydrogeomorphology and antecedent moisture condition controls on greenhouse gas dynamics in forested landscapes in the US Northeast
- Hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on nitrogen exports from catchments: Contrasting responses and models for two forested sites
- Impact of Overland Flow, Macropore Flow, and Matrix Flow on N and P Dynamics in Artificially Drained Landscapes of the us Midwest
- Is there really an upper limit to river water temperatures in a changing climate?
- Modeling of Air Pollutant Removal by Urban Trees Using a WRF/CMAQ/i-Tree Coupled System
- Riparian zone hydrology and biogeochemistry as a function of stream evolution stage in glaciated landscapes of the US Northeast
- Seasonal patterns of stream water DOM composition - Hydrologic and biogeochemical controls
- Simulating Urban Tree Effects on Air, Water, and Heat Pollution Mitigation: iTree-Hydro Model
- The effects of season and storm characteristics on throughfall solute washoff and leaching dynamics from a temperate broadleaved deciduous canopy
- Tracer Detected Changes in Hyporheic Exchange Around River Steering Structures: Flume And Computational Analysis
- Tree-Ring Growth and Stable Carbon Isotope Indicators of Hydrogeomorphic Change in Dryland Riparian Zones
- Validation of a Size-resolved Parameterization of Primary Organic Carbon in Fresh Marine Aerosols for Use in Air-Sea Exchange Simulations
- Variations of Carbon Dioxide within an Urban Area: Comparison of Fluxes and Concentrations between Commercial and Residential Locations
- i-Tree: Tools to assess and manage structure, function, and value of community forests
- A Multi-Year Study of Aerosol Loading, Optical Properties, and Direct Radiative Effects from Four U.S. Regions
- A novel approach for determination of fundamental physical transport processes in natural channel design restoration sites with river steering structures
- Capacity of US Forests to Maintain Existing Carbon Sequestration will be affected by Changes in Forest Disturbances and to a greater extent, the Economic and Societal Influences on Forest Management and Land Use
- Chemical Composition of Organic Aerosol Particles over the Remote Ocean
- Coevolution of floodplain and riparian forest dynamics on large, meandering rivers
- Design-based validation of the MODIS Global Burned Area Product
- Development of an Independent Global Land Cover Validation Dataset
- Disturbance History,Spatial Variability, and Patterns of Biodiversity
- Do stream restoration structures create hyporheic zones that are comparable to those at natural features?
- Effects of wind and atmospheric stability conditions on dry deposition in an urban dry deposition model
- Floodplain Hyporheic Response under Dam Release Hydrographs
- Floodplain ecohydrology: Discerning climatic v. anthropogenic controls from tree-ring δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, dendrochronology, and instrumental climate records
- Flow Variability Analysis on the Differences between Daily Peaking and Run-of-River Dam Operations: A look at Daily versus Subdaily data
- Hydraulic and topographic response of sand-bed rivers to woody riparian seedlings: field-scale laboratory methods and results
- Incompletely Mixed Surface Transient Storage Zones at River Restoration Structures: Modeling Implications
- Interannual trends in water use efficiency in declining riparian woodlands
- Is the Bakken Formation the Answer to our Energy Independence?
