Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Analytical Solution for Flow Field by Arbitrarily-Located Multi Injection-Pumping Wells
- Comparing the optimal pumping rate with the total pumping volume in pump-and-treat method
- Effects of Fracture Intersection Characteristics on Transport in Three-Dimensional Fracture Networks
- Salinization of groundwater around underground LPG storage caverns, Korea : statistical interpretation
- The OSMI Post-launch Calibration
- U-Pb geochronology of Permian - Jurassic plutonism in the Ogcheon fold belt and the Ryeongnam massif, Korea
- Change in the coda envelope decay before and after the ScS arrival
- Density-Controlled Remediation of DNAPL in a Fracture Network
- Effect of constraint severity on pumping rate and remediation time in optimal design of groundwater remediation
- Estimation of Relative Recharge Sequence to Groundwater with Minimum Entropy Deconvolution
- Factors Controlling DNAPL Migration in a Fracture Network: Experiments and Simulations
- Numerical Simulation and Laboratory Test Analyses of Air Sparging for TCE Remediation
- Origin and Migration of the Pollutants in Precipitation and Surface Water in Seoul, Korea
- Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation Using Finite-Difference Method With Locally Variable Time-Step
- Use of Model Error as a Screening Tool for Selecting a Model Structures for a Lab-Scale NAPL Dissolution Experiment
- Variations of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Ambient Air of Jeju Island, Korea
- Effect of Medium Characteristics on Optimal Remediation Design: Sorption and First-order Decay Rate
- Estimation of site-dependent decay parameter κ for strong motion simulation in southern Korea
- Influence of Mn Ion on the Iron Biomineralization by an Iron-reducing Bacterium
- Joint Analysis of Regional Broadband Waveforms and Travel Times for Crustal Structure Using the Genetic Algorithm
- Mineralogical and Fluid Inclusion Studies of the Yugeum Hydrothermal Gold Deposit, Youngdeok Area, Korea
- Parallel Simulation of Wave Propagation in Three-Dimensional Poroelastic Media
- Push-Pull Test with Resting Phase as a Method to Estimate Hydraulic Parameters
- Seasonal Variability of 34S in Precipitation from two Urban Sites of Korea
- Simulation of Strong Ground Motion by Dynamic Rupture With Locally Variable Time-Step Finite-Difference Method
- The role of fracture intersections in DNAPL migration below the water table
- Artificial neural network application to the solute transport through unsaturated zone
- Computation of Strong Ground Motions using Modified Empirical Green's Functions
- DNAPL removal from a rough-walled single fracture with density-surfactant-motivated method
- Evaluation of the Optimal Remediation Design in Heterogeneous Domain
- Field Investigation of Natural Attenuation of a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Aquifer, Gyeonggi Province, Korea
- Focal Mechanisms Of Recent Small To Moderate Sized Earthquakes And Seismogenic Faulting In The Korean Peninsula
- Formation of black and white smokers in the North Fiji Basin: Sulfur and lead isotope constraints
- Geochemistry of basalt from the Ayu Trough, equatorial western Pacific
- Groundwater System Investigation of the Cheonggyecheon Watershed Area
- Magnetic and Electron Microscopic Investigation on Rock Samples from the PACMANUS Hydrothermal Vent Field in Papua New Guinea
- Mathematical model for arsenic transformation and transport in the saturated zone
- Mechanisms Controlling the Distribution of Helium and Neon in the Arctic Seas: the Case of the Knipovich Ridge
- Optimal Remediation Design considering Effects of Degradation Processes: Pumping Strategy with Enhanced Natural Attenuation
- The effect of nonlinear groundwater flow on DNAPL migration in a rough-walled single fracture
- Transition from rifted continental to oceanic crust at the southeastern Korean margin in the East Sea (Japan Sea)
- Two-dimensional crustal velocity structure of the southern Korea from the first crustal refraction experiment in Korea
- Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability in Changwon, Korea
- Assessment of Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater in Korea Using a Mathematical Simulation Model
- Atomistic and Nanoscale Origins of Macroscopic Properties of Silicate Melts at High-Pressure: Spectroscopy & Quantum Chemical Calculations
- Effect of Surface Wettability on Nonlinear Flow in a Rough-Walled Fracture
- Focal Mechanisms of Recent Earthquakes in the Southern Korean Peninsula
- Gravity anomaly across the Yap Trench, Sorol Trough, and southernmost Parece Vela Basin and its implications for the flexural deformation of the lithosphere and regional isostasy
- Improved Implementation of Seismic Waveform Inversion Using Gauss-Newton Method in Elastic Media
- Moho Depth and Crustal Vp/Vs Variation in Southern Korea From Teleseismic Receiver Functions: Implication for Tectonic Affinity Between Korean Peninsula and China
- Multi-Resolution Modeling of Ground Motion by Dynamic Rupture Propagation using Hybrid Technique of Finite Difference and Boundary Integral Equation Methods
- Optimization of monitoring network for identification of contaminant plume distribution
- Preliminary Results of the Second Seismic Refraction Experiment in Korea
- Remediation of Perchloroethylene Contaminated Groundwater by Permeable Reactive Barrier Using Iron, Granular Activated Carbon, and Soil
- The Cretaceous Quiet Zone: How Quiet?
