Louisiana State University, Department of Geology and Geophysics
flowchart I[Louisiana State University, Department of Geology and Geophysics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (332)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (7)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Anomalous Carbon Isotope Fractionations in Hydrate-Bearing Sediments from the Gulf of Mexico: Are Bacteria to be Blamed?
- Bacterial Utilization of Gas Hydrate and Inhibition of Crystallization in Chemosynthetic Communities, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
- Initial Foreland Basin Development in the Altiplano Plateau, Paleogene Central Andes, Bolivia
- Linking Local- and Aquifer-scale Groundwater Models Using Telescopic Mesh Refinement
- Lithium isotopes as a probe of weathering processes
- Northwestern Australian Collision in the Timor Sea: Constraints From Flexurally-Induced Normal Faulting.
- The Edmond Hydrothermal Field, Central Indian Ridge: Pushing the Envelope on MOR Brines
- Influence of Image Resolution on Pore Size Distributions and Permeability Predictions in Marine Sand
- Applying low temperature thermochronology to resolve the climatic, erosional and tectonic controls on the geomorphic development of the southern Andes
- Long-Term Monitoring of Post-Aquifer Flushing With Cyclodextrin
- A New Elastic-Viscous Model to Constrain Holocene Relative Sea Level Along the Northern Margin Gulf of Mexico
- A Three-Day Seismic Experiment in an Urban Setting: An Introduction to Seismology for Minority Students
- Critical Evaluation of Radiometric Ages Used for Tracking Hotspots in the Pacific Ocean
- Initial Chronostratigraphic and Paleoclimatic Framework for Sediment Cores From the Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate System of the Gulf of Papua New Guinea
- Petrology and Provenance of Turbidite Sands From the Pandora and Moresby Troughs, Source to Sink Papua New Guinea Focus Area
- Quaternary Turbidite Sedimentation in the Moresby Trough, Preliminary Observations from the Papua New Guinea S2S Study Area
- Sled-Mounted Geophone Arrays for Near-Surface (0-4m) Seismic Profiling in Highly-attenuating Sedimentary Facies: Atchafalaya Basin Indian Bayou, Louisiana
- The Meaning of 87Sr/86Sr Ages of Authigenic Seamount Phosphorite
- Cryptosporidium Parvum Transport Through Natural Porous Media
- Lithium Isotopic Compositions of Lavas From Samoan and Austral Volcanic Chains: Constraints on the Source Components of Mantle Reservoirs
- Subsurface Seepage of Seawater Across the Walvis Ridge: A Source of Water and Salt to the South Atlantic Rift Lakes During the Early Cretaceous
- Equation of State, Dynamics, Electronic and Atomic Structure of Diopside Liquid at High Pressure
- Evidence for reoxidation of metabolic intermediate sulfite during sulfate reduction by natural microbial populations
- Excess 210Pb Inventories and Fluxes Along the Continental Slope and Basins of the Gulf of Papua
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Mantle Plumes and the Distribution of Lithium Isotopes Among Earth's Reservoirs
- Temporal Variation in Cenozoic Structural Style Along the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- A Reconnaissance Study of Rutile from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Implications for a Possible new Archean Impact Layer
- A spatial correlation of the flow distribution on the outer continental shelf of Louisiana during the major hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico during the 2005 season
- Autochthonous dissolved organic matter in karst waters: Evidence from fluorescence spectroscopy
- Chronostratigraphic constraints on Pliocene warmth and Pleistocene cooling in the ANDRILL-1B drillcore from beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica.
