National Research Center for Disaster Prevention, Japan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Aftershock Distribution of the 2001 Gujarat, India Earthquake (Mw 7.7) from Temporary Field Observations: Small and Deep Orientation of the Fault Plane
- Central Japan's Atera Active Fault's Wide-Fractured Zone: An Examination of the Structure and In-situ Crustal Stress
- Characteristics of the Earthquake Related ELF/VLF Band Electromagnetic Field Changes
- Decreases in the Magnitude-Frequency b-value Prior to Intermediate Magnitude Earthquakes in Kanto, Central Japan
- Deep crustral seismic tremor in the Southwest Japan subduction zone
- Direct Measurement of the Slip Weakening Distance from Near-Fault Strong Motion Data?
- Electrical Conductivity Measurement and Anisotropy of Mylonite and Cataclasite
- Estimation of S-wave velocity structure by array microtremor measurements in San Fernando Valley, CA, USA
- GPS Measurements in Order to Improve the Accuracy of GPS at Mountain Areas
- Magma migrations and caldera formation revealed by tilt observation during the 2000 Miyakejima volcano eruption, Japan: (1) dike intrusions and (2) tilt-steps with 50-s pulse waves
- Mantle Transition-zone Structure beneath the South Pacific Superswell and Evidence for a Mantle Plume underlying the Society Hotspot
- On-going Temporal Change of Seismic Activity around a Potentially Seismogenic Zone in the Tokai Region, Japan
- Rapid Ground Deformations at the Miyakejima Volcano, Central Japan Detected by 30-sec Kinematic GPS Analysis on June 26-27, 2000
- Real-time Seismic Alert System of NIED
- Relationship Between the JMA and MM Instrumental Intensities as Determined With K-NET Strong Motion Data
- S-wave energy estimation of the small earthquakes in the Western Nagano region, Japan, corrected by the borehole data
- Slip Distribution of the 2001 West India Earthquake
- Stress Fields Along Okinawa Trough and Ryukyu Arc Inferred From Regional Broadband Moment Tensors
- Stress-Breakdown Time and Critical Weakening Slip Inferred from the Source Time Functions on Earthquake Faults
- Temporal evolution of a hydrothermal system in Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, inferred from the complex frequencies of long-period events
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation on Passively Excited Flows by Distributed Local Hot Sources Settled at the D" Layer Below Hotspots and/or Large-Scale Cool Masses at Subduction Zones Within the Static Layered Mantle
- Waveform Inversion for Estimating the Topography of Three Dimensional Basin Structure
- A source migration of low frequency earthquakes during the 2000 activity of Miyake-jima volcano, Japan
- Chrysotile at the Plate Boundary of the Izu-Bonin Subduction Zone
- Clay mineral analysis of the Hirabayashi NIED drill core on the Nojima fault that ruptured in the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, southwest Japan
- Low velocity zone beneath the central Ou Backbone Range of Tohoku, northeast Japan, bounded by active reverse faults, derived from dense seismic array and a tomographic method with spatial correlation of velocities
- Magma Intrusion Process Beneath Miyakejima Volcano, Central Japan, From June 26 to 27, 2000, Inferred From Tilt and GPS Data
- Source scaling relationships of small earthquakes estimated from the inversion method using stopping phases
- Spatial and Temporal Variation of in-situ Stress in and around Active Fault zones in Central Japan
- Stress Change Prior to the Major Events in the 1989 Earthquake Swarm off the Eastern Izu Peninsula, Japan
- Time sequence of the non-volcanic tremor in Southwest Japan
- Tomographic velocity model for the aftershock region of the 2001 Gujarat, India earthquake
- Volcanic two-phase flow instability: Pressure-drop oscillation model for tilt-steps at Miyakejima volcano
- Water-rock interaction observed in the Hatagawa fault zone, NE Japan: Impliccations for fluid characterization and fault activity in the brittle-plastic transition zone
- Waveform inversion of oscillatory signatures in long-period events beneath volcanoes
- 3D Simulation of the Entire Process of Earthquake Generation at Subduction-Zone Plate Boundaries
- Andesitic Magmatic Water Which Generated Matsushiro Earthquake Swarm And S Wave Reflector
- Candidates of M7-Class Earthquake Beneath Greater Tokyo Area
- Characteristics of logging data for fracture zones in Hirabayashi NIED borehole drilling through Nojima fault
- Comparative study of two active faults in different stages of the earthquake cycle in central Japan -The Atera fault (with 1586 Tensho earthquake) and the Nojima fault (with 1995 Kobe earthquake)-
- Crustal Heterogeneity in the Eastern Chugoku Region, Japan, Estimated by Coda Envelope Inversion: Toward Mapping the Nationwide Heterogeneity Using the Hi-net Data
- Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling in the Source Region of the 1923 Kanto Earthquake
- Detailed Structure of Plate Boundary Revealed by Seismic Reflection Survey and Spatial Relation With Interplate Seismic Activity Indicated by Converted Waves, East off Boso Peninsula, Japan
- Development of quick and accurate automatic hypocenter location system for the earthquake alarm
- Geomagnetic Change Associated With the Magma Intrusion at the Initial Stage of the 2000 Activity of Miyakejima, Central Japan
- Hypocenter Determination To Issue The Earthquake And Tsunami Information From LISS And JISNET Data By Using the Grid-Search Method
- Imaging Inhomogeneous Crustal Structure Related with Arc Magma and Fluids beneath Northern Miyagi Prefecture, Northeastern Japan, by an Envelope Inversion Method
- Interaction Between Hydrothermal and Magmatic Systems Inferred From Temporal Variations in the Complex Frequencies of Long-period Events at Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan
- Low-velocity Oceanic Crusts at the top of Subducting Plates Beneath Japan Islands Imaged by Tomographic Method Using the NIED Hi-net Data
- Magmatic Dike Resonances Inferred From Very-Long-Period Signals
- Moment Tensor Solutions for the 2002 Molise (southern Italy) Earthquake Sequence: New Insights for Tectonic stress field.
- Possibility of existence of serpentinized material at the Izu-Bonin subduction plate boundary around 31N using Q structure by FDM-simulation
- Precise Hypocenter Location of Low- and High-Frequency Earthquakes Beneath Mt. Fuji, Japan
- Real-time Operation System for Earthquakes (ROSE)
- Regional Characterization of the Crust in Metropolitan Areas for Prediction of Strong Ground Motion
- Repeating Slow Slip Events Which Correlate Deep Low-Frequency Tremor Activity in Southwest Japan
- Resonances of a Volcanic Conduit Triggered by Repetitive Injections of an Ash-laden gas
- Seismic Evidence for Slab Melting from Strong Scattering Waves
- Seismic structure near the inner core boundary around the South Pole
- Source model of volcanic tremor: two-phase flow instability in a pipe-valve system
- Spatial Variation of Aftershock Stress Drops in the focal Area of the 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake (Mw=6.6)
- Spatial and Temporal Correlation Between Nonvolcanic Low-frequency Tremors and Slow Slip Events Detected in the Southwest Japan Subduction Zone
- Strong Motion Network as Infrastructure
- The Miyagi-ken-hokubu, Japan, earthquake, 2003 July 26 and its the largest fore-shock and largest after-shock
- Tidal Triggering of Earthquakes in and Around the Locked Zone of the Philippine Sea Plate in the Tokai Region, Japan
- Transparent Paths between Quaternary Volcanoes in Northeastern Japan Revealed from S-wave Envelope Analysis
- Unzen Scientific Drilling Project, Japan: Studies of Stress, Fractures and Physical Properties in Flank Wells
- 3D Geometric Structure of the Blind Fault for the 2003 Bam Earthquake_CSoutheast Iran_CInferred From the Aftershock Distribution: Existence of the Arg-e-Bam Fault Proposed
- A Kinematic Source Time Function Compatible With Earthquake Dynamics: Relations Between Kinematic and Dynamic Parameters
- A probabilistic estimation of magnitude in a real-time warning system using a magnitude-frequency distribution
- Application of the 'Recipe for Strong Ground Motion Evaluation' to the 2003 Tokachi-oki, Japan, Earthquake
- Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations Forced by Surface Waves From the 2003 Tokachi-Oki Earthquake
- Characterization of Seismogenic Faults of Central Japan by Geophysical Survey and Drilling
- Crustal Structure and Micro-seismic Activity Along the Atotsugawa Fault System, Central Japan
- Crustal heterogeneity in active fault regions estimated by inversion of coda envelopes
- Dynamic Rupture Propagation on a Branched Fault System: The 1891 Nobi, Japan, Earthquake (M8.0)
- Dynamic fault rupture constraints to high frequency radiation of crustal earthquakes: the role of rupture velocity and fmax
- Envelope Broadening of High-Frequency P- and S-Waves in Relation to Quaternary Volcanoes in Northeastern Honshu, Japan
- Fracture zone drilling through Atotsugawa fault in central Japan - geological and geophysical structure -
- Heterogeneous Crustal Structure in the Focal Area of the 2000 Western Tottori prefecture Earthquake
- Long-Period Ground Motion: 3-D Finite Difference Simulation of the 2003 Tokachi-oki, Japan, Earthquake (Mw 8.0)
- Low Velocity Oceanic Crusts at the uppermost part of the Subducting Plates Beneath Japan Arc Derived From Seismic Tomography
- Moho Depth Variation Beneath Southwest Japan Revealed From Inverted Velocity Structure Based on Receiver Functions
- Predicting Earthquake Occurrence at Subduction-Zone Plate Boundaries Through Advanced Computer Simulation
- Renewal of K-NET (National Strong-motion Observation Network of Japan)
- Seismic activity of very low-frequency earthquake on the subducting Philippine Sea plate near the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan
- Seismic imaging of the 1923 Kanto Earthquake Source Area on the subducting Philippine Sea plate, in Japan
- Seismological Evidence for the Brittle-Ductile Interaction Hypothesis on Earthquake Loading
- Shear-wave Polarization Anisotropy in the Mantle Wedge Beneath Hokkaido and Tohoku, NE Japan
- Slow slip events estimated from ground deformation and seismic wave velocity structure estimated from seismic wave tomography in the Tokai region, Japan
- Source Process of Volcanic Tremor Inferred From Waveform Inversion
- Spatial-temporal variation of b-value around the aftershock area of 2000 Western Tottori earthquake, Japan.