- The effect of ionic strength and hardness of trichloroethylene contaminated groundwater in remediation using granular activated carbon
- Trends in the Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Tropospheric Nitrous Oxide and Implications for the Global Budget
- Variation Pattern Analysis Of Saltwater-Freshwater Interface In The Coastal Aquifer, Mangsang, Korea
- Characterization of the groundwater flow and nitrate contamination using 3H/3He and CFCs residence time in an agricultural area
- Estimation of Forest Biomass Increment Using Tree-ring data and Hydro-Ecological Modeling in a Rugged Forested Landscape
- Evaluation of Geothermal Heat Pump Systems under Various Conditions
- Evaluation of Rainfall Impacts on Groundwater Flow and Land Deformation in an Unsaturated Heterogeneous Slope and Slope Stability Using a Fully Coupled Hydrogeomechanical Numerical Model
- Hypocenter Relocation of Earthquakes in Offshore Uljin Area, Korea based on Double- Difference Method
- Imaging of seismic sources using local earthquake data
- Imaging the Three-Dimensional Crust of the Korean Peninsula by Joint Inversion of Surface- Wave Dispersion and Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Impact of nitrogen surface loading to groundwater quality
- Local Crustal Structures of Southern Korea from Joint Analysis of Broadband Waveforms and Travel times using Genetic Algorithm
- Multi-Resolution Modeling of Dynamic Fault Radiation in a 3D Medium
- Observation of the type-E crystallographic preferred orientation of olivine in peridotite from Val Malenco, Italy
- Remediation of trichloroethylene and monochlorobenzene contaminated groundwater by Iron and activated carbon
- Structure of Oxide Glass and Melts at High-Pressure: A View from Inelastic X-ray Scattering and 2D Solid-State NMR
- 3-D Local Tomography for the Shallow Crustal Structure of the Gyeongsang Basin in the Southeastern Korean Peninsula
- Comparison of Flow Distribution Algorithms for Estimating Spatio-temporal Soil Water Content With an Eco-hydrological Model
- Deformation History And Paleoseismic Importance Of The Eupcheon Fault, SE Korea
- Development of a Fully Coupled Multiphase Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Numerical Model and Its Application to Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide
- Epicenter Estimation Using Empirical Traveltime
- Estimation of ground-level PM2.5 and PM10 using MODIS aerosol optical observations over East Asia
- Forecasting Groundwater Level Fluctuations In a Costal Aquifer Using Support Vector Machine
- Hypocenter Relocations of Earthquakes in Central Southern Korea using the Double- Difference Method
- Identification of groundwater contamination sources of nitrate and sulfate in shallow alluvial aquifers using a dual-isotope approach in an agricultural area
- Immobilization of Arsenic by Vivianite Biomineralization
- Impact of Siberian forest fires on tropospheric ozone in East Asia during May 2003
- Integrated Watershed Management to Rehabilitate the Distorded Hydrologic Cycle in a Korean Urban Region
- New particle formation and its relation to meteorological and chemical characteristics at Gosan and Anmyeon-do, Korea
- Observation of the Type-B Crystallographic Preferred Orientation of Olivine in Spinel Peridotite, Baengnyeong Island, South Korea
- Potential Vorticity Perspective on the Stratospheric Origin of Cold Surge in East Asia
- Regional seismic observation of the October 9, 2006 underground nuclear explosion in North Korea and its interpretation
- Role of Ice Sheets in Thermohaline Circulation Changes Under High Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration
- Source-Parameter Estimation for the Earthquakes using Full Newton Method in Frequency Domain
- Three-dimensional Surface-wave Group-velocity Tomography of the Southern Korean Peninsula Using Ambient Seismic Noise Cross-correlation
- Transboundary Influences on Ozone Pollution in the United States: Present Conditions and Future Projections
- Tropical Pacific Impacts of Convective Momentum Transport in the SNU Coupled GCM
- A GIS-based, Micro-scale Emission Inventory System For CFD-based Atmospheric Modeling System
- Application and Improvement of Total Maximum Daily Load Management System of Korea
- Comparison of δ18O of Dissolved Oxygen (O2) in Three Basins of the East/Japan Sea
- Decay time scale of mixed layer inertial motion in the world ocean: Observations from Satellite Tracked Drifters
- Deformation Microstructures of Olivine and Pyroxene in Peridotite, Spitsbergen, Svalbard and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
- Determination of Platinum and Iridium in Rainwaters by HR-ICP-MS
- Distribution of Surface pH and Total Alkalinity at the Sea of Okhotsk and the East Sea in October 2007
- Effect of Organic Carbon Fraction (foc) on VOC Removal Efficiency in Air Sparging System
- Effect of Vertical Flow Exchange on Biogeochemical Processes in Hyporheic Zones
- Effects of Siberian forest fires on regional climate in spring 2003
- Electrical Resistivity Monitoring of Geological CO2 Sequestration in the Shallow Subsurface
- Exhumation History of the Taebaek Mountain Range in Korean Peninsula: Implications for Miocene Tectonic Evolution of East Asia
- Factors That Affect Riverbank Filtrate Water Temperature in Daesan Plants, Changwon, Korea
- Fully Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Numerical Simulation of Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Layered and Folded Geologic Media
- Gravity Anomaly Between Immature And Mature Subduction Zones In The Western Pacific And Its Implications For Subduction Evolution
- Impact of Black Carbon Aerosol on Climate in East Asia
- Inter-comparison Study of Global Emission Inventories in Support of Global Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling
- Long-Period Seismic Noise at the Farallon Islands: Island's Tilting due to Infragravity Waves as a Possible Source of Earth's Horizontal Hum
- Mongolian Coal-bearing Basins and Their Characteristics
- Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in the Fresh Water, Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
- Observation of Trapped and Amplified Near-inertial Waves Interacting with an Anticyclonic Eddy in the East/Japan Sea
- On the Variation of the Synoptic Eddy Activity Over the Western Pacific Ocean in Relation to the Intensity of the East Asian Winter Monsoon
- Optimization of Contaminant Loading Mass and Pumping Rates for Sustainable Groundwater Use in Agricultural Region
- P Wave Velocity Structure in The Inner Core Constrained by PKP(BC)-PKP(DF) Travel Time Differences Measured at Dense Seismic Array in Japan
- Predicting contaminant concentration at a pumping well with method combining statistical and mathematical models
- Preliminary Findings From Monitoring of Northeast Asian Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Gosan Station in Jeju Island, Korea
- Pressure-Induced Fabric Transitions in Olivine and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle
- Probing and Modeling of Pressure-induced Structural Transformation in Oxide Melts at High Pressure
- Regional moment tensor determination in the Korean Peninsula
- Seasonal and Spatial Comparisons between Cloud and Aerosol Optical Properties Derived from Satellite Based Remote Sensing in Northeast Asia
- Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in the Fresh Water, King Sejong Station, King George Island, Antarctica
- Surface-wave Tomography of East African Rift System using Ambient Seismic Noise
- The Continuous Measurement of CO2 Mixing Ratio and Temporal Variation at Huaian, Suburban China
- The impact of vegetation changes on air quality and climate in East Asia
- Trends, seasonal cycles, and interannual variability in the isotopic composition of nitrous oxide between 1940 and 2005
- A Molecular Link to Thermodynamic Properties of Multi-component Silicate Melts in the Earth’s Interior
- A study of upper mantle discontinuities beneath the Korean Peninsula using teleseismic receiver functions
- Aerosol and Cloud Properties during the Cloud Cheju ABC Plume -Asian Monsoon Experiment (CAPMEX) 2008: Linking between Ground-based and UAV Measurements
- Assessment of air quality in the coastal area of South Korea using principal component analysis combined with cluster analysis and enrichment factor
- Atmospheric Sulfur Hexafluoride: Measurements and Emission Estimates from 1970 - 2008