- Dusty Gusts and Rusty Dust: The Role of Iron in the Contrast in Physical Properties of Surface Soil between Sahara and Sahel
- Early Pliocene diatom record from the ANDRILL Mc Murdo Ice Shelf Core AND-1 with correlation to other sites within the Mc Murdo Sound and Ross Sea region
- Evolutionary implications of endosymbiont diversity within lucinid bivalves
- First-Principles Investigation of Melts in the MgO-SiO2 System
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Intra-Oceanic Arc Hydrothermal Fluids - Initial Results From the Tonga Kermadec Arc
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Mantle Xenoliths From the Western U.S. - Implications for Metasomatic and Delamination Events of the North American Lithosphere
- Louisiana Shelf Hypoxic Zone Mixing Rates determined from Radium and Radon
- Non-hydrostatic Flow Observed in an Inlet Leading to Lake Pontchartrain
- Spinels from the "Green Sand" Bed of the 3.3 Ga Mendon Formation: Implications for a Possible new Archean Impact Layer
- Sulfur and oxygen isotope studies of sulfate reduction
- 300 million years of komatiite evolution of the Barberton Greenstone Belt
- An Archean Terrestrial Fractionation Line for Oxygen Isotopes
- An Earth-Surface Landscape Evolution Model with a Biological Life Signature
- Archean Surface Environments and Komatiitic Volcanism: Evidence From the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Constraints from Li isotope systematics on subduction recycling, arc magmatism, and continent growth: An overview
- Detection of Marked and Unmarked Burial Sites in Louisiana Using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Framing Honors Physical Geology around Critical Thinking and Communication Exercises
- Industry and Academic Consortium for Computer Based Subsurface Geology Laboratory
- Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Phyllosilicates for ChemCam Calibration
- Lithium Systematics Revealed in Samples from ODP Leg 204 (Hydrate Ridge): A Tribute to Lui-Heung Chan
- Lithium isotope variations in lavas and olivine phenocrysts from the Cook-Austral Islands: Constraints on sample alteration and the true Li-isotope signature of HIMU mantle
- Mixing of Surface and Subsurface Organic Matter During Catchment Formation at Springs
- Stability of Gas Hydrates on Continental Margins: Implications of Subsurface Fluid Flow
- Textural Evidence for Metastable and Non-equilibrium Processes in Meta- Pelites
- Transient Establishment of a Seasonal Sea-Ice Regime in the Late Pliocene, McMurdo Embayment, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- A large variation of the triple oxygen isotope composition of barite from a Neoproterozoic cap carbonate, South China
- Biostratigraphic constraints on the Plio-Pleistocene chronology of West Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding events in North Basin
- Changes in microbial diversity along a geochemical gradient in the Edwards Aquifer, Texas: Possible implications for aquifer modification and ecosystem processes
- First Principles Calculations of Viscosity of MgSiO3 Liquids at Mantle Conditions
- LaURGE: Louisiana Undergraduate Recruitment and Geoscience Education
- Look at Marinoan global glaciation from an extra dimension: the 17O anomaly (Invited)
- New age control on a mid-shelf grounding event in Eastern Basin, Ross Sea
- Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) on River and Coastal Restoration—a Center Approach to Creating a Unique Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Shallow (0-10) seismic investigation of a distressed earthen levee, New Orleans, USA
- Structural and lithological discoveries along the strike of the Himalaya change paradigms and possibilities
- The origin of 17O-depleted barite in Neoproterozoic cap carbonates in South China: A sedimentological perspective
- Theoretical determination of O and S isotope fractionations between gypsum and aqueous sulfate
- Thermal Insulation by Carbonaceous Sediments: Implications for Geothermal Energy
- Thermal Signals as a Means of Characterizing Karst Aquifers
- Using Cyclic Variations Of Early Pliocene Diatom Assemblages To Determine Sediment Accumulation Rates In The ANDRILL AND-1B Core
- Using Low-Field Magnetic Susceptibility (MS) in Caves and Deep Rock Shelters with Examples from North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia: Methods and Results (Invited)
- A century of blowing dust in southwestern Tibet
- A new impulsive seismic shear wave source for near-surface (0-30 m) seismic studies
- An Integrated Gulf Coast Monitoring System Using Field, Remote Sensing and Model Results (Invited)
- Calculating Diffusivities and Viscosity of Silicate Melts from First Principles Molecular Dynamics
- Diffusion and Viscosity of Anorthite and Silica Liquids from First Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Evaluation of Solitary Waves as a Mechanism for Oil Transport in Elastic Porous Media: Implications for the Eugene Island Field, Gulf of Mexico Basin
- Exsolution as an Example of Complex-System Behavior
