University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
flowchart I[University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (6)"] AW["Affiliated Works (2695)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (717)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Astronomy
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Civil Engineering
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Geology
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Physics
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, State Geological Survey
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Allsky Airglow Imagery from Albuquerque, NM; TOMEX 2000
- An Adaptive Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Improved Groundwater Remediation Design
- An Analysis of Key Feedbacks Between the Chemistry of Atmospheric Methane and Future Climate Change
- An Explicit 3-Dimensional Model for Reactive Transport of Nitrogen in Tile Drained Fields
- Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Coupled with Biospheric Feedbacks for Non-methane Hydrocarbons
- Atmospheric Response to Variations in Arctic Sea Ice Conditions
- Cloud Cover From Linear Transect Measurements: Sampling Issues
- Cloud amount retrieval for a cloud radar.
- Connecting Visualization to Physical Insight: Strategies from the Visual Geophysical Exploration Environment
- Density measurements above and within a sporadic-E layer using Impedance Probes and Langmuir Probes
- Depositional Response of a Headwater Stream to Channelization
- Earth Science Research in the National Underground Science Laboratory at the Homestake Mine, South Dakota
- Enhancing NASA's Contribution to Arctic Terrestrial Hydrology and the Study of Polar Change
- Featured Presentation: Sea Ice Datasets at NSIDC: From Yearbooks to Digital Catalogs
- First Results from the Ionization Gauge Experiment on TOMEX
- First Results from the Photometer Experiment on TOMEX
- High-Temperature Single-Crystal Elasticity and Thermal Expansion of Orthoenstatite
- How Does the Stratosphere Influence the Troposphere?
- Influence of Geoengineered Climate on the Biosphere
- Influence of a Large Woody Debris Obstruction on Three-dimensional Flow Structure in a Meander Bend
- Observations of Mesospheric and Lower Thermospheric Turbulence and Instability Layers With a Chemical Release and Lidar Measurements
- Observed Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere (3-70km) at the Geographic South Pole: Seasonal Variations
- Polar Cloud Detection From MISR's Band-Differenced Angular Signatures
- Science Issues and Results for TOMEX: An Overview
- The Simulated Influence of Anthropogenic Climate Warming on the Oceanic Carbon Cycle
- The Turbulent Oxygen Mixing Experiment (TOMEX): Introduction and Overview
- Wind measurements from sodium lidar and TMA release during TOMEX campaign
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Direct Injection for Ocean Carbon Sequestration
- Atmospheric Gravity Wave Properties for TOMEX as Observed With Na wind/temperature Lidar and Airglow Instrumentation From Albuquerque, NM
- Characterization of Low Latitude Ionospheric Plasma Depletions Using Space-Based Ultraviolet Imaging
- Coupling Network and Hydraulic Geometry: Influence of Estimated Hydraulic Geometry Exponents on the IRF Prediction
- Evaluation of NCEP Re-analysis Radiation and Cloud Products in the Arctic Based on Comparison With Ground-based and Space-borne Measurements.
- Ground-Based Measurements of Mesosphere Temperature and Gravity Wave Structure as Part of the TIMED-CEDAR Collaborative Program
- Hydration State of the Ambient Aerosol in the North Pacific Ocean from Controlled Relative Humidity Light Scattering Measurements
- Hygroscopic Behavior of Ambient Aerosols at an Anthropogenically Perturbed Continental U.S.A. Site, Bondville, Illinois.
- Integrating Science and Engineering to Reduce Uncertainty of Stream Naturalization: An Example from the Chicago Metro Area
- Knowledge Discovery from Remotely Sensed Vegetation Indices
- Late Quaternary Landscape Evolution in the Northern Caledonide Mountains of Swedish Lapland.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid During Soil Vapor Extraction in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Mechanisms of Hemispherically Symmetric Climate Variability
- Modeling Denitrification in Agroecosystems of Central Illinois: Investigations at Field and Watershed Scales
- Modeling the Climate Variability of Biogenic Isoprene and Monoterpenes
- Modeling the Combined Effects of CO2, Climate and Land Use on the Carbon Stocks of Plants and Soils
- Multi-instrument Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Auroral Emissions
- Observed relationship between rayed aurora and intense ion upflows near the polar cap boundary
- Parameterizations of Cloud-Radiation Interactions Based on Detailed Cloud Microphysics
- Principal Modes of Moisture Flux Transport Over North America as Obtained From Reanalysis I Data
- Space-Based Ultraviolet Images of Low Latitude Ionospheric Structures: A Preliminary Model-Data Comparison
- A Two-Step Lag-Profile-Based Approach to the Inversion of the Incoherent Scatter Radar Data
- An Optimization/IT Theory Approach to the HOx Dilemma, Data, and Modeling
- Assimilation of Space-Based Ultraviolet Data Into a Recursive Global Ionospheric Model
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System and its role in hydrologic observatories
- Case Studies of Mesopheric Gravity-Wave Breaking in Lidar Data
- Comparisons of Southern and Northern Polar Mesospheric Clouds Based on Lidar Observations
- Conversion of Poloidal Energy in the Mantle to Toroidal Motions of Surface Plates - A Numerical Investigation
- Development of an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Major in The Earth System, Environment and Society
- Do (<SUP>234</SUP>U)/(<SUP>238</SUP>U)<SUB>o</SUB> Variations in Speleothems Record Paleohydrologic Flux?
- Dynamical Nonlinearity in the Atmospheric Response to Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
- Effects of High Frequency Gravity Waves on the Mean Flow in the Mesopause Region at Maui, Hawaii
- Elastic properties of hydrous ringwoodite at high pressures
- Estimating Gravity Wave Momentum Flux from Airglow Images
- High-Temperature Phase Transitions and Elasticity of Low-Pressure Silica Polymorphs.
- Interannual Variation in the Response of Forest Productivity to Elevated Carbon Dioxide
- Lidar Observations of Instabilities and Gravity Wave Dissipation in the Mesopause Region at Maui, Hawaii.
- Low-Latitude Ionospheric Plasma Depletions: Imaging, Modeling, and Interpretation Using Space-Based Ultraviolet Measurements
- Mesospheric Fe Layers Observed at the South Pole and Rothera by a Lidar
- Quantifying the Uncertainties in the Carbon Content of the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Relationship between magnetospheric energy sources and ionospheric variability during the substorm cycle
- Role of Water on the Fate of Organics in Reduced-Smectite Suspensions
- Solar-Atmospheric Coupling by Electrons: Mesospheric, Stratospheric, and Tropospheric Effects
- Spatial Variability and Multiscale Errors in Assimilated Soil Moisture Fields
- Study of the Pre-Reversal Enhancement at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory using the ASPEN-TIMEGCM
- The Sensitivity of Ocean Circulation and Carbon Uptake to the Rate of CO2 Increase and the Resultant Changes in Climate and Hydrological Cycle
- Trace element partitioning between clinopyroxene and silicic alkaline, aluminous melts
- Using Decision Trees to Examine Relationships between Inter-Annual Vegetation Variability, Topographic Attributes, and Climate Signals
- A Field Experimental Approach to Understanding Relationships Between Chemical Weathering and Erosion in the Arctic Environment of Swedish Lapland.
- A Numerical Simulation of Longitudinal Rolls and Its Implications to Small Scale Convection in the Mantle
- Abrupt and Cyclic Variations of Late-Quaternary Climate: High-Resolution Records From Alaskan Lake Sediments
- Characterization of Ionospheric Plasma Bubbles With the Global Ultraviolet Imager
- Collisional shear instability and equatorial spread F
- Combined TIDI and Ground-Based Mesospheric Neutral Wind Observations
- Diatom Records of Holocene Environmental and Climatic Change in Southeastern British Columbia
- Equation of State of Aluminous H-bearing Stishovite to 60 GPa
- Investigating Land Memory Characteristics Using Observations and Modeling
- Investigation of a `Wall' Wave Event Using Airglow and Na Wind/Temperature Lidar Measurements
- Is a Shutdown of the Thermohaline Circulation Irreversible?
- Lidar Measurements of the MLT Thermal Structure At Maui, HI (20.7çN) And Starfire Optical Range, NM (35çN)
- Multi-layer gravity wave reconstruction from multi-sensor spectroscopic airglow imaging
- On the use of STEREO Measurements for Solar Rotational Tomography
- Phase Equilibrium Experiments at 0.5 GPa and 1100-1300 deg. C on a Basaltic Andesite From Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica.
- Recent Incoherent Scatter Radar Experiments and Results at Arecibo
- Response of the Electron Density in the Solar Corona to Extreme Solar Events
- Scale-Dependent Controls of Late-Holocene Forest Fires in British Columbia: Insights From Intra-regional Paleorecord Comparisons
- TIMED Doppler Interferometer Observations of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Tides
- The Tephra Stratigraphy of two Lakes in South-Central British Columbia, Canada and its Implications for the Middle-Late Holocene Volcanic Activity at Glacier Peak, Washington, USA
- Vertical Heat and Constituent Transport in the Mesopause Region by Dissipating Gravity Waves at Maui, HI (20.7N) and Starfire Optical Range, NM (35N)
- A 12,000-Year Climatic Record From Biogenic-Silica Oxygen Isotopes in SW Alaska
- A Test of the Optimality Approach to Modelling Canopy gas Exchange by Natural Vegetation
- Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects Over the Northwest Atlantic, Northwest Pacific, and North Indian Oceans: Estimates Based on In-situ Chemical and Optical Measurements and Chemical Transport Modeling
- Aggregate Elastic Moduli and Equation of State of B2 Phase of NaCl to 73 GPa by Simultaneous Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Brillouin Scattering Measurements.
- Assessing the Likelihood of Human-Induced-Greenhouse Changes in the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation and Climate
- Can the Climate be Used Predict Annual Nitrogen Flux by the Mississippi River and the Extent of Gulf Hypoxia?
- Characterization of Intensively Managed Landscapes: Illinois River Basin Case Study
- Climatological Implications of Deep-Rooting in Water-Limited Ecosystems
- Conjunctive Surface-subsurface Flow Modeling for Land Surface Parameterizations
- Coordinated Observations of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Using TIMED/GUVI and Ground-Based Instruments
- Derivation of Cloud Heating Rate Profiles using observations of Mixed-Phase Arctic Clouds: Impacts of Solar Zenith Angle
- Development of the Illinois River Basin Virtual Observatory Prototype
- Dynamics of ULF wave attenuation inferred through the optical aurora
- Eco-hydrological Controls in Mediterranean Agricultural Landscapes
- Evaluation of Pore-Scale Effects on Transverse Dispersion and Reactive Transport
- Evidence for Early-Holocene Warmth in Southwestern Alaska: Biogenic Silica, Diatom Assemblage, and Diatom-Isotope Records From Ongoke Lake.
- Flow dimensions corresponding to stochastic models of heterogeneous aquifers
- Giant and Ultragiant Sea-salt Aerosols and Caribbean Trade Wind Cumuli
- Holocene Climatic Variability in the Cariboo Mountains, British Columbia, Based on Biogenic-silica Isotopes, Diatom Assemblages, Fire Frequency, and Vegetation Composition.
- Imaging structure at and near the core mantle boundary by generalized Radon transform of broad band ScS coda waves
- Implications of North American Boreal Fires on Air Quality and Composition in Nearby and Remote Regions
- Improved Incoherent Scatter Measurements at Arecibo: Techniques, Analysis, and Applications
- Improving model structure and reducing parameter uncertainty in conceptual water balance models
- In-situ observations of intermediate layers in the night time ionosphere
- Inter-annual variation in the response of Pinus taeda tree growth to long term Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE)
- Late Holocene Temperature and Aridity Changes From Lake Qinghai, China
- Lidar and the Mars Upper Atmosphere
- Lidar observations of vertical fluxes of heat, momentum and Na in the mesopause region
- Liquid miscibility during the evolution of Earth and planetary cores
- Looking Beyond the Lamppost: Finding Keys to Discovery in Off-Nadir and Multiangle Remote Sensing
- Optimizing Groundwater Remediation Designs Under Uncertainty Using Dynamic Surrogate Models
- Phase stability and thermal equation-of-state of iron at moderate pressures
- Plasma Structuring at Mid-Latitudes during Super-Storms and their Impact on GPS-Based Navigation Systems
- Potential Impacts of CF3I as a Replacement for CF3Br in Aircraft Applications
- Preliminary Results of ``World Month'' Observations at Jicamarca
- Principal Controls Governing Vegetation Dynamics Across Varying Climates in Ecoregions with Complex Topography
- Quantifying uncertainty in remotely sensed cloud microphysical properties through MODIS and MISR fusion
- Recent observations on the vertical profiles of mixed-phase clouds during the Mixed Phase Cloud Experiment (MPACE) and the Alliance Icing Research Study (AIRS)-II
- Self Channelized Subaqueous Fans Emplaced by Turbidity Currents: Experimental Investigations
- Spatial manifestation of the Little Ice Age in Alaska
- Substitutions between Water and other Agricultural Inputs - An Empirical Analysis
- TIDI Broadband Neutral Wind Data and Comparison with Ground Based Radar Neutral Wind Measurements from Different Latitudes
- The AGU Board of Heads and Chairs: Past and Future
- The Remote Equatorial Nighttime Observatory for Equatorial Regions (RENOIR)
- The Spatial Structure of Planform Migration - Curvature Relation of Meandering Rivers
- The behavior of tracer tests in aquifers with noninteger flow dimension
- Time-Dependent Tomography of the Non-Stationary Corona with Multi-Spacecraft Image Data
- Turbulence and Mixing at the Equatorial Mesopause: Results From a Rocket/Radar Experiment
- Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rates in the Tropical Mesosphere From the Jicamarca MST Radar
- Use of geomorphic regime diagrams in channel restoration
- Volcan Reventador's Unusual Umbrella
- Web Service Enabled Data Mining Architecture for Digital Observatories
- 3-D seismic exploration of Earth's deep interior reveals intermittent D" stratification
- 3D Coronal Temperatures from Tomographic Analysis of EIT 17.1, 19.5 and 28.4 nm Images
- A New Approach to Calculate Indirect GWPs using the UIUC 2-D CRT and RTM Model
- A centennial-scale record of Holocene effective moisture from the southern Brooks Range, Alaska
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation characteristics in the trade wind regime from satellite, radar, and aircraft measurements sampled during RICO
- Analysis of Remote Sensing and in situ Measurements of Tropical Cirrus Clouds During TWP-ICE
- Assessing The Effectiveness Of Soil Carbon Sequestration In North America
- Bayesian Filtering Approaches for Detecting Anomalies in Environmental Sensor Data
- Catchment Classification and Hydrological Similarity
- Characteristics of Short-Period Wavelike Features near 90 km Altitude From Airglow and Lidar Observations Over Maui
- Characteristics of tropical cirrus anvil outflow during TWP-ICE
- Climate Change Effects on Ozone Air Quality in the United States and China
- Climatic Change Over the Past 2000 Years in Southwestern Alaska
- Closure Evaluation of Laboratory Aerosols Optical and Hygroscopic Properties
- Contrasting properties of single-layer and multi-layer Arctic stratus sampled during the Mixed Phase Cloud Experiment (MPACE)
- CubicPressure, a program to calculate pressure with uncertainty
- Determination of Cloud Phase From Multi-Angular Radiance Measurements Over the Arctic
- Developing quantitative criteria to evaluate AOGCMs for application to regional climate assessments
- Eco-Hydrological Feedback Dynamics: Application of Information Theory to multivariate timeseries data analysis.
- Effects Of Pore-Scale Characteristics On Transverse Dispersion And Reactive Transport
- Elastic properties of hydrous wadsleyite at high pressures
- Evaluating AOGCM Simulations of Large-Scale Teleconnection Patterns
- Evaluating Causes of the Diurnal Cycle of Shallow Convection and Cloudiness in the Trade Wind Boundary Layer Using Large Eddy Simulations
- Experimental investigations of the melting relations in the Fe-FeS system at high pressures and implications for planetary cores
- Exploring possible tight inter-connections between climate, soil, topography through constraining by empirical measure of annual water balance
- Imaging and characterizing structure in Earth's deep interior
- Impacts Of Source Zone Architecture On Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Dissolution
- Impacts of 3-D Radiative Effects on Satellite Cloud Detection and its Consequences on Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval
- Impacts of Dust in the SAL as CCN on the Evolution of an Idealized Tropical Cyclone
- Impacts of climate variability and change on flood frequency: a comparative study of catchments in Perth, Newcastle and Darwin, Australia
- Increased Spatial Resolution in 3D Tomography of the Corona with High Cadence pB images from LASCO-C2
- Initial Observations from a Narrow-Field Ionospheric Airglow Imager at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
- Investigating Mesospheric Gravity Wave Momentum Flux Events Using Coordinated Imaging, Na Lidar, and Meteor Radar Data Over Maui, Hawaii
- Investigating short-period ripple events imaged simultaneously in the OH and O2 nightglow emissions near the mesopause over Maui, Hawaii.
- Investigation Of Surfactant-Enhanced Mass Removal And Flux Reduction In 3D Correlated Permeability Fields Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Large-eddy simulations of radiative impacts of absorbing aerosols on trade wind cumuli
- Microphysical characteristics of aging anvils and cirrus sampled during TWP- ICE
- Modeling of Equatorial Anomaly Development and Collapse at Dusk Observed by TIMED/GUVI
- Moving beyond the curse of watershed heterogeneity and process complexity
- Multi-platform Analysis of Cloud Height Over Antarctica With Application Toward High Resolution Observation of Type II Polar Stratospheric Clouds
- Multi-state empirical valence bond MD modeling of hydroxyl ion transfer in aqueous environments
- Observations of Cirrus Evolution from Convective Outflow during the Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE)
- Parameter Estimation in the DSSAT-CENTURY Agroecosystem Model Using Long Term Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Records from the Morrow Plots in Illinois
- Remote measurement of canopy reflectance shows the effects of elevated carbon dioxide and ozone on the structure and functioning of soybeans in a field setting.
- Residue and Residuals: Evaluation of an Agroecosystem Model Using Eddy Flux Measurements and Other Ecological Data
- Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Intensification to Cloud Microphysics Parameterizations: WRF Simulations of Hurricane Dennis (2005)
- The Biomantle-Critical Zone Model
- The transition to strong convection
- Thermal expansion of iron-rich alloys and implications for the Earth's core
- Time Dependent Tomography of the Solar Corona in Three Spatial Dimensions
- Uncertainties in BC Estimations: the Role of Atmospheric Processes
- Uncertainties in Carbonaceous Aerosol Emissions, Scavenging Parameterizations, and Optical Properties
- Understanding Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks through Precipitation Recycling at Daily to Intraseasonal Timescales
- Validation and Long-Term Studies of Equatorial Plasma Bubble Reconstructions With GUVI
- Vegetation-Mediated Impacts of Climatic Change on Late Glacial and Holocene Fire Regimes in the Southcentral Brooks Range, Alaska
- Vegetation-Precipitation Feedback in Rondonia
- WATERS Network: An Initiative of the U.S. National Science Foundation Engineering and Geosciences Directorates
- WATERS Network: Increasing Vertical Collaboration within Hydrology Research and Education Communities
- What effect does subsurface variability have on flows? Using storm response regimes to characterize the effect of spatial heterogeneity within a hillslope.
- Workshop on the Impacts of Aviation on Climate Change
- A New Approach to Determine the Inner-Core Rotation
- A multi-instrument technique for localization of radio wave scintillation in the equatorial ionosphere
- An Assessment of Bio-Energy Crops Use in Illinois
- An Inverse Model of Three-Dimensional Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Analysis of eco-hydrological control and feedback using data-derived entropic process networks
- Assessing the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Global Water Resources
- Assimilative 3D Models of Density and Temperature in the Solar Corona
- Atmospheric Solar Absorption measurements in the lowest 3-km of the atmosphere with small UAVs
- Carbon Fluxes From Land-Use Change and Forestry: A Multi-Model Study
- Characterizing AOGCM Ability to Simulate Northern Hemisphere Teleconnection Patterns
- Correlation of multi-resolution analyses of active region magnetic field structure with flare activity
- Daytime Observations of Mid-latitude Sporadic-E and QP Radar Echoes
- Diagnostic evaluation of distributed physically based model at the REW scale (THREW) using rainfall-runoff event analysis
- Doppler Ducting of Quasi-Ripple Wave Events in the Mesospheric OH and O2 Airglow Emissions
- Dynamical flux of constituents in the mesopause region estimated from heat flux measurement
- Educing Coherent Structures and Their Impact From Planar Velocimetry Measurements in Laboratory Boundary Layers
- Effect of pressure on the melting behavior of the Fe-S system at moderate pressures: Insight into the state of Mercury's core
- Effects of Aerosols on Trade Wind Cumuli Over the Gulf of Mexico: a Modeling and Observational Study
- Enhanced MISR stereoscopic observation of polar stratospheric clouds and smoke plumes
- Estimates of Geographically Explicit Future CO2 Emissions From Land Cover/ Land Use Changes
- Evaluating Snow Surface BRDF Models with MISR
- Evaluation of High Resolution Precipitation Products in Northwest Mexico during the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME)
- Evolution, structure and function of hydrologic subsystems in hillslopes
- Examining the Role of Nitrogen Cycling in the Terrestrial Response to CO2, Climate, and Nitrogen Deposition
- Excitation of mid-latitude oxygen airglow emission at 844.6 nm
- Field Investigation of Flow Structure and Channel Morphology at Confluent-Meander Bends
- First 844.6-nm observations of neutral oxygen using the Bowen fluorescence Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer at Millstone Hill Observatory
- Flow structures and controls at river bifurcations: a laboratory flume experiment
- Global, 4D Differential Emission Measure Analysis of EIT 17.1, 19.5 and 28.4 nm Images
- Gravity wave in the lower stratosphere at South Pole
- Impacts of 3-D radiative effects on satellite-based cloud screening and aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrieval and their consequences on comparing AOD form different satellite sensors
- Interacting With A Near Real-Time Urban Digital Watershed Using Emerging Geospatial Web Technologies
- Interaction between Hydrosphere and Biosphere: Challenges and Opportunities
- Is Spatial Proximity of Watersheds a Sufficient Guide to Hydrologic Similarity?
- Modeling Aerosol Effects on Shallow Cumuli and Turbulent Activities Under Various Meteorological Conditions
- Modeling Study of the Field-Aligned, Ground-Based Imaging Technique
- Mount Pinatubo's starfish umbrella plume
- Numerical investigation of NAPL Source Zone Architecture in Two-Dimensional and Three- Dimensional Unsaturated Porous Media
- Real-Time Bayesian Anomaly Detection in Streaming Environmental Data
- Results from and upgrades to the triple-etalon Fabry-Perot interferometer for OI 630-nm dayglow observations at Cerro Tololo
- Screening Models of Aquifer Heterogeneity Using the Flow Dimension
- Simultaneous Observation of Gravity Waves in Temperature by Using Rayleigh LIDAR and Sodium LIDAR
- Single-crystal elastic properties of hydrous olivine
- Statistical Analysis of Common Image Point Gathers at and near the Core-Mantle Boundary
- The Mozambique Earthquake Sequence of 2006: High-Angle Normal Faulting in Southern Africa
- The Value of Weather Forecast in Irrigation
- The links between flow structure and suspended sediment over sand dunes revealed using phase coherence wavelet analysis
- The transition to strong convection: temperature/moisture dependence and mesoscale clusters
- Water Cycle Dynamics in a Changing Environment: Advancing Hydrologic Science through Synthesis
- Wave Damping and Accelerations Deduced from Mesospheric Airglow Perturbations
- "Snowing" Core in Earth?
- A Course in Earth System Science: Developed for Teachers by Teachers
- A comparison of canopy evapotranspiration between perennial rhizomatous grasses and Zea mays
- An Integrated Modeling Framework for Assessment of Impacts of Multiple Global Changes on Terrestrial Productivity
- Analysis of Vertical Root Profile Structure Using Optimality Hypotheses
- Basis for Stream Classification Using Bed Material Median Grain Size
- Changes in CaCO3 Mineralogy Resulting from Alterations in Hot Spring Microbial Community Composition
- Changes in soil organic carbon under biofuel crops
- Chromium Contamination in Leon Valley Mexico: Insights from Chromium Stable Isotopes
- Circulation in the EPR ISS Observed During the LADDER Project
- Continental Collision: A Novel Pathway for the Earth's Deep Water-Cycle
- Coupled Water, Energy, Carbon and Nutrient Cycle Dynamics in Ecohydrologic Response: Integration of Modeling with Ameriflux and FACE Observations
- Density Banding in Coral Skeletons: A Biotic Response to Sea Surface Temperature?
- Doppler Ducting Measurements of Short-Period Gravity Waves and Mesospheric Bores in OH and O2 Airglow Emissions
- Ecohydrologic Process Networks: Identification, Characterization, and Analysis Using FLUXNET Data
- Effect of Domain and Resolution on Observation-based Statistics of Trade Wind Cumuli Over the Tropical Western Atlantic During RICO
- Effects of Dust Layers on Trade Wind Cumuli Over the Gulf of Mexico
- Equilibrium Profile of Submarine Canyons: Theory and Inverse Analysis
- Estimation of eddy momentum and thermal diffusivities from lidar measured gravity wave momentum and heat fluxes
- Evaluation of MISR and MODIS IR arctic wind retrievals relative to rawinsondes
- Evidence for unestablished ice formation mechanisms in moderately-supercooled Arctic stratocumulus from lidar, radar and large-eddy simulations
- Experimental Simulation of Volcanic Steam Blasts and Jets at High Pressure Ratios
- Experiments on Subaqueous Fans Emplaced by Turbidity Currents
- Fall 2008 Observations of neutral oxygen emissions at 844.6 nm using the Millstone Hill Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer
- First Results of 3D, Global EUV Tomography from the STEREO Mission: Solar Minimum Results
- Fluvial geomorphological responses to the presence of run-of-river dams
- I-LLINI Partnerships for 21st Century Teachers
- Incorporation of Blended Learning in Introductory Courses: A Research-Based Approach to Evaluation
- Insights on Coral Adaptation from Polyp and Colony Morphology, Skeletal Density Banding and Carbonate Depositional Facies
- Joint ARM/GCSS/SPARC TWP-ICE CRM Intercomparison Study: Description, Preliminary Results, and Invitation to Participate
- Kinetic Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Geomagnetic tail with Oxygen, Using Physical Mass Ratios
- Large Amplitude Dynamic Events Near the Mesopause Observed in Na Lidar Measured Wind, Temperature, and Density
- Long-Term Growth of Soybean at Elevated [CO2] Does not Cause Acclimation of Stomatal Conductance Under Fully Open-air Conditions.
- Mesoscale convective systems and critical clusters
- Microbial Controls on the Size, Shape and Porosity of Hot Spring CaCO3 Mineralization
- Microbial Transport and Growth Along the Transverse Mixing Zone Between 2,4-DP and Oxygen in a Model Dynamic Soil System
- Mid-latitude Spread-F and Large Magnetic Storm-Driven Nighttime Flows
- Modeling Fate and Transport of Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts in Overland and Near- surface Flow
- Modeling Nitrogen Leaching With A Biogeochemical Model Coupled With Soil Hydrology Model
- Modeling impact of large wind farms on local and regional hydrometeorology
- Modeling the Effects of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes on Denitrification and Stream Nitrogen Losses in River Networks
- Morphological Transition in Rapidly Expanding Magmas
- Neutral Ion Coupling Explorer satellite measurements of thermospheric composition, winds and temperatures.
- New 3-D view of a middle-shelf grounding-zone wedge in Eastern Basin Ross Sea, Antarctica
- New constraints on the structure of Hess Deep from regional- and micro-bathymetry data acquired during RRS James Cook in Jan-Feb 2008 (JC021)
- Nitrogen Attenuation of Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Response to Global Environmental Change
- Observations of High-Frequency AGW Activity from Na Lidar Measurements
- Occurrence of Elevated Total Electron Content in the Dusk Sector During Associated with F-Region Structuring at Tropical Latitudes
- Optimizing Streamgage Network through Spatial Evolutionary Algorithms toward Digital Watershed Development
- Parameterization of a complex landscape for a sediment routing model of the Le Sueur River, southern Minnesota
- Physical and Chemical Properties that Give Rise to Flow ByPassing in DNAPL Impacted Groundwater Source Zones
- Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change in the City of Chicago
- Pore-scale Investigation of Calcite Precipitation and Permeability Changes in Silicon- based Micromodels
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Great Lakes Region
- Projections of Biofuel Growth Patterns Reveal the Potential Importance of Nitrogen Fixation for Miscanthus Productivity
- Pyrosequencing reveals the influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 on the composition of archaeal communities in the rhizosphere of C3 and C4 crops
- Real Time Detection of Anomalies in Streaming Radar and Rain Gauge Data
- Role of Shelf Morphology in Grounding-Line Stability: A Numerical Approach.
- Single-crystal elasticity of Al-bearing ferropericlase at high pressures up to 61 GPa
- State and Parameter Estimation of Hydrologic Models Using the Constrained Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Strey, S T
- The Atmospheric Response to Climate-Driven Arctic Boreal Forest Changes in a Coupled Atmosphere-Biosphere Model
- The Flow Dimension and Aquifer Heterogeneity: Field evidence and Numerical Analyses
- The Importance of Deep Roots and Hydraulic Redistribution to Amazonian Rainforest Resilience and Response to Hydro-Climatic Variability: A Simulation Analysis
- The Influence of Satellite-based Estimates of Precipitation on Modeled Land Surface States and Fluxes over the North American Monsoon Region
- The Structure of Flow Over a Barchan Dune
- The transport of antibiotic resistance genes and residues in groundwater near swine production facilities
- Tundra Fires in the Noatak National Preserve, Northwestern Alaska, Since 6000 yr BP
- Understanding the joint probability of catchment form, climate, and function
- Using Weekly Weather Forecast for Real-Time Irrigation Scheduling
- Using high resolution TRMM observations to understand the role of topography in spatial variations in precipitation and storm structure
- Volcanic Mesocyclones
- A Climate-Forcing Perspective on Black Carbon Aging (Invited)
- A global view of the plane-parallel nature of oceanic water clouds through MISR and MODIS fusion
- Aerosol properties over the Indian Subcontinent using nine years (2000-2008) of Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer observations: climatology and hot spots
- Aerosol size distribution variability as a function of distance to Caribbean Trade Wind Cumulus Clouds
- An Assimilative 3-D Model of Coronal Density from Multi-Spacecraft Observations
- Applicability of the Vegetation Optimality Model across Catchments and Climates
- Bedform morphology under combined flows with a 6-second oscillation period
- Beyond MCMC: Data-constraint and error propagation in a dynamic terrestrial biosphere model through Bayesian model emulation (Invited)
- Biogeochemical Signatures of Contaminant Transport at the Watershed Scale: Spectral and Wavelet Analysis (Invited)
- Biophysical Impact From Increasing Carbon Dioxide on U.S. Agroecosystems
- Can Electron Phase-Space Holes Help a Spacecraft Locate its Position in the Geometry of Guide-Field Reconnection?
