University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Improvement of HSPF watershed model in plant uptake and DIN export from forest
- Talus Lex: Regulatory Approaches to Reducing Mercury Concentrations in San Francisco Bay Fish.
- The Trajectories and Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change: A Global Synthesis
- A 3-D Model of the Ocean Carbon Cycle: Sensitivity to Mixing Based on Bathymetry Roughness
- Data Assimilation in the South China Sea during ENSO
- Interpreting Satellite Views of Biophysical Coupling With Subsurface TAO/TRITON data in the Tropical Pacific
- Mercury cycling over the North Pacific Ocean: Influence of South East Asia dust depostion.
- Reactive Gaseous Mercury Formation Over The North Pacific Ocean: Influence Of Environmental Parameters On Elemental Mercury Oxidation In The Marine Boundary Layer
- Structure and diversity of functional guilds in the microbial nitrogen cycle of estuarine sediments
- The Prospects for Using Little Diomede Island as a Base for Monitoring Bering Strait
- Watershed nutrient inputs, phytoplankton accumulation, and C stocks in Chesapeake Bay
- Estimates of soluble iron from observations and a global mineral aerosol model
- Frigid air and frozen oceans: Educational outreach opportunities in Arctic ocean-ice-atmosphere research
- Hydrological Impacts of Land Use Change in the Central Appalachian Mountains, U.S.: A Multi-Scale Analysis
- Measurements of Remote Sensing Reflectance in Chesapeake Bay Using In-situ and Satellite (MODIS) Observations
- Nitrogen Oxide Trace Gas Efflux and Soil N Dynamics in Response to N Inputs in Temperate Forests of the Northeastern U.S.
- Linking River-to-Ocean Through Temporal and Spatial Variation in Runoff Tracers in the Arctic Ocean
- Teachers working with your research team: Meeting the education and outreach criteria.
- An Ocean Basin of Dirt? Using Molecular Biomarkers and Radiocarbon to Identify Organic Carbon Sources and their Preservation in the Arctic Ocean
- Coupling of Hydrologic and Ecosystem Nutrient Cycling in Forest and Suburban Catchments
- River restoration in the United States: the challenge of restoring reaches to manage catchments
- Cohesive Sediment Erodibility and Evolution of a Mud Deposit on the Palos Verdes Shelf
- Conceptual Design of a Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory (CBEO)
- Effects of Forest Disturbance on Water Quality in Appalachian Watersheds
- Groundwater and Surface Water Hg Response to Clear-cut Logging
- Impacts of land use and interannual climate variability on nitrogen export characteristics
- Long-Term Changes in the Acid-Base Status of Western Maryland Streams
- Modulation of K1 Barotropic Tide by Vigorous Baroclinic Tide in South China Sea
- Transformations of DOM in forested catchments: the pathways of DOM from litter and soil to river export
- Baltimore WATERS Test Bed -- Quantifying Groundwater in Urban Areas
- Biogeochemical Controls on Mercury Methylation: A compilation of Data Across Fresh and Saltwater Wetlands
- Cation Chemistry in Baltimore Streams: Another Syndrome Symptom?
- Changes in Total and Methyl Mercury Concentrations and Fluxes Resulting From Clearcut Logging and Drought in Boreal Forest Wetlands and Hillslope Groundwaters
- Coupled Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on Methylmercury Production and Export from a Boreal Wetland
- Sorption of Yttrium and the Rare Earth Elements on Non-Living Macroalgal Tissue
- Characterization of Sea Lettuce Surface Functional Groups by Potentiometric Titrations
- Climatic Perturbations of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Mid-Atlantic Estuaries
- Contrasts in the flux and composition of particulate organic matter in a temperate estuary as a function of river discharge
- Effects Of Tide And Wind On Changjiang River Plume
- Groundwater decline, vegetation change, and surface soil stability in a semi-arid environment
- How does sea-level rise affect stratification and circulation in Chesapeake Bay?