- Spatio-temporal stress states estimated from seismicity rate changes in the Tokai region, central Japan
- Static Stress Field on a Branched Fault System: The 1891 Nobi, Japan, Earthquake (M8.0)
- Study of Ascent Changes for Magma Body Batch Before aand After Eruptions in Mt. Usu and Tokachi-dake, Hokkaido, Japan Using a Small Scale Tomography
- Study on Shallow Velocity Structure Modeling of Sediments for Strong-Motion Evaluation
- Temporal evolution of a magmatic dike system inferred from the complex frequencies of very-long-period seismic signals
- The Kanto Subduction Zone: Seismogenic Layers, Slab Deformations and Volcanism Associated With the two Subducting Philippine Sea Plate and Pacific Plate
- The magma chamber associated with the eruption of Miyakejima Volcano, Japan, since 2000, inferred from crustal deformation data (1983-2004).
- Three dimensional fine structure of seismic attenuation beneath Japan Islands derived with NIED Hi-net maximum amplitude data
- Three-dimensional P-wave Velocity Structure of Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador
- Tidal Triggering Effect on Earthquake Occurrence Precursory to Large Thrust Earthquakes in Subduction Zones
- Verification of the b-value model for moderate earthquakes in Kanto, Japan
- Accretionary prism earthquake along the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan
- Applications of Natural Earthquake Reflection Profiling Method
- Characteristics of Inhomogeneous Structure Around the Mid Niigata Prefecture Region Inferred From Receiver Functions
- Configuration of the Philippine Sea Plate Beneath Kanto, Japan
- Crustal Structure Using the Tomography Method, in the Central Part of Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL), Japan
- Depth Dependence of the Fault Strength in the Creeping Section of the Atotsugawa Fault, Japan
- Detailed Structure of the Brittle-Ductile Transition Zone on the Subducting Plate Boundary Beneath the Southern Part of Kii Peninsula, Southwestern Japan
- Dynamic Rupture Propagation of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake
- Dynamic and Thermodynamic Effects on the Asian Summer Monsoon Under the Global Warming
- Dynamic deformation of the accretionary prism excites very-low-frequency earthquakes
- Earthquake Early Warning System Using A Dense Seismic Network
- Electrical Structure of the Shallow Part of the Atotsugawa Fault, Central Japan: Detecting en Echelon Structure in the Fault Zone
- Entropy Reduction and Regular Pattern Formation in a Nonlinear Non-equilibrium System: An Energetic Approach
- Extremely Long Period Oscillations Detected by Tiltmeters at Miyakejima Volcano, Japan
- Finite-source waveform inversion of volcanic LP/VLP seismic signals
- Group velocity measurement of Rayleigh and Love waves in northeastern Japan on the basis of the cross-correlation analysis of microseisms
- High Attenuation Zone Beneath the Subducting Pacific Plate?
- High-Vp/V_S Zone Accompanying Non-volcanic Tremors and Slow Slip Events Beneath the Tokai Region, Central Japan.
- Japan Seismic Hazard Information Station, J-SHIS
- Large-scale Fault Plane of the Western Nagano Prefecture Region Estimated from Precise hypocentral Distribution
- Mapping phase velocity anomaly in Japan using Hi-net tiltmeters
- On the Generation of Love waves in the Microseisms - Analysis of Typhoon Generated Microseisms
- Real-time event location of California arrival data using a 2-station subarray
- Repeat microearthquakes observed in western Nagano, Japan and implications to rupture dynamics
- Rupture process of the 2004 great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake estimated from tsunami waveforms
- Slip Distributions Of The 2004 Off Kii-peninsula Earthquakes (Mw 7.3, 7.5) Estimated By Joint Inversion Using Tsunami Waveforms And Crustal Deformation Data
- Slip History for Short-Term Slow Slip Events With Low-Frequency Tremor in Southwest Japan
- Stress Field around the Locked Portions on the Plate Interface: Result of a Finite Element Simulation and Its Comparison with Seismicity in the Tokai Region, Central Japan
- Subsurface Resistivity Structures in and Around Strike-Slip Faults - Electromagnetic Surveys and Drillings Across Active Faults in Central Japan -
- The Scaling of the Slip Weakening Distance (Dc) With Final Slip During Dynamic Earthquake Rupture
- The frequency structure and characteristics of the deep low frequency tremor in Western Shikoku region, Southwest Japan
- Tsunami Arrival Time in Sri Lanka for the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- Upper mantle structure beneath the Japan Islands imaged by receiver function -With Hi-net tiltmeter data-
- A Duration-Amplitude Distribution Of Deep Low Frequency Tremors Beneath The Tokai Region, Japan
- Activity of Very-low-frequency Earthquakes in Japan Monitored by a Sensitive Accelerometer Network
- Characteristics of subduction zone tremor in SW Japan
- Comparative Study of Nonvolcanic Tremor Locations in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using two Different Methods
- Configuration of Philippine Sea Slab and Local Seismicity Beneath Central and Southwest Japan
- Deployment of broadband seismic and infrasonic networks on Tungurahua and Cotopaxi Volcanoes, Ecuador
- Detailed structure of fault planes and stress field of the 2004 mid-Niigata Earthquake (central Japan) from DD hypocenter relocation and focal mechanisms
- Development of Hypocenter Location Algorithm Using Cross-Over Convolution
- Effects Of Clay On The Frictional Strength And Fluid Flow Property Of Faults
- Imaging of seismogenic source faults in metropolitan areas in Japan
- Long period seismic signals observed before the Caldera formation during the 2000 Miyake- jima volcanic activity
- Mega-thrust and Intra-slab Earthquakes Beneath Tokyo Metropolitan Area
- Moisture-related Weakening and Strengthening of Faults for Quartz-poor Gabbro and Quartz-rich Granite
- On the detection of temporal variations of crustal properties in Central Japan using doublets recorded by Hi-net
- Phenomenology of non-volcanic deep tremor, slow slip and the third slow earthquake in southwest Japan subduction zone
- Quantitative banded tremor model based on hydrothermal two-phase flow instability
- Shear-Wave Splitting Beneath Indonesia: Evidence for Slab Anisotropy
- Small repeating earthquake activity beneath the Kanto and Tokai region, central Japan, from 1979 to 2001 derived from NIED Kanto-Tokai seismic network
- The 2006 Java Earthquake revealed by the broadband seismograph network in Indonesia
- The May 3, 2006 (Mw 7.9) Tonga Earthquake: Shallow Thrust or Slab Tear? Evidence From Locally Recorded Aftershocks
- The Role of land surface conditions in 1998 Southeast Asia Monsoon Onset
- Transport and frictional properties of core samples from Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project and its association with the heat generation due to frictional heating
- Upper mantle structure beneath the Japan Islands using single-scattering analysis
- Very-low-frequency earthquakes within the accretionary prism and in the transition zone along the Nankai subduction zone
- 3-D Geometry of the Philippine Sea Plate Slab just beneath the Tokyo Metropolitan Area and its Vicinity, Japan
- A Time-Dependent Inversion Analysis for Short-Term Slow Slip Events in Southwest Japan Based on the NIED Hi-net Tiltmeter Data
- A method for Real-time inversion of earthquake source ruptures
- Accuracy of precipitation measurements in the Arctic, Barrow, Alaska
- Airborne Radiative Transfer Spectral Scanner: A new airborne hyperspectral imager for hyperspectral volcano observations
- Deep low-frequency tremor and very-low-frequency earthquake as indicator for slow slip event at the transition zone on the plate interface in southwest Japan
- Discovery of slow earthquakes by dense high-sensitivity broadband borehole seismic observation network in Japan, NIED Hi-net
- Dynamic Source Modeling of the Miyagi-oki Earthquakes
- Earthquake doublet that occurred in a pull-apart basin along the Sumatran fault and its seismotectonic implication
- Fault strength drop due to phase transitions in the pore fluid
- Fine fault structure in intraplate earthquake region estimated by DD method with waveform correlation analysis, using nationwide seismic network Hi-net, Japan
- Heterogeneity in the Crust and Uppermost Mantle beneath southwestern Japan Imaged by Coda Envelope Inversion
- High-Vp/Vs Zone Accompanying Low-frequency Tremors, Short-term and Long-term Slow Slip Events Beneath the Southwestern Japan
- Home Seismometer
- Imaging source process of earthquakes from back-projection of high frequency seismograms
- Influence of canopy thickness on throughfall amount and kinetic energy under different canopy saturation conditions: an indoor experiment with a Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) stand
- Local stress concentration on the seismic belt along the Japan Sea coast inferred from numerous precise focal mechanisms -Implications for the brittle-ductile interaction model-
- Metropolitan Seismic Observation Network (MeSO-net) in Japan
- Multiple seismic array analysis of low frequency tremors in western Shikoku, Japan
- PIXEL: Japanese InSAR community for crustal deformation research
- Particle Motion Polarization Properties of Eastern Shikoku Tremor
- Passive Image Interferometry: Theory and Application to the Source Region of the 2004 Mw = 6.6 Mid-Niigata earthquake
- Performance of the hybrid method for waveform and travel-time analyses based on a comparison with the hypocenters calculated from the ocean-bottom-seismometer network
- Possible Transitional Process in Fission-Track Annealing of Zircon, Inferred by Remodeling of Laboratory Based Kinetics
- Quiescence of repeating earthquakes preceding M-6 class interplate earthquakes
- Results from the (U-Th)/He dating systems in Japan Atomic Energy Agency
- Scaling Relationships for Slow Slip Events and Tremor in Subduction Zones
- Seismic Intensity Magnitude for Earthquake Early Warning
- Seismic Velocity Contrasts at the Top Surface of the Subducting Pacific Slab Down to the Deep Upper Mantle ; Implications for Water Flow Into the Mantle Transition Zone
- Source Process of the 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake Derived from Near-fault Strong Motion Data
- Source duration of deep very low frequency earthquakes in the western Shikoku region
- Spatio-temporal distribution of energy radiation from low frequency tremor
- The 2007 Boso Slow Slip Event and the associated earthquake swarm
- The 2007 Sumatra seismic sequence revealed by a regional seismic network in Indonesia
- The Metropolitan Seisimic network (MeSO-net) for Detection of Mega-thrust and Intra-slab Earthquakes beneath Tokyo Metropolitan Area, JAPAN
- The estimation of source position of long period seismic wave by Complex Meyer matching pursuit
- Thermal Pressurization is Significant During Earthquake Nucleation, Before Seismic Slip
- Thickness detection of sedimentary basin by P-to-S-phases of earthquake recordings at Ibaraki-ken, Japan
- Three-dimensional Seismic Structure of the Locked-Sliding Transition on the Subducting Plate Boundary beneath the Southern Part of Kii Peninsula, Southwestern Japan
- Toward Adjoint Tomography of the Japan Subduction Zone
- (U-Th)/He Dating System Newly Setup at JAEA and its Application to the Thermochronologic Analysis of the Median Tectonic Line and Associated Pseudotachylyte.
