Seoul National University, Korea
flowchart I[Seoul National University, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1039)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (204)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- Seoul National University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Equatorial Spread F Found in AN Old Airglow Scan Atlas of Dudley Observatory
- Multivariate statistical analysis of impacts of underground gas storage caverns on groundwater chemistry
- Variations of Atmospheric Trace Substances According to the Transport Scales at Tokchok Island in Korea
- Estimates of Aerosol Surface Forcing From Jeju Island, South Korea During Ace-Asia.
- Estimation of aerosol direct forcing by Asian dust using sun/sky radiometer and lidar measurement
- Successive Dual-Phase Continuous-Injection Tracer Tests in a Physical Aquifer Model
- Comparisons of Sunphotometer-derived Optical Depths and Surface Radiation Measurements and their Effects on the Aerosol Surface Forcing Estimation
- Geochemistry and isotope compositions of the Han River, South Korea : implications for water-rock interaction
- Measurements of Toxic Trace Substances in Ambient Air of Gosan, Jeju in Korea
- Mono- and Multi-Fractal Scalings of Air Permeability Data from Unsaturated Fractured Tuff
- Crustal Structure in Southern Korea From Joint Analysis of Teleseismic Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion
- Interface Design For Subsurface Characterization Based on Borehole Data Using ArcGIS and Geo Flow 3D
- Regional difference of total scattering coefficients revealed from the envelope analysis of ScS waves
- Effect of Network Modifying Cations on the Structural Disorder in Multi-Component Silicate Glasses
- Equatorial ionospheric disturbances during super storms seen from TIMED/GUVI, DMSP and ROCSAT-1
- Measurements of PAN and its Precursors in Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea during May- June, 2004
- Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Land-use and Land-cover Change: A Multi-agent Simulation Model and Its Application to an Upland Watershed in Central Vietnam
- Tectonic Evolution of the Southern tip of the Parece Vela Basin
- Three-Dimensional Topographic Correction in Magnetotelluric Surveys Using Edge Finite-Element Modeling
- A Comparison Study of Heat-Transfer Simulations in a Closed-Loop Geothermal Heat- Pump System
- Aerosol-cloud interactions in observations and a parameterization designed for global climate models
- Analysis of the Error Associated With the Domenico Solution
- Chemical Weathering in the Amur River
- Dissolved molybdenum and uranium in the Three Rivers of eastern Tibet
- Eco-hydrological modeling to integrate ecological processes and hydrological processes in a small forested catchment
- Estimating temporal pattern of surface soil moisture content in Gwangneung forest using MODIS data.
- Hydrogeochemistry and Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Compositions of Sea Water Intrusion in Masan-Jinhae Area, Korea
- Hydrogeological monitoring in the newly restored Cheonggyecheon stream, Seoul, Korea.
- In search of Hydrothermal Vent Field:What was done in the Bismarck Sea during the DSHEEP 2005 Cruise?
- Magnetic helicity comparison between coronal magnetic field of an active region and interplanetary magnetic cloud
- Monitoring of hydrogeochemical properties in Cheonggyecheon-riparian zone after the restoration in Seoul, Korea
- Simulation Studies of the Influence of Sulfate-Aerosol on Clouds with McRAS Augmented with AIE-Physics using a 3-year ARM-SGP SCM Dataset
- A Comparison Study of Numerical Simulations in a Borehole Heat Exchanger Field
- A Geophysical Study on the Hwasan Caldera in the Euisung Sub-basin, Korea, Using Magnetotelluric Survey
- Application of a hydro-ecological model (RHESSys) for up-scaling of plot and flux tower measurements to MODIS GPP and evapotranspiration
- Estimating Transpiration Of Temperate Deciduous Forest In Korea Using Sap Flow Measurements And Eco-hydrological Model
- Intercomparison of transpacific transport of Asian pollution between global and coupled global-regional model simulations
- Optimal Initial Perturbation for El Nino ensemble prediction with Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Pressure-Induced Changes in Crystal-Melt Partitiong Coefficient between Silicate Melts and Crystals: A View from Solid-State NMR
- Relationship between CME initial speed and magnetic helicity of magnetic clouds
- Retrieval of 2-D equatorial plasma bubble images from the TIMED/GUVI data
- Shear-wave Velocity Structure in the Southern Korean Peninsula
- Source-Parameter Estimation for the Earthquakes using Full Newton Method in Frequency Domain
- Structure and Properties of Amorphous MgSiO3 in Earth's Mantle: A View from Synchrotron Inelastic X-ray Scattering
- Assessment of prediction skill of intraseasonal variation from dynamical, statistical, and combined models
- Atomistic Origins of Densification in Oxide Melts in Earth's Mantle: Insights from Synchrotron X-ray Raman Scattering
- Day and Night Dust Retrievals from MODIS IR Band Measurements using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model
- Development of a Database Program for Managing Drilling Data in the Oil and Gas Industry
- ENSO modulation during a global-warming progression
- Effects of Indicator Transform Method of Electric Resistivity Data on Rock Mass Classification Using Multiple Indicator Kriging
- Efficiency Evaluation of Open-Loop GHPS Operation Under Various Hydrogeological Conditions
- Garnet Porphyroblastesis: Growing Inward or Outward?
- Increased Vegetation Activity Decreases Springtime Regional Warming over East Asia
- MJO-Related Variability over the Indian Ocean: Ocean Responses and AGCM/AOGCM Simulation Fidelity
- Paragenetic Relationships among Staurolite and Aluminosilicate Polymorphs in the Barrovian Metapelites of the Imjingang Belt, Central Korea
- Pattern Classification of Tropical Cyclone Tracks over the Western North Pacific using a Fuzzy Clustering Method
- Regional and Temporal Variations of Summer Rainfall Influenced by Tropical Cyclone Landfall over South China
- Sea-effect correction of 3D magnetotelluric responses in Pohang, Korea
- Stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation Signals in Tropical Cyclone Passage Over the Western North Pacific
- Tectonic structure of Dokdo and adjacent area in the northeastern part of the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea using geophysical data
- Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data including sea effects obtained in Pohang, Korea
- Working Process Development For Weathering Degree Mapping Of Stone Monument Using Reflectance Spectroscopy
- 3D Time-domain wave modeling in fluid-solid coupled media: a cell-based finite-difference method approach
- Analysis of GasHydrate Development R&D Program of Korea Using Technology-Product diagram
- Biogeochemistry of Nutrients, DOC, and Po-210 in the East/Japan Sea
- Determination of conceptualization strategy for fracture networks based on ensemble variability of equivalent permeability
- Detrital zircon provenance and paleontological constraints on the Cambrian paleogeography of the North China (Sino-Korean) block and its association with the north Indian margin
- Downstream Development of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Its Extended Impacts on the East Asian Winter Monsoon
- Evaluation of Riverbank Filtration Efficiency with Radial Collector Well Systems near the Nakdong River, Korea
- GIS database model for development of mining information system for the Skarn/Porphyry type ore deposit
- Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer(GEMS) onboard MP-GEOSAT (Multi Purpose Geostationary Satellite) over Asia-Pacific region
- Identification of mineral composition and weathering product of tuff using reflectance spectroscopy
- Implementation of different dust emission schemes into WRF/Chem: An evaluation of dust emisson parameterizations
- Light Absorption By Coated Soot
- Monitoring Air Quality from Geostationary Orbit in Asia-Pacific region by MP-GEOSAT (Invited)
- Numerical Investigation on the Effects of Slab Geometry and Mantle Rheology and Their Control on the Topography of Back-arc Regions
- Observation of gravity changes associated with variations of ground water table
- P-wave Velocity Structures near the Inner Core Boundary in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres
- Planning of the reforestation at abandoned coal mines using GIS
- Reduction of spring warming over East Asia associated with vegetation feedback
- Solid-state 13C NMR analysis of Lower Cretaceous Baganuur (Mongolia) lignite
- Using unmanned aircraft to measure the impact of pollution plumes on atmospheric heating rates and cloud properties during the Cheju ABC Plume-Asian Monsoon Experiment (CAPMEX)
- Variations of OC and EC concentrations in PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 in Jeju
- Weathering in Southern Patagonian rivers: Perspectives from the U-series and 10Be isotopes
- Comparison between Borehole Geophysical Observations and Sedimentary Facies for Three Long Cores Recovered from the Ulleung Basin, Korea: Insights into the Distribution of Gas Hydrate
- Conceptual models for the hydrothermal environment of Seokmo Island geothermal field, Korea
- Conspicuous circumpolar greening in the end of growing season over the Arctic region
- Coupled organic and inorganic carbon diagenesis in the deeply buried sediment of the northeastern Bering Sea Slope (IODP Exp. 323)
- Cyclo-octafluorobutane (PFC-318) in the global atmosphere
- Dependency of black-carbon-induced atmospheric warming on the concentration of sulphate and organic aerosols
- Development of Watershed Evaluation Index for Water Resources Considering Climate Change
- Earthquake magnitudes based on Coda-Derived Moment-Rate Spectra in Taiwan
- Effects of hydrogeological characteristics on the attenuation of TCE- contaminated groundwater plume in Wonju, Korea
- Euler Pole Determination of the Philippine Sea Plate Relative to the Caroline Plate from Bathymetric Information Collected at Ayu Trough
- Evaluation of Seawater Intrusion Potential into a Coastal Underground Oil Storage Cavern in Korea
- GIS-based multi-criteria analysis for the evaluation of subsidence in coal mine
- Hydrogeological factors affecting the multiple plumes of chlorinated contaminants in an industrial complex, Wonju, Korea
- Impacts of a new radiation scheme capable of treating subgrid variability on the climate of the GEOS-5 AGCM
- Integrated modeling of climate change and urbanization impacts on water management
- Lattice Preferred Orientation of Enstatite and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
- Longwave band-by-band cloud radiative forcing over the tropical oceans from 2003 to 2007: observations vs. simulations
- Post-Biostimulation Biogenic U(IV) Stability and Microbial Community Structure that Affects its Dynamics
- Preliminary Results from the Measurement of Ozone(O3) and Carbon monoxide(CO) at Gosan, Jeju, South Korea for understanding emissions in Northeast Asia
- Preliminary results from measurement of methane at Gosan, Jeju Island, Korea for understanding emissions in East Asia
- Regional variation of P-wave velocity in the inner core
- Surface Wave Tomography of the Region Between Korea and Taiwan
- Systematic Relation between Intraseasonal Variability and Mean State Bias in AGCM Simulations
- The velocity structure of the outer core constrained by differential slowness measurements of PKP(BC)-PKP(DF)
- Top-down Validation of Global and East Asian Emissions of Tetrafluoromethane and Hexaflurorethane
- Visualization of Fluid Flow through in a Rough-Walled Fracture Using micro-PIV Technique
- Application of Carbonate Reservoir using waveform inversion and reverse-time migration methods
- Bias and Variance in Coarse Resolution Evapotranspiration Flux Models Using Modis Data
- Changes in Net Primary Production over Korea and Climate Factors
- Computing Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor Fluxes Everywhere, All of the Time
- Crustal structure of Mt. Baek-du (Changbai) volcanic region inferred from ambient seismic noise and receiver functions
- Cyclo-octafluorobutane (PFC-318, c-C<SUB>4</SUB>F<SUB>8</SUB>) in the global atmosphere
- Development of WRF-ROI system by incorporating eigen-decomposition
- Development of smart-phone based application for the geological site investigation
- Earthquake Magnitudes Based on Coda-Derived Source Spectra in Taiwan
- Effects of aerosols on cloud microphysics simulations with Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model in East Asia
- Evolution history of the Heuksan Basin, a continental rift basin in the Yellow Sea
- Frequency-domain elastic full waveform inversion using encoded simultaneous sources
- Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer(GEMS) onboard the GEOKOMPSAT to monitor air quality in high temporal and spatial resolution over Asia-Pacific region
- Groundwater and stream water exchange revealed by water chemistry data in a hyporheic zone
- Installation of very broadband seismic stations to monitor cryospheric environment, Antarctica
- Investigation for three-dimensional DNAPL migration and dissolved phase concentration changes in porous media by water table fluctuation
- Is digital cover photography a viable method for measuring leaf index for phenological research in closed forest ecosystems?
- Light-absorption properties of aerosols observed in East and South Asia
- Ly-alpha polarimeter design for CLASP rocket experiment
- Monitoring daily evapotranspiration in northeast Asian monsoon region using MODIS and regional land data assimilation data
- Numerical simulations of heat transfer considering hydraulic discontinuity for an enhanced geothermal system development in Seokmo Island, Korea
- On the correct estimation of gap fraction: how to remove scattering effects in the gap fraction measurements?