- Impact of Hurricane Isabel on Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay
- Internal Solitary Waves Induced by Flow Over a Ridge: With Applications to the Northern South China Sea
- Lateral circulation driven by axial winds in an idealized, partially mixed estuary
- Long-term Experimental Networks for Stream Ecosystem Studies: the Lotic Intersite Nitrogen Experiment (LINX) and the Stream Experimental and Observatory Network (STREON) Component of the National Ecological Observatory Network
- Physical Factors Controlling Floc Properties in Chesapeake Bay
- Potential climate-change impacts on the Chesapeake Bay
- Recent trends in sea ice-associated phytoplankton blooms in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas
- The Seasonal Variation of Phytoplankton Growth in the East China Sea: a Numerical Study
- Wind Erosion and Vegetation Structure in Groundwater Affected Plant Communities
- Wind-Induced Redistributions of Hypoxic Water in Chesapeake Bay
- Caribean climate since 1469: a coral perspective on seasonal, multidecadal and centennial variability
- High-resolution Average Forest Phenology and Annual Residuals for Quantifying the Start of Spring and Summer Leaf-area Dynamics
- Holocene precipitation seasonality captured by a dual isotope approach at Steel Lake, Minnesota
- Mapping composition in dust-producing regions: Extending geochemical measurements over large scales with remote sensing
- The relationship between dissolved organic carbon quality and mercury transport in a boreal watershed
- Using Fallout Radionuclides to Quantify Timescales of Soil Deflation due to Ecological Change in Owens Valley, California
- When did C4 Photosynthesis originate: New evidence from δ13C analysis of single grass-pollen grains
- Chesapeake Bay Forecast System: Oxygen Prediction for the Sustainable Ecosystem Management
- Climatic Variations And Ecosystem Disturbances As Drivers Of Chemical Mass Fluxes From Forested Ecosystems To Surface Waters
- Co-Precipitation of Double Carbonates of Yttrium and the Rare Earth Elements, Na2xM2(CO3)3+x, from Seawater-Like Electrolyte Solutions
- Effect of Colloids on the Calculation of Distribution Coefficients in Studies of Metal Sorption on Organic Matter
- Methylmercury Cycling and Tidal Exchange in a Chesapeake Bay Salt Marsh (Invited)
- Optical properties of ocean waters beneath melt-season first-year sea ice in the Chukchi Sea
- Resolution versus Relevance: Challenges in Field Investigations of Stream-Groundwater Interactions (Invited)
- Sediment dynamics over multiple time scales in Dyke Marsh Preserve (Potomac River, VA)
- Simulating the three dimensional dispersal of aging oil with a Lagrangian approach
- Soil Redox Potential as a Control of Soil Total Gaseous Mercury Fluxes in Background Soils
- Stability of the Cadmium Complex with the Bacterial Trihydroxamate Siderophore Desferrioxamine B at Seawater Ionic Strength
- Western Arctic Sea Ice Algal Productivity during the Holocene: Estimation from Bulk and Compound Specific Stable Isotopes
- YREE sorption on hydrous manganese oxide (MnOx) in 0.5 M NaCl
- A River Runs Under It: Modeling the Distribution of Streams and Stream Burial in Large River Basins
- Assessing the fate of agricultural nitrogen from analysis of groundwater emerging in a drainage ditch
- Constraining Erosion Timescales and Magnitudes with Multiple Fallout Radionuclide Tracers in Owens Valley, CA
- Critical Infrastructure for Ocean Research and Societal Needs in 2030
- Does the "sleeping Dragon" Really Sleep?: the Case for Continuous Long-Term Monitoring at a Gulf of Mexico Cold Seep Site
- Generalized Dissimilarity Modeling of Late-Quaternary Variations in Pollen-Based Compositional Dissimilarity
- Geochemical Arrays at Woolsey Mound Seafloor Observatory
- Ground-based measurements of anthropogenic column sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide at Frostburg, MD in November 2010 and comparison with aircraft and OMI/AURA satellite measurements
- Identifying Drivers of Interannual Variability in Seasonal Sedimentation Patterns in the Corsica River (MD)
- Internal waves and surf zone water quality at Huntington Beach, California
- Middle Atlantic Bight Marine Ecosystem: A Regional Forecast Model Study
- Recent environmental changes enhance coccolithophorid blooms in the Bering Sea
- The Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO)-A Change Detection Array in the Pacific Arctic Sector
- The association of physical mixing with benthic biogeochemical processes and benthic primary production on the eastern Chukchi Sea shelf
- Trends in Sea Ice Cover, Sea Surface Temperature, and Chlorophyll Biomass Across a Marine Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic Region
- Trends in Surface-Water Nitrate-N Concentrations and Loads from Predominantly-Forested Watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay Basin
- Vegetation Influences on Tidal Freshwater Marsh Sedimentation and Accretion
- Advancing Water Science through Improved Cyberinfrastructure
- Chemical and physical controls on hydrate stability probed with field and laboratory experiments
- Declining moisture availability in late Eocene Antarctica as deduced from Nothofagus sporopollenin δ13C
- Estimating the rate and elevation dependence of net accretion in a freshwater tidal marsh using DEM-registered surveys
- Land Cover Effects on Watershed Runoff Patterns: A Regional Perspective using Power Spectral Analyses
- Landscape controls on the timing of spring, autumn, and growing season length in mid-Atlantic forests
- MADE CLEAR: Riding the waves of new science standards and environmental literacy requirements to enhance climate change education
- Multiscale Approach to Small River Plumes off California
- Observations of the Columbia River salt wedge and estuarine turbidity maximum using AUVs