- Measurements of Ocean Derived Aerosol Over the North Atlantic
- Population, Environment, and Climate in the Albertine Rift: Understanding Local Impacts of Regional Change
- Quantity vs quality of oil: Implications for the future economy
- Role of Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in Regulating Stream Water Chemistry in Urban Streams
- Simulating Tree and Topography Effects on Urban Air temperature and Humidity
- The Role of Social Constructions and Biophysical Attributes of the Environment in Decision-Making in the Context of Biofuels and Rubber Production Partnership Regimes in Upland Philippines
- Total Mercury and Methylmercury Dynamics; stream export in an upland forested watershed in the Adirondack region of New York State
- Uprooting force balance for pioneer woody plants: A quantification of the relative contribution of above- and below-ground plant architecture to uprooting susceptibility
- Using a Comparative Analysis Among Meteorological Stations in New York State to Examine the Ability of the Clausius-Claperyron Relationship to Explain Changes in Extreme Rainfall with Changing Temperature
- Variation in experimental flood impacts and ecogeomorphic feedbacks among native and exotic riparian tree seedlings
- Water surface and channel bed morphology change before and after a laboratory meander neck cutoff
- A Drying Trend in Central Equatorial Africa
- A U.S. Based Analysis of the Ability of the Clausius-Clapeyron Relationship to Explain Changes in Extreme Rainfall with Changing Temperature
- A data fusion approach for monitoring remotely sensed seasonal evapotranspiration
- Biochemical Controls on the Production and Composition of Primary Marine Aerosol
- Carbon and nitrogen exports with hurricanes and other extreme storms: Implications for coupled effects of climate and landuse change (Invited)
- Changing tides for Lake Erie: the biogeochemical evolution of a Laurentian Great Lake and implications for biological communities of the future (Invited)
- Characterizing uncertainties of the national-scale forest gross aboveground biomass (AGB) loss estimate: a case study of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Citizen Science - What's in it for the agencies? (Invited)
- Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Loss of Refractory Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
- Development of Nutrient Model for i-Tree Hydro using Sampling Results from the Mianus River Watershed
- Effects of experimental floods on riparian and aquatic ecosystems: Bill Williams River, Arizona
- Estimating soybean cultivated area using multi-source remotely sensed data (Invited)
- Farmer responses to multiple stresses in the face of global change: Assessing five case studies to enhance adaptation
- Integration of Landsat-based disturbance maps in the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Investigation of Processes Controlling Mercury Cycling at Midlatitudinal Marine and Inland Sites: Improvements and Applications of A Mercury Box Model
- Linking Composition of Extractable Carbon from Active Layer Soils with Thaw Depth
- Nutrient Budgets in Successional Northern Hardwood Forests: Uncertainty in soil, root, and tree concentrations and pools (Invited)
- Observations on the balance between abiotic and biotic factors in plant-morphodynamic feedbacks (Invited)
- Permafrost carbon pools in a larch-dominated watershed in northeast Siberia
- Quantifying Uncertainty in the Net Hydrologic Flux of Calcium at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA
- Relating Field Observed Changes in the Active Stream Channel Network to Features of dQ/dt-Q Recession Curves
- Seawater Dynamic Surface Tension: A case for bubble sorption as a primary mechanism in the formation of particulate marine organic aerosol (Invited)
- Spatial variance of precipitation: optimizing sampling efficiency and mitigating uncertainties
- Stream-upland connectivity through the riparian zone: lessons learned and future research needs (Invited)
- Uncertainty of streamwater solute fluxes in five contrasting headwater catchments including model uncertainty and natural variability (Invited)
- Using a detailed uncertainty analysis to adjust mapped rates of forest disturbance derived from Landsat time series data (Invited)
- A Hypothesis Test for Hydrologic Alteration
- Advancing Methods for Estimating Cropland Area
- Anthropogenic impacts on continental margins: New frontiers and engagement arena for global sustainability research and action
- Effects of Conversion from Boreal Forest to Arctic Steppe on Soil Communities and Ecosystem Carbon Pools
- Ensemble Integration of Forest Disturbance Maps for the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Exploring How to Walk the Talk: Examining the Practical Application of Models of Science Communication in Long-Term Ecological Research Sites
- Heat tracing as a tool for locating and quantifying hydrological hot spots and hot moments that impact surface water and groundwater quality
- I-Tree Temperature: An Object Oriented Model on Urban Microclimate Simulation
- Identifying patterns of forest hydrologic and biogeochemical fluxes using weather map classification in a Mid-Atlantic deciduous forest
- Identifying the simplest predictive model of annual runoff ratio for quantifying the hydrologic impact of climate change in a Great Lakes river basin
- In-Stream Microbial Denitrification Potential at Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge Sites
- In-channel Restoration Structures and the Implications on Hyporheic Exchange: a Laboratory Experiment
- Long-Term Precipitation Isotope Ratios (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>2</SUP>H, d-excess) in the Northeast US Reflect Atlantic Ocean Warming and Shifts in Moisture Sources
- Measured and modelled carbon and water fluxes in hybrid willows grown for biofuel production
- Modeling the Effects of Land Use and Climate Change on Streamflow in the Delaware River Basin
- Modeling the effect of urban infrastructure on hydrologic processes within i-Tree Hydro, a statistically and spatially distributed model
- Predictions of Flow Duration Curve Shifts Due to Anthropogenic and Climatic Changes
- Relative Importance of Nitrous Oxide Vs. Nitric Oxide Emissions from Soils Across a Management Intensity and Biodiversity Gradient.