- Catchment Classification: An empirical analysis of hydrologic similarity and its controls (Invited)
- Catchment-scale biogeochemical filtering: A preliminary evaluation of chemical export in four Experimental Watersheds. (Invited)
- Coastal Zone Hazards Related to Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions and Groundwater Flooding
- Comparative study of middle atmosphere temperature at Rothera with Lidar and SABER, and the effect of the Antarctic Vortex
- Convective variability in the North American Monsoon using cloud-to-ground lightning data and high-resolution satellite precipitation data
- Coordinated Ground- and Space-based 3-D Electron Density Reconstruction and Plasma Bubble Imaging
- Decadal Observations of Cloud Cover and Cloud Top Altitude from MISR
- Determining the sensitivity of New Mexico biomes to predicted climate change scenarios of the Southwest
- Dynamics of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Double Diffusion Mixing Zones
- Effects Of An Extreme Arctic Sea Ice Minimum On the Northern Hemisphere Atmosphere During Late Autumn and Early Winter
- Empirical analysis of the spatial structure of meander evolution: Insights into the development of compound loops
- Enhanced Aerosol Backscatter in the Vicinity of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds Revealed by Satellite-Based Lidar, CALIPSO
- Equatorial ionospheric plasma structures observed with the C/NOFS satellite and multiple ground-based diagnostics in October 2008
- Estimates of Historical Global Sources and Sinks of Carbon from Land Cover and Land Use Changes
- Exploring Emergent Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Patterns in Catchments at Multiple Scales
- Exploring the Sensitivity of Terrestrial Carbon Sources and Sinks to Nitrogen Cycle Processes
- Flow Structure and Channel Change in a Chute Cutoff along a Large Meandering River
- Flow Structure and Channel Change in an Evolving Compound Meander Loop
- Flow Structure and Channel Morphology at a Confluent-Meander Bend
- Fluxes of nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide over four potential biofuel crops in Central Illinois
- Gravity Waves Propagation and Momentum Flux in the Mesopause
- Guide Field Reconnection for actual physical parameters
- Hafnium Isotopic Compositions of Central American Lavas
- Holocene summer-temperature variation in Alaska: Quantitative reconstruction and possible solar forcing
- Hydrologic Non-Stationarity and Implications for Sustainable Watershed Management
- I-LLINI Partnerships to improve K-12 Earth Science education
- Impact of High Resolution Land Surface Initialization on Convection within the North American Monsoon
- Interactions of climate, vegetation, and fire during the Holocene: lessons from high-latitude and high-elevation ecosystems (Invited)
- Land-Use and Land-Cover Change and Associated Changes in Hydrological Cycle and Energy Exchange Processes in Monsoon Asian Region (Invited)
- Low-impact wind Farms
- MISR at 10: Looking back, ahead, and in between
- Measurements of black carbon particles’ chemical, physical, and optical properties (Invited)
- Model Projections of Rapid Sea-Level Rise on the Northeast Coast of the United States
- Model of Electron Pressure Anisotropy in the Process of Magnetic Reconnection
- Modeling evolution of aerosol mixing state and the associated optical and CCN activation properties (Invited)
- Modeling of Global Biogenic Emissions for Key Indirect Greenhouse Gases (Invited)
- Modeling of N2O and NO emissions from soils in terrestrial ecosystems
- NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Performance in Northern North American Extreme Cold Airmasses
- New insights into magma differentiation from non-traditional stable isotopes (Invited)
- Observation and modeling of Na density and OH airglow temperature and intensity perturbations by a gravity wave approaching a critical level
- Observations of mesospheric semi-annual oscillation and quasi-biennial oscillation over Hawaii
- Off-fault tensile cracks: A link between geological fault observations, experiments and earthquake rupture models
- Performance Evaluation of a Short Path Extinction Cell at High Relative Humidities
- Precipitation and Moisture Sources in North American Monsoon Surges
- Regional Impacts of Miscanthus Biofuel Feedstock Production on the Hydrologic Cycle
- Relationships between topography and precipitation at very high resolution in the tropics: insights from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation radar data (Invited)
- Restoration of soil organic carbon with cultivation of perennial biofuel crops
- Scaling of Contaminant Loads in Fractal River Networks: Hydrologic, Geomorphic and Biogeochemical Controls (Invited)
- Space- and Ground-Based Observations of Solar Cycle and Local Time Dependence of Equatorial Plasma Bubble Activity
- Spatio-temporal Averaging of Removal Rate constants in River Networks: Is there an Emergent Pattern?
- Summer Rainfall over the Sahel Modeled by the Atmospheric Centers of Action
- TIWS: Thermospheric/Ionospheric Wave Studies
- The Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO) at Cerro Pachon, Chile, first light
- The Atmospheric Component of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation: Seasonal and Spatial Patterns
- The Global Seismographic Network
- The Role of Structural, Biochemical and Ecophysiological Plant Acclimation in the Eco-Hydrologic Response of Agro-Ecosystems to Global Change in the Central US
- The Structure of Flow over Interacting Barchan Dunes
- The microphysical properties of arctic cirrus derived from in-situ measurements during ISDAC and M-PACE: implications for the importance of small ice crystals
- The response of delta distributary networks to changes in discharge
- Tides and Gravity Wave Interactions in the Mesopause Region over Maui, Hawaii
- Tundra fire regimes in the Alaskan Arctic: Vegetation-fire linkages during the late Holocene
- Turbulence modulation in turbidity currents as a response to slope breaks and its influence on deposition patterns
- U.S. Global Climate Change Impacts Report, Overview of Sectors
- Unexpected Structural and Spin Effects on Mössbauer Spectra and Implications for Iron Spin in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite
- Use Of Optimality Hypothesis To Understand Root Structure And Its Implications In Water Fluxes
- When did C4 Photosynthesis originate: New evidence from δ13C analysis of single grass-pollen grains
- A Cloud Detection Algorithm Based Upon FPI Measurements
- A Watershed-Scale Agent-Based Model Incorporating Agent Learning and Interaction of Farmers' Decisions Subject to Carbon and Miscanthus Prices
- A regional comparison of water-use efficiency for Miscanthus x giganteus and Panicum virgatum
- A unifying phase diagram for the dynamics of sheared solids and granular materials (Invited)
- A vorticity based analysis of the Beaufort Anticyclone
- Altered Water Extraction and Hydraulic Redistribution of Agricultural Crop Soybean at Daily Time Scales in Open-Air Elevation of CO2 under Drought
- An Integrated Biogeochemical and Biophysical Analysis of Bioenergy Crops
- Bird Activity Analysis Using Avian Radar Information in Naval Air Station airport, WA
- CWRF Downscaling U.S. Seasoanl-Interannual Hydroclimate Prediction
- Carbon sequestration in response to rising atmospheric CO2 in active and abandoned pine plantations of the southeastern US
- Characteristics of Antarctic gravity waves in the lower atmosphere and their long-term variations at McMurdo and the South Pole
- Climate Change Impact on Meteorological, Hydrological, and Agricultural Drought: A case study of Central Illinois
- Climatic and landscape controls on inter-annual variability of water balance and vegetation water use: a stochastic approach
- Comparative study of stratopause at the South Pole and Rothera
- Comparison of Winds and Temperatures Derived from FPIs at Mid- and Low-Latitudes to HWM- and MSIS-derived Parameters
- Coral Skeleton Density Banding: Biotic Response to Changes in Sea Surface Temperature
- Data-model comparison reveals unprecedented recent burning of Alaskan boreal forests since CE 1860
- Does complex terrain matter for global terrestrial ecosystem models? Forest ecosystem dynamics in the White Mountains, NH. (Invited)
- Environmental change in the Mississippi River Basin
- Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Triggered by Non-Equatorial Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Evolution of anthropogenic emissions at the global and regional scale during the past three decades
- Exploring the sensitivity of black carbon aging time scales with particle-resolved aerosol model simulation
- Fire risk due to convective drying at forest edges in Rondonia
- Fugitive Dust Emission Factors for Puff and Mobile Military Sources Measured by Micro-pulse Lidar - A Summary of Results
- Global Spatial and Climatological Dependencies of the Hydrogen Geocorona Inferred From TIMED/GUVI Measurements of Lyman α Radiance
- Global Tectonics Ties Quakes, Rocks, and Volatiles in the Mantle Transition Zone (Invited)
- High Resolution Magnetostratigraphy Susceptibility (MS) and Gamma Radiation (GR) Measurements from Three Coeval Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphic Sequences in Colorado: Testing MS and GR Variations Arising from Detrital Components in Variably Weathered Marine Sedimentary Rocks (Invited)
- Identifying the timescales of model error: NACP inter-comparison wavelet analysis
- Impacts of Climatic Change on Boreal-Forest Fire Regimes over the Past 2000 Years
- Impacts of Land Use Change, Nitrogen Deposition and Nitrogen Fertilizers on Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks of Plants and Soils
- Impacts of bioenergy feedstock production on environmental factors in the Central U.S. using an agroecosystem model (Invited)
- Impacts on the surface energy budget across the Central U.S. maize/soybean ecosystem from increasing carbon dioxide and ozone concentrations
- Inferring absorbing organic carbon content from AERONET data
- Influence of spatially variable precipitation on passive margin escarpment evolution
- Interaction of the ITCZ and an African Easterly Wave in the Pre-genesis Evolution of Tropical Storm Erika (2009)
- Investigating the interactions between biogeophysical and biogeochemical processes in the northern high latitudes using a land surface model; feedbacks and climatic impacts
- Large-Scale, Virtual Seismic Profiles: New Technique and Results from Tibet and Northern China (Invited)
- Looking For a Needle in the Haystack: Deciphering Indigenous 1.79 km Deep Subsurface Microbial Communities from Drilling Mud Contaminants Using 454 Pyrotag Sequencing
- Missing links in atmospheric-ionospheric coupling (Invited)
- Mobilization of Floodplain Sediments by Chute Cutoffs on a Large River: Lower Wabash River, Illinois-Indiana
- Modeling Water and Nutrient Transport through the Soil-Root-Canopy Continuum: Explicitly Linking the Below- and Above-Ground Processes
- Modeling the heterogeneous hydrolysis of N2O5: Nitrate effect versus organic coatings (Invited)
- Molecular fossils in modern genomes provide physiological and geochemical insights to the ancient earth (Invited)
- Petrogenesis of Near-Ridge Seamounts: AN Investigation of Mantle Source Heterogeneity and Melting Processes
- Preliminary results on the mean winds and low-frequency wave motions in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over the Andes Lidar Observatory (30°S, 71°W) and their comparisons with Maui, Hawaii (21°N, 156°W)
- Progress in measuring and monitoring morphodynamics in large rivers (Invited)
- Quantifying the Climate Impacts of Land Use Change (Invited)
- Quantitative visualization of coherent flow structures in alluvial channels using multibeam echo-sounding
- Reach Scale Sediment Balance of Goodwin Creek Watershed, Mississippi
- Regional Sea Level Rise Projections on the Northeast Coast of the United States (Invited)
- Remnants of Ultradense Silicate Melt From a Deep Terrestrial Magma Ocean
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere over the Andes Lidar Observatory and Maui
- Short-term wind-speed forecasting system for wind power applications
- Study of Impact of Groundwater Cascading on Bio-Geochemical Parameters of Lake Michigan
- Summer Synthesis Institutes: A Novel Approach for Transformative Research and Student Career Development
- The Blazing Arctic? Linkages of Tundra Fire Regimes to Climatic Change and Implications for Carbon Cycling (Invited)
- The Challenges of Producing Societally-useful Projections of Future Changes in Extreme Precipitation Events
- The Distribution of Soil Phosphorus in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- The Evolution of Convective Structure in Tropical Cyclones Undergoing Rapid Intensification as Observed by Passive Microwave Sensors
- The Puzzle of Large, Low-Slope Sand-Bed Rivers: How Can They Be So Deep? (Invited)
- The generation of coherent flow structures in a gravel bed river
- The morphodynamics of bifurcation-expansion units in a large multi-thread river
- The stable isotope compositions of mercury in atmospheric particles (PM10) from Paris (France) and vicinity
- The transport of manufactured nanoparticles in the hyporheic zone
- The variation of the microphysical properties of arctic stratus clouds as a function of aerosol concentration: results from ISDAC
- Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Periclase (MgO) at High Pressure and Temperature using Time Domain Thermoreflectance
- Thick absorbing aerosol layer observed in the monsoon season over India
- Tropical orographic rainfall regimes
- Wave Induced Transport of Atmospheric Constituents and Its Effect on the Mesospheric Na Layer
- A Climatology of Ripple Instabilities in the OH Airglow at Maui, HI
- A Critical Examination of Aerosol Observability in the Clean Marine Environment
- A Web-Based Validation Tool for GEWEX
- A carbonate-δ18O record of late-Holocene moisture change in the southern Brooks Range, Alaska
- A comparison of the morphology of instability features seen at the Andes Lidar Observatory with those observed over Maui
- A short-term ensemble wind speed forecasting system for wind power applications
- Advances of Lidar Investigation of Middle and Upper Atmosphere from McMurdo, Antarctica
- Analysis of climate change impact on runoff and sediment delivery in a Great Lake watershed using SWAT
- Characterizing sub-grid aging regimes with a particle-resolved model
- Climate Regulation Services of Natural and Managed Ecosystems of the Americas
- Climate and Landform Controls of Holocene Fire Regimes in the Boreal Forests of Alaska
- Comparison of Nighttime Zonal Neutral Winds and Plasma Bubble Drift Velocities over Brazil
- Constraining predictions of tundra permafrost and vegetation through model-data feedbacks and data-assimilation
- Dynamical and Thermodynamical Aspects of Tropical Cyclone Formation
- Electrified MSTIDs at Low Latitudes
- Empirically Estimating the Potential for Farm-Level Adaptation to Climate Change in Western European Agriculture
- Enhanced Stormwater Contaminant Removal and Improved Runoff Quality Using Modified Sorbents in Tree Filters
- Evidence of Climate Control on the Orogenic Evolution of the Southern Patagonian Andes - Connecting Thermochronologic Observations with a Numerical Coupled Climate/Glacial/Surface Processes Model
- Exploring the Sensitivity of Terrestrial Ecosystems and Atmospheric Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> to Global Environmental Factors
- Fire hotspot activity and smoke optical depth in the Maritime Continent: Relationships to deep convection
- First Detection of Meteoric Smoke using the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR)
- Flow Structure and Channel Change in Chute Cutoffs On Meandering Rivers
- Functional Signatures as the Basis for Hydrologic Similarity: Regional Analysis Across the Continental United States
- Gravity Wave Characteristics Observed with Airglow Imager at the Andes Lidar Observatory
- Ground based temperature measurements in the MLT, historical data (<110 km) and new hope for the data void (110-200 km).
- High P-T Thermal Conductivity of Periclase using an Ultrafast Pump-Probe Method
- Hydrological Analysis of Catchment Behavior through Process-based Modeling along a Climate Gradient
- Imaging, radio, and modeling results pertaining to the ionospheric signature of the 11 March 2011 tsunami over the Pacific Ocean
- Impacts of Future Land-Use Change on Nitrogen Leaching and Global Water Quality
- Impacts of Global Climate Variations and Changes on U.S. Air Quality
- Investigating Seasonal Oscillations in Mesospheric Temperatures at Low and Mid-latitudes
- Investigating gravity waves and mesospheric temperature variability over the Andes Mountains
- Investigation of Rainfall Characteristics Using TRMM PR and Ground Based Radar
- Is Miscanthus a High Risk Biofuel Feedstock Prospect for the Upper Midwest US?
- Last millennia terrestrial ecosystem model intercomparison: challenges and goals
- Local Optical Closure Using Single Particle Mixing State Observations during the 2010 DOE CARES Campaign
- Machine Learning Assessments of Soil Drying
- Multiple detection of a "rapid" slow slip event before the March, 2011 Tohoku earthquake from regional and global ionospheric, ground GPS and oceanic DART observations
- Multiple-wavelength radar perspectives of mixed-phase convective precipitation in MC3E
- Nighttime Ionosphere Tomographic Reconstruction Observatory
- Nighttime variability in the thermosphere forced from below: Whole Atmosphere Model (WAM) simulations
- Nitrogen Dynamics in the Soil-Root-Plant Continuum: Competitive and Mutualistic Dependencies through Hydraulic Redistribution
- Nitrogen management through coupling carbon and nitrogen cycling in agroecosystems
- Observations of Sub-3 nm Particles and Sulfuric acid Concentrations during the Summer in Long Island, New York
- Observed trends in temperature and precipitation extremes
- Ozone decreases soybean productivity and water use efficiency
- Particle-Resolved Modeling of Aerosol Mixing State in an Evolving Ship Plume
- Precipitation and Dissolution of Uranyl Phosphates in a Microfluidic Pore Structure
- Precipitation, Elevation and Relief in the Tropics
- Problems with the North American Monsoon in CMIP/IPCC GCM Precipitation
- Quantifying links among climate, vegetation, and fire activity in Alaskan tundra ecosystems at multiple spatial and temporal scales
- River Meandering in Heterogeneous Floodplains
- Scaling water use of perennial grasses from the plot to Midwestern U.S.
- Simulation of airglow emission under IGW exctided by tsunamis
- Simulation of the Effects of Zero-Doppler Reference on the Extraction of Nighttime Thermospheric Vertical Neutral Winds from a Bi-Static FPI Experiment
- Spatial Dynamic Optimization of Groundwater Use with Ecological Standards for Instream Flow
- Spatial-temporal structure of mixing-interface turbulence at two large river confluences
- Spatiotemporal averaging of instream solute removal dynamics
- Spectral analysis of the midlatitude ion temperature responses to the sudden stratospheric warming events
- The Greenhouse Gas Flux and Carbon Budget of Land Use Conversion from Pasture to Energy Cane Production
- The PEcAn Project: Model-Data Ecoinformatics for the Observatory Era
- The Role of the Intertropical Convergence Zone in Controlling Mineral Dust Transport in the Tropical North Atlantic
- The impacts of climate change on global irrigation water requirements
- The significance of plant canopy demography for predicting terrestrial ecosystem responses to climate change.
- The strength of contributions from topography mismatch and measurement filtering to simulated net ecosystem exchange in complex terrain
- Thermospheric wind and temperature climatology for the equatorial region: Results and comparisons with the WAM model predictions
- Three-dimensional numerical modeling of tsunami-related internal gravity waves in the Hawaiian atmosphere
- Towards positive feedbacks between vegetation and tropospheric O<SUB>3</SUB>
- Tropical Orographic Rainfall Regimes According to the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
- Turbulence Modulation in Turbidity Currents and its Implication on Turbidites: A Large Eddy Simulation approach
- Understanding and assessing the feasibility of ocean iron fertilization to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide
- Unprecedented recent burning of the Alaskan boreal forest points to shifting controls on fire: A paleoecological data-model investigation
- Using SAMI3 to self-consistently model MSTIDs
- Using historical data to constrain long term carbon dynamics in land surface models: processes and data
- Using settlement vegetation data for paleoclimate and carbon modeling: Preliminary results of the PalEON project
- Velocity Mapping Toolbox (VMT): a processing and visualization suite for moving-vessel ADCP measurements
- 3D LDV Measurements in Oscillatory Boundary Layers
- A Convective Mass Flux Scaling Modification to the Slingo Diagnostic Cloud Fraction Scheme: Impacts on Tropical Intraseasonal Variability
- A Numerical Study of the Impacts of Dry Air on Tropical Cyclone Formation: A Development Case and a Non-development Case
- A new parallel library and scripting language for analysis of ultra-large climate data sets
- A particle-resolved modeling approach for estimating black carbon aging time-scales
- Aerosol Radiative Forcing Estimates from South Asian Clay Brick Production Based on Direct Emission Measurements
- Aircraft-radar synergy in GPM-GV field campaigns
- An evaluation of WRF microphysics using airborne and ground instrumentation in LPVEx for GPM-GV
- Atmospheric coupling of Tsunami: observations from Tohoku and impact on tsunami physical properties and phase/group velocities
- Biofuels on the landscape: Is "land sharing" preferable to "land sparing"?
- Black Carbon Trends over Several Decades at Multiple Locations
- Bridging local scale ground-based tree assessments to large scale inventory and remote sensing data to quantify landscape representativeness of an atmospheric study tower
- Catchment classification as a learning framework
- Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation on Water Resources and Agricultural Diversity of the Upper Rio Grande Watershed
- ClimatePad: Enabling public exploration of climate data
- Climatic drivers of variability in the response of NPP to elevated CO2. A model-data comparison at two FACE sites in the south eastern US
- Comparison of Zonal Neutral Winds with Equatorial Plasma Bubble and Plasma Drift Velocities over Peru
- Connecting Humans and Water: The Case for Coordinated Data Collection
- Connections between transport in events and transport at landscape-structuring timescales
- Conveyor belt biomantles: Centripetal bioturbation coupled with erosional downwasting -- an explanatory model
- Data Curation Education in Research Centers (DCERC)
- Developing an EarthCube Governance Structure for Big Data Preservation and Access
- Diurnal variation of gravity wave momentum flux and its forcing on the diurnal tide
- Effects of free-air CO<SUB>2</SUB> and temperature enrichment on soybean growth and development
- Elasticity and structure of mantle pyroxenes
- Equatorial Thermospheric Responses to Geomagnetic Storms
- Evaluation of the Impact of 2006 Aviation NOx Emissions on Atmospheric Ozone using CAM5Chem
- Extreme precipitation over North America: A comparison of CMIP5, CMIP3, and observations
- Field based measurements of albedo for two candidate perennial cellulosic feedstocks and row crops in Central Illinois
- From Microscopic to Macroscopic Bacterial Transport in Porous Media
- From meander bend to oxbow lake: flow, channel morphology and sedimentology of an evolving chute cutoff on the Wabash River, IL-IN
- Gaining ground in the modeling of land-use change greenhouse gas emissions associated with biofuel production
- Gap filling strategies for annual estimates of soil respiration
- Gravity waves from 30 to 160 km observed by an Fe lidar at McMurdo, Antarctica
- Groundwater Management Policies for Maintaining Stream Flow Given Variable Climatic Conditions
- High black carbon emissions from kerosene wick lamps
- How Disturbance Influences Community Composition at Hydrothermal Vents: a Theoretical Model of Macrofaunal Coexistence
- Identification of Hot Moments and Hot Spots for Real-Time Adaptive Control of Multi-scale Environmental Sensor Networks
- Imaging Medium and Small Scale Ionospheric Electron Density Structures
- Impact Assessment of Large Scale Floods Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Impact of Climate Change and Variability on Crop Productivity
- Impacts of Wind Farms on Local Land Surface Temperature
- Impacts of energy cane expansion on ecosystem services: A Florida case study
- Impacts of shifting fire regime on ecosystem carbon storage capacity in the interior Alaskan forests
- Influence of riparian vegetation on near-bank flow structure and erosion rates on a large meandering river
- Iron isotope fractionation among magnetite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, rhyolite melt and aqueous fluid at magmatic-hydrothermal conditions
- Land use change effects on GHG dynamics in Central Florida
- Landscape Vulnerability Analysis from Historic Lower Mississippi River Flood in 2011
- Lidar Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds, Fe Layers, and Their Interactions at McMurdo, Antarctica (77.8°S, 166.7°E)
- Measuring the influence of channel-skewed bedforms on flow structure in high curvature meander bends using a profiling ADV
- Meteoric Beryllium-10 Inventories and Depth Distributions to Constrain Estimates of Post-Settlement Erosion and Soil Profile Truncation in the U.S. Corn Belt: Prospects and Challenges
- Mid-latitude thermospheric dynamics as observed by the North American Thermosphere-Ionosphere Observing Network of imaging Fabry-Perot interferometers
- Millennial scale chronology of the south-central Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Modeling Fate and Transport of Rotavirus in Surface Flow by Integrating WEPP and a Pathogen Transport Model
- Modeling delta growth concurrently with self-formed channels. Preliminary results on Lake Nasser Delta, Sudan and Egypt
- Modeling the above and below ground carbon and nitrogen stocks in northern high latitude terrestrial ecosystems
- More food, more bioenergy and fewer greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe) - is it possible?
- National-Scale Hydrologic Classification & Agricultural Decision Support: A Multi-Scale Approach
- Numerical model of the lowermost Mississippi River as an alluvial-bedrock reach: preliminary results
- Off-axis mantle melting beneath the East Pacific Rise at 9°30'N: discovery by a magnetotelluric survey and dynamical constraints from flow modeling
- Opening Data in the Long Tail for Community Discovery, Curation and Action Using Active and Social Curation
- PA014-- Deception and Doubt --Strategies for Undermining and Supporting Global Climate Science--PA014
- Pore Scale Investigations of Transverse Mixing Limited Reactions
- Possible Future Changes in Permafrost and Active Layer Thickness in Northern Eurasia and their Relation to Permafrost Carbon Pool
- Predictions of runoff signatures in ungauged basins: Austrian case study
- Quantifying Wintertime Aerosol Nitrate Formation Pathways and Their Vertical Profiles in the Great Lakes Region of North America by CMAQ Process Analysis and Hourly Observations
- RACORO Aircraft Data Case Study Development for FASTER
- Recent Seismicity in Southern Illinois and Southern Missouri: Initial Results from the EarthScope OIINK Flexible Array Experiment
- Regional patterns of recession curves and their relationships with climate, soil, vegetation and topography across the continental United States
- Representing Identity and Equivalence for Scientific Data
- Role of Equatorial Thermospheric Winds on the Pre-Reversal Enhancement
- Simultaneous measurements of thermospheric winds and temperatures in the Brazilian and Peruvian longitudinal sectors
- South Asian Summer Monsoon in CMIP5 GCMs
- Spread-F observations of oxygen greenline airglow images at Cerro Pachon, Chile, March, 2012
- Ten Years of Black Carbon Measurements in the North Atlantic at the Pico Mountain Observatory, Azores (2225m asl)
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - A pioneering research mission for space physics and aeronomy.
- The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Wind and Temperature Observations from the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- The Regulation of a Spatially Heterogeneous Externality: Tradable Groundwater Permits to Protect Streams
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- The U.S. National Climate Assessment: The Science of Climate Change
- The dependence of the single-scattering properties of small ice crystals on orientation average, particle shape, and wavelength
- The effects of Coulomb collisions on O+, H+, and He+ plasmas for topside incoherent scatter radar applications at Jicamarca
- The lifecycle of instability features over Cerro Pachon as measured on March 24 2012
- The modeled effects of fire on carbon balance and vegetation abundance in Alaskan tundra
- The observation of a circular gravity wave in the OH and O(1S) airglow emissions at the Andes Lidar Observatory, Chile
- The pattern of sea level pressure to effectively identify anomalous wintertime temperatures in the U.S
- The use of informed priors in ecosystem model-data fusion
- Thermodynamic Aspects of Tropical Cyclone Formation
- Three-Dimensional Gravity-Current Flow Within a Subaqueous Bend: Spatial Evolution and Force Balance Variations
- Toward Optimized Bioclogging and Biocementation Through Combining Advanced Geophysical Monitoring and Reactive Transport Modeling Approaches
- Two-way Coupling of a Process-Based Crop Growth Model (BioCro) and a Biogeochemistry Model (DayCent) and its Application to an Energy Crop Site in the mid-west USA
- Velocity and Attenuation Structure of the Earth's Inner Core Boundary Based on an Automatic Waveform Modeling Method
- Water Use Efficiency for Establishing Biofuel Crops in Central Illinois
- Water quality and quantity in the context of large-scale cellulosic biofuel production in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin
- Water use and water use efficiency at elevated CO2: a model-data intercomparison at two contrasting temperate forest FACE sites
- Why do we have such difficulty assessing aerosol impacts in Southeast Asia? Examining the representativeness of regional in situ, remote sensing, and modeling data using examples from a recent field trial
- A Community Frost/Freeze Susceptibility Operational Guidance Tool
- A Large Aperture Lidar Observatory for Exploring the Interaction of Our Atmosphere with Space (Invited)
- A non-traditional isotope study of plagiogranite and rhyo-dacite suites: insights into mid ocean ridge magma chamber processes (Invited)
- Advancing Site-Based Data Curation for Geobiology: The Yellowstone Exemplar (Invited)
- Aging of Soot Particles: Remote Marine Free-tropospheric Aerosol at the Pico Mountain Observatory, Azores
- Agricultural practices and irrigation water demand in Uttar Pradesh
- Algorithmic identification of limnological features in vertical profiles from the Great Lakes
- An Evaluation of Satellite Retrievals of Snowfall in Regions of Complex Terrain
- Analysis of Gravity Waves at the Andes Lidar Observatory through Parameterization of Airglow Imagery
- Analysis of Winds in Extreme Bird Migrations
- Assessing Resilience of Intensively Managed Landscapes through Feedbacks
- Assessing the Impact of Climatic Variability and Change on Maize Production in the Midwestern USA
- Assimilation of Leaf and Canopy Spectroscopic Data to Improve the Representation of Vegetation Dynamics in Terrestrial Ecosystem Models
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Simulations During Cold Air Outbreaks over the Gulf Stream
- Bed Forms Modulating Temporal Peaks on Near-Bank Shear Stresses, the Wabash River Case
- Behavioural modelling of irrigation decision making under water scarcity
- Biotic Origin for Mima Mounds Supported by Numerical Model
- Building the GPM-GV Column from the GPM Cold season Precipitation Experiment (Invited)
- Can Crop Models Simulate the ENSO Impacts on Regional Corn Yield in U.s. Corn Belt?
- Changing Forest Land Use in the Pacific Northwest and Implications for Ecosystem Processes (Invited)
- Characterizing the effect of initial conditions uncertainty on climate projections
- Chemical Characterization of Free Tropospheric Aerosols in the North Atlantic Measured at the Pico Mountain Observatory During Summer of 2012
- Climate-vegetation-soil interactions and long-term hydrologic partitioning: Signatures of catchment co-evolution (Invited)
- Climatic thresholds and interactions shape tundra and boreal fire regimes and vulnerability to future climatic change
- Closing the Carbon Budget in Perennial Biofuel Crops
- Controls on gross fluxes of nitrous oxide and methane from an active agricultural ecosystem
- Conversion of Grazed Pastures to Energy Cane as a Biofuel Feedstock Alters Soil GHG Fluxes
- Cooperative Work and Sustainable Scientific Software Practices in R
- Coordinated observations of thermospheric neutral winds and equatorial plasma bubbles from low-latitude sites (Invited)
- Designing and Assessing Restored Meandering River Planform Using RVR Meander
- Developing and Delivering a Geoscience MOOC -- What's Involved, and What Works (Invited)
- Effects of model axial-flow hydrokinetic turbines on scour and bedforms
- Enabling Long-Term Earth Science Research: Changing Data Practices (Invited)
- Endogenous technological and demographic change under increasing water scarcity
- Equatorial thermospheric winds: New results using data from a network of three Fabry-Perot interferometers located in central Peru
- Estimating the Global Cosmic Dust Input from Lidar Observations of the Vertical Fluxes of Mesospheric Na and Fe
- Estimation of the heat/Na flux using lidar data recorded at ALO, Cerro Pachon, Chile
- Evaluating relationships between particle size distribution parameters and environment from GCPEx
- Evaluating the Metal Source(s) of Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) Deposits (Invited)
- Evaluation of Model Microphysics Within Precipitation Bands of Extratropical Cyclones
- Evaluation of Vertical Motion Contributions Towards Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification Under Varying Wind Shear
- Food and fuel from plant biomass - will there be enough to go around?
- Forward modeling of tsunami-driven gravity waves observed in airglow emission
- Geoscience MOOCs: Do they work, and are they worth it?
- Have we been ignoring physiological plasticity and genetic variation in stomatal function as a significant source of error in models of water and carbon fluxes?