- A large scale sprinkling experiment on the effects of the entrapped air on the land-slide initiation
- Adjoint Tomography of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the Japan Subduction Zone
- Assessment of dynamical downscaling in Japan using an atmosphere-biosphere-river coupling regional climate model
- Asymmetrical Behavior of Ground Motion in Extreme Shaking
- Automated and Rapid Determinations of Earthquake Source Parameters in Indonesia: Comparisons with Global CMT Solutions
- Comparison of Dynamic Source Models between the 1978 and 2005 Miyagi-oki Earthquakes
- Coseismic Faults and Crust Deformation Accompanied the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China by Field Investigation and InSAR Interferogram
- Deep low-frequency earthquake activities during the failed magmatic eruptions of Mts. Iwate and Fuji, Japan
- Detailed hypocentral distribution and activity of small repeating earthquakes at the Kanto region, central Japan
- Effects of snow accumulation on soil temperature and change of salinity in frozen soil from laboratory experiments
- Energy Partitioning during Frictional Sliding at Coseismic Slip Rates
- Estimation of Fracture Energy in the Laboratory
- Fault Heating and Lubrication During Earthquakes: Experimental Constraints
- Friction of Granite and Gabbro at Subseismic Sliprate
- Global propagation of cyclone-induced seismic wave from the Atlantic detected by the high-sensitivity accelerometers of Hi-net, Japan
- Impact of SST Resolution on Climate Simulation around Japan
- Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation the Mt. Fuji Region, Japan
- Japanese high-sensitivity borehole seismic observation network, Hi-net: overview and recent research results
- Modeling Activity of Short-term Slow Slip Events in the Deeper Parts of the Nankai Subduction Zone Considering the Segmentation of the Slip Zone
- Modeling and Monitoring for Predictive Simulation of Earthquake Generation in the Japan Region
- National Project for Intense Observations and Research in the High Strain Rate Zone of Japan
- Performance of Real-time Earthquake Information System in Japan
- Phenomenology of deep slow earthquake family in southwest Japan "Spatiotemporal characteristics and segmentation"
- Preliminary hyperspectral volcano observations using Airborne Radiative Spectral Scanner (ARTS)
- Rate and recurrence interval of short-term slow slip on plate interface detected by non- volcanic deep low frequency tremors
- Re-examination of the Present Stress State of the Atera Fault, Central Japan, Based on the Calibrated Crustal Stress Data of Hydraulic Fracturing Test by Measuring the Tensile Strength of Rocks
- Real-time calculation of seismic intensity used in Japan
- Recurrence of Seismic Velocity Change associated with the Earthquake Swarm revealed by the Passive Image Interferometry
- Relationship Between the Seismic Velocity Structure and the Active Tectonic Faults in the Crust Beneath Japan Islands
- Rupture propagation image during the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki earthquake in 2007 by an array-backprojection approach using near source strong ground motions
- Segmentation of the Subducting Philippine Sea Slab Beneath the Southwestern Part of Japan: Relationship With the Local Seismicity and Slip Distribution of Megathrust Earthquakes
- Seismic exploration of deep low-frequency tremor area in western Shikoku, Japan
- Shallow very-low-frequency earthquakes around Japan: Recent studies and observation
- Simulation of a strong ground motion exceeding 4G during the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake, Japan
- Simulations of dike intrusion and ground deformation by SPH and DEM
- Source Process of the 2007 Boso Slow Slip Event With an Earthquake Swarm From Tiltmeter Data
- Source Rupture Process of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku, Japan, Earthquake Revealed from Near Fault Strong Motion Records
- Temporal Changes of Seismic Velocity of Shallow Structure Associated With the 2000 Miyakejima Volcano Activity as Inferred From Ambient Seismic Noise Correlation Analyses
- The passive imaging of the Philippine Sea slab underneath Tokai region in Japan inferred from cross-correlation analysis of teleseismic S coda
- Two Remarkable Depth Phases Observed in Southwest Japan for Intraslab Earthquakes Within the Philippine Sea Plate
- Use of Surface Wave Reflections to Study Offshore Structures
- Very Long Period Oscillations Observed at Iwojima, Japan
- Very-low-frequency earthquakes accompanied with episodic tremors and slips on the plate boundary in the transition zone from locked to aseismic interface
- Weakening Process Due To Phyllosilicate Dehydration And Dehydroxylation Reactions And Its Possibility To Trigger Earthquakes
- A Hypothesis on the Link Between Outer-Rise Faults, Water, and Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes
- A Possible Coseismic Rupture on Conjugate Faults
- A surface wave reflector in Southwestern Japan
- Assessment of dynamical downscaling in Japan using the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS)
- Broadband seismic monitoring of active volcanoes using deterministic and stochastic approaches
- Converted Ps amplitude variations on a dipping interface: Application to receiver functions in central Japan
- CoulombExpress: Automated near-realtime forecasts of earthquake-induced stress transfer and expected seismicity rate changes (Invited)
- Crustal Deformation Caused by an M8.1 Earthquake in the Solomon Islands, Detected by ALOS/PALSAR
- Crustal structure of the Izu Collision zone, central Japan, revealed by dense seismic array observations
- Detailed hypocenter distribution and velocity structure in the western Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, using dense array data
- Detecting early aftershocks in California and Japan based on a matched filter technique
- Dynamic Rupture of Shallow 3D Dipping Fault Earthquakes Using a New BIEM Technique for Half-Space Medium
- Dynamic fault rupture model of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake, Japan; Role of rupture velocity changes on extreme ground motions
- Dynamically Weak Faults During Earthquakes (Invited)
- Fine-Scale Volumetric Velocity Heterogeneities and D" Discontinuity Topography Constrained by Hi-net Tiltmeter Data
- Generation of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes and the Role of Water from the Subducting Plate (Invited)
- Imaging of Heterogeneous Structure beneath the Metropolitan Tokyo Area
- Impact of dynamical downscaling of surface winds on surface waves around Japan coast
- Mapping of surface ruptures and crustal deformations by field investigations and PALSAR/InSAR for the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China
- Mechanism of shallow landslide due to heavy rainfall using large-scale model test of unsaturated soil
- NW-SE Trending Fault-Segmentation Boundaries in the High-Strain-Rate Zone of Japan
- Numerical Simulations of Slow Slip Events and Stress Build-up in Seismic Cycles of Large Inter-Plate Earthquakes
- Numerical simulations of temperature distributions associated with subduction of the Philippine Sea plate in southwest Japan
- Radiation of Atmospheric waves from the ground motion: Observation and Theory From an Array of Co-located Microbarometers and Broadband Seismometers in Japan
- Rheology of serpentinite in high-temperature and low-slip-velocity regime
- Rupture process of the 2009 Suruga-bay earthquake in Japan—Moderate-sized intraplate earthquake with the complex fault geometry—
- Seismic explosion survey around slow events in the Tokai region, Japan
- Seismic imaging of the two subducting slabs underneath Tokyo Metropolitan area inferred from Ps single scattering analysis
- Sensitivity study of forecasted aftershock seismicity based on Coulomb stress calculation and rate- and state-dependent frictional response (Invited)
- Simulation of wintertime precipitation in the vicinity of Japan
- Source mechanisms of the 2009 seismic sequence in the northwest of New Guinea Island, Indonesia
- Spatial and temporal stress change due to short-term slow slip events inferred from observations of deep non-volcanic tremors in western Shikoku, southwest Japan
- Spatio-temporal changes of seismic velocity at Miyakejima volcano associated with the 2000 eruption based on the cross-correlation analyses of ambient seismic noise records
- Subsurface electrical resistivity structure around the Noubi fault system, central Japan, by MT survey
- Temporal Evolution of Vibrations on Molten Faults during High-speed Sliding
- Terrestrial heat flow and thermal structure in Tokyo metropolitan area of central Japan
- The 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Inland Earthquake (Mw6.9): The Distribution and Focal Mechanism Solution of Aftershocks in relation to the Crustal Structure
- The small Boso slow slip event in 2000 detected by small repeating earthquakes
- Toward Phase IV, Populating the WOVOdat Database
- Waveform through the subducted plate under the Tokyo region in Japan observed by a ultra-dense seismic network (MeSO-net) and seismic activity around mega-thrust earthquakes area