- Restoring hydrological and biogeochemical ecosystem services in streams: how can science inform practice?
- Seasonal Variation in the Inputs and Fate of Mercury in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Sediment Supply as a Control on Plant-Morphodynamic Interactions
- Shades of Brown: Changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) with storm-event and seasonal hot moments
- Simulating the Influence of Urban Trees and Green Infrastructure on Ecosystem Services
- The Hydromorphology of an Urbanizing Watershed Using Multivariate Elasticity
- The Importance of Measuring Mercury in Wood
- The Use of Oceanic Indices Variations Due to Climate Change to Predict Annual Discharge Variations in Northeastern United States
- Uncertainty in accounting for carbon accumulation following forest harvesting
- Understanding the Role of Water Vapor Transport in Extreme Precipitation Events in Nepal
- Urban Forest Ecosystem Service Optimization, Tradeoffs, and Disparities
- Using Landsat to Diagnose Trends in Disturbance Magnitude Across the National Forest System
- Weighting Nitrogen and Phosphorus Export Coefficients to Represent Runoff and Trapping Likelihoods
- A State-of-the-Science Hg Redox Mechanism for Atmospheric Models: Constraints from Observations and Global Implications
- A new pan-tropical estimate of carbon loss in natural and managed forests in 2000-2012
- Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources
- Automation of Endmember Pixel Selection in SEBAL/METRIC Model
- Baseline Carbon Monoxide and Ozone in the Northeast U.S. Over 2001 - 2010
- Channel and Catchment Morphology, Spatial Intermittency, and Carbon Chemistry of a Headwater Stream
- Controlling Factors of Long-Term Trends in Mercury Wet Deposition and Precipitation Concentrations at Huntington Wildlife Forest
- Explaining Variations in Streamflow Recession Rate Using Observations of Subcatchment-Scale Heterogeneity in Flow Contribution
- Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Streams and Riparian Floodplains located within Forested Landscapes of the US Northeast: Impact of Key Floodplain Geomorphic Features on Greenhouse Gas Production in a Forested Watershed in Northern New York State, USA.
- Harmonization of Multiple Forest Disturbance Data to Create a 1986-2011 Database for the Conterminous United States
- Interactions between fluvial forces and vegetation size, density and morphology influence plant mortality during experimental floods
- Mountain Climates on the Move: Implications for Past and Future Vegetation Shifts in the Northeastern United States
- Soybean Area and Yield Estimation Using MODIS and Landsat Data in the Conterminous United States
- Use of spot measurements to improve the estimation of low streamflow statistics.
- How to Avoid Errors in Error Propagation: Prediction Intervals and Confidence Intervals in Forest Biomass
- Impact of Agricultural Stream Restoration on Riparian Zone Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
- Megacity Green Infrastructure Converts Water into Billions of Dollars in Ecosystem Services
- National-scale crop type mapping and area estimation using multi-resolution remote sensing and field survey
- Oxygen Carbon Dynamics within the Hyporheic Zone of a Headwater Stream
- Patterns of total gaseous mercury (TGM) at a former brownfield in Syracuse, NY
- Sources of variability in tissue chemistry in northern hardwood species
- Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Trends in Surface Water and Flooding Extent from Three Decades of Seasonally Continuous Landsat Time Series at Subcontinental Scale: Product Development and Applications
- The importance of mercury in leaves, bark and wood of eight tree species across four northeastern forests
- Using confluence hydraulics to quantify relative drag and predict species biogeographical richness
- Warming climate may negatively affect native forest understory plant richness and composition by increasing invasions of non-native plants
- Analysis of Ozone Trends and Spatial Variations in the North American Lower and Middle Troposphere from a Long-term Ozone Climatology Dataset
- Analysis of spatial distribution of land cover maps accuracy
- Assessing Causation of Temporal Variability of Model Parameters: Does Scaling ET Through Time Make More Sense than Allowing Innate Watershed Parameters to Vary?