- High Resolution Magnetostratigraphy Susceptibility (MS) and Gamma Radiation (GR) Measurements from Three Coeval Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphic Sequences in Colorado: Testing MS and GR Variations Arising from Detrital Components in Variably Weathered Marine Sedimentary Rocks (Invited)
- Non-Mass Dependent Isotope Fractionations of Rarefied Gases (O2, SF6) Under a Thermal Gradient
- On the Use of Excitation-Emission Matrix Spectroscopy (EEMs) to Detect Dissolved/Dispersed Oil in the Nearshore and Offshore Waters of the Louisiana Coast
- Quasi-Oscillatory Processes of Louisiana Bay Flushing under Normal and Extreme Weather Conditions and their Relationships with Coastal Stratification and Hypoxia
- Recharge-discharge relations for glacial conduit systems: a simple theoretical approach
- Rivers, re-entrants, and 3D variations in orogenic wedge development: a case study of the NW Indian Himalaya
- Sediment volume estimates of the middle-shelf grounding-zone wedge in the Glomar-Challenger-Basin paleotrough, Eastern Basin Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Silicate liquids at the base of the mantle (Invited)
- The Yellowstone REU Site Project: Building Confidence, Competence and Capacity
- Tracking responses to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill using trace elements in molluscan shells and tissues
- An O-17 record of Neoproterozoic snowball Earth in Kimberley, Western Australia
- Antarctic hydrology during mid-Miocene warmth
- Atmospheric Correction, Vicarious Calibration and Development of Algorithms for Quantifying Cyanobacteria Blooms from Oceansat-1 OCM Satellite Data
- Behavior of Carbonate Associated Sulfate During Authigenic Carbonates Precipitation at Cold Seeps
- Combining Data to Assess of the Habitat Suitability of Patches of Streambed
- Comparing sulfur and oxygen isotope variability of sulfate in the Mississippi River during high and low discharge from 2009-2011
- Evolution of the Permeability Architecture of the Baton Rouge Fault Zone, Louisiana Gulf Coastal Plain
- Folding Digital Mapping into a Traditional Field Camp Program
- Reconstructing 20th Century Summer Precipitation on the South-Central Tibetan Plateau
- Relationship between Overpressure and the Formation of Hydrocarbon-Rich Solitary Waves during Sedimentary Basin Diagenesis: A Case Study of the Eugene Island 330 Field in the Gulf of Mexico Basin
- Rheology of Materials of Earth's Mantle: High-end Computational/Visualization Research and Education
- Testing a Model of 2.8 Ga Arc Magmatism with Trace Elements
- Tourmaline: A Powerful Mineral Monitor for Metamorphic Rocks
- Uncertainty and Characterization of the Baton Rouge Fault System in a Bayesian Framework
- A Hierarchical Multi-Model Approach for Uncertainty Segregation, Prioritization and Comparative Evaluation of Competing Modeling Propositions
- A three-dimensional isotope tale of extreme sulfate redox cycling in two lakes
- An update on the Thermal Gradient Induced Non -Mass-Dependent Isotope Fractionation
- Comprehensive Cross-Training among STEM Disciplines in Geothermal Energy
- Development of high-latitude coralline algae as proxy archives: a Mg/Ca replication and calibration study
- First principle molecular dynamics simulation of hydrous modal basalt melt structure
- Free online seismic data from a sand tank experiment
- Geophysical Survey of an Abandoned Cemetery in Amite County, Mississippi
- High Resolution Tephra and U/Pb Chronology of the 3.33-3.26 Ga Mendon Formation, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Hydrogeophysical Data Fusion and Geostatistical Approach to Characterize Hydrogeological Structure of the Baton Rouge Aquifer System in Louisiana
- Investigation of a Northern Gulf of Mexico brain coral, Diploria strigosa, for Climate Reconstructions
- Muddy Coastal Clinoforms with Equilibrium Morphology Shaped by Mass Failure Events
- Multiple oxygen and sulfur isotope compositions of secondary atmospheric sulfate in the city of Wuhan, central China
- Origin and assembly of Eastern Himalayan crust: constraints from field mapping and U-Pb zircon geochronology
- Petrochronology of Himalayan UHP eclogite: Implications for the timing of India-Asia collision
- Sequence Stratigraphic Characterization of Upper Miocene through Pleistocene Siliciclastic Aquifer Sediments, Baton Rouge Area, Southeastern Louisiana Gulf Coast
- Sources of Sulfate Found in Mounds and Lakes at the Lewis Cliffs Ice Tongue, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica and Inferred Sub-glacial Microbial Environments
- Spatial heterogeneity of uranium isotope variations in a Phanerozoic, epicontintental black shale (Hushpuckney Shale, Swope Formation)
- Structure and Evolution of Northwest Corner of South China Sea: implications for Cenozoic tectonics in Southeast Asia
- Tectonic and climatic controls on long-term silicate weathering in Asia since 5 Ma
- U-Pb Geochronology of Detrital Zircon in Quartzites of the Sawtooth Metamorphic Complex, Sawtooth Range, Idaho, U.S.A
- Variations of Morphologic Changes induced by Tropical Storm Debby along Three Barrier Island, West-Central Florida, USA
- Was the Himalayan crystalline core emplaced by extrusion or underplating?
