Louisiana State University
flowchart I[Louisiana State University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1163)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (249)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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- Louisiana State University, Department of Geology and Geophysics
- Louisiana State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Holocene Lake Level Record From Tibet of Century-scale Fluctuations in the Asian Summer Monsoon
- Comparison of Approaches for Obtaining Pore Network Structures
- Constancy of the Li-Isotopic Signature in Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Fluids: Evidence for Equilibrium Control
- Li/Ca in multiple species of benthic and planktonic foraminifera: Thermocline and glacial-interglacial changes
- Linking Local- and Aquifer-scale Groundwater Models Using Telescopic Mesh Refinement
- Lithium Isotopic Compositions of South Sandwich Arc and Southwest Washington Cascades: A Comparative Study of Arc Processes
- Observations of Nearshore Storm Waves in the Gulf of Mexico
- The American Geological Institute Minority Participation Program
- Velocity Vector Fields from Sea Surface Temperature Images Using Multiresolution
- A Diffusion Limited Sorption Kinetics Model with a Mixture of Polydispersed Particles
- Chenier Plain Coast, Louisiana: Seasonal to Decadal-Scale Shoreline Evolution and Response to Episodic Storm Events
- Directional Properties of Infragravity Waves
- Gulf of Mexico 900 Meter Circulation From PALACE floats
- Hydrographic Conditions in the Gulf of Carpentaria During Australian Monsoon Experiment
- Image Segmentation and Classification Using Local Fractal Dimension and Spatial Autocorrelation
- Influence of Image Resolution on Pore Size Distributions and Permeability Predictions in Marine Sand
- Investigation of Plate Rigidity and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Eastern North America With GPS
- Lithium and Boron Isotopes in the Aleutian Islands: Contribution of Marine Sediments to Island Arc Magmas
- Pore Pressure Dependent Fracture Permeability in Fault Zones: Implications for Fluid Flow
- The Impact of Network Structure on Pore-scale Simulation of Fluid Transport
- Timing of West Antarctic Ice Sheet Grounding Events in Ross Sea During the Middle Miocene: Implications on the Phase Relationships with the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Trough-mouth-fan Evolution on the Pacific-Margin of the Antarctic Peninsula Outer Continental Shelf and its Relation to Sediment Drifts on the Adjacent Continental Rise
- A Coupled Zonation-Kriging Method for Parameter Structure Identification in Groundwater Modeling: A Case Study of a Seawater Intrusion Problem, the Alamitos Barrier in Southern California Coastal Plain
- Deciphering Metamorphic Processes Through 3D Visualization of Thermal and Textural Modeling
- Improvements in Groundwater Flow Modeling Through the Integration of Resistivity Logs and Hydraulic Conductivity
- Interactive Visualization of Elastic Wave Velocity Anisotropy in Mantle Minerals
- Late Miocene (?) expansion of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet across Mawson Bank, North basin Ross Sea
- Modeling and Databases for Teaching Petrology
- New seismic stratigraphic mapping suggests that the late Miocene/early Pliocene glacial regime did not include cross-shelf ice streams comparable with those existing during recent glacial maxima
- Subsurface Halophilic Microbial Communities in the Hyperarid Core of the Atacama Desert: An Analog for Possible Subsurface Life in Regolith on Mars
- Taos Plateau Volcanic Project: A Vehicle for Integration of Concepts in Igneous Petrology
- Tectonic feedbacks in the Southern Andes arising from variations in the equilibrium line altitude
- The Retention of Geologic Misconceptions: Alternative Ideas That Persist After Instruction
- The Use of Geographic Information System Technologies in a Groundwater Model of the Chicot Aquifer System
- A Bayesian Approach to Estimate Aquifer Heterogeneity with Generalized Parameterization
- A Grain-based Algorithm for Constructing Physically Representative Network Mappings of Porous Media
- A Study of Informal Geobiology Learning Opportunities at US Fossil Parks
- Energy Flux Balance of Surfzone Infragravity Waves
- High-resolution Imaging of Multiphase Porous Media: Impact of Pore-scale Geometry and Topology and Fractional Wettability
- High-resolution nitrate and sulfate stable isotope profiles for soils in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
- LSU Geoscience Alliance to Enhance Minority Participation: Building Partnerships with Minority-Serving Institutions
- Lithium Contents and Isotopic Compositions of Ferromaganese Deposits from the Global Oceans
- Longitudinal Dispersion In Rivers With Floodplains
- Major subsidence of the south-central United States of America and future inundation of coastal areas
- Petrology and Provenance of Turbidite Sands From the Pandora and Moresby Troughs, Source to Sink Papua New Guinea Focus Area
- Radium and Radon as Tracers of Ground Water Flow Into Upper Newport Bay, CA
- Rejuvenating the Largest Treatment Wetland in Florida: Tracer Moment and Model Analysis of Wetland Hydraulic Performance
- Sediment Flux to the Gulf of Papua Continental Slope Using Pb-210 Geochronology, Source to Sink Papua New Guinea Focus Area
- Sled-Mounted Geophone Arrays for Near-Surface (0-4m) Seismic Profiling in Highly-attenuating Sedimentary Facies: Atchafalaya Basin Indian Bayou, Louisiana
- Source Determination and Residence Time Indications for a Large River System
- The Non-traditional Student, a new Geoscience Resource
- 3-D critical taper wedge mechanics of two low-taper wedges: a comparison of modeled wedge strength and structural styles
- Bayesian Model Averaging on Parameterization Non-uniqueness and Conditional Uncertainty Analysis
- Case Studies of Two American Towns That Have Recently Developed Geotourism Venues: A Comparison of Steps Taken in Geoscience Education Program Development
- Ecosystem and Societal Consequences of Ocean versus Atmosphere Carbon Storage
- First Principles Investigation of Liquid MgO at High Pressure
- How Does the Morphology of Shelf-Margin Deltas Relate to Sea-Level Elevation? Clues From the Modern Mississippi River Delta
- Late Pleistocene sedimentation increase in the Gulf of Mexico and modeling of time-dependent long-wavelength flexural subsidence
- Li Concentration and Isotope Cycling In The Ocean, An Experimental Study
- Mid-Tertiary transition from plate-like to continuous deformation in NE Tibet
- Modeling Variable-Density Fluid Flow and Solute Transport in Glaciated Sedimentary Basins
- Preliminary Analysis of the Downhole Well Logs from the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate JIP Cruise
- Response of Ponderosa Pine to Variable Scale Climate Influences, Salmon River Canyon, Idaho
- Response of a glaciated, steady-state critical wedge orogen to changes in climate
- Structure and freezing of MgSiO3 liquid in Earth's interior
- The Pioneer Ultramafic Complex of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Triple-Oxygen Isotope Analyses of Sulfate Occluded in Caliches
- VLab: A Grid for Planetary Materials Computations
- Visualization of the Atomistic Simulation Data: Application to Silicate and Oxide Liquids
- A Comparison of Geodetic and Geologic Methods for the Measurement of Modern Subsidence of the Louisiana Coast
- An Evaluation of QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Wind Retrievals With Ocean Buoy Data for the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Boussinesq Modeling of Nearshore Currents and Swash Motions at NCEX
- Coastal Vulnerability and Load Induced Subsidence of the Modern Mississippi River Delta and Environs
- Does enzyme-catalyzed formation of sulfate complexes cause oxygen isotope exchange during dissimilatory microbial sulfate reduction?
- Evaluation of Transport Through Sandstone and Limestone Cores of PAHs Dissolved Groundwater
- Exploring Lower Slope Chemosynthetic Communities in the Gulf of Mexico: A Nested Survey Approach
- Finite Element (FE) Modeling of Structural Influences on Fractures and Fluid Flow in the Eastern California Shear Zone and the Coso Range
- First Principles Simulations of Liquid Silica: Structural, Dynamical and Electronic Behavior at High Pressure
- Fluid Flow and Solute Transport in the Bullwinkle Field J2 Sand, Offshore Gulf of Mexico
- Glacial erosion and tectonic interactions at active orogens: observations from a coupled numerical model
- Hurricane Public Health Research Center at Louisiana State University a Case of Academia Being Prepared
- Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation using Bayesian Model Averaging and Generalized Parameterization
- Implementation of a Finite Element Spectral Wave Model for the Gulf of Mexico
- Lagrangian particle statistics of numerically simulated shear waves
- Modeling the Glacial Buzzsaw in the Patagonian Andes
- Molecular Investigations of Bacteroides as Microbial Source Tracking Tools in Southeast Louisiana Watersheds
- N40W Alkalic Trend From Black Hills to Alberta May Correspond to Presence of Subducted Slab Edge at Transition Zone at 49-50 Ma
- Numerical Investigations of Electrical Resistivity Tomography using Lattice Boltzmann Modeling and Adjoint-State Method
- Post monitoring of a cyclodextrin remeditated chlorinated solvent contaminated aquifer
- Record Rainfall Associated With the 12-16 May 2006 New England Storm
- Saltwater Intrusion Simulation in Heterogeneous Aquifer Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
- Structure and Physical Properties of Mg2SiO4 Melt at Mantle Pressures and Temperatures
- The Black Hills: a Keystone of North American Continental Evolution for over 2.6 Billion Years
- The Chemical Composition of Fogs and Clouds in the United States
- The Effects of Decomposition on the Oxidative Ratio and Carbon Oxidation State of Organic Matter
- Time-dependent flexural subsidence caused by Holocene and Late Pleistocene sedimentation in the Gulf of Mexico: New inversion modeling of vertical motion data
- Use of the AGNPS model to assess impacts of development and best management practices in an urban watershed
- 3D Finite Element Analysis of Stress, Second Order Fractures and Fluid-Flow Pathways for the Coso Geothermal Field
- A Computational Study of Ionic Vacancies and Diffusion in MgSiO3 Perovskite and Post- perovskite
- Autochthonous dissolved organic matter in karst waters: Evidence from fluorescence spectroscopy
- Carbonate-associated sulfate in lucinid (Bivalvia) shells
- Classification of forested wetlands using ordination of multitemporal Landsat reflectance
- Comparison of Change Detection Techniques for Assessing Hurricane Katrina-Induced Damage to Forests
- Controls of Submarine Groundwater Discharge on the Redox Conditions in the Outflow Face System of Indian River Lagoon
- Detrital Controls on Magnetosusceptibility and Cyclostratigraphy Records
- Diffusivity of Diopside Liquid at High Pressure
- Do laminated sediment-gravity-flow deposits on the Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf record ice shelf grounding events?
- Early Pliocene evolution of an overdeepened Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf: onset of modern glacial dynamics
- Environmental controls on methanogen viability in the hydrothermal waters of the El Tatio geyser field, Chile.
- Heat transport properties of mantle phases from ab initio calculations
- High-resolution (spatial and temporal) Hydrodynamic Modeling in the Lower Mississippi River Delta
- Integration of Multiresolution Data using Geostatistics, Stratigraphy, and Seismic Inversions to Build Realistic Flow Simulation Models
- LSU Virtual Museum: Technology-Enhanced Geoscience Teacher Workshops for Louisiana K-8 Educators.
- Lake Vostok: An earthly analogue for the geomicrobiology on Europa
- Lattice Boltzmann Method for Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Advection-Dispersion Equation in Porous Medium Flow
- Live Interrogation and Visualization of Earth Systems (LIVES)
- Monitoring of Saltwater Intrusion in a sediment model using Electrical Resistivity Tomography in a High Performance Computing Environment
- Multiple Sulfate Isotopic Evidence on the Formation of Oxide Copper Ore at Spence, Atacama Desert, Northern Chile
- Negative Sulfate O-17 Anomalies and an Extraordinary Temporal Spike at the Immediate Aftermath of Marinoan "Snowball" Earth
- Non-hydrostatic Flow Observed in an Inlet Leading to Lake Pontchartrain
- Numerical Modeling of West Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding-line stability under the influence of changing continental shelf physiography
- Overview of Late Pleistocene Diatom Biostratigraphic Records From Eastern, Central and Northern Basins in the Ross Sea Compared to Seismic Architecture of Sediment Strata
- Parameter Estimation and Parameterization Uncertainty Using Bayesian Model Averaging
- Providing Authentic Research Experiences for Pre-Service Teachers through UNH's Transforming Earth System Science Education (TESSE) Program
- Quantifying thick liquid films and their role in evaporative drying of porous media
- Space-Time Multiresolution Approach to Atomistic Visualization: Application to Silicate Liquids
- Subsidence and its Impact on the Quality of Geospatial Data Used in the Planning and Building of Hurricane Protection for New Orleans and Southeast Louisiana
- Sulfur and Trace Metal Chemistry of a Methane Charged Brine Pool and Adjacent Porewaters in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Supporting Inquiry-based Earth System Science Instruction with Middle and High School Earth Science Teachers
- Terrestrial and Marine Evidence for a Middle Miocene Onset of Polar Conditions in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica
- The Transforming Earth System Science Education (TESSE) program
- The Widespread Distribution of Komatiitic Tuffs in the 3.3 Ga Weltevreden Formation, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Tomographic Measurements of Pore Filling at Infiltration Fronts
- Trends, Distribution and Frequency Analyses of Ozone Data From Three Monitoring Stations in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for the Years 1995 to 2005
- Upper Pliocene Diatom Record From Northern Basin, Ross Sea; Potential Correlation to Other Antarctic Continental Shelf Records
- Using Fossil Shark Teeth to Illustrate Evolution and Introduce Basic Geologic Concepts in a High School Biology Classroom
- Using Isotopic Tracers to Determine Denitrification of a Large River Swamp Basin
- Using Satellite Imagery to Predict Salinity in a Large Oligohaline Estuary
- Ab initio study of ionic vacancies, proton incorporation and migration in Mg2SiO4 polymorphs under pressure
- An Earth-Surface Landscape Evolution Model with a Biological Life Signature
- Application of Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model to Louisiana Coast: Simulation of River Water Plumes into the Hypoxia Region
- Architecture and depositional response of deep-marine systems from 3D high-resolution seismic data
- Consequences of Spatiotemporal Redistribution of Precipitation by Vegetation for Hillslope and Runoff Processes
- Diversity of Archaeal Consortia in an Arsenic-Rich Hydrothermal System
- Dynamic Mechanisms Behind Periodic and Episodic Phenomena in the Earth's Interior
- Electrical Resistivity Tomography Using MODFLOW
- Event-Based Modeling of Deep-Water Slope Channel Systems: Calibrating Experimental Results With Observed Stratigraphic Architecture
- Geologic Insights From 3D Mechanical Models of a Field Outcrop Extensional System, Volcanic Tablelands, Bishop, CA
- Greenland Surface Melt Trends From SSM/I And QuikSCAT Data
- Industry and Academic Consortium for Computer Based Subsurface Geology Laboratory
- Lattice Boltzmann Modeling Using High Performance Computing for Shallow Water Fluid Flow and Mass Transport
- Lithium Contents of Metapelites from NW Maine: Implications for Li Redistribution
- Mixing of Surface and Subsurface Organic Matter During Catchment Formation at Springs
- New 3-D view of a middle-shelf grounding-zone wedge in Eastern Basin Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Pore-scale Analysis of Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium DNAPL Mass Transfer
- Proxy Record of Holocene Hurricane Activity from Barbuda in the Northeastern Caribbean
- Role of Shelf Morphology in Grounding-Line Stability: A Numerical Approach.