- Oxygen changes in the tropical Indian Ocean since 1960: spatial distributions, mechanisms, and implications
- Promoting Regionally-Based Climate Change Education through Collaborations with Formal and Informal Education Institutions
- Reconstruction of Tropical Ocean SST Trends during the Last Millennium: Results from the PAGES/Ocean2K Project
- Sediment deposition from Tropical Storm Lee in the upper Chesapeake Bay: field observations and model predictions
- Spatial and temporal patterns of stream burial and its effect on habitat connectivity across headwater stream communities of the Potomac River Basin, USA
- A spatial and vertical comparison of coral Sr/Ca variations and growth rates in Montastraea faveolata colonies in Veracruz, Mexico
- Ecogeomorphological feedbacks in a tidal freshwater marsh
- Evaluation of Sr/Ca-based paleoclimate reconstructions in modern and Medieval Diploria strigosa corals in the northeastern Caribbean
- Quantifying N<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O production in agricultural streams using open channel methods: a tool for finding missing watershed nitrogen
- A Collaborative Effort to Build a Modular Course on GeoEthics
- Characterization of Whole Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter by <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR
- Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter across a Marine Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic Region
- Climate Literacy in the Classroom: Supporting Teachers in the Transition to NGSS
- Data Management Solutions for Tracking Restoration Progress in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Impact of Shoreline Stabilization Structures on Chesapeake Bay Nearshore Habitats
- Long-Term Loads of Nutrients and Sediment from Non-Tidal Regions of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: An Assessment of Seasonal Trends and Progress
- Observation and simulation of wind-driven lateral circulation in Chesapeake Bay
- Radiocarbon Evidence for Active Turnover of Pore-Water Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Methanogenic and Sulfate-Methane-Transition Zones of Santa Barbara Basin Sediments
- Reconstructing medieval climate in the tropical North Atlantic with corals from Anegada, British Virgin Islands
- Shallow-water System Dynamics in Chesapeake Bay, with Physical-Biological Modeling Application
- Spatial Patterns of Plant Litter and Sedimentation in a Tidal Freshwater Marsh and Implications for Marsh Persistence
- Spatiotemporal Variation in the Environmental Controls of C<SUB>4</SUB>-Grass Origin and Ecology: Insights from Grass-Pollen δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Data
- Spatiotemporal variation in C<SUB>4</SUB>-grass abundance during the early to middle Miocene in Spain
- The Behavior of Mercury in Coal Combustion Residue-Contaminated Sediments
- Watershed Model Parameterization for Assessing Impacts due to Climate Change
- A New Modeling Application of Legacy Data on Ecosystem Stocks and Fluxes in Multiple Land Uses in the Eastern Amazon
- Addressing Factors that Control Near-Surface Gas Hydrate Stability with Time-Series Measurements
- As Ethics is a Core Attribute of Science, So Geoethics Must Be at the Core of Geoscience
- Biogeochemical and Hydrological Controls on Mercury and Methylmercury in First Order Coastal Plain Watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay
- Central Tropical Pacific SST and Salinity Variability over the Little Ice Age
- Declining nitrate-N yields in the Upper Potomac River basin: what is really driving progress under the Chesapeake Bay restoration?
- Environmental Drivers of Global Riverine Organic Carbon Age
- Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX<SUB>86</SUB> Proxy: Results from Continuous Culture Studies and Stable Carbon Isotope Analyses
- Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Forested Wetland and Upland Soils
- High-resolution chemical and hydrologic records identify environmental factors that control coastal anchialine cave ecosystem function
- Hydrological connectivity via gully formation in tropical watersheds limits the effectiveness of riparian buffers in protecting streams
- Measuring Temporal Variability of Methylmercury and Methane in the Pore Waters of a Chesapeake Bay Tidal Marsh
- Mentoring Undergraduate Students in Estuarine Research Experiences: Different Strokes for Different Folks
- Merging Marine Ecosystem Models and Genomics
- Methane Concentrations Increase in Bottom Waters During Summertime Anoxia in the Highly Eutrophic Estuary, Chesapeake Bay, USA
- Minority Pre-service Teachers' and Faculty Training on Climate Change Education in Delaware State University
- Northern tropical Atlantic climate since late Medieval times from Northern Caribbean coral geochemistry
- Partitioning autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration to improve simulations of terrestrial carbon fluxes and stocks
- Restoration Science in New York Harbor: It takes a (large, diverse and engaged) village
- Simultaneous quantification of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes reveals that a shallow arctic methane seep is a net sink for greenhouse gases
- Temperature Calibration of a Northern Gulf of Mexico <em>Siderastrea siderea</em> Coral
- The Carbon Budget of Coastal Waters of Eastern North America
- The Soil Sink for Nitrous Oxide: Trivial Amount but Challenging Question
- The fate of nitrogen fertilizer added to soy-maize agriculture in the Amazon basin: Quantifying N<SUB>2</SUB>O flux and losses to groundwater
- Trends in nitrogen and phosphorus cycling are consistent and constrained during tropical secondary forest succession: is secondary forest young primary forest from a nutrient perspective?
