Kyung Hee University, Korea
flowchart I[Kyung Hee University, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (156)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (26)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Kyung Hee University, Department of Astronomy and Space Science
- Kyung Hee University, School of Space Research
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cluster Observations In the Magnetotail During Sudden and Quasi-periodic Changes In the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- The Integrated Storage-Flux Model For Groundwater Storage and Baseflow Dynamics
- The Role of the Plasmapause in Magnetospheric MHD Waves
- Overlandflow generation and surface erosion in Mongolia
- Pi2 pulsations associated with poleward boundary intensifications during the absence of substorms
- Estimation of Ground Water Recharge Using SWAT Model
- Determining soil erosion rate and sediment residence time on hillslopes using radionuclides in semiarid grassland of Mongolia
- Relationship between CME initial speed and magnetic helicity of magnetic clouds
- CINEMA (Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, MAgnetic fields)
- Satellite and ground-based study on the spatial characteristic of grazing step terracettes in semiarid grassland of Mongolia
- Development of Empirical Forecast Models of Geomagnetic Storms, Solar Proton Events, and Solar Flares based on Solar Information
- Effect of magnetosheath and solar wind flows on MHD wave mode conversion in the magnetosphere
- Electron- and Ion-optical Simulations for The SupraThermal Electron, Ion, and Neutral (STEIN) Sensor for Solar Orbiter
- Empirical modeling of quasilinear evolution of electromagnetic ion cyclotron instability for finite beta plasmas
- Energetic electron precipitation caused by wave particle interactions
- Time-dependent evolution of nonlinear MHD disturbances in the solar wind
- Twistness and Connectivity of Magnetic Field Line in the Solar Active Region NOAA 10930
- Entropy Generation across Earth's Bow Shock
- Multi-wavelength and Stereoscopic observations of a coronal jet supporting the emerging flux reconnection model
- Nonlinear Force-Free Field Modeling of a Three-Dimensional X-ray Sigmoid Observed on the Sun
- Theoretical construction of anisotropy-beta relation using EMIC, mirror and fire-hose instabilities
- What Controls the Magnetic Field Configuration of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections ?
- Comparison of three-dimensional parameters of Halo CMEs using three cone models
- Flare Triggering Region of NOAA AR11158
- Simulation studies for mode conversion of nonlinear Alfven waves in the magnetosphere
- Solar Dynamic Activities in the Perspective of Outer Coronal Dynamics
- Solving the scale-conflict between crop models and the climate information by a catchment-specific geospatial climatology
- Statistical study on nightside geosynchronous magnetic field responses to interplanetary shocks
- Comparison of EMIC wave observation and modeling under different geomagnetic activities
- Downscaling of digital temperature forecasts in mountainous terrain under the inversion condition
- Forecast of geomagnetic storms using CME parameters and the WSA-ENLIL model
- Height Dependence of Plasma Properties of a Dark Lane and a Cool Loop in a Solar Limb Active Region Observed by Hinode/EIS
- Observation of plasma depletions in outer radiation belt by Van Allen Probes
- Statistical analysis of nightside geosynchronous magnetic field responses to interplanetary shocks
- A Statistical Study of EMIC Waves Observed at THEMIS Probes in the Outer (L > 7) Magnetosphere Under Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions
- Analysis of EMIC waves in relation to magnetospheric heavy ion density
- Asymptotic Theory of Solar Wind Electron Halo Distribution
- Developing a forecast model of solar proton flux profiles for well-connected events
- Field Line Resonances in the Non-axisymmetric Plasmasphere
- Generation of suprathermal protons via parallel electron fire-hose instability: Particle-in-cell simulations
- Global Simulation of EMIC waves at Earth: Generation and Application of Linearly Polarized EMIC waves
- How Much Can We Estimate the Magnetic Helicity Influx During a Magnetic Flux Emergence with a Footpoint Tracking Method?
- Loss of Geosynchronous Relativistic Electrons By Emic Wave Scattering Under Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions
- Mass and energy of erupting plasma associated with coronal mass ejections in X-rays and EUV
- Modeling of a solar eruption and its relations with a solar wind
- On the Generation Mechanism of Externally Driven EMIC Waves
- Statistical Characteristics of EMIC Waves Observed at Geosynchronous Orbit during Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions
- The Existence Condition for Magnetic Flux-Current Surfaces in Magnetohydrostatic Equilibria
- Variations of the electron density in the low and middle latitude ionosphere due to high-speed solar wind streams observed by the DEMETER satellite
- A Feasibility Study of a Field-specific Weather Service for Small-scale Farms in a Topographically Complex Watershed
- A comparative study of solar facula during cycle 23 and 24
- Density fluctuation effects on Langmuir wave propagation
- Development of Space Science Instruments for Next Generation Small Satellite -1
- Effects of Asymmetry between the Northern and Southern Latitudes on ULF Waves near the Equatorial Region
- Effects of disturbances in the magnetosheath on the EMIC wave and its characteristics
- How Can a Erupting Sigmoid Trigger Solar Flare with Parallel and Large-Scale Quasi-Circular Ribbons?