- Seep Carbonates From Tubeworm- and Mussel-Associated Environments at Atwater Valley, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Structural Evidence for the Leading Edge of the Greater Himalayan Crystalline Complex in the Kathmandu Region, Central Nepal Himalaya
- Submarine groundwater discharge of rare earth elements: Evidence of an important trace element flux to coastal waters
- The Impacts of Cold Front Passages on Louisiana Coastal Environments
- The Latitudinal Gradient of Rainfall, Mineralogy, Albedo and Magnetic Susceptibility in West Africa
- The early-mid Pliocene Marine Environment from McMurdo Sound Antarctica as recorded in the ANDRILL AND-1B Core.
- Thermal conductivity of MgO at lower mantle conditions from ab initio calculations.
- Two Distinct Sets of Magma Sources in Cretaceous Rocks From Magnet Cove, Prairie Creek, and Other Igneous Centers of the Arkansas Alkaline Province, USA
- VLab: Collaborative Grid Services and Portals to Support Computational Mineral Physics
- Water and Solute Transport in the Shallow Subsurface of a Natural Levee
- Web-based implementation of atomistic visualization
- Wide-Angle Seismic Experiment Across the Oeste Fault Zone, Central Andes, Northern Chile.
- A Community-based Partnership for a Sustainable GNSS Geodetic Network
- A History of Coastal Research in the Arctic (Invited)
- A macro-micro model of sedimentary delta growth that accounts for biological processes
- Barite Deposits at Hydrocarbon Seeps from Gulf of Mexico
- Do Different Massive Corals from the Same Reef Record the Same Climate Signal? A Test from the Dry Tortugas, Florida Keys
- Effect of Network Structure on Image-based Network Modeling of Real Materials
- Effects from Bacteria and other Biological Particles on Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated Numerically
- Effects of a Large Freshwater Diversion on Water Quality of an Estuarine Lake
- Future Management and Control of the Lower Mississippi River
- Geology’s “Super Graphics” and the Public: Missed Opportunities for Geoscience Education
- H2O and CO2 bearing silicate melts at high pressure (Invited)
- Hazards of Gulf Coast Subsidence: Crustal Loading, Geodesy, InSAR and UAVSAR Observations
- Linearity of Mid-Continent Kimberlite-Carbonatite Magmatism, USA: Slab-Edge Focus as Alternative to Hot-Spot Track
- Mesoscale Connectivity Through a Natural Levee
- New data model with better functionality for VLab
- Oxygen and sulfur isotope composition of sulfate-rich evaporite mounds at the Lewis Cliffs Ice Tongue, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- Reconstructing the seawater nutrient history of Biscayne National Park, FL, using phosphorus recorded in coral skeleton
- Simulating Three-Dimensional Shallow Water Flow using Multilayer Lattice Boltzmann Method Accelerated by Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
- Subglacial (bio)geochemical weathering and the unexplored Antarctic system
- Theory and Observation of Postglacial Sediment - Ocean Loading and Geoid Variability: Application to Subsidence in the Gulf of Mexico and other River Delta Systems and Enclosed Basins (Invited)
- Thermal conductivity of MgO and MgSiO3 perovskite at lower mantle conditions (Invited)
- Using Multimodel to Assess Model Structure Uncertainty in Groundwater Management
- Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD): Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats (Invited)
- A First-Principles Study of MgSiO3 Glass at High Pressure
- A Snapshot of Climate Variability at Tahiti 9.5 ka using a Fossil Coral from IODP Expedition 310
- A subzero microbial habitat in the basal ice of an Antarctic glacier (Invited)
- Cryo-Microscopic Analysis of the Effects of Extra Cellular Proteins on Polycrystalline Ice Structure
- Determining the Importance of Microbial Processes on Gas Composition in Debris-Rich Antarctic Basal Ice Using Isotope Geochemistry
- Ecosystem Resilience of Coastal Marshes Following a Massive Oiling Event
- Eutrophication in an Urban Estuary: Famosa Slough, California
- Flocculation of Clay and Organic Matter in Turbid Salt Water
- High Resolution Magnetostratigraphy Susceptibility (MS) and Gamma Radiation (GR) Measurements from Three Coeval Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphic Sequences in Colorado: Testing MS and GR Variations Arising from Detrital Components in Variably Weathered Marine Sedimentary Rocks (Invited)
- Image-Based Modeling of Nanoparticle Transport in Porous Media
- Impact of mineral isoelectric point on subsurface/NAPL wettability
- Implications of subzero metabolism on long-term microbial survival in ice (Invited)
- Influence of Compositional Variations on Floc Size and Strength
- Late 20th Century Deep-seated Vertical Motions in New Orleans and implications for Gulf Coast Subsidence
- Meteorological and Wave Measurements for Improving Meteorological and Air Quality Modeling
- Microbiological sampling of the atmosphere using a latex sounding balloon
- Oceanic δ15N biogeography: a novel top-down approach to examine nutrient dynamics in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
- On the Use of Excitation-Emission Matrix Spectroscopy (EEMs) to Detect Dissolved/Dispersed Oil in the Nearshore and Offshore Waters of the Louisiana Coast
- Pervasive barite deposits at cold seeps from the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope: Geochemical characteristics and formation mechanism
- Quasi-Oscillatory Processes of Louisiana Bay Flushing under Normal and Extreme Weather Conditions and their Relationships with Coastal Stratification and Hypoxia
- Seasonal Advective Influences on CDOM Distribution over the Louisiana-Texas Shelf Using Hydrodynamic Modeling and Ocean Color
- Vertical structure of fluid velocity for flow through vegetation under waves
- A Chance-Constrained Multimodel Approach to Design a Saltwater Intrusion Mitigation Plan
- A Small-scale Physical Model of the Lower Mississippi River for Studying the Potential of Medium- and Large-scale Diversions
- A model framework for fluvial-delta evolution that accounts for the accumulation of organic sediment
- Activation of the Inner Continental Shelf Following the Great Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Flood of 2011
- Behavior of Carbonate Associated Sulfate During Authigenic Carbonates Precipitation at Cold Seeps
- Cognitive Factors that Impact Learning in the Field: Observations from an REU Project on Precambrian Rocks of Yellowstone National Park
- Connecting the historic 2011 Mississippi River flood to marsh sedimentation on the Delta
- Conservative and reactive tracers of floodplain hydrology and ecosystem processes in the floodplain of the Atchafalaya River, Louisiana
- Evolution of the Permeability Architecture of the Baton Rouge Fault Zone, Louisiana Gulf Coastal Plain
- Exchange between Louisiana Bays/Lakes and Coastal Ocean
- Exploring the effects of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) expansions on nutrient cycling in smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) marsh sediments of southern Louisiana, USA
- Expression and Characterization of an Ice Binding Protein from a Bacterium Isolated at a Depth of 3,519 Meters in the Vostok Ice Core, Antarctica
- First-Principles Simulation and Visualization of Model Basalt Melt Structure
- Grain- and Pore-level Analysis of Drainage in Fractionally-wet Granular Media using Synchrotron X-ray Computed Microtomography
- Gulf Coast Subsidence: Crustal Loading, Geodesy, and Recent InSAR and UAVSAR Observations
- Gulf of Mexico Air/Sea Interaction: Measurements and Initial Data Characterization
- Hydrographic and suspended sediment measurements of the Mississippi River plume during the historic 2011 flood: a coupled satellite analysis and boat survey approach to determine an efficiency factor for sediment trapping in the nearshore zone
- Microbial activity in debris-rich basal ice; adaption to sub-zero, saline conditions
- Nutrient Retention within the Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System in the 2011 flood
- Scaling Analysis and Seismic Resolvability of Transition Zone in an Air-Water System
- Simulations of silicate glasses under pressure with first principles approach
- Surface ocean temperature variability in the southwest tropical Pacific since 1649 CE
- The importance of large scale flood over the regular sedimentation in delta development: A case study involving Wax lake delta
- Uncertainty and Characterization of the Baton Rouge Fault System in a Bayesian Framework
- Using tree-rings to understand the responses of deltaic baldcypress forests to spatial variability in hydrology
- Water-Shale interactions in bench-top and high pressure/high temperature autoclave experiments: Identifying geochemical reaction controlling flow back water chemistry
- A study of drag forces on attached colloidal particles in a packed bed using multiscale numerical modeling
- Analysis of Dynamics in Bays and Coastal Waters Impacted by Hurricanes
- Analysis of methanogenic and methanotrophic activity at the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Application of Neutron imaging in pore structure of hydrated wellbore cement: comparison of hydration of H20 with D2O based Portland cements
- Bayesian Model Averaging of Artificial Intelligence Models for Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation
- Biogeochemical Controls on Biodegradation of MC252 Oil:Sand Aggregates on a Rapidly Eroding Coastal Headland Beach
- Building and Analyzing SURGEDAT: The World's Most Comprehensive Storm Surge Database
- Carbon Sequestration in San Francisco Bay Tidal Wetlands
- Carbon Stocks and Accretion in Shallow Marsh Soils of the Mississippi Delta Plain, Louisiana
- Climate Impact on Groundwater Recharge in Southeastern Louisiana and Southwestern Mississippi
- Decadal variability in Gulf of Mexico sea surface temperatures since 1734 CE
- Declining moisture availability in late Eocene Antarctica as deduced from Nothofagus sporopollenin δ13C
- Density-Thermal-Driven Groundwater Flow and Brine Transport Near Salt Domes
- Dissolved Organic Carbon along the Louisiana coast from MODIS and MERIS satellite data
- Effect of Ripple Geometry on Vortex Generation, Ejection, and Strength in Oscillatory Flow
- Emergent Ecohydrologic Thresholds as a Cause of Loss of Forested Wetlands in Hydrologically Altered Environments
- Experimental investigation of grain trapping capabilities in cyanobacterial vs. algal mats: Implications for grain size in stromatolites through time
- Exploration and Discovery of Hydrocarbon Seeps, Coral Ecosystems, and Shipwrecks in the Deep Gulf of Mexico
- First principles molecular dynamics simulation of grain boundaries in Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> at high pressure
- Free online seismic data from a sand tank experiment
- Geo-Statistics and its Application for Creating Iso-Maps in Hydro-Geology Electric Conductivity contours of Atrak sub basin, Iran
- Geomicrobiology of subglacial meltwater samples from Store Landgletscher and Russell Glacier, West Greenland
- Gulf Coast Subsidence: Integration of Geodesy, Geophysical Modeling, and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations
- Hierarchical Bayesian Model Averaging for Chance Constrained Remediation Designs
- Hierarchical Bayesian Model Averaging for Non-Uniqueness and Uncertainty Analysis of Artificial Neural Networks
- Hurricane-related air-sea interactions, circulation modifications, and coastal impacts on the eastern Louisiana coastline
- Hydrogeophysical Data Fusion and Geostatistical Approach to Characterize Hydrogeological Structure of the Baton Rouge Aquifer System in Louisiana
- Imaging the Transport of Silver Nanoparticles Through Soil With Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography
- Kinematic history of the ongoing growth of Himalayan fold-thrust belt
- Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Sediment Transport over Dunes
- Local Derivative-Free Parallel Computing Method for Solving the Inverse Problem in Groundwater Modeling
- Long-Term Aspect of 1980's Submersible-Observed Methane Venting on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Upper Continental Slope: Mapping of Areal Extent and Aggregation: R/V Okeanos Explorer EX1203
- Marsh loss from 1984 - 2011 in the Breton Sound, Barataria and Terrebonne Basins, Louisiana, U.S.A.: Impacts of hurricanes and excess nutrients
- Measuring Relevant Properties of Cohesive Sediment Aggregates ("Flocks") for Sediment Transport Modeling
- Metamorphic and geochemical signatures within calc-silicate gneisses of the Sawtooth Metamorphic Complex, ID: Implications for western North America crustal evolution
- NOAA tools to support CSC and LCC regional climate science priorities in the western Gulf of Mexico
- Particle Size and Structural Arrangement of Suspended Cohesive Sediments
- Potential for Phosphorus Transport and Ecosystem Restoration Success in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Watershed
- Quantitative Permeability Prediction for Anisotropic Porous Media
- Resolving Hydrodynamics near Small-Scale Features in Pore-Scale Modeling
- Revisting the Relation Between Export and Production in the Southern Ocean
- Seasonal and regional variability in dissolved and particulate iron fluxes via glacial runoff along the West Greenland coast
- Sequence Stratigraphic Characterization of Upper Miocene through Pleistocene Siliciclastic Aquifer Sediments, Baton Rouge Area, Southeastern Louisiana Gulf Coast
- Simulation of mixing and de-stratification induced by storms over the Louisiana shelf
- Translating Biogeochemical Indicators across Scales in Wetland Systems
- A spatial and vertical comparison of coral Sr/Ca variations and growth rates in Montastraea faveolata colonies in Veracruz, Mexico
- Aqueous Oxidation of Green Leaf Volatiles as a Source of Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Assessment of Image Processing and Resolution on Permeability and Drainage Simulations Through 3D Pore-networks Obtained Using X-ray Computed Tomography
- Authigenic Carbonates from the Gas Hydrates Seafloor Observatory, Mississippi Canyon 118 (MC118), Gulf of Mexico: A Mineralogical, Geochemical, Chronological and Lipid Biomarker Study
- Biogeochemistry of Deltaic Floodplains: An overview of concepts and issues associated with the nutrient dynamics and stoichiometry of Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana
- Blue Carbon distribution in mangrove forests of the Americas
- Bubbles, Bubbles, Tremors & Trouble: The Bayou Corne Sinkhole
- CORS911:Real-Time Subsidence Monitoring of the Napoleonville Salt Dome Sinkhole Using GPS
- Calculating Lake Morphology in the Colville River Delta, Alaska
- Compositionally Constraining Elysium Lava Fields
- Conversion of Highly Complex Faulted Hydrostratigraphic Architectures into MODFLOW Grid for Groundwater Modeling
- Deriving Continuous Fields of Tree Cover at 1-m over the Continental United States From the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) Imagery to Reduce Uncertainties in Forest Carbon Stock Estimation
- Dissolved organic matter processing within the Atchafalaya basin: from river to backwater swamps
- Engineered Injection and Extraction for Remediation of Sorbing Solutes in Groundwater
- Experimental Evaluation of Permeability in Wellbore Cements under Elevated Temperatue, Pressure and Salinity Using a Liquid Pressure-Pulse Decay Permeameter
- Garnet as a reactant during and recorder of mid-crustal metamorphism: Sawtooth Metamorphic Complex, Idaho
- Geological records of secondary atmospheric sulfate: A review (Invited)
- Geomicrobiology of Subglacial Lake Whillans, Antarctica
- IMPACT OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL MUD CONTAMINATION ON WELLBORE CEMENT- FORMATION SHEAR BOND STRENGTH Authors: Arome Oyibo1 and Mileva Radonjic1 * 1. Craft and Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering, 2131 Patrick F. Taylor Hall, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, aoyibo1@tigers.lsu.edu, mileva@lsu.edu
- Image-based modeling of the flow transition from a Berea rock matrix to a propped fracture
- In-situ Mechanical Manipulation of Wellbore Cements as a Solution to Leaky Wells
- Intraoceanic Arc Tectonic and Sedimentary Processes: Translation from Modern Activity to Ancient Records
- Measuring sub-canopy evaporation in a forested wetland using an ensemble of methods
- Monitoring Network Design for Discriminating and Reducing Models in Bayesian Model Averaging Paradigm
- Multinomial Logistic Regression & Bootstrapping for Bayesian Estimation of Vertical Facies Prediction in Heterogeneous Sandstone Reservoirs
- Numerical investigations of flow and suspended sediment transport over three dimensional dunes
- Preserving Climate-Tectonic Interactions in the Marine Stratigraphic Records of South Asia (Invited)
- Sea surface temperature variability in the Gulf of Mexico from 1734-2008 CE: A reconstruction using cross-dated Sr/Ca records from the coral Siderastrea siderea
- The Influence of Pore Network Geometry on Silver Nanoparticle Transport through Soil
- The role of evaporation in spatiotemporal variability of beach surface moisture
- Topographic Growth, the Development of Rivers and Implications for the Marine Stratigraphic Record in SE Asia (Invited)
- A Bayesian Chance-Constrained Method for Hydraulic Barrier Design Under Model Structure Uncertainty
- A Multiproxy Approach to Calibrating Speleothem Paleoclimate Reconstructions using Modern Isotopic and Remotely Sensed Data
- A Semi-Automated Machine Learning Algorithm for Tree Cover Delineation from 1-m Naip Imagery Using a High Performance Computing Architecture
- Active anthropogenic and surface salt deformation measured by InSAR, northwestern China
- An REU Project on the Precambrian Rocks of Yellowstone National Park: Some lessons learned
- Anomalous Cenozoic Post-Rift Uplift in the North Atlantic; The Role of Mantle Plumes, Transform Margins and Propagating Rifts
- Anthropogenic perturbation of coral reef environments near Natal, Brazil: Clues from symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera
- Atmospheric fate of oil matter adsorbed on sea salt particles under UV light
- CO2-Brine Displacement in Geological CO2 Sequestration: Microfluidic Flow Model Study
- Centennial and Extreme Climate Variability in the Last 1500 Year from the Belize Central Shelf Lagoon (Central America): Successive Droughts and Floods Linked to the Demise of the Mayan Civilization
- Changes in Fracture Compliance Due to Roughness
- Characteristics and phytotoxicity assay of biochars derived from a Zn-rich antibiotic residue
- Chemical provinces reveal Elysium Volcano's compositional evolution
- Constructive Epistemic Modeling: A Hierarchical Bayesian Model Averaging Method
- Cost Optimal Elastic Auto-Scaling in Cloud Infrastructure
- Critically Stressed Crust in Southern California: A Model of Crustal Stress from Plate Driving, Topography, and Fault Loading, with Geodetic and Seismic Constraints
- Federated Giovanni: A Distributed Web Service for Analysis and Visualization of Remote Sensing Data
- First Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations of molten (Mg,Fe)O at Mantle Conditions
- First results from the Mojave Volatiles Prospector (MVP) Field Campaign, a Lunar Polar Rover Mission Analog
- First-principles study of the thermodynamical, structural, transport properties of liquid CaO and CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB> at high pressure
- Fluid flow patterns in porous media with partially ordered microstructure
- From Pore to Core: Do Engineered Nanoparticles Violate Upscaling Assumptions? A Microtomographic Investigation
- Geomicrobiology of Meltwater From the Western Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Gulf of Mexico Sediment Phosphorus Fractionation: Implication for Hypoxia
- Hydrologic Controls over Water Use in a Forested Floodplain Wetland
- Hydrological shifts in seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in southwest tropical Pacific since 1649 CE
- Impacts of Sea-Level Rise and Human Activity on a Tropical Continental Shelf, RN State, NE Brazil
- Influence of Natural Fractures Cohesive Properties on Geometry of Hydraulic Fracture Networks
- Laboratory Experiments on Wave Emissions Generated by the Variable Viscosity of Fracturing Fluids
- Large-Scale Image Analytics Using Deep Learning
- Microhardness Measurements on Chemically and Mechanically Altered Well Bore Cements
- Modeling pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Variability in the Gulf of Mexico
- Modeling wave effects on limits of woody vegetation in Catahoula Lake, LA, USA
- New Constraints on the Geochronology and Thermochronology of the Sawtooth Batholith, Idaho
- Nucleational Energy Traps and Their Role in Crystal Structure Formation.