- A new method to determine accurate hypocentral parameters in the media with a 3-D descending slab using a genetic algorithm
- Amplification and Attenuation in the Los Angeles and Kanto Sedimentary Basins using the Ambient Seismic Field
- An electrostatic charge measurement of blowing snow particles focusing on collision frequency to the snow surface
- Automated Detection Method of Slow Slip Events in Southwest Japan
- Automated System for Anomalous Volcanic Crustal Deformation Detection and Source Estimation by Using Real Time Observation Data of NIED
- Characterization of scattered seismic wavefields simulated in heterogeneous media with topography
- Coupled effects of vertical and lateral gas escapes on conduit flow dynamics and chemistry of volcanic gas during lava dome eruptions
- Delay and Migration of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Early Aftershocks, Observed Using High-Resolution Waveform Data
- Detection of deformation time-series in Miyake-jima using PALSAR/InSAR
- Dynamic Rupture Segmentation Along The Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan
- Dynamic rupture processes on two orthogonal but not conjugate fault segments
- Effects of gas exsolution and microlite crystallization on the complexity of conduit flow dynamics during lava dome eruptions
- Heterogeneous Structure and Seismicity beneath the Tokyo Metropolitan Area
- Hidden Rift Structure Beneath a Thick Sedimentary Basin in the Niigata Region, Japan
- Impact of a fine scale SST over the Kuroshio Extension region to wintertime rainfall
- Kinematic Source Inversion Using Smoothly Curved Fault Model
- National Seismic Hazard Maps for Japan and Seismic Hazard Information Station, J-SHIS
- New snow albedo scheme with the influence of black carbon and dust in the NASA catchment-based land surface model
- Numerical model of episodic tremor and slow slip in the seismic cycle of megathrust earthquakes
- P wave attenuation structure below the Tokyo Metropolitan area
- Peeling off of the uppermost crustal layer from the subducting plate at deep extensions of the subduction zone in Japan
- Rapid Detection of Coseismic Displacements with PALSAR ScanSAR-ScanSAR Interferometry
- Relationship between dominant periods of H/V of coda waves observed by MeSO-net and underground velocity structures in the Tokyo metropolitan area
- Retrieval of the Cross Correlation Function in a Random Inhomogeneous Medium for Uncorrelated Sources Using the Mean Wavefield
- Retrospective Tests of an Earthquake Forecasting Model in Japan Based on P-Wave Velocity Anomalies
- Seismic Basement Structure beneath the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Inferred from Seismic Interferometry
- Seismic Noise Auto-Correlation Function Changes Correlate with the Crustal Deformation for off-Izu Seismic Swarms
- Seismogenic stress field of the bending Philippine Sea slab beneath southwest Japan
- Shaking Table Experiment of Trampoline Effect
- Spatial distribution of precisely determined hypocenters and focal mechanisms in the Izu-Honshu collision zone, central Japan
- The quest for better quality-of-life - learning from large-scale shaking table tests
- The source process of the 2009-2010 long-term slow slip event in the Bungo channel region based on Hi-net tilt and GEONET GPS data
- Thrust-faulting earthquake induced many normal-faulting aftershocks, in northeastern Chiba Prefecture, Japan
- 2-D numerical simulations on temperature fields associated with subduction of the Philippine Sea plate in Southwest Japan
- A Broad-band rupture image of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake
- ALOS/PALSAR Observations Associated with the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku, Japan, Earthquake
- Assessment of Ocean Surface Winds and Tropical Cyclones around Japan by RCMs
- Attenuation structure in the complex subduction zone beneath the Kanto basin retrieved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Seismic Observation Network
- Banded tremor: its cyclic nature and source mechanism inferred from gas-liquid two-phase flow instability
- Broad, Undulated Rift Structure Hidden Under Thick Sediment in the Niigata region, Japan
- Contact State Monitoring of Simulated Faults at Various Slip Rates by Electrical Conductivity Experiments
- Converted Ps amplitude variations on the dipping slab Moho beneath the Kii Peninsula, central Japan
- Dike intrusion numerical simulation by Discrete Element Method: Implication for eruption conditions
- Dynamic Versus Static Triggering of Earthquake and Tremor in South-western Japan, Associated With the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Effects of Water Domains on Seismic Wavefields: A Case Simulation Study at Taal Volcano, Philippines
- Electric field measurements during the blowing snow in a cryogenic wind tunnel by a non-contact voltmeter
- Energy partition for grain crushing in quartz gouge during subseismic to seismic fault motion: an experimental study
- Enigmatic very low frequency tremor beneath the Shonai plain in northern Japan
- Estimation of Interface Geometry for Three-Dimensional Layered Basin Structure Using a Random Search Method
- Estimation of the frequency-dependent site amplification factors of Japan based on the coda normalization method
- Fault Complexity and Dynamic Rupture Propagation of Shallow Thrust Faults: Toward the Understanding of the Rupture Dynamics of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Field observations of the electrostatic charges of blowing snow in Hokkaido, Japan
- Flood risk analysis in the Tokyo metropolitan area for climate change adaptation
- Fluid-induced swarm earthquake sequence revealed by precisely determined hypocenters and focal mechanisms in the 2009 activity at Hakone volcano, Japan
- Global Search for Deep Triggered Tremor
- Ground tilt changes in whole Japan caused by the 2010 Maule, Chile, earthquake tsunami
- Impact of the 2001 Tohoku-oki earthquake to Tokyo Metropolitan area observed by the Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net)
- K-NET and KiK-net strong-motion data of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (M9.0)
- Listening to data from the 2011 magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan, earthquake
- Mega-asperity model for the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Japan
- Model experiments on climate change in the Tokyo metropolitan area using regional climate scenarios
- Monitoring of coupling distribution and small Short-term SSEs in southwest Japan based on GEONET data
- Monitoring of slip at the transition zone on the plate interface estimated from non-volcanic deep low-frequency tremors in southwestern Japan
- Multiple Seismic Array Observations for Tracing Deep Tremor Activity in Western Shikoku, Japan
- Numerical Model of Long- and Short-Term Slow Slip Events during Seismic Cycles in the Shikoku Region, Japan
- Petrology of the spinel peridotite xenoliths from petit spot volcanoes
- Prediction and monitoring of landslide occurrence in time based on large-scale model test
- Rupture process and wave radiation characteristics of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki mega-thrust earthquake examined using the strong-motion data
- Strong motion characteristics of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake observed by K-NET and KiK-net
- Structural variation along the southwestern Nankai seismogenic zone related to various earthquake phenomena
- The MeSO-net (Metropolitan Seismic Observation network) confronts the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Japan (Mw 9.0)
- Unraveling the Detailed Aftershock Sequence of the Mw=9.0, 2011 Tohoku Megathrust Earthquake Through the Application of Match Filtered Techniques
- Using ambient noise correlations to monitor coseismic and postseismic velocity changes caused by the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake, Japan
- Voids Strengthen Rock Friction at Subseismic Slip Velocity
- 3D distribution of seismic anisotropy within the crust beneath Northern Japan
- A consideration on the electric field formed by blowing snow particles
- A new tomographic image on the Philippine Sea Slab beneath Tokyo - Implication to seismic hazard in the Tokyo metropolitan region -
- Adjustment of the problems of landslide GIS data
- Anisotropic feature inferred from receiver functions and S-wave splitting in and around the high strain rate zone, central Japan
- B-type Volcanic Earthquakes during the Gas Emission Stage Observed by Short-period Continuous Monitoring Network at Miyakejima Volcano, Japan
- Constraining the depth of the time-lapse changes of P- and S-wave velocities in the first year after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan
- Degassing mechanism change regarding an eruption in 2009 at Mt. Asama revealed by volcanic gas and seismic studies
- Development of evaluation metod of flood risk in Tokyo metropolitan area
- Development of volcano monitoring technique using repeating earthquakes observed by the Volcano Observation Network of NIED
- Did stress field change after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake in the inland areas of Tohoku?