- A CLEAN Network Initiative - Accelerating Transition to Post Carbon and Resilient Communities through Education and Engagement
- A New Method for Carbon Isotopic Analysis of Nanogram Quantities of Carbon from Dissolved Chitin Using A Spooling-wire Microcombustion Interface
- AGU, Science and Engagement with the Energy Industry
- An Improved Method for Interpretation of Concentration-Discharge Relationships in Riverine Water-Quality Data
- Canopy Stomatal Conductance Unlocks Partitioning of Ecosystem-Atmosphere Carbon and Water Exchanges
- Climate Change Education for General Education Faculty
- Competing Air Quality and Water Conservation Co-benefits from Power Sector Decarbonization
- Coral Ensemble Estimates of Central Pacific Mean Climate During the Little Ice Age
- Dendrophenology: Inferring the response of North American eastern deciduous forests to an earlier spring from tree rings
- Development of Sr/Ca-d<SUP>18</SUP>O Temperature Calibrations of a Siderastrea siderea Coral from the Gulf of Mexico
- Engaging with Underserved Urban Communities on Climate Resilience
- Examining Reservoir Influences on Fluvial Sediment Supply to Estuaries and Coastal Oceans with Sediment Geochronologies: Example from Conowingo Reservoir (Upper Chesapeake Bay, USA)
- Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- Improving Riverine Constituent Concentration and Flux Estimation by Accounting for Antecedent Discharge Conditions
- Integrating Measurements and Models of Water Limitation on Soil and Ecosystem Respiration in Two New England Forests from Hourly to Decadal Timescales.
- Is Recovery of Forest Soils from Acidic Deposition Accelerating Watershed Release of Atmospherically Deposited Nitrogen Accumulated over Past Decades?
- Measurable Pools of Soil Carbon for Carbon Cycle Modeling
- Offering climate change education to pre-service teachers outside the higher ed classroom
- Reconstructing Century-Scale Changes in Nitrogen Cycling in Forests Throughout the United States using Tree-Ring δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Chronologies
- Sediment-vegetation interactions on the subaqueous Susquehanna River delta, upper Chesapeake Bay (USA)
- Temperature Dynamics in Very Shallow Water Bodies: the Role of Heat Fluxes at the Soil-Water Interface
- Time-series measurements of methane (CH<SUB>4</SUB>) distribution during open water and ice-cover in lakes throughout the Mackenzie River Delta (Canada)
- Wind-Wave Effects on Vertical Mixing in Chesapeake Bay, USA: comparing observations to second-moment closure predictions.
- A Graduate Student's Experience and Perspective on a Student-Teacher-Researcher Partnership
- A National Scale Sustainable Agriculture Matrix of Indicators to Inform Policy
- ASPIRE: Active Societal Participation in Research and Education
- An International Coordinated Effort to Further the Documentation & Development of Quality Assurance, Quality Control, and Best Practices for Oceanographic Observations
- Assessing Agricultural Intensification Strategies with a Sustainable Agriculture Matrix
- Assessing the Role of Land Use in Watershed Nitrate Export Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes
- Centro TORTUGA's Integrated Research and Professional Development Training for Early Stage Hispanic Students in Puerto Rico
- Communities of practice in support of collaborative multi-disciplinary learning and action in response to climate change
- Fire Frequency and Vegetation Composition Influence Soil Nitrogen Cycling and Base Cations in an Oak Savanna Ecosystem
- Getting beyond hand-waving about microsites with numerical representations of trace gas production and consumption
- High Precision Seawater Sr/Ca Measurements in the Florida Keys by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry: Analytical Method and Implications for Coral Paleothermometry
- Hydrologic controls of methane dynamics in a karst subterranean estuary
- Linking Research, Education and Public Engagement in Geoscience: Leadership and Strategic Partnerships - Chris McEntee
- Multi-Scale Approach for Measuring N<SUB>2</SUB>O and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions in Drainage Water Managed Corn-Soybean System
- Murals as Models: Supporting NGSS three-dimensional teaching in climate change educator professional learning
- N<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes From Amazon Cropland Are a Significant Component of Watershed N Budgets.