- Characterization of Thermal Refugia and Biogeochemical Hotspots at Sleepers River Watershed, VT
- Climatic and geomorphic controls on low flow hydrograph recession
- Contribution of Seawater Surfactants to Generated Primary Marine Aerosol Particles
- Controlling Factors of Mercury Wet Deposition and Precipitation Concentrations in Upstate New York
- Could the Recent Zika Epidemic Have Been Predicted?
- Cropland expansion in Brazil, 2000 to 2014
- Cross-vane restoration structures impact riparian zone hydrology
- Decadal Trends and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oil and Gas Regions over 2005 - 2015
- Dynamic Bubble Surface Tension Measurements in Northwest Atlantic Seawater
- Influences of Scavenging and Removal of Surfactants by Bubble Processing on Primary Marine Aerosol Production from North Atlantic Seawater
- Modeling the Effects of Hydrogeomorphology and Climactic Factors on Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Riparian Zones.
- Novel Bacterial Proteins and Lipids Reveal the Diversity of Triterpenoid Biomarker Synthesis
- Ozone time scale decomposition and trend assessment from surface observations in National Parks of the United States
- Photochemical Production of Carbonyl Compounds in the North Pacific and Northwest Atlantic Ocean
- Primary marine aerosol production: Current uncertainties involving interactions among bubbles, marine organic matter, and the sea surface microlayer
- Properties and Fluxes of Primary Marine Aerosol Generated Via Detrainment of Turbulence-Modulated Bubble Plumes from Fresh North Atlantic Seawater
- Radiocarbon (<SUP>14</SUP>C) Constraints On The Fraction Of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon In Primary Marine Aerosol From The Northwest Atlantic
- Reciprocal interactions between fluvial processes and riparian plants at multiple scales: ecogeomorphic feedbacks drive coevolution of floodplain morphology and vegetation communities
- Simulating Bubble Plumes from Breaking Waves with a Forced-Air Venturi
- The AGU Hydrology Student Subcommittee (H3S) - fostering the Fall Meeting experience for young hydrologists
- Validation of the MODIS Collection 6 MCD64 Global Burned Area Product
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- A satellite data record of annual global land cover and long-term change 1982-2016
- Analysis of Sterol Diagenesis Stages in a Peat Core from Kamchatka, Russia
- Application of a useful indicator using satellite retrieved formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxides for mapping ozone production regimes over the continental U.S. during 2005 - 2016
- Carbonate fabrics in modern microbialites and Pleistocene tufas: implications for depositional processes of Lahontan lacustrine carbonates
- Characterizing and Understanding of Atmospheric Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) in Northern China
- Climate change may worsen mercury pollution in northern hardwood forests
- Creation of a Conterminous U.S. Land Cover and Land Change Reference Dataset for LCMAP Validation
- Detecting the Influence of Oil and Natural Gas Production Emissions on Long-term trends in Intermountain West Ozone
- Dynamic River Temperature Simulation of Urban Stormwater Inflows and Riparian Shading in an Urban Forest Landscape.
- Evaluating RapidEye and Landsat Data for Winter Wheat Mapping in Fine Scale Agricultural System of Punjab, Pakistan.
- Examination of Probability Distribution Fit to Low Streamflow Series in the United States
- Hydraulic complexity at a large river confluence: new insights from a 3D analysis
- Improved Representation of Photosynthetic Temperature Acclimation and Adaptation in Global Vegetation Models
- Integration of a Hydrological Model (AnnAGNPS) and a Riparian Model (REMM) for Riparian Zone Nitrogen and Water Table Prediction in Glaciated Settings of US Midwest and US Northeast
- Investigating Limitations to Modeling Hydrologic Fluxes Over Long Time Periods in the Great Lakes Region
- Phytoplankton dynamics in the Finger Lakes assessed using a FluoroProbe and conventional techniques
- Quantifying the Trade-off Between Cost and Precision in Estimating Area of Forest Loss Using Probability Sampling in Guyana
- Resolving climate warming impacts on plant carbon balance processes - inference from data assimilation
- Sample-based Assessment of Direct Drivers and Rates of Forest Disturbance in the Congo Basin
- Seasonal water level strongly affects CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions in a natural estuarine wetland: Current and future predictions using a mechanistic model
- The fate of carbon in a mature eucalypt woodland under CO<SUB>2</SUB> enrichment and phosphorus limitation
- Tree Growth and Species Diversity in Premontane Neotropical Forests Across an Elevational Gradient in Costa Rica
- Tree Trade-offs in Urban Restored Riparian Zones: Measurements and Modeling
- Water Quality Trends Since 2006 and its Implications on Cyanobacteria Blooms in the Finger Lakes, New York.