- Double subduction of the Philippine Sea plate and its implication in large earthquake occurrence in southern Kanto, central Japan
- Earthquake forecasting test for Kanto district to reduce vulnerability of urban mega earthquake disasters
- Effectiveness of geoelectrical resistivity monitoring for estimation of moisture changes in the unsaturated zone of an embankment
- Estimation of slip scenarios of mega-thrust earthquakes and strong motion simulations for Central Andes, Peru
- Future changes in summertime precipitation in Japan associated with topography
- High-frequency source radiation during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Japan, inferred from KiK-net strong-motion seismograms
- How thermal pressurization affects on dynamic fault branching
- Impact of SST resolution on cyclone activity over the Kuroshio
- Improved centroid moment tensor analyses in the NIED AQUA (Accurate and QUick Analysis system for source parameters)
- Influences of wear material, fault roughness and loading rate on stick-slip behavior revealed by large-scale biaxial friction experiments
- Interaction between glacier and glacial lake in the Bhutan, Himalaya
- Large-Scale Biaxial Friction Experiments with an Assistance of the NIED Shaking Table
- Large-scale ground motion simulation using GPGPU
- Long-period ground motion simulation of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Love Wave Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor in the Nankai Region, Southwest Japan: Observations and Physical Interpretation
- Magma discharge variations during the 2011 eruptions of Shinmoe-dake volcano, Japan, revealed by geodetic and satellite observations
- Meteorological and snow properties measured at SIGMA-A site on northwestern Greenland during drastic melting event in July, 2012
- Near-field tsunami forecasting using offshore tsunami data from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Ocean bottom seismic and tsunami network along the Japan Trench
- Oscillation of a Shallow Hydrothermal Fissure Inferred from Long-Period Seismic Events at Taal Volcano, the Philippines
- Postseismic Slip Distribution Associated with the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (M9.0) Based on Terrestrial and Seafloor Geodetic Data
- Precise Determination of Hypocenters and Focal Mechanisms of Volcanic Earthquakes by the Volcano Observation Network of NIED
- Precise hypocenter distribution of aftershocks of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake off Fukushima Prefecture using ocean bottom seismic data
- Precise hypocentral distribution in the source area of the 1964 Niigata earthquake based on an actual crustal model recorded by Ocean Bottom Cabled Seismometers in Japan Sea
- Seismic activity of Tokyo area and Philippine Sea plate under Japanese Islands
- Shallow very low frequency earthquakes off the Pacific coast of Tohoku, Japan
- Snow measurement using a dual Ka-band radar system for GPM/DPR algorithm development
- Source models of M-7 class earthquakes in the rupture area of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake by near-field tsunami modeling
- Stress perturbation given on the Mount Fuji Volcano Magma System caused by the Tohoku Megathrust Earthquake, Japan
- Synthesis of High-Frequency Ground Motion Using Information Extracted from Low-Frequency Ground Motion
- Temporal change in shallow subsurface P- and S-wave velocities and S-wave anisotropy inferred from coda wave interferometry
- Temporal seismic velocity structure changes by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake as revealed from similar earthquake analyses
- Time-Series Modeling of Tide Gauge Records for Monitoring of the Crustal Activities Related to Oceanic Trench Earthquakes around Japan
- Verification and Improvement of the Three-Dimensional Basin Velocity Structure Model in the Osaka Sedimentary Basin, Japan Using Interstation Green's Functions and H/V Spectral Ratios of Microtremors
- A Preliminary Analysis on Empirical Attenuation of Absolute Velocity Response Spectra (1 to 10s) in Japan
- A comparison of the source processes of four Boso Peninsula slow slip events from 1996 to 2011 based on nearly homogeneous GNSS stations
- Activity style of nonvolcanic tremor episode
- Apparent dependence of rate- and state-dependent friction parameters on loading velocity and slip displacement inferred from the large-scale biaxial friction experiment data
- Average slip rate at the transition zone on the plate interface in the Nankai subduction zone, Japan, estimated from short-term SSE catalog
- Coda-wave and ambient noise interferometry using an offset vertical array at Iwanuma site, northeast Japan
- Completing the Publication of 1:50,000 Landslide Distribution Maps in Japan
- Coseismic deformation due to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake: influence of 3-D plate structure around Japan
- Crustal deformation and volcanic earthquakes associated with the recent volcanic activity of Iwojima Volcano, Japan
- Crustal deformation of Miyakejima volcano, Japan since the eruption of 2000 using dense GPS campaign observation
- Dependence of brightness temperatures in the thermal infrared wavelength region on surface snow type
- Detecting temporal changes of seismic velocity in response to tidal strain: analysis of a small array data at Iwate volcano
- Detection and location of shallow very low frequency earthquakes along the Nankai trough and the Ryukyu trench
- Diversity of Triggering Mechanisms in the Northern Nagano Region, Central Japan, Following the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Effects of gas escape and crystallization on a transition from a stable lava-dome to an explosive eruption (Invited)
- Estimates of Cutoff Depths of Seismogenic Layer in Kanto Region from the High-Resolution Relocated Earthquake Catalog
- Evaluation of the slip-tendency of active faults in the Japanese islands
- Experimental research on a slope unstabilization process with a complex movement of groundwater
- Fault barriers favor activation of backthrusts near segment ends of megathrust ruptures
- Geodetic characteristic of the postseismic deformation following the interplate large earthquake along the Japan Trench (Invited)
- Hazard assessment of long-period ground motions for the Nankai Trough earthquakes
- Health checkup of the high-sensitivity seismograph network Japan (Hi-net): examining the effect of instrumental errors on a seismic interferometry analysis
- Heterogeneity of frontal structure of overriding plate controls co-seismic megathrust slip distribution in trench axial zone, Japan Trench and other subduction zones
- How is a stick slip rupture initiated?
- Imaging the high-frequency energy radiation process of a mainshock and its early aftershock sequence for a crustal earthquake in Japan
- Introducing the Japan Unified HIgh-Resolution Relocated Catalog for Earthquakes (JUICE) Project
- Long-period Ground Motion Characteristics Inside and Outside of the Osaka Basin during the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake and Its Largest Aftershock
- Measurements of soil temperature for monitoring of the soil water behavior in an embankment slope during periodic rainfall
- Modeling of slow slip events and their interaction with large earthquakes along the subduction interfaces beneath Guerrero and Oaxaca, Mexico
- New Compact Ocean Bottom Cabled Seismic and Tsunami Observation System Using ICT
- Noise-based crustal seismic velocity changes associated with the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Numerical investigation of the morphological transition of submarine lava flow due to slope change
- Numerical modeling of interaction between shallow very low frequency earthquakes and deep slow slip events
- Period Dependency on Source Process of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake by Multi Period-band Waveform Inversions
- Postseismic deformation associated with the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (M9.0) based on terrestrial and seafloor geodetic observations
- Potential impacts of topography and prevailing wind direction on future precipitation changes in Japan
- Prominent reflector beneath around the segmentation boundary between Tonankai-Nankai earthquake area
- Real-time estimation system for seismic-intensity exposed-population
- Recent destructive earthquakes and international collaboration for seismic hazard assessment in the East Asia region
- Remote Love Wave Triggering of Tremor in the Nankai Subduction Zone: New Observations and Dynamic Stress Modeling
- Reprocessed records of seafloor vertical motion prior to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Rupture propagation speed during earthquake faulting reproduced by large-scale biaxial friction experiments
- Segmentation of Hypocenters and 3-D Velocity Structure around the Kii Peninsula Revealed by Onshore and Offshore Seismic Observations
- Seismic anisotropy within the subducting Philippine Sea slab beneath the central Japan
- Source inversion analysis of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake using Green's functions calculated from a 3-D heterogeneous structure model
- Spatio-temporal changes of seismic anisotropy in seismogenic zones
- Study of Deep Long Period Events recorded at Mt. Fuji during 2000-2012
- The development of the self pop-up ocean bottom pressure gauge (OBP) with precision thermometers attached
- The features of the landslide distribution and assessment of landslide susceptibility in Japan
- The impacts of land use, radiative forcing, and biological changes on regional climate in Japan
- Towards Real Time Tsunami Forecasting without Source: A Data Assimilation Approach with Dense Tsunameter Network
- Tsunami-genic turbidity currents: observation and estimation of flow conditions (Invited)
- Two faulting of the December 7, 2012 earthquake off Tohoku inferred from offshore tsunami records
- Velocity weakening of friction strength on meter-sized rock samples
- 2014 Boso Slow Slip Event: the Source Slip Process based on Tilt and GNSS Measurements
- 4-D Noise-Based Seismology at Volcanoes: Ongoing Efforts and Perspectives
- A New Algorithm for Real-Time Tsunami Forecast Using a Dense Network of Cabled Ocean-Bottom Pressure Gauges
- A boundary of stress-field orientation in northwestern area of the Kanto plain
- A methodology to assess the impacts of precipitation change on flood risk in Tokyo 23 ward area
- Ambient Tremor Triggered by Long-term Slow Slip Event in Bungo Channel, Southwest Japan
- Applying Array Methods to Multiscale Imaging of Slow Earthquakes in Nankai Subduction Zone.
- Broadband Ground Motion Simulation Recipe for Scenario Hazard Assessment in Japan
- Characteristics of 2-D Rupture Propagation of Stick-slip Events during Meter-sized Biaxial Friction Experiments
- Cohesive Zone Length of Gabbro at Supershear Rupture Velocity
- Configuration of Moho Discontinuity beneath Japanese Islands Estimated with Three-Dimensional Seismic Velocity Structure Obtained by Seismic Tomography Using Data from Dense Seismic Network
- Coseismic deformation due to the 2011 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake: influence of 3-D elastic heterogeneity
- Current Status and Future Prospect of K-NET and KiK-net
- Development of Compact Seafloor Cabled Seismic and Tsunami Observation System Using ICT and Installation Plan to Off-Sanriku Region, Japan
- Direct-path acoustic ranging across the Japan Trench axis, Adjacent to the Large Shallow Thrusting in the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Dominance of Viscoelastic Relaxation after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Revealed By Seafloor GPS Observations
- Episodic slow slip events in a non-planar subduction fault model for northern Cascadia
- Evolution of Rupture Style with Accumulation of Fault Displacement during Large-scale Biaxial Friction Experiments
- Experimental research on a slope destabilization process with a movement of groundwater
- Fault rupture process and strong ground motion simulation of the 2014/04/01 Northern Chile (Pisagua) earthquake (Mw8.2)
- Foreshock Activity during Laboratory Friction Tests using Meter-scale Rock Specimens Inferred from two Apparatuses with Different Stiffness
- Foreshocks and Premonitory Slip during Large Scale Friction Experiments
- GPS/Acoustic Observations Along the Japan Trench for Postseismic Deformation After the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Geoelectrical Monitoring for Observation of Changes in Water Content in the Slope of an Embankment Caused By Heavy Rain Using a Large-Scale Rainfall Simulator
- Imaging Ground Motions in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Based on MeSO-net: Azimuth Verification for Seismometers and Transfer Function Estimation for Site Effects
- Long-Period Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Relative, Pseudo-Relative and Absolute Velocity Response Spectra in Japan
- Long-period Ground Motion Simulation in the Osaka Basin during the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake
- Magnetic Anomaly Lineations in the Gulf of Aden
- Modeling Deformation Processes of Northeastern Japan Island Arc Considering Rheological Structure Affected by Hot Mantle Fingers
- Nationwide tsunami hazard assessment project in Japan
- Numerical modeling of slow slip events in the seismic cycles of megathrust earthquakes in southwestern Japan
- Oxidation of shallow conduit magma: Insight from μ-XANES analysis on volcanic ash particle
- Period-dependent source rupture behavior of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake estimated by multi period-band Bayesian waveform inversion
- Probabilistic Climate Scenario Information for Risk Assessment
- Quantitative Study of Seismogenic Potential Along Manila Trench: Effects of Scaborough Seamount Chain Subduction
- Regional Characterization of Tokyo Metoropolitan area using a highly-dense seismic netwok(MeSO-net)
- Relationship between extreme Precipitation and Temperature over Japan: An analysis from Multi-GCMs and Multi-RCMs products
- Scaled energy of deep low-frequency tremor in southwest Japan
- Simulation of High-Frequency Ground Motion Based on the Relationships Between Low- and High-Frequency Acceleration Envelopes
- Simulation-Based Hazard Assessment for Long-Period Ground Motions of the Nankai Trough Megathrust Earthquake
- Spatial Heterogeneity Induces Scale Dependent Rock Friction
- Spatial distribution of earthquakes around the southern end of the co-seismic slip of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Three-dimensional Distribution of Azimuthal and Radial Anisotropy in the Japan Subduction
- Transient crustal deformation due to slow slip observed on ocean bottom pressure recorders in the Hikurangi margin
- Unpredictable Main Rupture Initiation after Premonitory Slow Slip
- Wavelet Domain Source Inversion with Multi-Time-Window Parameterization for Examination of Frequency Dependence of Seismic Wave Radiation
- A Method to Evaluate Characteristics of Simulated Long-Period Ground Motion for Anticipated Nankai Trough Earthquakes
- A high resolution 3D velocity model beneath the Tokyo Metropolitan area by MeSO-net
- An Advanced Real-Time Earthquake Information System in Japan
- Application and API for Real-time Visualization of Ground-motions and Tsunami
- Attenuation characteristics of strong ground motion from deep-focus earthquakes around the Ogasawara Islands, Japan
- Brittle Asperities and Stick-Slip Motion: Insight from Friction Experiments along A Gabbro/Marble Interface
- Complementary Ruptures of Surface Ruptures and Deep Asperity during the 2014 Northern Nagano, Japan, Earthquake (M<SUB>W</SUB> 6.3)
- Concentration of strain in a marginal rift zone of the Japan backarc during post-rift compression
- Depth-dependence of time-lapse seismic velocity change detected by a joint interferometric analysis of vertical array data
- Detection of Interplate Earthquakes in the Source Area of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Using Extensive Seafloor Aftershock Observation Data
- Development of Real-time Tsunami Inundation Forecast Using Ocean Bottom Tsunami Networks along the Japan Trench
- Development of an Underwater Gravity Measurement System Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Development of probabilistic regional climate scenario in East Asia
- Development of the cloud sharing system for residential earthquake responses using smartphones
- Downscaling and probabilistic regional climate projection in Japan using a statistical method
- Effect of fault surface evolution on slip behaviors in large-scale biaxial experiments
- Evaluation of the SMAP model calculated snow albedo at the SIGMA-A site, northwest Greenland, during the 2012 record surface melt event
- First Version of Japan Unified High-resolution Relocated Catalog for Earthquakes by JUICE Project
- Global Dynamic Exposure and the OpenBuildingMap
- High-resolution image of the subducting Philippine Sea plate beneath western Shikoku, southwest Japan
- IFEQ, app developed based on the J-SHIS system
- J-SHIS - an integrated system for knowing seismic hazard information in Japan
- Lithospheric structure of the Sea of Japan from surface wave tomography
- Modeling long- and short-term slow slip events and their interaction with large earthquakes along the Hikurangi subduction zone
- Monitoring of Seismic Anisotropy at the Time of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Earthquake.