- Nitrogen Assessment in the Nooksack-Abbotsford-Sumas Transboundary Watershed
- Scientific Guidance for Rehabilitation of the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem under the Changing Climate.
- A Bay-wide Self-regulated pH Buffer Mechanism in Response to Eutrophication and Acidification in Chesapeake Bay
- A Global Assessment of Monthly and Annual Coral Sr/Ca Paleothermometry Calibrations: Importance of Vital Effects, Instrumental Temperature Uncertainty and Intergeneric Differences
- A New ICP-AES Method Shows That Spatial and Seasonal Variations in the Seawater Sr/Ca Ratio May Have a Significant Effect on Coral Paleotemperature Calibrations in the Florida Keys, USA
- A Unique Whole Ecosystem Manipulation of Estuarine Dissolved Oxygen and Biogeochemistry
- A comparison of supervised classification methods for prediction and mapping of sediment types with multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- Biomarkers used to determine past and present impacts of declining sea ice on Pacific Arctic food webs
- Carbon Deposition and Burial in Estuarine Sediments of the Contiguous United States.
- Changes in Population Dynamics of a Key Food Web Component, the Bivalve Macoma calcarea in the Northern Bering Sea from 1998-2015 and its Relation to Rapidly Changing Environmental Parameters
- Constraining Simulated Respiration Fluxes with Component Measurements in a Dry Eucalypt Forest
- Controls on coastal hypoxia: A global synthesis
- Coupling Effects of Unsteady River Discharges and Wave Conditions on River Mouth Bar Morphodynamics
- Declining nitrogen availability in temperate forests: Implications for watershed nitrogen export and coastal receiving waters
- Defining Coastal Ecosystem Mooring Configurations to Improve Nationwide Ecosystem Observing Capabilities
- Earthcasting: Geomorphic Prediction for Society
- Ecosystem health report cards as science communication tools: stakeholder perspectives and impacts
- Exploring the Temperature and Hydrologic Response of Tropical Oceans to Volcanic Eruptions Over the Last 400 Years Using Coral Geochemistry
- Exploring the relationships of North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies at high and low latitudes with North Atlantic Oscillation variability over recent centuries from paleoclimate proxy data
- From genes to particles to the global carbon cycle: Using genetic analyses to investigate the marine biological carbon pump
- Global soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions since the pre-industrial era estimated by an ensemble of Terrestrial Biosphere Models: Magnitude, attribution and uncertainty
- Greenhouse gas fluxes in restored and natural freshwater depressional wetlands
- Ground Water Level and Precipitation Pattern for Indonesian Peat Fire Risk Assessment
- Historical Land use evolution of the Po River Delta driven by human activities
- Identifying cost-effective strategies for Chesapeake Bay restoration through optimization analysis of a watershed-estuary model
- Impacts of sea level rise and ocean warming on storm surge and coastal inundation in the mid and late 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Improving Nitrogen and Water Management in Crop Production on a National Scale
- Influence of Climate Change on Chesapeake Bay Water Quality
- Investigating Pollution Tradeoffs of Agricultural Drainage Water Management on the Delmarva Peninsula, USA
- LUH2: Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- Laboratory observations on fine sand erosion from a coarse immobile bed
- Leveraging local networks and student outreach to enhance climate change education in the K-16 classroom
- Light transmittance through the ocean water column following record low sea ice extents across a Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic Region
- Long term eco-geomorphological response of wetland to rapid relative sea level rise in micro tidal environment
- Managing Phosphorus in Cropland for Sustainable Development
- Medieval Climate Anomaly hydroclimatic variation inferred from Aitutaki corals
- Mercury and Carbon Linkages in Macroalgae Sargassum Mats: Coastal Stranding Leads to Degradation, Shifts in Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Mercury Methylation
- Methane Production Rates from Laboratory Incubations of Arctic Coastal Plain Permafrost
- Modeling assessment of climate change impacts on water quality in Chesapeake Bay
- Modeling study on the physical and biogeochemical controls of Chesapeake Bay hypoxia from interannual to decadal time scales
- Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Septic-Impacted Streams: Identifying Novel Wastewater Tracers
- Oxygen isotope ratios in calcitic ostracode shells from the Bering and Chukchi Seas
- Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences: ASPIRE (Active Societal Participation in Research and Education)
- Projecting future nitrogen use considering yield response to nitrogen inputs and crop types
- Promoting living shorelines for shoreline protection: understanding potential impacts to and ecosystem trade-offs with adjacent submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV)
- Quantifying Watershed Export of Atmospheric Nitrate Across Land-uses Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes
- Quantifying the bottom-up influence on methane dynamics in one Mackenzie River (Canada) Delta lake with time-series measurements over two years (2015-2017)
- Seasonal Hydrologic Connectivity and Site-Level Differences Influence Wetland DOM Composition and Photoreactivity
- Seawater Sr/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Variability in the Florida Keys and Virgin Islands Demonstrate the Importance of Location in Choosing Sites for Coral Paleoclimate Studies
- Seeing the forest for the trees: Using long-term observations from a forest biodiversity experiment to examine the effect of forest restoration and stand diversity on catchment hydrology.