- A new conceptual model for interpolar climate coupling during the Ice Ages
- An Assessment of the National Water Model's Ability to Reproduce Drought Series in New York State
- Assessing the Effects of Beaver Dam Analogues on Channel Morphology using High-Resolution Imagery from Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- Contextualizing Landscape-Scale Forest Cover Loss in the DRC between 2000 and 2015
- Correcting Errors in Error Propagation for REDD+ Carbon Accounting
- First Experimental Studies of the Kinetics of BrHg Radical Reactions Relevant to the Atmosphere
- Long-term Nitrogen Addition Decreases Organic Matter Decomposition and Increases Forest Soil Carbon
- Long-term Ozone and Gaseous Pollutant Monitoring by the Clean Air Status and Trends Network
- Mapping global land change from 1982 to 2016
- Nitrogen-Phosphorus Interactions in Northern Hardwoods Stands Indicate P Limitation: Foliar Concentrations and Resorption in a Factorial N by P Addition Experiment
- Observations of Riparian Groundwater Quality Following Restoration Projects to Model Chemical Impacts of Tree Removal
- Optimization of Riparian Zone Nitrogen and Phosphorus Management in Glaciated Settings of US Midwest and US Northeast Through the Development of Riparian Model
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Allometric Models: Fake Forests for the Real World
- Simulation of Nature-Based Management Scenarios for Restoring Thermal Pollution and Flood Risk in Urban Rivers
- Uncertainty in Measurements of Trees in the US Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program.
- Uncertainty in rates of urban forest carbon storage for Baltimore, MD and Syracuse, NY
- Wetland Inventory of Canada using Satellite Earth Observation Data and Google Earth Engine Cloud
- Can we detect more ephemeral floods with higher density harmonized Landsat 8/Sentinel 2 data compared to just one sensor?
- Degradation as a catalyst for primary forest conversion in Indonesia
- Detecting riparian vegetation responses to groundwater changes using Sentinel satellite imagery and cloud-based computing
- Hindsight is 20/20 for the 2012-2015 California drought: Tree-rings forecasted widespread forest mortality decades prior to the event
- Improved Sap Flow System Design for Heat Pulse Velocity and Thermal Dissipation Methodology
- Introducing the NEON Ecological Forecasting Challenge hosted by the Ecological Forecasting Initiative Research Coordination Network.
- Optimizing Spatial-Spectral-Temporal Neural Network Models for Large-Scale Landcover Classification Based on Landsat Data Archive
- Temperate forest structural metrics respond to N and P addition
- Thermal Reduction of Hg(II) in the Gaseous Atmosphere
- Using Real-Time PCR Data on Ammonia Oxidizers in the Soil to Study the Sensitivity of an Ecosystem Level Model
- Wetland water level projected to control 21<SUP>st</SUP> century carbon and warming source/sink behavior at a temperate wetland
- A Deep, Diverse Reservoir of Methane-Cycling Microorganisms Resists Hydrologic Perturbation to Sustain Metabolic Activity in Freshwater Wetland Soils
- Assessing Changes in Channel Morphology Three Years Following Beaver Dam Analogue Installation
- Atmospheric Fate of HOHgO, the Hg(II) Product of OH-initiated Oxidation of Hg(0)
- Broad-scale forest biomass mapping: generating contiguous high-resolution predictions using a spatio-temporal patchwork of LiDAR coverages across a mixed-use landscape
- Continental U.S. Land Cover Mapping using Deep Neural Networks, Landsat Time-series Observations and Large Reference Datasets
- Continuous measurement of CO2, CH4 and H2O fluxes from restored marl fen and inland salt marsh communities overlaying chemical-byproduct settling basins
- Drought Responsiveness of Evapotranspiration in Dryland Riparian Vegetation
- Drought-induced decoupling between tree growth and carbon uptake impacts forest carbon turnover time
- Effects of Beaver Dam Analogs on Late-summer In-stream Water Level Variability
- Filtering ground noise from LiDAR returns produces inferior models of forest aboveground biomass
- First experimental studies of the kinetics of BrHg reactions with O3 and abundant free radicals
- Flow Permanence Along Ephemeral Streams in the Huachuca Sky Island, Arizona and its Consequences for Vegetation Distribution
- Global seasonal dynamics of surface water and ice
- Hydroclimatic Controls on Phenology for Functional Plant Types in Drylands of the Southwest USA
- Improved mechanistic model of the atmospheric redox chemistry of mercury
- Improving Long-Range Drought Forecasts with Soil Moisture Data Assimilation and Dynamic Downscaling: The 2016 Northeastern U.S. Drought
- Ozone and HO Radicals Work Together to Efficiently Oxidize Mercury
- Phenological Classification and Atmospheric Drought Response of Riparian Vegetation in Drylands of the Southwestern United States
- Quantification of soybean expansion in South America using satellite observations and field survey
- The practice and economics of hybrid poplar biomass production for biofuels; results from the Advanced Hardwood Biofuels project.