- A new model for early Earth: heat-pipe cooling
- Control of in-situ Q by stress and water saturation, for shallow (< 1 m), unconsolidated sand
- Defining disturbance in karst basins (Invited)
- Distinguishing Between Bombsags and Dropstones on Mars with Implications for Gusev and Gale Craters
- Examining the Sedimentary and Paleoclimate Signature of Late Holocene Sedimentary Deposits in Okak Bay, Labrador, Canada
- Himalayan River Terraces as A Landscape Response to Quaternary Summer Monsoon Variability
- Impact of vegetation on the hydrodynamics and morphological changes of the Wax Lake Delta during hurricanes
- Modeling Experiment for winter circulation in Calcasieu Lake, LA
- Salt Profile in Sedimentary Deposits: an archive of past climate and tectonics
- Source-To-Sink Perspectives On The Mississippi River System, Miocene To Present, Mountain To Abyss
- Spatio-temporal analysis of surface temperature and water level variability of thermokarst lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska using multiscale satellite thermal images and ICESat laser altimetry
- Transforming Spatial Reasoning Skills in the Undergraduate Geoscience Classroom Through Interventions Based on Cognitive Science Research
- Visualizing microscopic structure and dynamics of simulated silicate melts
- Water Speciation and properties of hydrous model basalt melt at high pressure
- A Study by Remote Sensing Methods of Volcanism at Craters of the Moon National Park, Idaho
- A Study of the King's Bowl Phreatic Explosion Crater as an Analog to Pits on Solar System Exploration Target Bodies
- Evolution of the Proterozoic Earth System: Insights from the Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O Record of Sedimentary Sulfate Minerals
- King's Bowl Pit Crater, Lava Field and Eruptive Fissure, Idaho - A Multipurpose Volcanic Planetary Analog
- Orbitally Forced Climatic Fluctuations in Snowball Earth: Compelling Evidence from a Data-Model Study
- Reconstruction of a Phreatic Explosion from Block Dispersion Modeling at King's Bowl, Idaho
- Triple-oxygen and sulfur isotopic evidence for diagenetic overprinting of carbonate-associated sulfate in Neoproterozoic samples from a drill core
- Using Intermediate-Field Terms in Locating Microseismic Events
- Variations in the association of H<SUB>2</SUB>O with sulfur on Mars
- High Tibetan Plateau: a Nature Reserve of C<SUB>3</SUB> Flora
- Holocene construction and evolution of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta: the influence of climate, eustasy, and tectonics on stratigraphic architecture and fluvial dynamics
- Mass balance, bedload extraction, surface morphology, and Holocene stratigraphic architecture along distinct sediment transport pathways of the Brahmaputra River in Bengal Basin
- Rejuvenating Poldered Landscapes: A Numerical Model of Elevation Equilibrium in Coastal Bangladesh
- River discharge controlling a tidal delta: the interplay between monsoon input and tidal reworking in SW Bangladesh
- Temperature dependency of the triple isotope fractionation relationship for equilibrium processes
- The Past as a Window to the Future - What Does Long Term Research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica Tell Us About the Trajectory of Polar Ecosystems?
- The three-isotope method for equilibrium isotope fractionation factor determination: Unfounded optimism
- Active tectonics of the Imperial Valley, southern California: fault damage zones, complex basins and buried faults
- Advances in the use of airborne remote sensing to estimate blue carbon stocks and transport
- Cohesive Sedimentary Processes on River-Dominated Deltas: New Perspectives from the Mississippi River Delta Front, Gulf of Mexico
- Diagenetic Effects on Uranium Isotope Fractionation in Carbonate Sediments from the Bahamas
- Exploring the effect of backbarrier dynamics on barrier island response to sea-level rise
- Export and losses of blue carbon-derived particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC and DOC) in blackwater river-dominated and particle-dominated estuaries
- First-principles Computation of Transport Properties of Basaltic Melts at High Pressure
- GC×GC-TOF-MS of Metabolites of Lake Vida Brine (Antarctica): Evidence for Past and Current Biogeochemical Processes
- High Nutrient Load Increases Biostabilization of Sediment by Biofilms
- Insights Into Ice-Ocean Interactions on Earth and Europa
- Interaction of Kuroshio Current with Global Oceanic and Atmospheric Circulations: Evidences of Grain Size from Okinawa Trough
- Long-term Morphological Evolution of Muddy Backbarrier Basins: Fill in or Empty out?