- Smart Mapping: Automated 4-Dimensional Visualization of Water Quality in Chesapeake Bay
- Sorption rate kinetic experiments to validate a sediment flux model
- Sources and Fate of Carbon and Nutrients from Land to Sea: Land Use and Hydrological Impacts on Water C:N:P Ratios along an Estuarine River with a Large Salinity Gradient
- The Changing Nature of Suspended Solids in Chesapeake Bay and Its Relationship to Trends in Water Clarity
- The Changing Oxygen Isotope Composition of the Bering Sea Contribution to the Arctic Ocean Upper Halocline Provides an Independent Opportunity for Constraining an Increasing Freshwater Flux Through Bering Strait
- The Chesapeake Bay TMDL 2017 Midpoint Assessment
- The Influence of High Nutrient Availability on The Carbon Balance in Restored Marshes: An Example From Poplar Island, MD in Chesapeake Bay
- The Northern Bering Sea: An Ecosystem in Transition
- The impact of enhanced cover crop coverage on water quality at three spatial scales.
- The impact of offshore waves and vegetation on the sediment budget in theVirginia Coast Reserve (VA)
- Tracking fast-evolving Nitrogen budgets in crop production on a national scale
- Tropical Peat Fire Behavior, Emission Factors and Challenges for Making Regional Carbon Emission Estimates
- UAVs to assess channels' shape evolution in a restored salt marsh
- Understanding Indonesian Peat Fire Typology for Fire Control and Prevention Measures
- Using Natural Abundance Nitrate Isotopes to Infer and Quantify Denitrification in a Drainage Water-Controlled Corn-Soybean System in Maryland
- Water quality status and trends in Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries in 1985-2016: Temporal and spatial patterns uncovered through criteria attainment assessments
- A Sustainable Agriculture Matrix of environmental and socioeconomic indicators for protecting Earth's climate
- A comparison between the tower-based gradient method and the automated chamber method for measuring N<SUB>2</SUB>O fluxes from an agricultural field
- A dynamic, global seascape framework for observing and understanding biodiversity patterns in ocean ecosystems
- Aeration to Reduce the Dead Zone in the Chesapeake Bay - Management and Policy Implications of Scientific Evidence and Uncertainty
- Automated Detection of Global Fire Smoke Plumes Using VIIRS Corrected Reflectance
- Breakwaters impact on sediment supply for salt marsh
- Captured biogeochemical "hidden processes" in a high-altitude watershed during wintertime isolation
- Carbon Cycling and Microbial Community Characteristics in a High-Latitude Wetland
- Community-based Participatory Research in the Geosciences as a Mechanism for Broadening Participation
- Dissolved organic carbon dynamics at tidal wetlands-estuary interface: Observations from Landsat-8/OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI
- Does the past haunt us? Landuse legacy and its consequences for hydrology and water quality
- Effects of Unsteady River Discharge on Deltaic Morphodynamics
- Empirical irrigated and rainfed crop responses to temperature and precipitation in U.S. counties.
- Evaluating multisensor data for production of burned area maps in peat swamps of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Evaluating the potential of full-waveform lidar data for predicting tree species richness in the tropics
- Fates and use efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer in maize cropping systems and their responses to nutrient management practices: a global analysis on field<SUP> 15</SUP>N tracer studies
- Field observation and numerical modeling to investigate the seasonal evolution of a restored salt marsh.