- Kinetic properties of ions at the low-beta, quasi-perpendicular bow shock observed by the Cluster spacecraft
- Mechanistic approach to understand increased N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission followed by biochar application to the organic poor field soil
- Nonlinear Development of ULF waves in the Upstream of Earth's Bow Shock
- Numerical study of resonant electron dynamics during the development of whistler instability
- Potential impacts of CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage from the CCS sites on seed germination and soil microbial enzyme activities
- Projections of Future Summer Weather in Seoul and Their Impacts on Urban Agriculture
- Small scale solar wind turbulence due to nonlinear Alfvén waves
- Steady-State Model of Solar Wind Electrons and Implications for Kappa Distribution
- Study on the temperature and density of erupting prominences associated with coronal mass ejections
- Temperature Anisotropy Distribution and Evolution in Inhomogeneous Solar Wind
- The potential effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage from CCS sites on soil leachate chemistry
- Time evolution of ULF waves driven by impulsive particle injection
- Transfer of Real-time Dynamic Radiation Environment Assimilation Model; Research to Operation
- Transport of Solar Wind Across Earth's Bow Shock
- Variations in bacterial and fungal community composition along the soil depth profiles determined by pyrosequencing
- Variations of energetic electrons associated with solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement in the outer radiation belt
- a Study of Phase Relatioship and North-South Asymmetry of Sunspot Activities during Cycles 21 -24
- Constructing a Higher Resolution Map of Lunar Magnetic Fields from the Lunar Prospector Mission
- Dependence of Solar Energetic Particle on 3-Dimensional CME Parameters Using Stereoscopic Observations
- Detailed study of the Mare Crisium northern magnetic anomaly
- Development of Search-Coil Magnetometer for Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) Wave Observations at Jang Bogo Station in Antarctica
- EMIC Waves Accompanied by a Sudden Decrease in Ambient Magnetic Fields
- Effects of Conductivity Asymmetry Between the Northern and Southern Latitudes on Toroidal and Poloidal Mode
- MHD modelling in space weather: Accuracy issues
- Magnetometer for the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter
- Mass, charge and energy dependence of solar wind interaction with Earth's bow shock
- Nonlinear growth of magnetic pulses in the upstream of Earth's bow shock
- Numerical study of whistler instability with magnetic inhomogeneity perpendicular to background magnetic field
- Observations of EMIC waves over a wide range of magnetic shells by using multi satellite data
- Occurrence of EMIC waves and plasmaspheric plasmas derived from THEMIS observations in the outer magnetosphere: Revisit
- On the Finite Lifetimes of Poloidal Alfven Waves: Box vs. Dipole Models
- Optical Maturity on the Walls of Lunar Craters
- Polarimetry as a tool to study the space weathering on the Moon
- The association of spacecraft anomalies with electron/proton particle fluxes at different orbits
- Wide-Angle Polarimetric Camera for Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter
- Changes in plants and soil microorganisms in an artificial CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage experiment
- Cluster observations of the field-aligned currents in the high-altitude auroral region
- Development of High Energy Particle Detector for the Study of Space Storms onboard Next Generation Small Satellite-1
- Kinetic scale structure of low-frequency waves and fluctuations
- Spatial properties of pitch angle distributions of protons with energies of 100 eV to 40 keV around plasmapause observed from Van Allen Probes
- A data set of soil properties representing soil quality in the urban roadside tree system influenced by different anthropogenic activities
- Constraints of temperature and density of plasma in non-equilibrium ionization state
- Effect of biochar on temporal N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission from a soil varied with labile matter and CEC of biochars
- Frequency distortion of the ULF wave in low Earth polar orbit
- How does EMIC wave polarization depend on magnetospheric plasma conditions?