- Multiple indices method for real-time tsunami inundation forecast using a dense offshore observation network
- Near-field and far field effects of elastic structure of Japan on the slip distribution of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Numerical Modeling of ETS in the Cascadia Region - An Application of Nankai Model -
- Present and Future of Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net) in Japan
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment along Nankai Trough (1) An assessment based on the information of the forthcoming earthquake that Earthquake Research Committee(2013) evaluated
- Projected changes in precipitation extremes linked to temperature over Japan
- Real time earthquake information and tsunami estimation system for Indonesia, Philippines and Central-South American regions
- Reflection imaging from crust to core
- Relationship between Crustal Structure and Source Fault of 1997 Kagoshima Earthquake (M6.6), Japan, based on Relocated Hypocenters and Seismic Reflection Data
- Role of pyroclast recycling on style of small basaltic explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, deduced from real-time collected ash samples.
- Seismic array observations for monitoring phreatic eruptions in Iwojima Island, Japan
- Shallow repeating slow-slip-events along the convergent block boundary in northern Hokkaido, Japan
- Short-lived Supershear Rupture
- Simulation of Strong Ground Motion in the Kanto Region during the 2011 Tohoku, Japan, Earthquake (M<SUB>w</SUB>9.0) with the Pseudo Point-Source Model
- Slope Failure Prediction and Early Warning Awareness Education for Reducing Landslides Casualty in Malaysia
- Slow Slip Events on a 760 mm Long Granite Sample
- Spatial heterogeneous stress orientation in the Philippines caused by the slip heterogeneity along the Philippines fault
- The performance of land surface and cumulus convection scheme in the simulation of Indian Summer Monsoon using RegCM4
- Thickness and Lower Limit Seismogenic Layer within the Crust beneath Japanese Islands on the Japan Sea Side
- Validation of Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for Japanese Crustal Earthquakes by the Recipe
- 3-D Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, Earthquake
- A Possible Mechanism for Labquake Occurrence in Relation to Precursory Slow Slip
- Acceleration of regional plate subduction and increased seismicity beneath Kanto Japan, after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Advanced real time monitoring system and simulation researches for Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Japan Part2-Towards disaster mitigation on Earthquakes and Tsunamis-
- Analysis of ground-motion simulation big data
- Design and Prototype Implementation of non-Triggered Database-driven Real-time Tsunami Forecast System using Multi-index Method
- Direct observation of a plate boundary earthquake by a seafloor network in the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone (DONET): an example of the M=6.5 earthquake on 1<SUP>st</SUP> April, 2016
- Estimation of seismic velocity structure beneath the ocean (including Japan Sea) as well as beneath the Japanese Islands using offshore events with NIED Hi-net pick data and NIED F-net focal depth
- Estimation of source processes of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes from strong motion waveforms
- Evaluation of snow depth over Japan simulated by a non-hydrostatic regional climate model
- Extreme precipitation and their linkage with temperature over Japan: Comparison of ensemble experiments between a high resolution RCM and a driving GCM
- FDM Simulation of The 2016 West Off Satsuma Peninsula, Kyushu, Japan, Earthquakes by Using Land-Ocean Unified 3D Structure Model
- Global warming response of snowpack at a site in northern Japan estimated using multiple dynamically downscaled data
- Ground Deformation near active faults in the Kinki district, southwest Japan, detected by InSAR
- Ground-Motion Variability for a Strike-Slip Earthquake from Broadband Ground-Motion Simulations
- Improvement of the accuracy of continuous GPS/Acoustic measurement using a slackly moored buoy
- Influence of Fault Surface Heterogeneity on Apparent Frictional Strength, Slip Mode and Rupture Mode: Insights from Meter-Scale Rock Friction Experiments
- Influence of fault surface conditions on foreshock activity in large-scale biaxial friction experiment
- Numerical modeling of short-term slow slip events in the Shikoku region considering the effect of earth tides and plate configuration
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment along Nankai Trough (2) a comprehensive assessment including a variety of earthquake source areas other than those that the Earthquake Research Committee, Japanese government (2013) showed
- Probabilistic regional climate projection in Japan using a regression model with CMIP5 multi-model ensemble experiments
- Radiative transfer model of snow for bare ice regions
- Re-estimation of average slip rate at the transition zone on the plate interface beneath southwest Japan
- Real-time damage estimations of 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes extrapolated by the Japan Real-time Information System for earthquake (J-RISQ)
- Rheological Variations in Lahars Expected to Flow Along the Sides of Sakurajima and Ontake Volcanoes, Japan
- S-net project: Construction of large scale seafloor observatory network for tsunamis and earthquakes in Japan
- Seasonal crustal seismic velocity changes in Japan from noise-based monitoring
- Seismic and Tsunami Waveform Simulation based on Dynamic Rupture Scenarios: Anticipated Nankai-Tonankai Earthquakes, Southwest Japan
- Seismic anisotropy in the vicinity of the Alpine fault, New Zealand, estimated by seismic interferometry
- Seismic attenuation structure associated with episodic tremors and slip zones, southwestern Japan, in the Nankai subduction zone
- Seismicity around the source areas of the 1946 Nankai and the 1944 Tonankai earthquakes detected from data recorded at DONET stations
- Spatio-temporal foreshock activity during stick-slip experiments of large rock samples
- Strong ground motion of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake
- Super-shear fault rupture propagation during the 2016/04/16 Kumamoto earthquake (Mw7.1) imaged by seismic back-projection and KNET/KiKnet strong motion records
- Temporal variation of the Rayleigh admittance: Implications for seismic velocity changes in the Nankai accretionary prism
- The Nankai Trough earthquake tsunamis in Korea: Numerical studies of the 1707 Hoei earthquake and physics-based scenarios
- The characteristics of seismic activity during the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake sequence
- Theoretical Constraints on Properties of Dynamic Ruptures Implied by Pulverized Fault Zone Rocks
- Thermodynamics of Tropical Cyclones: A Thermodynamic Approach to Nonlinear Non-equilibrium Phenomena
- A Proposal of Monitoring and Forecasting Method for Crustal Activity in and around Japan with 3-dimensional Heterogeneous Medium Using a Large-scale High-fidelity Finite Element Simulation
- A rapid calculation system for tsunami propagation in Japan by using the AQUA-MT/CMT solutions
- Challenge for the accurate CMT estimation of the offshore earthquakes using ocean bottom pressure gauges as seismometers
- Continuous Earthquake Observation using pop-up Ocean Bottom Seismographs (OBSs) in Suruga Bay at the Pacific Coast of Shizuoka, Japan.
- Deepest Depth of Seismogenic Layer Within the Crust Beneath Japanese Islands on the Japan Sea Side Using High Resolved Earthquake Catalog and Heat Flux Data
- Design and Implementation of the National Seismic Monitoring Network in the Kingdom of Bhutan
- Destabilizing geometrical and bimaterial effects in frictional sliding
- Do Atmospheric Rivers explain the extreme precipitation events over East Asia?
- Elaboration of a velocity model of the Bogota basin (Colombia) based on microtremors arrays measurements, gravity data, and geological information
- Electron microscope observation of fault gauge within Rokko fault in the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line, SW Japan
- Estimation of strain sensitivity of seismic velocity changes using the Earth tide: Analyses of seismic small array data at Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan
- Future projections of total snowfall and heavy snowfall in Japan simulated by large ensemble regional climate simulations.