- Oligocene-Miocene Carbonates in the Reed Bank Area and Their Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution, South China Sea
- Optimal Observation Network Design for Model Discrimination using Information Theory and Bayesian Model Averaging
- Photoformation of Triplet Excited States and Other Oxidants in Fog Waters and Their Impact on Fog Processing of Organic Compounds
- Primary productivity estimation in Liaodong Bay and Liaohe River Delta, China
- Quantum Boosting and Fast Classical Metrics for Tree Cover Detection in Remote Sensing Data
- Reducing Uncertainties in Satellite-derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates using a High Resolution Forest Cover Map
- Replicating and calibrating Haitian microatoll coral Sr/Ca variations to build confidence in sea surface temperature reconstructions
- Role of Plumes and Plates in the Construction and Preservation of Hadean-Archean Continental Nuclei
- Sediment Deposition into a Valley-Margin Lake in a Managed Floodplain, Catahoula Lake, Louisiana, USA
- Sediment Transport and Infilling of a Borrow Pit on an Energetic Sandy Ebb Tidal Delta Offshore of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
- Sedimentation in a Submarine Seamount Apron at Site U1431, International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349, South China Sea
- Seeking Signatures of Martian Magmatic Evolution within the Greater Thaumasia Plateau
- Study of Site Response in the Seattle and Tacoma Basins, Washington, Using Spectral Ratio Methods
- Subglacial Lake Whillans, West Antarctica; Solute Dynamics and Fluxes to the Ross Sea
- Terrestrial Gamma Flashes Observed from Nearby Thunderstorms at Ground Level
- The Effect of Oyster Reef Morphology on Particulate Transfer in a North Carolina Tidal Creek
- The Heat-Pipe Hypothesis for Early Crustal Development of Terrestrial Planets
- The Limits of Extrusion in the Western Himalaya
- The Unique Formation of the Nili Patera Caldera on Mars
- The effect of bed forms on the dynamics of the fluid mud transport: preliminary insights from field observations and numerical simulations
- The role of vegetation in the development and resiliency of the coastal freshwater deltaic system of Wax Lake Delta
- Transforming Spatial Reasoning Skills in the Upper-Level Undergraduate Geoscience Classroom Through Curricular Materials Informed by Cognitive Science Research
- Tree responses to hummock hydrology in a forested coastal swamp
- Uncertainty Analysis Using BMA for Hydrologic Projections under Future Climate Change
- Uncertainty In Greenhouse Gas Emissions On Carbon Sequestration In Coastal and Freshwater Wetlands of the Mississippi River Delta: A Subsiding Coastline as a Proxy for Future Global Sea Level
- Uranium Isotope Fractionation During Coprecipitation with Aragonite and Calcite
- Using High-Resolution Field Measurements to Model Dune Kinematics in a Large Elongate Meander Bend.
- Using Intermediate-Field Terms in Locating Microseismic Events
- Variations in the association of H<SUB>2</SUB>O with sulfur on Mars
- WISSARD at Subglacial Lake Whillans, West Antarctica:scientific operations and initial observations
- A Dynamic Flood Inundation Model Framework to Assess Coastal Flood Risk in a Changing Climate
- A High Performance Computing Approach to Tree Cover Delineation in 1-m NAIP Imagery using a Probabilistic Learning Framework
- A Multi-omics Approach to Understand the Microbial Transformation of Lignocellulosic Materials in the Digestive System of the Wood-Feeding Beetle <em>Odontotaenius disjunctus </em>
- A climatology of Brazilian surface wind speed trends using <em>in-situ</em> and climate reanalysis datasets from 1980-2014
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Variations During the Early to Mid-Miocene
- As the sea level rises the Earth does not stand still
- Assessing Streamflow and Sediment Loading Response to Storm Events in Apalachicola River under Climate and Land Cover Change
- Assessing the Effects of Sea Level Rise on Plum Island Estuary Marshes Using a Hydrodynamic-marsh Modeling Tool
- Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in Louisiana
- Cenozoic Climate-Tectonic Interactions in the Western Himalaya Recorded in the Indus Submarine Fan from IODP Expedition 355
- Characterizing Delta-Scale Connectivity Using Entropic Measures
- Chasing boundaries and cascade effects in a coupled barrier - marshes - lagoon system
- Climate modulated erosion and sediment flux control offshore crustal structure at South China Sea continental margin
- Coastal marsh response to rising sea levels in the Grand Bay, MS estuary
- Combined Resistivity and Shear Wave Velocity Soil-type Estimation Beneath a Coastal Protection Levee.
- Combined obliquity and precession pacing of western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone over the past 282,000 years
- Comparing and Contrasting the Benefits of Land Mass vs. Land Cover on Storm Surge Attenuation
- Comparison of coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>O with pseudocorals derived from in situ sea surface salinity and temperature measurements
- Conjunctive Management of Multi-Aquifer System for Saltwater Intrusion Mitigation
- Conjunctive management of multi-reservoir network system and groundwater system
- Controls on Quaternary Sediment Erosion and Provenance in the Himalayan Rain Shadow, Zanskar River, Northwest India
- Crustal Stress Rotation Along the San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults: A Modeling Study With Constraints From Seismology, Geodesy, Topography, and Gravity
- Defect segregation and migration at Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> forsterite grain boundaries: A first-principles study
- Drifter-based Predictions of the Spread of Surface Contamination Using Iterative Statistics: A Local Example with Global Applications
- Embedding Climate Services
- Embracing Non-Stationarity - Hysteresis and Coherence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Source-to-Sink System and Its Imprint on the Stratigraphic Record.
- Evaluation of Aerosol Properties in GCMs using Satellite Measurements
- Evaluation of Geochemical Fracture Conductivity Alterations in Shale under Laboratory Conditions
- Evapotranspiration—Flooding Feedback in Forested Wetlands
- Evidence for a lack of biological P-cycling in a Cambrian soil
- Exploring Liquid Water Beneath Glaciers and Permafrost in Antarctica Through Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys
- First-principles calculation of the lattice thermal conductivity of the lower mantle
- Global trends and vulnerabilities of mangrove forests
- InSAR Remote Sensing of Localized Surface Layer Subsidence in New Orleans, LA
- Indus-wide C<SUB>4</SUB> expansion between 7-6 Ma: an IODP Expedition 355 discovery
- Integrated Numerical Models of Metamorphism: Linking the Regional (km) and Thin-Section (cm) Scales in Space and Time
- Local X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging for Mineralogical and Pore Characterization
- Measurements of the Balance of Subsidence and Sedimentation in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh
- Melting of CaO and CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB> at Deep Mantle Condition Using First Principles Simulations
- Metagenomic insights into important microbes from the Dead Zone
- Micro Mechanics and Microstructures of Major Subsurface Hydraulic Barriers: Shale Caprock vs Wellbore Cement
- Modeling and Mapping Oyster Norovirus Outbreak Risks in Gulf of Mexico Using NASA MODIS Aqua Data
- Molecular evidence for a microbial role in ooid formation and preservation of molecular biosignatures in ancient oolite
- Multi-centennial reconstruction of Aleutian climate from coralline algae
- Overlapping Ballistic Ejecta Fields: Separating Distinct Blasts at Kings Bowl, Idaho
- Practical Tips and Techniques on the Process of Transdisciplinary Sea Level Rise Research
- Retaining Underrepresented Minority Undergraduates in STEM through Hands-on Internship Experiences
- River delta network hydraulic residence time distributions and their role in coastal nutrient biogeochemistry
- Robust Bayesian Experimental Design for Conceptual Model Discrimination
- Ross Sea Till Properties: Implications for Ice Sheet Bed Interaction
- Seasonal Response of Overland Flow and Sediment Loading to Climate and Land Use Land Cover Change in the Apalachicola River, Florida
- Silver Nanoparticle Transport Through Soil: Illuminating the Pore-Scale Processes
- Source Apportionment of Primary and Secondary Fine Particulate Matter in China
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urban Heat Island and Urban Metabolism by Satellite Imagery over the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
- Spatiotemporal Distribution of Metals along a Salinity Gradient in a River Estuary of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Stable Isotopes Indicate Within-Canopy Processes During Interception of Rainfall
- Sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane as the origin of extremely <SUP>13</SUP>C-depleted calcite in the Doushantuo cap carbonates in South China
- Teaching Spatial Thinking in Undergraduate Geology Courses Using Tools and Strategies from Cognitive Science Research
- Temperature Calibration of a Northern Gulf of Mexico <em>Siderastrea siderea</em> Coral
- Temperature dependency of the triple isotope fractionation relationship for equilibrium processes
- The Biogeochemistry beneath the Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica: Evidence for a Chemoautotrophically Driven Ecosystem
- The importance of vegetation change in the prediction of future tropical cyclone flood statistics
- Tidal Hydrodynamics under Future Sea Level Rise Scenarios with Coastal Morphology along the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Uranium Isotopes in Calcium Carbonate: A Possible Proxy for Paleo-pH and Carbonate Ion Concentration?
- Uranium isotopes as a potential global-ocean redox proxy: a test from the Upper Pennsylvanian Hushpuckney Shale (Kansas, U.S.A.)
- Using Bathymodiolus tissue stable isotope signatures to infer biogeochemical process at hydrocarbon seeps
- Using Canopy Temperature to Infer Hydrologic Processes in Floodplain Forests
- Validity of Drought Indices as Drought Predictors in the South-Central United States
- Varying effects of geomorphic change on floodplain inundation and forest communities
- Whillans Ice Stream from UpB to WGZ: Siliceous Microfossils, Palynomorphs, and Biomarker Evidence of Sub-glacial Processes and Ice Stream History
- A 80-Year Long Coral-Based Temperature Reconstruction for the Last Interglacial from Northern Hispaniola
- A subducting slab dynamics hypothesis for Himalayan mountain building, asymmetric arc curvature, convergence slowdown, and climatic forcing
- A system of systems assessment of the mitigation of surge and nuisance flooding under present and future conditions
- Absorption and fluorescence properties of colored dissolved organic matter in the Ross Sea during austral summer
- Assess Climate Change's Impact on Coastal Rivers using a Coupled Climate-Hydrology Model
- Assessing Effects of Sea Level Rise on Plum Island Estuary Marshes Using the Hydro-MEM Model.