- How Workflow Documentation Facilitates Curation Planning
- ICON: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - NASA's Next Space Physics and Aeronomy Mission
- Imaging the Lithosphere under Southern Illinois Basin based on Ozark-Illinois-INdiana-Kentucky (OIINK) Flexible Array Experiment
- Impact on watershed resilience due to variation of precipitation
- In Situ Microphysical and Scattering Properties of Falling Snow in GPM-GCPEx
- Increased spring flooding of agricultural fields will exhibit altered production of greenhouse gases
- Infiltration of CO<SUB>2</SUB> into Water-Saturated Two-Dimensional Porous Micromodels: New Insight from Microscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (μPIV) Experiments
- Influence of river calving on the extent of the Illinois episode Lake Michigan Lobe in southern Illinois
- Investigating the impacts of cold air outbreaks over the Gulf Stream on the meriodional overturning circulation and Arctic Ocean inflow using POP2 and CICE
- Investigating the turbulent to laminar flow transition across a permeable wall using Refractive-Index Matching (RIM)
- Is a Dendritic Drainage Basin Inevitable? (Invited)
- Lidar Observations of Wave Dynamics in Winter Antarctica Near the Turbopause Region
- Low Cost Methods to Accomplish Aeronomy Science
- Mapping of Soil Properties Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Measuring Eddy Heat and Constituent Fluxes with High-Resolution Na and Fe Doppler Lidars
- Methane Fluxes from Subtropical Wetlands
- Model Assessment of Heterogeneous Nitryl Chloride Sources during CalNex 2010
- Model-experiment synthesis at two FACE sites in the southeastern US. Forest ecosystem responses to elevated CO[2]. (Invited)
- Modeling Of Spontaneous Multiscale Roughening And Branching of Ruptures Propagating On A Slip-Weakening Frictional Fault
- Modeling of N2O emissions from soils in terrestrial ecosystems
- Morphologic Evolution of a Well-Constrained, Complete Subaerial-Subaqueous Source to Sink System: Wabush Lake
- New Discoveries Resulted from Lidar Investigation of Middle and Upper Atmosphere Temperature, Composition, Chemistry and Dynamics at McMurdo, Antarctica
- Outcomes of the 'Data Curation for Geobiology at Yellowstone National Park' Workshop
- Paleodata-model integration reveals uncertain boreal forest carbon balance due to rapid recent fire regime change
- Planform Dynamics of a Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Meandering River
- Projected Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Community Dynamics and Carbon Cycling in an Early-successional Forest
- Reconstruction Of Ancient Microbial Biodiversity And Metabolism From Fossil Travertine
- Remote Sensing Technologies for Estuary Research and Management (Invited)
- Representative Agricultural Pathways: A Trans-Disciplinary Approach to Agricultural Model Inter-comparison, Improvement, Climate Impact Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement
- Research Problems in Data Curation: Outcomes from the Data Curation Education in Research Centers Program
- Resilience and sensitivity of high-severity fire regimes to climatic variability from centuries to millennia (Invited)
- Scales of form roughness on riverbanks with different riparian vegetation
- Seasonal extreme temperature and precipitation change under RCPs in CMIP5 models
- Simultaneous Observations of the Phase-Locked Two Day Wave at Adelaide and Cerro Pachon
- Sound velocity measurements at simultaneous high pressures and temperatures and variable q by Brillouin spectroscopy with laser heating
- Spatial Modeling of Agricultural Land-Use Change at Global Scale
- Spatial scale dependence of ecohydrologically mediated water balance partitioning (Invited)
- Synchronous changes in coral chromatophore tissue density and skeletal banding as an adaptive response to environmental change
- Synoptic Activity Associated with Sea Ice Variability in the Arctic
- The Influence of Climate on Sustainable North American Bioenergy Potential
- The Role of Shortwave Radiation and Precipitation on Hydraulic Redistribution
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Budyko Hypothesis for Water Balance (Invited)
- The bias in MODIS-retrieved oceanic water cloud droplet effective radius as deduced from optical thickness variability across scattering angles
- The hydrologic response of urban catchments to distributed green stormwater infrastructure
- The interaction between biogeophysical and biogeochemical processes and their feedback on permafrost soil carbon stocks
- The plutonic-volcanic connection: are we even on the right track? (Invited)
- The role of acclimation in scaling GPP from the leaf to the canopy for crops in a changing climate
- The role of residual (undegassed) and environmental waters in pyroclastic volcanic glass in nature and experiments (Invited)
- The value of emissions from a single source (Invited)
- Threshold Level of Harvested Litter Input for Carbon Sequestration by Bioenergy Crops
- To Burn or not to Burn: Late Quaternary Fire-History Reconstructions from Alaskan Tundra
- Two- and three-dimensional flow measurements within the pore spaces of a packed bed underlying a turbulent flow
- Two-Stream Model: Toward Data Production for Sharing Field Science Data
- Underflows, interflows and overflows: observations of density currents in Lillooet Lake, Canada
- Understanding links between river topography, flow patterns and sediment transport and sorting
- Uranium Isotope Fractionation during Oxidation of Dissolved U(iv) and Synthetic Solid UO2
- Use of In-Situ Cloud Probe Data to Derive Bulk Cloud Parameters and Their Uncertainties: Impacts for Models and Remote Sensing Retrievals
- Using SPartICus measurements to study ice particle size distribution modes within in situ cirrus
- Using stable isotopes to characterize differential depth of water uptake based on environmental conditions in perennial biofuel and traditional annual crops
- Validating Thermospheric Neutral Winds Produced by a Global Model
- Variations in mesospheric gravity waves observed in multiple airglow layers, and filtered temporal spectra studies
- Why are ripples absent in coarse sands?
- rasterEngine: an easy-to-use R function for applying complex geostatistical models to raster datasets in a parallel computing environment
- A Contextual Classification Approach for Remote Sensing Image Classification of Hyperspatial Imagery
- A Coupled Modeling Framework of the Co-evolution of Humans and Water: Case Study of Tarim River Basin, Western China
- A Description of an Acidophilic, Iron Reducer, Geobacter sp. FeAm09 Isolated from Tropical Soils
- A Fully Bayesian Approach to Improved Calibration and Prediction of Groundwater Models With Structure Error
- A Multiscale Model of Shear flow of Granular Materials with Breakable Particles: Role of Force Chain Instabilities and Implications for Strain Localization and Stability of Sliding
- A Peep into the Uncertainty-Complexity-Relevance Modeling Trilemma through Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis
- A global upper atmosphere observatory using lidar on the International Space Station
- Agricultural Virtual Water Flows in the USA
- An Ecoinformatic Analysis of the Effect of Seasonal and Annual Variation in Temperature, Precipitation, and Solar Irradiance on Pollen Productivity in Two Neotropical Forests
- An Evaluation Of Cold Season Precipitation Microphysical Properties From A Ground-Based Perspective
- Analysis of equatorial F-region vertical neutral winds from Brazil FPI observations
- Anomalous Doppler Shift in the Storm-time Midlatitude Red-line Emission
- Application of Cavity-ring Down Spectroscopy to Quantify NH<SUB>3</SUB> Fluxes from Fertilizer Application in the Midwestern U.S.
- Attributing Changes in Gross Primary Productivity from 1901 to 2010
- Bedrock Channels: Towards a Process-Based Understanding
- Biological Selenite Reduction and Biofilm Growth in a Microfluidic Flow Cell
- Black Carbon Emissions from Associated Natural Gas Flaring
- Calculation of Gravity Wave Altitude Limits due to Diffusion
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Challenges in Analyzing and Representing Cloud Microphysical Data Measured with Airborne Cloud Probes
- Characterising the Geomorphic Response of a Tropical Mega-River to an Extreme, Cyclone Induced, Flood Event.
- Climate Change Response of Ocean Net Primary Production (NPP) and Export Production (EP) Regulated by Stratification Increases in The CMIP5 models
- Climate change impacts on food system
- Climatic Controls of Wildfire in the Boreal Forest and Arctic Tundra Biomes across Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales
- Climatic Droughts and the Impacts on Crop Yields in Northern India during the Past Century
- Colloid Transport in Porous Media: A Continuing Survey of Conceptual Model Developmen
- Comparison of airborne and ground based measurements and the relationships between microphysical parameters from GCPEx
- Constraints on a priori assumptions and microphysical properties in precipitation from in situ measurements in GPM-GV field campaigns: regime dependence and impact on retrievals
- Convective Evolution during Tropical Cyclone Formation as Revealed by TRMM PR
- Cover and Erosion Asymmetry in Saltation-Abrasion
- Crustal structure across a continental suture zone: a zone of focused crustal thickening, diffuse seismicity, and epiorogenic features in the mid continent of North America
- Current and Future Impacts of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Grassland GHG Balance
- Cyclone Driven Sediment Loads in a Tropical Mega-River
- Data Mining Approach for Evaluating Vegetation Dynamics in Earth System Models (ESMs) Using Satellite Remote Sensing Products
- Dealing with Climate Change and Variability in the Growing Season: a U2U Decision Support Tool for Central United States Corn Producers Based on Corn Growing Degree Days
- Declining Groundwater Levels in North India: Understanding Sources of Irrigation Inefficiency
- Designing Green Stormwater Infrastructure for Hydrologic and Human Benefits: An Image Based Machine Learning Approach
- Determination of ITM Key Parameters By the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Direct measurements of vertical heat flux and Na flux in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere by lidar at Boulder (40°N, 105°W), Colorado
- Discovering New Global Climate Patterns: Curating a 21-Year High Temporal (Hourly) and Spatial (40km) Resolution Reanalysis Dataset
- Ecosystem Network Shifts As Indicators of Climate Response
- Effect of NOx emissions from lightning on the production of aviation-induced ozone
- Emergent Data-Networks from Long-Tail Collections
- Enabling Real-time Water Decision Support Services Using Model as a Service
- Estimating Atmospheric NH<SUB>3</SUB> Exchange in the Midwestern U.S. using SURFATM-NH3
- Evaluating the Impacts of an Agricultural Water Market in the Guadalupe River Basin, Texas: An Agent-based Modeling Approach
- Evaluation of Mixed-Phase Microphysics Within Winter Storms Using Field Data and In Situ Observations
- Evaluation of Tropical Cyclogenesis Forecasts in Different Synoptic-Scale Environments
- Evaluations of Particle Scattering Models for Falling Snow
- ExoCube: In-Situ Measurement of Composition in the Exosphere, Thermosphere and Topside Ionosphere
- Experimental and numerical study of turbulent flow associated with interacting barchan dunes
- Exploring the Photon Sieve: Mathematical Framework and Experimental Categorization
- Extreme Resolution Ecohydrologic Modeling for Understanding Micro-topographic Controls
- Fast Oxidation Processes in a Naturally Reduced Aquifer Zone Caused by Dissolved Oxygen
- Fe Isotope Systematics of the Upper and Upper Main Zones of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa
- Field implementation of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for studying flow dynamics at river confluences
- Field-Scale Partitioning of Ecosystem Respiration Components Suggests Carbon Stabilization in a Bioenergy Grass Ecosystem
- Fire seasonality changes in Côte d'Ivoire revealed through Landsat imagery
- From Sumatra 2004 to Tuhoku-Oki 2011: what we learn about Tsunami detection by ionospheric sounding.
- Geo-Semantic Framework for Integrating Long-Tail Data and Model Resources for Advancing Earth System Science
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for Large-scale Socio-hydrological Models using the Cloud
- Gravity Wave Excitation from Ocean Waves and Tsunamis, and Propagation Via Ray Tracing into the Thermosphere
- Grazing alters the net C sink strength and the net global warming potential of a subtropical pasture
- Heat and Constituent Flux due to Dissipating Gravity Waves and Turbulence over the Andes Lidar Observatory
- High Potential for Iron Reduction in Upland Soils from Diverse Terrestrial Ecosystems
- High Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy for Characterizing Soil Properties over Large Areas
- High-Resolution Solar Imaging With Photon Sieves
- How Seasonal Drought Affect Carbon and Water Fluxes of Alternative Energy Crops in the US?
- Human Impact Intertwined with Glacial Legacy: Hydro-Geomorphologic Exploration using LiDAR data
- Hydrologic Analysis for Kankakee River Watershed Streamflow Accounting Model
- Hyporheic Flow in Coarse Gravel Beds: A Laboratory Investigation
- Hyporheic exchange induced by channel-spanning obstacles in a coarse, highly-permeable laboratory streambed
- IPHEx 2014: Observations of Orographic Precipitation Processes in the Southern Appalachians
- Impact of Hydrologic Variability on Nutrient Age Distribution in Intensively Managed Landscapes
- Impacts of Arctic Climate Change on Tundra Fire Regimes at Interannual to Millennial Timescales
- Imported Versus Local Water Sources? Origins of Stream Flows at the Wildlands/Urban Interface in Suburban Parts of Southern California
- Improving the Laboratory Experience for Introductory Geology Students Using Active Learning and Evidence-Based Reform
- Indirect Cloud Effects from Biomass Burning Smoke in the Arctic and Subarctic: Insights from Multiple In-Situ Datasets
- Influence of Mesoscale Ocean Wind Variability on Tropical Atmospheric Convection
- Interaction Between Bedrock Roughness and Alluvial Cover: Field Experiments and Modelling
- Interannual Variability of Middle and Upper Tropospheric Dry Air and Its Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Atlantic Basin
- Intermittent spring flooding of agricultural fields will increase net global-warming potential of greenhouse gas fluxes
- Intersonic and Supersonic ruptures in a model of dynamic rupture in a layered medium
- Investigating Mechanisms of South American Flat Subduction
- Investigation of Tsunami-Ionospheric Coupling Efficiency
- Iron: A Biogeochemical Engine That Drives Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Cycling in Humid Tropical Forest Soils
- Is there a zone of weakness beneath the New Madrid and Wabash Valley Seismic Zones?
- Linking Geobiology Fieldwork and Data Curation Through Workflow Documentation
- Litter Inputs and Soil Aggregation in Midwestern Biofuel Crops
- Long Term Atmospheric and Erosional Pollution As Recorded in Lake Sediments from Yunnan, China
- MISR at 15: Multiple Perspectives on Our Changing Earth
- Meandering River Dynamics: Spatial and Temporal Wave Growth and Non-Periodic Wave Patterns
- Measured and modelled carbon and water fluxes in hybrid willows grown for biofuel production
- Measurement of Bi-Directional Ammonia Exchange Above a Maize Canopy in the Midwestern United States
- Measurements of Thermospheric Winds and Temperatures with a Fabry-Perot Interferometer Network: Results from NATION, South America, and Alaska
- Measuring Thermospheric Winds and Temperatures Near the Equator: Evidence for the Development of an Inertial Instability?
- Mediation of Fire-Climate Linkages by Vegetation Types in Alaskan Arctic Tundra Ecosystems: Impacts of Model Uncertainty on GCM-Based Forecasts of Future Fire Activity
- Methodologies for Analyzing the Water Footprint of Cities
- Microbial Colonization of Earth's Subsurface: A Thermodynamically Consistent Perspective
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Modeled Sensitivity of the Upper-Ocean Response to Tropical Cyclones in the Northwestern Pacific Using a Fully-coupled Climate Model with Varying Ocean Resolution
- Mountain Wave Climatology at Cerro Pachón, Chile, from All Sky Imager Analysis
- Multi-Frequency Radar and Microwave Radiometer Simulations of Surface Snowfall Events from GCPEx: Synergistic Application of In-Situ Microphysics Observations with Modeled Ice Scattering Properties
- NCAR Global Climate Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation (CFDDA) Hourly 40 km Reanalysis: a high-resolution dynamically downscaled climatography
- NH<SUB>3</SUB> Emission from Fertilizer Application: A Collaborative Study in the Midwestern U.S.
- New Student-Centered and Data-Based Approaches to Hydrology Education
- New insights from velocity field measurements in multiphase flow of water and liquid CO<SUB>2</SUB> in 2D porous micromodels for
- New results on the midnight temperature maximum with the NATION Fabry-Perot network for the central eastern continental US
- OASIS, Observatory for Atmosphere Space Interaction Studies
- Oceanic asthenosphere subduction and its geological implications
- On the Size of the Cosmic Dust Input to the Earth's Atmosphere
- On the use of remotely sensed data to constrain process modeling and ecological forecasting
- Optimizing Land and Water Use at the Local Level to Enhance Global Food Security through Virtual Resources Trade in the World
- Outward growth of Tibetan Plateau: Insights from joint inversion of lithosphere structure
- Paired Vapor-Precipitation Isotope Data from Manus, Papua New Guinea
- Partitioning evapotranspiration via continuous sampling of water vapor isotopes over common row crops and candidate biofuel crops.
- Physiology and phylogeny of the candidate phylum "Atribacteria" (formerly OP9/JS1) inferred from single-cell genomics and metagenomics
- Plasma-Neutral Coupling on the Dark and Bright Sides of Antarctica
- Predicting long-term responses of vegetation water use to elevated atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Preferential Flow Paths and Recirculation-Disrupting Jets in the Leeside of Self-Forming Coarse-Grained Laboratory Bedforms
- Preliminary Outcomes from a Week-Long Environmental Engineering Summer Camp for High School Female Students
- Projecting the long-term biogeochemical impacts of a diverse agroforestry system in the Midwest
- Quantification of Dynamic Water-Rock-Microbe Interactions in a Travertine-Depositing Hot Spring, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Quantification of ice cloud particle roughness from multi-angle satellite observations
- Quantification of upper thermosphere composition and its dynamic charge exchange coupling to the mid-latitude topside ionosphere
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Daily Temporal Variations of Atmospheric NH<SUB>3</SUB> Emissions Following Application of Chemical Fertilizers
- Quantifying decision-relevant climate uncertainties in climate model ensembles across multiple spatial and temporal scales
- Quantifying the Climate Regulation Values of Ecosystems Globally
- Quantifying the Climate-Scale Accuracy of Satellite Cloud Retrievals
- Quantifying the impact of particle composition on absorption by black carbon
- Realtime Monitoring of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by Tsunamis
- Real-Time Ensemble Forecasting of Coronal Mass Ejections Using the Wsa-Enlil+Cone Model
- Relative Importance of Nitrous Oxide Vs. Nitric Oxide Emissions from Soils Across a Management Intensity and Biodiversity Gradient.
- Remotely-Sensed Detection of Foreclosure Effects on Residential Landscapes
- Repository Profiles for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences: Capabilities and Trends in Data Services
- Resilience and Vulnerability of Southeast Asian Societies to Climate Variability in the Pre-Modern Era
- Scale Invariance in Landscape Evolution Models Using Stream Power Laws
- Scientific Progress in Understanding Thermosphere-Ionosphere Dynamics Enabled by Ground-based Networks of Instrumentation
- Seasonal Trends and Changes of Extreme Precipitation Events over the Continental United States
- Sediment transport dynamics linked to morphological evolution of the Selenga River delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Structures of the Earth's Inner Core Boundary beneath the Northern Pacific from Automatic Waveform Modeling
- Sharing Site-Based Research Data: Standardizing and Packaging for Reuse
- Simplicity of Monthly Climate and Its Implications for Hydrologic Signatures at Various Time-Scales
- Simultaneous Improvement in Water Use, Productivity and Albedo Through Crop Structural Modification
- Single-crystal Brillouin Spectroscopy with Laser Heating and Variable q: Design, Demonstration and New Results on Olivine
- Slitless Solar Spectroscopy
- Socio-Hydrologic Modeling: Characterizing the Dynamics of Coupled Human-Water Systems Using Natural Science Methods
- Spatial Patterns of Channel Steepness in the Central Rockies: Do River Profiles Record Landscape Evolution Forcing By Yellowstone Dynamic Topography?
- Spatiotemporal Variation in the Environmental Controls of C<SUB>4</SUB>-Grass Origin and Ecology: Insights from Grass-Pollen δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Data
- Spatiotemporal variation in C<SUB>4</SUB>-grass abundance during the early to middle Miocene in Spain
- Spectro-microscopy of Ambient Aerosol Particles: Observational Constraints on Mixing State Parameterization
- Strategic Science to Address Current and Future Space Weather Needs
- Stream Channel Change in an Intensively Managed Agricultural Landscape: Implications for Critical Zone Processes
- Suppression of Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity by Extratropical Rossby Wave Breaking
- Surface wave attenuation from ambient noise correlation: methods and applications to 1D and 2D arrays
- Suspended Solids Mixing in Large River Confluences: A Remote Sensing Perspective
- Teaching GeoEthics Across the Geoscience Curriculum
- The Economic Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Its Victims: Evidence from Individual Tax Returns
- The Effect of Internal Climate Variability on Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Sea-Level Rise Variations and Projections
- The Future Potential of Brazilian Sugarcane Ethanol with respect to Land Availability and Climate Change
- The Interactions between Biogeophysical and Biogeochemical Processes and their Feedbacks on Permafrost Soil Carbon Stocks
- The Interplay of Bioenergy Crop Production and Water Resource Availability in the US
- The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Design and Performance Prediction of the Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- The National Science Foundation's Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) Student Community
- The Reservoir Rock GeoBioCell: A Microfluidic Flowcell Developed for Controlled Experiments on Subsurface Microbe-Water-Rock Interactions
- The San Marcos Pueblo Archaeological Site: A Review and Update of Ongoing Work by the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE)
- The Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study (SOCRATES): An Observational Campaign for Determining Role of Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation in Climate System
- The Synergistic Relationship Between Networks of Instruments and Global Models
- The carbon cycle response of the Amazon forest during the 2010 drought in dynamic global vegetation models
- Thermomechanics of Triggering the Eruption of Large Magma Reservoirs: The Effects of Buoyancy and Magma Recharge
- Threshold Dynamics in Soil Carbon Storage for Bioenergy Crops
- To the Geoportal and Beyond! Preparing the Earth Observing Laboratory's Datasets for Inter-Repository Discovery
- Tracing suspended sediment sources in the Upper Sangamon River Basin using fingerprinting techniques
- Treehuggers: Wireless Sensor Networks for Automated Measurement and Reporting of Changes in Tree Diameter
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Understanding Socio-Hydrology System in the Kissimmee River Basin
- Understanding the influence of watershed storage caused by human interferences on ET variance
- Unraveling the Interactions between Tidal and Fluvial Flood Wave Signals through the Fluvio-Tidal Transition, Chehalis River, USA
- Uranium Isotopic Fractionation Induced by U(VI) Adsorption Onto Common Aquifer Minerals
- Use of S-Band Profiling Radar and in Situ Size Distribution Measurements to Probabilistically Constrain Ice Sticking Efficiencies
- Using High-Resolution Field Measurements to Model Dune Kinematics in a Large Elongate Meander Bend.
- Vertical gradients in the zonal wind observed in the equatorial F-region under postsunset conditions
- Vision for the Future of Lws TR&T
- Visual Recognition Software for Binary Classification and its Application to Pollen Identification
- Water and the Earth System in the Anthropocene: Evolution of Socio-Hydrology
- Weekly Hydrometeorological Signatures - Characterization of Urban-Induced Streamflow and Rainfall Variability
- Uncertainties of Momentum Flux and Accelerations Forced by Dissipating Gravity Waves in the Upper Mesosphere as Measured by Nightglow
- <p>Crop Insurance Increases Water Withdrawals for Irrigation in Agriculture
- A Bayesian approach to model structural error and input variability in groundwater modeling
- A Holistic Model That Physicochemically Links Iron Oxide - Apatite and Iron Oxide - Copper - Gold Deposits to Magmas
- A Multi-Year Comparison of No-Till Versus Conventional-Till Effects on the Carbon Balance in a Corn/Soybean Agro-Ecosystem Using Eddy Covariance
- A Reactive Transport Model for the Distribution and Age of Carbon in Soils and Sediments Through Direct Simulation of the Stable and Radiogenic Isotopologues
- A Smart Modeling Framework for Integrating BMI-enabled Models as Web Services
- A Systematic Study on the Formation of South American Flat-Slab Subduction
- A Theoretical Model of Water and Trade
- A high-resolution monitoring network investigating stem growth of tropical forest trees
- A multi-data stream assimilation framework for the assessment of volcanic unrest
- A network approach to determine ecosystem vulnerability to extremes
- A scaling approach to Budyko's framework and the complementary relationship of evapotranspiration in humid environments: case study of the Amazon River basin.
- Accurate Quantification of Ionospheric State Based on Comprehensive Radiative Transfer Modeling and Optimal Inversion of the OI 135.6-nm Emission
- Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- Amount Effect, Altitude, and Moisture Source Influences on Precipitation Isotopic Variability in the Galápagos Islands
- An Inter-comparative Study of the Effects of Aircraft on Surface Air Quality
- An uncertainty model for snowfall rate retrievals from the GPM DPR
- Analysis of Long-Term Precipitation Sequencing Pattern Changes in North America
- Analyzing the Effect of Tropical Cyclones on the Upper Ocean Using an Ocean General Circulation Model with Varying Horizontal Grid Resolution
- Analyzing the effects of unforced natural variability and anthropogenic forcing on ENSO variability using the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- As Ethics is a Core Attribute of Science, So Geoethics Must Be at the Core of Geoscience
- Assessing Information Quality: Use Cases for the Data Stewardship Maturity Matrix
- Assessing Tropical Cyclone Forecast Skill in the GEFS Reforecast Version 2
- Assessing evapotranspiration variability in contiguous United States: Comparing the various remote-sensed observations
- Assessing the Impacts of Tillage and Fertilization Management on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in a Cornfield Using the DNDC Model
- Assimilating Storm-time Neutral Winds in Ionospheric-Thermospheric State Estimation
- Bacterial Response to Antibiotic Gradients in a Porous Microfluidic Device
- Biofilm-flow interactions in aquatic environments
- Biomass Estimation for Individual Trees using Waveform LiDAR
- Black carbon aerosol optical properties are influenced by initial mixing state
- CO2 Wettability of the Mt. Simon Sandstone and Implications for Predicting Pore Scale Transport
- Calibration of the Diameter Distribution Derived from the Area-based Approach with Individual Tree-based Diameter Estimates Using the Airborne Laser Scanning
- Can we infer the magma overpressure threshold before an eruption? Insights from ground deformation time series and numerical modeling of reservoir failure.
- Candidate perennial bioenergy grasses have a higher albedo than annual row crops
- Carbon and Water Fluxes of Crops Exposed to the Sequence of Naturally Occurring Heat Stress, Drought and Freezing
- Carbon dynamics of regrowth and mature tropical forests derived from a pantropical database
- Channel Morphology and Hydraulics as Controls on Spatial Patterns of Invertebrate Drift in a Mountain Stream.
- Characterization of Forest Disturbance in California using Landsat Spectral Trajectories
- Characterizing Synergistic Water and Energy Efficiency at the Residential Scale Using a Cost Abatement Curve Approach
- Characterizing the differences in bankfull channel geometry across the tidal-fluvial zone of micro- to macro- tidal fluvial systems: Lower Trinity River, TX, USA vs Chehalis River, WA, USA
- Chasing the long tail of environmental data: PEcAn is nuts about Brown Dog
- Climate and Humans as Amplifiers of Hydro-Ecologic Change: Science and Policy Implications for Intensively Managed Landscapes
- Climate change increases soil C losses from a corn-soy ecosystem
- Climatic Droughts conditions in US during the Past Century
- Cloud Evolution during Tropical Cyclone Formation as Revealed by TRMM PR
- Cloud microphysical properties of convective clouds sampled during the Convective Precipitation Experiment (COPE) experiment.
- Combining Human and Machine Intelligence to Derive Agents' Behavioral Rules for Groundwater Irrigation
- Combining UAV and high-resolution image-based particle image velocimetry to monitor flow in lakes and rivers
- Community-Supported Data Repositories in Paleobiology: A 'Middle Tail' Between the Geoscientific and Informatics Communities
- Comparing Long-Term and Short-Term Emission Impacts from Infrastructure Using a Simple Model
- Comparison of the Shan-Chen and Color-Fluid Models in Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
- Conjugate ionospheric signatures of tsunami-generated gravity waves
- Constraining thrust-belt thermal histories from partially reset zircon (U-Th)/He datasets: An "inheritance envelope" approach with examples from the Sevier belt of central Utah
- Contrasting ice microphysical properties of wintertime frontal clouds and summertime convective clouds
- Critical Zone Services as a Measure for Evaluating the Trade-offs in Intensively Managed Landscapes
- Data Curation: The Evolution of Data Products for Value and Reach
- Deeper winter snow reduces ecosystem C losses but increases the global warming potential of Arctic tussock tundra over the growing season.
- Determining the Role of Hydraulic Redistribution Regimes in the Critical Zone
- Determining the climatic drivers of speleothem proxy variability: coupling modern cave monitoring with a multicomponent reactive transport model
- Developing a generalized allometric equation for aboveground biomass estimation
- Differential Contraction of Subducted Lithosphere Layers Generates Deep Earthquakes
- Disentangling Modern Fire-Climate-Vegetation Relationships across the Boreal Forest Biome
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Does unsaturated flow drive soil carbon residence times?
- Dryland feedbacks to climatic change: Results from a climate manipulation experiment on the Colorado Plateau
- Duration of Gravity Waves in OH Airglow Layer Observed by an All-sky Airglow Imager at Maui and Cerro Pachón
- Dynamic Rainfall Patterns and the Simulation of Changing Scenarios: A behavioral watershed response
- Dynamic Subsidence across the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Basin in Response to Farallon Slab Subduction
- Dynamics of land change in India: a fine-scale spatial analysis
- Effect of Spatial Resolution for Characterizing Soil Properties from Imaging Spectrometer Data
- Efficient high-dimensional characterization of conductivity in a sand box using massive MRI-imaged concentration data
- Emissions from Residential Combustion considering End-Uses and Spatial Constraints
- Empirical Succession Mapping and Data Assimilation to Constrain Demographic Processes in an Ecosystem Model
- Envisioning a Future of Computational Geoscience in a Data Rich Semantic World
- Establishing the Scientific Value of Multiple GCM-RCM Simulation Programs: The Example of NARCCAP
- Estimate of Low/Mid-Latitude Conductances, Electric Potential and Neutral Winds using IDA4D and EMPIRE
- Estimating soil carbon change and biofuel life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions with economic, ecosystem and life-cycle models
- Evaluating Depth-Integrated Steric Contributions to Sea-Level Trends and Variability in Earth System Model Ensembles
- Evaluation of Uncertainties in Measuring Particulate Matter Emission Factors from Atmospheric Fugitive Sources Using Optical Remote Sensing
- ExoCube INMS with Neutral Hydrogen Mode
- Exospheric and interplanetary hydrogen sensing from a translunar CubeSat platform by the Tomographic Hydrogen Emission Observatory (THEO)
- Experimental investigation of turbulent flow over a permeable rough wall
- Experiments on Bedrock Cover in a Highly Sinuous Channel
- Exploring the Relationship Between Hydrograph Characteristics and the Time Evolution of Sand Bed Morphology
- Extreme Resolution Modeling of Integrated Critical Zone Processes
- Extremely tall convection: characteristics and controls
- Feasibility of hydrogen density estimation from tomographic sensing of Lyman alpha emission
- Flood hazard energy in urban areas: a new integrated method for flood risk analysis in synthesizing interactions with urban boundary layer
- Flood variability recorded by crevasse-splay sedimentation of large river floodplains
- From Potential to Practice: How Weather and Climate Forecasts Can Be Effectively Used in Water Resources Management Decision Making
- From Sumatra 2004 to Tuhoku-Oki 2011: what we learn about Tsunami detection by ionospheric sounding.
- Fusing data and models to forecast disturbance impacts on ecosystems: past, present, and future
- Global Patterns of Drought Recovery
- Grazing alters net ecosystem C fluxes and the net global warming potential of a subtropical pasture
- Greenhouse gas implications of a 32 billion gallon bioenergy landscape in the US
- Ground-Based Robotic Sensing of an Agricultural Sub-Canopy Environment
- High Resolution Modeling of Tile-Drained Controls on Ecohydrologic Dynamics in Intensively Managed Landscapes.
- High pressure research at the Partnership for eXtreme Xtallography (PX^2) Project
- High-silica Rocks from Oceans, Arcs and Ophiolites: What Can They Tell Us About Ophiolite Origins?
- Hydrodynamic Properties of a Large Tidal Channel on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh, with Implications for Channel Morphology and Sediment Transport
- Identifying Decision Support Tools to Bridge Climate and Agricultural Needs in the Midwest
- Identifying the effect of irrigation on evapotranspiration variability over the High Plains
- Impact of Climate and Fires on Abrupt Permafrost Thaw in Alaskan Tundra
- Impact of Hydrologic and Micro-topographic Variabilities on Spatial Distribution of Mean Soil-Nitrogen Age
- Impact of land use change on the land atmosphere carbon flux of South and South East Asia: A Synthesis of Dynamic Vegetation Model Results
- Impacts of Extratropical Rossby Wave Breaking on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Implications of Postharvest Food Loss/Waste Prevention to Energy and Resources Conservation
- Improved simulation of black carbon optical properties using a new aerosol mixing-state resolved model, MOSAIC-mix
- Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models
- Increased influence of nitrogen limitation on CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from future land use and land-use change
- Influence of water table fluctuations on subsurface methane dynamics and surface fluxes in seasonally flooded subtropical pastures.
- Integrating distributed temperature sensing and geological characterization to quantify spatiotemporal variability in subsurface heat transport within the Critical Zone
- Interactions Between Soil Organic Carbon Concentration and Soil Thermal and Hydraulic Dynamics and Its Impact on Soil Carbon Storage in Northern High-latitudes
- Internal Gravity Wave Induced by the Queen Charlotte Event (27 October 2012, Mw 7.8): Airglow Observation and Modeling.
- Investigating Late Cenozoic Mantle Dynamics beneath Yellowstone
- Investigating Uranium Mobility Using Stable Isotope Partitioning of <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U and a Reactive Transport Model
- Ionospheric seismology: The last step before true contributions to seismology?
- Is a Decline in Tropical Storms Leading to the Demise of the Mekong Delta?
- LIDAR and Airglow Observations of Gravity Wave Coupling with Tides in the Mesopause Region
- Lithospheric Discontinuities in Illinois Basin and Their Tectonic Implications: Results from the EarthScope OIINK Experiment
- Long-term Validation of Cloud-droplet Number Concentration Value Added Product (NDROP VAP) Retrieved from Surface Measurements
- Low-relief landscape modeling with human activities
- Lowering the Barrier to Reproducible Research by Publishing Provenance from Common Analytical Tools
- Magma Injection Models to Quantify Reservoir Dynamics at Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Chile, between 2007 and 2015.