- Improvement of geological subsurface structure models for Kanto area, Japan, based on records of microtremor array and earthquake observations
- Long-term change of activity of very low-frequency earthquakes in southwest Japan
- Magma shearing and friction in the volcanic conduit: A crystal constraint
- Migrating slow slip detected by slow and repeating earthquakes along the Nankai trough, Japan
- Modeling of the subsurface structure from the seismic bedrock to the ground surface for a broadband strong motion evaluation in Kumamoto plain
- New view on the rupture mode along the Colombia-Ecuador subduction zone
- Numerical study of the effect of earth tides on recurring short-term slow slip events
- Ocean-bottom pressure changes above a fault area for tsunami excitation and propagation observed by a submarine dense network
- Post-caldera Volcanic Sequence and Resurgent Structure of Ogasawara Ioto (Iwo-jima) Volcano
- Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment based on the long-term evaluation of subduction-zone earthquakes along the Sagami Trough, Japan
- Quality assessment of simulated urban snow around Japan by newly applied snowpack scheme to SPUC
- Real-time and on-demand buoy observation system for tsunami and crustal displacement
- Regional probabilistic climate projection for Japan with a regression model using CMIP5 multi-model ensemble experiments
- S-net : Construction of large scale seafloor observatory network for tsunamis and earthquakes along the Japan Trench
- Search for Earthquake-Induced Prompt Gravity Signals in Gravimetric Data: Data Analysis and a New Observation Model
- Shear-strain energy rate distribution caused by the interplate locking along the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan: An integration analysis using stress tensor inversion and slip deficit inversion
- Slip-deficit rate distribution along the Nankai trough, southwest Japan, with elastic lithosphere and viscoelastic asthenosphere
- Source Parameter Variability of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in Japan's Subduction Zones
- Spatial distribution of reflection intensity of the upper surface of the Philippine Sea plate, near the main slip area of the Boso Slow Slip Events
- Spatiotemporal variations of the frequency-magnitude distribution before and after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in the Japan Trench subduction zone
- Structural changes and shallow geological structure of the isolated basins in the forearc slope of the Japan Trench
- Temporal sequencing of throughfall drop generation as revealed by use of a large-scale rainfall simulator
- Test operation of a real-time tsunami inundation forecast system using actual data observed by S-net
- The development of damage identification methods for buildings with image recognition and machine learning techniques utilizing aerial photographs of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake
- Toward standardization of slow earthquake catalog -Development of database website-
- Two types of foreshock activities observed on meter-scale laboratory faults: Slow-slip-driven and cascade-up
- Understanding the rheology of two and three-phase magmas
- Underwater acoustic records from underwater controlled sources and earthquakes on the Japan Trench seismic network
- Use of a large-scale rainfall simulator reveals novel insights into stemflow generation
- Very slow lava extrusion continued for more than five years after the 2011 Shinmoedake eruption observed from SAR interferometry
- Viscoelastic behavior of basaltic ash from Stromboli volcano inferred from intermittent compression experiments
- Anisotropic Feature Within the Oceanic Crust and its Relationship with Low-Frequency Earthquake Activity Beneath Western Shikoku, Southwest Japan
- Appropriate Evaluation of Deep Ocean Bottom Pressure Changes Caused by Short Wavelength Tsunami
- Attempt to detect VLFE-like events in Tohoku-Oki using local short period OBS records
- Depth-dependent Postseismic Response of the Mw 9.0, 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake from Seismic Noise-based Monitoring.
- Detection of very low frequency earthquakes off the Pacific coast of Tokachi and Tohoku regions, northeastern Japan
- Development of real-time tsunami prediction system using ocean-floor network system and its future plan
- Efficient new scheme solving the linear and nonlinear dispersive wave equations for near- and far-field tsunamis
- Estimation of gradual stress changes before the 2016 Mw7.0 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake
- Evolution of Fault Zone Properties Inferred from Fault-Interface Rayleigh Wave Speed Measurement
- Forward and inverse modeling of body and ocean load tides in a 3D Earth
- Geological structure of the forearc slope in the Japan Trench: Preliminary results of the KH-18-1 MCS survey
- Ground motion noises observed by Seafloor observation network for earthquakes and tsunamis along the Japan Trench (S-net)
- High Resolution Polar Regional Climate Model NHM-SMAP for the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Installation and operation of ICT seafloor cabled seismic and tsunami observation system in source region of Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Integrated Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment against possible tsunamis along the Pacific coast of Honshu and Shikoku islands, Japan
- Investigating the Seismicity Before and After the 2018 M6.1 Osaka Earthquake, Japan
- Ka-Band Scanning Polarimetric Radar Observations of Clear-Air Echoes
- Magmatic additions to the middle and lower crust during rifting govern basin response to tectonic inversion in a magma-rich back-arc (NE Japan)
- Modeling of subsurface velocity structure from seismic bedrock to ground surface for Tokai region, Japan
- Monitoring Seasonal Variations of the Crustal Seismic Velocities throughout Japan from the Ambient Seismic Field.
- Nowcast for Meso-γ-Scale, Localized, Extremely Heavy Rainfall by Blending Extrapolation and Model Forecasts: Event on 24 August 2016
- Numerical simulation of slow slip events in the Hyuganada and Shikoku region
- Ocean-bottom strong-motion observations at a moderate-sized offshore earthquake by the DONET real-time monitoring system
- Preliminary Seismicity Observed by the Seismic Monitoring Network in the Kingdom of Bhutan
- Preliminary estimation of source parameters and site amplifications for the 2018 Mw 5.5 north Osaka earthquake in southwest Japan
- Process-tracking model for snow particle formation based on bulk microphysics
- Real-time operational aftershock forecasting in Japan
- Recent Report on "Slow Earthquake Database"
- Seismicity and two-fault system of the 2018 Osaka earthquake
- Shear Strain Energy Change and Aftershock Patterns
- Slip distributions based on tilt change data for short-term slow slipevents in western Shikoku, southwest Japan
- Small repeating earthquakes beneath the Tokai region, around the The Fujikawa-kako Fault Zone, central Japan, from 1979 to 2017 derived from NIED Kanto-Tokai seismic network and the NIED Hi-net.
- Source model of the 1906 Ecuador-Colombia earthquake (Mw8.4) based on tsunami waveforms and seismic intensity data; Implications for megathrust earthquake potential in Northern South-America
- Spatial features of deep low frequency tremors occurring during the L-SSE period in Tokai and Western-Shikoku, southwest Japan
- Statistical analysis of low-level mesocyclones around Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan using multiple-Doppler analysis
- Superfast Propagation of Slow Slip Rupture
- Utilizing coastal-reflected tsunami waves observed by the ocean bottom pressure gauges to improve offshore earthquake source parameters: Application to the 2016 Te Araroa earthquake, New Zealand (Mw 7.0)
- Waveform Tomography by Using The Adjoint Kernels Based on a Land-Ocean Unified 3D Structure Model For The Tohoku-Oki area of The Japan Trench, Japan
- Activities of Education and Outreach by the Seismological Society of Japan
- Ambient noise correlations from a dense seafloor seismic observation network (S-net) offshore Honshu, Japan
- Broadband Ground Motion from 3D Numerical Simulation with Empirical Ground-Motion Characteristics
- Characteristics of tephra fall from eruptions at Sakurajima volcano, revealed by optical disdrometer measurements
- Continuous observation of ocean bottom pressure and sea surface height
- Different scales of crustal deformation estimated from two-dimensional Fourier series representation of GNSS data
- Early Warning of Long-Period Ground Motion and Experimental Demonstration for Practical Use
- Earthquake and Tsunami Nowcasting and Forecasting Using Shannon Information Theory
- Effect of episodic slow slip on oceanic slab stress state and seismicity near a subduction-zone megathrust, beneath Kii peninsula, southwestern Japan
- Effect of tree species, leaf states, and rainfall intensity on throughfall generation and throughfall partitioning by use of a large-scale rainfall simulator
- Elastic strain energy and pore fluid pressure controlling aftershocks
- Factors Affecting the Inland and Orographic Enhancement of Sea-Effect Snowfall in the Hokuriku Region of Japan
- Forearc trench-parallel anisotropy above a subducting plate revealed by the S-net ocean-bottom seismometers
- Foreshock activities controlled by slip rate on a 4-meter-long laboratory fault
- Foreshock dynamics controls by stress heterogeneity: an experimental approach.