- Process Network Approach to Understanding How Forest Ecosystems Adapt to Changes
- Role of tree on simulating rainfall-triggered landslides in a small forested watershed, Korea
- Seasonal Preference of Tropical-Extratropical Interaction over the South Pacific
- Source estimation with 3D elastic waveform modeling: parallelization on FEM in time-domain
- The Importance of Using Explicit and then Implicit Schemes in the Fast time-scale Rupturing at Oceanic-Continental Boundary
- Tracing the origin of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in subterranean estuaries using colored DOM and amino acids
- Using band-by-band cloud radiative effect to evaluate GCMs and study cloud feedback
- Visualizing Geophysical Flow Problems with Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- Wave-planation surfaces in the East Sea back-arc basin: an indicator of back-arc subsidence history
- A Possible Explanation on the Dynamical Linkage between Arctic Sea-ice Loss and Stratospheric Polar Vortex
- A comprehensive comparison of SST of satellite, ship, buoy and model data in the sea around Korean Peninsula
- A numerical study of the effect of frozen soil on dust emission during an Asian dust event in December 2009
- A study on characteristics of retrospective optimal interpolation with WRF testbed
- An Approach Using Gas Monitoring to Find the Residual TCE Location in the Unsaturated Zone of Woosan Industrial Complex (WIC), Korea
- Assessing Holocene water level changes of Lake Turkana, Kenya with potential linkages to monsoon variability
- Carbon Stocks in the Seoul Forest Park: Quantification of Soil and Vegetation
- Carbon dynamics of two adjacent temperate forests under similar climatic conditions
- Changes in concentrations of a TCE plume in near- stream zones of a DNAPL contaminated area adjacent to a stream
- Community Access to MODIS Satellite Reprojection and Reduction Pipeline and Data Sets
- Constraints on tropospheric CO2 from TES and ACOS-GOSAT assessed with TCCON and HIPPO measurements
- Development of a downscaling model for future climate scenarios in the northwest Pacific marginal sea
- Does ENSO modulate the Antarctic eddy-driven jet?
- Effect of particle size on phase transition among metastable alumina nanoparticles: A view from high resolution 2D solid-state <SUP>27</SUP>Al NMR study
- Evidence of the recent decade change in global fresh water discharge and evapotranspiration revealed by reanalysis and satellite observations
- Examination of the Tropical Tropopause Layer during HIPPO
- GEMS(Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer) onboard the GeoKOMPSAT : Requirements for instrument and sciences
- Global distributions of CO2, trace gases and potential temperature in HIPPO: lessons about global rates of tracer transport and inverse modeling.
- Improved parameterization for the vertical flux of dust aerosols emitted by an eroding soil
- Improvement of operational prediction system applied to the oil spill prediction in the Yellow Sea
- Interpretaion of synthetic seismic time-lapse monitoring data for Korea CCS project based on the acoustic-elastic coupled inversion
- Model parameter uncertainty reduction of time series models using data-based learning algorithms for simulating groundwater level fluctuations
- On Estimating Crop Coefficients and Decoupling Factors of Forest Ecosystems in East Asia
- Preliminary 3D seismic velocity model for the crustal structure of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula inferred from ambient noise tomography and waveform modeling
- Regional variation of P-wave velocity in the uppermost inner core
- Responses analysis of ecosystem functional variables to land surface biophysical and climate variables using satellite imagery in Mongolia
- Simulation of radiance from the Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer as an application for cloud property retrieval
- Spring and fall bloom evolutions estimated from 8 day composite satellite chlorophyll data in the East/Japan Sea
- Synthetic seismic monitoring using reverse-time migration and Kirchhoff migration for CO2 sequestration in Korea
- Temporal and spatial patterns of pan evaporation in South Korea
- The Asian Summer Monsoon: An Intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 Simulations of the Late 20th Century
- The Ecosystem Approach: Perspectives, Heuristics and Interpretations
- The use of streambed temperature profiles to delineate the depth of groundwater-stream water mixing in Haean basin, Korea
- Application of light emitting diodes (LEDs) sensor to monitor vegetation phenology in dense, multi-layered forests
- Asia-MIP: Multi Model-data Synthesis of Terrestrial Carbon Cycles in Asia
- Changes in Arctic climate and its relationship with Barents Oscillation
- Climate change during the twentieth century: detailed and comprehensive spatio-temporal evolution based on atmospheric and oceanic variables
- Comparison of in-situ optical sensors in monitoring stream DOC concentrations
- Contribution of new particle formation to cloud condensation nuclei: observations at background and urban sites in Korea
- Effects of eddy flow on solute transport in a single rough-walled fracture : comparison between numerical simulation and microscopic experiment
- Elastic energy distribution in bi-material lithosphere: implications for shear zone formation
- Estimation of surface PM10 concentration in Seoul during the DRAGON-Asia campaign based on the physical relationship between AOD and PM
- Imaging the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary of the Northern Cordillera Using SP Receiver Functions
- Impacts of the impervious surfaces on the water use by urban trees: Hydrogen isotope analysis
- Improving estimates of leaf area index by processing RAW images in upward-pointing-digital cameras
- Influence of Gap-Filling to Generate Continuous Datasets on Process Network Analysis
- Linking canopy phenology to the seasonality of biosphere-atmosphere interactions in a temperate deciduous forest (Invited)
- Lithospheric structure beneath Mt. Baekdu (Changbai) volcano constrained from ambient noise tomography
- Mine reclamation planning using ArcMine
- Monitoring multi-layer canopy phenology using near-surface remote sensors in temperate deciduous and evergreen forests in Korea
- Multiphase transport simulation and venting experiments to identify NAPL source in vadose zone at a site contaminated with chlorinated solvents
- Numerical simulation approaches to evaluate nitrate contamination of groundwater through leakage well in layered aquifer system
- On the submicron aerosol distributions and CCN number concentrations in and around the Korean Peninsula
- Petro-fabrics and Seismic Properties of Blueschist and Eclogite in the North Qilian Suture Zone, NW China: Implications for the Low-velocity Upper Layer in Subducting Slab, Trench-parallel Seismic Anisotropy and Eclogite Detectability in the Subduction Zone
- Precipitation decrease correlates with accelerated ice mass loss in Antarctica
- Reconstruction of global atmospheric dust concentrations using dust flux measurements in paleoclimatic archives and dust model variables
- Response of atmospheric CO2 to the abrupt cooling event 8200 years ago
- Ridge Tectonics, Magma Supply, and Ridge-Hotpot Interaction at the Eastern End of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Role of Arctic Sea-ice Loss for Stratospheric Polar Vortex Variability (Invited)
- Seasonal variation of leaf traits in two woody species of an urban park
- Spectral variability of deciduous leaves depending on the developmental stages and tree condition
- Stomatal conductance at Duke FACE: Leveraging the lessons from 11 years of scaled sap flux measurements for region-wide analyses
- Structure of Oxide Glasses under Compression and Confinement: Insights from High-resolution Solid-state NMR and Non-resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
- Subduction of thick crust: the Alaska example (Invited)
- Sudden Stratospheric Warming of 2012-2013, its predictability, and its impact on the Northern Hemispheric winter
- Teleseismic body wave tomography within a highly extended continental rift: the Woodlark Rift, Papua New Guinea
- Transverse motion of Drygalski Ice Tongue, Antarctica correlated with thermohaline circulations in Terra Nova Bay polynya
- Understanding the direct and indirect effects of Biomass Burning Aerosols over Southeast-East Asia by employing McRAS-AC in the GEOS-5 AGCM
- Use of 222Rn as a natural tracer to evaluate the efficiency of flushing test at DNAPL contaminated area
- Variations of Amazon River channel flow observed by satellite gravity data
- Water level changes for Lake Turkana and climate variability during the African Humid Period
- Wind Power Potential at Abandoned Mines in Korea
- 2-D acoustic VTI full waveform inversion for CCS monitoring
- A Markov track model for simulating Typhoon Tracks in North-Western Pacific Ocean
- A New Windows-based Program for Analyzing Groundwater Rebound in Abandoned Mines
- A Numerical Study for Groundwater Flow, Heat and Solute Transport Associated with Operation of Open-loop Geothermal System in Alluvial Aquifer
- A consistent definition of the Arctic polar vortex breakup in both the lower and upper stratosphere
- A numerical study on the formation of the Yellow Sea Warm Current in winter
- Adjoint Derived Adaptive Observation Network based on the Retrospective Optimal Interpolation
- Analysis for measuring the interaction of groundwater and river water by using Radon-222: A case study in Yangsu-ri, Korea
- Anthropogenic aerosol effect on the regional climate in terms of urban to regional scale in Northeast Asia
- Applications of GIS and a Handheld XRF for Mapping Cu and Pb Contaminations in Abandoned Mine Areas
- Atmospheric Pressure Error of GRACE in Antarctic Ice Mass Change
- Borehole Magnetic Field Simulation of Rotated Plates with Special Application for the Philippine Sea and Caroline Plates
- Can Mantle Transition Zone beneath the Caroline Plate, Equatorial Western Pacific Be Resolved Seismologically Using Available Dataset?
- Comparison of misfit functions for phase-only inversion in the frequency domain
- Compressional and Shear Wave Structure of the Upper Crust Beneath the Endeavour Segment, Juan De Fuca Ridge
- Compromises between Circumpolar Vortex and Cryospheric Extent
- Constraints on the paleomagnetic field in the Amami-Sankaku Basin from a three component borehole magnetometer during IODP Expedition 351
- Continuous estimation of leaf area index using in-situ albedo data
- Crustal and uppermantle velocity structure of the northern Korean Peninsula constrained by ambient noise cross-correlations
- Crystal Preferred Orientation of Amphibole Experimentally Deformed in Simple Shear
- Decadal variations of Earth's oblateness and surface mass balance in polar ice sheets from 1979 to 2012
- Deformation Microstructures of Olivine and Chlorite in Chlorite Peridotites from Almklovdalen in the Western Gneiss Region, SW Norway and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
- Determination of Megathrust Rupture Processes Using 3D Green Functions for Tsunami Early Warning
- Discharge Estimation Using Satellite Gravity During Flood Seasons at the Óbidos Gauge Station, Amazon River
- Dynamic recrystallization processes of calcitic fossils in deformed marble
- Dynamics of Tree Species Composition in Temperate Mountains of South Korea over Fourteen Years using 880 Permanent Plots
- Effect of Climate Change on Shallow Geothermal Energy Utilization
- Effects of Complexity in Floor Reflectance on Carbon and Water Fluxes in an Urban Park
- Evaluating ET and Its Components from the CMIP5 Models with New, Global Remote Sensing-Based Estimates
- Examination of Global Seismic Tomography Images and Sea-Surface Magnetic Field Anomaly Profiles in the West Philippine Basin for the Large Clockwise Rotation of the Philippine Sea Plate during the Last 55 Million Years
- Experimental warming effects on the bacterial community structure and diversity
- Field calibration of multi-scattering correction factor for aethalometer aerosol absorption coefficient during CAPMEX Campaign, 2008
- GIS based spatial and temporal modeling of surface runoff for considering manner of surface and underground stormwater infrastructure
- Geochemistry of Heavy Minerals from Wang River, Lampang Province, Thailand
- Geophysical Characteristics of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- How does the difference between low- and high-latitude climate sensitivity affect climate feedback diagnosis?
- How to reduce day-to-day variation of leaf area index derived from digital cover photography?
- Hydrogeochemical, multiple isotopic approaches to investigate seawater mixing of groundwater in volcanic Jeju Island, Korea
- Impact of biennial SST oscillation on the Southeast Asian summer monsoon
- Influence of the Asian Monsoon on the Couplings between Stomatal Conductance and Micrometeorological Variables of Forest Ecosystems in East Asia
- Influence of trans-boundary air pollution from China on multi-day high PM<SUB>10</SUB> episodes in Seoul, Korea
- Inter-Annual Variability of Soil Moisture Stress Function in the Wheat Field
- Inter-species comparisons in Water use with Different water Irrigation Regimes in a Semi-arid area of Korea-Mongolia Greenbelt Plantation
- Light use efficiency of terrestrial vegetation from remote sensing of chlorophyll fluorescence
- Long-term comparison of satellite and in-situ sea surface temperatures around the Korean Peninsula
- Mantle transition zone structure beneath the western Gulf of Mexico and central southern US from triplicated P waveforms
- Microstructural changes of sandstone specimens during CO2 injection
- Monitoring of injected CO<SUB>2</SUB> using the seismic full waveform inversion for 2-D elastic VTI media
- Monitoring of magnetic EOR fluids in reservoir under production by using the electromagnetic method
- Multi-scale surface wave analysis for the crustal and uppermantle structure beneath the southern Korean Peninsula
- Neodymium isotope records of pelagic sediment core from the Northeast Pacific: implications for latitudinal position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone in the early Miocene
- Phosphatization Associated Features of Ferromanganese Crusts at Lemkein Seamount, Marshall Islands
- Provenance of Asian Dust Delivered to the Philippine Sea and Its Transport Pathways: Isotopic and Mineralogical Evidences
- Recent shift in the sub-seasonal teleconnection between tropics and Arctic in boreal summer
- Relating Seismic Subduction Images in Southern Peru to Mineralogy
- Retreival of Sea Ice Properties from AMSR-E Measurements with an Analytical Relationship Between Fresnel Reflectivity.
- Risk Analysis of Coastal hazard Considering Sea-level Rise and Local Environment in Coastal Area
- Seasonal Changes of DOC Composition of Rivers in Temperate Monsoon Climates
- Seasonal to Decadal Predictability of the ENSO, PDO, and AMO: Perspectives from the CMIP5 Decadal Hindcast Experiments
- Sinking Particle Flux in the Sea Ice Zone of the Amundsen Shelf, Antarctica
- Slab dehydration recorded in subducted serpentine sea-mount
- Source Attribution of Near-surface Ozone in the Western US: Improved Estimates by TF HTAP2 Multi-model Experiment and Multi-scale Chemical Data Assimilation
- Spatial and temporal patterns of carbon and water fluxes in East Asia
- Statistical Downscaling of Wintertime Temperatures over South Korea
- Strategy for introduction of rainwater management facility considering rainfall event applied on new apartment complex
- Study on the Lattice Preferred Orientation (LPO) of Olivine, Amphibole, and Chlorite in Amphibole Peridotites from SW Norway
- TCE gas concentration variation in the unsaturated zone under the influence of fluctuating water table
- The Assessment of Vulnerability of Industrial Parks to Climate Change in South Korea
- The Seismic Inverse Problem - active and now passive data for FWI.