- Magnetically Conjugate Observations of the Low Latitude Ionosphere in Western South America
- Meandering river dynamics: finite-domain theory and driven boundary conditions
- Measurement of Gravity Wave Forcing over the Andes Lidar Observatory (30.3ºS)
- Metadata Evaluation and Improvement Case Studies
- Microtopographic hydrologic variability change resulting from vegetation acclimation response to elevated atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Modeled sensitivity of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet to paleoclimate forcings using PISM-PIK
- Modeling the vulnerability of hydroelectricity generation under drought scenarios
- Moisture and Precipitation Evolution during Tropical Cyclone Formation as Revealed by SSMI/SSMIS
- Morphological Evolution and Sediment Partitioning Through a Large Confluence-Diffluence Unit
- Multi-Beam, High-Power Rayleigh Lidar for the Capture of 2D Dynamic Atmospheric Features
- Multi-decadal to Millennial-scale Reconstructions of Global Biomass Burning and its Responses to Changes in Climate, Vegetation and Anthropogenic Forcings
- Multiscale Modeling of Human-Water Interactions: The Role of Time-Scales
- Na Lidar measurement of neutral wind and temperature in the lower thermosphere
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- OASIS 1.0: Very Large-Aperture High-Power Lidar for Exploring Geospace
- Observations Suggestive of Ice Production through Secondary Processes in Convective Clouds in Southwest England
- Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) Over the United States Associated With the Tsunami Generated by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Observations of a Breakdown of a Mountain Wave Near 84 km Altitude Over Cerro Pachon Chile from the Andes Lidar Observatory
- On the Physical Basis of Rate Law Formulations for River Evolution, and their Applicability to the Simulation of Evolution after Earthquakes
- On the Role of Biota-Sediment Interactions: A Laboratory Study on Sediment Resuspension Within Arrays of Rigid Cylinders
- Outcome-based Carbon Sequestration Resource Assessment
- Oxidation of naturally reduced uranium in aquifer sediments by dissolved oxygen and its potential significance to uranium plume persistence
- Particulate Organic Matter Responses to Perennial Grass Production in Midwestern Soil
- Post-Eocene Subduction Dynamics and Mantle Flow beneath Western U.S.
- Precipitation and Seawater Isotopic Variability from Hawaii to the equator: the 2014-2015 ENSO cycle
- Predicting bedforms and primary current stratification in cohesive mixtures of mud and sand
- Quantification of uncertainty in aboveground biomass estimates derived from small-footprint LiDAR data
- Quaternary Morphodynamics of Fluvial Dispersal Systems Revealed: The Fly River, PNG, and the Sunda Shelf, SE Asia, simulated with the Massively Parallel GPU-based Model 'GULLEM'
- RACORO Continental Boundary Layer Cloud Investigations: Large-Eddy Simulations of Cumulus Clouds and Evaluation with In-Situ and Ground-Based Observations
- Re-visiting Empirical Models at Varying Time Scales with Maximum Entropy Production Theory
- Realizing the Living Paper using the ProvONE Model for Reproducible Research
- Recent Advances in Characterizing Depositional Facies and Pore Network Modeling in Context of Carbon Capture Storage: An Example from the Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone in the Illinois Basin
- Recent advances in modeling depth distribution of soil carbon storage
- Reduction Kinetics of Manganese Dioxide by Geobacter Sulfurreducens and Associated Biofilm Morphology in a Flow-Through Reactor
- Reliability Analysis of a Green Roof Under Different Storm Scenarios
- Reservoir operation with combined natural inflow and controlled inflow through inter-basin transfer - A case study of Biliu Reservoir in northeastern China
- River discharge controlling a tidal delta: the interplay between monsoon input and tidal reworking in SW Bangladesh
- Robot-Assisted Measurements in Data Sparse Regions
- Role of Terrestrial Moisture Source Transport on Summer Monsoon Rainfall Variability over Ganga River Basin
- Role of river bends for the formation and evolution of channel bedforms: Combined field studies and numerical modeling from the tidally influenced zones of the Yellow River, China, and Mississippi River, USA.
- SAS- Semantic Annotation Service for Geoscience resources on the web
- Scaling Effect In Trade Network
- Sediment Fingerprinting in Intensively Managed Landscapes: Application of an Enhanced Bayesian Un-mixing Framework that accounts for Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity to Study Intra-Seasonal Trends in Source Contributions
- Sedimentology of a Tidally-Influenced Fluvial Zone (TIFZ): Columbia River, USA
- Sensitivity of simulated snow cloud properties to mass-diameter parameterizations.
- Sequential data assimilation strategies for utilizing ground deformation data to assess rapidly evolving magma reservoirs
- Societal organization and human water use: tipping points in socio-hydrology
- Spatial Variability in Biogenic Gas Dynamics in Relation to Vegetation Cover in a Northern Peatland from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
- Spatial and temporal controls on Alnus-derived nutrients and stream stoichiometry: Implications for aquatic ecosystem productivity
- Spatial-Temporal Data Mining Tools and Techniques for Improving Earth Science Metadata
- Spatiotemporal Trends in late-Holocene Fire Regimes in Arctic and Boreal Alaska
- Spatiotemporal Variability in the Salinity-Oxygen Isotope Relationship of Seawater Across the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Mountain Block Recharge in Three Semiarid Watersheds along the U.S.-Mexico Border Region
- Stakeholder Alignment and Changing Geospatial Information Capabilities
- Streamflow generation in a drying catchment outside Bangalore, India
- Stress development in heterogenetic lithosphere: Insights into earthquake processes in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Subauroral Ion-neutral Coupling During the March 2015 Superstorm
- Surface Manifestation of the Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone, Missouri: Polyphase Kinematics, and Landscape Rejuvenation, along the Ozark Plateau / Illinois Basin Boundary
- The Formation of Incisional Boundary Layers In Bedrock-Alluvial Rivers Subjected to Spatiotemporally Varying Alluvial Transport
- The Himalaya-Tibet System: A Natural laboratory for continental collision and seismogenesis
- The Impact Of Climate Change On Production Of Multiple Food Crops In The 21st Century- An Analysis Based On Two Land Surface Models
- The Implications of Growing Bioenergy Crops on Water Resources, Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
- The Lifestyle Carbon Dividend: Assessment of the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Grasslands and Pasturelands Reverted to Native Forests
- The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Final Instrument Design and Update on Integration and Test of the Thermsopheric Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- The Morphology and Sedimentology of Fluvial Megascours
- The Neotoma Paleoecology Database
- The Optimal Operation of Multi-reservoir Floodwater Resources Control Based on GA-PSO
- The Post-Glacial Species Velocity of Picea glauca following the Last Glacial Maximum in Alaska.
- The Subtropical Grasslands LTAR: balancing agricultural production and conservation goals
- The Water Footprint of Food Aid
- The affect on the thermosphere and ionosphere of atmospheric gravity waves excited by tsunamis
- The dominant role of semi-arid lands in the trend and variability of the land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- The impact of model complexity on CO<SUB>2</SUB> saturation and mass balance
- The importance of ENSO Nonlinearities in Tropical Pacific Response to External Forcing.
- The importance of wood nutrient storage in tropical forest nitrogen and phosphorus cycles: Insights from a sapling defoliation experiment in Panama
- The influence of three dimensional dunes on river flows and fluxes
- The mid-Holocene to present large-scale morphodynamic and coupled fluvial-tidal sedimentologic evolution of the Lower Columbia River, WA/OR, USA
- The physical limits of metal reduction by long-range extracellular electron transfer, and the role of cytochrome-bound flavins
- The resolution-dependence of satellite-based cloud retrievals: First results from ASTER and MODIS observations
- Thermospheric Wind Response to Geomagnetic Activity: Observations of the Doppler Shift of 630.0-nm Airglow
- Towards Quantifying Robust Uncertainty Information for Climate Change Decision-making
- Tracing suspended sediment sources in the Upper Sangamon River Basin using conservative and non-conservative tracers
- Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions in a Fully-Coupled High Resolution Earth System Model
- Uranium isotope composition of a laterite profile during extreme weathering of basalt in Guangdong, South China
- Use of Historical Measurements to Constrain a Black Carbon Emission Inventory of the United States from 1960s to 2000s
- Variation of Equatorial F-region Vertical Neutral Wind and Neutral Temperature during Geomagnetic Storms: Brazil FPI Observations
- Virtual groundwater transfers from overexploited aquifers in the United States
- Volcano Deformation Sources at Tungurahua Volcano from Finite Element Methods and Multidisciplinary Data Integration
- Warming does not stimulate mitochondrial respiration and it responds to leaf carbohydrates availability in soybean plants grown under elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations
- Water Isotope Tracers of Indo-Pacific Atmospheric Circulation: A Modern Take on Past Dynamics
- Waterway-View Imaging with a Small Unmanned Surface System
- Whole-field velocity measurements of flow around colliding barchan dunes
- Widespread Burning of Alaskan Boreal Forests Overcomes Fuel Limitation in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- A Data-Driven Approach to Develop Physically Sound Predictors: Application to Depth-Averaged Velocities and Drag Coefficients on Vegetated Flows
- A Fast Surrogate-facilitated Data-driven Bayesian Approach to Uncertainty Quantification of a Regional Groundwater Flow Model with Structural Error
- A Framework for Drought Risk Management
- A Framework for Using Repeat Hyperspectral Satellite Measurements for Global Characterization of Soil Properties
- A Framework for Using Rural Markets to Analyze Local Food Shortage Resilience and Mitigation Potential in sub-Saharan Africa based on Evidence from Zambia
- A Model-Based Approach to Infer Shifts in Regional Fire Regimes Over Time Using Sediment Charcoal Records
- A Molecular Investigation of Soil Organic Carbon Composition, Variability, and Spatial Distribution Across an Alpine Catchment
- A Multiscale, Mortar-Coupled Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Model for Biofilm Growth in Porous Media
- A New Approach to the Visual Rendering of Mantle Tomography
- A New Method for Carbon Isotopic Analysis of Nanogram Quantities of Carbon from Dissolved Chitin Using A Spooling-wire Microcombustion Interface
- A New Model to Predict the Total Suspended Sediment Load from a River to the Ocean Based on an End Member Example from the Lowermost Huanghe (Yellow River), China
- A Quasi-2D Delta-growth Model Accounting for Multiple Avulsion Events, Validated by Robust Data from the Yellow River Delta, China
- A new hybrid numerical scheme for simulating fault ruptures with near fault bulk inhomogeneities
- Abiotic and biotic controls over biogeochemical cycles in drylands: Insights from climate change and nitrogen deposition experiments on the Colorado Plateau
- Adaptive evolution of Escherichia coli to Ciprofloxacin in controlled stress environments: emergence of tolerance in spatial and temporal gradients
- An Application of the Geo-Semantic Micro-services in Seamless Data-Model Integration
- An Experimental and Modeling Synthesis to Determine Seasonality of Hydraulic Redistribution in Semi-arid Region with Multispecies Vegetation Interaction
- An environmental cost-benefit analysis of alternative green roofing strategies
- An online tool for tracking soil nitrogen
- Antarctic ice sheet thickness estimation based on P-receiver function and waveform inversion
- Anthropogenic Reorganization of Critical Zone in Intensively Managed Landscapes
- Assessing Data Quality in Emergent Domains of Earth Sciences
- Assessment of Hydraulic Conditions Supporting the Recruitment of Asian Carp in the Illinois Waterway - A Case Study Using Known Spawning Events of 2015
- Bankfull characteristics of alluvial rivers
- Basis Functions for Data Assimilative Estimation of Ionosphere and Thermosphere States Across the Globe
- Beyond clay - using selective extractions to improve predictions of soil carbon content
- Bimodality and variability of particle size distributions in high Ice Water Content regions and their implications for microphysical models
- Brittle to ductile transition in a model of sheared granular materials
- Cambrian rivers and floodplains: the significance of microbial cementation, groundwater and aeolian sediment transport
- Characterizing Canopy Structure Using Waveform LiDAR
- Climate Change Mitigation through Enhanced Weathering in Bioenergy Crops
- Climatology of neutral hydrogen in the terrestrial thermosphere
- Community Engagement to Drive Best Practices and Scientific Advancement
- Comparison of Pore-Network and Lattice Boltzmann Models for Pore-Scale Modeling of Geological Storage of CO2 in Natural Reservoir Rocks
- Constraining mantle properties by coupling dynamic topography with landscape evolution simulation
- Constraining mantle properties using dynamic topography and gravity
- Continuous Measurements of Canopy-level Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Inferring Diurnal and Seasonal Dynamics of Photosynthesis in Crop Fields in the Midwestern USA
- Contrasting particle morphology of wintertime frontal clouds and summertime convective clouds
- Contribution of ionospheric monitoring to tsunami warning: results from a benchmark exercise
- Coordinated Ground-Based and AIM Satellite Measurements of Mesospheric and Stratospheric Waves over South America
- Critical Zone Services as Environmental Assessment Criteria in Intensively Managed Agricultural Landscapes
- Crops in silico: A community wide multi-scale computational modeling framework of plant canopies
- Design and Applications of a GeoSemantic Framework for Integration of Data and Model Resources in Hydrologic Systems
- Diminishing warming effects on terrestrial ecosystem net carbon uptake in northern high latitudes
- Drought Impacts to Water Footprints and Virtual Water Transfers of the Central Valley of California
- Drought and Heat Wave Impacts on Electricity Grid Reliability in Illinois
- Effects of Vegetation Morphology on Mean Velocity and Turbulence Intensity under Oscillatory Flows and Their Implications for Sediment Transport in Benthic Zone
- Effects of biofilm on flow over and through a permeable bed
- Effects of landscape evolution on soil organic carbon dynamics in intensively managed agricultural landscapes
- Equatorial anisotropy in the Earth's inner-inner core: evidence from seismic interferometry at low latitudes
- Estimating potential damping of cryoturbation on permafrost carbon emissions using a perturbed parameters approach in a land surface model
- Evaluating and Evolving Metadata in Multiple Dialects
- Evaluating the Impact of Global Warming on Water Balance of Maize by High-precision Controlled Experiment and MLCan model
- Evaluation of DeNitrification DeComposition Model to Estimate Ammonia Fluxes from Chemical Fertilizer Application
- Evidence for Strong Core-mantle Coupling from Long-wavelength Features of the Topmost Inner Core
- Evidence for block-wise continuous deformation in Northeast Tibetan Plateau from joint inversion of crustal structures
- Examining the impact of ambient flow on biofilm and its feedback on the flow structure through a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) solver
- ExoDyn: A Cube-Satellite Constellation for the In-situ Measurement of Upper Atmospheric Composition
- Experiments on Transitional Subaqueous Density Flows and Resulting Sediment Deposits
- Extreme Landfalling Atmospheric River Events in Arizona: Possible Future Changes
- Flow-structure interaction between a model biofilm streamer and water flow: an experimental study
- From Sumatra 2004 to Today, through Tohoku-Oki 2011: what we learn about Tsunami detection by ionospheric sounding.
- Global climate shocks to agriculture from 1950 - 2015
- Grazing alters net ecosystem C fluxes and the global warming potential of a subtropical pasture
- HF beacon network for ionospheric specification in Peru
- Harmonizing Social and Environmental Dynamics in Earth Systems Modeling
- High-Resolution Lithosphere Viscosity and Dynamics Revealed by Magnetotelluric Imaging
- High-resolution lithospheric structure beneath Mainland China from ambient noise and earthquake surface-wave tomography
- How Pore-Fluid Pressure due to Heavy Rainfall Influences Volcanic Eruptions, Example of 1998 and 2008 Eruptions of Cerro Azul (Galapagos)
- How spatial scale influences novel and disappeared climate predictions in Alaska
- Hydrogeomorphological characterization of river valleys: A cross-CZO analysis
- Identifying Green Infrastructure from Social Media and Crowdsourcing- An Image Based Machine-Learning Approach.
- Identifying the interferences of irrigation on evapotranspiration variability over the Northern High Plains
- Impact of irrigation over the California Central Valley on regional climate
- Impacts of human behavior heterogeneity on the benefits of probabilistic flood warnings
- Impacts of hydraulic redistribution on overstory-understory interactions in a semiarid savanna
- Implication of climate change on urban drainage systems of Chicago and Mainstream and DesPlaines (MS/DP) Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP)
- Incision in Submarine Canyons Driven by Turbidity Currents Flowing over Partially Alluviated Bedrock
- Information Architecture Used to Manage Multi-Domain Data Analysis in Intensively Managed Landscape - Critical Zone Observatory
- Integration of Remote Sensing Products with Ground-Based Measurements to Understand the Dynamics of Nepal's Forests and Plantation Sites
- Intracratonic exhumation and uplift: Insight from low-temperature thermochronology and geomorphic analysis of the Ozark Plateau, Missouri
- Introducing Water Tracers in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
- Investigating hydrometeorological impacts of perennial bioenergy crops under realistic scenario expansions
- Investigating the Origin of Seismic Anisotropy Using Data-Oriented Geodynamic Models and 3D Spherical DRex
- Investigating the impact of anthropogenic pollution on cloud properties at the North Slope of Alaska
- Issues of Trace Gases affecting Ozone and Climate
- Landscape evolution using a sediment flux-dependent bedrock incision model incorporating bedrock macro-roughness
- Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flow fields over three- dimensional alluvial dunes
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Pore-Scale Flow Interactions between Water and Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a 2D Heterogeneous Micromodel at Reservoir Conditions
- Light distribution in plant canopies: A comparison between 1-D multi-layer modeling approach and 3-D ray tracing
- Low-Angle Dunes in Big Rivers: Morphology, Occurrence and Speculations on Their Origin
- Low-Latitude Aeronomy: Lower Atmospheric Forcing and Characteristics of its Valley Region
- Magnetic Fields and the Early Evolution of the Protolunar Disk
- Methods for analyzing optical observations of tsunami-induced signatures in airglow emissions from ground-based and space-based platforms
- Mineralogical, Physical and Geochemical Factors that Drive Microbial Reduction of Iron Oxides and Diagenesis under Broad Environmental Conditions
- Modeling Trace Pollutants in the North Atlantic Free Troposphere and Comparisons with Observed Pollutant Concentrations at Pico
- Modeling of GIC Impacts in Different Time Scales, and Validation with Measurement Data
- Modulation and Evolution of Bottomside Equatorial Spread F Observed with All-Sky Imagers
- New Estimates of Land Use Intensity of Potential Bioethanol Production in the U.S.A.
- New insights into the rate dependence of sulfur isotope fractionation during dissimilatory sulfate reduction
- Nontropospheric excitation of a ring-like gravity wave observed by several instruments operating at Cerro Pachon, Chile.
- Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and sediment transport at diversions: why depth-averaged models are not able to capture the inherent physics
- Numerical modeling of the evolution of fluvial networks on glaciated landscapes
- On the effect of height heterogeneity on canopy turbulence
- Optical Observations of Naturally Occuring Airglow Emissions as a Tsunami Monitoring Tool
- Optimization of green infrastructure network at semi-urbanized watersheds to manage stormwater volume, peak flow and life cycle cost: Case study of Dead Run watershed in Maryland
- Physiological and hydrological controls on mineral redox cycling by long-range electron transport by bacteria in anaerobic sediments
- Planform evolution modeling of confluences in meandering rivers
- Pore-Scale Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Porous Micro-Media: Interaction Between Water, Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and Hydrophilic Solid Substrates at Reservoir Conditions
- Precipitation characterization from GPM field campaigns to better constrain spaceborne precipitation retrievals of snowfall
- Predictability of Tropical Cyclqgenesis in Different Synoptic-Scale Flow Regimes
- Predicting Fire-Regime Responses to Climate Change Over the Past Millennium: Implications of Paleodata-Model Comparisons for Future Projections of Fire Activity
- Projected changes in climate extremes by a high-resolution dynamically downscaled ensemble over the continental United States
- Pushing the Frontier of Data-Oriented Geodynamic Modeling: from Qualitative to Quantitative to Predictive
- Quantification of uncertainty in aboveground biomass estimates derived from small-footprint LiDAR data
- Quantifying Aeolian Flow-Landform Interactions Using Novel Lab-Scale Experimental Approaches
- Quantifying the impact of subpixel reflectance variance on cloud property retrievals from high-resolution ASTER observations
- Querying Provenance Information: Basic Notions and an Example from Paleoclimate Reconstruction
- Reconciling the Isabella Anomaly with Lithosphere Delamination and Basin & Range Extension
- Reconstruction of Topography and Lithosphere Dynamics Within the Basin and Range of Western North America Since 36 Ma
- Remote Sensing Analysis of Malawi's Agricultural Inputs Subsidy and Climate Variability Impacts on Productivity
- Representation of diffusion controlled carbon stabilization in reactive transport models
- Reproducible Research in the Geosciences
- Residence time revisited: The role of radiocarbon in reactive transport modeling
- Resilience and sensitivity of carbon stocks to increased fire frequency in Arctic tundra
- Results of Pre-launch Calibration and Planned On-orbit Operations for MIGHTI, the Thermsopheric Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Robot-Assisted Socio-Hydrologic and Water Quality Understanding in Data Sparse Regions
- Role of Extracellular Electron Transfer for Contaminant Metal Reduction in Sediment Nanopores, and Implications for Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup
- Role of micro-topographic variability on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in Intensively Managed Landscape.
- Sediment Transport Dynamics and Bedform Evolution During Unsteady Flows
- Sensitivity analysis of observed reflectivity to ice particle surface roughness using MISR satellite observations
- Simplified physics-based treatment of bedload transport on steep transverse slopes
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Respiration Fluxes from Alpine and Subalpine Soils in the East River Watershed, Colorado
- Spatio-temporal evolution of alluvial sand beds under unsteady flow
- Spatio-temporal variability in cloud microphysical properties over the South East Atlantic
- Statistical and Hybrid Approaches to Predicting Reservoir Inflows During Flood Events
- Storm Aerosol Environments and Aerosol Sources in Subtropical South America
- Surface area dependence of calcium isotopic reequilibration in carbonates: Implications for isotopic signatures in the weathering zone
- Surface-subsurface turbulent interaction at the interface of a permeable bed: physical modeling of coarse-gravel river bed
- Systems Dynamics Modelling Identifies (Un)Sustainable Rice Cultivation Strategies for the Mekong Delta Under Upstream Hydropower Development
- Tearing of Indian Mantle Lithosphere from High-resolution Seismic Images: Implications for Lithosphere Deformation Coupling in Southern Tibet
- Temporal Information Partition Networks (TIPNets): A Process Network Framework to Reveal Eco-Hydrologic Feedbacks, Responses and Shifts
- Testing and Comparing an Adaptive Habit Bulk Microphysical Model with In Situ Measures of Ice Particle Habit
- The Dependencies of Annular Variations in the Nighttime Thermospheric Neutral Winds
- The HDF Data Format: High Performance Interoperability for Earth Science Communities
- The Implications of Growing Bioenergy Crops on Water Resources, Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
- The Influence of Climate, Valley Form, and Flow Regulation on Floodplain Inundation Regime of a Gravel-Bed River in a Mediterranean-Climate Region
- The Influence of Large-scale Bank Roughness and Floodplain Composition on Spatial and Temporal Variations in Bank Erosion
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) : Mission Design and Planning
- The Ongoing Poleward Shift of the ITCZ over West Africa
- The Primacy of Multidecadal to Centennial Variability Over Late Holocene Forced Change of the Asian Monsoon on the Southern Tibetan Plateau
- The Role of Alpine Wetlands as Hot Spots of Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in the East River, Colorado
- The Role of Fires in Facilitating Long-Term Thermo-Erosion in Arctic Tundra
- The Soil Carbon Paradigm Shift: Triangulating Theories, Measurements, and Models
- The hydrologic interface between soil carbon and subsurface weathering: Insights from the East River Scientific Focus Area and Eel River Critical Zone Observatory
- The impact of water management practices and associated methane emissions on subtropical pasture greenhouse gas budgets and ecosystem service payments
- The shared and unique value of optical, flourescence, thermal and microwave satellite data for estimating large-scale crop yields
- The signature of bankfull hydraulic conditions reflected by properties of the channel bank: a case study from the Selenga River delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Thermal structure of the ITM: old challenges and new insights
- Towards a portable, scalable, open source model of tree cover derived from Landsat spectra
- Turbulent Boundary Layer Over Geophysical-like Topographies
- Understanding coupling between natural and human systems to ensure disease resilient societies
- Understanding the limits of limb scans: Simulations of ICON's thermospheric wind observations
- Using <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U ratios to understand the formation and oxidation of reduced uranium solids in naturally reduced zones
- Using water vapor isotopes to examine evapotranspiration dynamics in corn and miscanthus reveals challenges to the technique as well as seasonal differences between crops.
- Variable partitioning of flow and sediment transfer through a large river diffluence-confluence unit across a monsoonal flood pulse
- Water Cycle Implications of Agriculture and Flood Control Infrastructure in the San Francisco Bay-Delta System
- Water Reallocation - Increasing Opportunities for Cooperation, Administration and Market
- What hydrological dynamics emerge from the interaction of land conversion and flood levee construction? Using dynamical systems models to explore the development of California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Watersheds.
- What we know about wave breaking
- Whole-field velocity measurements of flow around interacting barchan dunes in a novel flume environment
- `Dhara': An Open Framework for Critical Zone Modeling
- (De)coupled zircon metamictization, radiation damage, and He diffusivity
- 3D tomographic reconstruction of the terrestrial exosphere and its time-dependent coupling to the magnetospheric ring current
- A 3D convolutional neural network approach to land cover classification using LiDAR and multi-temporal Landsat imagery
- A Budyko-type Model for Human Water Consumption
- A Community Framework for Integrative, Coupled Modeling of Human-Earth Systems
- A Framework for Characterizing how Ice Crystal Size Distributions, Mass-Dimensional and Area-Dimensional Relations Vary with Environmental and Aerosol Properties
- A Hybrid Forward-Adjoint Data Assimilation Method for Reconstructing the Temporal Evolution of Mantle Dynamics
- A coherent high-pressure high-temperature single-crystal elasticity model of Fe-bearing olivine and the implications for the 410 discontinuity
- A dense camera network for cropland (CropInsight) - developing high spatiotemporal resolution crop Leaf Area Index (LAI) maps through network images and novel satellite data
- A flux footprint analysis to understand ecosystem fluxes in an intensively managed landscape
- A new hybrid numerical scheme for simulating fault ruptures with near-fault bulk inhomogeneities
- Accuracy Assessment of Satellite Derived Forest Cover Products in South and Southeast Asia
- Adaptive evolution of Escherichia coli to Ciprofloxacin in controlled stress environments: emergence of resistance in continuous and step-wise gradients
- Age-based morphodynamic formulation for streamwise and vertical advection and dispersion of tracer particles in rivers
- Alpha-Recoil Damage Annealing Effecfs on Zircon Crystallinity and He Diffusivity: Improving Damage-Diffusivity Models
- An Assessment of Stream Confluence Flow Dynamics using Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry Captured from Unmanned Aerial Systems
- An agent-based modelling framework to explore the role of social media and stubborn people on evacuation rates during flooding events
- An electrical resistivity-based method for investigation of subsurface structure
- Application of Mortar Coupling in Multiscale Modelling of Coupled Flow, Transport, and Biofilm Growth in Porous Media
- Are we approaching a water ceiling to yield in rain fed agriculture of the United States?
- Arecibo - HF experiments in the E_region
- Automated Detection of Thermo-Erosion in High Latitude Ecosystems
- Boundary Layer Temporal Evolution Observed by Doppler LiDAR Upwind of a Lake-Effect Snow Event
- Brown Dog: A Data Transformation Ecosystem for Research - Advancing from Beta to 1.0
- Characterization of Ice and Snow In-Situ Properties During the Main Weather Regimes Observed in The Olympic Mountain Experiment
- Characterization of particulate and dissolved phosphorus in tile and nearby riverine systems
- Characterizing the effects of a plasma composed of solar wind H, ionospheric H, and O
- Comparative Study of Cloud Climatology Over Indian Subcontinent Using Long-Term Remote Sensing Dataset
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Submerged Objects Under Unidirectional and Oscillatory Flows.
- Considering direct and indirect habitat influences on stream biota in eco-geomorphology research to better understand, model, and manage riverine ecosystems
- Correlative assessment of two predictive soil hydrology models with measured surface soil geochemistry
- Coupled Modeling of Rhizosphere and Reactive Transport Processes
- Crowd Sourcing to Improve Urban Stormwater Management
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure across the Tibet-Qinling Transition Zone in NE Tibet: Implications for Material Extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau
- Crustal layering and gravity highs in the Midcontinent of North America - implications for the formation of the Illinois Basin
- Cyberinfrastructure to Support Collaborative and Reproducible Computational Hydrologic Modeling
- DBH Prediction Using Allometry Described by Bivariate Copula Distribution
- Data-Model Comparisons of Storm-Time Ion Dynamics Using TWINS ENA Images and the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Detecting in-field variation in photosynthetic capacity of trangenically modifed plants with hyperspectral imaging.
- Development of dynamic wheat crop model in ISAM and estimation of impacts of environmental factors on wheat production in India
- Discerning Thermodynamic Basis of Self-Organization in Critical Zone Structure and Function
- Drift kinetic Alfven waves in non-extensively distributed plasma
- Drought mitigation in perennial crops by fertilization and adjustments of regional yield models for future climate variability
- Ecosystem Level Methane Dynamics in a Southern Forest Wetland
- Effect of Experimentally Manipulated Fire Regimes on the Response of Forests to Drought
- Effect of Heavy Ions on the Low Frequency Waves in the Earth's magnetosphere
- Electron and ion Bernstein waves in Saturnian Magnetosphere
- Engineered Photorespiratory Bypass Pathways Improve Photosynthetic Efficiency and Growth as Temperature Increases
- Environmental impact of converting Conservation Reserve Program land to perennial bioenergy crops in Illinois.
- Estimating Sources and Sinks of Methane from Soils in the Contiguous United States (CONUS)
- Estimating ecosystem iso/anisohydry using microwave satellite data and its applications in ecohydrology
- Estimating the Geoelectric Field Using Precomputed EMTFs: Effect of Magnetometer Cadence
- Estimation of Fractional Plant Lifeform Cover Using Landsat and Airborne LiDAR/hyperspectral Data
- Evaluating the Regional Impact of Aircraft Emissions on Climate
- Experimental Evidence that Hemlock Mortality Enhances Carbon Stabilization in Southern Appalachian Forest Soils
- Exploring the interactions between forecast accuracy, risk perception and perceived forecast reliability in reservoir operator's decision to use forecast
- Feedbacks between Reservoir Operation and Floodplain Development
- Filamentous Morphology as a Means for Thermophilic Bacteria to Survive Steep Physical and Chemical Gradients in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Flood Water Segmentation from Crowdsourced Images
- Floodplains as a source of fine sediment in grazed landscapes: tracing the source of suspended sediment in the headwaters of an intensively managed agricultural landscape
- Formation and evolution of the near axis 8˚20'N seamount chain: Evidences from the geophysical data analysis
- From Provenance Standards and Tools to Queries and Actionable Provenance
- Geophysical and Geochemical Analysis of the 8°20' N Seamount Chain: Studies of Off-Axis Volcanism
- Global Synthesis of Common Era Hydroclimate using Water Isotope Proxies from Multiple Archives: First Results from the PAGES Iso2k Project
- Global gridded crop specific agricultural areas from 1961-2014
- Gravity Waves and Tidal Measurement Capabilities from a Space-borne Lidar across the Mesopause.
- Ground Field-Based Hyperspectral Imaging: A Preliminary Study to Assess the Potential of Established Vegetation Indices to Infer Variation in Water-Use Efficiency.
- High resolution production water footprints of the United States
- Holocene evolution of the Tonle Sap Lake: valley network infill and rates of sedimentation in Cambodia's Great Lake
- Human-Robot Teaming for Hydrologic Data Gathering at Multiple Scales
- Identifying the Minimum Model Features to Replicate Historic Morphodynamics of a Juvenile Delta
- Immobilization of Agricultural Phosphorus in an Illinois Floodplain Soil
- Impact of Tile Drainage on the Distribution of Concentration and Age of Inorganic Soil Nitrogen.
- Impact of hydraulic redistribution on multispecies vegetation water use in a semi-arid ecosystem: An experimental and modeling synthesis
- Impacts of Land Use Change on the Natural Flow Regime: A Case Study in the Meramec River Watershed in Eastern Missouri, USA
- Impacts of a Stochastic Ice Mass-Size Relationship on Squall Line Ensemble Simulations
- Impacts of adaptive flood management strategies on the Socio-Hydrological system in Ganges - Brahmaputra river basin, Bangladesh
- Improved H-κ Method by Harmonic Analysis on Ps and Crustal Multiples in Receiver Functions with respect to Dipping Moho and Crustal Anisotropy
- Improving high impact weather and climate prediction for societal resilience in Subtropical South America: Proyecto RELAMPAGO-CACTI
- Incorporating Explicit LiDAR Derived Canopy Spatial Patterns in Ecohydrologic Modeling
- Incorporating Spatio-temporal Phenological Variation in Detecting Exotic Saltcedar Using Landsat Time Series
- Integrated evaluation of the vulnerability to thermokarst disturbance and its implications for the regional carbon balance in boreal Alaska
- Inter-comparison of Flux-Gradient and Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Methods for Measuring Ammonia Flux Above a Corn Canopy in Central Illinois, USA
- Interactions between landslides and landscape evolution using a sediment flux-dependent bedrock incision model incorporating bed macro-roughness
- Intercomparison of Microphysical Properties Derived from In-Situ Cloud and Remote Sensing Probes over the South East Atlantic Ocean
- Investigating the processes of ammonia exchanges between the atmosphere and a corn canopy following Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertilization with urease inhibitor NBPT
- Ionospheric detection of tsunami earthquakes: observation, modeling and ideas for future early warning
- Knowledge gained from analyzing mercury speciation data monitored in North America
- Laboratory Experiments on Meandering Meltwater Channels
- Large-Scale Laboratory Experiments of Initiation of Motion and Burial of Objects under Currents and Waves
- Last Millennium ENSO-Mean State Interactions in the Tropical Pacific
- Length scale hierarchy and spatiotemporal change of alluvial morphologies over the Selenga River delta, Russia
- Linking solar induced fluorescence with genetic variability in productivity of biomass sorghum.