- Operation of Instruments for the Study of Space Storms (ISSS) on Next Generation Small Satellite-1
- Study on the agreement between solar and interplanetary magnetic field north-south directions using 101 CME-ICME pairs
- The Evolution of Poloidal Alfvén Waves in the Dipolar Magnetic Field
- The role of heliospheric current sheet effect on solar energetic particles at the injection stage
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 1. Overview
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 2. Generation of Farside Solar Magnetograms
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 4. Generation Denoised Solar Magnetograms
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 5. Generation of Historic Solar Magnetograms and UV images
- Controlling Poloidal Alfven Waves in the Magnetosphere
- Early results from the space weather instrument KSEM aboard the geostationary satellite GK2A at 128.2<SUP>o</SUP>E longitude
- Effects of Asymmetry of Magnetospheric Geometry on ULF Wave Occurrences
- Energy Transfer in the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System Under Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field Conditions: Implication of Transpolar Arcs
- Evaluation of chlorophyll fluorescence as an efficient plant parameter for CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage from CCS site
- Generation of Global TEC maps
- Heavy ion effects on wave normal angle of linearly polarized electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves
- Improvement of i-Tree Street model considering benefits of climate change adaptation in urban roadside tree systems
- Observations of Energy-Dispersed Narrow Band Structures in the Plasmaspheric Region
- Phase-angle coverage of the lunar polarimetry from the orbit using KPLO/PolCam
- Prediction and Understanding of Dynamics of Naturally & Artificially Released CO<SUB>2</SUB> into a Vadose Zone using a Numerical Simulator
- Structure of a Magnetic Disturbance in the Mid-altitude Cusp Region: Cluster Observations
- Suggestion of soil properties representing soil quality in the urban roadside tree system
- ULF waves observed near the Moon by Lunar Prospector: Occurrence rate and its IMF dependence
- Accelerating and Supersonic Density Disturbances in Solar Polar Plumes
- Denoising solar magnetograms by a novel deep learning method for image translation
- Effect of Higher Radial Harmonics in Sausage Oscillations in Coronal Loops
- Generation of Solar Magnetograms, UV, and EUV images from Galileo Sunspot Drawings by Deep Learning
- Global TEC map forecasting model using deep learning based on conditional generative networks
- Improvement of IRI Global TEC Maps by Deep Learning based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
- Nonequilibrium properties in the plasma sheet observed on 2017 September 10
- Visual Explanation of a Deep Learning Solar Flare Forecast Model and Its Relationship with Physical Parameters
- Wind Tunnel Experiment of Particulate Matter Resuspension by Different Surface Types and Environmental Factors
- 3-day Forecasting of Global TEC Map Using a Deep Learning Model
- A soil quality index tailored to metropolitan environment for assessment and management policy development
- Application of deep reinforcement learning to solar major flare forecasting
- Correction of ULF Wave observations in Low Earth Orbit
- Investigation of a current sheet using a time-dependent ionization equation with various Kappa distributions
- Modification of the RothC model to simulate the effect of conservation tillage using a single-objective optimization algorithm
- On the Persistent Poloidal Alfven Waves Excited by Wave-Particle Interaction
- Radial Transport of Poloidal Alfven Waves Excited by Wave-Particle Interaction
- Solar coronal white light image generation from SDO/AIA EUV (171,193 & 211) images using deep learning
- The Effect of Understory to Enhance Carbon Storage and Absorption in Urban Roadside Greenery
- A Statistical Study of Pc 1-2 Waves Observed in a Polar Cap Region (Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica)
- A study of mass-to-charge ratio with various kappa values in impulsive SEP events
- Characterising Satellite Soil Moisture Drying Rates Using a Bivariate Recursive Filtering Approach
- Direct and indirect carbon losses from urban redevelopment: An overlooked soil carbon stocks and fluxes in the construction sector
- Feasibility of 4 per 1000 initiative analyzed from national scale assessment of SOC sequestration by conservation tillage practices
- Hydrologic Inference in Ungauged Basins using L-band Microwave Surrogate Runoff observations
- Identification of Urban Green Hotspots: Systematic Approach to Improve the Urban Carbon Uptake
- On the need for non-stationarity in operational estimates of Probable Maximum Precipitation
- Reconstruction of the SMAP-based 12-hourly soil moisture product over the CONUS through water balance budgeting
- Rising tone whistler waves near the electron-scale reconnection
- Simultaneous Oscillations of Low Energy Plasma and Magnetic Field Variations in the Lunar Wake
- Solar flare forecast using deep reinforcement learning for imbalanced classification
- Systematic Assessment of Planting Shrubs in Urban Roadside Ecosystem as Carbon Sink
- The Ratio of Microbial Necromass to Total Microbial Biomass: An Index for SOC Sequestration Processes in Various Ecosystems
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Ashish Sharma
- Conrad Wasko
- Eunsu Park
- Harim Lee
- Hiroshi Hasegawa
- Hyun-Jin Jeong
- Hyunglok Kim
- Il-Hyun Cho
- Inhye Seo
- J. B. Visser
- J. L. Burch
- J. Webster
- K. Dokgo
- Khan‐Hyuk Kim
- Kyoung‐Joo Hwang
- Kyung-Hwan Min
- Lucy Marshall
- Peter H. Yoon
- R. Bučík
- Rory Nathan
- S. M. Baek
- S. W. Kahler
- Shin Toriumi
- V. Lakshmi
- Y. K. Ko
- Yong‐Jae Moon