- From satellites to soils: quantifying and accounting for sources of uncertainty in carbon emission estimates from fires in Indonesian peatlands
- Land-Use Harmonization 2: New Features and New Scenarios
- Linking flow-stream variability to grain size distribution of suspended sediment from a satellite-based analysis
- Marine debris detection in a coastal vegetated area using UAVs
- Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen Loss and Associated Environmental Damage: Opportunities from Changes in Production and Consumption in China
- Open science at AGU Publications: an update on open access, preprints, and FAIR data developments
- Pollution Swapping of N<SUB>2</SUB>O and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions with Dissolved Nitrogen and Phosphorus Export in Drainage Water Managed Agricultural Fields
- Rapid Ocean Assessment Methodology Workshops — A Future Earth Coast Program tool to better understand coastal futures contributing to national security and sustainable coastal development through thorough and rapid assessment
- Reproducible Determination of the Photo-sensitivity of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter
- Seasonal and Episodic Variability in Seawater Strontium-Calcium Ratios on the Coral Reefs of the Western Hemispheric Warm Pool: A Confounding Variable for Coral Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- Spatial and Crop-wise Distribution of Reactive Nitrogen Loss Intensity for Global Croplands
- Spatial heterogeneity in groundwater and evaporative fluxes and their influence on lakes with varying methane dynamics within Mackenzie River Delta (Canada)
- Strategies for Cohort Building and Retention Among Early Stage Hispanic Undergraduate Students in the Geosciences
- Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition is dependent on substrate availability across a productivity gradient in Australian eucalypt forests
- The Scientific Impact of Large Geochemical Data Sets
- The magnitude, trend and drivers of the global nitrous oxide budget: a new assessment
- The trade-offs of importing crops to meet domestic demand in China
- Tree-ring Nitrogen Isotopes Show No Direct Response to Fire Frequency from a 55-year Prescribed Burn Experiment in Oak Savanna
- Water Futures: Legacy Nitrogen and Chesapeake Bay Water Quality
- Web-based Spatio-temporal Visualization of Water Quality and Habitat Status and Change in Chesapeake Bay
- An Equitable Exchange
- An approach for decomposing estimated river water-quality trends into different flow classes
- Best Practices for Coral Proxy-SST Calibration for 20th Century δ<SUP>18</SUP>Ο<SUB>sw</SUB> Reconstruction - Initial Results from CoralHydro2k
- Chesapeake Bay Watershed County-Wide Nutrient Inventory: Assessing Spatial Patterns and Trends to Inform Management Decisions
- Continuous dynamics of dissolved methane and its stable carbon isotopes over two years in bottom-waters of a small Arctic lake in the Mackenzie Delta (Canada)
- Coupling of Carbon, Iron, and Microbial Dynamics Across a Glaciated, High-Latitude Wetland Landscape
- Downpour dynamics: Nitrate export during storm events
- Feedbacks between sediment and submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) beds under flood conditions in the upper Chesapeake Bay
- Impacts of canal blocking on fire smoke aerosol emissions in Indonesian peatlands
- Influence of extreme weather stresses and synchrony of crop yield on formation and volume of the international wheat trade
- Morphodynamics and modelling of salt marshes in a period of accelerated sea level rise.
- Multi-Decadal Carbon Cycle Measurements at the Howland Forest AmeriFlux Site
- Numerical representation of soil hot spots and hot moments of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes using microsite probability density functions
- Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes of methane and dissolved inorganic carbon reveal mixing and dissolution of thermogenic methane from bubbles seeping into an Arctic lake under ice through winter
- Seasonal to Interannual Variability of Upper Ocean Temperature and Salinity: the Role of Atmospheric Rivers
- Sediment exchange between the created saltmarshes of living shorelines and adjacent Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)
- Subannual coral Ba/Ca variability in Siderastrea siderea from the northwest Gulf of Mexico
- The Efficiency Dilemma in the Intensifying Crop Production System Around the World
- UAVs multispectral camera detection of seasonal changes in a restored salt marsh.
- Wave Controls on Deltaic Shoreline-Channel Morphodynamics: Insights from a Coupled Model
- Composition, Source, and Photodegradation Exposure Control Dissolved Organic Matter Biodegradability in a Freshwater Wetland Landscape
- Direct Interception of Fine Particles on Cylindrical Vegetation elements Using a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model
- Enhanced Estimation of Biomass Burning Emissions for Indonesian Peatland and Non-peatland Fires
- Geomorphological modeling of tidal inlets for sustainable deltaic lagoon management: A case study in the Po River Delta, Italy
- Groundwater fluctuation impacts on wildfire occurrence and carbon emissions in Indonesian tropical peatlands
- How Does the Decline in Summer Greenness Differ by Tree Species? A Test Across Nine NEON Sites
- Improving Phosphorus Use Efficiency in Cropland to Address Phosphorus Challenges by 2050
- Increased soil N2O emissions from the Arctic-Boreal region: A non-negligible non-carbon climate feedback
- Integrating Oyster Castles into Living Shorelines to promote coastal bays resilience to Sea Level Rise
- Is the Carbon Credit Tail Wagging the Virtuous Soil Organic Matter Dog?