- The application of reduced-rank retrospective optimal interpolation and ensemble retrospective optimal interpolation to WRF
- The effect of heterogeneity identifying the leakage of carbon dioxide in a shallow aquifer: an experimental study
- The efficiency evaluation of in situ remediation performed around the source zone of DNAPL contaminated site, Wonju, Korea
- The intraseasonal process of poleward moisture flux and sea-ice melting in Arctic winter.
- Translating the Interconnections between Ecological and Hydrological Processes in a Small Watershed into Process Networks using Information Theory
- Uncovering an anthropogenic sea-level rise signal in the Pacific Ocean
- Waveform Inversion of Synthetic Ocean Models in the Laplace Domain
- Weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex by Arctic sea-ice loss
- What Influences Activity of Zonal Circulation over Eurasia in Periods of Arctic Amplification?
- What land covers are effective in mitigating a heat island in urban building rooftop?
- Which reanalysis data is good for momentum diagnostics of extratropical stratosphere?
- 10-Year Observations of Cloud and Surface Longwave Radiation at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
- A Preliminary Study for Chemical Ranking System in Terms of Soil and Groundwater Contamination by Chemical Accidents
- A set of long-term global energy and mass exchange products from AVHRR/MODIS data and a process-based model
- Ages and Loads of Riverine Carbon of the Five Largest Rivers in South Korea
- Ambient seismic noise tomography of Jeju Island, South Korea
- An Integrated Approach on Groundwater Flow and Heat/Solute Transport for Sustainable Groundwater Source Heat Pump (GWHP) System Operation
- An Observation of Antarctic Marginal Subglacial Lake using Cryosat-2 SARin mode
- Analysis of Future High Temperature Region in Urban Area under Climate Change Scenarios
- Application of MJO simulation diagnostics to CMIP5 climate models : MJO indices and Process-oriented diagnosis
- Application of fuel cell for pyrite and heavy metal containing mining waste
- Application of tracer tests using SF<SUB>6</SUB> and chloride for hydrogeological characterization of a CCS site, Eumseong, Korea
- Application of δ18O, δD, 3H-3He and CFCs to characterize the nitrate contamination of groundwater in Eumsung, Korea
- Arctic Cloud Fraction and Microphysical Characteristics from 8-year Space-based Lidar and Radar Measurements
- Assessing Ecological Impacts According to Land Use Change
- Assessing Landslide Risk Areas Using Statistical Models and Land Cover
- Assessment of Forest Conservation Value Using a Species Distribution Model and Object-based Image Analysis
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> and carbon cycle during the late Holocene
- Attribution of the Recent Winter Arctic warming and Sea-Ice Decline with Observation-based Data and Coupled Climate Model Simulations
- CO2 phase mutation by fluctuating water table in the vadose zone over a CCS site
- Calculating net primary productivity of forest ecosystem with G4M model: case study on South Korea
- Change in the Nd isotopic composition of the bottom water and detrital sediments on the Bering Slope over the last 500 kyrs with implications for the formation of the North Pacific Intermediate Water
- Changes in CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration and carbon cycle during the last glacial termination
- Changes in ground-level PM mass concentration and column aerosol optical depth over East Asia during 2004-2014
- Changes of ndvi across vertical canopy layers in temperate deciduous forest during a litterfall period
- Characteristic Distributions of O<SUB>3</SUB> at Taewha Research Forest near Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Characterization, Validation and Intercomparison of Clumping Index Maps from POLDER, MODIS, and MISR Satellite Data Over Reference Sites
- Classification and its scale analysis of Severe Haze recently observed in Korea
- Climate sensitivity of global terrestrial ecosystems' subdaily carbon, water, and energy dynamics.
- Clouds and Precipitation Simulated by the US DOE Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME)
- Comparison of hypocenters and their uncertainties determined by three location methods: A case study on hydro-fracturing microseismic events recorded at a dense sub-surface array
- Complex velocity structure in the uppermost inner core constrained by differential travel times and differential ray parameters
- Contribution of long-range transported aerosols to aerosol optical and physical properties: 3-year measurements at Gosan, Korea
- Coronal Magnetic Structures for Homologous Eruptions
- Correction of Correlation Errors in Greenland Ice Mass Variations from GRACE using Empirical Orthogonal Function
- Crust Uppermost Mantle Structure beneath Eastern Asia: Progress towards a Uniform, Tightly Constrained, High Resolution 3-D Model
- Crustal and upper mantle structures beneath Cenozoic volcanoes on the board of China and North Korea.
- Decadal Variation's Offset of Global Warming in Recent Tropical Pacific Climate
- Deformation microstructure of the chlorite dunite from the Åheim, Norway
- Development of a mobile borehole investigation software using augmented reality
- Development of a simple statistical method for wintertime PM prediction in Korea
- Does sun-induced Chlorophyll fluorescence well capture canopy photosynthesis in a rice paddy?
- Effect of pressure on the carbon speciation in silicate glasses and melts: Insights from multi-nuclear solid-state NMR
- Effects of thinning intensities on transpiration and productivity of 50-year-old Pinus koraeinsis stands
- Estimation of Aboveground Biomass Change for Tropical Deciduous Forest in Bago Yoma, Myanmar between year 2000 and 2014 using Landsat Images and Ground Measurements
- Estimation of Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions considering Aging and Climate Change in Residential Sector
- Estimation of Water Availability Considering Climate Change in the Korean Peninsula
- Extent of High Winds and Heavy Rainfall Induced by Tropical Cyclones in South Korea
- Geochemistry, Petrology, and Provenance of Magnetite-Rich Ortaklar Cu Deposit Hosting Basalts from Koçali Complex, Gaziantep, Turkey
- Growing importance of atmospheric water demands on the hydrologcial condition of East Asia
- Hydrogeological characterization of shallow-depth zone for CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection and leak test at a CO<SUB>2</SUB> environmental monitoring site in Korea
- Impacts of Forest and Agricultural Land Use on Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon During Storms
- Integrated analysis considered mitigation cost, damage cost and adaptation cost in Northeast Asia
- Lattice Preferred Orientation (LPO) of Olivine, Amphibole, and Chlorite Found in Hydrated Mantle Peridotites from Bjørkedalen, Southwestern Norway and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
- Links between abrupt change in tropical hydroclimate, high-latitude climate change, and atmospheric greenhouse gases during the last ice age
- Long-term (1979-2010) ice mass balance in Antarctica and Greenland estimated from the Earth's rotational pole variations.
- Long-term prediction of groundwater recharge by climate changes in the Gosan agricultural area, Jeju Island of South Korea
- MODIS-derived global products of solar radiation, photosynthetically active radiation, and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation at 5 km resolution from 2001 to 2014
- Mapping South Korea's Paddy Rice During 2001-2015 Based on Landsat Images
- Microstructural evolution of the Yugu peridotites in the Gyeonggi Massif, Korea
- Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Granitic rocks within Lichen Hills, Outback Nunatak, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Minimizing Gaps of Daily Ndvi Map with Geostationary Satellite Remote Sensing Data
- Multi-model Ensemble of Air Quality Forecasts for the Megacity Air Pollution Studies-Seoul (MAPS-Seoul): Model Inter-comparison and Evaluation
- Multiple sulfur isotope studies of the oldest rocks in South Korea: Possibility of recycling of ancient sulfur in Daeijak Island.
- Nature of Year-to-Year MJO Variability: SST-Forced vs. Internally Driven?
- New insights on water level variability for Lake Turkana for the past 15 ka and at 150 ka from relict beaches
- Nonlinear response of canopy developmental rate to temperature in temperate and boreal forest in the Northern Hemisphere
- OC and EC Observed at Gosan Climate Observatory (GCO) and Their Seasonal Characteristics During Haze Events
- Observation of Light-Absorbing Aerosol Properties in Asian Continental Outflow
- Ocean bottom pressure contribution to vertical crustal displacement in the Korean Peninsula
- On the accurate estimation of gap fraction during daytime with digital cover photography
- Plastic Deformation and Seismic Properties in Fore-arc Mantles: A Petrofabric Analysis of the Yushigou Harzburgites, North Qilian Suture Zone, NW China
- Porosity estimates of the upper crust in the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Probable weather modification of aerosol effect on clouds and precipitation over Korea during the January 2013 severe haze episode
- Probing the atomic structure of basaltic melts generated by partial melting of upper mantle peridotite (KLB-1): Insights from high-resolution solid-state NMR study
- Quasi-Biennial Oscillation regulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Retrieving the Emissivities of Polar Sea Ice from AMSR-E Measurements Using the Combined Fresnel Equation
- Rigorous Approach in Investigation of Seismic Structure and Source Characteristicsin Northeast Asia: Hierarchical and Trans-dimensional Bayesian Inversion
- Seasonal Mechanism of sea ice melting in the Arctic Seas
- Seasonal advection of Pacific Equatorial Water alters oxygen and pH in the Southern California Bight
- Seasonal variation on geochemical characteristics in the snow pit at Styx Glacier plateau, Antarctica
- Seismic properties of the Nazca oceanic crust in southern Peruvian subduction system
- Seismicity and structure of Nazca Plate subduction zone in southern Peru
- Smartphone-based Data Acquisition for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment
- Spatial Characteristics of Small Green Spaces' Mitigating Effects on Microscopic Urban Heat Islands
- Spatial Variability of Canopy Structure and Function in Tussock Tundra of Alaska
- Stringent Evaluation of CMIP5 Precipitations and Development of Optimal Weighting Methods
- Study on the Microstructures and Seismic Anisotropy of Blueschist and Eclogite from Ring Mountain and Jenner in California
- Study on the genesis of Yishui banded iron formation (BIF) in the North China Craton: geochemical characteristics and tectonic environment
- Suggestions for Forest Conservation Policy under Climate Change
- Surface Mass Balance Contributions to Acceleration of Antarctic Ice Mass Loss during 2003- 2013
- The Urban Heat Island Impact in Consideration of Spatial Pattern of Urban Landscape and Structure
- The impact of poleward moisture and sensible heat flux on Arctic winter sea-ice variability.
- The statistical inhomogeneity of surface air temperature in global atmospheric reanalyses
- Track-pattern-based seasonal prediction model for intense tropical cyclone activities over the North Atlantic and the western North Pacific basins
- Trees growing through impervious surfaces use shallower water sources: a stable isotope study
- Understanding the Mechanism of Arctic Amplification and Sea Ice Loss
- Urban Development from the Perspective of Geodivesity in South Korea
- Velocity models and images using full waveform inversion and reverse time migration for the offshore permafrost in the Canadian shelf of Beaufort Sea, Arctic
- 1D seismological structure imaging of Caroline plate using wave-equation based techniques
- A Modified Normalization Technique for Frequency-Domain Full Waveform Inversion
- A Pythonic Approach for Computational Geosciences and Geo-Data Processing
- A statistical light use efficiency model explains 85% variations in global GPP
- Abrupt changes in atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide during Heinrich Stadials from very high resolution ice core data
- An Ongoing Shift in Pacific Ocean Sea Level
- An new Insight into Asymmetric Development of Back-Arc Basin and Tecto-Magmatic Evidences from the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea)
- Analysis of gravity anomalies in the Ulleung Basin (East Sea/Sea of Japan) and its implications for the architecture of rift-dominated back-arc basin
- Analysis of growth trend changes for 51 temperate tree species using Korea national forest inventory data
- Analyzing Landslide Damage Cost and Adaptation Benefit and Cost Considering Climate Change
- Application of hourly AMF to HCHO column measurements: Implication for the retrieval of geostationary satellites and airborne sensors
- Application of multiple tracers (SF<SUB>6</SUB> and chloride) to identify the transport by characteristics of contaminant at two separate contaminated sites
- Assessment of impacts by open-loop geothermal system operation on hydrogeochemical properties in riverside aquifer
- Attribution of the local Hadley cell widening in the Southern Hemisphere
- Automatic monitoring of ecosystem structure and functions using integrated low-cost near surface sensors
- Biodegradation of Phenanthrene Sorbed to Biochars
- Built environment affecting visitors' walking choice in commercial areas? - A study with GPS experiments
- Characteristics of aerosol light scattering and absorption properties observed at Gosan, Korea, during GOPOEX 2014
- Characterization of nano-bubbles as an oxygen carrier for in-situ bioremediation of organic pollutants in the subsurface
- Chemical characteristics and source apportionment of indoor and outdoor fine particles observed in an urban environment in Korea
- Climate Change Impacts and Vulnerability Assessment in Industrial Complexes
- Comparative Analysis on Effects of Low Impact Development Techniques on Urban Flooding Considering Regional and Geographical Characteristics
- Comparisons of seasonal water and carbon flux dynamics between temperate natural mixed broadleaved forest and Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) plantation
- Conservation of Endangered Species Considering Diverse Secondary Impacts by Climate Change
- Defining the Sudden Stratospheric Warming in Climate Models
- Deformation fabrics of amphibole in amphibolites from Jenner Headland and Ring Mt. in California and implications for seismic anisotropy
- Deformation fabrics of blueschist facies phengite-rich, epidote-glaucophane schists from Ring Mountain, California and implications for seismic anisotropy in subduction zone
- Dynamics of Stream Carbon Species in a Small Forested Watershed under Asian Monsoon Climates
- Earthquake-induced soft-sediment deformation structures in marine laminated sediments (the northernmost and eastern Antarctic Peninsula)
- Effect of Tidal Flat on the Circulation in the Yellow Sea using FVCOM
- Effects of Weather on Tourism and its Moderation
- Emissivities for the first- and multiyear sea ice retrieval from AMSR low-frequency TB measurements
- Estimating Damage Cost of Net Primary Production due to Climate Change and Ozone(O<SUB>3</SUB>) Effect
- Estimation of Particle Mass Concentration from Lidar Measurement
- Estimation of source contribution of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> at a background area in Korea
- Evaluation of Evapotranspiration from the Breathing Earth System Simulator (BESS) Land Surface Model over the Southern Great Plains of the United States.
