Kyung Hee University, School of Space Research
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Analysis of auroras caused by precipitation of high energy electrons
- Eruptive Behaviors of Solar Flux Ropes Depending on the Degree of Confinement
- On the definition of geomagnetic activity: Case study at the auroral Sodankylä station
- TRIO (Triplet Ionospheric Observatory) Mission
- Comparison of Dst forecast models and their dependence on interplanetary structure
- Estimate of Coronal Magnetic Field Strength Using Plasmoid Acceleration Measurement
- Generation of a few mHz compressional modes in the magnetosphere
- Geosynchronous magnetic field responses to interplanetary shocks
- Identification of backside events from the NOAA solar proton event list
- Ion Density Holes observed by Cluster satellite: Electromagnetic PIC Simulation
- Large electric fields observed at the nightside plasmapause
- Multipoint Observation of Fast Mode Waves Trapped in the Dayside Plasmasphere
- Nonlinear Steepening of Shock-like Structures in the Solar Wind: Wave-Particle Interaction
- THEMIS Pi2 observations near the dawn and dusk sectors in the inner magnetosphere
- Two-satellite observations of Pi2 pulsations in the inner magnetosphere
- Comparison of Asymmetric and Ice-cream Cone Models for Halo Coronal Mass Ejections
- Comparison of CME radial velocities from a flux rope model and an ice cream cone model
- Comparison of Collisionless Shock Structures with the MHD Model
- Development of an Automatic Program to Analyze Sunspot Groups on White Light Images using OpenCV
- Effects of neutral collisions on the plasma wave coupling in inhomogeneous space
- Electron inertial effects on ULF wave absorption near the equatorial region: A simulation study
- Generation of Field-Aligned Energy Flux at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Heating of Plasmas in the Near-Earth Magnetotail by the Impact of an Interplanetary Shock
- Nonlinear turbulence theory for Buneman instability
- On the Possible Mechanisms of Two GLE Events
- PIC simulation study of the effect of ion to electron mass ratio on Ion beam driven instability and generation of ion holes
- Prediction of solar proton events based on flare and CME parameters
- The Response of the Magnetosphere to a Sudden Ring Current Injection
- A Potential Role of Double Layers on Solar Wind Acceleration
- A study of solitary wave trains generated by injection of a blob into plasmas
- An Automated Solar Synoptic Analysis Software System
- Analysis of the Magnetic Structure of NOAA 11302 Producing an M4 Solar Flare
- Chromospheric Running Wave Produced through the Emergence of a Twisted Magnetic Flux Tube
- Comparison of neural network and support vector machine methods for forecasting Kp
- Comparison of the CME-associated shock arrival times at the earth using the WSA-ENLIL model with three cone models
- Density Holes, Hot Flow Anomalies and SLAMS
- Development of Empirical Space Weather Forecast Models Based on Solar Data
- Effects of 3-D plasmaspheric density distribution on ULF waves at different local times
- Enhanced Langmuir Fluctuation by Strahl Electrons and Its Influence on the Formation of the Halo Component
- How is magnetic-field configuration related to upflows in active regions?
- Numerical Simulations of EMIC waves in 2D heavy ion density structures at Earth, Mercury, and Jupiter
- On the Possible Mechanisms of GLE Events
- Parametric study of electron flat-top distribution formation
- Proton Heating by Cyclotron Waves in the Presence of a Finite Source and a Sink
- Relationship between Earthward magnetotail flow burst and low-latitude Pi2 pulsations
- Solar Flare Probability depending on Sunspot Characteristics and Their Changes
- Solar wind structure during the solar minimums : Comparison between the cycle 22/23 minimum and 23/24 minimum
- Statistical studies of trough at middle latitudes
- Stereo ENA Imaging of the Ring Current and Multi-point Measurements of Suprathermal Particles and Magnetic Fields by TRIO-CINEMA
- The statistical analysis of low-latitude Pi2 pulsations during the intervals of extremely quiet geomagnetic conditions
- The study on source regions of solar energetic particles detected by widely separated multiple spacecraft
- Theoretical construction of solar wind temperature anisotropy versus beta inverse correlation
- Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Magnetic Structure Producing the X and M Class Flares in the Solar Active Region 11158
- Variation of the Plasma Sheet in the Near-Earth Magnetotail by the Impact of an Interplanetary Shock
- A global MHD simulation study of the vortices at the magnetosphere boundary under the southward IMF condition
- A study of the relationship between solar energetic particles and EUV waves
- Ion Temperature Anisotropy Boundaries in the Dayside Magnetosheath
- Loss of relativistic electrons at geosynchronous orbit by EMIC waves
- Magnetopause shadowing effects on the GEO flux dropout during a very weak magnetic storm: RBE results
- Multi-Band Polarimetric Observations of the Lunar Surface and the Mean Particle Size of the Lunar Regolith
- Survey of the ionospheric disturbances related with large seismic events in multi-satellite ionospheric observations
- Three-dimensional global MHD modeling of a coronal mass ejection interacting with the solar wind
- Loss of Geosynchronous Relativistic Electrons By Emic Wave Scattering Under Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions
- On the Generation Mechanism of Externally Driven EMIC Waves
- Pi2 Pulsations Observed by Van Allen Probes: A Case Study
- Statistical Characteristics of EMIC Waves Observed at Geosynchronous Orbit during Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions
- Substorm Onset and the Possible Role of O+ IONS Flowing out during Pseudo-Breakup Auroras
- Development of Space Science Instruments for Next Generation Small Satellite -1
- Effects of disturbances in the magnetosheath on the EMIC wave and its characteristics
- Transport of Solar Wind Across Earth's Bow Shock
- Development of Search-Coil Magnetometer for Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) Wave Observations at Jang Bogo Station in Antarctica
- MHD modelling in space weather: Accuracy issues
- Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Responses to an Interplanetary Shock on 16 February 2013
- Nonlinear growth of magnetic pulses in the upstream of Earth's bow shock
- Numerical study of whistler instability with magnetic inhomogeneity perpendicular to background magnetic field
- The SIGMA CubeSat Mission for Space Research and Technology Demonstration
- Constraints of temperature and density of plasma in non-equilibrium ionization state
- First identification of the high-latitude ionization trough from a satellite (SWARM) observation
- Forecasting solar flare occurrence based on Convolutional Neural Network using SDO/HMI magnetograms and the flare occurrence of the previous day
- Frequency distortion of the ULF wave in low Earth polar orbit
- Generation of Solar EUV images from HMI magnetograms by deep learning
- Generation of solar magnetograms and EUV images of Galileo sunspots by deep learning
- How does EMIC wave polarization depend on magnetospheric plasma conditions?