- Linking the distribution of carbon isotope ratios in soil carbonates and speleothems to climate conditions in the past: A model for the dependence of respiration rate on soil moisture
- Localization and Instability in Sheared Granular Materials: Role of Pore Fluids and Non-monotonic Rate Dependent Rheology
- Lowering the barriers to computational modeling of Earth's surface: coupling Jupyter Notebooks with Landlab, HydroShare, and CyberGIS for research and education.
- Making C4 crops more water efficient under current and future climate: Tradeoffs between carbon gain and water loss
- Marginal instability threshold of magnetosonic waves in kappa distributed plasma
- Massive units deposited by bedload transport in sheet flow mode
- Measure for Measure: Urban Water and Energy
- Measurement needs guided by synthetic radar scans in high-resolution model output
- Measurements of unjacketed moduli of porous rock
- Measuring Density Stratification and Understanding its Impact on Sediment Transport in Fine-grained Rivers, Based on Observations from the Lower Yellow River, China
- Mesospheric Na Variability and Dependence on Geomagnetic and Solar Activity over Arecibo
- Model-data frameworks for determining greenhouse gas implications of bioenergy landscapes in the US
- Modeled post-glacial landscape evolution at the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: hydrological connection of uplands controls the pace and style of fluvial network expansion
- Modeling Coupled Landscape Evolution and Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Intensively Management Landscapes
- Modeling erosion and accretion along the Illinois Lake Michigan shore using integrated airborne, waterborne and ground-based method
- Modeling of Downstream Fining by Selective Sorting in Rivers with a Unimodal Sand-Gravel Supply: Can Gravel-Sand Transitions form Autogenically?
- Morphodynamic Model of Submarine Canyon Incision by Sandblasting
- Morphodynamic Modeling of the Lower Yellow River, China: Flux (Equilibrium) Form or Entrainment (Nonequilibrium) Form of Sediment Mass Conservation?
- Morphodynamic Responses of a River-Floodplain System to a Chute Cutoff: Numerical Experiments to Investigate the Role of Multiple Active Factors
- Morphodynamics and Sediment Transport on the Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta: Work in Progress
- Non-invasive monitoring of below ground cassava storage root bulking by ground penetrating radar technology
- Non-stationarity in US droughts and implications for water resources planning and management
- Numerical Estimation of the Outer Bank Resistance Characteristics in AN Evolving Meandering River
- Nutrient Concentrations and Stable Isotopes of Runoff from a Midwest Tile-Drained Corn Field
- Observations of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions with Varying Vertical Separation between Biomass-Burning Aerosols and Stratocumulus Clouds over the South East Atlantic
- Observed Structure and Characteristics of Cold Pools over Tropical Oceans using Vector Wind Retrievals and WRF simulations
- On the Uncertainties of the Hot Oxygen Geocorona: Ground-based 732.0-nm Observations
- Particulate Matter and Ozone Prediction and Source Attribution for U.S. Air Quality Management in a Changing World
- Phase transition behavior of sediment transport at the sand-mud interface, across scales from flumes to the large rivers
- Physical Modeling of Flow Over Gale Crater, Mars: Laboratory Measurements of Basin Secondary Circulations
- Power Characterization of the Ionosphere Response for the Arecibo HF Facility
- Prediction of Magnesite Dissolution Rate in Heterogeneous Porous Media Using a Numerical Approach
- Predictive Skill and Predictability of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclogenesis in Different Synoptic Flow Regimes
- Process connectivity reveals ecohydrologic sensitivity to drought and rainfall pulses
- Quantify the Biophysical and Socioeconomic Drivers of Changes in Forest and Agricultural Land in South and Southeast Asia
- Radiation damage-He diffusivity models applied to deep-time thermochronology: Zircon and titanite (U-Th)/He datasets from cratonic settings
- Rate dependent fractionation of sulfur isotopes in through-flowing systems
- Reactive Minerals and Dechlorinating Communities: Mechanisms Governing the Degradation of Chlorinated Ethenes during Back Diffusion from Low Permeability Zones in Aerobic and Anaerobic Environments
- Reactive alteration of Mt. Simon sandstone during CO<SUB>2</SUB>-rich brine injection: A coupled experimental and modeling study
- Reconstructing Global-scale Ionospheric Outflow With a Satellite Constellation
- Redistribution of H atoms in the upper atmosphere during geomagnetic storms
- Reducing Uncertainty in the Daycent Model of Heterotrophic Respiration with a More Mechanistic Representation of Microbial Processes.
- Reducing data friction through site-based data curation
- Seasonal Bias of Retrieved Ice Cloud Optical Properties Based on MISR and MODIS Measurements
- SeismoDome: Sonic and visual representation of earthquakes and seismic waves in the planetarium
- Separation of Electric Fields Into Potential and Inductive Parts, and Implications for Radial Diffusion
- Soil organic phosphorus transformations during 2000 years of paddy-rice and non-paddy management in the Yangtze River Delta, China
- Solar-Induced Fluorescence of Maize Across A Water Stress Gradient in the Midwestern USA
- Southern hemisphere craton modification by plume-lithosphere interaction
- Strategies for Positive Engagement with the Public in the Geosciences
- Studying the Impacts of Environmental Factors and Agricultural Management on Methane Emissions from Rice Paddies Using a Land Surface Model
- Subgrid geoelectric field specification for GIC modeling
- Surface-subsurface turbulent interaction at the interface of a permeable bed: influence of the wall permeability
- Tectonic Evolution of an Intracratonic Plateau: The Ups and Downs of the Ozark Dome, Midcontinent United States
- Tellurium Stable Isotopes as a Paleoredox Proxy
- Testing Lithospheric versus Deep-Mantle Dynamics on Post-100 Ma Evolution of Western U.S. using Landscape Evolution Modeling
- The AGU Hydrology Student Subcommittee (H3S) - fostering the Fall Meeting experience for young hydrologists
- The Effect of Stem- and Canopy-Scale Turbulence on Sediment Dynamics within Submerged Vegetation.
- The Impacts of Various Environments Factors and Adaptive Management Strategies on Food Crops in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Based on a Land Surface Model
- The International Association for Promoting Geoethics: Mission, Organization, and Activities
- The Observed Behavior of the Bias in MODIS-retrieved Cloud Droplet Effective Radius through MISR-MODIS Data Fusion
- The Role of Precipitation Recycling in the Propagation and Intensification of Droughts in North America
- The Role of Tropical Moisture Export on Atmospheric River Intensity
- The Terra Data Fusion Project: An Update
- The contribution of inductive electric fields to particle energization in the inner magnetosphere
- The role of nitrogen ions in the ring current dynamics
- The species velocity of trees in Alaska
- The use of a probabilistic approach to compare observed and simulated cloud properties: Results from a squall line sampled during MC3E
- Thermal Diffusion Fractionation of Cr and V Isotope in Silicate Melt
- Thermal and Hydraulic Conditions Supporting the Recruitment of Asian Carp in Seiche Affected Rivers of Lake Erie Basin - A Case Study of the Lower Sandusky River in Ohio
- Thermochemical Modeling and Experimental Validation of Wood Pyrolysis Occurring During Pre-ignition Combustion
- Toward a standardized soil carbon database platform in the US Critical Zone Observatory Network
- Transient Flow through an Unsaturated Levee Embankment during the 2011 Mississippi River Flood
- Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts in Charge Heterogeneous Porous Media: Microfluidics Experiment and Numerical Simulation
- Turbidity currents with equilibrium basal driving layers: a mechanism for long-runout turbidity currents
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Understanding Complex Seismic Anisotropy in Western U.S. using 4D Mantle Flow Models
- Understanding the Role of the Co-Play between Land Use and Climate on Sediment Flux Laws in Intensively Managed Landscapes
- Understanding the Temporal Variation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes in a Subtropical Seasonal Wetland
- Unlocking Ft: Modeling thermodynamic controls and isotope fractionation factors in nutrient limited environments
- Use of an UROV to develop 3-D optical models of submarine environments
- Using Multiscale Modeling to Study Coupled Flow, Transport, Reaction and Biofilm Growth Processes in Porous Media
- Using a history of subduction to constrain timing and depth of seismic anisotropy development under the western United States
- Using game theory to analyze green stormwater infrastructure implementation policies
- Using zircon (U-Th)/He damage-diffusivity patterns to quantify detachment-related basement exhumation in the Mecca Hills, CA
- Why are small scale demonstration projects important for the future of CCS?
- Understanding Information Flow Interaction along Separable Causal Paths in Environmental Signals
- 3-D Modeling of the Co-evolution of Landscape and Soil Organic Carbon
- 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling of continental indentation: Implications for coupled orogeny-plateau growth during the India-Asia convergence
- A Half-Century of Biophysical Change in Polygonised Tundra on the Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska.
- A Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Multi-Aerosol Mixing State Metrics at a Global Scale in Earth System Models
- A Mission to Achieve Ultrahigh-Resolution Imaging of the Solar Corona
- A Model of Shale Weathering at the Eel River-CZO Constrained by High Resolution Spatiotemporal Observations of Solute and Gas Profiles Across the Vadose Zone
- A Network Analysis of Household Food Sharing in Zambia
- A New Theoretical Framework for Modeling Flow Duration Curves
- A Prediction System for Vector-Borne Diseases : a Use Case for Weekly Estimation of West Nile Virus Risk
- A coupled modeling system for studying the impacts of growing biofuel crops in marginal lands on the food-energy-water nexus
- A decentralized optimization model to improve reliability of thermoelectricity supply during low flow and drought events
- A multidisciplinary assessment of heat flux at the core mantle boundary
- A new metric for alpha ejection corrections in complex Fe-oxide aggregates: Utility for (U-Th)/He dating of fluid-rock interactions in fault-zones
- AIMBAT: A Python3 Tool for Measuring Absolute and Relative Timing of Similar Waveforms
- Achieving Conservation and Renewable Energy Goals with the CRP
- Airborne, ship- and ground-based observations of clouds, aerosols and precipitation from recent field projects over the Southern Ocean
- An Improved Analytical Method to Generate Synthetic Bed Topography of Single-thread Constant-width Meandering Rivers
- An Inclusive Workplace for all Scientists
- An Investigation of aerosol, warm and mixed phase clouds overlapped by cirrus over the Southeast Asia Region
- An integrated and spatially scalable prioritization framework for green stormwater infrastructure planning: A trade-off analysis of socio-ecological vulnerability
- Analysis of Extreme Flooding Along the Atlantic Coast
- Analysis of predicted dune erosion along North Carolina barrier island shorelines
- Application of Meta-Heuristic Probabilistic Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning Surrogate Models to Recognize Optimal Patterns of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Networks and Predict their Performance in Urban Watersheds
- Application of basalt reduces nitrous oxide evolution from annual and perennial crops
- Assessing cover crops' effect on resilience of the US Midwest Corn belt
- Assessing the Linkages Between Tree Species Composition and Stream Water Nitrate in a Reference Watershed in Central Appalachia
- Assessing the effects of land use changes, nitrogen fertilizer application and deposition on nitrogen leaching in South and South East Asia.
- Assessing the role of heavy ions in the dynamics of the near-Earth environment
- Assessment of Newly Built Resolution-Corrected MISR Cloud Fraction Product
- Atmospheric Profiling Synthetic Observation System (APSOS) in Tibet
- Autogenic subaqueous mechanism for continental shelf formation associated with clinoform migration: dissolved salt, gravity-driven and wave-supported turbidity currents
- Automating Metadata Evaluation at Research Repositories to Assess Discoverability, Interpretability, and Readiness for Reuse
- BARscope - extending EarthScope Between the Appalachians and the Rockies
- Bacterial Motility and Spatial Heterogeneity Enhances Biological Nitrate Reduction in the Presence of Toxic Antibiotic Concentrations
- Beyond the Water Cooler: Networking Lessons Learned by the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S)
- Building a crystal ball for predicting crop production: empirical vs. process-based modeling, and short-term vs. long-term prediction
- CHARGED: Understanding the Physics of Extreme Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Can sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) detect heat-stress of soybean? Evidence from field measurement utilizing a portable SIF system at the Temperature Free-Air Controlled Enhancement (T-FACE) experiment
- Challenges and Opportunities of Multi-Scale Urban Energy and Water Data
- Change in downstream bedform type, bed material sediment transport regime and flood potential in response to sediment blockage by a dam: can bed degradation increase flooding risk?
- Characterization of Flank Eruptions using Paleo-stress Fields: Akaroa, New Zealand
- Climate Science in the Fourth US National Climate Assessment
- ClimateNet: bringing the power of Deep Learning to the climate community via open datasets and architectures
- Climatology of the MSTIDs observed during Solar Minimum at the Remote Optical Facility (ROF)
- Comparing the Impact of Hydraulic Redistribution on Co-existing Vegetation Interaction in Semi-arid Upland and Riparian Sites
- Comparison between Three Downscaled Land Use and Land Cover Products under Different Shared Socio-Economic Pathways
- Comparison of Precipitation Phase Algorithms:A Ground Validation Study for GPM
- Complexation State of Iron and Copper in Ambient Particulate Matter and its Effect on the Oxidative Potential
- Connection between hydrological cycle and crop yield anomalies in the US Corn Belt
- Conservation management of Midwestern maize/soybean agroecosystems may reverse soil carbon losses
- Coupled Modeling of Active Root Zone and Nutrient Cycling Processes
- Daily field-scale mapping of cropland evapotranspiration using multi-source satellite data for the U.S. Corn Belt
- Data re-use: Tools for producing and displaying data provenance across DataONE repositories
- Data-model integration to develop a knowledge landscape map for improved prediction
- Deep Learning recognizes weather and climate patterns
- Deep dip reversal of Indian Ocean slab induced by the African LLSVP
- Dependence of Channel Migration Rate on the Channel Migration Rate in Meander Bends with Noncohesive Banks
- Depth and Sources of Soil Water Uptake by Amazon Plants
- Designing Bioenergy Production Landscapes Using Integrated Ecosystem-Economic Models
- Developing and Adapting Data Management Services Across Multiple Virtual Observatories
- Direct Numerical Simulation of oscillatory boundary layers in the intermittent-turbulent/transitional regime: coherent structures and turbulent statistics
- Discerning the Thermodynamic Basis of Emergent Vegetation and Ecosystem Evolution
- Dynamics of Self-Healing Slip Pulses on Strong Velocity-Weakening Frictional Interfaces: Formation, Steady Propagation, and Interaction with Stress Heterogeneity
- Earth's spectral and textural trends as observed from Terra
- Effect of Emergent Vegetation on Suspended Sediment Transport
- Electrokinetic Laboratory Methods for Permeability Characterization
- Empirical quantification of the vertical transport and escape of atomic hydrogen in the terrestrial upper atmosphere
- Equatorial Ionospheric Specification and Forecasting Using Combined HF Beacon and Incoherent Scatter Radar Data and Numerical Modeling
- Estimates of global nitrous oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) emissions from contemporary and future soils
- Estimating changes in temperature distributions in a large ensemble of climate simulations using quantile regression
- Evaluating Retrieval Algorithm Climate Stability: Toward Obtaining Large-scale 3D Optical Depth Bias Distributions by Cloud Type
- Evaluation of the stationarity assumption for decadal drought risk estimation in continental US
- Excessive rainfall leads to comparable magnitude of corn yield loss as drought in the US
- Explore the Density Structure of Cratonic Lithosphere Using Global Residual Topography
- Exploring the Dependence of Tropical Cyclone Characteristics on Environmental Indices under Different Climate Regimes Using High-Resolution, Coupled CESM
- Fine scale biotic and abiotic effects of West Nile virus illness in humans
- Food flows between counties in the United States
- Gaseous Carbon Waste Streams Utilization: Status and Research Needs
- Global Mineralogy-based Combustion-Iron Emission Inventory
- Grain and Virtual Water Stocks of the United States
- Grass Carp Response to Flow Turbulence: Egg Mortality and Larvae Response to Altered Flows.
- Gravity wave heat and energy fluxes above the Andes
- Henry Pantin - a brilliant mind in autosuspension
- High- to Low-Frequency Gravity Waves Observed in Vertical Winds and Temperatures over McMurdo, Antarctica
- High-throughput phenotyping of photosynthetic capacities: an ensemble approach based on multiple machine learning models
- Human-Drainage Interaction in Agricultural Systems: Effects of Infrastructure Design and Governing Rules
- HydroShare tools and recommended practices for sharing and publishing data and models in support of collaborative reproducible research
- IONOGLOW: new insight for ionospheric detection of tsunamis by airglow camera from space
- Identification of Tile Drain Networks using Thermal and RGB Data from Unmanned Aircraft
- Imaging Mountain Waves Over the Andes
- Impact of Heterogeneity of Land-Cover on Land-Atmosphere Fluxes at an Intensively Managed Landscape
- Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Land Degradation in South and Southeast Asia
- Impact of burn severity on thermokarst initiation and expansion in Arctic tundra ecosystems
- Impact of climate change on biomass availability from perennial bioenergy crops grown on the US marginal land
- Impact of drying-rewetting cycles on nitrate removal rates in woodchip bioreactors
- Impacts of Best Management Practices on Sediment and Nutrient Yields under Multiple Climate Change Scenarios for the Meramec River Watershed
- Improved Grazing Management Increases Soil Carbon Sequestration in Subtropical Pastures
- In-field emissions measurements from cookstoves and brick kilns provide insight into the robustness of emission factors used in inventories
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Integrating satellite and climate data to predict wheat yield in Australia using machine learning approaches
- Inter-annual Variability and Drivers of Ecosystem Regulation on Leaf Water Potential Change Based on Passive Microwave Vegetation Optical Depth
- Interpretation of the division between surface flow and groundwater recharge at the monthly scale based on the generalized proportionality hypothesis
- Inundation quantified by Planet CubeSat data may drive a change in soil biogeochemistry in US Midwestern agroecosystems
- Investigating short and long-term effects of Natural and Human-Induced Shocks on a Water Resources System in Sicily (Italy) through Socio-Hydrological Modeling
- Investigating the stability of the Laguna del Maule magmatic systemby modeling the stress state using data assimilation
- It's raining bits: Trends in the information content of daily rainfall persistence across the U.S.
- Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersions and Receiver Functions with P-wave Data
- Litter Layer Controls on Ecosystem Hydrologic and Thermal Partitioning
- Looking Forward: What Can Information Flow Tell Us About Process and Model Dynamics?
- MIGHTI (Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging): The Wind and Temperature Instrument Onboard the NASA Ionospheric Connection (ICON) Mission
- Management Practices and Landscape Context Impact Methane Dynamics from Subtropical Wetlands
- Microbially mediated nitrogen isotope fractionation in hypersaline lakes
- Model forecasts of the 26 June 2018 Eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galápagos
- Modeling Dynamic Ruptures with High Resolution Fault Zone Physics.
- Modeling Lithospheric Stress of Continental United States
- Modeling soil carbon losses following anthropogenic disturbance in Sierra Nevada meadows using field measurements, remote sensing products, and downscaled climate data
- Modeling the Transport and Fate of Oil-Particle-Aggregates (OPAs) in Rivers after an Oil Spill
- Modelling In-Stream Phosphorus Processes to Generate Insights on Point-Source Phosphorus Removal
- Modelling Spatio-Temporal Pollutant Mixing Dynamics Downstream of Solimoes-Negro River Confluence with Google Earth Engine and Random Forest Algorithm
- Multi-Year Prediction of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
- Multitemporal regulation of soil respiration by substrate availability, moisture and, finally, temperature
- NAPL Characterization and Cleanup: What Have We Learned and Where are We Going?
- On the density structure and long-term stability of cratonic lithosphere
- Our Changing Climate: National Climate Assessment NCA4 Vol. 2, Chapter 2
- PEcAn: Ecosystem Modeling at your fingertips
- Parametric estimation of neutral hydrogen density under charge exchange and quantification of its effect on plasmasphere-ionosphere coupling
- Particulate Matter and Ozone Prediction and Source Attribution for Air Quality Management in a Changing World
- Planets in the Milky Way: Their Occurrence and Their Characteristics
- Pore Network Stitching for Pore-to-Core Upscaling of Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Rocks
- Potential of basalt amendments to increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency and reduce the N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission factor of agriculture
- Preferential Erosion Zones in Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Meandering Rivers
- Preliminary studies of high altitude Na densities observed at the Andes Lidar Observatory since 2014.
- Preparing Our Coastlines for Climate Security Threats
- Quantification of Field Scale Denitrification by Stable Isotope Analysis of NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O from Tile Drain Runoff
- Quantifying the Effect of Farmer Management Decisions on Maize Yield in Zambia
- Quantifying the Effects of Outer-Bank Large Wood on Flow-Resistance and Bank Erosion in AN Evolving Meandering River
- Quantifying the effects of climate variability and land use/cover change on sediment discharge in the Loess Plateau of China
- Quantifying the mitigation potential of bioenergy crops over the conterminous United States
- Radiation-induced Condensational Growth of Cloud-sized Mist Droplets
- Random Voronoi Cells Based Parsimonious Inversion: Methodology and Application to Global S wave Arrival Time Data
- Reconciling Global Model Estimates and Country Reporting of Anthropogenic Forest CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sinks
- Recovering Resources from Human and Animal Populations to Meet Agricultural Production Needs and Ensure Soil Suitability: A Value Proposition
- Relationship Between Turbulence And Atmospheric Stabilities Revealed By Na Lidar Measurements
- Representing Agricultural Systems in Earth System Model: implementation, calibration, and multi-scale validation of CLM-AgSys
- Response of Gravel-bed Shiting River to Substantial Augmentation of Sand Supply: Can "Magic Sand" Cause Massive Degradation at the Decadal Scale?
- Ripple statistics based on all sky airglow images at Andes Lidar Observatory
- Science, containerized: Integrating provenance and compute environments with the Whole Tale
- Selenium isotopic fractionation during oxidation of clausthalite
- Sensitivity of global TC activity to ocean-atmosphere coupling and atmospheric CO2 using the high-resolution Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Shrub expansion introduces new sets of root traits in the Arctic
- Simulating Transient Crop Management in the Community Land Model Version 5
- Simulation of Landscape Changes on the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain with the Alaska Thermokarst Model
- Simultaneous Observations of Thermosphere-Ionosphere Fe and Na (TIFe and TINa) Layers, Mesospheric Fe and Na Layers, and Gravity Waves with Na Doppler and Fe Boltzmann Lidars over McMurdo, Antarctica
- Skillful Seasonal Prediction of Winter Blocking and Extreme Temperature Frequency
- Structural and Physiological Effects on the Relationship between Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Gross Primary Production: A Comparison Study between Nadir and Hemispherical Fluorescence Observations
- Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a better proxy of absorbed light than canopy photosynthesis in a rice paddy
- Super diffusion of bedload tracer transport at intermediate time scales explained via a new analytical formulation
- Technology in Agroecosystems: Integrative Land-Atmosphere Monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Systems
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Initial Benchmarks and Future Directions
- The Development of Sharable pySUMMA Simulation Environment using Singularity on HydroShare
- The Dynamical Coupling of Convective Updrafts, Downdrafts, and Cold Pools in Highly Organized Convective Storms in Midlatitudes
- The Effect of Land-Atmosphere Interactions on Corn and Soybean Productivity in the Central United States of America
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Midwest
- The Microclimate of a Maize-Soybean Intercrop Canopy and its Influence on Photosynthesis, Light-Interception Efficiency and Water-Use Efficiency.
- The Nebraska SIF Campaign - a Multi-Scale Field Experiment
- The carbon, water and energy costs of converting perennial switchgrass back to annual maize-soybean rotation.
- The dispersion properties of N<SUP>+</SUP> Band of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- The effect of alteration in flow duration curve on bankfull channel discharge and bankfull cross-sectional shape: model application to the Minnesota River, USA
- The error analysis of the MIGHTI neutral wind velocity retrieval with respect to the non-uniformity of the 630.0 nm airglow
- The implications of magnetic field predictability on geomagnetically induced currents in the US
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The nitrogen biogeochemical impacts of energy sorghum, a potential bioenergy crop
- The relationship between environmental variables and springtime boundary layer ozone over the Arctic Ocean
- The role of nitrate and oxygen diffusion in enhancing dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium rates in agricultural soils
- Thickness of quasi-equilibrium basal driving layer of turbidity current
- Time-dependent Tomographic Estimation of Global Exospheric Hydrogen Density During Geomagnetic Storms
- Tracking reservoir stability through multi-data stream statistical data assimilation: Application to the 2008 eruption of Okmok, AK
- Trade openness and the water and nutrient use of nations
- Tropical-Extratropical Interactions that Modulate Atlantic Hurricane Activity
- Turbidity currents in Xiaolangdi reservoir, Yellow River, China: dynamics and geomorphic expression
- Turbulence and vertical transport at the mixing boundary
- Ultra-sensitivity of numerical landscape evolution models to their initial conditions
- Understanding subduction dynamics in the Southwest Pacific
- Unraveling the Causal Dynamics in Stream Solutes by Using an Information-Theoretic Approach
- Upstream Migration of Sudden High-Slope to Low-Slope Knickpoint in a Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Stream: Hydraulic Jump, Alluvial Scour and Plunge Pool
- Using Dimensionless Scaling Parameters as Decision Metrics in a Heterogeneous Hydraulic Routing Scheme
- Using Docker to Ease the Sharing and Running of Code in the PEcAn Project
- Using Native Error Diagnostics to Identify Sources of Aerosol Radiative Forcing Error in GCMs and Understand Their Implications
- Utilizing Data Fusion to Understand and Visualize the U.S. Food, Energy, Water Nexus at the Mesocale: the FEWSION 1.0 Data Product
- Utilizing SMAP Soil Moisture Data to Improve Irrigation Parameterizations in Land Surface Models
- Valley confinement and lateral geomorphic connectivity along a mountain stream: Integrating field surveys, remote sensing and geospatial data
- Variations of O(1S) and OH(6,2) airglow intensities over the Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO) (30.3°S, 70.7°W)
- Watershed-Scale Spatial Variations in Sediment Dynamics Produced by Interaction of Land Use and Landscape Characteristics
- Wildland Fire Smoke from Long-Range Transport Enhances Ozone in the Southeastern United States
- Wood and soil nutrient concentrations affect fungal decomposition of wood
- ezDMP: Data Management Planning Made Easy
- A Comprehensive Assessment of the Spatiotemporal Variability of Oxidative Potential of Ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in Midwest U.S. using a Semi-Automated Multi-Endpoint ROS-Activity Analyzer (SAMERA)
- A Data-driven Approach to Quantifying Energy for Residential Water Heating in Urban Areas
- A New Framework for Exploring Process Controls of Flow Duration Curves
- A Revisit of Temporal and Spatial Variability and Resolution of Rainfall Measurements Relevant for Urban Hydrology
- A Stochastic Approach for Representing Uncertainty and Variability in Cloud Microphysical Parameters for use in Process-Oriented Studies
- A coupled reactive transport and ecohydrologic modeling approach to root-soil-microbe interactions in the Critical Zone
- A detailed study of the MSTIDs observed over Puerto Rico during minimum solar activity.
- A model-data fusion approach to estimating terrestrial carbon budgets across the contiguous U.S
- A strategy for incorporating satellite retrievals in a regional inverse model to infer carbon flux variability over North America
- AMG Preconditioner for Multiphase Flow in Engineered Simulation Domains
- Advances in the HydroShare Community Platform Enabling the Integration of Water Data in Support of Hydrologic Research
- Aerosol impacts on biogeochemical cycles: new insights for ocean and land systems
- An argument for assessment of microbial quality of groundwater to strength future management
- Analysis of Perceived Differences in the Monitoring of the Diurnal Cycle of Fair Weather Clouds in the Western Pacific
- Assessing Dynamic Vegetation Model Parameter Uncertainty across Alaskan Arctic Tundra Plant Communities
- Assessing the Roles of Primary and Secondary Ice Formation in Clouds Through Measurements and Modeling
- Assessing the contribution of cooling and water supply to yield benefits due to irrigation
- Asthenosphere-lithosphere interaction shapes the geology of the western United States
- Atmospheric Water Originating from Amazonian Evapotranspiration: New Insights Using WRF with Water Vapor Tracers
- Basalt application for carbon sequestration reduces nitrous oxide fluxes from croplands
- CCN Source Regions During RELAMPAGO-CACTI Field Campaign
- Canyons Evolve by Incision into Bedrock: What Does Rainbow Canyon Tell Us?
- Causes of Decelerating Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Amplitude at Mauna Loa
- Changes in South American Hydroclimate under Projected Amazonian Deforestation
- Changing Climate And Its Effect On Urban Life: Ozone and Particulate Matter exceedance events and a CyberGIS toolkit for Urban Sustainability
- Channel and Fish Habitat Response to Dam Removal and a Large Flood in a Mountain River
- Characterizing Performance Limitations on the L1-to-Ground Prediction of Geomagnetically-Induced Currents
- Climate impact on US Potato yield, water demand and nutrient uptake
- Climate uncertainty in agricultural modeling: the effects of downscaling and bias-correction
- Co-evolution of soil organic carbon and landscapes in intensively engineered landscapes
- Combining probabilistic methods and deterministic models to estimate uncertainties in lava flow parameters inferred from observations
- Comparison of gravity waves from multi-instrument measurements in the African and American midlatitude sectors during quiet geomagnetic conditions
- Continental Scale Heterogenous Channel Routing Strategy for Operational and Forecast Models
- Continental-Scale Land-Atmosphere Interactions over South America and their Impact on the Hydroclimate of La Plata River Basin
- Decadal impacts of wildfire and climate change on permafrost degradation in Arctic Alaska
- Decision Support and Stakeholder Engagement to Better Site Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Uncertain Urban Environments
- Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation for Climate Change Precipitation Analysis
- Density stratification in open-channel flow due to high sediment concentration in the flooding Lower Yellow River
- Detecting in-season crop nitrogen stress of corn for field trials using UAV- and CubeSat-based multispectral sensing
- Distinguishing Inflation Drivers at Shallow Magmatic Systems Using Statistical Data Assimilation
- Drop-Size Distribution Variability over Central Argentina during RELAMPAGO-CACTI
- Drought propagation in US watersheds: the role of watershed and climate properties
- Dynamic Operation of Chicago's Waterways System using Hydraulic Performance Graphs (HPGs)
- Economic Potential for Using Marginal Land for Bioenergy Crop Production in the US
- Ecosystem thermodynamic response to human-induced perturbations
- Effect of pH and morphology on selenite oxidation by birnessite and associated isotopic fractionation
- Effects of drying and rewetting cycles on respiration and greenhouse gas emissions in saturated ligneous substrate
- Effects of plant litter and micro-topography on ecosystem hydrologic and thermal processes
- Effects of spatial concentration gradients of antibiotics with different modes of action on the survival, migration, and metabolic activity for nitrate reduction of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in a microfluidic device.
- Efficient Techniques for Making Measurements of Neutral Species in the Near-Earth Space Environment
- Enabling Collaborative Numerical Modeling in Hydrology using Knowledge Infrastructure
- Entrainment in Simulated Developing Convective Storms
- Environmental conditions associated to convective initiation of extreme convective systems over Southeastern South America
- Equatorial valley region incoherent and coherent scatter measurements at Jicamarca
- Estimating photosynthetic capacities from reflectance spectra: techniques and scales
- Estimation of Biomass Burning Emissions from Northern High-Latitude Fires Using Satellite Observations and a Land Surface Model
- Evaluating the effects of the Renewable Fuel Standard on Water Quality: An Integrated Ecosystem-Economic Assessment
- Exhumation Responses to Supercontinent Cycles Constrained Through Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronology: Results from the North American Craton and Method Refinements
- Exploring Interactions between Society and Environment for Sustainable Water Resosurces Management under Natural and Human-Induced Shocks
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Fish Response to Coherent Flow Structures: A 3D Characterization of Turbulent Features Affecting Swimming Capabilities of Fish
- Forecasting the June 26, 2018 Eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galapagos
- Formation of East Asian stagnant slabs due to a westward Cenozoic mantle wind
- Formation of slab tears controls Earth's major silicic volcanisms
- Generating Intuition and Hypotheses with a Simplified, Watershed-Scale Phosphorus Model
- Geochemical and Geomechanical Alteration by Acidic Brine of Artificially Fractured Sandstone Under Strain
- Geodynamic Implications from Late Cenozoic Dynamic Topography and Landscape Evolution in the Eastern U.S.