- Carbon-bearing MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> melt at deep mantle conditions
- Caves, Carbonates and Climate: Karst Landscape Development through Environmental Forcing, Little Cayman Island
- Cohesive Sedimentary Processes on River-Dominated Deltas: New Perspectives from the Mississippi River Delta Front, Gulf of Mexico
- Conducting and Evaluating Stakeholder Workshops to Facilitate Updates to a Storm Surge Forecasting Model for Coastal Louisiana
- Constraining Recent Climate History Using Helium, Krypton and Xenon Concentrations in the Perennially Ice-Covered Lake Bonney, East Antarctica
- Continuous Signal Propagation in the Indus Submarine Canyon since the Last Deglacial
- Controls on Erosion in the Western Tarim Basin: Implications for the Uplift of Northwest Tibet and Pamirs
- Controls on Modern Erosion and the Development of the Pearl River Basin since the Eocene
- Coupled Chemical and Thermal Processes During Contact Metamorphism: Constraining Rates and Duration with Time-Dependent 3-D Heat and Mass Transport Modeling of Fluid-Rock Systems
- Data-Driven Groundwater Model Development: A Case Study in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- DeepSAT: A Deep Learning Approach to Tree-cover Delineation in 1-m NAIP Imagery for the Continental United States
- Development of Return Period Inundation Maps In A Changing Climate Using a Systems of Systems Approach
- Development of Sr/Ca-d<SUP>18</SUP>O Temperature Calibrations of a Siderastrea siderea Coral from the Gulf of Mexico
- Dynamic simulation of storm-driven barrier island morphology under future sea level rise
- Effect of grain size and angularity on seismic velocity in unconsolidated sediment
- Electrical conductivity of hydrated olivine and its polymorphs
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on Viscosity of Fe-Ni-C Liquids at High Pressures
- Export and losses of blue carbon-derived particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC and DOC) in blackwater river-dominated and particle-dominated estuaries
- First-principles Computation of Transport Properties of Basaltic Melts at High Pressure
- Granulometry and geochemistry of Martian soil from MAHLI and APXS at Gale Crater, Mars
- Inferences from Microfractures and Geochemistry in Dynamic Shale-CO2 Packed Bed Experiments
- Investigation of the Spatial Patterns of Velocity and Bed Morphology Within Actively Evolving Neck Cutoffs on a Highly Sinuous River
- Late Miocene Hydrological Change in the Indus River Catchment
- Linking hydrologic connectivity and nutrient dynamics in a deltaic island of prograding Wax Lake Delta, coastal Louisiana
- Liquid-Liquid Transition in Fe-Ni-C alloy at High Temperature and Pressures Revealed by Structure and Viscosity from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics
- Mechanisms of hydrogen incorporation in olivine
- Modeling Biogenic and Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol in China
- Modeling Elevation Equilibrium in the Face of Sea Level Rise
- Modeling non-linear growth responses to temperature and hydrology in wetland trees
- Morphodynamic modeling of a small coastal river during an extreme flood event
- Multi-iteration approach to studying tracer spreading using drifter data
- Multiscale Modeling of Wave-induced Flow in Vegetation Canopy
- Observations from multiple seiche load induced transient strains constrain the upper crustal magma reservoir beneath Yellowstone Caldera.
- Patterns and Interactions Between Hydrodynamics and the Fate of Nitrate in Newly Emergent Coastal Deltaic Floodplains
- Placing a Late Pleistocene Drowned Forest within the Geological Context of the Northern Gulf of Mexico via Seafloor and Shallow Subsurface Mapping
- Pore-scale structure of a NAPL front during invasion into strongly and weakly water-wetting sands
- Post-LGM grounding line and calving front translations of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Whales Deep paleo-ice-stream trough, eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Predicting relative sea level changes at the aftermath of Marinoan (635 Ma) Snowball meltdown
- Preliminary Facies Reconstruction of a Late Pleistocene Cypress Forest Discovered on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf
- Prototype of web-based database of surface wave investigation results for site classification
- Quantification of Storm Surge Using A Python-based ArcGIS Toolbox
- Quantifying Thin Mat Floating Marsh Strength and Interaction with Hydrodynamic Conditions
- Quantifying the seasonal and spatial variability of sedimentation in a mesotidal mangrove stand on a mega delta
- Reconstructing Mississippi River Deltaic Wetland Hydrostratigraphy Using Compositional Kriging Method - Implications for Groundwater, Groundwater-River Water Interaction, Subsidence and Deltaic Wetland Evolution
- Regional and climate forcing on forage fish and apex predators in the California Current: new insights from a fully coupled ecosystem model.
- Seasonal estimates of DOC standing stocks in Apalachicola Bay estuary: Towards a better understanding using field, ocean color and model data
- Seismic stratigraphic interpretations suggest that sectors of the central and western Ross Sea were near or above sea level during earliest Oligocene time
- Simulation of photochemical pollutants in summer 2013 in China
- Source Contributions to Premature Mortality Due to Ambient Particulate Matter in China
- Strong Control of Salts on Near Surface Liquid Water Content in a High Polar Desert Indicated by Near Surface Resistivity Mapping with a Helicopter-Borne TEM Sensor, Lower Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- Surface Wave Characterization of New Orleans Levee Soil Foundations
- Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - TETRA II
- The Primacy of Multidecadal to Centennial Variability Over Late Holocene Forced Change of the Asian Monsoon on the Southern Tibetan Plateau
- The development of the Ganges-Brahmaputra tidal delta plain: construction to maintenance phase changes in platform and channel morphology
- Three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of a neck cutoffs on an elongate meander loop.
- Understanding Mississippi Delta Subsidence through Stratigraphic and Geotechnical Analysis of a Continuous Holocene Core at a Subsidence Superstation
- Use of Ramped PyrOx <SUP>14</SUP>C dating to simultaneously determine the organic carbon age and carbonate material age of Antarctic marginal sediments
- Using XRF Geochemical Data to Differentiate Storm Event Deposits in a Backbarrier Lake in Coastal Louisiana
- Using coral Ba/Ca records to investigate seasonal to decadal scale biogeochemical cycling in the surface and intermediate ocean.
- Utilizing Land:Water Isopleths for Storm Surge Model Development in Coastal Louisiana
- Variability in Bias of Gridded Sea Surface Temperature Data Products: Implications for Seasonally Resolved Marine Proxy Reconstructions
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet Grounding-Line Positions in the Whales Deep Paleo-Ice-Stream Trough of Eastern Ross Sea Inferred From New Multibeam bBathymetry and Seismic Stratigraphy
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat in the Eastern Ross Sea Concomitant with Meltwater Pulse-1a and -1b Using New Foraminiferal Radiocarbon Ages.
- Wetland Responses to Sea Level Rise in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- δ<SUP>15</SUP>N<SUB>bulk</SUB> oscillations linked to monsoon-induced denitrification during the past 1 m.y. in the Eastern Arabian Sea (IODP Exp. 355 Site U1456)
- A 2D Micromodel Study of Fines Migration and Clogging Behavior in Porous Media: Implications of Fines on Methane Extraction from Hydrate-Bearing Sediments
- A Coupled Natural-Human Modeling of the Land Loss Probability in the Mississippi River Delta
- A Geostatistical Toolset for Reconstructing Louisiana's Coastal Stratigraphy using Subsurface Boring and Cone Penetrometer Test Data
- A National Assessment of Changes in Flood Exposure in the United States
- A New View of Glacial Age Coastal Wetlands from A Well-Preserved Underwater Baldcypress Forest in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- A Numerical Study of Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in Fourleague Bay, Louisiana
- A Numerical Study of Sediment Dynamics during Hurricane Gustav
- A Regional Survey of River-plume Sedimentation on the Mississippi River Delta Front
- A Stratigraphic Pollen Record from a Late Pleistocene Cypress Forest, Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf
- A Two-Dimensional Model for Barrier Island and Inlet Morphodynamics: the Battle between Waves and Tide
- African Dust Transport Captured by Rare Earth Elemental Concentrations in Coral Microatolls
- An Assessment of Research Gaps Related to Deep Water Wellbore Integrity
- Analysis and Synthesis of WAVCIS Data for Characteristics of Waves and Currents on Louisiana Coast
- Are isolated wetlands groundwater recharge hotspots?
- Assessing Hydroclimatic Change in Southwest Louisiana Rivers using WRF-Hydro
- Assessing Microplastic Loads in the Mississippi River and Its Major Tributaries
- Assessment of Remote Sensing Products and Hydrologic Simulation of the 2016 Louisiana Flood in the Amite River Basin
- Assessment of Stable Isotope Distribution in Complex Systems
- Assessment of the Coral Temperature Proxies for Orbicella faveolata in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico
- Assessment of the Temporal Evolution of Storm Surge via Land to Water Isopleths in Coastal Louisiana
- Benefits, challenges, and best practices for involving audiences in the development of interactive coastal risk communication tools: Professional communicators' experiences
- Benthic iron and phosphorus release from river dominated shelf sediments under varying bottom water O<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations.
- Biofilms' contribution to organic carbon in salt marsh sediments
- Block Distribution Analysis of Impact Craters in the Tharsis and Elysium Planitia Regions on Mars
- Borehole Breakout Derived Constraints on Stress Regimes in the Santa Barbara Channel, Offshore Southern California
- Ceramic Single Phase High-Level Nuclear Waste Forms: Hollandite, Perovskite, and Pyrochlore
- Channel Deformation of the Lower Yangtze River Following Construction of the Three Gorges Dam
- Characteristics and Source Apportionment of Marine Aerosols over East China Sea Using a Source-oriented Chemical Transport Model
- Characteristics of Helical Flow through Neck Cutoffs
- Climate Change Impacts on Sediment Yield in Headwaters of a High-latitude Region in China
- Coastal Wetland Carbon Dynamics Across a Sediment Delivery Gradient in the Atchafalaya and Terrebonne Basins, Louisiana
- Cold front driven water transport between Lake Pontchartrain through multiple inlets
- Comparison of Pore-scale CO<SUB>2</SUB>-water-glass System Wettability and Conventional Wettability Measurement on a Flat Plate for Geological CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration
- Comparison of long-term trends in bedload transport above and below the Old River Control Structure in the Lower Mississippi River
- Contribution of deep sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C isotopes
- Correlation Of Terrestrial gamma flashes, Electric fields, and Lightning strikes (COTEL) in thunderstorms using networked balloon payloads developed by university and community college students
- Coupled Landscape and Channel Dynamics in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Tidal Deltaplain, Southwest Bangladesh
- Crude Life: The Art-Science Engagement Work of Brandon Ballengee
- Denitrification Rates in Newly Formed and Restored Wetlands of Coastal Louisiana
- Determining Coastal Hazards Risk Perception to Enhance Local Mitigation Planning through a Participatory Mapping Approach
- Development and Application of Percent Annual Chance Coastal Inundation Maps to Support Decision-Making in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Development and Application of a Cohesive Sediment Transport Model in Coastal Louisiana
- Development of A Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer Groundwater Model
- Dissolved Carbon Fluxes During the 2017 Mississippi River Flood
- Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in Backwaters of North America's Largest River Swamp
- Dissolved carbon dynamics in the freshwater-saltwater mixing zone of a coastal river entering the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Distribution and transport of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a river-influenced continental margin: the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Do Mangroves Subsidize Carbon to Adjacent Mudflat Fish Communities?
- Downscaling SMAP Soil Moisture Using Geoinformation Data and Geostatistics
- Effects of Nutrient Dynamics, Light and Temperature on the Patchiness of Phytoplankton and Primary Production in the Estuarine and Coastal Zones of Liaodong Bay, China: A Typical Case Study
- Estimating the Risk of Tropical Cyclone Characteristics Along the United States Gulf of Mexico Coastline Using Different Statistical Approaches
- Evaluating Trade-offs of a Large, Infrequent Diversion for Restoration of a Forested Wetland and Associated Ecosystem Services in the Mississippi delta
- Facies-dependent variations in sediment physical properties on the Mississippi River Delta Front, USA: evidence for depositional and post-depositional processes
- Field Applications of Coupled Temperature-Rate-Pressure Transient analysis for Reservoir Characterization: Analytical Modeling
- Finding and Using Wasted Water to Restore Baldcypress - Water Tupelo Swamps and Freshwater Marshes and Protect Against Salt Water Intrusion: A Case Study of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin
- Floodplain Impact on Riverine Dissolved Carbon Cycling in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River System
- From Scientists to the Public: Communicating Science through Blogs on oceanbites.org and envirobites.org
- Geotechnical Impacts of Hurricane Harvey Along the Texas, USA Coast
- Global Synthesis of Common Era Hydroclimate using Water Isotope Proxies from Multiple Archives: First Results from the PAGES Iso2k Project
- Ground-Truthing of Airborne LiDAR Using RTK-GPS Surveyed Data in Coastal Louisiana's Wetlands
- Groundwater and Thaw Legacy of a Large Paleolake in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica as Evidenced by Airborne Electromagnetic and Sedimentological Techniques
- Gulf of Mexico: Dealing with Change in a Marginal Sea
- High-resolution mapping of wetland vegetation biomass and distribution with L-band radar in southeastern coastal Louisiana
- Hydrological Controls on Floodplain Forest Phenology Assessed using Remotely Sensed Vegetation Indices
- Hydrological states and the resilience of deltaic forested wetlands
- Identification of Watershed-scale Critical Source Areas Using Bayesian Maximum Entropy Spatiotemporal Analysis
- Impact of Spatial Pumping Patterns on Groundwater Management
- Impacts of Particulate Matter on Gulf of Mexico Tropical Cyclones
- In Situ and Ex Situ Estimates of Benthic Silica Fluxes in NGOM Shelf Sediments
- Influence of Aerosol Loading on Ocean Temperature Parameters Affecting the Evolution of Tropical Cyclone Formation Near Northern and Eastern Australia
- Influence of Black Mangrove Expansion on Salt Marsh Food Web Dynamics in Coastal Louisiana
- Integrated Application of Random Forest and Artificial Neural Network Algorithms to Predict Viral Contamination in Coastal Waters
- Integrating Elevation Data with Vegetation Indices for Interpreting Phenology Response of Forested Wetland Vegetation
- Interactive Web-based Visualization of Atomic Position-time Series Data
- Joint Geodetic and Seismic Analysis of the effects of Englacial and Subglacial Hydraulics on Surface Crevassing near a Seasonal, Glacier-Dammed Lake on Gornergletscher, Switzerland
- Late-Holocene Environmental Reconstruction and Depositional History from a Taxodium Swamp near Lake Pontchartrain in Southern Louisiana
- Learning topography with Tangible Landscape games
- Leveraging Social Media Data to Understand Disaster Resilience: A Case Study of Hurricane Isaac
- Linking Backbarrier Lacustrine Stratigraphy with Spatial Dynamics of Shoreline Retreat in a Rapidly Subsiding Region of the Mississippi River Delta
- Local and regional scale exchanges of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) between tidal wetlands and their adjacent coastal waters
- Mapping of Boulder Ejecta around Late Amazonian Impact Craters on Mars
- Maritime Coastlines: A New Ecosystem for Dendrochronological Analysis
- Mechanisms of iodine release from iodoapatite in aqueous solution
- Moat Development and Evolution on a Perennialy Ice-Covered Lake in East Antarctica
- Modeling Study: Mechanism of Foam Propagation in Porous Media at Different Levels of Minimum Mobilization Pressure Gradient
- Modeling Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge and Wind Induced Risk Along the Bay of Bengal Coastline Using a Statistical Copula
- Modeling global mangrove soil carbon stocks: filling the gaps in coastal environments
- Modeling river discharge and sediment transport in the Wax Lake-Atchafalaya basin with remote sensing parametrization.