- Observations from multiple seiche load induced transient strains constrain the upper crustal magma reservoir beneath Yellowstone Caldera.
- Placing a Late Pleistocene Drowned Forest within the Geological Context of the Northern Gulf of Mexico via Seafloor and Shallow Subsurface Mapping
- Quantifying Thin Mat Floating Marsh Strength and Interaction with Hydrodynamic Conditions
- Reconstructing Mississippi River Deltaic Wetland Hydrostratigraphy Using Compositional Kriging Method - Implications for Groundwater, Groundwater-River Water Interaction, Subsidence and Deltaic Wetland Evolution
- Relationship between Precambrian North Korean Peninsula and the North China Craton: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from Neoproterozoic tillites of North Korea and Southern North China Craton
- Short Term Sediment Exchange Between Marshes and Bays Using Beryllium-7 as a Tracer, Fourleague Bay, Louisiana.
- Stage-discharge relationship in tidal channels
- Strong Control of Salts on Near Surface Liquid Water Content in a High Polar Desert Indicated by Near Surface Resistivity Mapping with a Helicopter-Borne TEM Sensor, Lower Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- The Effect of Resuspension and Deposition on Biogeochemical Cycles in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Numerical Modeling Results
- Use of Ramped PyrOx <SUP>14</SUP>C dating to simultaneously determine the organic carbon age and carbonate material age of Antarctic marginal sediments
- Using a 3-Component Age Model for the Seaward Portions of an Abandoned Delta to Quantitatively Assess Sedimentary Input Pre- and Post-Abandonment
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet Grounding-Line Positions in the Whales Deep Paleo-Ice-Stream Trough of Eastern Ross Sea Inferred From New Multibeam bBathymetry and Seismic Stratigraphy
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat in the Eastern Ross Sea Concomitant with Meltwater Pulse-1a and -1b Using New Foraminiferal Radiocarbon Ages.
- A Geostatistical Toolset for Reconstructing Louisiana's Coastal Stratigraphy using Subsurface Boring and Cone Penetrometer Test Data
- A New View of Glacial Age Coastal Wetlands from A Well-Preserved Underwater Baldcypress Forest in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- A Numerical Study of Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in Fourleague Bay, Louisiana
- A Numerical Study of Sediment Dynamics during Hurricane Gustav
- A Regional Survey of River-plume Sedimentation on the Mississippi River Delta Front
- A Stratigraphic Pollen Record from a Late Pleistocene Cypress Forest, Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf
- A bottom-driven mechanism for distributed faulting: Insights from the Gulf of California Rift
- African Dust Transport Captured by Rare Earth Elemental Concentrations in Coral Microatolls
- Analysis and Synthesis of WAVCIS Data for Characteristics of Waves and Currents on Louisiana Coast
- Assessing Hydroclimatic Change in Southwest Louisiana Rivers using WRF-Hydro
- Assessment of Stable Isotope Distribution in Complex Systems
- Biofilms' contribution to organic carbon in salt marsh sediments
- Borehole Breakout Derived Constraints on Stress Regimes in the Santa Barbara Channel, Offshore Southern California
- Cenozoic Uplift and Climate Change of the Northeast Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from Leaf Wax Stable Isotopic Records
- Channel Capture as a Response to Anthropogenic Modification of a Tidal Landscape: Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, Southwest Bangladesh
- Chronicling ice shelf history in the sediments left behind
- Cold front driven water transport between Lake Pontchartrain through multiple inlets
- Constraining Δ<SUP>33</SUP>S signatures of Archean seawater sulfate with carbonate-associated sulfate
- Contribution of deep sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C isotopes
- Coupled Landscape and Channel Dynamics in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Tidal Deltaplain, Southwest Bangladesh
- Cryptic crustal events during the Taconic Orogeny elucidated through LA-ICPMS studies of volcanic zircons, southern Appalachians, Alabama
- Denitrification Rates in Newly Formed and Restored Wetlands of Coastal Louisiana
- Do Mangroves Subsidize Carbon to Adjacent Mudflat Fish Communities?