- Geoscience Camp! Methods for Introducing Geosciences to Middle School Girls
- Global Estimates of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with Plant- and Animal-Based Food Production
- Global climate shocks to agriculture from 1961 to 2014
- Grain Size-Specific Engelund-Hansen Type Relation for Bed Material Load in Sand-bed Rivers, with Application to the Mississippi River
- Gravity Wave Activity over the Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO) Generated by the July 2, 2019 Full Solar Eclipse Observed in Chile.
- Green Infrastructure Cost/Benefit Assessment at Multiple Spatial Scales Across Urban Environments
- Groundwater depletion embedded in domestic transfers and international exports of the United States
- Growth of the Andes: The role of sediment subduction in response to the migrating Juan Fernandez Ridge
- Hard and soft cap groundwater allocations: A comparison of groundwater pumping restrictions on hydrologic and economic outcomes
- Height variation of gaps in 150-km echoes and Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model electron densities
- High resolution joint inversion of lithospheric structure in central Midcontinent combing ambient noise and generalized H-k method (H-k-c).
- Historical and Future Changes of High-impact Wind Events in Coastal Alaska
- How are the N<SUP>+</SUP> Ions Affecting the Transport and Acceleration of Ionospheric Outflowing Ions?
- How small changes in the magnetopause current help trap the ring current population
- How sociohydrology can help address the global water crisis
- Hydometeorological Modeling of Extreme Rainfall Events using WRF and WRF-Hydro during the RELAMPAGO Campaign in Argentina
- Imaging the reactive transport properties of sedimentary formations across scales
- Impact of improved management and patch-burn grazing on the net CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink strength of subtropical humid grasslands
- Impacts of Extreme Events on Composition of Pathogens in the Environment
- Implication on the Density Structure of Cratonic Lithosphere from Global Topography and Gravity Anomaly
- Improved methodologies for modelling atmospheric soluble iron and observation comparisons using the Mechanism of Intermediate complexity for Modelling Iron (MIMI v.1.0) and the impact on ocean biogeochemistry.
- Improving Active Remote Sensing of Snow Through the Use of Multiple Frequencies, In-Situ Data and Neural Networks
- Improving Noah-MP's Simulation by Calibrating with Satellite-based BESS-STAIR ET Measures
- Incentivizing Ecosystem Services from Crop Production: Implications for Energy Crop Production by Risk-Averse Farmers
- Increasing reusability of Critical Zone data with CUAHSI HydroShare and CZ Manager
- Inertial Effects in Pore-scale Fluid Displacement in Real Rock Geometries
- Inflation of Okmok volcano during 2015 to 2018 from PS analyses
- Influence of Rotation on the Dynamics of Ellipsoidal Particles
- Initial results of a new multi-static meteor radar at Andes Lidar Observatory
- Initiation of deep moist convection over the Sierras de Córdoba mountains in Argentina
- Integrative sUAS Data Collection for Food-Energy-Water Governance
- Interpreting lacustrine bulk sediment d<SUP>15</SUP>N values using metagenomics: A case study from a hypersaline lake system
- Invasive carp and their relation with turbulence: How flow turbulence can influence the mortality of grass carp eggs and the swimming behavior of larvae.
- Investigating Global Scale Wetland and Non-Wetland Soil Methane Emissions and Sinks Using a Land Surface Model
- Investigating the Impacts of Large-Scale Soil Moisture Anomalies on Regional Hydroclimate in Southeastern South America Using Reanalyses and Modeling-Based Approaches
- Ionospheric Irregularities in the Postsunset Equatorial Valley Region
- Isolating the influence of land surface variability of La Plata River Basin on the climate of subtropical South America
- Joint Inversion of Arecibo Coded and Uncoded Long Pulse ISR Returns Detected with Radar Interface (RI) and USRP Receivers
- Kinetic and equilibrium Se isotope fractionation between aqueous Se (IV) and Se (VI)
- Laboratory Study of Gravity Currents over Submerged Vegetation Canopies
- Learning by Immersion: Developing Virtual Reality Labs for Electricity and Magnetism Courses
- Linking Thermomechanical Models with Geophysical Observations to Assess Magma Reservoir Evolution at Laguna del Maule, Chile
- Linking Undergraduate Learners with Research Expeditions using an Asynchronous Teaching and Learning Framework
- Log jams in mountain streams: Variability and biogeomorphic controls on their characteristics.
- Long Term Morphodynamics of Alluvial-bedrock Rivers Subject to Landslide Dams and Catastrophic Flooding
- MIGHTI (Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging): The Wind and Temperature Instrument Onboard the NASA Ionospheric Connection (ICON) Mission
- Machine Learning Prediction of Groundwater-Induced Land Subsidence: A Case Study for the Pahrump Valley in Nevada
- Mapping Marginal Land Based on Decadal CDL and MODIS Land Cover Products in the Contiguous United States
- Microfluidic Analysis of Porosity Occlusion Due to Microbial Biofilm and Mineral Growth Within Shale Fractures
- Mid-Holocene guano influences on eutrophication and lacustrine ecology at Kettle Lake, North Dakota
- Modeling Lithospheric Stress and Deformation of the Western U.S.
- Modeling Sequence of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS) in Complex Faults Zones Using a Computationally Efficient Numerical Algorithm
- Modeling Spatial Distribution and Thickness of Glacial Sediments with Airborne Time Domain Electromagnetic along the Illinois Lake Michigan Shoreline
- Modeling effects of environmental changes and management practices on CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions of rice production
- Modeling magma system evolution during 2005-2007 volcanic unrest of Atka volcanic center, Alaska
- Multi-instrument observation of neutral atmosphere response to the 2019 total solar eclipse at Andes Lidar Observatory in Northern Chile
- Navigating Disturbance Regimes in the New Arctic
- Nested optical networks: A new frontier in aeronomy research
- New Perspective Concerning the Influence of Heavy Ions on Magnetospheric Processes: N+ Band of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
- New insights into spatial and temporal dynamics of the global water cycle from the Iso2k database
- Next Step Space Weather Benchmarks for Ionospheric Disturbances
- Novel integration of multi-scale remote sensing improves characterization of tropical phenology from individual tree-crowns to landscapes
- Observations of self-accelerating turbidity currents in the Xiaolangdi reservoir, Yellow River, China
- Observing and Modeling the Seasonal Profile of Leaf Area for a Mid-western No-till Corn/Soybean Ecosystem.
- On the Composition and Structure of Human Kidney Stone Nano-layers at Atomic Scale
- On the response of soybean growth and yield to multi-level free-air canopy warming: field experiment, process-based modeling, and their integration
- One-Km of Subduction-Induced Subsidence in the Southern Andes at 10 Ma, as Measured Using Hydrogen Isotopes in Hydrated Volcanic Glass
- Oscillatory boundary layer flows: experimental, numerical and theoretical considerations
- Particle Capture by Aquatic Vegetation Patches: Application to Eggs and Larvae Traveling in Streams
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable discovery and knowledge-generation of permafrost Big Imagery products
- Phase Characterization of Southern Ocean Clouds using HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) and High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) Observations: results from SOCRATES
- Plasmasphere, Torus, and Cloak: An Initial View of the Typical Distribution of Cold-to-Warm Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere during the Van Allen Probes Era
- Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations of D-region Enhanced Incoherent Scatter Associated with Energetic Particle Precipitation
- Pore-scale modeling and microfluidics experimental studies of coupled geochemical and biological reactions along transverse mixing zones
- Potential Natural Vegetation Biases Seasonal but not Annual Estimates of Historical Albedo and Surface Temperature
- Potential benefits of converting land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program to perennial bioenergy crops
- Potential of Sulfidated Iron (Oxides) to Abiotically Reduce Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater
- Poyang and Dongting Lakes, China: Morphodynamics of Large Blocked-Valley Lakes
- Prediction of Geomagnetically-Induced Currents Based on Nonlinear Function Approximation
- Probabilistic projections for timing of global sea-level thresholds
- Process-based Models as a Gap Filling Method for Eddy Covariance Measurements of Net Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange: A Case Study for the Perennial Grass Miscanthus
- Progression of Solar Cycle 24 As Seen in Acoustic Mode Frequencies of the Sun
- Projections of Global Urban Heat Waves Empowered by Machine Learning
- Quantification of the vertical limiting flux of hydrogen at Earth using TIMED/SABER
- Quantifying spatial and temporal variation of aerosol mixing state using a particle-resolved regional aerosol model
- Quantifying the Effect of Aquatic Vegetation on Interfacial Gas Transfer in Streams
- Quantifying the Effects of Outer-Bank Large Wood Debris(lwd) Patches on Flow-Resistance and Bank Erosion with Porous Structure Approximation
- Quantifying the dynamics of transitional clay flows using a novel experimental approach
- RELAMPAGO-CACTI Drop Size Distribution Observations and the Implications for Hydrologic Studies
- Radiation Effect on Growth of Cloud/Mist Droplets: A Laboratory and Modeling Study
- Real-Time Measurement of Ambient Particulate Matter Oxidative Potential Based on Five Different Acellular End Points
- Reconciling Off-Axis Mantle Melting Systematics and Heterogeneity: Geochemistry of Lavas From the 8˚20' N Seamount Chain
- Reducing agroecosystem nitrogen losses via biological nitrification inhibition
- Response in Nitrogen Cycling Processes under Natural Diurnal Temperature Changes in Tropical and Midwest Agricultural Surface Soil
- Revising the Ozone Depletion Potentials Metric for Short-Lived Chemicals such as CF<SUB>3</SUB>I and CH<SUB>3</SUB>I
- Rheologic Controls on Models of Volcano Unrest at Axial Seamount
- Role of Groundwater in Hydraulic Redistribution and Inter-Annual Water Use Dynamics in Semi-Arid Upland and Riparian Sites
- Role of the Inductive Electric Field to the Ring Current Particle Energization and Trapping
- SASSI2: Lessons Learned from a University-class Science-Driven Spaceflight Project
- Satellite-based anticipation of extreme convective weather through quantification of convective updraft characteristics: Application to potential tornado intensity estimation
- Seasonal variation and solar activity dependence of two distinct types of 150-km echoes from JULIA observations
- Selenium Oxidation and Release during Washing of Agricultural Seleniferous Soil Samples.
- Sensitivity of deep convective upscale growth to precipitation properties and ambient environmental conditions during the CACTI field campaign
- Simulating surface energy-water-carbon fluxes and crop yield using Ecosys model over agroecosystem in the U.S. Corn Belt
- Soil erosion and burial control soil C reactivity and interaction with extractable metals in a Midwestern agricultural floodplain
- Solar Flare Effects on 150-km Echoes Observed Over Jicamarca: WACCM-X Simulations
- Space-based remote sensing strategies for tomographic estimation of exospheric H density
- Spatiotemporal variability of stream Phosphorus in an agroindustrial watershed
- Steady state behavior and initial condition signal shredding in landscape evolution models incorporating lateral incision
- Stochastic Pore Network Stitching for Pore-to-Core Upscaling of Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Rocks
- Subseasonal Variability of Rossby Wave Breaking and Impacts on Tropical Cyclones during the North Atlantic Warm Season
- Sustainability of bioenergy crops: effects of long-term perennial grass cultivation on soil carbon storage
- TROPOMI solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence improves the monitoring of crop productivity
- Tectonic and compositional controls on magma storage depths globally: Results from CIDER 2019
- Temporal and spatial signatures of sediment transport at the watershed scale: An approach to understand the behavior of the watershed
- Terrain Influences on Upscale Convective Growth of Orographic Supercells into Mesoscale Convective Systems.
- Testing The Exchangeability Of Two Ensembles Of Spatial Processes - Evaluating Proxy Influence In Assimilated Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- The Cloud, Aerosol, and Monsoon Processes, Philippines Experiment (CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex): Planning, performance, and early outcomes
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
- The Formation of Dunes under Unidirectional Flows in Coarse Silts and Fine Sands
- The Influence of Native Carbon Amendments on Soil Phosphorus Mineralization in a Midwestern Floodplain Soil
- The LAICE Cubesat Mission - Capabilities and Synergies
- The Low-level Cross-equatorial Circulation East of the Tropical Andes and Precipitation over the Andes-Amazon region: effects of PBL and LSM schemes in WRF simulations
- The National Soil Moisture Network: Building a strategy from the ground up
- The State of Acidity in the Atmosphere: Particles and Clouds
- The Use of the Enhanced Model Evaluation Tools (METplus) Verification and Diagnostic Capability in S2S
- The factors regulating soil respiration in response to wetting events: A three-parameter model analysis of existing incubation studies
- The primary convective pathway for observed wildfire emissions in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: a targeted reinterpretation
- The transborder flux of phosphorus in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin: magnitude, patterns and impacts from the cascade hydropower dams in China
- Topside Equatorial Vertical Ionospheric Plasma Drifts over Jicamarca
- Towards an operational framework to map crop functional and structural traits from airborne hyperspectral imagery
- Trade openness and climate shocks in agriculture
- Tropical Cyclone Interactions with the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Indian Ocean
- Understanding Drivers of Temporal-spatial Variabilities of Canopy SIF Yield in the US Midwest using Downscaled High-spatio-temporal Resolution TROPOMI SIF Data
- Understanding relationships between demography and climate change to improve urban resiliency: A case study
- Understanding the Early-Holocene to Present Lower Mississippi River Avulsion Patterns Since the Last Glacial Maximum: A 'Backdirt' Curve?
- Understanding the Role of Land-Cover Heterogeneity on the Land-Atmospheric Interactions Inside the Footprint of A Tall Flux Tower
- Using High-resolution Radar Rainfall Products to Improve City-scale Flood Models for Urban Resilience
- VIPIR and 50 MHz radar observations of gravity wave signatures in 150-km echoes at Jicamarca
- Water cycle modifications and Earth System resilience: roadmap to a new water planetary boundary
- Westerly surface winds across eastern and mid-continental North America during the Last Glacial Maximum
- What is the role of climate sensitivity in extreme sea-level rise scenarios?
- Wildfire Smoke, Health, and Labor Market Outcomes
- 3D cloud tomography during EUREC<SUP>4</SUP>A: Synergy of MISR multi-angle satellite imaging and airborne remote sensing onboard HALO
- A 1-D Hydraulic-Sediment Model to Simulate the Movement of Mine Tailings in Sand Bed Rivers
- A New Approach to Determining Cold Plasma Ion Density and Composition From Particle Measurements.
- A Report on the Small-Scale Variations in the Ionospheric Connections Explorer (ICON) Wind Data.
- A Theoretical Model of Trust in Forecast Information
- A View into Mesoscale Convective Systems from High-Frequency Soundings in the PECAN and RELAMPAGO Field Campaigns
- A model for the prediction of bed shear stress fluctuations in Oscillatory Boundary Layer flows
- A scalable, long-term assessment of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission from the Midwest agroecosystem
- A synthesis of hydrologic variability across continental United States using a comparative hydrology approach
- Advances in groundwater representation at the subgrid scale in Land Surface Models: an approach based on HAND (height above nearest drainage)
- Agricultural drainage ditch network extraction and its application in agroecosystem modeling
- Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Health: Evidence from Agricultural Fires in India
- An 18-Year Retrospective Analysis of West Nile Virus Infection in Culex Mosquitoes of the Midwestern United States
- An Improved Theoretical Model for identifying the Drift Kinetic Alfven waves in Observations and quantifying the role of Heavy ions on their properties
- An agent-based model of a cellulosic biofuel system involving multiple stakeholder communities
- An innovative phenology-matching model to estimate crop growing stages
- Application of the Very Broadband Rheology Calculator to Inference of Transient Creep Data and Extrapolation to Upper Mantle Structure
- Assessing impacts of pre-growing-season weather on the response of corn yield to nitrogen fertilizer rate in the U.S. Midwest
- Assessing long-term impacts of cover crops on soil carbon sequestration and crop yield in the U.S. Midwestern agroecosystems
- Assimilating disturbance: Toward real-time carbon monitoring and forecasting
- Atmospheric Tidal Study using ICON/MIGHTI Observations
- Atmospheric radiative and oceanic biological productivity responses to anthropogenic combustion-iron emission in the 1850-2000 period.
- Beating of the Amazon: The Diurnal Cycle of Amazonian Hydroclimate
- Behavioral Sciences Approach to Analyzing Cooperation Dynamics in Transboundary Water Management between the U.S. and Canada in the Columbia River Basin
- Big Pine Creek Ditch Revisited: Insight into the Initiation and Evolution of Meandering
- Bridging urban scales using modeling and measurements for improved urban sustainability
- Building CyberLiteracy Through Interactive Lessons: Design, Development, and Deployment of Jupyter Notebooks for Geospatial Computing Education
- Carbon Dioxide Removal via Enhanced Rock Weathering With Agriculture in Large-Scale Field Trials
- Catalyzing Cultural Change: Video Scenarios for Professional Development in Ethics and Equity
- Characterizing Causality In Spatio-temporal Environmental Systems
- Climate and Economic Triggers of Cropland Change in the US: A Fine-scale spatial analysis
- Climate, mineral weathering, and cloud forest succession as interactive drivers of soil organic carbon and nutrient balances in central Veracruz, Mexico
- Cloud Phase Characteristics Over Southeast Asia from A-Train Satellite Observations
- Comparative Analysis of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Quantifying Agronomic and Water Quality Tradeoffs of Fertilizer Management Practices
- Comparing green infrastructure to grey infrastructure to reduce stormwater network overflow and cost
- Comparison of Co-Incident MISR, Terra MODIS and ISS-CATS Cloud Top Heights
- Comparison of ICON O<SUP>+</SUP> density profiles with electron density profiles provided by COSMIC-2 and ground-based ionosondes
- Complex Drivers of Interdecadal Variation in Clastic Sediment Yield from a Forested Mountain Basin: The Role of Hydroclimate, Land Use and Geomorphic Connectivity.
- Controls of Quasi-linear Convective System Tornado Intensity
- Convergent Hydraulic Redistribution in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem with Groundwater Access
- Correlating crustal and lithospheric signatures with geological features in the central midcontinent from a high-resolution joint inversion of H-κ-c receiver functions and ambient noise tomography
- Creating Valid Scientific Experiences Through A Symbiotic Citizen Science Program: A Climate Observing Network Case Study
- Criterion for Analyzing the Ability of Climate Models to Represent Major Extreme Events
- Crop-specic exposure to extreme temperature and wetness for the globe for the last half century
- Crowd Sourcing Design Preferences from Social Media using Natural Language Processing: Insights on Green Infrastructure Design
- CrunchREWT, a coupled root exudation and reactive transport model for Critical Zone biogeochemical dynamics
- D and H in the Lower and Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Dating Off-axis Volcanism Along the 8°20'N Seamount Chain Using Sediment Thickness Proxy from Near-bottom Chirp Images
- Deciphering the nature of LLSVPs using constraints from geoid and dynamic topography
- Density driven confluence mixing pattern identified using high-resolution aerial images at Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal
- Deriving Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) across different subtropical grasslands of Florida Using Landsat-8 corroborated by onsite Eddy Covariance GPP estimates
- Determination of isotopic fractionation of hexavalent Cr induced by reduction with sulfide
- Developing a 5-min 2-km solar radiation product from GOES-R geostationary satellite towards hourly 10-m ET estimations in real time for the Continental United States
- Development and Validation of the SafeSpaces Survey: a Unique Measure of Interpersonal Work Climates in Research Settings
- Development of a plant water stress index based on soil moisture supply and atmospheric evaporative demand for agricultural irrigation management
- Differences and similarities of lithosphere deformation during flat-slab subduction and plume underplating
- Direct evidence of ionospheric variability driven by the neutral wind dynamo
- Diurnal Variability of Cloudiness Over the Indian Subcontinent Using ISRO Satellite Kalpana1
- Divergent responses of shrub cover in upland and lowland tundra ecosystems to climate change and fire disturbance
- Do you know where your water comes from? Understanding artificial flows in the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifer System of Northeast Illinois through participatory modelling
- Downscaling process-based soil organic matter models and nitrogen input data for use by organic grain farmers
- Droplet Size Tomography Using Multi-View Polarimetric Measurements
- E- and F-region Wind Influences on the Topside Equatorial ionosphere Observed by ICON
- Effect of Biomass Burning, Firework Emissions, and Haze Events on the Oxidative Potential of Ambient Particulate Matter in Delhi, India
- Effects of Aquatic Vegetation on Gas Exchange Process Across Air-Water and Sediment-Water Interface
- Effects of Ion Composition on the Excitation and Propagation of N<SUP>+ </SUP>EMIC Waves
- Effects of management practices on crop yields in the conterminous United States
- Effects of model spatial scale on soil water movement and ecosystem fluxes
- Emissions of aerosols and climate-warming gases from coal-fired brick kilns in South Asia and Colombia
- Estimating sources and sinks for CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O from the CONUS soil during recent past decades
- Evaluating Public Perception of Communication Effectiveness by USGS Volcanoes Social Media Accounts During Kīlauea's 2018 Eruption
- Evaluating consistencies between total columnCO2 measurements from OCO-2 and the in-situ network
- Evaluation of Nitrate Load Estimations in the Midwestern United States
- Evolution of a Canyon-Fan Complex: Interacting Bedrock-Alluvial Morphodynamics
- Exploring Upper-Mantle Dynamics using Global Adjoint Convection Models
- Exploring sea-level rise uncertainties using CMIP5/CMIP6 ensembles combined with a reduced complexity climate model (Hector-BRICK)
- Exposure of Urban Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Supply Chains to Water Scarcity in China.
- Faulting Modulation of Earthquakes at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Fog Formation during Gravity Currents Interacting with Coastal Topography
- From simulated data to AR: 3D visualization techniques for meaningful representation of atmospheric gravity wave data and AR applications
- Global Land-Use Change, Biomass and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Producing Plant- and Animal-based Human Food
- Global Projections of Human-Perceived Heat Stress in Cities Under Climate Change
- Global exospheric structure and temporal variability inferred from combined Lyman-alpha and Balmer-alpha emission data
- Global gross primary productivity and terrestrial ecosystem respiration products derived from Breathing Earth System Simulator (BESS)
- Global retrieved snowfall properties using a neural network and GPM-DPR
- Gravity Wave Study in the MLT using ICON-MIGHTI Temperature and Wind Observations
- How do the nitrogen ions escape the Earth's atmosphere?
- How does Trade Impact Agricultural Productivity?
- How much and why are global land surface flux estimates uncertain?
- How wrong is the model and how can it still be useful?
- Hybrid Machine Learning Framework for Analyzing and Optimizing Real-time Soil Moisture Sensor Arrays
- Hydrological Basis of the Budyko Curve: Data Guided Exploration of the Mediating Role of Soil Moisture
- Hydrological Extremes and Human Society
- IMAGINE :Identifying Misconceptions of Access of Underrepresented Groups in Engineering
- Impact on global air quality due to reduced mobility from COVID-19 related shutdowns
- Impacts of Droughts on Water Resources System From the Perspective of Mutual Interactions Between Society and Environment
- Impacts of land surface processes on soil organic carbon dynamics in a mountainous area
- Importance of nitrogen controls on carbon sequestration in regrowing forests of the Mid-west and Northeast United States
- Improving drought monitoring and crop yield prediction with field-scale soil moisture
- Improving how we communicate the uncertainty of flood predictions made with probabilistic weather forecasts
- Incorporating Fish Physiology in Stream Restoration: The Influences of Turbulence on Fish Energetics and Positional Choice
- Incorporating a plant water supply-demand framework into Noah-MP land surface model to simulate hydrological fluxes for agroecosystems
- Inflation of Okmok volcano during 2008 to 2020 from PS analyses and source inversion with finite element models
- Intelligent Earth: Diffusion of Geoscience Research and Cyberinfrastructure innovations with authentic data and computational tasks
- Investigating the Effect of Land Use Change on Subsurface, Surface and Atmospheric Branches of the Hydrologic Cycle Using Observations from RELAMPAGO field Campaign in Argentina
- Investigation of Multi-fidelity Co-Kriging Model for Hydraulic Conductivity in Sangamon Watershed
- Jupyter Notebooks as a tool to increase Visibility of EarthCube Products
- L1G Prediction of Geomagnetically-Induced Currents: Dataset Partitioning and Performance Analysis
- Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry Reveals Complex Two-Dimensional Structure of Flow at a Stream Confluence
- Late-Cretaceous Izanagi Flat Subduction below East Asia and Tectonic Responses
- Latitudinal and Longitudinal gradients of midlatitudes thermospheric winds over Urbana Atmospheric Observatory
- Leaf and Wood Decomposition Across Tropical Lowland and Montane Forests: A Pantropical Study Across Climates
- Leveraging Field-Campaign Networks to Effect Collaborative Change on Sexual Harassment
- Leveraging deep roots to elucidate the connection between subsurface moisture and the atmosphere
- Linking the flow across a permeable boundary using a refractive index matching approach: first evidence of amplitude modulation crossing the interface
- Low and Mid-latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Response to the April 2020 Storm
- Machine Learning predictions of cropland ecosystem respiration
- Making it Easier to Keep People Safe when Hot, Tall Rock Things Burst
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle Heterogeneity: Insights from the 8°20' N Near-Axis Seamount Chain
- Modeling Sequence of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip With High Resolution Fault Zone Physics
- Modeling deformation and seismicity prior to the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Modeling the hydrodynamics of Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS) and nearshore areas in Lake Michigan: Investigation of different flow behaviors under low and high Lake Michigan level conditions
- Multiyear Hybrid Prediction of Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity and the Predictability Sources
- Nitrogen Isotopic Fractionations during Nitric Oxide Production in an Agricultural Soil
- Nitrogen-Enhanced Mineralization of Soil Organic Phosphorus in a Midwestern Floodplain Soil
- Observations of Strong Vertical Winds within the Auroral Zone during Active Geomagnetic Disturbances
- Observations of the Wave-Driven Vertical Fluxes of Na, Fe, and Heat in the MLT at McMurdo Station, Antarctica (77.84˚S, 166.67˚E)
- Optimizing the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Novel Applications in Volcanology
- Perspectives on deep convective updraft modes using multi-sensor remote sensing data from RELAMPAGO-CACTI
- Phase Characterization of Cold Sector Southern Ocean Cloud Tops
- Placing extreme events into historical context: the AWSSI example
- Potential Impacts of Supersonic Aircraft Emissions on Ozone and Resulting Forcing on Climate
- Poyang and Dongting Lakes, Yangtze River: Tributary Lakes Blocked by Main-stem Aggradation
- Predicting atmospheric particle number concentration from roadway surveillance video
- Predicting directional properties of heterogeneous rocks from micro-CT images using deep neural networks
- Prediction System for Vector-Borne Disease - Model and Geospatial Application
- Prediction of Soft Proton Contamination in XMM-Newton: a Machine Learning Approach
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Process-oriented Model Diagnostics for Extended-range Forecasts
- Promoting Basal Slide and Flank Eruptions due to Edifice Relaxation in the Mauna Loa-Kīlauea Volcanic System, Hawaiʻi
- Quantification of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Isotopic Composition and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Flux in Bioenergy Crops Using Eddy Covariance
- Quantification of high-resolution surface soil organic carbon in croplands using airborne imaging spectroscopy, soil database, and deep learning
- Quantifying N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission hotspots and mitigation potential for individual fields in the US Corn Belt with a metamodeling approach
- Quantifying high-temperature stress on canopy photosynthesis at the Temperature Free-Air Controlled Enhancement (T-FACE) experiment: the unique role of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in capturing plant physiological stress
- Quantifying the Impact of Dynamic Storm-Time Exospheric Density on Plasmaspheric Refilling
- Quantifying the carbon budget of the U.S. Midwestern agroecosystems through model-data fusion
- Quantifying the dynamics of transitional clay flows using a novel experimental approach
- Real-time ET Estimation based on Soil Moisture Sensor Array
- Reconciling estimates of viscoelastic mantle structure using transient rheology - Glacial Isostatic Adjustment across North America and Antarctica
- Recurrent Proterozoic to Phanerozoic Tectonism in Southwestern Montana Basement Ranges Constrained by Low Temperature Thermochronometric Data
- Resilience and Efficiency in Food Trade Networks
- Revealing the role of "hidden heavy ions" component in the terrestrial polar wind outflow
- Role of Atmospheric Moisture flux in Establishing Feasibility of Freshwater Harvesting from Near Sea Surface Atmospheric Layer
- Role of Inductive Electric Field on the Build-up of Storm Time Ring Current
- Safeguard global supply chains to protect food security during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Satellite Mapping of Tillage and Cover Crop Practices at Field Level for the US Corn Belt
- Seasonal Predictability of Baroclinic Waves Establishes Pathway Toward Predicting Extratropical Extremes
- Sixteen years (2002-2018) of SABER measurements and the MSIS model were used to study the average SAO (semi-annual oscillation) and AO (annual oscillation) variations of k<SUB>zz</SUB> (eddy diffusion coefficient) in the mesosphere (80-96 km).
- Socio-Hydrologic Modeling of the Dynamics of Cooperation in the Transboundary Lancang-Mekong River
- Socio-hydrological Issues Preventing Restoration of the Urmia Lake in Iran
- Solar cycle variability of hydrogen density at the Martian exobase
- Stage-related changes in flow structure at three small confluences: implications for process-form interactions
- Summertime Stationary Waves Integrate Tropical and Extratropical Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Synthesis of using SIF and spectral indices in estimating GPP for corn and soybean
- The Cold Pools of CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex
- The Highly Variable Ratio of D/H in Atoms Escaping from Mars
- The Impact of Ice Sheet Withdrawal on the Stability of Magma Systems
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer: Results from Year #1 on Orbit.
- The Observed Relationship Between GOES-16 Derived Overshooting Top Area and Midlevel Updraft Area
- The Observed Relationship Between Pretornadic Mesocyclone Characteristics and Tornado Intensity with Machine Learning Applications
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable knowledge-generation from big geospatial data
- The Quasi-2-Day Wave (Q2DW) and Q2DW-Tide Interactions as Viewed in ICON/MIGHTI Winds
- The Response of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System from Large-Scale Waves Associated with Geomagnetic Storms as Seen from the Ionospheric Connection Explorer
- The Rock Matrix Around CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex's Gemstones: The Value of the Apparently Mundane in Shaping Earth System Observation
- The Role of Motility and Chemotaxis in Biodegradation of Nitrate by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in Diffusion Dominated Porous Media
- The Tale of How a Menacing Virus Temporarily Improved the Natural Environment of the Long-Polluted Dhaka City
- The distribution of organic matter in aragonite spherules: Insights into potential biotic mechanisms of spherule formation
- The fate of legacy sediments and its impact on dissolved oxygen in urban stream during storms
- The role of vegetation on bankfull river morphodynamics
- Thermodynamic basis for the demarcation of Arctic/alpine treelines
- Thermospheric Wind Observations from MIGHTI on ICON: An Overview of Instrument Performance and Data Characteristics
- Top-Down Approach for Time-Variant Anthropogenic Signature Attribution in Socio-Hydrological Systems
- Toward defining and implementing FAIR for research software
- Towards a multiscale crop modelling framework for climate change adaptation assessment
- Towards large-scale mapping of tree crops with high-resolution satellite imagery and deep learning algorithms: a case study of olive orchards in Morocco
- Transformative management approaches for grasslands
- Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances in the Midlatitude Thermosphere: Coordinated Ground- and Space-Based Observations
- Triangle Shaped Bends Associated with Peat in the Zoige Basin, Northeast Qinghai - Tibet Plateau, China
- Tsunami generation due to supershear earthquakes: a case study
- Uncertainties in Driving Agricultural Models with Downscaled and Bias-Corrected Climate Information
- Understanding Ocean Bathymetry using Machine Learning
- Understanding the nature of causal information flow using directed acyclic graphs in land-atmosphere exchange using high-frequency flux tower data.
- Understanding the role of exospheric density in the ring current recovery rate
- Using Immersive Technologies to Teach Advanced STEM Concepts in Engineering Education
- Using antecedent soil moisture information for accurate prediction of subseasonal-to-seasonal hydroclimate variability over South America
- Validating runoff of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) CMIP6 simulation against surface observation and reanalysis data
- Validation of land surface temperature products from MODIS, ECOSTRESS, Landsat, GOES-R, VIIRS and Sentinel-3 benchmarked on in situ measurements in the U.S. Corn Belt
- Variational Target Encoding for Integrating Climate Models
- Visualization and Analysis of 3D Data in the Geosciences Using the yt Platform
- Water conservation policies under drought conditions: the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area case study
- Watershed Functional Zonation: Linking Watershed Patterns, Processes and Functions through Advanced Characterization Technologies
- What makes the Earth lose weight?