- Modeling the Effects of Storm Surge from Hurricane Jeanne on Saltwater Intrusion into the Surficial Aquifer, East-Central Florida (USA)
- Modern Analogs for Prehistoric El Niño Variability: Evidence from two Short-Lived Bivalve Species, Donax obesulus and Mesodesma donacium
- Monitoring the chemical nature of the carbon pool of Louisiana wetland soils undergoing erosion: carbon speciation and redox processes
- Morphodynamics of the Final 500 Kilometers of the Mississippi River
- Morphological Modeling of a Low-Dune Barrier Headland System's Response to Hurricane Forcing Before and After a Large Scale Restoration
- Multi-proxy Characterization of Two Recent Storm Deposits Attributed to Hurricanes Rita and Ike in the Chenier Plain of Southwestern Louisiana
- Networks of Interacting Processes: Relationships Between Drivers and Deltaic Variables to Understand Water and Sediment Transport in Wax Lake Delta, Coastal Louisiana
- Nitrogen fluxes across hydrogeomorphic zones in coastal deltaic floodplain using flow-through technique
- Numerical Estimation of the Outer Bank Resistance Characteristics in AN Evolving Meandering River
- Numerical modeling of subsidence induced by hydrocarbon production in a reservoir in coastal Louisiana
- Paleostress Analysis with Reflection Seismic Data: Example from the Songliao Basin, Northeast China
- Partitioning of sublimation and evaporation from Lake Bonney using water vapor isotope and latent heat fluxes
- Petrologic Modeling of Magmatic Evolution in The Elysium Volcanic Province
- Physical factors controlling carbon cycling dynamics in blackwater river-dominated and particle dominated estuaries
- Predicting marine physical-biogeochemical variabilities in the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern U.S. shelf sea
- Preliminary Micropaleontological Investigation of a Preserved, Late Pleistocene Cypress Forest on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Inner Shelf
- Preserved Crevasse Casts in the Whales Deep Basin, eastern Ross Sea
- Probing the Gaps: A Synthesis of Well-known and Lesser-known Hydrological Feedbacks Influencing Vegetation Patterning and Long-term Geomorphic Change in Low-gradient Fluvial Landscapes
- Provenance of Late Ordovician Sandstones along the southeastern Appalachian Mountains: Implications for the Tectonic Model of the Taconic Orogeny
- Quantification of Fine-grained Sediment Concentration in the Aquatic Environment Using Optical and Acoustic Sensors: Insight from Lab Experiments
- Quantifying Trophic Interactions and Carbon Flow in Louisiana Salt Marshes Using Multiple Biomarkers
- Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for an Underground Blowout Scenario in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) Well
- Roles of Meteorology in Changes of Air Pollutants Concentrations in China from 2010 to 2015
- S-wave velocity measurements along levees in New Orleans using passive surface wave methods
- Salinity information in coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records
- Seasonal Changes in Connectivity and Nitrate Processing in Deltaic Floodplains
- Seasonal Characteristics of Widespread Ozone Pollution in China and India: Current Model Capabilities and Source Attributions
- Sediment Transport and Slope Stability of Ship Shoal Borrow Areas for Coastal Restoration of Louisiana
- Sediment Transport over a Dredge Pit, Sandy Point Southeast, west flank of the Mississippi River during Summer Upcoast Currents: a Coupled Wave, Current and Sediment Numerical Model
- Sensitivity of Estuaries to Coastal Morphological Change Induced by Sea Level Rise
- Shear-wave seismic reflection imaging and impedance inversion for a near-surface point-bar
- Short-term Morphodynamics of an Eroding Salt Marsh Shoreline in the Delaware Estuary, USA
- Simulation and Characterization of Methane Hydrate Formation
- Simulation of summer ozone episodes in Southeast Louisiana during 2006-2015
- Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Louisiana
- Spatial Structure of Forested Wetland Degradation on the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain
- Spatial Trends and Variability of Vertical Accretion Rates in the Barataria Basin, Louisiana, U.S.A. using Pb-210 and Cs-137 radiochemistry
- Spatial and Temporal Climatic Variation in Coastal Tanzania
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Sediment P Distribution and Speciation in Coastal Louisiana
- Spectral reflectance analysis of SW and N of the South China Sea with their paleoenvironmental variation
- Stratigraphic Reconstruction of a Late Pleistocene Cypress Forest Discovered on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf
- Subtropical Climate Variability since the Last Glacial Maximum from Speleothem Precipitation Reconstructions in Florida
- Tempo-spatial variations of precipitation in the middle Yellow River (Huanghe) Basin: Response to ENSO cycle
- Temporal variability in sediment PAHs accumulation in the northern Gulf of Mexico Shelf
- Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - TETRA-II Instrumentation
- Terrestrial Palynology of Paleocene and Eocene Sediments Above the Chicxulub Impact Crater
- The Fate and Stability of Eroding Wetland Soil Carbon in a Subsiding Deltaic Coastal Plain
- The Sea Level Rise Tipping Point of Delta Survival
- The Sedimentology and Origins of a Giant Mass Transport Deposit: The Nataraja Slide, Arabian Sea
- The TETRA-II Experiment to Observe Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - Analysis of Nearby Thunderstorm Activity and Comparison with Lightning Data
- The TETRA-II Experiment to Observe Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - Preliminary Results
- The interfacial energetics of the oil molecules interactions with shale media using molecular dynamics simulation
- The role of seasonal sediment storage in tidal channels on a mesotidal delta
- The spatial distribution of major and trace elements in the surface sediments from the northeastern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea
- Theoretical Evaluation of Foam Proppant Carriers
- Thin, Conductive Permafrost Surrounding Lake Fryxell Indicates Salts From Past Lakes, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Thresholds of sea-level rise rate and sea-level acceleration rate in a vulnerable coastal wetland
- Topographic Mapping in Densely Vegetated Coastal Environments Using Terrestrial LiDAR
- Toward developing more realistic groundwater models using big data
- Transient Flow through an Unsaturated Levee Embankment during the 2011 Mississippi River Flood
- Transport properties of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-bearing MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> melt at mantle conditions
- Understanding Mississippi Delta Subsidence through Stratigraphic and Geotechnical Analysis of a Continuous Holocene Core at a Subsidence Superstation
- Understanding Nuisance Flooding Conceptualizations and Concerns of Stakeholders in the Northern U.S. Gulf Coast
- Undesirable leakage to overlying formations with horizontal and vertical injection wells
- Uranium isotope fractionation in biogenic carbonates: biological effects
- Using Public Input to Create a Better Online Flood Mapping Framework
- Variations in West Antarctic Ice Front and Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature for 8 Years Duration in 2000s
- Vertical Record of Ecological Change and Carbon Storage in a Young Emergent Mississippi River Coastal Deltaic Floodplain
- Vitreous Anorthite (CaAl<SUB>2</SUB>Si<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB>) at High Pressure: A First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Study
- What Role do Nor'Easters have on the Jamaica Bay Wetlands Sediment Budget?
- X-ray Computed Tomography and Pore Network Modeling to Assess the Impact of Biochar on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Stormwater Infiltration Media
- 3D Finite Element Sub-modeling of Fluid-driven Interface De-bonding after Well Plugging and Abandonment
- A Decade of Spatiotemporal Variability of Snow Persistence in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica from Object-Based Classification of High Resolution Satellite Imagery
- A comparative study of hypoxia and acidification in two large river dominated coastal ocean systems (northern Gulf of Mexico and East China Sea)
- A comparison of supervised classification methods for prediction and mapping of sediment types with multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
- A hydrodynamic marsh model with dynamic marsh parametrization
- A large-scale salt marsh mesocosm facility to test the effects of disturbances on wetland ecosystem processes
- Analysis of Varying Seismic Velocities in Sands of Different Grain Sizes
- Assessing climate risks and adaptation opportunities in the Southeast U.S. as part of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- Assessment of the Evolution of Coastal Louisiana Storm Surge and Flood Risk 1850 - 2110
- Bayesian Chance-constrained Saltwater Scavenging Design for Deep Aquifers under Surrogate Uncertainty
- Benthic Fluxes across different hydrogeomorphic zones in an emergent coastal deltaic floodplain
- Biological effects on uranium isotope fractionation in primary biogenic carbonates
- Bringing deltaic geology into the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century: A multidisciplinary investigation of the subaqueous Mississippi River Delta Front
- Building a Cross-Dated Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Central Caribbean from Storm Deposit Corals
- Characterization of Wellbore Cement Additive Gilsonite Sealing Behavior with Hydrocarbon Interaction Implication for Wellbore Plugging
- Climate-Tectonic Feedbacks in the Cenozoic Western Himalaya
- Clogging behavior of fines associated with gas hydrate production, from pure fines to NGHP-02 and UBGH-02 reservoir fines
- Coastal Digital Elevation Models: Are They Correct? How Can We do Better?
- Comparative Analysis of Anaerobic Carbon Monoxide Oxidation in Saline and Non-saline Soils and Sediments at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures.
- Comparison of source apportionment and health risk s of ambient PAH levels in the U.S, China and India
- Compound Inundation Models in Low-Lying Coastal Watersheds
- Consistent Reanalysis of Five North American Glacier Mass Balance Records
- Contrasting Recent Sedimentation Rates and Sediment Characteristics Between Fluvially Connected and Disconnected Distal Coastal Marshes in Southeastern Louisiana, USA.
- Criteria and Tools for Determining Drainage Divide Stability
- DELTA SEES: Sustainability of Deltaic Coastlines
- Deformation Difference between Shale Caprock and Shale Reservoir Rock
- Effect of Connectivity and Residence Time on the Fate of Nitrate in a Coastal Deltaic Floodplain
- Effects of Digital Elevation Model Resampling on HSPF-Based Watershed-Scale Nutrient Modeling
- Effects of Emission and Climate Change on Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen and Sulfur in China
- Effects of climate change and emission scenarios on air pollution in India
- Employing Raw Signal Processing Techniques And Graph-Based Informatics To Study Environmental Contaminants From Marine And Coastal Oil Spills
- Evaluating Sediment Transport in an Ungauged Steep Mountain Stream During an Extreme Flood Event.
- Evaluating interactions between flow structure and planform evolution on a series of six consecutive meander bends along the Pearl River, Louisiana.
- Evidence for Liquid Immiscibility in the Fe-Si-O System at Deep Earth Pressures
- Examining Social Media Use by Public Agencies and NGOs involved in Coastal Emergency Management: Experiences from Hurricanes Sandy, Isaac and Harvey
- Exploring the role of evaporation and precipitation on mangrove island morphology
- Fe-bearing MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> melt: a First Principles Molecular Dynamics study
- Fluid-Driven Fracture Initiation During Loss of Control Situations
- GEONEX: A Deep Learning Approach to Prediction of Surface Spectral Reflectance
- GEONEX: Progressive Conditional Generative Adversarial Training Using Transfer learning
- Geochemical considerations for Gulf of Mexico wellbore integrity predictions.
- Geometry and topology of estuary and braided river channel networks extracted from topographic data
- Geotechnical Characterization of Mississippi River Delta Front Sediments
- Global trends in mangrove canopy height, biomass and carbon stocks
- Higher rates of sea level rise result in higher lateral flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from tidal wetlands to coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Impact of a Temporally-Displaced Mississippi River Spring Flood on Nutrient and Aquatic Ecosystem Responses in Estuarine Waters: A Hydrologic Harbinger of a Shifting Climatic Future Affecting Coastal Food Webs
- Impact of named tropical storms on sediment transport and coastal biogeochemistry along the Louisiana-Texas shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Implications of Borehole-Derived Stress Constraints for Fault Slip and Stress Heterogeneity beneath the Santa Barbara Channel, Offshore Southern California
- Increasing Resilience to Current and Future Flooding Through the Integration of Hydrologic and Storm Surge Models
- Influence of Local and Remote Hurricanes on Circulation over Louisiana Shelf and Exchange Flows in Tidal Passes: Simulations and Observations
- Integrated Modeling of Stratigraphy and Groundwater Flow for Lower Mississippi River Delta Plain
- Is the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta drowning? Elevation and sediment dynamics in the natural and human altered tidal deltaplain
- Land loss and its impacts on agricultural production in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta under climate change.
- Lateral Circulation in a Partially Stratified Tidal Inlet
- Local Perspectives on ENSO Variability 2300 BP and now: Evidence from two Short-Lived Intertidal Bivalves Mesodesma donacium and Donax obesulus
- Long term eco-geomorphological response of wetland to rapid relative sea level rise in micro tidal environment
- Long-term evolution of sediment provenance in the Indus Fan inferred from clay <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr and ɛ<SUB>Nd</SUB> from IODP Sites U1456 and U1457
- Low Frequency Sea Level Variability in a Deltaic Mississippi River Estuary during Cold Front Season
- Mechanisms of Blue Carbon Export in Blackwater River-dominated and Particle-dominated Estuaries
- Mississippi River Levee Underseepage Assessment, North of Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Modeling of PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>and O<SUB>3</SUB> with WRF/Chem over Sichuan Basin, Southwestern China
- Multicomponent Model of Crustal Stress at Cajon Pass with Implications for Stress Field Heterogeneity
- NEX-AI: A Cloud and HPC Agnostic Framework for Scaling Deep Learning and Machine Learning Applications for Earth Science
- NEX-AI: Deployment of Machine Learning Pipelines using Google Cloud ML Engine and AWS SageMaker
- Neoglacial Climate Anomalies and the Indus Civilization's Metamorphosis
- Northern Gulf of Mexico Stakeholders' Considerations of Natural and Nature-Based Infrastructure Options for Coastal Hazard Mitigation
- Numerical modeling of frictional contact between a blunt tool and quasi-brittle rock
- Penguins as paleo-climate proxies: Radiocarbon dating indicates a late Holocene, north-to-south, penguin colonization in the northern Antarctic Peninsula.
- Predicting countrywide PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>concentration and associated mortality in India based on GAM model using aerosol optical depth and meteorological parameters
- Quantifying the Effects of Outer-Bank Large Wood on Flow-Resistance and Bank Erosion in AN Evolving Meandering River
- Reservoir Simulations for Comparative Hydrate Formation Study across Different Sites in the Gulf of Mexico
- Sediment Accretion and Erosion in Poldered and Non-Poldered Regions within the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, Bangladesh: Implications for River Channel Migration and Flood Risk
- Sediment Accumulation and Bioturbation in a tropical-carbonate mangrove forest on a Pacific atoll: Ouvéa, New Caledonia
- Sediment Transport Due to Wave- and Current-Supported Turbidity Currents Over Erodible Bed
- Sediment Transport and Water Quality of a Dredge Pit on Louisiana Shelf for Coastal Restoration
- Sediment transport and geomorphologic response in multiple dredge pits near Ship Shoal of coastal Louisiana
- Seeking Signs of Life in Ancient Martian Hot Springs.
- Sensing, Building, and Improving Disaster Resilience through Social Media Data Mining
- Simulation and Visualization of the Incorporation of Carbon and Hydrogen in Silicate Melt.