- Evolution of Continental Environments and Chemical Weathering in the Western Himalayan Foreland Basin since 11 Ma
- Facies-dependent variations in sediment physical properties on the Mississippi River Delta Front, USA: evidence for depositional and post-depositional processes
- Groundwater and Thaw Legacy of a Large Paleolake in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica as Evidenced by Airborne Electromagnetic and Sedimentological Techniques
- In Situ and Ex Situ Estimates of Benthic Silica Fluxes in NGOM Shelf Sediments
- Influence of Black Mangrove Expansion on Salt Marsh Food Web Dynamics in Coastal Louisiana
- Joint Geodetic and Seismic Analysis of the effects of Englacial and Subglacial Hydraulics on Surface Crevassing near a Seasonal, Glacier-Dammed Lake on Gornergletscher, Switzerland
- Long wavelength magnetic anomalies over continental rifts in cratonic region
- Mapping of Boulder Ejecta around Late Amazonian Impact Craters on Mars
- Moat Development and Evolution on a Perennialy Ice-Covered Lake in East Antarctica
- Monsoonal upwelling in the western Arabian Sea since the middle Miocene
- Morphological Response of a Mud Capped Dredge Pit in Western Louisiana After Sand Excavation for Barrier Island Restoration
- Paleostress Analysis with Reflection Seismic Data: Example from the Songliao Basin, Northeast China
- Penguin Proxies: Deciphering Millennial-Scale Antarctic Ecosystem Change using Amino Acid Stable Isotope Analysis.
- Petrologic Modeling of Magmatic Evolution in The Elysium Volcanic Province
- Preliminary Micropaleontological Investigation of a Preserved, Late Pleistocene Cypress Forest on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Inner Shelf
- Quantifying Sediment Characteristics and Infilling Rate within a Ship Shoal Dredge Borrow Area, Offshore Louisiana
- Reconstructing the Neogene Paleohydrology of the Northern Tibetan Plateau with Molecular Proxy Studies
- Shallow Crustal Structure in the Northern Salton Trough, California: Insights from a Detailed 3-D Velocity Model
- Shear-wave seismic reflection imaging and impedance inversion for a near-surface point-bar
- Short-term Morphodynamics of an Eroding Salt Marsh Shoreline in the Delaware Estuary, USA
- Signal or noise? Separating grain size-dependent Nd isotope variability from provenance shifts in Indus delta sediments, Pakistan
- Sneaky Submarine Landslides, and how to Quantify them: A Case Study from the Mississippi River Delta Front Contrasting Geophysical and Machine Learning Techniques
- Spatial Trends and Variability of Vertical Accretion Rates in the Barataria Basin, Louisiana, U.S.A. using Pb-210 and Cs-137 radiochemistry
- Spatial and Temporal Climatic Variation in Coastal Tanzania
- Stratigraphic Reconstruction of a Late Pleistocene Cypress Forest Discovered on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf
- The Effect of Large Scale Salinity Gradient on Langmuir Turbulence
- The Real Difference between Biotic and Abiotic Methane
- The Sedimentology and Origins of a Giant Mass Transport Deposit: The Nataraja Slide, Arabian Sea
- The coupling of bay hydrodynamics with sediment supply and micro-tidal wetland stability under high rates of relative sea level rise
- Topographic Mapping in Densely Vegetated Coastal Environments Using Terrestrial LiDAR
- Trends in Accretion Rates of Riverine Sediments in a Distal Bay and Wetlands Using 7-Beryllium as a Tracer: Fourleague Bay, Louisiana.
- Unravelling the Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Track Position since the Little Ice Age
- Vertical Record of Ecological Change and Carbon Storage in a Young Emergent Mississippi River Coastal Deltaic Floodplain
- What Role do Nor'Easters have on the Jamaica Bay Wetlands Sediment Budget?
- A Continental Scale Assessment of Antarctic Food Web Dynamics Using Three Decades of Landsat Imagery
- A Decade of Spatiotemporal Variability of Snow Persistence in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica from Object-Based Classification of High Resolution Satellite Imagery
- A sharp increase of seawater sulfate inventory immediately after the Marinoan snowball Earth
- BARscope - extending EarthScope Between the Appalachians and the Rockies
- Building a Cross-Dated Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Central Caribbean from Storm Deposit Corals
- Climate-Tectonic Feedbacks in the Cenozoic Western Himalaya
- Contrasting Recent Sedimentation Rates and Sediment Characteristics Between Fluvially Connected and Disconnected Distal Coastal Marshes in Southeastern Louisiana, USA.
- Forecasting Habitability Through the Ice-Sealed Lens of Antarctica's Lake Vida.