- Evaluation of the Medium Range Forecast from an Operational Model
- Evaluation of the performance of biochars as an adsorbent for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
- High resolution crop growth simulation for identification of potential adaptation strategies under climate change
- High resolution mapping of seismic properties across upper mantle discontinuities in the stagnant slab region beneath Korea
- How Well Do SiF And Other Vegetation Spectral Indices Track Temporal Variations of Canopy Photosynthesis in A Paddy Rice
- How consistent are global long-term satellite LAI products in terms of interannual variability and trend?
- How much do different global GPP products agree in distribution and magnitude of GPP extremes?
- Implementational Improvements of the early warning method based on P-wave waveform envelope function with an application to Korea
- Is "Safety-in-numbers" theory applies to the pattern of pedestrian accidents in Seoul, South Korea.
- Is flood risk capitalized into real estate market values? : a Mahalanobis-metric matching approach to housing market in Busan, South Korea
- Joint Inversion for V<SUB>P</SUB>/V<SUB>S</SUB> Structure of the Upper Oceanic Crust beneath the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Lattice Preferred Orientation of Talc and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in Subduction Zones
- Leaching characteristics, ecotoxicity, and risk assessment based management of mine wastes
- Mapping Deforestation area in North Korea Using Phenology-based Multi-Index and Random Forest
- Micro-scale characterization of iron ores from a banded iron formation in Yishui county, western Shandong province of North China Craton
- Microphysical evolution of warm-type heavy rainfall from satellite measurements and modeling study
- Microstructure and seismic anisotropy of phyllite from Geumseongri Formation and Munjuri Formation in Korea
- Mongolian Oil Shale, hosted in Mesozoic Sedimentary Basins
- Monitoring of magnetic nano-particles in EOR by using the CSEM modeling and inversion.
- Monitoring wetland distribution in Tumen river basin using Landsat and MODIS images
- NO2 inter-comparison between Pandora spectrometer and in-situ measurements during MAPS campaign in 2015
- Nd isotope and detrital zircon U-Pb age constraints on the provenance of the Pyeongan Supergroup (late Paleozoic-Early Triassic) in central eastern Korea
- Northern Korean Peninsula 1-D velocity model from surface wave dispersion and full-waveform data
- Numerical Simulation of Interaction between Groundwater and River for Evaluating Operation Efficiency of Geothermal System in a riverside area, Korea
- On the need to improve the Uncertainty of River Flow Projections in the Yongdam Watershed, South Korea
- Optical properties of aerosols related to haze events over Seoul inferred from skyradiometer and satellite-borne measurements
- Optimal Estimation of Sulfuryl Fluoride Emissions on Regional and Global Scales Using Advanced 3D Inverse Modeling and AGAGE Observations
- Performance of multiple hydrologic models under climate change in the Yongdam Catchment, South Korea
- Persistent Cold Weather in East Asia Caused by Blocking: A Case Study of 2010/11
- Predicting Potential Habitat of Conifer and Broad-leaved Tree Using Environmental Variables and Seed Dispersal Ability
- Projected Irrigation Requirement Under Climate Change in Korean Peninsula by Apply Global Hydrologic Model to Local Scale.
- Quantifying CO<SUB>2</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O, and CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes over an intermittently- irrigated rice paddy
- Quantifying Uncertainties from Presence Data Sampling Methods for Species Distribution Modeling: Focused on Vegetation.
- Quantitative evaluation of intensive remedial action using long-term monitoring and tracer data at a DNAPL contaminated site, Wonju, Korea
- Radon and Strontium Isotopes as tracers for quantifying mixing process of groundwater and surface water in riverside area
- Rapid Flood Map Generation from Spaceborne SAR Observations
- Reconstruction of paleoceanographic changes in the central equatorial Pacific since the Last Glacial Maximum from the planktic foraminifera records
- Remote sensing of a coupled carbon-water-energy-radiation balances from the Globe to plot scales
- Revising the process-based Breathing Earth System Simulator (BESS) for rice growth and evapotranspiration simulation: BESS-Rice model description and evaluation
- Role of the cold water on the formation of the East Korean Warm Current in the East/Japan Sea : A numerical experiment
- Seasonal Evolution of Ice Mass in Antarctic Peninsula recovered by GRACE Data after Removing Correlation Errors
- Seismicity and structure of Nazca Plate subduction zone in southern Peru
- Self-Attraction and Loading Effect of Ocean to Understand Post-Glacial Rebound and Degree-2 Stokes Coefficients
- Spatial Approach of Climate Risk Assessment and Uncertainty: A Case Study of Heat Wave Risk in Seoul
- Stable Carbon Isotope Enrichment Before Late Miocene and Its Iimplication for Landscape Change in the Amazon Basin
- Temporal Variation of NDVI and the Drivers of Climate Variables in the Arctic Tundra Transition Zone
- The Variations of O<SUB>3</SUB> in relation with BVOCs at Taehwa Research Forest in South Korea
- The effect of Urban Park Sunset Program on land value in Korea
- The preliminary result of the δ<SUP>65</SUP>Cu and δ<SUP>34</SUP>S values of major ore minerals in the Erdenetiin-Ovoo Cu-Mo porphyry deposit, Northern Mongolia
- Updated Grounding Line of Thwaites Glacier Using TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model
- Urban geometry effects on the microclimate of streets near the river
- <p>An Index-Based Assessment of Agricultural Water Scarcity for Sustainable Water Resource Management
- 3D basin structure of the Santa Clara Valley constrained by ambient noise tomography
- 90-year-old firn air from Styx glacier, East Antarctica
- A comprehensive analysis of spectral resolution effects on SIF retrieval and potential correction methods
- Accounting for and predicting the influence of spatial autocorrelation in water quality modeling
- Aerosol Number Size Distribution and Type Classification from 4-Year Polarization Optical Particle Counter (POPC) Measurements at Urban-Mountain Site in Seoul
- Applying weighted ensemble approach to reduce uncertainties in estimation of regional potential evapotranspiration under climate change condition
- Assessment of Climate Suitability of Maize in South Korea
- Basic state lower-tropospheric humidity distribution: key to successful simulation and prediction of the Madden-Julian oscillation
- Can sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence track diurnal variations of GPP in an evergreen needle leaf forest?
- Causes of Potential Urban Heat Island Space Using Heat flux Budget Under Urban Canopy
- Characterizing the degree of convective clustering using radar reflectivity and its application to evaluating model simulations
- Comparison of source apportionments of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> using three receptor models (CMB, PMF, and SMP) in Seoul, Korea
- Comparison of the results of climate change impact assessment between RCP8.5 and SSP2 scenarios
- Connecting long term species changes and their water competitions in temperate forest Mt. Baegun, Rep. of Korea using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope analysis
- Continuous CO<SUB>2</SUB> gas monitoring to clarify natural pattern and artificial leakage signals
- Contrasting sodic and mildly potassic magma differentiation lineages at The Pleaides volcanic complex, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Controlled CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection into a shallow aquifer and leakage detection monitoring practices at the K-COSEM site, Korea
- Deformation Microstructures of the Yugu Peridotites in the Gyeonggi Massif, Korea: Implications for Olivine Fabric Transition in Mantle Shear Zones
- Determination of timescales of nitrate contamination by groundwater age models in a complex aquifer system
- Development of Forest Drought Index and Forest Water Use Prediction in Gyeonggi Province, Korea Using High-Resolution Weather Research and Forecast Data and Localized JULES Land Surface Model
- Does coupled ocean enhance ozone-hole-induced Southern Hemisphere circulation changes?
- Enhanced Deforestation Mapping in North Korea using Spatial-temporal Image Fusion Method and Phenology-based Index
- Eruption histories and hypotheses of magma genesis of Mt. Baegdu volcano
- Evaluation of mean climate in a chemistry-climate model simulation
- Evolution of deep crustal magma structures beneath Mount Baekdu volcano (MBV) intraplate volcano in northeast Asia
- Evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath Mt. Baekdu (Changbaishan)
- Experimental Study on the Lattice Preferred Orientation of Glaucophane and Epidote in Epidote Blueschist and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in the Subducting Slabs
- Experimental study on the deformation microstructures of lawsonite blueschist and implications for seismic anisotropy
- Geochemical differences of magnetite from the Algoma- and Superior- type banded iron formations based on in situ LA-ICP-MS analysis
- Growing ethanol sector drives corn supply chain shift for the last decade
- High-resolution imaging of the low velocity layer in Alaskan subduction zone with scattered waves and interferometry
- Hydraulic Shearing and Hydraulic Jacking Observed during Hydraulic Stimulations in Fractured Geothermal Reservoir in Pohang, Korea
- Impact of climate change on the operation of ski slopes in South Korea
- Impact of regional ventilation changes on surface particulate matter concentrations in South Korea
- Impact of the basic state and MJO representation on MJO Pacific teleconnections in GCMs
- Improvement of Asian dust storm forecasts using the adjoint of GEOS-Chem with ground-based observations
- Incorporation of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence into the Breathing Earth System Simulator (BESS)
- Increasing of Urban Radiation due to Climate Change and Reduction Strategy using Vegetation
- Intragranular Recrystallization and Lattice Reorientation of Calcite Grains in Experimentally Deformed Crinoids and Trilobites
- Land use allocation model considering climate change impact
- Lower-stratospheric control of the frequency of sudden stratospheric warming events
- MJO prediction skill of the subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) prediction models
- Making Initial Earthquake Catalogs from a Temporary Seismic Network for Monitoring Aftershocks
- Mineralogical and geochemical studies on the Central Seruyan Pb-Zn deposits in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Modulation of MJO-Associated North Pacific Storm Track Variation by the QBO
- Near-infrared light absorption by brown carbon in the ambient atmosphere
- Nonlinear behaviors of FRP-wrapped tall trees subjected to high wind loads
- Overview of Ground Air Quality Measurements and Their Links to Airborne, Remote Sensing and Model Studies during the KORUS-AQ Campaign
- Physical mechanisms of spring and summertime drought related with the global warming over the northern America
- Possible heterogeneity in the Earth's inner core
- Quality control of temporary dense broadband seismic network deployed for aftershock monitoring
- Quantifying seasonal variation of leaf area index using near-infrared digital camera in a rice paddy
- Quantifying the Uncertainty in High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Synthetic Land Surface Reflectance at Pixel Level Using Ground-Based Measurements
- Radial anisotropy of Northeast Asia inferred from Bayesian inversions of ambient noise data
- Rainfall-induced landslide vulnerability Assessment in urban area reflecting Urban structure and building characteristics
- Seasonal movement change of sediments using RFID tracer monitoring in composite gravel beach, west coast of Korea
- Secular Tidal Torque from Ocean and Atmosphere: Revisited with New Approach
- Seismic attenuation structure beneath Nazca Plate subduction zone in southern Peru
- Sensitivity analysis of sea level rise contribution depending on external forcing: A case study of Victoria Land, East Antarctica.
- Source independent frequency domain full waveform inversion using time-domain modeling
- Southward migrations of tropical rainfall during Heinrich Events: compelling evidence from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- Species-Specific Morphological and Physiological Responses of Four Korean Native Trees Species under Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration using Open Top Chamber
- Sulfur isotopic constraints from a single enzyme on the cellular to global sulfur cycles
- Tectonic setting of Jurassic basins in Central Mongolia: Insights from the geochemistry of Tsagaan-Ovoo oil shale
- The effects of greenbelt cancellation on land value - The case of Wirye New town, South Korea
- The subcatchment- and catchment-scale hydrology of a boreal headwater peatland complex with sporadic permafrost.