- Simulation, source contribution and health effects of high ozone episodes in North China Plain
- Source Water Variability to Soils of Large, Forested Floodplains
- Sources and Fate of Carbon and Nutrients from Land to Sea: Land Use and Hydrological Impacts on Water C:N:P Ratios along an Estuarine River with a Large Salinity Gradient
- Spatial Analysis of Plankton Community and Nutrients in Coastal Environment of Mozambique
- Stepwise Downscaling of SMAP Satellite Soil Moisture Data Using Random Forests and Spatial Statistic Models
- Storm Surge and Circulation in Wax Lake Delta - Numerical Experiments for Winter Storms
- Structure of the Northern Los Angeles Basins Revealed in Teleseismic Receiver Functions from Short-term Nodal Seismic Arrays
- Study of the PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> growth processes during 2013 to 2016 in the NCP and YRD regions, China
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Iron Bound Organic Carbon in the Mississippi River Influenced Shelf Sediments
- The Ayeyawady Delta: Links between Monsoon, Floods and Sediment Fluxes
- The Evolution of Flood Zones in southeastern Louisiana
- The TETRA-II Experiment to Observe Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - Instrumentation and Results
- The TETRA-II Experiment to Observe Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - Results from First Two Years of Observation
- The effects of dredging and disposal activity on the resilience of estuary morphodynamics
- Thermodynamics, Structure, and Transport Properties of the MgO-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> Liquid System
- Timing of enhanced seepage throughout the past 50 ka from the Gulf of Mexico
- Tools for communicating indirect effects of sea-level rise: case study of wave attenuation
- Understanding the impact of global cooling and the uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau on the climate and ecology in central Asia with leaf wax n-alkane δD and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C records
- Using In Situ Stable Water Isotope Fluxes to Understand Hydrologic Budget and Mixing Dynamics of the Antarctic Dry Valley Lakes
- Using Standardized Soil Moisture Index for Drought Warning by Fusing SMAP Observations and NLDAS Noah Land Surface Model
- Volcaniclastic turbidites are high-volume, in-situ clay mineral factories
- What Will SWOT Measure in World's Deltas and Estuaries?
- Wind-Driven Water Level Fluctuations Drive Marsh-Edge Erosion Patterns in Microtidal Coastal Bays
- A Meteorological Examination of Sferic-Associated X-ray and Gamma-ray Flashes Detected by TETRA-II
- A Python program for Extracting Significant Vertical Features from LiDAR-DEM to improve Unstructured Finite Element Meshes
- A Recipe for Groundwater on Mars
- Absolute Gravimetric Monitoring of Subsidence in Louisiana
- Accounting for future sea level rise in barrier island restoration strategies to reduce storm-driven inundation and erosion
- Air quality and human health impacts from electric vehicle adoption in Chinese megacities
- An Update In Hydrology Model Development And Application
- Assessing composition space and tunnel size in mineral hollandite by employing Artificial Neural Network
- Assessment of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) in Addressing Water Management and Flood Mitigation Needs: A Case Study from Southwest Louisiana
- Building Large-scale Complex Hydrostratigraphy Model Using Big Data of Well Logs: Subsurface Characterization of the Capital Area, Louisiana
- Challenges and Opportunities for Building Coastal Resiliency through Convergence Research
- Changes in Planform Geometry in the Amite River Basin, Louisiana, USA, and the Impact on Flood Routing
- Climate Change Impacts Along the northern U.S. Gulf Coast
- Climate-driven surface ozone simulation using ensemble WRF/Chem predictions over the Southeast United States
- Climatology and Spatiotemporal Analysis of North Atlantic Rapidly Intensifying Hurricanes
- Compound Inundation Modeling of an Idealized Coastal Watershed
- Coordinating air pollution and clean power strategies in India for health and climate objectives
- Cross-Calibration between Selected Numerical Models and the Lower Mississippi River Physical Model
- Detecting Increasing El Niño-Southern Oscillation Intensity in Coastal Peru at 400 BCE Compared to the mid-Holocene Using Short-lived Bivalves Mesodesma donacium and Donax obesulus
- Determination of Fracture Apertures via Calibration of Discrete Fracture Network Models
- Disentangling the Signatures of Climate, Tectonics, and Lithology in the Landscape of the Lesser Caucasus - Eastern Pontide Mountains
- Do hydraulic safety margins vary across a tropical rainfall gradient? Evidence from an El Niño drought
- Dynamic Response of Florida Big-Bend Wetlands to Sea Level Rise
- Effect of aerosol source and cloud structure on the deposition of biological ice nucleating particles in precipitation
- Effects Of Emission Reduction On Air Pollution In India
- Effects of Land-Use Change (1938-2018) on Surface Runoff and Flooding in the Amite River Basin, Louisiana, USA Using Coupled 1D/2D HEC-RAS-HEC-HMS Hydrological Modeling
- Effects of backwater and lateral outflow on three-dimensional flow structure in a river-dominated delta.
- Electrical Resistivity Measurements of the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Reveal Seawater Intrusion in New Detail
- Elevation and Stratigraphic Profiles of Three Mid-Channel Bars in a Tidal-Dominated System in the Lower Meghna River, Bangladesh
- Eocene-Oligocene climate transition in the subtropic North America
- Experimental Studies of Geological Mapping using Thermal UAV remote sensing
- Geologic observations from the floor of Yellowstone Lake using high-resolution video
- Ground-Level Observations of X-Ray/Gamma Bursts Induced by Nearby Lightning: TETRA-II
- Implementation of Unified Cohesive Zone Model into a Fully Coupled XFEM Framework for Fracturing Modelling in Kerogen-Rich Shales
- Integrating imaging spectrometer and synthetic aperture radar data for estimating wetland vegetation aboveground biomass in coastal Louisiana
- Interpretation of Seafloor Geochemical Data from Piston Cores to Understand Occurrences of Thermogenic and Biogenic Gas Seeps and Their Association with Seafloor Geophysical Amplitude Anomalies in the Gulf of Mexico
- L_SU (V0.3.9): A graphical user interface useful for building seismic flows from Seismic Unix
- Machine Learning Approach to Identify Aerosol and Geophysical Variable Influence on Southwest Pacific Ocean Tropical Cyclone Development
- Modeling Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone in the Sichuan Basin, Southwestern China: Status, Source Contributions, and Emission Reduction Targets
- Modeling potential benefits of fragmented terrace restoration in Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana: wave attenuation, sediment process, and potential SAV habitat
- Monitoring of Land Subsidence in Louisiana from GNSS Observations
- Multi-year Pressure Temperature Records from the Floor of Yellowstone Lake as indicators of Crustal Loading and Deformation
- Natural Ecosystems' Exposures to Air Pollution in the West China Rain Zone, Eastern Rim of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
- Net Evaporation Rates and Mangrove Island Morphology: Caribbean Examples
- Numerical modeling of rate effects in tool-rock frictional contact
- Paleoclimate reconstructions in Cuba inferred from coral aragonite δ18O, δ13C and Sr/Ca
- Paleoclimatic setting of early human development in North China during Early Pleistocene
- Parallel Coordinates-based Visual Analytics for Materials Property: Application to Silicate Melt Viscosity
- Plant wax biomarker record of hydroclimate prior to the Eocene-Oligocene Transition from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
- Predicting Barrier Materials Fracturing from NanoIndentation
- Pursuing Convergence Research and Training in the Living Laboratory of Louisiana and throughout the Gulf of Mexico
- Quantifying the Effects of Outer-Bank Large Wood Debris(lwd) Patches on Flow-Resistance and Bank Erosion with Porous Structure Approximation
- Simulation and Visualization of Mixed-incorporation of Carbon and Hydrogen in Silicate Melts
- Soil moisture and ecohydrological function in hydrologically modified, fine-grained floodplains
- Source attribution of tropospheric ozone to NOx and VOCs emissions in southeastern U.S.
- Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in water level responses to frontal passage across Louisiana coastal wetlands
- Spatiotemporal Changes to Tectonism and Paleo-Monsoon Histories within the South China Sea derived from a Sea-wide Geoacoustic Map
- Spring Mission: Surface Exploration with a Miniaturized Scanning Electron Microscope.
- Storm Deposit Corals From Little Cayman Reveal Shifts in Sea Surface Temperature and Upwelling in the Central Caribbean During the Holocene
- TETRA-II Observations of Lightning-Associated X-Ray/Gamma Flashes at Ground Level
- The Consequences of the Historically Longest Mississippi River Diversion on the Water Quality and Phytoplankton Ecology of the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary, LA
- The Evolution of Student Engagement, Interest and Perception of Geoscience During Challenge-Based Courses: Insights from the GeoFORCE Texas Program
- The Impact of Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbances on the Metabolism of Methane and Other C1 Compounds
- The case for more intense Eastern Pacific tropical cyclones arriving into southwestern North America during the Late Pleistocene: new geochronological and sedimentological evidence from central Baja California.
- The trait-rate linkage: How well do structural and hydraulic traits predict interspecific differences in response to drought?
- Topographic Controls on Floodplain Forest Responses to Seasonal Drought as Indicators of Watershed-scale Hydrology and Ecosystem Function
- Underseepage Assessment and Relief Well Evaluation for New Orleans
- Understanding exposure, vulnerability, and risks of cascading seismic-tsunami hazards on infrastructure and society in Seaside, OR.
- Use of Soil Moisture Active Passive Satellite Data (smap) and WORLDCLIM2 Data to Predict the Potential Distribution of Visceral Leishmaniasis and its Vector Lutzomyia Longipalpis in Brazil
- Using cloud-friendly data format in earth system models
- Waves and Mixing in an Urban Subtropical Lake: Restoration Implications
- When Neither Climate or Tectonics Appear Related to Topography, Erosion, and Rock Uplift Rates: The Curious Case of the Greater Caucasus Mountains
- A Pilot Study of the Northern Hemisphere's Circumpolar Vortex Centroid Positions over Time and Space
- A Review of Sediment Diversion in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain
- A Rise in the Need for Convergence Research at the Coastal Land-margin
- A multi-site synthesis of impacts of multi-year extreme events on dryland ecosystem resilience
- An Earthquake Detection Algorithm for Local Seismic Monitoring of Underground Caverns: The Sorrento Salt Dome, Louisiana Case Study
- Assessing Property Loss in Louisiana, U.S.A., to Natural Hazards Incorporating Future Projected Conditions
- Assessment of Groundwater Depletion in Southern Hills Aquifer System, Southeastern Louisiana
- Basin Structure Revealed in Receiver Functions from a Dense Nodal Seismic Array in the Northern Los Angeles Basins, Southern California
- Beach Washed and Modern Corals (Siderastrea siderea) Reveal Shifts in Sea Surface Temperature and Trade Winds in the Central Caribbean Sea for the Common Era
- Best Practices for Coral Proxy-SST Calibration for 20th Century δ<SUP>18</SUP>Ο<SUB>sw</SUB> Reconstruction - Initial Results from CoralHydro2k
- Broaching Analysis During Post-Blowout Capping Following Worst Case Discharge: A Gulf of Mexico Case Study
- Channel Bed Changes Along a Large Alluvial River Entering the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Characteristics of TETRA-II TGFs and their Associated Lightning Activity
- Characterizing Martian Volcanic Provinces' Magmatic Evolution and Chemistry through Equations of State Modeling Initial Study
- China's COVID-19 Quarantine Marginally Exacerbated a Warm February 2020
- Comparison of Wave Attenuation by Salt Marshes during Two Tropical Storms
- Compound Inundation Modeling of a 1-D Idealized Coastal Watershed
- Controls on the isotopic composition of soil water in fine-grained floodplains
- Crustal accretion in a slow-spreading back-arc basin: Insights from the Mado Megamullion oceanic core complex (Shikoku Basin, Philippine Sea)
- Distance from Tidal Creek is an Important Factor Affecting the Ecology and Biogeochemistry in Ditched and Natural Salt Marshes
- Eastern Pacific El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability 400-200 BCE: perspectives from a dual-archive approach.
- Effect of vegetation on the deposition of fine-grained sediment on the Wax Lake delta, southern Louisiana, USA
- Emplacement Conditions of the Volcanic Complex at RADOBÝL, Czech Republik
- Event- to decadal-scale water level fluctuations across the Mississippi River Delta
- Extreme floods increase riverine CO2 outgassing - A case study on the unprecedented 2019 Mississippi River flood
- Forecasting Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Outbreak Risks in Marine Environment
- Four decades of channel dynamics of a large regulated alluvial river: Results from the uppermost Atchafalaya River
- Geotechnical Characterization of a Saline Wetland with Implications Towards Quantifying Peat Collapse
- Global Survey of Oxygen Minimum Zones Reveals Endemism and Functional Redundancy in Viral Communities
- Groundwater Production from Geothermal Heating on Early Mars as a Potential Solution to the Faint Young Sun Paradox
- High Resolution Field Observations of Meteotsunamis off the Coast of Louisiana, USA
- How Pleistocene sea-level change and wave erosion have shaped the morphology of Midway Atoll
- Introducing the revised IODP proposal to reveal the nature of back-arc basin lower crust and upper mantle at the Godzilla Megamullion
- Investigating Air Intrusion and Aerobic Reactions in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
- Investigating hurricane-induced compound flooding and sediment dispersal using coupled hydrology and ocean models
- Land subsidence monitoring in Louisiana using GNSS daily data
- Linking Backbarrier Wetlands and Storm Driven Coastal Morphodynamics
- Long term fate of carbon stock soil profiles in rapidly eroding coastal wetlands
- Melt-Rock Reaction during back-arc spreading forming the Mado Megamullion in the Shikoku Basin
- Modeling Assessment of Groundwater Flooding and Levee Underseepage in Greater New Orleans, USA
- Morphodynamics and Sedimentation of Dredge Pits for Barrier Island Restoration
- Morphodynamics and modelling of salt marshes in a period of accelerated sea level rise.