- Change in the Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon Circulation due to the CO2 Increase in IPCC AR4 CGCMs
- Development of a Bulk Mass Flux Convection Scheme for Climate Model and Its Impact on Simulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Estimating bulk optical properties of aerosols over the western North Pacific by using MODIS and CERES measurements
- Evaluation of a newly developed below-cloud scavenging scheme of regional aerosol simulations: its implication for aerosol budget over East Asia
- Field-based evaluation of geological storage capacity of carbon dioxide: an example of Cretaceous Korean nonmarine basin
- Impact of climate change on natural attenuation potential of flooded wetlands for contaminants in groundwater
- Impact of double cropping in Northern China Plain on East Asian regional climate simulation
- Impact of the Arctic Oscillation on the Characteristics of Cold Surges over East Asia
- Initial Report on In Situ Measurements of Major Anthropogenic Halocarbons for Understanding Trends and Usage Patterns in Northeast Asia
- Inverse modeling analysis of soil dust emissions over East Asia
- Lattice Preferred Orientation of Olivine in both Garnet Peridotite from North Qaidam UHP Metamorphic Belt and Harzburgite from Yushigou, North Qilian HP Belt in China
- Measurement of total dissolved mercury at the picomolar level using ICP-SFMS
- Oceanic response and feedback to mid-latitude atmospheric Rossby waves in northern hemisphere winter
- Origin of microseism observed in South Korea
- P- and S-wave velocity model along KCRT2004 refraction and wide-angle reflection profile in the southern Korean peninsula
- Physical Mechanism of the Surface Air Temperature Variability in Korea and Near Seven-Day Oscillations
- Regional waveform modeling for 1D crustal velocity model based on the full-grid search and its application to the southern Korean Peninsula
- Sea level rise around Jeju Island due to global warming and movement of groundwater/seawater interface in the eastern part of Jeju island
- Solid-state 13C NMR analysis of Lower Cretaceous Baganuur (Mongolia) lignite
- Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Main Source of Nd in the Coastal Ocean
- Three Distinct Physical Mechanisms of Summertime Precipitation Variability in Korea
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Density-Dependent Groundwater Flow and Salt Transport Due to Groundwater Pumping in an Unsaturated Fractured Porous Coastal Aquifer System
- Time Scale Dependent SGD due to the Sea Level Change
- Top-down Estimation of Emission Strengths of Major Anthropogenic Halocarbons from China Using High-frequency Measurements with HCFC-22/HFC-23 as Tracers
- Transitional increment of scaled energy in the 2005 West Off Fukuoka seismic sequence: Evidence for non-self-similar earthquake source scaling
- Wettability-dependent fluid flow in a rough-walled fracture
- 3-D Waveform Modeling of the 11 September 2001 World Trade Center Collapse Events in New York City
- A study of the microphysical mechanism for correlation patterns between droplet radius and optical thickness of warm clouds off the coast of California as simulated by a downscaling spectral bin microphysical model
- Atmospheric CO2 Link to Climate at Onset of the Last Glacial Termination
- Boreal Summer ISO hindcast experiment: preliminary results from SNU
- Characterization of nitrate contamination in groundwater in Gosan, western part of Jeju Island
- Characterizing Vertical Streambed Water Fluxes Using Temperature and Head Data on Various Spatial Scales
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations with photochemistry of reactive pollutants in an urban street canyon
- Delineation of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in a large-scaled reclaimed land
- Development of Groundwater Management Model for Sustainable Groundwater Use in the Agricultural Region
- Effect of Biomass Burning and Regional Background Aerosols on CCN Activity Derived from Airborne In-situ Measurements
- Effect of Second-phase Particles on Static Adjustment of Calcite Grain Boundaries in Carbonate Mylonites
- Estimating Economic Value of Stream Restoration for Urban Watershed Using Choice Experiments
- Estimation of Potential Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacities of Onshore Sedimentary Basins in Republic of Korea
- Evaluating observed and projected future climate changes in the Arctic region: An approach using the Köppen-rewartha climate classification
- Geochemistry of mid ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from the northern Central Indian Ridge between 7°46 and 13°20 S: Implication of mantle heterogeneity influenced by Reunion hotspot plume?
- History of Atmospheric SF6 Emissions from 1973 to 2008
- Lu-Hf and Re-Os systematics of peridotite xenoliths from Spitsbergen, western Svalbard: Implications for mantle-crust coupling
- Melt microstructures and U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages of tonalitic migmatites, Daeijak Island, South Korea: A contrast in melt distribution during the Triassic anatexis
- Numerical Simulation of Impacts of Hydrological Properties of Geologic Storage Formations on Injection Efficiency of Carbon Dioxide
- On the Generation of the Earth's low Frequency "Hum" Through non-Linear Interactions Between Atmosphere, Ocean and Solid Earth (Invited)
- Prediction of near-source ground motion in Korean peninsula
- Preliminary Results from the Measurement of Ozone(O3) and Carbon monoxide(CO) at Gosan, Jeju, South Korea for understanding emissions in Northeast Asia
- Preliminary Results of Heat Flow Experiments during IODP Expedition 317 (Canterbury Basin, New Zealand)
- Preliminary results from measurement of methane at Gosan, Jeju Island, Korea for understanding emissions in East Asia
- Rayleigh wave tomography in the Main Ethiopian Rift using ambient noise
- Seismic reflection study in the South Korea Plateau, the Ulleung Interplain Gap, and the northern Ulleung Basin: volcano-tectonic implications for Tertiary back-arc evolution in the southern East Sea
- Study on sea ice thickness estimation using the latest space-borne polarimetric SAR sensors
- The Importance of Elastic Property Contrast at Continent-Ocean Margins on Subduction Initiation
- The role of mineral dust aerosols in polar amplification
- Top-down Validation of Global and East Asian Emissions of Tetrafluoromethane and Hexaflurorethane
- Two Types of El Niño Events Simulated in the SNU Coupled GCM
- Universality in Melt-densification in Magmatic Reservoirs in Earth's Interior: Insights from Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Variation of eddy kinetic energy from the alitmetric data in the East/Japan Sea
- Visualization of Fluid Flow through in a Rough-Walled Fracture Using micro-PIV Technique
- Atmospheric greenhouse gases and climate at onset of the last glacial termination
- B-type LPO of olivine in diamond-bearing garnet peridotites from Finsch, South Africa
- Black carbon in deep-sea sediments from the northeastern equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Break-up of the Thwaites Ice Tongue and its implication, Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Changes in the relationship between the oceanic vertical structure variability in the warm-pool and El Niño over 1958-2004
- Combined use of groundwater age data and compound-specific stable isotope data to determine in situ degradation rate of chlorinated solvents
- Contrasting Microfabrics Between Footwall and Hanging-Wall in a Carbonate Thrust and Fault Slip Mechanism
- Contributions of secondary organic aerosols to aerosol concentrations and radiative forcing in East Asia
- Crustal structure of the Main Ethiopian rift inferred from ambient noise tomography
- Deformation microstructures and water content of olivine in peridotite from the Lindås Nappe, Bergen Arc, western Norway
- Developing a Future Dam Operation Alternative to Mitigate Impact of Climate Change on Water Quality
- Development of 3D Geological Structure Analysis Method Using Multi-geophysical Data: Application to Hwasan Caldera in Korea
- Early Paleozoic magmatism in the Tavt ore field, northern Mongolia: Geochemistry, SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating and Tectonic setting
- Effects of Subduction Parameters on the Style of Dynamic Buckling of Subducting Slabs
- Electrical Resistivity Monitoring for Leachate Distribution at Two Foot-and-Mouth- Disease (FMD) Burial Sites
- Emissions of HFCs in East Asia: Consumption or Production?