- Onset of Sigmoid Eruption
- Simulation and Quasilinear Theory of Magnetospheric Bernstein Mode Instability
- Simulation study of particle heating at quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks
- Study on the agreement between solar and interplanetary magnetic field north-south directions using 101 CME-ICME pairs
- The role of heliospheric current sheet effect on solar energetic particles at the injection stage
- Wave-Particle Interaction with ULF waves in the Foreshock Region of Earth's Bow Shock
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 1. Overview
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 2. Generation of Farside Solar Magnetograms
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 4. Generation Denoised Solar Magnetograms
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 5. Generation of Historic Solar Magnetograms and UV images
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 7. Forecast of major flare X-ray profiles
- Application of Deep Learning to solar and space weather data: 3. Global magnetic field extrapolation using frontside and farside magnetograms
- Coupling of Earth's Ionosphere, Magnetosphere and Solar Wind
- Early results from the space weather instrument KSEM aboard the geostationary satellite GK2A at 128.2<SUP>o</SUP>E longitude
- Effects of Asymmetry of Magnetospheric Geometry on ULF Wave Occurrences
- Generation of Global TEC maps
- Interaction of Magnetic Flux Ropes and Overlying Fields Leading to Solar Eruption
- Investigating the Relationship between IPDPs and Pi1B Waves
- Launch and early operation result of charged particle detector in the range of 20 keV to 400 keV with deflecting electrostatic field for in-situ measurement of suprathermal electrons, protons, and neutrals
- Observations of Energy-Dispersed Narrow Band Structures in the Plasmaspheric Region
- Observations of Ion Flattop Distributions in the Downstream Region of Earth's Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock
- Statistical study of ULF Pc2-Pc3 waves in the topside ionosphere observed by Swarm satellites
- Temporal Sequences of Static Magnetic Fields Used to Find the Dynamic Processes with Less Ad Hoc Assumptions
- The KMAG instrument of Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter mission
- ULF waves observed near the Moon by Lunar Prospector: Occurrence rate and its IMF dependence
- Why Are Solar Filaments Filamentary?
- Accelerating and Supersonic Density Disturbances in Solar Polar Plumes
- Denoising solar magnetograms by a novel deep learning method for image translation
- Effect of Higher Radial Harmonics in Sausage Oscillations in Coronal Loops
- Estimation of halo CME mass using synthetic CMEs based on a full ice-cream cone model
- Fe/O variations in large solar energetic particle events
- Forecasting Kp Index Using a Hybrid Machine Learning Model Based on Random Forest and Sequence-to-sequence
- Generation of He I 1083nm Images from SDO/AIA Images by Deep Learning
- Generation of MLSO K-Coronagraph white light images from SDO/AIA EUV (171, 193 & 211 passbands) using deep learning
- Generation of Solar Magnetograms, UV, and EUV images from Galileo Sunspot Drawings by Deep Learning
- Global TEC map forecasting model using deep learning based on conditional generative networks
- Global magnetic field extrapolation using solar backside magnetograms generated by deep learning
- Improvement of IRI Global TEC Maps by Deep Learning based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
- Ionospheric plasma density oscillation related to EMIC Pc1 waves
- Kinetic Dynamics of Early and Mature Phase Hot Flow Anomalies Observed Upstream of Earth's Bow Shock
- Nonequilibrium properties in the plasma sheet observed on 2017 September 10
- Studying the relationship between substorm-onset related Pi1Bs and IPDP-type EMIC waves
- Super-resolution of SDO/HMI Magnetogram Using Novel Deep Learning Methods.
- Visual Explanation of a Deep Learning Solar Flare Forecast Model and Its Relationship with Physical Parameters
- 3-day Forecasting of Global TEC Map Using a Deep Learning Model
- 72-hour Forecasting of Electron Fluxes at Geostationary Orbit by Deep Learning
- Application of deep reinforcement learning to solar major flare forecasting
- Examination of physical characteristics of the Carrington event using deep learning
- Fast Spectral Inversion of the H And Ca II 8542 Line Spectra Based on a Deep Learning Model
- Fast construction of 3-D solar coronal density distribution based on MAS simulation by deep learning
- Investigation of a current sheet using a time-dependent ionization equation with various Kappa distributions
- Pixel-to-pixel translation of solar EUV images for determining DEMs by deep learning based on multi-layer perceptron
- Release of Accurate AI-generated Solar Farside Magnetograms
- Solar coronal white light image generation from SDO/AIA EUV (171,193 & 211) images using deep learning
- Determination of 3-D parameters of coronal mass ejections using CNN models
- Generation of solar (E)UV data from Ca II K Images by Deep Learning
- Improved AI-generated Solar Farside Magnetograms by STEREO EUV Observations and Their Applications
- Solar flare forecast using deep reinforcement learning for imbalanced classification