- Understanding Emissions in East Asia - The KORUS 2015 Emissions Inventory
- Unexpectedly high soil organic carbon stocks under impervious surfaces contributed by urban deep cultural layers
- Western tropical Pacific multidecadal variability forced by the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation
- 2017 Mw 5.4 Pohang earthquake, South Korea and poroelastic stress change associated with fluid injection
- A Stochastic Unified Convection Scheme (UNICON)
- A Study on Optimal Monitoring Network Design in an Estuarine Area
- A dipole structure in spring rainfall anomalies between Northeast and Southeast Asia associated with ENSO and PDO
- Accelerating rates of Arctic carbon cycling revealed by long-term atmospheric CO2 measurements
- Analysis of confidence interval-based design flood for agricultural reservoirs and its application climate change
- Analysis of heavy precipitation events over the Korean Peninsula and verification of the predictability of operational numerical weather prediction models for those events
- Analysis of the Genesis of Tropical Cyclones Simulated by SAM0-UNICON
- Analysis of the Topographic Correction in 3-D MagnetoTelluric Data
- Application of age-estimation models to manage nitrate contamination in a complex aquifer system
- Assessment of crop growth condition and resilience using an integrative remote sensing method for corn and soybeans in US Corn Belt Region
- Better Ways to Reduce Potential Environmental Implications on Food Miles of Major Imported Grains
- Changes in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> source contributions estimated by receptor models in Seoul, Korea
- Chemical Composition, Sources and Formation Process of Submicron Aerosols in Seoul Metropolitan area during Summer: Comparison to Winter
- Climate change adaptive pathway focusing on the micro time scale
- Cloud Characteristics over Arctic from CALIPSO-CloudSat measurements during 2006 - 2017
- Contribution and relative importance of input variables in artificial neural network for the groundwater level forecasting
- Contribution of long-range transported aerosols on PM<SUB>10</SUB> mass concentration in Seoul, Korea: An observation-based estimate
- Crustal and uppermost mantle structure of Nazca plate beneath southern Peru using teleseismic P-receiver functions
- Crystallographic fabrics and microstructures of the Yugu Peridotites in the Gyeonggi Massif, Korea: Implications for Olivine Fabric Transition in Mantle Shear Zones
- Daily field-scale mapping of cropland evapotranspiration using multi-source satellite data for the U.S. Corn Belt
- Deformation fabrics of glaucophane schists and implications for seismic anisotropy: the importance of lattice preferred orientation of phengite
- Deglacial CO<SUB>2</SUB> outgassing in the North Pacific: Entrainment of subtropical gyre water mass versus upwelling in the subpolar gyre
- Detecting Abandoned Farmland with Time-Series Analysis of Vegetation Indices; a case of Jeollanam-do province, in South Korea
- Developing a Machine Learning Based Automatic Plant Phenology Observation System
- Development of New Triaxial Borehole Magnetometer and Its Application at Oman Samail Ophiolite, ICDP Drill Sites: The Set-up and Preliminary Results
- Does an introduction of a park affect the business survival of the surrounding retailers? - A case study of Hongdae, Seoul, South Korea
- Estimating half-hourly GPP in a rice paddy from continuous hyperspectral observations
- Estimation of forest evapotranspiration in Korea - comparison machine learning and process-based approaches
- Evaluation of East Asian PM2.5 concentrations in MERRA-2 GMI
- Evaluation of three high spatio-temporal image fusion products using in-situ spectral measurements
- Evolution of the olivine fabrics in amphibole peridotite from the Åheim, Norway, and its implications for seismic anisotropy in mantle wedge
- Examination of the Maritime Continent barrier effect on MJO propagation in SAM0-UNICON
- Finding locations of good water candidates through statistical analysis of groundwater quality and hydrogeological data
- Flash drought risk assessment over China and Korea using Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI)
- Future Change in Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific in the CORDEX-East Asia Experiment
- Global Climate Simulated by the Seoul National University Atmosphere Model Version 0 with a Unified Convection Scheme (SAM0-UNICON)
- History matching of a channelized gas reservoir using ES-MDA integrated with an unsupervised serial denoising autoencoder
- How Freeze-concentration at Ice Grain Boundaries Affects Chemical Weathering Rates
- How does diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux vary across the East African Rift System?
- Impact of air-sea interaction on low-level ecosystem: focused on mesosacle eddy in the East Sea
- Impact of the Arctic Oscillation on aerosol concentrations in East Asia
- Improving temperature profile produced by sea ice model over the Arctic
- Increasing old people in poor region will be threatened by early emergence of heat waves
- Influence of environmental characteristics on pedestrians' emotion in shopping districts- An electroencephalography and global positioning system experiments
- Initial report of physical property measurements, ChikyuOman 2018: Crust-Mantle boundary and the mantle section from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Phase II
- Intraseasonal modulation of ENSO teleconnections over East Asia by MJO
- Kuroshio Variability and its Relationship with Mesoscale Eddies in the southern East China Sea
- Lattice preferred orientation of chloritoid and implications for seismic anisotropy in subduction zones
- LiDAR Data Based Method for Heat Stress Calculation in Complex Urban Areas
- Long-term Trend of Satellite-Observed Chlorophyll-a Concentration and Relation to Change in Physical Environment in the East Sea (Japan Sea)
- Measurements and simulations of seasonal changes in canopy reflectance of a deciduous forest
- Mechanism on the influence of winter precipitation on spring phenology in boreal forests
- Multiple-isotope (Sr, Rn, O, and H), hydrochemistry, and microbiology to analyze mixing processes in a shallow aquifer near a river
- New crystal preferred orientation of amphibole experimentally deformed in simple shear
- Numerical approach to understand hydrological and thermal signals to infer dynamic interaction between groundwater and river water in a GWHP operated riverside area
- O<SUB>2</SUB> as AN Alternative to CO<SUB>2</SUB> for Analyzing Global Photosynthesis
- Optimizing adaptation pathways across sectors and climate impacts for decision-support
- Permeability profile across the crust-mantle sections in the Oman Drilling Project inferred from onboard measurements of dry and wet resistivity
- Physical Mechanisms of Surface Wind Variability at Incheon Airport
- Physiological and Psychological Validation of the Effects of Urban Parks on Youth in South Korea
- Prediction of near-future tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific basin: Reduction in the total number of storms but increase in typhoons
- Preliminary study on the geochemical compositions of the host rocks in the central Seruyan Pb-Zn deposit, Indonesia
- Prograde P-T evolution and episodic zircon growths of barroisite eclogites in the Lanterman Range, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Radial anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath the northeast Asia from Bayesian inversions of ambient noise data
- Reconstructing Paleoenvironment of Hanon Paleo-Maar Lake in Jeju Island during the Last Deglaciation using Diatom Analysis
- Red tide detection from high-resolution optical image using neural network method
- Removing ice volume scattering from SSM/I TB for ice surface temperature retrieval
- Repeating earthquakes observed in aftershocks of the 2016 ML 5.8 Gyeongju intraplate earthquake sequences
- Responses of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonality to earlier growing season in deciduous forests over the Northern Hemisphere
- Rupture Propagation and Segmentation of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake
- Seismic Imaging Methods for Description of Abandoned Mines
- Seismic attenuation structure beneath Nazca Plate subduction zone in southern Peru
- Selection of Herptile Habitat Management Area Considering Soil Loss
- Selection of a vertical infill well placement using a multi-modal convolutional neural network trained using reservoir simulation
- Sensitivity for global distribution of AOD due to initial injection height of biomass burning
- Social infra vulnerability assessment in urban area associated with landslide
- Soil Disturbance Associated with Timber Extraction Operations and Its Contribution on Soil Erosion
- Species Specific Changes of Leaf N allocation as Progressive Nitrogen Limitation Occurs on Four Tree Species growing Future Climate Conditions in Open Top Chambers
- Species-specific, site-specific growth trend and relationship with environmental variables using Korea national forest inventory data
- Strategies for Setting Conservation Target in Human Dominated Landcover Areas for Systematic Conservation Planning at the Regional Scale
- Strong impact of Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation on Inter-annual Variability of PM<SUB>10</SUB> Concentration in South Korea during winter season
- Structural and Physiological Effects on the Relationship between Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Gross Primary Production: A Comparison Study between Nadir and Hemispherical Fluorescence Observations
- Study on the Modulation of Climate Variability due to Aerosol Forcings in East Asia Using GRIMs with and without Climate-Chemistry Interactions
- Sun-Induced Fluorescence and Photosynthesis Estimation in a Mixed Forest Ecosystem Using High Resolution Airborne Imagery
- Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a better proxy of absorbed light than canopy photosynthesis in a rice paddy
- The Importance of Changes in Thermal Structure to Cold Surge Occurrences over East Asia and their Changes in the Future.
- The impact of integrated vertical overlap of cumulus and stratus on the aerosol activation, cloud microphysics, aerosol wet deposition, and radiation processes in the SAM0-UNICON
- Thirty-year Arctic sea ice temperature record from FCDR SSM/I and SSMIS brightness temperature
- Towards Modeling the Seismic Velocity Structure of the Pohang Enhanced Geothermal System Site in Korea
- Towards correlating between magnetic measurements conducted on core-material and magnetic downhole-logs obtained using a new borehole magnetometer
- Tracking and Predicting Extreme Climate Events
- Upper crustal shear wave velocity and radial anisotropy beneath Jeju Island from ambient noise tomography
- Variability of Aerosol Optical Properties in Mauna Loa and Source Region of Aerosols
- Variability of Aerosol Optical Properties in the Asian Continental Outflow Region: Marine background site (Gosan, Korea) vs. high-altitude mountain site (Lulin, Taiwan)
- Variation of tropical cyclone rainfall area influenced by environmental flow
- Weakened Decrease in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentrations Associated with Warming Summers in the Recent Decade in Seoul, Korea
- What attracts home-buyers in greenfield housing development projects? A panel approach, focusing on infrastructure procurement.
- 3D Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Simulation of Crosswell and Borehole-to-Surface Experiments in Marine Setting: A Magnetic Field Approach Using Edge-Based Finite Element Method
- A LiDAR based connectivity model for birds in a city
- A National-level Study on Plant Phenology across Forest Region of South Korea during the last decade
- A Study on the characteristics of sediments particles and rock strength along a bedrock river channel. - Case of in Dong River(Upper Han River), Korea
- A pattern of sensible heat flux shift in community scale for analysing urban thermal vulnerability
- Accelerating ice mass loss and decreasing precipitation in Antarctica during the last decades
- Aerosol extinction retrieval for dust from the CALIOP measurements using the MODIS AOD as a constraint
- Altered Toxicity and Mobility of Arsenic Released by Biotic Reductive Dissolution in the Presence of External Carbon Source under Repetitive Redox Condition Change in Soil
- An Automatic Inversion of CSEM Data Using M-estimators for Evaluating Data Misfits and Model Structures
- An optimal operation model of agricultural drainage stations for preventing inundation of paddy districts
- Analysis of micro-meteorological characteristics in complex coastal area using the Korean 307-m BOSEONG tall tower data and WRF-LES model results
- Analyzing Change of Discomfort Index for Transpiration of Street Tree
- Application of Robust Decision Making for Managing Water Quality of Estuarine Reservoir Using SWAT+ and EFDC Linkage Model
- Assessing Public Health Risk to Heatwaves and Projections of Future Impacts under Climate Change in South Korea
- Assessment of tectonic stability in the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula through the investigation of coastal sediments
- Assessment of the elevation correction of MODIS-based air temperature with different ambient lapse rates over the contiguous United States
- Attribution of black and brown carbon aerosols to solar light absorption at surface and column atmosphere in Kathmandu, Nepal
- Breakdown of the Linear Relationship between the Southern Hemisphere Hadley Cell and Jet Latitude Changes in the Last Glacial Maximum
- Can a climate model reproduce the QBO-MJO connection?
- Carbon sequestration in the North Pacific enhanced by East Asia dust deposition
- Changes in the water mass properties of the northwest Pacific (Shatsky Rise) during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Changes of secondary inorganic aerosol in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and involved chemical environments in Seoul during 2008-2014
- Classification of heavy rainfall in Seoul using a machine learning
- Climate change-resilient land use model: integration of adaptation and mitigation
- Comparison of Aquifer Thermal Properties by Applying Analytical and Numerical Models to Thermal Response Test Data
- County-level Supply Chain Analysis for Environmental Implications of US Corn Export
- Deep Groundwater System Responses to EGS Stimulation and Induced Earthquakes: Case of the 2017 Pohang Earthauqke.
- Deep Learning-based Flood Extent Mapping with Optical Imagery
- Deformation Fabric of Phyllite from Geumseongri Formation and Munjuri Formation in South Korea and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
- Deformation Microstructures of Epidote Blueschist Experimentally Deformed in Simple Shear and Their Implications for Seismic Properties in Subduction Zone
- Determination of an Effective Calcium-based Soil Washing Condition for Strontium-contaminated Soil.
- Development of a scenario based crop production predictor for prediction of regional soybean production without site-specific crop management data
- Discerning abandoned farmland using harmonic time-series and machine learning analysis of Sentinel-2A imagery- A case study of Gwanyang city, South Korea
- Dynamical Connections between the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and the Madden-Julian Oscillation for Boreal winter by the stratospheric Kelvin Waves
- Effect of soil pore water chemistry on the determination of ecologically acceptable Cu concentrations in four different land uses
- Effects of Incised Valley Topography on Grain Size of Coarse Bed Materials
- Enhancing Scale-Adaptivity of the Unified Convection Scheme (UNICON) through Stochastic Initialization of Updraft Plumes.