- Estimates of Asian dust sources using the adjoint of GEOS-Chem
- Estimation of Geologic Storage Capacity of Carbon Dioxide in the Bukpyeong Basin, Korea Using Integrated Three-Dimensional Geologic Formation Modeling and Thermo-Hydrological Numerical Modeling
- Estimation of Geomechanical Deformation and Stability Change Due to Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide Using a Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Numerical Model
- Evaluation of Injection Efficiency of Carbon Dioxide Using an Integrated Injection Well and Geologic Formation Numerical Simulation Scheme
- Evolution of ore forming fluid in the orogenic type gold deposit in Tavt, Mongolia: trace element geochemistry and fluid inclusions in quartz
- Fluxes of nutrients and iron through submarine groundwater discharge: implication for global biogeochemical cycles
- Geodynamical Analysis of Plate Reconstructions based on Subduction History Models
- Heat Flow Experiment Results from IODP Expedition 317 at Canterbury Basin, New Zealand: Insight on Thermal Conductivity Variation with Lithification
- Hydrogeophysical Characterizations of Streambed Sedimentology and Stream-Groundwater Interactions in a Natural Stream
- Identification and Tracing Groundwater Contamination by Livestock Burial Sites
- Issues with HCHO retrieval for GEMS instruments on GEO-KOMPSAT
- Lattice preferred orientation of serpentine and its implications for seismic anisotropy in mantle wedge
- Mid mantle origin of mantle plume pulsations
- Morphology and geochemistry of placer gold from Wang River, Lampang Province, Northern Thailand
- Multiple sulfur isotope composition of the hydrothermal vent precipitates in western Pacific
- Olivine type-B and -C LPO in peridotite body from Songshugou, Qinling orogenic belt, Central China: implications for seismic anisotropy in fore-arc mantle wedge
- Seasonal prediction model for summer tropical cyclone track density over the western North Pacific
- Simplicity in Pressure-induced Structural Change in Multi-component Silicate Melts in Earth's Interiors: Insights from Multi-nuclear NMR and Multi-edge Inelastic X-ray Scattering
- Source apportionment of PM2.5 in Incheon, Korea
- Spatial and temporal variations of dust concentrations in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia
- Sr/Ca ratios of modern and fossil Favia corals from the Korea Strait; implications for application of coral Sr/Ca thermometry in a middle latitude region
- The relationship between estimated water content and water soluble organic carbon of PM10 at Seoul, Korea
- Trends in the relative contributions of microbial N<SUB>2</SUB>O production processes
- Volcanic eruptions and seismicity of Mt. Baekdu (Changbai) occurred in the historical time
- Wet precipitation of major ions, polonium-210, and organic carbon in a metropolitan city, Seoul, Korea
- Along- and cross-axis variations in crustal rift structure observed in the Main Ethiopian Rift
- An Accessible User Interface for Geoscience and Programming
- Bipolar seesaw and atmospheric CO2 during the last glacial period
- Cathodoluminescence investigation and fluid inclusion analyses of hydrothermal quartz in the Erdenetiin Ovoo porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in Northern Mongolia
- Circulation of carbon dioxide in the mantle: multiscale modeling
- Comparison of CALIOP and MODIS aerosol optical depths for aerosol types over the ocean
- Evolution of dispersion coefficient in the single rough-walled fracture before and after circulated flow near the wall
- Experimental Study on the Lattice Preferred Orientation (LPO) of Amphibole and Its Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
- Fluids in mantle xenoliths related to multiple metasomatism from the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Fundamental Forcings of the Time Dependent Variations of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)
- GRIPS - The Geostationary Remote Infrared Pollution Sounder
- Genesis of Ural Blocking and its effect on East Asia Winter Monsoon
- Impact of land use changes on trends in nitrate concentration of groundwater in Jeju volcanic Island
- Light Absorption Contribution for Asian Dust and Polluted Particles
- Micro-mineralogical study with SEM on skarn mineralization at Geodo Mine, Korea
- Natural type-C olivine fabrics containing large amounts of water in a UHP belt and its implications for the recycling of water into the upper mantle
- Northern Hemisphere blocking climatology as simulated by the CMIP5 models
- Numerical Simulation of Extent of Carbon Dioxide Plume Injected in the Gyeongsang Basin, Korea
- Observation of New Particle Formation and Growth Events in Asian Continental Outflow
- Probing the structural disorder of basalts and slab-driven andesite melts: Insights from high-resolution solid-state NMR study
- Sericite K-Ar dating and Sulfur isotope study in Tavt gold deposit in the northern Mongolia
- Some Inferences on the Spreading Rate of the Ayu Trough, Equatorial Western Pacific
- Structure and disorder in iron-bearing sodium silicate glasses and melts: High-resolution <SUP>29</SUP>Si and <SUP>17</SUP>O solid-state NMR study
- Structure of Multi-component Basaltic Glasses under Static and Dynamic Compression: Implications for Mantle Melting and Impact Processes on Planetary Surfaces
- System-Level Numerical Simulation of Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide Using a Brine and Carbon Dioxide Leakage Risk Analysis Model
- The Role of Elasticity and External Forcing on Slabs Bending Behaviour
- The Seismic Cycle on Spontaneously Evolving Subduction Faults in Geodynamic Simulations
- The stability of gas hydrate field in the northeastern continental slope of Sakhalin Island, Sea of Okhotsk, as inferred from analysis of heat flow data and its implications for slope failures
- Thermal Shielding by the Contrast in Thermal Conductivity: Implications for Heat Flow Paradox