- Microbial Community Succession Patterns Distinguish Soils on a Trajectory of Successful Salt Marsh Construction from Soils Suffering from Excess Inundation
- Modeling approach of coupling oyster restoration and submersed breakwaters to prolong gray infrastructures effectiveness
- Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in Chesapeake Bay: Development of an empirical approach for water-quality management
- Ocean Color from Aerial Drones for Fine Scale Surveys Across the Gulf Stream Front
- Patterns, Places, People: Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for scalable observation of Socio-Environmental Systems
- Pursuing sustainable nitrogen management following the 5 Ps principles: Production, People, Planet, Policy and Partnerships
- Quantitative Analysis of Crop Yield Shocks and the Influence of Climate Change
- Spatial Patterns and Drivers of Smallholder Oil Palm Expansion over Peatswamp Forests in Riau
- Sustainable Nitrogen and Phosphorus Management across Systems and Spatial Scales in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- The Role of International Trade in Mitigating the Influence of Extreme Weather on Wheat Supply
- Understanding and assessing discrepancies in nutrient budgets
- A Synthesis of Tidal Fronts via Radar Remote Sensing at Three Estuary Mouths
- Analysis of Shear Instabilities Along Flood Intrusion Fronts at Two Estuaries Using Field Data and Model Comparisons
- Assessing The Controls of Abrupt Shifts in Mesic Tree Abundances During the Past 8,000 Years at Sunfish Pond, Pennsylvania
- Assessing the impact of climatic and non-climatic drivers on wheat yield shocks
- Comparison of 3D hydrodynamic and empirical models for calculating the salinity exposure of oysters in Delaware Bay
- Deep Intrusion at the Labrador Shelf based on in-situ and reanalysis data
- Estimating Greenhouse Gas dynamics in Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces using a redox-informed modeling framework integrated with microsite probability density functions
- Evolution of the Arctic Action Plan to an Arctic Regional Programme as a Contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Influence of Sediment-Vegetation Feedbacks on Sediment Transport and Fate in the Upper Chesapeake Bay
- Laboratory experiments on the coupling of oysters and breakwaters as a nature-based solution for coastal protection
- Leaf Angle Phenologies of Tree Species Surrounding Nine NEON Towers
- Marsh Boundary Degradation into Open-water in Living Shorelines
- Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in three tributaries of Chesapeake Bay: Detecting ecosystem recovery following nutrient reductions
- Patterns and Drivers of Abrupt Changes in Mesic Tree Populations at Story Lake, Indiana
- Response of the Mobile Bay outflow plume to forcing based on remote sensing, in-situ observations, and modeling
- Simulation of Groundwater Dynamics in Degraded Indonesian Tropical Peatlands to Assess Vulnerability to Wildfire
- Structure and Dynamics of Estuarine Surface Fronts: a Comparative Study
- Supply and Demand of Sulfate Influences Pyrite Formation Rates and Sulfur Isotope Ratios in Estuarine Sediments: Implications for Earth System Oxygenation
- Sustainable Agriculture Matrix (SAM) Consortium: a Transdisciplinary and Transnational Network to Guide the Pursuit of Sustainable Agriculture
- Sustainable Nutrient Management beyond the Farm: Chesapeake Bay Case Study
- The Role of Vertical Advection and Mixing in Estuarine Frontogenesis
- The impact of redox biogeochemistry on the magnitude and pathway of CO2 sequestration via mineral weathering in a partially glaciated Greenlandic watershed
- Understanding fate and transport of marine litter along a vegetated coastal dune and beach system in the Po river delta (Italy)
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Akihiko Ito
- Alexandra Simpson
- Andrea J. Pain
- Chien‐Yung Tseng
- Colin A. Stedmon
- David K. Ralston
- David W. Johnston
- Debjani Sihi
- Dylan B. Millet
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Eric A. Davidson
- Fangjun Li
- Fortunat Joos
- Gregory D. Larsen
- Hanqin Tian
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- Jean Pierre Ometto
- Jeremy M. Testa
- John W. Williams
- Jonathan B. Martin
- Kelley C. Wells
- Lee W. Cooper
- Leonardo Maracahipes‐Santos
- Luis Lassaletta
- Megan E. Cattau
- Merrick C. Haller
- Michael N. Weintraub
- Patrick C. Gray
- Prabir K. Patra
- Qian Zhang
- Rafael O. Tinoco
- Robert B. Jackson
- Rona L. Thompson
- Sam Cornish
- Shufen Pan
- Srishti Vishwakarma
- Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi
- Tuo Zou
- Victoria Buschman
- W. Rockwell Geyer
- William Nardin
- Xiaoyang Zhang
- Zhang Xin
- Zhao Jing
- Zhuonan Wang