- Environmental Implications of Smart Logistics System for Agricultural Products based on Real-time Activity Data of Metropolitan Transportation Network
- Estimating location of suitable drinking groundwater from GIS-based data using tree-based ensemble machine learning
- Estimation of Anthropogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in South Korea Using Formaldehyde Column Densities from Aircraft
- Estimation of Rice Paddy Methane Emissions from Continuous Meteorological and Hyperspectral Observations with Deep Learning
- Estimation of canopy cover and volume using UAV to look into vegetation health in urban area
- Estimation of effective Mixing Layer Height of aerosols from CALIPSO
- Evaluating impacts of input variables in deep neural network model for finding locations of 'good' groundwater
- Evaluating the scale adaptivity of sub-grid vertical transports in the Seoul National University Atmosphere Model Version 0 with a Unified Convection Scheme (SAM0-UNICON)
- Evaluating top-down NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia and their impacts on simulated O<SUB>3</SUB> concentrations in South Korea using OMI retrievals and aircraft observations during the KORUS-AQ campaign
- Evaluation of chlorophyll fluorescence as an efficient plant parameter for CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage from CCS site
- Experimental Study on the Deformation Microstructures of Lawsonite Blueschist and Implications for Seismic Property
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Focussed Degassing of Stored Continental Deep Carbon
- GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping around an operating open-pit mine in North Korea
- GIS-based research on optimal railway network for mineral transport in North Korea
- Gas analyzer inter-comparison field experiment for ensuring compatibility of the sensors
- Geofoam-Soil-Structure Interaction for Rigid Retaining Walls associated with Embedded Geofoam.
- Google street view & deep learning: a new approach for ground truthing in crop mapping
- Helium isotope variation around a caldera-type volcano
- Heuristic Estimation of Low-Level Cloud Fraction over the Globe based on a Decoupling Parameterization
- High soil organic carbon stocks under impervious surfaces contributed by urban deep cultural layers
- High-resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O records reveal centennial variations
- How drying and wetting events impact landscape methane fluxes
- Hydrogeological anomalies induced by the 2016 Gyeongju earthquakes with a Self-Organizing Map method
- Identification of factors affecting the spatial distribution of nitrate in an agricultural watershed using multiple environmental tracers and statistical approach
- Imaging the anisotropic upper mantle structure beneath northeast Asia from Bayesian inversions of ambient noise data
- Impact of Double Moment Cumulus Microphysics on the Global Climate Simulated by the Seoul National University Atmosphere Model Version 0 with a Unified Convection Scheme (SAM0-UNICON)
- Increased CFC-11 Emissions from China: Recent Developments and the Search for Source Processes
- Integrated Dynamic Planning of Adaptation Technologies Using Multi-Objective Optimization
- Is Near Infrared Radiation Reflected from Vegetation a Better Proxy for Ecosystem Photosynthesis than solar-induced fluorescence?; A Comprehensive Test Across a Meso-scale Flux Network that Varies in Photosynthetic Capacity, Structure and Function.
- Is the air quality alert service effective in reducing respiratory patients? - based on a case of South Korea
- Linking continuous observations of leaf- and canopy-level chlorophyll fluorescence in an evergreen needleleaf forest
- Machine Learning on satellite data to predict particulate matter in Seoul, South Korea
- Metabolic Diversity of Subsurface Microorganisms at Different Soil Depth
- Meteorological Factors causing multi-day high PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> events during winter and spring in Seoul, Korea
- Missing Hydrological Contribution to Sea Level Rise
- Modeling Asian dust storms using the WRF-Chem model constrained by the GOCI, MI, and SMAP satellite observations
- Moho depth variations beneath the southern Korean Peninsula from teleseismic P-wave coda autocorrelation.
- Monitoring canopy photosynthesis in high spatial and temporal resolution using CubeSat imagery
- Monitoring seasonal variation of individual tree structures in an urban park using terrestrial laser scanning
- Multi-parameter Elastic Full waveform inversion using Discrete Cosine Transform
- New progress in building Pacific Array: an international collaboration to image mantle dynamic processes across the Pacific basin
- Obtaining surface emissivity at microwave window frequencies over the Arctic sea ice area
- On quantifying the effect of spectroscopic correction error for an open-path gas analyzer on the upscaling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes
- On the Optimum Layout of Torrent Check-Dams for Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation
- On the response of soybean growth and yield to multi-level free-air canopy warming: field experiment, process-based modeling, and their integration
- Optimal Spatial Planning Model for Solving Urban Environmental Problems based on urban green of Seoul, South Korea
- Optimization of the 3D elastic wave simulation using multi-GPUs
- Potential Environmental Implication of Feebate Dissemination Policies for Electric Vehicle
- Potential of time-series InSAR analysis for measuring localized ground motion at Tide gauges for improved sea level change observations
- Prioritization of Adaptation Policy Measures by Gathering Opinions of Stakeholders
- Reduction in bioaccessibility of soil arsenic through formation of amorphous Fe oxides
- Regional scale variations in atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> concentration of the South Korea
- Regional variability in black carbon and carbon monoxide ratio from long-term observations over East Asia: Assessment of representativeness for BC and CO emission inventories
- Regional vulnerability assessment of agricultural land idling with agricultural management database and geographic information system in South Korea
- Relationships between eclogite-facies mineral assemblages, deformation microstructures, and seismic properties in the Yuka terrane, North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt, NW China
- Replicating the natural variations of CO<SUB>2</SUB> gas concentration in the vadose zone well and prediction when pulse-leak occurs through a well
- Retrieving lidar ratios of East Asian aerosols using High Spectral Resolution Lidar measurements
- Risk Analysis for Coastal Multi-hazard using Multiple Machine Learning Techniques under Climate Change
- S2S prediction of ECMWF model: Overall prediction skills and optimal ensemble sizes
- Sea level fingerprint and regional sea level change
- Sea level projections using ice sheet model based on RCP scenarios at David Glacier, East Antarctica
- Seasonal characteristics of methane flux from an irrigated rice paddy field at Korea and limitations of methane processes in JULES land surface model.
- Sedimentary perspectives of Pleistocene ocean circulation and climate change from the southernmost Chilean continental margin
- Seismic loaded Steel Frame with Vertical Irregularity
- Social-Ecological Perspectives on Health in Asia: Crafting Usable Knowledge and Linking with Action
- Spatial Analysis in Accuracy Estimation of Solar Irradiance Distribution in Korean Peninsula using Neural Network and Measurement data in South Korea
- Spatial variations in seasonal and inter-annual surface displacement after the Anaktuvuk River Fire (ARF) measured by field surveys and L-band SAR interferometry
- Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from leaf to the globe, snap-shot to years: new lessons and opportunities
- The Macro and Microphysical Properties of Arctic Clouds and Their Radiative Effects from Polar WRF
- The effects of PM on outdoor activities of national park users - the case study of South Korea
- The internal origin of the west-east asymmetry of Antarctic climate change
- The stability of subducted glaucophane with the Earth's secular cooling
- Uncertainties lying on the groundwater age-dating in a highly-utilized and fractured-rock aquifer system
- Understanding Urban Carbon Enhancement at the Megacity Using Satellite XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Data: A Case Study of Seoul, South Korea
- Understanding of the ice top temperature rise over the Arctic induced by ice thinning
- Understanding variations in tectonic degassing of CO<SUB>2</SUB> during continental rifting
- UrbanSpec: an integrated experiment to monitor individual tree structure and functions at a city scale
- Working towards confident spaceborne monitoring of carbon emissions from cities using Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
- A Machine Learning Method for Carbon Flux Partitioning Using Solar-induced Fluorescence Measurements
- A non-linear Clapeyron slope of the post-garnet transition determined by advanced multi-anvil and in-situ X-ray observation technologies, and its multiple effects on mantle dynamics in various tectonic settings
- An Assessment of the Spatial Patterns and Characteristics of Farmland Abandonments ;A Case of Jeollanam-do Province, in South Korea
- Analysis of electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) mapping of geological materials: precautions for reliably collecting and interpreting data on petro-fabric and seismic anisotropy
- Assessing Emission Characteristics of Cities Using Space-based Observations of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO, and NO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Assessment of thermal comfort reduction at urban scale using a generalized planning model
- Changes in Climatic Yield Potential of Japonica-type rice in the Korean Peninsula under RCP scenarios using multi-GCM and multi-RCM Ensemble
- Characterization of the spatial variability of bidirectional reflectance distribution function parameters over a heterogeneous rice paddy landscape
- Comparison of Upper Ocean and Lower Atmosphere Temperatures over the Western North Pacific in Summer
- Contribution of resuspended sediments to sinking particles in the ocean
- Creating a South Korean Hail Risk Map Based on Data Fusion
- Deformation microstructure of amphibolite at high pressure and implications for seismic anisotropy in the crust
- Detailed evaluation of the responses of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis to large-scale drought events
- Drone-based mapping of canopy biochemistry with leaf spectral library
- Drought Monitoring based on Vegetation Types using Observations and Reanalysis Data
- Drought resistance of five broadleaf and six conifer leaf plantation species based on morphological, physiological, and biochemical traits
- Efficiency of super learner combining boosted regression tree, deep neural network, and frequency ratio models for mineral water potential mapping
- Elemental Distribution of Nickel Laterite Deposit related to Weathering Process in Southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Estimation of Tree Mortality and Recruitment Rate Derived from National Inventory Data of South Korea
- Future mass loss of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica and its sea level contribution
- Generating Diurnal to Seasonal Bidirectional Reflectance Factors from GK-2A Geostationary Satellite
- Giant Impact Origin for the Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces
- Global gross primary productivity and terrestrial ecosystem respiration products derived from Breathing Earth System Simulator (BESS)
- High-resolution Antarctic ice mass change jointly estimated by satellite gravimetry and altimetry
- How much and why are global land surface flux estimates uncertain?
- Importance of Photoperiod in Process-based Models for Predicting the Spring Flowering Phenology of Temperate Species in the Era of Climate Change
- Interannual Variability of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) and Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus) Catches and Its Relationship to Climate Variability in the Western Tropical Indian Ocean
- Lattice preferred orientation of talc and implications for seismic anisotropy in subduction zones
- Long-term increase in atmospheric stagnant conditions over northeast Asia and the role of greenhouse gases-driven warming
- Mechanistic insights on canopy photosynthesis estimation in a temperate evergreen needleleaf forest using sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and relevant vegetation indices
- Methane emissions from rice production: a synthesis of 24 eddy covariance sites
- Microstructural evolution of amphibole peridotite from Aheim, Norway and its implication for the seismic anisotropy of the mantle wedge
- Near real time global cropland monitoring
- Predicting yield of major crops at a state scale through NIRv
- Scaling Up Rice Methane Fluxes in Monsoon Asia Through Data-Driven Model
- Searching for very old ice with continuous stratigraphy at Larsen Blue Ice Area, East Antarctica
- Seismic Experiments on 3D Printed Earth Models
- Sensitivity of modelled englacial and subglacial conditions depending on boundary conditions
- Simulating natural variations of CO<SUB>2</SUB> gas concentration in the vadose zone wells and a simple application for predicting CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage
- Spatial and temporal variations of quantity and quality in greenspace in Seoul over 1987-2017
- Spatial variations of soil carbon, nitrogen and their stable isotopic compositions under diverse vegetation types in an urban park: application of laboratory-based hyperspectral reflectance spectroscopy
- Spatial-temporal analysis of ecosystem service in Jeju island, South Korea from 1973 to 2019 using InVEST habitat quality model
- Strain-Induced Fabric Transition of Chlorite and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in Subduction Zones
- The effect of COVID-19 on sales revenue in Seoul, South Korea: A Spatial Panel Approach
- Toward a Geostationary Satellite-Based Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Flux Estimation
- Ultra High Velocity Zones at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Upper Mantle P-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Oldest Pacific Ocean Basin from Finite-frequency P-wave Traveltime Tomography
- Urban wind corridor assessment depending on the differences in building structures and vegetation scenarios using CFD simulation
- Validation of TROPOMI/S5P NO2 products using PANDORA measurements over GEMS domain
- Vision and LiDAR Data Fusion System for Tree Species Detection in an Urban Scale
- WRF-Chem/Crop modeling system for large-scale cultivation facilities in Korea
- 3-D Velocity Structures of the Uppermost mantle beneath the Southern Korean Peninsula from Pn and Sn Tomography
- A Quantitative Assessment of Particulate Matter and Metallic Elements on Leaf Surfaces of Pinus koraiensis, Quercus acutissima, and Quercus serrata
- A methodological framework for cross-validation of flood models using citizen observation data
- A role for subducted albite in the water cycle and alkalinity of subduction fluids
- A study of twin-induced reduction of seismic anisotropy in lawsonite blueschist
- AI-approach to locate groundwater quality suitable for specific usages at a national scale: A case study in South Korea
- Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asian Air Quality (ASIA-AQ): An Opportunity for International Collaboration
- Analysis of combustion characteristics over East Asia using satellite datasets
- Analysis on microseism characteristics by typhoon HAGIBIS using land and ocean-bottom seismometers
- Arctic warming-induced cold damage to East Asian terrestrial ecosystems
- Assessing Impacts of Changes in 3D Urban Landscape Structures on Ecological Connectivity by Using Multitemporal Airborne Lidar Dataset
- Assessment of GRACE/GRACE Follow-On Estimates of Global Mean Ocean Mass Change
- BESSv2.0: A Satellite-driven and Coupled-process Model for Quantifying Global Land-atmosphere Radiation, Energy and CO2 Fluxes since 1982
- Black carbon contributes to high soil organic carbon stocks in urban deep soil layers
- Cause of slow seismic velocity anomalies beneath the oceanic ridges of Nazca Plate: a clue from mantle-flow-induced seismic anisotropy in tomographic inversion
- Changes in ionic compositions and 34S of sulfate in PM2.5 in Seoul, during the lockdown of China due to COVID-19
- Changing State of the Climate System
- Characteristics of Background Noise in OLDEST-1 Pacific Array Deployed in the Western Pacific
- Complex Hydrometeor 3-Dimensional Volume Jacobian for Microwave to FIR Bands
- Complex upper mantle anisotropy beneath the Korean Peninsula from shear wave splitting of core-refracted waves
- Continuous measurements of SIF and spectral reflectance with an automated field spectroscopy system
- Counting trees at the city scale via merging multiple remote sensing platforms and deep learning
- Data Reliability Improvement Plan for Reward-based Citizen Science Project: A Case Study from Invasive Freshwater Turtles Monitoring in Korea
- Delayed impacts of Arctic sea-ice loss on Eurasian severe cold winters
- Detecting individual broad-leaved trees by trunk extraction method using leaf-off airborne LiDAR datasets
- Determination of search radius for urban heat evaluation according to urban form
- Development of international air quality and sky research remote sensing (A-SKY) network
- Diagnostic method of inundation area by using a dynamical hydrological model and a high resolution geographical information
- Dislocation creep of olivine and amphibole in amphibole peridotites from Aheim, Norway
- Drone Based Evaluation of Spatial Variability in Satellite Surface Reflectance Products
- Earthquake-induced anomalies in groundwater system from the 2017 MW 5.5 Pohang Earthquake in Korea
- Ecological Security Patterns analysis using ecosystem Services and circuit theory in Jeju island, Republic of Korea
- Effects of Air Pollution on Insect Pollinator and the Resulting Domino Effects.