- Understanding leachate transport in a variably saturated zone using ERT and process based modeling
- Weather from the ozone hole
- An Example of Cyprus type Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit in the Southeast of Turkey
- Analysis of Chinese emissions trends of major halocarbons in monitoring the impacts of the Montreal Protocol
- Application of Relationship Between Groundwater Level and Atmospheric Pressure Change
- Characteristics of the Lidar Ratio Determined from Lidar and Sky Radiometer Measurements in East Asia
- Contribution of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation to Global Mean Sea Level Trends (Invited)
- Correlation between Climate Change and Shallow Geothermal Energy Utilization
- Crystallographic Preferred Orientation of Amphibole Experimentally Deformed in Simple Shear
- Detection of coastal spring and submarine groundwater discharge using thermal remote sensing and field investigation
- Development of an Integrated Numerical Simulation System for Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage into a Prospective Storage Site in the Gyeongsang Basin, Korea: from Geologic Modeling to Risk Analysis Modeling
- Dissolved organic nitrogen in precipitation at two contrasting sites in Korea: Urban versus Rural
- Distributed Regional Aerosol Gridded Observation Network (DRAGON) - Korea 2012 campaign
- Effect of Multivariate Background Error Covariances on Analyses and Forecasts of Heavy Rainfall over the Korean Peninsula
- Effects of Pressure on the Short-range Structure and Speciation of Fluid phases in Silicate Melts: Insights from Multi-nuclear NMR and X-ray Raman Scattering
- Effects of the quasi-biennial oscillation on interannual variability of spring precipitation in the western North Pacific
- Emissions of Tetrafluoromethane (CF<SUB>4</SUB>) and Hexafluoroethane (C<SUB>2</SUB>F<SUB>6</SUB>) from East Asian Aluminum and Semiconductor Industries
- Estimating Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions in China using atmospheric observations and inverse modeling
- Evaluation of Performance of Radial Collector Wells Using a Detailed Numerical Modeling Technique
- Explaining darker deep convective clouds over the western Pacific in comparison to tropical continental regions
- Geochemistry of banded iron formation (BIF) host rocks, Yishui county, North China : major element, REE and other trace element analyses
- Global warming, low-frequency variability, and biennial oscillation: An attempt to understand the physical mechanisms driving major ENSO events
- Imaging the megathrust zone and Yakutat/Pacific plate interface in the Alaska subduction zone
- Importance of Hydrogeological Conditions on Open-loop Geothermal System
- Light-absorbing Aerosol Properties in the Kathmandu Valley during SusKat-ABC Field Campaign
- Linking Microearthquakes and Seismic Tomography on the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Implications for Hydrothermal Circulation
- Mineralogy and geochemistry of Eocene Helete formation , Adiyaman, Turkey
- Nation-wide trend in nitrate concentration of agricultural groundwater of Korea
- Non-linear response of springtime vegetation green-up to temperature over northern temperate and boreal forests
- Numerical Simulation of Behavior of Carbon Dioxide Injected into Target Geologic Formations in the Bukpyeong Basin, Korea
- On the challenges of tracking extratropical cyclones in a regional climate model
- Parallel algorithm for Bayesian inversion of surface wave dispersions and its applications
- Petrologic and mineralogical study of Erdenetiin-Ovoo Cu and Mo porphyry deposit, Northern Mongolia
- Preliminary Investigation to Resolve the Shear Velocity Structure of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath the Caroline Plate, Equatorial Western Pacific
- Programming and Technology for Accessibility in Geoscience
- Quantifying the Summertime Austral Jet Stream and Hadley Cell Response to Stratospheric Ozone and Greenhouse Gases
- Rodent burrows in late Pleistocene paleosols at Korean Palaeolithic sites and their implications for paleoclimate changes
- SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of the Paleozoic granitoids in the Khovd province, western Mongolia
- System-Level Analysis Modeling of Impacts of Operation Schemes of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage on Deep Groundwater and Carbon Dioxide Leakage Risk
- The Genesis of the Abukuma Adakites, Northeast Japan Resulting From the Interaction Between Hot Asthenospheric Mantle and Subducting Slab: A Numerical Model Study
- Three-Dimensional Geologic Modeling of the Pohang Basin, Korea for Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage
- Type-C olivine LPOs in garnet peridotites in North Qaidam UHP collision belt, NW China
- Wave-planation surfaces in the mid-western East Sea (Sea of Japan): indicators of subsidence history and paleogeographic evolution of back-arc basin
- Anthropogenic aerosol effect on the regional climate in terms of urban to regional scale in Northeast Asia
- Effects of Chemical Aging on Global Secondary Organic Aerosol using the Volatility Basis Set Approach
- Evaluation of Impacts of Permeability and Porosity of Storage Formations on Leakage Risk of Deep Groundwater and Carbon Dioxide Due to Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage
- Observed relationship between Arctic sea ice, cloud, and solar radiation and its implication for ice-albedo feedback
- Recent shift in the sub-seasonal teleconnection between tropics and Arctic in boreal summer
- Relationship of regional PM2.5 variations in east Asia and climate variability in the North Pacific
- Three-Dimensional Geologic Modeling of a Prospective Deep Underground Laboratory Site for High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal in Korea
- A Multiplatform Observations of Air Quality in Korea as the Pre-campaign of Korea and US Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) Study.