- High Resolution Field Observations and Fully Nonlinear Boussinesq Modeling of Meteotsunamis
- Impact of named tropical storms on sediment transport and coastal biogeochemistry along the Louisiana-Texas shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Implications of Borehole-Derived Stress Constraints for Fault Slip and Stress Heterogeneity beneath the Santa Barbara Channel, Offshore Southern California
- Influence of Local and Remote Hurricanes on Circulation over Louisiana Shelf and Exchange Flows in Tidal Passes: Simulations and Observations
- L_SU (V 0.3.2)- a graphical user interface useful for building seismic flows from Seismic Unix
- Lateral Circulation in a Partially Stratified Tidal Inlet
- Microbial and geochronologic constraints on the Neogene paleotopography of northern Tibetan Plateau
- Mid-Miocene Transition from Rigid to Soft Plate Tectonics in the Northern Tibetan Plateau: A Lookback after 20 Years of Tests
- Multi-disciplinary approach to constraining present-day internal structure of the Moon with implications for the evolution of the lunar interior
- New Technology and Methods for Characterizing the Seismic Hazard and Active Hydrothermal System beneath Lipari Island, Italy
- Overbank Sediment Capture in the Upper Delta Plain of the Mississippi River
- Penguins as paleo-climate proxies: Radiocarbon dating indicates a late Holocene, north-to-south, penguin colonization in the northern Antarctic Peninsula.
- Sediment Transport and Water Quality of a Dredge Pit on Louisiana Shelf for Coastal Restoration
- Sediment transport and geomorphologic response in multiple dredge pits near Ship Shoal of coastal Louisiana
- Soil creep in a New England salt marsh: fast, seasonal, and likely mediated by vegetation
- Sources and Fate of Carbon and Nutrients from Land to Sea: Land Use and Hydrological Impacts on Water C:N:P Ratios along an Estuarine River with a Large Salinity Gradient
- Storm Surge and Circulation in Wax Lake Delta - Numerical Experiments for Winter Storms
- Structure of the Northern Los Angeles Basins Revealed in Teleseismic Receiver Functions from Short-term Nodal Seismic Arrays
- Sulfur biogeochemical cycle as a major driver of Marinoan snowball Earth climate
- Teleseismic Receiver Functions Constraint on the Structure of the Indo-Burma Subduction System
- The timeline of events aftermath of Marinoan glacial meltdown
- Triple sulfur isotope fractionation associated with sulfate reduction in modern marine sediments
- Wet Climate in Qaidam Basin during the Last Glacial Period
- Wind-Driven Water Level Fluctuations Drive Marsh-Edge Erosion Patterns in Microtidal Coastal Bays
- A New Type of Crust Marks the Continent-Ocean Transition in the Northern Gulf of California and Salton Trough
- A Numerical Investigation of Meteotsunami Shoaling Over Mild Sloping Bottoms
- Active Deformation and Plio-Pleistocene Fluvial Reorganization of the Western Kura Fold-Thrust Belt, Georgia: Implications for the Evolution of the Greater Caucasus Mountains and Seismic Hazard
- Analysis of the seismicity recorded by the LIPARI seismic array in southern Italy
- Anisotropy and Mantle Flow in the Indo-Burman Subduction Zone from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Assessing composition space and tunnel size in mineral hollandite by employing Artificial Neural Network
- Comparison of Long-Term Exhumation Rates from Modern Detrital Thermochronology with Cosmogenic Erosion Rates in the Greater Caucasus Mountains
- Deep mantle melting, global water circulation and the stability of the ocean mass
- Deep subsurface brines in the polar desert of McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, revealed by a regional AEM (Airborne ElectroMagnetic) survey
- Dense hydrous melt in Earth's deep mantle
- Electrical Resistivity Measurements of the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Reveal Seawater Intrusion in New Detail
- Eocene-Oligocene climate transition in the subtropic North America
- Evidence for Fe-Si-O Liquid Immiscibility at the Conditions of Earth's Core
- First-Principles Computational Study of Diffusional Mg Isotopes in MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> melts
- Imaging near a Subduction-Transform Edge Propagator Fault with Receiver Functions from the LIPARI Seismic Array, Southern Italy
- Indo-Burma Lithospheric Imaging Using Teleseismic Earthquakes Recorded by the Bangladesh-India-Myanmar (BIMA) Array
- Insight into the Stress Field of the Southern Los Angeles Basin, California Determined from Borehole Breakout and Drilling Induced Fracture Analysis
- Investigation of the Crust in Oklahoma from Broadband Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Paleoclimatic setting of early human development in North China during Early Pleistocene