- A Comparison of Turbulent Inflow Statistics at Six Tidal Energy Sites
- A Global Climatology of Overshooting Top Occurrence and Area from Satellite Observations
- A Novel Hybrid Phenology Matching Model for Robust Crop Growth Stage Characterization
- A Physiological Signal Derived from Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Quantifies Crop Physiological Response to Environmental Stresses in the U.S. Corn Belt
- A Science Plan for a Coordinated Regional Hydroclimate Project in the United States Focussed on Land-Atmosphere Processes
- A Self-Supervised Learning Benchmark for Datasets in Agriculture
- A Spatial Analysis to Identify Opportunities for Water Reuse in the United States
- A Window into the Optically Thick Hydrogen Geocorona from GOES-R Solar Occultations
- A new geodynamic framework for the evolution from intraplate orogeny to continental extension
- A reactive transport approach to modeling cave seepage water chemistry for improved understanding of speleothem-based paleoclimate proxies.
- A reactive transport model for celestite precipitation in shale reservoirs subject to hydraulic fracturing
- Adaptative System of Interconnected Loops Emerged from People Coping with Degrading Environment
- Addressing coastal monitoring data gaps in the Great Lakes of North America using UAVs, ROVs, and community scientists
- Advanced Earthquake Cycle Simulations: Bimaterial Interfaces, LVFZ, and nonlinear bulk rheology
- Aerosol Vertical Transport, Exchange, and Transformation in Maritime Southeast Asia: Observations and Implications from CAMP2Ex and PISTON
- Airborne hyperspectral imaging of cover crop outcomes and tillage intensity in croplands by machine learning and radiative transfer modeling
- Altered Belowground C Cycling and Water Use Efficiency in Southeastern US Following Land Conversion to Sugarcane
- An AI Approach to Soil Health and Nutrient Management
- An improved assessment of record-setting US daily temperatures using homogenized data
- An integrated river planform and sandbar detection tool based on Google Earth Engine and its application in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta with high-resolution satellite images
- Anabranching reaches juxtaposed with lowland meandering rivers in the midwestern United States: morphological characteristics and power regimes
- Analyzing Stakeholder Engagement in the CFEWS (Climate-induced extremes on the linked Food, Energy, Water System) Research Framework
- Anatomy of Strike Slip Fault Tsunami genesis
- Anomalous Behavior of the Thermosphere Triggered by the Category 4 Hurricane Maria.
- Antecedent Conditions Control Thresholds of Tile-Runoff Generation and Nitrogen Export in Intensively Managed Landscapes
- Aspirations for, and Realities of, Publishing and Sharing Water Information in HydroShare
- Assessing cellular responses to ambient PM2.5 in the Midwest USA using a Semi-automated Instrument for Cellular Oxidative Potential Evaluation (SCOPE) and flow cytometric analysis
- Assessing long-term impacts of cover crops on soil carbon in the U.S. Midwest agroecosystems
- Assessing the impact of replacing corn with second generation perennial bioenergy crops in the US-Midwest.
- Assessing the impacts of different nitrogen application strategies on crop productivity and environmental sustainability in the U.S. Midwest
- Attacking structural uncertainty with particle-resolved aerosol models
- BESSv2.0: A Satellite-driven and Coupled-process Model for Quantifying Global Land-atmosphere Radiation, Energy and CO2 Fluxes since 1982
- BioCro II: a Software Package for Modular Crop Growth Simulations
- Building a Better Forecast: Reformulating the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Improved Applications to Volcanology
- Can droughts weaken forest carbon sequestration in the Northeast United States?
- Changes in the Morphology of Combined-Flow Dunes as a Function of Water Depth: Links to the Sedimentology of Larger-Scale Barforms
- Changing nature of the extremes: Novel indices to identify intensity and rank of extreme events in CONUS
- Characterization of Macrophysical Characteristics of Clouds and Precipitation during the CAMP2Ex Field Campaign
- Characterization of the temporal and spatial scales of the terrestrial exosphere based on ensemble data assimilation
- Characterizing Uncertainties in the Crop Switching Decision Problem for U.S. Agriculture
- Characterizing soil P fluxes spanning 150 years of agricultural intensification in the Corn Belt
- Characterizing the Ability of Prescribed Fire to Reduce Future Wildfire Smoke Emissions in the Central Sierra, CA.
- Charting pathways for sustainable sanitation systems in low-income settings with DMsan: a multi-criteria approach
- Climate change signal in global agriculture emerges earlier in new generation of climate and crop models
- Climate-induced Extremes on the Food, Energy, Water Nexus (C-FEWS) and the Role of Engineered and Natural Infrastructure
- Climatology of the nighttime thermospheric winds over Sutherland, South Africa
- Cloud and aerosol plume dynamics inferred by the Tandem Stereographic Camera concept as part of NASAs future Atmosphere Observing System: Aerosol, Cloud, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) satellite mission.
- Coevolution and Prediction of Coupled Human-Water Systems: A Synthesis of Change in Hydrology and Society
- Cold Season Performance of the NU-WRF Regional Climate Model in the Great Lakes Region
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Comparing National Greenhouse Gas Budgets Reported in UNFCCC Inventories against Atmospheric Inversions
- Comparison of CH4 emissions reported in UNFCCC inventories against atmospheric inversions
- Comparison of Cumulus Cloud Microphysical Properties Inside and Outside Plumes of Biomass Burning and Anthropogenic Aerosols: Results from CAMP2Ex
- Conflict and Cooperation Phenomenon: the Eastern Nile River Basin
- Connecting above-ground greenhouse gas fluxes with subsurface nutrient cycling at an intensively-managed cattle grazing pasture
- Continental bottom-up data assimilation to support terrestrial carbon cycle and disturbance Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Forecasting
- Continental-scale converging mantle flow beneath Eurasia and America, from model to observation
- Contributions of Transient Rheology to Geophysical Deformation: Examples from the Deep to Shallow Earth
- Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Simulations over South America
- Convective Windstorms in a Warmer Climate: A PGW Study Based on the 10 August 2020 Midwestern Derecho Event
- Correcting in-situ SIF measurements from nadir view footprint to the whole flux-tower landscape
- Could Oceanic Evaporation Serve as Freshwater Source to Mitigate Water Stress?
- Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Effects on Injection-Induced Seismicity in Fractured Reservoirs
- Coupled numerical modeling and remote sensing data analysis of river mixing surface patterns and sub-surface processes at Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal-Calumet Sag River confluence
- Critical Zone Dynamics of Intensively Managed Agricultural Landscapes: Some Key Findings from Eight Years of Observatory Study
- Crop-Specific Groundwater Use and Depletion in the Continental United States
- Deciphering the processes leading to loss of heavy ions from the terrestrial ionosphere
- Deformation mapping and source modeling of the Makushin volcano during 2011 to 2021
- Demonstration of Satellite-Chemical Transport Model Framework to Estimate Near-Real-Time PM2.5 Composition
- Dependence of Ice Microphysical Properties on Environmental Parameters: Results from HAIC/HIWC Cayenne Field Campaign
- Design of Stormwater Drainage Network in SWMM to Alleviate Urban Flood Hazard of Dhaka City
- Development of a smart-and-connected irrigation system for rural communities in Nebraska
- Diagnosing and evaluating the dynamics of terrestrial carbon cycle models
- Digital Rocks Portal: connecting data, simulation, machine learning and research community
- Distributed Space Telescopes Enabled by Constellation of Small Satellites
- Diverged Carbon and Water Dynamics between Corn and Soybean in Mature No-tillage Rotation Agroecosystems in Midwest, USA
- Divergent historical GPP trends among state-of-the-art multi-model simulations and satellite-based products
- Drought propagation in the water-scarce northeast of Brazil: societal response to spatio-temporal dynamics of water storage
- Earthquake Detective: Citizen Scientists Use Eyes and Ears to Classify Small Seismic Events
- East Asian lithospheric evolution in response to west Pacific subduction since 100 Ma
- Ecosystem thermodynamic response to anthropogenic alteration of vegetation composition
- Effect of concurrent solubilization and fines migration on fracture aperture growth in shale rocks during acidized core floods
- Environmental controls on the lifecycle of tropical mesoscale convective systems
- Estimating the Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration in the US Crop Fields using Knowledge Guided Machine Learning
- Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in a Watershed Using Multi-source Data via Co-Kriging and Bayesian Experimental Design
- Evaluation Cropping Systems Decisions on Carbon Sequestration Using Crop Simulations in Illinois
- Examining residents perceptions and attitudes toward sources and messengers of Kilaueas 2018 eruption information
- Exospheric variability during geomagnetic storms and its effect on ring current decay
- Factors affecting sealing capacity of shaly caprock
- Filling the price gap for the cellulosic bioenergy by incorporating the environmental benefits in the bioeconomy cycle
- First Antarctic Lidar Measurements of Vertical Fluxes of Sensible Heat, Na, Energy, and Enthalpy Induced by the Complete Temporal Spectrum of Gravity Waves in the MLT Above McMurdo
- First results from the DASI network of thermospheric green line airglow imagers to study I-T coupling
- Food flows between counties in the United States from 2007 to 2017
- From Substrate to Surface: A Turbulence-based Model to Predict Interfacial Gas Transfer across Sediment-water-air Interfaces in Vegetation Streams with Sediments
- Geomorphic Response of a Gravel-bed Braided River to a Sediment Pulse Generated by a Catastrophic Landslide
- Global Carbon Fluxes Caused by Land Cover Change, Farming Practices, and Wood Harvest
- Global Disparities in PM2.5 Exposure Caused by Consumption of Goods and Services
- Global Distribution of Height-Stratified Cloud Amount as Observed from Long-term Satellite and Ground-based Remote Sensing
- Global Studies of Energy Virtual Water Trade Networks
- High spatial-temporal resolution estimation of irrigation timing and amount based on the data-model fusion
- How Meteor Influx Affects Sodium Layer
- How Scale and Scaling Matter in the Pursuit of Ecosystem Services in the Bioeconomy with a FEW Examples.
- How do different environmental conditions and droplet characteristics impact the evolution of cloud droplet temperature?
- How does calcite control stimulation fluid imbibition in shale?
- Ice in Southern Ocean Clouds with Cloud Top Temperatures Exceeding -5C
- Idealized Simulations of Solar Wind-Supernova Collisions 3 Myr Ago
- Identify climatic impacts of land use across different scales
- Identifying System and Generator Vulnerabilities Through a Sensitivity Analysis of a Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow Formulation
- Illuminating Faults and Stresses Using Deep Learning-Enabled Seismology for Injection-Induced Seismicity in Decatur, IL
- Impact of Overhead Netting on Crop Photosynthesis and Surface Heat Fluxes
- Impact of hyporheic flow on oxygen mass transfer and chemical processes under various flow and bed conditions: a study using Detached Eddy Simulations
- Impact of photovoltaic rooftops in the Chicago metro area
- Impact of sugarcane cultivation on C fluxes in Southeastern United States following conversion from grazed pastures
- Importance of Coupling the 3D Lake Model to the Regional Climate Model in Simulating the Great Lakes System
- Increased uncertainty in land-use change impacts on near-surface air temperature due to global warming in CMIP6-LUMIP experiments
- Increasing Resilience in Agroecosystems: Mitigating Climate Change and Crop Loss to Excessive Moisture with Flood-Tolerant Perennial Bioenergy Crops.
- Influence of Extreme Air Pollution Episodes on the Oxidative Potential of Ambient Particulate Matter in Delhi, India
- Influence of interactive effects of climate extremes and changing technology and management on crop productivity in the CONUS
- Informing Nature-based Climate Solutions with the best-available science: a research agenda for the land-atmosphere flux community
- Integrating agricultural best management practices and engineering technologies for watershed management under the context of Food-Energy-Water systems
- Integrating process-based model and artificial intelligence for calculating cropland carbon budget in the U.S. Midwest
- Interaction of hydrological and anthropogenic processes controls the relationship between streamflow discharge and nitrogen concentration in the U.S. Midwestern watersheds
- Interception Efficiency and Destructive Weather Drive Biomass Yield Variability in Energy Sorghum
- Intermittent Post-Paleocene continental collision in South Asia
- Intra-annual variation of Kzz and O density in the MLT using SABER and SCIAMACHY data: A new, pre-summer solstice oscillation
- Investigating the Impact of Climate Extremes on Nitrogen Flux in CONUS Watersheds
- Kiritimati Lakes: Windows into Past Atoll Hydrology, Microbial Community Dynamics, and Central Pacific Climate
- Lacustrine sediment microbial community response to an extreme El Nino event
- Leveraging High-resolution Gridded Datasets and AquaCrop to Improve Remote Sensing-based Estimates of Smallholder Maize Yields
- Lithosphere Delamination and Relamination Reconcile Craton Longevity and Temporal Variations
- Long-term ground-based SIF measurements in the U.S. Corn Belt
- Mantle Sources and Melting Processes Facilitated by the Delamination of Lithosphere Beneath East Antarctica: Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence from the Southernmost Volcanoes on Earth
- Mapping cover crop practices at the field level across the U.S. Corn Belt since 2001 to the present using multi-source satellite Earth Observation data
- Measurements of Vertical Winds in the MLT over McMurdo, Antarctica and Possible Connections to the (Residual) Meridional Circulation and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Input
- Microtopography matters: Soil drainage legacy effects on nitrous oxide hot spots and hot moments in agroecosystems
- Modeling Sequence of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS) with Off-Fault Viscoplasticity
- Modelling Coupled Channel-Floodplain Response to Dam Construction in Tropical Rivers
- Monitoring plant canopy structure using a regional ground observation network
- Multi-campaign analysis of smoke properties and cloud interactions in the Southeast Atlantic using ORACLES, LASIC, and CLARIFY data with WRF-CAM5
- Near-Ridge Magmatism Explored Using 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Enriched MORB from the 820' N Seamount Chain
- New insights into global decomposition: Wood decay by termites show high sensitivity to warming
- Non-migrating structures in the midlatitude thermosphere during December solstice
- Not-so-EZ-Climate: Updating a climate-economy model with a state-of-the-art climate emulator
- Numerical investigation of the effect of riparian vegetation on bankfull river morphodynamics
- On modeling the interdependency among adaptive reservoir operation, floodplain land-use, and agricultural production: a socio-hydrological approach.
- On the Long-period Coda Energy of Large Earthquakes: Generation, Decay and Applications
- On the Mechanisms and a Predictor for Suspended Sediment Under Waves Through Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- Optimization of Agricultural Management for Soil Carbon Sequestration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Crop System Simulations
- Paleolacustrine Archives of Thermoerosion from Arctic Alaska
- Panta Rhei benchmark dataset project: A data-guided exploration of sustainability in socio-hydrological systems
- Parametric Uncertainty Quantification in Urban Flooding Models
- Permanganate Oxidizable Carbon Reference Conditions for Soil Survey
- Permanganate oxidation and organic matter: review and next steps
- Persulfate-Replacement Strategies for Mitigating Strontium Scaling in the Permian Basin
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning Method for Large-Scale Data Assimilation Problems
- Physics-constrained deep learning model for data assimilation and uncertainty analysis in subsurface flow problems
- Pore-merging methodology for simulating reactive dissolution of porous media using pore-network models
- Pore-scale modeling of reactive transport and mineral dissolution in porous media
- Potential Changes in Hail Characteristics and Processes in a Future Climate Using a Pseudo-Global Warming Approach
- Precipitation Susceptibility of Marine Stratocumulus with Variable Above and Below-Cloud Aerosol Concentrations over the Southeast Atlantic: Results from ORACLES
- Predicting smoke exposure tradeoffs among forest restoration scenarios in the central Sierra Nevada, California
- Predicting the Variables Affecting the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19
- Prediction of Monsoon Flood Hazard under Climate Change: A Study on Old Brahmaputra River Floodplain of Bangladesh
- Prediction of Organic Matter Particle Emission Rates from Wood Pyrolysis Using Machine Learning
- Predictions of meteorological, hydrological and water supply drought in the US Southwest
- Prospects for improved sensing of the variability of neutral composition near low earth orbit
- Quantification and Reduction of Bias in Multi-layered Cloud-Top Heights from Terra MISR and MODIS
- Quantifying Burned Area of Wildfires from Satellite Active Fire Detections
- Quantifying biomass growth and sulfate reduction rates in a microfluidic-based shale fracture
- Quantifying horizontal vs vertical motions of subducted slabs using global geodynamic models with data-assimilation
- Quantifying the effects of surface obstruction by clouds and vegetation in remote sensing of flood events
- Recent pollution mitigation masks the negative impacts of climate change on crop yields in China
- Recent warming reverses forty-year decline in Catastrophic lake drainage and hastens Gradual lake drainage across northern Alaska
- Reconstructing Paleo-Dynamic Topography of the Ocean Basins: a Somali Basin Case Study
- Reconstructing the Cretaceous North American Subduction History based on Full Waveform Tomography
- Reduced Complexity Modeling of Linked Hydrological, Thermal Pollution, and Nitrogen Transportation Dynamics: A Regional Case Study for the Delaware River Basin
- Reducing stomatal conductance in C4 plants: A trade off between water and CO2
- Remote-sensing advances with LiDAR and hyperspectral data. Proximal sensing improvements in Energy Sorghum.
- Riparian Ecohydrology: The Role of Lateral Moisture Transport in Supporting Hydraulic Redistribution at a Semiarid Site
- Role of Convergent Hydraulic Redistribution in a Riparian Critical Interface in Semiarid Climate
- Role of fractures in crystalline basement in injection induced seismicity
- Role of leaf-level nitrogen allocation in nitrogen-fertilizer management of maize crop under climate change
- Salinity information from hydro-sensitive, biogenic marine carbonate 18O records
- Sectoral contributions to carbonaceous aerosol radiative feedback on climate in the Indian monsoon region
- Sediment and nutrient dynamics under interacting effects of BMPs and a reservoir in an agricultural watershed
- Sentiment analysis for flooding control in Wilmington City, North Carolina
- Simulating N2O Emission from Fertilized Mesocosm Using Knowledge Guided Machine Learning
- Site reigns supreme across temperate grasslands: plant and soil carbon stocks vary widely across sites but are relatively insensitive to decade-long fertilization
- Smart Meter Data to Analyze Electricity Demand from Single- and Multi-family Consumers in a Diverse Urban Environment
- Sources of fine particulate matter in global cities
- Sources of inequity in exposure to fine particulate air pollution
- Sources of the mass concentration and oxidative potential (OP) of ambient fine particulate matter in the Midwestern United States
- Spatial Variation in Drivers of Carbon Fluxes for Energy Sorghum
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Suspended Sediment Concentrations on a Lowland Meandering River Floodplain: Implications for Channel-Floodplain Connectivity
- Stable carbon isotope values of syndepositional ooids and micrite record photosynthesis intensity
- Stable lithium isotope signatures of a large storm in an upland stream typified by chemostatic solute signatures
- Statistically bias-corrected and downscaled climate models underestimate the adverse effects of extreme heat on U.S. maize yields
- Substantial carbon loss reveals the importance of long-term measurements for capturing inter-annual variability in corn-soybean agroecosystems as we adapt management to changing climate
- Summertime Stationary Waves: Variability, Projected Changes and Implications for Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Supershear shock front contributions to the Palu bay tsunami following the Mw 7.5 Sulawesi earthquake
- Surface ocean 18 O salinity regions as revealed by machine learning
- Temporal Evolution of Dense Cratonic Mantle Lithosphere Revealed by Geological and Geophysical Observations
- The Amazon and La Plata river basins as Moisture Sources of South America: Climatology and Intra-seasonal Variability
- The Carbon Footprint of Cold Chain Food Flows between Counties in the United States
- The Curious Case of Heavy Ions and Their Journey Through Space
- The Effects of Small Geomagnetic Storms on Ionospheric Densities
- The Impact of Ice Sheets on the Stability of Magma Systems
- The Martian D/H Ratio In Escaping Atoms and Evidence for Primordial Water
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway
- The Ring Current as a Critical Element in the Geospace System
- The Transportable Phased Array Radar: Meeting community imperatives in weather science
- The Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network: Delivering Flood Information to AnyOne, AnyTime AnyWhere
- The impact of extreme drought on carbon cycling and bedrock weathering: In-situ observations from a seasonally dry montane forest
- The importance of near-equilibrium conditions in oscillatory boundary layer flows
- The use of Convective Permitting Modeling in South America Research
- Thermal pressurization induced the frequency-dependent rupture during the 2019 Mw8.0 Peru intermediate-depth earthquake
- Thermodynamic controls on atmospheric deep convection in the tropical Pacific: new insights from combining observations across multiple platforms
- Thermospheric wind observations over the West Coast of the continental US: First results from DASI network of optical instrumentation
- These Turbulent Times: Interactions Between Fish and Turbulence-Generating Simulated Instream Restoration Structures and Their Influence on Fish Energy Use
- Three-Dimensional Imaging of Fracture-Matrix Interactions during Brine Imbibition through a Naturally Fractured Shale Rock
- Tornado intensity under future climate change
- Tracking the Behavior of N+ and O+ Throughout the Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- Treefall Gap Redistributes Water Usage of Trees Across Canopy Levels in a Premontane Tropical Forest
- Tropical Cyclone Interactions with Madden-Julian Oscillation Convection in the Indian Ocean
- Turbulence. The cause of and a possible solution to open questions about biophysical interactions in rivers.
- Two-dimensional mapping of the time-variable plasmasphere using Van Allen Probes observations.
- Typologies for Rural Water Security in India
- Uncertainty in solar wind propagation leads to biased estimates of the ionospheric response
- Understanding sea salt aerosols in the Arctic: Estimating emissions from open leads in sea ice
- Unexpected high non-growing season N2O emissions from many croplands in the U.S. Midwest
- Unique Field Recordings: Dune Dynamics and Preservation in the River Waal, Netherlands, using MBES and Sub-bottom Time Series, and Implications for Sediment Transport and the Sedimentary Record
- Unlearning Racism in Geosciences: A Case Study from the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- Urban Climate Modeling to Quantify Runoff Reduction from Ground-Based Green Stormwater Infrastructure Implementation
- Uses of Meteorological, Hydrological and Hydraulic Models for Reservoir Management in Cordoba Province, Argentina
- Using Cross-Scale Data to Constrain an Agro-Ecosystem Model to Produce Estimates of Miscanthus Production at a Field-Scale
- Using Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Imaging to Understand Global Transport in Geospace During Active Intervals
- Using VR Technology to Teach Electricity and Magnetism
- Using a Land-Surface Hydrology Model to Evaluate the Role of Vegetation Phenology in Altering the Carbon, Energy, and Water Budgets During the 2012 Kansas Flash Drought
- Using climate models to assess spatio-temporal crime behavior in cities
- Validating Pyshdom: A Tool for the 3D Reconstruction of Clouds using Multi-Angle Radiances and a 3D Radiative Transfer Model.
- Validation of MODIS Bi-spectral Retrieved Liquid Cloud Droplet Effective Radius over the Philippines with CAMP2Ex Airborne Remote Sensing and In-Situ Measurements
- Validation of rotational temperature derived from the Arecibo Observatory Ebert-Fastie spectrometer with a co-located Potassium Temperature Lidar
- Valuing Changes in the Portfolio of Service Flows in a Coupled Food, Energy, Water System Subject to Climate Shocks (C-FEWS)
- Variations in Ionospheric Heavy Ion (N+, O+, N2+, NO+, O2+) Densities with Geomagnetic Activity
- Variations in Scroll Bar Topography in Meandering Rivers: Steady Uniform (Normal) vs Unsteady Non-Uniform (Backwater) Flow
- Waterlogging Drives Shifts in the Stoichiometry and Concentrations of Mineral Bound and Soluble Soil C, N and P
- Western U.S. Crustal Stress and Relative Motion Controlled by Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interaction
- When Stars Attack! Deep-Ocean and Lunar Radioisotopes as Evidence for A Near-Earth Supernova 3 Mya and Implications for a Dyanamic Local Interstellar Environment
- Where management and climate variability matter most: an evaluation of metrics for monitoring agroecosystem production and phenology
- (In)stability of the Laurentian Surface from Multisystem Thermochronometry
- A Missing Flux? Measuring CH4 Emissions from Bioenergy Agroecosystems Across Crop Types Under Varying Climatic Conditions in the Midwestern United States
- A Multi-Probe Automated Classification of Ice Crystal Habits During the IMPACTS Campaign
- A Multi-scale Soil Moisture and Temperature Observation Network over Cropland in Central Illinois, U.S.
- A Multisite Evaluation of Stratified and Balanced Sampling for Estimating Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Agricultural Fields
- A Novel Phenology Guided Deep Learning Model for Within-Season Field-Level Crop Mapping
- A Novel Phenology-Guided Bayesian-CNN Framework for Crop Yield Estimation
- A Novel Transfer Learning Framework to Predict High-resolution Daily Urban 2m-height Air Temperature
- A diagnostic approach to modeling watersheds with human interference
- A framework for scalably quantifying field-level agricultural carbon outcomes
- A pH-Dependent Kinetic Model for Barite (BaSO4) Accumulation in Shales
- A study of aerosol climatology in cloud-free and cloudy conditions and the impact of cirrus on direct aerosol radiative effect
- A study of the long-term morphodynamic effect of wing dams in the case of "Mississippi"-like rivers
- A unified framework to reconcile different theories of modeling transpiration response to drought: plant hydraulics, supply-demand balance, and empirical soil moisture stress
- AI-empowered hyperspectral sensing advances agricultural ground truthing across scales
- Accelerated Discovery of Crop Yield Responses to Climate Change by Combining Machine Learning and Process-based Modeling
- Accurate, Efficient, and Scalable Quantification of Field-level Terrestrial Carbon Budget in the United States using Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning
- Acidic flow through artificially fractured shale under differential stress
- Adapting Permafrost Science Use Cases as a Continuous Pipeline with the Clowder Framework
- Adaptive Multipaddock grazing enhances the net storage of C of subtropical pastures and their Water Use Efficiency
- Advancing Airborne Hyperspectral Data Processing for Sustainable Agriculture with Parsl
- Agricultural Nitrate Export Patterns Shaped by Crop Rotation and Tile Drainage
- An AI Approach to Understanding Soil Health and Nutrient Cycling
- An Interpretative Representation Learning Framework for Generating High Spatiotemporal Resolution Leaf Area Index of Croplands
- An Observational and Modeling Strategy in Support of a Regional Hydroclimate Project "Digital Twin" of the United States
- An Origin of North American Monsoon Retreat Biases in Climate Models
- An Overview of Two-Decade-Long Convection Permitting Regional Climate Downscaling over the Continental South America
- An upscaling approach to estimate field-scale irrigation water use
- Analysis of Machine Learning and Neural Network Classifiers for Residential Water End-use Classification in a Single-family Home
- Annual Forest Maps in the Contiguous United States during 2015-2017 from Analyses of PALSAR-2 and Landsat Images
- Applying a convolutional neural network approach to catalog impact craters and volcanic structures on the surface of Venus
- Assessing Watershed-Scale Nutrient Loss Reduction Using SWATplus and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm
- Assessing carbon budget in cotton agroecosystems across the United States
- Assessing long-term impacts of cover crops on soil organic carbon in the central U.S. Midwestern agroecosystems
- Assessing the Functional Significance of Wood Nutrients Along a Soil Fertility Gradient
- Assessing the impacts of different nitrogen application strategies on corn productivity and environmental sustainability in Illinois
- Assessing the impacts of tile drainage on hydrological cycle and crop growth in the U.S. Midwest agroecosystems
- Assessing the optimal water and nitrogen management methods for Maize yield intensification under climate change in Semi-Arid India
- Automated Decision Support for Model Selection in the Nextgen National Water Model
- Basin Controls on the Channel Morphodynamics of Juvenile River Deltas
- Big Imagery in Action: The First Pan-Arctic Ice-wedge Polygon Map
- Building diverse and inclusive teams: Lessons learned from the development of Virtual Reality learning experiences for STEM fields
- Canopy Randomness and Stem Size Effects on the Sediment-Water-Air Interfacial Transfer in Vegetated Flows
- Causal Structure and Evolution of High-Frequency Interactions at the Biosphere-Atmosphere Interface
- Channel Incision and Interaction with Erosion Resistant Delta Substrates
- Channel migration patterns of streams in peat bogs: An example from Cedar Creek, Minnesota
- Characterization of an enigmatic sedimentary dike in southern Ontario, Canada
- Characterize the dependence of hydrogeobiochemical variables on the river chemistry using modified LSTM
- Characterizing ENSO-induced Variability in Top of Atmosphere Radiation
- Climate Change-Driven Changes in Urban Humid Heat Exposure and Cooling Context
- Climatology of Large, Episodic Ammonia Blooms in the U.S. Midwest in Spring and Links to Fertilization Application
- Cloud Top Phase Characterization of Extratropical Cyclones over the Midwest and Northeast United States: Results from IMPACTS
- Co-benefits for agriculture of enhanced rock weathering as a carbon dioxide removal strategy
- Co-evolution of fault zones and seismicity enabled by off-fault plasticity
- Combining watershed modeling and N2O isotopocule analysis to assess N2O dynamics and emission in an intensively agricultural river network of the US Corn Belt
- Common Era Hydroclimate Variability in the Central Tropical Pacific
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Community effort to build a GeneralIzed Aerosol/chemistry iNTerface (GIANT) for Earth System Models to promote collaborative science
- Community experimentation - building an open, accessible future in hydraulics, geomorphology, ecohydraulics, and sedimentology
- Community-based Frameworks for Disaster Resilience: A Case Study in Puerto Rico
- Comparing Three ecosystem CO2 and N2O Flux Measurement Methods Across Spatial and Temporal Scales at a SMARTFARM Corn Production System in Illinois, USA
- Comparison of River and Floodplain Suspended Sediment Concentrations During a Flood Event on a Lowland Meandering River
- Constraints on the Seawater δ18O-Sea Surface Salinity Relationship across the Strong 2015/2016 ENSO Cycle
- Continental Lithosphere Delamination Triggers Subduction Initiation
- Continued Increases of Gross Primary Production in Urban Areas During 2000 - 2016
- Contribution of Wet Soil Moisture Conditions during Extreme Pluvial Flood Events in the Midwestern United States.
- Contributions of Storm-Associated Precipitation and its Extreme using Observations
- Controls of within field soil moisture variability in three agricultural fields in the US Midwest
- Controls on Temporal Variation in Soil Nitrous Oxide Production and Consumption Depend on Soil Organic Carbon Concentration
- Controls on convective modes near complex terrain as observed during RELAMPAGO-CACTI
- Convection-allowing dynamical downscaling for hazardous thunderstorm risk assessment under past and future climates
- Coupled Evolution of Earth's Hydrogen Distribution and Thermal History
- Coupled Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical response of rock to high pressure CO2 injection
- Cratonic High-Conductivity Zones of the US Midcontinent, Based on Magnetotelluric Studies: Insight into Northwest-Trending Long-Lived Fault Zones
- Critical Interface Network (CINet) Data Management and Discovery Using Clowder and Geodashboard Frameworks
- Critical linkages between floodplain geomorphology and riparian forests in intensively managed fluvial landscapes
- Crop2Ameriflux : A Data Pipeline For Ameriflux
- CropSow: an integrative remotely sensed crop modeling framework for field-level crop planting data estimation
- Cross-scale sensing of field-level crop residue cover and cover crops: integrating field observations, airborne hyperspectral imaging, and satellite data
- CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water - An Open Geospatial Computing Platform for Collaborative Water Research
- Cyclic Cratonic Lithosphere Delamination and Relamination Explain the Temporal Variation of Cratons
- Data Guided Exploration of the Energy Partitioning at Land Surface in the Contiguous US
- Decadal-scale modeling of patch-scale shrub cover change in the Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Deep Aquifer Sustainability: Challenges with Perceptions and Misconceptions
- Demonstration of a Probabilistic Flood Prediction Tool at Mission Critical Infrastructure on United States Military Installations
- Detecting tillage practices in the U.S. Midwest using multi-source satellite data
- Determination of Ice Content using Latent Heat during Soil Freezing and Thawing
- Determination of Isotopic Fractionation of Hexavalent Cr Induced by Adsorption on Manganese Oxides
- Development and Advancement of CoverCrop Analyzer: A Decision Support Web Application for Cover Crop Management
- Development of a Framework for Laboratory Testing of Hydrokinetic Microturbines to Optimize Deployment in the Field.