- A New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space in East Asia: Korea's Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) and an Integrated Korea-US Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) Study
- Changes in ground-level PM mass concentration and column aerosol optical depth over East Asia during 2004-2014
- Development of a simple statistical method for wintertime PM prediction in Korea
- Evaluation of aerosol optical properties of GEOS-Chem over East Asia during the DRAGON-Asia 2012 campaign
- Extent of High Winds and Heavy Rainfall Induced by Tropical Cyclones in South Korea
- Growing eddies reduce tailing in rough-walled rock fractures
- Growing importance of atmospheric water demands on the hydrologcial condition of East Asia
- Impact of Stronger Production and Loss Rates of Secondary Organic Aerosols on their Global Distribution and Budget
- Multi-model Ensemble of Air Quality Forecasts for the Megacity Air Pollution Studies-Seoul (MAPS-Seoul): Model Inter-comparison and Evaluation
- Nonlinear response of canopy developmental rate to temperature in temperate and boreal forest in the Northern Hemisphere
- Observation of Light-Absorbing Aerosol Properties in Asian Continental Outflow
- Probable weather modification of aerosol effect on clouds and precipitation over Korea during the January 2013 severe haze episode
- Satellite-observed NO<SUB>2</SUB>, SO<SUB>2</SUB>, and HCHO Vertical Column Densities in East Asia: Recent Changes and Comparisons with Regional Model
- Sensitivity Analysis of PM2.5 in Seoul to Emissions and Reaction Rates Using the GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint Model
- Track-pattern-based seasonal prediction model for intense tropical cyclone activities over the North Atlantic and the western North Pacific basins
- An Ongoing Shift in Pacific Ocean Sea Level
- An overview of the KORUS-AQ field study
- Analytical solutions with different boundary conditions for assessment of drawdown curve and pumping rate in a fluvial island
- Application of multiple tracers (SF<SUB>6</SUB> and chloride) to identify the transport by characteristics of contaminant at two separate contaminated sites
- Arctic Sediment Transport from Land to Sea - An Integrated Study of Coastal - Marine Processes and Deposits in Dicksonfjorden, Svalbard
- Assessment of impacts by open-loop geothermal system operation on hydrogeochemical properties in riverside aquifer
- Automatic determination of seismic phase arrival times
- Characteristics of aerosol light scattering and absorption properties observed at Gosan, Korea, during GOPOEX 2014
- Estimation of Particle Mass Concentration from Lidar Measurement
- Global model simulation of single scattering albedo: A sensitivity analysis
- Hypocenter relocation of microseismic events using a 3-D velocity model of the shale-gas production site in the Horn River Basin
- Impacts of density-driven flow on the heat transport in the saturated porous medium
- Investigating the characteristics of near-source ground motions using pseudo dynamic source models derived with 1-point and 2-point statistics of earthquake source parameters
- Major cause of unprecedented Arctic warming in January 2016: Critical role of an Atlantic windstorm
- Northern Korean Peninsula 1-D velocity model from surface wave dispersion and full-waveform data
- On the need to improve the Uncertainty of River Flow Projections in the Yongdam Watershed, South Korea
- Performance of multiple hydrologic models under climate change in the Yongdam Catchment, South Korea
- Possible modifications of clouds and precipitation by severe haze in Korea
- Prediction of PM<SUB>10</SUB> grades in Seoul, Korea using a neural network model based on synoptic patterns
- Quantifying the contribution of undetected layers to CALIPSO's column aerosol optical depth
- Radiocarbon-based Source Apportionment of Organic, Elemental and Water-soluble Organic Carbon Aerosols and the Light Absorption of Water-soluble Organic Carbon Aerosols in the East Asia High-intensity Winter Campaigns in 2014
- Radon and Strontium Isotopes as tracers for quantifying mixing process of groundwater and surface water in riverside area
- Recent changes in winter Arctic clouds and their relationships with sea ice and atmospheric conditions
- Simulations of Black Carbon Using Regional Models in the Urban Basin of Kathmandu
- The Effects of Tree Species on Soil Organic Carbon Content and Distribution in South Korea.
- The Role of Hydrology on Stream Carbon Species across a Forest-Urban Landscape Gradient
- Three-dimensional velocity model of crustal structure in the southern Korean Peninsula and its full-waveform validations
- Trans-Dimensional Bayesian Imaging of 3-D Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure in Northeast Asia
- Updated Grounding Line of Thwaites Glacier Using TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model
- Visualizing trapped solute migration in a single rough-walled fracture and its implications for in-situ groundwater remediation
- <p>An Index-Based Assessment of Agricultural Water Scarcity for Sustainable Water Resource Management
- 3D basin structure of the Santa Clara Valley constrained by ambient noise tomography
- Absorption and Scattering of Aerosol measured onboard R/V Gisang1 over the Yellow Sea
- Aerosol Number Size Distribution and Type Classification from 4-Year Polarization Optical Particle Counter (POPC) Measurements at Urban-Mountain Site in Seoul
- Assessment of the Performance of a Scanning Wind Doppler Lidar at an Urban-Mountain Site in Seoul
- Atmospheric N<SUB>2</SUB>O during the last two millennia
- Characteristic changes in heat extremes over India in response to global warming using CMIP5 model simulations
- Characteristics of PAN (Peroxyacetyl Nitrate) in Outflow Plumes Over the Yellow Sea During KORUS-AQ Campaign
- Comparison of source apportionments of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> using three receptor models (CMB, PMF, and SMP) in Seoul, Korea
- Contrasting sodic and mildly potassic magma differentiation lineages at The Pleaides volcanic complex, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Development of Next-Generation Borehole Magnetometer and Its Potential Application in Constraining the Magnetic Declination of Oman Samail Ophiolite at ICDP Drill Sites
- Estimation of the mass absorption cross-section of the black and brown carbon aerosols during GoPoEx 2014
- Evaluation of Lithofacies Up-Scaling Methods for Probabilistic Prediction of Carbon Dioxide Behavior
- Evolution of deep crustal magma structures beneath Mount Baekdu volcano (MBV) intraplate volcano in northeast Asia
- Geochemical differences of magnetite from the Algoma- and Superior- type banded iron formations based on in situ LA-ICP-MS analysis
- High-precision relocation for aftershocks of the 2016 ML 5.8 Gyeongju earthquake in South Korea: Stress partitioning controlled by complex fault systems
- Magma Fertility is the First-Order Factor for the Formation of Porphyry Cu±Au Deposits
- Making Initial Earthquake Catalogs from a Temporary Seismic Network for Monitoring Aftershocks
- Numerical Simulation of the Borehole Magnetic Field for Resolving the Possible Rotation of Tectonic Basins and Plates during ICDP and IODP Experiments
- Occurrence of the Visible Gold and Sn-Bearing Mineral in Seafloor Hydrothermal Sulfides at Central Indian Ridge, 12.4°S
- Paleomagnetism of the Oman Ophiolite: New Results from Oman Drilling Project Cores
- Petrological and geochemical compositions of beach sands of the Barton and Weaver peninsulas of King George Island, West Antarctica: implications for provenance and deglacial history
- Physical mechanisms of spring and summertime drought related with the global warming over the northern America
- Possible heterogeneity in the Earth's inner core
- Quality control of temporary dense broadband seismic network deployed for aftershock monitoring
- Radial anisotropy of Northeast Asia inferred from Bayesian inversions of ambient noise data
- Revision of a local magnitude relation for South Korea
- Seismic constraints of thinning and fragmenting continental lithosphere beneath the Korean Peninsula
- Teleseismic traveltime tomography of Jeju Island, South Korea
- The Pleistocene Panamanian adakitic rocks: a slab melt or an evolved mantle-derived magma?