- Effects of Multiple Solar Geoengineering Methods and CO2 Emissions Reduction on Global Crop Yields
- Effects of relief and lithology on the range of hillslope and headwater catchment
- Enhancing Subseasonal Temperature Prediction by Bridging a Statistical Model with Dynamical Arctic Oscillation Forecasting
- Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity Considering Heterogeneity with Ensemble Method from Pumping Test Data
- Estimating Spatial Distribution of Fish Species Derived from Relationships Among Environmental DNA Sampling Data, Satellite-based Spectral Vegetation Indices, and Water Quality in Estuarine Protected Area
- Estimation of Crop Water Requirement Changes due to Future Climate and Land Use Changes
- Estimation of Farmland Inundation Probability Based on Temporal Distribution of Forecasted Rainfall
- Evaluating the fate and transport of chlorinated ethenes in an industrial complex using the combined long-term monitoring results
- Evaluation of GEMS HCHO retrieval during the in-orbit test period
- Evaluation of Habitat Preference of Wildlife Using Camera Traps and High Resolution RGB Data of Drones in Urban Forest Fringe Area
- Evaluation of Watershed hydrologic process including Irrigation water supplying reservoir response to climate
- Expansion of the vegetated areas by human activities and vegetation growth simultaneously explain the greening of Seoul
- Fast Spectral Inversion of the H And Ca II 8542 Line Spectra Based on a Deep Learning Model
- First Detection of Bioluminescent Milky Seas by the VIIRS Day/Night Band: Maritime Continent
- First Year Observations of Air Quality from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Garnierite Mineralization of the Nickel Laterite Deposit in the East Sulawesi Ophiolite, Indonesia
- Gas compositions and origins of greenhouse gas in permafrost ice wedges at Batagaika megaslump, Yana Uplands, Northeast Siberia.
- Generating Daily Gap-filled BRDF Adjusted Surface Reflectance Products with 10 m Resolution Using Geostationary Satellite
- Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) status, preliminary results and validation campaign
- Ground Motions Simulated on a 3D Printed Model of the Los Angeles Basin
- Growing Season Crop Type Mapping at Continental Scale
- Harmonised Satellite Glyoxal Data Records from TROPOMI, OMI and GOME-2 and Initial Retrievals from GEMS
- Human contribution to the 2020 summer successive hot-wet extremes in South Korea
- Identifying atmospheric microplastics in Seoul, Korea
- Identifying he seasonal spatial distribution of invasive fish species in urban reservoir: Using the amount of information on the species remaining in the eDNA environmental sample.
- Impact of extreme flood on the riparian vegetation in a monsoonal cobble-bed stream in southern Korea: A fluvial biogeomorphic framework
- Impact of oceanic forcing on future changes of ice shelf
- Impact of vertical advection and geothermal heat fluxes on modeled ice temperature in Antarctica
- Impacts of Hydrogen on the Chemistry and Structure of Rocky Planets Cores
- Impacts of Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium on Heat Transport Interpretation in Shallow Aquifer
- Improvements to ECOSTRESS Algorithms and Products in Collection 2
- Investigating the Association between Ambient Temperature and Aggression
- Investigating the dynamics of ultra-high velocity zones above Earths core-mantle boundary
- Lattice Preferred Orientation of Glaucophane and Epidote in Experimentally Deformed Epidote Blueschist in Simple Shear
- Lattice-Preferred Orientation and Seismic Anisotropy of Minerals in Retrograded Eclogites from Xitieshan, Northwestern China, and Implications for Seismic Reflectance of Rocks in the Subduction Zone
- Lithospheric structures around the Mt. Baekdu (Changbaishan) volcano by Bayesian joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersions
- Millennial-scale changes in atmospheric nitrous oxide during the Holocene
- Mixing ratio and Stable isotope based characterization of CO2 and N2O emitted from vehicles by a tunnel study in Seoul, South Korea
- Modeling Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA) in East Asia Using a Simplified Empirical Approach
- Modeling forest connectivity change detection with vertical heterogeneity of resident bird's habitat using laser scanning data
- Monitoring spring phenology of multi-layer canopy in a deciduous broadleaf forest: What signal do we actually see from space?
- Multi-hazard probability mapping of forest fire considering drought
- Multi-objective optimization for sustainable rice production
- NO2 vertical column density retrieval from Pandora and first comparison with GEMS data during the GMAP & SIJAQ campaign 2020
- Optimal mountain road search using multi-purpose genetic algorithm : Maximize habitat conservation, minimize risk of soil loss
- Outdoor thermal performance evaluation of the green wall on pedestrians: Case study of Korea
- Petrochemical study on the Pocheon Fe-Ti oxide deposit, Korea: Implications for the mineralizing process of the deposit
- Planning the urban ecological axis from landscape ecological connectivity analysis : a case study of Suwon city, South Korea
- Predicting susceptibility to landslides under climate change impacts in metropolitan areas of South Korea using machine learning
- Probing the pressure-induced evolution of boron coordination number and boron isotope composition in boron-bearing rhyolitic glasses in Earth's interior: Insights from multi-nuclear NMR
- Re-evaluation of carbon sequestration capacity of a mature Korean pine plantation in Republic of Korea using eddy covariance and automated soil chamber system
- Reconstruction of 330-kyr authigenic neodymium isotope record in the equatorial Indian Ocean
- Redistribution of Greenhouse Gas emission source areas due to urbanization
- Retrieval of Formaldehyde from GEMS in Preparation of the Geostationary Sentinel-4 Mission.
- Retrievals of overlapped could properties with satellite spectral radiometers
- Secular polar motion observed by GRACE
- Seismic Velocity Structure of Upper Mantle Beneath the Oldest Pacific Ocean Basin: Insights from Finite-frequency Tomography
- Signature of slab fragmentation and dynamic interaction between slabs and the mantle transition zone in northeast Asia
- Soil Carbon Budget of Inland Wetlands in South Korea: From Controlling Factors to Valuation
- Spatial Usage and Patterns of Corvus frugilegus in Urban Habitats of Suwon, South Korea
- Spatio-temporal distribution of wild boars(Sus Scrofa) using environmental DNA and camera trapping techniques
- Spin State of Iron in Dynamically Compressed Olivine Melt
- Sr, S, and Mg isotopic study of the mantle peridotite in the northern Fizh massif, the Oman ophiolite
- TEMPO Level 2 Trace Gas Retrievals Version 3
- The cooling effects of path designs in high-rise residential complexes: a micrometeorological study
- The greenhouse gas budgets of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia during 2000s and 2010s
- The role of lattice preferred orientation of chloritoid in seismic anisotropy in subduction zones
- The stability of subducted glaucophane with the Earths secular cooling
- Three different growth responses of six gymnosperm species under long term excessive irrigation and their comparison to drought resistance
- Three-dimensional Seismic Wave Propagation Simulations in the southern Korean Peninsula using Pseudo-dynamic Rupture Models
- Top-down estimate of carbon stock changes in support of the Global Stocktake
- Tracking Diurnal to Seasonal Variations of Gross Primary Productivity using a Geostationary Satellite, GK-2A Advanced Meteorological Imager in Korean Peninsula
- Transdimensional Bayesian Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion and Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Curves for the Southern Korean Peninsula
- Understanding formation of ice wedges and origin of trapped greenhouse gas at Zyryanka, Northeastern Siberia
- Urban Forest Classification with 12 Tree Species by Fusion of Multi-period LiDAR Data Set and the Vegetation Index of Spectral Satellite Imageries
- Visualization of Multiphase CO2 Transport in Fractured Porous Media
- Widespread thermal acclimation of canopy photosynthesis
- Winter Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice and Sea Ice Thickness (2003-2020) from AMSR and AVHRR measurements
- A New Cloud Macrophysics Scheme Based on Dual-Triangular PDFs
- A Self-evolving Deep Learning Algorithm for SAR-based Oil Spill Detection
- A deep learning approach to impact analysis for groundwater level and temperature in time series
- A machine learning-based method to partition CO2 fluxes and understand the relationship between gross primary productivity and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
- A scheme for representing aromatic secondary organic aerosols in chemical transport models: application to source attribution of organic aerosols over South Korea during the KORUS-AQ campaign.
- A study on the development of environmental-ecological flow standards in Nam river watershed
- Air quality assessment in residential complex behind port area using CFD
- An Integrated Moist-Physics Parameterization for the Earth System (IMPrES) with Strong Inter-Process Consistency
- An analysis of trends in forest changes in Korea using National Forest Inventory Data
- An improved light-use efficiency model for estimating diurnal variation in gross primary production
- An integrated remote well control system developed for groundwater protection and management: Application to a DNAPL contaminated site and agricultural area requiring water supply
- Analysis of possible errors from observations in predicting Antarctic ice sheet flow
- Automatic Inundation Warning System Utilizing High-Precision Water Segmentation Deep Learning Model
- Changes in leaf inclination angle explain the reduction of canopy-level solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence under drought stress conditions
- Changes of PM2.5 mass concentration and chemical constituents during the COVID-19 lockdown period in an industrial city, Korea
- Characteristics of marine heatwaves in the East Sea (Japan Sea) and their types of the evolution
- City-Scale Street Trees Mapping through LiDAR, RGB Camera, and INS Integrated Vehicle Sensor System.
- Classification of Temperate Urban Trees and Biomass Estimation by Combining Multi-period Aerial LiDAR and Aerial Hyperspectral data
- Climate Effect of Brown Carbon using Integrated Climate-Atmospheric Chemistry Model for 1980-2019
- Comparison of GEDI (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation) and Aerial Laser Scanning Dataset according to Leaf-on and Leaf-off Seasons.
- Complex Upper Mantle Dynamics beneath the Southern Korean Peninsula from Azimuthal Seismic Anisotropy Analysis
- Contrasting platinum-group element geochemistry of porphyry Cu ± Au ore-bearing and barren suites in the post-collisional Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic assemblage, Iran
- Derivation of Semi-Empirical Oil Threshold Model based on Ocean Radar Scattering Mechanism from Sentinel-1 SAR Oil-Spill Images.
- Determination of Removal Mechanism of Fe-adsorbed Strontium by Calcium with X-Ray Based Instrumental Analyses
- Determination of the Stability of As(V) and Cd in Soil Immobilized with Fe-oxides by using DIFS
- Development of an automated ground-based hyperspectral field spectroscopy system that integrates two geometric observation configurations
- Development of the Urban Flood Resilience Index for Macro Scale City response to Climate change
- Direct observations on the mode-1 semidiurnal internal tides in the vicinity of the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge in May 2019
- Disentangling Structural and Physiological Responses to Soil Versus Atmospheric Drought - a Growth Chamber Experiment
- Earlier Detection of Rice Blast Through a Physiological Signal Derived from Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence.