- Diagnosis of Antarctic Blowing Snow with MERRA-2 Reanalysis Using a Machine Learning Model
- Diagnosis of Arctic Cyclone Structure and Comparison with Midlatitude Cyclones
- Different Drivers of Low Cloud Radiative Feedbacks and their Uncertainty in Historical and Future Simulations
- Differentiable modeling in Geosciences - Breaking down the imaginary barrier between machine learning and process-based modeling with differentiable modeling
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Cloud Droplet Growth by Condensation
- Distributional effects in health damages from air pollution from using fossil fuel and electrified vehicles in the United States
- Drivers of Volcano Deformation (DVD) Verification and Validation Exercises: Phase 1
- Dunes, Microplastics and Time: Distribution of Microplastics in Sediments of the River Waal (Rhine), Netherlands
- Economic Uncertainty Dominates Climate Uncertainty in Determining CO2 Price Paths
- Edaphic Factors Are More Important Than Climate for Explaining Congeneric Shrub Trait Variation Across the Arctic Tundra
- Effect of Plastics on Sediment Mobility in Rivers and Coastal Areas.
- Effects of Immersion Freezing Physics Parameterization on Simulated Ice Crystal Formation in Long-Lived Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Effects of Variability of Climatic Conditions on the Production of Mosquitoes from Urban and Rural Stormwater Infrastructure in Central Illinois
- Effects of a Changing Climate on Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosols in the Arctic
- Effects of soil moisture on flooding and strategizing place-based nature-based solutions in urban watersheds: A case study from the Chicago region
- Elevated Urban Energy Risks due to Climate-driven Biophysical Feedbacks
- Enabling Actionable Insights of Climate & Water Risk to the Bulk Power System Through an Interactive Visualization Tool
- Energization of Molecular Ions via Wave Particle Interactions in the Polar Ionosphere
- Energy Sorghum Offers Fewer Climatic Benefits than Perennial Bioenergy Feedstocks when Converting from Maize
- Enhanced Convection and Rainfall over Mesoscale Gradients of Antecedent Soil Moisture in Subtropical South America
- Enhanced Integration of Health, Climate, and Air Quality Management Planning at the Urban Scale
- Enhanced Rock Weathering Benefits the Carbon Balance of Crops Grown for Bioenergy
- Environmental Filtering and Dispersal Limitation Regulate Microbial Nitrogen Cycling in Deep Soil of Miscanthus × giganteus
- Environmental Flow Assessment by Hydrological Method: A Case Study on Dhaka Peripheral River System
- Estimating Global Impacts to Agriculture from Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation
- Estimating Street-level Temperature Using a Machine Learning Approach, a Case Study in Chicago
- Evaluating Cover Crop Planting Date Effects on the Ecological Sustainability of Energy Sorghum
- Evaluating constraints on future climate change based on model skill over the historical record
- Evaluating the Impacts of a Dynamic Nearshore Ice Complex on a Shallow Engineered Coastal Embayment Along a Wave-dominated Beach Shoreline of Southwestern Lake Michigan
- Evaluating the Watershed Response of Subsurface-Drained Agricultural Systems to Drainage Water Management for Nutrient Loss Reductions and Crop Productivity
- Evaluation of average leaf angle quantified by indirect optical instruments in crop fields
- Examination of a characteristic scale unit for sediment flux prediction
- Experimental Models and Numerical Experiments: Discussion of Challenges and Lessons Learned
- Exploring Real-time Oxygen Dynamics in the Rhizosphere of Sorghum with High Spatial and Temporal Resolution
- Extensive Alluvial Sand Mining and its Geomorphological Impacts in North Eastern (NE) Bangladesh
- Field-level life cycle assessment (LCA) and uncertainty analysis for feedstock carbon intensity (CI) of corn ethanol and soybean biodiesel in the central U.S. Midwest
- First Assessment of the Dynamical State of the Didymos Binary Asteroid System Before and After the DART Impact
- Food, Energy, and Water Production within United States Watersheds
- GPR and OSL-based Insights into the Depositional Architecture and Age Composition of a Migrating Great Lakes Beach-ridge Plain (with Paleoclimate Implications), SW Lake Michigan
- Galápagos Corals Reveal Unusually Strong Modern ENSO Compared to the Last Millennium
- Geoid Reveals the Density Structure of Cratonic Lithosphere
- Geological Mapping in the Deep Ocean Using Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry
- Geoscience Cyberinfrastructure for Open Discovery in the Earth Sciences (
- Global Back-arc Extension due to Trench-parallel Mid-ocean Ridge Subduction
- Global Methane Budget 2000-2020: Wetland model synthesis
- Global Soil Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emission from Managed and Unmanaged Ecosystems
- Great Lakes to Gulf Virtual Observatory (GLTG) Built on Geostreams Data Framework
- Greenhouse gas budget for South Asia Region
- Grow, Reuse, Repurpose: Modes of Fluvial Network Formation Following Glaciation
- HUG Initiative: Promoting Research Careers for Ciswomen, Transgender and Nonbinary People
- High Frequency Event-Scale Concentration-Discharge Relationships in Two Agriculturally Impacted Rivers
- High Tropospheric Ozone Concentration Increases the Vulnerability of Plants to Atmospheric Drought
- High-resolution Mapping of US-China Bilateral Agricultural and Food Supply Chains
- Historical Fertilization Alters the Short-term Response of N Cycling Microbes
- How does damming on fine-grained rivers counterintuitively raise the flood risk of downstream channels?
- How does uncertainty of soil organic carbon stock affect carbon budgets and soil carbon credit calculation in the U.S. Midwestern agroecosystems?
- Hydropower's Role in the Future Decarbonized Bulk Power System under Climate Change Constraints
- Hyporheic zone exchange and solute transport including memory functions for the river, hyporheic zone, and a boundary layer
- IN-CORE - Computational Platform for Community Resilience Planning
- Identification of Oceanic Mesoscale Cold Pools Using a Convolutional Neural Network Trained on Ocean Vector Winds
- Identifying Past Episodes of Ice-Rich Permafrost Thaw from Lake Sediments
- Impact of near-bed hydrodynamics and sediment chemistry on benthic oxygen demand
- Impact of photovoltaic rooftops in the Chicago area
- Impacts of Sea Ice Leads on Sea Salt Aerosols in the Arctic: Results from Chemical Transport Modeling
- Impacts of an Acid-Sulfate Volcanic-Hosted Geothermal System on Downstream Water Quality: Sulphur Creek, Valles Caldera, NM
- Implementing a Dynamic Urban Scheme in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Implications of retrieval bias in bi-spectral derived cloud effective radius on estimates of aerosol-cloud interaction using airborne and satellite remote sensing measurements from CAMP2Ex
- Improved Quantification of Cover Crop Biomass and Its Ecosystem Services in the U.S. Midwest through Remote Sensing-based Model-data Fusion
- Improving the Urban Subgrid Building Energy Parameterization in the Community Terrestrial System Model
- Improving the Usability of Soil Temperature Information to Support Agricultural Decision Making
- Improving the regional nitrogen rate recommendation tool for corn to achieve co-sustainability of crop productivity and ecosystem service
- Incorporating the Environmental Benefits of Cellulosic Biomass and Adequate Stakeholder Coordination into the Bioeconomy Cycle Can Fill the Price Gap for Cellulosic Bioeconomy Emergence
- Indirect Estimation of the Vegetation Contribution to Microwave Backscatter Using Dual-Frequency SnowSAR Data
- Influence of the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent on Galápagos Seawater δ18O Values
- Informing COVID-19 Spatial Distribution with Wastewater Measurements in Chicago
- Informing River Corridor Transport Modeling by Harnessing Community Data and Physics-Aware Machine Learning
- Instabilities near the turbo-pause ( 100 km) indicated by the Richardson number (Ri) measured by the MIGHTI instrument on the ICON satellite.
- Integrating Student Involvement to the GEM Workshop and Its Implications to the Advancement of DEI
- Integrating vehicle images with satellite images to map harvest date
- Investigating Trends in Sea Ice Leads and Their Relationship with Sea Salt Aerosol in the Arctic
- Investigating sustained and episodic volcanic deformation of Seguam Island, Alaska, using data assimilation and finite element modelling
- Investigating the Direct and Indirect Impacts of Global Urban Expansion on Future Climate Using a Dynamic Urban Scheme
- Investigations of open magma system behavior at Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska
- Irrigation Trade Flows and Water Footprints of Grains, Produce, and Animal Feed in the CONUS in 2012 and 2017
- Isotopic Investigation on the Sources and Transport of Nitrate in a Tile-Drained Corn-soybean Rotation System
- Kinetic Fractionation of Antimony Isotopes During Reduction by Sulfide at Circumneutral pH
- Knowledge-based artificial intelligence for agroecosystem carbon budget and crop yield estimations over the U.S. Midwest
- Knowledge-guided Machine Learning Enables Sustainable Fertilizing Management Practices to Reduce N2O Emission across Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales
- Knowledge-guided machine learning for the next generation of agroecosystem prediction
- Labor Disutility in a Warmer World: The Impact of Climate Change on the Global Workforce
- Laboratory experiments on the coupling of oysters and breakwaters as a nature-based solution for coastal protection
- Land and Atmosphere Conditions Prior to Extreme Great Plains Low-Level Jets
- Large Loss and Rapid Recovery of Vegetation Cover and Aboveground Biomass Over Forest Areas in Australia during 2019-2020
- Large spatial variation and stagnation of cropland gross primary production increases the challenges of sustainable grain production and food security in China
- Lateral Response of Lillooet River, Canada, to a Sediment Pulse Generated by a Massive Landslide
- Learning the Pattern Effect Using Model-Data Fusion: Observationally Constrained Green's Functions in a Hierarchical Bayesian Framework.
- Lessons from a review of state-level water reuse policies in the United States.
- Leveraging Novel Agricultural Technologies to Combat Climate-Induced Basin-Wide Water Availability Alterations in the Maipo River Basin
- Leveraging the Power of the Process-based Models, Machine Learning and Multisource Data: a Knowledge-Guided Data Assimilation Framework for Improving In-season Agroecosystem Prediction
- Linking Landslide Occurrence with Atmospheric Rivers along the Northern Pacific Coast of North America
- Long-term Trends of Solute Concentrations in a Tile-Drained Agricultural Watershed
- Mean-Flow and Turbulence Structure in a Meandering Chute Cutoff Flume
- Measuring Sand Volumes of Chicago Beaches Using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Measuring Solar Irradiance Variability with GISSMO
- Mineral Reactions during Hydraulic Fracturing - Differences and Similarities in Lab Experiments and Field Operations
- Mission Ready - Global Snow Water Equivalent from Space
- Modeling Humid Airflow Through the Intake Surface of Atmospheric Water Generation System over Oceans
- Modeling the Geomorphic Response of Rivers to Dam Construction in the Amazon River Basin
- Moisture Transport from Groundwater through Roots Prompts Facilitative Tree-Grass Interaction in a Semiarid Ecosystem
- Monitoring Crop Phenology with Near-Surface and High-Resolution Satellite Time Series
- Monitoring Spring Leaf Phenology of Individual Trees in a Temperate Forest Fragment with Multi-scale Satellite Time Series
- Morphodynamics of bedrock-alluvial rivers subsequent to landslide dam outburst floods
- Morphodynamics of the Shiting-River after Wenchuan Earthquake: Effects of in-channel weirs and fine sediment supply
- Multi-Platform Investigation of Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Properties and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Multimodal Ice Crystal Size Distributions in Atlantic Coast Snowstorms: Results from IMPACTS 2020
- Multiphysics Model for Local Water and Ice Contents in Thawing Permafrost: Model Description and Verification
- Multiscale Mapping of Tundra Plant Traits using Hyperspectral data from UAS and AVIRIS-NG
- Near Global Distributions of Overshooting Tops Derived from Aqua and Terra MODIS Observations
- New Understandings Gained on the Lidar Measurements of Sensible Heat and Meteoric Na Fluxes in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere at McMurdo, Antarctica
- Newton Trust-Region Applied to Porous Media Flow and Reactive Transport
- Numerical Simulations of Cloud Droplet Temperatures in Sub-saturated Environments
- Observations of the Macrophysical Properties of Cumulus Cloud Fields over the Tropical Western Pacific
- Observed and Projected Changes in Precipitation Extremes and Variability in the Midwestern United States
- Observing 2-D ionospheric outflow: a comprehensive view of satellite constellation configuration informed by reconstruction accuracy
- Obtaining synthetic riverbed topography of meandering rivers from satellite imagery: a case study of the Tallahatchie River, Mississippi
- Old as Dirt: Using the Morrow Plots to Understand the Long-term Influence of Fertility and Rotation on Soil Nitrification Potential and Nitrifier Communities
- On the Detection of Cloud Seeding Effects with Radar in Winter Orographic Cloud Systems
- Ostracode Analogs Support a Cool, Dry Younger Dryas in Northeastern Illinois
- Particle-resolved modeling: A bridge between scales in aerosol science
- Passive Microwave Retrieval of Soil Moisture below Snowpack at L-band using SMAP Observations
- Patterns of Vegetation Succession Following Lake Drainage in Northern Alaska
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway - Big geospatial data creation and discovery
- Physics-Informed Neural Network Method for Parabolic Differential Equations with Sharply Perturbed Initial Conditions
- Physics-Informed Radial Basis Function Method for Transport Processes
- Physics-informed Gaussian process regression model for parameter estimation in groundwater models
- Planform recovery of fluvial networks following deglaciation of the Central Lowlands, USA is achieved in 50,000 years
- Post-impact Prediction of Changes to the Heliocentric Orbit of the (65803) Didymos System due to the DART Mission
- Potential for additional climate stabilization from enhanced rock weathering
- Power-based Assessment of the Impact of Urban Runoff on the Stability of Chicago-area Streams
- Predicting regional heatwaves using Interpretable Graph Neural Networks
- Preliminary Categorization of 2020 and 2022 IMPACTS Cyclones for the Analysis of Wintertime Cyclones from a Satellite Perspective
- PyPartMC: Aerosol model intercomparisons with particle resolved models via Python bindings to C++ and Fortran
- Pyrocumulonimbus and its Role in the Climate System: What is known and unknown?
- Quantifying Asthenospheric Temperature and Partial Melt in the Pacific using Ocean-Bottom Observations of Shear Attenuation and Velocity
- Quantifying Crop Productivity and Environmental Sustainability for the US Spring Wheat System
- Quantifying Uncertainty of Hyporheic Nitrogen-Cycling Rates with Gene-Based Modeling
- Quantifying field-level cover cropping in the U.S. Midwest using multi-source satellite data
- Quantifying the Impacts of Marine Aerosols on Chemistry and Climate over the Benguela Upwelling Zone Using a Global Atmospheric Chemistry Model
- Quantifying the Influence of Soil moisture on Convection Initiation in the Central United States
- Reconstructing Ion Concentrations from River Discharge with Deep Learning (Transformer) and High Frequency Data.
- Reconstructing the Dynamics of a Meandering River in an Intensively Managed Landscape through Analysis of Floodplain Deposits
- Reevaluating Assumptions Regarding In-stream Phosphorus Retention and Remobilization at the Watershed Scale
- Relative Timing of Nitrous Oxide Production and Reduction Depends on Soil Drainage History
- Reliability and Relatability - Critical Characteristics of Kīlauea 2018 Eruption Communicators
- Response of Thermokarst Formation and Shrub Cover Change to Fire Disturbance in The Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- Rethinking igneous differentiation in the upper crust
- Reworking and Destruction of Cratons: Controlling Factors and Mechanisms
- Rhizosphere Priming Effects Greater in Deep than Shallow Soils under Miscanthus x giganteus
- SMAP Soil Moisture Estimation Based on Deep Neural Networks
- Satellite-Chemical Transport Model Framework to Estimate PM2.5 Composition
- Scaling InMAP with Satellite-Derived Data for Environmental Justice Applications
- Seasonal Disaggregation of Virtual Water Transfers on the US Electric Grid
- See You on the Other Side: The Impact of N+/O+ Composition on Heavy Ion Transport and Magnetosphere Dynamics in Multifluid Modeling
- Sequence of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip on Fault Step-Overs with Off-Fault Plasticity
- Shale mineralogy alteration associated with subsurface H2 storage
- Shoreline Classification and Erosion Characterization on the Illinois Coast of Lake Michigan using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Simulating nitrogen processes in a mountainous watershed using an integrated hydrology and reactive transport model
- Size Effects in Fault Dynamics
- Smart Metered Data to Forecast Electricity Demand from Single- and Multi-family Residential Users
- Soil Flooding Alters the Stoichiometry and Pool Distribution of Soil C, N, and P
- Soil Moisture Modulates Temperature Extremes
- Soil Organic Carbon Determines Spatial Variability in Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Hot Moments at the Field Scale
- Soil Respiration of Three Bioenergy Crops: How Energy Sorghum Compares to Maize and Miscanthus
- Soil moisture modulates land-use change impact under global warming
- Spatial and temporal variation of soil CO2 and N2O fluxes, and environmental drivers, in a highly-instrumented SMARTFARM corn field in Illinois, USA
- Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Subsurface Gases Across Scales Using Real-Time Soil Gas Mapping
- Stable Isotope Labeling as a Tool to Advance the Development of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems
- Statistical Analysis Characterizing Differences in Planform Geometry between Wetland and Alluvial Rivers
- Storm-time Variability of Exospheric Hydrogen Density in the Ring Current Region: Simulation Results
- Stream lithium isotope variation during storms reflects antecedent conditions
- Students Confront the Reality of Climate Change by Wrestling with Data
- Sub-bottom Investigation of Chicago, Illinois's Coastal Marine Environment Using Near-Surface Geophysical Imaging Techniques
- Subseasonal Controls of U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones
- Subseasonal Prediction of Energy Consumption using Long Short-Term Memory Models
- Subseasonal to Seasonal Predictions of Polar Low Activity using a Hybrid Statistical-Dynamical Approach
- Surface and Internal Properties of Didymos and Dimorphos from Fractures/Lineaments Analysis and Mass Movements/Wasting Processes
- Synergistic Use of Visible Stereoscopy and Thermal Infrared Techniques for Estimating Global Two-layered Cloud Properties from Terra
- Testing the Spatial Out-of-Sample Area of Influence for Survey Based Forecasting Models
- The CAMP approach: Separating aerosol representation from multiphase chemistry in aerosol models
- The D/H Ratio and Implications for Escape of Water from the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- The Effect of Elevated Lipid Content on Sugarcane Litter Decomposition
- The Evolution of Water Stable Isotopes Through the Critical Zone: Direct Observations from a Vadose-Zone Monitoring System at the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory
- The Impact of Crop Rotation and Spatially Varying Crop Parameters in the E3SM Land Model (ELMv2)
- The Location of Large-Scale Soil Moisture Anomalies Affects Moisture Transport and Precipitation over Southeastern South America
- The Mechanical Mysteries of Lithospheric Thickness
- The Role of Data Resolution in EnKF Forecasts of Volcanic Unrest: Looking Forward to NISAR
- The Role of the Circulation Patterns in Projected Changes in Spring and Summer Precipitation Extremes in the U.S. Midwest
- The Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Planetary Boundary Layer at the ARM SGP Supersite
- The Variation of Lithospheric Structures below Rifts and Basins within the North American Craton and its Tectonic Implications
- The Welfare Economics of a Data Driven Social Cost of Carbon
- The adaptation of a hierarchical CH4 model for rice fields in Arkansas
- The carbon and water impacts of pasture conversion to sugarcane in Southeastern US
- The potential for Agrivoltaics to sustainably intensify food and energy production
- The role of plasma sheet heavy ion composition in plasmasphere refilling
- The synergy of agricultural management practices and channel stabilization measures for sustainable reservoir sedimentation management
- The use of an event-based pseudo-global-warming modeling approach to assess changes in extreme thunderstorm event characteristics
- The varying crustal thickness underneath the cratonic basins in the Midcontinent of USA and its implications: new insights using the H-κ-c Method
- Thinking Beyond COVID-19: The Geo-Environmental-Sociological-Epidemiological (GESE) Framework for prediction of respiratory infections.
- Topside F-Region ionospheric parameters Inferred from Arecibo ISR using 500 μs and 1000 μs Long Pulses.
- Toward Building A Virtual Laboratory to Investigate Rainfall Microphysics at Process Scales
- Towards high-resolution urban flood forecasting: Sensitivity to spatiotemporal resolution of extreme rainfall events on drainage infrastructure performance in Chicago, Illinois
- Towards the development of a baseline in ground-based ice-nucleating particle properties across the world
- Tracking the effect of Lateral Flow on Transit Times using a water tracer model in WRF-Hydro
- Transport, Dispersion and Fate of Sand-Tailings Mixtures in the Paraopeba River, Brazil
- Turbulence, the Richardson Number (Ri), and Parametric Instabilities in the Turbo-Pause Region ( 100 km)
- Turbulent mixing layer with horizontal density gradients in finite-depth channel flows
- UAS-LiDAR Predicts 2D and 3D Spatiotemporal Patterns of Change in Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in Northern Alaska
- Uncertainty in the Representation of Climate Extremes Across Downscaled and Bias-Corrected CMIP Model Ensembles
- Understanding Rhizosphere Spatial Heterogeneity in Fabricated Ecosystems using Cultivation-independent and Enrichment Approaches
- Understanding the Impact of the Lower Stratospheric Thermodynamic Environment on Observed Overshooting Top Characteristics
- Unraveling vegetation phenology responses to extreme drought and implications on the carbon, water, and energy budgets
- Urban Climate Modeling to Quantify Runoff Reduction from Rain Gardens in 30 U.S. Cities
- Urban Compound Flooding and Drought Risks in Response to Climate Change Coupled with Urbanization
- Urban vegetation exhibits enhanced drought resistance in comparison to rural vegetation
- Use of Improved Nutrient Practices in Maize-based Agroecosystems Alter Allocation between Leaching and Denitrification Loss Pathways
- Using Geospatial and Machine Learning to Forecast Food Waste Generation in Retails and Consumption: A Case Study of a Circular Bioeconomy in the US
- Using Graph Neural Networks to Forecast West Nile Virus with Trap and Weather Data
- Using machine learning to improve multi-wavelength spaceborne radar precipitation retrievals
- Variability of Urban CO2 Sequestration under Environmental and Anthropogenic Forcings
- Variations in acoustic emission response of fluid-saturated rock during brittle creep experiments
- We Can't Just Open a Window: Mapping Vulnerability to Summer Heat in a Mountain Community, Missoula, MT
- Weathering regimes and lithium isotopes: A reactive transport perspective
- What determines the intensity change of an Arctic cyclone?
- What does it take to predict climate-relevant aerosol properties?
- What drives the post-collisional northward Indian motion?
- X-ray Luminous Supernovae: Effects on Earth-like Atmospheres, Climate, and Habitability
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Cheng
- A. E. Andrews
- A. Glocer
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Soja
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. L. Dugger
- A. M. Fridlind
- A. M. Keesee
- A. R. Kovscek
- A. S. Reimer
- A. W. Stephan
- Aaron Donohoe
- Adam S. Ward
- Adrienne B. Keller
- Agnit Mukhopadhyay
- Ahmad Zareidarmiyan
- Ahmed Abdelkader
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Aiden I. G. Schore
- Akihiko Ito
- Alain Protat
- Alan K. Knapp
- Albert J. Valocchi
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Alexander H. Krichels
- Alexandre M. Tartakovsky
- Alexei Korolev
- Ali Nazemi
- Alice Lucchetti
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Alison M. Anders
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Allison E. Goodwell
- Alma Hodzic
- Alson Time
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Amber E. Budden
- Amin Elshorbagy
- Amir AghaKouchak
- Amir H. Kohanpur
- Ana Bastos
- Ana P. Barros
- Anav Vora
- Andrea L. Stevens Goddard
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew J. Heymsfield
- Andrew R. Babbin
- Andrew S. Ackerman
- Andy VanLoocke
- Ange-Thérèse Akono
- Angela K. Rowe
- Anna E. Klene
- Anna Störiko
- Anthony B. Davis
- Anthony M. Castronova
- Apoorva Shastry
- Ardeshir M. Ebtehaj
- Arka Mitra
- Armin Sorooshian
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- Ashish Sharma
- Ashlynn S. Stillwell
- Asti Bhatt
- Athanasios Nenes
- Atul K. Jain
- Ayman Nassar
- B. A. Buffett
- B. J. Anderson
- B. K. Holtzman
- B. L. Konecky
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. Williams
- Baoqiang Xiang
- Barra A. Peak
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Belén Martrat
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Benchun Duan
- Benjamin D. Stocker
- Benjamin Dechant
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin N. Murphy
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin R. K. Runkle
- Benjamín Idini
- Beth Drewniak
- Bhavna Arora
- Bijan Seyednasrollah
- Bin Peng
- Bowen Fang
- Bradford J. Foley
- Brandon P. Sloan
- Brian C. Thomas
- Brian D. Fields
- Brian J. Harding
- Brian M. Walsh
- Bruce L. Rhoads
- Bryan D. Emmett
- C. A. Dalton
- C. Brenhin Keller
- C. C. Chang
- C. E. Tweedie
- C. Havlin
- C. M. Ernst
- C. Mouikis
- C. R. Englert
- C. R. Lawrence
- C. Reavis
- Calvin Howes
- Cameron R. Homeyer
- Camilla Cattania
- Cathy Clerbaux
- Changhui Peng
- Chaopeng Shen
- Charles A. Hyde
- Charles F. Gammie
- Charles J. Werth
- Chenge An
- Cheryl Porter
- Chester S. Gardner
- Chieh-Ying Chen
- Chien‐Yung Tseng
- Chongya Jiang
- Christine Gabrielse
- Christine Kirkpatrick
- Christoph Müller
- Christopher Hackney
- Christopher M. Chini
- Christopher M. Taylor
- Christopher W. Tessum
- Christopher Zahasky
- Chu-Chun Chen
- Colin Triplett
- Cornelia Klein
- Craig C. Lundstrom
- Craig R. Ferguson
- Cristian Proistosescu
- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- D. C. Richardson
- D. C. Soule
- D. Fils
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. K. Henze
- D. M. Rabin
- D. M. Thompson
- D. Ravat
- D. W. Toohey
- Dan Li
- Daniel A. Knopf
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel P. Ames
- Daniel P. Moore
- Daniel R. Parsons
- Daniel S. Goll
- Daniel S. Katz
- Darren M. Gravley
- David A. Barajas-Solano
- David A. R. Kristovich
- David C. Lafferty
- David Dralle
- David G. Tarboton
- David Gochis
- David J. Delene
- David J. Yu
- David W. Kicklighter
- Dawn M. Browning
- Deanna A. Hence
- Derek J. Posselt
- Dimitrios K. Fytanidis
- Dingbao Wang
- Dingkun Peng
- Dipankar Dwivedi
- Divyansh Chug
- Dolon Bhattacharyya
- Donald J. Wuebbles
- Dong Kook Woo
- Donghoon Lee
- Donglei Fu
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Douglas A. Edmonds
- Duo Li
- Dylan B. Millet
- E. Dotto
- E. J. Hyer
- E. K. Montgomery-Brown
- E. K. Sutton
- E. Prokocki
- E. Thiemann
- Edward B Lochocki
- Edward Kim
- Eleanor Spielman-Sun
- Elena Blanc‐Betes
- Elinor R. Martin
- Elisa Trasatti
- Elise K. Wilbourn
- Elizabeth K. Carter
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Emily R. Stuchiner
- Erhan Kudeki
- Ethan J. Theuerkauf
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Eva Sinha
- Evan H. DeLucia
- F. C. Seidel
- F. Chevallier
- Fei Chen
- Flavio Cannavò
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- Fortunat Joos
- Francina Domínguez
- Franck Montmessin
- Fuqiang Tian
- Fábio Vargas
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- G. R. Miller
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- G. S. Diskin
- Gabriel Török
- Gan Zhang
- Gary Kleiman
- Gary Parker
- Geli Zhang
- Gerald G. Mace
- Gergely T. Török
- Gernot Wagner
- Ghassan Taha
- Glenn Edward Hammond
- Gloria Jimenez
- Gonzalo Cucho‐Padin
- Greg A. Barron‐Gafford
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Guido Grosse
- Guofang Miao
- Guosheng Wu
- Guy J. G. Paxman
- H. C. Godinez
- H. C. P. Lau
- H. V. Gupta
- Haiyi Wu
- Hamed D. Ibrahim
- Hanqin Tian
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Hao Tang
- Haynes Stephens
- Heeho D. Park
- Heidi Kreibich
- Hemanth S. K. Vepuri
- Holly M. Mallinson
- Hongyu Zeng
- Howard B. Bluestein
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- Huancui Hu
- Hugh Coe
- Hyungsuk Kimm
- Ian Bolliger
- Ian Foster
- Ian R. Brunton
- Iman Haqiqi
- Israel Silber
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. D. Wood
- J. David Moulton
- J. G. Sample
- J. H. Hecht
- J. H. Shorter
- J. J. Makela
- J. Jahn
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. Michael Johnson
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. R. Kasprzyk
- J. T. Clarke
- J. W. Gjerloev
- Jacob Kravits
- James Campbell
- James E. McClure
- James L. Best
- James L. Garrison
- James L. McCallum
- James Rising
- Janine Birnbaum
- Jason A. Otkin
- Jason D. Chaytor
- Jean‐Christophe Golaz
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jean‐Yves Chaufray
- Jeffery S. Horsburgh
- Jeffrey A. Nittrouer
- Jeffrey H. Curtis
- Jeffrey M. Forbes
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jeng‐Hwa Yee
- Jennifer L. Druhan
- Jennifer M. Fraterrigo
- Jens Redemann
- Jesse Loveridge
- Jessica L. Conroy
- Jessica L. Oster
- Jiacan Yuan
- Jiangong Liu
- Jiashun Hu
- Jie Li
- Jingwen Zhang
- Jinwei Dong
- Jinyun Tang
- Jitendra Kumar
- Joep F. Schyns
- John E. Yorks
- John M. Baker
- Johnathan Hair
- Jon K. Golla
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jonathan Frame
- Jonathan H. Jiang
- Jordon Wade
- Jorge E. Pesantez
- Josep G. Canadell
- Joseph A. Berry
- Joseph A. Finlon
- Joseph E. Borovsky
- Josh Crozier
- Joshua Russell
- Julia Cisneros
- Julia E. Cole
- Julia M. Schneider
- Julia Pongratz
- Julian Marshall
- Juliana D’Andrilli
- Julien Bouchez
- Jun Wang
- Jun Wang
- June T. Spector
- Junjie Liu
- Junle Jiang
- Justin Deighan
- K. R. Murphy
- K. Sigsbee
- Kaiyu Guan
- Kalin T. McDannell
- Katherine Calvin
- Keer Zhang
- Kelly E. McCusker
- Kelsey A. Dyez
- Kenneth C. Carroll
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kevin Wallington
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Klaus Keller
- Krishna M. Jain
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Kristine M. Larson
- Kristopher L Kuhlman
- Kyle D. Brumfield
- Kyle S. Hemes
- Kyoko Ikeda
- L. Fita
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- L. Ruby Leung
- Landon Marston
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Laura Fierce
- Laura H. Thapa
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- Laurel G. Larsen
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- Leila Constanza Hernandez Rodriguez
- Leiqiu Hu
- Leslie Lamarche
- Liang Chen
- Liang Liu
- Liang Liu
- Licheng Liu
- Lilian C. Lucas
- Lilit Yeghiazarian
- Ling Chen
- Loren D. White
- Lori Abendroth
- Luca Dal Zilio
- Lucas Harris
- Lucas K. Zoet
- Lucas R. Vargas Zeppetello
- Lucia Scaff
- Luis A. Navarro
- Lukas Jonkers
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Lulin Xue
- Lun Gao
- Luoye Chen
- M. A. Fenn
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- M. B. Cohen
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- M. R. Head
- M. R. Osburn
- M. S. Raleigh
- M. S. Torn
- M. Sadegh Riasi
- M. Schnaiter
- M. Snow
- Maarten G. Kleinhans
- Majd Mayyasi
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Malte F. Stuecker
- Manisha Ganeshan
- Manju Pharkavi Murugesu
- Manlin Xu
- Marc F. P. Bierkens
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- Margaret Garcia
- Marguerite Mauritz
- Maria Val Martin
- Maria-Theresia Walach
- Marielle Saunois
- Mario Acosta
- Mark J. Lara
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- Martin G. Mlynczak
- Mary-Grace Bato
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Masayuki Kondo
- Matthew B. Jones
- Matthew J. Czapiga
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- Matthew R. Kumjian
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- McArthur Jones
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- Murali Krishna Gumma
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- Naruki Hiranuma
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- Nebila Lichiheb
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- Nicholas M. Schneider
- Nicholas P. McKay
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- Ziliang Zhang
- Ziqi Qin
- xiangmin Sun
- Émilie Pauline Dassié