- The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the Korean Peninsula from S receiver functions
- Upper Mantle Velocity Structure beneath the Northeastern Philippine Sea Constrained by Waveform Modeling of P Triplicated Phases
- Using High-Resolution Swath Mapping Data and Other Underway Geophysical Measurements Collected during Transit Cruises of RV Isabu to Map Deep Sea Floor of the Pacific and Indian Oceans
- Using long-term ground-based HSRL and geostationary observations in combination with model re-analysis to help disentangle local and long-range transported aerosols in Seoul, South Korea
- 2017 Mw 5.4 Pohang earthquake, South Korea and poroelastic stress change associated with fluid injection
- A Study of Crust-mantle Transition Zone Based on Pn Waveforms: Application to Tectonic Affinity Between Eastern China and southern Korean Peninsula
- A Study on Optimal Monitoring Network Design in an Estuarine Area
- A synthesis of fast changes in greenhouse gases in ice cores
- Analytical and numerical approaches to understand the correlation between atmospheric pressure changes and fluctuating gas concentration in wells
- Application of age-estimation models to manage nitrate contamination in a complex aquifer system
- Assessment of crop growth condition and resilience using an integrative remote sensing method for corn and soybeans in US Corn Belt Region
- Changes in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> source contributions estimated by receptor models in Seoul, Korea
- Contribution and relative importance of input variables in artificial neural network for the groundwater level forecasting
- Crustal and uppermost mantle structure of Nazca plate beneath southern Peru using teleseismic P-receiver functions
- Development of New Triaxial Borehole Magnetometer and Its Application at Oman Samail Ophiolite, ICDP Drill Sites: The Set-up and Preliminary Results
- Development of an automatic analysis algorithm for dense temporary seismic network and its application to the 2016 M<SUB>L</SUB> 5.8 Gyeongju earthquake sequence, Korea
- Drilling the Crust-Mantle Transition at Oman Drilling Project Sites CM1 and CM2
- Estimation of borehole sensor orientation using waveform inversion
- Finding locations of good water candidates through statistical analysis of groundwater quality and hydrogeological data
- Geochemical change of groundwater by artificial CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage through shallow silicate aquifer: emphasis on pH buffering
- Hydrogeological Monitoring for CO2 Injected Into a Shallow Aquifer by Two Different Controlled Leakage Events using multi-depth monitoring wells at the K-COSEM Site, Korea
- Identifying CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakages in the Korea CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Environmental Management (K-COSEM) Test Site Using Backward Probability Model
- Impact of the Arctic Oscillation on aerosol concentrations in East Asia
- Improving Bottom-up Emissions Information Based on Air Quality Measurement and Modeling Feedbacks - The KORUS Emissions Inventory
- Mechanism on the influence of winter precipitation on spring phenology in boreal forests
- Multiple-isotope (Sr, Rn, O, and H), hydrochemistry, and microbiology to analyze mixing processes in a shallow aquifer near a river
- Numerical analysis of the role of the subglacial bed topography on future projections of David Glacier, East Antarctica
- Numerical approach to understand hydrological and thermal signals to infer dynamic interaction between groundwater and river water in a GWHP operated riverside area
- Physical Mechanisms of Surface Wind Variability at Incheon Airport
- Radial anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath the northeast Asia from Bayesian inversions of ambient noise data
- Repeating earthquakes observed in aftershocks of the 2016 ML 5.8 Gyeongju intraplate earthquake sequences
- Responses of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonality to earlier growing season in deciduous forests over the Northern Hemisphere
- Retrieval for total column amounts of O<SUB>3</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> from hyperspectral imaging sensor
- Rupture Propagation and Segmentation of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake
- Seasonal variation in residence time of two neighboring bays with contrasting topography
- Seismic Constraints on Erosion and Breakup of the Continental Lithosphere at the Eastern Margin of Eurasian Plate, and an Implication of Intraplate Volcanism
- Seismic attenuation structure beneath Nazca Plate subduction zone in southern Peru
- Species-specific, site-specific growth trend and relationship with environmental variables using Korea national forest inventory data
- Strong impact of Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation on Inter-annual Variability of PM<SUB>10</SUB> Concentration in South Korea during winter season
- Study on the Modulation of Climate Variability due to Aerosol Forcings in East Asia Using GRIMs with and without Climate-Chemistry Interactions
- The 15 November 2017 Pohang Earthquake
- The contribution of BC and BrC aerosols to solar radiation absorption estimated from in-situ observation at Gosan, Korea
- The pattern of HCHO and NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns in the downwind area of Seoul during KORUS-AQ campaign.
- Towards Modeling the Seismic Velocity Structure of the Pohang Enhanced Geothermal System Site in Korea
- Towards correlating between magnetic measurements conducted on core-material and magnetic downhole-logs obtained using a new borehole magnetometer
- Trends of column aerosol loading and surface particulate matter mass concentration over India during 2004-2015
- Unprecedented Cold Water along the Southern Coast of Korea in Summer 2013
- Upper crustal shear wave velocity and radial anisotropy beneath Jeju Island from ambient noise tomography
- Upper mantle structure beneath the Korean Peninsula by teleseismic traveltime tomography
- Variability of Aerosol Optical Properties in the Asian Continental Outflow Region: Marine background site (Gosan, Korea) vs. high-altitude mountain site (Lulin, Taiwan)
- Weakened Decrease in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentrations Associated with Warming Summers in the Recent Decade in Seoul, Korea
- Aerosol extinction retrieval for dust from the CALIOP measurements using the MODIS AOD as a constraint
- Analysis of micro-meteorological characteristics in complex coastal area using the Korean 307-m BOSEONG tall tower data and WRF-LES model results
- Anthropogenic Earthquakes and Forensic Seismology
- Attribution of black and brown carbon aerosols to solar light absorption at surface and column atmosphere in Kathmandu, Nepal
- Baseline Correction Tests of Strong-motion Records for Measuring Coseismic Deformation Associated with Moderate Earthquakes in the Korean Peninsula
- Comparison of double-moment cloud microphysics schemes in simulating Arctic mixed-phase cloud fraction
- Crustal Velocity Structure across the Southern Korean Peninsula from Earthquake Traveltime Inversion
- Data-oriented constraint on the interpretation of S receiver function and its application to observations of seismic discontinuities in the lithosphere-asthenosphere system
- Development of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> prediction model using recurrent neural network in Seoul, South Korea
- Development of a 1-D Velocity Model and Determination of Aftershock Hypocenters Associated with the 2017 Pohang Earthquake
- Estimation of Anthropogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in South Korea Using Formaldehyde Column Densities from Aircraft
- Estimation of effective Mixing Layer Height of aerosols from CALIPSO
- Evaluating top-down NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia and their impacts on simulated O<SUB>3</SUB> concentrations in South Korea using OMI retrievals and aircraft observations during the KORUS-AQ campaign
- Evaluation of WRF-CMAQ performance for PM<SUB>10</SUB> simulation in Seoul, South Korea based on back-trajectory analysis
- Finite Fault Inversion of the 2017 M<SUB>W</SUB> 5.5 Pohang Earthquake Using an Empirical Green's Function Method
- Ground-based and airborne hyperspectral imaging sensor measurements of NO<SUB>2</SUB> total column amounts
- Heterogeneous distributions of greenhouse gas concentration in snow layers of Styx Glacier, East Antarctica
- High-resolution analysis on seismic source characteristics of earthquakes near Pohang enhanced geothermal system
- Identification of factors affecting the spatial distribution of nitrate in an agricultural watershed using multiple environmental tracers and statistical approach
- Imaging carbonate minerals and ore exploration using hyperspectral scanner
- Imaging the anisotropic upper mantle structure beneath northeast Asia from Bayesian inversions of ambient noise data
- Improved hypocenter determination using a 3D velocity model: A case study for the 2017 M<SUB>w</SUB>5.5 Pohang earthquake, South Korea
- Meteorological Factors causing multi-day high PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> events during winter and spring in Seoul, Korea
- Modeling Asian dust storms using the WRF-Chem model constrained by the GOCI, MI, and SMAP satellite observations
- Moho depth variations beneath the southern Korean Peninsula from teleseismic P-wave coda autocorrelation.