- Mudflats Should Be Considered a Blue Carbon Ecosystem
- Natural and anthropogenic effects on wave climate and current regime in Barataria Bay, LA
- Northwest Florida Coastal Wetland Response to Sea-Level Rise Using Apalachicola-Big-Bend (ABB) Hydrodynamic Model
- Numerical Study of the Impacts of Increased Ductility on Hydraulic Fracturing in Organic-rich Shale
- Progress with a network of Siderastrea siderea corals yields insights into past climate of the Inter-America Sea
- PySolute: A Python based Solute Transport Simulator
- Quantifying drought in eastern Texas floodplain forests using remote sensing and water-energy balance models
- Quantifying the Role of the Net Evaporation Rates and Salt Concentrations on Mangrove Canopy Height across Mangrove Islands in Florida and Puerto Rico
- Raw signal processing and graph-based visualization to autonomously interpret large repositories of GC-MS data: applications to oil spill weathering studies
- Reconstructing the post-middle Miocene paleoclimate and paleoecology histories in Hexi Corridor with leaf wax carbon isotopes
- Residence Time Numerical Investigation of Contaminants in Marine Sediments
- Risky trees in safe waters? Drought-sensitive trees survive on deep water access in a tropical forest community
- Seasonal Infilling and Sedimentary Characteristics in Sandy Versus Muddy Borrow Areas on the Louisiana Continental Shelf, USA
- Sediment Infilling of Tidal Channels and Repurposing Potential of Dredge Spoils for Reducing Flood Risk in the Poldered Landscape of Bangladesh
- Seismic Experimentation to Advance Understanding of Martian Regolith-Ice
- Spatial Variability in River Sinuosity across the Backwater Regime
- Spatial variability of geothermal heat flux in the McMurdo region of Antarctica constrained by new airborne electromagnetics data
- Subannual coral Ba/Ca variability in Siderastrea siderea from the northwest Gulf of Mexico
- Synthesis of Chemical Provinces on Mars with the Latest Geochemical Maps and Implications for Geologic Interpretations
- Testing Aerosol Sensitivity in an Extreme Precipitation Event
- The Importance of Hydraulic Traits to Tropical Forest Dynamics
- The synergistic effects of climatic and anthropogenic factors on the sustainability of coastal ecosystems
- Thermo Hydro Chemical Numerical Analysis of the Efficacy of Subsurface Sealing Materials
- Two centuries of climate change from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and Sr/Ca analyses of a Cuban Coral
- Use of Soil Moisture Active Passive satellite data (SMAP) and Worldclim2 data to predict the potential distribution of visceral leishmaniasis and its vector Lutzomyia longipalpis (Psychodidae: Phlebominae) in Sao Paulo State and Bahia State, Brazil
- 3D Basin Depth Map for the San Gabriel, Chino, and San Bernardino Basins
- 3D Shear-Velocity Structure across the Indo-Burman Accretionary Margin by the Joint Inversion of Surface-Wave and Scattering Constraints
- A 75-year salinity reconstruction in the northern Gulf of Mexico using paired 18O and Sr/Ca measurements of a Siderastrea sidera coral
- A Compact, Low-Cost Balloon Flight Attitude Orientation System
- A Comparison of Infilling Sediments in Two Dredge Pits for Barrier Island Restoration
- A Comprehensive Assessment of Sediment Dynamics in the Barataria Basin (LA, USA) Distinguishes Riverine Advection from Wave Resuspension and Identifies the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway as a Major Sediment Source
- A Data-driven, Probabilistic, Multiple Return Period Method of Flood Depth Estimation
- A Data-intensive Approach to Allocating Owner vs. NFIP portion of Average Annual Flood Losses
- A Limited Role for Erosional Exhumation of the Nanga Parbat Syntaxis in Supplying Sediment to the Arabian Sea
- A Numerical Investigation of Sediment Dynamics over the Cape Fear River basin during Hurricane Florence
- A Numerical Investigation of the Nonlinear Effects between River and Ocean Forcing during a Hurricane-induced Compound Flooding Event
- A Physics-Based Classification of Coastal Land-Margins based on Surface Flow
- A Study of Biomass and Growth of Wetland Plant Species in Response to different Hydroperiods determined by Manipulated Soil Surface Elevation
- A Synthesis of the Tectonic, Paleogeographic, and Climatic Histories of the Southern Greater Caucasus Foreland Basins, and their Environmental Signals
- A century-long snapshot of water quality at the end of the Mississippi River
- A new Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum (MMCO) global precipitation reconstruction using Bayesian and probability reconstruction techniques
- Active Surface Uplift of the Gangdese Range, Southern Tibet
- Advancing STEM Education by Promoting Water Literacy in K-12 Education
- An Examination of the Paleocene-Eocene Palynology of the Alaminos Canyon in the Gulf of Mexico
- An Exploratory Analysis of Extreme Weather Events in South Texas
- Analysis of Fossil Pollen from a Pleistocene Cypress Forest Preserved on The Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf
- Anthropocene Rivers
- Application of Radium Isotopes to Study the Transport of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon from the Caloosahatchee River to the Gulf of Mexico
- Application of Text-Mining and Image Processing Techniques on Digitizing Drillers Logs and Developing Big Well Log Data Sets
- Assess the Performance of WRF-VPRM in the North America Coastal Ocean with Impact from a River-Dominated Shelf System
- Assessing hydro- and sediment dynamics of hurricane-induced compound flooding using a dynamically coupled ocean-river modeling suite
- Assessing the Roles of Tectonics and Climate in Building Up and Breaking Down the Greater Caucasus Mountains: A Combined Analysis of Topography, Hydroclimate, Detrital Zircon (U-Th)/He, and 10Be Erosion Rate Data
- Astrophysics and Planetary science for development in Africa
- Attack Detection of Water Distribution Systems using Artificial Intelligence.
- Attenuation of regional seismic phases (Lg and Sn) in Myanmar and surrounding regions
- Behavior of hydrogen and carbon in silicate melts and their effects on melt properties
- Benthic Nitrogen Cycling Responding to Mineral Sedimentation of Hurricanes and its Recovery in an Emerging Coastal Deltaic Floodplain within the Mississippi River Delta Plain
- Characterization of Preferential Subsurface Flow Paths in a Mantled Karst Terrain Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
- Characterizing the Magmatic Evolution of the Elysium Volcanic Province on Mars
- Computational Photoanalysis Software for Planetary Soil and Boulders
- Connections Between Interglacial Variation and Lithological Variability Within Midland Basin Permian Shale Rocks in Martin County, Texas
- Connectivity of floodplain influences riverine carbon outgassing
- Contribution of deep sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from stable and radiocarbon isotopic compositions
- Delta-X: Resolving Hydrological and Ecological Processes in the Mississippi River Delta
- Do Ice Shelves or Calving Cliffs Exist During Rapid Grounding-Line Retreat?
- Effect of Boundaries and Injection Rate History on Thermal Signature at Monitoring Wells during CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers
- Effects of martian explosive volcanic deposition on regionally variable bulk regolith hydration
- Eutrophication and acidification in a shallow estuarine system of northern Gulf of Mexico.ReplyForwardSG
- Evaluating Dredged Material Placement Strategies for Marsh Restoration with a Landscape Evolution Model
- Evaluation of the February 2021 South-Central Big Freeze
- Evidence of Alfvenic Poynting Flux as the Primary Driver of Auroral Motion During a Geomagnetic Substorm
- Expandable Micro-Controller Platforms for the National Eclipse Ballooning Project
- First-principles Simulations of Liquid Iron-heavy Element Alloys At High Pressure
- First-principles simulations of crystal-melt interfaces in Mg2SiO4 under pressure
- Forecasting the Leading Drivers of Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean Sea Coral Reef Ecosystem Vulnerability in a Warmer World
- Fungi in a Warmer World: Developing a global MMCO fungal database
- Fungi in a Warmer World: First record of fungal diversity in the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum of Thailand and Slovakia
- Fungi in a Warmer World: evaluating fungal biodiversity and abundance during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum in the South China Sea
- GNSS-IR advances hone platform elevation dynamics and flood risk of the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta
- GPS Observations of Subsidence in South Louisiana over Seasonal and Sub-seasonal Timescales associated with Hydrologic Loading
- Geochemical proxies in a long live coral from Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary as a candidate for the Anthropocene Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP)
- Geomorphic and Hydrodynamic Impacts on Sediment Transport on the Inner Louisiana Shelf
- Geospatial Image Collection to Improve the Specificity of Climate Interventions.
- Geotechnical Properties of Dredge Pits for Barrier Island Restoration
- Global Famine After Nuclear War
- High School Students in Louisiana Gain Expertise About Decreasing Vulnerability to Hurricanes and Increasing Community Resilience
- High-Performance Computational Models of Non-Hydrostatic Water Waves over Complex Bathymetry
- Himalayan-Tibetan Erosion is not the Cause of Neogene Global Cooling
- How human interference created the land loss crisis in the Mississippi River Delta
- How well do we understand the fate of barite used in oil drilling in the northern Gulf of Mexico?
- How will increases in temperature and nutrient loading impact greenhouse gas fluxes and nitrogen processing in salt marsh soils across a climatic gradient?
- Hydraulically-vulnerable trees survive on deep-water access during droughts in a tropical forest
- Hydro-MEM Hydrodynamic-Ecological Model: a Scientific Approach to Modeling Coastal Wetland Response to Sea-Level Rise
- Hydrodynamic Assessment of Natural and Nature-based Features for Escatawpa River and Grand Bay in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Hydrometeorological Changes Associated with a COVID-19 Quarantine in China
- Hydrostratigraphic Modeling of the Lower Mississippi-Gulf Region
- Impacts of 2021 Extreme Winter Weather on Carbon Transport and Evasion in the Lower Mississippi- Atchafalaya River System
- Impacts of engineered river diversions on channel dynamics and sediment delivery to river mouths
- Including the Effects of Subsurface Currents on Buoyant Particles in Lagrangian Particle Tracking Models: Model Development and its Application to the Study of Riverborne Plastics over the Louisiana/Texas Shelf
- Interaction Assessment Between Tallahatchie River-Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer and Low Flow Management
- Key Temperature Differences between the Northern and Southern Gulf of Mexico since the 1880 CE Revealed by Siderastrea siderea Coral Sr/Ca Reconstructions
- Lake Records of Hydroclimate Variability in the Southeastern United States from the Middle Holocene to Present-Day
- Linking shoreline transgression to spatial scales of subsurface organic carbon reservoirs in deltas
- Lithofacies Modeling Utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks and Geostatistics
- Lithofacies Modeling to Investigate Hydrostratigraphy of Regional Aquifer Systems in Louisiana and Southwestern Mississippi, USA
- Long-term nutrient loading and its effect on N:P stoichiometry at the land-ocean continuum along the Mississippi River Basin
- Magnetically conjugate observations of EMIC wave-driven radiation belt electron precipitation
- Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Using ArcticDEM and Machine Learning
- Mapping the Status of Potable Groundwater Supply in the Southeastern US
- Marsh deposition has a first-order control on channel kinematics in an experimental river delta
- Mass Boundary Layer-based Gas Transfer Velocity Parameterization for Air-Sea CO2 Flux Estimation of Coastal Waters
- Melting and evolution of peridotites at the Mado Megamullion, an oceanic core complex in the Shikoku back-arc basin
- Meteorological Impacts on Waves and Currents in a Nearshore Microtidal System
- Modeled Bulk Mineralogy Suggests Limited Alteration in Eridania Basin, Mars
- Modeling and Mapping Solar Radiation in Coastal Waters
- Modeling viscosity of silicate melts using machine learning techniques
- Moderately Volatile and Chalcophile Element Evaporation from Various Melts in Various Atmospheres
- Monitoring Subsurface Changes in Salt Dome Caverns using Fine-scale Microseismicity Variations
- Morphologic Evolution and Sediment Transport of Offshore Sandy Dredge Pits
- Morphological Response of the Channel Bar Dredging in the Lower Mississippi River and Impacts on the Proposed River Diversions
- Numerical Investigation of Biomass Pyrolysis and Smoldering Combustion
- Numerical Study of Loop Current Frontal Eddies Using an Unstructured-Grid One-Way Nesting Approach
- Observation of Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events with CALET on the International Space Station
- On the interplay between mangrove canopy height, salinity, and net evaporation rates: Insights from Florida and Puerto Rico
- Pace of Meandering and Avulsion Set River Sinuosity near Coast on Earth and Mars
- Palynological and Geochemical Analyses of the Chicxulub Impact Crater, IODP Expedition 364: A PETM Record from the Southern Gulf of Mexico
- Palynological evaluation of Stones Field Well WR 508#1, Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Wilcox Group
- Plant hydraulics and rainfall niches: a mechanistic approach to explain species distributions across tropical biomes
- Plant water source investigations using 2H and 18O: A community overview of xylem sampling practices
- Potential Ecological Impacts of Climate Intervention with Solar Radiation Modification
- Potential methane production relative to carbon burial in wetlands undergoing sediment loss and accretion in coastal Louisiana
- Predicting the Distribution of Preserved Pleistocene-aged Baldcypress Tree Stumps Along the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Preferred Saharan Air Layer Seasonal Pathways Across the Tropical North Atlantic
- Present vs. Future Losses from a 100-year Flood: A Case Study of Grand Isle, Louisiana
- Progress in Data-Model Integration for Long Term Carbon Burial Rates in Coastal Wetlands
- Proxy-model comparison for Late Eocene and early Oligocene conditions around the margins of Antarctica
- Reconstructing the Eocene-Miocene Paleoenvironment of the Coos Bay Basin, Southwest Oregon, USA by Integrating Organic Petrography, Palynomorph Assemblages and Lithologic Observations
- Salinity information from hydro-sensitive, biogenic marine carbonate 18O records
- Sand-Biochar Mixtures as a Sustainable and Multifunctional Roadway Fill Material
- Sedimentological Evidence of Ice Sheet Instability in Ross Sea Following Major Grounding-line Stillstands
- Sedimentology and Geomorphology of Fluvio-tidal and Tidal-dominated Meanders in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta in Bangladesh
- Seismic Experimentation to Advance Understanding of Martian Regolith-Ice
- Self-Organization of Coastal Barrier Systems During the Holocene
- Shear wave velocity model for the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Basins
- Snapshots of Late Pleistocene Climatic and Ecologic Variability in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Using Isotopic Analysis of Sediment and Wood
- Soil Water Retention Curve and Hydraulic Conductivity of Fungi-Treated Sand
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Soil Water 18O and 2H Reveals Hydrological Processes in Two Floodplain Soils
- Storm Stories: High School Students Learn from Their Community About Life with Hurricanes
- Super-eruptions in Northwestern Arabia Terra Indicate Distinct Mantle Evolution on Early Mars
- Surrogate-Assisted Optimization of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Operation under Uncertainty
- Testing Sediment Buffering Model Using Detrital Zircon U-Pb Dating in the Lower Mississippi
- The CoralHydro2k Database: a global compilation of coral 18O and Sr/Ca records for reconstructing tropical hydroclimate over the Common Era
- The CoralHydro2k Seawater 18O Database: A Crowdsourced, FAIR-aligned Database of Hidden Seawater Isotope Data
- The Hydrodynamic and Biochemical Impacts on the Variability of Bottom Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in the Louisiana-Texas Shelf
- The Mississippi River Source-To-Sink System: Perspectives on Tectonic, Climatic, and Anthropogenic Influences, and Questions on Future Anthropocene Evolution
- The Neogene topographic evolution of Northern Tibetan Plateau: a perspective from an integrated study on leaf wax n-alkane hydrogen isotopes, soil microbial tetraethers, and sedimentary facies analysis and regional climatic and ecological mapping
- The evolution of the Indus River drainage basin, and its influence on the Indus Fan sediment archive.
- The ground-truth about lidar-derived digital elevation models in coastal wetland regions of the northern Gulf of Mexico
- The state of stress at seesaw propagating ridges
- Thermodynamic Analysis of Sediment Transport in Multiphase Systems
- Time-varying rates of accretion in Louisiana marshes and relation to sea-level change
- Timescales of sediment mass-transport and reworking on the Mississippi River Delta Front from Radioisotope Geochronology
- Trace Element Ratios (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, and Ba/Ca) in the Short-Lived Bivalve Donax obesulus: Potential Environmental Proxies?
- Tracking Spatiotemporal Variations in Groundwater Storage in the Lower Mississippi Region with GRACE Satellite data
- Understanding Crustal Stress Heterogeneity in Southern California using Focal Mechanism Inversions and Shear Wave Splitting Fast Velocities.
- Unlearning Racism in the Geology and Geophysics Department at Louisiana State University
- Unstructured-Grid Approach to Model Complex Aquifer System and Assess Groundwater Depletion in the Capital Area of Louisiana
- Urban effects on weakly forced thunderstorms observed among Southeast United States cities
- Using Injection Pressure and Rate Data Analysis to Estimate CO2 Storage Capacity of Closed Saline Aquifers
- Vertical Feature Delineation for Flood Hazard Assessments at the Atchafalaya River Basin
- Viscosity and Electrical Conductivity of Silicate Melts Predicted by Deep Learning Potentials
- Well Surface Temperature Monitoring to Detect Upwell CO2 Migration
- pCO Changes in a Densely Populated Reach of the Lower Mississippi River
- 17O-excess in tropical cyclones is controlled by integrated local and remote evaporative conditions
- 3D Basin Depth Map for the San Gabriel, Chino, and San Bernardino Basins
- 3D Seismic Attenuation Model for Ground Motion Predictions in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
- A 250-year Siderastrea siderea coral Sr/Ca-SST reconstruction compared to other proxies in the Gulf of Mexico
- A Comparative Study of Estimating CO2 Outgassing from the Lower Mississippi River Using Gas Exchange Coefficient KT as a Constant KT, Velocity Dependent KT and Wind Dependent KT.