- Towards global flood mapping with machine learning based on the Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel 2 data
- Validation and quantification of sap flux variation in coniferous, diffuse-porous, and ring-porous mature trees using the cut-stem method
- Water Stress in Riparian Woodlands from Groundwater Decline and Climate Change Ecosystem Indicators at Multiple Scales
- Zooplankton fecal pellets as the primary driver of settling particles in reef systems
- A coordinated enhanced network strategy proposal to monitor North America's major agricultural systems, prove NASA's satellite products, and improve hydrologic prediction
- Analyzing Satellite Data and Surface-Based Measurements for Dust Events in Central California
- Assessing terrestrial-aquatic microbiome connectivity in non-perennial streams
- Automated Mapping of Riparian Woodlands Across Dryland Regions of the Southwestern United States
- Elucidating the Summertime Ozone Air Pollution during the Michigan-Ontario Ozone Source Experiment (MOOSE) Field Campaign in 2021
- Estimating Drought Series and Events using WRF-Hydro
- Evaporative Cooling Regulates Leaf Temperature and Respiration in Riparian and Upland Mesquite Trees
- Historical Time Series Biomass Modeling: To Train on Plots or Pixels?
- Investigating Wetland Plant Methane Emissions Linkages With Soil Temperature and Water Level
- Isotopic investigation of NOx and Ozone chemistry in Southeast Michigan under the influence of lake-land air recirculation
- Multi-scenario Simulations of Land System Changes by Participatory Planning of Stakeholders: A Case Study in Idaho, United States
- Spatial and Temporal Changes in Hydrology and Geomorphology Following BDA Installation and Repair Along a Western US Stream
- Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Snowpack in a Forested Watershed in the Adirondack Mountains, NY
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrienne B. Narrowe
- Amy J. Burgin
- Andrew N. French
- Anna T. Trugman
- Austin Himes
- B. M. Lerner
- Bonne Ford
- Bridget B McGivern
- Christoforos Pappas
- Christopher L. Kibler
- Craig R. Ferguson
- Dar A. Roberts
- David D. Turner
- David J. P. Moore
- E. C. Seybold
- Emily V. Fischer
- Gab Abramowitz
- Gil Bohrer
- Huiting Mao
- Ivan Černušák
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- John C. Stella
- Julian D. Olden
- Justin T. Maxwell
- Kristin L. Jaeger
- Lucas K. Johnson
- Lydia H. Zeglin
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Maria Magdalena Warter
- Masahito Ueyama
- Meredith G. Hastings
- Michael Bliss Singer
- Michael J. Mahoney
- Mollie D. Gaines
- Noemi Vergopolan
- P.J. van Oevelen
- Paige M. Hansen
- Paul A. Dirmeyer
- Pedro J. Castro
- Romy Sabathier
- Rongrong Wu
- Rossella Guerrieri
- Russell L. Scott
- S. E. Tuttle
- Samuel C. Zipper
- Soumaya Belmecheri
- Stephen B. Shaw
- Sujay V. Kumar
- T. Pavelsky
- Tara I. Yacovitch
- Theodore S. Dibble
- Timothy H. Morin
- Viral Shah
- Volker Wulfmeyer
- Xiong Ying
- Xuan Wang
- Yaoxian Huang