- New progress in building Pacific Array: an international collaboration to image mantle dynamic processes across the Pacific basin
- Observation of migrating aftershocks in the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake sequence
- Observations utilizing Korea Ocean Research Stations and their Applications for Process Studies
- Potential of time-series InSAR analysis for measuring localized ground motion at Tide gauges for improved sea level change observations
- Prediction of Ground Motions in the Southeastern Korean Peninsula for Scenario Earthquakes in Northern Kyushu
- Production of hourly 1-km gridded PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations in South Korea using a deep neural network
- Relationship between Arctic Sea Ice amount and PM<SUB>10</SUB> Concentration in South Korea on January
- Relationship between climate variability and winter PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations in East Asia
- Research of respiratory deposition rate according to each mode with UFP concentration distribution
- Retrieving lidar ratios of East Asian aerosols using High Spectral Resolution Lidar measurements
- Rupture process of the 2007 Nevelsk, Sakhalin, M<SUB>W</SUB> 6.2 mainshock and M<SUB>W</SUB> 5.8 aftershock
- Source Allocation and Estimation of the Unknown DNAPL Residual Source Mass and Dissolved Concentration using Various Tracer Data at a DNAPL Contaminated Site, Wonju, Korea
- Spatial variations in seasonal and inter-annual surface displacement after the Anaktuvuk River Fire (ARF) measured by field surveys and L-band SAR interferometry
- Stability Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Injection Using the Design of Experiment: A Case Study for the Janggi Basin, Korea
- Stress drop scaling of the 2016 Gyeongju and 2017 Pohang seismic sequences using coda-based methods
- The 2017 Mw 5.4 Pohang earthquake, South Korea, and poroelastic stress changes associated with fluid injection
- The Macro and Microphysical Properties of Arctic Clouds and Their Radiative Effects from Polar WRF
- Towards a Refined 3D Model of the Western Pacific Slab to Investigate the Nature of Deep Earthquakes
- Understanding Urban Carbon Enhancement at the Megacity Using Satellite XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Data: A Case Study of Seoul, South Korea
- Upper mantle velocity structure beneath the Korean Peninsula by teleseismic traveltime tomography: evidence for heterogeneous modification and reactivation of a cratonic lithosphere margin
- Urban air quality analysis in an urban area using a CFD-Chemistry coupled model
- Validation of TROPOMI L2 products using ground-based remote sensing data including PANDORA measurements over GEMS domain
- Vertical Structure of Mixed Phase Clouds and Their Relation with Environmental Conditions Measured from Satellite and Ground-Based Observations at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
- 3-D Uppermost Mantle Structures from Pn and Sn Tomography across the Southern Korean Peninsula
- A Method for Measuring Small to Large Scale Coseismic Deformation of Earthquakes Using Strong-motion Records: Application to Moderate Earthquakes in the Korean Peninsula
- A chemical data assimilation framework for utilizing data products from multiple platforms to optimize NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia: a case study during the KORUS-AQ
- A role of ocean gyre related to an extended ocean boundary via retreat of a Pine Island Glacier ice front
- Effects of COVID-19 on PM air quality in South Korea
- Finite fault modeling of the M<SUB>W</SUB> 5.5 2017 Pohang earthquake with multi-segmented fault system
- First results of formaldehyde vertical columns from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) onboard a geostationary satellite over Asia
- Geodynamic modeling for stress and seismicity in the southern Korean Peninsula driven by lateral variations of lithospheric thickness and plate kinematics
- Heterogeneous Modification and Ongoing Reactivation of Craton Margin beneath Northeast Asia Continental Margin: Insight from Teleseismic Traveltime Tomography of the Korean Peninsula
- Impacts of Atmospheric Pressure on the Annual Maximum of Monthly Sea Levels in the Northeast Asian Marginal Seas
- Incidence Angle Dependence and Evolution of Drifting Multi-year Sea Ice During the Onset of Freeze-up in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Western Beaufort Sea
- Investigation of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Multi-year formaldehyde products from the OMPS Nadir Mappers on Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20
- New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space - First Observations from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Observed versus simulated characteristics of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in megacities in East Asia
- Operational and geological controls of hydro-mechanical coupling effects on induced earthquakes in Pohang, South Korea
- Preliminary 1-D Electrical Conductivity Structure of Oldest Oceanic Mantle from Magnetotelluric Observation, Pacific Array Project
- Rock magnetism and magnetic minerals as evidence for low-temperature fluid-rock interaction within serpentinized peridotites of Semail Ophiolite
- Searching for very old ice with continuous stratigraphy at Larsen Blue Ice Area, East Antarctica
- Seismic structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system beneath the oldest seafloor - the broadband dispersion analysis of the Oldest-1 (Pacific Array) data
- Simulating natural variations of CO<SUB>2</SUB> gas concentration in the vadose zone wells and a simple application for predicting CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage
- Slab Thinning Controls the Distribution of Large Deep Intraslab Earthquakes in the Western Pacific Subduction Zones
- The Pathways and Heat Transport of Circumpolar Deep Water into the Thwaites and the Pine Island Glaciers, West Antarctica
- Three dimensional shear wave structure in the upper mantle beneath the oldest Pacific plate
- Upper Mantle P-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Oldest Pacific Ocean Basin from Finite-frequency P-wave Traveltime Tomography
- Validation of TROPOMI/S5P NO2 products using PANDORA measurements over GEMS domain
- Value at Induced Risk: Injection-Induced Seismic Risk From Low-Probability, High-Impact Events
- Study on future change of vertical circulation over East Asia by analyzing terms of the omega equation