Kyung Hee University, Department of Astronomy and Space Science
flowchart I[Kyung Hee University, Department of Astronomy and Space Science] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (82)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Statistical Study of Fundamental Standing Alfven Waves Observed by the Polar Satellite near the Subsolar Magnetic Meridian
- Study of Predictability of STOA Model For Magnetic Storms Using Data From Ichon Solar Radio Observatory
- Forward Modeling of Travel-time Magnetoseismology: Tamao's Approximation vs. MHD Simulation
- Simulation Study of Ionospheric Damping of Pi2 Pulsations
- Effects of asymmetric plasmasphere on MHD waves in a three-dimensional dipolar magnetosphere
- Generation of Field-Aligned Currents Driven by ULF Waves at the Plasmasheet Boundary Layer
- Magnetospheric Response to Pulsed Variation in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure: A Case Study
- Pulsed Electric Fields at the Nightside Plasmapause
- Rocket sounding of stratospheric ozone density profile by UV radiometer onboard KSR-III
- Simulation study on how electron and proton whistlers appear for different latitudes
- Effects of field-aligned inhomogeneity on plasma wave coupling: Application of invariant imbedding method
- Effects of field-aligned inhomogeneity on plasma wave coupling: Numerical simulations
- Effects of heavy ions on ULF waves in the magnetosphere
- Latitude-independent Pc5 Geomagnetic Pulsations Associated With Field Line Resonance
- Propagation Of Nonlinear Magnetosonic Waves
- Simulations of MHD waves in the 3-D dipole model with a realistic magnetospheric density profile
- Spatial Structure of Alfven and Sound Speeds in the Magnetotail
- A Statistical Study of Plasma Properties in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
- A numerical study of Hall effect in ULF waves
- Pi2 Pulsations Observed From the Polar Satellite Outside the Plasmapause
- Relationship between pulsed earthward high-speed flows and Pi2 pulsations
- Wave Propagation in a Two Ion Plasma Around the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies: Application of Invariant Imbedding Method
- Effects of heavy ions on ULF wave resonances near the equatorial region
- Global structure of 2-D plasma sheet profiles for various IMF conditions : Geotail observations
- Entropy Constraints on Particle Entry and Tail Transport from DMSP Measurements
- Numerical Calculations of Relativistic Electron Drift Loss Effect
- Small-scale X-ray/EUV Jets seen in Hinode XRT and TRACE
- Are Double Coronal X-ray Sources in Solar Flares Two Magnetic Flux Ropes in Merging?
- Conversion Between Self- and Mutual Magnetic Helicities in the Stepwise Evolution of Cellular Flux Systems Towards Solar Eruption
- Heavy ion effects on wave absorption at the magnetosphere
- Impulsive Magnetic Reconnection in Solar and Laboratory Plasmas
- Nonlinear simulation studies of magnetospheric field line resonances
- Prediction of solar proton event occurrence probability and peak flux using its associated X-ray flux, impulsive time, and longitude
- Resonant absorption of ULF waves at Mercury's magnetosphere
- Resonant absorption of ULF waves by heavy ion resonances in the inhomogeneous inner-magnetosphere
- Diurnal and seasonal variability of sporadic meteor flux: First observations of pre-sunrise secondary peak from Thumba
- Eigenmodes of linear polarized EMIC waves in the Magnetosphere
- Eruptive Behaviors of Solar Flux Ropes Depending on the Degree of Confinement
- Large electric fields near the nightside plasmapause observed by the Polar spacecraft
- Large solar proton events associated with coronal mass ejections
- Low energy electron precipitation in the polar cap region observed by STSAT-1
- A magnetohydrodynamic model of a solar penumbral microjet
- Comparison of Dst forecast models and their dependence on interplanetary structure
- Estimate of Coronal Magnetic Field Strength Using Plasmoid Acceleration Measurement
- Field Line Resonance at Mercury
- Cluster observations of multiple dipolarization fronts
- Half-Turn Rotation of a Polarity Inversion Line and Associated Quadrupolar-Like Structure on the Sun
- Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares and CMEs and in Laboratory Plasma Merging Experiments
- Magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to the passage of solar wind discontinuity on 24 November 2008
- Chromospheric Running Wave Produced through the Emergence of a Twisted Magnetic Flux Tube
- Comparison of neural network and support vector machine methods for forecasting Kp
- Mass constraints on the eruptive plasma in X-ray and EUV
- Pc1/EMIC waves observed at subauroral latitude during sudden magnetospheric compressions
- Spectroscopic Study of a Dark Lane and a Cool Loop in a Solar Limb Active Region by Hinode/EIS
- Physical properties of erupting plasma associated with coronal mass ejections
- ULF wave modeling in Mercury's magnetosphere: Field-line resonance structures at Mercury
- Cluster observations of the field-aligned currents in the high-altitude auroral region
- First identification of the high-latitude ionization trough from a satellite (SWARM) observation
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 2. Generation of Farside Solar Magnetograms
- Dependency of Plasma Emission on Plasma-to-Cyclotron Frequency Ratio: Particle-In-Cell Simulation
- Observations of Energy-Dispersed Narrow Band Structures in the Plasmaspheric Region
- Observations of Ion Flattop Distributions in the Downstream Region of Earth's Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock
- Structure of a Magnetic Disturbance in the Mid-altitude Cusp Region: Cluster Observations
- Accelerating and Supersonic Density Disturbances in Solar Polar Plumes
- Effect of Higher Radial Harmonics in Sausage Oscillations in Coronal Loops
- Fe/O variations in large solar energetic particle events
- Generation of He I 1083nm Images from SDO/AIA Images by Deep Learning
- Generation of MLSO K-Coronagraph white light images from SDO/AIA EUV (171, 193 & 211 passbands) using deep learning
- Generation of Solar Magnetograms, UV, and EUV images from Galileo Sunspot Drawings by Deep Learning
- Global TEC map forecasting model using deep learning based on conditional generative networks
- Global magnetic field extrapolation using solar backside magnetograms generated by deep learning
- Improvement of IRI Global TEC Maps by Deep Learning based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
- Onset Process of Eruptive M6.5 Flare in Active Region 12371
- Super-resolution of SDO/HMI Magnetogram Using Novel Deep Learning Methods.
- Visual Explanation of a Deep Learning Solar Flare Forecast Model and Its Relationship with Physical Parameters
- Examination of physical characteristics of the Carrington event using deep learning
- Fast Spectral Inversion of the H And Ca II 8542 Line Spectra Based on a Deep Learning Model
- Pixel-to-pixel translation of solar EUV images for determining DEMs by deep learning based on multi-layer perceptron
- Release of Accurate AI-generated Solar Farside Magnetograms
- Solar coronal white light image generation from SDO/AIA EUV (171,193 & 211) images using deep learning
- Generation of solar (E)UV data from Ca II K Images by Deep Learning
- Improved AI-generated Solar Farside Magnetograms by STEREO EUV Observations and Their Applications