- A Data-driven Spatial Approach to Characterize Flood Hazard
- A Numerical Experiment of Cold Front Induced Circulation in Wax Lake Delta: Effect of the Frontal Orientation
- A Regional Earth System Modeling Platform for the Gulf of Mexico
- A Siderastrea siderea Coral from Flower Garden Banks Records Human Impacts as a Candidate for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the Anthropocene
- A data set for understanding the impact of nuclear war on human society
- An Improved Boundary Integral Equation Method with Arbitrary Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach for Nonlinear Wave-Bottom Interaction Problems
- Analysis of Nonlinear Tide, Storm Surge and River Flow Interactions During Coastal Flooding of a Low-Gradient Coastal Land Margin During Major Tropical Cyclones
- Anisotropic Elasto-plastic-damage Model for Quasi-brittle Materials with Strain Energy Equivalence
- Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface Sediment Along the Calcasieu River
- Auroral Beads in Conjunction With Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Equatorial Inner-Magnetosphere
- Can Marsh Platform Collapse be Initiated by Autogenic Processes?
- Carbon Sequestration in Mangrove Habitats of Sundarbans in India
- Channel connectivity in estuarine environments
- Coastal Wetland Disturbance and Recovery From Hurricanes in Coastal Louisiana
- Comparing 2D and 3D CHIRP Subbottom Data: Identifying Preserved Pleistocene-aged Tree Stumps Buried on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf
- Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica from Subglacial Sediments
- Controls on Water Transport Timescales and Phytoplankton Communities in Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana
- Controls on spatial variation in porewater methane concentration across U.S. tidal wetlands
- Delta-X, SWOT and NISAR to Revolutionize our Understanding of Coastal Hydrodynamics
- Determining Snow Distribution and Influence in Taylor Valley, Antarctica, Using Remote Sensing
- Development of a Coupled Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Modeling System for Sediment Simulation over the Land-Ocean Continuum
- Dynamics and removal effectiveness of residual saltwater with subsurface dams in a coastal aquifer
- Exoenzyme Activities on Hydrothermal Vent Sulfides at 9˚50'N Reveal Dormant Thermophiles on Inactive Sulfides
- Experimental investigation of channel sand body arrangement in a coupled delta and wetland system
- Exploring the use of machine learning to parameterize vertical mixing in the ocean surface boundary layer
- Extreme Sediment Accretion: Shear-Velocity Structure across the Indo-Burman Forearc Margin from Joint Inversion of Surface-Wave and Scattering Constraints
- Fairness and Explainability of Random Forest Regression in Predicting Social Media Rescue Requests with Socio-Environmental Features: Case of Hurricane Harvey
- Flood Debris Quantification and Comparison based on the Removal and Disposal Operation: A Post-Disaster Study of Beaumont, Texas Following Hurricane Harvey
- Flood Water Delineation for Heterogeneous Land Cover Using Machine Learning with Sentinel-1&2 Remote Sensing Imagery and Geospatial Data
- Freeboard Life-Cycle Benefit-Cost Analysis of a Rental Single-family Residence
- GIS Community Visualization of Climate Solutions
- Global Famine After Nuclear War
- High Frequency Dissolved CO2 Measurements in a Louisiana Saltmarsh Tidal Creek and Implications for the Coastal Carbon Budget
- Historical Global and Regional Spatiotemporal Patterns in Daily Surface Air Temperature
- Investigating controls on Larsen Ice Shelf retreat from a multidecadal satellite data record and ice shelf modeling experiments
- Investigation of River Channel Bar Dredging and Sediment Diversions Using Physical and Numerical Models
- Late Drainage Along Portions of Samara Valles, Margaritifer Terra, Mars
- Lateral Migration Dynamics and Bank Erodibility of the Lowermost Mississippi River
- Lithospheric Attenuation structure of the Indo-Burma subduction Zone and Indochina peninsula using Q Tomography of Regional Seismic Phases
- Locating an Urban Fault Along the San Francisco Peninsula Using High-Resolution Active-Source Seismology
- Locations of the Serra and Related Faults Along the San Francisco Peninsula in the City of San Carlos from Multi-Method, Active-Source Seismic Imaging.
- Long-Term Vertical Accretion and Subsidence Rates within Paleo-Environments of the Mid-Barataria Diversion Receiving Basin, Louisiana, USA.
- Microbial succession after simulated inactivation of seafloor massive sulfides from 9°50'N East Pacific Rise
- Modeling and Forecasting Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Pontchartrain with Lagged GeoHealth Indicators
- Modeling and Predicting Vibrio Vulnificus Concentration in U.S. Gulf Coast Oysters with GeoHealth Indicators
- New Collapse on the Filled-up Raccoon Island Dredge Pit on Inner Louisiana Continental Shelf
- New Petrological Insights into a Lunar Basaltic Breccia Meteorite from the Dominion Range, Antarctica: DOM 18543
- New insights into damage initiation point of depth-damage function revealed from flood risk patterns in the United States
- Numerical Modeling and Data Analysis of Hydrodynamics and Ecological Response in the Variable Fresh/Brackish and Saline Typologies of Louisiana Coastal Wetlands
- Numerical Modeling of Slope Instability in Marine Hydrate-Bearing Sediment
- Observations of Large Amplitude Sea Level Oscillations Generated by Meteorological Perturbations off the Coast of Louisiana
- Once a Swamp, Always a Swamp: A Multiproxy Investigation Reveals the Persistence of Baldcypress Swamp Environments Since the Last Ice Age
- Optimal mesh discretization for a hydrodynamic model based on significant vertical features with element size function on Louisiana coastal wetlands
- Planning ADCP Cross Section Measurement-Locations for Meandering Rivers
- Potential benefits and costs of solar geoengineering on global fish biomass and catches
- Predicting Stem Water Deficit and Drought Mortality in a Stem Succulent Tropical Tree
- Quantification of live root biomass and structure, necromass, and macro pores in Coastal Wetland Sediments using X-Ray Computed Tomography
- Quantifying Flood Risk of the Shaded X Zone in the United States
- Quantifying elevation dynamics in relation to effective sea-level rise: implications for flood risk in the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta
- Reduction in Flood Risk to Residential Housing Expected from Wave and Surge Reduction by Mangroves
- Seasonal Variability in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Alkalinity in the Barataria Basin, Louisiana - a River Influenced Eutrophic Estuary
- Sediment loading triggered gas and fluid expulsions during the last 130 ka: Evidence from Gulf of Mexico continental slope
- Shear Strength Comparison of In-Filled Sediments of Mud-Capped Dredged Pits Across The Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Simulating Coastal Land Losses and Gains by Integrating Neighborhood Effects and Deep Learning with Cellular Automata
- Simulation of bulk Earth compositional melt system: Insight into metal-silicate differentiation during the planetary accretion
- Spatio-temporal Variation in Biomass of Herbaceous Wetlands across Distinct Hydrogeomorphic Zones in the Atchafalaya and Terrebonne Basins, LA, USA
- Stationary vs Non-Stationary Shorelines in Highly Engineered Deltas: Insights to Ecological Succession of Coastal Deltaic Floodplains in Response to Rapid Sea Level Rise
- Stress Field Near the Wilmington Blind-Thrust Fault: Implications for Multi-Segment Earthquake Ruptures Beneath Los Angeles, California
- Testing a Model of Hydraulic Constraints to Stomatal Conductance in Flooded Trees
- The 1000 Soils Pilot: A standardized high resolution workflow for understanding belowground soil organic matter cycles
- The 1000 Soils Pilot: Cross-Biome Multi 'Omics for Linking Microbial Metabolism to Soil Decomposition
- The Effects of Lidar-derived DEM Adjustment on the Hydrodynamic Model (ADCIRC + SWAN) in Louisiana Coastal Wetlands
- The Evidence for Open Magmatic System Processes Recorded in the Crystal Cargoes of Lunar Basalts
- The Global Decadal-scale Impacts on Cropland from Anthropogenic Climate Change
- The Potential of the Planned Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion (Mississippi Delta) as a Blue Carbon Sink
- The Role of Geophysics in Improving the Safety of Underground Storage in a Carbon-Neutral Future
- The history of water in Martian magmas from thorium maps
- Tibetan Plateau Uplift and the Opening of the Japan Sea: Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) of Terrestrial Lipid n-Alkanes Preserved in Marine Sediments
- Timing of slip across the South Tibetan detachment system andYadong-Gulu graben, Eastern Himalaya
- Transport Properties of Liquid Iron-heavy Element Alloys at Earth's Outer Core Conditions
- Uncovering 'Hidden' Insights from the Ocean in the PAGES CoralHydro2k Seawater δ18O Database
- Understanding Observed Climate Change and Urbanization Temperature Shifts in South Texas
- Understanding marine impacts of stratospheric aerosol injection using an Earth system model with an ocean ecosystem biogeochemistry component
- Using Short Videos to Teach about the Asian Monsoon
- VS30 at two seismic stations in the Central Valley of California using S-wave refraction tomography and MASW
- Viscosities of Anhydrous and Hydrous Albitic Melts at High Pressures
- Vs30 Site Characterization in the Hayward Hills, San Leandro, California, Using Multiple Methods
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Basu Sarbadhikari
- A. Bruno
- A. E. Lawman
- A. Verbiscer
- Adam M. Forte
- Adriana Bailey
- Alan Robock
- Alessio Sanfilippo
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alfredo Martínez‐García
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Amanda C. Spivak
- Amy Leventer
- Andrea L. Moore
- Andrew Carter
- Andrew M. O’Reilly
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Ashley Greeley
- Atlanta Sen
- Atticus Stovall
- Aubrey L. Hillman
- B. A. Black
- B. E. Rosenheim
- B. L. Konecky
- B. Larsen
- B. Philibosian
- B. Toon
- B. Williams
- Belén Martrat
- Bijaya B. Karki
- Bingqing Liu
- Bo Wang
- Boris Faybishenko
- Brandy M. Toner
- Brent D. Newman
- Brian A. Schubert
- C. A. Cattell
- C. A. Colpitts
- C. Ferradas
- C. J. W. Carchedi
- C. Jackson
- Camille L. Stagg
- Cass T. Miller
- Chaoqun Lü
- Charles G. Bardeen
- Charles S. Hopkinson
- Chenliang Wu
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Chia Ping Huang Yang
- Chonggang Xu
- Christie A. Hegermiller
- Christopher E. Kees
- Christopher M. Lowery
- Christopher N. Janousek
- Chuan–Chou Shen
- Chunhui Lu
- Chunyan Li
- Craig A. Ramseyer
- Cédric G. Fichot
- D. Baratoux
- D. M. Thompson
- D. R. Hood
- Dai Chang-lei
- Dan Tian
- Daniele Visioni
- David K. Hutchinson
- David R. Thompson
- David T. Sandwell
- Davide Oppo
- Davina L. Passeri
- Donglai Ma
- Douglas A. Edmonds
- Dubravko Justić
- Eddy J. Langendoen
- Edward Castañeda‐Moya
- Emily B. Graham
- Emily Coren
- Erika Koontz
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- Feng Dong
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Frank T.-C. Tsai
- Félix L. Santiago-Collazo
- G. D. Reeves
- G. Mariotti
- Gail L. Chmura
- Geeth Manthilake
- German Vargas G.
- Gregory B. Noe
- Guangsheng Zhuang
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. Harper
- Hanqin Tian
- Haosheng Huang
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- Huiming Bao
- Ipsita Gupta
- J. A. Grant
- J. B. Gaherty
- J. H. Chan
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. R. Wygant
- J. S. Byrnes
- J. T. Freymueller
- Jack A. Cadigan
- Jack Willard
- Jacob Pate Warner
- Jacob Zora-Oni Tindan
- James R. Holmquist
- James T. Morris
- Jason B. Sylvan
- Jeanne L. Hardebeck
- Jeffrey A. Nittrouer
- Jennifer M.K. O’Keefe
- Jennifer S. Powers
- Jens Zinke
- Jesse Nusbaumer
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessica L. Conroy
- Jesús N. Pinto‐Ledezma
- Jianwei Wang
- Joel S. Leonard
- John B. Shaw
- John C. Warner
- John W. Nielsen‐Gammon
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jonathan Jung
- Jonathan Sanderman
- Jorge Lorenzo‐Trueba
- Joynal Abedin
- Juan Manuel Lorenzo
- Jun Hu
- K. Alizad
- K. H. Kilbourne
- K. X. Whipple
- Kanchan Maiti
- Karen Luttrell
- Katherine Todd-Brown
- Kehui Xu
- Kejin Wang
- Kerry Gallagher
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kim Scherrer
- Kory Konsoer
- Kristen M. Krumhardt
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Kyle P. Larson
- Kyle Wright
- Kyoko Okino
- L. R. Lyons
- L. W. Blum
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Leigh G. Terry
- Lin Ding
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Logan Brenner
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Luca Cortese
- Lukas Jonkers
- M. E. Gonneea
- M. P. Loocke
- Maarten G. Kleinhans
- Maggie Bowman
- Mahito Fujii
- Mainak Mookherjee
- Marc Simard
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matthew V. Bilskie
- Matthew W. Rossi
- Md Adilur Rahim
- Melissa K. Ward Jones
- Michael Manga
- Michael S. Steckler
- Modou Mbaye
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nathalie F. Goodkin
- Nazla Bushra
- Nicholas P. McKay
- Nicole S. Lovenduski
- Odeta Qafoku
- P. Moitra
- Paola Passalacqua
- Patricia Persaud
- Paul W. Miller
- Pengfei Wang
- Peter Bacopoulos
- Peter D. Clift
- Phoebe L. Zarnetske
- R. D. Catchings
- R. L. Lysak
- Richard B. Alley
- Riovie D. Ramos
- Robert D. Hetland
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert J. Stern
- Robert V. Rohli
- Robert W. Clayton
- Rubayet Bin Mostafiz
- Ryuho Kataoka
- S. K. Bajgain
- S. Karunatillake
- S. Rondenay
- S. Tian
- Saber Aradpour
- Samuel Zapp
- Sander Goossens
- Sara C. Sanchez
- Sarah J. Feakins
- Scott C. Hagen
- Scott T. Allen
- Sean P. S. Gulick
- Shaoneng He
- Sharon A. Wilson
- Shengji Wei
- Shufen Pan
- Shujie Wang
- Shun‐ichiro Karato
- Simon Williams
- Simone Tilmes
- Sophie Comer‐Warner
- Steven E. Lohrenz
- Sujata A. Murty
- Sylvia Dee
- T. M. Shanahan
- T. Pavelsky
- T. Taira
- Thomas Felis
- Tian Y. Dong
- Timothy J. Bralower
- Tony Yu
- Torbjörn E. Tornqvist
- Valier Galy
- Volodymyr V. Mihunov
- William P. Hammond
- Wonsuck Kim
- Xiaohe Zhang
- Xiao‐Ming Hu
- Xin An
- Xinyan Huang
- Y. Jun Xu
- Y. Nishimura
- Yanan You
- Yanbin Wang
- Yani Najman
- Yuri Corilo
- Zhiyu Yi
- Zihao Bian
- Émilie Pauline Dassié