- Parallel Coordinates-based Visual Analytics for Materials Property: Application to Silicate Melt Viscosity
- Same Carbon Different Elements: An insight into multiple isotope patterns within bio-molecules
- Simulation and Visualization of Mixed-incorporation of Carbon and Hydrogen in Silicate Melts
- Spatiotemporal Changes to Tectonism and Paleo-Monsoon Histories within the South China Sea derived from a Sea-wide Geoacoustic Map
- Statistical Coupling of Geography, Mantle History and Isotope Geochemistry in MORB
- Topography and mean annual rainfall explain erosion patterns in the eastern Himalaya
- Vegetation prior to and during onset of East Antarctic glaciation: High resolution palynological insights from Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- Viruses don't breathe: Understanding ecosystem effects of viruses in marine oxygen minimum zones
- Waves and Mixing in an Urban Subtropical Lake: Restoration Implications
- 3D Shear-Velocity Structure across the Indo-Burman Subduction System from Surface-Wave Constraints
- A Review of Sediment Diversion in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain
- Acute morphodynamic responses of the Ganges-Brahmaputra tidal deltaplain to natural and anthropogenic perturbations
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Analysis to Understand Spatial Distribution of Terrestrial Biosignature's in Brine Pools as an Analog for Planetary Extant and Relic Oceans
- An Earthquake Detection Algorithm for Local Seismic Monitoring of Underground Caverns: The Sorrento Salt Dome, Louisiana Case Study
- Assessing the impacts of hydrological alterations due to anthropogenic ditching on salt marsh ecosystem services and sustainability
- Beach Washed and Modern Corals (Siderastrea siderea) Reveal Shifts in Sea Surface Temperature and Trade Winds in the Central Caribbean Sea for the Common Era
- Beyond marsh drowning: The many faces of marsh loss (and gain)
- Controls of buried structures on clinoform architecture, Northern Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
- Global Survey of Oxygen Minimum Zones Reveals Endemism and Functional Redundancy in Viral Communities
- High Resolution Field Observations of Meteotsunamis off the Coast of Louisiana, USA
- Investigating Seismic Anisotropy Beneath the Sabine Uplift of Louisiana-Texas with Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Is the world's largest fluvio-deltaic mangrove forest, the Sundarbans, keeping pace with relative sea level rise?
- Livelihoods, Mobility, and Flood Infrastructure in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
- Low-frequency Validation of Hybrid Earth Models in the Salton Trough, Southern California and Significance for Urban Seismology
- Mangrove Sediment Dynamics in the Sundarbans National Forest as part of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, Bangladesh
- Morphologic Change and Sediment Transport in a Dredge Pit on an Energetic Submarine Shoal of the Louisiana Shelf: Evaluating the Efficacy of Restoration
- Putting the Pieces Together: Stress Heterogeneity Along the Wilmington Blind Thrust Fault, Southern California from Borehole Breakout and Drilling Induced Tensile Fracture Analysis
- Recent measurements of subsidence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh
- Rifting at the Boundary of Contrasting Terrane Fabrics, Luama Rift, DR Congo
- Seasonal Infilling and Sedimentary Characteristics in Sandy Versus Muddy Borrow Areas on the Louisiana Continental Shelf, USA
- Spatial variability of geothermal heat flux in the McMurdo region of Antarctica constrained by new airborne electromagnetics data
- Synthesis of Chemical Provinces on Mars with the Latest Geochemical Maps and Implications for Geologic Interpretations
- Teleseismic Converted Waves Image of the Indo-Burma Subduction System Across the Bangladesh-India-Myanmar (BIMA) Array
- The optimization of marsh terracing as a wetland restoration technique: Mitigating cohesive sediment erosion from wind driven waves
- Topographic Patterns in Southern Puerto Rico Watersheds Reveal Landscape Evolution History
- Upper mantle seismic anisotropy of Indo-Burma Subduction Zone from Shear Wave Splitting and Shear Wave Splitting Tomography
- Using Remote Sensing to Characterize Change in Planetary-Analog Brine Environments
- Vegetation refugia and warm pulses amid late Eocene cooling and drying on the margins of East Antarctica
- Do Ice Shelves or Calving Cliffs Exist During Rapid Grounding-Line Retreat?
- Early to middle Miocene ice-sheet dynamics in the Ross Sea: west to east regional correlations
- Post-LGM Grounding Line Positions of the Drygalski Paleo-Ice Stream Trough Basin in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica.
- Reconstruction of Calving Cliff Oscillations During the Rapid Opening of a Large Grounding-Line Embayment in the Whales Deep Basin, Ross Sea Antarctica