- Multitemporal UAV surveys for detection of shallow landslides and vegetation recovery
- Paradox in Rupture Propagation Velocity
- Post-seismic crustal deformation of Aso volcano associated with the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence based on ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 time-series analysis
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for interpolate earthquakes along the Ryukyu Trench
- Recipe for Predicting Strong Ground Motion on the SCEC Broadband Platform
- Relationship between the Complex Moho Geometries and Deep Low-Frequency Earthquake Activity beneath Eastern Shikoku, Southwest Japan
- Sensitivity of Midlatitude Heavy Precipitation to SST: A Case Study in the Sea of Japan area on August 9, 2013
- Slow Earthquakes Dating Back to the Era of Recording Paper -A Trial Detection of Deep Low Frequency Tremor in 1980s for a Long-Term Catalog in the Tokai Region, Japan-
- Slow earthquake signals in the microseism frequency band (0.1-1.0 Hz)
- Strain energy release by an earthquake rupture with heterogeneous stress-drop distribution
- The recent seismicity of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
- Tokyo Metropolitan Resilience Project, DEKATSU Activity
- Ultra-broadband observations of seismic and tsunami waves of ocean bottom pressure gauges off the NE Japan and spectral analysis combined with the records of seismometers and tide gauges
- "N"-shaped Y/X coda amplitude spectral ratio observed for in-line type OBS networks: interpretation based on the natural vibration of the pressure vessel
- A comparison of absolute velocity response spectra (1- 10 s) at S-net ocean bottom sites in the Japan Trench area and land sites in northeast Japan for two strong earthquakes
- Calibration of broadband seismograph responses based on the spectral ratio of teleseismic records
- Coeruptive and posteruptive crustal deformation associated with the 2018 Kusatsu-Shirane phreatic eruption based on PALSAR-2 time-series analysis
- Comparison of techniques for coupled earthquake and tsunami modeling
- Current State and Future Goals of Research on Volcanic Disaster in Japan
- Detection of "rapid" aseismic slip that bridges a gap between seismic slip and slow slip
- Development of the spatiotemporal trans-dimensional source inversion
- Estimation of fracture energy of large earthquakes based on heterogeneous stress drops and fault rupture velocities: Implications for earthquake scaling
- Frictional property of metagabbro gouge on a meter-scale laboratory fault
- Hydrothermal and magmatic plumbing system of Miyakejima volcano (Japan) inferred from magnetotellurics, seismicity, self-potential and thermal image
- In-situ crustal stress in inland Japan with application of DCDA method to rock core samples of seismic observation wells
- Interfrequency Correlation of Characterized Source Modeling for Broadband Ground Motion Validation
- Low-frequency tremor activity along northern Japan Trench before the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Mammatus-Like Structure along the Cloud Base in the Outflow Layer Observed in Several Typhoons
- Modeling the updip migration of the 2018 Boso slow slip event with geodesy and seismicity observations
- Rupture and tsunami generation process of the 2015 Mw 5.9 Bonin earthquake revealed by in-situ pressure gauge array observations and an integrated simulation of seismic and tsunami waves
- Seismic characterization of explosive and collapse events at the Kilauea summit during the 2018 eruption
- Seismic noise and blasting activity change in Japan related to COVID-19 pandemic
- Seismological evidence for a seamount subduction in eastern Shikoku, Japan
- Sensitivity analysis of backscatter amplitude at snow-buried corner reflectors using C-/L-band SARs
- Systematic Detections of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in the Subduction Zone of Central and Northeastern Japan
- The ability of the non-tidal oceanographic model for the ocean bottom pressure time series in the dense observation networks around Japan: towad understanding the transient crustal deformation
- Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure beneath Japanese Islands from Sea of Japan to Pacific Ocean including NIED S-net, Hi-net (MOWLAS) data
- Time Difference Between the 1854 Ansei-Tokai and Ansei-Nankai Earthquakes Estimated from Distant Tsunami Waveforms on West Coast of North America
- Tsunami Simulations of the 1933 Showa-Sanriku Earthquake using Well-Mapped Normal Faults along the Japan Trench
- Twice-daily Maxima of Summer Precipitation in High-altitude Areas of the Himalayas: Two Contrasting Land Surface Effects
- Unexpectedly large tsunamis generated by submarine volcanic earthquakes: Evidence of trapdoor faulting at a submarine caldera
- Water depth dependence of nontidal variations from seafloor pressure in New Zealand
- A comparison of horizontal and vertical peak accelerations and velocities recorded by S-net ocean-bottom seismographs in the Japan Trench area with the values recorded by stations on the ground in and around the Kanto Basin
- A comparison of methods for modeling the complete seismic, ocean acoustic, and tsunami wavefield from offshore earthquakes
- A trial automatic digitization of analog seismograms for the analysis of tectonic tremor in the Tokai region, Japan
- Assessing the potential for earthquake-triggered lava dome instability at Mount Unzen, Japan
- Characteristics of Clouds in the Cold Season over Tsukuba, Japan Observed by Polarimetric Cloud Radar
- Comprehensive detection of tremor migration modes beneath Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan
- Development of a site-specific ground motion model with a machine learning technique
- Development of realtime tsunami damage prediction system using DONET data
- Energy-Based Method to Generate Rupture Scenarios for Megathrust Earthquakes in the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone, Southwest Japan: A Necessary Condition for Earthquake Generation
- Episodic burst of earthquakes near the Japan Trench following migration of shallow tectonic tremor
- Extracting Near-field In-situ Ground Motion Waveforms with Large Displacements of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake from Ocean Bottom Pressure Change inside the Focal Area
- Global estimates of fault shear strength of large earthquakes based on estimations of fault fracture energy: Implications for fault weakening and seismic radiation
- How to Generate an Observable Phase of Backward-Propagating Rupture?
- Improved geometry of the subducting Philippine Sea plate from Suruga Trough beneath the Tokai region, central Japan
- Intermittent Inflation on Azuma Volcano (Japan) Detected by PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-1 Data
- Investigating fault opening on dip-slip faults due to free surface interaction
- Low friction and low wear rate of Indian sandstone under the slip rate between 10-3 and 10-1 m/s
- Potential impacts of marine heatwaves on extreme rainfall events
- Relationship of in-slab events with episodic tremor and slip and detection of updip slow slip near the locked megathrust in the Nankai subduction
- Signature of transition to supershear rupture speed in coseismic off-fault damage zone
- Site Dominant Frequencies in Lima, Peru, by H/V Spectral Ratio of Seismic Records
- Slip Distribution of the 2003 Tokachi-Oki Earthquake Estimated using Ocean-Bottom Pressure Gauges inside the Focal Area
- Source properties of shallow tremors, in the Guerrero seismic gap.
- Spatial variations of shallow very low frequency earthquake activity southeast off the Kii Peninsula
- Teleseismic moment tensor inversion for ring-faulting at active calderas: Case studies at Sierra Negra in the Galapagos Islands and Kilauea in Hawaii
- The Mechanics of Non-Planar Fault Geometry Explained by Semi-Analytical Method.
- Wave propagation modeling to identify source characteristics of seismic events on a 4-meter-long laboratory fault
- A "rapid" aseismic slip multiplet of Mw7.1 in the Izu-Bonin Trench
- Aftershock activity of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake and the 2011 off Ibaraki earthquake revealed by CMT inversion using dense short period OBS array
- An Inversion Method to Estimate Mechanically Coupled Areas on the Plate Interface
- An approach for predicting river discharge during heavy rain events using seismic noise data in ungauged mountainous river basins
- August 2021 Plinian eruption of Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba Volcano, Izu-Bonin Arc: Constraints on the eruption dynamics from rapid response seafloor surveys
- Detecting high-frequency anthropogenic seismic sources for seismic velocity monitoring
- Development of a numerical code of quasi-dynamic slow-to-fast earthquake simulations for large-scale computing in a multi-node GPU and CPU environment
- Development of hybrid site-specific ground motion model of response spectra using GMPE and machine learning
- Development of the portable PM2.5 measurement system for cold regions for the Cryosphere and PM2.5 observations with the system in Alaska and Japan
- Differential Reflectivity Peak in Solid Phase Layer Observed by Ka-Band Polarimetric Cloud Radar
- Estimate the source properties of foreshocks that occurred during stick-slip experiments using the 4-meter-long biaxial rock friction apparatus
- Estimation of a fault model and detail duration for the 2017-2018 slow slip event in the Nankai subduction zone using ocean bottom pressure
- Estimation of fault shear strength and pore fluid pressure of global subduction zones and Oceanic lithosphere from the seismic energy budget
- Evaluation of nonlinear site response at the S-net seafloor sites in the Japan Trench area
- Field Evaluation of New Silicon Resonant Sensor Using MEMS Technology for Ocean Bottom Pressure Observation
- Fully Dynamic Earthquake Cycle Simulations on a Non-planar Fault Using 3D Spectral Boundary Element Method.
- Global Tsunami Propagation Driven by Atmospheric Waves on the 2022 Hunga-Tonga Eruption
- Ground deformation induced by the horizontal sill intrusion associated with the 2018 Sierra Negra eruption using satellite synthetic aperture radar data
- Newly Development and Construction of Nankai Trough Seafloor Observation Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis: N-net
- Objective SSE detection using tilt and strain data in the southwest Japan
- Seismic Source Characterization for Probabilistic and Scenario Seismic Hazard Analysis beneath the Complex Tectonic Setting
- Shallow tectonic tremor activity in the Japan Trench: continuous decay of the activity in 2016 - 2022
- Spatial variation of shallow tectonic tremor energy radiation in the Nankai trough
- Suspected Stepped-Leader X-ray Bursts Observed Preceding a Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash on Mt. Fuji, Japan
- System Design of Nankai Trough Seafloor Observation Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (N-net) with Enhancement of Reliability for Long-Term Operation
- Trapdoor faulting at Kita-Ioto Caldera, Japan: Quantification of magma overpressure beneath a submarine caldera
- What Factors Contributed to the Torrential Rainfall of Hurricane Harvey over Texas?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Akemi Noda
- Akiko Takeo
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Daisuke Inazu
- Daohong Wang
- David M. Smith
- Eiichi Fukuyama
- F. L. Vernon
- Florent Brenguier
- Futoshi Yamashita
- Heidi Houston
- Hidenori Miyake
- Hiroko Sugioka
- Hiroo Kanamori
- J. Ortberg
- Jackie E. Kendrick
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jorge Jara
- Kaoru Sawazaki
- Katsuhiko Shiomi
- Kazuaki Ohta
- Kazuo Tani
- Kazushige Obara
- Kenji Satake
- Kimihiro Mochizuki
- Kiwamu Nishida
- Kurama Okubo
- Lauren Abrahams
- Lauren N. Schaefer
- Lucile Bruhat
- Luis Rivera
- Makoto Matsubara
- Marion Y. Thomas
- Nelson Pulido
- Oliver D. Lamb
- Osamu Ishizuka
- Osamu Sandanbata
- Pierre Boué
- Pierre Romanet
- Romain Jolivet
- Ryosuke Ando
- Ryota Hino
- S. Kita
- Satoru Baba
- Satoshi Ide
- Shingo Watada
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Shiqing Xu
- Shunsuke Takemura
- Suguru Yabe
- Sung‐Joon Chang
- T. Taira
- Takanori Matsuzawa
- Takeshi Akuhara
- Tatsuhiko Saito
- Tatsuya Kubota
- Tomohiro Inoue
- Voon Hui Lai
- Yadab P. Dhakal
- Yan Lavallée
- Yann Klinger
- Yehuda Ben‐Zion
- Yixiao Sheng
- Yoshihiro Ito
- Yoshio Fukao
- Yoshio Murai
- Yosuke Aoki
- Yuji Himematsu
- Yusaku Ohta
- Zhongwen Zhan