- Earlier Stratospheric Final Warming has caused Warmer Antarctic Summers since the year 1999
- Evaluation of changes in urban ecological network by biotope types according to biodiversity restoration technology
- Experimental Study on the Crystal Preferred Orientation (CPO) of Minerals in Lawsonite Blueschist and Implications for Seismic Property in Cold Subduction Zones
- Exploring Urban Resilience Thinking with Structural Equation Modeling
- Exploring and finding optimal Pump-and-Treat (P&T) strategies at chlorinated solvent-contaminated aquifer
- Fire-induced Reduction in Global Terrestrial Gross Primary Production Varies with Burn Severity and Biomes
- Formation and Evolution Mechanisms of a Sea Fog over the Eastern Yellow Sea in Korea using Meso- to Micro-scale Modeling
- Future fates of Thwaites Glacier with realistic ocean parameterization and atmospheric forcings under CMIP6 scenarios
- GEO-SIF: A continental-scale, hourly reconstructed solar-induced fluorescence product derived from OCO-3 and GK-2A over Eastern Asia and Oceania
- Geostationary satellite observations reveal the impact of heat waves on diurnal dynamics of ecosystem productivity
- Glacial Meltwater Characteristics and Distribution Observed in Summer 2020 Near and Off the Pine Island and Thwaites Ice Shelves, West Antarctica
- Groundwater chemistry characterization to conceptualize the aquifer in granitic urban area of Korea
- Hemispherically Asymmetric Hadley-cell Changes under CO2 Removal Scenario
- Identification of Multiple Sulfur Sources in Groundwater by using PCA and FCM Techniques
- Identification of Secondary Organosiloxane Aerosol (SOSA) Using Multiple Mass Spectrometry Techniques
- Identification of Urban Green Hotspots: Systematic Approach to Improve the Urban Carbon Uptake
- Impact of Multiple species on Land Use Pattern using Meta-population model including Land scape connectivity
- Implementation of a Double-Moment Cumulus Microphysics Scheme with Graupel Processes into a GCM
- Implementation of a Unified Convection scheme (UNICON)Into the Met Office Unified Model (UM)
- Implementing the Landscape Connectivity as a Tool to Identify Conservation and Restoration Priorities of Urban Forest Patches
- Improved XCO₂ retrieval of the OCO-2 using the A-train satellite aerosol measurements
- Incorporation of Fe oxides as an Additional Cd Partitioning Phase in the Presence of Humic Acid for Development of Sediment Toxicity Prediction Model in Oxic Conditions
- Influence of Glacial Meltwater on Spatio-Temporal Variations of Hydrography in continental shelf region of the Ross Sea observed by Instrumented Seals
- Influence of Noble Gas Phase Partitioning on the 3H-3He Groundwater Age at a DNAPL Contaminated Site
- Influence of an Open Fracture on Two-phase CO2 Transport in Fractured Porous Media
- Interannual to Decadal Variability of the Upwelling in the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge of the Southwestern Tropical Indian Ocean
- KoSpec: a hyperspectral remote sensing network for monitoring canopy structure and functions across various ecosystems in Korea
- Large Variability in the Sea Surface Temperature near the Baeksu Tidal Flat revealed by High-resolution Landsat 8
- Localized Upper Mantle Low-viscosity Pockets Beneath Intraplate Volcanoes
- Long-term trend and multidecadal variability of Madden Julian Oscillation phase speed modulated by horizontal moisture gradient
- MJO Diversity in CMIP6 Models
- Marine Heat Waves in East Asia: its Characteristics and Relation to Climate Variability
- Mechanistic Study on Heavy Metals Stabilization Using In Situ Iron oxide Synthesis: Effect of Repeated Synthesis on Stabilization Mechanism
- Merging Multiple Sensing Platforms and Deep Learning empowers Individual Tree Mapping and Tree Species Detection at a City-scale
- Microstructures of the fault rock drill cuttings from Pohang enhanced geothermal system (EGS) site in South Korea
- Modeling Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentrations Using Ice Core Records and Artificial Intelligence
- Monitoring City Function for Heat Wave from a Climate Resilience Perspective
- Multi-hazard mapping of drought and forest fire using machine learning algorithms in Gangwon-do province, South Korea
- Multistage Melting of Buoyant Mantle beneath the Fiji Triple Junction
- Natural and anthropogenic effects on the primary production in Gwanyang Bay, Korea.
- Near real-time prediction of crop yields using the approximate peak NIRv
- Observations on Enhanced Turbulent Mixing in an Eddy-Rich Region in the Southwestern East Sea (Japan Sea)
- On Securing Continuity of Eddy Covariance Flux Time Series after Changing the Measurement Height: Correction for Flux Differences Caused by the Footprint Difference
- Opposing shifts of the Hadley-cell edge and Eddy-driven Jet Latitude in the Last Glacial Maximum: A Parameter Sweep Study Using a Dynamical-Core GCM
- Ore forming processes of the Gwanin Fe-Ti oxide ore deposit, Korea: Trace element and Fe isotopic constraints on magnetite formation
- PBL Atmospheric Composition Observation Capabilities by the International Air Quality and Sky Research Remote Sensing (A-SKY) Network
- Partitioning of Urban NOx Between Short- and Long-Lived Reservoirs and Its Impact on Regional Ozone Production
- Predicting concentrations of soil pollutants and mapping using machine learning algorithms
- QBO Deepens MJO Convection
- Radon tracer to assess DNAPL distributions associated with the groundwater-stream water mixing in dry/wet seasons
- Reaction Kinetics and Removal Mechanism of Cadmium and Zinc by Calcium Polysulfide in Groundwater
- Reconstructing the Middle Ordovician Seawater Lithium Isotopic Composition
- Reconstruction of a Long-term global spatially Contiguous Solar-Induced Fluorescence (LCSIF) data over 1982-2021
- Redox Change of Structural Iron by Dithionite in Fe3+-bearing Clay Minerals
- Relationship between IOD/ENSO and Planetary Wave Patterns in the Southern Hemisphere
- Relationship of Aerosol Optical Properties and Aerosol Types over East Asia from Ground and Satellite Observations
- Resolving Directivity of Small Earthquakes in the Stable Continental Region: A Case of 2021 Gwangyang, Korea Microearthquake Sequence
- Role of ENSO teleconnection for skillful subseasonal to seasonal prediction of western North America surface air temperature
- S-wave isotropic and radially anisotropic velocity structure around the Mariana Trench inferred from ambient noise tomography
- S-wave isotropic and radially anisotropic velocity structure in the Western Pacific inferred from partitioned waveform inversion
- Seismic Constraints on Modification of Continental Lithosphere beneath the Southern Korean Peninsula from Three-Dimensional Pn and Sn Tomography
- Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy of Glaucophane and Epidote in Experimentally Deformed Epidote Blueschist and Implications for Seismic Properties in Warm Subduction Zones
- Selection of appropriate indicators at the micro-scale of urban to evaluate the climate resilience of heat waves
- Significant Increase of Wildfires in Northeast Siberia: Implications on Arctic Climate
- Simulation of cooling effect of street trees to improve the thermal comfort for pedestrians in movement in urban space
- Source Complexity of the 2021 MW 4.9 Offshore Jeju Island, Korea, Earthquake
- Source apportionment of PM2.5 sulfate in Seoul, South Korea during winter and early spring (2017-2020), and the cause of sulfate reduction in Seoul during China's COVID-19 lockdown
- Sources and Behavior of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea Based on 13C, 14C, and 234Th
- Spatial Patterns of Long-term (1995-2021) Hydrographic Changes in the Seas Around the Korean Peninsula
- Stochastic drought inflow series generation for the assessment of drought mitigation capability
- Super Resolution of Historic Landsat Imagery Using a GAN model with CubeSat Constellation Imagery
- The Influence of Post-Serpentinization Silica Metasomatism on Iron Behavior in Oceanic Serpentinites
- The influence of various O2A valley depths caused by diffuse fractions on the retrieval of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
- Tide-Induced Variability of Seawater Temperature near a Submerged Rock in the East China Sea
- Tide-driven rapid geomorphic changes of the inshore macrotidal flats, Sittaung River Estuary, Myanmar
- Topographic Effect of the Antarctic Peninsula on Strong Wind Event at the King Sejong Station
- Transformer Networks for Cloud and Cloud Shadow detection in Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
- Tropical tropopause layer clouds: their properties and influences on tropopause and cloud top temperatures
- Unravelling sources and fate of chlorinated solvents in groundwater at an industrial area using compound specific isotope and microbial data
- Unusual high-heat flux on the surface in the southeastern Korean Peninsula and inferring its origin from P-wave travel-time tomography and a tectonic process associated with the back-arc opening of the East Sea (Sea of Japan) in the Cenozoic era
- Utilizing a machine learning technique to evaluate and map the susceptibility to multi-hazard
- Vertical Distribution of Air Pollutants Monitoring by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) at a Landfill site
- Visualizing the dissolved CO2 gas using a large Hele-Shaw cell: implication to understand the results of controlled CO2 release tests at the shallow aquifer system
- Water Cycle Assessment of Seoul National University Applying Atmos-41 and SWMM
- Wildfire Prediction and VR Evacuation Routes Optimization using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A Chim Lee
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Eldering
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Akihiko Ito
- Alan Fried
- Alessandro Damiani
- Ali Akherati
- Alma Hodzic
- Andreas Colliander
- Andreas Richter
- Aral I. Okay
- Armin Wisthaler
- B. L. Lefer
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Benjamin Dechant
- Bo Wan
- Bong‐Gwan Kim
- Boo‐Keun Khim
- Brendan Byrne
- C. R. Nowlan
- Can Li
- Catia M. Domingues
- Chao Liu
- Chris O’Dell
- Clark R. Wilson
- Colm Sweeney
- Dabeen Heo
- Daeho Jin
- Daehyun Kim
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- David Crisp
- David W. Keith
- Diego Loyola
- Donald R. Blake
- E. Brook
- Edward J. Garnero
- Emilia Kyung Jin
- Eunseo Choi
- Eunsu Park
- F. Chevallier
- G. H. Halverson
- G. Lee
- G. S. Diskin
- Gabriela Schaepman‐Strub
- Gabriele Pfister
- Giyoon Lee
- Glynn Hulley
- Go Iwahana
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Haemyeong Jung
- Hajime Shiobara
- Hajoon Song
- Hanna Na
- Hanqin Tian
- Hayoung Park
- Heejoon Choi
- Helene Muri
- Hiroko Sugioka
- Hiroshi Tanimoto
- Hitoshi Irie
- Hitoshi Kawakatsu
- Hong Liao
- Huiqun Wang
- Hwajin Kim
- Hwaju Lee
- Hwan‐Jin Song
- Hwisong Kim
- Hye-Kyung Yoon
- Hyen Goo Cho
- Hyungsuk Kimm
- Hélène Piet
- In-Woo Park
- Ines Fenni
- Inhye Seo
- Isobel J. Simpson
- J. B. Miller
- J. D. Crounse
- J. H. Crawford
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Veefkind
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jae Hyun Kim
- Jae‐Seung Kim
- James Bernard Simpas
- Jared F. Brewer
- Jean-François Müller
- Jeroen van Gent
- Jerry Tjiputra
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Jiangong Liu
- Jianli Chen
- Jin-Han Ree
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Jinho Ahn
- Jin‐Ho Yoon
- Jin‐Soo Kim
- Ji‐Yeon Cha
- Joanna Joiner
- Jongmin Byun
- Jong‐Seong Kug
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Jungjin Lee
- Jung‐Hoon Kim
- Jung‐Hun Song
- Junjie Liu
- Junkee Rhie
- Juwon Kong
- K. Chance
- K. Emma Knowland
- K. Kobayashi
- Katherine R. Travis
- Kazuhito Ichii
- Kerry Cawse‐Nicholson
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Ki‐Weon Seo
- Kookhyoun Youm
- Kwang-Hee Kim
- Kwon-Ho Lee
- Kwo‐Sen Kuo
- Kyoung‐Sun Lee
- L. K. Emmons
- Lazaros Oreopoulos
- Mainak Mookherjee
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Maria Obiminda Cambaliza
- Mathew Koll Roxy
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Maximiliano Bezada
- Menghua Wang
- Michel Van Roozendaël
- Min-Seong Seo
- Mingming Li
- Minoru Ikehara
- Min‐Jee Kang
- Munjae Park
- Narges Salehnia
- Nozomu Takeuchi
- P. O. Wennberg
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- Pei‐Ying Patty Lin
- Pierre Gentine
- Qian Yuan
- R. C. Cohen
- Richard P. Phillips
- S. Hung
- Sally E. Pusede
- Samuel R. Hall
- Sang-Moo Lee
- Sang-Woo Han
- Sangchul Yun
- Sang‐Heon Shim
- Sang‐Woo Kim
- Satbyul Estella Kim
- Scot M. Miller
- Sean Crowell
- Seohee H. Yang
- Seok Goo Song
- Seongryong Kim
- Seong‐Joong Kim
- Seung Beom Seo
- Seung-Tae Yoon
- Seunghyeon Lee
- Seung‐Ki Min
- Seung‐Sep Kim
- Seung‐Wook Ha
- Si‐Wan Kim
- Soon‐Il An
- Sourish Basu
- Steven D. Miller
- Sujin Eom
- Sujung Go
- Sujung Heo
- Sung Keun Lee
- SungHyun Nam
- Sungsu Park
- Sung‐Joon Chang
- Sunyoung Park
- T. Oda
- Tae Cheon Kang
- Taehyun Kim
- Takehi Isse
- Thomas Opel
- Ukkyo Jeong
- Vitali B. Prakapenka
- Walter N. Meier
- Wei Shi
- William H. Brune
- Won Sang Lee
- Wonnyon Kim
- Won‐Young Kim
- Xi Yang
- Xu Lian
- Xueliang Liu
- Yeon‐Hee Kim
- Yong-Jin Tak
- Yong‐Jae Moon
- Yoonah Bang
- Young Hee Kim
- Youngkeun Song
- Youngryel Ryu
- Yuanchao Fan
- Yujin J. Oak